1 00:00:52,122 --> 00:00:55,558 I'm not a Christian, I'm not an Atheist. 2 00:00:55,559 --> 00:00:57,284 I'm not Jewish, 3 00:00:57,285 --> 00:00:58,856 I'm not Muslim. 4 00:00:58,857 --> 00:01:03,149 My Religion.. What I believe in? 5 00:01:03,150 --> 00:01:07,850 Is called, The Constitution Of The United States Of America. 6 00:01:25,917 --> 00:01:27,653 Hang on. - Did you get that? 7 00:01:27,654 --> 00:01:32,354 Let me open this up. 8 00:02:06,876 --> 00:02:10,756 Okay, go ahead. 9 00:02:10,757 --> 00:02:14,417 If I'm not religious enough for you, don't vote for me. 10 00:02:14,418 --> 00:02:16,724 If I'm not..uh.. 11 00:02:16,725 --> 00:02:21,425 Experience enough for you, don't vote for me. 12 00:02:25,085 --> 00:02:27,261 You know what, Don't vote for me. 13 00:02:27,262 --> 00:02:29,887 Don't.. Don't do it. 14 00:02:29,888 --> 00:02:31,793 Whatever you do, don't vote for me. How's that? 15 00:02:31,794 --> 00:02:33,937 - Okay. - Okay, thanks. 16 00:02:33,938 --> 00:02:36,735 Can we get the monitors up a little, I'd like the governor to be able to hear himself? 17 00:02:36,736 --> 00:02:38,421 You got it. 18 00:02:38,422 --> 00:02:43,836 Also, are we gonna put raisers under this podiums, like we discussed in the pre-conditions? 19 00:02:43,837 --> 00:02:44,837 - No, I know. 20 00:02:44,663 --> 00:02:47,117 we canned inspection last night. 21 00:02:47,118 --> 00:02:48,412 They'll make something slide under there. 22 00:02:48,413 --> 00:02:49,753 - Okay, thank you. 23 00:02:49,754 --> 00:02:50,784 It's just they're few inches short. 24 00:02:50,785 --> 00:02:51,785 It makes it hard for him to read his notes. 25 00:02:51,786 --> 00:02:53,225 - Okay. 26 00:02:53,226 --> 00:02:55,569 Gentlemen, Thank you.. and i'll see you in few hours. 27 00:02:55,570 --> 00:02:58,451 I didn't know the governor has trouble reading his notes. Why doesn't he wear glasses? 28 00:02:58,452 --> 00:02:59,894 No, he doesn't. Just, Pullman's just 5/8. 29 00:02:59,895 --> 00:03:04,595 He's gonna look like a Hobbit. 30 00:03:04,903 --> 00:03:09,603 <font color="#33CC33 ">-- THE IDES OF MARCH --</font> 31 00:03:09,769 --> 00:03:14,469 <font color="#3399FF">credit by d3xt3r</font> <font color="#3399FF">www.ganool.com.com</font> 32 00:03:23,048 --> 00:03:25,524 <font color="#3399FF">warwerwor</font> Well, it all comes down to this. 33 00:03:25,525 --> 00:03:28,271 We are one week away, from the Ohio Primary. 34 00:03:28,272 --> 00:03:29,272 Two Democrats are left standing. 35 00:03:29,273 --> 00:03:31,303 Senator Pullman of Arkansas... 36 00:03:31,304 --> 00:03:34,355 Trailing Gov.Morris of Pennsylvania. 37 00:03:34,356 --> 00:03:36,278 Gov.Morris has mounted a sizeable lead. 38 00:03:36,279 --> 00:03:38,623 With two thousand and fourty seven delegates. 39 00:03:38,624 --> 00:03:41,905 Winning New Hampshire, California.. New York and Michigan. 40 00:03:41,906 --> 00:03:45,096 But Sen.Pullman with thirteen hundred and two delegates.. 41 00:03:45,097 --> 00:03:46,097 Is still in the hunt, 42 00:03:46,098 --> 00:03:47,986 Having won Florida and Tennessee.. 43 00:03:47,987 --> 00:03:49,771 And Virginia and Missouri. 44 00:03:49,772 --> 00:03:52,271 A win in Ohio could turn it all around. 45 00:03:52,272 --> 00:03:54,771 For the Arkansas Senator. 46 00:03:54,772 --> 00:03:58,938 One week from Tuesday, the all important Hundred and sixty-one Ohio delegates.. 47 00:03:58,939 --> 00:04:00,832 Could be the deciding factor. 48 00:04:00,833 --> 00:04:01,833 Once again, it is true... 49 00:04:01,834 --> 00:04:06,534 'As goes Ohio..so goes the nation'. 50 00:04:07,912 --> 00:04:09,425 <font color="#3399FF">Sen.Pullman:</font> But you call yourself a Christian. 51 00:04:09,426 --> 00:04:10,426 - How would that matter? <font color="#3399FF">- Let me quote.</font> 52 00:04:10,412 --> 00:04:12,911 Let me quote: " I have no Idea what happens when we die. 53 00:04:12,912 --> 00:04:16,972 Maybe, nothing. Maybe, it's like before we were born". 54 00:04:16,973 --> 00:04:17,917 You did write this Governor. 55 00:04:17,918 --> 00:04:18,918 Let me be specific. 56 00:04:18,593 --> 00:04:20,137 - Please do. 57 00:04:20,138 --> 00:04:23,001 I was raised a Catholic, and I am no practising Catholic. 58 00:04:23,002 --> 00:04:25,559 And I have no idea, What happens after we die. 59 00:04:25,560 --> 00:04:29,186 If the senator does, then..maybe you should be The President. 60 00:04:29,187 --> 00:04:31,063 Is that your idea of being specific? 61 00:04:31,064 --> 00:04:32,664 Let me be more specific. 62 00:04:32,665 --> 00:04:34,438 - Thank you. 63 00:04:34,439 --> 00:04:36,326 I'm not a Christian or an Atheist. 64 00:04:36,327 --> 00:04:37,327 I'm not Jewish or Muslim. 65 00:04:37,328 --> 00:04:38,866 What I believe... 66 00:04:38,867 --> 00:04:41,366 My Religion is written on a piece of paper called The Constitution. 67 00:04:41,367 --> 00:04:45,932 Meaning, that I'd defend until my dying breath your right to worship.. 68 00:04:45,933 --> 00:04:47,722 In whatever God you believe in. 69 00:04:47,723 --> 00:04:49,857 As long as it doesn't hurt others. 70 00:04:49,858 --> 00:04:53,340 I believe, we should be judged as a country by how we take care of the people.. 71 00:04:53,341 --> 00:04:55,091 who cannot take care of themselves. 72 00:04:55,092 --> 00:04:56,243 That's my religion! 73 00:04:56,244 --> 00:04:58,841 If you think i'm not religious enough, Don't vote for me. 74 00:04:58,842 --> 00:05:01,766 If you think I'm not experience enough or tall enough.. 75 00:05:01,767 --> 00:05:02,814 Then, don't vote for me. 76 00:05:02,815 --> 00:05:04,606 'Cos I can't change that to get elected. 77 00:05:04,607 --> 00:05:08,781 - I just want you to say out loud, If you believe in the teachings of The Bible? 78 00:05:08,782 --> 00:05:12,130 Is this a Democratic primary or a general election? 79 00:05:12,131 --> 00:05:13,131 Well, Governor whoever wins this contest.. 80 00:05:13,132 --> 00:05:14,885 will be running for The President. 81 00:05:14,886 --> 00:05:17,015 And If you think, that this questions... 82 00:05:17,016 --> 00:05:19,184 won't be central in the general election. 83 00:05:19,185 --> 00:05:21,384 Then, you're living in Fantasy Land! 84 00:05:21,385 --> 00:05:23,074 I'm simply pointing to the obvious. 85 00:05:23,075 --> 00:05:26,100 We are running for President of The United States. 86 00:05:26,101 --> 00:05:30,801 Not, Student Council President. 87 00:05:57,076 --> 00:05:59,893 Fucking National Security. 88 00:05:59,894 --> 00:06:04,594 Out of the park. - Home run. 89 00:06:11,995 --> 00:06:16,695 You know, I'm trying to remember if the Democrats have ever nominated an Atheist before. 90 00:06:16,987 --> 00:06:21,122 - Well, we know they've nominated a JackAss before. 91 00:06:21,123 --> 00:06:23,712 That must've been you, that did the prep work..Steven. 92 00:06:23,713 --> 00:06:25,353 Paul's not that clever. 93 00:06:25,354 --> 00:06:28,380 - You've always said the brain stuffs about me. 94 00:06:28,381 --> 00:06:29,463 I've had the Balls. 95 00:06:29,464 --> 00:06:33,574 Well, it looks like you've got some brains now, too. 96 00:06:33,575 --> 00:06:38,275 Becareful, I just might have to steal him from you. 97 00:06:39,285 --> 00:06:43,985 What a Prick! 98 00:07:06,598 --> 00:07:08,690 So..Paul, tell me something I don't know. 99 00:07:08,691 --> 00:07:12,491 Tell me what's going to happen on the 15th? 100 00:07:12,492 --> 00:07:16,672 What? 101 00:07:16,673 --> 00:07:18,484 What do you think, Stevie? 102 00:07:18,485 --> 00:07:23,185 - I think it's ours for the taking. What do you think? 103 00:07:23,678 --> 00:07:26,209 What do you think..Ida? 104 00:07:26,210 --> 00:07:27,943 - I'm asking you. 105 00:07:27,944 --> 00:07:30,266 Well, you tell me..I'll tell you. 106 00:07:30,267 --> 00:07:31,997 - If I have to say, I'd say... 107 00:07:31,998 --> 00:07:33,438 It will be close. But, You'll eek it out. 108 00:07:33,439 --> 00:07:36,048 Eek? 109 00:07:36,049 --> 00:07:38,572 You see, she's trying to get under my skin. 110 00:07:38,573 --> 00:07:39,573 - So, what's gonna happen? 111 00:07:39,056 --> 00:07:42,064 Us..by Nine. 112 00:07:42,065 --> 00:07:44,285 - So, you're certain you're gonna win here? 113 00:07:44,286 --> 00:07:45,894 Certain? No. But, confident? Yeah. 114 00:07:45,895 --> 00:07:46,895 You just said, you'll win by nine. 115 00:07:46,786 --> 00:07:48,072 And I think that we will! 116 00:07:48,073 --> 00:07:49,285 But i'm not gonna tell you, It's a sure thing, 117 00:07:49,286 --> 00:07:51,785 I mean, fucking St.Gabriel could blow his horn on election day.. 118 00:07:51,786 --> 00:07:54,328 and get his four horsemen to rig the ballot box for Pullman.. 119 00:07:54,329 --> 00:07:56,455 and it wouldn't surprise me. 120 00:07:56,456 --> 00:07:59,183 Six Presidentials that I've done and I've never felt this good. 121 00:07:59,184 --> 00:08:02,749 But, i'm not gonna sit here and say.. Yeah, hey..we'll win Ohio. 122 00:08:02,750 --> 00:08:04,446 Not a chance. 123 00:08:04,447 --> 00:08:07,911 In the last 30 years, seventy-three Democrats have run for President..How many have won? 124 00:08:07,912 --> 00:08:08,912 Three. 125 00:08:08,763 --> 00:08:11,393 That means, 70 guys have run with the thought that they had a chance, 126 00:08:11,394 --> 00:08:13,486 and they all lost. 127 00:08:13,487 --> 00:08:15,795 - So, you're saying..there's a good chance that you won't win? 128 00:08:15,796 --> 00:08:18,258 Don't twist my words, Ida. What i'm saying is.. 129 00:08:18,259 --> 00:08:20,207 I'm not gonna promise you we'll win. 130 00:08:20,208 --> 00:08:22,707 But he's decorated by Bush Senior from the first Gulf War.. 131 00:08:22,708 --> 00:08:25,207 He protested the second and he left the state with a balance.. 132 00:08:25,208 --> 00:08:27,895 budget and the 4th highest education rate. 133 00:08:27,896 --> 00:08:28,976 The Republicans... 134 00:08:28,977 --> 00:08:31,664 have no one out there, that could touch this guy. 135 00:08:31,665 --> 00:08:32,704 So, for this moment; 136 00:08:32,705 --> 00:08:37,405 This election...this primary is the presidential. 137 00:08:37,528 --> 00:08:41,710 And that.. Ida.. Is the state of the union. 138 00:08:41,711 --> 00:08:44,487 And on that note-- 139 00:08:44,488 --> 00:08:48,337 I'm gonna take a shit. 140 00:08:48,338 --> 00:08:49,538 So, Steven? 141 00:08:49,539 --> 00:08:50,803 - So, Ida. 142 00:08:50,804 --> 00:08:52,403 Steven, Steven..Steven. 143 00:08:52,404 --> 00:08:53,967 - Ida, Ida..Ida. 144 00:08:53,968 --> 00:08:54,968 What's going on at the airport? 145 00:08:54,969 --> 00:08:55,969 Yeah. 146 00:08:55,970 --> 00:08:57,210 And getting on a plane. 147 00:08:57,211 --> 00:08:58,887 - That's what you do, at the airport. Yeah. 148 00:08:58,888 --> 00:09:00,796 Where's that plane going? 149 00:09:00,797 --> 00:09:02,662 Okay, 150 00:09:02,663 --> 00:09:04,827 I'll give you three guesses. 151 00:09:04,828 --> 00:09:06,385 He's not going back to Head Quarters. 152 00:09:06,386 --> 00:09:07,386 - Correct. 153 00:09:07,152 --> 00:09:08,771 He's not going to Texas? 154 00:09:08,772 --> 00:09:09,772 - No need. 155 00:09:09,773 --> 00:09:10,962 We're gonna split Texas, so it's a wash. 156 00:09:10,963 --> 00:09:12,781 What if I've said, North Carolina? 157 00:09:12,782 --> 00:09:14,881 - I'll say, a guess. 158 00:09:14,882 --> 00:09:16,148 He's going to North Carolina. 159 00:09:16,149 --> 00:09:17,149 - I can't neither confirm or deny that. 160 00:09:17,150 --> 00:09:19,251 I knew it. Now, tell me why? 161 00:09:19,252 --> 00:09:21,451 I cannot do that. 162 00:09:21,452 --> 00:09:22,756 I hate you. 163 00:09:22,757 --> 00:09:24,395 - You love me. 164 00:09:24,396 --> 00:09:25,956 I love Paul, You..hate. 165 00:09:25,957 --> 00:09:27,890 You love him, because he gives you the scoops. 166 00:09:27,891 --> 00:09:29,375 Sexual favours. 167 00:09:29,376 --> 00:09:30,960 You're engaged? 168 00:09:30,961 --> 00:09:35,653 If it meant a good scoop.. My fiancee will understand. 169 00:09:35,654 --> 00:09:38,092 You're really buying into this crap. 170 00:09:38,093 --> 00:09:40,399 All this take back the country nonsense. 171 00:09:40,400 --> 00:09:41,977 Ida? 172 00:09:41,978 --> 00:09:43,667 I'm not naive, okay? 173 00:09:43,668 --> 00:09:46,778 I've worked on more campaigns most people will have, by the time they're 40. 174 00:09:46,779 --> 00:09:49,723 I'm telling you.. This is the One! 175 00:09:49,724 --> 00:09:51,337 You really have drunk the cool-aid? 176 00:09:51,338 --> 00:09:54,457 - I have drunk. It's delicious! 177 00:09:54,458 --> 00:09:55,222 Look? 178 00:09:55,223 --> 00:09:57,536 I don't care if he happens to be leading in the polls.. 179 00:09:57,537 --> 00:10:00,029 I don't care if he happens to have all the right tools.. 180 00:10:00,030 --> 00:10:01,010 The truth is.. 181 00:10:01,011 --> 00:10:02,488 He's the only one.. 182 00:10:02,489 --> 00:10:05,608 that's gonna actually make a differencein peoples lives. 183 00:10:05,609 --> 00:10:07,606 Even the people, that hate him. 184 00:10:07,607 --> 00:10:10,666 If Mike Morris is President, this is more about us.. 185 00:10:10,667 --> 00:10:11,667 then it does about him. 186 00:10:11,668 --> 00:10:14,850 I don't give a fuck.. If he can't win. 187 00:10:14,851 --> 00:10:16,067 He has to win. 188 00:10:16,068 --> 00:10:17,209 - or what? 189 00:10:17,210 --> 00:10:21,049 The world's gonna fall apart? 190 00:10:21,050 --> 00:10:23,021 It won't matter. 191 00:10:23,022 --> 00:10:24,951 Not one bit... 192 00:10:24,952 --> 00:10:28,675 To the everyday lives of the everyday fuckers, who get up, 193 00:10:28,676 --> 00:10:31,863 and work and eat and sleep. Go back to work again. 194 00:10:31,864 --> 00:10:32,864 If your boy wins.. 195 00:10:32,865 --> 00:10:35,207 You get a job in the White House. 196 00:10:35,208 --> 00:10:38,771 He looses, you're back at a consulting firm on K-street. 197 00:10:38,772 --> 00:10:40,827 That's it! 198 00:10:40,828 --> 00:10:45,528 You used to know that, before you got goosebumpy about this guy. 199 00:10:45,589 --> 00:10:47,919 Mike Morris is a politician. 200 00:10:47,920 --> 00:10:50,836 He's a nice guy. They're all nice guys! 201 00:10:50,837 --> 00:10:53,465 He will let you down. 202 00:10:53,466 --> 00:10:58,166 Sooner or later. 203 00:11:13,758 --> 00:11:14,842 This is 'off-off' the record. 204 00:11:14,843 --> 00:11:16,692 - What? 205 00:11:16,693 --> 00:11:18,006 Franklin Thompson... 206 00:11:18,007 --> 00:11:19,007 - Seriously? 207 00:11:19,008 --> 00:11:20,008 Off the record. 208 00:11:20,009 --> 00:11:21,009 going through the Governor, Steven and Me. 209 00:11:21,010 --> 00:11:23,429 - My lips are sealed. 210 00:11:23,430 --> 00:11:25,089 Tomorrow I have a meeting at Thompson's house. 211 00:11:25,090 --> 00:11:26,765 - He's going to endorse us? 212 00:11:26,766 --> 00:11:28,477 After I'm done talking to him. What do you think? 213 00:11:28,478 --> 00:11:30,550 - That's huge! 214 00:11:30,551 --> 00:11:31,890 It's more than huge. 215 00:11:31,891 --> 00:11:34,477 There's 356 pledged delegates.. 216 00:11:34,478 --> 00:11:36,066 They all travels with him; 217 00:11:36,067 --> 00:11:38,038 Puts us over the top. 218 00:11:38,039 --> 00:11:40,408 - He said publicly, he's not gonna endorse anybody. 219 00:11:40,409 --> 00:11:40,949 Yeah, well... 220 00:11:40,950 --> 00:11:43,313 That's what they all say, until you get 'em alone at the room. 221 00:11:43,314 --> 00:11:44,746 - So, this is for real? 222 00:11:44,747 --> 00:11:46,440 Yup. 223 00:11:46,441 --> 00:11:47,865 Just gotta put it in the bag. 224 00:11:47,866 --> 00:11:50,113 - When are you gonna announce? 225 00:11:50,114 --> 00:11:53,819 Nope, that's all you get for now. 226 00:11:53,820 --> 00:11:56,537 Okay, listen up! 227 00:11:56,538 --> 00:11:58,280 These are your new cellphones. 228 00:11:58,281 --> 00:11:59,766 Shelley's pre-programmed the numbers, 229 00:11:59,767 --> 00:12:00,767 Thank you Shelley. No personal calls. 230 00:12:00,768 --> 00:12:01,925 Kevin? 231 00:12:01,926 --> 00:12:03,547 If you loose them, 232 00:12:03,548 --> 00:12:05,503 The D.M.C will come to your house. 233 00:12:05,504 --> 00:12:07,204 New cellphone, just gave em all new ones. 234 00:12:07,205 --> 00:12:08,205 I'll get it later. 235 00:12:08,206 --> 00:12:10,390 Morris on TV: ...I gotta believe we can do it. 236 00:12:10,391 --> 00:12:12,229 We have enemies, we have to understand, 237 00:12:12,230 --> 00:12:13,294 Why our enemies are our enemies? 238 00:12:13,295 --> 00:12:15,292 And see if there's something we can do about it. 239 00:12:15,293 --> 00:12:17,586 Besides, just using force. As we know... 240 00:12:17,587 --> 00:12:21,552 From history, the answer to extremism can't be extremism. 241 00:12:21,553 --> 00:12:23,374 Fucking kill me. 242 00:12:23,375 --> 00:12:25,826 Where did we get this? 243 00:12:25,827 --> 00:12:28,131 Sometime, in Pennsylvania before he annouce. 244 00:12:28,132 --> 00:12:30,111 Thank God, he was in overseas. 245 00:12:30,112 --> 00:12:30,941 Just get rid of it. 246 00:12:30,942 --> 00:12:32,611 Yeah, but if this was already placed , why would this bother us... 247 00:12:32,612 --> 00:12:33,495 Are you fucking stoned? 248 00:12:33,496 --> 00:12:36,675 This is exact same piece The Republicans, are gonna run against him in the general. 249 00:12:36,676 --> 00:12:38,618 We don't need to brag about it. 250 00:12:38,619 --> 00:12:41,118 "Hi, I'm Neville Chamberlain. I'd like to be your Commander in Chief. 251 00:12:41,119 --> 00:12:42,528 - But then, this is gonna come out anyways. 252 00:12:42,529 --> 00:12:43,529 It's gonna come out. 253 00:12:43,530 --> 00:12:46,987 But it's not gonna come out 'Paid For It by Us' pal. 254 00:12:46,988 --> 00:12:49,487 You think there's any truth, in this..Pullman having investments.. 255 00:12:49,488 --> 00:12:51,987 diamond mines in Liberia? 256 00:12:51,988 --> 00:12:52,931 - Still checking on it. 257 00:12:52,932 --> 00:12:55,259 But, we got it from a blog, who the fuck knows. 258 00:12:55,260 --> 00:12:57,844 - I don't care, if it's true.. I just wanna hear him denying it. 259 00:12:57,845 --> 00:13:00,440 If it's true..Great! Find out. If not... 260 00:13:00,441 --> 00:13:02,847 let them spend the day, telling The Post, 261 00:13:02,848 --> 00:13:05,556 that he doesn't own a diamond mine in Liberia. 262 00:13:05,557 --> 00:13:06,594 Win-Win. 263 00:13:06,595 --> 00:13:09,259 Okay. 264 00:13:09,260 --> 00:13:11,852 We gotta counter that Christian shit, we take it from last night. 265 00:13:11,853 --> 00:13:14,126 I need the new 30 in 60 seconds spot. 266 00:13:14,127 --> 00:13:18,827 We can show him in staff meeting this afternoon. 267 00:13:26,402 --> 00:13:27,182 Hey. - Hey. 268 00:13:27,183 --> 00:13:29,630 uhh..Ben wanted me to get you sign off on this, 269 00:13:29,631 --> 00:13:31,767 Before the staff meeting. 270 00:13:31,768 --> 00:13:36,468 Thank you, I've been waiting for this. 271 00:13:37,584 --> 00:13:40,000 Anything interesting? 272 00:13:40,001 --> 00:13:42,255 Just these some White Paper I've to hand out tonight. 273 00:13:42,256 --> 00:13:44,574 - What's White Paper? 274 00:13:44,575 --> 00:13:47,144 Negative shits. 275 00:13:47,145 --> 00:13:51,035 Our guys do research.. we feed it to the press and we see what sticks. 276 00:13:51,036 --> 00:13:53,631 - What kind of negative shits? 277 00:13:53,632 --> 00:13:55,665 You'll read it in the paper tomorrow. 278 00:13:55,666 --> 00:13:56,666 - Which paper? 279 00:13:56,667 --> 00:13:59,418 Any, any paper. 280 00:13:59,419 --> 00:14:01,084 - So, it's something big? 281 00:14:01,085 --> 00:14:03,033 I wish it was something bigger. 282 00:14:03,034 --> 00:14:04,699 It's just these.. 283 00:14:04,700 --> 00:14:08,240 transportation numbers I'm gonna have to spend pretty hard to make it stick. 284 00:14:08,241 --> 00:14:09,680 - That's what you're good at though, right? 285 00:14:09,681 --> 00:14:11,754 I guess. 286 00:14:11,755 --> 00:14:15,316 Tell him it's fine. 287 00:14:15,317 --> 00:14:16,603 Did you get your new phone? 288 00:14:16,604 --> 00:14:18,120 - Mmmhm. 289 00:14:18,121 --> 00:14:20,770 It's really exciting isn't it? 290 00:14:20,771 --> 00:14:23,169 What are you, a bearcat? 291 00:14:23,170 --> 00:14:24,970 - Am I a what? 292 00:14:24,971 --> 00:14:26,988 Cincinatti bearcat? 293 00:14:26,989 --> 00:14:31,171 Ohh! no..i'm not from here. 294 00:14:31,172 --> 00:14:35,872 I worked with you in Iowa, actually. 295 00:14:35,970 --> 00:14:37,757 That's right. 296 00:14:37,758 --> 00:14:39,951 You changed something. 297 00:14:39,952 --> 00:14:41,419 My hair? 298 00:14:41,420 --> 00:14:43,059 You changed your hair? 299 00:14:43,060 --> 00:14:46,126 - No. 300 00:14:46,127 --> 00:14:47,901 I see. 301 00:14:47,902 --> 00:14:50,493 I betcha, I look like a real dumb-ass right now, huh? 302 00:14:50,494 --> 00:14:52,022 - No! not at all. 303 00:14:52,023 --> 00:14:55,359 You're the big man on campus. I'm just a lowly intern. 304 00:14:55,360 --> 00:14:57,122 Oh, it's not like that. 305 00:14:57,123 --> 00:14:59,072 You get to stay at The Millennium. 306 00:14:59,073 --> 00:15:01,389 Okay? They put us in a Motel on the other side of the river. 307 00:15:01,390 --> 00:15:03,583 You're right. I am the big man on campus. 308 00:15:03,584 --> 00:15:04,584 - Now you're starting to see. 309 00:15:04,427 --> 00:15:05,506 Mmhmm. 310 00:15:05,507 --> 00:15:07,861 We do have a better bar, though. 311 00:15:07,862 --> 00:15:09,066 I've heard that. 312 00:15:09,067 --> 00:15:10,984 You should come by, one night. 313 00:15:10,985 --> 00:15:13,050 Have a drink with the worker-bees. 314 00:15:13,051 --> 00:15:15,245 I might do that. 315 00:15:15,246 --> 00:15:16,835 I might do that. What's a good night? 316 00:15:16,836 --> 00:15:17,836 - Tonight's good. - Tonight? 317 00:15:17,837 --> 00:15:19,990 Tuesday night? - yeah. 318 00:15:19,991 --> 00:15:20,991 It's quite. 319 00:15:20,992 --> 00:15:25,128 Quite's good. 320 00:15:25,129 --> 00:15:27,683 Well, you have my number. 321 00:15:27,684 --> 00:15:29,834 - I do? 322 00:15:29,835 --> 00:15:31,664 It's programmed right there on your phone. 323 00:15:31,665 --> 00:15:33,548 - Uh huh. 324 00:15:33,549 --> 00:15:34,964 Under... Mary. 325 00:15:34,965 --> 00:15:39,331 I know your name is Mary. 326 00:15:39,332 --> 00:15:44,032 - My name is Molly. 327 00:15:54,117 --> 00:15:55,932 That's what I'm hearing since. 328 00:15:55,933 --> 00:16:00,149 Super Tuesday. All of a sudden, I am a popular guy. 329 00:16:00,150 --> 00:16:02,173 What are the polls telling you? 330 00:16:02,174 --> 00:16:04,688 That Pullman's negatives are high. 331 00:16:04,689 --> 00:16:07,259 Coming at fourties. 332 00:16:07,260 --> 00:16:10,560 Senator, we have an open seat at White House. 333 00:16:10,561 --> 00:16:12,394 Republicans have dick. 334 00:16:12,395 --> 00:16:14,344 They're disorganised... 335 00:16:14,345 --> 00:16:18,044 they can't find a nominee, that's not a world class fucked up. 336 00:16:18,045 --> 00:16:20,822 They look lilke Democrats. 337 00:16:20,823 --> 00:16:24,891 No Republicans are gonna show up to vote their guy. 338 00:16:24,892 --> 00:16:28,562 But if Pullman's got a Democratic nod, they will show up to vote against him. 339 00:16:28,563 --> 00:16:31,257 You think, if they won't for your guy, you think Morris gets into the independents? 340 00:16:31,258 --> 00:16:32,872 I sure do. 341 00:16:32,873 --> 00:16:36,597 Senator, I'm a bit confused. 342 00:16:36,598 --> 00:16:39,667 We need your delegates. 343 00:16:39,668 --> 00:16:41,619 We need you, 344 00:16:41,620 --> 00:16:44,029 your fund raising.. 345 00:16:44,030 --> 00:16:47,709 and I guess, 346 00:16:47,710 --> 00:16:49,659 It was my understanding that, 347 00:16:49,660 --> 00:16:52,549 your endorsement, a week for Ohio- 348 00:16:52,550 --> 00:16:57,250 would win this for us. 349 00:17:00,572 --> 00:17:01,529 Thank you. 350 00:17:01,530 --> 00:17:03,619 Stella. 351 00:17:03,620 --> 00:17:08,320 Hand me that Ice-bucket. 352 00:17:09,160 --> 00:17:10,931 Is this Paul or is this you? 353 00:17:10,932 --> 00:17:12,724 Paul knows and Paul agrees. 354 00:17:12,725 --> 00:17:14,954 Ben, where's my outback piece on National Service? 355 00:17:14,955 --> 00:17:16,964 It's easy for me to work off with that. 356 00:17:16,965 --> 00:17:17,965 - Got it right here. 357 00:17:17,966 --> 00:17:20,849 Get me a hard copy, I hate those fucking things. 358 00:17:20,850 --> 00:17:25,199 -Molly, can you grab that out for me. - Yeah, one second. 359 00:17:25,200 --> 00:17:29,900 So, Governor if you wanna change... - Just give me a sec, will you. 360 00:17:33,460 --> 00:17:37,563 Your National Service isn't pulling the same as the rest of your Domestic Policy. 361 00:17:37,564 --> 00:17:38,439 I don't give a shit about the polling.. 362 00:17:38,440 --> 00:17:40,879 Steven, I'm not gonna play this game with you. 363 00:17:40,880 --> 00:17:43,582 This is your, good cop-bad cop act with Paul. 364 00:17:43,583 --> 00:17:44,583 - Good cop..good cop. 365 00:17:44,584 --> 00:17:49,284 I'm not changing it. 366 00:17:59,070 --> 00:18:00,789 Here we go. 367 00:18:00,790 --> 00:18:03,965 Alright, let's see. 368 00:18:03,966 --> 00:18:05,091 It says, we're gonna.. 369 00:18:05,092 --> 00:18:07,941 Help them get education, We're gonna create a national unity. 370 00:18:07,942 --> 00:18:09,749 We're gonna teach young people to trade. 371 00:18:09,750 --> 00:18:12,781 And..we are going to get them out of debt, from their college loans. 372 00:18:12,782 --> 00:18:13,782 Now, where does that fail? 373 00:18:13,783 --> 00:18:14,939 - All of that is exactly right, Governor. 374 00:18:14,940 --> 00:18:17,719 It's just that, if you're gonna do it..do it. 375 00:18:17,720 --> 00:18:20,629 Make it mandatory, not voluntary. 376 00:18:20,630 --> 00:18:21,897 That'll poll well. 377 00:18:21,898 --> 00:18:23,299 - Mandatory. 378 00:18:23,300 --> 00:18:27,480 Everybody who turns eighteen or graduates high-school gives two years of service.. 379 00:18:27,481 --> 00:18:28,481 to his or her country. 380 00:18:28,450 --> 00:18:30,949 It could be in the military, peace corps... 381 00:18:30,950 --> 00:18:33,449 plant a fucking trees..I don't care. And for that... 382 00:18:33,450 --> 00:18:35,549 your college education is paid for. Period. 383 00:18:35,550 --> 00:18:36,550 - We do all of that right here. 384 00:18:36,551 --> 00:18:37,551 No, sir. You don't. 385 00:18:37,552 --> 00:18:38,989 Not all the way. Do it all the way. 386 00:18:38,990 --> 00:18:40,519 Mandatory. 387 00:18:40,520 --> 00:18:42,359 - Paul likes this? - Mmmhm. 388 00:18:42,360 --> 00:18:44,669 You're my brain trust. 389 00:18:44,670 --> 00:18:47,368 The beauty of it is, everybody who's over the age of 18 390 00:18:47,369 --> 00:18:49,788 or pass age of eligibility will be for it. 391 00:18:49,789 --> 00:18:50,789 Why not? 392 00:18:50,540 --> 00:18:52,140 And all of the others? 393 00:18:52,141 --> 00:18:54,649 Can't vote. 394 00:18:54,650 --> 00:18:59,350 Too young. 395 00:19:00,660 --> 00:19:05,360 Too bad. 396 00:19:07,140 --> 00:19:11,840 You can't loose. 397 00:19:11,885 --> 00:19:14,084 uh, Steven? 398 00:19:14,085 --> 00:19:15,344 You have a call on line 3. 399 00:19:15,345 --> 00:19:16,798 It's your dad. 400 00:19:16,799 --> 00:19:19,279 Okay! 401 00:19:19,280 --> 00:19:22,481 You and Ben get working on this stump speech and you get me a hard copy. 402 00:19:22,482 --> 00:19:23,839 And I'll write it my own words. 403 00:19:23,840 --> 00:19:25,675 Don't forget your Charlie Ross at Six. 404 00:19:25,676 --> 00:19:26,676 - Right. 405 00:19:26,550 --> 00:19:27,839 What am I doing here? 406 00:19:27,840 --> 00:19:29,778 - It's on low form, he's flying in. 407 00:19:29,779 --> 00:19:30,919 Paul going? 408 00:19:30,920 --> 00:19:35,620 Paul won't be here, but Ben and I will take you. 409 00:19:36,020 --> 00:19:37,360 Just don't tell me someone just died. 410 00:19:37,361 --> 00:19:38,939 - Hey, Steve? 411 00:19:38,940 --> 00:19:39,900 Who is this? 412 00:19:39,901 --> 00:19:40,901 - Tom Duffy. 413 00:19:40,902 --> 00:19:42,812 Sorry about the dad bit. 414 00:19:42,813 --> 00:19:47,574 I uh, I just figured you wouldn't my name called out on Morris's Campaign Office. 415 00:19:47,770 --> 00:19:49,739 What do you want? 416 00:19:49,740 --> 00:19:51,759 - You got a couple of minutes, I'd like to sit down with you? 417 00:19:51,760 --> 00:19:52,810 What for? 418 00:19:52,811 --> 00:19:55,039 - Well, it's important. 419 00:19:55,040 --> 00:19:59,740 Well, if it's important, don't you think you should be calling Paul? 420 00:20:04,300 --> 00:20:06,523 - This is on the up and up, Steve. Just give me five minutes. 421 00:20:06,524 --> 00:20:07,260 I can't be talking to you. 422 00:20:07,261 --> 00:20:08,849 - I hear you. 423 00:20:08,850 --> 00:20:11,707 But if you have five minutes, I'm gonna be on the Hadfort's sports bar. 424 00:20:11,708 --> 00:20:12,708 For the next couple of hours. 425 00:20:12,709 --> 00:20:15,659 I can't, Tom. 426 00:20:15,660 --> 00:20:17,100 - There won't be anybody there. 427 00:20:17,101 --> 00:20:19,269 Okay? 428 00:20:19,270 --> 00:20:23,970 If you get the chance, there's something I wanna show to you. 429 00:20:40,460 --> 00:20:45,160 Paul, call me back. It's important. 430 00:20:54,131 --> 00:20:55,278 Tom: You're working for the wrong man. 431 00:20:55,279 --> 00:20:56,440 - You are working for the wrong man. - Oh, on the contrary.. 432 00:20:56,441 --> 00:20:59,589 You're working for the wrong man. 433 00:20:59,590 --> 00:21:01,649 And you've got something that the other guys don't have. 434 00:21:01,650 --> 00:21:02,372 - Oh, yeah? 435 00:21:02,373 --> 00:21:03,373 Yeah, what is that exactly? 436 00:21:03,110 --> 00:21:05,493 Charm..is not the right word. 437 00:21:05,494 --> 00:21:06,301 It is the right word. 438 00:21:06,302 --> 00:21:07,849 No, it's more than that. 439 00:21:07,850 --> 00:21:11,849 You exudes something. You draw people in. 440 00:21:11,850 --> 00:21:13,859 All reporters love you. Even the ones that hates you. 441 00:21:13,860 --> 00:21:15,059 Love you. 442 00:21:15,060 --> 00:21:17,498 Cos, you play them all like they're pieces on chess-board. 443 00:21:17,499 --> 00:21:19,889 And you make it look, effortless! 444 00:21:19,890 --> 00:21:21,819 We both know, How hard it is. 445 00:21:21,820 --> 00:21:23,373 Constantly be on guard.. 446 00:21:23,374 --> 00:21:26,599 weighing every word, every moment. 447 00:21:26,600 --> 00:21:31,069 From the outside, you make it look easy. 448 00:21:31,070 --> 00:21:33,770 People are scared of you, cos they don't understand how you do it. 449 00:21:33,771 --> 00:21:35,539 And they love you, for it! 450 00:21:35,540 --> 00:21:38,769 And that is the most valuable thing in this business. 451 00:21:38,770 --> 00:21:40,529 The ability to win people's respect, 452 00:21:40,530 --> 00:21:44,183 By making them mistake their fear, for love. 453 00:21:44,184 --> 00:21:45,630 You can guess what i'm gonna say next. 454 00:21:45,631 --> 00:21:46,670 - I don't think that I can. 455 00:21:46,671 --> 00:21:49,569 I want you to work for us. 456 00:21:49,570 --> 00:21:51,250 - Well, you're kidding. 457 00:21:51,251 --> 00:21:54,869 No, not in the least. 458 00:21:54,870 --> 00:21:56,559 You're gonna loose Ohio. 459 00:21:56,560 --> 00:21:58,019 - I'm not. 460 00:21:58,020 --> 00:22:00,319 You're sitting on about a six percent lead on both polls. 461 00:22:00,320 --> 00:22:03,015 Six percent of all Democrats poll. 462 00:22:03,016 --> 00:22:04,016 - Eight! 463 00:22:04,017 --> 00:22:05,017 No. Six. 464 00:22:05,018 --> 00:22:06,018 Doesn't matter. 465 00:22:05,650 --> 00:22:08,039 Ohio is an open primary, right. 466 00:22:08,040 --> 00:22:11,279 Independents and Republicans get to vote on the Democratic candidates. 467 00:22:11,280 --> 00:22:13,289 - Do you think, they like your guy? 468 00:22:13,290 --> 00:22:16,550 A pro-choice tax and spend the roof. 469 00:22:16,551 --> 00:22:17,999 Fuck no! They hate him. 470 00:22:18,000 --> 00:22:20,839 They think they can beat my guy. 471 00:22:20,840 --> 00:22:25,540 But they're very worried about yours. 472 00:22:25,700 --> 00:22:29,955 So, start tomorrow morning, they're gonna see a fucking blitz. 473 00:22:29,956 --> 00:22:32,261 Lymboyle, Hennedy all those right wing blocks, 474 00:22:32,262 --> 00:22:34,429 are starting the 'get out the vote' campaign. 475 00:22:34,430 --> 00:22:36,349 It's started already. 476 00:22:36,350 --> 00:22:38,639 Every fucking conservative in Ohio.. 477 00:22:38,640 --> 00:22:41,020 Is gonna line up around the block, to punch my guy's ticket. 478 00:22:41,021 --> 00:22:42,021 And that's just one step! 479 00:22:42,022 --> 00:22:44,509 Ohio's gone. 480 00:22:44,510 --> 00:22:46,169 Polls don't mean shit. 481 00:22:46,170 --> 00:22:48,149 Tomorrow morning, everybody's gonna know. 482 00:22:48,150 --> 00:22:52,850 And that's why, I want you to handle the fall-out that we'll have in the press. 483 00:22:54,931 --> 00:22:57,589 Oh, we got Thompson in the bag, too. 484 00:22:57,590 --> 00:22:59,796 - I know for a fact, that you don't have Thompson. 485 00:22:59,797 --> 00:23:01,431 Well, we promised him Secretary of State. 486 00:23:01,432 --> 00:23:06,132 Ohio is over. It has been over for weeks. 487 00:23:07,140 --> 00:23:10,869 And now with Thompson's delegates? 488 00:23:10,870 --> 00:23:12,359 I'm thinking down the road here, man. 489 00:23:12,360 --> 00:23:14,719 That is why, I want you. 490 00:23:14,720 --> 00:23:17,639 - I can't do it! - Wring in straight at the top. 491 00:23:17,640 --> 00:23:20,209 I don't need an answer right this moment. 492 00:23:20,210 --> 00:23:21,836 Look, I play dirty, alright. 493 00:23:21,837 --> 00:23:22,837 I'm sorry to hear that. 494 00:23:22,838 --> 00:23:23,838 - But I don't have to play dirty anymore. 495 00:23:23,839 --> 00:23:25,799 You know why? 496 00:23:25,800 --> 00:23:27,026 I got Morris! 497 00:23:27,027 --> 00:23:29,875 None of this is about The Democratic process, Steve. 498 00:23:29,876 --> 00:23:30,876 It is about getting your guy off. 499 00:23:30,800 --> 00:23:32,373 - This is the kind of shit that The Republicans pull. 500 00:23:32,374 --> 00:23:34,578 Yeah, You know what? This is the kind of shit, 501 00:23:34,579 --> 00:23:35,579 that The Republicans pull. 502 00:23:35,580 --> 00:23:38,039 And it's about time, that we learn from them. 503 00:23:38,040 --> 00:23:39,230 They're meaner, they are tougher.. 504 00:23:39,231 --> 00:23:42,179 They are more disciplined than we are. 505 00:23:42,180 --> 00:23:45,319 I've been in this business 25 years, and I've seen way too many Democrats.. 506 00:23:45,320 --> 00:23:46,594 bite the dust. 507 00:23:46,595 --> 00:23:51,295 Because they wouldn't get down the mud, with the fucking elephants! 508 00:23:56,790 --> 00:23:57,782 Paul's my friend. 509 00:23:57,783 --> 00:23:58,783 You wanna work for the friend.. 510 00:23:58,784 --> 00:24:02,641 or do you wanna work for The President? 511 00:24:02,642 --> 00:24:03,591 Think about it. 512 00:24:03,592 --> 00:24:08,292 You got my number. 513 00:24:08,347 --> 00:24:09,046 Paul? 514 00:24:09,047 --> 00:24:11,249 - Is there anymore..? that we're doing?? 515 00:24:11,250 --> 00:24:13,051 Not that I'm aware of. 516 00:24:13,052 --> 00:24:14,844 What's going on with Thompson? 517 00:24:14,845 --> 00:24:18,366 - Ahh, he wants something... 518 00:24:18,367 --> 00:24:20,400 we'll be fine. 519 00:24:20,401 --> 00:24:23,381 What's so important? 520 00:24:23,382 --> 00:24:28,082 - Nothing, I've figured it out. 521 00:24:31,958 --> 00:24:34,319 Alright. 522 00:24:34,320 --> 00:24:35,807 I'll be on my cell, if you need me. 523 00:24:35,808 --> 00:24:37,918 I fly D.C..tomorrow. Will be back tomorrow night. 524 00:24:37,919 --> 00:24:38,919 Okay. 525 00:24:38,920 --> 00:24:39,920 I'll work on the 526 00:24:39,921 --> 00:24:44,621 Good man. 527 00:24:51,880 --> 00:24:54,439 Check the blogs, if there's any chatter. Would you? 528 00:24:54,440 --> 00:24:56,099 - Chatter? What kind of chatter? 529 00:24:56,100 --> 00:24:58,399 I don't know. Just see what they're talking about. 530 00:24:58,400 --> 00:25:00,159 Steven, are you still single? 531 00:25:00,160 --> 00:25:03,729 - I'm married to the campaign, Governor. 532 00:25:03,730 --> 00:25:05,258 Married to the campaign. Good answer. 533 00:25:05,259 --> 00:25:07,367 Wall Street Journal has us number holding steady.. 534 00:25:07,368 --> 00:25:08,368 Pullman dropped a point. 535 00:25:08,369 --> 00:25:09,369 - Really? 536 00:25:09,370 --> 00:25:10,895 - When did they do that? - I'm checking it out. 537 00:25:10,896 --> 00:25:13,754 Governor, The Wall Street Journal numbers are in and Pullman's down a point. 538 00:25:13,755 --> 00:25:16,699 - We are moving in a right direction. 539 00:25:16,700 --> 00:25:18,369 Ben, are you still single? 540 00:25:18,370 --> 00:25:19,690 - Married to the campaign, Governor. 541 00:25:19,691 --> 00:25:21,699 Crack team. 542 00:25:21,700 --> 00:25:26,400 Make sure Charlie Ross has those numbers before he goes on. 543 00:25:27,490 --> 00:25:30,509 Get a copy of the show before we leave too. 544 00:25:30,510 --> 00:25:32,829 Is it a difficult decision? I have to believe it is. 545 00:25:32,830 --> 00:25:34,274 Would I do it? 546 00:25:34,275 --> 00:25:35,759 No. But... 547 00:25:35,760 --> 00:25:38,418 I can't see myself or anyone.. certainly not a government, telling a woman.. 548 00:25:38,419 --> 00:25:40,644 what she should do with her body. 549 00:25:40,645 --> 00:25:43,359 So, you would appoint a Judge? - We'd consider it arrogant... 550 00:25:43,360 --> 00:25:46,369 to judge anyone.. until i've walked in their shoes. 551 00:25:46,370 --> 00:25:47,860 - But you're against the death penalty? 552 00:25:47,861 --> 00:25:48,861 Mmhmm. 553 00:25:48,320 --> 00:25:50,905 Because of what it says about us, as a society. 554 00:25:50,906 --> 00:25:52,938 - Suppose Governor, It was your wife? 555 00:25:52,939 --> 00:25:53,939 - If she's murdered? 556 00:25:53,920 --> 00:25:55,579 What would I do? 557 00:25:55,580 --> 00:25:56,940 It gets more complicated when it's personal. 558 00:25:56,941 --> 00:25:57,949 Sure. 559 00:25:57,950 --> 00:26:01,929 Well, If I could get to him. 560 00:26:01,930 --> 00:26:03,759 I would find a way to kill him. 561 00:26:03,760 --> 00:26:07,309 - So, You...you governor would impose a death penalty? 562 00:26:07,310 --> 00:26:11,169 No, I would commit a crime, for which I'd happily go to jail. 563 00:26:11,170 --> 00:26:13,875 - Then, why not let the society, Do that? 564 00:26:13,876 --> 00:26:16,979 Because society, has to be better than the individual. 565 00:26:16,980 --> 00:26:19,205 If I were to do that, I would be wrong! 566 00:26:19,206 --> 00:26:20,206 - What about guns? 567 00:26:20,207 --> 00:26:21,207 Isn't it time for commercial? 568 00:26:21,208 --> 00:26:24,741 - This is a public television. We don't have any commercial. 569 00:26:24,340 --> 00:26:25,805 That's unfortunate. 570 00:26:25,806 --> 00:26:28,209 Where did you go after Iowa? 571 00:26:28,210 --> 00:26:31,879 - California. Super Tuesday. 572 00:26:31,880 --> 00:26:33,470 I had to got to New York. 573 00:26:33,471 --> 00:26:35,209 - I know. 574 00:26:35,210 --> 00:26:39,910 You guys need even a lot more help, overthere. 575 00:26:42,820 --> 00:26:45,459 So, Why politics? 576 00:26:45,460 --> 00:26:48,939 - Because the pay is so good, obviously. 577 00:26:48,940 --> 00:26:51,314 It seems like a very odd... 578 00:26:51,315 --> 00:26:52,269 fit. 579 00:26:52,270 --> 00:26:56,970 My dad is Jack Stearns. 580 00:26:57,450 --> 00:26:59,339 He's a good guy. 581 00:26:59,340 --> 00:27:01,329 - He's an Asshole. 582 00:27:01,330 --> 00:27:03,809 But, he is your boss. 583 00:27:03,810 --> 00:27:07,529 He is not my boss. 584 00:27:07,530 --> 00:27:09,919 He is the head of The DMC. 585 00:27:09,920 --> 00:27:12,292 - You don't work for The Democratic National Committee? 586 00:27:12,293 --> 00:27:13,999 No, I work for Paul. 587 00:27:14,000 --> 00:27:18,569 Paul work for Morris. If Morris wins, He's gonna be your Dad's Boss. 588 00:27:18,570 --> 00:27:21,229 - Don't tell my dad that. 589 00:27:21,230 --> 00:27:23,319 I don't tell your dad, a lot of things. 590 00:27:23,320 --> 00:27:28,020 - Never. 591 00:27:29,860 --> 00:27:31,239 What time you got work tomorrow? 592 00:27:31,240 --> 00:27:34,646 - Nine A.M. 593 00:27:34,647 --> 00:27:37,839 I'm showing the new interns how to rope all call. 594 00:27:37,840 --> 00:27:38,890 Cos i'm an experienced intern. 595 00:27:38,891 --> 00:27:42,619 You see? 596 00:27:42,620 --> 00:27:46,909 I see. 597 00:27:46,910 --> 00:27:49,589 How old are you? 598 00:27:49,590 --> 00:27:53,089 How old you think, I am? 599 00:27:53,090 --> 00:27:54,849 - Thirty. 600 00:27:54,850 --> 00:27:56,559 You think I'm Thirty? 601 00:27:56,560 --> 00:27:57,939 - I am Sorry, 602 00:27:57,940 --> 00:28:00,040 How old are you? 603 00:28:00,041 --> 00:28:04,741 Thirty. 604 00:28:05,180 --> 00:28:07,539 How old are you? 605 00:28:07,540 --> 00:28:11,559 - How old do you think, I am? 606 00:28:11,560 --> 00:28:12,670 Twenty-one? 607 00:28:12,671 --> 00:28:16,649 Twenty. 608 00:28:16,650 --> 00:28:21,350 That's young. 609 00:28:21,770 --> 00:28:26,470 - Is it too young to fuck a thirty year old? 610 00:28:27,250 --> 00:28:30,229 Well.. 611 00:28:30,230 --> 00:28:32,909 You see, Laws are different in different States. 612 00:28:32,910 --> 00:28:34,399 Here... 613 00:28:34,400 --> 00:28:37,889 Your Hotel here in Kentucky, It's frowned upon. 614 00:28:37,890 --> 00:28:39,089 But, 615 00:28:39,090 --> 00:28:41,830 We go across the bridge in Ohio? 616 00:28:41,831 --> 00:28:42,831 - Oh, where your hotel is. 617 00:28:42,560 --> 00:28:47,149 Yeah, surprisingly..they're very laxed in their Child Endangerment Laws. 618 00:28:47,150 --> 00:28:49,089 - Do you have a car? I don't drive. 619 00:28:49,090 --> 00:28:53,790 I took a cab. 620 00:28:57,000 --> 00:29:01,700 - I have the keys to the campaign bus. 621 00:29:02,701 --> 00:29:04,227 TV Reporter: It fairness this has been tried before. 622 00:29:04,228 --> 00:29:06,803 'Operation Chaos' as Russ Limbaugh called it. 623 00:29:06,804 --> 00:29:09,345 Where, Republicans voted for a Democrat.. 624 00:29:09,346 --> 00:29:11,676 they thought they could beat in the General Election. 625 00:29:11,677 --> 00:29:14,287 We asked Sen.Pullman's campaign manager.. 626 00:29:14,288 --> 00:29:17,047 If he's happy the votes of Right-Wingers? 627 00:29:17,048 --> 00:29:18,668 Is it decisive? 628 00:29:18,669 --> 00:29:19,966 No. Of course not. 629 00:29:19,967 --> 00:29:23,002 But look, we believe that the polls are within the margin of error. 630 00:29:23,003 --> 00:29:25,749 And that the..uh Senator will win Ohio. 631 00:29:25,750 --> 00:29:28,461 Yeah, What time is Paul getting in? 632 00:29:28,462 --> 00:29:29,379 Shit. 633 00:29:29,380 --> 00:29:31,909 Who do we talk to about polling? 634 00:29:31,910 --> 00:29:36,610 I gotta get some internal polling at the independents and fucking wing nuts. 635 00:29:36,666 --> 00:29:37,516 - Do you want me to go? 636 00:29:37,517 --> 00:29:38,517 Wait. 637 00:29:38,080 --> 00:29:40,200 What's that guy's name from The Wall Street Journal? 638 00:29:40,201 --> 00:29:41,329 - You sound busy, I should go. 639 00:29:41,330 --> 00:29:44,879 Can you hold on a second, I'd like to talk to you about something. 640 00:29:44,880 --> 00:29:47,179 Adler? Yeah, get him on the line. 641 00:29:47,180 --> 00:29:49,939 Nobody. The cleaning lady. 642 00:29:49,940 --> 00:29:53,529 Get him on the line..and tell him we're gonna take the same position we always sat. 643 00:29:53,530 --> 00:29:57,649 The race is a lot close than the polling. 644 00:29:57,650 --> 00:30:00,089 No, don't say that. Don't. 645 00:30:00,090 --> 00:30:02,439 Just get him on the line, call me..and I'll take care of it. 646 00:30:02,440 --> 00:30:03,849 I'm sorry. 647 00:30:03,850 --> 00:30:05,510 - Cleaning Lady? 648 00:30:05,511 --> 00:30:07,009 Yeah. 649 00:30:07,010 --> 00:30:10,899 You called me the cleaning lady. 650 00:30:10,900 --> 00:30:12,549 You're not mad about that, are you? 651 00:30:12,550 --> 00:30:13,660 - No, why would i be mad? 652 00:30:13,661 --> 00:30:16,029 Alright. 653 00:30:16,030 --> 00:30:20,730 Oh hey! look.. 654 00:30:34,870 --> 00:30:36,658 Your dad is an asshole. 655 00:30:36,659 --> 00:30:39,009 - I'm gonna tell him, you said that. 656 00:30:39,010 --> 00:30:41,359 Yeah, do that. 657 00:30:41,360 --> 00:30:43,519 You wanted to talk to me about something? 658 00:30:43,520 --> 00:30:46,679 Yeah, I just want it to be clear. I don't want there to be any confusion. 659 00:30:46,680 --> 00:30:49,069 - I'm not gonna tell anybody about last night. 660 00:30:49,070 --> 00:30:51,849 - That'll be great. If we kept it between us. You know how people are. 661 00:30:51,850 --> 00:30:53,489 Yeah. 662 00:30:53,490 --> 00:30:57,159 Really wouldn't look good, if you screwed an intern. 663 00:30:57,160 --> 00:30:59,969 It's not like that. 664 00:30:59,970 --> 00:31:01,961 It's not like i got drunk and this happened. I like you. 665 00:31:01,962 --> 00:31:04,140 I just don't want there to be any expectations, you know. 666 00:31:04,141 --> 00:31:05,909 - Steven, you don't have to say anything. 667 00:31:05,910 --> 00:31:08,059 Alright. 668 00:31:08,060 --> 00:31:10,009 I just don't want you to think i'm a player. 669 00:31:10,010 --> 00:31:14,579 You're kind of a player. 670 00:31:14,580 --> 00:31:16,430 I was being polite. 671 00:31:16,431 --> 00:31:17,431 Bullshit. 672 00:31:17,320 --> 00:31:19,379 You were trying to pick me up. 673 00:31:19,380 --> 00:31:20,480 No, I wasn't. 674 00:31:20,481 --> 00:31:22,919 You're pretty obvious about it. 675 00:31:22,920 --> 00:31:23,850 I was? 676 00:31:23,851 --> 00:31:25,619 Yeah. 677 00:31:25,620 --> 00:31:27,261 I thought, I was being smooth and subtle. 678 00:31:27,262 --> 00:31:29,699 No, you are pretty forward. 679 00:31:29,700 --> 00:31:31,689 You are pretty forward. Asking me in a bar. 680 00:31:31,690 --> 00:31:32,939 Well, 681 00:31:32,940 --> 00:31:36,719 I've been trying to fuck you for a while. 682 00:31:36,720 --> 00:31:39,119 Wow! 683 00:31:39,120 --> 00:31:40,834 It's kinda slutty of me, huh? 684 00:31:40,835 --> 00:31:42,099 I don't know. 685 00:31:42,100 --> 00:31:43,630 I respected it in a strange way. 686 00:31:43,631 --> 00:31:47,589 Good. 687 00:31:47,590 --> 00:31:49,810 You have absolutely no idea, how to tie a tie are you? 688 00:31:49,811 --> 00:31:53,569 No, no..I don't have a clue. 689 00:31:53,570 --> 00:31:56,399 You're very mature. 690 00:31:56,400 --> 00:32:01,100 - For a teenager. 691 00:32:01,670 --> 00:32:03,878 When are you coming back? 692 00:32:03,879 --> 00:32:05,899 - I'll be at the event, a little late. 693 00:32:05,900 --> 00:32:08,497 These cocksuckers.. fucking dirty shit! 694 00:32:08,498 --> 00:32:10,471 What happened with Thompson? 695 00:32:10,472 --> 00:32:11,472 - Nothing! 696 00:32:11,473 --> 00:32:14,040 Prick... 697 00:32:14,041 --> 00:32:15,275 sold out motherfucker. 698 00:32:15,276 --> 00:32:19,976 How bad is it? 699 00:32:20,328 --> 00:32:22,098 I don't know. 700 00:32:22,099 --> 00:32:24,261 I just...I'm running the numbers, Paul. 701 00:32:24,262 --> 00:32:27,027 - Alright, I'll be there in three hours. 702 00:32:27,028 --> 00:32:30,097 I want hard numbers.. and the strategies. 703 00:32:30,098 --> 00:32:31,098 Yeah, I'm on it. 704 00:32:31,099 --> 00:32:35,799 I gotta go. 705 00:32:45,790 --> 00:32:47,173 You, okay? 706 00:32:47,174 --> 00:32:49,912 Yeah, i'm just trying to figure out, how it stops in the mind. 707 00:32:49,913 --> 00:32:51,289 - The weather will determind that. 708 00:32:51,290 --> 00:32:53,349 If we get there. 709 00:32:53,350 --> 00:32:55,919 - We're gonna be fine. 710 00:32:55,920 --> 00:32:57,476 We have to do it and... 711 00:32:57,477 --> 00:32:58,477 It's the right thing to do. 712 00:32:58,478 --> 00:33:01,549 And nothing bad happens when you're doing the right thing. 713 00:33:01,550 --> 00:33:05,229 Is this your personal theory? Cos I can shoot holes in it. 714 00:33:05,230 --> 00:33:07,719 Roberta Clemedia on a humanitarian flight. 715 00:33:07,720 --> 00:33:09,399 - Well, there is... 716 00:33:09,400 --> 00:33:14,100 There's exceptions to every rule. 717 00:33:14,120 --> 00:33:17,109 So, how are you doing? 718 00:33:17,110 --> 00:33:19,099 - I think, we are fine now. 719 00:33:19,100 --> 00:33:22,379 No, the campaign. How are we doing? 720 00:33:22,380 --> 00:33:25,499 - Oh, Great. 721 00:33:25,500 --> 00:33:27,271 Steven, you are not Paul. 722 00:33:27,272 --> 00:33:28,272 I pay Paul, to use the word 'Great', 723 00:33:28,273 --> 00:33:31,589 I pay you to tell me the truth. 724 00:33:31,590 --> 00:33:35,529 - I think that we are solid. 725 00:33:35,530 --> 00:33:39,469 Okay, Paul. 726 00:33:39,470 --> 00:33:42,669 - Governor, there's a big difference between Paul and Me. 727 00:33:42,670 --> 00:33:46,309 Paul only believes in winning. So, he'll do or say anything, to win. 728 00:33:46,310 --> 00:33:48,019 But, You wouldn't? 729 00:33:48,020 --> 00:33:50,579 I'll do or say anything, to what I believe it in. 730 00:33:50,580 --> 00:33:54,369 But, I have to believe in the cause. 731 00:33:54,370 --> 00:33:58,419 Oh, you'll make a lousy consultant when you're out on this line of work. 732 00:33:58,420 --> 00:34:01,939 - Well, I won't be out of work in this line, as long as you are in it, Sir. 733 00:34:01,940 --> 00:34:04,629 So, at best you got eight years. 734 00:34:04,630 --> 00:34:08,339 And you'll end up with a nice little consultant firm off Fairgate North. 735 00:34:08,340 --> 00:34:10,939 Making 750 grand a year eating at The Palm.. 736 00:34:10,940 --> 00:34:12,829 pimping out ex-senators to.. 737 00:34:12,830 --> 00:34:14,899 Saudi Princess. 738 00:34:14,900 --> 00:34:18,329 - Pimping out ex-presidents. 739 00:34:18,330 --> 00:34:21,189 Well, I better win. 740 00:34:21,190 --> 00:34:24,259 - Yeah. 741 00:34:24,260 --> 00:34:25,759 Now, I've been married for... 742 00:34:25,760 --> 00:34:27,779 eleven years. 743 00:34:27,780 --> 00:34:30,169 We have a normal marriage. 744 00:34:30,170 --> 00:34:32,299 Which means, When we disagree... 745 00:34:32,300 --> 00:34:36,469 She wins. 746 00:34:36,470 --> 00:34:40,719 But, what we never disagree on is, How we're gonna leave this planet for our daughter. 747 00:34:40,720 --> 00:34:42,239 Are we gonna leave it, Better off.. 748 00:34:42,240 --> 00:34:44,729 or worse. 749 00:34:44,730 --> 00:34:47,859 The riches people in this country, don't pay their fair share. 750 00:34:47,860 --> 00:34:51,359 And when they're asked to, they cry socialism, 751 00:34:51,360 --> 00:34:55,959 they use phrases like, 'redistribution of wealth'. 752 00:34:55,960 --> 00:35:00,079 That scares everybody and they all run and they hide. 753 00:35:00,080 --> 00:35:02,059 For the record, 754 00:35:02,060 --> 00:35:06,765 My campaign is vehemently against the distribution of wealth, 755 00:35:06,766 --> 00:35:09,485 to the riches Americans by our government! 756 00:35:09,486 --> 00:35:14,186 And I will run on that. 757 00:35:24,220 --> 00:35:28,775 I met with Tom Duffy, yesterday. 758 00:35:28,776 --> 00:35:30,119 - What? 759 00:35:30,120 --> 00:35:32,049 You were on the plane, when he called me. 760 00:35:32,050 --> 00:35:34,227 And he asked, if we can meet. I said, Why? 761 00:35:34,228 --> 00:35:37,149 He said, it was very important. And so, I did. 762 00:35:37,150 --> 00:35:39,898 And I should've fucking told you. I'm sorry. - Stop! Stop! 763 00:35:39,899 --> 00:35:42,003 Let me get this straight. You met with Tom Duffy? 764 00:35:42,004 --> 00:35:43,609 Yeah. 765 00:35:43,610 --> 00:35:46,449 What did he want, Steven? 766 00:35:46,450 --> 00:35:48,092 The gist, he wants to hire me. 767 00:35:48,093 --> 00:35:50,043 He wants me to jump ship and come and work for him. 768 00:35:50,044 --> 00:35:51,437 This is really fucking bad. 769 00:35:51,438 --> 00:35:52,438 He told me that they had poll numbers, 770 00:35:52,410 --> 00:35:54,231 that had Pullman ahead by four. 771 00:35:54,232 --> 00:35:57,589 And the big fucking trouble is he laid out their strategy.. 772 00:35:57,590 --> 00:36:01,599 rob all calls, traffic jam, fake leave and Thompson. 773 00:36:01,600 --> 00:36:04,619 They offered Thompson, Secretary of State. 774 00:36:04,620 --> 00:36:06,569 You know, How you fight the war on terror? 775 00:36:06,570 --> 00:36:10,004 You don't need their product anymore, their product is oil, 776 00:36:10,005 --> 00:36:14,705 Just don't need it and they go away! 777 00:36:14,847 --> 00:36:16,075 We don't have to bomb anyone, 778 00:36:16,076 --> 00:36:20,776 We don't have to invade anyone! 779 00:36:21,327 --> 00:36:23,849 If this is some kind of fucking practical...I mean.. 780 00:36:23,850 --> 00:36:27,441 My fucking blood pressure is going through the god damn roof, right now. 781 00:36:27,442 --> 00:36:30,589 - Paul, I'm sorry. 782 00:36:30,590 --> 00:36:34,029 Believe me. 783 00:36:34,030 --> 00:36:36,661 I just didn't think it was true. - It doesn't matter what you fucking thought! 784 00:36:36,662 --> 00:36:40,339 It matters what you did and it matters, what you didn't do! 785 00:36:40,340 --> 00:36:44,390 Because if all this shit is true? I made a fucking ass out of myself in Thompson's place.. 786 00:36:44,391 --> 00:36:45,699 And I gave away our game plan. 787 00:36:45,700 --> 00:36:48,580 - Please believe me that, I honestly believed that you're gonna come back, 788 00:36:48,581 --> 00:36:50,554 And you were gonna tell me that we have Thompson in the bag. 789 00:36:50,555 --> 00:36:51,959 I didn't see the point. 790 00:36:51,960 --> 00:36:53,899 It doesn't make it right, and I am sorry! 791 00:36:53,900 --> 00:36:57,439 Let me think. 792 00:36:57,440 --> 00:36:59,599 Let me think. 793 00:36:59,600 --> 00:37:01,679 If I am your President.. 794 00:37:01,680 --> 00:37:05,929 the first thing I'd put in motion is ten years from the day I take office... 795 00:37:05,930 --> 00:37:10,630 No new car in America is run on an internal combustion engine. 796 00:37:13,016 --> 00:37:16,620 We will create hundreds of thousands of new jobs. We will start... 797 00:37:16,621 --> 00:37:18,914 the next technological revolution. 798 00:37:18,915 --> 00:37:21,222 And we will lead the world again! 799 00:37:21,223 --> 00:37:25,419 Like we used to. 800 00:37:25,420 --> 00:37:28,335 We get the governor right after he finishes singing kumbayah, 801 00:37:28,336 --> 00:37:31,179 and we give him everything we know. 802 00:37:31,180 --> 00:37:32,985 - Who do you want? - You, Me and The Governor. 803 00:37:32,986 --> 00:37:34,409 That's it! 804 00:37:34,410 --> 00:37:36,429 What's he have, after? 805 00:37:36,430 --> 00:37:38,209 - He has a fund raiser... - We'll be late. 806 00:37:38,210 --> 00:37:41,249 We are gonna tell him that if he doesn't offer Thompson the Cabinet position.. 807 00:37:41,250 --> 00:37:43,089 He's not gonna get the nomination. 808 00:37:43,090 --> 00:37:44,188 - And he's gonna go for it? 809 00:37:44,189 --> 00:37:47,049 Fucking no, Steven. 810 00:37:47,050 --> 00:37:51,750 Find us a room. 811 00:38:38,140 --> 00:38:41,579 How do we look at the numbers? 812 00:38:41,580 --> 00:38:43,990 We might pick up a few points, but we loose by 3 or 4 percent. 813 00:38:43,991 --> 00:38:45,309 - Who the fucking knows, governor? 814 00:38:45,310 --> 00:38:46,769 But we can't take the chance. 815 00:38:46,770 --> 00:38:48,779 What do you think? 816 00:38:48,780 --> 00:38:51,008 I think we follow up the campaign in Ohio. 817 00:38:51,009 --> 00:38:54,789 Take a loss, while the republicans are playing games, head to North Carolina. 818 00:38:54,790 --> 00:38:56,854 I can't run from Ohio, they'd kill us. 819 00:38:56,855 --> 00:38:58,699 - Not if you get Thompson's endorsement. 820 00:38:58,700 --> 00:39:00,526 I'm not gonna do it. What does he want? 821 00:39:00,527 --> 00:39:02,469 The FDA or something? 822 00:39:02,470 --> 00:39:03,971 - A Cabinet post. 823 00:39:03,972 --> 00:39:05,348 Yeah, what labour? 824 00:39:05,349 --> 00:39:08,559 - State. 825 00:39:08,560 --> 00:39:09,794 Are you fucking kidding me? 826 00:39:09,795 --> 00:39:14,495 I'm gonna give Sec.of State to a guy who wants to cut the top ten floors off the U.N? 827 00:39:14,670 --> 00:39:18,085 Paul, when we started this campaign, I said I wasn't gonna make those kind of deals... 828 00:39:18,086 --> 00:39:20,869 - Gov. if we loose Ohio and they get Thompson's delegates.. 829 00:39:20,870 --> 00:39:25,089 Then they get North Carolina, Then, they get the lead! 830 00:39:25,090 --> 00:39:27,569 A lead we can't beat. 831 00:39:27,570 --> 00:39:30,679 But if we walk from Ohio.. take Thompson, give him the fucking cabinet post 832 00:39:30,680 --> 00:39:32,629 then we take North Carolina, 833 00:39:32,630 --> 00:39:35,179 His state. Then, Pennsylvania.. your state.. 834 00:39:35,180 --> 00:39:36,300 and then, it's simple math.. 835 00:39:36,301 --> 00:39:38,519 Mike. 836 00:39:38,520 --> 00:39:43,220 Take his endorsement and the race is over. 837 00:39:44,770 --> 00:39:48,329 Paul, i respect you. 838 00:39:48,330 --> 00:39:51,399 I respect your opinion. 839 00:39:51,400 --> 00:39:55,349 I'm never gonna do it. 840 00:39:55,350 --> 00:40:00,050 So, I suggest.. we find a way for me to win Ohio. 841 00:40:01,880 --> 00:40:03,839 Anything else? 842 00:40:03,840 --> 00:40:08,229 It's not gonna cut it. I need to send it. 843 00:40:08,230 --> 00:40:10,289 Fuck..Jess, I gotta call you back. 844 00:40:10,290 --> 00:40:11,710 - All of them? - All of them. 845 00:40:11,711 --> 00:40:12,899 It's killing me! 846 00:40:12,900 --> 00:40:14,322 Here's what i got so far. 847 00:40:14,323 --> 00:40:16,889 Independent's aren't biting what the republicans are. 848 00:40:16,890 --> 00:40:20,487 They're not gonna tell polls to the devoting Democratics. 849 00:40:20,488 --> 00:40:23,034 - Alright, I also made a call and i'm gonna get a 100 vans.. 850 00:40:23,035 --> 00:40:24,035 out of Covington and Newport, Kentucky. 851 00:40:24,036 --> 00:40:27,979 We don't need the fucking vans. 852 00:40:27,980 --> 00:40:32,680 We were the under-dog before we got into this, and we continue to be the underdog. 853 00:40:33,210 --> 00:40:37,910 Well then...yeah, we always knew the number's gonna get closer to closer as it get to tuesday. 854 00:40:38,320 --> 00:40:43,020 We're not lowering expectations, have i ever said to you that we had Ohio locked? 855 00:40:43,930 --> 00:40:48,630 Well then, at least give me the courtesy of printing that in the column. 856 00:40:50,780 --> 00:40:53,459 What are you writing? 857 00:40:53,460 --> 00:40:56,329 - The greatest speech ever given on hydrogen power. 858 00:40:56,330 --> 00:40:58,580 The bar is set awefully high on that one. 859 00:40:58,581 --> 00:41:02,859 I know it. 860 00:41:02,860 --> 00:41:05,729 I was hit up by Mitchel's wife, 861 00:41:05,730 --> 00:41:09,280 for you to show up at her Daughters of the American Revolution lucheon. 862 00:41:09,281 --> 00:41:11,759 - Who's Mitchel? 863 00:41:11,760 --> 00:41:14,659 Congressman from the first district. 864 00:41:14,660 --> 00:41:16,799 You might wanna remember that. 865 00:41:16,800 --> 00:41:19,339 - Fucking congressman. 866 00:41:19,340 --> 00:41:21,640 Can you imagine doing this every two years? 867 00:41:21,641 --> 00:41:24,369 No, I can't. 868 00:41:24,370 --> 00:41:26,849 Let's just do it, one more time. 869 00:41:26,850 --> 00:41:28,174 and four more years. 870 00:41:28,175 --> 00:41:29,175 That's it. 871 00:41:29,176 --> 00:41:33,876 - That's a deal. 872 00:41:35,010 --> 00:41:39,089 Do you think we'd loose Ohio? 873 00:41:39,090 --> 00:41:41,699 - I don't know. 874 00:41:41,700 --> 00:41:43,609 If you took Thompson's delegates. 875 00:41:43,610 --> 00:41:45,529 The race would be over. 876 00:41:45,530 --> 00:41:50,029 Ohio wouldn't matter. 877 00:41:50,030 --> 00:41:53,289 - Is Paul working on you? 878 00:41:53,290 --> 00:41:56,789 Steven. 879 00:41:56,790 --> 00:42:01,490 - They're good. 880 00:42:02,310 --> 00:42:04,429 Is Thompson so bad? 881 00:42:04,430 --> 00:42:05,684 - He is a shit. 882 00:42:05,685 --> 00:42:07,479 Is he worse than Pullman? 883 00:42:07,480 --> 00:42:12,180 - Yes, Steven. 884 00:42:18,110 --> 00:42:19,280 I will tell them, i am gonna draw a line on the sand, 885 00:42:19,281 --> 00:42:20,829 then denial. 886 00:42:20,830 --> 00:42:24,329 I'm gonna move it. 887 00:42:24,330 --> 00:42:27,339 Fund raiser, union deals... I will do any of it. 888 00:42:27,340 --> 00:42:29,839 Negative ads?? 889 00:42:29,840 --> 00:42:33,163 I can't on this one, 890 00:42:33,164 --> 00:42:37,864 Not, Thompson. 891 00:42:40,463 --> 00:42:44,619 Tell Mrs.Mitchel, I'll make her God damn luncheon. 892 00:42:44,620 --> 00:42:48,159 All they'll do is pat me on the head. 893 00:42:48,160 --> 00:42:52,860 - You've got great hair. 894 00:42:53,250 --> 00:42:54,589 Gay marriage? 895 00:42:54,590 --> 00:42:56,399 - It's a silly argument. 896 00:42:56,400 --> 00:42:58,079 Not to fifty percent of Americans. 897 00:42:58,080 --> 00:42:59,080 - Over the age of fifty. 898 00:42:59,081 --> 00:43:00,081 That's who votes.. 899 00:43:00,082 --> 00:43:01,878 That's who shows up at the polls. 900 00:43:01,879 --> 00:43:02,879 - Well, that's changed. 901 00:43:02,880 --> 00:43:07,580 And hopefully, the way we frame the argument is as well. 902 00:43:08,910 --> 00:43:10,599 But one can argue a great difference... 903 00:43:10,600 --> 00:43:12,299 Between, gender and race. 904 00:43:12,300 --> 00:43:15,679 - Not really. We used to ban inter-racial marriages, women couldn't vote.. 905 00:43:15,680 --> 00:43:16,909 Paul, 906 00:43:16,910 --> 00:43:18,148 the guy from Procter and Gamble. 907 00:43:18,149 --> 00:43:19,149 - Keep an eye on the governor. 908 00:43:19,150 --> 00:43:20,150 Okay. 909 00:43:20,151 --> 00:43:22,729 I don't know what's going on there. 910 00:43:22,730 --> 00:43:26,386 Wait, wait...wait. She's got a point to make. 911 00:43:26,387 --> 00:43:27,387 That's okay, go ahead. 912 00:43:27,388 --> 00:43:31,563 The argument is that man and women can in fact be considered separate but equal.. 913 00:43:31,564 --> 00:43:32,564 races cannot. 914 00:43:32,565 --> 00:43:33,565 - How so? 915 00:43:33,550 --> 00:43:36,258 We have separate public bathrooms for both man and women. 916 00:43:36,259 --> 00:43:39,220 But, it will be illegal to have separate bathrooms for two races. 917 00:43:39,221 --> 00:43:40,221 Now... 918 00:43:40,222 --> 00:43:44,380 Yes, now. 919 00:43:44,381 --> 00:43:45,740 What time's this hearing? 920 00:43:45,741 --> 00:43:48,030 - Nine O'clock. - How're we doing? 921 00:43:48,031 --> 00:43:52,731 We're doing good. 922 00:45:40,522 --> 00:45:42,429 Hey, your phone rang. 923 00:45:42,430 --> 00:45:46,459 Your phone rang. 924 00:45:46,460 --> 00:45:49,478 Who's calling you at 2:30 in the morning? 925 00:45:49,479 --> 00:45:51,009 - I don't know. 926 00:45:51,010 --> 00:45:53,349 Hmm? He asked you by name. 927 00:45:53,350 --> 00:45:55,260 - You answered it? 928 00:45:55,261 --> 00:45:57,079 I thought, it was my phone. 929 00:45:57,080 --> 00:45:59,713 Who's it? 930 00:45:59,714 --> 00:46:02,019 - I don't know. 931 00:46:02,020 --> 00:46:05,251 Is it one of those interns, drunk dialing it? 932 00:46:05,252 --> 00:46:07,699 - No, that never happens. 933 00:46:07,700 --> 00:46:09,010 Let me see the number. 934 00:46:09,011 --> 00:46:10,011 Ohh, boy! 935 00:46:10,012 --> 00:46:11,012 I can't believe it. 936 00:46:09,540 --> 00:46:13,014 No..I'm calling him. - Steven, stop! It's not funny. 937 00:46:13,015 --> 00:46:14,015 I'm saying, I'm your dad. - Steven, it's not funny, 938 00:46:14,016 --> 00:46:15,359 give me my phone. 939 00:46:15,360 --> 00:46:16,484 Hang up. 940 00:46:16,485 --> 00:46:21,185 Steven, hang up the phone! 941 00:46:37,880 --> 00:46:42,580 Why is the governor calling you, at 2:30 in the morning? 942 00:46:45,379 --> 00:46:49,389 Molly? 943 00:46:49,390 --> 00:46:54,090 Why is the governor calling you, at all? 944 00:46:54,913 --> 00:46:59,479 - I'm in trouble. 945 00:46:59,480 --> 00:47:02,449 With the governor? 946 00:47:02,450 --> 00:47:07,150 What's going on? 947 00:47:08,790 --> 00:47:13,490 - I was working on the campaign in Iowa, 948 00:47:14,040 --> 00:47:17,379 there was a party in Ben's room, after the rally party in Des Moines. 949 00:47:17,380 --> 00:47:19,329 There's a party, with You and Ben... 950 00:47:19,330 --> 00:47:22,005 and the governor? 951 00:47:22,006 --> 00:47:23,210 - No, he wasn't there. 952 00:47:23,211 --> 00:47:27,069 Where was he? 953 00:47:27,070 --> 00:47:31,770 - I took him up a hard copy of the polling numbers. 954 00:47:32,216 --> 00:47:35,016 After the party? 955 00:47:35,017 --> 00:47:39,069 - It was around mid-night. 956 00:47:39,070 --> 00:47:42,515 I just stood, in the doorway with him. 957 00:47:42,516 --> 00:47:47,216 Just...talking- for a really long time. 958 00:47:50,136 --> 00:47:54,836 He just reached behind me and closed the door. 959 00:47:59,681 --> 00:48:04,381 Jesus 'fucking' Christ! 960 00:48:11,850 --> 00:48:15,060 Were you drunk? 961 00:48:15,061 --> 00:48:17,419 - Not that drunk. 962 00:48:17,420 --> 00:48:19,710 How many times? 963 00:48:19,711 --> 00:48:20,739 - It was just that once. 964 00:48:20,740 --> 00:48:22,156 Does anybody know? 965 00:48:22,157 --> 00:48:23,157 - No one knows. 966 00:48:23,158 --> 00:48:24,158 Did anybody see you? - No! 967 00:48:24,159 --> 00:48:25,159 How can you know? 968 00:48:25,160 --> 00:48:26,160 I know! 969 00:48:26,161 --> 00:48:27,459 Then, why's he calling you right now? 970 00:48:27,460 --> 00:48:30,880 - I called him first. 971 00:48:30,881 --> 00:48:31,506 Why? 972 00:48:31,507 --> 00:48:34,509 - Because I didn't know, who else to go to. 973 00:48:34,510 --> 00:48:39,210 And I needed nine-hundred bucks. 974 00:48:40,080 --> 00:48:43,323 For what? 975 00:48:43,324 --> 00:48:48,024 - I can't go to my dad. 976 00:48:48,829 --> 00:48:53,529 We are Catholic. 977 00:49:00,794 --> 00:49:04,304 So..what should I do? 978 00:49:04,305 --> 00:49:09,005 Steven? 979 00:50:30,288 --> 00:50:34,988 What's up? 980 00:50:36,280 --> 00:50:38,579 What's our limit on petty cash? 981 00:50:38,580 --> 00:50:39,540 - It's about five-hundred. 982 00:50:39,541 --> 00:50:40,541 Why? 983 00:50:40,542 --> 00:50:41,939 I need everything we can get. 984 00:50:41,940 --> 00:50:44,119 Is everythign okay? 985 00:50:44,120 --> 00:50:45,989 You need help with anything? 986 00:50:45,990 --> 00:50:47,430 - Yeah, don't put it in the books. 987 00:50:47,431 --> 00:50:52,131 That's all. 988 00:50:52,580 --> 00:50:54,688 - Ohh, what should I put in down instead? 989 00:50:54,689 --> 00:50:55,769 Don't put it down, that's it. 990 00:50:55,770 --> 00:50:58,000 Okay, anything above hundred, I gotta put it down... 991 00:50:58,001 --> 00:51:02,039 - Just do it! 992 00:51:02,040 --> 00:51:06,740 Molly? 993 00:51:27,533 --> 00:51:29,559 'Meet me at the stairwell, at noon' 994 00:51:29,560 --> 00:51:32,863 Okay. 995 00:51:32,864 --> 00:51:37,564 I'll take that back. 996 00:52:02,360 --> 00:52:03,879 Yes, Ida? 997 00:52:03,880 --> 00:52:06,715 - Stevie, off the record. 998 00:52:06,716 --> 00:52:09,549 No, I cannot tell you, what happened in North Carolina. 999 00:52:09,550 --> 00:52:12,329 - That's not what I wanted to ask you about. 1000 00:52:12,330 --> 00:52:14,281 Okay, what? 1001 00:52:14,282 --> 00:52:18,982 - You met with Duffy. 1002 00:52:19,584 --> 00:52:20,565 Who told you that? 1003 00:52:20,566 --> 00:52:23,381 - A little bird. 1004 00:52:23,382 --> 00:52:24,364 WHO? 1005 00:52:24,365 --> 00:52:27,249 - Did you meet with him? 1006 00:52:27,250 --> 00:52:29,809 Where are you? 1007 00:52:29,810 --> 00:52:32,742 I know that you met with him in a little bar in Cinci. two days ago.. 1008 00:52:32,743 --> 00:52:34,059 just before the press conference. 1009 00:52:34,060 --> 00:52:36,089 Duffy ordered buffalo wings. 1010 00:52:36,090 --> 00:52:37,338 Who said that? Duffy? 1011 00:52:37,339 --> 00:52:38,339 - Annonymous. 1012 00:52:37,980 --> 00:52:39,849 What happened with Duffy? 1013 00:52:39,850 --> 00:52:41,733 Ida, you're supposed to be my friend.. 1014 00:52:41,734 --> 00:52:44,336 Why'd you wanna stickthe fucking knife at me, on a bullshit story? 1015 00:52:44,337 --> 00:52:45,599 - Is that what you thought, that we are friends? 1016 00:52:45,600 --> 00:52:47,304 I've given you anything you've ever wanted. 1017 00:52:47,305 --> 00:52:48,305 Everything. Every story..every scoop.. 1018 00:52:48,306 --> 00:52:50,599 You're entire profile with Paul. - You're right, you've given me a lot. 1019 00:52:50,600 --> 00:52:51,885 But, let's get real here Steve. 1020 00:52:51,886 --> 00:52:54,241 The only reason you've ever treated me well was that I work for The Times. 1021 00:52:54,242 --> 00:52:55,819 Not because i'm your friend. 1022 00:52:55,820 --> 00:52:57,805 You give me what i want.. I write you better stories. 1023 00:52:57,806 --> 00:52:59,409 Don't pretend, it's any more than that. 1024 00:52:59,410 --> 00:53:01,389 Why did you meet with Duffy? 1025 00:53:01,390 --> 00:53:02,640 - Go fuck yourself! 1026 00:53:02,641 --> 00:53:04,501 Okay..I'll make it easier on you, forget Duffy. 1027 00:53:04,502 --> 00:53:06,983 What happened in Paul and Thompson's meeting? 1028 00:53:06,984 --> 00:53:09,449 - Would you keep your voice down? 1029 00:53:09,450 --> 00:53:11,189 Do you have any idea, what this could do to me? 1030 00:53:11,190 --> 00:53:13,230 Of course, I do. That's why i'm giving you a choice, here. 1031 00:53:13,231 --> 00:53:15,929 - I could get fired. 1032 00:53:15,930 --> 00:53:18,009 So, it's not a difficult one, Is it? 1033 00:53:18,010 --> 00:53:19,945 I've gotta file my three pm, tomorrow. 1034 00:53:19,946 --> 00:53:24,646 You've got till then, to make up your mind. 1035 00:53:24,860 --> 00:53:26,440 You motherfucker! 1036 00:53:26,441 --> 00:53:27,441 - Excuse me? 1037 00:53:27,360 --> 00:53:29,160 You leaked it. 1038 00:53:29,161 --> 00:53:30,161 - Leaked, what? 1039 00:53:30,162 --> 00:53:32,299 Don't bullshit me, Tom. 1040 00:53:32,300 --> 00:53:34,923 - Bullshit you? I have no idea what you're talking about. 1041 00:53:34,924 --> 00:53:35,924 I just spoke to Ida Horowicz. 1042 00:53:35,925 --> 00:53:37,339 - Yeah? 1043 00:53:37,340 --> 00:53:40,051 She's treatening to release the story. 1044 00:53:40,052 --> 00:53:41,083 - What fucking story? 1045 00:53:41,084 --> 00:53:42,084 That we met. 1046 00:53:42,085 --> 00:53:43,085 That we fucking met! 1047 00:53:43,086 --> 00:53:44,086 - How did she find out? 1048 00:53:44,087 --> 00:53:47,219 Don't..play dumb, Tom. 1049 00:53:47,220 --> 00:53:48,690 - You think, I leaked it to her? 1050 00:53:48,691 --> 00:53:49,691 Yeah, who else? 1051 00:53:49,190 --> 00:53:51,619 - You know what? I didn't leaked it to her, Steve. 1052 00:53:51,620 --> 00:53:53,232 Well, I know I didn't. So, that leaves you. 1053 00:53:53,233 --> 00:53:54,233 - Okay. 1054 00:53:54,234 --> 00:53:55,234 What, what does she know? 1055 00:53:55,235 --> 00:53:57,469 She knows whatever you told her. 1056 00:53:57,470 --> 00:54:00,484 - I swear to Jesus, I did not leaked it to her, Steve. 1057 00:54:00,485 --> 00:54:02,565 I don't want the story out anymore than you do. 1058 00:54:02,566 --> 00:54:04,802 Well, too late! 1059 00:54:04,803 --> 00:54:06,279 - What did she tell you? 1060 00:54:06,280 --> 00:54:07,692 She know where we met, 1061 00:54:07,693 --> 00:54:08,693 she knows, when we met. 1062 00:54:08,694 --> 00:54:11,291 She knows, you had fucking buffalo wings.. 1063 00:54:11,292 --> 00:54:12,292 - She has a source? 1064 00:54:12,250 --> 00:54:13,760 Yeah, she has a source. 1065 00:54:13,761 --> 00:54:16,029 - And, you have no idea, Who it could be? 1066 00:54:16,030 --> 00:54:18,860 Yeah, You! 1067 00:54:18,861 --> 00:54:19,745 - Well, for the record. 1068 00:54:19,746 --> 00:54:22,712 It was not me.. and I didn't have fucking buffalo wings! 1069 00:54:22,713 --> 00:54:24,579 So, it's gotta be someone else. 1070 00:54:24,580 --> 00:54:25,580 Did you tell anyone? 1071 00:54:25,581 --> 00:54:26,581 - No. Did you? 1072 00:54:26,490 --> 00:54:29,339 No. 1073 00:54:29,340 --> 00:54:30,164 - Did you admit to meeting with me? 1074 00:54:30,165 --> 00:54:31,165 No. 1075 00:54:31,166 --> 00:54:32,166 - Alright. 1076 00:54:32,167 --> 00:54:35,309 Then, we stonewall her, and she's got nothing. 1077 00:54:35,310 --> 00:54:37,830 She's gonna take this story to Drudge or to RollCall... 1078 00:54:37,831 --> 00:54:38,831 or to some shit like that. 1079 00:54:38,820 --> 00:54:39,980 - You can't stop her? 1080 00:54:39,981 --> 00:54:44,439 She's trying to blackmail me. She wants info about Thompson. 1081 00:54:44,440 --> 00:54:47,169 - Well then tell her, what she wants to know. 1082 00:54:47,170 --> 00:54:49,049 I can't do that. 1083 00:54:49,050 --> 00:54:50,710 - You can't let this story get out. 1084 00:54:50,711 --> 00:54:52,349 I'm not gonna be blackmailed, Tom. 1085 00:54:52,350 --> 00:54:54,669 - You don't have much choice here, Steve. 1086 00:54:54,670 --> 00:54:56,979 If I tell her about Thompson.. 1087 00:54:56,980 --> 00:54:58,772 I'm gonna have to tell her that, he's endorsing you. 1088 00:54:58,773 --> 00:54:59,773 - Well, then tell her. 1089 00:54:59,774 --> 00:55:02,150 I can handle it from my side, if I start getting calls. 1090 00:55:02,151 --> 00:55:03,799 No fucking way! 1091 00:55:03,800 --> 00:55:07,159 Paul told her we had Thompson in the bag, It's gonna make him look like a fucking fool! 1092 00:55:07,160 --> 00:55:08,160 - He's gonna look like a fucking fool, anyway. 1093 00:55:08,161 --> 00:55:12,861 When Thompson endorses us. 1094 00:55:17,653 --> 00:55:18,577 I can't do it. 1095 00:55:18,578 --> 00:55:21,771 - You know, you're on a sinking ship, Steve. 1096 00:55:21,772 --> 00:55:22,772 Tell her what she wants to know. 1097 00:55:22,773 --> 00:55:23,773 And jump. 1098 00:55:23,774 --> 00:55:24,774 Come over to our side. 1099 00:55:24,775 --> 00:55:28,039 We can control this thing, 1100 00:55:28,040 --> 00:55:32,740 Steve. - I gotta go. 1101 00:56:02,290 --> 00:56:05,069 It's almost, eighteen hundred bucks. 1102 00:56:05,070 --> 00:56:06,509 You gotta make the appoinment now. 1103 00:56:06,510 --> 00:56:07,949 Like, today. 1104 00:56:07,950 --> 00:56:10,119 From a pay-phone. 1105 00:56:10,120 --> 00:56:12,085 I'll take you to the clinic, and I'll pick you up. 1106 00:56:12,086 --> 00:56:13,259 But, no one else. 1107 00:56:13,260 --> 00:56:14,360 Do you understand? 1108 00:56:14,361 --> 00:56:18,899 - Yeah. 1109 00:56:18,900 --> 00:56:21,769 Take the rest of the money and buy yourself a ticket home. 1110 00:56:21,770 --> 00:56:24,129 You can't be here, anymore. We can't afford it. 1111 00:56:24,130 --> 00:56:28,795 Not with anything, that's gonna happen next week. 1112 00:56:28,796 --> 00:56:33,496 And the situation, just can't be here. 1113 00:56:33,650 --> 00:56:35,489 - You mean, I can't be here? 1114 00:56:35,490 --> 00:56:38,649 Right. 1115 00:56:38,650 --> 00:56:42,109 - Steven, I wouldn't tell anyone. 1116 00:56:42,110 --> 00:56:44,580 I hope not. 1117 00:56:44,581 --> 00:56:46,549 - Then, Why? 1118 00:56:46,550 --> 00:56:49,546 Because, you fucked up. 1119 00:56:49,547 --> 00:56:50,807 - You and I both fucked up. 1120 00:56:50,808 --> 00:56:52,039 That's true. 1121 00:56:52,040 --> 00:56:55,149 But, I have a responsibily to him. And more importantly, 1122 00:56:55,150 --> 00:56:57,039 I have a responsibilty to this campaign. 1123 00:56:57,040 --> 00:56:59,374 - I can go to North Carolina and work on the campaign. 1124 00:56:59,375 --> 00:57:00,833 Molly, you gotta wake the fuck up! 1125 00:57:00,834 --> 00:57:01,834 This is the big leagues. 1126 00:57:01,835 --> 00:57:03,349 It's mean. 1127 00:57:03,350 --> 00:57:07,769 When you make a mistake, you loose the right to play. 1128 00:57:07,770 --> 00:57:09,549 Make the appoinment. 1129 00:57:09,550 --> 00:57:14,250 Tell me, when and where we have to go. 1130 00:57:15,550 --> 00:57:16,764 Listen to this... 1131 00:57:16,765 --> 00:57:18,520 I got the placement in The Times, 1132 00:57:18,521 --> 00:57:19,521 Bumped to like 600 fucking articles.. 1133 00:57:19,522 --> 00:57:22,059 Tom Duffy, 2008. 1134 00:57:22,060 --> 00:57:24,889 ' This is a match up between, Hope Versus Fear. 1135 00:57:24,890 --> 00:57:28,399 Nine times out of ten, the feared candidate have to be the most experienced. 1136 00:57:28,400 --> 00:57:31,261 'But in our presidential races, the least experienced candidates.. 1137 00:57:31,262 --> 00:57:32,262 almost always wins.' 1138 00:57:32,263 --> 00:57:33,263 JFK v/s Nixon. 1139 00:57:33,264 --> 00:57:34,264 Carter v/s Ford 1140 00:57:34,265 --> 00:57:35,265 Bush v/s Gore 1141 00:57:35,266 --> 00:57:39,668 I like our chances with the new kid on the block'. 1142 00:57:39,669 --> 00:57:41,019 - Thomas fucking Duffy. 1143 00:57:41,020 --> 00:57:45,720 He's gotta be having a stroke right now. 1144 00:59:18,919 --> 00:59:22,309 I hate this shit. 1145 00:59:22,310 --> 00:59:26,250 I'm gonna come back and this is all gonna be over. 1146 00:59:26,251 --> 00:59:30,951 - Yeah? 1147 00:59:46,160 --> 00:59:50,809 We gotta take a broader stroke here. 1148 00:59:50,810 --> 00:59:54,799 Re-think everything. 1149 00:59:54,800 --> 00:59:58,889 Yeah, I know how to handle it. 1150 00:59:58,890 --> 01:00:00,644 Look, Stevie just got here. 1151 01:00:00,645 --> 01:00:03,409 Can I call you back, in a few minutes? 1152 01:00:03,410 --> 01:00:04,595 Okay, Bye. 1153 01:00:04,596 --> 01:00:05,596 The governor... 1154 01:00:05,597 --> 01:00:08,319 we had a good long talk on the way back. 1155 01:00:08,320 --> 01:00:10,989 He's upto speed with everything. 1156 01:00:10,990 --> 01:00:13,739 How did he take it? 1157 01:00:13,740 --> 01:00:16,179 - Better than i thought he would. 1158 01:00:16,180 --> 01:00:20,059 Still won't take Thompson's endorsement. 1159 01:00:20,060 --> 01:00:22,985 Paul, I gotta tell you something, I don't know how to tell you. 1160 01:00:22,986 --> 01:00:26,329 - Huh..what's up? 1161 01:00:26,330 --> 01:00:31,030 Ida knows that I met with Duffy. 1162 01:00:34,877 --> 01:00:38,646 I don't know, How she knows. But, she knows. 1163 01:00:38,647 --> 01:00:43,347 She tried, to blackmaile me. 1164 01:00:44,060 --> 01:00:47,282 She said, she's gonna release the story, Unless I tell her all the details, 1165 01:00:47,283 --> 01:00:51,983 about your meeting with Thompson. 1166 01:00:53,590 --> 01:00:56,949 So, it's going to end at the papers? 1167 01:00:56,950 --> 01:00:59,509 - Probably. 1168 01:00:59,510 --> 01:01:02,761 And whoever she takes it to, is gonna call me and ask for statement. 1169 01:01:02,762 --> 01:01:05,056 If I deny the whole thing all together, 1170 01:01:05,057 --> 01:01:07,292 but Duffy admits to it. It's gonna look even worse, 1171 01:01:07,293 --> 01:01:08,569 And if I just... 1172 01:01:08,570 --> 01:01:13,270 say..No Comment. They're not gonna let up. 1173 01:01:13,510 --> 01:01:18,210 I..leaked it to Ida. 1174 01:01:22,970 --> 01:01:27,670 At the event. 1175 01:01:28,040 --> 01:01:29,749 - I don't understand. 1176 01:01:29,750 --> 01:01:34,450 We made a deal. 1177 01:01:35,600 --> 01:01:39,029 Paul, they are gonna... 1178 01:01:39,030 --> 01:01:41,350 they are gonna print that story in the paper, tomorrow morning. 1179 01:01:41,351 --> 01:01:43,639 I know. 1180 01:01:43,640 --> 01:01:46,579 So, why'd you do it? 1181 01:01:46,580 --> 01:01:48,739 Why would you do that to the campaign? 1182 01:01:48,740 --> 01:01:53,440 The campaign will survive. 1183 01:01:53,920 --> 01:01:56,029 - Why would you do that to me? 1184 01:01:56,030 --> 01:01:59,389 Makes easier to let you go. 1185 01:01:59,390 --> 01:02:01,539 - What? 1186 01:02:01,540 --> 01:02:06,240 Why did you meet with Duffy? 1187 01:02:07,030 --> 01:02:09,160 - I made a Mistake. 1188 01:02:09,161 --> 01:02:10,161 I made a stupid... 1189 01:02:10,162 --> 01:02:11,449 No. 1190 01:02:11,450 --> 01:02:12,310 ...Mistake! 1191 01:02:12,311 --> 01:02:15,669 No, Steven. You didn't make a mistake. You made a choice! 1192 01:02:15,670 --> 01:02:18,572 You called me and left a message to call you back. That it was important. 1193 01:02:18,573 --> 01:02:21,129 And when I did... you told me to forget about it. 1194 01:02:21,130 --> 01:02:22,479 You choose not to tell me. 1195 01:02:22,480 --> 01:02:23,799 Why did you made that choice? 1196 01:02:23,800 --> 01:02:26,507 - Because, Paul... I didn't think it was important. 1197 01:02:26,508 --> 01:02:29,819 Oh, Fuck Yes! You did. 1198 01:02:29,820 --> 01:02:31,470 But, you won't... B'cos you're curious. 1199 01:02:31,471 --> 01:02:32,471 Because you felt flattered, special. 1200 01:02:32,472 --> 01:02:33,472 Because... 1201 01:02:32,890 --> 01:02:36,209 you felt, special! 1202 01:02:36,210 --> 01:02:40,349 To think that, Duffy wants to speak to you, Instead of me. 1203 01:02:40,350 --> 01:02:42,840 Because, you thought to yourself.. Maybe, I can get something out of this. 1204 01:02:42,841 --> 01:02:47,541 Because..b'cos it made you feel 'Big'? 1205 01:02:49,989 --> 01:02:50,588 You know... 1206 01:02:50,589 --> 01:02:53,999 The first campaign I ran, was a tiny little race in Kentucky. 1207 01:02:54,000 --> 01:02:57,199 Uh, state senate seat..you know, working for some red-neck nobody named.. 1208 01:02:57,200 --> 01:03:00,699 Sam McGuffry. 1209 01:03:00,700 --> 01:03:03,429 No staff. No money. No fucking office. 1210 01:03:03,430 --> 01:03:05,419 Everyone thought, we didn't stand a chance. 1211 01:03:05,420 --> 01:03:07,139 No way, we can compete, right? 1212 01:03:07,140 --> 01:03:09,020 And about this time..This guy, 1213 01:03:09,021 --> 01:03:12,469 running this congressional campaign, a few district over..gives me a call. 1214 01:03:12,470 --> 01:03:17,049 And he says, "I really liked what you're able to do for poor old Sam." 1215 01:03:17,050 --> 01:03:19,889 "But, let's face it. He's goner. Why don't you come and work for me"? 1216 01:03:19,890 --> 01:03:21,769 What did I do? 1217 01:03:21,770 --> 01:03:23,419 Well, Steven... 1218 01:03:23,420 --> 01:03:24,981 This is where, You and I are different. 1219 01:03:24,982 --> 01:03:27,109 I told Sam, about the call. 1220 01:03:27,110 --> 01:03:29,269 And Sam says to me..." Paul, 1221 01:03:29,270 --> 01:03:31,466 If you think this, other guys got a chance of winning.. 1222 01:03:31,467 --> 01:03:33,260 and if he can pay you more than any I can afford.. 1223 01:03:33,261 --> 01:03:34,269 and if it's what you feel.. 1224 01:03:34,270 --> 01:03:37,124 You need to do. Then, I won't get in your way." 1225 01:03:37,125 --> 01:03:38,125 And I say, "Sam, you took a chance on me, 1226 01:03:38,126 --> 01:03:42,826 and hired me when I was even more of a nobody than you are". 1227 01:03:44,630 --> 01:03:46,510 So, i'll be damned.. If i was gonna jump ship. 1228 01:03:46,511 --> 01:03:49,559 Just because, the shit hits the fan. 1229 01:03:49,560 --> 01:03:51,464 We lost that race. 1230 01:03:51,465 --> 01:03:53,840 But three years later, When Sam decided to run for Governor.. 1231 01:03:53,841 --> 01:03:55,649 Who do you think, he called? 1232 01:03:55,650 --> 01:03:58,328 We won that race, and 20 years later..I'm where I am. 1233 01:03:58,329 --> 01:04:00,689 Fucking now! 1234 01:04:00,690 --> 01:04:03,019 There's only one thing I value in this world, Steven. 1235 01:04:03,020 --> 01:04:04,020 That's loyalty. 1236 01:04:03,960 --> 01:04:06,209 And without it, You're nothing! 1237 01:04:06,210 --> 01:04:09,269 And you have no one. 1238 01:04:09,270 --> 01:04:11,169 And in politics? 1239 01:04:11,170 --> 01:04:13,509 in fucking politics, 1240 01:04:13,510 --> 01:04:16,629 It's the only currency you can count on. 1241 01:04:16,630 --> 01:04:19,149 That's why I'm letting you go. 1242 01:04:19,150 --> 01:04:20,785 Not because, you're not good enough. 1243 01:04:20,786 --> 01:04:21,786 Not because, I don't like you. 1244 01:04:21,787 --> 01:04:23,959 But, I value trust over skill. 1245 01:04:23,960 --> 01:04:26,239 I don't fucking trust you anymore. 1246 01:04:26,240 --> 01:04:29,839 - It doesn't matter whether you trust me, Paul. It matters if what the governor does. 1247 01:04:29,840 --> 01:04:32,129 The governor already knows! 1248 01:04:32,130 --> 01:04:36,369 And he thinks, it's the right thing to do. 1249 01:04:36,370 --> 01:04:37,879 - He does? 1250 01:04:37,880 --> 01:04:39,684 Yeah, and you know what? 1251 01:04:39,685 --> 01:04:40,685 If I were you.. 1252 01:04:40,686 --> 01:04:42,109 I'd get a good night sleep. 1253 01:04:42,110 --> 01:04:46,810 B'cos, you're gonna get fucking pounded by call from the press, in the morning. 1254 01:06:22,830 --> 01:06:25,579 Ben: Hey, where were you today? 1255 01:06:25,580 --> 01:06:27,509 - Uhm, 1256 01:06:27,510 --> 01:06:30,219 i'm not feeling great today, Ben. 1257 01:06:30,220 --> 01:06:34,409 You picked a hell of a day, to call in sick. 1258 01:06:34,410 --> 01:06:35,800 Jesus, it's fucking wild ass there. 1259 01:06:35,801 --> 01:06:37,429 - Why? what happened? 1260 01:06:37,430 --> 01:06:40,579 Steven's off the campaign. 1261 01:06:40,580 --> 01:06:43,059 Paul fired him, some fucking set up about loyalty.. 1262 01:06:43,060 --> 01:06:46,119 and it looks like, Steven might've been doubling down with Duffy, on the Pullman campaign.. 1263 01:06:46,120 --> 01:06:47,874 I was sitting in the room. 1264 01:06:47,875 --> 01:06:50,945 When Paul told Steven that he's fired. And Steven said, who's gonna take over... 1265 01:06:50,946 --> 01:06:51,946 and Paul said, Me. 1266 01:06:51,947 --> 01:06:52,947 I know. 1267 01:06:52,948 --> 01:06:53,948 I know, I'm like... 1268 01:06:53,780 --> 01:06:58,175 easy there soldier. But then, Steven goes apeshit, Paul's giving him speech about loyalty... 1269 01:06:58,176 --> 01:07:00,599 and, and then, shits on Steven like i've never seen before. 1270 01:07:00,600 --> 01:07:02,070 like humiliating shit. 1271 01:07:02,071 --> 01:07:04,819 - When was this? 1272 01:07:04,820 --> 01:07:06,359 Molly, listen to me. 1273 01:07:06,360 --> 01:07:08,809 I'm gonna run the campaign, under Paul. 1274 01:07:08,810 --> 01:07:12,659 Steven's going to Duffy, I..I just jumped three years ahead. 1275 01:07:12,660 --> 01:07:14,974 So, starting tomorrow morning.. 1276 01:07:14,975 --> 01:07:17,489 we go into full damage control. 1277 01:07:17,490 --> 01:07:18,631 And i'm telling you.. 1278 01:07:18,632 --> 01:07:19,709 Steven's going apeshit. 1279 01:07:19,710 --> 01:07:22,247 He said, he's taking everybody down his way out. 1280 01:07:22,248 --> 01:07:25,600 Morris...Everybody! 1281 01:07:25,601 --> 01:07:26,563 Shit, I gotta take this. 1282 01:07:26,564 --> 01:07:27,638 Do you need anything? 1283 01:07:27,639 --> 01:07:32,339 No. 1284 01:07:53,512 --> 01:07:58,212 Where's Duffy? - You got an appointment? 1285 01:08:08,390 --> 01:08:09,460 Joe, can we have the room for a minute? 1286 01:08:09,461 --> 01:08:12,478 Thank you. 1287 01:08:12,479 --> 01:08:13,297 It's not too bright, 1288 01:08:13,298 --> 01:08:17,998 Walking in here like that, Steve. 1289 01:08:20,020 --> 01:08:22,679 I am in. 1290 01:08:22,680 --> 01:08:24,789 I'm coming to work for you. 1291 01:08:24,790 --> 01:08:26,899 A reporter from Roll Call was in here, this afternoon. 1292 01:08:26,900 --> 01:08:28,470 - Yeah, i know who leaked it. 1293 01:08:28,471 --> 01:08:29,471 Who? 1294 01:08:29,180 --> 01:08:31,764 Paul. - You told Paul? 1295 01:08:31,765 --> 01:08:32,765 - I told Paul and he leaked it. 1296 01:08:32,766 --> 01:08:35,559 Oh, Steve! 1297 01:08:35,560 --> 01:08:37,594 You shouldn't have told him that. 1298 01:08:37,595 --> 01:08:38,904 I felt like i should. 1299 01:08:38,905 --> 01:08:40,735 I've worked with Paul. He gets paranoid. 1300 01:08:40,736 --> 01:08:41,736 - Obviously. 1301 01:08:41,737 --> 01:08:42,737 So, he fired you? 1302 01:08:42,630 --> 01:08:45,289 - I quit. - No, you're lying to me. 1303 01:08:45,290 --> 01:08:46,936 Come on, man. - I quit! 1304 01:08:46,937 --> 01:08:48,099 I'm gonna give you everything! 1305 01:08:48,100 --> 01:08:51,163 I'm gonna give you his whole strategy, I'm gonna give you all... 1306 01:08:51,164 --> 01:08:52,164 I don't need his whole strategy. I already have it. 1307 01:08:52,165 --> 01:08:55,119 Paul gave it all to Thompson. 1308 01:08:55,120 --> 01:08:57,619 - What if I had something else? 1309 01:08:57,620 --> 01:09:00,580 You would do that to Morris, To Paul? 1310 01:09:00,581 --> 01:09:01,922 - Yeah. - I don't know. 1311 01:09:01,923 --> 01:09:04,049 Revenge makes people unpredictable, 1312 01:09:04,050 --> 01:09:06,701 Steve, I can't have someone who's unpredictable, who's unstable. 1313 01:09:06,702 --> 01:09:08,869 I'm not unstable. 1314 01:09:08,870 --> 01:09:10,484 If you had left Morris, 1315 01:09:10,485 --> 01:09:14,889 before the story broke.. that'd be one thing. That we could control. 1316 01:09:14,890 --> 01:09:16,140 But, like this? 1317 01:09:16,141 --> 01:09:18,676 Paul fires you... and then, you wanna come work for me... 1318 01:09:18,677 --> 01:09:22,866 It makes me look like, I'm picking up the scrapes. It puts Morris in the driver seat. 1319 01:09:22,867 --> 01:09:23,867 I can't have that. 1320 01:09:23,790 --> 01:09:26,854 - What If, I had something big? 1321 01:09:26,855 --> 01:09:31,555 Like, what? 1322 01:09:31,560 --> 01:09:34,529 - Something Big. 1323 01:09:34,530 --> 01:09:37,669 Something that'll put Morris down. 1324 01:09:37,670 --> 01:09:41,289 What is it? 1325 01:09:41,290 --> 01:09:45,990 - Give me the job. 1326 01:09:47,516 --> 01:09:48,950 No. That's not gonna happen. 1327 01:09:48,951 --> 01:09:50,729 I'm sorry. 1328 01:09:50,730 --> 01:09:53,113 Go take a nice long vacation. 1329 01:09:53,114 --> 01:09:54,269 You're a smart guy. 1330 01:09:54,270 --> 01:09:57,999 Everything that I said, the other day is absolutely true. 1331 01:09:58,000 --> 01:09:58,930 But..you know? 1332 01:09:58,931 --> 01:10:01,809 Maybe, politics isn't for you. 1333 01:10:01,810 --> 01:10:03,959 - Politics is my life! 1334 01:10:03,960 --> 01:10:04,772 Oh, you know what? 1335 01:10:04,773 --> 01:10:05,773 Do yourself a favour. Get out.. 1336 01:10:05,774 --> 01:10:06,774 Now! 1337 01:10:06,430 --> 01:10:08,749 While you still can. 1338 01:10:08,750 --> 01:10:11,102 G..go into entertainment or business. 1339 01:10:11,103 --> 01:10:13,313 Go open a fucking restaurant in Costa Rica. 1340 01:10:13,314 --> 01:10:14,242 Anything! 1341 01:10:14,243 --> 01:10:17,169 Do something that's gonna make you happy..Okay? 1342 01:10:17,170 --> 01:10:18,904 Cos if you stay in this business long enough, 1343 01:10:18,905 --> 01:10:19,905 You're gonna get jaded and cynical. 1344 01:10:19,906 --> 01:10:20,906 - Like you? 1345 01:10:20,907 --> 01:10:24,629 Yeah, just like me! 1346 01:10:24,630 --> 01:10:28,685 - You knew I was gonna fucking tell Paul. Didn't you? 1347 01:10:28,686 --> 01:10:29,721 No, I didn't know. 1348 01:10:29,722 --> 01:10:32,089 I thought, you might. But, I didn't know. 1349 01:10:32,090 --> 01:10:36,063 - You knew I was gonna tell him, you knew.. and you knew that he's gonna fucking fire me. 1350 01:10:36,064 --> 01:10:37,187 Well, that's the thing about Paul. 1351 01:10:37,188 --> 01:10:38,188 He's big on loyalty. 1352 01:10:38,189 --> 01:10:42,889 - Yeah, I know. I just got a big speech on it. 1353 01:10:43,420 --> 01:10:45,589 You were never gonna hire me? 1354 01:10:45,590 --> 01:10:49,339 Put yourself on my shoes, Steve. 1355 01:10:49,340 --> 01:10:51,490 You're opponent has the best media mind in the country... 1356 01:10:51,491 --> 01:10:53,358 Working for his team. 1357 01:10:53,359 --> 01:10:56,359 What are you gonna do? 1358 01:10:56,360 --> 01:10:58,520 You're either gonna hire him for yourself... 1359 01:10:58,521 --> 01:10:59,521 Or you're either gonna work it, so, you can't have him? 1360 01:10:59,522 --> 01:11:02,829 The other team can't either. 1361 01:11:02,830 --> 01:11:06,739 This is a Win-win situation for me. 1362 01:11:06,740 --> 01:11:08,741 And you come work for me, great! 1363 01:11:08,742 --> 01:11:10,559 Paul doesn't have you. 1364 01:11:10,560 --> 01:11:11,540 But, then again.. 1365 01:11:11,541 --> 01:11:13,449 Paul fires you, I don't want you...fine. 1366 01:11:13,450 --> 01:11:15,749 Paul still doesn't have you. 1367 01:11:15,750 --> 01:11:18,209 Either way, I win. 1368 01:11:18,210 --> 01:11:22,269 and the moment, I got you sit down on that chair... 1369 01:11:22,270 --> 01:11:23,940 I know, I've won. 1370 01:11:23,941 --> 01:11:25,699 - This is... 1371 01:11:25,700 --> 01:11:28,149 It's my life, that you're talking about. 1372 01:11:28,150 --> 01:11:30,360 It doesn't make me happy, doing this kind of thing. 1373 01:11:30,361 --> 01:11:32,639 Don't think, it gives me any kind of pleasure. 1374 01:11:32,640 --> 01:11:37,340 No, I'm sorry for you. I really am. 1375 01:11:39,000 --> 01:11:43,700 Take care of yourself. 1376 01:12:47,280 --> 01:12:51,980 Do you know her? 1377 01:12:54,371 --> 01:12:59,071 She is gone. 1378 01:13:56,199 --> 01:13:57,493 Molly on phone: Where are you? It's huh... 1379 01:13:57,494 --> 01:14:02,194 It's four something.. they're gonna close up in few minutes. 1380 01:14:04,070 --> 01:14:05,606 Steven, it's Ben. 1381 01:14:05,607 --> 01:14:06,855 Listen, What the fuck? 1382 01:14:06,856 --> 01:14:11,556 Jesus...what're you gonna do? 1383 01:14:12,910 --> 01:14:16,491 Steven, uh.. I just heard from Ben. 1384 01:14:16,492 --> 01:14:18,302 Please...don't do anything fucked up. 1385 01:14:18,303 --> 01:14:20,209 God damn it! You motherfucker, 1386 01:14:20,210 --> 01:14:21,413 Pick up the phone! 1387 01:14:21,414 --> 01:14:26,114 Don't do this! 1388 01:14:27,200 --> 01:14:31,900 I'm not going away. 1389 01:14:36,298 --> 01:14:39,792 TV announcer: The coroner stated that, based on the evidence found by the police in that Hotel room; 1390 01:14:39,793 --> 01:14:40,793 That this was an accidental overdose. 1391 01:14:40,794 --> 01:14:44,063 A lethal cocktail of alcohol and prescription drugs. 1392 01:14:44,064 --> 01:14:47,942 Cincinatti Police Chief Daryl Matthews, has called for a full investigation... 1393 01:14:47,943 --> 01:14:51,520 pending a toxicology report, which could take upto two weeks. 1394 01:14:51,521 --> 01:14:55,037 Just a terrible, terrible situation for the former Senator... 1395 01:14:55,038 --> 01:14:59,738 Now, DNC chairman Jake Sterns and his family. 1396 01:15:22,120 --> 01:15:25,379 I want on the ticket, 1397 01:15:25,380 --> 01:15:30,080 You need me on that ticket, and you could use my delegates. 1398 01:15:30,410 --> 01:15:32,889 And you need them before tuesday. 1399 01:15:32,890 --> 01:15:36,129 It'll make a fine story, on the sunday morning news cycle. 1400 01:15:36,130 --> 01:15:39,789 So, I expect to hear from you, by noon tomorrow. 1401 01:15:39,790 --> 01:15:44,490 Or I endorse Pullman and take that Cabinet seat. 1402 01:15:50,680 --> 01:15:55,380 Anything else, you wanna talk about, Steven? 1403 01:16:09,600 --> 01:16:11,279 The entire staff is... 1404 01:16:11,280 --> 01:16:13,889 in the state of shock. 1405 01:16:13,890 --> 01:16:18,180 We send our condolences to Jack and Joanna Sterns and their entire family. 1406 01:16:18,181 --> 01:16:20,726 Of course, our hearts go out to them. 1407 01:16:20,727 --> 01:16:24,229 It's hard to imagine, what they must be going through. 1408 01:16:24,230 --> 01:16:26,899 What we know right now is that, it appears to have been.. 1409 01:16:26,900 --> 01:16:29,579 a drug..an accidental 1410 01:16:29,580 --> 01:16:33,305 prescription overdose. 1411 01:16:33,306 --> 01:16:34,459 Reporter: Is suicide ruled out? 1412 01:16:34,460 --> 01:16:36,829 We have no reason to believe... 1413 01:16:36,830 --> 01:16:38,714 I don't think we have any information on that yet. 1414 01:16:38,715 --> 01:16:40,821 Obviously, there'll be a full investigation. 1415 01:16:40,822 --> 01:16:43,649 We just wanted to say that, our hearts go out... 1416 01:16:43,650 --> 01:16:45,479 Our prayers go out... 1417 01:16:45,480 --> 01:16:47,139 to the entire family. 1418 01:16:47,140 --> 01:16:51,618 She really is... she was part of our family. 1419 01:16:51,619 --> 01:16:52,828 Did you know her well, Governor? 1420 01:16:52,829 --> 01:16:54,710 Not well.. But I did know her. 1421 01:16:54,711 --> 01:16:57,519 What I saw was a hard working young woman with a.. 1422 01:16:57,520 --> 01:17:00,469 great spirit. 1423 01:17:00,470 --> 01:17:04,003 It's just a sad day, for the campaign. 1424 01:17:04,004 --> 01:17:06,317 And it's a sad day for those of us who knows Jack. 1425 01:17:06,318 --> 01:17:11,018 - Governor, how long has she interned for you? 1426 01:17:15,720 --> 01:17:18,209 She'd only been on the road with us for a few weeks. 1427 01:17:18,210 --> 01:17:20,339 Maybe, four weeks..I think. 1428 01:17:20,340 --> 01:17:21,662 I can check. 1429 01:17:21,663 --> 01:17:26,363 - Will you be continuing with your schedule today? 1430 01:18:55,520 --> 01:19:00,220 Seems like you have something you wanna talk to me about. 1431 01:19:00,940 --> 01:19:05,640 - Does it seem that way? 1432 01:19:06,460 --> 01:19:09,610 You have something, you think you have something.. 1433 01:19:09,611 --> 01:19:12,229 you wanna get off your chest. Why don't you? 1434 01:19:12,230 --> 01:19:16,930 - How about, I do the talking. And you do the listening? 1435 01:19:17,440 --> 01:19:19,539 Okay. 1436 01:19:19,540 --> 01:19:23,148 - As of tomorrow, there's gonna be a few changes to your campaign. 1437 01:19:23,149 --> 01:19:25,311 Paul is out. 1438 01:19:25,312 --> 01:19:28,049 I am your Senior Campaign Manager. 1439 01:19:28,050 --> 01:19:30,219 I'll draft the statement.. 1440 01:19:30,220 --> 01:19:33,178 The campaign got to a point that we need to make some changes. 1441 01:19:33,179 --> 01:19:34,887 You can put your own words in there. 1442 01:19:34,888 --> 01:19:36,499 Why would I do that? 1443 01:19:36,500 --> 01:19:39,759 - Because, you wanna win. 1444 01:19:39,760 --> 01:19:42,371 Because, you broke the only rule in politics. 1445 01:19:42,372 --> 01:19:44,119 You wanna be President... 1446 01:19:44,120 --> 01:19:45,319 You can start a war... 1447 01:19:45,320 --> 01:19:47,169 You can lie, You can cheat... 1448 01:19:47,170 --> 01:19:48,734 You can bankrupt the country... 1449 01:19:48,735 --> 01:19:52,459 but you can't fuck the interns. 1450 01:19:52,460 --> 01:19:56,519 They'll get you for that. 1451 01:19:56,520 --> 01:19:59,529 What do you think you have, Steven? 1452 01:19:59,530 --> 01:20:01,412 A troubled young girl, tells you a story...? 1453 01:20:01,413 --> 01:20:03,289 - A troubled young pregnant girl... 1454 01:20:03,290 --> 01:20:04,383 Is that what she told you? 1455 01:20:04,384 --> 01:20:06,301 - ...who needed cash for an abortion! 1456 01:20:06,302 --> 01:20:07,889 What did you do? You gave her money? 1457 01:20:07,890 --> 01:20:11,449 Maybe, she just needed cash. And you're the perfect guy to hit up. 1458 01:20:11,450 --> 01:20:12,765 - Is that your best play? 1459 01:20:12,766 --> 01:20:14,532 You need a job, that bad Steven? 1460 01:20:14,533 --> 01:20:16,289 You coming here, with your dick in your hand... 1461 01:20:16,290 --> 01:20:17,290 You got nothing! 1462 01:20:16,970 --> 01:20:20,509 - Then, how did I get in here? 1463 01:20:20,510 --> 01:20:22,132 You're right Mike. There's nothing... 1464 01:20:22,133 --> 01:20:23,133 there's no voice messages.. 1465 01:20:23,134 --> 01:20:25,088 no text..no e-mails... 1466 01:20:25,089 --> 01:20:27,699 no pictures and no tape. And yet... 1467 01:20:27,700 --> 01:20:29,599 I'm standing right here. 1468 01:20:29,600 --> 01:20:32,259 Well, go home. 1469 01:20:32,260 --> 01:20:36,960 She left a note. 1470 01:20:42,260 --> 01:20:43,949 How would you know that? 1471 01:20:43,950 --> 01:20:46,599 - I was cleaning up your mess. 1472 01:20:46,600 --> 01:20:49,739 I took her phone, and I found a note. 1473 01:20:49,740 --> 01:20:51,789 I thought it was an accident. 1474 01:20:51,790 --> 01:20:52,706 - I don't know, Mike. 1475 01:20:52,707 --> 01:20:53,707 You're gonna have to tell me.. 1476 01:20:53,708 --> 01:20:57,179 You're the last person she called. 1477 01:20:57,180 --> 01:20:59,114 Note says, she is pregnant. 1478 01:20:59,115 --> 01:21:00,115 Got an abortion... 1479 01:21:00,116 --> 01:21:03,219 and doesn't wanna hurt you. 1480 01:21:03,220 --> 01:21:06,275 Then why would she leave a note, that can only do that? 1481 01:21:06,276 --> 01:21:10,809 - She's twenty. 1482 01:21:10,810 --> 01:21:12,036 What do you want? 1483 01:21:12,037 --> 01:21:15,609 - Paul's gone...today. 1484 01:21:15,610 --> 01:21:18,819 I set a meeting with You and Thompson, and you promise him the ticket. 1485 01:21:18,820 --> 01:21:21,129 You get 356 pledged delegates... 1486 01:21:21,130 --> 01:21:24,319 You get North Carolina.. You take office... 1487 01:21:24,320 --> 01:21:26,949 You make right with so many people that you've made wrong. 1488 01:21:26,950 --> 01:21:29,449 All the things that we both believe in. 1489 01:21:29,450 --> 01:21:32,707 I don't believe in extortion.. I don't believe in tying myself to you... 1490 01:21:32,708 --> 01:21:33,779 for the next eight years! 1491 01:21:33,780 --> 01:21:38,480 - Four years. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. 1492 01:21:44,120 --> 01:21:46,449 What were you doing in her room? 1493 01:21:46,450 --> 01:21:48,969 - House keeping, before you make page one. 1494 01:21:48,970 --> 01:21:50,421 No, you were fired, You were out. 1495 01:21:50,422 --> 01:21:52,119 What were you doing in her room? 1496 01:21:52,120 --> 01:21:54,989 - I was fixing the situation. 1497 01:21:54,990 --> 01:21:57,489 I got a call, someone from the hotel thought I could help... 1498 01:21:57,490 --> 01:21:58,275 and they called me. 1499 01:21:58,276 --> 01:21:59,276 So, you're off the campaign, 1500 01:21:59,277 --> 01:22:00,277 But you thought it was important.. 1501 01:22:00,278 --> 01:22:04,978 ...to fix things! 1502 01:22:08,120 --> 01:22:12,696 It was your voice, the other night on the phone. 1503 01:22:12,697 --> 01:22:14,749 You were fucking her. 1504 01:22:14,750 --> 01:22:19,450 What did you do, Steven? 1505 01:22:19,690 --> 01:22:21,260 - I lend her some money and I gave her a ride. 1506 01:22:21,261 --> 01:22:24,729 I bet you did. 1507 01:22:24,730 --> 01:22:27,569 There's no note. 1508 01:22:27,570 --> 01:22:29,020 - Okay, Mike. There's no note. 1509 01:22:29,021 --> 01:22:30,021 Show it to me. 1510 01:22:29,360 --> 01:22:31,879 - You think I brought it here? 1511 01:22:31,880 --> 01:22:36,580 That's how people get hurt. 1512 01:22:42,616 --> 01:22:43,333 Okay. 1513 01:22:43,334 --> 01:22:45,609 Let's play this out. 1514 01:22:45,610 --> 01:22:49,930 You're not wearing a wire, because everything you've suggested is illegal. 1515 01:22:49,931 --> 01:22:53,479 And you wouldn't fare too well, in federal prison. 1516 01:22:53,480 --> 01:22:56,909 You were fucking her and she told you about her situation. 1517 01:22:56,910 --> 01:22:59,647 There are no records or conversation between the two of us. 1518 01:22:59,648 --> 01:23:00,859 And since, she's had abortion... 1519 01:23:00,860 --> 01:23:03,759 There's no DNA evidence. 1520 01:23:03,760 --> 01:23:07,029 So, there's no note. 1521 01:23:07,030 --> 01:23:11,039 It's word against mine. 1522 01:23:11,040 --> 01:23:13,649 Your word. 1523 01:23:13,650 --> 01:23:17,179 A fired, disgruntled employee.. 1524 01:23:17,180 --> 01:23:21,880 or a sitting governor. 1525 01:23:23,770 --> 01:23:28,470 There's no note. 1526 01:23:29,440 --> 01:23:34,140 - It's your call, Governor. 1527 01:24:23,678 --> 01:24:28,378 Paul, you got a minute? - Yeah. 1528 01:25:24,030 --> 01:25:25,297 TV Reporter: How much could a shake up like this.. 1529 01:25:25,298 --> 01:25:28,766 days before the Ohio primary, Hurt a campaign? 1530 01:25:28,767 --> 01:25:31,814 I asked Paul Zara, How his firing could actually help the candidate? 1531 01:25:31,815 --> 01:25:35,921 - The governor and I both, felt that in light of this changing numbers, 1532 01:25:35,922 --> 01:25:38,206 that it was best to put a new face on the campaign.. 1533 01:25:38,207 --> 01:25:39,207 Steven is very talented. 1534 01:25:39,208 --> 01:25:43,908 Very smart. 1535 01:25:55,000 --> 01:25:58,329 You always hear people talk about, 1536 01:25:58,330 --> 01:26:00,879 Events out of sequence... 1537 01:26:00,880 --> 01:26:05,580 the order of things. 1538 01:26:07,990 --> 01:26:14,435 There's no greater grief, than a parent laying a child during this. 1539 01:26:18,290 --> 01:26:20,559 She was a little girl... 1540 01:26:20,560 --> 01:26:23,659 trying to make it in a very grown up world. 1541 01:26:23,660 --> 01:26:26,879 A world where, every mistake is magnified. 1542 01:26:26,880 --> 01:26:28,919 And she was smart and pretty.. 1543 01:26:28,920 --> 01:26:33,620 and so, so young. 1544 01:26:35,700 --> 01:26:38,775 Father, you asked us to accept God's plan.. 1545 01:26:38,776 --> 01:26:41,219 and to not question his judgement. 1546 01:26:41,220 --> 01:26:43,179 With all due respect, 1547 01:26:43,180 --> 01:26:46,429 I don't accept to this judgement. 1548 01:26:46,430 --> 01:26:51,130 She made the world better! 1549 01:26:51,662 --> 01:26:54,449 Not just for me. 1550 01:26:54,450 --> 01:26:59,150 But for everyone she touched. 1551 01:27:10,490 --> 01:27:13,229 You should hire Jack for a speech writer. 1552 01:27:13,230 --> 01:27:17,549 - I'll keep it in mind. 1553 01:27:17,550 --> 01:27:19,549 You come here to see me? 1554 01:27:19,550 --> 01:27:22,169 No, friends of the family. 1555 01:27:22,170 --> 01:27:26,291 I got her the internship. 1556 01:27:26,292 --> 01:27:29,601 I've known her since she was born. 1557 01:27:29,602 --> 01:27:33,559 - Sorry. 1558 01:27:33,560 --> 01:27:36,579 The governor couldn't make the flight? 1559 01:27:36,580 --> 01:27:40,064 - He's meeting with Thompson. 1560 01:27:40,065 --> 01:27:41,549 Look at you. 1561 01:27:41,550 --> 01:27:46,039 All grown up with tits and all. 1562 01:27:46,040 --> 01:27:50,740 - I learned from the best. 1563 01:27:51,710 --> 01:27:54,929 Well, one day we'll grab a beer and... 1564 01:27:54,930 --> 01:27:58,179 you could tell me, what you had on the governor that put me out. 1565 01:27:58,180 --> 01:28:02,880 - How do you know I didn't have something on you? 1566 01:28:07,660 --> 01:28:09,269 You better get going.. 1567 01:28:09,270 --> 01:28:12,199 You have a campaign to run and I've got offices to look at. 1568 01:28:12,200 --> 01:28:15,629 - North? 1569 01:28:15,630 --> 01:28:18,939 Nice consulting firm, out of K street. 1570 01:28:18,940 --> 01:28:21,379 A million a year. 1571 01:28:21,380 --> 01:28:24,039 No one to fuck you over. 1572 01:28:24,040 --> 01:28:26,170 - Sounds relaxing. 1573 01:28:26,171 --> 01:28:30,871 Doesn't it? 1574 01:28:32,570 --> 01:28:36,450 Thompson: The right man to lead this nation of ours. 1575 01:28:36,451 --> 01:28:37,529 In this chanllenging times... 1576 01:28:37,530 --> 01:28:39,069 and.. 1577 01:28:39,070 --> 01:28:40,869 and the next President.. 1578 01:28:40,870 --> 01:28:43,369 of The United States of America... 1579 01:28:43,370 --> 01:28:48,070 Governor Mike Morris! 1580 01:28:52,810 --> 01:28:56,499 And let me ask, one very important thing. 1581 01:28:56,500 --> 01:28:59,035 That all of us stand, shoulder to shoulder... 1582 01:28:59,036 --> 01:29:03,736 arm and arm, in a united democrat party... 1583 01:29:05,030 --> 01:29:08,397 So, I strongly urge the three hundred and fifty six 1584 01:29:08,398 --> 01:29:11,579 loyal delegates that I've carried as a badge of honour... 1585 01:29:11,580 --> 01:29:15,722 Throw their support to the governor, lets put this primary behind us... 1586 01:29:15,723 --> 01:29:19,745 And get on with the business of sixteen hundred Pennsylvania Avenue! 1587 01:29:19,746 --> 01:29:24,446 Thank you, God bless you.. and God Bless The United States of America! 1588 01:29:35,970 --> 01:29:39,689 Thank you. 1589 01:29:39,690 --> 01:29:41,839 Well, the polls aren't quite closed. 1590 01:29:41,840 --> 01:29:46,069 But I do wanna congratulate Senator Pullman and his republican constituents, 1591 01:29:46,070 --> 01:29:50,770 on their win here in Ohio. 1592 01:29:55,504 --> 01:29:58,419 Senator Thompson, I'm honoured to stand with you here today. 1593 01:29:58,420 --> 01:30:01,474 And I'm humbled by your kind words. 1594 01:30:01,475 --> 01:30:03,949 Thank you. 1595 01:30:03,950 --> 01:30:06,749 Ladies and Gentlement, today marks the begining of the fight between... 1596 01:30:06,750 --> 01:30:09,099 Two sets of ideals. 1597 01:30:09,100 --> 01:30:13,800 Either we're gonna move forward or we're going to live in the past? 1598 01:30:13,937 --> 01:30:17,754 Either we're going to lead the world again on technology or we are going to bury, 1599 01:30:17,755 --> 01:30:21,175 our heads in the sands? 1600 01:30:21,176 --> 01:30:25,876 The sands of Saudi Arabia. The sands of Iraq? 1601 01:30:27,020 --> 01:30:29,519 Either we are going to let Greed and corruption 1602 01:30:29,520 --> 01:30:32,369 ruin our industries and our shorelines.. 1603 01:30:32,370 --> 01:30:37,070 or we are going to take back our country? 1604 01:30:37,307 --> 01:30:40,100 We are not a nation used to come in second... 1605 01:30:40,101 --> 01:30:44,801 or third??? 1606 01:31:08,030 --> 01:31:10,749 Hey, Ben? 1607 01:31:10,750 --> 01:31:14,339 I was told to talk to you, I'm suppose to get a phone. 1608 01:31:14,340 --> 01:31:15,691 And you are? 1609 01:31:15,692 --> 01:31:16,692 - Joe Morris. 1610 01:31:16,693 --> 01:31:19,019 No relation. 1611 01:31:19,020 --> 01:31:20,700 You're a Beercat Joe Morris? 1612 01:31:20,701 --> 01:31:25,401 - No, i'm from Columbus, I'm a Buckeye. 1613 01:31:40,280 --> 01:31:41,550 You're making me look bad. 1614 01:31:41,551 --> 01:31:43,779 - How so? 1615 01:31:43,780 --> 01:31:45,949 I filed the story that said you're off the campaign.. 1616 01:31:45,950 --> 01:31:48,489 And Thompson is going to Pullman. 1617 01:31:48,490 --> 01:31:51,339 You can't believe everything you read. 1618 01:31:51,340 --> 01:31:54,779 I just wanna give you an opportunity to comment on my next story. 1619 01:31:54,780 --> 01:31:56,436 Says you delivered Thompson. 1620 01:31:56,437 --> 01:31:58,446 You got that 356 delegates, 1621 01:31:58,447 --> 01:32:01,809 you delivered the nomination. And all you ask in return is Paul's job. 1622 01:32:01,810 --> 01:32:03,709 Any chance of you confirming now? - No press behind this point. 1623 01:32:03,710 --> 01:32:04,710 She's press. 1624 01:32:04,711 --> 01:32:05,711 I'll read about it in the funny papers. 1625 01:32:05,712 --> 01:32:08,012 Come on, Steven? 1626 01:32:08,013 --> 01:32:12,713 Aren't we friends anymore? 1627 01:32:13,379 --> 01:32:18,079 You are my best friend, Ida. 1628 01:34:38,874 --> 01:34:43,574 <font color="#3399FF">warwerwor credit by d3xt3r</font> <font color="#3399FF">www.ganool.com</font>