1 00:00:07,750 --> 00:00:09,333 What is reality? 2 00:00:11,916 --> 00:00:14,083 And is there only one of them? 3 00:00:15,666 --> 00:00:19,416 Or do several realities coexist? 4 00:00:21,166 --> 00:00:23,916 To help explain, Erwin Schroedinger 5 00:00:24,000 --> 00:00:27,125 devised an extremely interesting thought experiment. 6 00:00:28,000 --> 00:00:29,625 Schroedinger's cat. 7 00:00:30,916 --> 00:00:34,083 A cat is locked in a steel chamber 8 00:00:34,166 --> 00:00:37,875 with a tiny amount of radioactive substance, 9 00:00:38,000 --> 00:00:41,791 a Geiger counter, a vial of poison, and a hammer. 10 00:00:43,250 --> 00:00:47,166 As soon as a radioactive atom decays inside the steel chamber, 11 00:00:47,250 --> 00:00:51,583 the Geiger counter releases the hammer, which smashes the vial of poison. 12 00:00:51,666 --> 00:00:53,000 The cat is dead. 13 00:00:53,541 --> 00:00:54,583 However, 14 00:00:55,166 --> 00:01:00,125 due to the wave characteristics in the quantum world, 15 00:01:01,750 --> 00:01:05,458 the atom has both decayed and not decayed, 16 00:01:06,333 --> 00:01:11,833 until our own observation forces it into a definitive state. 17 00:01:12,583 --> 00:01:15,291 until the instant we look and see, we don't know 18 00:01:15,375 --> 00:01:18,250 if the cat is dead or alive. 19 00:01:19,208 --> 00:01:22,750 It exists in two superposed states. 20 00:01:25,458 --> 00:01:27,291 The properties "dead" 21 00:01:28,666 --> 00:01:30,083 and "alive" 22 00:01:30,458 --> 00:01:33,833 therefore exist simultaneously in the microcosm. 23 00:01:38,083 --> 00:01:43,083 But what if the simultaneous existence of life and death 24 00:01:43,625 --> 00:01:46,458 also applied to the macrocosmic world? 25 00:01:49,875 --> 00:01:51,166 I'll make this right. 26 00:01:54,291 --> 00:01:58,875 Could two different realities potentially exist side by side? 27 00:02:03,083 --> 00:02:05,375 Could we manage to split time 28 00:02:05,458 --> 00:02:10,125 and allow it run in two opposing directions? 29 00:02:11,166 --> 00:02:12,625 And by doing so, allow the cat 30 00:02:13,416 --> 00:02:17,916 to simultaneously exist in both states, dead and alive? 31 00:02:19,958 --> 00:02:21,333 And, if so, 32 00:02:22,041 --> 00:02:24,666 how many different realities... 33 00:02:26,250 --> 00:02:28,291 could exist side by side? 34 00:02:28,375 --> 00:02:29,458 Martha! 35 00:02:32,000 --> 00:02:33,041 Wait! 36 00:02:35,125 --> 00:02:36,458 You can't go in there. 37 00:02:37,958 --> 00:02:38,958 Bartosz? 38 00:02:49,833 --> 00:02:53,291 -What are you doing here? -Adam and the others lied to you. 39 00:02:53,375 --> 00:02:55,791 He doesn't want to help you. He's going to kill you. 40 00:02:56,166 --> 00:02:58,875 In the future. He doesn't want to stop the apocalypse. 41 00:02:59,333 --> 00:03:00,750 Everyone will die. 42 00:03:00,833 --> 00:03:03,625 Not because of you, but because of him. 43 00:03:17,375 --> 00:03:19,166 I know what the origin is. 44 00:03:19,250 --> 00:03:21,208 And how it's all connected. 45 00:03:23,208 --> 00:03:24,500 Please. 46 00:03:25,083 --> 00:03:26,541 I can show you. 47 00:03:26,625 --> 00:03:28,125 You've got to trust me. 48 00:05:14,875 --> 00:05:19,500 IN BETWEEN TIME 49 00:05:47,166 --> 00:05:51,208 It's hard for people to accept death. 50 00:05:51,708 --> 00:05:54,083 TANNHAUS FAMILY: NOVEMBER 8, 1971 MAREK, SONJA, CHARLOTTE 51 00:05:54,166 --> 00:05:56,541 We hold on tightly to things that are long gone. 52 00:06:08,083 --> 00:06:09,916 CHARLOTTE MAY 30, 1971 53 00:06:10,000 --> 00:06:14,500 We long in vain for a way to turn back time. 54 00:06:17,958 --> 00:06:20,666 A way to reverse death. 55 00:06:34,500 --> 00:06:37,458 But if time is relative 56 00:06:37,541 --> 00:06:40,416 and nothing is really ever in the past, 57 00:06:41,166 --> 00:06:46,583 and the simultaneous overlapping of different realities is possible, 58 00:06:47,583 --> 00:06:50,250 shouldn't it then be possible 59 00:06:50,333 --> 00:06:54,666 to bring back something that was believed to be dead long ago 60 00:06:55,625 --> 00:07:00,833 and to create a new reality in which what is dead lives again? 61 00:07:03,375 --> 00:07:06,416 If our life is defined as that 62 00:07:06,500 --> 00:07:09,125 which lies between birth and death, 63 00:07:10,000 --> 00:07:13,250 then it exists there in infinite versions. 64 00:07:15,166 --> 00:07:18,333 Could we succeed in cheating death 65 00:07:19,000 --> 00:07:21,166 by finding a way 66 00:07:22,041 --> 00:07:23,875 to bring back life? 67 00:07:24,916 --> 00:07:27,791 There, between time. 68 00:08:16,041 --> 00:08:21,083 FOR CHARLOTTE 69 00:08:24,958 --> 00:08:26,875 Tell me about paradise. 70 00:08:30,750 --> 00:08:32,082 Paradise... 71 00:08:34,500 --> 00:08:35,832 is free 72 00:08:36,832 --> 00:08:38,500 of pain and suffering. 73 00:08:40,916 --> 00:08:43,582 Everything we've ever done... 74 00:08:44,791 --> 00:08:46,541 is forgotten there. 75 00:08:48,958 --> 00:08:50,375 Any pain... 76 00:08:52,500 --> 00:08:54,291 we've ever felt... 77 00:08:56,125 --> 00:08:57,416 is erased. 78 00:08:58,750 --> 00:08:59,833 And... 79 00:09:00,875 --> 00:09:02,416 all the dead... 80 00:09:05,000 --> 00:09:05,916 live. 81 00:09:07,083 --> 00:09:09,291 Adam will keep his promise. 82 00:09:10,125 --> 00:09:11,708 The passage will open. 83 00:10:59,125 --> 00:11:00,208 What do you want? 84 00:11:02,708 --> 00:11:05,875 You've been promising us there's a way out of here for ages. 85 00:11:07,208 --> 00:11:09,333 That we can stop the apocalypse. 86 00:11:16,958 --> 00:11:19,458 But you still don't know how the portal works. 87 00:11:20,750 --> 00:11:22,041 It will work. 88 00:11:23,333 --> 00:11:24,958 I saw it work. 89 00:11:25,458 --> 00:11:26,875 In the future. 90 00:11:28,666 --> 00:11:30,458 And then what? 91 00:11:31,916 --> 00:11:34,291 When are you finally going to tell us the truth? 92 00:11:34,375 --> 00:11:36,083 You don't want to go back. 93 00:11:37,041 --> 00:11:39,250 You don't want to stop the apocalypse at all. 94 00:11:47,250 --> 00:11:49,000 This is bigger than us. 95 00:11:50,166 --> 00:11:51,958 Bigger than the apocalypse. 96 00:11:53,791 --> 00:11:57,208 If the portal works, we can use it to find the origin. 97 00:11:57,875 --> 00:12:00,125 The one moment that started all this. 98 00:12:01,791 --> 00:12:04,083 And when we've found it, we'll destroy it. 99 00:12:04,958 --> 00:12:06,791 And everything that arises from it. 100 00:12:09,708 --> 00:12:11,333 That is paradise. 101 00:12:13,791 --> 00:12:15,208 Paradise? 102 00:12:17,125 --> 00:12:19,375 We've been stuck here for two years. 103 00:12:20,958 --> 00:12:22,500 Two fucking years! 104 00:12:23,958 --> 00:12:25,875 I don't want your fucking paradise. 105 00:12:27,208 --> 00:12:28,583 I just want out of here. 106 00:13:27,583 --> 00:13:28,625 Hello? 107 00:13:48,750 --> 00:13:51,666 I... didn't mean to startle you. 108 00:13:54,875 --> 00:13:56,750 Sometimes I think it'll never stop raining. 109 00:14:01,333 --> 00:14:02,625 I'm... 110 00:14:03,166 --> 00:14:04,416 Silja. 111 00:14:09,333 --> 00:14:10,333 Bartosz. 112 00:15:45,625 --> 00:15:48,291 We can start a new series of experiments tomorrow. 113 00:15:52,458 --> 00:15:54,541 I know we've been trying for a long time, 114 00:15:55,291 --> 00:15:56,583 but it will work. 115 00:15:58,708 --> 00:15:59,875 Jonas. 116 00:16:03,333 --> 00:16:05,083 You can't lose hope. 117 00:16:08,541 --> 00:16:09,958 I can't do this anymore. 118 00:19:09,250 --> 00:19:10,875 What are you doing here? 119 00:19:12,208 --> 00:19:13,708 Are you following me? 120 00:19:14,625 --> 00:19:15,833 You promised me something. 121 00:19:17,375 --> 00:19:19,250 Adam promised me something. 122 00:19:20,583 --> 00:19:23,125 You said the apocalypse must happen. 123 00:19:24,708 --> 00:19:26,125 So that we can be saved. 124 00:19:27,708 --> 00:19:30,500 So that all of us will be saved. 125 00:19:35,541 --> 00:19:37,083 You can't die. 126 00:20:15,208 --> 00:20:17,041 You can't take your own life. 127 00:20:18,250 --> 00:20:20,333 Because your older self already exists. 128 00:20:21,458 --> 00:20:23,125 Time won't allow it. 129 00:20:27,375 --> 00:20:29,000 No matter what you try... 130 00:20:31,041 --> 00:20:32,375 something... 131 00:20:33,458 --> 00:20:34,916 or someone... 132 00:20:35,916 --> 00:20:38,416 will always stop you from doing it. 133 00:20:41,166 --> 00:20:42,708 Elisabeth and I, 134 00:20:44,000 --> 00:20:45,750 we found the passage. 135 00:20:47,583 --> 00:20:49,541 You must keep your promise. 136 00:21:27,416 --> 00:21:28,875 It will open again. 137 00:21:31,083 --> 00:21:32,500 And then you will... 138 00:21:34,500 --> 00:21:36,166 Then Adam will... 139 00:21:38,125 --> 00:21:39,708 lead us to paradise. 140 00:21:49,000 --> 00:21:50,833 He said we will become friends. 141 00:21:57,833 --> 00:21:59,708 Before you betray me. 142 00:22:20,208 --> 00:22:21,916 Yes! Good. 143 00:22:24,583 --> 00:22:25,833 Once more. 144 00:22:26,750 --> 00:22:28,000 Once more. 145 00:22:29,083 --> 00:22:30,541 Yes! Yes! 146 00:22:34,250 --> 00:22:35,750 It's a boy. 147 00:22:53,291 --> 00:22:54,625 What will you name him? 148 00:23:05,791 --> 00:23:06,625 Hanno. 149 00:23:10,541 --> 00:23:13,875 Fate is playing a cruel game with us. 150 00:23:24,000 --> 00:23:31,000 Yet we will always believe there is a way to turn the tide in our favor. 151 00:23:32,083 --> 00:23:34,500 If only we want it badly enough. 152 00:23:42,125 --> 00:23:47,041 A person is able to pursue a goal, no matter how unattainable it may seem, 153 00:23:47,708 --> 00:23:51,458 over the course of an entire lifetime. 154 00:23:53,541 --> 00:23:57,208 No resistance, no obstacle is great enough 155 00:23:57,291 --> 00:24:00,458 to stop one from pursuing one's will. 156 00:24:02,916 --> 00:24:05,708 Is this stubbornness in our striving 157 00:24:05,791 --> 00:24:09,583 not that which distinguishes us from animals, 158 00:24:09,666 --> 00:24:12,875 which know only short-lived desire? 159 00:24:16,291 --> 00:24:19,666 And isn't all progress, through all ages, 160 00:24:19,750 --> 00:24:24,375 not the product of this unquenchable act of will? 161 00:24:28,875 --> 00:24:31,875 No matter what motivates our will, 162 00:24:31,958 --> 00:24:36,000 it will guide us on our path. 163 00:24:42,000 --> 00:24:44,916 We will only be able to let go 164 00:24:45,000 --> 00:24:48,666 when we have finally attained our goal once and for all. 165 00:26:15,208 --> 00:26:17,333 Why do you think it's not working? 166 00:26:20,833 --> 00:26:23,375 Maybe Claudia doesn't want it to work. 167 00:26:25,875 --> 00:26:27,250 Why do you even trust her? 168 00:26:29,375 --> 00:26:31,125 Why did you trust him? 169 00:26:31,208 --> 00:26:32,250 Adam? 170 00:26:34,333 --> 00:26:35,833 He lied to you. 171 00:26:36,750 --> 00:26:38,458 There is no paradise. 172 00:26:39,125 --> 00:26:41,125 There's no world other than this one. 173 00:26:42,583 --> 00:26:44,375 I know you think I will become him. 174 00:26:45,458 --> 00:26:46,625 But I won't. 175 00:26:48,000 --> 00:26:50,125 The portal will work, I've seen it. 176 00:26:50,208 --> 00:26:51,625 In the future. 177 00:26:51,833 --> 00:26:53,291 Everything repeats itself. 178 00:26:54,416 --> 00:26:57,083 But if I can travel back, I can change everything. 179 00:27:00,500 --> 00:27:02,458 My older self tried it before, 180 00:27:03,083 --> 00:27:04,875 but this time, everything's different. 181 00:27:06,625 --> 00:27:08,916 I've changed the components in the passage. 182 00:27:10,250 --> 00:27:11,583 This time, it'll work. 183 00:27:13,250 --> 00:27:14,875 She told you that? 184 00:27:14,958 --> 00:27:16,166 Claudia? 185 00:27:18,208 --> 00:27:20,250 What do you really know about her? 186 00:27:22,791 --> 00:27:24,958 She sometimes disappears for days. 187 00:27:26,416 --> 00:27:28,791 How does she know all the things she knows? 188 00:27:30,583 --> 00:27:34,541 She said not everything that's here belongs here. 189 00:27:38,000 --> 00:27:39,875 What did she mean by that? 190 00:27:48,833 --> 00:27:51,333 Come inside. 191 00:27:58,125 --> 00:28:00,083 Claudia's hiding something from us. 192 00:28:01,833 --> 00:28:03,583 We can't trust her. 193 00:28:06,291 --> 00:28:08,000 I hope you know that. 194 00:28:26,208 --> 00:28:28,291 He still doesn't suspect anything? 195 00:28:30,208 --> 00:28:31,208 No. 196 00:28:31,958 --> 00:28:34,666 He has no idea you or the other world exists. 197 00:28:36,500 --> 00:28:38,625 You must continue to guide him on his path. 198 00:28:39,291 --> 00:28:42,250 The matter, it must not work yet. 199 00:28:42,916 --> 00:28:46,333 You uphold the knot in your world, and I'll uphold it in mine. 200 00:28:50,041 --> 00:28:51,041 Wait. 201 00:28:51,750 --> 00:28:55,375 All these past few years, the things Eva said I had to do... 202 00:28:56,125 --> 00:28:57,958 Does she know everything that happens? 203 00:28:59,833 --> 00:29:01,458 I was wondering. 204 00:29:01,541 --> 00:29:03,208 Have you ever met her? 205 00:29:05,291 --> 00:29:06,291 Who? 206 00:29:09,041 --> 00:29:10,458 My older self. 207 00:29:13,541 --> 00:29:14,583 No. 208 00:29:20,000 --> 00:29:22,041 I still remember exactly what she said. 209 00:29:25,166 --> 00:29:26,833 "If everything goes right... 210 00:29:29,791 --> 00:29:31,208 Regina will live." 211 00:29:35,625 --> 00:29:37,916 I've thought about that all these years. 212 00:29:39,291 --> 00:29:41,666 I just can't believe that by that she meant 213 00:29:41,750 --> 00:29:44,458 her suffering was to repeat over and over forever. 214 00:29:52,208 --> 00:29:54,416 There must be a way to untie the knot... 215 00:29:55,458 --> 00:29:57,583 without destroying all life in it. 216 00:29:59,833 --> 00:30:01,500 A way for Regina to live. 217 00:30:02,708 --> 00:30:03,833 Really live. 218 00:30:04,583 --> 00:30:07,291 I think neither Eva nor Adam know that path. 219 00:30:07,916 --> 00:30:09,333 But I'll find it. 220 00:30:11,083 --> 00:30:13,916 In my world or yours. 221 00:30:14,000 --> 00:30:15,166 Don't... 222 00:31:48,916 --> 00:31:50,791 You didn't bring Claudia with you? 223 00:31:54,500 --> 00:31:56,125 Noah is watching her. 224 00:31:58,375 --> 00:32:00,000 We have to be careful. 225 00:32:30,416 --> 00:32:32,208 You must give this to Claudia. 226 00:32:33,833 --> 00:32:36,000 And she must give it to Tannhaus. 227 00:32:40,166 --> 00:32:41,500 She understands 228 00:32:42,291 --> 00:32:44,166 why it's necessary? 229 00:32:45,125 --> 00:32:47,625 Why everything has to happen again? 230 00:33:12,291 --> 00:33:14,375 You have to be strong now, Hanno. 231 00:33:15,166 --> 00:33:16,500 For your father too. 232 00:33:47,625 --> 00:33:48,916 Silja... 233 00:33:52,875 --> 00:33:55,250 Bartosz, we tried everything. 234 00:33:58,875 --> 00:34:00,833 She wanted to name her Agnes. 235 00:34:59,083 --> 00:35:02,375 Tell me about paradise. 236 00:35:10,250 --> 00:35:12,291 Paradise... 237 00:35:13,500 --> 00:35:15,041 is free 238 00:35:15,666 --> 00:35:18,625 of pain and suffering. 239 00:35:20,416 --> 00:35:24,916 Everything we've ever done... 240 00:35:26,875 --> 00:35:28,666 is forgotten there. 241 00:36:28,458 --> 00:36:30,708 The passage will open. 242 00:36:33,000 --> 00:36:34,458 And then... 243 00:36:34,541 --> 00:36:36,250 we will be there. 244 00:36:38,625 --> 00:36:39,666 You, 245 00:36:40,583 --> 00:36:41,666 me... 246 00:36:43,416 --> 00:36:44,708 and Charlotte. 247 00:37:38,625 --> 00:37:39,875 Where is she? 248 00:37:42,875 --> 00:37:44,125 Charlotte? 249 00:37:45,500 --> 00:37:47,000 Where is Charlotte? 250 00:37:49,958 --> 00:37:52,625 All these years, I wondered what he meant by that. 251 00:37:54,041 --> 00:37:56,583 That we'd be friends before you betray me. 252 00:37:56,666 --> 00:37:59,708 Where's Claudia? Does she have Charlotte? Did you help her? 253 00:38:00,666 --> 00:38:02,750 I don't know what you're talking about. 254 00:38:09,500 --> 00:38:10,791 Where is she? 255 00:38:12,750 --> 00:38:14,125 Where's Charlotte? 256 00:38:15,125 --> 00:38:16,708 I don't know. 257 00:38:45,125 --> 00:38:47,500 I wish you all the suffering in the world. 258 00:39:38,541 --> 00:39:41,208 I will find her. 259 00:39:45,083 --> 00:39:48,041 I will bring her back. 260 00:39:52,291 --> 00:39:54,333 I promise I will. 261 00:40:29,500 --> 00:40:31,958 A man can do what he wills, 262 00:40:32,916 --> 00:40:35,958 but he cannot will what he wills. 263 00:40:49,666 --> 00:40:53,375 All the paths we take in our lives, 264 00:40:54,125 --> 00:40:56,791 every decision that we make, 265 00:40:56,875 --> 00:41:01,833 is guided by that which we desire deep inside ourselves. 266 00:41:20,125 --> 00:41:22,458 We cannot fight that desire. 267 00:41:29,291 --> 00:41:32,000 It determines every one of our deeds, 268 00:41:33,416 --> 00:41:37,583 no matter how grave and unimaginable they seem. 269 00:42:36,000 --> 00:42:37,250 Hannah? 270 00:42:50,041 --> 00:42:51,250 Silja? 271 00:43:02,166 --> 00:43:03,166 I... 272 00:43:05,250 --> 00:43:06,666 I'm looking for Jonas. 273 00:43:10,958 --> 00:43:12,041 Yes. 274 00:43:13,208 --> 00:43:14,625 He has changed. 275 00:43:17,083 --> 00:43:19,791 Traveling has left its mark on him. 276 00:44:22,541 --> 00:44:23,708 Jonas? 277 00:44:46,916 --> 00:44:48,333 This is my daughter. 278 00:44:48,958 --> 00:44:49,791 Silja. 279 00:44:52,916 --> 00:44:54,583 She's your sister. 280 00:45:12,375 --> 00:45:14,375 How did you find us? 281 00:45:23,708 --> 00:45:25,125 A few days ago... 282 00:45:27,083 --> 00:45:28,833 there was this old woman. 283 00:45:31,791 --> 00:45:34,750 She just showed up on our doorstep. 284 00:45:36,500 --> 00:45:37,541 Eva. 285 00:45:41,375 --> 00:45:42,791 She said... 286 00:45:43,583 --> 00:45:45,250 she knew where you were. 287 00:45:49,333 --> 00:45:51,458 And that you were looking for me. 288 00:45:58,208 --> 00:45:59,625 You're right. 289 00:46:02,541 --> 00:46:04,208 It's all my fault. 290 00:46:06,458 --> 00:46:08,291 I ruined everything. 291 00:46:10,333 --> 00:46:11,958 But now I'm here. 292 00:46:14,375 --> 00:46:16,166 I'm here, Jonas. 293 00:46:38,875 --> 00:46:39,875 Bartosz. 294 00:46:40,833 --> 00:46:42,583 Prepare the chamber for them. 295 00:48:00,666 --> 00:48:02,208 What are you doing? 296 00:48:32,125 --> 00:48:33,291 Silja. 297 00:48:34,541 --> 00:48:36,333 She doesn't belong here. 298 00:48:37,541 --> 00:48:39,166 What's that supposed to mean? 299 00:48:41,208 --> 00:48:42,958 "She doesn't belong here"? 300 00:48:47,750 --> 00:48:50,750 All the pieces have to be in position. 301 00:48:52,791 --> 00:48:54,333 She's in the wrong place. 302 00:48:55,458 --> 00:48:56,583 So are you. 303 00:49:12,708 --> 00:49:13,791 Mom. 304 00:50:31,333 --> 00:50:33,125 I want to show you a secret. 305 00:50:36,083 --> 00:50:38,166 But we'll let your mom sleep, okay? 306 00:50:41,291 --> 00:50:42,375 Come on. 307 00:51:55,125 --> 00:51:56,416 I... 308 00:51:58,208 --> 00:51:59,875 I have traveled far. 309 00:52:00,750 --> 00:52:02,958 I need a place to sleep. 310 00:52:05,291 --> 00:52:06,208 Hanno? 311 00:52:12,916 --> 00:52:14,666 Prepare the chamber for this gentleman. 312 00:52:53,333 --> 00:52:56,416 I was wondering when you'd come. 313 00:53:12,166 --> 00:53:14,750 I know you think I lied to you. 314 00:53:16,375 --> 00:53:18,875 That I took Charlotte away from you. 315 00:53:21,291 --> 00:53:22,875 But I didn't. 316 00:53:24,166 --> 00:53:25,875 You were right. 317 00:53:26,458 --> 00:53:27,708 Claudia... 318 00:53:29,083 --> 00:53:30,875 she lied to all of us. 319 00:53:35,958 --> 00:53:37,291 The book... 320 00:53:38,625 --> 00:53:40,208 Do you have it with you? 321 00:53:51,958 --> 00:53:53,833 Are the last pages missing? 322 00:53:55,583 --> 00:53:57,291 You must find the last pages. 323 00:53:58,333 --> 00:54:02,000 They will lead you to Charlotte and to your final destination. 324 00:54:04,208 --> 00:54:06,625 You will find your paradise. 325 00:54:08,500 --> 00:54:09,708 And Helge... 326 00:54:10,791 --> 00:54:12,416 will help you do so. 327 00:54:27,875 --> 00:54:30,541 Everything in life happens in cycles. 328 00:54:32,625 --> 00:54:34,041 Sunset 329 00:54:34,833 --> 00:54:36,583 is followed by sunrise, 330 00:54:36,666 --> 00:54:37,875 over and over. 331 00:54:39,958 --> 00:54:41,666 But this time... 332 00:54:42,875 --> 00:54:45,166 it will be the last cycle. 333 00:54:46,250 --> 00:54:48,750 Are you ready, Noah? 334 00:54:58,291 --> 00:54:59,750 The matter, 335 00:55:00,333 --> 00:55:02,791 it can finally be stabilized. 336 00:55:03,291 --> 00:55:05,958 Everything must happen again in exactly the same way. 337 00:55:07,791 --> 00:55:11,375 You have to lead your younger self down the same path. 338 00:55:11,458 --> 00:55:13,083 He must not act differently. 339 00:55:13,166 --> 00:55:14,375 MISSING MIKKEL NIELSEN 340 00:55:14,458 --> 00:55:17,666 You have to set the course, no matter how hard that may seem. 341 00:55:17,750 --> 00:55:20,833 But you'll finally be able to change everything. 342 00:55:20,916 --> 00:55:24,125 WINDEN WELCOMES ITS NEW MINISTER 343 00:55:26,333 --> 00:55:27,708 The device... 344 00:55:28,791 --> 00:55:30,541 He'll repair it. 345 00:55:38,000 --> 00:55:39,083 A JOURNEY THROUGH TIME 346 00:55:39,166 --> 00:55:42,875 You must destroy the passage, and the knot with it. 347 00:55:43,708 --> 00:55:45,500 You'll succeed this time. 348 00:55:54,333 --> 00:55:55,583 Jonas... 349 00:55:59,166 --> 00:56:01,416 You must never lose hope. 350 00:56:48,458 --> 00:56:50,208 POLICE 351 00:56:50,291 --> 00:56:53,291 Weeks ago, in the small town of Winden, 352 00:56:53,375 --> 00:56:55,875 a 15-year-old boy disappeared mysteriously. 353 00:56:56,666 --> 00:57:00,666 Residents are now alarmed after a second child has gone missing. 354 00:57:00,750 --> 00:57:03,916 Eleven-year-old Mikkel has been missing for two days. 355 00:57:04,250 --> 00:57:07,041 Report any information you may have to the Winden police. 356 00:57:09,500 --> 00:57:10,916 Hello, Claudia. 357 00:57:28,708 --> 00:57:29,958 Don't you want to get in? 358 00:57:34,208 --> 00:57:35,416 You have to stop Adam. 359 00:57:43,708 --> 00:57:46,000 FOLLOW THE SIGNAL 360 00:58:11,958 --> 00:58:13,291 Have we met? 361 00:58:14,500 --> 00:58:15,916 I'm sorry. 362 00:58:20,708 --> 00:58:23,791 You are the white devil. 363 00:58:28,958 --> 00:58:31,041 JUNE 27, 2020 BEGINNING OF THE LAST CYCLE 364 00:58:35,625 --> 00:58:36,833 Charlotte? 365 00:58:38,000 --> 00:58:39,833 No, this can't be true. 366 00:58:40,583 --> 00:58:41,666 Mom. 367 00:58:46,583 --> 00:58:47,458 Jonas. 368 00:58:52,125 --> 00:58:54,291 I've looked for you all these years. 369 00:58:54,375 --> 00:58:56,041 You are not my father. 370 00:58:57,541 --> 00:58:58,750 Regina? 371 00:59:02,625 --> 00:59:04,000 I'm so sorry. 372 00:59:06,291 --> 00:59:07,625 You used me. 373 00:59:15,500 --> 00:59:17,708 There is no man without guilt. 374 00:59:18,625 --> 00:59:22,250 None of them deserve a place in your paradise. 375 00:59:34,875 --> 00:59:36,041 Jonas? 376 00:59:49,291 --> 00:59:51,125 And so the circle closes. 377 00:59:57,333 --> 00:59:59,041 What about Martha? 378 01:00:56,375 --> 01:00:58,125 Why did you bring me here? 379 01:01:01,083 --> 01:01:03,208 They're the only ones who'll save us. 380 01:01:05,000 --> 01:01:06,250 Save us? 381 01:01:07,541 --> 01:01:10,458 Everything that's happened is their fault. 382 01:01:12,416 --> 01:01:13,416 No. 383 01:01:15,125 --> 01:01:16,500 They are the light. 384 01:01:31,500 --> 01:01:33,000 What do you want from me? 385 01:01:36,166 --> 01:01:37,916 Isn't it peculiar... 386 01:01:39,250 --> 01:01:41,416 that one feels the greatest aversion 387 01:01:41,500 --> 01:01:44,041 towards the people who are most similar to oneself? 388 01:01:45,041 --> 01:01:46,541 I'm not like you. 389 01:01:48,208 --> 01:01:50,416 You and I have nothing in common. 390 01:01:52,416 --> 01:01:54,416 My whole life, I believed 391 01:01:55,500 --> 01:01:58,708 that this moment could never repeat itself. 392 01:01:59,333 --> 01:02:00,958 That I could never do 393 01:02:01,041 --> 01:02:03,000 what my older self had done. 394 01:02:04,125 --> 01:02:06,208 Because I couldn't understand 395 01:02:06,791 --> 01:02:09,916 how I could ever want what she wanted. 396 01:02:10,875 --> 01:02:11,958 But now... 397 01:02:13,000 --> 01:02:16,000 66 years later, I understand. 398 01:02:22,541 --> 01:02:25,291 Some pain is never forgotten. 399 01:02:26,791 --> 01:02:29,583 It brands us for our entire life. 400 01:02:30,666 --> 01:02:32,166 You and I... 401 01:02:33,375 --> 01:02:34,833 we share that pain. 402 01:02:35,750 --> 01:02:37,625 We bear the same scars. 403 01:02:52,625 --> 01:02:54,041 A memento. 404 01:02:55,916 --> 01:02:59,708 So you never forget which side you really belong on. 405 01:03:02,291 --> 01:03:06,916 You may not understand yet, but choosing us is choosing life. 406 01:03:08,833 --> 01:03:10,833 Choosing Adam is choosing death. 407 01:03:15,500 --> 01:03:16,500 No! 408 01:03:17,291 --> 01:03:18,333 No! 409 01:03:24,958 --> 01:03:26,000 No! 410 01:04:24,375 --> 01:04:25,833 This can't be. 411 01:04:36,875 --> 01:04:38,166 Hello, Jonas. 412 01:08:28,457 --> 01:08:31,582 Subtitle translation by Nathan Fritz