1 00:00:33,062 --> 00:00:47,062 (Movie Corner) 2 00:00:54,287 --> 00:00:58,687 Bad Teacher 3 00:02:07,459 --> 00:02:10,086 Alright folks, can we all settle down for a second? 4 00:02:10,087 --> 00:02:14,215 Oops!! I know that you... hey you settle down. 5 00:02:14,216 --> 00:02:15,259 C'mon everybody settle down 6 00:02:15,260 --> 00:02:20,389 Sandy... c'mon... now now guys its is not a time to make silly jokes... 7 00:02:20,472 --> 00:02:23,726 its a time for a little bit of talking before we really get to the important part. 8 00:02:23,767 --> 00:02:26,269 Here we go, well its been another great year here at JAMS. 9 00:02:26,270 --> 00:02:29,397 Who can forget Mr. Pinkus's haunted classroom. 10 00:02:29,398 --> 00:02:30,482 Thank you Sandy, for that. 11 00:02:30,899 --> 00:02:33,651 And I ain't afraid of no ghosts. 12 00:02:33,652 --> 00:02:36,195 Or the wild success of 13 00:02:36,196 --> 00:02:40,159 the book drive for womens prison which Mrs. Pathacheks class sponsored. 14 00:02:40,868 --> 00:02:46,707 Thank u Beth, but as summer droves upon us, its time not only to say goodbye to another school year 15 00:02:46,999 --> 00:02:50,627 but sadly also to say goodbye to one of our faculty members. 16 00:02:51,337 --> 00:02:55,215 Yes, Elizabeth... is Elizabeth Halsey here? There she is... 17 00:02:55,549 --> 00:03:00,346 Elizabeth can you come on up here? Yes that’s appropriate applause, I think. 18 00:03:01,138 --> 00:03:06,101 Elizabeth, even though you are only with us for one short year... 19 00:03:06,268 --> 00:03:11,439 Please know that we will always consider you part of the JAMS family. 20 00:03:11,440 --> 00:03:14,360 And we got you a little something. 21 00:03:14,526 --> 00:03:17,070 Oh!! Thank you. 22 00:03:17,071 --> 00:03:20,908 Wow... almost $40, thank you. 23 00:03:22,034 --> 00:03:23,785 You're very welcome, speech?? 24 00:03:23,786 --> 00:03:28,999 Ok well, I'm really terrible at this types of thing so, I'll make it quick. 25 00:03:29,625 --> 00:03:32,335 Ah, I know I've only been here a year, but there's so much I will miss. 26 00:03:32,336 --> 00:03:35,422 My students, probably most. 27 00:03:41,053 --> 00:03:45,349 And I wish that I had gotten to know all of you better. 28 00:03:50,813 --> 00:03:55,109 But, between four classes and planning a wedding my plate was full 29 00:03:55,526 --> 00:03:58,904 still, I know that our students are in good hands. 30 00:04:00,239 --> 00:04:03,158 And even though I'll never teach again professionally. 31 00:04:03,534 --> 00:04:10,165 I've realised that I don't need a blackboard or a classroom to set an example. 32 00:04:28,851 --> 00:04:31,770 Adios, bitches!! 33 00:04:39,945 --> 00:04:44,283 Baby doll... I'm home. 34 00:04:44,950 --> 00:04:45,784 In here... 35 00:04:45,785 --> 00:04:49,912 Get yourself hot coz I'm gonna suck your dick like I'm mad at it. 36 00:04:49,913 --> 00:04:54,918 Oh! Look, your moms here. Hi Mom, what a fun surprise. 37 00:04:55,544 --> 00:04:58,422 Suitcases, honey are we going on a trip? 38 00:04:58,547 --> 00:05:01,758 Aah... Elizabeth, we need to talk. Sure. 39 00:05:01,759 --> 00:05:05,386 I'm starting to think that maybe we need to take a break. 40 00:05:05,387 --> 00:05:06,305 Forever... 41 00:05:06,638 --> 00:05:10,017 -Mom!! Tell her what the accountant said. -Mom! 42 00:05:10,142 --> 00:05:14,438 Steven said that you spend $16,000 last month. 43 00:05:14,730 --> 00:05:17,440 He thinks you're bad news. I know women like you. 44 00:05:17,441 --> 00:05:22,404 Damn it Mom! I told you I could handle this. I just want to ask her something. 45 00:05:22,654 --> 00:05:27,659 You truly love my son? I love him so much it hurts. 46 00:05:28,494 --> 00:05:32,539 Alright then, when is his birthday? Mom... 47 00:05:32,831 --> 00:05:36,585 I'm not... you know... that is just offensive that you would even ask me that. 48 00:05:37,336 --> 00:05:39,254 It's today... 49 00:05:41,382 --> 00:05:47,680 I know... That’s why I got you this okay 50 00:05:48,472 --> 00:05:50,306 honey, happy birthday 51 00:05:50,307 --> 00:05:51,391 Austin Market? 52 00:05:54,892 --> 00:05:57,518 Okay fine, I'll sign the prenup. 53 00:05:57,519 --> 00:05:59,687 It's over, Elizabeth. 54 00:05:59,688 --> 00:06:01,857 Mark, I'm pregnant. 55 00:06:01,899 --> 00:06:03,692 - Bullshit. - No you're not. 56 00:06:03,859 --> 00:06:06,402 Okay fine, I'm not actually pregnant. 57 00:06:06,403 --> 00:06:08,322 You know what, I'm starting to wonder... 58 00:06:08,323 --> 00:06:12,200 whether this is always been about the money. You never loved me. 59 00:06:12,201 --> 00:06:13,868 I don't love you? 60 00:06:13,869 --> 00:06:16,662 I have been listening to you whining about opera for the last year. 61 00:06:16,663 --> 00:06:22,960 Okay, If the younger generation doesn't get into opera then guess what? No more opera! 62 00:06:22,961 --> 00:06:24,629 An art form just has died. 63 00:06:24,630 --> 00:06:28,007 If opera goes away, we're fucked. 64 00:06:28,008 --> 00:06:30,135 I want my ring back. 65 00:06:30,177 --> 00:06:32,888 What am I supposed to do? Huh? Where am I supposed to go? 66 00:06:33,180 --> 00:06:36,391 3 MONTHS LATER 67 00:07:08,048 --> 00:07:12,845 There she is, Elizabeth Halsey. Wooooo... 68 00:07:13,929 --> 00:07:17,516 I am so excited we're gonna be across-the-hall mates. 69 00:07:17,724 --> 00:07:21,603 But I'm so sad..it's because your relationship ended. 70 00:07:21,812 --> 00:07:24,480 Who are you again? Amy Squirrel. 71 00:07:24,481 --> 00:07:28,610 Squirrel? Yeah, you know. 72 00:07:30,363 --> 00:07:36,786 Don't worry, you were... kind of a long bolf last year and so... busy planning the... wedding 73 00:07:37,286 --> 00:07:40,664 I found him in bed with somebody else. Oh my Gosh. 74 00:07:40,706 --> 00:07:44,293 He was with another man. Shut the front door! 75 00:07:49,335 --> 00:07:54,674 Look..I know you kinda skated by last year doing the bare minimum thing 76 00:07:54,841 --> 00:08:01,264 but I just wanna say, now you're back, I just know you are gonna get your teaching on 77 00:08:06,019 --> 00:08:08,562 I thought the teachers were supposed to get the apples 78 00:08:08,563 --> 00:08:13,109 well, I think the students teach me at least as much as I teach them. 79 00:08:13,651 --> 00:08:18,406 That's just something I say sometimes. Stupid. 80 00:08:33,046 --> 00:08:37,926 Uh sorry..I just wanted to know if you wanted to grab some lunch 81 00:08:38,176 --> 00:08:42,014 I'm kind of in the middle of something, Lynn. My treat. 82 00:08:42,889 --> 00:08:45,474 You know, Lynn when I first started teaching 83 00:08:45,475 --> 00:08:47,769 I thought that I was doing it for all the right reasons. 84 00:08:47,894 --> 00:08:50,856 Shorter hours, summers off, no account credibility... 85 00:08:51,023 --> 00:08:54,443 oh, I love my summers... fresh corn... mmmm 86 00:08:54,860 --> 00:08:58,864 from now on, my full time job is finding a guy who's gonna take care of me 87 00:08:59,281 --> 00:09:01,116 God I pray for that. 88 00:09:01,199 --> 00:09:04,202 You know I spent my entire summer hanging out at bars near where the Bulls practice. 89 00:09:04,953 --> 00:09:09,499 Had some fun, got some cool souvenirs But those guys are not looking to settle down 90 00:09:09,833 --> 00:09:14,671 I mean.. they all wear condoms..then, they take the condoms with them, that’s how paranoid they are 91 00:09:14,921 --> 00:09:18,675 like its so easy to get pregnant from some dude nutting into a condom 92 00:09:18,717 --> 00:09:24,556 yeaa...ugh!! you're gonna find someone great Right? 93 00:09:24,681 --> 00:09:31,438 I've been thinking about it a lot, I'm like an 8, 8 and a half..but if I got a new pair of tits.. right? 94 00:09:32,022 --> 00:09:34,774 You!!..don't wanna do that, you're already so pretty. 95 00:09:34,775 --> 00:09:40,280 You have no idea how difficult it is to compete against these Barbie doll types 96 00:09:40,405 --> 00:09:48,121 yea..that's true, we're not getting any younger yea..we should finish up. 97 00:09:48,288 --> 00:09:51,958 Wally's got that big orientation in the auditorium. 98 00:09:52,167 --> 00:09:55,754 Yea, I'm not gonna hear that. Oh... it's mandatory. 99 00:09:59,174 --> 00:10:02,218 I'll probably won't go either. 100 00:10:02,219 --> 00:10:08,057 Huh... no I might, I probably going to sit in the back, maybe leave early 101 00:10:08,058 --> 00:10:13,772 maybe stay the end half... play by Yer or just stay the end. 102 00:10:16,191 --> 00:10:19,986 Okay... oh!! this was fun, huh? 103 00:11:58,906 --> 00:12:05,454 Welcome to Air 7th Grade Social Studies I'll be your captain, Miss Squirrel. 104 00:12:05,538 --> 00:12:12,503 Crews announce tour for the world geography through current events, we may have a way over in civics, so buckle up 105 00:12:12,628 --> 00:12:16,549 cause its gonna be a crazy ride. 106 00:12:17,633 --> 00:12:23,347 The photographer who was like... so nice he made me feel like really really comfortable 107 00:12:23,681 --> 00:12:26,267 I might get flown to Kansas City for their Fashion Week 108 00:12:26,392 --> 00:12:31,188 Kansas City. Stalk much? 109 00:12:32,231 --> 00:12:35,359 Bhuhhrr!! Loser... 110 00:12:53,919 --> 00:12:58,632 Hi, I'm Sasha Abernathy, My mother baked this cookies for you.. 111 00:12:58,966 --> 00:13:02,094 Just leave them on the desk... 112 00:13:05,806 --> 00:13:08,684 You need something? 113 00:13:10,603 --> 00:13:14,815 Anyone seen Stand and Deliver? Show hands... 114 00:13:15,358 --> 00:13:20,488 ...you kidding me? Edward James Olmos? 115 00:13:21,030 --> 00:13:23,741 Lew Diamond Phillips? 116 00:13:25,492 --> 00:13:30,080 Well, alright... you... and you grab the TV and roll it up front 117 00:13:30,121 --> 00:13:33,583 we're watching a movie on the first day? I think its awesome. 118 00:13:33,708 --> 00:13:35,001 You rock! 119 00:13:39,964 --> 00:13:41,508 These cookies suck 120 00:13:57,440 --> 00:13:59,901 incoming... 121 00:14:06,658 --> 00:14:10,245 Elizabeth Hey, Russell 122 00:14:11,538 --> 00:14:15,582 Russell Gettis, gym teacher We did busted together last spring. 123 00:14:15,583 --> 00:14:20,005 Yea. So, I heard about the whole engagement thing... that blows. 124 00:14:20,422 --> 00:14:25,010 Know I walked in on him trying to fuck his dog? Peanut butter everywhere 125 00:14:25,218 --> 00:14:28,096 that’s gross... anyway... 126 00:14:28,221 --> 00:14:32,892 hey, uh.. may be too soon, but you wanna like..grab a bite or something sometime 127 00:14:33,560 --> 00:14:35,853 you still a gym teacher? I am, yea 128 00:14:35,854 --> 00:14:37,522 then No 129 00:14:37,689 --> 00:14:41,151 I don't date coworkers. I wont tell anyone 130 00:14:41,234 --> 00:14:47,032 I also said no... Okay cool, well its been awesome 131 00:14:48,533 --> 00:14:51,494 something's got a case of a sleepyss. 132 00:14:51,578 --> 00:14:54,289 What? Did you see the col-saw of education? 133 00:14:54,998 --> 00:14:58,960 Yea, one kid ...hit the other kid with some col-saw... 134 00:14:59,711 --> 00:15:02,464 You weren’t at the orientation the other day.. okay! 135 00:15:02,672 --> 00:15:06,551 Boy, Elizabeth... You missed a boat load of stuff 136 00:15:06,843 --> 00:15:12,515 anyways, at the orientation I suggested a new system for supervising lunch 137 00:15:12,682 --> 00:15:15,060 it's a quadrant system 138 00:15:15,143 --> 00:15:19,689 I tell you what... why don't you just send me memo and if I have any questions, I'll find you. 139 00:15:20,398 --> 00:15:24,109 Oh! Ooh! Yeah Meant to ask... 140 00:15:24,110 --> 00:15:28,865 Did I hear you were showing a movie this morning on the first day of school? 141 00:15:28,907 --> 00:15:31,034 How do I know what you heard? 142 00:15:31,076 --> 00:15:33,952 Listen, I don't wanna tell you how to run your class but... 143 00:15:33,953 --> 00:15:36,998 Maybe it might be fun to try some icebreakers... 144 00:15:37,332 --> 00:15:41,336 Like telephone charades, or this string game... 145 00:15:43,755 --> 00:15:46,549 Are we gonna have a problem, me and you? 146 00:15:47,884 --> 00:15:54,140 No, eli... if I gave you that impression well... ah!... I'm so sorry 147 00:15:54,182 --> 00:15:59,896 because... actually I was really hoping we could be more than just across the hall mates 148 00:15:59,979 --> 00:16:02,899 I don't know what you heard but I don't need muff pie(vagina) 149 00:16:04,192 --> 00:16:09,072 No, of course not I don't even know what that is... I... 150 00:16:09,406 --> 00:16:14,869 Just meant friends. Tell you what, friend... I've gotta get going, cover me 151 00:16:16,955 --> 00:16:19,790 Elizabeth, lunch isn’t for another seven... minutes... 152 00:16:19,791 --> 00:16:21,751 who’s gonna watch your quadrant? 153 00:16:30,844 --> 00:16:34,055 Hi, there... you look like Losty MC Losterson... 154 00:16:34,472 --> 00:16:37,726 I know right? Can you tell me where room 107 is? 155 00:16:38,059 --> 00:16:41,688 I'll take you there. Oh. You don't have to do that. 156 00:16:41,730 --> 00:16:43,565 Oh! Stop it, be my pleasure. 157 00:16:43,773 --> 00:16:46,276 Scott Delacorte. Elizabeth Halsey. 158 00:16:46,317 --> 00:16:48,486 I am the new sub. Welcome welcome. 159 00:16:49,738 --> 00:16:52,282 Thank you. - Is that Jaeger-LeCoultre? 160 00:16:52,323 --> 00:16:53,408 Good eye 161 00:16:53,450 --> 00:16:56,744 thanks, I love men's watches, its kind of a hobby 162 00:16:56,745 --> 00:16:58,913 you know sometimes I get self-conscious about it but... 163 00:16:59,039 --> 00:17:02,334 My grandfather made it, so... Oh your grandfather designs watches? 164 00:17:02,375 --> 00:17:06,254 The family business, yea my mothers maiden name is lecoultre 165 00:17:07,130 --> 00:17:13,094 shut up! So did you and your wife just moved to town? I'm not married 166 00:17:13,136 --> 00:17:16,765 I actually just got out of a relationship. Catherine 167 00:17:17,807 --> 00:17:21,269 its been a year, she's still the wallpaper on my phone 168 00:17:21,728 --> 00:17:27,025 she has such a big heart. Looks like enormous. 169 00:17:30,362 --> 00:17:35,575 As you can see the weight is evenly distributed and there is minimal scar... 170 00:17:35,700 --> 00:17:38,411 Dr. Vogel, best hands in Chicago. 171 00:17:38,620 --> 00:17:42,707 May I? Absolutely, take em' for a spin 172 00:17:45,835 --> 00:17:51,132 God! Wow! Yea... these are amazing. Thank you. 173 00:17:51,633 --> 00:17:54,969 And the nipples... oh... I know 174 00:17:55,095 --> 00:17:57,806 I'll take two 175 00:18:02,143 --> 00:18:07,648 the total is $9300 for the surgery, plus one night stay at our facility. 176 00:18:07,649 --> 00:18:08,942 How would you like to pay? 177 00:18:08,943 --> 00:18:12,653 That’s absurd... I'm a teacher not a drug dealer. 178 00:18:12,654 --> 00:18:19,411 We accept all major credit cards. Yeah well... my credit situation is little... complicated 179 00:18:19,911 --> 00:18:23,665 I'm sorry, but if you cant pay, then I can't schedule the appointment 180 00:18:45,794 --> 00:18:50,882 I'm rooming with a guy I met on craigslist all I'm asking you for is 10,000 dollars 181 00:18:51,383 --> 00:18:56,388 you owe me for breaking off the engagement you know how humiliating that was? 182 00:18:59,516 --> 00:19:04,980 Lover... lover look, I don't wanna fight... Its only $ 10,000... it would mean the world to me. 183 00:19:05,313 --> 00:19:09,860 Lover... are you there?!! 184 00:19:10,652 --> 00:19:13,989 Fucking troll. Did you call my name? 185 00:19:14,364 --> 00:19:19,661 No, I said fucking troll. Oh, I thought you said Kirk. 186 00:19:21,079 --> 00:19:25,208 Do you have 10 grand? Nope. 187 00:19:25,250 --> 00:19:30,839 And also I might be a little short on rent this month, like a lot short. 188 00:19:31,173 --> 00:19:37,763 This might help. Wanna get wasted? Uh... Yea... 189 00:19:37,929 --> 00:19:40,390 Cool, see ya. 190 00:19:42,517 --> 00:19:48,522 We are in a state of emergency, and my word is law There is only one boss in this place, and that's me. 191 00:19:48,523 --> 00:19:50,901 The HNIC. 192 00:19:53,653 --> 00:19:57,115 Alright... We'll pick this up again tomorrow. 193 00:19:59,451 --> 00:20:01,661 Can I help you? 194 00:20:12,631 --> 00:20:16,134 What? I am the student leader for the trip to Springfield. 195 00:20:16,385 --> 00:20:19,470 Shocker! We're having our car wash this weekend. 196 00:20:19,471 --> 00:20:21,056 If you're around, maybe we could wash your car. 197 00:20:24,057 --> 00:20:26,684 The Springfield trip is the best part of 7th grade... 198 00:20:26,725 --> 00:20:29,395 last year's car wash raised 6000 dollars 199 00:20:31,980 --> 00:20:36,150 bringing these magazines to school is not the way you are going to make friends, those 8th Grade boys... 200 00:20:36,151 --> 00:20:37,861 Are just using you 201 00:20:38,821 --> 00:20:41,572 so I go now? Yes, you go now. 202 00:20:41,573 --> 00:20:44,367 But if I see these again, I'm gonna call your parents. 203 00:20:44,368 --> 00:20:46,036 Do you understand? 204 00:20:47,496 --> 00:20:49,665 Go to class. 205 00:20:50,541 --> 00:20:55,671 Hey hey... Hey!! go to class. 206 00:20:59,091 --> 00:21:01,885 Another exciting day in the Principal's office. 207 00:21:02,511 --> 00:21:03,762 Do you have a second? 208 00:21:03,763 --> 00:21:10,059 Uhh yeah. Oh! You know what I wanna talk to you too, did I hear that right, that you were showing movies all last week? 209 00:21:10,060 --> 00:21:12,438 Hmm... some clips, maybe. 210 00:21:12,479 --> 00:21:16,692 But you know in a lot of ways I think that movies are the new books. 211 00:21:26,869 --> 00:21:31,331 Is this new? I love it. 212 00:21:31,707 --> 00:21:35,252 You know, I've always said that dolphins are the humans of the sea 213 00:21:35,461 --> 00:21:39,923 I have a bumper sticker that says that. No way? 214 00:21:39,965 --> 00:21:42,926 I'm not kidding. It's on my car. 215 00:21:43,344 --> 00:21:46,305 Come on... 216 00:21:46,680 --> 00:21:49,308 Hold on a sec... 217 00:21:55,606 --> 00:22:00,486 His name is Simon and he lives in the Cayman Islands... 218 00:22:00,611 --> 00:22:05,240 With his brother, Ajack. 219 00:22:06,325 --> 00:22:10,704 What a great story. What did you wanna talk about? 220 00:22:11,330 --> 00:22:13,748 I was thinking that I wanna get more involved. 221 00:22:13,749 --> 00:22:19,838 You know... I don't know... Something like... maybe... Supervising the 7th grade car wash. 222 00:22:20,381 --> 00:22:25,636 Uhh, you know Amy has been running after like... two years. Yea, but she does so much already. 223 00:22:25,678 --> 00:22:28,514 It might be nice to give her a little rest. 224 00:22:28,764 --> 00:22:33,644 It's so nice to see you becoming a real member of the JAMS family. 225 00:22:33,894 --> 00:22:36,855 It just feels so good to help. 226 00:22:53,956 --> 00:22:58,460 Holy shit! Alright, let's do this. 227 00:23:53,974 --> 00:23:57,644 Hey, Mr. Delacorte, yes! 228 00:23:58,562 --> 00:24:00,773 Hey, kids. Hey... 229 00:24:01,690 --> 00:24:03,400 Hey, You better not take it for a joyride. 230 00:24:03,442 --> 00:24:05,194 - Are you sure? - I'm watching you. 231 00:24:05,903 --> 00:24:09,239 Miss Halsey... I'm impressed. Thanks, I've been working out. 232 00:24:09,323 --> 00:24:13,743 What a turn out. Oh yeah, the kids are just having a blast. 233 00:24:13,744 --> 00:24:15,328 Well, that's what it's all about. 234 00:24:15,329 --> 00:24:18,457 God, you know we should go get a drink tonight I feel like getting drunk 235 00:24:19,583 --> 00:24:23,962 I mean not "drunk" drunk, strong buzz still be able to drive. 236 00:24:24,171 --> 00:24:29,258 I'm sorry... I can't get em'... just not ready but if you're patient... 237 00:24:29,259 --> 00:24:30,928 I think I might be worth your while. 238 00:24:31,387 --> 00:24:36,100 - You're worth the wait. - I think so too 239 00:24:59,289 --> 00:25:06,295 Wally, it's Amy Squirrel. Amy? What are you do...? Get out of here! 240 00:25:06,296 --> 00:25:08,172 This will just take a sec... 241 00:25:08,173 --> 00:25:12,969 Umm... I happen to be pedaling past the 7th Grade car wash this Saturday. 242 00:25:12,970 --> 00:25:17,765 - Kill it! Can we talk about this later? - Later we'll all die said the gator to the fly. 243 00:25:17,766 --> 00:25:22,229 Fuck!! What? Just go. 244 00:25:24,565 --> 00:25:30,362 Now, I don't want to speak out of school but... from where I was sitting, I think... 245 00:25:30,529 --> 00:25:37,077 It seem like Miss Halsey was getting pretty chummy with the money. 246 00:25:37,369 --> 00:25:42,916 Are you accusing Elizabeth of embezzling from the 7th grade car wash? 247 00:25:43,208 --> 00:25:49,756 Wally... we barely know anything about her. Hey, you know what they raised almost $7000. 248 00:25:49,757 --> 00:25:55,512 So whatever she did, worked. Lee Mathews dad called, he said the car wash was a raging success. 249 00:25:55,554 --> 00:25:59,849 And Lauren Lisman's dad called and he said we should have car wash every weekend. 250 00:25:59,850 --> 00:26:03,895 So instead of accusing her, you might wanna ask her for some pointers. 251 00:26:03,896 --> 00:26:08,274 Well if those pointers include wearing provocative beach wear... 252 00:26:08,275 --> 00:26:09,443 ...for money, I think I'll pass. 253 00:26:10,277 --> 00:26:15,657 This is ridiculous, this is the one place in this building where I'm allowed to be alone with my thoughts 254 00:26:15,699 --> 00:26:19,994 I only had this once a day... If I'm lucky. 255 00:26:19,995 --> 00:26:24,541 Next time you accuse one of my teachers of stealing, you better have some evidence. 256 00:26:24,583 --> 00:26:27,670 God damn it! We are done here. 257 00:26:29,588 --> 00:26:34,718 Alrighty, have a super awesome day, you two. 258 00:26:40,766 --> 00:26:43,477 Holy fuck! I thought she was never gonna leave. 259 00:28:23,024 --> 00:28:26,485 What's going on with you? Need a tissue? Huh? 260 00:28:27,528 --> 00:28:31,240 She is such a phony. Yeah, major phony. 261 00:28:31,532 --> 00:28:34,702 But she also cares a lot too. 262 00:28:38,706 --> 00:28:43,835 I love how his eyes sparkle when he smiles. I wanna sit on his face. 263 00:28:43,836 --> 00:28:45,755 Hey, guys. Heyy. 264 00:28:56,796 --> 00:29:01,175 Lynn, will you go grab me some milk? What kind of milk do you want? 265 00:29:01,176 --> 00:29:04,888 The skim, whole, 2%, chocolate? 266 00:29:04,930 --> 00:29:08,141 Surprise me. Okay, I'll get you skim, no 2%... 267 00:29:10,685 --> 00:29:15,190 So... Holla, fellow educators... 268 00:29:18,151 --> 00:29:20,403 Is everything okay with Gaby? She will be fine. 269 00:29:20,654 --> 00:29:25,617 I told her, Gaby if you're not happy with yourself, you cant expect others to be happy with you. 270 00:29:26,117 --> 00:29:29,454 It starts with you. I'm sure she appreciated that. 271 00:29:30,330 --> 00:29:37,128 And it's exactly what I told Elizabeth when she told me about this upcoming fake breasts job. 272 00:29:37,838 --> 00:29:42,968 Sorry... sorry I thought you were telling everyone. 273 00:29:43,301 --> 00:29:44,219 Did you? 274 00:29:44,220 --> 00:29:47,681 Well I'm pro-choice, I believe everyone should choose whatever makes them happiest.. 275 00:29:48,223 --> 00:29:50,058 Except abortion, of course. 276 00:29:50,100 --> 00:29:52,143 Of course. Of course. 277 00:29:52,644 --> 00:29:56,898 Looks like algebra is calling. I hate math. Wish me luck. 278 00:29:57,065 --> 00:30:01,402 Hi, I'm a math terrorist with close ties to algebra 279 00:30:01,403 --> 00:30:05,282 I have weapons of maths instruction. 280 00:30:12,747 --> 00:30:15,834 Here, I'll walk you. Man..Everyone is so nice around here. 281 00:30:16,501 --> 00:30:19,628 Of course, hey watch my quadrant! 282 00:30:19,629 --> 00:30:22,048 Here you go... 1%... Surprise! 283 00:30:23,133 --> 00:30:27,429 Hi, my name is Elizabeth Halsey. Any questions? 284 00:30:28,054 --> 00:30:30,556 Hi, I'm Sashas mother. 285 00:30:30,557 --> 00:30:34,811 I am a little concerned at the importance you're placing on movies. 286 00:30:34,895 --> 00:30:38,398 I was just wondering whats your plans were for the state test? 287 00:30:38,773 --> 00:30:42,319 Listen, the school hired me because... i'm amazing at what I do 288 00:30:43,195 --> 00:30:45,070 I used movies as one of my tools 289 00:30:45,071 --> 00:30:50,034 but I also use a variety of other multimedia techniques. 290 00:30:50,035 --> 00:30:54,372 Listen, I could take you day by day through my entire syllabus, but that's not just how I do things. 291 00:30:54,748 --> 00:30:59,169 So "if I play it" as the Jews say. 292 00:30:59,836 --> 00:31:03,340 Please, help yourself to some delicious snacks and drinks in the back. 293 00:31:05,342 --> 00:31:07,969 Class dismissed. Excuse me, Miss Halsey. 294 00:31:08,261 --> 00:31:10,554 Hi, I'm Morgans dad. 295 00:31:10,555 --> 00:31:13,974 Morgan. 296 00:31:13,975 --> 00:31:19,313 Great kid, so pre-cautious. I just wish Morgan's grades were reflected. 297 00:31:19,314 --> 00:31:24,528 If I know Morgan, and I think I do. Ah!... Morgan will get there. 298 00:31:24,945 --> 00:31:27,989 Listen, I'm sure you have full paid along with a rocking hot body. 299 00:31:28,240 --> 00:31:32,827 But if you could just keep an eye on Morgan? My wife and I would really appreciate it. 300 00:31:33,286 --> 00:31:37,457 For supplies and whatever. 301 00:31:38,792 --> 00:31:42,921 Supplies?? You're Chase's parents? 302 00:31:44,256 --> 00:31:48,677 You know a student like Chase would benefit so much from some extra attention? 303 00:31:49,094 --> 00:31:51,763 So you think we should hire a tutor? 304 00:31:51,805 --> 00:31:55,392 You know I'd be happy to do it myself, but its just so hard with a class of 20.. 305 00:31:55,809 --> 00:32:00,313 25 or 30, whatever. To be a teacher? 306 00:32:00,564 --> 00:32:04,109 God, it is so hard on my salary to have to pay for my own supplies 307 00:32:04,401 --> 00:32:07,362 and my fiance, he cheated on me with his sister 308 00:32:07,737 --> 00:32:12,450 as your personal tutor, I guarantee personally that she will get an A. 309 00:32:12,784 --> 00:32:16,329 Or your money back. 310 00:32:18,081 --> 00:32:20,667 Say no more. 311 00:32:22,335 --> 00:32:24,671 Make it out to cash. 312 00:33:14,888 --> 00:33:19,351 Amy, hi. Hi, I got you something. 313 00:33:19,476 --> 00:33:25,273 What? You don't have to do that. It's nothing, its my favorite book. 314 00:33:27,025 --> 00:33:34,282 Eat, Pray, Love? This is my favourite book too. 315 00:33:34,908 --> 00:33:40,539 What's your favourite part? Love. 316 00:33:55,178 --> 00:33:57,972 What do you want? Is that marijuana? 317 00:33:57,973 --> 00:34:00,851 No, it's medical marijuana. 318 00:34:00,892 --> 00:34:02,811 I have a prescription and everything. 319 00:34:02,812 --> 00:34:06,314 And I'm not gonna tell you why because, it's between me and my doctor. 320 00:34:06,523 --> 00:34:10,151 Oh... ok... well feel better. 321 00:34:10,193 --> 00:34:11,527 Thanks. 322 00:34:11,528 --> 00:34:14,114 My mom and I made some holiday cookies. 323 00:34:14,781 --> 00:34:17,534 Those oatmeal rasin again? Gingerbread. 324 00:34:20,453 --> 00:34:22,663 Let have it. 325 00:34:22,664 --> 00:34:23,957 Watch the bowl. 326 00:34:27,752 --> 00:34:29,588 Do you have anything to drink? 327 00:34:30,797 --> 00:34:33,799 Listen, word to the wise. 328 00:34:33,800 --> 00:34:36,552 Stop dressing like you're running for congress 329 00:34:36,553 --> 00:34:39,472 I don't wanna run for congress. I wanna be President. 330 00:34:39,514 --> 00:34:43,727 See, that's what I'm talking about. Keep saying shit like that you're gonna get punched. 331 00:34:45,103 --> 00:34:48,440 You really wanna be a President or is that something your parents want? 332 00:34:51,151 --> 00:34:53,569 Look you don't have to decide right now. 333 00:34:53,570 --> 00:34:57,365 Then who knows one day you wake up you decide you want to be a missus. 334 00:34:57,407 --> 00:34:59,491 Salary plus tips. 335 00:34:59,492 --> 00:35:01,619 Think about it. 336 00:35:01,620 --> 00:35:04,831 If I think about it, Will I get extra credit? 337 00:35:05,248 --> 00:35:08,376 Hopeless. 338 00:35:30,603 --> 00:35:33,689 This is indeed a winter wonderland. 339 00:35:38,319 --> 00:35:40,196 Wanna get high? Yeaaah. 340 00:35:41,030 --> 00:35:43,783 Give me a nug... I'll go smoke it in my car. 341 00:35:44,158 --> 00:35:48,955 Wow... No, I meant Do you wanna get high with me? 342 00:35:59,924 --> 00:36:02,926 Hey, they don't make songs like this anymore, right? 343 00:36:02,927 --> 00:36:05,095 You know that’s not actually true Scott?? 344 00:36:05,096 --> 00:36:10,977 I'm writing a song right now called 855-8241777. 345 00:36:11,102 --> 00:36:13,145 Extension 777. 346 00:36:15,857 --> 00:36:17,608 So you guys having an awesome time? 347 00:36:17,609 --> 00:36:20,986 Yes, Oh my God! I love to dance, I could dance all night. 348 00:36:20,987 --> 00:36:22,946 Hey can we go somewhere and talk? 349 00:36:22,947 --> 00:36:25,074 I'll totally go for a talk right now. 350 00:36:29,245 --> 00:36:34,166 What's up? Okay... whoo 351 00:36:34,333 --> 00:36:37,086 I do not know how to say this. I'm a kind of nervous. 352 00:36:37,128 --> 00:36:39,046 Feels it's all happening so quickly. 353 00:36:39,047 --> 00:36:42,841 You can tell me anything Scott, you're one of my best friends 354 00:36:42,842 --> 00:36:44,968 I'm crushing on someone 355 00:36:44,969 --> 00:36:48,264 I think you're pretty great too. Thanks. It's Amy. 356 00:36:50,099 --> 00:36:52,602 No running in the hall! 357 00:36:53,728 --> 00:36:55,604 Kids. 358 00:36:55,605 --> 00:36:58,023 She's been amazing helping me do with my breakup. 359 00:36:58,024 --> 00:37:01,152 Yeah, I don't know her that well I know all the other teachers really hate her fucking guts 360 00:37:01,153 --> 00:37:03,404 But I stay above all that stuff. 361 00:37:03,487 --> 00:37:06,740 Can I be honest with you? Of course. 362 00:37:06,741 --> 00:37:10,869 It's nothing personal, but... 363 00:37:10,870 --> 00:37:13,622 I don't think that you're Amy's type. 364 00:37:13,623 --> 00:37:16,334 Really? Yea. 365 00:37:16,417 --> 00:37:20,086 She seem so... I don't know... sympathy-co. 366 00:37:27,087 --> 00:37:30,799 Trust me She's only using you for your money. 367 00:37:31,300 --> 00:37:33,594 What? 368 00:37:35,638 --> 00:37:39,724 Well I feel stupid. No, Scott... Scott. 369 00:37:39,725 --> 00:37:43,186 Look at me. I'm gonna get my breasts enlarged in a couple of months... 370 00:37:43,187 --> 00:37:44,772 And when I recover from my surgery... 371 00:37:44,773 --> 00:37:49,401 you and I are gonna go out and we are gonna find awesome people for each other. 372 00:37:49,527 --> 00:37:51,278 That sounds nice. 373 00:37:51,403 --> 00:37:53,655 You're out of your mind. 374 00:37:53,656 --> 00:37:57,867 There is no one in the LeBron who'll ever be Jordan. Nobody will ever be Jordan... okay? 375 00:37:57,868 --> 00:38:00,203 Ok, Lebron is a better re-bounder and passer. 376 00:38:00,204 --> 00:38:03,248 Will you let me finish? Can?... Can you let me finish? 377 00:38:03,249 --> 00:38:06,501 Call me when Lebron has six championships. That's the only argument? 378 00:38:06,502 --> 00:38:08,921 It's the only argument I need, Shawn!! 379 00:38:13,175 --> 00:38:14,802 Let's get baked. 380 00:38:16,387 --> 00:38:20,516 Goods... we're gonna go get some baked goods. 381 00:38:22,226 --> 00:38:24,937 You got this? 382 00:38:25,771 --> 00:38:30,358 Just try it... try it! Just... please stop pressuring her. 383 00:38:30,359 --> 00:38:32,736 How does she know she doesn't like it if she has never tried it before? 384 00:38:32,737 --> 00:38:38,284 You know, we should probably be getting back. Just fuckin do it... weed is awesome. 385 00:38:49,336 --> 00:38:52,131 Hold it in. - Just blow it out Hold it in. - Blow it out. 386 00:38:54,383 --> 00:38:58,179 Okay... Lynn, I'm gonna take this. 387 00:38:58,596 --> 00:39:01,182 I'm gonna go find a hot dog. 388 00:39:04,185 --> 00:39:07,146 Well, that's definitely impressive. Like you can do better? 389 00:39:07,855 --> 00:39:10,316 Really? You sure you wanna do this? Yea, gym teacher. 390 00:39:13,694 --> 00:39:17,072 You understand this is what I do? - Yea I got it - Like for a living. 391 00:39:30,127 --> 00:39:32,295 You have no upper body strength. Yes, I do... 392 00:39:32,296 --> 00:39:35,340 Just not in my arms or my chest. 393 00:39:35,341 --> 00:39:38,469 Well I have cat like reflexes accept for it. 394 00:39:50,147 --> 00:39:54,442 So, all this is mine, by the way As far as the eye can see. 395 00:39:54,443 --> 00:39:56,846 Really love with what you've done with the place. 396 00:39:56,847 --> 00:40:00,115 Ya if you notice the nets, that's a brand new nets I had installed. 397 00:40:00,366 --> 00:40:02,450 This is original wood. 398 00:40:02,451 --> 00:40:04,619 See those championship banners? 399 00:40:04,620 --> 00:40:07,664 When I first came to the school, they weren’t here. 400 00:40:07,665 --> 00:40:11,585 They were over there, I have moved over there. 401 00:40:13,921 --> 00:40:20,427 So.. Russell, what has to go wrong in someone's life for them to end up being a middle school gym teacher? 402 00:40:20,511 --> 00:40:26,016 Well ah.. granted it wasn't the original plan As a young boy I wanted to be a professor... 403 00:40:26,183 --> 00:40:28,686 ...of physical education. 404 00:40:29,186 --> 00:40:31,564 At Harvard, but... 405 00:40:32,314 --> 00:40:34,524 I don't know... I like it here. 406 00:40:34,525 --> 00:40:38,111 What wend so wrong in your life that you ended up educating children? 407 00:40:38,112 --> 00:40:42,658 I don't know. Maybe I was a bad person in an other life. 408 00:40:44,535 --> 00:40:47,620 We should like... go have a drink... sometime... together. 409 00:40:47,621 --> 00:40:49,707 Like over winter break. 410 00:40:49,832 --> 00:40:54,085 Naah.. got something going. Can I say something for the record? 411 00:40:54,086 --> 00:40:57,965 Fine. It's about... your... ttt. 412 00:40:59,091 --> 00:41:02,595 The big fake titties Are you really gonna do that? 413 00:41:03,137 --> 00:41:05,221 Why would you do that? Your tits are fine. 414 00:41:05,222 --> 00:41:08,350 I like your tits... Ask my roommate. 415 00:41:15,441 --> 00:41:17,860 Seriously? 416 00:41:19,820 --> 00:41:21,822 Seriously? 417 00:41:23,782 --> 00:41:26,785 Come on. 418 00:41:26,911 --> 00:41:29,163 Seriously? 419 00:41:31,248 --> 00:41:35,211 Hey... Why are they closed? It's Christmas? 420 00:41:35,544 --> 00:41:38,088 Whatever... Hey you got a lighter? 421 00:41:38,255 --> 00:41:43,551 Miss Halsey, its me Garette from school. It's Garrett. Having a nice Christmas? 422 00:41:43,552 --> 00:41:44,969 Aces... 423 00:41:44,970 --> 00:41:47,639 Ahh!! What are you doing rest of day you gonna see your family? 424 00:41:47,640 --> 00:41:52,728 Ahh... Yeah I'm gonna go see some people We're having like a big..pot luck so... 425 00:41:53,854 --> 00:41:58,317 Miss Halsey? Would you like to come and spend Christmas with us? 426 00:42:16,460 --> 00:42:19,254 That we remembered Have we ever forget.. What is that?? haaha. 427 00:42:19,255 --> 00:42:24,467 Guys, I'm really sorry I have to eat and run I gotta head over to the shelters so.. 428 00:42:24,468 --> 00:42:27,804 Awww... The shelter, Ah, that’s so inspiring. 429 00:42:27,805 --> 00:42:30,431 Yeah, I really love helping bums. 430 00:42:30,432 --> 00:42:33,434 But you'd have to wait for dessert we have a real treat. 431 00:42:33,435 --> 00:42:38,439 Garrett, why don't you run and get some of your new poetry... - I don't want to hear it 432 00:42:38,440 --> 00:42:42,403 God... I'm so embarrassed. Don't be shy, marbles. 433 00:42:42,444 --> 00:42:46,115 This is called the The Chase by Garrett Tiara. 434 00:42:47,366 --> 00:42:52,829 XOXO, my love for you is XOXO. 435 00:42:52,830 --> 00:42:56,417 About her smile that I would walk a mile for. 436 00:42:56,709 --> 00:43:01,671 About her personality that makes me see the best in me. 437 00:43:01,672 --> 00:43:09,846 One glance, one dance because together we can achieve...balance. 438 00:43:09,847 --> 00:43:11,557 Thank you. 439 00:43:14,351 --> 00:43:17,437 I loved it and I usually hate poetry. 440 00:43:17,438 --> 00:43:21,524 Oh Philip, hate on Christmas? Oops... Sorry, Santa. 441 00:43:21,525 --> 00:43:23,402 Sorry, Jesus. 442 00:43:24,653 --> 00:43:29,992 Umm... why don't you two give me a hand with dessert? And we can let these two... discuss. 443 00:43:31,076 --> 00:43:32,661 Fuck! 444 00:43:33,287 --> 00:43:38,042 So, the poem's about that girl? Yea, Chase. 445 00:43:38,918 --> 00:43:42,462 I could just talk to her and tell her how I feel 446 00:43:42,463 --> 00:43:44,381 I knew she'd understand. 447 00:43:45,674 --> 00:43:48,551 Listen, that’s not gonna happen, buddy 448 00:43:48,552 --> 00:43:53,515 I was that hot girl, hotter... even and I would never have gone out with you. 449 00:43:53,516 --> 00:43:56,392 And I'm not saying that to be mean, I'm saying that to be helpful. 450 00:43:56,393 --> 00:43:58,686 What do you know? You don't even know our names 451 00:43:58,687 --> 00:44:02,565 I'll tell you what I know... a kid who wears the same gymnastic sweat shirt 3 days a week... 452 00:44:02,566 --> 00:44:05,443 isn't getting laid until he's 29 that's what I know... 453 00:44:05,444 --> 00:44:09,447 Sweat shirt was my dad's. That’s all he left me... when he left me. 454 00:44:09,448 --> 00:44:12,159 There's a reason... he didn't pack it. 455 00:44:12,868 --> 00:44:14,494 Just saying. 456 00:44:14,495 --> 00:44:19,499 Welcome to the number one New Year's Eve Party in the entire world. 457 00:44:19,500 --> 00:44:24,796 This is literally the biggest party... Aren't you going out with the other nurses? 458 00:44:24,797 --> 00:44:26,799 I'm not a nurse. 459 00:44:27,091 --> 00:44:28,925 I thought you were a nurse. 460 00:44:28,926 --> 00:44:30,803 I am a teacher. 461 00:45:06,088 --> 00:45:08,924 Hey Welcome back. 462 00:45:09,550 --> 00:45:13,888 Many of us are going out tonight to see Period 5 play, Do you wanna come? 463 00:45:14,096 --> 00:45:16,557 Period 5? Yeah the teacher band. 464 00:45:17,850 --> 00:45:20,436 I already got shot on the face. 465 00:45:25,774 --> 00:45:29,944 So, are you guys coming to the palace tonight? My band's gonna do few songs... 466 00:45:29,945 --> 00:45:31,152 You are in Period 5? 467 00:45:31,153 --> 00:45:35,074 You're looking at the new rhythm guitarist and backup vocalist. 468 00:45:35,075 --> 00:45:38,494 Should be fun. Should be amazing. Lynn you wanna come? 469 00:45:38,495 --> 00:45:40,581 Yes... yes. 470 00:46:06,815 --> 00:46:11,277 Like you guys... You should go talk to someone, Lynn. 471 00:46:11,278 --> 00:46:13,655 I'm fine... here. 472 00:46:13,656 --> 00:46:18,076 Come on Lynn, you need to loosen up and live a little. When's the last time you had a good dicking? 473 00:46:18,077 --> 00:46:21,539 A good dicking? Go talk to those guys over there. 474 00:46:22,456 --> 00:46:25,125 With the cowboy hats? Yea. 475 00:46:25,876 --> 00:46:28,419 Come on. You come on... 476 00:46:28,420 --> 00:46:31,464 Go talk to them. What am I gonna talk about? 477 00:46:31,465 --> 00:46:33,508 It doesn’t matter. 478 00:46:33,509 --> 00:46:38,137 You go... you start with one of em' and you start talking to the other one...and then you go back to the first one 479 00:46:38,138 --> 00:46:42,600 but still be touching the other one and then you just choose... Text book. 480 00:46:42,601 --> 00:46:45,396 Yea, from the world's weirdest text book. 481 00:46:45,437 --> 00:46:49,274 Lemme finish my drink. - Now Lynn!! -Second. 482 00:46:49,275 --> 00:46:51,192 Now... Go! I like it here. 483 00:46:51,193 --> 00:46:55,656 It is really fun over here. Lynn, get your ass over to those cowboys. 484 00:46:56,657 --> 00:47:00,744 Oooo... well... Glad I wore my fun underwear. 485 00:47:06,917 --> 00:47:11,546 So, call me crazy, but this might be the best Period 5 show of all time. 486 00:47:11,547 --> 00:47:14,132 What are you doing here, anyway? 487 00:47:14,133 --> 00:47:16,551 I thought it was poetry slam night. 488 00:47:16,552 --> 00:47:20,471 I was gonna get drunk and mock them. Sounds fun, actually 489 00:47:20,472 --> 00:47:24,310 I'll let you know, next time I go. Not that fun. 490 00:47:24,560 --> 00:47:28,813 Okay..just so you know... That shit does not face me at all 491 00:47:28,814 --> 00:47:33,067 I'm like the fuckin Terminator dude. I'm just gonna keep coming after you. 492 00:47:33,068 --> 00:47:35,028 Just so we're clear. 493 00:47:35,029 --> 00:47:36,822 Good luck with that. 494 00:47:37,489 --> 00:47:40,951 Oh Shit!! Check it out. 495 00:47:41,285 --> 00:47:44,329 I'll be damned. 496 00:47:44,330 --> 00:47:46,497 That shit worked! 497 00:47:46,498 --> 00:47:48,792 Super fast. 498 00:47:55,132 --> 00:48:00,221 Wow, thank you guys for coming out What a turnout, right? Umm... 499 00:48:00,387 --> 00:48:08,228 I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank the guys from Period 5 for letting me join the band and. 500 00:48:08,229 --> 00:48:11,189 Also I have an original song. 501 00:48:11,190 --> 00:48:16,862 It is my first cracket song writing so... be kind. 502 00:48:17,071 --> 00:48:21,534 And it goes out to someone very special. 503 00:48:23,577 --> 00:48:29,041 There was a girl I met sometime ago. 504 00:48:29,208 --> 00:48:36,506 Sympathy-co She helped me heal, she helped me grow. 505 00:48:36,507 --> 00:48:44,056 Sympathy-co how do you know and you know and again you just know. 506 00:48:44,431 --> 00:48:46,433 Sympathy-co. 507 00:48:53,440 --> 00:48:57,360 Sympathy-co Exotico. 508 00:48:57,361 --> 00:49:00,029 Erotico. 509 00:49:00,030 --> 00:49:03,742 You're my narcotic, Ohhh... 510 00:49:03,826 --> 00:49:10,666 Ask me how much I feel I'll say... a lot-a-co... 511 00:49:11,333 --> 00:49:16,130 We can never in the world be too much... 512 00:49:16,881 --> 00:49:19,300 before I met you... 513 00:49:20,217 --> 00:49:21,719 fuck! 514 00:49:21,760 --> 00:49:26,472 Is it me? I mean there's something wrong with me? I don't think so. 515 00:49:26,473 --> 00:49:29,851 I mean, sometimes you talk to people and... Thank you. 516 00:49:29,852 --> 00:49:35,064 Forget him, at least now you can stop worrying about him and be the best teacher you can be.. 517 00:49:35,065 --> 00:49:37,610 Who knows... maybe you'll win the bonus. 518 00:49:40,985 --> 00:49:43,403 What bonus? For the state test. 519 00:49:43,404 --> 00:49:48,950 Which ever teacher has the highest scoring class gets a bonus. Amy wins every year. 520 00:49:48,951 --> 00:49:52,038 How much? $ 5700. 521 00:49:52,705 --> 00:49:56,792 Son of a bitch... 5700. Yea... Goddamn it! Lynn. 522 00:49:57,084 --> 00:49:59,086 You never tell me anything. Yea... 523 00:50:03,966 --> 00:50:09,764 Come on. C'mon c'mon c'mon... 524 00:50:10,223 --> 00:50:13,184 Let's go, We had a lot to go over. Everybody sit down, come on.. 525 00:50:13,684 --> 00:50:19,023 Where is the TV? Now everybody open your "To kill a mockingbird" to page 1. 526 00:50:20,775 --> 00:50:22,400 Good, now... 527 00:50:22,401 --> 00:50:27,364 Who can tell me why Jem cries when the hole in the tree is filled with cement? 528 00:50:27,365 --> 00:50:28,950 Because he's a crybaby? 529 00:50:30,243 --> 00:50:31,536 Get out! 530 00:50:35,665 --> 00:50:37,875 We're here to learn. 531 00:50:38,251 --> 00:50:40,837 Anybody else have a problem with that? 532 00:50:41,712 --> 00:50:44,674 Good Now who has the answer to my question? 533 00:50:46,259 --> 00:50:48,886 Nobody's read this book? 534 00:50:49,136 --> 00:50:53,056 It's on the syllabus. Well... You never assign it to us. 535 00:50:53,057 --> 00:50:54,933 Well now... I am. 536 00:50:54,934 --> 00:50:57,352 And we have a quiz tomorrow. What?!! 537 00:50:57,353 --> 00:50:59,480 On the first 100 pages. 538 00:51:02,567 --> 00:51:06,528 You can't do that I have band and jazz band tonight. 539 00:51:06,529 --> 00:51:08,947 We haven't had homework all year 540 00:51:08,948 --> 00:51:10,658 o. 541 00:51:11,117 --> 00:51:14,202 Things are about to change around here. 542 00:51:14,203 --> 00:51:16,955 Recess is over. 543 00:51:16,956 --> 00:51:19,584 Because bird symbolize freedom? 544 00:51:20,168 --> 00:51:22,043 Good. Good okay... 545 00:51:22,044 --> 00:51:24,922 Is anyone have anything to add to what that girl just said? 546 00:51:27,508 --> 00:51:31,929 So, what are the limitations of having Scott as the narrator? 547 00:51:32,889 --> 00:51:34,556 You, Chapz. 548 00:51:34,557 --> 00:51:37,685 Because he... EEEH!! 549 00:51:48,070 --> 00:51:51,407 Don't flinch... seriously... You and you... hold his arms down. 550 00:51:52,909 --> 00:51:55,328 Next question. 551 00:51:55,369 --> 00:52:00,958 Because Atticus is always the voice of reason and justice? 552 00:52:01,959 --> 00:52:04,462 Correct... here. 553 00:52:04,504 --> 00:52:06,881 Nothing in the face. 554 00:52:07,423 --> 00:52:10,384 Woooh!! Wait!! 555 00:52:10,468 --> 00:52:14,555 Miss Halsey... really? Wow!! 556 00:52:15,348 --> 00:52:18,518 I never... We're in the middle of a lesson. 557 00:52:18,559 --> 00:52:21,311 Twilight, look at me. 558 00:52:21,312 --> 00:52:23,772 What do we talk about in class? 559 00:52:23,773 --> 00:52:28,443 Your weight should be evenly distributed You have to throw off the back foot. 560 00:52:28,444 --> 00:52:31,530 Don't throw at her Throw through her. 561 00:52:31,531 --> 00:52:33,740 Hit her! Hit her! 562 00:52:33,741 --> 00:52:34,992 Nail her! 563 00:52:50,661 --> 00:52:55,915 This is so funny, cause I love raisins and he hates raisins. 564 00:52:55,916 --> 00:52:58,125 Ying and Yang. 565 00:52:58,126 --> 00:53:00,962 You guys are so cute. So cute? 566 00:53:00,963 --> 00:53:02,922 It's like... too cute almost. 567 00:53:02,923 --> 00:53:05,968 Last week when we went for a drive. 568 00:53:06,468 --> 00:53:11,640 We had no idea where we were going, We left the maps at home... 569 00:53:11,682 --> 00:53:17,020 What!! No way... It was fine. I have a GPS navy system. 570 00:53:17,104 --> 00:53:22,525 Oh, Thank God. And we discovered this new Ethiopian restaurant. 571 00:53:22,526 --> 00:53:26,280 They finally got their own cuisine Progress... 572 00:53:31,910 --> 00:53:35,622 Your shirt's misbuttoned Her shirt is misbuttoned. 573 00:53:36,290 --> 00:53:40,459 Thank you Amy, for pointing that out. You're so welcome. 574 00:53:40,460 --> 00:53:45,673 Gosh! Its been such a mess this week. You know, Just working myself to the bone. 575 00:53:45,674 --> 00:53:48,676 Yeah, its been quite a change. Well I think it's great. 576 00:53:48,677 --> 00:53:54,849 I just love people who are so passionate about what they do... it's so inspirational. 577 00:53:54,850 --> 00:53:59,062 Thanks. Yea you know, some teachers just sail by doing that bare minimum thing... 578 00:53:59,104 --> 00:54:02,191 I don't know, it's just not me... 579 00:54:02,232 --> 00:54:05,861 It's good to know there's still some actual educators out there. 580 00:54:07,696 --> 00:54:10,698 What else, Sasha? I think I've told you everything. 581 00:54:10,699 --> 00:54:14,869 Anyone know where Danny Morebox is? Any more movies in class? 582 00:54:14,870 --> 00:54:20,082 No, we're actually learning. Hey do you know Animal Farm isn't even really about animals? 583 00:54:20,083 --> 00:54:24,253 Animal Farm? Sasha, that's not even on the syllabus. 584 00:54:24,254 --> 00:54:27,049 Yeah, I know you're forgetting something. 585 00:54:28,759 --> 00:54:32,595 One extra credit on your diagram, want or not? I do I want it. 586 00:54:32,596 --> 00:54:35,516 Okay, okay think. Let me think. 587 00:54:36,558 --> 00:54:39,685 Well there was... Never mind. What? 588 00:54:39,686 --> 00:54:42,648 Well it was okay... it was medicinal. 589 00:54:44,900 --> 00:54:49,820 And if she claims it's medicinal, I would demand to see a prescription. 590 00:54:49,821 --> 00:54:51,657 That's what I would do if I were you, Wally. 591 00:54:51,658 --> 00:54:55,826 Do you have any proof other than what one student thought she saw? 592 00:54:55,827 --> 00:55:01,708 Well this one student is in line to be editor of The Daily Musket next year. 593 00:55:02,042 --> 00:55:04,378 She's got a lot to loose going public with this. 594 00:55:04,419 --> 00:55:09,298 If the Teacher's Union found out that I was administering a drug test to a teacher with this little proof... 595 00:55:09,299 --> 00:55:11,759 They would make my life a living hell, Amy... 596 00:55:11,760 --> 00:55:13,971 So, you're just gonna let her walk free? 597 00:55:15,138 --> 00:55:17,599 That's it! 598 00:55:21,395 --> 00:55:23,896 Amy, Stop that Stop it! 599 00:55:23,897 --> 00:55:25,189 Sorry. 600 00:55:25,190 --> 00:55:27,359 Sorry. Sit down. 601 00:55:28,944 --> 00:55:35,366 Amy, Do you see this beautiful little glass dolphin figurine? 602 00:55:35,367 --> 00:55:37,035 Mmmm... Look at it. 603 00:55:37,786 --> 00:55:39,495 Yeah. Look at it. 604 00:55:39,496 --> 00:55:42,875 Looking at it! Elizabeth gave this to me. 605 00:55:43,333 --> 00:55:47,296 She is a thoughtful young woman and she is teaching for all the right reasons. 606 00:55:47,462 --> 00:55:53,176 Wally!!! Can't you see? She is manipulating you through the use of dolphins? 607 00:55:53,177 --> 00:55:58,139 No, what I see is that you are getting worked up And what I would hate to see... 608 00:55:58,140 --> 00:56:01,977 is for you to get overwhelmed... 609 00:56:02,603 --> 00:56:05,022 like you did in 2008. 610 00:56:05,814 --> 00:56:09,067 Gotcha! Thanks Wally, for bringing that up. 611 00:56:10,527 --> 00:56:13,030 For I'm all about that. 612 00:56:15,574 --> 00:56:18,160 Do not do that with your mouth. 613 00:56:19,661 --> 00:56:21,246 Regular mouth. 614 00:56:27,002 --> 00:56:31,714 "Atticus Finch is a good lawyer because he is a good person... 615 00:56:31,715 --> 00:56:33,675 who's a lawyer." 616 00:56:35,761 --> 00:56:40,849 Stupid point, misspelled. 617 00:56:42,267 --> 00:56:45,144 "Stupider" 618 00:56:45,145 --> 00:56:48,565 Is this English? 619 00:56:53,445 --> 00:56:58,909 Are you fucking kidding me? 620 00:57:01,912 --> 00:57:05,331 Pathetic. This is why the Japs are overtaking us. 621 00:57:05,332 --> 00:57:07,167 And believe me I don't mean you. 622 00:57:08,669 --> 00:57:11,088 But, we're working really hard. 623 00:57:12,256 --> 00:57:15,383 You're not working hard enough. I need results. 624 00:57:15,384 --> 00:57:17,177 Class dismissed. 625 00:57:25,644 --> 00:57:28,729 OFFICIAL PRACTICE TEST MANUAL 626 00:57:28,730 --> 00:57:30,524 I need that test! 627 00:58:40,323 --> 00:58:44,702 Good afternoon, Illinois standard student test How may I direct your call? 628 00:58:44,703 --> 00:58:48,664 Hi, my name is Marjarie Goodman and I'm calling from the Chicago Tribune. 629 00:58:48,665 --> 00:58:54,504 Who could I speak to regarding the allegations of racial bias on your standardized tests? 630 00:58:54,588 --> 00:58:56,256 Please hold.. 631 00:59:06,141 --> 00:59:08,185 Marjarie? 632 00:59:08,476 --> 00:59:10,561 You must be Carl? 633 00:59:10,562 --> 00:59:15,317 Thank you for meeting me on such short notice. Of course. Sure.. 634 00:59:15,525 --> 00:59:19,487 Did you find the boys okay? Was it a good drive? - Great drive. 635 00:59:19,571 --> 00:59:24,825 Listen Carl, I know that you are a very busy man So, I'm just gonna get right down to it 636 00:59:24,826 --> 00:59:30,039 I've been speaking to various... ah... black... citizens... who 637 00:59:30,040 --> 00:59:34,418 ...alleged that your test are biased towards white people and orientals. 638 00:59:34,419 --> 00:59:39,965 Okay... lemme tell you something right away A: Orientals tests better... 639 00:59:39,966 --> 00:59:45,679 B: Every couple of years we get these cockamamie charges coming in from various parts of the state. 640 00:59:45,680 --> 00:59:49,141 Lemme dat daa... Usually here, the things that they call me. 641 00:59:49,142 --> 00:59:54,021 Racist, faggotron, faggy Hitler, dick breath... Okay...? 642 00:59:54,022 --> 00:59:59,318 But I am not racist. I voted for Obama, you can quote me on that in your article. 643 00:59:59,319 --> 01:00:01,320 You know what I think would help... Carl...? 644 01:00:01,321 --> 01:00:03,781 For me to see one of this year's tests. 645 01:00:03,782 --> 01:00:07,201 Oh! Sure, I can get you one easy No problem. 646 01:00:07,202 --> 01:00:08,869 Great... great! 647 01:00:08,870 --> 01:00:13,833 Umm... The day after the schools administers them, I will shoot one right over to you. 648 01:00:13,834 --> 01:00:16,627 I was hoping to see it sooner. I'm on a bit of a deadline. 649 01:00:16,628 --> 01:00:22,591 No, no... that is absolutely classified Unless, unless you have one of these bad boys, right here. 650 01:00:22,592 --> 01:00:28,013 Wow! You know Carl... Enough business for one night, don't you think? 651 01:00:28,014 --> 01:00:32,894 Oh... oh tell me bout that... I think I'm gonna have another drink before I hit the road. 652 01:00:33,478 --> 01:00:38,400 ...It's like the freedom and the wind in your hair obviously the image... you don't wanna... 653 01:00:38,483 --> 01:00:42,070 But then there were others like... just... Like hopeless or scary... so I... count me out. 654 01:00:42,153 --> 01:00:46,032 But you seem like such a wild man Carl... 655 01:00:47,701 --> 01:00:50,745 What turns you on Carl? 656 01:00:51,830 --> 01:00:56,418 Eh..Everything. You wanna know what turns me on? 657 01:00:56,543 --> 01:00:58,086 Sex in an office. 658 01:00:58,295 --> 01:01:03,383 Getting fucked really hard against a wooden desk. 659 01:01:04,301 --> 01:01:07,888 Mine's metal. Even better. 660 01:01:08,346 --> 01:01:11,016 And voila. So... 661 01:01:14,102 --> 01:01:15,312 This is the desk. 662 01:01:16,938 --> 01:01:18,982 Do you have anything to drink? 663 01:01:19,274 --> 01:01:23,361 Uh Uhh!! Yes I do! 664 01:01:24,487 --> 01:01:26,071 Voila. 665 01:01:26,072 --> 01:01:29,909 White wine in the office? Bad Boy... 666 01:01:29,910 --> 01:01:33,330 Do you have any music Carl? I have the Internet radio. 667 01:01:33,580 --> 01:01:36,791 I love Internet radio. 668 01:01:37,375 --> 01:01:40,169 You. Ve... come to... the right place. 669 01:01:40,170 --> 01:01:41,963 Cause I have that. 670 01:01:42,631 --> 01:01:45,509 See, I am not a wiz' at this computer here. 671 01:01:45,592 --> 01:01:53,308 Umm... it's relatively new and Grace who is ah... Work with me on Mondays and Wednesdays and Thursday and... 672 01:01:53,433 --> 01:01:59,439 I share her with Greg across the way Greg across is actually the guy who got me into spinning. 673 01:01:59,856 --> 01:02:01,608 Oh, there we go. 674 01:02:05,070 --> 01:02:07,488 Shall we toast? 675 01:02:07,489 --> 01:02:10,534 To new friends And new lovers 676 01:02:27,133 --> 01:02:30,803 I'm gonna take off my shoes, is that okay? Whatever man. I'm gonna go hit the ladies room. 677 01:02:30,804 --> 01:02:35,100 Okay... There's a handicapped one... which is way closer use the handicapped one, its way closer 678 01:03:02,460 --> 01:03:05,463 I took off my shoes? Oh Carl... 679 01:03:05,922 --> 01:03:08,508 I wanna fuck you baa-side desk 680 01:03:08,884 --> 01:03:10,260 I wanna fuck you against the desk 681 01:03:10,510 --> 01:03:14,346 Carl..I'm gonna need you to pass the fuck out. 682 01:03:14,347 --> 01:03:20,103 Marji... I am going to rock your vagina. 683 01:03:21,521 --> 01:03:23,940 Ohh... The wine is good. 684 01:03:33,909 --> 01:03:36,786 Hello titties... 685 01:03:37,078 --> 01:03:39,246 ONE MONTH LATER 686 01:03:39,247 --> 01:03:43,501 If anyone has any information regarding the missing Anne wig... 687 01:03:43,502 --> 01:03:46,545 please... let me know ASAP. 688 01:03:46,546 --> 01:03:49,757 Come on, guys. There's a wig missing. 689 01:03:49,758 --> 01:03:53,241 Because if that wig isn’t found 690 01:03:53,242 --> 01:03:56,723 you can bet your bottom dollar the sun will not come out tomorrow. 691 01:03:57,307 --> 01:03:59,266 Back to you, Wally. 692 01:03:59,267 --> 01:04:03,771 Ahh... Okay thank you, Amy. I'm sure everybody wants to get home so I'm gonna be quick. 693 01:04:03,772 --> 01:04:06,942 Four scores, seven years ago. 694 01:04:11,571 --> 01:04:13,864 That's a... Goddamn it! Sandy... 695 01:04:13,865 --> 01:04:16,368 Sandy's so funny. 696 01:04:17,994 --> 01:04:21,997 Huh... I have here I have here the results of the state exam. 697 01:04:21,998 --> 01:04:26,627 And I'm happy to announce that the... John Adams Middle School, that's us... 698 01:04:26,628 --> 01:04:30,048 Scored in the top 5% of the whole state. 699 01:04:32,634 --> 01:04:35,761 Nice... Good job, guys... 700 01:04:35,762 --> 01:04:39,139 And I wanna single out I wanna single out one of our own. 701 01:04:39,140 --> 01:04:41,892 Who show that with hard work and dedication... 702 01:04:41,893 --> 01:04:45,313 One teacher can make a difference. 703 01:04:45,480 --> 01:04:49,900 And this teacher is now $ 5700 richer. 704 01:04:49,901 --> 01:04:53,780 With the highest scores in cook-county That's the whole county 705 01:04:54,197 --> 01:04:58,200 I want everyone to give a big round of applause. 706 01:04:58,201 --> 01:05:00,412 To Elizabeth Halsey. 707 01:05:06,084 --> 01:05:09,337 Well done. Thank you. 708 01:05:13,091 --> 01:05:15,844 Congratulations, Miss. Halsey. 709 01:05:15,927 --> 01:05:17,888 Thanks dude. 710 01:05:18,847 --> 01:05:23,727 Well if it isn't Professor Smarty pants? Don't mess with me, I'm a lot stronger than I look. 711 01:05:25,061 --> 01:05:29,398 Elizabeth, I am so proud of you. 712 01:05:29,399 --> 01:05:35,946 I mean if someone told me at the beginning of the year that you... 'you'... will get the bonus... 713 01:05:35,947 --> 01:05:42,286 Won't have had to say to whom ever it was "No way"... "Absolutely not" and... 714 01:05:42,287 --> 01:05:45,414 Now, here we are... 715 01:05:45,415 --> 01:05:47,875 We should go out and celebrate. Your treat? 716 01:05:47,876 --> 01:05:54,966 Yea, unfortunately Elizabeth, Scott and I have to go over the itinerary for the Springfield trip. 717 01:05:55,008 --> 01:05:58,553 We're the chaperones we're going together. 718 01:05:58,637 --> 01:06:01,890 We're dating... so... It'll also be romantic. 719 01:06:01,932 --> 01:06:07,521 Have fun. Yea, You're not seeing anyone now, right? 720 01:06:16,814 --> 01:06:20,359 Almost... done... 721 01:06:20,401 --> 01:06:25,197 Okay... so that's endorsed And put the rest on these. 722 01:06:25,614 --> 01:06:27,283 Just put it. Alrighty. 723 01:06:28,034 --> 01:06:30,745 Okay. 724 01:06:32,413 --> 01:06:34,123 "Ms. Squirrel says reading is fun" 725 01:06:52,850 --> 01:06:55,478 "Learning is Fun-tastic" 726 01:07:03,027 --> 01:07:05,321 Who did this? 727 01:07:05,404 --> 01:07:11,826 Aww... Come on. Anyone wants extra sticker on their wall star board? 728 01:07:11,827 --> 01:07:16,707 What brings you here? Mr. Apple. 729 01:07:19,960 --> 01:07:23,089 What was that, Mr. Apple? 730 01:07:23,714 --> 01:07:26,634 You want me to take a bite? 731 01:07:26,926 --> 01:07:29,595 Alrighty roo... 732 01:07:33,015 --> 01:07:36,601 Elizabeth, I just want to thank you again for stepping in today, you really saved us here. 733 01:07:36,602 --> 01:07:39,938 No problem. Is Amy gonna be okay? 734 01:07:39,939 --> 01:07:44,276 Yea, Amy's gonna be fine. Well, let her know she's in my prayers. 735 01:07:51,033 --> 01:07:54,412 Someone's calling my name. 736 01:07:54,995 --> 01:07:58,958 I dare you. I'm not afraid of your dare, Fabrigo. 737 01:08:03,045 --> 01:08:05,381 That's really dangerous, Russell 738 01:08:05,464 --> 01:08:08,675 I'll call you from the hotel. Bye, Amy. 739 01:08:08,676 --> 01:08:12,137 Yea, she's sitting right next to me. No. 740 01:08:12,138 --> 01:08:15,141 Thanks for calling again 741 01:08:16,017 --> 01:08:20,270 Amy says "hi" Well she sure calls a lot. 742 01:08:20,271 --> 01:08:23,566 So, are you excited about your surgery? 743 01:08:23,607 --> 01:08:26,192 I've never been more excited about anything. 744 01:08:26,193 --> 01:08:29,362 It's a pretty inspiring message to the kids. 745 01:08:29,363 --> 01:08:32,449 We should never stop working on ourselves. 746 01:08:32,450 --> 01:08:37,913 Like you, with your little boobs or me experimenting with ethnic food. 747 01:09:19,455 --> 01:09:22,291 Gosh!! I never loose my keys. 748 01:09:23,501 --> 01:09:26,753 Such a dingaling. 749 01:09:26,754 --> 01:09:30,132 What's wrong with your face? What is wrong with your face? 750 01:09:30,174 --> 01:09:32,967 Hey... I'm Just trying to make conversation. 751 01:09:32,968 --> 01:09:37,139 We're all done. Super, thanks a bunchames 752 01:09:46,107 --> 01:09:48,776 I knew it. 753 01:09:59,203 --> 01:10:04,875 Well that is definitely Marjarie, only with kind of weird hair here In real life she's actually very pretty. 754 01:10:05,084 --> 01:10:11,173 She in some kind of trouble? Marjarie? I think you're the one who might be in some kind of trouble. 755 01:10:11,382 --> 01:10:15,511 Did you or did you not give her a copy of the state test? 756 01:10:16,429 --> 01:10:20,849 No, no... no absolutely not, no I... 757 01:10:20,850 --> 01:10:24,477 I did give her some quotes for her article. 758 01:10:24,478 --> 01:10:29,358 What article? Her article for the Tribune. She's a reporter there, right? 759 01:10:32,361 --> 01:10:35,572 Test tampering? At JAMS? 760 01:10:35,573 --> 01:10:39,451 This time I have a witness and like I said Wally, she stole the Anne wig. 761 01:10:39,452 --> 01:10:42,787 We're dealing with a criminal mastermind. 762 01:10:42,788 --> 01:10:46,083 Sorry to be the bearer of bad news Wall... 763 01:10:46,125 --> 01:10:49,962 You know... how much we all love her. 764 01:10:50,713 --> 01:10:53,465 Okay, well... You know I have to call the superintendor. 765 01:10:53,466 --> 01:10:57,385 We're gonna have to cross check her entire class's scores. 766 01:10:57,386 --> 01:10:59,638 This is a real shit sandwich! 767 01:11:00,348 --> 01:11:02,640 Course, you know what scares me the most, Wall? 768 01:11:02,641 --> 01:11:04,727 This is just what we know, right? 769 01:11:05,394 --> 01:11:09,106 Who knows what else she's capable of? 770 01:11:11,650 --> 01:11:13,527 So awful. 771 01:11:21,410 --> 01:11:23,119 Fruit Roll-Up? 772 01:11:23,120 --> 01:11:25,539 You know, when President Lincoln abolish slavery... 773 01:11:25,540 --> 01:11:29,251 It was not a popular opinion. 774 01:11:29,293 --> 01:11:33,422 - Hmmm. - I just hate slavery so so much. 775 01:11:33,464 --> 01:11:36,174 Slavery's the worst. 776 01:11:36,175 --> 01:11:40,012 If I could go back in time and undo slavery? I would. 777 01:11:41,138 --> 01:11:42,889 I hate it. 778 01:11:42,890 --> 01:11:44,015 I hate it. 779 01:11:44,016 --> 01:11:49,397 Hey, I'm sorry to interrupt you guys, but... I couldn't help it over hear your conversations. 780 01:11:49,438 --> 01:11:51,231 Can I tell you guys what I hate? 781 01:11:51,232 --> 01:11:56,529 Sharks. Well sharks can tear families apart. 782 01:11:57,071 --> 01:12:00,282 But they're also so majestic. They are beautiful creatures. 783 01:12:00,324 --> 01:12:03,828 But they're also so ferocious. So ferocious. 784 01:12:04,036 --> 01:12:07,748 One of nature's cruel joke I guess... 785 01:12:12,044 --> 01:12:14,714 Thank you, Elizabeth, for listening. 786 01:12:15,297 --> 01:12:19,385 Scott, I want you to know You can talk to me about anything. 787 01:12:40,698 --> 01:12:44,118 Your jeans feels so good against my jeans. 788 01:12:44,243 --> 01:12:48,705 Totally. Hey, your body feels so good. 789 01:12:48,706 --> 01:12:51,334 Oh, I need some water. 790 01:13:12,980 --> 01:13:18,069 Oh I'm drying' the shit out of you. Oh Dry Fuck the fuck outta me, Scott. 791 01:13:18,110 --> 01:13:22,031 Just stop talking. 792 01:13:22,656 --> 01:13:27,036 I'm close. Don't move. 793 01:13:27,620 --> 01:13:31,916 Here I go... Almost. 794 01:13:32,041 --> 01:13:33,209 Wait for it. 795 01:13:35,294 --> 01:13:38,880 Really close.. Ready? Mmmm... Yea. 796 01:13:38,881 --> 01:13:40,174 Just stop talking. 797 01:13:55,010 --> 01:13:58,889 Almost there. 798 01:14:06,563 --> 01:14:09,775 That was great. More like amazing. 799 01:14:10,275 --> 01:14:16,240 Well, I'm gonna get going I don't want the kids to see me leaving your room - Yea. 800 01:14:20,160 --> 01:14:22,620 You're so symphaty-co. 801 01:14:22,621 --> 01:14:26,917 Maybe next time we can dry hump without our clothes on. 802 01:14:26,959 --> 01:14:30,546 I'm pretty sure I'd like that. 803 01:14:38,345 --> 01:14:40,931 Even your forehead is sexy. 804 01:14:42,307 --> 01:14:44,810 Oh, time for bed. 805 01:14:45,477 --> 01:14:49,481 All right then. See you in the maniano 806 01:14:50,607 --> 01:14:55,487 Elizabeth, don't let the bed bugs bite 807 01:15:05,873 --> 01:15:09,752 I was just going over some stuff for tomorrow. 808 01:15:09,877 --> 01:15:12,046 Yeah, cool... 809 01:15:12,796 --> 01:15:15,883 I'm serious. Okay. 810 01:15:16,800 --> 01:15:19,219 Cheers. 811 01:15:21,430 --> 01:15:26,226 They forgot to re-stuffed my minibar. How's yours lookin'? 812 01:15:26,310 --> 01:15:30,731 You know, I'm super tired I'm just getin' in the sack 813 01:15:30,898 --> 01:15:35,486 I'll see you tomorrow then. Good night. 814 01:15:37,029 --> 01:15:41,283 And 17. 815 01:15:41,367 --> 01:15:49,166 Oh, hold on. Shelly... Ooo Shelly, someone's got a message. 816 01:15:50,793 --> 01:15:56,590 Ah! Dry humpin' the shit out of you. Yeah, Dry Fuck the fuck outta me, Scott. 817 01:15:58,425 --> 01:16:01,928 I wasn't always president. Oh!! no! 818 01:16:01,929 --> 01:16:06,641 I had many jobs when I lived here in New Salem. 819 01:16:06,642 --> 01:16:11,270 My fave... My favorite job was, 'Splitting rails'. 820 01:16:11,271 --> 01:16:15,275 Which is why they call me 'rail splitter'. 821 01:16:16,485 --> 01:16:19,738 Anybody know... anybody know any of my other nick names?? 822 01:16:19,780 --> 01:16:24,826 "Honest Abe". Yes, obviously. Honest Abe. 823 01:16:24,827 --> 01:16:27,162 That was the big one Honest Abe. 824 01:16:27,204 --> 01:16:30,749 They always called me that because I said what was on my mind. 825 01:16:30,916 --> 01:16:33,835 Even if it made me unpopular. 826 01:16:33,836 --> 01:16:41,218 Remember, a great man always has the courage to say what is in his heart. 827 01:16:41,719 --> 01:16:43,595 Yea? 828 01:16:45,014 --> 01:16:51,770 I love Chase Rubin Rossy. Great. 829 01:16:51,895 --> 01:16:55,232 Who would like to see Mary Tod churn butter? Churn butter? 830 01:16:55,315 --> 01:16:59,318 I love you, Chase. I wanna yell it from the mountain tops. 831 01:16:59,319 --> 01:17:05,409 And even though you pretty much stop talking to me in fifth grade... I don't care 832 01:17:05,492 --> 01:17:08,411 I remember the Chase that wrote me a card. 833 01:17:08,412 --> 01:17:11,915 When my dad was overweight and had to go to the hospital because of his heart. 834 01:17:12,750 --> 01:17:16,044 And a year later, when he left my mom and moved in with his trainer... 835 01:17:16,045 --> 01:17:18,172 You wrote me another card. 836 01:17:18,213 --> 01:17:20,423 What happened to us? 837 01:17:20,424 --> 01:17:24,762 Remember, in the second grade when we had a sleep over and you wet the bed? 838 01:17:24,887 --> 01:17:29,308 And you were so embarrassed, and you made me promise never to tell anyone? 839 01:17:29,767 --> 01:17:33,687 Well, I never have and I never will. 840 01:17:33,771 --> 01:17:37,733 So there it is My heart honestly. 841 01:17:38,275 --> 01:17:40,486 Don't let me leave. Oh! Please don't. 842 01:17:40,819 --> 01:17:44,615 Always believe. 843 01:17:45,324 --> 01:17:47,618 Gross... 844 01:17:47,659 --> 01:17:50,954 Buuhhr! Loser. 845 01:17:51,955 --> 01:17:53,332 Guys, c'mon settle down. 846 01:17:53,374 --> 01:17:57,503 Okay... Let's see how Mary Tod's doing with that butter. 847 01:17:57,586 --> 01:18:00,755 Okay... That's enough. We get it, you're crying. 848 01:18:00,756 --> 01:18:02,716 She just laughed at me and called me 'gross'. 849 01:18:02,800 --> 01:18:07,346 Yeah! Did you hear your speech? Come on lets go back. No. 850 01:18:07,429 --> 01:18:09,181 No, I'm not going back. Come on. 851 01:18:09,264 --> 01:18:12,142 Just leave me alone. 852 01:18:17,189 --> 01:18:19,775 Get your ass back here. 853 01:18:28,367 --> 01:18:30,452 We done running? 854 01:18:30,828 --> 01:18:35,499 Ah? Everything okay in here? It's okay, I'm his teacher. 855 01:18:35,582 --> 01:18:37,710 Oh Okay Take your time. 856 01:18:38,210 --> 01:18:40,295 She's never gonna like me, is she? 857 01:18:40,379 --> 01:18:43,382 Are we still on this? She's my everything. 858 01:18:45,467 --> 01:18:49,546 Here is the deal man... I cannot keep sugar coating this for you. 859 01:18:49,547 --> 01:18:52,433 This girl is never gonna be interested in you. 860 01:18:52,641 --> 01:18:59,648 Never. You clearly have a... rich interior life with the poems and the whatever but... 861 01:18:59,732 --> 01:19:04,945 She wants a guy like Ian.. What's his face? Ian Mentelbaum? The rapper? 862 01:19:05,029 --> 01:19:07,990 He's an idiot. Yea, he's a fuckin' moron. 863 01:19:08,115 --> 01:19:09,699 But she doesn't care. 864 01:19:09,700 --> 01:19:12,286 She's superficial and her priorities are all fucked up. 865 01:19:15,080 --> 01:19:19,126 She likes him because he's hot and popular dude. You... 866 01:19:19,960 --> 01:19:23,005 are sensitive. Yes, thank you. 867 01:19:23,047 --> 01:19:25,549 It's not a compliment. 868 01:19:26,091 --> 01:19:28,344 You have some rough road ahead of you. 869 01:19:28,385 --> 01:19:32,222 Seventh grade is not your moment. Yeah, eighth grade will be better. 870 01:19:32,306 --> 01:19:35,059 Probably not. I think in college. 871 01:19:35,309 --> 01:19:38,896 That's your window be ready. 872 01:19:42,983 --> 01:19:45,861 ...If I go back out there everyone's gonna laugh at me. 873 01:19:53,952 --> 01:19:56,538 Maybe this will help. What are you doing? 874 01:19:56,622 --> 01:20:00,292 I'm giving you a gift. Oh wow.. 875 01:20:00,751 --> 01:20:04,254 We are gonna change the new cycle. 876 01:20:05,047 --> 01:20:07,299 Trust me on this. 877 01:20:10,052 --> 01:20:11,761 I thought it would be heavier. 878 01:20:11,762 --> 01:20:16,850 Don't be weird, and take this off never fucking wear it again, what are u, crazy? 879 01:20:21,105 --> 01:20:24,692 Everything okay with Garrett? No, it's not 880 01:20:24,775 --> 01:20:29,697 I found him hooking up with an eighth-grader from another school. She was jerking him off. 881 01:20:29,780 --> 01:20:35,369 Yea, I'm gonna give him detention when we get back. That's probably a good idea. 882 01:20:35,494 --> 01:20:38,288 Garrett Portman, I was a kid from an old boys school. 883 01:20:38,372 --> 01:20:41,834 Yea, and he was wearing this. What? 884 01:20:42,584 --> 01:20:46,463 Awesome. It's real... 885 01:20:48,716 --> 01:20:53,470 It's a nice thing you did. I don't know what you're talking about? 886 01:20:53,554 --> 01:20:58,392 Really? Cause I couldn't help but notice that you're not wearing a bra. 887 01:20:58,434 --> 01:21:01,562 And those... Those kids are there playing with it. 888 01:21:02,563 --> 01:21:07,234 Much people don't wear bras. Definitely. Much teachers. 889 01:21:07,317 --> 01:21:11,030 Well if you must know, I was helping a student through a tough time 890 01:21:11,155 --> 01:21:13,532 I'm going through such a tough time. 891 01:21:13,615 --> 01:21:17,911 Can I have your panties? I'm not wearing any.. 892 01:21:27,463 --> 01:21:30,966 Amy, what are you doing here? Scott, talk to the hand. 893 01:21:31,800 --> 01:21:34,553 Amy? I know... 894 01:21:34,636 --> 01:21:37,347 Ev-ery-thing. 895 01:21:37,348 --> 01:21:39,766 Carl Halabi. The state test. 896 01:21:39,767 --> 01:21:42,643 The blasting disregard for the school syllabus. 897 01:21:42,644 --> 01:21:46,398 And lets not forget.. The sleeping with my boyfriend 898 01:21:47,775 --> 01:21:50,486 Scott, your phone accidentally called me last night 899 01:21:51,153 --> 01:21:54,823 I can't believe you let her take advantage of you like that. 900 01:21:55,532 --> 01:22:01,747 You are too trusting. I am. I didn't know what was happening 901 01:22:01,830 --> 01:22:05,292 I hope you haven't spent that bonus check on anything because you're about to give it back. 902 01:22:05,293 --> 01:22:10,005 And then some... jail time... Jail time! 903 01:22:10,923 --> 01:22:16,678 Did you ever think that maybe... Save it doll face you can explain it all tomorrow to the principal. 904 01:22:16,679 --> 01:22:17,888 And the superintendent. 905 01:22:17,889 --> 01:22:23,977 When you got your meeting with the principal and the superintendent tomorrow... at the meeting... 906 01:22:34,822 --> 01:22:39,243 I need you to go to this guy's office and scare the shit out of him. 907 01:22:39,660 --> 01:22:41,412 Tell me my mission again. 908 01:22:41,495 --> 01:22:46,166 Hand him the envelope. I'm gonna need a couple bucks for gas. 909 01:22:49,628 --> 01:22:52,798 And a couple bucks for snacks. 910 01:23:16,905 --> 01:23:20,367 Oh my God! Sir? 911 01:23:20,617 --> 01:23:23,495 Oh my God, are you okay? I got fucked up my knee. 912 01:23:23,912 --> 01:23:26,915 Easy Easy does it, easy... 913 01:23:28,042 --> 01:23:30,836 You need an ambulance? Ambulance is not necessary. 914 01:23:30,919 --> 01:23:34,423 I walking on. Walking on is number 1 worst thing you should probably do. 915 01:23:36,925 --> 01:23:38,802 Please don't touch my mirror. 916 01:23:38,886 --> 01:23:44,016 Please sir? What the ff?? What the fuck, who does that? I'm a friend of Marjorie's. 917 01:23:45,684 --> 01:23:48,771 Oh! Friend of Marjorie? Well get then... Fuck you man. 918 01:23:49,438 --> 01:23:53,691 Huh fuck you... fuck... You like that? Stop kicking it... You stop fucking kicking it. 919 01:23:53,692 --> 01:23:55,578 Fuck your scooter and fuck Marjorie. 920 01:23:55,579 --> 01:23:58,739 She drugged me and she stole from me... then she's going down. 921 01:23:58,822 --> 01:24:01,658 Let me think. 922 01:24:05,496 --> 01:24:11,335 Take it. And open up... open up. 923 01:24:12,628 --> 01:24:18,884 Ya, not bad... for a camera phone Huh?? You can keep those too -Fuck! 924 01:24:19,760 --> 01:24:23,806 And I was never here. You hear me? -Fuck. 925 01:24:26,642 --> 01:24:28,769 Don't... Stop fucking with my car. 926 01:24:33,816 --> 01:24:36,527 They're ready for you. 927 01:24:37,486 --> 01:24:43,325 Learning is fun-tastic. - What did you say to me? 928 01:24:43,409 --> 01:24:46,620 Desk? 929 01:24:48,372 --> 01:24:53,627 Yea, I forgot that was there. Such a dick sometimes. 930 01:24:55,212 --> 01:25:01,593 This is very very bad, Elizabeth. Incredibly very bad, Elizabeth 931 01:25:01,927 --> 01:25:04,221 ...and observe it Amy, you said you wouldn't speak. 932 01:25:05,639 --> 01:25:08,851 Bring him in. 933 01:25:14,231 --> 01:25:18,484 Mr. Halabi, thank you for your time. Most welcome. 934 01:25:18,485 --> 01:25:26,118 I guess I should begin by saying that my statement from earlier in the week was not true. 935 01:25:27,202 --> 01:25:29,788 What part of it, exactly? 936 01:25:29,872 --> 01:25:33,000 All of it.. Pretty much 937 01:25:33,751 --> 01:25:35,502 I've never seen this woman before in my life. 938 01:25:35,627 --> 01:25:41,215 Baloney. You seem... very certain a couple of days ago? 939 01:25:41,216 --> 01:25:45,846 I did, because... umm... 940 01:25:46,972 --> 01:25:49,058 I'm a casual drug user. 941 01:25:49,141 --> 01:25:53,061 That's my thing, and everybody knows it. so.. 942 01:25:53,062 --> 01:25:58,609 That explains me, making absolutely no sense. 943 01:26:00,319 --> 01:26:02,237 Thank you. 944 01:26:02,321 --> 01:26:05,990 You realise it... if we found out you're lying, You're gonna lose your job. 945 01:26:05,991 --> 01:26:07,201 Plus jail time. 946 01:26:07,326 --> 01:26:14,541 Yes I understand. I just don't want to see an innocent teacher get hurt. 947 01:26:15,292 --> 01:26:20,714 Thank you, sir. I don't want to see anybody get hurt. 948 01:26:29,640 --> 01:26:34,811 What the hell was that? So, there you go. I guess that explains everything. 949 01:26:34,812 --> 01:26:37,564 Retest!! Retest! Retest! 950 01:26:37,648 --> 01:26:41,567 Damn it! Squirrel... I am not going to have a repeat of 2008! 951 01:26:41,568 --> 01:26:44,446 Sit your ass down! 952 01:26:45,280 --> 01:26:47,281 A retest on? C'mon. 953 01:26:47,282 --> 01:26:49,409 Do we really wanna tell our young people... 954 01:26:49,410 --> 01:26:50,869 that if they study, sacrifice... 955 01:26:50,870 --> 01:26:53,788 and achieve the highest scores in the state... 956 01:26:53,789 --> 01:26:57,501 that they're rewarded with suspicion? 957 01:26:58,544 --> 01:27:00,545 I don't! 958 01:27:00,546 --> 01:27:03,423 I find these kind of accusations troubling. 959 01:27:03,424 --> 01:27:07,302 And quite frankly, reckless. 960 01:27:07,636 --> 01:27:09,471 I worked my ass off for this school. 961 01:27:09,472 --> 01:27:14,560 And I know I am not perfect. But show me the perfect teacher. 962 01:27:14,601 --> 01:27:16,269 You can't. 963 01:27:16,270 --> 01:27:21,650 There are even teachers in this very school who use drugs. 964 01:27:21,692 --> 01:27:27,197 They do, they do use drugs. - They do -They do -They do 965 01:27:27,239 --> 01:27:32,952 Wally, do you remember how I told you, there are teachers here who use and abuse drugs? 966 01:27:32,953 --> 01:27:37,666 God damn it! And I'm hearing about this now? 967 01:27:41,462 --> 01:27:43,213 Where is it Axle? Where's it boy? 968 01:27:43,297 --> 01:27:47,259 No, no, no that's my class. Axle's barking at the wrong tree there. 969 01:27:47,676 --> 01:27:52,514 Ma'am! Please don't touch the dog. Your dog is mistaken. 970 01:27:52,973 --> 01:27:57,770 We've got desk.. He's not gonna find anything in here. 971 01:28:02,941 --> 01:28:05,986 Clean! Haa! I told you. 972 01:28:06,320 --> 01:28:09,073 Maybe there's a false bottom. 973 01:28:19,458 --> 01:28:25,296 That is not mine. This... ss thiszzz... This isn’t even my desk, it's hers! 974 01:28:25,297 --> 01:28:29,343 Don't worry Amy... We'll get you the help you need. 975 01:28:31,512 --> 01:28:32,763 You monster!! 976 01:28:32,805 --> 01:28:39,395 Wow wooo woo wow Amy... Calm down, Amy. Fucking damn it! What the fuck!? 977 01:28:39,520 --> 01:28:43,649 I stole her desk. You can check my urine. 978 01:28:43,816 --> 01:28:46,694 Check it Check my urine. 979 01:28:47,778 --> 01:28:51,031 Well its been another great year here at JAMS. 980 01:28:51,907 --> 01:28:55,618 With summer round the corner, it's time to say goodbye not only to another school year... 981 01:28:55,619 --> 01:28:58,497 But also to one of our own. 982 01:28:59,248 --> 01:29:05,545 Amy Squirrel, after six short years, Amy is transferring out of the district. 983 01:29:05,546 --> 01:29:08,215 Speech, speech. Well... 984 01:29:08,716 --> 01:29:13,429 Aaah! Wally thank you for those kind words, and thank you all. 985 01:29:13,470 --> 01:29:18,307 My decision that I made myself to leave was super difficult. 986 01:29:18,308 --> 01:29:24,105 But when the superintendent personally ask you to work at one of the worst school in the state? 987 01:29:24,106 --> 01:29:25,941 Well... you say 'YES'. 988 01:29:26,984 --> 01:29:33,239 Boy, I am looking forward to bringing my brand of genie energy... 989 01:29:33,240 --> 01:29:37,036 ...to those under privilege students at Malcolm X high school. 990 01:29:39,079 --> 01:29:40,998 Thank you. 991 01:29:41,206 --> 01:29:48,881 Hey, Elizabeth..Listen, since Amy's transferring, maybe the two of us can start over. 992 01:29:53,719 --> 01:29:59,808 Oh, hey there..Scott Delacorte. And you are? Leaving. 993 01:30:15,908 --> 01:30:20,745 - Elizabeth? - Here. 994 01:30:20,746 --> 01:30:24,750 - Sign my yearbook. - Hold my ball sack 995 01:30:26,126 --> 01:30:29,922 I'll write my number down just in case you need a lift... 996 01:30:29,963 --> 01:30:31,674 ...after the surgery. 997 01:30:31,799 --> 01:30:34,968 For second, an extra set of hands to make sure the implants are settling properly. 998 01:30:35,010 --> 01:30:36,178 Thanks. 999 01:30:36,428 --> 01:30:40,348 Hey, aah!..You're not gonna teach again next year, are you? 1000 01:30:40,349 --> 01:30:42,642 I don't know... It's the only thing I'm good at 1001 01:30:42,643 --> 01:30:47,981 I'm just saying maybe... to consider doing something else... like anything else. 1002 01:30:48,023 --> 01:30:51,527 Like any other job... in the entire world. 1003 01:30:52,695 --> 01:30:58,200 You know? The two of us... It's never gonna happen. 1004 01:30:59,076 --> 01:31:01,619 - Clearly? - How would that even work? 1005 01:31:01,620 --> 01:31:06,499 Where do you even live? In some weird apartment with some creepy roommate? 1006 01:31:06,500 --> 01:31:11,005 No, my creepy roommate moved out. So now its just... just me... and the dogs. 1007 01:31:11,088 --> 01:31:12,965 How many dogs do you have? Four. 1008 01:31:12,966 --> 01:31:16,217 Four dogs? Four Dobermans. 1009 01:31:16,218 --> 01:31:18,344 Any family money? Yea, you bet? 1010 01:31:18,345 --> 01:31:24,018 We're talking like three figures.. Almost 700 bucks. 1011 01:31:24,226 --> 01:31:27,687 So, basically, if I was gonna go out with you, I would be making the conscious choice... 1012 01:31:27,688 --> 01:31:31,650 ...to be dating a Gym Teacher who lives in a shack with four dogs? 1013 01:31:31,692 --> 01:31:36,697 I prefer to think of it as two people with amazing bodies... 1014 01:31:36,739 --> 01:31:39,949 sharing those bodies with each other. 1015 01:31:39,950 --> 01:31:41,869 Giving each other the gift of these bodies. 1016 01:31:43,996 --> 01:31:49,793 Anyway, actually none of these really matters Umm... I sort of... started seeing somebody. 1017 01:31:53,213 --> 01:31:57,634 Really that's... Congratulations I didn't... I didn't realise that so... 1018 01:31:59,803 --> 01:32:04,600 - Those stupid... so... - I'm just fucking with you. 1019 01:32:05,142 --> 01:32:08,187 Guess I deserve that one..? Yea, you must certainly did 1020 01:32:08,312 --> 01:32:12,941 I think it's about time you realize, that the whole world's just... 1021 01:32:20,866 --> 01:32:24,703 See you around Gym teacher. 1022 01:32:33,003 --> 01:32:38,509 Hey... Let's do that again. 1023 01:32:43,472 --> 01:32:47,142 THREE MONTHS LATER. 1024 01:32:56,443 --> 01:33:00,029 Hey, Elizabeth. Hey Lynn, how was your summer? 1025 01:33:00,030 --> 01:33:03,616 Oh it was great. I went to the zoo almost every weekend. 1026 01:33:03,617 --> 01:33:05,285 Wow!! Sounds great. 1027 01:33:05,411 --> 01:33:08,789 Oh!... You didn't get your... Your titties...? 1028 01:33:08,872 --> 01:33:11,667 Yea... I thought about it, you know Cause I don't even need them. 1029 01:33:11,750 --> 01:33:16,755 Plus they're really expensive, you know..per tit. Yea, and you got to get two of them. 1030 01:33:18,549 --> 01:33:21,719 And I met a guy. Oh! Tell me everything. 1031 01:33:21,844 --> 01:33:25,597 Did you find your Prince Charming? 1032 01:33:25,848 --> 01:33:29,893 Something like that. 1033 01:33:29,977 --> 01:33:33,939 Hey, you wanna grab lunch later? Oh! Oh sure, yea, my treat. 1034 01:33:34,023 --> 01:33:36,692 Oh! You got it last time. We'll split it. -Oh! Okay yeah. 1035 01:33:41,196 --> 01:33:45,868 Hey, you in the cape You're up first. Let's go