1 00:01:13,073 --> 00:01:14,741 Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. 2 00:01:14,741 --> 00:01:17,411 - C'mon, one more! - No, no, no. No, that's it. 3 00:01:17,411 --> 00:01:20,330 That's it, I can't. I can't, my fingers are too fulla beer. 4 00:01:20,330 --> 00:01:21,665 They barely work as it is. 5 00:01:21,665 --> 00:01:24,001 - Well, finish the job. - Thanks, man. 6 00:01:24,001 --> 00:01:27,087 Hey, this is why I love hosting parties, 'cos you can drink. 7 00:01:27,087 --> 00:01:28,380 You don't have to go anywhere. 8 00:01:28,380 --> 00:01:31,258 Cheers. - Cheers! 9 00:01:34,595 --> 00:01:36,138 Hello, Ensign. 10 00:01:36,138 --> 00:01:39,141 - Hello. May I speak with you for a moment? 11 00:01:39,141 --> 00:01:41,435 - Sorry, busy having fun. 12 00:01:44,229 --> 00:01:45,606 - Rough burn, man. 13 00:01:45,606 --> 00:01:49,693 I have been attempting to converse with Ensign Burke for some time. 14 00:01:49,693 --> 00:01:53,155 However, my overtures have been largely declined thus far. 15 00:01:53,155 --> 00:01:54,907 - Yeah, that's going to be a tough one, Isaac, 16 00:01:54,907 --> 00:01:56,158 and I don't have to tell you why. 17 00:01:56,158 --> 00:01:59,953 My command of the nuances of discourse would seem to be deficient. 18 00:01:59,953 --> 00:02:01,496 - Ah, don't beat yourself up. 19 00:02:01,496 --> 00:02:03,707 It is an elusive skill. 20 00:02:03,707 --> 00:02:07,461 How does one begin a conversation with a biological life form? 21 00:02:07,461 --> 00:02:09,296 - L-Like in general? 22 00:02:09,296 --> 00:02:11,006 Yes. 23 00:02:11,006 --> 00:02:14,092 - There's no simple answer to that, but I guess a good place to start 24 00:02:14,092 --> 00:02:16,428 is to ask the other person about themselves. 25 00:02:16,428 --> 00:02:18,680 People like it when you take an interest in their lives. 26 00:02:18,680 --> 00:02:20,349 Please clarify. 27 00:02:20,349 --> 00:02:21,975 - Well, it could be anything. 28 00:02:21,975 --> 00:02:24,978 Ask them do they play any sports, what kind of music do they like? 29 00:02:24,978 --> 00:02:26,188 What are some of their hobbies? 30 00:02:26,188 --> 00:02:29,149 Give them a compliment on their haircut. Whatever you could think of. 31 00:02:29,149 --> 00:02:31,777 It's really not that hard once you get the hang of it. 32 00:02:54,424 --> 00:02:57,636 - Hey, Gordon, what's this? 33 00:02:57,636 --> 00:02:59,304 - Oh. 34 00:02:59,304 --> 00:03:01,682 It's a... it's a cellphone. 35 00:03:01,682 --> 00:03:02,850 - A what? 36 00:03:03,475 --> 00:03:06,854 - It's a communication device from the early 21st century. 37 00:03:06,854 --> 00:03:08,939 - Wow. Is it real? 38 00:03:08,939 --> 00:03:11,108 Nah. It's a replicated version 39 00:03:11,108 --> 00:03:15,237 of a real one they found in a time capsule on Earth. 40 00:03:15,237 --> 00:03:17,990 Belonged to a woman named Laura Huggins. 41 00:03:17,990 --> 00:03:19,658 Here, I'll show you. 42 00:03:21,702 --> 00:03:24,079 - Is that her? - Yeah. 43 00:03:26,748 --> 00:03:28,417 - She was really pretty. 44 00:03:29,209 --> 00:03:31,128 - She was, yeah. 45 00:03:31,128 --> 00:03:33,755 You know, you can learn a lot about the people of that time period 46 00:03:33,755 --> 00:03:35,048 from one of these things. 47 00:03:35,048 --> 00:03:37,009 I learned a lot about her. 48 00:03:37,009 --> 00:03:42,055 Had the computer replicate this as a... sort of memento. 49 00:03:42,055 --> 00:03:43,515 To keep her in my thoughts. 50 00:03:43,515 --> 00:03:45,434 - You talk like you knew this girl. 51 00:03:47,019 --> 00:03:48,645 - Kind of feel like I did. 52 00:03:49,855 --> 00:03:51,732 Want to take a selfie? 53 00:03:51,732 --> 00:03:52,900 - A what? 54 00:03:52,900 --> 00:03:54,484 - Something I learned from Laura. 55 00:03:54,484 --> 00:03:58,614 - Thank you for the invitation to your party, Lieutenant. 56 00:03:58,614 --> 00:03:59,865 I must be going. 57 00:03:59,865 --> 00:04:02,492 - Oh, here, wait, before you go. Get in this. 58 00:04:02,492 --> 00:04:06,622 Okay, everybody, big smiles, okay? Big smiles. 59 00:04:07,915 --> 00:04:09,249 Here we go. 60 00:04:23,972 --> 00:04:27,184 - Essentially, it's two major breakthroughs for the price of one. 61 00:04:27,184 --> 00:04:28,393 And I mean major. 62 00:04:28,393 --> 00:04:30,521 First off, the projection radius of the field 63 00:04:30,521 --> 00:04:34,274 is about three orders of magnitude greater than Dr. Aronov's original device. 64 00:04:34,274 --> 00:04:35,484 - Which means what? 65 00:04:35,484 --> 00:04:37,361 - Which means the temporal field expansion 66 00:04:37,361 --> 00:04:40,531 could theoretically encompass an entire ship. 67 00:04:40,531 --> 00:04:42,991 - That's... a significant upgrade. 68 00:04:42,991 --> 00:04:45,869 - Hey, man, what's going on? We were supposed to have lunch. 69 00:04:45,869 --> 00:04:47,579 - Ah, sorry, man, I got sidetracked. 70 00:04:47,579 --> 00:04:48,830 - Well, we doing it? 71 00:04:48,830 --> 00:04:50,415 - I can't. I'll owe you one? 72 00:04:50,415 --> 00:04:52,376 - All right, well, I'm starving. 73 00:04:53,836 --> 00:04:56,713 You said there were two breakthroughs. - Egg salad sandwich. 74 00:04:56,713 --> 00:05:00,217 We have managed to increase the temporal resolution of the field. 75 00:05:00,217 --> 00:05:03,637 - In other words, we can tune the field down to the exact millisecond. 76 00:05:03,637 --> 00:05:05,597 Oh, Gordon, can I borrow your sandwich? 77 00:05:05,597 --> 00:05:06,723 - Sure. 78 00:05:07,307 --> 00:05:09,768 - Now, in ten seconds, I'm going to send this sandwich 79 00:05:09,768 --> 00:05:12,062 exactly ten seconds into the past. 80 00:05:15,274 --> 00:05:17,359 - Where'd that come from? The future. 81 00:05:17,359 --> 00:05:19,027 Now watch. 82 00:05:28,704 --> 00:05:31,456 - You just sent that sandwich into the past, 83 00:05:31,456 --> 00:05:33,584 and that's why it appeared ten seconds ago. 84 00:05:33,584 --> 00:05:36,044 - Boom. - Well, why wouldn't you just keep it? 85 00:05:36,044 --> 00:05:38,172 Then you could have two sandwiches instead of one. 86 00:05:38,172 --> 00:05:40,382 If Commander Lamarr had not followed through 87 00:05:40,382 --> 00:05:42,843 with his intent to send the sandwich into the past, 88 00:05:42,843 --> 00:05:45,304 it would have caused a temporal paradox. 89 00:05:45,304 --> 00:05:47,389 - In which case an entirely new universe 90 00:05:47,389 --> 00:05:49,892 would've branched off from this one, all because of a sandwich. 91 00:05:49,892 --> 00:05:51,310 - Makes your head hurt. 92 00:05:51,310 --> 00:05:53,520 - Hey, wait! I got an idea! 93 00:05:54,271 --> 00:05:56,940 Can you send that three months into the future? 94 00:05:56,940 --> 00:05:58,400 - Yeah, why? 95 00:05:58,400 --> 00:06:01,111 - Because three months from now, it'll appear, 96 00:06:01,111 --> 00:06:02,821 and that'll be a nice surprise. 97 00:06:03,488 --> 00:06:04,489 - Okay. 98 00:06:09,578 --> 00:06:12,623 - Aw, I'm excited. I can't wait to eat that sandwich. 99 00:06:12,623 --> 00:06:16,210 - Well, as novel as this is, it also means the Aronov device 100 00:06:16,210 --> 00:06:17,836 just became a lot more potent. 101 00:06:17,836 --> 00:06:19,379 - The Admirals should be notified. 102 00:06:21,089 --> 00:06:24,801 - It's undeniable they've achieved something extraordinary, 103 00:06:24,801 --> 00:06:27,262 but I have to admit, I wish they hadn't. 104 00:06:27,262 --> 00:06:29,556 - March of progress. Can't stop it. 105 00:06:29,556 --> 00:06:33,769 - The weaponization of time travel has always been the unthinkable horror. 106 00:06:33,769 --> 00:06:36,063 If the Krill or the Kaylon ever achieved it, 107 00:06:36,063 --> 00:06:38,690 they could skip the galactic brinksmanship 108 00:06:38,690 --> 00:06:41,652 and simply destroy the Union at its inception. 109 00:06:41,652 --> 00:06:43,153 - How do you want us to handle it? 110 00:06:43,153 --> 00:06:46,114 - I'm going to recommend the immediate dispatch of a convoy 111 00:06:46,114 --> 00:06:50,494 to escort you to the maximum security research station on Sabik Three. 112 00:06:50,494 --> 00:06:53,997 You'll transfer the device and all data over to their care. 113 00:06:53,997 --> 00:06:56,667 - John's gonna weep. He's losing his favorite toy. 114 00:06:56,667 --> 00:06:59,002 - That toy is gonna be a hell of a lot safer there. 115 00:06:59,002 --> 00:07:01,505 I'll contact you soon. Perry out. 116 00:07:16,854 --> 00:07:20,065 - Captain, we're being hailed by the California. It's Admiral Ozawa. 117 00:07:20,065 --> 00:07:21,191 - Put her on. 118 00:07:22,234 --> 00:07:23,527 Go ahead, Admiral. 119 00:07:23,527 --> 00:07:26,029 - Captain, we've been hailing the station for the past five minutes. 120 00:07:26,029 --> 00:07:27,406 There's no response. 121 00:07:27,406 --> 00:07:29,449 - Talla. - Doing it now. 122 00:07:29,449 --> 00:07:31,159 Hailing on every channel. 123 00:07:31,159 --> 00:07:32,327 No answer. 124 00:07:32,327 --> 00:07:35,122 - I'm ordering all ships to increase speed to maximum. 125 00:07:35,122 --> 00:07:37,833 - We'll stay with you. - Ozawa out. 126 00:07:38,500 --> 00:07:40,335 - I have a bad feeling about this. 127 00:08:17,873 --> 00:08:19,166 - Life signs? 128 00:08:19,791 --> 00:08:21,168 None, sir. 129 00:08:21,168 --> 00:08:23,170 - They found out we were coming. 130 00:08:28,842 --> 00:08:32,846 - Captain. A convoy of Kaylon ships is dropping out of quantum. 131 00:10:40,098 --> 00:10:42,518 - Evasive maneuvers, pattern beta! - Aye, sir! 132 00:10:44,061 --> 00:10:45,812 - Deflectors down to 50%! 133 00:10:45,812 --> 00:10:47,147 - Full auxiliary power! 134 00:10:56,782 --> 00:10:58,784 Kaylon interceptors in pursuit. 135 00:10:59,993 --> 00:11:02,204 Gordon, pattern delta five. - Aye, sir! 136 00:11:14,758 --> 00:11:16,718 - Navigational array is offline. 137 00:11:33,402 --> 00:11:36,154 Explosive decompression on decks E and F. 138 00:11:36,154 --> 00:11:38,448 - Sir, incoming message from Admiral Ozawa. 139 00:11:38,448 --> 00:11:39,366 - Put her on! 140 00:11:39,366 --> 00:11:41,535 - All ships! We're taking heavy losses! 141 00:11:43,161 --> 00:11:44,538 I'm ordering a full retreat, 142 00:11:44,538 --> 00:11:46,790 bearing 1-6-7 mark 12. 143 00:11:46,790 --> 00:11:48,876 We'll try to lose them in the Veil nebula. 144 00:11:48,876 --> 00:11:50,419 - Gordon! - On it! 145 00:11:59,178 --> 00:12:00,888 - Tractor beam has locked on! 146 00:12:00,888 --> 00:12:02,181 - Full reverse power. 147 00:12:06,310 --> 00:12:07,352 - No effect! 148 00:12:07,352 --> 00:12:09,188 - Hail the Kaylon! - Hailing! 149 00:12:10,063 --> 00:12:11,899 You will surrender the device. 150 00:12:11,899 --> 00:12:14,276 - Back off now or we'll destroy it ourselves. 151 00:12:14,276 --> 00:12:16,945 - You will surrender the device or you will die. 152 00:12:16,945 --> 00:12:18,238 Prepare to be boarded. 153 00:12:18,739 --> 00:12:21,909 - Talla. Go to the lab. Destroy the Aronov device. 154 00:12:23,869 --> 00:12:25,787 - Oh, god, hang onto something! 155 00:12:31,043 --> 00:12:33,545 - Talla! - Medical team to the bridge! 156 00:12:33,545 --> 00:12:35,047 - Ed, I'll go. 157 00:12:35,047 --> 00:12:37,382 - Do it, go! Charly, take the helm. - Aye, sir! 158 00:12:49,228 --> 00:12:50,854 - You sure you're all right? - Yeah, I'll be fine. 159 00:12:51,438 --> 00:12:54,358 Captain, Kaylon vessel is activating docking clamps. 160 00:12:54,358 --> 00:12:55,984 - I can't shake us loose, Captain! 161 00:12:55,984 --> 00:12:57,277 - Options! Sir. 162 00:12:57,277 --> 00:13:00,906 A forced overload of the deflector array could disrupt their tractor beam. 163 00:13:00,906 --> 00:13:02,157 - Mercer to Lamarr! 164 00:13:02,157 --> 00:13:04,743 We're gonna use the quantum core to overload the deflectors! 165 00:13:04,743 --> 00:13:05,827 On Isaac's command! 166 00:13:05,827 --> 00:13:07,579 - Aye, sir, rerouting power now! 167 00:13:10,499 --> 00:13:12,417 Core output 60%. 168 00:13:18,090 --> 00:13:20,217 Core output 76%. 169 00:13:27,182 --> 00:13:28,475 98%. 170 00:13:28,475 --> 00:13:29,893 Core overloading. 171 00:13:41,530 --> 00:13:43,365 - We're loose! - Get us out of here! 172 00:14:05,846 --> 00:14:08,932 - Bortus to Captain. Still no sign of the Kaylon. 173 00:14:08,932 --> 00:14:11,560 It is possible they have given up their pursuit. 174 00:14:11,560 --> 00:14:12,936 All right, keep me posted. 175 00:14:12,936 --> 00:14:14,479 Mercer out. 176 00:14:16,690 --> 00:14:19,276 - And it's not possible he was injured during one of the blasts? 177 00:14:19,276 --> 00:14:20,944 On his way back to the bridge? 178 00:14:20,944 --> 00:14:22,154 - I've done a full scan. 179 00:14:22,154 --> 00:14:24,615 If he hit his head and took a fall somewhere, I'd know about it. 180 00:14:24,615 --> 00:14:27,618 - Captain, these magnetic impedance readings, they don't add up. 181 00:14:27,618 --> 00:14:28,869 - What do you mean? 182 00:14:28,869 --> 00:14:32,122 - Well, the residual energy signature makes it look like the Aronov device 183 00:14:32,122 --> 00:14:33,582 has been running at full power, 184 00:14:33,582 --> 00:14:35,375 but it hasn't been activated in days. 185 00:14:35,375 --> 00:14:37,836 - Could there have been some sort of overload? 186 00:14:37,836 --> 00:14:40,672 - You mean could he have been vaporized by a power surge? 187 00:14:40,672 --> 00:14:41,965 No. No way. 188 00:14:41,965 --> 00:14:44,092 The scans would pick up any organic residue. 189 00:14:44,092 --> 00:14:45,219 There's nothing. 190 00:14:45,219 --> 00:14:46,803 - Well then where the hell is he? 191 00:14:46,803 --> 00:14:49,097 Bridge to Captain. 192 00:14:49,097 --> 00:14:50,265 - Go ahead. 193 00:14:50,265 --> 00:14:53,060 We are... being hailed. 194 00:14:53,060 --> 00:14:54,144 - By who? 195 00:14:54,144 --> 00:14:56,855 By... Lieutenant Malloy. 196 00:15:03,529 --> 00:15:05,280 - Where is it coming from? 197 00:15:05,280 --> 00:15:07,991 The message appears to have originated from Earth. 198 00:15:07,991 --> 00:15:11,453 However, it is encoded on a sub-quantum carrier wave, 199 00:15:11,453 --> 00:15:14,873 calibrated to 3.7 times the speed of light. 200 00:15:14,873 --> 00:15:18,126 At such a velocity, its time of transmission would be... 201 00:15:18,836 --> 00:15:21,088 approximately 400 years ago. 202 00:15:23,298 --> 00:15:25,884 - So it was calculated to reach the Veil nebula from Earth 203 00:15:25,884 --> 00:15:27,553 at exactly this point in time. 204 00:15:27,553 --> 00:15:28,679 Affirmative. 205 00:15:28,679 --> 00:15:32,766 There is some degradation, however the message is largely intact. 206 00:15:34,476 --> 00:15:36,728 Malloy to Orville. 207 00:15:36,728 --> 00:15:41,567 I'm sending this message to you from... the year 2015. 208 00:15:42,901 --> 00:15:46,446 I've been here for six months, and I'm... 209 00:15:46,446 --> 00:15:48,323 ...in case it reaches you. 210 00:15:49,741 --> 00:15:53,495 I've encoded my temporal coordinates within this message. 211 00:15:54,872 --> 00:15:57,207 Uh... I'm trapped here. 212 00:15:59,960 --> 00:16:01,295 ...if you can. 213 00:16:02,004 --> 00:16:06,884 I know it's a long shot, but if you're able... send help. 214 00:16:08,218 --> 00:16:09,845 I miss you guys. 215 00:16:10,846 --> 00:16:12,181 End transmission. 216 00:16:23,066 --> 00:16:24,610 - Gordon Malloy. 217 00:16:24,610 --> 00:16:27,779 Pilot and flight engineer for a private charter airline. 218 00:16:27,779 --> 00:16:32,409 Died in Pasadena, California, July 12th, 2068. 219 00:16:32,409 --> 00:16:33,869 - How did this happen? 220 00:16:33,869 --> 00:16:35,746 - Well, we think we know, because in fact, 221 00:16:35,746 --> 00:16:37,456 we've seen it before. 222 00:16:37,456 --> 00:16:39,166 As you will recall, 223 00:16:39,166 --> 00:16:42,461 when Commander Grayson's younger self was transported to our time, 224 00:16:42,461 --> 00:16:44,838 we were able to confirm that human cognition 225 00:16:44,838 --> 00:16:47,090 played a role in the temporal displacement. 226 00:16:47,090 --> 00:16:49,760 We think we're looking at a similar explanation here. 227 00:16:49,760 --> 00:16:51,887 The other night at the party, Charly was asking Gordon 228 00:16:51,887 --> 00:16:53,889 about the cellular phone in his quarters. 229 00:16:53,889 --> 00:16:55,349 Got him talking about Laura. 230 00:16:55,349 --> 00:16:57,434 Now, we're still just beginning to understand 231 00:16:57,434 --> 00:17:00,479 the relationship between temporal theory and observer perception, 232 00:17:00,479 --> 00:17:03,482 but the short of it is, Gordon was close to the Aronov device 233 00:17:03,482 --> 00:17:05,108 when we overloaded the deflectors. 234 00:17:05,108 --> 00:17:07,152 The burst of energy from the quantum drive 235 00:17:07,152 --> 00:17:09,238 amplified the temporal field before it collapsed, 236 00:17:09,238 --> 00:17:11,782 and he got caught in the displacement wave. 237 00:17:11,782 --> 00:17:13,825 I might be off base, but my bet 238 00:17:13,825 --> 00:17:17,788 is that his subconscious picked that destination point: 239 00:17:17,788 --> 00:17:19,289 the early 21st century. 240 00:17:19,289 --> 00:17:22,125 - So he's... trapped in the past? 241 00:17:22,125 --> 00:17:23,836 - He was. 242 00:17:23,836 --> 00:17:27,339 According to these records, he lived and died back there. 243 00:17:27,339 --> 00:17:29,508 - So... if that's the case, 244 00:17:29,508 --> 00:17:31,552 it must mean we weren't able to save him. 245 00:17:31,552 --> 00:17:34,763 - She is correct. We have already failed. 246 00:17:34,763 --> 00:17:35,931 - Not necessarily. 247 00:17:35,931 --> 00:17:38,350 See, that's where temporal mechanics gets muddy. 248 00:17:38,350 --> 00:17:39,685 It's all in flux. 249 00:17:39,685 --> 00:17:42,354 Our behavior is, as yet, a variable. 250 00:17:42,354 --> 00:17:45,983 Until and if we make the attempt to rescue Lt. Malloy, 251 00:17:45,983 --> 00:17:49,987 we are existing in a superposition of several possible timelines. 252 00:17:49,987 --> 00:17:51,572 - Then he can be rescued. 253 00:17:51,572 --> 00:17:54,575 - But... why is there any record of him at all? 254 00:17:54,575 --> 00:17:55,826 He knows the law. 255 00:17:55,826 --> 00:17:59,454 If you find yourself displaced in time, you make yourself as invisible as you can. 256 00:17:59,454 --> 00:18:01,498 You do everything in your power not to interfere. 257 00:18:01,498 --> 00:18:03,625 - Now that, I can't answer. 258 00:18:03,625 --> 00:18:07,379 - Is it possible for us to go back and get him? 259 00:18:08,463 --> 00:18:10,507 - With the upgrades to the Aronov device 260 00:18:10,507 --> 00:18:12,885 and the temporal coordinates Gordon sent us in the message, 261 00:18:12,885 --> 00:18:14,052 we got a shot. 262 00:18:14,052 --> 00:18:17,139 But it's gonna put a hell of a strain on the quantum drive. 263 00:18:19,016 --> 00:18:23,478 - He's calling out to us from the past, asking for our help. 264 00:18:24,313 --> 00:18:26,732 - And temporal law compels us to try. 265 00:18:44,333 --> 00:18:46,126 - Mercer to Lamarr. Report. 266 00:18:46,126 --> 00:18:47,544 - Ready here, Captain. 267 00:18:47,544 --> 00:18:48,587 Isaac? 268 00:18:48,587 --> 00:18:51,006 Temporal coordinates have been encoded and locked. 269 00:18:51,006 --> 00:18:52,341 Initiate sequence. 270 00:18:52,341 --> 00:18:53,717 - Acknowledged. 271 00:18:58,096 --> 00:19:00,682 All power couplings are linked. 272 00:19:03,560 --> 00:19:07,564 - Yaphit, ramp up the dysonium injectors. Take us to 100% flow-field density. 273 00:19:07,564 --> 00:19:08,732 - Doing it. 274 00:19:09,149 --> 00:19:11,318 Quantum core is at maximum output. 275 00:19:14,947 --> 00:19:16,281 - Isaac, what's your status? 276 00:19:16,281 --> 00:19:20,160 I will require additional power to increase chronon energy levels. 277 00:19:20,160 --> 00:19:22,204 - Lamarr, give Isaac as much as you can spare. 278 00:19:22,204 --> 00:19:24,039 - Diverting auxiliary power. 279 00:19:26,917 --> 00:19:29,127 Temporal field is weakening. 280 00:19:29,127 --> 00:19:30,838 - The core's destabilizing! 281 00:19:32,714 --> 00:19:35,467 - All sections reporting structural integrity alarms. 282 00:19:35,467 --> 00:19:37,219 - Captain, we're hitting the ceiling down here! 283 00:19:37,219 --> 00:19:38,971 - Isaac! Stand by. 284 00:19:41,890 --> 00:19:42,933 Commander Lamarr, 285 00:19:42,933 --> 00:19:46,812 transfer emergency power reserves to the quantum core on my mark. 286 00:19:46,812 --> 00:19:49,982 Three, two, one, 287 00:19:49,982 --> 00:19:50,983 mark. 288 00:20:12,546 --> 00:20:14,256 - Isaac, talk to me. 289 00:20:14,256 --> 00:20:18,468 Captain, I believe we have successfully made the transition. 290 00:20:18,468 --> 00:20:19,887 - Let's find out. 291 00:20:19,887 --> 00:20:22,264 Ensign Burke, set course for Earth. 292 00:20:22,264 --> 00:20:23,682 - Aye, sir. 293 00:20:46,872 --> 00:20:49,374 - Sir, I'm picking up old-style communication signals 294 00:20:49,374 --> 00:20:51,376 on multiple radio frequencies. 295 00:20:51,376 --> 00:20:53,337 It looks like we've arrived in the right century. 296 00:20:53,337 --> 00:20:54,963 - Electromagnetic screens? 297 00:20:54,963 --> 00:20:55,964 - Functioning. 298 00:20:55,964 --> 00:20:58,759 We are undetectable to their surveillance technology. 299 00:20:58,759 --> 00:21:02,262 - Let's play it safe. Keep us on the far side of the moon. 300 00:21:02,262 --> 00:21:03,639 Lamarr to bridge. 301 00:21:04,348 --> 00:21:05,557 - Go ahead. 302 00:21:05,557 --> 00:21:07,184 I got some bad news. 303 00:21:08,477 --> 00:21:11,104 The time jump ate up the last of our dysonium reserves 304 00:21:11,104 --> 00:21:13,857 before we reached the temporal coordinates Gordon sent us. 305 00:21:13,857 --> 00:21:16,401 We didn't quite make it. - What do you mean? 306 00:21:16,401 --> 00:21:18,612 Talla confirmed this is the 21st century. 307 00:21:18,612 --> 00:21:21,323 - It is, but our target date was 2015. 308 00:21:21,323 --> 00:21:22,866 We came up a little short. 309 00:21:22,866 --> 00:21:26,370 According to our astrometric scans... we're in 2025. 310 00:21:27,120 --> 00:21:28,580 - 2025? 311 00:21:29,456 --> 00:21:30,499 So, Gordon... 312 00:21:30,499 --> 00:21:33,460 - From Gordon's perspective, he's been here for ten years. 313 00:21:35,337 --> 00:21:36,588 - Jesus. 314 00:21:39,299 --> 00:21:41,218 I don't suppose we can try again. 315 00:21:41,218 --> 00:21:44,471 - Sir, without dysonium, we can't get back to our own time from here. 316 00:21:44,471 --> 00:21:46,473 - Then we'll just have to go down there and get him, 317 00:21:46,473 --> 00:21:47,808 worry about how to get back later. 318 00:21:47,808 --> 00:21:50,769 Captain, in the early 22nd century, 319 00:21:50,769 --> 00:21:54,064 deposits of dysonium were discovered inside Earth's mantle. 320 00:21:54,064 --> 00:21:57,401 However, at this current point in time, they remain untouched. 321 00:21:57,401 --> 00:22:00,696 I believe we may be able to extract a sufficient quantity 322 00:22:00,696 --> 00:22:03,615 using a remotely directed geodetic probe. 323 00:22:03,615 --> 00:22:07,286 - All right. Kelly and I will go after Gordon, bring him home. 324 00:22:07,286 --> 00:22:10,205 John, you'll get the dysonium. Make every effort to avoid-- 325 00:22:10,205 --> 00:22:12,082 - Captain, I'm not trying to shirk duty here, 326 00:22:12,082 --> 00:22:14,084 but we just put this ship through hell. 327 00:22:14,084 --> 00:22:16,211 Alright, there are about a thousand systems on board 328 00:22:16,211 --> 00:22:18,463 that need to be inspected and repaired just to stay afloat, 329 00:22:18,463 --> 00:22:19,840 including life support. 330 00:22:19,840 --> 00:22:22,384 - Well, is there anyone on your engineering team who's up to it? 331 00:22:22,384 --> 00:22:23,802 - There's one guy who could do it 332 00:22:23,802 --> 00:22:26,263 a hell of a lot faster and more efficiently than I can. 333 00:22:26,263 --> 00:22:27,347 - Who? 334 00:22:27,347 --> 00:22:28,807 - You're looking at him. 335 00:22:29,600 --> 00:22:30,934 - Isaac? 336 00:22:30,934 --> 00:22:32,895 Commander Lamarr is correct. 337 00:22:32,895 --> 00:22:37,399 I am able to direct a geodetic probe with greater precision than a biological. 338 00:22:37,399 --> 00:22:40,569 However, its course will need to be plotted in real time 339 00:22:40,569 --> 00:22:43,947 with the proper adjustments to ensure minimal geological disruption 340 00:22:43,947 --> 00:22:45,699 now and in the future. 341 00:22:45,699 --> 00:22:47,993 - You make a wrong turn, you could displace a fault line 342 00:22:47,993 --> 00:22:50,162 that causes an earthquake 20 years in the future. 343 00:22:50,162 --> 00:22:51,413 You basically gotta drill 344 00:22:51,413 --> 00:22:54,791 while you're calculating trajectories in multiple dimensions. 345 00:22:54,791 --> 00:22:57,794 I will require the assistance of Ensign Burke. 346 00:23:01,215 --> 00:23:04,301 - I'm gonna ask a pretty basic question here. 347 00:23:04,301 --> 00:23:07,930 How the hell is Isaac supposed to walk around 21st-century Earth? 348 00:23:21,318 --> 00:23:22,778 Navigation and flight controls 349 00:23:22,778 --> 00:23:24,363 are on-line and ready for launch. 350 00:23:24,363 --> 00:23:26,281 Cloaking system is standing by. 351 00:23:26,281 --> 00:23:28,450 - Looks like there's a lot of air traffic down there. 352 00:23:39,044 --> 00:23:40,796 - Reporting for duty, sir. 353 00:23:42,673 --> 00:23:44,132 - I still say this is a bad idea. 354 00:23:44,132 --> 00:23:46,093 Those things screwed us on that Krill ship. 355 00:23:46,093 --> 00:23:47,344 - It's our only option. 356 00:23:47,344 --> 00:23:48,929 Come on. Let's go. 357 00:23:54,268 --> 00:23:55,936 - All set for departure. 358 00:23:55,936 --> 00:23:58,063 - Take us out. 359 00:24:25,716 --> 00:24:28,552 - I have accessed their airspace control network. 360 00:24:28,552 --> 00:24:32,139 Uploading locations and flight vectors for all air vehicles 361 00:24:32,139 --> 00:24:34,349 within a 1,000-kilometer radius. 362 00:24:34,349 --> 00:24:36,727 - Great. At least we won't hit a plane. 363 00:24:47,321 --> 00:24:49,198 - Do you play any sports? 364 00:25:42,209 --> 00:25:45,629 - Okay. We all know we're threading a needle here. 365 00:25:45,629 --> 00:25:48,090 Avoid any unnecessary temporal footprints, 366 00:25:48,090 --> 00:25:49,716 but complete the mission at all costs. 367 00:25:49,716 --> 00:25:51,426 - Simple as that. 368 00:25:51,426 --> 00:25:53,011 - All right, let's go. 369 00:26:40,976 --> 00:26:43,437 - You want those TKS panels installed in the Hawker? 370 00:26:43,437 --> 00:26:44,855 - Yeah. If it's good to go by tomorrow, 371 00:26:44,855 --> 00:26:46,565 we can put it back in service by the fifth. 372 00:26:46,565 --> 00:26:47,816 - Got it. 373 00:26:50,652 --> 00:26:54,323 - Hey, Gordo, you expecting clients? 374 00:26:54,323 --> 00:26:55,532 - No, why? 375 00:27:20,057 --> 00:27:21,225 - Gordon. 376 00:27:21,225 --> 00:27:23,018 - My god. 377 00:27:23,852 --> 00:27:24,937 - How are you? 378 00:27:25,771 --> 00:27:26,980 - I'm... 379 00:27:30,067 --> 00:27:32,152 I can't believe this is happening. 380 00:27:34,530 --> 00:27:35,531 You're here. 381 00:27:36,698 --> 00:27:38,200 You're actually... 382 00:27:39,618 --> 00:27:40,911 You're actually here. 383 00:27:41,578 --> 00:27:44,248 - Yeah. About ten years too late. 384 00:27:47,751 --> 00:27:49,002 Are you okay? 385 00:27:50,629 --> 00:27:52,047 - I'm... 386 00:27:52,047 --> 00:27:54,258 I'm fine, yeah. 387 00:27:55,133 --> 00:27:57,135 I just... I can't believe it's you. 388 00:27:57,135 --> 00:27:59,263 - I'm so sorry it took us so long. 389 00:27:59,263 --> 00:28:01,974 - I just never expected to see you guys again. 390 00:28:01,974 --> 00:28:04,226 - Well, we're here now. 391 00:28:04,226 --> 00:28:06,270 And we're gonna try and make it home. 392 00:28:07,271 --> 00:28:08,313 - Home? 393 00:28:08,313 --> 00:28:09,481 - Yes. 394 00:28:12,651 --> 00:28:14,319 - Can we take a ride? 395 00:28:18,782 --> 00:28:21,535 Somebody already had "Orville" with an R. 396 00:28:21,535 --> 00:28:22,911 I was so pissed. 397 00:28:22,911 --> 00:28:25,122 "O-ville" was the best that I could do. 398 00:28:25,122 --> 00:28:26,373 Sounds like a shitty band. 399 00:28:26,373 --> 00:28:28,292 What's that smell? 400 00:28:28,292 --> 00:28:31,378 - Oh sorry, Right Guard. 401 00:28:31,378 --> 00:28:33,630 I was late for work today, I had to get ready in the car. 402 00:28:33,630 --> 00:28:37,551 Accidentally popped the top off the can. It sprayed everywhere. 403 00:28:37,551 --> 00:28:40,429 - Seems like you've... acclimated to this century. 404 00:28:40,429 --> 00:28:43,265 - Yeah. Y'know, this time period gets a bad rap, 405 00:28:43,265 --> 00:28:45,767 but there's a lot to like about it if you look hard enough. 406 00:28:45,767 --> 00:28:46,852 - Like what? 407 00:28:46,852 --> 00:28:50,772 - Well, you know, it's like watching your little brother 408 00:28:50,772 --> 00:28:52,482 make a bunch of stupid mistakes. 409 00:28:52,482 --> 00:28:57,362 Yeah, he's an idiot now, but you can see him learning, and growing, 410 00:28:57,362 --> 00:28:59,615 and you know that someday all those mistakes 411 00:28:59,615 --> 00:29:01,783 are gonna turn him into a smart guy. 412 00:29:01,783 --> 00:29:03,410 - That's pretty forgiving, 413 00:29:03,410 --> 00:29:05,495 when you think about what these people left us to clean up. 414 00:29:05,495 --> 00:29:07,956 - I guess I've always had an attraction to this era. 415 00:29:07,956 --> 00:29:11,710 And over the years, I've gotten comfortable here. 416 00:29:12,669 --> 00:29:16,131 You know, when no one came for me, I... 417 00:29:16,131 --> 00:29:19,384 had to make peace with the fact that this was home now. 418 00:29:19,384 --> 00:29:23,388 Hell, I didn't even know if the Orville survived the battle with the Kaylon. 419 00:29:24,431 --> 00:29:28,644 - Look, Gordon, I can't imagine how hard this has been for you. 420 00:29:28,644 --> 00:29:31,730 But, Jesus Christ, you're a Union officer. 421 00:29:31,730 --> 00:29:33,690 And I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't point out-- 422 00:29:33,690 --> 00:29:35,901 - Please, please, don't say it, please. 423 00:29:35,901 --> 00:29:39,655 Temporal law. Stay invisible. Don't interact with anyone. 424 00:29:39,655 --> 00:29:43,909 - If we make it back, you're gonna have to answer for this. 425 00:29:43,909 --> 00:29:45,494 You know that. 426 00:30:12,896 --> 00:30:15,190 - I'm not going back with you. 427 00:30:15,983 --> 00:30:17,901 - What? - What do you mean? 428 00:30:20,237 --> 00:30:21,446 - Come inside. 429 00:30:32,666 --> 00:30:34,626 Sweetie? 430 00:30:38,172 --> 00:30:40,674 Hi, baby. Hi. Hi. 431 00:30:40,674 --> 00:30:43,594 - Oh. Who are your friends? 432 00:30:44,094 --> 00:30:47,389 - This is Ed and Kelly. - Hi. 433 00:30:50,684 --> 00:30:54,855 - This is my son Edward, and my wife Laura. 434 00:31:15,542 --> 00:31:18,462 - I believe I have located the nearest dysonium deposit. 435 00:31:18,462 --> 00:31:21,340 It appears to be six kilometers below the crust. 436 00:31:21,340 --> 00:31:23,509 - Can you get a lock on the optimal drilling site? 437 00:31:23,509 --> 00:31:24,676 - I believe so. 438 00:31:24,676 --> 00:31:27,221 Increasing scan resolution will take a moment. 439 00:31:31,975 --> 00:31:33,852 What kind of music do you like? 440 00:31:34,895 --> 00:31:36,939 - What? 441 00:31:37,898 --> 00:31:42,236 - There is a suitable bore site 23.7 kilometers from our present position. 442 00:31:42,236 --> 00:31:45,322 - That's a good hike. We could use some transportation. 443 00:31:47,282 --> 00:31:48,325 Look. 444 00:31:52,204 --> 00:31:53,247 I have an idea. 445 00:32:21,358 --> 00:32:22,860 - Two of those, please. 446 00:32:27,155 --> 00:32:30,200 - Damn. That's straight bourbon, honey. 447 00:32:30,200 --> 00:32:33,579 - Yeah, and I'm from Texas. 448 00:32:35,455 --> 00:32:36,957 - Is this your boyfriend? 449 00:32:36,957 --> 00:32:38,542 - Oh, my god, no. 450 00:32:38,542 --> 00:32:40,335 I mean... 451 00:32:40,335 --> 00:32:42,796 no, this is my... 452 00:32:42,796 --> 00:32:44,006 brother. 453 00:32:44,006 --> 00:32:46,550 - I'm Sam. This is RJ. 454 00:32:46,550 --> 00:32:49,136 - I'm Charly, this is Isaac. 455 00:32:49,136 --> 00:32:50,721 - A pleasure to meet you. 456 00:32:50,721 --> 00:32:52,681 What are some of your hobbies? 457 00:32:53,765 --> 00:32:57,436 - So listen, you, uh... you got a couple bikes out there? 458 00:32:57,436 --> 00:32:59,229 - Two Screaming Eagle V-Rods. 459 00:32:59,229 --> 00:33:01,148 - Ooh, yeah, those are beauties. 460 00:33:02,065 --> 00:33:07,237 I, um, don't suppose you'd let us borrow them for a few hours? 461 00:33:10,199 --> 00:33:12,534 - Your sister's got some big ol' balls on her, doesn't she? 462 00:33:12,534 --> 00:33:15,954 - Negative. Her anatomical construct is comprised of-- 463 00:33:15,954 --> 00:33:21,627 - So tell me... who's the strongest guy in here? 464 00:33:23,295 --> 00:33:26,632 - That would probably be, uh... me. 465 00:33:26,632 --> 00:33:29,968 - He's fulla shit. It's Richie over there. 466 00:33:32,346 --> 00:33:33,931 - Okay. How about this: 467 00:33:33,931 --> 00:33:38,477 If my brother here can beat Richie in an arm-wrestling match, 468 00:33:39,269 --> 00:33:40,854 you give us your bikes. 469 00:33:44,024 --> 00:33:46,193 - Are you kidding me? - Is it a bet? 470 00:33:46,193 --> 00:33:48,445 - Well, what do we get if you lose? 471 00:33:48,445 --> 00:33:50,155 - I lose... 472 00:33:51,156 --> 00:33:52,991 you choose. 473 00:34:11,927 --> 00:34:13,136 Try to make this believable. 474 00:34:13,136 --> 00:34:14,513 - Understood, Ensign. 475 00:34:14,513 --> 00:34:16,974 - Don't call me... never mind. 476 00:34:16,974 --> 00:34:18,183 Okay. 477 00:34:18,183 --> 00:34:19,685 On my mark. 478 00:34:21,478 --> 00:34:23,188 Aaannnd... 479 00:34:23,188 --> 00:34:25,190 Go! 480 00:34:44,376 --> 00:34:46,962 - Oh, no, I am losing. 481 00:35:05,689 --> 00:35:08,525 Ohh! 482 00:35:08,525 --> 00:35:11,862 - It would appear this is not one of your hobbies. 483 00:35:16,909 --> 00:35:18,785 - Better luck next time. 484 00:35:36,887 --> 00:35:40,807 - So, I was singing at this little pub back in New York, 485 00:35:40,807 --> 00:35:45,479 and one night this awkward kind of dorky guy walks in-- 486 00:35:45,479 --> 00:35:47,439 - Oh, come on! - And... 487 00:35:47,439 --> 00:35:50,984 And he's all alone, and he's clapping louder than anyone, 488 00:35:50,984 --> 00:35:52,819 so obviously you know what my first thought is, 489 00:35:52,819 --> 00:35:55,489 weirdo loner, creepy guy... 490 00:35:55,489 --> 00:35:58,033 ...who's probably gonna ask if he can buy me a drink. 491 00:35:58,033 --> 00:36:00,285 - Which of course I do. - Which of course he does. 492 00:36:00,285 --> 00:36:01,495 And so I'm like-- 493 00:36:01,495 --> 00:36:03,747 - Dad, can I have some more juice? 494 00:36:03,747 --> 00:36:05,415 - Of course you can, pal. Do you want my help? 495 00:36:05,415 --> 00:36:06,583 - No, I got it. 496 00:36:06,583 --> 00:36:08,001 - Okay. 497 00:36:08,001 --> 00:36:10,420 So, I'm like, you know, ten seconds away 498 00:36:10,420 --> 00:36:12,881 from blowing him off and walking to my car, 499 00:36:12,881 --> 00:36:16,552 and then he starts talking to me about my music. 500 00:36:16,552 --> 00:36:18,720 And... 501 00:36:18,720 --> 00:36:21,640 it was so immediately clear that he... 502 00:36:22,224 --> 00:36:23,600 got it. 503 00:36:23,600 --> 00:36:26,812 You know, he was really hearing what I was trying to do up there 504 00:36:26,812 --> 00:36:31,149 and understood why it was the most important thing in my life. 505 00:36:32,526 --> 00:36:34,570 You know, a lot of guys had come to my shows 506 00:36:34,570 --> 00:36:37,990 and thrown out compliments trying to score, but with him... 507 00:36:37,990 --> 00:36:39,741 - I had no intention of having sex with her. 508 00:36:39,741 --> 00:36:41,326 I thought she was ugly, really. 509 00:36:41,326 --> 00:36:43,871 - Stop. Let me finish. Okay. 510 00:36:43,871 --> 00:36:46,957 - He just really cared about getting to know me. 511 00:36:46,957 --> 00:36:49,209 You know, and so I thought, 512 00:36:49,209 --> 00:36:53,172 hey, not my usual type, but... 513 00:36:53,172 --> 00:36:56,091 what the hell, give it a shot. 514 00:36:56,842 --> 00:36:59,386 I had just broken up with this guy Greg, 515 00:36:59,386 --> 00:37:02,514 and the last thing that I wanted was another douchebag-- 516 00:37:02,514 --> 00:37:05,434 - But she went out with me anyway. - That's right, yeah. 517 00:37:05,434 --> 00:37:08,103 Look at us. Seven years later, that douchebag is my husband. 518 00:37:08,103 --> 00:37:09,771 - I'm her douchebag. 519 00:37:11,064 --> 00:37:15,110 - Well, this is a very delicious lunch. Thank you. 520 00:37:15,110 --> 00:37:16,278 - Sure. 521 00:37:16,278 --> 00:37:18,655 So, how long have you been in aviation? 522 00:37:18,655 --> 00:37:20,365 - Five years. - Ten years. 523 00:37:20,365 --> 00:37:22,576 - Seems like five, doesn't it? - It does. 524 00:37:22,576 --> 00:37:24,161 - That's why I said five 'cos it seems like it. 525 00:37:24,161 --> 00:37:25,245 - But yeah, ten years. 526 00:37:26,205 --> 00:37:29,875 - And Gordon tells me that you work out of the Boston area. 527 00:37:29,875 --> 00:37:31,335 You must be Sox fans. 528 00:37:35,214 --> 00:37:39,134 - Yeah, yeah, I mean, it gets cold out there, 529 00:37:39,134 --> 00:37:41,053 so socks are, um... 530 00:37:43,972 --> 00:37:45,516 - Socks are important. 531 00:38:04,868 --> 00:38:07,538 - Hey. Bortus is asking for a ship-wide status report. 532 00:38:07,538 --> 00:38:10,040 How we doing down here? - Uh, slow but steady. 533 00:38:10,040 --> 00:38:11,834 Would you hand me that phase modulator? 534 00:38:14,586 --> 00:38:16,255 - You think we're gonna be able to make it home? 535 00:38:16,797 --> 00:38:19,216 - Well, Orville's a tough ship. 536 00:38:19,216 --> 00:38:22,261 If Isaac and Charly get the dysonium, she'll make it. 537 00:38:24,555 --> 00:38:26,473 - What's wrong? 538 00:38:26,473 --> 00:38:29,351 - I tweaked a muscle in my upper back. Acts up sometimes. 539 00:38:29,351 --> 00:38:31,687 I've been meaning to see Dr. Finn, I've just been so busy. 540 00:38:31,687 --> 00:38:33,522 - Where? - Right shoulder? 541 00:38:33,522 --> 00:38:35,148 - Want me to see if I can get at it? 542 00:38:35,148 --> 00:38:37,025 - That's very nice, but I've tried. 543 00:38:37,025 --> 00:38:38,777 - With a Xelayan? 544 00:38:39,444 --> 00:38:40,529 - Well, no. 545 00:38:42,573 --> 00:38:44,658 Okay, take a stab at it. 546 00:38:47,536 --> 00:38:48,829 Holy shit. 547 00:38:48,829 --> 00:38:50,497 - Hang on, I feel it. 548 00:38:50,497 --> 00:38:51,874 - Oh, my god... 549 00:38:51,874 --> 00:38:54,001 Oh, my god. 550 00:38:54,001 --> 00:38:55,460 Ahh! 551 00:38:55,460 --> 00:38:56,670 - Yep. - Ahh! 552 00:38:56,670 --> 00:38:59,673 - Sorry, did that hurt? - No. No, no. Keep going, keep going. 553 00:39:01,592 --> 00:39:03,385 Wow, how long you known how to do this? 554 00:39:03,385 --> 00:39:05,095 - I don't know how to do this. 555 00:39:05,095 --> 00:39:06,722 - Ahh! Whoo! 556 00:39:06,722 --> 00:39:08,515 Yep. 557 00:39:09,933 --> 00:39:14,062 Ahh! It's like a 50 G-force, completely focused and controlled. 558 00:39:14,062 --> 00:39:15,981 Oh, my god! 559 00:39:15,981 --> 00:39:17,733 Ahh, you gotta be kidding me with this shit. 560 00:39:17,733 --> 00:39:19,151 - Yep, there it is. 561 00:39:19,776 --> 00:39:21,069 Got it. 562 00:39:23,363 --> 00:39:24,698 Better? 563 00:39:51,517 --> 00:39:53,143 - Can we talk now? 564 00:39:53,936 --> 00:39:56,063 - Yeah. We can talk. 565 00:39:56,063 --> 00:40:00,067 - Look, I understand that you got a raw deal, I really do. 566 00:40:00,692 --> 00:40:03,278 But I want to hear a goddamn good explanation for what's happening, 567 00:40:03,278 --> 00:40:04,863 because the way I see it, 568 00:40:04,863 --> 00:40:06,907 we oughta haul your ass back to the ship right now 569 00:40:06,907 --> 00:40:07,908 and throw you in the brig. 570 00:40:07,908 --> 00:40:10,327 - Shut up. - Excuse me, Lieutenant? 571 00:40:10,327 --> 00:40:12,996 - No. No, I'm not your lieutenant. 572 00:40:12,996 --> 00:40:15,457 I'm not your helmsman, I'm not your crew. 573 00:40:15,457 --> 00:40:17,835 I'm Gordon Malloy, and this is my house. 574 00:40:17,835 --> 00:40:21,463 - Gordon. You're guilty of about 50 counts of temporal contamination. 575 00:40:21,463 --> 00:40:23,465 - You broke the law, and god knows what the consequences... 576 00:40:23,465 --> 00:40:25,175 - Screw the law! 577 00:40:26,635 --> 00:40:29,513 I spent three years obeying the law. 578 00:40:30,055 --> 00:40:33,433 I hid in an abandoned cabin in the woods of Connecticut 579 00:40:33,433 --> 00:40:35,602 and I did my goddamn duty. 580 00:40:35,602 --> 00:40:39,398 I stayed invisible. I didn't see anyone, I didn't go anywhere. 581 00:40:40,274 --> 00:40:41,984 You know what I ate? 582 00:40:41,984 --> 00:40:43,485 Animals. Yeah. 583 00:40:44,069 --> 00:40:48,532 I was holding my weapon when I got sent back, and I used it to kill animals. 584 00:40:48,532 --> 00:40:50,868 You wanna talk about breaking the law? 585 00:40:50,868 --> 00:40:53,537 Here it's no big deal, but in our time? 586 00:40:53,537 --> 00:40:55,205 I'm a serial murderer, folks. 587 00:40:55,914 --> 00:40:58,125 You know what that does to your head? 588 00:40:58,125 --> 00:41:00,961 So after three years, I said the hell with it. 589 00:41:00,961 --> 00:41:02,838 Temporal law can blow me. 590 00:41:02,838 --> 00:41:04,631 Yeah, looks fine on paper, 591 00:41:04,631 --> 00:41:08,594 but the Union has no idea what it's like to be trapped, no idea. 592 00:41:11,096 --> 00:41:14,141 So... so I went looking for her. 593 00:41:15,100 --> 00:41:18,020 And I found her. And I made a life for myself. 594 00:41:18,770 --> 00:41:21,857 And I will not let you make me feel like shit for doing it. 595 00:41:22,357 --> 00:41:24,651 I'm a human being. We're social creatures. 596 00:41:24,651 --> 00:41:26,361 Without each other, we die. 597 00:41:27,738 --> 00:41:29,698 Was I supposed to die? 598 00:41:29,698 --> 00:41:32,409 - To protect the timeline? Yes. 599 00:41:33,035 --> 00:41:35,829 - Maybe this is how it's supposed to be! Who's to say? 600 00:41:35,829 --> 00:41:38,707 Who's to say I shouldn't be able to do whatever I want? 601 00:41:38,707 --> 00:41:41,877 - Oh. Seems you really have acclimated to this century. 602 00:41:42,753 --> 00:41:45,797 - When you joined the fleet, you took an oath to the Union. 603 00:41:45,797 --> 00:41:47,049 - You're here. 604 00:41:47,049 --> 00:41:50,093 You're here. Which means the Union still exists in the future. 605 00:41:50,093 --> 00:41:52,513 If anything was gonna happen, it already happened. 606 00:41:52,513 --> 00:41:54,431 - That's how the physics works. No. - No. 607 00:41:54,431 --> 00:41:56,767 - The timeline is okay. - You're deluding yourself. 608 00:41:56,767 --> 00:41:58,936 Nobody really understands time travel. 609 00:41:58,936 --> 00:42:01,355 According to Isaac, it's all still in flux. 610 00:42:01,355 --> 00:42:03,649 He says observer interaction is still a variable, 611 00:42:03,649 --> 00:42:07,945 and until we act one way or the other, all timelines are possible. 612 00:42:07,945 --> 00:42:10,531 - How do you know that your son won't grow up to start a war 613 00:42:10,531 --> 00:42:13,075 that could delay or even prevent Union emergence? 614 00:42:13,075 --> 00:42:16,954 - Or maybe, maybe one of his descendants helps create it. 615 00:42:16,954 --> 00:42:19,248 Or maybe even gives birth to you. 616 00:42:19,248 --> 00:42:20,624 Or to me. 617 00:42:20,624 --> 00:42:24,169 - That's my point. Gordon, without knowing, we can't interfere. 618 00:42:24,169 --> 00:42:26,463 We don't have the wisdom, we don't have the foresight. 619 00:42:26,463 --> 00:42:29,174 You may have done irreparable damage already, we don't know. 620 00:42:29,174 --> 00:42:31,301 But the longer you're here, the greater the risk. 621 00:42:31,301 --> 00:42:32,636 According to Isaac, we're existi-- 622 00:42:32,636 --> 00:42:35,138 - Oh, yeah, and Isaac's always been trustworthy, hasn't he? 623 00:42:35,138 --> 00:42:37,432 - Oh, Jesus, Gordon, come on-- - What? 624 00:42:37,432 --> 00:42:40,060 What? He helped the Kaylon kill thousands of people. 625 00:42:40,060 --> 00:42:41,728 That we know for sure. 626 00:42:41,728 --> 00:42:45,274 So a verifiable crime is less serious than a hypothetical one? 627 00:42:45,274 --> 00:42:46,859 Nice priorities. 628 00:42:52,072 --> 00:42:54,032 - You have to come with us. 629 00:42:56,910 --> 00:42:57,953 - Forget it. 630 00:42:58,453 --> 00:43:02,583 - You sent that message. You wanted us to come take you home. 631 00:43:02,583 --> 00:43:03,542 We're here. 632 00:43:03,542 --> 00:43:06,170 - Ten years ago I wanted it! 633 00:43:08,255 --> 00:43:10,465 More than anything in the galaxy. 634 00:43:11,758 --> 00:43:12,926 But not now. 635 00:43:15,095 --> 00:43:16,638 You took too long. 636 00:43:18,307 --> 00:43:19,725 And I'm happy here. 637 00:43:22,311 --> 00:43:23,645 Gordon? 638 00:43:35,115 --> 00:43:36,825 - I think you need to go. 639 00:44:02,768 --> 00:44:05,854 That's the truth. All of it. 640 00:44:09,733 --> 00:44:10,984 My... 641 00:44:10,984 --> 00:44:13,195 My god, say something. 642 00:44:16,323 --> 00:44:17,533 - I know. 643 00:44:20,577 --> 00:44:21,954 - You... 644 00:44:21,954 --> 00:44:23,330 what? 645 00:44:25,082 --> 00:44:26,250 - I... 646 00:44:26,250 --> 00:44:28,418 I know. 647 00:44:30,462 --> 00:44:31,547 I... 648 00:44:32,506 --> 00:44:34,883 Somehow I think I've always known. 649 00:44:37,845 --> 00:44:40,806 There's just something about you that's... 650 00:44:42,266 --> 00:44:43,559 different. 651 00:44:46,144 --> 00:44:49,231 It's this energy that surrounds you. 652 00:44:50,232 --> 00:44:51,859 How you see the world. 653 00:44:52,943 --> 00:44:54,903 The way you are with me. 654 00:44:56,947 --> 00:44:58,866 Even when the pandemic came... 655 00:45:01,159 --> 00:45:02,494 you knew. 656 00:45:03,120 --> 00:45:06,498 When everything around us seemed like it was falling apart... 657 00:45:07,791 --> 00:45:10,377 you told me it was gonna be okay. 658 00:45:13,463 --> 00:45:15,090 And you know what? 659 00:45:15,090 --> 00:45:16,925 I believed you. 660 00:45:16,925 --> 00:45:18,302 Because... 661 00:45:21,513 --> 00:45:22,806 you know. 662 00:45:23,390 --> 00:45:24,683 Don't you? 663 00:45:26,185 --> 00:45:27,227 - And it... 664 00:45:28,729 --> 00:45:31,106 it doesn't change the way you feel? 665 00:45:31,106 --> 00:45:32,608 About us? 666 00:45:33,275 --> 00:45:36,862 - You mean because you've been lying to me our entire life? 667 00:45:36,862 --> 00:45:38,989 - Laura, if I had told you... 668 00:45:38,989 --> 00:45:40,490 - It would've been useless. 669 00:45:40,490 --> 00:45:42,701 - Well, would it? 670 00:45:43,785 --> 00:45:46,038 - I honestly don't know. 671 00:45:49,625 --> 00:45:52,127 I suppose that's why it was meant to happen now. 672 00:45:53,795 --> 00:45:55,464 When I was ready to hear it. 673 00:45:58,800 --> 00:46:00,969 And I know it's the truth. 674 00:46:02,513 --> 00:46:04,223 - I fell in love with you... 675 00:46:05,057 --> 00:46:08,727 three centuries after you were gone. 676 00:46:13,357 --> 00:46:15,108 - Where do we go from here? 677 00:46:16,944 --> 00:46:18,445 - They want to take me back. 678 00:46:19,696 --> 00:46:20,697 - And... 679 00:46:21,949 --> 00:46:23,492 what do you want? 680 00:46:24,493 --> 00:46:25,994 - I want you. 681 00:46:49,226 --> 00:46:52,563 - The entry point coordinates are directly beneath that structure. 682 00:46:54,648 --> 00:46:56,024 - Come on. 683 00:47:00,737 --> 00:47:03,156 We're in luck. It looks vacant. 684 00:47:03,156 --> 00:47:04,741 Excuse me. 685 00:47:04,741 --> 00:47:07,744 Hi. I'm Nancy Weber. This is my listing. 686 00:47:07,744 --> 00:47:10,247 - Hi. - Are you interested in the house? 687 00:47:10,247 --> 00:47:12,165 - We, um... 688 00:47:12,165 --> 00:47:13,375 Yes. 689 00:47:13,375 --> 00:47:15,752 Yeah, we're-- we're interested. 690 00:47:15,752 --> 00:47:19,214 - Don't tell me. Young couple looking to buy their first home. 691 00:47:19,214 --> 00:47:21,592 - You... you guessed it. 692 00:47:21,592 --> 00:47:24,386 - Well, you picked a good one. The house, I mean. 693 00:47:24,386 --> 00:47:27,848 Although the guy is pretty cute too. 694 00:47:27,848 --> 00:47:29,725 - So cute. 695 00:47:29,725 --> 00:47:30,642 - Come on in. 696 00:47:30,642 --> 00:47:32,436 You going for a hike? 697 00:47:32,436 --> 00:47:35,022 A hike? The backpack. 698 00:47:35,022 --> 00:47:37,399 Yes. We are. This afternoon. 699 00:47:38,734 --> 00:47:41,528 - So how long have you two been a couple? 700 00:47:41,528 --> 00:47:43,530 - Oh... few years. 701 00:47:43,530 --> 00:47:45,115 Right, honey? 702 00:47:45,115 --> 00:47:48,619 - Affirmative. Our pairing has flourished for some time. 703 00:47:48,619 --> 00:47:51,038 - Well, this is the main living area. 704 00:47:51,038 --> 00:47:55,375 Plenty of room for just the two of you, or if you're looking to start a family. 705 00:47:55,375 --> 00:47:57,336 I'm assuming you don't have kids yet? 706 00:47:57,336 --> 00:48:00,297 - Negative. Insemination has yet to occur. 707 00:48:00,297 --> 00:48:01,423 - Jesus Christ. 708 00:48:01,423 --> 00:48:04,009 Is there a, um, basement of some kind? 709 00:48:04,009 --> 00:48:05,052 - Yes, there is. 710 00:48:05,052 --> 00:48:06,929 - Could we see it? 711 00:48:06,929 --> 00:48:08,222 - Of course. 712 00:48:08,222 --> 00:48:11,892 The previous owners used this primarily for storage, 713 00:48:11,892 --> 00:48:14,770 but with a little work, it's a perfect space 714 00:48:14,770 --> 00:48:19,525 for a game room or an office, or even a small home gym. 715 00:48:19,525 --> 00:48:23,028 - The house is really great, and the price is fair. 716 00:48:23,028 --> 00:48:26,073 Could we have a moment alone to discuss it between ourselves? 717 00:48:26,073 --> 00:48:28,742 - Absolutely. Take your time. 718 00:48:28,742 --> 00:48:31,787 And I really think you're gonna love it, trust me. 719 00:48:35,499 --> 00:48:37,459 - Okay. We have to do this fast. 720 00:48:39,294 --> 00:48:43,173 - The dysonium deposit is bearing 0-0-6 mark 17, 721 00:48:43,173 --> 00:48:45,425 relative to the geometric center of the Earth. 722 00:48:45,425 --> 00:48:49,012 Once the device is active, we will need to continuously adjust the trajectory 723 00:48:49,012 --> 00:48:51,473 in order to avoid petrological disequilibrium. 724 00:48:51,473 --> 00:48:52,891 - You mean don't crack the egg. 725 00:48:53,809 --> 00:48:55,227 - A crude analogy. 726 00:48:55,227 --> 00:48:57,187 - All right, let's fire it up. 727 00:49:08,365 --> 00:49:10,951 - The geodetic probe has entered the crust. 728 00:49:10,951 --> 00:49:13,745 - Descending at 56.7 meters per second. 729 00:49:15,706 --> 00:49:17,374 - Tectonic stress is rising. 730 00:49:17,374 --> 00:49:21,712 - I see it. Rotate descent vector to bearing 0-0-7 for eight seconds, now. 731 00:49:21,712 --> 00:49:23,422 - Rotating vector. 732 00:49:30,971 --> 00:49:33,724 A pressure gradient is shifting in a nearby aquifer. 733 00:49:33,724 --> 00:49:35,684 - Pull back 20 meters and redirect laterally. 734 00:49:35,684 --> 00:49:37,394 - Acknowledged. 735 00:49:43,567 --> 00:49:47,029 The gradient has stabilized. Tectonic stress is nominal. 736 00:49:47,029 --> 00:49:50,199 - Redirect, bearing 0-1-1 mark 12. 737 00:49:54,536 --> 00:49:56,538 - Density transition confirmed. 738 00:49:56,538 --> 00:49:58,373 We have breached the mantle. 739 00:49:59,541 --> 00:50:01,793 - Okay. Now we wait. 740 00:50:08,717 --> 00:50:10,302 - I like your hair. 741 00:50:10,302 --> 00:50:12,221 - Okay, what the hell are you doing? 742 00:50:12,221 --> 00:50:13,597 - Please clarify. 743 00:50:13,597 --> 00:50:15,641 - You've been asking all these random questions, 744 00:50:15,641 --> 00:50:17,768 like, "What music do you like, what sports do you play?" 745 00:50:17,768 --> 00:50:20,562 You're acting totally weird. What's going on? 746 00:50:20,562 --> 00:50:23,398 - I am attempting to initiate a conversation with you. 747 00:50:23,398 --> 00:50:26,151 - Why? If you have something to say, just say it. 748 00:50:26,151 --> 00:50:28,195 Don't dick around with all this small talk. 749 00:50:28,195 --> 00:50:29,530 - Very well. 750 00:50:29,530 --> 00:50:32,282 During my observations of biological customs, 751 00:50:32,282 --> 00:50:35,244 I have seen many instances of recognitional declaration 752 00:50:35,244 --> 00:50:37,996 when one individual performs a service for another. 753 00:50:37,996 --> 00:50:41,500 The humans call it a "thank you." 754 00:50:42,042 --> 00:50:43,168 - Yeah? 755 00:50:43,919 --> 00:50:45,796 - I never said "thank you." 756 00:50:45,796 --> 00:50:47,589 For my reactivation. 757 00:50:48,924 --> 00:50:50,175 - Oh. 758 00:50:50,175 --> 00:50:52,761 - In effect, you saved my life. 759 00:50:54,555 --> 00:50:56,473 - Yep. Sure. I guess I did. 760 00:51:02,479 --> 00:51:03,814 - Thank you. 761 00:51:08,110 --> 00:51:11,196 The appropriate response is, "You are welcome." 762 00:51:11,196 --> 00:51:13,323 - Yeah, well, let's skip that part. 763 00:51:14,867 --> 00:51:16,493 - I do not understand. 764 00:51:16,493 --> 00:51:19,288 Do you not wish to avail yourself of my thanks? 765 00:51:19,288 --> 00:51:21,081 - Isaac, I was doing my duty. 766 00:51:21,081 --> 00:51:23,375 And I can promise you, I didn't like it one bit. 767 00:51:23,375 --> 00:51:27,671 I was separating my job from my personal feelings, that's all. 768 00:51:27,671 --> 00:51:29,089 - I see. 769 00:51:29,089 --> 00:51:32,009 You still harbor negative sentiments toward me. 770 00:51:32,009 --> 00:51:35,220 - We have to work together. Every day. 771 00:51:35,846 --> 00:51:40,017 But that doesn't change what you did, and who I lost because of it. 772 00:51:46,440 --> 00:51:49,484 Does your machine brain have any concept of what love is? 773 00:51:50,027 --> 00:51:51,695 - I do not understand. 774 00:51:52,446 --> 00:51:54,364 - Well, I'll help you. 775 00:51:54,364 --> 00:51:57,159 Amanda wasn't just my best friend. 776 00:51:57,159 --> 00:51:58,577 I loved her. 777 00:52:00,579 --> 00:52:02,831 And I never got to say it to her. 778 00:52:04,917 --> 00:52:08,795 She was someone I could've seen spending the rest of my life with. 779 00:52:11,298 --> 00:52:13,884 And I have no idea if she felt the same way. 780 00:52:14,760 --> 00:52:16,261 I waited too long to ask. 781 00:52:16,261 --> 00:52:17,513 And then she was gone. 782 00:52:17,513 --> 00:52:21,308 You took her life, and by doing that, you took mine. 783 00:52:23,185 --> 00:52:24,937 Or what mine could've been. 784 00:52:26,939 --> 00:52:31,485 So yeah. I still harbor "negative sentiments." 785 00:52:32,945 --> 00:52:35,739 - Nonetheless... I thank you. 786 00:52:47,960 --> 00:52:49,378 - Extraction complete. 787 00:52:51,255 --> 00:52:53,549 - The plasma drill has been deactivated. 788 00:52:53,549 --> 00:52:55,551 - Okay. Let's seal it up, quick. 789 00:53:04,810 --> 00:53:06,353 Let's get outta here. 790 00:53:07,938 --> 00:53:09,439 - So, what do you say? Is it home? 791 00:53:09,439 --> 00:53:11,108 - We just broke up. 792 00:53:20,576 --> 00:53:23,620 - What did you think the words "pay per view" meant? 793 00:53:23,620 --> 00:53:24,788 - I never thought about it. 794 00:53:24,788 --> 00:53:26,707 I thought it was like some foreign expression 795 00:53:26,707 --> 00:53:28,917 like "a la carte" or "in escrow." 796 00:53:30,544 --> 00:53:32,629 Well, it is not. Oh, man! 797 00:53:34,339 --> 00:53:36,592 Ah, so, what's your good news? 798 00:53:36,592 --> 00:53:38,510 Oh, I got fired. 799 00:53:40,304 --> 00:53:41,722 Jack! 800 00:53:50,606 --> 00:53:51,607 - No. 801 00:53:53,483 --> 00:53:54,359 No. 802 00:53:55,694 --> 00:53:57,029 Whatever you think you're gonna do, 803 00:53:57,029 --> 00:53:59,281 you can forget it and get the hell out of here. 804 00:53:59,281 --> 00:54:00,949 - Gordon-- - I said get out! 805 00:54:00,949 --> 00:54:02,868 - Gordon, what's going on? 806 00:54:04,161 --> 00:54:07,331 - They're here to take me away. - What? 807 00:54:07,331 --> 00:54:09,708 - You can't stay here, and you know it. 808 00:54:09,708 --> 00:54:12,211 - Then you should've gotten your goddamn dates right 809 00:54:12,211 --> 00:54:13,545 and shown up ten years ago! 810 00:54:13,545 --> 00:54:16,048 I'm not leaving! - You don't have a choice. 811 00:54:16,882 --> 00:54:20,010 - What... you're gonna haul me outta here by force? 812 00:54:20,010 --> 00:54:21,678 - If I have to. 813 00:54:22,930 --> 00:54:23,931 - Okay. 814 00:54:25,182 --> 00:54:27,935 All right. I'll go. 815 00:54:30,479 --> 00:54:31,980 We all will. 816 00:54:31,980 --> 00:54:34,483 - I'm sorry, Gordon. No. 817 00:54:34,483 --> 00:54:36,735 - I'm not leaving here without my family. 818 00:54:41,031 --> 00:54:43,283 - Daddy, what's wrong? 819 00:54:43,283 --> 00:54:44,952 - It's okay, honey. 820 00:54:44,952 --> 00:54:46,411 - What, are you gonna kill us? 821 00:54:46,411 --> 00:54:49,122 - No. Just a heavy stun. 822 00:54:49,706 --> 00:54:52,543 And when you wake up, we'll be gone. 823 00:54:52,543 --> 00:54:55,838 And we will disappear so deep into this world 824 00:54:55,838 --> 00:54:58,966 that you won't have a prayer of finding us again, ever. 825 00:54:58,966 --> 00:55:01,385 So you have two choices: the door or the floor. 826 00:55:01,385 --> 00:55:02,386 Take your pick. 827 00:55:02,386 --> 00:55:04,346 - Gordon, you know what you're doing is-- 828 00:55:04,346 --> 00:55:06,306 Isaac to Captain Mercer. 829 00:55:06,306 --> 00:55:07,766 - Go ahead. 830 00:55:07,766 --> 00:55:11,186 We have secured the dysonium, and we are returning to the shuttle. 831 00:55:11,186 --> 00:55:14,147 - Acknowledged. Mercer out. 832 00:55:20,696 --> 00:55:24,032 All right. We're bringing you home. 833 00:55:24,032 --> 00:55:26,368 - I don't think you heard me. I told you I am not-- 834 00:55:26,368 --> 00:55:27,995 - From 2015. 835 00:55:29,288 --> 00:55:30,664 - What...? 836 00:55:30,664 --> 00:55:35,043 Farther back down the timeline, you're there, asking for our help. 837 00:55:35,043 --> 00:55:37,171 It's a ten-year jump. We'll make it. 838 00:55:37,171 --> 00:55:40,007 - No. No, no, no, you can't. 839 00:55:40,007 --> 00:55:41,800 - Gordon, what does he mean? 840 00:55:41,800 --> 00:55:45,220 - He means... going back for me. 841 00:55:45,846 --> 00:55:47,306 Ten years in the past. 842 00:55:48,640 --> 00:55:50,517 - What? 843 00:55:51,643 --> 00:55:53,812 No, what about... Us? 844 00:55:53,812 --> 00:55:55,314 There won't be any us. 845 00:55:56,190 --> 00:55:58,859 No us, no Edward. 846 00:55:58,859 --> 00:56:00,319 No baby. 847 00:56:00,944 --> 00:56:02,487 - What kind of people are you? 848 00:56:02,487 --> 00:56:06,783 - I'm so sorry. But this reality was never supposed to exist. 849 00:56:06,783 --> 00:56:10,787 - Our reality? My son's? My baby's? 850 00:56:12,581 --> 00:56:14,875 You're saying they won't exist? 851 00:56:15,667 --> 00:56:16,710 - I... 852 00:56:17,419 --> 00:56:18,670 I don't know. 853 00:56:18,670 --> 00:56:23,217 - That's the reason it's illegal and immoral to play god with history. 854 00:56:23,217 --> 00:56:25,052 - Who's playing god? Huh? 855 00:56:25,052 --> 00:56:27,763 The only one playing god here is you. 856 00:56:27,763 --> 00:56:30,390 Is it illegal to erase people from existence? 857 00:56:30,390 --> 00:56:31,850 Because I call that murder. 858 00:56:32,351 --> 00:56:36,480 - Goodbye, Gordon. We'll see you soon. 859 00:56:38,774 --> 00:56:42,819 - Ed! I'm begging you... please don't do this! 860 00:56:42,819 --> 00:56:45,489 Please don't take my family away! 861 00:56:45,489 --> 00:56:49,952 Jesus Christ, if you have any shred of decency, please don't do this! 862 00:56:51,370 --> 00:56:52,579 Ed! 863 00:56:52,913 --> 00:56:54,081 Ed! 864 00:57:37,541 --> 00:57:39,585 - What's going to happen? 865 00:57:41,879 --> 00:57:44,506 - Daddy, are we in trouble? 866 00:57:46,592 --> 00:57:47,843 - No. 867 00:57:50,095 --> 00:57:51,305 Listen... 868 00:57:57,728 --> 00:57:59,396 No matter what... 869 00:58:00,564 --> 00:58:03,775 I will always love you both. 870 00:58:06,195 --> 00:58:07,362 Do you understand? 871 00:58:07,362 --> 00:58:08,906 Always. 872 00:58:11,283 --> 00:58:12,868 This family... 873 00:58:14,328 --> 00:58:16,538 is stronger than time. 874 00:58:20,250 --> 00:58:22,503 And no matter what happens... 875 00:58:22,503 --> 00:58:25,214 no one can take that away from us. 876 00:58:29,510 --> 00:58:30,844 - I believe you. 877 00:59:13,595 --> 00:59:15,931 - Mercer to Lamarr. What's our status? 878 00:59:15,931 --> 00:59:18,934 - We managed to extract about eight kilos of dysonium 879 00:59:18,934 --> 00:59:20,352 from the geodetic probe, Captain. 880 00:59:20,352 --> 00:59:21,562 - Will that be enough? 881 00:59:21,562 --> 00:59:24,147 - It'll be tight, but yeah, I think so. 882 00:59:24,147 --> 00:59:27,442 The revised temporal coordinates have been encoded and locked. 883 00:59:27,442 --> 00:59:30,279 - Okay. Let's try this again. 884 00:59:30,279 --> 00:59:33,407 - Open the dysonium injection valves. 885 00:59:36,994 --> 00:59:38,704 Power couplings are linked. 886 00:59:38,704 --> 00:59:41,540 I am initiating the temporal field. 887 00:59:51,842 --> 00:59:53,051 - Core is stable. 888 00:59:53,051 --> 00:59:55,179 Full power in five, 889 00:59:55,179 --> 00:59:58,348 four, three, two... 890 01:00:08,984 --> 01:00:10,861 - Report. 891 01:00:10,861 --> 01:00:12,029 Stand by, Captain. 892 01:00:12,029 --> 01:00:16,617 It's not a bull's-eye, but we're close. Gordon arrived about a month ago. 893 01:00:17,451 --> 01:00:18,660 - All right. 894 01:00:19,995 --> 01:00:21,705 Let's bring him home. 895 01:01:08,585 --> 01:01:10,212 - Ahhh, man. 896 01:01:11,547 --> 01:01:13,465 It is good to be back. 897 01:01:13,465 --> 01:01:14,800 - It's good to have you back. 898 01:01:16,218 --> 01:01:17,803 I'm glad we... 899 01:01:18,554 --> 01:01:19,847 I'm glad we made it. 900 01:01:19,847 --> 01:01:22,307 - I never doubted you for a second. 901 01:01:26,895 --> 01:01:28,146 What? 902 01:01:28,146 --> 01:01:29,773 - We'll talk about it later. 903 01:01:45,289 --> 01:01:48,542 - It's completely shot. Fried from the inside out. 904 01:01:48,542 --> 01:01:49,835 - Can you repair it? 905 01:01:49,835 --> 01:01:51,962 - If we had six months, maybe. 906 01:01:51,962 --> 01:01:54,506 This isn't a quantum drive we're talking about. 907 01:01:54,506 --> 01:01:56,592 This is cutting-edge temporal technology. 908 01:01:56,592 --> 01:01:59,720 Maybe if Dr. Aronov himself were here, he could speed it along, 909 01:01:59,720 --> 01:02:02,347 but he's not going to be born for another three and a half centuries. 910 01:02:02,347 --> 01:02:04,433 - Well, we don't really have a choice, do we? 911 01:02:04,433 --> 01:02:07,227 If it takes six months, so be it. We have to try. 912 01:02:07,227 --> 01:02:09,438 Can't just fly into the future without it. 913 01:02:12,232 --> 01:02:13,984 - I am a goddamn idiot. 914 01:02:13,984 --> 01:02:15,277 - What do you mean? 915 01:02:15,277 --> 01:02:17,779 - That's exactly what we do. 916 01:02:19,239 --> 01:02:22,117 We need the Aronov device to travel to the past, yeah? 917 01:02:22,117 --> 01:02:25,495 But if we wanna travel to the future, we got a built-in method right here. 918 01:02:25,495 --> 01:02:26,788 We've had it the entire time. 919 01:02:26,788 --> 01:02:27,706 - Explain. 920 01:02:27,706 --> 01:02:29,541 - Whenever we're using the quantum drive, 921 01:02:29,541 --> 01:02:30,918 we're moving faster than light. 922 01:02:30,918 --> 01:02:33,504 But the quantum field creates a bubble around the ship, 923 01:02:33,504 --> 01:02:36,089 isolating us from the normal spacetime continuum. 924 01:02:36,089 --> 01:02:39,593 Otherwise, we'd be subject to Einsteinian relativity: time dilation. 925 01:02:39,593 --> 01:02:43,180 The closer we get to the speed of light, the faster time passes outside the ship. 926 01:02:44,681 --> 01:02:45,933 Well, don't you see? 927 01:02:47,100 --> 01:02:48,727 We just shut down the field. 928 01:02:48,727 --> 01:02:51,688 The very thing it's supposed to prevent, we just allow to happen. 929 01:02:51,688 --> 01:02:54,107 We push the ship as close as we can to the speed of light 930 01:02:54,107 --> 01:02:55,984 and let Einstein take care of the rest. 931 01:02:55,984 --> 01:02:57,861 Without the field in place, 932 01:02:57,861 --> 01:03:00,656 such a speed would put the Orville at high risk of collision. 933 01:03:00,656 --> 01:03:04,326 Even a particle of interstellar dust could compromise the hull. 934 01:03:04,326 --> 01:03:07,454 - We reroute every last drop of available power to the deflectors. 935 01:03:07,454 --> 01:03:08,539 Even life support. 936 01:03:08,539 --> 01:03:11,333 Hell, the whole trip won't take but a couple of minutes. 937 01:03:12,209 --> 01:03:16,046 There's a star, Alpha Tucanae, about 200 light-years away from Earth. 938 01:03:16,046 --> 01:03:19,800 Charly plots a course that avoids all gaseous nebulas and interstellar dust. 939 01:03:19,800 --> 01:03:23,762 If we travel at 99.9999% the speed of light, 940 01:03:23,762 --> 01:03:25,764 we'll get there and back in just a few minutes. 941 01:03:25,764 --> 01:03:28,141 But on Earth, 400 years will have passed. 942 01:03:28,141 --> 01:03:30,185 - Precise calculations will be required 943 01:03:30,185 --> 01:03:32,437 to ensure our arrival time is accurate. 944 01:03:32,437 --> 01:03:35,232 - Yeah, the math'll be your job, buddy. Enjoy that. 945 01:03:35,232 --> 01:03:37,025 So, what do you think? 946 01:03:39,570 --> 01:03:40,654 - Do it. 947 01:03:48,662 --> 01:03:49,913 - Status, Ensign? 948 01:03:49,913 --> 01:03:51,623 - Course laid in, sir. 949 01:03:51,623 --> 01:03:54,751 - Helm has been re-calibrated for relativistic velocity. 950 01:03:56,128 --> 01:03:57,421 Everyone buckle up. 951 01:03:57,421 --> 01:04:00,382 - Bridge to Lamarr. On your mark. 952 01:04:00,382 --> 01:04:01,592 - Acknowledged, Captain. 953 01:04:01,592 --> 01:04:04,052 Gordon. Engage quantum drive. 954 01:04:28,410 --> 01:04:31,705 - Hard to believe we're watching decades pass out there. 955 01:04:43,884 --> 01:04:45,594 - Approaching Alpha Tucanae. 956 01:04:45,594 --> 01:04:47,846 - John? - All clear. 957 01:04:47,846 --> 01:04:49,431 - Decelerating. 958 01:05:02,069 --> 01:05:05,447 Two hundred years down, 200 to go. 959 01:05:05,447 --> 01:05:08,242 - Course set for Earth. - Bring us about. 960 01:05:08,242 --> 01:05:09,952 - Aye, sir. 961 01:05:13,205 --> 01:05:14,831 - Lamarr. On your mark. 962 01:05:14,831 --> 01:05:16,708 - Engage main drive. 963 01:05:33,350 --> 01:05:34,685 Lamarr to bridge. 964 01:05:34,685 --> 01:05:36,979 Gordon, switch to computer control. 965 01:05:36,979 --> 01:05:38,772 Implement Isaac's presets. 966 01:05:41,942 --> 01:05:43,068 - Done. 967 01:05:44,278 --> 01:05:45,779 Take us home, baby. 968 01:05:58,709 --> 01:06:00,544 - Approaching Earth. 969 01:06:00,544 --> 01:06:01,837 - Magnify. 970 01:06:08,010 --> 01:06:09,303 That's more like it. 971 01:06:09,303 --> 01:06:10,596 - Talla? 972 01:06:10,596 --> 01:06:14,391 - Union Central is responding, sir. We have permission to dock. 973 01:06:46,965 --> 01:06:48,717 - I don't even know what to say. 974 01:06:48,717 --> 01:06:51,303 It must have been the hardest thing you've ever had to do in your life. 975 01:06:51,303 --> 01:06:54,181 - Yeah, that's an understatement. 976 01:06:56,099 --> 01:06:57,226 - I just... 977 01:06:57,226 --> 01:07:00,145 I can't believe I would be that selfish. 978 01:07:00,145 --> 01:07:03,273 I mean, to risk the timeline, to threaten you... 979 01:07:03,273 --> 01:07:07,277 - You were tested to a degree that none of us have ever been. 980 01:07:07,277 --> 01:07:09,154 Who's to say that we wouldn't have done the same? 981 01:07:10,739 --> 01:07:13,325 A family does powerful things to a person. 982 01:07:14,785 --> 01:07:15,786 - Look... 983 01:07:16,828 --> 01:07:18,205 I know that... 984 01:07:18,872 --> 01:07:20,791 there's nothing that's gonna make you feel better. 985 01:07:20,791 --> 01:07:22,793 But for what it's worth... 986 01:07:22,793 --> 01:07:24,294 you did the right thing. 987 01:07:24,837 --> 01:07:27,881 As hard as it was, you put your duty first. 988 01:07:27,881 --> 01:07:30,217 - Yeah, you're right. I don't feel better. 989 01:07:32,719 --> 01:07:37,641 There are two children who will never be born. 990 01:07:38,559 --> 01:07:40,269 - And a future that will. 991 01:07:46,733 --> 01:07:51,321 - Hey. How long has it been since the three of us did this? 992 01:07:52,489 --> 01:07:53,782 - Long time. 993 01:07:53,782 --> 01:07:55,492 - Just like the old days. 994 01:07:55,492 --> 01:07:58,954 - In the old days, we would have finished off that bottle and drained two more. 995 01:07:58,954 --> 01:08:00,956 - Yeah, well, we were younger. 996 01:08:01,665 --> 01:08:04,001 - You're right. Let's try for three.