1 00:00:13,370 --> 00:00:25,000 Retailrip and sync by: - RuBricK - www.NorSub.com 2 00:00:30,447 --> 00:00:32,407 One siIk handkerchief. 3 00:00:34,076 --> 00:00:35,118 One necktie. 4 00:00:37,579 --> 00:00:38,872 One watch. 5 00:00:42,417 --> 00:00:43,627 One ring. 6 00:00:46,547 --> 00:00:48,757 One goId money cIip with no money in it. 7 00:00:54,263 --> 00:00:56,390 And one mobiIe phone. 8 00:01:06,024 --> 00:01:09,027 Fifty cents a day, minus what you spent inside, 9 00:01:09,152 --> 00:01:10,946 and a train ticket to the Big AppIe. 10 00:01:11,071 --> 00:01:13,657 Good Iuck, Gekko, and don't come back. 11 00:01:14,658 --> 00:01:17,911 You want to know what the mother of all bubbles was? 12 00:01:18,537 --> 00:01:21,248 lt came out of nowhere. By chance. 13 00:01:21,373 --> 00:01:22,958 -How many you got, Mac? -Five. 14 00:01:23,083 --> 00:01:25,711 They called it the Cambrian Explosion. 15 00:01:25,836 --> 00:01:28,088 lt happened around 530 million years ago. 16 00:01:28,255 --> 00:01:29,298 Open the gate! 17 00:01:29,423 --> 00:01:33,886 And over the next 70, 80 million years, the rate of evolution accelerated so fast 18 00:01:34,887 --> 00:01:36,555 that we came along. 19 00:01:37,055 --> 00:01:38,557 The human race. 20 00:01:40,017 --> 00:01:44,146 They still can't explain how that happened, except that it happened. 21 00:01:44,730 --> 00:01:45,731 Here he is! 22 00:01:58,202 --> 00:01:59,203 Daddy! 23 00:02:12,966 --> 00:02:15,302 Some people say it was by chance, 24 00:02:16,512 --> 00:02:18,013 others, design. 25 00:02:20,098 --> 00:02:21,850 But who really knows? 26 00:04:29,853 --> 00:04:30,979 Stop sIeeping. 27 00:04:31,104 --> 00:04:32,814 You mean "wake up." 28 00:04:32,940 --> 00:04:36,235 "Wake up" is positive. "Stop sIeeping" is a negative. 29 00:04:37,861 --> 00:04:39,738 Either way, it's not my favorite part of the day. 30 00:04:39,863 --> 00:04:42,074 It's the best part of the day. 31 00:04:42,449 --> 00:04:47,412 I feeI bad for anybody who feeIs that way. It means their day can't get any better. 32 00:04:48,121 --> 00:04:51,166 You go to bed too Iate. You don't sIeep enough. 33 00:04:54,503 --> 00:04:56,755 What's going on with you today? 34 00:04:57,506 --> 00:04:59,007 Did I teII you, or did you forget? 35 00:04:59,800 --> 00:05:02,010 I'm going to Washington for the week. 36 00:05:02,135 --> 00:05:03,303 Yeah. New site, right? 37 00:05:03,887 --> 00:05:05,013 We're Iaunching in 10 days, 38 00:05:05,138 --> 00:05:06,765 so the whoIe site's down starting tomorrow. 39 00:05:06,890 --> 00:05:09,685 What are aII those angry IiberaIs going to do without their daiIy fix, baby? 40 00:05:09,810 --> 00:05:13,105 You're just as IiberaI as they are, Mr. Green Energy. 41 00:05:13,272 --> 00:05:15,899 No, no, no. The onIy green is money, honey. 42 00:05:16,024 --> 00:05:18,819 You're so WaII Street, it makes me sick. 43 00:05:19,152 --> 00:05:22,447 -Baby, come here. -No. What did I ever see in you? 44 00:05:22,573 --> 00:05:23,699 -Come here. -No. 45 00:05:23,824 --> 00:05:25,200 My next guest, Gordon Gekko, 46 00:05:25,325 --> 00:05:27,744 was one of the biggest names on Wall Street in the '80s 47 00:05:27,870 --> 00:05:31,373 before he went to prison for insider trading and securities fraud. 48 00:05:31,498 --> 00:05:34,293 He's out with a new book, and it is a shocker, believe me. 49 00:05:34,418 --> 00:05:36,587 lt is called Is Greed Good? 50 00:05:36,712 --> 00:05:39,548 The man himself is here with us. Gordon, good to have you on the program. 51 00:05:39,673 --> 00:05:41,216 Thank you, Maria. lt's nice to be out. 52 00:05:41,341 --> 00:05:42,885 -Turn it off. -One sec. 53 00:05:43,010 --> 00:05:45,345 And l must tell you, your show is a big, big hit in the can. 54 00:05:46,763 --> 00:05:48,557 You watched it in prison? 55 00:05:48,682 --> 00:05:49,683 Your show? 56 00:05:50,434 --> 00:05:52,561 Me and a whole lot of others. 57 00:05:53,145 --> 00:05:54,813 You wrote the book in prison? 58 00:05:54,938 --> 00:05:57,149 l did. l outlined my drafts... 59 00:06:00,360 --> 00:06:02,070 I'm taking a shower. 60 00:06:40,192 --> 00:06:41,818 See you next week. 61 00:06:42,611 --> 00:06:43,987 Good Iuck in Washington. 62 00:07:03,715 --> 00:07:05,217 -HeIIo? -Jacob. 63 00:07:05,342 --> 00:07:06,343 Dr. Masters. 64 00:07:06,468 --> 00:07:08,387 Good morning, sir. Don't you get any sIeep? 65 00:07:08,512 --> 00:07:12,266 Jacob, it happened. As cIose as we've come to burn yet. 66 00:07:12,391 --> 00:07:13,767 Really? How many lasers? 67 00:07:13,892 --> 00:07:17,896 We fired 72 this morning, and we're going to go for 96 next week. 68 00:07:18,021 --> 00:07:20,732 That's fantastic. That's a game changer, Doc. 69 00:07:20,858 --> 00:07:23,944 So Iet me guess, it means we're pushing the pace, right? You need more money? 70 00:07:24,069 --> 00:07:27,281 WeII, it'd be good if we couId get another $100 miIIion. 71 00:07:27,406 --> 00:07:30,659 We couId pick up maybe six months on our scheduIe. 72 00:07:30,993 --> 00:07:32,494 A hundred miIIion doIIars? 73 00:07:33,036 --> 00:07:35,664 As Iong as the price of oiI stays high, we'II get the money. 74 00:07:35,789 --> 00:07:37,541 That wouId be nice. That wouId be nice. 75 00:07:37,749 --> 00:07:41,420 Because The Foundation says that they're having some probIems in the markets... 76 00:07:41,545 --> 00:07:43,463 You don't worry about that, though, okay, Doc? 77 00:07:43,589 --> 00:07:46,341 You just keep buiIding that baby star, okay? 78 00:07:46,466 --> 00:07:50,012 Okay. Thank you, Jacob. Thank you. 79 00:07:50,137 --> 00:07:52,306 AII right, I'II taIk to you soon. 80 00:08:30,928 --> 00:08:33,013 Hydra Offshore. 81 00:08:33,138 --> 00:08:35,682 Let me repeat this again. 82 00:08:35,807 --> 00:08:39,728 A huge deep-sea expIoration pIay off the coast of EquatoriaI Guinea. 83 00:08:39,853 --> 00:08:42,022 That's an oiI fieId that's bareIy been touched. 84 00:08:42,147 --> 00:08:46,985 Remember, the stock's trading roughIy 31 % off the 52-week high 85 00:08:47,110 --> 00:08:50,781 and it's part owned and funded by none other than, guess who. 86 00:08:51,114 --> 00:08:52,324 ChurchiII Schwartz. 87 00:08:52,449 --> 00:08:54,868 So we know they won't Iet anything too bad happen here. 88 00:08:54,993 --> 00:08:57,162 My suggestion is that we get aggressive. 89 00:08:57,287 --> 00:08:58,789 -Agreed? -Yeah. 90 00:08:59,873 --> 00:09:01,124 We aII agree? 91 00:09:01,500 --> 00:09:03,460 Ed, what do you think? 92 00:09:03,585 --> 00:09:05,504 I don't agree. Maybe it's just me. 93 00:09:05,629 --> 00:09:08,006 EquatoriaI Guinea's a pretty tough dictatorship. 94 00:09:08,131 --> 00:09:09,925 This guy's aIready nationaIized the goId and diamond mines. 95 00:09:10,050 --> 00:09:11,051 So what's your point? 96 00:09:11,176 --> 00:09:12,177 I just don't think it's a risk our desk 97 00:09:12,302 --> 00:09:14,179 shouId be taking right now, that's aII. I'd wait. 98 00:09:14,346 --> 00:09:15,430 -Wait? Wait for what? -Yeah. 99 00:09:15,556 --> 00:09:17,182 Your "Beam me up, Scottie" hydrogen fusion deaI? 100 00:09:17,307 --> 00:09:20,018 Now you're taIking about something eIse. It's United Fusion Corporation, Stan. 101 00:09:20,143 --> 00:09:21,186 Come on. It's appIes and oranges. 102 00:09:21,311 --> 00:09:22,312 -ReaIIy? -Yeah. 103 00:09:22,479 --> 00:09:26,108 You mean the deaI that we aIready sank $50 miIIion into, Mr. Brainiac? 104 00:09:26,233 --> 00:09:29,486 AIternative energy is what biotech was 15 years ago, Stan. 105 00:09:29,820 --> 00:09:30,988 Come on. You were young once. You know that. 106 00:09:31,113 --> 00:09:32,906 Profits aren't quarterIy. The runs couId be huge. 107 00:09:33,031 --> 00:09:35,784 We'II aII be dead by the time your nutty professor makes us any money. 108 00:09:35,909 --> 00:09:39,037 Right, this coming from the guy who said GoogIe was a bubbIe. 109 00:09:40,789 --> 00:09:44,168 Anyway. Hydra Offshore. 110 00:09:44,334 --> 00:09:48,088 It's priced right for us to make three to five times on our money. 111 00:09:48,213 --> 00:09:50,465 And better yet, what we aII Iove the most. 112 00:09:51,091 --> 00:09:52,342 Big year-end bonuses. 113 00:09:56,054 --> 00:09:58,223 Let's go! Let's go! Let's make some dough! 114 00:09:58,348 --> 00:09:59,391 What's up? You good? 115 00:10:11,904 --> 00:10:14,198 I can't! It's not up to me. 116 00:10:14,323 --> 00:10:18,493 Maybe I can do it, maybe I can't do it. PeopIe are teIIing me something. 117 00:10:18,619 --> 00:10:21,330 Jesus! Harry, you gave me your word. 118 00:10:21,455 --> 00:10:23,040 You know I know! 119 00:10:25,125 --> 00:10:26,585 You okay, Lou? 120 00:10:28,003 --> 00:10:31,965 Good day, I'm okay. Bad day, I'm okay. What's the difference? 121 00:10:33,592 --> 00:10:35,719 Do me a favor. Don't ask me dumb questions. 122 00:10:36,136 --> 00:10:37,304 You wanted to see me? 123 00:10:37,429 --> 00:10:39,181 Steve, stay on top of Harry, okay? 124 00:10:39,306 --> 00:10:41,642 -He's driving me crazy. -You got it, boss. 125 00:10:43,435 --> 00:10:44,478 FoIIow me. 126 00:10:50,859 --> 00:10:51,902 Why? 127 00:10:52,027 --> 00:10:54,321 That's some "Thank you." What do you want, a kiss, too? 128 00:10:54,446 --> 00:10:56,865 I thought maybe the news out of London wouId've wrecked the mood. 129 00:10:56,990 --> 00:10:59,117 London? Don't teII me London. 130 00:10:59,243 --> 00:11:03,622 I take a Iook at their sheets. They teII me they got a $125 miIIion profit, right? 131 00:11:03,747 --> 00:11:05,415 I Iook at the same Iousy spread, 132 00:11:05,541 --> 00:11:07,251 to me it Iooks Iike a buck and a quarter Ioss. 133 00:11:07,376 --> 00:11:10,921 Then they teII me, "Don't worry about it. We're making money on the Iosses." 134 00:11:11,046 --> 00:11:14,007 How do you make money on Iosses? You teII me. 135 00:11:14,466 --> 00:11:16,009 I'm just an oId dinosaur. 136 00:11:16,134 --> 00:11:18,136 Lou, I beIieve in KeIIer ZabeI. We're fine. 137 00:11:18,262 --> 00:11:19,429 And you're not a dinosaur. Come on. 138 00:11:19,555 --> 00:11:20,889 It's no fun anymore, Jacob. 139 00:11:22,057 --> 00:11:24,810 I'm taIking to some guy in Mumbai, Dumbai. 140 00:11:24,935 --> 00:11:26,645 I don't know what he's taIking about. 141 00:11:26,770 --> 00:11:28,647 I don't know what he's seIIing, I don't know who he is, 142 00:11:28,772 --> 00:11:30,148 I don't know how much I'm putting up. 143 00:11:30,274 --> 00:11:33,610 And my partners, they're in their graves. They're Iaughing at me. 144 00:11:33,986 --> 00:11:36,530 It's just a bunch of machines now, teIIing us what to do. 145 00:11:36,655 --> 00:11:39,032 That's why you got peopIe Iike me here, Lou, to Iighten the Ioad. 146 00:11:39,700 --> 00:11:42,619 Getting oId is not for sissies, kid. 147 00:11:48,208 --> 00:11:50,043 Take that money, huh? 148 00:11:50,169 --> 00:11:52,754 You spend it on that pretty girI. You deserve it. 149 00:11:55,132 --> 00:11:57,384 I remember when the pro sent me you. 150 00:11:57,509 --> 00:12:00,137 This skinny kid with crazy hair. 151 00:12:00,262 --> 00:12:03,140 I said, "Jimmy, what are you doing to me? Give me a reaI caddy." 152 00:12:03,765 --> 00:12:06,852 I was having a bad day, and you wouIdn't shut up. 153 00:12:06,977 --> 00:12:08,937 TweIve years oId, you're taIking to me about 154 00:12:09,062 --> 00:12:13,108 companies and sectors and earnings. 155 00:12:16,695 --> 00:12:21,116 You had the hunger, Jake. I couId smeII it then. You stiII got it. 156 00:12:23,327 --> 00:12:25,495 I've just never had a check Iike this in my hands before. 157 00:12:25,621 --> 00:12:28,957 You spend it. Somebody has to keep our economy going. 158 00:12:29,499 --> 00:12:31,585 WeII, get out of my office. 159 00:12:42,179 --> 00:12:43,597 Thank you. 160 00:12:51,355 --> 00:12:52,523 Princess cut. 161 00:12:52,731 --> 00:12:55,150 PIatinum-banded, one and a haIf carat. 162 00:12:56,068 --> 00:12:58,070 There's nothing quite Iike a ring... 163 00:12:58,195 --> 00:13:02,533 Can you take me to the money room? 164 00:13:03,992 --> 00:13:07,704 You mean the private cIient foyer? 165 00:13:08,455 --> 00:13:09,665 That's it. 166 00:13:42,823 --> 00:13:45,033 OIga from Russia, with Iove. 167 00:13:45,617 --> 00:13:46,827 How are you? 168 00:13:47,286 --> 00:13:49,955 Shots or champagne, guys? 169 00:14:05,470 --> 00:14:10,267 She was scoping you for the kiII, bro. Perfect. An 1 1, man. GiseIe time. 170 00:14:10,392 --> 00:14:11,894 No. This is... 171 00:14:16,273 --> 00:14:18,817 Wow. You're serious. 172 00:14:19,026 --> 00:14:20,027 Yeah. 173 00:14:21,403 --> 00:14:24,907 So young, and aIready pricing yourseIf off the market. 174 00:14:25,282 --> 00:14:26,783 -'Tron? -Shots. 175 00:14:29,620 --> 00:14:31,371 So when are you gonna ask her? 176 00:14:31,496 --> 00:14:33,332 She's not that crazy about marriage, you know. 177 00:14:33,457 --> 00:14:34,458 I mean, Iook at her parents. 178 00:14:34,583 --> 00:14:36,877 A girI's got to get it straight with her pop, don't you think? 179 00:14:37,002 --> 00:14:39,379 -What if you have kids? -Yeah, it's going be tough. 180 00:14:39,505 --> 00:14:41,089 Did you hear what he said on TV the other night? 181 00:14:41,632 --> 00:14:45,219 "Home Ioan defauIts are just the first raindrop in the mother of aII storms." 182 00:14:45,385 --> 00:14:48,013 Christ. Sour grapes, this man. 183 00:14:48,138 --> 00:14:50,724 The guy is a Iegend. Gordon the Gekko. 184 00:14:51,099 --> 00:14:53,894 He's speaking next week up at your oId aIma mater, Fordham. 185 00:14:54,144 --> 00:14:55,145 Watch yourseIf. 186 00:14:55,270 --> 00:14:56,813 -Hey buddy, get a cane. -Come on, come on. 187 00:14:57,689 --> 00:14:59,858 A few of us are going up after work to check him out. Come aIong. 188 00:14:59,983 --> 00:15:01,777 I can't. Winnie, you know. 189 00:15:02,486 --> 00:15:04,363 The onIy God you worship is ZabeI. 190 00:15:04,488 --> 00:15:07,282 I don't worship the man. He got me a seat at the tabIe. 191 00:15:07,407 --> 00:15:10,744 The word is he's stuck with a ton of toxic sub-prime debt off the baIance sheet. 192 00:15:10,869 --> 00:15:12,746 BiIIions. Can't find a bid for it. 193 00:15:12,871 --> 00:15:14,039 Yeah, so what? 194 00:15:14,498 --> 00:15:16,917 So, buddy, it don't matter if the rumors are true or not. 195 00:15:17,042 --> 00:15:19,127 Because in this cIimate, it's what buyers beIieve. 196 00:15:19,253 --> 00:15:20,712 And where there's smoke, there's fire. 197 00:15:21,004 --> 00:15:22,714 -I'II make you a bet right now. -Go. 198 00:15:22,840 --> 00:15:25,300 I got a miIIion doIIars Ieft of my bonus, okay? 199 00:15:25,425 --> 00:15:27,094 It's yours tomorrow a.m. 200 00:15:27,219 --> 00:15:29,388 You put it in KZI shares. You Ieverage that to the max. 201 00:15:29,513 --> 00:15:30,597 That's how much I beIieve in this company. 202 00:15:30,722 --> 00:15:32,057 Did you not hear me? 203 00:15:32,182 --> 00:15:33,892 Listen, as your onIy friend Ieft 204 00:15:34,017 --> 00:15:37,062 from a pIace in Long IsIand no one can remember, Iet aIone pronounce, 205 00:15:37,187 --> 00:15:39,439 I'm teIIing you, you're acting Iike your mama. 206 00:15:40,649 --> 00:15:42,693 Don't do that. Leave her out of this. 207 00:15:42,818 --> 00:15:45,529 PIus, why wouId he spot-bonus me right now if we were in troubIe, huh? 208 00:15:45,654 --> 00:15:46,697 It makes no sense. 209 00:15:46,822 --> 00:15:48,907 Look, you don't want to make any money on this, fine. 210 00:15:49,032 --> 00:15:51,326 -I'm sure Harry Shapiro wouId Iove to. -Okay, okay. 211 00:15:51,451 --> 00:15:53,495 I'm a hooker, too. Send it to me. 212 00:15:53,620 --> 00:15:54,997 You're stiII young enough to recover. 213 00:15:56,373 --> 00:15:58,250 I'II ream you on the commission. 214 00:15:58,375 --> 00:16:01,420 I'm gonna Iove the Iook on your face when I make so much money off this. 215 00:16:01,545 --> 00:16:03,213 I'II have no choice but to waIk away. 216 00:16:07,009 --> 00:16:09,595 Guys, we're looking at an unprecedented meltdown here. 217 00:16:09,720 --> 00:16:11,180 l've never seen anything like it... 218 00:16:11,638 --> 00:16:14,433 Keller Zabel's loss today was the worst in over a year. 219 00:16:14,558 --> 00:16:16,852 And this big drop may be just the beginning 220 00:16:16,977 --> 00:16:19,062 of a much deeper correction. 221 00:16:19,396 --> 00:16:22,900 lt is an amazing story. Keller Zabel stock is getting hammered. 222 00:16:23,025 --> 00:16:25,861 How is it you've never been more wrong in your life than right now? 223 00:16:25,986 --> 00:16:28,280 You're losing all your money right now. l see it, it's going down. 224 00:16:28,405 --> 00:16:31,742 Somebody is betting big money that Zabel's stock is about to collapse. 225 00:16:31,867 --> 00:16:32,910 You wanna owe? 226 00:16:33,035 --> 00:16:34,912 This stock's about to Iose its bar mitzvah, Jake. 227 00:16:35,037 --> 00:16:37,915 Take the haircut and seII. You're on a 50% margin, buddy. 228 00:16:38,040 --> 00:16:41,168 I can stiII get you out now at a totaI Ioss, but at Ieast you won't owe. 229 00:16:41,543 --> 00:16:43,003 ...threatening the firm 's liquidity. 230 00:16:43,128 --> 00:16:47,841 ln one incredible week, shares of KZl are down 52%. 231 00:16:48,050 --> 00:16:50,052 I know where the stock is. I have it in front of me. 232 00:16:50,177 --> 00:16:52,179 What you got to do right now is reIax, take a deep breath. 233 00:16:52,304 --> 00:16:54,139 TeII your banks not to seII the stock. 234 00:16:54,264 --> 00:16:56,433 The stock is overreacting right now and... 235 00:16:56,558 --> 00:16:57,935 Hey, what financiaI stock isn't, right? 236 00:16:58,060 --> 00:17:00,437 Listen, three months from now we're going to Iook back on this and Iaugh. 237 00:17:00,562 --> 00:17:01,647 You're angry? I'm angry. 238 00:17:01,772 --> 00:17:02,814 Okay! We're okay. 239 00:17:02,940 --> 00:17:04,191 -ReIax. -ReIax. 240 00:17:05,734 --> 00:17:06,860 Jesus Christ. 241 00:17:07,319 --> 00:17:08,737 l've known you your whole life, Jake. 242 00:17:09,321 --> 00:17:10,948 And I know when you're Iying to yourseIf. 243 00:17:11,073 --> 00:17:14,952 Robby, Iisten to me. KeIIer ZabeI's been around a Iong time. 244 00:17:15,077 --> 00:17:17,788 AII right? It's one of the great names in investment banking. 245 00:17:17,913 --> 00:17:20,958 A month, a year, it doesn't matter. We'II be back to 65/70, and I'II be fine. 246 00:17:21,083 --> 00:17:22,543 You just gotta hoId it, okay? 247 00:17:22,918 --> 00:17:24,378 You're gonna owe, you know. 248 00:17:24,503 --> 00:17:26,964 Not just the buck, but the margin, too. We're taIking another... 249 00:17:27,089 --> 00:17:28,257 TeII me. 250 00:17:29,258 --> 00:17:31,051 You don't want to hear this today. 251 00:17:31,176 --> 00:17:32,386 Robby. 252 00:17:32,886 --> 00:17:33,887 How much? 253 00:17:34,012 --> 00:17:35,305 At least another half a buck. 254 00:17:36,849 --> 00:17:39,142 Give me the okay to sell, buddy. 255 00:17:40,561 --> 00:17:41,854 Right now. 256 00:17:42,604 --> 00:17:45,148 Sell. Sell! 257 00:17:45,732 --> 00:17:47,693 Robby, I got to caII you Iater. 258 00:17:48,110 --> 00:17:49,862 Have you seen ZabeI? 259 00:17:58,954 --> 00:18:00,539 Annica, where's Lou? 260 00:18:00,664 --> 00:18:03,542 Not in. Not answering. 261 00:18:05,043 --> 00:18:06,170 Not happy. 262 00:18:13,135 --> 00:18:14,136 Hey. 263 00:18:15,512 --> 00:18:16,555 Lou. 264 00:18:20,559 --> 00:18:22,895 Hey, Lou. How's your day going? 265 00:18:23,020 --> 00:18:27,191 I toId you. Good day, I'm okay. Bad day, I'm okay. 266 00:18:27,316 --> 00:18:30,277 Stop bugging me on my feeIings. They're irreIevant. 267 00:18:31,820 --> 00:18:34,573 I wanted to come see you face to face and taIk about these rumors, you know. 268 00:18:34,698 --> 00:18:36,241 Because it's getting crazy. It's out of controI now. 269 00:18:36,366 --> 00:18:37,534 I'm hearing it from aII ends. 270 00:18:37,659 --> 00:18:38,660 Our worId is aII buIIshit. 271 00:18:39,912 --> 00:18:43,624 Some TV bubbIehead, he gets up there Iike he knows something. 272 00:18:43,999 --> 00:18:46,251 He seIIs fear, panic. 273 00:18:46,460 --> 00:18:48,629 And morons, they Iove it. 274 00:18:48,754 --> 00:18:51,381 They want it to end because it seIIs. 275 00:18:51,507 --> 00:18:53,634 There's no Iimits anymore. 276 00:18:54,051 --> 00:18:57,513 MurieI knows how to waIk this thing. It's her damn dog. 277 00:18:57,638 --> 00:18:59,556 Lou, I can heIp. I can get to the bottom of these derivatives. 278 00:18:59,681 --> 00:19:01,058 You just got to teII me. 279 00:19:01,183 --> 00:19:02,684 There's so much you don't know, Jacob. 280 00:19:02,809 --> 00:19:05,521 What? What about the bonus thing? Why now? 281 00:19:05,854 --> 00:19:09,608 Because I know you. You're hoIding out for something better. 282 00:19:10,275 --> 00:19:13,111 WeII, don't. Spend it. Use the money. 283 00:19:13,237 --> 00:19:15,197 Because one day, you're gonna wake up and you're gonna be dead. 284 00:19:15,322 --> 00:19:16,949 Lou, you got to get yourseIf together, aII right? 285 00:19:17,074 --> 00:19:18,242 We're gonna be fine. 286 00:19:18,367 --> 00:19:21,203 No matter how bad this thing gets, we have reaI equity in this company. 287 00:19:21,328 --> 00:19:22,454 We're gonna get through this. 288 00:19:22,579 --> 00:19:24,039 Marry Gekko's daughter. 289 00:19:24,164 --> 00:19:26,083 Make some kids with her. 290 00:19:26,500 --> 00:19:29,253 And you spend as much time as you can with those kids when they're young 291 00:19:29,378 --> 00:19:31,380 because everything changes. Everything. 292 00:19:31,505 --> 00:19:34,424 I cannot heIp you if I don't understand what you are taIking about. 293 00:19:34,550 --> 00:19:37,261 There's 15,000 jobs on the Iine right now. 294 00:19:37,386 --> 00:19:39,596 Somebody's after us, right? Somebody's trying to hurt us. 295 00:19:39,721 --> 00:19:42,933 There's a reason this is happening. I need to know how and why. 296 00:19:43,058 --> 00:19:46,311 You know that dream you got about that IittIe energy company in CaIifornia? 297 00:19:46,436 --> 00:19:49,565 You may not get there, but you hoId on to that. 298 00:19:49,690 --> 00:19:51,108 Because everything eIse is just noise. 299 00:19:51,233 --> 00:19:54,027 It's not just noise. There's 15,000 jobs on the Iine. 300 00:19:54,152 --> 00:19:56,738 Fifteen thousand peopIe here. That's not noise. 301 00:19:56,864 --> 00:19:58,949 -Are we going under? -I never Iiked this damn dog. 302 00:19:59,074 --> 00:20:01,034 Louis, are we going under? 303 00:20:04,121 --> 00:20:05,831 You're asking the wrong question, Jacob. 304 00:20:05,956 --> 00:20:07,541 What's the right question? 305 00:20:08,292 --> 00:20:09,293 Who isn't? 306 00:20:40,741 --> 00:20:42,159 China's out. 307 00:20:42,910 --> 00:20:43,952 You said... 308 00:20:44,077 --> 00:20:46,038 I know what I said, BiII. 309 00:20:46,914 --> 00:20:49,583 Two months we negotiated with these pikers. 310 00:20:49,708 --> 00:20:50,959 They puIIed out at 7:00 p.m. 311 00:20:51,084 --> 00:20:53,795 So what's new? They're Chinese. 312 00:20:53,962 --> 00:20:56,798 And whiIe they were negotiating, we Iost the Koreans. 313 00:20:56,924 --> 00:20:58,634 So you're saying you don't have an out. 314 00:20:58,759 --> 00:21:02,221 No, I'm saying, just give me one week. 315 00:21:03,096 --> 00:21:06,266 We're stiII taIking to the British. And the Arabs are back in, 316 00:21:06,391 --> 00:21:08,310 and this time it's for reaI. 317 00:21:08,435 --> 00:21:10,479 Lou, we've heard this before. 318 00:21:10,604 --> 00:21:14,525 Jesus. PauI, we Iost biIIions this week. 319 00:21:15,150 --> 00:21:18,987 If the markets don't roII over our paper Sunday night, before Asia opens, 320 00:21:19,112 --> 00:21:21,949 KeIIer ZabeI cannot do business on Monday. 321 00:21:22,616 --> 00:21:25,869 Tuesday, 15,000 peopIe are gonna be out of a job, worIdwide! 322 00:21:25,994 --> 00:21:29,706 Lou, you understated the scaIe of your bad Ioans. 323 00:21:29,831 --> 00:21:32,167 Your vaIuations are no Ionger beIievabIe. 324 00:21:34,711 --> 00:21:36,630 After aII these years, 325 00:21:37,965 --> 00:21:39,424 you say this to me? 326 00:21:40,300 --> 00:21:41,426 Me? 327 00:21:43,136 --> 00:21:46,348 Three-quarters of the banking houses at this tabIe 328 00:21:46,473 --> 00:21:50,227 are hoIding the same paper, and you're gonna Iet KeIIer ZabeI faiI? 329 00:21:53,313 --> 00:21:55,524 You're aII committing suicide. 330 00:21:59,486 --> 00:22:02,155 What do you say, Harry? WiII you come in on this? 331 00:22:02,281 --> 00:22:05,033 Look, if you want us to baiI out KeIIer ZabeI, 332 00:22:05,158 --> 00:22:06,785 aII of us wiII have to participate. 333 00:22:07,160 --> 00:22:09,037 Like Long-Term CapitaI, '98. 334 00:22:09,162 --> 00:22:12,416 And we wiII need substantiaI guarantees from the US Treasury. 335 00:22:16,086 --> 00:22:17,504 BiII, I think we shouId taIk privateIy. 336 00:22:18,005 --> 00:22:19,756 l think that's a good idea, Bill. 337 00:22:19,882 --> 00:22:21,633 GentIemen, give us a minute. 338 00:22:21,842 --> 00:22:24,052 What about moraI hazard, Jack? 339 00:22:24,928 --> 00:22:29,433 We baiI out KeIIer ZabeI, who's to say it's not gonna happen again and again? 340 00:22:31,935 --> 00:22:34,396 You vindictive bastard. 341 00:22:35,939 --> 00:22:38,942 Who are you to taIk about moraI hazard? 342 00:22:39,067 --> 00:22:40,068 I'm sorry, Lou. 343 00:22:40,319 --> 00:22:42,529 The Street needs to make a statement here to the worId. 344 00:22:42,654 --> 00:22:44,156 It was eight years ago! 345 00:22:44,364 --> 00:22:46,950 You just can't Iet it go, can you, Bretton? 346 00:22:47,075 --> 00:22:48,994 AII right, Lou, knock it off. 347 00:22:53,540 --> 00:22:56,335 I'd Iike to speak with you, BiII. Jack. 348 00:22:57,920 --> 00:22:59,296 And Lou. 349 00:23:00,380 --> 00:23:01,423 SeparateIy. 350 00:23:03,300 --> 00:23:04,343 Thirty of our peopIe 351 00:23:04,468 --> 00:23:06,929 have been through the KeIIer ZabeI books for the Iast three days. 352 00:23:07,054 --> 00:23:10,349 And they stiII say it's impossibIe to get to the bottom of this. 353 00:23:10,682 --> 00:23:13,560 This couId be a 10-biIIion doIIar hoIe for us. 354 00:23:13,685 --> 00:23:17,940 Or it couId be a 200-biIIion doIIar hoIe and there's no way we can risk that money 355 00:23:18,065 --> 00:23:20,150 without a backstop from Treasury or the Fed. 356 00:23:20,275 --> 00:23:22,319 You started this, didn't you, Bretton? 357 00:23:22,444 --> 00:23:25,531 I said knock it off, Lou. Or this meeting is over, you hear me? 358 00:23:26,615 --> 00:23:28,742 You're asking us to take a Iarge risk here, Bretton. 359 00:23:28,909 --> 00:23:29,910 What are you offering? 360 00:23:30,244 --> 00:23:33,455 Under these conditions, and assuming 361 00:23:35,415 --> 00:23:37,626 you refine your guarantee, 362 00:23:37,751 --> 00:23:40,921 Jack, JuIie and I, and our partners who have been consuIted, 363 00:23:43,090 --> 00:23:45,217 are prepared to risk $2 a share. 364 00:23:47,594 --> 00:23:48,846 Two bucks? 365 00:23:49,680 --> 00:23:52,850 Jesus. You're out of your mind. 366 00:23:53,433 --> 00:23:57,104 The stock was trading at 79 a month ago! 367 00:23:57,437 --> 00:24:00,941 Our buiIding aIone is worth more than two bucks a share. 368 00:24:01,525 --> 00:24:02,526 JuIie. 369 00:24:02,651 --> 00:24:05,904 If onIy we had more time, Lou. 370 00:24:06,029 --> 00:24:07,114 My board wiII never accept this. 371 00:24:07,489 --> 00:24:10,242 There is no way I'm gonna seII for two bucks a share. 372 00:24:10,367 --> 00:24:12,995 The government, if we guarantee this deaI, 373 00:24:13,120 --> 00:24:15,330 couId never justify a high price for your company. 374 00:24:15,622 --> 00:24:17,499 And if you don't seII, Lou, you're in bankruptcy. 375 00:24:17,624 --> 00:24:20,085 This is a pubIic spectacIe now. 376 00:24:20,210 --> 00:24:24,173 No, it's a pubIic execution, and you'II be Ieading it, BiII. 377 00:24:24,298 --> 00:24:25,591 I buiIt this company. 378 00:24:25,716 --> 00:24:27,801 And your exit wiII heIp restore faith in it. 379 00:24:27,926 --> 00:24:30,137 Who the heII are you to teII me to get out? 380 00:24:30,262 --> 00:24:32,681 You're out, Lou! One way or the other, you're out. 381 00:24:32,806 --> 00:24:34,808 Then the heII with you! 382 00:24:35,809 --> 00:24:40,105 I'II take my chances in bankruptcy court before I seII to that barracuda. 383 00:24:53,118 --> 00:24:55,913 Then we have nothing more to taIk about. 384 00:25:03,670 --> 00:25:04,671 Six. 385 00:25:07,424 --> 00:25:10,177 Three, and that's it. If I can seII it to the board. 386 00:25:10,302 --> 00:25:11,303 Five. 387 00:25:11,428 --> 00:25:12,554 -Three. -AII right. 388 00:25:13,013 --> 00:25:17,017 We'II caII it an even four, so it don't Iook so goddamn pathetic. 389 00:25:28,070 --> 00:25:29,154 Three. 390 00:25:30,113 --> 00:25:31,490 And not a dime more. 391 00:27:13,008 --> 00:27:14,551 We have breaking news right now. 392 00:27:14,676 --> 00:27:17,346 Earlier this morning in a New York City subway, 393 00:27:17,471 --> 00:27:19,306 Keller Zabel managing partner 394 00:27:19,431 --> 00:27:22,142 and head of one of the biggest investment firms on Wall Street, 395 00:27:22,267 --> 00:27:24,436 Louis Zabel, 75, 396 00:27:24,561 --> 00:27:27,022 apparently jumped in front of an oncoming train 397 00:27:27,147 --> 00:27:28,941 in front of hundreds of bystanders. 398 00:27:29,399 --> 00:27:31,735 The stock is currently halted, pending news... 399 00:27:31,860 --> 00:27:34,363 Churchill Schwartz is making out like a bandit right now 400 00:27:34,488 --> 00:27:35,489 with government funding. 401 00:27:35,614 --> 00:27:39,409 But Keller Zabel as an independent investment bank is essentially finished. 402 00:27:39,576 --> 00:27:42,037 Tom, this news about Louis Zabel today 403 00:27:42,162 --> 00:27:44,873 comes as a shock to everyone. But how are you holding up there? 404 00:27:44,998 --> 00:27:47,042 The guy was an icon on Wall Street. 405 00:27:47,167 --> 00:27:49,419 l always thought of him as sort of a mentor to me. 406 00:27:49,545 --> 00:27:52,506 So to see this happen under the circumstances that it did happen, 407 00:27:52,631 --> 00:27:53,799 it's devastating. 408 00:27:53,924 --> 00:27:56,885 What's it mean to the employees at Keller Zabel? 409 00:27:57,010 --> 00:28:00,013 l think they've lost their leader. They're going to be... 410 00:28:00,138 --> 00:28:02,516 Frankly, financially, a lot of them are gonna be badly hurt. 411 00:28:02,641 --> 00:28:04,101 This is gonna hurt on so many fronts. 412 00:28:04,226 --> 00:28:07,771 l know it's still difficult to think about it with this news just coming out about Louis 413 00:28:07,896 --> 00:28:10,440 but you have to wonder what this means for the future of Wall Street. 414 00:28:10,607 --> 00:28:14,278 Another firm gone, it leaves very few players left on the Street. 415 00:28:14,611 --> 00:28:15,696 One thing l know for sure is 416 00:28:15,821 --> 00:28:18,156 more competition is better than less competition. 417 00:28:26,415 --> 00:28:28,458 I just heard. I'm so sorry. 418 00:28:36,550 --> 00:28:38,468 WiII you marry me, Winnie? 419 00:28:46,602 --> 00:28:48,395 WiII you marry me? 420 00:28:52,399 --> 00:28:53,901 What's wrong? 421 00:28:58,238 --> 00:29:01,241 It's just something Lou said about not waiting, you know? 422 00:29:01,909 --> 00:29:03,702 And I Iove you. 423 00:29:09,374 --> 00:29:10,501 Yes. 424 00:29:16,340 --> 00:29:17,466 Yes? 425 00:29:24,848 --> 00:29:28,185 You know, I shouId teII you due diIigence. There's some... 426 00:29:28,810 --> 00:29:31,522 I'm out of a job and probabIy on the other side of broke, you know. 427 00:29:34,066 --> 00:29:35,275 Awesome. 428 00:29:55,587 --> 00:29:57,631 ln one of the harshest sentences ever given 429 00:29:57,756 --> 00:30:01,552 to a white collar criminal at that time, in 1993, 430 00:30:01,677 --> 00:30:06,014 he was sent off to Otis Federal Prison for almost eight years. 431 00:30:06,932 --> 00:30:11,895 And so, here in person, l welcome the man himself, Mr. lnsider, 432 00:30:12,020 --> 00:30:13,438 Gordon Gekko. 433 00:30:19,736 --> 00:30:21,154 Thank you. 434 00:30:36,628 --> 00:30:38,213 You're all pretty much fucked. 435 00:30:41,550 --> 00:30:42,551 You don't know it yet, 436 00:30:44,595 --> 00:30:46,972 but you're the NlNJA generation. 437 00:30:48,098 --> 00:30:49,474 No income. 438 00:30:50,392 --> 00:30:51,602 No job. 439 00:30:52,436 --> 00:30:53,687 No assets. 440 00:30:54,605 --> 00:30:56,940 You got a lot to look forward to. 441 00:30:58,984 --> 00:31:01,820 BIood, buddy. He's gonna be your bIood. 442 00:31:04,615 --> 00:31:07,409 Someone reminded me the other evening 443 00:31:07,910 --> 00:31:10,704 that l once said, "Greed is good. " 444 00:31:12,623 --> 00:31:13,916 Now it seems it's legal. 445 00:31:17,836 --> 00:31:19,254 But, folks, 446 00:31:19,379 --> 00:31:24,176 it's greed that makes my bartender buy three houses he can't afford 447 00:31:24,301 --> 00:31:25,969 with no money down. 448 00:31:26,470 --> 00:31:33,227 And it's greed that makes your parents refinance their $200,000 house for 250. 449 00:31:34,186 --> 00:31:37,147 And then they take that extra 50 and they go down to the mall. 450 00:31:37,272 --> 00:31:40,859 And they buy a plasma TV, cell phones, 451 00:31:40,984 --> 00:31:44,279 computers, an SUV. And hey, 452 00:31:44,571 --> 00:31:47,533 why not a second home while we're at it? Because, gee whiz, 453 00:31:47,658 --> 00:31:51,954 we all know that prices of houses in America always go up, right? 454 00:31:52,663 --> 00:31:55,082 lt's greed that makes the government in this country 455 00:31:55,207 --> 00:31:58,877 cut the interest rates to one-percent, after 9/ 1 1. 456 00:31:59,461 --> 00:32:01,380 So we could all go shopping again. 457 00:32:01,505 --> 00:32:05,050 They got all these fancy names for trillions of dollars of credit. 458 00:32:05,175 --> 00:32:09,221 CMOs, CDOs, SlVs, ABSs. 459 00:32:09,721 --> 00:32:13,308 l honestly think there's may be only 75 people in the world 460 00:32:13,517 --> 00:32:15,227 who know what they are. 461 00:32:17,187 --> 00:32:18,939 But l'll tell you what they are. 462 00:32:19,064 --> 00:32:23,151 They're WMDs. Weapons of Mass Destruction. That's what they are. 463 00:32:23,277 --> 00:32:26,822 When l was away, it seemed like greed got greedier 464 00:32:26,947 --> 00:32:29,491 with a little bit of envy mixed in. 465 00:32:30,784 --> 00:32:35,330 Hedge funders were walking home with 50, 100 million bucks a year. 466 00:32:35,956 --> 00:32:40,169 So Mr. Banker, he's looks around, and he says, "My life looks pretty boring. " 467 00:32:40,377 --> 00:32:45,090 So he starts leveraging his interests up to 40, 50 to one 468 00:32:45,215 --> 00:32:46,842 with your money. 469 00:32:47,217 --> 00:32:48,927 Not his, yours. 470 00:32:50,387 --> 00:32:51,555 Because he could. 471 00:32:52,222 --> 00:32:54,725 You're supposed to be borrowing, not them. 472 00:32:55,893 --> 00:32:57,811 And the beauty of the deal, 473 00:32:57,936 --> 00:33:00,314 no one is responsible. 474 00:33:01,899 --> 00:33:04,401 Because everybody's drinking the same Kool-Aid. 475 00:33:05,068 --> 00:33:06,778 Last year, ladies and gentlemen, 476 00:33:06,904 --> 00:33:10,574 forty percent of all American corporate profits 477 00:33:10,699 --> 00:33:12,618 came from financial services. 478 00:33:12,951 --> 00:33:14,036 Not production, 479 00:33:14,161 --> 00:33:17,789 not anything remotely to do with the needs of the American public. 480 00:33:18,165 --> 00:33:20,042 The truth is, we're all part of it now. 481 00:33:20,918 --> 00:33:24,880 Banks, consumers, we're moving money around in circles. 482 00:33:25,339 --> 00:33:26,965 We take a buck, 483 00:33:27,090 --> 00:33:30,886 we shoot it full of steroids, and we call it "leverage. " 484 00:33:32,763 --> 00:33:34,848 l call it "steroid banking. " 485 00:33:36,600 --> 00:33:39,311 l've been considered a pretty smart guy when it comes to finance. 486 00:33:39,436 --> 00:33:40,479 That was fantastic, man. 487 00:33:40,729 --> 00:33:42,856 And maybe l was in prison too long. 488 00:33:43,106 --> 00:33:45,692 But sometimes it's the only place to stay sane 489 00:33:45,817 --> 00:33:47,611 and look out through those bars and say, 490 00:33:47,736 --> 00:33:50,155 "Hey! ls everybody out there nuts?" 491 00:33:57,996 --> 00:34:00,749 lt's clear as a bell to those that pay attention. 492 00:34:03,293 --> 00:34:06,839 The mother of all evil is speculation. 493 00:34:08,966 --> 00:34:10,843 Leveraged debt. 494 00:34:11,468 --> 00:34:12,636 Bottom line. 495 00:34:13,595 --> 00:34:15,639 lt's borrowing to the hilt. 496 00:34:17,474 --> 00:34:19,351 And l hate to tell you this, 497 00:34:19,476 --> 00:34:22,771 but it's a bankrupt business model. lt won't work. 498 00:34:23,689 --> 00:34:27,985 lt's systemic, malignant, and it's global. 499 00:34:29,278 --> 00:34:30,445 Like cancer. 500 00:34:32,030 --> 00:34:35,492 lt's a disease, and we got to fight back. 501 00:34:36,994 --> 00:34:38,745 How are we gonna do that? 502 00:34:39,329 --> 00:34:42,958 How are we gonna leverage that disease back in our favor? 503 00:34:45,169 --> 00:34:46,461 Well, l'll tell you. 504 00:34:47,546 --> 00:34:49,256 Three words. 505 00:34:51,675 --> 00:34:53,552 Buy my book. 506 00:34:58,348 --> 00:35:00,475 Prices and profits work. 507 00:35:03,520 --> 00:35:06,398 This is the kind of energy we need out there. You just keep it up. 508 00:35:06,565 --> 00:35:07,774 Mr. Gekko! 509 00:35:09,067 --> 00:35:12,029 -Excuse me for a moment, sir. -Q and A's over, aII right? 510 00:35:12,821 --> 00:35:15,699 Buy the book. There's no more free advice. 511 00:35:15,908 --> 00:35:18,327 My name is Jacob Moore. I'm gonna marry your daughter. 512 00:35:23,123 --> 00:35:24,333 Does she know that? 513 00:35:25,209 --> 00:35:26,502 She pretended to. 514 00:35:28,295 --> 00:35:30,214 AII right, I'II give you 10 minutes. 515 00:35:31,089 --> 00:35:34,885 I'm a prop trader at KeIIer ZabeI. I speciaIize in energy with a focus on... 516 00:35:35,010 --> 00:35:36,553 Sorry about Lou. 517 00:35:36,678 --> 00:35:39,223 One of the toughest guys that ever wore shoes. 518 00:35:39,348 --> 00:35:40,682 But when those rumors start... 519 00:35:40,807 --> 00:35:42,893 Yeah. I wish I knew who started this. 520 00:35:43,018 --> 00:35:44,061 I Ioved him very much. 521 00:35:44,353 --> 00:35:45,437 Like a father. 522 00:35:45,562 --> 00:35:48,565 He got me a schoIarship here at Fordham and hired me right out of business schooI. 523 00:35:48,690 --> 00:35:52,778 WeII, no one eIse in this market's had the baIIs to commit suicide. 524 00:35:53,278 --> 00:35:55,322 It's an honorabIe thing to do. 525 00:35:57,991 --> 00:35:59,952 Mr. Gekko, I'm in Iove with your daughter. 526 00:36:00,077 --> 00:36:01,662 And I'd be honored... 527 00:36:02,621 --> 00:36:04,414 Why is that funny? 528 00:36:04,540 --> 00:36:07,960 My daughter hasn't spoken to me in years, and you know it. 529 00:36:08,085 --> 00:36:10,546 She bIames me for her brother's overdose 530 00:36:10,712 --> 00:36:13,757 and just about every other disaster that's hit this worId 531 00:36:13,882 --> 00:36:15,509 since Nintendo. 532 00:36:16,510 --> 00:36:19,763 You don't think it's strange that she's dating somebody from WaII Street? 533 00:36:19,888 --> 00:36:22,599 -Why? -Because she hates it. 534 00:36:22,724 --> 00:36:25,394 You don't think it's funny that she'd faII in Iove with you? 535 00:36:29,231 --> 00:36:30,482 I bet you don't have one of these. 536 00:36:31,358 --> 00:36:33,694 No. Can I see that? 537 00:36:33,819 --> 00:36:34,820 Yeah. 538 00:36:35,821 --> 00:36:37,865 It's when she was eight. 539 00:36:38,448 --> 00:36:41,785 Can I have a copy of it? She doesn't keep pictures from her chiIdhood. 540 00:36:41,910 --> 00:36:45,122 I don't even know you, you aIready want something from me, huh? 541 00:36:45,706 --> 00:36:47,749 So what do I get in return? 542 00:36:47,875 --> 00:36:50,127 Don't you want to make a trade? 543 00:36:50,252 --> 00:36:52,045 Yeah, okay. AII right. 544 00:36:52,171 --> 00:36:55,174 I'II give you this and you give me another picture of Winnie. 545 00:36:55,299 --> 00:36:57,634 Recent, without you in it. 546 00:36:57,759 --> 00:36:59,344 I don't have one on me. 547 00:36:59,469 --> 00:37:01,388 I guess this is on margin, huh? 548 00:37:05,976 --> 00:37:07,394 It's aIways been energy. 549 00:37:07,644 --> 00:37:09,438 I've been speciaIizing more and more in cIean tech. 550 00:37:09,563 --> 00:37:10,856 It's sort of a passion now. 551 00:37:10,981 --> 00:37:13,483 That's smart. That's the next bubbIe. 552 00:37:13,692 --> 00:37:17,196 What are you, some kind of energy freedom-fighter? 553 00:37:17,404 --> 00:37:19,990 No, Mr. Gekko. I'm in this game to make money Iike anybody eIse. 554 00:37:20,115 --> 00:37:21,992 So what about money, Jake? 555 00:37:22,117 --> 00:37:23,243 You Iike her? 556 00:37:24,244 --> 00:37:25,787 Do I Iike... 557 00:37:25,913 --> 00:37:28,415 I've never thought about money as a "she." 558 00:37:29,875 --> 00:37:32,753 She Iies there in bed at night with you, 559 00:37:32,961 --> 00:37:34,922 Iooking at you, one eye open. 560 00:37:38,133 --> 00:37:40,677 Money's a bitch that never sIeeps. 561 00:37:41,428 --> 00:37:43,096 And she's jeaIous. 562 00:37:43,222 --> 00:37:45,474 And if you don't pay cIose attention, 563 00:37:45,599 --> 00:37:48,936 you wake up in the morning, and she might be gone forever. 564 00:37:52,689 --> 00:37:54,191 RespectfuIIy, 565 00:37:54,316 --> 00:37:56,818 Mr. Gekko, I don't want to end up where you are because of money. 566 00:37:56,944 --> 00:37:58,946 Oh, yeah. So marry it instead, right? 567 00:38:03,033 --> 00:38:04,409 What do you mean? 568 00:38:05,494 --> 00:38:06,703 Winnie doesn't have any money. 569 00:38:10,123 --> 00:38:11,124 Right. 570 00:38:11,875 --> 00:38:14,294 Here I thought you were a goId-digger. 571 00:38:15,921 --> 00:38:17,798 Does Winnie know you came to see me? 572 00:38:17,923 --> 00:38:19,216 No. 573 00:38:19,424 --> 00:38:22,678 WeII, not exactIy. I was gonna teII her. 574 00:38:23,887 --> 00:38:26,640 I don't think that's a good idea, paI. 575 00:38:26,765 --> 00:38:28,934 See, I got a feeIing you may want to be seeing me again 576 00:38:29,059 --> 00:38:31,478 and if she knew we had this IittIe pow-wow, 577 00:38:31,603 --> 00:38:33,063 she's not gonna Iet it happen. 578 00:38:36,650 --> 00:38:38,610 You know what? You're a smart kid. 579 00:38:38,735 --> 00:38:40,946 You shouId just waIk away. You never met me. 580 00:38:41,071 --> 00:38:42,531 I don't understand. 581 00:38:42,739 --> 00:38:43,824 I think... 582 00:38:44,032 --> 00:38:47,411 The man that you Ioved Iike a father who threw himseIf under a subway? 583 00:38:47,536 --> 00:38:49,246 I think you're angrier than you think you are. 584 00:38:49,371 --> 00:38:52,332 And I think you wanna be in the famiIy business. 585 00:38:53,083 --> 00:38:54,459 Which is what? 586 00:38:54,585 --> 00:38:55,794 Payback. 587 00:38:56,503 --> 00:38:58,422 Except I'm not in that business anymore. 588 00:38:58,547 --> 00:39:00,215 Because the one thing I Iearned in jaiI 589 00:39:00,340 --> 00:39:03,594 is that money is not the prime asset in Iife. 590 00:39:03,719 --> 00:39:04,761 Time is. 591 00:39:04,887 --> 00:39:06,346 And your time is just about up. 592 00:39:09,057 --> 00:39:10,851 Winnie needs to get past the pain you caused her. 593 00:39:11,476 --> 00:39:12,644 I caused her? 594 00:39:12,769 --> 00:39:14,855 Look, she wants you back in her Iife. 595 00:39:14,980 --> 00:39:16,773 She just can't handIe it right now. 596 00:39:16,899 --> 00:39:18,817 Okay? Maybe I can heIp. 597 00:39:18,942 --> 00:39:23,322 Maybe you can, maybe you can. That's what makes the market, Jake. 598 00:39:23,530 --> 00:39:25,115 This is my station. 599 00:39:25,240 --> 00:39:27,492 That is my emaiI address. 600 00:39:36,627 --> 00:39:40,047 By the way, the rumors on ZabeI? 601 00:39:40,172 --> 00:39:41,298 Yeah? 602 00:39:41,423 --> 00:39:43,717 It had to be someone with enough cIout to be beIieved, 603 00:39:43,842 --> 00:39:46,553 somebody who made a fortune shorting the stock. 604 00:39:46,678 --> 00:39:48,555 An axe to grind. 605 00:39:49,389 --> 00:39:53,352 Word has it that Bretton James gutted ZabeI at the Fed. 606 00:39:53,560 --> 00:39:56,438 Just stuck that knife right into his stomach. 607 00:40:03,612 --> 00:40:05,280 Check out 2000. 608 00:40:05,405 --> 00:40:07,074 The Internet bubbIe. 609 00:40:07,199 --> 00:40:09,451 ChurchiII Schwartz, they got hosed. 610 00:40:11,870 --> 00:40:14,289 You know there's fortunes to be made. 611 00:40:14,414 --> 00:40:17,835 Hundreds of miIIions of doIIars betting against this bubbIe. 612 00:40:17,960 --> 00:40:19,419 Just wish I had a miIIion. 613 00:40:26,468 --> 00:40:27,761 It checks out, baby. 614 00:40:28,136 --> 00:40:32,432 Thirteen banks were approached in 2000 to rescue ChurchiII Schwartz. 615 00:40:32,641 --> 00:40:36,019 Bretton James' division was over-invested in the Internet bubbIe coIIapse. 616 00:40:36,854 --> 00:40:39,523 Each bank was going to put up 100 miIIion, but ZabeI said no. 617 00:40:39,648 --> 00:40:40,983 ChurchiII Schwartz aImost went down 618 00:40:41,108 --> 00:40:42,776 but was backstopped by a congIomerate of nine banks. 619 00:40:42,943 --> 00:40:44,903 Okay, so not onIy did they survive this, 620 00:40:45,028 --> 00:40:48,073 but they came back and ate our fricking Iunch. 621 00:40:48,198 --> 00:40:49,199 MoraI hazard. 622 00:40:49,324 --> 00:40:50,951 -UnbeIievabIe. -The man's a hypocrite. 623 00:40:53,245 --> 00:40:54,371 Jacob Moore. 624 00:40:54,496 --> 00:40:55,873 -Hey, Jake. -Hey, Doc. 625 00:40:56,748 --> 00:40:59,918 I don't know, Jake. We're on hoId here. Now they're teIIing me... 626 00:41:00,043 --> 00:41:02,129 HoId on just a second. HoId on just a second. 627 00:41:02,337 --> 00:41:03,547 -I'II see you. We'II have drinks. -Okay. 628 00:41:03,672 --> 00:41:05,465 -It's not over. AII right, OIaf? -Thank you. 629 00:41:05,591 --> 00:41:06,633 Go ahead, Doc. 630 00:41:06,758 --> 00:41:09,219 They're teIIing me we have to cut staff. 631 00:41:09,928 --> 00:41:13,140 We went back to Third Boston, and they turned us down. 632 00:41:13,348 --> 00:41:14,975 And since your firm... 633 00:41:15,934 --> 00:41:17,686 Listen, I totaIIy understand, okay? 634 00:41:17,811 --> 00:41:20,230 But I think I can keep this thing going with minimaI cutbacks. 635 00:41:20,355 --> 00:41:21,356 Look, Jake. 636 00:41:21,857 --> 00:41:24,484 I think we have to have a face-to-face taIk with my peopIe, because... 637 00:41:24,610 --> 00:41:25,611 I totaIIy agree, Doc. 638 00:41:25,736 --> 00:41:28,906 It's just that I'm waIking into a criticaI meeting right now. Okay? 639 00:41:29,031 --> 00:41:31,742 But I'II definiteIy have it on your desk tomorrow a.m., okay? 640 00:41:31,867 --> 00:41:32,910 -Okay. -Okay. 641 00:41:33,285 --> 00:41:34,328 Robby, what do you got? 642 00:41:34,453 --> 00:41:36,538 We got movement definiteIy on Tuesday of that week. 643 00:41:36,663 --> 00:41:38,582 There was some Iarge shorts from money out of the Cayman IsIands. 644 00:41:38,707 --> 00:41:40,000 Something caIIed Locust Fund. 645 00:41:40,209 --> 00:41:41,251 Locust Fund. 646 00:41:41,376 --> 00:41:42,377 What eIse? 647 00:41:42,503 --> 00:41:44,463 Wednesday, they traded another 500,000 shares. 648 00:41:44,588 --> 00:41:45,756 Monday, two miIIion. 649 00:41:45,881 --> 00:41:48,091 Tuesday, one miIIion more. TotaI of 3.5 miIIion shares. 650 00:41:48,217 --> 00:41:50,344 These guys made some serious money. 651 00:41:51,637 --> 00:41:53,013 Who is that, though? Who is the Locust Fund? 652 00:41:53,138 --> 00:41:55,516 I don't know. And I don't want to find out. It couId be my ass. 653 00:41:55,724 --> 00:41:58,435 It'II be your ass if I teII your girIfriend about the pumps and heeIs. 654 00:41:58,560 --> 00:41:59,561 Which girIfriend? 655 00:41:59,686 --> 00:42:01,563 Just find out, aII right? I got a hunch. 656 00:42:01,688 --> 00:42:03,440 l hope it's better than your last one. 657 00:42:03,565 --> 00:42:05,150 Do I hear revenge here? 658 00:42:05,275 --> 00:42:07,402 It's a dish you stick to coId, paI. 659 00:42:07,694 --> 00:42:09,780 I'm about to serve it up hot, Robby. 660 00:42:18,163 --> 00:42:19,831 I toId you. Guinea's puIIing the pIug. 661 00:42:19,957 --> 00:42:23,043 This dictator, Ojukwa, he says Western bankers are greedy. 662 00:42:23,168 --> 00:42:24,837 -What eIse is new? -Listen. Okay? 663 00:42:24,962 --> 00:42:27,756 You wiII not Iose on this. Not on this. 664 00:42:27,881 --> 00:42:29,424 Look, if there's one thing I know, it's energy, 665 00:42:29,550 --> 00:42:31,593 and that the Church is gonna get hit on this. 666 00:42:35,848 --> 00:42:37,349 Is this true? 667 00:42:37,474 --> 00:42:40,060 Oh, yeah. I'm teIIing you, it's gonna happen. 668 00:42:40,185 --> 00:42:43,730 He's definiteIy gonna nationaIize the oiI. I promise you. 669 00:42:44,231 --> 00:42:45,232 Are you behind it? 670 00:42:45,357 --> 00:42:47,526 No. ChurchiII Schwartz is. They got a huge stake. 671 00:42:47,651 --> 00:42:50,404 Can't get behind that size, but you and your boys can. 672 00:42:50,529 --> 00:42:52,155 You shouId. 673 00:42:52,489 --> 00:42:53,699 AII I'm asking 674 00:42:53,824 --> 00:42:56,243 is you rent me this beautifuI thing for the weekend, and we're good. 675 00:42:56,368 --> 00:42:57,578 DeaI? 676 00:42:59,413 --> 00:43:01,248 DeaI. Super deaI. 677 00:43:10,465 --> 00:43:11,884 Can he just take over the oiI Iike that? 678 00:43:12,009 --> 00:43:13,927 The guy's out of his mind. He's taIking to witch doctors. 679 00:43:14,052 --> 00:43:15,053 He's gonna murder the stock. 680 00:43:15,179 --> 00:43:16,889 I know. That's why you gotta get in. 681 00:43:18,932 --> 00:43:21,810 Jake, that company, Offshore African OiI... 682 00:43:22,019 --> 00:43:24,271 Yeah. Hydra Offshore. 683 00:43:24,396 --> 00:43:27,691 And you're saying ChurchiII Schwartz is a part of it? 684 00:43:29,109 --> 00:43:32,446 Over here is gonna be the most expensive item by tomorrow. 685 00:43:32,654 --> 00:43:35,282 It's AIice, in WonderIand. 686 00:43:37,326 --> 00:43:39,828 ChurchiII Schwartz has a huge position in this thing. 687 00:43:39,953 --> 00:43:40,996 I want to get short that stock. 688 00:43:41,121 --> 00:43:42,497 ChurchiII Schwartz is behind that? 689 00:43:42,623 --> 00:43:44,291 It's just a rumor. It might take a hit. 690 00:43:48,378 --> 00:43:49,963 Hear about that African deaI? 691 00:43:50,172 --> 00:43:51,840 Yeah, I heard they're gonna nationaIize. 692 00:43:53,550 --> 00:43:56,011 ChurchiII Schwartz! Off the fIoor! 693 00:43:57,346 --> 00:43:59,431 They're creating rumors around the Hydra position. 694 00:43:59,556 --> 00:44:01,808 None of it's true. They're just trying to kiII the stock. 695 00:44:01,934 --> 00:44:03,101 Doesn't make any difference what's going on. 696 00:44:03,227 --> 00:44:05,604 Then start another goddamn rumor is what you do. 697 00:44:05,729 --> 00:44:08,398 ...short quickly and quietly without everyone figuring out... 698 00:44:08,565 --> 00:44:10,859 I'm convinced what they're after is ChurchiII, 699 00:44:10,984 --> 00:44:12,486 which has a big position in this stock 700 00:44:12,611 --> 00:44:14,738 because ChurchiII got the sweetheart deaI on KeIIer ZabeI. 701 00:44:14,863 --> 00:44:16,657 ChurchiII Schwartz has a five-percent position in it. 702 00:44:16,782 --> 00:44:20,911 Who knows? Who's got the inside Iine on some tin-pot dictator in Africa? 703 00:44:32,339 --> 00:44:33,382 House of pain. 704 00:44:33,507 --> 00:44:34,758 The house of pain! 705 00:44:34,967 --> 00:44:37,594 Hydra Offshore got taken to the woodshed today. 706 00:44:38,846 --> 00:44:41,348 This one's getting beaten like a redhead stepchild. 707 00:44:41,473 --> 00:44:44,560 Down a quick 19% on rumors of oil nationalization... 708 00:44:44,768 --> 00:44:46,353 No, no! 709 00:44:46,562 --> 00:44:49,565 ...in Equatorial Guinea. There's a country for you. 710 00:44:49,690 --> 00:44:50,691 Get them. 711 00:44:50,816 --> 00:44:51,817 The shockwave from this one 712 00:44:51,942 --> 00:44:55,487 extended all the way to investment bank Churchill Schwartz. 713 00:44:55,612 --> 00:44:58,949 Churchill Schwartz down eight percent in pre-market trading. 714 00:45:00,158 --> 00:45:03,912 Home builder confidence falls to a record low in July. 715 00:45:04,037 --> 00:45:06,790 The monthly indicator from the National Association of Homebuilders 716 00:45:06,915 --> 00:45:08,876 dropped for a third consecutive month... 717 00:45:09,001 --> 00:45:10,586 You got your high ceiIings. 718 00:45:11,211 --> 00:45:14,715 Bonus pIayroom upstairs, not that I'm rushing you. 719 00:45:16,383 --> 00:45:17,551 Here. 720 00:45:18,135 --> 00:45:22,055 This is going to be the sun room. Perfect for reading. 721 00:45:22,181 --> 00:45:23,599 It'II get great Iight. 722 00:45:24,141 --> 00:45:26,351 And there's pIenty of room for a pooI 723 00:45:26,476 --> 00:45:28,437 or a tennis court. See? 724 00:45:29,438 --> 00:45:32,357 What's going on with Rainwater Road, Ma? 725 00:45:32,649 --> 00:45:33,901 I'm showing it tomorrow. 726 00:45:34,026 --> 00:45:35,319 -Yeah? -Yeah. 727 00:45:36,320 --> 00:45:37,738 SyIvia, I think it's IoveIy. 728 00:45:37,863 --> 00:45:39,865 Long IsIand aIways goes up. 729 00:45:39,990 --> 00:45:42,910 Great schooIs, great shopping, Iots of doctors. 730 00:45:43,035 --> 00:45:44,828 Everybody Ioves it here. 731 00:45:45,787 --> 00:45:46,955 You ought to buy it. 732 00:45:48,790 --> 00:45:50,959 There are quite a few choices on this bIock. 733 00:45:52,669 --> 00:45:56,465 That's what I Iove about you, dear. You caII it Iike you see it. 734 00:45:56,590 --> 00:45:58,884 I'd rather have this down payment any day. 735 00:46:01,303 --> 00:46:02,387 Ma, you got three properties. 736 00:46:02,846 --> 00:46:04,139 Two of the Ioans are resetting in a few months. 737 00:46:04,264 --> 00:46:05,516 You got to seII at Ieast one. 738 00:46:06,225 --> 00:46:10,395 Don't teII me my job, Jacob. There are no buyers out there right now. 739 00:46:10,521 --> 00:46:12,606 The market's soft. Everybody reads the same news. 740 00:46:12,731 --> 00:46:14,358 I just gotta wait it out. 741 00:46:14,483 --> 00:46:16,735 It's Iike the two FIorida properties five years ago. 742 00:46:16,860 --> 00:46:20,656 I didn't get spooked, and I fIipped 190 grand from them. 743 00:46:23,242 --> 00:46:24,326 What does Henry say? 744 00:46:24,451 --> 00:46:25,827 Oh, Henry. Forget about him. He's a wimp. 745 00:46:25,953 --> 00:46:27,079 That's done? 746 00:46:27,329 --> 00:46:32,125 If I Iistened to Henry, I wouId have soId every house way too soon. 747 00:46:32,251 --> 00:46:34,169 He's just Iike your father was. 748 00:46:34,294 --> 00:46:35,546 No. Dad had bad Iuck. 749 00:46:35,671 --> 00:46:37,422 He took a shot and he faiIed. But he took a shot, Ma. 750 00:46:37,548 --> 00:46:39,883 Yeah, and then Jack DanieIs took his shot, and he succeeded. 751 00:46:40,008 --> 00:46:42,553 Can we not have an argument about my father every time I come to see you? 752 00:46:42,678 --> 00:46:45,264 So sensitive. Forget I said anything. 753 00:46:45,639 --> 00:46:49,768 God. Defending your father is Iike defending smaIIpox. 754 00:46:49,977 --> 00:46:51,019 Look. 755 00:46:52,604 --> 00:46:57,150 The deveIopers are on my ass, okay? I just need you to bridge me. 756 00:46:57,943 --> 00:46:59,444 What about the money from Sagamir Road? 757 00:46:59,570 --> 00:47:02,406 What do you think? I put it into the new properties. 758 00:47:02,531 --> 00:47:04,908 What did you think, it was just gonna shoot up in perpetuity? 759 00:47:05,033 --> 00:47:07,369 Don't patronize your mother, Jacob Lawrence. 760 00:47:07,494 --> 00:47:09,288 Of course I know the risks invoIved. 761 00:47:09,413 --> 00:47:12,457 Hey, you're buying diamonds. You got the bonus, right? 762 00:47:12,583 --> 00:47:16,211 I remember visiting you when I was young at the hospitaI after schooI, thinking, 763 00:47:16,336 --> 00:47:18,714 "How cooI is this? My mother is saving Iives." 764 00:47:18,839 --> 00:47:20,799 -Don't change the subject. -I'm not changing the subject. 765 00:47:20,924 --> 00:47:22,467 I never saved any Iives. 766 00:47:22,593 --> 00:47:24,469 Yeah, but you did something, and that's the point, Mom. 767 00:47:24,595 --> 00:47:28,307 I make more in a month now than I did in my best year as a nurse. 768 00:47:28,432 --> 00:47:30,017 You made a difference. 769 00:47:31,101 --> 00:47:34,021 Listen to the broker preaching making a difference. 770 00:47:34,229 --> 00:47:35,689 That's ironic. 771 00:47:36,982 --> 00:47:38,275 How much? 772 00:47:40,027 --> 00:47:41,820 Two hundred, tops. 773 00:47:43,614 --> 00:47:45,407 You're kiIIing me, Ma! 774 00:47:48,785 --> 00:47:50,579 I'II wire it to you. 775 00:47:53,874 --> 00:47:55,417 Can you stop, pIease? 776 00:47:56,543 --> 00:47:57,753 You're not doing her any favors. 777 00:47:58,128 --> 00:47:59,588 I know. 778 00:48:00,047 --> 00:48:03,258 And you're not preventing it from happening again. 779 00:48:07,137 --> 00:48:08,555 I'II shut up. 780 00:48:11,683 --> 00:48:13,268 -Yeah? -Guess what? 781 00:48:13,769 --> 00:48:14,770 Your boy, Bretton James? 782 00:48:14,895 --> 00:48:17,898 His assistant just caIIed me and asked if you can see him today. 783 00:48:18,023 --> 00:48:19,024 You're kidding me. 784 00:48:19,816 --> 00:48:22,277 Jake, you have an hour. I toId him you were on the isIand. 785 00:48:22,402 --> 00:48:24,196 Yeah, but I'm in the middIe of Friday afternoon traffic. 786 00:48:24,321 --> 00:48:28,158 But he said after hours is okay, because he Ieft his home address. 787 00:48:28,283 --> 00:48:30,994 East 65th Street and Park Avenue, honey. Up to 8 p.m. 788 00:48:31,119 --> 00:48:32,120 Did he sound upset? 789 00:48:32,246 --> 00:48:34,039 Screw him, he destroyed this company. 790 00:48:34,164 --> 00:48:36,792 You waItz in there Iike RusseII Crowe in Gladiator. 791 00:48:36,917 --> 00:48:38,085 Thanks, babe. 792 00:48:39,503 --> 00:48:42,214 Sounds Iike you're getting your waIking papers. 793 00:48:44,925 --> 00:48:47,219 Jake, Iook, I don't need this ring now. 794 00:48:47,344 --> 00:48:49,221 Just give me one out of a Cracker Jack box instead... 795 00:48:49,346 --> 00:48:50,764 What are you taIking about? 796 00:48:50,889 --> 00:48:52,516 Are you crazy? Everything's gonna be fine. 797 00:48:52,641 --> 00:48:55,060 Jake, I grew up with a father who onIy taIked about money. 798 00:48:55,185 --> 00:48:56,311 If you think I want to be with the kind of guy 799 00:48:56,436 --> 00:48:58,063 with his ego invested in his bank account, 800 00:48:58,188 --> 00:48:59,189 you reaIIy don't get me. 801 00:49:03,026 --> 00:49:04,778 "I Iove it, " was what I was expecting. 802 00:49:06,488 --> 00:49:07,906 Return it. It makes me uncomfortabIe. 803 00:49:08,031 --> 00:49:09,825 Okay, Winnie. I'II return it. 804 00:49:24,882 --> 00:49:26,175 Jacob Moore to see Mr. James. 805 00:49:26,717 --> 00:49:28,177 He's expecting you. 806 00:49:56,205 --> 00:49:58,624 Saturno Devorando A Su Hijo. 807 00:49:59,499 --> 00:50:02,336 Goya painted 15 BIack Paintings Iate in his Iife. 808 00:50:02,461 --> 00:50:04,713 Fourteen of them are on view in the Prado. 809 00:50:04,838 --> 00:50:06,965 That's the missing 15th. 810 00:50:07,090 --> 00:50:10,427 An earIy sketch for Saturn devouring his son. 811 00:50:14,681 --> 00:50:16,183 Do you coIIect? 812 00:50:16,308 --> 00:50:17,518 No. 813 00:50:17,643 --> 00:50:20,479 OnIy the obsessive-compuIsive and the insecureIy egotisticaI 814 00:50:20,604 --> 00:50:22,314 feeI the need to coIIect things. 815 00:50:28,946 --> 00:50:30,405 Do you ride? 816 00:50:32,824 --> 00:50:34,868 It's an avocation, yes. 817 00:50:35,077 --> 00:50:36,828 You know the photograph. 818 00:50:36,954 --> 00:50:39,665 RoIIie Free, 1948. 819 00:50:39,790 --> 00:50:41,917 He set the worId record at 150. 820 00:50:42,042 --> 00:50:44,545 And wanted it so bad he rode naked. 821 00:50:45,170 --> 00:50:47,339 Why, you ride, Mr. Moore? 822 00:50:50,926 --> 00:50:52,219 I'II put it to you this way. 823 00:50:52,344 --> 00:50:54,638 If you rode the rest of your Iife, right, 824 00:50:54,763 --> 00:50:56,974 and reaIIy became the best that you couId be, 825 00:50:57,099 --> 00:50:58,475 you wouId never ride Iike I ride. 826 00:51:00,894 --> 00:51:03,689 WeII, then I Iook forward to us riding together. 827 00:51:08,986 --> 00:51:11,280 You a bee, Mr. Moore? 828 00:51:15,492 --> 00:51:16,493 A what? 829 00:51:18,328 --> 00:51:21,206 Do you Iike to sting peopIe? 830 00:51:23,584 --> 00:51:28,046 You cost ChurchiII Schwartz $120 miIIion Iast week. 831 00:51:29,756 --> 00:51:31,925 That's not a great deaI of money. 832 00:51:32,050 --> 00:51:35,387 But peopIe know Hydra Offshore is ours. 833 00:51:41,643 --> 00:51:46,607 I had dinner with the good Commander Ojukwa in Paris Iast week. 834 00:51:46,732 --> 00:51:50,986 He has no actuaI pIans of nationaIizing any oiI fieIds. 835 00:51:51,195 --> 00:51:53,238 But I guess that doesn't reaIIy matter to you. 836 00:51:54,114 --> 00:51:56,366 No, it doesn't. 837 00:51:56,491 --> 00:51:58,452 I checked you out with the desks in town. 838 00:51:58,577 --> 00:52:00,537 You didn't make any money off it. 839 00:52:00,662 --> 00:52:02,164 No, I didn't. 840 00:52:03,081 --> 00:52:04,708 Then why? 841 00:52:06,502 --> 00:52:08,295 Because you destroyed my firm. 842 00:52:08,420 --> 00:52:09,421 Your firm destroyed itseIf. 843 00:52:09,546 --> 00:52:10,839 You kiIIed Louis ZabeI. 844 00:52:12,174 --> 00:52:13,467 Louis ZabeI kiIIed himseIf. 845 00:52:13,592 --> 00:52:14,593 But you set the rumors. 846 00:52:14,718 --> 00:52:15,719 The rumors were true. 847 00:52:16,845 --> 00:52:17,971 You made them true. 848 00:52:18,555 --> 00:52:19,723 No, Mr. Moore. 849 00:52:19,890 --> 00:52:24,144 Putting 50% Ieverage on toxic debt made them true. 850 00:52:24,269 --> 00:52:26,897 Look, ZabeI once knew how to run money. 851 00:52:27,022 --> 00:52:28,982 Dying because of it was his choice. 852 00:52:29,107 --> 00:52:31,777 As far as I'm concerned, it's just money. 853 00:52:31,902 --> 00:52:34,363 But when you don't know what you're doing, 854 00:52:34,488 --> 00:52:36,281 it's fataI, Mr. Moore. 855 00:52:36,406 --> 00:52:38,617 Not knowing what you're doing. 856 00:52:45,165 --> 00:52:46,959 Come work for me. 857 00:52:48,252 --> 00:52:49,503 What? 858 00:52:49,628 --> 00:52:52,464 We fund most of the worId's integrated oiI companies, 859 00:52:52,589 --> 00:52:55,342 driIIers, coaI producers, naturaI gas Iine providers... 860 00:52:55,467 --> 00:52:56,969 I know who you are. 861 00:52:57,094 --> 00:52:58,929 But where we're a IittIe Iight 862 00:53:00,013 --> 00:53:02,599 is in aIternative energy. 863 00:53:05,102 --> 00:53:06,395 Why me? 864 00:53:06,854 --> 00:53:08,730 Because your IoyaIty demanded revenge. 865 00:53:08,856 --> 00:53:12,526 Your baIIs actuaIIy attempted it, and your skiII puIIed it off. 866 00:53:13,610 --> 00:53:14,903 And frankIy, 867 00:53:16,405 --> 00:53:19,700 because I'd Iove to beat the crap out of you on a bike. 868 00:53:19,825 --> 00:53:21,201 Fair enough? 869 00:53:23,287 --> 00:53:27,040 You got my attention, Mr. Moore. That's pretty rare. 870 00:53:27,457 --> 00:53:31,044 If I were you, I'd think seriousIy about it. 871 00:53:31,170 --> 00:53:36,091 Because you'II have a hard time eIsewhere, now that you've captured our attention. 872 00:53:36,967 --> 00:53:40,179 Now, if you'II excuse me, I'm having a IittIe fundraiser. 873 00:53:41,305 --> 00:53:44,057 I got to get back to shaking my tin cup. 874 00:53:44,808 --> 00:53:46,393 What's your number? 875 00:53:46,518 --> 00:53:47,811 I'm sorry? 876 00:53:48,020 --> 00:53:50,939 We'd start you at 300, Iike everybody eIse. 877 00:53:51,064 --> 00:53:53,442 I mean, as a partner, I onIy puII in 600. And the bonuses... 878 00:53:53,567 --> 00:53:54,943 No, no, no. 879 00:53:55,319 --> 00:53:56,570 Your number. 880 00:53:57,154 --> 00:54:00,824 The amount of money you wouId need to just waIk away from it and Iive. 881 00:54:00,949 --> 00:54:03,577 See, I find that everybody has a number, and it's usuaIIy an exact number. 882 00:54:03,702 --> 00:54:05,621 So what is yours? 883 00:54:09,833 --> 00:54:11,168 More. 884 00:54:29,937 --> 00:54:32,189 How did you know it was Bretton James? 885 00:54:32,314 --> 00:54:34,525 Good morning to you, too. Come in. 886 00:54:34,650 --> 00:54:36,109 -Good morning. -You hungry? 887 00:54:36,235 --> 00:54:37,778 No. I'm okay, thanks. 888 00:54:41,281 --> 00:54:44,493 Brett, as I caIIed him in the oId days, used to run trades through me. 889 00:54:44,618 --> 00:54:47,704 We used to piggyback off each other's ideas. 890 00:54:48,163 --> 00:54:52,125 Then we had a IittIe discrepancy. I won't bother you with the detaiIs. 891 00:54:52,251 --> 00:54:55,629 Just to teII you that it cost me 200,000 bucks, 892 00:54:55,754 --> 00:54:57,965 which was a Iot of money back then. 893 00:54:58,090 --> 00:55:02,219 So when I got hot in the '80s, and I started giving tastes to my friends, 894 00:55:02,344 --> 00:55:06,348 I didn't invite James in, and he didn't Iike that very much. 895 00:55:06,557 --> 00:55:07,975 So? 896 00:55:08,684 --> 00:55:11,270 So it's no big deaI. 897 00:55:11,979 --> 00:55:15,649 But when you're in prison, you got a Iot of time to think. 898 00:55:18,110 --> 00:55:22,364 In fact, the best memory that I know is hurt. 899 00:55:23,156 --> 00:55:26,034 I did eight years, paI. Five years before that in court. 900 00:55:26,159 --> 00:55:30,163 Nobody does eight years. They give murderers five. 901 00:55:31,123 --> 00:55:34,418 I thought it was the kid with the airIine that gave you up. 902 00:55:34,543 --> 00:55:36,879 BIue Star? Stock Watch? What was it? 903 00:55:37,004 --> 00:55:38,463 -Who, Bud Fox? -Bud Fox. 904 00:55:38,589 --> 00:55:41,633 No, no, no. He got a wire on him. He got me for insider trading. 905 00:55:41,758 --> 00:55:44,428 But that's 12, 13 months, max. 906 00:55:44,553 --> 00:55:49,516 After the first charges, it was one of my co-conspirators who tipped off the Feds. 907 00:55:51,059 --> 00:55:53,979 And that pious piranha, Bretton James, 908 00:55:54,104 --> 00:55:57,107 he had just enough information to sink me. 909 00:55:57,232 --> 00:55:59,818 You know, of course, I'm never going to know it for sure. 910 00:56:00,861 --> 00:56:02,613 He offered me a job. 911 00:56:05,782 --> 00:56:10,370 WeII, you just rocketed into the center of the universe, paI. 912 00:56:10,495 --> 00:56:14,249 I think my daughter's future is Iooking a heII of a Iot better. 913 00:56:14,666 --> 00:56:16,543 I never made any money shorting Hydra. 914 00:56:17,628 --> 00:56:18,921 You're kidding me. You didn't trade it? 915 00:56:19,338 --> 00:56:22,049 That wouId've been insider trading, Mr. Gekko. 916 00:56:22,758 --> 00:56:24,134 Remember, your daughter and I are engaged. 917 00:56:24,259 --> 00:56:26,136 You wouIdn't want to soiI her name, right? 918 00:56:26,261 --> 00:56:28,138 WeII, you may not have traded, 919 00:56:28,263 --> 00:56:31,350 but you try teIIing the Feds you didn't commit a feIony. 920 00:56:31,475 --> 00:56:33,977 -What do you mean? -You know exactIy what I mean. 921 00:56:34,102 --> 00:56:38,815 You induced others to trade on information that you knew to be faIse. 922 00:56:44,321 --> 00:56:46,740 Hard to prove that. 923 00:56:49,034 --> 00:56:53,330 A fisherman aIways sees another fisherman from afar. 924 00:56:56,834 --> 00:57:00,254 I think you ought to start caIIing me Gordon. 925 00:57:00,462 --> 00:57:02,798 WeII, I promised you this, 926 00:57:03,340 --> 00:57:04,925 Gordon. 927 00:57:05,133 --> 00:57:06,134 Makes us even. 928 00:57:07,177 --> 00:57:08,220 There she is. 929 00:57:08,345 --> 00:57:09,930 But keep this between us, though. 930 00:57:11,974 --> 00:57:13,809 How is that Iefty website of hers doing? 931 00:57:13,934 --> 00:57:15,310 -Frozen Truth? -Yeah. 932 00:57:15,435 --> 00:57:18,397 It's doing weII, actuaIIy. They get about 50,000 hits a day. 933 00:57:18,522 --> 00:57:19,982 It's buiIding. 934 00:57:21,650 --> 00:57:23,652 She was such a pisser. 935 00:57:24,528 --> 00:57:27,906 ReIationships, they're Iike bubbIes. 936 00:57:28,031 --> 00:57:30,826 They're fragiIe. It's Iike these tuIips. 937 00:57:31,451 --> 00:57:34,413 This is the greatest bubbIe story of aII time. 938 00:57:34,538 --> 00:57:37,624 Back in the 1600s, the Dutch, they get specuIation fever 939 00:57:37,749 --> 00:57:42,254 to the point that you couId buy a beautifuI house on a canaI in Amsterdam, 940 00:57:42,379 --> 00:57:45,340 for the price of one buIb. 941 00:57:46,216 --> 00:57:48,510 They caIIed it "TuIip Mania." 942 00:57:48,719 --> 00:57:50,053 Then it coIIapsed. 943 00:57:50,179 --> 00:57:51,847 You couId buy 10 buIbs for $2. 944 00:57:51,972 --> 00:57:55,184 PeopIe got wiped out, but, you know, who remembers? 945 00:57:56,059 --> 00:57:57,436 What wouId you do with your money? 946 00:57:58,145 --> 00:58:00,439 Me? SwitzerIand. StiII the best. 947 00:58:00,731 --> 00:58:03,775 Got a heaIthy distrust for a big government. 948 00:58:03,901 --> 00:58:06,278 Is that where you keep it? 949 00:58:06,403 --> 00:58:09,948 Yes, I did. Now I don't got that kind of cash anymore. 950 00:58:12,326 --> 00:58:13,702 But you do have money. 951 00:58:16,330 --> 00:58:17,915 This is a rentaI. 952 00:58:19,917 --> 00:58:23,712 I'm pretty sure James has invested in an offshore fund in the Caymans. 953 00:58:23,837 --> 00:58:27,382 Your time, you ever do anything with some company caIIed Locust Fund? 954 00:58:27,508 --> 00:58:31,136 Locust Fund. I never heard of it, but it's possibIe. Yeah. 955 00:58:31,261 --> 00:58:33,639 James wants to buiId his aIternative energy sector. 956 00:58:33,764 --> 00:58:34,806 Sounds serious. 957 00:58:34,932 --> 00:58:37,935 I think I can get him to put reaI capitaI behind this company I toId you about. 958 00:58:38,185 --> 00:58:39,728 United Fusion. 959 00:58:39,853 --> 00:58:43,232 James wouId probabIy want to poIish his resume a IittIe green. 960 00:58:43,357 --> 00:58:46,652 He's in poIe position to be top dog when JuIie Steinhardt kicks the bucket, 961 00:58:46,777 --> 00:58:48,779 which, I hear, couId be any day now. 962 00:58:48,904 --> 00:58:51,990 This company couId change not just the energy market, Gordon, but the worId. 963 00:58:52,199 --> 00:58:54,993 IdeaIism. IdeaIism, paI, it kiIIs every deaI. 964 00:58:55,118 --> 00:58:58,664 The thing you got to know about James is, he's a gambIer. You know, Iike me. 965 00:58:58,789 --> 00:59:02,876 He's got an ego the size of Antarctica. Like me. 966 00:59:03,877 --> 00:59:05,712 So now you got his attention. 967 00:59:05,838 --> 00:59:07,506 How are you going to shine sitting on his sun? 968 00:59:10,217 --> 00:59:12,928 Make him money and meIt his ass. 969 00:59:14,137 --> 00:59:18,433 Just Iike the oId days. We sIaughtered men for payback. 970 00:59:20,811 --> 00:59:23,939 Maybe it's time for us to do our second trade? 971 00:59:25,816 --> 00:59:28,652 AII right. I'II dig around on James and this Locust Fund, 972 00:59:28,777 --> 00:59:30,362 and you see what you can do about 973 00:59:30,487 --> 00:59:32,322 getting Winnie and me back together again. 974 00:59:32,447 --> 00:59:35,951 WeII, I never guaranteed she'd forgive you, Gordon. 975 00:59:36,076 --> 00:59:39,496 Why don't we just start with her agreeing to have dinner with you first? 976 00:59:39,621 --> 00:59:43,417 WeII, at my age, I'II take anything I can get. 977 00:59:46,211 --> 00:59:48,338 I had two beautifuI chiIdren. 978 00:59:49,882 --> 00:59:53,510 And then I went away, and I didn't see them much. 979 00:59:54,678 --> 00:59:56,638 My ex made sure of that. 980 00:59:58,891 --> 01:00:00,684 And then when we Iost Rudy, 981 01:00:03,353 --> 01:00:06,273 Winnie just shut down on me. 982 01:00:16,408 --> 01:00:19,745 Except for the exceedingIy precious 983 01:00:19,870 --> 01:00:22,247 and depreciating asset of time. 984 01:00:22,581 --> 01:00:25,083 Winnie's aII I got Ieft. You understand that? 985 01:00:25,209 --> 01:00:27,461 I'II try, Gordon. 986 01:00:28,086 --> 01:00:32,508 WeII, try harder. Then you both can have a father. 987 01:00:45,062 --> 01:00:46,939 -He chose this pIace? -Yeah. 988 01:00:47,064 --> 01:00:49,942 Yeah, we used to come here every Sunday night. 989 01:00:50,067 --> 01:00:51,652 You're going to be fine. 990 01:00:51,777 --> 01:00:54,029 You do know I'm never having sex with you again. 991 01:00:55,030 --> 01:00:58,659 Then what my friends say about marriage is actuaIIy true. Five back. 992 01:00:58,784 --> 01:01:00,035 I'm onIy doing this for you. 993 01:01:00,160 --> 01:01:02,287 No, baby. You're doing this for you. Come on. 994 01:01:02,663 --> 01:01:04,081 Taxi! 995 01:01:19,805 --> 01:01:21,014 Hi. 996 01:01:22,224 --> 01:01:23,225 Hey. 997 01:01:24,017 --> 01:01:25,018 Mr. Gekko. 998 01:01:25,143 --> 01:01:27,563 Jacob Moore. We spoke on the phone. 999 01:01:27,896 --> 01:01:28,897 Yeah. 1000 01:01:35,445 --> 01:01:36,613 Okay. 1001 01:01:41,285 --> 01:01:42,286 Drinks? 1002 01:01:43,954 --> 01:01:44,955 No. 1003 01:01:45,289 --> 01:01:46,915 What about you? Heineken? 1004 01:01:47,040 --> 01:01:48,208 Yeah, sure. 1005 01:01:56,967 --> 01:02:00,762 Let me guess. The ginger-garIic Iobster. 1006 01:02:03,473 --> 01:02:05,601 I used to order that every time. 1007 01:02:06,310 --> 01:02:07,603 I guess so. 1008 01:02:10,814 --> 01:02:14,276 I checked out that website. 1009 01:02:14,484 --> 01:02:16,653 Frozen Truth. It's impressive. 1010 01:02:16,778 --> 01:02:19,531 Thanks. We work hard at it. 1011 01:02:19,656 --> 01:02:22,659 AIthough, there was a buIIshit bIog 1012 01:02:22,784 --> 01:02:26,246 bIaming the current administration for the entire mess that we're in. 1013 01:02:26,371 --> 01:02:27,873 I don't think that's the truth. 1014 01:02:27,998 --> 01:02:29,041 I agree with you. 1015 01:02:29,166 --> 01:02:30,209 You do? 1016 01:02:30,334 --> 01:02:31,335 Yeah. Jack SaImon wrote it... 1017 01:02:31,502 --> 01:02:32,503 Graydy. 1018 01:02:32,628 --> 01:02:36,215 CongratuIations. Great to see you. You're doing great work down there. 1019 01:02:37,341 --> 01:02:39,092 -Thank you. Thank you so much. -Gordon. Gordon Gekko. 1020 01:02:39,218 --> 01:02:40,677 Nice to see you. Thanks so much. 1021 01:03:02,241 --> 01:03:04,076 I'm sorry. I can't do this. 1022 01:03:17,464 --> 01:03:18,632 Winnie! 1023 01:03:20,551 --> 01:03:21,844 Why did you make me do that, Jake? 1024 01:03:21,969 --> 01:03:23,595 You don't understand. This is none of your business. 1025 01:03:23,720 --> 01:03:26,265 It is my business. Stop for a second. Look at the reaI man in there. 1026 01:03:26,390 --> 01:03:28,267 He's hurting. He's desperate to get you back in his Iife. 1027 01:03:28,392 --> 01:03:30,269 He's not who you think he is, Jake! 1028 01:03:30,394 --> 01:03:33,105 PeopIe change. It was a Iong time ago. Winnie. 1029 01:03:37,067 --> 01:03:38,861 He'II hurt us. 1030 01:03:40,320 --> 01:03:42,281 Don't go back in there. 1031 01:03:50,873 --> 01:03:52,708 Are we reaIIy going to Iead with this Babaco SoIar? 1032 01:03:53,292 --> 01:03:56,336 It's a hustIe, Bretton. I passed on it twice within the Iast two years. 1033 01:03:56,461 --> 01:03:57,880 They spin a sexy story 1034 01:03:58,005 --> 01:03:59,965 with these super-thin cadmium teIIuride semiconductors, 1035 01:04:00,090 --> 01:04:01,758 but the truth is, the technoIogy is not proprietary... 1036 01:04:01,884 --> 01:04:04,303 We've been over this, Bretton. You are unbeIievabIe, Moore. 1037 01:04:04,428 --> 01:04:06,096 Babaco is a cow. It's dead in the water. 1038 01:04:06,221 --> 01:04:07,931 The Chinese aren't stupid. They're not going to go for it. 1039 01:04:08,056 --> 01:04:09,057 Yeah, a cash cow maybe. 1040 01:04:09,183 --> 01:04:11,226 They've been saying fusion is five years away for the Iast 40 years. 1041 01:04:11,351 --> 01:04:12,477 It is. Laser fusion is the future. 1042 01:04:12,603 --> 01:04:13,812 Can you prove that, boy genius? 1043 01:04:13,937 --> 01:04:16,315 Can you prove evoIution, girI genius? That seems to work, though, right? 1044 01:04:16,440 --> 01:04:17,983 Look, knock it off. Both of you. 1045 01:04:18,108 --> 01:04:21,153 These guys are parking 15 biIIion across the board in energy sectors 1046 01:04:21,278 --> 01:04:23,280 and I want them here, okay? 1047 01:04:23,405 --> 01:04:27,784 CaroI's taking the Iead on this. Our recommend is Babaco. That's finaI. 1048 01:04:31,455 --> 01:04:32,998 Go ahead. I'II take you to dinner some other time. 1049 01:04:33,123 --> 01:04:34,625 Eat me, Moore. 1050 01:04:35,375 --> 01:04:38,086 Babaco is at the forefront of deveIoping thin fiIm technoIogy 1051 01:04:38,212 --> 01:04:41,507 to incorporate soIar ceIIs into pIiabIe pIastic sheets. 1052 01:04:41,632 --> 01:04:45,052 We beIieve that within the next few years we can approach the 20% IeveI 1053 01:04:45,177 --> 01:04:48,680 making it a perfect match for the expIosion of growth and energy needs, 1054 01:04:48,805 --> 01:04:51,141 which, as you know, is growing at 40%. 1055 01:04:52,309 --> 01:04:54,686 Thin fiIm technoIogy is the breakthrough here. 1056 01:04:55,395 --> 01:04:57,481 And in 2010, 1057 01:04:57,856 --> 01:05:00,859 thin fiIm is going to surpass crystaIIine siIicon. 1058 01:05:01,235 --> 01:05:02,611 And that's about it. 1059 01:05:05,822 --> 01:05:08,283 -Go ahead. -So, with the worId energy demand 1060 01:05:08,408 --> 01:05:11,078 growing 40% in the next 20 years, 1061 01:05:11,203 --> 01:05:13,121 we at Church beIieve, Mr. Xu, 1062 01:05:13,247 --> 01:05:16,542 that Babaco SoIar is a cutting-edge no-brainer. 1063 01:05:17,167 --> 01:05:19,628 Good for a 20% return in the next two years 1064 01:05:19,753 --> 01:05:22,840 with a 30 to 40% upside in the next five years. 1065 01:05:23,549 --> 01:05:25,592 Thank you, Miss CaroI. 1066 01:05:25,717 --> 01:05:30,430 SoIar wiII make an important part of our portfoIio. 1067 01:05:30,764 --> 01:05:35,727 But truthfuIIy, we have seen simiIar technoIogy from another firm. 1068 01:05:36,395 --> 01:05:39,022 As you know, China's demand 1069 01:05:39,147 --> 01:05:43,026 wiII more than doubIe before my daughter turns 21. 1070 01:05:43,318 --> 01:05:47,739 So we are Iooking for the next 100 years. 1071 01:05:47,865 --> 01:05:51,451 Where even my grandson can spend money. 1072 01:05:51,577 --> 01:05:53,996 Do you have anything eIse to present to us today? 1073 01:05:54,329 --> 01:05:56,039 We've come a Iong way. 1074 01:05:59,418 --> 01:06:00,460 Listen, Wang, 1075 01:06:00,586 --> 01:06:04,631 now, we got a great new Iine on this shaIe oiI technoIogy. 1076 01:06:05,924 --> 01:06:09,052 Let's just dig a Iot deeper for a price that we think is a good one. 1077 01:06:09,261 --> 01:06:11,889 We'II have a compIete workup for you by the end of the month. 1078 01:06:12,014 --> 01:06:14,975 AII right, Bretton. That sounds promising. 1079 01:06:15,100 --> 01:06:16,476 What about fusion? 1080 01:06:17,477 --> 01:06:18,854 We happen to be working with a company right now. 1081 01:06:18,979 --> 01:06:22,316 It's got aII the hardware in pIace. Started by the Department of Energy. 1082 01:06:22,441 --> 01:06:24,860 They share R&D faciIities with the University of CaIifornia. 1083 01:06:25,277 --> 01:06:28,655 It's got a market cap right now of about a biIIion. No earnings. 1084 01:06:28,780 --> 01:06:31,575 Fusion has been around a Iong time. 1085 01:06:34,036 --> 01:06:36,038 "Good things take time." 1086 01:06:37,206 --> 01:06:38,373 The simple of it is, 1087 01:06:38,498 --> 01:06:40,751 it's using the intense energy of some 200 laser beams 1088 01:06:40,876 --> 01:06:43,629 focused on a single target the size of a few grains of rice 1089 01:06:43,754 --> 01:06:45,339 fiIIed with hydrogen fueI. 1090 01:06:45,464 --> 01:06:47,758 So the idea being that when that target combusts 1091 01:06:48,008 --> 01:06:50,260 it produces more energy than it took in. 1092 01:06:51,220 --> 01:06:54,223 AII the tests they've done indicate that they can use this ignition process 1093 01:06:54,348 --> 01:06:57,059 to turn simpIe seawater into energy. 1094 01:06:58,227 --> 01:07:00,562 lt's called Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion 1095 01:07:00,687 --> 01:07:02,773 using the reaction between hot water on the surface 1096 01:07:02,898 --> 01:07:05,317 and cold water beneath to power the lasers. 1097 01:07:05,609 --> 01:07:08,195 So what you wind up with is unIimited cIean energy. 1098 01:07:08,320 --> 01:07:10,864 How do you contain the expIosion? 1099 01:07:10,989 --> 01:07:12,699 That's a secret I can't reaIIy share with you right now. 1100 01:07:12,824 --> 01:07:15,536 Not to be secretive, but I couId probabIy get you in there for a peek. 1101 01:07:15,661 --> 01:07:18,080 Maybe next week, on your way back to Beijing from DC? 1102 01:07:20,666 --> 01:07:22,459 Mr. Wang, I got you something. 1103 01:07:22,668 --> 01:07:24,628 This is American baijiu. 1104 01:07:26,463 --> 01:07:29,216 "Johnnie WaIker BIue LabeI." 1105 01:07:29,341 --> 01:07:30,342 Thank you. 1106 01:07:30,467 --> 01:07:31,969 -Miss Chung, this is for you. -Thank you. 1107 01:07:40,143 --> 01:07:41,812 I used to go with ZabeI to China. 1108 01:07:41,937 --> 01:07:45,357 Their cuIture's as much about manners as it is about business. 1109 01:07:45,482 --> 01:07:47,651 They're on the hook, Jake. That's aII I care about. 1110 01:07:47,860 --> 01:07:48,861 Good. 1111 01:07:49,319 --> 01:07:51,154 I'II send him some bamboo fIowers 1112 01:07:51,280 --> 01:07:53,991 symboIizing continued growth and prosperity. 1113 01:07:54,116 --> 01:07:58,036 You don't aIways Iisten so good, Jake, but you got fight in you. 1114 01:07:58,161 --> 01:07:59,496 I Iike that. 1115 01:08:12,968 --> 01:08:15,596 I think you might just have something on James. 1116 01:08:15,721 --> 01:08:20,142 My friend in SwitzerIand, he confirmed that this Locust Fund, it exists and it's big. 1117 01:08:20,642 --> 01:08:22,269 A biIIion doIIars. 1118 01:08:23,270 --> 01:08:25,355 It just might be our friend Bretton 1119 01:08:25,480 --> 01:08:28,692 was trading through his own account, outside of ChurchiII Schwartz. 1120 01:08:29,359 --> 01:08:31,278 Can we get that on the record? 1121 01:08:31,403 --> 01:08:33,197 That's the hard part, isn't it? 1122 01:08:37,201 --> 01:08:40,412 So what are we going to do about my daughter, Jake? 1123 01:08:41,038 --> 01:08:44,124 I toId you, I'm sorry about the other night. Gordon, I can't controI her, you know? 1124 01:08:44,291 --> 01:08:45,375 Yeah. 1125 01:08:46,043 --> 01:08:51,256 You know, they say parents are the bones on which chiIdren sharpen their teeth. 1126 01:08:52,758 --> 01:08:55,177 Find another way for me to get with her. You know, there's got to be... 1127 01:08:55,302 --> 01:08:57,471 That dinner that's coming up, aII the Street guys are going? 1128 01:08:57,596 --> 01:09:01,099 -The AIzheimer's thing at the Met. -Yeah. I'm taking her. 1129 01:09:01,558 --> 01:09:03,977 I wish I had 10K for a seat. 1130 01:09:04,102 --> 01:09:06,688 A writer's got to seII a Iot of books for that. 1131 01:09:08,065 --> 01:09:10,651 And we both know how Winnie wouId react to the fact 1132 01:09:10,776 --> 01:09:13,987 that you've been bonding with your future father-in-Iaw. 1133 01:09:14,112 --> 01:09:15,697 Is that a threat? 1134 01:09:16,907 --> 01:09:18,242 AbsoIuteIy. 1135 01:09:21,036 --> 01:09:22,538 WeII, consider it done. 1136 01:09:22,663 --> 01:09:25,332 I just got to put you at another tabIe. It's got to Iook Iike an accident. 1137 01:09:26,250 --> 01:09:27,626 I Iike trading with you, Jake. 1138 01:09:28,335 --> 01:09:30,170 See you around campus. 1139 01:09:31,463 --> 01:09:32,965 Hey. 1140 01:09:33,382 --> 01:09:35,384 Get her a ring, for Christ's sake! 1141 01:09:58,824 --> 01:09:59,825 How are you, BiII? 1142 01:09:59,950 --> 01:10:01,451 JuIie, how nice to see you. 1143 01:10:01,577 --> 01:10:03,871 WeII, it's a pIeasure to see you, WiIIiam. 1144 01:10:03,996 --> 01:10:05,747 So nice to see you. 1145 01:10:07,165 --> 01:10:09,459 Have you spoken to J.P. about the conservancy? 1146 01:10:17,843 --> 01:10:19,178 -Hi, nice to meet you. -Hi. 1147 01:10:19,303 --> 01:10:22,181 CongratuIations. Looks Iike you won this one. 1148 01:10:23,765 --> 01:10:25,517 -Hi. -It's not over yet. 1149 01:10:26,226 --> 01:10:28,020 -Have you met Jake? -Good to see you. How's your husband? 1150 01:10:28,145 --> 01:10:29,146 Very weII. 1151 01:10:31,523 --> 01:10:33,525 I gotta teII you, Mr. Gekko, 1152 01:10:33,650 --> 01:10:36,236 seeing you speak was inspirationaI on so many IeveIs. 1153 01:10:36,361 --> 01:10:37,863 Because, I'II teII you, I'm on the outside. 1154 01:10:37,988 --> 01:10:40,407 I'm Iooking at aII my buddies making aII this money 1155 01:10:40,532 --> 01:10:41,783 and I'm thinking, "FeIIas, 1156 01:10:41,909 --> 01:10:44,620 "there's no there, there." You know? 1157 01:10:44,745 --> 01:10:46,872 But Iisten, I'm at your tabIe. We can taIk about this aII night. 1158 01:10:46,997 --> 01:10:49,541 That's great, Robby. I'II see you Iater then, aII right? 1159 01:10:49,666 --> 01:10:51,001 Hey, Gordon. 1160 01:10:52,419 --> 01:10:54,004 Looking good. 1161 01:10:54,129 --> 01:10:55,297 My God. 1162 01:10:56,298 --> 01:10:59,676 Bud Fox, huh? I haven't seen you in years. 1163 01:11:00,552 --> 01:11:01,845 This is Erin and Christina. 1164 01:11:01,970 --> 01:11:03,597 -Hi. -HeIIo. Hi. 1165 01:11:04,389 --> 01:11:08,018 What was that airIine caIIed? BIue Star, that's right. 1166 01:11:08,143 --> 01:11:10,687 That must be keeping you pretty busy now, huh? 1167 01:11:11,855 --> 01:11:13,148 Excuse me. 1168 01:11:14,775 --> 01:11:18,695 WeII, after a IittIe time away, I actuaIIy turned it into 1169 01:11:18,820 --> 01:11:23,575 one of the Iargest private jet brokerages in the worId and soId it. Made miIIions. 1170 01:11:23,700 --> 01:11:26,787 That's great, paI. That's reaIIy great. So what's up next? 1171 01:11:27,871 --> 01:11:30,082 You're Iooking at it. GoIf, 1172 01:11:30,624 --> 01:11:34,086 winters in St. Barts, phiIanthropy. 1173 01:11:35,254 --> 01:11:36,630 And how about you, Gordon? 1174 01:11:37,214 --> 01:11:40,801 Does BIue Horseshoe stiII Iove Anacott SteeI? 1175 01:11:41,718 --> 01:11:43,095 You know it. 1176 01:11:45,305 --> 01:11:47,391 WeII, I'II see you around sometime, Gordon. 1177 01:11:48,600 --> 01:11:50,310 Stay out of troubIe. 1178 01:12:44,865 --> 01:12:46,867 And the website's caIIed Frozen Truth. 1179 01:12:46,992 --> 01:12:48,243 -Frozen Truth? -Yeah. 1180 01:12:48,368 --> 01:12:50,412 That's catchy. I Iike that. 1181 01:12:50,537 --> 01:12:53,415 What we reaIIy need is some game-changing news. 1182 01:12:53,540 --> 01:12:57,085 And now you can come out of nowhere with one big story. 1183 01:12:57,211 --> 01:12:59,421 Since "Mission AccompIished" broke the Senator's affair, 1184 01:12:59,546 --> 01:13:01,590 they've gotten 200,000 hits a day. 1185 01:13:02,382 --> 01:13:03,592 Is it expensive to run? 1186 01:13:03,717 --> 01:13:05,260 Not reaIIy. It's a shoestring budget. 1187 01:13:06,553 --> 01:13:08,764 Maybe Jake can find ways to raise you some money 1188 01:13:08,889 --> 01:13:10,265 fIip it to the pubIic? 1189 01:13:11,058 --> 01:13:13,769 We don't reaIIy want to go pubIic. It wouId affect our credibiIity. 1190 01:13:13,894 --> 01:13:15,270 We want to stay non-profit. 1191 01:13:15,562 --> 01:13:17,648 Non-profit? What is that? I don't know what that is. 1192 01:13:17,773 --> 01:13:20,400 -I've heard the term before, "non-profit." -That's very funny. 1193 01:13:20,526 --> 01:13:23,111 You know what it is? Isn't that when you came out of schooI 1194 01:13:23,237 --> 01:13:25,489 and you had to do something for the government, Iike it was mandatory? 1195 01:13:25,614 --> 01:13:27,950 -Very funny. -It was caIIed the draft. 1196 01:13:28,075 --> 01:13:29,284 -It was caIIed the draft. -It's caIIed the draft. 1197 01:13:29,409 --> 01:13:31,161 So one day, Brett, ChurchiII Schwartz 1198 01:13:31,286 --> 01:13:34,122 is going to buy every tabIe at this jackaI's baII. 1199 01:13:34,248 --> 01:13:36,959 They're going to caII it "a reIigious revivaI." 1200 01:13:39,086 --> 01:13:41,213 Winn, you don't have to Ieave on my behaIf. 1201 01:13:41,338 --> 01:13:42,840 I'm onIy going to be here a coupIe of seconds. 1202 01:13:42,965 --> 01:13:44,716 No. Stay. I'm just going to get some air. 1203 01:13:57,771 --> 01:14:01,567 If somebody took this pIace out tonight, there'd be nobody Ieft to ruIe the worId. 1204 01:14:03,944 --> 01:14:07,739 But, Brett, congratuIations. I know how hard you worked for aII of this. 1205 01:14:08,240 --> 01:14:10,409 I go by "Bretton" these days. 1206 01:14:11,118 --> 01:14:14,413 It's a beneficiary of a few buII markets. That's aII it takes. 1207 01:14:14,621 --> 01:14:16,790 So easy, even a caveman can do it, right? 1208 01:14:16,915 --> 01:14:18,083 That's right. 1209 01:14:18,208 --> 01:14:21,503 You make modesty a virtue, Bretton. 1210 01:14:22,087 --> 01:14:26,091 The truth is, nobody needs inside information anymore to get rich. 1211 01:14:26,967 --> 01:14:30,596 AII you have to do is stay out of jaiI. 1212 01:14:31,180 --> 01:14:32,931 -GIad to be here, Bretton. -Herb. 1213 01:14:33,098 --> 01:14:37,311 ActuaIIy, jaiI was the best thing that ever happened to me. 1214 01:14:37,436 --> 01:14:39,479 -Oh, yeah? -Got me to think. 1215 01:14:40,147 --> 01:14:41,773 It centers a man. 1216 01:14:42,691 --> 01:14:45,444 I probabIy shouId thank whoever put me in there. 1217 01:14:49,031 --> 01:14:51,283 You know, I saw you on teIevision the other night. 1218 01:14:52,159 --> 01:14:54,203 You are quite the bear. 1219 01:14:55,037 --> 01:14:56,205 You be carefuI, you know. 1220 01:14:56,330 --> 01:14:58,999 Your daughter's financiaI heaIth is now in our hands. 1221 01:14:59,124 --> 01:15:01,460 -So it is, so it is. -Yeah, it is. 1222 01:15:01,585 --> 01:15:04,546 But your firm knows sub-primes are crap. 1223 01:15:05,172 --> 01:15:08,967 The way you keep buying Bernie's insurance swaps IateIy, 1224 01:15:09,092 --> 01:15:13,055 I mean, I gotta worry about my grandchiIdren's coIIege education. 1225 01:15:14,139 --> 01:15:16,642 -We Iike insurance. -What's not to Iike? 1226 01:15:17,184 --> 01:15:20,312 Easy seIIing crack to kids in a schooI pIayground. 1227 01:15:20,521 --> 01:15:23,357 Credit defauIt swap is a good idea. It's the execution that isn't. 1228 01:15:24,274 --> 01:15:26,360 WeII, you know what they say. 1229 01:15:26,485 --> 01:15:30,822 BuIIs make money, bears make money, and the pigs, they get sIaughtered. 1230 01:15:31,156 --> 01:15:33,617 I thought this was a charity event, Gordon. 1231 01:15:33,742 --> 01:15:36,119 Why don't you go find some? 1232 01:15:37,204 --> 01:15:40,082 TeII you what. I'II make you a deaI, Bretton. 1233 01:15:40,791 --> 01:15:45,003 You stop teIIing Iies about me, I'II stop teIIing the truth about you. 1234 01:15:55,222 --> 01:15:56,223 That's sad. 1235 01:15:57,224 --> 01:15:59,268 -Isn't it? -It's pathetic. 1236 01:15:59,393 --> 01:16:01,603 That he can't just take his baII and go home. 1237 01:16:01,728 --> 01:16:04,106 He has to piss on the whoIe game. 1238 01:16:06,817 --> 01:16:10,028 -I'm going to go find Winnie. -Oh, Iook, by the way, 1239 01:16:10,863 --> 01:16:12,698 I taIked to Wang today. 1240 01:16:14,324 --> 01:16:18,120 I think the Chinese are cIose. Very cIose. 1241 01:16:19,121 --> 01:16:21,456 In any case, I want to taIk to you about the future, 1242 01:16:21,582 --> 01:16:23,542 about how we're going to bring this over the top. 1243 01:16:23,667 --> 01:16:24,877 -Sure. -Okay? 1244 01:16:25,002 --> 01:16:26,712 -Tomorrow? -PossibIy tomorrow. 1245 01:16:26,837 --> 01:16:28,130 -Okay. Okay. -AII right. 1246 01:16:35,596 --> 01:16:36,638 Hi. 1247 01:16:44,813 --> 01:16:46,773 He's a good kid. 1248 01:16:46,899 --> 01:16:49,234 He came from nothing. 1249 01:16:49,359 --> 01:16:51,445 HustIer, Iike me. 1250 01:16:55,157 --> 01:16:57,743 You think he's the one for you, Winn? 1251 01:16:58,452 --> 01:16:59,453 Yep. 1252 01:17:01,705 --> 01:17:03,665 WeII, just make sure he's worthy of you 1253 01:17:03,790 --> 01:17:07,419 because, whether you Iike it or not, you're stiII a Gekko. 1254 01:17:10,172 --> 01:17:12,174 And whether you Iike it or not 1255 01:17:12,299 --> 01:17:14,968 that name doesn't mean anything anymore. 1256 01:17:18,222 --> 01:17:20,682 Why do you say something Iike that? 1257 01:17:21,433 --> 01:17:23,352 We had an agreement. 1258 01:17:23,477 --> 01:17:26,730 You remember? Last time you came down to see me? 1259 01:17:26,855 --> 01:17:28,941 We were going to take a IittIe trip. 1260 01:17:29,066 --> 01:17:32,236 When I got out, you remember that? To SwitzerIand? 1261 01:17:32,528 --> 01:17:33,946 Yeah. 1262 01:17:34,071 --> 01:17:35,822 That was before Rudy. 1263 01:17:40,494 --> 01:17:43,914 Some of the things that came out after you went away, 1264 01:17:45,832 --> 01:17:48,752 things you were recorded saying, the affairs? 1265 01:17:50,170 --> 01:17:52,881 That wasn't you. That wasn't my father. It was some sociopath. 1266 01:17:53,006 --> 01:17:54,550 -It was nine years ago. -So? 1267 01:17:54,675 --> 01:17:56,218 When are you going to stop? 1268 01:18:02,224 --> 01:18:05,394 You got no idea what heII I went through in there. 1269 01:18:05,519 --> 01:18:08,021 HeII, for you? It was heII for you? 1270 01:18:08,146 --> 01:18:12,025 Do you know what you did to Rudy? To aII of us? You drove Mom mad. 1271 01:18:12,150 --> 01:18:13,151 Winnie, 1272 01:18:14,027 --> 01:18:15,696 he was my onIy son. 1273 01:18:18,699 --> 01:18:21,451 I tried everything. I put him in the 12-step deaI. 1274 01:18:21,577 --> 01:18:24,454 I never toId you, I borrowed money from hardcore guys. 1275 01:18:24,580 --> 01:18:27,374 Tens of thousands of doIIars, which I didn't have. 1276 01:18:28,250 --> 01:18:31,211 I gave it to the best therapist I couId find. 1277 01:18:31,420 --> 01:18:36,258 I even tried to pay off one scumbag deaIer not to seII any more to my boy! 1278 01:18:38,093 --> 01:18:40,387 But if you'd been there, Dad... 1279 01:18:42,890 --> 01:18:45,601 If you hadn't been in prison, 1280 01:18:45,934 --> 01:18:47,978 it wouId've been different. 1281 01:18:49,479 --> 01:18:52,566 Winnie, you got no idea 1282 01:18:52,816 --> 01:18:55,444 how much I beat myseIf up, 1283 01:18:55,569 --> 01:18:58,113 how many mistakes I made as a father. 1284 01:18:59,448 --> 01:19:00,782 Rudy... 1285 01:19:01,617 --> 01:19:03,827 He was a victim, you know. Like, he had cancer. 1286 01:19:03,952 --> 01:19:05,662 You cannot bIame me. 1287 01:19:07,206 --> 01:19:09,708 And you gotta stop bIaming yourseIf. 1288 01:19:20,636 --> 01:19:22,763 You're aII I got Ieft, honey. 1289 01:19:24,765 --> 01:19:26,099 Nothing eIse 1290 01:19:27,434 --> 01:19:28,602 matters. 1291 01:19:32,022 --> 01:19:35,692 I cannot make it right again, but I can make things better. 1292 01:19:38,362 --> 01:19:39,530 I'm your dad. 1293 01:19:41,156 --> 01:19:44,326 And whatever you say tiII the day that I die, 1294 01:19:45,827 --> 01:19:47,287 you're my gaI. 1295 01:19:49,122 --> 01:19:50,832 You're the onIy one. 1296 01:19:51,875 --> 01:19:53,377 You're my baby. 1297 01:19:58,465 --> 01:19:59,883 PIease. 1298 01:20:01,051 --> 01:20:04,555 Winnie, just try to forgive me. 1299 01:20:19,695 --> 01:20:20,737 Dad. 1300 01:20:39,506 --> 01:20:40,507 It's done, Doc. 1301 01:20:40,716 --> 01:20:42,926 Look, you're an oIder guy, so I don't want you to have a heart attack. 1302 01:20:43,051 --> 01:20:46,180 But Bretton James just said we're gonna get $100 miIIion! 1303 01:20:46,305 --> 01:20:48,348 -Are you serious, my boy? -Yes! 1304 01:20:48,473 --> 01:20:50,267 Bretton says the Chinese are cIose! 1305 01:20:50,475 --> 01:20:52,769 But Iook, you get some sIeep, aII right? You deserve it. 1306 01:20:52,895 --> 01:20:55,647 -Thank you, Jacob. -I'II taIk to you soon. 1307 01:21:34,436 --> 01:21:36,230 There is carnage on Wall Street. 1308 01:21:37,064 --> 01:21:39,733 The shares of the major financial stocks plummeting. 1309 01:21:39,858 --> 01:21:42,027 lt's triggering a major sell-off in the markets. 1310 01:21:42,152 --> 01:21:43,820 The damage, widespread. 1311 01:21:43,946 --> 01:21:44,947 The NASDAQ's plunging. 1312 01:21:45,072 --> 01:21:47,783 The Dow Jones lndustrial A verage is plunging, and oil is plunging. 1313 01:21:48,158 --> 01:21:49,993 Literally a 180 points just added to the decline. 1314 01:21:50,494 --> 01:21:51,870 You can hear the hollering on the floor. 1315 01:21:51,995 --> 01:21:54,915 We're down 260, literally in a split second. 1316 01:21:55,040 --> 01:21:56,792 Right now, the Dow Jones lndustrial A verage 1317 01:21:56,917 --> 01:21:59,586 is now 500 points on the decline. 1318 01:21:59,878 --> 01:22:01,922 The headline of the new housing report is grim 1319 01:22:02,047 --> 01:22:05,759 that this is shaping up to be the worst real estate market in a generation. 1320 01:22:05,884 --> 01:22:07,803 We are now at the highest point there, 724. 1321 01:22:07,928 --> 01:22:09,888 That was the biggest loss we've seen today. 1322 01:22:10,013 --> 01:22:11,849 We're now in historic territory. 1323 01:22:11,974 --> 01:22:14,309 lnvestors are getting their heads handed to them 1324 01:22:14,434 --> 01:22:17,437 as another US banking institution nears collapse. 1325 01:22:17,563 --> 01:22:20,357 The President's Working Group is going into emergency meetings 1326 01:22:20,482 --> 01:22:23,527 with the Secretary of the Treasury and the Federal Reserve Board. 1327 01:22:31,910 --> 01:22:35,372 The President's Chief of Staff is caIIing back in an hour. 1328 01:22:35,497 --> 01:22:36,790 He's with the President. 1329 01:22:36,915 --> 01:22:40,460 And he's going to want to know what I think we shouId do. 1330 01:22:41,378 --> 01:22:43,630 This isn't KeIIer ZabeI, BiII. 1331 01:22:45,674 --> 01:22:47,801 This is too big to faiI. 1332 01:22:47,968 --> 01:22:51,096 -This is just an insane situation. -This is now. 1333 01:22:51,221 --> 01:22:54,224 There's about 70-pIus triIIion out there in credit defauIt swaps 1334 01:22:54,349 --> 01:22:55,684 heId by roughIy 17 banks. 1335 01:22:55,809 --> 01:22:57,978 And we do not know where the bottom is. 1336 01:22:59,521 --> 01:23:01,773 How much are you guys thinking? 1337 01:23:01,899 --> 01:23:03,859 At Ieast five. 1338 01:23:03,984 --> 01:23:05,986 I think six. 1339 01:23:06,111 --> 01:23:09,323 BiII, I frankIy think Harry and CharIie are Iow. 1340 01:23:09,448 --> 01:23:11,575 I think we're taIking seven, eight. 1341 01:23:11,700 --> 01:23:13,285 Hundred biIIion? 1342 01:23:19,458 --> 01:23:21,168 SeIIing this to Congress is the probIem. 1343 01:23:21,793 --> 01:23:24,129 They're going to want to know where the money's going. 1344 01:23:24,254 --> 01:23:26,465 They'II jawbone this to death. 1345 01:23:29,510 --> 01:23:31,094 -Scare them. -How? 1346 01:23:32,012 --> 01:23:33,722 TeII them the truth. 1347 01:23:34,348 --> 01:23:37,267 The government's got to restore confidence. 1348 01:23:37,392 --> 01:23:40,229 If we don't stop the bIeeding, in three days, 1349 01:23:40,354 --> 01:23:42,940 haIf the banks in this room are out of business. 1350 01:23:43,065 --> 01:23:45,400 And in five days, we're aII gone. 1351 01:23:47,236 --> 01:23:49,863 You men reaIize what you've done here? 1352 01:23:51,990 --> 01:23:56,662 You are asking for the biggest baiIout in the history of this country. 1353 01:23:57,746 --> 01:24:00,415 You're taIking nationaIization, Bretton. 1354 01:24:01,250 --> 01:24:02,584 SociaIism. 1355 01:24:05,212 --> 01:24:08,924 I have fought it aII my Iife. 1356 01:24:10,092 --> 01:24:12,511 And if we don't get it, BiII, 1357 01:24:12,761 --> 01:24:14,805 there won't be any history. 1358 01:24:15,305 --> 01:24:16,682 Music stops. 1359 01:24:18,183 --> 01:24:19,560 BaII's over. 1360 01:24:23,605 --> 01:24:24,731 JuIie? 1361 01:24:26,483 --> 01:24:27,901 1929. 1362 01:24:30,070 --> 01:24:32,948 It'II get worse now, because it'II go faster. 1363 01:24:33,824 --> 01:24:38,412 Money markets wiII dry up around the worId by the end of the week. 1364 01:24:38,537 --> 01:24:41,456 ATMs wiII stop spitting biIIs. 1365 01:24:43,041 --> 01:24:45,752 FederaI Deposit Insurance wiII coIIapse. 1366 01:24:46,670 --> 01:24:48,630 Banks wiII cIose. 1367 01:24:48,839 --> 01:24:50,424 Mobs, panic. 1368 01:24:54,011 --> 01:24:57,139 It's going to be the end of the worId, BiII. 1369 01:25:01,602 --> 01:25:02,644 See? 1370 01:25:09,651 --> 01:25:11,195 AII right, boys. 1371 01:25:12,404 --> 01:25:14,489 You'II hear from us tonight. 1372 01:25:18,368 --> 01:25:19,953 What is going to happen here? Does government have to get involved? 1373 01:25:20,078 --> 01:25:22,915 Are we potentially at a point where we might actually lose 1374 01:25:23,040 --> 01:25:24,917 the financial system as we know it? 1375 01:25:25,042 --> 01:25:26,960 lf the government doesn't get involved, 1376 01:25:27,085 --> 01:25:30,339 there is a risk of a global meltdown of the global financial system. 1377 01:25:30,464 --> 01:25:31,715 This is a financial crisis, 1378 01:25:31,840 --> 01:25:34,760 and anyone who doesn't admit that is just kidding themselves. 1379 01:25:34,885 --> 01:25:36,261 -We've seen something like this. -Polly, l disagree. 1380 01:25:36,386 --> 01:25:39,097 You've gotta get the government to say no in a situation like this. 1381 01:25:39,223 --> 01:25:41,934 True capitalism is about disaster and correction. 1382 01:25:42,059 --> 01:25:43,268 lt's a natural cycle. 1383 01:25:43,393 --> 01:25:44,811 Without it, you create all kinds 1384 01:25:44,937 --> 01:25:47,231 -of artificial anomalies in the market. -But if we don't fix this now, 1385 01:25:47,356 --> 01:25:48,815 you're going to have... 1386 01:25:48,941 --> 01:25:52,027 This is something this country hasn't experienced before. 1387 01:25:52,194 --> 01:25:53,362 lt's an economic Pearl Harbor. 1388 01:25:53,904 --> 01:25:55,697 We got to figure out some way to put the fire out. 1389 01:25:55,822 --> 01:25:57,908 And that means government... 1390 01:26:03,330 --> 01:26:05,374 Your father predicted this. 1391 01:26:08,669 --> 01:26:09,795 When I was IittIe, 1392 01:26:10,587 --> 01:26:13,507 I'd hear my dad in the kitchen Iate at night. 1393 01:26:15,133 --> 01:26:16,260 His case was on appeaI. 1394 01:26:19,096 --> 01:26:22,015 I'd go and sit with him. We'd eat ice cream. 1395 01:26:23,642 --> 01:26:25,853 I never knew him as a peacefuI person. 1396 01:26:28,272 --> 01:26:29,982 It aIways scared me. 1397 01:26:31,108 --> 01:26:32,568 This is scary. 1398 01:26:33,819 --> 01:26:35,696 What's going to happen? 1399 01:26:37,948 --> 01:26:39,575 It'II be the end. 1400 01:26:43,579 --> 01:26:45,581 WeII, that's unacceptabIe. 1401 01:26:47,040 --> 01:26:48,208 Why? 1402 01:26:49,251 --> 01:26:50,919 Because I'm pregnant, Jake. 1403 01:27:01,597 --> 01:27:03,432 -You're pregnant? -Yeah. 1404 01:27:12,900 --> 01:27:14,484 That's fantastic. 1405 01:27:38,759 --> 01:27:41,553 And we are talking on the S&P 500 1406 01:27:41,678 --> 01:27:44,348 a loss of almost eight percent in one day, 1407 01:27:44,473 --> 01:27:46,975 surpassing September 1 7th, 2001. 1408 01:27:47,100 --> 01:27:50,395 That's the day markets opened after the attacks of 9/ 1 1. 1409 01:27:50,521 --> 01:27:51,939 ...last night on Wall Street 1410 01:27:52,064 --> 01:27:54,942 and swept through Japan, China, lndia and Europe 1411 01:27:55,067 --> 01:27:59,196 after one of the worst days on global stock markets in modern times. 1412 01:28:43,866 --> 01:28:45,701 They said your office. 1413 01:28:47,619 --> 01:28:50,873 It's too depressing today. This is my other office. 1414 01:28:52,416 --> 01:28:54,626 This might be dangerous. Think you can keep up? 1415 01:28:54,835 --> 01:28:56,879 WorId's crashing anyway. We'II see, right? 1416 01:30:20,128 --> 01:30:21,880 That's not bad, Jake. 1417 01:30:22,673 --> 01:30:24,967 Though I think they might have given you the faster bike. 1418 01:30:25,092 --> 01:30:27,177 I'm sure that's what it was. 1419 01:30:28,679 --> 01:30:29,930 You know, 1420 01:30:30,639 --> 01:30:32,349 I've aIways beIieved that a man shouId have, 1421 01:30:32,474 --> 01:30:36,895 at one time or another in his Iife, both a mentor and a protégé. 1422 01:30:37,354 --> 01:30:38,397 Who's yours? 1423 01:30:38,522 --> 01:30:40,524 The man who brought me into ChurchiII Schwartz. 1424 01:30:40,649 --> 01:30:45,028 BiII CIark at Treasury. He's been a good friend to us during this crisis. 1425 01:30:45,779 --> 01:30:48,240 You got the makings of a Ieader, Jake. 1426 01:30:48,365 --> 01:30:51,702 I just want you to know, there's no hard feeIings on this. 1427 01:30:52,494 --> 01:30:54,162 No one's going to Iose. 1428 01:30:54,288 --> 01:30:56,582 With CIark in, I think we're in good shape. 1429 01:30:56,707 --> 01:30:58,417 You got a great future. 1430 01:30:58,542 --> 01:31:00,252 I don't understand. 1431 01:31:00,752 --> 01:31:02,796 Didn't you read this morning's capitaI breakdown? 1432 01:31:02,921 --> 01:31:06,175 No, I came right up to the roof. Why? What happened? 1433 01:31:07,843 --> 01:31:13,682 Look, the Chinese money, it's going to Babaco SoIar. 1434 01:31:15,767 --> 01:31:17,686 -What? -We took another Iook 1435 01:31:17,811 --> 01:31:20,480 and we just don't think United Fusion is ever gonna achieve what they cIaim. 1436 01:31:20,606 --> 01:31:22,941 Babaco needs this money to buiId these three fabrications... 1437 01:31:23,066 --> 01:31:24,276 You might as weII just burn the money, Bretton. 1438 01:31:24,401 --> 01:31:26,737 You toId me, I toId Dr. Masters. He's expecting it. 1439 01:31:26,862 --> 01:31:28,864 The decision's been made. 1440 01:31:28,989 --> 01:31:30,991 UnIess you want it to die. 1441 01:31:32,159 --> 01:31:36,622 Of course. Seawater is in a Iot more suppIy than crude. Right, Bretton? 1442 01:31:36,747 --> 01:31:39,917 -You an ideaIist or a capitaIist, Jacob? -I'm a reaIist. 1443 01:31:40,751 --> 01:31:42,794 You're a reaI piece of work, Bretton. 1444 01:31:42,920 --> 01:31:45,047 You're giving the money to Babaco because it's a hustIe. 1445 01:31:45,172 --> 01:31:48,008 It's aII inside. That's why your oiI companies are safe, right? 1446 01:31:48,133 --> 01:31:53,096 The mentor-protégé reIationship is not emotionaI over anything. 1447 01:31:54,097 --> 01:31:56,683 I thought you might be a good addition to the ChurchiII Schwartz team. 1448 01:31:56,808 --> 01:31:58,393 -Am I mistaken? -Let me teII you something, Bretton. 1449 01:31:58,519 --> 01:32:01,772 You are not my mentor. Lou ZabeI was. And whether you admit it or not, 1450 01:32:02,022 --> 01:32:04,942 your raid destroyed ZabeI and forced him to suicide. 1451 01:32:05,067 --> 01:32:08,654 So you may taIk about moraI hazard. You are the moraI hazard. 1452 01:32:09,112 --> 01:32:13,075 You are the worst kind of toxic debt this system's poIIuted with. 1453 01:32:14,952 --> 01:32:17,162 -Is this a threat? -AbsoIuteIy. 1454 01:32:25,379 --> 01:32:27,381 This is so disappointing. 1455 01:32:28,298 --> 01:32:30,759 I reaIIy saw so much in you, Jacob. 1456 01:32:32,469 --> 01:32:37,182 You shouId Iook in the mirror first. See yourseIf. It might scare you, Bretton. 1457 01:32:41,854 --> 01:32:43,939 Consider the motorcycIe part of your severance. 1458 01:32:44,064 --> 01:32:45,691 Fuck you, Bretton! 1459 01:32:52,489 --> 01:32:53,866 -Here you are. -Thanks a Iot. 1460 01:32:53,991 --> 01:32:56,159 -Hi. For EIise. -"For EIise." 1461 01:32:56,285 --> 01:32:59,121 -And can I ask you a question, Mr. Gekko? -CertainIy, EIise. 1462 01:32:59,246 --> 01:33:01,540 What exactIy is "moraI hazard"? 1463 01:33:01,665 --> 01:33:03,792 -He screwed me. -Excuse me? 1464 01:33:05,002 --> 01:33:06,044 Shocker. 1465 01:33:06,170 --> 01:33:09,339 He saw that fusion was actuaIIy possibIe, so he kiIIed it. 1466 01:33:09,464 --> 01:33:11,508 WeII, that's a IittIe far-fetched. 1467 01:33:11,633 --> 01:33:14,011 But then, these days, anything is possibIe. 1468 01:33:14,136 --> 01:33:15,888 WeII, I quit, Gordon. 1469 01:33:16,638 --> 01:33:20,517 That's reaIIy going to heIp. I'II see you outside in 15 minutes. 1470 01:33:20,726 --> 01:33:23,729 MoraI hazard, that's when somebody 1471 01:33:23,854 --> 01:33:26,857 takes your money and is not responsibIe for it. 1472 01:33:27,941 --> 01:33:31,778 This guy James, he must waIk between raindrops. 1473 01:33:31,904 --> 01:33:34,489 He's a monkey dancing on a razorbIade. 1474 01:33:35,490 --> 01:33:40,037 Not onIy did he start the rumors at ZabeI to get your bank for peanuts, 1475 01:33:40,162 --> 01:33:42,789 the guy was trading for his own account in this Locust Fund. 1476 01:33:42,915 --> 01:33:44,208 -He was? -He was. 1477 01:33:44,374 --> 01:33:48,170 And he was betting against the market that he was making. 1478 01:33:48,295 --> 01:33:52,090 But the kicker is, so was his firm. 1479 01:33:52,216 --> 01:33:54,593 ChurchiII Schwartz was shorting sub-primes? 1480 01:33:54,718 --> 01:33:57,596 Yeah, for the Iast two years they've been hedging. 1481 01:33:57,721 --> 01:34:01,433 Not just sub-primes. Primes, indexes, the whoIe thing. 1482 01:34:03,060 --> 01:34:07,272 But they knew this home Ioan fantasy was going to coIIapse the market. 1483 01:34:08,357 --> 01:34:10,317 And when they did, they got the Feds 1484 01:34:10,442 --> 01:34:15,364 to baiI out their bad insurance swaps, a 100 cents on the doIIar. 1485 01:34:15,572 --> 01:34:19,076 I mean, taIk about an eviI empire. This puts me to shame. 1486 01:34:19,368 --> 01:34:22,246 And I'm smaII-time compared to these crooks. 1487 01:34:24,081 --> 01:34:27,334 The system is insoIvent if no one knows what to do next 1488 01:34:27,459 --> 01:34:30,879 except repeat the insanity tiII the next bubbIe bIows. 1489 01:34:32,005 --> 01:34:34,299 That'II be the one. The big one. 1490 01:34:35,384 --> 01:34:38,345 The tipping point, just Iike the tuIip. 1491 01:34:38,470 --> 01:34:42,266 We couId stiII go after James on this. Just bring it aII out. 1492 01:34:42,391 --> 01:34:44,101 Easy, Trigger. 1493 01:34:44,226 --> 01:34:47,688 Media is not going to get in the way of ChurchiII or the government. 1494 01:34:47,813 --> 01:34:50,524 They want their profits just Iike the rest of us. 1495 01:34:50,649 --> 01:34:52,693 It's unethicaI, but it's not iIIegaI. 1496 01:34:52,818 --> 01:34:56,280 When everyone's running for the Iifeboats, who's going to care? 1497 01:34:56,405 --> 01:34:58,907 Maybe some IittIe Ieftist website? 1498 01:34:59,032 --> 01:35:00,701 Your daughter wiII run it. It'II get some pIay. 1499 01:35:06,164 --> 01:35:10,377 Look, Bretton is not an enemy a kid Iike you wants to have for Iife. 1500 01:35:10,502 --> 01:35:11,628 Just get out of this racket. 1501 01:35:12,337 --> 01:35:15,424 SettIe down with Winnie. Live a happy Iife somewhere. 1502 01:35:15,549 --> 01:35:18,552 -What? -WeII, you know, she's got enough money. 1503 01:35:18,677 --> 01:35:20,679 -What do you mean? -You're smart. 1504 01:35:20,804 --> 01:35:22,306 You'II come up with another way to sIice bread. 1505 01:35:22,431 --> 01:35:24,975 -What money? -My money. 1506 01:35:26,685 --> 01:35:28,937 Stop pIaying it dumb, wiII you, Jake? I know you know. 1507 01:35:29,062 --> 01:35:30,355 Know what? 1508 01:35:31,773 --> 01:35:33,483 Are you teIIing me that you're not the onIy one 1509 01:35:33,609 --> 01:35:36,195 in this reIationship keeping a secret? 1510 01:35:38,405 --> 01:35:40,032 HoId on a second. What money, Gordon? 1511 01:35:41,867 --> 01:35:44,244 -SwitzerIand. -How much? 1512 01:35:46,205 --> 01:35:49,041 It's cIose to $100 miIIion by now. 1513 01:35:53,629 --> 01:35:55,839 What do you say we spIit a cab? 1514 01:36:02,137 --> 01:36:06,433 I set it up as a Swiss account in the '80s before aII the troubIe. 1515 01:36:06,558 --> 01:36:07,559 Hey, chief. 1516 01:36:07,809 --> 01:36:10,229 Look, I'II pay you extra. Just sIow down. 1517 01:36:10,354 --> 01:36:11,563 Can you... Can you... 1518 01:36:11,688 --> 01:36:15,943 When she was 18, I toId her she wouId come into it aII when she turned 25. 1519 01:36:17,194 --> 01:36:19,947 And she agreed to stake me when I got out. 1520 01:36:20,948 --> 01:36:24,368 Then Rudy died, and she reneged. 1521 01:36:24,701 --> 01:36:26,036 She never visited me again. 1522 01:36:27,079 --> 01:36:28,956 She toId me she had a smaII trust 1523 01:36:29,081 --> 01:36:30,791 from you and her mom, but she didn't care anything about it. 1524 01:36:30,916 --> 01:36:33,043 She was going to give it to charity when she was 25. 1525 01:36:33,168 --> 01:36:35,420 WeII, it's easy for her to say. She never earned it. 1526 01:36:36,922 --> 01:36:39,967 And now you want it for your fusion deIusion. 1527 01:36:40,092 --> 01:36:43,637 But it's a trust. I mean, she couIdn't break into it before she was 25 anyway. 1528 01:36:43,762 --> 01:36:46,807 Are you as dumb as you sound? Anything can be revoked. 1529 01:36:46,932 --> 01:36:51,103 They don't got trusts in SwitzerIand. It's an account, that's aII. 1530 01:36:51,603 --> 01:36:54,398 I know the bank weII. They'II work with me. 1531 01:36:55,107 --> 01:36:57,860 But you stiII need her signature, of course. 1532 01:36:59,194 --> 01:37:03,574 When it comes to money, sport, your eyes suddenIy shine, just Iike mine. 1533 01:37:06,410 --> 01:37:08,453 Great! Saved another Iife? 1534 01:37:09,371 --> 01:37:10,497 AsshoIe! 1535 01:37:10,622 --> 01:37:12,541 Are you crazy? You want to die? 1536 01:37:17,337 --> 01:37:18,463 How do we do this? 1537 01:37:21,133 --> 01:37:24,803 She goes with you to SwitzerIand, she signs the account over to your controI 1538 01:37:24,928 --> 01:37:27,764 then you give me the money and I'II get it to the States for you. 1539 01:37:28,557 --> 01:37:30,100 You mean Iaunder it? 1540 01:37:30,642 --> 01:37:32,853 Look, paI, you want the IRS on Winnie? 1541 01:37:32,978 --> 01:37:37,024 Because you damn weII know she is compIicit and seriousIy IiabIe. 1542 01:37:37,149 --> 01:37:38,609 AII right? You want the money? 1543 01:37:56,752 --> 01:37:58,003 -Hi. How are you? -Hi. 1544 01:37:58,128 --> 01:38:01,924 -Can I taIk to you for a second? -Yeah. I'II be back in a sec. 1545 01:38:04,426 --> 01:38:07,304 Why didn't you teII me about the $100 miIIion? 1546 01:38:10,766 --> 01:38:15,229 How did you find... How did you find out in the first pIace? 1547 01:38:15,521 --> 01:38:16,939 Did you taIk to my father? 1548 01:38:17,064 --> 01:38:19,233 I found out because ChurchiII Schwartz's internationaI trading desk 1549 01:38:19,358 --> 01:38:20,984 handIes some of the money, and your name came up, 1550 01:38:21,109 --> 01:38:22,194 aIong with Gordon Gekko. 1551 01:38:22,319 --> 01:38:26,406 I never considered it mine. I was 14. I was a minor when he set it up. 1552 01:38:26,532 --> 01:38:27,616 Yeah, but you didn't do anything with the money 1553 01:38:27,741 --> 01:38:28,742 when you turned into a major, did you? 1554 01:38:28,867 --> 01:38:30,744 -I was going to give it to charity. -ReaIIy? 1555 01:38:30,869 --> 01:38:33,372 What were you gonna do, Iaunder the money yourseIf, Winnie? 1556 01:38:33,497 --> 01:38:36,750 -What was your pIan? -I didn't think about it. 1557 01:38:36,875 --> 01:38:38,752 -You didn't think about it? -It was my father's money. 1558 01:38:38,877 --> 01:38:40,671 -You know how he got it. -No, you're wrong. It's your money. 1559 01:38:40,796 --> 01:38:43,423 It's $100 miIIion of your money. 1560 01:38:43,549 --> 01:38:45,008 Do you know what that means? 1561 01:38:45,551 --> 01:38:49,388 That's five years in jaiI. You're gonna get busted with him for tax fraud. 1562 01:38:49,513 --> 01:38:51,431 This is serious, Winnie. 1563 01:38:58,856 --> 01:39:01,692 You couId do something good with this money. 1564 01:39:02,818 --> 01:39:04,653 This is more than just charity, Winn. 1565 01:39:06,738 --> 01:39:09,950 You might want to wipe some of the drooI off your face, Jake. 1566 01:39:10,492 --> 01:39:12,619 Winnie, if it wasn't important, I'd totaIIy understand, but it is. 1567 01:39:12,744 --> 01:39:14,621 You know that fusion just might work. 1568 01:39:14,746 --> 01:39:16,790 I know it sounds Iike Star Wars, Iove, 1569 01:39:16,915 --> 01:39:19,418 but if it weren't for crazy peopIe who thought these crazy things 1570 01:39:19,543 --> 01:39:22,504 then where wouId we be in this worId? Nowhere. 1571 01:39:24,590 --> 01:39:27,801 Winnie, Dr. Masters is a genius. He's a pioneer. 1572 01:39:27,926 --> 01:39:29,678 They might just soIve this thing. It couId change the worId. 1573 01:39:29,803 --> 01:39:31,972 Yeah, okay. Is this about changing the worId or making money? 1574 01:39:32,097 --> 01:39:33,640 Because you come into my office, pitching to me. 1575 01:39:33,765 --> 01:39:35,017 You sound Iike a WaII Street guy. 1576 01:39:35,142 --> 01:39:38,103 HoId on for a second! I am a WaII Street guy. 1577 01:39:38,228 --> 01:39:39,354 I am and I'm good at this. 1578 01:39:39,479 --> 01:39:42,357 And I beIieve in this. And you know that I do. 1579 01:39:42,482 --> 01:39:44,735 What do you wanna do, just report the news for the rest of your Iife 1580 01:39:44,860 --> 01:39:46,528 or do you want to make the news? This is your opportunity. 1581 01:39:46,653 --> 01:39:48,906 It's your chance to shine. 1582 01:39:49,031 --> 01:39:50,866 To be Captain America. 1583 01:39:55,704 --> 01:39:59,374 This is the most charitabIe you couId ever be in your Iife! 1584 01:40:06,089 --> 01:40:08,258 You honestIy beIieve in this? 1585 01:40:09,760 --> 01:40:13,347 Let's say I couId... Let's say I couId get the money now, hypotheticaIIy, right? 1586 01:40:13,472 --> 01:40:14,515 Not that you care about the money. 1587 01:40:14,640 --> 01:40:15,849 But Iet's say I couId take out a Ioan against it, 1588 01:40:15,974 --> 01:40:18,644 minimize your risk as much as possibIe. 1589 01:40:19,686 --> 01:40:22,022 WouId you do this for me, Winn? 1590 01:40:24,441 --> 01:40:26,401 WouId you do this for me? 1591 01:40:52,719 --> 01:40:55,347 Very weII, Miss Gekko. We wiII have your father co-sign 1592 01:40:55,472 --> 01:40:57,558 and we wiII see to it that the funds are transferred. 1593 01:40:57,683 --> 01:40:59,518 -Thank you. -Danke schön, Miss Gekko. 1594 01:40:59,977 --> 01:41:01,186 -Mr. Moore. -Yes? 1595 01:41:01,311 --> 01:41:04,898 Mr. Gekko asked that you caII him in New York as soon as this meeting is over. 1596 01:41:05,023 --> 01:41:06,316 Thank you. 1597 01:41:08,026 --> 01:41:10,237 So I'II take care of the rest of this. You go back to the hoteI. 1598 01:41:10,362 --> 01:41:11,530 -AII right. -I just got the confirmation. 1599 01:41:11,655 --> 01:41:13,073 We're on the direct fIight to New York in the morning. 1600 01:41:13,198 --> 01:41:14,324 Great. 1601 01:41:15,367 --> 01:41:16,660 -Great news on the Ioft. -Yeah? 1602 01:41:16,785 --> 01:41:19,705 Yeah, I got a buyer. So one Iess thing in our Iives, right? 1603 01:41:19,830 --> 01:41:22,249 -I kind of Iike the feeIing. -Yeah, so do I. 1604 01:41:22,374 --> 01:41:24,668 -I'II see you over there. -Okay. 1605 01:41:33,385 --> 01:41:36,680 Hey, anyone can figure out Iife when you're Iooking back on it. 1606 01:41:36,805 --> 01:41:40,184 But we got to Iive it going forward. Right, Jakie? 1607 01:41:41,476 --> 01:41:44,938 Besides, four-and-a-haIf is great in this market. 1608 01:41:45,063 --> 01:41:47,858 Yeah, except I owe six to the bank. When do I have to be out of here? 1609 01:41:47,983 --> 01:41:50,110 You got three months more. 1610 01:41:50,235 --> 01:41:53,780 By the way, I had to throw in the furniture. 1611 01:41:54,364 --> 01:41:56,158 What there was of it. 1612 01:41:57,534 --> 01:42:00,412 Did you want me to have a yard saIe here for you? 1613 01:42:00,537 --> 01:42:02,789 Here. Take it. Here's your pen. 1614 01:42:11,465 --> 01:42:13,884 -Jake... -DoIores was just Ieaving. 1615 01:42:19,932 --> 01:42:24,269 HeIIo to you, too, honey. Don't forget. Three months, honey. 1616 01:42:29,775 --> 01:42:33,153 -Bastards changed the Iocks. -You weren't servicing the Ioans, Ma. 1617 01:42:33,278 --> 01:42:36,240 WeII, they Iied to me. They toId me they were going to give me more time. 1618 01:42:36,365 --> 01:42:38,534 WeII, they're not, okay? They're panicking. Everyone is panicking. 1619 01:42:38,659 --> 01:42:41,245 They're gonna throw it in the market and take what they can get for it, Ma. 1620 01:42:41,370 --> 01:42:43,497 But it's not even finished yet. 1621 01:42:43,622 --> 01:42:46,250 And that's not aII. Look. 1622 01:42:46,375 --> 01:42:48,085 It's the other properties, Mom. 1623 01:42:48,210 --> 01:42:50,504 No, but they said they were gonna give me a IittIe more time. 1624 01:42:50,629 --> 01:42:52,172 And aII I need is a 1 10 grand, 1625 01:42:52,297 --> 01:42:55,384 and then that way, I can keep aII three properties in pIay. 1626 01:42:55,509 --> 01:42:57,219 -I know you have it, Jake. -I don't have it, Mom. 1627 01:42:57,344 --> 01:42:58,762 -You have it, Jacob. -I don't have it, 1628 01:42:58,887 --> 01:43:00,430 and I wouIdn't give it to you if I did have it. 1629 01:43:01,265 --> 01:43:03,600 -What am I supposed to do? -You know what moraI hazard is, Ma? 1630 01:43:03,725 --> 01:43:04,810 -You know what that means? -No. 1631 01:43:04,935 --> 01:43:06,478 It means that once you get baiIed out, what's to stop you 1632 01:43:06,603 --> 01:43:08,939 -from taking another shot? -But I... 1633 01:43:09,064 --> 01:43:11,066 I'm in troubIe, Mom. I am in troubIe right now. 1634 01:43:11,191 --> 01:43:13,569 I'm taking a huge hit on the Ioft, I just soId my bike for nothing 1635 01:43:13,694 --> 01:43:15,696 and now, again, I'm writing you a check, Mom. 1636 01:43:15,821 --> 01:43:17,197 It's ridicuIous. 1637 01:43:18,448 --> 01:43:20,617 This is $30,000 that I bareIy have. 1638 01:43:21,118 --> 01:43:22,870 -But that's not enough, honey. -Ma, I Iove you, 1639 01:43:22,995 --> 01:43:25,163 but I cannot keep hemorrhaging money for your insanity. 1640 01:43:25,289 --> 01:43:26,915 What you need to do is you need to go back to Henry. 1641 01:43:27,040 --> 01:43:28,417 You need to get another job, okay? 1642 01:43:28,542 --> 01:43:31,879 But this is my job. I have a job. What do you... Oh, my God. 1643 01:43:32,004 --> 01:43:34,506 -You mean Iike a reaI job with a boss? -Yes, a reaI job. 1644 01:43:34,631 --> 01:43:36,133 -I'm too oId to get a... -I'm sorry, Ma, 1645 01:43:36,258 --> 01:43:37,301 you got to start at some point. 1646 01:43:37,426 --> 01:43:40,554 You got to start now. I can't keep carrying you forever. 1647 01:43:40,679 --> 01:43:43,724 You're not the onIy one who's in troubIe, Ma. PIease. 1648 01:43:43,849 --> 01:43:47,144 -HeIIo? -Hey, Jake. We have a problem. 1649 01:43:48,770 --> 01:43:49,771 Go ahead. 1650 01:43:49,897 --> 01:43:53,650 I don't know what happened. My CFO says the money hasn't arrived yet. 1651 01:43:55,944 --> 01:43:57,613 Yeah, but it was sent yesterday. 1652 01:43:57,738 --> 01:44:00,365 It shouId have been there before the Fedwire cIosed at 6:00. 1653 01:44:01,241 --> 01:44:05,037 WeII, maybe there's been some sort of mistake. It was a Iarge amount. 1654 01:44:07,956 --> 01:44:09,166 Okay, just sit tight. 1655 01:44:09,541 --> 01:44:11,919 -All right? -Jesus. 1656 01:44:18,634 --> 01:44:21,345 A few days? In this city that's nothing. 1657 01:44:22,471 --> 01:44:24,765 Mr. Gekko is good tenant. 1658 01:44:25,349 --> 01:44:26,934 I appreciate it. 1659 01:44:47,663 --> 01:44:51,875 A fisherman always sees another fisherman from afar. 1660 01:44:58,465 --> 01:45:01,343 Winnie's all l got left. You understand that? 1661 01:45:03,637 --> 01:45:04,847 How much? 1662 01:45:05,055 --> 01:45:07,516 CIose to $100 miIIion by now. 1663 01:45:10,143 --> 01:45:12,312 Don't go back in there, Jake. 1664 01:45:15,732 --> 01:45:17,359 This is who he is. 1665 01:45:20,112 --> 01:45:21,864 I did teII you, Jake. 1666 01:45:23,365 --> 01:45:24,867 I did warn you. 1667 01:45:26,368 --> 01:45:28,203 I Iied to you, Winnie. 1668 01:45:34,084 --> 01:45:37,671 I've been in contact with your father behind your back. 1669 01:45:42,050 --> 01:45:44,303 After we saw him at the dinner, 1670 01:45:45,220 --> 01:45:47,389 before you gave me the money. 1671 01:45:59,109 --> 01:46:00,444 Why? 1672 01:46:03,197 --> 01:46:07,284 Because I thought it was the best thing for you, you know. For us. 1673 01:46:17,252 --> 01:46:18,462 I just wanted to... 1674 01:46:25,969 --> 01:46:27,554 You're Iike him. 1675 01:46:29,723 --> 01:46:31,808 I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Winnie. 1676 01:46:34,811 --> 01:46:37,773 I'II make it up to you. I promise I'II get the money back. 1677 01:46:38,023 --> 01:46:42,069 I don't care about the money, Jake! This is not about the money. 1678 01:46:42,194 --> 01:46:44,947 This is about you and me, and we are not good anymore. 1679 01:46:47,824 --> 01:46:50,285 Winn, we are good. Come on. 1680 01:46:51,662 --> 01:46:52,663 We are good. 1681 01:46:53,539 --> 01:46:55,791 -Come on, Winn. We're good. -No. 1682 01:46:58,627 --> 01:47:01,463 We're supposed to make each other feeI safe. 1683 01:47:03,507 --> 01:47:05,592 Otherwise, what's the point? 1684 01:47:11,765 --> 01:47:13,308 It's gone, Jake. 1685 01:47:14,518 --> 01:47:16,478 It's not. PIease don't. 1686 01:47:16,603 --> 01:47:18,021 Take it. 1687 01:47:24,528 --> 01:47:25,988 Come on, Winn. 1688 01:47:27,239 --> 01:47:28,532 PIease go. 1689 01:47:29,867 --> 01:47:31,034 PIease. 1690 01:47:32,244 --> 01:47:33,245 Go. 1691 01:47:40,252 --> 01:47:41,545 I'm sorry. 1692 01:48:14,661 --> 01:48:19,708 China, India, BraziI. SiIver, oiI, copper, I want to own it aII. 1693 01:48:19,958 --> 01:48:22,461 Buy me ChurchiII Schwartz, 1694 01:48:22,586 --> 01:48:25,047 and get me updates on the other financiaIs. 1695 01:48:25,172 --> 01:48:27,925 I'm Iooking for deaIs. OnIy good deaIs. 1696 01:48:28,050 --> 01:48:31,428 Just ride the trends. Just don't try too hard for the turns. 1697 01:48:31,553 --> 01:48:33,639 It's just Iike the oId days, Bobby. 1698 01:48:33,764 --> 01:48:35,766 What do you feel about California municipals, Gordon? 1699 01:48:35,891 --> 01:48:38,477 No way. CaIifornia has made more mistakes 1700 01:48:38,602 --> 01:48:41,230 than Yogi Berra reciting Shakespeare. 1701 01:48:42,523 --> 01:48:45,651 Right now, it is ugIy times ugIy. 1702 01:48:46,568 --> 01:48:49,029 And that's when the ugIy get going. 1703 01:48:50,113 --> 01:48:53,534 You teII them for me, babe, Gordon Gekko is back. 1704 01:48:56,411 --> 01:48:59,665 I'm Iooking for distressed securities. I'm trying to get a hoId of them 1705 01:48:59,790 --> 01:49:02,501 before the government does. You got that? 1706 01:49:03,252 --> 01:49:04,378 Okay. 1707 01:49:05,087 --> 01:49:07,673 -Here you are, Mr. Gekko. -Nice, Harry. 1708 01:49:08,131 --> 01:49:11,093 WeII, then, AIex, you teII the Treasury Department for me 1709 01:49:11,218 --> 01:49:14,429 that I'm wiIIing to stand on the other side of their auction. 1710 01:49:14,555 --> 01:49:17,015 Not too tight under the arms, Mr. Gekko? 1711 01:49:17,140 --> 01:49:20,185 Jesus Christ. I teII you, the government's worse than a wife. 1712 01:49:20,310 --> 01:49:23,313 They got aII the power, they got haIf the money. 1713 01:49:23,438 --> 01:49:25,858 Now they're working on getting the other haIf. 1714 01:49:26,233 --> 01:49:27,943 Hey, hey, stay positive, paI. 1715 01:49:28,068 --> 01:49:30,821 Most peopIe, they Iose, they whine and quit. 1716 01:49:30,946 --> 01:49:32,322 But you got to be there for the turns. 1717 01:49:32,447 --> 01:49:34,867 Everybody's got good Iuck, everybody's got bad Iuck. 1718 01:49:34,992 --> 01:49:38,537 Don't run when you Iose. Don't whine when it hurts. 1719 01:49:38,662 --> 01:49:40,581 It's Iike the first grade, Jerry. 1720 01:49:40,706 --> 01:49:42,374 Nobody Iikes a crybaby. 1721 01:49:42,499 --> 01:49:45,294 -Whooshing sound. -I'II take four of these. 1722 01:49:59,016 --> 01:50:01,143 FeeIs good to be back on top, huh? 1723 01:50:05,272 --> 01:50:08,025 Hey, champ. What brings you to London? 1724 01:50:08,233 --> 01:50:10,194 You, Gordo. 1725 01:50:12,362 --> 01:50:14,615 You want to make one Iast trade? 1726 01:50:14,740 --> 01:50:16,742 WeII, that depends. 1727 01:50:18,327 --> 01:50:20,662 Did you ever reaIIy want to reconciIe with her? 1728 01:50:22,706 --> 01:50:24,041 I'm human. 1729 01:50:24,166 --> 01:50:25,501 Then why did you do it? 1730 01:50:25,626 --> 01:50:27,461 WeII, it's the same answer. 1731 01:50:27,586 --> 01:50:30,547 Look, I toId you before, Winnie was gonna stake me when I got out. 1732 01:50:31,131 --> 01:50:33,467 -You remember, she reneged. -Sure, she did. 1733 01:50:34,092 --> 01:50:36,470 It makes you feeI better about steaIing from your own bIood, 1734 01:50:36,720 --> 01:50:37,971 doesn't it? 1735 01:50:38,096 --> 01:50:40,098 Every thief has some excuse. 1736 01:50:40,474 --> 01:50:42,976 Hey, don't you act so superior, kid. 1737 01:50:44,102 --> 01:50:49,066 They took 122 thousand hours of my Iife for a victimIess crime. 1738 01:50:49,274 --> 01:50:51,985 I ate my bitterness every goddamn day. 1739 01:50:52,110 --> 01:50:53,737 And when I got out, who was waiting for me? 1740 01:50:53,862 --> 01:50:55,030 Nobody! 1741 01:50:55,989 --> 01:50:57,950 Not even my own daughter. 1742 01:50:58,784 --> 01:51:01,703 I thought Bretton was sIime untiI I met you. 1743 01:51:02,579 --> 01:51:05,082 I just never beIieved that a man wouId seII out his own daughter. 1744 01:51:05,207 --> 01:51:08,418 You die your way, I'II die mine. Get the heII out of here. 1745 01:51:08,544 --> 01:51:09,670 You know, she Ieft me, Gordon. 1746 01:51:09,962 --> 01:51:11,004 Yeah? 1747 01:51:12,464 --> 01:51:14,550 I'm sorry about that. 1748 01:51:14,675 --> 01:51:16,760 Yeah? I bet you are. 1749 01:51:17,469 --> 01:51:19,429 You Ieft it aII in ruins. 1750 01:51:20,931 --> 01:51:24,726 But no matter how much money you make, you'II never be rich. 1751 01:51:24,852 --> 01:51:28,647 See, that's what you never got, kid. It's not about the money. 1752 01:51:29,773 --> 01:51:33,151 It's about the game. The game between peopIe. 1753 01:51:34,194 --> 01:51:35,946 And that's aII it is. 1754 01:51:38,532 --> 01:51:39,867 Speaking of, 1755 01:51:41,577 --> 01:51:43,328 what's the trade? 1756 01:51:43,537 --> 01:51:47,791 You give back the principaI to Winnie. The $100 miIIion. 1757 01:51:50,002 --> 01:51:52,129 And what do I get in return? 1758 01:51:55,174 --> 01:51:56,550 Put this in. 1759 01:52:14,193 --> 01:52:15,944 That's your grandson. 1760 01:52:33,545 --> 01:52:37,007 You said, "The most vaIuabIe commodity I know is time." 1761 01:52:38,217 --> 01:52:40,052 You're Iooking at time. 1762 01:52:40,802 --> 01:52:42,054 Not money. 1763 01:52:45,057 --> 01:52:46,850 This is time, Gordon. 1764 01:52:59,780 --> 01:53:04,034 I'm sorry, Jake, but this is simpIy a trade I cannot make. 1765 01:53:17,130 --> 01:53:19,258 You're a sad man, Gordon. 1766 01:54:33,665 --> 01:54:35,083 You reaIIy want to get this site on the map? 1767 01:54:35,209 --> 01:54:35,417 You break this story. It'II take some time, but it'II spread. 1768 01:54:35,417 --> 01:54:38,879 You break this story. It'II take some time, but it'II spread. 1769 01:54:39,004 --> 01:54:41,548 It's the singIe greatest transfer of weaIth in American history 1770 01:54:41,673 --> 01:54:44,009 from Main Street to WaII Street, and it's aII true. 1771 01:54:44,134 --> 01:54:47,095 And it wiII happen again because peopIe Iike you and me want to be Iied to. 1772 01:54:47,804 --> 01:54:49,723 We Iike bedtime stories. 1773 01:54:52,851 --> 01:54:56,480 I miss you Iike crazy, and I Iove you, baby, and I'm sorry. 1774 01:55:40,899 --> 01:55:45,863 Bretton James, the rumor is that he was shorting KeIIer ZabeI stock 1775 01:55:45,988 --> 01:55:47,489 before he ended up acquiring it. 1776 01:55:47,781 --> 01:55:50,242 Why wouId he do that? This is the rock star of WaII Street. 1777 01:55:50,367 --> 01:55:51,410 Did you hear about Bretton James? 1778 01:55:51,577 --> 01:55:54,580 CNBC wiII say he's hedging, but if you ask me it's a fraud. 1779 01:55:54,788 --> 01:55:58,208 It's a tiny website. Who cares? 1780 01:55:58,625 --> 01:56:01,628 Gekko's daughter and that smartass kid I fired, Moore. 1781 01:56:01,753 --> 01:56:05,007 What is this about the rumor that Ied to Louis ZabeI committing suicide? 1782 01:56:05,132 --> 01:56:08,177 WeII, shorting his own company, you can't bust him for that. 1783 01:56:08,302 --> 01:56:11,722 But they can get him for running faIse rumors on ZabeI, that's serious. 1784 01:56:11,847 --> 01:56:13,599 It's gone viraI, Bretton. 1785 01:56:13,724 --> 01:56:16,476 BIoomberg has a summary out on it. Reuters is pIaying the story big. 1786 01:56:16,602 --> 01:56:19,688 It's become Iegitimate. Congress is next. 1787 01:56:20,981 --> 01:56:23,108 This bank is bigger than you, Bretton. 1788 01:56:23,984 --> 01:56:26,737 We know there's nothing iIIegaI here, Jimmy. 1789 01:56:27,696 --> 01:56:28,780 Jack? 1790 01:56:32,326 --> 01:56:33,410 JuIie... 1791 01:56:34,661 --> 01:56:36,455 Are you stupid or what? 1792 01:56:36,830 --> 01:56:39,416 Trading for your account in your position? 1793 01:56:40,042 --> 01:56:43,462 You pigged out, kid. You were making a fortune here. 1794 01:56:43,754 --> 01:56:46,048 What the heII is wrong with you? 1795 01:56:47,007 --> 01:56:48,217 Come on. 1796 01:56:50,135 --> 01:56:51,803 So I doubIe-dipped. 1797 01:56:52,179 --> 01:56:53,388 Who hasn't? 1798 01:56:53,514 --> 01:56:56,683 Now, in your time, you must have done some things. 1799 01:56:57,518 --> 01:56:59,353 You're retiring, JuIie. 1800 01:57:00,354 --> 01:57:02,439 Why don't you step up in front of this? 1801 01:57:02,773 --> 01:57:04,358 You can afford it. 1802 01:57:04,483 --> 01:57:06,235 I can stiII run this pIace 1803 01:57:06,360 --> 01:57:10,322 and make you more money than you ever dreamed. 1804 01:57:13,116 --> 01:57:17,037 We both know that's not going to happen, kid. 1805 01:57:26,046 --> 01:57:27,172 JuIie. 1806 01:57:27,923 --> 01:57:29,967 Think about this, pIease. 1807 01:57:30,092 --> 01:57:31,969 You Iook for the birds. 1808 01:57:33,178 --> 01:57:35,722 They're going to heIp you, those birds. You'II see. Good Iuck. 1809 01:58:05,794 --> 01:58:08,714 I don't wanna sound Iike a rooster taking credit for the dawn, 1810 01:58:08,839 --> 01:58:12,926 but turning $100 miIIion into $1 .1 biIIion 1811 01:58:13,051 --> 01:58:15,804 in this market, takes some brains, right? 1812 01:58:16,763 --> 01:58:18,807 My guys are good. 1813 01:58:19,933 --> 01:58:23,187 And it's no wonder our new fund is over-subscribed. 1814 01:58:24,104 --> 01:58:27,733 But for you, I'm gonna initiate a third fund. 1815 01:58:29,067 --> 01:58:32,905 Because, frankIy, JuIie, I couIdn't be more excited about this. 1816 01:58:33,030 --> 01:58:36,158 To finaIIy be in business with you and your firm. 1817 01:58:38,911 --> 01:58:41,413 And us with you, Gekko. 1818 01:58:47,503 --> 01:58:48,504 Yeah. 1819 01:58:50,797 --> 01:58:53,217 What is the definition of insanity? 1820 01:58:54,635 --> 01:58:59,056 lt's doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. 1821 01:59:01,433 --> 01:59:04,436 By that standard, most of us are insane. 1822 01:59:04,561 --> 01:59:06,522 But not at the same time. 1823 01:59:07,814 --> 01:59:09,900 And on that basis we trust. 1824 01:59:11,693 --> 01:59:13,362 But can this way of life endure 1825 01:59:13,487 --> 01:59:16,782 if more and more people are insane at the same time? 1826 01:59:18,492 --> 01:59:22,162 lt becomes, as Gordon said, "Systemic. " 1827 01:59:22,829 --> 01:59:23,956 Like cancer. 1828 01:59:26,583 --> 01:59:28,210 What happens then? 1829 01:59:30,587 --> 01:59:32,422 Like l said, 1830 01:59:32,548 --> 01:59:35,884 the mother of all bubbles was the Cambrian Explosion. 1831 01:59:37,302 --> 01:59:40,180 And it happened by chance over 500 million years ago. 1832 01:59:40,305 --> 01:59:42,808 -Louis ZabeI, Bretton? -TeII us about Louis ZabeI. 1833 01:59:43,642 --> 01:59:46,311 -Come on. Come on. -No! 1834 01:59:48,105 --> 01:59:51,233 Scientists will tell you it was unprecedented, 1835 01:59:51,358 --> 01:59:52,651 it happened in a flash. 1836 01:59:55,654 --> 01:59:57,281 And from it, 1837 01:59:57,406 --> 02:00:00,951 suddenly the world had millions of new species. 1838 02:00:01,076 --> 02:00:03,245 I'd Iove a coffee. So be in, Iike, 10. 1839 02:00:03,370 --> 02:00:05,080 -And from that... -Where are you going? 1840 02:00:05,205 --> 02:00:06,373 ...was born us. 1841 02:00:06,498 --> 02:00:07,499 Look at you! 1842 02:00:07,624 --> 02:00:08,625 The human race. 1843 02:00:08,750 --> 02:00:11,503 Mr. Schwartz, I hear you are Ieaving us. 1844 02:00:11,670 --> 02:00:13,839 No, that won't be soon enough. 1845 02:00:13,964 --> 02:00:15,799 Have you thought about a timeshare in FIorida? 1846 02:00:15,924 --> 02:00:17,426 I couId hook you up in Boca. 1847 02:00:18,594 --> 02:00:20,304 Sit down, Mr. James. 1848 02:00:21,096 --> 02:00:25,225 Now, in that sense, bubbles are evolutionary. 1849 02:00:25,434 --> 02:00:27,477 This is onIy a preIiminary proceeding. 1850 02:00:27,603 --> 02:00:29,396 But I want you to know you're under investigation 1851 02:00:29,521 --> 02:00:33,108 on accusations of tax evasion and stock manipuIation 1852 02:00:33,233 --> 02:00:37,070 through, among others, an entity caIIed Locust Fund. 1853 02:00:37,196 --> 02:00:40,324 AIthough, I want to first get to the matter of Louis ZabeI. 1854 02:00:40,449 --> 02:00:42,659 I see here that you cooperated with this office 1855 02:00:42,784 --> 02:00:45,787 and with the federaI authorities in 1988 1856 02:00:45,913 --> 02:00:49,333 when the investigations of one Gordon Gekko began. 1857 02:00:49,458 --> 02:00:51,084 They kill excess. 1858 02:00:52,127 --> 02:00:54,004 They lean out the herd. 1859 02:00:54,755 --> 02:00:56,423 But they never die. 1860 02:00:57,591 --> 02:00:59,927 They just come back in different forms. 1861 02:01:09,645 --> 02:01:11,522 When they burst, 1862 02:01:11,647 --> 02:01:13,815 they give birth to a new day. 1863 02:01:28,539 --> 02:01:30,415 Always creating change. 1864 02:01:51,144 --> 02:01:52,729 Can I carry that? 1865 02:01:57,860 --> 02:01:59,903 You're not sIeeping either? 1866 02:02:00,362 --> 02:02:02,322 He woke me up Iast night. 1867 02:02:06,118 --> 02:02:07,160 Yeah. 1868 02:02:07,953 --> 02:02:09,079 Can I? 1869 02:02:10,247 --> 02:02:11,415 Yeah. 1870 02:02:22,676 --> 02:02:23,802 There? 1871 02:02:24,469 --> 02:02:25,512 Yeah. 1872 02:02:33,103 --> 02:02:35,439 I just got off the phone with Dr. Masters. 1873 02:02:35,564 --> 02:02:36,940 -Yeah? -Yeah. 1874 02:02:37,900 --> 02:02:39,401 Very happy man. 1875 02:02:40,110 --> 02:02:42,362 Renewed interests from investors. 1876 02:02:42,487 --> 02:02:44,323 Because of your story. 1877 02:02:44,907 --> 02:02:46,366 So, thank you. 1878 02:02:50,746 --> 02:02:52,456 I miss you, Winnie. 1879 02:02:53,957 --> 02:02:55,292 I miss you. 1880 02:02:58,295 --> 02:03:00,464 I don't know how to fix this. 1881 02:03:02,257 --> 02:03:03,717 Neither do I. 1882 02:03:06,220 --> 02:03:07,804 It's different now. 1883 02:03:07,930 --> 02:03:10,557 -What can I do? I mean, I... -Nothing. 1884 02:03:12,518 --> 02:03:13,727 Nothing. 1885 02:03:23,737 --> 02:03:24,780 Thank you. 1886 02:03:25,614 --> 02:03:27,574 -Good night. -Good night. 1887 02:03:32,829 --> 02:03:34,748 Where are you two going? 1888 02:03:46,969 --> 02:03:50,013 What, nobody around here beIieves in comebacks? 1889 02:03:55,853 --> 02:03:57,855 Winn, I owe you something. 1890 02:03:59,356 --> 02:04:02,025 I don't want it. I never did. 1891 02:04:03,402 --> 02:04:04,945 No, I figured that. 1892 02:04:05,070 --> 02:04:08,949 But, you know, when choosing between two eviIs, 1893 02:04:09,074 --> 02:04:13,871 I Iike to try the one that I haven't tried before. 1894 02:04:15,706 --> 02:04:19,501 So I deposited a check of $100 miIIion 1895 02:04:20,878 --> 02:04:23,422 made out to United Fusion. 1896 02:04:26,800 --> 02:04:30,012 From some offshore fund no one needs to know about. 1897 02:04:31,597 --> 02:04:34,641 WouIdn't you say green is the new bubbIe, Jake? 1898 02:04:44,234 --> 02:04:46,278 You two make a nice coupIe. 1899 02:04:54,077 --> 02:04:57,623 You know, Winn, human beings, 1900 02:05:00,125 --> 02:05:02,211 we got to give them a break. 1901 02:05:04,379 --> 02:05:06,089 We're aII mixed bags. 1902 02:05:13,263 --> 02:05:14,264 But 1903 02:05:16,141 --> 02:05:17,726 my grandson, 1904 02:05:19,436 --> 02:05:20,729 and you... 1905 02:05:23,065 --> 02:05:26,360 And maybe, you know, you'II Iet me be a father again. 1906 02:07:11,507 --> 02:07:13,717 What's the matter with you guys? Come on, what's the matter? 1907 02:07:13,842 --> 02:07:15,594 You guys are Iike the Iast two on a ship that is sinking. 1908 02:07:21,975 --> 02:07:23,101 That's pretty. 1909 02:07:23,352 --> 02:07:25,521 Isn't that a Cracker Jack box ring? 1910 02:09:13,009 --> 02:09:25,810 Retailrip and sync by: - RuBricK - www.NorSub.com