1 00:00:08,425 --> 00:00:09,926 [narrator] Previously on Riverdale: 2 00:00:10,260 --> 00:00:11,094 Jughead? 3 00:00:11,553 --> 00:00:12,470 Moose. 4 00:00:13,012 --> 00:00:15,515 What the hell? Wait, are you my roommate? 5 00:00:15,890 --> 00:00:18,476 Hermione Lodge, you're under arrest for conspiracy to commit murder. 6 00:00:18,601 --> 00:00:19,686 Your own husband's. 7 00:00:19,769 --> 00:00:24,524 Mija, I'm not paying for your crimes. I told the world what you are. 8 00:00:24,607 --> 00:00:25,567 Deal with it. 9 00:00:25,900 --> 00:00:28,903 I think you'd make an excellent candidate for the Junior FBI training program. 10 00:00:29,362 --> 00:00:31,698 So are you warming up to our half brother now? 11 00:00:31,948 --> 00:00:33,033 [Betty] Yeah. Kind of. 12 00:00:33,116 --> 00:00:35,326 [Jughead] I'm just glad that Charles was there for you. 13 00:00:35,410 --> 00:00:37,704 [Munroe] Didn't you say we'd turn this place into a community center? 14 00:00:37,787 --> 00:00:38,747 [Archie] Feels like it's time. 15 00:00:38,830 --> 00:00:42,333 No one is safe here. Is that really the town that you wanna invest in? 16 00:00:42,417 --> 00:00:44,961 You're not considering fighting crime in those tights, are you? 17 00:00:45,378 --> 00:00:46,296 Of course not. 18 00:00:47,881 --> 00:00:49,048 I'm gonna need a mask. 19 00:00:51,092 --> 00:00:53,428 [Jughead] They say every town gets the hero it deserves. 20 00:00:53,928 --> 00:00:55,638 Riverdale's was Archie Andrews. 21 00:00:56,389 --> 00:01:00,018 High school athlete by day, would-be crime fighter by night, 22 00:01:00,643 --> 00:01:02,353 patrolling the shadows of Sketch Alley 23 00:01:02,437 --> 00:01:05,565 down by the Southside Docks where Archie's community center is. 24 00:01:06,566 --> 00:01:09,527 You wouldn't wanna be caught there too long after dark. 25 00:01:09,694 --> 00:01:11,237 That's when the rats came out. 26 00:01:20,413 --> 00:01:21,247 [woman shrieks] 27 00:01:32,300 --> 00:01:33,551 -Here. -Stay away from me! 28 00:01:33,718 --> 00:01:35,011 [groaning] 29 00:01:38,932 --> 00:01:42,227 All in all, not an auspicious second outing 30 00:01:42,310 --> 00:01:44,395 for Riverdale's dark-suited vigilante. 31 00:01:46,356 --> 00:01:48,525 [school bell rings] 32 00:01:49,192 --> 00:01:50,860 And speaking of crime-fighting... 33 00:01:51,027 --> 00:01:54,489 Kev, what are your after-school plans? 34 00:01:54,906 --> 00:01:56,741 Cruising the bathrooms at Sheds and Royal. 35 00:01:57,117 --> 00:02:00,745 Perfect. Then you can join me for my first Junior FBI class. 36 00:02:01,412 --> 00:02:03,289 The one that your hot half brother's teaching? 37 00:02:03,373 --> 00:02:07,001 Yes. I asked Charles if you could enroll and he said everyone's welcome. 38 00:02:07,710 --> 00:02:09,879 Remind me, is your brother gay or straight? 39 00:02:11,631 --> 00:02:13,842 I actually have no idea. 40 00:02:13,925 --> 00:02:16,261 But seniors from a bunch of different high schools signed up, 41 00:02:16,344 --> 00:02:19,931 so who knows, maybe you'll meet a cute, gay FBI agent-in-training. 42 00:02:20,390 --> 00:02:22,058 I'm in. When and where? 43 00:02:22,892 --> 00:02:25,603 It seems that the district attorney is pinning her entire case 44 00:02:25,687 --> 00:02:28,565 on linking you to Hiram's would-be murderer, Tall Boy Petite. 45 00:02:28,648 --> 00:02:30,108 Which is absurd. 46 00:02:30,733 --> 00:02:32,652 I've never even had any interaction with the man. 47 00:02:32,735 --> 00:02:36,072 There is still the issue of the large sum of money the police found 48 00:02:36,156 --> 00:02:38,408 in your monogrammed Tucci bag in Tall Boy's apartment. 49 00:02:38,491 --> 00:02:40,368 Obviously, Hiram planted it there to frame me. 50 00:02:40,451 --> 00:02:44,414 FP will testify that he searched Tall Boy's apartment right after he died. 51 00:02:44,539 --> 00:02:47,333 He'll swear that there was no bag of money in evidence at that time. 52 00:02:47,625 --> 00:02:49,586 This week is insane. 53 00:02:50,587 --> 00:02:53,298 I've got two papers due, your trial is starting, 54 00:02:53,381 --> 00:02:54,924 Daddy's trial is around the corner... 55 00:02:55,008 --> 00:02:58,344 I've heard the federal prosecutor's going after your father pretty hard. 56 00:02:58,428 --> 00:03:01,097 Oh, I know, I've been meeting with her on the DL. 57 00:03:01,681 --> 00:03:03,099 Goals for this week? 58 00:03:03,182 --> 00:03:07,061 Get Mom out of jail and make sure Daddy stays rotting in his. 59 00:03:08,062 --> 00:03:09,147 [Donna] What are you working on? 60 00:03:09,606 --> 00:03:11,941 The same thing as when you drugged me, Donna. 61 00:03:12,400 --> 00:03:14,819 Except this time, I actually found something. 62 00:03:14,903 --> 00:03:16,905 The Stonewall Four is supposed to be an urban legend, 63 00:03:16,988 --> 00:03:19,073 but when I checked the town paper, 64 00:03:19,282 --> 00:03:22,702 four people had actually gone missing over the last 30 years. 65 00:03:22,785 --> 00:03:24,203 It's exactly what happened to Moose. 66 00:03:24,454 --> 00:03:28,291 Marmaduke is fine. He's just busy in basic training. 67 00:03:28,917 --> 00:03:29,792 Look. 68 00:03:31,252 --> 00:03:32,211 We've been texting. 69 00:03:34,797 --> 00:03:37,717 [Chipping] You guys are in for a treat. 70 00:03:38,509 --> 00:03:41,221 Advanced copies of my latest novel. 71 00:03:42,013 --> 00:03:44,724 Doesn't hit stores till Christmas, so no spoilers. 72 00:03:46,726 --> 00:03:49,729 Wait, Mr. Chipping, you wrote a Baxter Brothers mystery? 73 00:03:50,230 --> 00:03:51,648 Are you Franklin P. Paxton? 74 00:03:51,898 --> 00:03:55,235 I am. Well, it's my nom de plume. 75 00:03:56,069 --> 00:03:58,696 But The Secret of the Old Windmill came out like, what, decades ago? 76 00:03:58,780 --> 00:03:59,697 How is that possible? 77 00:03:59,781 --> 00:04:03,952 I am merely the latest in a long line of ghostwriters over the decades. 78 00:04:04,118 --> 00:04:07,205 My mind is blown. I used to love these books when I was a kid. 79 00:04:07,288 --> 00:04:10,458 They were my gateway drug into serious crime fiction. 80 00:04:10,541 --> 00:04:11,709 [scoffs] 81 00:04:12,877 --> 00:04:14,879 [Chipping] Well, then you're in luck. 82 00:04:15,129 --> 00:04:17,257 To celebrate the publication of Ten Little Boy Scouts, 83 00:04:17,340 --> 00:04:20,051 Stonewall Prep is throwing me a little wine and cheese, 84 00:04:20,134 --> 00:04:21,636 to which you are all invited. 85 00:04:22,303 --> 00:04:24,889 As are the previous ghostwriters. 86 00:04:27,934 --> 00:04:29,227 [door bells jingle] 87 00:04:29,310 --> 00:04:30,895 ♪ Things I said I'd do ♪ 88 00:04:32,188 --> 00:04:33,189 What's wrong, Pop? 89 00:04:34,482 --> 00:04:35,858 It's a subpoena. 90 00:04:36,693 --> 00:04:38,528 From your father's defense team. 91 00:04:38,611 --> 00:04:39,612 Oh, no. 92 00:04:41,823 --> 00:04:44,200 They'll probably ask if you doctored La Bonne Nuit's books 93 00:04:44,284 --> 00:04:45,493 to make my father look guilty. 94 00:04:45,785 --> 00:04:46,619 Which I did. 95 00:04:47,036 --> 00:04:50,456 And I have no regrets about that, Veronica, you needed the help. 96 00:04:50,748 --> 00:04:54,043 But I cannot place my hand on a Bible and say otherwise. 97 00:04:54,544 --> 00:04:56,879 Let me get into it with the federal prosecutor. 98 00:04:57,088 --> 00:04:59,632 Don't worry, I won't let you get caught up in this. 99 00:05:02,218 --> 00:05:05,221 Just when I thought you couldn't possibly go any lower, 100 00:05:05,513 --> 00:05:06,931 you prove me wrong, Daddy. 101 00:05:07,432 --> 00:05:11,019 Pop Tate is a good man. There is no need to drag him into the mess of your trial. 102 00:05:11,102 --> 00:05:12,603 I'm fighting for my freedom. 103 00:05:12,770 --> 00:05:15,440 And to be clear, I didn't drag Pop into this, you did. 104 00:05:15,523 --> 00:05:17,525 Because you were extorting me. 105 00:05:17,734 --> 00:05:20,069 You can spare Pop and end this right now, mija. 106 00:05:21,029 --> 00:05:23,239 Come clean to the feds, admit you framed me. 107 00:05:23,614 --> 00:05:26,534 -Hard pass. -Then I'll be seeing Pop Tate in court. 108 00:05:27,493 --> 00:05:31,456 And tell your mom good luck on her case. I'll be rooting for her. 109 00:05:35,877 --> 00:05:39,630 We have a problem. If Pop takes the stand, he'll tell the truth. 110 00:05:40,048 --> 00:05:41,132 And before you ask, 111 00:05:41,507 --> 00:05:44,552 no, Ms. Federal Prosecutor, I won't tell Pop to lie. 112 00:05:44,802 --> 00:05:46,721 Your father's broken many laws. 113 00:05:46,804 --> 00:05:50,433 But those books you provided the FBI proving Hiram's guilt 114 00:05:50,808 --> 00:05:52,935 -are at the heart of our case. -Call me as a witness. 115 00:05:53,019 --> 00:05:57,106 I'll testify that I was the one who tasked Pop with doctoring the books 116 00:05:57,190 --> 00:06:00,777 as a last resort because my father was extorting me, which is the truth. 117 00:06:04,405 --> 00:06:09,410 Once I do that, I doubt they'll wanna spend much time talking about any books. 118 00:06:09,994 --> 00:06:13,831 Okay. Meanwhile, good luck with your mother's case. 119 00:06:16,459 --> 00:06:19,712 For our first session, thought we'd start in the deep end of the swimming pool. 120 00:06:20,129 --> 00:06:21,130 With serial killers. 121 00:06:21,756 --> 00:06:24,050 Your half brother is so hot. 122 00:06:24,884 --> 00:06:27,428 I've put together a little exercise to kick us off. 123 00:06:28,846 --> 00:06:32,683 This is a crime scene where six victims were found buried along a riverbank 124 00:06:32,767 --> 00:06:33,893 in the Pacific Northwest. 125 00:06:35,019 --> 00:06:36,979 Before I start filling in the details, 126 00:06:37,855 --> 00:06:40,650 any guesses on which one of these men is the murderer? 127 00:06:44,278 --> 00:06:45,446 It's the third man. 128 00:06:46,948 --> 00:06:48,825 That's correct, Betty. How did you know that? 129 00:06:49,951 --> 00:06:52,453 I don't know, just intuition? 130 00:06:53,329 --> 00:06:54,163 Okay, then. 131 00:06:55,289 --> 00:06:56,457 Let's try another one. 132 00:06:58,000 --> 00:06:59,669 Which one's the serial killer? 133 00:07:02,130 --> 00:07:04,340 The term "serial killer" is relatively new. 134 00:07:04,590 --> 00:07:06,467 It wasn't until the 1970s 135 00:07:06,551 --> 00:07:09,303 that the phrase "serial murderer" or "serial homicide"-- 136 00:07:09,762 --> 00:07:10,805 It's the one in the middle. 137 00:07:11,848 --> 00:07:12,807 Correct again. 138 00:07:13,224 --> 00:07:15,268 Your intuition is like a sixth sense. 139 00:07:16,352 --> 00:07:17,353 Let's go again. 140 00:07:20,648 --> 00:07:22,233 When defining a serial killer, 141 00:07:22,316 --> 00:07:25,319 it usually refers to someone who committed three or more murders-- 142 00:07:25,403 --> 00:07:26,571 None of them did it. 143 00:07:27,196 --> 00:07:28,364 Excellent work, Betty. 144 00:07:29,157 --> 00:07:31,576 Not many people have that kind of raw instinct. 145 00:07:31,868 --> 00:07:33,578 You're like Beautiful Mind, but... 146 00:07:34,620 --> 00:07:35,580 for serial killers. 147 00:07:36,873 --> 00:07:39,834 Can any of you guess what the murderers all have in common? 148 00:07:40,168 --> 00:07:43,004 Nothing. Isn't that kind of the point? 149 00:07:44,172 --> 00:07:46,048 They all have one thing in common. 150 00:07:47,008 --> 00:07:48,593 A specific set of genes. 151 00:07:50,678 --> 00:07:53,097 [Alice] They discovered that you have the MAOA 152 00:07:53,764 --> 00:07:56,934 -and the CDH13 genes. -CDH13, also known as-- 153 00:07:57,018 --> 00:07:58,769 The serial killer genes. 154 00:08:07,612 --> 00:08:11,115 Hey, Dad, have you seen my Baxter Brothers books? 155 00:08:11,199 --> 00:08:13,367 I swear I took them out of the trailer before it burned. 156 00:08:13,618 --> 00:08:15,786 I don't know. Might have thrown them away. 157 00:08:16,621 --> 00:08:18,331 You threw away my books? 158 00:08:18,915 --> 00:08:21,375 Calm down. Before you accuse me of book-burning, 159 00:08:21,459 --> 00:08:23,878 why don't you check the storage room in the basement? 160 00:08:28,466 --> 00:08:30,551 I used to worship these guys. 161 00:08:30,801 --> 00:08:33,554 Other kids wanted to be superheroes, I wanted to be a Baxter Brother. 162 00:08:34,096 --> 00:08:37,308 Oh, my God, they used to do crossovers with Tracy True. 163 00:08:37,391 --> 00:08:39,560 -Those were my favorite, remember? -[Jughead] Yeah. 164 00:08:39,644 --> 00:08:41,979 My dad used to get me one of these each year for my birthday. 165 00:08:42,063 --> 00:08:43,523 Hey, Dad, why'd you stop? 166 00:08:46,150 --> 00:08:47,401 You outgrew them, boy. 167 00:08:48,653 --> 00:08:49,529 I gotta run. 168 00:08:50,738 --> 00:08:52,198 I'm never gonna outgrow these books. 169 00:08:52,281 --> 00:08:54,909 -[Betty chuckles] -[Jughead] This was my favorite. 170 00:08:59,163 --> 00:09:01,415 [boy snoring] 171 00:09:01,999 --> 00:09:04,460 [Bret] Mm. Jones, lights out. 172 00:09:04,794 --> 00:09:06,379 Some of us are trying to sleep. 173 00:09:29,902 --> 00:09:31,028 [yawns] 174 00:09:31,821 --> 00:09:32,989 Late night, Red? 175 00:09:33,781 --> 00:09:35,700 Algebra 3 is kicking my ass this year. 176 00:09:35,783 --> 00:09:37,285 [man] One of you named Archie? 177 00:09:38,786 --> 00:09:39,620 Yeah, that's me. 178 00:09:39,870 --> 00:09:41,247 This kid says you'll vouch for him. 179 00:09:41,539 --> 00:09:43,541 That's Toby, he hangs out here. Is there a problem? 180 00:09:43,916 --> 00:09:46,377 Yeah. He was shoplifting in my convenience store. 181 00:09:46,752 --> 00:09:47,587 I was reading comics. 182 00:09:47,795 --> 00:09:50,923 You were loitering and then you started to put this comic book in your jacket. 183 00:09:51,007 --> 00:09:53,509 Why don't I pay for whatever that comic book costs? 184 00:09:53,593 --> 00:09:54,760 Four ninety-nine. 185 00:09:55,094 --> 00:09:58,180 I don't want any of your delinquents stepping foot in my shop. 186 00:09:58,681 --> 00:10:01,517 It's bad enough we have to walk by this halfway house. 187 00:10:05,021 --> 00:10:06,272 [Munroe] Keep the change. 188 00:10:09,025 --> 00:10:09,900 Grab a brush. 189 00:10:17,992 --> 00:10:20,119 Here is the hero of the hour. 190 00:10:21,037 --> 00:10:23,122 Class, this is Francis J. DuPont, 191 00:10:23,205 --> 00:10:25,916 the originator of the Baxter Brothers franchise 192 00:10:26,000 --> 00:10:29,211 and the very first Franklin P. Paxton. 193 00:10:29,503 --> 00:10:33,049 Francis, this is Bret, Joan, Jonathan, Donna and Jughead. 194 00:10:33,257 --> 00:10:34,258 Jughead? 195 00:10:34,717 --> 00:10:37,470 -Is that a nickname? -Yes, sir. It is. 196 00:10:38,220 --> 00:10:39,722 And it's an honor to meet you. 197 00:10:39,805 --> 00:10:42,767 I didn't have the greatest home life growing up, 198 00:10:43,309 --> 00:10:46,103 but your books really helped me through it. 199 00:10:47,521 --> 00:10:49,690 Jughead is the newest addition 200 00:10:50,358 --> 00:10:53,319 to the most promising group of students I've ever taught. 201 00:10:53,402 --> 00:10:56,989 Really? Well, is the successor amongst us, then? 202 00:10:57,406 --> 00:10:58,699 Successor for what? 203 00:10:58,783 --> 00:11:02,286 Chipping has written the last four Baxter Brothers books. 204 00:11:02,536 --> 00:11:04,121 It's time he pass on the torch. 205 00:11:04,205 --> 00:11:08,250 Therefore, we're on the hunt for the next ghostwriter to continue the franchise. 206 00:11:08,793 --> 00:11:11,921 -You're going to pick one of us? -Keep it in your pants, Jones. 207 00:11:12,004 --> 00:11:13,631 Every Baxter Brothers author, 208 00:11:13,839 --> 00:11:16,759 beginning with Mr. DuPont himself, has gone to Stonewall Prep. 209 00:11:17,760 --> 00:11:20,096 We're always looking for young and clever minds 210 00:11:20,179 --> 00:11:22,431 to keep our adventures fresh and relevant. 211 00:11:22,515 --> 00:11:26,060 If you're interested in the job, you'll have to write the first three chapters 212 00:11:26,143 --> 00:11:29,897 of the next Baxter Brothers novel and an outline for the rest of it. 213 00:11:29,980 --> 00:11:31,357 [Bret] Obviously, I'm winning this. 214 00:11:31,440 --> 00:11:34,235 Is there any particular style or subject area? 215 00:11:35,694 --> 00:11:38,739 We have not yet decided on a theme, but we'll let you know. 216 00:11:46,080 --> 00:11:47,373 I pulled your files, Miss Cooper. 217 00:11:47,498 --> 00:11:52,795 I can confirm that you do have the MAOA and CDH13 genes. 218 00:11:56,215 --> 00:11:59,552 All good. Nothing to worry about. I don't have the genes. 219 00:11:59,635 --> 00:12:02,388 See, I told you. What a relief. 220 00:12:18,362 --> 00:12:19,613 You gotta be kidding me. 221 00:12:27,580 --> 00:12:30,040 Hey, get the hell away from that car! 222 00:12:47,433 --> 00:12:48,309 Who are you? 223 00:12:56,609 --> 00:12:57,776 You run with Dodger? 224 00:12:58,861 --> 00:13:00,779 Get the hell out of here. Go! 225 00:13:01,030 --> 00:13:03,324 Tell him it's over. Tell him he's done for! 226 00:13:19,798 --> 00:13:20,883 All right, listen up. 227 00:13:23,469 --> 00:13:24,929 Sheriff Jones gave us a call. 228 00:13:25,221 --> 00:13:28,098 Apparently, some of Dodger's crew was stealing hubcaps last night. 229 00:13:28,182 --> 00:13:30,351 He suspects it was someone from this center. 230 00:13:30,434 --> 00:13:33,312 I gave him my word that it wasn't any of you guys, and I hope that's true. 231 00:13:33,562 --> 00:13:35,272 Anyone running with Dodger's crew 232 00:13:35,356 --> 00:13:38,526 is going to end up in juvie or in an early grave. 233 00:13:38,609 --> 00:13:40,528 Trust us, you don't wanna go to juvie. 234 00:13:40,611 --> 00:13:43,656 If even one of you guys gets arrested, this whole place gets shut down. 235 00:13:43,948 --> 00:13:47,660 So, new rule: If you run with Dodger's crew, then you're not welcome here. 236 00:13:47,743 --> 00:13:49,537 That's it. No exceptions. 237 00:13:50,162 --> 00:13:50,996 Any questions? 238 00:13:51,455 --> 00:13:52,623 Yeah, I got a question. 239 00:13:53,624 --> 00:13:54,833 Aren't you guys seniors? 240 00:13:54,959 --> 00:13:57,002 What happens when you graduate and go to college? 241 00:13:58,837 --> 00:13:59,922 That's months away. 242 00:14:00,005 --> 00:14:02,967 But what happens? You said it yourself, they're trying to shut you down. 243 00:14:03,217 --> 00:14:07,012 Why? Because of us. Because no one wants us. At least Dodger cares. 244 00:14:07,096 --> 00:14:09,348 Dodger only cares about the money you can bring in. 245 00:14:09,431 --> 00:14:12,560 We want you here, but you can't have it both ways. You have to choose. 246 00:14:20,651 --> 00:14:22,820 [Charles] One thing we see in a lot of serial killers 247 00:14:22,903 --> 00:14:25,239 are instances of animal cruelty in their youth. 248 00:14:25,739 --> 00:14:27,908 Jeffrey Dahmer, the cannibal of Milwaukee, 249 00:14:28,367 --> 00:14:30,786 started killing dogs when he was in grade school. 250 00:14:30,870 --> 00:14:34,623 Ian Brady, the infamous Moors murderer, killed his first cat when he was 10. 251 00:14:34,957 --> 00:14:37,668 I'm all the dark deeds you did in our youth, 252 00:14:38,043 --> 00:14:40,296 like what we did to our old cat, Caramel. 253 00:14:40,671 --> 00:14:44,633 Caramel ran away. I didn't do anything to her. 254 00:14:44,800 --> 00:14:47,970 Oh, Betty, we both know that we drowned Caramel. 255 00:14:48,470 --> 00:14:51,473 [Charles] Robert Thompson tied rabbits to railway tracks. 256 00:14:52,266 --> 00:14:53,726 Betty, are you okay? 257 00:14:54,018 --> 00:14:56,604 I need to get some air. Sorry. 258 00:14:56,687 --> 00:14:57,563 [Charles] Okay. 259 00:15:02,526 --> 00:15:04,320 [FP] I arrived at the cabin alone. 260 00:15:04,778 --> 00:15:07,448 The suspect, Tall Boy, got violent. 261 00:15:08,532 --> 00:15:11,785 Resisted arrest. And unfortunately, I had to discharge my weapon. 262 00:15:12,369 --> 00:15:14,788 He expired on his way to the hospital. 263 00:15:15,164 --> 00:15:18,083 And later, when you searched Tall Boy's motel room, 264 00:15:18,417 --> 00:15:21,545 did you find Hermione Lodge's Tucci bag full of cash? 265 00:15:22,254 --> 00:15:23,088 No. 266 00:15:23,380 --> 00:15:26,425 And yet, the prosecution claims they found the bag there. 267 00:15:26,634 --> 00:15:29,386 -If it was, it was planted later. -Thank you, sheriff. 268 00:15:30,638 --> 00:15:31,889 Your witness, counselor. 269 00:15:34,725 --> 00:15:37,102 The cabin where you claim to have shot Tall Boy, 270 00:15:37,186 --> 00:15:38,646 do you know who owns that cabin? 271 00:15:39,271 --> 00:15:40,564 I assumed it was Hiram's. 272 00:15:41,148 --> 00:15:44,068 This is a copy of the lease. Kindly read the owner's name. 273 00:15:52,076 --> 00:15:53,077 "Hermione Lodge." 274 00:15:53,160 --> 00:15:54,828 [crowd murmuring] 275 00:15:54,912 --> 00:15:56,538 -[Judge] Order. -[gavel banging] 276 00:15:56,622 --> 00:15:57,456 Order. 277 00:16:17,142 --> 00:16:18,477 [Jughead] Excuse me, Mr. DuPont. 278 00:16:20,187 --> 00:16:22,106 Did you happen to know my grandfather? 279 00:16:22,898 --> 00:16:25,609 Forsythe Jones the First? 280 00:16:28,153 --> 00:16:30,489 That is why you look familiar. 281 00:16:31,156 --> 00:16:33,617 Your grandfather was an excellent writer. 282 00:16:34,785 --> 00:16:36,996 Tell me, how's he doing? Does he still write? 283 00:16:37,663 --> 00:16:40,499 I... I actually don't know. I've never met him. 284 00:16:40,708 --> 00:16:43,293 Up until this exact moment, I didn't even know he was a writer. 285 00:16:43,502 --> 00:16:44,712 A bit of a brawler, too. 286 00:16:45,170 --> 00:16:48,799 Forsythe got into all kinds of rabble-rousing before he left Stonewall. 287 00:16:48,882 --> 00:16:51,510 Is that why he left? He was kicked out for fighting? 288 00:16:51,760 --> 00:16:54,972 Oh, It was so long ago, I don't remember the exact circumstances. 289 00:16:55,055 --> 00:16:57,558 But I will never forget his talent. 290 00:16:57,725 --> 00:17:01,645 We would read his works in class and I couldn't believe a teenager wrote them. 291 00:17:02,438 --> 00:17:04,940 -Does your father write? -No, he's a sheriff. 292 00:17:05,816 --> 00:17:09,361 Would you invite your father to the reception tomorrow? 293 00:17:09,695 --> 00:17:12,114 I would love to meet Forsythe's son. 294 00:17:13,490 --> 00:17:15,075 Yeah, I'll see if he can come. 295 00:17:17,953 --> 00:17:18,787 Thank you. 296 00:17:21,498 --> 00:17:24,334 Mrs. Andrews is back-channeling with the DA's office. 297 00:17:24,626 --> 00:17:26,045 They're talking plea deals. 298 00:17:26,253 --> 00:17:30,924 Mom... why didn't you tell us that the cabin was under your name? 299 00:17:32,092 --> 00:17:33,093 Because it wasn't. 300 00:17:33,594 --> 00:17:38,057 Veronica, your father must have forged a lease or a contract or something. 301 00:17:38,557 --> 00:17:42,102 So, then why didn't you say that you'd never even been to this cabin? 302 00:17:43,937 --> 00:17:44,938 Because I have. 303 00:17:47,733 --> 00:17:49,276 [gunshots] 304 00:17:51,070 --> 00:17:53,405 Mom, it's now or never. 305 00:17:55,949 --> 00:18:00,496 I need you to tell me the truth about everything so I can help you. 306 00:18:02,039 --> 00:18:05,209 [Mary] If everything you've told me is true, then I have no moves left. 307 00:18:05,459 --> 00:18:08,295 The more the prosecutor digs, the guiltier you'll be. 308 00:18:08,670 --> 00:18:11,590 And that's for crimes that aren't even on their radar yet. 309 00:18:12,091 --> 00:18:14,718 There's no magic wand that makes this just go away. 310 00:18:15,219 --> 00:18:16,762 What if there were one? 311 00:18:17,096 --> 00:18:19,181 And my mother changed her plea to guilty? 312 00:18:19,348 --> 00:18:22,643 -Veronica-- -Look, Mom, we've gotta be realistic here. 313 00:18:22,893 --> 00:18:26,063 Why not admit to what everyone already knows, 314 00:18:27,022 --> 00:18:29,733 before something else, something worse comes out? 315 00:18:29,983 --> 00:18:33,821 Veronica, your mother would go to prison probably for the rest of her life. 316 00:18:33,904 --> 00:18:37,199 Not if we get someone with a magic wand to pardon her. 317 00:18:37,282 --> 00:18:39,201 [Mary] That can only happen at the state level. 318 00:18:39,368 --> 00:18:41,995 So unless you're friends with Governor Dooley... 319 00:18:42,204 --> 00:18:46,792 I wouldn't say friends exactly, but we do have a history. 320 00:18:47,835 --> 00:18:48,752 All of us. 321 00:19:07,312 --> 00:19:09,857 [cat whining] 322 00:19:12,901 --> 00:19:14,444 Hey, are you okay? 323 00:19:16,613 --> 00:19:17,656 What are you doing? 324 00:19:21,034 --> 00:19:21,869 No! 325 00:19:25,455 --> 00:19:26,498 Caramel. 326 00:19:31,086 --> 00:19:31,962 [knock on door] 327 00:19:33,964 --> 00:19:34,798 [Jughead] Hey. 328 00:19:35,966 --> 00:19:38,218 You free for lunch? You wanna go to Pop's and get a burger? 329 00:19:39,094 --> 00:19:40,929 I got a lot on my mind. What's up? 330 00:19:41,346 --> 00:19:44,641 I wanted to ask you about Grandpa. Did you know he was a writer? 331 00:19:46,727 --> 00:19:47,686 Yeah. 332 00:19:48,770 --> 00:19:49,938 Where'd you hear that? 333 00:19:50,022 --> 00:19:52,191 Oh, one of his old classmates is visiting Stonewall Prep. 334 00:19:52,274 --> 00:19:54,651 They have a reception later, if you wanna come hang out. 335 00:19:55,694 --> 00:19:58,947 Waste a day with a bunch of blue bloods who think they're better than me? No. 336 00:19:59,031 --> 00:20:01,325 You're the one that pushed me to go to Stonewall Prep. 337 00:20:01,408 --> 00:20:04,328 Hell, you'd probably make me put on a tie and a blazer. 338 00:20:04,411 --> 00:20:08,874 And just so you know, my old man wasn't a writer, he was a dropout. 339 00:20:09,291 --> 00:20:11,293 All right? He couldn't hold down a job. 340 00:20:11,543 --> 00:20:16,590 He was a mean, mean drunk who took all of his anger out on me and your grandma. 341 00:20:17,049 --> 00:20:19,092 Was the best day of my life when he skipped out on us. 342 00:20:19,176 --> 00:20:23,513 So, do I wanna hear about what a great writer he was back in high school? No. 343 00:20:24,723 --> 00:20:25,682 No, I'm... 344 00:20:26,433 --> 00:20:28,727 I'm good with my memories but you have fun. 345 00:20:34,399 --> 00:20:35,609 [door closes] 346 00:20:43,033 --> 00:20:44,785 Governor Dooley! You made it. 347 00:20:45,118 --> 00:20:47,996 -Oh, no, not again. -Yes, again. 348 00:20:48,789 --> 00:20:50,415 I have a small favor to ask you. 349 00:20:51,458 --> 00:20:54,127 I was told this meeting was requested by the FBI. 350 00:20:54,294 --> 00:20:57,297 No, I'd rather keep the FBI out of this, if at all possible. 351 00:20:58,048 --> 00:21:01,635 So, in this folder, you'll find evidence that paints 352 00:21:01,718 --> 00:21:03,929 a rather corrupt portrait of you, governor. 353 00:21:04,471 --> 00:21:08,350 Ordering a bogus quarantine. Accepting drug money as a bribe. 354 00:21:08,433 --> 00:21:10,477 Receiving kickbacks from my father's jail. 355 00:21:10,560 --> 00:21:14,731 Young lady, how many times do you think you can blackmail me? 356 00:21:14,982 --> 00:21:18,193 Help me now and this will be the last. I'll put that in writing. 357 00:21:18,652 --> 00:21:20,445 As you know, my mother's on trial. 358 00:21:20,529 --> 00:21:24,491 If she pleads guilty, I need you to grant her a pardon, immediately. 359 00:21:25,200 --> 00:21:28,412 In exchange, I won't release this file of incriminating evidence. 360 00:21:29,705 --> 00:21:33,208 What do you say, Donald? Once more for old time's sake? 361 00:21:37,212 --> 00:21:38,463 [DuPont tapping on glass] 362 00:21:38,547 --> 00:21:40,340 May I have your attention? 363 00:21:40,507 --> 00:21:44,886 In Literary Society tradition, it wouldn't be a proper reunion 364 00:21:44,970 --> 00:21:47,264 without a little game of murder. 365 00:21:48,515 --> 00:21:50,475 [Chipping] For neophytes, the rules are as follows: 366 00:21:50,559 --> 00:21:52,102 Everyone draws a card. 367 00:21:53,812 --> 00:21:57,607 Whoever picks "murderer" must walk amongst us, 368 00:21:58,275 --> 00:21:59,943 winking at their prey. 369 00:22:00,610 --> 00:22:04,448 If you are winked at, you die five seconds later. 370 00:22:11,038 --> 00:22:15,250 The object of the game of course is to identify the murderer before being killed. 371 00:22:16,376 --> 00:22:17,711 Happy hunting, everybody. 372 00:22:20,297 --> 00:22:22,174 [Donna] Enjoying yourself, Jones? 373 00:22:22,257 --> 00:22:25,886 So, this is what one-percenters do for fun. They play murder, huh? 374 00:22:26,762 --> 00:22:27,763 Oh, by the way... 375 00:22:29,306 --> 00:22:30,182 Wicked, Jones. 376 00:22:30,724 --> 00:22:33,435 -I should-- -Yeah, go on, then. Let me die in peace. 377 00:22:39,316 --> 00:22:40,192 [groans] 378 00:22:43,695 --> 00:22:45,030 [boy] Nicely done. 379 00:22:46,656 --> 00:22:48,033 [Chipping] Down to the wire, boys. 380 00:22:51,787 --> 00:22:53,872 [coughs and chokes, then body thuds] 381 00:22:55,332 --> 00:22:57,667 -It's Jughead. He's the murderer! -Because I just killed you. 382 00:22:57,751 --> 00:22:59,503 I knew it was him beforehand. I win. 383 00:22:59,586 --> 00:23:01,963 I'm sorry, I can't hear you. Because you're dead. 384 00:23:02,214 --> 00:23:05,967 -No, I'm not, I-- -[DuPont] Boys. Let's be men about this. 385 00:23:06,051 --> 00:23:08,553 It's clear that Jughead Jones won the game, fair and square. 386 00:23:09,012 --> 00:23:11,556 -And what a formidable murderer he was. -Wha... 387 00:23:11,640 --> 00:23:13,016 [all clapping] 388 00:23:21,066 --> 00:23:23,360 I'm disappointed I didn't get to meet your father. 389 00:23:23,610 --> 00:23:25,654 Oh, yeah. He's been busy with work. 390 00:23:25,946 --> 00:23:27,030 Oh, I understand. 391 00:23:27,405 --> 00:23:30,283 I hope you'll enter the contest to be our new ghostwriter. 392 00:23:30,367 --> 00:23:34,913 I mean, the grandson of Forsythe Jones would be a worthy inheritor of the mantle. 393 00:23:35,580 --> 00:23:37,124 [Charles] Serial killers are compulsive. 394 00:23:37,415 --> 00:23:40,627 They leave clues, take trophies, keep records. 395 00:23:41,086 --> 00:23:44,673 Journals, diaries, letters. 396 00:23:44,965 --> 00:23:47,592 They see themselves as the hero in their own stories. 397 00:23:47,676 --> 00:23:51,179 Sometimes it's difficult for them to distinguish between reality and fantasy, 398 00:23:51,263 --> 00:23:52,806 fact and fabrication. 399 00:23:55,225 --> 00:23:57,352 By studying childhood diaries of serial killers, 400 00:23:57,435 --> 00:24:00,355 we can gain invaluable insight into how their minds work. 401 00:24:18,206 --> 00:24:20,959 Your Honor, in lieu of a closing statement, 402 00:24:21,251 --> 00:24:22,836 my client would like to say something. 403 00:24:23,170 --> 00:24:24,379 Proceed. 404 00:24:28,175 --> 00:24:33,346 Your Honor, after careful consideration, I've decided to change my plea. 405 00:24:33,805 --> 00:24:36,641 I, Hermione Apollonia Lodge... 406 00:24:38,560 --> 00:24:40,562 plead guilty to the charges against me. 407 00:24:40,645 --> 00:24:42,814 [crowd murmuring] 408 00:24:51,448 --> 00:24:53,408 [Betty] I lied to you, Kevin. 409 00:24:53,491 --> 00:24:57,120 At the hospital, Dr. Patel told me that I do have the genes. 410 00:24:58,455 --> 00:24:59,497 And there's more. 411 00:25:01,625 --> 00:25:05,045 Something that I think I may have repressed. 412 00:25:07,422 --> 00:25:09,257 Do you remember my cat, Caramel? 413 00:25:14,638 --> 00:25:15,639 A car hit her. 414 00:25:16,765 --> 00:25:19,517 -And I found her on our front lawn. -[Caramel whining] 415 00:25:19,809 --> 00:25:21,061 She was in pain. 416 00:25:21,853 --> 00:25:22,729 Dying. 417 00:25:24,689 --> 00:25:28,526 And it sounded like someone screaming. 418 00:25:29,444 --> 00:25:32,614 So I went to get my dad for help. 419 00:25:33,448 --> 00:25:35,242 And he took me back outside. 420 00:25:36,868 --> 00:25:38,495 [Hal] Caramel is your cat, Betty. 421 00:25:39,412 --> 00:25:41,206 You need to take care of this. 422 00:25:41,998 --> 00:25:43,541 And he handed me a rock. 423 00:25:51,174 --> 00:25:52,050 And he made me... 424 00:25:56,388 --> 00:25:57,430 [Caramel squeals] 425 00:25:58,556 --> 00:25:59,724 [Hal] Good girl, Betty. 426 00:26:00,517 --> 00:26:02,060 Very good girl. 427 00:26:02,686 --> 00:26:04,354 I killed Caramel. 428 00:26:04,729 --> 00:26:07,440 No, Betty, that wasn't you. 429 00:26:07,524 --> 00:26:10,735 That was your deeply screwed-up dad. 430 00:26:11,027 --> 00:26:12,612 Oh, and I'm not screwed up? 431 00:26:13,488 --> 00:26:16,533 I'm repressing memories of killing animals, Kevin. 432 00:26:18,576 --> 00:26:23,498 Betty, I think this FBI training might be getting a little too intense right now. 433 00:26:24,374 --> 00:26:28,628 I think we should maybe consider withdrawing. 434 00:26:31,673 --> 00:26:33,216 [Archie] That's it, keep your hands up. 435 00:26:34,759 --> 00:26:35,677 Protect your face. 436 00:26:36,761 --> 00:26:37,721 [Munroe] Jab, jab. 437 00:26:38,513 --> 00:26:39,347 Good job. 438 00:26:39,806 --> 00:26:40,932 [Archie] Keep those hands up. 439 00:26:42,767 --> 00:26:43,601 That's it. 440 00:26:45,437 --> 00:26:47,439 [FP] Hey, Red, you got a minute? 441 00:26:47,772 --> 00:26:49,190 [Archie] Sure. What's up, Mr. Jones? 442 00:26:50,275 --> 00:26:52,027 Some of the local business owners 443 00:26:52,110 --> 00:26:53,987 have lodged a few complaints against your center. 444 00:26:54,529 --> 00:26:57,240 Littering, vandalism, public urination. 445 00:26:58,867 --> 00:27:00,910 Due respect, Mr. Jones, that's BS. 446 00:27:01,161 --> 00:27:04,414 I'm here every morning and I lock up every night. These kids aren't doing that. 447 00:27:04,497 --> 00:27:07,542 When I rolled with the Serpents, we dealt with the same crap. 448 00:27:07,876 --> 00:27:11,379 Wherever we set up, complaints followed. No one wants a gang around. 449 00:27:11,796 --> 00:27:14,674 The problem isn't the kids, it's the thugs that show up after we lock up. 450 00:27:14,758 --> 00:27:18,303 They're gnarly. This place is supposed to make the neighborhood better. 451 00:27:18,386 --> 00:27:21,598 Well, show them that. Do what the Serpents used to do. 452 00:27:21,723 --> 00:27:24,934 Invite some of the yokels over for a get-to-know-you clambake. 453 00:27:25,143 --> 00:27:29,189 People are less likely to call the cops if they've had a conversation with you. 454 00:27:29,481 --> 00:27:30,315 All right? 455 00:27:35,820 --> 00:27:38,656 You think you really pulled something off at the reception, don't you? 456 00:27:39,991 --> 00:27:43,787 Bret, Bret, Bret. Are you really still mad about that murder game? 457 00:27:47,248 --> 00:27:49,876 All right. Well, if it means that much to you... 458 00:27:51,461 --> 00:27:52,295 Poof. 459 00:27:52,629 --> 00:27:54,464 Consider yourself raised from the dead, preppy. 460 00:27:54,923 --> 00:27:55,757 "Preppy." 461 00:27:56,466 --> 00:27:59,469 You turn your nose up at us, you scorn us for our privilege. 462 00:28:00,637 --> 00:28:03,807 But the only reason you're here is because some school benefactors 463 00:28:03,890 --> 00:28:05,934 thought it'd look good to take on a charity case. 464 00:28:06,559 --> 00:28:07,936 Some dirt-poor scholarship kid. 465 00:28:08,019 --> 00:28:10,939 I'm here because of my writing. Just get over it. 466 00:28:11,022 --> 00:28:13,900 No, Jughead, you're not here because of your talent. 467 00:28:14,109 --> 00:28:15,360 The admissions committee? 468 00:28:15,652 --> 00:28:17,862 None of them have read a single word you've ever written. 469 00:28:18,321 --> 00:28:22,158 You're a statistic, a project. Every year there's one of you. 470 00:28:22,409 --> 00:28:25,829 Some welfare freeloader who never amounts to anything. 471 00:28:26,287 --> 00:28:28,998 Just like your grandfather. He couldn't even make it a semester. 472 00:28:29,082 --> 00:28:32,085 That is your past, present and future, Jughead. 473 00:28:34,838 --> 00:28:35,713 Shut your mouth! 474 00:28:36,131 --> 00:28:38,049 Looks like you've inherited his temper, too, huh? 475 00:28:41,052 --> 00:28:44,764 They all know I'm right. And deep down, you know it, too. 476 00:29:02,282 --> 00:29:05,160 Most of you know me by now, but my name's Archie Andrews. 477 00:29:05,410 --> 00:29:06,995 I run this place with Munroe Moore. 478 00:29:07,954 --> 00:29:11,166 And we invited you here today to set the record straight about a few things. 479 00:29:11,875 --> 00:29:12,792 Starting with... 480 00:29:13,168 --> 00:29:16,045 Despite a few bogus complaints that have been made... 481 00:29:17,630 --> 00:29:19,758 this community center isn't going anywhere. 482 00:29:19,841 --> 00:29:24,012 In fact, starting today, we will be expanding our hours to 11 p.m. 483 00:29:24,304 --> 00:29:25,555 and we'll be open on Sundays. 484 00:29:25,889 --> 00:29:28,516 So, to my neighbors, I say: 485 00:29:28,600 --> 00:29:31,603 Instead of working against us, why don't you come in and help out? 486 00:29:32,020 --> 00:29:34,397 Sponsor a baseball team. Donate your time. 487 00:29:34,689 --> 00:29:37,776 These kids need people to show them that they care. 488 00:29:38,401 --> 00:29:40,945 Which is why we're starting a Big Brothers and Big Sisters program. 489 00:29:41,488 --> 00:29:44,866 The Riverdale High Bulldogs and Vixens have already volunteered, 490 00:29:44,949 --> 00:29:45,825 so why don't you? 491 00:29:46,201 --> 00:29:49,120 And if you still wanna shut us down, then go ahead and try. 492 00:29:49,370 --> 00:29:50,872 My mom is a very good lawyer. 493 00:29:51,331 --> 00:29:52,582 Or you can try the cops. 494 00:29:52,791 --> 00:29:55,001 I'll call my best friend's dad, the sheriff of Riverdale. 495 00:29:55,627 --> 00:30:00,548 Otherwise, my friendly advice to you is get out of my way. 496 00:30:05,845 --> 00:30:09,307 -[Archie] Can I help you? -Look, I own the hardware store on Drury. 497 00:30:09,682 --> 00:30:11,643 And I admire what you're trying to accomplish here. 498 00:30:11,851 --> 00:30:12,977 And I'm not the only one. 499 00:30:13,353 --> 00:30:14,687 So, why didn't you say that, then? 500 00:30:15,271 --> 00:30:19,275 The thing is, many of us business owners are getting... pressured 501 00:30:19,651 --> 00:30:20,944 to speak out against your center. 502 00:30:21,110 --> 00:30:22,070 Not by Hiram Lodge? 503 00:30:23,530 --> 00:30:24,572 No. Um... 504 00:30:25,406 --> 00:30:26,366 His name is Dodger. 505 00:30:26,908 --> 00:30:28,743 And we've been paying him a protection fee. 506 00:30:28,952 --> 00:30:30,745 Lately, he's added a request. 507 00:30:31,079 --> 00:30:34,541 Protest your center... or risk losing his protection. 508 00:30:35,416 --> 00:30:37,293 And then maybe our stores get robbed 509 00:30:37,877 --> 00:30:38,878 or burned to the ground. 510 00:30:39,671 --> 00:30:41,881 So Dodger's the one who wants us out of here. 511 00:30:43,007 --> 00:30:46,219 Every kid who sets foot in your place is one less running scams 512 00:30:46,302 --> 00:30:47,470 for him on the streets. 513 00:30:54,102 --> 00:30:57,272 Well... look what the cat dragged in. 514 00:30:58,022 --> 00:31:00,775 I'm done with Stonewall Prep. That place is toxic. 515 00:31:01,484 --> 00:31:03,987 I'm going back to Riverdale High to be with my friends. 516 00:31:04,070 --> 00:31:05,530 Nope. Mm-mm. 517 00:31:06,364 --> 00:31:08,241 You're not throwing away this opportunity. 518 00:31:08,449 --> 00:31:11,077 You're giving me whiplash, Dad. What opportunity? 519 00:31:11,703 --> 00:31:13,162 So I can be buried alive in a coffin? 520 00:31:13,246 --> 00:31:16,749 Or be told that I'm only there because I grew up in a trailer park? 521 00:31:16,958 --> 00:31:19,294 -Someone said that to you? -Yeah, Bret did. 522 00:31:19,669 --> 00:31:23,131 Well, who cares how you got in? You're in. 523 00:31:23,339 --> 00:31:25,633 And those silver spoons? They feel threatened. 524 00:31:26,175 --> 00:31:28,970 Look, this Bret kid? He knows you're better than him, 525 00:31:29,053 --> 00:31:30,638 that you're gonna leave him in the dust. 526 00:31:30,805 --> 00:31:34,517 And you'll do it without the privilege or the fancy name. 527 00:31:34,767 --> 00:31:38,813 But if you drop out now, you're no better than my old man. 528 00:31:39,230 --> 00:31:42,650 If you hated him so much, then why would you name me after him? 529 00:31:42,734 --> 00:31:43,985 It's my name, too, don't forget. 530 00:31:44,068 --> 00:31:46,821 And, yeah, I hate him, but he's still my old man, 531 00:31:46,905 --> 00:31:48,740 so that's gotta count for something, huh? 532 00:31:51,784 --> 00:31:52,744 Also... 533 00:31:56,497 --> 00:31:57,957 those books weren't from me. 534 00:31:58,541 --> 00:32:01,961 Your grandad sent them from... wherever the hell he was. 535 00:32:03,046 --> 00:32:04,464 I didn't tell you because... 536 00:32:05,381 --> 00:32:08,217 Because I'm still angry at how he treated us. 537 00:32:08,301 --> 00:32:11,471 Now, he was a hard man and there was no love lost between us, 538 00:32:11,554 --> 00:32:14,474 but I gotta give the devil his due. Those books you love... 539 00:32:15,642 --> 00:32:16,476 were from him. 540 00:32:19,312 --> 00:32:21,940 -And you have no idea where he is now? -No. 541 00:32:22,607 --> 00:32:25,151 -Do you want me to look for him? -No, I don't. 542 00:32:26,444 --> 00:32:29,322 But I'll tell you what I do want. I want you to go back. 543 00:32:30,573 --> 00:32:35,161 I want you to do what my father never did, what I never did. Graduate high school. 544 00:32:36,496 --> 00:32:40,500 Show those preppies what it means to be a Jones man. 545 00:32:41,209 --> 00:32:42,877 Bring honor to our name. 546 00:32:55,473 --> 00:32:57,266 I'm quitting the program, Charles. 547 00:32:57,600 --> 00:33:00,979 -But you're a natural. -That's the problem. It's too easy for me. 548 00:33:01,062 --> 00:33:04,148 I could identify every single killer in your slideshow. 549 00:33:04,983 --> 00:33:07,068 Because I'm like them. 550 00:33:08,820 --> 00:33:10,321 I have the same genes as them. 551 00:33:13,574 --> 00:33:15,868 All the more reason for you to stay in the program. 552 00:33:16,786 --> 00:33:18,329 To make sense of that part of yourself. 553 00:33:18,413 --> 00:33:21,416 You couldn't understand, okay? You just don't get it. 554 00:33:21,499 --> 00:33:22,500 I can. 555 00:33:23,543 --> 00:33:24,502 And I do, Betty. 556 00:33:27,588 --> 00:33:28,589 I have the genes, too. 557 00:33:29,298 --> 00:33:31,134 In fact, it's why I joined the FBI. 558 00:33:31,426 --> 00:33:32,844 To control those impulses. 559 00:33:33,511 --> 00:33:36,431 You have the serial killer genes? 560 00:33:38,391 --> 00:33:41,602 Yeah. You can use this. Harness this. 561 00:33:42,020 --> 00:33:43,396 To keep the darkness in check. 562 00:33:44,647 --> 00:33:45,857 I did. 563 00:33:51,779 --> 00:33:53,781 [Veronica] Oh, that's amazing news. 564 00:33:53,865 --> 00:33:56,451 Thank you so much, governor, I really appreciate it. 565 00:33:58,327 --> 00:34:00,955 No, that's fine. I'll pick her up myself. Bye now. 566 00:34:04,208 --> 00:34:06,502 Sounds like you just got some good news. 567 00:34:06,711 --> 00:34:08,004 Yes, I did. 568 00:34:08,755 --> 00:34:12,508 My mother's been away for a while and she's finally coming home. 569 00:34:13,468 --> 00:34:14,844 Same as your father. 570 00:34:16,971 --> 00:34:20,725 -I'm sorry, do I know you? -No, you do not. 571 00:34:22,560 --> 00:34:26,731 But I'll tell you the same thing I told the federal prosecutor. 572 00:34:27,023 --> 00:34:29,108 That I'm a licensed private investigator. 573 00:34:29,609 --> 00:34:34,572 That I was hired by Hiram Lodge to uncover any malfeasance against him. 574 00:34:34,947 --> 00:34:39,452 And that I can unequivocally prove that the federal prosecutor 575 00:34:39,535 --> 00:34:45,041 colluded with you to frame and bring false charges against Hiram. 576 00:34:45,500 --> 00:34:48,002 -That's not true. -Yes, it is. 577 00:34:48,211 --> 00:34:53,341 I have many recordings of you two... plotting. 578 00:34:54,175 --> 00:34:59,555 Including a conversation you two had at that booth over there... 579 00:35:00,431 --> 00:35:02,934 discussing Pop Tate's subpoena. 580 00:35:03,184 --> 00:35:04,727 You had my place bugged? 581 00:35:04,811 --> 00:35:06,354 Yes, I did. 582 00:35:07,146 --> 00:35:09,440 So, here's what happens next. 583 00:35:09,732 --> 00:35:11,818 The federal prosecutor has already told the judge 584 00:35:11,901 --> 00:35:14,654 that she's dropping the charges against Hiram, 585 00:35:14,737 --> 00:35:18,366 thanks to information I provided. 586 00:35:18,699 --> 00:35:23,996 Look... whatever Hiram's paying you, I'll double it. 587 00:35:24,580 --> 00:35:25,665 Nice try. 588 00:35:27,333 --> 00:35:28,793 But that won't work with me. 589 00:35:30,044 --> 00:35:34,799 You see, our father needed help, someone he could trust, 590 00:35:34,924 --> 00:35:36,217 so he had me come up from Miami. 591 00:35:36,634 --> 00:35:37,677 I fix things. 592 00:35:39,053 --> 00:35:39,971 That's what I do. 593 00:35:40,596 --> 00:35:42,098 Our father? 594 00:35:44,559 --> 00:35:45,601 I don't understand. 595 00:35:45,810 --> 00:35:47,353 I'm Hiram's other daughter. 596 00:35:49,021 --> 00:35:49,897 Hermosa. 597 00:35:50,565 --> 00:35:51,607 ♪There's trouble ♪ 598 00:35:51,691 --> 00:35:55,027 He needed me, so I came. 599 00:35:55,153 --> 00:35:56,779 ♪Trouble ahead ♪ 600 00:35:58,739 --> 00:35:59,574 [door closes] 601 00:35:59,657 --> 00:36:01,450 ♪ Sun going down ♪ 602 00:36:02,994 --> 00:36:05,788 ♪ And come back up again ♪ 603 00:36:08,833 --> 00:36:10,084 ♪ I cry ♪ 604 00:36:12,587 --> 00:36:15,590 ♪ Mama is cryin' ♪ 605 00:36:16,340 --> 00:36:18,968 ♪ There's trouble ahead ♪ 606 00:36:47,788 --> 00:36:50,374 "Li'l Forsythe III, happy birthday. 607 00:36:50,708 --> 00:36:52,960 Sorry I'm not there to celebrate with you. 608 00:36:54,253 --> 00:36:56,964 Never let anyone tell you that you don't belong. 609 00:36:57,798 --> 00:36:59,175 Love, Grandpa. 610 00:37:01,427 --> 00:37:04,222 P.S. Trust few. 611 00:37:04,388 --> 00:37:07,099 And never let them take anything from you." 612 00:37:08,684 --> 00:37:15,358 ♪ Oh, Lord, there's trouble ahead ♪ 613 00:37:17,944 --> 00:37:19,028 [reporters clamoring] 614 00:37:19,111 --> 00:37:20,905 -[reporter 1] Sir. -[reporter 2] Over here, over here. 615 00:37:20,988 --> 00:37:23,324 Hiram. Hiram, Alice Smith with RIVW. 616 00:37:23,783 --> 00:37:25,952 Please tell our viewers, what are you feeling right now? 617 00:37:26,285 --> 00:37:28,371 I couldn't be happier with the outcome. 618 00:37:28,496 --> 00:37:31,540 And now that you've been vindicated of all your crimes, 619 00:37:32,083 --> 00:37:33,542 will you and your...? 620 00:37:35,127 --> 00:37:36,128 Daughter. 621 00:37:36,671 --> 00:37:37,755 Be leaving Riverdale? 622 00:37:37,838 --> 00:37:41,259 On the contrary, I'm excited to fulfill a lifelong dream of mine... 623 00:37:42,343 --> 00:37:45,680 and announce my candidacy for mayor of Riverdale. 624 00:37:45,763 --> 00:37:48,516 [reporter 1] Mr. Lodge, is this the beginning of your political career? 625 00:37:48,599 --> 00:37:50,184 [reporters clamoring] 626 00:37:50,268 --> 00:37:52,853 -[reporter 2] Do you have any idea... -[reporter 1] Mr. Lodge! 627 00:37:52,937 --> 00:37:55,189 [reporter 3] How's it feel to have your case dismissed? 628 00:37:55,273 --> 00:37:59,402 I'm confused. So we're not bailing on your hot brother's FBI class? 629 00:37:59,694 --> 00:38:01,445 Based on what happened to Caramel-- 630 00:38:01,529 --> 00:38:04,740 That was before I got privileged information that made me realize 631 00:38:04,824 --> 00:38:07,785 that we don't actually know anything about Charles. 632 00:38:08,077 --> 00:38:09,578 Forget "Is Charles gay or straight?" 633 00:38:09,662 --> 00:38:12,665 I'm interested in, "Is he a serial killer or not?" 634 00:38:14,250 --> 00:38:15,376 I'm serious, Kevin. 635 00:38:15,626 --> 00:38:20,589 The only places I've ever seen him are Pop's, my house and the FBI office. 636 00:38:21,257 --> 00:38:24,760 I mean, what does he do all day? Where does he go? Where does he live? 637 00:38:25,094 --> 00:38:27,513 And again, why is he still in Riverdale? 638 00:38:29,015 --> 00:38:31,559 [Kevin] I thought he was helping out Jughead's dad with some cases. 639 00:38:31,726 --> 00:38:33,019 [Betty] What cases? 640 00:38:33,853 --> 00:38:36,480 He's keeping secrets from me, Kev. I know it. 641 00:38:37,773 --> 00:38:39,442 That's why we have to stay close to him. 642 00:38:59,503 --> 00:39:00,546 [Archie] We need to talk. 643 00:39:04,842 --> 00:39:08,137 For too long, you've been preying on the youth of Riverdale. That ends now. 644 00:39:08,471 --> 00:39:10,765 It's time for you to book a one-way bus ticket out of town. 645 00:39:11,223 --> 00:39:12,475 I've got manpower. 646 00:39:13,726 --> 00:39:15,269 The support of the people. 647 00:39:17,063 --> 00:39:22,234 You... whoever the hell you are, don't. 648 00:39:22,860 --> 00:39:24,779 Consider this a declaration of war. 649 00:39:25,488 --> 00:39:30,159 Leave town or the next time we meet, you won't be driving away. 650 00:39:30,451 --> 00:39:31,786 You won't even be walking. 651 00:39:32,578 --> 00:39:33,412 It's a promise. 652 00:39:41,003 --> 00:39:42,421 I'm not going anywhere. 653 00:39:45,132 --> 00:39:46,842 You're a dead man. You hear me? 654 00:39:47,927 --> 00:39:49,345 You're a dead man! 655 00:39:51,305 --> 00:39:54,183 Mr. Chipping and I have conferred and decided on the theme 656 00:39:54,266 --> 00:39:56,435 for our Baxter Brothers writing competition. 657 00:39:56,852 --> 00:39:57,853 Who's interested? 658 00:40:07,571 --> 00:40:08,406 Jughead? 659 00:40:11,158 --> 00:40:15,204 Oh, no. I'm in. And I'm winning. 660 00:40:15,621 --> 00:40:19,208 And please, Mr. Chipping, from here on, you can call me Forsythe III. 661 00:40:23,212 --> 00:40:24,213 It's after my grandfather. 662 00:40:25,089 --> 00:40:25,965 [DuPont] Wonderful. 663 00:40:26,173 --> 00:40:29,176 Then you and your classmates will be challenged to devise... 664 00:40:31,429 --> 00:40:32,847 the perfect murder. 665 00:40:33,389 --> 00:40:34,348 That's your theme. 666 00:40:36,225 --> 00:40:37,726 Let the bloodbath begin. 667 00:40:46,861 --> 00:40:49,613 Archie Andrews, Betty Cooper and Veronica Lodge, 668 00:40:49,989 --> 00:40:53,784 you're under arrest for the cold-blooded murder of my son, Jughead Jones. 669 00:40:53,868 --> 00:40:54,702 ♪ Whoo ♪ 670 00:40:58,622 --> 00:41:00,791 ♪ Howl ♪ 671 00:41:03,878 --> 00:41:04,753 ♪ Whoo ♪ 672 00:41:08,591 --> 00:41:10,718 ♪ Howl ♪