1 00:00:02,000 --> 00:00:07,000 Downloaded from YTS.MX 2 00:00:08,000 --> 00:00:13,000 Official YIFY movies site: YTS.MX 3 00:00:47,506 --> 00:01:02,021 In 2020, a virus named SARS-19 spreads rapidly across the world…..disrupting lives….economies….and eventually governments. 4 00:01:02,021 --> 00:01:15,826 In its aftermath, the world sinks into a deep and severe economic depression, unparalleled in all of modern history. The worst, however is yet to come. 5 00:01:15,826 --> 00:01:24,084 On April 3rd, 2022, a wave of unexplained deaths hits New York City 6 00:01:24,084 --> 00:01:29,590 over three hundred thousand people die in less than 24 hours. 7 00:01:29,590 --> 00:01:41,727 Only a week a week later, on April 10th, the CDC announces a new mutation of the virus….named SARS-22. 8 00:01:41,727 --> 00:01:51,946 The new virus activates latent SARS-19 infections in the spinal fluid of recovered and previously asymptomatic patients 9 00:01:51,946 --> 00:02:00,329 causing paralysis,strokes, heart attacks and in the majority of cases, instant death. 10 00:02:00,329 --> 00:02:06,168 Over six hundred million people die between June and August. 11 00:02:06,168 --> 00:02:15,052 A vaccine is developed in December, 2022 but is not widely available for another six months. 12 00:02:15,052 --> 00:02:31,026 By August, 2023….SARS-22 has claimed the lives of over one and a half billion people. The SARS pandemic, however, is far from over. 13 00:02:31,026 --> 00:02:41,245 In January, 2024….NATO, Russian and Chinese troops returning home from the Middle East begin dying en-masse 14 00:02:41,245 --> 00:02:46,834 despite having received vaccinations to SARS-22. 15 00:02:46,834 --> 00:03:00,890 The new virus is identified as SARS-24. In the majority of cases, patients die suddenly after being asymptomatic carriers for several weeks. 16 00:03:00,890 --> 00:03:06,812 Two billion lives are lost to SARS-24 in 2024. 17 00:03:06,812 --> 00:03:21,535 The final case of SARS-24 is recorded on October 1st, 2027. The total worldwide death toll from the SARS viruses stands at over 4 billion. 18 00:03:21,535 --> 00:03:34,924 The following is a documentary presentation of those that have survived the SARS pandemics. These are their stories, recorded during 2029 19 00:03:34,924 --> 00:03:38,010 Robert Wilson is not your ordinary Englishman. 20 00:03:38,010 --> 00:03:44,516 Called by Rolling Stone as one of the pre-eminent musicians of our time, his band Hamlet skyrocketed to fame in 2027 21 00:03:44,516 --> 00:03:54,193 reaching #1 on the billboard charts in both England and America. He reaches out to us from New Castle while on a break from his latest virtual tour. 22 00:03:54,193 --> 00:03:55,569 Am I on? 23 00:03:55,569 --> 00:03:57,488 Yes, we're recording. 24 00:03:57,488 --> 00:03:59,782 Sorry, what was the question? 25 00:03:59,782 --> 00:04:02,451 How did you survive the pandemic? 26 00:04:02,451 --> 00:04:04,495 Which one? 27 00:04:04,495 --> 00:04:09,208 Either….the SARS-22….or the SARS-24 pandemic. 28 00:04:14,713 --> 00:04:29,186 Can I talk about SARS-19? Those were better days….when people still had families….when people still had….hope. 29 00:04:29,186 --> 00:04:31,438 Hope about what? 30 00:04:33,732 --> 00:04:36,402 That things would go back to normal. 31 00:04:36,402 --> 00:04:39,822 Not to mention you could still go to grocery stores back then…. 32 00:04:39,822 --> 00:04:41,448 (Coughs) 33 00:04:41,448 --> 00:04:47,037 And not worry about dropping dead, or how you were going to feed yourself 34 00:04:47,037 --> 00:04:49,873 or who's gonna bring the next cough that's gonna kill entire communities… 35 00:04:49,873 --> 00:04:51,792 Those were better days. 36 00:04:53,627 --> 00:04:57,172 (coughs) Yeah they were..... 37 00:04:57,172 --> 00:04:58,966 Do you need a glass of water? 38 00:04:58,966 --> 00:05:07,516 No...I just need a minute, this damn fever and cough, hasn’t gone away since….2020. 39 00:05:07,516 --> 00:05:17,568 I'm Dr. Tony Fremont and a former SARS-22 vaccine researcher. What exactly would you like to talk about? 40 00:05:17,568 --> 00:05:25,200 We are making a documentary about how the world has changed, and dealt with the SARS pandemics the last ten years. 41 00:05:25,200 --> 00:05:38,255 Ok, well I joined the SARS institute in 2023, to discover a working vaccine for SARS-22…. 42 00:05:38,255 --> 00:05:54,063 there was a concerted effort worldwide to discover one since that virus crippled the world's supply chain and left 600 million dead, all in the span of three months.... 43 00:05:54,063 --> 00:05:56,190 I'm sure most remember those days 44 00:05:56,190 --> 00:05:58,901 The days of the Great Lockdown. 45 00:05:58,901 --> 00:06:02,571 Yes, once world governments were forced to admit the truth. 46 00:06:02,571 --> 00:06:04,573 What truth? 47 00:06:04,573 --> 00:06:12,915 Well you know, that the immune system didn't actually, couldn't actually defeat SARS, 48 00:06:12,915 --> 00:06:20,422 that it lay dormant, inactive and would manifest itself in other ways that allowed us to realize what it actually was. 49 00:06:20,422 --> 00:06:22,508 And what was it? 50 00:06:22,508 --> 00:06:31,934 Some believe SARS was a bioweapon, engineered to look entirely natural….however….I think that does a disservice to the genius of nature and of evolution. 51 00:06:31,934 --> 00:06:40,109 It’s hubris to think we are the most advanced form of life on this planet. We’re not. 52 00:06:40,109 --> 00:06:45,823 Dr. Fremont, however, is a minority voice. Not everyone believes SARS is a natural virus. 53 00:06:45,823 --> 00:06:55,207 We now travel to Langley, Virgina to meet Bill O’Connor, former special operations commando and celebrated author of the book “HOW SARS ALL GOT STARTED”, 54 00:06:55,207 --> 00:07:04,049 who on a operation in the heart of the Middle East in 2022, uncovered evidence that implicated SARS was actually a genetically engineered bioweapon. 55 00:07:04,049 --> 00:07:08,512 Hello Bill, can you state your name and occupation for the camera to begin the interview? 56 00:07:08,512 --> 00:07:17,271 My name is William Connor. I’m a former contractor for the CIA. Also a Navy Seal special operations commando. 57 00:07:17,271 --> 00:07:25,571 In your book you wrote that you were on a mission that discovered the origins of SARS-22, can you tell us about that mission and where it took place? 58 00:07:25,571 --> 00:07:38,500 It took place in Iran. our team was in the dark about everything, except that we were extracting an asset of Israeli intelligence from the outskirts of Shiraz. 59 00:07:38,500 --> 00:07:42,963 When did you first learn that your mission would discover the origins of SARS? 60 00:07:42,963 --> 00:07:53,515 Not until the end of the mission. At first, it was just a routine night op….I mean apart from going into the heart of Iran. 61 00:07:53,515 --> 00:08:00,939 In your book, you write that several of the helicopters went down on the way in due to anti-aircraft fire, how did you survive that? 62 00:08:00,939 --> 00:08:13,327 Most of us were out before the copters went down. To be honest, we were going into the middle of a battlefield between the Iranians and Israelis…. 63 00:08:13,327 --> 00:08:21,084 It was a nightmare….bullets flying, screams, explosions. 64 00:08:21,084 --> 00:08:25,839 And how did your team….how did you….survive that? 65 00:08:25,839 --> 00:08:39,061 The Iranians are like the Iraqis in a firefight, a whole lot of bark, but very little bite. Plus there were still a few copters that had not gone down that were still operational. 66 00:08:39,061 --> 00:08:45,275 Your mission was just after Iran had invaded and annexed Yemen, Iraq, Kuwait and Syria, correct? 67 00:08:45,275 --> 00:08:58,080 Yeah, and that was a very scary time to be in the Middle East, the northern flank of the Iranian army had somehow overrun the Kurd and Turkish alliance, 68 00:08:58,080 --> 00:09:08,924 which progressed to the battle of Istanbul, and that was when European countries began mobilizing like it was World War 1 all over again. 69 00:09:08,924 --> 00:09:14,179 Getting back to the asset you extracted, how did the rest of that mission play out? 70 00:09:14,179 --> 00:09:27,609 Our copter had mechanical issues about 100 clicks from the Israeli border so we had to ditch the blackhawk and go on foot the rest of the way. 71 00:09:27,609 --> 00:09:37,661 Normally to crash in enemy territory and travel on foot is a death sentence, but not during SARS-22…. 72 00:09:37,661 --> 00:09:45,711 It was on that walk to the border that we learned about the origins of SARS-19. 73 00:09:45,711 --> 00:09:53,093 The asset was an Iranian who once served in the Revolutionary Guards bioweapon division. 74 00:09:53,093 --> 00:10:05,605 He had been sent to China back in 2012 to retrieve fecal matter from bats that contained hundreds of very dangerous viruses. 75 00:10:05,605 --> 00:10:23,248 He said SARS sparked the Iranians interest due to its unique properties and the way they could modify it so it could become the perfect weapon for asymmetrical warfare. 76 00:10:23,248 --> 00:10:32,132 The perfect weapon the religious zealots running that country could use to take down the world. 77 00:10:32,716 --> 00:10:43,226 William O’Connor is not alone in believing that SARS was a bioweapon. Our next destination is Oxford, England where we’ll be speaking with a former MI6 analyst, 78 00:10:43,226 --> 00:10:51,151 who has published dozens of articles claiming SARS was part of an asymmetrical warfare program developed by a foreign power. 79 00:10:51,151 --> 00:10:54,571 Hi Mary, can you please confirm your name and occupation for the camera? 80 00:10:54,571 --> 00:11:03,955 Hello, my name is Mary. I worked for MI6 until the dissolution of the monarchy, but after the revolution in 2026, 81 00:11:03,955 --> 00:11:10,629 I’ve found employment as a contractor for an agricultural automation company just outside of Oxford. 82 00:11:10,629 --> 00:11:18,512 You mentioned the dissolution of the United Kingdom, what was it like to experience the political upheavals of that time? 83 00:11:18,512 --> 00:11:26,103 It was absolutely god awful, young kids robbing their grandparents for a loaf of bread…. 84 00:11:26,103 --> 00:11:33,443 not to mention when the Irish army pillaged the English countryside during the global famine of 2025…. 85 00:11:33,443 --> 00:11:42,661 not a bloody soul there to stop them….all of our troops had died after returning from the war in Iran. 86 00:11:42,661 --> 00:11:48,458 I remember the newscasts of London and Manchester burning during the hunger riots, were you there? 87 00:11:48,458 --> 00:12:02,931 No, at that time, I had to stay at our family’s cottage in the countryside to help my father. He suffered from Alzheimers before he passed away of natural causes in 2027. 88 00:12:02,931 --> 00:12:07,227 You mentioned you worked for MI6, what was your job there? 89 00:12:07,227 --> 00:12:14,693 Before the revolution my job at MI6 was to analyze the asymmetrical warfare capabilities of other nations, 90 00:12:14,693 --> 00:12:22,951 basically to study the ways another country could conduct war using unconventional weapons and tactics. 91 00:12:22,951 --> 00:12:29,541 However, no one saw SARS coming. 92 00:12:29,541 --> 00:12:39,217 It wasn't until the second pandemic in 2022 that I think we realized at MI6 that we had been attacked but by then it was too late. 93 00:12:39,217 --> 00:12:50,228 Most people in 2022 were looking for someone to blame, and opinions about how we should have responded to SARS began to radically shift, how did that play out in the United Kingdom? 94 00:12:50,228 --> 00:12:55,192 Near the end of the second pandemic, people stopped listening to the corporate-controlled news pundits 95 00:12:55,192 --> 00:13:01,281 who were reinforcing this ridiculous narrative that the mutations of SARS were naturally occuring. 96 00:13:01,281 --> 00:13:10,373 We were all so tired of listening to those peddling false hopes whether it be of herd immunity or a vaccine…. 97 00:13:10,373 --> 00:13:18,465 Opinions shifted as the death tolls rose, we started listening to common sense, stopped listening to propaganda. 98 00:13:18,465 --> 00:13:20,967 And what did common sense say? 99 00:13:20,967 --> 00:13:26,973 That only an idiot could believe SARS was not a uniquely engineered bioweapon. 100 00:13:26,973 --> 00:13:32,270 What did you learn while working in the intelligence community about the family of SARS viruses? 101 00:13:32,270 --> 00:13:39,277 I didn’t learn much back then about SARS, at least from anything we had gathered from actionable intelligence. 102 00:13:39,277 --> 00:13:49,913 I never had any research to back up my claims about bioweapons, but all you need to do is look at the facts of what happened to draw your own conclusions. 103 00:13:49,913 --> 00:13:57,128 The original SARS-19 virus was meant to spread….if you ask me…. 104 00:13:57,128 --> 00:14:09,641 I don’t think it was ever meant to kill anyone the way it did, just to infect as many people as possible, to get the virus in them so it could lie in their spinal fluid latent, inactive and waiting…. 105 00:14:09,641 --> 00:14:10,850 Waiting for what? 106 00:14:10,850 --> 00:14:18,358 For SARS-22, which activated the latent SARS-19 virus after a short period of time. 107 00:14:18,358 --> 00:14:23,530 It was SARS-22 that was meant to pull the kill switch latent in SARS-19. 108 00:14:23,530 --> 00:14:35,917 And SARS-22 was the virus of all viruses, the one that put Ebola, HIV and all other viruses to shame. 109 00:14:35,917 --> 00:14:52,726 The sum of all fears: a virus with a 100% mortality rate with no treatment, no known vaccine and no way to know you've been infected until it instantly kills you. 110 00:14:52,726 --> 00:15:04,738 The summer of 2022 was the worst, millions dying every day of sudden heart attacks, strokes, unexplained organ failures or immune overreactions. 111 00:15:04,738 --> 00:15:10,577 Do you think the Iranians developed this? Don't you think they would have known SARS would have come back to haunt them? 112 00:15:10,577 --> 00:15:18,752 No one knows with apodictical certainty it was the Iranians because any evidence….if there were any….was wiped away by nuclear weapons. 113 00:15:18,752 --> 00:15:32,098 However, assuming it was the Iranians, I really don’t believe whoever created SARS put much thought into how they released this pathogen, 114 00:15:32,098 --> 00:15:40,815 or ever looked at all the ways it could come back to hurt them. I mean, we've all seen the photos of modern day Iran….. 115 00:15:40,815 --> 00:15:43,652 You mean what was once Iran? 116 00:15:43,652 --> 00:15:54,621 Of course, the nukes made sure Iran was wiped off the map, and they even say the Chinese army went in after the nukes 117 00:15:54,621 --> 00:15:58,124 to make sure no Iranian would live to ever do what they did again…. 118 00:15:58,124 --> 00:16:10,762 You would think in retrospect that if it were the Iranian Revolutionary Guard that they would have realized the precarious situation they put themselves in by developing such a pathogen. 119 00:16:10,762 --> 00:16:20,605 However, back in 2014, perhaps the goal was that it would destroy America and leave a power vacuum which they could then exploit, 120 00:16:20,605 --> 00:16:25,777 After all, when you have nothing left to lose, all options are on the table. 121 00:16:25,777 --> 00:16:36,413 And that was the whole point of asymmetrical warfare, create something that can destroy your enemy and which cannot be traced back to you. 122 00:16:36,413 --> 00:16:45,505 And the Iranians would have succeeded if the virus did not have unexpected outcomes 123 00:16:45,505 --> 00:16:53,763 like the hospitals in Italy in 2020 that were overrun and the virus running rampant in Iran itself. 124 00:16:53,763 --> 00:17:06,317 Some even speculate that the Chinese knew about the true origins of SARS-19 and that’s why they shut everything down so swiftly, 125 00:17:06,317 --> 00:17:17,537 but we didn’t have a clue at MI6 and neither did our friends at the CIA. No one had any idea back then or that the worst was yet to come. 126 00:17:17,537 --> 00:17:26,588 You wrote in an online article that you believe SARS-19 was originally meant to spread like the common cold. Why do you believe SARS-19 was designed that way? 127 00:17:26,588 --> 00:17:38,308 This is not a fact. This is just my opinion. I don’t believe SARS-19 was ever meant to show anything more than minor respiratory symptoms. 128 00:17:38,308 --> 00:17:42,812 I believe it was meant to spread like a minor cold. 129 00:17:44,647 --> 00:17:59,370 SARS-19 was never meant to kill and cause alarm like it did, just to spread across the world and set things up for SARS-22 to target certain countries and finish the job in the event of a war. 130 00:17:59,370 --> 00:18:02,040 When did you come to the conclusion it was the Iranians? 131 00:18:02,040 --> 00:18:08,713 I always had my suspicions that SARS was a bioweapon designed by any number of world powers. 132 00:18:08,713 --> 00:18:16,304 The Russians. The Chinese. The North Koreans. Some Islamic terrorist group. 133 00:18:16,304 --> 00:18:26,272 But it was not until the Israelis recovered intelligence which quite possibly proved the Iranian Revolutionary Guard was behind SARS-19 and SARS-22 134 00:18:26,272 --> 00:18:29,484 that I became convinced it was the Iranians. 135 00:18:29,484 --> 00:18:38,910 I was not the only person back then that arrived at the same conclusion. World opinion turned on Iran overnight. 136 00:18:38,910 --> 00:18:43,414 They became the most hated country in the world after America. 137 00:18:43,414 --> 00:18:51,256 Some say it was the Russians, French and Chinese that nuked Iran, because no one ever claimed responsibility. 138 00:18:51,256 --> 00:19:01,057 And to this day, no country, and not even the United Nations has even bothered investigating who nuked Iran 139 00:19:01,057 --> 00:19:16,781 but if I had to bet, I'd say it was the Chinese since their forces were the first ones at the border and who gunned down the Iranian refugees trying to escape that radioactive wasteland 140 00:19:16,781 --> 00:19:32,505 This will be an unpopular opinion, but at any other time, what the Chinese did would have been considered a war crime, but not now, not after the four billion lives lost to SARS. 141 00:19:35,842 --> 00:19:43,892 The Chinese genocide of the Iranians, and the world turning a blind eye to it, was nothing more than an unofficial conviction and death sentence. 142 00:19:47,186 --> 00:20:00,199 For a moment just after SARS-22, the world lost sight of humanity, and let its blind rage and need for revenge supplant its ability to let go of wrongs done. 143 00:20:03,119 --> 00:20:06,789 We lost our goodness. 144 00:20:06,789 --> 00:20:22,639 We forgot how to forgive, and I think for future generations watching this, dealing with whatever blights your time may bring, I think the key is this: 145 00:20:22,639 --> 00:20:35,485 hold on to what makes us human, what makes us good, and never let that go no matter how difficult things may seem at the time. 146 00:20:35,485 --> 00:20:44,160 You will get through it, just as we will survive and get through this. 147 00:20:44,160 --> 00:20:55,046 My name is Nancy Adams. I am 35, I was a nurse during the 2019 and 2022 pandemics. 148 00:20:55,922 --> 00:21:06,474 I haven't worked since 2023, well not since the hospitals shut down and never re-opened. 149 00:21:06,474 --> 00:21:11,020 What was it like during both pandemics at the hospitals you worked at? 150 00:21:11,020 --> 00:21:19,612 The pandemic in 2020, in retrospect, was far worse because that's when things changed. 151 00:21:19,612 --> 00:21:23,366 We weren't given a warning really 152 00:21:23,366 --> 00:21:32,417 Sure there were horror stories on the news, but they were always somewhere else, somewhere far away, not right here, right now... 153 00:21:32,417 --> 00:21:37,088 not until March of that year when the lockdowns began. 154 00:21:37,839 --> 00:21:41,801 How did the lockdowns differ between those two pandemics? 155 00:21:41,801 --> 00:21:47,557 Hmmm, well the lockdowns never really ended. 156 00:21:47,557 --> 00:21:53,354 Sure the official ones ended before the 22 pandemic, 157 00:21:53,354 --> 00:21:59,360 and some people tried to go back to how things were, but it was almost impossible. 158 00:21:59,360 --> 00:22:01,904 Because people were sick? 159 00:22:01,904 --> 00:22:08,661 No, because people were afraid, and I think that was the real disease back then. 160 00:22:08,661 --> 00:22:17,045 People stopped going out, started hoarding and stopped spending, and then the stores started to close 161 00:22:17,045 --> 00:22:22,675 not because of lockdowns, but because they had no customers 162 00:22:22,675 --> 00:22:24,677 that wasn’t normal. 163 00:22:24,677 --> 00:22:38,816 However at work, there was always some normality to people dying all around you every day….as crazy as it sounds…. 164 00:22:38,816 --> 00:22:45,114 I felt normal working in that hospital during the first pandemic. 165 00:22:45,114 --> 00:22:58,294 I became used to seeing the crowds in the hallways left unattended on the floor dying, dying because doctors were too busy 166 00:22:58,294 --> 00:23:07,136 or didn't have anything to help them, and that became normal because it's what I expected to see, 167 00:23:07,136 --> 00:23:24,487 but once the grocery stores started running out of mostly everything, when it became impossible to find deodorant and everyone started to smell like they had really bad body odor 168 00:23:24,487 --> 00:23:37,041 or when you had vivid dreams of eating fresh tomatoes….or going to work and driving around highways littered with abandoned cars…. 169 00:23:37,041 --> 00:23:46,467 that's when it hit home how much things had changed and would never go back to how they were before. 170 00:23:46,467 --> 00:23:58,855 And what about the pandemic in 2022, more people died in that pandemic, some say close to two billion worldwide, how was that less horrifying than the 2020 pandemic? 171 00:23:58,855 --> 00:24:06,028 The SARS-22 pandemic wasn't less horrifying, but it was different. 172 00:24:06,028 --> 00:24:09,198 The hospitals at that time were much more quiet. 173 00:24:09,198 --> 00:24:12,076 People were too afraid to go to a hospital. 174 00:24:12,076 --> 00:24:25,006 I would sit in a hazmat suit waiting for hours with no one coming in the ER while watching news reports of how bad it was becoming worldwide. 175 00:24:25,006 --> 00:24:33,222 Why were the hospitals so empty, was it because people were afraid of contracting SARS-22 at the hospital or because of something else? 176 00:24:33,222 --> 00:24:47,570 Everyone was afraid of contracting SARS-22, not just at hospitals, but everywhere outside one’s home and car, and it wasn't just because of that that the hospitals became vacant. 177 00:24:48,362 --> 00:25:00,208 It was because SARS-22 was so lethal, so quick, that people simply died from it in their homes, while at work, while driving, without any warning. 178 00:25:00,208 --> 00:25:07,173 Were you ever tasked with helping dispose of the bodies of those that didn't make it to the hospitals. 179 00:25:07,173 --> 00:25:16,599 No, I was one of the fortunate ones, and was never conscripted to help the National Guard with collecting bodies from homes…. 180 00:25:16,599 --> 00:25:27,026 but I did have to help transport body bags to our hospital's morgue as we had an incinerator in the hospital basement. 181 00:25:27,026 --> 00:25:39,163 I remember one week we received so many body bags we just had to leave them in the parking lot, and the smell, 182 00:25:39,163 --> 00:25:51,717 that's a smell that stays with you and one you want to forget but can't ever forget. 183 00:25:51,717 --> 00:26:09,652 Just the other day, I thought of that smell while in the shower, and found myself vomiting a moment later….it’s been years but that smell will never leave me….not for as long as I live. 184 00:26:09,652 --> 00:26:13,906 How many body bags were there in the hospital parking lot? 185 00:26:13,906 --> 00:26:23,749 A lot, and always more than we were equipped to handle. We received tens of thousands of body bags one day... 186 00:26:23,749 --> 00:26:33,426 yet our staff and the incinerator could only cremate a fraction of that at most in a given day. 187 00:26:33,426 --> 00:26:36,429 How long did it take you to clear those up? 188 00:26:36,429 --> 00:26:45,187 We never did, there were just too many body bags and more and more left in the lot every day. 189 00:26:45,187 --> 00:26:54,989 Eventually the National Guard burned the bodies in the parking lot, once we reached about 100,000 190 00:26:54,989 --> 00:27:02,955 they decided to just douse the entire heap of body bags with petrol shot out from firetrucks. 191 00:27:04,290 --> 00:27:20,181 I remember standing there in a hazmat suit with a doctor watching from the window, and felt relief as we watched those bodies burn. 192 00:27:20,181 --> 00:27:23,392 Relief that the bodies were being taken care of? 193 00:27:23,392 --> 00:27:30,983 No, relief we no longer had to smell the dead. 194 00:27:30,983 --> 00:27:43,412 Our next interview takes us to the state of Michigan to speak with Peter Jenson. Hi, Peter, how exactly did you come to take part in the food riots? 195 00:27:43,412 --> 00:27:51,545 It was just after my wife and children died from SARS-22...they all died within days of each other. 196 00:27:51,545 --> 00:27:55,966 I’m sorry….how were you able to move forward from that? 197 00:27:55,966 --> 00:28:16,070 I didn't move forward from that. I did do what I had to do though, I gave them a proper burial in the backyard and then I waited for it. 198 00:28:16,070 --> 00:28:18,447 Waited for what? 199 00:28:18,447 --> 00:28:29,041 For SARS-22, I knew it coming for me, just waiting for the right moment to get me. 200 00:28:29,041 --> 00:28:35,673 Back then, I believed I would just die. 201 00:28:35,673 --> 00:28:44,098 I started waking up every morning taking in every sunrise like it was the last I'd ever see. 202 00:28:44,098 --> 00:28:52,356 Everything felt temporary. Every sound. Every scent. Every breath. 203 00:28:52,356 --> 00:29:03,200 I figured I’d have no warning like Liz or the kids, I’d just kneel over and fall down and die. 204 00:29:03,200 --> 00:29:12,626 But those days turned into weeks, and those weeks into months, and I was still alive. 205 00:29:12,626 --> 00:29:18,132 I guess if you spend all of your time just waiting to die 206 00:29:18,132 --> 00:29:25,222 there eventually comes a point when you realize 207 00:29:25,222 --> 00:29:30,352 you can't just live your life in fear 208 00:29:30,352 --> 00:29:34,565 you can't just be afraid of death all the time 209 00:29:34,565 --> 00:29:38,569 you have to go out and live 210 00:29:38,569 --> 00:29:45,534 while you can....while you still have time. 211 00:29:45,534 --> 00:29:49,079 Other things can kill you too. 212 00:29:49,079 --> 00:29:55,377 Like depression or inaction. 213 00:29:55,377 --> 00:29:59,798 Why do you think you were able to survive the pandemics? 214 00:29:59,798 --> 00:30:11,310 For whatever reasons, due to the grace of God, I was spared from the pandemics. 215 00:30:11,310 --> 00:30:25,241 A friend of mine brought me to the city for the first food riot, he told me, unless we stand up and fight, we’re not going to get a damn thing. 216 00:30:25,241 --> 00:30:30,454 I learned from him about how the banks had been holding the food supply from that year’s harvest, 217 00:30:30,454 --> 00:30:37,628 almost all of the farming capacity of the United States, hoping to export it to other countries to make a profit 218 00:30:37,628 --> 00:30:47,429 and that our government was somehow perfectly ok with letting them do it while people here were starving to death. 219 00:30:47,429 --> 00:31:04,530 At least SARS-22 hit you fast, but hunger, real hunger, there’s no worse way to die from that. 220 00:31:04,530 --> 00:31:10,327 Most nursing homes were abandoned during the second pandemic due to a lack of staffing 221 00:31:10,327 --> 00:31:16,709 and family members picked up their loved ones to care for them at home, but not every senior had a family to go home to. 222 00:31:16,709 --> 00:31:24,091 Our next interview takes us to the only remaining nursing home in Tuscaloosa, Alabama to speak with Helen Sharp 223 00:31:24,091 --> 00:31:30,389 once a resident, and now the manager of the facility that looks after those left at her door. 224 00:31:30,389 --> 00:31:36,604 Hi Helen, can you tell us a little bit about how you got started in your role? 225 00:31:36,604 --> 00:31:40,107 Hi….it was back in 2022. 226 00:31:40,107 --> 00:31:52,953 I was a resident at this facility back then, but by the second pandemic, no one came to check on us, the last staff member that did so had died 227 00:31:52,953 --> 00:31:56,832 along with the majority of residents. 228 00:31:57,958 --> 00:32:04,381 There were only a few of us left but we decided we weren’t going to wait around for help, 229 00:32:04,381 --> 00:32:17,686 we buried the dead, cleaned the place up, took stock of the supplies, and one resident even went out for seed 230 00:32:17,686 --> 00:32:26,612 We were never really afraid of SARS. Most of us were comfortable with the thought of dying, 231 00:32:26,612 --> 00:32:32,242 however, for some reason, we only had what felt like a minor cold and afterward, 232 00:32:32,242 --> 00:32:42,169 most of the physical ailments we had been suffering from, miraculously went away. 233 00:32:44,797 --> 00:32:51,512 Most of us feel ten to twenty years younger since we came down with SARS 234 00:32:53,722 --> 00:33:01,855 and so we decided to keep the facility open to look after anyone that needed our help. 235 00:33:01,855 --> 00:33:04,733 Who comes to you for help these days? 236 00:33:04,733 --> 00:33:10,364 Mainly abandoned grandparents. 237 00:33:10,364 --> 00:33:18,997 Sons or daughters, too tired of taking care of someone with Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s 238 00:33:18,997 --> 00:33:26,171 or just tired of living with them, will drive here just to get rid of them. 239 00:33:26,171 --> 00:33:36,682 Often they’ll leave them on our front door step wearing adult diapers. 240 00:33:36,682 --> 00:33:54,992 We never see the children, just the abandoned ones, who are often crying when we open the door. 241 00:33:56,535 --> 00:33:58,829 What happens then? 242 00:33:58,829 --> 00:34:12,259 We take them in, care for them and in many cases, console them since they were abandoned by loved ones. 243 00:34:12,259 --> 00:34:18,056 I just don’t understand the new generation, really. 244 00:34:18,056 --> 00:34:27,900 It’s just, for my generation and my parent’s, we weren’t so selfish. 245 00:34:27,900 --> 00:34:31,361 We put our families first. 246 00:34:31,361 --> 00:34:46,543 Too many people these days are just ready to run at the first sight of problems, and shut out anyone they don’t agree with. 247 00:34:46,543 --> 00:34:54,968 If you ask me, some of the wrong people died from SARS. 248 00:34:54,968 --> 00:34:59,431 How do you console these people left at your door to die? 249 00:34:59,431 --> 00:35:03,519 I personally, I let them talk. 250 00:35:05,395 --> 00:35:13,987 You’d be amazed how so many of them went years without anyone wanting to listen to them. 251 00:35:13,987 --> 00:35:27,376 They often come to our facility confused, hopeless and scared and within a month, 252 00:35:27,376 --> 00:35:44,309 even if death is waiting for them the next day, they just have this look in their eye that they are now content and belong somewhere. 253 00:35:49,356 --> 00:35:54,152 They’ve found a new family here, and they’re happy. 254 00:35:55,946 --> 00:36:05,873 For me, personally, I don’t think anyone should die without feeling that. 255 00:36:05,873 --> 00:36:12,671 Most of us will remember at the height of the pandemics, it became rare to see a plane in the sky. 256 00:36:12,671 --> 00:36:14,506 However, not all flights were grounded. 257 00:36:14,506 --> 00:36:19,887 We now go to New Dehli, India, to talk with a former pilot who flew during the pandemics. 258 00:36:19,887 --> 00:36:24,349 Arjun, can you confirm your name and tell us about your occupation for the camera? 259 00:36:24,349 --> 00:36:35,319 My name is Arjun Singh, I used to fly cargo planes for the Indian military during the 2024 pandemic, my job was to bring medical supplies to other countries 260 00:36:35,319 --> 00:36:37,821 Where did you travel during this time? 261 00:36:37,821 --> 00:36:43,660 My job then was flying to Moscow, Rome, Tel Aviv 262 00:36:43,660 --> 00:36:46,413 And flying over the Middle East, what was that like? 263 00:36:46,413 --> 00:36:56,548 I had actually been flying over Iran when I saw one of the nukes go off. It was like a firework show from a plane. 264 00:36:56,548 --> 00:37:05,682 Only instead of bursts of sparks, you saw bright, intense lights below and heard distant rumbling like thunder. 265 00:37:05,682 --> 00:37:11,480 Some say that no one survived the fallout from that in Iran, what was it like flying after that? 266 00:37:11,480 --> 00:37:15,943 I guess you could say it was surreal. 267 00:37:15,943 --> 00:37:20,822 At night, the lights of the cities and highways over Iran were gone. 268 00:37:20,822 --> 00:37:25,452 It was dark like you were flying over the ocean….. 269 00:37:25,452 --> 00:37:37,214 We’d sometimes bring our plane down so we could see what happened to Iran, if there was anyone or anything left, but we could never see anything. 270 00:37:37,214 --> 00:37:46,974 Many of us can recall a time when we could no longer call 911 because there was no one there to answer the call, however, not all officers left their jobs during the pandemics. 271 00:37:46,974 --> 00:37:50,769 We now travel to Sedona, Arizona, to talk with a former policeman. 272 00:37:50,769 --> 00:37:56,316 Hello Christopher, can you tell us what was it like being a police officer during the pandemics? 273 00:37:56,316 --> 00:38:02,197 It wasn’t fun. Most officers just abandoned their jobs during the SARS-22 pandemic. 274 00:38:02,197 --> 00:38:11,081 No one wanted to arrest a suspected SARS case, get sick, and be responsible for their family dying. 275 00:38:11,081 --> 00:38:14,835 But some of us stayed on, even when we stopped getting paychecks. 276 00:38:14,835 --> 00:38:18,922 It was our moral duty to protect the towns we lived in. 277 00:38:18,922 --> 00:38:21,925 What did you have to do during that time? 278 00:38:21,925 --> 00:38:25,804 Well, we certainly were no longer handing out speeding tickets by the end of 2022. 279 00:38:25,804 --> 00:38:39,443 My job during the second pandemic quickly transitioned to one where I answered the phones and tried to help anyone being attacked, robbed, raped. 280 00:38:39,443 --> 00:38:42,946 Basically, I went out to help protect anyone whose life or property was in jeopardy. 281 00:38:42,946 --> 00:38:45,949 How did you handle anyone breaking the law? 282 00:38:45,949 --> 00:38:48,952 It depended on the severity of the crime. 283 00:38:48,952 --> 00:38:56,668 If someone was engaging in a minor offense, I’d yell at them from the loudspeaker on my patrol car, give them a warning. 284 00:38:56,668 --> 00:39:00,380 Most often, they’d stop what they were doing and run, and that would be the end of it. 285 00:39:00,380 --> 00:39:13,310 Had to do that with a few looters and to be honest, if the store owners had died, it was almost expected that the stores would be looted, even former officers on the force. 286 00:39:13,310 --> 00:39:15,437 It got to the point where I just didn't bother with that anymore. 287 00:39:15,437 --> 00:39:19,483 And how did you deal with bigger offenses? 288 00:39:19,483 --> 00:39:23,945 Most people behaved responsibly and conscientiously during the pandemics 289 00:39:23,945 --> 00:39:30,243 but when the prisons were abandoned and many felons escaped, 290 00:39:30,243 --> 00:39:33,205 those were the ones I often had to deal with. 291 00:39:33,205 --> 00:39:36,583 And they were usually shoot to kill situations. 292 00:39:36,583 --> 00:39:41,046 I didn’t even give them a warning, I just popped them in the back of their head and left their bodies for the coyotes. 293 00:39:41,046 --> 00:39:44,091 And how did things change during the 3rd pandemic? 294 00:39:44,091 --> 00:39:49,387 At that point, all the bad apples were off the tree. 295 00:39:49,387 --> 00:39:52,516 And our town was safe. 296 00:39:52,516 --> 00:39:56,311 My job then was to keep the roads closed and not to let anyone in. 297 00:39:56,311 --> 00:39:59,314 Did anyone get in? 298 00:39:59,314 --> 00:40:08,031 We had some occasional stragglers from the big cities that tried to get in, most likely to loot the abandoned properties for canned goods, 299 00:40:08,031 --> 00:40:20,127 but our solution to that was to hang up what we called scarecrows….bodies of the people we had shot, hung them up on the roads and in the woods and trails around town…. 300 00:40:20,127 --> 00:40:25,382 basically as a way of saying if you enter our town, you will be shot. 301 00:40:25,382 --> 00:40:30,720 Police departments weren’t the only first responders that had trouble with staffing during the second pandemic. 302 00:40:30,720 --> 00:40:35,892 Ambulances often sat idle in many American cities, but not in this city. 303 00:40:35,892 --> 00:40:41,148 Our next interview takes us to Catherine Stiles, who drove ambulances during the 2nd pandemic. 304 00:40:41,148 --> 00:40:46,403 Hi Catherine, what was it like to drive ambulances during the pandemic? 305 00:40:46,403 --> 00:40:51,241 It was interesting. 306 00:40:51,241 --> 00:41:01,543 All of the ambulance drivers had died at the start of the second pandemic so we were recruited from a mental hospital. 307 00:41:01,543 --> 00:41:06,256 All of us were in there because we had made multiple attempts to kill ourselves. 308 00:41:06,256 --> 00:41:17,100 Some guys in suits came one day during 2022 and asked if we wanted to leave the mental hospital and drive ambulances instead. 309 00:41:17,100 --> 00:41:18,310 What did you say? 310 00:41:18,310 --> 00:41:22,397 I said yes, so did all of the other patients. 311 00:41:22,397 --> 00:41:26,651 Who else was recruited to drive ambulances during the pandemics? 312 00:41:26,651 --> 00:41:37,162 A lot of us were either suicidal or terminally ill patients, people with cancer or some other terminal disease. 313 00:41:37,162 --> 00:41:41,333 We all kind of just said fuck it and drove the ambulances. 314 00:41:41,333 --> 00:41:50,800 It’s been said that one of the reasons the hospitals closed was because no one would go to them after SARS-22, did you find you were busy during the pandemics? 315 00:41:50,800 --> 00:41:58,225 We were busy, but our job wasn’t driving sick people to the hospital. 316 00:41:58,225 --> 00:42:03,939 Most people that were sick were already dead during the second pandemic. 317 00:42:03,939 --> 00:42:10,987 Ambulances instead became what we called “body bag wagons”. 318 00:42:10,987 --> 00:42:15,325 People would call in to report the smell of dead people. 319 00:42:15,325 --> 00:42:22,040 We’d go to the houses, find the bodies, bag them up, and then drive them to the hospital to be incinerated. 320 00:42:22,040 --> 00:42:33,343 Eventually most hospitals couldn’t handle the amount of body bags we were dropping off, so we had to take them to landfills instead….. 321 00:42:33,343 --> 00:42:38,348 Out of sight, out of mind. 322 00:42:38,348 --> 00:42:40,767 Did most of the people you work with die? 323 00:42:40,767 --> 00:42:47,065 I think I’m the only survivor. 324 00:42:47,065 --> 00:42:50,318 One of the unlucky ones. 325 00:42:50,318 --> 00:42:58,743 The sad thing is one of the people from the hospital said to me one day she was glad to be alive 326 00:42:58,743 --> 00:43:14,009 that she regretted she wanted to kill herself and now found her work meaningful, and then the next day, she just up and dropped dead from SARS-22. 327 00:43:14,009 --> 00:43:18,722 Well, it looks like you are doing OK now, right? 328 00:43:18,722 --> 00:43:24,394 I'm keeping myself busy. It’s about all you can do these days. 329 00:43:25,645 --> 00:43:32,068 At the start of the first pandemic, our economy had been in a period of transition for well over a decade. 330 00:43:32,068 --> 00:43:37,866 People unable to find well-paying jobs had been shut out of the real economy and forced to take remedial work 331 00:43:37,866 --> 00:43:52,672 One survivor Gan Moore, takes us to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to recall his experience during the pandemic. 332 00:43:52,672 --> 00:43:57,260 Hi Gan, can you tell us what you did before, during and after the pandemics? 333 00:43:57,260 --> 00:44:04,851 So before the pandemics, I drove my car for a ride-hailing service called Leider 334 00:44:04,851 --> 00:44:12,692 I never made much, just enough to pay the gas, afford car repairs, and put food on my table. 335 00:44:12,692 --> 00:44:23,244 I lived at a friend’s house, sleeping on their couch, because from 2010 on, I’m not sure who could afford rent. 336 00:44:23,244 --> 00:44:29,125 And it felt like before the pandemics, every year rent prices just kept going up. 337 00:44:29,125 --> 00:44:34,422 it was another $100 each year, while each year, you were lucky if you just made as much as the year before. 338 00:44:34,422 --> 00:44:45,892 It got to a point where you could work 40 hours a week, and just make enough each month to pay your rent and nothing else. 339 00:44:45,892 --> 00:44:49,896 And how about during the pandemics, how did your job as a driver change? 340 00:44:50,647 --> 00:44:55,860 Well, we weren’t employees, we were just what were called “gig-workers” back then 341 00:44:55,860 --> 00:45:03,326 so we had no benefits, no paid time off, no severance, no unemployment, just the money from the work we could do. 342 00:45:03,326 --> 00:45:06,121 And what happened once there was no more work? 343 00:45:06,121 --> 00:45:13,169 Well, once there were no more people requesting rides, we had no way of making money. 344 00:45:14,087 --> 00:45:18,049 It was a crazy time. 345 00:45:20,635 --> 00:45:30,562 No one had ever dealt with anything like that before, and I think the system just broke down from all the stress and strain. 346 00:45:30,562 --> 00:45:36,109 At that point, people like me were left out. 347 00:45:36,109 --> 00:45:39,112 And how did you survive after that? 348 00:45:39,112 --> 00:45:45,410 I was lucky to have a friend that helped me survive and gave me food and a free place to stay. 349 00:45:45,410 --> 00:45:53,418 Many others were not as lucky. 350 00:45:53,418 --> 00:45:56,713 And what about the second and third pandemics? 351 00:45:56,713 --> 00:46:01,926 My friend passed away during the 2nd pandemic, so I took over his house. 352 00:46:01,926 --> 00:46:04,179 I’ve been living here since. 353 00:46:04,179 --> 00:46:09,058 Once the new government took over and President Yang instituted a minimum guaranteed income 354 00:46:09,058 --> 00:46:16,316 I’ve been able to take it easy and not sell my soul to ride-hailing services like I had to do when I was younger. 355 00:46:16,316 --> 00:46:22,030 Now I spend my time teaching cello lessons online. 356 00:46:22,030 --> 00:46:29,704 Not everyone accepts the story that SARS was natural or man-made, and some believe it’s literally out of this world. 357 00:46:29,704 --> 00:46:39,672 Our next interview takes us to Billings, Montana to speak with one of today’s top online video celebrities, who also happens to believe aliens caused the SARS pandemics. 358 00:46:39,672 --> 00:46:48,723 You are well-known today, as being a “conspiracy theorist”, the person that challenges the official narrative that Iran was the origin of SARS, 359 00:46:48,723 --> 00:46:54,729 how did you come to be known as the “UFO guy” or “space alien nut” as you’re known in the news media today? 360 00:46:54,729 --> 00:47:00,985 First off, before the revolution, I knew someone that worked for the Pentagon. 361 00:47:00,985 --> 00:47:08,743 His job was to investigate unexplained aerial phenomena, so much of what I’ve said over the years, 362 00:47:08,743 --> 00:47:14,290 it’s from confidential information he provided to me while researching UFOs. 363 00:47:16,584 --> 00:47:21,548 Many have said the reason your theories don’t pan out, is that they don’t have any evidence to support them. 364 00:47:21,548 --> 00:47:28,513 Yes, I completely agree. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence! 365 00:47:28,513 --> 00:47:40,233 However, allb of the records and files I would use to substantiate my claims were lost during the revolution when Washington D.C. burned to the ground 366 00:47:40,233 --> 00:47:53,830 those fires took with it all the evidence we had collected for over a decade, not to mention many people that could corroborate my story “mysteriously disappeared” around 2027. 367 00:47:53,830 --> 00:47:57,584 So evidence aside, what is your theory about SARS? 368 00:47:57,584 --> 00:48:02,046 SARS was planted here by an extraterrestrial civilization. 369 00:48:02,046 --> 00:48:15,310 It was either meant to decimate our population as a warning so we’d stop destroying our planet, or it was the first part of a process to remove us from the earth. 370 00:48:15,310 --> 00:48:17,604 And what’s the second part of that process? 371 00:48:17,604 --> 00:48:23,192 It’s hard to say. I believe they see us much like we see trees. 372 00:48:23,192 --> 00:48:30,742 To them, we are simply these giant stationary objects that don’t move, or move really slowly 373 00:48:30,742 --> 00:48:36,456 and that they believe probably aren’t intelligent, akin to weeds that need to be removed 374 00:48:36,456 --> 00:48:41,002 So what exactly do you know, how did you arrive at your conclusions? 375 00:48:41,002 --> 00:48:49,135 They’ve been here for over two decades “our time” but it’s been thousands or millions of years their time. 376 00:48:49,135 --> 00:48:51,888 They’re not like anything we’ve seen in the movies. 377 00:48:51,888 --> 00:48:59,354 They don’t experience “time” like we do, in fact, if we experienced time like they did, a planck second of time 378 00:48:59,354 --> 00:49:06,069 would seem like a year and the world around us would appear to have stopped and it would flow in very slow motion. 379 00:49:06,069 --> 00:49:09,906 You said they’ve been here for over two decades, how do you know that? 380 00:49:09,906 --> 00:49:17,830 Back in 2004, there was a Navy ship from the old American republic, the USS Nimitz I think it was called. 381 00:49:17,830 --> 00:49:25,797 Those fighter pilots were one of the first to see them! They called them “UFOs” or unidentified flying objects. 382 00:49:25,797 --> 00:49:33,763 There is video of them on the internet and radar picked it up like little tic-tacs flying in the sky defying the laws of physics 383 00:49:33,763 --> 00:49:40,103 and the reason they defied the laws of physics, is because time works differently for them 384 00:49:40,103 --> 00:49:50,905 for the aliens, they could be walking about just like you and me, but if we saw one of them, they’d be going insanely fast, like that comic book character The Flash 385 00:49:50,905 --> 00:49:55,785 where we’d see nothing at all and they’d see us just as frozen statues. 386 00:49:55,785 --> 00:49:59,914 They would only see us move if they did a time lapse. 387 00:49:59,914 --> 00:50:02,917 And how do you know that? 388 00:50:02,917 --> 00:50:07,880 In October, 2017, I was hunting deer, deep in these woods in Minnesota, 389 00:50:07,880 --> 00:50:14,262 and I heard what sounded like a freight train crashing, or an explosion, and I thought when I got back to camp, I’d hear about it. 390 00:50:14,262 --> 00:50:15,638 Hear about what? 391 00:50:15,638 --> 00:50:25,898 I don’t know: a terrorist attack, a plane crash, a factory somewhere blowing up, something that could explain what I heard. 392 00:50:25,898 --> 00:50:37,034 And I wasn’t the only one to hear them, thousands of others heard them across the world, all throughout the summer and fall of 2017. 393 00:50:37,034 --> 00:50:43,082 Back then, the news and the government never connected the dots, but they called them “skyquakes”, the sound of explosions deep in the sky that no one could explain, basically like a sonic boom. 394 00:50:43,082 --> 00:50:50,214 the sound of explosions deep in the sky that no one could explain, basically like a sonic boom. 395 00:50:50,214 --> 00:50:59,640 One scientist wrote in response to your theory that those sonic booms or skyquakes could have been explained by meteors exploding in the atmosphere, 396 00:50:59,640 --> 00:51:08,024 or methane being released in the soil that then created those noises referred to as skyquakes as it escaped, how would you answer that? 397 00:51:08,024 --> 00:51:10,651 I would just say use common sense. 398 00:51:10,651 --> 00:51:21,788 I heard the skyquake in October, 2017, which also happened to be the month the first interstellar object we ever detected passed by the earth 399 00:51:21,788 --> 00:51:26,542 and was at its closest approach to our planet. 400 00:51:26,542 --> 00:51:38,221 It was that asteroid with the weird Hawaiian name, Oumahoma, but that asteroid had a trajectory that took it past Venus, Earth, Mars. 401 00:51:38,221 --> 00:51:46,312 I mean what are the odds the first ever object we detect from another solar system 402 00:51:46,312 --> 00:51:54,195 takes the the same path that a vessel would take if it were trying to learn more about the three potentially habitable planets in our solar system 403 00:51:54,195 --> 00:52:06,624 and then, to top it off, for reasons no can explain, that interstellar object then began to accelerate as it left our solar system. 404 00:52:06,624 --> 00:52:12,630 If you ask me, that was one of their ships or probes, dropping off baby probes that landed in our atmosphere 405 00:52:12,630 --> 00:52:18,719 and blew up before sending back data to the mama craft, making sure it was ok for the others coming to land. 406 00:52:18,719 --> 00:52:21,806 The others arrived shortly thereafter. 407 00:52:21,806 --> 00:52:26,727 I mean it's no surprise that just before the pandemic started there were mass sightings 408 00:52:26,727 --> 00:52:30,022 of unexplained drone fleets in Colorado 409 00:52:30,022 --> 00:52:33,109 That was them....arriving! 410 00:52:33,568 --> 00:52:39,490 It wasn't some secret Iranian military drone operation as others have alleged. 411 00:52:39,490 --> 00:52:43,411 It wouldn’t be a truism to claim that health-care has changed. 412 00:52:43,411 --> 00:52:46,789 Doctors today, like the rest of us, mainly work from home. 413 00:52:46,789 --> 00:52:54,130 Our next interview takes us to Providence, Rhode Island, to speak with one of the few medical professionals that survived SARS. 414 00:52:54,130 --> 00:52:58,467 Hi Deborah, can you please state your name and occupation for the camera? 415 00:52:58,467 --> 00:53:07,935 My name is Debbie. I’m a doctor with a private practice that offers in-home visits, with proper social distancing of course. 416 00:53:07,935 --> 00:53:15,318 I once worked for a hospital as well...back when hospitals were still open. 417 00:53:15,318 --> 00:53:20,656 How would you describe the SARS pandemics, as being someone that was on the front lines? 418 00:53:20,656 --> 00:53:27,204 I was originally a nephrologist, a doctor that treated kidney diseases, 419 00:53:27,204 --> 00:53:33,336 but when the first SARS pandemic started, most elective procedures were put on hold 420 00:53:33,336 --> 00:53:40,593 so I had to help with ventilators and assisting frontline staff at the hospital treat and test the patients coming in. 421 00:53:40,593 --> 00:53:50,478 The first pandemic was a horrible thing to witness, the other two even more so due to the tragic tolls they inflicted on all of us. 422 00:53:50,478 --> 00:53:54,357 Being on the frontlines, how were you able to avoid contracting SARS? 423 00:53:54,357 --> 00:54:05,076 I was always very careful. I always wore protective gear, but even protective gear is no guarantee against SARS. 424 00:54:05,076 --> 00:54:13,459 Many of my colleagues came down with the disease and did not survive despite the best preventive measures. 425 00:54:13,459 --> 00:54:17,296 Do you think the pandemics are officially over? 426 00:54:17,296 --> 00:54:23,219 Back in 2021, I’d have told you yes...they are over. 427 00:54:23,219 --> 00:54:30,017 Then again, in 2023, I’d have told you yet again: this is finally over! Life will go back to normal now! 428 00:54:30,017 --> 00:54:36,107 But after SARS-24, I think almost everyone in the world has been scarred. 429 00:54:36,107 --> 00:54:38,651 We all now feel this will never end. 430 00:54:38,651 --> 00:54:41,278 The bad news will just keep coming. 431 00:54:41,278 --> 00:54:49,161 Somewhere another crazy individual in another crazy government will find another way to terrorize the world 432 00:54:49,161 --> 00:54:55,209 and people will just keep dying until there’s no one left. 433 00:54:55,209 --> 00:55:01,048 Maybe though….maybe this time will be different. We can only hope. 434 00:55:01,048 --> 00:55:03,426 Hospitals weren’t the only things that closed. 435 00:55:03,426 --> 00:55:08,305 And while mostly everyone was in a state of constant fear regarding SARS-22 436 00:55:08,305 --> 00:55:15,896 a new source of panic emerged in 2022 when prisons were abandoned by their staff and inmates, some of them violent, escaped. 437 00:55:15,896 --> 00:55:22,028 Online stories of home invasions led to the biggest increase in gun sales in recorded history, 438 00:55:22,028 --> 00:55:26,073 and lawmakers of the time even introduced legislation allowing for the purchase of weapons 439 00:55:26,073 --> 00:55:29,994 and ammunition online with no age limit nor restrictions. 440 00:55:29,994 --> 00:55:37,001 However, not all those that escaped the prisons were a boon to society, some, like Jeff, found a new role in the post-pandemic world order. 441 00:55:37,001 --> 00:55:42,506 We now travel to Carthage, Missouri. Hi Jeff, can you please state your name and occupation for the camera? 442 00:55:42,506 --> 00:55:52,933 My name’s Jeff….I’d prefer not to share my full name or age if you don’t mind. 443 00:55:52,933 --> 00:56:01,275 I don’t have an occupation, I just live in an abandoned house, from someone that died during the 2022 pandemic. 444 00:56:01,275 --> 00:56:06,197 I grow my own food in farmland I developed. 445 00:56:06,197 --> 00:56:14,580 I'm a former inmate, since I’ve escaped from prison, I basically have just survived on my own, no family that survived, 446 00:56:14,580 --> 00:56:21,378 no friends because it’s impossible to meet anyone these days, and when you do, you always have to worry if they have it. 447 00:56:21,378 --> 00:56:22,171 Have what? 448 00:56:22,171 --> 00:56:29,428 SARS. Every now and then you get people going out, the hungries I call them, 449 00:56:29,428 --> 00:56:35,810 they try to steal from you, take your food since they’re no police, not least these parts. 450 00:56:35,810 --> 00:56:40,231 How do you deal with the people trying to steal the food you grow? 451 00:56:42,358 --> 00:56:44,777 I kill them. 452 00:56:44,777 --> 00:56:47,822 Is that what you were an inmate for before, for killing? 453 00:56:47,822 --> 00:56:51,909 No, well yeah, I guess. 454 00:56:51,909 --> 00:56:56,872 I got in a fight with this one guy at a bar, we all had a few too many drinks. 455 00:56:56,872 --> 00:57:00,960 He went outside and pushed my motorcycle to the ground, 456 00:57:00,960 --> 00:57:03,963 one thing you never do is touch a man’s bike 457 00:57:03,963 --> 00:57:13,722 you can punch a man, sure thing, be my guest, but throw a man’s Harley over, and well….that’s a death sentence 458 00:57:13,722 --> 00:57:18,144 so I went in, stabbed him in the neck. 459 00:57:18,144 --> 00:57:23,691 I didn’t mean for the guy to die, just wanted to give him a flesh wound and a hospital stay 460 00:57:23,691 --> 00:57:26,735 that would make him think twice about ever touching my bike 461 00:57:26,735 --> 00:57:30,948 but then he did wind up dying, and then they threw me in the slammer. 462 00:57:30,948 --> 00:57:33,409 That was 2014. 463 00:57:33,409 --> 00:57:35,578 How long were you sentenced for? 464 00:57:35,578 --> 00:57:37,538 A very long time. 465 00:57:37,538 --> 00:57:39,748 How did you get out early? 466 00:57:39,748 --> 00:57:43,169 It was during the 2022 pandemic. 467 00:57:43,169 --> 00:57:52,052 They had released most of the druggies and the white collar guys and us “hard-core violent offenders”, were lept behind bars. 468 00:57:52,052 --> 00:57:56,557 Most of us died in there from SARS, but not all, 469 00:57:56,557 --> 00:57:59,226 Most of us the guards died too 470 00:57:59,226 --> 00:58:01,979 Each day there were fewer and fewer of them showing up. 471 00:58:01,979 --> 00:58:11,071 The prisoners that died in their cells, they just left them there to rot, not getting rid of the bodies or anything 472 00:58:13,407 --> 00:58:19,830 and then one day, nobody showed up at all, and then the lights went out. 473 00:58:19,830 --> 00:58:22,082 I thought we were going to die. 474 00:58:22,082 --> 00:58:28,422 Maybe a few weeks after the power went out, the doors just opened up. 475 00:58:28,422 --> 00:58:39,642 A family member of one of the other guys locked up came there looking for him, realized the prison had been abandoned and no one was caring or looking after us. 476 00:58:39,642 --> 00:58:44,688 That man knew the grace of our Lord Jesus and let us out. 477 00:58:44,688 --> 00:58:46,565 What did you do then? 478 00:58:46,565 --> 00:58:53,530 My first impulse was to leave, to look for my old girlfriend, even my ma, but I was hungry, 479 00:58:53,530 --> 00:58:58,577 a few weeks eating rats will have that effect, so I went and looked for food. 480 00:58:58,577 --> 00:59:00,746 there's no food in the prison 481 00:59:00,746 --> 00:59:10,214 so me and a few of the other inmates we went to a nearby town. It looked like the town was deserted so we split up, went into houses…. 482 00:59:10,214 --> 00:59:14,218 We were really hungry. 483 00:59:15,386 --> 00:59:16,971 Did you find anything? 484 00:59:16,971 --> 00:59:20,724 No, not that day, but when I met back up with the other inmates 485 00:59:20,724 --> 00:59:26,855 this one guy says Jeffrey I found something better than food 486 00:59:26,855 --> 00:59:28,357 And what did he find? 487 00:59:28,357 --> 00:59:36,282 He takes me and the other guys to this house, and opens the door, and there's this lady. 488 00:59:36,282 --> 00:59:44,498 He had assaulted her, and then killed her and ate part of her face 489 00:59:44,498 --> 00:59:51,422 and she's just laying there in a pool of blood...her blood is everywhere. 490 00:59:51,422 --> 01:00:00,889 it’s leaking from her head and part of her face that wasn't eaten. She looked like she’d seen a ghost. 491 01:00:00,889 --> 01:00:11,191 And he just looks at us, and smiles, and tells us how good it felt, how he kept some leftovers for us. 492 01:00:11,191 --> 01:00:13,152 What did you do? 493 01:00:13,152 --> 01:00:18,907 I may have stabbed a guy in the neck once, but that was different. 494 01:00:18,907 --> 01:00:30,711 This guy had no place in the world, and me and the other inmates, we had done our time, we changed, but this guy hadn't. 495 01:00:30,711 --> 01:00:34,048 So we looked at each other and knew what we had to do. 496 01:00:34,048 --> 01:00:35,799 And what did you do? 497 01:00:35,799 --> 01:00:39,887 The other guys grabbed him by the arms and took him down. 498 01:00:39,887 --> 01:00:45,225 And he screamed, fought and resisted, 499 01:00:45,225 --> 01:00:56,737 and then I climbed on top of him, and grabbed him by the throat and I strangled that son of a bitch, 500 01:00:56,737 --> 01:01:02,868 and didn’t let go until his face turned blue and I knew he was dead. 501 01:01:04,495 --> 01:01:16,256 And then we buried that poor lady he murdered, gave her a proper burial, and left his body in that house and burned it down. 502 01:01:17,257 --> 01:01:21,804 How did you eventually come to find the house and farmland you now live in? 503 01:01:21,804 --> 01:01:35,442 After that, the other inmates and I split up, went our separate ways, looking for food or old family members that may have survived the whole mess or what not, 504 01:01:35,442 --> 01:01:41,949 and so I headed to Memphis, Tennessee, where my old girlfriend lived, hoping to find a meal or two on the way. 505 01:01:41,949 --> 01:01:45,035 How long did you go without food? 506 01:01:45,035 --> 01:01:52,376 Not long, I eventually found a dead possum by the side of the road, at least I think it was dead, 507 01:01:52,376 --> 01:01:56,296 never can tell with possums, and cooked it over a campfire. 508 01:01:56,296 --> 01:02:02,761 It didn’t exactly taste very good but when a man is hungry, taste is the last thing on his mind. 509 01:02:02,761 --> 01:02:12,604 Hunger, real hunger, is a thing few people experienced before the pandemics, but when you get “the hunger” as they call it, 510 01:02:12,604 --> 01:02:20,863 there isn’t nothing you wouldn’t do, nothing you wouldn’t eat, to put out that fire in your belly. 511 01:02:20,863 --> 01:02:23,365 What happened after that? 512 01:02:23,365 --> 01:02:34,877 I came across a roadblock, the ones certain towns set up so others couldn’t come in and bring SARS, 513 01:02:34,877 --> 01:02:42,593 and I told them my story, about how I had gotten out of prison and was on my way to Memphis. 514 01:02:42,593 --> 01:02:49,933 The guys there at first told me to go away, but when I told them I was just trying to go to Memphis, one of them opened up, 515 01:02:49,933 --> 01:02:57,399 told me not to go to Memphis, that mostly everyone there was dead, that it would be a death sentence to walk there 516 01:02:57,399 --> 01:03:10,287 and that one guy, he was a judge, now just a guy guarding a road, said if I helped protect that road, protect that town 517 01:03:10,287 --> 01:03:17,336 they’d help me find a house and a farm outside the town and my sentence would be commuted 518 01:03:17,336 --> 01:03:24,593 and I’d be a free man as long as I helped protect the community, and so, I stayed here, for the last 7 years. 519 01:03:24,593 --> 01:03:28,472 What happened after that? 520 01:03:28,472 --> 01:03:35,771 I helped guard that road the first couple of years, helping make sure sick people didn’t get in to town while avoiding the people that lived there 521 01:03:35,771 --> 01:03:41,818 but somehow, even though we protected that road, SARS-24 got in, 522 01:03:41,818 --> 01:03:50,536 maybe it was a bat, or a rat, something...even one of those nasty possums. 523 01:03:50,536 --> 01:03:55,082 But everyone in that town died in 2024. 524 01:03:57,626 --> 01:04:00,212 I was the only one left. 525 01:04:03,840 --> 01:04:08,845 I’ve been here since, growing my own crops, keeping to myself. 526 01:04:08,845 --> 01:04:15,352 It helps that the internet, power and phones came back last year. 527 01:04:15,352 --> 01:04:31,827 It's not the best life, and it gets pretty lonely at times, but at least I’ve made up for my wrongs….and at least I’m not hungry….and at least I’m not dead. 528 01:04:32,828 --> 01:04:37,916 Not everyone accepts SARS was to blame for the four billion deaths the last decade. 529 01:04:37,916 --> 01:04:42,421 We now cross the ocean to England, to speak with one of the scientific community’s brightest minds. 530 01:04:42,421 --> 01:04:52,014 Considered by many to be the next Stephen Hawking, his magnum opus Black Holes Are Not Black and They Are Not Holes, They Are Just Flat and Taste Like Pancakes 531 01:04:52,014 --> 01:04:54,516 topped the bestseller list two years in a row. 532 01:04:54,516 --> 01:05:00,897 Professor James, you have earned yourself a reputation as the leading proponent of the theory that the SARS viruses were not real, 533 01:05:00,897 --> 01:05:05,569 but a man-made hoax, and despite receiving a phD from the University of Surrey, 534 01:05:05,569 --> 01:05:11,908 received a prison sentence for arson when you tried to destroy 5G cell towers in 2021. 535 01:05:11,908 --> 01:05:15,495 Can you tell us why you believe that 5G was responsible for people dying? 536 01:05:15,495 --> 01:05:28,967 Well, I don’t think I’ve ever said 5G kills people, it just gives them really bad headaches and makes you want to walk off somewhere I suppose. 537 01:05:28,967 --> 01:05:32,471 So….how does that result in those people dying? 538 01:05:32,471 --> 01:05:39,603 Well isn't it obvious? It's because the earth is flat. 539 01:05:39,603 --> 01:05:41,938 Actually, the world isn’t flat. 540 01:05:41,938 --> 01:05:45,776 No, it is. It is quite flat. 541 01:05:45,776 --> 01:05:52,824 I studied this. Two lockdowns of study, study, study. 542 01:05:52,824 --> 01:05:58,205 I like to challenge the greats. I'm a man of science! 543 01:05:58,205 --> 01:06:01,208 But even the greats get challenged! 544 01:06:01,208 --> 01:06:07,631 I went back to what I could tangibly see. I could see the horizon is flat. 545 01:06:07,631 --> 01:06:10,676 I prepared some slides for you. Look, look, look! 546 01:06:12,511 --> 01:06:17,683 Flat! Flat! Flat! 547 01:06:17,683 --> 01:06:20,686 It's quite flat! 548 01:06:20,686 --> 01:06:29,444 Well, you are entitled to that opinion. So, are you saying that people had headaches, left their homes and then walked off the edge of the world? 549 01:06:29,444 --> 01:06:32,489 Yeah of course, it's a travesty! 550 01:06:32,489 --> 01:06:36,368 If they were in England, wouldn’t they have reached the Atlantic Ocean? 551 01:06:36,368 --> 01:06:43,500 Yeah, of course, but they'd have to swim a little bit before falling off. 552 01:06:43,500 --> 01:06:48,922 Wouldn’t they have to swim across the ocean, you know, to reach America? 553 01:06:48,922 --> 01:06:57,723 Good one! Oh, don’t tell me you’re one of those people that believe in America, too! 554 01:06:57,723 --> 01:07:00,225 Well, how would you explain my accent? 555 01:07:00,225 --> 01:07:04,312 Evidently you're an actor! 556 01:07:04,312 --> 01:07:09,568 Back in 2020, not everyone thought SARS was a hoax and the earth was flat, 557 01:07:09,568 --> 01:07:14,030 in fact, most people at the time thought the virus came from a wet market in Shanghai, China 558 01:07:14,030 --> 01:07:18,118 or one of the Chinese labs researching the SARS family of viruses. 559 01:07:18,118 --> 01:07:21,163 Our next interview takes us to Shenzhen, China. 560 01:07:21,163 --> 01:07:28,211 Dr. Li, you worked at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China between 2017 and 2020, correct? 561 01:07:28,211 --> 01:07:34,259 Correct. I lab technician study fecal matter of many bat. 562 01:07:34,259 --> 01:07:41,099 When the first SARS-19 virus pandemic broke out in Shanghai and caused that city to be locked down for 5 months, 563 01:07:41,099 --> 01:07:47,439 some people thought the virus may have originated from your lab in Wuhan, how would you respond to that? 564 01:07:47,439 --> 01:07:56,156 We no ever deal with sample of SARS-19. Many similar virus, but no anything like SARS-19. 565 01:07:56,156 --> 01:08:07,125 Some online articles state that in 2017, one of your associates at the institute was arrested, did you witness that and what did that have to do with the SARS-19 pandemic? 566 01:08:07,125 --> 01:08:10,504 It true Wang Chi arrested. 567 01:08:10,504 --> 01:08:23,683 They claim he work with several Iranians as consultant in cave in north China, but never they tell us why he arrested and why he taken away. 568 01:08:23,683 --> 01:08:25,644 There only rumor. 569 01:08:25,644 --> 01:08:28,522 What was it like in China during the pandemics? 570 01:08:28,522 --> 01:08:46,998 It very awful. Many factory close. Many shop not pay worker then no open again. Many die during second and third pandemics. 571 01:08:46,998 --> 01:08:51,294 China wasn’t the only country that suffered. All countries suffered. 572 01:08:51,294 --> 01:08:55,006 Europe suffered some of the highest death tolls especially. 573 01:08:55,006 --> 01:09:01,346 Our next interview takes us to Vienna, Austria, to talk with a woman that experienced the pandemics firsthand in Europe. 574 01:14:30,216 --> 01:14:36,014 We now travel back to the United States to talk with one of the most influential figures in politics and education today. 575 01:14:36,014 --> 01:14:46,232 I’m Professor Hilfer. I’m Director of Televised Education for the National Educational Foundation, before that I was a Professor of English Literature at Harvard. 576 01:14:46,232 --> 01:14:50,236 You’re often known in the media today as “The Principle”, why is that? 577 01:14:50,236 --> 01:14:53,239 Oh, yes, I’ve heard that expression. 578 01:14:53,239 --> 01:14:57,827 I’d say it is due to the fact that education has changed and adapted so much in the last ten years 579 01:14:57,827 --> 01:15:01,331 and I’ve been at the forefront of its evolution…. 580 01:15:01,331 --> 01:15:03,666 its very survival…. 581 01:15:03,666 --> 01:15:11,424 during a time so many of us wish never happened, during a time so many of us have lost so many we love. 582 01:15:11,424 --> 01:15:13,176 How have you been at the forefront? 583 01:15:13,176 --> 01:15:17,972 Well, back in 2022, when our beloved President Trump died from SARS-22 584 01:15:17,972 --> 01:15:19,599 and there had been a month of national mourning, 585 01:15:19,599 --> 01:15:26,606 I received a call from Vice President Bernie Sanders, who if you remember, had replaced Michael Pence when he had died the month before from SARS-22 586 01:15:26,606 --> 01:15:32,195 and even though “Crazy Bernie” as we called him back then, was about to become president, he called and said to me on the phone 587 01:15:32,195 --> 01:15:35,740 “Carol….I need you to help make America’s educational system great again.” 588 01:15:35,740 --> 01:15:38,159 How did you respond to that? 589 01:15:38,159 --> 01:15:41,246 I said OK! How would you like me to do that? 590 01:15:41,246 --> 01:15:42,789 What did he say? 591 01:15:42,789 --> 01:15:45,500 He said, Carol, I’m going to let you figure it out, what do you suggest? 592 01:15:45,500 --> 01:15:52,173 I told soon to be President Sanders, that I thought we should take over the television air space and start broadcasting school lessons 593 01:15:52,173 --> 01:15:57,595 on the broadcast network channels so kids everywhere could receive their lessons on channels 4 through 18, depending on their grades. 594 01:15:57,595 --> 01:16:03,393 And he goes, that’s unacceptable, we need channels 4 through 24 so college can be free too! 595 01:16:03,393 --> 01:16:06,771 And I said, great, let’s do that! 596 01:16:06,771 --> 01:16:09,482 So that’s how televised at home schooling began? 597 01:16:09,482 --> 01:16:17,532 Yes, pretty much. The broadcast networks weren’t very happy about having their programming sequestered from 9 am to 3 pm but 598 01:16:17,532 --> 01:16:22,370 they wound up making more from commercials during those breaks then they ever did with soap operas I imagine. 599 01:16:22,370 --> 01:16:28,710 That program was considered the most successful educational program in the modern era, why do you think that is? 600 01:16:28,710 --> 01:16:36,968 The quality of the educators we used, the fact that we had an organized online study and testing component available to everyone 601 01:16:36,968 --> 01:16:40,722 and that every student had to pass in order to get food 602 01:16:40,722 --> 01:16:42,473 and we made learning fun. 603 01:16:42,473 --> 01:16:47,186 Our program made things like Calculus and Chemistry easy. Basic math was much more accessible to little ones. 604 01:16:47,186 --> 01:16:51,941 Kids didn’t find it a chore when Sesame Street characters helped them learn their lessons 605 01:16:51,941 --> 01:17:00,533 and parents farming at home didn’t mind it when their kids were glued to educational programs while they tended to the crops or livestock 606 01:17:00,533 --> 01:17:07,790 At a time when the government didn’t have much money, it saved money as well, a lot of money, 607 01:17:07,790 --> 01:17:14,630 and made sure only the very best teachers in the country were responsible for the education of our kids nationwide. 608 01:17:14,630 --> 01:17:20,511 You were one of the few people, and programs, the new government retained after the revolution, why is that? 609 01:17:20,511 --> 01:17:29,812 Because we’ve never been politically biased, we’ve never been about supporting the wealthy or corporations at the expense of those left out of the system 610 01:17:29,812 --> 01:17:33,608 which is what caused the riots and then the revolution. 611 01:17:33,608 --> 01:17:39,614 We’ve always been about education and making sure the kids learn their lessons, 612 01:17:39,614 --> 01:17:47,747 obtain good moral guidance, and learn better decision-making and analytical skills so they can decide for themselves what is right. 613 01:17:47,747 --> 01:17:57,632 I think when the new continental congress initiated direct democracy so the US constitution could be restored due to decades of neglect and abuse, 614 01:17:57,632 --> 01:18:08,351 and when they prohibited companies or individuals from donating money to political organizations or running ads, and set educational standards for who could run for office moving forward, 615 01:18:08,351 --> 01:18:13,856 President Yang decided to keep the Televised Education program as he knew we were part of the solution, and not part of the problem. 616 01:18:13,856 --> 01:18:20,196 Education isn’t the only thing that has changed. The way we record history is also experiencing a revolution. 617 01:18:20,196 --> 01:18:25,785 Our next interview takes us to Charleston, South Carolina to speak with Professor James Samson. 618 01:18:25,785 --> 01:18:29,414 Why did you decide to specialize in the SARS pandemics? 619 01:18:29,414 --> 01:18:35,837 For the same reason Thucydides decided to write about the Peloponnesian Wars back in Ancient Greece. History was happening. 620 01:18:35,837 --> 01:18:41,551 Thucydides knew that what he wrote down would be remembered for all time as long as it was recorded, 621 01:18:41,551 --> 01:18:44,887 and that someone needed to create a reliable record of it, 622 01:18:44,887 --> 01:18:50,101 for most will not take the trouble to find out the truth, but will just accept the first story they hear 623 01:18:50,101 --> 01:18:57,150 I want to make sure future generations hear the right story. 624 01:18:57,150 --> 01:19:00,027 And what have you found? 625 01:19:00,027 --> 01:19:11,873 The Iranians didn’t release SARS-19 in 2019. The disease really should be called SARS-15 because it was in 2015 that they released it. 626 01:19:11,873 --> 01:19:14,167 Tell us about the evidence you found? 627 01:19:14,167 --> 01:19:20,923 Well, for starters, for those old enough to recall the rapprochement with Cuba when the Americans and Cubans restored diplomatic relations, 628 01:19:20,923 --> 01:19:25,803 there was a scandal about sonic weapons targeting embassy staff in 2017. 629 01:19:25,803 --> 01:19:36,939 The Cubans denied knowing anything about it, and for good reason, because it was the Iranians experimenting with new weapons 630 01:19:36,939 --> 01:19:46,532 In 2020, when they fired a missile at an American base in Iraq, and troops there suffered head injuries, the Americans didn’t know it at the time, 631 01:19:46,532 --> 01:19:52,288 but the Iranians had launched a chemical weapon that released that neurotoxin on those poor American soldiers, 632 01:19:52,288 --> 01:19:57,418 So what does the neuroweapon have to do with SARS-19? 633 01:19:57,418 --> 01:20:05,092 Well, that story in particular is just meant to show how the Iranians were going about attacking America. 634 01:20:05,092 --> 01:20:11,474 They never attacked directly, only indirectly, using things no one could prove they were doing. 635 01:20:11,474 --> 01:20:25,655 As for SARS, the Iranians had really poor intelligence, I mean, they were awful at intelligence collection, just like they were bad at designing bioweapons. 636 01:20:25,655 --> 01:20:31,577 The Revolutionary Guard wanted to attack anyone they thought was involved with the CIA. 637 01:20:31,577 --> 01:20:45,007 For whatever reasons, they decided an American novelist, Arthur Schopenhauer, was a central intelligence agency asset and decided to target him. 638 01:20:45,007 --> 01:20:52,890 We now travel to Galena, Illinois to speak with Arthur Schopenhauer, the once famous novelist now known online as “patient zero”. 639 01:20:52,890 --> 01:20:58,938 Hi Arthur, there are some circles in the medical and intelligence communities that believe you are “patient zero”.... 640 01:20:58,938 --> 01:21:06,362 that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard targeted and infected you with SARS-19. How does your personal experience line up with that narrative? 641 01:21:06,362 --> 01:21:16,831 Back in 2015, I lived just north of New Orleans, in the northshore in a town called “Mandeville” 642 01:21:16,831 --> 01:21:27,174 There were these two weird men that would follow me around whenever I drove anywhere. They’d follow me home and park outside my house as well. 643 01:21:27,174 --> 01:21:30,845 Something was clearly going on. 644 01:21:30,845 --> 01:21:32,888 What did those two men look like? 645 01:21:32,888 --> 01:21:37,268 Middle eastern men….always smoking though. 646 01:21:37,268 --> 01:21:53,576 I’d look out my bedroom window at night at 2 a.m. and see them, sitting in their car, the light from their cigarettes the only thing visible 647 01:21:53,576 --> 01:21:58,247 and that was every day these guys were there 648 01:21:58,247 --> 01:22:10,509 I figured they were criminals. I didn’t realize they were Iranian agents at the time. 649 01:22:10,509 --> 01:22:13,971 How did you know you were being followed? 650 01:22:13,971 --> 01:22:18,517 Well for starters, they followed me around everywhere 651 01:22:18,517 --> 01:22:25,483 I'd go to the store, they'd be a couple cars behind, they'd then be in the parking lot, they followed me everywhere 652 01:22:25,483 --> 01:22:33,240 But what was really eerie is I'd call the police and say there's a couple guys following me 653 01:22:33,240 --> 01:22:35,076 and they would come to the house 654 01:22:35,076 --> 01:22:39,246 and right before the police car arrived, the Iranian car would drive away 655 01:22:39,246 --> 01:22:43,084 and right when the police car left, the Iranian car would come back 656 01:22:43,084 --> 01:22:45,252 they knew what I was doing 657 01:22:45,252 --> 01:22:51,092 but I did get a picture of the license plate and I showed it to the police officer one day 658 01:22:51,092 --> 01:23:04,480 and years later, they told me that the name associated with the driver's license, that guy had been arrested, and been uncovered as an Iranian agent. 659 01:23:05,523 --> 01:23:16,575 A CIA operation in 2022 found evidence that you were infected in 2015 by Iranian agents. What were the first symptoms of SARS-19 that you experienced? 660 01:23:17,535 --> 01:23:27,753 Well one week, I just started feeling off, and each night, I'd be short of breath and then one night, I had a stroke. 661 01:23:27,753 --> 01:23:37,388 I was watching TV when I just couldn’t understand the words the person on the television was saying. 662 01:23:37,388 --> 01:23:48,149 and then I tried to say something myself but I couldn't, it just came out as gibberish and I thought holy shit I'm dying, I'm dying! 663 01:23:48,149 --> 01:23:54,155 I mean I'm sitting there watching tv but I couldn't talk because it's just coming out as gibberish. 664 01:23:54,155 --> 01:23:55,906 Why did you not go to a hospital? 665 01:23:55,906 --> 01:23:59,034 I’m more afraid of a hospital bill than death. 666 01:23:59,034 --> 01:24:01,662 How did you recover from SARS? 667 01:24:01,662 --> 01:24:08,043 I never recovered from SARS, even today, I still have an itchy throat and occasional cough. 668 01:24:08,043 --> 01:24:13,424 I have to use an inhaler twice a day otherwise my blood oxygen levels get too low. 669 01:24:13,424 --> 01:24:22,183 SARS for me started as a stroke, but I’d get random bouts of pneumonia over the years as well, 670 01:24:22,183 --> 01:24:26,312 and in 2018 I had a cough that lasted an entire year. 671 01:24:26,312 --> 01:24:36,363 That finally made me think I contracted Tuberculosis from a trip to China I went on in 2017. I thought maybe that's what this is. 672 01:24:36,363 --> 01:24:45,706 But I was concerned so I did overcome my fear of hospitals and I did go see a doctor 673 01:24:45,706 --> 01:24:51,295 and they did all these tests and told me actually no, you have SARS. 674 01:24:52,421 --> 01:24:59,220 Why do you think the Iranians targeted you, do you believe it is because you were famous as the proud owner of a celebrity cat? 675 01:24:59,220 --> 01:25:09,230 Yeah, the Iranians were always chanting death to america...maybe they're actually chanting ‘death to american cats’ 676 01:25:10,940 --> 01:25:15,986 No but most people think they targeted me because they mistook me for a CIA agent. 677 01:25:15,986 --> 01:25:18,364 And why do you think they thought you worked for the CIA? 678 01:25:18,364 --> 01:25:24,870 Well, as most people know, before the pandemics, I was a pretty famous author. 679 01:25:24,870 --> 01:25:34,338 And I had written a book which a guy named Syed Abazian in Iran translated into Farsi in 2004 680 01:25:34,338 --> 01:25:39,134 and that translation was banned by the Iranian government. 681 01:25:39,134 --> 01:25:44,723 And so he emailed me, he was complaining about the situation there 682 01:25:44,723 --> 01:25:47,226 with the book being banned 683 01:25:47,226 --> 01:25:52,106 I emailed him back and wrote, "Look you should start a revolution!" 684 01:25:52,106 --> 01:25:58,696 Because I think any country that restricts the freedom of speech of its people, there has to be to change. 685 01:25:58,696 --> 01:26:06,328 Obviously the Iranians were monitoring his emails, and so they saw what I sent to him 686 01:26:06,328 --> 01:26:08,455 and they took it really seriously 687 01:26:08,455 --> 01:26:19,049 and I think they thought I was trying to incite a revolution over there and so they figured I must work for the CIA. 688 01:26:19,049 --> 01:26:23,470 When did you first realize that you may be patient zero? 689 01:26:23,470 --> 01:26:33,105 Back in 2022, I had been living in a rural area, and these two men in suits showed up and knocked at my door. 690 01:26:33,105 --> 01:26:36,692 And I had been recovering from SARS and they just showed up. 691 01:26:36,692 --> 01:26:39,695 These were different than the two men in Louisiana? 692 01:26:39,695 --> 01:26:43,741 Oh totally different, they didn’t look sketchy but honorable. 693 01:26:43,741 --> 01:26:53,500 They were clearly government officials and one of them pulls out a badge and and it says Department of Defense. 694 01:26:53,500 --> 01:26:59,506 How often does that happen? So I knew they were on the level. 695 01:26:59,506 --> 01:27:02,676 And what did these men say to you? 696 01:27:02,676 --> 01:27:13,604 They asked me all these questions about my case, my symptoms, and my cat, if my cat had any symptoms 697 01:27:13,604 --> 01:27:17,232 They asked about the Middle Eastern men that had followed me around 698 01:27:17,232 --> 01:27:26,367 And then a helicopter flies down and lands 699 01:27:26,367 --> 01:27:28,619 And these men in hazmat suits come 700 01:27:28,619 --> 01:27:31,580 And they take my blood 701 01:27:31,580 --> 01:27:37,294 And then they take my cat...took my cat....ok. 702 01:27:37,294 --> 01:27:44,301 And then they loaded up into the helicopter and they flew away. 703 01:27:44,301 --> 01:27:46,679 Did they say anything else to you? 704 01:27:46,679 --> 01:27:59,650 One of the men looked me in the eyes, and said to me, ‘You never can tell.’ 705 01:28:09,118 --> 01:28:13,747 And I asked if I'd ever see my cat again.... 706 01:28:13,747 --> 01:28:16,458 I'm sorry (crying). 707 01:28:18,752 --> 01:28:25,884 I asked if I'd ever see my cat again....and he just shrugs, like he didn't know. 708 01:28:30,180 --> 01:28:33,726 and then they left. 709 01:28:33,726 --> 01:28:40,566 I still haven't seen my cat (crying). 710 01:28:44,111 --> 01:28:54,079 They won't let me. I just want to see my cat. They won't let me! 711 01:28:55,748 --> 01:28:57,791 Meow. 712 01:28:59,918 --> 01:29:06,383 Before the pandemics, your cat was actually considered a celebrity of sorts, can you tell us about that? 713 01:29:06,383 --> 01:29:14,600 Well, I’m sure most of your viewers that are older will remember him but for the younger ones, 714 01:29:14,600 --> 01:29:19,229 a little history lesson on my cat 715 01:29:19,229 --> 01:29:29,323 I first adopted him to be a model for this graphic novel I was working on called the nightmarish tales from the beyond 716 01:29:29,323 --> 01:29:35,496 and I was going to sketch him into the novel and it was a total failure 717 01:29:35,496 --> 01:29:49,885 but he did get attention, the cat from the books, they found him and started putting him in Hollywood movies and before you know it he was a star! 718 01:29:49,885 --> 01:29:56,225 he was really big in Japan too, he was really big over there. 719 01:29:56,225 --> 01:30:02,189 Our next interview takes us to a laboratory in Chicago, Illinois, where scientists are studying cats infected with SARS 720 01:30:02,189 --> 01:30:09,279 Hi Dr. Bell, you’re known as a specialist that treats pets infected with SARS, how did you gain that reputation? 721 01:30:09,279 --> 01:30:19,248 Back when the government was investigating the origin of SARS, they brought a cat to me that they believed was “patient zero” for the SARS-19 pandemic. 722 01:30:19,248 --> 01:30:21,166 And did you confirm it? 723 01:30:21,166 --> 01:30:28,674 We did. For whatever reason, both the cat and the person first exposed never suffered the fatal effects of SARS. 724 01:30:28,674 --> 01:30:36,974 From what I understand, they have had some ongoing respiratory issues but nothing like the SARS-22 pandemic when millions of house pets perished. 725 01:30:36,974 --> 01:30:42,437 Why do you think so many pets died during the SARS-22 pandemic? 726 01:30:42,437 --> 01:30:50,654 I think they were silent carriers. Whoever designed SARS, designed it so children and pets would carry and spread the disease but be asymptomatic. 727 01:30:50,654 --> 01:30:59,705 As a result, most dogs that were allowed to roam freely and weren’t leashed, became carriers in 2020, and then died in 2022. 728 01:30:59,705 --> 01:31:06,920 What will happen to “patient zero”, that cat was once a worldwide celebrity but is now under your institute’s care. 729 01:31:06,920 --> 01:31:13,760 Well, we will keep him here for observation, as you’ll see in this video, he hasn’t aged a bit in 10 years, 730 01:31:13,760 --> 01:31:21,518 and in fact, for a cat, he should be dead based on his age, but it looks like those that survive SARS enjoy some nice perks. 731 01:31:21,518 --> 01:31:22,811 Such as? 732 01:31:22,811 --> 01:31:28,859 SARS-19 appears to lower one’s metabolism and slow the aging process, considerably. 733 01:31:28,859 --> 01:31:35,032 In fact, those that survived the pandemics may very well find the aging process has stopped completely. 734 01:31:35,032 --> 01:31:42,956 We’re still trying to understand this process and how it works, but it appears the virus interferes with the genes responsible for aging. 735 01:31:42,956 --> 01:31:52,382 That’s why many people in Hollywood that didn’t want to grow old injected themselves with SARS-19 back in 2021, hoping it would allow them to stay young. 736 01:31:52,382 --> 01:31:54,134 Did it work? 737 01:31:54,134 --> 01:32:01,141 No, most of them died. You need to have a special genetic predisposition to have any chance of beating SARS 738 01:32:01,141 --> 01:32:09,399 otherwise it will just lie latent in your spinal fluid and will one day activate and kill you, much like HIV turns to AIDS. 739 01:32:09,399 --> 01:32:18,575 That was one of the things we learned in 2024, those that were taking anti-viral medication for HIV, survived up until 2025 740 01:32:18,575 --> 01:32:24,831 and when the medication ran out when the supply chains collapsed those years, all of them eventually succumbed to SARS. 741 01:32:24,831 --> 01:32:32,464 Anti-viral meds only prevented SARS-22 from activating, they never allowed the body to beat it. 742 01:32:32,464 --> 01:32:42,849 However, all the cats we are studying here have a genetic disposition that we hope will one day allow us to find a permanent cure for SARS, for both people and pets. 743 01:32:42,849 --> 01:32:49,856 Pets weren’t the only ones we lost during the pandemics. For many of us, entire families and communities were lost. 744 01:32:49,856 --> 01:32:58,740 Our next interview brings us to Port Orange, Florida to speak with a former high school teacher who experienced first-hand the brutality of the SARS-22 pandemic. 745 01:32:58,740 --> 01:33:03,161 Hi Ms. Proust, can you please state your name and occupation for the camera? 746 01:33:03,161 --> 01:33:11,044 Hi, I'm Susan, I’m, I’m not really anything these days, 747 01:33:11,044 --> 01:33:13,880 What did you do before the pandemics? 748 01:33:13,880 --> 01:33:17,134 I was a high school teacher. I taught French and Spanish courses. 749 01:33:17,134 --> 01:33:21,555 So, you most likely stopped teaching around 2022 then? 750 01:33:21,555 --> 01:33:31,064 Yes, once the educational system was nationalized as most local city governments were broke and couldn’t pay teachers anymore, 751 01:33:31,064 --> 01:33:38,989 I was laid off, but I wasn’t alone as mostly everyone then was unemployed. 752 01:33:38,989 --> 01:33:40,490 How did you feel about that? 753 01:33:40,490 --> 01:33:51,293 When my family was still alive, I didn’t really feel bad about it. Our house was paid off, and we didn’t have any debt. 754 01:33:51,293 --> 01:33:59,092 Most of our savings was gone, but we didn’t have to worry about being evicted or the banks taking our homes like others. 755 01:33:59,092 --> 01:34:13,440 I felt like it was a challenge but one we’d all get through with time, but then SARS-22 hit, and that all changed. 756 01:34:13,440 --> 01:34:15,442 How did it change? 757 01:34:15,442 --> 01:34:24,242 First my husband, and then my children died, all of them suddenly and without warning. 758 01:34:24,242 --> 01:34:39,383 Grieving alone is a terrible thing, almost as bad as burying the ones you love, and all I had in 2022 was grief. 759 01:34:39,383 --> 01:34:50,852 Thankfully my friends were supportive and would stop by and keep my occupied. We'd garden. We'd talk. 760 01:34:50,852 --> 01:34:56,233 and that helped me heal a bit. 761 01:34:56,233 --> 01:35:10,789 But then in 2024, my friends began to die until I was the only one left, except some farmers on the other side of town. 762 01:35:10,789 --> 01:35:30,308 I was alone again. That's all I've been since everyone I've loved has died. Alone. Excuse me. 763 01:35:31,852 --> 01:35:40,068 We now travel to New Berlin, Wisconsin, to speak with Amy Jackson. She lost her parents and family as well during the pandemics. 764 01:35:40,068 --> 01:35:47,117 Hi Amy, can you tell us a little bit about your experience during the pandemics and what it was like in Wisconsin? 765 01:35:47,117 --> 01:35:57,836 I was in junior high when the first pandemic hit. It was just after Valentine’s Day and I had been looking forward to our school’s dance, 766 01:35:57,836 --> 01:36:02,883 but then, school shut down and everything was cancelled. 767 01:36:02,883 --> 01:36:09,764 Then most businesses closed over the next year or two, especially when the second pandemic hit. 768 01:36:09,764 --> 01:36:13,310 It was a pretty scary time. 769 01:36:14,519 --> 01:36:15,562 What happened to your parents? 770 01:36:15,562 --> 01:36:23,236 I don’t know. My mom just disappeared with her new boyfriend one day. 771 01:36:23,236 --> 01:36:30,869 They said they were going to his vacation home out west and I was not allowed to come with, 772 01:36:30,869 --> 01:36:40,629 so they left me all by myself, age 15, in her apartment during the middle of the second pandemic. 773 01:36:43,381 --> 01:36:46,885 I never heard from her again. 774 01:36:47,969 --> 01:36:52,724 Our next interview takes us back to China to speak with Miao Yin, a survivor of the pandemics. 775 01:36:52,724 --> 01:36:56,019 What was it like to experience the pandemics in China? 776 01:37:56,830 --> 01:38:03,962 It is said that outside of Europe, China was hit the hardest by the second pandemic, what was your experience of the second pandemic in China? 777 01:38:34,868 --> 01:38:36,828 Did you stay in the village? 778 01:39:29,172 --> 01:39:31,132 What did you do then? 779 01:40:54,799 --> 01:40:59,554 Loneliness is a terrible thing but it is almost always the result of the choices we make. 780 01:40:59,554 --> 01:41:07,312 However, for some people in the new world order, to live and die alone is no longer a choice, but a life-long sentence. 781 01:41:07,312 --> 01:41:13,109 We now travel to Palo Alto, California, to speak with one woman that has experienced this first-hand. 782 01:41:13,109 --> 01:41:20,617 Hi Charlotte, you are known as one of the first people to have been sentenced for a crime since the changes to the criminal justice system occurred, 783 01:41:20,617 --> 01:41:25,079 can you tell us what you were sentenced for and what your punishment is? 784 01:41:25,079 --> 01:41:28,917 I was a nanny before the pandemics started. 785 01:41:28,917 --> 01:41:37,175 I was falsely accused of murdering the mother of the children I was caring for during the second pandemic. 786 01:41:37,175 --> 01:41:44,641 The prosecutor stated in their complaint that I wanted to be the children’s new mommy…. 787 01:41:44,641 --> 01:41:52,816 even though I did become their new mommy as I married their dad 788 01:41:52,816 --> 01:42:00,281 It didn't matter, because they all died of SARS in 2024. 789 01:42:00,281 --> 01:42:12,460 Their father, my ex-husband, left a confession in his will stating that I killed his wife 790 01:42:12,460 --> 01:42:17,382 and that he was afraid I would kill all of them if I said anything 791 01:42:17,382 --> 01:42:34,315 and so about a year ago, these soldiers came to my house, charged me with a crime, arrested and then sentenced me. 792 01:42:35,191 --> 01:42:37,735 What was your sentence? 793 01:42:37,735 --> 01:42:45,618 I was sentenced to a life at home! I can’t leave my house for any reason, I can't even walk the dog! 794 01:42:46,327 --> 01:42:49,914 What if there’s a fire or something that forces you to leave your house? 795 01:42:49,914 --> 01:43:03,177 They installed a device in my head that uses GPS, so if I leave the house for any reason, it will detect it and my head will explode and I’ll die. 796 01:43:03,177 --> 01:43:16,858 They do allow you to go out about 10 feet from the property line so if there was a fire, I’d probably be ok waiting outside…. 797 01:43:16,858 --> 01:43:29,162 from what I’ve been told, there will be a loud beeping noise if I get too close to the edge, warning me before my head explodes. 798 01:43:30,371 --> 01:43:34,918 During the pandemics, many refused to fly not because they were scared of catching SARS, 799 01:43:34,918 --> 01:43:41,174 but because of rumors of what airline personnel would do to anyone that failed a temperature check in-flight. 800 01:43:41,174 --> 01:43:50,934 Our next interview takes us to sunny Los Angeles, to speak with Kaley, an airline attendant that was one of the few people still employed through all three pandemics. 801 01:43:50,934 --> 01:43:56,940 Hi Kaley, what was it like to be an airline attendant during the pandemics? 802 01:43:56,940 --> 01:44:06,574 I was furloughed at the start of the first pandemic, but by the end of 2020, the airports needed people to conduct tests at the security gate, 803 01:44:06,574 --> 01:44:11,871 so I was brought back on to do nasal swabs for the few people still flying. 804 01:44:11,871 --> 01:44:13,414 How did you like that? 805 01:44:13,414 --> 01:44:22,090 I hated it. Absolutely hated it. I always saw myself as a free bird and I wanted to be up in the air…. 806 01:44:22,090 --> 01:44:26,552 definitely not stuck in an airport filled with potentially infected people. 807 01:44:26,552 --> 01:44:29,180 How long did you have to do nasal swaps? 808 01:44:29,180 --> 01:44:39,232 When the economy never re-started and things looked pretty bad, I expected to lose my job as there were fewer and fewer flights each month 809 01:44:39,232 --> 01:44:41,317 Did you lose your job? 810 01:44:41,317 --> 01:44:49,033 Fortunately not. Most of the other airlines went out of business, Southeast was the only one left standing. 811 01:44:49,033 --> 01:44:56,040 so when the government mandated in flight temperature checks and testing, I was given my old job back. 812 01:44:56,040 --> 01:44:59,836 But your job changed considerably, correct? 813 01:44:59,836 --> 01:45:08,845 Oh, you bet! It was no longer bringing people soda and peanuts, but I got to dress up in a fancy hazmat suit. 814 01:45:08,845 --> 01:45:12,348 How did your airline survive the 24 pandemic? 815 01:45:12,348 --> 01:45:22,775 I really don’t know, at one point, we really were just transporting health care workers and senators and those types, 816 01:45:22,775 --> 01:45:27,405 and the empty seats and luggage racks were often filled with medical equipment. 817 01:45:27,405 --> 01:45:31,242 No one else was allowed to fly in 2022 and 2023. 818 01:45:31,242 --> 01:45:40,585 They started paying us in peanuts instead of money too, and because the grocery stores were shut down, we were literally happy to be paid in peanuts…. 819 01:45:40,585 --> 01:45:43,588 though I would have preferred pistachios. 820 01:45:43,588 --> 01:45:48,301 But really, I was just happy to be back in the air. 821 01:45:48,301 --> 01:45:56,434 What did you do when you found someone was infected with SARS22 or SARS24 during a flight the next two years? 822 01:45:56,434 --> 01:46:00,813 Well....that’s not something I’d really like to talk about. 823 01:46:01,397 --> 01:46:03,399 Why is that? 824 01:46:03,399 --> 01:46:15,828 Well, you know. I just’ve always….well, I’ve always deplored the fact that sick people just had to go. 825 01:46:15,828 --> 01:46:18,081 What do you mean? 826 01:46:18,081 --> 01:46:26,297 Well, the motto of the airline was, “the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few” and we took that to heart. All of us. 827 01:46:26,297 --> 01:46:36,224 We didn’t want one sick person getting the other ten or twenty people on the flight sick, so we had to remove them from the plane even if we were forty thousand feet up. 828 01:46:36,224 --> 01:46:48,611 If I found someone had a high temperature, my job was to alert the air marshal. His job then was to take that person and put them in a quarantine cabin in the back. 829 01:46:48,611 --> 01:46:51,239 How did the quarantine cabins start? 830 01:46:51,239 --> 01:46:59,831 Well, one of the things the airlines had to do was remove the toilets on flights. People were no longer allowed to go to the bathroom while in the air. 831 01:46:59,831 --> 01:47:09,674 If they had to go potty, well, they just had to release it in their hazmat suit like an old person stuck at the opera. 832 01:47:09,674 --> 01:47:18,516 After the revolution, the government banned the use of “quarantine cabins” on planes, but very few people that flew during the pandemics ever talked about them. 833 01:47:18,516 --> 01:47:22,228 What exactly were the “quarantine cabins”? 834 01:47:22,228 --> 01:47:31,237 They created the “quarantine cabin” to replace the restroom on the plane, and when we put someone in there, 835 01:47:31,237 --> 01:47:39,620 and shut the door, and locked it, the floor would open up and they’d fall out of the plane. 836 01:47:39,620 --> 01:47:42,373 So they died? 837 01:47:42,373 --> 01:47:53,759 Well, yeah, some of them maybe. But we weren’t just like throwing people out of airplanes like a train might do with someone without a ticket. We were very humane about it. 838 01:47:53,759 --> 01:48:00,141 How is throwing someone that just has a high temperature out of an airplane considered humane? 839 01:48:00,141 --> 01:48:04,353 We gave them parachutes, silly! 840 01:48:04,353 --> 01:48:09,859 There’s no question the world has changed, the question is how much has it changed? 841 01:48:09,859 --> 01:48:17,200 Our next interview takes us to Iowa, where Senator Brown has agreed to share how he got into politics during the pandemics. 842 01:48:17,200 --> 01:48:20,703 Senator Brown, could you please state your name and occupation for the record? 843 01:48:20,703 --> 01:48:32,340 Well, my name is Michael Brown. I’m a senator from Iowa. I’m originally from Texas, but I left Texas for Iowa in 2022 when there was a call for people to help out with farming. 844 01:48:32,340 --> 01:48:39,263 I’ve been in Iowa since and haven’t looked back, not after what I saw in Houston during the second pandemic. 845 01:48:39,263 --> 01:48:41,849 How did you get involved in politics? 846 01:48:41,849 --> 01:48:53,736 I didn’t ask to be a politician. I wound up joining the food riots after President Sanders died due to SARS-24 and the leader of the house illegally seized power…. 847 01:48:53,736 --> 01:49:04,121 hard to imagine that was only 5 years ago, but like most Americans back then, I was disgusted by what had happened, and was happening. 848 01:49:04,121 --> 01:49:06,916 How did your movement form into an army? 849 01:49:06,916 --> 01:49:16,634 During 2025, we were basically a hungry mob, not an army…..for those that study history, it really felt like we were re-living the French Revolution 850 01:49:16,634 --> 01:49:24,892 with Hilary Clinton playing the part of Robespierre, only after the reign of terror was over, instead of Napoleon, we had Senator Yang, 851 01:49:24,892 --> 01:49:30,106 who wound up becoming the First President of the New Republic of America. 852 01:49:30,106 --> 01:49:39,657 I think our movement was purely organic, and just kind of organized naturally, we never really thought of ourselves as an army 853 01:49:39,657 --> 01:49:43,869 but as protestors wanting to restore the government from those that seized it 854 01:49:43,869 --> 01:49:54,046 We saw ourselves protecting the country from its domestic enemies and we didn’t care a damn about dying from SARS when we marched on Washington D.C. 855 01:49:54,046 --> 01:49:58,551 Many of you died when the army fired on you, what was that like? 856 01:49:58,551 --> 01:50:05,766 It was scary, but after living through the pandemics, I don’t think any of us were scared of death at that point. 857 01:50:05,766 --> 01:50:14,734 When the other army units stopped following orders to shoot the protestors, who were only protesting the fact that our farm fields were being plundered by banks, 858 01:50:14,734 --> 01:50:19,405 and when those army units turned on the ones that had fired on protestors, 859 01:50:19,405 --> 01:50:27,913 that was when we knew things were changing, that a revolution, the first one in hundreds of years, was happening in America. 860 01:50:27,913 --> 01:50:36,839 It was quick and the change in power went without hiccups, after all, we weren’t setting up a new government, 861 01:50:36,839 --> 01:50:44,764 but just restoring the one that had been taken from us quietly over the last 50 years by corporations and lobbyists. 862 01:50:44,764 --> 01:50:50,519 You’re known as an avid-reader, what book has most inspired your political philosophy? 863 01:50:50,519 --> 01:51:00,571 Well, I’m a big fan of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. He was a Genevan philosopher who influenced the progress of Enlightenment throughout Europe, 864 01:51:00,571 --> 01:51:09,163 He had a really good saying I liked, I prefer liberty with danger than peace with slavery. 865 01:51:09,163 --> 01:51:11,540 Do you have a favorite book? 866 01:51:11,540 --> 01:51:17,963 Thomas Pickety’s book Capital in the 21st Century was fairly influential when I was younger, 867 01:51:17,963 --> 01:51:25,554 but I also just read a book One-Dimensional Man by Herbert Marcuse, it’s a great read and I highly recommend it. 868 01:51:25,554 --> 01:51:34,897 I believe Carol Hilfer, who runs the Educational Program for our great nation, is making it required e-reading for all 12th graders. 869 01:51:34,897 --> 01:51:40,820 I’d like to say more, but I have to go now, goodbye 870 01:51:41,487 --> 01:53:53,661 (Music) 871 01:53:53,661 --> 01:54:00,584 Did you not hear the new rules? Stay 12 feet apart. Keep going! Keep going! Keep going! 872 01:54:00,584 --> 01:54:07,758 We now travel to Lancaster, PA to speak with a firefighter that worked during the pandemics. Hi, Bill. 873 01:54:07,758 --> 01:54:22,898 Hi, there, my name's Bill Larson. I was a firefighter before and during the pandemics. I still volunteer part-time but due to back issues, I mainly help out around town with food deliveries. 874 01:54:22,898 --> 01:54:34,410 I've been to the Middle East before. I served tours in Afghanistan then served stateside after the Middle East withdrawal during the 2nd Great Depression. 875 01:54:34,410 --> 01:54:36,787 I always knew I'd be back though. 876 01:54:36,787 --> 01:54:47,840 Our next interview takes us to Santa Fe, New Mexico to speak with Jennifer Freiburg. Jennifer, you lost your family to SARS-22 and SARS-24, correct? 877 01:54:50,718 --> 01:55:00,853 Now being a man of science, it's vital to challenge the status quo, over and over, all the greats, Einstein's theory that's been debunked! 878 01:55:00,853 --> 01:55:06,358 Now if four milliard people have died, then that's clear proof that America does not exist! 879 01:55:06,358 --> 01:55:14,617 Life is short. Don’t waste your time being afraid of what could happen. Take in each moment at a time and focus on the present moment. 880 01:55:14,617 --> 01:55:20,080 Revel in your time for life is short, precious and temporary. 881 01:55:20,080 --> 01:55:23,459 However, at the same time, don’t be stupid. 882 01:55:23,459 --> 01:55:29,923 Go out and live your life, but don’t pretend nothing horrible will ever happen to you. 883 01:55:29,923 --> 01:55:35,346 Diseases have no moral compass. They don’t care who you are or how rich, young or old you are. 884 01:55:35,346 --> 01:55:39,183 Once you get SARS, there’s no turning back. 885 01:55:39,183 --> 01:55:48,067 Wear your face mask, wash your hands, avoid close contact with anyone that looks sick or that has been around anyone that has recently died. 886 01:55:48,067 --> 01:55:53,530 And most importantly, don’t panic! Keep your head straight. 887 01:55:53,530 --> 01:55:59,870 Another piece of advice I might give to anyone watching, is to make amends with those you love. 888 01:55:59,870 --> 01:56:09,588 To quote the novelist Dostoyevsky, “So much unhappiness has come to this world because of things left unsaid.” 889 01:56:09,588 --> 01:56:27,648 Forgive them. Call them up, talk to them, let bygones be bygones and let them know you love them because you never know if you’ll have that chance again. 890 01:56:31,735 --> 01:56:46,166 (Music fading out.)