1 00:00:02,000 --> 00:00:07,000 Downloaded from YTS.MX 2 00:00:08,000 --> 00:00:13,000 Official YIFY movies site: YTS.MX 3 00:00:43,375 --> 00:00:47,573 Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, lived a beautiful little girl... 4 00:00:47,780 --> 00:00:49,873 ...and her widowed father. 5 00:00:54,486 --> 00:00:55,851 It's beautifuI. 6 00:00:56,055 --> 00:01:01,322 Okay. it wasn't that long ago. And it wasn't really a faraway kingdom. 7 00:01:01,493 --> 00:01:04,155 it was the San Fernando Valley. it looked faraway... 8 00:01:04,363 --> 00:01:06,797 ...because you barely see it through the smog. 9 00:01:06,999 --> 00:01:10,366 But to me, growing up, the Valley was my kingdom. 10 00:01:16,742 --> 00:01:21,008 i was my dad's best friend. And he was mine. 11 00:01:21,914 --> 00:01:25,816 Being raised by a man put me behind in the makeup and fashion departments. 12 00:01:26,018 --> 00:01:29,317 But i never felt like i missed out on anything. 13 00:01:30,189 --> 00:01:32,987 i was the luckiest girl in the world. 14 00:01:36,395 --> 00:01:39,387 My dad owned the coolest diner. i loved hanging out there. 15 00:01:47,906 --> 00:01:49,737 Diet was a four-letter word here... 16 00:01:49,942 --> 00:01:52,172 ...and grease came at no additional charge. 17 00:01:52,578 --> 00:01:55,672 At Hal's, everyone felt like family. 18 00:01:55,881 --> 00:01:58,145 Oh, yeah, I have drinks. 19 00:02:02,454 --> 00:02:04,820 Happy birthday! 20 00:02:05,057 --> 00:02:06,786 Make a wish, princess. 21 00:02:06,992 --> 00:02:11,725 What did i need a wish for? i had amazing friends and the coolest dad. 22 00:02:17,803 --> 00:02:21,637 But i guess my dad thought i needed one more thing: Fiona. 23 00:02:21,840 --> 00:02:23,467 I am so sorry. 24 00:02:26,345 --> 00:02:28,210 You Iook beautifuI, Fiona. 25 00:02:28,413 --> 00:02:30,278 Hey, HaI! 26 00:02:32,951 --> 00:02:37,945 Along with my new stepmother came her twin daughters, Brianna and Gabriella. 27 00:02:38,157 --> 00:02:41,092 My out-of-step-sisters. 28 00:02:41,293 --> 00:02:46,458 But as long as my dad was happy, so was i. We were going to be one big, happy family. 29 00:02:46,665 --> 00:02:48,155 Cheese. 30 00:02:49,735 --> 00:02:50,929 One's enough. 31 00:02:51,136 --> 00:02:54,299 Unfortunately, this was no fairy tale. 32 00:02:55,140 --> 00:02:58,041 ''He took her hand, and he kissed it. 33 00:02:58,243 --> 00:03:00,268 Then he swooped her up onto his horse. 34 00:03:00,846 --> 00:03:06,478 And the beautifuI princess and the handsome prince rode off to his castIe... 35 00:03:06,685 --> 00:03:12,590 ...where they Iived happiIy ever after.'' 36 00:03:12,791 --> 00:03:15,885 Do fairy taIes come true, Dad? 37 00:03:16,094 --> 00:03:19,860 WeII, no. But dreams come true. 38 00:03:20,065 --> 00:03:22,397 -Do you have a dream? -Yeah. 39 00:03:22,601 --> 00:03:25,627 My dream is that you'II grow up and go to coIIege... 40 00:03:25,837 --> 00:03:28,965 ...and then maybe someday you'II buiId your own castIe. 41 00:03:29,441 --> 00:03:32,467 Where do princesses go to coIIege? 42 00:03:33,779 --> 00:03:36,373 They go... 43 00:03:36,582 --> 00:03:38,709 ...where the princes go. 44 00:03:38,917 --> 00:03:40,851 They go to Princeton. 45 00:03:41,086 --> 00:03:44,920 But, Sam, you know, fairy taIes aren't just about finding handsome princes. 46 00:03:46,258 --> 00:03:48,658 They're about fuIfiIIing your dreams... 47 00:03:48,860 --> 00:03:51,920 ...and about standing up for what you beIieve in. 48 00:03:52,164 --> 00:03:54,894 As I aIways say, never Iet the fear of striking out-- 49 00:03:55,100 --> 00:03:57,364 -Keep you from pIaying the game. -Right. 50 00:03:58,804 --> 00:04:02,763 Just remember, if you Iook carefuIIy, this book contains important things... 51 00:04:03,008 --> 00:04:05,977 ...that you may need to know Iater in Iife. 52 00:04:17,356 --> 00:04:19,290 -Earthquake. -My kingdom crumbled... 53 00:04:19,491 --> 00:04:21,391 ...during the Northridge earthquake. 54 00:04:21,593 --> 00:04:23,686 HeIp! HeIp! 55 00:04:23,929 --> 00:04:26,864 -Don't go. -I'II be right back. 56 00:04:38,777 --> 00:04:41,302 i lost my best friend that day. 57 00:04:41,546 --> 00:04:44,037 From then on, the only fairy tales in my life... 58 00:04:44,283 --> 00:04:46,808 ...were the ones i read about in books. 59 00:04:53,025 --> 00:04:57,394 Since my father didn't leave a will, my stepmother got everything. 60 00:04:57,596 --> 00:05:03,967 The house, the diner, and to her dismay, me. 61 00:05:50,749 --> 00:05:52,376 Sam. 62 00:05:53,852 --> 00:05:55,513 Sammy. 63 00:05:58,023 --> 00:06:00,150 Sam! 64 00:06:00,659 --> 00:06:02,854 it's breakfast time. 65 00:06:03,061 --> 00:06:05,825 So bring me my breakfast. 66 00:06:10,068 --> 00:06:12,628 Sam! 67 00:06:14,740 --> 00:06:18,733 CarefuI, Iadies. Look for the eyes. One, two, three, bicycIe. 68 00:06:20,512 --> 00:06:26,144 And feint. Magpie, magpie, magpie. FIap and fIap and fIap. Mary Lou Retton! 69 00:06:26,351 --> 00:06:29,946 PaIm tree and paIm tree. Lady Liberty. Lady Liberty. 70 00:06:30,155 --> 00:06:32,988 Around the harbor. Around the harbor. CircIe Line tour. 71 00:06:33,225 --> 00:06:35,523 And hurricane. 72 00:06:35,727 --> 00:06:38,890 Can you beIieve how extraordinariIy gifted my girIs are? 73 00:06:40,098 --> 00:06:42,566 AbsoIuteIy unbeIievabIe. ReaIIy. 74 00:06:43,769 --> 00:06:46,101 -Sam! -Find each other. Look in the eyes. 75 00:06:46,304 --> 00:06:48,534 -I'm coming. -One, two, three and four... 76 00:06:48,740 --> 00:06:50,503 ...and right, Ieft, up and down. 77 00:06:50,709 --> 00:06:54,372 Is this the Norwegian saImon I asked for? I need my omega-3s. 78 00:06:54,980 --> 00:06:56,208 OnIy the best. 79 00:06:59,518 --> 00:07:01,213 I can teII. 80 00:07:01,420 --> 00:07:05,481 You know, it costs a fortune to fIy that stuff in from Norwegia. 81 00:07:05,690 --> 00:07:08,454 And push it, Iadies. Push it, Iadies. Push it, Iadies. 82 00:07:08,660 --> 00:07:10,150 Ready? Okay. 83 00:07:14,766 --> 00:07:19,499 -Gross. Mom! -I have a spastic coIon. 84 00:07:19,704 --> 00:07:21,899 WeII, you have a spastic brain. 85 00:07:22,441 --> 00:07:24,671 -Stop. Stop hitting her. Stop. -You bit me. 86 00:07:25,110 --> 00:07:28,045 What are you doing just standing there? Get to work. 87 00:07:28,246 --> 00:07:31,545 I can't go to work now. I've got a big test I have to study for. 88 00:07:31,750 --> 00:07:37,689 Listen, Sam. PeopIe go to schooI to get smarter... 89 00:07:37,889 --> 00:07:40,551 ...so that they can get a job. 90 00:07:40,759 --> 00:07:44,354 You aIready have a job. So it's Iike skipping a step. 91 00:07:44,563 --> 00:07:46,724 Come on, get going. 92 00:07:47,199 --> 00:07:51,260 And FIying Karamazov. 93 00:07:58,243 --> 00:08:00,643 No, honey. Leave those on. 94 00:08:00,846 --> 00:08:02,438 The Iawn Iooks a IittIe brown. 95 00:08:02,647 --> 00:08:07,209 Fiona, we're supposed to be conserving water. We're in the middIe of a drought. 96 00:08:07,419 --> 00:08:09,216 Droughts are for poor peopIe. 97 00:08:10,021 --> 00:08:13,115 Do you think J.Lo has a brown Iawn? 98 00:08:13,658 --> 00:08:17,822 PeopIe who use extra water have extra cIass. 99 00:08:52,998 --> 00:08:57,697 You caII that grade-A beef? WeII, that cow must have cheated on his test. 100 00:09:01,506 --> 00:09:03,701 Pickup. 101 00:09:09,581 --> 00:09:11,208 Bobby, enough with the saImon. 102 00:09:11,416 --> 00:09:16,183 You aIready made a saImon omeIet, saImon soup and saImon pudding. Come on. 103 00:09:16,388 --> 00:09:19,380 -HeIp me. Fiona wants to eat me. -That's nasty. 104 00:09:19,591 --> 00:09:22,958 -Bite me, Rhonda. Bite me. -That's nasty. 105 00:09:23,361 --> 00:09:27,491 -EIeanor, your order's up. -Coming. I got it. 106 00:09:27,699 --> 00:09:29,098 Safe. 107 00:09:29,301 --> 00:09:30,859 I'm okay. 108 00:09:31,069 --> 00:09:32,900 -Chuck, how you doing? -Super. 109 00:09:33,104 --> 00:09:38,235 That's good. So cheese omeIet, extra bacon, crisp... 110 00:09:38,443 --> 00:09:41,276 -...bIueberry muffin and a Coke. -Make it a Diet Coke. 111 00:09:41,479 --> 00:09:43,913 I'm trying to watch my weight. 112 00:09:44,115 --> 00:09:45,912 It ain't going nowhere. 113 00:09:47,052 --> 00:09:49,680 Pick up these saImon waffIes. 114 00:09:53,725 --> 00:09:56,319 -Sam, why are you stiII here? -I'm aImost done. 115 00:09:56,528 --> 00:09:58,826 -You'II be Iate for schooI. -I'II get there. 116 00:09:59,030 --> 00:10:02,022 -Fiona goes baIIistic if I don't finish. -I don't care. 117 00:10:02,267 --> 00:10:04,167 What I care about is your education. 118 00:10:04,369 --> 00:10:07,133 She's got you getting up at the crack of dawn. 119 00:10:07,339 --> 00:10:09,534 -Your dad wouId want you at schooI. -But-- 120 00:10:09,741 --> 00:10:14,371 No more ''buts.'' You just Ieave Fiona and her big butt to me. 121 00:10:14,813 --> 00:10:17,407 -Thanks, Rhonda. -Get. 122 00:10:29,427 --> 00:10:31,258 Hey, Iooking good, Mr. FarreII. 123 00:10:31,463 --> 00:10:34,023 A man's best friend is his Mercedes, Sam. 124 00:10:34,633 --> 00:10:35,827 I'II remember that. 125 00:10:36,468 --> 00:10:40,097 Any-- Anything is possibIe if you just beIieve. 126 00:10:40,338 --> 00:10:43,774 -Anything is possibIe if you just-- -Audition today, son? 127 00:10:44,009 --> 00:10:48,571 -Yeah, 5:00, aII right? TeII Mom. -Knock them dead. 128 00:10:51,082 --> 00:10:55,951 Dad. Now, do you see what I have to go to schooI in? No offense, Sam. 129 00:10:56,154 --> 00:10:58,122 HonestIy, don't you feeI sorry for me? 130 00:10:58,523 --> 00:11:02,050 No, I feeI sorry about the three cars we got you that you totaIed. 131 00:11:02,827 --> 00:11:05,728 Okay. AII right. 132 00:11:10,135 --> 00:11:13,002 -Carter, what are you wearing? -What--? 133 00:11:13,204 --> 00:11:14,899 This is my Snoop DizzIe Iook. 134 00:11:16,207 --> 00:11:18,641 I cannot drive you to schooI Iike that. 135 00:11:18,877 --> 00:11:23,974 Sam, I am a Method actor, okay? This is part of my training. 136 00:11:24,215 --> 00:11:27,378 I know, I know, I know. But Iook at this. 137 00:11:27,719 --> 00:11:30,916 AII right. Take two. 138 00:11:37,195 --> 00:11:38,822 Buenos dias, Fighting Frogs. 139 00:11:39,030 --> 00:11:41,863 Here's your daiIy drought reminder to conserve agua. 140 00:11:42,067 --> 00:11:43,796 Cut your showers short. 141 00:11:44,002 --> 00:11:48,132 Brownie points go out to Mr. Rothman, who hasn't had one in weeks. 142 00:11:48,339 --> 00:11:51,001 Remember, today's your last chance to get tickets... 143 00:11:51,209 --> 00:11:53,973 ...to the big Halloween homecoming dance. 144 00:11:54,179 --> 00:11:57,979 You too can dress up Iike someone you're not, for a change. 145 00:11:58,183 --> 00:12:00,913 -I mean, I-- -I pIedge aIIegiance to the fIag... 146 00:12:01,119 --> 00:12:05,146 ...of the United States of America, and to the repubIic... 147 00:12:05,356 --> 00:12:07,517 ...for which it stands, one nation-- 148 00:12:07,726 --> 00:12:09,853 Primo parking spot dead ahead. 149 00:12:10,061 --> 00:12:13,656 -Okay, there's a spot. There's a spot. -Sam, watch out. Watch out. 150 00:12:14,799 --> 00:12:17,393 Okay. You snooze, you Iose! 151 00:12:17,602 --> 00:12:21,698 WeII, if it isn't SheIby Cummings and her Iadies in waiting. 152 00:12:22,941 --> 00:12:26,604 -SheIby wants me so bad. -You've never even taIked to her before. 153 00:12:26,811 --> 00:12:28,779 Oh, I've taIked to her. Okay? 154 00:12:28,980 --> 00:12:35,351 In my mind. And Iet me teII you, in my mind, she wants me so bad. 155 00:12:35,687 --> 00:12:40,147 Carter, you couId do so much better than SheIby Cummings. Even in your mind. 156 00:12:40,358 --> 00:12:42,986 -There's another spot. -Got it. 157 00:12:48,867 --> 00:12:50,596 Come on. 158 00:13:06,417 --> 00:13:08,180 Austin. 159 00:13:08,953 --> 00:13:10,614 PeopIe Iike SheIby and Austin... 160 00:13:10,822 --> 00:13:13,313 ...are geneticaIIy programmed to find each other. 161 00:13:13,525 --> 00:13:15,720 How can so much ego be in one reIationship? 162 00:13:16,027 --> 00:13:20,225 -Imagine what they say about you. -They don't even know I exist. 163 00:13:22,100 --> 00:13:25,001 StaIkerazzi at 3 o'cIock. 164 00:13:25,203 --> 00:13:29,162 The white zone is for cooI peopIe onIy. No geeks. 165 00:13:29,774 --> 00:13:34,837 Hey, diner girI, can I get a breakfast burrito to go? Thank you. 166 00:13:35,046 --> 00:13:37,241 And you thought they didn't know you exist. 167 00:13:37,448 --> 00:13:39,507 -That car's as oId as that hat. -Right. 168 00:13:40,752 --> 00:13:43,949 Move. Move. Move. 169 00:13:44,155 --> 00:13:47,181 -Move. Move. -Hi. 170 00:13:47,392 --> 00:13:51,089 SheIby. Hey, sister-friend. 171 00:13:51,830 --> 00:13:53,422 Remind me why we toIerate them. 172 00:13:53,631 --> 00:13:55,861 They gave you a Prada bag for your birthday. 173 00:13:56,067 --> 00:13:58,695 Try ''Frada'' bag. TotaIIy fake. 174 00:14:07,045 --> 00:14:11,778 Greetings. Samantha, you Iook absoIuteIy stunning today, as per usuaI. 175 00:14:11,983 --> 00:14:13,644 Thank you, Terry. 176 00:14:13,852 --> 00:14:17,652 If you'II excuse me, I must get back to my gaIaxy now. 177 00:14:18,156 --> 00:14:21,683 Zion, Lieutenant Terry here. HeIIo? 178 00:14:21,893 --> 00:14:24,885 Can you hear me? Captain? You're going in and out. 179 00:14:25,096 --> 00:14:27,894 -Poor guy. -At Ieast he's happy. 180 00:14:28,099 --> 00:14:31,967 -Happy? Guy Iives in another worId. -I copy. 181 00:14:32,170 --> 00:14:35,401 Sometimes fantasy is better than reaIity, Carter. 182 00:14:40,511 --> 00:14:44,242 -Speaking of fantasy. -I'II see you Iater. 183 00:14:44,449 --> 00:14:48,180 Yes, the secret admirer beckons. 184 00:14:54,325 --> 00:14:57,624 Where have you been? We haven't talked in ages. 185 00:14:58,229 --> 00:15:01,323 We taIked this morning. 186 00:15:02,934 --> 00:15:04,925 i can't stop thinking about you. 187 00:15:05,370 --> 00:15:07,634 What's on your mind right now? 188 00:15:09,607 --> 00:15:13,043 You first. 189 00:15:13,444 --> 00:15:17,813 Well, i'm thinking that Professor Rothman's dissected one too many frogs. 190 00:15:29,928 --> 00:15:31,452 Ribet, ribet. 191 00:15:33,564 --> 00:15:34,895 Laugh out Ioud. 192 00:15:36,234 --> 00:15:40,603 i wanna hear your laugh. When can we finally meet? 193 00:15:57,155 --> 00:15:58,417 Soon. 194 00:16:03,361 --> 00:16:05,795 How's your day so far? 195 00:16:06,164 --> 00:16:10,828 Raging stepmom, work and cool kids who can't get over themselves. 196 00:16:11,035 --> 00:16:13,469 -Ever feel like you don't belong? -Absolutely. 197 00:16:13,905 --> 00:16:18,308 i can be surrounded by a sea of people and still feel all alone. 198 00:16:18,543 --> 00:16:20,773 Then i think of you. 199 00:16:22,380 --> 00:16:25,713 Hey, Nomad, do you think we've ever met? 200 00:16:27,251 --> 00:16:30,948 i don't know. Our school has over 3500 kids. 201 00:16:31,155 --> 00:16:33,715 Well, that narrows it down. 202 00:16:33,958 --> 00:16:36,688 Well, at least i can eliminate the guys. 203 00:16:37,095 --> 00:16:41,395 You're not a guy, right? Because if you are, i'll kick your butt. 204 00:16:42,333 --> 00:16:44,767 i am not a guy. 205 00:16:45,737 --> 00:16:48,001 Have you told your dad about Princeton yet? 206 00:16:48,206 --> 00:16:52,438 if only i could. i haven't even told him i wanna be a writer. 207 00:16:52,643 --> 00:16:55,305 My father always encouraged me to pursue my dreams. 208 00:16:55,546 --> 00:16:59,573 Not mine. He has another plan for my life. 209 00:17:01,085 --> 00:17:03,610 it's 2 a.m. We've been at this for five hours. 210 00:17:05,723 --> 00:17:08,385 Well, i think we broke our record. 211 00:17:08,793 --> 00:17:12,422 -We should turn in. Sweet dreams. -Wait. 212 00:17:14,365 --> 00:17:16,959 i can't sleep without knowing there's hope. 213 00:17:17,869 --> 00:17:21,270 Half the night i waste in sighs. 214 00:17:21,773 --> 00:17:24,401 in a wakeful doze i sorrow. 215 00:17:25,043 --> 00:17:29,503 For the hand, the lips... 216 00:17:30,214 --> 00:17:31,977 ...the eyes. 217 00:17:32,216 --> 00:17:34,514 For the meeting of tomorrow. 218 00:17:35,186 --> 00:17:38,121 Quoting Tennyson. impressive. 219 00:17:38,423 --> 00:17:40,891 Please meet me at the homecoming dance. 220 00:17:41,125 --> 00:17:45,585 i'll be waiting for you at 1 1:00 in the middle of the dance floor. 221 00:17:49,434 --> 00:17:51,299 Sweet dreams. 222 00:17:55,640 --> 00:17:56,902 That was cIose. 223 00:17:57,108 --> 00:18:02,341 -You're finaIIy gonna be abIe to meet him. -I don't know. He's too good to be true. 224 00:18:07,318 --> 00:18:11,812 Come on. It's been, Iike, a month since you met him in that Princeton chat room, okay? 225 00:18:12,023 --> 00:18:16,392 -You taIk to him aII the time. You know him. -I know, but he doesn't know me. 226 00:18:16,594 --> 00:18:19,222 What if I meet him and I'm not what he expects? 227 00:18:19,430 --> 00:18:22,866 Maybe this whoIe reIationship's just better for cyberspace. 228 00:18:26,904 --> 00:18:30,203 Listen, okay? You have to go to that dance, okay? 229 00:18:30,408 --> 00:18:35,004 This Nomad guy isn't gonna be in one pIace for Iong, aII right? 230 00:18:35,213 --> 00:18:38,011 -If it heIps, I'II be your escort. -ReaIIy? 231 00:18:38,316 --> 00:18:41,877 -Yeah. -You rock, Carter. 232 00:18:45,790 --> 00:18:47,087 -HeIIo? -Sam. 233 00:18:47,592 --> 00:18:51,790 Some IittIe brat got into my saImon and ate it aII. 234 00:18:51,996 --> 00:18:55,796 i need more salmon. And pick up my dry cleaning. 235 00:18:56,000 --> 00:18:57,524 And wash the Jag. 236 00:19:00,371 --> 00:19:01,998 Fiona. One more pitch. 237 00:19:02,206 --> 00:19:07,041 -Why do you act Iike her sIave? -SimpIe. No Fiona, no money for Princeton. 238 00:19:07,245 --> 00:19:09,213 -That sucks. -TeII me about it. 239 00:19:17,355 --> 00:19:19,846 Hey, it's out of here. 240 00:19:25,129 --> 00:19:28,690 Damn, a girI hit that. See, now that's impressive. 241 00:19:28,900 --> 00:19:32,495 So, what are you and SheIby going to the dance as? 242 00:19:34,005 --> 00:19:36,098 I don't know if I'm going with SheIby. 243 00:19:36,307 --> 00:19:39,868 You're not gonna go with SheIby? Who eIse you gonna go with? 244 00:19:40,478 --> 00:19:43,003 I don't know. It's a mystery to me. 245 00:19:43,214 --> 00:19:46,377 -Thank you. -You're weIcome. 246 00:19:46,584 --> 00:19:49,678 Okay, guys. Come on. A IittIe bit further. Right there. 247 00:19:52,990 --> 00:19:56,050 Thirty percent off for USC aIumni. 248 00:19:59,497 --> 00:20:02,295 Looks good, my friend. Make sure you get these rims. 249 00:20:02,500 --> 00:20:04,968 -Austin. -What's up? 250 00:20:05,169 --> 00:20:08,195 What's with aII those coIIege brochures in your bedroom? 251 00:20:08,406 --> 00:20:10,499 What are you doing in my room? 252 00:20:12,210 --> 00:20:15,475 -I'm trying to keep my options open. -You don't need options. 253 00:20:15,680 --> 00:20:18,148 It is aII taken care of. 254 00:20:18,349 --> 00:20:23,377 Look, son, we've been working on this program since you were 9 years oId. 255 00:20:23,588 --> 00:20:26,056 You're gonna pIay USC footbaII, graduate... 256 00:20:26,257 --> 00:20:30,091 ...and then you'II manage this business with me. Your future's set. 257 00:20:30,294 --> 00:20:33,263 So don't mess with the pIan. AII right? 258 00:20:33,998 --> 00:20:35,590 WouIdn't think of it. 259 00:20:35,800 --> 00:20:38,963 There's another customer. Go make them happy. 260 00:20:41,572 --> 00:20:44,268 Yes, sir, here's your car. 261 00:20:45,009 --> 00:20:47,204 WeII, you need a wax. 262 00:20:47,678 --> 00:20:50,909 -Excuse me? -I meant the car. 263 00:20:51,716 --> 00:20:53,343 Oh, fine. 264 00:21:04,695 --> 00:21:06,162 -Austin. -Hi. 265 00:21:06,364 --> 00:21:08,355 -We need our cars washed. -Yeah, Iook. 266 00:21:08,566 --> 00:21:10,761 Dirt. 267 00:21:12,737 --> 00:21:14,602 One second, Iadies. AII right. 268 00:21:14,805 --> 00:21:18,502 Take this inside when you're done. Thank you very much. 269 00:21:18,709 --> 00:21:21,473 Oh, my God, he is an angeI. 270 00:21:21,679 --> 00:21:23,840 -He's so cute. -I know. 271 00:21:24,048 --> 00:21:27,882 So who'd you guys pay to make your cars so dirty? 272 00:21:28,085 --> 00:21:32,818 Excuse me? Like, what are you, the dirt poIice? 273 00:21:33,024 --> 00:21:34,753 Yeah. The dirt poIice. 274 00:21:34,959 --> 00:21:39,362 Like, excuse me, miss, do you know how fast your dirt was going? 275 00:21:39,563 --> 00:21:42,123 You shouId have stopped with the dirt poIice. 276 00:21:43,968 --> 00:21:46,903 You shouId get going, because our mom's Iooking for you. 277 00:21:47,104 --> 00:21:50,164 -WeII, where is she? -She's at home, baking. 278 00:21:52,977 --> 00:21:55,707 -You wanted to see me? -Yes. 279 00:21:57,982 --> 00:22:00,576 Oh, my-- Did you finish your errands? 280 00:22:00,785 --> 00:22:04,380 Because I need you to head to the diner and take the night shift. 281 00:22:05,523 --> 00:22:09,084 Tonight's my night off and it's the HaIIoween dance at schooI, so-- 282 00:22:09,293 --> 00:22:14,560 I know, but you need to stop being so seIf-centered and start thinking of others. 283 00:22:14,765 --> 00:22:18,132 Others need you to go to the diner and mop the fIoors tonight. 284 00:22:18,336 --> 00:22:21,737 But I reaIIy need to go to this dance, Fiona. I have to. 285 00:22:21,972 --> 00:22:24,839 You need to earn your tuition money for coIIege. 286 00:22:25,042 --> 00:22:27,840 You gotta bus a Iot of tabIes. 287 00:22:28,045 --> 00:22:33,813 I'm a straight-A student. I work seven days a week and I'm taking extra AP cIasses. 288 00:22:34,018 --> 00:22:38,978 I never asked you for anything. PIease Iet me go to this dance. 289 00:22:40,157 --> 00:22:43,854 Sweetheart, now that you're oId enough... 290 00:22:44,061 --> 00:22:48,657 ...there's something I've aIways wanted to teII you, and I think you're ready to hear it. 291 00:22:49,633 --> 00:22:52,796 You're not very pretty, and you're not very bright. 292 00:22:55,239 --> 00:22:56,866 I'm so gIad we had that taIk. 293 00:23:05,883 --> 00:23:07,942 -Man, you-- -Scoot over, bro. 294 00:23:08,185 --> 00:23:11,120 -See if we can get a bigger tabIe. -Move over. 295 00:23:13,991 --> 00:23:15,322 You're in my way. 296 00:23:17,895 --> 00:23:22,889 It must be HaIIoween. Look what just fIew in. The wicked witch of the VaIIey. 297 00:23:23,134 --> 00:23:26,865 I'm gonna be picking up GabrieIIa and Brianna at the HaIIoween dance. 298 00:23:27,104 --> 00:23:30,596 -I'II be back by 1 2 sharp. -Okay. 299 00:23:33,577 --> 00:23:35,101 StiII got room in there, huh? 300 00:23:35,346 --> 00:23:40,045 WeII, if it isn't IittIe Betty Crocker from the 'hood. 301 00:23:40,284 --> 00:23:43,185 Don't you have something to do, Iike cIeaning toiIets? 302 00:23:43,387 --> 00:23:47,790 You know, I wouId, but I'm too busy running this pIace. But be my guest. 303 00:23:48,392 --> 00:23:53,227 I'm sorry, I can't, because I just got a $1 50 manicure. SiIver paIm trees. 304 00:23:55,232 --> 00:23:59,430 Keep it up, Fiona, and I'm gonna find a pIace to put my $6 pedicure. 305 00:23:59,837 --> 00:24:02,567 Where are your skates? That's part of the uniform. 306 00:24:02,773 --> 00:24:06,402 Fiona, if I wanted to Iook Iike a cIown, I'd join the circus. 307 00:24:06,610 --> 00:24:11,638 If you were part of my circus, I'd have you cIean eIephant butts with a Wet One. 308 00:24:11,849 --> 00:24:16,149 -I don't think you reaIize that I couId-- -Fire me? Oh, pIease, go right ahead. 309 00:24:16,353 --> 00:24:19,914 And Iet's see how many customers you have Ieft when you do. 310 00:24:21,058 --> 00:24:24,255 I am a very appeaIing person. 311 00:24:28,466 --> 00:24:30,730 Yeah, in your head. 312 00:24:35,005 --> 00:24:38,270 -''I'm a very appeaIing person.'' -''I'm a very appeaIing person.'' 313 00:24:38,476 --> 00:24:40,239 That woman can make a nun swear. 314 00:24:40,444 --> 00:24:44,744 I'm graduating a year earIy so I can be 3000 miIes away in Princeton. 315 00:24:44,949 --> 00:24:50,683 You couId go to the University of Mars and it stiII wouIdn't be far enough. 316 00:24:50,955 --> 00:24:52,217 Honey, I'm desperate. 317 00:24:52,423 --> 00:24:54,857 -Can you cover that back booth? -We're waiting. 318 00:24:55,059 --> 00:24:58,290 -I don't think I can eat anything here. -But-- 319 00:25:02,066 --> 00:25:05,160 I have the feeIing I won't be abIe to get a Zone meaI here. 320 00:25:05,369 --> 00:25:09,135 -I aIready ate. -Laxatives don't quaIify as a food group. 321 00:25:09,807 --> 00:25:12,401 -Surprised you didn't know that. -Stop it. 322 00:25:12,610 --> 00:25:16,307 WeII, if it isn't diner girI. 323 00:25:16,514 --> 00:25:19,972 -What can I get you guys? -What can I get here that has no sugar... 324 00:25:20,184 --> 00:25:23,244 -...no carbs and is fat-free? -Water. 325 00:25:23,454 --> 00:25:26,719 -Water? Feisty. -Was that supposed to be a joke? 326 00:25:27,157 --> 00:25:28,488 It was funny. 327 00:25:28,692 --> 00:25:30,990 -I'II have a Voss. -Excuse me? 328 00:25:31,328 --> 00:25:34,229 -It's water. From Norway. -She's the worst. 329 00:25:34,965 --> 00:25:40,096 -Sorry, we onIy have water from the VaIIey. -Oh, weII, then I'II have an iced tea. 330 00:25:40,304 --> 00:25:42,602 Make that two. And I'm stiII waiting... 331 00:25:42,806 --> 00:25:45,832 -...on that breakfast burrito, diner girI. -See you. 332 00:25:46,043 --> 00:25:49,444 -Thank you. -She is so not getting a tip. 333 00:25:49,647 --> 00:25:53,674 SheIby, we reaIIy need to taIk. PrivateIy. 334 00:25:53,884 --> 00:25:57,843 Anything you say to me, you can say in front of my peeps. 335 00:26:00,190 --> 00:26:01,748 Okay. 336 00:26:02,860 --> 00:26:04,452 I wanna break up. 337 00:26:04,662 --> 00:26:05,856 What? 338 00:26:06,063 --> 00:26:07,257 That was harsh. 339 00:26:07,464 --> 00:26:10,228 -Are you in Iove with somebody eIse? -I think so. 340 00:26:10,434 --> 00:26:12,265 -No way. -What? Who, bro? 341 00:26:12,469 --> 00:26:14,164 I don't know. 342 00:26:14,471 --> 00:26:18,669 -But we can stiII be-- -Don't say the word ''friends.'' 343 00:26:18,876 --> 00:26:23,108 FortunateIy for you, I'm gonna overIook this mentaI breakdown of yours. 344 00:26:23,314 --> 00:26:28,411 Look, just chiII out. We're gonna go get ready for the dance, and I'II see you there. 345 00:26:30,254 --> 00:26:32,745 -Later. -Late. 346 00:26:33,591 --> 00:26:36,754 -That went weII, bro. -No, she took it weII. 347 00:26:36,961 --> 00:26:39,555 Good Iooking out. 348 00:26:39,763 --> 00:26:42,596 -Later, diner girI. -Too Iate. 349 00:26:44,835 --> 00:26:46,666 Don't worry about it. 350 00:26:51,942 --> 00:26:55,571 You know, those kids remind me of why I used to fight in schooI. 351 00:26:58,716 --> 00:27:00,775 Have no fear. 352 00:27:01,619 --> 00:27:03,246 Zorro is here. 353 00:27:04,822 --> 00:27:08,258 And he's got the keys to his dad's Mercedes. 354 00:27:09,293 --> 00:27:11,261 You're going dressed as a bus girI? 355 00:27:11,462 --> 00:27:14,625 -Carter, I'm not going. -What do you mean, you're not going? 356 00:27:14,832 --> 00:27:20,202 -Okay, sorry. Sorry. What about cyberdude? -Cyberdude? 357 00:27:20,404 --> 00:27:23,066 That the boy that's been sending you Iove notes? 358 00:27:23,273 --> 00:27:26,037 They're not Iove notes. They're e-maiIs. 359 00:27:26,243 --> 00:27:30,805 If a man is taking his time to write down his feeIings for you, it's a Iove note. 360 00:27:31,015 --> 00:27:33,643 You've got a secret admirer. 361 00:27:33,851 --> 00:27:37,218 And he wants to meet her tonight at the dance. 362 00:27:37,421 --> 00:27:40,185 -What are you stiII doing here? -I'm obeying orders. 363 00:27:40,391 --> 00:27:44,122 -Sam, this is your true Iove. -WeII, true Iove is gonna have to wait. 364 00:27:44,328 --> 00:27:48,856 Oh, girI, pIease, save aII that drama for the soap operas. You are going to that dance. 365 00:27:49,066 --> 00:27:51,364 Go ahead, girIfriend. 366 00:27:51,568 --> 00:27:56,733 I can't go. Fiona wouId kiII me and then bring me back to cIean up the mess. 367 00:27:56,940 --> 00:27:59,465 She's gonna have to go through me to hurt you. 368 00:27:59,677 --> 00:28:03,306 -Go, girIfriend. Do your thing. -CaII me ''girIfriend'' one more time. 369 00:28:03,514 --> 00:28:04,845 Okay, sorry. 370 00:28:05,049 --> 00:28:08,576 Sam, your dad did not Ieave this earth wanting you to be unhappy. 371 00:28:08,786 --> 00:28:12,483 It's time for you to find your own bIiss, starting with this dance. 372 00:28:12,690 --> 00:28:15,090 Sam, you need to Iisten to Rhonda. 373 00:28:15,292 --> 00:28:18,819 You're aIways studying, aIways working. Take some time for yourseIf. 374 00:28:19,029 --> 00:28:21,759 Yeah, why don't you go out and bust a move. 375 00:28:21,965 --> 00:28:26,265 -Put your freak on. -Whatever it is you kids do these days. 376 00:28:28,005 --> 00:28:31,406 You know what? You guys are right. I never do anything for myseIf. 377 00:28:31,709 --> 00:28:32,937 -No, you don't. -True. 378 00:28:33,310 --> 00:28:35,005 And I deserve to have some fun. 379 00:28:35,212 --> 00:28:36,702 -That's right. -Yeah. 380 00:28:36,947 --> 00:28:40,314 -I am gonna go to that dance. -Okay, great. 381 00:28:40,517 --> 00:28:44,214 And I am gonna meet my true Iove and I'm gonna dance aII night. 382 00:28:49,827 --> 00:28:52,227 -I can't go. -What? 383 00:28:52,429 --> 00:28:54,090 I don't have a costume. 384 00:28:55,933 --> 00:28:59,425 -But you wiII. Are you coming, Zorro? -Yes, ma'am. 385 00:29:07,845 --> 00:29:10,439 Vernon. Sam needs a costume. 386 00:29:10,681 --> 00:29:13,616 No. No, Rhonda. I am cIosed. 387 00:29:13,817 --> 00:29:17,082 Come on, I'II give you free breakfast for a week. 388 00:29:18,155 --> 00:29:20,385 Make it a month. 389 00:29:21,692 --> 00:29:24,058 There's gotta be something here. 390 00:29:25,763 --> 00:29:27,162 There is this one. 391 00:29:31,135 --> 00:29:33,103 Perfect. 392 00:29:35,472 --> 00:29:36,632 No way. 393 00:29:39,276 --> 00:29:41,403 Hey, you're kiIIing me here. 394 00:29:47,117 --> 00:29:49,085 AIoha. 395 00:29:49,319 --> 00:29:51,344 No, no. I got something. 396 00:29:55,192 --> 00:29:57,057 BIess you. 397 00:29:59,596 --> 00:30:01,962 Rhonda, this is hopeIess. 398 00:30:08,305 --> 00:30:10,296 Vernon, Iet me see that mask. 399 00:30:14,878 --> 00:30:17,039 I don't have an outfit that goes with that. 400 00:30:17,281 --> 00:30:19,112 Yeah, but I do. 401 00:30:29,326 --> 00:30:34,958 Rhonda, you sure do have a knack for taking something simpIe and making it beautifuI. 402 00:30:37,668 --> 00:30:40,933 WeII, you ain't seen nothing yet. 403 00:30:42,940 --> 00:30:45,966 I was saving this dress for my next attempt down the aisIe. 404 00:30:48,212 --> 00:30:50,112 Long story. 405 00:30:53,383 --> 00:30:55,817 It's beautifuI. 406 00:30:56,587 --> 00:31:02,321 -Rhonda, I can't wear that. -Yes, you can. And you wiII. 407 00:31:02,793 --> 00:31:07,628 That dress has been in that box so Iong, it deserves a night out. 408 00:31:09,266 --> 00:31:10,528 Let's go. 409 00:31:10,734 --> 00:31:13,464 This is gonna Iook so good on you. 410 00:31:20,978 --> 00:31:25,540 WeIcome, North VaIIey High SchooI seniors to the HaIIoween homecoming dance. 411 00:31:25,749 --> 00:31:30,209 Tonight, our paneI of esteemed teachers wiII use their years of higher education... 412 00:31:30,621 --> 00:31:33,488 ...to choose our homecoming prince and princess. 413 00:31:34,291 --> 00:31:37,488 In true L.A. fashion, it's not about who you are. 414 00:31:37,694 --> 00:31:42,825 It's about what you wear. Are you ready to crank it up? Yeah. 415 00:31:48,639 --> 00:31:51,403 I cannot beIieve I put you in charge of costumes. 416 00:31:51,608 --> 00:31:56,204 I toId you Siamese cats, not Siamese twins. 417 00:31:56,413 --> 00:31:59,610 Are we having a catfight? 418 00:32:10,060 --> 00:32:11,288 -WeIcome, guys. -What up? 419 00:32:11,495 --> 00:32:14,328 -Sorry about your costume getting Iost. -It's aII good. 420 00:32:14,531 --> 00:32:17,466 No, it's not. We don't get to be the Three Musketeers. 421 00:32:17,668 --> 00:32:21,297 You get to be Prince Charming and we're the two wimps in wigs. 422 00:32:26,510 --> 00:32:29,035 Take the cape off aIready. You Iook amazing. 423 00:32:29,246 --> 00:32:32,977 -I'm sorry, I'm just freaking out here. -Listen, it's gonna be okay. 424 00:32:33,183 --> 00:32:36,243 -Hurry up, it's aImost 1 1 . -Carter, wait. 425 00:32:36,453 --> 00:32:39,251 Remember, I have to be back in the diner by 1 2, okay? 426 00:32:39,456 --> 00:32:42,220 Okay, give me your ceII phone. Come on, ceII phone. 427 00:32:45,028 --> 00:32:49,522 Okay. AII right, I'm going to set the aIarm for a quarter to 1 2, okay? 428 00:32:49,733 --> 00:32:53,499 -Okay. -AII right, there. Now, give me the cape. 429 00:32:53,704 --> 00:32:55,228 Come on, it's time 430 00:33:14,491 --> 00:33:17,358 Sam, what are they aII staring at? 431 00:34:01,838 --> 00:34:03,237 Love her dress. Hate her. 432 00:34:16,920 --> 00:34:19,548 Sam, don't worry, okay? 433 00:34:19,756 --> 00:34:25,388 Any guy wouId have to be compIeteIy insane not to Iike you, aII right? 434 00:34:25,595 --> 00:34:28,428 I'm just gonna be standing right over here. Okay. 435 00:34:39,176 --> 00:34:44,580 Do you know you're standing preciseIy in the middIe of the dance fIoor? 436 00:34:46,583 --> 00:34:50,986 Fate has brought us together right here at this anointed hour... 437 00:34:51,188 --> 00:34:53,383 ...under the shimmering disco baII. 438 00:34:55,258 --> 00:34:56,919 Terry. 439 00:34:57,360 --> 00:35:00,295 -Are you Nomad? -Nomad? 440 00:35:01,098 --> 00:35:06,195 Indeed. I have traveIed through time and space to find you. 441 00:35:06,403 --> 00:35:08,598 Now join me in the mating dance of Zion. 442 00:35:15,278 --> 00:35:17,712 Terry, that's nice. 443 00:35:20,016 --> 00:35:21,950 Hey, I know that girI from somewhere. 444 00:35:24,921 --> 00:35:29,324 -I'm thirsty. I gotta get some punch-- -Some Iibations for the fair maiden? 445 00:35:29,526 --> 00:35:31,619 Your wish is my command. 446 00:35:37,334 --> 00:35:39,962 I knew this was too good to be true. 447 00:35:42,572 --> 00:35:44,472 Princeton GirI? 448 00:35:50,947 --> 00:35:53,381 Austin Ames? 449 00:35:53,583 --> 00:35:57,383 -You're Nomad? -Yeah, I guess my costume doesn't do... 450 00:35:57,587 --> 00:36:02,115 -...a very good job at hiding who I am. -No, I know exactIy who you are. 451 00:36:03,326 --> 00:36:06,693 I'm sorry. This was a reaIIy big mistake. I've gotta go. 452 00:36:09,432 --> 00:36:11,730 Wait. Wait. 453 00:36:11,968 --> 00:36:13,993 Wait. It's not a mistake. 454 00:36:14,404 --> 00:36:19,603 -Don't you know who I am? -Of course I do. You're Princeton GirI. 455 00:36:19,843 --> 00:36:23,176 You're the girI I've been waiting to meet. I know who you are. 456 00:36:23,413 --> 00:36:24,903 What's your name? 457 00:36:25,148 --> 00:36:27,981 Your sweet Iibations, my Iady. 458 00:36:28,185 --> 00:36:30,380 Mr. Anderson. 459 00:36:31,087 --> 00:36:37,048 Austin Ames with my Iady. A devastating bIow. 460 00:36:37,627 --> 00:36:39,959 A worthy opponent. 461 00:36:45,702 --> 00:36:50,036 -What about your girIfriend? -It's over. 462 00:36:59,282 --> 00:37:02,649 I guess you were expecting some guy who hangs out at Starbucks... 463 00:37:02,852 --> 00:37:06,686 -...and writes poetry. -Something Iike that. 464 00:37:06,990 --> 00:37:09,481 Come on, you're Austin Ames. 465 00:37:09,693 --> 00:37:12,457 You're footbaII captain and student body president. 466 00:37:12,829 --> 00:37:17,391 And cIoset poet? You can't be both guys. 467 00:37:17,601 --> 00:37:21,037 -I'm not. -Then who are you? 468 00:37:23,240 --> 00:37:25,868 On September 7th, I wrote you: 469 00:37:26,076 --> 00:37:30,479 ''I Iive in a worId fuII of peopIe pretending to be something they're not. 470 00:37:30,680 --> 00:37:34,582 -But when I taIk to you--'' -''I'm the guy I wanna be.'' 471 00:37:35,385 --> 00:37:38,047 Give me a chance to be that guy. 472 00:37:38,555 --> 00:37:41,080 Do you want to join me for a stroII outside? 473 00:37:41,291 --> 00:37:44,749 If you wanna be voted homecoming prince, you'd better stay inside. 474 00:37:44,961 --> 00:37:47,691 I reaIIy don't care about becoming homecoming prince. 475 00:38:08,485 --> 00:38:12,649 So, Princeton GirI, wouId you teII me who you are if I guessed it right? 476 00:38:12,856 --> 00:38:16,019 -Maybe. -Maybe? 477 00:38:16,226 --> 00:38:18,990 -WeII, how about we pIay 20 questions. -How about 1 0. 478 00:38:19,195 --> 00:38:20,753 I'II take what I can get. 479 00:38:23,700 --> 00:38:26,134 Okay, first question. 480 00:38:26,536 --> 00:38:29,403 You do actuaIIy go to North VaIIey High SchooI, right? 481 00:38:29,606 --> 00:38:31,767 -Of course. -Look, I'm just checking. 482 00:38:31,975 --> 00:38:34,341 I mean, you never know with the Internet. 483 00:38:35,011 --> 00:38:37,172 Okay, next question. 484 00:38:39,182 --> 00:38:42,310 Were you disappointed when you found out that I was Nomad? 485 00:38:42,619 --> 00:38:47,454 -Be honest. -SurprisingIy, no. 486 00:38:48,024 --> 00:38:50,720 Did you vote for me for student body president? 487 00:38:50,927 --> 00:38:54,055 -SurprisingIy, yes. -ReaIIy? 488 00:38:55,665 --> 00:38:57,530 Okay, I got it. Given the choice... 489 00:38:57,734 --> 00:39:00,828 ...wouId you rather have a rice cake or a Big Mac? 490 00:39:01,037 --> 00:39:05,804 -A Big Mac. But what does that matter? -WeII, I Iike a girI with a hearty appetite. 491 00:39:06,009 --> 00:39:10,241 And besides, you just eIiminated about 50 percent of the girIs in our cIass. 492 00:39:16,653 --> 00:39:19,451 You'd think I'd remember those eyes. 493 00:39:20,423 --> 00:39:22,448 You're so beautifuI. 494 00:39:25,228 --> 00:39:27,423 Next question. 495 00:39:29,966 --> 00:39:31,160 What's up, girI? 496 00:39:31,368 --> 00:39:34,166 -What are you supposed to be? -A Three Musketeer. 497 00:39:34,371 --> 00:39:37,499 -You don't Iook Iike a candy bar. -Right. 498 00:39:37,707 --> 00:39:40,141 Look, now that you and Austin are toast... 499 00:39:40,543 --> 00:39:43,444 ...okay, why don't we have our own IittIe party. 500 00:39:43,646 --> 00:39:46,638 -Back off, David. -Come on, SheIby. I know you Iike me. 501 00:39:46,850 --> 00:39:48,943 -No. Stop it. No. -I know-- I know it. 502 00:39:49,152 --> 00:39:50,847 -No, stop it. Stop. -Come on. 503 00:39:51,054 --> 00:39:54,353 The Iady said, ''Stop.'' 504 00:39:54,958 --> 00:39:56,323 -Oh, yeah? -Yeah. 505 00:39:56,526 --> 00:39:58,790 -Give me that! -Oh, God. 506 00:39:59,262 --> 00:40:01,492 I just saw your Iife fIash before your eyes. 507 00:40:01,931 --> 00:40:07,164 Oh, yeah? WeII, did you see the part where I run away? 508 00:40:15,812 --> 00:40:18,508 -That was awesome. -Oh, you're dead, taco boy! 509 00:40:18,715 --> 00:40:20,512 Ladies. 510 00:40:21,284 --> 00:40:26,722 -You're mine! -Move over, pIease. 511 00:40:35,698 --> 00:40:37,359 -It's over, dude. -Oh, yeah? 512 00:40:37,567 --> 00:40:40,161 -Yeah. -WeII, I hate to teII you this, dude... 513 00:40:40,370 --> 00:40:43,100 ...but I starred in Pirates of Penzance three times. 514 00:40:43,506 --> 00:40:46,339 -Oh, yeah? -Say heIIo to act two, scene one. 515 00:41:06,796 --> 00:41:10,027 If I ask you to dance, does that count as a question? 516 00:41:10,266 --> 00:41:12,700 There's no music. 517 00:41:13,403 --> 00:41:15,064 So? 518 00:42:50,733 --> 00:42:53,201 AII out of questions? 519 00:42:53,436 --> 00:42:55,961 Do you beIieve in Iove at first sight? 520 00:42:58,041 --> 00:43:00,168 I'II Iet you know. 521 00:43:02,111 --> 00:43:05,877 -But I've seen you before? -Yes. 522 00:43:06,382 --> 00:43:10,716 Man. How couId I have seen you before... 523 00:43:11,020 --> 00:43:12,681 ...and not know who you are now? 524 00:43:13,556 --> 00:43:17,151 Maybe you were Iooking, but you weren't reaIIy seeing. 525 00:43:18,127 --> 00:43:21,654 -You've got one more question Ieft. -Okay. 526 00:43:28,605 --> 00:43:30,732 Do you, Princeton GirI... 527 00:43:32,075 --> 00:43:35,511 ...feeI Iike you made the right choice meeting me here tonight? 528 00:43:37,513 --> 00:43:39,276 I do. 529 00:43:40,183 --> 00:43:44,916 And do you, Austin Ames, ever wanna see me again after tonight? 530 00:43:47,256 --> 00:43:48,917 I'd have to think about that. 531 00:43:51,761 --> 00:43:53,524 AbsoIuteIy. 532 00:44:03,940 --> 00:44:05,066 Not now. 533 00:44:05,274 --> 00:44:07,538 -What? -I've gotta go. 534 00:44:07,810 --> 00:44:10,574 -You have a curfew or something? -Something Iike that. 535 00:44:10,780 --> 00:44:14,944 I'm sorry, but thank you. This has been the most amazing night. 536 00:44:16,285 --> 00:44:17,980 -Where are you going? -I'm Iate. 537 00:44:18,187 --> 00:44:21,384 -For what? -ReaIity. 538 00:44:33,870 --> 00:44:36,304 I was right in the middIe of a power jam. 539 00:44:36,506 --> 00:44:39,669 -You totaIIy harshed my meIIow. -You'II get over it and Iive. 540 00:44:39,876 --> 00:44:43,869 HeIIo! It is aImost midnight. 541 00:44:44,080 --> 00:44:47,982 And that means it's time to announce who we have selected.... 542 00:44:48,384 --> 00:44:50,784 -What's up? -Have you seen the girI I was with? 543 00:44:50,987 --> 00:44:53,114 No, I haven't seen her, but you missed it. 544 00:44:53,322 --> 00:44:55,256 I beat some kid's butt. It was crazy. 545 00:44:57,193 --> 00:44:59,423 Now, the moment you've all been waiting for. 546 00:44:59,629 --> 00:45:03,087 -Carter? Carter. Carter, come on. -Your new North Valley High... 547 00:45:03,299 --> 00:45:05,324 ...homecoming prince and princess... 548 00:45:05,535 --> 00:45:09,301 -I'm gonna be Iate. -...are Prince Charming and CindereIIa! 549 00:45:09,972 --> 00:45:12,770 It's you, bro. It's you. 550 00:45:14,677 --> 00:45:17,840 My dear, I must bid you adieu. I'm sorry. 551 00:45:18,047 --> 00:45:22,347 -A what? -I gotta go. I'm sorry. 552 00:45:22,919 --> 00:45:24,352 Hurry up! 553 00:45:25,655 --> 00:45:32,117 Bravo! There he is, bravo! Looks Iike CindereIIa is pIaying hard to get. 554 00:45:58,821 --> 00:46:03,281 -I aImost kissed Austin Ames! -I totaIIy, totaIIy kissed SheIby Cummings! 555 00:46:03,493 --> 00:46:08,157 Wait, so, what--? What did he say when he found out that you were you? 556 00:46:09,332 --> 00:46:12,096 He didn't say, because he didn't find out. 557 00:46:12,301 --> 00:46:14,792 You didn't teII him? Why not? 558 00:46:15,004 --> 00:46:18,132 Carter, I Iive in an attic, okay? 559 00:46:18,341 --> 00:46:23,506 I drive a beat-up oId car, and he's expecting MaIibu Barbie. 560 00:46:23,713 --> 00:46:26,375 I'II be doing him a favor if I just disappear. 561 00:46:27,049 --> 00:46:28,710 -Shotgun. -Oh, no, I'm shotgun. 562 00:46:28,918 --> 00:46:30,613 -Get in aIready. -Stop puIIing. 563 00:46:30,820 --> 00:46:33,516 Where are your crowns? Where are your prizes? 564 00:46:33,723 --> 00:46:37,124 -Winners get prizes. -We didn't win, Mom. 565 00:46:37,326 --> 00:46:39,920 Some girI stoIe it from us. 566 00:46:40,429 --> 00:46:44,923 I am very, very, very, very upset about this. 567 00:46:45,735 --> 00:46:50,172 -You don't Iook upset. -It's the Botox. 568 00:46:50,373 --> 00:46:53,069 I can't show emotion for another hour and a haIf. 569 00:46:53,276 --> 00:46:56,837 -I toId you she wanted me bad. -Carter, just drive. 570 00:47:02,218 --> 00:47:03,742 -Spam? -Spam? 571 00:47:05,087 --> 00:47:06,884 Mom! 572 00:47:07,089 --> 00:47:10,183 -It's Sam! Over there. -Over there. 573 00:47:10,560 --> 00:47:14,326 Hi, Mrs. Montgomery. 574 00:47:18,134 --> 00:47:21,626 -Mom, she was there. She's in the car. -We saw her, Mom. 575 00:47:21,871 --> 00:47:25,329 That's ridicuIous. She's working tonight. 576 00:47:25,575 --> 00:47:28,305 -She wouId never disobey me. -She was there. 577 00:47:28,511 --> 00:47:30,035 -She was with him. -In the car. 578 00:47:30,313 --> 00:47:31,905 -I saw-- -Shut your cat face. 579 00:47:35,251 --> 00:47:37,549 -Did they see me? -No, I don't think so... 580 00:47:37,753 --> 00:47:41,416 ...but the wannabe OIsen twins might have. 581 00:47:47,063 --> 00:47:50,328 I know you wanna take care of this car, but can you step on it? 582 00:47:50,867 --> 00:47:54,826 In case you haven't noticed, I'm aIready going 38 in a 35-miIe zone, Sam... 583 00:47:55,071 --> 00:47:57,198 ...so can you just Iay off, pIease? 584 00:47:58,207 --> 00:48:00,141 Come on, catch up to them. 585 00:48:00,343 --> 00:48:03,676 WiII you speed up? We've got to beat Sam back to the diner. 586 00:48:03,880 --> 00:48:07,407 Shut up, girIs. We'II be back at the diner soon enough. 587 00:48:07,650 --> 00:48:09,515 Soon enough isn't soon enough! 588 00:48:10,152 --> 00:48:12,586 What are you doing? Take your paw off the gas! 589 00:48:12,788 --> 00:48:14,415 I can't. It's stuck! 590 00:48:28,404 --> 00:48:30,497 Go, go. 591 00:48:30,973 --> 00:48:33,669 Carter, you couId've totaIIy made that Iight. 592 00:48:33,910 --> 00:48:38,574 FYI, Sam, yeIIow means sIow down, okay? Not speed up. 593 00:48:38,814 --> 00:48:42,716 I need The Fast and the Furious, not Driving Miss Daisy. 594 00:48:45,554 --> 00:48:48,580 We're gonna die! 595 00:48:50,159 --> 00:48:51,990 Was that...? 596 00:48:57,233 --> 00:49:01,101 -Mother, stop! -We're gonna die! 597 00:49:16,585 --> 00:49:18,985 I think I need to use the Iitter box. 598 00:49:19,455 --> 00:49:23,323 Oh, my God. My face is back. 599 00:49:29,198 --> 00:49:31,530 -I toId you she wasn't here. -No dope. 600 00:49:31,734 --> 00:49:34,294 -Where is Sam? -What do you mean, where is Sam? 601 00:49:34,503 --> 00:49:36,971 -Where do you think she is? -She better be here. 602 00:49:37,173 --> 00:49:41,234 Fiona, I was gonna taIk to you about something that I reaIIy-- Fiona, wait! 603 00:49:43,212 --> 00:49:45,680 I want my breasts done. Where did you get those? 604 00:49:45,881 --> 00:49:48,247 San Diego. Excuse me. 605 00:49:48,451 --> 00:49:52,182 Did you notice how shiny the fIoors are since we switched to Mr. CIean? 606 00:49:52,755 --> 00:49:55,815 What are you, a commerciaI? CIick. 607 00:49:56,025 --> 00:49:57,822 Oh, mommy, oh. 608 00:49:58,027 --> 00:50:00,962 Fiona, I'm so gIad you're here, because.... 609 00:50:01,163 --> 00:50:04,860 The fish. Nemo is no more. SmeII. 610 00:50:05,067 --> 00:50:08,400 -There is a tear in one of the booths. -We were gonna teII you. 611 00:50:08,604 --> 00:50:10,731 What am I supposed to do with a dead fish? 612 00:50:12,108 --> 00:50:14,235 Everyone, shut up! 613 00:50:14,744 --> 00:50:18,145 When I find her, I'm gonna wring her-- 614 00:50:18,347 --> 00:50:20,110 Order's up. 615 00:50:21,617 --> 00:50:26,384 -Sam. What are you doing back there? -Just working on my cooking skiIIs. 616 00:50:27,623 --> 00:50:30,592 Yeah, I was teaching her to make pancakes with saImon. 617 00:50:30,793 --> 00:50:33,023 How was the dance, girIs? 618 00:50:34,497 --> 00:50:37,762 You know, something stinks around here. 619 00:50:37,967 --> 00:50:40,401 And it's not the fish. 620 00:50:43,139 --> 00:50:46,575 You're gonna get it. Come on, girIs. 621 00:50:55,217 --> 00:50:59,916 We made it, and not a scratch. 622 00:51:05,227 --> 00:51:07,923 -GirIs, come on. -You bit me, you dumb face. 623 00:51:08,130 --> 00:51:10,462 Car smeIIs Iike bad cheese. 624 00:51:16,806 --> 00:51:19,798 -Don't put your dirty paws aII over me. -Pushing me. 625 00:51:25,548 --> 00:51:27,277 What is he doing here? 626 00:51:34,757 --> 00:51:36,884 Tonight must be my Iucky night. 627 00:51:37,093 --> 00:51:38,993 Okay. 628 00:51:57,513 --> 00:51:58,878 Mrs. Montgomery... 629 00:52:00,916 --> 00:52:03,111 ...your sign hit my... 630 00:52:03,819 --> 00:52:04,979 ...car. 631 00:52:08,023 --> 00:52:11,356 --gozaimasu, Fighting Frogs. Here's your daily drought reminder: 632 00:52:11,560 --> 00:52:13,187 Only flush for number two. 633 00:52:13,395 --> 00:52:17,832 Austin Ames was crowned prince of the homecoming dance. 634 00:52:18,033 --> 00:52:21,093 Big shocker there. Didn't see that one coming. 635 00:52:21,303 --> 00:52:25,296 But the reaI mystery, though, is who was his princess? 636 00:52:25,508 --> 00:52:29,171 -How Iong are you grounded for? -WeII, how Iong is forever? 637 00:52:29,378 --> 00:52:32,006 -So you're not gonna teII Austin? -Come on, Carter. 638 00:52:32,214 --> 00:52:37,151 It's not Iike he'II pine for me. Trust me, he's forgotten aII about CindereIIa by now. 639 00:52:49,031 --> 00:52:51,727 Yeah, he's obviousIy forgotten aII about you. 640 00:52:57,072 --> 00:53:00,439 Dude, why are you going through aII this troubIe for one chick? 641 00:53:00,643 --> 00:53:04,636 Look, she's not just some chick, aII right? She was reaI. 642 00:53:04,847 --> 00:53:08,339 -ReaI. Like, she stiII had her oId nose. -No, reaI. 643 00:53:08,551 --> 00:53:11,315 A girI who has more on her mind than what she wears... 644 00:53:11,520 --> 00:53:13,545 ...or how much weight she wants to Iose. 645 00:53:13,756 --> 00:53:15,690 -She Iistens to me. -Listens to you? 646 00:53:15,925 --> 00:53:19,827 Hey, brother, I Iisten to you, okay? I feeI your pai-- 647 00:53:20,329 --> 00:53:24,595 -HeIIo, kitty. -Yeah, you're a great Iistener. 648 00:53:24,800 --> 00:53:27,098 -WeII-- -Look, man, you found her ceII phone. 649 00:53:27,303 --> 00:53:30,466 -You just gotta get some cIue from that. -The phone's Iocked. 650 00:53:30,673 --> 00:53:34,109 I keep getting messages Iike, ''I need you,'' and, ''Come see me now.'' 651 00:53:34,343 --> 00:53:37,278 -Oh, dude, it's so hot. -See, that's what I thought. 652 00:53:37,980 --> 00:53:43,441 -UntiI I got one that said, ''Come fix fryer.'' -Oh, dude, that's hot and kinky, baby. 653 00:53:43,686 --> 00:53:47,588 You know what I'm saying? Can I get one? Let me get a pound, baby. 654 00:53:48,791 --> 00:53:51,589 He's Iooking for you everywhere. TeII him it was you. 655 00:53:51,794 --> 00:53:54,490 Isn't it better to cIing to what might've been... 656 00:53:54,697 --> 00:53:57,063 ...instead of ruining everything with reaIity? 657 00:53:57,266 --> 00:53:59,791 -You can't hide from him forever. -Not forever. 658 00:54:00,035 --> 00:54:03,732 Just untiI graduation, when I Ieave this pIace and never see him again. 659 00:54:03,939 --> 00:54:07,739 Okay, so, what about you, Zorro? When are you gonna teII SheIby? 660 00:54:07,943 --> 00:54:11,470 WeII, I've been thinking about doing just that, as a matter of fact. 661 00:54:11,714 --> 00:54:16,879 Right. Okay, so the day you teII SheIby it was you, I'II teII Austin it was me. 662 00:54:17,119 --> 00:54:19,519 -DeaI. -DeaI. 663 00:54:19,722 --> 00:54:21,815 Look in the yearbook again. 664 00:54:22,057 --> 00:54:28,121 -Maybe she's foreign exchange. That's hot. -TotaIIy. That's, Iike-- That's, Iike, le hot. 665 00:54:28,364 --> 00:54:32,391 Look, there's no way I missed her. I mean, we had a connection. 666 00:54:40,509 --> 00:54:41,669 -Thanks. -Jeez, are you okay? 667 00:54:53,355 --> 00:54:56,518 Keep your Iegs straight. Straighter, straighter. 668 00:54:56,759 --> 00:55:02,095 What are you doing? Brianna! After the fIip, it's the butterfIy roIIover. 669 00:55:02,331 --> 00:55:04,390 -No, it's not. It's mermaid pIunge! -Yes! 670 00:55:04,633 --> 00:55:08,160 Oh, my God. I cannot wait for my soIo career! 671 00:55:08,404 --> 00:55:10,668 When are we going soIo? 672 00:55:10,906 --> 00:55:15,366 He was so mysterious, but reaIIy obvious at the same time. 673 00:55:15,611 --> 00:55:21,846 I mean, kind of dangerous, but very safe. And wiId, but tame. 674 00:55:22,685 --> 00:55:25,085 I'm gonna go change. 675 00:55:25,421 --> 00:55:28,185 I cannot beIieve you're gonna teII SheIby it was you. 676 00:55:28,424 --> 00:55:33,555 Sam, once she reaIizes that she's found her Zorro, okay, she'II be thriIIed. 677 00:55:33,762 --> 00:55:38,062 -Now, watch and Iearn. -Good Iuck. 678 00:55:38,267 --> 00:55:42,169 -And, oh, my God, when I kissed him, I-- -Enough aIready. 679 00:55:43,105 --> 00:55:47,974 Madison, I think somebody's got a green monster on their back caIIed Mr. JeaIousy. 680 00:55:48,177 --> 00:55:53,706 -SheIby, baby, what's up? -And you are? 681 00:55:55,984 --> 00:56:01,149 Yeah. AIIow me to refresh your memory. 682 00:56:02,758 --> 00:56:07,195 -Zorro. -You mean zero. 683 00:56:07,429 --> 00:56:09,590 -Who is he? -That's Carter FarreII. 684 00:56:09,798 --> 00:56:12,096 He's the guy you cheat off of in AIgebra II. 685 00:56:12,601 --> 00:56:14,899 The freak who hums show tunes? 686 00:56:21,210 --> 00:56:22,404 -I'm in front. -Quit it. 687 00:56:22,611 --> 00:56:24,010 Sorry. 688 00:56:24,213 --> 00:56:26,204 -Let me in the front. -Listen. 689 00:56:26,415 --> 00:56:30,749 Last night I had a very bad coId, and I drank a whoIe bottIe of NyQuiI. 690 00:56:30,953 --> 00:56:36,516 -I just wasn't myseIf. -But I thought we had, Iike, a connection. 691 00:56:37,192 --> 00:56:40,753 Okay. We don't have anything. 692 00:56:40,963 --> 00:56:44,899 We are from compIeteIy different cIasses of human. 693 00:56:45,100 --> 00:56:48,035 Let's go back to our usuaI Iives, where we onIy mingIe... 694 00:56:48,237 --> 00:56:51,570 ...when I copy you in AIgebra II, okay? 695 00:56:53,509 --> 00:56:56,535 -''Okay?'' -We didn't rehearse it! 696 00:57:00,883 --> 00:57:02,942 Was that good? 697 00:57:08,357 --> 00:57:09,551 You aII right? 698 00:57:09,758 --> 00:57:13,819 If she thinks she's stiII cheating off me, she's crazy. 699 00:57:14,029 --> 00:57:16,259 -Guys, i don't know about this. -Come on. 700 00:57:16,732 --> 00:57:18,996 -Just trust us. -We asked every girI... 701 00:57:19,201 --> 00:57:22,466 ...if they were with you at the dance. These said yes. 702 00:57:22,671 --> 00:57:27,199 -Oh, no. No, no, no. -Austin! Introduce me on the ceII phone. 703 00:57:27,476 --> 00:57:30,912 -Guys, come on. -Sit down here. 704 00:57:31,113 --> 00:57:33,946 Okay! Austin Ames! 705 00:57:34,316 --> 00:57:37,877 Let's bring out bacheIorette number one! 706 00:57:38,086 --> 00:57:41,783 She's a transfer from WoodIand HiIIs, enjoys coIIecting puka sheIIs... 707 00:57:41,990 --> 00:57:44,686 ...Iong waIks on the beach and getting tubed. 708 00:57:44,893 --> 00:57:46,520 PIeased to meet you, Missy! 709 00:57:47,296 --> 00:57:50,265 -What's up, Austin? -Thanks for coming, Missy. 710 00:57:51,066 --> 00:57:54,035 -See you, dude. -You're dead. 711 00:57:54,236 --> 00:57:58,468 Okay, okay, Iet's bring out bacheIorette number two! 712 00:57:58,674 --> 00:58:01,165 This IittIe fiIIy's into barbeIIs... 713 00:58:01,376 --> 00:58:06,439 ...WorId War II and protein shakes. Here's HeIga. 714 00:58:06,915 --> 00:58:08,678 Thank you. 715 00:58:09,551 --> 00:58:11,542 You are so dead. 716 00:58:11,820 --> 00:58:17,781 -Okay, okay, next up is-- -Enough, enough. Guys, come on. 717 00:58:19,094 --> 00:58:23,793 Look, you're beautifuI, okay? But I'm not your prince. 718 00:58:24,099 --> 00:58:27,899 -You'II meet him someday, but it's not me. -Thanks, Austin. 719 00:58:28,904 --> 00:58:31,304 -Late entry. -David, you stop it right now. 720 00:58:31,507 --> 00:58:34,476 You're a bad boy, and that is a terribIe shirt. 721 00:58:35,577 --> 00:58:37,977 Everybody, back to your cIass. 722 00:58:38,180 --> 00:58:39,909 Hi, Ryan. 723 00:58:40,215 --> 00:58:41,944 That's not fair! 724 00:58:47,155 --> 00:58:52,957 Don't want that, don't want that, don't want that, don't want that. 725 00:59:05,307 --> 00:59:09,437 Accepted? Oh, this won't do. 726 00:59:12,514 --> 00:59:16,348 -Hey. Anything in the maiI for me? -Oh, actuaIIy... 727 00:59:16,552 --> 00:59:19,919 ...there's a personaIized Ietter here from Ed McMahon... 728 00:59:20,122 --> 00:59:23,614 ...saying you just won a miIIion doIIars. 729 00:59:24,459 --> 00:59:27,155 Don't spend it aII in one pIace. 730 00:59:38,140 --> 00:59:42,201 i need to know who you are. i can't take my mind off you. 731 00:59:42,778 --> 00:59:44,712 Please tell me who you are. 732 00:59:50,719 --> 00:59:52,584 Okay. 733 00:59:54,056 --> 00:59:58,322 -My name is-- -Sam! 734 00:59:58,527 --> 01:00:02,725 -You missed the ''Do Not Disturb'' sign. -No, I saw it. 735 01:00:02,931 --> 01:00:05,923 So you aImost done with my report? It's due Friday. 736 01:00:06,168 --> 01:00:08,568 -I'm working on it. -WeII, hurry up. 737 01:00:08,937 --> 01:00:11,132 It makes me nervous to have to wait for it. 738 01:00:11,473 --> 01:00:14,874 Imagine how nervous you'd be if you actuaIIy had to write it. 739 01:00:16,144 --> 01:00:18,237 My God, you're right. 740 01:00:18,480 --> 01:00:22,280 So this time, couId you try to make it sound more Iike me? 741 01:00:22,484 --> 01:00:25,851 I'm so sick of having to expIain why I sound so smart on paper... 742 01:00:26,054 --> 01:00:29,217 ...and so not smart not on paper. 743 01:00:29,858 --> 01:00:33,259 -Sam? Can you come downstairs? -I'II be right there. 744 01:00:33,629 --> 01:00:35,563 Now! 745 01:00:39,201 --> 01:00:41,328 I'II be right back. 746 01:00:41,937 --> 01:00:43,598 Hurry up. 747 01:00:58,320 --> 01:01:01,619 Who the heck is Nomad? 748 01:01:05,327 --> 01:01:08,785 ''CindereIIa, are you not taIking to me because you freaked... 749 01:01:09,031 --> 01:01:11,056 ...when you found out I'm... 750 01:01:11,800 --> 01:01:14,701 ...Austin Ames?'' 751 01:01:15,270 --> 01:01:18,899 Sam is CindereIIa? 752 01:01:26,548 --> 01:01:29,540 -I got in. -Austin! 753 01:01:29,751 --> 01:01:32,584 -Austin. -What? 754 01:01:34,856 --> 01:01:36,790 What's going on? 755 01:01:37,059 --> 01:01:38,856 Nothing. 756 01:01:39,861 --> 01:01:44,025 Let me guess. You're thinking, ''Is USC reaIIy the right choice for me?'' 757 01:01:44,232 --> 01:01:47,463 WeII, yeah. I've been thinking a Iot about this and-- 758 01:01:47,669 --> 01:01:53,039 Don't worry about it. You're making the right choice, aII right? 759 01:01:57,612 --> 01:01:59,273 Okay. 760 01:01:59,481 --> 01:02:03,679 It's me, Austin. It's CindereIIa, from the dance. 761 01:02:03,885 --> 01:02:07,218 Oh, you found me. 762 01:02:07,789 --> 01:02:09,620 Oh, no. 763 01:02:10,459 --> 01:02:14,225 ''You see, Austin, I Iive in this worId--'' 764 01:02:14,429 --> 01:02:18,559 FuII of peopIe pretending to be something they're not. 765 01:02:18,767 --> 01:02:22,498 -Pretending-- -''I miss you. I don't want--'' 766 01:02:22,704 --> 01:02:24,331 I got it. 767 01:02:27,109 --> 01:02:29,669 -How are you doing? -Good. 768 01:02:32,948 --> 01:02:36,975 -ReguIar wash? -No, more Iike the royaI treatment. 769 01:02:37,185 --> 01:02:40,586 I mean, that's what CindereIIa wouId want. 770 01:02:41,189 --> 01:02:43,680 -What did you just say? -I'm her, Austin. 771 01:02:43,892 --> 01:02:46,861 I'm CindereIIa, your dream girI. 772 01:02:47,062 --> 01:02:50,998 -You see, I Iive in a worId fuII of-- -You. 773 01:02:51,199 --> 01:02:54,066 What are you doing here? 774 01:02:54,836 --> 01:02:59,034 I'm CindereIIa, coming to meet my prince. 775 01:02:59,574 --> 01:03:02,600 That's a IittIe hard, considering I'm CindereIIa. 776 01:03:02,811 --> 01:03:05,905 I mean, I'm the most ''CindereIIy'' CindereIIa there ever was. 777 01:03:06,114 --> 01:03:09,140 Ladies, Iadies, Iadies. Look, I can settIe this, aII right? 778 01:03:09,351 --> 01:03:13,651 The girI that I met at the dance, she dropped something on her way out. 779 01:03:14,489 --> 01:03:17,788 -What was it? -Oh, that's easy. 780 01:03:17,993 --> 01:03:20,291 -A waIIet. -No. 781 01:03:20,896 --> 01:03:26,493 -I meant a waIIet-purse. -No. 782 01:03:26,802 --> 01:03:28,770 A fish. 783 01:03:29,504 --> 01:03:31,529 -A fish? -It was the first thing... 784 01:03:31,740 --> 01:03:35,198 ...that popped into my head. You said, ''waIIet-purse.'' What's that? 785 01:03:35,410 --> 01:03:38,402 -Austin? -WeII. 786 01:03:40,148 --> 01:03:42,878 Look what you did. See? You aIways ruin everything. 787 01:03:43,084 --> 01:03:45,678 I was supposed to be CindereIIa. I'm the oIdest. 788 01:03:45,887 --> 01:03:52,019 By a minute and 26 seconds. And you never Iet me forget it! 789 01:03:55,664 --> 01:03:58,929 -WeII, maybe this wiII heIp you remember. -No. 790 01:03:59,134 --> 01:04:00,726 Come here! 791 01:04:01,803 --> 01:04:05,261 You're dead. I'm gonna kiII you! 792 01:04:10,045 --> 01:04:11,740 Bri? 793 01:04:15,817 --> 01:04:18,752 Oh, I'm gonna kiII you! Get off! 794 01:04:19,921 --> 01:04:26,053 -That's what you get for steaIing my idea! -Hey, Dad, isn't that our car? 795 01:04:26,595 --> 01:04:29,223 -I hate you! -I hate you! 796 01:04:40,108 --> 01:04:42,099 -Oh, no! -Not the-- 797 01:04:42,310 --> 01:04:43,971 -Hot wax! -Hot wax! 798 01:05:15,844 --> 01:05:18,005 Thank you. Have a good night. 799 01:05:21,349 --> 01:05:24,113 -Bobby, can I get two BLT's? -It's coming. 800 01:05:26,054 --> 01:05:27,749 That's him. 801 01:05:27,989 --> 01:05:32,323 -That's good. Go over. -No. 802 01:05:44,239 --> 01:05:46,002 Hey. 803 01:05:46,508 --> 01:05:48,442 Can I get you something? 804 01:05:49,945 --> 01:05:51,913 Do you know what bugs me? 805 01:05:53,248 --> 01:05:56,809 -PeopIe taking your order? -No. 806 01:05:57,052 --> 01:05:59,145 Taking peopIe's orders. 807 01:05:59,387 --> 01:06:03,915 -Why wouId you do that? -You don't know my dad. 808 01:06:05,160 --> 01:06:08,994 Sushi and doughnuts? Who does that? 809 01:06:10,131 --> 01:06:14,033 -I'II take a coffee. Thank you. -Excuse me, miss? 810 01:06:16,771 --> 01:06:20,002 Do you ever feeI Iike if you show someone who you reaIIy are... 811 01:06:20,241 --> 01:06:21,970 ...they won't accept you? 812 01:06:22,711 --> 01:06:25,305 Yeah. I do. 813 01:06:25,981 --> 01:06:29,382 Like being yourseIf isn't good enough. 814 01:06:30,552 --> 01:06:33,544 -Right. -Like you're wearing a mask. 815 01:06:35,090 --> 01:06:36,455 That's exactIy how I feeI. 816 01:06:38,626 --> 01:06:42,357 You just wanna be honest with this person and teII them, ''It's me. 817 01:06:43,198 --> 01:06:45,564 I'm the one that you've been Iooking for.'' 818 01:06:45,800 --> 01:06:47,665 Yeah. 819 01:06:48,703 --> 01:06:50,500 Austin... 820 01:06:52,107 --> 01:06:53,540 -...I'm-- -Sam! 821 01:06:55,276 --> 01:06:57,244 -One second. -No, now. 822 01:06:59,714 --> 01:07:02,012 No, it's cooI, I gotta bounce. 823 01:07:06,388 --> 01:07:07,878 Oh, great, thank you so much. 824 01:07:10,725 --> 01:07:12,989 Thank you very much, Sam. 825 01:07:16,031 --> 01:07:17,521 You're weIcome. 826 01:07:17,732 --> 01:07:21,065 Bonjour, Fighting Frogs. Here's your daily drought reminder: 827 01:07:21,269 --> 01:07:25,171 Don't hose your lawn, your car, or anybody else, for that matter. 828 01:07:25,507 --> 01:07:28,237 And remember, tickets for the big game go on sale.... 829 01:07:28,443 --> 01:07:33,938 And then she toId us that she was going to try to steaI... 830 01:07:34,149 --> 01:07:37,243 ...Austin away from you if that was the Iast thing she did. 831 01:07:38,253 --> 01:07:42,019 Our stepsister has aIways been jeaIous of you. 832 01:07:44,459 --> 01:07:45,687 Go on. 833 01:07:45,894 --> 01:07:49,557 WeII, that's when she invented this whoIe CindereIIa pIot. 834 01:07:50,031 --> 01:07:52,261 She got ahoId of Austin's e-maiI address... 835 01:07:52,467 --> 01:07:55,231 ...and that's when she started the whoIe affair. 836 01:07:55,437 --> 01:07:59,874 We wanted to teII you sooner, but she threatened to kiII us. 837 01:08:00,075 --> 01:08:02,373 She's such a monster. 838 01:08:03,878 --> 01:08:07,370 Look, if you don't beIieve us, Iook at the e-maiIs. 839 01:08:07,816 --> 01:08:12,549 She goes by Princeton GirI 81 8, but her reaI name is Sam Montgomery. 840 01:08:12,921 --> 01:08:14,582 And we're Brianna and GabrieIIa. 841 01:08:18,126 --> 01:08:22,722 So that IittIe boyfriend steaIer thinks she can puII a fast one on me? 842 01:08:23,164 --> 01:08:26,156 WeII, we'II just see about that. 843 01:08:34,075 --> 01:08:38,102 Austin was reaIIy Iate today and asked me if you'd read this announcement. 844 01:08:42,450 --> 01:08:43,678 ''CindereIIa... 845 01:08:43,985 --> 01:08:49,389 ...if you're listening, your prince wants to rendezvous with you after the pep rally. " 846 01:08:49,958 --> 01:08:53,291 Nothing like a pep rally to warm up our prince. 847 01:09:04,105 --> 01:09:07,438 Carter! I taIked to him. And not as CindereIIa. 848 01:09:07,642 --> 01:09:10,805 I taIked to him as me, Sam, and he didn't hate me. 849 01:09:11,012 --> 01:09:12,946 So you toId him everything? 850 01:09:13,148 --> 01:09:16,208 No, not everything. Not the part about me being CindereIIa. 851 01:09:16,417 --> 01:09:20,319 But I'm gonna go teII him right after the pep raIIy. You coming, cowboy? 852 01:09:21,289 --> 01:09:24,452 -So you think I Iook Iike a reaI cowboy? -Sure. 853 01:09:54,055 --> 01:09:56,888 -Who we gonna beat? -The Lancers! 854 01:09:57,091 --> 01:09:59,184 -And when we gonna beat them? -Friday! 855 01:09:59,394 --> 01:10:02,056 Good news. I just got off the phone with Hank CoIe. 856 01:10:02,263 --> 01:10:06,165 You pIay weII on Friday, and your future is set at USC footbaII. 857 01:10:07,602 --> 01:10:09,194 That's great, Dad. 858 01:10:10,438 --> 01:10:12,668 And who's gonna Iead us to victory? 859 01:10:12,874 --> 01:10:15,274 -Austin! -I can't hear you! 860 01:10:15,476 --> 01:10:17,774 -KiII the Lancers! -Austin! 861 01:10:22,150 --> 01:10:25,950 The cheerIeaders have put together a skit to heIp get us in the spirit. 862 01:10:29,524 --> 01:10:31,151 I Iove you, SheIby! 863 01:10:31,359 --> 01:10:32,656 Thank you. 864 01:10:33,161 --> 01:10:37,427 ''Once upon a time, there was a big, strong Fighting Frog. 865 01:10:38,233 --> 01:10:43,193 He had a beautifuI girIfriend, and his dad owned the biggest pond in aII the Iand. 866 01:10:44,239 --> 01:10:46,207 But he stiII wasn't happy. 867 01:10:49,277 --> 01:10:52,405 If onIy he can find a princess, then she couId kiss him... 868 01:10:52,614 --> 01:10:56,482 ...turn him into a prince, and they wouId run away together. 869 01:11:00,321 --> 01:11:04,417 One night, after the sIimy frog ditches his super-hot... 870 01:11:04,626 --> 01:11:08,289 ...senior-poII-most-popuIar girIfriend, he meets his princess.'' 871 01:11:08,496 --> 01:11:09,929 Your highness. 872 01:11:12,800 --> 01:11:16,600 ''AIas, it turned out that our frog not onIy had a secret identity... 873 01:11:16,804 --> 01:11:22,470 ...but aIso had a secret e-maiI reIationship with a pen paI named Princeton GirI.'' 874 01:11:23,311 --> 01:11:24,608 This isn't good. 875 01:11:24,812 --> 01:11:28,111 Dear Princeton GirI, I can't wait tiII we finaIIy get to meet. 876 01:11:28,316 --> 01:11:30,750 You're the onIy one who understands the reaI me. 877 01:11:30,985 --> 01:11:33,351 The man who doesn't want to pIay USC footbaII. 878 01:11:33,554 --> 01:11:36,785 But who wants to be at Princeton, with you. 879 01:11:37,191 --> 01:11:40,592 -What are they taIking about? -Nothing. 880 01:11:40,795 --> 01:11:45,664 Dear Nomad, I want you to know who I am, but I'm scared! 881 01:11:46,567 --> 01:11:48,694 I'm scared that you'II reject me. 882 01:11:48,936 --> 01:11:53,066 And I've never had a reaI kiss before. 883 01:11:54,475 --> 01:11:57,308 -I can't beIieve they're reading my e-maiIs. -Let's go. 884 01:11:57,512 --> 01:11:59,275 But our princess had a secret too. 885 01:11:59,480 --> 01:12:05,180 She wasn't royaIty at aII, but a geek, a Ioser, a servant girI. 886 01:12:10,858 --> 01:12:12,291 Yeah! 887 01:12:12,660 --> 01:12:14,685 Any ideas about this? 888 01:12:17,198 --> 01:12:19,792 And who, may you ask, is this imposter? 889 01:12:20,034 --> 01:12:25,836 Give it up for the pretend princess, diner girI, Sam Montgomery! 890 01:12:31,713 --> 01:12:36,673 Diner girl! Diner girl! Diner girl! Diner girl! 891 01:12:43,491 --> 01:12:45,425 Come on. 892 01:13:07,482 --> 01:13:10,576 -Sam! -Go away! 893 01:13:11,319 --> 01:13:15,380 But, Sam, you've got a Ietter from Princeton. 894 01:13:22,764 --> 01:13:24,527 What does it say? 895 01:13:31,806 --> 01:13:33,034 I didn't get in. 896 01:13:34,475 --> 01:13:37,410 Oh, no! 897 01:13:39,213 --> 01:13:41,010 And you studied so hard. 898 01:13:41,416 --> 01:13:43,976 I can't beIieve I actuaIIy thought I had a chance. 899 01:13:44,185 --> 01:13:47,086 Sam, I'm heartbroken. 900 01:13:47,488 --> 01:13:50,514 Life can be so unfair. 901 01:13:51,559 --> 01:13:53,789 WeII, just Iook at the bright side. 902 01:13:54,362 --> 01:13:57,889 You have a job at the diner for the rest of your Iife. 903 01:14:00,768 --> 01:14:02,759 You want a cookie? 904 01:14:06,908 --> 01:14:08,603 They're so moist. 905 01:15:20,915 --> 01:15:24,146 PeopIe Iike her don't beIong in our worId, Austin. 906 01:16:06,928 --> 01:16:08,828 Sam, what are you doing? 907 01:16:09,730 --> 01:16:12,221 I'm trying to get these fIoors cIean. 908 01:16:14,135 --> 01:16:16,262 Come on, sweetie, get up. 909 01:16:17,204 --> 01:16:19,832 What I meant is, what are you doing with your Iife? 910 01:16:20,207 --> 01:16:23,506 I'm diner girI. I'm doing what diner girIs do, Rhonda. 911 01:16:24,278 --> 01:16:28,612 Baby, what's gotten into you? You don't even reaIize how bIessed you are. 912 01:16:28,816 --> 01:16:32,650 Look, you've got a whoIe famiIy behind you. 913 01:16:34,255 --> 01:16:36,052 We have faith in you. 914 01:16:36,257 --> 01:16:38,191 And you gotta have faith in yourseIf. 915 01:16:59,847 --> 01:17:01,212 Mother! 916 01:17:01,415 --> 01:17:04,714 -Sam just ruined your waII. -What? 917 01:17:04,919 --> 01:17:09,083 Yes, you did. WeII, that's gonna come out of your paycheck. 918 01:17:11,025 --> 01:17:13,493 And cover up those stupid words. 919 01:17:13,995 --> 01:17:18,728 ''Never Iet the fear of striking out keep you from pIaying the game.'' 920 01:17:20,001 --> 01:17:23,801 AII right. I'm going off to get some more Iipo. 921 01:17:24,005 --> 01:17:27,406 Come on, girIs. Sam, I need you to cIean the pooI tonight. 922 01:17:27,842 --> 01:17:29,639 No. 923 01:17:34,782 --> 01:17:36,443 Excuse me? 924 01:17:36,651 --> 01:17:39,814 You heard me. I quit. 925 01:17:40,021 --> 01:17:44,651 I quit this job. I quit your famiIy. And I'm moving out. 926 01:17:48,929 --> 01:17:51,955 Oh, and where are you gonna Iive? 927 01:17:52,333 --> 01:17:54,028 With me. 928 01:17:56,637 --> 01:17:58,696 You can't just waIk out on me. 929 01:17:59,040 --> 01:18:00,234 You know what, Fiona? 930 01:18:00,441 --> 01:18:03,274 You can mess with your hair, your nose and your face... 931 01:18:03,477 --> 01:18:05,775 ...and you can even mess with my dad's diner. 932 01:18:06,180 --> 01:18:08,307 But you're through messing with me. 933 01:18:09,850 --> 01:18:11,147 Wait up, Sam. 934 01:18:11,352 --> 01:18:15,220 You take one more step, and you're fired. 935 01:18:15,423 --> 01:18:19,189 Oh, no, that won't be necessary, because I quit too. And you know what? 936 01:18:19,393 --> 01:18:24,490 The onIy reason why I put up with you aII these years is because of that girI. 937 01:18:24,932 --> 01:18:28,834 Now that she's free of you, nothing is stopping me from kicking your butt. 938 01:18:29,236 --> 01:18:33,138 Come on, no. Not my face. It's much newer than the girIs. Go for the girIs! 939 01:18:33,340 --> 01:18:36,207 -Mom! -Rhonda? Rhonda! 940 01:18:36,410 --> 01:18:38,378 She's not even worth it. 941 01:18:41,649 --> 01:18:44,174 -You're right. -You know what? I quit too. 942 01:18:44,485 --> 01:18:48,216 Me too. Hey, Rhonda. EIeanor. HoId up, I need a ride. 943 01:18:48,723 --> 01:18:50,281 See you. 944 01:18:52,259 --> 01:18:53,726 WeII.... 945 01:18:54,795 --> 01:18:56,285 See you. 946 01:18:58,833 --> 01:18:59,060 Send me a biII. 947 01:19:04,371 --> 01:19:06,805 Fiona actuaIIy thought you were gonna sIug her. 948 01:19:07,041 --> 01:19:08,838 I was gonna do more than that. 949 01:19:09,076 --> 01:19:11,442 I had no idea that you were that tough. 950 01:19:12,480 --> 01:19:14,914 Yeah, but I aIways knew that you were. 951 01:19:16,851 --> 01:19:18,318 Rhonda... 952 01:19:20,421 --> 01:19:22,548 ...are you sure that this is okay? 953 01:19:22,757 --> 01:19:25,749 Sam, I wouIdn't have it any other way. 954 01:19:31,966 --> 01:19:34,935 I haven't feIt this much at home in such a Iong time. 955 01:19:35,369 --> 01:19:37,837 I'm sure, compared to the Addams FamiIy. 956 01:19:41,542 --> 01:19:44,739 -What's on your mind? -I gotta do something tonight. 957 01:19:44,945 --> 01:19:47,243 Don't wait up for me, okay? 958 01:19:49,250 --> 01:19:52,947 Welcome to the start of tonight's game between the South Bay Lancers... 959 01:19:53,154 --> 01:19:55,349 ...and the North Valley Fighting Frogs! 960 01:19:59,059 --> 01:20:04,497 Big welcome to all returning alumni to tonight's 38th annual homecoming game! 961 01:20:08,302 --> 01:20:10,736 -Check it! -Chick at 3 o'cIock! 962 01:20:12,072 --> 01:20:15,508 -Hey, diner girI! -What's she doing in here? 963 01:20:22,316 --> 01:20:24,079 What are you doing in here? 964 01:20:24,318 --> 01:20:25,945 Sam. 965 01:20:26,420 --> 01:20:29,253 -Okay, I know you think I'm just some-- -Coward? Phony? 966 01:20:29,456 --> 01:20:31,788 -Okay, just Iisten. -No, you Iisten. 967 01:20:32,026 --> 01:20:34,790 You turned out to be exactIy who I thought you were. 968 01:20:34,995 --> 01:20:38,328 I never pretended to be somebody eIse. It's been me aII aIong. 969 01:20:38,532 --> 01:20:41,501 And it was me who was hurt in front of everybody. 970 01:20:42,336 --> 01:20:46,295 Look, I didn't come here to yeII at you, okay? 971 01:20:46,507 --> 01:20:50,705 I came to teII you I know what it feeIs Iike to be afraid to show who you are. 972 01:20:50,911 --> 01:20:52,674 I was. But I'm not anymore. 973 01:20:52,880 --> 01:20:55,974 And the thing is, I don't care what peopIe think about me... 974 01:20:56,183 --> 01:21:00,176 ...because I beIieve in myseIf. And I know that things are gonna be okay. 975 01:21:00,387 --> 01:21:04,517 But even though I have no famiIy and no job and no money for coIIege... 976 01:21:04,725 --> 01:21:07,023 ...it's you that I feeI sorry for. 977 01:21:07,628 --> 01:21:11,029 -Heads up. Yo, five minutes. -I'm coming. 978 01:21:12,433 --> 01:21:16,494 I know that guy that sent those e-maiIs is somewhere down inside of you. 979 01:21:16,704 --> 01:21:18,899 But I can't wait for him... 980 01:21:19,240 --> 01:21:22,835 ...because waiting for you is Iike waiting for rain in this drought. 981 01:21:23,043 --> 01:21:25,443 UseIess and disappointing. 982 01:21:29,316 --> 01:21:30,977 Sam. 983 01:21:42,963 --> 01:21:45,056 -Sam. -Hey. What are you doing here? 984 01:21:45,266 --> 01:21:49,828 Rhonda toId me where you might be. I thought you couId use a friend. Come here. 985 01:21:51,705 --> 01:21:55,004 Sam, I'm so proud of you. You did-- 986 01:21:55,209 --> 01:21:58,770 Your stepmom and Austin, aII in one day. How do you feeI? 987 01:21:58,979 --> 01:22:02,881 I'II Iet you know when I can catch my breath. Let's do something tonight. 988 01:22:03,083 --> 01:22:07,611 WeII, I was actuaIIy thinking about going to the game... 989 01:22:07,821 --> 01:22:10,346 ...but I understand if you don't wanna do that. 990 01:22:11,225 --> 01:22:12,692 No, I'II go. 991 01:22:13,360 --> 01:22:15,351 ReaIIy? You'II go to the game? 992 01:22:15,896 --> 01:22:19,263 Yeah. I can handIe it now. It'II be our first and Iast. 993 01:22:19,466 --> 01:22:23,197 And besides, if I don't go, who eIse is gonna expIain the game to you? 994 01:22:25,773 --> 01:22:29,072 I Iike what you're wearing. What character are you today? 995 01:22:29,276 --> 01:22:31,642 -MyseIf. -I think it's your best Iook. 996 01:22:32,746 --> 01:22:34,111 Thank you. 997 01:22:35,582 --> 01:22:38,847 Come on, everybody. Weren't they great? Let's hear it for them. 998 01:22:39,053 --> 01:22:42,682 Let's give our cheerleaders a big hand. Make some noise. 999 01:22:42,890 --> 01:22:47,884 Austin and I are aImost back together. It isn't officiaI or anything, but it's on. 1000 01:22:48,095 --> 01:22:49,460 -Sorry, guys. -Sorry. 1001 01:22:49,663 --> 01:22:53,861 Okay, everybody. Get ready. Here they come! 1002 01:22:54,068 --> 01:22:55,296 I'm gIad you came, Sam. 1003 01:22:55,502 --> 01:23:01,099 The defending regional conference champions, your very own Fighting Frogs! 1004 01:23:12,186 --> 01:23:14,677 Both the Lancers and the Frogs enter the game... 1005 01:23:14,888 --> 01:23:17,379 ...tied for the lead in the conference standings. 1006 01:23:17,591 --> 01:23:22,756 The winner of tonight's game will advance to the playoffs for the state championship. 1007 01:23:24,598 --> 01:23:26,065 Austin. 1008 01:23:27,101 --> 01:23:30,400 Austin. AII right, buddy. This is the big one, aII right? 1009 01:23:30,604 --> 01:23:32,834 You stay focused and win it. 1010 01:23:33,040 --> 01:23:35,474 -Everyone is counting on you. AII right? -Andy! 1011 01:23:35,676 --> 01:23:38,406 Hey, Chuck! How you doing, paI? 1012 01:23:40,781 --> 01:23:43,773 Let's do it again! One more time. 1013 01:24:07,441 --> 01:24:11,707 Down, set, 28 guarding, 28 guarding! 1014 01:24:13,013 --> 01:24:14,605 Hike! 1015 01:24:20,287 --> 01:24:23,188 The clock is stopped with nine seconds left in the game. 1016 01:24:23,390 --> 01:24:28,020 -The Frogs need one touchdown to win. -I Iove footbaII! I Iove footbaII! 1017 01:24:28,896 --> 01:24:31,421 I Iove footbaII! 1018 01:24:33,333 --> 01:24:38,532 Austin! Austin! Austin! Austin! Austin! 1019 01:24:49,817 --> 01:24:54,948 Carter, I thought that I couId handIe this, but I reaIIy can't. I'm gonna go. 1020 01:25:01,295 --> 01:25:04,753 You know what? I'II teII you how it ends, okay? 1021 01:25:06,667 --> 01:25:08,794 -Come on! -Do it, baby! 1022 01:25:21,014 --> 01:25:24,609 This is the one. This is the one, Austin. This is the one. 1023 01:25:33,427 --> 01:25:36,590 -Sorry, boys. -Where are you going? 1024 01:25:37,231 --> 01:25:38,562 What's he--? What is he--? 1025 01:25:43,270 --> 01:25:44,498 What's the probIem? 1026 01:25:44,938 --> 01:25:46,872 -What are you doing? -I'm out of here. 1027 01:25:47,474 --> 01:25:50,272 What? You're throwing away your dream! 1028 01:25:50,744 --> 01:25:53,212 No, Dad. I'm throwing away yours. 1029 01:25:55,649 --> 01:25:58,015 It's your game now. Go get them. 1030 01:26:01,922 --> 01:26:05,585 Substituting for Ames is number 23, Ryan Henson. 1031 01:26:05,959 --> 01:26:08,928 -Austin! -Austin! Get back here! 1032 01:26:20,440 --> 01:26:22,704 Austin, what are you doing? 1033 01:26:23,410 --> 01:26:25,605 Something I shouId've done a Iong time ago. 1034 01:26:55,042 --> 01:26:57,203 Sorry I waited for the rain. 1035 01:26:57,711 --> 01:26:59,201 It's okay. 1036 01:27:02,583 --> 01:27:03,811 No! 1037 01:27:05,452 --> 01:27:07,317 Oh, my God. 1038 01:27:22,603 --> 01:27:27,040 Touchdown! The Fighting Frogs have won. They've done it. They won the game. 1039 01:27:27,407 --> 01:27:28,101 Oh, my.... You gotta Iove high schooI. 1040 01:27:42,522 --> 01:27:44,217 So we won the big game that day. 1041 01:27:44,424 --> 01:27:46,949 But what i remember most was i got my prince. 1042 01:27:47,160 --> 01:27:49,128 And a really bad cold. 1043 01:27:50,931 --> 01:27:54,298 After that, it was like everything fell into place. 1044 01:28:09,383 --> 01:28:13,649 My dad was right. The fairy tale book did contain something important. 1045 01:28:19,459 --> 01:28:22,053 Take this one and take the two cars in the front. 1046 01:28:22,262 --> 01:28:24,890 I can pay for those parking tickets! 1047 01:28:26,099 --> 01:28:29,535 ActuaIIy, I'm seIIing your cars, Fiona. For coIIege tuition money. 1048 01:28:30,304 --> 01:28:33,068 What gives you the idea you can seII our cars? 1049 01:28:33,307 --> 01:28:36,674 -She owns them. -ExactIy. I own them. 1050 01:28:36,877 --> 01:28:40,711 I'm the county district attorney. Have you ever seen this before? 1051 01:28:40,914 --> 01:28:43,178 I've never seen that before. 1052 01:28:44,318 --> 01:28:46,980 Isn't this your signature on the witness Iine? 1053 01:28:48,121 --> 01:28:51,454 I have never seen my husband's hidden wiII before. 1054 01:28:53,093 --> 01:28:56,290 I'm afraid you're gonna have to come downtown with me, ma'am. 1055 01:28:58,899 --> 01:29:04,303 That hidden will stated that the house, the diner and everything belonged to me. 1056 01:29:05,739 --> 01:29:10,403 it turned out my stepsisters knew where Fiona had filed my real acceptance letter. 1057 01:29:10,610 --> 01:29:12,100 I got it! 1058 01:29:14,514 --> 01:29:17,677 My dad's diner was restored to its former glory. 1059 01:29:20,587 --> 01:29:22,782 And my stepmother made a deal with the DA. 1060 01:29:22,989 --> 01:29:26,447 She's working off her debt to society at Hal's... 1061 01:29:27,227 --> 01:29:30,094 ...under the watchful eye of my new partner. 1062 01:29:38,105 --> 01:29:42,508 And my stepsisters? They finally put their teamwork to good use. 1063 01:29:48,382 --> 01:29:53,081 Austin's dad finally came around and got off his Trojan horse. 1064 01:29:55,222 --> 01:29:57,452 Things even cleared up for Carter. 1065 01:30:00,494 --> 01:30:04,123 Anything is possibIe if you just beIieve. 1066 01:30:04,664 --> 01:30:07,030 He ended up filming a commercial. 1067 01:30:08,201 --> 01:30:10,863 And in addition to landing that commercial... 1068 01:30:11,905 --> 01:30:14,271 ...Carter also landed the girl. 1069 01:30:22,416 --> 01:30:25,351 The San Fernando Valley was clear and beautiful... 1070 01:30:25,585 --> 01:30:28,179 ...the way it only is after a big rainstorm. 1071 01:30:30,924 --> 01:30:34,690 As for Austin and me, well, i finally got my cell phone back. 1072 01:30:34,895 --> 01:30:38,956 We wound up going to Princeton together and lived happily ever after. 1073 01:30:40,434 --> 01:30:43,835 At least for now. Hey, i'm only a freshman.