1 00:00:00,031 --> 00:00:01,281 Previously on "Riverdale"... 2 00:00:01,292 --> 00:00:05,396 - I burned your drugs and equipment. - You owe me $75,000, Veronica. 3 00:00:05,482 --> 00:00:08,404 Now my buyer is coming, and they are gonna want blood. 4 00:00:08,490 --> 00:00:09,560 Here's your money. 5 00:00:09,646 --> 00:00:11,693 Then we'll figure out a payment plan for the rest. 6 00:00:11,826 --> 00:00:13,435 - What's this? - A gang. 7 00:00:13,521 --> 00:00:15,544 The Pretty Poisons. 8 00:00:15,630 --> 00:00:18,130 Is this gang mine, or yours? 9 00:00:18,216 --> 00:00:20,427 It's... yours. 10 00:00:20,513 --> 00:00:22,076 Start by quitting the speakeasy. 11 00:00:22,162 --> 00:00:24,708 Forget about protecting Lodge's daughter. 12 00:00:24,794 --> 00:00:26,248 If you don't get your house in order, 13 00:00:26,334 --> 00:00:28,068 the Serpents' little piece in the pie 14 00:00:28,154 --> 00:00:30,373 - is gonna get smaller. - You need numbers. 15 00:00:30,490 --> 00:00:32,443 Are you Kurtz? If you and your Gargoyles 16 00:00:32,552 --> 00:00:34,364 join my gang, I can promise you 17 00:00:34,458 --> 00:00:36,013 immunity from the sheriff's office. 18 00:00:36,099 --> 00:00:38,646 You are all just sacrifices waiting to be made. 19 00:00:38,732 --> 00:00:41,513 This symbol the Warden branded on Archie's hip, what does it mean? 20 00:00:41,599 --> 00:00:42,475 Sacrifice. 21 00:00:42,561 --> 00:00:44,066 It meant that Archie had to die. 22 00:00:44,151 --> 00:00:46,498 Gargoyles aren't the answer. I don't want 'em anywhere near us. 23 00:00:46,584 --> 00:00:47,615 I did what you couldn't. 24 00:00:47,701 --> 00:00:48,613 This is a bad idea. 25 00:00:48,699 --> 00:00:50,982 I know you guys will find a way to work together. 26 00:00:51,068 --> 00:00:53,593 After what happened with Moose, and him leaving town, 27 00:00:53,679 --> 00:00:55,130 Evelyn started talking to me. 28 00:00:55,216 --> 00:00:57,845 Tell me you're not thinking about actually joining the Farm. 29 00:00:57,931 --> 00:01:01,880 We are gathered here tonight to celebrate the baptizing of Alice Smith. 30 00:01:01,966 --> 00:01:03,615 They tried to kill you, Mom. 31 00:01:03,701 --> 00:01:07,326 No, I saw it. My destiny. I'm gonna sell this house. 32 00:01:07,464 --> 00:01:09,154 We're gonna all be together. 33 00:01:17,628 --> 00:01:19,510 Mid century colonial, 34 00:01:20,819 --> 00:01:23,441 on a quite elm-lined street. 35 00:01:24,407 --> 00:01:26,378 Three bedrooms, four baths. 36 00:01:27,131 --> 00:01:28,847 Perfect for families. 37 00:01:29,560 --> 00:01:32,175 Plenty of storage, and generous closet space... 38 00:01:33,284 --> 00:01:36,449 Welcome. I'm Alice Smith. 39 00:01:36,769 --> 00:01:38,172 Come in. 40 00:01:38,390 --> 00:01:40,555 You will be happy here. 41 00:01:40,641 --> 00:01:45,043 ♪ I'm gonna spend my life, honey ♪ 42 00:01:45,173 --> 00:01:48,945 First off, I'd like to say that this is a wonderful place to raise a family. 43 00:01:49,031 --> 00:01:52,120 Many a fort were built by my two girls in this very room. 44 00:01:52,245 --> 00:01:53,372 And bonus. 45 00:01:53,458 --> 00:01:57,784 It's also where my serial killer father showed us creepy snuff films. 46 00:01:58,073 --> 00:01:59,909 Elizabeth, shouldn't you be at school? 47 00:01:59,995 --> 00:02:02,128 We have wonderful schools in this district. 48 00:02:02,347 --> 00:02:04,356 Oh, I see that you're eyeing the fireplace, 49 00:02:04,441 --> 00:02:05,467 which is original to the house. 50 00:02:05,553 --> 00:02:07,561 Yes, and comes with fun accessories, like 51 00:02:07,647 --> 00:02:10,532 the shovel my mother used to knock out my father. 52 00:02:10,625 --> 00:02:12,410 The notorious serial killer. 53 00:02:12,496 --> 00:02:13,575 The Black Hood. 54 00:02:13,661 --> 00:02:15,042 It's true, you can google it. 55 00:02:15,128 --> 00:02:18,753 But make sure you look up Alice Cooper, and not Alice Smith. 56 00:02:18,839 --> 00:02:21,584 It's all there. Or try murder house on Elm Street. 57 00:02:21,831 --> 00:02:23,331 It's this house. 58 00:02:29,630 --> 00:02:31,521 Don't they got a gym at your school? 59 00:02:31,751 --> 00:02:33,666 Is there a problem, Mo? 60 00:02:34,341 --> 00:02:35,396 Yeah. 61 00:02:36,193 --> 00:02:38,130 I need you to start paying dues. 62 00:02:39,240 --> 00:02:40,794 Yeah. No, I get that. 63 00:02:41,777 --> 00:02:44,032 - It's just that... - Or, you could... 64 00:02:44,156 --> 00:02:46,231 Help out here. Sweep the place up. 65 00:02:46,332 --> 00:02:47,967 Take the trash out, 66 00:02:48,201 --> 00:02:50,302 - lock up at night. - Yeah. 67 00:02:50,535 --> 00:02:52,591 That sounds great. Thank you, Mo. 68 00:03:03,641 --> 00:03:06,438 Um... Excuse us. 69 00:03:06,528 --> 00:03:08,563 Sorry to interrupt your game... 70 00:03:08,649 --> 00:03:11,579 But this room is reserved for the Farm from 3:00 to 4:00 every Wednesday. 71 00:03:11,665 --> 00:03:14,594 Not every Wednesday, you daughter of Manson. 72 00:03:14,735 --> 00:03:16,315 The third Wednesday of every month is reserved 73 00:03:16,401 --> 00:03:19,680 for monthly Student Council/LGBTQIA meetings. 74 00:03:20,311 --> 00:03:23,106 I didn't see your name on Mrs. Bell's activity calendar. 75 00:03:23,191 --> 00:03:26,391 You dare lecture me, your Student Council President on rules and procedures? 76 00:03:26,651 --> 00:03:29,286 If this were the 18th century, I'd have you beheaded. 77 00:03:29,371 --> 00:03:31,141 Hey, bitches, 78 00:03:31,419 --> 00:03:34,204 we're in the middle of a quest here. 79 00:03:34,438 --> 00:03:37,891 Go crawl back to the freak show from whence you came, you abomination. 80 00:03:47,108 --> 00:03:48,733 Hey, what the hell's going on over there? 81 00:03:48,819 --> 00:03:51,397 The Gargoyles are mixing it up with the Poisons and the Farmies. 82 00:03:52,855 --> 00:03:56,342 Is this a high school or a Roger Cormen movie? 83 00:03:57,564 --> 00:03:59,779 What do you two have to say for yourselves? 84 00:03:59,911 --> 00:04:01,873 The fight had already started when we got there, sir. 85 00:04:01,959 --> 00:04:03,373 We were trying to break up the fight. 86 00:04:03,500 --> 00:04:04,709 Mr. Jones, Ms. Topaz, 87 00:04:04,795 --> 00:04:07,288 you're the leaders of your respective gangs, 88 00:04:07,374 --> 00:04:09,186 but today's brawl is only the most recent 89 00:04:09,295 --> 00:04:11,681 incident of gang activity at Riverdale High. 90 00:04:11,778 --> 00:04:14,998 Someone robbed the Chemistry lab last night. 91 00:04:15,811 --> 00:04:17,154 Someone robbed the lab? 92 00:04:17,240 --> 00:04:19,655 Thousands of dollars of equipment was taken. 93 00:04:20,048 --> 00:04:22,366 All of which could be used to cook drugs. 94 00:04:22,452 --> 00:04:25,336 The Serpents don't cook, or steal. 95 00:04:25,421 --> 00:04:27,061 Neither do the Pretty Poisons. 96 00:04:30,165 --> 00:04:31,794 One more strike. 97 00:04:32,993 --> 00:04:34,425 One more strike! 98 00:04:35,914 --> 00:04:37,677 And you're done in my school. 99 00:04:39,833 --> 00:04:42,434 Ooh! All good, boss? 100 00:04:42,789 --> 00:04:44,132 Need me to bounce someone? 101 00:04:45,751 --> 00:04:47,990 Would that it were so simple, Reggie. 102 00:04:49,425 --> 00:04:51,610 Mija, my guests would like another round. 103 00:04:51,751 --> 00:04:53,196 Big night for you fellas, huh? 104 00:04:53,281 --> 00:04:55,086 Yeah, important prospective clients 105 00:04:55,171 --> 00:04:56,440 need to be properly courted. 106 00:04:56,526 --> 00:04:59,932 I see. So, should I be putting all this on your American Excess, Daddy? 107 00:05:00,115 --> 00:05:02,700 What are you talking about? These are comped, of course. 108 00:05:02,786 --> 00:05:05,701 Daddy, you've been here for hours. This is a huge bill. 109 00:05:05,841 --> 00:05:07,286 And you owe me a huge debt. 110 00:05:07,371 --> 00:05:08,521 So, again... 111 00:05:09,495 --> 00:05:10,731 This is comped. 112 00:05:15,384 --> 00:05:17,245 Reggie, man the bar. 113 00:05:19,155 --> 00:05:21,761 How the hell did we get here, Reggie? 114 00:05:21,864 --> 00:05:25,639 Gladys and my dad are running roughshod over La Bonne Nuit. 115 00:05:25,811 --> 00:05:29,745 And I don't have any leverage because I owe them both so much money. 116 00:05:30,138 --> 00:05:34,433 And literally every dollar we make is going straight into their pockets. 117 00:05:34,651 --> 00:05:36,721 We need a line on a new cash cow. 118 00:05:37,397 --> 00:05:39,392 Wait. There was one night 119 00:05:39,541 --> 00:05:43,573 when we raked in exponentially more money than every other night. 120 00:05:43,761 --> 00:05:45,409 The casino night we hosted with Elio. 121 00:05:45,495 --> 00:05:46,995 - A casino? - We'd be able to pay off 122 00:05:47,081 --> 00:05:49,056 our debts in weeks. 123 00:05:49,141 --> 00:05:50,246 Instead of years. 124 00:05:50,331 --> 00:05:51,856 You think we can pull that off? 125 00:05:51,941 --> 00:05:56,471 I mean, we're already running a secret speak easy, Reggie. 126 00:05:56,891 --> 00:05:58,503 - Right? - Right. 127 00:06:15,494 --> 00:06:17,580 What'd they do? Make you manager? 128 00:06:17,792 --> 00:06:19,401 - No, more like janitor. - Hmm. 129 00:06:19,487 --> 00:06:20,776 I'm almost done. 130 00:06:20,862 --> 00:06:22,830 I was thinking maybe we could grab a bite at Pop's or something? 131 00:06:22,916 --> 00:06:25,190 Perfect. I'm starving. 132 00:06:26,936 --> 00:06:28,229 What is that? 133 00:06:45,061 --> 00:06:46,357 Oh, my God. 134 00:06:48,748 --> 00:06:50,505 What the hell are you doing in here? Who are you? 135 00:06:50,591 --> 00:06:52,427 Archie, take it easy. 136 00:06:52,770 --> 00:06:55,255 Hey. What's your name? 137 00:06:55,521 --> 00:06:57,919 - Ricky. - Ricky. 138 00:06:58,881 --> 00:07:01,388 Are... Are you hungry? 139 00:07:02,973 --> 00:07:04,356 Starving. 140 00:07:08,933 --> 00:07:11,638 Uh, so, Ricky... 141 00:07:11,926 --> 00:07:13,287 Where are your parents? 142 00:07:13,561 --> 00:07:16,606 Don't know. Never knew 'em. 143 00:07:16,691 --> 00:07:18,336 How long you been holing up in that cubby? 144 00:07:18,421 --> 00:07:20,406 On and off for a few weeks. 145 00:07:20,789 --> 00:07:24,805 Ricky, is there anyone we should call? Any family? 146 00:07:24,961 --> 00:07:26,701 No, I don't have anybody. 147 00:07:28,094 --> 00:07:30,016 Maybe we should try Betty. 148 00:07:30,108 --> 00:07:33,156 She knows people at Social Services. They would know... 149 00:07:33,941 --> 00:07:36,251 Hey. Ricky! Ricky. 150 00:07:36,991 --> 00:07:39,203 Hey. What's going on? 151 00:07:39,539 --> 00:07:41,736 You... You can't call Social Services. 152 00:07:41,821 --> 00:07:43,156 - Okay. - Why not? 153 00:07:43,291 --> 00:07:46,376 Because they send me to this place, a shelter, okay? 154 00:07:46,468 --> 00:07:47,570 I don't wanna go back. 155 00:07:47,656 --> 00:07:49,516 Okay, what shelter? 156 00:07:49,700 --> 00:07:51,969 The Santa Lucia Shelter. 157 00:07:52,490 --> 00:07:54,281 Did they do something to you there? 158 00:08:01,798 --> 00:08:03,539 That is the same brand... 159 00:08:03,625 --> 00:08:05,500 I got at Leopold and Loeb, yeah. 160 00:08:09,471 --> 00:08:11,056 All right, Ricky, who gave you that? 161 00:08:11,141 --> 00:08:12,789 Some older guys at the shelter. 162 00:08:12,875 --> 00:08:14,726 They didn't live there, but they did crash there, and 163 00:08:14,811 --> 00:08:19,711 one night I woke up, and they were holding me down and branding my arm. 164 00:08:20,281 --> 00:08:22,258 And that's when I left the shelter. 165 00:08:25,925 --> 00:08:27,589 *RIVERDALE* Season 03 Episode 14 166 00:08:27,675 --> 00:08:29,333 Episode Title : "Chapter Forty-Nine: Fire Walk With Me" 167 00:08:31,688 --> 00:08:33,367 All right, heater's on. 168 00:08:33,539 --> 00:08:35,664 Here's some extra blankets if you get cold. 169 00:08:35,968 --> 00:08:39,484 And there's soda and food in the fridge if you need it. 170 00:08:39,715 --> 00:08:41,222 What are you gonna tell your parents? 171 00:08:41,308 --> 00:08:42,844 It's just me and my dad. 172 00:08:43,118 --> 00:08:46,893 He's at work most of the time and the garage is kinda my space. 173 00:08:46,978 --> 00:08:48,164 So, you probably won't see him. 174 00:08:48,250 --> 00:08:49,523 Tomorrow morning, I'm gonna take you back 175 00:08:49,609 --> 00:08:50,998 to Pop's and get you set up in a booth. 176 00:08:51,084 --> 00:08:52,999 After school, I'm gonna take you to the gym. 177 00:08:53,085 --> 00:08:55,398 Teach you some moves, okay? Some combos. 178 00:08:55,484 --> 00:08:56,543 So you can defend yourself. 179 00:08:56,628 --> 00:08:58,164 Why are you helping me? 180 00:09:00,488 --> 00:09:03,243 Because, Ricky, 181 00:09:03,328 --> 00:09:04,913 I've been in your shoes. 182 00:09:04,998 --> 00:09:06,945 Alone, on the run, 183 00:09:07,031 --> 00:09:09,991 and I was lucky enough to have friends who helped me get through that time. 184 00:09:10,998 --> 00:09:13,281 Just... You swear 185 00:09:13,458 --> 00:09:15,461 you won't call Social Services. 186 00:09:16,218 --> 00:09:17,358 I swear. 187 00:09:18,648 --> 00:09:20,078 Goodnight. 188 00:09:22,157 --> 00:09:24,016 - Light on or off? - On. 189 00:09:24,128 --> 00:09:25,798 If that's okay? 190 00:09:31,908 --> 00:09:33,943 What's going on with you, T.T.? 191 00:09:34,106 --> 00:09:36,039 Has my beauty rendered you silent? 192 00:09:37,512 --> 00:09:40,972 Or, are you still in a mood about your sit down with Weatherbee? 193 00:09:41,058 --> 00:09:42,602 Well, if I'm being honest... 194 00:09:42,688 --> 00:09:44,039 yeah. 195 00:09:44,155 --> 00:09:46,111 I had that classroom reserved as Student Body President. 196 00:09:46,197 --> 00:09:48,282 - Babe, you wear many hats... - Stunningly. 197 00:09:48,368 --> 00:09:50,913 But when you put on that purple jacket, you represent our gang. 198 00:09:50,998 --> 00:09:52,623 And now Weatherbee's out for our blood? 199 00:09:52,708 --> 00:09:54,323 - I can handle Weatherbee. - Cheryl... 200 00:09:54,508 --> 00:09:57,500 I don't wanna have to suspend anyone for loose cannon behavior. 201 00:09:57,655 --> 00:09:59,500 Least of all my own girlfriend. 202 00:10:01,707 --> 00:10:03,398 Agreed. 203 00:10:03,726 --> 00:10:07,422 That would make hosting Pretty Poison's meetings at my house incredibly awkward. 204 00:10:07,778 --> 00:10:09,383 Don't you think? 205 00:10:09,758 --> 00:10:12,070 Unless you have another headquarters in mind. 206 00:10:12,660 --> 00:10:13,910 With a pool. 207 00:10:14,955 --> 00:10:16,780 The girls can't wait for summer. 208 00:10:19,991 --> 00:10:21,632 What's the update on the home front, Bee? 209 00:10:21,718 --> 00:10:23,543 My mom's still trying to sell the house. 210 00:10:23,628 --> 00:10:25,639 I'm still trying to sabotage her, but 211 00:10:25,748 --> 00:10:27,631 it's only a matter of time till she finds some 212 00:10:27,717 --> 00:10:30,163 ghoul who wants to live in a death house. 213 00:10:39,878 --> 00:10:40,943 What's with Kev? 214 00:10:41,028 --> 00:10:43,223 The Farm, Arch. They got him, too. 215 00:10:43,308 --> 00:10:44,768 And up next, my house. 216 00:10:44,854 --> 00:10:47,129 Well, my offer still stands. I know that my trailer is cramped, 217 00:10:47,215 --> 00:10:48,963 but you're more than welcome to stay with me. 218 00:10:49,098 --> 00:10:50,853 You're always welcome at the Pembroke, Bee. 219 00:10:50,938 --> 00:10:52,653 You can crash at my place, too. 220 00:10:52,738 --> 00:10:56,183 I mean, I've already got a homeless kid sleeping in my garage. 221 00:10:56,268 --> 00:10:59,023 Yeah, his name's Ricky. He ran away from a group home, 222 00:10:59,108 --> 00:11:01,003 and was squatting at the gym. That's how I found him. 223 00:11:01,088 --> 00:11:03,023 Sounds like me, sophomore year. 224 00:11:03,108 --> 00:11:05,245 Guys, he has a branding on his arm. 225 00:11:05,454 --> 00:11:06,721 The same one the Warden gave me 226 00:11:06,807 --> 00:11:08,815 when I was in juvie. It says he a sacrifice. 227 00:11:08,901 --> 00:11:10,506 - Oh, my God. - Is he playing G&G? 228 00:11:10,592 --> 00:11:11,737 I don't know. 229 00:11:11,917 --> 00:11:13,542 I left him at Pop's for the day. 230 00:11:13,628 --> 00:11:15,873 Arch, maybe you should call Ms. Weiss. 231 00:11:16,034 --> 00:11:19,448 We know her. We know she'd find him a good family. 232 00:11:20,728 --> 00:11:22,002 Yeah. 233 00:11:22,321 --> 00:11:24,448 Yeah. Would you mind sending me her number? 234 00:11:25,028 --> 00:11:27,523 Kev, can we talk? 235 00:11:27,718 --> 00:11:29,713 That depends. What about, Betty? 236 00:11:29,948 --> 00:11:32,713 Just, we haven't checked in with each other recently. 237 00:11:32,938 --> 00:11:34,987 God, you are so transparent. 238 00:11:35,478 --> 00:11:38,873 Okay, fine. Can we talk about the fact that you joined the Farm? 239 00:11:38,958 --> 00:11:42,057 And I don't wanna see you disappear down the same rabbit hole that my mom did, 240 00:11:42,143 --> 00:11:43,983 because she's gone, Kev. 241 00:11:44,068 --> 00:11:45,993 She's selling our house. 242 00:11:46,085 --> 00:11:47,765 Back off, Betty. 243 00:11:48,538 --> 00:11:50,413 You are a detractor. 244 00:11:50,498 --> 00:11:52,598 Better just back off. 245 00:11:57,808 --> 00:12:01,465 All right, Serpents, let's get right to it. 246 00:12:01,702 --> 00:12:05,074 Any of you guys know about the break-in to the Chemistry lab? 247 00:12:05,347 --> 00:12:06,354 Kurtz? 248 00:12:06,478 --> 00:12:07,863 What are you smiling about? 249 00:12:07,949 --> 00:12:11,855 Just thinking how looting the alchemist lair was one of our more 250 00:12:11,978 --> 00:12:13,438 rewarding quests. 251 00:12:14,738 --> 00:12:16,480 Are you serious? 252 00:12:16,998 --> 00:12:19,175 You did that as part of a G&G game? 253 00:12:19,474 --> 00:12:22,035 You realize Weatherbee's gunning for us now, right, moron? 254 00:12:22,168 --> 00:12:23,403 You promised us immunity. 255 00:12:23,488 --> 00:12:25,823 Not when you go and flagrantly break the law. 256 00:12:25,908 --> 00:12:27,941 - You're gonna return the equipment. - The hell I am. 257 00:12:28,158 --> 00:12:29,565 Freakin' Fizzle Rock junkie! 258 00:12:29,651 --> 00:12:31,330 You wanna go right now? 259 00:12:33,588 --> 00:12:36,761 Don't think that we've forgotten about you spying on the Gargoyles. 260 00:12:36,847 --> 00:12:38,355 I should have beaten you over the head with 261 00:12:38,441 --> 00:12:40,300 that branding iron when I had the chance. 262 00:12:40,496 --> 00:12:44,191 All right! Back down! Both of you, right now! 263 00:12:45,418 --> 00:12:49,243 Whatever bad blood existed between the Serpents and the Gargoyles, 264 00:12:49,438 --> 00:12:52,533 it's over! We're all Serpents now. 265 00:12:52,668 --> 00:12:54,675 You know, I think it's high time 266 00:12:55,038 --> 00:12:58,074 our newer members learned about our laws. 267 00:12:58,293 --> 00:12:59,933 Is this for real? 268 00:13:00,018 --> 00:13:03,769 Repeat after me. In unity, there is strength. 269 00:13:04,028 --> 00:13:06,535 In unity, there's strength. 270 00:13:08,048 --> 00:13:09,988 I can't hear you, Kurtz. 271 00:13:10,409 --> 00:13:11,644 You wanna try that again? 272 00:13:11,730 --> 00:13:14,823 I play by a different set of rules. 273 00:13:15,082 --> 00:13:16,605 Then you're out of the gang. 274 00:13:17,078 --> 00:13:18,605 You came to me. 275 00:13:19,168 --> 00:13:20,402 Remember? 276 00:13:20,488 --> 00:13:21,938 Your mother came to me. 277 00:13:23,208 --> 00:13:25,551 Invited us into the Serpents. 278 00:13:26,457 --> 00:13:28,272 And looking around, 279 00:13:28,428 --> 00:13:32,364 you need us more than we need you. 280 00:13:32,558 --> 00:13:36,090 So, if you're rescinding what you promised us, 281 00:13:36,176 --> 00:13:39,590 then you better come up with something better to offer. 282 00:13:40,273 --> 00:13:42,778 Before we decide to throw you guys 283 00:13:42,988 --> 00:13:44,895 out of our gang. 284 00:13:48,176 --> 00:13:51,020 Welcome friends, to the casino at La Bonne Nuit. 285 00:13:51,136 --> 00:13:52,442 Pretty sick, right? 286 00:13:52,528 --> 00:13:54,231 We've got poker on floor, 287 00:13:54,389 --> 00:13:55,862 blackjack at the bar, 288 00:13:55,948 --> 00:13:58,239 nickle and quarter slots along the wall, 289 00:13:58,418 --> 00:14:01,163 and a horse race-themed wheel of chance in the corner. 290 00:14:01,248 --> 00:14:02,700 I got dibs on spinning it. 291 00:14:02,786 --> 00:14:06,105 It goes without saying that discretion is of the utmost importance. 292 00:14:06,268 --> 00:14:09,895 We don't want the po-po sniffing around down here. 293 00:14:09,981 --> 00:14:12,895 - Capisce? - The question has to be asked. 294 00:14:13,071 --> 00:14:14,616 What if we're raided? 295 00:14:14,702 --> 00:14:16,965 We have made upgrades to the place 296 00:14:17,051 --> 00:14:19,856 that account for such a threat. Reginald? 297 00:14:31,855 --> 00:14:35,028 At which point I bat my eyelids and say, 298 00:14:36,132 --> 00:14:38,403 "What secret casino, Officer?" 299 00:14:42,298 --> 00:14:44,215 You know that B&E at Riverdale High? 300 00:14:44,301 --> 00:14:46,133 Yeah, Weatherbee called me. What about it? 301 00:14:46,218 --> 00:14:47,583 It was the Gargoyles. 302 00:14:47,668 --> 00:14:50,253 - I figured as much. - They're starting fights, 303 00:14:50,471 --> 00:14:51,979 they're playing G&G. 304 00:14:52,228 --> 00:14:53,643 You know they outnumber us now? 305 00:14:53,729 --> 00:14:55,474 The original Serpents. 306 00:14:55,560 --> 00:14:57,198 The Gargoyles hold the majority. 307 00:14:57,308 --> 00:14:59,846 Your mom and her brilliant ideas. 308 00:15:00,178 --> 00:15:02,213 Problem is they have no honor, 309 00:15:02,648 --> 00:15:05,393 there's no duty, there's no sense of purpose. 310 00:15:05,581 --> 00:15:09,323 And it finally made me realize, in turn, the bigger issue, 311 00:15:09,498 --> 00:15:11,815 and it's been this way for a while. 312 00:15:12,168 --> 00:15:14,768 - Neither do the Serpents. - We talked about this, boy. 313 00:15:14,968 --> 00:15:18,010 You gotta figure out what your version of the Serpents is gonna be. 314 00:15:18,127 --> 00:15:19,237 You gotta give them, 315 00:15:19,330 --> 00:15:21,421 and now the Gargoyles, a reason 316 00:15:21,623 --> 00:15:25,238 to wake up every day, to put that jacket on and wear it with pride. 317 00:15:25,378 --> 00:15:27,010 Or chaos will ensue. 318 00:15:27,096 --> 00:15:28,752 When the bad guys outnumber you, 319 00:15:30,004 --> 00:15:31,759 you gotta out think 'em. 320 00:15:32,048 --> 00:15:35,862 And give your crew something that they can sink their teeth into. 321 00:15:40,901 --> 00:15:42,646 Looking for your friend? 322 00:15:42,888 --> 00:15:45,026 Hey, Pop, yeah. What happened to him? Where'd he go? 323 00:15:45,112 --> 00:15:46,617 A group of thugs came by, 324 00:15:46,734 --> 00:15:49,182 saw him through the window, started banging on the glass. 325 00:15:49,276 --> 00:15:51,962 - Oh, no. - Never seen someone run so fast. 326 00:15:52,048 --> 00:15:54,533 - Into the kitchen, out the back door. - What about the thugs? 327 00:15:54,618 --> 00:15:56,483 Circled around. Took off after him. 328 00:15:56,568 --> 00:15:58,784 - Crap! - Archie... 329 00:15:59,267 --> 00:16:01,072 he left something behind. 330 00:16:01,432 --> 00:16:03,893 He'd been drawing on a placemat. 331 00:16:04,078 --> 00:16:05,760 What do you mean? Drawing what? 332 00:17:11,324 --> 00:17:13,579 That's difficult with runaways, Archie. 333 00:17:13,665 --> 00:17:16,567 A lot of them end up hitchhiking to Centerville, joining gangs. 334 00:17:16,653 --> 00:17:19,611 Often it's because they've rejected our efforts to help and replace them. 335 00:17:19,697 --> 00:17:22,402 Well, actually he was in foster care before. 336 00:17:22,488 --> 00:17:25,703 - Wasn't he, Arch? - Yeah. A place called Santa Lucia Shelter. 337 00:17:25,832 --> 00:17:27,840 I know them. It's one of the better home in town. 338 00:17:27,926 --> 00:17:30,567 Well, Ricky said some of the people there hurt him, 339 00:17:30,653 --> 00:17:33,426 - and branded a symbol into his arm. - Gang-related? 340 00:17:33,982 --> 00:17:35,746 We've been seeing that more and more. 341 00:17:35,832 --> 00:17:39,309 Gryphons and Gargoyles may not be in the news anymore, but it's everywhere else. 342 00:17:39,612 --> 00:17:41,902 Did he look something like this? 343 00:17:42,552 --> 00:17:44,871 Damn. Yeah. Yeah, that's him. 344 00:17:44,957 --> 00:17:46,090 I'll make some phone calls. 345 00:17:46,184 --> 00:17:49,167 If we can find a match in the database, we'll track him down sooner or later. 346 00:17:49,253 --> 00:17:50,918 Either way, I'll be in touch. 347 00:17:51,004 --> 00:17:52,439 Thank you, Ms. Weiss. 348 00:17:52,568 --> 00:17:54,590 Can I make some copies of that? 349 00:17:57,949 --> 00:17:59,504 Mija. 350 00:17:59,683 --> 00:18:03,473 Word on the street is that you've turned your speakeasy into a casino? 351 00:18:03,559 --> 00:18:05,824 - Is that what your spies tell you? - Hmm. 352 00:18:05,978 --> 00:18:08,410 It's actually a fortuitous turn of events. 353 00:18:08,496 --> 00:18:09,558 - How so? - Well, 354 00:18:09,644 --> 00:18:11,410 I'm in the process of courting the business 355 00:18:11,496 --> 00:18:13,751 of a gentleman who owns a playing card company. 356 00:18:13,860 --> 00:18:17,445 And I'm pitching him the idea of moving production from his factory 357 00:18:17,601 --> 00:18:18,832 to my prison. 358 00:18:18,940 --> 00:18:21,809 He gets to produce those fine cards for pennies on the dollar, 359 00:18:21,895 --> 00:18:24,521 and my for-profit prison inmates earn a small wage. 360 00:18:24,621 --> 00:18:26,916 Allowing you to rake in a tidy sum. 361 00:18:27,002 --> 00:18:29,377 - Mmm. - That's shady, Daddy. 362 00:18:29,463 --> 00:18:32,808 At any rate, I'd love to bring him to your casino to show him a good time. 363 00:18:32,894 --> 00:18:34,582 And I trust you'll make him feel important? 364 00:18:34,668 --> 00:18:36,428 I always do, Daddy. 365 00:18:37,236 --> 00:18:40,571 But if I help you land this mega client, 366 00:18:40,891 --> 00:18:43,098 how 'bout you shave off some of my debt? 367 00:18:43,803 --> 00:18:46,223 Say, 5%? 368 00:18:49,147 --> 00:18:50,879 I'll consider it. 369 00:18:55,077 --> 00:18:57,926 You know, you probably don't know this about me, 370 00:18:58,468 --> 00:19:00,553 but when I was your age, 371 00:19:00,794 --> 00:19:02,829 I used to perform at The Whyte Wyrm. 372 00:19:02,914 --> 00:19:05,839 Yeah, I was kinda like the Joan Jett of Riverdale. 373 00:19:05,939 --> 00:19:10,082 And now, let me guess, you're looking to make a comeback? 374 00:19:10,768 --> 00:19:13,425 I got an itch to scratch, yeah. 375 00:19:14,114 --> 00:19:15,349 What do you think? 376 00:19:15,434 --> 00:19:17,504 I'd like a little something in return. 377 00:19:18,013 --> 00:19:21,246 5% shaved off the debt I owe you. 378 00:19:24,989 --> 00:19:26,957 I can make that work. 379 00:19:29,906 --> 00:19:31,512 See ya, kids. 380 00:19:35,736 --> 00:19:37,863 Hey, Josie, I'm sorry to interrupt. 381 00:19:38,044 --> 00:19:39,512 Can I talk to you about something? 382 00:19:39,598 --> 00:19:41,121 Yeah. For sure. 383 00:19:42,909 --> 00:19:44,624 Uh... 384 00:19:44,858 --> 00:19:47,942 Have you noticed Kevin has gotten in 385 00:19:48,134 --> 00:19:52,246 very deep, very fast with the Farm. 386 00:19:52,674 --> 00:19:54,719 And last night as I was leaving school, 387 00:19:54,804 --> 00:19:57,809 I saw him holding his hand over a Bunsen burner, 388 00:19:57,894 --> 00:20:01,239 along with a bunch of other Farmies doing the same. 389 00:20:01,324 --> 00:20:02,819 Ah, Kevin! 390 00:20:03,043 --> 00:20:05,567 Groups like the Farm, cults, 391 00:20:05,707 --> 00:20:09,069 prey on emotionally vulnerable people. 392 00:20:09,154 --> 00:20:11,551 That's why I think they targeted Kevin. 393 00:20:14,222 --> 00:20:16,582 Okay, well... 394 00:20:17,954 --> 00:20:19,599 I haven't told my mom, 395 00:20:19,684 --> 00:20:22,371 or Mr. Keller, but... 396 00:20:23,684 --> 00:20:27,039 Over the last week, I have heard Kevin sneaking out at night. 397 00:20:27,124 --> 00:20:31,895 And I assumed he was going back to Fox Forest, but 398 00:20:32,694 --> 00:20:35,403 maybe he's going to meet them. 399 00:20:36,724 --> 00:20:38,199 You weren't kidding. 400 00:20:39,254 --> 00:20:42,379 - This kid's into some really dark stuff. - Yeah. 401 00:20:42,738 --> 00:20:44,993 Got a sketch of him, too. 402 00:20:45,524 --> 00:20:48,184 Pop Tate said some thugs chased him outta the diner. 403 00:20:48,270 --> 00:20:49,769 Thugs? 404 00:20:49,854 --> 00:20:52,035 - You mean gang members? - Yeah, probably. 405 00:20:52,234 --> 00:20:54,762 Didn't you just recruit a bunch of Gargoyles? 406 00:20:55,884 --> 00:20:57,457 More like my mom did, but yeah. 407 00:20:57,543 --> 00:20:59,684 Well, are they still playing G&G? 408 00:21:02,247 --> 00:21:04,032 His name's Ricky. 409 00:21:04,204 --> 00:21:06,488 Doesn anybody recognize him? 410 00:21:06,772 --> 00:21:09,088 Well, he's in trouble, so we're gonna help Archie find him. 411 00:21:09,174 --> 00:21:11,160 Break the town into sections and we'll split up the work. 412 00:21:11,246 --> 00:21:14,746 You want us to go looking for some dumb kid? 413 00:21:15,094 --> 00:21:17,106 Was it your crew that came after him at Pop's? 414 00:21:17,192 --> 00:21:20,278 - Looking to make him a sacrifice? - No. 415 00:21:20,744 --> 00:21:24,660 Dude, we have other business of the chemical kind. 416 00:21:25,604 --> 00:21:27,189 But there are others out there. 417 00:21:27,387 --> 00:21:30,019 Outliers that broke away when we joined the Serpents. 418 00:21:30,104 --> 00:21:33,819 You mean, there are Gargoyles out there that are even crazier than you? 419 00:21:33,904 --> 00:21:35,189 Will you shut up? 420 00:21:35,275 --> 00:21:37,728 If what you're saying is true, then that's all the more reason that we 421 00:21:37,814 --> 00:21:39,004 need to find him fast. 422 00:21:39,090 --> 00:21:40,924 You better get to it then. 423 00:21:46,597 --> 00:21:48,197 We'll help look. 424 00:21:52,514 --> 00:21:54,229 Ladies and gentlemen, 425 00:21:54,314 --> 00:21:57,009 we have a very special treat for you tonight. 426 00:21:57,094 --> 00:21:59,339 Making her debut at La Bonne Nuit, 427 00:21:59,424 --> 00:22:01,877 Ms. Gladys Jones. 428 00:22:10,484 --> 00:22:15,666 ♪ Baby can you understand me now ♪ 429 00:22:15,944 --> 00:22:19,799 ♪ Sometimes I get a little mad ♪ 430 00:22:19,884 --> 00:22:25,079 ♪ Don't you know no one alive can always be an angel ♪ 431 00:22:25,164 --> 00:22:29,419 ♪ When things go wrong, I feel you're bad ♪ 432 00:22:29,504 --> 00:22:34,799 ♪ I'm just a soul whose intentions are good ♪ 433 00:22:34,884 --> 00:22:38,979 ♪ Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood ♪ 434 00:22:39,064 --> 00:22:41,719 Come on, when's the real show start? 435 00:22:41,804 --> 00:22:43,049 Wait, wait, wait, wait... 436 00:22:43,134 --> 00:22:44,719 That dude's being a total asshat. 437 00:22:44,804 --> 00:22:48,579 I know, but he's also a VIP. 438 00:22:48,664 --> 00:22:52,399 ♪ ...you're bound to see my other side ♪ 439 00:22:52,484 --> 00:22:55,579 So, you've got good pipes, yeah? Why don't you give Gladys some tips. 440 00:22:55,664 --> 00:22:57,569 I'll give her a tip, all right. 441 00:22:57,654 --> 00:23:01,752 Oh, yeah? And I got a sharp tip for you boys, too. 442 00:23:04,494 --> 00:23:07,369 - Okay, now you can throw him out. - On it. 443 00:23:07,454 --> 00:23:10,639 - All right. - I'm gonna ask you to leave, bro. 444 00:23:10,724 --> 00:23:13,221 Are you kiddin' me? Cheekbones here is bouncing me? 445 00:23:13,307 --> 00:23:15,963 - That's it. Come on. - Get your hands off! 446 00:23:22,384 --> 00:23:23,932 Veronica... 447 00:23:24,406 --> 00:23:27,666 I hope you didn't just cost me a million-dollar deal. 448 00:23:36,664 --> 00:23:40,128 Once you start crossing the threshold, you can't stop. 449 00:23:40,322 --> 00:23:41,709 That's the key. 450 00:23:41,822 --> 00:23:44,439 You must believe that you will be protected. 451 00:23:44,525 --> 00:23:46,709 Believe that you will be forged. 452 00:23:46,794 --> 00:23:50,809 Only through the fire can we be cleansed and leave our past behind. 453 00:23:50,971 --> 00:23:55,775 Conquer our fears, expiate our sins, exorcise our demons. 454 00:23:57,084 --> 00:23:58,713 Brother Kevin, 455 00:24:00,518 --> 00:24:01,998 it's your turn. 456 00:24:02,856 --> 00:24:04,502 Oh, my God. Kevin! 457 00:24:05,400 --> 00:24:07,398 Kevin, don't! Kev, stop! 458 00:24:07,484 --> 00:24:09,353 No. Brother Kevin, don't stop. 459 00:24:09,494 --> 00:24:11,679 Believe in yourself. Believe in the Farm. 460 00:24:11,764 --> 00:24:14,783 Believe that the embers are a cool mountain stream. 461 00:24:22,074 --> 00:24:23,572 Brother Kevin! 462 00:24:25,114 --> 00:24:27,829 You are purified! We are whole! 463 00:24:27,914 --> 00:24:31,174 We are one! We are one! 464 00:24:33,440 --> 00:24:34,955 Archie. 465 00:24:35,102 --> 00:24:37,393 Got most of my Serpents out looking for your boy Ricky. 466 00:24:37,479 --> 00:24:39,760 But I think I got a place that you and I should check out. 467 00:24:39,952 --> 00:24:41,674 Gargoyle ground zero. 468 00:25:01,591 --> 00:25:03,299 All these names... 469 00:25:03,863 --> 00:25:05,346 they're sacrifice. 470 00:25:05,940 --> 00:25:07,040 Jug... 471 00:25:07,260 --> 00:25:08,273 Wait. 472 00:25:08,359 --> 00:25:09,572 Archie. 473 00:25:14,000 --> 00:25:15,338 Ricky? 474 00:25:15,542 --> 00:25:17,533 What the hell are you doing in here? 475 00:25:18,432 --> 00:25:20,361 - Are you okay? - Yeah. 476 00:25:21,385 --> 00:25:23,450 I came here 'cause I heard they all cleared out. 477 00:25:23,535 --> 00:25:25,330 The Gargoyles? Yeah, they're gone. 478 00:25:25,415 --> 00:25:27,870 I thought this would be the last place they'd come looking for me, but... 479 00:25:27,955 --> 00:25:29,570 I'll never be able to escape them. 480 00:25:29,655 --> 00:25:32,370 I'm marked for death. That's what this symbol means. Isn't it? 481 00:25:32,455 --> 00:25:35,080 - And you have it, too. - Yeah. 482 00:25:35,585 --> 00:25:38,541 It means sacrifice, but that's not gonna happen. 483 00:25:38,627 --> 00:25:40,170 Okay? I swear. 484 00:25:40,353 --> 00:25:42,350 - Right, Jug? - Yeah. 485 00:25:42,510 --> 00:25:43,760 That's right. 486 00:25:43,846 --> 00:25:46,596 That said, let's get the hell outta here. 487 00:26:00,187 --> 00:26:01,477 Betty. 488 00:26:03,615 --> 00:26:05,642 You shouldn't have run off last night. You should have stayed. 489 00:26:05,728 --> 00:26:08,002 Are you two here to go on record about what I saw? 490 00:26:08,088 --> 00:26:09,939 To quote myself, 491 00:26:10,025 --> 00:26:13,170 "A dangerous cult of deluded teenagers 492 00:26:13,255 --> 00:26:16,822 who gather for occult-like, self-harming activities." 493 00:26:17,625 --> 00:26:21,320 Betty, last night was scary, and... 494 00:26:21,525 --> 00:26:26,590 And fun, cathartic. It felt euphoric, like nothing I've ever felt. 495 00:26:26,675 --> 00:26:28,150 That's your point of view. 496 00:26:28,235 --> 00:26:31,390 I think my readers and your dad will have a different one. 497 00:26:31,475 --> 00:26:33,270 You're not publishing that article, Betty. 498 00:26:33,355 --> 00:26:35,783 - No? - Tell her why, Kevin. 499 00:26:36,485 --> 00:26:39,142 If you do, we'll tell everyone 500 00:26:39,228 --> 00:26:41,250 about the shady man your mom killed in the kitchen. 501 00:26:41,335 --> 00:26:44,533 How you and Jughead dumped his car in Swedlow Swamp, 502 00:26:44,619 --> 00:26:47,950 and how Mr. Jones dissolved his body with lye in the woods. 503 00:26:48,035 --> 00:26:50,244 Remember, Betty, thanks to your mom, 504 00:26:50,385 --> 00:26:54,018 everyone at the Farm knows all of your dirty secrets. 505 00:27:11,811 --> 00:27:14,049 You know, when I was fighting in juvie, 506 00:27:15,065 --> 00:27:17,002 this is how I survived. 507 00:27:17,375 --> 00:27:19,822 How I avoided getting sacrificed. 508 00:27:20,257 --> 00:27:21,463 By fighting. 509 00:27:25,785 --> 00:27:27,820 How did you get sucked into all of this? 510 00:27:27,905 --> 00:27:29,490 Like I was telling you before, 511 00:27:29,575 --> 00:27:33,767 at the shelter, some older guys were into G&G and Fizzle Rocks. 512 00:27:33,853 --> 00:27:35,880 They would come by and try to rope in younger kids 513 00:27:35,965 --> 00:27:38,002 to use 'em as runners. 'Cause... 514 00:27:38,088 --> 00:27:40,955 The younger you are, the less time you serve if you get caught. 515 00:27:42,494 --> 00:27:43,892 When they asked me, 516 00:27:43,978 --> 00:27:46,010 I-I turned them down. That's when they branded me, 517 00:27:46,095 --> 00:27:49,010 and when I left the shelter... I think I should keep moving. 518 00:27:49,095 --> 00:27:52,230 - I don't want them finding you, too. - Don't worry about me. 519 00:27:52,517 --> 00:27:55,884 And running isn't gonna solve anything, trust me. 520 00:27:56,036 --> 00:27:57,244 I would know. 521 00:27:58,455 --> 00:27:59,810 You're not alone in this, Ricky. 522 00:27:59,895 --> 00:28:01,545 Okay? Not anymore. 523 00:28:03,194 --> 00:28:05,915 We found the kid, but he's still in danger. 524 00:28:06,275 --> 00:28:07,700 So is Archie for that matter. 525 00:28:07,785 --> 00:28:09,290 So, what's the next play? 526 00:28:09,375 --> 00:28:10,915 It's a classic gambit. 527 00:28:11,165 --> 00:28:13,090 The hunters become the hunted. 528 00:28:13,175 --> 00:28:16,181 Kurtz had said that there are some rogue Goyles. 529 00:28:16,267 --> 00:28:18,260 So you two... 530 00:28:18,345 --> 00:28:20,822 Heckle and Jeckle, start talking. 531 00:28:20,954 --> 00:28:22,589 I want the names of those outliers. 532 00:28:22,783 --> 00:28:25,337 And I want sentries posted at the Gargoyle lair. 533 00:28:25,545 --> 00:28:27,880 Jughead! You need to come right now. 534 00:28:27,965 --> 00:28:29,110 What? Toni? 535 00:28:29,250 --> 00:28:31,313 Kurtz is about to kill Fangs. 536 00:28:35,121 --> 00:28:36,556 - Fangs! - What the hell! 537 00:28:36,642 --> 00:28:38,017 Guys! Guys, help! 538 00:28:38,103 --> 00:28:41,134 Don't be scared, you dirty Serpent spy. 539 00:28:41,283 --> 00:28:44,230 You're about to ascend. And you'll fly, too. 540 00:28:44,315 --> 00:28:45,580 Kurtz... don't. 541 00:28:45,763 --> 00:28:47,900 Happy landings, worthless snake. 542 00:28:48,186 --> 00:28:49,496 No! 543 00:29:04,235 --> 00:29:06,227 Excuse me. 544 00:29:06,405 --> 00:29:08,469 Are you bartending now? 545 00:29:08,622 --> 00:29:11,309 Your boy toy makes watery drinks. So I thought, 546 00:29:11,395 --> 00:29:13,742 hey, I'll just help myself. 547 00:29:13,935 --> 00:29:15,860 - Can I get you something? - Unbelievable. 548 00:29:15,945 --> 00:29:17,520 Poppin' joint you got here, Hiram. 549 00:29:17,605 --> 00:29:19,727 Glad you like it, Don. You know I've always wanted a casino. 550 00:29:19,813 --> 00:29:22,211 Even picked out those light fixtures myself. 551 00:29:30,446 --> 00:29:31,840 This has to stop. 552 00:29:31,992 --> 00:29:33,710 They're acting like they own the place. 553 00:29:33,795 --> 00:29:34,870 My place. 554 00:29:34,955 --> 00:29:36,760 I can't believe I'm about to say this, 555 00:29:36,946 --> 00:29:38,672 but I miss the Serpents. 556 00:29:39,154 --> 00:29:40,899 We could use the extra muscle. 557 00:29:44,265 --> 00:29:48,140 Reggie, how have our takes been since our casino upgrade? 558 00:29:48,225 --> 00:29:49,953 Almost double. Why? 559 00:29:51,575 --> 00:29:54,205 I might need to siphon some of it off. 560 00:29:55,404 --> 00:29:57,524 For tactical reasons. 561 00:30:02,307 --> 00:30:03,742 Ricky. 562 00:30:03,828 --> 00:30:04,860 What's up? 563 00:30:04,945 --> 00:30:06,985 - Sorry, I was just... - No, you're good. 564 00:30:07,305 --> 00:30:10,235 Keep it. If you want it, it's yours. 565 00:30:10,321 --> 00:30:12,066 - You serious? - Yeah. 566 00:30:12,205 --> 00:30:14,049 Come downstairs, I want you to meet my dad. 567 00:30:14,135 --> 00:30:15,282 What? 568 00:30:15,895 --> 00:30:17,352 Ricky, it's okay. 569 00:30:17,555 --> 00:30:19,414 I spoke to him. He's gonna help. 570 00:30:19,795 --> 00:30:22,690 Look, we gotta find you a safe place to live permanently. 571 00:30:22,775 --> 00:30:25,050 - But, Archie... - With a good family. 572 00:30:25,135 --> 00:30:26,790 All right? One we will all meet. 573 00:30:26,875 --> 00:30:29,150 And I'll be checking in on you. We can hang out whenever you want. 574 00:30:29,235 --> 00:30:31,650 And I'll keep giving you boxing lessons at the gym. 575 00:30:31,735 --> 00:30:33,410 You just gotta trust me. 576 00:30:33,495 --> 00:30:35,470 He dropped Fangs for no reason. 577 00:30:35,555 --> 00:30:38,914 If I hadn't broken his fall, he would have snapped his neck, or even worse. 578 00:30:39,000 --> 00:30:41,420 You gotta take drastic action, boy. Words aren't gonna do it. 579 00:30:41,505 --> 00:30:44,625 I agree. A big action. One that's long overdue, 580 00:30:44,711 --> 00:30:47,110 and not just for Kurtz, but for all the Serpents. 581 00:30:47,195 --> 00:30:49,720 Old and new. Dad, I'm talking about the next chapter. 582 00:30:49,805 --> 00:30:53,450 Something that's gonna give us purpose, and keep us on the right side of the law. 583 00:30:53,535 --> 00:30:57,010 Mobilizing that gang search for Archie's lost boy gave me the idea. 584 00:30:57,095 --> 00:30:58,532 And you did, too. 585 00:31:00,274 --> 00:31:02,571 Let's not mince words, Toni. 586 00:31:03,044 --> 00:31:05,179 I'd like to offer the Pretty Poisons 587 00:31:05,265 --> 00:31:06,970 full time employment at La Bonne Nuit. 588 00:31:07,055 --> 00:31:08,719 My girls aren't waitresses. 589 00:31:08,805 --> 00:31:10,336 You misunderstand me. 590 00:31:10,422 --> 00:31:14,450 Gladys Jones and my father swarm around La Bonne Nuit as if they own the place. 591 00:31:14,536 --> 00:31:17,946 And I fear that their presence could cost me my business. 592 00:31:19,032 --> 00:31:20,860 As well as my sanity. 593 00:31:21,063 --> 00:31:23,654 I need muscle to keep them and their cronies out. 594 00:31:23,740 --> 00:31:26,516 That's where your Pretty Poisons come in. 595 00:31:26,865 --> 00:31:28,000 What do you say? 596 00:31:28,157 --> 00:31:31,672 Oh, and I have and advance. 597 00:31:35,095 --> 00:31:36,880 If you have to run this idea by Cheryl... 598 00:31:36,965 --> 00:31:39,670 They won't be necessary. 599 00:31:39,981 --> 00:31:41,657 We've got a deal. 600 00:31:57,075 --> 00:31:58,399 Mom? 601 00:31:58,655 --> 00:32:00,350 - Hey. - What's happening? 602 00:32:00,435 --> 00:32:03,610 Better start packing. We're in escrow. I sold the house. 603 00:32:04,655 --> 00:32:06,789 To who? 604 00:32:06,875 --> 00:32:09,360 I don't know. In true Riverdale fashion, some anonymous buyer. 605 00:32:09,445 --> 00:32:11,524 I'm sure it's someone overseas. 606 00:32:11,885 --> 00:32:13,969 Grab some boxes. You better hop to it. 607 00:32:14,086 --> 00:32:16,375 We need to be outta here sooner, rather than later. 608 00:32:19,104 --> 00:32:21,669 What the hell is he doing here? 609 00:32:21,895 --> 00:32:23,790 - I made the invitation. - Why? 610 00:32:23,875 --> 00:32:28,102 Kurtz boasted that the Serpents need him more than he needs us. 611 00:32:29,305 --> 00:32:30,649 I disagree. 612 00:32:30,735 --> 00:32:32,180 But one thing is true. 613 00:32:32,265 --> 00:32:33,680 The Serpents are rudderless. 614 00:32:33,765 --> 00:32:35,530 We lack identity and focus. 615 00:32:35,615 --> 00:32:38,227 We're better and stronger when we're task-focused. 616 00:32:38,632 --> 00:32:41,211 That's why with the help of my father, Serpent Emeritus, 617 00:32:41,297 --> 00:32:42,821 we've come up with a plan... 618 00:32:43,852 --> 00:32:45,867 to deputize the Serpents. 619 00:32:46,032 --> 00:32:48,400 To become partners with the Riverdale Sheriff's department. 620 00:32:48,485 --> 00:32:50,024 You'll work for me. 621 00:32:50,325 --> 00:32:51,790 Help me with investigations, 622 00:32:51,875 --> 00:32:53,920 be my eyes and ears in the community. 623 00:32:54,005 --> 00:32:56,313 In return, you'll get paid, 624 00:32:56,399 --> 00:32:58,977 and receive school credit to help you apply to colleges. 625 00:32:59,215 --> 00:33:00,870 This is about bringing order, 626 00:33:00,955 --> 00:33:02,450 ensuring our survival. 627 00:33:02,727 --> 00:33:04,500 But this is gonna be a brand-new chapter for the Serpents, 628 00:33:04,585 --> 00:33:06,492 and we can't be divided about it. 629 00:33:06,965 --> 00:33:08,470 So let's put it to a vote. 630 00:33:08,601 --> 00:33:10,742 If it's not unanimous... 631 00:33:12,059 --> 00:33:13,758 there's the damn door. 632 00:33:15,539 --> 00:33:17,250 All in favor? 633 00:33:35,407 --> 00:33:37,289 Good riddance. 634 00:33:39,674 --> 00:33:42,079 Sweet. Do we get to carry guns? 635 00:33:42,165 --> 00:33:43,586 - Absolutely not. - No. 636 00:33:43,705 --> 00:33:46,420 Whoa. Four to one. Smoked you. 637 00:33:46,505 --> 00:33:48,935 You got lucky that time. 638 00:33:53,055 --> 00:33:55,367 All right, I gotta take this. 639 00:33:57,024 --> 00:33:58,563 Hey, Ms. Weiss. 640 00:33:58,649 --> 00:34:02,429 Archie, the administrator at Santa Lucia Shelter finally got back to me. 641 00:34:02,515 --> 00:34:04,914 He found a match. But, Archie... 642 00:34:05,016 --> 00:34:07,995 Ricky's full name is Ricardo DeSantos. 643 00:34:09,875 --> 00:34:11,274 DeSantos? 644 00:34:11,525 --> 00:34:13,370 As in Joaquin DeSantos? 645 00:34:13,455 --> 00:34:17,532 Yes. According to his records, Ricky is Joaquin's younger brother. 646 00:34:20,965 --> 00:34:23,141 Hang on, I don't understand. 647 00:34:23,375 --> 00:34:25,790 Joaquin's dead, and now his brother... 648 00:34:25,953 --> 00:34:29,930 His file shows Ricky has a history of violent behavior and self-harm. 649 00:34:30,224 --> 00:34:31,774 Where is he now? 650 00:34:32,065 --> 00:34:33,586 He's at my house. 651 00:34:33,735 --> 00:34:35,617 Look, Ms. Weiss, I gotta go. 652 00:34:35,703 --> 00:34:37,180 Archie, please be careful. 653 00:34:37,319 --> 00:34:38,813 I'll call you right back. 654 00:34:42,841 --> 00:34:44,313 All right. 655 00:34:45,627 --> 00:34:46,930 Ricky? 656 00:34:51,884 --> 00:34:53,157 Ricky? 657 00:35:08,922 --> 00:35:11,322 Ricky, come on. It's not funny. 658 00:35:14,401 --> 00:35:15,765 You in there? 659 00:35:39,825 --> 00:35:41,012 What are you doing? 660 00:35:41,098 --> 00:35:44,684 It's the only way the Gargoyles will let me in and let me play the game with them. 661 00:35:44,770 --> 00:35:46,286 Gargoyles? 662 00:35:46,665 --> 00:35:48,653 Ricky, listen to me, you don't wanna do this. 663 00:35:48,739 --> 00:35:50,551 I have to finish what I started. 664 00:35:50,975 --> 00:35:53,262 You mean Joaquin, that's your brother. 665 00:35:53,348 --> 00:35:55,090 Right? I knew Joaquin. 666 00:35:55,465 --> 00:35:57,360 Okay? He was a good guy, but... 667 00:35:57,676 --> 00:36:00,715 He listened to the wrong people and he wound up dead because of it. 668 00:36:00,801 --> 00:36:03,430 If I don't do this, the Gargoyles, they won't protect me. 669 00:36:03,515 --> 00:36:05,684 Protect you? They marked you for sacrifice. 670 00:36:05,770 --> 00:36:07,059 The same way they did Joaquin. 671 00:36:07,145 --> 00:36:10,200 What you mean this? I gave it to myself. 672 00:36:10,655 --> 00:36:13,332 And at the lair, I added my name under yours. 673 00:36:14,286 --> 00:36:15,580 You... 674 00:36:15,962 --> 00:36:17,692 You're playing me? 675 00:36:20,873 --> 00:36:22,911 Is that how my brother stabbed you? 676 00:36:23,205 --> 00:36:25,345 - Archie? - Dad, don't come in! 677 00:36:30,295 --> 00:36:32,923 Son. What the hell happened? 678 00:36:36,190 --> 00:36:38,309 I'm sorry, Dad. I'm such an idiot. 679 00:36:38,395 --> 00:36:41,244 You're not an idiot, son. Just... 680 00:36:41,805 --> 00:36:43,486 got a big heart. 681 00:36:43,850 --> 00:36:46,111 That's so messed up though. 682 00:36:46,935 --> 00:36:48,130 You think he'll come back? 683 00:36:48,215 --> 00:36:50,229 With my luck, definitely. 684 00:36:50,432 --> 00:36:53,362 Probably at a worst time, and with his friends. 685 00:36:54,905 --> 00:36:56,405 Hold on. 686 00:37:17,923 --> 00:37:20,023 The first night of the new job. 687 00:37:20,845 --> 00:37:22,479 You coming tonight, babe? 688 00:37:22,565 --> 00:37:25,745 Mmm, no. Think I'll pass. 689 00:37:25,831 --> 00:37:27,746 Feeling a little under the weather tonight. 690 00:37:27,925 --> 00:37:30,340 Well, see you later? 691 00:37:30,425 --> 00:37:33,073 - I'll be asleep. - Okay. 692 00:37:37,546 --> 00:37:40,681 ♪ Wanted to be near you ♪ 693 00:37:40,767 --> 00:37:43,972 ♪ To the end of time ♪ 694 00:37:44,111 --> 00:37:49,338 ♪ We are all there knowing life is different when you've been hurt ♪ 695 00:37:51,184 --> 00:37:53,713 ♪ Picking up the pieces ♪ 696 00:37:54,784 --> 00:37:56,739 Sorry, lady. Can't admit you. 697 00:37:56,825 --> 00:37:59,850 - Excuse me? - New house rules, Ms. Jones. 698 00:37:59,935 --> 00:38:03,401 You're not allowed into La Bonne Nuit without an engraved invitation. 699 00:38:03,755 --> 00:38:06,221 You think you can stop me? 700 00:38:07,315 --> 00:38:10,221 Gladys, step off. 701 00:38:10,659 --> 00:38:14,971 I've hired these young ladies here to block your admittance to my establishment 702 00:38:15,135 --> 00:38:17,276 until you learn to play by the rules. 703 00:38:17,362 --> 00:38:19,315 My rules. 704 00:38:20,745 --> 00:38:22,041 Hmm. 705 00:38:29,242 --> 00:38:32,417 Mija, I hope you saved me my favorite booth? 706 00:38:32,612 --> 00:38:34,416 Not so fast, Daddy. 707 00:38:35,437 --> 00:38:38,205 You are also no longer welcome at La Bonne Nuit. 708 00:38:38,291 --> 00:38:41,236 At least not until you start showing me proper respect. 709 00:38:41,322 --> 00:38:44,577 And don't try to flex your financial hold over me. 710 00:38:44,715 --> 00:38:46,932 I'll pay you back, like we agreed. 711 00:38:47,095 --> 00:38:48,705 But moving forward, 712 00:38:48,872 --> 00:38:52,104 I'm running my business, my way. 713 00:38:56,075 --> 00:38:57,635 Okay. 714 00:39:20,098 --> 00:39:22,159 Hey, I'm going out for more bubble wrap. 715 00:39:22,245 --> 00:39:25,266 I expect progress in the packing by the time I get back. 716 00:40:13,015 --> 00:40:14,530 Fresh coat of paint... 717 00:40:16,254 --> 00:40:18,905 couple atomic bombs... 718 00:40:20,279 --> 00:40:24,148 This place will be a nice HQ for the new and improved Serpents. 719 00:40:27,211 --> 00:40:29,109 I don't know what to do, Jug. 720 00:40:30,701 --> 00:40:32,576 I remain marked for death. 721 00:40:32,661 --> 00:40:35,249 I let my guard down for a second, 722 00:40:35,501 --> 00:40:38,577 and people come out of the woodworks to try and kill me. 723 00:40:38,881 --> 00:40:42,562 Ricky must have been targeting me for days, if not, weeks. 724 00:40:42,710 --> 00:40:44,312 When is this gonna end? 725 00:40:44,841 --> 00:40:46,312 I don't know. 726 00:40:46,561 --> 00:40:48,499 Maybe it's time you make this thing come to a head. 727 00:40:48,616 --> 00:40:50,687 What, my life? 728 00:40:50,971 --> 00:40:54,476 This Gryphons and Gargoyles game that you're apparently still playing. 729 00:41:00,952 --> 00:41:02,247 Will you help me? 730 00:41:02,527 --> 00:41:05,054 - Obviously. - Count me in, too. 731 00:41:05,991 --> 00:41:08,468 We're here for you, Arch. 732 00:41:10,330 --> 00:41:12,085 You're looking cheery. 733 00:41:14,860 --> 00:41:16,226 Yeah. 734 00:41:17,571 --> 00:41:20,320 I guess I just feel a lot better about things. 735 00:41:27,154 --> 00:41:29,640 Betty? Betty? 736 00:41:35,069 --> 00:41:36,827 Oh, my God! 737 00:41:37,701 --> 00:41:40,370 Synchronized by srjanapala