1 00:00:00,690 --> 00:00:01,607 I built Barry's mind. 2 00:00:01,690 --> 00:00:03,023 You don't think I can tear it apart? 3 00:00:03,106 --> 00:00:05,023 Just gimme five minutes with him! 4 00:00:05,106 --> 00:00:06,565 I'll have him shittin' in my hand. 5 00:00:07,106 --> 00:00:08,732 -What? What? 6 00:00:09,940 --> 00:00:12,899 -What is this? -That is the key to my cabin. 7 00:00:12,981 --> 00:00:14,815 I wanna keep it in the family. 8 00:00:15,023 --> 00:00:17,231 I don't want the cabin where your girlfriend was murdered. That's sick. 9 00:00:17,774 --> 00:00:20,023 I can't work for you anymore. You gotta find someone else. 10 00:00:20,106 --> 00:00:21,649 Well, do you know any other assassins? 11 00:00:21,732 --> 00:00:22,649 What if I trained your guys? 12 00:00:22,899 --> 00:00:24,231 My guys suck balls, you know it! 13 00:00:24,523 --> 00:00:26,981 If I suck balls, you are king of suck balls mountain! 14 00:00:27,065 --> 00:00:28,815 Oh, shut the fuck up. 15 00:00:29,023 --> 00:00:30,857 I decided I'm gonna write a scene about Sam. 16 00:00:30,940 --> 00:00:31,857 He beat you up, 17 00:00:32,190 --> 00:00:34,273 so we decided that you needed to get out of there. 18 00:00:34,607 --> 00:00:35,732 Hey, Sally. 19 00:00:36,440 --> 00:00:37,482 Hey, Sam. 20 00:00:47,981 --> 00:00:51,565 21 00:00:51,649 --> 00:00:53,774 22 00:00:58,774 --> 00:01:01,940 23 00:01:04,398 --> 00:01:06,690 24 00:01:12,482 --> 00:01:14,649 25 00:01:18,649 --> 00:01:20,607 26 00:01:20,690 --> 00:01:23,106 27 00:01:23,815 --> 00:01:27,148 -Sorry, what? -I said, did you grow up out here, Bobby? 28 00:01:28,565 --> 00:01:31,523 -My name is... 29 00:01:31,607 --> 00:01:33,565 Oh, sorry. Barry. 30 00:01:33,649 --> 00:01:35,065 I grew up in Cleveland. 31 00:01:35,148 --> 00:01:37,981 -You guys must have a lot in common. 32 00:01:38,065 --> 00:01:41,065 So, Sally, we saw you on that space show. 33 00:01:41,148 --> 00:01:43,190 Oh... Yeah. 34 00:01:43,273 --> 00:01:45,273 Um, I've been booking a lot of work actually. 35 00:01:45,357 --> 00:01:47,774 I've been getting lots of parts. That was one of my smaller ones. 36 00:01:47,857 --> 00:01:49,649 But, um, I've got these new agents, 37 00:01:49,732 --> 00:01:51,732 -and they're really great. -She's doing great. 38 00:01:51,815 --> 00:01:55,065 That's great. I'm really proud of you. 39 00:01:55,148 --> 00:01:58,482 -Hey, I got this. My treat. -Oh. Thank you. 40 00:01:58,565 --> 00:02:00,231 So, uh, Mark Campbell, 41 00:02:00,315 --> 00:02:02,023 he's been coaching my boy's soccer team. 42 00:02:02,106 --> 00:02:03,398 -Wow, small world. -Yeah. 43 00:02:03,482 --> 00:02:05,565 -Heck, how old's your son? -Five. 44 00:02:05,649 --> 00:02:07,398 -Wow. Crazy. Yeah. 45 00:02:07,482 --> 00:02:11,649 The other day he mentioned that you were speaking to Kate about a play? 46 00:02:11,732 --> 00:02:16,023 -Yeah, I'm playing you in it. -Yeah, no, that's not-- Sort of, it's-- 47 00:02:17,148 --> 00:02:18,981 Yeah, I didn't think Kate would tell Mark about that. 48 00:02:19,065 --> 00:02:21,607 -It's not really a play. -No, it is a play. 49 00:02:21,690 --> 00:02:23,940 I mean, it's a scene in a play that she wrote, 50 00:02:24,023 --> 00:02:26,398 -and it's great. 51 00:02:27,398 --> 00:02:29,231 -Is that why you came out here? -No. 52 00:02:29,315 --> 00:02:32,106 Like I said, I was headed to San Diego on business. 53 00:02:32,190 --> 00:02:33,774 -Oh, San Diego, okay. Yeah. 54 00:02:33,857 --> 00:02:35,981 But since I'm here, 55 00:02:36,065 --> 00:02:38,523 is it like something I can see? 56 00:02:38,607 --> 00:02:40,398 -No. -No, not gonna happen. 57 00:02:40,482 --> 00:02:42,482 Well, because it's not really like a "show" show. 58 00:02:42,565 --> 00:02:44,690 It's not really like a play. It's more like a scene, 59 00:02:44,774 --> 00:02:46,981 -and it's kind of more like an exercise. -It's not an exercise. 60 00:02:47,065 --> 00:02:49,315 -Well, it is. At this point, it's an exercise-- -It's a show we're do-- 61 00:02:49,398 --> 00:02:52,815 -But it's gonna be a show that we perform in front of people. -We're in this class together, 62 00:02:52,899 --> 00:02:55,106 -and, um, we're doing this exercise. -It's a show-- 63 00:02:55,190 --> 00:02:58,148 Not really about you. It's more about me and my life, 64 00:02:58,231 --> 00:03:00,023 and so, it's not really the kind of thing that-- 65 00:03:00,106 --> 00:03:03,357 -I think you'd be bored. -It's gonna be great. 66 00:03:04,273 --> 00:03:05,607 All right. 67 00:03:06,732 --> 00:03:09,398 Well, anyway, I, uh, take off on Sunday. 68 00:03:09,482 --> 00:03:13,523 I'm staying at the Valley Inn and Suites, Studio City. 69 00:03:13,607 --> 00:03:16,231 All these cities, right? Why can't it just be Los Angeles? 70 00:03:16,315 --> 00:03:18,231 71 00:03:18,315 --> 00:03:21,231 -It's good to see you, Sally. -Yeah. 72 00:03:22,231 --> 00:03:24,357 Hey, nice to meet you, bud. 73 00:03:24,440 --> 00:03:26,940 74 00:03:28,981 --> 00:03:30,857 Nice! 75 00:03:30,940 --> 00:03:34,690 Way to go, Khazam! Great form, yeah. 76 00:03:34,774 --> 00:03:36,774 Activate your core, though, okay? 77 00:03:36,857 --> 00:03:38,732 Great stuff. 78 00:03:38,815 --> 00:03:41,023 So... 79 00:03:41,106 --> 00:03:43,899 life at stash house has been super tense, man. 80 00:03:43,981 --> 00:03:46,190 -As you know, my favorite flavor... 81 00:03:46,273 --> 00:03:49,106 -...of all ice creams is Rocky Road. 82 00:03:49,190 --> 00:03:50,857 -And yesterday, 83 00:03:50,940 --> 00:03:52,649 -I go to soft-serve machine... 84 00:03:52,732 --> 00:03:56,774 ...and Cristobal has had my favorite replaced with cookie dough. 85 00:03:56,857 --> 00:03:59,398 Which is the favorite flavor of guess who. 86 00:03:59,482 --> 00:04:01,857 -You know how people start to look like their dogs? 87 00:04:01,940 --> 00:04:05,106 Well, Esther is sporting very Cristobal-esque hair. 88 00:04:05,190 --> 00:04:07,940 -What the fuck is this? And I-- Barry? 89 00:04:08,023 --> 00:04:09,440 -Aah! 90 00:04:09,523 --> 00:04:11,148 You think this is some fucking game? 91 00:04:11,231 --> 00:04:13,231 -Think it's some fucking game, huh? 92 00:04:13,315 --> 00:04:16,065 You lose your focus, you give the other guy a chance to fire, 93 00:04:16,148 --> 00:04:17,774 you're dead! 94 00:04:17,857 --> 00:04:21,273 Kill! It's the only word I want in your fucking head. 95 00:04:21,357 --> 00:04:23,106 Kill. 96 00:04:28,023 --> 00:04:31,190 97 00:04:31,273 --> 00:04:34,106 98 00:04:34,190 --> 00:04:36,231 -We fucking speak English! -We know what he fucking say! 99 00:04:36,315 --> 00:04:37,440 Go! You fucking-- 100 00:04:37,523 --> 00:04:41,231 Your story is that your father was abducted 101 00:04:41,315 --> 00:04:43,607 and replaced by aliens? 102 00:04:43,690 --> 00:04:45,523 That's what happened. 103 00:04:45,607 --> 00:04:47,523 -I'm having a little trouble with that. 104 00:04:47,607 --> 00:04:49,357 You're having a little trouble with that? 105 00:04:49,440 --> 00:04:51,732 Well, you think-- I've had that trouble my entire life, 106 00:04:51,815 --> 00:04:53,273 -dealing with that, all right? -Really? 107 00:04:53,357 --> 00:04:55,065 No, I'm gonna act the vomit. I'm gonna act it. 108 00:04:55,148 --> 00:04:57,649 Um, probably won't see it because I'll put my head in a toilet. 109 00:04:57,732 --> 00:04:59,482 So you'll just hear like a... 110 00:04:59,565 --> 00:05:01,774 -...you know, sounds. -I can make it, I can make it. 111 00:05:01,857 --> 00:05:04,649 -I've done it before. -I think it's more powerful if you see it as well. 112 00:05:04,732 --> 00:05:07,106 -I think it's more powerful if you vomit, actually. -Yes. 113 00:05:07,190 --> 00:05:09,815 You just put your hands on me for the last time, Sam. 114 00:05:09,899 --> 00:05:12,940 I'm done with that. And that's how it's gonna be from now on. 115 00:05:13,023 --> 00:05:15,774 You hear me? You wanna choke me? 116 00:05:15,857 --> 00:05:19,565 Well, choke on this: We're done. You got it? 117 00:05:22,899 --> 00:05:24,357 I-- Oh, that's your line. 118 00:05:24,440 --> 00:05:27,190 -It's, "Oh, baby, please--" -I know, I know, I know, um... 119 00:05:27,273 --> 00:05:31,190 -Hey, listen, I'm not trying to be a jerk or anything, um... -Uh-huh? 120 00:05:31,899 --> 00:05:34,148 When we went and had dinner with Sam, 121 00:05:34,231 --> 00:05:37,273 you asked how his... his son was, 122 00:05:37,357 --> 00:05:39,148 and you thanked him for paying the bill. 123 00:05:39,231 --> 00:05:42,398 Yeah, so what? I... I don't know, I was just being polite. 124 00:05:42,482 --> 00:05:44,857 No, I get it. I-I'm just asking... 125 00:05:45,815 --> 00:05:47,523 Okay, in this you say, 126 00:05:47,607 --> 00:05:50,482 -"I don't ever want to see you again," right? -Mm-hmm. 127 00:05:50,565 --> 00:05:52,440 But then he asked us out to dinner, 128 00:05:52,523 --> 00:05:55,565 and you seemed pretty down for it. 129 00:05:55,649 --> 00:05:58,231 And I was just-- I was surprised. 130 00:05:58,981 --> 00:06:01,857 Oh, I don't wanna upset you. Listen, I'm just-- 131 00:06:01,940 --> 00:06:05,023 Do you understand what I'm saying? I'm just trying to... 132 00:06:05,106 --> 00:06:08,815 I'm just trying to understand where this is coming from. 133 00:06:08,899 --> 00:06:11,148 Whoa, hey. Sally? 134 00:06:11,231 --> 00:06:13,357 -I can make like a prosthetic head. Yes! 135 00:06:13,440 --> 00:06:15,440 In my mind's eye, that is literally what I saw. 136 00:06:15,523 --> 00:06:17,732 Oh, we'll run a tube through it, I'll have the vomit come out there. 137 00:06:17,815 --> 00:06:19,065 -Oh my God, Nat! Real vomit. 138 00:06:19,148 --> 00:06:21,774 -Hey. Hey, what's wrong? 139 00:06:22,940 --> 00:06:27,774 I never stood up to him. 140 00:06:29,482 --> 00:06:32,357 I mean, he fucking... 141 00:06:32,440 --> 00:06:34,231 he beat the shit out of me, I mean. 142 00:06:34,315 --> 00:06:36,690 He nearly fucking choked me to death, but I didn't-- 143 00:06:36,774 --> 00:06:39,649 I mean, I never-- I... I mean... 144 00:06:39,732 --> 00:06:41,899 I mean, I think I curled into bed with him afterwards. 145 00:06:41,981 --> 00:06:43,899 And I think, I think that I held him. 146 00:06:43,981 --> 00:06:46,899 I mean, I might have even said, "I love you," for fuck's sake. 147 00:06:46,981 --> 00:06:49,649 I mean, I didn't tell him to fucking choke on fucking anything. 148 00:06:49,732 --> 00:06:52,690 And then, I mean, eventually, yeah, I left, but I... 149 00:06:52,774 --> 00:06:55,023 but, I mean, he was asleep. 150 00:06:55,106 --> 00:06:57,231 Hey, but you, left. 151 00:06:57,315 --> 00:06:59,398 Sally, you left, that's what's important. 152 00:06:59,482 --> 00:07:01,732 Oh God, I mean, in the beginning, it was kind of okay, 153 00:07:01,815 --> 00:07:03,273 like for a year, maybe. 154 00:07:03,357 --> 00:07:05,273 But I was fucking 19. I mean, what the fuck did I know? 155 00:07:05,357 --> 00:07:07,607 I mean, but then it was just, you know, it was like years 156 00:07:07,690 --> 00:07:10,273 of just like beatings and apologies and... 157 00:07:10,357 --> 00:07:12,398 and this like vicious kind of cycle 158 00:07:12,482 --> 00:07:15,273 that just kept repeating itself, but I just... 159 00:07:17,649 --> 00:07:19,440 I mean, I stayed. 160 00:07:19,523 --> 00:07:22,523 Hey... -You know, I wrote it like this because 161 00:07:22,607 --> 00:07:25,607 if I don't do it this way, then how do I explain to people 162 00:07:25,690 --> 00:07:27,649 that I just like... 163 00:07:29,440 --> 00:07:31,565 like ran away? 164 00:07:33,523 --> 00:07:35,148 You don't have to. 165 00:07:36,357 --> 00:07:38,482 What, you mean like lie? 166 00:07:39,440 --> 00:07:42,940 It's not lying. You said it yourself, you said you're a strong person. 167 00:07:43,023 --> 00:07:44,857 Yeah, but... 168 00:07:46,023 --> 00:07:48,106 I mean, this? This didn't happen. 169 00:07:48,190 --> 00:07:51,315 Well, yeah, but... 170 00:07:51,398 --> 00:07:54,523 you know, Star Wars didn't happen and that's a rad movie. 171 00:07:56,440 --> 00:08:00,273 You know, just because you're in this class... 172 00:08:00,357 --> 00:08:01,482 173 00:08:01,565 --> 00:08:03,940 ...it doesn't mean that you can't have secrets. 174 00:08:05,398 --> 00:08:06,815 You know, you should... 175 00:08:06,899 --> 00:08:10,023 You should be able to be the person that you say you are. 176 00:08:13,106 --> 00:08:14,857 Like I'm Barry Block. 177 00:08:15,940 --> 00:08:17,523 I'm an actor. 178 00:08:18,981 --> 00:08:21,357 You're Sally Reed, 179 00:08:21,440 --> 00:08:23,106 and you stood up to Sam. 180 00:08:23,190 --> 00:08:26,565 -I didn't. -Yes, you did. It's okay. 181 00:08:29,774 --> 00:08:31,315 182 00:08:31,398 --> 00:08:33,273 Sally... 183 00:08:34,857 --> 00:08:37,899 You don't think all this spy game stuff is overkill? 184 00:08:37,981 --> 00:08:41,190 -No. You fucked up. Now we're out of options Oh. Mm-hmm. 185 00:08:41,273 --> 00:08:44,023 At least this way, I control the situation. 186 00:08:44,106 --> 00:08:47,190 -Yeah, -Just get him here, get him talking, 187 00:08:47,273 --> 00:08:49,857 -and I'll do the rest. -You remember he's a pro, right? 188 00:08:49,940 --> 00:08:52,357 I trained him. You think he's gonna, you know, let himself walk 189 00:08:52,440 --> 00:08:55,565 into some kind of situation where he's gonna blurt everything out? 190 00:08:55,649 --> 00:08:58,273 191 00:09:02,440 --> 00:09:04,607 192 00:09:06,940 --> 00:09:08,649 Answer it. -Okay. 193 00:09:08,732 --> 00:09:12,231 -Hey, Barry. -Hey, look, I tried that Braveheart speech, 194 00:09:12,315 --> 00:09:17,023 but, um, apparently that's like a super popular movie, um... 195 00:09:17,106 --> 00:09:19,815 Do you know of any lesser-known movies 196 00:09:19,899 --> 00:09:21,357 that maybe I could do a speech from? 197 00:09:21,440 --> 00:09:25,023 Uh, no, jeez, Barry. No, not off the top of my head, no. 198 00:09:25,106 --> 00:09:27,440 Yeah, they just have to have a good speech in them. 199 00:09:27,523 --> 00:09:30,065 Eric recommended Samuel L Jackson's speech from Deep Blue Sea, 200 00:09:30,148 --> 00:09:31,940 but he gets eaten by a shark midway through it, 201 00:09:32,023 --> 00:09:34,023 -so I don't really wanna do that one. 202 00:09:34,106 --> 00:09:35,690 -And then there's Independence Day... -What? 203 00:09:35,774 --> 00:09:39,315 -Get him here. -That's what that says? 204 00:09:39,398 --> 00:09:43,190 -Get... him... here. 205 00:09:43,273 --> 00:09:45,565 I don't wanna steal their thunder on that. 206 00:09:45,649 --> 00:09:47,981 Yeah. No, no. No, I hear what you're saying. 207 00:09:48,065 --> 00:09:50,357 I don't know, man. I'm just... just a little lost here. 208 00:09:50,440 --> 00:09:52,857 You know what, pal? Why don't, why don't you come 209 00:09:52,940 --> 00:09:56,440 over here and we'll, you know, we'll talk about it together? 210 00:09:56,523 --> 00:09:58,148 -Yeah? - Really? Oh, that'd be great. 211 00:09:58,231 --> 00:09:59,981 That'd be great. Where are you? 212 00:10:00,065 --> 00:10:03,315 Uh, the address? Uh, yeah, let me find the address. 213 00:10:03,398 --> 00:10:06,148 It's, uh... I'm at the Hollywood Palm View Motel. 214 00:10:06,231 --> 00:10:08,231 It's near Universal, and the address, 215 00:10:08,315 --> 00:10:10,482 the address is... 216 00:10:10,565 --> 00:10:12,899 217 00:10:14,815 --> 00:10:20,440 The address is 10729 Vineland Avenue. 218 00:10:20,523 --> 00:10:22,440 Vineland. All right, cool. 219 00:10:22,523 --> 00:10:25,190 All right, I'll see you then. And, hey, Fuches. 220 00:10:25,273 --> 00:10:26,940 -Yeah? -Uh, thank you. 221 00:10:27,023 --> 00:10:30,023 Thank you. I-I... I really appreciate this. 222 00:10:31,565 --> 00:10:33,482 Sure, buddy, no problem. 223 00:10:34,231 --> 00:10:36,106 224 00:10:36,190 --> 00:10:38,315 225 00:10:47,398 --> 00:10:48,899 Leo? 226 00:10:48,981 --> 00:10:50,273 Dad, hey. 227 00:10:50,357 --> 00:10:52,023 And to what do I owe this pleasure? 228 00:10:52,106 --> 00:10:55,273 Uh, we had a bunch of extra strawberries, 229 00:10:55,357 --> 00:10:57,774 and I remembered you liked them, so, um... 230 00:10:57,857 --> 00:10:59,482 We were gonna have to throw those out anyway, so I-- 231 00:10:59,565 --> 00:11:02,482 Well, that makes me feel wonderful, 'cause no matter what you feel, 232 00:11:02,565 --> 00:11:04,065 I know that I rate above the garbage. 233 00:11:04,148 --> 00:11:06,981 Look, my therapist and my wife both think this is a bad idea, 234 00:11:07,065 --> 00:11:10,315 but, uh, do you maybe want to get a meal sometime? 235 00:11:10,398 --> 00:11:12,023 A meal? 236 00:11:12,106 --> 00:11:13,815 Leo and me having a meal? 237 00:11:13,899 --> 00:11:16,732 Okay, I'm gonna AirDrop you my info. 238 00:11:16,815 --> 00:11:19,981 Push that, push that, and then push send. 239 00:11:20,065 --> 00:11:21,607 -It's on its way. -Great. 240 00:11:23,565 --> 00:11:25,940 Hey, listen, you wanna come in for some tea? 241 00:11:26,023 --> 00:11:27,482 -You want some whiskey? -I-I'm fine. 242 00:11:27,565 --> 00:11:29,690 I know it's early, but you're still your mother's son. 243 00:11:29,774 --> 00:11:32,065 -I'll call you. Okay, Dad? -Yeah. Okay. 244 00:11:32,148 --> 00:11:34,774 -Hey, Leo. 245 00:11:36,649 --> 00:11:38,482 What made you change your mind? 246 00:11:40,398 --> 00:11:41,815 You made an effort. 247 00:11:41,899 --> 00:11:44,106 -Ah. -Talk soon. 248 00:11:44,190 --> 00:11:46,273 Oh, I look forward to it. 249 00:11:47,815 --> 00:11:50,565 Uh, Dad, you... you Airdropped me 250 00:11:50,649 --> 00:11:53,565 a picture of you shirtless, in front of a mirror. 251 00:11:55,106 --> 00:11:58,649 That's because I was being fitted for a shirt, 252 00:11:58,732 --> 00:12:01,565 and they wanted to see my, um... 253 00:12:01,649 --> 00:12:03,190 You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna give you 254 00:12:03,273 --> 00:12:05,857 my cell phone number right now. You ready? 255 00:12:05,940 --> 00:12:07,690 You're a coward, Sam. 256 00:12:07,774 --> 00:12:09,607 You're a small, little man, 257 00:12:09,690 --> 00:12:12,649 and it is a big, big world out there. 258 00:12:12,732 --> 00:12:14,065 And... 259 00:12:14,148 --> 00:12:16,357 ... of my life. 260 00:12:16,440 --> 00:12:19,023 So I'm not gonna waste the rest of my life. 261 00:12:19,106 --> 00:12:21,940 So I'm not gonna waste the rest of my life. 262 00:12:22,023 --> 00:12:24,148 So I'm not gonna waste the rest of my life. 263 00:12:24,231 --> 00:12:25,857 -That's it. 264 00:12:25,940 --> 00:12:27,899 -Life, emphasize life. 265 00:12:27,981 --> 00:12:29,690 266 00:12:29,774 --> 00:12:31,482 I'm not gonna waste the rest of my life 267 00:12:31,565 --> 00:12:33,815 watching it all pass me by. 268 00:12:34,523 --> 00:12:38,231 You wanna choke me, Sam? Hmm? Huh? 269 00:12:38,315 --> 00:12:39,774 Fuck. 270 00:12:43,273 --> 00:12:45,732 Hey! Hey, man. 271 00:12:45,815 --> 00:12:48,148 Hey, Sally said she didn't want you seeing that. 272 00:12:48,231 --> 00:12:49,774 No, you said you didn't want me to see it. 273 00:12:49,857 --> 00:12:52,023 -It's my story, I have the right. -Get out of here, man. 274 00:12:52,106 --> 00:12:53,690 You know how she is. She's a chick. 275 00:12:53,774 --> 00:12:55,315 -She's fucking dramatic. -All right, let's leave. 276 00:12:55,398 --> 00:12:58,231 I have a family. This could completely fuck up my life. 277 00:12:58,315 --> 00:12:59,815 She's lucky I don't get my lawyer involved. 278 00:12:59,899 --> 00:13:02,523 That's your problem, not mine. Go. 279 00:13:08,398 --> 00:13:09,523 Go. 280 00:13:10,357 --> 00:13:12,899 -You know, you're a fucking prick, man. -All right. 281 00:13:12,981 --> 00:13:15,857 And don't forget, I fucked her first. 282 00:13:15,940 --> 00:13:18,482 I got it when that shit was tight. 283 00:13:26,023 --> 00:13:29,649 284 00:13:40,565 --> 00:13:43,148 You just hit me for the last time, Sam. You... 285 00:13:43,231 --> 00:13:47,023 -You take a look at these bruises because-- 286 00:13:47,106 --> 00:13:48,815 You just hit me for the last time, Sam. 287 00:13:48,899 --> 00:13:50,440 You take a good look at these bruises, 288 00:13:50,523 --> 00:13:53,065 because I am walking out that door, and I-- 289 00:13:53,148 --> 00:13:55,690 290 00:13:57,273 --> 00:14:00,231 No, you take a good look at my face. 291 00:14:01,482 --> 00:14:05,649 You take a look at my face for one last time, Sam, 292 00:14:05,732 --> 00:14:08,231 -'cause I am-- 293 00:14:10,815 --> 00:14:12,565 -'Cause I-- 294 00:14:13,565 --> 00:14:15,482 295 00:14:15,565 --> 00:14:17,732 296 00:14:20,857 --> 00:14:23,607 -Hello? - Hey, it's Sam. 297 00:14:23,690 --> 00:14:27,607 Look, I know you don't want to see me, but I have something that I-- 298 00:14:27,690 --> 00:14:30,023 Could you swing by my hotel? 299 00:14:30,106 --> 00:14:31,273 Uh... 300 00:14:31,357 --> 00:14:33,732 No, I don't think that's gonna happen, Sam. 301 00:14:33,815 --> 00:14:37,815 Well, I wouldn't ask except I'm moving my flight up, and I'm leaving tonight. 302 00:14:37,899 --> 00:14:40,482 And I got something, and I want to give it to you before I leave. 303 00:14:40,565 --> 00:14:42,023 304 00:14:42,106 --> 00:14:47,565 Pick up the torch, dude. I can't! Oh my God. 305 00:14:47,649 --> 00:14:50,940 -Why can't I pick it up? -Because you're terrible. 306 00:14:51,023 --> 00:14:52,857 Ooh, fuck. 307 00:14:52,940 --> 00:14:55,315 -This game sucks! You suck, dude. 308 00:14:55,398 --> 00:14:59,065 -Oh my God, what's happening? -Yeah, come on, bring it! 309 00:14:59,148 --> 00:15:00,815 I don't know, I... 310 00:15:00,899 --> 00:15:03,315 I don't think this is such a good idea. 311 00:15:03,398 --> 00:15:05,023 Sam : Look, if it's such a big deal, 312 00:15:05,106 --> 00:15:07,940 just meet me in the coffee shop, in the lobby. 313 00:15:15,398 --> 00:15:17,440 314 00:15:18,565 --> 00:15:20,899 Hi, uh, the café is closed, so... 315 00:15:20,981 --> 00:15:25,398 Sam : Yeah, I saw that. Just come up to my room. 316 00:15:25,482 --> 00:15:28,357 Sally, my flight's at 10. I gotta pack. 317 00:15:28,440 --> 00:15:30,565 It'll take two seconds. 318 00:15:30,649 --> 00:15:33,148 Okay. Fine. 319 00:15:37,315 --> 00:15:39,440 320 00:15:46,190 --> 00:15:48,023 321 00:15:50,190 --> 00:15:52,523 -Hey. -Hi. 322 00:15:55,899 --> 00:15:57,940 Um, what'd you need to give me? 'Cause I gotta go soon. 323 00:15:58,023 --> 00:16:01,732 Yeah, I know. I, uh, I meant to give it to you earlier, but... 324 00:16:18,398 --> 00:16:20,106 Oh, my God. 325 00:16:20,190 --> 00:16:22,106 Sophomore year. 326 00:16:22,190 --> 00:16:25,940 I came to all six performances. You were great. 327 00:16:27,148 --> 00:16:28,981 You can keep it. 328 00:16:29,065 --> 00:16:31,065 Okay. Well, thanks. 329 00:16:31,148 --> 00:16:34,023 Listen, I want to apologize for coming to LA. 330 00:16:34,106 --> 00:16:36,231 It was crazy. 331 00:16:36,315 --> 00:16:39,857 I have a family. I didn't want this to upend my life. 332 00:16:39,940 --> 00:16:42,940 Yeah, no one is trying to... I'm not trying to upend your life. 333 00:16:43,023 --> 00:16:44,398 -That's wasn't-- -I know that. I-I... 334 00:16:44,482 --> 00:16:47,231 I wasn't trusting you, which is crazy. 335 00:16:47,315 --> 00:16:50,231 I wasn't thinking, and I... I freaked out. 336 00:16:51,482 --> 00:16:53,690 Also, things back home have been hard. 337 00:16:53,774 --> 00:16:56,065 I haven't been in the best headspace. 338 00:16:59,565 --> 00:17:01,273 339 00:17:04,440 --> 00:17:06,398 Well, what's going on at home? 340 00:17:09,732 --> 00:17:11,607 My dad is sick. 341 00:17:11,690 --> 00:17:15,523 Oh, no. Jack's sick? 342 00:17:15,607 --> 00:17:18,148 343 00:17:24,774 --> 00:17:27,607 Look, I hope that he gets better soon, and, you know, I mean, 344 00:17:27,690 --> 00:17:30,023 keep me posted on how he's doing, 345 00:17:30,106 --> 00:17:31,899 and thanks for the... 346 00:17:31,981 --> 00:17:33,899 I will. Thank you, Sally. 347 00:17:33,981 --> 00:17:36,106 -It's great to see you. -Yeah. 348 00:17:37,649 --> 00:17:39,607 And, you know, I... 349 00:17:39,690 --> 00:17:41,857 I totally understand why you were concerned 350 00:17:41,940 --> 00:17:44,148 about my show and me using your name and stuff, 351 00:17:44,231 --> 00:17:48,065 and I just, I promise to be respectful of that. 352 00:17:48,148 --> 00:17:50,398 -Okay? -Thanks. 353 00:17:50,482 --> 00:17:52,106 Take care. 354 00:17:52,190 --> 00:17:54,190 So you won't do the play, then? 355 00:17:55,981 --> 00:17:58,023 356 00:17:59,440 --> 00:18:03,981 No, I'm... I'm doing the play, Sam. 357 00:18:05,482 --> 00:18:07,607 358 00:18:09,231 --> 00:18:11,981 What part of "I have a family" do you not understand? 359 00:18:12,065 --> 00:18:15,315 -Yeah, it's my story, too. -Not the made-up part! 360 00:18:15,398 --> 00:18:17,774 -What? -Yeah, I saw you rehearsing. 361 00:18:17,857 --> 00:18:19,815 That scene is bullshit, Sally. 362 00:18:19,899 --> 00:18:21,774 It never happened, and you know it. 363 00:18:22,940 --> 00:18:24,857 Look, I'll change your name, okay? 364 00:18:27,981 --> 00:18:30,815 You're being dramatic! You're just doing this to get attention! 365 00:18:30,899 --> 00:18:32,065 So how about no, huh? 366 00:18:32,148 --> 00:18:35,190 How about you just grow up and don't do it? 367 00:18:37,523 --> 00:18:39,649 368 00:18:46,190 --> 00:18:48,774 Yeah, run away, just like before! 369 00:18:48,857 --> 00:18:51,607 Tell everyone how you kicked my ass or something! 370 00:18:51,690 --> 00:18:54,774 Everyone's the hero of their own story, right? 371 00:18:54,857 --> 00:18:56,857 Lying bitch! 372 00:19:04,023 --> 00:19:06,690 373 00:19:19,023 --> 00:19:20,482 What the fuck? Where is he? 374 00:19:20,565 --> 00:19:23,565 I don't know. I'm not his mother. 375 00:19:23,649 --> 00:19:27,315 -Maybe he's not coming. -You said you built his mind! 376 00:19:27,398 --> 00:19:29,815 Aah! Fuck! 377 00:19:29,899 --> 00:19:32,732 378 00:19:33,440 --> 00:19:37,231 Yeah, well... maybe you spooked him! You ever think of that? Huh? 379 00:19:37,315 --> 00:19:40,315 Nice job, dipshit! 380 00:19:40,398 --> 00:19:42,523 381 00:19:43,398 --> 00:19:45,482 -Barry? -Hey. Hey, Fuches. 382 00:19:45,565 --> 00:19:47,649 Hey, listen, man. I need to talk to you. 383 00:19:47,732 --> 00:19:49,106 Just listen, okay? 384 00:19:49,190 --> 00:19:51,482 Do not come here, you got it? And do not call me again. 385 00:19:51,565 --> 00:19:53,398 I cannot talk to you, do you understand? 386 00:19:53,482 --> 00:19:54,857 No, but Fuches, I-- 387 00:19:54,940 --> 00:19:56,774 Look, I almost did something really stupid, man, and I-- 388 00:19:56,857 --> 00:19:59,607 I am blocking your number. Do not contact me anymore. 389 00:19:59,690 --> 00:20:01,398 -What? 390 00:20:02,732 --> 00:20:04,899 391 00:20:18,482 --> 00:20:20,273 Hey. 392 00:20:20,357 --> 00:20:22,690 Hey, it's Barry Berkman. 393 00:20:22,774 --> 00:20:27,065 Look, today a guy... said something to me, 394 00:20:27,148 --> 00:20:29,148 and it, uh, made me mad. 395 00:20:29,231 --> 00:20:31,732 What'd you do? You thump him up, huh? 396 00:20:31,815 --> 00:20:34,815 Did you throw him a little high heat? A little chin music? 397 00:20:34,899 --> 00:20:40,148 Hey, Barry, we're both alphas. I understand. 398 00:20:40,231 --> 00:20:43,981 No, no that's not what I did. Look, when I, uh... 399 00:20:45,315 --> 00:20:48,857 When I get angry, I don't like who I become. 400 00:20:50,231 --> 00:20:53,231 Can I... Can I be totally honest with you? 401 00:20:53,315 --> 00:20:56,357 Barry, this is becoming a little frustrating. 402 00:20:56,440 --> 00:20:59,273 You finally open up to me, you tell me this great story 403 00:20:59,357 --> 00:21:02,857 about shooting a sheep-fucker, then all of a sudden, you don't wanna do it. 404 00:21:02,940 --> 00:21:05,440 So you start talking about our friend, Albert. 405 00:21:06,273 --> 00:21:09,190 Then you leave that, and all of a sudden, it devolves 406 00:21:09,273 --> 00:21:11,899 into some kind of Braveheart bullshit. 407 00:21:11,981 --> 00:21:13,607 For the love of God, Barry, 408 00:21:13,690 --> 00:21:16,899 would you pick one horse and ride it? 409 00:21:16,981 --> 00:21:19,190 Now what happened with Albert? 410 00:21:29,065 --> 00:21:32,315 Listen to me, son. There are no accidents. 411 00:21:32,398 --> 00:21:35,440 You started writing this story for a reason. 412 00:21:35,523 --> 00:21:39,440 The very same reason you came here tonight. 413 00:21:39,523 --> 00:21:42,023 You want to tell this story. 414 00:21:42,106 --> 00:21:45,065 You need to tell this story. 415 00:21:45,148 --> 00:21:47,148 416 00:21:47,231 --> 00:21:49,231 You'll look at me differently. 417 00:21:49,315 --> 00:21:54,148 I promise you, I will not look at you differently. 418 00:21:54,231 --> 00:21:57,649 What happened? 419 00:21:57,732 --> 00:21:59,231 420 00:22:01,231 --> 00:22:02,981 421 00:22:03,065 --> 00:22:06,148 Oh, my God. Albert, Albert! You're going into shock, man. 422 00:22:06,231 --> 00:22:08,065 423 00:22:12,440 --> 00:22:16,065 424 00:22:23,732 --> 00:22:25,732 Can't see 'em! Can't see 'em! 425 00:22:27,231 --> 00:22:29,398 Berkman! What are you doing? 426 00:22:30,023 --> 00:22:32,607 427 00:22:32,690 --> 00:22:34,190 Fucking, you fuck! 428 00:22:34,273 --> 00:22:35,815 -You fuck! 429 00:22:35,899 --> 00:22:37,690 -That's right, you fuck! -Barry, no! 430 00:22:37,774 --> 00:22:40,273 -Barry, what the fuck are you doing? 431 00:22:40,357 --> 00:22:43,774 -What? He fucking shot Albert! -Barry, stop! It's not the guy! 432 00:22:43,857 --> 00:22:45,732 What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you fucking insane? 433 00:22:45,815 --> 00:22:49,065 They were across the street on the roof, you fucking psycho! 434 00:22:49,148 --> 00:22:51,607 435 00:22:52,649 --> 00:22:55,440 Then they sent me to a hospital in Germany. 436 00:22:57,106 --> 00:22:58,690 And, uh... 437 00:22:58,774 --> 00:23:01,940 a family friend pulled some strings and got me discharged. 438 00:23:03,273 --> 00:23:05,231 After that, I, um... 439 00:23:08,774 --> 00:23:11,065 I didn't feel like I deserved a good life. 440 00:23:15,649 --> 00:23:17,398 Holy shit. 441 00:23:19,148 --> 00:23:20,690 Fuck! 442 00:23:20,774 --> 00:23:22,273 Fu-- 443 00:23:23,148 --> 00:23:25,732 Who else did you tell this story to? 444 00:23:25,815 --> 00:23:28,357 -In class? No one. -Good. 445 00:23:28,440 --> 00:23:29,732 So here's my advice: 446 00:23:29,815 --> 00:23:32,440 You never tell that story again as long as you live, 447 00:23:32,523 --> 00:23:36,899 'cause basically, you killed somebody, and you got away with it. 448 00:23:36,981 --> 00:23:38,649 See, this is why I didn't wanna tell you. 449 00:23:38,732 --> 00:23:40,023 'Cause you're gonna look at me differently. 450 00:23:40,106 --> 00:23:42,023 You're gonna look at me like I'm a murderer, 451 00:23:42,106 --> 00:23:44,649 -like I'm a violent piece of shit. -Barry. 452 00:23:46,023 --> 00:23:47,815 Listen to me. 453 00:23:52,899 --> 00:23:54,899 I have a son. 454 00:23:54,981 --> 00:23:57,649 I was terrible to this son. 455 00:23:57,732 --> 00:24:01,732 I was cruel, I was selfish, 456 00:24:01,815 --> 00:24:04,273 and there's nothing I can do to change that. 457 00:24:04,357 --> 00:24:07,774 But I don't wanna be that guy anymore. 458 00:24:07,857 --> 00:24:13,565 And I pray that human beings can change their nature. 459 00:24:14,981 --> 00:24:17,398 Because if we can't, 460 00:24:17,482 --> 00:24:20,023 then you and I are in deep trouble. 461 00:24:21,190 --> 00:24:23,315 Well, how do we do that? 462 00:24:23,398 --> 00:24:26,357 I think we're doing it already. 463 00:24:27,440 --> 00:24:29,482 You didn't beat that guy up, did you? 464 00:24:29,565 --> 00:24:31,315 You came here. 465 00:24:32,523 --> 00:24:34,440 We're talking about your feelings 466 00:24:34,523 --> 00:24:37,357 instead of acting out your feelings. 467 00:24:38,357 --> 00:24:39,940 And as for my son, 468 00:24:40,023 --> 00:24:43,273 the first time I reached out to him after years and years and years, 469 00:24:43,357 --> 00:24:46,315 I got a big, "Fuck you, Dad!" 470 00:24:46,398 --> 00:24:49,523 But today, today... 471 00:24:50,482 --> 00:24:53,023 he brought me strawberries. 472 00:24:58,148 --> 00:25:00,523 Do you think I'm a bad person, Mr. Cousineau? 473 00:25:01,565 --> 00:25:06,231 I think you're deeply human. 474 00:25:06,315 --> 00:25:08,815 You did a terrible thing, 475 00:25:08,899 --> 00:25:11,774 but do I think that defines you? 476 00:25:11,857 --> 00:25:13,690 No. 477 00:25:13,774 --> 00:25:15,981 That's why I don't think you should tell 478 00:25:16,065 --> 00:25:19,023 this story in front of the class. 479 00:25:19,106 --> 00:25:21,315 Also, they will shit themselves. 480 00:25:21,398 --> 00:25:23,690 I mean, they're children. 481 00:25:25,774 --> 00:25:27,899 So we're gonna be okay? 482 00:25:27,981 --> 00:25:30,106 I promise you, we're-- 483 00:25:32,106 --> 00:25:35,565 We're gonna work through this, okay? 484 00:25:35,649 --> 00:25:38,523 -Do you trust me? -Mm-hmm. 485 00:25:38,607 --> 00:25:40,148 Yeah. 486 00:25:44,774 --> 00:25:49,649 Now, I bill my private classes through another loan out. 487 00:25:49,732 --> 00:25:52,357 So I'm just gonna go and get that ledger. 488 00:25:52,440 --> 00:25:54,148 Okay. 489 00:25:58,106 --> 00:26:00,148 490 00:26:23,065 --> 00:26:25,649 Oh, fuck. Fuck. 491 00:26:36,440 --> 00:26:38,106 492 00:26:38,190 --> 00:26:40,690 493 00:26:44,148 --> 00:26:46,315 Aah. Shit. 494 00:26:51,565 --> 00:26:53,690 It's... I... 495 00:26:55,065 --> 00:26:57,607 Okay, okay. 496 00:26:57,690 --> 00:26:58,981 All right. 497 00:27:00,815 --> 00:27:02,148 Fuches! 498 00:27:04,273 --> 00:27:06,732 -Barry? -Hey, what are you doing up there? 499 00:27:06,815 --> 00:27:08,482 Uh, I... 500 00:27:08,565 --> 00:27:10,440 I can't find something. 501 00:27:10,523 --> 00:27:11,857 -Hey, I gotta tell you something. -Now? 502 00:27:11,940 --> 00:27:13,981 -Now? -Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. 503 00:27:14,065 --> 00:27:16,899 -I'll come up. I'll come up. -No, wait, wait, wait! 504 00:27:17,690 --> 00:27:19,981 No... 505 00:27:21,190 --> 00:27:22,440 -Fuches. -Aah! 506 00:27:22,523 --> 00:27:24,065 -Hey, you're not gonna believe this. -What? 507 00:27:24,148 --> 00:27:25,649 The best thing happened. It's amazing! 508 00:27:25,732 --> 00:27:29,065 Barry, no. Barry, no, no. Shit, shit, no. 509 00:27:29,148 --> 00:27:31,565 No! 510 00:27:32,607 --> 00:27:33,857 Fuck! 511 00:27:33,940 --> 00:27:36,106 -I know you don't want me calling. -Barry... 512 00:27:36,190 --> 00:27:38,148 -That's why I came here. But listen, listen. -Barry, just-- 513 00:27:38,231 --> 00:27:39,649 I told Mr. Cousineau about Korengal. 514 00:27:39,732 --> 00:27:42,482 He accepted me. He said that I... What did he say? 515 00:27:42,565 --> 00:27:44,815 He said I can change my nature. Do you know what that means? 516 00:27:44,899 --> 00:27:47,482 -I-I know. -That means that I can own all this stuff 517 00:27:47,565 --> 00:27:48,815 -that we've been talking about. -Barry-- 518 00:27:48,899 --> 00:27:51,231 All these things that I don't like about myself, 519 00:27:51,315 --> 00:27:52,815 that I can own them and they don't define me. 520 00:27:52,899 --> 00:27:54,482 Like, you know, what happened in the war, 521 00:27:54,565 --> 00:27:56,690 what we do together, even the things I don't like about myself 522 00:27:56,774 --> 00:27:58,106 -that I regret like killing Moss. -No. 523 00:27:58,190 --> 00:28:01,690 I don't have to live with that regret anymore. 524 00:28:01,774 --> 00:28:05,899 I can move past it. I'm not a violent piece of shit is what I'm saying. 525 00:28:07,565 --> 00:28:09,023 What? 526 00:28:10,940 --> 00:28:12,607 Hey, Barry. 527 00:28:14,023 --> 00:28:16,774 Hey, Fuches, why don't you give us a moment? 528 00:28:21,273 --> 00:28:22,607 Barry... 529 00:28:23,940 --> 00:28:24,940 Get out. 530 00:28:25,023 --> 00:28:28,315 I'm sorr... I'm sorry. 531 00:28:29,649 --> 00:28:31,106 Fuches... 532 00:28:33,732 --> 00:28:35,273 Sit down, Berkman. 533 00:28:38,231 --> 00:28:39,607 Sit down! 534 00:28:51,231 --> 00:28:52,357 I got you. 535 00:28:52,440 --> 00:28:54,523 I got you, Berkman. 536 00:28:56,065 --> 00:28:57,857 You are so fucked. 537 00:28:57,940 --> 00:29:00,190 I know that was you on the lipstick cam. 538 00:29:00,273 --> 00:29:01,315 Yeah. 539 00:29:02,482 --> 00:29:04,440 And Moss was on to you, 540 00:29:04,523 --> 00:29:07,273 -so you killed her. -Please, Let me talk to him! 541 00:29:07,357 --> 00:29:08,690 Shut up! 542 00:29:13,690 --> 00:29:17,065 Tape's off, so it's just you and me. 543 00:29:17,148 --> 00:29:19,273 Yeah. 544 00:29:19,357 --> 00:29:21,940 Okay, I'm gonna do this. 545 00:29:22,023 --> 00:29:24,065 You thought of everything, you thought of everything, 546 00:29:24,148 --> 00:29:25,565 so there's nothing left to do. 547 00:29:25,649 --> 00:29:28,231 That's how it goes. It's all worked out, 548 00:29:28,315 --> 00:29:30,649 It's all worked out, so, yeah... 549 00:29:30,732 --> 00:29:33,523 You went over it and over it, and so now's the time. 550 00:29:33,607 --> 00:29:36,106 -Hey, Loach, don't do anything stupid. 551 00:29:36,190 --> 00:29:38,940 Loach! -Shut up! 552 00:29:39,023 --> 00:29:41,899 Do you have any idea what it's like 553 00:29:41,981 --> 00:29:44,440 to fucking love somebody and have some motherfucker 554 00:29:44,523 --> 00:29:47,482 come along and take them away from you? Do you? 555 00:29:49,690 --> 00:29:51,690 I'm sorry about Janice. 556 00:29:53,190 --> 00:29:55,523 Not-Not Moss? 557 00:29:58,148 --> 00:29:59,981 That's Ronny Proxin. 558 00:30:00,065 --> 00:30:02,981 He's fucking my wife. 559 00:30:03,065 --> 00:30:06,981 You get rid of him, all of this goes away. 560 00:30:10,190 --> 00:30:12,273 What?! 561 00:30:12,357 --> 00:30:16,023 ♪ Make me a deal and make it straight ♪ 562 00:30:16,106 --> 00:30:19,440 ♪ All signed and sealed, I'll take it ♪ 563 00:30:19,523 --> 00:30:23,273 ♪ To Robert E. Lee I'll show it ♪ 564 00:30:23,357 --> 00:30:27,023 ♪ I hope and pray he don't blow it 'cause ♪ 565 00:30:27,106 --> 00:30:29,523 ♪ We've been around a long time ♪ 566 00:30:29,607 --> 00:30:31,940 ♪ Just try, to try, to try to ♪ 567 00:30:32,023 --> 00:30:34,398 ♪ Make the big time ♪ 568 00:30:34,482 --> 00:30:38,023 ♪ Take me on a roller coaster ♪ 569 00:30:38,106 --> 00:30:41,649 ♪ Take me for an airplane ride ♪ 570 00:30:41,732 --> 00:30:44,815 ♪ Take me for a six-day wonder, but don't you ♪ 571 00:30:44,899 --> 00:30:48,523 ♪ Don't you throw my pride aside besides ♪ 572 00:30:48,607 --> 00:30:51,815 ♪ What's real and make-believe ♪ 573 00:30:51,899 --> 00:30:53,732 ♪ Baby Jane's in Acapulco ♪ 574 00:30:53,815 --> 00:30:56,398 ♪ We are flyin' down to Rio ♪ 575 00:30:58,023 --> 00:31:00,106 576 00:31:03,857 --> 00:31:07,231 ♪ Far beyond the pale horizon ♪ 577 00:31:07,315 --> 00:31:09,774 ♪ Someplace near the desert strand ♪ 578 00:31:10,981 --> 00:31:14,190 ♪ Where my Studebaker takes me ♪ 579 00:31:14,273 --> 00:31:17,649 ♪ That's where I'll make my stand, but wait ♪ 580 00:31:17,732 --> 00:31:20,857 ♪ Can't you see that Holzer mane? 581 00:31:20,940 --> 00:31:23,774 ♪ What's her name, Virginia Plain? ♪ 582 00:31:27,440 --> 00:31:28,231 583 00:31:28,523 --> 00:31:29,523 Your name's Arnie Proxin, right? 584 00:31:29,607 --> 00:31:30,815 -Uh-huh. Don't freak out. 585 00:31:30,899 --> 00:31:32,899 I've been sent here to kill you. 586 00:31:33,106 --> 00:31:34,065 I'm not gonna do that. 587 00:31:34,273 --> 00:31:35,357 Calling an audible right now. 588 00:31:35,440 --> 00:31:38,231 Oh, okay, so, I want you to drive to Chicago, 589 00:31:38,315 --> 00:31:41,732 and I need you to stay there... for about a year. 590 00:31:42,273 --> 00:31:43,940 -Mm. Do you have a suitcase? 591 00:31:44,482 --> 00:31:45,815 592 00:31:47,815 --> 00:31:49,106 Today, a guy... 593 00:31:50,315 --> 00:31:53,231 said something to me and it, uh, made me mad. 594 00:31:53,440 --> 00:31:54,940 What'd you do? You thump him up? 595 00:31:55,190 --> 00:31:57,732 Huh? Did you throw him a little high heat? 596 00:31:57,981 --> 00:31:59,190 A little chin music? 597 00:31:59,815 --> 00:32:01,106 Hey, Barry. 598 00:32:01,482 --> 00:32:04,315 We're both alphas. I understand. 599 00:32:05,482 --> 00:32:07,482 This episode has a scene in the show, which I think's 600 00:32:07,565 --> 00:32:09,523 probably the linchpin of the whole season. 601 00:32:09,607 --> 00:32:11,940 Barry tells Cousineau his truth, 602 00:32:12,148 --> 00:32:13,273 and Cousineau gives that speech. 603 00:32:13,357 --> 00:32:17,398 I pray that human beings can change their nature 604 00:32:17,607 --> 00:32:21,357 because if we can't, then you and I are in deep trouble. 605 00:32:21,440 --> 00:32:22,774 He's saying it to Barry, 606 00:32:22,857 --> 00:32:25,106 but every character's kinda going through that. 607 00:32:25,315 --> 00:32:27,940 Barry and Cousineau, obviously. Sally with her ex, 608 00:32:28,023 --> 00:32:30,440 and trying to front as, like, she's a strong person, 609 00:32:30,523 --> 00:32:32,981 but trying-- having a hard time admitting that she was weak. 610 00:32:33,065 --> 00:32:35,899 And how do I explain to people that I just, like-- 611 00:32:36,106 --> 00:32:37,440 like, ran away? 612 00:32:38,023 --> 00:32:39,940 She's very ashamed about that, right? 613 00:32:40,023 --> 00:32:41,065 Incredibly ashamed by it, yeah. 614 00:32:41,315 --> 00:32:43,148 The person she is today wouldn't behave that way. 615 00:32:43,231 --> 00:32:45,940 -I like that scene for Barry a lot. -Yeah. 616 00:32:46,023 --> 00:32:47,523 'Cause he's just like, "Well, wait a second." 617 00:32:47,607 --> 00:32:49,190 -You don't have to. -I mean, this? 618 00:32:49,273 --> 00:32:50,607 What-- this didn't happen. 619 00:32:51,357 --> 00:32:52,732 You know, Star Wars didn't happen, 620 00:32:52,815 --> 00:32:54,106 and that's a rad movie. 621 00:32:54,357 --> 00:32:56,231 -Come to the dark side of... Yeah. 622 00:32:56,315 --> 00:32:58,857 of denial and... You know? 623 00:32:58,940 --> 00:33:02,732 It ends up undermining her ability to confront Sam. 624 00:33:02,815 --> 00:33:03,857 That scene is bullshit. 625 00:33:04,190 --> 00:33:05,649 It never happened, and you know it. 626 00:33:05,732 --> 00:33:08,482 He's yelling at her for putting her "truth" onstage. 627 00:33:08,565 --> 00:33:11,523 He has a legitimate point that she's fictionalizing it. 628 00:33:11,607 --> 00:33:12,732 Don't do it! 629 00:33:13,065 --> 00:33:15,649 We had this thing in season one about Loach having an ex-wife, 630 00:33:15,732 --> 00:33:18,523 and we thought, "Oh, wouldn't it be interesting if--" 631 00:33:18,607 --> 00:33:21,357 That's Ronnie Brockson. If you get rid of him... 632 00:33:22,231 --> 00:33:23,732 all of this goes away. 633 00:33:24,106 --> 00:33:25,023 What?! 634 00:33:25,106 --> 00:33:26,690 When we started season two writing, 635 00:33:26,774 --> 00:33:28,482 that was one of the tentpole things. 636 00:33:28,565 --> 00:33:30,315 The first half of the season, you felt like 637 00:33:30,398 --> 00:33:33,690 Loach was gaining on Barry, and then you do that twist, 638 00:33:33,774 --> 00:33:35,607 that then when you went back and watch the scenes, 639 00:33:35,690 --> 00:33:37,940 you realize, this is why he's doing all this stuff 640 00:33:38,023 --> 00:33:40,273 -is to get all this information on Barry. -I got you. 641 00:33:40,357 --> 00:33:42,940 So he can have Barry perform a hit for him.