1 00:00:24,270 --> 00:00:25,999 Wrong, as usual. 2 00:00:26,172 --> 00:00:29,300 The United States' lack of action in Eastern Europe... 3 00:00:29,475 --> 00:00:33,912 ...proves that the Soviet Union's aggression at the Afghan border... 4 00:00:34,080 --> 00:00:37,243 ...will not be opposed publicly by the United States. 5 00:00:39,285 --> 00:00:44,621 Issue: The Soviet Union continued its recent series of military exercises... 6 00:00:44,791 --> 00:00:48,022 ...conducting a bomb test today in the Bering Sea... 7 00:00:48,194 --> 00:00:52,130 ...just 1500 miles off the southern coast of Alaska. 8 00:00:52,298 --> 00:00:56,667 President Richard Nixon issued this warning to the Soviets: 9 00:00:56,836 --> 00:01:00,328 The United States does not start fights. 10 00:01:00,506 --> 00:01:04,169 Let it be clear we maintain our strength... 11 00:01:04,344 --> 00:01:07,142 ...in order to maintain peace... 12 00:01:07,313 --> 00:01:11,044 ...so any adversary should ask themselves: 13 00:01:11,217 --> 00:01:14,277 "Do the consequences of attacking America... 14 00:01:14,454 --> 00:01:17,082 ...outweigh the potentiaI benefits?" 15 00:01:17,257 --> 00:01:19,885 As a result of the Soviet activity... 16 00:01:20,059 --> 00:01:22,857 ...the watchdog group of nuclear scientists... 17 00:01:23,029 --> 00:01:28,433 ...moved the Doomsday Clock up to five minutes until midnight: 18 00:01:28,601 --> 00:01:32,901 destruction by nuclear war. 19 00:01:33,606 --> 00:01:35,301 Question: 20 00:01:35,575 --> 00:01:38,100 On a scale of zero to 10, zero meaning impossibility... 21 00:01:38,278 --> 00:01:40,610 ...10 meaning complete metaphysicaI certitude... 22 00:01:40,780 --> 00:01:45,274 ...what are the chances the Russians will actually attack the United States? 23 00:01:45,451 --> 00:01:46,748 Pat Buchanan. 24 00:01:46,919 --> 00:01:48,250 Zero. 25 00:01:48,421 --> 00:01:51,049 The Soviets would never risk going to war... 26 00:01:51,224 --> 00:01:55,058 ...when we have a walking nuclear deterrent on our side. 27 00:01:55,228 --> 00:01:57,696 You're referring, of course, to Dr. Manhattan... 28 00:01:57,864 --> 00:02:01,960 ...but does Dr. Manhattan's existence guarantee world peace? Eleanor Clift. 29 00:02:02,135 --> 00:02:04,865 Well, it hasn't stopped the Soviet Union... 30 00:02:05,038 --> 00:02:09,702 ...from stockpiling record amounts of nuclear weapons. 31 00:02:09,876 --> 00:02:11,571 You don't think it's just posturing? 32 00:02:11,744 --> 00:02:13,336 Maybe the reason why the Soviets... 33 00:02:13,513 --> 00:02:16,038 ...are doing these bomb tests... 34 00:02:16,215 --> 00:02:20,584 ...is because they feeI threatened by Dr. Manhattan. Of course. 35 00:02:21,154 --> 00:02:24,282 Maybe the whole world feels like that. 36 00:02:26,292 --> 00:02:28,760 Soviet ships have violated the territorial waters- 37 00:03:05,565 --> 00:03:07,829 Just a matter of time, I suppose. 38 00:04:38,458 --> 00:04:42,121 It's a joke. It's all a joke. 39 00:04:42,762 --> 00:04:45,026 Mother, forgive me. 40 00:08:45,805 --> 00:08:48,774 I was a hero, goddamn it! 41 00:08:50,176 --> 00:08:54,340 - an act clearly meant to send a signal to the government in Saigon... 42 00:08:54,513 --> 00:08:58,847 ...that violence and oppression is not the way to peace. 43 00:09:36,188 --> 00:09:38,679 Fuck you, pigs! 44 00:10:08,821 --> 00:10:11,949 Good luck, Mr. Gorsky. 45 00:10:57,837 --> 00:11:00,897 Get out of here, vigilantes! 46 00:11:08,614 --> 00:11:10,775 No! 47 00:11:37,743 --> 00:11:43,875 Edward Blake. Sixty-seven years old. Six-two, a solid 225. 48 00:11:44,383 --> 00:11:46,248 Guy was built like a linebacker. 49 00:11:46,418 --> 00:11:48,318 Yeah, I saw the body. 50 00:11:48,487 --> 00:11:50,546 For a guy his age, he was in terrific shape. 51 00:11:50,723 --> 00:11:53,385 You mean apart from being dead? 52 00:11:54,627 --> 00:11:56,117 That's plate glass. 53 00:11:56,295 --> 00:11:59,196 You'd have to step on the gas just to put a crack in it. 54 00:11:59,365 --> 00:12:01,424 Had to have been thrown. 55 00:12:01,600 --> 00:12:02,794 Check the bedroom? 56 00:12:02,968 --> 00:12:05,903 Yeah. Drawers opened, tossed through. 57 00:12:06,071 --> 00:12:09,131 Mattress flipped. Probably robbery. 58 00:12:09,308 --> 00:12:10,775 Or made to look like one. 59 00:12:10,943 --> 00:12:12,706 See this? 60 00:12:13,012 --> 00:12:16,243 - Shaking hands with the president. Whoa. 61 00:12:16,415 --> 00:12:18,645 Think Blake was a spook? 62 00:12:18,817 --> 00:12:22,480 Government or black ops? 63 00:12:22,788 --> 00:12:24,688 I think... 64 00:12:24,990 --> 00:12:28,289 ...this is way bigger than both of us. 65 00:12:31,397 --> 00:12:36,699 Rorschach's journal, October 12th, 1985. 66 00:12:36,869 --> 00:12:41,966 Dog carcass in alley this morning. Tire tread on burst stomach. 67 00:12:42,241 --> 00:12:44,471 This city's afraid of me. 68 00:12:44,643 --> 00:12:48,579 I've seen its true face. The streets are extended gutters... 69 00:12:49,248 --> 00:12:51,648 ...and the gutters are full of blood. 70 00:12:51,817 --> 00:12:54,285 And when the drains finally scab over... 71 00:12:55,354 --> 00:12:57,584 ...all the vermin will drown. 72 00:12:58,223 --> 00:13:00,623 The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder... 73 00:13:00,793 --> 00:13:03,091 ...will foam up around their waists... 74 00:13:03,262 --> 00:13:08,723 ...and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout, "Save us. " 75 00:13:09,702 --> 00:13:13,331 And I'll whisper, "No. " 76 00:13:14,840 --> 00:13:17,707 Now the whole world stands on the brink... 77 00:13:17,876 --> 00:13:20,367 ...staring down into bloody hell. 78 00:13:20,546 --> 00:13:24,073 All those liberals and intellectuals... 79 00:13:24,249 --> 00:13:26,240 ...and smooth talkers... 80 00:13:26,418 --> 00:13:29,876 ...and all of a sudden, nobody can think of anything to say. 81 00:13:30,055 --> 00:13:33,218 Beneath me, this awful city. 82 00:13:33,392 --> 00:13:37,158 It screams like an abattoir full of retarded children... 83 00:13:37,329 --> 00:13:41,959 ...and the night reeks of fornication and bad consciences. 84 00:14:53,072 --> 00:14:55,006 Huh. 85 00:15:02,548 --> 00:15:06,678 Tonight, a comedian died in New York. 86 00:15:06,852 --> 00:15:08,217 Somebody knows why. 87 00:15:09,154 --> 00:15:10,781 Somebody knows. 88 00:15:16,061 --> 00:15:18,552 No, I definitely heard something. 89 00:15:21,900 --> 00:15:23,197 Watch the door. 90 00:15:48,494 --> 00:15:50,052 Shh. 91 00:15:51,029 --> 00:15:53,497 Must've been the wind. Next time you- 92 00:16:07,012 --> 00:16:13,247 It all started with the gangs. You know, people tend to forget that. 93 00:16:13,919 --> 00:16:17,013 Pirate outfits, ghosts. 94 00:16:17,189 --> 00:16:19,783 They thought it was funny: dress up and pull heists. 95 00:16:21,493 --> 00:16:24,189 As soon as we'd arrest them, they'd be back on the street. 96 00:16:24,363 --> 00:16:28,197 Nobody could pick them out of a lineup because of the damn masks. 97 00:16:28,367 --> 00:16:30,631 So a few of us cops, we get together... 98 00:16:30,802 --> 00:16:34,169 ...and we figure, what the heck, we'll mask up, too. 99 00:16:34,339 --> 00:16:37,035 We'll finish what the law couldn't. 100 00:16:37,843 --> 00:16:41,870 Pretty soon, the papers get wind of it. They ran with it... 101 00:16:42,047 --> 00:16:45,710 ...and oh, boy, we're a nationaI pastime. 102 00:16:45,884 --> 00:16:49,376 It was me, Dollar Bill, Mothman... 103 00:16:49,555 --> 00:16:52,922 ...Captain Metropolis, Hooded Justice... 104 00:16:53,091 --> 00:16:56,288 ...Silk Spectre and the Comedian. 105 00:16:56,461 --> 00:16:59,988 Oh, don't get me started on him. 106 00:17:02,134 --> 00:17:06,195 I must be drunk already, telling you this sob story again. 107 00:17:06,371 --> 00:17:08,236 I think you were trying to make a point. 108 00:17:09,141 --> 00:17:15,307 Well, my point is that we had it too easy. It wasn't fair what happened to you guys- 109 00:17:15,480 --> 00:17:19,610 You guys who picked up where we left off. - with Nixon forcing you out. 110 00:17:20,652 --> 00:17:25,112 Nixon, oh, that prick. To think I voted for that prick five times. 111 00:17:25,290 --> 00:17:28,020 Hey, it was him or the commies, right? 112 00:17:30,829 --> 00:17:34,629 Oh, wow, it's almost midnight. Gotta go. 113 00:17:36,168 --> 00:17:37,795 Truth? 114 00:17:38,470 --> 00:17:42,201 You were a better Nite OwI than I ever was, Danny boy. 115 00:17:42,374 --> 00:17:46,105 - Hollis, we both know that's bullshit. - Hey. 116 00:17:46,278 --> 00:17:47,540 Watch it with the language. 117 00:17:47,713 --> 00:17:50,341 This is the left hook that floored Captain Axis, remember? 118 00:17:50,515 --> 00:17:51,880 - Yeah. This just in: 119 00:17:52,050 --> 00:17:53,984 The masked vigilante known as Rorschach... 120 00:17:54,152 --> 00:17:56,985 ...has assaulted a police officer in the early-morning hours. 121 00:17:57,856 --> 00:18:00,848 Rorschach is on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted list... 122 00:18:01,026 --> 00:18:04,826 ...for violation of the Keene Act, which banned masked heroes six years ago. 123 00:18:04,997 --> 00:18:07,261 Rorschach reportedly incapacitated... 124 00:18:07,799 --> 00:18:10,199 Forced everyone out except him. 125 00:18:10,369 --> 00:18:11,893 Oh, he'll quit. 126 00:18:12,070 --> 00:18:13,401 When he's dead. 127 00:18:14,039 --> 00:18:16,132 Next week? Well... 128 00:18:16,308 --> 00:18:20,904 ...you know, you don't have to keep humoring me like this. 129 00:18:21,079 --> 00:18:23,240 If you got a hot date or something... 130 00:18:23,415 --> 00:18:26,213 Hey, us retired guys have to stick together, right? 131 00:18:27,986 --> 00:18:29,851 You ever miss it? 132 00:18:31,056 --> 00:18:33,149 No. You? 133 00:18:33,725 --> 00:18:35,522 Oh, heck, no. 134 00:18:36,828 --> 00:18:38,591 Be seeing you. 135 00:19:52,371 --> 00:19:53,668 Hello, DanieI. 136 00:19:54,406 --> 00:19:55,498 Rorschach. 137 00:19:56,575 --> 00:20:00,875 Helped myself to some beans. Hope you don't mind. 138 00:20:01,046 --> 00:20:03,480 No, no. Course not. 139 00:20:05,083 --> 00:20:07,643 You want me to heat those up for you? 140 00:20:07,819 --> 00:20:09,343 Fine like this. 141 00:20:10,922 --> 00:20:12,116 How have you been keeping? 142 00:20:16,495 --> 00:20:18,292 Out of prison. 143 00:20:19,998 --> 00:20:22,228 Heard about you on the news. 144 00:20:22,834 --> 00:20:25,064 Say you attacked a cop. 145 00:20:25,237 --> 00:20:28,001 Minor wound. Won't need hospitalization. 146 00:20:28,874 --> 00:20:30,034 DanieI... 147 00:20:30,208 --> 00:20:31,505 ...look at this. 148 00:20:37,282 --> 00:20:39,910 Is this bean juice? Human bean juice. 149 00:20:40,619 --> 00:20:45,113 Badge belonged to the Comedian. Blood too. He's dead. 150 00:20:47,125 --> 00:20:48,592 Let's talk downstairs. 151 00:20:57,502 --> 00:20:59,265 It could have been a burglary. 152 00:20:59,438 --> 00:21:02,134 Maybe the killer didn't know who the Comedian was. 153 00:21:02,307 --> 00:21:07,040 An ordinary burglar? Kill the Comedian? Ridiculous. 154 00:21:08,613 --> 00:21:12,049 I heard he'd been working for the government since '77... 155 00:21:12,217 --> 00:21:15,380 ...knocking over Marxist republics in South America. 156 00:21:15,554 --> 00:21:18,489 Maybe it was a politicaI killing or something. 157 00:21:18,657 --> 00:21:19,919 Maybe. 158 00:21:20,091 --> 00:21:23,356 Maybe someone's picking off costumed heroes. 159 00:21:23,528 --> 00:21:25,621 You don't think that's a little paranoid? 160 00:21:25,797 --> 00:21:28,357 That what they say about me now? 161 00:21:28,600 --> 00:21:29,862 Paranoid? 162 00:21:30,035 --> 00:21:32,868 Look, Comedian made a lot of enemies over the years... 163 00:21:33,038 --> 00:21:34,528 ...even among his friends. 164 00:21:34,706 --> 00:21:36,867 Speaking of friends, how's Hollis Mason? 165 00:21:37,742 --> 00:21:41,701 He wrote that book. Said some bad things about the Comedian in it. 166 00:21:41,880 --> 00:21:45,941 I don't like what you're implying, and I like being followed even less. 167 00:21:46,485 --> 00:21:50,945 Maybe I was keeping an eye on you, in case someone's gunning for masks. 168 00:21:51,122 --> 00:21:55,786 - You were never that sentimentaI. - Attack on one is attack on all of us. 169 00:21:56,228 --> 00:21:58,662 What do you suggest we do about it? 170 00:21:59,564 --> 00:22:00,724 Retribution. 171 00:22:02,133 --> 00:22:05,432 - Watchmen are over. - Says Tricky Dick. 172 00:22:05,604 --> 00:22:07,367 Says me. 173 00:22:09,975 --> 00:22:11,602 Nobody knows who you are. 174 00:22:11,776 --> 00:22:14,745 You can give it up, try and have a normaI life. 175 00:22:14,913 --> 00:22:18,815 That what you have now? A normaI life? 176 00:22:19,818 --> 00:22:23,185 When you walk down the street in a city dying of rabies... 177 00:22:23,355 --> 00:22:24,822 ...past the human cockroaches... 178 00:22:24,990 --> 00:22:27,754 ...talking about their heroin and child pornography... 179 00:22:27,926 --> 00:22:29,450 ...do you really feeI normaI? 180 00:22:30,595 --> 00:22:33,359 Least I'm not the one still hiding behind a mask. 181 00:22:35,233 --> 00:22:36,495 No. 182 00:22:38,169 --> 00:22:40,296 You're hiding in plain sight. 183 00:22:41,673 --> 00:22:43,834 Be seeing you, Dan. 184 00:22:44,342 --> 00:22:46,810 A maintenance hatch will let you out two blocks north. 185 00:22:46,978 --> 00:22:48,707 Yeah, I remember. 186 00:22:48,880 --> 00:22:52,941 Came here often, when we were partners. 187 00:22:53,118 --> 00:22:55,018 Those were great times, huh, Rorschach? 188 00:22:55,520 --> 00:22:58,751 - What happened? - You quit. 189 00:23:21,680 --> 00:23:23,409 Rorschach's journal. 190 00:23:23,582 --> 00:23:25,914 First visit of evening fruitless. 191 00:23:26,084 --> 00:23:28,177 Feel slightly depressed. 192 00:23:28,720 --> 00:23:30,620 Soon there will be war. 193 00:23:30,789 --> 00:23:34,350 Millions will perish in sickness and misery. 194 00:23:34,526 --> 00:23:37,051 Why does one death matter against so many? 195 00:23:37,796 --> 00:23:42,597 Because there is good and evil, and evil must be punished. 196 00:23:42,767 --> 00:23:45,600 Even in the face of armageddon... 197 00:23:45,770 --> 00:23:48,705 ...I will not compromise in this. 198 00:23:49,274 --> 00:23:50,298 Mr. Veidt... 199 00:23:50,475 --> 00:23:52,602 ...to date, you're one of only two Watchmen... 200 00:23:52,777 --> 00:23:55,211 ...ever to reveaI their true identity to the world... 201 00:23:55,380 --> 00:23:57,177 ...the first being Hollis Mason. 202 00:23:57,349 --> 00:24:00,341 And you've certainly profited greatly by it... 203 00:24:00,518 --> 00:24:05,785 ...turning your superhero alter ego, Ozymandias, into a billion-dollar industry: 204 00:24:05,957 --> 00:24:09,017 Toys, lunchboxes, genetic engineering. 205 00:24:09,194 --> 00:24:11,253 I understand there's a movie in the works. 206 00:24:11,429 --> 00:24:15,627 - I'm not hearing a question, Mr. Roth. I'm sorry. Do you think- 207 00:24:15,800 --> 00:24:18,360 The Watchmen resent me for prostituting their struggle? 208 00:24:18,536 --> 00:24:21,266 It's a fair question. Yes, it's crossed my mind... 209 00:24:21,439 --> 00:24:24,465 ...some of my old colleagues might see it that way... 210 00:24:24,643 --> 00:24:27,635 ...just as you're clearly aware that biased journalism... 211 00:24:27,812 --> 00:24:30,406 ...sells more magazines. 212 00:24:30,915 --> 00:24:35,682 The merchandising arm of Veidt Industries is funding our work with Dr. Manhattan. 213 00:24:35,854 --> 00:24:38,789 We recently expanded our research facility in Antarctica... 214 00:24:38,957 --> 00:24:42,188 ...in the hope of developing cheap, renewable sources of energy... 215 00:24:42,360 --> 00:24:45,352 ...that we might eliminate the world's reliance on fossiI fuels. 216 00:24:45,530 --> 00:24:47,964 Now, it doesn't take a politicaI scientist... 217 00:24:48,133 --> 00:24:51,534 ...to see that our Cold War with the Russians isn't ideologicaI... 218 00:24:51,703 --> 00:24:55,195 ...it's based upon fear. Fear of not having enough. 219 00:24:55,573 --> 00:24:59,270 But if we make resources infinite... 220 00:24:59,444 --> 00:25:01,537 ...ah... 221 00:25:01,713 --> 00:25:03,806 ...we make war obsolete. 222 00:25:04,649 --> 00:25:08,483 I would hope the other Watchmen understand that... 223 00:25:09,688 --> 00:25:11,349 ...wherever they may be. 224 00:25:13,458 --> 00:25:14,823 Thanks for your time. 225 00:25:21,066 --> 00:25:23,728 - You look good, Adrian. - Dan. 226 00:25:23,902 --> 00:25:26,132 It's been too long. 227 00:25:27,872 --> 00:25:31,933 So Rorschach thinks someone's hunting the Watchmen, huh? 228 00:25:32,610 --> 00:25:34,475 You think it's possible? 229 00:25:34,646 --> 00:25:37,376 Statistically, one murder doesn't equaI a trend. 230 00:25:38,516 --> 00:25:40,484 Rorschach's a sociopath, Dan. 231 00:25:41,119 --> 00:25:44,486 And so was the Comedian. He was practically a Nazi. 232 00:25:45,323 --> 00:25:47,348 You know that better than anyone. 233 00:25:47,525 --> 00:25:49,720 I'm not here because I miss him. 234 00:25:49,894 --> 00:25:51,225 It's occurred to Rorschach... 235 00:25:51,396 --> 00:25:54,365 ...that we're the only ones who know each other's identities. 236 00:25:54,866 --> 00:25:56,959 Actually, the whole world knows yours. 237 00:25:57,736 --> 00:26:00,204 That's why I'm warning you first. 238 00:26:03,808 --> 00:26:05,799 Thank you, Dan... 239 00:26:07,412 --> 00:26:11,212 ...but I fear there's something much more reaI to worry about... 240 00:26:11,382 --> 00:26:13,976 ...than Rorschach's mask killer. 241 00:26:15,487 --> 00:26:20,015 If the Russians do launch their nukes, can Jon really stop them? 242 00:26:20,191 --> 00:26:23,820 The Soviets have 51,000 warheads stockpiled. 243 00:26:23,995 --> 00:26:27,192 Even if Jon stops 99 percent of them... 244 00:26:27,365 --> 00:26:31,563 ...the 1 percent that get through could still kill every living thing on Earth. 245 00:26:34,305 --> 00:26:36,671 Even Dr. Manhattan can't be everywhere at once. 246 00:26:50,922 --> 00:26:56,554 Rorschach's journal, October 13th, 1985... 247 00:26:56,728 --> 00:26:59,060 ...8:30 p. m. 248 00:26:59,764 --> 00:27:03,666 Meeting with Dreiberg left bad taste in mouth. 249 00:27:03,868 --> 00:27:07,929 A flabby failure who sits whimpering in his basement. 250 00:27:09,107 --> 00:27:12,076 Why are so few of us left active... 251 00:27:12,243 --> 00:27:17,112 ...healthy and without personality disorders? 252 00:27:17,282 --> 00:27:20,513 The first Nite Owl runs an auto-repair shop. 253 00:27:20,685 --> 00:27:24,086 The first Silk Spectre is a bloated, aging whore... 254 00:27:24,255 --> 00:27:27,122 ...dying in a California rest resort. 255 00:27:27,292 --> 00:27:29,886 Dollar Bill got his cape stuck in a revolving door... 256 00:27:30,061 --> 00:27:31,585 ...where he got gunned down. 257 00:27:32,197 --> 00:27:34,631 Silhouette, murdered... 258 00:27:34,966 --> 00:27:37,901 ...a victim of her own indecent lifestyle. 259 00:27:38,469 --> 00:27:41,461 Mothman's in an asylum in Maine. 260 00:27:45,476 --> 00:27:49,674 Even Adrian Veidt, possible homosexual. 261 00:27:49,848 --> 00:27:52,339 Must investigate further. 262 00:27:52,517 --> 00:27:55,281 Only two names remain on my list. 263 00:27:55,820 --> 00:28:00,917 Both share private quarters at Rockefeller Military Research Center. 264 00:28:01,092 --> 00:28:03,424 I shall go to them. 265 00:28:03,761 --> 00:28:09,131 I shall go tell the indestructible man that someone plans to murder him. 266 00:28:09,934 --> 00:28:11,731 Good evening, Rorschach. 267 00:28:11,903 --> 00:28:15,395 Dr. Manhattan, you know why I'm here. 268 00:28:15,573 --> 00:28:17,006 Yes... 269 00:28:18,276 --> 00:28:20,244 ...but you're going to leave disappointed. 270 00:28:20,411 --> 00:28:24,142 Rorschach. You shouldn't be here. You're a wanted man. 271 00:28:24,315 --> 00:28:26,510 Nice to see you too, Silk Spectre. 272 00:28:26,684 --> 00:28:28,743 I have a reaI name I've been using. 273 00:28:28,920 --> 00:28:29,944 Try it. 274 00:28:30,121 --> 00:28:32,214 Whatever you say, Laurie. 275 00:28:32,390 --> 00:28:33,618 What are you doing here? 276 00:28:33,791 --> 00:28:36,123 The Comedian is dead. 277 00:28:36,294 --> 00:28:38,387 Rorschach wants me to look into my future... 278 00:28:38,730 --> 00:28:41,198 ...see if the killer is ever publicly identified. 279 00:28:41,366 --> 00:28:44,460 Already warned Dreiberg. Came to warn you too. 280 00:28:47,171 --> 00:28:49,537 Even if I wanted to help... 281 00:28:50,141 --> 00:28:54,043 ...my future is blocked by some kind of temporaI interference. 282 00:28:54,445 --> 00:28:58,506 - I cannot see it clearly. - Interference? Caused by what? 283 00:28:58,683 --> 00:29:02,084 In all likelihood, nuclear holocaust. 284 00:29:02,820 --> 00:29:06,916 If the United States and Soviet Union engage in all-out war... 285 00:29:07,091 --> 00:29:11,084 ...the resulting blast wave would produce a sudden burst of tachyons... 286 00:29:11,262 --> 00:29:16,222 ...particles which traveI backward through what you perceive as time... 287 00:29:16,868 --> 00:29:20,201 ...therefore obscuring my vision of the present. 288 00:29:21,005 --> 00:29:22,404 I must return to my work. 289 00:29:22,573 --> 00:29:23,699 Wait a minute. 290 00:29:23,875 --> 00:29:26,366 What if that's why someone wants us out of the way? 291 00:29:26,544 --> 00:29:28,774 So we can't do anything to stop it? 292 00:29:28,947 --> 00:29:30,778 Goodbye, Rorschach. 293 00:29:30,949 --> 00:29:33,213 Took a lot of effort to get in here to see you. 294 00:29:33,384 --> 00:29:34,715 I'm not leaving- 295 00:29:35,987 --> 00:29:38,319 till I've had my say. 296 00:29:45,830 --> 00:29:48,765 Seems like there's a lot of things you don't tell me these days. 297 00:29:48,933 --> 00:29:51,629 I didn't wanna worry you prematurely. 298 00:29:52,103 --> 00:29:56,233 If Adrian and I can solve the energy crisis, war may be averted. 299 00:29:56,407 --> 00:29:58,466 But you always say time is simultaneous. 300 00:29:59,177 --> 00:30:02,044 If that's true, then how can you change the future? 301 00:30:02,213 --> 00:30:07,207 If only you could perceive time as I do. 302 00:30:07,385 --> 00:30:08,647 Please let me show you. 303 00:30:14,625 --> 00:30:19,562 Magic. Dreams. That is what I had before. I was a hero, goddamn it! 304 00:30:19,731 --> 00:30:22,791 It's not my fault you got old. What do you have to complain about? 305 00:30:22,967 --> 00:30:25,401 I'm putting food on the table for you and your child. 306 00:30:25,570 --> 00:30:28,334 Call your friend Eddie. Maybe he can give you a better life. 307 00:30:28,506 --> 00:30:32,670 - It was a mistake. One time. - Man tries to rape you- 308 00:30:32,977 --> 00:30:34,342 Stop! 309 00:30:35,113 --> 00:30:36,580 Your mind goes to dark places... 310 00:30:36,748 --> 00:30:39,080 ...and you wonder why I keep the worst from you. 311 00:30:43,021 --> 00:30:46,457 - Say hello to Dan for me. - What? 312 00:30:48,226 --> 00:30:51,024 You wanna ask me to go to dinner with you... 313 00:30:52,730 --> 00:30:54,891 ...like we used to... 314 00:30:56,334 --> 00:30:57,460 ...but you won't. 315 00:30:58,236 --> 00:31:00,500 You know I can't. 316 00:31:03,141 --> 00:31:05,405 So you'll call Dan... 317 00:31:05,843 --> 00:31:08,038 ...which is only naturaI. 318 00:31:08,379 --> 00:31:10,973 You deserve the comfort of an old friend. 319 00:31:45,283 --> 00:31:46,807 Dan Dreiberg's table. 320 00:32:07,972 --> 00:32:11,738 Did you know that he and H.J. were-? I had no idea. 321 00:32:12,243 --> 00:32:15,303 You remember that crazy guy? What'd he call himself? 322 00:32:15,480 --> 00:32:16,970 Captain Carnage. 323 00:32:17,148 --> 00:32:20,345 Used to pretend he was a supervillain just so he could get beat up? 324 00:32:20,518 --> 00:32:22,918 Yeah, he tried that on me once. I just walked away. 325 00:32:23,087 --> 00:32:26,113 He starts following me down the street in broad daylight... 326 00:32:26,290 --> 00:32:29,088 ...yelling, "Punish me! Punish me!" 327 00:32:29,327 --> 00:32:31,852 I'm just saying, "No, get lost. " 328 00:32:32,997 --> 00:32:35,465 God, whatever happened to him? 329 00:32:35,633 --> 00:32:37,794 Oh. Um... He pulled that on Rorschach... 330 00:32:37,969 --> 00:32:40,369 ...and Rorschach dropped him down an elevator shaft. 331 00:32:46,844 --> 00:32:49,244 Oh, my God. That's not even funny. 332 00:32:49,947 --> 00:32:52,438 - It's a little funny. - Yep. 333 00:32:54,352 --> 00:32:56,320 I'm glad I ordered the four-legged chicken. 334 00:32:56,487 --> 00:32:58,455 It's really good to see you again. 335 00:32:59,690 --> 00:33:01,214 It's great seeing you too. 336 00:33:02,026 --> 00:33:04,551 Why'd we do it, Dan? Dress up like that? 337 00:33:05,696 --> 00:33:09,029 - No one else would. - Yeah, but do you remember my costume? 338 00:33:09,200 --> 00:33:12,294 All that tight latex? I mean, it was awfuI. 339 00:33:12,470 --> 00:33:15,439 Uh... Yeah, yeah, awfuI. 340 00:33:15,606 --> 00:33:18,040 But didn't wanna disappoint Mother. 341 00:33:18,209 --> 00:33:22,202 Wanted her little girI to be just like her and fight bad guys. 342 00:33:22,880 --> 00:33:26,475 I think the Keene Act was the best thing that ever happened to us. 343 00:33:27,552 --> 00:33:29,918 Well, we'll live longer anyway. 344 00:33:33,224 --> 00:33:34,748 What? 345 00:33:35,726 --> 00:33:40,220 Jon thinks, unless he can do something about it... 346 00:33:41,065 --> 00:33:43,090 ...that there's gonna be nuclear war. 347 00:33:43,568 --> 00:33:45,058 Soon. 348 00:33:45,937 --> 00:33:49,270 But I don't know what to think. I mean, it's all... 349 00:33:49,440 --> 00:33:52,500 ...quantum mechanics and paralleI realities with him. 350 00:33:52,677 --> 00:33:55,441 I never even know what universe he's actually seeing. 351 00:33:56,747 --> 00:33:59,875 He just keeps getting further away from me. 352 00:34:00,585 --> 00:34:02,246 Everyone. 353 00:34:03,354 --> 00:34:06,016 I can't even tell if he actually cares about me anymore... 354 00:34:06,190 --> 00:34:08,215 ...or if he's just pretending. 355 00:34:08,926 --> 00:34:11,861 If he's pretending, it means he cares. 356 00:34:16,601 --> 00:34:18,592 Hold on, I'll get the door. 357 00:34:19,937 --> 00:34:21,734 Thanks, Dan. 358 00:34:22,106 --> 00:34:24,131 - Got it? - Yeah. 359 00:34:29,547 --> 00:34:32,539 You always get a government escort to dinner? 360 00:34:33,251 --> 00:34:37,312 They're making sure I don't do anything to upset the country's most powerfuI weapon. 361 00:34:39,090 --> 00:34:40,318 I'm sorry. 362 00:34:40,491 --> 00:34:44,393 I invite you out to dinner to catch up and have a few laughs... 363 00:34:44,762 --> 00:34:48,129 ...but there don't seem to be many laughs around these days. 364 00:34:48,299 --> 00:34:52,099 What do you expect? The Comedian's dead. 365 00:36:35,639 --> 00:36:39,200 Laurie? Is that you? 366 00:36:41,912 --> 00:36:44,881 Thought you'd be used to traveling that way by now. 367 00:36:45,549 --> 00:36:49,542 Well, I'm not. I hate it when Jon teleports me. 368 00:36:49,720 --> 00:36:52,587 Well, it beats flying coach. 369 00:36:52,957 --> 00:36:54,948 Margarita? 370 00:36:55,192 --> 00:36:57,353 Mother, it's 2:00 in the afternoon. 371 00:37:00,064 --> 00:37:01,531 Mm. 372 00:37:02,199 --> 00:37:04,497 Remember that guy that writes me letters? 373 00:37:04,869 --> 00:37:08,168 He sent me an item of memorabilia. It's a Tijuana bible. 374 00:37:08,339 --> 00:37:12,503 This little eight-page porno comic they did in the '30s and '40s. 375 00:37:12,676 --> 00:37:16,703 - He sent you this? - Sure. They're very valuable, like antiques. 376 00:37:17,515 --> 00:37:19,210 Mother, this is gross. 377 00:37:19,383 --> 00:37:21,647 I think it's kind of flattering. 378 00:37:21,819 --> 00:37:24,083 Why do you always call me Mother when you're mad? 379 00:37:25,456 --> 00:37:29,517 I know why you're here. I can still read, you know. 380 00:37:30,294 --> 00:37:32,524 I saw it in the paper. 381 00:37:33,197 --> 00:37:36,098 Eddie Blake's funeraI is today. 382 00:37:37,902 --> 00:37:40,894 Finally got his punchline, I guess. 383 00:37:41,372 --> 00:37:44,205 - Poor Eddie. - Poor Eddie? After what he did to you? 384 00:37:44,909 --> 00:37:46,433 Oh, Laurie, you're still young. 385 00:37:47,211 --> 00:37:49,145 You don't know. 386 00:37:49,313 --> 00:37:51,076 Things change. 387 00:37:51,916 --> 00:37:54,680 What happened happened 40 years ago. 388 00:37:54,852 --> 00:37:58,117 I'm 67 years old. 389 00:37:58,289 --> 00:38:02,487 Every day, the future looks a little bit darker. 390 00:38:03,327 --> 00:38:05,488 But the past... 391 00:38:05,996 --> 00:38:08,988 ...even the grimy parts of it... 392 00:38:09,533 --> 00:38:12,161 ...keep on getting brighter. 393 00:38:17,675 --> 00:38:20,508 I've got spots in my eyes. 394 00:38:23,981 --> 00:38:26,643 Stop it, Eddie. 395 00:38:27,618 --> 00:38:30,985 - Thank you, Weegee. - Thank you, Mr. OwI. 396 00:38:32,189 --> 00:38:35,386 Tomorrow, 3:00, my studio. 397 00:38:35,559 --> 00:38:38,722 - Little place on 21 st. - Sounds good. 398 00:38:38,896 --> 00:38:43,492 Wow, a reaI photo session. Wonder how my hair will look? 399 00:38:45,803 --> 00:38:49,000 Oh, go ahead. I'll be there in five. 400 00:39:05,489 --> 00:39:06,513 Eddie. 401 00:39:07,591 --> 00:39:11,652 What the hell are you doing here? You knew I was changing. 402 00:39:11,829 --> 00:39:13,421 Sure I did. 403 00:39:15,065 --> 00:39:16,657 Come on, baby. 404 00:39:17,101 --> 00:39:19,092 I know what you need. 405 00:39:19,270 --> 00:39:23,331 You gotta have some kind of reason for dressing in an outfit like this. 406 00:39:23,507 --> 00:39:25,805 I said no, Eddie. 407 00:39:26,443 --> 00:39:31,346 - No spelled Y-E-S. - No spelled N-O. 408 00:39:31,515 --> 00:39:34,951 - All right? - Come on, sweetheart. 409 00:39:38,889 --> 00:39:40,481 Eddie... 410 00:40:21,332 --> 00:40:24,062 You little bastard. 411 00:40:30,674 --> 00:40:31,698 This what you like? 412 00:40:31,875 --> 00:40:34,366 - This what makes you hot? - What? 413 00:40:44,855 --> 00:40:48,052 Things are tough all over, cupcake. 414 00:40:48,225 --> 00:40:52,321 It rains on the just and the unjust alike. 415 00:40:52,496 --> 00:40:56,330 The Comedian was a little bit of both. 416 00:40:57,801 --> 00:41:01,168 And he always thought he'd get the last laugh. 417 00:41:01,705 --> 00:41:04,765 Thou knowest, Lord, the secrets of our hearts. 418 00:41:05,376 --> 00:41:08,709 Shut not thy mercifuI ears to our prayers... 419 00:41:08,879 --> 00:41:13,475 ...but spare us, Lord most holy, O God most mighty... 420 00:41:13,651 --> 00:41:16,711 ...O holy and mercifuI savior. 421 00:41:17,388 --> 00:41:20,118 Thou most worthy judge eternaI. 422 00:41:20,290 --> 00:41:23,623 Suffer us not at our last hour for any- 423 00:42:50,581 --> 00:42:53,015 Fireworks. You gotta be kidding me. 424 00:42:53,183 --> 00:42:57,916 You know, you'd think this goddamn country had had enough fireworks. 425 00:42:58,822 --> 00:43:01,416 You know, if we'd lost here in Vietnam... 426 00:43:01,592 --> 00:43:06,552 ...I think it might have driven us crazy. You know, as a country. 427 00:43:07,331 --> 00:43:11,028 But we didn't, thanks to you. 428 00:43:13,003 --> 00:43:14,937 You sound bitter. 429 00:43:15,105 --> 00:43:16,766 Me? Bitter? 430 00:43:16,940 --> 00:43:20,000 Fuck, no. I think it's hilarious. 431 00:43:26,350 --> 00:43:28,181 Oh, Jesus Christ. 432 00:43:28,352 --> 00:43:31,344 - Mr. Eddie? - Just what I fucking needed. 433 00:43:31,522 --> 00:43:36,585 The war is over now. We must talk about this baby. 434 00:43:37,361 --> 00:43:40,888 There's nothing to talk about. See, I'm leaving. 435 00:43:41,064 --> 00:43:42,395 I'm gonna forget about you... 436 00:43:42,566 --> 00:43:45,399 ...and your horrible, sweaty, little piece-of-shit country. 437 00:43:45,969 --> 00:43:47,129 Get the fuck out of here. 438 00:43:48,872 --> 00:43:50,737 - No. - Get the fuck out of here. 439 00:43:50,908 --> 00:43:52,273 You will remember. 440 00:43:54,044 --> 00:43:56,774 You will remember me and my country... 441 00:43:57,648 --> 00:43:59,275 ...forever! 442 00:44:01,885 --> 00:44:03,750 My face! 443 00:44:05,956 --> 00:44:07,116 Blake. Don't. 444 00:44:07,925 --> 00:44:09,222 Blake! 445 00:44:16,099 --> 00:44:18,590 She was pregnant... 446 00:44:19,870 --> 00:44:21,599 ...and you gunned her down. 447 00:44:21,772 --> 00:44:23,034 That's right... 448 00:44:23,207 --> 00:44:25,141 ...and you know what? You watched me. 449 00:44:25,309 --> 00:44:28,301 You could have turned the gun to steam, the bullets to mercury... 450 00:44:28,478 --> 00:44:32,073 ...the bottle into goddamn snowflakes, but you didn't, did you? 451 00:44:34,017 --> 00:44:36,850 You really don't give a damn about human beings. 452 00:44:38,021 --> 00:44:40,854 You're drifting out of touch, Doc. 453 00:44:42,426 --> 00:44:44,621 God help us all. 454 00:44:46,630 --> 00:44:47,927 Medic! 455 00:44:54,771 --> 00:44:57,934 Most holy and merciful savior. 456 00:44:58,876 --> 00:45:03,779 He cometh up and is cut down, like a flower. 457 00:45:03,947 --> 00:45:08,145 In the midst of life, we are in death. 458 00:45:08,318 --> 00:45:12,618 Of whom may we seek succor, but of thee, O Lord? 459 00:45:17,027 --> 00:45:20,087 Welcome. We'll be starting shortly. 460 00:45:20,264 --> 00:45:22,357 We're waiting for one more. 461 00:45:33,143 --> 00:45:36,476 I told you, you wouldn't be the only one dressed up. 462 00:45:38,115 --> 00:45:39,514 Welcome, doctor. 463 00:45:39,950 --> 00:45:41,577 Now we can start. 464 00:45:41,752 --> 00:45:45,586 Thank you for coming. Acquaint yourselves with this map of high-crime areas. 465 00:45:46,957 --> 00:45:48,083 This is all bullshit. 466 00:45:48,892 --> 00:45:53,261 For a guy who calls himself the Comedian, I can never tell when you're joking. 467 00:45:53,430 --> 00:45:56,831 Watchmen. That's the reaI joke. 468 00:45:57,000 --> 00:45:59,798 It didn't work 15 years ago, and it ain't gonna work now... 469 00:45:59,970 --> 00:46:02,097 ...because you wanna play cowboys and Indians. 470 00:46:02,272 --> 00:46:04,638 Maybe we should agree on no drinking at meetings. 471 00:46:06,443 --> 00:46:10,174 Rorschach and I have made headway on the gang problem by working together. 472 00:46:10,347 --> 00:46:14,681 A group this size seems like a publicity stunt. I'm not in it for the ink. 473 00:46:14,851 --> 00:46:16,648 We can do so much more. 474 00:46:16,820 --> 00:46:19,015 We can save this world... 475 00:46:20,624 --> 00:46:23,787 - ... with the right leadership. - Yeah. 476 00:46:26,163 --> 00:46:27,926 And that'd be you, right, Ozzy? 477 00:46:28,098 --> 00:46:30,862 I mean, hell, you're the smartest man on the planet. 478 00:46:31,034 --> 00:46:33,696 It doesn't take a genius to see the world has problems. 479 00:46:34,071 --> 00:46:37,734 But it takes a room of morons to think they're small enough for you to handle. 480 00:46:38,241 --> 00:46:39,401 You people. 481 00:46:39,576 --> 00:46:43,034 You hear Moloch's back in town, get your panties all in a bunch. 482 00:46:43,213 --> 00:46:46,046 - You think catching him matters? - Justice matters. 483 00:46:47,617 --> 00:46:49,448 Justice. 484 00:46:50,053 --> 00:46:52,078 Justice is coming to all of us. 485 00:46:52,255 --> 00:46:53,722 No matter what the fuck we do. 486 00:46:54,458 --> 00:46:58,394 You know, mankind's been trying to kill each other off since the beginning of time. 487 00:46:58,562 --> 00:47:03,397 Now we finally have the power to finish the job. 488 00:47:03,633 --> 00:47:07,262 Ain't nothing gonna matter once those nukes start flying. We'll all be dust. 489 00:47:10,407 --> 00:47:12,432 Then Ozymandias here... 490 00:47:13,443 --> 00:47:15,707 ...will be the smartest man on the cinder. 491 00:47:24,621 --> 00:47:26,680 For as much as it hath pleased... 492 00:47:27,557 --> 00:47:31,823 ...almighty God to take onto himself the souI of our dear departed brother... 493 00:47:33,230 --> 00:47:37,291 ...let us therefore commit his body to the ground. 494 00:47:37,467 --> 00:47:40,925 Earth to earth, ashes to ashes... 495 00:48:04,694 --> 00:48:10,963 Watchmen! Police! Police to protect the people! 496 00:48:15,505 --> 00:48:19,532 Attention, citizens. We are trying to maintain order. 497 00:48:19,709 --> 00:48:24,146 You must clear the streets untiI the police strike is over. 498 00:48:24,314 --> 00:48:27,477 If you could- Please, there's no need for violence. 499 00:48:28,452 --> 00:48:32,548 We are trying to retain order on the streets untiI the police strike is over. 500 00:48:32,722 --> 00:48:34,917 CrawI back in your holes before you get hurt. 501 00:48:35,125 --> 00:48:37,252 - I got rubber bullets. I want my rights! 502 00:48:37,427 --> 00:48:40,055 - You are not the law! We want regular cops! 503 00:48:40,230 --> 00:48:41,492 No more vigilantes! 504 00:48:41,665 --> 00:48:45,226 My son's a police officer, you fucking faggots! 505 00:48:46,837 --> 00:48:49,635 Goddamn it. All right. That's how you wanna do it? 506 00:49:01,384 --> 00:49:03,045 There's no need for violence. 507 00:49:03,220 --> 00:49:06,348 Fuck you. Fuck you! 508 00:49:12,596 --> 00:49:14,325 Oh, this is getting heavy. 509 00:49:38,755 --> 00:49:42,156 Goddamn, I love working on American soiI, Dan. 510 00:49:42,325 --> 00:49:44,759 Ain't had this much fun since Woodward and Bernstein. 511 00:49:44,928 --> 00:49:46,555 How long can we keep this up? 512 00:49:46,730 --> 00:49:50,325 Congress is pushing through some new bill that's gonna outlaw masks. 513 00:49:50,500 --> 00:49:51,762 Our days are numbered. 514 00:49:51,935 --> 00:49:56,201 UntiI then, it's like you always say: We're society's only protection. 515 00:49:56,373 --> 00:50:00,935 - From what? - Are you kidding me? From themselves. 516 00:50:01,111 --> 00:50:03,306 - Son of a bitch. No, Comedian, wait! 517 00:50:04,848 --> 00:50:06,748 Get your stinking hands off me. 518 00:50:08,919 --> 00:50:11,387 What the hell happened to us? 519 00:50:15,692 --> 00:50:18,024 What happened to the American dream? 520 00:50:18,862 --> 00:50:21,695 What happened to the American dream? 521 00:50:21,865 --> 00:50:23,992 It came true! 522 00:50:24,167 --> 00:50:26,192 You're looking at it. 523 00:52:28,658 --> 00:52:30,125 Edgar William Jacobi. 524 00:52:30,293 --> 00:52:34,127 Also known as Edgar William Vaughn. Also known as Moloch. 525 00:52:38,168 --> 00:52:40,432 What are you talking about? 526 00:52:41,371 --> 00:52:42,804 I'm a retired businessman- 527 00:52:45,108 --> 00:52:47,941 Lie again, Moloch, I break another finger. 528 00:52:48,111 --> 00:52:50,136 I did my time. 529 00:52:50,313 --> 00:52:53,111 I'm not Moloch anymore. 530 00:52:53,717 --> 00:52:58,154 - What do you want from me? - Heard you attended Blake's funeraI. Why? 531 00:52:58,321 --> 00:53:01,779 I just felt I should... 532 00:53:02,959 --> 00:53:05,860 ...pay my respects to the Comedian. 533 00:53:08,331 --> 00:53:13,064 - How'd you know he was the Comedian? - He broke in here. A week ago. 534 00:53:13,236 --> 00:53:15,568 He had his mask off. 535 00:53:16,039 --> 00:53:19,531 - He was drunk. - Enemies. For decades. 536 00:53:19,709 --> 00:53:22,735 - Why should he visit you? - I don't know. 537 00:53:22,912 --> 00:53:25,847 I woke up in my bedroom and there he was. 538 00:53:26,015 --> 00:53:27,983 He was upset. 539 00:53:28,551 --> 00:53:30,075 He was crying. 540 00:53:30,587 --> 00:53:32,885 Crying? The Comedian? 541 00:53:33,056 --> 00:53:36,048 He was babbling, not making any sense. 542 00:53:36,226 --> 00:53:39,218 I was pissing in my pants. 543 00:53:39,396 --> 00:53:41,694 I thought he was gonna kill me. 544 00:53:41,865 --> 00:53:44,129 What did he say? 545 00:53:45,435 --> 00:53:47,096 It's a joke. 546 00:53:47,837 --> 00:53:50,397 It's all a fucking joke. 547 00:53:52,442 --> 00:53:54,842 You know, I thought I knew how it was. 548 00:53:55,011 --> 00:53:58,037 I thought I knew how the world was. 549 00:53:59,182 --> 00:54:01,844 I've done some bad things. 550 00:54:02,519 --> 00:54:06,114 I did bad things to women. I shot kids. 551 00:54:06,289 --> 00:54:08,553 In 'Nam, you know. 552 00:54:09,125 --> 00:54:10,558 But that was fucking war. 553 00:54:11,528 --> 00:54:12,859 This... 554 00:54:13,530 --> 00:54:16,192 I never done anything like this. 555 00:54:18,868 --> 00:54:21,803 God, here I am... 556 00:54:21,971 --> 00:54:24,064 ...spilling my guts... 557 00:54:24,541 --> 00:54:26,031 ...to one of my archenemies. 558 00:54:28,211 --> 00:54:30,543 But the truth is... 559 00:54:31,147 --> 00:54:35,743 ...you're the closest thing to a friend I got. What the fuck does that say? 560 00:54:39,656 --> 00:54:41,851 Shit. 561 00:54:43,393 --> 00:54:45,054 And your name... 562 00:54:45,228 --> 00:54:47,753 ...your name was on the list... 563 00:54:47,964 --> 00:54:52,264 ...along with Janey, you know, whatever the fuck her name is. 564 00:54:52,435 --> 00:54:54,869 Manhattan's old girI. 565 00:54:59,075 --> 00:55:01,236 Mother, forgive me. 566 00:55:02,412 --> 00:55:04,073 And then he left. 567 00:55:05,081 --> 00:55:09,677 I swear I don't know what the hell he was talking about. 568 00:55:16,426 --> 00:55:18,394 Funny story. 569 00:55:18,862 --> 00:55:21,194 Sounds unbelievable. 570 00:55:21,965 --> 00:55:23,899 Probably true. 571 00:55:24,067 --> 00:55:26,763 So that's it? 572 00:55:26,936 --> 00:55:31,066 - I'm clean? - You? 573 00:55:32,275 --> 00:55:33,606 Clean? 574 00:55:38,548 --> 00:55:39,640 Amygdalin. 575 00:55:39,816 --> 00:55:42,512 This phony medication made from apricot pits. 576 00:55:42,685 --> 00:55:45,916 - It's illegaI. - Come on. 577 00:55:47,790 --> 00:55:50,122 Please don't confiscate that. 578 00:55:50,960 --> 00:55:53,758 I'm trying anything. 579 00:55:55,231 --> 00:55:56,721 I have cancer. 580 00:55:57,734 --> 00:55:59,065 What kind of cancer? 581 00:56:00,970 --> 00:56:03,996 You know the kind you eventually get better from? 582 00:56:05,909 --> 00:56:07,900 That ain't the kind I got. 583 00:56:11,147 --> 00:56:15,106 Rorschach's journal. October 16th. 584 00:56:15,285 --> 00:56:18,118 Want some of this? Fifty bucks, I'll suck your cock. 585 00:56:18,321 --> 00:56:21,085 - Thought about Moloch's story. - Come on. 586 00:56:21,257 --> 00:56:23,191 Could all be lies. 587 00:56:23,359 --> 00:56:27,659 A revenge scheme planned during his years behind bars. 588 00:56:27,830 --> 00:56:32,927 Fuck you. I make more in a week than you make in a year, you fucking homo. 589 00:56:33,102 --> 00:56:34,694 But if it's true... 590 00:56:34,871 --> 00:56:37,135 ...what could have possibly scared the Comedian... 591 00:56:37,307 --> 00:56:39,172 ...enough to cry in front of Moloch? 592 00:56:40,543 --> 00:56:41,567 What was it he saw? 593 00:56:43,346 --> 00:56:45,007 And that list he mentioned. 594 00:56:49,185 --> 00:56:52,586 Edward Blake. The Comedian. 595 00:56:52,755 --> 00:56:55,155 Born 1918. 596 00:56:55,325 --> 00:56:57,350 Buried in the rain. 597 00:56:57,527 --> 00:56:59,392 Murdered. 598 00:56:59,562 --> 00:57:03,589 Is that what happens to us? No time for friends? 599 00:57:04,534 --> 00:57:07,697 Only our enemies leave roses. 600 00:57:08,004 --> 00:57:10,905 Violent lives ending violently. 601 00:57:12,875 --> 00:57:17,938 Blake understood. Humans are savage in nature. 602 00:57:18,114 --> 00:57:20,810 No matter how much you try to dress it up... 603 00:57:20,984 --> 00:57:23,111 ...to disguise it... 604 00:57:23,286 --> 00:57:26,414 ...Blake saw society's true face. 605 00:57:26,589 --> 00:57:31,219 Chose to be a parody of it. A joke. 606 00:57:31,394 --> 00:57:33,055 I heard joke once. 607 00:57:34,230 --> 00:57:38,030 Man goes to doctor, says he's depressed. 608 00:57:38,201 --> 00:57:42,069 Life seems harsh and cruel. 609 00:57:42,238 --> 00:57:46,106 Says he feels all alone in threatening world. 610 00:57:46,275 --> 00:57:49,073 Doctor says treatment is simple. 611 00:57:49,479 --> 00:57:53,916 "The great clown Pagliacci is in town. Go see him. 612 00:57:54,083 --> 00:57:56,074 That should pick you up. " 613 00:57:56,586 --> 00:57:59,521 Man bursts into tears. 614 00:57:59,689 --> 00:58:04,023 "But doctor, " he says. "I am Pagliacci. " 615 00:58:06,029 --> 00:58:07,758 Good joke. 616 00:58:08,031 --> 00:58:09,931 Everybody laugh. 617 00:58:10,099 --> 00:58:12,260 Roll on snare drum. 618 00:58:12,769 --> 00:58:14,259 Curtains. 619 00:58:22,712 --> 00:58:24,976 What time do you have to be at your interview? 620 00:58:25,148 --> 00:58:26,775 Don't worry. 621 00:58:27,417 --> 00:58:29,908 We've got plenty of time. 622 00:58:36,959 --> 00:58:39,154 Your finger's like licking a battery. 623 00:58:59,482 --> 00:59:02,246 God, Jon, stop. What are you doing? 624 00:59:02,418 --> 00:59:03,749 Please don't be upset. 625 00:59:03,920 --> 00:59:07,583 I always thought you liked this. 626 00:59:07,757 --> 00:59:09,156 No. 627 00:59:10,660 --> 00:59:13,629 I don't- No. 628 00:59:14,464 --> 00:59:17,297 I don't want that. 629 00:59:17,567 --> 00:59:20,730 I don't know what stimulates you anymore. 630 00:59:22,872 --> 00:59:26,501 Look, I know you were just trying- 631 00:59:28,311 --> 00:59:30,779 Are you working in here while we're in bed together? 632 00:59:30,947 --> 00:59:34,383 My work with Adrian is at a criticaI stage right now. 633 00:59:34,851 --> 00:59:38,014 - I didn't think it was necessary to- - To what? 634 00:59:38,187 --> 00:59:41,714 To what? To tell me which one of you is giving me a pity fuck? 635 00:59:50,867 --> 00:59:53,301 My attention was completely focused on you. 636 00:59:53,903 --> 00:59:56,167 If you think there's a problem with my attitude... 637 00:59:56,339 --> 00:59:58,569 ...I am prepared to discuss it. 638 01:00:00,343 --> 01:00:04,074 You know how everything in this world fits together except people. 639 01:00:04,247 --> 01:00:08,707 What am I to you? Another puzzle to be solved? 640 01:00:08,885 --> 01:00:12,582 Have your men stand back. I'm teleporting the reactor to Karnak now. 641 01:00:13,422 --> 01:00:16,357 You're my only remaining link to the world. 642 01:00:24,133 --> 01:00:26,727 I don't want that responsibility anymore. 643 01:00:32,608 --> 01:00:34,735 He's all yours. 644 01:00:40,783 --> 01:00:43,149 Don't worry, Jon. She'll be back. 645 01:00:44,620 --> 01:00:46,815 No, she won't. 646 01:01:00,903 --> 01:01:05,465 He's been called many things: Hero, weapon... 647 01:01:05,975 --> 01:01:08,443 ...linchpin of our national security... 648 01:01:08,611 --> 01:01:13,139 ...deterrent to nuclear war, or a man to end worlds. 649 01:01:13,482 --> 01:01:16,042 Later tonight, Dr. Manhattan... 650 01:01:16,219 --> 01:01:21,179 ...will answer my questions and yours in an exclusive interview... 651 01:01:21,357 --> 01:01:26,226 ...brought to you commercial-free by Veidt Enterprises. 652 01:01:41,077 --> 01:01:42,339 Who is it? 653 01:01:42,511 --> 01:01:44,479 It's Laurie. 654 01:01:55,358 --> 01:01:58,623 Sorry. I just had this new lock installed. 655 01:01:58,794 --> 01:02:01,262 I didn't know where else to go. 656 01:02:01,430 --> 01:02:04,593 Oh, it's okay. Come in. 657 01:02:12,041 --> 01:02:13,065 What's wrong? 658 01:02:14,377 --> 01:02:16,004 I left Jon. 659 01:02:16,712 --> 01:02:19,010 Oh, God. 660 01:02:19,482 --> 01:02:21,211 I'm so sorry. 661 01:02:21,384 --> 01:02:24,217 I don't know why I'm here. I just... 662 01:02:25,755 --> 01:02:28,223 I don't know anybody else. 663 01:02:29,058 --> 01:02:32,357 I don't know anybody except for goddamn superheroes. 664 01:02:32,929 --> 01:02:34,590 That's okay. 665 01:02:34,764 --> 01:02:37,028 You probably just had an argument or something. 666 01:02:37,199 --> 01:02:38,564 No, Dan. 667 01:02:39,101 --> 01:02:41,797 You don't know what it's been like living with him. 668 01:02:41,971 --> 01:02:45,099 The way he looks at things now, it's like he doesn't... 669 01:02:45,274 --> 01:02:47,742 ...remember what they are. 670 01:02:48,077 --> 01:02:50,238 It's like this world, this real world... 671 01:02:50,413 --> 01:02:54,213 ...to him, it's like walking through mist. 672 01:02:54,383 --> 01:02:57,944 And people are just shadows. 673 01:02:59,522 --> 01:03:02,013 Shadows in a fog. 674 01:03:03,125 --> 01:03:06,492 God, how did everything get so tangled up? 675 01:03:08,097 --> 01:03:10,088 I'm sorry, Dan. 676 01:03:10,833 --> 01:03:13,825 This is twice now I've ruined your evening. 677 01:03:14,270 --> 01:03:17,262 Come on. I'm glad you came over. 678 01:03:17,440 --> 01:03:20,967 I was just gonna see Hollis for our weekly beer session. 679 01:03:21,143 --> 01:03:23,134 You're more than welcome to join. 680 01:03:24,313 --> 01:03:27,612 In fact, I insist. 681 01:04:00,116 --> 01:04:02,914 Terrific. Dr. Manhattan arrives and no one thinks to tell me. 682 01:04:03,085 --> 01:04:04,985 He just- - We don't have time for makeup. 683 01:04:05,154 --> 01:04:07,452 That blue is too light for television. 684 01:04:10,226 --> 01:04:12,217 Is that dark enough? 685 01:04:14,030 --> 01:04:16,931 Yeah, that's dark enough. 686 01:04:17,099 --> 01:04:20,762 The weight of the world's on him, but does he quit? No. 687 01:04:20,936 --> 01:04:23,200 News vendors always cope. They're the- 688 01:04:23,372 --> 01:04:26,933 Oh, God, here comes that homeless guy again. 689 01:04:27,376 --> 01:04:30,174 I told you, this month's issue still hasn't arrived yet. 690 01:04:30,346 --> 01:04:34,009 Why do you care about that right-wing rag? Those bastards don't give a damn. 691 01:04:35,384 --> 01:04:37,682 Hold up. Here they come. 692 01:04:41,457 --> 01:04:43,982 - Seymour. - Bernie, how's tricks? 693 01:04:44,160 --> 01:04:45,184 Fine, fine. 694 01:04:45,361 --> 01:04:48,660 See this guy behind me? Been bugging me all week. 695 01:04:51,567 --> 01:04:55,765 Maybe we should get a cab. These are bad neighborhoods. 696 01:04:55,938 --> 01:04:59,567 Yeah, well, I'm in a bad mood. 697 01:05:12,154 --> 01:05:14,418 GirI. What we got here? 698 01:05:14,590 --> 01:05:17,457 Here's a list of Pentagon-approved no-go areas. 699 01:05:17,626 --> 01:05:20,424 Afghanistan will obviously come up, but just play it cooI... 700 01:05:20,596 --> 01:05:22,962 ...and try not to get into any tight corners. 701 01:05:23,132 --> 01:05:26,829 - a renowned nuclear physicist, who, through a terrible accident... 702 01:05:27,002 --> 01:05:32,770 ...was gifted with extraordinary powers, capable of bending matter to his will. 703 01:05:32,942 --> 01:05:37,208 Today, the world knows him as Dr. Manhattan. 704 01:05:37,379 --> 01:05:38,710 Welcome. 705 01:05:43,719 --> 01:05:44,947 Thank you. 706 01:05:45,121 --> 01:05:47,055 That's right. 707 01:05:53,596 --> 01:05:56,394 Ms. Black, you have the first question. 708 01:05:56,565 --> 01:05:57,998 Dr. Manhattan, as you know... 709 01:05:58,167 --> 01:06:00,863 ...the Doomsday Clock is a symbolic clock face... 710 01:06:01,036 --> 01:06:04,597 ...analogizing humankind's proximity to extinction... 711 01:06:04,940 --> 01:06:07,932 ...midnight representing the threat of nuclear war. 712 01:06:08,110 --> 01:06:11,273 As of now, it stands at four minutes to midnight. 713 01:06:11,914 --> 01:06:14,382 Would you agree that we're that close to annihilation? 714 01:06:14,783 --> 01:06:17,115 My father was a watchmaker. 715 01:06:17,953 --> 01:06:22,287 He abandoned it when Einstein discovered that time is relative. 716 01:06:23,459 --> 01:06:25,450 I would only agree that a symbolic clock... 717 01:06:25,628 --> 01:06:27,619 ...is as nourishing to the intellect... 718 01:06:27,796 --> 01:06:31,061 ...as a photograph of oxygen to a drowning man. 719 01:06:33,402 --> 01:06:35,131 So you're saying there is no danger. 720 01:06:35,304 --> 01:06:39,297 Even in a world without nuclear weapons, there would still be danger. 721 01:06:44,246 --> 01:06:47,147 And would you say, as so many claim... 722 01:06:47,316 --> 01:06:49,079 ...that you are, in fact, a god... 723 01:06:49,251 --> 01:06:52,084 ...given you see the past and future simultaneously? 724 01:06:52,254 --> 01:06:54,552 I can only see my own past... 725 01:06:54,990 --> 01:06:58,892 ...my own future. I am not omniscient. 726 01:06:59,495 --> 01:07:00,860 Doug Roth, your question? 727 01:07:01,030 --> 01:07:03,760 Speaking of your past, Dr. Manhattan... 728 01:07:03,933 --> 01:07:06,697 ...do you remember a man named Wally Weaver? 729 01:07:06,869 --> 01:07:12,000 Yes. We were both physicists together at the Gila Flats Research Base. 730 01:07:12,508 --> 01:07:14,066 He died of cancer. 731 01:07:14,944 --> 01:07:17,208 - He was a good man. How about Edgar Jacobi... 732 01:07:17,379 --> 01:07:20,280 ...also known as the supervillain Moloch? 733 01:07:21,250 --> 01:07:25,346 You encountered him several times in the '60s: battles, conflicts. 734 01:07:25,554 --> 01:07:28,022 Did you know that he has cancer as well? 735 01:07:28,958 --> 01:07:30,186 I wasn't told. 736 01:07:30,359 --> 01:07:32,589 And what about General Anthony Randolph? 737 01:07:32,761 --> 01:07:36,197 He was your handler when you first started working for the government. 738 01:07:36,599 --> 01:07:37,623 Cancer. 739 01:07:37,800 --> 01:07:40,462 You're suggesting I was the cause. 740 01:07:40,869 --> 01:07:43,861 From where I'm standing, it's starting to look pretty conclusive. 741 01:07:44,039 --> 01:07:46,064 Even if that's the case, it's irrelevant. 742 01:07:46,242 --> 01:07:49,040 A live human body and a deceased human body... 743 01:07:49,211 --> 01:07:51,304 ...have the same number of particles. 744 01:07:54,049 --> 01:07:55,949 Structurally, there's no difference. 745 01:07:57,086 --> 01:07:59,350 All right. Let's settle down, please. 746 01:08:05,227 --> 01:08:06,455 What about Janey Slater? 747 01:08:07,229 --> 01:08:09,561 You think it makes a difference to her? 748 01:08:10,633 --> 01:08:11,964 Janey? 749 01:08:12,301 --> 01:08:13,859 Your ex-girlfriend? 750 01:08:14,036 --> 01:08:17,665 She was a physicist too. You saw each other for 11 years. 751 01:08:17,840 --> 01:08:19,364 Doug, one question at a time. 752 01:08:19,541 --> 01:08:22,908 She has cancer as well. Doctors have given her six months. 753 01:08:23,078 --> 01:08:24,909 Isn't that right, Miss Slater? 754 01:08:40,429 --> 01:08:42,226 You were the world to me, Jon. 755 01:08:42,831 --> 01:08:45,061 You were my whole life. 756 01:08:46,001 --> 01:08:48,595 Do you remember how many times you said you loved me? 757 01:08:48,771 --> 01:08:50,466 Janey, I wasn't told. 758 01:08:50,939 --> 01:08:56,309 I stuck by you after the accident. I gave you everything. 759 01:09:01,350 --> 01:09:03,011 This is how you repay me? 760 01:09:03,452 --> 01:09:08,355 - Janey, I wasn't told. I didn't know. - Damn you, Jon. Goddamn you. 761 01:09:08,524 --> 01:09:10,515 Janey, wait. 762 01:09:11,927 --> 01:09:14,361 - That's it. This interview is over. Get up there. 763 01:09:14,530 --> 01:09:16,896 Get those cameras off. Everybody back off. 764 01:09:17,066 --> 01:09:20,763 Everybody back off. I need some backup here. Leave him alone. 765 01:09:20,936 --> 01:09:27,034 Please, if everyone would just go away... 766 01:09:27,209 --> 01:09:30,110 ...and leave me alone... 767 01:09:30,279 --> 01:09:31,678 Do you care to comment? 768 01:09:31,847 --> 01:09:34,873 I said, leave me alone! 769 01:10:00,509 --> 01:10:02,409 Jesus. 770 01:10:03,512 --> 01:10:05,104 Us... 771 01:10:06,014 --> 01:10:07,845 ...getting mugged. 772 01:10:10,185 --> 01:10:11,777 Let's go. 773 01:10:17,526 --> 01:10:19,323 I'm shaking. 774 01:10:23,532 --> 01:10:25,295 You know what? 775 01:10:25,667 --> 01:10:29,159 I'm wiped. I'm just gonna call it a night. 776 01:10:29,338 --> 01:10:32,569 Oh, are you sure you don't wanna come by Hollis' with me... 777 01:10:32,741 --> 01:10:34,971 ...and shake off the adrenaline? 778 01:10:35,778 --> 01:10:38,906 I think I've had enough hero stuff for one night. 779 01:10:40,048 --> 01:10:42,414 It helped having you listen. 780 01:10:42,718 --> 01:10:44,447 Any time. 781 01:10:45,154 --> 01:10:47,054 Take care, Dan. 782 01:10:47,856 --> 01:10:50,154 It's a rough world out there. 783 01:10:51,627 --> 01:10:52,821 Be seeing you. 784 01:10:57,166 --> 01:10:58,292 You're late. 785 01:10:58,467 --> 01:11:01,561 Ah, I know. I know. You won't believe what happened. 786 01:11:01,737 --> 01:11:04,535 Dr. Manhattan just lost it on live TV. 787 01:11:04,706 --> 01:11:06,401 Wait, what? 788 01:11:11,980 --> 01:11:13,914 I was just with Laurie. She doesn't know. 789 01:11:14,716 --> 01:11:18,311 She's gonna know soon enough. The whole world will know. 790 01:11:18,487 --> 01:11:21,217 I said, leave me alone! 791 01:11:31,066 --> 01:11:33,261 I am looking at the stars. 792 01:11:33,769 --> 01:11:35,760 They're so far away... 793 01:11:36,205 --> 01:11:38,867 ...and their light takes so long to reach us... 794 01:11:41,610 --> 01:11:45,808 ...all we ever see of stars are their old photographs. 795 01:11:49,418 --> 01:11:53,252 It is July, 1959, and I am in love. 796 01:11:54,089 --> 01:11:55,750 That's great. 797 01:11:55,924 --> 01:11:57,551 - You can pick it up tomorrow. - Okay. 798 01:11:57,726 --> 01:11:59,455 - Seventy-five cents. - Okay, thank you. 799 01:11:59,628 --> 01:12:00,652 Thank you. 800 01:12:00,829 --> 01:12:05,027 Gosh, Jon, I wish he gave us a little notice. I'm sure I made a face. 801 01:12:05,200 --> 01:12:10,194 Oh, no, no. I'm sure that you'll look beautifuI. 802 01:12:14,109 --> 01:12:16,441 Her name is Janey Slater. 803 01:12:17,279 --> 01:12:19,941 She is a physicist, like me. 804 01:12:21,216 --> 01:12:22,979 I am 30 years old. 805 01:12:27,689 --> 01:12:31,625 We were introduced by a good friend of mine from college, Wally Weaver. 806 01:12:35,797 --> 01:12:38,357 It is February 12th, 1981. 807 01:12:38,534 --> 01:12:42,300 Wally dies of cancer, of which they now say I am the cause. 808 01:12:59,288 --> 01:13:02,689 That night, Janey and I make love for the first time. 809 01:13:10,532 --> 01:13:13,524 A month from now, the accident awaits me. 810 01:13:21,009 --> 01:13:24,501 Oh, I'll catch up with you guys. I think I left my watch inside. 811 01:13:25,180 --> 01:13:27,410 Hey. Let's just wait a second. 812 01:13:30,819 --> 01:13:35,222 I cross the room to the Intrinsic Field Center. I find my watch. 813 01:13:41,930 --> 01:13:43,090 When I get to the door... 814 01:13:44,866 --> 01:13:46,060 ...Wally is turning white. 815 01:13:46,234 --> 01:13:50,295 The program's locked in. We can't override the time lock. 816 01:13:51,673 --> 01:13:53,607 I am terrified. 817 01:13:53,775 --> 01:13:54,901 Jon? 818 01:14:00,148 --> 01:14:01,911 I'm sorry, Jon... 819 01:14:03,852 --> 01:14:05,410 ...but I can't- 820 01:14:07,689 --> 01:14:09,213 Janey, don't leave me! 821 01:14:09,758 --> 01:14:11,749 Don't leave me! 822 01:14:43,792 --> 01:14:48,559 It is May 12th, 1959, when I'm introduced to Janey. 823 01:14:48,997 --> 01:14:51,192 She buys me a beer... 824 01:14:51,400 --> 01:14:54,233 ...the first time a woman has done this for me. 825 01:14:55,604 --> 01:14:59,438 As she passes me the cold, perspiring glass... 826 01:15:00,075 --> 01:15:01,303 ...our fingers touch. 827 01:15:14,189 --> 01:15:16,350 Yes, Jon, good. 828 01:15:16,525 --> 01:15:22,020 Now it's just a question of reassembling the components in the correct sequence. 829 01:15:25,867 --> 01:15:26,959 I feel fear... 830 01:15:28,203 --> 01:15:30,330 ...for the last time. 831 01:15:47,155 --> 01:15:49,589 A token funeral is held. 832 01:15:49,758 --> 01:15:51,919 There is nothing to bury. 833 01:15:52,094 --> 01:15:54,688 Janey frames the snapshot. 834 01:15:54,896 --> 01:15:58,024 It's the only photograph of me anyone has. 835 01:15:59,334 --> 01:16:04,203 A circulatory system is seen by the perimeter fence. 836 01:16:04,606 --> 01:16:06,073 A few days later... 837 01:16:06,241 --> 01:16:09,472 ...a partially muscled skeleton stands in a hallway... 838 01:16:09,644 --> 01:16:13,478 ...and screams for a moment before vanishing. 839 01:16:38,840 --> 01:16:40,865 Oh, God. 840 01:16:41,042 --> 01:16:42,566 Jon? 841 01:16:43,612 --> 01:16:45,443 Is that you? 842 01:16:46,114 --> 01:16:49,140 Nations around the world reeling from this morning's announcement... 843 01:16:49,317 --> 01:16:51,945 ...possibly the most significant event in recent history. 844 01:16:52,120 --> 01:16:56,181 We repeat, the superman exists, and he is American. 845 01:17:02,564 --> 01:17:05,158 They call me Dr. Manhattan. 846 01:17:07,502 --> 01:17:09,436 They explain the name has been chosen... 847 01:17:09,604 --> 01:17:13,836 ...for the ominous associations it will raise in America's enemies. 848 01:17:18,446 --> 01:17:21,779 The marketing boys say I need a logo. 849 01:17:30,592 --> 01:17:32,958 If I'm to have a symbol... 850 01:17:34,930 --> 01:17:37,558 ...it shall be one I respect. 851 01:17:47,609 --> 01:17:50,635 They are shaping me into something gaudy... 852 01:17:51,713 --> 01:17:53,840 ...something lethal. 853 01:17:58,653 --> 01:18:01,178 In January, 1971... 854 01:18:01,356 --> 01:18:05,315 ...President Nixon asks me to intervene in Vietnam... 855 01:18:05,493 --> 01:18:08,257 ...something that his predecessors would not ask. 856 01:18:09,564 --> 01:18:12,397 A week later, the conflict ends. 857 01:18:12,567 --> 01:18:17,004 Some of the Vietcong forces wanna surrender to me personally. 858 01:18:20,442 --> 01:18:24,037 Hollis Mason, a retired costume hero, writes a book. 859 01:18:24,212 --> 01:18:29,047 In it, he calls my arrival the dawn of the superhero. 860 01:18:29,885 --> 01:18:32,615 I am not sure if I know what that means. 861 01:18:49,104 --> 01:18:52,198 You see, at the time, I was misquoted. 862 01:18:52,474 --> 01:18:55,534 I never said, "The superman exists and he is American. " 863 01:18:55,710 --> 01:19:01,671 What I said was, "God exists, and he is American. " 864 01:19:02,183 --> 01:19:04,651 Now, if you begin to feeI an intense... 865 01:19:04,819 --> 01:19:08,721 ...and crushing feeling of religious terror at the concept... 866 01:19:09,157 --> 01:19:11,182 ...don't be alarmed. 867 01:19:11,826 --> 01:19:15,853 That indicates only that you are still sane. 868 01:19:18,333 --> 01:19:21,461 It is Christmas, 1963. 869 01:19:21,803 --> 01:19:25,500 Janey tells me she is afraid, and worried. 870 01:19:26,141 --> 01:19:28,939 She says I am like a god now. 871 01:19:29,644 --> 01:19:31,805 I tell her I don't think there is a God. 872 01:19:31,980 --> 01:19:34,608 And if there is, I'm nothing like him. 873 01:19:39,387 --> 01:19:41,821 I tell her I still want her... 874 01:19:42,590 --> 01:19:44,581 ...and that I always will. 875 01:19:47,662 --> 01:19:52,326 As I lie to her, it is September 4th, 1970. 876 01:19:53,168 --> 01:19:56,035 I am in a room full of people wearing disguises. 877 01:19:57,505 --> 01:20:01,771 A very young girl looks at me and smiles. 878 01:20:03,645 --> 01:20:05,636 She's beautiful. 879 01:20:09,184 --> 01:20:15,089 After each long kiss, she plants a smaller, gentler one upon my lips... 880 01:20:15,256 --> 01:20:16,814 ...like a signature. 881 01:20:18,193 --> 01:20:21,356 Janey accuses me of chasing jailbait. 882 01:20:21,863 --> 01:20:27,130 She bursts into angry tears, asking if it's because she's getting older. 883 01:20:27,302 --> 01:20:29,133 It's true. 884 01:20:31,206 --> 01:20:34,232 She's aging more noticeably every day... 885 01:20:40,815 --> 01:20:43,648 ...while I am standing still. 886 01:20:44,586 --> 01:20:47,248 I prefer the stillness here. 887 01:20:48,223 --> 01:20:50,316 I am tired of Earth. 888 01:20:50,492 --> 01:20:52,153 These people. 889 01:20:52,727 --> 01:20:56,424 I'm tired of being caught in the tangle of their lives. 890 01:21:19,254 --> 01:21:22,587 They claim their labors are to build a heaven... 891 01:21:23,158 --> 01:21:26,616 ...yet their heaven is populated with horrors. 892 01:21:27,095 --> 01:21:29,757 Perhaps the world is not made. 893 01:21:30,765 --> 01:21:32,756 Perhaps nothing is made. 894 01:21:33,601 --> 01:21:37,162 A clock without a craftsman. 895 01:21:38,106 --> 01:21:40,097 It's too late. 896 01:21:40,542 --> 01:21:42,442 Always has been... 897 01:21:43,078 --> 01:21:45,273 ...always will be... 898 01:21:45,847 --> 01:21:47,474 ...too late. 899 01:21:48,950 --> 01:21:51,646 And you have no idea where he would've gone. 900 01:21:51,820 --> 01:21:53,117 How would I know? 901 01:21:53,288 --> 01:21:56,018 Probably on the other side of the world studying molecules. 902 01:21:56,191 --> 01:21:58,716 Our satellites have done a sweep of the planet. 903 01:21:58,893 --> 01:22:01,191 There's no trace of his energy signature anywhere. 904 01:22:01,362 --> 01:22:02,659 Really? 905 01:22:02,831 --> 01:22:06,232 Miss Jupiter, did you and Dr. Manhattan have a fight today? 906 01:22:06,401 --> 01:22:07,891 None of your fucking business. 907 01:22:08,069 --> 01:22:11,402 It is when you're on government payroll and you're not doing your job. 908 01:22:12,240 --> 01:22:16,040 That's as close to the word "whore" as you're gonna get with me, Agent Forbes. 909 01:22:24,185 --> 01:22:25,675 Smoke? 910 01:22:26,221 --> 01:22:28,451 My apologies, Miss Jupiter. 911 01:22:28,623 --> 01:22:31,990 You know how important Dr. Manhattan is to our nationaI security. 912 01:22:32,894 --> 01:22:34,828 You can imagine our concern. 913 01:22:34,996 --> 01:22:36,520 I can only imagine. 914 01:22:42,770 --> 01:22:46,763 Ain't nothing gonna matter once those nukes start flying. We'll all be dust. 915 01:22:47,208 --> 01:22:49,768 Then Ozymandias here... 916 01:22:50,211 --> 01:22:52,975 ...will be the smartest man on the cinder. 917 01:23:11,166 --> 01:23:14,260 LaureI? LaureI Jane? 918 01:23:15,803 --> 01:23:17,600 You're Sally Jupiter's kid. 919 01:23:18,506 --> 01:23:20,736 You're the Comedian, right? 920 01:23:20,942 --> 01:23:22,409 You were pretty cooI in there. 921 01:23:23,211 --> 01:23:26,942 You know, your mom, she was one of the all-time champion beauties. 922 01:23:28,116 --> 01:23:32,450 You got her eyes, you know. You even have that same funny little mole. 923 01:23:32,921 --> 01:23:34,821 Take your hands off her. 924 01:23:34,989 --> 01:23:37,082 Hey, doll. Long time no see. 925 01:23:37,258 --> 01:23:40,853 Not long enough in my book, Eddie. Get in the car. 926 01:23:42,430 --> 01:23:44,421 Are there no depths you won't sink to? 927 01:23:44,599 --> 01:23:48,433 Jesus Christ, Sally. Can't a guy talk to his... 928 01:23:49,137 --> 01:23:50,832 ...you know, old friend's daughter? 929 01:23:51,005 --> 01:23:53,132 I mean, what the hell do you think I am? 930 01:23:53,308 --> 01:23:54,969 We found him! 931 01:23:58,012 --> 01:24:00,105 - We found him. Where is he? 932 01:24:03,518 --> 01:24:04,849 Mars. 933 01:24:10,892 --> 01:24:12,883 Mr. President... 934 01:24:13,061 --> 01:24:17,691 ...the Soviets have moved their tanks just short of the Afghan border. 935 01:24:19,267 --> 01:24:20,495 They are testing us... 936 01:24:20,668 --> 01:24:25,071 ...to see if we manufactured Dr. Manhattan's disappearance... 937 01:24:25,240 --> 01:24:28,334 ...to coax a move out of them. 938 01:24:28,509 --> 01:24:32,468 If they realize it's not a hoax, they'll probably start with air strikes. 939 01:24:32,647 --> 01:24:36,708 If they do, they'll have Afghanistan under controI in a matter of days. 940 01:24:37,118 --> 01:24:41,817 A watchdog group of nuclear scientists has moved the Doomsday Clock... 941 01:24:41,990 --> 01:24:44,220 ...to two minutes untiI midnight. 942 01:24:44,392 --> 01:24:47,555 Get this shit off the screen. 943 01:24:47,729 --> 01:24:50,755 Who are these assholes to say when doomsday approaches? 944 01:24:50,932 --> 01:24:53,400 I say when doomsday is approaching. 945 01:24:59,073 --> 01:25:00,665 Now, then. 946 01:25:01,709 --> 01:25:04,200 What about the rest of the Warsaw Pact countries? 947 01:25:04,379 --> 01:25:08,577 Czechoslovakia, Poland and East Germany have mobilized their forces. 948 01:25:08,750 --> 01:25:11,913 But no movement yet. They're playing a wait-and-see. 949 01:25:12,086 --> 01:25:13,713 Letting the Russians take the lead. 950 01:25:18,059 --> 01:25:21,256 Bold moves, Henry. That's what's needed right now. 951 01:25:21,429 --> 01:25:24,193 We can't let these fuckers think we're weak. 952 01:25:24,365 --> 01:25:28,631 Yes. They must fear the madman Richard Nixon. 953 01:25:33,708 --> 01:25:37,166 How soon can we be ready for a preemptive strike? 954 01:25:38,346 --> 01:25:39,370 Two days. 955 01:25:39,781 --> 01:25:43,649 We have a 54 percent chance of wiping out the entire U.S.S.R... 956 01:25:43,818 --> 01:25:45,877 ...before they get their missiles airborne. 957 01:25:47,488 --> 01:25:49,080 What would our losses be? 958 01:25:49,257 --> 01:25:51,122 Assuming conservative projections... 959 01:25:51,292 --> 01:25:54,659 ...of how many Soviet warheads are destroyed beforehand... 960 01:25:54,829 --> 01:25:56,694 ...we'll lose all of the East Coast. 961 01:25:57,131 --> 01:25:58,655 The last gasp... 962 01:25:59,534 --> 01:26:02,002 ...of the Harvard establishment. 963 01:26:02,437 --> 01:26:05,702 Let's see them think their way out of fission. 964 01:26:05,873 --> 01:26:09,468 With anticipated wind patterns, the fallout drift would head south. 965 01:26:09,644 --> 01:26:11,839 Mexico would catch the worst of it. 966 01:26:12,013 --> 01:26:14,106 Most of the farm belt might remain unaffected. 967 01:26:14,282 --> 01:26:15,977 Not so bad... 968 01:26:16,784 --> 01:26:18,911 ...all things considered. 969 01:26:21,489 --> 01:26:23,320 Mr. President... 970 01:26:23,491 --> 01:26:25,118 ...what would you like to do? 971 01:26:33,468 --> 01:26:35,766 Take us to DEFCON two. 972 01:26:35,937 --> 01:26:37,928 Begin fueling the bombers. 973 01:26:38,539 --> 01:26:41,440 Dr. Manhattan has two days. 974 01:26:41,876 --> 01:26:43,673 After that... 975 01:26:43,845 --> 01:26:47,474 ...humanity is in the hands of a higher authority than mine. 976 01:26:48,082 --> 01:26:51,051 Let's just hope he's on our side. 977 01:26:52,286 --> 01:26:54,379 There must be a way to reach him. Excuse me. 978 01:26:54,555 --> 01:26:56,216 Radio transmission, space shuttles- 979 01:26:56,391 --> 01:26:57,619 Excuse me. What? 980 01:26:57,792 --> 01:27:00,090 I need to use the restroom. 981 01:27:21,679 --> 01:27:23,271 Don't you understand? 982 01:27:23,448 --> 01:27:26,076 The only thing that can bring Jon back is Jon. 983 01:27:26,250 --> 01:27:28,218 If he wants to find me, he will. 984 01:27:28,386 --> 01:27:30,854 I've been a prisoner in my life long enough. 985 01:27:31,222 --> 01:27:32,917 Without Dr. Manhattan around... 986 01:27:33,091 --> 01:27:35,992 ...to bully the Russians into peace, Mr. Veidt... 987 01:27:36,160 --> 01:27:40,563 ...people are going to need good, old-fashioned energy to rely on. 988 01:27:40,732 --> 01:27:42,393 You can understand. 989 01:27:42,567 --> 01:27:47,664 The world can't just quit on oiI and nuclear power cold turkey. 990 01:27:47,839 --> 01:27:50,069 You'll dismantle our entire economy overnight. 991 01:27:50,241 --> 01:27:53,005 You're right, Lee. And why free energy? 992 01:27:53,177 --> 01:27:56,078 Well, "free" is just another word for "socialist. " 993 01:27:56,247 --> 01:27:58,215 We might have to make a public inquiry... 994 01:27:58,383 --> 01:28:01,648 ...into any past communist affiliations you might have had. 995 01:28:02,053 --> 01:28:04,920 Mr. lacocca, gentlemen... 996 01:28:06,090 --> 01:28:08,320 ...I respect your position... 997 01:28:08,493 --> 01:28:12,395 ...and what you've accomplished as captains of industry. I do. 998 01:28:12,797 --> 01:28:15,288 You wanna know my past? Hm? 999 01:28:16,100 --> 01:28:18,830 Okay. Happily. 1000 01:28:19,003 --> 01:28:22,461 It's a matter of public record that by 17, both my parents were dead... 1001 01:28:22,640 --> 01:28:24,471 ...leaving me alone. 1002 01:28:25,476 --> 01:28:28,843 I guess you could say I've always been alone. 1003 01:28:29,013 --> 01:28:33,916 They say I'm the smartest man in the world, but the truth is I've often felt stupid... 1004 01:28:34,085 --> 01:28:37,577 ...at being unable to relate to anyone. 1005 01:28:37,755 --> 01:28:41,156 Well, anyone living, that is. 1006 01:28:41,325 --> 01:28:43,293 The only person with whom I felt kinship... 1007 01:28:43,461 --> 01:28:46,589 ...died 300 years before the birth of Christ. 1008 01:28:46,764 --> 01:28:52,134 Alexander of Macedonia, or Alexander the Great, as you know him. 1009 01:28:52,303 --> 01:28:55,329 His vision of a united world was... 1010 01:28:58,643 --> 01:29:00,338 Well, it was unprecedented. 1011 01:29:00,511 --> 01:29:02,206 I wanted... 1012 01:29:02,380 --> 01:29:04,678 ...needed to match his accomplishments... 1013 01:29:04,849 --> 01:29:08,046 ...so I resolved to apply antiquity's teachings to our world today. 1014 01:29:08,219 --> 01:29:11,711 And so began my path to conquest. 1015 01:29:11,889 --> 01:29:15,120 Conquest not of men... 1016 01:29:15,293 --> 01:29:18,126 ...but of the evils that beset them. 1017 01:29:18,362 --> 01:29:23,265 FossiI fuels, oiI, nuclear power... 1018 01:29:23,434 --> 01:29:26,267 ...are like a drug, and you, along with foreign interests... 1019 01:29:26,437 --> 01:29:28,064 - ... are the pushers. - Now, listen. 1020 01:29:28,639 --> 01:29:30,266 No. 1021 01:29:32,610 --> 01:29:34,407 You listen. 1022 01:29:35,646 --> 01:29:38,137 The world will survive... 1023 01:29:38,349 --> 01:29:41,785 ...and it deserves more than you've been able to provide. 1024 01:29:41,953 --> 01:29:44,547 So let's cut to it, shall we? 1025 01:29:44,822 --> 01:29:47,290 I'm worth more than all of your corporations combined. 1026 01:29:47,458 --> 01:29:51,053 I could buy and sell you, something you should factor into your decision... 1027 01:29:51,229 --> 01:29:57,532 ...should you choose to make our disagreement public. 1028 01:29:59,003 --> 01:30:01,437 I think you know the way out. 1029 01:30:03,174 --> 01:30:04,903 Gentlemen. 1030 01:30:07,411 --> 01:30:10,903 The toy people wanna talk to you about new villains for the Ozymandias line. 1031 01:30:11,082 --> 01:30:14,540 - Seems all the old villains are dead. - Mr. Veidt? 1032 01:30:14,719 --> 01:30:18,280 - I think I have some ideas. - Mr. Veidt? 1033 01:30:18,456 --> 01:30:21,254 I think we got off on the wrong foot. 1034 01:30:59,986 --> 01:31:01,681 He's got a poison capsule. 1035 01:31:02,355 --> 01:31:06,815 Don't bite down, you son of a bitch. Who sent you? I want a name. 1036 01:31:06,993 --> 01:31:08,085 Give me a name! 1037 01:31:20,206 --> 01:31:21,503 Suicide pill. 1038 01:31:22,609 --> 01:31:25,544 Potassium cyanide. Guy was dead before he hit the ground. 1039 01:31:25,712 --> 01:31:27,543 Thanks, hon. 1040 01:31:28,048 --> 01:31:30,073 Then Rorschach was right. 1041 01:31:30,250 --> 01:31:32,411 This wasn't some lone nut. 1042 01:31:32,586 --> 01:31:36,716 It's an organization: Well-funded, well-equipped. 1043 01:31:37,691 --> 01:31:39,625 But who'd wanna kill us now? 1044 01:31:40,927 --> 01:31:44,055 I don't know, but it's not safe out here. 1045 01:31:49,603 --> 01:31:51,571 So no word from Jon? 1046 01:31:52,539 --> 01:31:54,166 No. 1047 01:31:54,541 --> 01:31:56,441 Well, listen... 1048 01:31:56,943 --> 01:31:58,638 ...why don't you come stay with me? 1049 01:31:59,980 --> 01:32:02,972 Oh, no. That's sweet, but I wouldn't wanna impose. 1050 01:32:03,450 --> 01:32:06,817 Oh, no. No. Think of it as doing me a favor. 1051 01:32:08,655 --> 01:32:10,987 I wouldn't have to worry about you being out there. 1052 01:32:14,394 --> 01:32:15,622 Okay. 1053 01:32:18,698 --> 01:32:24,136 Rorschach's journal, October 21 st, 1985. 1054 01:32:24,304 --> 01:32:28,400 On 43rd and 7th, saw Dreiberg and Jupiter leaving diner. 1055 01:32:29,075 --> 01:32:31,737 They didn't know me without my mask. 1056 01:32:32,579 --> 01:32:34,240 An affair? 1057 01:32:34,414 --> 01:32:38,350 Did she break Manhattan's heart to engineer his exile... 1058 01:32:38,518 --> 01:32:40,452 ...make room for Dreiberg? 1059 01:32:40,620 --> 01:32:44,078 Does Manhattan even have a heart to break? 1060 01:32:45,325 --> 01:32:48,123 The alley was cold, deserted. 1061 01:32:48,294 --> 01:32:52,890 My things were where I left them, waiting for me. 1062 01:32:53,066 --> 01:32:57,435 My coat, my shoes, my spotless gloves. 1063 01:32:58,972 --> 01:33:00,906 My face. 1064 01:33:01,141 --> 01:33:05,077 Putting them on, I abandoned my disguise... 1065 01:33:05,245 --> 01:33:07,372 ...became myself. 1066 01:33:07,881 --> 01:33:10,975 Free from fear or weakness... 1067 01:33:11,151 --> 01:33:12,243 ...or lust. 1068 01:33:13,820 --> 01:33:15,685 Down alley... 1069 01:33:15,855 --> 01:33:17,720 ...heard woman scream. 1070 01:33:17,891 --> 01:33:21,884 First bubbling note of city's evening chorus. 1071 01:33:22,062 --> 01:33:23,859 Attempted rape. 1072 01:33:24,030 --> 01:33:25,190 Mugging. 1073 01:33:25,365 --> 01:33:26,832 Both. 1074 01:33:28,334 --> 01:33:30,029 The man turned... 1075 01:33:30,203 --> 01:33:33,331 ...and there was something rewarding in his eyes. 1076 01:33:34,307 --> 01:33:36,775 Sometimes the night is generous to me. 1077 01:33:42,882 --> 01:33:47,216 Veidt's assassin was a local lowlife named Roy Chess. 1078 01:33:47,787 --> 01:33:50,551 At his apartment, I found clues. 1079 01:33:51,758 --> 01:33:54,818 Seems he worked at Pyramid Transnational. 1080 01:33:54,994 --> 01:33:57,554 I've seen the logo before... 1081 01:33:57,964 --> 01:34:00,023 ...at Moloch's. 1082 01:34:30,396 --> 01:34:33,331 Someone tried to shoot the world's smartest man today, Moloch. 1083 01:34:34,167 --> 01:34:36,965 Guy worked for Pyramid Transnational. 1084 01:34:37,137 --> 01:34:39,264 More than a just delivery service, I take it. 1085 01:34:39,439 --> 01:34:43,375 Last time I was here, I saw a pension check written from the same company. 1086 01:34:43,543 --> 01:34:47,035 I'm guessing it's a front set up by whoever wants us masks dead. 1087 01:34:47,213 --> 01:34:50,808 Now, no more lies, Moloch. Who runs Pyramid? 1088 01:34:55,688 --> 01:34:57,315 Rorschach. 1089 01:34:57,490 --> 01:34:59,856 This is the police. We know you're in there. 1090 01:35:00,026 --> 01:35:01,891 No. No! 1091 01:35:02,061 --> 01:35:05,189 If there's anybody in there with you, send them out unharmed. 1092 01:35:05,365 --> 01:35:08,300 No. No, no, no! 1093 01:35:08,468 --> 01:35:12,871 Framed. Walked right into it. Stupid, stupid, stupid! 1094 01:35:13,039 --> 01:35:14,666 Never, never surrender. 1095 01:35:14,841 --> 01:35:17,833 All right. I hope you're ready, hero. 1096 01:35:18,011 --> 01:35:19,035 When you are. 1097 01:35:41,734 --> 01:35:42,758 One... 1098 01:35:47,774 --> 01:35:48,832 ...two... 1099 01:35:52,846 --> 01:35:53,904 ...three. 1100 01:36:45,899 --> 01:36:47,662 Come on. 1101 01:36:58,478 --> 01:36:59,911 Son of a bitch. 1102 01:37:00,880 --> 01:37:03,280 - Christ, he stinks. - Get that mask off him. 1103 01:37:03,449 --> 01:37:06,282 - I got it. - No. No! 1104 01:37:06,452 --> 01:37:09,148 My face! Give me back my face! 1105 01:37:09,989 --> 01:37:12,617 The masked vigilante Rorschach was apprehended... 1106 01:37:12,792 --> 01:37:16,626 ...and identified as walter Kovacs, a 35-year-old white male. 1107 01:37:16,796 --> 01:37:19,856 Little's known about Kovacs, but he was charged with the murder... 1108 01:37:20,033 --> 01:37:23,867 ...of Edgar Jacobi, found shot in the head in his home in the Bronx. 1109 01:37:24,037 --> 01:37:27,063 Police officers were injured and Jacobi's home was set ablaze... 1110 01:37:27,240 --> 01:37:29,800 ...during the violent course of the capture. 1111 01:37:33,613 --> 01:37:34,910 Rorschach! 1112 01:37:35,081 --> 01:37:38,812 I'm gonna fuck you like I fucked your mother! 1113 01:37:45,458 --> 01:37:48,393 Come on out, Rorschach! 1114 01:37:48,561 --> 01:37:50,791 Walter Kovacs. 1115 01:37:50,964 --> 01:37:53,831 Is that your name? Walter? 1116 01:37:54,000 --> 01:37:58,061 Well, let me explain your situation here, Walter. 1117 01:37:58,237 --> 01:37:59,795 You cooperate with me... 1118 01:37:59,973 --> 01:38:04,467 ...and I may be able to convince them that you should be treated medically. 1119 01:38:04,644 --> 01:38:08,205 In a hospital. I believe that would be good for you. 1120 01:38:08,381 --> 01:38:14,411 But the authorities wanna put you with the general population. 1121 01:38:15,288 --> 01:38:18,348 - Prison's a prison. - Uh-huh. Yes. 1122 01:38:18,958 --> 01:38:22,394 But the difference is, down there... 1123 01:38:22,962 --> 01:38:24,327 ...you'd be eaten alive. 1124 01:38:25,298 --> 01:38:29,530 You're responsible for a lot of them being in prison here, Walter. 1125 01:38:32,605 --> 01:38:34,072 Tell me what you see. 1126 01:38:39,245 --> 01:38:40,906 A pretty butterfly. 1127 01:38:44,717 --> 01:38:46,548 What about now? What do you see here? 1128 01:38:51,657 --> 01:38:52,715 Mom? 1129 01:38:53,092 --> 01:38:54,457 Is he hurting you? 1130 01:38:54,627 --> 01:38:57,494 You got a fucking kid in here. I get that at home. 1131 01:38:57,663 --> 01:39:01,190 Bastard. I should have had that abortion. 1132 01:39:10,843 --> 01:39:12,777 Some nice flowers. 1133 01:39:18,484 --> 01:39:20,145 I heard this guy's mom's a whore. 1134 01:39:22,455 --> 01:39:25,185 Did you catch any diseases from her? 1135 01:39:25,358 --> 01:39:30,159 Huh? Whoreson. Listen to me, retard. 1136 01:39:31,464 --> 01:39:34,695 Hey, you think she'd suck my dick for a dollar? 1137 01:39:53,319 --> 01:39:54,445 Clouds. 1138 01:39:59,392 --> 01:40:02,122 Tell me about Rorschach. Will you do that, Walter? 1139 01:40:02,295 --> 01:40:05,822 You keep calling me Walter. I don't like you. 1140 01:40:06,899 --> 01:40:11,097 You don't like me. All right, why is that, exactly? 1141 01:40:11,270 --> 01:40:12,635 You're fat. 1142 01:40:13,239 --> 01:40:16,367 Wealthy. Liberal sensibilities. 1143 01:40:16,542 --> 01:40:18,533 What you call compassion. 1144 01:40:18,711 --> 01:40:21,009 Wanting to protect and understand the guilty. 1145 01:40:21,180 --> 01:40:25,082 This rotting society, what it calls rehabilitation. 1146 01:40:25,251 --> 01:40:26,718 Nothing short of compromise. 1147 01:40:26,886 --> 01:40:29,446 Is it a compromise to want to make you well? 1148 01:40:29,622 --> 01:40:33,854 There are other men in here with behavior more extreme than mine, doctor. 1149 01:40:34,527 --> 01:40:37,496 Of course, they're not famous, are they? 1150 01:40:37,897 --> 01:40:40,593 You wanna know about Rorschach? 1151 01:40:42,068 --> 01:40:43,831 I'll tell you about Rorschach. 1152 01:40:45,138 --> 01:40:47,629 Once a man has seen society's black underbelly... 1153 01:40:47,807 --> 01:40:50,435 ...he can never turn his back on it. 1154 01:40:50,610 --> 01:40:53,204 Never pretend, like you do... 1155 01:40:53,479 --> 01:40:57,711 ...that it doesn't exist, no matter who orders him to look the other way. 1156 01:40:57,984 --> 01:41:01,545 We don't do this thing... 1157 01:41:01,721 --> 01:41:03,814 ...because it's permitted. 1158 01:41:04,457 --> 01:41:07,017 We do it because we have to. 1159 01:41:07,760 --> 01:41:10,024 We do it because we're compelled. 1160 01:41:11,864 --> 01:41:14,298 I was investigating a kidnap case. 1161 01:41:16,035 --> 01:41:17,900 Blaire Roche. 1162 01:41:18,070 --> 01:41:21,506 Six-year-old girl. I was young then. 1163 01:41:22,375 --> 01:41:24,707 Too soft on criminals. 1164 01:41:25,645 --> 01:41:27,272 I let them live. 1165 01:41:28,548 --> 01:41:34,282 Broke a man's arm to get a tip. Led me to the missing girl's location. 1166 01:41:41,894 --> 01:41:44,328 I knew the girl was here... 1167 01:41:44,497 --> 01:41:48,024 ...but when I searched the place, I saw nothing. 1168 01:41:48,901 --> 01:41:51,335 And then I found her. 1169 01:42:40,686 --> 01:42:42,551 Fred. 1170 01:42:43,422 --> 01:42:45,253 Barney. 1171 01:42:45,424 --> 01:42:48,154 Who's gonna bark for Daddy? 1172 01:42:53,599 --> 01:42:56,864 It was dark when the murderer got back. 1173 01:42:58,604 --> 01:43:00,196 As dark as it gets. 1174 01:43:38,844 --> 01:43:43,713 Oh, God. Who's out there? Who is it? 1175 01:43:45,518 --> 01:43:46,644 Who is it? 1176 01:43:57,363 --> 01:44:00,799 What? What the fuck? Who the fuck are you? 1177 01:44:00,966 --> 01:44:05,460 What the fuck do you want? You killed my dogs, man! 1178 01:44:10,476 --> 01:44:15,004 You think I had something to do with that girl? I found that. 1179 01:44:15,181 --> 01:44:17,649 What evidence have you got? That's nothing. 1180 01:44:25,558 --> 01:44:28,356 Okay. I confess. 1181 01:44:29,562 --> 01:44:32,258 I kidnapped her. I killed her. 1182 01:44:33,032 --> 01:44:34,431 Arrest me. 1183 01:44:35,234 --> 01:44:36,963 What? Arrest me! 1184 01:44:38,571 --> 01:44:40,539 I did it! I said I did it! 1185 01:44:40,706 --> 01:44:42,139 Christ. 1186 01:44:42,308 --> 01:44:46,608 Look, I've got a problem, man. Fucking take me in. I need help. 1187 01:44:47,413 --> 01:44:54,148 No, don't. Don't do that. Take me in. Don't! No! 1188 01:44:59,125 --> 01:45:02,617 Men get arrested. 1189 01:45:04,029 --> 01:45:06,054 Dogs get put down. 1190 01:45:14,173 --> 01:45:16,334 Tremors of impact shook my arm. 1191 01:45:17,743 --> 01:45:20,075 Warm blood splashed my face. 1192 01:45:21,313 --> 01:45:25,409 Whatever was left of Walter Kovacs died that night with that little girl. 1193 01:45:26,419 --> 01:45:28,649 From then on, there was only Rorschach. 1194 01:45:30,189 --> 01:45:32,953 See, doctor, God didn't kill that little girl. 1195 01:45:33,426 --> 01:45:37,590 Fate didn't butcher her and destiny didn't feed her to those dogs. 1196 01:45:38,764 --> 01:45:42,200 If God saw what any of us did that night, he didn't seem to mind. 1197 01:45:44,103 --> 01:45:45,934 From then on, I knew: 1198 01:45:47,273 --> 01:45:49,605 God doesn't make the world this way. 1199 01:45:51,610 --> 01:45:53,100 We do. 1200 01:45:59,485 --> 01:46:01,851 I can't help him. 1201 01:46:13,915 --> 01:46:15,712 Hey, Rorschach. 1202 01:46:16,717 --> 01:46:18,708 Hey, you're pretty famous, right? 1203 01:46:19,253 --> 01:46:21,346 Rorschach, I heard your mother was a whore. 1204 01:46:21,522 --> 01:46:25,083 Hey, you know what? I'm pretty famous too. 1205 01:46:25,259 --> 01:46:27,784 - Ain't that right? That's right. That's right. 1206 01:46:29,430 --> 01:46:32,661 Maybe I can give you an autograph. What you say, big boy? 1207 01:46:47,882 --> 01:46:51,443 None of you seem to understand. I'm not locked in here with you. 1208 01:46:51,619 --> 01:46:53,712 All right, that's it! 1209 01:46:54,555 --> 01:46:56,989 You're locked in here with me. 1210 01:48:15,736 --> 01:48:16,794 Laurie! 1211 01:48:18,005 --> 01:48:19,336 Shit. 1212 01:48:20,341 --> 01:48:22,241 Hold on. - Fuck. 1213 01:48:25,513 --> 01:48:27,003 I got it, I got it, I got it. 1214 01:48:31,686 --> 01:48:35,087 I'm so sorry. I was snooping and must have hit the wrong button. 1215 01:48:35,256 --> 01:48:36,689 - Are you hurt? - No, no. 1216 01:48:36,857 --> 01:48:39,951 - Okay. - I'm fine. I just feel so bad. 1217 01:48:40,127 --> 01:48:42,118 No, don't worry. 1218 01:48:42,296 --> 01:48:45,595 It's happened before. Comedian did it back in '77. 1219 01:48:46,701 --> 01:48:48,532 Archie survived that. 1220 01:48:48,969 --> 01:48:50,300 Archie? 1221 01:48:51,038 --> 01:48:54,496 Oh. Well, uh, short for Archimedes... 1222 01:48:54,675 --> 01:48:56,199 ...Merlin's pet owl. 1223 01:48:57,311 --> 01:48:58,972 Stupid nickname. 1224 01:49:00,047 --> 01:49:02,777 How did you ever afford all this stuff, anyway? 1225 01:49:02,950 --> 01:49:08,479 Well, my dad was in corporate banking and left me a lot of money when he died... 1226 01:49:09,223 --> 01:49:12,556 ...which always surprised me. I mean, he was... 1227 01:49:13,227 --> 01:49:15,855 I think he was disappointed I went into crime fighting... 1228 01:49:16,030 --> 01:49:17,725 ...instead of following him. 1229 01:49:18,499 --> 01:49:25,496 Guess I was just more interested in birds and airplanes, mythology and... 1230 01:49:25,940 --> 01:49:29,933 Plus, there were enough other guys doing this so that I didn't feel ridiculous. 1231 01:49:30,845 --> 01:49:32,073 Like Hollis. 1232 01:49:32,246 --> 01:49:33,736 Yeah. 1233 01:49:34,515 --> 01:49:37,279 Yeah, he was my hero. 1234 01:49:38,319 --> 01:49:41,720 Man, I remember the first time that I met him... 1235 01:49:42,623 --> 01:49:45,524 ...I just felt so connected, you know? 1236 01:49:45,693 --> 01:49:48,025 To something that mattered. 1237 01:49:50,865 --> 01:49:53,527 Must be nice having a secret identity. 1238 01:49:54,201 --> 01:49:56,362 A secret place that nobody knows about. 1239 01:49:56,537 --> 01:50:01,531 You can just come down here and hang out without anyone checking up on you. 1240 01:50:03,010 --> 01:50:05,342 Nobody watching you. 1241 01:50:08,682 --> 01:50:09,740 Wanna try those on? 1242 01:50:20,528 --> 01:50:22,189 There we go. 1243 01:50:25,366 --> 01:50:27,357 Wow, these rock. 1244 01:50:30,204 --> 01:50:32,502 They amplify the spectral range. 1245 01:50:32,673 --> 01:50:34,800 Thermal imaging. 1246 01:50:36,477 --> 01:50:38,468 They work even better in the dark. 1247 01:50:43,384 --> 01:50:45,147 You can see me, right? 1248 01:50:47,321 --> 01:50:49,983 I can see everything. 1249 01:50:52,726 --> 01:50:56,218 I remember, no matter how black it got... 1250 01:50:56,564 --> 01:51:00,694 ...whenever I looked through those goggles, everything was as clear as day. 1251 01:51:03,003 --> 01:51:05,335 This must be the way Jon sees the world. 1252 01:51:07,842 --> 01:51:10,675 We should probably head up. Food's getting cold. 1253 01:51:10,911 --> 01:51:13,004 Put those away when you're done. 1254 01:51:21,989 --> 01:51:24,321 Soviet ambassador to the U.N. Had no comment... 1255 01:51:24,492 --> 01:51:26,756 ...when asked if Dr. Manhattan's disappearance... 1256 01:51:26,927 --> 01:51:29,259 ...has fueled Soviet aggression in Afghanistan. 1257 01:51:29,430 --> 01:51:31,125 Dan. 1258 01:51:31,866 --> 01:51:33,595 Jon sees a lot of things... 1259 01:51:36,003 --> 01:51:38,301 ...but he doesn't see me. 1260 01:51:45,446 --> 01:51:46,970 Well, uh... 1261 01:52:05,199 --> 01:52:06,757 Oh. 1262 01:52:40,601 --> 01:52:41,932 Sorry. 1263 01:52:43,938 --> 01:52:45,269 Come here. 1264 01:52:51,211 --> 01:52:52,473 What's the matter? 1265 01:52:52,646 --> 01:52:55,080 - Lf you could just move a little... - Okay. 1266 01:52:55,249 --> 01:52:57,479 Yeah. There you go. 1267 01:53:03,991 --> 01:53:06,619 Dan, what's wrong? 1268 01:53:08,295 --> 01:53:09,421 Sorry, I... 1269 01:53:11,565 --> 01:53:13,795 Yeah, I just need a couple minutes. 1270 01:53:15,970 --> 01:53:17,904 Oh, hell. 1271 01:53:19,673 --> 01:53:21,504 It's okay. 1272 01:53:22,910 --> 01:53:27,347 Maybe we were just moving too fast. 1273 01:53:30,918 --> 01:53:33,546 We've got all the time in the world. 1274 01:53:35,055 --> 01:53:37,046 We'll take it slow. 1275 01:53:51,038 --> 01:53:53,370 It's been a long time, Rorschach. 1276 01:53:54,041 --> 01:53:55,531 Big Figure. 1277 01:53:55,876 --> 01:53:57,707 Small world. 1278 01:53:59,046 --> 01:54:00,536 I like that. 1279 01:54:01,315 --> 01:54:03,715 But you know, it is a small world in here. 1280 01:54:04,151 --> 01:54:06,915 And I've been in it for, how long now, Lloyd? 1281 01:54:07,087 --> 01:54:09,214 Almost 15 years, Mr. Figure. 1282 01:54:09,556 --> 01:54:10,887 That's right. 1283 01:54:11,892 --> 01:54:15,384 Fifteen years since you and that Owl fella put me away. 1284 01:54:18,399 --> 01:54:19,559 So... 1285 01:54:20,067 --> 01:54:24,834 ...Rorschach, that guy you burned is dying. Could go any minute. 1286 01:54:25,005 --> 01:54:30,204 You know, by my count, there are more than 50 people in here that you put away. 1287 01:54:30,377 --> 01:54:34,711 I been talking to every one of them and they're all dying to get a piece of you. 1288 01:54:34,882 --> 01:54:38,181 This place is gonna explode! 1289 01:54:39,753 --> 01:54:42,415 Then, you die by inches. 1290 01:54:43,357 --> 01:54:45,018 Tall order. 1291 01:54:45,259 --> 01:54:47,750 I'm gonna tear this guy a new hole. 1292 01:54:48,429 --> 01:54:51,421 Relax, Lawrence. Soon. 1293 01:54:52,266 --> 01:54:53,597 Come on. 1294 01:56:22,122 --> 01:56:23,453 Dan? 1295 01:56:30,297 --> 01:56:31,958 Is everything all right? 1296 01:56:34,301 --> 01:56:37,236 I'm tired of being afraid. 1297 01:56:38,305 --> 01:56:40,671 Afraid of war... 1298 01:56:41,475 --> 01:56:45,036 ...afraid of the mask killer... 1299 01:56:46,647 --> 01:56:49,844 ...and afraid of this goddamn suit... 1300 01:56:50,017 --> 01:56:51,985 ...and how much I need it. 1301 01:56:52,820 --> 01:56:54,481 Me too. 1302 01:56:55,989 --> 01:56:57,286 So to hell with it. 1303 01:56:58,158 --> 01:56:59,489 Let's take Archie out. 1304 01:57:05,432 --> 01:57:06,558 You're serious. 1305 01:57:06,733 --> 01:57:09,258 I used to be a masked avenger too, remember? 1306 01:57:09,436 --> 01:57:12,667 I'm used to going out at 3 in the morning and doing something stupid. 1307 01:58:14,401 --> 01:58:16,494 Rapid burner. Be advised, all units. 1308 01:58:16,670 --> 01:58:19,230 Tenement fire at 5th and Grand. Rapid burner. 1309 01:58:19,406 --> 01:58:20,737 Let's go. 1310 01:58:25,512 --> 01:58:27,878 I can see it. All right, hold on. 1311 01:58:38,725 --> 01:58:40,158 Dan, there are kids in there. 1312 01:58:40,327 --> 01:58:42,488 Everyone, stay where you are and remain calm. 1313 01:58:42,663 --> 01:58:44,858 We're gonna get you out of there. 1314 01:58:45,032 --> 01:58:47,193 The roof's starting to cave. Get me in there. 1315 01:58:47,367 --> 01:58:48,834 I'm gonna get you close. 1316 01:59:47,594 --> 01:59:48,959 Let's go. 1317 01:59:49,129 --> 01:59:50,289 Come on. 1318 01:59:50,464 --> 01:59:52,056 All right, let's move it, people. 1319 01:59:58,805 --> 02:00:03,606 Mom, is that guy in the space rocket...? 1320 02:00:04,044 --> 02:00:06,274 Is that Jesus? 1321 02:00:06,446 --> 02:00:08,277 No, baby. 1322 02:00:09,182 --> 02:00:11,309 Watch your step. All right. 1323 02:00:13,653 --> 02:00:14,677 We're all set. 1324 02:00:15,722 --> 02:00:17,383 Is that everyone? 1325 02:00:41,448 --> 02:00:43,746 Bye. Bye! 1326 02:00:47,354 --> 02:00:48,912 I can't believe we did that. 1327 02:00:50,891 --> 02:00:53,359 - They'll lock us up with Rorschach. - Who cares? 1328 02:00:53,527 --> 02:00:55,495 World War llI could start tomorrow. 1329 02:00:57,597 --> 02:00:58,928 Right? 1330 02:01:00,600 --> 02:01:01,931 Right. 1331 02:03:27,047 --> 02:03:28,947 Come back here! 1332 02:03:31,551 --> 02:03:33,246 He's dead, Rorschach. 1333 02:03:33,420 --> 02:03:37,618 While everyone's distracted, we thought we'd bring you a housewarming gift. 1334 02:03:37,791 --> 02:03:39,952 Something from the machine shop. 1335 02:03:41,595 --> 02:03:43,222 Hey, boss, you notice? 1336 02:03:43,396 --> 02:03:46,422 None of that "small world, tall order" crap. 1337 02:03:46,600 --> 02:03:49,831 He knows once we slice open his lock, he's next on the block. 1338 02:03:50,270 --> 02:03:51,396 Fat chance. 1339 02:03:52,105 --> 02:03:53,231 You're dead, Rorschach! 1340 02:03:53,406 --> 02:03:57,069 We got a prison full of killers out here. What do you got? 1341 02:04:00,013 --> 02:04:02,447 Your hands, my pleasure. 1342 02:04:04,451 --> 02:04:06,442 Can't reach the lock. Should I cut the bars? 1343 02:04:06,620 --> 02:04:09,919 This riot won't last. I been waiting 15 years for this. 1344 02:04:11,057 --> 02:04:14,424 I'm sorry, Lawrence, but you're in the way of my revenge. 1345 02:04:18,131 --> 02:04:19,860 Nothing personal, big guy. 1346 02:04:21,301 --> 02:04:23,292 Boss! Wait! 1347 02:04:37,450 --> 02:04:39,247 Now you find out what the score is. 1348 02:04:39,686 --> 02:04:42,814 One-nothing. Come and get me. 1349 02:04:48,862 --> 02:04:50,523 Come on. 1350 02:04:50,697 --> 02:04:52,324 So I've been thinking. 1351 02:04:53,266 --> 02:04:57,430 I feel that we have an obligation to our fraternity. 1352 02:04:58,271 --> 02:05:01,331 - I think we ought to spring Rorschach. What? 1353 02:05:01,508 --> 02:05:03,271 Someone set him up. 1354 02:05:04,110 --> 02:05:07,705 And this whole cancer thing with Jon, it just doesn't make sense. 1355 02:05:07,881 --> 02:05:09,815 You didn't get it. 1356 02:05:10,116 --> 02:05:12,550 Yeah, but breaking into a maximum-security prison... 1357 02:05:12,719 --> 02:05:16,382 ...is a little different than putting out a fire. - Yeah, you're right. 1358 02:05:17,290 --> 02:05:19,121 It'll be more fun. 1359 02:05:23,296 --> 02:05:26,288 Hurry, Lloyd. I wanna smell this son of a bitch cooking. 1360 02:05:31,571 --> 02:05:33,300 Yes. 1361 02:05:38,044 --> 02:05:39,068 No. 1362 02:05:52,992 --> 02:05:57,827 Never disposed of sewage with a toilet before. Obvious, really. 1363 02:05:58,665 --> 02:06:01,964 Two-nothing. Your move. 1364 02:06:05,305 --> 02:06:06,932 Get out of the way! 1365 02:06:50,950 --> 02:06:52,508 No. No. 1366 02:06:53,153 --> 02:06:54,552 Where's my face? 1367 02:06:57,090 --> 02:06:58,819 Don't kill me. 1368 02:07:02,495 --> 02:07:03,894 Your turn, doctor. 1369 02:07:04,063 --> 02:07:07,260 Tell me, what do you see? 1370 02:08:33,419 --> 02:08:35,148 Don't move! 1371 02:08:43,429 --> 02:08:45,192 Rorschach. 1372 02:08:45,698 --> 02:08:48,496 Daniel. Miss Jupiter. 1373 02:08:48,668 --> 02:08:52,069 Excuse me. Have to visit men's room. 1374 02:08:52,605 --> 02:08:54,573 Oh, for chrissake. 1375 02:09:31,778 --> 02:09:33,905 Good to see you in uniform, Daniel. 1376 02:09:34,080 --> 02:09:37,516 Should've known all you needed was nice pair of legs to motivate you. 1377 02:09:37,684 --> 02:09:41,916 You're such an asshole, Rorschach. - Spare me indignation. 1378 02:09:43,156 --> 02:09:46,182 Picked hell of a time to be unfaithful to Jon. 1379 02:09:46,359 --> 02:09:49,157 Get tired of being patriotic, or someone put you up to it? 1380 02:09:49,329 --> 02:09:51,991 You don't know what the fuck you're talking about! 1381 02:09:52,165 --> 02:09:56,033 Hey! Would you two stop? You can argue later. 1382 02:09:56,202 --> 02:09:59,933 I had to turn the screechers off, so we'll be drawing fire soon. 1383 02:10:03,943 --> 02:10:06,309 Stop! Stop or we will shoot! 1384 02:10:45,184 --> 02:10:47,311 Are you all right? 1385 02:10:48,755 --> 02:10:50,950 Yeah. Just... 1386 02:10:51,391 --> 02:10:52,653 ...heavy, you know? 1387 02:10:53,459 --> 02:10:55,552 War, jailbreak. 1388 02:10:56,095 --> 02:11:00,964 Don't worry about it. Okay? Everything's gonna be fine. 1389 02:11:05,972 --> 02:11:08,998 - Hello, Laurie. - Jon. 1390 02:11:09,175 --> 02:11:12,804 - TV said you were on Mars. - I am on Mars. 1391 02:11:13,379 --> 02:11:15,779 You and I are about to have a conversation there. 1392 02:11:15,948 --> 02:11:17,415 What are you talking about? 1393 02:11:17,583 --> 02:11:20,245 You're going to try to convince me to save the world. 1394 02:11:26,159 --> 02:11:29,151 - Laurie, don't. - Dan, trust me. 1395 02:11:29,328 --> 02:11:30,989 I have to go. 1396 02:11:36,669 --> 02:11:38,660 Beautiful, isn't it? 1397 02:11:43,509 --> 02:11:46,444 Forgive me. These things sometimes slip my mind. 1398 02:11:47,847 --> 02:11:49,678 It won't happen again. 1399 02:11:51,350 --> 02:11:53,341 That's comforting. 1400 02:11:55,688 --> 02:11:57,349 Oh, my God. 1401 02:11:58,024 --> 02:11:59,855 I'm on Mars. 1402 02:12:03,863 --> 02:12:07,731 Hey. Nice ass. Hey, asshole. 1403 02:12:07,900 --> 02:12:10,494 Hey, let's see if that comic-book retard's up here. 1404 02:12:11,304 --> 02:12:13,238 Hey, hey, hey. Yo. 1405 02:12:13,406 --> 02:12:18,105 You all hear? Some super-owl dude just busted Rorschach out of prison. 1406 02:12:18,277 --> 02:12:20,006 - Rorschach? - Yeah. 1407 02:12:20,179 --> 02:12:22,044 That fool put my cousin in a wheelchair. 1408 02:12:22,215 --> 02:12:25,082 You mean Nite Owl. Him and Rorschach used to be partners. 1409 02:12:25,251 --> 02:12:27,913 - Yeah. - Maybe he messed your cousin up too. 1410 02:12:28,087 --> 02:12:30,317 - Didn't he write a book or something? - Yeah. 1411 02:12:30,490 --> 02:12:34,358 You know, he lives over a garage right near here. 1412 02:12:34,527 --> 02:12:37,189 - Yeah? - Does he, now? 1413 02:12:39,932 --> 02:12:41,092 Hello? 1414 02:12:42,101 --> 02:12:44,092 Sally? 1415 02:12:44,270 --> 02:12:47,171 - Hollis? - Yeah. 1416 02:12:47,440 --> 02:12:51,342 Yes, Hollis Mason. Jesus. 1417 02:12:52,145 --> 02:12:56,775 All this time you've had my number and you wait until our sunset years to use it? 1418 02:12:56,949 --> 02:12:59,747 Well, it seemed like a special occasion, Sal. 1419 02:12:59,919 --> 02:13:01,045 What? 1420 02:13:01,220 --> 02:13:05,452 The TV is reporting there was a tenement fire last night. 1421 02:13:06,325 --> 02:13:09,123 There were trapped people rescued by airship... 1422 02:13:09,295 --> 02:13:14,858 ...and they say the pilot was dressed like an owl. 1423 02:13:15,034 --> 02:13:17,229 And it seems he had a sexy woman with him. 1424 02:13:17,403 --> 02:13:19,997 Laurie? My daughter, Laurie? 1425 02:13:21,607 --> 02:13:24,735 I can't get over Laurie back in costume. 1426 02:13:24,911 --> 02:13:28,369 Maybe she'll finally thank me for getting her started in the first place. 1427 02:13:28,548 --> 02:13:32,143 You know, Sal, by the sound of your voice... 1428 02:13:32,318 --> 02:13:34,047 ...you're sounding younger than ever. 1429 02:13:34,220 --> 02:13:36,518 Oh. Why, bless you, Hollis. 1430 02:13:37,190 --> 02:13:39,215 But that's probably just senility. 1431 02:13:41,994 --> 02:13:44,929 Well, it's been great talking to you, Sal... 1432 02:13:45,097 --> 02:13:47,463 ...but someone's knocking. 1433 02:13:48,000 --> 02:13:52,994 Well, don't get too misty-eyed thinking about old times. 1434 02:13:53,873 --> 02:13:55,704 You take care now, Hollis. 1435 02:13:55,875 --> 02:13:57,172 Ah, you too. 1436 02:13:57,343 --> 02:13:58,571 Bye. 1437 02:13:59,145 --> 02:14:00,635 Bye. 1438 02:14:04,083 --> 02:14:06,381 We're looking for Mr. Owl. 1439 02:14:07,253 --> 02:14:09,448 Yeah. Hold your horses. 1440 02:14:09,622 --> 02:14:11,180 Mr. Owl, you there? 1441 02:14:11,757 --> 02:14:13,156 Trick or treat. 1442 02:14:14,760 --> 02:14:16,352 You should've stayed retired, Owl. 1443 02:15:21,594 --> 02:15:23,152 I hate this. 1444 02:15:23,329 --> 02:15:27,561 Cowering in cave, hiding from authorities. 1445 02:15:27,800 --> 02:15:30,997 Cops are out there hunting us. Unless you wanna go back to prison... 1446 02:15:31,170 --> 02:15:33,638 ...we'd be stupid to expose ourselves without a plan. 1447 02:15:33,806 --> 02:15:36,070 And what would that be? 1448 02:15:36,409 --> 02:15:40,106 Once we've established a pattern... 1449 02:15:40,513 --> 02:15:42,640 ...we can break into Pyramid, see what we find. 1450 02:15:42,815 --> 02:15:45,249 Did that. Dead end. 1451 02:15:45,418 --> 02:15:50,014 I think it's a front company for whoever's really behind it, but can't prove it. 1452 02:15:52,959 --> 02:15:57,293 We need to hit up underworld contacts, squeeze people. 1453 02:15:57,463 --> 02:16:00,193 Sure, why don't we just pick names out of a phone book? 1454 02:16:00,366 --> 02:16:02,493 You forgot how we do things, Daniel. 1455 02:16:02,668 --> 02:16:07,128 You've gone too soft. Too trusting. Especially with women. 1456 02:16:07,306 --> 02:16:09,399 Okay, no. Listen, I've had it with that. 1457 02:16:09,575 --> 02:16:11,600 God, who do you think you are, Rorschach? 1458 02:16:11,777 --> 02:16:13,870 You live off people while insulting them... 1459 02:16:14,046 --> 02:16:17,846 ...and no one complains because they think you're a goddamn lunatic. 1460 02:16:29,829 --> 02:16:31,660 I'm sorry. 1461 02:16:34,333 --> 02:16:36,494 I shouldn't have said that, man. 1462 02:16:38,504 --> 02:16:39,835 Daniel... 1463 02:16:41,340 --> 02:16:43,808 ...you are a good friend. 1464 02:16:46,679 --> 02:16:49,842 I know it can be difficult with me sometimes. 1465 02:16:56,355 --> 02:16:57,845 Forget it. 1466 02:16:59,025 --> 02:17:00,686 It's okay, man. 1467 02:17:01,961 --> 02:17:03,553 Let's do it your way. 1468 02:17:22,615 --> 02:17:23,912 Oh, God. 1469 02:17:24,083 --> 02:17:28,452 Pyramid Transnational. Anyone heard of it? 1470 02:17:35,928 --> 02:17:37,418 Oh, you bastards. 1471 02:17:37,596 --> 02:17:40,690 I buy everyone a round and you sell me out like this? 1472 02:17:41,901 --> 02:17:45,200 Back off, or I'll stick this glass in your squidgy face. 1473 02:17:46,906 --> 02:17:49,841 Everybody stay calm. We'll try to keep this brief. 1474 02:17:51,944 --> 02:17:54,105 Roy Chess. On Pyramid payroll. 1475 02:17:54,280 --> 02:17:58,774 Tried to kill Adrian Veidt. Dead now. Did you know him? 1476 02:17:58,951 --> 02:18:00,612 No. 1477 02:18:01,987 --> 02:18:03,249 Yeah, yeah! 1478 02:18:03,422 --> 02:18:06,357 - I hired him. I knew him from the inside. - You're a felon. 1479 02:18:06,525 --> 02:18:09,494 I was. I've been straight ever since I got out, I swear. 1480 02:18:09,662 --> 02:18:13,393 I barely knew Chess that well, but I was told to hire from the old life. 1481 02:18:13,566 --> 02:18:17,161 - Told by whom? - My contact, Miss Slater. 1482 02:18:17,336 --> 02:18:19,930 Janey Slater works for Pyramid too? 1483 02:18:20,106 --> 02:18:24,065 Yeah, she was real nice. She said hiring ex-cons was part of the company program. 1484 02:18:24,243 --> 02:18:27,940 Give people a second chance. God, please let go! I'm telling the truth! 1485 02:18:32,084 --> 02:18:35,315 Janey Slater, Manhattan's old girlfriend. 1486 02:18:35,488 --> 02:18:38,184 Adrian might help us find out who's underwriting Pyramid. 1487 02:18:38,357 --> 02:18:39,415 Follow the money. 1488 02:18:39,592 --> 02:18:42,857 former member of the Minutemen Hollis Mason found murdered... 1489 02:18:43,028 --> 02:18:45,360 ...in his apartment less than an hour ago. 1490 02:18:45,531 --> 02:18:49,627 Witnesses reported seeing members of a local gang known as the Knot-Tops... 1491 02:18:49,802 --> 02:18:53,067 ...leaving the area right around the estimated time of death. 1492 02:18:53,239 --> 02:18:56,174 Reporting live, Tiffany Burns... 1493 02:18:58,511 --> 02:19:01,503 - Who did it? - I knew you were gonna victimize me, man. 1494 02:19:01,680 --> 02:19:03,807 What about my civil rights? Just because I'm wearing... 1495 02:19:03,983 --> 02:19:07,043 - Tell me who did it! - A lot of people dress like this. 1496 02:19:08,387 --> 02:19:10,287 Who murdered Hollis Mason? 1497 02:19:15,961 --> 02:19:18,225 You tell your friends they're dead. 1498 02:19:18,397 --> 02:19:21,958 I'm gonna take out this entire rathole neighborhood. 1499 02:19:22,134 --> 02:19:24,625 I'll break your neck! 1500 02:19:25,204 --> 02:19:28,196 Daniel, not in front of the civilians. 1501 02:19:28,807 --> 02:19:31,640 Oh, goddamn. Goddamn, Hollis. 1502 02:19:41,654 --> 02:19:44,817 This is where we hold our conversation. 1503 02:19:45,424 --> 02:19:49,326 In it, you reveal to me that you and Dreiberg have been sleeping together. 1504 02:19:50,496 --> 02:19:53,863 - You know about me and Dan? - Not yet. 1505 02:19:54,166 --> 02:19:56,999 But in a few moments you're going to tell me. 1506 02:19:59,338 --> 02:20:04,366 If you already know the future, then why were you surprised when I left you? 1507 02:20:04,543 --> 02:20:06,738 Or when that reporter ambushed you? 1508 02:20:06,912 --> 02:20:10,541 Why even argue about it if you already know how this is gonna end? 1509 02:20:11,717 --> 02:20:13,981 I have no choice. 1510 02:20:15,287 --> 02:20:18,222 Everything is preordained. 1511 02:20:18,390 --> 02:20:20,722 Even my responses. 1512 02:20:21,694 --> 02:20:25,289 And you're just going through the motions. 1513 02:20:25,464 --> 02:20:28,865 The most powerful thing in the universe is still just a puppet. 1514 02:20:32,004 --> 02:20:34,666 We are all puppets, Laurie. 1515 02:20:35,608 --> 02:20:38,099 I'm just a puppet who can see the strings. 1516 02:20:38,277 --> 02:20:39,972 And what if you're wrong? 1517 02:20:40,145 --> 02:20:44,639 Why does my perception of time distress you so? 1518 02:20:44,817 --> 02:20:46,717 Because it's inhuman. 1519 02:20:46,885 --> 02:20:49,285 Because it makes me insane. 1520 02:20:49,455 --> 02:20:53,357 You always say you wanna comfort me. Well, it isn't working. 1521 02:21:00,766 --> 02:21:03,257 Look, I don't wanna fight. 1522 02:21:04,770 --> 02:21:07,500 I'm sorry I slept with Dan. 1523 02:21:08,073 --> 02:21:10,098 You slept with Dan? 1524 02:21:11,810 --> 02:21:14,802 You just said that you already knew about that. 1525 02:21:15,514 --> 02:21:19,507 I said often... 1526 02:21:20,185 --> 02:21:24,519 ...that you were my only remaining link to humanity. 1527 02:21:26,959 --> 02:21:28,449 Why would I save a world... 1528 02:21:28,627 --> 02:21:30,754 ...I no longer have any stake in? 1529 02:21:32,865 --> 02:21:34,924 Then do it for me. 1530 02:21:35,801 --> 02:21:37,200 If you really care. 1531 02:21:37,369 --> 02:21:40,805 When you left me, I left Earth. 1532 02:21:40,973 --> 02:21:43,874 Does that not show you that I care? 1533 02:21:47,079 --> 02:21:50,014 My red world here, now... 1534 02:21:51,016 --> 02:21:53,917 ...means more to me than your blue one. 1535 02:21:54,687 --> 02:21:56,416 Let me show you. 1536 02:22:14,540 --> 02:22:17,475 Bombers are fueled and ready, sir. 1537 02:22:26,819 --> 02:22:29,049 It's time, gentlemen. 1538 02:22:31,156 --> 02:22:33,556 Take us to DEFCON one. 1539 02:22:40,833 --> 02:22:43,927 Not in penthouse. Not in office. 1540 02:22:44,103 --> 02:22:47,004 What nocturnal proclivities entice a man with everything... 1541 02:22:47,172 --> 02:22:48,935 ...out into the night at this hour? 1542 02:22:51,009 --> 02:22:52,874 Daniel? 1543 02:22:54,113 --> 02:22:55,876 You with me? 1544 02:22:56,682 --> 02:22:59,810 - Yeah. - Then what are you doing? 1545 02:23:01,920 --> 02:23:03,683 I'm gonna look for Adrian's itinerary. 1546 02:23:03,856 --> 02:23:06,620 Maybe he keeps on file. 1547 02:23:11,130 --> 02:23:13,598 - Something's not right. - Agreed. 1548 02:23:13,766 --> 02:23:18,533 Janey Slater, Moloch, Roy Chess all work for Pyramid. 1549 02:23:18,704 --> 02:23:23,334 Moloch said the Comedian mentioned list with his and Slater's name on it. 1550 02:23:23,509 --> 02:23:26,808 Whoever owns Pyramid could be giving these people cancer. 1551 02:23:26,979 --> 02:23:29,447 Setting Manhattan up. 1552 02:23:43,595 --> 02:23:44,755 Funny. 1553 02:23:44,930 --> 02:23:48,422 Ancient pharaohs looked forward to the end of the world. 1554 02:23:48,600 --> 02:23:53,628 Believed cadavers would rise, reclaim hearts from golden jars. 1555 02:23:54,273 --> 02:23:56,901 Must currently be holding breath in anticipation. 1556 02:23:57,075 --> 02:23:58,303 Pharaohs? 1557 02:24:05,184 --> 02:24:07,209 Got a psych profile on Manhattan. 1558 02:24:07,853 --> 02:24:10,321 See what the corporate head-peepers say. 1559 02:24:12,357 --> 02:24:14,882 "Subject continues to retreat emotionally. 1560 02:24:17,196 --> 02:24:20,256 If the only remaining ties were to be severed... 1561 02:24:20,866 --> 02:24:24,825 ...we predict total detachment from the human condition. " 1562 02:24:28,941 --> 02:24:30,704 I'm in. 1563 02:24:59,571 --> 02:25:00,902 No. 1564 02:25:03,075 --> 02:25:08,843 Congratulations, Mr. Veidt. Dr. Manhattan's energy reactor is online. 1565 02:25:09,014 --> 02:25:12,882 Your support and your enthusiasm... 1566 02:25:13,051 --> 02:25:15,349 ...is what has led to this triumph. 1567 02:25:15,521 --> 02:25:19,548 On behalf of the research team, we salute you. 1568 02:25:19,725 --> 02:25:22,159 - Cheers. - Cheers. 1569 02:25:22,928 --> 02:25:27,058 What in life does not deserve celebrating? 1570 02:25:28,000 --> 02:25:32,096 This is the new Karnak. 1571 02:25:32,271 --> 02:25:35,866 This represents the culmination of a dream more than 2000 years old... 1572 02:25:36,041 --> 02:25:42,310 ...a dream now assured because of your unquestioning assistance. 1573 02:25:44,449 --> 02:25:46,110 And for this... 1574 02:25:46,952 --> 02:25:49,284 ...I am ashamed... 1575 02:25:50,455 --> 02:25:54,789 ...ashamed that you must now share such inadequate a reward. 1576 02:25:56,461 --> 02:25:58,452 To the pharaohs... 1577 02:25:59,398 --> 02:26:02,390 ...their greatest secrets entrusted to their servants... 1578 02:26:03,035 --> 02:26:07,369 ...buried alive with them in sand-floored chambers. 1579 02:26:08,240 --> 02:26:10,640 Sleep well, gentlemen. 1580 02:26:11,310 --> 02:26:14,643 Our new, peaceful world will be indebted... 1581 02:26:14,980 --> 02:26:17,540 ...to your great sacrifice. 1582 02:26:18,483 --> 02:26:20,678 Bubastis. 1583 02:26:24,856 --> 02:26:27,848 Rorschach's journal. Final entry. 1584 02:26:28,193 --> 02:26:30,684 Veidt's behind everything. 1585 02:26:30,862 --> 02:26:32,454 Why? 1586 02:26:32,631 --> 02:26:34,690 What's his endgame? 1587 02:26:34,866 --> 02:26:38,529 I cannot imagine a more dangerous opponent. 1588 02:26:38,737 --> 02:26:42,173 Used to joke he was fast enough to catch a bullet. 1589 02:26:42,341 --> 02:26:45,242 He could kill us both alone in the snow. 1590 02:26:45,410 --> 02:26:49,107 That's where we're going now: Antarctica. 1591 02:26:49,281 --> 02:26:52,045 Whether I'm alive or dead upon this reading... 1592 02:26:52,217 --> 02:26:56,483 ...I hope the world survives long enough for this journal to reach you. 1593 02:26:56,655 --> 02:26:59,215 I live my life free of compromise... 1594 02:26:59,391 --> 02:27:03,327 ...and step into the shadow without complaint or regret. 1595 02:27:03,962 --> 02:27:06,954 Rorschach, November 1 st. 1596 02:27:07,132 --> 02:27:10,659 Can't you just tell me how this ends and save us the trouble? 1597 02:27:11,637 --> 02:27:13,537 It ends with you in tears. 1598 02:27:13,705 --> 02:27:17,300 Tears? So you don't come back to Earth. 1599 02:27:17,476 --> 02:27:20,912 At some point, yes. 1600 02:27:21,980 --> 02:27:24,915 The streets are filled with death. 1601 02:27:25,083 --> 02:27:27,142 Jon, please. 1602 02:27:27,319 --> 02:27:31,881 You have to stop this. Everyone will die. 1603 02:27:32,057 --> 02:27:36,391 And the universe will not even notice. 1604 02:27:38,830 --> 02:27:43,062 In my opinion, the existence of life... 1605 02:27:43,935 --> 02:27:46,927 ...is a highly overrated phenomenon. 1606 02:27:48,840 --> 02:27:51,138 Just look around you. 1607 02:27:53,879 --> 02:27:58,213 Mars gets along perfectly well without so much as a microorganism. 1608 02:27:58,850 --> 02:28:03,412 Here, it's a constantly changing topographical map... 1609 02:28:03,588 --> 02:28:09,527 ...flowing and shifting around the pole in ripples 10,000 years wide. 1610 02:28:10,362 --> 02:28:11,852 So tell me... 1611 02:28:12,030 --> 02:28:16,399 ...how would all of this be greatly improved by an oil pipeline? 1612 02:28:16,868 --> 02:28:18,859 By a shopping mall? 1613 02:28:23,208 --> 02:28:27,508 So it's too much to ask for a miracle? 1614 02:28:27,679 --> 02:28:29,806 Miracles, by their definition, are meaningless. 1615 02:28:29,981 --> 02:28:31,471 Oh, God, Jon! 1616 02:28:31,650 --> 02:28:36,713 - Only what can happen does happen. - Just stop your bullshit. 1617 02:28:37,789 --> 02:28:40,314 Land this thing. Now. 1618 02:28:40,492 --> 02:28:43,052 As you wish. 1619 02:28:48,667 --> 02:28:49,725 You know what? 1620 02:28:49,901 --> 02:28:52,597 You can send me back to Earth to fry with Dan and my mom... 1621 02:28:52,771 --> 02:28:55,137 ...and all the other worthless humans. 1622 02:28:55,307 --> 02:28:58,743 But know that you were wrong. You said this ended with me in tears... 1623 02:28:58,910 --> 02:29:03,074 ...and look: Nothing. Maybe you were wrong about everything. 1624 02:29:03,248 --> 02:29:08,515 You complain that I refuse to see life on life's terms... 1625 02:29:09,254 --> 02:29:13,020 ...yet you continuously refuse to see things from my perspective. 1626 02:29:13,191 --> 02:29:17,594 - You shut out what you're afraid of. - I'm not afraid. 1627 02:29:17,763 --> 02:29:22,791 You want me to see things your way? Go ahead, show me. Do that thing you do. 1628 02:29:29,941 --> 02:29:35,038 Magic. Dreams. That is what I had before. I was a hero, goddamn it! 1629 02:29:35,213 --> 02:29:38,273 It's not my fault you got old. What do you have to complain about? 1630 02:29:38,450 --> 02:29:40,577 I put food on the table for you and your child. 1631 02:29:40,752 --> 02:29:43,550 Call your friend Eddie. Maybe he can give you a better life. 1632 02:29:44,289 --> 02:29:46,985 Even the grimy parts of it... 1633 02:29:47,359 --> 02:29:49,589 ...keep on getting brighter. 1634 02:29:49,928 --> 02:29:53,523 You know, your mom, she was one of the all-time champion beauties. 1635 02:29:53,698 --> 02:29:58,135 - You got her eyes, you know. You got... - Take your hands off her. 1636 02:29:58,303 --> 02:30:00,430 Hey, doll. Long time no see. 1637 02:30:00,605 --> 02:30:03,369 Not long enough in my book, Eddie. Get in the car. 1638 02:30:03,875 --> 02:30:05,740 Now. 1639 02:30:06,711 --> 02:30:08,702 Are there no depths you won't sink to? 1640 02:30:08,880 --> 02:30:12,714 Jesus Christ, Sally. Can't a guy talk to his... 1641 02:30:13,418 --> 02:30:15,113 ...you know, old friend's daughter? 1642 02:30:17,422 --> 02:30:18,753 Drive. 1643 02:30:24,763 --> 02:30:27,561 It was a mistake. One time. 1644 02:30:27,866 --> 02:30:31,029 Guy tries to rape you, and years later, you let him finish the job? 1645 02:30:31,269 --> 02:30:33,965 What? Were you drunk or just lonely? 1646 02:30:34,139 --> 02:30:37,074 Am I ever gonna live this down? 1647 02:30:40,445 --> 02:30:41,571 Laurie. 1648 02:30:46,451 --> 02:30:47,782 No. 1649 02:30:49,788 --> 02:30:52,279 No, not him. 1650 02:30:52,457 --> 02:30:54,550 The Comedian... 1651 02:30:54,960 --> 02:30:57,053 ...was your father. 1652 02:30:58,530 --> 02:31:00,225 No. 1653 02:31:03,535 --> 02:31:09,235 No! No! No! 1654 02:31:41,840 --> 02:31:43,831 My life is just... 1655 02:31:44,509 --> 02:31:46,636 ...one big joke. 1656 02:31:46,811 --> 02:31:49,371 I don't think your life is a joke. 1657 02:31:51,016 --> 02:31:53,007 Yeah, well... 1658 02:31:54,853 --> 02:31:59,017 ...I'm sorry if I don't trust your sense of humor. 1659 02:32:07,198 --> 02:32:08,859 Will you smile... 1660 02:32:10,535 --> 02:32:13,003 ...if I admit I was wrong? 1661 02:32:15,874 --> 02:32:17,865 About what? 1662 02:32:19,878 --> 02:32:21,368 Miracles. 1663 02:32:23,048 --> 02:32:26,211 Events with astronomical odds of occurring... 1664 02:32:27,052 --> 02:32:29,543 ...like oxygen turning into gold. 1665 02:32:29,721 --> 02:32:34,556 I've longed to witness such an event, and yet I neglect... 1666 02:32:35,226 --> 02:32:37,592 ...that in human coupling... 1667 02:32:38,396 --> 02:32:42,264 ...millions upon millions of cells compete to create life... 1668 02:32:42,734 --> 02:32:45,532 ...for generation after generation... 1669 02:32:46,404 --> 02:32:49,464 ...until finally, your mother... 1670 02:32:49,841 --> 02:32:51,035 ...loves a man... 1671 02:32:51,676 --> 02:32:55,271 ...Edward Blake, the Comedian, a man she has every reason to hate... 1672 02:32:55,447 --> 02:32:59,440 ...and out of that contradiction, against unfathomable odds... 1673 02:33:00,118 --> 02:33:02,018 ...it's you... 1674 02:33:03,755 --> 02:33:05,086 Only... 1675 02:33:05,757 --> 02:33:07,247 ...you. 1676 02:33:08,093 --> 02:33:09,355 That emerged. 1677 02:33:09,928 --> 02:33:14,422 To distill so specific a form... 1678 02:33:14,599 --> 02:33:16,863 ...from all that chaos... 1679 02:33:18,770 --> 02:33:21,739 ...is like turning air into gold. 1680 02:33:26,111 --> 02:33:28,102 A miracle. 1681 02:33:31,616 --> 02:33:33,106 And so... 1682 02:33:33,618 --> 02:33:35,449 ...I was wrong. 1683 02:33:37,455 --> 02:33:41,289 Now dry your eyes, and let's go home. 1684 02:34:08,820 --> 02:34:12,847 We got a bearing on that artificial structure. Heat signature's off the charts. 1685 02:34:13,825 --> 02:34:16,919 - Veidt. - I don't like the way Archie's kicking. 1686 02:34:25,336 --> 02:34:28,169 - The engines. - They're icing up. Hold onto something. 1687 02:34:28,940 --> 02:34:30,965 Daniel, you're coming in too low. 1688 02:34:33,845 --> 02:34:37,008 Don't wish to interfere, but perhaps should pull up sharply... 1689 02:34:37,182 --> 02:34:41,118 I know! I'm trying. I'm trying to pull him up, goddamn it! 1690 02:35:08,379 --> 02:35:12,008 I'm gonna redirect the heat from the flamethrower to speed up deicing... 1691 02:35:12,183 --> 02:35:15,050 ...but it's gonna take a while and we don't have time to wait. 1692 02:35:16,554 --> 02:35:18,021 You need something warmer. 1693 02:35:18,556 --> 02:35:20,717 Fine like this. 1694 02:35:50,221 --> 02:35:52,086 What is it, girl? 1695 02:35:54,392 --> 02:35:56,087 Mm. 1696 02:36:21,686 --> 02:36:23,950 Adrian's a pacifist. 1697 02:36:24,155 --> 02:36:28,785 He's a vegetarian, for chrissakes. He's never killed anyone in his life. 1698 02:36:28,960 --> 02:36:30,359 Hitler was vegetarian. 1699 02:36:30,528 --> 02:36:35,056 You're squeamish, leave him to me. We won't get second chance. 1700 02:37:46,304 --> 02:37:47,635 Gentlemen. 1701 02:37:48,139 --> 02:37:52,075 - Welcome. - Adrian, we know everything. 1702 02:37:52,243 --> 02:37:54,006 Then what's there to discuss, Dan? 1703 02:37:54,178 --> 02:37:57,170 Plenty. You killed Comedian. 1704 02:37:57,348 --> 02:37:58,872 May he rest in peace. 1705 02:37:59,384 --> 02:38:01,978 Blake figured it out first. 1706 02:38:02,153 --> 02:38:06,214 Nixon had him keeping tabs on us, making sure we weren't rocking the boat. 1707 02:38:07,158 --> 02:38:09,422 Blake found out what I was doing here in Karnak... 1708 02:38:09,594 --> 02:38:13,655 ...and by the time he visited poor Moloch, he was cracking badly. 1709 02:38:13,831 --> 02:38:17,096 Even I couldn't predict he'd be the one to have a change of heart. 1710 02:38:17,835 --> 02:38:19,359 So... 1711 02:38:20,405 --> 02:38:22,339 ...I had to kill him. 1712 02:38:22,907 --> 02:38:26,673 Then I neutralized Jon. No easy task. 1713 02:38:26,844 --> 02:38:29,312 I put roughly $2 billion into tachyon research... 1714 02:38:29,480 --> 02:38:31,505 ...to block Jon's vision of the future. 1715 02:38:31,683 --> 02:38:33,947 You used his psych profile to manipulate him. 1716 02:38:34,452 --> 02:38:35,919 Got him to leave the planet. 1717 02:38:36,087 --> 02:38:39,488 I've known Jon long enough to see he isn't devoid of emotion. 1718 02:38:39,657 --> 02:38:43,559 His subtle facial twitches wouldn't be noticed by the layman, but to me... 1719 02:38:43,728 --> 02:38:45,559 ...he might as well have been sobbing. 1720 02:38:45,930 --> 02:38:49,058 All I needed to do was tug on the thread. 1721 02:38:49,233 --> 02:38:51,133 The sudden flood of emotion Jon felt... 1722 02:38:51,302 --> 02:38:54,897 ...when he came to believe he'd given cancer to the people he loved... 1723 02:38:55,073 --> 02:38:57,200 ...was all the excuse he needed to leave Earth. 1724 02:38:57,375 --> 02:39:01,209 Your bullshit assassin. You paid him to throw us off. 1725 02:39:01,379 --> 02:39:06,043 Mr. Chess gave his life in the service of a higher cause, Dan. 1726 02:39:08,186 --> 02:39:11,280 I put a cyanide capsule in his mouth... 1727 02:39:11,456 --> 02:39:14,050 ...leaving only one loose end: 1728 02:39:14,659 --> 02:39:18,095 You, and your mask-killer theory... 1729 02:39:18,262 --> 02:39:21,390 ...one you followed with the tenacity of a true sociopath. 1730 02:39:21,566 --> 02:39:23,261 I tipped off the police. 1731 02:39:23,434 --> 02:39:25,834 Once you were in prison, I was able to move forward. 1732 02:39:26,003 --> 02:39:28,631 Sorry to disappoint you. 1733 02:39:41,819 --> 02:39:44,287 We were supposed to make the world a better place. 1734 02:39:44,455 --> 02:39:46,184 Dan, that's exactly what I am doing. 1735 02:39:46,357 --> 02:39:47,688 Nuclear war? 1736 02:39:47,859 --> 02:39:50,020 Human extinction? 1737 02:39:59,670 --> 02:40:04,573 Of course, my moral safeguards gave me pause at the necessary sacrifice. 1738 02:40:04,742 --> 02:40:07,711 A few key regions around the globe... 1739 02:40:07,879 --> 02:40:13,340 New York, Los Angeles, Moscow, Hong Kong. 1740 02:40:13,518 --> 02:40:15,179 Disintegrated in an instant. 1741 02:40:15,920 --> 02:40:19,253 Fifteen million people killed... 1742 02:40:19,424 --> 02:40:21,483 ...by Dr. Manhattan himself. 1743 02:40:22,693 --> 02:40:25,491 The world's punishment for flirting with World War III. 1744 02:40:25,663 --> 02:40:26,789 Jon wouldn't do that. 1745 02:40:27,365 --> 02:40:30,061 A fact no one outside this room ever has to know. 1746 02:40:30,701 --> 02:40:34,501 The energy breakthrough I was working on just came to fruition. 1747 02:40:35,106 --> 02:40:39,099 All these years, Jon was helping me replicate his power... 1748 02:40:39,277 --> 02:40:41,802 ...unaware of how I planned to use it. 1749 02:40:41,979 --> 02:40:43,970 You see... 1750 02:40:44,882 --> 02:40:47,282 ...the Comedian was right. 1751 02:40:47,985 --> 02:40:52,979 Humanity's savage nature will inevitably lead to global annihilation. 1752 02:40:53,157 --> 02:40:55,955 So in order to save this planet... 1753 02:40:56,227 --> 02:40:58,286 ...I had to trick it... 1754 02:40:58,663 --> 02:41:02,690 ...with the greatest practical joke in human history. 1755 02:41:02,967 --> 02:41:06,368 - Killing millions. - To save billions. 1756 02:41:06,904 --> 02:41:08,872 A necessary crime. 1757 02:41:09,040 --> 02:41:11,201 You know we can't let you do that. 1758 02:41:12,643 --> 02:41:14,770 "Do that," Rorschach? 1759 02:41:14,946 --> 02:41:16,573 I'm not a comic-book villain. 1760 02:41:17,415 --> 02:41:19,679 Do you think I'd explain my masterstroke to you... 1761 02:41:19,851 --> 02:41:24,015 ...if there were even the slightest possibility you could affect the outcome? 1762 02:41:26,757 --> 02:41:29,555 I triggered it 35 minutes ago. 1763 02:43:09,026 --> 02:43:12,018 Jesus Christ, Henry. 1764 02:43:12,196 --> 02:43:14,391 Why the hell didn't we get a launch detection? 1765 02:43:16,300 --> 02:43:20,737 It's not the Soviets, sir. 1766 02:43:21,305 --> 02:43:24,468 Intel indicates the energy signature... 1767 02:43:24,642 --> 02:43:27,076 ...was generated by... 1768 02:43:28,045 --> 02:43:30,479 ...Dr. Manhattan. 1769 02:43:33,317 --> 02:43:34,875 Jon. 1770 02:43:37,888 --> 02:43:39,014 Interference. 1771 02:43:39,624 --> 02:43:41,524 Cataclysmic interference. 1772 02:43:51,235 --> 02:43:53,999 I can't believe it happened. 1773 02:43:55,006 --> 02:43:58,498 This wasn't caused by nuclear warheads. 1774 02:44:02,580 --> 02:44:03,877 It was me. 1775 02:44:05,916 --> 02:44:07,508 I... 1776 02:44:08,085 --> 02:44:09,109 ...did this. 1777 02:44:09,754 --> 02:44:13,212 - What do you mean, you did this? - Not directly. 1778 02:44:14,191 --> 02:44:16,887 It was made to look like I did it. 1779 02:44:19,930 --> 02:44:21,363 Adrian. 1780 02:44:27,638 --> 02:44:29,629 Speak of the devil. 1781 02:44:32,777 --> 02:44:33,801 Jon... I know. 1782 02:44:33,978 --> 02:44:36,139 Must stop him. Killed Blake, killed millions. 1783 02:44:36,313 --> 02:44:37,644 Wait here. 1784 02:44:48,793 --> 02:44:51,159 Adrian, stop this. 1785 02:44:52,630 --> 02:44:54,495 The tachyons were clever... 1786 02:44:55,633 --> 02:44:59,967 ...but even if I can't predict where you are, I can turn the walls to glass. 1787 02:45:01,305 --> 02:45:03,773 I should thank you. 1788 02:45:04,942 --> 02:45:08,139 I'd almost forgotten the excitement of not knowing... 1789 02:45:09,146 --> 02:45:12,138 ...the delights of uncertainty. 1790 02:45:16,320 --> 02:45:17,981 Forgive me, girl. 1791 02:45:40,945 --> 02:45:42,640 You're such an asshole. 1792 02:46:16,580 --> 02:46:18,514 Veidt, you bastard. 1793 02:46:18,682 --> 02:46:21,150 - Lf you've hurt her, I'll... - Dan... 1794 02:46:22,887 --> 02:46:27,483 ...grow up. My new world demands less obvious heroism. 1795 02:46:27,658 --> 02:46:29,649 Your... 1796 02:46:29,827 --> 02:46:34,787 ...schoolboy heroics are redundant. What have they achieved? 1797 02:46:36,400 --> 02:46:39,267 Failing to prevent Earth's salvation... 1798 02:46:40,237 --> 02:46:42,637 ...is your only triumph. 1799 02:46:42,840 --> 02:46:44,740 I'm disappointed in you, Adrian. 1800 02:46:45,543 --> 02:46:49,035 I'm very disappointed. 1801 02:47:01,425 --> 02:47:04,588 Reassembling myself was the first trick I learned. 1802 02:47:05,262 --> 02:47:07,662 It didn't kill Osterman. 1803 02:47:10,267 --> 02:47:12,633 Did you really think it would kill me? 1804 02:47:13,938 --> 02:47:17,101 I have walked across the surface of the sun. 1805 02:47:17,608 --> 02:47:20,771 I have witnessed events so tiny and so fast... 1806 02:47:20,945 --> 02:47:24,005 ...they can hardly be said to have occurred at all... 1807 02:47:24,181 --> 02:47:27,810 ...but you, Adrian, you're just a man. 1808 02:47:28,953 --> 02:47:31,444 The world's smartest man... 1809 02:47:31,755 --> 02:47:34,189 ...poses no more threat to me... 1810 02:47:34,358 --> 02:47:37,486 ...than does its smartest termite. 1811 02:47:39,763 --> 02:47:41,230 What's that? 1812 02:47:41,632 --> 02:47:43,497 Another ultimate weapon? 1813 02:47:44,134 --> 02:47:45,863 Yes. 1814 02:47:47,471 --> 02:47:48,938 You could say that. 1815 02:47:52,476 --> 02:47:54,410 came under attack. 1816 02:47:55,246 --> 02:47:58,579 Millions of lives were suddenly ended... 1817 02:47:58,916 --> 02:48:04,115 ...in an act of evil perpetrated by Dr. Manhattan himself. 1818 02:48:05,923 --> 02:48:09,859 Since the attacks, I have been in constant contact... 1819 02:48:10,027 --> 02:48:13,019 ...with the premier of the U.S.S.R. 1820 02:48:13,430 --> 02:48:16,263 Putting aside our past differences... 1821 02:48:16,600 --> 02:48:18,761 ...we have both pledged to unite... 1822 02:48:19,103 --> 02:48:22,436 ...against this common enemy. 1823 02:48:22,940 --> 02:48:24,931 With the rest of the world... 1824 02:48:25,376 --> 02:48:27,401 ...we will prevail. 1825 02:48:29,947 --> 02:48:32,939 This is a day we shall never forget. 1826 02:48:33,117 --> 02:48:37,315 And yet we go forward to defend the human race... 1827 02:48:37,488 --> 02:48:42,118 ...and all that is good and just in our world. 1828 02:48:43,460 --> 02:48:47,692 Thank you. God bless us all. 1829 02:48:48,065 --> 02:48:49,862 Do you see? 1830 02:48:52,069 --> 02:48:54,537 Two superpowers retreating from war. 1831 02:48:56,140 --> 02:48:58,574 I've saved the earth from hell. 1832 02:48:58,742 --> 02:49:00,710 We both have. 1833 02:49:01,178 --> 02:49:03,373 This is as much your victory as it is mine. 1834 02:49:08,185 --> 02:49:09,675 Now we can return... 1835 02:49:11,121 --> 02:49:12,679 ...do what we were meant to. 1836 02:49:12,856 --> 02:49:15,825 We were meant to exact justice. 1837 02:49:16,160 --> 02:49:19,493 - Everyone's gonna know what you've done. - Will they? 1838 02:49:19,663 --> 02:49:24,464 By exposing me, you would sacrifice the peace so many died for today. 1839 02:49:24,635 --> 02:49:28,071 - Peace based on a lie. - But peace... 1840 02:49:28,238 --> 02:49:30,433 ...nonetheless. - He's right. 1841 02:49:31,008 --> 02:49:34,967 Exposing Adrian would only doom the world to nuclear destruction again. 1842 02:49:35,145 --> 02:49:38,012 No. We can't do this. 1843 02:49:38,182 --> 02:49:39,945 On Mars... 1844 02:49:41,452 --> 02:49:43,283 ...you taught me the value of life. 1845 02:49:44,254 --> 02:49:46,688 If we hope to preserve it here... 1846 02:49:47,491 --> 02:49:49,516 ...we must remain silent. 1847 02:49:53,364 --> 02:49:55,298 Keep your own secrets. 1848 02:50:02,172 --> 02:50:03,366 Don't even think about it. 1849 02:50:05,976 --> 02:50:07,705 Rorschach. 1850 02:50:09,480 --> 02:50:11,004 Wait. 1851 02:50:12,049 --> 02:50:14,142 Never compromise. 1852 02:50:14,518 --> 02:50:17,385 Not even in the face of armageddon. 1853 02:50:17,788 --> 02:50:20,780 That's always been the difference between us, Daniel. 1854 02:50:31,835 --> 02:50:35,362 I've made myself feel every death... 1855 02:50:36,840 --> 02:50:42,745 ...see every innocent face I've murdered to save humanity. 1856 02:50:48,318 --> 02:50:52,015 - You understand, don't you? Without condoning... 1857 02:50:53,690 --> 02:50:55,590 ...or condemning... 1858 02:50:59,997 --> 02:51:01,931 ...I understand. 1859 02:51:09,339 --> 02:51:12,467 Out of my way. People have to be told. 1860 02:51:13,343 --> 02:51:15,277 You know I can't let you do that. 1861 02:51:16,513 --> 02:51:19,505 Suddenly you discover humanity? 1862 02:51:20,951 --> 02:51:22,782 Convenient. 1863 02:51:31,495 --> 02:51:36,057 If you'd cared from the start, none of this would have happened. 1864 02:51:39,837 --> 02:51:42,806 I can change almost anything... 1865 02:51:47,377 --> 02:51:49,709 ...but I can't change human nature. 1866 02:51:51,048 --> 02:51:54,449 Of course you must protect Veidt's new utopia. 1867 02:51:55,719 --> 02:51:59,052 What's one more body amongst foundations? 1868 02:52:05,229 --> 02:52:07,094 Well, what are you waiting for? 1869 02:52:10,567 --> 02:52:12,398 Do it. 1870 02:52:18,509 --> 02:52:19,533 Do it! 1871 02:52:22,246 --> 02:52:25,613 No! 1872 02:52:43,100 --> 02:52:48,868 I'm leaving this galaxy for one a little less complicated. 1873 02:52:49,039 --> 02:52:51,530 I thought you said you cared about life again. 1874 02:52:51,708 --> 02:52:53,107 I do. 1875 02:52:54,444 --> 02:52:57,345 I think maybe I'll create some. 1876 02:53:01,451 --> 02:53:03,783 Goodbye, Laurie. 1877 02:53:39,022 --> 02:53:40,182 Come on. 1878 02:53:42,659 --> 02:53:44,251 Come on! 1879 02:53:48,665 --> 02:53:49,996 Dan... 1880 02:53:50,467 --> 02:53:53,231 ...a world united and at peace. 1881 02:53:54,104 --> 02:53:55,298 There had to be sacrifice. 1882 02:53:55,472 --> 02:53:59,841 No! You haven't idealized mankind, you've deformed it. 1883 02:54:00,010 --> 02:54:01,773 You've mutilated it. 1884 02:54:02,145 --> 02:54:04,306 That's your legacy. 1885 02:54:12,856 --> 02:54:15,654 That's the real practical joke. 1886 02:55:08,245 --> 02:55:12,238 we repeat, there is nothing wrong with your television set. 1887 02:55:12,416 --> 02:55:15,874 You are about to participate in a great adventure. 1888 02:55:16,053 --> 02:55:19,216 You are about to experience the awe and mystery... 1889 02:55:19,389 --> 02:55:25,191 ...which reaches from the inner mind to the outer limits. 1890 02:55:26,396 --> 02:55:28,591 Sure you don't want a drink? 1891 02:55:29,599 --> 02:55:30,623 I'm okay. 1892 02:55:31,702 --> 02:55:32,930 Cheers. 1893 02:55:34,371 --> 02:55:37,499 There's something I need to get off my chest. 1894 02:55:38,775 --> 02:55:41,266 I know that Eddie Blake was my father. 1895 02:55:44,281 --> 02:55:46,044 Laurel. 1896 02:55:47,050 --> 02:55:49,382 What you must think of me. 1897 02:55:50,220 --> 02:55:52,745 I'm sorry I never told you. 1898 02:55:52,923 --> 02:55:54,720 I should have... 1899 02:55:54,891 --> 02:55:59,021 ...but I don't know, I just felt ashamed. I felt stupid. 1900 02:55:59,196 --> 02:56:01,130 It doesn't matter. 1901 02:56:01,965 --> 02:56:07,232 People's lives take them strange places. They do strange things... 1902 02:56:07,804 --> 02:56:10,739 ...and, well, sometimes they can't talk about them. 1903 02:56:10,907 --> 02:56:13,239 I know how that is... 1904 02:56:13,977 --> 02:56:16,571 ...but I just want you to know... 1905 02:56:17,147 --> 02:56:19,980 ...that you never did anything wrong by me. 1906 02:56:24,154 --> 02:56:28,420 You asked me why I wasn't mad at him. 1907 02:56:29,993 --> 02:56:32,484 Because he gave me you. 1908 02:56:37,501 --> 02:56:38,593 Thanks, Mom. 1909 02:56:41,338 --> 02:56:43,135 I love you. 1910 02:56:50,680 --> 02:56:54,878 - Hello, Miss Jupiter. - Oh, Sally, please. 1911 02:56:56,520 --> 02:57:01,116 Excuse me. Gotta go freshen up. I'll be right back. 1912 02:57:11,635 --> 02:57:15,799 - So how's it going up here? - Good. How's it going down there? 1913 02:57:15,972 --> 02:57:19,464 Good. I think I've got everything working. 1914 02:57:19,643 --> 02:57:24,273 All of Archie's systems are upgraded. Finished the tinkering for now... 1915 02:57:24,448 --> 02:57:26,678 ...so all we gotta do is take her out. 1916 02:57:26,850 --> 02:57:29,910 Well, that sounds like a date. 1917 02:57:41,231 --> 02:57:43,495 Are we gonna be all right? 1918 02:57:45,569 --> 02:57:49,869 Long as people think Jon's still watching us, we'll be all right... 1919 02:57:50,073 --> 02:57:51,938 ...in the end. 1920 02:57:53,577 --> 02:57:55,738 I know what Jon would say: 1921 02:57:55,912 --> 02:57:57,937 Nothing ends. 1922 02:57:59,850 --> 02:58:02,444 Nothing ever ends. 1923 02:58:49,799 --> 02:58:53,565 Seymour, we got nothing to write about anymore. 1924 02:58:53,737 --> 02:58:55,102 Everyone in the country... 1925 02:58:55,272 --> 02:58:57,536 ...every country in the world are holding hands... 1926 02:58:57,707 --> 02:59:00,972 ...and singing songs about peace and love. 1927 02:59:01,478 --> 02:59:04,345 It's like living in a goddamn global hippie commune. 1928 02:59:04,514 --> 02:59:08,450 Well, Ronald Reagan says he's gonna be running for president in '88. 1929 02:59:08,618 --> 02:59:10,449 We could run a piece on that. 1930 02:59:10,620 --> 02:59:13,783 Seymour, we don't dignify absurdities with coverage. 1931 02:59:13,957 --> 02:59:17,791 This is still America, damn it. Who wants a cowboy in the White House? 1932 02:59:18,528 --> 02:59:22,760 Okay. I could look for something in the crank file. 1933 02:59:22,933 --> 02:59:24,525 Crank file. 1934 02:59:24,701 --> 02:59:26,692 Whatever. Take some initiative. 1935 02:59:26,870 --> 02:59:29,498 Run whatever you like. I leave it entirely in your hands. 1936 02:59:36,012 --> 02:59:40,711 Rorschach's journal, October 12th, 1955. 1937 02:59:40,884 --> 02:59:45,344 Tonight, a comedian died in New York. 1938 02:59:47,345 --> 02:59:55,345 By : BackFire