1 00:01:17,600 --> 00:01:22,365 Ambulances are on the field! 2 00:01:37,100 --> 00:01:42,432 Jack! You realize you got this in the bag, right? Season wrapped up man, doesn’t matter whats your place! 3 00:01:42,433 --> 00:01:46,165 - The engine failed in the last two laps. - On it! Get the cables fast! 4 00:01:46,166 --> 00:01:48,532 - Jacob * - yeah 5 00:01:49,433 --> 00:01:51,599 - How are you, Dad? - Tell me what you see dom 6 00:01:51,633 --> 00:01:57,232 There is a large oil puddle in the second round. Bell doesn't risk it, Corbin goes wild, his sponsor in the stand. 7 00:01:58,200 --> 00:02:00,899 - Watch out for the 23rd. - Linder. 8 00:02:01,166 --> 00:02:30,432 SECURE RECEPTION INTERMEDIATE 9 00:02:52,300 --> 00:02:54,932 Natural psychopath. 10 00:03:00,866 --> 00:03:03,465 Wow, there's a puddle of oil in the second round! 11 00:03:08,566 --> 00:03:10,799 I'll lure you there. 12 00:03:15,600 --> 00:03:17,232 Damn it! 13 00:03:25,833 --> 00:03:28,032 What do you see, Dominic? 14 00:03:33,533 --> 00:03:35,232 He wants revenge on you ... 15 00:03:42,133 --> 00:03:44,399 ... surround to the left. 16 00:04:46,433 --> 00:04:48,432 So you are our luck! 17 00:04:50,600 --> 00:04:54,032 I need the name of that damn bookmaker! 18 00:04:55,166 --> 00:04:56,032 Melbet! 19 00:04:59,733 --> 00:05:01,132 Fuck harder! 20 00:05:01,600 --> 00:05:02,399 Melbet! 21 00:05:04,233 --> 00:05:07,565 Now get up and show me how to register online. 22 00:05:13,766 --> 00:05:15,432 You can now win a great prize! 23 00:05:17,700 --> 00:05:19,699 Give me the key for three to eight. 24 00:05:24,766 --> 00:05:28,765 Now give me ... six inch extensions. 25 00:05:33,266 --> 00:05:35,065 Are you sure? 26 00:05:45,733 --> 00:05:48,132 Remember what I told you? 27 00:05:48,166 --> 00:05:50,399 Pay attention to the details. 28 00:05:50,433 --> 00:05:53,865 Big things are made of small things. Now look. 29 00:05:55,733 --> 00:05:57,865 Did Dad succeed? 30 00:05:57,900 --> 00:05:59,499 Do you remember the steps? 31 00:05:59,500 --> 00:06:01,965 The eighth key was not needed! 32 00:06:01,966 --> 00:06:03,399 you are right. 33 00:06:04,100 --> 00:06:05,899 The water heater is out again again. 34 00:06:06,566 --> 00:06:08,799 That’s the price we are paying for peace and quiet. 35 00:06:10,400 --> 00:06:12,465 Wanna come and give us a hand? 36 00:06:16,166 --> 00:06:18,265 you expecting someone? 37 00:06:21,233 --> 00:06:23,932 Brian, remember what we practiced? 38 00:06:47,933 --> 00:06:50,465 Easy, my friend! 39 00:06:50,733 --> 00:06:52,965 We come in peace! We come in peace! 40 00:06:53,000 --> 00:06:54,832 Lehel! Both! 41 00:06:56,500 --> 00:06:58,165 It's me! 42 00:06:59,100 --> 00:07:00,532 Roman! 43 00:07:00,566 --> 00:07:04,465 Maybe you don’t recognize me because I tanned all week bro. 44 00:07:06,533 --> 00:07:10,065 Brian, okay, get out of there. 45 00:07:17,033 --> 00:07:21,532 Why then do you take out your bazooka later? This is to kill elephants. 46 00:07:21,533 --> 00:07:22,932 We would call ... 47 00:07:22,933 --> 00:07:25,999 ... you just don't have a phone. 48 00:07:26,000 --> 00:07:27,399 So no way. 49 00:07:27,733 --> 00:07:29,765 - Brian baby. - Hello! 50 00:07:29,800 --> 00:07:32,899 - Large enough! - All in one car ... 51 00:07:34,333 --> 00:07:36,199 What the hell is going on? 52 00:07:36,800 --> 00:07:40,732 Help! May day! May Day! We are attacked by a rogue agent! 53 00:07:41,033 --> 00:07:43,599 I urgently need it 54 00:07:43,633 --> 00:07:48,499 There is little time left! I have a very important load here! Gather your team quickly! 55 00:07:48,500 --> 00:07:51,099 I live, but this ... 56 00:07:52,166 --> 00:07:58,965 Mr. Nobody's machine sent an alarm. There is a lot of encrypted data that I need to decrypt. 57 00:07:59,000 --> 00:08:03,099 - Has anyone else seen this? - That's the point, he was just looking for us. 58 00:08:03,833 --> 00:08:05,665 This is very strange. 59 00:08:13,866 --> 00:08:16,032 He caught Cipher 60 00:08:16,066 --> 00:08:18,865 ... but he was attacked in the air and escaped. 61 00:08:18,900 --> 00:08:22,065 I'm sure your plane crashed here ... 62 00:08:22,100 --> 00:08:24,132 ... in the northwest of Montequinto. 63 00:08:24,166 --> 00:08:30,665 We have to try to find it. He could survive. But it is not realistic to get there, but a closed area. And he has a lot of military staff. 64 00:08:30,700 --> 00:08:32,765 I withdrew from these matters. 65 00:08:37,300 --> 00:08:41,332 Wait, Dominica ...! This is Cipher ... 66 00:08:41,666 --> 00:08:44,565 The woman who killed the mother of your child. 67 00:08:47,833 --> 00:08:50,032 Things changed. 68 00:08:56,100 --> 00:08:59,965 Listen, we are wheels up at 8 am. If you change your mind. 69 00:09:00,066 --> 00:09:01,865 Thanks. 70 00:09:03,633 --> 00:09:06,632 Daddy! Do you know where God lives? 71 00:09:06,633 --> 00:09:07,932 And where? 72 00:09:07,966 --> 00:09:09,465 In your heart 73 00:09:09,766 --> 00:09:11,765 So, and yours too. 74 00:09:11,766 --> 00:09:16,399 But the most important thing is that ... I ... will always be in your heart. 75 00:09:16,433 --> 00:09:18,099 How are you, dear? 76 00:09:18,133 --> 00:09:20,499 I have a gift for you. 77 00:09:21,100 --> 00:09:24,065 Your father gave this to me. 78 00:09:24,100 --> 00:09:26,432 Now i'll give it to you. 79 00:09:27,833 --> 00:09:30,032 its very special. 80 00:09:30,466 --> 00:09:32,499 Take care of it. 81 00:09:48,300 --> 00:09:51,332 Good night 82 00:10:00,900 --> 00:10:03,265 This is not what we are. 83 00:10:06,000 --> 00:10:10,132 Brian and Mia got off the game when they became parents. 84 00:10:10,866 --> 00:10:12,732 We are not them. 85 00:10:53,600 --> 00:10:56,899 They attacked us! One of us is a traitor! 86 00:10:56,933 --> 00:11:01,265 They're in! I have a very important load here! Gathering their team ... 87 00:11:01,266 --> 00:11:03,599 They will all kill ... 88 00:11:03,600 --> 00:11:06,765 Who else lives! Stop ... 89 00:11:38,733 --> 00:11:41,799 MONTEQUINTO 90 00:11:57,133 --> 00:11:59,765 The signal source is only two miles away. 91 00:11:59,800 --> 00:12:03,565 In the area controlled by the montequinto army. Are you all ready? 92 00:12:03,566 --> 00:12:07,932 Sure! They always make fun of me because I choose the style, not the practicality! 93 00:12:07,933 --> 00:12:11,765 "But today I'm the most practical of them all!" - We all see you, man. 94 00:12:11,766 --> 00:12:14,765 Freud's grandfather would have accurately estimated the size he had chosen. 95 00:12:23,500 --> 00:12:26,132 - I'm going first! - Careful. 96 00:12:26,166 --> 00:12:29,265 "Be careful" is for the losers! 97 00:12:41,800 --> 00:12:45,232 The military is also coming here. We'll have ten minutes. 98 00:12:45,233 --> 00:12:48,932 There is no sign of Mr. nearby, but we must act as quickly as possible. 99 00:12:48,966 --> 00:12:51,465 They must not fall into their arms. 100 00:13:16,800 --> 00:13:18,965 - Let's go there. - He's closing us. 101 00:13:37,900 --> 00:13:40,965 Here the alarm was broadcast all the time. 102 00:13:44,833 --> 00:13:46,899 Someone tried to open the safe. 103 00:13:46,933 --> 00:13:49,665 But the plane went down before they reached. 104 00:13:49,666 --> 00:13:52,432 To save the safe, no one could crash the plane. 105 00:13:52,466 --> 00:13:56,465 The idiots wanted to cut in the door. But I have an express method. 106 00:14:00,066 --> 00:14:01,299 Dominic. 107 00:14:01,300 --> 00:14:03,099 There is no one nearby. 108 00:14:03,133 --> 00:14:05,499 There is no sign of Nobody. 109 00:14:05,533 --> 00:14:07,232 Ready. 110 00:14:13,533 --> 00:14:18,332 - So what the hell is this? "Who knows, but he wanted it to be with us." 111 00:14:18,733 --> 00:14:20,265 How ...? 112 00:14:20,300 --> 00:14:22,032 We're leaving here! 113 00:14:43,533 --> 00:14:45,499 They are there! They are there! 114 00:14:58,933 --> 00:15:01,899 Hey guys! Who are they up to? 115 00:15:01,933 --> 00:15:04,199 Do you think I'm scared? 116 00:16:29,200 --> 00:16:31,299 Rome, where are you? 117 00:16:37,166 --> 00:16:40,399 And how you like it, Freud, your mother! 118 00:17:03,733 --> 00:17:06,299 "Dangerous mines"? And what does that mean? 119 00:17:06,300 --> 00:17:07,865 Test how fast you have to go. 120 00:17:07,866 --> 00:17:12,365 - No, that's a bad idea. Fuck, I want to live. - So what does "dangerous mines" mean? 121 00:17:12,400 --> 00:17:14,499 - Can we pass them? - I don't know, brother. 122 00:17:14,500 --> 00:17:17,365 Are you ignoring it? What do these two words mean? 123 00:17:17,366 --> 00:17:19,732 I'm literally translating! - Watch out, there are mines! 124 00:17:19,733 --> 00:17:21,499 What ?! 125 00:17:23,300 --> 00:17:26,932 - Do you need speed? - Considering the half-second start delay ... 126 00:17:26,933 --> 00:17:33,132 - ... and the radius of the explosion, we need 80 miles per hour. - Fails! The speedometer has a maximum of 70! 127 00:17:33,166 --> 00:17:33,999 What to do? 128 00:17:34,033 --> 00:17:37,599 Hit the gas hard! And pray! 129 00:17:45,533 --> 00:17:48,499 MINES 130 00:18:22,800 --> 00:18:25,865 Let's go to the palm plantation, there are no mines! 131 00:19:18,000 --> 00:19:20,665 To the mother ...! 132 00:19:23,066 --> 00:19:24,632 Rome, are you alive? 133 00:19:27,600 --> 00:19:30,499 yes only my ass is on fire. 134 00:19:40,000 --> 00:19:42,832 No! High! There is a mine! 135 00:20:55,466 --> 00:20:59,299 "How did you survive after that, my friend?" 136 00:21:00,300 --> 00:21:02,965 I'm in shock too. Come on. 137 00:21:09,933 --> 00:21:12,132 You guys are ready to figure out how we can get away. 138 00:21:12,166 --> 00:21:17,599 "There's a bridge on the border a few miles away." -Cool! The sooner we get out of here, the better. 139 00:21:20,866 --> 00:21:24,932 Letty, be careful, it's true. 140 00:22:00,600 --> 00:22:02,465 Where is the device? 141 00:22:23,200 --> 00:22:24,899 get off 142 00:22:44,166 --> 00:22:46,499 That was Jacob, right? 143 00:23:17,700 --> 00:23:20,699 The main road is ours, asshole! 144 00:23:20,733 --> 00:23:23,865 - And this is a bridge ...? - Do we have to go through this ...?! 145 00:23:23,866 --> 00:23:26,699 Well, yes, it's a bridge ... too narrow. 146 00:23:39,200 --> 00:23:41,765 iiiMámiü! 147 00:24:01,233 --> 00:24:04,999 These maniacs will not leave us alone! We have to go to the other side of the border! 148 00:25:01,866 --> 00:25:03,832 Where is the bridge? 149 00:25:08,166 --> 00:25:10,899 No, no! Do not you dare! 150 00:25:45,333 --> 00:25:47,665 What kind of father am I flying with ... 151 00:26:06,433 --> 00:26:08,732 The danger is over. 152 00:26:10,166 --> 00:26:12,565 But you made a lot of noise there. 153 00:26:12,600 --> 00:26:14,099 The press has arrived. 154 00:26:14,100 --> 00:26:17,565 - The spy plane crashed into enemy territory. 155 00:26:17,600 --> 00:26:20,465 "And the special agents waged war there." 156 00:26:20,700 --> 00:26:23,432 Of course I raise them ... 157 00:26:23,833 --> 00:26:26,765 ... but this is where my help ends. 158 00:26:31,300 --> 00:26:33,899 Thanks for your help. 159 00:26:36,633 --> 00:26:39,465 It's time to finish the help. 160 00:26:41,766 --> 00:26:43,999 And what's next, Ramsey? 161 00:26:44,900 --> 00:26:46,565 HEARTS OpUOp V? 162 00:26:46,600 --> 00:26:51,065 Well, I was able to decipher the data that was on Mr. Nobody's alarm ... 163 00:26:51,066 --> 00:26:52,932 ... and I found the GPS coordinates there ... 164 00:26:52,966 --> 00:26:54,999 ... obviously intentionally hidden. 165 00:26:56,900 --> 00:26:59,099 Did you know about Jacob? 166 00:26:59,700 --> 00:27:03,499 Question. Who is Jacob? 167 00:27:03,566 --> 00:27:08,299 Jacob ... Dominic's younger brother. 168 00:27:10,566 --> 00:27:14,499 Really? Curse! I'm sorry, but that's too much. 169 00:27:15,100 --> 00:27:16,765 Your brother? 170 00:27:17,666 --> 00:27:23,132 So you have a brother? Who else is megaspy? 171 00:27:23,133 --> 00:27:27,932 With your own pocket armor? Can you perform such crazy stunts? 172 00:27:27,966 --> 00:27:32,999 Jump into cars from high altitudes and land on an oncoming plane? 173 00:27:33,033 --> 00:27:34,899 f He is ill? 174 00:27:34,933 --> 00:27:36,865 Not sick. 175 00:27:36,900 --> 00:27:38,799 This is Toretto. 176 00:27:39,566 --> 00:27:40,965 My father is there! 177 00:27:41,000 --> 00:27:42,565 My father is there! 178 00:27:43,366 --> 00:27:45,165 z - She's dead! - We have to get it out! 179 00:27:45,166 --> 00:27:50,165 Let me get it out! My father is there! My father is there! 180 00:27:52,100 --> 00:27:59,032 My father is there! Save my father! He's still alive! Save him! Please! Help him! 181 00:27:59,033 --> 00:28:00,799 My father is there! 182 00:28:06,000 --> 00:28:09,665 You just have to sign waiver of all claims. 183 00:28:09,800 --> 00:28:11,932 And a few more letters. 184 00:28:15,333 --> 00:28:18,632 The car cover is there, in a special parking lot. 185 00:28:44,133 --> 00:28:45,165 Hey! 186 00:28:45,933 --> 00:28:47,799 No one should touch it. 187 00:28:48,833 --> 00:28:50,665 Are you the youngest son of Toretto? 188 00:28:51,800 --> 00:28:53,832 Unfortunate mediocrity. 189 00:29:00,533 --> 00:29:01,832 Now what? 190 00:29:01,833 --> 00:29:02,965 Get out. 191 00:29:03,333 --> 00:29:04,699 Get out! 192 00:29:05,100 --> 00:29:08,332 Can't I say goodbye to the legend? Is that what you're talking about? 193 00:29:08,366 --> 00:29:09,999 No. 194 00:29:10,000 --> 00:29:12,565 Not possible! You killed him! 195 00:29:12,566 --> 00:29:19,399 The race killed him. He knew I was hitting his back. He knew. And how he reacted after that ... I don't know. 196 00:29:19,400 --> 00:29:22,832 - I swear ... if you don't disappear now ... 197 00:29:22,833 --> 00:29:25,099 -... You will have to ... - Call Buddy. 198 00:29:25,133 --> 00:29:26,765 Fast! 199 00:29:31,200 --> 00:29:34,932 Large! Now comes Father's pride. 200 00:29:38,366 --> 00:29:39,665 Get out of here. 201 00:29:41,333 --> 00:29:43,632 Do you want to threaten me too? 202 00:29:43,666 --> 00:29:45,665 Please, I'm not threatening you. 203 00:29:46,566 --> 00:29:50,465 The Toretto family is always considered more sacred than the Pope! 204 00:29:50,500 --> 00:29:52,265 Do you want to reveal a secret to you? 205 00:29:52,833 --> 00:29:59,532 You, your father and I ... are in a boat. And we will all be together until the end of the days. 206 00:29:59,766 --> 00:30:02,132 We have to agree. 207 00:30:03,833 --> 00:30:06,632 You're not with my dad. 208 00:30:07,766 --> 00:30:10,332 - But I'm alive, man. - What did you say? 209 00:30:10,333 --> 00:30:11,899 Fuck! 210 00:30:12,600 --> 00:30:19,232 No, Dominic! Enough! Stop! Stop, calm down! You will kill me! 211 00:30:28,766 --> 00:30:31,299 Come on, your footprint. 212 00:30:36,666 --> 00:30:38,332 Come on 213 00:31:02,166 --> 00:31:03,632 Jacob! 214 00:31:03,666 --> 00:31:08,299 I can't believe the idea for the magnet worked. It turned out to be amazing. 215 00:31:08,300 --> 00:31:11,132 Watch the video directly from the plane. 216 00:31:11,600 --> 00:31:15,032 - Where to put ...? - He ... almost caught up. 217 00:31:15,066 --> 00:31:16,199 Did you agree? 218 00:31:16,266 --> 00:31:17,832 No. Yet. 219 00:31:17,866 --> 00:31:20,999 When I see it, it turns on right away. 220 00:31:21,333 --> 00:31:24,899 But at the same time very scary. Strange, huh? 221 00:31:25,300 --> 00:31:27,399 Thousand I II 222 00:31:27,400 --> 00:31:28,065 I 223 00:31:28,366 --> 00:31:30,299 Excellent work. 224 00:31:30,566 --> 00:31:35,099 They were abducted from the plane in the air and crashed. 225 00:31:36,100 --> 00:31:38,099 It's worth what I pay you. 226 00:31:39,000 --> 00:31:40,332 Do you know who I am? 227 00:31:40,366 --> 00:31:42,265 Of course I know. 228 00:31:42,300 --> 00:31:43,165 What about you 229 00:31:45,666 --> 00:31:49,499 Childhood in East Los Angeles is not Disneyiandia. 230 00:31:50,400 --> 00:31:56,965 Also more talented in the shadow of your brother. Is that correct? 231 00:31:59,100 --> 00:32:09,399 And all his life he tries to be faster than Dominic. Smarter than Dominic ... Stronger than Dominic. 232 00:32:09,800 --> 00:32:15,599 It's true ... that I hate it keep you awake at night ...? 233 00:32:17,666 --> 00:32:24,365 ... and does it bother you ... even after all these years? 234 00:32:27,200 --> 00:32:31,399 It was my fault that I last contacted his brother. I should contact you. 235 00:32:31,400 --> 00:32:35,432 - I don't work in the race. - Naive ... 236 00:32:35,433 --> 00:32:37,232 ... to think that you are my competitor. 237 00:32:37,233 --> 00:32:40,299 Said the mouse out of the box. 238 00:32:40,300 --> 00:32:40,899 I 239 00:32:42,166 --> 00:32:43,899 You want that? 240 00:32:44,233 --> 00:32:48,465 The second part was buried somewhere inside the Agency. 241 00:32:48,466 --> 00:32:50,932 I want you to find it. 242 00:32:51,266 --> 00:32:54,532 To do this, remove the master plate from the plane. 243 00:32:54,966 --> 00:32:58,632 Everything else - comes from ancient times. In front of the internet. 244 00:32:58,933 --> 00:33:01,832 Not to pirate with what you are not asked to do. 245 00:33:03,733 --> 00:33:11,565 And if you get what you wanted ... a weapon that can wipe all of humanity off the face of the Earth ... what will it do? 246 00:33:11,566 --> 00:33:14,065 Are you going to do an apocalypse? 247 00:33:14,100 --> 00:33:18,132 Do you sell to the most generous? Oh, I seem to know. 248 00:33:18,166 --> 00:33:21,799 He wants to shake the rotten system. 249 00:33:22,533 --> 00:33:25,765 But in your heart you dream of being hugged. 250 00:33:26,100 --> 00:33:30,832 - Did you find my school profile? - I found everything. Even graduation photos. 251 00:33:31,866 --> 00:33:33,465 It's my job. 252 00:33:42,633 --> 00:33:46,932 He has ... a huge jaw. 253 00:33:47,833 --> 00:33:53,665 The Toretto family mixes a wide variety of blood, but its northern presence came as a real surprise. 254 00:33:59,700 --> 00:34:02,832 Edinburgh The right component. 255 00:34:03,166 --> 00:34:09,632 Finding two halves of the Ares project is as simple as peeling a pear. But he lures his brother into business ... 256 00:34:09,633 --> 00:34:11,399 ■ ■ • very unlikely. 257 00:34:11,900 --> 00:34:14,232 Trust me, I can handle it. 258 00:34:18,066 --> 00:34:20,232 Hasa Han. 259 00:34:22,033 --> 00:34:23,932 What? 260 00:34:24,366 --> 00:34:26,365 Brother of Genghis Khan. 261 00:34:29,500 --> 00:34:31,999 No one knew about it. 262 00:34:47,900 --> 00:34:51,432 CASPIAN SEA 263 00:34:56,500 --> 00:34:59,099 They hid very well. 264 00:34:59,100 --> 00:35:03,399 yes whoever built this ... this guy was so paranoid. 265 00:35:03,933 --> 00:35:08,165 If all of a sudden the ninja turtles attack us, here I go! 266 00:35:08,166 --> 00:35:14,199 I don’t think the Agency would know about this hole. Mr. Nobody seems to be a secret nest. 267 00:35:22,000 --> 00:35:23,699 What's next, Dominic? 268 00:35:25,500 --> 00:35:28,832 We became Jacob eventually ... 269 00:35:30,133 --> 00:35:34,032 . and whatever you do or do ... 270 00:35:36,566 --> 00:35:38,832 My fault. 271 00:35:39,566 --> 00:35:41,199 And I have to fix it. 272 00:35:41,200 --> 00:35:46,365 No. It's not that easy ... to get rid of us. 273 00:35:46,400 --> 00:35:48,565 So, let's get to work. 274 00:36:03,633 --> 00:36:12,165 Strange business. We went through so many dangerous things. And ... yet ... we're still alive. 275 00:36:12,166 --> 00:36:14,432 yes, so far we have not twisted, we have not devoured. 276 00:36:14,433 --> 00:36:15,832 We were lucky. 277 00:36:15,866 --> 00:36:19,132 No, no, no, they don't understand. Just think about it! 278 00:36:19,300 --> 00:36:23,799 We travel around the world, doing crazy tasks. And quite often. 279 00:36:23,800 --> 00:36:31,199 We'll do ... what others think is fucking. And I don't have a damn scar. 280 00:36:31,200 --> 00:36:33,565 Seriously! Take a look at my coat! 281 00:36:34,466 --> 00:36:39,032 Bullet holes. They wanted to blow my head off a lot of times! 282 00:36:39,033 --> 00:36:46,065 But they couldn't! We are obviously smarter than cars, trains and tanks. And any plane, compared to us, is a sparrow! 283 00:36:46,066 --> 00:36:50,065 - And we're all still alive ... - I'm talking about this! 284 00:36:50,100 --> 00:36:54,665 Ramsey, when tests of a theory give the same result, what does that mean? 285 00:36:54,666 --> 00:36:58,065 Let this hypothesis be a fact. But you don't mean ... 286 00:36:58,066 --> 00:37:03,265 I see, but ... when miracles happen again and again, it's not just luck. 287 00:37:04,166 --> 00:37:06,699 Maybe we're really special ...? 288 00:37:06,700 --> 00:37:09,832 And that's what I think! Obviously, we are special! 289 00:37:10,333 --> 00:37:17,365 Well ... just to clarify ... you really think you're ... 290 00:37:17,366 --> 00:37:18,732 superheroes? 291 00:37:19,633 --> 00:37:22,365 - Maybe. - Maybe. 292 00:37:24,000 --> 00:37:25,965 But more likely 293 00:37:25,966 --> 00:37:28,565 ■ ■ ■ that you're just crazy! 294 00:37:31,700 --> 00:37:34,765 Your brain is as leaky as your coat. 295 00:37:42,366 --> 00:37:44,899 He did a great job today. 296 00:37:46,300 --> 00:37:49,132 Do you miss your old life? 297 00:37:50,466 --> 00:37:51,765 What about you 298 00:37:54,066 --> 00:37:55,699 Every day. 299 00:37:56,800 --> 00:37:59,799 Hello 300 00:37:59,833 --> 00:38:01,432 We have guests 301 00:38:01,700 --> 00:38:03,965 No need to present. 302 00:38:05,633 --> 00:38:08,865 - Nice to see you new. I missed them. 303 00:38:10,266 --> 00:38:12,199 Thanks. 304 00:38:12,233 --> 00:38:13,799 Willingly 305 00:38:17,066 --> 00:38:19,232 Why didn't you tell me? 306 00:38:20,133 --> 00:38:22,332 You have a right to know. 307 00:38:23,333 --> 00:38:26,765 Jacob and my brother. I couldn't help but come. 308 00:38:27,266 --> 00:38:30,632 By being involved in this matter, you are jeopardizing everything. 309 00:38:32,300 --> 00:38:35,432 and to your new life and his children. 310 00:38:35,733 --> 00:38:37,999 We are all risking something here. 311 00:38:39,500 --> 00:38:41,765 Dominic, listen to me. 312 00:38:41,800 --> 00:38:45,865 My children ... and your child is completely safe now. 313 00:38:45,866 --> 00:38:48,299 Brian is with them. 314 00:38:48,333 --> 00:38:50,265 We have something to save. 315 00:38:51,833 --> 00:38:54,199 And I am aware of the risks. 316 00:39:01,566 --> 00:39:07,299 The protection of these antiques proved to be adequate. But I uploaded it to the port and played with the protocols ... 317 00:39:07,300 --> 00:39:10,565 I sank into the brain and 318 00:39:11,333 --> 00:39:13,699 ... I'll introduce you to the Ares secret project. 319 00:39:13,700 --> 00:39:16,699 - What is that? - What we got safely out of the plane ... 320 00:39:16,700 --> 00:39:18,732 ... part of the project. 321 00:39:18,766 --> 00:39:22,465 Ares - can subdue any binary device. 322 00:39:22,466 --> 00:39:27,065 Any computer is vulnerable. And it doesn’t matter where and how much protection you are under. 323 00:39:27,100 --> 00:39:31,732 For example, if Arest loads a satellite, it spreads like a virus. 324 00:39:31,800 --> 00:39:35,832 And then you can control any weapon ... 325 00:39:35,833 --> 00:39:40,532 ... conventional, nuclear or new developments. And you can apply them anywhere. 326 00:39:41,200 --> 00:39:44,265 With that, Jacob ... will be the lord of the world ... 327 00:39:44,833 --> 00:39:46,765 ... in an instant. 328 00:39:46,766 --> 00:39:51,199 Ares is the God of War, right? If Jacob takes control of Ares ... 329 00:39:51,233 --> 00:39:53,832 ... to truly become God, and not good at all. 330 00:39:54,800 --> 00:40:00,265 To reduce the risks, Mr. No one withdrew the prototype and divided it into two equal parts. 331 00:40:00,266 --> 00:40:02,832 Both are useless without the activation key. 332 00:40:03,866 --> 00:40:08,199 Jacob has a party. Now he's trying to find the other one. 333 00:40:08,200 --> 00:40:10,065 But the key is missing. 334 00:40:10,633 --> 00:40:11,665 Disappeared. 335 00:40:11,666 --> 00:40:13,232 We will find it. 336 00:40:13,266 --> 00:40:16,532 But to catch up with Jacob, we have to be separate. 337 00:40:16,533 --> 00:40:21,932 Rome, Milk: My German friends help us get everything we may need. 338 00:40:21,966 --> 00:40:24,499 - Pack it up! - Wait, there's one more thing. 339 00:40:24,533 --> 00:40:28,399 In Mr. Nobody's message, the name associated with the key was encrypted. 340 00:40:28,433 --> 00:40:31,199 Now it will be a surprise, you better sit down. 341 00:40:37,200 --> 00:40:38,865 Not possible. 342 00:40:38,866 --> 00:40:41,032 I said exactly the same thing. 343 00:40:41,033 --> 00:40:44,899 So ... Khan's death is part of this crazy mix? 344 00:40:44,900 --> 00:40:48,832 At least there is a connection. I'll take care of that. 345 00:40:48,866 --> 00:40:51,532 Milk, can you send me all the information about Khan? 346 00:40:51,966 --> 00:40:52,965 I'm going with you. 347 00:40:54,300 --> 00:40:56,365 - Come on. - Letty ... 348 00:40:58,266 --> 00:41:00,465 ... I got this on the day of his death. 349 00:41:01,166 --> 00:41:02,632 Mexico. 350 00:41:03,166 --> 00:41:07,132 Now look at the stamp. That's the end of the clues. 351 00:41:07,133 --> 00:41:08,832 You have to find everything. 352 00:41:08,866 --> 00:41:10,665 Tokyo 353 00:41:11,000 --> 00:41:13,399 What did you decide about Jacob? 354 00:41:14,266 --> 00:41:15,965 I will find it. 355 00:41:18,400 --> 00:41:20,365 How? 356 00:41:20,833 --> 00:41:22,665 With the help of a friend 357 00:41:34,000 --> 00:41:39,765 But imagine ... that you could buy a house for a Chorizo? What can you buy then? 358 00:41:39,766 --> 00:41:41,599 Money is an illusion! 359 00:41:41,633 --> 00:41:46,665 Illusion ...? If you have too many illusions, I take them. You are not going anywhere without money! Money is a reality. 360 00:41:46,666 --> 00:41:48,332 - It's an illusion! - Reality! 361 00:41:50,366 --> 00:41:53,799 Hey, what do you say? Is money an illusion or a reality? 362 00:41:54,666 --> 00:41:58,632 Does not matter. It's just a matter of perception. 363 00:41:58,633 --> 00:42:00,832 Here! I was right again! 364 00:42:01,900 --> 00:42:03,865 - I'm Leo. - I'm Santos. 365 00:42:03,866 --> 00:42:05,199 I'm Dominic. 366 00:42:05,466 --> 00:42:07,765 - Why are they locked up? - Not white. 367 00:42:07,766 --> 00:42:12,065 - And for the bank robbery. - You don't understand anything! 368 00:42:12,066 --> 00:42:16,532 The police stopped us because we are black! And not because we robbed the bank. 369 00:42:16,866 --> 00:42:19,999 - Okay ... you're right about that. - Oh, stop, stop, be careful. 370 00:42:20,700 --> 00:42:22,765 There is a crack in the fuel line. 371 00:42:22,766 --> 00:42:25,765 If air enters - the car will drown. 372 00:42:25,766 --> 00:42:27,432 This ... 373 00:42:27,466 --> 00:42:30,832 An old trick mechanic is manipulating a car race. 374 00:42:30,866 --> 00:42:37,565 But if the crack gets bigger and sparks come ... everything will explode to hell. 375 00:43:18,633 --> 00:43:21,999 Hey dude, you're the best! 376 00:43:23,533 --> 00:43:25,165 Who is next? 377 00:43:25,200 --> 00:43:26,765 Who will challenge me? 378 00:43:26,766 --> 00:43:28,465 I try. 379 00:43:30,733 --> 00:43:31,965 Dominic? 380 00:43:33,400 --> 00:43:35,099 When did he get out of jail? 381 00:43:35,566 --> 00:43:37,299 Are we talking or driving? 382 00:43:39,066 --> 00:43:41,665 All right, Dominic. 383 00:43:41,700 --> 00:43:44,265 Do you want to call Buddy in the trash? 384 00:43:44,266 --> 00:43:46,599 The driver is more important than the car. 385 00:43:53,533 --> 00:43:55,565 The conditions are as follows. 386 00:43:55,800 --> 00:43:57,899 If you win ... 387 00:43:58,000 --> 00:44:00,232 you come home. 388 00:44:00,266 --> 00:44:07,465 If you lose ... you run from here ... and you never come back ... 389 00:44:07,833 --> 00:44:09,665 'eouriN 390 00:44:10,433 --> 00:44:12,132 What is this nonsense, brother? 391 00:44:12,133 --> 00:44:14,165 I know what you did. 392 00:44:15,633 --> 00:44:21,665 The same day, my father complained about engine failures. You remember? 393 00:44:21,966 --> 00:44:24,865 You last got under the hood. 394 00:44:26,866 --> 00:44:29,232 And he died a minute later. 395 00:44:29,700 --> 00:44:33,265 Tell me why you killed Dad. 396 00:44:40,066 --> 00:44:42,699 Let's go now. 397 00:44:47,366 --> 00:44:50,399 Robbery in the Eco-Park! The 4th Street Bridge is free! 398 00:44:50,433 --> 00:44:51,865 Come on, come on, come on! 399 00:44:51,866 --> 00:44:53,899 Fuck! 400 00:45:10,966 --> 00:45:12,999 For your tickets ... 401 00:45:13,533 --> 00:45:14,932 Attention! 402 00:45:15,966 --> 00:45:17,432 Now! 403 00:46:42,100 --> 00:46:44,132 Too early 404 00:46:51,833 --> 00:46:54,365 No! 405 00:47:52,966 --> 00:47:55,465 Nothing has changed here. 406 00:47:57,466 --> 00:48:00,199 I left everything as it was with Jack. 407 00:48:00,233 --> 00:48:02,099 I'm looking for Jacob. 408 00:48:06,833 --> 00:48:08,599 There is no possibility. 409 00:48:09,866 --> 00:48:13,465 I know you took it after my father died. 410 00:48:13,766 --> 00:48:16,732 Toretto's worst dream ... 411 00:48:16,766 --> 00:48:19,199 it is the expulsion of the family. 412 00:48:20,433 --> 00:48:23,065 And that's what you did to him. 413 00:48:23,333 --> 00:48:28,165 Some people love you, wait for you, care about you. 414 00:48:28,200 --> 00:48:34,465 Jacob has no one. Your hostility will not end until one of you dies. 415 00:48:34,500 --> 00:48:37,065 I know you did what was best for him, you cared about him. 416 00:48:37,800 --> 00:48:40,832 But we both understand that something is going wrong. 417 00:48:50,666 --> 00:48:53,832 As much as I could, I helped Jacob. 418 00:48:55,400 --> 00:48:58,299 But I'm not Jack Toretto. 419 00:49:14,666 --> 00:49:18,399 So they have a chance for the future ... 420 00:49:19,466 --> 00:49:21,799 they must accept the past. 421 00:49:28,966 --> 00:49:31,599 He's in London. 422 00:49:31,633 --> 00:49:33,332 That's all I know 423 00:49:44,033 --> 00:49:46,099 Dominic. 424 00:49:49,233 --> 00:49:53,365 I hope they reconciled. 425 00:49:54,666 --> 00:49:58,265 The last chance to die in this race. 426 00:50:06,233 --> 00:50:09,099 TOKYO 427 00:50:21,300 --> 00:50:23,132 Origato. 428 00:50:25,900 --> 00:50:31,032 - I think we're at a dead end. "Does Jacob know that Khan is involved in the project?" 429 00:50:32,166 --> 00:50:36,899 If you have the same information as us ... then you know. 430 00:50:38,933 --> 00:50:42,732 Dominic didn't know ... 431 00:50:42,866 --> 00:50:46,365 ... that I kept my relationship with Jacob a secret. 432 00:50:46,933 --> 00:50:52,832 He lived with Buddy for a year ... then ... he disappeared, leaving a note where he asked not to look for him. 433 00:50:53,533 --> 00:50:59,065 After such a strange act, I was willing to do anything to find it. 434 00:50:59,066 --> 00:51:02,232 I even went into the police file, but ... it didn't help me. 435 00:51:02,233 --> 00:51:05,399 Really? At the age of sixteen? 436 00:51:06,566 --> 00:51:08,599 I wanted to find it. 437 00:51:09,566 --> 00:51:11,565 sure 438 00:51:14,100 --> 00:51:15,899 And how are you? 439 00:51:15,933 --> 00:51:17,532 In general? 440 00:51:18,266 --> 00:51:20,699 Is quiet life over? 441 00:51:21,833 --> 00:51:25,999 I just remembered 442 00:51:26,000 --> 00:51:27,765 Who am I 443 00:51:27,800 --> 00:51:33,032 Everything has changed a lot. And it slowed down. 444 00:51:33,833 --> 00:51:41,532 I only find peace in chaos. I have to collide with the world to feel alive. 445 00:51:42,600 --> 00:51:49,399 I watch Brian rush ... to hide from the armed intruders ... 446 00:51:50,100 --> 00:51:52,199 ■ ■ ■ I got up. 447 00:51:53,433 --> 00:51:56,932 To hide - not for us. 448 00:51:57,466 --> 00:52:01,832 Dominic is my brother, but he can always trust me. 449 00:52:01,933 --> 00:52:05,699 You and I have something we don’t have to talk about. 450 00:52:11,466 --> 00:52:12,799 What? 451 00:52:12,800 --> 00:52:15,199 I can not believe my eyes ... 452 00:52:15,500 --> 00:52:16,965 What are you talking about? 453 00:52:17,066 --> 00:52:20,132 Remember what Han always said about Tokyo? 454 00:52:22,366 --> 00:52:27,132 He joked that in the old westerns, cowboys ran out of justice in Mexico. 455 00:52:27,433 --> 00:52:30,199 Tokyo was Mexico. 456 00:52:34,100 --> 00:52:35,665 Oops. 457 00:52:40,033 --> 00:52:45,432 RETROPULSION INVESTIGATION AREA. SUBURB. GERMANY. 458 00:52:52,033 --> 00:52:53,965 The car is ready to fight. 459 00:52:54,000 --> 00:52:57,565 Wait ... No! No! John! 460 00:52:57,600 --> 00:53:00,632 Why did you make a valve for the liquid oxygen tube? 461 00:53:00,633 --> 00:53:05,665 Brother, don't worry, this is a significant step forward. Everything will be great. So I won us half a second. 462 00:53:05,666 --> 00:53:09,365 Do not worry ?! This is not a bloody fighter! You can't get out of the car! 463 00:53:09,366 --> 00:53:11,532 My friend, calm down. Everything will be great. 464 00:53:11,533 --> 00:53:15,265 When he discovers what is happening due to excessive pressure ... he tells his opinion. 465 00:53:15,266 --> 00:53:16,832 But now do not participate. 466 00:53:16,833 --> 00:53:19,399 But you said, "Stay out of it, genius!" Certain? 467 00:53:19,400 --> 00:53:23,832 I was reminded of the use of rocket engines. And how to make money from it. 468 00:53:24,133 --> 00:53:27,199 - That's my idea. -Who do you entrust your incarnation to? 469 00:53:27,200 --> 00:53:29,365 Is this the crazy mechanic? 470 00:53:30,133 --> 00:53:34,499 Or a rocket scientist? If it weren’t for me, you’d be changing the oil in an fryer now! 471 00:53:34,500 --> 00:53:37,265 Guys, calm down. Why fight? We all contribute. 472 00:53:37,266 --> 00:53:40,732 Your only contribution is that you pee every time you take off, you silly orc. 473 00:53:40,800 --> 00:53:42,899 Did I hear correctly? 474 00:53:42,900 --> 00:53:45,199 Are you an aerophobic smuggler? 475 00:53:46,533 --> 00:53:48,199 Are you the silent orc? 476 00:53:48,233 --> 00:53:52,665 So ... you two ... the wise leprechaun and the giant hobbit? 477 00:53:53,033 --> 00:53:56,132 I ... I'm not offended by the nickname "orc". 478 00:53:56,133 --> 00:53:58,365 So ... are you tolerant of orcs? 479 00:53:58,400 --> 00:53:59,699 Aren't you ashamed? 480 00:54:00,400 --> 00:54:01,999 He's not serious. 481 00:54:02,566 --> 00:54:04,299 Time for you guys! 482 00:54:04,333 --> 00:54:05,765 Large! 483 00:54:06,933 --> 00:54:08,265 Did you hear? 484 00:54:08,400 --> 00:54:10,465 More than a quarter of a mile in ten seconds? 485 00:54:11,866 --> 00:54:14,965 And our car can do it. For two damn seconds! 486 00:54:22,233 --> 00:54:26,899 They put a rocket engine in a Pontiac Viera ...? 487 00:54:26,933 --> 00:54:28,899 Cool? I know. 488 00:54:28,900 --> 00:54:31,765 No ... Dude ... it's not cool at all. 489 00:54:33,700 --> 00:54:36,865 Come on, take it out! The competition begins! 490 00:54:52,766 --> 00:54:55,632 Take it off! Go! Go! Go! 491 00:55:12,066 --> 00:55:13,199 Cool! 492 00:55:13,200 --> 00:55:15,199 Yes! 493 00:55:15,633 --> 00:55:17,765 We did it! Yes! 494 00:55:17,800 --> 00:55:20,332 Yes, friends, we did it! 495 00:55:23,166 --> 00:55:26,565 Mm Why are they so happy? 496 00:55:26,800 --> 00:55:28,832 The machine clearly won them. 497 00:55:29,100 --> 00:55:30,132 The car did not explode. 498 00:55:30,166 --> 00:55:31,932 It didn't even melt. 499 00:55:31,966 --> 00:55:33,999 It stands like new. 500 00:55:39,633 --> 00:55:41,765 Fireworks to the top? 501 00:55:41,766 --> 00:55:43,965 Well, I already warned you. 502 00:55:44,000 --> 00:55:45,532 But you are deaf. 503 00:55:46,500 --> 00:55:49,499 We were secretly told ... Can you get the cars? 504 00:55:49,500 --> 00:55:52,032 Just please ... these are not the cars that explode ... 505 00:55:52,533 --> 00:55:53,932 Can they do it? 506 00:55:53,966 --> 00:55:59,032 - Mortgage office three miles from here. "Dominic Toretto sent us. 507 00:56:06,566 --> 00:56:08,632 Who the hell is Toretto? 508 00:56:10,166 --> 00:56:12,732 London 509 00:57:02,033 --> 00:57:04,265 Beautiful necklace, Magdalene. 510 00:57:05,600 --> 00:57:08,299 Diamonds and emeralds look very good on you. 511 00:57:08,966 --> 00:57:11,132 Dominic Toretto ... 512 00:57:13,166 --> 00:57:15,832 I heard they were put in jail. 513 00:57:15,866 --> 00:57:18,465 But I didn't stay there long. 514 00:57:18,866 --> 00:57:22,965 They will never learn ... that the cage does not belong to all birds. 515 00:57:22,966 --> 00:57:25,265 Are you looking for one of my children? 516 00:57:26,166 --> 00:57:27,999 You had no idea. 517 00:57:28,800 --> 00:57:31,699 Take it and 15 percent of the sale is yours. 518 00:57:35,033 --> 00:57:35,699 4 519 00:57:35,700 --> 00:57:37,965 I stopped this a long time ago. 520 00:57:38,833 --> 00:57:40,265 But not ... 521 00:57:42,000 --> 00:57:43,999 So ... are you going with me? 522 00:58:15,066 --> 00:58:17,165 Looking for somebody. 523 00:58:17,366 --> 00:58:19,499 He came here recently. 524 00:58:19,633 --> 00:58:21,532 And with a great team. 525 00:58:21,533 --> 00:58:23,099 With lots of money and connections. 526 00:58:23,100 --> 00:58:27,799 Anyway, yes, here’s a foreign team in which the boss is American. 527 00:58:30,566 --> 00:58:32,699 . 528 00:58:33,233 --> 00:58:39,099 He bought a gun from a local dealer and heard that there was something serious in Edinburgh. 529 00:58:43,400 --> 00:58:45,665 c / k a local seller, huh? 530 00:58:45,966 --> 00:58:48,632 Who likes to steal the most expensive trinkets? 531 00:58:48,633 --> 00:58:51,665 He gave me a lot, I’m not stupid if I refuse money. 532 00:58:56,266 --> 00:59:00,765 It was about its height. And he looked very much like you. 533 00:59:01,600 --> 00:59:04,732 Oh, damn it. Did I confuse you with your cousin? 534 00:59:05,300 --> 00:59:07,232 With my brother. 535 00:59:10,166 --> 00:59:12,865 Honey, apply the parking brake. 536 00:59:21,166 --> 00:59:25,132 It turned out not only my relatives are crazy. 537 00:59:26,033 --> 00:59:29,632 z He offered you money 538 00:59:30,900 --> 00:59:32,799 head. 539 00:59:41,433 --> 00:59:42,099 . 540 00:59:43,033 --> 00:59:43,732 . TO obsession 541 00:59:59,766 --> 01:00:03,265 For man, nothing is more important than the love of his family. 542 01:00:03,833 --> 01:00:06,899 But it turned love into anger. 543 01:00:07,200 --> 01:00:10,265 And there is nothing more dangerous. 544 01:00:13,333 --> 01:00:14,599 you 545 01:00:14,600 --> 01:00:16,065 Dominic? 546 01:00:16,500 --> 01:00:20,899 Don't let him kill you. You are my favorite American. 547 01:00:25,966 --> 01:00:28,299 . 548 01:00:34,933 --> 01:00:36,499 . 549 01:00:45,700 --> 01:00:48,699 I think you like this party? 550 01:00:48,733 --> 01:00:52,999 The best girls, the best cars. All the best. And the best security. 551 01:00:53,000 --> 01:00:55,065 I'm Otto, your brother's partner. 552 01:01:00,733 --> 01:01:07,332 Specifically, I am your investor. But since my father is a dictator, I am not any rich child. No no no. 553 01:01:07,333 --> 01:01:12,232 Everything you see here is mine! Even the girls. If you want one or two or three ... 554 01:01:12,233 --> 01:01:15,999 ... Just tell me. They are in payroll. In addition, I pay them for the dentist. 555 01:01:16,333 --> 01:01:17,065 Do you understand 556 01:01:17,100 --> 01:01:18,332 Where is Jacob? 557 01:01:18,700 --> 01:01:20,032 In the palace. 558 01:02:00,066 --> 01:02:02,465 The brother you met ... 559 01:02:02,966 --> 01:02:04,832 ... is in the past. 560 01:02:05,700 --> 01:02:07,032 He is not here. 561 01:02:07,266 --> 01:02:11,699 And I still see the same coward who killed my father. 562 01:02:12,866 --> 01:02:14,432 You are very wrong. 563 01:02:16,700 --> 01:02:18,099 Don't neglect your back 564 01:02:18,966 --> 01:02:21,065 ... in my world. 565 01:02:25,333 --> 01:02:28,465 My suggestion 566 01:02:28,500 --> 01:02:31,432 ... it used to be the same as yours. 567 01:02:33,733 --> 01:02:36,565 Get out of here. Just now. 568 01:02:37,100 --> 01:02:39,032 Without speech. 569 01:02:39,400 --> 01:02:41,565 And he never comes back. 570 01:02:41,800 --> 01:02:43,099 Never 571 01:02:43,500 --> 01:02:45,099 wake up 572 01:02:45,933 --> 01:02:48,132 I was sorry that day! 573 01:02:50,133 --> 01:02:51,932 But don't expect more mercy from me. 574 01:02:56,333 --> 01:02:59,099 - Here! - The object is here. 575 01:03:02,033 --> 01:03:03,732 iToretto! 576 01:03:04,500 --> 01:03:07,299 My father is the head of state. 577 01:03:07,333 --> 01:03:09,832 And I'm a senior man. 578 01:03:09,866 --> 01:03:17,299 This is the palace embassy. It turned out that you entered my country for the purpose of murder. 579 01:03:17,333 --> 01:03:21,299 Of course, I had to go to Interpol for help. 580 01:03:21,333 --> 01:03:24,365 If you continue to delve into the past ... 581 01:03:24,400 --> 01:03:26,332 you dig your own grave. 582 01:03:34,400 --> 01:03:37,565 Well, I was nervous about my idiot father. 583 01:03:38,133 --> 01:03:41,465 But your family ... damn ... even crazier. 584 01:03:41,833 --> 01:03:46,465 Well ... we neutralized your brother. Time to go through Edinburgh ... 585 01:03:46,500 --> 01:03:50,365 ... for the second part of Ares. And then ... it's not a sin to relax, is it? 586 01:03:52,366 --> 01:03:55,999 - And the key? - My people will get it soon. 587 01:03:58,100 --> 01:04:03,965 In a week ... no great power will be able to urinate without our permission. 588 01:04:03,966 --> 01:04:07,599 In a week ... your father will beg you to lend him the money. 589 01:04:08,066 --> 01:04:09,999 It would be good. 590 01:04:10,366 --> 01:04:12,432 I can not wait. 591 01:04:26,400 --> 01:04:27,665 Dominic! 592 01:04:27,833 --> 01:04:30,199 How are you handsome boy? Ah? 593 01:04:30,633 --> 01:04:32,665 Thank you very much, Leisa. 594 01:04:32,700 --> 01:04:36,565 Seriously! If it weren't for you, I'd still steal gasoline in my country. 595 01:04:36,600 --> 01:04:41,432 "How about working with Magdalena?" - I'm like a princess there. As his best student. 596 01:04:41,433 --> 01:04:44,332 - Kara's sister is a fire. - Fire? 597 01:04:44,333 --> 01:04:48,165 Did you see my ass in a dress? So shut up if you don't understand! 598 01:04:48,200 --> 01:04:52,565 This whole team is my daughters! You understand? I brought them from all over the world. 599 01:04:52,600 --> 01:04:53,932 I almost forgot. 600 01:04:53,966 --> 01:04:55,665 Van. It will be useful. 601 01:04:55,700 --> 01:05:01,165 The weapon is programmed according to your brother's biometric data. Now you can find it without any problems. 602 01:05:39,200 --> 01:05:40,365 Hey, Letty. 603 01:05:41,800 --> 01:05:43,765 - what? - Seeing. 604 01:05:45,266 --> 01:05:46,665 Who is he? 605 01:05:47,533 --> 01:05:49,599 Han never mentioned it. 606 01:05:51,166 --> 01:05:52,332 Letty, Mia! 607 01:05:53,433 --> 01:05:54,432 On the ground, fast! 608 01:07:06,166 --> 01:07:07,165 What ... 609 01:07:50,333 --> 01:07:51,499 Are you okay 610 01:08:21,100 --> 01:08:23,399 EDINBURGH 611 01:08:26,233 --> 01:08:26,699 ■ 612 01:08:38,166 --> 01:08:38,632 . 613 01:08:42,266 --> 01:08:42,665 . 614 01:08:43,100 --> 01:08:43,699 . 615 01:08:44,166 --> 01:08:44,732 CASINO 616 01:09:14,033 --> 01:09:16,799 Welcome to the cathedral. 617 01:09:17,100 --> 01:09:21,532 The history of this holy place dates back more than 9 centuries. 618 01:09:21,700 --> 01:09:23,999 First of all, it is famous for ... 619 01:09:30,500 --> 01:09:31,565 Everything is ready. 620 01:09:39,000 --> 01:09:40,699 Ramsey, right? 621 01:09:40,700 --> 01:09:43,032 I copied Jakob's biometric data from his gun. 622 01:09:43,033 --> 01:09:46,399 The program indicates that your people are a stone’s throw away from us. 623 01:09:46,400 --> 01:09:48,199 Within a radius of about one hundred meters. 624 01:09:48,200 --> 01:09:49,532 About a hundred meters? 625 01:09:49,533 --> 01:09:51,299 yes, there is room. 626 01:09:51,733 --> 01:09:53,865 There are really a lot of people here. 627 01:09:54,433 --> 01:09:55,499 Then. 628 01:09:55,766 --> 01:10:00,532 You obviously don't know where he is the secret safe Jacob wants to blow up? 629 01:10:00,533 --> 01:10:02,832 That's why it was called a secret. 630 01:10:03,200 --> 01:10:04,199 Clean. 631 01:10:04,200 --> 01:10:08,632 He read a lot of books, braided braids, wore glasses, but he didn’t get smarter. 632 01:10:13,766 --> 01:10:16,865 It’s weird that we didn’t use a good old beacon 633 01:10:16,866 --> 01:10:19,232 That would have led us directly to this guy. 634 01:10:19,233 --> 01:10:23,732 But not! Instead, we’re confused with biometrics and facial recognition! 635 01:10:23,733 --> 01:10:27,199 Now, like idiots, we are looking for a white man in a white room. 636 01:10:27,200 --> 01:10:29,232 yes, true, but there is a detail. 637 01:10:29,233 --> 01:10:30,665 They are always attentive to the marker. 638 01:10:30,666 --> 01:10:35,265 This means they can discover the dry cleaner where the pants were brought with this beacon. 639 01:10:35,266 --> 01:10:38,365 But with biometrics, it’s impossible to shit that. 640 01:10:40,200 --> 01:10:40,899 What ■ ■ ■ 641 01:10:41,433 --> 01:10:43,199 Guys, I ... We have a problem. 642 01:10:43,200 --> 01:10:44,732 All cameras are broken. 643 01:10:44,733 --> 01:10:46,499 And the technique is flawed. 644 01:10:48,866 --> 01:10:50,232 Jimmy, what the hell? 645 01:10:50,933 --> 01:10:52,832 Alarm, the cameras don't work! 646 01:10:55,600 --> 01:10:56,665 Damn it 647 01:10:56,933 --> 01:10:58,265 Do you see anything strange? 648 01:10:59,100 --> 01:11:00,165 Where do we start? 649 01:11:00,333 --> 01:11:03,432 First of all, I feel weird around these tourists. 650 01:11:03,766 --> 01:11:05,965 And those two women out there are outraged. 651 01:11:05,966 --> 01:11:09,799 They want to look like George and Washington sexy. 652 01:11:09,800 --> 01:11:12,565 I feel like I'm on Count Dracula's birthday. 653 01:11:24,933 --> 01:11:28,699 Ramsey, we've been around every corner ... we've already got real calluses! 654 01:11:28,700 --> 01:11:29,999 And nothing! 655 01:11:31,000 --> 01:11:32,432 - Wow! - What? 656 01:11:32,966 --> 01:11:33,965 Did you notice? 657 01:11:33,966 --> 01:11:35,065 What are you talking about? 658 01:11:35,366 --> 01:11:36,265 The ears. 659 01:11:36,766 --> 01:11:38,465 It's broken many times. 660 01:11:38,833 --> 01:11:40,399 These guys are warriors. 661 01:11:42,466 --> 01:11:43,699 To see. 662 01:11:43,700 --> 01:11:44,732 Roman! 663 01:11:44,733 --> 01:11:47,232 Hey brother, I asked you for shoes. 664 01:11:47,500 --> 01:11:50,065 Three weeks have passed and still nothing! 665 01:11:54,433 --> 01:11:55,965 Consider my opinion! 666 01:11:58,700 --> 01:12:01,265 Do we think first and act later? 667 01:12:02,733 --> 01:12:05,799 Dominic, go quickly to the cathedral. 668 01:12:05,800 --> 01:12:08,999 Our genius hit the messengers, he didn’t like their ears. 669 01:12:11,700 --> 01:12:12,665 Stop, stop, stop. 670 01:12:12,933 --> 01:12:14,765 How much did you pay for it? 671 01:12:16,233 --> 01:12:18,632 Platinum does not appear to be magnetized. 672 01:12:19,266 --> 01:12:20,699 shut up, please. 673 01:12:20,833 --> 01:12:22,265 I'm tired of me! 674 01:12:22,733 --> 01:12:26,365 Ramsey, for example, has a huge electromagnet on the truck. 675 01:12:27,166 --> 01:12:29,765 It disrupts the technique, doesn't it? 676 01:12:29,766 --> 01:12:31,565 Including security systems. 677 01:12:31,566 --> 01:12:34,665 I found out ... That's how Jakob would enter the safe! 678 01:12:38,766 --> 01:12:41,199 Guys! Hello? 679 01:12:45,000 --> 01:12:48,332 Police officers flew in from all directions, closing the district. 680 01:12:48,333 --> 01:12:50,065 He won't get away with a car. 681 01:13:04,366 --> 01:13:05,899 Ramsey, I saw Jacob. 682 01:13:14,766 --> 01:13:16,032 I see Otto. 683 01:13:18,200 --> 01:13:19,399 I'm looking. 684 01:13:28,900 --> 01:13:30,732 He goes out with a blue Jaguar. 685 01:13:30,733 --> 01:13:31,865 Follow me! 686 01:13:32,100 --> 01:13:33,965 Me? I can not! 687 01:13:33,966 --> 01:13:34,932 Why 688 01:13:34,933 --> 01:13:37,499 Okay, it's not time, but ... 689 01:13:37,766 --> 01:13:40,499 I don't have permission. I don't know how to drive. Absolutely. 690 01:13:40,500 --> 01:13:42,699 Few people in London drive. 691 01:13:43,100 --> 01:13:45,132 I thought you needed something else. 692 01:13:45,133 --> 01:13:46,765 - Isn't that right? - And who else? 693 01:14:00,166 --> 01:14:01,299 Jolin. 694 01:14:01,700 --> 01:14:04,465 Guys, that's enough, we can always agree. 695 01:14:04,766 --> 01:14:06,265 And with everyone. Truth? 696 01:14:15,100 --> 01:14:17,099 Okay, how can that be ... 697 01:14:24,366 --> 01:14:26,932 Ramsey, cut off the magnet! 698 01:14:29,366 --> 01:14:30,565 Come on, fast! 699 01:14:32,066 --> 01:14:34,599 The brake is on the left and the accelerator pedal is on the right. 700 01:14:37,233 --> 01:14:38,299 Fuck ... 701 01:15:30,833 --> 01:15:31,865 Fuck! 702 01:15:49,533 --> 01:15:51,032 It was unintentional! 703 01:16:35,266 --> 01:16:36,332 God! 704 01:16:39,066 --> 01:16:40,432 I'm sorry! 705 01:16:40,866 --> 01:16:42,665 Definitely not my fault! 706 01:16:50,900 --> 01:16:53,032 And here I am definitely mine. 707 01:17:28,466 --> 01:17:30,865 You see! I told you! 708 01:17:31,266 --> 01:17:32,765 Not a single scratch! 709 01:17:47,166 --> 01:17:48,965 iOtto, send new coordinates! 710 01:17:56,633 --> 01:17:58,665 Accepted, I come to you. 711 01:18:38,266 --> 01:18:39,332 Otto, where are you? 712 01:18:39,866 --> 01:18:41,732 I'm coming, but I can't see you. 713 01:18:44,300 --> 01:18:46,065 You made a bad street. 714 01:19:20,500 --> 01:19:21,732 This is my cochom! 715 01:19:21,733 --> 01:19:23,199 iDominic! 716 01:19:26,833 --> 01:19:27,899 Go further! 717 01:19:32,166 --> 01:19:33,165 Fuck! 718 01:20:05,433 --> 01:20:06,699 You have talent. 719 01:20:07,800 --> 01:20:09,165 Did you doubt it? 720 01:20:22,600 --> 01:20:25,465 Listen to me! I need 50 best fighters. 721 01:20:25,700 --> 01:20:27,632 Armed with cars. 722 01:20:28,000 --> 01:20:30,165 And with fighters even better. 723 01:20:30,166 --> 01:20:32,865 Even with the starship with Chewbacca, if you succeeded. 724 01:20:32,966 --> 01:20:34,365 I'll pay for everything, hair. 725 01:20:35,533 --> 01:20:36,599 Live! 726 01:20:46,900 --> 01:20:48,032 What? 727 01:20:50,200 --> 01:20:51,265 What do you find funny? 728 01:20:52,500 --> 01:20:53,799 For me ... 729 01:20:55,066 --> 01:20:57,832 I was reminded of a regular movie scene. 730 01:20:57,833 --> 01:20:58,399 I v * I 731 01:20:58,400 --> 01:21:02,665 Just the moment the villain bounces off losing his plans. 732 01:21:03,200 --> 01:21:07,665 He starts doing nonsense and eventually the main characters get their heads. 733 01:21:09,466 --> 01:21:10,699 There is no crime 734 01:21:11,300 --> 01:21:14,099 But you have no idea about our plans. 735 01:21:14,700 --> 01:21:17,165 Here we are the main characters. 736 01:21:17,466 --> 01:21:19,665 I'm like Luck, the fucking Skywaiker. 737 01:21:19,733 --> 01:21:21,165 Are you sure you weren't wrong? 738 01:21:22,100 --> 01:21:24,399 You already have a conflict with your father ^ but ... 739 01:21:26,333 --> 01:21:27,699 Evaluate your progress. 740 01:21:29,833 --> 01:21:31,632 Are you sure you're Skywaiker? 741 01:21:32,900 --> 01:21:33,932 You're right. 742 01:21:34,600 --> 01:21:36,465 I'm more of a Han Solo. 743 01:21:37,500 --> 01:21:38,765 No «■ ■ 744 01:21:41,466 --> 01:21:43,599 - You're Yoda. - Yoda? 745 01:21:44,766 --> 01:21:46,765 - No, green monster? - Yes. 746 01:21:46,766 --> 01:21:47,865 No. 747 01:21:49,166 --> 01:21:50,732 Oh, I see. 748 01:21:51,400 --> 01:21:54,065 Because he's the best Jedi, right? 749 01:21:54,066 --> 01:21:54,965 No. 750 01:21:55,966 --> 01:21:57,599 Because it's a baby. 751 01:21:59,833 --> 01:22:01,965 Fucked from her ass. 752 01:22:26,033 --> 01:22:27,432 What shall we do? 753 01:22:28,133 --> 01:22:30,165 There is no escape from the past. 754 01:22:31,066 --> 01:22:32,865 And yours got to you too. 755 01:22:42,533 --> 01:22:48,665 Shit I've never seen such strong civilian or military electromagnets. 756 01:22:48,666 --> 01:22:51,765 - And his power is unreal. - Exactly. 757 01:22:52,200 --> 01:22:52,732 . 758 01:22:53,200 --> 01:22:54,799 Hey, do you want a joke? 759 01:23:12,233 --> 01:23:14,465 - His face now ... - Do you think it's funny? 760 01:23:15,366 --> 01:23:16,599 I'm hungry! 761 01:23:16,766 --> 01:23:18,365 Hi there. 762 01:23:18,566 --> 01:23:19,765 We have guests. 763 01:23:23,666 --> 01:23:24,965 Fucking bunker. 764 01:23:36,533 --> 01:23:37,665 So many years 765 01:23:59,866 --> 01:24:01,465 Did you get the postcard? 766 01:24:19,900 --> 01:24:22,065 I can't believe it. 767 01:24:22,800 --> 01:24:24,365 How to survive 768 01:24:27,166 --> 01:24:29,065 After Gisele died, I ... 769 01:24:30,433 --> 01:24:32,332 He didn't know how to live. 770 01:24:33,600 --> 01:24:35,099 Why fight ■ ■ ■ 771 01:24:36,533 --> 01:24:38,365 - Disappeared. - Naturally. 772 01:24:38,366 --> 01:24:42,365 Can you tell me how you survived the car explosion? 773 01:24:42,366 --> 01:24:44,299 Very strong I want to know. 774 01:24:44,300 --> 01:24:47,299 Roman, can you catch me once? 775 01:24:47,633 --> 01:24:49,165 We had plans. 776 01:24:50,766 --> 01:24:52,432 And we had dreams. 777 01:24:52,433 --> 01:24:54,932 Well, what's our next adventure? 778 01:24:57,433 --> 01:25:00,699 Maybe we can try to settle somewhere? 779 01:25:01,833 --> 01:25:02,965 But exactly where? 780 01:25:03,500 --> 01:25:06,699 In Tokyo. We dream of living in Tokyo. 781 01:25:07,300 --> 01:25:08,899 Good choice. 782 01:25:10,266 --> 01:25:12,699 Our dreams took me there. 783 01:25:13,800 --> 01:25:15,599 Tokyo at last 784 01:25:18,066 --> 01:25:19,699 It became my home. 785 01:25:21,300 --> 01:25:23,665 But one day Mr. Nobody came for me. 786 01:25:23,933 --> 01:25:25,499 I worked with Gisele. 787 01:25:25,866 --> 01:25:30,799 As a CIA employee, he fought local drug cartels in Central America. 788 01:25:32,300 --> 01:25:33,799 Good times 789 01:25:33,800 --> 01:25:35,599 He was the best on the team. 790 01:25:36,200 --> 01:25:38,465 An agent can die at any moment. 791 01:25:40,133 --> 01:25:42,999 Of bullets, knives or strangulation. 792 01:25:43,833 --> 01:25:47,599 But Gisele was deceived by her love for you. 793 01:25:51,866 --> 01:25:52,765 What do you need? 794 01:25:52,966 --> 01:25:55,832 I want to offer you a job. They have. 795 01:25:56,166 --> 01:25:58,099 Here in Tokyo. 796 01:25:58,800 --> 01:26:02,065 - Why me? - I saw how they worked together. 797 01:26:02,066 --> 01:26:04,565 I realized he trusted you. 798 01:26:05,900 --> 01:26:08,165 That means I can trust you too. 799 01:26:08,866 --> 01:26:13,865 And this is very rare in our difficult business. 800 01:26:19,466 --> 01:26:23,865 The first task was to steal a technology from a family of scientists. 801 01:26:27,900 --> 01:26:32,599 But, as usual, Mr. Nobody said everything. 802 01:26:34,100 --> 01:26:36,632 He silenced the most important thing. 803 01:26:41,666 --> 01:26:43,165 I was 11 years old. 804 01:26:44,200 --> 01:26:49,165 My parents took me to the movies on Saturday when I got good grades at school. 805 01:26:50,300 --> 01:26:54,265 But one day, before I left, I forgot to bring my raincoat. 806 01:26:54,933 --> 01:26:56,465 I had to go back. 807 01:27:02,666 --> 01:27:04,665 And I didn't find it right away. 808 01:27:06,833 --> 01:27:09,232 I heard an explosion and looked out the window. 809 01:27:12,433 --> 01:27:14,199 Mom and Dad died. 810 01:27:14,500 --> 01:27:16,899 Turns out I wasn’t the only one looking for this thing. 811 01:27:26,766 --> 01:27:29,732 Kill him! We don't need witnesses. 812 01:27:37,366 --> 01:27:38,999 That's it, I found it. 813 01:27:40,466 --> 01:27:41,465 Here. 814 01:27:44,533 --> 01:27:45,665 Hide! 815 01:27:55,600 --> 01:28:02,465 Han saved me. Realizing that they will always hunt me now ... 816 01:28:02,666 --> 01:28:04,199 He taught me to survive. 817 01:28:06,666 --> 01:28:08,499 I became my family. 818 01:28:11,233 --> 01:28:13,065 Are they always hunting? 819 01:28:14,866 --> 01:28:15,865 Why 820 01:28:16,466 --> 01:28:18,099 Because he's the key. 821 01:28:22,700 --> 01:28:24,932 Everyone was looking for a lifeless object. 822 01:28:26,400 --> 01:28:28,399 And the key turned out to be a person. 823 01:28:29,366 --> 01:28:32,899 Parents feared the Ares project would fall into the wrong hands. 824 01:28:32,900 --> 01:28:34,899 And they put their key in their DNA. 825 01:28:35,066 --> 01:28:36,499 And I'm her daughter. 826 01:28:37,600 --> 01:28:42,499 Then Mr. Nobody gave me information that one of his agents was a traitor. 827 01:28:42,800 --> 01:28:44,799 And when Deckard Shaw appeared ... 828 01:28:45,666 --> 01:28:47,065 We use it. 829 01:28:52,666 --> 01:28:56,032 But he died in that accident, Han. 830 01:28:57,666 --> 01:29:00,199 Mr. No one is a master of special effects. 831 01:29:07,800 --> 01:29:09,632 The performance was very spectacular. 832 01:29:10,766 --> 01:29:12,299 It was still better. 833 01:29:14,566 --> 01:29:16,765 Stay dead 834 01:29:18,733 --> 01:29:20,132 It will be harder. 835 01:29:22,966 --> 01:29:24,199 My death 836 01:29:24,633 --> 01:29:26,899 That was the only way to survive. 837 01:29:32,100 --> 01:29:35,599 - What the hell? - The program has started, it looks like a virus. 838 01:29:41,000 --> 01:29:42,665 Look at me, look at me! 839 01:29:45,466 --> 01:29:46,532 Stop! 840 01:29:59,000 --> 01:30:00,765 Well done, don't move. 841 01:30:01,133 --> 01:30:05,065 If you don’t move, everyone will still survive. 842 01:30:11,266 --> 01:30:12,465 Jakob. 843 01:30:13,700 --> 01:30:15,132 Sorry, Mia. 844 01:30:19,033 --> 01:30:20,532 I'm the traitor. 845 01:30:21,633 --> 01:30:22,632 Surprised? 846 01:30:23,633 --> 01:30:26,099 Didn't you think Mr. Nobody came to you? 847 01:30:26,166 --> 01:30:28,732 Do you think he chose you for no reason? 848 01:30:29,000 --> 01:30:32,665 For years, he supervised and carried out his missions from here. 849 01:30:35,533 --> 01:30:37,832 I've been looking for this key for a long time. 850 01:30:39,633 --> 01:30:41,132 But you brought it to me. 851 01:30:42,366 --> 01:30:43,632 I already told you. 852 01:30:44,966 --> 01:30:46,399 Watch out, brother. 853 01:30:47,400 --> 01:30:48,532 Here. 854 01:30:50,000 --> 01:30:51,632 He has a great team. 855 01:30:52,500 --> 01:30:53,699 Do you trust them? 856 01:30:54,000 --> 01:30:55,365 I trust that. 857 01:31:00,800 --> 01:31:03,265 Do you know what's good about a father's death? 858 01:31:05,966 --> 01:31:08,899 If I hadn’t died, I would have lived in your shadow. 859 01:31:12,466 --> 01:31:13,565 And now 860 01:31:13,566 --> 01:31:16,165 You will spend the rest of your days in mine. 861 01:31:20,000 --> 01:31:22,532 The only advantage in the death of the father ... 862 01:31:23,866 --> 01:31:26,532 That I didn't see who you were. 863 01:31:26,833 --> 01:31:29,332 Real disgrace or for the Toretto family. 864 01:31:32,233 --> 01:31:35,365 Do you think you met Dad? No ^ you didn't know, you lick ass! 865 01:31:36,500 --> 01:31:37,765 Sure? 866 01:31:38,433 --> 01:31:39,765 Do you want to know the truth? 867 01:31:43,333 --> 01:31:45,732 He died because he wanted to play. 868 01:31:46,533 --> 01:31:48,365 The family is in debt. 869 01:31:48,666 --> 01:31:50,665 Not to disappoint 870 01:31:51,933 --> 01:31:55,632 He addressed me. How did I know the car would explode? 871 01:31:57,366 --> 01:31:59,265 A good boy would have convinced him. 872 01:32:00,733 --> 01:32:03,132 And a good brother would have told you. 873 01:32:03,133 --> 01:32:04,165 Are you sure? 874 01:32:09,566 --> 01:32:12,165 He took my word not to say it. 875 01:32:13,433 --> 01:32:15,199 And I did it! 876 01:32:17,033 --> 01:32:18,765 Now you know the truth. 877 01:32:25,966 --> 01:32:27,499 I'll take the key. 878 01:32:27,866 --> 01:32:28,932 Jakob! 879 01:32:32,066 --> 01:32:33,632 I'll stop you. 880 01:32:34,633 --> 01:32:36,265 Big brother word. 881 01:32:40,333 --> 01:32:41,232 No! 882 01:32:46,466 --> 01:32:48,499 Now, leave now. 883 01:32:49,100 --> 01:32:50,565 Come on. Fast. 884 01:32:54,333 --> 01:32:56,699 - Brother, how are you? - Get up. 885 01:33:13,166 --> 01:33:13,699 . 886 01:33:18,900 --> 01:33:19,765 Get off! 887 01:33:30,433 --> 01:33:33,099 Come on, fast! Fast! 888 01:33:42,766 --> 01:33:43,699 Because here! 889 01:33:49,166 --> 01:33:50,499 Come out fast! 890 01:33:52,400 --> 01:33:53,799 They didn't go too far! 891 01:33:58,066 --> 01:33:59,299 Come on! 892 01:33:59,600 --> 01:34:00,865 Here! 893 01:34:04,700 --> 01:34:05,965 I'm in your heart. 894 01:34:06,500 --> 01:34:07,565 Forever 895 01:34:10,266 --> 01:34:12,665 No no! 896 01:35:49,433 --> 01:35:50,365 Boy 897 01:35:51,233 --> 01:35:52,765 Did you notice anything? 898 01:36:00,900 --> 01:36:03,032 Such cars are immortal. 899 01:36:09,133 --> 01:36:11,565 Old chargers are so well made ... 900 01:36:11,566 --> 01:36:15,632 That with proper care they can work forever. 901 01:36:16,200 --> 01:36:17,665 What, forever? 902 01:36:20,766 --> 01:36:22,699 The same goes for the family. 903 01:36:23,466 --> 01:36:26,099 A good family does not die. 904 01:36:27,800 --> 01:36:29,499 Create such a family. 905 01:36:29,733 --> 01:36:30,799 Apu! 906 01:36:39,600 --> 01:36:41,065 Kis Brian. 907 01:36:41,366 --> 01:36:43,199 When are you coming home? 908 01:36:43,500 --> 01:36:44,465 Soon 909 01:37:02,966 --> 01:37:06,565 No, I pay on time. I give you my word of honor! 910 01:37:49,166 --> 01:37:51,065 I already have problems within 2 laps! 911 01:37:51,066 --> 01:37:52,932 I'll see, bring the cables! 912 01:37:55,300 --> 01:37:57,432 - Jakob! - Now. 913 01:38:23,300 --> 01:38:24,299 Ready. 914 01:38:42,033 --> 01:38:43,299 iNoooo! 915 01:39:29,266 --> 01:39:30,632 You saved me 916 01:39:31,966 --> 01:39:35,765 Without you, the meaning of my whole life will disappear. 917 01:39:36,566 --> 01:39:37,965 Did you understand? 918 01:39:40,966 --> 01:39:42,499 We are the same. 919 01:39:54,700 --> 01:39:57,899 We have little time, Jakob already has all the elements. 920 01:39:57,900 --> 01:40:00,999 Once activated, just spread the signal on the planet. 921 01:40:01,000 --> 01:40:03,365 And it doesn't stop. Absolutely. 922 01:40:03,566 --> 01:40:07,532 You must launch a pirated satellite to amplify the signal. 923 01:40:07,800 --> 01:40:10,465 Broadcast of all satellites in orbit. 924 01:40:10,466 --> 01:40:12,899 We found it, thwarted his plans, saved Elle. 925 01:40:12,933 --> 01:40:18,632 We have a 0 chance here, Han. The satellites are easy to track, but we don’t have time to do it before departure. 926 01:40:18,633 --> 01:40:20,432 The point is, we have 2 goals. 927 01:40:20,766 --> 01:40:24,399 - Jacob is on the ground - And he has an army. - And the satellite in the sky. 928 01:40:24,400 --> 01:40:27,365 What you have to crack and need to be done manually. 929 01:40:27,366 --> 01:40:28,965 At high altitudes. 930 01:40:28,966 --> 01:40:30,832 When the satellite is in orbit. 931 01:40:31,200 --> 01:40:32,299 On the field? 932 01:40:32,800 --> 01:40:35,565 We need help, otherwise there is no solution. 933 01:40:36,866 --> 01:40:38,499 We solve it ourselves. 934 01:40:39,333 --> 01:40:41,699 And we prove it many times. 935 01:40:42,200 --> 01:40:43,999 No. No ^ no, no. 936 01:40:44,566 --> 01:40:46,065 You do not understand? 937 01:40:46,766 --> 01:40:51,365 I can't see because he would be scared otherwise! 938 01:40:51,366 --> 01:40:52,765 Like all normal people! 939 01:40:52,766 --> 01:40:55,665 Track? This is a free space! 940 01:40:56,166 --> 01:40:57,599 There are strangers! 941 01:40:57,600 --> 01:41:00,465 What will we do? How do we kidnap a transfer? 942 01:41:01,066 --> 01:41:02,965 Or are we hitting the rockets in the back? 943 01:41:04,366 --> 01:41:06,465 That is exactly what we are going to do. 944 01:41:07,266 --> 01:41:08,099 What? 945 01:41:09,933 --> 01:41:11,565 TBILISI 946 01:41:22,933 --> 01:41:25,632 This is the end on the Pope's diplomatic relations. 947 01:41:25,633 --> 01:41:28,432 Now all the city police are running here. 948 01:41:29,300 --> 01:41:31,099 We better get out of here. 949 01:41:52,066 --> 01:41:53,199 To take away. 950 01:42:04,033 --> 01:42:05,265 It seems to work. 951 01:42:09,133 --> 01:42:12,265 As soon as the satellite is in orbit ^ begins. 952 01:42:15,166 --> 01:42:16,765 What a trap! 953 01:42:17,966 --> 01:42:18,965 What? 954 01:42:20,266 --> 01:42:23,665 Hole Only one air leak would be missing. 955 01:42:27,500 --> 01:42:30,499 Really? With spacesuit ribbon? 956 01:42:30,500 --> 01:42:35,232 Yes. Everything here is based on the sling and duct tape, even on our clever plan. 957 01:42:35,233 --> 01:42:37,032 Dude, you don't seem to be feeling well. 958 01:42:37,033 --> 01:42:39,565 Let's go to fucking space! 959 01:42:39,566 --> 01:42:42,165 It's not like we went out in slippers for a beer! 960 01:42:42,433 --> 01:42:46,065 Act like an astronaut, or you'll all go to hell! 961 01:42:46,066 --> 01:42:50,265 - I'm going home myself. - We'll be there in freefall. 962 01:42:50,266 --> 01:42:51,765 Are we going to fail? 963 01:42:51,766 --> 01:42:53,199 Explain it to me. 964 01:42:53,200 --> 01:42:56,032 This means that the calculations cannot lie! 965 01:42:56,033 --> 01:43:00,265 Trust the laws of physics and everything will be fine! 966 01:43:00,433 --> 01:43:02,232 This is the fifth grade of the school. 967 01:43:02,500 --> 01:43:04,665 I should have listened to the class! 968 01:43:04,866 --> 01:43:07,599 We'll start in 4 minutes, are you ready? 969 01:43:08,800 --> 01:43:12,065 We still haven’t covered all the holes, the electrical tape is missing. 970 01:43:12,066 --> 01:43:13,832 Nothing, Milk. 971 01:43:13,833 --> 01:43:17,765 Guys, we can't wait any longer, he's had enough. We are both ready. 972 01:43:17,766 --> 01:43:22,599 No! The same car that exploded after the test drive. 973 01:43:22,600 --> 01:43:25,232 Are you ready! Well, I don't want to die, Milk. 974 01:43:25,233 --> 01:43:28,932 Without panic, I applied a lot of polymer ceramics to the hull. 975 01:43:29,233 --> 01:43:30,999 Now heat resistant. 976 01:43:31,966 --> 01:43:33,199 This is it. 977 01:43:33,466 --> 01:43:36,199 All 8 engines are in good condition. 978 01:43:39,566 --> 01:43:42,432 Hey, aren't you tired of the game anymore? 979 01:43:42,433 --> 01:43:44,965 The Virgin Galactic took off from 9,000 meters. 980 01:43:44,966 --> 01:43:47,265 NASA's pendulum tested 15,000. 981 01:43:47,266 --> 01:43:49,865 Given our current weight, we need to go higher. 982 01:43:49,866 --> 01:43:55,999 Much more! Without doing so, they can be immediately injured or even ignited. 983 01:43:56,133 --> 01:43:58,199 Hey, we're watching you! 984 01:43:58,200 --> 01:44:00,665 Don't worry, we're doing everything right. 985 01:44:01,000 --> 01:44:02,599 Are you sure we won't burn them? 986 01:44:32,166 --> 01:44:34,665 With the help of the thermal imager, Elle is in that vehicle. 987 01:44:34,666 --> 01:44:37,832 I also found the sign "Ares". He's in the first armored car. 988 01:44:37,833 --> 01:44:41,065 By the time the boys arrive, we need to deactivate “Ares”. 989 01:44:41,066 --> 01:44:43,499 Ramsey, come on. 990 01:44:46,533 --> 01:44:48,332 The satellite is already in low orbit. 991 01:44:50,933 --> 01:44:51,865 We started. 992 01:44:52,900 --> 01:44:54,665 Loading data. 993 01:45:07,800 --> 01:45:09,932 Excellent, we have passed 15,000! 994 01:45:10,166 --> 01:45:11,999 Be optimistic, guys! 995 01:45:12,366 --> 01:45:15,965 Well, how do these ancient costumes help? 996 01:45:15,966 --> 01:45:18,232 They dived with them in the first world championship! 997 01:45:18,233 --> 01:45:22,599 How whimsical you are! We are astronauts, we have to endure it all! 998 01:45:22,600 --> 01:45:27,199 Look, they’re just as good as normal spacesuits and can withstand pressure drops! 999 01:45:27,466 --> 01:45:30,465 It can blow us up like a balloon, of course, but just a little bit. 1000 01:45:30,466 --> 01:45:31,565 That's the only difference. 1001 01:45:31,566 --> 01:45:33,865 - Now! We are at the height of departure. 1002 01:45:33,866 --> 01:45:35,832 The countdown will begin soon! Ready? 1003 01:45:35,833 --> 01:45:39,865 You are crazy? I’m not even jumping into a kids ’pool in this fucking spacesuit! 1004 01:45:39,866 --> 01:45:41,232 Don't listen, we're ready! 1005 01:45:41,233 --> 01:45:42,399 - We? -Exactly! 1006 01:45:42,400 --> 01:45:44,299 Do you think he is invulnerable? 1007 01:45:44,300 --> 01:45:46,665 Let's see now! 1008 01:45:46,666 --> 01:45:48,932 - Press the button! - No, Milk! 1009 01:45:51,966 --> 01:45:53,299 Fuck! 1010 01:45:53,300 --> 01:45:55,699 - I do not want to die! - i Motor! 1011 01:46:40,533 --> 01:46:43,099 Fuck! 1012 01:46:47,366 --> 01:46:49,032 We are already astronauts! 1013 01:46:50,333 --> 01:46:52,399 My calculations were correct. 1014 01:46:52,766 --> 01:46:55,065 Very good person! 1015 01:47:06,466 --> 01:47:08,565 Did you eat that much chocolate? 1016 01:47:08,566 --> 01:47:11,565 Forgive me, I am attracted to stressful sweets. 1017 01:47:21,033 --> 01:47:22,665 You said you guessed it. 1018 01:47:24,500 --> 01:47:29,899 One minute Hey, kill these bastards right away! 1019 01:49:04,933 --> 01:49:07,099 Well, Han, Mia, come on! 1020 01:49:20,933 --> 01:49:21,999 ■ SOUIBA 1021 01:49:27,533 --> 01:49:28,699 Letty. 1022 01:50:46,300 --> 01:50:47,865 Crazy! That's how he's going to kill us! 1023 01:50:48,166 --> 01:50:49,465 No, not all of them. 1024 01:50:57,266 --> 01:50:58,365 Now. 1025 01:51:03,900 --> 01:51:07,165 The satellite you're looking for must be somewhere ... 1026 01:51:07,300 --> 01:51:09,765 There. It's there, see? 1027 01:51:10,400 --> 01:51:13,399 I see it. Just promise to treat me. 1028 01:51:13,700 --> 01:51:16,699 My friend, did I bother you with your calculations? 1029 01:51:17,800 --> 01:51:19,565 So don’t bother driving. 1030 01:51:26,766 --> 01:51:30,465 Two guys from the ghetto are in space. 1031 01:51:32,500 --> 01:51:34,899 But, as always, no one will believe them. 1032 01:51:35,233 --> 01:51:36,199 Shame. 1033 01:51:44,966 --> 01:51:46,832 Apparently something is wrong with the antennas. 1034 01:51:46,833 --> 01:51:48,999 There is a lot of intervention. 1035 01:51:51,666 --> 01:51:52,932 I'll take care of it. 1036 01:52:11,866 --> 01:52:12,899 Han. 1037 01:52:14,200 --> 01:52:16,865 Sit behind the wheel. It starts. 1038 01:52:19,066 --> 01:52:20,765 I want to join their channel. 1039 01:52:33,700 --> 01:52:38,032 - What's going on there, Otto? - Sorry, the download is in full swing. 1040 01:52:38,833 --> 01:52:42,565 Anyway, I have a new business partner, you know him. 1041 01:52:42,566 --> 01:52:44,665 That little mouse in the box, Jakob. 1042 01:52:46,566 --> 01:52:48,099 I already told you. 1043 01:52:51,066 --> 01:52:53,165 I don't consider him a racer. 1044 01:52:53,466 --> 01:52:55,132 Otto, listen carefully. 1045 01:52:55,133 --> 01:52:56,632 Come on, last word. 1046 01:52:56,633 --> 01:52:59,199 You're ugly, stupid fucking, and I'll kill you. 1047 01:52:59,200 --> 01:53:02,199 No one would have explained it to you ... 1048 01:53:02,633 --> 01:53:06,665 Stupid ugly fucking lord of the world. 1049 01:54:51,766 --> 01:54:52,765 ■ so LUGA 1050 01:55:32,300 --> 01:55:33,565 What is there? 1051 01:55:33,600 --> 01:55:36,299 We seem to be left without courtship or guard. 1052 01:55:36,300 --> 01:55:43,299 And without Jacob. And Dominio is doing everything he can to ruin our vacation, but bullshit, don’t worry, honey. 1053 01:55:43,300 --> 01:55:44,765 I have to do everything. 1054 01:55:49,166 --> 01:55:52,099 Well, we tested the armor of this monster. 1055 01:55:52,100 --> 01:55:53,232 Are you ready 1056 01:56:06,733 --> 01:56:07,765 To the maximum. 1057 01:56:07,766 --> 01:56:10,132 If we don’t break through, at least we’ll stop them. 1058 01:56:41,233 --> 01:56:44,599 Don’t think about stopping and the download is almost complete. 1059 01:56:45,033 --> 01:56:47,665 Dominic, we have to go now, or we'll die. 1060 01:56:57,500 --> 01:57:00,599 - Letty, go back and stay with her. - What? 1061 01:57:00,600 --> 01:57:05,332 If we can’t slow down or pierce, we’ll turn it around and open up the gut! 1062 01:57:05,333 --> 01:57:09,665 The villains are here! Why do I have to show you everything? Kill them! 1063 01:57:27,966 --> 01:57:31,665 - Power line! - You read my mind! Go in front of me! 1064 01:57:33,500 --> 01:57:35,299 Dominic, I can't come in. 1065 01:57:36,833 --> 01:57:38,032 But I know. 1066 01:58:53,133 --> 01:58:57,665 Great, the satellite is close. Now put on the magnets and fry. 1067 01:58:58,166 --> 01:58:59,499 The point is calm. 1068 01:59:09,300 --> 01:59:10,832 Let's go. 1069 01:59:12,466 --> 01:59:14,165 - Milk! - One second. 1070 01:59:14,166 --> 01:59:16,332 Come on! On the go! 1071 01:59:16,333 --> 01:59:17,632 Please! 1072 01:59:19,800 --> 01:59:22,365 Fuck! Fuck! 1073 01:59:22,366 --> 01:59:24,832 Hey! Why is there no problem? 1074 01:59:24,833 --> 01:59:27,899 During startup, the cables appear to be broken from overload. 1075 01:59:29,466 --> 01:59:31,565 You idiot! I could have foreseen it. 1076 01:59:32,433 --> 01:59:34,199 Guys, what would be there? 1077 01:59:34,600 --> 01:59:36,632 Data upload is almost complete! 1078 01:59:38,000 --> 01:59:39,999 Or maybe we'll just destroy it? 1079 01:59:40,300 --> 01:59:43,165 - Destroy all the shit and that's it. - No. 1080 01:59:43,166 --> 01:59:46,132 If we smash, we will most likely die. 1081 01:59:46,300 --> 01:59:49,065 Even if we survive, we will use all the fuel. 1082 01:59:49,566 --> 01:59:51,299 And we will stay here forever. 1083 01:59:52,566 --> 01:59:54,165 We can be lucky ^ brother. 1084 01:59:54,166 --> 01:59:56,599 Luck cannot be calculated. 1085 01:59:56,600 --> 01:59:58,365 You know what, Milk? 1086 01:59:59,833 --> 02:00:01,265 Looks like you were right. 1087 02:00:04,200 --> 02:00:05,699 We are not superheroes. 1088 02:00:08,566 --> 02:00:11,365 We always seem to have had great luck. 1089 02:00:17,433 --> 02:00:18,865 It's over now. 1090 02:00:21,933 --> 02:00:23,232 But he knows my friend ■ ■ ■ 1091 02:00:24,866 --> 02:00:26,432 If we die ... 1092 02:00:28,266 --> 02:00:30,332 We do it on top of the world. 1093 02:00:31,466 --> 02:00:35,065 Guys, why are you silent? Seconds left! 1094 02:00:38,000 --> 02:00:40,899 Attack! It's going. 1095 02:00:45,266 --> 02:00:49,299 Five! Four! Three! Two! 1096 02:00:49,866 --> 02:00:50,965 one 1097 02:00:58,166 --> 02:00:59,732 The charge is complete. 1098 02:01:04,133 --> 02:01:06,732 Error, loss of communication. 1099 02:01:09,366 --> 02:01:10,365 We did it! 1100 02:01:11,700 --> 02:01:12,832 We did it! 1101 02:01:13,133 --> 02:01:14,265 Come on 1102 02:01:14,300 --> 02:01:15,432 Yes! 1103 02:01:15,600 --> 02:01:17,399 Wow! Fuck! 1104 02:01:17,400 --> 02:01:18,565 Not bad, man. 1105 02:01:19,166 --> 02:01:20,599 Excellent attack. 1106 02:01:32,233 --> 02:01:33,299 Be careful! 1107 02:01:42,166 --> 02:01:43,232 Be careful! 1108 02:02:00,266 --> 02:02:02,132 The connection has been established. 1109 02:02:03,833 --> 02:02:06,499 "Ares" is found, the magnet is activated. 1110 02:02:35,833 --> 02:02:37,332 Large! 1111 02:02:40,466 --> 02:02:45,065 - The connection was lost. - How stubborn. 1112 02:03:11,400 --> 02:03:12,765 The connection has been established. 1113 02:03:21,133 --> 02:03:22,965 Damn it! 1114 02:03:32,966 --> 02:03:34,765 The connection to the drone was lost. 1115 02:04:14,266 --> 02:04:15,765 Here are yours. 1116 02:04:26,200 --> 02:04:28,732 You have crossed the road with many, they are taking revenge. 1117 02:04:28,733 --> 02:04:29,865 I know. 1118 02:04:31,300 --> 02:04:33,132 I chose this path. 1119 02:04:34,633 --> 02:04:36,632 Our father was not without sins. 1120 02:04:38,266 --> 02:04:39,932 But he loved us both. 1121 02:04:43,900 --> 02:04:46,399 I was rescued once after I got the car keys. 1122 02:04:47,933 --> 02:04:49,765 It changed my life. 1123 02:04:51,300 --> 02:04:52,932 Now I will do the same. 1124 02:05:06,500 --> 02:05:08,265 I already lost you. 1125 02:05:09,433 --> 02:05:11,365 And I don't want to lose you again. 1126 02:05:44,466 --> 02:05:47,865 Air traffic control center, do you see that too? 1127 02:05:48,600 --> 02:05:51,599 It looks like a very strange car. 1128 02:05:52,333 --> 02:05:54,099 We come in peace! 1129 02:05:54,900 --> 02:05:55,999 Hello! 1130 02:05:56,833 --> 02:05:58,865 But why do they wear a suit 1131 02:05:59,566 --> 02:06:00,765 .... one of his minions? 1132 02:06:24,800 --> 02:06:27,499 This is the last time I saw your grandfather. 1133 02:06:29,366 --> 02:06:31,032 He led this course. 1134 02:06:31,400 --> 02:06:33,299 So you led here too? 1135 02:06:33,666 --> 02:06:36,632 No, but it affected me. 1136 02:06:39,133 --> 02:06:42,632 Here I learned the most important thing in my life. 1137 02:06:42,633 --> 02:06:43,999 Right? 1138 02:06:44,800 --> 02:06:45,899 True. 1139 02:07:29,900 --> 02:07:31,599 Everything will be fine, Jakob. 1140 02:07:35,566 --> 02:07:37,465 yes, it will not be easy for us. 1141 02:07:40,300 --> 02:07:42,065 But everything will work out. 1142 02:07:44,333 --> 02:07:46,365 Because we are a family. 1143 02:08:11,233 --> 02:08:12,532 - For us. - For us. 1144 02:08:19,833 --> 02:08:20,999 Oops! 1145 02:08:21,366 --> 02:08:22,765 Not possible! 1146 02:08:33,733 --> 02:08:35,099 - Hello. - Are you alive! 1147 02:08:37,866 --> 02:08:39,765 I didn't believe you survived. 1148 02:08:44,700 --> 02:08:46,132 It's a long story. 1149 02:08:47,333 --> 02:08:49,432 Let's enjoy the moment. 1150 02:08:50,466 --> 02:08:52,065 I'll introduce you to Elle. 1151 02:08:52,300 --> 02:08:54,499 Hi Elle. I'm Sean. 1152 02:08:56,700 --> 02:08:58,699 - I am glad. - Hello friend. 1153 02:08:58,700 --> 02:09:00,132 - What the! - How are you? 1154 02:09:01,933 --> 02:09:04,565 Ramsey, this is Santos. Saints, this is Ramsey. 1155 02:09:04,566 --> 02:09:06,332 Hello! I've heard a lot about you. 1156 02:09:06,600 --> 02:09:07,499 And where is Leo? 1157 02:09:07,500 --> 02:09:10,532 That’s why he opened a restaurant in Brookiyn. 1158 02:09:10,533 --> 02:09:12,565 - Seriously? - The food sucks. 1159 02:09:12,566 --> 02:09:14,265 But hippies love it. 1160 02:09:14,433 --> 02:09:16,365 - Everyone has their own. - Hello. 1161 02:09:16,366 --> 02:09:17,365 Hello 1162 02:09:17,866 --> 02:09:19,632 How long can I wait for my food? 1163 02:09:20,133 --> 02:09:22,432 No, seriously, I'm hungry. 1164 02:09:22,766 --> 02:09:25,199 The pipes in space make me hungry. 1165 02:09:25,200 --> 02:09:28,099 Oh yes? Are there any chocolates in the tubes? 1166 02:09:28,466 --> 02:09:29,865 The ones you ate. 1167 02:09:29,866 --> 02:09:31,399 But they saved me. 1168 02:09:31,566 --> 02:09:34,332 - Well, wasn't my hunger important? - Are we cooking soon? 1169 02:09:34,333 --> 02:09:35,432 Okay, I'll leave you. 1170 02:09:35,433 --> 02:09:36,732 Do not fight. 1171 02:09:39,966 --> 02:09:41,832 Well, you're like Dad. 1172 02:09:42,900 --> 02:09:44,432 - Right? - Yes. 1173 02:09:46,100 --> 02:09:48,132 You know ... 1174 02:09:48,500 --> 02:09:50,632 We met your mom and there. 1175 02:09:51,133 --> 02:09:54,432 Imagine he is looking straight at you from the sky. 1176 02:09:55,200 --> 02:09:55,632 © @ {^ 51 - © S © @ ® © © ® 1177 02:09:55,633 --> 02:10:24,499 SECURE RECEPTION INTERMEDIATE 1178 02:10:25,666 --> 02:10:26,799 Hello! 1179 02:10:27,066 --> 02:10:28,165 - Hello! - Hello! 1180 02:10:28,966 --> 02:10:31,565 Little Brian is ready to thank himself. 1181 02:10:31,566 --> 02:10:32,632 Again! 1182 02:10:33,600 --> 02:10:34,865 No hurry. 1183 02:10:36,200 --> 02:10:37,799 Someone is still missing. 1184 02:10:38,500 --> 02:10:39,865 He's coming now.