1 00:00:09,384 --> 00:00:12,137 [Jughead] Spirit Week had arrived at Riverdale High. 2 00:00:12,554 --> 00:00:16,182 And for the first time in years, the students had something to celebrate. 3 00:00:17,225 --> 00:00:21,354 The long-suffering Bulldogs, in large part thanks to breakout star Munroe Moore, 4 00:00:21,563 --> 00:00:24,107 were finally going to the state finals 5 00:00:24,190 --> 00:00:27,402 where they would take on the undisputed titans of the gridiron, 6 00:00:27,736 --> 00:00:29,237 the Stonewall Stallions. 7 00:00:29,946 --> 00:00:32,365 For Principal Honey, who commissioned an article about the game 8 00:00:32,449 --> 00:00:34,034 from ace reporter Betty Cooper, 9 00:00:34,117 --> 00:00:38,204 the championship was, at last, something positive to promote. 10 00:00:38,538 --> 00:00:42,083 But for Riverdale's star QB, Archie Andrews, 11 00:00:42,751 --> 00:00:45,378 this Spirit Week was special for a different reason. 12 00:00:46,212 --> 00:00:47,964 It would be the last of his career. 13 00:00:49,007 --> 00:00:49,841 Jones. 14 00:00:50,467 --> 00:00:52,218 How long have you had that machine? 15 00:00:52,844 --> 00:00:54,596 Feels like forever. Why? 16 00:00:55,847 --> 00:00:57,390 Think it's about time for an upgrade? 17 00:00:58,141 --> 00:01:00,393 No, keys are used to my fingertips. 18 00:01:00,894 --> 00:01:02,979 -Plus I'm sentimental and superstitious. -[chuckles] 19 00:01:03,605 --> 00:01:04,481 [computer chimes] 20 00:01:05,106 --> 00:01:06,983 Oh, crap. I gotta go. 21 00:01:07,567 --> 00:01:09,652 Mr. DuPont's summoned me for some reason. 22 00:01:12,947 --> 00:01:14,783 [door opens, then closes] 23 00:01:14,866 --> 00:01:18,578 How did I get an interview with Yale? I didn't even apply. 24 00:01:18,995 --> 00:01:21,664 Yes, but the recruiter is a friend of mine 25 00:01:21,748 --> 00:01:25,251 so I slipped him your short stories and he was quite impressed. 26 00:01:25,335 --> 00:01:26,920 I assume you're interested? 27 00:01:28,171 --> 00:01:31,132 Yale is my girlfriend's dream school and she didn't get in, so... 28 00:01:31,466 --> 00:01:34,928 Yes, well, the heart can be a difficult minefield to navigate, 29 00:01:35,011 --> 00:01:36,304 but take my advice: 30 00:01:36,763 --> 00:01:39,015 Figure it out, don't be foolish. 31 00:01:40,391 --> 00:01:42,393 [Reggie] Mm. Gotta go with number three. 32 00:01:42,477 --> 00:01:44,312 It's damn good, Ronnie. 33 00:01:44,604 --> 00:01:47,357 It's my special shimmy on Abuelita's recipe. 34 00:01:48,108 --> 00:01:50,485 I thought your dad patented the recipe so you couldn't use it. 35 00:01:51,069 --> 00:01:54,656 Daddy may have patented our family recipe for his own profit, 36 00:01:54,739 --> 00:02:00,036 but this is a modified spiced rum, with a unique flavor profile. 37 00:02:01,996 --> 00:02:04,833 Now it's time to introduce Luna Rum to the outside world. 38 00:02:07,210 --> 00:02:08,670 [school bell rings] 39 00:02:11,256 --> 00:02:12,090 [Honey] Cheryl. 40 00:02:12,674 --> 00:02:14,968 Girls, how fortuitous. 41 00:02:15,468 --> 00:02:17,887 -I'd like you to meet someone. -[Cheryl] No time to chat. 42 00:02:17,971 --> 00:02:20,306 We're on our way to practice our Spirit Week musical routine, 43 00:02:20,390 --> 00:02:22,058 which will, naturally, be epic. 44 00:02:23,226 --> 00:02:27,188 On that subject, as was discussed with Mrs. Burble, 45 00:02:27,272 --> 00:02:31,484 I have brought in Miss Appleyard to be your new coach. 46 00:02:31,568 --> 00:02:33,695 But cheer season is almost done, Mr. Honey. 47 00:02:35,155 --> 00:02:36,489 I can handle this, Holden. 48 00:02:38,241 --> 00:02:39,117 Hmm. 49 00:02:41,995 --> 00:02:45,206 I'm not sure what Honey has told you, but we don't need a coach. 50 00:02:45,290 --> 00:02:46,374 I run the show around here. 51 00:02:47,083 --> 00:02:49,627 Howevs, we are looking for a launder woman. 52 00:02:50,128 --> 00:02:52,297 From now on, we're gonna change things up. 53 00:02:52,380 --> 00:02:56,134 The Vixens are a cheer squad, so we'll be focusing on cheers, 54 00:02:56,509 --> 00:02:58,720 not singing and dancing to pop songs. 55 00:02:59,178 --> 00:03:01,848 Now, gather the rest of the girls and meet me out on the field 56 00:03:01,931 --> 00:03:03,808 so we can practice some drills, okay? 57 00:03:04,976 --> 00:03:08,646 I'm sorry, am I hallucinating, or did you just give me an order? 58 00:03:08,730 --> 00:03:11,858 I led my last team to nationals three years in a row. 59 00:03:12,358 --> 00:03:14,402 I think I know what I'm doing here. 60 00:03:17,655 --> 00:03:18,740 That's right, Munroe. 61 00:03:20,074 --> 00:03:22,285 Okay. So, last game of the season. 62 00:03:22,869 --> 00:03:24,454 -[exhales sharply] -How do you feel, Arch? 63 00:03:25,038 --> 00:03:26,998 Honestly? Like we're gonna win. 64 00:03:27,290 --> 00:03:29,834 -[Munroe] Mm-hm. -Hmm. Munroe, what about you? 65 00:03:29,918 --> 00:03:31,836 I'm just happy to be playing for the championship. 66 00:03:31,920 --> 00:03:33,755 -[whoops] -He's being humble, Betty. 67 00:03:33,838 --> 00:03:35,924 A recruiter from Notre Dame is coming just to see him. 68 00:03:36,633 --> 00:03:37,884 Reggie, care to comment? 69 00:03:38,218 --> 00:03:40,178 -You want a quote, Betts? -[Betty] Sure. 70 00:03:40,553 --> 00:03:41,679 I'll give you a quote: 71 00:03:42,472 --> 00:03:44,724 -Stonewall sucks. -[Munroe] Mmm. 72 00:03:44,933 --> 00:03:48,686 The only reason why they're undefeated is because they play dirty. 73 00:03:48,978 --> 00:03:50,230 Dirty. Mm-hm. 74 00:03:50,730 --> 00:03:53,816 Every team that's gone up against them this year has suffered a horrible injury. 75 00:03:54,609 --> 00:03:57,654 -What do you mean? -I mean, they don't play to win. 76 00:03:58,488 --> 00:03:59,489 They play to hurt. 77 00:04:01,449 --> 00:04:04,244 But... they haven't gone up against our guy. 78 00:04:05,620 --> 00:04:06,454 Munroe. 79 00:04:08,998 --> 00:04:11,668 -So, you excited for the big game? -Everyone's pumped. 80 00:04:12,001 --> 00:04:13,086 Can't wait to see you play. 81 00:04:13,628 --> 00:04:15,380 If your arm's half as good as your dad's was, 82 00:04:15,838 --> 00:04:17,131 I bet you got a hell of a throw. 83 00:04:19,008 --> 00:04:20,051 Hey, Uncle Frank. 84 00:04:21,135 --> 00:04:22,220 -I've been thinking. -Mm-hm. 85 00:04:22,595 --> 00:04:24,347 Yeah, me, too. Look... 86 00:04:25,598 --> 00:04:29,060 I really appreciate you putting me up here for the last couple weeks. 87 00:04:29,143 --> 00:04:30,895 Getting to meet you, getting to know you. 88 00:04:32,230 --> 00:04:33,606 You're a great kid, Archie. 89 00:04:34,357 --> 00:04:35,483 Your dad raised you well. 90 00:04:36,985 --> 00:04:37,819 But, uh... 91 00:04:38,903 --> 00:04:41,739 I think it's time I moved on. I've paid my respects. 92 00:04:41,823 --> 00:04:43,199 I was actually wondering... 93 00:04:43,950 --> 00:04:45,368 what if you didn't leave? 94 00:04:45,827 --> 00:04:48,413 You could help out here or Andrews Construction. 95 00:04:50,957 --> 00:04:52,792 I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested. 96 00:04:53,334 --> 00:04:54,585 Problem is, that means telling-- 97 00:04:54,669 --> 00:04:56,504 -Telling my mom you're in town. -Yeah. 98 00:04:57,380 --> 00:04:59,090 Like I've said, not a lot of love lost there. 99 00:04:59,590 --> 00:05:01,467 Whatever happened between you guys in the past, 100 00:05:01,551 --> 00:05:02,802 I'm sure you can work it out. 101 00:05:02,885 --> 00:05:05,013 Hell, she'll probably be happy to see you. 102 00:05:09,267 --> 00:05:12,687 Let me ask you, Frank, have you even visited your brother's grave? 103 00:05:12,770 --> 00:05:14,605 You didn't bother to show up for the funeral. 104 00:05:14,689 --> 00:05:17,775 I was on a crab boat, Mary. I didn't get the news till a month ago. 105 00:05:18,151 --> 00:05:22,113 Mom, I was thinking maybe Uncle Frank could get a job at Andrews Construction. 106 00:05:22,655 --> 00:05:26,117 -You asked my son for a job? -No, Mom, the job was my idea. 107 00:05:26,200 --> 00:05:28,202 [exhales sharply] Okay, fine. 108 00:05:28,286 --> 00:05:29,704 But mark my words, Archie. 109 00:05:29,787 --> 00:05:32,915 The second your uncle has to do even an ounce of hard work, 110 00:05:32,999 --> 00:05:35,543 he will bolt so fast, your head will spin. 111 00:05:41,466 --> 00:05:43,468 [down-tempo music playing over speakers] 112 00:05:45,136 --> 00:05:45,970 Jug. 113 00:05:46,846 --> 00:05:50,099 You've been dipping that fry in ketchup for five minutes. What's going on? 114 00:05:50,767 --> 00:05:51,601 [sighs] 115 00:05:52,894 --> 00:05:54,729 I have an interview with a college recruiter. 116 00:05:55,146 --> 00:05:55,980 For Yale. 117 00:05:59,692 --> 00:06:00,526 I hope that's okay. 118 00:06:00,943 --> 00:06:03,488 Yeah. Why wouldn't it be? Because I got rejected? 119 00:06:03,654 --> 00:06:05,615 Well... yeah, kind of. 120 00:06:07,450 --> 00:06:11,079 Well, I would never ask you to turn down an opportunity like that 121 00:06:11,162 --> 00:06:12,413 that was life-changing. 122 00:06:13,581 --> 00:06:16,209 So, you're obviously gonna go and ace that interview. 123 00:06:18,419 --> 00:06:21,422 Meanwhile, I'll be working on my article for Mr. Honey. 124 00:06:21,506 --> 00:06:22,423 How's that going? 125 00:06:23,341 --> 00:06:24,467 It's a puff piece. 126 00:06:25,259 --> 00:06:27,595 Have you thought about interviewing the opposing team? 127 00:06:27,678 --> 00:06:29,931 -You know, Bret's team captain. -Yeah, I know. 128 00:06:30,014 --> 00:06:33,309 He's also the guy who attacked us in a bunny mask. 129 00:06:33,684 --> 00:06:35,311 You really want me to interview that jerk? 130 00:06:35,728 --> 00:06:37,230 It could mean drama for your piece. 131 00:06:41,359 --> 00:06:42,568 What can I do for you, Cheryl? 132 00:06:42,652 --> 00:06:44,612 We got off on the wrong Repetto-covered foot. 133 00:06:45,780 --> 00:06:48,533 I'd like us to find a way to work together in blissful harmony. 134 00:06:49,450 --> 00:06:52,829 Cheryl, I'm the coach. You're the athlete. 135 00:06:53,162 --> 00:06:55,206 The power structure couldn't be clearer. 136 00:06:55,748 --> 00:06:57,333 As for your muffins, 137 00:06:57,416 --> 00:06:59,836 can I suggest a little less time baking 138 00:06:59,919 --> 00:07:02,046 and a little more time in the weight room? 139 00:07:03,005 --> 00:07:05,258 My body is perfection, you crone! 140 00:07:05,842 --> 00:07:07,301 And you may be the coach, 141 00:07:07,385 --> 00:07:10,263 but I think you'll find the Vixens are mine forever more. 142 00:07:14,183 --> 00:07:15,017 [door closes] 143 00:07:17,437 --> 00:07:20,440 Full disclosure, Bret, I wasn't going to interview you. 144 00:07:21,107 --> 00:07:23,693 But then I heard rumors that your team plays dirty. 145 00:07:25,361 --> 00:07:26,779 "They don't play to win. 146 00:07:27,864 --> 00:07:29,282 They play to hurt." 147 00:07:31,993 --> 00:07:32,827 Betty... 148 00:07:35,246 --> 00:07:37,665 have you ever really watched or studied football? 149 00:07:39,292 --> 00:07:41,335 Because, sweetheart, it's not a knitting circle. 150 00:07:42,211 --> 00:07:43,963 It's social Darwinism in uniforms. 151 00:07:46,674 --> 00:07:50,052 Football is... a sport of gladiators. 152 00:07:50,887 --> 00:07:54,557 And you win by debilitating and slaughtering your enemies. 153 00:07:56,934 --> 00:07:57,768 Mm. 154 00:07:59,645 --> 00:08:01,105 Gosh, I have to go, but... 155 00:08:02,982 --> 00:08:04,233 you can quote me on that. 156 00:08:08,905 --> 00:08:10,948 You can bet your ass I will, psycho. 157 00:08:17,997 --> 00:08:19,415 [Veronica] As restaurant owners, 158 00:08:19,499 --> 00:08:23,794 you know the importance of quality in every dish and glass you serve. 159 00:08:24,587 --> 00:08:30,384 Luna Rum is a small-batch operation, focused on making each bottle special. 160 00:08:31,344 --> 00:08:34,180 The name Luna comes from my abuelita and 161 00:08:34,263 --> 00:08:37,099 generations of rum-making women in my family. 162 00:08:37,183 --> 00:08:39,894 Interesting. Is that cardamom? 163 00:08:40,394 --> 00:08:43,231 Among other things. It's my own special blend. 164 00:08:43,648 --> 00:08:49,028 Luna is all about valuing tradition, while adding a touch of modern sabor. 165 00:08:49,111 --> 00:08:51,781 I'll take a case. This is special. 166 00:08:52,657 --> 00:08:53,616 Wonderful. 167 00:08:53,783 --> 00:08:55,826 Your customers will not be disappointed. 168 00:09:13,970 --> 00:09:14,929 [exhales sharply] 169 00:09:18,391 --> 00:09:20,142 A good writer needs the best tools. 170 00:09:20,726 --> 00:09:21,727 Did you get me this? 171 00:09:22,770 --> 00:09:24,981 It's a welcome gift from the Quill and Skull. 172 00:09:25,231 --> 00:09:28,067 Speaking of which, meet us in the basement tonight, 10:00 sharp. 173 00:09:28,526 --> 00:09:29,402 Dare I ask why? 174 00:09:30,820 --> 00:09:31,654 You'll see. 175 00:09:37,285 --> 00:09:38,661 How can I help you, Cheryl? 176 00:09:40,121 --> 00:09:43,165 We're going on strike. During Spirit Week, no less. 177 00:09:45,293 --> 00:09:47,211 You must fire Miss Appleyard. 178 00:09:47,295 --> 00:09:50,506 She's a rotten scourge who has afflicted our divine sisterhood. 179 00:09:52,300 --> 00:09:55,261 I'd hate for there to be a big Vixens-shaped hole 180 00:09:55,344 --> 00:09:57,930 during the most important football game of the year. 181 00:09:58,472 --> 00:10:00,266 Nay, the century. 182 00:10:01,392 --> 00:10:02,226 Hm. 183 00:10:04,020 --> 00:10:06,981 I usually don't respond well to threats. 184 00:10:10,067 --> 00:10:12,361 But in this case, I'll consider it. 185 00:10:15,573 --> 00:10:17,742 Thank you for meeting with me. Like I said on the phone, 186 00:10:17,825 --> 00:10:20,036 I'm writing a story about the Stonewall Stallions, 187 00:10:20,119 --> 00:10:23,289 about the rumors that they play dirty. 188 00:10:23,956 --> 00:10:27,460 I've been studying game tape and there's a pattern of violence. 189 00:10:27,543 --> 00:10:28,669 Wanton violence. 190 00:10:28,753 --> 00:10:32,340 -Those Stonewall guys are maniacs. -"Maniacs"? How so? 191 00:10:32,423 --> 00:10:35,426 The Stonewall linemen broke my arm while I was in the pile. 192 00:10:35,509 --> 00:10:38,095 -Do you mean on purpose? -Definitely on purpose. 193 00:10:38,179 --> 00:10:39,639 The hit came out of nowhere. 194 00:10:40,181 --> 00:10:42,099 -After the whistle. -And did the refs do anything? 195 00:10:42,308 --> 00:10:44,477 They pay off the refs to look the other way. 196 00:10:44,769 --> 00:10:46,354 -This is huge. -The worse the injury... 197 00:10:46,437 --> 00:10:48,272 -Yeah? -The bigger the bounty. 198 00:10:48,356 --> 00:10:49,815 I'm sorry, did you just say "bounty"? 199 00:10:49,899 --> 00:10:53,069 The Stonewall coach pays his players to hurt the other team. 200 00:10:53,152 --> 00:10:54,820 At least that's what I heard. 201 00:10:56,447 --> 00:10:58,574 [rock music playing over speakers] 202 00:10:58,908 --> 00:11:03,537 ♪ I'll take a better bullet The farthest train ♪ 203 00:11:03,871 --> 00:11:06,582 ♪ I'll take a better bullet... ♪ 204 00:11:06,666 --> 00:11:09,293 -I'm headed home. Later, guys. -See you, dude. 205 00:11:09,960 --> 00:11:13,464 ♪ And I just keep on pulling your chain ♪ 206 00:11:14,006 --> 00:11:16,759 ♪ You keep on holding on and on Until you're... ♪ 207 00:11:16,842 --> 00:11:18,344 [can clatters] 208 00:11:19,178 --> 00:11:20,346 [thumping] 209 00:11:30,356 --> 00:11:31,649 Oh, hell, no. 210 00:11:37,571 --> 00:11:38,656 [Munroe] Get away from me! 211 00:11:40,658 --> 00:11:41,492 [Munroe groans] 212 00:11:49,542 --> 00:11:50,960 Munroe, what happened? 213 00:11:51,627 --> 00:11:53,170 Some guys jumped me. 214 00:11:53,254 --> 00:11:56,006 -One of them swung a golf club at my knee. -I'm gonna call an ambulance. 215 00:11:56,090 --> 00:11:58,300 -Did you see their faces? -No, they were wearing masks. 216 00:11:58,843 --> 00:12:00,803 We don't need to have seen their faces. 217 00:12:00,886 --> 00:12:02,638 -We know exactly who they are. -[line ringing] 218 00:12:02,721 --> 00:12:03,597 [Munroe groans] 219 00:12:10,229 --> 00:12:11,063 [Jughead] Hello? 220 00:12:12,106 --> 00:12:12,940 Bret? 221 00:12:13,816 --> 00:12:15,317 [Donna] We're in here, Forsythe. 222 00:12:19,947 --> 00:12:21,866 [Jughead] Where's Bret? 223 00:12:21,949 --> 00:12:23,325 [Bret] Sorry I'm late. 224 00:12:23,409 --> 00:12:25,077 I had a prior obligation. 225 00:12:28,164 --> 00:12:29,498 What exactly are we doing? 226 00:12:30,833 --> 00:12:32,418 Final part of your initiation. 227 00:12:33,085 --> 00:12:34,962 Where we really get to know you. 228 00:12:35,254 --> 00:12:38,883 When you tell us your deepest, darkest secret. 229 00:12:39,675 --> 00:12:40,759 -Seriously? -Yeah. 230 00:12:41,802 --> 00:12:43,929 And we are recording this for the archives. 231 00:12:48,184 --> 00:12:49,351 We'll tell you ours first. 232 00:12:54,899 --> 00:12:56,025 [sighs] 233 00:12:56,108 --> 00:12:57,485 When I was 13... 234 00:12:59,820 --> 00:13:03,324 my uncle made a pass at me. And when I told my mom, 235 00:13:03,407 --> 00:13:04,783 she didn't believe me. 236 00:13:06,660 --> 00:13:07,495 And that's... 237 00:13:09,747 --> 00:13:11,624 when I started cutting myself. 238 00:13:23,010 --> 00:13:24,220 When I was 14... 239 00:13:26,430 --> 00:13:30,726 my father got me a hooker and said, "Now it's your time to be a man." 240 00:13:34,563 --> 00:13:37,358 I cried the whole time I was with her. 241 00:13:38,192 --> 00:13:39,735 But I never... 242 00:13:40,528 --> 00:13:42,738 told my father because the truth is... 243 00:13:44,698 --> 00:13:46,158 I was afraid he'd kill me. 244 00:13:47,868 --> 00:13:48,869 For real. 245 00:14:04,760 --> 00:14:06,095 I used to be homeless. 246 00:14:07,304 --> 00:14:11,058 And I would crash underneath this bridge by the dock on the Southside. 247 00:14:12,184 --> 00:14:13,310 It was kind of a rough place. 248 00:14:14,019 --> 00:14:15,396 There was this one guy named Doc. 249 00:14:15,688 --> 00:14:19,149 He would stay up all night just to make sure the junkies didn't mess with me. 250 00:14:20,860 --> 00:14:21,735 Then one day... 251 00:14:23,028 --> 00:14:24,530 these drunken businessmen 252 00:14:25,739 --> 00:14:28,826 who had heard about our little shantytown, they found Doc. 253 00:14:32,079 --> 00:14:33,581 They beat the life out of him. 254 00:14:38,711 --> 00:14:40,838 I didn't move. I didn't say anything. 255 00:14:44,091 --> 00:14:45,259 And I watched. 256 00:14:48,596 --> 00:14:49,722 I just watched it. 257 00:14:56,020 --> 00:14:57,771 It's probably my greatest shame. 258 00:14:58,564 --> 00:15:00,190 I've never even told that story. 259 00:15:00,691 --> 00:15:01,650 Not even to Betty. 260 00:15:08,908 --> 00:15:09,783 [Toni] Babe. 261 00:15:10,868 --> 00:15:11,702 Tee-Tee. 262 00:15:11,785 --> 00:15:12,953 Whyfor the long face? 263 00:15:13,454 --> 00:15:16,665 Babe, don't lose your mind, but we've got a major problem. 264 00:15:20,669 --> 00:15:21,503 [girl gasps] 265 00:15:24,381 --> 00:15:26,050 What villainy is this? 266 00:15:27,217 --> 00:15:29,094 Speak, fiends! 267 00:15:29,178 --> 00:15:32,222 Mr. Honey threatened to ban us all from prom if we refused to cheer. 268 00:15:32,306 --> 00:15:33,849 He said we'd ruin Spirit Week. 269 00:15:34,475 --> 00:15:36,226 So, you caved and betrayed me? 270 00:15:38,938 --> 00:15:41,732 Well, you may redeem yourselves yet. 271 00:15:43,359 --> 00:15:46,946 Now, who shucketh off the imposter Appleyard? 272 00:15:54,662 --> 00:15:55,829 Come on, babe. 273 00:15:57,748 --> 00:15:58,749 This isn't over. 274 00:15:58,999 --> 00:16:00,292 Not by a long shot. 275 00:16:03,837 --> 00:16:05,923 [Appleyard] Ladies, eyes up front. 276 00:16:07,675 --> 00:16:10,970 -[Bret] The dog says, "Mine." -[boy] Totally. Hey, man... 277 00:16:11,053 --> 00:16:12,304 [Bret] I just came up with that. 278 00:16:12,388 --> 00:16:13,722 -[Bret laughs] -Hey. 279 00:16:14,181 --> 00:16:17,142 Oh, somebody call animal control. The Bulldogs are here. 280 00:16:20,062 --> 00:16:22,398 You couldn't even wait to play dirty on the field, could you? 281 00:16:23,649 --> 00:16:26,026 Heh-heh. That's how scared you were of Munroe. 282 00:16:26,527 --> 00:16:28,529 Hey, what's going on? 283 00:16:28,821 --> 00:16:32,199 Jones, are you friends with these welfare cases? 284 00:16:33,909 --> 00:16:35,244 What did you just call me? 285 00:16:35,327 --> 00:16:36,370 I called you a-- 286 00:16:37,705 --> 00:16:38,831 -[boy 1] No. -[boy 2] Get him! 287 00:16:46,755 --> 00:16:48,799 -[keys jingle] -[cell door opens] 288 00:16:48,882 --> 00:16:49,967 [Frank] Hey. 289 00:16:51,677 --> 00:16:52,845 You all right, Archie? 290 00:16:53,220 --> 00:16:55,639 I've been in worse fights. Thanks for coming, Uncle Frank. 291 00:16:55,723 --> 00:16:57,683 Couldn't call Mom. She's got enough to worry about. 292 00:16:57,766 --> 00:16:58,892 That makes sense. 293 00:17:00,060 --> 00:17:01,687 Forsythe Jones, I presume. 294 00:17:01,770 --> 00:17:04,356 I'm Gerald Brooks from Yale admissions. Have a seat. 295 00:17:05,190 --> 00:17:07,609 I'd like to start by complimenting your writing. 296 00:17:09,695 --> 00:17:12,114 I'm sensing H.P. Lovecraft is an influence. 297 00:17:14,241 --> 00:17:16,243 Yeah, a major one. 298 00:17:17,828 --> 00:17:19,246 I'm sorry. I'm-- 299 00:17:19,538 --> 00:17:22,499 I guess I'm just not used to people actually treating me like a real writer. 300 00:17:22,583 --> 00:17:25,044 Yeah, well, at Yale, everyone earns their spot. 301 00:17:25,461 --> 00:17:29,173 Should you be accepted, you will succeed or fail on your own merits, Mr. Jones. 302 00:17:29,465 --> 00:17:30,340 Understood. 303 00:17:30,424 --> 00:17:32,885 ["Crush Culture" playing] 304 00:17:35,387 --> 00:17:36,805 [Frank] Wanna tell me what happened? 305 00:17:37,264 --> 00:17:39,516 Those Stonewall bastards attacked my friend Munroe. 306 00:17:39,600 --> 00:17:43,312 -Busted up his knee so he can't play. -So, you went looking for payback. 307 00:17:44,063 --> 00:17:46,023 ♪ Quit checking your volume... ♪ 308 00:17:46,690 --> 00:17:47,858 Don't be ashamed. 309 00:17:48,692 --> 00:17:51,236 I'm the last person that should be judging anyone, Archie. 310 00:17:51,320 --> 00:17:53,405 Especially when it comes to fighting for your friends. 311 00:17:54,615 --> 00:17:56,075 Your dad was the same way. 312 00:17:56,867 --> 00:17:57,785 What do you mean? 313 00:17:57,910 --> 00:18:00,746 I mean that your dad was pretty level-headed, all things considered, 314 00:18:00,954 --> 00:18:03,957 except when someone came after a friend or a family member, 315 00:18:04,041 --> 00:18:05,626 he'd turn into a bit of a madman. 316 00:18:07,211 --> 00:18:08,837 Yeah, he could be brutal in a bar fight. 317 00:18:10,506 --> 00:18:12,841 I can't even imagine my dad throwing punches. 318 00:18:12,925 --> 00:18:15,385 I mean, he taught me every sport, but not boxing. 319 00:18:15,469 --> 00:18:18,514 -Wait, you box? -Yeah. I was serious about it for a while. 320 00:18:18,931 --> 00:18:21,850 Damn. Me, too. I boxed in the Army. 321 00:18:22,518 --> 00:18:24,186 -What weight class? -Welterweight. 322 00:18:25,687 --> 00:18:26,980 You any good at it? 323 00:18:28,148 --> 00:18:30,776 -[Archie] This one time, I boxed a bear. -[Frank chuckles] 324 00:18:30,859 --> 00:18:32,236 [Betty] I need a huge favor, V. 325 00:18:32,528 --> 00:18:35,322 Munroe was jumped outside of Archie's gym last night. 326 00:18:35,405 --> 00:18:38,951 I know. Archie told me. Poor Munroe. 327 00:18:40,244 --> 00:18:43,330 He thinks Munroe was attacked by someone from Stonewall Prep, 328 00:18:43,413 --> 00:18:46,625 and based on the masks those creeps were wearing, I agree. 329 00:18:47,000 --> 00:18:48,836 Probably it was Bret. 330 00:18:49,086 --> 00:18:51,255 And I want to break the story in The Blue and Gold, 331 00:18:51,338 --> 00:18:54,007 but I need proof or a confession. 332 00:18:54,466 --> 00:18:56,677 Reggie says he heard Stonewall's throwing a party tonight 333 00:18:56,760 --> 00:18:58,220 to get everyone psyched for the game. 334 00:18:58,512 --> 00:19:01,306 Do I smell another classic B and V caper? 335 00:19:01,765 --> 00:19:05,060 Just a V caper, unfortunately. 336 00:19:05,936 --> 00:19:08,355 I can't get close to Bret. He knows me. 337 00:19:08,689 --> 00:19:11,191 But I was hoping maybe you could go, 338 00:19:11,316 --> 00:19:14,069 turn on your femme fatale charm? 339 00:19:14,403 --> 00:19:15,404 -I'm down. -Great. 340 00:19:15,487 --> 00:19:18,115 -Would you be willing to wear a wire? -Absolutely. 341 00:19:19,867 --> 00:19:24,371 And I think I have just the tonic to help loosen Bret's lips. 342 00:19:25,164 --> 00:19:27,166 ["Healer" playing over speakers] 343 00:19:35,883 --> 00:19:37,759 Anything interesting happen today? 344 00:19:39,011 --> 00:19:40,095 ♪ Healer... ♪ 345 00:19:41,013 --> 00:19:42,014 Uh... 346 00:19:43,348 --> 00:19:47,102 -I don't know what you're talking about. -F.P. told me everything, so don't. 347 00:19:49,188 --> 00:19:52,482 [sighs] And, Archie, what's really upsetting... 348 00:19:52,816 --> 00:19:56,528 is that when you needed someone, you called Frank and not me. 349 00:19:56,612 --> 00:19:59,364 Mom, please. What is your deal with him? 350 00:19:59,698 --> 00:20:03,243 Your Uncle Frank is your classic ne'er-do-well. 351 00:20:03,410 --> 00:20:05,162 The straw that broke the camel's back 352 00:20:05,245 --> 00:20:07,998 was when your father took the blame for Frank's DUI. 353 00:20:08,165 --> 00:20:09,041 What? 354 00:20:10,125 --> 00:20:12,502 You're saying the DUI on Dad's record wasn't his fault? 355 00:20:12,586 --> 00:20:15,464 According to the official police report, it was, 356 00:20:15,839 --> 00:20:18,383 but your father wasn't behind the wheel that night. 357 00:20:18,759 --> 00:20:20,093 After Frank went on a bender, 358 00:20:20,177 --> 00:20:23,138 he crashed our car into a telephone pole on Sycamore. 359 00:20:23,513 --> 00:20:26,308 It was the third strike against him, so he would have done jail time. 360 00:20:26,558 --> 00:20:29,269 So your father covered for him. And you know how Frank repaid him? 361 00:20:29,353 --> 00:20:32,773 By skipping town the next day. That's the kind of man that Frank is. 362 00:20:34,399 --> 00:20:35,484 Oh, and Archie? 363 00:20:35,943 --> 00:20:39,196 You can play in the football game, but otherwise, you're grounded. 364 00:20:39,404 --> 00:20:40,948 No car privileges for a month. 365 00:20:42,908 --> 00:20:44,034 [sighs] 366 00:20:46,328 --> 00:20:50,082 [Veronica] B, from what people are saying, this isn't just a football party. 367 00:20:51,166 --> 00:20:55,254 It's a football party hosted by Stonewall's lame-ass secret society. 368 00:20:56,630 --> 00:20:58,799 Ah. And there's Bret. 369 00:20:58,882 --> 00:21:00,259 ["Vagabond" playing over speakers] 370 00:21:00,342 --> 00:21:02,928 God, I can smell his privilege from across the room. 371 00:21:03,804 --> 00:21:06,181 Okay. I'm going in. 372 00:21:06,515 --> 00:21:09,559 ♪ Years that I walked As the earth was turning... ♪ 373 00:21:09,643 --> 00:21:11,812 Hi, fellas. I'm Monica. 374 00:21:12,688 --> 00:21:14,731 You wouldn't happen to be rum drinkers, by any chance? 375 00:21:14,815 --> 00:21:17,234 Because if you are, I'm taking orders. 376 00:21:18,026 --> 00:21:20,487 Go back to my room, undress, and wait for me. 377 00:21:21,113 --> 00:21:23,365 -Excuse me? -You said you were taking orders. 378 00:21:23,991 --> 00:21:25,492 [laughing] 379 00:21:25,575 --> 00:21:26,785 [Veronica laughs] 380 00:21:29,579 --> 00:21:31,999 Would you like some rum or not? It's spiced. 381 00:21:32,624 --> 00:21:33,792 Yeah, sure. Pour away. 382 00:21:35,002 --> 00:21:36,920 [Bret] The Stallions are undefeated. 383 00:21:37,421 --> 00:21:41,216 Fifteen and 0. And that winning streak's gonna continue. Right, boys? 384 00:21:41,300 --> 00:21:43,385 [all] Yeah! 385 00:21:44,303 --> 00:21:45,137 Oh, thank you. 386 00:21:45,762 --> 00:21:48,640 Especially now that Riverdale's top dog is out of the mix. 387 00:21:48,724 --> 00:21:49,975 It's all over social media. 388 00:21:50,767 --> 00:21:52,436 Attagirl. Set the trap. 389 00:21:53,562 --> 00:21:55,689 Star player on the opposing team, 390 00:21:55,772 --> 00:21:58,317 randomly victimized right before the big game? 391 00:21:59,026 --> 00:22:01,445 -It's quite a stroke of luck for you. -Nah, doll. 392 00:22:02,571 --> 00:22:03,655 We make our own luck. 393 00:22:03,739 --> 00:22:05,073 ["Unstoppable" playing] 394 00:22:05,157 --> 00:22:08,118 ♪ Even when my ears are ringing... ♪ 395 00:22:10,287 --> 00:22:11,371 [whispers] Come here. 396 00:22:12,372 --> 00:22:13,206 [Jughead] Veronica? 397 00:22:14,291 --> 00:22:16,043 -Jughead? -Jughead? 398 00:22:16,126 --> 00:22:18,253 Veronica? I thought your name was-- 399 00:22:18,337 --> 00:22:21,048 Monica, yes, it is. Uh... 400 00:22:22,758 --> 00:22:23,592 Excuse us. 401 00:22:24,384 --> 00:22:26,678 -What the hell are you doing here? -What are you doing here? 402 00:22:26,845 --> 00:22:29,347 I go to school here. Why are you in a wig? 403 00:22:30,307 --> 00:22:32,225 Since when are you part of a secret society? 404 00:22:33,351 --> 00:22:34,895 -What? -Does Betty know? 405 00:22:34,978 --> 00:22:37,606 Because if not, she just found out. 406 00:22:37,939 --> 00:22:39,941 ♪ You won't see me flinch ♪ 407 00:22:40,358 --> 00:22:42,944 I didn't tell you because it's a secret society. 408 00:22:43,028 --> 00:22:45,113 Four months ago, you hated those guys, 409 00:22:45,197 --> 00:22:47,282 you wanted to drop out and come back to Riverdale. 410 00:22:47,365 --> 00:22:48,492 Yeah, but I stayed. 411 00:22:48,575 --> 00:22:51,328 You know what? I'm glad I stayed. I got a book contract. 412 00:22:51,411 --> 00:22:54,456 Don't forget about your Yale interview, thanks to your new friends. 413 00:22:54,539 --> 00:22:57,709 Yeah, okay, I got an interview with Yale because I'm a member of this society. 414 00:22:57,793 --> 00:22:59,711 If I get accepted, it's because of my writing. 415 00:23:00,837 --> 00:23:03,048 Does that really make me such a horrible person? 416 00:23:04,633 --> 00:23:06,093 -No. -No. 417 00:23:08,220 --> 00:23:10,555 But I hate that we're keeping secrets from each other. 418 00:23:10,639 --> 00:23:13,016 -I thought we were done with that. -Yeah. 419 00:23:13,850 --> 00:23:15,477 Okay, that's where I messed up. 420 00:23:16,394 --> 00:23:17,479 I'm sorry. 421 00:23:18,772 --> 00:23:20,982 I should have told you about Quill and Skull. 422 00:23:21,233 --> 00:23:22,234 That's fine. 423 00:23:22,859 --> 00:23:25,070 -What was Veronica even doing there? -She was helping me. 424 00:23:27,614 --> 00:23:28,448 With what? 425 00:23:28,532 --> 00:23:32,536 She was trying to get Bret to brag about attacking Munroe. 426 00:23:33,161 --> 00:23:35,497 Some much-needed proof for my article. 427 00:23:36,540 --> 00:23:37,499 Did Bret confess? 428 00:23:37,999 --> 00:23:38,834 Not quite. 429 00:23:39,459 --> 00:23:41,920 He was dancing around it, but then you blew her cover. 430 00:23:42,462 --> 00:23:44,589 Oh. So I messed up a classic B and V scam? 431 00:23:45,048 --> 00:23:47,300 -Mm-hm. -How can I make it up to you? 432 00:23:48,927 --> 00:23:50,804 I don't think there's anything you could do. 433 00:23:51,596 --> 00:23:55,016 I'll just have to file my story with quotes from unnamed sources, 434 00:23:55,100 --> 00:23:57,644 -which I have plenty of. -Is it gonna be enough? 435 00:23:58,562 --> 00:24:00,230 Truthfully, I'm not very hopeful. 436 00:24:03,358 --> 00:24:05,485 [door opens, then closes] 437 00:24:09,614 --> 00:24:11,825 -Uncle Frank. -Yeah? 438 00:24:12,951 --> 00:24:14,953 -We should talk. -Yeah, sure thing, Arch. 439 00:24:16,830 --> 00:24:17,914 Everything all right? 440 00:24:17,998 --> 00:24:19,833 Mom told me about the DUI. 441 00:24:23,628 --> 00:24:24,713 Look... 442 00:24:26,131 --> 00:24:29,634 I was going through a rough patch. I was back in Riverdale in between tours. 443 00:24:30,635 --> 00:24:33,180 I was just having trouble... dealing. 444 00:24:33,263 --> 00:24:35,140 This is before I realized I needed counseling 445 00:24:35,223 --> 00:24:37,225 for what I went through in Desert Storm. 446 00:24:39,102 --> 00:24:41,396 I don't remember much of that night. That's not surprising. 447 00:24:41,980 --> 00:24:44,649 When I woke up the next morning, your dad had already taken the blame. 448 00:24:46,943 --> 00:24:50,655 I never would have asked Fred to do that for me, Archie. Never. 449 00:24:51,948 --> 00:24:53,408 But he did it, because... 450 00:24:54,784 --> 00:24:56,328 Because that's who he was. 451 00:24:57,537 --> 00:24:59,915 And I took off, because that's who I was. 452 00:25:01,583 --> 00:25:03,251 I was angry. I was messed up. 453 00:25:04,127 --> 00:25:05,503 I figured I needed to clear my head 454 00:25:05,587 --> 00:25:08,215 before I could make things right with your dad. And guess what. 455 00:25:08,840 --> 00:25:10,425 [voice breaking] I never got that chance. 456 00:25:18,600 --> 00:25:20,602 [Hiram] It's quite the operation you have here. 457 00:25:21,728 --> 00:25:24,689 And you already secured some sales from restaurants, I hear. 458 00:25:24,773 --> 00:25:28,026 With a touching story about your abuelita, no less. 459 00:25:28,735 --> 00:25:29,778 Don't worry, Daddy. 460 00:25:30,028 --> 00:25:32,906 I may not be able to serve rum at La Bonne Nuit, but I can make it here. 461 00:25:33,740 --> 00:25:34,574 About that... 462 00:25:36,284 --> 00:25:37,118 Veronica Luna, 463 00:25:37,661 --> 00:25:40,205 you are hereby served with a cease-and-desist order 464 00:25:40,288 --> 00:25:42,540 due to patent infringement. 465 00:25:45,335 --> 00:25:48,213 One of the restaurant owners you gave a bottle to is a friend of mine. 466 00:25:48,296 --> 00:25:51,258 I had my chemist compare your concoction to Lodge Rum. 467 00:25:51,341 --> 00:25:54,719 And while you've embellished the recipe I own with all those spices, 468 00:25:54,803 --> 00:25:56,930 the core remains the same, which means... 469 00:25:57,389 --> 00:26:01,643 if you make another bottle, I will sue you and shut this whole operation down. 470 00:26:05,355 --> 00:26:06,314 Or... 471 00:26:09,192 --> 00:26:10,193 we could team up. 472 00:26:11,945 --> 00:26:14,281 That would be a "hell no" for me, thanks. 473 00:26:16,241 --> 00:26:17,867 Why are you so stubborn, mija? 474 00:26:19,411 --> 00:26:21,454 You wanted me to go straight, I have. 475 00:26:24,124 --> 00:26:25,959 And yet you won't accept my help. 476 00:26:27,585 --> 00:26:28,420 Why? 477 00:26:29,879 --> 00:26:30,714 Out of spite? 478 00:26:32,841 --> 00:26:35,969 Maybe it's too late. Maybe... 479 00:26:38,221 --> 00:26:40,056 too much damage has been done... 480 00:26:41,266 --> 00:26:42,100 Daddy. 481 00:26:43,518 --> 00:26:44,978 That's what it feels like. 482 00:26:48,315 --> 00:26:49,149 Okay. 483 00:26:49,733 --> 00:26:51,443 Well, if that's how you feel, I should go. 484 00:26:57,657 --> 00:26:59,200 Good luck with everything. 485 00:27:07,000 --> 00:27:07,834 [knock on door] 486 00:27:07,917 --> 00:27:08,752 Yeah. 487 00:27:12,088 --> 00:27:15,050 -Mr. DuPont. -Mr. Jones. May I come in? 488 00:27:15,800 --> 00:27:17,969 Uh, yeah. Sorry it's so messy in here. 489 00:27:18,428 --> 00:27:21,181 I've heard from one of your classmates that your girlfriend 490 00:27:21,264 --> 00:27:26,686 is working on some salacious article that could be a stain on our school. 491 00:27:27,228 --> 00:27:30,231 And I'm wondering if you couldn't possibly... 492 00:27:30,940 --> 00:27:31,775 discourage her. 493 00:27:32,067 --> 00:27:33,026 [sighs] Uh... 494 00:27:34,235 --> 00:27:38,073 Mr. DuPont, I'm not gonna tell Betty what she can and can't write. That's-- 495 00:27:38,448 --> 00:27:40,158 It's just not the way our relationship works. 496 00:27:44,162 --> 00:27:46,373 If that's gonna affect my chances at Yale... 497 00:27:48,666 --> 00:27:51,461 Nonsense. I appreciate the candor. 498 00:27:51,920 --> 00:27:54,547 And in fact, the other reason I stopped by 499 00:27:54,631 --> 00:27:57,801 was to invite you to sit with myself and Mr. Brooks 500 00:27:57,884 --> 00:27:59,761 in the alumni section of the game. 501 00:28:00,720 --> 00:28:01,846 Hope to see you there. 502 00:28:10,480 --> 00:28:11,648 [Archie] How bad does it hurt? 503 00:28:11,731 --> 00:28:13,274 If I stand on it more than 10 minutes, 504 00:28:13,358 --> 00:28:15,276 it's like someone's hitting my knee with a hammer. 505 00:28:15,360 --> 00:28:17,779 Doctor said if I play, I could cause permanent damage. 506 00:28:18,780 --> 00:28:20,865 Damn, dude. I'm sorry. 507 00:28:22,450 --> 00:28:23,701 [Frank] Let me ask you... 508 00:28:23,868 --> 00:28:25,954 if you had a way to play through the pain, would you? 509 00:28:26,037 --> 00:28:26,871 Are you kidding? 510 00:28:28,581 --> 00:28:31,042 -[grunts] In a heartbeat. -Well, in that case... 511 00:28:32,252 --> 00:28:34,546 I have some pills. Meds from the VA. 512 00:28:34,629 --> 00:28:37,048 They won't fix anything, but numb you long enough for a game. 513 00:28:37,382 --> 00:28:40,343 Uncle Frank, no. He's not taking any pills from you. 514 00:28:40,427 --> 00:28:41,344 Hold on. 515 00:28:42,679 --> 00:28:44,431 -What kind of pills are we talking about? -No. 516 00:28:45,098 --> 00:28:45,932 No way. 517 00:28:46,599 --> 00:28:49,102 Frank, you're not a doctor. And, Munroe, you can't do this. 518 00:28:55,567 --> 00:28:57,360 -What are you doing? -I'm just trying to help. 519 00:28:57,444 --> 00:28:58,653 Not this way. 520 00:28:59,279 --> 00:29:00,321 I'll see you at the game. 521 00:29:14,794 --> 00:29:16,921 This is not the piece I asked you to write. 522 00:29:18,840 --> 00:29:20,091 No, it's better. 523 00:29:21,301 --> 00:29:24,763 It's an exposé about a culture of violence that's fostered at Stonewall Prep. 524 00:29:24,846 --> 00:29:27,599 We cannot publish a story based on hearsay. 525 00:29:28,057 --> 00:29:32,020 Now, I advise you to write the article that you agreed to deliver. 526 00:29:32,312 --> 00:29:35,190 A story that celebrates your classmates and your school. 527 00:29:36,065 --> 00:29:36,900 Or don't. 528 00:29:39,527 --> 00:29:41,404 There's no way in hell we're printing this. 529 00:29:42,238 --> 00:29:43,448 [softly sighs] 530 00:29:51,664 --> 00:29:52,499 Dude. 531 00:29:52,874 --> 00:29:54,292 Munroe, what are you doing here? 532 00:29:54,751 --> 00:29:56,211 I'm not gonna fight you, Red. 533 00:29:56,294 --> 00:29:59,464 -I'm not sitting this one out. I can't. -Why aren't you limping? 534 00:30:00,965 --> 00:30:02,884 -Did my uncle give you those pills? -He did. 535 00:30:02,967 --> 00:30:05,303 This is it for me. A scholarship to Notre Dame? 536 00:30:05,678 --> 00:30:07,472 That would change my life, my family's life. 537 00:30:08,306 --> 00:30:09,432 If I go pro, they're set. 538 00:30:09,516 --> 00:30:12,310 And if you get hurt, maybe you don't ever play again. 539 00:30:14,813 --> 00:30:15,647 Damn it, Red. 540 00:30:16,439 --> 00:30:19,275 This is my choice to make, not yours. 541 00:30:26,241 --> 00:30:28,117 -[whoops] Yeah! -Yeah! 542 00:30:28,201 --> 00:30:30,203 [crowd cheering] 543 00:30:32,205 --> 00:30:34,207 Excuse me, are you lost? 544 00:30:35,124 --> 00:30:38,044 Shouldn't you be on the Stonewall side with all the Yalies? 545 00:30:38,169 --> 00:30:40,964 Uh... I don't think Yale is gonna happen anymore. 546 00:30:41,840 --> 00:30:44,133 Plus, I've already been a Bulldog. How'd it go with Honey? 547 00:30:45,510 --> 00:30:48,263 Well, as you can see, the game's still happening, so... 548 00:30:49,264 --> 00:30:50,390 I tried. 549 00:30:51,224 --> 00:30:53,059 [crowd cheering] 550 00:31:01,067 --> 00:31:02,026 Hey, Ronnie. 551 00:31:03,027 --> 00:31:05,738 Wanna get back at your dad for ruining your business? 552 00:31:06,197 --> 00:31:09,200 -Any way I can, Reggie. -Parking lot. Halftime. 553 00:31:09,701 --> 00:31:10,535 Meet me. 554 00:31:19,502 --> 00:31:22,505 Whatever happens out there, we have to protect Munroe. 555 00:31:22,589 --> 00:31:23,965 I don't need any special treatment. 556 00:31:24,048 --> 00:31:26,050 Yes, you do. They already tried to go after you once. 557 00:31:26,134 --> 00:31:27,886 I'm sure it's a safe bet they'll try again. 558 00:31:27,969 --> 00:31:30,054 -And we're gonna win this. Right? -[in unison] Yeah! 559 00:31:30,138 --> 00:31:31,723 Hell yeah, we are. "Bulldogs" on three. 560 00:31:31,806 --> 00:31:33,641 -One, two, three. -[in unison] Bulldogs! 561 00:31:35,727 --> 00:31:38,313 -[air horn blowing nearby] -[crowd cheering nearby] 562 00:31:49,532 --> 00:31:50,366 Hello? 563 00:31:51,534 --> 00:31:52,619 Who's out there? 564 00:31:53,828 --> 00:31:54,746 [Appleyard grunts] 565 00:31:58,583 --> 00:32:01,377 -Let me out! -[Cheryl] Listen up, bitches. 566 00:32:03,713 --> 00:32:04,714 Appleyard is... 567 00:32:05,381 --> 00:32:07,467 indisposed, so consider this a coup. 568 00:32:07,550 --> 00:32:10,053 And before any of you reptiles object, 569 00:32:10,136 --> 00:32:11,638 a word to the wise. 570 00:32:12,805 --> 00:32:13,723 You owe me this. 571 00:32:14,349 --> 00:32:18,937 I've been your fellow Vixen and HBIC for four grueling years. 572 00:32:19,354 --> 00:32:21,230 And I've never turned my back on you. 573 00:32:22,148 --> 00:32:24,150 -Not like you did to me. -Fact. 574 00:32:27,570 --> 00:32:29,781 Now, without further ado... 575 00:32:30,740 --> 00:32:33,159 let's cheer our Bulldog brethren onto victory... 576 00:32:33,743 --> 00:32:35,370 and slay. 577 00:32:35,662 --> 00:32:36,496 Yeah. 578 00:32:36,871 --> 00:32:39,832 ["Cherry Bomb" playing] 579 00:32:43,753 --> 00:32:47,215 ♪ Can't stay at home Can't stay at school ♪ 580 00:32:47,298 --> 00:32:50,593 ♪ Old folks say, "You poor little fool" ♪ 581 00:32:50,677 --> 00:32:54,263 ♪ Down the streets I'm the girl next door ♪ 582 00:32:54,347 --> 00:32:57,725 ♪ I'm the fox you've been waiting for ♪ 583 00:32:57,976 --> 00:33:00,687 ♪ Hello, Daddy Hello, Mom ♪ 584 00:33:00,770 --> 00:33:03,022 [Archie] Down, set! Hut! 585 00:33:03,106 --> 00:33:04,857 ♪ Cherry bomb! ♪ 586 00:33:04,941 --> 00:33:07,902 ♪ Hello, world, I'm your wild girl ♪ 587 00:33:07,986 --> 00:33:11,489 ♪ I'm your Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-cherry bomb! ♪ 588 00:33:11,864 --> 00:33:15,493 ♪ Stone-age love and strange sounds, too ♪ 589 00:33:15,576 --> 00:33:18,955 ♪ Come on, baby, let me get to you ♪ 590 00:33:19,038 --> 00:33:22,583 -♪ Bad nights causing teenage blues ♪ -Yeah! 591 00:33:22,667 --> 00:33:25,712 ♪ Get down, ladies You've got nothin' to lose ♪ 592 00:33:26,170 --> 00:33:28,965 ♪ Hello, Daddy Hello, Mom ♪ 593 00:33:29,048 --> 00:33:33,136 ♪ I'm your Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-cherry bomb! ♪ 594 00:33:33,219 --> 00:33:36,347 ♪ Hello, world, I'm your wild girl ♪ 595 00:33:36,431 --> 00:33:40,101 ♪ I'm your Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-cherry bomb! ♪ 596 00:33:43,855 --> 00:33:47,150 ♪ Hey, street boy, want some style? ♪ 597 00:33:47,233 --> 00:33:50,695 ♪ Your dead-end dreams Don't make you smile ♪ 598 00:33:50,778 --> 00:33:54,032 ♪ I'll give you something to live for ♪ 599 00:33:54,449 --> 00:33:57,744 ♪ Take you and shake you To your core ♪ 600 00:33:57,827 --> 00:34:00,997 ♪ Hello, Daddy Hello, Mom ♪ 601 00:34:01,080 --> 00:34:04,834 ♪ I'm your Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-cherry bomb! ♪ 602 00:34:05,251 --> 00:34:07,628 ♪ Hello, world, I'm your wild girl ♪ 603 00:34:07,712 --> 00:34:11,966 ♪ I'm your Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-cherry bomb! ♪ 604 00:34:12,050 --> 00:34:17,180 ♪ Cherry bomb, cherry bomb, cherry bomb! ♪ 605 00:34:17,263 --> 00:34:18,681 ♪ Cherry bomb! ♪ 606 00:34:18,765 --> 00:34:22,226 -[whistle blows] -♪ Cherry bomb! ♪ 607 00:34:23,102 --> 00:34:25,188 [crowd cheering] 608 00:34:26,522 --> 00:34:27,774 [cheering and shouting] 609 00:34:35,948 --> 00:34:37,950 -Munroe, how you holding up? -I'm good. 610 00:34:38,409 --> 00:34:39,577 Good. Then we got this. 611 00:34:39,911 --> 00:34:41,954 Coach wants us to go for the two-point conversion. 612 00:34:42,038 --> 00:34:44,582 Last play of the year, boys. Let's finish strong. 613 00:34:44,665 --> 00:34:46,709 -On three. One, two, three. -[in unison] Bulldogs! 614 00:34:46,793 --> 00:34:47,752 [announcer] Here we go. 615 00:34:47,835 --> 00:34:51,130 Last play of the championship game between the Bulldogs and the Stallions. 616 00:34:51,214 --> 00:34:54,258 Bulldogs are going for the two-point conversion and the win. 617 00:34:55,051 --> 00:34:56,886 [breathing heavily] 618 00:34:58,179 --> 00:35:00,181 Down, set! Hut! 619 00:35:16,614 --> 00:35:17,949 [crowd cheering] 620 00:35:22,578 --> 00:35:25,206 -[whistle blows] -Get off him! 621 00:35:26,040 --> 00:35:26,916 Munroe. 622 00:35:28,709 --> 00:35:29,544 Did we get it? 623 00:35:31,170 --> 00:35:32,380 Come on, man. 624 00:35:33,923 --> 00:35:35,925 [players chattering and cheering] 625 00:35:37,093 --> 00:35:39,887 [players chanting] Stonewall! Stonewall! Stonewall! 626 00:35:39,971 --> 00:35:42,098 [chanting continues] 627 00:35:44,308 --> 00:35:46,144 Archie, I don't care what that scoreboard says. 628 00:35:46,227 --> 00:35:49,730 -You guys played your hearts out. -You gave Munroe drugs, Uncle Frank? 629 00:35:50,523 --> 00:35:51,774 After I told you not to. 630 00:35:51,858 --> 00:35:54,610 He's a grown man. He came to me. It was his decision. 631 00:35:54,694 --> 00:35:55,736 And you almost won. 632 00:35:55,820 --> 00:35:59,115 It could've been the last game he played because of you, and that's the truth. 633 00:35:59,282 --> 00:36:02,618 Guys like you and me and Munroe have to take what we can get 634 00:36:02,702 --> 00:36:04,912 however we can. Even your dad knew that. 635 00:36:05,454 --> 00:36:07,039 And, yeah, it was a risk. 636 00:36:07,582 --> 00:36:11,210 But where I come from, you respect when a man chooses for himself. 637 00:36:12,920 --> 00:36:14,380 -[door opens] -[Munroe whoops] 638 00:36:14,839 --> 00:36:15,673 Archie? 639 00:36:16,299 --> 00:36:17,216 Mr. Andrews. 640 00:36:17,675 --> 00:36:19,927 I just got cornered by the recruiter from Notre Dame. 641 00:36:20,011 --> 00:36:21,804 Said he wants me to visit in Indiana next week. 642 00:36:21,888 --> 00:36:23,306 He wants me to play ball for them! 643 00:36:24,015 --> 00:36:25,766 That's great news, son. Congrats. 644 00:36:26,934 --> 00:36:28,644 No one deserves it more, Munroe. 645 00:36:31,564 --> 00:36:32,398 [Munroe] Guys. 646 00:36:32,481 --> 00:36:35,359 -I'm going to Notre Dame! -[all cheering] 647 00:36:42,325 --> 00:36:43,159 Hey, Betty! 648 00:36:43,409 --> 00:36:44,243 Hey! 649 00:36:44,493 --> 00:36:45,328 Betty! 650 00:36:45,703 --> 00:36:48,915 -I heard your article got killed. -Just take the win, Bret. 651 00:36:49,373 --> 00:36:51,918 That's exactly what we did today. We took the win. 652 00:36:52,001 --> 00:36:54,545 You know, actually, my article wasn't killed, Bret. 653 00:36:55,129 --> 00:36:58,341 I only just started digging, so who knows what I'll find. 654 00:37:02,094 --> 00:37:05,431 I'll see you in class, Forsythe. And, Betty, let's do this again. 655 00:37:05,681 --> 00:37:07,558 I really like winning against you. 656 00:37:07,683 --> 00:37:08,517 [Betty scoffs] 657 00:37:10,853 --> 00:37:11,938 [Cheryl] Care for a lick? 658 00:37:12,480 --> 00:37:13,356 Sure. 659 00:37:18,319 --> 00:37:20,863 -Is that maple? -Yeah. Blossom maple. 660 00:37:54,647 --> 00:37:56,315 It's not exactly memory foam. 661 00:37:56,691 --> 00:37:58,401 Well, it's better than the cot at the gym. 662 00:37:59,694 --> 00:38:01,487 You sure your mom's okay with this? 663 00:38:01,904 --> 00:38:05,157 She's not exactly happy about it, but I told her it was temporary. 664 00:38:05,241 --> 00:38:06,742 Just until you got back on your feet. 665 00:38:08,327 --> 00:38:10,788 -I'll go grab you some pillows. -Hang on a second. 666 00:38:12,707 --> 00:38:15,084 You were pretty pissed off at me after the game. 667 00:38:15,960 --> 00:38:17,169 Why the change of heart? 668 00:38:17,336 --> 00:38:18,546 Everything's a risk. 669 00:38:19,005 --> 00:38:21,966 You giving Munroe the pills, Munroe playing, but... 670 00:38:23,009 --> 00:38:23,843 it paid off. 671 00:38:24,385 --> 00:38:26,137 And I saw how happy he was. 672 00:38:26,220 --> 00:38:29,348 A year ago, he was in juvie, fighting to stay alive. But now.. 673 00:38:30,683 --> 00:38:33,060 Who knows, maybe you helped change his life. 674 00:38:39,692 --> 00:38:40,609 [Veronica] Cheryl. 675 00:38:41,068 --> 00:38:42,653 The reason I wanted us to meet: 676 00:38:43,279 --> 00:38:46,198 That snow cone I licked at the game gave me a wicked idea. 677 00:38:46,532 --> 00:38:49,660 -But I need your help with it. -"Wicked"? Do tell. 678 00:38:51,495 --> 00:38:52,330 [Veronica] Try this. 679 00:38:57,501 --> 00:38:58,336 Yum. 680 00:38:59,628 --> 00:39:00,963 What is this delightsome elixir? 681 00:39:01,047 --> 00:39:02,256 It's my rum... 682 00:39:03,215 --> 00:39:05,801 mixed with your maple syrup. 683 00:39:06,761 --> 00:39:09,430 It tastes like... breakfast on the beach. 684 00:39:10,473 --> 00:39:11,682 No, Cheryl. 685 00:39:13,351 --> 00:39:14,935 It tastes like money. 686 00:39:19,940 --> 00:39:21,942 I'm very pleased you came around, Betty. 687 00:39:22,151 --> 00:39:23,819 Very pleased, indeed. This... 688 00:39:24,570 --> 00:39:25,738 is a stellar article. 689 00:39:26,322 --> 00:39:29,241 It's great press for our school, even though we lost. 690 00:39:30,743 --> 00:39:33,871 We may have lost the game, but we haven't lost the war. 691 00:39:34,747 --> 00:39:37,083 I've been doing more and more research on Stonewall Prep. 692 00:39:37,166 --> 00:39:40,378 And did you know that they have a world-class quiz team? 693 00:39:41,337 --> 00:39:43,672 And the captain of that team is none other than 694 00:39:43,756 --> 00:39:47,176 athlete-scholar-scumbag Bret Weston Wallis? 695 00:39:48,135 --> 00:39:49,178 Yes. 696 00:39:49,887 --> 00:39:53,974 But that championship is only a few weeks away and Riverdale doesn't even... 697 00:39:56,685 --> 00:39:57,603 have a team. 698 00:40:00,314 --> 00:40:01,440 Miss Cooper... 699 00:40:02,608 --> 00:40:03,943 are you volunteering? 700 00:40:05,152 --> 00:40:09,573 Because I would love to get my hands on at least one trophy this year. 701 00:40:10,825 --> 00:40:11,784 Principal Honey... 702 00:40:13,285 --> 00:40:17,373 at this point in time, there is nothing that I would enjoy more 703 00:40:17,665 --> 00:40:20,084 than to give Stonewall Prep a royal ass-kicking. 704 00:40:20,459 --> 00:40:22,461 [exhales sharply] 705 00:40:24,171 --> 00:40:27,007 Then you have my full support, captain. 706 00:40:27,800 --> 00:40:30,594 [breathes deeply] 707 00:40:35,766 --> 00:40:36,600 [Jughead] Dad? 708 00:40:38,227 --> 00:40:39,061 What's going on? 709 00:40:39,603 --> 00:40:42,356 I felt it only appropriate that your father be here 710 00:40:42,440 --> 00:40:43,732 to celebrate with us. 711 00:40:44,108 --> 00:40:44,942 Celebrate what? 712 00:40:45,317 --> 00:40:49,196 You'll be receiving official word by the end of next week, but, uh-- 713 00:40:49,280 --> 00:40:50,698 You got into Yale, boy. 714 00:40:52,658 --> 00:40:54,869 Yeah. First Jones to go to college. 715 00:40:55,035 --> 00:40:56,996 And an Ivy League one at that. Here. 716 00:40:58,581 --> 00:40:59,582 I don't understand. 717 00:41:01,041 --> 00:41:01,876 To Jughead. 718 00:41:02,376 --> 00:41:04,587 And to Bret, as well. 719 00:41:06,046 --> 00:41:08,883 Yeah, I got into Yale, too. And who knows... 720 00:41:09,550 --> 00:41:11,760 maybe if we're lucky, we'll be roomies again. 721 00:41:25,357 --> 00:41:26,400 Save your tears. 722 00:41:27,568 --> 00:41:28,486 No one's watching. 723 00:41:31,614 --> 00:41:32,448 Bret. 724 00:41:32,823 --> 00:41:34,241 You got your wish, Ponytail. 725 00:41:35,784 --> 00:41:37,244 Forsythe isn't going to Yale. 726 00:41:38,078 --> 00:41:40,956 So I guess it'll just be you and me in New Haven.