1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:05,000 Transcribed by Uncle Andy 2 00:00:08,460 --> 00:00:11,544 I think your father was murdered. It's a Clios matter. 3 00:00:12,069 --> 00:00:15,185 There's something in there that Constantine didn't want me to see. I know it. 4 00:00:15,215 --> 00:00:17,558 I need to know if I made the worst mistake of my life. 5 00:00:20,593 --> 00:00:24,599 Your husband had the copy made for some oligarch to put on his yacht. 6 00:00:25,014 --> 00:00:27,409 I see it in you now. That look. 7 00:00:27,439 --> 00:00:30,243 What look? Revenge. 8 00:00:37,710 --> 00:00:40,110 Um, yes? Dunno, why not. 9 00:00:40,140 --> 00:00:41,967 I tried to pin you down for quite some time. 10 00:00:41,997 --> 00:00:45,631 I'm flattered. Well, um, every time I see you, 11 00:00:45,661 --> 00:00:47,635 you're bidding on some art work that I want. 12 00:00:47,958 --> 00:00:50,426 Except that I never get to beat you! 13 00:00:50,456 --> 00:00:53,675 That does not stop you from trying. I gamble on other people's ignorance. 14 00:00:54,285 --> 00:00:57,535 That does not stop you from trying. 15 00:00:57,828 --> 00:01:02,499 Sometimes you get lucky. Mm, so, this is your passion? 16 00:01:02,529 --> 00:01:05,744 Is that a surprise? No! It's just that, you know... 17 00:01:05,774 --> 00:01:08,925 art in the Riviera is a financial investment. 18 00:01:09,628 --> 00:01:11,974 It's men finding more ways to make more money. 19 00:01:12,255 --> 00:01:15,851 Oh, but you're different, right? Not as different as you. 20 00:01:17,961 --> 00:01:19,896 He won't see me? Why not? What's your ambition? 21 00:01:20,561 --> 00:01:21,948 I want to own my own collection. 22 00:01:22,335 --> 00:01:25,384 I mean, you weren't born into it, you didn't inherit it, it's just you! 23 00:01:26,028 --> 00:01:31,090 It's an obstacle. No, you are young and very good 24 00:01:31,120 --> 00:01:33,869 and your competitors are old and rich. 25 00:01:33,899 --> 00:01:36,176 You are their worst nightmare. 26 00:01:47,470 --> 00:01:48,526 You crazy bastard! 27 00:03:37,879 --> 00:03:40,947 You and I are cut from the same ice 28 00:03:45,350 --> 00:03:48,711 Burning all the gold to sapphire skies 29 00:03:48,741 --> 00:03:52,425 But the breeze is cold in paradise 30 00:03:52,840 --> 00:03:56,143 I can feel the whispers in the street 31 00:03:56,514 --> 00:03:59,954 Every night I shiver in my sleep 32 00:03:59,984 --> 00:04:06,193 No reality, cause it's all a dream 33 00:04:07,538 --> 00:04:10,880 Was it love? It was wild Brought me to my knee 34 00:04:10,910 --> 00:04:14,320 Sparking fires, sparring wars with expensive things 35 00:04:14,350 --> 00:04:21,762 I tiptoe right round my baby All this world is mad, mad crazy 36 00:04:22,426 --> 00:04:26,081 Was it love? It was wild Brought me to my knees 37 00:04:26,111 --> 00:04:29,536 Sparking fires, sparring wars with expensive things 38 00:04:29,566 --> 00:04:37,101 I tiptoe right round my baby All this world is mad, mad crazy 39 00:04:37,394 --> 00:04:41,420 Look, it's how they do things around here. Breaking and entering, Riviera style. 40 00:04:41,450 --> 00:04:42,847 Using a sedative gas 41 00:04:42,877 --> 00:04:45,270 is much more effective than hitting people over the head 42 00:04:45,300 --> 00:04:48,197 What were you thinking? I mean, that could have gone wrong. 43 00:04:48,227 --> 00:04:50,797 Badly wrong! But it didn't, did it? 44 00:04:51,031 --> 00:04:52,263 And you got what you wanted. 45 00:04:54,144 --> 00:04:56,528 So, you had a look around... Yeah! 46 00:04:56,880 --> 00:04:59,479 I might have had a peek. Nice drug stash! 47 00:04:59,772 --> 00:05:01,766 Do you think Constantine knew? No. 48 00:05:02,118 --> 00:05:03,368 No, there's no way, 49 00:05:04,391 --> 00:05:07,224 though that does explain how Christos has been acting lately. 50 00:05:08,241 --> 00:05:10,840 I also found something he may not have seen. 51 00:05:14,864 --> 00:05:18,225 What's all this? My entire life. 52 00:05:23,214 --> 00:05:26,263 You've been here all night? Here, take this. 53 00:05:26,751 --> 00:05:28,549 You look like you need it. Thanks. 54 00:05:29,800 --> 00:05:31,618 So, how's it going? Fine. 55 00:05:32,778 --> 00:05:35,847 What is it about these kids that has got you so hot under the collar? 56 00:05:38,016 --> 00:05:39,149 Come with me. 57 00:05:46,016 --> 00:05:47,951 This is Bela. Have you met? 58 00:05:48,771 --> 00:05:51,996 Bela earns 12,000 Euros a year. 12,000. 59 00:05:52,026 --> 00:05:55,334 And somehow, he supports 3 children and 7 grandchildren 60 00:05:55,364 --> 00:05:58,246 He buys food, toys, pays his mortgage. 61 00:05:58,276 --> 00:06:00,767 He even manages to take his wife out for a meal once a month. 62 00:06:01,545 --> 00:06:02,972 And all the while, Bela pays 63 00:06:03,002 --> 00:06:07,389 a percentage of everything he earns, 2,000 Euros, to the State, to the Nation 64 00:06:07,593 --> 00:06:10,876 But the Clios' of this world; they get away with paying almost nothing. 65 00:06:12,094 --> 00:06:14,048 And every penny in tax, they don't pay... 66 00:06:14,243 --> 00:06:18,680 is taken away from Bela's hospitals, his schools, his Police service. 67 00:06:19,603 --> 00:06:22,906 Look at him. Here he is, toiling away in the bowels of society, 68 00:06:23,215 --> 00:06:25,482 while paying his fair share. Where are they? 69 00:06:25,892 --> 00:06:30,348 Well, most of Constantine Clios is in pieces at the bottom of the sea. 70 00:06:30,704 --> 00:06:34,086 But I take your point. His wife, his entire family... 71 00:06:34,633 --> 00:06:36,919 are still living on the proceeds of his corruption. 72 00:06:38,468 --> 00:06:41,048 I thought you're only after the Bank. I'm after all of them. 73 00:06:42,025 --> 00:06:45,719 Everyone who steals money from me, from Bela, even from you. 74 00:06:49,117 --> 00:06:51,404 Georgina Ryland, Class of '97 75 00:06:51,434 --> 00:06:53,124 I've never even seen my Birth Certificate. 76 00:06:53,397 --> 00:06:56,876 Fingerprints, our Marriage License, medical records 77 00:06:56,906 --> 00:06:58,518 my Mother's Death Certificate? 78 00:06:58,548 --> 00:06:59,657 Why do you think he did this? 79 00:06:59,930 --> 00:07:01,943 He never asked me for any of it. 80 00:07:03,194 --> 00:07:04,699 Your middle name is Marjorie? 81 00:07:05,070 --> 00:07:06,868 I have my grandmother to thank for that. 82 00:07:08,510 --> 00:07:11,790 There's also this: bank statements. 83 00:07:12,923 --> 00:07:14,741 I never knew about those bank accounts. 84 00:07:15,562 --> 00:07:18,865 There must be thousands of transactions here. 85 00:07:19,225 --> 00:07:25,850 All for tiny amounts from the Cayman Islands, Lichtenstein, the Bahamas... 86 00:07:30,143 --> 00:07:32,997 There's a pattern here... Look, 87 00:07:35,440 --> 00:07:40,248 the payments build up over months until the total reaches several million 88 00:07:40,278 --> 00:07:43,297 and then, the entire amount is transferred out of the bank. 89 00:07:43,512 --> 00:07:45,760 See, balance drops to zero. 90 00:07:45,790 --> 00:07:49,942 A few months later, an even larger amount is transferred back in 91 00:07:49,972 --> 00:07:54,433 And these transactions go to and from... John Brandeis? 92 00:07:55,254 --> 00:07:57,091 I do know what that money was for. 93 00:07:59,568 --> 00:08:03,379 There, the Picasso? I bought that. 94 00:08:04,454 --> 00:08:10,063 27 million dollars, a record sale. The seller, John Brandeis. 95 00:08:11,508 --> 00:08:14,010 The Reuben? We sold that to John Brandeis. 96 00:08:14,498 --> 00:08:16,179 The Gaugin, the Sheila? 97 00:08:16,707 --> 00:08:23,152 All bought or sold, at Constantine's request, to or from John Brandeis. 98 00:08:25,472 --> 00:08:30,299 Jukes was right. They were laundering money on a massive scale 99 00:08:31,687 --> 00:08:32,742 and i was helping them. 100 00:08:34,885 --> 00:08:40,084 He used me, Robert. He never loved me, 101 00:08:40,690 --> 00:08:44,188 I was just useful to him. 102 00:08:45,978 --> 00:08:51,138 My marriage was a sham. A fucking sham! 103 00:09:22,208 --> 00:09:25,823 I'm back so soon, I thought you might be taking stock. 104 00:09:26,253 --> 00:09:27,660 I want my car back. 105 00:09:28,897 --> 00:09:33,646 I should ban you for your own good. Like you're going to do that! 106 00:09:34,682 --> 00:09:38,415 Now you think throwing your car keys on the table makes you a big shot? 107 00:09:40,912 --> 00:09:43,668 Nobody wants some miserable car junkie 108 00:09:43,698 --> 00:09:47,675 crying on their shoulder and I'm not sure I want one for a partner. 109 00:09:47,705 --> 00:09:50,055 Listen, just because we're taking your dirty money, 110 00:09:50,085 --> 00:09:53,084 doesn't make us partners. As you wish. 111 00:09:54,374 --> 00:09:56,055 But you know what they say: 112 00:09:56,085 --> 00:09:58,340 Never gamble more than you can afford to lose. 113 00:09:59,493 --> 00:10:01,194 But that's no fun, right? We don't gamble to win money, 114 00:10:05,889 --> 00:10:09,328 it's the risk of losing everything, that's the thrill. 115 00:10:09,836 --> 00:10:11,126 Spare me the bad talk. 116 00:10:13,530 --> 00:10:14,937 How about an IOU? 117 00:10:15,722 --> 00:10:18,263 The debt is 600,000 118 00:10:19,201 --> 00:10:23,285 No one ever walked out of this casino with an IOU. 119 00:10:23,993 --> 00:10:27,805 No One. So, why should I take one from you? 120 00:10:32,421 --> 00:10:36,448 Your mother paid your debt for you. 121 00:10:38,250 --> 00:10:41,123 You can pick up your car keys at the office. 122 00:11:00,527 --> 00:11:03,029 I hear your mother runs your bank now. 123 00:11:30,318 --> 00:11:33,171 Hello. I've come to take you to lunch. 124 00:11:34,422 --> 00:11:37,021 Irina, you should have called. 125 00:11:39,171 --> 00:11:40,950 It's a surprise. 126 00:11:41,250 --> 00:11:43,751 We can't, not here. 127 00:11:45,002 --> 00:11:49,028 Your face is red. We can't! It's us. 128 00:11:49,697 --> 00:11:52,160 We need to cool things down. I'm sorry. 129 00:11:52,531 --> 00:11:54,329 Why? Why? 130 00:11:54,974 --> 00:11:57,554 You're the ex-wife of a possibly murdered billionaire 131 00:11:57,584 --> 00:12:00,510 having an affair with the chief investigator, what do you think! 132 00:12:00,901 --> 00:12:04,086 Not to mention, this whole financial scandal with Jukes! 133 00:12:04,380 --> 00:12:07,820 What about the girls? They're friends. I talked to Sophie 134 00:12:11,182 --> 00:12:12,335 So, this is it. 135 00:12:17,075 --> 00:12:20,261 This is what you want. What I want 136 00:12:20,652 --> 00:12:24,346 is not to lose my job over a scandal I can avoid. 137 00:12:27,209 --> 00:12:32,584 You're a small man, Jean, in all the ways that matter. 138 00:12:46,545 --> 00:12:48,909 Your Mom's kinda hot. If you say so, 139 00:12:48,939 --> 00:12:51,059 I mean it's not open for discussion. She's stunning. 140 00:12:51,567 --> 00:12:53,229 I can see what my Dad sees in her. 141 00:12:53,580 --> 00:12:55,163 Well, if you like her so much, go fuck her. 142 00:12:55,539 --> 00:12:57,044 She slept with a girl once. Really? 143 00:12:57,074 --> 00:12:59,526 Yeah, she told me she fucked some actress when she was younger. 144 00:12:59,556 --> 00:13:01,598 She told you that? She tells me everything. 145 00:13:01,628 --> 00:13:02,966 Oh, my mother barely speaks to me. 146 00:13:03,572 --> 00:13:05,174 Lucky you. Yeah, I guess. 147 00:13:05,784 --> 00:13:08,442 So, are you going to do it? Do what? 148 00:13:08,472 --> 00:13:10,552 Get with my mum. No! 149 00:13:11,666 --> 00:13:12,995 What do you think of Dominic? 150 00:13:17,348 --> 00:13:18,541 He's kind of hot. 151 00:13:19,770 --> 00:13:21,470 I'm grooming him. Oh! 152 00:13:21,500 --> 00:13:24,734 Can you groom someone who's older? Sure, why not! 153 00:13:33,382 --> 00:13:35,219 Do you remember that number you wrote on me? 154 00:13:35,962 --> 00:13:38,346 15-07-201-4? 155 00:13:38,717 --> 00:13:40,691 That was the day that Constantine and I met. 156 00:13:40,906 --> 00:13:42,861 Nobody would ever know that but us. 157 00:13:43,481 --> 00:13:45,455 I saw it and for a second, I thought... 158 00:13:47,253 --> 00:13:48,758 maybe he is still alive, 159 00:13:49,618 --> 00:13:51,435 maybe it's some sort of message to me. 160 00:13:51,850 --> 00:13:54,919 and I remembered the man who loved me. 161 00:13:56,580 --> 00:13:59,453 What sort of sick fuck uses his wife like that? 162 00:13:59,868 --> 00:14:02,604 It doesn't look good but 163 00:14:04,094 --> 00:14:05,560 let's think about it for a moment. 164 00:14:07,964 --> 00:14:11,579 None of those transactions actually implicate you. 165 00:14:12,053 --> 00:14:14,555 They implicate Constantine and john Brandeis. 166 00:14:14,809 --> 00:14:17,662 Maybe, he had to go into hiding... 167 00:14:18,131 --> 00:14:20,828 to protect himself and protect you. 168 00:14:21,486 --> 00:14:23,343 but he left evidence that you weren't complicit 169 00:14:23,373 --> 00:14:25,590 in a place that he knew only you would find. 170 00:14:26,802 --> 00:14:28,756 Georgie, maybe... He's dead! 171 00:14:29,968 --> 00:14:31,961 Maybe, he deserves to be... 172 00:14:32,714 --> 00:14:35,607 murdered by the same drug dealers and war criminals that he was helping. 173 00:14:36,506 --> 00:14:39,300 But how do I know? How can I ever know? 174 00:14:39,887 --> 00:14:41,196 Well, there's one man you could ask: 175 00:14:43,276 --> 00:14:44,135 John Brandeis. 176 00:15:01,740 --> 00:15:04,867 Irina! This is a surprise. 177 00:15:05,864 --> 00:15:06,822 I'm here to see Ada. 178 00:15:08,463 --> 00:15:09,499 Do I need an appointment? 179 00:15:10,051 --> 00:15:12,338 Of course not! Where is she? 180 00:15:12,592 --> 00:15:15,347 Playing with the gardener and that awful girl who's 181 00:15:15,377 --> 00:15:17,282 always following her around. Are you staying long? 182 00:15:19,726 --> 00:15:22,169 Would you like a drink? A juice? 183 00:15:22,677 --> 00:15:26,391 What is this, Saudi Arabia? I'll have a martini. 184 00:15:32,079 --> 00:15:34,717 I know you don't give a shit about girls like us but I'm telling you the truth. 185 00:15:34,747 --> 00:15:38,098 Ok, if you can just take a seat and... I already told you, I cannot wait. 186 00:15:38,128 --> 00:15:41,049 If they see I've gone, I'm dead. When the Duty Officer arrives... 187 00:15:41,079 --> 00:15:44,237 Just remember, Ameera Sayed. Ameera Sayed! 188 00:16:12,272 --> 00:16:15,634 This is actually a very good martini. Were you once a barmaid? 189 00:16:16,889 --> 00:16:17,632 Thanks. 190 00:16:18,551 --> 00:16:21,052 Yeah, I used to make cocktails at a bar in New York. 191 00:16:21,899 --> 00:16:22,877 It was good money. 192 00:16:24,596 --> 00:16:26,922 It's always good to have something to fall back on. 193 00:16:28,290 --> 00:16:30,968 You must be stressed with the police investigation? 194 00:16:32,755 --> 00:16:36,644 I've got nothing to hide but none of us are on firm ground. 195 00:16:37,563 --> 00:16:40,651 Your marriage, through this Jukes microscope 196 00:16:40,681 --> 00:16:44,497 will seem very convenient. There is no convenience. 197 00:16:44,927 --> 00:16:48,113 Of course. Love's dream. 198 00:16:49,583 --> 00:16:52,495 So, no skeletons in your closet? No. 199 00:16:55,212 --> 00:16:57,127 It must be nice to be the innocent one. 200 00:16:58,188 --> 00:17:00,123 I understand that it must be difficult for you 201 00:17:00,153 --> 00:17:02,331 to have another woman living in your home 202 00:17:02,663 --> 00:17:03,836 with your children 203 00:17:05,106 --> 00:17:07,745 but there's only so many insults I can take before lunch. 204 00:17:08,146 --> 00:17:10,823 Georgina, I'm sorry. 205 00:17:12,719 --> 00:17:14,263 I've come to ask you a favor. 206 00:17:38,466 --> 00:17:41,574 Why even bother hosting a gala? Tradition. 207 00:17:43,000 --> 00:17:44,388 They always used to have it here. 208 00:17:46,249 --> 00:17:48,497 Constantine and I would host it together. 209 00:17:49,064 --> 00:17:50,999 The children would be allowed to stay for an hour 210 00:17:51,029 --> 00:17:52,464 and then, they'd be taken up to bed. 211 00:17:52,953 --> 00:17:55,064 You's always see them, like little birds... 212 00:17:56,188 --> 00:17:59,197 perched in line, at the top of the stairs, peering down. 213 00:18:02,129 --> 00:18:05,334 Adam used to send down Christos to steal canapes. 214 00:18:06,478 --> 00:18:07,943 Who are you thinking of inviting? 215 00:18:11,383 --> 00:18:14,217 Bored people and guilty people. 216 00:18:14,745 --> 00:18:16,562 Then why do you host them? 217 00:18:18,928 --> 00:18:21,586 Because I'm both guilty and bored. 218 00:18:23,267 --> 00:18:26,394 I can think of a few names I'd like to add to the guest list. 219 00:18:26,853 --> 00:18:30,312 Anyone in particular? A business associate of Constantine's, 220 00:18:30,976 --> 00:18:32,931 John Brandeis. Do you know him? 221 00:18:34,963 --> 00:18:38,978 No, actually but the more, the merrier. Of course. 222 00:18:46,034 --> 00:18:46,952 Who is it? 223 00:18:48,014 --> 00:18:49,871 I am here to see Grigory Litvinov. 224 00:18:50,946 --> 00:18:54,073 He is not here. Tell him his life is in danger. 225 00:19:12,229 --> 00:19:13,597 Give us 5 minutes. 226 00:19:18,332 --> 00:19:19,133 drink? 227 00:19:20,540 --> 00:19:21,009 No. 228 00:19:22,470 --> 00:19:23,271 Suit yourself. 229 00:19:29,980 --> 00:19:32,911 So, who wants to kill me? 230 00:19:35,145 --> 00:19:36,982 The girl that survived the explosion. 231 00:19:38,604 --> 00:19:39,386 Do you know her? 232 00:19:41,458 --> 00:19:45,404 Look around you. There are so many girls that come and go. 233 00:19:49,254 --> 00:19:50,680 Did you know that this girl 234 00:19:51,052 --> 00:19:54,589 attacked a nurse and killed a man who gave her a ride? 235 00:19:55,200 --> 00:19:55,689 Nope. 236 00:19:56,959 --> 00:19:58,992 She's either very scared of someone 237 00:20:00,653 --> 00:20:02,451 or she's fucking ruthless. 238 00:20:03,589 --> 00:20:06,228 If she's involved in the explosion, then who's to say 239 00:20:06,697 --> 00:20:09,003 you are not on the same list as your father. 240 00:20:09,374 --> 00:20:12,345 This all sounds like a grand fuckup on your part 241 00:20:13,116 --> 00:20:15,285 for not arresting her when you had the chance. 242 00:20:21,227 --> 00:20:23,299 I am not going to make any more mistakes. 243 00:20:37,888 --> 00:20:38,787 Hey! 244 00:20:39,334 --> 00:20:40,136 Oh... 245 00:20:40,507 --> 00:20:41,875 They're not both for me. 246 00:20:42,285 --> 00:20:44,201 I'm entertaining, she's outside. 247 00:20:46,134 --> 00:20:49,593 Look, you're welcome to join us if you're at a loose end. 248 00:20:50,336 --> 00:20:52,075 You don't have to pity me, Adam. 249 00:20:52,935 --> 00:20:55,593 I didn't think I was. 250 00:20:56,126 --> 00:20:58,022 I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude. 251 00:21:00,133 --> 00:21:02,986 It's just that I've been feeling more and more like a widow 252 00:21:03,016 --> 00:21:05,038 these days and not much else. 253 00:21:06,069 --> 00:21:06,851 I don't like it. 254 00:21:14,849 --> 00:21:17,488 You know, you learn so much more about people after they're dead 255 00:21:17,957 --> 00:21:19,208 than when they were alive. 256 00:21:22,882 --> 00:21:24,758 I'll let you get back to... 257 00:21:26,169 --> 00:21:27,087 Natasha. 258 00:21:28,279 --> 00:21:30,898 Well, um, you're welcome to join us. I mean it. 259 00:21:31,367 --> 00:21:34,397 It does no good sitting here on your own, dwelling on things. 260 00:21:35,065 --> 00:21:35,944 Trust me. 261 00:21:37,293 --> 00:21:42,413 Sun, gin, swim... that's a remedy! 262 00:21:44,138 --> 00:21:47,910 Thank you, no. Maybe in a second? 263 00:21:49,200 --> 00:21:49,787 Alright. 264 00:21:56,366 --> 00:21:58,574 I could never pity you, Georgina. 265 00:22:30,737 --> 00:22:31,636 She's new. 266 00:22:33,903 --> 00:22:35,135 What happened to the last one? 267 00:22:36,247 --> 00:22:37,204 Who could remember? 268 00:23:33,483 --> 00:23:36,219 Hello! Yes, I'm calling from the Clios Art Foundation. 269 00:23:36,249 --> 00:23:38,877 We have a vault with you. Yes, thank you. 270 00:23:39,298 --> 00:23:42,835 Well, in light of his recent passing, I'm going to need to come down 271 00:23:42,865 --> 00:23:44,008 and review the collection 272 00:23:45,317 --> 00:23:47,296 Ok, so what do I need to bring again? 273 00:23:47,326 --> 00:23:50,892 I'll bring some ID, a copy of my passport, 274 00:23:51,537 --> 00:23:55,387 marriage license, our certificate of incorporation. 275 00:23:55,417 --> 00:23:58,214 Yes, yes, I've got all that. Great! 276 00:23:59,523 --> 00:24:01,634 How does first thing tomorrow morning sound? 277 00:24:03,139 --> 00:24:05,054 Great. Wonderful. Thank you. 278 00:25:02,227 --> 00:25:03,537 English? Mm Hmm. 279 00:25:04,905 --> 00:25:07,172 What's your name? Cheri. 280 00:25:08,394 --> 00:25:09,606 Do you want to party? 281 00:25:12,929 --> 00:25:13,398 Yeah. 282 00:25:23,338 --> 00:25:25,625 Please stop. I don't want to do anything, 283 00:25:25,918 --> 00:25:26,915 I'm just here to talk. 284 00:25:27,403 --> 00:25:29,240 You want me to talk dirty? No. 285 00:25:30,167 --> 00:25:31,144 I'm a policeman. 286 00:25:32,766 --> 00:25:34,467 I saw you at the Police Station this morning. 287 00:25:35,756 --> 00:25:37,769 The girl you're looking for, is she still missing? 288 00:25:38,199 --> 00:25:39,040 Yes, my sister. 289 00:25:43,974 --> 00:25:45,206 Do you recognize her? 290 00:25:47,732 --> 00:25:48,905 No, I'm sorry. 291 00:25:49,334 --> 00:25:50,663 She may be in danger, too. 292 00:25:51,015 --> 00:25:53,712 If you help me find my sister, I can ask the girls. 293 00:25:53,742 --> 00:25:55,080 Maybe one of them knows her. 294 00:25:57,430 --> 00:25:59,834 Wouldn't that get you in trouble? It might. 295 00:26:00,850 --> 00:26:01,710 My sister... 296 00:26:02,942 --> 00:26:05,385 she was sent to a private party last weekend and never came back. 297 00:26:05,824 --> 00:26:08,267 Ok, I'll see what I can find out. 298 00:26:09,655 --> 00:26:11,531 Where was the party? I don't know. 299 00:26:11,922 --> 00:26:14,287 Do you have a picture of her? You don't need one. 300 00:26:14,498 --> 00:26:17,175 Just take a good look at me. She's my twin. 301 00:26:53,784 --> 00:26:55,587 Hello? It's me. 302 00:27:05,875 --> 00:27:11,660 Why don't you put that thing down. If I wanted you dead, you'd be dead. 303 00:27:11,973 --> 00:27:13,380 You were meant to give me more time. 304 00:27:13,790 --> 00:27:15,691 These things happen. Not to me. 305 00:27:18,700 --> 00:27:22,297 Why are you acting so rattled? It makes you look weak. 306 00:27:23,104 --> 00:27:23,925 Put it down. 307 00:27:29,143 --> 00:27:32,231 What were you thinking? You forget who you're working for! 308 00:27:32,485 --> 00:27:34,166 Wait! I have no choice. 309 00:27:34,196 --> 00:27:36,457 Elena is still out there. I know where. 310 00:27:52,386 --> 00:27:53,695 I heard them talkin' 311 00:27:54,502 --> 00:27:57,043 Who? On the yacht, the father, 312 00:27:57,073 --> 00:27:58,470 he had the sense to split it. 313 00:27:59,134 --> 00:28:01,949 Only half of it was destroyed. And where's the other half? 314 00:28:02,672 --> 00:28:03,942 I think it's in the house. 315 00:28:06,166 --> 00:28:09,137 I'm the one who fucked it. I will put it back together. 316 00:28:10,583 --> 00:28:14,316 Make sure that you do. Elena's worth more than you. 317 00:28:15,298 --> 00:28:15,943 Alright. 318 00:28:21,943 --> 00:28:24,113 What the fuck is that? Insurance. 319 00:28:25,914 --> 00:28:28,982 Just a little tracker, you know... 320 00:28:29,803 --> 00:28:32,304 it would be terrible if me and you were to lose each other. 321 00:29:06,139 --> 00:29:09,051 It's like Fort Knox in here. But it's far more secure. 322 00:29:09,638 --> 00:29:10,478 Mrs. Clios... 323 00:29:12,745 --> 00:29:14,856 I will check you in, if the computer permits it. 324 00:29:20,270 --> 00:29:21,795 And it finally does. 325 00:29:22,264 --> 00:29:25,220 Welcome. Monsieur Schneider, this is... 326 00:29:25,670 --> 00:29:28,679 Executive Assistant, actually. 327 00:29:29,559 --> 00:29:30,497 This way, please. 328 00:29:33,927 --> 00:29:35,891 Art work that doesn't leave the free port 329 00:29:35,921 --> 00:29:38,451 is exempt from all tax and Customs duties. 330 00:29:38,668 --> 00:29:40,890 Art sales conducted within these walls 331 00:29:40,920 --> 00:29:42,629 can also be considered tax-free 332 00:29:43,118 --> 00:29:45,854 Due to this, we hold many of the most expensive paintings in the world. 333 00:29:46,588 --> 00:29:47,976 You probably witnessed their sales at 334 00:29:48,006 --> 00:29:50,282 New York and London's most prestigious auction houses. 335 00:29:50,477 --> 00:29:52,842 I have probably bid on them. Yet, here... 336 00:29:53,590 --> 00:29:57,577 The sale merely involves the movement of canvas from one boat to the next. 337 00:29:57,929 --> 00:29:59,531 It is almost comical. 338 00:29:59,561 --> 00:30:02,263 If not a little bit tragic. That may be too. 339 00:30:02,293 --> 00:30:04,843 Like most things, it depends on one's perspective. 340 00:30:07,975 --> 00:30:09,558 This is the Clios vault now. 341 00:30:11,297 --> 00:30:13,545 I'll leave you here, so you can view in privacy. 342 00:30:14,131 --> 00:30:17,727 Discretion is our modus operandi. Come back to Reception when your done. 343 00:30:17,757 --> 00:30:18,511 Thank you. 344 00:30:43,264 --> 00:30:44,906 There's not much in here. 345 00:31:05,321 --> 00:31:09,797 Georgie, this looks like the real deal. But these don't belong to me. 346 00:31:10,981 --> 00:31:13,033 They belong to John Brandeis. 347 00:31:13,229 --> 00:31:14,870 I should know, I sold them to him 348 00:31:14,900 --> 00:31:17,782 Well, what are they doing locked in a vault belonging to Constantine? 349 00:31:19,507 --> 00:31:20,289 What's this? 350 00:31:46,239 --> 00:31:50,636 The details of a bank account. John Brandeis. 351 00:31:55,820 --> 00:32:00,217 His passport. There's no address. Look, a lottery ticket. 352 00:32:01,544 --> 00:32:05,648 Piazza Grande, from a lottery booth across the border. 353 00:32:28,876 --> 00:32:30,928 Christos Clios, what are you doing here? 354 00:32:30,958 --> 00:32:32,198 I heard you were in town. 355 00:32:32,228 --> 00:32:33,820 The rumor has it, you hate Monaco. 356 00:32:34,148 --> 00:32:37,295 A rumor is a circulated story of questionable truth. 357 00:32:37,325 --> 00:32:39,855 My disdain for Monaco is fact. 358 00:32:39,885 --> 00:32:42,782 I do my utmost to remind people of it at every juncture. 359 00:32:43,935 --> 00:32:47,199 Could we talk in private? Of course! Excuse me. 360 00:32:49,840 --> 00:32:54,336 I'm so sorry, your father... my most sincere condolences. 361 00:32:54,366 --> 00:32:56,446 It's fine. No, it's not fine. 362 00:32:56,476 --> 00:32:59,339 Do they know what happened? No, not yet. 363 00:33:00,219 --> 00:33:01,000 It's been difficult. 364 00:33:01,665 --> 00:33:04,479 Lawyers, litigation, freeing up my father's estate... 365 00:33:06,492 --> 00:33:09,678 That's why I'm here. In light of what's happened, 366 00:33:11,332 --> 00:33:17,159 The Clios collection is coveted. Yes, it is. And expensive! 367 00:33:17,825 --> 00:33:20,801 And even for these vulgarians, 400 million is not a steal 368 00:33:21,619 --> 00:33:23,613 Let's not be too stuck on the collection as a whole. 369 00:33:24,227 --> 00:33:26,631 Will Georgina not be upset? No. 370 00:33:27,530 --> 00:33:31,380 No, she and I would accept offers on single items, be reasonable. 371 00:33:32,123 --> 00:33:32,729 Reasonable? 372 00:33:34,537 --> 00:33:35,475 Make some sales. 373 00:33:37,078 --> 00:33:41,085 We need to sell some paintings and let's keep this between us. 374 00:33:41,397 --> 00:33:43,958 I don't want to create too much noise and start a frenzy. 375 00:33:58,268 --> 00:34:00,848 This is the girl we found by the train station. 376 00:34:21,407 --> 00:34:22,638 What is it you found there? 377 00:34:22,931 --> 00:34:24,553 Put this on. Why? 378 00:34:24,583 --> 00:34:26,957 We're leaving. We have to get you out of here. 379 00:34:26,987 --> 00:34:28,260 You found her, didn't you? 380 00:34:28,290 --> 00:34:29,894 We have to get you out of here first, 381 00:34:29,924 --> 00:34:31,942 then we can discuss this somewhere safe. 382 00:34:33,302 --> 00:34:34,123 Oh, my God! 383 00:34:35,218 --> 00:34:37,270 No, you need to tell me. 384 00:34:37,954 --> 00:34:41,765 They found her next to the train station. 385 00:34:42,979 --> 00:34:45,832 She had overdosed. I'm sorry. 386 00:34:46,477 --> 00:34:47,943 But she didn't even use. 387 00:34:48,881 --> 00:34:50,855 She didn't take anything, even when they said it would help. 388 00:34:50,885 --> 00:34:52,805 She was the strong one. Please! 389 00:34:53,098 --> 00:34:55,913 We have to get you out of here before they do the same thing to you. 390 00:34:56,812 --> 00:34:59,255 Let them. Negrescu's evil. 391 00:35:03,140 --> 00:35:07,889 Listen, if you want me to catch the man who did this to your sister, 392 00:35:08,534 --> 00:35:10,078 you must come with me now. 393 00:36:10,188 --> 00:36:10,813 Hello. 394 00:36:12,045 --> 00:36:12,885 I'm fine. 395 00:36:15,011 --> 00:36:17,454 Now? What makes you think I have the time? 396 00:36:19,389 --> 00:36:20,640 I don't like surprises. 397 00:36:30,689 --> 00:36:34,128 Let's do this to all threatening to pull out of the Clios Bank. 398 00:36:37,661 --> 00:36:40,241 Luckily for us, he's got a wife and kids and 399 00:36:40,271 --> 00:36:42,723 my guess is, he wants to keep it that way. 400 00:36:43,290 --> 00:36:45,675 So... When do we shine the beaches? 401 00:36:48,176 --> 00:36:48,704 Go. 402 00:36:54,914 --> 00:36:57,299 Now. look there. There. 403 00:37:09,051 --> 00:37:11,064 Now, this is my favorite bit. 404 00:37:24,056 --> 00:37:25,288 So, do I get a kiss? 405 00:37:26,817 --> 00:37:29,650 Maybe. We're having a gala at the villa 406 00:37:29,680 --> 00:37:31,800 for the Foundation. I'd like for you to be there. 407 00:37:33,340 --> 00:37:33,887 Alright. 408 00:37:35,802 --> 00:37:39,320 When do we pay him a visit? He's got my number. 409 00:37:41,377 --> 00:37:44,465 Oh! And he's very efficient. 410 00:37:48,550 --> 00:37:49,371 Hello? 411 00:37:53,446 --> 00:37:54,209 Who am I? 412 00:37:55,655 --> 00:37:57,394 Just a helpful friend. 413 00:38:09,197 --> 00:38:12,421 They have frozen my personal account as well as the business account. 414 00:38:12,451 --> 00:38:13,985 How the fuck am I supposed to live? 415 00:38:14,015 --> 00:38:16,815 Well, I can lend you a card. I don't want mommy's credit card! 416 00:38:16,845 --> 00:38:18,242 I want my fucking life back! 417 00:38:18,272 --> 00:38:20,274 I think, with the way you're acting at the moment, 418 00:38:20,304 --> 00:38:23,284 not having access to money might not be such a bad idea. 419 00:38:23,314 --> 00:38:25,688 You come here to lecture me, just... 420 00:38:27,746 --> 00:38:28,372 What? 421 00:38:28,869 --> 00:38:33,286 A friend of mine discovered an awkward situation with one of your investors. 422 00:38:35,502 --> 00:38:36,391 And? 423 00:38:36,421 --> 00:38:39,988 Fortunately, this friend spoke to this investor and reassured him that 424 00:38:40,018 --> 00:38:42,255 because he's a business associate of yours, 425 00:38:44,077 --> 00:38:46,891 this little indiscretion would be forgotten. 426 00:38:50,800 --> 00:38:53,360 As long as he's in business with me, he's sake. 427 00:38:53,595 --> 00:38:55,334 Something along those lines. 428 00:39:05,026 --> 00:39:06,219 Is that a smile? 429 00:39:07,215 --> 00:39:09,267 I've not seen you smile for a while. 430 00:39:10,909 --> 00:39:13,508 So, once all this has blown over... 431 00:39:14,686 --> 00:39:16,465 we won't need Negrescu's account anymore. 432 00:39:17,833 --> 00:39:20,296 Why do you think the investor changed his mind? 433 00:40:06,238 --> 00:40:07,000 Sorry. 434 00:40:09,873 --> 00:40:12,766 Georgina! Hi, um, 435 00:40:13,176 --> 00:40:16,987 If it's not a bad time, I thought maybe we could go for a drink. 436 00:40:20,142 --> 00:40:23,777 Um, it's not actually a good time. Is everything ok? 437 00:40:24,094 --> 00:40:25,677 Yeah, yeah, of course 438 00:40:27,261 --> 00:40:28,160 I just... 439 00:40:31,287 --> 00:40:33,261 Adam, are you there? Yeah. 440 00:40:33,781 --> 00:40:35,970 Sorry, um, don't worry. 441 00:40:37,162 --> 00:40:37,963 I'll see you later. 442 00:40:47,692 --> 00:40:49,940 Doesn't look like the kind of place a billionaire would call home. 443 00:40:51,406 --> 00:40:53,399 He must have left this ticket for a reason. 444 00:40:56,559 --> 00:40:57,478 Maybe he won. 445 00:40:58,298 --> 00:41:01,289 Maybe it's a winning ticket and he was too embarrassed to collect it. 446 00:41:01,738 --> 00:41:02,911 I am not embarrassed. 447 00:41:09,922 --> 00:41:10,469 Monsieur... 448 00:41:16,671 --> 00:41:19,212 A wish for winning, I hope you win. 449 00:41:20,072 --> 00:41:21,694 No winner. 450 00:41:24,196 --> 00:41:25,505 Keep it, 451 00:41:26,194 --> 00:41:28,422 this little thing will bring you good luck. 452 00:41:32,409 --> 00:41:33,543 I think that means no. 453 00:41:37,512 --> 00:41:40,541 You know, it could have been worse. How could it be worse? 454 00:41:41,304 --> 00:41:42,515 You could have had children. 455 00:41:48,182 --> 00:41:50,078 Maybe I was wrong, Georgie. 456 00:41:50,449 --> 00:41:52,071 Maybe there was no message, after all. 457 00:42:15,707 --> 00:42:16,684 I found him. 458 00:42:19,255 --> 00:42:20,681 I found John Brandeis 459 00:42:36,478 --> 00:42:38,570 My love, you know I trust you implicitly. 460 00:42:39,884 --> 00:42:41,642 You know how bad I actually... 461 00:42:42,405 --> 00:42:44,555 Everything I have is yours. 462 00:42:45,180 --> 00:42:46,372 Hidden in plain sight. 463 00:42:47,257 --> 00:42:51,009 Georgina, I love you and I always will. 464 00:42:53,174 --> 00:42:56,868 Was it love? It was wild Brought me to my knees 465 00:42:56,898 --> 00:43:00,210 Sparking fires, sparring wars with expensive things 466 00:43:00,240 --> 00:43:07,732 I tiptoe right round my baby All this world is mad, mad crazy 467 00:43:07,903 --> 00:43:17,903 Transcribed by Uncle Andy