1 00:01:04,033 --> 00:01:07,075 Shut up. 2 00:01:04,033 --> 00:01:07,075 You are such a silly man. 3 00:01:07,158 --> 00:01:09,575 You think I don't know 4 00:01:07,158 --> 00:01:09,575 what my job is. 5 00:01:09,658 --> 00:01:11,908 All I do is create chaos. 6 00:01:11,992 --> 00:01:13,617 That is what 7 00:01:11,992 --> 00:01:13,617 you're going to get. 8 00:01:13,700 --> 00:01:15,533 Trust me, I'm quite serious. 9 00:01:15,617 --> 00:01:17,283 I already started 10 00:01:15,617 --> 00:01:17,283 putting more money 11 00:01:17,367 --> 00:01:19,575 into groups of little punks 12 00:01:17,367 --> 00:01:19,575 in Grozny, 13 00:01:19,658 --> 00:01:21,908 nationalistic skinheads... 14 00:01:24,367 --> 00:01:25,742 Doesn't matter. 15 00:01:26,783 --> 00:01:28,075 Doesn't matter. 16 00:01:28,158 --> 00:01:29,492 Listen. Two things matter: 17 00:01:29,575 --> 00:01:31,075 They need to have a good name 18 00:01:31,158 --> 00:01:33,158 so that they seem 19 00:01:31,158 --> 00:01:33,158 like a movement. 20 00:01:33,242 --> 00:01:35,700 But then also crucial 21 00:01:33,242 --> 00:01:35,700 is we have to fund 22 00:01:35,783 --> 00:01:39,283 the little 23 00:01:35,783 --> 00:01:39,283 whatever-they're-called 24 00:01:35,783 --> 00:01:39,283 young socialists 25 00:01:39,367 --> 00:01:41,450 or whatever is the opposite. 26 00:01:41,533 --> 00:01:44,908 Yes. Non-skinheads. 27 00:01:44,992 --> 00:01:48,950 Hey... get some hippie kids 28 00:01:44,992 --> 00:01:48,950 from the university 29 00:01:49,033 --> 00:01:52,700 who listen to folk music 30 00:01:49,033 --> 00:01:52,700 and love gays and Pussy Riot 31 00:01:52,783 --> 00:01:55,742 and the "power to the people." 32 00:01:55,825 --> 00:01:57,242 Yes. Exactly. 33 00:01:57,325 --> 00:01:59,158 It definitely will confuse 34 00:01:57,325 --> 00:01:59,158 some people. 35 00:01:59,242 --> 00:02:01,825 We need to confuse some people. 36 00:02:01,908 --> 00:02:03,075 We got this. 37 00:02:03,158 --> 00:02:05,825 The takeaway here is, 38 00:02:03,158 --> 00:02:05,825 I am on a trip. 39 00:02:05,908 --> 00:02:07,242 I will be right back. 40 00:02:07,325 --> 00:02:08,950 It is personal. 41 00:02:09,033 --> 00:02:12,783 That is why they are called 42 00:02:09,033 --> 00:02:12,783 personal days. 43 00:02:12,867 --> 00:02:15,617 Just tell them, 44 00:02:12,867 --> 00:02:15,617 "You either ride with us 45 00:02:15,700 --> 00:02:17,117 or collide with us." 46 00:02:19,117 --> 00:02:22,742 Yes, you might say, 47 00:02:19,117 --> 00:02:22,742 "You have no choice." 48 00:02:22,825 --> 00:02:25,367 Or "My way or the highway." 49 00:02:25,450 --> 00:02:29,408 But someone who is a non-idiot 50 00:02:29,492 --> 00:02:32,617 might say what I have suggested. 51 00:02:32,700 --> 00:02:37,992 You are aware that sometimes 52 00:02:32,700 --> 00:02:37,992 you come off like you've never 53 00:02:32,700 --> 00:02:37,992 managed a democracy before. 54 00:02:38,075 --> 00:02:38,992 Peace. 55 00:02:41,533 --> 00:02:42,658 My God. 56 00:02:44,242 --> 00:02:47,242 I do not even really 57 00:02:44,242 --> 00:02:47,242 have time to take a shower. 58 00:02:47,325 --> 00:02:49,575 She's supposed to get here 59 00:02:47,325 --> 00:02:49,575 at 8:00. 60 00:02:49,658 --> 00:02:51,242 You'll never be sad 61 00:02:51,325 --> 00:02:53,992 if you take a shower 62 00:02:51,325 --> 00:02:53,992 before you meet a woman. 63 00:03:01,158 --> 00:03:03,242 - How's your room? 64 00:03:01,158 --> 00:03:03,242 - It's a dump. 65 00:03:03,325 --> 00:03:06,367 It's fine. 66 00:03:03,325 --> 00:03:06,367 It's identical to this one. 67 00:03:06,450 --> 00:03:09,700 "What a dump! What's that from?" 68 00:03:09,783 --> 00:03:12,700 - Liz Taylor doing Bette Davis. 69 00:03:12,783 --> 00:03:14,992 I know! That's what she says. 70 00:03:12,783 --> 00:03:14,992 She asks that. 71 00:03:15,075 --> 00:03:16,783 She says "What's this from?" 72 00:03:16,867 --> 00:03:18,950 - It's in the play, it's not me. 73 00:03:16,867 --> 00:03:18,950 - I know. 74 00:03:19,033 --> 00:03:21,950 But seriously, 75 00:03:19,033 --> 00:03:21,950 why did you choose this place? 76 00:03:22,033 --> 00:03:25,200 Yeah, I did not want to come on 77 00:03:22,033 --> 00:03:25,200 too strong, you know. Too fancy. 78 00:03:25,283 --> 00:03:29,242 She seems very down-to-earth 79 00:03:25,283 --> 00:03:29,242 in her emails. 80 00:03:29,325 --> 00:03:31,450 Well, I won't be out 81 00:03:29,325 --> 00:03:31,450 too late tonight. 82 00:03:31,533 --> 00:03:33,450 If this one-horse town 83 00:03:31,533 --> 00:03:33,450 has no piano bar, 84 00:03:33,533 --> 00:03:35,825 I will search out 85 00:03:33,533 --> 00:03:35,825 this famous "Walmart." 86 00:03:35,908 --> 00:03:38,992 It's so nice to see 87 00:03:35,908 --> 00:03:38,992 how different countries 88 00:03:35,908 --> 00:03:38,992 do their packaging. 89 00:03:39,075 --> 00:03:40,158 I love it. 90 00:03:40,242 --> 00:03:41,783 There I will buy 91 00:03:40,242 --> 00:03:41,783 a six-pack of beer 92 00:03:41,867 --> 00:03:44,200 because for some reason 93 00:03:41,867 --> 00:03:44,200 there is no hotel bar here. 94 00:03:44,283 --> 00:03:46,283 Which was definitely 95 00:03:44,283 --> 00:03:46,283 your mistake. 96 00:03:46,367 --> 00:03:49,617 You know something, most girls 97 00:03:46,367 --> 00:03:49,617 do not want to meet a man 98 00:03:49,700 --> 00:03:52,492 for the first time 99 00:03:49,700 --> 00:03:52,492 in a motel room. 100 00:03:52,575 --> 00:03:55,325 I explained the situation 101 00:03:52,575 --> 00:03:55,325 and I already said 102 00:03:55,408 --> 00:03:57,992 there will be security here 103 00:03:55,408 --> 00:03:57,992 and all that. 104 00:03:58,075 --> 00:04:00,867 She understands. 105 00:03:58,075 --> 00:04:00,867 It's normal. 106 00:04:00,950 --> 00:04:03,533 It's normal perhaps for 107 00:04:00,950 --> 00:04:03,533 some kind of important 108 00:04:03,617 --> 00:04:05,533 political technologist 109 00:04:03,617 --> 00:04:05,533 in our country, 110 00:04:05,617 --> 00:04:07,283 but for her 111 00:04:05,617 --> 00:04:07,283 it's non-standard. 112 00:04:07,367 --> 00:04:08,825 Let me see you. 113 00:04:08,908 --> 00:04:11,700 Bars, public spaces, 114 00:04:08,908 --> 00:04:11,700 that's normal. 115 00:04:11,783 --> 00:04:13,325 - Hmm. 116 00:04:11,783 --> 00:04:13,325 - No, no, no. 117 00:04:13,408 --> 00:04:14,492 I'm sure it's fine. 118 00:04:14,575 --> 00:04:16,908 You trust each other. 119 00:04:14,575 --> 00:04:16,908 I get it. 120 00:04:16,992 --> 00:04:19,617 Well. 121 00:04:19,700 --> 00:04:24,408 I am not going to try 122 00:04:19,700 --> 00:04:24,408 to sleep with her. 123 00:04:24,492 --> 00:04:27,992 I'm going to try 124 00:04:24,492 --> 00:04:27,992 to really make a connection. 125 00:04:29,283 --> 00:04:32,367 Hi, I'm Darla Andrews. 126 00:04:29,283 --> 00:04:32,367 I'm... 127 00:04:32,450 --> 00:04:34,325 Oh... 128 00:04:34,408 --> 00:04:36,992 Okay, um... yeah. 129 00:04:38,617 --> 00:04:40,408 Ms. Darla Andrews. 130 00:04:42,325 --> 00:04:44,992 Uh, hi. 131 00:04:45,075 --> 00:04:47,033 - Hello. 132 00:04:45,075 --> 00:04:47,033 - Hi, I'm Darla. 133 00:04:47,117 --> 00:04:50,492 Ochin'priyatna. 134 00:04:47,117 --> 00:04:50,492 So nice to meet you, Darla. 135 00:04:50,575 --> 00:04:52,658 I'm so sorry, 136 00:04:50,575 --> 00:04:52,658 but I have to run. 137 00:04:52,742 --> 00:04:53,658 Oh. 138 00:04:57,700 --> 00:04:59,367 You must be Nathan. 139 00:04:59,450 --> 00:05:02,533 Ciao. "Nathan." 140 00:05:09,325 --> 00:05:13,283 Thank you for 141 00:05:09,325 --> 00:05:13,283 coming to meet me. 142 00:05:13,367 --> 00:05:14,992 I was looking forward to it. 143 00:05:15,075 --> 00:05:19,075 Yes, please. This way. 144 00:05:19,158 --> 00:05:23,200 - Oh, thank you. 145 00:05:19,158 --> 00:05:23,200 - Yes. 146 00:05:24,992 --> 00:05:27,283 It's fancy. 147 00:05:27,367 --> 00:05:32,408 I have very much enjoyed 148 00:05:27,367 --> 00:05:32,408 our correspondence. 149 00:05:32,492 --> 00:05:34,242 Oh, I... 150 00:05:34,325 --> 00:05:36,117 I just think you're 151 00:05:34,325 --> 00:05:36,117 such a great writer. 152 00:05:36,200 --> 00:05:38,575 It has been 153 00:05:36,200 --> 00:05:38,575 such a pleasure. Really. 154 00:05:38,658 --> 00:05:42,492 Eh. I am an amateur at best. 155 00:05:42,575 --> 00:05:44,075 Oh, no. 156 00:05:44,158 --> 00:05:46,533 You are very lovely in person. 157 00:05:46,617 --> 00:05:49,033 - Thank you. 158 00:05:46,617 --> 00:05:49,033 - Hmm. 159 00:05:52,158 --> 00:05:53,617 I hope I look like my picture. 160 00:05:53,700 --> 00:05:54,908 At least enough. 161 00:05:54,992 --> 00:05:57,617 - Totally! Do not worry! 162 00:05:57,700 --> 00:06:01,992 Oh, unbelievable! 163 00:05:57,700 --> 00:06:01,992 Fuck my mother. 164 00:06:02,075 --> 00:06:03,617 Eh... 165 00:06:03,700 --> 00:06:05,408 I have to take this. 166 00:06:05,492 --> 00:06:06,950 So sorry for the swearing. 167 00:06:07,033 --> 00:06:09,783 I did not want to be called 168 00:06:07,033 --> 00:06:09,783 when I am just meeting you. 169 00:06:09,867 --> 00:06:11,408 Bastards. 170 00:06:11,492 --> 00:06:13,908 You do very high-level 171 00:06:11,492 --> 00:06:13,908 English language swearing. 172 00:06:13,992 --> 00:06:15,033 Hello. 173 00:06:15,117 --> 00:06:17,617 Yes. I told you I was doing it. 174 00:06:17,700 --> 00:06:22,617 Hell yes, 175 00:06:17,700 --> 00:06:22,617 I told everybody 176 00:06:17,700 --> 00:06:22,617 I was doing it. 177 00:06:22,700 --> 00:06:24,450 Oh. Thanks. 178 00:06:24,533 --> 00:06:27,075 The question you need 179 00:06:24,533 --> 00:06:27,075 to be asking is, 180 00:06:27,158 --> 00:06:31,200 how can you afford 181 00:06:27,158 --> 00:06:31,200 not to back your own enemies? 182 00:06:32,492 --> 00:06:34,533 No rational person 183 00:06:32,492 --> 00:06:34,533 would do that, 184 00:06:34,617 --> 00:06:39,575 so then how can they 185 00:06:34,617 --> 00:06:39,575 understand that we did it? 186 00:06:39,658 --> 00:06:41,658 - Exactly! They can't. 187 00:06:39,658 --> 00:06:41,658 - Oh, thank you. 188 00:06:41,742 --> 00:06:44,325 Some biker gangs 189 00:06:41,742 --> 00:06:44,325 are also supporting us. 190 00:06:44,408 --> 00:06:46,867 And I have 191 00:06:44,408 --> 00:06:46,867 a Black Panther type thing 192 00:06:46,950 --> 00:06:49,825 in the works 193 00:06:46,950 --> 00:06:49,825 I haven't even announced yet. 194 00:06:49,908 --> 00:06:52,700 That's right, baby! 195 00:06:49,908 --> 00:06:52,700 They won't even know 196 00:06:49,908 --> 00:06:52,700 what hit them! 197 00:06:53,742 --> 00:06:56,950 Bam! Be gone. 198 00:06:53,742 --> 00:06:56,950 All right. 199 00:06:57,033 --> 00:06:58,658 I'm so sorry. 200 00:06:58,742 --> 00:07:00,492 I didn't mean to eavesdrop, 201 00:06:58,742 --> 00:07:00,492 but you seen like you've been 202 00:07:00,575 --> 00:07:03,992 a little modest about 203 00:07:00,575 --> 00:07:03,992 having such a fancy job. 204 00:07:04,075 --> 00:07:06,325 I do not admire false modesty. 205 00:07:06,408 --> 00:07:11,200 It's true that in my country 206 00:07:06,408 --> 00:07:11,200 I have some influence. 207 00:07:11,283 --> 00:07:13,283 The people we are discussing 208 00:07:13,367 --> 00:07:16,575 will be like 209 00:07:13,367 --> 00:07:16,575 your cartoon characters, 210 00:07:16,658 --> 00:07:20,950 with the birds and the stars 211 00:07:16,658 --> 00:07:20,950 spinning around the head area. 212 00:07:21,033 --> 00:07:21,908 Bam! 213 00:07:23,617 --> 00:07:27,742 But although I have been 214 00:07:23,617 --> 00:07:27,742 a person of influence, 215 00:07:27,825 --> 00:07:30,158 that is not why I am here. 216 00:07:30,242 --> 00:07:35,325 Oh, I don't think you came 217 00:07:30,242 --> 00:07:35,325 all this way just to like, 218 00:07:30,242 --> 00:07:35,325 "influence" me. 219 00:07:35,408 --> 00:07:38,867 A side effect 220 00:07:35,408 --> 00:07:38,867 of having influence 221 00:07:38,950 --> 00:07:42,700 is that it can be distorting 222 00:07:38,950 --> 00:07:42,700 to you personally. 223 00:07:42,783 --> 00:07:46,200 Like how, um... 224 00:07:42,783 --> 00:07:46,200 rich people never know 225 00:07:46,283 --> 00:07:49,325 if someone really likes them 226 00:07:46,283 --> 00:07:49,325 or just wants their money? 227 00:07:49,408 --> 00:07:52,867 Yes, I would expect it 228 00:07:49,408 --> 00:07:52,867 would be similar. 229 00:07:52,950 --> 00:07:54,033 Hmm. 230 00:07:54,117 --> 00:07:57,075 It is a funhouse mirror, 231 00:07:54,117 --> 00:07:57,075 in a way, 232 00:07:57,158 --> 00:08:02,075 and then you forget 233 00:07:57,158 --> 00:08:02,075 what you really look like. 234 00:08:02,158 --> 00:08:06,492 I used to know more rich people, 235 00:08:02,158 --> 00:08:06,492 and they had worries like that. 236 00:08:06,575 --> 00:08:09,908 I used to make more money, too, 237 00:08:06,575 --> 00:08:09,908 that's why-- 238 00:08:09,992 --> 00:08:13,908 I mean, I'm-I'm doing good. 239 00:08:09,992 --> 00:08:13,908 I'm fine now. 240 00:08:13,992 --> 00:08:18,033 I'm great, actually. 241 00:08:13,992 --> 00:08:18,033 This looks delicious. 242 00:08:18,117 --> 00:08:21,492 I'm glad that it appeals to you. 243 00:08:25,783 --> 00:08:30,408 So, where you're from, 244 00:08:25,783 --> 00:08:30,408 um, what does it signify 245 00:08:30,492 --> 00:08:32,908 when a man wears, um-- 246 00:08:32,992 --> 00:08:35,575 So, you are a veterinarian? 247 00:08:35,658 --> 00:08:39,575 Um... almost. 248 00:08:39,658 --> 00:08:41,783 I am a veterinary nurse. 249 00:08:41,867 --> 00:08:44,617 You care for baby animals. 250 00:08:44,700 --> 00:08:46,992 Yup, and they love it. 251 00:08:47,075 --> 00:08:49,283 You, uh, put the medicines 252 00:08:49,367 --> 00:08:52,408 in their eyes and their ears. 253 00:08:52,492 --> 00:08:55,992 - Yeah, all that. 254 00:08:52,492 --> 00:08:55,992 - That is nice, isn't it? 255 00:08:56,075 --> 00:08:58,992 Yeah. It's so pure, 256 00:08:56,075 --> 00:08:58,992 how people love their pets. 257 00:08:59,075 --> 00:09:01,742 Sometimes it is hard, though, 258 00:08:59,075 --> 00:09:01,742 when I... 259 00:09:01,825 --> 00:09:05,742 when I can't help them, 260 00:09:01,825 --> 00:09:05,742 but it's always really real. 261 00:09:05,825 --> 00:09:07,908 And that can be hard to come by. 262 00:09:07,992 --> 00:09:10,408 What is that supposed to mean? 263 00:09:12,867 --> 00:09:14,700 Nothing. I... 264 00:09:14,783 --> 00:09:16,658 I'm so sorry. 265 00:09:16,742 --> 00:09:18,950 Sometimes I stress myself out. 266 00:09:19,033 --> 00:09:21,283 Of course, you are just 267 00:09:19,033 --> 00:09:21,283 talking about, 268 00:09:21,367 --> 00:09:25,075 uh, "keeping it real," right? 269 00:09:25,158 --> 00:09:28,033 Exactly. Yeah. 270 00:09:28,117 --> 00:09:32,033 It's just, you know... 271 00:09:32,117 --> 00:09:34,575 talking about my job. 272 00:09:34,658 --> 00:09:36,950 Do you like vodka? 273 00:09:37,033 --> 00:09:38,742 Yeah. 274 00:09:38,825 --> 00:09:42,783 I know gay guys who make it 275 00:09:38,825 --> 00:09:42,783 a point not to lisp, 276 00:09:42,867 --> 00:09:47,742 and French guys who make it 277 00:09:42,867 --> 00:09:47,742 a point not to womanize. 278 00:09:47,825 --> 00:09:49,033 But no. 279 00:09:49,117 --> 00:09:53,325 I had to be a Russian 280 00:09:49,117 --> 00:09:53,325 who likes vodka. 281 00:09:55,908 --> 00:10:00,617 But at least 282 00:09:55,908 --> 00:10:00,617 I am not provincial-- 283 00:10:00,700 --> 00:10:04,158 this vodka... is Canadian. 284 00:10:23,867 --> 00:10:25,242 Spasibo. 285 00:10:36,242 --> 00:10:37,700 To my first 286 00:10:37,783 --> 00:10:41,117 international internet date. 287 00:10:41,200 --> 00:10:43,575 Mine, too, actually. 288 00:10:43,658 --> 00:10:45,117 International. 289 00:10:46,283 --> 00:10:47,117 Yes. 290 00:10:47,200 --> 00:10:50,158 But, uh, domestic? 291 00:10:53,242 --> 00:10:56,825 I mean, I've tried. 292 00:10:53,242 --> 00:10:56,825 Uh, You know. 293 00:10:56,908 --> 00:11:00,283 What were they like, the others? 294 00:11:00,367 --> 00:11:01,950 Oh, jeez. 295 00:11:02,033 --> 00:11:04,825 Um, well, one guy, 296 00:11:04,908 --> 00:11:06,867 uh, started telling me 297 00:11:04,908 --> 00:11:06,867 on the second drink 298 00:11:06,950 --> 00:11:08,617 how badly he wanted 299 00:11:06,950 --> 00:11:08,617 to have kids. 300 00:11:08,700 --> 00:11:09,783 Oof. 301 00:11:09,867 --> 00:11:12,658 So... yeah. 302 00:11:12,742 --> 00:11:14,658 Do you really want 303 00:11:12,742 --> 00:11:14,658 to hear about this? 304 00:11:14,742 --> 00:11:15,658 Mm-hmm. 305 00:11:16,992 --> 00:11:18,408 Okay, well, 306 00:11:18,492 --> 00:11:20,242 I really don't care 307 00:11:18,492 --> 00:11:20,242 what a guy's job is, 308 00:11:20,325 --> 00:11:23,908 but I did notice when 309 00:11:20,325 --> 00:11:23,908 I started going on these dates, 310 00:11:23,992 --> 00:11:26,450 that all of them, 311 00:11:23,992 --> 00:11:26,450 the rich ones and the poor ones, 312 00:11:26,533 --> 00:11:29,742 they all seem to think that they 313 00:11:26,533 --> 00:11:29,742 should be doing better by now. 314 00:11:29,825 --> 00:11:30,742 You know? 315 00:11:30,825 --> 00:11:32,450 Like making more money, 316 00:11:32,533 --> 00:11:34,408 or just being happier. 317 00:11:34,492 --> 00:11:39,533 It's really tender 318 00:11:34,492 --> 00:11:39,533 when a stranger shares 319 00:11:34,492 --> 00:11:39,533 something intimate with you. 320 00:11:39,617 --> 00:11:41,283 You know? 321 00:11:41,367 --> 00:11:43,533 They didn't even know 322 00:11:41,367 --> 00:11:43,533 they're transmitting it, 323 00:11:43,617 --> 00:11:47,658 but they were blaring it 324 00:11:43,617 --> 00:11:47,658 like neon signs of sadness. 325 00:11:47,742 --> 00:11:49,158 Every single one of them. 326 00:11:49,242 --> 00:11:50,200 Hmm. 327 00:11:52,200 --> 00:11:54,367 Was it a lot? 328 00:11:54,450 --> 00:11:55,908 Sometimes. 329 00:11:55,992 --> 00:11:57,700 Some of them 330 00:11:55,992 --> 00:11:57,700 just more of like a... 331 00:11:57,783 --> 00:11:59,783 like a slight melancholy vibe. 332 00:11:59,867 --> 00:12:00,742 Guys... 333 00:12:00,825 --> 00:12:04,200 Was it a lot of guys? 334 00:12:04,283 --> 00:12:05,200 Oh. 335 00:12:06,283 --> 00:12:08,200 Oh. 336 00:12:08,283 --> 00:12:09,658 Um... 337 00:12:14,450 --> 00:12:17,992 Well, I didn't sleep 338 00:12:14,450 --> 00:12:17,992 with them... 339 00:12:18,075 --> 00:12:19,408 all. 340 00:12:19,492 --> 00:12:22,325 - Good. All good. 341 00:12:22,408 --> 00:12:24,492 'Scusey! I-- so sorry. 342 00:12:24,575 --> 00:12:27,658 You see, I'd like to get 343 00:12:24,575 --> 00:12:27,658 to know more about you, 344 00:12:24,575 --> 00:12:27,658 as a person. 345 00:12:27,742 --> 00:12:32,908 One of my best qualities 346 00:12:27,742 --> 00:12:32,908 is my attentive listening 347 00:12:27,742 --> 00:12:32,908 and my interest in others. 348 00:12:32,992 --> 00:12:34,742 Idiots. 349 00:12:41,242 --> 00:12:43,242 Do you prefer fish 350 00:12:41,242 --> 00:12:43,242 or chicken? 351 00:12:43,325 --> 00:12:44,242 Fish. 352 00:12:44,325 --> 00:12:45,242 Hmm. 353 00:12:52,408 --> 00:12:57,200 It was the same when 354 00:12:52,408 --> 00:12:57,200 I worked in reality TV. 355 00:12:57,283 --> 00:12:59,283 Listening, observation. 356 00:12:59,367 --> 00:13:01,367 You guys have reality TV? 357 00:13:01,450 --> 00:13:03,033 Of course we do. 358 00:13:03,117 --> 00:13:06,450 Do you know that sometimes 359 00:13:03,117 --> 00:13:06,450 it isn't totally real? 360 00:13:06,533 --> 00:13:10,408 You know, I think that 361 00:13:06,533 --> 00:13:10,408 it used to more real, 362 00:13:10,492 --> 00:13:12,617 - The way you hold attention, 363 00:13:10,492 --> 00:13:12,617 - but then it became obvious 364 00:13:12,700 --> 00:13:14,867 - tease people, make them wait, 365 00:13:12,700 --> 00:13:14,867 - that they're just 366 00:13:12,700 --> 00:13:14,867 casting people 367 00:13:14,950 --> 00:13:17,450 - dazzle them with spectacle, 368 00:13:14,950 --> 00:13:17,450 - that we know are gonna 369 00:13:14,950 --> 00:13:17,450 flame out 370 00:13:17,533 --> 00:13:20,408 - is very structured. 371 00:13:17,533 --> 00:13:20,408 - or be like, "I didn't 372 00:13:17,533 --> 00:13:20,408 come here to make friends." 373 00:13:20,492 --> 00:13:21,992 It's not all literally true. 374 00:13:24,117 --> 00:13:25,867 We are saying the same thing, 375 00:13:25,950 --> 00:13:27,033 in fact. 376 00:13:27,117 --> 00:13:28,533 Yeah. 377 00:13:28,617 --> 00:13:33,075 Um... well, I, uh, 378 00:13:33,158 --> 00:13:36,075 have to say I think 379 00:13:33,158 --> 00:13:36,075 it's really great 380 00:13:33,158 --> 00:13:36,075 that you've been able 381 00:13:36,158 --> 00:13:38,950 to stay so creative while 382 00:13:36,158 --> 00:13:38,950 having a government job. 383 00:13:39,033 --> 00:13:43,908 You know, those two things 384 00:13:39,033 --> 00:13:43,908 seem really different in 385 00:13:39,033 --> 00:13:43,908 my mind, but what do I know? 386 00:13:43,992 --> 00:13:47,075 Um, I was really sad 387 00:13:43,992 --> 00:13:47,075 I couldn't read your book. 388 00:13:47,158 --> 00:13:50,075 I looked for it, 389 00:13:47,158 --> 00:13:50,075 but I couldn't find it 390 00:13:47,158 --> 00:13:50,075 in English. 391 00:13:50,158 --> 00:13:52,283 It is a wonderful book, 392 00:13:52,367 --> 00:13:54,492 but I didn't write it. 393 00:13:54,575 --> 00:13:55,825 You didn't write it? 394 00:13:55,908 --> 00:13:56,908 No. 395 00:13:56,992 --> 00:13:57,992 Oh. 396 00:13:58,075 --> 00:13:59,658 I wish. 397 00:13:59,742 --> 00:14:02,742 It has somebody else's 398 00:13:59,742 --> 00:14:02,742 name on it. 399 00:14:02,825 --> 00:14:05,242 Someone else named 400 00:14:02,825 --> 00:14:05,242 Nathan Ivanovich? 401 00:14:05,325 --> 00:14:07,742 That is not my name. 402 00:14:07,825 --> 00:14:09,783 A pen name... 403 00:14:09,867 --> 00:14:10,950 I guess so. 404 00:14:11,033 --> 00:14:12,075 Do you like the fish? 405 00:14:12,158 --> 00:14:14,033 So what's 406 00:14:12,158 --> 00:14:14,033 your real name? 407 00:14:16,533 --> 00:14:20,992 You know, 408 00:14:16,533 --> 00:14:20,992 I also designed a city. 409 00:14:22,867 --> 00:14:24,367 Did I tell you about that? 410 00:14:24,450 --> 00:14:29,450 It's not finished yet, 411 00:14:24,450 --> 00:14:29,450 but maybe you could come see it. 412 00:14:29,533 --> 00:14:31,242 What do you like to be called? 413 00:14:31,325 --> 00:14:34,992 I am like the guy who wanted 414 00:14:31,325 --> 00:14:34,992 to have a baby with you 415 00:14:35,075 --> 00:14:36,783 on the second drink. 416 00:14:36,867 --> 00:14:41,533 I did not mean to invite you 417 00:14:36,867 --> 00:14:41,533 to Russia so soon. 418 00:14:36,867 --> 00:14:41,533 I apologize. 419 00:14:41,617 --> 00:14:43,450 Why did you want me 420 00:14:41,617 --> 00:14:43,450 to call you by your pen name? 421 00:14:43,533 --> 00:14:46,075 I didn't say it 422 00:14:43,533 --> 00:14:46,075 was my pen name. 423 00:14:46,158 --> 00:14:49,492 I mean, the book 424 00:14:46,158 --> 00:14:49,492 is a piece of shit. 425 00:14:49,575 --> 00:14:52,992 Ivanovich is a 426 00:14:49,575 --> 00:14:52,992 Hamlet-obsessed hack. 427 00:14:53,075 --> 00:14:58,033 I would've been 428 00:14:53,075 --> 00:14:58,033 totally embarrassed 429 00:14:53,075 --> 00:14:58,033 to have written it. 430 00:14:58,117 --> 00:15:00,533 Let me sign you a copy. 431 00:15:00,617 --> 00:15:04,992 Well, whomever he is, 432 00:15:00,617 --> 00:15:04,992 why do you think 433 00:15:00,617 --> 00:15:04,992 he's obsessed with Hamlet? 434 00:15:05,075 --> 00:15:08,908 Are you kidding? All Russians 435 00:15:05,075 --> 00:15:08,908 should be obsessed with Hamlet. 436 00:15:08,992 --> 00:15:10,783 It is the story of 437 00:15:08,992 --> 00:15:10,783 power-obsessed men 438 00:15:10,867 --> 00:15:13,158 with small areas 439 00:15:10,867 --> 00:15:13,158 of total dominion, 440 00:15:13,242 --> 00:15:15,117 the occasional murder 441 00:15:13,242 --> 00:15:15,117 by poisoning 442 00:15:15,200 --> 00:15:17,617 and a basic inability 443 00:15:15,200 --> 00:15:17,617 to tell what is real, 444 00:15:17,700 --> 00:15:22,492 what is a ghost, 445 00:15:17,700 --> 00:15:22,492 what's happening, who's crazy, 446 00:15:17,700 --> 00:15:22,492 and who's sane. 447 00:15:22,575 --> 00:15:24,242 It's brilliant. 448 00:15:37,950 --> 00:15:39,783 What do your friends call you? 449 00:15:39,867 --> 00:15:42,033 That again? 450 00:15:42,117 --> 00:15:43,658 Seriously. 451 00:15:50,492 --> 00:15:51,658 Pardon? 452 00:15:52,867 --> 00:15:56,242 I still didn't catch it. 453 00:15:58,575 --> 00:16:02,700 Hey, what is your favorite 454 00:15:58,575 --> 00:16:02,700 kind of Russian music? 455 00:16:02,783 --> 00:16:05,033 Oh, I don't really know 456 00:16:02,783 --> 00:16:05,033 any Russian music. 457 00:16:05,117 --> 00:16:10,200 I did hear those guys 458 00:16:05,117 --> 00:16:10,200 out there, but, uh, 459 00:16:05,117 --> 00:16:10,200 that's about it. 460 00:16:10,283 --> 00:16:13,367 Okay, so in this country, 461 00:16:13,450 --> 00:16:17,117 when a man wears a piece 462 00:16:13,450 --> 00:16:17,117 of jewelry on this finger, 463 00:16:17,200 --> 00:16:19,533 it typically signifies-- 464 00:16:19,617 --> 00:16:21,908 Nom de plume. 465 00:16:21,992 --> 00:16:24,825 No, that he's married. 466 00:16:24,908 --> 00:16:26,283 So... 467 00:16:26,367 --> 00:16:29,658 Okay, I know that sometimes 468 00:16:26,367 --> 00:16:29,658 people lie on their profiles, 469 00:16:29,742 --> 00:16:33,117 like tell little white lies 470 00:16:29,742 --> 00:16:33,117 like about their height 471 00:16:29,742 --> 00:16:33,117 or their age-- 472 00:16:33,200 --> 00:16:36,242 Nom de guerre like "The Fox," 473 00:16:33,200 --> 00:16:36,242 or "The Jackal." 474 00:16:36,325 --> 00:16:39,575 No. That's... 475 00:16:39,658 --> 00:16:43,158 No, I think that there's 476 00:16:39,658 --> 00:16:43,158 a language barrier, 477 00:16:39,658 --> 00:16:43,158 'cause what I-- 478 00:16:43,242 --> 00:16:45,575 - Pen name. Real name. 479 00:16:43,242 --> 00:16:45,575 - Right. 480 00:16:45,658 --> 00:16:49,617 That's a pen name, 481 00:16:45,658 --> 00:16:49,617 and then what's your real name? 482 00:16:49,700 --> 00:16:51,825 - Pen name. 483 00:16:49,700 --> 00:16:51,825 - Right, that's a pen name. 484 00:16:51,908 --> 00:16:54,825 Real name, pen name, 485 00:16:51,908 --> 00:16:54,825 real name. 486 00:16:56,533 --> 00:17:00,867 Don't matter what you call me. 487 00:16:56,533 --> 00:17:00,867 Realest in the game. 488 00:17:54,575 --> 00:17:56,658 Oh, yeah! 489 00:17:54,575 --> 00:17:56,658 You know what time it is! 490 00:17:56,742 --> 00:17:59,242 I have my whole squad 491 00:17:56,742 --> 00:17:59,242 up in here! 492 00:17:59,325 --> 00:18:01,908 Oh! 493 00:18:42,200 --> 00:18:45,242 What? 494 00:18:47,408 --> 00:18:52,200 No? Oh. Well, okay. 495 00:18:52,283 --> 00:18:53,450 Okay, then. 496 00:18:53,533 --> 00:18:56,783 Eh, gentlemen, give us a minute. 497 00:19:01,783 --> 00:19:05,033 I thought you were going 498 00:19:01,783 --> 00:19:05,033 to this famous "Walmart." 499 00:19:05,117 --> 00:19:06,617 Overrated. 500 00:19:09,117 --> 00:19:13,742 Are you okay? 501 00:19:09,117 --> 00:19:13,742 We have a salad course. 502 00:19:13,825 --> 00:19:16,325 Would you like a salad course? 503 00:19:16,408 --> 00:19:18,867 I--I don't need 504 00:19:16,408 --> 00:19:18,867 a salad course. Um... 505 00:19:21,742 --> 00:19:25,325 I'm very flattered. 506 00:19:25,408 --> 00:19:29,117 You're an incredible singer, 507 00:19:25,408 --> 00:19:29,117 and dancer... 508 00:19:29,200 --> 00:19:30,783 and rapper. 509 00:19:33,658 --> 00:19:36,492 There's still an elephant 510 00:19:33,658 --> 00:19:36,492 in the room, though. 511 00:19:38,450 --> 00:19:41,533 Excuse me just a moment. 512 00:19:45,908 --> 00:19:48,242 What's his real name? 513 00:19:48,325 --> 00:19:50,617 You're still on that? 514 00:19:50,700 --> 00:19:53,033 I don't understand, 515 00:19:53,117 --> 00:19:56,033 our emails were so promising. 516 00:19:56,117 --> 00:19:57,367 I know what it's like. 517 00:19:57,450 --> 00:19:58,950 - You do? 518 00:19:57,450 --> 00:19:58,950 - Sure. 519 00:19:59,033 --> 00:20:01,700 Being pampered by 520 00:19:59,033 --> 00:20:01,700 a charismatic leader 521 00:19:59,033 --> 00:20:01,700 in a hotel room... 522 00:20:01,783 --> 00:20:04,617 where maybe even he thinks 523 00:20:01,783 --> 00:20:04,617 he's in love with you. 524 00:20:04,700 --> 00:20:07,075 Plus, power is intoxicating. 525 00:20:07,158 --> 00:20:09,325 - So is vodka. 526 00:20:07,158 --> 00:20:09,325 - Isn't that what dates are for? 527 00:20:09,408 --> 00:20:12,783 You squint at things 528 00:20:09,408 --> 00:20:12,783 and try to see the best 529 00:20:09,408 --> 00:20:12,783 in a guy. 530 00:20:12,867 --> 00:20:16,867 I like giving people 531 00:20:12,867 --> 00:20:16,867 the benefit of the doubt. I do. 532 00:20:18,283 --> 00:20:20,325 Wait, are you in character 533 00:20:18,283 --> 00:20:20,325 right now? 534 00:20:20,408 --> 00:20:21,450 Often. I lose track. 535 00:20:21,533 --> 00:20:24,450 You didn't even Google him? 536 00:20:24,533 --> 00:20:26,825 I didn't think I needed to. 537 00:20:26,908 --> 00:20:28,408 We'd been emailing for months. 538 00:20:28,492 --> 00:20:29,325 I thought-- 539 00:20:29,408 --> 00:20:30,575 Girl, it's not that hard. 540 00:20:30,658 --> 00:20:32,033 Especially after Crimea. 541 00:20:32,117 --> 00:20:33,992 When I walked in here, 542 00:20:34,075 --> 00:20:35,950 he was wearing a wedding ring. 543 00:20:36,033 --> 00:20:37,658 But when I checked again, 544 00:20:36,033 --> 00:20:37,658 he wasn't. 545 00:20:37,742 --> 00:20:39,742 And then 546 00:20:37,742 --> 00:20:39,742 I swear he just was. 547 00:20:39,825 --> 00:20:44,242 He can be a little bit 548 00:20:39,825 --> 00:20:44,242 indecisive about 549 00:20:39,825 --> 00:20:44,242 his self-presentation. 550 00:20:46,075 --> 00:20:49,492 Girl. Seriously, 551 00:20:46,075 --> 00:20:49,492 what are you doing? 552 00:20:49,575 --> 00:20:53,242 I don't know. 553 00:20:53,325 --> 00:20:55,992 You know what, 554 00:20:53,325 --> 00:20:55,992 you're a grown woman. 555 00:20:56,075 --> 00:20:57,242 Figure it out. 556 00:21:01,908 --> 00:21:06,492 Alas, Nathan Ivanovich. 557 00:21:06,575 --> 00:21:10,117 I never knew you. 558 00:21:12,367 --> 00:21:17,492 I don't know what is, 559 00:21:12,367 --> 00:21:17,492 only what seems to be. 560 00:21:18,825 --> 00:21:20,617 Or not to be. 561 00:21:21,908 --> 00:21:24,992 How do we even hold up 562 00:21:21,908 --> 00:21:24,992 this heavy life, 563 00:21:25,075 --> 00:21:28,908 which I myself have had 564 00:21:25,075 --> 00:21:28,908 a hand in reducing 565 00:21:28,992 --> 00:21:31,992 down to bare survival? 566 00:21:32,075 --> 00:21:33,617 Survival. 567 00:21:35,408 --> 00:21:39,033 Survival sucks, 568 00:21:35,408 --> 00:21:39,033 but it is possible 569 00:21:39,117 --> 00:21:42,283 death is worse. 570 00:21:45,658 --> 00:21:50,075 Of all the things 571 00:21:45,658 --> 00:21:50,075 I have been party to, 572 00:21:50,158 --> 00:21:53,533 I, who have the power 573 00:21:53,617 --> 00:21:57,575 to bend the course of history, 574 00:21:57,658 --> 00:22:00,950 have come up 575 00:21:57,658 --> 00:22:00,950 against a problem-- 576 00:22:03,242 --> 00:22:06,117 one small woman... 577 00:22:06,200 --> 00:22:08,658 and who to be to her. 578 00:22:12,617 --> 00:22:15,617 I should be real to her. 579 00:22:17,158 --> 00:22:20,658 Unless I am corroded 580 00:22:17,158 --> 00:22:20,658 to my depth. 581 00:22:23,908 --> 00:22:26,992 I am out of scale. 582 00:22:23,908 --> 00:22:26,992 I feel myself so. 583 00:22:30,992 --> 00:22:33,200 I should give it a whirl. 584 00:22:47,242 --> 00:22:50,367 Are you married? 585 00:22:51,492 --> 00:22:54,367 Well, yes and no. 586 00:22:55,825 --> 00:22:57,325 I just Googled you. 587 00:22:57,408 --> 00:22:59,617 And if I'm not mistaken, 588 00:22:59,700 --> 00:23:01,700 you have a wife. 589 00:23:02,867 --> 00:23:04,617 You can Google me? 590 00:23:04,700 --> 00:23:06,783 Yeah. I can. 591 00:23:06,867 --> 00:23:08,617 It was pretty easy, too. 592 00:23:08,700 --> 00:23:11,867 It would've been easier if you 593 00:23:08,700 --> 00:23:11,867 didn't have so many pseudonyms. 594 00:23:11,950 --> 00:23:14,492 Hmm. 595 00:23:14,575 --> 00:23:18,700 So, do you and your wife 596 00:23:14,575 --> 00:23:18,700 have some sort of arrangement? 597 00:23:18,783 --> 00:23:21,617 Eh, yes and no. 598 00:23:21,700 --> 00:23:24,117 What's that 599 00:23:21,700 --> 00:23:24,117 supposed to mean? 600 00:23:24,200 --> 00:23:25,992 Well, I mean, sort of. 601 00:23:26,075 --> 00:23:27,325 There's no sort of. 602 00:23:27,408 --> 00:23:29,450 Either you're married 603 00:23:27,408 --> 00:23:29,450 or you aren't, 604 00:23:29,533 --> 00:23:32,033 or your wife and you have 605 00:23:29,533 --> 00:23:32,033 an arrangement or you don't. 606 00:23:32,117 --> 00:23:33,450 Don't get upset. 607 00:23:33,533 --> 00:23:35,117 I'm not upset. 608 00:23:38,117 --> 00:23:40,575 I just need to know. 609 00:23:40,658 --> 00:23:44,033 I mean, 610 00:23:40,658 --> 00:23:44,033 I'm not above casual sex, 611 00:23:44,117 --> 00:23:47,908 but I think we both know 612 00:23:44,117 --> 00:23:47,908 that's not why we're here. 613 00:23:49,950 --> 00:23:53,867 I really liked writing to you 614 00:23:49,950 --> 00:23:53,867 and I like talking to you 615 00:23:53,950 --> 00:23:58,908 and now we're in a hotel room 616 00:23:53,950 --> 00:23:58,908 and I need to know. 617 00:24:05,783 --> 00:24:09,783 Why didn't you ask me before 618 00:24:05,783 --> 00:24:09,783 about being married. 619 00:24:09,867 --> 00:24:12,117 Because you checked 620 00:24:09,867 --> 00:24:12,117 the box. 621 00:24:12,200 --> 00:24:13,200 What box? 622 00:24:13,283 --> 00:24:16,200 The one about 623 00:24:13,283 --> 00:24:16,200 being single. 624 00:24:16,283 --> 00:24:18,325 Oops. 625 00:24:22,242 --> 00:24:25,158 Did you lie about 626 00:24:22,242 --> 00:24:25,158 the sex questions, too? 627 00:24:25,242 --> 00:24:29,450 No. No, no, no, no. 628 00:24:25,242 --> 00:24:29,450 Of course not. Never. 629 00:24:29,533 --> 00:24:31,700 It would mess up the algorithm. 630 00:24:34,408 --> 00:24:37,033 What's the point of having 631 00:24:34,408 --> 00:24:37,033 a girlfriend or a mistress 632 00:24:37,117 --> 00:24:39,033 or whatever it is 633 00:24:37,117 --> 00:24:39,033 you want me to be 634 00:24:39,117 --> 00:24:40,908 if you're just gonna act 635 00:24:39,117 --> 00:24:40,908 the same way you do 636 00:24:40,992 --> 00:24:43,325 at home, or at work, 637 00:24:40,992 --> 00:24:43,325 or whatever? 638 00:24:44,825 --> 00:24:46,658 I know. 639 00:24:46,742 --> 00:24:50,158 This is the tragedy of my life. 640 00:24:52,117 --> 00:24:54,950 Do you know 641 00:24:52,117 --> 00:24:54,950 the tragedy of my life? 642 00:24:57,033 --> 00:24:58,158 No. 643 00:24:58,242 --> 00:25:00,492 I know. 644 00:24:58,242 --> 00:25:00,492 Because you never asked me. 645 00:25:00,575 --> 00:25:02,075 You're really charming 646 00:25:00,575 --> 00:25:02,075 on the internet, 647 00:25:02,158 --> 00:25:03,575 but then in person, 648 00:25:02,158 --> 00:25:03,575 you don't even ask me 649 00:25:03,658 --> 00:25:05,408 shit like what's 650 00:25:03,658 --> 00:25:05,408 the tragedy of my life 651 00:25:05,492 --> 00:25:08,033 or even if 652 00:25:05,492 --> 00:25:08,033 my parents are alive. 653 00:25:08,117 --> 00:25:09,867 I know your parents are alive 654 00:25:08,117 --> 00:25:09,867 because it came up 655 00:25:09,950 --> 00:25:13,700 in the email when you 656 00:25:09,950 --> 00:25:13,700 went back to Wisconsin. 657 00:25:13,783 --> 00:25:16,033 For my dad's funeral. 658 00:25:18,742 --> 00:25:21,158 This is not my first language. 659 00:25:24,325 --> 00:25:29,450 Don't you even wanna try being 660 00:25:24,325 --> 00:25:29,450 honest just for like one day, 661 00:25:24,325 --> 00:25:29,450 like for an experiment? 662 00:25:32,575 --> 00:25:36,617 Look, I need to be 663 00:25:32,575 --> 00:25:36,617 around someone real, 664 00:25:36,700 --> 00:25:39,325 and, Darla, 665 00:25:36,700 --> 00:25:39,325 I can feel that about you. 666 00:25:39,408 --> 00:25:42,075 You are so freaking real. 667 00:25:42,158 --> 00:25:45,450 And... all I do 668 00:25:42,158 --> 00:25:45,450 is create chaos-- 669 00:25:45,533 --> 00:25:47,117 which is remarkably 670 00:25:45,533 --> 00:25:47,117 effective-- 671 00:25:47,200 --> 00:25:49,075 but you are actually, 672 00:25:47,200 --> 00:25:49,075 truly real. 673 00:25:49,158 --> 00:25:51,492 And that-that 674 00:25:49,158 --> 00:25:51,492 is what I need. 675 00:25:51,575 --> 00:25:53,075 That is why I am here. 676 00:25:53,158 --> 00:25:55,658 I'm sorry. 677 00:25:53,158 --> 00:25:55,658 I... I'm gonna go. 678 00:25:55,742 --> 00:25:57,492 No, no, no, no, no! 679 00:25:55,742 --> 00:25:57,492 Please, please. 680 00:25:57,575 --> 00:25:59,992 Please stay 681 00:25:57,575 --> 00:25:59,992 just for a little longer. 682 00:26:00,075 --> 00:26:02,117 Hey, stay for dessert. 683 00:26:02,200 --> 00:26:03,617 A wonderful 684 00:26:02,200 --> 00:26:03,617 white chocolate mousse. 685 00:26:03,700 --> 00:26:06,408 I need to go. Oh, my God. 686 00:26:08,575 --> 00:26:12,242 No, no, no, they are saying 687 00:26:08,575 --> 00:26:12,242 that it is not safe for you 688 00:26:12,325 --> 00:26:15,492 to leave because 689 00:26:12,325 --> 00:26:15,492 there is a... wildfire. 690 00:26:15,575 --> 00:26:17,908 I don't see any wildfire. 691 00:26:23,742 --> 00:26:25,992 Oh, yes. They are saying 692 00:26:23,742 --> 00:26:25,992 there is a shooting. 693 00:26:26,075 --> 00:26:27,658 It's not safe for you to go. 694 00:26:27,742 --> 00:26:29,658 I didn't hear any shooting, 695 00:26:27,742 --> 00:26:29,658 did you? 696 00:26:29,742 --> 00:26:33,325 Some threat of shooting 697 00:26:29,742 --> 00:26:33,325 or a bomb threat 698 00:26:29,742 --> 00:26:33,325 or something like that. 699 00:26:33,408 --> 00:26:35,950 I don't believe you. 700 00:26:36,033 --> 00:26:38,742 - All right. 701 00:26:38,825 --> 00:26:40,992 Oh, my God! 702 00:26:41,075 --> 00:26:43,117 They lock it from the outside? 703 00:26:44,908 --> 00:26:47,367 No, no, please, 704 00:26:44,908 --> 00:26:47,367 please relax. 705 00:26:48,783 --> 00:26:51,075 You'll break the knob. 706 00:26:51,158 --> 00:26:53,700 Thank you for staying. 707 00:26:53,783 --> 00:26:57,367 It means a lot to me. 708 00:26:57,450 --> 00:27:02,492 There is so much to say 709 00:26:57,450 --> 00:27:02,492 about the tragedy of my life. 710 00:27:02,575 --> 00:27:04,075 And from your writing, 711 00:27:04,158 --> 00:27:08,700 I believe you will really 712 00:27:04,158 --> 00:27:08,700 be able to understand the pains 713 00:27:08,783 --> 00:27:10,200 that come from being 714 00:27:10,283 --> 00:27:14,033 such an important 715 00:27:10,283 --> 00:27:14,033 political technologist. 716 00:27:14,117 --> 00:27:17,450 You see, it started 717 00:27:14,117 --> 00:27:17,450 when I was a child. 718 00:27:20,283 --> 00:27:23,700 At the academy 719 00:27:20,283 --> 00:27:23,700 in the mountains, 720 00:27:23,783 --> 00:27:27,242 the Ural Mountains. 721 00:27:27,325 --> 00:27:31,242 - They can be beautiful... 722 00:27:31,325 --> 00:27:33,492 but they can be deadly. 723 00:28:38,075 --> 00:28:40,867 Thank you for doing what 724 00:28:38,075 --> 00:28:40,867 nobody else seems to understand. 725 00:28:41,200 --> 00:28:43,283 I'm excited for this, 726 00:28:41,200 --> 00:28:43,283 and for my turn next. 727 00:28:43,367 --> 00:28:45,367 It didn't hurt much at all, 728 00:28:43,367 --> 00:28:45,367 by the way. 729 00:28:45,450 --> 00:28:49,367 Oh. Shall we, 730 00:28:45,450 --> 00:28:49,367 before it gets cold?