1 00:00:02,000 --> 00:00:07,000 Downloaded from YTS.MX 2 00:00:08,000 --> 00:00:13,000 Official YIFY movies site: YTS.MX 3 00:01:41,405 --> 00:01:46,364 This story begins in Japan 4 00:01:47,072 --> 00:01:51,322 Where the sun rises first on the earth 5 00:01:52,780 --> 00:01:55,197 This is a rich Japanese wedding… 6 00:01:55,739 --> 00:01:58,239 It’s a custom here for groom to gift something to bride 7 00:01:59,197 --> 00:02:01,989 This is not about Japanese wedding or their customs 8 00:02:02,489 --> 00:02:06,072 Do you see that violin? It is about this. 9 00:02:06,655 --> 00:02:08,947 It's costs is eight lakhs… 10 00:02:09,614 --> 00:02:12,364 The reason, because it's made some kind of wood 11 00:02:15,530 --> 00:02:17,447 You will not find this wood anywhere around here. 12 00:02:18,155 --> 00:02:20,822 But, it must be smuggled from China by sea. 13 00:02:22,364 --> 00:02:24,197 Shanghai port, China. 14 00:02:25,030 --> 00:02:29,739 That wood was transported by this ship. 15 00:02:30,280 --> 00:02:32,864 It came from Chennai travelling thousands of miles. 16 00:02:34,239 --> 00:02:37,072 But, it must be smuggled from China by sea. 17 00:02:38,614 --> 00:02:49,072 They were loaded onto ships by these lorries 18 00:02:51,489 --> 00:02:56,530 It came from Chennai travels thousands of miles. 19 00:02:57,655 --> 00:03:04,655 The place in the world where we can find red sandalwood... 20 00:03:05,530 --> 00:03:08,280 Seshachalam forest, Rayalaseema. 21 00:03:21,155 --> 00:03:25,614 It is a crime to cut down trees here 22 00:03:26,780 --> 00:03:30,489 This is the gold growing on earth, it's name is red sandalwood 23 00:04:16,780 --> 00:04:19,614 You are escaping right in front of police… Who are you? 24 00:04:19,905 --> 00:04:22,322 Get down.. get down. 25 00:04:42,989 --> 00:04:47,155 We have met after long time. How are you? 26 00:04:48,322 --> 00:04:49,697 Hope you are doing good. 27 00:04:51,489 --> 00:04:52,655 That’s ok. 28 00:04:53,405 --> 00:04:55,155 Why trouble between us. 29 00:04:55,864 --> 00:04:58,614 I will give you Ten thousand. Will you leave me? 30 00:04:59,155 --> 00:05:00,280 Ten Thousand. 31 00:05:02,030 --> 00:05:06,572 Bribe? Are you trying to bribe Tamilnadu Police Is It? 32 00:05:06,989 --> 00:05:09,905 Sir, he's trying to bribe us ten thousand, sir. 33 00:05:19,364 --> 00:05:20,405 Twenty Thousand! 34 00:05:33,405 --> 00:05:34,530 Thirty thousand! 35 00:05:46,655 --> 00:05:47,822 Forty thousand! 36 00:06:02,697 --> 00:06:05,530 Fifty thousand! 37 00:06:25,530 --> 00:06:26,739 One Lakh! 38 00:06:32,072 --> 00:06:36,864 I meant is one lack per head 39 00:06:37,530 --> 00:06:41,280 What I’m saying is one lakh per head. 40 00:07:12,280 --> 00:07:15,280 Brother… Are you Tamil? 41 00:07:15,655 --> 00:07:16,822 What is your name? 42 00:07:17,947 --> 00:07:19,114 Pushpa! 43 00:07:21,030 --> 00:07:22,364 Hardcore Telugu 44 00:07:37,822 --> 00:07:40,614 You are a thief when Police vehicle is behind us. 45 00:07:40,989 --> 00:07:43,280 If the same vehicle is before you are a King. 46 00:07:43,780 --> 00:07:47,489 You know how was Pushpa earlier, who did rob like a King? 47 00:07:47,489 --> 00:07:49,280 Don’t stay there gossiping while you go and have tea. 48 00:07:49,489 --> 00:07:52,114 Come fast. We have lots of work. OK? 49 00:08:11,405 --> 00:08:14,822 Who is he? Is he your Son in law.. sitting as if he owns the place. 50 00:08:15,697 --> 00:08:16,989 Hey, when does the work finish? 51 00:08:16,989 --> 00:08:19,739 Bro, it’ll be done. I’ll send in two days. You please go, bro. 52 00:08:20,197 --> 00:08:23,280 Who is that guy? Sitting cross legged? 53 00:08:25,280 --> 00:08:26,697 Hey…what is this? 54 00:08:26,697 --> 00:08:28,739 How can you sit cross legged, when owner is asking..? 55 00:08:28,739 --> 00:08:29,864 Don’t you have manners? 56 00:08:31,655 --> 00:08:32,614 What? 57 00:08:33,572 --> 00:08:38,739 This leg is mine and this leg is mine.. and i kept my leg on my leg. 58 00:08:39,030 --> 00:08:40,739 Did I put my leg on the owner or what? 59 00:08:41,780 --> 00:08:44,030 Does he want me to work or give him respect? 60 00:08:44,864 --> 00:08:47,114 You must change your behaviour if you want to work here. 61 00:08:47,405 --> 00:08:49,030 You cant behave as you want 62 00:08:49,239 --> 00:08:50,322 Is it so? 63 00:08:50,780 --> 00:08:54,072 It’s Not possible to change my behavior so how about changing the owner 64 00:08:54,822 --> 00:08:56,072 Give me my wages 65 00:09:02,322 --> 00:09:03,989 This is enough for what I have done. 66 00:09:04,530 --> 00:09:09,947 Give this to your owner and ask him to go and buy manners in the market if available. 67 00:09:11,864 --> 00:09:12,989 Hold this! 68 00:09:15,780 --> 00:09:20,197 This fellow will either rule the world or go to dogs. 69 00:09:21,697 --> 00:09:23,447 Hey…Where are you going? 70 00:09:25,239 --> 00:09:26,780 I’m also changing the owner. 71 00:09:26,864 --> 00:09:29,905 I want to see what he becomes. -Where are you going? 72 00:09:40,447 --> 00:09:43,030 Hey Parvatamma. How many days will you escape like this? 73 00:09:43,364 --> 00:09:44,780 I gave you money during last Sankranti festival. 74 00:09:44,780 --> 00:09:46,655 Forget the principle, till now you haven’t even paid the interest. 75 00:09:46,655 --> 00:09:48,739 Didn’t I tell you Reddappa that I will pay back next month? 76 00:09:48,739 --> 00:09:52,697 You are postponing every month saying next month. How many times should I come to your house? 77 00:09:54,239 --> 00:09:56,822 Shameless people…. Shameless people. 78 00:09:56,989 --> 00:09:59,572 Don’t shout. The whole Village is listening. 79 00:09:59,655 --> 00:10:02,280 I am shouting so that everyone can listen. At least then they will feel ashamed and repay. 80 00:10:02,489 --> 00:10:04,864 She is a widow. Is that the way to talk to her. 81 00:10:04,864 --> 00:10:05,822 widow? So what? 82 00:10:05,864 --> 00:10:07,239 She has a son as grown as a buffalo at home.. right. 83 00:10:07,239 --> 00:10:09,322 Isn’t he a man? Doesn’t he have hands and legs? 84 00:10:09,364 --> 00:10:11,822 No Reddappa, My boy has joined for work in the mill. 85 00:10:11,822 --> 00:10:13,489 He will pay whatever he earns month after month to you. 86 00:10:13,489 --> 00:10:14,530 What will he repay? 87 00:10:14,530 --> 00:10:17,114 Everyone in the village know that your son has left the work long time back. 88 00:10:19,155 --> 00:10:21,697 What is this son? Is Reddappa telling the truth? 89 00:10:21,822 --> 00:10:24,989 Have you really left work at the mill? Answer me. 90 00:10:25,322 --> 00:10:26,822 I am asking you. 91 00:10:27,780 --> 00:10:30,405 Listen Parvatamma. Forget this. I will come tomorrow morning. 92 00:10:30,405 --> 00:10:32,030 I want you to reapy every penny , 93 00:10:32,030 --> 00:10:33,655 If not, this time I will not shout standing in front of your house... 94 00:10:33,655 --> 00:10:35,905 will do it from your roof top I will shout in front of everyone. 95 00:10:35,905 --> 00:10:38,739 Drink… Neither son is listening nor the buffalo. 96 00:10:45,155 --> 00:10:48,114 Principle Three thousand and Interest Three thousand six hundred. 97 00:10:48,114 --> 00:10:49,822 Total Six thousand six hundred. 98 00:10:49,864 --> 00:10:51,030 The account is settled. bye. 99 00:10:51,030 --> 00:10:54,114 Glad that your account is settled. How about mine? 100 00:10:54,114 --> 00:10:55,447 Your Account?... What account? 101 00:10:56,197 --> 00:10:58,780 Entire village got to know that we have took a loan from you. 102 00:10:59,364 --> 00:11:01,114 Now , Shouldn’t all of them know that we have repaid? 103 00:11:01,114 --> 00:11:02,364 Isn’t it simple? 104 00:11:02,572 --> 00:11:05,155 Hello Gurappa, Venkatadri Pushpa has repaid his loan. 105 00:11:05,155 --> 00:11:06,989 Ok I take leave now 106 00:11:07,530 --> 00:11:10,072 Yesterday there were so many people at the Ration Shop. 107 00:11:10,072 --> 00:11:11,530 Who will tell all of them? 108 00:11:11,905 --> 00:11:13,030 What do you say now? 109 00:11:13,030 --> 00:11:15,072 Gurappa get me the list of Who all were there yesterday? 110 00:11:15,197 --> 00:11:17,405 A total of 120 people were there. 111 00:11:17,530 --> 00:11:18,655 Pakala Ravi 112 00:11:18,655 --> 00:11:19,905 Chalapathi 113 00:11:20,072 --> 00:11:21,072 Munemma! 114 00:11:21,072 --> 00:11:21,905 hey.. Stop. 115 00:11:22,030 --> 00:11:23,697 Do you expecting me to inform all of them now? 116 00:11:23,864 --> 00:11:25,072 I won’t. 117 00:11:30,280 --> 00:11:31,239 Kondal Rayudu! 118 00:11:31,364 --> 00:11:34,364 Listen Kondalrayudu… Pushpa has repaid his entire loan. 119 00:11:34,364 --> 00:11:36,197 Has he repaid? -Yes. He has repaid the entire loan 120 00:11:36,197 --> 00:11:38,614 Bainapalli Subbalakshmi, Batyala Alivelu... 121 00:11:38,614 --> 00:11:41,364 Pushpa has repaid his entire loan. 122 00:11:41,364 --> 00:11:44,239 Pushpa... Inform Venkata Subbamma also. She is leaving for Dubai in the evening. 123 00:11:44,989 --> 00:11:47,697 Hundred rupees work… Hundred rupees work 124 00:11:47,780 --> 00:11:51,030 Thousand rupees work…Thousand rupees work. 125 00:11:51,197 --> 00:11:53,364 Come fast.. Thousand rupees work. 126 00:11:53,405 --> 00:11:55,822 What is this hundred-rupees work? And what is thousand rupees work? 127 00:11:56,072 --> 00:11:57,655 This is legal, so Hundred rupees only. 128 00:11:57,739 --> 00:12:00,364 That is illegal. More money and more risk… 129 00:12:00,364 --> 00:12:01,739 Thousand rupees work…Thousand rupees work. 130 00:12:01,739 --> 00:12:03,239 Come fast.. Thousand rupees work. 131 00:12:03,447 --> 00:12:05,739 Come fast.. Thousand rupees work. 132 00:12:06,322 --> 00:12:10,947 Thousand rupees work…Thousand rupees work. 133 00:12:11,239 --> 00:12:14,989 Hey…why are you going that side? If we go that side, there is no surety that we will come back home by evening. 134 00:12:15,072 --> 00:12:18,072 I don’t have much work in the evening anyway. So I’m going. 135 00:12:23,155 --> 00:12:25,905 Hey ... please let our parents know if I am not coming back. 136 00:12:49,655 --> 00:12:51,405 Hey, get down quickly. 137 00:12:53,655 --> 00:12:55,697 Move on... move on... 138 00:12:56,155 --> 00:12:56,822 Move! 139 00:12:58,822 --> 00:13:00,030 Fast... fast... 140 00:13:00,905 --> 00:13:01,614 Move! 141 00:13:03,530 --> 00:13:06,197 To hell with this rain! Get going. 142 00:13:13,239 --> 00:13:15,697 Bro, Is this your first time ? -Yeah bro. 143 00:13:15,697 --> 00:13:16,572 What's your name? 144 00:13:16,614 --> 00:13:18,280 Can they pay us after the work is done? 145 00:13:19,905 --> 00:13:22,989 If the rain continues like this We will take 10 days to reach our destination 146 00:13:23,739 --> 00:13:26,114 Be careful. Water is flowing with force. 147 00:14:22,739 --> 00:14:24,114 Where are you all going? 148 00:14:25,114 --> 00:14:29,447 We put in so much effort to flick this, and you want to hand over it to the police just like that? 149 00:14:30,280 --> 00:14:32,947 I have an idea. Come here, I will tell you. 150 00:14:37,406 --> 00:14:38,614 DSP Govindappa! 151 00:14:39,156 --> 00:14:41,947 He's nightmare for Red sandal smugglers 152 00:14:42,031 --> 00:14:45,989 After he took charge, coolies realised that life more important than money 153 00:14:45,989 --> 00:14:51,114 If anyone has to cut the trees or smuggle the goods out of the forest it can be only after he takes a nap. 154 00:15:00,902 --> 00:15:02,652 Ey.. What are you people doing here? 155 00:15:03,527 --> 00:15:05,944 We came to graze the sheep... sheep 156 00:15:06,111 --> 00:15:07,194 Where are the sheep then? 157 00:15:07,361 --> 00:15:10,069 Sheep have gone into the forest to graze… 158 00:15:11,486 --> 00:15:12,944 How many sheep are you grazing? 159 00:15:14,611 --> 00:15:15,611 How many sheep do we have? 160 00:15:15,611 --> 00:15:16,777 around two hundred I guess. 161 00:15:18,277 --> 00:15:19,569 We will have two hundred sir. 162 00:15:21,111 --> 00:15:24,152 What work does Shepherds have with the axe? 163 00:15:24,986 --> 00:15:30,611 They came to graze the sheep and I came to kill the tiger if it comes... 164 00:15:32,152 --> 00:15:35,361 Hey… Is this the way to speak to DSP sir? 165 00:15:35,361 --> 00:15:36,402 Don’t you have respect?? 166 00:15:37,736 --> 00:15:40,486 of course, we have respect, that’s why we hid the logs. 167 00:15:40,986 --> 00:15:43,694 Otherwise, we would have moved them out of the forest in front of you. 168 00:15:45,569 --> 00:15:47,611 Then you would have really lost respect? 169 00:15:49,444 --> 00:15:51,486 Hey what are you staring at? 170 00:15:52,152 --> 00:15:54,069 Tiger is caught. Wrap it! 171 00:15:54,694 --> 00:15:57,194 Don’t act smart? Where are goods? 172 00:15:57,694 --> 00:15:58,777 Where are goods? 173 00:16:00,319 --> 00:16:02,861 I thought you are man who came to catch the goods 174 00:16:04,402 --> 00:16:06,236 Didn't know you came to catch my shirt collar 175 00:16:17,402 --> 00:16:18,444 Hello Sir. 176 00:16:19,277 --> 00:16:21,194 You have just 6 bullets. 177 00:16:21,986 --> 00:16:25,027 I have sixty axes around me. 178 00:16:26,152 --> 00:16:28,152 We will OUTNUMER you. 179 00:16:28,736 --> 00:16:31,736 Sir, Look at their faces. They are all looking like rouges. 180 00:16:32,152 --> 00:16:33,277 Not now. We will come back again. 181 00:16:33,486 --> 00:16:35,986 He is giving good advice. 182 00:16:36,236 --> 00:16:38,152 If you listen to him, it will do good for all of us. 183 00:16:41,652 --> 00:16:43,944 They are strong only when they are in the forest.. Where can they go, sir. 184 00:16:43,944 --> 00:16:45,819 Let's go sir... we will nab them when they come out. 185 00:16:51,111 --> 00:16:53,486 Look like they will take out the hidden stock in front of us. 186 00:16:53,486 --> 00:16:54,861 We will lose our respect it that happens, Lets go sir. 187 00:17:51,236 --> 00:17:55,069 Leaf lives on Sunlight to grow 188 00:17:55,569 --> 00:17:59,444 The Goat eats away leaves to be alive 189 00:17:59,902 --> 00:18:03,861 And a tiger hunts goat to survive 190 00:18:04,319 --> 00:18:05,986 Isn’t it the power of Hunger? 191 00:18:06,527 --> 00:18:08,194 Isn’t it the power of Hunger? 192 00:18:12,986 --> 00:18:16,902 The tiger perishes in death the death dissolves in time 193 00:18:17,402 --> 00:18:21,444 And the time surrenders before Kali This is a great hunger 194 00:18:25,986 --> 00:18:29,861 The hunted knows it should run faster And the hunter knows he should outrun his prey 195 00:18:30,486 --> 00:18:34,944 If the hunted wins, it will live another day And the hunter knows, it should win to survive 196 00:18:35,652 --> 00:18:41,652 Life for one May mean death for another 197 00:18:42,194 --> 00:18:46,652 Goat has to find a place to hide if it doesn’t want to be the next lunch of the tiger 198 00:19:13,069 --> 00:19:16,986 A Worm is a bait to catch fish Grains are used to trap the bird 199 00:19:17,361 --> 00:19:21,736 A piece of Meat can lure the dog into danger Survival is the hook for human beings 200 00:19:26,069 --> 00:19:30,319 In the festival to please a god Chicken and sheep gets killed 201 00:19:30,569 --> 00:19:34,819 The knife gets smeared with blood And even a goddess can’t escape from a bait 202 00:19:34,944 --> 00:19:37,027 This is the fate of the world 203 00:19:41,402 --> 00:19:49,611 If you are not alert, the bait will catch you You can only survive if you have a hunger to gobble the bait 204 00:19:50,152 --> 00:19:58,527 A hungry man can’t see right or wrong Only the fittest will survive here 205 00:19:59,652 --> 00:20:04,194 Goat has to find a place to hide if it doesn’t want to be the next lunch of the tiger 206 00:20:28,027 --> 00:20:29,902 Somireddy- 21 kilogram 207 00:20:30,319 --> 00:20:31,236 Okay bro. 208 00:20:34,236 --> 00:20:35,736 It is the same wage that I paid last time also 209 00:20:36,152 --> 00:20:37,069 Go... 210 00:20:38,486 --> 00:20:41,069 Kotireddy-28 KG -Take what I paid for. and leave. 211 00:20:49,027 --> 00:20:51,152 Brother. I will be with you. 212 00:20:52,194 --> 00:20:52,986 What? 213 00:20:53,236 --> 00:20:54,361 I will be with you brother. 214 00:20:54,652 --> 00:20:57,652 What do I have with me, except this beedi. 215 00:20:58,819 --> 00:20:59,777 Who are you? 216 00:20:59,819 --> 00:21:00,861 Missing finger. 217 00:21:01,236 --> 00:21:02,486 My real name is Kesava. 218 00:21:02,861 --> 00:21:05,402 Since I don’t have one finger, everyone calls me missing finger. 219 00:21:05,652 --> 00:21:06,819 What is the matter? 220 00:21:07,527 --> 00:21:09,694 Brother, do you remember muni Madhav from that timber depot? 221 00:21:09,694 --> 00:21:13,652 He said that you will become a great man. 222 00:21:14,902 --> 00:21:18,194 I somehow want to earn lot of money and go back to my village. 223 00:21:18,444 --> 00:21:20,486 I think I can earn fast if I’m with you. 224 00:21:23,194 --> 00:21:26,944 what ? so you want me to become a great man for your sake.. uh? 225 00:21:26,944 --> 00:21:29,819 I thought of myself. But you will become big. 226 00:21:30,527 --> 00:21:32,361 How much do you want to earn? 227 00:21:34,902 --> 00:21:35,986 Ten Lakhs 228 00:21:39,027 --> 00:21:40,319 That's it? 229 00:21:40,819 --> 00:21:44,319 Ok, go fetch my wages of Ten hundreds 230 00:21:44,652 --> 00:21:45,736 Okay Brother. 231 00:21:46,194 --> 00:21:48,902 Hey missing thumb. Didn’t you collect your money already? Why did you come again? 232 00:21:49,152 --> 00:21:51,652 Not for me. I came for Pushpa’s wages. 233 00:21:51,819 --> 00:21:53,069 I have loaded his log just now. 234 00:21:53,277 --> 00:21:54,902 Pushpa? Who is he? 235 00:21:57,819 --> 00:22:02,527 There.. that guy sitting cross legged under the tree, and smoking a beedi. 236 00:22:04,194 --> 00:22:06,986 He is a coolie him self. And you are his coolie is it? 237 00:22:07,611 --> 00:22:12,152 He could be sitting under a tree today, The day he gets an opportunity He will rule the country. 238 00:22:12,152 --> 00:22:13,902 Remember that. 239 00:22:13,902 --> 00:22:15,861 Looks like this coolie fellow is showing off a lot. -Hey police. 240 00:22:19,902 --> 00:22:22,611 Hey useless fellows…. 241 00:22:22,652 --> 00:22:26,986 You have twenty guns and forty bullets around you. We will OUTNUMBER you. 242 00:22:27,277 --> 00:22:30,361 No one will survive even if one person moves. 243 00:22:31,861 --> 00:22:33,486 Stay where you are. 244 00:22:41,902 --> 00:22:43,152 Hey, throw 245 00:22:44,152 --> 00:22:45,319 Come on... throw. 246 00:22:45,819 --> 00:22:47,736 Hey, they coming closer... throw it. 247 00:23:02,569 --> 00:23:06,777 If you are caught by police no one will come to save you. 248 00:23:06,777 --> 00:23:08,402 I've pinned all my hopes on you. 249 00:23:10,319 --> 00:23:14,861 Let's run... hey bro run.. 250 00:23:44,444 --> 00:23:45,111 Move! 251 00:23:46,569 --> 00:23:47,152 Move! 252 00:24:12,777 --> 00:24:14,111 Stop it… Stop 253 00:24:18,527 --> 00:24:19,569 Where is the Lorry? 254 00:24:20,319 --> 00:24:21,486 What sir? 255 00:24:21,777 --> 00:24:24,944 Why do you always catch my collar and not the stock? 256 00:24:26,652 --> 00:24:30,861 Lets go to the station and talk.. It's hot here. 257 00:24:33,611 --> 00:24:35,402 I won’t move my leg. You go. 258 00:24:41,902 --> 00:24:43,902 Where is the lorry? speak! 259 00:24:45,069 --> 00:24:47,986 Speak, speak out! 260 00:24:49,694 --> 00:24:50,527 Water... 261 00:24:51,861 --> 00:24:53,611 Drinking Water… 262 00:24:58,402 --> 00:25:00,569 They made the Lorry disappear right in front of our eyes. 263 00:25:01,027 --> 00:25:03,402 Searched everywhere. But couldn't find the same 264 00:25:08,777 --> 00:25:09,819 Not for me Sir. 265 00:25:10,694 --> 00:25:11,611 Give it to him. 266 00:25:12,527 --> 00:25:14,152 He is so tired of beating me. Poor guy. 267 00:25:16,569 --> 00:25:17,486 Drink Sir. 268 00:25:21,361 --> 00:25:23,069 Where did you hide the goods tell now…? 269 00:25:23,277 --> 00:25:26,486 My boss won’t spare me if I tell you. 270 00:25:26,986 --> 00:25:27,819 Who is that? 271 00:25:28,569 --> 00:25:30,194 Who is the boss? Who is the boss? 272 00:25:30,361 --> 00:25:32,569 Who else? It’s me. 273 00:25:33,319 --> 00:25:36,736 No one is born in Chittoor district, who can tell me.. 274 00:25:40,277 --> 00:25:41,527 not yet. 275 00:25:43,111 --> 00:25:44,402 you call yourself Boss. 276 00:25:44,569 --> 00:25:46,527 And you are laughing? 277 00:25:46,777 --> 00:25:47,694 Laughing… 278 00:25:47,902 --> 00:25:50,236 You have no respect for Police… 279 00:25:50,319 --> 00:25:51,777 laugh... 280 00:25:51,861 --> 00:25:54,152 Are you the boss? Stop it! 281 00:25:55,694 --> 00:25:57,652 I know how to stop his laugh Sir. 282 00:26:06,736 --> 00:26:07,944 What is your name boy? 283 00:26:10,736 --> 00:26:13,194 We need to file the case, right? What’s your name? 284 00:26:14,611 --> 00:26:15,819 Pushpa! 285 00:26:17,069 --> 00:26:17,986 What’s your full name? 286 00:26:21,944 --> 00:26:22,819 Pushpa… 287 00:26:23,402 --> 00:26:24,611 Pushparaju… 288 00:26:25,402 --> 00:26:26,611 Then what’s your Surname? 289 00:26:28,861 --> 00:26:30,236 Surname? Don’t know? 290 00:26:37,902 --> 00:26:40,986 One that is written in front of the name. I’m asking what is it? 291 00:26:42,277 --> 00:26:42,986 Don’t know? 292 00:26:44,402 --> 00:26:45,527 What are you thinking? 293 00:26:46,111 --> 00:26:48,236 We all have it. Don’t you have one? 294 00:26:49,944 --> 00:26:51,027 Surname? 295 00:26:52,736 --> 00:26:53,819 Why are you not talking? 296 00:27:04,152 --> 00:27:05,569 Surname? 297 00:27:08,236 --> 00:27:09,319 Tell 298 00:27:10,527 --> 00:27:11,319 Silence! 299 00:27:12,444 --> 00:27:13,652 Boy... What is your name? 300 00:27:14,111 --> 00:27:15,319 Pushparaju 301 00:27:15,402 --> 00:27:16,652 Pushparaju 302 00:27:16,777 --> 00:27:17,569 What is your Surname? 303 00:27:17,736 --> 00:27:18,569 Molleti… 304 00:27:18,944 --> 00:27:21,944 Molleti… -Molleti Pushparaju 305 00:27:22,069 --> 00:27:22,944 What is your father’s name? 306 00:27:23,111 --> 00:27:25,819 Molleti Venkata ramana... 307 00:27:32,986 --> 00:27:33,944 What is this sir? 308 00:27:34,986 --> 00:27:36,777 Will you just write whatever anyone says? 309 00:27:37,527 --> 00:27:39,277 Won’t you verify the details? 310 00:27:40,694 --> 00:27:46,527 Just because my father visited their house few times, will our surname become theirs? 311 00:27:52,069 --> 00:27:56,652 Can’t you differentiate kids born out of wedlock and the ones born to a mistress? 312 00:27:57,486 --> 00:28:01,069 Surname belongs to the ones born legally... 313 00:28:01,611 --> 00:28:03,777 not to hybrid fellows. 314 00:28:08,902 --> 00:28:10,861 Rey... Come here. 315 00:28:14,611 --> 00:28:15,486 What is your name? 316 00:28:16,069 --> 00:28:17,944 Molleti Pushparaju! 317 00:28:19,861 --> 00:28:22,236 Just because my father slept with your mother, 318 00:28:23,444 --> 00:28:25,152 you can’t inherit our surname. 319 00:28:30,236 --> 00:28:31,319 You don’t have a surname. 320 00:28:32,819 --> 00:28:34,819 Your name is Just Pushparaju. 321 00:28:35,611 --> 00:28:36,777 Pushparaju. 322 00:28:38,319 --> 00:28:39,486 Now say, what is your name? 323 00:28:40,236 --> 00:28:41,736 Pushparaju! 324 00:28:42,777 --> 00:28:44,277 Pushparaju! 325 00:28:44,319 --> 00:28:45,861 Say loudly so that everyone can hear. 326 00:28:55,111 --> 00:28:56,277 Pushparaju! 327 00:29:09,819 --> 00:29:12,902 What is this brother? They have beaten you so badly 328 00:29:13,111 --> 00:29:16,152 Won’t they beat if you hide the Lorry? 329 00:29:16,444 --> 00:29:18,527 Am feeling hungry. Let’s talk while eating 330 00:29:18,527 --> 00:29:20,569 What is this? Look at all those injuries. 331 00:29:20,569 --> 00:29:22,027 Hey, be quiet. 332 00:29:22,402 --> 00:29:23,569 Go man… 333 00:29:23,819 --> 00:29:26,027 Brother What is there to eat. 334 00:29:26,027 --> 00:29:29,152 Subbanna… Jakkareddy bro, jaalreddy bro are coming 335 00:29:30,069 --> 00:29:33,152 These are red sandal smugglers… Brothers of Konda Reddy. 336 00:29:33,361 --> 00:29:36,361 Konda Reddy brothers are three. 337 00:29:37,569 --> 00:29:39,319 Third one is Jaali Reddy 338 00:29:39,652 --> 00:29:42,111 Unless he feels the feminine air, he will not be able to breath. 339 00:29:42,569 --> 00:29:45,527 If his eyes falls on any girl, he make sure that se will loss her virginity. 340 00:29:46,152 --> 00:29:51,486 It doesn't matter whom the girl marries, she has to spent her first night with Jaali reddy. 341 00:29:54,944 --> 00:29:57,777 Obulu is very lucky that Jalli Brother has gifted 5000 rupees to his marriage. 342 00:30:00,277 --> 00:30:01,986 Second one Jakka Reddy… 343 00:30:02,027 --> 00:30:04,152 Amongst the three he's the one with brains. 344 00:30:04,277 --> 00:30:10,777 He takes care of the whole business. 345 00:30:19,361 --> 00:30:22,611 He is Kondareddy, the eldest brother. he is a goon 346 00:30:22,902 --> 00:30:26,027 In the riots at Kalavarthi, he chased six of them and slayed them. 347 00:30:26,027 --> 00:30:29,527 Believes in only Revenge over life so threw a bomb at them. 348 00:30:29,819 --> 00:30:33,486 As a sole survivor of the gang, he runs the show now. 349 00:30:33,777 --> 00:30:37,027 If the police caught us, there’s no fun in getting gagged... 350 00:30:37,319 --> 00:30:39,611 but now I see the owners themselves have turned up. 351 00:30:39,611 --> 00:30:42,319 Now I understand if this is all part of Pushup’s plan. 352 00:30:42,569 --> 00:30:43,652 Hope all is well… 353 00:30:44,069 --> 00:30:45,361 I am fine but.. 354 00:30:45,527 --> 00:30:47,819 Heard that you didn’t tell them whose goods they are, even after police torturing you badly. 355 00:30:48,736 --> 00:30:49,736 Looks like you have a lot of spunk. 356 00:30:50,402 --> 00:30:51,236 Bro… 357 00:30:51,361 --> 00:30:54,236 Their salary is less than 5 thousand per month. 358 00:30:54,444 --> 00:30:56,194 What will I get if I tell them? 359 00:30:56,486 --> 00:30:59,986 A broken beedi .. but you are different… 360 00:31:00,611 --> 00:31:03,861 Are you asking money to tell where it is… Coolie fellow… 361 00:31:03,861 --> 00:31:04,569 Jaali? 362 00:31:06,319 --> 00:31:07,611 How much do you want? 363 00:31:07,986 --> 00:31:10,027 You can’t give me what I want. 364 00:31:11,361 --> 00:31:12,819 just, give me five lakhs 365 00:31:13,027 --> 00:31:14,277 Five lakhs! 366 00:31:16,027 --> 00:31:17,527 Who will give him 5 lakhs? 367 00:31:17,902 --> 00:31:20,361 If we give him some nice thrashing, he will reveal everything.. 368 00:31:21,444 --> 00:31:22,402 What is that laugh? 369 00:31:22,569 --> 00:31:24,569 This guy was laughing like this the whole night 370 00:31:24,819 --> 00:31:28,444 40 Laathis broke, but the laugh didn’t go away.. 371 00:31:28,777 --> 00:31:31,402 finally we got fed up and stopped. 372 00:31:31,569 --> 00:31:33,027 My thrashing will be different. 373 00:31:33,027 --> 00:31:37,319 Jaali, first let him tell the stock whereabouts 374 00:31:38,236 --> 00:31:39,027 Okay! 375 00:31:39,902 --> 00:31:42,694 I will pay the money you want. Tell me where the goods are 376 00:31:43,069 --> 00:31:47,027 You won’t understand if I say, let me show you… 377 00:31:49,902 --> 00:31:53,611 See.. my hands are cuffed.. How can I show like this..? 378 00:31:53,611 --> 00:31:56,694 He is asking us get him a bail.. Did you get it? 379 00:31:56,902 --> 00:31:59,527 Looks like your brother is smarter than you... 380 00:31:59,902 --> 00:32:02,861 anyways pay for what I ate and call a lawyer. 381 00:32:03,611 --> 00:32:04,319 Hey Jaali 382 00:32:04,861 --> 00:32:06,486 Are you telling us, just because we are not doing anything. 383 00:32:06,652 --> 00:32:08,319 Do you know who are you speaking to? 384 00:32:08,361 --> 00:32:09,361 Konda Reddy Brothers. 385 00:32:09,652 --> 00:32:11,361 I will kill you and burry you. 386 00:32:12,652 --> 00:32:16,319 Then who will tell you where the goods are Konda Reddy Brother? 387 00:32:20,986 --> 00:32:22,319 Stop... stop! 388 00:32:26,777 --> 00:32:28,777 What is this? Why did he bring us here? 389 00:32:28,861 --> 00:32:30,027 can see only fields around. 390 00:32:30,361 --> 00:32:33,069 Rey. Looks like these coolie fellows sat in a car for the first time.. go open the door 391 00:32:33,194 --> 00:32:35,027 Brother, door is struck. It’s not opening…. 392 00:32:35,069 --> 00:32:36,361 What’s the hurry? 393 00:32:36,486 --> 00:32:38,736 This Door! Easier to clean than to open! 394 00:32:52,236 --> 00:32:55,569 Where is the lorry, Bro? I see nothing but a well here. 395 00:33:19,152 --> 00:33:22,694 What is this? Why did you destroy the Lorry so badly, it is of no use now. 396 00:33:23,277 --> 00:33:25,986 Do you know the value of the Lorry, Coolie fellows 397 00:33:26,319 --> 00:33:27,319 Bro, give us the money, our money 398 00:33:27,944 --> 00:33:29,361 Hey, give them the money. 399 00:33:29,819 --> 00:33:31,736 Here is 5 lakhs… 400 00:33:32,944 --> 00:33:34,652 go and enjoy with your brother. have fun… 401 00:33:36,527 --> 00:33:38,277 Never seen so much money bro… 402 00:33:38,444 --> 00:33:41,194 Can repay all debts and bring the buffalo back home. 403 00:33:41,736 --> 00:33:43,277 Whoever had said it, said it right. 404 00:33:43,277 --> 00:33:45,486 ‘if I am with you, I can make 10 lakhs just like that brother. 405 00:33:45,861 --> 00:33:46,944 Hey Where are you coming? 406 00:33:47,611 --> 00:33:51,694 I don’t have the habit of sticking to the women once I use her. 407 00:33:55,486 --> 00:33:57,652 Take this hundred and come in an Auto Rickshaw 408 00:34:02,611 --> 00:34:04,402 Come bro. We have an auto here. 409 00:34:04,569 --> 00:34:07,236 Hey Driver… will you drop us at Rangampet..? 410 00:34:07,402 --> 00:34:09,027 What will be the price of that vehicle? 411 00:34:09,944 --> 00:34:10,944 You mean, that Car…bro? 412 00:34:10,944 --> 00:34:11,611 Ya… 413 00:34:11,611 --> 00:34:12,736 It should be around 5 lacs bro 414 00:34:12,902 --> 00:34:14,694 Does that car cost 5 lacs! 415 00:34:15,569 --> 00:34:16,736 Isn’t it too expensive. 416 00:34:16,736 --> 00:34:17,444 Yes Brother. 417 00:34:19,736 --> 00:34:20,861 Go and buy that car. 418 00:34:22,027 --> 00:34:22,611 Bro... 419 00:34:23,611 --> 00:34:25,152 Go and buy that car. 420 00:34:26,486 --> 00:34:28,027 What are you talking bro? 421 00:34:28,819 --> 00:34:32,194 We came here in a car when we didn’t have a penny on us. 422 00:34:32,444 --> 00:34:34,777 Would it look good to go in an Auto when we have so much money? 423 00:34:35,444 --> 00:34:36,777 Go and get that car 424 00:34:37,194 --> 00:34:40,444 Brother, please understand. If we buy the car, all the money will be spending on the car. 425 00:34:40,652 --> 00:34:41,902 We won’t have anything left with us. 426 00:34:41,986 --> 00:34:43,486 Then we will have to go and work for daily wages again. 427 00:34:43,486 --> 00:34:45,027 And will we go for daily wage work in a car or what? 428 00:34:46,777 --> 00:34:50,777 Hey, I came here in car, and I will leave only in a car from here. 429 00:34:50,986 --> 00:34:53,152 Till then I won’t move from here. 430 00:34:53,152 --> 00:34:54,277 Listen to me Bro… 431 00:34:54,361 --> 00:34:58,527 Hey… I will not budge an inch in this matter. 432 00:35:04,361 --> 00:35:06,944 Hey. Who is that honking? 433 00:35:06,944 --> 00:35:08,611 Do you think your mother owns this road? 434 00:35:08,611 --> 00:35:10,694 Roll down the window. 435 00:35:10,986 --> 00:35:12,236 I want to see who the hell you are... 436 00:35:12,694 --> 00:35:14,569 It’s me. Your son from the hell… 437 00:35:15,986 --> 00:35:17,861 Oh, is that you… Pushpa 438 00:35:18,527 --> 00:35:20,277 What are those injuries on your body? 439 00:35:20,902 --> 00:35:25,444 You are seeing the small, small injuries on my body, but can’t see the big car in front of you. 440 00:35:27,319 --> 00:35:30,069 What kind of work are you doing..? Whose car is this? 441 00:35:30,652 --> 00:35:32,486 It is Parvathamma’s.. 442 00:35:33,069 --> 00:35:34,319 Which Parvathamma? 443 00:35:34,819 --> 00:35:36,236 Pushpa’s mother. 444 00:35:36,777 --> 00:35:38,027 That’s me. 445 00:35:38,194 --> 00:35:40,069 Then, It’s your car. 446 00:35:40,152 --> 00:35:44,069 But, I can’t understand how you bought this car. 447 00:35:44,402 --> 00:35:46,652 Seeing your difficulty in fetching water, Brother bought this car for you. 448 00:35:46,819 --> 00:35:49,277 Who the hell are you? -Keshava Aunty. 449 00:35:52,277 --> 00:35:53,736 Pushpa, why did you bring it here? 450 00:35:58,194 --> 00:36:00,319 Whose car is this Maa? 451 00:36:00,486 --> 00:36:01,902 I'll go and check it once. Hey wait! 452 00:36:01,944 --> 00:36:03,027 Hey wait! 453 00:36:10,361 --> 00:36:11,319 Uncle? 454 00:36:13,486 --> 00:36:16,027 Daddy.. Uncle has bought the car 455 00:36:17,819 --> 00:36:22,111 The one who buys a car becomes car owner… not your uncle. 456 00:36:24,152 --> 00:36:28,069 Did you see that car, Mohan? Where did he get so much money to buy? 457 00:36:28,486 --> 00:36:32,819 What else can you expect from a ragpicker? Obviously through stealth. 458 00:36:34,361 --> 00:36:37,527 Hey, looks like Mangalam Seenu Brother has come. Go and see. 459 00:36:38,819 --> 00:36:39,694 Brother, Namasthe… 460 00:36:39,777 --> 00:36:40,861 Namasthe, Namasthe 461 00:36:40,861 --> 00:36:44,902 Bro, just by spending five lakhs, I am not only got a car, am also getting respect with it. 462 00:36:46,194 --> 00:36:49,986 why are you staring like that, man? Jakkareddy bro called us. So we came in our car. 463 00:36:54,902 --> 00:36:56,611 Sit Bro… Now we are qualified to sit here. 464 00:36:57,194 --> 00:37:00,611 Don’t want, again have to stand up when Konda Reddy comes. 465 00:37:00,944 --> 00:37:02,611 I can’t give so much respect to him. 466 00:37:05,861 --> 00:37:09,361 How many loads, Subbareddy? - Around 12 loads Brother 467 00:37:10,402 --> 00:37:16,277 How could you guys go and surrender 3 crores worth of stock to SP Govindappa? 468 00:37:16,402 --> 00:37:20,111 Don’t we have anyone who can transport the load by hoodwinking Govindappa? 469 00:37:20,152 --> 00:37:22,402 He is catching us in whichever way we go. 470 00:37:22,819 --> 00:37:26,569 It is not possible to send a load when he is around. 471 00:37:26,694 --> 00:37:29,819 It’s crazy why you are over-praising Govindappa here. 472 00:37:30,111 --> 00:37:32,319 Like a restless lady who throws in the towel with her neighbor. 473 00:37:32,319 --> 00:37:33,652 Leave it - its all beyond your ability. 474 00:37:33,902 --> 00:37:35,069 Who the hell is he? 475 00:37:35,236 --> 00:37:36,486 He is a coolie fellow. 476 00:37:36,902 --> 00:37:41,777 What the hell, Just because you came in a car you think you earned a right to speak in this meeting. 477 00:37:41,777 --> 00:37:42,569 Get out… 478 00:37:43,986 --> 00:37:47,152 Brother, he is the same guy whom we got out on bail, Pushpa. 479 00:37:47,361 --> 00:37:48,319 I only asked him to come along. 480 00:37:48,402 --> 00:37:51,902 Are you the one who hid our load and collected five lacs from us? 481 00:37:52,027 --> 00:37:56,986 Five lakhs are not for hiding the load Sir. It’s for protecting you and your brothers from going to jail. 482 00:37:57,486 --> 00:37:58,986 As if you don’t know… 483 00:37:59,819 --> 00:38:02,402 it is not a big deal to get beaten by Police. 484 00:38:02,777 --> 00:38:05,777 Speak if you have guts to transport the load without getting caught. 485 00:38:05,986 --> 00:38:09,194 You need an idea for transporting the load. Not guts… 486 00:38:09,944 --> 00:38:12,319 Yes brother. what our people are doing is... 487 00:38:12,777 --> 00:38:17,236 Covering the load with Tomatoes and Watermelons. They move the fruits, they see the load.. 488 00:38:17,444 --> 00:38:21,777 Forget Govindappa, Our load can be found even by a useless Gurkha also. 489 00:38:22,236 --> 00:38:26,402 We have to send the load but no one should know. I have an idea. Should I tell? 490 00:38:27,319 --> 00:38:29,486 You want to tell us how to transport the load. 491 00:38:29,819 --> 00:38:32,402 Everyone See, who has come to give us ideas. 492 00:38:32,402 --> 00:38:33,361 Coolie fellow. 493 00:38:34,902 --> 00:38:36,277 say what you think. Say.. say… 494 00:38:36,569 --> 00:38:41,694 is this a pickle to share with the entire world? Ideas brother... how can I say it Infront of everyone...? 495 00:38:43,111 --> 00:38:45,986 you are asking, us only to go out.. how dare you? 496 00:38:46,236 --> 00:38:47,486 wait Jaali. 497 00:38:49,319 --> 00:38:55,111 Hey!..I better like what you say.. if not this kondareddy will deal with you differently. 498 00:38:55,486 --> 00:38:57,777 All of you go out. 499 00:40:00,819 --> 00:40:03,111 Hey stop.. 500 00:40:05,194 --> 00:40:06,027 check him.. 501 00:40:06,027 --> 00:40:08,486 what sir.. Looks like you are suspecting me. 502 00:40:08,736 --> 00:40:12,611 After your thrashing, I have stopped all old businesses and started milk business now. 503 00:40:12,652 --> 00:40:16,319 Yes Sir, We have taken contract with Chittoor Sweet Shop 504 00:40:16,652 --> 00:40:18,736 Yes Sir, there is milk only here sir. 505 00:40:19,027 --> 00:40:22,361 we mixed water in the milk, now don’t tell me you are going to arrest us for that also. 506 00:40:22,861 --> 00:40:23,402 Let him go. 507 00:40:23,611 --> 00:40:27,444 Give some Chittoor milk sweet to Sir. We will go and come sir.. 508 00:40:28,861 --> 00:40:30,652 Where was he hiding all these days? 509 00:40:31,152 --> 00:40:34,861 Give him… Give him all the load and you be around to supervise. 510 00:40:35,611 --> 00:40:39,694 I can do the complete the work all alone. Just tell me what you will pay me. 511 00:40:39,694 --> 00:40:40,819 your rate only Pushpa. 512 00:40:41,027 --> 00:40:42,819 We will pay you what we paid last time.. 5 lakhs per load. Is it Ok? 513 00:40:44,694 --> 00:40:49,027 Five lakhs is not okay. Give me 4 percent. 514 00:40:49,111 --> 00:40:51,402 4 percent would mean 4 lakhs. 515 00:40:51,652 --> 00:40:53,236 You will lose one lakh. 516 00:40:53,236 --> 00:40:56,611 You can keep that one lakh to yourself, just pay my 4 percent. 517 00:41:00,069 --> 00:41:01,652 What is this bro? 518 00:41:01,736 --> 00:41:04,152 He was willing to pay 5 lakhs.. One lakh is our loss. 519 00:41:04,611 --> 00:41:09,319 If we had taken five lakhs, we would have been their servants. 520 00:41:10,027 --> 00:41:14,319 By taking 4 percent, won’t we become his partners.? 521 00:41:14,944 --> 00:41:21,319 Now, Kondareddy and we are Partners.. Partner Pushpa here. 522 00:41:21,319 --> 00:41:23,736 You are very smart brother. 523 00:41:28,694 --> 00:41:31,194 Hey, why is everyone looking at the sky like that? 524 00:41:31,236 --> 00:41:32,319 Looking for the sparrows. 525 00:41:33,194 --> 00:41:33,819 What? 526 00:41:33,819 --> 00:41:34,819 For Sparrows 527 00:41:34,986 --> 00:41:35,986 But…Why? 528 00:41:36,277 --> 00:41:39,194 Bro… see that girl sitting there, wearing a red saree? 529 00:41:39,194 --> 00:41:40,069 That girl… 530 00:41:40,152 --> 00:41:42,777 She says she won’t sell milk unless she hears a Sparrow. 531 00:41:43,236 --> 00:41:45,694 With such a big work in hand, what is this sparrow nonsense man? 532 00:41:45,902 --> 00:41:47,194 Who is that mad girl? 533 00:41:47,527 --> 00:41:48,944 It’s my daughter. 534 00:41:49,402 --> 00:41:51,944 She doesn’t listen to anyone. Even mine. 535 00:41:52,486 --> 00:41:56,027 I named her after my mother, and she is just like her in everything 536 00:41:57,569 --> 00:42:00,486 Srivalli! Come fast... Need to fill the tankers with milk. 537 00:42:23,027 --> 00:42:27,111 You turn away both your eyes when I look at you 538 00:42:27,319 --> 00:42:31,611 And cover your glances with your eyelids 539 00:42:32,111 --> 00:42:36,652 You stare at even an invisible god without blinking an eye 540 00:42:36,652 --> 00:42:40,569 But you are ignoring me when i’m in front of your eyes 541 00:42:41,111 --> 00:42:48,402 Your looks have become as pricey as gold Srivalli Your word has become as rare as a ruby 542 00:42:50,027 --> 00:42:57,319 Your looks have become as pricey as gold Srivalli Your smile has become as precious as nine gems 543 00:43:05,027 --> 00:43:10,944 What Sir? Why are you pawing with Lathis? Its only milk, Sir! 544 00:43:11,444 --> 00:43:13,027 We are a reformed lot now. 545 00:43:26,194 --> 00:43:34,277 Me, who used to lead in everything Is following you wherever you go now 546 00:43:35,152 --> 00:43:43,194 Me, who never bent my head before anyone Has bent my head to look at your anklet 547 00:43:43,986 --> 00:43:48,152 After having lived such a great life, Am now making rounds of your house 548 00:43:48,152 --> 00:43:52,611 And thought it's enough even if you look at me for an instant 549 00:43:55,027 --> 00:43:57,027 Did She see? -No bro… 550 00:43:58,236 --> 00:44:00,236 Did you see properly? 551 00:44:00,944 --> 00:44:03,402 I have seen brother. She didn’t even see once. 552 00:44:05,777 --> 00:44:07,527 I think you are very happy, right? 553 00:44:07,986 --> 00:44:09,194 for what, bro? 554 00:44:09,236 --> 00:44:10,611 because she didn’t see. 555 00:44:10,819 --> 00:44:11,986 Why will I be happy bro? 556 00:44:11,986 --> 00:44:18,944 No.. you are feeling happy, eating that peanut candy happily and saying, she hasn’t looked even once.. I noticed it. 557 00:44:18,944 --> 00:44:21,069 No bro, I’m feeling bad inside. 558 00:44:21,069 --> 00:44:25,986 ok. She didn’t see. What would you have lost if you had said, she saw once.. 559 00:44:26,527 --> 00:44:28,402 at lest I would have felt happy Isn’t it..? 560 00:44:28,944 --> 00:44:31,152 I didn’t get that idea bro. Sorry bro… 561 00:44:31,152 --> 00:44:33,861 You won’t get that idea. Why will you get any idea that makes me happy? 562 00:44:33,902 --> 00:44:41,194 Your looks have become as pricey as gold Srivalli Your word has become as rare as a ruby 563 00:44:42,819 --> 00:44:50,111 Your looks have become as pricey as gold Srivalli Your smile has become as precious as nine gems 564 00:45:19,069 --> 00:45:27,236 All Your friends are average looking May be... That's why you look beautiful 565 00:45:27,736 --> 00:45:36,194 And when one becomes 18 It's not just you, any girl would look cute 566 00:45:36,694 --> 00:45:41,236 When red sandal wears a saree Even a stone would look like a princess 567 00:45:41,277 --> 00:45:45,027 And, when a seven stone earring is worn Any girl would look beautiful 568 00:45:45,277 --> 00:45:46,319 Bro... 569 00:45:46,569 --> 00:45:47,902 Now loading is done. Shall we go? 570 00:45:48,527 --> 00:45:49,569 Shall we go? 571 00:45:49,736 --> 00:45:50,736 Yes, Bro. 572 00:45:51,027 --> 00:45:54,402 Is that all? Should we go? 573 00:45:54,902 --> 00:45:58,152 What else? Loading is done. So, Let’s go. That’s it 574 00:45:59,527 --> 00:46:01,527 Do you find all this funny? 575 00:46:01,819 --> 00:46:02,986 Why bro? 576 00:46:03,569 --> 00:46:04,986 You know it and you are still asking 577 00:46:04,986 --> 00:46:06,527 I seriously don’t know brother. I don’t know 578 00:46:06,527 --> 00:46:10,277 You know I didn’t come for the load, but came here for that girl. 579 00:46:10,444 --> 00:46:12,361 You know it and you are still saying that we should leave. 580 00:46:12,361 --> 00:46:14,861 Ok.. lets leave then.. come.. -brother.. brother.. 581 00:46:14,861 --> 00:46:18,152 you can stay here as long as you want.. I will also stay with you. 582 00:46:18,152 --> 00:46:22,777 I will stay… I will stay and you too stay with me, and tell me if she is looking at me. 583 00:46:25,569 --> 00:46:26,569 Did she see ? 584 00:46:26,569 --> 00:46:27,319 Yes, Brother 585 00:46:27,819 --> 00:46:29,736 She is looking at you only while washing the vessels. 586 00:46:29,736 --> 00:46:31,694 Is it true..? 587 00:46:32,986 --> 00:46:37,152 You are lying to make me happy, isn’t it? 588 00:46:38,069 --> 00:46:39,277 Yes Brother 589 00:46:40,361 --> 00:46:43,194 How can you agree so fast man? 590 00:46:43,319 --> 00:46:45,944 You could have let me feel happy for some more time... 591 00:46:45,944 --> 00:46:49,486 I think it is better I go and beg her to look at me instead of dealing with you 592 00:46:49,486 --> 00:46:53,069 Bro, don’t do that brother -I will go and beg her, to look at me 593 00:46:53,069 --> 00:46:55,361 Please don’t do that brother. 594 00:46:55,361 --> 00:46:57,402 I know, there is no use talking to you.. 595 00:46:57,902 --> 00:47:01,152 but for the last time, tell me if she is looking at me or not 596 00:47:02,777 --> 00:47:04,152 I don’t know what to say brother. 597 00:47:04,152 --> 00:47:05,486 I told you to tell me that she is looking at me… 598 00:47:05,527 --> 00:47:13,486 Your looks have become as pricey as gold Srivalli Your word has become as rare as a ruby 599 00:47:15,069 --> 00:47:22,361 Your looks have become as pricey as gold Srivalli Your smile has become as precious as nine gems 600 00:47:56,361 --> 00:47:58,402 Hello Sir! -Hello Sir! 601 00:48:02,194 --> 00:48:06,944 What happened sir? It’s the usual milk. Why are you checking today sir? 602 00:48:12,527 --> 00:48:18,611 What is this? I can hear milk sound on the top and the sound of the wood below. 603 00:48:19,486 --> 00:48:21,319 Are you hiding any load underneath? 604 00:48:22,152 --> 00:48:23,027 Catch him… Catch him 605 00:48:23,361 --> 00:48:25,736 Sir, Sir Leave me Sir. It’s mistake sir.. 606 00:48:25,736 --> 00:48:28,361 Sir Leave me Sir. It’s mistake sir. 607 00:48:28,694 --> 00:48:32,944 Sir, please leave us sir... we are just labour sir. 608 00:48:33,236 --> 00:48:36,069 This is all because of Pushpa sir... We did as Pushpa said. 609 00:48:36,069 --> 00:48:37,027 Please leave us sir. 610 00:48:37,319 --> 00:48:40,069 There is one condition if I want to leave you. 611 00:48:42,361 --> 00:48:44,444 All these days you did as Pushpa said. 612 00:48:44,861 --> 00:48:46,194 Now you must do as I say. 613 00:48:47,236 --> 00:48:47,986 What? 614 00:48:50,819 --> 00:48:52,944 Fifteen for Hundred... Fifteen for Hundred...Fifteen for.. 615 00:48:53,027 --> 00:48:54,527 Hello Brother. Please stop. 616 00:48:54,569 --> 00:48:56,194 How much do you have? -We need six tickets 617 00:48:56,319 --> 00:48:59,402 We have Two hundred and seventy... We want 6 tickets. 618 00:48:59,402 --> 00:49:00,152 270? 619 00:49:00,194 --> 00:49:03,944 For the kind of money you have, you can only wish to watch. Not watch. Please leave 620 00:49:03,944 --> 00:49:07,361 What should we do? How can we see the movie? 621 00:49:07,611 --> 00:49:10,236 Hey girls, You are the girls from the milk center. Am I right? -Yes we are, So what? 622 00:49:10,361 --> 00:49:11,986 Just wanted to check if you could got the tickets 623 00:49:12,277 --> 00:49:14,944 How can we buy a ticket, when they sell Fifteen rupees ticket for One hundred rupees? 624 00:49:15,069 --> 00:49:18,027 It is the price one has to pay for big brothers movie.. how much are you short? 625 00:49:18,069 --> 00:49:19,444 We are short by four hundred 626 00:49:19,569 --> 00:49:23,194 Is that so, I will give you that money if you do a work for me 627 00:49:23,361 --> 00:49:24,319 What is that? What should we do?O 628 00:49:25,277 --> 00:49:27,194 You have a friend named Srivalli right... -Yes, of course 629 00:49:27,361 --> 00:49:28,986 Ask her to look at our Pushpa once 630 00:49:29,569 --> 00:49:32,111 Hey .. hey.. Srivalli... 631 00:49:32,277 --> 00:49:32,986 What? 632 00:49:33,069 --> 00:49:34,694 That guy.. Pushpa. can you look at him once? 633 00:49:34,777 --> 00:49:35,569 Who is Pushpa? 634 00:49:35,569 --> 00:49:36,736 The guy who keeps sitting at your milk center. Do you remember? 635 00:49:36,777 --> 00:49:40,736 He sits cross legged with a dark guy next to him 636 00:49:41,152 --> 00:49:43,152 Hey girl, His name is Keshava and it’s me 637 00:49:43,277 --> 00:49:44,611 You stop man. 638 00:49:44,819 --> 00:49:48,027 He looks good girl. Please look at him once. - Is he so good looking? 639 00:49:48,527 --> 00:49:51,986 So, if we have to watch chirajeevi, then I have to look at him.. Ok.. Ok 640 00:49:52,027 --> 00:49:53,319 I will.. I will 641 00:49:53,486 --> 00:49:55,111 Okay.. okay. She will. - Yes 642 00:49:56,027 --> 00:49:56,694 Ok. Take this 643 00:49:57,236 --> 00:49:58,444 Who is she? 644 00:50:01,736 --> 00:50:02,444 Who brother? 645 00:50:02,527 --> 00:50:04,486 You meat that girl in brown color saree?? -Yes 646 00:50:05,777 --> 00:50:07,402 I will find out 647 00:50:07,486 --> 00:50:09,861 Hey girl. One more thing.. - What? 648 00:50:10,069 --> 00:50:13,236 You said you will look at him just now. Why don’t you smile at him too? 649 00:50:13,444 --> 00:50:15,402 What is this smile business? I wont smile 650 00:50:15,444 --> 00:50:18,611 If you don’t smile... - No... No. She will smile It’s only a smile.. right.? 651 00:50:21,444 --> 00:50:25,611 Ask him to come the Temple tomorrow - Smile... ask her not to forget the smile 652 00:50:27,319 --> 00:50:30,944 Bro, the priest said that the girl will look at you if perform Abhishekam. 653 00:50:30,944 --> 00:50:32,777 That’s why I brought you 654 00:50:32,986 --> 00:50:36,569 I don’t believe in all these 655 00:50:36,611 --> 00:50:40,236 Bro, look here. Srivalli is coming. Our prayers worked 656 00:50:41,736 --> 00:50:45,194 So, what if she comes? She doesn’t look at me. Come... Let’s go 657 00:50:45,319 --> 00:50:46,944 Where do you want to go? Stay back brother. Stay once bro. look there 658 00:50:47,111 --> 00:50:49,777 Look at Pushpa. He is so handsome 659 00:50:49,777 --> 00:50:51,236 He is there, look at him once. 660 00:50:51,402 --> 00:50:53,777 She doesn’t look at me. It’s a waste 661 00:50:53,777 --> 00:50:55,777 (Girls whispering) I am looking but he is not looking at me. 662 00:50:55,861 --> 00:50:57,319 Stop bro. I had paid thousand rupees 663 00:50:57,361 --> 00:50:58,361 What? 664 00:50:58,402 --> 00:51:00,986 To the priest. Our money will go waste.. 665 00:51:01,111 --> 00:51:02,694 Look at him. 666 00:51:03,319 --> 00:51:07,819 This is the last time. If she doesn’t look at me, I won’t look at her ever again in my life.. 667 00:51:07,861 --> 00:51:10,569 Ok Bro. This is my last word. 668 00:51:15,444 --> 00:51:17,486 Look at him... see him. 669 00:51:22,986 --> 00:51:24,527 Srivalli is looking at me 670 00:51:25,152 --> 00:51:27,569 Smile at him 671 00:51:27,569 --> 00:51:28,569 Smile at him 672 00:51:28,736 --> 00:51:30,361 Is she looking at you? - yes 673 00:51:32,694 --> 00:51:34,694 Smile at him - I’m smiling. 674 00:51:35,027 --> 00:51:37,444 Hey.. She is smiling at me too 675 00:51:37,902 --> 00:51:40,152 did she smile or is she smiling.. ? 676 00:51:40,236 --> 00:51:41,861 Hey see man. She is smiled at me 677 00:51:42,111 --> 00:51:43,736 That’s the power of Thousand rupees 678 00:51:44,277 --> 00:51:45,152 you also smile back.. 679 00:51:46,486 --> 00:51:47,402 Yes, I too smiled 680 00:51:47,444 --> 00:51:50,902 It’s enough for these faces. Let’s go now They paid thousand rupees only. Let’s go 681 00:51:51,569 --> 00:51:53,194 Now I understood. 682 00:51:53,819 --> 00:52:00,402 She didn’t see me when I was looking at her. And I didn’t see her when she was looking at me. 683 00:52:01,027 --> 00:52:05,027 When she caught me looking at her, while she was looking at me.. she burst out laughing 684 00:52:05,027 --> 00:52:05,736 Is it? 685 00:52:05,902 --> 00:52:07,527 I know that she loves me 686 00:52:07,861 --> 00:52:09,486 That’s why I was behind her. 687 00:52:09,986 --> 00:52:11,111 Come. Let’s go and speak to her once 688 00:52:11,152 --> 00:52:14,652 Where do you want to go? Don’t forget who you are.. You can’t bend before her 689 00:52:14,777 --> 00:52:16,611 We should take first step in these situations. You don’t know 690 00:52:16,652 --> 00:52:18,444 Don’t go brother 691 00:52:18,444 --> 00:52:19,902 You wait, man. 692 00:52:20,652 --> 00:52:22,819 Hey Srivalli... Srivalli. 693 00:52:24,652 --> 00:52:26,277 Why Were you smiling at me ? 694 00:52:27,611 --> 00:52:29,236 do you like me? 695 00:52:30,361 --> 00:52:32,361 when did I like you? 696 00:52:32,361 --> 00:52:34,236 then why were you smiling at me? 697 00:52:34,444 --> 00:52:36,069 Wont I smile when I am paid.. 698 00:52:36,611 --> 00:52:37,777 Money? -Yes 699 00:52:37,819 --> 00:52:38,694 What money? 700 00:52:38,694 --> 00:52:41,819 It seems you were feeling sad, because I was not looking at you 701 00:52:42,486 --> 00:52:43,777 was I feeling Sad? 702 00:52:43,819 --> 00:52:47,319 Yes, that’s why your friend Keshava gave me the money to smile.. so I did.. 703 00:52:48,736 --> 00:52:50,361 Did you smile for that? 704 00:52:50,444 --> 00:52:54,277 Whatever it is, We got to see Chiranjeevi movie. 705 00:52:54,902 --> 00:52:56,652 It was very nice. 706 00:52:56,944 --> 00:53:00,652 After having soft drinks and Samosa we are still left with two hundred rupees. 707 00:53:00,902 --> 00:53:05,152 Let me know where you would tomorrow. I will come and smile at you for that.. 708 00:53:05,694 --> 00:53:08,236 Is this what thousand rupees prayer means? 709 00:53:08,361 --> 00:53:11,027 Tell me where I can find you tomorrow... 710 00:53:11,194 --> 00:53:13,444 All my pride and ego has gone to dust.. 711 00:53:13,986 --> 00:53:17,027 Hey Keshava. You have destroyed me today. 712 00:53:17,194 --> 00:53:18,819 Hey Keshava. Where are you? 713 00:53:19,611 --> 00:53:23,652 Oh no! he's coming... I did all this for your happiness 714 00:53:23,777 --> 00:53:26,027 Isn’t it disgusting to ask that girl to smile at me by paying her for money? 715 00:53:26,069 --> 00:53:30,902 You denied me of the feeling of happiness, that a girl loved me.. 716 00:53:31,111 --> 00:53:34,194 How can we stoop so low, to pay a girl and ask her to smile at me.. 717 00:53:34,194 --> 00:53:36,736 Am I like that? Am I like that Jaali Reddy? 718 00:53:36,902 --> 00:53:37,694 No.. no. 719 00:53:39,277 --> 00:53:44,236 You have totally damaged my dignity. Anyways, How much did you pay? 720 00:53:44,361 --> 00:53:49,194 Thousand -Thousand... for a smile. 721 00:53:51,944 --> 00:53:56,986 Ok. Anyways since I have already become bad.. I will pay five thousand ask her to give me a kiss me 722 00:53:57,069 --> 00:54:00,402 What bro? I will pay her five thousand. Ask her if she will kiss me 723 00:54:00,777 --> 00:54:02,027 I never thought you can behave like this bro 724 00:54:02,194 --> 00:54:04,861 I’m not like this bro. I’m a very good person 725 00:54:04,902 --> 00:54:07,986 but you have started this and now you should take this to the end.. 726 00:54:08,069 --> 00:54:08,902 what do you mean by end? 727 00:54:09,236 --> 00:54:11,652 I don't know what is the end ? Till end . That’s all 728 00:54:12,069 --> 00:54:12,819 Bro... 729 00:54:12,986 --> 00:54:15,486 Go and give her 5000 rupees. 730 00:54:20,402 --> 00:54:22,027 ONE thousand tonnes of Syndicate stuff! 731 00:54:26,402 --> 00:54:30,694 Approximately two hundred crores! and halting here instead of enroute Chennai.. 732 00:54:33,819 --> 00:54:37,652 What do we do with him? Mangalam Seenu, Rotates locations instead of the stuff. 733 00:54:40,444 --> 00:54:43,069 It is possible that the stock would be in Kondareddy godowns. 734 00:54:52,819 --> 00:54:57,277 If you tip us off the moment he lands new stuff, do you know the reward? 735 00:54:57,819 --> 00:54:59,069 Fifty Lakh Rupees. 736 00:55:05,444 --> 00:55:08,444 How are you Draccha? - I’m good Uncle 737 00:55:10,236 --> 00:55:12,569 Srinu? What brings you here? 738 00:55:14,319 --> 00:55:16,611 Excellent location Konda Reddy. 739 00:55:17,486 --> 00:55:20,986 Godown is also nice. Even Draccha liked it. 740 00:55:23,152 --> 00:55:24,236 He is Mangalam Seenu. 741 00:55:24,861 --> 00:55:27,027 The boss of the smuggling syndicate! 742 00:55:27,611 --> 00:55:30,486 There may be the likes of Kondareddy snoring at corners to sweat small stuff... 743 00:55:30,486 --> 00:55:36,069 but there can only be one man who can single-handedly navigate the big stuff all through the 15 checkpoints to the Chennai Port. 744 00:55:36,486 --> 00:55:39,736 That’s why he is the one who calls the shots. 745 00:55:40,069 --> 00:55:43,694 Nobody can go against him and get away with it. 746 00:55:44,277 --> 00:55:46,944 I see that you are shifting all the load into my godown. What is the issue? 747 00:55:47,527 --> 00:55:50,277 You know Gowrreddy right... - Who? Our Gowrreddy?? 748 00:55:50,944 --> 00:55:56,861 I dismissed him from job as he was messing up the with stock books. 749 00:55:56,944 --> 00:55:59,861 How could you do that man? What if he informs the police? 750 00:56:00,069 --> 00:56:02,527 He knows addresses of all your godowns very well. 751 00:56:02,694 --> 00:56:07,986 That’s why I brought all the stock to your godown kondareddy. 752 00:56:08,152 --> 00:56:12,027 We still have some time to take it to Chennai. Please safeguard the stocks. I hope it’s safe 753 00:56:12,527 --> 00:56:19,277 What are you talking dear? Did we bring the stock directly here without trusting Kondareddy uncle? 754 00:56:19,277 --> 00:56:21,111 But the problem is that stock is safeguarded by that Jaali Reddy. 755 00:56:21,486 --> 00:56:24,527 And you know that womanizer Jaali reddy is surrounded always by girls. 756 00:56:24,569 --> 00:56:28,152 If we trust and leave our stock with here, it is like digging our own graves. 757 00:56:28,402 --> 00:56:35,027 you said it right. If Govindappa comes behind a girl, the entire stock will go for a toss. 758 00:56:35,194 --> 00:56:38,402 Syndicate has trusted me and kept the stock with me 759 00:56:38,402 --> 00:56:39,527 You said it right dear... 760 00:56:39,569 --> 00:56:40,861 No need to worry. 761 00:56:41,611 --> 00:56:44,777 Now we have a sharp guy called Pushpa. He is taking care of everything. 762 00:56:44,819 --> 00:56:49,444 After he came, Police are not able to catch even a stem, forget a log.. there he comes.. see 763 00:56:49,902 --> 00:56:51,277 You are saying he is new. 764 00:56:52,194 --> 00:56:53,444 Can we trust him? 765 00:57:33,194 --> 00:57:36,444 I will tell in detail about him some other time Seenu 766 00:57:38,902 --> 00:57:40,819 He doesn’t look like the one to be discussed another time. 767 00:57:42,777 --> 00:57:44,694 Anyways, I have to go for a wedding in Tirupati. I take your leave 768 00:57:44,736 --> 00:57:48,236 Pushpa, Srinu Brother's stock will be with us for two days. Take care of it.. 769 00:57:48,236 --> 00:57:50,694 Sure, Brother - Brother, we are getting late. Come fast.. 770 00:57:50,736 --> 00:57:55,277 What did you do with Gowrreddy? Are you ignoring him or what? 771 00:57:56,611 --> 00:58:00,361 Don’t look at sky always uncle, look at the earth also sometimes. 772 00:58:00,944 --> 00:58:04,152 We get trees from the there only.. wont you put manure to it.. 773 00:58:11,111 --> 00:58:13,444 Brother, Look there once. 774 00:58:33,152 --> 00:58:34,277 No... 775 00:58:36,027 --> 00:58:41,361 He is like my younger brother. I can’t see him die. 776 00:58:52,902 --> 00:58:56,986 Why does this Mogalesh do incomplete work always ? Get me the gun... 777 00:58:58,986 --> 00:59:00,111 Give me. 778 00:59:07,902 --> 00:59:11,652 Why do we need this garbage in our backyard? Throw it in the forest 779 00:59:11,652 --> 00:59:12,486 Go and do that work. 780 00:59:23,902 --> 00:59:24,486 Bro... 781 00:59:24,694 --> 00:59:27,236 What is this? -Cardamom bro.. for a good smell 782 00:59:27,694 --> 00:59:29,652 I have. 783 00:59:29,861 --> 00:59:33,152 Why delay? Where are the girls? 784 00:59:33,277 --> 00:59:34,694 They are coming brother. 785 00:59:40,652 --> 00:59:43,069 They are waiting... Go 786 00:59:43,069 --> 00:59:45,611 Go... go. Go and kiss him. 787 00:59:45,611 --> 00:59:48,111 I’m scared. What if he bites me? 788 00:59:48,111 --> 00:59:51,111 Why are you scared? He looks so handsome. It’s ok even if he bites 789 00:59:51,111 --> 00:59:53,277 What is that meeting they are having there? 790 00:59:54,152 --> 00:59:54,986 I don’t know brother 791 00:59:55,069 --> 00:59:59,194 Why delay girl? He is waiting since morning. Send her fast 792 00:59:59,236 --> 01:00:02,902 What is your problem to give a small kiss? 793 01:00:02,902 --> 01:00:05,277 If you can’t.. I will go and give him. Tell me 794 01:00:05,277 --> 01:00:08,402 You wait, As If we can’t do that. 795 01:00:08,402 --> 01:00:10,819 Bro Should I come and give you the kiss? 796 01:00:11,027 --> 01:00:15,569 Who is that? Calling me brother and offering me a kiss. 797 01:00:15,861 --> 01:00:17,527 Where did you find them? 798 01:00:17,986 --> 01:00:20,361 Stop those discussions and send her fast 799 01:00:20,361 --> 01:00:22,444 I am feeling scared -Shut up and come. 800 01:00:23,152 --> 01:00:26,319 She is coming bro.. she is Coming I can't do it. 801 01:00:26,694 --> 01:00:29,444 He is asking for a small kiss. We should have thought of it, when we took the money.. 802 01:00:34,361 --> 01:00:35,986 Keshava, close the door 803 01:00:36,152 --> 01:00:37,777 No, keep it open 804 01:00:38,319 --> 01:00:40,319 What are you doing here dirty fellow? 805 01:00:41,569 --> 01:00:45,152 I’m noticing you since long. Why are you shouting? Stop those antics.. 806 01:00:45,152 --> 01:00:46,402 I will slap you hard idiot 807 01:00:46,444 --> 01:00:50,111 Do it fast Pushpa and let’s go. Girls, turn away. 808 01:00:51,402 --> 01:00:53,986 Okay dear, as you wish! - No touching! 809 01:00:54,819 --> 01:00:55,902 Oh no! 810 01:00:58,236 --> 01:00:59,861 What is that? 811 01:01:01,486 --> 01:01:03,277 Cardamom... you want? 812 01:01:03,611 --> 01:01:05,736 Not there. I will kiss you here 813 01:01:06,152 --> 01:01:07,319 Here? - Yes 814 01:01:07,402 --> 01:01:10,319 Why should we pay so much for a kiss here? Hey Keshava 815 01:01:10,402 --> 01:01:12,486 Ok ok. Don’t make it an issue.. 816 01:01:14,111 --> 01:01:15,152 Okay. 817 01:01:17,069 --> 01:01:17,819 Ok give me.. 818 01:01:17,902 --> 01:01:19,444 Talk something. 819 01:01:19,444 --> 01:01:24,486 What is there to talk? You took money to kiss me. Right.. so kiss me.. 820 01:01:36,736 --> 01:01:38,611 Why are you crying girl?.. why? 821 01:01:38,611 --> 01:01:45,194 I thought it is easy when my friends told me. But my heart isn’t agreeing. 822 01:01:45,611 --> 01:01:48,902 First kiss.... 823 01:01:49,111 --> 01:01:54,069 How will I understand if you murmur? Say it clearly 824 01:01:54,194 --> 01:01:57,736 I always wanted to give first kiss to my husband... 825 01:01:57,819 --> 01:02:01,111 If you wanted to give it to your husband or someone, 826 01:02:01,111 --> 01:02:04,611 why did you take money from me? And why are you crying now? 827 01:02:04,694 --> 01:02:07,486 Stop crying... Stop it 828 01:02:08,236 --> 01:02:09,861 why are you crying now? 829 01:02:09,944 --> 01:02:11,486 What happened dear? My god 830 01:02:11,569 --> 01:02:12,402 What did you do brother? 831 01:02:12,444 --> 01:02:16,361 I didn’t do anything brother. I didn’t even touch her -What did you do? Why is the poor girl crying so much? 832 01:02:16,527 --> 01:02:20,069 Ask Srivalli. Hey Srivalli. Did I do anything to you? 833 01:02:20,402 --> 01:02:22,319 we trusted and sent our friend and is that what you do to her? 834 01:02:22,402 --> 01:02:23,527 Stop your nuisance for a minute 835 01:02:23,611 --> 01:02:26,819 I didn’t do anything brother. Tell them that I didn’t do anything 836 01:02:27,277 --> 01:02:29,444 (Indistinct Voices) 837 01:02:32,277 --> 01:02:34,069 She is making ruckus here. 838 01:02:34,736 --> 01:02:37,319 Leave it bro. She said she will kiss her husband only right 839 01:02:37,486 --> 01:02:40,319 It’s my kiss man. I paid for it. 840 01:02:40,944 --> 01:02:44,569 If I have to marry her and become her husband, I will. I should only get that kiss.. 841 01:02:44,944 --> 01:02:47,819 I won’t compromise on this 842 01:02:55,986 --> 01:02:58,861 Hey what is this? The entire stock is still here. 843 01:02:58,861 --> 01:03:01,736 Didn’t I tell you that we must cross the check post with this by the night? 844 01:03:01,777 --> 01:03:04,027 Jalanna was partying the whole night. 845 01:03:04,152 --> 01:03:08,402 He has stopped the lorries as they might disturb the party. 846 01:03:08,527 --> 01:03:13,069 have your brains gone dead? Who is Jaali to stop the stock the stock movement? 847 01:03:13,944 --> 01:03:17,402 Police are observing us like Jackals for this address since night, 848 01:03:17,402 --> 01:03:18,736 and you know how risky it is.. 849 01:03:19,569 --> 01:03:22,152 Where are the keys? 850 01:03:22,194 --> 01:03:24,652 That is Jalanna’s room. He will kill if we give you the keys 851 01:03:24,736 --> 01:03:26,152 What will he do? 852 01:03:27,569 --> 01:03:29,569 Pushpa, What are you doing? 853 01:03:48,652 --> 01:03:49,986 Hey Keshav, -Bro... 854 01:03:50,861 --> 01:03:53,986 please ask our guys to drop her in the village safely. 855 01:03:53,986 --> 01:03:54,569 Okay. 856 01:03:54,736 --> 01:03:55,569 Go... 857 01:04:02,236 --> 01:04:03,611 Hey, do it fast. 858 01:04:03,652 --> 01:04:05,611 Pushpa has sent the girl home 859 01:04:05,777 --> 01:04:08,319 We are packing A grade stock into a different lorry 860 01:04:08,361 --> 01:04:09,986 Why did you send the girl? 861 01:04:10,194 --> 01:04:12,819 First tell me why you didn’t you send the stock. 862 01:04:12,819 --> 01:04:15,444 Have you converted the godown into....? 863 01:04:15,486 --> 01:04:19,652 Who are you to ask me? This is my godown you are just a daily wages idiot 864 01:04:19,652 --> 01:04:22,527 How dare you call me daily wage worker? -Hey wait. 865 01:04:22,736 --> 01:04:26,986 This is Pushpa. Partner Pushpa. 4 Percent share. 866 01:04:27,361 --> 01:04:28,361 Give it now 867 01:04:28,569 --> 01:04:29,652 Here, brother. 868 01:04:29,902 --> 01:04:32,319 Pushpa, Kondareddy brother wants to speak to you 869 01:04:34,652 --> 01:04:37,402 Don’t you use what you have above neck instead of what you have below the waist? 870 01:04:38,569 --> 01:04:40,194 Bro, please tell 871 01:04:40,652 --> 01:04:44,194 Police have come to know our godown address 872 01:04:45,986 --> 01:04:47,611 What are you saying brother? 873 01:04:52,611 --> 01:04:54,069 Hope all the stock is cleared from the godown 874 01:04:54,111 --> 01:04:57,986 No brother. Your brother Jaali has stopped all lorries from entering the godown 875 01:04:58,944 --> 01:05:03,986 My god! Thousand tons stock. It is worth 250 crores. We will be done forever if we are caught. 876 01:05:06,569 --> 01:05:08,611 Mangalam Srinu has trusted us and handed over the stock. 877 01:05:11,777 --> 01:05:12,986 Somehow you take care 878 01:05:13,027 --> 01:05:15,027 You have trusted me and handed over to me.. 879 01:05:15,027 --> 01:05:17,402 consider Pushpa is dead, if even one log is caught.. 880 01:05:19,236 --> 01:05:21,486 How scared he is, the slave! 881 01:05:21,486 --> 01:05:25,319 How dare you, you’ll get it now! Doesn’t budge an inch, always gives it back! 882 01:05:28,777 --> 01:05:31,569 How do we tackle this? 883 01:05:50,736 --> 01:05:51,777 Okay bro. 884 01:05:51,777 --> 01:05:53,819 Rey... Pick the stock and throw it in the stream. 885 01:05:54,986 --> 01:05:59,569 What are you looking at? Police are coming. Get up and move 886 01:07:16,652 --> 01:07:19,236 Brother, 250 crores of worth stock, listen to me. 887 01:07:19,236 --> 01:07:20,736 Entire stock is being thrown into water here. 888 01:07:20,736 --> 01:07:22,486 Mangalam Srinu Stock is also there in that. 889 01:07:23,111 --> 01:07:26,944 We can put it on Pushpa if Govindappa catches it. 890 01:07:27,111 --> 01:07:29,486 Not good for you to be there now. Leave from there immediately 891 01:09:27,902 --> 01:09:30,236 This fellow Pushpa is caught now. Srinu will not leave him. 892 01:09:30,277 --> 01:09:31,319 I am sure his time is over now.. 893 01:09:42,527 --> 01:09:44,361 Police are here. 894 01:09:44,527 --> 01:09:47,361 Brother...Log 895 01:10:14,736 --> 01:10:17,694 Sir, here the money.. take this and close the gates immediately 896 01:10:24,611 --> 01:10:25,777 Come fast. 897 01:10:38,986 --> 01:10:40,361 Quickly. 898 01:10:57,152 --> 01:10:58,402 Come Quickly 899 01:11:10,777 --> 01:11:15,902 Sir, They have put towers in the entire forest. They would have known the information by now 900 01:11:18,444 --> 01:11:22,527 Rey...Is stock there? - Sir, nothing is there here. Total license wood 901 01:11:22,611 --> 01:11:25,861 If Pushpa is there stock will not be there. If stock is there Pushpa won’t be there. 902 01:11:26,194 --> 01:11:29,652 If you want to see both together, none of you will be there. 903 01:11:30,152 --> 01:11:34,277 We should all be thankful to Govindappa Sir! - Yes Bro. 904 01:11:34,444 --> 01:11:37,111 Our range has grown because of this sir only... 905 01:11:37,194 --> 01:11:40,986 If he had caught the stock that day, I wouldn’t have become a partner today.. 906 01:11:41,194 --> 01:11:43,986 Don’t say like that brother? Sir may get angry 907 01:11:45,569 --> 01:11:47,527 What sir? Are you getting angry?? 908 01:11:47,986 --> 01:11:51,486 Alas... I don’t even have shirt for you to hold my collar. 909 01:11:51,694 --> 01:11:56,236 I have given it to a girl just now. Not just you sir, we also do good deeds 910 01:11:56,277 --> 01:11:59,402 Rey... You are not understanding what you are doing... 911 01:12:01,152 --> 01:12:02,611 You are more cruel than animals... Yak 912 01:12:03,069 --> 01:12:05,319 What is crueler than this world sir? 913 01:12:06,277 --> 01:12:09,986 This world has given a gun to your hand and an axe to my hand. 914 01:12:10,527 --> 01:12:12,152 Everyone has his own war to fight. 915 01:12:14,527 --> 01:12:18,194 I have won this war also sir 916 01:12:19,111 --> 01:12:21,069 I will take care of whatever comes. 917 01:12:27,569 --> 01:12:30,361 Yes, You have won. 918 01:12:31,944 --> 01:12:34,069 But do you know what kind of war you are fighting? 919 01:12:35,486 --> 01:12:40,444 You will lose as much as you are winning today. You will know as you age.. 920 01:12:48,611 --> 01:12:51,361 Losers will always talk about principles. 921 01:12:52,819 --> 01:12:53,861 When does the party start? 922 01:12:55,861 --> 01:12:59,944 Heard about Mangalam Srinu party, but first time I am seeing it. 923 01:13:00,277 --> 01:13:04,236 Not only smugglers but police, politicians all have come to party. 924 01:13:04,736 --> 01:13:08,444 When one saw so much money Pushpa has become hero instantly. 925 01:13:08,694 --> 01:13:12,402 Mangalam Srinu himself personally introduced him to MP 926 01:13:15,902 --> 01:13:19,402 They kill me with their looks if I wear a saree 927 01:13:19,652 --> 01:13:23,277 They scan me with their eyes if I wear a skirt 928 01:13:23,402 --> 01:13:27,069 Forget saree and gown, let me divulge a secret 929 01:13:27,194 --> 01:13:30,902 What is there in the dress when It’s your hold that matters 930 01:13:30,902 --> 01:13:34,486 Will you say yes Dear. Will you say No 931 01:13:38,444 --> 01:13:42,027 Will you say yes Dear. Will you say No 932 01:13:45,902 --> 01:13:49,444 One becomes upside down if I’m fair 933 01:13:49,652 --> 01:13:53,236 One creates uproar if I’m dark 934 01:13:53,402 --> 01:13:57,027 Forget fair and dark, let me reveal the true color 935 01:13:57,152 --> 01:14:00,819 Color and figure won’t matter once you enter the field 936 01:14:00,861 --> 01:14:04,444 Will you say yes Dear. Will you say No 937 01:14:08,361 --> 01:14:11,944 Will you say yes Dear. Will you say No 938 01:14:30,819 --> 01:14:34,277 One jumps with joy If I’m tall 939 01:14:34,736 --> 01:14:38,111 One shouts and wails if I’m short 940 01:14:38,486 --> 01:14:41,944 Forget tall and short, let me tell you a truth 941 01:14:41,986 --> 01:14:45,902 There won’t be ups and downs once you get intoxicated 942 01:14:46,027 --> 01:14:49,611 Will you say yes Dear. Will you say No 943 01:14:53,319 --> 01:14:56,902 Will you say yes Dear. Or will you say No 944 01:15:00,861 --> 01:15:04,319 One feels happy If I'm stout 945 01:15:04,486 --> 01:15:08,069 One feel bliss If I'm slender 946 01:15:08,236 --> 01:15:11,986 Forget stout and slender 947 01:15:11,986 --> 01:15:15,777 It is the man's wicked nature who caught me alone. 948 01:15:15,902 --> 01:15:19,486 Will you say yes Dear. Will you say No 949 01:15:23,402 --> 01:15:26,986 Will you say yes Dear. Will you say No 950 01:15:53,277 --> 01:15:56,861 One person poses like a respected man... 951 01:15:56,861 --> 01:16:00,694 I have a very good heart says one person 952 01:16:00,944 --> 01:16:04,652 There is no good or bad, everyone belongs to the same race 953 01:16:04,652 --> 01:16:07,069 when the lights are off... 954 01:16:11,986 --> 01:16:15,736 when the lights are off... 955 01:16:15,777 --> 01:16:19,361 Will you say yes Dear. Will you say No 956 01:16:23,194 --> 01:16:26,777 Will you say yes Dear. Will you say No 957 01:16:38,236 --> 01:16:42,361 Will you say yes Dear. Will you say No 958 01:16:44,694 --> 01:16:48,194 Mangalam Sreenu has arranged a super party 959 01:16:48,986 --> 01:16:52,736 He will get 2 crores from us and give only 25 lakhs to them 960 01:16:53,027 --> 01:16:55,652 Then, not only party, he can do anything. 961 01:16:56,444 --> 01:16:57,902 Figure, liquor... 962 01:17:04,986 --> 01:17:09,444 Brother, I want to speak to you urgently. - What is that? 963 01:17:13,694 --> 01:17:19,444 That Mangalam srinu is cheating us bro. Mangalam srinu is fooling us. 964 01:17:19,777 --> 01:17:23,402 How much does he give us per ton? Twenty-five lakhs right. 965 01:17:23,736 --> 01:17:26,194 He is selling for Two crores outside.. 966 01:17:27,902 --> 01:17:29,527 How do you know? 967 01:17:30,486 --> 01:17:35,777 I have heard from the Murugan's people when they were talking to each other 968 01:17:37,694 --> 01:17:40,819 Of late I was also getting doubt on him... 969 01:17:40,819 --> 01:17:45,736 He is buying lands in lot of places. What do you say now? 970 01:17:45,986 --> 01:17:48,402 Nothing to say. Let’s go and ask 971 01:17:48,402 --> 01:17:50,527 We are loosing so much bro. 972 01:17:50,527 --> 01:17:54,069 We are all working hard and he is sitting and enjoying all the fruits. Ask him Brother 973 01:17:54,069 --> 01:17:56,736 What? you want to go and ask Mangalam Srinu is it? 974 01:17:56,736 --> 01:17:59,152 Yes -Do you know what he is? 975 01:17:59,236 --> 01:18:00,861 Hey Stop... You stop. 976 01:18:01,569 --> 01:18:07,777 You can go and ask but there are lot of other things between me and Srinu. 977 01:18:08,194 --> 01:18:10,902 We will get into trouble if anything goes wrong. 978 01:18:11,777 --> 01:18:14,444 What is this? Go and get Vadas.. 979 01:18:15,777 --> 01:18:17,361 Do one thing man. 980 01:18:18,111 --> 01:18:22,236 You go and ask him that people are talking like this outside. 981 01:18:22,361 --> 01:18:23,902 You are also partner right. 982 01:18:24,736 --> 01:18:28,069 If he agrees 50% share... 983 01:18:28,861 --> 01:18:32,611 else, you didn’t ask me anything. There is no relationship between us. 984 01:18:33,736 --> 01:18:34,736 What do you say? 985 01:18:36,527 --> 01:18:37,736 No Brother. 986 01:18:38,027 --> 01:18:41,736 If anyone has to ask him, it is you brother. It won’t look good if I ask 987 01:18:41,944 --> 01:18:43,152 That’s why... 988 01:18:44,486 --> 01:18:47,361 Hey Muniratnam did you see Pushpa’s range. 989 01:18:47,694 --> 01:18:49,944 He is having lunch with Kondareddy... and he also doing business with him 990 01:18:49,986 --> 01:18:53,236 You said it right.He used to come to work for a wage of hundred, hundred and fifty. 991 01:18:53,236 --> 01:18:54,861 Now he has become very big 992 01:18:55,152 --> 01:18:59,111 Where will you get a better match for your daughter than him. 993 01:18:59,111 --> 01:19:00,319 Why don’t you get her married to our guy? 994 01:19:00,944 --> 01:19:04,152 How did you say such a big thing so easily in a serious discussion? 995 01:19:04,486 --> 01:19:07,152 How can I give my daughter without knowing his caste and gotra? 996 01:19:07,402 --> 01:19:08,944 Hello... Do you know who he is? 997 01:19:08,944 --> 01:19:10,819 He is younger son of Molleti Venkata Ramayya 998 01:19:10,944 --> 01:19:13,277 Is that so? Then he is our own. 999 01:19:13,527 --> 01:19:14,569 Good match 1000 01:19:20,444 --> 01:19:22,069 Namaste! 1001 01:19:22,069 --> 01:19:24,027 See, How Muniratnam face is glowing 1002 01:19:24,111 --> 01:19:27,111 Our lives are such that we feel happy if Molleti Venkataramana says hi to us. 1003 01:19:27,569 --> 01:19:30,277 A match with such family means… Its all god grace 1004 01:19:30,444 --> 01:19:31,319 Here! 1005 01:19:34,069 --> 01:19:35,611 What are you looking at? Move... 1006 01:19:35,611 --> 01:19:36,194 come in please. 1007 01:19:36,194 --> 01:19:37,861 Sit... please sit down. 1008 01:19:37,986 --> 01:19:39,444 Hey, you go. 1009 01:19:39,444 --> 01:19:41,319 What did you guys tell him? He is talking strangely 1010 01:19:41,319 --> 01:19:42,694 What did you say? 1011 01:19:42,902 --> 01:19:45,819 That’s what Bro. I told him that you are third son of Molleti Venkataramana. 1012 01:19:45,819 --> 01:19:47,194 Did you say like that? 1013 01:19:47,527 --> 01:19:49,902 I’m somehow getting scared 1014 01:19:49,902 --> 01:19:52,444 What’s wrong? Did he not tell what the truth is..? 1015 01:19:52,444 --> 01:19:53,986 Not like that my son -Be silent Mom. 1016 01:19:54,152 --> 01:19:55,236 (Chants) 1017 01:19:58,861 --> 01:20:00,569 Bro, Srivalli is coming... 1018 01:20:00,736 --> 01:20:02,069 Bring the girl. 1019 01:20:03,611 --> 01:20:04,694 (Chants) 1020 01:20:28,486 --> 01:20:29,902 The girl is looking beautiful. 1021 01:20:29,986 --> 01:20:32,111 Girl, I had told you earlier only. It was just a small kiss. 1022 01:20:32,111 --> 01:20:33,944 You should have given it to him. See it has come up to marriage. 1023 01:20:33,944 --> 01:20:36,527 Now you have to keep kissing him for life. That too for free. 1024 01:20:44,902 --> 01:20:46,236 You...! 1025 01:20:47,861 --> 01:20:51,277 Pushparaj, the youngest son of Rangampet resident Molleti Venkata Ramana 1026 01:20:51,277 --> 01:20:54,694 and the resident of Yarravaripalem village… 1027 01:20:54,694 --> 01:20:57,944 We have seen the people who sell fruits in the name of the tree. 1028 01:20:57,944 --> 01:21:03,569 We came here knowing that someone is selling fruits without even know which tree has given those fruits 1029 01:21:05,319 --> 01:21:06,902 They are Venkataramana’s sons. 1030 01:21:07,902 --> 01:21:08,944 Greetings Sir. 1031 01:21:08,944 --> 01:21:12,736 It is said that relationship means it has to have 7 decades both sides 1032 01:21:12,736 --> 01:21:14,569 Why is it that you are not looking at even to one generation? 1033 01:21:15,194 --> 01:21:17,361 Do you know to whom you are giving your daughter for marriage? 1034 01:21:17,527 --> 01:21:18,652 What are saying sir? 1035 01:21:18,736 --> 01:21:21,152 He said he is third son of Molleti Venkata Ramana. 1036 01:21:21,236 --> 01:21:22,569 Isn’t he your younger brother? 1037 01:21:23,319 --> 01:21:25,444 Will someone become king just because he has Raju in his name? 1038 01:21:25,444 --> 01:21:27,402 and my brother if he takes my father’s name? 1039 01:21:27,527 --> 01:21:29,444 He is anyways shameless to say it. 1040 01:21:29,819 --> 01:21:32,402 She is a lady shouldn’t she have any shame ? 1041 01:21:33,902 --> 01:21:36,902 Son, you sit quietly. Swear on me that you won’t get up 1042 01:21:37,736 --> 01:21:39,902 Ey. Give me that Ration card 1043 01:21:42,319 --> 01:21:48,194 Have you seen what is in that? Did you see any surname? 1044 01:21:48,444 --> 01:21:51,861 No Sir, its only written as Pushpa raju 1045 01:21:52,236 --> 01:21:53,444 That’s the story. 1046 01:21:53,736 --> 01:21:57,194 He is surviving by using our surname 1047 01:21:59,486 --> 01:22:01,902 So what if he doesn’t have surname, what is it that Pushpa doesn’t have..? 1048 01:22:01,902 --> 01:22:05,569 He has a house and earns handful. Isn’t it enough to take care of your girl? 1049 01:22:05,819 --> 01:22:06,694 What do you say Muniratnam? 1050 01:22:06,694 --> 01:22:07,736 You said it rightly 1051 01:22:07,736 --> 01:22:08,569 what will he take care? 1052 01:22:08,569 --> 01:22:10,736 Do you think wedding is just exchanging vows? 1053 01:22:11,027 --> 01:22:13,361 We get a girl married to change her surname. 1054 01:22:13,569 --> 01:22:16,236 I won’t send her to such house. 1055 01:22:16,444 --> 01:22:17,236 Get up dear. 1056 01:22:17,236 --> 01:22:19,527 You wait... listen to me. 1057 01:22:19,527 --> 01:22:21,027 You sit my dear. Sit. 1058 01:22:23,069 --> 01:22:26,402 Hey Son, you both are brothers and you share the same blood.. 1059 01:22:26,652 --> 01:22:30,986 when such good occasions are happening, one should overlook and move on. 1060 01:22:31,861 --> 01:22:32,944 I agree with you 1061 01:22:33,236 --> 01:22:35,861 I agree that my father had an affair with his mother. 1062 01:22:35,861 --> 01:22:39,111 But what is the guarantee that he is born to my father? 1063 01:22:44,902 --> 01:22:46,611 My father didn’t tell me. 1064 01:22:48,444 --> 01:22:49,444 What man? 1065 01:22:49,527 --> 01:22:51,861 Did your mother at least tell you to whom you are born? What? 1066 01:22:51,861 --> 01:22:53,069 How dare you? 1067 01:22:57,694 --> 01:23:00,611 (Commotion) 1068 01:23:02,986 --> 01:23:05,902 (Commotion) 1069 01:23:15,611 --> 01:23:16,527 Mom! 1070 01:23:18,902 --> 01:23:19,819 Mom! 1071 01:23:22,152 --> 01:23:23,069 Mom! 1072 01:23:27,652 --> 01:23:29,486 Keshava, get the vehicle. 1073 01:23:53,652 --> 01:23:54,694 Throw her out! 1074 01:23:55,319 --> 01:23:57,944 Please leave me... Please 1075 01:24:15,861 --> 01:24:18,569 Please... let me see his face once. 1076 01:24:57,527 --> 01:24:58,152 Mom! 1077 01:24:58,527 --> 01:24:59,152 Mom! 1078 01:24:59,319 --> 01:24:59,944 Mom! 1079 01:25:34,652 --> 01:25:41,652 when your father asked me weather I want love or respect, then I thought love was enough. 1080 01:25:42,944 --> 01:25:45,652 I thought his respect is mine too. 1081 01:25:47,444 --> 01:25:54,111 But I never thought you will face so many insults because of this. 1082 01:25:56,111 --> 01:26:04,402 Had I known it, I would have taken some poison when you were in my womb. 1083 01:26:07,111 --> 01:26:07,944 Mom! 1084 01:26:08,986 --> 01:26:10,777 Please forgive me, my son. 1085 01:26:10,986 --> 01:26:14,027 What is this maa? What are you talking? What happened now? 1086 01:26:14,027 --> 01:26:17,694 You have injuries on your head that’s why you are talking like this.. Sleep now. 1087 01:26:17,986 --> 01:26:19,819 Grandma... Please maker her sleep. 1088 01:26:20,027 --> 01:26:23,527 Don’t cry my dear. Drink some porridge. 1089 01:26:24,111 --> 01:26:25,194 Mom... 1090 01:26:33,402 --> 01:26:36,236 Get some tea. Do you have money? -I have bro. 1091 01:26:37,944 --> 01:26:39,194 Bro... 1092 01:26:44,656 --> 01:26:49,198 I was just five-year-old then. 1093 01:26:51,489 --> 01:26:53,114 I didn’t even know how to fight. 1094 01:26:55,906 --> 01:27:00,073 These guys have created all kinds of troubles and took away whatever we had. 1095 01:27:14,864 --> 01:27:19,531 My father had given me a gold chain for my birthday. 1096 01:27:20,656 --> 01:27:24,573 In that chain there used to be photo of me and my father. 1097 01:27:25,406 --> 01:27:29,448 That was the only thing I had as a memory in those things. 1098 01:27:31,406 --> 01:27:34,156 They took away that as well. 1099 01:27:40,198 --> 01:27:42,239 They took away everything that belonged to me. 1100 01:27:45,823 --> 01:27:50,531 I won’t keep silent if they try to take away what I have to get.. 1101 01:27:52,198 --> 01:27:55,323 Whether it is 10 paise or 10 rupees. 1102 01:27:56,323 --> 01:27:57,614 I won’t spare anyone. 1103 01:27:58,364 --> 01:28:02,156 I won’t spare anyone, even if its Srinivasa on the hill or Mangalam Srinu down the hill. 1104 01:28:02,531 --> 01:28:05,073 I will collect everything with interest. 1105 01:28:07,656 --> 01:28:08,864 This is Pushpa 1106 01:28:09,364 --> 01:28:10,531 Pushparaj here. 1107 01:28:11,156 --> 01:28:13,239 I won’t compromise. 1108 01:28:15,948 --> 01:28:17,448 Beat him here…not there 1109 01:28:17,448 --> 01:28:18,614 I have already beaten him there bro. 1110 01:28:18,614 --> 01:28:20,198 Beat him on his knee? 1111 01:28:20,198 --> 01:28:21,239 On his knee’s bro? 1112 01:28:22,364 --> 01:28:26,031 That hand… Mouth... Beat him on the mouth. 1113 01:28:26,031 --> 01:28:27,198 Idiot shouldn’t open his mouth again. 1114 01:28:27,198 --> 01:28:29,198 Bro… He is scared 1115 01:28:29,198 --> 01:28:30,448 That’s why I asked you to beat. 1116 01:28:30,864 --> 01:28:36,698 How dare he comes directly to me and ask me to increase the rate? 1117 01:28:43,656 --> 01:28:48,281 It seems, Twenty-five is not enough for him.. he wants fifty lakhs per ton. 1118 01:28:48,614 --> 01:28:50,698 Fifty… Do you want Fifty lakhs? 1119 01:28:50,698 --> 01:28:54,156 If I don’t give, you want to deal with Chennai Murugan directly? 1120 01:28:54,989 --> 01:28:59,323 Why can’t you beat him yourself? You are sitting happily and ordering him? 1121 01:28:59,698 --> 01:29:03,198 Bro... Stop now. Drink this and take a breath. 1122 01:29:03,739 --> 01:29:05,531 Haven’t you got tired beating him since morning? 1123 01:29:05,948 --> 01:29:08,073 Unnecessary fuss all the time 1124 01:29:08,364 --> 01:29:10,323 She talks like that only. You carry on… 1125 01:29:10,904 --> 01:29:11,821 Hello MLA Sir. 1126 01:29:12,238 --> 01:29:14,071 Come Pushpa. Sit. 1127 01:29:14,363 --> 01:29:15,363 Yes. Tell me MLA Sir 1128 01:29:15,363 --> 01:29:18,113 Hey Srinu. Heard that you kidnapped Nagesh. 1129 01:29:18,321 --> 01:29:20,946 His brother came and is regretting for the mistake that happened. 1130 01:29:21,738 --> 01:29:22,863 Leave him for this time. 1131 01:29:23,321 --> 01:29:24,529 I will speak to you 1132 01:29:24,654 --> 01:29:26,988 So sad... I just killed him MLA Sir. 1133 01:29:27,571 --> 01:29:28,363 Brother… 1134 01:29:29,363 --> 01:29:31,321 You should have called me five minutes ago. 1135 01:29:32,196 --> 01:29:36,196 I’m just washing the knife after cutting his neck and your call came.. 1136 01:29:36,196 --> 01:29:38,821 I had called your PA also in the morning Sir. He also didn’t say anything. 1137 01:29:38,988 --> 01:29:42,363 Hello MP Sir, please tell me in advance if there is something like this next time. 1138 01:29:42,571 --> 01:29:43,904 It’s a matter of a person’s life. Isn’t it? 1139 01:29:44,071 --> 01:29:46,238 I don’t want any differences between you and me unnecessarily. 1140 01:29:46,238 --> 01:29:47,904 That's it sir... I take leave. 1141 01:29:49,154 --> 01:29:51,238 How are you Pushpa? -I’m fine, Sister. 1142 01:29:51,946 --> 01:29:53,279 Everyone speaks good about you in our house. 1143 01:29:53,279 --> 01:29:55,154 Hey Nagesh. 1144 01:29:55,488 --> 01:30:00,863 I have given a word to the big man on the other side. I will go wrong if I leave you. 1145 01:30:02,821 --> 01:30:05,196 Hey, Cut him into pieces. 1146 01:30:05,196 --> 01:30:06,071 Okay. 1147 01:30:10,821 --> 01:30:13,946 You guys have spoilt the entire floor... 1148 01:30:13,946 --> 01:30:16,488 Hey Venkatesu... make it clean. 1149 01:30:17,113 --> 01:30:19,279 What Pushpa? What made you come to me? 1150 01:30:19,279 --> 01:30:20,404 How is Kondareddy? 1151 01:30:20,404 --> 01:30:21,154 He is fine Brother. 1152 01:30:21,571 --> 01:30:23,154 Brother, I have mixed the color. 1153 01:30:23,529 --> 01:30:24,738 What is this? Is this black? 1154 01:30:24,904 --> 01:30:25,946 Yes, black brother. 1155 01:30:26,779 --> 01:30:28,988 Last time also you had said it was black but had turned brown. 1156 01:30:29,446 --> 01:30:31,238 It was so awkward in front of everyone 1157 01:30:32,029 --> 01:30:35,238 It just happened like that last time brother. This time it will be black for sure. 1158 01:30:35,363 --> 01:30:38,821 I don’t have confidence in you. Put on him and show. 1159 01:30:40,196 --> 01:30:41,404 apply on him. 1160 01:30:42,988 --> 01:30:45,988 See Pushpa, how he died struggling. 1161 01:30:46,154 --> 01:30:48,696 Else, he wanted Fifty lakhs per ton. 1162 01:30:48,863 --> 01:30:53,071 All you have to do is to cross two check posts and deliver stocks to me. 1163 01:30:53,238 --> 01:30:57,404 I must cross fifteen check posts to transport the stock to Chennai. 1164 01:30:57,446 --> 01:30:58,571 Can you imagine how difficult it is? 1165 01:30:58,696 --> 01:31:00,488 I agree brother, It is a very difficult job indeed. 1166 01:31:00,946 --> 01:31:04,196 Even I faced difficulty near fifteenth check post. 1167 01:31:04,363 --> 01:31:07,863 That SI Manikandan you know right. He asked me for one lakh rupees. 1168 01:31:07,988 --> 01:31:09,196 That fellow. 1169 01:31:09,738 --> 01:31:14,696 Somehow, we made sure the stock reached Chennai safely brother. 1170 01:31:18,196 --> 01:31:20,404 Have delivered the stock to Chennai? 1171 01:31:22,404 --> 01:31:24,279 Who told you to do that? 1172 01:31:24,279 --> 01:31:26,904 No Brother. The twenty-five lakhs you give is not enough. 1173 01:31:27,113 --> 01:31:29,363 If you give one crore per ton, I will sell to you only. 1174 01:31:29,738 --> 01:31:31,363 Crore? What is it bro? 1175 01:31:32,071 --> 01:31:33,238 If I say I no… 1176 01:31:35,154 --> 01:31:36,821 Whom did he say he will sell brother? 1177 01:31:37,071 --> 01:31:38,363 Chennai Murugan. 1178 01:31:38,488 --> 01:31:39,946 I will sell it to him only. 1179 01:31:39,946 --> 01:31:41,071 Why should I go to a new person? 1180 01:31:41,196 --> 01:31:42,404 Hey, do you understand what you are asking? 1181 01:31:42,779 --> 01:31:44,446 We just cut his neck for asking fifty lakhs only. 1182 01:31:44,571 --> 01:31:47,154 And here you are asking for one crore. Don’t you see what just happened.. ? 1183 01:31:47,404 --> 01:31:48,196 I understand man. 1184 01:31:48,363 --> 01:31:50,446 I came here to ask fifty lakhs only. 1185 01:31:50,821 --> 01:31:53,571 But after seeing him, I understood how high the risk is.. 1186 01:31:53,613 --> 01:31:56,029 that’s why I am asking for a crore... Am I right brother? 1187 01:31:57,321 --> 01:31:59,863 Brother, Tell me weather you can one crore per ton. 1188 01:32:00,196 --> 01:32:02,404 Otherwise, I will sell to Chennai Murugesan only. 1189 01:32:08,571 --> 01:32:11,113 All of you think about it and call me. 1190 01:32:11,404 --> 01:32:13,488 Okay? I take leave brother. 1191 01:32:14,904 --> 01:32:19,071 Oh! What is this bro? 1192 01:32:19,071 --> 01:32:23,821 This is black for sure. Don’t worry and get it applied. 1193 01:32:31,613 --> 01:32:34,529 Look there, music is playing on top of the pot. 1194 01:32:40,779 --> 01:32:42,488 Brother, why did you leave him like that? 1195 01:32:43,696 --> 01:32:46,946 You are coming and asking me, half an hour after he left? 1196 01:32:47,321 --> 01:32:50,446 I was in shock that he was speaking like that even after seeing what death looks like. 1197 01:32:52,029 --> 01:32:54,279 Do you think I was in a dream sequence with your sister? 1198 01:32:55,363 --> 01:32:57,154 I was also in a shock. 1199 01:32:58,363 --> 01:33:00,404 We have left him unnecessarily bro. We should have killed him. 1200 01:33:00,404 --> 01:33:01,654 What do you say Singireddy? 1201 01:33:01,654 --> 01:33:02,571 Yes, Brother 1202 01:33:26,988 --> 01:33:29,321 Brother, Can I make a call? 1203 01:33:39,279 --> 01:33:40,196 Brother…Murugan. 1204 01:33:40,363 --> 01:33:41,154 Greetings Bro. 1205 01:33:41,863 --> 01:33:44,529 This is syndicate member Pushpa speaking. 1206 01:33:46,613 --> 01:33:49,821 This time we don’t want to sell stock to Mangalam Srinu. 1207 01:33:51,738 --> 01:33:53,488 Thinking of selling it to you directly. 1208 01:33:54,488 --> 01:33:56,613 Ok… Ok Brother. 1209 01:33:56,821 --> 01:33:58,988 Stock has already reached Chennai Sir. 1210 01:34:00,779 --> 01:34:04,571 I will come to Chennai tomorrow and discuss rate with you. 1211 01:34:04,571 --> 01:34:07,654 Ok. Write down my pager number brother. 1212 01:34:07,679 --> 01:34:10,554 Eight Three…Eight four... Yeah four. 1213 01:35:05,154 --> 01:35:07,071 You fool! 1214 01:35:08,113 --> 01:35:10,446 I didn't left because you spared me 1215 01:35:11,613 --> 01:35:14,113 I left because I decided to leave. 1216 01:35:14,488 --> 01:35:15,404 What? 1217 01:35:16,196 --> 01:35:18,571 You thought Pushpa means flower... 1218 01:35:19,279 --> 01:35:20,529 It's Fire! 1219 01:35:21,738 --> 01:35:23,029 Fire! 1220 01:35:48,153 --> 01:35:50,195 Who are you? What do you want? 1221 01:35:50,195 --> 01:35:51,653 We have come to meet Murugan. 1222 01:35:51,653 --> 01:35:52,237 Is it? 1223 01:35:52,237 --> 01:35:53,987 Hey… who are they? 1224 01:35:54,237 --> 01:35:56,445 Pushpa, Syndicate member. 1225 01:35:56,737 --> 01:35:59,362 Came from Tirupati to discuss business. 1226 01:35:59,612 --> 01:36:02,528 Hey, say Pager No. 8384. 1227 01:36:02,528 --> 01:36:03,695 He will recognize us with that 1228 01:36:03,695 --> 01:36:04,987 Why are you shouting in my ear? 1229 01:36:04,987 --> 01:36:08,945 Hey, Murugan Sir is busy and he said he can’t meet anyone. 1230 01:36:09,070 --> 01:36:09,987 You heard it right! 1231 01:36:10,320 --> 01:36:12,862 Murugan Sir won’t meet anyone. Leave now 1232 01:36:12,862 --> 01:36:16,528 Let him say that after seeing this piece. 1233 01:36:16,653 --> 01:36:17,403 What is this? 1234 01:36:17,694 --> 01:36:21,236 This is Bro’s visiting card. He will understand if he looks at it 1235 01:36:29,861 --> 01:36:31,486 Its 07:45 PM 1236 01:36:31,486 --> 01:36:33,069 It's tea time for Murugan sir. 1237 01:36:33,069 --> 01:36:34,528 Quickly go and give a tea to Murugan sir. 1238 01:36:35,069 --> 01:36:37,986 Hey, Tea won’t go anywhere. 1239 01:36:38,569 --> 01:36:40,319 Murugan himself will come to tea 1240 01:36:48,486 --> 01:36:49,528 What is this man? 1241 01:36:50,611 --> 01:36:51,444 A grade stock. 1242 01:36:52,278 --> 01:36:54,944 I had seen it long back when I started the business. 1243 01:36:56,028 --> 01:36:57,444 I’m seeing it again now. 1244 01:36:58,236 --> 01:36:59,361 This is gold. 1245 01:37:01,236 --> 01:37:03,778 How many hills we have to climb up to see lord Venkateswara... 1246 01:37:03,778 --> 01:37:06,486 Likewise that many hills you need to climb down to find this kind of stuff 1247 01:37:06,903 --> 01:37:08,861 This is A grade Stuff. 1248 01:37:09,069 --> 01:37:14,361 The smuggler who buys never knows its value The one who the cuts the tree knows the exact value. 1249 01:37:37,944 --> 01:37:38,694 Open the door. 1250 01:37:53,194 --> 01:37:56,028 Two tons…five trucks We have ten tons of stock 1251 01:37:56,236 --> 01:37:57,278 Super man! 1252 01:37:58,861 --> 01:38:02,403 Will speak to Mangalam Srinu and fix the rate. You leave. 1253 01:38:02,486 --> 01:38:05,944 Brother, We have decided not to sell the stock to Mangalam Srinu. 1254 01:38:06,653 --> 01:38:08,861 That is why we came directly to sell it to you. 1255 01:38:08,986 --> 01:38:10,861 That’s why we brought it this far. 1256 01:38:11,069 --> 01:38:12,361 Do you want stock or not? 1257 01:38:19,778 --> 01:38:21,486 Hey, close the door. 1258 01:38:21,611 --> 01:38:23,069 Start the vehicles... -Bro.. bro... 1259 01:38:23,444 --> 01:38:26,944 Mangalam Srinu is very dangerous. 1260 01:38:27,694 --> 01:38:30,694 Can you do business defying him? 1261 01:38:33,736 --> 01:38:36,486 Can you buy the stock defying him? 1262 01:38:36,486 --> 01:38:39,319 Any who came here defying Mangalam Srinu and they are all dead. 1263 01:38:40,319 --> 01:38:42,611 Brother, many would have come to you. 1264 01:38:43,069 --> 01:38:47,069 I called from Srinanna’s place only and told you that I am coming to you 1265 01:38:47,694 --> 01:38:48,736 I’m different bro. 1266 01:38:48,861 --> 01:38:50,736 Who are you? Are you a crack? 1267 01:38:51,694 --> 01:38:54,569 Do you know to whom you are talking to? 1268 01:38:54,778 --> 01:38:56,278 I am Kondareddy’s partner. 1269 01:38:56,944 --> 01:38:59,486 Konda Reddy himself sent me here to talk to you. 1270 01:38:59,486 --> 01:39:02,694 Are you Kondareddy’s man? 1271 01:39:03,361 --> 01:39:05,028 You should have told me that earlier. 1272 01:39:05,069 --> 01:39:06,069 Call him. 1273 01:39:07,903 --> 01:39:10,153 Let me speak once. 1274 01:39:10,194 --> 01:39:14,153 That, only after negotiating the price.. 1275 01:39:14,736 --> 01:39:15,986 Tell me what is the rate? 1276 01:39:17,778 --> 01:39:18,486 Hello! 1277 01:39:18,653 --> 01:39:19,736 Brother Kondareeddy 1278 01:39:20,028 --> 01:39:22,194 Hey Pushpa. Didn’t see you for the last 2 days. 1279 01:39:22,403 --> 01:39:23,236 Where did you go? 1280 01:39:23,444 --> 01:39:24,611 I came to Chennai? 1281 01:39:24,903 --> 01:39:27,069 Chennai? Why?? 1282 01:39:27,569 --> 01:39:29,403 I came here to meet Murugan. 1283 01:39:29,611 --> 01:39:30,736 To meet Murugan? 1284 01:39:31,153 --> 01:39:33,236 Hey Jakka. He says he went to meet Murugan 1285 01:39:35,486 --> 01:39:36,694 Whose permission did you take to go to Murugan? 1286 01:39:36,819 --> 01:39:38,444 I asked you to go and meet Mangalam Srinu, right? 1287 01:39:38,611 --> 01:39:41,403 What bro? Doesn’t Kondareddy know that we came here? 1288 01:39:44,444 --> 01:39:48,611 Just because we gave 4% share, you want to act as you wish? 1289 01:39:50,194 --> 01:39:51,153 One and half crore… 1290 01:39:58,028 --> 01:40:00,694 One and half crore per ton. 1291 01:40:00,819 --> 01:40:02,736 I just negotiated the deal with Murugan. 1292 01:40:03,236 --> 01:40:06,361 As usual, do you want me to sell to Mangalam Srinu for twenty-five lakhs 1293 01:40:06,528 --> 01:40:08,736 or take risk and sell it to Murugan for one and half crore… 1294 01:40:13,819 --> 01:40:15,319 Understood bro. 1295 01:40:16,194 --> 01:40:23,319 I will tell Muragan brother that you can’t do business defying Mangalam Srinu. 1296 01:40:23,361 --> 01:40:24,903 I will tell him that we don’t have the guts. 1297 01:40:25,611 --> 01:40:28,153 I held back for all these days not because I don’t have guts. 1298 01:40:28,444 --> 01:40:30,861 I stopped because I was bound by Syndicate’s decision. 1299 01:40:30,986 --> 01:40:35,403 When we know that Mangalam Srinu is cheating us, who cares for the syndicate? 1300 01:40:35,611 --> 01:40:36,986 Finalize the deal. 1301 01:40:41,486 --> 01:40:42,153 Brother... 1302 01:40:42,569 --> 01:40:48,736 50% share to me and 50% to you from the profits. You remember we agreed on this the other day. 1303 01:40:58,069 --> 01:41:00,236 How dare you information to police about us.. you idiot? 1304 01:41:07,236 --> 01:41:10,361 What is the point of talking to him brother, when he was informing everything about us to Police. 1305 01:41:16,403 --> 01:41:17,944 I don’t have anything to do with it.. brother. 1306 01:41:18,361 --> 01:41:19,778 He did everything. 1307 01:41:20,403 --> 01:41:22,194 You knew, that he was doing all this. 1308 01:41:26,444 --> 01:41:27,486 I know, brother. 1309 01:41:27,486 --> 01:41:28,569 Why didn’t you not inform us? 1310 01:41:31,069 --> 01:41:34,361 He lured me with money. 1311 01:41:35,611 --> 01:41:38,361 I got greedy in the hope to perform my daughter’s marriage. 1312 01:41:39,278 --> 01:41:40,236 Daughter? 1313 01:41:40,736 --> 01:41:41,819 Who is that? 1314 01:41:42,278 --> 01:41:43,903 Does he have a grown up daughter.. ? 1315 01:41:44,361 --> 01:41:47,611 same one brother, the one you saw when she came to theatre.. that one.. 1316 01:41:47,986 --> 01:41:50,194 Is she, his daughter? 1317 01:41:51,486 --> 01:41:53,944 Isn’t she beautiful? I saw her from far. 1318 01:41:53,944 --> 01:41:56,611 She looks just ok bro 1319 01:41:58,278 --> 01:42:00,903 Then ask her to come once. We shall talk to her 1320 01:42:04,819 --> 01:42:05,819 Lay him down here. 1321 01:42:07,236 --> 01:42:09,486 Rey, You guys go and get his parents 1322 01:42:10,236 --> 01:42:10,736 My... 1323 01:42:11,069 --> 01:42:11,903 Where is my father? 1324 01:42:12,403 --> 01:42:13,694 What happened to him. 1325 01:42:15,028 --> 01:42:15,611 I’m asking you. 1326 01:42:15,736 --> 01:42:16,903 What happened to my father? 1327 01:42:17,111 --> 01:42:17,903 Tell me. 1328 01:42:18,403 --> 01:42:19,236 What happened to my father? 1329 01:42:21,569 --> 01:42:25,069 Rey Busappa, you said she is just ok. 1330 01:42:26,069 --> 01:42:28,819 But she is looking superb like a film heroine. 1331 01:42:29,819 --> 01:42:31,444 Your father is alive. 1332 01:42:31,486 --> 01:42:36,736 But go home and have a bath with lux soap. 1333 01:42:37,194 --> 01:42:42,444 wear this saree with jasmine flowers and come here in the night. 1334 01:42:42,736 --> 01:42:44,403 Then, You can take your father home in the morning. 1335 01:42:45,111 --> 01:42:47,486 Get ready like a bride for Jalanna and come. 1336 01:42:48,361 --> 01:42:52,236 What? Can’t you adjust for one night for the sake of your father’s life? 1337 01:42:56,236 --> 01:42:58,444 Go…Go. 1338 01:44:16,611 --> 01:44:17,236 Hey! 1339 01:44:17,444 --> 01:44:17,944 Bro! 1340 01:44:18,361 --> 01:44:21,861 Go out and have some beer and biryani. Come back in the morning. 1341 01:44:21,903 --> 01:44:22,611 Ok bro. 1342 01:44:22,736 --> 01:44:25,611 Rey, we can do this in the morning. Let’s go. Rey. Let’s go 1343 01:44:51,028 --> 01:44:52,528 How come you came here dear? 1344 01:44:53,986 --> 01:44:55,403 Have you lost your way? 1345 01:44:55,403 --> 01:44:57,861 Jalreddy is saying that he will kill my father 1346 01:44:58,736 --> 01:45:01,736 Why Jalreddy? Even I would kill him. 1347 01:45:02,819 --> 01:45:04,903 How could your father show loyalty to the Police? 1348 01:45:05,153 --> 01:45:08,944 He said he will spare him, if I sleep with him tonight. 1349 01:45:14,986 --> 01:45:16,444 You came all decked up right. 1350 01:45:16,986 --> 01:45:19,819 Go there. Why did you come here? 1351 01:45:22,444 --> 01:45:26,903 If I go there tonight, my father might return home in the morning... 1352 01:45:27,736 --> 01:45:29,194 but I will not be able to come to your house ever. 1353 01:45:29,611 --> 01:45:32,069 Why do you want to come to the house of a guy who doesn’t have surname? 1354 01:45:32,653 --> 01:45:34,569 You must have felt happy on the day the relation broke. 1355 01:45:34,569 --> 01:45:37,194 You must have felt very happy that you have gotten rid of me, 1356 01:45:37,194 --> 01:45:38,653 and you don’t need to see my face ever again. 1357 01:45:39,736 --> 01:45:41,194 Is this what you understood? 1358 01:45:42,403 --> 01:45:44,111 You are like this, from the beginning. 1359 01:45:44,444 --> 01:45:47,653 When did you ever understood the heart of a girl that you can understand today. 1360 01:45:49,736 --> 01:45:53,778 When my friends told me that you are feeling sad, because I was not looking at you, 1361 01:45:54,403 --> 01:45:58,569 I felt very happy that this boy likes me so much. 1362 01:45:59,736 --> 01:46:03,361 I liked you as soon as I saw you. 1363 01:46:05,903 --> 01:46:07,778 When you gave me money and asked for a kiss... 1364 01:46:07,986 --> 01:46:12,736 I thought this is your way of expressing love. 1365 01:46:15,278 --> 01:46:18,694 When I said that I want to give first kiss to my husband, 1366 01:46:19,569 --> 01:46:23,694 I gave an indication to you to marry me. 1367 01:46:24,653 --> 01:46:26,319 You didn't understand even that. 1368 01:46:27,569 --> 01:46:29,944 My father doesn’t even start the lorry without my nod. 1369 01:46:30,319 --> 01:46:34,028 Do you think you could come to my house for marriage proposal without my wish? 1370 01:46:35,528 --> 01:46:42,111 Do you know how bad I felt seeing you anxious when mother-in-law got hurt? 1371 01:46:42,319 --> 01:46:44,986 You could have understood that, had you seen into my eyes once. 1372 01:46:46,361 --> 01:46:47,778 You left even without looking at me. 1373 01:46:47,903 --> 01:46:51,194 Do you mean to say, that I should change my heart after hearing whatever you said... 1374 01:46:51,194 --> 01:46:53,653 and go fight with jaali and save your father? 1375 01:46:54,486 --> 01:46:55,986 It is not going to happen. Leave now 1376 01:46:55,986 --> 01:46:58,611 I know that you won’t do anything like that. 1377 01:46:59,569 --> 01:47:01,486 Your money and business are important to you, Isn’t it? 1378 01:47:01,861 --> 01:47:05,403 Why will you fight for a stranger like me? 1379 01:47:07,444 --> 01:47:10,278 Anyways, I didn’t come for that. 1380 01:47:10,319 --> 01:47:11,319 Then why did you come? 1381 01:47:20,028 --> 01:47:28,569 I always wanted to share my first kiss and my first night with someone whom I consider my husband. 1382 01:47:33,736 --> 01:47:35,903 Please sleep with me once. 1383 01:47:36,694 --> 01:47:39,278 You will never see me again. 1384 01:47:41,361 --> 01:47:42,528 I will go. 1385 01:47:44,319 --> 01:47:46,444 And after that I don’t care what happens to my life. 1386 01:47:51,986 --> 01:47:52,944 What is this dear? 1387 01:47:54,569 --> 01:47:56,486 Do you love me so much? 1388 01:47:59,028 --> 01:48:02,611 You think I will allow anyone to lay his hand on you after what you said. 1389 01:48:04,903 --> 01:48:06,486 Whoever it is.. 1390 01:48:10,361 --> 01:48:12,944 will not allow 1391 01:48:21,611 --> 01:48:22,819 What Pushpa? 1392 01:48:24,028 --> 01:48:26,736 You only brought the girl to make her sleep with me. 1393 01:48:27,611 --> 01:48:29,944 Are you doing all this for just 4 percent? 1394 01:49:31,319 --> 01:49:33,861 Hey, I am going to kill you today. 1395 01:50:15,528 --> 01:50:19,319 Are you firing? 1396 01:50:20,486 --> 01:50:21,361 Dear, Come here. 1397 01:50:21,819 --> 01:50:23,069 Are you firing bullets on to the girl? 1398 01:50:23,361 --> 01:50:26,986 I am going to kill you, idiot. 1399 01:50:45,069 --> 01:50:47,861 How dare you lay a hand on girls? 1400 01:50:54,944 --> 01:50:56,194 Muniratnam, get up! 1401 01:51:09,153 --> 01:51:12,903 Look Srivalli, your father is fine. I made him sit in the car. 1402 01:51:13,528 --> 01:51:17,986 What is this man? You have hit Jalreddy so badly. 1403 01:51:18,278 --> 01:51:21,361 O Jalanna. I feel pity looking at you. 1404 01:51:22,111 --> 01:51:25,694 What maccha? You made him incapable for anything. 1405 01:51:25,694 --> 01:51:28,403 If Kondareddy gets to know if this, he will kill you bro. 1406 01:51:28,778 --> 01:51:31,819 Hey, who will tell? This fellow only should say if at all… 1407 01:51:31,944 --> 01:51:35,444 What man? What will you tell your brother? 1408 01:51:35,444 --> 01:51:40,528 Will you go cry before him and tell him shamelessly that Pushpa beat you. 1409 01:51:40,611 --> 01:51:44,944 Ey Jaali, Go and complain. I don’t care. 1410 01:51:45,028 --> 01:51:46,778 Dear, come let’s go. 1411 01:51:46,861 --> 01:51:49,403 We will get it resolved either this way or that way. I’m ready for whatever happens. 1412 01:51:49,403 --> 01:51:54,694 Pushpa, I’m not an idiot to go and complain to my brothers. 1413 01:51:56,653 --> 01:51:59,069 This is between you and me… 1414 01:52:00,819 --> 01:52:03,944 and I will deal about this with you directly. 1415 01:52:05,153 --> 01:52:06,653 I won’t leave you. 1416 01:52:06,653 --> 01:52:10,528 This.. This ..This .. This is what is called as being a man. 1417 01:52:10,528 --> 01:52:15,736 What you did with women all these days is not like a man. 1418 01:52:16,278 --> 01:52:18,861 Now you have proven that you are a man. 1419 01:52:19,028 --> 01:52:20,653 Now stand on your word. 1420 01:52:20,903 --> 01:52:23,986 Kesava, he has masculinity in him. 1421 01:52:24,361 --> 01:52:26,153 I think he will stand on his word. 1422 01:52:26,653 --> 01:52:29,069 What dear? What do you think? 1423 01:52:29,069 --> 01:52:30,694 I too believe the same 1424 01:52:30,903 --> 01:52:32,278 He will stand on his word right 1425 01:52:32,278 --> 01:52:34,403 How will he stand, when you have already broken everything. 1426 01:52:43,528 --> 01:52:45,861 Muniratnam, Come... come. 1427 01:52:50,986 --> 01:52:52,819 Pushpa, I will park the car at home and come. 1428 01:52:58,861 --> 01:52:59,653 Mom! 1429 01:53:05,944 --> 01:53:07,361 Srivalli, I will take leave. 1430 01:53:07,361 --> 01:53:08,194 Pushpa! 1431 01:53:08,694 --> 01:53:10,528 Come and have dinner. 1432 01:53:10,944 --> 01:53:11,986 No need Aunty. 1433 01:53:12,694 --> 01:53:16,278 My mom is waiting for me... I have to go. 1434 01:53:16,319 --> 01:53:17,736 Pushpa, wait a minute. 1435 01:53:18,069 --> 01:53:18,944 You come. 1436 01:53:29,736 --> 01:53:30,944 My mom asked me to give this to you. 1437 01:53:33,403 --> 01:53:34,278 Okay. 1438 01:53:35,986 --> 01:53:36,736 You go. 1439 01:53:41,236 --> 01:53:42,694 Why are you staring at me? 1440 01:53:42,986 --> 01:53:43,528 Go. 1441 01:53:46,694 --> 01:53:47,611 What? 1442 01:53:57,319 --> 01:54:00,861 When you call me Dear… Dear, I feel like I have become your wife 1443 01:54:00,861 --> 01:54:03,778 Darling… My Darling 1444 01:54:04,278 --> 01:54:07,819 When I call you Darling… Darling, you suit well as my Husband 1445 01:54:07,819 --> 01:54:10,736 Darling… My Darling 1446 01:54:11,028 --> 01:54:13,694 When I walk behind you 1447 01:54:14,444 --> 01:54:16,361 When I walk behind you 1448 01:54:16,403 --> 01:54:19,111 It feels like going uphill to Venkanna Temple, Darling 1449 01:54:19,569 --> 01:54:21,569 When I sit next to you 1450 01:54:21,611 --> 01:54:24,528 It feels like I got Lord Parameshwara. 1451 01:54:24,778 --> 01:54:28,319 When I look at the path as you leave It is as if the lake has dried up. 1452 01:54:28,319 --> 01:54:31,236 Darling… My Darling 1453 01:54:31,528 --> 01:54:34,361 My Darling…. Come here Darling 1454 01:54:34,778 --> 01:54:38,111 Darling with Golden Heart… Darling with Pride. Darling with Emotions 1455 01:54:38,236 --> 01:54:41,028 My Darling… Come here Darling 1456 01:54:41,611 --> 01:54:44,944 Darling with Golden Heart… Darling with Pride. Darling with Emotions 1457 01:54:59,569 --> 01:55:05,611 When you tie lungi above the thighs... 1458 01:55:06,486 --> 01:55:09,778 When you tie lungi above the thighs... 1459 01:55:09,778 --> 01:55:12,153 My breath gets stopped Darling 1460 01:55:13,069 --> 01:55:16,611 When you are chewing a Jarda Pan 1461 01:55:16,611 --> 01:55:19,528 My body gets painted Red… Darling 1462 01:55:19,569 --> 01:55:22,319 When I hear your yells and roars… 1463 01:55:29,903 --> 01:55:33,278 When I hear your yells and roars… It thrills me like hell… 1464 01:55:33,403 --> 01:55:36,778 When you sit cross legged, it mesmerizes me. 1465 01:55:36,778 --> 01:55:40,444 When you take out two buttons and show your chest Won’t it overflow like a milk Pot 1466 01:55:40,444 --> 01:55:43,569 My Darling… my Darling 1467 01:55:43,611 --> 01:55:46,403 My Darling… Come here Darling 1468 01:55:46,819 --> 01:55:50,153 Darling with Golden Heart… Darling with Pride. Darling with Emotions 1469 01:55:50,236 --> 01:55:53,028 My Darling… Come here Darling 1470 01:55:53,444 --> 01:55:56,778 Darling with Golden Heart… Darling with Pride. Darling with Emotions 1471 01:56:11,569 --> 01:56:16,736 When I wear a new saree and you don’t complement 1472 01:56:18,236 --> 01:56:21,819 When I wear a new saree and you don’t complement 1473 01:56:21,861 --> 01:56:24,361 Wouldn’t that saree value become zero, Darling... 1474 01:56:25,111 --> 01:56:28,778 When I wear flowers in my hair And if you don’t smell them 1475 01:56:28,778 --> 01:56:31,361 Wouldn’t the flower mound fall down. 1476 01:56:31,736 --> 01:56:34,944 When my saree frill slips down 1477 01:56:41,861 --> 01:56:45,319 When my saree frill slips down, and you won’t look at me 1478 01:56:45,319 --> 01:56:48,778 The naughty wind would sympathize with me, Darling 1479 01:56:48,819 --> 01:56:52,611 If my beauty doesn’t become yours, my life as girl would become poor 1480 01:56:52,611 --> 01:56:55,569 Darling…my Darling 1481 01:56:55,569 --> 01:56:58,361 My Darling… Come here Darling 1482 01:56:58,778 --> 01:57:02,111 Darling with Golden Heart… Darling with Pride. Darling with Emotions 1483 01:57:02,194 --> 01:57:04,986 My Darling… Come here Darling 1484 01:57:05,403 --> 01:57:08,736 Darling with Golden Heart… Darling with Pride. Darling with Emotions 1485 01:57:18,236 --> 01:57:21,611 Bro, Operation to the spine it seems. 1486 01:57:21,944 --> 01:57:25,028 Doctor is saying only after that he can say if he can walk or not 1487 01:57:29,194 --> 01:57:31,028 He won’t say who hit him. 1488 01:57:31,028 --> 01:57:32,236 And you people don’t know. 1489 01:57:32,819 --> 01:57:33,736 Is that right? 1490 01:57:33,944 --> 01:57:34,778 Yes Brother. 1491 01:57:40,986 --> 01:57:42,486 Bro… Bro… Bro 1492 01:57:42,486 --> 01:57:44,236 Whom did he sleep with last night? 1493 01:57:44,236 --> 01:57:46,778 Muniratnam daughter came… Bro 1494 01:57:46,778 --> 01:57:51,278 Muniratnam daughter came in the night and went back in the morning with her father. 1495 01:57:51,278 --> 01:57:53,278 Then, who hit him? 1496 01:58:02,486 --> 01:58:05,903 Bro, looks like Kondareddy wants to kill the guy who thrashed Jalreddy, 1497 01:58:05,903 --> 01:58:08,903 once he gets to know who did it.. ignoring that, you are looking at Pager and money. 1498 01:58:09,319 --> 01:58:12,944 Only six months? For the trashing I gave him, He should not get up for one year. 1499 01:58:13,194 --> 01:58:15,694 I think I haven’t given him enough.. . 1500 01:58:16,153 --> 01:58:19,819 Bro, Jalreddy still has some masculinity left in him. That is why he didn’t name you. 1501 01:58:19,944 --> 01:58:21,694 What If Kondareddy gets to know this… 1502 01:58:21,778 --> 01:58:24,028 I lost my count.. How will Kondareddy get to know? 1503 01:58:26,153 --> 01:58:29,778 What Pushpa? Has the stock reached Murugan? 1504 01:58:30,278 --> 01:58:32,403 Reached Bro. He sent the message too. Just reached it seems 1505 01:58:32,903 --> 01:58:36,986 Ok. You should go to Tirupati tomorrow and get the money. 1506 01:58:37,069 --> 01:58:40,028 That Hawala slip is with you, only right? - It is safe with me. 1507 01:58:40,028 --> 01:58:41,153 Be ready in the morning 1508 01:58:42,694 --> 01:58:43,986 what is that injury on your hand? 1509 01:58:44,194 --> 01:58:46,444 This… Our - That… Got scratched when coming in car. 1510 01:58:47,319 --> 01:58:48,778 Be careful man. Ok… 1511 01:58:49,194 --> 01:58:50,319 What Subbareddy? - Bro… 1512 01:58:50,319 --> 01:58:52,653 Did you get the jeep tyres changed? - got it Changed bro 1513 01:58:57,236 --> 01:59:00,986 Bro. Do you think he heard? - No, He didn’t. 1514 01:59:01,236 --> 01:59:03,944 No Bro. I have a doubt that he must have heard.. 1515 01:59:04,403 --> 01:59:07,986 I will do one thing. I will go out and close the door and wait there.. 1516 01:59:07,986 --> 01:59:10,361 You speak something. I will see if can hear it or not 1517 01:59:12,569 --> 01:59:14,236 Bro... Speak.. Speak 1518 01:59:22,736 --> 01:59:24,069 bro, I could not hear anything 1519 01:59:24,861 --> 01:59:26,236 I didn’t speak anything 1520 01:59:30,069 --> 01:59:32,819 What man… What is this? - Mosquitos Bro 1521 01:59:32,861 --> 01:59:34,028 What? - Mosquitos 1522 01:59:34,986 --> 01:59:37,361 Be careful man. Too many mosquitos here. What if we get Dengue Fever? 1523 01:59:37,361 --> 01:59:41,903 I’m going to Tirupati on work… Do you want anything? 1524 01:59:42,361 --> 01:59:44,361 Don’t you know what I want? 1525 01:59:45,028 --> 01:59:46,819 Your hands look good. 1526 01:59:47,694 --> 01:59:49,486 Should I bring you gold ring? 1527 01:59:53,153 --> 01:59:55,611 What? Don’t you like gold ring? 1528 01:59:56,819 --> 01:59:57,986 What do you want? 1529 01:59:59,486 --> 02:00:02,861 You are staring at me with eyes wide open. What happened? 1530 02:00:03,236 --> 02:00:04,653 What are you doing? 1531 02:00:05,569 --> 02:00:07,278 - Going to Tirupati on work 1532 02:00:07,736 --> 02:00:09,403 What are you doing now? 1533 02:00:09,861 --> 02:00:11,236 Looking at you 1534 02:00:11,944 --> 02:00:13,153 Where is your hand? 1535 02:00:13,319 --> 02:00:15,486 what? - Where is your hand? 1536 02:00:16,403 --> 02:00:19,111 Oh. Did my hand touch you? Sorry dear 1537 02:00:20,736 --> 02:00:23,278 Didn’t touch. It is still there. 1538 02:00:23,944 --> 02:00:25,861 I was talking on the phone.. here, I removed it.. 1539 02:00:26,153 --> 02:00:29,236 I didn’t realise it because I was busy talking on phone 1540 02:00:29,361 --> 02:00:31,319 You didn’t know, is it? You didn’t know? 1541 02:00:31,444 --> 02:00:33,819 You didn’t know, is it? - Hey... Why are you hitting me, dear? 1542 02:00:33,819 --> 02:00:37,569 Don’t to talk after doing whatever you wanted to do. 1543 02:00:37,569 --> 02:00:39,278 I’m leaving now. 1544 02:00:39,736 --> 02:00:43,069 I came here to see your face before going for money collection. 1545 02:00:43,069 --> 02:00:44,819 Do you know how excitedly I came?What? 1546 02:00:45,361 --> 02:00:48,444 Did I come to get hit by you? I will go. 1547 02:00:48,611 --> 02:00:52,069 Sorry Darling... -I'll go... 1548 02:00:52,069 --> 02:00:53,111 - This is all waste business. 1549 02:00:53,111 --> 02:00:54,778 Sorry Darling -I will leave 1550 02:00:54,861 --> 02:00:57,694 What Darling? You only did it and now you are only getting angry. 1551 02:00:58,611 --> 02:01:02,278 Why did you hit me? Se… Again, you are getting angry 1552 02:01:02,278 --> 02:01:03,944 Hold it darling 1553 02:01:05,069 --> 02:01:07,778 No, you will again abuse me - Hold it, Darling 1554 02:01:08,028 --> 02:01:10,611 No, Thanks - Hold it, Darling 1555 02:01:13,361 --> 02:01:14,069 Thanks. 1556 02:01:17,236 --> 02:01:19,569 I will stay, you go dear… go dear… 1557 02:01:24,736 --> 02:01:27,236 You have become smarter -Srivalli… Srivalli 1558 02:01:28,569 --> 02:01:29,944 Ok Darling… I leave now 1559 02:01:30,194 --> 02:01:34,444 Hey. What are you doing dear? They will find it. 1560 02:01:35,569 --> 02:01:39,069 See, if your friend asks, tell her that we were just talking. Don’t tell her all these things. 1561 02:01:39,778 --> 02:01:40,736 It will spoil my reputation. 1562 02:01:40,736 --> 02:01:42,278 Ok, Darling. I know 1563 02:01:44,611 --> 02:01:46,361 It's time for real action. 1564 02:01:49,028 --> 02:01:51,194 what dear? Looks like a lot happened inside 1565 02:01:51,319 --> 02:01:52,069 Nothing. 1566 02:01:52,069 --> 02:01:54,653 Hey Srivalli. Ask Pushpa to have tiffin and go. 1567 02:01:54,653 --> 02:01:57,153 He had tiffin aunty. He had it just now. 1568 02:01:57,403 --> 02:01:58,986 Can’t you see it? 1569 02:01:58,986 --> 02:01:59,861 Srivalli! 1570 02:02:00,194 --> 02:02:01,444 Careful darling 1571 02:02:02,236 --> 02:02:04,861 Darling! 1572 02:02:14,819 --> 02:02:16,736 Shetji, are you fine? 1573 02:02:17,611 --> 02:02:20,569 How are you? -Fine sir. 1574 02:02:20,944 --> 02:02:21,944 How are you? 1575 02:02:22,444 --> 02:02:23,986 I am fine. 1576 02:03:00,486 --> 02:03:03,111 You go... I'll come. 1577 02:03:03,194 --> 02:03:04,653 Pushpa... look, new models have arrived. 1578 02:03:25,986 --> 02:03:28,194 Pushpa, go to new godown. 1579 02:03:38,111 --> 02:03:44,611 If you wear a striking dress and if we give frightening looks… it scares (Song Humming) 1580 02:03:44,653 --> 02:03:52,736 aa… you get scared. If we come walking with grace and you stop us for fun… scare… scares..scares 1581 02:03:52,986 --> 02:03:57,403 How did you hear what I was singing to myself? 1582 02:03:57,403 --> 02:04:00,694 Why can’t I hear? You think we can’t hear whatever you guys speak inside? 1583 02:04:00,986 --> 02:04:07,944 Leave that. When you and Pushpa were talking of beating Jalreddy, me and Kondareddy sir heard from outside. 1584 02:04:08,111 --> 02:04:10,236 What did you say? Move aside. 1585 02:04:20,486 --> 02:04:21,903 Max Pager Services 1586 02:04:21,903 --> 02:04:24,153 Sister, have to send a message urgently. 1587 02:04:24,153 --> 02:04:25,361 -Please tell me the number? 1588 02:05:14,153 --> 02:05:15,153 Get him up. 1589 02:05:17,653 --> 02:05:21,069 What man? Did you forget who we are? 1590 02:05:22,361 --> 02:05:25,528 Just because we gave you four percent share and a seat next to us, 1591 02:05:25,528 --> 02:05:28,528 do you think we will remain silent if you lay your hands on our brother? 1592 02:05:28,694 --> 02:05:31,278 I will kill you, idiot. 1593 02:05:31,861 --> 02:05:34,944 Hey. He has a 5 crore hawala slip in his pocket. Search for it. 1594 02:05:36,153 --> 02:05:38,444 Why are you laughing? - Hit the idiot. Hit him 1595 02:05:38,903 --> 02:05:40,903 My brother is talking and you are laughing at him. 1596 02:05:40,903 --> 02:05:42,486 Else what bro? 1597 02:05:42,486 --> 02:05:47,569 Are you killing me truly because of your love for your brother... 1598 02:05:47,569 --> 02:05:52,194 or do you think if you kill me, you can have all the money? 1599 02:05:53,444 --> 02:05:55,694 Hey… Nothing is bigger than my brother. 1600 02:05:55,861 --> 02:05:59,236 It’s a nice joke bro. Maybe this is the last joke I will hear. 1601 02:05:59,528 --> 02:06:02,986 What are you searching man? I keep it in the fold of my hand sleeve right. 1602 02:06:03,028 --> 02:06:07,153 Anyways, you are not like before, Kondareddy bro. You have become very commercial. 1603 02:06:07,153 --> 02:06:09,111 Hey Subbareddy. Is it the same slip? 1604 02:06:09,153 --> 02:06:09,903 Yes Brother. It is the same slip. 1605 02:06:09,944 --> 02:06:10,903 On which date do we get our money? 1606 02:06:10,944 --> 02:06:13,861 New title for you. Commercial Kondareddy. Tag line- No Masculinity 1607 02:06:15,069 --> 02:06:16,319 Hey, take him and throw him in the pit 1608 02:06:16,361 --> 02:06:21,111 I know brother, that these kind of businesses will definitely see death some day. 1609 02:06:21,444 --> 02:06:26,361 If by mistake, Lord Venkateswara supports me and saves me, 1610 02:06:27,069 --> 02:06:29,153 I will become a very big man for sure. 1611 02:06:29,361 --> 02:06:31,944 I will sit on the top. 1612 02:06:33,861 --> 02:06:36,319 Yes. I can visualize my future. 1613 02:06:39,944 --> 02:06:43,611 Why delay? Shoot him up. 1614 02:10:09,403 --> 02:10:10,528 Cut the rope. 1615 02:10:11,236 --> 02:10:12,111 Cut the rope. 1616 02:10:22,111 --> 02:10:23,153 Quickly. 1617 02:10:27,319 --> 02:10:28,319 Come on cut the rope. 1618 02:10:42,111 --> 02:10:45,194 Pushpa, come fast. 1619 02:10:47,986 --> 02:10:51,111 Pushpa! I already said I had a doubt that Konda Reddy has heard it. 1620 02:11:17,486 --> 02:11:18,361 Hold on guys.. 1621 02:11:25,153 --> 02:11:27,361 He is getting scared.. he is scared.. 1622 02:11:35,236 --> 02:11:38,611 Bro, we found jakkareddy. 1623 02:11:38,694 --> 02:11:41,319 what are you waiting for? Kill him 1624 02:11:41,403 --> 02:11:42,319 I will cut his neck bro… 1625 02:11:42,444 --> 02:11:43,778 then what about that coolie? 1626 02:11:43,778 --> 02:11:46,903 You mean, that Pushpa? Our men would have killed him by now bro… 1627 02:12:56,778 --> 02:12:59,028 What Jakkareddy? What are you looking at me like that. 1628 02:12:59,236 --> 02:13:01,153 Is it because I came back? 1629 02:13:01,319 --> 02:13:03,486 You and I may have million things between us… 1630 02:13:03,653 --> 02:13:07,278 but when an outsider comes, you are my partner. That’s it. 1631 02:13:55,319 --> 02:13:56,694 What man… why are you coming on to me like that. 1632 02:13:57,528 --> 02:14:00,236 If my brother-in-law comes to know of it he won’t leave you.. 1633 02:14:00,403 --> 02:14:01,736 If you something harm to me, my brother-in-law won’t leave you. 1634 02:14:12,153 --> 02:14:14,111 Why are you taking out the gun? Will you kill me? 1635 02:14:14,236 --> 02:14:17,111 My brother-in-law won’t keep quite if you do anything to me. He will kill all of you. 1636 02:14:17,361 --> 02:14:20,903 True Pushpa, It will become a big mess if you touch him. 1637 02:14:21,194 --> 02:14:23,278 He is getting scared. He is getting scared. 1638 02:14:23,569 --> 02:14:25,194 Even I want to kill him Pushpa. 1639 02:14:28,278 --> 02:14:30,694 But no… Leave him. 1640 02:14:32,194 --> 02:14:33,528 Let this end with my brother 1641 02:14:34,111 --> 02:14:36,236 He is getting scared… Scared. 1642 02:14:36,569 --> 02:14:38,611 That’s all. Everyone should fear my brother-in-law. 1643 02:14:39,194 --> 02:14:41,111 See… here my brother-in-law himself is calling. 1644 02:14:42,986 --> 02:14:44,611 I will go. I will go away. 1645 02:14:44,819 --> 02:14:46,569 Hey Kesava…Start the vehicle. 1646 02:14:48,444 --> 02:14:49,528 Talk to him... 1647 02:14:51,569 --> 02:14:53,319 What man Mogileesu? 1648 02:14:53,528 --> 02:14:54,694 Yeah, Srinu bro… 1649 02:14:55,569 --> 02:14:56,319 Tell... 1650 02:14:59,278 --> 02:15:01,986 Bro, they caught Mogileesu. 1651 02:15:04,903 --> 02:15:07,736 Look Pushpa. Listen to what I am saying.. 1652 02:15:07,903 --> 02:15:12,278 Let us do business together.. that too at the rate you asked for. 1653 02:15:13,944 --> 02:15:17,194 We will discuss about the rest later. 1654 02:15:17,319 --> 02:15:20,319 Don’t do anything to my brother-in-law. 1655 02:15:20,611 --> 02:15:21,319 Okay? 1656 02:15:21,778 --> 02:15:24,069 Areyrey… I just killed him bro. 1657 02:15:26,069 --> 02:15:27,986 You should have called me five minutes ego. 1658 02:15:30,486 --> 02:15:36,778 Life will not come back once it is gone. Right, bro. 1659 02:15:36,819 --> 02:15:37,569 Brother in law… 1660 02:15:51,444 --> 02:15:52,819 Why are you silent, bro? 1661 02:15:54,236 --> 02:15:55,944 wondering what that sound is? 1662 02:15:56,611 --> 02:16:00,028 You alone know that I am not scared of anyone. 1663 02:16:00,486 --> 02:16:05,153 Now the entire market will know with this sound. 1664 02:16:06,069 --> 02:16:10,403 Bro… Just keep this in your head. 1665 02:16:10,903 --> 02:16:13,903 I didn’t come here to mess with anyone 1666 02:16:14,986 --> 02:16:18,986 I came here to rule. I won’t compromise. 1667 02:16:19,653 --> 02:16:21,236 What happened? 1668 02:17:19,444 --> 02:17:22,194 Bro… That Mangalam Srinu is coming. 1669 02:17:23,194 --> 02:17:26,653 He is coming here to die today. Hey… Give me the gun 1670 02:17:27,028 --> 02:17:30,194 Hey Jakka .. you hang on, I asked Mangalam Srinu to come. 1671 02:17:30,236 --> 02:17:33,819 If you guys fight here, the entire department will be here, 1672 02:17:34,069 --> 02:17:35,694 and I will get everyone killed in an encounter. 1673 02:17:35,819 --> 02:17:37,611 So Let's settle the matter here … 1674 02:18:07,944 --> 02:18:10,569 I will leave if my brother-in-law’s body is given. 1675 02:18:10,611 --> 02:18:13,111 You can go... but, sit first. 1676 02:18:16,694 --> 02:18:19,486 We were like brothers right. Then What is this? 1677 02:18:19,569 --> 02:18:22,194 You should ask them all that. It is they who have started all this. 1678 02:18:22,194 --> 02:18:24,653 What is it about starting? It will not end till you are killed. 1679 02:18:24,694 --> 02:18:26,611 Hey Jakka. You stop … 1680 02:18:26,986 --> 02:18:29,569 Bro, first ask them why they sold stock to Murugan... 1681 02:18:29,569 --> 02:18:32,778 Yes Bro. They sold the stock to Murugan without Srinanna’s knowledge 1682 02:18:33,694 --> 02:18:37,403 Ray Jakka, shouldn’t everyone stick to the syndicate? 1683 02:18:37,444 --> 02:18:39,111 Why are you guys doing this? 1684 02:18:49,236 --> 02:18:51,819 How much is this? - Three crores 1685 02:18:53,153 --> 02:18:54,778 How much? How much did you sell a ton for? 1686 02:18:58,236 --> 02:18:59,361 One and half crore. 1687 02:19:00,861 --> 02:19:02,028 They said 25 lakhs for ton? 1688 02:19:02,194 --> 02:19:05,278 What is this? Is this true? 1689 02:19:05,278 --> 02:19:07,236 I will give all these calculations later 1690 02:19:07,903 --> 02:19:12,778 but what is this man? You not only killed by brother-in-law, you are also complaining against me 1691 02:19:12,778 --> 02:19:18,236 Hey, I didn’t kill your brother-in-law. I killed the person who killed Kondareddy Bro. 1692 02:19:19,028 --> 02:19:22,486 Do you think I will sit silently and watch when someone attacks Jakkareddy bro with a knife? 1693 02:19:22,611 --> 02:19:24,903 I shot him. 1694 02:19:24,986 --> 02:19:26,819 You hold on man - Even I won’t leave.. I will also kill. 1695 02:19:26,819 --> 02:19:28,944 What bro? Looks like both brothers-in-law’s are alike ... Do you think we are scared? 1696 02:19:29,028 --> 02:19:31,194 What, you will kill? that too in front me. 1697 02:19:32,028 --> 02:19:34,819 Why are you giving the gun? What is this? Why are you silent? 1698 02:19:35,444 --> 02:19:40,361 I called him when he was about to kill my brother-in-law. Still he killed him. 1699 02:19:40,528 --> 02:19:43,194 Maybe you also called five minutes late like me. 1700 02:19:44,736 --> 02:19:46,236 But anyways, both sides have lost right? 1701 02:19:47,153 --> 02:19:50,778 Hey, put that gun away and first explain the calculations. 1702 02:19:52,736 --> 02:19:55,528 Till now you said, 25 lakhs per ton.. right? 1703 02:19:55,944 --> 02:19:57,569 Then how did he get a crore and half now? 1704 02:19:57,944 --> 02:19:59,194 We also asked him the same Sir? 1705 02:19:59,194 --> 02:20:02,153 Had he answered this, we wouldn’t have gone to Murugan and things wouldn’t have come to this 1706 02:20:02,278 --> 02:20:05,028 This big man has screwed all of us so badly 1707 02:20:05,861 --> 02:20:09,319 What bro Srinu? Why are you silent? Why don’t you answer when MLA sir is asking you? 1708 02:20:09,444 --> 02:20:11,903 What is this? Should I explain accounts now? 1709 02:20:12,153 --> 02:20:14,111 Have you guys forgotten what all I did so far? 1710 02:20:14,278 --> 02:20:17,319 True Bro. Why are you asking Srinanna accounts now? 1711 02:20:17,611 --> 02:20:19,569 How many people did he manage…? 1712 02:20:19,569 --> 02:20:21,528 How many check-posts he managed? 1713 02:20:21,528 --> 02:20:23,486 Won’t you take all that into account? 1714 02:20:23,486 --> 02:20:26,569 Hello Sir. We are coming there only. 1715 02:20:26,986 --> 02:20:29,944 You are paying off the police. We are also paying off the police. 1716 02:20:30,028 --> 02:20:32,944 All of you are giving commissions. Above that, we are also giving commissions 1717 02:20:33,069 --> 02:20:39,694 we are also giving commissions to people in Forest, revenue, ID,… how will it work out? 1718 02:20:40,028 --> 02:20:42,236 We, together should pay them once only. 1719 02:20:42,528 --> 02:20:44,778 Then see how much will we save? 1720 02:20:45,028 --> 02:20:46,861 Twenty-five percent. 1721 02:20:47,153 --> 02:20:48,569 Which we were wasting. 1722 02:20:49,694 --> 02:20:53,444 Just by bypassing Seenanna and going directly to Murugan, he paid us one and half crore. 1723 02:20:53,736 --> 02:20:58,069 If we all unite and fix a rate, he will pay two crores at least. 1724 02:20:58,153 --> 02:20:59,778 What? two crores?? 1725 02:20:59,819 --> 02:21:02,111 Bro, the story doesn’t stop here ... 1726 02:21:02,194 --> 02:21:05,278 There is Chatterjee in Calcutta, and who is that in Mumbai? Ya.. Singh, 1727 02:21:05,278 --> 02:21:08,361 then Agarwal in Delhi. I kept more people like them, in line. 1728 02:21:09,153 --> 02:21:12,944 Bro, we have the kind of stock that is not available anywhere in the world. 1729 02:21:12,944 --> 02:21:14,819 We have it here in Tirupati in our Andhra Pradesh. 1730 02:21:15,069 --> 02:21:17,069 The kind that no one on this earth has. 1731 02:21:17,194 --> 02:21:19,986 With that kind of stock we have, why should we go and ask them. 1732 02:21:19,986 --> 02:21:23,153 We should demand and create competition amongst the buyers in the market, 1733 02:21:23,153 --> 02:21:25,194 Then they will buy our stock standing in Queue. 1734 02:21:25,278 --> 02:21:27,986 We may get three crores per ton also. 1735 02:21:28,778 --> 02:21:32,986 If we go by that, our MP sir may get at least 20 crores as commission. 1736 02:21:36,944 --> 02:21:40,028 Yes, Pushpa said it correctly, 1737 02:21:40,986 --> 02:21:44,236 If we hand over the syndicate to a person like this, our business will be good 1738 02:21:44,236 --> 02:21:47,861 It’s easy to speak sitting on the shore. 1739 02:21:47,861 --> 02:21:50,236 You will know the depth when you get into the water. 1740 02:21:52,236 --> 02:21:54,486 Pushpa Come man. Sit down and tell the whole thing to MP sir... 1741 02:21:59,986 --> 02:22:02,028 Give me one chance, Sir. 1742 02:22:02,611 --> 02:22:05,444 I will make sure that we see the kind of profits that we have never seen. 1743 02:22:07,403 --> 02:22:08,778 What are you thinking Sir? 1744 02:22:09,319 --> 02:22:10,694 Are you thinking, where is my confidence is coming from? 1745 02:22:11,403 --> 02:22:13,861 None of the stock I have transported so far was ever caught. 1746 02:22:14,444 --> 02:22:17,361 That is my capital. Trust me, Sir. 1747 02:22:18,611 --> 02:22:21,319 All of you are going with him just because he sold two tons for more. 1748 02:22:21,778 --> 02:22:25,111 Two people are also dead in the last two months since he has entered the business, 1749 02:22:26,236 --> 02:22:30,403 just think, how many more dead bodies will we see In the coming days. 1750 02:22:31,236 --> 02:22:35,069 What bro? do you want to believe everything this youngster said and put the business in his hands? 1751 02:22:35,069 --> 02:22:38,653 Bro, I am not totally convinced. -If we trust him, we all will go bankrupt. 1752 02:22:38,736 --> 02:22:41,194 Yes bro, Even I’m getting doubts 1753 02:22:43,236 --> 02:22:45,694 Everything he did is right in front of our eyes, can’t you all see it? 1754 02:22:47,569 --> 02:22:50,153 Pushpa will manage the syndicate from now onwards. 1755 02:22:50,403 --> 02:22:53,403 Everyone should sell their stock to Pushpa only. 1756 02:22:59,069 --> 02:23:00,861 We will have an oath taking ceremony in Kanipakam tomorrow. 1757 02:23:06,944 --> 02:23:08,444 Take this cash and go. 1758 02:23:16,319 --> 02:23:19,736 MP Sir, If they give me my brother-in-law’s body, 1759 02:23:20,319 --> 02:23:21,736 I will go home 1760 02:23:22,069 --> 02:23:25,986 Bro, From the time you came in, you are sitting on his body only. 1761 02:23:25,986 --> 02:23:28,361 We will send his body safely home if you get up. 1762 02:23:29,028 --> 02:23:31,403 Hey Selva, help Seenanna in the preparations. 1763 02:23:58,361 --> 02:24:00,944 That side is mine... This side is mine... 1764 02:24:01,278 --> 02:24:03,819 The piece of sky above my head is also mine 1765 02:24:09,319 --> 02:24:11,986 That wrong is mine... This right is mine. 1766 02:24:12,194 --> 02:24:14,861 The fire that burns the right and wrong is also me 1767 02:24:20,319 --> 02:24:25,194 The one who can defeat me is not yet born on the earth Even If he is born, it would be me again 1768 02:24:25,903 --> 02:24:30,694 There is only one who can grow beyond me And that’s me, myself in the future 1769 02:24:31,278 --> 02:24:34,153 If I twirl, it’s my mustache And I hold Axe in my hand… 1770 02:24:34,153 --> 02:24:37,028 Whatever I do is the war And I never negotiate 1771 02:24:39,736 --> 02:24:42,153 Hey Son… This is my bastion 1772 02:24:45,069 --> 02:24:47,736 Hey Son… This is my bastion 1773 02:24:50,903 --> 02:24:53,569 Hey Son… This is my bastion 1774 02:24:56,028 --> 02:24:58,694 Hey Son… This is my bastion 1775 02:25:01,403 --> 02:25:03,069 Will throw you in the lake 1776 02:25:04,194 --> 02:25:05,903 And I return with a fish 1777 02:25:06,944 --> 02:25:08,653 Will stick you to a pole 1778 02:25:09,569 --> 02:25:11,486 And I hoist like a flag 1779 02:25:12,486 --> 02:25:15,111 Will bury you in the soil and make you disappear 1780 02:25:15,153 --> 02:25:19,528 I will be found again as an expensive ore 1781 02:25:20,944 --> 02:25:23,403 Hey Son… This is my bastion 1782 02:25:26,486 --> 02:25:28,944 Hey Son… This is my bastion 1783 02:25:31,778 --> 02:25:34,236 Hey Son… This is my bastion 1784 02:25:44,569 --> 02:25:45,736 Open it. 1785 02:26:19,486 --> 02:26:21,028 What is this Draccha? 1786 02:26:21,444 --> 02:26:23,819 It is six months since my brother died. 1787 02:26:24,194 --> 02:26:28,778 And you are sleeping like a log since then. How can you? 1788 02:26:29,403 --> 02:26:31,111 What should I do? 1789 02:26:31,778 --> 02:26:34,694 That Pushpa has grown too big, 1790 02:26:34,944 --> 02:26:36,778 and MLA has also become a minister. 1791 02:26:37,194 --> 02:26:40,778 We can’t do anything till the government changes ... We can’t do anything.. 1792 02:26:41,319 --> 02:26:46,278 Then you should have waited till the government changed to send my brother to him. 1793 02:26:47,278 --> 02:26:51,611 Did I send him to get killed? I Sent him to kill ... 1794 02:26:51,944 --> 02:26:55,069 What should I do if he died because of his incapability? 1795 02:26:56,361 --> 02:27:01,111 If so, you also couldn’t kill him .. Then, why are you still alive? 1796 02:27:01,153 --> 02:27:02,194 What is this Draksha? 1797 02:27:02,611 --> 02:27:04,861 Why are you still alive? 1798 02:27:10,694 --> 02:27:11,361 Hey! 1799 02:27:11,778 --> 02:27:12,444 Hey! 1800 02:27:14,486 --> 02:27:15,736 Come fast... 1801 02:27:18,028 --> 02:27:19,528 Hey you idiotic Husband … 1802 02:27:19,528 --> 02:27:20,736 Come back if you are alive 1803 02:27:20,736 --> 02:27:22,861 We will together take revenge.. 1804 02:27:22,861 --> 02:27:25,903 or else I will go alone and kill him ... 1805 02:27:25,903 --> 02:27:28,236 Who are you? Who are you? 1806 02:27:28,694 --> 02:27:30,569 I’m the iron I’m the iron 1807 02:27:30,903 --> 02:27:33,361 I will become a knife if I’m put under fire 1808 02:27:37,028 --> 02:27:39,361 Who are you? Who are you? 1809 02:27:39,444 --> 02:27:41,444 I’m the soil I’m the soil 1810 02:27:41,903 --> 02:27:44,528 I will become a brick if you crush me 1811 02:27:47,778 --> 02:27:50,111 Who are you? Who are you? 1812 02:27:50,528 --> 02:27:52,528 I’m the rock... I’m the rock. 1813 02:28:23,611 --> 02:28:25,194 It seems that Puspa is getting married on the 11th 1814 02:28:26,569 --> 02:28:28,028 This is not going to happen. 1815 02:28:28,028 --> 02:28:33,361 I will become the god for sure If you hurt me. 1816 02:28:33,611 --> 02:28:36,153 Hey Son… This is my bastion 1817 02:28:39,236 --> 02:28:41,778 Hey Son… This is my bastion 1818 02:28:44,611 --> 02:28:47,153 Hey Son… This is my bastion 1819 02:28:49,861 --> 02:28:52,528 Hey Son… This is my bastion 1820 02:29:04,403 --> 02:29:11,153 With regret, Govindappa resigns and leaves, claiming responsibility for Bhujanga's murder 1821 02:29:12,319 --> 02:29:17,611 Even though Jal Reddy wants take revenge badly, he was not in a state to get up. 1822 02:29:18,486 --> 02:29:24,361 Burning with vengeance, Dakshayani was left helpless.. 1823 02:29:25,778 --> 02:29:30,944 when everyone thought that no one can touch Pushpa. 1824 02:29:30,986 --> 02:29:35,153 The new person arrived. And the whole story changed 1825 02:30:50,694 --> 02:30:51,819 It is strong 1826 02:30:52,486 --> 02:30:54,444 Is it Sheelavathi or what? - Yes sir ... 1827 02:30:55,819 --> 02:30:56,486 Come! 1828 02:31:08,944 --> 02:31:12,278 Kupparaju Sir, Sheelavathi is strong 1829 02:31:12,653 --> 02:31:14,236 You get good quality here, Sir 1830 02:31:16,194 --> 02:31:18,069 That’s why I got asleep, 1831 02:31:21,986 --> 02:31:27,403 it came and It will come. 1832 02:31:28,444 --> 02:31:31,486 That’s why I’m falling asleep… I will sleep. 1833 02:31:46,944 --> 02:31:49,528 Did you give this to me? - yes sir 1834 02:31:50,903 --> 02:31:53,319 What is your name? - Mallesh sir. 1835 02:31:53,694 --> 02:31:55,486 What? - Mallesh sir. 1836 02:32:21,153 --> 02:32:22,528 What is your name? 1837 02:32:24,069 --> 02:32:27,694 - De ... De ... Devaraju Sir ... 1838 02:32:29,944 --> 02:32:31,069 Devaraju Sir ... 1839 02:32:35,486 --> 02:32:38,611 Sir…Sir ... Sir ... SP sir ... 1840 02:32:39,028 --> 02:32:41,694 Heard, that you arrested 12 cannabis smugglers. How,? Sir.. 1841 02:32:41,944 --> 02:32:44,319 10 people, not 12 ... 1842 02:32:44,486 --> 02:32:46,819 two fled ... 1843 02:32:46,861 --> 02:32:48,486 They did not run away ... they were killed. 1844 02:32:48,486 --> 02:32:49,278 Shut up! 1845 02:32:49,278 --> 02:32:50,944 Sir... sir... did you kill them? 1846 02:32:50,986 --> 02:32:55,861 Sir ... he says they were exactly 12 people ... we also have the same information. Where are the other two? 1847 02:32:55,861 --> 02:32:57,653 Sir ... sir ... they were killed sir ... killed sir.. 1848 02:32:57,694 --> 02:33:04,486 Didn’t I say that two of them have fled? He is a smuggler... He doesn’t know the math. I will teach him now 1849 02:33:04,694 --> 02:33:06,111 Sir… what they are saying, is true? 1850 02:33:06,403 --> 02:33:07,653 Sir Media is asking 1851 02:33:07,861 --> 02:33:12,819 The new SP has come. I’m going to give him the card. I will meet you once on the way. 1852 02:33:12,861 --> 02:33:15,236 Why do you want to meet? 1853 02:33:15,444 --> 02:33:16,944 I just want to talk 1854 02:33:16,986 --> 02:33:19,528 Just talk? Will you sit silently once you come? 1855 02:33:19,528 --> 02:33:21,278 A lot will happen after that 1856 02:33:21,569 --> 02:33:24,278 I just want to talk to you and leave. I will just talk and leave 1857 02:33:24,361 --> 02:33:29,153 What? You will see and go is it, as if I don’t know what you will do. 1858 02:33:30,944 --> 02:33:35,444 You will tempt me and leave. I will go sleepless after that. 1859 02:33:35,528 --> 02:33:37,194 Dear, why are you objecting when I say that I will meet you and once and leave? 1860 02:33:37,194 --> 02:33:38,153 Hey … Where are you going? 1861 02:33:38,153 --> 02:33:39,153 I have a small work 1862 02:33:39,361 --> 02:33:42,153 Hey… You should not go out of home once we make you a bridegroom. 1863 02:33:42,153 --> 02:33:44,986 Not good for the home. You tell him, dear 1864 02:33:45,278 --> 02:33:47,528 What ... what is this old woman’s torture? 1865 02:33:47,528 --> 02:33:50,903 Dear… Listen to what I’m telling you ... I don’t know why but my mind is suspecting harm. 1866 02:33:51,611 --> 02:33:53,903 This is the first holy occasion happening in my life, my dear son ... 1867 02:33:54,236 --> 02:33:55,611 Pushpa, listen to me. 1868 02:33:56,444 --> 02:33:57,111 Pushpa. 1869 02:33:57,611 --> 02:33:58,319 Come... 1870 02:34:02,653 --> 02:34:05,153 This is the First-time meeting with the newly appointed SP. 1871 02:34:05,569 --> 02:34:06,028 Sir... 1872 02:34:06,569 --> 02:34:07,611 I brought coffee 1873 02:34:07,611 --> 02:34:08,444 Keep it there 1874 02:34:08,819 --> 02:34:11,569 Had to bend to see him. 1875 02:34:18,778 --> 02:34:20,028 He is only Pushpa Sir. 1876 02:34:20,111 --> 02:34:21,194 I told you about. 1877 02:34:21,486 --> 02:34:23,778 He looks after the entire red sandal syndicate. 1878 02:34:24,319 --> 02:34:26,486 He came to see you, Sir. 1879 02:34:27,944 --> 02:34:30,694 Hello SP…What is your name? 1880 02:34:31,569 --> 02:34:35,861 Ban…var sing Skiva…skyavathaa 1881 02:34:36,153 --> 02:34:37,278 whatever it is... 1882 02:34:38,486 --> 02:34:41,486 I getting married tomorrow. 1883 02:34:41,569 --> 02:34:42,903 Somehow you… 1884 02:34:45,028 --> 02:34:47,153 should manage and come. 1885 02:34:50,778 --> 02:34:52,653 Every month we will send you commission sir. 1886 02:34:52,819 --> 02:34:54,069 This is this month’s commission… 1887 02:35:58,153 --> 02:35:59,986 One short! 1888 02:36:03,069 --> 02:36:04,528 One short 1889 02:36:05,194 --> 02:36:05,861 Sir? 1890 02:36:06,944 --> 02:36:08,403 One short 1891 02:36:08,569 --> 02:36:10,569 No Sir, it is all correct. 1892 02:36:16,861 --> 02:36:18,319 One short 1893 02:36:22,861 --> 02:36:24,153 Guys, come on... 1894 02:36:27,319 --> 02:36:30,903 Shall I tell what is the difference between thief and Police. 1895 02:36:31,319 --> 02:36:34,319 He wore a white shirt… I too wore a white shirt, 1896 02:36:34,403 --> 02:36:38,944 and both look similar… but there is a difference. 1897 02:36:41,194 --> 02:36:44,069 This one has a half-inch stamp. Look… 1898 02:36:44,569 --> 02:36:45,444 Yes Sir… 1899 02:36:46,069 --> 02:36:47,194 That is a brand. 1900 02:36:48,819 --> 02:36:50,028 you know what brand is right 1901 02:36:50,028 --> 02:36:50,903 Yes Sir. 1902 02:36:52,028 --> 02:36:56,236 In Tamil, you call it (Surname) ayina Peyar 1903 02:36:56,778 --> 02:36:57,528 No sir. 1904 02:36:58,528 --> 02:36:59,528 Nona Peyar 1905 02:36:59,528 --> 02:37:01,028 No Sir 1906 02:37:01,444 --> 02:37:02,403 naina peyar (surname)… 1907 02:37:02,403 --> 02:37:03,069 Yes sir. 1908 02:37:03,611 --> 02:37:05,361 It is like a surname… 1909 02:37:06,944 --> 02:37:09,736 It means a stamp that tells who manufactured this... 1910 02:37:10,903 --> 02:37:13,903 who gave birth. 1911 02:37:17,361 --> 02:37:20,569 This one has the stamp, 1912 02:37:22,236 --> 02:37:23,444 That’s why it has value. 1913 02:37:24,694 --> 02:37:28,653 That one doesn’t have hence it doesn’t have value. 1914 02:37:30,736 --> 02:37:32,403 The count is right sir. 1915 02:37:33,653 --> 02:37:35,778 There is One short. 1916 02:37:38,903 --> 02:37:43,361 If we have a value, we will know the value of the other person. 1917 02:37:45,736 --> 02:37:47,528 Tell us how much money is short sir… 1918 02:37:47,861 --> 02:37:48,694 we will give 1919 02:37:48,986 --> 02:37:50,819 Mr. Kuppu Raju… -Sir! 1920 02:37:51,861 --> 02:37:52,819 Handcuff him. 1921 02:38:02,194 --> 02:38:05,611 If I arrest you now and charge you with PD act, 1922 02:38:06,319 --> 02:38:08,069 do you know how many years you will you be jailed? 1923 02:38:08,319 --> 02:38:09,153 Three years Sir. 1924 02:38:09,278 --> 02:38:10,194 Three years… 1925 02:38:10,528 --> 02:38:11,903 Your wedding on the 11th, right? 1926 02:38:12,028 --> 02:38:16,986 If you go to jail now, when will you get married? 1927 02:38:18,153 --> 02:38:19,819 After three years… 1928 02:38:20,194 --> 02:38:27,111 It means I will decide when you will get married. 1929 02:38:27,778 --> 02:38:30,111 This is Banwar singh value 1930 02:38:30,528 --> 02:38:32,486 If you are married now… 1931 02:38:32,736 --> 02:38:37,736 When will your wife become pregnant… 1932 02:38:39,319 --> 02:38:40,653 After one month… 1933 02:38:41,903 --> 02:38:43,194 a man 1934 02:38:44,278 --> 02:38:45,944 Pushpa is a man… 1935 02:38:47,319 --> 02:38:50,361 If you go to jail when will she become pregnant. 1936 02:38:59,361 --> 02:39:01,903 What? tightening fists? 1937 02:39:03,111 --> 02:39:04,194 Getting angry? 1938 02:39:05,736 --> 02:39:06,569 open it… open it 1939 02:39:08,944 --> 02:39:11,319 You don’t have that much luxury with police… 1940 02:39:11,319 --> 02:39:13,653 Open your hands… Open them… 1941 02:39:14,861 --> 02:39:15,736 Open them… 1942 02:39:21,069 --> 02:39:22,403 Open them… 1943 02:39:24,236 --> 02:39:25,153 Shh! 1944 02:39:25,444 --> 02:39:27,153 Did you understand what was short? 1945 02:39:32,111 --> 02:39:33,569 Hey, you guys hold on. 1946 02:39:39,611 --> 02:39:42,444 Pushpa’s count never wrong. 1947 02:39:45,569 --> 02:39:48,069 Tell me what is short for you sir… 1948 02:39:49,069 --> 02:39:49,819 What? 1949 02:39:51,319 --> 02:39:54,236 What is short for you please tell me sir? 1950 02:40:02,861 --> 02:40:08,194 What is short for you please tell me sir? 1951 02:40:08,194 --> 02:40:09,069 Sir… 1952 02:40:11,278 --> 02:40:13,153 That was short. 1953 02:40:13,944 --> 02:40:23,444 I told you one short; one short right. ‘Sir’, was short. 1954 02:40:24,278 --> 02:40:26,778 shouldn’t say… “You should attend the wedding†1955 02:40:27,653 --> 02:40:32,111 You should say “attend the wedding Sir†1956 02:40:35,694 --> 02:40:37,403 Mr. Kuppuraju … -Sir… 1957 02:40:38,236 --> 02:40:39,319 Uncuff him. 1958 02:40:42,861 --> 02:40:43,986 Now the count is correct. 1959 02:40:45,069 --> 02:40:46,236 Bag…bag…bag… 1960 02:40:46,778 --> 02:40:51,194 from now on, along with the cash, sir also should come. 1961 02:40:53,153 --> 02:40:59,236 How much sir should take and how much you will get will be decided by sir. 1962 02:40:59,736 --> 02:41:02,278 Shekhawat sir will decide. 1963 02:41:07,653 --> 02:41:08,569 Pushpa! 1964 02:41:13,361 --> 02:41:14,819 This is my gift for your wedding. 1965 02:41:16,694 --> 02:41:19,069 Buy clothes…branded ones. 1966 02:41:21,653 --> 02:41:22,861 I gave you a gift. 1967 02:41:24,444 --> 02:41:25,819 Won’t you give me a party, Pushpa? 1968 02:41:26,153 --> 02:41:27,361 Don’t know why? 1969 02:41:27,569 --> 02:41:30,069 Pushpa used to do whatever Shekakavat said from then onwards. 1970 02:41:30,069 --> 02:41:31,653 He used to follow his orders religiously. 1971 02:41:31,736 --> 02:41:34,361 Never seen Pushpa bend before anyone till then. 1972 02:41:34,403 --> 02:41:36,944 This is the first time he was doing so. 1973 02:41:38,194 --> 02:41:40,486 We used to wonder why he is behaving like that. 1974 02:41:41,903 --> 02:41:45,778 That day, a little before Pushpa’s wedding muhurtham, 1975 02:41:45,778 --> 02:41:47,486 Priest called for the bridegroom. 1976 02:41:49,319 --> 02:41:50,444 When we went in to call him, 1977 02:41:52,278 --> 02:41:53,444 Pushpa was not there. 1978 02:41:54,694 --> 02:41:55,819 Even his motorcycle was also not there. 1979 02:42:05,319 --> 02:42:07,736 Wow!!… What is this Sir? 1980 02:42:10,194 --> 02:42:11,486 What is this Sir? 1981 02:42:11,736 --> 02:42:13,569 Never thought you have a funny side too, Sir. 1982 02:42:15,319 --> 02:42:19,569 Singing like a Romeo.. 1983 02:42:19,944 --> 02:42:24,861 But that day you scared me with a mask of a tiger. 1984 02:42:25,319 --> 02:42:26,944 Had to scare Pushpa. 1985 02:42:27,528 --> 02:42:31,069 Only then you came know how to behave with me. 1986 02:42:31,528 --> 02:42:34,986 See now we are drinking together happily. 1987 02:42:36,236 --> 02:42:37,236 Where is Pushpa? 1988 02:42:37,236 --> 02:42:39,903 Where did he go? Auspicious time is nearing.. 1989 02:42:42,903 --> 02:42:45,528 Not able to connect. Calling him -Call him again. 1990 02:42:47,278 --> 02:42:50,194 What Pushpa? Today is your wedding, right? 1991 02:42:50,444 --> 02:42:52,319 And you are here only. Is it ok? 1992 02:42:53,028 --> 02:42:54,028 Sir! 1993 02:42:54,611 --> 02:42:59,861 The wedding can happen. The bride will be there even if I go half an hour late. 1994 02:43:01,111 --> 02:43:08,611 But you Shekhawat Sir, gave me time to speak to you. 1995 02:43:09,694 --> 02:43:12,444 When you referred to the wedding, I remembered one thing. 1996 02:43:12,653 --> 02:43:19,236 You said, you will decide when my wife should get pregnant, and at what time she should get pregnant. 1997 02:43:20,528 --> 02:43:23,069 Why did you say that Sir? I felt very bad. 1998 02:43:24,861 --> 02:43:27,319 Tell me why did you say that Sir? 1999 02:43:27,903 --> 02:43:30,444 Why are you spoiling the party mood? 2000 02:43:30,861 --> 02:43:32,194 Why all that now. 2001 02:43:33,111 --> 02:43:33,778 It’s ok sir. 2002 02:43:34,319 --> 02:43:36,944 You must have said that to hurt me. 2003 02:43:37,611 --> 02:43:38,819 That’s it, right sir? Leave it. 2004 02:43:40,069 --> 02:43:40,944 But... 2005 02:43:42,778 --> 02:43:49,069 I didn’t like the way you insulted my mother Sir 2006 02:43:49,528 --> 02:43:51,694 What did I say about your mother Pushpa? 2007 02:43:54,444 --> 02:43:59,153 You know that I don’t have a surname right, Sir? 2008 02:43:59,778 --> 02:44:03,694 In spite of that, you insulted me by saying who manufactured me … 2009 02:44:03,694 --> 02:44:08,986 who gave birth. Stamp, Stamp… this…that. Right Sir? 2010 02:44:09,819 --> 02:44:12,069 What is this Pushpa? Why are you spoiling the party mood? 2011 02:44:12,778 --> 02:44:14,069 Why all that now? 2012 02:44:15,319 --> 02:44:20,569 When someone speaks about my surname, it is like insulting my birth. 2013 02:44:21,736 --> 02:44:23,944 And if someone insults my birth... 2014 02:44:25,486 --> 02:44:27,569 it is like insulting my mother. 2015 02:44:28,861 --> 02:44:33,944 Every Idiot insulted me with this from the time I was born Sir. 2016 02:44:34,444 --> 02:44:35,236 Pushpa. 2017 02:44:36,069 --> 02:44:37,694 You are drunk and speaking nonsense. 2018 02:44:37,694 --> 02:44:39,028 You are tipsy? 2019 02:44:41,694 --> 02:44:44,569 Yes Sir, I had more. 2020 02:44:45,819 --> 02:44:47,278 In that one thing is more. 2021 02:44:47,361 --> 02:44:48,278 What is it? 2022 02:44:49,111 --> 02:44:55,111 Like you, I don’t know how to put in suspense saying One is more… 2023 02:44:55,694 --> 02:44:57,486 There one extra bullet in that sir. 2024 02:45:00,694 --> 02:45:01,361 In this? 2025 02:45:01,778 --> 02:45:02,611 Yes! 2026 02:45:02,861 --> 02:45:03,486 Give me! 2027 02:45:08,444 --> 02:45:10,861 There are six Sir… Did you notice it? One is more 2028 02:45:11,111 --> 02:45:12,736 That is Service revolver Pushpa. 2029 02:45:13,361 --> 02:45:15,069 It will have Six bullets only. 2030 02:45:16,194 --> 02:45:21,361 That day when I tightened my fists hearing your words, you aimed this gun at me right, Sir. 2031 02:45:21,694 --> 02:45:24,819 The bullet that had to go into this remained in this only. 2032 02:45:24,986 --> 02:45:25,986 That one is more 2033 02:45:54,028 --> 02:45:55,694 Do you know what this is Sir? 2034 02:45:57,403 --> 02:46:00,319 This is my father’s blood which is flowing in my body. 2035 02:46:01,986 --> 02:46:08,903 My father gave me this even before my brothers could snatch the surname from me. 2036 02:46:10,986 --> 02:46:13,569 No one can separate this from me. 2037 02:46:14,444 --> 02:46:19,569 This is my brand, Sir… 2038 02:46:35,236 --> 02:46:37,319 Hey, Shekhawat sir… Idiot 2039 02:46:37,778 --> 02:46:41,486 What? did you think I am of a brand that will get scared of bullet? 2040 02:46:42,278 --> 02:46:45,903 This brand has grown with its own attitude. 2041 02:46:46,986 --> 02:46:52,569 Do you know why Pushpa was silent that day when you said all that? 2042 02:46:53,653 --> 02:46:55,403 My mother didn’t have a wedding in her life. 2043 02:46:56,403 --> 02:47:00,611 This is the first wedding happening in our house. 2044 02:47:01,819 --> 02:47:06,111 I stopped myself till this hour, thinking my mother will feel bad if anything happens. 2045 02:47:07,861 --> 02:47:10,069 Now I won’t hold myself back. 2046 02:47:10,319 --> 02:47:11,361 Greetings! 2047 02:47:12,194 --> 02:47:14,361 Jakka, Sit down. 2048 02:47:18,611 --> 02:47:20,611 Keshava, Where is Pushpa? 2049 02:47:21,569 --> 02:47:25,153 you are not understanding what you are doing 2050 02:47:25,153 --> 02:47:28,528 What is there to understand? I'll strip you. 2051 02:47:29,028 --> 02:47:30,778 Take it off. 2052 02:47:34,486 --> 02:47:36,903 Pushpa, do you know with whom you are confronting ? 2053 02:47:38,444 --> 02:47:40,236 Bhanwar Singh. 2054 02:47:40,694 --> 02:47:42,986 Bhanwar Singh Shekhawat 2055 02:47:43,319 --> 02:47:44,361 Is it? 2056 02:47:45,111 --> 02:47:46,569 Then remove your pants also 2057 02:47:46,861 --> 02:47:47,778 Why this? 2058 02:47:47,778 --> 02:47:54,278 Pushpa stripped Shekhawat sir’s clothes and made him stand stark naked.. 2059 02:47:54,528 --> 02:47:56,694 imagine how great feels.. 2060 02:47:57,569 --> 02:48:00,194 Take it off. 2061 02:48:31,236 --> 02:48:34,986 Did you understand now ? Everyone will feel the same way when you strip them. 2062 02:48:35,611 --> 02:48:40,403 It can be Shekhawat Sir or Pushpa. 2063 02:48:40,903 --> 02:48:44,028 You don’t have clothes on your body. I don’t have clothes on my body. 2064 02:48:44,028 --> 02:48:46,194 But there is one difference, do you know it? 2065 02:48:46,944 --> 02:48:49,528 Pushpa started his life like this. 2066 02:48:50,278 --> 02:48:53,736 Do you know what was his range when he was a coolie? 2067 02:48:59,069 --> 02:49:01,153 This was his range 2068 02:49:01,403 --> 02:49:04,361 The range that was then is the same now. 2069 02:49:04,569 --> 02:49:07,986 See, If I go on the road like this also, they will call me Pushpa. 2070 02:49:08,069 --> 02:49:12,153 If you go on the road like this without a police uniform… 2071 02:49:12,361 --> 02:49:15,319 even your dog won’t recognize you. 2072 02:49:17,236 --> 02:49:21,653 Brand is not in the clothes you wear. It is in your living 2073 02:49:26,319 --> 02:49:27,778 Hey Shekhawat Sir... 2074 02:49:28,111 --> 02:49:29,861 please keep this in your mind 2075 02:49:30,944 --> 02:49:34,611 The load that has to go will go and the money 'has to come will keep coming 2076 02:49:34,611 --> 02:49:36,236 You won’t get a rupee. 2077 02:49:37,028 --> 02:49:41,111 You will have just the uniform on your body but you won’t have work to do. 2078 02:49:41,903 --> 02:49:47,736 You will only have ‘Sir’. I will remove everything else 2079 02:49:48,319 --> 02:49:49,486 See you. 2080 02:50:08,778 --> 02:50:11,653 (Sanskrit Sloka) 2081 02:50:54,194 --> 02:50:56,319 Sorry, Sir… Your dog is not recognising you. 2082 02:50:56,611 --> 02:50:58,028 Hey, keep quiet. 2083 02:51:13,778 --> 02:51:14,653 What, dear? 2084 02:51:14,986 --> 02:51:16,403 What is this attire? Why did you come like this? 2085 02:51:17,569 --> 02:51:18,694 What happened? 2086 02:51:37,486 --> 02:51:38,069 Sir! 2087 02:51:39,736 --> 02:51:42,736 Someone thought Pushpa means flower. 2088 02:51:47,861 --> 02:51:50,028 I showed him that Pushpa means fire. 2089 02:51:50,486 --> 02:51:53,069 Ok. It’s all over, right? 2090 02:51:56,278 --> 02:51:58,069 Just started 2091 02:51:58,653 --> 02:51:59,528 What happened sir? 2092 02:52:01,528 --> 02:52:02,819 Pushpa! 2093 02:52:07,319 --> 02:52:09,361 Whoever comes... 2094 02:52:11,694 --> 02:52:13,444 Will not budge.