1 00:00:02,000 --> 00:00:07,000 Downloaded from YTS.MX 2 00:00:08,000 --> 00:00:13,000 Official YIFY movies site: YTS.MX 3 00:02:19,315 --> 00:02:21,358 This is what I see. 4 00:02:22,398 --> 00:02:24,107 What I hear. 5 00:02:29,443 --> 00:02:31,735 I see the time that has gone by. 6 00:02:33,567 --> 00:02:36,150 I hear the sounds of the city. 7 00:02:37,815 --> 00:02:39,775 The lives of my neighbours. 8 00:02:41,315 --> 00:02:43,275 And the song of a bird. 9 00:02:50,275 --> 00:02:51,775 I see us. 10 00:02:52,443 --> 00:02:53,858 We are new 11 00:02:54,650 --> 00:02:56,483 and unexhausted. 12 00:02:58,275 --> 00:03:01,735 We fill this space with our lives. 13 00:03:03,650 --> 00:03:06,235 It's a relentless task. 14 00:03:12,858 --> 00:03:16,235 It's the hardest work I know. 15 00:03:17,858 --> 00:03:22,735 When I see this space, I see a labour of love. 16 00:03:23,067 --> 00:03:26,067 I see the traces we leave in everything. 17 00:03:26,315 --> 00:03:29,567 The thin layers of memories are what make this chair, 18 00:03:29,735 --> 00:03:31,190 make this cabinet, 19 00:03:31,358 --> 00:03:33,107 make the carpet. 20 00:03:34,983 --> 00:03:36,898 But if suddenly 21 00:03:37,943 --> 00:03:42,735 a stranger appearing from nowhere were to enter this room, 22 00:03:42,898 --> 00:03:46,235 what would he see, what would he hear? 23 00:03:46,735 --> 00:03:49,943 And would he feel anything by being here? 24 00:03:58,235 --> 00:04:00,190 And would I feel ashamed? 25 00:05:19,023 --> 00:05:20,523 Yes! 26 00:05:22,607 --> 00:05:24,398 It's my miracle. 27 00:05:27,190 --> 00:05:29,735 I’m curious to see the next miracle. 28 00:05:30,983 --> 00:05:33,607 Maybe it's the elevator, he gets there and... 29 00:06:02,523 --> 00:06:04,815 When he gets back to the Congo he'll say: 30 00:06:04,983 --> 00:06:08,483 "I made the door open, I made the elevator go up". 31 00:06:32,398 --> 00:06:34,067 What a story... 32 00:09:09,358 --> 00:09:10,815 Bye. - See you. 33 00:09:14,235 --> 00:09:16,150 See you tomorrow. - Bye. 34 00:09:16,983 --> 00:09:18,983 Bye. - Bye. 35 00:16:03,483 --> 00:16:05,235 Bilal, it's mum. 36 00:16:06,315 --> 00:16:09,943 I messed up and I'm at the end of the line at Hermann-Debroux. 37 00:16:10,107 --> 00:16:12,275 There are no more metros. 38 00:16:13,607 --> 00:16:17,315 If you hear this message, call me back, OK? 39 00:19:55,775 --> 00:19:58,358 Sir. Sir! 40 00:20:01,315 --> 00:20:02,858 Two minutes. 41 00:20:07,483 --> 00:20:08,815 Just two minutes. 42 00:20:12,235 --> 00:20:14,358 I need to take out some money. 43 00:20:15,067 --> 00:20:16,898 Yes, but... 44 00:20:18,690 --> 00:20:21,067 It's closed. - Really? 45 00:20:25,067 --> 00:20:28,943 Yes... OK, come on then. - Thank you. 46 00:20:37,398 --> 00:20:41,023 It's the other side of town. It's the first time in twenty years. 47 00:20:41,235 --> 00:20:45,150 In twenty years I've never fallen asleep on the metro, now I have to take a taxi 48 00:20:45,398 --> 00:20:48,607 and my only solution is to... - Here's the cash machine. 49 00:20:48,775 --> 00:20:50,235 Thank you. 50 00:21:19,690 --> 00:21:21,983 A little patience please... 51 00:21:22,150 --> 00:21:25,275 Insufficient funds available 52 00:21:37,523 --> 00:21:40,398 Did it work? - It worked. 53 00:22:15,858 --> 00:22:18,315 Did it work? - It worked. 54 00:22:26,858 --> 00:22:32,275 This is one specimen of four. 55 00:22:32,898 --> 00:22:35,650 There used to be four of them? - Four. 56 00:22:35,815 --> 00:22:37,523 Now one. 57 00:22:39,358 --> 00:22:42,358 Three of them died. 58 00:23:27,983 --> 00:23:32,067 All of this is going to be demolished. 59 00:23:33,607 --> 00:23:38,150 They're going to build a sub-tropical aquatic park. 60 00:23:39,735 --> 00:23:41,483 Tropic Time... 61 00:23:43,607 --> 00:23:45,275 Tropic Fun. 62 00:23:49,483 --> 00:23:51,523 Things are going to change here. 63 00:23:56,607 --> 00:23:57,898 Well... 64 00:23:59,107 --> 00:24:02,943 The night bus leaves from that corner over there. 65 00:24:04,107 --> 00:24:05,815 I didn't know that. 66 00:24:06,235 --> 00:24:07,858 It goes to the centre. 67 00:24:09,235 --> 00:24:10,735 That's practical. 68 00:24:11,358 --> 00:24:13,023 Yes, it's easy. 69 00:24:14,275 --> 00:24:16,107 Thank you. - You're welcome. 70 00:24:16,483 --> 00:24:18,315 Good night. - Good night. 71 00:24:22,983 --> 00:24:24,235 Vanilla? 72 00:24:28,315 --> 00:24:29,483 Yep. 73 00:24:31,107 --> 00:24:32,567 Bye. 74 00:26:06,858 --> 00:26:08,607 Arrgh... Out of service. 75 00:28:58,735 --> 00:28:59,983 Sir? 76 00:29:04,898 --> 00:29:06,358 Are you alright, sir? 77 00:30:47,567 --> 00:30:48,775 Come on. 78 00:31:42,398 --> 00:31:45,358 There's also a dog. - A dog? 79 00:31:47,567 --> 00:31:49,858 Yes, over there. 80 00:31:53,607 --> 00:31:56,858 Will you be taking it too? - No. 81 00:32:01,315 --> 00:32:04,815 It'll run away, in that case. - Maybe. 82 00:32:07,898 --> 00:32:09,523 You can't take it with you? 83 00:32:16,567 --> 00:32:18,690 I can tie it to something. 84 00:32:22,983 --> 00:32:25,983 I can tie it up and then this man can pick it up tomorrow. 85 00:32:28,775 --> 00:32:31,275 It will die of cold. 86 00:37:33,150 --> 00:37:34,398 Hey there ! 87 00:37:46,607 --> 00:37:48,150 What are you doing here? 88 00:37:54,315 --> 00:37:56,858 This isn't your house, is it? - No, not at all. 89 00:37:57,567 --> 00:37:59,607 I was passing by chance. 90 00:38:00,235 --> 00:38:01,650 And? 91 00:38:03,483 --> 00:38:08,775 I worked here a long time as cleaning lady for the Berrier family. 92 00:38:09,150 --> 00:38:12,235 Well, they don't live here anymore. - Yes, I can see that. 93 00:38:13,690 --> 00:38:15,983 I was just checking. 94 00:38:18,358 --> 00:38:20,650 Sometimes I think there's somebody in there. 95 00:38:20,815 --> 00:38:23,067 No, there's nobody. 96 00:38:23,523 --> 00:38:25,315 Everything is closed. 97 00:38:31,523 --> 00:38:34,567 Do you still do house cleaning? 98 00:38:36,443 --> 00:38:40,690 We had a Polish girl, but... - I clean for a company now. 99 00:38:44,650 --> 00:38:46,815 We don't do private homes. 100 00:38:48,815 --> 00:38:50,107 OK. 101 00:38:52,650 --> 00:38:55,023 Well... I'm off. 102 00:41:45,483 --> 00:41:48,607 There's no more tea. - Oh, really? 103 00:41:51,898 --> 00:41:54,483 Isn't there some back there? - Yes. 104 00:41:54,858 --> 00:41:56,358 Wait... 105 00:42:07,023 --> 00:42:10,690 I have mint or lemon. - Mint. 106 00:42:17,775 --> 00:42:20,107 Here you go. - Thank you. 107 00:42:29,358 --> 00:42:31,275 It's cold. 108 00:42:31,690 --> 00:42:33,107 The water's cold? 109 00:42:33,275 --> 00:42:35,735 No. Outside. - Ah. 110 00:42:37,315 --> 00:42:38,523 Yes, it is. 111 00:42:44,150 --> 00:42:45,983 That's true. 112 00:42:47,735 --> 00:42:51,983 Can I stay and drink my tea here? - I'm about to close, but... 113 00:42:53,315 --> 00:42:57,315 You'll have finished your tea by then, no? - Yes. Thanks. 114 00:45:28,150 --> 00:45:29,567 I'll be off. 115 00:45:38,315 --> 00:45:40,398 Have you got far to go? 116 00:45:41,150 --> 00:45:43,190 Because I can give you a lift if you like? 117 00:45:45,358 --> 00:45:47,983 That's very kind of you. 118 00:45:50,235 --> 00:45:52,775 No, it's not that far. - OK. 119 00:45:53,150 --> 00:45:54,398 But... 120 00:45:55,067 --> 00:45:57,358 With this cold... 121 00:45:57,898 --> 00:46:00,898 These shoes, my feet. - Yes. 122 00:46:01,067 --> 00:46:03,398 My swollen ankles. 123 00:46:03,567 --> 00:46:05,858 My son says I'm too heavy. 124 00:46:06,023 --> 00:46:07,983 And yet I hardly eat anything. 125 00:46:09,775 --> 00:46:12,107 Shall we go? - I'll follow you. 126 00:46:37,315 --> 00:46:38,983 Wait for me here. 127 00:48:53,107 --> 00:48:57,523 I'm sorry, it's just that when I'm tired I don't really like talking. 128 00:48:58,898 --> 00:49:00,690 That's alright. 129 00:49:01,690 --> 00:49:03,443 Yes, but still... 130 00:49:04,483 --> 00:49:07,023 Cars are made for conversation. 131 00:49:08,150 --> 00:49:09,607 Maybe. 132 00:49:18,815 --> 00:49:19,983 Molenbeek? 133 00:49:21,898 --> 00:49:24,898 Molenbeek. Anderlecht. On the border. 134 00:49:30,735 --> 00:49:32,483 You're a beautiful woman. 135 00:49:33,607 --> 00:49:35,150 Thank you. 136 00:49:37,898 --> 00:49:39,275 Are you married? 137 00:49:39,567 --> 00:49:40,650 Divorced. 138 00:49:41,690 --> 00:49:44,815 I have a daughter. She's six. 139 00:49:47,150 --> 00:49:48,607 Esther. 140 00:49:50,398 --> 00:49:51,858 Esther... 141 00:49:55,398 --> 00:49:56,735 And you? 142 00:49:57,567 --> 00:49:59,398 No, not divorced. 143 00:50:01,067 --> 00:50:02,523 Ha. OK. 144 00:50:07,523 --> 00:50:09,775 My husband was called Munir. 145 00:50:10,898 --> 00:50:12,690 He died ten years ago. 146 00:50:18,023 --> 00:50:19,690 I have two children. 147 00:50:20,607 --> 00:50:24,023 One son who lives alone, and a seventeen-year-old daughter. 148 00:50:34,315 --> 00:50:35,735 Do you miss him? 149 00:50:36,235 --> 00:50:37,567 Munir? 150 00:50:39,650 --> 00:50:41,235 Of course. 151 00:50:44,567 --> 00:50:45,858 And you? 152 00:50:46,983 --> 00:50:49,567 Do you miss your ex-husband? - No. 153 00:50:50,398 --> 00:50:51,858 No, not at all. 154 00:51:04,398 --> 00:51:06,235 There's this man... 155 00:51:08,275 --> 00:51:11,898 He often comes to buy cigarettes from my shop. 156 00:51:14,107 --> 00:51:15,943 But I don't think he smokes. 157 00:51:25,315 --> 00:51:26,775 He's tall 158 00:51:27,983 --> 00:51:30,067 and he has a moustache. 159 00:51:30,607 --> 00:51:32,607 I don't like moustaches. 160 00:51:35,107 --> 00:51:36,650 Fair enough. 161 00:51:41,443 --> 00:51:43,190 That's my daughter. 162 00:51:47,235 --> 00:51:49,150 I'm going to get out here. 163 00:51:51,815 --> 00:51:53,690 OK. - I'm getting out. 164 00:51:56,815 --> 00:51:59,358 Are you sure? - Yes. 165 00:52:09,735 --> 00:52:12,483 Thank you. Thank you very much. 166 00:52:14,483 --> 00:52:15,650 Bye. 167 00:53:33,358 --> 00:53:35,358 What are we drinking? - Vodka! 168 00:54:28,315 --> 00:54:29,483 I'm off. 169 00:54:31,235 --> 00:54:33,358 There's a... - Yes, there's a party. 170 00:54:33,523 --> 00:54:35,815 Are you off? - Yep. 171 00:54:36,650 --> 00:54:38,398 This is for you. - Nice one. 172 00:54:38,567 --> 00:54:40,275 Have a good evening. 173 00:54:40,443 --> 00:54:42,690 See you Friday. - Yes, Friday. 174 00:54:42,858 --> 00:54:44,607 See you. - Bye. 175 00:54:50,398 --> 00:54:52,235 Maybe see you Friday. 176 00:54:53,023 --> 00:54:55,067 Yeah, you'll be there. - Sure! 177 00:54:55,815 --> 00:54:57,107 Oh yes. 178 00:54:57,607 --> 00:54:58,983 See you tomorrow. 179 00:55:06,523 --> 00:55:08,523 I think I'm going to go too. 180 00:55:09,023 --> 00:55:11,358 You too? - Bye, yes. 181 00:55:11,898 --> 00:55:13,275 Bye then. 182 00:55:34,815 --> 00:55:36,358 It's strong. 183 00:55:37,650 --> 00:55:39,067 Yep. 184 00:56:06,943 --> 00:56:08,443 You're cold. 185 00:56:09,315 --> 00:56:12,858 Let me go and get a sweater from my brother's place. 186 00:56:16,315 --> 00:56:17,775 Don't run off. 187 01:00:42,898 --> 01:00:44,358 Good evening. 188 01:00:46,107 --> 01:00:49,983 The night shop over there sells alcohol to youngsters. 189 01:00:51,775 --> 01:00:53,275 To minors. 190 01:00:54,650 --> 01:00:56,607 I saw it with my own eyes. 191 01:00:59,690 --> 01:01:02,983 Shouldn't you... - Yes, OK, we'll go and take a look. 192 01:01:03,358 --> 01:01:05,943 It's not the first time... Come. 193 01:01:30,023 --> 01:01:31,275 Good evening. 194 01:02:37,815 --> 01:02:39,523 Good evening, madam. 195 01:02:39,983 --> 01:02:43,607 Was a man brought in by any chance? - Madam... 196 01:02:43,775 --> 01:02:46,315 A homeless man, I wanted to check he was OK. 197 01:02:46,483 --> 01:02:48,107 It was me who found him. 198 01:02:48,315 --> 01:02:52,150 Visiting hours are from 10 till 12, and 4 till 6 pm. 199 01:02:52,358 --> 01:02:54,067 You can't come in. 200 01:02:54,735 --> 01:02:56,650 Unless you're injured. 201 01:02:58,607 --> 01:03:00,275 Are you injured, madam? 202 01:03:01,235 --> 01:03:02,523 No. 203 01:03:02,690 --> 01:03:04,523 In that case, see you tomorrow. 204 01:03:11,235 --> 01:03:12,690 See you tomorrow. 205 01:05:03,815 --> 01:05:05,190 Hello. 206 01:05:07,858 --> 01:05:09,150 Excuse me. 207 01:05:12,898 --> 01:05:16,567 Excuse me, I wanted to know if a man had been brought in. 208 01:05:16,815 --> 01:05:18,443 I don't know. 209 01:05:20,358 --> 01:05:22,483 My shift has just started. 210 01:05:56,943 --> 01:05:58,523 It's here. 211 01:06:20,067 --> 01:06:21,775 Is he your husband? 212 01:06:23,858 --> 01:06:25,523 No, this isn't him. 213 01:06:27,607 --> 01:06:30,190 I'm looking for a white man, a homeless man. 214 01:06:30,898 --> 01:06:32,943 I think he was dying of cold. 215 01:06:33,358 --> 01:06:35,190 And he's your husband? 216 01:06:36,358 --> 01:06:38,898 No. I found him. 217 01:06:40,443 --> 01:06:43,190 I just came to see how he was doing. 218 01:06:44,315 --> 01:06:46,650 But that's not how things work. 219 01:06:52,983 --> 01:06:55,815 Right... Wait for me here. 220 01:07:38,607 --> 01:07:39,943 He died. 221 01:07:40,775 --> 01:07:42,275 Not him. 222 01:07:43,443 --> 01:07:44,943 Your homeless man. 223 01:07:47,607 --> 01:07:50,023 He was dead before they got him here. 224 01:07:57,398 --> 01:07:58,735 Poor man. 225 01:09:11,567 --> 01:09:12,943 Alright.