1 00:00:00,957 --> 00:00:03,032 (Birds Squawking) 2 00:00:12,760 --> 00:00:17,173 (Loud Squawking, Cawing) 3 00:00:22,519 --> 00:00:25,189 (Wings Flapping) 4 00:00:25,689 --> 00:00:28,975 (Chirping, Twittering) 5 00:01:32,255 --> 00:01:35,623 (Squawking Intensifies) 6 00:01:39,928 --> 00:01:41,838 (Cable Car Bell Dinging) 7 00:01:42,014 --> 00:01:44,302 (Squawking Continues) 8 00:01:56,528 --> 00:01:58,604 (Car Horn Honking) 9 00:01:59,448 --> 00:02:01,524 (Boy Wolf Whistles) 10 00:02:03,410 --> 00:02:05,782 (Squawking, Chirping) 11 00:02:15,755 --> 00:02:17,831 (Birds Chirping) 12 00:02:22,095 --> 00:02:25,012 - Hello, Mrs MacGruder. - Hello, Miss Daniels. 13 00:02:25,181 --> 00:02:28,265 Have you ever seen so many gulls? What do you suppose it is? 14 00:02:28,434 --> 00:02:32,479 There must be a storm at sea. That can drive them inland, you know. 15 00:02:32,647 --> 00:02:35,766 I was hoping you'd be a little late. He hasn't arrived yet. 16 00:02:35,941 --> 00:02:38,017 - But you said 3.00. - I know. 17 00:02:38,194 --> 00:02:42,939 I know. I've been calling all morning. You have no idea. 18 00:02:43,115 --> 00:02:46,032 They are so difficult to get. Really, they are. 19 00:02:46,201 --> 00:02:49,156 We have to get them from India when they're baby chicks, and then... 20 00:02:49,330 --> 00:02:53,826 - This one won't be a chick, will he? - Oh, no, certainly not. 21 00:02:54,001 --> 00:02:57,002 - This will be a full-grown mynah bird. - And he'll talk? 22 00:02:57,588 --> 00:02:59,248 Well, yes, of course he'll... 23 00:02:59,423 --> 00:03:02,708 Well, no, you'll have to teach him to talk. 24 00:03:02,884 --> 00:03:06,929 I guess maybe I'd better phone. They said 3.00. 25 00:03:07,097 --> 00:03:09,469 Maybe it's the traffic. I'll call. 26 00:03:09,641 --> 00:03:13,935 - Would you mind waiting? - Well, maybe you'd better deliver him. 27 00:03:14,104 --> 00:03:18,054 - Let me give you my address. - Oh, well, alright, 28 00:03:18,233 --> 00:03:20,724 but I'm sure they're on the way. 29 00:03:21,194 --> 00:03:23,566 Would you mind if I called? 30 00:03:23,738 --> 00:03:25,814 No. Alright. 31 00:03:43,091 --> 00:03:45,760 - I wonder if you could help me. - What? 32 00:03:47,095 --> 00:03:50,012 I said, I wonder if you could help me. 33 00:03:52,433 --> 00:03:55,552 Yes. What is it you're looking for, sir? 34 00:03:55,728 --> 00:03:57,804 - Lovebirds. - Lovebirds, sir? 35 00:03:57,980 --> 00:04:00,268 Yes. I understand there are different varieties. 36 00:04:00,440 --> 00:04:02,516 - Is that true? - Well, yes, there are. 37 00:04:02,693 --> 00:04:07,272 These are for my sister for her birthday and, as she's only going to be 11, 38 00:04:07,448 --> 00:04:11,196 I wouldn't want a pair of birds that were... too demonstrative. 39 00:04:11,702 --> 00:04:13,611 - I understand completely. - At the same time, 40 00:04:13,787 --> 00:04:17,488 - I wouldn't want them to be too aloof. - Of course not. 41 00:04:17,666 --> 00:04:20,667 Do you happen to have a pair of birds that are... just friendly? 42 00:04:20,836 --> 00:04:24,667 Oh, I think so. Now, then, let me see. 43 00:04:26,382 --> 00:04:29,052 (Chirping Continues) 44 00:04:29,218 --> 00:04:31,793 Aren't those lovebirds? 45 00:04:32,890 --> 00:04:35,843 No. Those are, uh... red birds. 46 00:04:36,017 --> 00:04:38,140 I thought they were strawberry finches. 47 00:04:38,311 --> 00:04:40,719 Yes. We call them that, too. 48 00:04:42,690 --> 00:04:44,766 Here we are. Lovebirds. 49 00:04:46,486 --> 00:04:48,443 Those are canaries. 50 00:04:48,613 --> 00:04:51,816 - Doesn't this make you feel awful? - Doesn't what make me feel...? 51 00:04:51,991 --> 00:04:55,739 Having all these poor, innocent creatures caged up like this? 52 00:04:55,911 --> 00:04:58,617 We can't just let them fly around the shop. 53 00:04:58,790 --> 00:05:00,663 I suppose not. 54 00:05:00,833 --> 00:05:04,451 Is there an ornithological reason for keeping them in separate cages? 55 00:05:04,629 --> 00:05:08,247 - Certainly. It's to protect the species. - Yes, that's important, 56 00:05:08,424 --> 00:05:12,042 - especially during the moulting season. - That's a particularly dangerous time. 57 00:05:12,219 --> 00:05:15,173 - Are they moulting now? - Some of them are. 58 00:05:15,973 --> 00:05:18,049 How can you tell? 59 00:05:18,517 --> 00:05:22,562 Well, they... get a sort of hangdog expression. 60 00:05:25,858 --> 00:05:28,064 Yes, I see. Well, what about the lovebirds? 61 00:05:28,235 --> 00:05:30,062 Are you sure you wouldn't like to see a canary instead? 62 00:05:30,237 --> 00:05:33,321 We have some very nice canaries this week. 63 00:05:33,490 --> 00:05:35,566 Alright. 64 00:05:36,576 --> 00:05:38,984 Alright. May I see it, please? 65 00:05:52,509 --> 00:05:54,585 Oh! Oh! 66 00:05:55,512 --> 00:05:58,382 (Mrs MacGruder) What is it? Oh! Oh! 67 00:05:58,556 --> 00:06:00,845 (Mrs MacGruder) Oh! Oh! Oh! 68 00:06:02,310 --> 00:06:04,386 (Miss Daniels) Oh! Oh! 69 00:06:11,819 --> 00:06:13,313 There we are. 70 00:06:13,487 --> 00:06:15,397 - Oh, there. - Wonderful. 71 00:06:18,618 --> 00:06:22,450 Back in your gilded cage, Melanie Daniels. 72 00:06:22,622 --> 00:06:26,833 - What did you say? - I was merely drawing a parallel. 73 00:06:27,001 --> 00:06:30,915 - How did you know my name? - A little birdie told me. 74 00:06:31,088 --> 00:06:33,579 Good day, Miss Daniels. Madam. 75 00:06:33,757 --> 00:06:37,589 Hey, wait a minute. I don't know you. 76 00:06:37,761 --> 00:06:40,253 - Ah, but I know you. - How? 77 00:06:40,431 --> 00:06:44,096 - We met in court. - We never met in court or anyplace else. 78 00:06:44,268 --> 00:06:47,222 - I'll rephrase it. I saw you in court. - When? 79 00:06:47,396 --> 00:06:49,472 Don't you remember your practical joke 80 00:06:49,648 --> 00:06:51,439 that resulted in the smashing of a plate-glass window? 81 00:06:51,608 --> 00:06:55,440 - I didn't break that window. - Yes, but your little prank did. 82 00:06:55,612 --> 00:06:57,688 The judge should have put you behind bars. 83 00:06:57,864 --> 00:07:01,482 - What are you, a policeman? - I merely believe in the law. 84 00:07:01,659 --> 00:07:03,568 And I'm not too keen on practical jokers. 85 00:07:03,745 --> 00:07:07,245 - What do you call your lovebird story? - I really wanted the lovebirds. 86 00:07:08,041 --> 00:07:09,998 You knew I didn't work here. You deliberately - 87 00:07:10,168 --> 00:07:12,244 Right, I recognised you when I came in. 88 00:07:12,420 --> 00:07:15,706 I thought you might like to know what it's like to be on the other end of a gag. 89 00:07:15,882 --> 00:07:18,633 - What do you think of that? - I think you're a louse. 90 00:07:18,801 --> 00:07:21,921 I am. Good day, Miss Daniels. Madam. 91 00:07:24,181 --> 00:07:28,226 - I'm glad you didn't get your lovebirds. - I'll find something else. 92 00:07:28,394 --> 00:07:30,303 See you in court. 93 00:07:33,816 --> 00:07:36,817 - Who was that man? - I have no idea. 94 00:07:48,163 --> 00:07:50,239 (Cable Car Bell Dinging) 95 00:08:02,970 --> 00:08:05,924 They said the mynah bird would be here later this afternoon 96 00:08:06,098 --> 00:08:09,217 - if you'd care to come back. - No, you'd better send him. 97 00:08:09,392 --> 00:08:12,512 - May I use this phone? - Why, certainly. 98 00:08:21,904 --> 00:08:26,448 Daily News? It's Melanie Daniels. Could you get me the City Desk? 99 00:08:26,618 --> 00:08:28,776 Just a minute, Mrs MacGruder. 100 00:08:28,954 --> 00:08:31,029 Hello, Charlie. Melanie. 101 00:08:31,206 --> 00:08:33,578 I want you to do a favour for me. 102 00:08:33,750 --> 00:08:35,826 No, this is a small one. 103 00:08:37,420 --> 00:08:42,128 Pressure you? Why, Charlie, darling, would I try to pressure you? 104 00:08:42,299 --> 00:08:45,751 Would you call the Department of Motor Vehicles for me? 105 00:08:45,928 --> 00:08:50,507 Find out who owns this licence plate: WJH 003. 106 00:08:50,683 --> 00:08:53,174 Yes, a California plate. 107 00:08:53,352 --> 00:08:57,564 No. I'll stop off in a little while. Is Daddy in his office? 108 00:08:58,023 --> 00:09:02,566 No, I don't want to break in on a meeting. Tell him I'll see him later. 109 00:09:02,736 --> 00:09:04,812 Thank you, Charlie. 110 00:09:09,117 --> 00:09:12,700 - Do you have any lovebirds? - Well, no, not in the shop, 111 00:09:12,871 --> 00:09:16,157 - but I can order them for you. - How soon? 112 00:09:16,333 --> 00:09:19,619 - Well, when would you want them? - Immediately. 113 00:09:19,795 --> 00:09:23,839 I could probably have them by tomorrow morning. Would that be alright? 114 00:09:24,007 --> 00:09:26,296 That would be just fine. 115 00:09:34,392 --> 00:09:36,468 (Chirping) 116 00:09:39,647 --> 00:09:42,732 (Door Slides Closed, Lift Hums) 117 00:09:52,368 --> 00:09:55,404 (Door Slides Open) 118 00:10:16,850 --> 00:10:20,017 - Miss, is that for Mitch Brenner? - Yes. 119 00:10:20,187 --> 00:10:22,393 - He's not home. - That's alright. 120 00:10:22,564 --> 00:10:25,518 He won't be back until Monday. I mean, if those birds are for him. 121 00:10:25,692 --> 00:10:27,151 - Monday? - Yes. 122 00:10:27,319 --> 00:10:29,726 I don't think you should leave them in the hall, do you? 123 00:10:29,904 --> 00:10:31,862 Well, where did he go? 124 00:10:32,032 --> 00:10:34,867 Bodega Bay. He goes there every weekend. 125 00:10:35,035 --> 00:10:37,407 - Bodega Bay. Where's that? - Up the coast. 126 00:10:37,579 --> 00:10:41,280 - About 60 miles north of here. - Sixty miles... Oh! 127 00:10:41,458 --> 00:10:45,621 It's 1½ hours by freeway, or two hours if you take the coast highway. 128 00:10:46,504 --> 00:10:51,711 I'd look after them myself, but I'm going away too. I'm awfully sorry. 129 00:10:56,931 --> 00:10:59,008 (Engine Revving) 130 00:11:00,518 --> 00:11:03,140 (Tyres Screeching) 131 00:12:32,274 --> 00:12:34,350 (Bell Rings) 132 00:12:41,617 --> 00:12:43,444 - Good morning. - Good morning. 133 00:12:43,619 --> 00:12:46,288 - I wonder if you could help me. - I'll try my best. 134 00:12:46,455 --> 00:12:49,290 - I'm looking for a Mitchell Brenner. - Yeah. 135 00:12:49,458 --> 00:12:50,489 - Do you know him? - Yeah. 136 00:12:50,668 --> 00:12:52,993 - Where does he live? - Right here, Bodega Bay. 137 00:12:53,170 --> 00:12:56,835 - Yes, I know, but where? - Right across the bay there. 138 00:12:57,007 --> 00:12:58,880 Where? 139 00:13:11,021 --> 00:13:13,512 - Now, see where I'm pointing? - Yes. 140 00:13:13,690 --> 00:13:18,186 - See them two big trees across there? - On the other side of the bay? Yes. 141 00:13:18,361 --> 00:13:19,772 - And the white house? - Yes. 142 00:13:19,946 --> 00:13:23,944 - That's where the Brenners live. - The Brenners? Mr and Mrs Brenner? 143 00:13:24,117 --> 00:13:26,489 No, just Lydia and the two kids. 144 00:13:26,661 --> 00:13:29,661 - The two kids? - Yeah, Mitch and the little girl. 145 00:13:30,206 --> 00:13:32,828 Oh, I see. How do I get down there? 146 00:13:33,001 --> 00:13:37,828 You follow the road around the bay, and that'll take you to their front door. 147 00:13:38,006 --> 00:13:40,757 The front door. Is there a back road I can take? 148 00:13:40,925 --> 00:13:43,879 - No. That's the only road. - You see, I want to surprise them. 149 00:13:44,053 --> 00:13:45,631 Oh? 150 00:13:45,805 --> 00:13:48,592 - I don't want them to see me arrive. - Oh. 151 00:13:48,766 --> 00:13:51,054 It's a surprise, you see. 152 00:13:51,226 --> 00:13:53,598 Well, you could get yourself a boat 153 00:13:53,770 --> 00:13:56,937 and cut right across the bay to their dock. 154 00:13:57,107 --> 00:13:59,314 Where would I get a boat? 155 00:13:59,485 --> 00:14:02,106 Down by the Tides Restaurant. 156 00:14:02,279 --> 00:14:04,687 Did you ever handle an outboard boat? 157 00:14:04,865 --> 00:14:07,107 Of course. 158 00:14:07,284 --> 00:14:10,867 - Want me to order one for you? - Well, thank you. 159 00:14:11,038 --> 00:14:13,114 - What name? - Daniels. 160 00:14:13,290 --> 00:14:15,366 - OK. - (Shop Bell Dings) 161 00:14:19,921 --> 00:14:21,997 (Rotary Phone Dialling) 162 00:14:27,804 --> 00:14:32,217 - I wonder if you could tell me... - Yeah. Hold it a minute, please. 163 00:14:32,392 --> 00:14:36,176 - ...the little girl's name? - The little Brenner girl? 164 00:14:36,354 --> 00:14:38,430 - Yes. - Alice, I think. 165 00:14:38,606 --> 00:14:42,390 (Calling) Harry, what's the Brenner girl's name? 166 00:14:42,568 --> 00:14:44,727 - (Harry) Lois. - Alice, isn't it? 167 00:14:44,904 --> 00:14:47,739 - (Harry) No, it's Lois. - It's Alice. 168 00:14:47,907 --> 00:14:51,573 - Are you sure? - Not positive, if that's what you mean. 169 00:14:51,745 --> 00:14:53,571 I need her exact name. 170 00:14:53,746 --> 00:14:57,661 Oh, uh... Just hold on one more minute, please. 171 00:14:57,834 --> 00:14:59,707 In that case, I'll tell you what you do. 172 00:14:59,877 --> 00:15:05,251 Go straight through town till you see a little hotel on your left. Turn right there. 173 00:15:05,424 --> 00:15:06,918 - Now, you got that? - Yes. 174 00:15:07,092 --> 00:15:10,212 Near the top of the hill, you'll see the school, and just beyond, 175 00:15:10,387 --> 00:15:12,463 a little house with a red mailbox. 176 00:15:12,639 --> 00:15:15,309 That's where Annie Hayworth, the schoolteacher, lives. 177 00:15:15,476 --> 00:15:18,762 - Ask her about the little Brenner girl. - Well, thank you. 178 00:15:18,938 --> 00:15:22,353 Save yourself a lot of trouble. Name's Alice for sure. 179 00:15:23,067 --> 00:15:25,273 Can I have the boat in about 20 minutes? 180 00:15:25,444 --> 00:15:28,361 - How much for the phone calls? - Oh, it's nothing. 181 00:15:28,530 --> 00:15:30,569 Thank you. 182 00:15:49,342 --> 00:15:51,418 (Children Chattering) 183 00:15:51,594 --> 00:15:54,714 (Engine Revving & Tyres Screeching) 184 00:15:57,141 --> 00:15:59,430 (Chattering Continues) 185 00:15:59,602 --> 00:16:01,678 (Engine Stops) 186 00:16:20,539 --> 00:16:22,615 (Doorbell Rings) 187 00:16:23,292 --> 00:16:26,043 - (Woman) Who is it? - Me. 188 00:16:26,211 --> 00:16:28,287 Who's "me"? 189 00:16:31,800 --> 00:16:33,877 - Miss Hayworth? - Yes. 190 00:16:34,053 --> 00:16:36,378 I'm Melanie Daniels. I'm sorry to bother you, but... 191 00:16:36,555 --> 00:16:38,631 - Yes? - The man at the post office sent me. 192 00:16:38,807 --> 00:16:40,930 He said you could tell me the name of the Brenner girl. 193 00:16:41,101 --> 00:16:42,132 Cathy? 194 00:16:42,311 --> 00:16:44,102 The one who lives in the white house across the bay? 195 00:16:44,271 --> 00:16:47,390 - That's the one. Cathy Brenner. - He seemed sure it was Alice or Lois. 196 00:16:47,566 --> 00:16:50,732 Which is why the mail never gets delivered to the right place in this town. 197 00:16:50,902 --> 00:16:53,571 - I'm sorry. Smoke? - Thank you. 198 00:16:54,656 --> 00:16:58,868 Did you want to see Cathy about something? 199 00:16:59,578 --> 00:17:01,654 Well, not exactly. 200 00:17:03,373 --> 00:17:05,449 Oh. 201 00:17:06,084 --> 00:17:08,575 Are you a friend of Mitch's? 202 00:17:09,087 --> 00:17:10,960 No, not really. 203 00:17:12,590 --> 00:17:15,128 I've been wanting a cigarette for the last 20 minutes. 204 00:17:15,301 --> 00:17:17,377 I just couldn't convince myself to stop. 205 00:17:17,553 --> 00:17:19,961 This tilling of the soil can become compulsive. 206 00:17:20,139 --> 00:17:22,843 - It's a very pretty garden. - Oh, thank you. 207 00:17:23,017 --> 00:17:25,425 Well, it's something to do in your spare time. 208 00:17:25,603 --> 00:17:28,604 There's a lot of spare time in Bodega Bay. 209 00:17:28,773 --> 00:17:31,690 Are you planning on staying long? 210 00:17:31,859 --> 00:17:33,935 No, just a few hours. 211 00:17:34,111 --> 00:17:36,567 Then you're leaving after you see Cathy? 212 00:17:36,739 --> 00:17:38,612 Well, something like that. 213 00:17:38,782 --> 00:17:41,190 I'm sorry. I don't mean to sound so mysterious. 214 00:17:41,368 --> 00:17:45,911 - Actually, it's none of my business. - Well, I'd better be on my way. 215 00:17:47,207 --> 00:17:50,292 - Thank you very much. - Not at all. 216 00:17:53,380 --> 00:17:56,132 Did you drive up from San Francisco by the coast road? 217 00:17:56,300 --> 00:17:58,541 - Yes. - Nice drive. 218 00:17:58,927 --> 00:18:03,221 - It's very beautiful. - Is that where you met Mitch? 219 00:18:03,807 --> 00:18:05,680 Yes. 220 00:18:07,018 --> 00:18:09,474 I guess that's where everyone meets Mitch. 221 00:18:09,646 --> 00:18:13,180 Now you sound a bit mysterious, Miss Hayworth. 222 00:18:13,357 --> 00:18:16,229 Do I? I don't mean to. 223 00:18:16,403 --> 00:18:18,976 Actually, I'm an open book, I'm afraid. 224 00:18:19,156 --> 00:18:22,489 - Or, rather, a closed one. - (Chirping) 225 00:18:22,659 --> 00:18:25,862 - Oh, pretty. What are they? - Lovebirds. 226 00:18:27,580 --> 00:18:30,664 I see. Good luck, Miss Daniels. 227 00:18:30,833 --> 00:18:32,909 Thank you. 228 00:18:33,544 --> 00:18:36,545 - Can I get out this way? - Go right around. 229 00:18:36,714 --> 00:18:40,663 - It'll take you back to the main road. - Thank you. 230 00:19:07,118 --> 00:19:09,195 (Engine Starts) 231 00:19:30,641 --> 00:19:32,717 (Seagulls Cawing) 232 00:20:00,755 --> 00:20:05,464 - Do you have a boat for Miss Daniels? - Yes, ma'am. It's the one right below. 233 00:20:08,012 --> 00:20:10,088 (Chirping) 234 00:20:26,155 --> 00:20:28,231 (Motor Starts) 235 00:21:06,360 --> 00:21:08,436 (Motor Stops) 236 00:24:05,827 --> 00:24:08,318 (Motor Cranking) 237 00:24:10,582 --> 00:24:13,499 (Motor Cranking Repetitively) 238 00:24:18,215 --> 00:24:20,291 (Motor Starts) 239 00:25:34,790 --> 00:25:38,739 - Are you alright? - I think so. What made it do that? 240 00:25:38,919 --> 00:25:41,326 That's the damnedest thing I ever saw. 241 00:25:41,505 --> 00:25:45,454 It seemed to swoop at you deliberately. Oh, you're bleeding, too. 242 00:25:45,633 --> 00:25:48,670 Let's take care of that. OK? That's a girl. 243 00:25:56,018 --> 00:25:58,094 Come on. 244 00:26:00,649 --> 00:26:02,606 What happened, Mitch? 245 00:26:02,776 --> 00:26:04,982 - Gull hit her. - A gull? 246 00:26:08,239 --> 00:26:11,904 Oh. Let's try up at the restaurant, alright? 247 00:26:13,994 --> 00:26:16,236 - Might need a tetanus shot. - I had a booster 248 00:26:16,413 --> 00:26:18,240 before I went abroad last May. 249 00:26:32,930 --> 00:26:35,385 (People Chattering) 250 00:26:45,817 --> 00:26:48,937 - What happened? - Hello, Deke. Young lady cut herself. 251 00:26:49,112 --> 00:26:53,157 - Shall I call a doctor? - I don't think it's that serious. 252 00:26:53,325 --> 00:26:56,610 Helen, get some cotton and antiseptic. 253 00:26:56,912 --> 00:27:01,538 - Um, you cut yourself outside, miss? - Don't worry, Deke. She did it in a boat. 254 00:27:01,708 --> 00:27:04,033 I had a man trip and fall in the parking lot once. 255 00:27:04,210 --> 00:27:05,752 Sued me before I could bat an eyelash. 256 00:27:05,920 --> 00:27:08,458 I don't think Miss Daniels is going to sue anybody. 257 00:27:08,631 --> 00:27:10,255 Well, you're the lawyer. 258 00:27:10,424 --> 00:27:12,298 Thank you. 259 00:27:13,010 --> 00:27:15,335 - What's that? - Just some peroxide. 260 00:27:15,512 --> 00:27:17,589 I'll clean out the cut. 261 00:27:20,018 --> 00:27:23,221 - So you're a lawyer. - That's right. 262 00:27:23,396 --> 00:27:26,562 Of course, I usually defend people, but if I were prosecuting... 263 00:27:26,732 --> 00:27:31,061 - Do you practise here? - San Francisco. Why are you up here? 264 00:27:31,237 --> 00:27:33,478 - What kind of law? - Criminal. 265 00:27:33,656 --> 00:27:36,063 Is that why you want to see everyone behind bars? 266 00:27:36,241 --> 00:27:37,652 Oh, not everyone. 267 00:27:37,826 --> 00:27:41,111 - Only violators and practical jokers. - That's right. 268 00:27:41,288 --> 00:27:45,037 - Ow! - Oh, sorry. What are you doing up here? 269 00:27:46,252 --> 00:27:49,039 Didn't you see the lovebirds? 270 00:27:49,213 --> 00:27:52,831 Oh, you mean, you came all this way to bring me those birds? 271 00:27:53,008 --> 00:27:55,962 To bring your sister those birds. You said it was her birthday. 272 00:27:56,136 --> 00:28:00,085 - Besides, I was coming up anyway. - What for? 273 00:28:01,099 --> 00:28:05,559 - To see a friend of mine. Careful. - Oh, sorry. 274 00:28:05,728 --> 00:28:07,270 Uh... who's your friend? 275 00:28:08,731 --> 00:28:11,484 Annie Hayworth, the schoolteacher. 276 00:28:11,652 --> 00:28:13,727 Annie Hayworth. 277 00:28:14,237 --> 00:28:16,111 Well, small world. 278 00:28:17,282 --> 00:28:19,358 Yes. 279 00:28:20,118 --> 00:28:22,194 How do you know Annie? 280 00:28:22,370 --> 00:28:26,070 We went to school together. College. 281 00:28:26,999 --> 00:28:29,075 Did you? Imagine that. 282 00:28:29,668 --> 00:28:33,369 - How long are you staying up here? - The weekend. 283 00:28:35,216 --> 00:28:40,341 I think the bleeding's almost stopped. Why don't you hold that on? 284 00:28:47,770 --> 00:28:50,889 - So you came up to see Annie, huh? - Yes. 285 00:28:51,065 --> 00:28:54,979 - I think you came up to see me. - Why would I want to see you? 286 00:28:55,152 --> 00:28:57,440 I don't know, but you must have gone to a lot of trouble 287 00:28:57,612 --> 00:28:59,688 to find out who I was and where I lived. 288 00:28:59,864 --> 00:29:02,985 It was no trouble at all. I simply called my father's newspaper. 289 00:29:03,160 --> 00:29:06,695 Besides, I was coming up anyway. I've already told you that. 290 00:29:06,872 --> 00:29:10,288 - You really like me, huh? - I loathe you. 291 00:29:10,459 --> 00:29:13,543 You have no manners. You're arrogant and conceited. 292 00:29:13,712 --> 00:29:17,045 I wrote you a letter about it, in fact, but I tore it up. 293 00:29:17,215 --> 00:29:20,631 - What did it say? - None of your business. 294 00:29:20,802 --> 00:29:22,925 I can't say I like your seagulls much, either. 295 00:29:23,096 --> 00:29:27,474 - I come all the way up here to... - You were coming anyway, remember? 296 00:29:29,227 --> 00:29:30,556 (Door Opens) 297 00:29:30,812 --> 00:29:35,225 Mitch? I thought I saw your car. What are you doing in town? 298 00:29:35,400 --> 00:29:37,855 - I had to acknowledge a delivery. - A what? 299 00:29:38,027 --> 00:29:41,063 Mother, I'd like you to meet Melanie Daniels. 300 00:29:41,239 --> 00:29:43,694 How do you do? 301 00:29:43,866 --> 00:29:46,950 How do you do, Miss Daniels? Acknowledge a what? 302 00:29:47,119 --> 00:29:49,408 A delivery. Miss Daniels brought us 303 00:29:49,580 --> 00:29:51,738 - some birds from San Francisco. - Oh. 304 00:29:51,915 --> 00:29:54,953 - For Cathy's birthday. Where is she? - Across at Brinkmeyer's. 305 00:29:55,128 --> 00:29:57,665 Miss Daniels is staying here for the weekend 306 00:29:57,839 --> 00:30:00,792 So I've already invited her for dinner tonight. 307 00:30:03,552 --> 00:30:06,719 You did go to the trouble of bringing those birds. 308 00:30:06,889 --> 00:30:09,889 - I couldn't possibly. - You did say birds? 309 00:30:10,058 --> 00:30:12,514 (Mitch) Yes, lovebirds. 310 00:30:12,686 --> 00:30:14,762 Oh, I see. 311 00:30:17,357 --> 00:30:20,857 So we couldn't let you get away without thanking you in some small way. 312 00:30:21,028 --> 00:30:23,104 And you haven't met Cathy, and you are staying the weekend. 313 00:30:23,280 --> 00:30:25,949 - Well, yes, but... - You are, aren't you? 314 00:30:26,116 --> 00:30:27,943 - Certainly, but... - Then it's all settled. 315 00:30:28,118 --> 00:30:31,119 - What time is dinner, Mother? - 7.00, the same as usual. 316 00:30:31,288 --> 00:30:34,906 - I'll pick you up. Where are you staying? - With Annie, of course. 317 00:30:35,083 --> 00:30:38,249 Oh, of course. How stupid of me. A quarter to seven? 318 00:30:38,836 --> 00:30:41,078 Annie may have made other plans. I'll have to see. 319 00:30:42,215 --> 00:30:43,792 Besides, I can find my own way. 320 00:30:43,967 --> 00:30:46,339 You're sure now? You won't hire a boat or anything? 321 00:30:46,511 --> 00:30:49,547 - I'm sure. - Seven o'clock, then. 322 00:30:49,723 --> 00:30:52,640 - Maybe. - We'll be waiting for you. 323 00:30:53,017 --> 00:30:56,054 - How's your head? - Much better, thank you. 324 00:30:56,229 --> 00:30:58,980 A gull hit me, Mrs Brenner, that's all. 325 00:31:05,112 --> 00:31:07,188 (Doorbell Ringing) 326 00:31:12,620 --> 00:31:16,071 - Oh, hi. Did you find her alright? - Yes, I did. 327 00:31:16,248 --> 00:31:18,455 I was wondering... 328 00:31:18,626 --> 00:31:21,164 Uh, that sign there. 329 00:31:22,254 --> 00:31:24,959 Do you suppose I could have the room for just a single night? 330 00:31:25,132 --> 00:31:26,959 I was planning on renting it for a longer time - 331 00:31:27,134 --> 00:31:31,594 I would appreciate it. I've tried everywhere in town. They're all full. 332 00:31:31,763 --> 00:31:34,633 Well, alright. Got your bags in the car? 333 00:31:36,393 --> 00:31:38,884 Well, it's utilitarian, I'll say that. 334 00:31:39,063 --> 00:31:42,063 I just picked up some things for the night at the general store. 335 00:31:42,232 --> 00:31:47,108 - I hadn't planned on staying very long. - Yes, I know. 336 00:31:47,279 --> 00:31:49,816 Did something unexpected come up? 337 00:31:50,699 --> 00:31:53,865 Yes. May I use your phone? I'd like to call home. 338 00:31:54,952 --> 00:31:58,487 I just put some coffee on the stove. 339 00:31:58,664 --> 00:32:03,292 - (Seagulls Cawing) - Don't they ever stop migrating? 340 00:32:45,419 --> 00:32:47,826 (Doorbell Ringing) 341 00:32:57,848 --> 00:32:59,924 Hi! 342 00:33:00,976 --> 00:33:03,052 (Cathy) Hi! 343 00:33:03,520 --> 00:33:05,845 - Miss Daniels? - Yes. 344 00:33:06,856 --> 00:33:08,896 Oh, they're beautiful! 345 00:33:09,067 --> 00:33:12,815 They're just what I wanted. Is there a man and a woman? 346 00:33:12,987 --> 00:33:16,438 - (Cathy) I cant tell which is which. - (Melanie) Well, I suppose so. 347 00:33:16,615 --> 00:33:18,823 - (Mitch) Hello. Annie had no plans, huh? - (Melanie) No. 348 00:33:18,994 --> 00:33:20,654 We're very glad you could come. Are you hungry? 349 00:33:21,288 --> 00:33:23,327 - Reasonably. - Dinner's just about ready. 350 00:33:23,498 --> 00:33:25,656 We've been looking at the chickens. Something seems to be wrong with them. 351 00:33:25,833 --> 00:33:29,167 There's nothing wrong with the chickens. I'm going to call Fred Brinkmeyer now. 352 00:33:29,337 --> 00:33:32,207 What good's that going to do? The chickens won't eat. 353 00:33:32,381 --> 00:33:34,457 He sold the feed to me, didn't he? 354 00:33:34,633 --> 00:33:38,583 - Caveat emptor. Let the buyer beware. - Whose side are you on? 355 00:33:38,762 --> 00:33:42,594 - Merely quoting the law, dear. - Never mind the law. 356 00:33:49,315 --> 00:33:53,229 This won't take long, Miss Dan- Hello, Fred? Lydia Brenner. 357 00:33:53,402 --> 00:33:56,237 I didn't interrupt your dinner, did I? 358 00:33:56,405 --> 00:33:59,571 That feed you sold me is no good. 359 00:33:59,741 --> 00:34:02,612 The chicken feed. Well, it's just no good. 360 00:34:02,786 --> 00:34:06,997 The chickens won't eat it. They're always hungry. 361 00:34:07,165 --> 00:34:10,369 I opened a sack for them when I got home, and they just wouldn't touch it. 362 00:34:10,544 --> 00:34:12,916 You know chickens as well as I do, and when they won't eat, 363 00:34:13,088 --> 00:34:16,255 there's something wrong with what they're being fed. 364 00:34:16,425 --> 00:34:19,176 No, they're not fussy chickens. 365 00:34:20,220 --> 00:34:23,339 Who? What's he got to do with it? 366 00:34:23,515 --> 00:34:25,922 - (Melanie) Is that your father? - (Mitch) Mm-hmm. Please sit down. 367 00:34:26,100 --> 00:34:32,221 I don't care how many sacks of feed you sold him. My chickens - 368 00:34:32,398 --> 00:34:34,474 Oh, I see. 369 00:34:35,526 --> 00:34:37,650 Dan Fawcett. 370 00:34:37,821 --> 00:34:42,732 This afternoon? That proves what I'm saying. The feed you sold us - 371 00:34:44,035 --> 00:34:46,111 Oh. 372 00:34:47,663 --> 00:34:50,830 Well, maybe I'd better go over and see him. 373 00:34:51,000 --> 00:34:54,949 You don't think there's something going around, do you? 374 00:34:55,129 --> 00:34:57,205 No, never! 375 00:34:57,548 --> 00:35:01,592 No, they don't seem sick at all. They just won't eat. 376 00:35:02,136 --> 00:35:04,544 Uh-huh. 377 00:35:05,431 --> 00:35:09,215 Well, I'll try to go over and see him. Maybe he - 378 00:35:10,060 --> 00:35:12,136 Uh-huh. Alright. 379 00:35:13,021 --> 00:35:15,097 Thanks. 380 00:35:17,609 --> 00:35:22,235 He had a call from Dan Fawcett a while ago. His chickens won't eat either. 381 00:35:22,405 --> 00:35:25,904 It's what you said, Mom. Mr Brinkmeyer's feed is no good. 382 00:35:26,075 --> 00:35:29,528 No, Cathy. He sold Mr Fawcett a different brand. 383 00:35:29,705 --> 00:35:33,654 You don't think they're getting sick, do you, Mitch? 384 00:35:39,005 --> 00:35:41,710 I still don't understand how you knew I wanted lovebirds. 385 00:35:41,883 --> 00:35:43,792 Your brother told me. 386 00:35:43,968 --> 00:35:45,427 Then you knew Mitch in San Francisco? 387 00:35:45,595 --> 00:35:49,806 - Is that right? - No, not exactly. 388 00:35:49,974 --> 00:35:54,352 Mitch knows a lot of people in San Francisco. They're mostly hoods. 389 00:35:55,063 --> 00:35:58,479 - Cathy! - Well, Mom, he's the first to admit it. 390 00:35:58,650 --> 00:36:02,101 He's spends half his day in the detention cells at the Hall of Justice. 391 00:36:02,653 --> 00:36:06,105 In a democracy, everyone is entitled to a fair trial. 392 00:36:06,282 --> 00:36:08,607 - Your brother's practice - - Aw, Mom, please! 393 00:36:08,784 --> 00:36:12,651 I know all that democracy jazz. They're still hoods. 394 00:36:14,790 --> 00:36:18,372 He has a client now who shot his wife in the head six times. 395 00:36:18,543 --> 00:36:21,213 Six times! Can you imagine it? 396 00:36:21,380 --> 00:36:25,212 I mean, even twice would be overdoing it, don't you think? 397 00:36:25,718 --> 00:36:28,754 - Why did he shoot her? - He was watching a ball game on TV. 398 00:36:29,513 --> 00:36:31,885 - What? - His wife changed the channel. 399 00:36:33,934 --> 00:36:38,430 - Are you coming to my party tomorrow? - I don't think so. 400 00:36:38,605 --> 00:36:41,938 - I have to get back to San Francisco. - Don't you like us? 401 00:36:42,108 --> 00:36:44,184 Oh, darling, of course I do. 402 00:36:44,360 --> 00:36:47,315 - Don't you like Bodega Bay? - I don't know yet. 403 00:36:47,489 --> 00:36:50,940 Mitch likes it very much. He comes up every weekend, you know, 404 00:36:51,118 --> 00:36:54,154 even though he has his own apartment in the city. 405 00:36:54,329 --> 00:36:57,662 He says San Francisco's like an anthill at the foot of a bridge. 406 00:36:57,832 --> 00:36:59,908 I suppose it does get hectic at times. 407 00:37:00,084 --> 00:37:04,793 Well, if you do decide to come, don't say I told you about it. 408 00:37:04,964 --> 00:37:06,588 It's supposed to be a surprise party. 409 00:37:06,757 --> 00:37:09,793 They've got this whole complicated thing figured out, 410 00:37:09,969 --> 00:37:13,967 where I'm going to Michelle's and her mother will say she has a headache, 411 00:37:14,140 --> 00:37:16,465 would I mind if she took me home. 412 00:37:16,643 --> 00:37:19,560 Then when I get home here, all the kids'll jump out! 413 00:37:22,523 --> 00:37:27,185 Oh, won't you come? Won't you please come? 414 00:37:28,278 --> 00:37:30,354 I don't think so. 415 00:37:33,200 --> 00:37:36,485 - She's a charming girl, isn't she, Mitch? - Hmm? Yes. 416 00:37:36,662 --> 00:37:38,904 - Certainly pretty. - Mm-hmm. 417 00:37:39,081 --> 00:37:42,664 - How long have you known her? - I told you, dear, we met yesterday. 418 00:37:43,460 --> 00:37:45,085 - In a bird shop. - ln a bird shop. 419 00:37:45,254 --> 00:37:49,002 - She was selling birds? - No. I just led her into believing 420 00:37:49,174 --> 00:37:52,709 that I believed she was, and then... It's all very complicated. 421 00:37:52,886 --> 00:37:55,803 But she did buy the lovebirds and then drove all the way here. 422 00:37:55,972 --> 00:37:57,217 - Mother. - Yes? 423 00:37:57,390 --> 00:38:00,011 Where did you go to law school? 424 00:38:01,310 --> 00:38:06,650 Forgive me. I suppose I'm just naturally curious about a girl like that. 425 00:38:07,192 --> 00:38:09,268 - She's very rich, isn't she? - Yeah, I suppose so. 426 00:38:09,444 --> 00:38:11,900 Her father's part owner of one of the big newspapers. 427 00:38:12,072 --> 00:38:15,238 You'd think he could manage to keep her name out of print. 428 00:38:15,408 --> 00:38:19,358 - She's always in the columns, Mitch. - Yes, I know. 429 00:38:19,537 --> 00:38:24,282 She is the one who jumped into a fountain in Rome last summer, isn't she? 430 00:38:24,458 --> 00:38:27,661 - Yes. - I supposed I'm old-fashioned. 431 00:38:27,836 --> 00:38:30,624 I know it was supposed to be very warm there, but... 432 00:38:30,798 --> 00:38:33,550 Well, actually the newspapers said she was naked. 433 00:38:33,718 --> 00:38:35,794 Yes, I know, dear. 434 00:38:35,970 --> 00:38:38,805 It's none of my business, but when you bring a girl like that... 435 00:38:38,973 --> 00:38:40,846 - Darling? - Yes? 436 00:38:41,016 --> 00:38:44,302 I think I can handle Melanie Daniels by myself. 437 00:38:44,478 --> 00:38:48,558 Well... as long as you know what you want, Mitch. 438 00:38:49,900 --> 00:38:52,188 I know exactly what I want. 439 00:38:57,491 --> 00:38:59,318 (Mitch) Be able to find your way back alright? 440 00:38:59,493 --> 00:39:00,987 (Melanie) Oh, yes. 441 00:39:03,455 --> 00:39:07,038 - (Mitch) Will I be seeing you again? - San Francisco's a long way from here. 442 00:39:07,209 --> 00:39:09,996 I'm in San Francisco five days a week with a lot of time on my hands. 443 00:39:10,170 --> 00:39:13,455 I'd like to see you. Maybe we could go swimming or something. 444 00:39:13,631 --> 00:39:15,707 Mother tells me you like to swim. 445 00:39:15,883 --> 00:39:18,006 How does Mother know what I like to do? 446 00:39:18,177 --> 00:39:21,629 - We read the same gossip column. - Oh, that. Rome. 447 00:39:21,807 --> 00:39:23,930 I really like to swim. We might get along very well. 448 00:39:24,101 --> 00:39:26,852 In case you're interested, I was pushed into that fountain. 449 00:39:27,020 --> 00:39:29,262 - Without any clothes on? - With all my clothes on. 450 00:39:29,439 --> 00:39:32,356 The newspaper that ran that story is a rival of my father's paper. 451 00:39:32,525 --> 00:39:34,981 You were just a poor, innocent victim of circumstances? 452 00:39:35,153 --> 00:39:37,228 I'm neither poor nor innocent. The truth of that particular - 453 00:39:37,405 --> 00:39:39,812 Truth is, you're running round with a wild crowd. 454 00:39:39,990 --> 00:39:43,157 Yes, that's the truth, but I was pushed into that fountain. 455 00:39:43,327 --> 00:39:46,779 Uh-huh. Do you really know Annie Hayworth? 456 00:39:46,956 --> 00:39:49,198 No. At least I didn't until I came up here. 457 00:39:49,375 --> 00:39:51,083 - So you didn't go to school together? - No. 458 00:39:51,252 --> 00:39:52,794 - And you didn't come here to see her? - No! 459 00:39:52,962 --> 00:39:54,836 - You were lying! - Yes, I was lying. 460 00:39:55,006 --> 00:39:56,879 What about the letter you wrote me? 461 00:39:57,091 --> 00:39:58,834 - Is that a lie? - No, I wrote the letter. 462 00:39:59,009 --> 00:40:01,465 - What did it say? - It said, "Dear Mr Brenner." 463 00:40:01,637 --> 00:40:05,136 "I think you need these lovebirds after all. They may help your personality." 464 00:40:05,307 --> 00:40:07,549 - That's what it said. - But you tore it up? 465 00:40:07,726 --> 00:40:09,553 - Yes. - Why? 466 00:40:09,728 --> 00:40:11,686 Because it seemed stupid and foolish. 467 00:40:11,856 --> 00:40:14,097 - Like jumping into a fountain in Rome. - I told you what happened! 468 00:40:14,275 --> 00:40:18,272 - You don't expect me to believe that? - I don't give a damn what you believe! 469 00:40:18,445 --> 00:40:20,438 - I'd still like to see you. - Why? 470 00:40:20,614 --> 00:40:22,156 I think it might be fun. 471 00:40:22,324 --> 00:40:25,111 That might have been good enough in Rome, but it's not good enough now. 472 00:40:25,285 --> 00:40:26,565 - It is for me. - Well, not for me. 473 00:40:26,745 --> 00:40:29,282 - What do you want? - I thought you knew. 474 00:40:29,456 --> 00:40:33,702 I want to go through life... jumping into fountains naked. Good night. 475 00:40:43,970 --> 00:40:46,675 (Birds Chirping, Squawking) 476 00:40:55,106 --> 00:40:57,431 - Miss Daniels, is that you? - Yes. 477 00:40:57,608 --> 00:40:59,185 Hi. 478 00:41:00,277 --> 00:41:03,528 Is something wrong? Is that cut beginning to bother you? 479 00:41:03,698 --> 00:41:06,865 No, it's not the cut that's bothering me. 480 00:41:07,034 --> 00:41:10,984 - Would you like some brandy? - If you have some, I'd love it. 481 00:41:11,163 --> 00:41:13,535 I'll get it. Why don't you sit down. 482 00:41:13,707 --> 00:41:16,910 Oh, would you like a sweater or something, a quilt? 483 00:41:17,086 --> 00:41:19,161 No. No, thank you. 484 00:41:22,591 --> 00:41:25,841 - Won't you call me Melanie? - Alright. 485 00:41:33,018 --> 00:41:34,845 Thank you. 486 00:41:35,020 --> 00:41:40,975 Gets a bit chilly here at night sometimes, especially if you're over near the bay. 487 00:41:41,651 --> 00:41:44,771 Well, how did your evening go? 488 00:41:44,946 --> 00:41:47,022 Did you meet Lydia? 489 00:41:48,116 --> 00:41:50,867 Or would you rather I changed the subject? 490 00:41:51,035 --> 00:41:53,111 I think so. 491 00:41:54,413 --> 00:41:58,626 - Well, how do you like our little hamlet? - I despise it. 492 00:41:59,794 --> 00:42:02,878 I suppose it doesn't offer much to the casual visitor, 493 00:42:03,047 --> 00:42:06,001 unless you're thrilled by a collection of shacks on a hillside. 494 00:42:06,175 --> 00:42:08,382 It takes a bit of getting used to. 495 00:42:08,553 --> 00:42:11,257 - (Melanie) Where're you from originally? - San Francisco. 496 00:42:11,430 --> 00:42:14,466 How did you happen to come up here? 497 00:42:17,061 --> 00:42:20,596 A friend invited me up for a weekend a long time ago. 498 00:42:22,191 --> 00:42:25,358 Look, I see no reason for being coy about this. It was Mitch Brenner. 499 00:42:25,528 --> 00:42:28,232 - I guess you knew that anyway. - I suspected as much. 500 00:42:29,824 --> 00:42:31,448 Well, you needn't worry. 501 00:42:31,617 --> 00:42:33,693 Its been over and done with a long time ago. 502 00:42:34,411 --> 00:42:37,328 Annie, there's nothing between Mr Brenner and me. 503 00:42:37,497 --> 00:42:41,709 Isn't there? Well, maybe there isn't. 504 00:42:41,877 --> 00:42:45,043 Maybe there's never been anything between Mitch and any girl. 505 00:42:45,213 --> 00:42:50,291 - What do you mean? - I think I'll have some of that. 506 00:42:50,469 --> 00:42:52,960 I was seeing a lot of him in San Francisco. 507 00:42:53,138 --> 00:42:55,890 One weekend, he invited me up to meet Lydia. 508 00:42:56,057 --> 00:42:58,383 - When was this? - Four years ago, 509 00:42:58,560 --> 00:43:00,636 shortly after his father died. 510 00:43:01,438 --> 00:43:04,972 - Of course, things may be different now. - Different? 511 00:43:06,442 --> 00:43:08,518 With Lydia. 512 00:43:08,694 --> 00:43:11,861 - Did she seem a trifle distant? - A trifle. 513 00:43:12,616 --> 00:43:15,984 Well, then perhaps things aren't quite so different. 514 00:43:16,161 --> 00:43:18,830 You know, her attitude nearly drove me crazy. 515 00:43:18,997 --> 00:43:21,488 When I got back to San Francisco, I spent days 516 00:43:21,666 --> 00:43:24,121 trying to figure out what I'd done to displease her. 517 00:43:24,293 --> 00:43:27,413 - Well, what had you done? - Nothing. 518 00:43:27,588 --> 00:43:32,214 I simply existed. So what's the answer? A jealous woman, right? 519 00:43:32,384 --> 00:43:34,211 A clinging, possessive mother? 520 00:43:34,386 --> 00:43:39,096 Wrong. With all due respect to Oedipus, I don't think that was the case. 521 00:43:39,267 --> 00:43:41,592 Then what was it? 522 00:43:41,769 --> 00:43:45,185 Lydia liked me. That's the strange part. 523 00:43:45,356 --> 00:43:47,514 Now that I'm no longer a threat, we're very good friends. 524 00:43:47,691 --> 00:43:52,020 - Then why did she object to you? - Because she was afraid. 525 00:43:52,196 --> 00:43:56,738 - Afraid you'd take Mitch? - Afraid I'd give Mitch. 526 00:43:56,908 --> 00:43:58,284 I don't understand. 527 00:43:58,451 --> 00:44:02,496 Afraid of any woman who would give Mitch what Lydia can give him: love. 528 00:44:02,664 --> 00:44:05,868 That adds up to a jealous, possessive woman. 529 00:44:06,043 --> 00:44:08,119 No, I don't think so. 530 00:44:08,462 --> 00:44:13,883 You see, she's not afraid of losing Mitch. She's only afraid of being abandoned. 531 00:44:14,050 --> 00:44:18,214 Someone ought to tell her she'd be gaining a daughter. 532 00:44:18,680 --> 00:44:21,431 No. She already has a daughter. 533 00:44:21,599 --> 00:44:26,557 Well, what about Mitch? Didn't he have anything to say about this? 534 00:44:26,729 --> 00:44:29,136 Well, I can understand his position. 535 00:44:29,315 --> 00:44:31,985 He'd just been through a lot with Lydia after his father died. 536 00:44:32,152 --> 00:44:34,559 He didn't want to risk going through it all again. 537 00:44:34,737 --> 00:44:36,813 - I see. - So, it ended. 538 00:44:36,990 --> 00:44:40,193 Not right then, of course. We went back to San Francisco, 539 00:44:40,368 --> 00:44:43,037 saw each other now and then, but we both knew it was over. 540 00:44:43,204 --> 00:44:47,700 - Then why are you in Bodega Bay? - I wanted to be near Mitch. 541 00:44:47,875 --> 00:44:51,374 Oh, it was over and done with, and I knew it, but... 542 00:44:51,545 --> 00:44:54,462 I still wanted to be near him. 543 00:44:54,631 --> 00:44:57,549 I still like him a hell of a lot, 544 00:44:57,718 --> 00:45:01,253 and I don't want to lose that friendship, ever. 545 00:45:02,014 --> 00:45:04,256 (Phone Ringing) 546 00:45:11,356 --> 00:45:13,230 Hello. 547 00:45:13,608 --> 00:45:15,482 Hello. 548 00:45:15,652 --> 00:45:17,940 No, no, no, I wasn't asleep. 549 00:45:18,863 --> 00:45:21,355 Yes, just a little while ago. 550 00:45:22,076 --> 00:45:24,151 Sure. Hold on. 551 00:45:25,204 --> 00:45:27,279 It's Mitch. For you. 552 00:45:36,005 --> 00:45:39,006 Hello? Oh, yes, this is Melanie. 553 00:45:40,676 --> 00:45:42,752 Fine, thank you. 554 00:45:42,928 --> 00:45:46,797 No, no trouble at all. I simply followed the road. 555 00:45:50,061 --> 00:45:53,430 There's no need to apologise. I can understand - 556 00:45:54,899 --> 00:45:58,232 That's very kind of you. No, I'm not angry. 557 00:46:01,864 --> 00:46:05,648 Well, I couldn't. I have to get back to San Francisco. 558 00:46:07,369 --> 00:46:10,904 No, I wouldn't want to disappoint Cathy, but... 559 00:46:14,669 --> 00:46:16,745 I see. 560 00:46:18,047 --> 00:46:20,372 Alright. Yes, I'll be there. 561 00:46:21,467 --> 00:46:24,551 Good night, Mitch. (Hangs Up Phone) 562 00:46:25,304 --> 00:46:29,467 He wants me to go to Cathy's party tomorrow afternoon. 563 00:46:29,641 --> 00:46:32,428 - I said I would. - It should be fun. 564 00:46:32,602 --> 00:46:34,808 I'll be there, too, to help. 565 00:46:34,979 --> 00:46:37,470 Oh, it seems so pointless. 566 00:46:37,649 --> 00:46:41,599 Well, I think I'll go to sleep. It's been a busy day. 567 00:46:47,325 --> 00:46:49,401 My luggage. 568 00:46:52,705 --> 00:46:57,034 That's pretty. Where'd you get that? Brinkmeyer's? 569 00:46:57,460 --> 00:47:01,078 - Do you think I should go? - Well, that's up to you. 570 00:47:02,089 --> 00:47:05,708 No, it's really up to Lydia, isn't it? 571 00:47:05,885 --> 00:47:09,337 Never mind Lydia. Do you want to go? 572 00:47:09,514 --> 00:47:11,257 Yes. 573 00:47:11,432 --> 00:47:14,184 - Then go. - Thank you, Annie. 574 00:47:15,019 --> 00:47:19,147 - (Clattering Sound) - Oh. Wonder who that can be. 575 00:47:19,315 --> 00:47:22,351 Is someone there? Who is it? 576 00:47:23,110 --> 00:47:25,186 (Melanie) Look! 577 00:47:26,488 --> 00:47:30,736 (Annie) Poor thing. Probably lost his way in the dark. 578 00:47:31,577 --> 00:47:33,783 But it isn't dark, Annie. 579 00:47:34,622 --> 00:47:36,698 There's a full moon. 580 00:47:45,340 --> 00:47:47,831 (Children Chattering, Laughing) 581 00:47:48,009 --> 00:47:51,212 (Annie) Cathy, that's very good. Very good. 582 00:47:51,387 --> 00:47:53,463 (Annie) OK. Here we go. 583 00:48:12,575 --> 00:48:16,703 (Annie) Attagirl. Come on. Don't let him get you. 584 00:48:31,344 --> 00:48:34,013 I really shouldn't have any more. I'm driving. 585 00:48:34,180 --> 00:48:37,595 Actually, I'm trying to get you to stay for dinner. A lot of roast beef left over. 586 00:48:37,766 --> 00:48:41,100 No, I couldn't possibly. I have to get back. 587 00:48:41,270 --> 00:48:43,345 Alright. 588 00:48:43,522 --> 00:48:45,598 - Cheers. - Cheers. 589 00:48:46,775 --> 00:48:50,690 Why do you have to rush off? What's so important in San Francisco? 590 00:48:50,863 --> 00:48:54,362 Well, I have to get to work tomorrow, for one thing. 591 00:48:54,533 --> 00:48:57,238 - You have a job? - I have several jobs. 592 00:48:57,411 --> 00:49:00,945 - What do you do? - I do different things on different days. 593 00:49:01,123 --> 00:49:03,530 - Like what? - On Mondays and Wednesdays, 594 00:49:03,708 --> 00:49:07,457 - I work for the Travellers' Aid. - Helping travellers? 595 00:49:07,629 --> 00:49:11,543 No, misdirecting them. I thought you could read my character. 596 00:49:11,716 --> 00:49:15,002 On Tuesdays, I take a course in General Semantics at Berkeley, 597 00:49:15,178 --> 00:49:17,254 finding new four-letter words. 598 00:49:17,431 --> 00:49:19,803 - That's not a job, of course. - You mean, you don't have to... 599 00:49:19,975 --> 00:49:23,011 And on Thursdays, I have my meeting and lunch. 600 00:49:23,186 --> 00:49:26,306 - The underworld, I suppose. - I shall disappoint you. 601 00:49:26,481 --> 00:49:29,565 We're sending a little Korean boy through school. 602 00:49:29,734 --> 00:49:32,485 We actually raise money for it. 603 00:49:36,865 --> 00:49:38,942 You see, Rome... 604 00:49:39,244 --> 00:49:42,494 That entire summer, I did nothing but... 605 00:49:43,414 --> 00:49:46,201 Well, it was very easy to get lost there. 606 00:49:46,375 --> 00:49:49,744 So when I came back, I thought it was time I began... 607 00:49:49,920 --> 00:49:52,957 I don't know, finding something again. 608 00:49:55,509 --> 00:49:58,629 So, on Mondays and Thursdays, I keep myself busy. 609 00:50:00,055 --> 00:50:03,839 - What about Fridays? - Fridays? They're free. 610 00:50:05,394 --> 00:50:08,728 I sometimes go to bird shops on Fridays. 611 00:50:10,149 --> 00:50:12,307 I'm very glad you do. 612 00:50:12,776 --> 00:50:15,979 - A nice, innocent, little day. - Oh, yes. 613 00:50:19,241 --> 00:50:22,609 I have an Aunt Tessa. Have you got an Aunt Tessa? 614 00:50:23,161 --> 00:50:25,912 Mine is very prim and straight-laced. 615 00:50:26,080 --> 00:50:29,579 I'm giving her a mynah bird when she comes back from Europe. 616 00:50:29,750 --> 00:50:33,334 Mynah birds talk, you know. Can you see my Aunt Tessa's face 617 00:50:33,505 --> 00:50:37,917 when this one tells us one or two of the words I've picked up at Berkeley. 618 00:50:38,093 --> 00:50:40,963 You need a mother's care, my child. 619 00:50:43,514 --> 00:50:46,883 - Not my mother's. - Oh, I'm sorry. 620 00:50:48,477 --> 00:50:51,514 What have you got to be sorry about? 621 00:50:51,981 --> 00:50:54,187 My mother? Don't waste your time. 622 00:50:54,358 --> 00:50:59,400 She ditched us when I was 1 1 and ran off with some hotel man in the East. 623 00:50:59,572 --> 00:51:02,407 You know what a mother's love is. 624 00:51:03,492 --> 00:51:06,826 - Yes, I do. - You mean it's better to be ditched? 625 00:51:08,956 --> 00:51:13,416 No. I think it's better to be loved. Don't you ever see her? 626 00:51:19,216 --> 00:51:22,336 (Almost Crying) I don't know where she is. 627 00:51:24,555 --> 00:51:28,552 Well, maybe I ought to go join the other children. 628 00:51:32,354 --> 00:51:34,430 (Children Chattering) 629 00:51:34,606 --> 00:51:37,523 (Annie) Alright. Here we go. One... 630 00:51:38,401 --> 00:51:40,275 two... 631 00:51:41,154 --> 00:51:43,027 three. 632 00:51:43,906 --> 00:51:45,982 There you go. 633 00:51:48,078 --> 00:51:50,367 (Children Laughing) 634 00:51:54,876 --> 00:51:56,952 (Child) Look! Look! 635 00:51:58,421 --> 00:52:00,912 Hey! No touching allowed! 636 00:52:01,090 --> 00:52:03,166 - (Squawking) - Oh! 637 00:52:03,342 --> 00:52:05,418 (Birds Squawking) 638 00:52:06,429 --> 00:52:08,717 (Children Screaming) 639 00:52:13,101 --> 00:52:14,478 (Loud Pop) 640 00:52:15,855 --> 00:52:18,772 (Squawking, Screaming Continues) 641 00:52:29,743 --> 00:52:32,946 Help me get the children into the house. 642 00:53:07,072 --> 00:53:09,148 There you go. 643 00:53:12,243 --> 00:53:14,319 (Sobbing) 644 00:53:14,495 --> 00:53:17,165 - (Children Sobbing) - (Lydia) Have they gone, Mitch? 645 00:53:17,331 --> 00:53:18,956 - I think so. - (Lydia) Is anyone hurt? 646 00:53:19,125 --> 00:53:21,794 (Woman) Jenny got a scratch down her cheek, but it's nothing. 647 00:53:21,961 --> 00:53:24,202 That makes three times. 648 00:53:27,674 --> 00:53:30,082 Mitch, this isn't usual, is it? 649 00:53:30,260 --> 00:53:34,010 The gull when I was in the boat, the one at Annie's last night - 650 00:53:34,182 --> 00:53:38,345 - Last night? What do you mean? - A gull smashed into Annie's front door. 651 00:53:38,519 --> 00:53:41,389 - Mitch, what's happening? - I don't know. 652 00:53:41,564 --> 00:53:45,395 - Do you have to go back to Annie's? - No. I have my things in the car. 653 00:53:45,567 --> 00:53:50,395 Stay and have something to eat before you start back. I'd feel a lot better. 654 00:54:00,290 --> 00:54:03,410 - Would you like some mustard? - (Melanie) No, thank you. 655 00:54:03,585 --> 00:54:05,245 Why didn't Annie stay? 656 00:54:05,420 --> 00:54:07,709 Said something about taking a call from her sister in the East. 657 00:54:07,881 --> 00:54:09,957 - (Chirping) - What's the matter with them? 658 00:54:10,133 --> 00:54:13,134 - What's the matter with all the birds? - Where did you want this coffee? 659 00:54:13,303 --> 00:54:16,387 - Here on the table, honey. - Hurry up with yours, Mitch. 660 00:54:16,556 --> 00:54:18,963 I'm sure Miss Daniels wants to be on her way. 661 00:54:19,141 --> 00:54:22,059 (Cathy) I think you ought to stay the night, Melanie. 662 00:54:22,228 --> 00:54:24,766 We have an extra room upstairs and everything. 663 00:54:24,940 --> 00:54:27,228 (Mitch) That road can be a pretty bad one at night. 664 00:54:27,400 --> 00:54:31,065 If I go across to Santa Rosa, I'll come out on the freeway earlier, won't I? 665 00:54:31,237 --> 00:54:33,313 Yes, and the freeway is much quicker. 666 00:54:33,489 --> 00:54:36,241 But she'll be hitting all the heavy traffic going back to San Francisco. 667 00:54:36,409 --> 00:54:39,824 - (Chirping Grows Louder) - (Cathy) Just listen to those lovebirds. 668 00:54:39,995 --> 00:54:42,202 - (Chirping Stops. Twittering) - (Melanie) Mitch. 669 00:54:42,373 --> 00:54:44,246 (Fluttering Of Wings) 670 00:54:46,376 --> 00:54:48,453 (Birds Screeching) 671 00:54:54,552 --> 00:54:57,387 (Mitch) Cover your faces! Cover your eyes! 672 00:55:00,015 --> 00:55:03,218 (Screeching & Fluttering Continues) 673 00:56:16,298 --> 00:56:18,587 That's a sparrow, alright. 674 00:56:18,759 --> 00:56:22,424 - We know what it is, Al. - Did you have a light burning? 675 00:56:22,596 --> 00:56:25,715 Yes, but there wouldn't have been that much light going up the chimney. 676 00:56:25,890 --> 00:56:29,840 (Al) Sometimes birds are attracted by light. Sure is a peculiar thing. 677 00:56:30,019 --> 00:56:33,354 (Mitch) Alright, but we've got to do something about it! 678 00:56:33,524 --> 00:56:36,727 (Al) I don't think I get you, Mitch. Do about what? 679 00:56:36,902 --> 00:56:39,772 (Mitch) Well, the birds invaded the house. 680 00:56:39,946 --> 00:56:42,235 (Al) What's more likely, they got in the room and just panicked. 681 00:56:42,407 --> 00:56:44,898 (Mitch) I'll admit a bird will panic in an enclosed room, 682 00:56:45,076 --> 00:56:48,196 but they didn't just get in; they came in, right down the chimney. 683 00:56:48,371 --> 00:56:50,696 (Al) My wife found a bird in the back seat of the car once. 684 00:56:50,873 --> 00:56:52,949 (Lydia) Tell him about the party. 685 00:56:53,125 --> 00:56:55,367 (Mitch) We had a party here this afternoon for Cathy, for her birthday. 686 00:56:55,544 --> 00:56:58,214 - (Al) How old is she? - Eleven! ln the middle of the party, 687 00:56:58,381 --> 00:57:00,872 some seagulls came down at the children! 688 00:57:01,050 --> 00:57:03,837 Miss Daniels was attacked by a gull yesterday. 689 00:57:04,012 --> 00:57:06,763 (Al) Yeah. Were the kids bothering the birds or something? 690 00:57:06,931 --> 00:57:09,766 lf you make any kind of a disturbance near them, they'll come after you. 691 00:57:09,934 --> 00:57:13,883 Al, the children were playing a game. Those gulls attacked. 692 00:57:14,063 --> 00:57:17,514 (Al) Now, Lydia, "attack" is a pretty strong word, don't you think? 693 00:57:17,691 --> 00:57:21,689 I mean, birds just don't go around attacking people without no reason. 694 00:57:21,862 --> 00:57:25,066 The kids probably scared 'em, that's all. 695 00:57:25,241 --> 00:57:27,447 These birds attacked. 696 00:57:27,910 --> 00:57:31,243 (Al) You got quite a mess here, I'll admit that. 697 00:57:31,413 --> 00:57:34,533 Maybe you ought to put some screen on top of your chimney. 698 00:57:34,708 --> 00:57:38,706 - You want help cleaning up? - (Mitch) No. I can handle it. 699 00:57:38,879 --> 00:57:41,416 lt shouldn't be too much of a job. 700 00:57:41,590 --> 00:57:43,878 I'll take Cathy up to bed. 701 00:57:44,634 --> 00:57:48,632 - I think I should stay, don't you? - (Mitch) lt would be nice if you could. 702 00:57:48,805 --> 00:57:50,882 (Melanie) My things are in the car. 703 00:57:51,058 --> 00:57:53,383 - Do you want to go with me? - (Cathy) Alright. 704 00:57:53,560 --> 00:57:58,103 - (Al) Well, anything else I can do? - No thanks, Al. We'll be alright. 705 00:57:58,273 --> 00:58:02,401 - Good night, Lydia. Sure is peculiar. - (Door Closing) 706 00:58:06,739 --> 00:58:09,028 (Shovel Grating) 707 00:58:11,869 --> 00:58:15,203 (Lydia) Mitch. Mitch. Mitch! 708 00:58:16,124 --> 00:58:19,078 - Yes, Mother? - I'm going to drop Cathy off now. 709 00:58:19,252 --> 00:58:22,087 I'll probably drive over to the Fawcett farm. 710 00:58:22,255 --> 00:58:24,331 - OK. - (Truck Starting) 711 00:58:27,468 --> 00:58:29,793 (Truck Driving Away) 712 00:59:03,253 --> 00:59:05,328 (Man) Mornin'. 713 00:59:06,799 --> 00:59:09,586 Good morning, George. Is Mr Fawcett around? 714 00:59:09,760 --> 00:59:15,180 I think so, ma'am. Ain't seen him this morning, but he ought to be in there. 715 00:59:15,348 --> 00:59:17,222 Thanks. 716 00:59:38,162 --> 00:59:41,033 - Dan, are you home? - (Screen Door Slams) 717 01:00:43,100 --> 01:00:45,176 (Gasping For Air) 718 01:00:48,522 --> 01:00:50,599 (Choking) 719 01:00:57,156 --> 01:00:59,232 (Motor Starting) 720 01:01:00,451 --> 01:01:02,527 (Motor Racing) 721 01:01:26,893 --> 01:01:28,969 (Sobbing) 722 01:01:30,563 --> 01:01:32,639 Mother! 723 01:01:32,941 --> 01:01:35,895 What is it, dear? What's the matter? 724 01:01:37,862 --> 01:01:39,938 (Sobbing) Oh! 725 01:01:46,121 --> 01:01:48,612 Al Malone, the deputy, just called. He wants me over at the Fawcett place. 726 01:01:48,790 --> 01:01:52,574 Some detectives from Santa Rosa will be there. Will you be alright? 727 01:01:52,752 --> 01:01:55,788 Yes. I was just taking your mother in some tea. 728 01:01:57,256 --> 01:01:59,332 Oh, be careful, please. 729 01:02:09,936 --> 01:02:12,012 And you be careful. 730 01:02:19,236 --> 01:02:23,186 (Footsteps Departing, Door Opening & Closing) 731 01:02:44,302 --> 01:02:46,793 - (Knocking) - (Lydia) Mitch? 732 01:02:48,306 --> 01:02:50,382 No, it's me, Mrs Brenner. 733 01:02:50,558 --> 01:02:54,686 - I thought you might like some tea. - Oh. Thank you. 734 01:02:56,439 --> 01:02:59,013 - Where's Mitch? - Al Malone wanted him 735 01:02:59,192 --> 01:03:03,190 - at the Fawcett farm. - Why? Didn't Al believe my story? 736 01:03:03,363 --> 01:03:05,854 He was calling from the farm. 737 01:03:06,449 --> 01:03:08,821 - Then he saw. - Oh, he must have. 738 01:03:08,993 --> 01:03:11,235 They sent for the Santa Rosa police. 739 01:03:11,412 --> 01:03:13,570 What good will they do? 740 01:03:16,959 --> 01:03:20,126 Do you think Cathy's alright at the school? 741 01:03:20,296 --> 01:03:22,371 Yes, I'm sure she's fine. 742 01:03:24,592 --> 01:03:27,297 Do I sound very foolish to you? 743 01:03:27,470 --> 01:03:29,546 Oh, no. 744 01:03:32,475 --> 01:03:34,551 I keep seeing Dan's face. 745 01:03:34,727 --> 01:03:37,562 And they have such big windows at the school. 746 01:03:37,730 --> 01:03:40,849 All the windows are broken in Dan's bedroom. 747 01:03:41,024 --> 01:03:43,515 Try not to think about that. 748 01:03:44,486 --> 01:03:47,321 I wish I were a stronger person. 749 01:03:51,827 --> 01:03:55,278 I lost my husband four years ago, you know. 750 01:03:56,915 --> 01:04:02,206 It's terrible how you depend on someone else for strength, and then... 751 01:04:02,379 --> 01:04:06,625 suddenly all the strength is gone, and you're alone. 752 01:04:11,220 --> 01:04:14,387 I'd love to be able to relax sometime. 753 01:04:14,974 --> 01:04:17,466 I'd love to be able to sleep. 754 01:04:20,105 --> 01:04:25,099 - Do you think Cathy's alright? - Annie's there. She'll be alright. 755 01:04:27,904 --> 01:04:31,272 I'm not like this, you know? Not usually. 756 01:04:31,449 --> 01:04:34,817 I don't fuss and fret about my children. 757 01:04:38,455 --> 01:04:40,531 When Frank died... 758 01:04:42,460 --> 01:04:46,837 You see, he understood the children. He really understood them. 759 01:04:47,006 --> 01:04:50,422 He had the knack of entering into their world, of becoming part of them. 760 01:04:51,093 --> 01:04:54,010 - That's a very rare talent. - Yes. 761 01:04:56,557 --> 01:05:00,506 (Sighs) Oh, I wish, I wish, I wish I could be like that. 762 01:05:03,647 --> 01:05:05,722 I miss him. 763 01:05:07,693 --> 01:05:10,647 Sometimes, even now, I wake up in the morning 764 01:05:10,821 --> 01:05:14,486 and I think, "I must get Frank's breakfast." 765 01:05:15,158 --> 01:05:20,153 And I get up, and there's a very good reason for getting out of bed, 766 01:05:20,330 --> 01:05:22,868 until, of course, I remember. 767 01:05:28,588 --> 01:05:30,664 I miss talking to him. 768 01:05:32,550 --> 01:05:35,255 Cathy's a child, of course, and Mitch... 769 01:05:37,389 --> 01:05:39,796 Well, Mitch has his own life. 770 01:05:42,602 --> 01:05:46,765 I'm glad he stayed here today. I feel safer with him here. 771 01:05:48,524 --> 01:05:51,311 - Would you like to rest now? - No. 772 01:05:51,569 --> 01:05:53,644 No, don't go. 773 01:05:55,489 --> 01:06:00,198 I feel as if I don't understand you at all, and I want so much to understand. 774 01:06:01,204 --> 01:06:03,492 Why, Mrs Brenner? 775 01:06:05,124 --> 01:06:08,623 Because my son seems to be very fond of you. 776 01:06:09,378 --> 01:06:12,829 And I don't quite know how I feel about it. 777 01:06:15,175 --> 01:06:18,259 I don't even know if I like you or not. 778 01:06:19,888 --> 01:06:24,596 - Is that so important, your liking me? - Well, yes. I think so. 779 01:06:25,936 --> 01:06:28,344 Mitch is important to me. 780 01:06:28,522 --> 01:06:31,060 I want to like whatever girl he chooses. 781 01:06:33,235 --> 01:06:35,311 And perhaps if you don't? 782 01:06:36,363 --> 01:06:40,312 Well, then I don't think it'll matter much to anyone but me. 783 01:06:40,909 --> 01:06:43,031 I think it would also matter to Mitch. 784 01:06:44,662 --> 01:06:49,407 Mitch has always done exactly what he wanted to do. 785 01:06:52,754 --> 01:06:58,175 (Crying) But, you see... I don't want to be left alone. 786 01:06:58,343 --> 01:07:02,091 I don't think I could bear to be left alone! 787 01:07:02,263 --> 01:07:04,339 (Sobbing) Oh, forgive me. 788 01:07:04,515 --> 01:07:08,726 Oh, forgive me. This business with the birds has upset me. 789 01:07:08,894 --> 01:07:12,345 I don't know what I'd do if Mitch weren't here. 790 01:07:12,523 --> 01:07:16,057 Why don't you try to sleep now, Mrs Brenner? 791 01:07:17,195 --> 01:07:19,270 I wish I were stronger. 792 01:07:22,199 --> 01:07:25,117 (Sighing) Do you think she's alright? 793 01:07:25,286 --> 01:07:28,286 Do you think she's alright at the school? 794 01:07:28,455 --> 01:07:32,832 - Would you like me to go for her? - Oh, I couldn't ask it. 795 01:07:33,001 --> 01:07:36,452 - Oh, I don't mind, really. - Would you? 796 01:07:37,422 --> 01:07:40,873 - I'd feel so much better. - I'll go right now. 797 01:07:42,302 --> 01:07:44,378 (Sighs) 798 01:07:51,102 --> 01:07:53,178 Melanie? 799 01:07:55,607 --> 01:07:57,683 Thanks for the tea. 800 01:08:17,962 --> 01:08:20,038 (Shuts Off Motor) 801 01:08:22,049 --> 01:08:24,125 (Children Singing) 802 01:08:25,052 --> 01:08:28,218 # Ristle-tee, rostle-tee, now, now, now 803 01:08:28,388 --> 01:08:31,591 # I brought her home By the light of the moon 804 01:08:31,767 --> 01:08:34,519 # Ristle-tee, rostle-tee Hey, donnie-dostle-tee 805 01:08:34,687 --> 01:08:37,557 # Knickety-knackety, rustical quality 806 01:08:37,732 --> 01:08:41,100 # Willow-tee, wallow-tee Now, now, now 807 01:08:41,568 --> 01:08:44,902 # She combs her hair but once a year 808 01:08:45,072 --> 01:08:48,108 # Ristle-tee, rostle-tee, now, now, now 809 01:08:48,283 --> 01:08:50,655 # With every stroke she shed a tear 810 01:08:50,827 --> 01:08:53,532 (No Audible Dialogue) 811 01:08:53,705 --> 01:08:56,706 # Ristle-tee, rostle-tee Hey, donnie-dostle-tee 812 01:08:56,875 --> 01:09:00,955 # Rustical quality, ristle-tee, rostle-tee Now, now, now 813 01:09:01,129 --> 01:09:03,537 # I brought her home By the light of the moon 814 01:09:03,715 --> 01:09:06,550 (Fainter) # Ristle-tee, rostle-tee Hey, donnie-dostle-tee 815 01:09:06,718 --> 01:09:09,588 # Knickety-knackety, rustical quality 816 01:09:09,763 --> 01:09:13,178 # Willow-tee, wallow-tee Now, now, now 817 01:09:13,516 --> 01:09:17,015 # She combed her hair but once a year 818 01:09:17,186 --> 01:09:20,804 # Ristle-tee, rostle-tee, now, now, now 819 01:09:20,981 --> 01:09:24,066 # With every stroke she shed a tear 820 01:09:24,235 --> 01:09:27,189 # Ristle-tee, rostle-tee Hey, donnie-dostle-tee 821 01:09:27,363 --> 01:09:30,150 # Knickety-knackety, rustical quality 822 01:09:30,325 --> 01:09:34,156 # Willow-tee, wallow-tee Now, now, now 823 01:09:34,412 --> 01:09:37,946 # She swept up her floor But once a year 824 01:09:38,124 --> 01:09:40,994 # Ristle-tee, rostle-tee, now, now, now 825 01:09:41,168 --> 01:09:44,335 # She said that brooms Were much too dear 826 01:09:44,505 --> 01:09:47,458 # Ristle-tee, rostle-tee Hey, donnie-dostle-tee 827 01:09:47,632 --> 01:09:50,835 # Knickety-knackety, rustical quality 828 01:09:51,011 --> 01:09:53,929 # Willow-tee, wallow-tee Now, now, now 829 01:09:54,098 --> 01:09:57,467 # She churns her butter ln her dad's old boot 830 01:09:57,643 --> 01:10:01,308 # Ristle-tee, rostle-tee, now, now, now 831 01:10:01,480 --> 01:10:04,683 # And for a dash she'd use her foot 832 01:10:04,858 --> 01:10:08,143 # Ristle-tee, rostle-tee Hey, donnie-dostle-tee 833 01:10:08,320 --> 01:10:10,810 # Knickety-knackety, rustical quality 834 01:10:10,989 --> 01:10:13,658 # Willow-tee, wallow-tee Now, now, now 835 01:10:14,659 --> 01:10:18,111 # The butter it came out All grizzle-y gray 836 01:10:18,288 --> 01:10:21,491 # Ristle-tee, rostle-tee, now, now, now 837 01:10:21,666 --> 01:10:24,074 # The cheese it took legs and ran away 838 01:10:24,252 --> 01:10:27,538 # Ristle-tee, rostle-tee Hey, donnie-dostle-tee 839 01:10:27,714 --> 01:10:30,964 # Knickety-knackety, rustical quality 840 01:10:31,134 --> 01:10:34,337 # Willow-tee, wallow-tee Now, now, now 841 01:10:34,512 --> 01:10:37,596 # She let the critter get away 842 01:10:37,765 --> 01:10:40,386 # Ristle-tee, rostle-tee Hey, donnie-dostle-tee 843 01:10:40,559 --> 01:10:43,478 # Knickety-knackety, rustical quality 844 01:10:43,646 --> 01:10:46,600 # Willow-tee, wallow-tee Now, now, now 845 01:10:47,108 --> 01:10:50,856 # I asked my wife to wash the floor 846 01:10:51,028 --> 01:10:54,314 # Ristle-tee, rostle-tee, now, now, now 847 01:10:54,490 --> 01:10:57,111 # She gave me my hat And she showed me the door 848 01:10:57,284 --> 01:10:59,953 # Ristle-tee, rostle-tee Hey, donnie-dostle-tee 849 01:11:00,120 --> 01:11:05,161 # Knickety-knackety, Rustical quality, now, now, now 850 01:11:05,333 --> 01:11:08,536 # I married my wife in the month of June 851 01:11:08,713 --> 01:11:11,879 # Ristle-tee, rostle-tee, now, now, now 852 01:11:12,049 --> 01:11:15,085 # I brought her home by the light of the moon 853 01:11:15,260 --> 01:11:18,095 # Ristle-tee, rostle-tee Hey, donnie-dostle-tee 854 01:11:18,263 --> 01:11:21,217 # Knickety-knackety, rustical quality 855 01:11:21,391 --> 01:11:24,926 # Willow-tee, wallow-tee Now, now, now 856 01:11:25,103 --> 01:11:28,306 # She combed her hair but once a year 857 01:11:28,481 --> 01:11:32,064 # Ristle-tee, rostle-tee Hey, donnie-dostle-tee 858 01:11:32,235 --> 01:11:35,770 # Knickety-knackety, rustical quality 859 01:11:35,948 --> 01:11:39,233 # Willow-tee, wallow-tee Now, now, now 860 01:11:39,409 --> 01:11:42,576 # Ristle-tee, rostle-tee Now, now, now 861 01:11:42,746 --> 01:11:44,821 (Annie) Alright, children. 862 01:11:44,998 --> 01:11:48,497 Now, please put your songbooks away, then stand up alongside your desks. 863 01:11:48,668 --> 01:11:51,159 We'll go out for recess as soon as everybody gets ready. 864 01:11:51,337 --> 01:11:54,373 (Annie) We are not going into the playground 865 01:11:54,548 --> 01:11:58,712 - until everybody has quieted down. - (Children Chattering) 866 01:12:01,764 --> 01:12:04,338 - Close that door. Quickly. - What? 867 01:12:04,517 --> 01:12:06,593 Please. 868 01:12:08,104 --> 01:12:09,977 (Door Closing) 869 01:12:10,147 --> 01:12:12,223 - What is it? - Look. 870 01:12:14,109 --> 01:12:17,027 We've got to get the children out of here. 871 01:12:20,449 --> 01:12:24,067 - (Chattering Continues) - Shh, shh, shh! Alright, children. 872 01:12:24,244 --> 01:12:28,456 Now, quiet. Miss Daniels would like to see how we conduct ourselves 873 01:12:28,624 --> 01:12:32,075 - during a fire drill. - (Children Protesting) 874 01:12:32,252 --> 01:12:35,704 I would like you to show her how quiet and obedient you can be. 875 01:12:35,964 --> 01:12:39,214 - Uh, we're going out of school now. - (Children) Leave school? 876 01:12:39,384 --> 01:12:41,709 We want those of you who live nearby to go directly home. 877 01:12:41,886 --> 01:12:43,262 (Children) Home? 878 01:12:43,430 --> 01:12:45,967 I want the rest of you to go all the way down to the hotel. Is that clear? 879 01:12:46,140 --> 01:12:47,967 (Together) Yes, Miss Hayworth. 880 01:12:48,601 --> 01:12:50,677 Melanie? 881 01:12:53,315 --> 01:12:55,806 I want you to go as quietly as possible. 882 01:12:55,984 --> 01:13:00,361 Don't make a sound till I tell you to run. Then run as quickly as you can. 883 01:13:00,530 --> 01:13:04,362 - Now, does everybody understand? - (Together) Yes, Miss Hayworth. 884 01:13:04,534 --> 01:13:06,859 Alright, John, you lead the way. 885 01:13:26,514 --> 01:13:28,590 (Loud Fluttering) 886 01:13:31,852 --> 01:13:34,094 (Birds Shrieking) 887 01:13:40,610 --> 01:13:42,852 (Children Screaming) 888 01:13:48,786 --> 01:13:51,276 (Cawing) 889 01:13:51,538 --> 01:13:54,029 (Screaming) 890 01:14:04,634 --> 01:14:06,710 (Squawking) 891 01:14:42,213 --> 01:14:44,704 Cathy! Cathy! 892 01:14:46,634 --> 01:14:48,959 (Crying. Birds Squawking) 893 01:15:12,075 --> 01:15:14,151 (Honking Horn) 894 01:15:16,037 --> 01:15:18,658 (Clattering, Squawking) 895 01:15:20,917 --> 01:15:23,752 (Squawks Fading) 896 01:15:43,105 --> 01:15:44,979 Daddy, there were hundreds of them. 897 01:15:45,149 --> 01:15:49,442 No, I'm not hysterical. I'm trying to tell you this as calmly as I know how. 898 01:15:51,238 --> 01:15:53,694 Alright, Daddy. Yes, Daddy. 899 01:15:53,866 --> 01:15:56,986 Well, just now. Not 15 minutes ago. 900 01:15:58,746 --> 01:16:01,996 At the school. No, I don't. Just a minute. 901 01:16:02,166 --> 01:16:05,914 - What's the name of the school? - Just the Bodega Bay School. 902 01:16:06,086 --> 01:16:08,162 The Bodega Bay School. 903 01:16:09,214 --> 01:16:12,749 Well, I don't know how many children - 30 or 40. 904 01:16:12,926 --> 01:16:17,219 No, the birds didn't attack until the children were outside the school. 905 01:16:17,388 --> 01:16:20,141 - Help you, Mrs Bundy? - I need some change, Mr Carter. 906 01:16:20,309 --> 01:16:22,385 Crows, I think. 907 01:16:22,561 --> 01:16:26,510 I don't know. Is there a difference between crows and blackbirds? 908 01:16:26,690 --> 01:16:30,687 - There is very definitely a difference. - Thank you. 909 01:16:30,860 --> 01:16:33,945 They're different, Daddy. 910 01:16:34,113 --> 01:16:36,272 Well, I think these were crows. 911 01:16:36,449 --> 01:16:38,738 Well, yes. Hundreds of them. 912 01:16:38,910 --> 01:16:42,741 Yes, they attacked the children. Attacked them! 913 01:16:42,913 --> 01:16:47,291 Well, I don't know when, but I simply can't leave now, Daddy. 914 01:16:47,460 --> 01:16:49,832 Alright. Yes. Good bye. 915 01:16:50,004 --> 01:16:54,084 They're both perching birds, of course. But quite different species. 916 01:16:54,258 --> 01:16:56,500 The crow is Corvus Brachyrhynchos, 917 01:16:56,677 --> 01:16:59,678 and the blackbird is Euphagus Cyanocephalos. 918 01:16:59,847 --> 01:17:03,761 Thank you. You have the number at the Fawcett farm? 919 01:17:03,934 --> 01:17:06,472 Right here in this book, miss. 920 01:17:06,645 --> 01:17:09,136 I can't see that it makes any difference, Mrs Bundy. 921 01:17:09,314 --> 01:17:12,518 Crows or blackbirds, if the school was attacked, that's pretty serious. 922 01:17:12,693 --> 01:17:15,860 I hardly think that either species would have sufficient intelligence 923 01:17:16,030 --> 01:17:20,074 to launch a massed attack. Their brainpans are not big enough to... 924 01:17:20,242 --> 01:17:24,571 I just came from the school. I don't know anything about their brainpans, but... 925 01:17:24,746 --> 01:17:27,237 Well, I do. I do know. 926 01:17:28,041 --> 01:17:31,374 Ornithology happens to be my avocation. 927 01:17:31,544 --> 01:17:33,952 Birds are not aggressive creatures, miss. 928 01:17:34,130 --> 01:17:37,002 They bring beauty into the world. It is mankind, rather, who - 929 01:17:37,176 --> 01:17:40,876 (Helen) Sam! Three southern fried chicken. Baked potato on all of them. 930 01:17:41,054 --> 01:17:43,592 Yes, may I speak to Mitch Brenner, please? 931 01:17:43,765 --> 01:17:46,470 - Yes, I'll wait. - It is mankind, rather, 932 01:17:46,643 --> 01:17:50,771 who insists upon making it difficult for life to exist upon this planet. 933 01:17:50,939 --> 01:17:54,142 - Now, if it were not for birds - - Mrs Bundy, you don't understand. 934 01:17:54,317 --> 01:17:57,732 This young lady said there was an attack on the school. 935 01:17:57,903 --> 01:17:59,314 Impossible! 936 01:17:59,488 --> 01:18:01,861 Oh, Mitch? I'm glad I caught you. Something terrible has happened. 937 01:18:02,033 --> 01:18:05,153 - It's the end of the world. - Two Bloody Marys, Deke. 938 01:18:05,328 --> 01:18:07,486 What actually happened at the school? 939 01:18:07,664 --> 01:18:09,870 Bunch of crows attacked the school kids. 940 01:18:10,041 --> 01:18:13,540 It's the end of the world. "Thus saith the Lord God 941 01:18:13,711 --> 01:18:18,289 unto the mountains and the hills, and the rivers and the valleys." 942 01:18:18,465 --> 01:18:22,000 "Behold I, even I shall bring a sword upon you." 943 01:18:22,177 --> 01:18:26,127 "And I will devastate your high places." Ezekiel, chapter six. 944 01:18:26,306 --> 01:18:28,513 (Helen) "Woe unto them that rise up early in the morning, 945 01:18:28,684 --> 01:18:30,760 that they may follow strong drink." 946 01:18:31,312 --> 01:18:34,728 Isaiah, chapter five. It's the end of the world. 947 01:18:34,899 --> 01:18:38,730 I hardly think a few birds are going to bring about the end of the world. 948 01:18:38,902 --> 01:18:40,859 These weren't a few birds. 949 01:18:41,029 --> 01:18:44,315 I didn't know there were many crows in Bodega Bay this time of year. 950 01:18:44,491 --> 01:18:47,990 The crow is a permanent resident throughout its range. 951 01:18:48,161 --> 01:18:51,031 In fact, during our Christmas count, we recorded - 952 01:18:51,205 --> 01:18:53,780 (Man) How many gulls did you count, Mrs Bundy? 953 01:18:53,959 --> 01:18:56,794 Which gulls, Mr Sholes? There are several varieties. 954 01:18:56,962 --> 01:18:59,001 The ones who've been playing devil with my fishing boats. 955 01:18:59,172 --> 01:19:02,007 - Have you had trouble with gulls? - One of my boats did, last week. 956 01:19:02,175 --> 01:19:04,880 This young lady was hit by a gull only Saturday. 957 01:19:05,053 --> 01:19:08,386 - I'm still waiting for the Bloody Marys. - Coming right up. 958 01:19:08,556 --> 01:19:11,473 Could you ask them to lower their voices, please? 959 01:19:11,642 --> 01:19:13,718 They're frightening the children. 960 01:19:13,894 --> 01:19:15,970 A whole flock of gulls nearly capsized one of my boats. 961 01:19:16,147 --> 01:19:17,938 Practically tore the skipper's arm off. 962 01:19:18,107 --> 01:19:20,515 - You're scaring the kids. Keep it low. - Alright. 963 01:19:20,693 --> 01:19:23,267 Yeah, but he's scaring me, too. 964 01:19:23,446 --> 01:19:26,447 Are you trying to say that all these... 965 01:19:27,950 --> 01:19:29,824 Nah, that sounds impossible, Sebastian. 966 01:19:29,994 --> 01:19:32,485 Deke, look, I'm just telling you what happened to one of my boats. 967 01:19:32,663 --> 01:19:37,788 The gulls were after your fish. Really, let's be logical about this. 968 01:19:37,960 --> 01:19:41,293 What were the crows after at the school? 969 01:19:41,880 --> 01:19:44,205 What do you think they were after, Miss uh...? 970 01:19:44,382 --> 01:19:47,005 Daniels. I think they were after the children. 971 01:19:47,178 --> 01:19:51,341 - For what purpose? - To kill them. 972 01:19:52,141 --> 01:19:55,011 - Why? - I don't know why. 973 01:19:55,185 --> 01:19:59,099 I thought not. Birds have been on this planet, Miss Daniels, 974 01:19:59,272 --> 01:20:03,352 - since archaeopteryx, 1 40m years ago. - (Door Closing) 975 01:20:03,526 --> 01:20:06,563 Doesn't it seem odd that they'd wait all that time 976 01:20:06,738 --> 01:20:08,814 to start a war against humanity? 977 01:20:08,990 --> 01:20:12,407 - No one called it a war. - Scotch, light on the water. 978 01:20:12,578 --> 01:20:14,819 You and Mr Sholes seem to be implying as much. 979 01:20:14,996 --> 01:20:17,072 Who said anything about a war? All I said, some gulls - 980 01:20:17,249 --> 01:20:20,499 - (Helen) Want some more coffee? - No ...came down on one of my boats. 981 01:20:20,668 --> 01:20:23,338 They could have been after the fish, just like you said. 982 01:20:23,504 --> 01:20:26,209 - The Captain should have shot at them. - Huh? 983 01:20:26,382 --> 01:20:29,466 Gulls are scavengers, anyway. Most birds are. 984 01:20:29,635 --> 01:20:33,419 Get yourselves guns and wipe them off the face of the Earth! 985 01:20:33,597 --> 01:20:36,433 - That would hardly be possible. - Why not, Mrs Bundy? 986 01:20:37,227 --> 01:20:42,766 Because there are 8,650 species of birds in the world today, Mr Carter. 987 01:20:42,940 --> 01:20:48,694 It is estimated that 5,750,000,000 birds live in the United States alone. 988 01:20:48,863 --> 01:20:50,939 The five continents of the world - 989 01:20:51,115 --> 01:20:53,522 Kill them all. Get rid of the messy animals. 990 01:20:53,700 --> 01:20:56,737 ...probably contain more than 100 billion birds. 991 01:20:56,912 --> 01:21:00,530 - It's the end of the world. - The gulls must have been after the fish. 992 01:21:00,707 --> 01:21:03,993 - (Mrs Bundy) Of course! - Hurry up, children. Finish your lunch. 993 01:21:04,170 --> 01:21:06,246 Are the birds going to eat us, Mommy? 994 01:21:06,422 --> 01:21:09,257 Hell, maybe we're all getting a little carried away by this. 995 01:21:09,425 --> 01:21:12,509 Admittedly, a few birds did act strange, but that's no reason to believe that - 996 01:21:12,678 --> 01:21:16,924 I keep telling you, this isn't a few birds. These are gulls, crows, swifts - 997 01:21:17,098 --> 01:21:20,514 I have never known birds of different species to flock together. 998 01:21:20,685 --> 01:21:22,761 The very concept is unimaginable. 999 01:21:22,937 --> 01:21:25,973 Why, if that happened, we wouldn't have a chance! 1000 01:21:26,149 --> 01:21:28,272 How could we possibly hope to fight them? 1001 01:21:28,443 --> 01:21:31,397 We couldn't, you're right. You're right, Mrs Bundy. 1002 01:21:31,571 --> 01:21:35,320 - What's the matter? Something wrong? - We're fighting a war. 1003 01:21:35,492 --> 01:21:38,113 - A war? Against who? - Against birds! 1004 01:21:38,286 --> 01:21:40,444 I'm glad you all think this is so amusing. 1005 01:21:40,622 --> 01:21:42,413 You've frightened the children half out of their wits. 1006 01:21:42,582 --> 01:21:46,413 If the young lady said she saw the attack at a school, why don't you believe her? 1007 01:21:46,585 --> 01:21:49,372 - What attack? Who attacked the school? - (Mother) Birds did. Crows. 1008 01:21:49,547 --> 01:21:51,835 You're all sitting around here debating! 1009 01:21:52,007 --> 01:21:54,795 What do you want them to do next? Crash through that window? 1010 01:21:54,969 --> 01:21:57,804 - Mommy! - Ssh. Put on your coat. 1011 01:21:59,682 --> 01:22:03,596 Why don't you all go home, lock your doors and windows? 1012 01:22:03,769 --> 01:22:05,394 What's the fastest way to San Francisco? 1013 01:22:05,563 --> 01:22:07,685 - The freeway, ma'am. - How do I find it? 1014 01:22:07,856 --> 01:22:10,691 I'm going out that way, lady. You can follow me. 1015 01:22:10,859 --> 01:22:14,275 - Well then, let's leave now. - Haven't finished my drink yet. 1016 01:22:15,322 --> 01:22:17,445 (Panting) I got here as fast as I could. 1017 01:22:17,616 --> 01:22:19,858 - Where's Cathy? - She's with Annie. She's alright. 1018 01:22:20,036 --> 01:22:22,111 Al, why aren't you over at the school, where the attack was? 1019 01:22:22,288 --> 01:22:24,364 I just got back from Dan Fawcett's place. 1020 01:22:24,540 --> 01:22:27,457 - He was killed last night by birds. - What? 1021 01:22:27,626 --> 01:22:31,410 - Hold it, you don't know that for a fact. - What are the facts? 1022 01:22:31,588 --> 01:22:34,079 The Santa Rosa Police think it's a felony murder. 1023 01:22:34,257 --> 01:22:36,048 They think a burglar broke in and killed him. 1024 01:22:36,217 --> 01:22:38,459 How do they explain the dead birds all over the floor? 1025 01:22:38,636 --> 01:22:41,922 Santa Rosa Police figure they got in after the old man was killed. 1026 01:22:42,098 --> 01:22:45,966 Were the Santa Rosa Police at your school today? 1027 01:22:46,144 --> 01:22:48,635 - Are you coming? - Now take it easy, lady. 1028 01:22:48,814 --> 01:22:51,351 There isn't a bird anywhere in sight! 1029 01:22:51,524 --> 01:22:55,059 "Look at the birds of the air. They do not sow or reap." 1030 01:22:55,236 --> 01:22:58,403 "Yet your Heavenly Father feeds them." 1031 01:22:58,990 --> 01:23:01,659 Something like this happened in Santa Cruz last year. 1032 01:23:01,826 --> 01:23:04,743 The town was just covered with seagulls. 1033 01:23:04,912 --> 01:23:08,281 - Please finish your drink. - That's right, sir. I recall it. 1034 01:23:08,457 --> 01:23:10,782 A large flock of seagulls got lost in a fog, 1035 01:23:10,960 --> 01:23:13,630 and headed into the town where all the lights were. 1036 01:23:13,796 --> 01:23:16,750 They made some mess, too, smashing into buildings and everything. 1037 01:23:16,924 --> 01:23:19,000 They always make a mess. 1038 01:23:19,176 --> 01:23:21,465 The point is that no one seemed to be upset about it. 1039 01:23:21,637 --> 01:23:25,800 They were all gone next morning, just as though nothing at all had happened. 1040 01:23:25,974 --> 01:23:28,679 - Poor things. - I'm leaving! Are you coming? 1041 01:23:28,852 --> 01:23:30,928 Alright, alright! 1042 01:23:32,814 --> 01:23:35,186 Well, hope you folks figure this thing out! 1043 01:23:35,358 --> 01:23:37,435 It's the end of the world! 1044 01:23:37,945 --> 01:23:40,518 I'd better get back to the cannery. What do I owe you, Deke? 1045 01:23:40,698 --> 01:23:42,774 - Sebastian, hold it a minute. - Huh? 1046 01:23:42,950 --> 01:23:45,026 - I don't want to be an alarmist, but - - No one ever said you were. 1047 01:23:45,202 --> 01:23:47,775 I think we're in real trouble. I don't know how this started, or why, 1048 01:23:47,954 --> 01:23:50,077 but I know it's here and we'd be crazy to ignore it. 1049 01:23:50,248 --> 01:23:53,166 - To ignore what? The "bird war"? - Yes, the "bird war." 1050 01:23:53,334 --> 01:23:55,410 The bird attack, plague - Call it what you like, 1051 01:23:55,587 --> 01:23:57,959 they're massing out there someplace, and they'll be back. 1052 01:23:58,131 --> 01:24:00,004 - Ridiculous. - Come here. 1053 01:24:00,174 --> 01:24:04,089 Unless we do something right now, unless we get Bodega Bay on the move, they - 1054 01:24:04,262 --> 01:24:06,338 Look, Mitch. 1055 01:24:06,514 --> 01:24:09,718 Even if this is true, even if all the birds - 1056 01:24:09,893 --> 01:24:13,724 - Don't you believe it's true? - No, Mitch, frankly I don't. 1057 01:24:13,896 --> 01:24:16,470 - There's no reason I... - It's happening. Isn't that a reason? 1058 01:24:16,649 --> 01:24:18,191 - I like Bodega Bay - - Then help me! 1059 01:24:20,945 --> 01:24:22,984 You're an important man. If you help, they all will. 1060 01:24:23,155 --> 01:24:24,566 - Help how? What do you want to do? - (Seagull Crying) 1061 01:24:24,740 --> 01:24:26,732 Mrs Bundy said something about Santa Cruz. (Crying Continues) 1062 01:24:26,909 --> 01:24:28,819 About seagulls getting lost in a fog and flying in towards the lights. 1063 01:24:28,995 --> 01:24:30,489 (Sebastian) We don't have fog this time of year! 1064 01:24:30,663 --> 01:24:32,371 - (Mitch) Make our own fog! - How do you figure to do that? 1065 01:24:32,540 --> 01:24:33,915 We can use smoke pots, the way the Army uses them. 1066 01:24:34,083 --> 01:24:37,368 - (Melanie) Look! - (Seagull Crying) 1067 01:24:38,921 --> 01:24:42,621 They're attacking again. Melanie, you stay in here. Come on, Al! 1068 01:24:44,510 --> 01:24:46,585 (Seagulls Crying) 1069 01:24:48,680 --> 01:24:50,554 Look out! 1070 01:24:51,433 --> 01:24:53,425 (Gull Crying) 1071 01:25:20,170 --> 01:25:24,084 (Muffled) Look at the gas. That man's lighting a cigar! 1072 01:25:24,674 --> 01:25:28,588 (All Shouting) Hey, you! Watch out! Don't drop that match! 1073 01:25:28,761 --> 01:25:32,711 Get out of there! Mister, run! (Screaming, Warnings Continue) 1074 01:25:32,890 --> 01:25:34,468 (Explosion) 1075 01:25:34,642 --> 01:25:36,967 (Indistinct Shouting) 1076 01:25:59,166 --> 01:26:01,242 (Screeching) 1077 01:26:14,014 --> 01:26:15,722 (Screaming) 1078 01:26:27,694 --> 01:26:30,315 (Gulls' Screaming Increases) 1079 01:26:47,505 --> 01:26:49,581 (Wings Flapping) 1080 01:26:54,345 --> 01:26:56,218 (Siren Wailing) 1081 01:27:05,314 --> 01:27:08,979 (Screaming & Flapping Become Thunderous) 1082 01:27:37,596 --> 01:27:40,466 (Gulls Pounding On Glass) 1083 01:27:47,814 --> 01:27:50,269 (Shrieking. Gulls Crying, Fainter) 1084 01:28:34,026 --> 01:28:36,267 Why are they doing this? 1085 01:28:36,862 --> 01:28:38,938 Why are they doing this? 1086 01:28:39,781 --> 01:28:44,858 They said when you got here, the whole thing started! (Crying) 1087 01:28:46,287 --> 01:28:49,574 Who are you? What are you? 1088 01:28:49,750 --> 01:28:51,789 Where did you come from? 1089 01:28:53,128 --> 01:28:56,294 I think you're the cause of all this. 1090 01:28:56,464 --> 01:28:58,706 I think you're evil! Evil! 1091 01:29:01,427 --> 01:29:03,301 (Gasps) Oh, God! 1092 01:29:03,471 --> 01:29:05,962 (Woman Sobbing. Door Opens & Closes) 1093 01:29:06,140 --> 01:29:08,429 (Running Footsteps Approaching) 1094 01:29:08,601 --> 01:29:10,807 I think they're going! (Panting) 1095 01:29:10,978 --> 01:29:13,470 We can get Cathy at Annie's now. 1096 01:29:15,692 --> 01:29:19,226 (Seagulls Calling, Faintly) 1097 01:29:44,136 --> 01:29:46,212 (Crow Cawing) 1098 01:29:46,388 --> 01:29:48,630 - The crows again. - Shh! 1099 01:29:50,100 --> 01:29:52,176 (Single Crow Cawing) 1100 01:29:53,603 --> 01:29:55,679 (Softly) Come on. 1101 01:29:56,731 --> 01:29:58,807 (One Crow Caws) 1102 01:30:08,035 --> 01:30:10,110 (Wings Fluttering) 1103 01:30:11,413 --> 01:30:13,904 (Fluttering & Cawing Continue) 1104 01:30:26,010 --> 01:30:28,631 Oh, no. Stay here. Stay here. 1105 01:30:31,933 --> 01:30:34,009 (Screams, Gasps) 1106 01:30:37,605 --> 01:30:40,310 Cathy! Where's Cathy? 1107 01:30:47,781 --> 01:30:50,272 (Cawing. Cathy Sobbing) 1108 01:31:03,297 --> 01:31:05,170 (Loud Cawing) 1109 01:31:07,718 --> 01:31:10,006 (Sobbing Continues) 1110 01:31:12,847 --> 01:31:14,923 Mitch, don't! 1111 01:31:42,585 --> 01:31:46,748 - Oh, don't leave her there, Mitch. - (Cathy Sobbing) 1112 01:31:52,762 --> 01:31:54,838 (Body Being Dragged) 1113 01:31:56,807 --> 01:31:59,096 (Cathy Gasping) Oh! 1114 01:32:02,646 --> 01:32:05,730 (Footsteps Mounting Stairs) 1115 01:32:13,282 --> 01:32:16,402 (Cawing. Door Opening & Closing) 1116 01:32:19,038 --> 01:32:21,113 (Wings Fluttering) 1117 01:32:36,971 --> 01:32:39,510 (Strange, Loud Chattering) 1118 01:32:39,683 --> 01:32:41,925 (Crying) 1119 01:32:43,687 --> 01:32:46,474 (Feathers Rustling) 1120 01:32:47,941 --> 01:32:50,099 (Whispering) Come on. 1121 01:32:51,194 --> 01:32:53,352 - (Sobs) - Shh. 1122 01:33:01,328 --> 01:33:03,404 (Loud Cawing) 1123 01:33:06,417 --> 01:33:09,122 (Louder Cawing, Nearby) 1124 01:33:18,470 --> 01:33:20,546 (Motor Starting) 1125 01:33:20,806 --> 01:33:25,302 (Sobbing) When we got back from taking Michelle home, 1126 01:33:25,477 --> 01:33:28,976 we heard the explosion and we went - 1127 01:33:29,147 --> 01:33:32,065 we went outside to see what it was. 1128 01:33:32,234 --> 01:33:35,650 All at once, the birds were everywhere! 1129 01:33:36,864 --> 01:33:40,315 (Sobbing) All at once she pushed me inside 1130 01:33:40,492 --> 01:33:43,030 and they covered her! 1131 01:33:43,203 --> 01:33:46,120 Annie... she pushed me inside! 1132 01:33:51,878 --> 01:33:53,954 (Hammering) 1133 01:34:01,763 --> 01:34:04,170 Give me another one, darling. 1134 01:34:10,354 --> 01:34:13,106 How long have they been gathering there? 1135 01:34:13,274 --> 01:34:15,350 Oh, about 15 minutes. 1136 01:34:19,571 --> 01:34:22,146 Seems like a pattern, doesn't it? 1137 01:34:23,618 --> 01:34:27,615 They strike, then disappear, and then start massing again. 1138 01:34:27,788 --> 01:34:29,864 (Hammering) 1139 01:34:35,004 --> 01:34:37,459 Doesn't look so very different, does it? 1140 01:34:37,631 --> 01:34:40,916 A little smoke hanging over the town, otherwise... (Scoffs) 1141 01:34:41,468 --> 01:34:43,544 You want to try your father again? 1142 01:34:43,720 --> 01:34:45,796 No, I tried a little while ago. The phone's dead. 1143 01:34:45,972 --> 01:34:48,131 - Still got power, haven't we? - Yes. 1144 01:34:48,309 --> 01:34:51,428 (Lydia) Mitch, I'm getting something on the radio. 1145 01:34:51,603 --> 01:34:53,679 Come on. 1146 01:34:58,276 --> 01:35:00,352 (Man On Radio, lndistinct) 1147 01:35:00,529 --> 01:35:04,858 (Lydia) I can't get any of the local stations. I think this is San Francisco. 1148 01:35:05,033 --> 01:35:07,109 (Radio) " ...and the work of a team of professionals." 1149 01:35:07,285 --> 01:35:09,776 "In Bodega Bay early this morning, a large flock of crows 1150 01:35:09,954 --> 01:35:13,371 attacked a group of children who were leaving the school during a fire drill." 1151 01:35:13,542 --> 01:35:17,041 "One little girl was seriously injured and taken to the hospital in Santa Rosa, 1152 01:35:17,212 --> 01:35:19,370 but the majority of children reached safety." 1153 01:35:19,547 --> 01:35:21,706 "We understand there was another attack on the town, 1154 01:35:21,883 --> 01:35:23,959 but this information is rather sketchy." 1155 01:35:24,135 --> 01:35:28,547 "So far, no word has come through to show there have been further attacks." 1156 01:35:28,723 --> 01:35:31,178 On the national scene today, in Washington 1157 01:35:31,350 --> 01:35:34,221 - Well, is that all? - (Radio Continues, Indistinct) 1158 01:35:35,020 --> 01:35:38,769 I'll have to get some more wood. Mustn't let this fire go out. 1159 01:35:38,941 --> 01:35:42,061 - Did you get the windows in the attic? - Yes, I got them all. 1160 01:35:42,236 --> 01:35:44,608 - When do you think they'll come? - I don't know. 1161 01:35:44,780 --> 01:35:46,987 If there are bigger birds, Mitch, they'll get into the house. 1162 01:35:47,158 --> 01:35:49,399 - It's a chance we'll have to take. - Maybe we ought to leave. 1163 01:35:49,577 --> 01:35:51,450 No, not now! Not when they're massing out there. 1164 01:35:51,620 --> 01:35:53,660 - When? - We'll just see what happens. 1165 01:35:53,831 --> 01:35:55,289 - Where will we go? - I don't know. 1166 01:35:55,457 --> 01:35:57,414 I think we're safe here for the time being. Let's get the wood. 1167 01:35:57,584 --> 01:35:59,244 What happens when you run out of wood? 1168 01:35:59,419 --> 01:36:01,044 I don't know! We'll break up the furniture. 1169 01:36:01,212 --> 01:36:02,956 You don't know! When will you know? 1170 01:36:03,131 --> 01:36:07,129 When we're all dead! If only your father were here... 1171 01:36:08,470 --> 01:36:10,842 (Radio Continues. Sobbing) 1172 01:36:11,014 --> 01:36:14,466 I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Mitch. 1173 01:36:17,145 --> 01:36:20,395 Make yourself some coffee, won't you? 1174 01:36:33,745 --> 01:36:36,699 - Where are they heading? - Somewhere inland. 1175 01:36:37,499 --> 01:36:39,574 - Santa Rosa? - Maybe. 1176 01:36:39,751 --> 01:36:42,076 Come on. Let's get the wood. 1177 01:36:53,680 --> 01:36:55,756 (Banging) 1178 01:37:20,123 --> 01:37:23,078 Mitch? Can I bring the lovebirds in here? 1179 01:37:23,252 --> 01:37:26,288 - No! - But, Mom, they're in a cage. 1180 01:37:26,463 --> 01:37:28,539 They're birds, aren't they? 1181 01:37:31,093 --> 01:37:34,627 Let's leave them in the kitchen, huh, honey? 1182 01:38:21,308 --> 01:38:25,057 Mitch, why are they doing this, the birds? 1183 01:38:25,646 --> 01:38:30,023 - We don't know, honey. - Why are they trying to kill people? 1184 01:38:30,192 --> 01:38:32,268 I wish I could say. 1185 01:39:40,761 --> 01:39:42,837 (Gasping) 1186 01:39:44,223 --> 01:39:46,298 (Swallowing) 1187 01:39:48,268 --> 01:39:50,723 I'm sick, Melanie. 1188 01:39:53,148 --> 01:39:56,481 - I want to... (Gagging) - I'll go with you. 1189 01:39:59,821 --> 01:40:02,395 (Door Slams. Cathy Coughing) 1190 01:40:09,581 --> 01:40:12,118 (Coughing Continues) 1191 01:40:13,126 --> 01:40:15,202 (Door Opens) 1192 01:40:29,892 --> 01:40:33,012 (Birds Singing, Wings Fluttering) 1193 01:40:39,818 --> 01:40:42,689 (Crows Cawing) 1194 01:40:43,572 --> 01:40:47,356 (Many Species Calling, Wings Flapping) 1195 01:40:47,534 --> 01:40:51,615 (Flapping Grows Louder. High-pitched Chirping) 1196 01:40:56,502 --> 01:40:58,578 (Drumming On Roof) 1197 01:40:58,754 --> 01:41:01,458 (Log Landing In Fireplace) 1198 01:41:05,677 --> 01:41:09,176 (Birdcalls, Drumming Rising ln lntensity) 1199 01:41:19,107 --> 01:41:22,227 (Roar, Rising ln Pitch And lntensity) 1200 01:41:22,402 --> 01:41:25,272 (Loud Crashing & Glass Smashing) 1201 01:41:26,739 --> 01:41:29,526 (Loud Screeching Continues) 1202 01:41:30,243 --> 01:41:32,864 (Pecking, Wood Splintering) 1203 01:41:34,538 --> 01:41:36,946 (Screeching, Fluttering) 1204 01:41:40,795 --> 01:41:43,915 (Screeching & Fluttering Continue) 1205 01:41:57,061 --> 01:42:00,180 (Continuous Screeching & Fluttering) 1206 01:42:06,445 --> 01:42:08,652 (Shutter Scraping Shut) 1207 01:42:09,532 --> 01:42:12,236 (Screeching, Slightly Fainter) 1208 01:42:13,077 --> 01:42:15,365 (Lamp Crashing To Ground) 1209 01:42:18,498 --> 01:42:20,206 (Glass Smashing) 1210 01:42:25,630 --> 01:42:28,750 (Shutter Scraping Shut. Screeching Continues) 1211 01:42:54,950 --> 01:42:58,071 (Screeching & Fluttering Continue) 1212 01:43:04,836 --> 01:43:07,373 (Fluttering, Rumbling) 1213 01:43:18,682 --> 01:43:21,255 (Pecking, Wood Splintering) 1214 01:43:23,896 --> 01:43:26,601 (Louder Pecking & Splintering) 1215 01:43:27,775 --> 01:43:31,642 (Pecking, Splintering. Continuous Screeching) 1216 01:43:36,950 --> 01:43:39,619 (Hatstand Scraping On Floor) 1217 01:43:52,424 --> 01:43:54,712 (Hammering) 1218 01:44:06,854 --> 01:44:08,930 (One Bird Screeches) 1219 01:44:09,106 --> 01:44:11,182 (Loud Fluttering) 1220 01:44:17,865 --> 01:44:19,988 (Pecking & Splintering) 1221 01:44:26,582 --> 01:44:28,705 (Sounds Diminish) 1222 01:44:32,045 --> 01:44:34,121 They're going. 1223 01:44:34,881 --> 01:44:37,253 (Screeches Fading) 1224 01:44:49,980 --> 01:44:52,056 (Silence) 1225 01:45:32,897 --> 01:45:35,518 (Wings Fluttering) 1226 01:45:45,326 --> 01:45:47,401 Mitch? 1227 01:45:48,120 --> 01:45:50,693 (Fluttering Continues) 1228 01:46:21,277 --> 01:46:23,400 (Fluttering) 1229 01:46:43,632 --> 01:46:45,839 (Fluttering) 1230 01:47:19,293 --> 01:47:21,665 (Fluttering) 1231 01:47:41,440 --> 01:47:43,930 (Gasps. Wings Flapping) 1232 01:47:44,109 --> 01:47:46,185 (Screeching) 1233 01:47:47,862 --> 01:47:49,938 (Whimpering) 1234 01:47:50,239 --> 01:47:52,861 (Fluttering Continues) 1235 01:48:33,032 --> 01:48:35,736 (Whimpering) 1236 01:48:47,879 --> 01:48:49,955 Oh, Mitch! 1237 01:49:02,268 --> 01:49:05,305 Get Cathy and Lydia out of here. 1238 01:49:06,689 --> 01:49:09,180 (Mitch) Melanie! Melanie! 1239 01:49:17,616 --> 01:49:20,736 (Birds Fluttering & Calling) 1240 01:49:33,340 --> 01:49:35,582 (Birds Shrieking) 1241 01:49:48,354 --> 01:49:50,431 (Door Shutting) 1242 01:49:55,445 --> 01:49:57,983 Oh, poor thing! Poor thing! 1243 01:49:58,907 --> 01:50:02,027 Listen, get some water, bandages and antiseptic. Quickly! 1244 01:50:02,202 --> 01:50:04,325 Bandages. It's terrible. 1245 01:50:07,373 --> 01:50:09,449 Cathy, get some brandy. 1246 01:50:20,678 --> 01:50:23,383 No, no, no! No, no, it's alright. 1247 01:50:23,556 --> 01:50:25,383 No, it's alright. 1248 01:50:25,558 --> 01:50:28,475 It's alright. It's alright. No. 1249 01:50:28,769 --> 01:50:31,260 - (Gasping) - No. Shh! Shh! 1250 01:50:56,880 --> 01:50:58,956 Cathy, get the lamp. 1251 01:51:13,397 --> 01:51:17,560 - We've got to get her to a hospital. - We can't. There's no place we can go. 1252 01:51:17,734 --> 01:51:19,810 - There's San Francisco. - We'd never make it. 1253 01:51:19,986 --> 01:51:22,062 We have to try. We'll go by way of Bay Hill Road. 1254 01:51:22,238 --> 01:51:25,939 Then we don't have to go through town. We can't stay here. She needs help! 1255 01:51:26,784 --> 01:51:28,907 I'm frightened. Terribly frightened. 1256 01:51:29,578 --> 01:51:32,532 I don't know what's outside there. 1257 01:51:34,167 --> 01:51:37,203 We'd better get started before another attack comes. 1258 01:51:37,378 --> 01:51:40,332 We'll take Melanie's car. That'll be faster than the truck. 1259 01:51:40,506 --> 01:51:42,582 - Can you finish the bandaging? - I'll try. 1260 01:51:42,758 --> 01:51:44,834 Alright. 1261 01:51:51,141 --> 01:51:55,470 (Lydia) Mitch? See if you can get anything on the car radio. 1262 01:51:56,480 --> 01:52:00,181 (Soft Cooing, Beating Of Wings) 1263 01:52:32,682 --> 01:52:34,758 (Fluttering) 1264 01:52:43,067 --> 01:52:45,143 (Cawing) 1265 01:52:52,452 --> 01:52:54,528 (Rustling Of Wings) 1266 01:53:05,756 --> 01:53:07,795 (Seagull Cries) 1267 01:53:52,594 --> 01:53:54,467 (Switching Stations) 1268 01:53:54,637 --> 01:53:56,926 (Radio) "The bird attacks have subsided for the time being." 1269 01:53:57,098 --> 01:53:59,803 "Bodega Bay seems to be the centre, though there are reports 1270 01:53:59,976 --> 01:54:02,893 of minor attacks on Sebastopol and a few on Santa Rosa." 1271 01:54:03,062 --> 01:54:05,813 "Bodega Bay has been cordoned off by roadblocks." 1272 01:54:05,981 --> 01:54:08,057 "Most of the townspeople have managed to get out, 1273 01:54:08,233 --> 01:54:10,772 but there are still some isolated pockets of people." 1274 01:54:10,945 --> 01:54:14,029 "No decision has been arrived at yet as to what the next step will be, 1275 01:54:14,198 --> 01:54:17,484 but there's been some discussion as to whether the military should go in." 1276 01:54:17,660 --> 01:54:21,278 "lt appears that the bird attacks come in waves, with long intervals between." 1277 01:54:21,455 --> 01:54:24,076 "The reason for this does not seem clear as yet." 1278 01:54:24,249 --> 01:54:26,325 (Clicks Of Radio) 1279 01:55:01,536 --> 01:55:03,612 (Starts Motor) 1280 01:55:04,789 --> 01:55:07,494 (Motor Turning Over Slowly) 1281 01:55:22,097 --> 01:55:25,015 (Shuts Off Motor, Puts On Handbrake) 1282 01:56:15,816 --> 01:56:20,609 - Did you hear anything on the radio? - It's alright. Come on. 1283 01:56:43,636 --> 01:56:45,712 (Turning Doorknob) 1284 01:56:54,647 --> 01:56:56,722 (Gull Crying) 1285 01:56:58,692 --> 01:57:00,768 No. No! 1286 01:57:01,320 --> 01:57:03,395 Shh. Shh. 1287 01:57:17,544 --> 01:57:19,620 (Squawk) 1288 01:57:25,593 --> 01:57:27,669 (Squawking) 1289 01:57:31,265 --> 01:57:33,424 - Mitch? - Shh! 1290 01:57:34,060 --> 01:57:36,136 Stay there. 1291 01:57:43,194 --> 01:57:45,732 Can I bring the lovebirds, Mitch? 1292 01:57:45,905 --> 01:57:50,234 - They haven't harmed anyone. - Alright. Bring them. 1293 01:58:07,259 --> 01:58:08,919 (Shutting Door) 1294 01:58:32,200 --> 01:58:34,276 (Starts Motor) 1295 01:58:34,911 --> 01:58:36,987 (Loud Squawking) 1296 01:58:42,627 --> 01:58:46,790 (Car Driving Away, Bird Squawking lntensifies) 1297 01:58:49,216 --> 01:58:52,337 (Wings Flapping & Birds Calling)