1 00:00:00,041 --> 00:00:01,908 The more we learn about DNA, 2 00:00:01,933 --> 00:00:04,393 the more avenues there are for gene therapy. 3 00:00:04,418 --> 00:00:06,449 You were very articulate in there, Professor. 4 00:00:06,474 --> 00:00:07,613 Oh, good. 5 00:00:09,289 --> 00:00:11,849 I've never done anything like that before. 6 00:00:13,111 --> 00:00:15,120 You're married. 7 00:00:15,145 --> 00:00:17,144 So am I. 8 00:00:17,145 --> 00:00:22,184 Dear X, the only person I can talk to about you is you. 9 00:00:22,185 --> 00:00:24,600 Is everything OK? No, it's not that girl, is it? 10 00:00:24,625 --> 00:00:25,640 Rosa? 11 00:00:25,665 --> 00:00:27,201 If you're sleeping with her, you 12 00:00:27,226 --> 00:00:28,784 - can tell me, you know. - I'm not. 13 00:00:28,785 --> 00:00:30,544 You're beautiful. 14 00:00:30,545 --> 00:00:32,304 What are we doing? 15 00:00:32,305 --> 00:00:34,104 Remind me what it is you do again? 16 00:00:34,105 --> 00:00:35,607 Well, you know, civil service. 17 00:00:35,632 --> 00:00:38,072 Life's mysterious, which is a good thing. 18 00:00:40,638 --> 00:00:41,917 Hey. 19 00:00:41,942 --> 00:00:43,440 It's a dummy camera. 20 00:00:43,465 --> 00:00:46,035 It's easy to tell the difference if you know what to look for. 21 00:00:46,060 --> 00:00:47,319 Oh, my God. 22 00:00:50,960 --> 00:00:54,695 I just left my stuff in my office, won't take me a sec. 23 00:00:54,720 --> 00:00:56,809 No, come on, George, don't be silly... 24 00:00:56,834 --> 00:00:57,955 Get off me! 25 00:01:01,200 --> 00:01:04,829 Fear. That's what makes animals of us all. 26 00:01:40,105 --> 00:01:41,185 Home time. 27 00:02:18,105 --> 00:02:20,225 Dear X... 28 00:02:22,356 --> 00:02:23,996 ...you made me feel special. 29 00:02:26,420 --> 00:02:27,871 But I'm not special. 30 00:02:31,849 --> 00:02:33,348 I know what I am now... 31 00:02:34,625 --> 00:02:35,745 ...nothing... 32 00:02:37,138 --> 00:02:38,738 ...no-one. 33 00:02:40,145 --> 00:02:42,664 It turns out that all it really takes for your life and 34 00:02:42,665 --> 00:02:46,824 everything you thought about yourself to change for ever 35 00:02:46,825 --> 00:02:48,899 isn't love or passion. 36 00:02:50,677 --> 00:02:56,789 All it takes is one good, hard slap. 37 00:06:32,505 --> 00:06:33,585 Hello? 38 00:06:34,875 --> 00:06:36,355 Are you playing it cool? 39 00:06:38,492 --> 00:06:40,372 Yvonne? Hello? 40 00:06:42,145 --> 00:06:43,944 Is everything OK? 41 00:06:43,945 --> 00:06:45,025 No. 42 00:07:01,782 --> 00:07:03,942 - Hi. - Hey. 43 00:07:13,665 --> 00:07:14,985 Oh, Jesus. 44 00:07:23,825 --> 00:07:25,265 Did you know him? 45 00:07:27,933 --> 00:07:29,173 Who was he? 46 00:07:30,985 --> 00:07:32,508 George Selway. 47 00:07:36,177 --> 00:07:37,836 He was at the party. 48 00:07:38,705 --> 00:07:43,464 He works at the university and we do... 49 00:07:43,465 --> 00:07:46,922 external exams, you know, panels together. 50 00:07:50,265 --> 00:07:52,305 I've known him for about two years. 51 00:07:56,145 --> 00:07:58,904 He couldn't have seemed more harmless. 52 00:07:58,905 --> 00:08:02,748 You... You haven't got any marks on...? On your face or...? 53 00:08:03,225 --> 00:08:04,865 He used the flat of his hand. 54 00:08:08,190 --> 00:08:09,870 Like he knew what he was doing. 55 00:08:12,613 --> 00:08:15,533 Have you got bruises anywhere else? 56 00:08:23,787 --> 00:08:25,707 I've got... 57 00:08:28,065 --> 00:08:30,865 I've got finger bruises on my thighs from when he... 58 00:08:38,437 --> 00:08:40,237 And I've got internal bruising. 59 00:08:43,465 --> 00:08:44,985 And an anal tear. 60 00:08:49,787 --> 00:08:51,147 I didn't fight back. 61 00:09:02,585 --> 00:09:06,984 Listen, do you want me to get some people to take a statement from you? 62 00:09:06,985 --> 00:09:10,984 No, a team that's used... Used to handling this sort of thing? 63 00:09:10,985 --> 00:09:13,784 I can't make a statement, you know I can't. 64 00:09:13,785 --> 00:09:15,665 If they take a swab... 65 00:09:18,215 --> 00:09:19,415 ...you. 66 00:09:21,545 --> 00:09:23,268 Your semen will be on it. 67 00:09:24,185 --> 00:09:26,424 Jesus. 68 00:09:26,425 --> 00:09:28,758 Your semen will be on it as well as his. 69 00:09:29,789 --> 00:09:32,264 You could... You could leave it for a bit. 70 00:09:32,265 --> 00:09:36,264 They don't necessarily need forensic evidence to bring a prosecution. 71 00:09:36,265 --> 00:09:37,425 It's OK. 72 00:09:39,858 --> 00:09:41,098 I don't want you to. 73 00:09:45,265 --> 00:09:47,385 I just needed to see you. 74 00:09:50,385 --> 00:09:51,825 What about your husband? 75 00:09:53,225 --> 00:09:54,785 Are you going to tell him? 76 00:09:57,025 --> 00:09:58,547 - No. - Won't it be obvious 77 00:09:58,572 --> 00:09:59,944 there's something wrong though? 78 00:09:59,945 --> 00:10:02,103 I'll just be I'll. I'll... 79 00:10:03,105 --> 00:10:04,985 I'll be ill for a few days. 80 00:10:21,705 --> 00:10:23,984 Well, you're not hot. 81 00:10:23,985 --> 00:10:26,064 It comes and goes. 82 00:10:26,065 --> 00:10:27,384 Took a paracetamol. 83 00:10:27,385 --> 00:10:28,785 Hmm. 84 00:10:30,560 --> 00:10:31,760 How was Sunderland? 85 00:10:33,344 --> 00:10:34,664 Windy. 86 00:10:37,745 --> 00:10:41,384 You don't have to exile yourself in here, you know. 87 00:10:41,385 --> 00:10:44,345 I might be up in the night, you never get back to sleep. 88 00:10:46,785 --> 00:10:48,279 Poor old thing. 89 00:10:50,034 --> 00:10:52,754 Are you sure it's not just the hangover from hell? 90 00:10:54,745 --> 00:10:56,359 Less of the "old". 91 00:10:59,545 --> 00:11:00,985 I'll bring you a cuppa. 92 00:11:48,865 --> 00:11:50,225 Hey! 93 00:11:51,345 --> 00:11:52,864 Anyone in? 94 00:11:52,865 --> 00:11:54,345 Adam?! 95 00:11:56,865 --> 00:11:58,145 Hi, Mum. 96 00:12:00,305 --> 00:12:01,865 What are you doing in my room? 97 00:12:07,025 --> 00:12:09,624 Are you sure you don't want some toast or something? 98 00:12:09,625 --> 00:12:11,145 I'm good, thanks. 99 00:12:12,545 --> 00:12:14,424 It's OK, then? 100 00:12:14,425 --> 00:12:15,744 Just for a bit? 101 00:12:15,745 --> 00:12:17,785 Adam, love, this is your home. 102 00:12:18,825 --> 00:12:20,344 You can stay as long as you like. 103 00:12:20,345 --> 00:12:21,584 It's just a couple of days, 104 00:12:21,585 --> 00:12:23,145 just to sort some stuff out. 105 00:12:25,623 --> 00:12:27,663 Stuff to do with your music, or...? 106 00:12:34,425 --> 00:12:36,465 Maybe I will make myself some toast. 107 00:12:46,985 --> 00:12:48,984 You've reached Doctor Carmichael's phone. 108 00:12:48,985 --> 00:12:50,544 I'm out of the office. 109 00:12:50,545 --> 00:12:54,544 For urgent enquiries, please contact my assistant, Rupa Patel, 110 00:12:54,545 --> 00:12:56,584 on extension 223. 111 00:12:56,585 --> 00:12:58,225 Thanks, bye. 112 00:14:48,585 --> 00:14:50,105 The twisted little fuck. 113 00:14:53,145 --> 00:14:54,625 You did the right thing. 114 00:14:56,305 --> 00:14:59,184 Just cut off communication. 115 00:14:59,185 --> 00:15:02,544 But log it somewhere, yeah? 116 00:15:02,545 --> 00:15:05,104 Any attempt to contact you, just log it, 117 00:15:05,105 --> 00:15:06,945 - just in case. - In case of what? 118 00:15:08,705 --> 00:15:09,865 Just in case. 119 00:15:12,825 --> 00:15:14,145 He knows about us. 120 00:15:17,985 --> 00:15:19,544 How? 121 00:15:19,545 --> 00:15:20,745 Don't know. 122 00:15:22,865 --> 00:15:24,905 Maybe he saw me with a phone. 123 00:15:28,745 --> 00:15:30,540 It's as though he smelled it on me... 124 00:15:31,945 --> 00:15:33,225 ...the sex. 125 00:15:35,705 --> 00:15:36,985 Apple Tree Yard. 126 00:15:42,185 --> 00:15:45,704 Did you tell him anything about me? 127 00:15:45,705 --> 00:15:46,904 Did you mention my name? 128 00:15:46,905 --> 00:15:48,345 No, of course not. 129 00:15:49,756 --> 00:15:52,876 He doesn't know who you are, just that you exist. 130 00:15:54,505 --> 00:15:57,985 We were talking, and I was quite pissed. 131 00:15:59,425 --> 00:16:01,144 God, why was I so pissed? 132 00:16:01,145 --> 00:16:03,184 Look, hey, listen. 133 00:16:03,185 --> 00:16:05,464 None of this is your fault. 134 00:16:05,465 --> 00:16:07,265 None of it. 135 00:16:13,985 --> 00:16:15,864 What did he say? 136 00:16:15,865 --> 00:16:18,304 I was talking about Gary and... 137 00:16:18,305 --> 00:16:21,465 He said, "Is that why you're fucking someone else?" 138 00:16:23,865 --> 00:16:25,904 - And that's when he... - It's OK. 139 00:16:25,905 --> 00:16:27,225 Yvonne... 140 00:16:28,385 --> 00:16:29,705 ...it's going to be OK. 141 00:16:31,105 --> 00:16:32,305 It will. 142 00:16:36,105 --> 00:16:37,465 I'm sorry. 143 00:16:39,785 --> 00:16:41,465 You didn't sign up for this. 144 00:16:43,505 --> 00:16:45,145 I signed up for you. 145 00:17:11,545 --> 00:17:13,344 My signature dish. 146 00:17:13,345 --> 00:17:17,184 Microwaved to perfection, if I may say. 147 00:17:17,185 --> 00:17:18,584 I did try. 148 00:17:18,585 --> 00:17:21,665 Oh, if you're not hungry, you're not hungry. 149 00:17:27,665 --> 00:17:29,224 It's... 150 00:17:29,225 --> 00:17:31,264 It's girl trouble. 151 00:17:31,265 --> 00:17:32,544 He's talked to you? 152 00:17:32,545 --> 00:17:34,664 Oh, a tiny bit. Just that really. 153 00:17:34,665 --> 00:17:36,584 There's this girl. 154 00:17:36,585 --> 00:17:40,544 It's not... whatshername, from the halfway house? Ellie? 155 00:17:40,545 --> 00:17:42,065 No, I don't think so. 156 00:17:46,265 --> 00:17:47,944 Von, don't go rushing in. 157 00:17:47,945 --> 00:17:50,664 Oh, for God's sake, you think I don't know by now? 158 00:17:50,665 --> 00:17:53,264 I've barely asked him a question. 159 00:17:53,265 --> 00:17:55,264 I know it's hard. 160 00:17:55,265 --> 00:17:56,945 Hard, yeah. 161 00:17:58,825 --> 00:18:00,545 Why don't you go back to bed, hmm? 162 00:18:02,345 --> 00:18:04,505 You look like you're at death's door. 163 00:18:06,705 --> 00:18:07,945 Yeah. 164 00:19:00,265 --> 00:19:01,464 Hi. 165 00:19:01,465 --> 00:19:04,144 Listen, I've thought of something. 166 00:19:04,145 --> 00:19:08,104 I've got someone that you can talk to about what happened, 167 00:19:08,105 --> 00:19:09,424 an expert. 168 00:19:09,425 --> 00:19:11,264 I'm not sure I want to talk to anyone. 169 00:19:11,265 --> 00:19:13,105 You wouldn't have to go to a police station. 170 00:19:14,865 --> 00:19:18,464 It might just give you a clearer idea of your options. 171 00:19:18,465 --> 00:19:20,145 OK? 172 00:19:36,425 --> 00:19:39,945 Kevin should be able to advise you on reporting an incident like this. 173 00:19:45,865 --> 00:19:48,105 We went up to his office to get his stuff. 174 00:19:50,225 --> 00:19:54,104 We were both quite drunk by that stage. 175 00:19:54,105 --> 00:19:55,584 And he tried to kiss me. 176 00:19:55,585 --> 00:19:57,705 I wasn't really taking it seriously. 177 00:20:01,432 --> 00:20:02,760 And he hit me... 178 00:20:04,625 --> 00:20:06,825 ...across the face, really hard. 179 00:20:08,385 --> 00:20:11,585 That's all it took. 180 00:20:14,185 --> 00:20:16,185 And then... 181 00:20:24,625 --> 00:20:26,665 It just seemed to go on for a very long time. 182 00:20:30,147 --> 00:20:31,947 I was too scared to move. 183 00:20:40,825 --> 00:20:43,769 Did he... speak at all? 184 00:20:45,025 --> 00:20:47,785 There were a few... instructions. 185 00:20:50,905 --> 00:20:52,385 He said at one point... 186 00:20:56,745 --> 00:20:58,465 He said, "Give me your mouth." 187 00:21:04,385 --> 00:21:07,985 That's a terrible thing you've been through. I... I am so sorry. 188 00:21:11,265 --> 00:21:14,464 Now, I'm just going to talk you through the process of 189 00:21:14,465 --> 00:21:16,224 reporting the rape, yeah? 190 00:21:16,225 --> 00:21:18,704 But I can give you contact details 191 00:21:18,705 --> 00:21:22,024 for counsellors trained to help women 192 00:21:22,025 --> 00:21:23,704 in a situation such as yourself. 193 00:21:23,705 --> 00:21:25,504 No, I don't think that that... 194 00:21:25,505 --> 00:21:27,704 Oh, well... 195 00:21:27,705 --> 00:21:29,304 Thank you. 196 00:21:29,305 --> 00:21:33,064 Unfortunately, look, I'm not going to sugar-coat it, Dr Carmichael. 197 00:21:33,065 --> 00:21:36,064 Being drunk will be a gift for the defence. 198 00:21:36,065 --> 00:21:38,104 You spent the evening with this man. 199 00:21:38,105 --> 00:21:39,544 At a party. 200 00:21:39,545 --> 00:21:40,864 But you see where I'm going. 201 00:21:40,865 --> 00:21:43,864 They'll try and frame it as a date rape type situation. 202 00:21:43,865 --> 00:21:47,824 The first thing this bloke's solicitor will do, if he's charged, 203 00:21:47,825 --> 00:21:50,304 is try to get anything he can on you. 204 00:21:50,305 --> 00:21:53,224 Any... Anything you've told his client. 205 00:21:53,225 --> 00:21:57,104 Any skeletons in the closet, as it were. 206 00:21:57,105 --> 00:21:58,384 I see. 207 00:21:58,385 --> 00:21:59,784 And they'll look at everything, 208 00:21:59,785 --> 00:22:03,304 internet history, family, friends, colleagues. 209 00:22:03,305 --> 00:22:05,984 Anything they can get on your sexual history 210 00:22:05,985 --> 00:22:09,104 that suggests you like it rough. 211 00:22:09,105 --> 00:22:11,384 Any sex tapes or photos. 212 00:22:11,385 --> 00:22:13,985 Well, there aren't any and I don't. 213 00:22:16,865 --> 00:22:18,584 Will they go after my husband? 214 00:22:18,585 --> 00:22:21,944 They will definitely want to know about the state of your marriage, yeah. 215 00:22:21,945 --> 00:22:25,105 Did you tell your husband straightaway after the attack? 216 00:22:27,265 --> 00:22:29,705 I... I couldn't. N-no. 217 00:22:34,985 --> 00:22:37,584 What about mental illness? 218 00:22:37,585 --> 00:22:40,304 Depression, anything like that? 219 00:22:40,305 --> 00:22:42,584 Would that come up in court if I press charges? 220 00:22:42,585 --> 00:22:44,224 If they're trying to discredit me? 221 00:22:44,225 --> 00:22:45,985 Is there anything like that? 222 00:22:49,145 --> 00:22:51,985 When I was eight, my mum committed suicide. 223 00:22:53,025 --> 00:22:55,144 She had... 224 00:22:55,145 --> 00:22:56,652 depression. 225 00:22:57,305 --> 00:23:01,624 Well, probably exacerbated by post-natal depression. 226 00:23:01,625 --> 00:23:03,544 She never really recovered. 227 00:23:03,545 --> 00:23:06,984 And my son... 228 00:23:06,985 --> 00:23:10,265 When he was 17, my son was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. 229 00:23:13,665 --> 00:23:15,984 Adam can't be part of this. He's fragile. 230 00:23:15,985 --> 00:23:19,984 It's very unlikely your son's illness would be seen as relevant. 231 00:23:19,985 --> 00:23:22,424 But once you've brought a complaint, 232 00:23:22,425 --> 00:23:25,265 it's not up to you to decide what's used in court and what isn't. 233 00:23:26,585 --> 00:23:29,024 Now, obviously, I can't tell you what to do. 234 00:23:29,025 --> 00:23:31,744 But what I would say is, if you do decide to go ahead, 235 00:23:31,745 --> 00:23:35,344 you need to report the attack to the police, today. 236 00:23:35,345 --> 00:23:38,944 Otherwise, things that make this really very tricky to prove, 237 00:23:38,945 --> 00:23:42,584 not going to the police, not telling your husband, no forensic evidence, 238 00:23:42,585 --> 00:23:44,825 they could become... overwhelming. 239 00:23:59,382 --> 00:24:02,102 I was the first person to qualify the Wedekind experiment. 240 00:24:07,865 --> 00:24:10,065 I'm... I'm sorry, I've no idea what that means. 241 00:24:12,585 --> 00:24:16,264 When I started protein sequencing, 242 00:24:16,265 --> 00:24:17,824 we were pioneers. 243 00:24:17,825 --> 00:24:20,064 There were no computers 244 00:24:20,065 --> 00:24:24,224 and my team named genes as they were discovered, 245 00:24:24,225 --> 00:24:28,624 and those are names that are going to be used for as long as science exists. 246 00:24:28,625 --> 00:24:29,864 But if I... 247 00:24:29,865 --> 00:24:32,344 If I take this to court... 248 00:24:32,345 --> 00:24:34,344 God, it's a big if, isn't it? 249 00:24:34,345 --> 00:24:36,904 Because it seems like it's all going to come out, 250 00:24:36,905 --> 00:24:38,144 what we've been up to. 251 00:24:38,145 --> 00:24:39,790 Well, we... We've been really 252 00:24:39,815 --> 00:24:41,264 - careful, you know. - Yeah. 253 00:24:41,265 --> 00:24:43,584 Yeah, dummy camera. 254 00:24:43,585 --> 00:24:45,585 So, OK, it goes to court and... 255 00:24:47,745 --> 00:24:50,545 ...the first thing anyone's going to know about me is that I was... 256 00:24:52,737 --> 00:24:54,617 That George Selway attacked me. 257 00:24:56,505 --> 00:25:01,945 Even if he goes to prison, that's who I am now, victim. 258 00:25:06,094 --> 00:25:08,174 The world can be such a shitty place. 259 00:25:14,945 --> 00:25:16,945 I thought you thought life's a boon. 260 00:25:18,105 --> 00:25:20,104 Yeah. 261 00:25:20,105 --> 00:25:21,745 It can be. 262 00:25:24,099 --> 00:25:25,777 I'm sorry about your son. 263 00:25:27,951 --> 00:25:29,431 Must have been really hard. 264 00:25:35,465 --> 00:25:38,344 I'm really sorry, but I... 265 00:25:38,345 --> 00:25:41,584 I don't think I can ever imagine having sex again. 266 00:25:41,585 --> 00:25:43,985 - I, I wasn't... - No, no, I know. I know, but... 267 00:25:46,462 --> 00:25:48,582 Perhaps the reason for this wasn't it. 268 00:25:50,628 --> 00:25:51,948 What's the point? 269 00:25:53,865 --> 00:25:55,265 You've got your wife. 270 00:25:57,145 --> 00:25:58,705 I've got Gary. 271 00:25:59,945 --> 00:26:01,225 And now this. 272 00:26:02,745 --> 00:26:04,024 It's impossible. 273 00:26:04,025 --> 00:26:05,385 No such word. 274 00:26:08,185 --> 00:26:10,304 You were the first person to qualify the... 275 00:26:10,305 --> 00:26:12,865 The Wedekind experiment. 276 00:26:16,785 --> 00:26:18,945 I'm not sure that we should be in touch again. 277 00:26:20,585 --> 00:26:22,345 I think it's wrong for both of us. 278 00:26:24,075 --> 00:26:25,595 I'm really sorry. 279 00:26:49,745 --> 00:26:51,784 Dear X, 280 00:26:51,785 --> 00:26:55,505 whatever it was between us, it was never meant to bear much reality. 281 00:26:57,345 --> 00:26:59,504 That was the point, wasn't it? 282 00:26:59,505 --> 00:27:01,544 No real life. 283 00:27:01,545 --> 00:27:03,545 No feelings, no mess. 284 00:27:06,945 --> 00:27:09,824 But a steam might have helped, you know? 285 00:27:09,825 --> 00:27:11,304 Have you been to the doctor? 286 00:27:11,305 --> 00:27:13,504 There's no point, is there, for a virus? 287 00:27:13,505 --> 00:27:15,224 Oh, yeah. 288 00:27:15,225 --> 00:27:18,704 Yeah, it'll just be a couple of weeks. 289 00:27:18,705 --> 00:27:20,224 Anyway, you and Chris. 290 00:27:20,225 --> 00:27:23,425 How come we always talk about me and we never talk about you? 291 00:27:25,065 --> 00:27:27,704 OK, it was the sex. 292 00:27:27,705 --> 00:27:30,784 It was great in the beginning. 293 00:27:30,785 --> 00:27:32,824 Well, no, it wasn't. 294 00:27:32,825 --> 00:27:36,824 It wasn't the best ever, but it showed promise. 295 00:27:36,825 --> 00:27:41,584 And then I realised it was like a script... 296 00:27:41,585 --> 00:27:43,384 like porn. 297 00:27:43,385 --> 00:27:46,104 Like rough stuff. 298 00:27:46,105 --> 00:27:49,305 Anyway, it wasn't making me feel good about myself, so... 299 00:27:50,385 --> 00:27:52,984 Plus, I spotted a pair of Crocs in his wardrobe 300 00:27:52,985 --> 00:27:56,264 and I realised that I had to split up with him before the summer. 301 00:27:56,265 --> 00:27:58,664 Oh, Sooz! 302 00:28:00,225 --> 00:28:03,744 You'd think I'd have learned my lesson after Jay. 303 00:28:03,745 --> 00:28:05,184 Me and men... 304 00:28:05,185 --> 00:28:06,944 Hey. 305 00:28:06,945 --> 00:28:09,345 You're fantastic. 306 00:28:11,705 --> 00:28:14,264 There are some truly awful men out there. 307 00:28:14,265 --> 00:28:16,504 I know, I've dated most of them! 308 00:28:16,505 --> 00:28:19,184 No, really monstrous. 309 00:28:20,545 --> 00:28:22,704 Anyway... 310 00:28:22,705 --> 00:28:26,185 - Is he treating you all right? - Mmm. 311 00:28:28,305 --> 00:28:30,504 Oh, babe. 312 00:28:30,505 --> 00:28:31,865 I'm sorry, I'm... 313 00:28:33,865 --> 00:28:35,184 ...miserable. 314 00:28:35,185 --> 00:28:36,664 Hey. 315 00:28:36,665 --> 00:28:37,864 Fuck him. 316 00:28:37,865 --> 00:28:40,265 Fuck him... and his Crocs. 317 00:28:42,145 --> 00:28:44,646 His fucking Crocs! 318 00:28:49,984 --> 00:28:53,423 Hey. Nice evening? 319 00:28:53,448 --> 00:28:55,144 Yeah. 320 00:28:55,145 --> 00:28:56,544 You still look wobbly, love. 321 00:28:56,545 --> 00:28:59,384 Are you sure you're feeling well enough to go back to work? 322 00:28:59,385 --> 00:29:01,504 Can't stay away forever. 323 00:29:01,505 --> 00:29:02,585 I'm going up. 324 00:29:04,105 --> 00:29:05,105 What? 325 00:29:06,185 --> 00:29:07,345 Mum. 326 00:29:23,305 --> 00:29:29,544 Carrie says even smelling coffee at the moment makes her want to puke. 327 00:29:29,545 --> 00:29:31,424 Hope the baby's OK. 328 00:29:31,425 --> 00:29:34,144 Everything seems fine so far. 329 00:29:34,145 --> 00:29:37,064 Most pregnancies are problem-free, especially at Carrie's age. 330 00:29:37,065 --> 00:29:38,705 Ah, the voice of reason. 331 00:29:40,705 --> 00:29:44,624 It's the closest I'll come, I suppose, to babies. Being an uncle. 332 00:29:44,625 --> 00:29:46,824 You don't know that. There's plenty of time. 333 00:29:46,825 --> 00:29:48,384 Insight into my condition. 334 00:29:48,385 --> 00:29:51,306 All the shrinks say I'm good on that, don't they? 335 00:29:52,465 --> 00:29:54,864 It'd be a very bad idea for me to pass on my genes. 336 00:29:54,865 --> 00:29:57,345 There's no evidence that it's genetic. 337 00:30:00,145 --> 00:30:01,664 Anyway, it doesn't matter. 338 00:30:01,665 --> 00:30:05,465 There's no danger of me passing on my genes, no-one wants them. 339 00:30:07,305 --> 00:30:09,665 Dad says there's a girl you're interested in. 340 00:30:17,785 --> 00:30:20,265 She's... so lovely, Mum. 341 00:30:21,705 --> 00:30:24,465 Kind and funny. 342 00:30:27,265 --> 00:30:28,545 She can even sing... 343 00:30:30,185 --> 00:30:31,465 ...like an angel. 344 00:30:35,481 --> 00:30:37,904 How stupid was I to ever think she'd want to hook up 345 00:30:37,905 --> 00:30:39,025 with a fuck-up like me? 346 00:30:39,944 --> 00:30:41,543 There'll be someone for you. 347 00:30:41,568 --> 00:30:43,265 You don't know that! 348 00:30:45,585 --> 00:30:48,664 It's very easy for us to tell ourselves stories about people, 349 00:30:48,665 --> 00:30:50,105 that they're perfect... 350 00:30:51,105 --> 00:30:52,345 ...but no-one is. 351 00:30:55,265 --> 00:30:56,665 Not even you? 352 00:31:10,345 --> 00:31:13,544 You've never talked about your work. 353 00:31:13,545 --> 00:31:16,744 Official Secrets Act and all that, 354 00:31:16,745 --> 00:31:20,544 but you've always encouraged me to talk about mine. 355 00:31:20,545 --> 00:31:24,264 Enjoying the pleasure I take in it, I think. 356 00:31:24,265 --> 00:31:26,705 Work's always been my refuge. 357 00:32:01,265 --> 00:32:04,904 There are no more refuges for me. 358 00:32:04,905 --> 00:32:06,425 No places of safety. 359 00:32:12,905 --> 00:32:15,465 Bracing yourself for Marcia's killer martinis? 360 00:32:19,585 --> 00:32:22,744 Two parts vodka, one part antifreeze. 361 00:32:22,745 --> 00:32:24,664 It's nothing to do with football. 362 00:32:24,665 --> 00:32:26,944 It's what these boys think they can get away with. 363 00:32:26,945 --> 00:32:28,944 You're not gluten-free, I hope? 364 00:32:28,945 --> 00:32:32,864 It looks like rice, it's orzo. Pasta. 365 00:32:32,865 --> 00:32:36,144 I mean, oral sex. That's what I don't get. 366 00:32:36,145 --> 00:32:39,064 How can you force someone to give you a blowjob? 367 00:32:39,065 --> 00:32:41,144 I mean, wouldn't you just bite it off? 368 00:32:41,145 --> 00:32:43,024 It's bad enough men peddling crap like that 369 00:32:43,025 --> 00:32:44,824 without women making it worse. 370 00:32:44,825 --> 00:32:46,784 I'm just saying. 371 00:32:46,785 --> 00:32:49,384 Logistically, I'm surprised it doesn't happen. 372 00:32:49,385 --> 00:32:50,664 They're terrified. 373 00:32:50,665 --> 00:32:52,944 This girl wasn't. She went back to his hotel room. 374 00:32:52,945 --> 00:32:54,304 I mean, what was she expecting? 375 00:32:54,305 --> 00:32:56,904 I don't know. Maybe that he'd show some consideration? 376 00:32:56,905 --> 00:32:59,224 She'd be allowed to change her mind? 377 00:32:59,225 --> 00:33:01,144 Maybe she did say yes to sex, 378 00:33:01,145 --> 00:33:05,184 but she didn't mean yes to him assaulting her in every orifice, 379 00:33:05,185 --> 00:33:06,584 roughing her up while he did it, 380 00:33:06,585 --> 00:33:08,288 and his mates filming it on their phones. 381 00:33:08,313 --> 00:33:10,264 If these girls are going to get so blind drunk 382 00:33:10,289 --> 00:33:12,064 they can't think straight, inevitably... 383 00:33:12,065 --> 00:33:14,824 Well, maybe you're just too fucking complacent to think straight! 384 00:33:14,825 --> 00:33:18,104 Yvonne. 385 00:33:18,105 --> 00:33:20,185 Er, your baby's really crying. 386 00:33:22,785 --> 00:33:25,424 I'm sorry. You're lovely 387 00:33:25,425 --> 00:33:28,664 and your house is lovely, and you give lovely dinner parties, 388 00:33:28,665 --> 00:33:30,864 and everything in your world is lovely, 389 00:33:30,865 --> 00:33:33,584 so you don't really have the imagination to see what it's like 390 00:33:33,585 --> 00:33:34,864 when bad things happen, 391 00:33:34,865 --> 00:33:38,784 just randomly, great torrents of shit descending on ordinary people. 392 00:33:38,785 --> 00:33:40,664 So you're looking for who's to blame 393 00:33:40,665 --> 00:33:43,064 cos that's less scary than facing up to the fact 394 00:33:43,065 --> 00:33:46,424 that awful things can happen, even to someone as lovely as you, 395 00:33:46,425 --> 00:33:47,865 really awful things. 396 00:34:12,025 --> 00:34:13,225 Is this my fault? 397 00:34:16,905 --> 00:34:18,305 You're... 398 00:34:20,265 --> 00:34:22,265 You haven't been right for weeks. 399 00:34:27,665 --> 00:34:30,344 I'm sorry... 400 00:34:30,345 --> 00:34:31,865 about the business with Rosa. 401 00:34:35,185 --> 00:34:37,304 It's nonsense. 402 00:34:37,305 --> 00:34:38,665 No, it's not that. 403 00:34:41,785 --> 00:34:43,105 Really? 404 00:34:45,505 --> 00:34:46,985 Well, what, then? 405 00:34:53,785 --> 00:34:55,625 I'm thinking of leaving the Beaufort. 406 00:34:58,905 --> 00:35:00,664 Why? 407 00:35:00,665 --> 00:35:02,305 I'm not enjoying it anymore. 408 00:35:04,585 --> 00:35:06,784 It's really, really getting me down. 409 00:35:06,785 --> 00:35:08,464 Since when? You never said. 410 00:35:08,465 --> 00:35:09,984 I'll make up the money. 411 00:35:09,985 --> 00:35:11,984 I've got consultancy work coming out of my ears. 412 00:35:11,985 --> 00:35:13,304 It's not the money. 413 00:35:13,305 --> 00:35:14,825 There's nowhere like it. 414 00:35:16,665 --> 00:35:18,184 Is it something specific? 415 00:35:18,185 --> 00:35:19,824 No, no. 416 00:35:19,825 --> 00:35:21,185 It's just... 417 00:35:23,945 --> 00:35:26,144 It's just been building up generally 418 00:35:26,145 --> 00:35:29,025 and it exploded all over Marcia tonight. 419 00:35:32,542 --> 00:35:34,862 I'll ring her in the morning to apologise. 420 00:35:40,174 --> 00:35:43,778 I'm serious, Liz. I told you last week, no leaving do. 421 00:35:43,803 --> 00:35:46,676 Let's have a drink when the dust has settled. I'll e-mail you some dates. 422 00:35:46,700 --> 00:35:48,224 I'll get it! 423 00:35:48,225 --> 00:35:50,817 I've got to go. All right, bye. 424 00:35:54,345 --> 00:35:56,305 Secret admirer. 425 00:36:14,425 --> 00:36:15,745 Mum? Are you OK? 426 00:36:17,425 --> 00:36:18,825 Mum! 427 00:36:37,185 --> 00:36:39,384 So, the Beaufort. 428 00:36:39,385 --> 00:36:42,864 Dad seems a bit confused about you leaving. 429 00:36:42,865 --> 00:36:44,224 He's talked to you about it? 430 00:36:44,225 --> 00:36:45,944 In his way. 431 00:36:45,945 --> 00:36:48,064 He said something about your time of life, 432 00:36:48,065 --> 00:36:51,344 as though resigning was like a symptom of menopause. 433 00:36:51,345 --> 00:36:52,624 Is it? 434 00:36:52,625 --> 00:36:54,864 It just doesn't suit me anymore. 435 00:36:54,865 --> 00:36:57,064 I needed a change of direction. 436 00:36:57,065 --> 00:36:59,864 You're not going off trekking in Nepal, are you? 437 00:36:59,865 --> 00:37:02,744 Or start having a wild affair? 438 00:37:02,745 --> 00:37:05,304 Cos, you know, timing... 439 00:37:05,305 --> 00:37:08,544 I just really like working from home and your dad's busier than ever, 440 00:37:08,545 --> 00:37:10,747 so I can afford to take my foot off the pedal a bit. 441 00:37:10,772 --> 00:37:14,212 Oh, yeah, this conference in Estonia, that's random! 442 00:37:20,225 --> 00:37:22,864 Mum... 443 00:37:22,865 --> 00:37:25,025 You're not depressed, are you? 444 00:37:26,185 --> 00:37:27,825 No. No, of course not. 445 00:37:39,785 --> 00:37:41,784 Dear X, 446 00:37:41,785 --> 00:37:44,424 I loved you touching me. 447 00:37:44,425 --> 00:37:45,745 Everywhere. 448 00:37:46,933 --> 00:37:49,333 I can't imagine that ever again. 449 00:37:51,985 --> 00:37:54,184 But I do still want you, 450 00:37:54,185 --> 00:37:56,264 just you. 451 00:37:56,265 --> 00:37:59,913 And it's terrible because it keeps me feeling. 452 00:38:01,865 --> 00:38:05,944 And the only way I can see to get through this is to be numb. 453 00:38:05,945 --> 00:38:08,024 See ya! 454 00:38:14,812 --> 00:38:16,732 I think about you every single day. 455 00:38:19,071 --> 00:38:21,431 Most minutes of each day, if I'm honest. 456 00:38:24,225 --> 00:38:26,024 This is what I cling to. 457 00:38:26,025 --> 00:38:29,985 While you're off saving the free world, you think of me... 458 00:38:31,625 --> 00:38:33,544 ...because you saw me, 459 00:38:33,545 --> 00:38:34,905 I really think you did... 460 00:38:36,745 --> 00:38:38,624 and I saw you, 461 00:38:38,625 --> 00:38:41,305 and that's a rare thing between two human beings. 462 00:41:02,305 --> 00:41:03,705 I'm off, Von! 463 00:41:09,799 --> 00:41:11,439 Well, knock 'em dead. 464 00:41:13,105 --> 00:41:14,625 Hello, Estonia! 465 00:41:30,545 --> 00:41:32,264 Gary! 466 00:41:35,097 --> 00:41:38,096 I thought he was leaving at the end of the month. 467 00:41:38,121 --> 00:41:40,744 Oh, he's had a good run. He stayed longer than we thought. 468 00:41:40,745 --> 00:41:43,904 Yeah, but not to say anything. 469 00:41:43,905 --> 00:41:46,784 He mentioned to me last night he was thinking of heading back. 470 00:41:46,785 --> 00:41:49,264 I presumed he meant at the end of the week. 471 00:41:49,265 --> 00:41:50,585 What did I do? 472 00:41:52,585 --> 00:41:54,984 Why does he find it so easy to talk to you 473 00:41:54,985 --> 00:41:57,584 and bloody impossible to talk to me? 474 00:41:57,585 --> 00:42:00,065 Hey, Adam loves you to bits, you know he does. 475 00:42:01,745 --> 00:42:04,264 There's a thin line and all that. 476 00:42:05,545 --> 00:42:07,864 I have to go to the airport. 477 00:42:07,865 --> 00:42:09,664 I hope it's fun. 478 00:42:09,665 --> 00:42:10,945 "Fun"! 479 00:44:35,505 --> 00:44:38,024 - Hi. - Oh, um... 480 00:44:38,025 --> 00:44:39,664 I didn't think you were going to pick up. 481 00:44:39,665 --> 00:44:41,464 I was just going to leave a message. 482 00:44:41,465 --> 00:44:43,944 Has something happened? Are you all right? 483 00:44:43,945 --> 00:44:45,584 It's George Selway, 484 00:44:45,585 --> 00:44:48,304 he won't leave me alone. 485 00:44:48,305 --> 00:44:50,504 He must have followed me to the hairdressers 486 00:44:50,505 --> 00:44:53,504 and he just turned up in the shop near my house. 487 00:44:53,505 --> 00:44:56,304 Wait, hang on. Are you saying he's stalking you now? 488 00:44:56,305 --> 00:44:57,944 I don't know, but... 489 00:44:57,945 --> 00:45:00,824 He's been texting me and... 490 00:45:00,825 --> 00:45:03,624 A few weeks ago, he sent me flowers. 491 00:45:03,625 --> 00:45:05,902 I'm really sorry, I'm just blithering. 492 00:45:06,945 --> 00:45:09,944 - I'm really, really scared. - No, of course. 493 00:45:09,945 --> 00:45:12,544 Look, all right. Look, I'm going to give you an address 494 00:45:12,545 --> 00:45:14,144 and I need you to listen very carefully. 495 00:45:14,145 --> 00:45:16,344 I don't have a pen. I haven't got a pen. 496 00:45:16,345 --> 00:45:19,824 No, d-don't write it down, you've got a good memory. 497 00:45:19,825 --> 00:45:22,504 Ready? It's 12 Merthyr Court. 498 00:45:22,505 --> 00:45:27,104 That's M-E-R-T-H-Y-R, like the place in Wales. 499 00:45:27,105 --> 00:45:29,344 Chamberland Road. 500 00:45:29,345 --> 00:45:31,224 SE11. 501 00:45:31,225 --> 00:45:32,744 Now, repeat that back to me. 502 00:45:32,745 --> 00:45:36,205 12 Merthyr Court, Chamberland Road, SE11 503 00:45:36,206 --> 00:45:37,320 Good. 504 00:45:37,345 --> 00:45:41,224 I'll see you there tomorrow, as close to 2pm as I can make it. 505 00:45:41,225 --> 00:45:44,104 We can talk properly there, all right? 506 00:45:44,105 --> 00:45:47,984 Look, just don't put it in your phones, not even into maps, OK? 507 00:45:47,985 --> 00:45:50,064 OK. Thank you. 508 00:45:50,065 --> 00:45:52,304 Right, and are you going to be all right until then? 509 00:45:52,305 --> 00:45:53,744 I'm not taking any risks. 510 00:45:53,745 --> 00:45:56,464 Good. Don't. I'll see you tomorrow. 511 00:45:56,465 --> 00:45:58,545 I'm really glad you called, Yvonne. 512 00:46:00,413 --> 00:46:01,666 Say my name again. 513 00:46:02,625 --> 00:46:04,584 Yvonne. 514 00:46:04,585 --> 00:46:08,304 We'll see each other tomorrow, all right? We'll be together. 515 00:46:08,305 --> 00:46:10,024 OK? 516 00:46:10,025 --> 00:46:11,825 I've got to go. 517 00:47:40,245 --> 00:47:41,565 It's... 518 00:47:43,664 --> 00:47:47,304 We're not talking boutique hotel, obviously. 519 00:47:47,305 --> 00:47:49,304 It's OK. 520 00:47:49,305 --> 00:47:51,624 It's safe. 521 00:47:51,625 --> 00:47:53,385 A safe house. 522 00:47:56,705 --> 00:47:59,505 I know you're not allowed to talk about what you do. 523 00:48:03,015 --> 00:48:05,175 Do...? Do you want to take your coat off? 524 00:49:27,846 --> 00:49:29,206 I'm not asleep. 525 00:49:31,305 --> 00:49:32,985 But my arm is. 526 00:49:45,494 --> 00:49:47,214 So what do you want to do? 527 00:49:51,465 --> 00:49:53,345 About Selway? 528 00:49:55,265 --> 00:49:57,864 Can't you warn him off for me? 529 00:49:57,865 --> 00:50:00,425 Nothing would give me greater pleasure. 530 00:50:02,665 --> 00:50:04,225 Well, almost nothing. 531 00:50:12,025 --> 00:50:15,144 Don't tell me you wouldn't like to put the wind right up 532 00:50:15,145 --> 00:50:17,584 that pathetic piece of shit. 533 00:50:17,585 --> 00:50:19,105 Yeah, I would. 534 00:50:20,530 --> 00:50:22,570 I want him to crap himself with fear. 535 00:50:25,327 --> 00:50:27,007 I want him to feel... 536 00:50:28,865 --> 00:50:31,345 ...half as terrified as he made he feel. 537 00:50:33,425 --> 00:50:37,544 I'm not really the one for that job, am I? 538 00:50:37,545 --> 00:50:39,545 As far as I'm concerned, I... 539 00:50:40,321 --> 00:50:43,013 I think he thinks he can do whatever he likes. 540 00:50:43,038 --> 00:50:44,838 So it has to change. 541 00:50:47,425 --> 00:50:50,625 I suppose you know people. 542 00:50:52,145 --> 00:50:53,345 Yeah. 543 00:50:55,665 --> 00:50:57,825 I'd like to see his face. 544 00:50:59,585 --> 00:51:01,745 Wouldn't you? 545 00:51:31,985 --> 00:51:33,305 Early? 546 00:51:34,905 --> 00:51:36,225 Yeah. 547 00:51:37,345 --> 00:51:38,585 Got stuff to do. 548 00:51:43,905 --> 00:51:45,705 How was it all? Estonia? 549 00:51:47,905 --> 00:51:50,745 Von. 550 00:51:52,865 --> 00:51:54,305 Von! 551 00:51:59,966 --> 00:52:01,326 You should know... 552 00:52:05,105 --> 00:52:07,384 The thing is, the conference... 553 00:52:07,385 --> 00:52:09,865 Rosa came with me to the conference. 554 00:52:16,922 --> 00:52:18,722 So you are sleeping with her. 555 00:52:20,515 --> 00:52:22,412 I wasn't before. I didn't lie. 556 00:52:28,259 --> 00:52:29,739 We never have sex. 557 00:52:33,266 --> 00:52:34,744 So it's my fault? 558 00:52:34,745 --> 00:52:37,104 I'm not trying to blame you. 559 00:52:37,105 --> 00:52:38,625 It's an explanation. 560 00:52:42,345 --> 00:52:44,945 Pretty standard midlife crisis stuff, I'm afraid. 561 00:52:51,105 --> 00:52:52,505 Sure. 562 00:52:56,025 --> 00:52:57,345 Yvonne! 563 00:53:00,505 --> 00:53:03,144 The recycling place gets mobbed on a Saturday, 564 00:53:03,145 --> 00:53:05,744 so we can talk about it when I get back. 565 00:53:05,745 --> 00:53:07,105 You don't need me! 566 00:53:09,901 --> 00:53:11,381 Is that what you think? 567 00:54:46,225 --> 00:54:49,104 What are you going to say to him? 568 00:54:49,105 --> 00:54:50,945 I thought I'd freestyle it. 569 00:56:17,705 --> 00:56:20,425 Is there any such thing as a point of no return? 570 00:56:22,585 --> 00:56:24,824 I used to think there wasn't. 571 00:56:24,825 --> 00:56:27,624 Would the defendant please stand? 572 00:56:27,625 --> 00:56:30,024 And then I met you. 573 00:56:30,025 --> 00:56:31,265 Fucking bitch! 574 00:56:32,825 --> 00:56:34,864 You deserve everything you get! 575 00:56:34,865 --> 00:56:38,704 Are you happy now you've destroyed our life? 576 00:56:38,705 --> 00:56:41,305 Oh, you bitch! You evil bitch!