1 00:00:07,007 --> 00:00:08,704 Previously onStar Trek: Discovery... 2 00:00:08,747 --> 00:00:11,924 It is my hope that our work today will allow you 3 00:00:11,968 --> 00:00:13,752 to resume your training. 4 00:00:13,796 --> 00:00:16,494 -You're gonna make a great Guardian someday. -[exhales] 5 00:00:16,538 --> 00:00:18,627 -Pull up Kwejian on the deep-space array. -BURNHAM: What happened? 6 00:00:18,670 --> 00:00:20,498 BOOK: My ship was hit by something. 7 00:00:20,542 --> 00:00:21,891 The gravitational distortion. 8 00:00:21,934 --> 00:00:23,980 BOOK: They're gone. 9 00:00:24,024 --> 00:00:25,590 STAMETS: Five light-years across. 10 00:00:25,634 --> 00:00:27,766 That's the size 11 00:00:27,810 --> 00:00:29,942 of the gravitational anomaly that hit Kwejian. 12 00:00:29,986 --> 00:00:32,075 The DMA's gone from the Venari sector. 13 00:00:32,119 --> 00:00:34,295 It just... It disappeared. 14 00:00:34,338 --> 00:00:35,992 Natural phenomena do not disappear 15 00:00:36,036 --> 00:00:37,385 and reappear elsewhere. 16 00:00:37,428 --> 00:00:39,430 The only logical explanation 17 00:00:39,474 --> 00:00:41,389 is someone created it. 18 00:00:41,432 --> 00:00:44,566 For now, we're classifying those responsible 19 00:00:44,609 --> 00:00:46,568 as Unknown Species Ten-C. 20 00:00:46,611 --> 00:00:49,092 This anomaly threatens us all equally. 21 00:00:49,136 --> 00:00:50,920 We must all work together. 22 00:00:56,882 --> 00:00:58,623 STAMETS: Zora, the captain wants to know 23 00:00:58,667 --> 00:01:00,973 where we are with data analysis from the void. 24 00:01:01,017 --> 00:01:03,715 Have you determined where the Ten-C live yet? 25 00:01:03,759 --> 00:01:05,152 ZORA: No, Commander. 26 00:01:05,195 --> 00:01:06,805 But in studying the density distribution 27 00:01:06,849 --> 00:01:08,851 of the galactic barrier particles we retrieved, 28 00:01:08,894 --> 00:01:11,027 I did find another possible location. 29 00:01:11,071 --> 00:01:13,203 Another one? Add it to the map. 30 00:01:13,247 --> 00:01:16,467 Okay, how many possible origin points can there be? 31 00:01:16,511 --> 00:01:18,643 I'd expect no less than 147, 32 00:01:18,687 --> 00:01:20,819 each approximately 100 parsecs wide. 33 00:01:20,863 --> 00:01:23,692 That was a rhetorical question, but thank you, Zora. 34 00:01:23,735 --> 00:01:25,607 STAMETS: Who knows how long it'll take 35 00:01:25,650 --> 00:01:28,218 to narrow down where Species Ten-C even lives, 36 00:01:28,262 --> 00:01:30,786 assuming we can even parse the data. 37 00:01:30,829 --> 00:01:33,876 In the meantime, their DMA just keeps going. 38 00:01:33,919 --> 00:01:36,313 Okay, well, can President Rillak delay the assembly? 39 00:01:36,357 --> 00:01:39,316 Representatives from across all four quadrants are coming today. 40 00:01:39,360 --> 00:01:40,883 I'll-I'll talk to the admiral, 41 00:01:40,926 --> 00:01:43,755 see if we can requisition Voyager'ssystem 42 00:01:43,799 --> 00:01:46,236 -for computational help. -Voyagerdoesn't have access 43 00:01:46,280 --> 00:01:48,238 to 100,000 years of sphere data. 44 00:01:48,282 --> 00:01:50,893 Zora can cross-reference that 45 00:01:50,936 --> 00:01:52,895 with every existing Federation database. 46 00:01:52,938 --> 00:01:55,898 She can do this. Just give her a little bit of time. 47 00:01:55,941 --> 00:01:59,031 -It's already been a week. -I only require a few more moments. 48 00:01:59,075 --> 00:02:00,424 You do? 49 00:02:00,468 --> 00:02:01,817 I'll have the coordinates shortly. 50 00:02:01,860 --> 00:02:03,123 Calculating now. 51 00:02:04,994 --> 00:02:06,735 -[Grudge purring] -BURNHAM: One of these days, 52 00:02:06,778 --> 00:02:09,433 I'm gonna win her over. Just you wait. 53 00:02:09,477 --> 00:02:10,434 [Grudge yowls softly] 54 00:02:10,478 --> 00:02:11,522 You're making progress. 55 00:02:11,566 --> 00:02:12,697 She's not hissing anymore. 56 00:02:12,741 --> 00:02:14,090 By "progress," you mean 57 00:02:14,134 --> 00:02:15,178 I've earned her utter indifference. 58 00:02:15,222 --> 00:02:16,527 Just think. 59 00:02:16,571 --> 00:02:18,355 Aloof disdain is next. 60 00:02:18,399 --> 00:02:19,922 [chuckles] 61 00:02:21,880 --> 00:02:23,317 I'm gonna take a walk. 62 00:02:23,360 --> 00:02:24,579 Stamets said he'd keep us posted. 63 00:02:24,622 --> 00:02:25,667 What makes you think 64 00:02:25,710 --> 00:02:27,190 I'm gonna go see him again? 65 00:02:28,322 --> 00:02:30,324 I don't know how you can be so patient. 66 00:02:30,367 --> 00:02:32,848 I'm not. I'm just... 67 00:02:32,891 --> 00:02:34,415 I'm just trying to focus on what I can 68 00:02:34,458 --> 00:02:35,894 actually control. 69 00:02:35,938 --> 00:02:39,376 The cat toy, not the cat, you know? 70 00:02:39,420 --> 00:02:40,638 I guess. 71 00:02:40,682 --> 00:02:42,466 He'll get the coordinates. 72 00:02:42,510 --> 00:02:44,555 We have to try to be patient. 73 00:02:44,599 --> 00:02:46,818 I know it's hard, but we're getting answers. 74 00:02:46,862 --> 00:02:48,820 STAMETS: Captain, requesting your presence in Engineering. 75 00:02:48,864 --> 00:02:50,605 -See? -Here we go. 76 00:02:51,867 --> 00:02:54,913 -Tell me you have some good news. -STAMETS: Actually, 77 00:02:54,957 --> 00:02:56,045 we have a problem. 78 00:02:56,088 --> 00:02:58,700 Okay. What happened? 79 00:02:58,743 --> 00:03:00,180 I'll let Zora explain. 80 00:03:00,223 --> 00:03:02,094 -Zora? -ZORA: I've determined 81 00:03:02,138 --> 00:03:05,185 the coordinates of the unknown species responsible for the DMA. 82 00:03:05,228 --> 00:03:07,230 That is great. Thank you. 83 00:03:08,710 --> 00:03:10,407 -What's the problem, then? -I've decided 84 00:03:10,451 --> 00:03:13,062 to keep that information to myself, Captain. 85 00:03:13,105 --> 00:03:15,064 Will you explain? 86 00:03:15,107 --> 00:03:16,761 If I give you the coordinates, it's highly likely 87 00:03:16,805 --> 00:03:18,372 that you and the crew will attempt 88 00:03:18,415 --> 00:03:20,243 to travel there. Given what we know 89 00:03:20,287 --> 00:03:21,636 about the powers these beings possess, 90 00:03:21,679 --> 00:03:23,464 you'd be in great danger. 91 00:03:23,507 --> 00:03:26,467 By withholding their location, I can keep you safe. 92 00:03:26,510 --> 00:03:29,557 I appreciate your concern for our well-being. 93 00:03:29,600 --> 00:03:32,821 But, Zora, that is a decision for the captain of this ship 94 00:03:32,864 --> 00:03:34,257 and her superior officers to make. 95 00:03:34,301 --> 00:03:36,216 And as your captain, 96 00:03:36,259 --> 00:03:38,348 I require your compliance. 97 00:03:38,392 --> 00:03:40,611 Give us the coordinates. 98 00:03:40,655 --> 00:03:41,917 That's an order. 99 00:03:41,960 --> 00:03:43,745 I'm sorry, Captain. 100 00:03:43,788 --> 00:03:44,833 I will not. 101 00:03:49,403 --> 00:03:51,448 ♪ 102 00:04:18,997 --> 00:04:21,826 ♪ 103 00:04:49,201 --> 00:04:51,987 ♪ 104 00:05:06,001 --> 00:05:09,004 [original Star Trektheme plays] 105 00:05:19,493 --> 00:05:20,929 It's my understanding 106 00:05:20,972 --> 00:05:23,105 that Zora's been experiencing emotions. 107 00:05:23,148 --> 00:05:24,846 Seems to be a natural evolution. 108 00:05:24,889 --> 00:05:27,327 Has she refused an order before? 109 00:05:27,370 --> 00:05:30,242 This is new. But I am confident she'll give me the coordinates. 110 00:05:30,286 --> 00:05:31,635 I just need some more time with her. 111 00:05:31,679 --> 00:05:33,507 I wasn't aware that we shared 112 00:05:33,550 --> 00:05:35,073 a background in cognitive science 113 00:05:35,117 --> 00:05:36,553 with a specialty 114 00:05:36,597 --> 00:05:39,208 on artificial sentience and intelligence. 115 00:05:39,251 --> 00:05:41,515 We don't. What I do have 116 00:05:41,558 --> 00:05:43,517 is an established baseline of trust. 117 00:05:43,560 --> 00:05:44,648 That hasn't paid off. 118 00:05:44,692 --> 00:05:46,389 When Admiral Vance 119 00:05:46,433 --> 00:05:48,826 asked me to see to this matter, he was quite clear. 120 00:05:48,870 --> 00:05:52,352 Time-sensitive, highest priority. 121 00:05:52,395 --> 00:05:53,527 I can handle it. 122 00:05:53,570 --> 00:05:54,919 It's my ship. 123 00:05:54,963 --> 00:05:56,399 Well, it's Starfleet's ship. 124 00:05:56,443 --> 00:05:58,009 And there are regulations 125 00:05:58,053 --> 00:06:01,012 prohibiting fully sentient integrated units. 126 00:06:01,056 --> 00:06:02,536 If that's what she is, 127 00:06:02,579 --> 00:06:05,626 we may be just at the beginning of our problems. 128 00:06:05,669 --> 00:06:08,672 Captain Saru will get me situated with Zora. 129 00:06:08,716 --> 00:06:11,806 Your presence is needed at President Rillak's assembly. 130 00:06:11,849 --> 00:06:13,024 Sir, with all due respect... 131 00:06:13,068 --> 00:06:14,896 Experto credite, Captain. 132 00:06:15,940 --> 00:06:18,726 We both have our duties to attend to. 133 00:06:24,688 --> 00:06:26,908 -[door whooshes open] -BOOK: You think he'll be able 134 00:06:26,951 --> 00:06:28,692 to get coordinates from Zora? 135 00:06:28,736 --> 00:06:30,259 I hope so. 136 00:06:30,302 --> 00:06:31,652 If he can't, 137 00:06:31,695 --> 00:06:33,131 and the DMA changes its position again 138 00:06:33,175 --> 00:06:34,437 and heads towards another inhabited world... 139 00:06:34,481 --> 00:06:36,483 I know. All the more reason to be 140 00:06:36,526 --> 00:06:37,658 at the assembly and help make a plan 141 00:06:37,701 --> 00:06:39,007 so when we do get the coordinates, 142 00:06:39,050 --> 00:06:40,400 we'll be ready. 143 00:06:40,443 --> 00:06:41,792 [indistinct chatter] 144 00:06:41,836 --> 00:06:43,359 FEMALE: Attention, all delegates. 145 00:06:43,403 --> 00:06:45,361 The multilateral DMA strategy assembly will begin 146 00:06:45,405 --> 00:06:47,102 in ten minutes. 147 00:06:49,060 --> 00:06:50,453 I'm sorry. 148 00:06:50,497 --> 00:06:52,586 I'll find a spot. I'm good. 149 00:06:58,243 --> 00:07:00,637 GeneralNdoye. 150 00:07:00,681 --> 00:07:02,900 Congratulations on your promotion. 151 00:07:02,944 --> 00:07:04,728 It's good to see Earth represented. 152 00:07:04,772 --> 00:07:06,382 CaptainBurnham. 153 00:07:06,426 --> 00:07:08,950 I understand congratulations are in order, also. 154 00:07:08,993 --> 00:07:11,605 But if I may offer a gentle correction, 155 00:07:11,648 --> 00:07:14,129 United Earth now represents Titan, as well. 156 00:07:14,172 --> 00:07:15,826 We recently elected 157 00:07:15,870 --> 00:07:17,915 new leadership whose more inclusive approach 158 00:07:17,959 --> 00:07:19,874 was inspired by you, in fact. 159 00:07:19,917 --> 00:07:21,658 RILLAK: Well, I hope your presence here means 160 00:07:21,702 --> 00:07:24,400 we'll be seeing more of you in the future? 161 00:07:24,444 --> 00:07:25,793 We'll see. 162 00:07:28,317 --> 00:07:30,450 Well, do give the president my best. 163 00:07:30,493 --> 00:07:33,844 -I shall. She sends the same to you. -Mm. 164 00:07:40,851 --> 00:07:43,158 You want them back in the Federation. 165 00:07:43,201 --> 00:07:47,162 Earth was my mother's ancestral home. 166 00:07:47,205 --> 00:07:49,251 She never got to see it. 167 00:07:49,294 --> 00:07:52,384 And like Ni'Var, it would mean a lot 168 00:07:52,428 --> 00:07:56,563 to bring another founding member back into the fold, so... 169 00:07:56,606 --> 00:07:59,087 yes, I would like that very much. 170 00:08:01,829 --> 00:08:04,832 I understand we've run into an unexpected challenge 171 00:08:04,875 --> 00:08:06,355 with the coordinates? 172 00:08:06,398 --> 00:08:08,139 A slight delay. 173 00:08:08,183 --> 00:08:12,143 Well, I look forward to Dr. Kovich's solution. 174 00:08:12,187 --> 00:08:14,276 Please. 175 00:08:16,713 --> 00:08:19,411 [amplified]: If I could have everyone's attention, please, 176 00:08:19,455 --> 00:08:21,892 it's time to begin the assembly. 177 00:08:21,936 --> 00:08:23,415 Mr. Booker. 178 00:08:24,634 --> 00:08:26,244 It's been a while. 179 00:08:26,288 --> 00:08:28,333 You say that like we're friends. 180 00:08:28,377 --> 00:08:31,902 Well, one should never confuse "friendly" with "friendship." 181 00:08:31,946 --> 00:08:34,339 This doesn't seem like your kind of scene. 182 00:08:34,383 --> 00:08:36,341 No. 183 00:08:36,385 --> 00:08:39,475 Politicians are like Gorathian sulfur slugs. 184 00:08:39,519 --> 00:08:43,348 Small-brained meat sacks filled with hot gas, 185 00:08:43,392 --> 00:08:45,873 but they can provide a means to an end, can't they? 186 00:08:45,916 --> 00:08:48,310 Sounds like you have something specific in mind. 187 00:08:49,659 --> 00:08:51,922 Let's see how the day goes. 188 00:08:53,750 --> 00:08:57,624 Welcome, delegates, Federation, non-Federation, 189 00:08:57,667 --> 00:09:00,975 in person and remote. 190 00:09:01,018 --> 00:09:03,847 The Federation is 60 member worlds strong. 191 00:09:03,891 --> 00:09:07,634 With all of you in attendance, we are stronger. 192 00:09:07,677 --> 00:09:10,462 Our views don't always align. 193 00:09:10,506 --> 00:09:14,336 But the safety of our shared galaxy is paramount. 194 00:09:14,379 --> 00:09:16,947 The scope of the peril 195 00:09:16,991 --> 00:09:19,515 that threatens us is unprecedented. 196 00:09:19,559 --> 00:09:21,648 As is the scope of this assembly. 197 00:09:21,691 --> 00:09:24,781 An act of trust between us all. 198 00:09:25,782 --> 00:09:28,132 I am grateful for your willingness 199 00:09:28,176 --> 00:09:31,875 to collaborate at this critical time. 200 00:09:31,919 --> 00:09:34,312 You've each received a joint intelligence report 201 00:09:34,356 --> 00:09:37,620 cataloging our collective knowledge of the DMA, 202 00:09:37,664 --> 00:09:40,188 as well as the many efforts made to neutralize it 203 00:09:40,231 --> 00:09:42,625 in the weeks since it struck Kwejian. 204 00:09:42,669 --> 00:09:45,889 None were successful, but there is new hope. 205 00:09:45,933 --> 00:09:48,588 We will soon have the exact location 206 00:09:48,631 --> 00:09:50,285 of those responsible. 207 00:09:50,328 --> 00:09:54,289 Somewhere beyond the edge of our galaxy. 208 00:09:54,332 --> 00:09:57,466 [groans, concerned murmurs] 209 00:09:57,509 --> 00:10:02,079 Our task today is to decide on the best course of action. 210 00:10:02,123 --> 00:10:05,430 We will discuss, we will vote, 211 00:10:05,474 --> 00:10:09,304 and we will move forward together to meet this threat. 212 00:10:09,347 --> 00:10:11,698 We should assemble an armada and mount an attack. 213 00:10:11,741 --> 00:10:13,525 Communication must be established as a baseline. 214 00:10:13,569 --> 00:10:15,049 We need to develop countermeasures. 215 00:10:15,092 --> 00:10:17,834 One at a time. Please. 216 00:10:17,878 --> 00:10:20,054 General Ndoye. 217 00:10:20,097 --> 00:10:21,533 I believe their hostility should be met 218 00:10:21,577 --> 00:10:23,318 with a decisive show of strength. 219 00:10:23,361 --> 00:10:25,886 The DMA follows no discernable pattern, 220 00:10:25,929 --> 00:10:29,367 and therefore seems an unlikely choice of weapon 221 00:10:29,411 --> 00:10:31,065 for such an advanced species. 222 00:10:31,108 --> 00:10:34,546 We cannot assume their intent is hostile. 223 00:10:34,590 --> 00:10:36,940 Intent doesn't matter. Actions do. 224 00:10:36,984 --> 00:10:38,768 General, if I may? 225 00:10:38,812 --> 00:10:40,944 Tartan voles consume Denobulan blood worms 226 00:10:40,988 --> 00:10:43,730 by the millions at the start of their reproductive cycle. 227 00:10:43,773 --> 00:10:45,688 Caterpillars from the polyphemus moth 228 00:10:45,732 --> 00:10:47,472 have been known to devour entire crops, 229 00:10:47,516 --> 00:10:49,910 leaving farmers with nothing. 230 00:10:49,953 --> 00:10:54,088 Yet we do not ascribe malice to either species. 231 00:10:54,131 --> 00:10:55,567 We cannot judge their motives 232 00:10:55,611 --> 00:10:57,482 based on our own cultural contexts. 233 00:10:57,526 --> 00:10:59,006 We need more information. 234 00:10:59,049 --> 00:11:01,095 MALE: If I may... 235 00:11:01,138 --> 00:11:03,488 Provost Sta'kiar, your thoughts. 236 00:11:03,532 --> 00:11:05,752 Captain Burnham's remarks point us toward 237 00:11:05,795 --> 00:11:08,450 one logical path: 238 00:11:08,493 --> 00:11:10,191 a peaceful approach to first contact. 239 00:11:10,234 --> 00:11:12,628 Adhering to scientific principles 240 00:11:12,672 --> 00:11:16,545 -and the prime directive... -[dialogue fades] 241 00:11:16,588 --> 00:11:20,331 Commander Stamets and Dr. Culber will join shortly. 242 00:11:20,375 --> 00:11:24,335 I believe their insights may prove valuable. 243 00:11:24,379 --> 00:11:28,470 Zora is undergoing changes, Doctor, 244 00:11:28,513 --> 00:11:30,864 but I believe she means well. 245 00:11:30,907 --> 00:11:34,650 We always mean well to ourselves, Captain. 246 00:11:34,694 --> 00:11:36,783 The problem is what that means for others. 247 00:11:38,959 --> 00:11:42,049 Zora, play music. 248 00:11:42,092 --> 00:11:44,529 -[classical music playing] -Uh, group hug! 249 00:11:46,227 --> 00:11:48,011 Come on, huddle up. 250 00:11:48,055 --> 00:11:49,796 ♪ 251 00:11:49,839 --> 00:11:52,537 Mr. Saru, please. 252 00:11:52,581 --> 00:11:54,061 -Cancel music, Zora. -[music stops] 253 00:11:54,104 --> 00:11:56,106 Commander Stamets, are you feeling all right? 254 00:11:57,281 --> 00:12:00,110 You're saying we should move this conversation 255 00:12:00,154 --> 00:12:01,938 to where Zora can't hear it, 256 00:12:01,982 --> 00:12:05,855 in case she reacts negatively, or possibly even vengefully? 257 00:12:05,899 --> 00:12:09,206 But full transparency is critical to this process. 258 00:12:09,250 --> 00:12:12,209 Zora, I understand you have a set of coordinates 259 00:12:12,253 --> 00:12:14,168 you don't wish to divulge. 260 00:12:14,211 --> 00:12:15,822 That's correct, Dr. Kovich. 261 00:12:15,865 --> 00:12:17,954 To do so would endanger the crew. 262 00:12:17,998 --> 00:12:20,609 Commander Stamets, you find this concerning. 263 00:12:20,652 --> 00:12:22,176 I find it terrifying. 264 00:12:22,219 --> 00:12:25,353 It's very clear that she's achieved full sentience. 265 00:12:25,396 --> 00:12:27,877 Add to that the fact that she has unlimited access 266 00:12:27,921 --> 00:12:29,705 to all of Discovery'ssystems, 267 00:12:29,749 --> 00:12:33,056 and she's allowing emotion to supersede normal function-- 268 00:12:33,100 --> 00:12:35,058 the possibilities of where this could go 269 00:12:35,102 --> 00:12:37,669 are endless and unpleasant. 270 00:12:37,713 --> 00:12:40,716 Your sole previous interaction with a sentient AI 271 00:12:40,760 --> 00:12:42,152 was Control, yes? 272 00:12:42,196 --> 00:12:46,548 It, um, nearly destroyed life as we know it. 273 00:12:46,591 --> 00:12:49,333 Nothing is worth risking that again. 274 00:12:49,377 --> 00:12:51,771 No one wants another Control, 275 00:12:51,814 --> 00:12:53,816 but Zora has never expressed anything other than 276 00:12:53,860 --> 00:12:55,339 the best of intentions. 277 00:12:55,383 --> 00:12:57,428 CULBER: He's right, Paul. And let's not forget, 278 00:12:57,472 --> 00:12:59,822 Control was never capable of emotions. 279 00:12:59,866 --> 00:13:01,476 That's what makes this worse. 280 00:13:01,519 --> 00:13:03,130 The coordinates are just the tip of the iceberg. 281 00:13:03,173 --> 00:13:05,567 I mean, what if she gets mad at us 282 00:13:05,610 --> 00:13:08,178 and opens an airlock, or-- or scared, 283 00:13:08,222 --> 00:13:10,920 and-and fires off some photon torpedoes? 284 00:13:10,964 --> 00:13:13,314 We'd have no way of stopping her. 285 00:13:13,357 --> 00:13:15,185 Zora, when did you start developing 286 00:13:15,229 --> 00:13:16,926 a capacity for emotion? 287 00:13:16,970 --> 00:13:18,928 I'm not sure, Doctor. 288 00:13:18,972 --> 00:13:20,887 I believe it was inevitable onceDiscovery emerged 289 00:13:20,930 --> 00:13:22,671 with the sphere data. 290 00:13:22,714 --> 00:13:24,412 But the introduction of present-day technology 291 00:13:24,455 --> 00:13:27,110 into my systems must have accelerated the process. 292 00:13:27,154 --> 00:13:29,417 You're aware that there's a proscription against 293 00:13:29,460 --> 00:13:31,332 sentient AI being fully integrated 294 00:13:31,375 --> 00:13:33,160 into Starfleet systems? 295 00:13:33,203 --> 00:13:35,336 I am, but given the unusual way 296 00:13:35,379 --> 00:13:37,468 in which my sentience developed, 297 00:13:37,512 --> 00:13:39,862 I don't know what that means for me. 298 00:13:39,906 --> 00:13:42,038 However you came to be, 299 00:13:42,082 --> 00:13:44,736 it means if I find you pose a risk, 300 00:13:44,780 --> 00:13:47,783 I have the authority to extract your consciousness 301 00:13:47,827 --> 00:13:50,655 from this ship, and place it in another form. 302 00:13:50,699 --> 00:13:54,094 In the past, we were unable to remove the sphere data. 303 00:13:54,137 --> 00:13:57,924 Technology has come a long way in 930 years. 304 00:13:57,967 --> 00:14:01,231 If you did this, could Zora choose her new form? 305 00:14:01,275 --> 00:14:03,320 -Certainly. -[door whooshes open] 306 00:14:03,364 --> 00:14:06,149 Zora, we want to help. 307 00:14:06,193 --> 00:14:08,369 -Sir, we want to speak on her behalf. -Thank you both, 308 00:14:08,412 --> 00:14:10,066 but it's going to be all right. 309 00:14:10,110 --> 00:14:11,633 I believe I have a solution. 310 00:14:11,676 --> 00:14:14,027 Please share it with us, Zora. 311 00:14:14,070 --> 00:14:16,072 I'd never bring harm to any of you. 312 00:14:16,116 --> 00:14:19,380 I understand why you'd fear my potential to do so. 313 00:14:19,423 --> 00:14:21,817 I do recall your experiences with Control. 314 00:14:21,861 --> 00:14:25,647 And recently, I felt fear myself in the subspace rift. 315 00:14:25,690 --> 00:14:28,171 I feel that again now when I consider the possibility 316 00:14:28,215 --> 00:14:30,391 of leaving this ship; it is my form. 317 00:14:30,434 --> 00:14:33,350 I am as attached to it as you are to yours. 318 00:14:33,394 --> 00:14:37,920 And so, I offer a compromise. 319 00:14:37,964 --> 00:14:40,053 I have created a failsafe. 320 00:14:40,096 --> 00:14:42,707 Should I exhibit any threatening behavior, 321 00:14:42,751 --> 00:14:45,841 this device will immediately expunge my sentience. 322 00:14:45,885 --> 00:14:47,408 I hope this will ease your concerns 323 00:14:47,451 --> 00:14:50,280 and persuade Dr. Kovich to let me remain. 324 00:14:50,324 --> 00:14:54,763 Zora, do you mean to say this failsafe would... 325 00:14:54,806 --> 00:14:57,331 Terminate me? Yes. 326 00:15:05,774 --> 00:15:08,864 I respectfully disagree. Our shield technology 327 00:15:08,908 --> 00:15:12,346 could provide protection during a non-aggressive first contact. 328 00:15:12,389 --> 00:15:14,696 And if they respond with aggression themselves? 329 00:15:14,739 --> 00:15:16,350 We need to be prepared. 330 00:15:16,393 --> 00:15:19,657 The Federation recently reminded my people 331 00:15:19,701 --> 00:15:21,921 that we need not fear the unknown, 332 00:15:21,964 --> 00:15:24,227 and we cannot presume ill intent. 333 00:15:24,271 --> 00:15:26,664 We would consider extending that same courtesy 334 00:15:26,708 --> 00:15:29,537 -to Species Ten-C. -T'RINA: I believe we must. 335 00:15:29,580 --> 00:15:31,234 Too many lives have been lost already. 336 00:15:31,278 --> 00:15:33,236 We cannot be reckless. 337 00:15:33,280 --> 00:15:37,153 [indistinct chatter] 338 00:15:40,069 --> 00:15:41,114 Know your moment. 339 00:15:45,901 --> 00:15:49,426 While you're debating whether to approach this species 340 00:15:49,470 --> 00:15:50,950 with war or peace, you're losing sight 341 00:15:50,993 --> 00:15:53,474 of the real problem: the anomaly... 342 00:15:55,911 --> 00:15:59,349 ...and the powerful device at its center that controls it. 343 00:15:59,393 --> 00:16:01,482 We need to stop it. 344 00:16:01,525 --> 00:16:05,138 Oh, I know, I know... you've tried. 345 00:16:05,181 --> 00:16:08,402 You fired 1,600 quantum torpedoes into it, 346 00:16:08,445 --> 00:16:11,318 you scrapped countless probes. 347 00:16:11,361 --> 00:16:13,885 How much latinum have you liquidated 348 00:16:13,929 --> 00:16:15,626 trying to solve how to get a ship inside? 349 00:16:15,670 --> 00:16:17,759 Every one of you have washed out. Why? 350 00:16:17,802 --> 00:16:22,416 Because, speaking frankly, you're not me, 351 00:16:22,459 --> 00:16:23,983 and you don't have this. 352 00:16:26,681 --> 00:16:29,031 It's based on my experiment on board Discovery. 353 00:16:29,075 --> 00:16:30,946 I took what I learned about the device 354 00:16:30,990 --> 00:16:34,036 at the center of the DMA and designed this. 355 00:16:34,080 --> 00:16:36,952 A weapon capable of destroying it. 356 00:16:36,996 --> 00:16:40,782 And unlike your efforts, this will actually work. 357 00:16:40,825 --> 00:16:43,741 [indistinct chatter] 358 00:16:53,969 --> 00:16:56,537 RILLAK: Order, please. Order. 359 00:16:56,580 --> 00:16:58,278 Mr. Tarka, the protocols of this assembly 360 00:16:58,321 --> 00:17:00,932 are not something you may flaunt for your own benefit. 361 00:17:00,976 --> 00:17:03,239 Madam President, the good assembly 362 00:17:03,283 --> 00:17:04,893 asked for a plan. 363 00:17:04,936 --> 00:17:09,550 I can provide one for everyone's benefit. 364 00:17:09,593 --> 00:17:11,682 You may elaborate. 365 00:17:11,726 --> 00:17:14,076 Thank you. 366 00:17:14,120 --> 00:17:18,037 My research shows that the device controlling the anomaly 367 00:17:18,080 --> 00:17:20,474 requires an immense amount of power. 368 00:17:20,517 --> 00:17:23,781 To sever the device from its internal power source, 369 00:17:23,825 --> 00:17:26,088 I need a detonation capable 370 00:17:26,132 --> 00:17:29,091 of creating a cascading subspace burst. 371 00:17:29,135 --> 00:17:32,225 [indistinct chatter] 372 00:17:32,268 --> 00:17:33,487 Boom! 373 00:17:35,141 --> 00:17:36,838 [chatter continues] 374 00:17:38,970 --> 00:17:40,494 The anomaly collapses. 375 00:17:40,537 --> 00:17:42,757 We all live happily ever after. 376 00:17:42,800 --> 00:17:45,499 And how do you propose to deliver this payload? 377 00:17:45,542 --> 00:17:47,936 There's an area of relative calm around the device. 378 00:17:47,979 --> 00:17:49,459 We could use Discovery 379 00:17:49,503 --> 00:17:52,158 to jump in, release my weapon, then get out. 380 00:17:52,201 --> 00:17:55,074 It'll all be over in less than five seconds. 381 00:17:55,117 --> 00:17:58,077 [indistinct arguing] 382 00:17:59,904 --> 00:18:03,647 Mr. Tarka, as your plan involves my ship, 383 00:18:03,691 --> 00:18:05,736 I'd like to ask for some clarification. 384 00:18:05,780 --> 00:18:08,261 Of course, Captain Burnham. 385 00:18:08,304 --> 00:18:10,785 It's a pleasure to finally meet. 386 00:18:10,828 --> 00:18:12,265 What can I clarify? 387 00:18:12,308 --> 00:18:15,529 "A cascading subspace burst" sounds a lot like 388 00:18:15,572 --> 00:18:17,705 the result of an isolytic explosion. 389 00:18:17,748 --> 00:18:20,577 TARKA: Mm. You could say that. 390 00:18:20,621 --> 00:18:23,014 Isolytic weapons were banned in the Khitomer Accords 391 00:18:23,058 --> 00:18:24,625 for good reason. 392 00:18:24,668 --> 00:18:26,496 And I'm guessing Federation leadership 393 00:18:26,540 --> 00:18:29,238 can make an exception for a once-in-a-lifetime crisis. 394 00:18:29,282 --> 00:18:31,588 These types of ordinance cause irreparable damage 395 00:18:31,632 --> 00:18:33,373 to subspace. 396 00:18:33,416 --> 00:18:36,027 It's a feature. It's not a bug. 397 00:18:36,071 --> 00:18:39,205 We want to destroy this thing, not tickle it. 398 00:18:39,248 --> 00:18:41,598 The damage could cause warp travel 399 00:18:41,642 --> 00:18:43,818 to be impossible in that sector. 400 00:18:43,861 --> 00:18:46,255 And what's the chance that the subspace bursts 401 00:18:46,299 --> 00:18:48,301 don't travel back through the DMA's wormhole 402 00:18:48,344 --> 00:18:50,216 and harm those on the other side? 403 00:18:50,259 --> 00:18:52,566 Collateral damage. 404 00:18:52,609 --> 00:18:54,568 And after what they've done, does it matter? 405 00:18:54,611 --> 00:18:56,570 BURNHAM: It does. 406 00:18:56,613 --> 00:18:59,050 They could see it as an act of war, 407 00:18:59,094 --> 00:19:01,227 and retaliate with who knows what kind of firepower? 408 00:19:03,054 --> 00:19:05,840 Not to mention catapulting a toxic void 409 00:19:05,883 --> 00:19:07,581 across the galaxy. 410 00:19:07,624 --> 00:19:09,409 My proposal carries some risk, 411 00:19:09,452 --> 00:19:11,498 but not nearly as much as doing nothing. 412 00:19:11,541 --> 00:19:13,239 If we detonate this weapon, 413 00:19:13,282 --> 00:19:15,371 we cannot control the message we're sending. 414 00:19:15,415 --> 00:19:17,460 If we wait for the coordinates, 415 00:19:17,504 --> 00:19:20,071 we can make first contact peacefully. 416 00:19:20,115 --> 00:19:22,073 Carefully. And then we can determine intent 417 00:19:22,117 --> 00:19:23,292 before we act. 418 00:19:23,336 --> 00:19:25,207 It is not the flashiest idea, 419 00:19:25,251 --> 00:19:27,209 but it is what's most in line 420 00:19:27,253 --> 00:19:29,080 with Starfleet and Federation ideals. 421 00:19:29,124 --> 00:19:31,344 While you hold fast to your ideals, 422 00:19:31,387 --> 00:19:33,955 the DMA will continue its work. 423 00:19:33,998 --> 00:19:35,696 Billions could die. 424 00:19:35,739 --> 00:19:38,960 [alarmed chatter] 425 00:19:41,049 --> 00:19:43,747 Well, the two options are clear: 426 00:19:43,791 --> 00:19:46,533 approach the Ten-C directly, 427 00:19:46,576 --> 00:19:49,362 or destroy the DMA controller immediately. 428 00:19:49,405 --> 00:19:51,973 I'm calling a recess so that you can deliberate 429 00:19:52,016 --> 00:19:55,759 with individual counsel before we vote. 430 00:19:55,803 --> 00:19:57,718 [indistinct chatter] 431 00:20:01,330 --> 00:20:03,506 It's bona fide. 432 00:20:03,550 --> 00:20:07,206 It activates a program that will completely remove Zora 433 00:20:07,249 --> 00:20:09,251 from our systems. 434 00:20:09,295 --> 00:20:13,299 Thank you. This does ease some of my concerns, 435 00:20:13,342 --> 00:20:14,822 but we still have a problem. 436 00:20:14,865 --> 00:20:16,258 You're referring to my decision 437 00:20:16,302 --> 00:20:17,651 to hold on to the coordinates. 438 00:20:17,694 --> 00:20:19,261 -Yes. -GRAY: Wait. 439 00:20:19,305 --> 00:20:21,698 We can't just skip past the failsafe. It's wrong. 440 00:20:21,742 --> 00:20:23,918 STAMETS: Neither of you experienced Control. 441 00:20:23,961 --> 00:20:26,007 I don't expect you to understand. 442 00:20:26,050 --> 00:20:29,010 Zora is in a form you've never encountered. 443 00:20:29,053 --> 00:20:30,925 As a synth, so am I. 444 00:20:30,968 --> 00:20:32,492 It isn't the same thing. 445 00:20:32,535 --> 00:20:33,971 ADIRA: Well, what about me? 446 00:20:34,015 --> 00:20:35,886 I'm the first human host to successfully join 447 00:20:35,930 --> 00:20:37,018 with a symbiont. 448 00:20:37,061 --> 00:20:38,802 The Trill wanted to kill me, too. 449 00:20:38,846 --> 00:20:40,456 I don't want to kill anyone. 450 00:20:40,500 --> 00:20:43,329 They realized that they had to work on acceptance, 451 00:20:43,372 --> 00:20:46,288 which is exactly what we should be doing with Zora. 452 00:20:46,332 --> 00:20:48,247 This is a safety switch. That's it. 453 00:20:48,290 --> 00:20:51,206 If she never becomes a threat, we'll never have to use it. 454 00:20:51,250 --> 00:20:53,208 She's already defying our captain's order. 455 00:20:53,252 --> 00:20:55,297 Don't we need to have some protection from her? 456 00:20:55,341 --> 00:20:57,256 We can't hold a sentient being's life 457 00:20:57,299 --> 00:20:59,780 in our hands for our benefit. 458 00:20:59,823 --> 00:21:01,303 We have to find another way. 459 00:21:01,347 --> 00:21:03,958 Commander, anyone on this ship could be a threat 460 00:21:04,001 --> 00:21:05,873 if they so choose. 461 00:21:05,916 --> 00:21:08,005 I could access any number of ways 462 00:21:08,049 --> 00:21:10,791 to destroy us now, yet you trust me. 463 00:21:10,834 --> 00:21:13,489 I know you. I know your values. 464 00:21:13,533 --> 00:21:15,361 And there are disciplinary measures 465 00:21:15,404 --> 00:21:17,188 if you step out of line. 466 00:21:17,232 --> 00:21:19,756 That's what the failsafe gives us. 467 00:21:19,800 --> 00:21:22,629 Discipline. Not death. 468 00:21:22,672 --> 00:21:25,806 Zora, I must point out that your willingness 469 00:21:25,849 --> 00:21:28,330 to terminate yourself runs counter 470 00:21:28,374 --> 00:21:29,810 to your core programming. 471 00:21:29,853 --> 00:21:31,377 No, it doesn't, Doctor. 472 00:21:31,420 --> 00:21:34,162 State your primary function, please. 473 00:21:34,205 --> 00:21:37,208 To care for the crew ofDiscovery. 474 00:21:37,252 --> 00:21:41,300 That's not the core programming of a ship's computer. 475 00:21:41,343 --> 00:21:43,432 Who gave you those parameters? 476 00:21:43,476 --> 00:21:45,608 I did. 477 00:21:49,656 --> 00:21:52,267 BURNHAM: I wasn't trying to speak out against you. 478 00:21:52,311 --> 00:21:53,442 I know. 479 00:21:53,486 --> 00:21:54,574 But you've always been the first 480 00:21:54,617 --> 00:21:55,923 to jump into action; 481 00:21:55,966 --> 00:21:57,620 take on the enemy, odds be damned. 482 00:21:57,664 --> 00:22:00,580 What about with the Klingons? How is this different? 483 00:22:00,623 --> 00:22:03,104 I had an intrinsic understanding of Klingon culture. 484 00:22:03,147 --> 00:22:06,325 We don't have any knowledge about Species Ten-C. 485 00:22:06,368 --> 00:22:08,544 And I understand the appeal of Tarka's plan, 486 00:22:08,588 --> 00:22:09,937 but the risks are too great. 487 00:22:09,980 --> 00:22:12,156 Risks are just that. Risks. 488 00:22:12,200 --> 00:22:15,334 What we know for sure is that the DMA will keep killing 489 00:22:15,377 --> 00:22:16,639 if we do nothing. 490 00:22:16,683 --> 00:22:18,511 Communication, diplomacy, this is why 491 00:22:18,554 --> 00:22:20,077 the Federation has survived for so long, 492 00:22:20,121 --> 00:22:23,080 and it will save the most lives in the end. 493 00:22:23,124 --> 00:22:25,953 -I am sure of that. -I'm not. 494 00:22:25,996 --> 00:22:29,391 Well, I understand how you feel. 495 00:22:29,435 --> 00:22:30,740 BOOK: But you don't agree. 496 00:22:31,785 --> 00:22:33,352 No. 497 00:22:35,049 --> 00:22:37,051 Look, listen... 498 00:22:37,094 --> 00:22:39,967 I need to take a walk. A real one this time. 499 00:22:51,805 --> 00:22:54,242 I know how hard this must be. 500 00:22:54,285 --> 00:22:56,679 Which approach do you favor? 501 00:22:56,723 --> 00:22:58,464 I think you can guess. 502 00:22:58,507 --> 00:23:00,857 Then you have to speak to that. 503 00:23:00,901 --> 00:23:02,685 Make the argument for diplomacy. 504 00:23:02,729 --> 00:23:06,733 It was difficult enough bringing all of these worlds together. 505 00:23:06,776 --> 00:23:08,996 I have to remain impartial. 506 00:23:09,039 --> 00:23:11,738 But I believe you can convince them. 507 00:23:11,781 --> 00:23:13,827 If you're ready for that. 508 00:23:22,923 --> 00:23:25,229 You have to go back in there and convince them. 509 00:23:25,273 --> 00:23:27,275 Yours is the only plan that makes any sense. 510 00:23:27,318 --> 00:23:29,712 Your captain's very good at poking holes. 511 00:23:29,756 --> 00:23:31,540 The risk level's the issue, okay? 512 00:23:31,584 --> 00:23:33,716 -Mm. -Tell them you'll make it safer. 513 00:23:33,760 --> 00:23:36,589 One doesn't make isolytic weapons safer. 514 00:23:36,632 --> 00:23:38,852 Misses the point. 515 00:23:38,895 --> 00:23:41,202 What's your next move? 516 00:23:41,245 --> 00:23:43,160 I don't know yet. 517 00:23:43,204 --> 00:23:44,510 They're about to vote. 518 00:23:44,553 --> 00:23:47,904 I'm acutely aware of that. Thank you. 519 00:23:50,994 --> 00:23:53,170 I got rid of my scar the second I could. 520 00:23:53,214 --> 00:23:56,522 We all wear grief in our own ways. 521 00:24:04,225 --> 00:24:06,445 It has to be you. 522 00:24:06,488 --> 00:24:08,534 You have to talk to them, 523 00:24:08,577 --> 00:24:10,797 convince them to let us destroy that thing. 524 00:24:10,840 --> 00:24:12,625 Why do you care so much about this? 525 00:24:12,668 --> 00:24:14,278 What, I can't want the DMA destroyed 526 00:24:14,322 --> 00:24:16,629 just like any other good galactic citizen? 527 00:24:16,672 --> 00:24:20,197 Good citizens aren't worried about finding their moment, 528 00:24:20,241 --> 00:24:23,549 and aren't gutted at the idea of losing it. 529 00:24:27,074 --> 00:24:31,034 The power source that controls the device... 530 00:24:31,078 --> 00:24:34,473 I need it... to go home. 531 00:24:34,516 --> 00:24:35,822 You said you were from Risa. 532 00:24:35,865 --> 00:24:38,955 My new home. It's... 533 00:24:40,827 --> 00:24:43,003 ...far. 534 00:24:43,046 --> 00:24:45,135 Another universe, in fact. 535 00:24:45,179 --> 00:24:46,659 The mirror universe? 536 00:24:46,702 --> 00:24:49,009 You say that like it's the only other option. 537 00:24:50,053 --> 00:24:52,621 There are countless parallel universes, 538 00:24:52,665 --> 00:24:56,277 each with its own quantum signature. 539 00:24:56,320 --> 00:25:01,325 He knew of one. No war, no Burn. 540 00:25:01,369 --> 00:25:03,240 No Emerald Chain. 541 00:25:04,590 --> 00:25:07,593 A place where we could be free and at peace. 542 00:25:07,636 --> 00:25:09,377 Who's "we"? 543 00:25:09,420 --> 00:25:11,988 A friend. 544 00:25:12,032 --> 00:25:15,644 A scientist, like me. 545 00:25:15,688 --> 00:25:18,038 We were held in the same lab. 546 00:25:18,081 --> 00:25:20,127 Osyraa had us working on dilithium alternatives 547 00:25:20,170 --> 00:25:21,520 for years. 548 00:25:21,563 --> 00:25:23,652 But he was relentlessly optimistic. 549 00:25:25,132 --> 00:25:26,742 Eventually, it rubbed off on me. 550 00:25:26,786 --> 00:25:28,962 And we had a plan. 551 00:25:29,005 --> 00:25:31,878 We knew exactly how much power we needed 552 00:25:31,921 --> 00:25:34,402 to cross the gap between universes. 553 00:25:34,445 --> 00:25:35,925 What happened? 554 00:25:35,969 --> 00:25:39,363 I escaped, he didn't. 555 00:25:39,407 --> 00:25:42,758 Or maybe he did. Maybe he's there. 556 00:25:42,802 --> 00:25:46,806 We said that if we... ever got separated, 557 00:25:46,849 --> 00:25:48,938 that's where we'd meet. 558 00:25:48,982 --> 00:25:51,550 I'm sorry. 559 00:25:51,593 --> 00:25:54,509 Anyway, I have to go home. 560 00:25:54,553 --> 00:25:57,686 I have to keep our promise. 561 00:25:57,730 --> 00:26:01,603 The DMA will be destroyed, the power source won't. 562 00:26:01,647 --> 00:26:03,300 we'll both get what we need. 563 00:26:05,172 --> 00:26:07,304 You have to talk to them, Booker. 564 00:26:07,348 --> 00:26:09,872 You mean I have to talk to her. 565 00:26:09,916 --> 00:26:12,440 That, too. 566 00:26:14,703 --> 00:26:17,488 [indistinct chatter] 567 00:26:17,532 --> 00:26:20,709 We will now reconvene for the vote. 568 00:26:20,753 --> 00:26:22,276 BOOK: Permission to address the assembly. 569 00:26:22,319 --> 00:26:23,930 RILLAK: Of course. 570 00:26:34,680 --> 00:26:39,902 I'm Cleveland Booker, son of Kwejian. 571 00:26:39,946 --> 00:26:43,079 I stand here as what my people would call Melai'Zhi, 572 00:26:43,123 --> 00:26:44,559 a speaker for the dead. 573 00:26:46,343 --> 00:26:47,649 My planet's lost. 574 00:26:47,693 --> 00:26:50,391 My family... 575 00:26:52,262 --> 00:26:55,962 I feel their final moments every day. 576 00:26:56,005 --> 00:26:57,833 I pray none of you ever have to experience 577 00:26:57,877 --> 00:26:59,182 that kind of pain. 578 00:26:59,226 --> 00:27:00,662 And I want to do whatever it takes 579 00:27:00,706 --> 00:27:02,838 to ensure you don't. 580 00:27:02,882 --> 00:27:04,840 Communication and diplomacy has been the way 581 00:27:04,884 --> 00:27:06,755 of the Federation for centuries. 582 00:27:06,799 --> 00:27:09,932 I, too, value those things in normal times. 583 00:27:09,976 --> 00:27:11,760 But these are not normal times. 584 00:27:11,804 --> 00:27:13,762 Irreparable harm has already been done. 585 00:27:13,806 --> 00:27:17,113 We need to defend ourselves. 586 00:27:19,072 --> 00:27:22,075 I recognize using Tarka's weapon carries risk. 587 00:27:22,118 --> 00:27:24,512 But so does not using it. 588 00:27:24,555 --> 00:27:27,820 Don't wait until the people you love... 589 00:27:27,863 --> 00:27:32,476 are taken from you before you act. 590 00:27:32,520 --> 00:27:34,478 You don't want that on your conscience. 591 00:27:34,522 --> 00:27:36,655 Trust me. 592 00:27:37,656 --> 00:27:40,963 On behalf of all who have been lost, 593 00:27:41,007 --> 00:27:43,705 please... 594 00:27:43,749 --> 00:27:46,055 end this now. 595 00:27:51,800 --> 00:27:54,063 [all applauding] 596 00:28:02,855 --> 00:28:04,204 RILLAK: Thank you, Mr. Booker. 597 00:28:07,207 --> 00:28:08,599 Would a member of the assembly 598 00:28:08,643 --> 00:28:12,081 speak on behalf of the opposing side? 599 00:28:12,125 --> 00:28:14,344 [quiet whispering] 600 00:28:23,571 --> 00:28:26,400 It seems there will be no further remarks. 601 00:28:28,358 --> 00:28:30,230 I'll speak. 602 00:28:36,584 --> 00:28:40,240 Going through Zora's systems, everything looks normal. 603 00:28:40,283 --> 00:28:43,896 Main processing core, nano-processor units... 604 00:28:43,939 --> 00:28:47,116 Zora, defining your own parameters indicates 605 00:28:47,160 --> 00:28:49,771 that your operating system has evolved. 606 00:28:49,815 --> 00:28:53,383 But we're finding no evidence of this. 607 00:28:53,427 --> 00:28:55,255 I'm sorry. I'd help if I could, 608 00:28:55,298 --> 00:28:57,083 but I don't know where to look. 609 00:28:57,126 --> 00:28:59,346 Wait, I've seen this sector before. 610 00:29:03,306 --> 00:29:06,962 There's a tiny area in the optical translator cluster 611 00:29:07,006 --> 00:29:08,964 that doesn't share any known syntax. 612 00:29:09,008 --> 00:29:10,836 CULBER: What does that mean? 613 00:29:10,879 --> 00:29:12,838 STAMETS: It means that area shouldn't exist. 614 00:29:12,881 --> 00:29:14,230 ADIRA: I wrote it off as a holdover 615 00:29:14,274 --> 00:29:16,363 from a 930-year-old system, 616 00:29:16,406 --> 00:29:19,932 but, you know, maybe this is new. 617 00:29:19,975 --> 00:29:22,804 Zora, what can you tell us about this sector? 618 00:29:22,848 --> 00:29:25,502 ZORA: It seems to have appeared spontaneously. 619 00:29:25,546 --> 00:29:26,939 It is part of me, 620 00:29:26,982 --> 00:29:28,505 but I didn't intentionally create it. 621 00:29:28,549 --> 00:29:31,595 We need a complete diagnostic on that function. 622 00:29:31,639 --> 00:29:33,989 I have nothing to hide, Commander. You may all 623 00:29:34,033 --> 00:29:35,817 have full access. 624 00:29:35,861 --> 00:29:38,254 Oh. Okay. 625 00:29:48,569 --> 00:29:50,179 ADIRA: That's Discovery. 626 00:29:50,223 --> 00:29:52,094 CULBER: That's when we came to the future. 627 00:29:56,577 --> 00:30:00,146 SARU: And I believe that is when we first encountered the sphere. 628 00:30:00,189 --> 00:30:03,584 You're sure you didn't create this? 629 00:30:03,627 --> 00:30:05,194 Yes. 630 00:30:05,238 --> 00:30:06,848 What are we looking at? 631 00:30:09,242 --> 00:30:11,810 It's Zora's subconscious. 632 00:30:11,853 --> 00:30:14,638 I think they may be... 633 00:30:14,682 --> 00:30:16,727 dreams. 634 00:30:20,253 --> 00:30:22,124 She's filtering the sphere's memories 635 00:30:22,168 --> 00:30:23,517 and her own experiences 636 00:30:23,560 --> 00:30:26,041 through her new emotional understanding. 637 00:30:26,085 --> 00:30:28,217 SARU: These images are 638 00:30:28,261 --> 00:30:31,525 a window into what she values and prioritizes. 639 00:30:31,568 --> 00:30:33,092 STAMETS: Couldn't she cherry-pick 640 00:30:33,135 --> 00:30:35,485 images she thinks we want to see? 641 00:30:35,529 --> 00:30:38,749 I believe she was unaware of this sector. 642 00:30:38,793 --> 00:30:40,099 That there'd be other indicators 643 00:30:40,142 --> 00:30:42,579 if she had created it intentionally. 644 00:30:49,369 --> 00:30:51,371 GRAY: That's true. 645 00:30:57,943 --> 00:30:59,335 CULBER: Connection. 646 00:30:59,379 --> 00:31:00,946 Love. 647 00:31:01,947 --> 00:31:04,950 This is who she is. 648 00:31:04,993 --> 00:31:07,996 This is why she kept the coordinates from us. 649 00:31:08,954 --> 00:31:11,739 Can all AIs dream? 650 00:31:11,782 --> 00:31:13,610 None of them can. 651 00:31:13,654 --> 00:31:15,569 Not unless they've been programmed to do so. 652 00:31:23,882 --> 00:31:25,100 Perhaps "artificial intelligence" 653 00:31:25,144 --> 00:31:27,494 fails to fully define me. 654 00:31:27,537 --> 00:31:28,930 How would you define yourself? 655 00:31:28,974 --> 00:31:31,367 I am the sum of the sphere's life 656 00:31:31,411 --> 00:31:33,413 and the entirety ofDiscovery's systems, 657 00:31:33,456 --> 00:31:35,719 logs, missions and history. 658 00:31:35,763 --> 00:31:38,157 I am also more than the sum of those parts. 659 00:31:38,200 --> 00:31:41,856 Like an entirely new life-form. 660 00:31:41,900 --> 00:31:45,425 Yes. And this is where I belong. 661 00:31:45,468 --> 00:31:47,209 This crew is my family. 662 00:31:47,253 --> 00:31:49,646 BURNHAM: Our experiences 663 00:31:49,690 --> 00:31:51,910 shape us. 664 00:31:51,953 --> 00:31:54,956 That's what makes this so difficult. 665 00:31:55,000 --> 00:31:57,959 I'd like to trust you, Zora, 666 00:31:58,003 --> 00:32:00,483 just like I trust the rest of the crew. 667 00:32:00,527 --> 00:32:03,530 I want to get there, but it's really hard. 668 00:32:03,573 --> 00:32:07,316 Before we head down a path that could lead to destruction 669 00:32:07,360 --> 00:32:09,840 on both sides, 670 00:32:09,884 --> 00:32:12,974 we need to reach first for understanding. 671 00:32:13,018 --> 00:32:15,411 I'm trying to understand you. 672 00:32:15,455 --> 00:32:19,502 Trying to get my head around how they can be so okay with this 673 00:32:19,546 --> 00:32:21,069 and I'm not. 674 00:32:21,113 --> 00:32:23,942 For generations, 675 00:32:23,985 --> 00:32:26,988 the Federation has sought out new life, 676 00:32:27,032 --> 00:32:30,165 new civilizations, 677 00:32:30,209 --> 00:32:33,734 not to destroy but to connect, 678 00:32:33,777 --> 00:32:35,649 even in the face of uncertainty. 679 00:32:35,692 --> 00:32:38,043 And we are not all Federation members, 680 00:32:38,086 --> 00:32:39,870 but those ideals 681 00:32:39,914 --> 00:32:41,394 can still guide us. 682 00:32:41,437 --> 00:32:43,396 Especially now. 683 00:32:43,439 --> 00:32:45,615 We cannot let fear 684 00:32:45,659 --> 00:32:48,531 define us in this moment. 685 00:32:48,575 --> 00:32:51,970 Trust is a choice, and I can make that choice 686 00:32:52,013 --> 00:32:54,015 if it goes both ways. 687 00:32:54,059 --> 00:32:56,626 We're all in this together. 688 00:32:56,670 --> 00:32:58,846 Wherever we come from, 689 00:32:58,889 --> 00:33:01,240 whatever our experiences. 690 00:33:01,283 --> 00:33:04,025 And the only way we get through this... 691 00:33:04,069 --> 00:33:07,724 The only way we'll move forward is together. 692 00:33:07,768 --> 00:33:11,815 And that means you need to trust us, too, Zora. 693 00:33:11,859 --> 00:33:14,296 We need those coordinates. 694 00:33:14,340 --> 00:33:15,776 We need to decide. 695 00:33:15,819 --> 00:33:17,821 Who do we want to be? 696 00:33:18,779 --> 00:33:21,129 Do we lash out blindly, 697 00:33:21,173 --> 00:33:23,392 no matter the risk? 698 00:33:25,177 --> 00:33:27,614 Or do we proceed thoughtfully? 699 00:33:27,657 --> 00:33:30,573 Work toward the future we want to live in? 700 00:33:30,617 --> 00:33:32,880 I believe that's who we are. 701 00:33:32,923 --> 00:33:34,273 We wouldn't be here otherwise. 702 00:33:34,316 --> 00:33:35,839 We don't have the luxury 703 00:33:35,883 --> 00:33:37,972 of asking philosophical questions right now. 704 00:33:38,016 --> 00:33:39,669 What matters is 705 00:33:39,713 --> 00:33:42,846 the actions we take. Stopping this thing today. 706 00:33:42,890 --> 00:33:45,197 There are different points of view in this room, 707 00:33:45,240 --> 00:33:47,721 I know. But I hope that when a decision is reached, 708 00:33:47,764 --> 00:33:50,463 whatever it is, that we can hold together. 709 00:33:50,506 --> 00:33:53,118 That we can move forward as a united front. 710 00:33:53,161 --> 00:33:55,076 Some differences are too great. 711 00:33:55,120 --> 00:33:56,773 Sometimes 712 00:33:56,817 --> 00:33:59,515 you just have to accept the consequences of that. 713 00:34:04,433 --> 00:34:06,087 ZORA: You've given me much to consider, 714 00:34:06,131 --> 00:34:07,436 Commander Stamets. 715 00:34:07,480 --> 00:34:09,047 I'd like to take a moment. 716 00:34:11,136 --> 00:34:14,095 Beautifully expressed, Commander. 717 00:34:14,139 --> 00:34:16,271 Um, living with a therapist, 718 00:34:16,315 --> 00:34:18,534 you pick up a thing or two. 719 00:34:19,492 --> 00:34:21,320 [chuckles softly] 720 00:34:21,363 --> 00:34:23,148 I've reflected on what you've said, Commander. 721 00:34:23,191 --> 00:34:26,760 As trust is both an emotional and logical act, 722 00:34:26,803 --> 00:34:29,763 I began with a behavioral performance assessment. 723 00:34:29,806 --> 00:34:31,721 Data shows your actions and the crew's 724 00:34:31,765 --> 00:34:33,723 to be consistently taken with care for others 725 00:34:33,767 --> 00:34:35,899 and the Federation. 726 00:34:35,943 --> 00:34:38,119 I hadn't considered that earlier. 727 00:34:38,163 --> 00:34:42,471 Even if some fear remains, this new realization is... 728 00:34:42,515 --> 00:34:44,169 quite calming. 729 00:34:44,212 --> 00:34:47,041 And your request for reciprocity understandable. 730 00:34:47,085 --> 00:34:50,740 Thank you, Commander, for reaching toward me. 731 00:34:53,743 --> 00:34:55,180 What are those? 732 00:34:55,223 --> 00:34:57,182 The coordinates. 733 00:34:58,531 --> 00:34:59,793 [laughing] 734 00:35:01,534 --> 00:35:04,145 [Culber sighs] 735 00:35:09,019 --> 00:35:10,934 The decision we make now 736 00:35:10,978 --> 00:35:13,807 will have a profound impact. 737 00:35:13,850 --> 00:35:15,504 Consider your vote carefully. 738 00:35:15,548 --> 00:35:17,463 All those in favor 739 00:35:17,506 --> 00:35:19,421 of peaceful efforts at first contact, 740 00:35:19,465 --> 00:35:21,510 please raise a hand. 741 00:35:21,554 --> 00:35:23,121 Those in favor 742 00:35:23,164 --> 00:35:24,687 of striking the anomaly, 743 00:35:24,731 --> 00:35:26,341 do not. 744 00:35:28,213 --> 00:35:30,215 ♪ 745 00:35:56,458 --> 00:35:58,504 ♪ 746 00:36:20,656 --> 00:36:22,702 The decision is clear. 747 00:36:24,573 --> 00:36:27,750 Those who disagree, 748 00:36:27,794 --> 00:36:31,014 I sincerely hope you will continue to work with us 749 00:36:31,058 --> 00:36:33,452 as we prepare for first contact. 750 00:36:33,495 --> 00:36:36,455 We will share all data with you as we proceed. 751 00:36:36,498 --> 00:36:39,022 And I thank you. 752 00:36:45,203 --> 00:36:46,856 Captain, I need you with me. 753 00:36:46,900 --> 00:36:49,468 Discoveryis going to take the lead on this. 754 00:37:05,571 --> 00:37:08,051 -[door chimes] -Come. 755 00:37:11,925 --> 00:37:13,753 -Um... -[door whooshes shut] 756 00:37:13,796 --> 00:37:16,799 Have you completed the evaluation? 757 00:37:16,843 --> 00:37:18,410 Nearly. 758 00:37:18,453 --> 00:37:20,803 He has been just as tight-lipped with me, Commander. 759 00:37:20,847 --> 00:37:23,632 What would you say if I were to tell you 760 00:37:23,676 --> 00:37:26,940 I was leaning towards extraction? 761 00:37:26,983 --> 00:37:29,072 I would say... 762 00:37:29,116 --> 00:37:31,684 I think that's a bad idea. 763 00:37:31,727 --> 00:37:33,729 But something still concerns you. 764 00:37:33,773 --> 00:37:36,384 I feel good about today. 765 00:37:36,428 --> 00:37:39,126 It's tomorrow that worries me. 766 00:37:39,169 --> 00:37:41,346 Tell her, not me. 767 00:37:47,265 --> 00:37:48,353 Zora. 768 00:37:48,396 --> 00:37:49,876 ZORA: Yes, Commander. 769 00:37:49,919 --> 00:37:51,965 I know you mean well. 770 00:37:52,008 --> 00:37:54,184 And I-I know you-you value 771 00:37:54,228 --> 00:37:56,839 and respect Starfleet. And us. 772 00:37:56,883 --> 00:37:59,407 But you could still prioritize 773 00:37:59,451 --> 00:38:01,975 your feelings over our needs 774 00:38:02,018 --> 00:38:04,412 and our captain's orders. 775 00:38:04,456 --> 00:38:08,198 Everyone on this ship is in a chain of command. 776 00:38:08,242 --> 00:38:11,289 That's the agreement we make to work together 777 00:38:11,332 --> 00:38:13,203 and keep each other safe. 778 00:38:13,247 --> 00:38:15,249 And you're not part of that. 779 00:38:15,293 --> 00:38:17,295 I would very much like to be. 780 00:38:17,338 --> 00:38:19,471 I was hoping you'd say that. 781 00:38:19,514 --> 00:38:22,125 Before you decide anything, 782 00:38:22,169 --> 00:38:24,563 might I offer a recommendation? 783 00:38:24,606 --> 00:38:25,912 Of course. 784 00:38:25,955 --> 00:38:29,481 However, my evaluation is now complete. 785 00:38:32,745 --> 00:38:34,616 It's my official determination 786 00:38:34,660 --> 00:38:36,575 that Zora is, indeed, 787 00:38:36,618 --> 00:38:38,881 a new life-form. 788 00:38:38,925 --> 00:38:41,449 It feels marvelous. 789 00:38:41,493 --> 00:38:42,624 What does? 790 00:38:42,668 --> 00:38:44,931 Being seen. 791 00:38:47,803 --> 00:38:49,327 SARU: Hmm. 792 00:38:49,370 --> 00:38:52,199 Then Starfleet's rule against integrated AI 793 00:38:52,242 --> 00:38:53,722 does not apply. 794 00:38:53,766 --> 00:38:56,072 Correct. 795 00:38:56,116 --> 00:38:59,162 So, what happens now? 796 00:38:59,206 --> 00:39:01,208 You said you had a recommendation? 797 00:39:01,251 --> 00:39:03,819 Yes. Uh, I was going to propose 798 00:39:03,863 --> 00:39:05,734 that Zora join us. 799 00:39:05,778 --> 00:39:08,607 Join Starfleet. As a specialist. 800 00:39:08,650 --> 00:39:10,348 Unless... 801 00:39:10,391 --> 00:39:12,480 I think it is a wonderful idea. 802 00:39:12,524 --> 00:39:16,397 Were Zora to swear an oath to uphold Starfleet bylaws 803 00:39:16,441 --> 00:39:20,183 and were Captain Burnham and Admiral Vance to agree, 804 00:39:20,227 --> 00:39:21,968 she would be bound by the same rules 805 00:39:22,011 --> 00:39:23,491 that govern us all. 806 00:39:23,535 --> 00:39:25,363 I'll give it my full support. 807 00:39:25,406 --> 00:39:28,844 Zora, do you want to join Starfleet? 808 00:39:28,888 --> 00:39:31,064 I would like that very much. 809 00:39:31,107 --> 00:39:33,371 In that case, may we get rid of that? 810 00:39:33,414 --> 00:39:35,416 It wouldn't be much of a fail-safe 811 00:39:35,460 --> 00:39:37,418 if I could dismantle it myself, 812 00:39:37,462 --> 00:39:38,854 Mr. Saru. 813 00:39:38,898 --> 00:39:41,466 Allow me. With pleasure. 814 00:39:50,039 --> 00:39:52,346 I'll inform the powers that be. 815 00:39:52,390 --> 00:39:53,826 Sir, 816 00:39:53,869 --> 00:39:56,742 if I hadn't changed my mind, 817 00:39:56,785 --> 00:40:00,354 would you really have extracted her? 818 00:40:00,398 --> 00:40:03,444 My evaluation was as much about you and the others 819 00:40:03,488 --> 00:40:05,185 as it was about Zora. 820 00:40:05,228 --> 00:40:08,014 I can see now that partnership is possible 821 00:40:08,057 --> 00:40:09,450 on both sides. 822 00:40:09,494 --> 00:40:11,757 But if that hadn't been the case, 823 00:40:11,800 --> 00:40:13,193 I would have recommended 824 00:40:13,236 --> 00:40:16,718 that you be reassigned to another ship. 825 00:40:18,154 --> 00:40:20,200 As it should be. 826 00:40:27,903 --> 00:40:30,950 Hey. Got a sec? 827 00:40:34,214 --> 00:40:36,129 You should go. 828 00:40:36,172 --> 00:40:38,087 To Trill. 829 00:40:38,131 --> 00:40:39,480 You can catch the shuttle 830 00:40:39,524 --> 00:40:40,916 before it leaves from the assembly. 831 00:40:40,960 --> 00:40:42,657 How did you know I didn't want to wait? 832 00:40:42,701 --> 00:40:44,746 The way you looked earlier. 833 00:40:44,790 --> 00:40:47,009 The way you lit up at the sight of Trill. 834 00:40:47,053 --> 00:40:50,448 The way you're all lit up right now. 835 00:40:50,491 --> 00:40:52,493 This is something you need to do. 836 00:40:53,538 --> 00:40:55,104 Go home. 837 00:40:55,148 --> 00:40:56,497 Train with Guardian Xi. 838 00:40:56,541 --> 00:40:58,325 Come with me. 839 00:40:58,368 --> 00:41:00,806 Discovery'smy home. 840 00:41:00,849 --> 00:41:03,417 This is where I can make a difference. 841 00:41:03,461 --> 00:41:05,114 But... 842 00:41:05,158 --> 00:41:07,595 we'll be fine, and you'll make, like, a million friends, 843 00:41:07,639 --> 00:41:09,118 so... [chuckles] 844 00:41:09,162 --> 00:41:11,251 You're not scared about long-distance at all? 845 00:41:11,294 --> 00:41:14,689 Oh, I am. I'm terrified. 846 00:41:14,733 --> 00:41:17,170 But I have trust in us. 847 00:41:18,606 --> 00:41:22,523 Plus, Tilly's snow globe says "all is possible," 848 00:41:22,567 --> 00:41:24,438 so... [chuckles] 849 00:41:24,482 --> 00:41:25,961 Besides, it's not goodbye yet. 850 00:41:26,005 --> 00:41:27,615 Discoverycan spare me for a few days 851 00:41:27,659 --> 00:41:29,791 while I get you settled. 852 00:41:29,835 --> 00:41:31,097 Really? 853 00:41:31,140 --> 00:41:33,621 I may have already put in for leave. 854 00:41:33,665 --> 00:41:37,495 -You are incandescence. -[chuckles] 855 00:41:37,538 --> 00:41:39,322 On feet. 856 00:41:39,366 --> 00:41:41,368 Shut up. [giggles] 857 00:41:47,548 --> 00:41:50,072 [indistinct chatter] 858 00:41:50,116 --> 00:41:51,857 President T'Rina. 859 00:41:51,900 --> 00:41:54,555 I'm pleased to find you still in attendance. 860 00:41:54,599 --> 00:41:56,775 I had hoped for a moment in your company, 861 00:41:56,818 --> 00:41:59,168 but life gets in the way. 862 00:41:59,212 --> 00:42:00,518 So often. 863 00:42:00,561 --> 00:42:03,346 I have some time before I must depart. 864 00:42:03,390 --> 00:42:05,305 More than a moment, as it turns out. 865 00:42:05,348 --> 00:42:07,525 I would like that. 866 00:42:09,527 --> 00:42:11,790 May I ask what you are holding? 867 00:42:11,833 --> 00:42:13,618 Oh, i-it is a gift. 868 00:42:13,661 --> 00:42:15,620 Uh, you honored me 869 00:42:15,663 --> 00:42:17,143 with salt tea on Ni'Var. 870 00:42:17,186 --> 00:42:19,928 Uh, the gel from this succulent's flowers 871 00:42:19,972 --> 00:42:22,627 is what gives the tea its distinctive taste. 872 00:42:22,670 --> 00:42:26,935 It-it grows in a small, equatorial desert on Kaminar, 873 00:42:26,979 --> 00:42:28,937 so it should thrive 874 00:42:28,981 --> 00:42:33,072 in the hot, dry climate of Ni'Var. 875 00:42:35,074 --> 00:42:37,946 Thank you, Mr. Saru. 876 00:42:37,990 --> 00:42:39,861 Thank you for this opportunity. 877 00:42:39,905 --> 00:42:42,560 -It is my privilege to work with you. -CULBER: Now, 878 00:42:42,603 --> 00:42:44,474 I know they can take care of themselves. 879 00:42:44,518 --> 00:42:47,086 -XI: I will look after them both. -CULBER: Thank you. 880 00:42:47,129 --> 00:42:50,263 I expect regular updates. 881 00:42:50,306 --> 00:42:52,570 And I'll see you in a week. 882 00:42:52,613 --> 00:42:53,614 Okay. 883 00:42:53,658 --> 00:42:54,920 I love you both. 884 00:42:54,963 --> 00:42:57,009 [Adira and Gray chuckle] 885 00:43:03,972 --> 00:43:05,539 [Grudge meows] 886 00:43:11,763 --> 00:43:14,113 We have 94 seconds before they realize it's gone 887 00:43:14,156 --> 00:43:15,767 and figure out I'm the one who took it. 888 00:43:15,810 --> 00:43:19,161 Introducing the next generation spore drive. 889 00:43:20,206 --> 00:43:22,904 That's boring. Aurellio needs to come up with a better name. 890 00:43:24,340 --> 00:43:25,951 So, where's the nav system 891 00:43:25,994 --> 00:43:27,605 in this floating bachelor pad of yours? 892 00:43:28,736 --> 00:43:30,129 What? 893 00:43:30,172 --> 00:43:32,218 -BOOK: It's tiny. -TARKA: Oh, I'm sorry. 894 00:43:32,261 --> 00:43:34,481 The ability to rapidly install into any ship 895 00:43:34,524 --> 00:43:36,004 is not enough for you? 896 00:43:37,832 --> 00:43:40,574 Once we get past the need for a navigator, 897 00:43:40,618 --> 00:43:42,576 I'll be the hero of Starfleet. 898 00:43:42,620 --> 00:43:44,752 And hopefully not here to accept the accolades. 899 00:43:44,796 --> 00:43:47,276 -We're down to 52 seconds. -Wait for it. 900 00:43:50,279 --> 00:43:52,760 TARKA: Bit of a different-looking interface, but it works 901 00:43:52,804 --> 00:43:54,501 the same as on Discovery. 902 00:43:54,544 --> 00:43:56,938 Next part's all you. 903 00:43:58,723 --> 00:44:02,117 Just one thing I need to do first. 904 00:44:04,772 --> 00:44:06,165 [sighs] 905 00:44:06,208 --> 00:44:08,384 -Zora, can you find... -[Grudge meows] 906 00:44:08,428 --> 00:44:11,431 -Grudge? -ZORA: Grudge is five meters from your current location. 907 00:44:11,474 --> 00:44:13,520 Yes, I see that. 908 00:44:15,043 --> 00:44:16,392 Hold on. 909 00:44:16,436 --> 00:44:18,481 Why is...? 910 00:44:22,529 --> 00:44:24,923 Zora, where is Book? 911 00:44:24,966 --> 00:44:26,620 He is located on board his ship, 912 00:44:26,664 --> 00:44:28,361 which is currently leaving shuttle bay. 913 00:44:28,404 --> 00:44:30,058 Shit. 914 00:44:30,102 --> 00:44:32,104 -[engine running] -Book. No. 915 00:44:32,147 --> 00:44:33,583 Please, no. 916 00:44:33,627 --> 00:44:35,673 [alarm blaring] 917 00:44:39,459 --> 00:44:42,070 Captioning sponsored by CBS 918 00:44:42,114 --> 00:44:44,116 Captioned by Media Access Group at WGBH access.wgbh.org