1 00:01:17,100 --> 00:01:18,225 Mom? 2 00:01:21,016 --> 00:01:22,016 Mads? 3 00:01:26,683 --> 00:01:27,850 Who are you? 4 00:01:29,016 --> 00:01:30,266 Where are my parents? 5 00:01:39,516 --> 00:01:41,891 - Who are you? - Do you know where he is? 6 00:01:42,683 --> 00:01:44,933 - Do you know where Mads is? - You're hurting me. 7 00:01:45,016 --> 00:01:47,100 What are you doing here? Say something. 8 00:01:51,766 --> 00:01:54,766 When is he coming back? 9 00:03:34,641 --> 00:03:39,308 PAST AND PRESENT 10 00:03:48,975 --> 00:03:51,266 Ines, can you do the night shift today too? 11 00:03:51,350 --> 00:03:54,558 Mrs. Schüttler's daughter has a fever and I have to take Benni to soccer. 12 00:03:55,100 --> 00:03:57,058 - Since you have no... - No family. 13 00:03:57,975 --> 00:04:01,100 - That's not what I meant. - It's not a problem. 14 00:04:01,183 --> 00:04:03,933 Thanks. And please, don't tell Dr. Reimann? 15 00:04:09,100 --> 00:04:11,683 - Mum's the word. - Thanks. 16 00:04:55,766 --> 00:04:56,933 The news. 17 00:04:59,475 --> 00:05:01,850 November 5, 1986. 18 00:05:02,266 --> 00:05:05,308 After the mysterious disappearance of an 11-year-old boy 19 00:05:05,391 --> 00:05:07,933 in Winden over four weeks ago, 20 00:05:08,016 --> 00:05:10,891 criticism of local investigators is growing ever louder. 21 00:05:10,975 --> 00:05:14,058 The circumstances of the case are puzzling. 22 00:05:14,141 --> 00:05:16,433 Despite an extensive search, 23 00:05:16,516 --> 00:05:20,100 Winden Police have been unable to find a single piece of useful evidence. 24 00:05:20,183 --> 00:05:24,516 The police are therefore continuing to ask for the public's assistance. 25 00:05:24,600 --> 00:05:27,516 - The chemical plant fire in Switzerland... - Tiedemann. 26 00:05:27,600 --> 00:05:30,850 - is doing damage to local waterways. - Where? 27 00:05:31,641 --> 00:05:35,725 - Toxic chemicals are entering the Rhine... - I'm on my way. 28 00:05:39,475 --> 00:05:41,058 In times like these... 29 00:05:42,058 --> 00:05:43,058 one must... 30 00:05:43,891 --> 00:05:46,683 face one's own fears. 31 00:05:46,766 --> 00:05:48,266 Because the future... 32 00:05:52,100 --> 00:05:54,016 the future belongs to the bold. 33 00:05:54,975 --> 00:05:58,058 Not to the doubters, those forever stuck in the past. 34 00:06:01,600 --> 00:06:05,058 Would you take a look at yourself? You can't go to school like this. 35 00:06:05,141 --> 00:06:07,558 Sometimes I think you have no idea what it is I do. 36 00:06:08,933 --> 00:06:12,516 Food, clothes, fencing classes. Who pays for all of that? 37 00:06:14,100 --> 00:06:16,475 And you can't even bother combing your hair. 38 00:06:17,433 --> 00:06:20,475 Look at yourself. You look like a limp dishrag. 39 00:06:22,016 --> 00:06:24,141 Hey, Regina, I'm talking to you. 40 00:06:25,100 --> 00:06:27,766 This is a huge deal for me, and I won't let you spoil it. 41 00:06:32,183 --> 00:06:36,308 The board's decision to entrust this post to a woman for the first time... 42 00:07:11,933 --> 00:07:15,850 MISSING MADS NIELSEN 43 00:07:17,141 --> 00:07:18,225 It's awesome. 44 00:07:18,766 --> 00:07:20,683 - Know what the song's about? - No. 45 00:07:20,766 --> 00:07:23,891 A man who kidnaps a girl and takes her to the forest, 46 00:07:23,975 --> 00:07:27,225 just because she's wearing red lipstick. In the end he kills her. 47 00:07:27,308 --> 00:07:28,558 That's heavy. 48 00:07:28,933 --> 00:07:31,600 My dad says lipstick is only for prostitutes. 49 00:07:31,683 --> 00:07:34,558 Anyway, I like Nino D'Angelo way more than Falco. 50 00:07:34,641 --> 00:07:36,933 Hannah, you're as square as they come. 51 00:07:37,933 --> 00:07:40,058 Come on, Katharina. Don't be so nasty. 52 00:07:44,100 --> 00:07:47,308 What are you looking at? Weren't you at Ulrich's place earlier? 53 00:07:47,766 --> 00:07:48,766 Are you new here? 54 00:07:50,391 --> 00:07:51,600 I... 55 00:07:51,683 --> 00:07:53,058 I'm looking for my mom. 56 00:07:53,558 --> 00:07:54,975 This isn't kindergarten. 57 00:07:55,058 --> 00:07:56,350 She's the principal here. 58 00:07:56,641 --> 00:07:57,641 Mr. Hubert? 59 00:07:58,558 --> 00:08:01,225 He may be a fag, but he's certainly not a woman. 60 00:08:02,600 --> 00:08:03,975 Isn't this Winden? 61 00:08:06,641 --> 00:08:08,433 Aren't you a bit young to drop acid? 62 00:08:09,183 --> 00:08:10,975 You guys got history now? 63 00:08:47,891 --> 00:08:49,891 - Morning, Claudia. - Morning. 64 00:08:50,433 --> 00:08:52,600 - Your first day as boss. - Yes. 65 00:08:53,141 --> 00:08:56,891 My dad told me the board voted unanimously for you. 66 00:08:58,058 --> 00:08:59,058 I wanted... 67 00:09:00,766 --> 00:09:02,600 - Congratulations. - Thanks. 68 00:09:02,683 --> 00:09:05,516 I always knew something would become of you. 69 00:09:05,600 --> 00:09:07,683 - Oh, Helge. - And I have... 70 00:09:10,600 --> 00:09:11,600 A present for you. 71 00:09:16,725 --> 00:09:17,725 It's a book. 72 00:09:19,433 --> 00:09:20,433 Thanks. 73 00:09:25,266 --> 00:09:28,016 Well, I'm running late. I have to get going. 74 00:09:31,058 --> 00:09:32,891 We're all behind you, Cl... 75 00:09:42,766 --> 00:09:46,808 I came just before six to feed the animals and found this. 76 00:09:50,725 --> 00:09:51,933 Maybe a wolf? 77 00:09:54,891 --> 00:09:57,141 No bite marks. Nothing. 78 00:10:00,725 --> 00:10:01,725 Poisoned? 79 00:10:03,141 --> 00:10:04,933 Yesterday they were lively as can be. 80 00:10:05,016 --> 00:10:07,516 First the thing with the boy, and now this. 81 00:10:07,600 --> 00:10:09,641 Such things didn't use to happen here. 82 00:10:10,016 --> 00:10:12,516 Who would just kill 33 sheep? 83 00:10:16,850 --> 00:10:18,683 "Be on guard! Be alert! 84 00:10:19,933 --> 00:10:22,391 You do not know when that time will come." 85 00:10:25,016 --> 00:10:27,725 The Gospel of Mark, 13:33. 86 00:10:29,891 --> 00:10:32,058 Didn't know you were a churchgoer. 87 00:10:32,683 --> 00:10:35,558 The parish has a new priest. A good man. 88 00:10:50,225 --> 00:10:51,266 Mrs. Tiedemann. 89 00:10:51,683 --> 00:10:52,600 Mrs. Tiedemann, 90 00:10:52,683 --> 00:10:56,100 Tronte Nielsen from the paper is here, for the interview. 91 00:10:57,391 --> 00:11:01,225 And here are the figures from 1986 and 1985, as you requested. 92 00:11:04,391 --> 00:11:05,975 They weren't easy to get a hold of. 93 00:11:08,100 --> 00:11:09,308 And congratulations again. 94 00:11:10,016 --> 00:11:12,683 I still can't believe we have a woman as boss. 95 00:11:14,933 --> 00:11:17,350 Are you sure these are the right figures? 96 00:11:17,683 --> 00:11:18,683 Yes. 97 00:11:41,891 --> 00:11:43,850 REPORT: 33 DEAD SHEEP 98 00:11:51,266 --> 00:11:52,641 What are you doing here? 99 00:11:53,683 --> 00:11:54,683 I... 100 00:11:55,433 --> 00:11:56,850 I'm looking for my dad. 101 00:12:00,391 --> 00:12:01,558 What's his name? 102 00:12:02,683 --> 00:12:03,933 Ulrich Nielsen. 103 00:12:04,600 --> 00:12:07,391 Ulrich Nielsen? The Ulrich Nielsen? 104 00:12:08,141 --> 00:12:10,808 - Doesn't he work here? - No. 105 00:12:11,641 --> 00:12:13,475 And I'm certain he never will. 106 00:12:17,766 --> 00:12:21,308 Oh, so this is a joke? Was this Ulrich's dumb idea? 107 00:12:32,975 --> 00:12:34,475 Did he do this? 108 00:12:36,433 --> 00:12:38,141 Did Ulrich do this? 109 00:12:40,933 --> 00:12:43,516 - What's your name? - Mikkel. 110 00:12:43,891 --> 00:12:45,433 - Last name? - Nielsen. 111 00:12:46,100 --> 00:12:47,975 I'm Ulrich's son. 112 00:12:49,808 --> 00:12:52,016 Now tell me your parents' real names 113 00:12:52,100 --> 00:12:54,016 and I'll take you home. 114 00:12:55,433 --> 00:12:56,725 What's the date? 115 00:12:57,308 --> 00:12:58,850 5th of November. 116 00:12:59,558 --> 00:13:00,725 What year? 117 00:13:01,391 --> 00:13:03,350 1986. 118 00:13:04,850 --> 00:13:06,725 1986. 119 00:13:21,558 --> 00:13:22,641 Tiedemann. 120 00:13:23,350 --> 00:13:24,850 I have an injured boy here. 121 00:13:25,266 --> 00:13:27,391 Can one of you come pick him up? 122 00:13:28,350 --> 00:13:29,350 Thanks. 123 00:13:32,516 --> 00:13:36,975 Someone will be coming to pick you up and take care of that. 124 00:13:37,058 --> 00:13:40,266 In the meantime I'll take care of Ulrich. 125 00:13:43,516 --> 00:13:45,058 He won't hurt you again. 126 00:13:45,516 --> 00:13:46,933 I promise. 127 00:14:19,516 --> 00:14:22,308 An interview? Are you serious, Tronte? 128 00:14:23,766 --> 00:14:25,141 People are interested. 129 00:14:25,933 --> 00:14:28,183 A woman taking charge of the nuclear power plant. 130 00:14:28,266 --> 00:14:30,433 That's progressive, even for the '80s. 131 00:14:30,516 --> 00:14:35,058 I have no time for this today. Make a new appointment with my secretary. 132 00:14:35,683 --> 00:14:36,933 Hey! 133 00:14:39,808 --> 00:14:40,808 I miss you. 134 00:14:45,308 --> 00:14:47,141 I thought we talked about this. 135 00:14:48,766 --> 00:14:50,891 You can't just leave me hanging like this. 136 00:14:50,975 --> 00:14:52,308 Claudia, I need you! 137 00:14:53,183 --> 00:14:55,183 I'm going stir crazy at home. 138 00:14:55,850 --> 00:14:59,183 - Jana loses it more and more and I... - I want you to go now. 139 00:15:00,933 --> 00:15:01,975 Tonight? 140 00:15:04,016 --> 00:15:05,225 Please. 141 00:15:06,225 --> 00:15:07,266 Maybe. 142 00:15:26,100 --> 00:15:28,391 The number you have dialed is not in service. 143 00:15:28,475 --> 00:15:30,433 Please call information. 144 00:15:59,683 --> 00:16:02,433 MISSING PERSON'S REPORT MADS NIELSEN 145 00:16:06,558 --> 00:16:08,933 WINDEN BOY (12) VANISHES WITHOUT A TRACE 146 00:16:14,266 --> 00:16:16,766 MADS NIELSEN (12) MISSING SINCE LAST WEEK 147 00:16:41,058 --> 00:16:42,225 Hello. 148 00:16:49,266 --> 00:16:50,558 I'm Nurse Ines. 149 00:16:51,141 --> 00:16:53,183 But you can just call me Ines. 150 00:16:59,475 --> 00:17:01,516 I'll take you to the hospital now. 151 00:17:02,600 --> 00:17:04,725 We'll take a look at your arm, okay? 152 00:17:07,016 --> 00:17:09,600 Then I'll bring you home safe and sound. 153 00:17:48,600 --> 00:17:49,725 Hello? 154 00:17:53,641 --> 00:17:54,641 Hello! 155 00:18:01,891 --> 00:18:02,891 Hello? 156 00:18:41,141 --> 00:18:42,850 What are you doing here? 157 00:18:50,600 --> 00:18:52,058 Why do you listen to such stuff? 158 00:18:55,725 --> 00:18:57,391 The boy you sent... 159 00:18:57,600 --> 00:19:00,391 - Do you think that's funny? - What boy? 160 00:19:00,558 --> 00:19:02,850 Don't think you'll get away with this. 161 00:19:07,975 --> 00:19:10,975 - Have we been drinking again? - Beg your pardon? 162 00:19:11,225 --> 00:19:14,558 - I asked if you've been drinking again? - Who do you think you are? 163 00:19:15,475 --> 00:19:19,683 I want us to find your brother as badly as you do. 164 00:19:36,433 --> 00:19:39,308 - What's this? - A hoof. That's obvious. 165 00:19:40,475 --> 00:19:42,850 - Did you do that on the pasture? - What pasture? 166 00:19:42,933 --> 00:19:44,558 Did you kill the sheep? 167 00:19:44,641 --> 00:19:46,850 If you'd stop drinking your brain to mush, 168 00:19:48,558 --> 00:19:50,475 then Mads might be back by now. 169 00:19:51,141 --> 00:19:52,141 Mr. Tiedemann? 170 00:19:56,891 --> 00:19:59,475 - The door was open. - Because of Mads. 171 00:20:00,141 --> 00:20:01,558 He forgot his key. 172 00:20:02,641 --> 00:20:05,850 Chief Inspector Tiedemann wants to update you on the investigation. 173 00:20:06,141 --> 00:20:07,850 They've got new findings. 174 00:20:10,391 --> 00:20:12,308 Exactly. You have nothing. 175 00:20:13,016 --> 00:20:14,725 Now kindly piss off! 176 00:20:57,766 --> 00:20:59,558 Everything's in working order. 177 00:21:00,683 --> 00:21:02,100 How did this happen? 178 00:21:07,808 --> 00:21:10,225 And you still won't tell us your name? 179 00:21:18,641 --> 00:21:20,725 Nurse Ines will bandage you up, okay? 180 00:21:21,558 --> 00:21:22,808 Then you can go back home. 181 00:21:31,141 --> 00:21:33,475 RECORD OF PATIENT ADMISSION 182 00:22:03,850 --> 00:22:04,850 Don't cry. 183 00:22:05,766 --> 00:22:07,516 Don't cry. Everything will be okay. 184 00:22:31,475 --> 00:22:33,725 Bernd? I have to talk to you. 185 00:22:40,391 --> 00:22:42,141 Were you trying to slip this past me? 186 00:22:42,308 --> 00:22:44,891 I said I need to know if there are skeletons in the closet. 187 00:22:46,516 --> 00:22:51,058 There are things that are worth knowing and things worth not knowing, 188 00:22:51,141 --> 00:22:53,600 because you can't change them anyway. 189 00:22:54,975 --> 00:22:56,100 What is this? 190 00:22:56,933 --> 00:22:59,475 These are nothing like the reported figures. Here. 191 00:23:02,016 --> 00:23:03,266 And here. 192 00:23:04,558 --> 00:23:07,891 Everywhere. It's been like that for three months now. 193 00:23:08,391 --> 00:23:11,808 Do you know what has changed since Chernobyl? 194 00:23:13,391 --> 00:23:17,308 People have lost faith. In us, in nuclear power. 195 00:23:17,558 --> 00:23:19,100 They saw the images. 196 00:23:20,433 --> 00:23:22,933 And they can't get them out of their heads. 197 00:23:24,225 --> 00:23:27,975 But fear is the worst enemy of progress. 198 00:23:32,808 --> 00:23:33,891 So? 199 00:23:36,058 --> 00:23:39,391 How many people around here rely on this plant for their livelihood? 200 00:23:42,725 --> 00:23:46,600 - We have 612 employees, excluding... - Everyone! 201 00:23:47,016 --> 00:23:49,141 And when you take over this job tomorrow, 202 00:23:49,225 --> 00:23:52,391 you'll be taking on responsibility for the nuclear power plant, 203 00:23:52,475 --> 00:23:55,766 but you'll also be taking responsibility for the entire town. 204 00:23:57,475 --> 00:24:00,058 And now tell me I wasn't wrong about you. 205 00:24:08,933 --> 00:24:11,725 All the more reason for me to know just what this means. 206 00:24:49,266 --> 00:24:52,141 And? Everything A-okay with your daughter? 207 00:24:53,391 --> 00:24:55,350 Yes, everything's A-okay. 208 00:24:58,308 --> 00:24:59,725 It's a big deal. 209 00:25:00,266 --> 00:25:02,808 A woman taking charge of the power plant. 210 00:25:03,766 --> 00:25:04,891 Sure it is. 211 00:25:06,766 --> 00:25:09,141 - And your granddaughter? - Regina? 212 00:25:10,100 --> 00:25:11,475 She's good too. 213 00:25:14,058 --> 00:25:15,891 So were they poisoned? 214 00:25:16,391 --> 00:25:17,516 Hardly. 215 00:25:18,141 --> 00:25:20,058 All signs point to sudden cardiac arrest. 216 00:25:20,433 --> 00:25:22,183 - Cardiac arrest? - Yes. 217 00:25:22,266 --> 00:25:23,766 All 33? 218 00:25:23,850 --> 00:25:27,308 It's common with sheep. They're very sensitive creatures. 219 00:25:27,683 --> 00:25:29,600 If a few start to panic, 220 00:25:29,683 --> 00:25:31,808 the entire herd freaks out. 221 00:25:31,891 --> 00:25:34,016 It's a vicious cycle. They just drop dead. 222 00:25:35,100 --> 00:25:36,516 Like flies. 223 00:25:37,433 --> 00:25:40,766 - And what could cause such a panic? - All kinds of things. 224 00:25:42,933 --> 00:25:44,016 A person? 225 00:25:44,350 --> 00:25:45,641 A single person? 226 00:25:46,516 --> 00:25:50,475 Unless he's Freddy Krueger, he'd have his work cut out for him. 227 00:25:53,058 --> 00:25:55,516 Was one of the sheep... 228 00:25:57,516 --> 00:26:00,683 I mean, was one of them missing a hoof? 229 00:26:02,808 --> 00:26:03,808 No. 230 00:26:04,225 --> 00:26:06,391 They're all as God created them. 231 00:26:09,308 --> 00:26:11,391 Do you know anything about Satanists? 232 00:26:12,933 --> 00:26:14,641 You think Satanists did this? 233 00:26:16,350 --> 00:26:20,558 As far as I know, they make a big show of it all. 234 00:26:20,641 --> 00:26:22,641 You'd find traces on the pasture. 235 00:26:26,600 --> 00:26:27,850 Very strange. 236 00:26:28,600 --> 00:26:29,600 Look here. 237 00:26:32,350 --> 00:26:34,183 The eardrums are ruptured. 238 00:26:34,266 --> 00:26:35,975 On both sides. 239 00:26:36,350 --> 00:26:37,516 Strange. 240 00:26:39,891 --> 00:26:44,391 Coming to our party this weekend? My wife's making Yugoslavian meatballs. 241 00:26:45,725 --> 00:26:48,600 Spicy as hell, but also tasty as hell. 242 00:27:18,850 --> 00:27:20,725 What we know is a drop, 243 00:27:21,808 --> 00:27:23,016 what we don't know 244 00:27:23,641 --> 00:27:25,100 is an ocean. 245 00:28:21,058 --> 00:28:23,766 Won't you tell me your name and where you live? 246 00:28:28,475 --> 00:28:30,016 Don't you want to go home? 247 00:28:38,016 --> 00:28:41,016 If something happened at home... 248 00:28:43,641 --> 00:28:44,975 you can stay here for now. 249 00:28:55,683 --> 00:28:57,850 If you want to talk, I'm here. 250 00:28:59,766 --> 00:29:01,766 I'm on the night shift too. 251 00:29:08,225 --> 00:29:09,891 Here, something to read. 252 00:29:13,475 --> 00:29:14,600 I come from the future. 253 00:29:17,308 --> 00:29:18,766 What did you say? 254 00:29:22,016 --> 00:29:23,891 I come from the future. 255 00:30:36,975 --> 00:30:38,141 Mom? 256 00:30:42,308 --> 00:30:43,516 Hi, it's Mom. 257 00:30:43,600 --> 00:30:45,975 If you're hearing this, heat up a pizza. 258 00:30:46,058 --> 00:30:49,058 I'm coming later. I have something to take care of. 259 00:33:46,641 --> 00:33:48,975 - Hey, Hannah! - Hey, Ulrich. 260 00:34:06,141 --> 00:34:07,600 Is this the Apocalypse? 261 00:34:10,141 --> 00:34:11,391 A bit disappointing. 262 00:34:11,683 --> 00:34:13,516 I imagined it being louder. 263 00:34:13,600 --> 00:34:14,600 More glaring. 264 00:35:06,683 --> 00:35:08,725 If the world ended today, 265 00:35:08,808 --> 00:35:10,100 and everything started anew, 266 00:35:10,725 --> 00:35:12,058 what would you wish for? 267 00:35:12,391 --> 00:35:13,391 Easy. 268 00:35:14,516 --> 00:35:15,850 A world without Winden. 269 00:35:22,600 --> 00:35:24,058 To a world without Winden. 270 00:35:24,475 --> 00:35:25,975 To a world without Winden. 271 00:35:39,350 --> 00:35:41,430 I don't think Winden is going to give up that easily. 272 00:35:43,100 --> 00:35:45,308 Well, maybe next time. 273 00:36:59,683 --> 00:37:03,516 A JOURNEY THROUGH TIME 274 00:40:05,516 --> 00:40:06,516 Hello? 275 00:40:08,183 --> 00:40:10,183 Hello! 276 00:40:17,558 --> 00:40:19,058 Help! 277 00:40:19,516 --> 00:40:20,850 Help! 278 00:40:31,891 --> 00:40:32,891 Hello? 279 00:40:52,725 --> 00:40:53,725 Hello? 280 00:40:54,766 --> 00:40:55,766 Anybody there? 281 00:40:57,933 --> 00:40:58,933 Mikkel? 282 00:41:01,808 --> 00:41:02,850 Mikkel? 283 00:45:04,391 --> 00:45:08,391 Subtitle translation by Nathan Fritz, Peter Rigney