1 00:00:12,526 --> 00:00:17,526 (theme music playing) 2 00:00:32,609 --> 00:00:35,984 Announcer (over TV): It's No Dice! A game of wits, a game of skill, 3 00:00:36,067 --> 00:00:38,025 but most of all, a game of chance, 4 00:00:38,109 --> 00:00:42,693 where brains will only get you so far, because on No Dice... 5 00:00:42,776 --> 00:00:45,984 Audience: The dice decide! 6 00:00:46,067 --> 00:00:50,359 Announcer: Now, ladies and gentlemen, it's time for the Hot Table. 7 00:00:50,442 --> 00:00:52,025 Does paradise await? 8 00:00:52,109 --> 00:00:55,901 Or will Floyd succumb to the viscous snake eyes? 9 00:00:55,984 --> 00:00:57,442 Back to you, Chip. 10 00:00:57,526 --> 00:01:00,359 Chip: Floyd, your total for the week is 12,500, 11 00:01:00,442 --> 00:01:02,150 plus you've won the living room set. 12 00:01:02,234 --> 00:01:05,693 -It's a lot on the line, Floyd. -Floyd: Sure, it is. 13 00:01:05,776 --> 00:01:07,609 Chip: It's all up to you, Floyd. 14 00:01:07,693 --> 00:01:10,442 Are you going to walk away or let it ride? 15 00:01:10,526 --> 00:01:12,776 - (audience cheering) -Floyd: Um, I, um... 16 00:01:12,859 --> 00:01:15,526 -He should be here any minute. -Floyd: I'm going to let it ride. 17 00:01:15,609 --> 00:01:17,859 Chip: He's going to let it ride! 18 00:01:18,859 --> 00:01:20,484 Are you nervous? 19 00:01:23,109 --> 00:01:25,067 It's okay. I'm nervous too. 20 00:01:25,150 --> 00:01:29,609 Chip: Are you r-r-r-ready to roll? 21 00:01:29,693 --> 00:01:31,234 Floyd: I'm ready to roll, Chip! 22 00:01:31,317 --> 00:01:33,401 (TV clicks off) 23 00:01:34,067 --> 00:01:37,651 Hey. You're about to have the real thing, right? 24 00:01:44,818 --> 00:01:47,317 (groans, sighs) 25 00:01:51,734 --> 00:01:54,025 (exhales loudly) 26 00:01:58,025 --> 00:01:59,776 (flask sloshes) 27 00:01:59,859 --> 00:02:04,109 Sir, just a reminder, we are filming this visit for Dreams2realities.com. 28 00:02:04,192 --> 00:02:07,526 Steph, how long have you been working on the show? 29 00:02:11,234 --> 00:02:13,025 How about a mint? 30 00:02:17,317 --> 00:02:18,818 Wallet. 31 00:02:19,818 --> 00:02:21,025 Phone. 32 00:02:22,818 --> 00:02:25,776 All right, we're doing 15 minutes tops with this old bag. 33 00:02:25,859 --> 00:02:29,734 So when I say, "Boy, I sure have the best fans!" 34 00:02:29,818 --> 00:02:33,192 you make a pained expression, look at your watch and say, "I'm so sorry--" 35 00:02:33,275 --> 00:02:35,150 "Sorry, we have to head to the airport now." 36 00:02:35,234 --> 00:02:38,234 Now, watch how it's done. I might even get us out of here in 10. 37 00:02:38,317 --> 00:02:41,401 (knocks "Shave and a Haircut") 38 00:02:42,359 --> 00:02:44,984 Mr. Crawford. Please, come in. 39 00:02:45,067 --> 00:02:47,567 And where is the lucky young lady?! 40 00:02:48,818 --> 00:02:50,818 Well, hello there. You must be Enid. 41 00:02:50,901 --> 00:02:53,234 Wow. You know, I was just telling Steph here, 42 00:02:53,317 --> 00:02:58,484 we were just so moved, Enid, when we'd heard your story. 43 00:02:58,567 --> 00:03:01,776 We couldn't wait to come and meet such a special lady. 44 00:03:02,693 --> 00:03:06,234 Oh boy. Tea time with Chip and Enid. 45 00:03:06,693 --> 00:03:08,067 I love tea. 46 00:03:08,150 --> 00:03:12,609 Enid, I hear that you are the biggest No Dice fan 47 00:03:12,693 --> 00:03:14,567 in your retirement community. 48 00:03:14,651 --> 00:03:17,025 In fact, it says here that... 49 00:03:17,109 --> 00:03:20,901 you wrestled a man for the remote when he tried to change the channel. 50 00:03:21,442 --> 00:03:24,484 Steph, I think I found my new bodyguard. (laughs) 51 00:03:24,567 --> 00:03:27,609 Steph, let's show Enid some of those amazing prizes. 52 00:03:27,693 --> 00:03:28,901 Okay? (claps) 53 00:03:31,275 --> 00:03:33,025 Thanks, hon. 54 00:03:33,109 --> 00:03:34,484 Oh, Enid. Look at this. 55 00:03:34,567 --> 00:03:37,526 It's a No Dice T-shirt. 56 00:03:37,609 --> 00:03:39,109 (laughs): Yeah. 57 00:03:39,609 --> 00:03:41,734 Oh, that's gonna look terrific on you. 58 00:03:41,818 --> 00:03:44,859 Uh... Oh. Oh wow! 59 00:03:44,943 --> 00:03:47,901 Enid, look at that! It's a genuine No Dice buzzer. 60 00:03:47,984 --> 00:03:49,109 (buzzes) 61 00:03:49,192 --> 00:03:51,192 You know, they don't give these to just anyone. 62 00:03:51,818 --> 00:03:54,109 Yeah. You know what? Can we do that one again? 63 00:03:54,192 --> 00:03:56,359 Let's take that one again. All right. 64 00:03:56,442 --> 00:03:59,567 What do we have here? Oh, holy smokes, 65 00:03:59,651 --> 00:04:01,943 a genuine No Dice buzzer! 66 00:04:02,025 --> 00:04:02,901 (buzzes) 67 00:04:02,984 --> 00:04:04,442 Even I don't have one of these. 68 00:04:04,526 --> 00:04:05,734 (laughs) Here. 69 00:04:05,818 --> 00:04:08,859 -Okay, keep it comin', Steph. -(snaps fingers) 70 00:04:08,943 --> 00:04:13,067 Enid, I think we got one more amazing prize for you. 71 00:04:13,150 --> 00:04:17,150 Wow. Look at that. Genuine No Dice dice. 72 00:04:20,651 --> 00:04:22,859 Mmm. Lipton's? 73 00:04:24,150 --> 00:04:25,359 My favorite. 74 00:04:28,567 --> 00:04:30,109 Ah! 75 00:04:30,651 --> 00:04:33,776 Boy. I sure have the best fans. 76 00:04:41,192 --> 00:04:43,234 Could you excuse me for just a minute? 77 00:04:45,317 --> 00:04:47,109 (quietly): We got this, Steph. We're outta here. 78 00:04:47,192 --> 00:04:49,317 Sir, we haven't even been here for five minutes. 79 00:04:49,401 --> 00:04:52,275 Tea time. Enid. Chip. Bam. Done. We're out. 80 00:04:52,359 --> 00:04:54,275 Mr. Crawford, with all due respect, 81 00:04:54,359 --> 00:04:56,401 if the goal here is to demonstrate your humanity 82 00:04:56,484 --> 00:04:57,901 -and relatability-- -Zip it! 83 00:04:57,984 --> 00:04:59,776 Now, you listen to me, missy. 84 00:04:59,859 --> 00:05:01,442 You think you can tell me what to do? 85 00:05:01,526 --> 00:05:04,401 I'm the talent, and I say when we're done, and we're done here. 86 00:05:05,025 --> 00:05:08,317 I could have your little millennial ass fired just like this. 87 00:05:08,401 --> 00:05:10,693 -So if you think for one sec-- -Enid: Thank you. 88 00:05:16,025 --> 00:05:18,234 -What's that? -(sighs) 89 00:05:19,567 --> 00:05:21,275 For coming here. 90 00:05:22,901 --> 00:05:23,943 Thank... 91 00:05:25,609 --> 00:05:26,693 Thank you, Chip. 92 00:05:26,776 --> 00:05:27,901 (sighs) 93 00:05:29,025 --> 00:05:31,067 (sniffles, sighs) 94 00:05:31,526 --> 00:05:35,609 I'm so sorry I was so shy before, I... 95 00:05:35,693 --> 00:05:37,067 (sighs) 96 00:05:37,150 --> 00:05:40,567 I guess I was just nervous to meet you, you know? 97 00:05:41,067 --> 00:05:43,901 You see, I am your biggest fan. 98 00:05:44,609 --> 00:05:47,484 -Is that right? -Oh yes. 99 00:05:47,567 --> 00:05:53,025 I... love... No Dice. I... 100 00:05:53,776 --> 00:05:56,693 How even if you work your way to the Hot Table, 101 00:05:56,776 --> 00:05:59,401 it's still up to chance. 102 00:05:59,484 --> 00:06:01,317 The dice decide. 103 00:06:01,818 --> 00:06:05,526 It's-it's wonderful. It's like life. 104 00:06:05,609 --> 00:06:08,484 Uh-huh. Start filming again. 105 00:06:13,025 --> 00:06:16,818 Listen, I don't remember too much these days. 106 00:06:16,901 --> 00:06:21,150 But I sure do remember the first time I saw No Dice. 107 00:06:21,776 --> 00:06:24,526 Oh, when that lady won, and you picked her up 108 00:06:24,609 --> 00:06:29,484 and you swung her around, it was like you'd won too. 109 00:06:32,275 --> 00:06:35,150 What I really, really love about No Dice ... 110 00:06:36,943 --> 00:06:39,109 is you, Chip. 111 00:06:40,943 --> 00:06:42,859 And-and at my retirement community 112 00:06:42,943 --> 00:06:44,734 when those ladies at the other table, 113 00:06:44,818 --> 00:06:46,734 they wanna watch Wheel, 114 00:06:46,818 --> 00:06:48,275 I get so mad. I say, 115 00:06:48,359 --> 00:06:50,401 "Why would you settle for second best 116 00:06:50,484 --> 00:06:52,776 when you can have Chip?" (sniffles) 117 00:06:52,859 --> 00:06:56,025 When they wanna turn the channel, I wanna smack 'em. 118 00:06:57,484 --> 00:06:59,317 -(Enid chuckles) -(Chip sighs) 119 00:07:00,442 --> 00:07:02,234 Well. Um... 120 00:07:02,693 --> 00:07:07,359 I am so glad that we could make your dream come true, Enid. 121 00:07:07,442 --> 00:07:10,984 If you're happy, I'm happy. 122 00:07:15,150 --> 00:07:19,401 So, um, I think it's about time-- 123 00:07:19,484 --> 00:07:21,693 Julius: To play. 124 00:07:24,776 --> 00:07:27,192 -Play what? -No Dice. 125 00:07:28,025 --> 00:07:29,859 That was the dream. 126 00:07:30,776 --> 00:07:32,109 The dream? 127 00:07:32,192 --> 00:07:34,317 Dreams 2 Realities. 128 00:07:35,401 --> 00:07:38,109 Play No Dice with Chip Crawford. 129 00:07:38,192 --> 00:07:39,734 (scoffs) 130 00:07:40,150 --> 00:07:41,693 I thought it was tea time? 131 00:07:41,776 --> 00:07:45,442 Oh, well, I always serve refreshments to my guests. 132 00:07:45,526 --> 00:07:50,693 Oh God, I can't believe I'm gonna play No Dice with Chip Crawford! 133 00:07:55,067 --> 00:07:59,150 Oh... boy. Does that sound fun. 134 00:07:59,234 --> 00:08:01,609 -(gasps) -Chip: And special. 135 00:08:01,693 --> 00:08:03,359 Wow. 136 00:08:03,901 --> 00:08:05,818 You know, I would absolutely love 137 00:08:05,901 --> 00:08:08,984 to play No Dice with you , Enid, my biggest fan. 138 00:08:09,067 --> 00:08:12,234 But the thing is, we really need to get to the airport. 139 00:08:12,317 --> 00:08:15,025 You wouldn't want me to miss my flight, would you? 140 00:08:15,109 --> 00:08:16,943 No, of course not. 141 00:08:17,025 --> 00:08:18,651 Then they'd have to do No Dice without me, 142 00:08:18,734 --> 00:08:20,901 and I know you don't want that. 143 00:08:22,442 --> 00:08:25,234 It's Steph's fault, really. 144 00:08:25,317 --> 00:08:28,109 It's just a rookie mistake, but she makes them all the time. 145 00:08:28,192 --> 00:08:30,818 Truth is, it's becoming a bit of a pattern... 146 00:08:30,901 --> 00:08:32,484 -(scoffs) -...with her. 147 00:08:32,567 --> 00:08:34,609 -The job's not a good fit-- -No, Chip. 148 00:08:34,693 --> 00:08:37,442 Actually our flight isn't for three hours. 149 00:08:37,859 --> 00:08:39,150 Steph, uh... 150 00:08:39,234 --> 00:08:41,234 In fact, if I head to the airport now, 151 00:08:41,317 --> 00:08:43,609 I can pick up your Preparation H on the way. 152 00:08:43,693 --> 00:08:45,234 Still extra strength, right? 153 00:08:45,317 --> 00:08:46,693 (laughs) 154 00:08:46,776 --> 00:08:49,359 Oh, that is funny, Steph! 155 00:08:49,442 --> 00:08:51,359 That's really funny. The thing is, 156 00:08:51,442 --> 00:08:53,401 I need you to drive me to the airport. 157 00:08:53,484 --> 00:08:58,317 That's fine Chip. I'll call a car for you in, say, one hour? 158 00:08:58,401 --> 00:09:01,651 That should give you and Enid plenty of time to play No Dice. 159 00:09:02,693 --> 00:09:03,943 Have fun! 160 00:09:08,901 --> 00:09:10,818 (groans) 161 00:09:13,776 --> 00:09:15,776 More tea, dear? 162 00:09:16,109 --> 00:09:18,401 Oh no. I've had plenty. 163 00:09:25,484 --> 00:09:27,984 -Now where are you going? -Smoke break. 164 00:09:28,067 --> 00:09:30,859 Julius gets one every two hours. 165 00:09:33,984 --> 00:09:36,109 Can I ask you something? 166 00:09:38,859 --> 00:09:40,150 Fine. 167 00:09:41,025 --> 00:09:44,317 Do you remember that little move you used to make? 168 00:09:45,526 --> 00:09:47,275 -What? -You know... 169 00:09:47,818 --> 00:09:51,025 "Are you r-r-r-ready to roll?" 170 00:09:51,109 --> 00:09:52,567 (giggles) Remember? 171 00:09:52,651 --> 00:09:57,484 You used to say it like that. "Are you r-r-r-ready to roll?" 172 00:09:58,275 --> 00:10:00,150 Why did you change it? 173 00:10:00,901 --> 00:10:05,192 Well, Enid, the same reason I still have this mustache-- 174 00:10:05,275 --> 00:10:07,025 you fans. 175 00:10:07,484 --> 00:10:08,484 What? 176 00:10:08,567 --> 00:10:11,567 Clean-shaven Chip didn't test well. 177 00:10:11,651 --> 00:10:13,609 You fans decided you didn't want Chip 178 00:10:13,693 --> 00:10:15,484 to wink or point at the camera anymore. 179 00:10:15,567 --> 00:10:19,651 You fans decided that would make you uncomfortable. 180 00:10:20,859 --> 00:10:22,901 You fans. (sighs) 181 00:10:25,526 --> 00:10:27,693 Are you all right, Chip? 182 00:10:29,192 --> 00:10:31,067 Do I seem not all right? 183 00:10:31,150 --> 00:10:34,275 You just-- you don't seem like yourself. 184 00:10:34,359 --> 00:10:36,067 Not myself? 185 00:10:37,192 --> 00:10:39,776 Do I not seem like myself to you? 186 00:10:39,859 --> 00:10:43,109 You seem different from how you are on the show. 187 00:10:43,192 --> 00:10:45,109 Well, Enid. 188 00:10:45,192 --> 00:10:47,943 Let's see, I've got the network up my ass, 189 00:10:48,025 --> 00:10:49,442 telling me that my ratings are down, 190 00:10:49,526 --> 00:10:51,109 and my audience is turning on me. 191 00:10:51,192 --> 00:10:55,401 And now I've been abandoned by my producer, 192 00:10:55,484 --> 00:10:58,734 and I am stuck in this shitty motel room with you. 193 00:10:58,818 --> 00:11:03,025 So forgive me, if as I make your dreams into reality, 194 00:11:03,109 --> 00:11:06,025 I'm not perfectly cheery! 195 00:11:06,109 --> 00:11:10,567 So does this mean we're not gonna play No Dic ? 196 00:11:11,901 --> 00:11:14,734 See! This is what you get! 197 00:11:14,818 --> 00:11:17,859 You can't please the network! Can't please the fans! Can't win! 198 00:11:17,943 --> 00:11:20,984 This is what you get from being the nice guy! 199 00:11:21,067 --> 00:11:22,526 You get bled out! 200 00:11:23,067 --> 00:11:24,401 I gotta take a stand somewhere. 201 00:11:24,484 --> 00:11:27,192 I don't care if I have to walk to the airport. 202 00:11:27,275 --> 00:11:29,109 I'm outta here! 203 00:11:30,234 --> 00:11:31,943 Excuse me, Julius! 204 00:11:33,067 --> 00:11:34,401 Hey! 205 00:11:34,776 --> 00:11:36,442 You just assaulted me! 206 00:11:36,526 --> 00:11:38,776 Your nurse just assaulted me. 207 00:11:40,484 --> 00:11:44,275 This... This is where I call the cops. 208 00:11:46,776 --> 00:11:47,859 Fuck! 209 00:11:48,317 --> 00:11:51,317 Okay. This is where I call the cops! 210 00:11:54,526 --> 00:11:57,734 -What the-- -Oh, Chip. 211 00:11:58,984 --> 00:12:02,776 I can't believe you don't remember me. 212 00:12:04,109 --> 00:12:08,526 "Up next we have Enid Brown from Madison, Wisconsin. 213 00:12:08,609 --> 00:12:12,442 "Enid, it says here you enjoy bridge club, 214 00:12:12,526 --> 00:12:16,859 "and make original needlepoints of club members' dogs. 215 00:12:16,943 --> 00:12:19,734 "That sounds fantastic, Enid. 216 00:12:19,818 --> 00:12:22,317 Maybe I could commission one of them." 217 00:12:24,484 --> 00:12:28,025 -You were on No Dice ? -Mm-hmm. 218 00:12:28,109 --> 00:12:33,401 June 6th, 1993. Episode 1053. 219 00:12:33,484 --> 00:12:35,818 That was almost 30 years ago. 220 00:12:35,901 --> 00:12:38,484 You realize we've done nearly 6,000 episodes, right? 221 00:12:38,567 --> 00:12:42,192 Six thousand three hundred and eighty-nine. 222 00:12:42,818 --> 00:12:47,442 Yes, I know Chip. See, I am your biggest fan, remember? 223 00:12:48,484 --> 00:12:50,984 -Sure. -Enid: That night... 224 00:12:51,401 --> 00:12:53,734 I made it all the way to the Hot Table. 225 00:12:53,818 --> 00:12:57,359 -Chip: Uh-huh. -Yeah. You wanna know how I did it? 226 00:12:57,859 --> 00:13:00,651 -(sighs) No. -I let it ride, Chip. 227 00:13:00,734 --> 00:13:02,526 It was all on the line. 228 00:13:02,943 --> 00:13:05,025 And then I rolled a seven. 229 00:13:06,067 --> 00:13:06,984 I won. 230 00:13:07,067 --> 00:13:10,943 But the judges made me roll again, 231 00:13:11,025 --> 00:13:14,150 because of the hands on the table. 232 00:13:14,943 --> 00:13:20,567 You see, when the dice hit anything, anything at all, they call interference, 233 00:13:20,651 --> 00:13:25,651 and the dice hit hands, your hands, Chip. 234 00:13:26,693 --> 00:13:29,234 Why would I put my hands on the Hot Table? 235 00:13:29,317 --> 00:13:33,734 Well, I'm pretty sure you had your hands on the table to steady yourself, Chip, 236 00:13:33,818 --> 00:13:38,275 because you were blackout drunk and staring at my breasts! 237 00:13:38,359 --> 00:13:42,442 And because of your hands, I lost... 238 00:13:44,234 --> 00:13:46,943 the Golden Grandfather Clock. 239 00:13:48,234 --> 00:13:49,734 (scoffs) 240 00:13:49,818 --> 00:13:52,984 The... Golden Grandfather Clock? 241 00:13:53,067 --> 00:13:54,776 Yes, that's what I wanted, Chip. 242 00:13:54,859 --> 00:13:58,234 And that's what I lost because of you. 243 00:14:00,693 --> 00:14:02,275 That's it? 244 00:14:02,359 --> 00:14:04,859 You brought me here over a clock? 245 00:14:09,651 --> 00:14:11,359 Jesus Christ. 246 00:14:12,234 --> 00:14:16,234 Well... I've got great news for you, Enid. 247 00:14:17,901 --> 00:14:21,984 You can order Golden Grandfather Clocks over the Internet. 248 00:14:22,067 --> 00:14:25,526 And get this: It would be my pleasure, my great pleasure, 249 00:14:25,609 --> 00:14:28,609 to buy you, Enid, a Golden Grandfather Clock. 250 00:14:28,693 --> 00:14:31,984 -Just send me your address-- -Enid: I don't want your money. 251 00:14:33,275 --> 00:14:36,317 I'm your biggest fan. You're trying to buy me off? 252 00:14:36,401 --> 00:14:39,401 I'm 80 years old! I don't need money! 253 00:14:39,484 --> 00:14:42,984 -I don't follow. -The dice decide. 254 00:14:43,067 --> 00:14:45,401 That's the whole point of the show, isn't it? 255 00:14:45,484 --> 00:14:51,275 And the dice decided that I, Enid Brown, was the winner. 256 00:14:53,109 --> 00:14:56,401 I'd never won anything in my life before. 257 00:14:57,359 --> 00:15:02,234 For once, I wanted to be the one with confetti raining down on me, 258 00:15:02,317 --> 00:15:04,401 and everyone cheering for me. 259 00:15:04,484 --> 00:15:07,025 And I thought maybe you'd pick me up and swing me around 260 00:15:07,109 --> 00:15:09,859 like you did on that first episode I saw. 261 00:15:11,859 --> 00:15:15,859 And then, I'd look at that grandfather clock and... 262 00:15:15,943 --> 00:15:18,859 and remember the greatest day of my life. 263 00:15:18,943 --> 00:15:21,693 But instead, it was the worst day. 264 00:15:23,609 --> 00:15:25,651 You don't make it easy, Chip. 265 00:15:27,401 --> 00:15:31,984 You ruined my roll because you were drunk and ogling me. 266 00:15:33,150 --> 00:15:34,567 Now I forgave you, 267 00:15:34,651 --> 00:15:38,150 'cause I kept remembering how you swung that lady around, 268 00:15:38,234 --> 00:15:39,943 how happy you were for her and I thought, 269 00:15:40,025 --> 00:15:42,442 how can I stay mad at him? 270 00:15:43,192 --> 00:15:46,943 So I watched you for years, and I stuck with you, 271 00:15:47,025 --> 00:15:49,150 through the drinking and the hair plugs, 272 00:15:49,234 --> 00:15:51,984 and when my friends gave up on you 273 00:15:52,067 --> 00:15:54,442 and said, "Eh, he's an asshole. He's a drunk. 274 00:15:54,526 --> 00:15:56,109 He's an empty shell of a man." 275 00:15:56,192 --> 00:16:00,025 I had faith in you. I had faith, Chip! 276 00:16:03,651 --> 00:16:06,234 And if you knew how important this was to me, 277 00:16:06,317 --> 00:16:08,359 if you... 278 00:16:09,984 --> 00:16:15,651 If I got you here, if you remembered me, you'd make it right. 279 00:16:18,359 --> 00:16:20,192 Make it right? 280 00:16:21,150 --> 00:16:24,484 Make what right? That you lost a game show? 281 00:16:24,901 --> 00:16:26,192 (scoffs) 282 00:16:26,275 --> 00:16:27,859 What about me? 283 00:16:27,943 --> 00:16:29,776 Who's gonna make it right for me? 284 00:16:29,859 --> 00:16:32,943 You're-You're rich and famous, Chip! 285 00:16:33,025 --> 00:16:34,442 So what? 286 00:16:35,109 --> 00:16:38,359 My whole life is a total misery. 287 00:16:38,442 --> 00:16:40,734 All I do is host this show. 288 00:16:41,234 --> 00:16:42,776 And the few off days I have, 289 00:16:42,859 --> 00:16:45,401 I now have to spend traveling around the country, 290 00:16:45,484 --> 00:16:49,651 groveling before my fans, begging them to take me back. 291 00:16:49,734 --> 00:16:51,275 Geh-- I'm all yours! 292 00:16:51,359 --> 00:16:54,150 I... regrew and maintained this mustache because of you. 293 00:16:54,234 --> 00:16:56,943 -I got these hair plugs because of you! -I love your mustache, 294 00:16:57,025 --> 00:16:58,651 and I don't care about your hair. 295 00:16:58,734 --> 00:17:01,317 Chip: I gave everything to this show. 296 00:17:01,401 --> 00:17:04,526 Before No Dice, I was on Broadway. 297 00:17:04,609 --> 00:17:06,067 I was incredible in Hamlet . 298 00:17:06,150 --> 00:17:08,067 They said I was the next Olivier. 299 00:17:08,150 --> 00:17:09,734 I had real chops. 300 00:17:09,818 --> 00:17:14,859 But no one wants to see Chip Crawford do anything except No Dice. 301 00:17:14,943 --> 00:17:17,651 I built myself a prison. 302 00:17:17,734 --> 00:17:19,109 And now I want out. 303 00:17:19,192 --> 00:17:22,067 So no, Enid. I'm not gonna make it right. 304 00:17:22,150 --> 00:17:24,317 And fuck you for asking me! 305 00:17:24,401 --> 00:17:27,818 You think I care? Here's the truth. 306 00:17:27,901 --> 00:17:31,109 I never cared! 307 00:17:35,275 --> 00:17:37,609 I'm disappointed in you. 308 00:17:40,484 --> 00:17:47,275 You, Chip Crawford, are a massive, colossal disappointment. 309 00:17:50,234 --> 00:17:51,401 (sighs) 310 00:17:51,484 --> 00:17:54,984 Don't think that mommy shit is gonna work on me. 311 00:17:57,484 --> 00:17:59,651 It's not gonna work on me. 312 00:18:00,693 --> 00:18:01,693 (sighs) 313 00:18:01,776 --> 00:18:04,317 (laughs) It's never enough. 314 00:18:04,401 --> 00:18:07,776 You just want more, and more! 315 00:18:07,859 --> 00:18:09,317 (scoffs) 316 00:18:09,401 --> 00:18:12,567 You want more? Huh? 317 00:18:12,651 --> 00:18:16,275 You want more Chip?! I'll give you more Chip! 318 00:18:16,359 --> 00:18:19,651 You heard me! You wanna play No Dice ? 319 00:18:20,317 --> 00:18:22,651 Let's play No Dice. 320 00:18:27,275 --> 00:18:30,317 We got Enid Brown from Wisconsin. 321 00:18:30,776 --> 00:18:34,025 Enid, step up to the Hot Table! 322 00:18:36,234 --> 00:18:38,818 Enid: Oh... okay. 323 00:18:39,150 --> 00:18:42,067 Here, take your goddamn dice. 324 00:18:42,150 --> 00:18:44,526 What about the trivia round? 325 00:18:45,484 --> 00:18:47,651 Trivia round? You want a trivia round? Okay. 326 00:18:47,734 --> 00:18:50,150 I'll give you a goddamn trivia round. 327 00:18:50,234 --> 00:18:51,734 Now, here's your buzzer. 328 00:18:52,275 --> 00:18:55,275 How many years of my life have I relinquished 329 00:18:55,359 --> 00:18:57,567 to the ungrateful, needy No Dice fans? 330 00:18:57,651 --> 00:18:59,192 -(buzzes) -Thirty! 331 00:18:59,275 --> 00:19:01,734 Correct, 30 long years. Now, next question. 332 00:19:01,818 --> 00:19:05,609 What is my real name? The one they might have taken seriously 333 00:19:05,693 --> 00:19:09,317 instead of the childish nickname I am now forever saddled with. 334 00:19:09,401 --> 00:19:10,275 (buzzes) 335 00:19:10,359 --> 00:19:12,317 -Walter! (giggles) -Correct. 336 00:19:12,401 --> 00:19:14,859 And finally, what is the name of the 1991 film 337 00:19:14,943 --> 00:19:17,609 that I wrote, directed, starred and funded 338 00:19:17,693 --> 00:19:20,234 in a futile attempt to get my acting career back. 339 00:19:20,317 --> 00:19:22,859 -(buzzes) - Pangs of the Morning ! 340 00:19:22,943 --> 00:19:25,651 (sighs) I've seen it four times. 341 00:19:25,734 --> 00:19:27,234 -Really? -Really. 342 00:19:27,567 --> 00:19:30,234 All right, it's time for the fucking Hot Table. 343 00:19:30,943 --> 00:19:34,275 -Everything okay? -Everything's fine! Go away. We're playing. 344 00:19:34,359 --> 00:19:36,150 Now, Enid, I don't envy you. 345 00:19:36,234 --> 00:19:37,901 You can walk away with just the money, 346 00:19:37,984 --> 00:19:40,359 but I have a feeling you want more. 347 00:19:40,442 --> 00:19:42,484 Oh, yes, Chip. I do. 348 00:19:42,567 --> 00:19:45,401 You want that goddamn grandfather clock. 349 00:19:45,484 --> 00:19:46,609 I do! 350 00:19:46,693 --> 00:19:48,526 But you could lose it all though. 351 00:19:48,609 --> 00:19:49,901 Oh, what a choice. 352 00:19:49,984 --> 00:19:52,693 Let's ask our annoyingly enthusiastic studio audience 353 00:19:52,776 --> 00:19:54,859 -what Enid should do! -(audience cheering) 354 00:19:54,943 --> 00:19:59,234 Chip (as audience): Let it ride! Let it ride! Let it ride! 355 00:19:59,317 --> 00:20:02,859 (as Chip): Oh, ho, ho, the tension is palpable, folks. 356 00:20:02,943 --> 00:20:06,025 On the line, is the one-of-a-kind Golden Grandfather Clock, 357 00:20:06,109 --> 00:20:08,943 plus some other fabulous prizes. Herb, tell her what we got! 358 00:20:09,609 --> 00:20:12,693 (as Herb): That's right, Chip, we've got some fantastic prizes 359 00:20:12,776 --> 00:20:14,609 furnished by Valhalla Appliance. 360 00:20:14,693 --> 00:20:16,275 Are you tired of working your kitchen? 361 00:20:16,359 --> 00:20:18,109 Have your kitchen work for you! 362 00:20:18,192 --> 00:20:20,693 Valhalla Appliance-- it's what's cookin'! 363 00:20:20,776 --> 00:20:23,067 (as Chip): All right, it's all up to Enid. 364 00:20:23,150 --> 00:20:27,317 Enid, are you going to walk away or let it fuckin' ride? 365 00:20:27,943 --> 00:20:32,025 I'm going to let it ride, Chip! 366 00:20:32,109 --> 00:20:34,150 -Wow, folks! She's gonna let it ride! -(audience cheering) 367 00:20:34,234 --> 00:20:36,818 She made her choice! But now... 368 00:20:37,234 --> 00:20:39,275 The dice decide! 369 00:20:39,943 --> 00:20:42,567 Remember, Enid, you need a seven to win. 370 00:20:42,651 --> 00:20:44,901 But if you roll snake eyes... 371 00:20:44,984 --> 00:20:47,526 Well, put it this way, we'll cover your bus ticket home. 372 00:20:47,609 --> 00:20:50,275 Now, you've come this far. 373 00:20:51,275 --> 00:20:53,776 Now the dice decide. 374 00:20:55,025 --> 00:20:57,192 Yes, Chip. The dice decide. 375 00:20:57,275 --> 00:20:59,734 -Enid, are you... -(snaps fingers) 376 00:20:59,818 --> 00:21:03,359 ...r-r-r-ready to roll? 377 00:21:03,442 --> 00:21:08,192 Yes, Chip. I'm r-r-r-ready! 378 00:21:09,442 --> 00:21:10,984 (blows) 379 00:21:30,025 --> 00:21:31,693 (whimpers) 380 00:21:59,275 --> 00:22:01,693 Well, folks... (sighs) 381 00:22:05,150 --> 00:22:07,484 Look at that. Lucky number seven. 382 00:22:07,567 --> 00:22:09,943 Enid won the trip, the money, the kitchen set, 383 00:22:10,025 --> 00:22:12,484 -and the Golden Grandfather Clock! -I won! 384 00:22:12,567 --> 00:22:14,818 (laughs): I won! 385 00:22:14,901 --> 00:22:17,943 (audience cheering) 386 00:22:26,317 --> 00:22:28,901 (gasps) Oh, Chip. 387 00:22:30,651 --> 00:22:34,234 Oh. Thank you so much. 388 00:22:36,109 --> 00:22:37,901 You're welcome. 389 00:22:47,109 --> 00:22:50,317 (jazzy game show music playing)