1 00:00:00,761 --> 00:00:06,761 ReEncoded By Dr.XJ | PSA www.PSArips.com 2 00:00:07,785 --> 00:00:09,855 Previously on Star Trek: Discovery... 3 00:00:09,955 --> 00:00:11,693 The killer is a Ni'Var citizen 4 00:00:11,793 --> 00:00:14,030 and a Qowat Milat nun known as J'Vini. 5 00:00:14,130 --> 00:00:16,201 Starfleet remands the prisoner 6 00:00:16,301 --> 00:00:18,539 to your custody for extradition to Ni'Var. 7 00:00:18,640 --> 00:00:19,785 BURNHAM: First officer of the Credence. 8 00:00:19,809 --> 00:00:21,011 He had two kids. 9 00:00:21,111 --> 00:00:22,715 Then you know they deserved justice. 10 00:00:22,815 --> 00:00:24,852 I also know bringing Ni'Var into the Federation 11 00:00:24,952 --> 00:00:26,623 will benefit millions. 12 00:00:26,723 --> 00:00:28,201 There must have been a sign it was coming. 13 00:00:28,225 --> 00:00:29,595 I missed it. 14 00:00:29,695 --> 00:00:32,533 What you require is freedom from guilt. 15 00:00:32,635 --> 00:00:35,005 My mind to your mind. 16 00:00:35,105 --> 00:00:37,185 It can be a little hard to get out of your comfort zone 17 00:00:37,209 --> 00:00:39,047 when you can barely get out of the lab. 18 00:00:39,147 --> 00:00:40,851 So getting the opportunity to do this, 19 00:00:40,951 --> 00:00:42,232 this could be really good for me. 20 00:00:44,057 --> 00:00:45,292 ADIRA: Are you... you? 21 00:00:45,392 --> 00:00:47,765 I'm definitely me. 22 00:00:47,865 --> 00:00:49,067 (chuckles): How do you feel? 23 00:00:49,167 --> 00:00:51,204 Whole. 24 00:00:58,051 --> 00:01:02,126 BURNHAM: Captain's log, stardate 865661.2. 25 00:01:02,226 --> 00:01:06,635 It's been a week since my mission with the Qowat Milat. 26 00:01:06,736 --> 00:01:09,608 Since then we've stayed in orbit over Ni'Var, 27 00:01:09,709 --> 00:01:11,220 working with the Ni'Var Science Institute 28 00:01:11,244 --> 00:01:12,715 and the Federation Task Force 29 00:01:12,815 --> 00:01:15,821 that's tracking and studying the DMA. 30 00:01:15,921 --> 00:01:19,729 No other inhabited worlds have been threatened yet, 31 00:01:19,829 --> 00:01:23,703 but of course that can change at any moment. 32 00:01:23,803 --> 00:01:26,107 Ni'Var has fast-tracked negotiations 33 00:01:26,207 --> 00:01:27,711 to rejoin the Federation. 34 00:01:27,811 --> 00:01:29,089 I haven't yet heard how they're going. 35 00:01:29,113 --> 00:01:32,755 We're all living in uncertainty. 36 00:01:32,855 --> 00:01:35,159 Even for a crew as familiar with the unknown as this one, 37 00:01:35,259 --> 00:01:38,131 the stress is taking its toll. 38 00:01:39,100 --> 00:01:41,204 I'm following Dr. Culber's advice, 39 00:01:41,304 --> 00:01:43,008 mandating downtime to help 40 00:01:43,108 --> 00:01:46,047 with their psychological and emotional well-being. 41 00:01:48,251 --> 00:01:52,093 But Stamets won't let himself slow down, even for a second. 42 00:01:52,193 --> 00:01:56,101 He wants to solve this for all of us, especially Book. 43 00:01:56,201 --> 00:01:58,371 Book. 44 00:01:58,471 --> 00:02:01,011 Even though the mind meld with T'Rina helped at the time, 45 00:02:01,111 --> 00:02:03,850 the peace he felt has been 46 00:02:03,950 --> 00:02:05,585 fleeting. 47 00:02:05,686 --> 00:02:08,091 I've encouraged him to talk to Dr. Culber, 48 00:02:08,191 --> 00:02:11,097 but I feel him pulling into himself. 49 00:02:11,197 --> 00:02:14,872 A natural response to grief, crisis, 50 00:02:14,972 --> 00:02:16,809 all of this. 51 00:02:16,909 --> 00:02:19,080 But he can't do this alone. 52 00:02:19,180 --> 00:02:21,084 None of us can. 53 00:02:21,184 --> 00:02:23,756 SARU: Captain, President Rillak has requested 54 00:02:23,857 --> 00:02:25,793 our presence on Ni'Var. 55 00:02:25,894 --> 00:02:27,664 For the summit with President T'rina? 56 00:02:27,764 --> 00:02:29,125 Negotiations are coming to a close. 57 00:02:29,200 --> 00:02:31,672 Uh, but Admiral Vance has fallen ill 58 00:02:31,772 --> 00:02:34,243 with what I am told is a Malindian stomach worm. 59 00:02:34,343 --> 00:02:36,181 The accepted medical guidance is 60 00:02:36,281 --> 00:02:38,819 to allow the worm to gestate before extraction. 61 00:02:38,920 --> 00:02:41,257 - Mm. How long will that take? - 24 hours. 62 00:02:41,357 --> 00:02:44,263 We are to replace him in his diplomatic capacity. 63 00:02:44,363 --> 00:02:45,934 I would love to be there 64 00:02:46,034 --> 00:02:47,813 when Ni'Var officially rejoins the Federation, 65 00:02:47,837 --> 00:02:50,309 but DMA analysis has to take priority. 66 00:02:50,409 --> 00:02:52,146 I'm sure she doesn't need both of us. 67 00:02:52,246 --> 00:02:54,718 Well, to clarify, President Rillak did not imply 68 00:02:54,818 --> 00:02:56,722 a choice in the matter. 69 00:02:56,822 --> 00:02:58,759 Did she brief you on how exactly 70 00:02:58,859 --> 00:03:00,696 we're meant to participate? 71 00:03:00,796 --> 00:03:03,970 Oh, we are to, and I quote, 72 00:03:04,070 --> 00:03:08,245 "Remain silent and look official, nothing more." 73 00:03:10,816 --> 00:03:13,722 I still feel lost. 74 00:03:13,822 --> 00:03:15,826 Your time with the Qowat Milat wasn't helpful? 75 00:03:15,927 --> 00:03:17,196 No, it was. 76 00:03:17,296 --> 00:03:19,400 They have this whole "absolute candor" thing. 77 00:03:19,500 --> 00:03:22,740 So I kind of tried that on myself. 78 00:03:22,840 --> 00:03:24,811 And? 79 00:03:24,911 --> 00:03:27,750 It's... 80 00:03:27,850 --> 00:03:31,993 It's like, you know, all these years, 81 00:03:32,093 --> 00:03:35,766 I think I have been on the straight-line path 82 00:03:35,866 --> 00:03:37,303 to the captain's chair 83 00:03:37,403 --> 00:03:39,407 and just trying to get there as fast as I could. 84 00:03:39,507 --> 00:03:43,215 But now I think maybe... 85 00:03:44,183 --> 00:03:46,989 Maybe you need to take a detour? 86 00:03:47,991 --> 00:03:49,727 (stammers) Yeah. I have been trying 87 00:03:49,828 --> 00:03:51,069 to step outside my comfort zone. 88 00:03:51,131 --> 00:03:53,836 I hunted down a nun. 89 00:03:53,936 --> 00:03:55,305 I ate foods that I hate. 90 00:03:55,405 --> 00:03:57,376 Have you ever tried Rigelian rutabagas? 91 00:03:57,476 --> 00:04:00,983 Because they are horrible, so don't, seriously. 92 00:04:01,084 --> 00:04:03,956 But these are like little baby steps, 93 00:04:04,057 --> 00:04:07,830 and I feel like I really need to challenge myself. 94 00:04:07,930 --> 00:04:10,001 Maybe I could volunteer in Astrometrics, 95 00:04:10,102 --> 00:04:12,005 or study medicine? 96 00:04:12,106 --> 00:04:13,809 I don't know. Seems to make you happy. 97 00:04:13,909 --> 00:04:15,212 (chuckles) 98 00:04:15,312 --> 00:04:16,824 It might be a good idea to clear your mind 99 00:04:16,848 --> 00:04:18,085 before you make any choices. 100 00:04:18,185 --> 00:04:20,089 That is... that is exactly the problem. 101 00:04:20,189 --> 00:04:21,757 My mind doesn't clear. And then now 102 00:04:21,858 --> 00:04:23,299 with all this DMA craziness going on, 103 00:04:23,361 --> 00:04:25,465 it's like... 104 00:04:26,534 --> 00:04:29,006 You know, Dr. Kovich came to me, 105 00:04:29,107 --> 00:04:31,043 looking for a Discovery crew member 106 00:04:31,144 --> 00:04:33,748 to lead some cadets in a team-building exercise. 107 00:04:33,849 --> 00:04:35,920 He's consulting with Starfleet Academy. 108 00:04:36,020 --> 00:04:37,790 Believes we have something special to offer 109 00:04:37,890 --> 00:04:40,262 since we served in a time before the Burn. 110 00:04:41,264 --> 00:04:43,401 How would I justify bailing on Commander Stamets 111 00:04:43,501 --> 00:04:45,205 to go lead an exercise? 112 00:04:45,305 --> 00:04:48,178 The captain's requiring everyone to take some downtime. 113 00:04:48,278 --> 00:04:50,249 This would count as yours. 114 00:04:52,253 --> 00:04:54,490 Go. Get inspired. 115 00:04:57,196 --> 00:04:58,966 Okay. 116 00:04:59,066 --> 00:05:01,137 Mm, here's hoping. 117 00:05:02,139 --> 00:05:03,308 You know, come to think of it, 118 00:05:03,408 --> 00:05:05,078 can you do me a favor when you go? 119 00:05:05,179 --> 00:05:08,485 Why is Tilly ordering me to go on a training exercise 120 00:05:08,585 --> 00:05:09,988 for cadets? 121 00:05:10,088 --> 00:05:11,257 I'm already an ensign. 122 00:05:11,357 --> 00:05:13,261 Starfleet Academy is awesome. 123 00:05:13,361 --> 00:05:14,864 (chuckles) 124 00:05:14,964 --> 00:05:16,167 Try and think of it 125 00:05:16,267 --> 00:05:18,471 as part of your responsibility as host. 126 00:05:18,571 --> 00:05:21,277 Your supposed to add new experiences to your symbiont. 127 00:05:21,377 --> 00:05:24,450 Yeah, but Jovar taught at the Academy before the Burn. 128 00:05:24,550 --> 00:05:27,823 So, really, Tal's already got that experience. 129 00:05:27,924 --> 00:05:29,994 GRAY: There's always something new to learn. 130 00:05:30,094 --> 00:05:32,098 And besides, orders are orders. 131 00:05:32,199 --> 00:05:34,403 All right. Well, what are you gonna do today? 132 00:05:34,503 --> 00:05:37,075 You know, other than the zhian'tal exercises. 133 00:05:37,175 --> 00:05:40,215 Mind and body connection is everything, 134 00:05:40,315 --> 00:05:42,118 especially when you have a new body. 135 00:05:42,219 --> 00:05:44,523 But then I really want to check out 136 00:05:44,623 --> 00:05:47,429 the crew games they're planning in the forward lounge. 137 00:05:47,529 --> 00:05:49,400 You barely know anyone. 138 00:05:49,500 --> 00:05:51,271 I'll walk in, say hello. 139 00:05:51,371 --> 00:05:53,841 Now I know someone. Easy. 140 00:05:53,942 --> 00:05:55,187 You'll do the same with the cadets. 141 00:05:55,211 --> 00:05:57,215 I'm sorry, have you met me? 142 00:05:57,316 --> 00:06:00,221 (chuckles): Can't have soup without scanning it first. 143 00:06:00,322 --> 00:06:02,125 (chuckles softly) 144 00:06:02,225 --> 00:06:06,066 I don't really know how to do new without you. 145 00:06:06,166 --> 00:06:08,571 So, this is your chance to learn. 146 00:06:12,012 --> 00:06:13,815 Okay. I'm going. 147 00:06:13,916 --> 00:06:15,118 Or tomorrow, maybe? 148 00:06:15,218 --> 00:06:17,389 Tomorrow, I think... (laughs) 149 00:06:20,562 --> 00:06:22,399 MAN (over P.A.): Discovery shuttle, 150 00:06:22,499 --> 00:06:24,938 you are cleared for landing. 151 00:06:34,256 --> 00:06:36,293 (indistinct announcement over P.A.) 152 00:06:40,134 --> 00:06:42,105 Ah, Kovich, to the right. 153 00:06:44,076 --> 00:06:46,915 Lieutenant Tilly. Ensign Tal. 154 00:06:47,015 --> 00:06:49,052 Welcome back to Starfleet Academy. 155 00:06:49,152 --> 00:06:51,557 Thank you, sir. It's an absolute honor, uh... 156 00:06:51,657 --> 00:06:54,563 Honestly, never thought I'd be asked to do anything like this. 157 00:06:54,663 --> 00:06:57,335 I was, I was the kid in class who was asked to stop talking. 158 00:06:57,436 --> 00:06:59,941 Front row, hand up, that's me. 159 00:07:00,041 --> 00:07:01,042 KOVICH: Ensign Tal. 160 00:07:01,076 --> 00:07:03,381 You'll be on shuttlecraft 11. 161 00:07:03,481 --> 00:07:06,120 The other cadets are waiting there. 162 00:07:06,220 --> 00:07:07,957 Why don't you introduce yourself? 163 00:07:08,959 --> 00:07:10,562 Y-Yes, sir. Sounds good. 164 00:07:10,662 --> 00:07:12,174 WOMAN (over P.A.): Cadet Cho, report... 165 00:07:12,198 --> 00:07:14,069 Thank you for letting me bring Adira along. 166 00:07:14,169 --> 00:07:17,108 Uh, Dr. Culber thought it could be beneficial. 167 00:07:17,208 --> 00:07:19,948 They could use a little work in the team-building department. 168 00:07:20,048 --> 00:07:23,956 It's a problem we're seeing with all of our Starfleet cadets. 169 00:07:24,056 --> 00:07:26,093 That's why I'm consulting. 170 00:07:26,193 --> 00:07:28,397 They may be the best their worlds have to offer, 171 00:07:28,498 --> 00:07:32,038 but they grew up isolated and disconnected. 172 00:07:32,138 --> 00:07:35,011 Many of them find it hard to function as a team 173 00:07:35,111 --> 00:07:37,683 with individuals they don't already know, 174 00:07:37,783 --> 00:07:41,123 especially those of species they've never encountered. 175 00:07:41,223 --> 00:07:43,495 But with the DMA... 176 00:07:43,595 --> 00:07:45,699 Starfleet needs personnel now more than ever, 177 00:07:45,799 --> 00:07:47,703 but if people can't even work together... 178 00:07:47,803 --> 00:07:49,172 Precisely. 179 00:07:49,272 --> 00:07:51,611 One might say that today's exercise is 180 00:07:51,711 --> 00:07:54,416 about the very future of Starfleet. 181 00:07:55,752 --> 00:07:56,763 WOMAN (over P.A.): Starfleet cadets... 182 00:07:56,787 --> 00:07:58,658 You'll do great, Lieutenant. 183 00:08:00,228 --> 00:08:01,497 TILLY: Today's exercise will be 184 00:08:01,597 --> 00:08:04,202 a typical survey mission. 185 00:08:04,302 --> 00:08:06,273 Lieutenant Callum will be taking us to Geryon, 186 00:08:06,373 --> 00:08:10,381 which is an M-class desert moon orbiting Theta Helios. 187 00:08:10,481 --> 00:08:13,521 Uh, once there, we will carry out a full planetary analysis. 188 00:08:13,621 --> 00:08:15,291 Yes! 189 00:08:15,391 --> 00:08:16,627 (chuckles): So fun. 190 00:08:16,727 --> 00:08:18,430 I think it's fun. 191 00:08:18,531 --> 00:08:20,268 I mean, it's new worlds, new things. 192 00:08:20,368 --> 00:08:24,309 Like, "Hey, what's that? Is that a new life-form? What?" 193 00:08:25,579 --> 00:08:27,348 Amazing. 194 00:08:30,622 --> 00:08:34,229 So, okay, o-once we arrive, we'll have six hours, 195 00:08:34,329 --> 00:08:36,010 uh, at which point we'll need to rendezvous 196 00:08:36,066 --> 00:08:37,535 with the USS Armstrong, 197 00:08:37,636 --> 00:08:40,541 uh, before heading back to Federation Headquarters. 198 00:08:43,514 --> 00:08:44,983 So, you guys have been at the Academy 199 00:08:45,084 --> 00:08:46,353 for a couple months now. 200 00:08:46,453 --> 00:08:47,531 You probably know each other pretty well 201 00:08:47,555 --> 00:08:48,625 at this point, huh? 202 00:08:48,725 --> 00:08:50,328 Um, not really. 203 00:08:50,428 --> 00:08:52,565 Academics keep us pretty busy. 204 00:08:52,666 --> 00:08:54,536 TILLY: Well, this is a team-building exercise, 205 00:08:54,637 --> 00:08:57,542 so, um... I'll start. 206 00:08:57,643 --> 00:09:00,749 Hello, I am Lieutenant Sylvia Tilly. 207 00:09:00,849 --> 00:09:02,285 I was born on Earth. 208 00:09:02,385 --> 00:09:04,389 I do remember my first training exercise. 209 00:09:04,489 --> 00:09:08,497 Um, I dropped my utility kit down a methane gas vent. 210 00:09:08,597 --> 00:09:10,000 (Tilly chuckles) 211 00:09:11,203 --> 00:09:12,338 Who's next? 212 00:09:12,438 --> 00:09:14,142 Anyone else? 213 00:09:16,814 --> 00:09:19,486 We'll be dropping out of warp in one minute. 214 00:09:19,586 --> 00:09:21,290 In that case, 215 00:09:21,390 --> 00:09:23,303 I should probably just give you guys your assignments. 216 00:09:23,327 --> 00:09:26,200 Okay, Ensign Tal, Magnetospheric. 217 00:09:26,300 --> 00:09:29,005 Cadet Harral, Geological. 218 00:09:29,106 --> 00:09:31,042 Cadet Sasha, Microbial. 219 00:09:31,143 --> 00:09:34,316 And Cadet Gorev, Atmospheric. 220 00:09:34,416 --> 00:09:37,021 Um, I sort of thought that you'd be 221 00:09:37,122 --> 00:09:38,257 bringing me as your aide. 222 00:09:38,357 --> 00:09:40,027 You know, to keep an eye on the students, 223 00:09:40,128 --> 00:09:42,699 make sure they don't drop anything down a methane vent. 224 00:09:42,799 --> 00:09:45,304 Yeah, I think, actually, for this exercise, it's more useful 225 00:09:45,404 --> 00:09:47,242 for you to think of yourself as another cadet. 226 00:09:47,342 --> 00:09:48,711 You still have a lot to learn. 227 00:09:48,811 --> 00:09:50,815 - (rumbling) - (alarm blaring) 228 00:09:50,915 --> 00:09:53,554 - What's happening? - We've been hit by a rogue gamma-ray burst. 229 00:09:53,654 --> 00:09:55,759 Engines are off-line. Helm's not responding. 230 00:09:55,859 --> 00:09:57,362 Everybody, hold on to something. 231 00:09:57,462 --> 00:09:58,731 I'm a trained pilot. I can help. 232 00:09:58,831 --> 00:10:00,468 No, Sasha, sit down. That's an order. 233 00:10:00,568 --> 00:10:03,207 AUTOMATED VOICE: Protective shielding deployed. 234 00:10:03,307 --> 00:10:04,652 TILLY: Can you get auxiliary systems working? 235 00:10:04,676 --> 00:10:06,446 Negative. We're going down. 236 00:10:06,546 --> 00:10:08,484 - Brace for impact! Brace! - (loud rattling) 237 00:10:14,329 --> 00:10:16,366 ♪ 238 00:10:43,821 --> 00:10:46,693 ♪ 239 00:11:13,948 --> 00:11:16,786 ♪ 240 00:11:30,814 --> 00:11:33,820 (original Star Trek theme plays) 241 00:11:44,442 --> 00:11:46,680 - (alarms blaring) - (coughing) 242 00:11:48,417 --> 00:11:49,886 TILLY: Everyone okay? 243 00:11:49,987 --> 00:11:52,458 (groaning) 244 00:11:52,558 --> 00:11:54,028 CALLUM: Help me. 245 00:11:58,036 --> 00:12:01,543 - Oh. No, no, no, no, no. - (groans) 246 00:12:01,643 --> 00:12:03,957 (shushes) No, no, no, no, no. Don't move, don't move, don't. 247 00:12:03,981 --> 00:12:05,751 Okay, I-I'm gonna cut away the uniform, 248 00:12:05,851 --> 00:12:08,189 gain access to the wound. 249 00:12:08,290 --> 00:12:09,426 It's gonna be okay. 250 00:12:09,526 --> 00:12:10,961 Uh, this-this wraps around 251 00:12:11,062 --> 00:12:12,374 and then we suture it until we can get some help. 252 00:12:12,398 --> 00:12:13,934 Here. 253 00:12:15,037 --> 00:12:16,806 (gasps) 254 00:12:17,608 --> 00:12:19,479 (alarms continue blaring) 255 00:12:19,579 --> 00:12:20,848 HARRAL: Is he gonna make it? 256 00:12:20,948 --> 00:12:23,254 TILLY: No. 257 00:12:27,094 --> 00:12:29,699 (gasping softly) 258 00:12:32,838 --> 00:12:35,744 USS Armstrong. Come in. 259 00:12:35,844 --> 00:12:38,950 Armstrong, this is Starfleet Lieutenant Sylvia Tilly. 260 00:12:39,051 --> 00:12:41,956 We are on a training mission. Acknowledge. 261 00:12:42,057 --> 00:12:44,662 I think the gamma-ray burst would've knocked out the comms. 262 00:12:45,798 --> 00:12:46,700 (electrical whirring) 263 00:12:46,800 --> 00:12:48,670 Let's see where we are. 264 00:12:57,522 --> 00:12:59,826 Shouldn't this be a desert moon? 265 00:12:59,926 --> 00:13:02,732 We were headed for Geryon, M-class moon. 266 00:13:02,832 --> 00:13:04,769 This is... 267 00:13:04,869 --> 00:13:07,875 This is Kokytos, ♪-class moon. 268 00:13:07,975 --> 00:13:09,846 We landed on the wrong moon? 269 00:13:09,946 --> 00:13:14,489 ♪ -Class is breathable but environmentally hostile. 270 00:13:14,589 --> 00:13:17,795 Okay, come on. This is obviously part of the exercise. 271 00:13:20,668 --> 00:13:23,038 We're in a holo simulation, right? 272 00:13:23,139 --> 00:13:24,976 No. 273 00:13:25,076 --> 00:13:26,913 I'm sorry. I wish I could say yes. 274 00:13:27,013 --> 00:13:28,984 This is real. This is happening. 275 00:13:31,155 --> 00:13:33,293 The emergency distress beacon, 276 00:13:33,394 --> 00:13:34,795 that would've activated upon impact. 277 00:13:34,829 --> 00:13:36,566 Right? So, um, Gorev. 278 00:13:36,666 --> 00:13:38,078 You check life support systems for me. 279 00:13:38,102 --> 00:13:40,072 Sasha, you said you're a pilot, right? 280 00:13:40,173 --> 00:13:42,119 See if you can get some flight systems back on line. 281 00:13:42,143 --> 00:13:43,580 Harral, you're with me. 282 00:13:43,680 --> 00:13:44,692 We're gonna get long-range comms back on. 283 00:13:44,716 --> 00:13:45,997 I'll try to get sensors working. 284 00:13:46,084 --> 00:13:48,022 Good, thank you. 285 00:13:48,857 --> 00:13:50,761 - (grunts) - Hey, watch it. 286 00:13:50,861 --> 00:13:52,173 - You see me working here. - ADIRA: Hey. 287 00:13:52,197 --> 00:13:54,402 Hey, this is not the time. 288 00:13:54,502 --> 00:13:56,449 - Stay out of it. - Hey, hey. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. 289 00:13:56,473 --> 00:13:57,651 No, no, no, no. We're not doing this. No. 290 00:13:57,675 --> 00:13:59,044 Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Calm down. 291 00:13:59,144 --> 00:14:00,948 It is gonna be okay. Okay? 292 00:14:01,048 --> 00:14:02,385 Once we get systems back on line, 293 00:14:02,485 --> 00:14:04,456 we will call the Armstrong. 294 00:14:04,556 --> 00:14:07,362 - They'll pick us up. - They're not expecting us for six hours. 295 00:14:07,462 --> 00:14:08,964 A lot can happen in six hours. 296 00:14:09,064 --> 00:14:11,110 Okay, uh, you know what? I know you guys weren't into 297 00:14:11,134 --> 00:14:12,605 the whole introductions thing before, 298 00:14:12,705 --> 00:14:14,409 but we are doing it, now, while we work. 299 00:14:14,509 --> 00:14:15,778 Got it? 300 00:14:15,878 --> 00:14:17,482 Harral, on comms, now. 301 00:14:17,582 --> 00:14:19,519 Adira. 302 00:14:19,619 --> 00:14:21,923 Adira, you go first. Uh, tell us about yourself. 303 00:14:22,023 --> 00:14:25,531 Um, I'm... I'm Adira Tal. 304 00:14:25,631 --> 00:14:28,404 I grew up on a generation ship, 305 00:14:28,504 --> 00:14:31,743 and now I am an ensign on Discovery. 306 00:14:31,843 --> 00:14:34,014 Great. Sasha, you next. Go ahead. 307 00:14:34,114 --> 00:14:35,818 Val Sasha. 308 00:14:35,918 --> 00:14:38,390 Grew up in a colony on Titan. 309 00:14:38,490 --> 00:14:40,794 Learned to pilot when I was 12. 310 00:14:40,894 --> 00:14:43,032 And coming to the Academy was 311 00:14:43,132 --> 00:14:48,644 the first time I'd met any nonhumans before. 312 00:14:51,148 --> 00:14:52,652 Gorev. 313 00:14:52,752 --> 00:14:54,556 Taahz Gorev. 314 00:14:54,656 --> 00:14:56,460 After the Burn, 315 00:14:56,560 --> 00:14:58,830 my family was stranded in Emerald Chain territory. 316 00:14:58,930 --> 00:15:01,436 We weren't treated very well. 317 00:15:03,507 --> 00:15:04,609 HARRAL: Harral. 318 00:15:04,709 --> 00:15:06,780 Orion. 319 00:15:06,880 --> 00:15:09,519 Which means I have to work twice as hard to be taken seriously. 320 00:15:09,619 --> 00:15:11,054 (growls) 321 00:15:11,154 --> 00:15:14,060 If you check my file, you'll see I'm top of the class. 322 00:15:14,160 --> 00:15:17,066 Right. Good. 323 00:15:17,166 --> 00:15:19,070 Now we all know each other a little better. 324 00:15:19,170 --> 00:15:21,409 - (claps) - Go team. 325 00:15:21,510 --> 00:15:23,547 ♪ 326 00:15:31,061 --> 00:15:33,098 (indistinct chatter) 327 00:15:44,220 --> 00:15:45,791 AIDE: Sir? 328 00:15:58,015 --> 00:16:00,654 It appears you have a fan, Saru. 329 00:16:00,754 --> 00:16:01,756 (clears throat) 330 00:16:01,856 --> 00:16:04,929 RILLAK: Friends, colleagues. 331 00:16:05,029 --> 00:16:07,400 The last four months have seen 332 00:16:07,502 --> 00:16:09,772 a series of summits such as this, 333 00:16:09,872 --> 00:16:11,710 and it is my great privilege to say 334 00:16:11,810 --> 00:16:16,184 that we have now come to the end of this historic process. 335 00:16:16,284 --> 00:16:20,126 The Federation has reviewed the final points of the Agreement. 336 00:16:20,226 --> 00:16:22,063 We are fully satisfied 337 00:16:22,163 --> 00:16:26,138 and prepared to welcome Ni'Var back into the Federation. 338 00:16:30,714 --> 00:16:32,518 President Rillak, 339 00:16:32,618 --> 00:16:37,093 we, too, are glad to be nearing the restoration of our alliance. 340 00:16:37,193 --> 00:16:40,668 However, there is one final matter we must discuss. 341 00:16:40,768 --> 00:16:43,072 The reality of the gravitational anomaly, 342 00:16:43,172 --> 00:16:45,209 and the threat it poses to our galaxy, 343 00:16:45,309 --> 00:16:47,915 has shifted many things recently. 344 00:16:48,015 --> 00:16:49,184 For all of us. 345 00:16:50,721 --> 00:16:53,158 I am aware that this will come as a surprise. 346 00:16:53,258 --> 00:16:57,133 However, we will require an amendment to the Agreement, 347 00:16:57,233 --> 00:17:00,106 allowing for Ni'Var's immediate and unconditional withdrawal 348 00:17:00,206 --> 00:17:02,845 from the Federation should the need arise. 349 00:17:02,945 --> 00:17:06,653 (murmuring) 350 00:17:08,155 --> 00:17:10,628 An exit clause? 351 00:17:10,728 --> 00:17:14,200 I'm sure you are also aware, this is unprecedented. 352 00:17:14,300 --> 00:17:17,808 Madam President, I must remind you that before the Burn, 353 00:17:17,908 --> 00:17:20,012 Ni'Var and other worlds 354 00:17:20,112 --> 00:17:23,586 felt the Federation had grown so disconnected from its members 355 00:17:23,687 --> 00:17:26,592 that it was unable to consider their individual needs. 356 00:17:26,693 --> 00:17:28,964 Trust was eroded. 357 00:17:29,064 --> 00:17:31,068 The repercussions are still being felt. 358 00:17:31,168 --> 00:17:33,807 We cannot accept a rejoining 359 00:17:33,907 --> 00:17:35,577 without measures in place that protect us 360 00:17:35,678 --> 00:17:38,148 from such a situation arising again. 361 00:17:38,248 --> 00:17:41,288 This is a different time, Madam President. 362 00:17:41,388 --> 00:17:45,262 Be that as it may, we stand firm. 363 00:17:45,362 --> 00:17:48,168 RILLAK: The Federation would never force any world 364 00:17:48,268 --> 00:17:49,906 to remain a member. 365 00:17:50,006 --> 00:17:51,976 Ni'Var is proof of that. 366 00:17:55,016 --> 00:17:59,290 However, unconditional withdrawal is not acceptable. 367 00:17:59,390 --> 00:18:01,730 That would give Ni'Var all the benefits of membership 368 00:18:01,830 --> 00:18:03,565 while the Federation would bear 369 00:18:03,666 --> 00:18:05,971 all of the risks associated with its exit. 370 00:18:06,071 --> 00:18:08,710 Furthermore, such a precedent would allow other worlds 371 00:18:08,810 --> 00:18:10,781 to request similar clauses. 372 00:18:10,881 --> 00:18:12,718 A weaker Federation would result. 373 00:18:12,818 --> 00:18:15,222 T'RINA: It is illogical to rejoin an organization 374 00:18:15,322 --> 00:18:17,862 that seeks to impose conditions on our judgment. 375 00:18:17,962 --> 00:18:20,199 Perhaps we have moved too quickly in these talks. 376 00:18:20,299 --> 00:18:23,072 - If I may. - (murmuring) 377 00:18:24,107 --> 00:18:25,576 (murmuring stops) 378 00:18:26,813 --> 00:18:31,121 With the tremendous strides made to reach this point, 379 00:18:31,221 --> 00:18:33,760 it's illogical to forfeit over one issue. 380 00:18:33,860 --> 00:18:35,831 Ni'Var has endured without the Federation 381 00:18:35,931 --> 00:18:37,667 for a century. 382 00:18:37,768 --> 00:18:39,204 We will continue to do so. 383 00:18:39,304 --> 00:18:40,606 BURNHAM: Madam President. 384 00:18:41,742 --> 00:18:45,784 There is a difference between enduring and thriving. 385 00:18:51,762 --> 00:18:54,600 President T'Rina, 386 00:18:54,701 --> 00:18:56,304 may I propose a recess? 387 00:18:56,404 --> 00:18:58,108 Very well. 388 00:18:58,208 --> 00:19:00,814 (murmuring) 389 00:19:00,914 --> 00:19:02,918 The objections President T'Rina raised have existed 390 00:19:03,018 --> 00:19:04,655 for over a hundred years. 391 00:19:04,755 --> 00:19:06,701 It's not just the DMA, something else is going on. 392 00:19:06,725 --> 00:19:08,796 Talk to her and see if you can find out what. 393 00:19:08,897 --> 00:19:11,201 Politics are not our place. 394 00:19:11,301 --> 00:19:13,205 Join me, Captain. 395 00:19:13,305 --> 00:19:16,278 CULBER: I know this was Michael's idea. 396 00:19:16,378 --> 00:19:18,716 How do you feel about that? 397 00:19:18,816 --> 00:19:21,021 The mind meld helped. 398 00:19:21,121 --> 00:19:22,323 I'm fine. 399 00:19:22,423 --> 00:19:24,260 She says you're still not sleeping. 400 00:19:24,360 --> 00:19:25,964 Perhaps we could talk about that? 401 00:19:26,064 --> 00:19:28,836 It's Grudge. Yeah. 402 00:19:28,937 --> 00:19:31,374 She's been especially needy lately. 403 00:19:31,474 --> 00:19:33,679 Oh, it's a rough life. 404 00:19:33,779 --> 00:19:35,649 (chuckles softly) 405 00:19:35,750 --> 00:19:39,791 You ever been to a standing funeral? 406 00:19:39,892 --> 00:19:42,096 El muerto parado. 407 00:19:42,196 --> 00:19:43,799 No? 408 00:19:43,900 --> 00:19:45,938 It's an, uh 409 00:19:46,038 --> 00:19:49,310 an uncommon Earth tradition, but one my family practiced. 410 00:19:49,410 --> 00:19:52,683 When a family member dies, their body is embalmed 411 00:19:52,784 --> 00:19:56,124 and then posed in a position that best evokes their life. 412 00:19:56,224 --> 00:20:00,733 My, um, tío Cesar was this infamous card shark. 413 00:20:00,833 --> 00:20:03,305 And so, my family wanted to place him at a poker table. 414 00:20:03,405 --> 00:20:05,076 And it was all going fine, 415 00:20:05,176 --> 00:20:07,747 till my cousins and I snapped off his thumb 416 00:20:07,847 --> 00:20:09,450 trying to place the cards in his hand. 417 00:20:10,452 --> 00:20:12,123 What did you do? 418 00:20:12,223 --> 00:20:15,229 I used all my medical training, and I reattached it. 419 00:20:15,329 --> 00:20:17,934 And then broke off his index finger. (Laughs) 420 00:20:18,035 --> 00:20:21,474 We couldn't stop laughing, that whole funeral long. 421 00:20:21,574 --> 00:20:23,112 (chuckles) 422 00:20:23,212 --> 00:20:24,748 I didn't expect that. 423 00:20:24,848 --> 00:20:28,288 Well, in conventional therapy, 424 00:20:28,388 --> 00:20:30,760 I'm not supposed to share personal things, but 425 00:20:30,860 --> 00:20:33,766 as crewmates, we already know too much about each other, so... 426 00:20:33,866 --> 00:20:35,369 Sometimes the personal helps. 427 00:20:35,469 --> 00:20:39,010 Look, I get it. Grief is complicated. 428 00:20:39,110 --> 00:20:40,747 It takes many forms. 429 00:20:40,847 --> 00:20:43,252 I need to let myself experience it 430 00:20:43,352 --> 00:20:45,456 however it comes, right? 431 00:20:46,591 --> 00:20:48,996 I was devastated when my tío died. 432 00:20:49,097 --> 00:20:51,000 I was so angry, 433 00:20:51,101 --> 00:20:53,773 and I went to that funeral determined 434 00:20:53,873 --> 00:20:56,244 that nothing was gonna make me feel better. 435 00:20:58,382 --> 00:21:00,228 If you're willing, I'd like to try something different 436 00:21:00,252 --> 00:21:02,156 with our remaining time. 437 00:21:02,256 --> 00:21:04,861 As long as I can keep my fingers. 438 00:21:04,961 --> 00:21:06,899 Mm. 439 00:21:06,999 --> 00:21:08,502 (chuckles softly) 440 00:21:08,602 --> 00:21:10,106 SARU: President T'Rina. 441 00:21:10,206 --> 00:21:12,510 Thank you for the traditional Kelpien tea. 442 00:21:12,610 --> 00:21:15,082 I thought you might enjoy a taste of home. 443 00:21:15,182 --> 00:21:18,789 I am dismayed the situation is so difficult. 444 00:21:18,889 --> 00:21:21,929 If I can be of assistance, you need only ask. 445 00:21:22,029 --> 00:21:24,534 Many would be happy to see Ni'Var 446 00:21:24,634 --> 00:21:26,271 and the Federation rejoined, 447 00:21:26,371 --> 00:21:28,375 myself included. 448 00:21:28,475 --> 00:21:31,849 I, too, share this sentiment. 449 00:21:31,949 --> 00:21:33,252 But I am bound first and foremost 450 00:21:33,352 --> 00:21:35,522 by obligations to my own people. 451 00:21:35,622 --> 00:21:37,360 There is nothing more I can do 452 00:21:37,460 --> 00:21:40,366 if the Federation is unwilling to compromise. 453 00:21:42,336 --> 00:21:43,973 Of course. 454 00:21:44,073 --> 00:21:46,344 I understand. 455 00:21:47,480 --> 00:21:49,818 Now, if you will excuse me, 456 00:21:49,918 --> 00:21:52,223 I intend to use the remaining recess for meditation. 457 00:22:01,408 --> 00:22:03,545 RILLAK: These are delicate matters. 458 00:22:03,645 --> 00:22:07,220 President T'Rina and I are not just representing ourselves 459 00:22:07,320 --> 00:22:10,192 but also a whole host of other interests. 460 00:22:10,292 --> 00:22:12,563 There must be a way to compromise. 461 00:22:14,367 --> 00:22:17,874 All eyes are on us, Captain. 462 00:22:17,974 --> 00:22:21,214 Were I to offer a compromise, it would project weakness. 463 00:22:21,314 --> 00:22:23,051 Listen to me well. 464 00:22:23,151 --> 00:22:25,188 My hands are tied. 465 00:22:25,289 --> 00:22:28,094 With no other options, 466 00:22:28,194 --> 00:22:31,869 it would seem that we are done here. 467 00:22:37,313 --> 00:22:39,317 ♪ 468 00:22:44,226 --> 00:22:45,505 I think President Rillak wants us 469 00:22:45,529 --> 00:22:47,633 to find a solution to this mess. 470 00:22:47,733 --> 00:22:50,606 I felt something similar from President T'Rina. 471 00:22:51,608 --> 00:22:53,545 This summit has become political theater, 472 00:22:53,645 --> 00:22:54,547 I'm sure of it. 473 00:22:54,647 --> 00:22:56,083 That must be why she found 474 00:22:56,183 --> 00:22:57,553 a way for us to be here today, 475 00:22:57,653 --> 00:22:59,557 to cut through that. 476 00:22:59,657 --> 00:23:02,496 Then you do not believe that Admiral Vance fell ill? 477 00:23:02,596 --> 00:23:04,133 Do you? 478 00:23:05,336 --> 00:23:07,540 Why us? 479 00:23:07,640 --> 00:23:10,379 That's what we have to figure out. 480 00:23:11,414 --> 00:23:12,917 TILLY: Okay, where are we at? 481 00:23:13,017 --> 00:23:15,522 I've managed to stabilize life support at 70%. 482 00:23:15,622 --> 00:23:17,292 All flight systems are fried. 483 00:23:17,393 --> 00:23:19,965 - We can't fly. - Well, uh, what about comms? 484 00:23:20,065 --> 00:23:21,634 Checked every channel, every frequency. 485 00:23:21,734 --> 00:23:24,073 - Nothing. - Yeah, well, just keep trying, then. 486 00:23:24,173 --> 00:23:26,177 Theta Helios has 46 moons. Without comms, 487 00:23:26,277 --> 00:23:27,990 how's anyone supposed to find a 12-meter shuttle? 488 00:23:28,014 --> 00:23:30,051 And we only have three days of emergency rations. 489 00:23:30,151 --> 00:23:31,922 Okay. Freaking out won't help. 490 00:23:32,022 --> 00:23:34,035 Okay? I've lived enough lives to know this could be worse, 491 00:23:34,059 --> 00:23:36,297 -so, let... -Thanks, Admiral. I feel so much better now. 492 00:23:36,398 --> 00:23:38,468 Okay, Ensign, how are the sensors coming? 493 00:23:38,568 --> 00:23:40,372 - (electrical whirring) - They're back on line, 494 00:23:40,472 --> 00:23:42,977 but I'm getting some weird readings. 495 00:23:43,077 --> 00:23:45,048 The proximity scans show there are thousands 496 00:23:45,148 --> 00:23:46,350 of life-forms just outside. 497 00:23:46,451 --> 00:23:49,189 And they seem to be gathering. 498 00:23:49,289 --> 00:23:52,162 (rumbling and rattling) 499 00:23:55,168 --> 00:23:56,638 (all grunt) 500 00:23:57,673 --> 00:24:00,712 What the hell is that? 501 00:24:03,585 --> 00:24:06,458 - (rumbling) - (growling) 502 00:24:06,558 --> 00:24:08,528 (gasps, screams) 503 00:24:09,497 --> 00:24:12,069 Whatever it is, 504 00:24:12,169 --> 00:24:14,139 it's not good. 505 00:24:20,619 --> 00:24:22,466 Somebody get a tricorder out. What are we looking at? 506 00:24:22,490 --> 00:24:24,527 Uh, it's a Tuscadian Pyrosome. 507 00:24:24,627 --> 00:24:26,363 It's a, it's a colony species made up 508 00:24:26,464 --> 00:24:28,367 of thousands of interconnected zooid life-forms. 509 00:24:28,468 --> 00:24:32,510 It primarily preys on, uh, bioluminescent crustaceans, 510 00:24:32,610 --> 00:24:35,582 uh, tracking them via electromagnetic signatures. 511 00:24:35,682 --> 00:24:37,953 That's the same signature used by our equipment. 512 00:24:38,054 --> 00:24:40,125 - (growls) - (yelps) 513 00:24:41,093 --> 00:24:42,963 No, no, no. Put it down. 514 00:24:43,064 --> 00:24:45,602 Shut down your gear. Turn off all the equipment. 515 00:24:45,702 --> 00:24:48,107 - It can't see us with our equipment off. - (whirring) 516 00:24:48,207 --> 00:24:51,413 - (rumbling) - (growling) 517 00:24:54,754 --> 00:24:56,524 (growling in distance) 518 00:24:56,624 --> 00:24:59,196 (breathing shakily) 519 00:25:00,198 --> 00:25:01,668 Did it go away? 520 00:25:01,768 --> 00:25:04,273 If it did, it'll be back. 521 00:25:04,373 --> 00:25:05,642 What do we do now? 522 00:25:05,742 --> 00:25:08,014 ADIRA: We can't use comms. 523 00:25:08,114 --> 00:25:11,020 We will freeze before anyone figures out what's happened. 524 00:25:13,758 --> 00:25:18,201 Okay. We got to get out of this valley. 525 00:25:19,604 --> 00:25:22,142 There is a ridge up there. 526 00:25:22,242 --> 00:25:24,279 If we can get up there, 527 00:25:24,379 --> 00:25:26,126 we can catch a signal and use our personal comms 528 00:25:26,150 --> 00:25:27,385 to contact the Armstrong. 529 00:25:27,485 --> 00:25:28,726 And we'll have a vantage point, 530 00:25:28,822 --> 00:25:30,067 if we need to see the jellyfish from hell 531 00:25:30,091 --> 00:25:31,427 before it gets to us. 532 00:25:31,527 --> 00:25:34,133 - You want us to go across all that? - Yeah. 533 00:25:35,535 --> 00:25:37,339 They're not ready for this. 534 00:25:37,439 --> 00:25:38,341 I'll go alone. 535 00:25:38,441 --> 00:25:39,576 I-I can move fast, 536 00:25:39,677 --> 00:25:41,213 and I will work better on my own. 537 00:25:41,313 --> 00:25:43,151 No. I can do it. I have survival training. 538 00:25:43,251 --> 00:25:45,355 No, you're both crazy. We should stay put. 539 00:25:45,455 --> 00:25:46,800 Let them risk their lives if they want. 540 00:25:46,824 --> 00:25:48,828 No one is going anywhere alone. 541 00:25:50,265 --> 00:25:54,139 Whatever we do, from now on, we are doing it together. 542 00:25:55,341 --> 00:25:56,577 Let's move. 543 00:26:02,355 --> 00:26:04,660 Damn it. Doesn't look like anything yet. 544 00:26:07,465 --> 00:26:08,567 (sighs) 545 00:26:09,704 --> 00:26:11,273 This is a waste of time. 546 00:26:11,373 --> 00:26:13,144 Take a breath. 547 00:26:13,244 --> 00:26:14,446 Try again. 548 00:26:14,546 --> 00:26:16,250 You think I don't know what this is? 549 00:26:16,350 --> 00:26:17,628 - What is it? - A sad attempt to try 550 00:26:17,652 --> 00:26:19,189 and replicate Kwei'tholum'Kwei. 551 00:26:19,289 --> 00:26:20,759 Kwei'tholum'Kwei? 552 00:26:20,859 --> 00:26:23,131 The Kwejian healing ritual. This is nothing like it. 553 00:26:23,231 --> 00:26:24,299 How is it different? 554 00:26:24,399 --> 00:26:26,537 We're healed by our planet. 555 00:26:26,637 --> 00:26:28,541 For Kwei'tholum'Kwei, you need sand 556 00:26:28,641 --> 00:26:30,478 from the bed of the Mameckx'sha River. 557 00:26:30,578 --> 00:26:33,451 You need to ask the Tulí Forests for their blessings. 558 00:26:33,551 --> 00:26:38,093 You need the Great Storms of Naillem'kwai to make... 559 00:26:42,936 --> 00:26:47,212 That is programable matter made to look like sand, 560 00:26:47,312 --> 00:26:48,690 because you're nothing but cheap tricks that you got 561 00:26:48,714 --> 00:26:49,884 from reading a damn holoPADD. 562 00:26:52,622 --> 00:26:54,726 You think you've substituted my home 563 00:26:54,827 --> 00:26:56,597 with this rubbish? 564 00:26:56,697 --> 00:27:00,104 It'll never be the same. It'll never work. 565 00:27:00,205 --> 00:27:02,509 It won't be the same. 566 00:27:02,609 --> 00:27:04,579 Of course not. 567 00:27:04,679 --> 00:27:07,252 Kwejian was 568 00:27:07,352 --> 00:27:10,525 one of the most beautiful places in the known galaxy. 569 00:27:10,625 --> 00:27:14,366 Its loss is devastating. 570 00:27:14,466 --> 00:27:16,303 Profound. 571 00:27:16,403 --> 00:27:19,343 And you won't heal the way you would've before. 572 00:27:19,443 --> 00:27:21,580 You will never feel 573 00:27:21,680 --> 00:27:25,555 the relief of Kwei'tholum'Kwei again. 574 00:27:26,557 --> 00:27:29,128 I don't know how much longer I can take this. 575 00:27:29,229 --> 00:27:31,700 (chuckles) 576 00:27:34,273 --> 00:27:37,144 How long am I supposed to do it? 577 00:27:37,245 --> 00:27:39,249 A long-ass time. 578 00:27:40,218 --> 00:27:41,720 (chuckles) 579 00:27:47,900 --> 00:27:49,803 (door chimes) 580 00:27:49,904 --> 00:27:51,273 Enter. 581 00:27:57,552 --> 00:27:59,856 Thank you for seeing me. 582 00:27:59,957 --> 00:28:03,231 Of course, but I must ask, 583 00:28:03,331 --> 00:28:04,733 have you come as a friend 584 00:28:04,833 --> 00:28:07,339 or a representative of the Federation? 585 00:28:07,439 --> 00:28:10,110 No, I am here of my own volition, 586 00:28:10,211 --> 00:28:13,517 while Captain Burnham seeks audience with President Rillak. 587 00:28:14,819 --> 00:28:17,525 We believe she will reconsider her position. 588 00:28:22,269 --> 00:28:25,140 I have been meditating on a question: 589 00:28:25,241 --> 00:28:28,180 Is trust of another's commitment 590 00:28:28,281 --> 00:28:32,589 to a shared goal enough, despite the scars of history? 591 00:28:34,259 --> 00:28:37,832 Trust is a journey. 592 00:28:39,536 --> 00:28:43,877 The anomaly has ignited old and new fears alike. 593 00:28:43,978 --> 00:28:47,785 Some have responded with a turn toward isolationism, 594 00:28:47,885 --> 00:28:50,758 including the Vulcan Purists. 595 00:28:50,858 --> 00:28:54,266 In return for their support, which is vital to my coalition, 596 00:28:54,366 --> 00:28:56,737 they have demanded a logical framework 597 00:28:56,837 --> 00:28:59,776 to hold the Federation accountable. 598 00:28:59,876 --> 00:29:03,317 This exit clause provides it. 599 00:29:04,319 --> 00:29:06,490 Oh. 600 00:29:09,763 --> 00:29:12,602 Thank you for trusting me. 601 00:29:14,439 --> 00:29:16,410 I will leave you to your thoughts. 602 00:29:16,510 --> 00:29:18,514 But 603 00:29:18,614 --> 00:29:20,751 if you'll permit me, another time, 604 00:29:20,851 --> 00:29:23,757 I would like to learn more about your meditative technique. 605 00:29:24,726 --> 00:29:26,597 May I ask why? 606 00:29:26,697 --> 00:29:31,673 You weigh questions of politics. 607 00:29:31,773 --> 00:29:35,415 I weigh questions of place, 608 00:29:35,515 --> 00:29:37,385 purpose. 609 00:29:37,485 --> 00:29:40,925 In such uncertainly as we are all experiencing, 610 00:29:41,025 --> 00:29:44,366 I'm finding it much more challenging 611 00:29:44,466 --> 00:29:46,303 than I had anticipated. 612 00:29:49,843 --> 00:29:53,784 Place your hands out, palms up. 613 00:29:54,753 --> 00:29:56,790 ♪ 614 00:30:03,069 --> 00:30:06,577 It is called a thresh-tor kashek. 615 00:30:06,677 --> 00:30:08,614 It means "shared mind." 616 00:30:08,714 --> 00:30:10,436 The type of meditation we teach our children 617 00:30:10,518 --> 00:30:11,987 while they are learning. 618 00:30:12,087 --> 00:30:14,091 Close your eyes. 619 00:30:15,661 --> 00:30:18,501 ♪ 620 00:30:22,809 --> 00:30:25,581 Your eyes are meant to remain closed, 621 00:30:25,681 --> 00:30:27,852 Captain Saru. 622 00:30:29,556 --> 00:30:31,326 Take a deep breath. 623 00:30:31,427 --> 00:30:33,464 (takes deep breath) 624 00:30:39,843 --> 00:30:42,715 Lieutenant Christopher, connect me with the president, please. 625 00:30:42,815 --> 00:30:44,753 (over comm): Aye, Captain. One moment. 626 00:30:47,459 --> 00:30:48,894 What is it, Captain? 627 00:30:48,994 --> 00:30:50,841 - We're preparing to leave orbit. - Then I'll be direct. 628 00:30:50,865 --> 00:30:52,702 Mr. Saru is working to get President T'Rina 629 00:30:52,802 --> 00:30:53,804 back to the table. 630 00:30:53,904 --> 00:30:55,375 When she returns, 631 00:30:55,475 --> 00:30:57,076 we have to be prepared with a compromise. 632 00:30:58,045 --> 00:31:00,885 Well, I have a proposal. 633 00:31:00,985 --> 00:31:02,389 What could you suggest 634 00:31:02,489 --> 00:31:03,800 that we haven't already considered? 635 00:31:03,824 --> 00:31:05,661 We've been at this for four months. 636 00:31:05,761 --> 00:31:07,465 At the end of the day, 637 00:31:07,565 --> 00:31:10,771 we both know that politics comes down to votes, 638 00:31:10,871 --> 00:31:13,444 which is why you and President T'Rina are taking positions 639 00:31:13,544 --> 00:31:16,417 that have been agreed upon by your respective delegations. 640 00:31:16,517 --> 00:31:18,487 Neither of you can budge from those positions 641 00:31:18,587 --> 00:31:20,791 or you'll lose the support you need. 642 00:31:20,891 --> 00:31:25,066 But if a third party presents a compromise, 643 00:31:25,166 --> 00:31:27,472 now you are not budging. 644 00:31:27,572 --> 00:31:29,576 Now you're just listening. 645 00:31:31,747 --> 00:31:35,053 All right, Captain. What have you got? 646 00:31:36,590 --> 00:31:38,627 (wind howling) 647 00:31:45,106 --> 00:31:47,479 Keep an eye out for the pyrosome. 648 00:31:49,047 --> 00:31:50,685 (crackling) 649 00:31:52,655 --> 00:31:54,726 Okay. What the hell was that? 650 00:31:54,826 --> 00:31:55,961 Spider lightning. 651 00:31:56,061 --> 00:31:57,765 It's a lightning that travels kilometers. 652 00:31:57,865 --> 00:31:59,879 We don't want to be anywhere near that when it strikes. 653 00:31:59,903 --> 00:32:01,640 You've seen this before? 654 00:32:01,740 --> 00:32:04,479 No, but Kasha Tal did and barely lived to talk about it. 655 00:32:04,579 --> 00:32:07,150 (growling in distance) 656 00:32:08,821 --> 00:32:11,091 I see it! The creature, coming right beh... 657 00:32:14,031 --> 00:32:16,101 HARRAL: What the hell? 658 00:32:16,201 --> 00:32:18,441 (screeching, snarling) 659 00:32:21,513 --> 00:32:23,149 Damn thing's hunting us. 660 00:32:23,249 --> 00:32:24,986 It can't see us with our equipment off. 661 00:32:25,086 --> 00:32:27,792 But we got to keep moving to stay ahead of this storm. 662 00:32:27,892 --> 00:32:29,596 - (crackling) - (rumbling) 663 00:32:29,696 --> 00:32:31,241 GOREV: But the lightning's rolling in too fast. 664 00:32:31,265 --> 00:32:32,745 - We won't make it to the ridge. - If we pick up the pace, 665 00:32:32,769 --> 00:32:34,473 we can get there ahead of the lightning. 666 00:32:34,573 --> 00:32:36,577 - Stop acting like you are the expert. - Calm down. 667 00:32:36,677 --> 00:32:38,723 You don't know any more about this moon than the rest of us. 668 00:32:38,747 --> 00:32:40,216 We're too exposed out here. 669 00:32:40,316 --> 00:32:42,922 We need to find a cave and, uh, ride out the storm. 670 00:32:43,022 --> 00:32:44,659 Oh, there's a genius idea. 671 00:32:44,759 --> 00:32:46,561 Let's trap ourselves in a cave, make it easier 672 00:32:46,630 --> 00:32:47,965 for the monster to corner us. 673 00:32:48,065 --> 00:32:49,679 We don't have time to stand around and argue. 674 00:32:49,703 --> 00:32:51,707 - All right? I'm going. - This is ridiculous. 675 00:32:51,807 --> 00:32:53,051 - If they're going, I'm going, too. - What about sticking together? 676 00:32:53,075 --> 00:32:54,746 Adira, stop. Stop it! All of you. 677 00:32:54,846 --> 00:32:57,050 Listen, you know, I'm usually a very upbeat person, 678 00:32:57,150 --> 00:32:59,789 bubbly, some would say. 679 00:32:59,889 --> 00:33:02,495 But right now I have one job: It's keeping all of you alive. 680 00:33:02,595 --> 00:33:04,666 - So we're staying together. - (crackling) 681 00:33:05,568 --> 00:33:06,603 Adira! 682 00:33:13,182 --> 00:33:14,619 I can't move. 683 00:33:21,567 --> 00:33:23,235 ADIRA: I'm stuck! 684 00:33:25,006 --> 00:33:27,077 - I can't get out. - Stay still, you're okay. 685 00:33:27,177 --> 00:33:28,178 You're okay. 686 00:33:28,212 --> 00:33:30,249 (screeching) 687 00:33:32,589 --> 00:33:34,133 We have to do something before that gets here. 688 00:33:34,157 --> 00:33:35,728 Uh, okay, okay. 689 00:33:38,099 --> 00:33:40,971 Give me the emergency kit. Now! Come on. 690 00:33:48,319 --> 00:33:51,525 Here, Adira, grab it. You got it. 691 00:33:51,627 --> 00:33:53,029 Okay, everybody grab a piece. 692 00:33:53,129 --> 00:33:55,066 Sasha, you grab them. You got it? 693 00:33:55,166 --> 00:33:57,103 One, two, three, pull! 694 00:33:57,203 --> 00:33:59,709 - (all grunting) - Pull! 695 00:33:59,809 --> 00:34:02,548 - Pull! - Almost. 696 00:34:02,649 --> 00:34:05,721 Keep going. Heave! 697 00:34:05,821 --> 00:34:07,792 Pull! 698 00:34:07,892 --> 00:34:10,731 -Keep going! Come on. -SASHA: It's working. Don't let go! 699 00:34:10,831 --> 00:34:13,302 - We got you. - Keep going. Almost there. 700 00:34:14,304 --> 00:34:16,541 - Almost. - Almost there. 701 00:34:16,643 --> 00:34:17,979 Keep going. Closer! Almost! 702 00:34:18,079 --> 00:34:21,551 Keep going. Keep going, keep going! 703 00:34:22,120 --> 00:34:24,893 - Got you! - (all grunting) 704 00:34:24,993 --> 00:34:27,865 You... you good? 705 00:34:27,965 --> 00:34:30,905 You good? Okay? 706 00:34:31,005 --> 00:34:33,209 Okay, good, we got this. 707 00:34:33,309 --> 00:34:35,213 The ridge is right there. We can make it. 708 00:34:35,313 --> 00:34:37,651 Once we turn the comms on, that thing will sense us. 709 00:34:37,752 --> 00:34:39,021 Listen, we can do this. 710 00:34:39,121 --> 00:34:40,299 We just have to work together as a team. 711 00:34:40,323 --> 00:34:42,193 The same way we just did for Adira. 712 00:34:42,293 --> 00:34:43,731 Sure as hell would be easier 713 00:34:43,831 --> 00:34:44,942 if we didn't have to count on an Orion. 714 00:34:44,966 --> 00:34:46,803 - Hey. - I'm just saying, 715 00:34:46,903 --> 00:34:48,707 he wanted to hide in a cave. 716 00:34:48,807 --> 00:34:50,689 - That's what we're trained to do. - Just admit it. 717 00:34:50,778 --> 00:34:52,915 - We seek shelter. - You only look out for yourself. 718 00:34:53,015 --> 00:34:55,654 Hey, enough! Enough. 719 00:34:55,755 --> 00:34:57,116 The Burn is in the past, all right? 720 00:34:57,157 --> 00:34:58,626 You got to decide now... 721 00:34:58,727 --> 00:35:00,339 Are we gonna work together as a crew or not? 722 00:35:00,363 --> 00:35:03,971 When I was ten, an Emerald Chain raiding party 723 00:35:04,071 --> 00:35:06,108 commandeered my family's food replicators 724 00:35:06,208 --> 00:35:07,678 because they could. 725 00:35:07,779 --> 00:35:10,885 I watched my grandmother starve to death. 726 00:35:10,985 --> 00:35:14,658 I had to bury the body because my parents were too weak 727 00:35:14,759 --> 00:35:16,328 from giving me their food. 728 00:35:17,363 --> 00:35:20,236 Now you expect me to work with him? 729 00:35:21,873 --> 00:35:24,244 I hear you. 730 00:35:24,344 --> 00:35:25,815 Have you ever asked him about 731 00:35:25,915 --> 00:35:27,217 his history with the Chain? 732 00:35:28,787 --> 00:35:30,256 Tell him. 733 00:35:32,293 --> 00:35:34,064 There is common ground here, 734 00:35:34,164 --> 00:35:37,203 but you'll never find it unless you talk to each other. 735 00:35:37,303 --> 00:35:40,376 Uh, his father was Bashorat Harral. 736 00:35:41,378 --> 00:35:42,882 What? 737 00:35:44,151 --> 00:35:45,955 Wh-Who's that? 738 00:35:46,055 --> 00:35:49,361 Uh, he was an activist. 739 00:35:49,461 --> 00:35:51,867 He drafted the Emancipation Bill for the enslaved, 740 00:35:51,967 --> 00:35:55,039 which was part of the armistice that the Emerald Chain 741 00:35:55,139 --> 00:35:57,879 eventually proposed to the Federation. 742 00:36:01,018 --> 00:36:02,989 He died a political prisoner 743 00:36:03,089 --> 00:36:05,794 before he could see any of that happen. 744 00:36:09,134 --> 00:36:12,107 My father always said being an Orion meant 745 00:36:12,207 --> 00:36:14,111 we had an even greater responsibility 746 00:36:14,211 --> 00:36:16,849 to speak out against what the Chain was doing. 747 00:36:20,189 --> 00:36:21,993 Sorry for 748 00:36:22,093 --> 00:36:24,664 shutting you down earlier. 749 00:36:24,765 --> 00:36:26,736 The cave wasn't a bad idea. 750 00:36:28,239 --> 00:36:29,240 That's good. 751 00:36:29,307 --> 00:36:31,145 That's really good, you guys. 752 00:36:31,245 --> 00:36:34,151 You're talking. We need so much more of that. 753 00:36:34,251 --> 00:36:38,692 Right now, we need to make it to that ridge. Right? 754 00:36:38,793 --> 00:36:40,063 You with me? 755 00:36:40,163 --> 00:36:42,133 - Yeah. - Yes. 756 00:36:42,233 --> 00:36:44,838 Come on, guys, you're Starfleet now. It's "Aye." 757 00:36:44,939 --> 00:36:46,408 ALL: Aye! 758 00:36:46,508 --> 00:36:50,249 TILLY: Nice work, cadets. Let's go. Move out! 759 00:37:02,307 --> 00:37:03,943 BURNHAM: The fact that you are both here 760 00:37:04,044 --> 00:37:06,148 means you are ready to look forward. 761 00:37:06,248 --> 00:37:08,685 That has never been in dispute. 762 00:37:08,786 --> 00:37:11,425 Yet you're allowing past mistakes to define that future. 763 00:37:11,525 --> 00:37:14,397 Logic dictates that the lessons we learn 764 00:37:14,497 --> 00:37:16,068 should inform our choices. 765 00:37:16,168 --> 00:37:19,074 Choices are never purely logical, are they? 766 00:37:19,174 --> 00:37:21,912 There's always emotions. 767 00:37:23,049 --> 00:37:26,221 If I may reference my own history, 768 00:37:26,321 --> 00:37:30,396 the Culling of my family, my ancestors. 769 00:37:30,496 --> 00:37:33,035 It will always be a personal challenge for me 770 00:37:33,135 --> 00:37:35,039 to trust the Ba'ul. 771 00:37:35,139 --> 00:37:38,980 Yet I cannot deny that Kaminar is far stronger 772 00:37:39,081 --> 00:37:41,017 now that it is united. 773 00:37:41,118 --> 00:37:43,856 And couldn't the same be said about Ni'Var? 774 00:37:43,956 --> 00:37:45,960 The divisions between the Vulcans and Romulans 775 00:37:46,061 --> 00:37:48,933 were so vast and lasted so many millennia 776 00:37:49,033 --> 00:37:52,173 that they forgot they were the same species. 777 00:37:52,273 --> 00:37:55,947 Even your ancestry is a testament to hope. 778 00:37:56,047 --> 00:37:59,087 The Cardassians waged war against Bajor and humanity, 779 00:37:59,187 --> 00:38:02,327 and now, today, all three are at peace. 780 00:38:02,427 --> 00:38:06,034 Because they were willing to grow and change together. 781 00:38:06,135 --> 00:38:08,772 Your words are inspiring, 782 00:38:08,873 --> 00:38:10,476 Captain Burnham. 783 00:38:11,478 --> 00:38:13,115 But words alone are not sufficient. 784 00:38:13,215 --> 00:38:15,253 I understand that you and Captain Saru 785 00:38:15,353 --> 00:38:17,757 are here to propose a compromise. 786 00:38:17,858 --> 00:38:19,227 BURNHAM: We are. 787 00:38:19,327 --> 00:38:21,999 Within Starfleet, disputes between 788 00:38:22,099 --> 00:38:25,306 high-ranking officers can be resolved by a committee, 789 00:38:25,406 --> 00:38:27,844 whose sole purpose is to provide objectivity 790 00:38:27,944 --> 00:38:30,149 and guide both parties to a resolution. 791 00:38:30,249 --> 00:38:33,088 We propose a committee... Independent 792 00:38:33,189 --> 00:38:35,793 of Federation leadership... To conduct regular reviews 793 00:38:35,894 --> 00:38:37,831 will all member worlds. 794 00:38:37,931 --> 00:38:40,769 Not just Ni'Var. 795 00:38:40,870 --> 00:38:43,775 Ni'Var has already refused any oversight 796 00:38:43,876 --> 00:38:46,515 that does not include one of its own citizens. 797 00:38:46,615 --> 00:38:49,321 Is that any more egregious than insisting Starfleet 798 00:38:49,421 --> 00:38:51,992 be given a voice within a civilian quorum? 799 00:38:52,092 --> 00:38:54,063 BURNHAM: If you would, 800 00:38:54,163 --> 00:38:57,102 allow me to serve on this committee. 801 00:38:57,203 --> 00:39:00,409 I am a citizen of Ni'Var, trained in logic, 802 00:39:00,509 --> 00:39:02,213 witness to your history, 803 00:39:02,313 --> 00:39:04,852 and I am an officer in Starfleet. 804 00:39:04,952 --> 00:39:08,191 Captain of a starship and citizen of the Federation. 805 00:39:08,292 --> 00:39:10,396 I will be the bridge between you 806 00:39:10,496 --> 00:39:13,469 until you no longer need it. 807 00:39:27,597 --> 00:39:31,939 This proposal is acceptable to the Federation. 808 00:39:32,039 --> 00:39:36,348 It is an elegant solution. 809 00:39:40,423 --> 00:39:42,460 ♪ 810 00:39:56,287 --> 00:39:59,894 The storm will interfere with our personal transporters, 811 00:39:59,995 --> 00:40:01,997 so it'll take at least 60 seconds for the Armstrong 812 00:40:02,066 --> 00:40:03,234 to get a lock and beam us up. 813 00:40:03,335 --> 00:40:07,443 (creatures howling) 814 00:40:07,543 --> 00:40:09,246 I hope they can hear us. 815 00:40:09,347 --> 00:40:11,284 - They have to. - They will. 816 00:40:11,385 --> 00:40:15,058 60 seconds is long enough for it to get to us. 817 00:40:15,158 --> 00:40:16,528 We have to distract it. 818 00:40:16,628 --> 00:40:18,966 I'm gonna turn on my comms, and I'm gonna run. 819 00:40:19,066 --> 00:40:23,141 - Draw its attention. - That's a terrible idea. - Agreed. 820 00:40:23,241 --> 00:40:26,114 Okay, you guys saved my life. All right? I owe you. 821 00:40:26,214 --> 00:40:29,320 And someone's got to do it. You know I'm right. 822 00:40:31,491 --> 00:40:33,261 TILLY: Yeah. 823 00:40:33,361 --> 00:40:36,300 You are right. You are right. 824 00:40:36,401 --> 00:40:39,340 Someone's got to do it, so it's gonna be me. 825 00:40:39,441 --> 00:40:42,079 - Wait... - That's an order, ensign. 826 00:40:44,250 --> 00:40:46,220 Once I'm clear, you turn on comms. 827 00:40:46,320 --> 00:40:48,191 You call, keep calling. Don't stop. 828 00:40:49,260 --> 00:40:51,197 You got this. 829 00:40:53,635 --> 00:40:56,040 We've all got this, okay? 830 00:40:56,140 --> 00:40:57,443 Now, on my mark. 831 00:41:08,765 --> 00:41:10,368 TILLY: Are you ready? 832 00:41:10,469 --> 00:41:12,339 CADETS: Aye, Lieutenant. 833 00:41:15,278 --> 00:41:17,750 The minute you get a signal, call the Armstrong. 834 00:41:26,334 --> 00:41:28,371 (screeching) 835 00:41:29,741 --> 00:41:31,077 ADIRA: Adira Tal 836 00:41:31,177 --> 00:41:33,148 to U.S.S. Armstrong. Come in. 837 00:41:34,450 --> 00:41:36,287 Armstrong, acknowledge. 838 00:41:38,491 --> 00:41:40,371 Okay, no. It's too close to her. We have to help. 839 00:41:40,395 --> 00:41:42,332 Fire phasers to draw it off. 840 00:41:45,806 --> 00:41:48,078 (screeching) 841 00:41:48,178 --> 00:41:50,683 Holy shit! Here comes the other one. 842 00:41:50,783 --> 00:41:52,820 - They're coming right at us! - Keep firing. 843 00:41:57,496 --> 00:41:59,734 ADIRA: Armstrong, acknowledge. Please acknowledge. 844 00:42:02,306 --> 00:42:05,011 IMAHARA: This is Captain Imahara of the U.S.S. Armstrong. 845 00:42:05,112 --> 00:42:07,683 - It's them! - Armstrong, get us the hell out of here! 846 00:42:11,524 --> 00:42:12,627 Armstrong! 847 00:42:21,845 --> 00:42:24,717 (indistinct chatter, laughter) 848 00:42:28,158 --> 00:42:30,538 MAN (over P.A.): Ensign Moore, please report to briefing room seven. 849 00:42:30,562 --> 00:42:32,232 Ensign Moore, 850 00:42:32,332 --> 00:42:33,544 - briefing room seven. - I just finished reading 851 00:42:33,568 --> 00:42:36,140 the Armstrong's report. 852 00:42:36,240 --> 00:42:41,150 The loss of Lieutenant Callum is a tragedy. 853 00:42:41,250 --> 00:42:43,588 Frankly, I'm-I'm amazed any of you survived. 854 00:42:43,689 --> 00:42:45,458 Well, the cadets really pulled it together 855 00:42:45,558 --> 00:42:47,196 when it mattered. 856 00:42:47,296 --> 00:42:48,497 Honestly, any of them would be 857 00:42:48,564 --> 00:42:50,368 an excellent addition to any crew. 858 00:42:50,468 --> 00:42:52,239 And when that opportunity comes, 859 00:42:52,339 --> 00:42:53,775 they'll have you to thank for it. 860 00:42:55,178 --> 00:42:57,649 You know, when Discovery first arrived, 861 00:42:57,750 --> 00:42:59,754 no one here trusted you. 862 00:42:59,854 --> 00:43:03,461 It wasn't just that you were in a 930-year-old starship 863 00:43:03,561 --> 00:43:05,398 and had never heard of the Burn, 864 00:43:05,498 --> 00:43:07,737 it was the way you carried yourselves, 865 00:43:07,837 --> 00:43:10,408 like you grew up in a world that believes 866 00:43:10,508 --> 00:43:12,847 anything is possible. 867 00:43:13,882 --> 00:43:16,721 Quite frankly, it-it stung. 868 00:43:16,821 --> 00:43:19,293 And is exactly what this new generation 869 00:43:19,393 --> 00:43:22,332 of cadets needs as the Federation rebuilds. 870 00:43:22,432 --> 00:43:25,538 Well, after what you've just endured, 871 00:43:25,638 --> 00:43:28,444 I can understand that an offer to teach at the Academy 872 00:43:28,544 --> 00:43:30,648 is unlikely to fall on willing ears, 873 00:43:30,749 --> 00:43:32,619 but the opening is there. 874 00:43:32,719 --> 00:43:35,225 Anytime. 875 00:43:37,529 --> 00:43:40,435 Thank you, sir. 876 00:43:44,844 --> 00:43:48,451 I never thought that I'd say this, 877 00:43:48,551 --> 00:43:51,925 but I think that I'm glad I came. 878 00:43:53,394 --> 00:43:55,833 I-I just... I... 879 00:43:55,933 --> 00:43:59,706 I think I might have actually made some friends today. 880 00:43:59,807 --> 00:44:01,177 I wish I knew how to do it 881 00:44:01,277 --> 00:44:03,181 without nearly getting eaten by a blob, 882 00:44:03,281 --> 00:44:06,287 but... 883 00:44:06,387 --> 00:44:07,765 You know, you are one of the most brilliant people 884 00:44:07,789 --> 00:44:09,861 that I have ever met. 885 00:44:09,961 --> 00:44:14,135 Do you ever wonder why you start with "I can't" 886 00:44:14,236 --> 00:44:16,607 when it comes to making new connections? 887 00:44:16,707 --> 00:44:21,217 - Just seems kind of impossible. - Well, 888 00:44:21,317 --> 00:44:24,690 when I see you, and I see everything 889 00:44:24,790 --> 00:44:27,329 that you have been through 890 00:44:27,429 --> 00:44:30,903 and accomplished, 891 00:44:31,003 --> 00:44:34,810 you're a reminder to me that everything is possible. 892 00:44:42,826 --> 00:44:44,863 Welcome home, Madam President. 893 00:44:44,964 --> 00:44:47,669 Thank you, President Rillak. 894 00:44:54,049 --> 00:44:56,220 Billions of futures have been changed 895 00:44:56,320 --> 00:44:58,658 thanks to what we've done here today. 896 00:44:58,758 --> 00:45:03,200 I must commend both of you on a job well done. 897 00:45:03,301 --> 00:45:06,640 Madam President, thank you for taking this first step 898 00:45:06,740 --> 00:45:09,145 with the Federation. 899 00:45:09,246 --> 00:45:10,348 If I may, 900 00:45:10,448 --> 00:45:12,719 there's a matter on my mind. 901 00:45:12,819 --> 00:45:15,625 You are curious about the Qowat Milat sister, J'Vini... 902 00:45:15,725 --> 00:45:18,197 If she will face justice for her actions? 903 00:45:18,298 --> 00:45:19,466 Yes, ma'am. 904 00:45:19,566 --> 00:45:21,804 J'Vini will go to Pijar, 905 00:45:21,904 --> 00:45:24,175 a monastic world in the Pella system. 906 00:45:24,276 --> 00:45:27,616 There she will devote herself to deep rehabilitative meditation 907 00:45:27,716 --> 00:45:29,686 under your mother's careful guidance. 908 00:45:29,786 --> 00:45:31,524 They leave tonight. 909 00:45:31,624 --> 00:45:34,330 My mom said she had big news for me. 910 00:45:34,430 --> 00:45:38,538 J'Vini helped rebuild Dr. Burnham's life. 911 00:45:38,638 --> 00:45:40,875 Now it seems their roles are reversed. 912 00:45:40,975 --> 00:45:44,215 In time, she will also make amends to the family 913 00:45:44,316 --> 00:45:46,354 of the slain Starfleet officer. 914 00:45:46,454 --> 00:45:49,260 I hope this sets your mind at ease. 915 00:45:49,360 --> 00:45:50,528 Thank you. 916 00:45:53,834 --> 00:45:55,305 Captain Saru. 917 00:45:57,809 --> 00:45:59,946 Will you join me for tea? 918 00:46:00,047 --> 00:46:02,652 It would be my pleasure. 919 00:46:13,641 --> 00:46:17,349 For someone who dislikes politics, 920 00:46:17,449 --> 00:46:20,254 you show an aptitude for it. 921 00:46:20,355 --> 00:46:23,428 I assume the admiral made a miraculous recovery? 922 00:46:23,528 --> 00:46:26,967 Well, now that you mention it, he was looking, well, better 923 00:46:27,067 --> 00:46:28,738 last time I saw him. 924 00:46:28,838 --> 00:46:30,675 Hmm. 925 00:46:30,775 --> 00:46:32,879 I received a piece of intelligence this morning 926 00:46:32,979 --> 00:46:35,385 indicating the exit clause request was coming. 927 00:46:35,485 --> 00:46:37,422 I had to protect my source. 928 00:46:37,522 --> 00:46:39,292 President T'rina. 929 00:46:39,393 --> 00:46:40,628 Mm-hmm. 930 00:46:43,368 --> 00:46:45,036 (sighs) 931 00:46:45,137 --> 00:46:47,976 If you wanted my help, you could have just asked me. 932 00:46:48,076 --> 00:46:50,782 Truth be told... 933 00:46:50,882 --> 00:46:53,821 I wasn't sure you were the right person for the job. 934 00:46:53,921 --> 00:46:56,627 But I'm glad you were. 935 00:46:57,629 --> 00:46:59,633 I appreciate that. 936 00:47:00,635 --> 00:47:03,307 I know transparency isn't always possible 937 00:47:03,408 --> 00:47:04,810 in your position. 938 00:47:04,910 --> 00:47:08,351 But it is what I need to best serve you 939 00:47:08,451 --> 00:47:10,020 and the Federation. 940 00:47:10,120 --> 00:47:13,260 So if you could be more forthcoming in the future, 941 00:47:13,361 --> 00:47:16,767 I would appreciate that as well. 942 00:47:16,867 --> 00:47:19,706 Understood, Captain. 943 00:47:24,883 --> 00:47:27,922 I will see you back at headquarters in a few days. 944 00:47:48,029 --> 00:47:50,802 ♪ 945 00:48:13,448 --> 00:48:14,650 Wow. 946 00:48:14,750 --> 00:48:17,589 Guess I've got a lot to work out. 947 00:48:19,124 --> 00:48:20,795 What do I do with it? 948 00:48:20,895 --> 00:48:23,968 Well, when the mandala's finished, it's 949 00:48:25,136 --> 00:48:27,442 wiped away. 950 00:48:29,580 --> 00:48:31,750 You do this yourself? 951 00:48:33,152 --> 00:48:35,056 Are there 952 00:48:35,156 --> 00:48:37,762 are there things you need to wipe away? 953 00:48:41,504 --> 00:48:43,139 Sure. 954 00:48:44,141 --> 00:48:46,447 You want to talk about it? 955 00:48:48,718 --> 00:48:50,455 Someday. 956 00:49:03,212 --> 00:49:04,983 - (door chimes) - Come. 957 00:49:07,556 --> 00:49:09,660 I heard about what happened on the mission. 958 00:49:11,497 --> 00:49:12,599 How are you doing? 959 00:49:12,699 --> 00:49:16,038 You know, crash into an ice moon, 960 00:49:16,138 --> 00:49:18,409 stranded in an electrical storm, 961 00:49:18,511 --> 00:49:20,582 chased by a flesh-melting alien, so 962 00:49:20,682 --> 00:49:22,919 - typical day. - (laughs) 963 00:49:26,994 --> 00:49:29,500 I know there's been something on your mind. 964 00:49:33,774 --> 00:49:35,410 We haven't really sat in here together 965 00:49:35,512 --> 00:49:38,416 since you became captain. 966 00:49:38,518 --> 00:49:40,420 Right. 967 00:49:40,522 --> 00:49:42,726 Remember when we first became roomies? (Laughs) 968 00:49:42,826 --> 00:49:47,569 I was so scared to bunk with a famous mutineer. 969 00:49:47,669 --> 00:49:50,542 I think I, like, I think I laid awake at night 970 00:49:50,642 --> 00:49:52,053 because I was scared you were gonna, like, 971 00:49:52,077 --> 00:49:53,848 knife me in the back or something. 972 00:49:53,948 --> 00:49:56,720 Well, you snored like crazy. 973 00:49:56,820 --> 00:49:58,489 - (gasps) - I had to get the computer 974 00:49:58,591 --> 00:50:00,795 to block out the frequency so I could get any sleep. 975 00:50:00,895 --> 00:50:04,134 So sorry! 976 00:50:04,234 --> 00:50:06,540 I only blocked it out for a few days, 977 00:50:06,640 --> 00:50:07,976 and then I... 978 00:50:08,076 --> 00:50:10,180 I kind of started liking it. 979 00:50:10,280 --> 00:50:12,050 Really? 980 00:50:12,150 --> 00:50:13,921 - Really. - You're weird. 981 00:50:20,300 --> 00:50:23,272 You want to go back, don't you? 982 00:50:25,376 --> 00:50:27,514 I do. 983 00:50:27,616 --> 00:50:29,720 Why? 984 00:50:29,820 --> 00:50:33,560 Because getting my lieutenant pips 985 00:50:33,661 --> 00:50:36,566 was the worst day of my life. 986 00:50:40,140 --> 00:50:41,610 You know, I-I never could figure out 987 00:50:41,710 --> 00:50:44,650 how my mother became a diplomat. 988 00:50:44,750 --> 00:50:48,089 She was such a hardass at home. 989 00:50:48,189 --> 00:50:51,864 No compromise. She had everything planned out. 990 00:50:51,964 --> 00:50:54,101 She had my whole life planned out. 991 00:50:54,201 --> 00:50:56,573 So when I told her that I wanted to join Starfleet 992 00:50:56,674 --> 00:51:00,180 instead of the diplomatic corps, sh... 993 00:51:03,419 --> 00:51:08,529 So I always thought that I was doing this for me. 994 00:51:08,630 --> 00:51:12,270 But then, when I got the pips 995 00:51:12,370 --> 00:51:14,743 all of a sudden I realized, like, 996 00:51:14,843 --> 00:51:18,549 my mom is 900 years in the past. 997 00:51:18,650 --> 00:51:20,855 She's never gonna see me wear them. 998 00:51:20,955 --> 00:51:23,961 And I started wondering 999 00:51:24,061 --> 00:51:26,298 if this is what I really wanted, or if I just 1000 00:51:26,398 --> 00:51:31,042 really wanted to be seen. 1001 00:51:31,142 --> 00:51:35,818 You know. And that was humbling. 1002 00:51:35,918 --> 00:51:38,222 But I think it could be a useful perspective 1003 00:51:38,322 --> 00:51:40,160 for a teacher. 1004 00:51:42,899 --> 00:51:45,036 Well... 1005 00:51:45,136 --> 00:51:47,675 - I'll miss seeing your face every day. - No. 1006 00:51:47,776 --> 00:51:50,146 It's not forever. You'll still see me around. 1007 00:51:50,246 --> 00:51:52,050 - Fed HQ. - Right. 1008 00:51:52,150 --> 00:51:53,720 And then, you know, if it's really bad, 1009 00:51:53,821 --> 00:51:55,624 I can get Zora to record me while I'm sleeping 1010 00:51:55,724 --> 00:51:57,938 so you can listen to me snoring like I know you love to do. 1011 00:51:57,962 --> 00:51:59,933 I said I kind of liked it. 1012 00:52:00,033 --> 00:52:00,935 You know you love it! 1013 00:52:01,035 --> 00:52:02,204 (both laughing) 1014 00:52:02,304 --> 00:52:05,176 Let's not get crazy. 1015 00:52:08,683 --> 00:52:10,721 ♪ 1016 00:52:39,880 --> 00:52:41,917 ♪ 1017 00:53:07,367 --> 00:53:10,273 Captioning sponsored by CBS. 1018 00:53:10,373 --> 00:53:13,412 Captioned by Media Access Group at WGBH access.wgbh.org