1 00:00:05,573 --> 00:00:06,865 (CROWD CHEERS) 2 00:00:06,949 --> 00:00:08,073 (GRUNTS) 3 00:00:09,615 --> 00:00:11,156 (YELLS) 4 00:00:11,240 --> 00:00:13,907 AH TOY: Whenever you're ready, I'm betting I can help. 5 00:00:14,407 --> 00:00:15,573 I don't need any help. 6 00:00:17,365 --> 00:00:18,615 Saw these guys at the fight pit. 7 00:00:18,824 --> 00:00:19,657 (YELLING) 8 00:00:19,740 --> 00:00:21,323 They call themselves Teddy Boys. 9 00:00:21,532 --> 00:00:23,532 Chinese scalp is your way in. 10 00:00:25,031 --> 00:00:26,782 (MEN YELL) 11 00:00:28,448 --> 00:00:30,657 If you can't find me one fucking swordsman-- 12 00:00:30,740 --> 00:00:31,907 I'll get someone to come. 13 00:00:32,615 --> 00:00:33,657 Give me something I can use. 14 00:00:33,990 --> 00:00:37,573 Don't overestimate how much I'll suffer to keep your secret. 15 00:00:38,073 --> 00:00:41,198 Speaking of secrets, have you gone to see yours? 16 00:00:41,281 --> 00:00:42,824 I did everything I could to keep you out 17 00:00:42,907 --> 00:00:43,782 of that tournament. 18 00:00:43,865 --> 00:00:45,240 Then you ordered my death. 19 00:00:46,198 --> 00:00:48,115 We need a local source we can trust. 20 00:00:48,365 --> 00:00:50,865 The mayor's wife has 100 coolies. 21 00:00:50,949 --> 00:00:53,115 You understand the position you're putting me in? 22 00:00:54,824 --> 00:00:56,115 Is he stable enough to move? 23 00:00:57,198 --> 00:00:58,657 ♪ (INTENSE MUSIC PLAYS) ♪ 24 00:01:02,115 --> 00:01:03,782 ♪ (MUSIC CONCLUDES) ♪ 25 00:01:06,156 --> 00:01:08,573 [engine revs] 26 00:01:10,240 --> 00:01:12,281 - Fuckin' cunt! [frenzied footsteps] 27 00:01:14,365 --> 00:01:15,365 Floyd! 28 00:01:21,490 --> 00:01:22,865 [grunts] 29 00:01:24,281 --> 00:01:26,281 [pants and grunts] 30 00:01:26,365 --> 00:01:28,073 Get back here, you bastard! 31 00:01:28,156 --> 00:01:31,031 [panting] 32 00:01:32,156 --> 00:01:35,198 - [strains] - [shouts] 33 00:01:35,281 --> 00:01:38,240 - [gasps and coughs] 34 00:01:38,323 --> 00:01:40,156 [panting] 35 00:01:40,240 --> 00:01:43,699 I--I think you broke my fucking ribs. 36 00:01:43,782 --> 00:01:45,740 - Yeah, well that's nothing 37 00:01:45,824 --> 00:01:47,448 compared to what the Fung Hai'll do to ya. 38 00:01:47,532 --> 00:01:48,907 - [groans] 39 00:01:48,990 --> 00:01:50,573 - Now pay up. 40 00:01:50,657 --> 00:01:53,240 - Okay, okay. 41 00:01:53,323 --> 00:01:55,156 [groans] 42 00:01:57,907 --> 00:01:59,281 [grunts and groans] 43 00:01:59,365 --> 00:02:03,865 - God, you fuckin' stink. 44 00:02:03,949 --> 00:02:06,907 [dogs barking distantly] 45 00:02:09,532 --> 00:02:11,156 - [grunts and groans] 46 00:02:11,240 --> 00:02:13,448 - That's for making me run. 47 00:02:13,532 --> 00:02:16,156 [dramatic spaghetti western music] 48 00:02:16,240 --> 00:02:23,031 ♪ ♪ 49 00:03:32,281 --> 00:03:33,281 [blade swishes] 50 00:03:38,115 --> 00:03:40,198 - This deal had better work. 51 00:03:40,281 --> 00:03:41,490 If this guy fucks us 52 00:03:41,573 --> 00:03:44,365 we won't have a dime left to buy from China. 53 00:03:44,448 --> 00:03:46,573 - Father Jun won't start treating you like an equal 54 00:03:46,657 --> 00:03:49,031 till you make him see you as one. 55 00:03:49,115 --> 00:03:51,240 - Why are you pushing this so hard all of a sudden? 56 00:03:51,323 --> 00:03:53,532 - I thought this is what you wanted. 57 00:03:53,615 --> 00:03:55,198 - Yeah, maybe. 58 00:03:55,281 --> 00:03:57,407 But it's starting to feel like you want it more. 59 00:03:57,490 --> 00:03:59,865 I'm just saying, if there's a fuckin' agenda here, 60 00:03:59,949 --> 00:04:02,073 I want to know about it. 61 00:04:02,156 --> 00:04:05,031 - I'm the one who lost that fight and let Mai Ling in, 62 00:04:05,115 --> 00:04:08,573 so I guess my agenda... 63 00:04:08,657 --> 00:04:10,448 is to kick her the fuck back out. 64 00:04:10,532 --> 00:04:12,073 - Okay, I can get behind that. 65 00:04:12,156 --> 00:04:13,740 And you may have lost that fight, 66 00:04:13,824 --> 00:04:15,115 but Father Jun should never have agreed to it 67 00:04:15,198 --> 00:04:16,615 in the first place. 68 00:04:16,699 --> 00:04:18,573 - You're late. 69 00:04:18,657 --> 00:04:20,824 Happy Jack doesn't like to be kept waiting. 70 00:04:25,156 --> 00:04:26,615 - He's in the back. 71 00:04:28,740 --> 00:04:31,615 [sparse suspenseful music] 72 00:04:31,699 --> 00:04:38,699 ♪ ♪ 73 00:04:44,699 --> 00:04:45,990 - They're with me. 74 00:04:47,615 --> 00:04:48,490 - [grunts] 75 00:04:48,573 --> 00:04:55,573 ♪ ♪ 76 00:05:08,740 --> 00:05:10,949 - You're late. 77 00:05:11,031 --> 00:05:12,782 - Happy Jack? 78 00:05:12,865 --> 00:05:15,365 He doesn't look so happy. 79 00:05:15,448 --> 00:05:17,115 - You didn't say anything about tongs. 80 00:05:17,198 --> 00:05:18,573 I don't need that kind of headache. 81 00:05:18,657 --> 00:05:20,949 - Just hear them out, okay? 82 00:05:21,031 --> 00:05:25,115 ♪ ♪ 83 00:05:25,198 --> 00:05:26,782 - What do they need me for? 84 00:05:26,865 --> 00:05:28,240 They have their own sources. 85 00:05:28,323 --> 00:05:29,323 - If he doesn't want to take our money 86 00:05:29,407 --> 00:05:30,615 we'll find someone who does. 87 00:05:30,699 --> 00:05:33,657 - Look who speaks the King's English. 88 00:05:33,740 --> 00:05:36,740 - Oh, he's not my king. 89 00:05:36,824 --> 00:05:38,532 200 a crate. 90 00:05:38,615 --> 00:05:40,990 That's the going rate, right? 91 00:05:41,073 --> 00:05:42,532 - Maybe. 92 00:05:43,740 --> 00:05:45,490 - We'll need a dozen to start. 93 00:05:45,573 --> 00:05:47,198 - To start? 94 00:05:48,240 --> 00:05:49,407 You vouch for them? 95 00:05:49,490 --> 00:05:51,115 - I wouldn't be here if I didn't. 96 00:05:51,198 --> 00:05:53,323 - And we'll need you to store it for us. 97 00:05:53,407 --> 00:05:55,865 Somewhere we can pull it out in pieces. 98 00:05:55,949 --> 00:05:57,615 How's 210 a crate? 99 00:05:57,699 --> 00:05:59,490 - [clicks tongue] Three. 100 00:05:59,573 --> 00:06:01,824 - For 300 I can keep getting it from China. 101 00:06:01,907 --> 00:06:04,657 - Then maybe that's what you should do. 102 00:06:04,740 --> 00:06:05,865 - Jack-- 103 00:06:05,990 --> 00:06:07,365 - I import it, I sell it, I deliver it. 104 00:06:07,448 --> 00:06:10,198 I'm not in the storage business; too much risk, 105 00:06:10,281 --> 00:06:13,448 so you're going to have to pay extra for that. 106 00:06:13,532 --> 00:06:15,865 - 250. 107 00:06:15,949 --> 00:06:18,573 If this works, the orders will get bigger. 108 00:06:21,949 --> 00:06:24,532 - You have the cash? 109 00:06:24,615 --> 00:06:25,990 - I've got half on me. 110 00:06:26,073 --> 00:06:27,573 - Leave it. 111 00:06:27,657 --> 00:06:29,615 Come back tonight with the rest. 112 00:06:35,240 --> 00:06:38,740 - [speaking Cantonese] 113 00:06:42,573 --> 00:06:44,740 - I don't have all fucking day. 114 00:06:44,824 --> 00:06:46,907 In or out right now. 115 00:06:46,990 --> 00:06:54,031 ♪ ♪ 116 00:06:55,198 --> 00:06:56,615 [money thuds] 117 00:06:56,699 --> 00:07:03,699 ♪ ♪ 118 00:07:04,949 --> 00:07:07,740 - Guess now we know what makes him happy. 119 00:07:07,824 --> 00:07:08,865 - There you are. 120 00:07:08,949 --> 00:07:10,281 I've been doing some thinking. 121 00:07:10,365 --> 00:07:11,782 - In a minute. 122 00:07:11,865 --> 00:07:13,532 - The first victims-- Morgan and Davis-- 123 00:07:13,615 --> 00:07:15,907 they had a history of harassing the Chinese, right? 124 00:07:15,990 --> 00:07:18,115 They beat those poor bastards to death, got off in court, 125 00:07:18,198 --> 00:07:19,573 were killed soon after-- 126 00:07:19,657 --> 00:07:20,907 one beheaded, the other disemboweled. 127 00:07:20,990 --> 00:07:22,407 - Jesus, Lee. It's 8:00 in the morning. 128 00:07:22,490 --> 00:07:23,907 - A quarter past, actually. 129 00:07:23,990 --> 00:07:25,365 Now we have these Teddy Boys, 130 00:07:25,448 --> 00:07:26,907 the dead hooligans from the other day. 131 00:07:26,990 --> 00:07:28,907 Also known to attack the Chinese 132 00:07:29,031 --> 00:07:30,990 and in their case take their queues as trophies. 133 00:07:31,073 --> 00:07:32,365 - Where the hell are my cigarettes? 134 00:07:32,448 --> 00:07:34,198 - In the months between Morgan and Davis 135 00:07:34,281 --> 00:07:35,448 and the Teddy Boys now, 136 00:07:35,532 --> 00:07:37,824 we have had three other instances of murder by sword, 137 00:07:37,907 --> 00:07:39,990 all of which makes sense in a Chinese vengeance scenario. 138 00:07:40,073 --> 00:07:41,615 - Okay, okay. 139 00:07:41,699 --> 00:07:43,031 Lee, you're standing there spewing information 140 00:07:43,115 --> 00:07:44,031 that I already know, so I assume-- 141 00:07:44,115 --> 00:07:46,699 - Timmons and McCormick. 142 00:07:46,782 --> 00:07:48,281 - The real estate tycoons. - Yes. 143 00:07:48,365 --> 00:07:50,865 Neither had any business dealings with the Chinese 144 00:07:50,949 --> 00:07:53,448 or were ever known to express any anti-Chinese sentiment-- 145 00:07:53,532 --> 00:07:55,907 not publicly, anyway. 146 00:07:55,990 --> 00:07:57,782 They were businessmen, 147 00:07:57,865 --> 00:08:00,907 capitalists who no doubt approved of coolie labor. 148 00:08:00,990 --> 00:08:03,615 - They don't fit. - No, they do not. 149 00:08:03,699 --> 00:08:05,198 - Did you even go home last night? 150 00:08:05,281 --> 00:08:06,657 - Look, I spent the last few days 151 00:08:06,740 --> 00:08:08,240 going through Timmons' business dealings, 152 00:08:08,323 --> 00:08:09,782 bank deposits, property records, 153 00:08:09,865 --> 00:08:11,323 looking for any other inconsistencies. 154 00:08:11,407 --> 00:08:12,657 - What the hell are you doing that for? 155 00:08:12,740 --> 00:08:13,990 No wonder you're still getting headaches. 156 00:08:14,073 --> 00:08:14,990 You're a cop, not a fuckin' accountant. 157 00:08:15,073 --> 00:08:16,824 - Just listen. 158 00:08:16,907 --> 00:08:18,156 The last deal Timmons made 159 00:08:18,240 --> 00:08:20,156 was to sell a piece of property in Spring Valley 160 00:08:20,240 --> 00:08:22,615 to a Leonard Patterson for $5,000. 161 00:08:22,699 --> 00:08:23,824 - So? 162 00:08:23,907 --> 00:08:25,657 - So that property was originally listed 163 00:08:25,740 --> 00:08:27,323 at just over $2,000. 164 00:08:27,407 --> 00:08:29,323 That's less than half what Patterson paid for it. 165 00:08:29,407 --> 00:08:30,990 - Mornin'. 166 00:08:31,073 --> 00:08:32,490 - And the deal was signed over on the same day 167 00:08:32,573 --> 00:08:36,031 Timmons and his partner were murdered. 168 00:08:36,115 --> 00:08:38,198 - Your theory is that 169 00:08:38,281 --> 00:08:41,323 this Patterson discovered that he'd overpaid 170 00:08:41,407 --> 00:08:44,573 and in a blinding rage he grabbed his trusty sword 171 00:08:44,657 --> 00:08:46,699 and disemboweled the sellers. 172 00:08:46,782 --> 00:08:49,156 - Maybe. 173 00:08:49,240 --> 00:08:50,490 Look, I'm just saying 174 00:08:50,573 --> 00:08:54,198 there's something fishy about that deal. 175 00:08:54,281 --> 00:08:56,240 - So, um... 176 00:08:56,323 --> 00:09:00,031 I guess you'll wanting to talk to this Patterson. 177 00:09:00,115 --> 00:09:02,657 - Never get the lard unless you boil the hog. 178 00:09:04,073 --> 00:09:06,699 - I'll take your word for it. 179 00:09:06,782 --> 00:09:09,198 - You must have property insurance, Leland. 180 00:09:09,281 --> 00:09:11,323 - Against fire, flood, and theft. 181 00:09:11,407 --> 00:09:14,365 Not dynamite, for god's sake! Not sabotage! 182 00:09:14,448 --> 00:09:15,740 [door latch clicks] 183 00:09:16,782 --> 00:09:18,240 - Penny. 184 00:09:18,323 --> 00:09:19,865 This is a closed-door session, dear. 185 00:09:19,949 --> 00:09:23,115 - This is an emergency meeting for business owners, is it not? 186 00:09:23,198 --> 00:09:24,699 - Correct. 187 00:09:24,782 --> 00:09:25,865 - Now, Leland. 188 00:09:25,949 --> 00:09:28,573 I'm sure we can find some tax relief for you 189 00:09:28,657 --> 00:09:29,865 that will soften the blow. 190 00:09:29,949 --> 00:09:31,281 - An interest-free loan, perhaps. 191 00:09:31,365 --> 00:09:33,073 - Yes, we'll get you back on your feet 192 00:09:33,156 --> 00:09:34,156 as quickly as possible. 193 00:09:34,240 --> 00:09:35,490 - That's a generous offer. 194 00:09:35,573 --> 00:09:36,949 Does it extend to everyone in this room? 195 00:09:37,031 --> 00:09:38,907 - Of course, the first order of business 196 00:09:38,990 --> 00:09:41,699 will be to ensure this kind of attack doesn't happen again. 197 00:09:41,782 --> 00:09:44,573 I spoke with Chief Flannagan this morning. 198 00:09:44,657 --> 00:09:46,740 His men have already begun scouring the city 199 00:09:46,824 --> 00:09:48,073 for those responsible. 200 00:09:48,156 --> 00:09:49,240 - We already know who's responsible 201 00:09:49,323 --> 00:09:50,573 and unless you're prepared 202 00:09:50,657 --> 00:09:52,365 to arrest all of Leary's workingmen-- 203 00:09:52,448 --> 00:09:53,907 - Well, that's hardly possible-- - Mrs. Blake is right. 204 00:09:53,990 --> 00:09:55,198 We'd be better served with those same officers 205 00:09:55,281 --> 00:09:56,699 guarding our work sites. 206 00:09:56,782 --> 00:09:58,073 - Yes, but-- - According to Chief Flannagan, 207 00:09:58,156 --> 00:09:59,782 the force is already overextended as it is. 208 00:09:59,865 --> 00:10:03,115 - You spoke to Flannagan? 209 00:10:03,198 --> 00:10:04,740 Well, that's hardly appropriate. 210 00:10:04,824 --> 00:10:07,657 - The real question is will this office do anything 211 00:10:07,740 --> 00:10:10,240 to protect the city's industries from Leary's thugs? 212 00:10:10,323 --> 00:10:12,573 - Mm-hmm, yes. - I like that. 213 00:10:12,657 --> 00:10:14,573 [suspenseful music] 214 00:10:14,657 --> 00:10:16,615 ♪ ♪ 215 00:10:16,699 --> 00:10:18,448 - Fuckin' chink. 216 00:10:18,532 --> 00:10:25,532 ♪ ♪ 217 00:10:26,365 --> 00:10:27,657 [baby crying] 218 00:10:27,740 --> 00:10:28,740 - Chao. 219 00:10:34,365 --> 00:10:35,365 - Claire. 220 00:10:40,365 --> 00:10:43,281 [dogs barking] 221 00:10:43,365 --> 00:10:45,740 It's light. 222 00:10:45,824 --> 00:10:48,699 Work has been little hard. 223 00:10:58,240 --> 00:11:00,824 New dress? Very nice. 224 00:11:00,907 --> 00:11:02,156 Expensive, eh? 225 00:11:02,240 --> 00:11:03,657 - Lady can't come up in the world 226 00:11:03,740 --> 00:11:05,699 if she doesn't have a proper dress. 227 00:11:08,740 --> 00:11:10,198 I haven't been entertaining, 228 00:11:10,281 --> 00:11:11,907 if that's what you're wondering. 229 00:11:24,573 --> 00:11:26,115 You give her this, hmm? 230 00:11:27,865 --> 00:11:29,323 - Hannah? - Don't. 231 00:11:29,407 --> 00:11:31,156 - Hannah. 232 00:11:31,240 --> 00:11:33,323 ♪ ♪ 233 00:11:33,407 --> 00:11:34,657 Look who's here. 234 00:11:34,740 --> 00:11:37,657 [peaceful music] 235 00:11:37,740 --> 00:11:44,240 ♪ ♪ 236 00:11:44,323 --> 00:11:45,657 - Hello. 237 00:11:46,824 --> 00:11:48,532 Bah. Huh? 238 00:11:48,615 --> 00:11:54,156 ♪ ♪ 239 00:11:54,240 --> 00:11:55,490 - What do you say? 240 00:11:55,573 --> 00:11:57,156 - Thank you. 241 00:11:57,240 --> 00:11:59,240 - Thank you, what? 242 00:11:59,323 --> 00:12:01,407 - Thank you, Papa. 243 00:12:01,490 --> 00:12:03,573 - Not Papa. 244 00:12:03,657 --> 00:12:05,865 Friend. Just friend. 245 00:12:05,949 --> 00:12:07,949 Understand? 246 00:12:09,448 --> 00:12:12,073 ♪ ♪ 247 00:12:12,156 --> 00:12:13,740 Good. 248 00:12:13,824 --> 00:12:15,240 Okay, go. 249 00:12:15,323 --> 00:12:18,699 ♪ ♪ 250 00:12:18,782 --> 00:12:19,990 Don't do that. 251 00:12:20,073 --> 00:12:21,907 - I just thought-- - Don't think. 252 00:12:21,990 --> 00:12:25,782 ♪ ♪ 253 00:12:25,865 --> 00:12:29,699 - Truth is, I never met Mr. Timmons or his associate. 254 00:12:29,782 --> 00:12:32,824 All of our business was conducted through the bank. 255 00:12:32,907 --> 00:12:34,323 I was shocked when I heard what happened. 256 00:12:34,407 --> 00:12:35,740 I mean, it's a terrible thing. 257 00:12:35,824 --> 00:12:37,407 - Mr. Patterson, the bank records show 258 00:12:37,490 --> 00:12:38,907 you paid more than double the asking price 259 00:12:38,990 --> 00:12:40,532 for the Spring Valley property. 260 00:12:40,615 --> 00:12:42,699 Do you mind if I ask why? 261 00:12:42,782 --> 00:12:45,240 - Well, Mr. Timmons listed the property rather low. 262 00:12:45,323 --> 00:12:46,615 There were multiple bidders. 263 00:12:46,699 --> 00:12:48,323 Didn't take long to drive the price up. 264 00:12:48,407 --> 00:12:50,407 - Even so, sir, I checked quite a few properties 265 00:12:50,490 --> 00:12:52,824 in surrounding areas with similar acreage. 266 00:12:52,907 --> 00:12:55,740 They don't price at anywhere near what you paid. 267 00:12:55,824 --> 00:12:57,865 You must admit, it's exorbitant. 268 00:12:57,949 --> 00:13:00,407 - Like I said, there were other offers. 269 00:13:00,490 --> 00:13:02,323 And I knew a substantial overpayment 270 00:13:02,407 --> 00:13:03,907 would assure me the sale. 271 00:13:03,990 --> 00:13:05,323 I took a risk. 272 00:13:05,407 --> 00:13:07,532 The land has good long-term prospects. 273 00:13:09,740 --> 00:13:12,115 Well, if that's all, gentlemen. 274 00:13:12,198 --> 00:13:15,198 - Ever do any business with the Chinese, Mr. Patterson? 275 00:13:17,782 --> 00:13:20,615 - Why would I do that? 276 00:13:20,699 --> 00:13:21,740 You never know what those people 277 00:13:21,824 --> 00:13:23,281 are gonna use the buildings for. 278 00:13:23,365 --> 00:13:24,865 - [chuckles] 279 00:13:26,365 --> 00:13:28,782 - Now, if you'll excuse me, 280 00:13:28,865 --> 00:13:31,073 my next appointment will be here shortly. 281 00:13:36,532 --> 00:13:37,532 - Lee. 282 00:13:39,156 --> 00:13:41,031 Thank you for your time, Mr. Patterson. 283 00:13:46,448 --> 00:13:47,448 [door closes] 284 00:13:51,240 --> 00:13:52,990 - Well? 285 00:13:53,073 --> 00:13:55,031 - I've played enough poker to spot a bluff when I hear it. 286 00:13:55,115 --> 00:13:56,323 - The man's definitely hiding something. 287 00:13:56,407 --> 00:13:57,824 - I've also met enough murderers 288 00:13:57,907 --> 00:13:58,865 to know he doesn't have the stones. 289 00:13:58,949 --> 00:13:59,949 - No. You never know what 290 00:14:00,031 --> 00:14:01,657 a man might do to protect his fortune. 291 00:14:01,740 --> 00:14:03,031 I reckon we dig into his business a little more. 292 00:14:03,115 --> 00:14:04,490 It'll lead us somewhere. 293 00:14:04,573 --> 00:14:05,824 - Well, to financial crimes maybe, 294 00:14:05,907 --> 00:14:08,490 but to a Chinese swordsman? It's a reach. 295 00:14:08,573 --> 00:14:10,323 - We're onto something here. 296 00:14:10,407 --> 00:14:12,240 Just gotta find the Chinese connection. 297 00:14:17,573 --> 00:14:18,573 What? 298 00:14:20,073 --> 00:14:22,323 - Well, every so often, 299 00:14:22,407 --> 00:14:24,573 it feels good to actually do a little police work. 300 00:14:30,949 --> 00:14:32,407 [knock at door] 301 00:14:34,490 --> 00:14:35,615 - Miss. 302 00:14:41,573 --> 00:14:42,615 - You came. 303 00:14:50,907 --> 00:14:52,865 Jacob told me you were back with the Hop Wei. 304 00:14:52,949 --> 00:14:55,532 - Did you ask me here just to disapprove of me? 305 00:14:55,615 --> 00:14:57,532 'Cause honestly, I'm a little busy. 306 00:14:57,615 --> 00:15:00,031 - No. [chuckles] 307 00:15:00,115 --> 00:15:03,115 Of course not. I--I--I'm sorry, um... 308 00:15:04,990 --> 00:15:07,156 Would you like some tea? 309 00:15:10,156 --> 00:15:11,990 - Um... 310 00:15:13,990 --> 00:15:16,115 How about you just get to the point? 311 00:15:20,156 --> 00:15:22,699 - Leary's goons are still harassing my men. 312 00:15:22,782 --> 00:15:24,323 Every day. 313 00:15:24,407 --> 00:15:26,115 And as I'm sure you've heard, 314 00:15:26,198 --> 00:15:28,407 another factory that hires Chinese workers 315 00:15:28,490 --> 00:15:31,115 was blown up last night. 316 00:15:31,198 --> 00:15:32,865 My guards have quit 317 00:15:32,949 --> 00:15:36,031 and I can't seem to find anyone willing to replace them. 318 00:15:36,115 --> 00:15:39,073 - Okay. - I can pay you. 319 00:15:39,156 --> 00:15:40,532 And your... 320 00:15:40,615 --> 00:15:42,740 associates. 321 00:15:42,824 --> 00:15:44,990 All you need to do is keep my workers safe 322 00:15:45,073 --> 00:15:46,448 and my factory secure. 323 00:15:46,532 --> 00:15:48,115 - You can't be serious. 324 00:15:48,198 --> 00:15:49,740 - I'm dead serious. 325 00:15:49,824 --> 00:15:52,156 - You called me a criminal. 326 00:15:53,865 --> 00:15:55,323 - I was angry. 327 00:15:55,407 --> 00:15:57,448 - And now you want us criminals to work for you? 328 00:15:57,532 --> 00:15:59,073 - I need protection. 329 00:15:59,156 --> 00:16:01,115 - Which, if you think about it, makes you a criminal. 330 00:16:01,198 --> 00:16:02,615 - It's to protect your own people. 331 00:16:02,699 --> 00:16:04,490 - Don't. 332 00:16:05,865 --> 00:16:09,740 Even if this wasn't a terrible idea, which it is, 333 00:16:09,824 --> 00:16:12,031 for a million reasons, 334 00:16:12,115 --> 00:16:13,573 your father would never agree to it. 335 00:16:13,657 --> 00:16:15,407 - My father is dead. 336 00:16:17,573 --> 00:16:21,115 That day when they attacked the factory, 337 00:16:21,198 --> 00:16:22,990 he had a heart attack. 338 00:16:26,281 --> 00:16:28,073 - I'm sorry. 339 00:16:28,156 --> 00:16:30,865 - I don't need your sympathy. I need men. 340 00:16:30,949 --> 00:16:33,782 I'll pay a fair wage. 341 00:16:33,865 --> 00:16:36,323 - Why don't you just hire the Irish and be done with it? 342 00:16:36,407 --> 00:16:38,824 - What, Leary and his thugs just... 343 00:16:38,907 --> 00:16:40,907 win? 344 00:16:42,949 --> 00:16:45,240 - It's good to see you, Penny. 345 00:16:45,323 --> 00:16:46,949 - So that's it, then? 346 00:16:49,365 --> 00:16:51,490 - Yeah, that's it. 347 00:16:51,573 --> 00:16:53,448 [metal clanking] 348 00:16:54,699 --> 00:16:57,657 [dramatic orchestral music] 349 00:16:57,740 --> 00:17:04,699 ♪ ♪ 350 00:17:22,824 --> 00:17:24,365 [wood cracks] 351 00:17:24,448 --> 00:17:25,865 - San Francisco Police. 352 00:17:25,949 --> 00:17:27,573 This is a raid. Johns out. 353 00:17:27,657 --> 00:17:29,323 - Oh, come on. - San Francisco Police! 354 00:17:29,407 --> 00:17:31,865 - The hell is this? Already paid you guys! 355 00:17:31,949 --> 00:17:34,281 - Fuck down. Move! 356 00:17:34,365 --> 00:17:37,281 [unintelligible chatter] 357 00:17:37,365 --> 00:17:38,699 We good here? 358 00:17:38,782 --> 00:17:40,240 - You should be arresting these men. 359 00:17:40,323 --> 00:17:42,073 - My orders were to take you in and take you out. 360 00:17:42,156 --> 00:17:43,365 Go get your girls. 361 00:17:43,448 --> 00:17:45,281 - While you get your kickback. 362 00:17:45,365 --> 00:17:46,699 - Tell you what. 363 00:17:46,782 --> 00:17:48,657 I won't tell you how to be a bossy rich widow, 364 00:17:48,740 --> 00:17:50,615 and you don't tell me how to be a cop. 365 00:17:54,782 --> 00:17:57,740 [unsettling music] 366 00:17:57,824 --> 00:18:00,281 ♪ ♪ 367 00:18:00,365 --> 00:18:01,573 - [gasps] 368 00:18:01,657 --> 00:18:07,657 ♪ ♪ 369 00:18:09,156 --> 00:18:11,573 - Oh, come on! 370 00:18:11,657 --> 00:18:12,615 - Shit! 371 00:18:12,699 --> 00:18:19,615 ♪ ♪ 372 00:18:19,699 --> 00:18:22,657 [quiet sobbing] 373 00:18:22,740 --> 00:18:24,782 - Oh, God. 374 00:18:24,865 --> 00:18:31,865 ♪ ♪ 375 00:18:40,699 --> 00:18:43,699 [quiet sobbing] 376 00:18:45,740 --> 00:18:48,615 [panicked panting] 377 00:18:48,699 --> 00:18:55,699 ♪ ♪ 378 00:18:58,198 --> 00:19:01,198 [quiet sobbing] 379 00:19:05,323 --> 00:19:06,532 - Got the money? 380 00:19:08,699 --> 00:19:10,281 - You hold it. 381 00:19:10,365 --> 00:19:12,615 Otherwise you'll have to pry it out of my hands. 382 00:19:12,699 --> 00:19:15,281 I still can't believe I let you talk me into this. 383 00:19:15,365 --> 00:19:16,281 - Let's go. 384 00:19:16,365 --> 00:19:19,824 [crickets chirping] 385 00:19:19,907 --> 00:19:22,657 - From the minute you came into the world, 386 00:19:22,740 --> 00:19:24,448 you carried on. 387 00:19:24,532 --> 00:19:27,824 [knife scraping against wood] 388 00:19:27,907 --> 00:19:30,824 Screaming and crying all day and all night. 389 00:19:30,907 --> 00:19:33,824 [knife scraping against wood] 390 00:19:33,907 --> 00:19:37,323 Kept your mother awake for days at a time. 391 00:19:37,407 --> 00:19:39,490 - My mother? 392 00:19:39,573 --> 00:19:41,865 - She couldn't handle you. 393 00:19:41,949 --> 00:19:44,573 So at four months old, she left you here. 394 00:19:47,198 --> 00:19:48,573 "He's your problem now." 395 00:19:51,073 --> 00:19:53,824 She saw your stubbornness as a curse. 396 00:19:53,907 --> 00:19:55,448 I didn't see it that way. 397 00:19:57,490 --> 00:19:59,407 I saw a born fighter. 398 00:20:01,281 --> 00:20:05,115 But the stiffest tree cracks easiest. 399 00:20:05,198 --> 00:20:08,198 Mai Ling will learn that the hard way. 400 00:20:08,281 --> 00:20:11,532 While we will survive by bending with the wind. 401 00:20:11,615 --> 00:20:13,573 - But we're losing, Father. 402 00:20:13,657 --> 00:20:16,615 There's a difference between bending and bending over. 403 00:20:17,990 --> 00:20:20,198 - All my life, 404 00:20:20,281 --> 00:20:23,407 I've never backed down from a fight. 405 00:20:23,490 --> 00:20:27,865 But we must pick our moment. 406 00:20:27,949 --> 00:20:31,031 You're the only one I trust. 407 00:20:31,115 --> 00:20:34,532 But now I need you to trust me. 408 00:20:34,615 --> 00:20:37,865 We uphold our end of the treaty until I say otherwise. 409 00:20:37,949 --> 00:20:40,907 [slow dramatic music] 410 00:20:40,990 --> 00:20:43,573 Get me? 411 00:20:43,657 --> 00:20:45,407 - I get you. 412 00:20:45,490 --> 00:20:52,115 ♪ ♪ 413 00:21:01,323 --> 00:21:03,657 - What the fuck are you talking about? 414 00:21:03,740 --> 00:21:05,907 We had a deal. 415 00:21:10,615 --> 00:21:12,824 - [speaking Cantonese] 416 00:21:13,323 --> 00:21:15,573 - Then give us back that money 417 00:21:15,657 --> 00:21:17,907 and we'll find another source, how about that? 418 00:21:17,990 --> 00:21:19,865 - That's not how it works. 419 00:21:19,949 --> 00:21:21,824 Your order is already in process. 420 00:21:21,907 --> 00:21:23,031 - Ah. 421 00:21:26,865 --> 00:21:29,865 - [speaking Cantonese] 422 00:21:38,865 --> 00:21:41,782 [dramatic music] 423 00:21:41,865 --> 00:21:48,824 ♪ ♪ 424 00:21:49,407 --> 00:21:50,365 - [shouts] 425 00:21:50,448 --> 00:21:51,365 - [grunts] 426 00:21:51,448 --> 00:21:52,657 - [bellows] 427 00:21:52,740 --> 00:21:53,657 - [wails] 428 00:21:53,740 --> 00:22:00,699 ♪ ♪ 429 00:22:00,782 --> 00:22:01,782 - [screams] 430 00:22:01,865 --> 00:22:06,990 ♪ ♪ 431 00:22:07,073 --> 00:22:07,990 [crunch] 432 00:22:08,073 --> 00:22:09,115 [hammers click] 433 00:22:09,198 --> 00:22:12,198 - [growls and breathes heavily] 434 00:22:13,949 --> 00:22:18,824 - It'd be a shame to waste that beautiful hairdo on a corpse. 435 00:22:18,907 --> 00:22:21,031 Now everybody calm the fuck down. 436 00:22:28,448 --> 00:22:30,448 I have your shit. 437 00:22:32,407 --> 00:22:34,824 But the cops have been cracking down. 438 00:22:34,907 --> 00:22:38,156 They raided two shops in the area today already, 439 00:22:38,240 --> 00:22:40,532 and I cannot get caught holding. 440 00:22:40,615 --> 00:22:45,323 So you can walk out of here empty-handed and broke 441 00:22:45,407 --> 00:22:47,657 or you can tell me where you want the opium delivered 442 00:22:47,740 --> 00:22:51,198 before I turn around and find somebody who will. 443 00:22:51,281 --> 00:22:54,198 [ominous music] 444 00:22:54,281 --> 00:22:57,990 ♪ ♪ 445 00:23:01,782 --> 00:23:03,699 - Bit thicker than usual. 446 00:23:03,782 --> 00:23:05,490 - Long Zii used to say 447 00:23:05,573 --> 00:23:07,699 you always want your partners to be fatter than you. 448 00:23:07,782 --> 00:23:09,031 - Fatter is fine, 449 00:23:09,115 --> 00:23:11,907 but that wasn't the goal of our arrangement, was it? 450 00:23:11,990 --> 00:23:13,323 Your little truce with the Hop Wei 451 00:23:13,407 --> 00:23:14,740 is starting to try my patience. 452 00:23:14,824 --> 00:23:16,448 - That truce has allowed us 453 00:23:16,532 --> 00:23:18,865 to increase our share of the molasses trade. 454 00:23:18,949 --> 00:23:21,532 And yes, business is good, 455 00:23:21,615 --> 00:23:24,407 but the other tongs are getting restless. 456 00:23:24,490 --> 00:23:25,865 It's only a matter of time 457 00:23:25,949 --> 00:23:27,657 before they get greedy and make a move. 458 00:23:27,740 --> 00:23:31,198 Until then, enjoy the spoils. 459 00:23:31,281 --> 00:23:33,782 - You're assuming that I have the luxury of time. 460 00:23:33,865 --> 00:23:36,240 And worse, you're assuming that you do. 461 00:23:36,323 --> 00:23:39,782 I need chaos, and quickly. 462 00:23:39,865 --> 00:23:42,907 [slow dramatic music] 463 00:23:42,990 --> 00:23:45,407 Mai Ling-- 464 00:23:45,490 --> 00:23:46,949 never make the mistake of thinking 465 00:23:47,031 --> 00:23:49,740 that this arrangement makes us partners. 466 00:23:49,824 --> 00:23:50,949 I sell, you buy. 467 00:23:51,031 --> 00:23:54,240 That's the market we find ourselves in today. 468 00:23:54,323 --> 00:23:57,240 Tomorrow could be a different story. 469 00:23:57,323 --> 00:24:04,323 ♪ ♪ 470 00:24:45,573 --> 00:24:48,532 [jaunty Irish music playing] 471 00:24:48,615 --> 00:24:51,532 [indistinct chatter] 472 00:24:51,615 --> 00:24:58,615 ♪ ♪ 473 00:25:02,949 --> 00:25:04,824 [drunken cheering] 474 00:25:04,907 --> 00:25:05,907 [glass shatters] 475 00:25:13,740 --> 00:25:15,699 - Hey. 476 00:25:15,782 --> 00:25:17,198 - What can I get you? 477 00:25:17,281 --> 00:25:20,323 [soft dissonant music] 478 00:25:20,407 --> 00:25:24,198 ♪ ♪ 479 00:25:24,281 --> 00:25:27,490 - Uh, whiskey. 480 00:25:27,573 --> 00:25:28,615 With a little something extra in it. 481 00:25:28,699 --> 00:25:31,448 - Extra what? 482 00:25:31,532 --> 00:25:34,115 - You got laudanum? 483 00:25:34,198 --> 00:25:35,740 - You got money? 484 00:25:51,782 --> 00:25:53,115 - Keep going. 485 00:26:09,907 --> 00:26:11,448 - I can't make change for that. 486 00:26:13,156 --> 00:26:14,490 - Keep it. 487 00:26:18,657 --> 00:26:20,156 - Hey. 488 00:26:21,865 --> 00:26:23,907 What's your name? 489 00:26:23,990 --> 00:26:25,031 - Why? 490 00:26:29,907 --> 00:26:32,949 - Look, friendly warning-- 491 00:26:33,031 --> 00:26:34,740 you don't wanna be walking around alone out there 492 00:26:34,824 --> 00:26:37,907 when that stuff kicks in. 493 00:26:37,990 --> 00:26:41,573 Why don't you... come in the back? 494 00:26:41,657 --> 00:26:45,573 I got a place you can sleep it off. 495 00:26:45,657 --> 00:26:48,073 Or if you don't feel like sleeping... 496 00:26:48,156 --> 00:26:51,573 [chuckles] We can talk. 497 00:26:51,657 --> 00:26:53,031 I'm Abigail. 498 00:27:09,198 --> 00:27:11,740 [dissonant dreamy music] 499 00:27:11,824 --> 00:27:13,824 You okay, honey? 500 00:27:13,907 --> 00:27:16,448 - Nora? 501 00:27:16,532 --> 00:27:23,490 ♪ ♪ 502 00:27:24,573 --> 00:27:27,782 What--what'd you do to me? 503 00:27:27,865 --> 00:27:34,865 ♪ ♪ 504 00:27:42,073 --> 00:27:43,240 - [panting] 505 00:27:43,323 --> 00:27:44,490 - Don't wake the kids. 506 00:27:44,573 --> 00:27:46,281 - To hell with 'em. 507 00:27:46,365 --> 00:27:48,031 [panting and gasping] 508 00:27:48,115 --> 00:27:49,907 - [grunts] 509 00:27:49,990 --> 00:27:52,740 - [panting] 510 00:28:03,699 --> 00:28:05,990 - You seemed to enjoy that. 511 00:28:06,073 --> 00:28:07,657 - Can you blame me? 512 00:28:07,740 --> 00:28:09,782 Not having to do all the work around here for a change? 513 00:28:09,865 --> 00:28:11,323 - [laughs] 514 00:28:14,740 --> 00:28:15,699 [groans] 515 00:28:21,031 --> 00:28:25,907 - Last time you made love to me like that, you gave me twins. 516 00:28:25,990 --> 00:28:27,365 I swear, Bill O'Hara, 517 00:28:27,448 --> 00:28:29,198 if you put another baby in me, I'll kill you. 518 00:28:29,281 --> 00:28:30,281 - [chuckles] 519 00:28:32,073 --> 00:28:33,990 You have my permission to do so. 520 00:28:34,073 --> 00:28:35,490 [chuckles] 521 00:28:35,573 --> 00:28:38,615 But before you do-- [groans] 522 00:28:44,782 --> 00:28:46,532 - What's this? 523 00:28:46,615 --> 00:28:48,365 - It's jewelry. 524 00:28:48,448 --> 00:28:49,865 Goes around your neck. 525 00:28:49,949 --> 00:28:52,573 - I've seen a necklace before, Bill. 526 00:28:52,657 --> 00:28:55,657 I'm asking what are you doing with it. 527 00:28:55,740 --> 00:28:58,699 Please tell me this isn't poker winnings. 528 00:28:58,782 --> 00:29:01,156 - Have you ever known me to win anything? 529 00:29:01,240 --> 00:29:02,615 - Come on. 530 00:29:02,699 --> 00:29:04,699 You've been strangely flush lately. 531 00:29:04,782 --> 00:29:07,115 - Well, 532 00:29:07,198 --> 00:29:09,240 put in a few extra shifts. 533 00:29:09,323 --> 00:29:10,490 There's a chink swordsman on the loose, 534 00:29:10,573 --> 00:29:11,740 if you haven't heard. 535 00:29:11,824 --> 00:29:14,156 - Enough shifts to buy something like this? 536 00:29:16,365 --> 00:29:18,990 - Fine. I'll take it back. 537 00:29:19,073 --> 00:29:20,281 God forbid your husband should 538 00:29:20,365 --> 00:29:22,323 try to do something nice for you in once in a while. 539 00:29:22,407 --> 00:29:23,824 - Hey. 540 00:29:27,573 --> 00:29:28,907 I love how badly 541 00:29:28,990 --> 00:29:31,490 you want to give us everything you never had. 542 00:29:35,949 --> 00:29:40,573 I just want you to know that I don't need jewelry or steak. 543 00:29:40,657 --> 00:29:42,365 I just need my husband to come home 544 00:29:42,448 --> 00:29:46,448 at the end of every shift spent in that godforsaken place. 545 00:29:46,532 --> 00:29:48,615 - Nothing is gonna happen to me. 546 00:29:48,699 --> 00:29:50,031 - It better not. 547 00:29:58,365 --> 00:29:59,699 - [exhales deeply] 548 00:30:03,699 --> 00:30:04,990 - [groans] 549 00:30:05,073 --> 00:30:07,990 [soft spaghetti western music] 550 00:30:08,073 --> 00:30:15,073 ♪ ♪ 551 00:30:19,407 --> 00:30:22,407 [jaunty whistling] 552 00:30:30,115 --> 00:30:31,073 - Here. 553 00:30:33,782 --> 00:30:36,699 [dramatic music] 554 00:30:36,782 --> 00:30:40,990 ♪ ♪ 555 00:30:41,073 --> 00:30:42,198 - Hiyah! 556 00:30:42,281 --> 00:30:46,323 ♪ ♪ 557 00:30:46,407 --> 00:30:48,657 - What's this? 558 00:30:48,740 --> 00:30:50,615 - The Suey Sing have apparently decided 559 00:30:50,699 --> 00:30:52,490 to start selling opium now. 560 00:30:52,573 --> 00:30:54,448 Quietly. 561 00:30:54,532 --> 00:30:57,031 In back alleys and brothels. 562 00:30:57,115 --> 00:30:59,115 - Who told you that? 563 00:30:59,198 --> 00:31:00,573 - He did. 564 00:31:02,156 --> 00:31:03,782 After our men caught him. 565 00:31:05,573 --> 00:31:06,699 - The Suey Sing are too small 566 00:31:06,782 --> 00:31:10,031 to take on the Hop Wei or Long Zii. 567 00:31:10,115 --> 00:31:11,699 Why would they risk it? 568 00:31:11,782 --> 00:31:13,031 - The Hop Wei had a stranglehold 569 00:31:13,115 --> 00:31:16,699 on the molasses business for so long, 570 00:31:16,782 --> 00:31:18,198 now that we've broken it, 571 00:31:18,281 --> 00:31:19,699 it makes sense other tongs 572 00:31:19,782 --> 00:31:20,824 would see what they could get away with. 573 00:31:20,907 --> 00:31:22,198 - They're not a threat. 574 00:31:22,281 --> 00:31:24,865 - No. 575 00:31:24,949 --> 00:31:27,865 But we have an opportunity here to send a message. 576 00:31:27,949 --> 00:31:29,949 - A message? 577 00:31:31,323 --> 00:31:33,949 - That the Long Zii will protect what's ours 578 00:31:34,031 --> 00:31:36,156 every bit as much as the Hop Wei. 579 00:31:38,115 --> 00:31:39,198 - Mai Ling. 580 00:31:39,281 --> 00:31:42,073 [soft suspenseful music] 581 00:31:42,156 --> 00:31:44,031 Their leader is young. 582 00:31:44,115 --> 00:31:47,031 Lao Che can be reckless, but he's not stupid. 583 00:31:47,115 --> 00:31:49,073 Let me talk to him. 584 00:31:49,156 --> 00:31:55,699 ♪ ♪ 585 00:32:05,281 --> 00:32:06,240 - Li Yong. 586 00:32:06,323 --> 00:32:09,240 ♪ ♪ 587 00:32:09,323 --> 00:32:10,907 Bring Zing with you. 588 00:32:10,990 --> 00:32:12,990 ♪ ♪ 589 00:32:13,073 --> 00:32:16,073 Let them see who's behind us. 590 00:32:16,156 --> 00:32:21,323 ♪ ♪ 591 00:32:30,281 --> 00:32:32,865 - Are you reconsidering my offer? 592 00:32:42,365 --> 00:32:45,573 - Why are you doing this? 593 00:32:45,657 --> 00:32:48,407 - This? 594 00:32:48,490 --> 00:32:51,115 - You could easily sell it. 595 00:32:51,198 --> 00:32:54,156 Go back to your painting. 596 00:32:54,240 --> 00:32:57,198 Why go to all this trouble? 597 00:32:58,699 --> 00:33:02,281 - I tell my sisters it's our father's legacy. 598 00:33:02,365 --> 00:33:05,615 And that's true. 599 00:33:05,699 --> 00:33:10,073 But the real reason is actually more of a lie I tell myself-- 600 00:33:10,156 --> 00:33:14,073 that this place means I don't depend on my husband's money. 601 00:33:16,615 --> 00:33:18,532 [soft dramatic music] 602 00:33:18,615 --> 00:33:20,990 ♪ ♪ 603 00:33:21,073 --> 00:33:22,824 - So, uh-- [clears throat] 604 00:33:22,907 --> 00:33:25,824 ♪ ♪ 605 00:33:25,907 --> 00:33:28,073 I can offer you protection. 606 00:33:29,573 --> 00:33:31,699 But... 607 00:33:31,782 --> 00:33:33,740 what can you offer me? 608 00:33:36,907 --> 00:33:38,865 - Eight guards should do it. 609 00:33:38,949 --> 00:33:44,156 Let's say $4 a week, per man. 610 00:33:44,240 --> 00:33:46,740 - Seven. 611 00:33:46,824 --> 00:33:50,156 - That's above market rate. I can't afford that. 612 00:33:50,240 --> 00:33:52,699 ♪ ♪ 613 00:33:52,782 --> 00:33:56,865 - As long as we're here, no one will touch this place. 614 00:33:56,949 --> 00:33:58,198 You know that. 615 00:33:58,281 --> 00:34:01,407 ♪ ♪ 616 00:34:01,490 --> 00:34:04,865 - Five. That's as high as I can go. 617 00:34:04,949 --> 00:34:09,198 ♪ ♪ 618 00:34:09,281 --> 00:34:11,699 - I'll be back in an hour with the first shift. 619 00:34:11,782 --> 00:34:16,532 ♪ ♪ 620 00:34:16,615 --> 00:34:19,365 - We are watching the slow, 621 00:34:19,448 --> 00:34:24,657 relentless decay of our hard-won democracy. 622 00:34:24,740 --> 00:34:28,740 We cannot allow anxiety and dread 623 00:34:28,824 --> 00:34:30,573 to become the law of the land. 624 00:34:30,657 --> 00:34:32,740 We cannot stand by 625 00:34:32,824 --> 00:34:35,865 and watch our moral fiber be compromised. 626 00:34:35,990 --> 00:34:37,573 [cheers and applause] 627 00:34:37,657 --> 00:34:40,573 Yet here we are in the throes of uncertainty, 628 00:34:40,657 --> 00:34:42,740 living in a time when people feel the need 629 00:34:42,824 --> 00:34:45,990 to blow up buildings in order to be heard, 630 00:34:46,073 --> 00:34:48,865 when the yellow peril is spreading faster 631 00:34:48,949 --> 00:34:50,949 than your mayor can contain it. 632 00:34:51,031 --> 00:34:53,532 And your police chase their own tails 633 00:34:53,615 --> 00:34:56,156 while citizens continue to be cut to shreds 634 00:34:56,240 --> 00:34:58,740 by Chinese swordsmen? 635 00:34:58,824 --> 00:35:02,073 Where, I ask you, are hardworking, 636 00:35:02,156 --> 00:35:05,573 God-fearing Americans like you supposed to turn? 637 00:35:05,657 --> 00:35:08,532 [crowd shouts angrily] 638 00:35:08,615 --> 00:35:11,281 [crowd chanting] Send them back! Send them back! 639 00:35:11,365 --> 00:35:13,073 - Send them back! 640 00:35:13,156 --> 00:35:16,448 all: Send them back! Send them back! Send them back! 641 00:35:16,532 --> 00:35:18,365 - Look at him pandering to the labor class 642 00:35:18,448 --> 00:35:19,990 like he's one of them. 643 00:35:20,073 --> 00:35:22,740 And they're lapping it up like hungry dogs. 644 00:35:22,824 --> 00:35:24,281 They'll vote for a fuckin' millionaire 645 00:35:24,365 --> 00:35:26,198 and then wonder why they're getting fucked. 646 00:35:26,281 --> 00:35:27,990 - Politics. 647 00:35:28,073 --> 00:35:29,824 I would think you'd be used to it by now. 648 00:35:29,907 --> 00:35:32,115 - But now he's denigrating my fuckin' office, Bill. 649 00:35:32,198 --> 00:35:34,073 Do you see why that's upsetting to me? 650 00:35:34,156 --> 00:35:37,115 Especially as I can't point to any fuckin' progress. 651 00:35:37,198 --> 00:35:38,782 - We're working a lead. 652 00:35:38,865 --> 00:35:41,031 - I don't care who you have to shake down to get an arrest 653 00:35:41,115 --> 00:35:42,990 but find me a fuckin' swordsman 654 00:35:43,073 --> 00:35:46,990 so I can shove it down that bloviating bastard's throat. 655 00:35:47,073 --> 00:35:48,615 - Friends! 656 00:35:48,699 --> 00:35:52,240 I have done all I can from the State Capitol. 657 00:35:52,323 --> 00:35:53,740 [applause] 658 00:35:53,824 --> 00:35:57,281 All I can. Soon it'll be your turn. 659 00:35:57,365 --> 00:35:59,073 [crowd shouts] 660 00:35:59,156 --> 00:36:03,156 Use your privilege as Americans and send me to Washington 661 00:36:03,240 --> 00:36:06,407 where I'll have the authority to draft laws-- 662 00:36:06,490 --> 00:36:09,990 laws that will send them, all of them, 663 00:36:10,073 --> 00:36:11,657 back to China! 664 00:36:11,740 --> 00:36:13,699 [cheers and applause] 665 00:36:13,782 --> 00:36:15,240 Yes! 666 00:36:15,323 --> 00:36:16,824 [band plays bouncy music] 667 00:36:16,907 --> 00:36:18,824 Send them home! 668 00:36:18,907 --> 00:36:21,115 Get them out of here! 669 00:36:21,198 --> 00:36:23,115 ♪ ♪ 670 00:36:23,198 --> 00:36:24,740 - Well, look who's decided to grace us 671 00:36:24,824 --> 00:36:26,490 with his fuckin' presence. 672 00:36:26,573 --> 00:36:27,573 - Back to China! 673 00:36:27,657 --> 00:36:29,532 - Good morning, Chief. 674 00:36:29,615 --> 00:36:31,657 - The hell it is. 675 00:36:31,740 --> 00:36:33,323 - God bless you, sir! 676 00:36:33,407 --> 00:36:35,824 [cheers and applause] 677 00:36:35,907 --> 00:36:38,657 God bless you all! 678 00:36:38,740 --> 00:36:40,657 Get out and vote! 679 00:36:40,740 --> 00:36:43,198 [cheers and applause] 680 00:36:43,281 --> 00:36:44,365 Back to China! 681 00:36:44,448 --> 00:36:46,031 [cheers and applause] 682 00:36:46,115 --> 00:36:47,281 Get 'em out of here! 683 00:36:47,365 --> 00:36:50,699 [cheers and applause] 684 00:36:50,782 --> 00:36:52,865 Yes! 685 00:36:52,949 --> 00:36:54,281 Yes, sir! 686 00:36:54,365 --> 00:36:55,281 [cheers and applause] 687 00:36:55,365 --> 00:36:57,031 - Rough night? 688 00:36:57,115 --> 00:36:59,824 ♪ ♪ 689 00:36:59,907 --> 00:37:01,448 - I'll live. 690 00:37:01,532 --> 00:37:06,240 ♪ ♪ 691 00:37:11,115 --> 00:37:14,782 - So this is the notorious Banshee. 692 00:37:22,156 --> 00:37:25,824 Yeah, I believe my father actually came in here once. 693 00:37:28,323 --> 00:37:30,573 - Somehow I doubt that. 694 00:37:30,657 --> 00:37:33,031 - No, I'm sure. 695 00:37:33,115 --> 00:37:35,115 He, um. 696 00:37:35,198 --> 00:37:38,824 came in here to hire workers to lay track for the cable car. 697 00:37:41,031 --> 00:37:43,031 - Your father was Byron Mercer? 698 00:37:44,824 --> 00:37:46,949 - I imagine you didn't like him very much. 699 00:37:47,031 --> 00:37:49,782 - Well, 700 00:37:49,865 --> 00:37:51,573 to be fair, 701 00:37:51,657 --> 00:37:53,490 he didn't like me very much either. 702 00:37:57,782 --> 00:37:59,865 What do you think he'd say if he saw you in here? 703 00:37:59,949 --> 00:38:01,657 - [chuckles] 704 00:38:01,740 --> 00:38:04,323 Well, I don't much care. 705 00:38:04,407 --> 00:38:06,699 Which was usually the problem between us. 706 00:38:11,782 --> 00:38:14,699 [Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata"] 707 00:38:14,782 --> 00:38:21,740 ♪ ♪ 708 00:38:29,865 --> 00:38:32,115 - That's Beethoven, is it? 709 00:38:32,198 --> 00:38:34,115 - "Moonlight Sonata." 710 00:38:34,198 --> 00:38:39,740 ♪ ♪ 711 00:38:39,824 --> 00:38:40,990 You like it? 712 00:38:41,073 --> 00:38:44,657 ♪ ♪ 713 00:38:44,740 --> 00:38:47,198 - You're very good. 714 00:38:47,281 --> 00:38:49,657 - I'm sloppy. 715 00:38:49,740 --> 00:38:53,281 I never gave it the time it needed. 716 00:38:53,365 --> 00:38:57,907 My teacher, Madame Le Claire, 717 00:38:57,990 --> 00:39:03,365 said I was awash in the stink of wasted potential. 718 00:39:03,448 --> 00:39:04,573 At least I think that's what she said. 719 00:39:04,657 --> 00:39:07,198 I failed French. 720 00:39:07,281 --> 00:39:09,198 - Finishing school, huh? 721 00:39:09,281 --> 00:39:11,990 ♪ ♪ 722 00:39:12,073 --> 00:39:12,990 - I dropped out. 723 00:39:13,073 --> 00:39:14,532 ♪ ♪ 724 00:39:15,740 --> 00:39:17,573 Which, I suppose means I'm unfinished. 725 00:39:19,949 --> 00:39:21,532 [chuckles] 726 00:39:24,115 --> 00:39:25,240 - [clears throat] 727 00:39:33,990 --> 00:39:37,365 - Thank you, Mr. Leary, 728 00:39:37,448 --> 00:39:39,156 for letting me play. 729 00:39:46,448 --> 00:39:47,365 [door creaks] 730 00:39:47,448 --> 00:39:49,448 [band plays bouncy music] 731 00:39:49,532 --> 00:39:50,657 - Fuck me. 732 00:39:50,740 --> 00:39:51,865 ♪ ♪ 733 00:39:51,949 --> 00:39:52,865 [door slams] 734 00:39:52,949 --> 00:39:55,115 [cheers and applause] 735 00:39:55,198 --> 00:39:57,281 ♪ ♪ 736 00:39:57,365 --> 00:39:58,824 - That fuckin' snake! 737 00:39:58,907 --> 00:40:00,573 Why the hell did he add fuel to that fire? 738 00:40:00,657 --> 00:40:02,281 And throw me on the pyre of process? 739 00:40:02,365 --> 00:40:05,240 - I don't know, Mr. Mayor. To motivate you, perhaps? 740 00:40:05,323 --> 00:40:07,907 - Motivate me? 741 00:40:07,990 --> 00:40:09,657 He embarrassed me. 742 00:40:09,740 --> 00:40:11,240 - Well, if embarrassment is your concern, 743 00:40:11,323 --> 00:40:12,615 perhaps it's your wife you need to be dealing with. 744 00:40:12,699 --> 00:40:14,115 - What? 745 00:40:14,198 --> 00:40:15,782 - You can't pretend to be against Chinese labor 746 00:40:15,865 --> 00:40:17,907 while your own wife is hiring coolies. 747 00:40:17,990 --> 00:40:19,657 - I'm trying to keep the city from burning down 748 00:40:19,740 --> 00:40:21,448 and you're talking about my wife. 749 00:40:22,699 --> 00:40:24,907 If the people of San Francisco were truly aware 750 00:40:24,990 --> 00:40:27,115 of what happens in Chinatown on a daily basis-- 751 00:40:27,198 --> 00:40:30,740 how close they're all living to the ninth circle of hell-- 752 00:40:30,824 --> 00:40:32,073 they'd be up in arms. 753 00:40:32,156 --> 00:40:34,240 We wouldn't be able to contain them. 754 00:40:34,323 --> 00:40:35,448 - And we'd have no trouble 755 00:40:35,532 --> 00:40:38,782 getting the Exclusion Act passed. 756 00:40:38,865 --> 00:40:41,240 - Sometimes I wonder who you work for, Buckley. 757 00:40:41,323 --> 00:40:43,615 ♪ ♪ 758 00:40:43,699 --> 00:40:47,407 - The people of San Francisco, Mr. Mayor. 759 00:40:47,490 --> 00:40:48,782 As do you. 760 00:40:48,865 --> 00:40:50,740 ♪ ♪ 761 00:40:50,824 --> 00:40:52,240 - Idiot. 762 00:40:52,323 --> 00:40:57,740 ♪ ♪ 763 00:40:57,824 --> 00:41:00,824 [indistinct chatter] 764 00:41:10,990 --> 00:41:13,865 [diners fall silent] 765 00:41:31,699 --> 00:41:33,615 - Mr. Nichols, I presume. 766 00:41:38,365 --> 00:41:40,907 - How'd you know that? 767 00:41:40,990 --> 00:41:43,824 - I know a lot about you, Mr. Nichols. 768 00:41:43,907 --> 00:41:46,365 I know you worked for the Pinkertons. 769 00:41:46,448 --> 00:41:48,657 And I know why they fired you. 770 00:41:48,740 --> 00:41:49,824 - Then you'll know I'm not interested 771 00:41:49,907 --> 00:41:52,031 in whatever it is you're selling. 772 00:41:52,115 --> 00:41:54,281 - I'm not selling. 773 00:41:54,365 --> 00:41:55,532 I'm buying. 774 00:41:58,907 --> 00:42:01,615 I hear you still do a little private consulting. 775 00:42:04,573 --> 00:42:07,657 - The Pinkertons won't work for a Chinese gal. 776 00:42:07,740 --> 00:42:09,657 That it? 777 00:42:09,740 --> 00:42:12,907 Even one who speaks English as well as you. 778 00:42:15,448 --> 00:42:17,281 - Walter Buckley. 779 00:42:19,824 --> 00:42:22,782 - The Deputy Mayor. What about him? 780 00:42:34,156 --> 00:42:36,532 What do you need? 781 00:42:36,615 --> 00:42:39,365 - Insurance. 782 00:42:39,448 --> 00:42:41,699 [suspenseful music] 783 00:42:41,782 --> 00:42:43,198 - It's bullshit. 784 00:42:43,281 --> 00:42:45,907 He sold some old shit he found in his back pocket. 785 00:42:45,990 --> 00:42:46,907 We're not dealing. 786 00:42:46,990 --> 00:42:48,031 - He's lying. 787 00:42:48,115 --> 00:42:49,573 - Oh, fuck you, Genghis Cunt! 788 00:42:49,657 --> 00:42:52,448 - I don't need your confession, Lao Che. 789 00:42:52,532 --> 00:42:55,073 It just has to stop. 790 00:42:55,156 --> 00:42:57,907 This is the only warning you'll get, do you understand? 791 00:42:57,990 --> 00:42:59,907 - [chuckles] Listen, Li Yong-- 792 00:42:59,990 --> 00:43:02,115 - Shh. 793 00:43:02,198 --> 00:43:03,782 I only need to hear two words. 794 00:43:03,865 --> 00:43:07,740 ♪ ♪ 795 00:43:07,824 --> 00:43:11,198 - I understand. 796 00:43:11,281 --> 00:43:12,573 - Let's go. 797 00:43:12,657 --> 00:43:14,073 - I don't know why you even bother 798 00:43:14,156 --> 00:43:16,573 with these bottom-feeders. 799 00:43:16,657 --> 00:43:18,699 This onion just lied to your face. 800 00:43:18,782 --> 00:43:20,699 - [chuckles] 801 00:43:20,782 --> 00:43:22,740 You Mongol dogs think you can 802 00:43:22,824 --> 00:43:24,407 come into my house-- [gags] 803 00:43:24,490 --> 00:43:26,824 [gasping] 804 00:43:26,907 --> 00:43:29,407 - The hell is wrong with you? 805 00:43:29,490 --> 00:43:31,573 [ominous music] 806 00:43:31,657 --> 00:43:38,615 ♪ ♪ 807 00:43:38,699 --> 00:43:39,615 - [groans quietly] 808 00:43:39,699 --> 00:43:40,615 [blade swishes] 809 00:43:40,699 --> 00:43:42,782 ♪ ♪ 810 00:43:42,865 --> 00:43:43,782 [bone crunches] 811 00:43:43,865 --> 00:43:50,865 ♪ ♪ 812 00:44:02,532 --> 00:44:03,532 - [shouts] 813 00:44:25,448 --> 00:44:26,365 [bone crunches] 814 00:44:26,448 --> 00:44:29,365 [dramatic music] 815 00:44:29,448 --> 00:44:36,448 ♪ ♪ 816 00:44:46,448 --> 00:44:48,532 - [shouts] 817 00:44:49,615 --> 00:44:50,824 When Mai Ling finds out about this-- 818 00:44:50,907 --> 00:44:51,865 - Do you really think 819 00:44:51,949 --> 00:44:54,198 she didn't' know what would happen? 820 00:44:54,281 --> 00:44:55,824 Huh? 821 00:44:55,907 --> 00:44:58,281 Why else would she send me with you? 822 00:45:11,448 --> 00:45:12,573 [speaks Cantonese quietly] 823 00:45:12,657 --> 00:45:15,532 [tense music] 824 00:45:15,615 --> 00:45:18,198 ♪ ♪ 825 00:45:19,281 --> 00:45:20,448 - [speaking Cantonese] 826 00:45:32,115 --> 00:45:33,490 - Miss Davenport. 827 00:45:35,198 --> 00:45:37,573 You not come back here for many months. 828 00:45:37,657 --> 00:45:39,532 I think 829 00:45:39,615 --> 00:45:41,365 maybe you finally give up. 830 00:45:41,448 --> 00:45:42,907 - Well, there were other establishments 831 00:45:43,031 --> 00:45:45,907 that required more immediate attention, 832 00:45:45,990 --> 00:45:47,573 but I've been meaning to come back. 833 00:45:47,657 --> 00:45:50,907 - All my girls very happy, as always. 834 00:45:50,990 --> 00:45:54,115 - I'm sure it helps to tell yourself that. 835 00:45:54,198 --> 00:45:56,657 - They choose this life. 836 00:45:56,740 --> 00:45:58,573 I give them job. 837 00:45:58,657 --> 00:46:01,615 Bed. Clean clothing. 838 00:46:07,949 --> 00:46:11,407 - [speaking Cantonese] 839 00:46:11,490 --> 00:46:14,407 - Ah, Miss Davenport. 840 00:46:14,490 --> 00:46:16,073 Here to save world again. 841 00:46:16,156 --> 00:46:17,949 - Oh, no, just your people, 842 00:46:18,031 --> 00:46:19,782 since you're too busy exploiting them. 843 00:46:19,865 --> 00:46:22,573 - Well, someone has to. - [chuckles] 844 00:46:22,657 --> 00:46:25,448 - Save them or exploit them? 845 00:46:25,532 --> 00:46:26,532 - Yes. 846 00:46:31,365 --> 00:46:33,073 - So? 847 00:46:33,156 --> 00:46:36,281 - My girls can go any time they want. 848 00:46:36,365 --> 00:46:39,031 I own no one. 849 00:46:39,115 --> 00:46:41,031 - May I visit with them? 850 00:46:45,532 --> 00:46:47,365 - Of course. 851 00:46:58,949 --> 00:47:01,699 [wagon rattling] 852 00:47:09,573 --> 00:47:12,740 - Whoa, whoa, whoa. [horse chuffs] 853 00:47:12,824 --> 00:47:14,490 [wind whistling] 854 00:47:14,573 --> 00:47:15,490 [horse whinnies] 855 00:47:15,573 --> 00:47:18,490 [dramatic music] 856 00:47:18,573 --> 00:47:25,573 ♪ ♪ 857 00:47:38,615 --> 00:47:40,824 [jaunty Irish music] 858 00:47:40,907 --> 00:47:42,990 ♪ ♪ 859 00:47:43,073 --> 00:47:44,365 - You've played that same fucking song 860 00:47:44,448 --> 00:47:45,365 three times tonight. 861 00:47:45,448 --> 00:47:46,532 Do you know anything else? 862 00:47:46,615 --> 00:47:48,198 - I'm sorry, Mr. Leary. 863 00:47:48,281 --> 00:47:49,907 I could play you "Olde Irish Rose" if you like. 864 00:47:49,990 --> 00:47:52,073 - Jesus, no. I'm sick of that one. 865 00:47:52,156 --> 00:47:55,573 ♪ ♪ 866 00:47:55,657 --> 00:47:58,573 [Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata"] 867 00:47:58,657 --> 00:48:05,657 ♪ ♪ 868 00:48:17,115 --> 00:48:20,031 [no audible dialogue] 869 00:48:55,699 --> 00:49:02,699 ♪ ♪ 870 00:49:08,782 --> 00:49:11,740 [menacing chords] 871 00:49:42,198 --> 00:49:49,156 ♪ ♪ 872 00:50:35,240 --> 00:50:36,448 - ♪ Two, one, yo! ♪ 873 00:50:36,532 --> 00:50:39,198 [man rapping in Cantonese] 874 00:50:39,281 --> 00:50:46,240 ♪ ♪ 875 00:52:01,031 --> 00:52:03,490 My struggle life, it is over! 876 00:52:03,573 --> 00:52:05,865 [engine revs] 877 00:52:07,532 --> 00:52:09,115 WANG CHAO: This thing between you two, 878 00:52:09,198 --> 00:52:12,198 or whatever it is, we're all gonna suffer for it. 879 00:52:13,240 --> 00:52:15,240 And, what you are doing, it's smart business. 880 00:52:17,281 --> 00:52:18,281 (GRUNTING) 881 00:52:18,365 --> 00:52:20,198 -MAN: What the f-- -(PUNCHING THUDS) 882 00:52:20,281 --> 00:52:23,824 -You must trust. -But trust goes both ways. 883 00:52:25,073 --> 00:52:26,073 (GRUNTS) 884 00:52:27,115 --> 00:52:28,365 This isn't gonna end well. 885 00:52:29,031 --> 00:52:30,407 I'll do whatever he wants. 886 00:52:31,031 --> 00:52:32,240 I did what I had to do. 887 00:52:32,532 --> 00:52:33,448 (THUD) 888 00:52:33,699 --> 00:52:35,323 -(GLASS BREAKING) -(TRIGGER CLICKS) 889 00:52:35,615 --> 00:52:37,031 (GROANING) 890 00:52:37,281 --> 00:52:38,156 (CHEERING) 891 00:52:38,573 --> 00:52:40,073 AH SAHM: This isn't the time to lose your nerve.