1 00:00:01,547 --> 00:00:04,002 So we've had calls from a number of the residents in these local flats 2 00:00:04,026 --> 00:00:06,666 about something unusual, unexplained possibly ghostly. 3 00:00:06,826 --> 00:00:10,465 On the lookout for a pale, translucent figure floating eerily in the back of the car park. 4 00:00:10,625 --> 00:00:11,985 O'Leary! There! 5 00:00:12,145 --> 00:00:16,704 So, um, we did respond to a call-out of something that was, perhaps, supernatural, 6 00:00:16,864 --> 00:00:18,264 like a ghost floating around. 7 00:00:18,424 --> 00:00:21,504 But our findings have determined that the nature of the entity 8 00:00:21,664 --> 00:00:24,943 was not actually of supernatural origin. No, it was a, um, 9 00:00:25,103 --> 00:00:26,823 it was a plastic bag. 10 00:00:29,622 --> 00:00:31,942 Yeah, that's correct. It was a um, a plastic shopping bag. 11 00:00:32,102 --> 00:00:35,117 I mean, I guess that's the thing with the nature of this job and our work for Wellington Paranormal. 12 00:00:35,141 --> 00:00:39,221 It's not always, uh, paranormal call-outs. In fact, um... 13 00:00:39,381 --> 00:00:42,580 most of the time, it's not paranormal. 14 00:00:44,220 --> 00:00:47,619 Could have tased it. Y No. Put that back. 15 00:00:48,059 --> 00:00:51,579 You're always saying "Don't tase stuff." 16 00:00:51,739 --> 00:00:54,138 Oh my God. 17 00:00:54,298 --> 00:00:58,178 This is the fourth time you've done that! Hang on. Yeah, I know. 18 00:00:58,338 --> 00:01:00,617 Pull over. I'm pulling over. Yep, yep. 19 00:01:30,772 --> 00:01:33,052 Um, so we've had reports from the local hospital here. 20 00:01:33,212 --> 00:01:38,011 Staff had reported a suspicious number of blood bags have gone missing from the blood bank area. 21 00:01:38,171 --> 00:01:41,651 You know, it could be some sort of a stocktaking error, but it could also be foul play. 22 00:01:41,811 --> 00:01:45,226 I mean, I'm certainly thinking that it could be some sort of high-performance sportspeople 23 00:01:45,250 --> 00:01:49,089 that are coming in and stealing that blood to give them the advantage they need to win. 24 00:01:49,249 --> 00:01:50,649 I mean, certainly, that's cheating. 25 00:01:50,689 --> 00:01:52,809 I mean, it's not the way to get ahead. 26 00:01:52,969 --> 00:01:57,448 I mean, when I was a sportsperson, I could have chosen to cheat. But I didn't. It's not the way to do it. 27 00:01:57,608 --> 00:02:03,287 But had I chosen to do that, I probably could have come away with a gold. 28 00:02:03,447 --> 00:02:05,367 I reckon it was vampires. 29 00:02:06,367 --> 00:02:12,286 Staff believe that the thief may have escaped the blood bank area via the internal door 30 00:02:12,446 --> 00:02:15,325 and through the car park. O'Leary! 31 00:02:16,485 --> 00:02:18,845 Evidence. Blood. 32 00:02:19,364 --> 00:02:21,204 Bag it, Minogue. 33 00:02:21,364 --> 00:02:25,763 It's already in a bag. Otherwise, it would just sploosh all over my head. 34 00:02:25,923 --> 00:02:29,763 No, I mean, like, put that bag in an evidence bag. 35 00:02:29,923 --> 00:02:32,802 Put this bag in another bag got it. 36 00:02:33,602 --> 00:02:37,042 I mean, obviously a blood bag loose in a car park doesn't look good. 37 00:02:37,202 --> 00:02:41,121 Could be some sort of delivery error, but certainly, we need to be on the lookout for a thief. 38 00:02:41,281 --> 00:02:43,801 I mean, if they make a comeback or they come back here, 39 00:02:43,960 --> 00:02:47,760 we might be able to catch them red-handed if there's a spillage, you know. 40 00:02:47,920 --> 00:02:52,399 See that? Obviously cos, you know, blood being a substance that's red in appearance makes pe 41 00:02:52,559 --> 00:02:54,559 O'Leary! 42 00:02:55,439 --> 00:02:58,278 What's happened? 43 00:02:58,438 --> 00:03:05,717 I was trying to squeeze the blood bag in to the much smaller evidence bag. Can you help me up? 44 00:03:05,877 --> 00:03:08,237 Come on. It's got blood on it. 45 00:03:08,397 --> 00:03:11,092 OK, hang on. Wait, wait, wait, wait. I shouldn't have stood in there. Maybe if you hold you hold 46 00:03:11,116 --> 00:03:13,116 two hands. OK, yep. 47 00:03:14,236 --> 00:03:16,355 It's not gonna Ooh. 48 00:03:16,515 --> 00:03:18,235 No, just lean forward when I pull you. 49 00:03:18,395 --> 00:03:19,795 Ready? Yep. 50 00:03:19,955 --> 00:03:21,834 Maybe if you go under my arms. Under my arms. 51 00:03:21,994 --> 00:03:24,034 Don't use your back like a Yep. 52 00:03:24,194 --> 00:03:28,033 Uh, so the nurse here told us that the potential thief was seen gliding down the hallway, 53 00:03:28,193 --> 00:03:32,313 but, for whatever reason, the security cams didn't pick it up. So, I mean, that 54 00:03:32,473 --> 00:03:36,552 O'Leary? Couldn't find any more evidence out there. OK. 55 00:03:36,712 --> 00:03:39,391 There's nothing. Excuse me, again. 56 00:03:39,551 --> 00:03:43,431 Oh, hi. Hey. Oh, don't worry. It's not my blood. 57 00:03:45,031 --> 00:03:48,470 Oh, no, I didn't I didn't brutalise anyone. People think I... 58 00:03:48,630 --> 00:03:51,709 I didn't brutalise anyone! Minogue. I didn't brutalise anyone. 59 00:03:51,869 --> 00:03:54,589 I don't think No one thinks that. Neither did she. No, certainly not. 60 00:03:54,669 --> 00:03:58,228 Um, so could you just tell us who has access to the blood bank? 61 00:03:58,388 --> 00:04:01,468 Hi, I'm Nick. I've been a blood bank officer for two months now. 62 00:04:01,628 --> 00:04:06,507 Sir, are you aware that 19 bags of blood were stolen this evening? 63 00:04:09,787 --> 00:04:11,026 Yep. 64 00:04:11,186 --> 00:04:14,346 Mate, do you know if blood is combustible? What? 65 00:04:14,506 --> 00:04:21,145 Well, what I mean by that is is it possible that the 19 bags of blood... exploded into smithereens, 66 00:04:21,305 --> 00:04:27,504 and then would those smithereens then be naked to the human eye? Minogue, um... 67 00:04:27,664 --> 00:04:31,343 That doesn't make any sense whatsoever. 68 00:04:35,142 --> 00:04:38,582 Are you... Are you OK? I've just got that flu that's going around. 69 00:04:38,742 --> 00:04:40,662 I haven't seen that flu going around. 70 00:04:40,821 --> 00:04:46,221 OK, look. You've got access to this room, OK? You know, there's blood going missing, so... 71 00:04:46,381 --> 00:04:49,596 I mean, what are we meant to think? What would I want to do with 19 bags of blood? 72 00:04:49,620 --> 00:04:52,340 What would you want to do with 19 bags of blood? Save lives. 73 00:04:52,500 --> 00:04:55,779 That's quite a good answer, actually. And how did you know it was 19? 74 00:04:55,939 --> 00:04:57,699 You just told me. No, I didn't. 75 00:04:57,859 --> 00:05:01,258 You literally just said "19 bags of blood went missing." Did I? 76 00:05:01,418 --> 00:05:04,538 Yeah, at the start you said "19 bags of blood". Actual quote. 77 00:05:04,698 --> 00:05:07,137 I work here, so I know most things that happen. 78 00:05:07,297 --> 00:05:12,576 We'd just like to take you down to the station, Nick, OK? Ask you a couple of questions. All right? 79 00:05:12,736 --> 00:05:14,936 I didn't do anything. 80 00:05:15,096 --> 00:05:19,431 OK. Well, we'll get to the bottom of that once we ask you some questions. We just need to get a statement, OK? 81 00:05:19,455 --> 00:05:23,855 You've got the wrong guy. Hey, look, mate, you're not Obi-Wan Kenobi, OK? 82 00:05:24,014 --> 00:05:26,974 We need to go down to the copper shop, have a bit of a chitty-chat, OK? 83 00:05:27,134 --> 00:05:29,174 Just... just let me go, eh? 84 00:05:35,173 --> 00:05:38,772 Yes, OK. No, yeah, you're right. OK. You, um... Sorry to bother you. Are you serious? 85 00:05:38,932 --> 00:05:42,212 Sorry, mate. You have a great night, eh? So I'm innocent and shit? 86 00:05:42,371 --> 00:05:44,571 Have a good day. Thank you. See you later. 87 00:05:44,731 --> 00:05:47,931 That's literally never worked before. 88 00:05:48,091 --> 00:05:51,610 So it turns out that the blood bank officer is not a person of interest in this case. 89 00:05:51,770 --> 00:05:53,986 Certainly, we will be investigating further, but for now, 90 00:05:54,010 --> 00:05:58,369 we have no reason to believe that this was a theft or even that this case is paranormal in any way. 91 00:05:58,529 --> 00:06:03,488 Or even that anything, um, happened at all. Mm. 92 00:06:03,648 --> 00:06:07,668 - It's the other one, Minogue. - It's the other button. 93 00:06:07,692 --> 00:06:14,651 And lastly, special thanks to Officers Jones, Savali, Michaelson, Smith, Folatai, 94 00:06:14,811 --> 00:06:19,890 Bracewell, Ward, Qing, Yates, Parker, Donovan, Laupepe and Solid 95 00:06:20,050 --> 00:06:22,370 for their hard work out in the harbour today. 96 00:06:22,530 --> 00:06:24,370 These fine police people all worked together 97 00:06:24,530 --> 00:06:29,009 and braved the conditions in response to a call-out about a baby in distress out in the harbour. 98 00:06:29,169 --> 00:06:31,169 Well done. 99 00:06:33,808 --> 00:06:37,887 As we all know, it turned out to be a towel, but, uh, what if it was a baby, you know? 100 00:06:38,047 --> 00:06:42,527 That towel could have been a real danger to shipping got caught up in a propeller. You never know. 101 00:06:42,687 --> 00:06:47,926 Ah, Minogue. What happened to you? Were you shot in the line of fire? No, sir. 102 00:06:48,086 --> 00:06:50,565 Oh, no. He was trying to fit a bag of blood into another bag 103 00:06:50,725 --> 00:06:53,485 which was way too small to possibly fit the first bag. 104 00:06:53,645 --> 00:06:57,404 Right, clean that up. That's no way to keep a uniform. Yes, sir. 105 00:06:57,564 --> 00:07:01,284 Uh, we still have 13 unsolved murders. 106 00:07:01,444 --> 00:07:06,963 I'm gonna divvy those up later on today. All right. Dismissed. 107 00:07:07,883 --> 00:07:09,882 Uh, Minogue. O'Leary. 108 00:07:11,762 --> 00:07:15,681 Uh, just holding for fingerprint analysis, guys. 109 00:07:15,841 --> 00:07:20,641 Finger analysis complete. 110 00:07:23,480 --> 00:07:26,280 What's the status update on that ghost outside the fish and chip shop? 111 00:07:26,440 --> 00:07:28,919 OK. That turns out it was just a plastic bag, sir. Mm-hm. 112 00:07:29,079 --> 00:07:31,919 Do you know of the Japanese tales of the Yokai? 113 00:07:34,598 --> 00:07:38,238 Spirits or demons. Sometimes vengeful. 114 00:07:38,398 --> 00:07:42,837 They take the form of people, animals, even inanimate objects. 115 00:07:42,997 --> 00:07:46,156 I'm talking about scary umbrellas. 116 00:07:46,316 --> 00:07:48,316 Possessed futons. 117 00:07:49,956 --> 00:07:54,435 I believe that what you saw may in fact have been a... 118 00:07:55,635 --> 00:07:59,354 Oh. That's just a normal plastic bag, isn't it? Mm. 119 00:07:59,514 --> 00:08:02,994 Yep. Um, that's all right. I'm gonna file it anyway. 120 00:08:04,873 --> 00:08:08,233 Any further development on the, uh, missing blood bags from Wellington Hospital? 121 00:08:08,393 --> 00:08:11,792 Uh, O'Leary and I investigated, sir, and we've come up with, um, absolutely nothing. 122 00:08:11,952 --> 00:08:14,032 I... have a theory. 123 00:08:19,151 --> 00:08:21,911 - What are you d what is that? - What are you doing? 124 00:08:22,071 --> 00:08:24,150 Pardon? 125 00:08:25,470 --> 00:08:29,429 Vampires. Oh. Yeah, I thought that to begin with, sir, but... 126 00:08:29,589 --> 00:08:33,269 I mean, we interviewed the leading suspect and came back with nothing suspicious. 127 00:08:33,429 --> 00:08:36,108 You sure he wasn't a vampire? He just wasn't remotely suspicious. 128 00:08:36,268 --> 00:08:38,788 He was He was too normal, if anything. 129 00:08:38,948 --> 00:08:43,227 Did he have fangs? It's hard to remember. He might have had little tiny ones, perhaps. 130 00:08:43,387 --> 00:08:48,546 Vampire. Did he glamour you? Like, give us a glamorous makeover? Nope. Not on my watch. No. 131 00:08:48,706 --> 00:08:54,345 No, no. Uh, glamouring is a hypnotic form of sorcery, or spell. It's a power that's innate in vampires. 132 00:08:54,505 --> 00:08:57,625 They can use it to charm people or even erase your memory. 133 00:08:57,785 --> 00:08:59,584 Nah, I'd remember something like that. 134 00:08:59,744 --> 00:09:02,904 And even if he perhaps didn't, I certainly would remember that. 135 00:09:03,064 --> 00:09:07,023 I want you to get back to that hospital and interview that guy from the blood bank again. 136 00:09:07,183 --> 00:09:10,343 I think you may have been glamoured. 137 00:09:10,503 --> 00:09:12,982 Still think we'd remember it. 138 00:09:14,382 --> 00:09:16,582 We'll Yep, we'll go back. 139 00:09:18,061 --> 00:09:20,301 Uh, we were on our way back to the hospital 140 00:09:20,461 --> 00:09:24,380 for some further questioning when we got a call-out to this park. 141 00:09:24,540 --> 00:09:28,660 Seems some of the neighbours have reported hearing satanic-sounding chanting. 142 00:09:28,820 --> 00:09:32,619 Hey, guys. I can't see a barbecue. Bring meat? 143 00:09:32,779 --> 00:09:34,539 Hello. Sausage sizz oh. 144 00:09:34,699 --> 00:09:36,834 What are you guys doing out here in the middle of the night? 145 00:09:36,858 --> 00:09:40,738 It's almost, uh, it's almost midnight, guys. We're just, um... 146 00:09:40,898 --> 00:09:43,377 Just chanting. Just normal chanting stuff. 147 00:09:43,537 --> 00:09:47,057 Can you just lift your hood a bit, sir, please? You? 148 00:09:47,217 --> 00:09:49,136 Just hold on to this. 149 00:09:49,296 --> 00:09:52,416 Keep going round. Don't chant, but keep going round. 150 00:09:53,976 --> 00:09:56,191 We were just coming to see you at the hospital, actually. Yeah. 151 00:09:56,215 --> 00:10:00,255 Oh, cool. Yeah, you were the guy with the, uh, stolen blood. 152 00:10:00,415 --> 00:10:03,134 I'm innocent though, eh? Oh, yeah. Absolutely. No, you're innocent. 153 00:10:03,294 --> 00:10:05,414 Really? Yeah, yeah. That's awesome. 154 00:10:05,574 --> 00:10:08,749 So what's going on here? Are you guys having a, uh, you're having a drink, are you? 155 00:10:08,773 --> 00:10:14,812 Yeah, I guess you could say that. What's with the uh, the cloaks? Oh, nah. That's, um... 156 00:10:14,972 --> 00:10:17,332 just role-playing. It's like a Dungeons and Dragons thing. 157 00:10:17,492 --> 00:10:21,291 This must be a, uh, different version, is it? It's the, um, Lower Hutt version. 158 00:10:21,451 --> 00:10:23,691 Wait a second. Who's this? 159 00:10:23,851 --> 00:10:27,330 Hello. What are you what are you doing tied to that stick there? Are you OK? 160 00:10:27,490 --> 00:10:31,330 He's... He's definitely OK. OK, yeah. Well, I want to hear his answer. 161 00:10:31,490 --> 00:10:34,865 Um, I'm actually just I was hopin that someone would come and save me or just help me down. 162 00:10:34,889 --> 00:10:41,608 Um, everything is fine right now. Everything's actually fine right now. I'm OK. 163 00:10:41,768 --> 00:10:47,767 I mean, I asked to be put on this stake, and I'm not cold. I'm not afraid. I'm really looking forward. 164 00:10:47,927 --> 00:10:53,366 Don't Don't Don't improvise. You don't want someone to save you? 165 00:10:53,526 --> 00:10:56,845 We had a question for you, mate. He's fine. Did you give us a makeover? 166 00:10:57,005 --> 00:10:59,765 Nah, nothing. Forget about it. 167 00:10:59,925 --> 00:11:04,324 This guy looks a bit cold, OK? He could probably do with one of those cloaks at some stage soon. 168 00:11:04,484 --> 00:11:09,203 And, I mean, obviously it is quite late, but if any children come along here at this time of night, 169 00:11:09,363 --> 00:11:12,443 it's not gonna be good, is it? No. I mean Don't do that, Minogue. 170 00:11:12,603 --> 00:11:17,162 Um, so maybe just have a think about this guy. Maybe, you know, include him more in the circle bit. 171 00:11:17,322 --> 00:11:21,201 Yeah, the flames well, he's the centre of it. Uh, OK. Great. 172 00:11:21,361 --> 00:11:24,617 Right, well, we'll leave you to it. Right, and just make sure you take your rubbish with you, OK? 173 00:11:24,641 --> 00:11:26,857 Yeah, of course. Don't go leaving a bloody mess all over the place. 174 00:11:26,881 --> 00:11:30,840 And I would just keep that chanting down to a minimum, OK? Yeah, of course. We'll be quiet. 175 00:11:31,000 --> 00:11:33,200 Yep. Can we just hear that? 176 00:11:33,679 --> 00:11:35,959 Quiet. 177 00:11:37,279 --> 00:11:40,798 A little bit louder. No, no. I think that was good. Do you not you don't do the chanting? 178 00:11:40,878 --> 00:11:44,198 No, I'm just naked. OK. Have a good night. Good night! 179 00:11:44,358 --> 00:11:47,197 Storm in a teacup, eh? Yeah, you never know, do you? 180 00:11:48,277 --> 00:11:52,436 It was weird seeing that guy from the hospital again, wasn't it? It was weird seeing that other guy. 181 00:11:52,596 --> 00:11:54,316 Yeah. It wasn't paranormal, though, was it? 182 00:11:54,476 --> 00:11:55,916 Nah, it was more abnormal. 183 00:11:56,076 --> 00:11:57,676 I guess that's the job, though, isn't it? 184 00:11:57,796 --> 00:11:59,835 Sometimes it's normal, sometimes it's abnormal. 185 00:11:59,995 --> 00:12:04,914 Copy that. Look at this freaky-looking clown. What the... 186 00:12:05,074 --> 00:12:07,114 I don't like that. He can see you. I don't like it. 187 00:12:07,274 --> 00:12:13,033 He can see you. Look. Look how he's looking at you. Slow down and look how he's looking at you. 188 00:12:13,193 --> 00:12:16,193 Eugh. Oh, God. It's another one. 189 00:12:16,832 --> 00:12:20,752 This must be some kind of crime, is it? Well, jaywalking, yes. 190 00:12:20,912 --> 00:12:23,311 Times two. Pass me the thing. 191 00:12:24,991 --> 00:12:29,910 Excuse me. Return to the footpath, please. Did you spike my coffee, O'Leary? 192 00:12:30,070 --> 00:12:34,829 Oh, what is this, now? He's doing the Running Man. Is that a clown thing? 193 00:12:34,989 --> 00:12:39,229 He'd better not touch the car. Do that, but towards the footpath, sir. 194 00:12:39,389 --> 00:12:43,788 He's running on the spot, but he needs to be running... over to the r whoa. 195 00:12:43,948 --> 00:12:46,188 What? 196 00:12:46,348 --> 00:12:50,947 And now there's even more of them jaywalking. There's multiple crimes. 197 00:12:51,107 --> 00:12:53,586 Oh, God. Now what's this? 198 00:12:53,746 --> 00:12:56,426 Wha They can't do that. More clowns. More clowns, O'Leary. 199 00:12:56,586 --> 00:13:01,105 Stop. Stop the car. Police, stop. Don't say 'please' to them. 200 00:13:01,265 --> 00:13:03,985 'Police, stop.' 'Please stop.' 'Police!' 201 00:13:04,145 --> 00:13:08,624 Look, anyway, this is getting weird. OK, look, that is... Now where are they going? 202 00:13:08,784 --> 00:13:11,384 This definitely Excuse me. Stay there. Stay in the car. 203 00:13:11,544 --> 00:13:13,943 They're going. They're driving off, now. Let's just. 204 00:13:14,103 --> 00:13:17,543 Turn on the thing. Yeah, turn the lights on. OK? Yep. What are we gonna do? 205 00:13:17,703 --> 00:13:21,862 Oh, God. Now there's more they're all of them are coming now. What is what is going on? 206 00:13:22,022 --> 00:13:24,101 All of you, just stay still, please. 207 00:13:24,261 --> 00:13:27,717 Yep, lock the doors. Lock the doors. What Is there some sort of weird, disturbing circus in town? 208 00:13:27,741 --> 00:13:29,997 O'Leary. Look at that one. He's walking weird. I don't want to look at that one. 209 00:13:30,021 --> 00:13:32,756 I don't even like it. There's too many of them, O'Leary! This is not funny. 210 00:13:32,780 --> 00:13:36,555 I'm not even watching. I don't wanna watch it. It's making me feel sick. There's too may of them, O'Leary. 211 00:13:36,579 --> 00:13:38,979 Hey, get off of the car! Get away from the car! 212 00:13:39,139 --> 00:13:41,420 Get in the car! Now where are they going? Call for backup. 213 00:13:41,459 --> 00:13:45,378 Put the lights on. Call for backup. The lights are on. Put the lights back on. 214 00:13:45,538 --> 00:13:46,834 He's driving along with the door open. 215 00:13:46,858 --> 00:13:48,634 Shut the door! That is completely unsafe! Unacceptable. 216 00:13:48,657 --> 00:13:52,193 OK, this is a traffic infringement. They've been jaywalking. They've been dancing on the road. 217 00:13:52,217 --> 00:13:54,577 Where's the siren? Put the thing on. 218 00:13:54,737 --> 00:13:57,016 It's under here. No, the big the noise. 219 00:13:57,176 --> 00:13:59,296 - Hang on. - Pull over, please. 220 00:14:03,295 --> 00:14:08,334 Uh, so what we have here is a large number of incredibly creepy and disturbing clowns, 221 00:14:08,494 --> 00:14:14,053 um, paying no attention to the law. Mm, mm, mm. There's actually a worldwide trend of sightings 222 00:14:14,213 --> 00:14:17,973 of these creepy, freaky clowns, and it's um, it's just disappoint 223 00:14:18,133 --> 00:14:20,292 that it's made its way all the way to Wellington. 224 00:14:20,452 --> 00:14:22,852 The other thing is, obviously, this is not a paranormal case, 225 00:14:22,932 --> 00:14:27,891 um, but the maximum number of clowns or people that should be in that small car is five, 226 00:14:28,051 --> 00:14:32,010 um, and I think they had at least, I think, 16 clowns getting into that vehicle, 227 00:14:32,170 --> 00:14:35,410 and that's completely unsafe. I'm glad it's my week with the Taser. 228 00:14:35,570 --> 00:14:38,265 But, I mean, obviously, we just need to get them out of the car and have a good chat to them 229 00:14:38,289 --> 00:14:42,809 about, you know, just, some of their actions tonight were just completely, um, irresponsible. 230 00:14:42,969 --> 00:14:45,024 We should get these clowns down to the station anyway. 231 00:14:45,048 --> 00:14:46,504 I think we're gonna have to book those clowns. 232 00:14:46,528 --> 00:14:50,168 I don't know how we're gonna get all those clowns in our car. It'll take multiple trips. 233 00:14:50,327 --> 00:14:53,327 And they'll just be clowning around. 234 00:14:53,487 --> 00:14:57,126 Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Excuse me. Hang on. Hey. Whoa, whoa, whoa. 235 00:14:57,286 --> 00:15:00,526 No. Come on, guys. Back you come. Come here! Guys. 236 00:15:00,686 --> 00:15:03,245 Where's our car? H Here. Guys. Come here! 237 00:15:03,405 --> 00:15:08,045 Get the These clowns are making us look like clowns. 238 00:15:08,205 --> 00:15:10,204 I've got it! I've got it! 239 00:15:12,404 --> 00:15:16,643 Got it! I've got it! I'll get the car. I've got it. 240 00:15:16,803 --> 00:15:18,803 I've got it. 241 00:15:22,122 --> 00:15:26,962 We should have got in the car. Um, obviously, that was a mistake chasing the clown car. 242 00:15:27,122 --> 00:15:29,161 I mean, we did a good job, 243 00:15:29,321 --> 00:15:31,681 but we really should have got into the patrol vehicle. 244 00:15:31,841 --> 00:15:34,600 We probably would have got them by now if we had done that. 245 00:15:34,760 --> 00:15:36,760 Where is our car? 246 00:15:37,520 --> 00:15:38,851 Where's our car? 247 00:15:38,875 --> 00:15:40,994 So we haven't made it to the hospital yet. 248 00:15:41,154 --> 00:15:43,674 We will get there, but we've been called out to a cemetery. 249 00:15:43,834 --> 00:15:45,673 Go that way. Sorry. 250 00:15:45,833 --> 00:15:49,953 Another possible ghost sighting. Yeah, there have been several witnesses who report seeing 251 00:15:50,113 --> 00:15:53,792 a number of ghosts having conversations in and amongst the gravestones. 252 00:15:53,952 --> 00:15:59,751 Just chatting to each other, um, which is pretty strange, but who knows what to expect from ghosts? 253 00:15:59,911 --> 00:16:01,911 Hello? Anybody there? 254 00:16:02,551 --> 00:16:05,030 It's the police. We have pepper spray. 255 00:16:05,190 --> 00:16:09,550 Pepper spray? That's body spray, Minogue. We have body spray. 256 00:16:09,710 --> 00:16:12,509 - Smells bad. - Hello. 257 00:16:12,669 --> 00:16:15,949 Stop police terror. Police-free zone. 258 00:16:17,428 --> 00:16:20,188 What have you got left to do on Earth? What are you talking about? 259 00:16:20,348 --> 00:16:24,027 Let me see the pad, Minogue. 260 00:16:24,587 --> 00:16:30,626 That says 'Goths', not 'ghosts'. 'A group of Goths seen conferring around the gravestones.' 261 00:16:30,786 --> 00:16:34,746 I could never read this handwriting. Minogue, that's That's your handwriting. 262 00:16:34,905 --> 00:16:37,425 Well, I know that. I can tell. 263 00:16:37,585 --> 00:16:41,184 Because I can't read it. What do you guys want from us? We're just... 264 00:16:41,344 --> 00:16:44,520 minding our own business. What are you actually doing hanging around in a cemetery 265 00:16:44,544 --> 00:16:49,103 at this time of night? We're just, like, rejecting normal society and stuff, 266 00:16:49,263 --> 00:16:53,782 and I live next door with my mum and dad. We were both following this guy. 267 00:16:53,942 --> 00:16:59,222 He was handing out party flyers, and he looked... pretty pale and freaky. Yeah. 268 00:16:59,382 --> 00:17:01,461 Around here, somewhere? 269 00:17:02,101 --> 00:17:05,437 Actually, that's him over there. That's great. We'll have a chat with him. Thank you very much. 270 00:17:05,461 --> 00:17:08,540 The legal system should be against the law. 271 00:17:08,700 --> 00:17:11,660 Go that way, Minogue. 272 00:17:11,819 --> 00:17:14,235 Excuse me! So, you know Keith, who's got the mobile karaoke business? 273 00:17:14,259 --> 00:17:15,715 Oh, yup. Hello! So he's bringing the truck, 274 00:17:15,739 --> 00:17:17,795 and it's gonna be great. Awesome. Uh, look, my Uber's here, so I... 275 00:17:17,819 --> 00:17:20,098 Is that the guy... 276 00:17:23,258 --> 00:17:25,777 G'day, mate. Oh, hey, man. You look familiar. 277 00:17:25,937 --> 00:17:28,897 Nah. Sir. Sir, we've met before. Remember? 278 00:17:29,057 --> 00:17:31,736 No. We were actually just coming to visit you at the hospital. 279 00:17:31,896 --> 00:17:34,696 Nope. That's a coincidence, eh? Yeah, you could say that. 280 00:17:34,856 --> 00:17:37,015 Uh, what's in those bags? Uh, just pizza. 281 00:17:37,175 --> 00:17:40,535 He's saying things, but he just keeps on running away faster. 282 00:17:42,574 --> 00:17:44,894 Look, there's werewolves behind you. What? 283 00:17:47,774 --> 00:17:49,773 Um... I don't know. 284 00:17:58,292 --> 00:18:00,692 Stop there! Sir! You need to stop! 285 00:18:00,852 --> 00:18:03,491 Can't go any further, can you? Freeze! 286 00:18:03,651 --> 00:18:05,731 Wait there. It wasn't me. 287 00:18:07,370 --> 00:18:10,170 What the hell? He can't do that. 288 00:18:10,330 --> 00:18:12,410 Don't Oh. Away! 289 00:18:12,570 --> 00:18:15,009 No, come on. Down you get. No. You're hurting my shin splints. 290 00:18:15,049 --> 00:18:17,929 You're making a fool of yourself, mate. Get off! Go away, pigs! 291 00:18:18,089 --> 00:18:21,288 Tie his shoelaces together! OK, OK, OK, OK, OK. 292 00:18:21,448 --> 00:18:25,008 Yeah, I'm just, um... I'm just going to the hospital to drop them off. 293 00:18:25,168 --> 00:18:27,687 Via a cemetery in the middle of the night? Yep. 294 00:18:27,847 --> 00:18:32,726 I wasn't born yesterday, mate. If I was, I'd still be a baby. 295 00:18:34,646 --> 00:18:41,445 What are these? Party flyers? "Come to my party"? Oh, that's That's not my flyer. 296 00:18:41,965 --> 00:18:45,684 OK. Well, that's a big photo of your face, OK, on the middle of this flyer, and then it says. 297 00:18:45,844 --> 00:18:47,724 "Nick's vampire party". 298 00:18:47,884 --> 00:18:51,683 You know, so, obviously, you're stealing this blood to, uh, spare innocent victims' lives. 299 00:18:51,843 --> 00:18:57,002 The best part is that you can put a straw through the bag and you can drink it like a juicie. 300 00:18:57,162 --> 00:19:02,961 Whoa. There you go. Really good to just pass around at a party or something. Easy to drink. 301 00:19:03,121 --> 00:19:05,721 Well, I guess that is actually quite clever. Pretty clever. 302 00:19:05,881 --> 00:19:08,161 So... can you let me go? Nah! 303 00:19:10,000 --> 00:19:11,080 No. 304 00:19:11,240 --> 00:19:15,319 No, look. You know what? You're under arrest, OK, for stealing hospital property. 305 00:19:15,479 --> 00:19:19,079 OK? And also for making a false statement. 306 00:19:19,239 --> 00:19:20,719 What does that mean? Thank you. 307 00:19:20,879 --> 00:19:24,838 What's this? Discrimination against vampires, now? Are we the minority? No. 308 00:19:24,998 --> 00:19:29,637 It's fine to, uh, just take the blood from a human person. That's all fair game. 309 00:19:29,797 --> 00:19:33,476 But stealing from a hospital? No way. 310 00:19:33,636 --> 00:19:36,396 They need that for emergencies. 311 00:19:37,196 --> 00:19:42,315 Just cos I'm a brown vampire walking through a cemetery on a Monday night with a bag of blood... 312 00:19:43,315 --> 00:19:45,994 like, 18 bags of blood, I get pulled over. 313 00:19:46,154 --> 00:19:48,874 You know, this is just discrimination because... 314 00:19:49,034 --> 00:19:51,354 um, I'm not a white vampire, I guess. 315 00:19:51,514 --> 00:19:56,233 So, if you guys are watching this, um, #BatLivesMatter. 316 00:19:56,393 --> 00:19:59,032 A bit tighter. There you go. 317 00:19:59,192 --> 00:20:01,912 We're in Taita right now, actually. 318 00:20:02,072 --> 00:20:05,471 Turn around and look at me. I think we'd better get him an isolated cell. 319 00:20:05,631 --> 00:20:08,311 Yes, agreed. Actually, no. This is me right here. 320 00:20:08,471 --> 00:20:11,086 Look, um, we're taking you to the cells, OK? You'll be spending the night there. 321 00:20:11,110 --> 00:20:15,190 No, I can't. Like, the sun's gonna come up, and I'm gonna burn, so I'll just get off here. 322 00:20:15,350 --> 00:20:18,125 Look, you've passed my Mate, we're not falling for that this time, all right? 323 00:20:18,149 --> 00:20:23,788 We're not facing towards you, OK? You can see there's no eye contact, right? 324 00:20:23,948 --> 00:20:25,804 Excuse me, you need to put those back on, OK, sir? 325 00:20:25,828 --> 00:20:29,547 Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Just put your handcuffs back on. Hey. Stop hassling me, 326 00:20:29,707 --> 00:20:33,187 pull the car over and let me get out. All right. Um... 327 00:20:33,347 --> 00:20:35,602 just up here? Yeah. Just here behind this van. Thank you very much. 328 00:20:35,626 --> 00:20:38,602 Am I able to get the stuff out of the boot as well? Of course you are, mate. 329 00:20:38,626 --> 00:20:41,002 Let me help you with that, eh? Nah, it's all good, officer. Oh, and by the way, 330 00:20:41,026 --> 00:20:42,961 you're not gonna remember a single thing that's happened today. 331 00:20:42,985 --> 00:20:48,424 You're not gonna remember that tonight happened or anything. OK. 332 00:20:48,584 --> 00:20:52,184 He was a nice guy. What guy? 333 00:20:54,623 --> 00:20:57,823 I don't I don't know. 334 00:20:57,983 --> 00:20:59,982 Cheers, guys. 335 00:21:00,942 --> 00:21:05,622 He looks vaguely familiar. Yeah, he was just touching the police car. Should we follow him? 336 00:21:05,781 --> 00:21:10,981 Nah. I think he's just one of those Deliver Easy guys. Quiet night, eh? 337 00:21:11,141 --> 00:21:13,780 I reckon. Abnormally quiet. 338 00:21:14,460 --> 00:21:18,499 Yeah. Certainly not paranormal. No. Not paranormal at all. 339 00:21:45,735 --> 00:21:48,415 Wha! 340 00:22:09,851 --> 00:22:11,691 I knew it! 341 00:22:11,851 --> 00:22:13,131 Yokai! 342 00:22:35,167 --> 00:22:38,126 Captions SBS Australia 2018