1 00:00:00,001 --> 00:00:01,367 [Jughead]: Previously, on "Riverdale"... 2 00:00:01,438 --> 00:00:02,828 I just have to ask. 3 00:00:02,921 --> 00:00:05,110 When you were pretending to be with Betty... 4 00:00:05,195 --> 00:00:07,567 you didn't feel anything, did you? 5 00:00:07,764 --> 00:00:09,569 I can't stop thinking about you, Betty. 6 00:00:09,654 --> 00:00:11,523 I've tried, but it's impossible. 7 00:00:11,608 --> 00:00:13,193 I wanted to share something with you. 8 00:00:13,278 --> 00:00:14,953 It's a song I wrote for you. 9 00:00:15,120 --> 00:00:18,687 Stop. Whatever this is, it's just over. 10 00:00:19,489 --> 00:00:22,541 Hey, Mom, I'm ready to get serious about the Naval Academy. 11 00:00:22,626 --> 00:00:24,356 [Veronica] He's dying, Archie. 12 00:00:24,488 --> 00:00:26,323 And I don't know what to do. 13 00:00:26,408 --> 00:00:27,856 [shatters] 14 00:00:27,941 --> 00:00:29,991 - What is this? - Footage of their houses 15 00:00:30,076 --> 00:00:31,801 being watched from across the street, 16 00:00:31,968 --> 00:00:34,614 for hours upon hours. 17 00:00:34,699 --> 00:00:36,153 Maybe it's just a prank. 18 00:00:36,238 --> 00:00:38,044 - This is clearly an escalation. - [body thuds] 19 00:00:38,128 --> 00:00:41,364 It's a warning or a promise of violence to come. 20 00:00:41,926 --> 00:00:43,563 This was on our doorstep. 21 00:00:43,647 --> 00:00:44,981 Maybe it's another copycat? 22 00:00:45,065 --> 00:00:46,700 [Jughead] I've seen this place before. 23 00:00:47,526 --> 00:00:48,903 Oh, my God. 24 00:00:49,184 --> 00:00:51,137 Are they stabbing Mr. Honey? 25 00:01:00,716 --> 00:01:02,582 [Betty] Hey, did you reach out to Mr. Honey? 26 00:01:02,666 --> 00:01:04,817 We did, he's fine. No one's tried to kill him. 27 00:01:04,927 --> 00:01:06,317 Well, for now, at least. 28 00:01:06,402 --> 00:01:09,997 In the meantime, you mind breaking this down for me? 29 00:01:10,122 --> 00:01:11,443 Well, it's the Auteur again. 30 00:01:11,528 --> 00:01:13,724 Seems like they've moved on from recreating a killing 31 00:01:13,809 --> 00:01:16,045 to re-enacting a metaphoric murder. 32 00:01:16,130 --> 00:01:18,440 Us and our friends getting Mr. Honey fired. 33 00:01:18,630 --> 00:01:19,941 And there is one other thing. 34 00:01:20,025 --> 00:01:22,277 I wrote a story Killing Mr. Honey, 35 00:01:22,361 --> 00:01:25,196 within which was a fictionalized version of this cabin. 36 00:01:25,280 --> 00:01:26,698 I don't think that's a coincidence. 37 00:01:26,782 --> 00:01:30,442 All right, uh, who else knew about that story? 38 00:01:30,527 --> 00:01:31,620 - Just us. - Yeah. 39 00:01:31,704 --> 00:01:32,833 Me and Betty. 40 00:01:32,918 --> 00:01:34,864 I mean, unless I'm being watched or hacked. 41 00:01:35,332 --> 00:01:36,942 This is interesting. 42 00:01:37,856 --> 00:01:39,294 [Charles] It's four ticket stubs. 43 00:01:39,458 --> 00:01:41,176 [Betty] From, like, the movie theater? 44 00:01:41,294 --> 00:01:42,797 Admission to watch the tapes? 45 00:01:42,881 --> 00:01:45,614 Stubs have the letters "B" and "V" on them. 46 00:01:46,171 --> 00:01:48,466 The hell? Like Betty and Veronica? 47 00:01:48,551 --> 00:01:49,958 No, Blue Velvet. 48 00:01:50,222 --> 00:01:51,825 Like Blue Velvet Video? 49 00:01:51,996 --> 00:01:54,498 As in the one place that all roads keep coming back to, 50 00:01:54,583 --> 00:01:57,376 that video store and that crypt-keeper, David. 51 00:01:57,580 --> 00:02:00,625 If he's not the Auteur, he's connected to the Auteur somehow, 52 00:02:00,733 --> 00:02:02,848 - or at least he's a fan. - We'll bring him in. 53 00:02:03,152 --> 00:02:06,112 I'll call you in the morning. Get some rest. 54 00:02:06,386 --> 00:02:07,940 Okay, good night. 55 00:02:15,364 --> 00:02:16,778 Early morning run, Archiekins? 56 00:02:16,863 --> 00:02:18,833 I got my physical for the Naval Academy this week. 57 00:02:18,918 --> 00:02:20,061 Well, I find it hard to believe 58 00:02:20,145 --> 00:02:22,895 they wouldn't be impressed by my teenage Thor. 59 00:02:23,088 --> 00:02:25,373 You could always serve your country in the USO. 60 00:02:25,458 --> 00:02:28,380 - What are you talking about? - Oh, nothing. 61 00:02:30,441 --> 00:02:32,559 This new song you've written. 62 00:02:33,574 --> 00:02:35,469 - Oh. - Mmm-hmm. 63 00:02:35,770 --> 00:02:39,528 That is nothing. Just something I'm kicking around. 64 00:02:40,216 --> 00:02:41,887 Play it for me. 65 00:02:42,690 --> 00:02:44,242 No, Ronnie, 66 00:02:44,326 --> 00:02:46,388 - I stink and so does this song. - [paper crumpling] 67 00:02:46,473 --> 00:02:47,641 Trust me. 68 00:02:48,127 --> 00:02:49,398 Okay. 69 00:02:49,589 --> 00:02:52,216 I do like the idea of you getting back into music, though. 70 00:02:53,121 --> 00:02:55,627 Right now, my focus is on impressing the Commandant. 71 00:02:55,712 --> 00:02:56,898 And you will. 72 00:02:57,422 --> 00:02:59,049 Because I'll be there to make sure of it. 73 00:03:00,759 --> 00:03:02,803 [cell phone vibrating] 74 00:03:03,267 --> 00:03:04,851 [sighs] 75 00:03:04,958 --> 00:03:06,242 It's Daddy. 76 00:03:06,422 --> 00:03:08,719 - He wants me home for breakfast. - That's too bad... 77 00:03:11,103 --> 00:03:13,704 'cause I was gonna ask you if you wanted to join me in the shower. 78 00:03:32,994 --> 00:03:36,305 Hey, there you are. Come, sit, join us. 79 00:03:36,712 --> 00:03:37,883 I have news. 80 00:03:37,968 --> 00:03:40,664 Please don't tell me you and Mom are chaperoning prom? 81 00:03:40,841 --> 00:03:42,242 We are, but no. 82 00:03:42,327 --> 00:03:44,468 My news is that according to my doctor, 83 00:03:44,553 --> 00:03:46,763 my core strength is building back up. 84 00:03:46,847 --> 00:03:50,672 In fact, my grip is almost as strong as it was pre-diagnosis. 85 00:03:50,757 --> 00:03:53,352 - What are you saying, Daddy? - I'm beating it. 86 00:03:54,151 --> 00:03:55,861 I'm beating this damn disease. 87 00:03:55,946 --> 00:03:57,384 Honey, that's incredible. 88 00:03:57,469 --> 00:04:00,336 It is, assuming it's true. 89 00:04:01,211 --> 00:04:03,281 Forgive me if I call your doctor 90 00:04:03,391 --> 00:04:05,686 to confirm that this isn't another one of your stories? 91 00:04:05,771 --> 00:04:06,914 Fine. 92 00:04:07,918 --> 00:04:10,094 Does he know why you're bouncing back? 93 00:04:10,579 --> 00:04:13,742 I've been trying this new workout regimen that seems to be helping. 94 00:04:13,910 --> 00:04:15,672 [man grunting] 95 00:04:19,629 --> 00:04:21,590 [police sirens wailing] 96 00:04:25,396 --> 00:04:27,773 Thank you, Doctor. TTFN. 97 00:04:29,890 --> 00:04:32,648 Well, it seems to be true. 98 00:04:32,733 --> 00:04:35,164 Well, this calls for celebration. 99 00:04:36,939 --> 00:04:38,273 Cheers. 100 00:04:38,523 --> 00:04:40,016 Salud. 101 00:04:42,630 --> 00:04:44,594 [Charles] Huh. He's not talking. 102 00:04:45,102 --> 00:04:47,180 Unless you count movie quotes. 103 00:04:47,382 --> 00:04:50,326 Well, what did he have to say about his store's initials on those ticket stubs? 104 00:04:50,410 --> 00:04:53,242 - He's never seen them before in his life. - [scoffs] Right. 105 00:04:53,705 --> 00:04:57,000 You know, I don't know if this creep is responsible for making the videos, 106 00:04:57,084 --> 00:05:00,253 but I can't shake the feeling that somehow he is profiting off them. 107 00:05:00,337 --> 00:05:01,656 Same. 108 00:05:02,172 --> 00:05:03,715 Where's your partner-in-crime? 109 00:05:03,799 --> 00:05:05,328 She's following up on another lead. 110 00:05:05,550 --> 00:05:09,012 What exactly are you accusing me of, young lady? 111 00:05:09,096 --> 00:05:11,514 I'm not accusing. I'm asking. 112 00:05:11,598 --> 00:05:16,686 If I made a videotape of you and your classmates murdering poor Mr. Honey? 113 00:05:16,770 --> 00:05:19,647 Things haven't changed much, I see. 114 00:05:19,731 --> 00:05:22,025 - Mr. Weatherbee, you're back? - Indeed. 115 00:05:22,109 --> 00:05:24,528 Just in time for senior prom and graduation. 116 00:05:25,654 --> 00:05:28,266 How... How are you? 117 00:05:28,936 --> 00:05:31,945 I told Edgar I wasn't the mole. He cut it off. 118 00:05:32,397 --> 00:05:35,400 I make it through most nights without waking up screaming. 119 00:05:40,881 --> 00:05:44,438 Two businesses? Another besides this community center? 120 00:05:44,523 --> 00:05:48,902 Yes, Commandant. Archie is also the owner of Andrews Construction, 121 00:05:49,177 --> 00:05:52,555 a business he inherited after his father's passing. 122 00:05:53,125 --> 00:05:57,672 Well, I have to say, I am truly impressed by you, Mr. Andrews. 123 00:05:57,757 --> 00:05:58,927 Thank you, sir. 124 00:05:59,012 --> 00:06:00,436 However, when it seemed like you 125 00:06:00,520 --> 00:06:01,946 were no longer interested in the Academy, 126 00:06:02,030 --> 00:06:04,949 I started looking at other candidates to appoint. 127 00:06:05,085 --> 00:06:06,885 Is there someone else you're considering, sir? 128 00:06:07,188 --> 00:06:09,281 Yes, a young man from Queens, 129 00:06:09,366 --> 00:06:11,944 who's been training rigorously for the Academy. 130 00:06:12,065 --> 00:06:14,430 He's also a boxer like I was. 131 00:06:14,828 --> 00:06:18,070 And, as you know, we have a proud boxing tradition in the Navy. 132 00:06:18,212 --> 00:06:20,839 I'm looking for a champion. 133 00:06:21,086 --> 00:06:22,695 Crazy idea, 134 00:06:23,039 --> 00:06:25,672 if you're considering Archie and someone else, 135 00:06:25,922 --> 00:06:28,091 how about deciding it with an exhibition bout? 136 00:06:28,344 --> 00:06:29,938 Right here at the El Royale. 137 00:06:30,322 --> 00:06:32,688 You know, I do feel that Archie and this young man are 138 00:06:32,773 --> 00:06:34,461 otherwise evenly matched. 139 00:06:35,979 --> 00:06:39,173 Okay. I'll have my office reach out to K.O. Kelly, 140 00:06:39,258 --> 00:06:41,646 to see how quickly he can hop a train to Riverdale. 141 00:06:41,730 --> 00:06:44,690 Wait a minute. K.O. Kelly is your other candidate? 142 00:06:44,774 --> 00:06:46,192 Yes. Why? You know him? 143 00:06:46,276 --> 00:06:47,914 Um, yes. 144 00:06:48,252 --> 00:06:51,313 He's only dating one of my BFFs, Katy Keene. 145 00:06:52,115 --> 00:06:53,283 [chuckles] 146 00:06:56,312 --> 00:06:58,522 Well, Ms. Bell was a bust. 147 00:06:58,747 --> 00:07:00,373 Yeah, well, Charles didn't have much luck 148 00:07:00,457 --> 00:07:02,164 with the video store's owner, either. 149 00:07:02,417 --> 00:07:04,460 You know, I do have an idea of someone we could talk to 150 00:07:04,544 --> 00:07:06,337 who might be able to give us dirt on David. 151 00:07:06,421 --> 00:07:09,424 The only caveat being he's tried to kill me. 152 00:07:10,342 --> 00:07:13,039 [school bell rings] 153 00:07:13,124 --> 00:07:16,543 Our momentous best day is almost upon us, T.T. 154 00:07:16,957 --> 00:07:20,127 Can I ask, why do you want to be prom queen so badly? 155 00:07:20,227 --> 00:07:22,070 Want, T.T.? 156 00:07:22,155 --> 00:07:24,532 Does Elizabeth want to be the Queen of England? 157 00:07:24,617 --> 00:07:27,745 A better question is why don't you wanna be prom queen? 158 00:07:28,068 --> 00:07:30,820 Listen, if it's important to you, 159 00:07:30,904 --> 00:07:32,508 it's important to me. 160 00:07:32,593 --> 00:07:36,096 But the only royalty I care about is being Serpent Queen, 161 00:07:36,326 --> 00:07:39,078 which I will be, again. You'll see. 162 00:07:39,162 --> 00:07:44,000 Hey, Cheryl, Toni. Is this where I sign up to run for prom person? 163 00:07:44,084 --> 00:07:46,502 Oh, no, Kev, I don't think you wanna do that. 164 00:07:46,586 --> 00:07:50,381 Yeah, no, I don't, actually, but Fangs has always wanted to be prom king, 165 00:07:50,465 --> 00:07:51,924 - so here we are. - Well. 166 00:07:52,008 --> 00:07:53,387 I hate to rain on Fangs' parade, 167 00:07:53,472 --> 00:07:55,255 but Toni and I are campaigning to be co-queens, 168 00:07:55,339 --> 00:07:57,930 and it has been my destiny to wear that prom crown since birth. 169 00:07:58,014 --> 00:08:01,642 I have spent my entire life fantasizing about being prom queen, 170 00:08:01,726 --> 00:08:04,395 and a part of that fantasy is that I exist in a world 171 00:08:04,479 --> 00:08:06,586 where everyone wants me to be prom queen 172 00:08:06,723 --> 00:08:08,684 and certainly not themselves. 173 00:08:10,110 --> 00:08:11,111 Does that make sense? 174 00:08:12,153 --> 00:08:14,363 Yeah. Yeah. 175 00:08:14,447 --> 00:08:17,409 Thank you, Kevin. As my friend, I knew you'd understand. 176 00:08:20,453 --> 00:08:21,580 [sighs] 177 00:08:23,320 --> 00:08:24,820 *RIVERDALE (US)* Season 05 Episode 01 178 00:08:24,905 --> 00:08:26,523 Episode Title: "Chapter Seventy-Seven: Climax" 179 00:08:30,445 --> 00:08:32,140 Whatever happens with your fight, 180 00:08:32,225 --> 00:08:34,467 I've booked us the presidential suite at the Five Seasons 181 00:08:34,551 --> 00:08:37,762 for our apres-prom rendezvous. 182 00:08:37,846 --> 00:08:39,722 It'll be just you, me, 183 00:08:39,806 --> 00:08:43,267 - a bathtub full of rose petals and... - [doorbell dings] 184 00:08:43,351 --> 00:08:45,394 [gasps] K.O. Kelly! 185 00:08:45,478 --> 00:08:47,813 - Ronnie. [chuckles] - Hi. 186 00:08:47,897 --> 00:08:49,315 Hey. 187 00:08:49,399 --> 00:08:51,025 Welcome to Riverdale. 188 00:08:51,109 --> 00:08:53,194 K.O., this is Archie Andrews. 189 00:08:53,278 --> 00:08:55,321 - Archie, this is K.O. Kelly. - Ah... 190 00:08:55,405 --> 00:08:57,823 So, you're my competition. 191 00:08:57,907 --> 00:09:00,785 No offense, but are we even in the same weight class? 192 00:09:00,869 --> 00:09:03,746 [scoffs] I'm bigger than I look, bro. 193 00:09:03,830 --> 00:09:07,083 Boys, boys! Save the sparring for the ring. 194 00:09:07,167 --> 00:09:09,502 I promised Katy I'd show K.O. a good time tonight. 195 00:09:09,586 --> 00:09:13,172 Yeah, I'm down. But first, Ronnie, do you know where I can drop my stuff? 196 00:09:13,256 --> 00:09:15,466 As a matter of fact, I do. 197 00:09:15,550 --> 00:09:19,470 Archie has graciously agreed to have you stay with him and train at his gym. 198 00:09:19,554 --> 00:09:21,889 - I'm heading there now if you need a ride. - All right. 199 00:09:21,973 --> 00:09:22,973 Play nice, boys. 200 00:09:26,686 --> 00:09:30,147 [Bret] Well, well, well. Never thought I'd see you two again. 201 00:09:30,231 --> 00:09:32,316 What brings you around these parts? 202 00:09:32,400 --> 00:09:36,112 Look, Bret, we know you sold your sex tapes to Blue Velvet Video. 203 00:09:36,196 --> 00:09:39,699 Now, the owner, David, keeps coming up in an ongoing investigation 204 00:09:39,783 --> 00:09:41,993 that we're conducting, but he's not talking to us. 205 00:09:42,077 --> 00:09:44,371 We need a way in. We need leverage. 206 00:09:46,373 --> 00:09:48,791 Yeah. I know David. 207 00:09:48,875 --> 00:09:51,335 But if he's not talking, why should I? 208 00:09:51,419 --> 00:09:54,171 See, I happen to have a friend in there with you. 209 00:09:54,255 --> 00:09:57,049 His name is War Baby. Mmm-hmm. 210 00:09:57,133 --> 00:09:59,386 Do you know who he hates more than anyone? 211 00:10:01,054 --> 00:10:02,138 Preppies. 212 00:10:04,557 --> 00:10:06,017 What's the investigation? 213 00:10:09,270 --> 00:10:12,398 Someone is making videos of us and our friends 214 00:10:12,482 --> 00:10:15,651 doing disturbing, violent things. 215 00:10:15,735 --> 00:10:17,987 We think this David person is connected to them. 216 00:10:18,071 --> 00:10:21,198 Did he ever mention or host any screenings with the videos in stock? 217 00:10:21,282 --> 00:10:25,495 Some of David's customers prefer... shared experiences. 218 00:10:26,413 --> 00:10:28,664 Underground, immersive 219 00:10:28,748 --> 00:10:30,141 red-band screenings. 220 00:10:30,226 --> 00:10:32,744 If we wanted to attend one of these screenings, what would we need to do? 221 00:10:32,828 --> 00:10:34,420 You'd have to be on the list. 222 00:10:34,504 --> 00:10:38,507 Or you'd have to prove to David 223 00:10:38,591 --> 00:10:39,718 that you're the real deal. 224 00:10:41,344 --> 00:10:43,012 Bring him a tape. 225 00:10:43,096 --> 00:10:44,847 Something to make him sit up 226 00:10:44,931 --> 00:10:46,641 and take notice, 227 00:10:46,725 --> 00:10:47,934 like, say, a snuff film. 228 00:10:53,940 --> 00:10:57,568 Holy moly! That guy's gotta have 50 pounds on you. 229 00:10:57,652 --> 00:11:00,112 Yeah, no joke. 230 00:11:00,196 --> 00:11:01,822 What am I gonna do, Mr. Keller? 231 00:11:01,906 --> 00:11:03,324 He's gonna cream me tomorrow night. 232 00:11:03,408 --> 00:11:05,409 Well, honestly, Archie, 233 00:11:05,493 --> 00:11:08,705 I think a little psychological warfare might be your best bet. 234 00:11:09,622 --> 00:11:10,873 You're smaller than he is, 235 00:11:10,957 --> 00:11:12,477 but I'm willing to bet you're stronger. 236 00:11:15,336 --> 00:11:16,755 Let's go show 'em. 237 00:11:18,423 --> 00:11:20,800 - You got a mean left hook on you, K.O. - Thanks. 238 00:11:20,884 --> 00:11:22,635 Been punching bag since I was a baby. 239 00:11:24,554 --> 00:11:27,807 Look, I promised Ronnie no betting on our actual match, 240 00:11:27,891 --> 00:11:30,476 but how about you and me make a little side bet? 241 00:11:30,560 --> 00:11:32,771 That, pound for pound, I'm stronger than you are. 242 00:11:34,272 --> 00:11:36,649 - Unless you're too scared. - [scoffs] 243 00:11:37,734 --> 00:11:40,236 Twenty... 21... 244 00:11:40,320 --> 00:11:44,573 27... 28... 29... 245 00:11:44,657 --> 00:11:49,829 91... 92... 93... 246 00:11:49,913 --> 00:11:54,250 122... 123... 124... 247 00:11:54,334 --> 00:11:58,213 129... 130... 248 00:11:59,339 --> 00:12:01,549 131... 249 00:12:01,633 --> 00:12:05,553 [Kelly] Okay, I'll admit it. You got more endurance. 250 00:12:05,637 --> 00:12:08,639 But when it comes to brute power, we'll see who's stronger. 251 00:12:08,723 --> 00:12:11,767 The Heavyweight Heartbreaker or the Red Hope. 252 00:12:11,851 --> 00:12:13,269 Yeah, we will. 253 00:12:13,353 --> 00:12:15,020 And tomorrow your ass is grass. 254 00:12:15,104 --> 00:12:16,270 [chuckles] 255 00:12:16,355 --> 00:12:18,484 But, tonight, Ronnie wants us to show you a good time 256 00:12:18,569 --> 00:12:19,809 so we're going to her speakeasy. 257 00:12:21,027 --> 00:12:22,153 Her what? 258 00:12:24,364 --> 00:12:25,614 Okay, I know this is Riverdale, 259 00:12:25,698 --> 00:12:27,152 but where do we get a snuff film 260 00:12:27,237 --> 00:12:29,535 in which someone gets murdered on screen? 261 00:12:29,619 --> 00:12:31,454 But those are just urban legends, I thought. 262 00:12:31,538 --> 00:12:34,373 Well, not according to Nicolas Cage movies. 263 00:12:34,457 --> 00:12:36,876 - Maybe we can make one. - A snuff film? 264 00:12:36,960 --> 00:12:38,627 Well, a facsimile of one. 265 00:12:38,711 --> 00:12:39,962 It just has to be convincing enough 266 00:12:40,046 --> 00:12:41,756 for David to let his guard down. 267 00:12:41,840 --> 00:12:43,924 We could even borrow the equipment from the AV club. 268 00:12:44,008 --> 00:12:47,219 And Jellybean probably still has that fake blood left over from Halloween. 269 00:12:47,303 --> 00:12:48,971 Who's our murderer? Who's our victim? 270 00:12:49,055 --> 00:12:51,975 We just need a brute and a scream queen. 271 00:12:54,269 --> 00:12:55,770 No, I won't help you. 272 00:12:55,854 --> 00:12:58,647 No, no, Cheryl, it's not an actual snuff film. 273 00:12:58,731 --> 00:13:01,650 It's an act. It's a way to get closer to the Auteur, 274 00:13:01,734 --> 00:13:04,487 the person who's been creating those re-enactment videos, 275 00:13:04,571 --> 00:13:07,990 including the one with Jason and your father. 276 00:13:08,074 --> 00:13:11,327 I do want to expose that defiler. 277 00:13:11,411 --> 00:13:12,787 What's this movie about anyway? 278 00:13:12,871 --> 00:13:15,623 Uh, it's a classic tale, one as old as time. 279 00:13:15,707 --> 00:13:19,168 Girl meets a boy, boy promises to make girl a star, 280 00:13:19,252 --> 00:13:22,254 and then the boy kills the girl. 281 00:13:22,338 --> 00:13:23,863 Charming. 282 00:13:24,372 --> 00:13:26,290 Okay, but I'll need a wig. 283 00:13:26,467 --> 00:13:28,829 I don't want anyone to recognize me by my signature red mane. 284 00:13:28,914 --> 00:13:29,999 Okay. 285 00:13:36,769 --> 00:13:39,355 Well, how do I look? 286 00:13:39,439 --> 00:13:41,398 Oh, my God, you look incredible. 287 00:13:41,482 --> 00:13:43,025 What about me? 288 00:13:43,433 --> 00:13:45,097 Terrifying, Reg. 289 00:13:45,695 --> 00:13:48,197 - What happens next, Mr. De Palma? - Yes. 290 00:13:48,281 --> 00:13:49,949 Now, Reggie is going to kill you 291 00:13:50,033 --> 00:13:52,535 in the most brutally exploitative way imaginable, 292 00:13:52,713 --> 00:13:55,424 and I am going to film the hell out of it. 293 00:14:03,703 --> 00:14:04,923 [mic feedback] 294 00:14:05,008 --> 00:14:07,032 Veronica speaking French... 295 00:14:07,117 --> 00:14:09,173 [in English] Is everyone having a good time tonight? 296 00:14:09,258 --> 00:14:11,087 [all cheering] 297 00:14:14,515 --> 00:14:16,224 Excellent. 298 00:14:16,503 --> 00:14:19,081 In honor of my friend K.O.'s visit, 299 00:14:19,179 --> 00:14:22,015 I thought I'd share a little tune for you tonight. 300 00:14:22,185 --> 00:14:24,353 It was written by someone very special to me. 301 00:14:25,871 --> 00:14:27,372 This one's for you, Archiekins. 302 00:14:27,456 --> 00:14:29,667 [instrumental guitar music playing] 303 00:14:32,464 --> 00:14:37,058 ♪ There's no warning When everything changes ♪ 304 00:14:37,160 --> 00:14:41,692 ♪ You let down your guard And I saw something strange ♪ 305 00:14:41,777 --> 00:14:46,090 ♪ I thought he's not made For this world ♪ 306 00:14:46,175 --> 00:14:51,261 ♪ And neither am I ♪ 307 00:14:52,022 --> 00:14:56,568 ♪ 'Cause you make me ♪ 308 00:14:56,653 --> 00:15:01,282 ♪ Wanna be stronger than I am ♪ 309 00:15:01,388 --> 00:15:06,527 ♪ And maybe I'm reaching This place in a feeling ♪ 310 00:15:06,620 --> 00:15:11,723 ♪ There's no way to know But to try ♪ 311 00:15:11,808 --> 00:15:16,551 ♪ So give me tonight ♪ 312 00:15:16,636 --> 00:15:18,381 ♪ Tonight ♪ 313 00:15:18,589 --> 00:15:23,215 All right now, it's straight to bed, my burly boys. 314 00:15:23,300 --> 00:15:24,888 You've got a big day tomorrow. 315 00:15:24,972 --> 00:15:28,433 K.O., please tell Katy that I'm sorry she's not gonna be here 316 00:15:28,517 --> 00:15:31,311 when my boyfriend beats up her boyfriend. 317 00:15:31,395 --> 00:15:33,439 - I'll let her know. - [Veronica chuckles] 318 00:15:34,940 --> 00:15:35,983 Good night. 319 00:15:37,526 --> 00:15:38,401 Good night. 320 00:15:38,571 --> 00:15:39,614 Wait. 321 00:15:41,425 --> 00:15:42,572 Yeah? 322 00:15:42,656 --> 00:15:43,991 I love you. 323 00:15:44,720 --> 00:15:46,013 I love you, too. 324 00:15:51,999 --> 00:15:55,035 I have a proposal I'd like to share with you. 325 00:15:55,333 --> 00:15:57,710 I'd like us to host a din-din before the dance. 326 00:15:57,880 --> 00:16:00,660 I'm down. Who should we invite? 327 00:16:01,008 --> 00:16:02,759 Mmm, the Vixens, 328 00:16:02,843 --> 00:16:07,806 - Kevin, Fangs... - I was thinking our families. 329 00:16:07,890 --> 00:16:09,261 Specifically yours, my love. 330 00:16:11,143 --> 00:16:14,519 Cheryl, even though I'm out to my grandparents 331 00:16:14,647 --> 00:16:16,878 and I'm their favorite grandchild, 332 00:16:17,316 --> 00:16:21,223 I don't think they can handle some big gay prom dinner party. 333 00:16:21,308 --> 00:16:23,011 Well... [sighs] 334 00:16:23,781 --> 00:16:26,339 what happens when I meet them at graduation? 335 00:16:28,730 --> 00:16:32,148 Do I just pretend like you're not my girlfriend? 336 00:16:32,373 --> 00:16:34,809 Honestly, that's probably a good idea. 337 00:16:34,894 --> 00:16:36,581 T.T., you can't be serious. 338 00:16:36,714 --> 00:16:40,589 I know it's crazy and backwards, 339 00:16:40,673 --> 00:16:42,769 but that's my reality, babe. 340 00:16:47,292 --> 00:16:49,306 Hey, I'm curious, Archie. 341 00:16:49,628 --> 00:16:51,543 What made you seek out the Naval Academy? 342 00:16:51,628 --> 00:16:54,566 Well, all my friends applied to college. 343 00:16:55,367 --> 00:16:57,683 I kind of missed the boat on that. 344 00:16:58,440 --> 00:17:01,097 And I got a second chance with the Commandant. 345 00:17:01,675 --> 00:17:05,831 The Academy, it feels like it could be a good place to start over. 346 00:17:06,015 --> 00:17:07,198 Completely. 347 00:17:07,282 --> 00:17:08,325 Well... 348 00:17:08,409 --> 00:17:10,327 not completely. 349 00:17:10,488 --> 00:17:13,230 You and Ronnie are in it to win it, Katy says. 350 00:17:15,541 --> 00:17:17,542 I don't know, bro, sometimes I worry 351 00:17:17,722 --> 00:17:19,044 that I'm holding her back, you know? 352 00:17:19,128 --> 00:17:20,128 I feel you. 353 00:17:21,505 --> 00:17:25,294 But that is for the ladies to decide, 354 00:17:25,379 --> 00:17:27,507 not lugs like us. 355 00:17:28,929 --> 00:17:30,305 We lucked out. 356 00:17:33,600 --> 00:17:34,893 Good night, bro. 357 00:17:38,825 --> 00:17:40,660 [school bell rings] 358 00:17:44,153 --> 00:17:46,426 - [Kevin] Hey, guys. - Hey, Kev. 359 00:17:46,511 --> 00:17:48,481 We have a favor to ask. 360 00:17:48,566 --> 00:17:51,368 We are trying to sell a snuff film to this video store, 361 00:17:51,452 --> 00:17:54,329 but I can't go in there because the owner's gonna recognize me 362 00:17:54,413 --> 00:17:56,915 from the time I raided the place with the FBI. 363 00:17:56,999 --> 00:17:58,875 But I don't want Betty to go in alone, so... 364 00:17:58,959 --> 00:18:01,378 - You had me at snuff film. - Thank you, Kev. 365 00:18:01,462 --> 00:18:03,672 We just have to stop by my house. 366 00:18:03,756 --> 00:18:05,882 I need to grab a backup, just in case. 367 00:18:06,012 --> 00:18:07,012 Cool. 368 00:18:12,473 --> 00:18:14,808 I need to talk to you about something, Nana, 369 00:18:15,056 --> 00:18:17,558 and I'm really hoping that you'll keep an open mind. 370 00:18:17,722 --> 00:18:19,761 I think I know what this is about. 371 00:18:20,691 --> 00:18:23,496 Your girlfriend stopped by for a visit, Antoinette. 372 00:18:23,581 --> 00:18:25,879 My girlfriend did? What? 373 00:18:25,964 --> 00:18:28,785 When were you gonna tell me that you were dating a Blossom? 374 00:18:29,406 --> 00:18:32,242 Nana, it's not what you think. 375 00:18:32,326 --> 00:18:34,119 Cheryl isn't what you think. 376 00:18:34,203 --> 00:18:37,789 That family, over the decades, has taken everything from us. 377 00:18:37,873 --> 00:18:41,084 - And from our people. - That's ancient history. 378 00:18:41,168 --> 00:18:43,920 And I promise you Cheryl is nothing like her family. 379 00:18:44,004 --> 00:18:49,426 If that's true, then why have you kept her hidden like a dirty secret? 380 00:18:49,510 --> 00:18:51,162 It's because you know it's wrong. 381 00:18:51,247 --> 00:18:53,596 No, it's because I knew this would be your irrational reaction. 382 00:18:53,680 --> 00:18:56,099 About this? Yes. 383 00:18:56,183 --> 00:18:58,602 I will not allow you to date a Blossom. 384 00:19:03,982 --> 00:19:05,775 [David] You look familiar to me. 385 00:19:05,859 --> 00:19:09,571 Both of you do. You come in here before? 386 00:19:09,655 --> 00:19:11,489 - Nope, never, shockingly. - Mmm-mmm. 387 00:19:11,573 --> 00:19:15,618 A classmate of mine from prep school said that you buy videos. 388 00:19:15,702 --> 00:19:18,037 Underground videos. 389 00:19:18,121 --> 00:19:20,707 My friend and I saw this video at a party last weekend. 390 00:19:20,791 --> 00:19:25,295 And we boosted it. It's of a girl getting killed for real. 391 00:19:25,379 --> 00:19:26,880 A snuff film. 392 00:19:28,006 --> 00:19:29,591 Let me take a look. 393 00:19:32,594 --> 00:19:34,596 [whimpering] 394 00:19:36,306 --> 00:19:38,267 [screaming] 395 00:19:42,437 --> 00:19:45,982 Sorry, kids, you were conned. 396 00:19:46,066 --> 00:19:48,026 Or you're trying to con me. 397 00:19:48,110 --> 00:19:50,403 But this snuff is a fake. 398 00:19:50,487 --> 00:19:54,741 We were worried that this tape might not be authentic, so I brought a backup 399 00:19:54,825 --> 00:19:57,953 that I know for a fact is the real deal. 400 00:20:02,249 --> 00:20:04,209 [tape inserts into VCR] 401 00:20:04,293 --> 00:20:06,711 [woman on video] I'm making this movie so we never forget 402 00:20:06,795 --> 00:20:08,838 what your daddy sacrificed for us. 403 00:20:08,922 --> 00:20:10,715 You do love your daddy, don't you, Harold? 404 00:20:10,799 --> 00:20:13,218 - Yes, Mommy. - What is this? 405 00:20:13,302 --> 00:20:15,136 And you want your daddy to keep living with us? 406 00:20:15,220 --> 00:20:16,763 The birth of a serial killer. 407 00:20:16,847 --> 00:20:17,889 Yes, Mom. 408 00:20:17,973 --> 00:20:20,348 The Black Hood as a little boy. 409 00:20:20,433 --> 00:20:22,435 Is that really him? 410 00:20:22,519 --> 00:20:24,729 - The Black Hood? - Yeah. 411 00:20:24,813 --> 00:20:26,316 That's my dad. 412 00:20:27,222 --> 00:20:28,481 [whispering] This is insane. 413 00:20:28,597 --> 00:20:35,089 Could I screen this at a little film festival/rave I'm organizing? 414 00:20:36,742 --> 00:20:40,036 Yeah, as long as we're invited to the screening. 415 00:20:40,121 --> 00:20:42,074 [chuckles] 416 00:20:42,254 --> 00:20:44,167 because we don't want Daddy to be taken away from us, do we? 417 00:20:44,252 --> 00:20:46,094 - No. - But you, 418 00:20:46,344 --> 00:20:49,644 you will do better. You must do better. 419 00:20:57,600 --> 00:20:59,435 [crowd cheering] 420 00:21:08,209 --> 00:21:09,951 That a boy. Go get him, Arch. 421 00:21:16,426 --> 00:21:18,469 [indistinct chatter] 422 00:21:25,268 --> 00:21:28,520 Welcome to the Film Society, girlie. 423 00:21:28,815 --> 00:21:32,608 We got your daddy's movie playing in Room 317. 424 00:21:40,950 --> 00:21:42,618 [bell dings] 425 00:21:48,124 --> 00:21:49,792 Welcome to the Film Society. 426 00:21:49,876 --> 00:21:52,544 My dad's playing in Room 317, apparently. 427 00:21:52,745 --> 00:21:53,955 Awesome. 428 00:22:10,813 --> 00:22:13,651 So, what exactly are we supposed to be looking for here? 429 00:22:15,440 --> 00:22:17,403 To see if any of the Auteur's movies are playing 430 00:22:17,487 --> 00:22:19,489 or if any of these people are fans of his. 431 00:22:29,749 --> 00:22:32,084 Let me just get a lay of the land first. 432 00:22:32,168 --> 00:22:33,596 [projector whirring] 433 00:22:35,505 --> 00:22:39,008 [men laughing on video] 434 00:22:45,097 --> 00:22:46,724 [crowd groans] 435 00:22:50,853 --> 00:22:52,510 [crowd cheering] 436 00:23:00,112 --> 00:23:04,283 [woman speaking indistinctly on video] 437 00:23:04,367 --> 00:23:06,994 [woman on video] Can you do that, Harold? Convince him? 438 00:23:07,079 --> 00:23:08,851 You're a good boy, Harold. 439 00:23:09,038 --> 00:23:13,459 Your father made a mistake. But you, you will do better. 440 00:23:13,543 --> 00:23:15,363 You must do better. 441 00:23:15,471 --> 00:23:16,778 - [Jughead] Betty. - Hmm.. 442 00:23:17,880 --> 00:23:18,880 [bell dings] 443 00:23:24,846 --> 00:23:27,181 [crowd cheering] 444 00:23:28,057 --> 00:23:29,323 [bell dings] 445 00:23:34,605 --> 00:23:36,232 [cheering] 446 00:23:38,401 --> 00:23:40,736 [video playing indistinctly] 447 00:23:45,366 --> 00:23:47,010 These are all the Auteur's films. 448 00:23:47,104 --> 00:23:49,307 Well, then he's gotta be in here. 449 00:23:55,042 --> 00:23:56,794 Do you know who the director of this is? 450 00:23:59,297 --> 00:24:00,965 Do you know who the director of this... 451 00:24:02,508 --> 00:24:04,134 Are you the director? 452 00:24:04,218 --> 00:24:06,929 - [Betty] Hey! - Oh, I'm actually such a big fan. 453 00:24:07,013 --> 00:24:08,847 - If I'm lucky, I'll get an autograph. - [boy] Who is that? 454 00:24:08,931 --> 00:24:11,971 Ponytail Playmate. You're even hotter in person. 455 00:24:17,899 --> 00:24:19,608 Whoa, whoa, hey! 456 00:24:19,692 --> 00:24:21,360 Jug, we're leaving, we're leaving, we're leaving. 457 00:24:21,538 --> 00:24:22,706 Go, go, go. 458 00:24:24,280 --> 00:24:25,536 [bell dings] 459 00:24:26,115 --> 00:24:27,403 Here. 460 00:24:28,367 --> 00:24:29,868 [Keller] Give me two big breaths. 461 00:24:30,037 --> 00:24:31,927 [breathes heavily] 462 00:24:33,289 --> 00:24:34,560 Jug, look. 463 00:24:36,375 --> 00:24:39,253 Oh, that's him. That's gotta be him. 464 00:24:39,337 --> 00:24:41,528 [upbeat rave music playing] 465 00:24:49,722 --> 00:24:51,443 Come on, Arch! 466 00:24:53,809 --> 00:24:55,622 [people cheering, whooping] 467 00:24:59,231 --> 00:25:01,859 - Jellybean? - Jughead? 468 00:25:01,943 --> 00:25:05,388 Betty, go. Let me stay with Jellybean. Go, after him! 469 00:25:07,531 --> 00:25:09,324 -What are you doing here? Doing here? 470 00:25:09,408 --> 00:25:11,827 My friends and I heard there was a party. 471 00:25:11,911 --> 00:25:13,453 Am I in trouble? 472 00:25:13,537 --> 00:25:15,457 No, no, you're not in trouble. Come on, let's go. 473 00:25:17,708 --> 00:25:19,042 [bell dinging repeatedly] 474 00:25:19,126 --> 00:25:20,419 Stop, stop, stop! 475 00:25:20,503 --> 00:25:22,046 - Fight's over. - [cheering] 476 00:25:23,214 --> 00:25:24,715 [exhales] 477 00:25:26,342 --> 00:25:27,551 [panting] 478 00:25:30,130 --> 00:25:33,307 Ladies and gentlemen, the first judge has scored the fight 479 00:25:33,548 --> 00:25:35,903 in favor of K.O. Kelly. 480 00:25:36,852 --> 00:25:38,729 [weak applause] 481 00:25:38,813 --> 00:25:42,441 Our second judge has scored the fight for Archie Andrews. 482 00:25:42,525 --> 00:25:45,402 [people cheering loudly] 483 00:25:45,486 --> 00:25:48,247 And our third judge, the Commandant, 484 00:25:50,658 --> 00:25:53,410 has scored the fight in favor 485 00:25:53,494 --> 00:25:55,203 of K.O. Kelly, your winner tonight. 486 00:25:55,287 --> 00:25:57,039 [people murmuring] 487 00:25:57,123 --> 00:25:58,794 [scattered applause] 488 00:26:09,927 --> 00:26:11,470 [Commandant] You're a hell of a fighter, Archie. 489 00:26:11,554 --> 00:26:14,640 I'll tell you what, why don't we stay in touch, 490 00:26:14,724 --> 00:26:17,476 and, come fall, you reapply to the Academy, 491 00:26:17,560 --> 00:26:19,716 we'll see if we can't make it happen for you then. 492 00:26:19,810 --> 00:26:21,138 No, thanks, I'm good. 493 00:26:21,341 --> 00:26:23,568 Archie, don't be disrespectful. 494 00:26:23,653 --> 00:26:26,583 Your blood's still boiling. I understand, son. 495 00:26:27,153 --> 00:26:28,820 I'm not your son. 496 00:26:29,146 --> 00:26:31,075 And I'm not applying to your school again. 497 00:26:39,255 --> 00:26:41,124 Cheryl, what the hell did you do? 498 00:26:41,208 --> 00:26:42,709 What the hell, indeed, Toni. 499 00:26:42,793 --> 00:26:44,044 I thought you didn't want me to meet your nana 500 00:26:44,128 --> 00:26:45,420 because I'm a lesbian. 501 00:26:45,504 --> 00:26:47,506 But, surprise! It's me and my family 502 00:26:47,590 --> 00:26:49,591 she hates with a fiery vengeance. 503 00:26:49,675 --> 00:26:52,094 Cheryl, you have to admit that your ancestors were horrible to mine. 504 00:26:52,178 --> 00:26:55,097 And now, my nana is begging me not to go to prom with you. 505 00:26:55,181 --> 00:26:57,683 She says that it would dishonor our family. 506 00:26:57,767 --> 00:27:04,356 Look, I'm truly, truly sorry I went to see your nana. 507 00:27:04,440 --> 00:27:08,026 But I really hope we're still going to prom together, T.T. 508 00:27:08,110 --> 00:27:11,863 I hope that when I'm posing for pictures in my amazing dress, 509 00:27:11,947 --> 00:27:15,618 that you're there with me, looking equally undeniable. 510 00:27:21,999 --> 00:27:24,042 How did you even know where to go, Jellybean? 511 00:27:24,126 --> 00:27:26,878 My friend, Lauren, from soccer. 512 00:27:26,962 --> 00:27:28,959 Her older brother heard about a rave. 513 00:27:29,044 --> 00:27:31,787 - From who? - I don't know. He's on some email list. 514 00:27:31,872 --> 00:27:32,716 [sighs] 515 00:27:32,801 --> 00:27:35,803 Jug, I swear, I've never been to a rave before. 516 00:27:35,888 --> 00:27:37,341 Will you just promise me you're not gonna go 517 00:27:37,474 --> 00:27:40,561 to any more X-rated raves from now on? 518 00:27:40,646 --> 00:27:42,858 Especially if I end up in the University of Iowa. 519 00:27:42,943 --> 00:27:44,764 - Okay? - Yes. 520 00:27:44,849 --> 00:27:47,700 - You promise me? - I promise. 521 00:27:56,380 --> 00:27:58,006 [sighs] 522 00:28:05,730 --> 00:28:06,981 Archie. 523 00:28:08,990 --> 00:28:11,617 I'm sorry about the fight. 524 00:28:11,701 --> 00:28:14,216 I wish I hadn't suggested it. 525 00:28:14,662 --> 00:28:17,599 And I know this sucks right now, 526 00:28:18,735 --> 00:28:21,646 but the Naval Academy wasn't your only option. 527 00:28:21,877 --> 00:28:23,567 Yeah, it kinda was, Ronnie. 528 00:28:23,652 --> 00:28:25,904 Hey, listen. 529 00:28:27,499 --> 00:28:29,255 Do you wanna blow off prom? 530 00:28:30,975 --> 00:28:32,518 We could do something. 531 00:28:32,603 --> 00:28:34,716 Anything you want. Just the two of us. 532 00:28:35,044 --> 00:28:37,544 No, this will be the last dance we have with our friends. 533 00:28:38,978 --> 00:28:40,263 Can't miss it. 534 00:28:42,315 --> 00:28:43,733 Are you sure, Archie? 535 00:28:45,332 --> 00:28:46,542 I'm in. 536 00:28:59,685 --> 00:29:02,732 I still wanna take a picture of you, dear. 537 00:29:02,817 --> 00:29:05,481 You look like an angel. 538 00:29:05,566 --> 00:29:07,599 Thank you, Nana. 539 00:29:07,860 --> 00:29:11,372 Perhaps your camera will capture the sublime tragedy of my life. 540 00:29:12,532 --> 00:29:15,743 - Okay. - Don't start crying yet, Cheryl. 541 00:29:16,494 --> 00:29:18,271 Toni, you came. 542 00:29:19,747 --> 00:29:21,582 Was there ever any doubt? 543 00:29:26,754 --> 00:29:27,963 Ready? 544 00:29:28,047 --> 00:29:29,715 [camera shutter clicks] 545 00:29:29,799 --> 00:29:31,717 [both giggle] 546 00:29:31,801 --> 00:29:34,013 [Nana Rose] Oh, that's nice. 547 00:29:34,262 --> 00:29:35,872 [camera shutter clicks] 548 00:29:35,976 --> 00:29:37,394 [Hiram] Looking sharp, Archie. 549 00:29:37,630 --> 00:29:39,443 Thank you, sir. 550 00:29:40,064 --> 00:29:42,989 You know, uh, Veronica told me about the Naval Academy. 551 00:29:43,229 --> 00:29:45,185 - Unlucky break. - It wasn't meant to be. 552 00:29:45,273 --> 00:29:46,950 Well, look, um... 553 00:29:47,236 --> 00:29:49,446 if you decide to stay in Riverdale, Archie, 554 00:29:49,561 --> 00:29:52,104 it just so happens I'm in need of a deputy mayor 555 00:29:52,219 --> 00:29:53,887 to oversee community outreach. 556 00:29:53,972 --> 00:29:55,693 I think you'd be perfect for it. 557 00:29:55,836 --> 00:29:58,504 [footsteps approaching] 558 00:29:58,744 --> 00:30:01,455 Well, Archiekins, what do you think? 559 00:30:02,290 --> 00:30:03,841 Am I dazzling? 560 00:30:04,250 --> 00:30:06,168 - Wow. - [Veronica chuckles] 561 00:30:12,675 --> 00:30:14,760 Okay, you two, snuggle up for a picture. 562 00:30:14,844 --> 00:30:17,450 This is a memory you're going to treasure forever. 563 00:30:17,535 --> 00:30:19,052 Smile and say, "Endgame." 564 00:30:19,180 --> 00:30:21,265 Three, two, one... 565 00:30:21,350 --> 00:30:22,685 [camera shutter clicks] 566 00:30:23,970 --> 00:30:26,722 Damn, boy, you're handsome. 567 00:30:26,939 --> 00:30:28,690 Like father, like son. 568 00:30:28,774 --> 00:30:31,177 Oh, my gosh. Betty. 569 00:30:37,408 --> 00:30:39,318 [exhales sharply] 570 00:30:39,480 --> 00:30:42,583 Betty Cooper, you take my breath away. 571 00:30:43,007 --> 00:30:46,622 Jughead Jones, the feeling's mutual. 572 00:30:49,545 --> 00:30:51,310 Okay, guys, picture time. 573 00:30:54,081 --> 00:30:55,374 Smile. 574 00:30:58,269 --> 00:31:02,815 ♪ Kiss me Out of the bearded barley ♪ 575 00:31:02,900 --> 00:31:07,779 ♪ Nightly Beside the green, green grass ♪ 576 00:31:07,941 --> 00:31:12,278 ♪ Swing, swing Swing the spinning step ♪ 577 00:31:12,401 --> 00:31:16,238 ♪ You wear those shoes And I will wear that dress ♪ 578 00:31:16,322 --> 00:31:21,577 ♪ Oh, kiss me Beneath the milky twilight ♪ 579 00:31:21,661 --> 00:31:24,079 ♪ Everybody one ♪ 580 00:31:24,163 --> 00:31:26,748 ♪ Everybody two ♪ 581 00:31:26,832 --> 00:31:30,419 ♪ Everybody free ♪ 582 00:31:30,503 --> 00:31:35,132 ♪ Everybody wants to live Like they wanna live ♪ 583 00:31:35,216 --> 00:31:39,928 ♪ And everybody wants to love Like they wanna love ♪ 584 00:31:40,012 --> 00:31:44,600 ♪ And everybody wants to be Closer to free ♪ 585 00:31:44,684 --> 00:31:46,763 I'd like to propose a toast... 586 00:31:46,848 --> 00:31:49,475 to surviving this crazy town 587 00:31:49,756 --> 00:31:52,300 and making it a night that we'll never forget. 588 00:31:52,385 --> 00:31:54,512 - [man whoops] - [all] Cheers! 589 00:32:02,368 --> 00:32:05,974 ♪ Has our conscience shown? ♪ 590 00:32:07,841 --> 00:32:10,135 - Happy prom night, lover. - [chuckles] 591 00:32:10,251 --> 00:32:13,170 Did you and Daddy have a nice chat? 592 00:32:13,254 --> 00:32:15,797 Did you know he was gonna ask me to be his deputy mayor? 593 00:32:15,881 --> 00:32:18,050 He might've mentioned it. 594 00:32:18,134 --> 00:32:20,302 But did he tell you about my big idea? 595 00:32:20,386 --> 00:32:21,887 No. 596 00:32:21,971 --> 00:32:24,514 I'm going to defer Barnard for a year 597 00:32:24,598 --> 00:32:26,934 so you and I can work together, side by side. 598 00:32:27,810 --> 00:32:29,478 Ronnie... 599 00:32:29,562 --> 00:32:32,564 No, I... I don't think that's a good idea. 600 00:32:32,648 --> 00:32:35,734 I couldn't live with myself if I knew I was holding you back that way. 601 00:32:35,818 --> 00:32:37,361 But you're not. 602 00:32:37,445 --> 00:32:39,905 I'm choosing to be with you. This is my decision. 603 00:32:39,989 --> 00:32:42,491 I'd be dragging you down. I don't want that. 604 00:32:42,575 --> 00:32:45,160 I'd rather lose one meaningless year 605 00:32:45,244 --> 00:32:47,496 than be out of sync with you, maybe forever. 606 00:32:54,920 --> 00:32:56,839 Ronnie, I wrote that song for Betty. 607 00:32:58,588 --> 00:33:00,232 Come again? 608 00:33:01,213 --> 00:33:05,278 The song that you found and sang at the speakeasy. 609 00:33:07,657 --> 00:33:09,161 It was for Betty. 610 00:33:11,687 --> 00:33:13,314 I don't understand. 611 00:33:15,172 --> 00:33:17,052 - Did you guys... - We kissed. 612 00:33:17,777 --> 00:33:19,911 Hedwig, 613 00:33:20,237 --> 00:33:23,407 but that's it, and we didn't wanna hurt you and Jughead. 614 00:33:24,723 --> 00:33:26,808 [mic feedback] 615 00:33:26,893 --> 00:33:29,547 Well, the votes have been tallied and double-checked by Ms. Bell. 616 00:33:29,632 --> 00:33:33,693 It is now my honor to announce this year's prom king and queen. 617 00:33:37,797 --> 00:33:40,799 Actually, make that prom queens. 618 00:33:40,883 --> 00:33:43,233 Congratulations to Miss Cheryl Blossom 619 00:33:43,318 --> 00:33:44,970 and Miss Antoinette Topaz. 620 00:33:45,054 --> 00:33:46,536 [cheering] 621 00:33:46,621 --> 00:33:49,123 Your new prom queens, let's hear it! 622 00:33:53,260 --> 00:33:56,685 Mr. Weatherbee, fellow classmates, 623 00:33:56,956 --> 00:33:59,207 tonight, Toni and I are being named 624 00:33:59,292 --> 00:34:02,568 Riverdale High's first openly gay royal couple. 625 00:34:02,677 --> 00:34:06,747 However, no queenship is complete without their court. 626 00:34:06,951 --> 00:34:10,193 So would my dear cousin Betty Cooper, Jughead Jones, 627 00:34:10,278 --> 00:34:12,154 Veronica Lodge and Archie Andrews, 628 00:34:12,239 --> 00:34:15,185 please join us for the traditional promenade court dance. 629 00:34:16,189 --> 00:34:18,733 [slow dance music playing] 630 00:34:36,105 --> 00:34:40,609 ♪ I wanna hold The hand inside you ♪ 631 00:34:44,553 --> 00:34:46,597 - ♪ I wanna do... ♪ - [music cuts off] 632 00:34:47,158 --> 00:34:48,591 [people gasp] 633 00:34:48,704 --> 00:34:50,288 What the hell's going on? 634 00:34:50,536 --> 00:34:52,454 If this is another Reggie Mantle prank, I... 635 00:34:52,538 --> 00:34:54,414 - [video switches on] - ["Psycho Killer" playing] 636 00:34:54,498 --> 00:34:56,571 ♪ Ya-ya-ya-ya-ya-ya Ya-ya-ya-ya-ya-ya-yeah ♪ 637 00:34:57,577 --> 00:34:59,370 ♪ We are vain and we... ♪ 638 00:34:59,486 --> 00:35:01,195 I don't think this is Reggie. 639 00:35:01,380 --> 00:35:04,674 ♪ I hate people When they're not polite ♪ 640 00:35:04,758 --> 00:35:06,760 [crowd whooping, cheering] 641 00:35:06,844 --> 00:35:09,137 ♪ Psycho killer Qu'est-ce que c'est? ♪ 642 00:35:09,221 --> 00:35:12,724 ♪ Fa-fa-fa-fa, fa-fa-fa-fa-fa Far better ♪ 643 00:35:12,808 --> 00:35:17,771 ♪ Run, run, run Run, run, run, run away ♪ 644 00:35:21,400 --> 00:35:24,736 ♪ Psycho killer Qu'est-ce que c'est? ♪ 645 00:35:24,820 --> 00:35:26,655 [people screaming] 646 00:35:26,739 --> 00:35:28,782 ♪ Fa-fa-fa-fa, fa-fa-fa-fa-fa Far better ♪ 647 00:35:28,866 --> 00:35:31,535 ♪ Run, run, run, run... ♪ 648 00:35:31,619 --> 00:35:33,537 [man] Stab him! Stab him! 649 00:35:33,621 --> 00:35:35,414 [man 2 screams] 650 00:35:57,311 --> 00:35:59,069 - [music stops] - [people gasp] 651 00:36:06,779 --> 00:36:08,836 Did they just kill that guy from Blue Velvet Video? 652 00:36:08,921 --> 00:36:10,631 Yeah, come on. Let's go. 653 00:36:14,140 --> 00:36:15,772 What the hell just happened? 654 00:36:19,583 --> 00:36:23,086 Well, we didn't get to finish our ceremonial dance, 655 00:36:23,170 --> 00:36:26,295 but we did win our crowns. 656 00:36:26,799 --> 00:36:28,925 Come, fair T.T., our carriage is waiting 657 00:36:29,009 --> 00:36:31,139 to whisk us back to Thistlehouse. 658 00:36:31,387 --> 00:36:32,709 [sighs] 659 00:36:34,014 --> 00:36:35,546 What's wrong, my sugarplum? 660 00:36:35,631 --> 00:36:37,779 I can't go home with you, Cheryl. 661 00:36:38,571 --> 00:36:40,006 Because of your nana. 662 00:36:41,785 --> 00:36:43,842 But I don't understand. I thought you picked me. 663 00:36:43,959 --> 00:36:45,553 For tonight, I did. 664 00:36:46,131 --> 00:36:48,091 My nana said that if I didn't get home by midnight, 665 00:36:48,176 --> 00:36:50,094 that she would never speak to me again. 666 00:36:50,239 --> 00:36:51,907 I hope you can understand. 667 00:36:53,200 --> 00:36:55,410 Of course, Toni. 668 00:36:55,494 --> 00:36:59,576 Family is the most important thing. 669 00:37:01,259 --> 00:37:02,998 Go and be with your nana. 670 00:37:04,628 --> 00:37:06,467 And thank you for tonight. 671 00:37:07,485 --> 00:37:10,070 Despite those moments of video horror, 672 00:37:10,342 --> 00:37:12,858 I will treasure these memories. 673 00:37:13,387 --> 00:37:14,756 Always. 674 00:37:15,472 --> 00:37:17,140 Thank you, Cheryl. 675 00:37:17,420 --> 00:37:19,608 I'm sure we'll be able to work it out. 676 00:37:19,852 --> 00:37:22,639 - She just needs time, okay? - [softly] Okay. 677 00:37:32,239 --> 00:37:35,006 I don't wanna finish this conversation, Archie. 678 00:37:36,269 --> 00:37:37,895 But we have to. 679 00:37:39,204 --> 00:37:40,576 I know. 680 00:37:41,189 --> 00:37:44,702 Did Betty tell Jughead about what happened between you two? 681 00:37:44,787 --> 00:37:45,996 No. 682 00:37:49,178 --> 00:37:50,928 We both swore we wouldn't. 683 00:37:55,199 --> 00:37:56,533 [sniffles] 684 00:37:56,680 --> 00:37:58,631 Well, we should keep it that way. 685 00:37:58,787 --> 00:38:00,733 No need to blow them up, too. 686 00:38:03,499 --> 00:38:04,951 I agree. 687 00:38:11,252 --> 00:38:12,779 So, what do we do now? 688 00:38:15,714 --> 00:38:18,091 Clearly, our last two weeks of high school 689 00:38:18,176 --> 00:38:20,514 are going to be fraught. 690 00:38:21,217 --> 00:38:23,131 And I don't want them 691 00:38:23,350 --> 00:38:25,147 overshadowed by... 692 00:38:27,067 --> 00:38:28,134 this. 693 00:38:28,219 --> 00:38:29,623 [sniffles] 694 00:38:30,383 --> 00:38:32,756 So, after graduation, 695 00:38:35,259 --> 00:38:37,177 we go our separate ways, Archie. 696 00:38:37,262 --> 00:38:38,889 No big drama, 697 00:38:39,652 --> 00:38:41,436 no fireworks, 698 00:38:43,516 --> 00:38:45,852 I'll go to Barnard, 699 00:38:47,815 --> 00:38:50,484 and you do whatever feels right to you. 700 00:39:02,074 --> 00:39:03,867 [cries] 701 00:39:15,577 --> 00:39:17,361 [Betty] Where did they go? 702 00:39:17,597 --> 00:39:20,205 - Where's the creepy video store guy? - And our doppelgangers. 703 00:39:20,290 --> 00:39:21,624 Why does every one of our dances 704 00:39:21,708 --> 00:39:23,501 turn into a Jamie Lee Curtis movie? 705 00:39:23,585 --> 00:39:25,045 [sighs] 706 00:39:37,473 --> 00:39:38,826 Veronica? 707 00:39:41,019 --> 00:39:42,444 - [sniffles] - What's wrong? 708 00:39:43,834 --> 00:39:45,467 Was it that horrible video? 709 00:39:47,776 --> 00:39:49,027 No. 710 00:39:50,620 --> 00:39:53,467 It's not that, Mom. Um... 711 00:39:56,527 --> 00:39:58,967 Something happened between Betty and Archie. 712 00:40:00,600 --> 00:40:02,069 Oh, honey. 713 00:40:04,347 --> 00:40:05,865 [sobs] 714 00:40:06,420 --> 00:40:08,404 [Hermione] I'm so sorry. 715 00:40:09,242 --> 00:40:10,535 It's okay. 716 00:40:13,593 --> 00:40:15,115 It'll be okay. 717 00:40:19,015 --> 00:40:21,350 There, there, my child. 718 00:40:21,795 --> 00:40:25,105 It shall all be fine in the end. 719 00:40:26,121 --> 00:40:28,623 - Not this time, Nana. - Oh. 720 00:40:28,817 --> 00:40:32,459 Today, I realized Toni and I won't end up together. 721 00:40:32,654 --> 00:40:36,074 Once again, I'm a victim of this family's curse. 722 00:40:37,784 --> 00:40:39,870 I can no longer outrun my fate. 723 00:40:41,375 --> 00:40:43,044 I am a Blossom... 724 00:40:43,925 --> 00:40:45,584 destined to be alone. 725 00:40:49,463 --> 00:40:51,398 [Charles] We got an APB out for David. 726 00:40:51,483 --> 00:40:54,258 If he's behind the videos and he is fleeing, 727 00:40:54,342 --> 00:40:57,593 - he's not gonna get far. - Okay, but what if he wasn't the Auteur 728 00:40:57,678 --> 00:40:59,029 and he was really killed? 729 00:40:59,114 --> 00:41:02,058 Well, then, the video shown at prom was an actual snuff film. 730 00:41:02,142 --> 00:41:04,185 What do we do? We do? 731 00:41:04,269 --> 00:41:08,014 - Continue our search for David. - Or wait for the next video to drop. 732 00:41:08,839 --> 00:41:11,529 Pray that it's not the straw that breaks the camel's back. 733 00:41:43,359 --> 00:41:45,775 Synchronized by srjanapala