1 00:00:01,040 --> 00:00:03,919 [narrator in Klingon] Previously on Star Trek: Discovery: 2 00:00:04,760 --> 00:00:08,356 Yesterday we dined on the entrails of his brethren. 3 00:00:08,440 --> 00:00:10,636 Today you seek his favor? 4 00:00:10,720 --> 00:00:13,235 Transport our visitor to guest quarters on Deck 3. 5 00:00:13,320 --> 00:00:15,152 - Tyler. - Is she alive? 6 00:00:15,240 --> 00:00:17,357 [Saru] Specialist Burnham has returned safely. 7 00:00:17,440 --> 00:00:19,432 [in Klingon] I end you in T'Kuvma's name. 8 00:00:19,520 --> 00:00:22,160 - Can I...? - Focus on your recovery. 9 00:00:22,240 --> 00:00:27,793 When I look at you now, I see Voq's eyes. I see him. 10 00:00:27,920 --> 00:00:29,240 [Sarek] There is irony here. 11 00:00:29,320 --> 00:00:31,676 The man you fell in love with was a Klingon. 12 00:00:31,800 --> 00:00:34,110 Do not regret loving someone, Michael. 13 00:00:34,200 --> 00:00:37,830 [Burnham] I need you to tell me, how did you defeat the Klingon Empire? 14 00:00:37,920 --> 00:00:40,151 The Klingons are like cancer cells. 15 00:00:40,240 --> 00:00:44,792 To root them out, you must destroy the tumor at its source. 16 00:00:44,880 --> 00:00:46,837 The Klingon attack is imminent. 17 00:00:46,920 --> 00:00:49,958 They're gathering forces to launch a strike on the Sol system. 18 00:00:50,040 --> 00:00:52,509 We need to take it to them. At 2100 hours, 19 00:00:52,600 --> 00:00:55,593 the USS Discovery will jump to the Klingon homeworld. 20 00:00:55,680 --> 00:00:59,515 Allow me to introduce you to the person who will chart your course to Qo'noS. 21 00:01:00,480 --> 00:01:02,039 Captain Philippa Georgiou. 22 00:01:09,280 --> 00:01:13,194 [in Klingon] We have acquired the target. 23 00:01:13,280 --> 00:01:15,556 [Klingons speaking indistinctly] 24 00:01:42,960 --> 00:01:46,158 [Burnham] On the eve of battle on a cold and windless night, 25 00:01:46,560 --> 00:01:48,517 an old general turned to a young soldier. 26 00:01:49,080 --> 00:01:52,551 "Tomorrow, " said the master, "you will know fear." 27 00:01:53,720 --> 00:01:56,792 The young soldier who had not yet experienced the agony of war 28 00:01:56,880 --> 00:01:58,837 looked at the general with quizzical eyes. 29 00:01:59,600 --> 00:02:02,320 "How will I know fear if I do not know what it looks like?" 30 00:02:02,880 --> 00:02:04,030 The general replied, 31 00:02:04,480 --> 00:02:08,360 "You will know fear because it speaks very fast 32 00:02:08,960 --> 00:02:10,519 and it speaks very loud." 33 00:02:10,600 --> 00:02:12,080 Status. Helm. 34 00:02:12,160 --> 00:02:14,959 Bearing 94, mark 21, 12 light years from Klingon... 35 00:02:15,040 --> 00:02:18,829 Do not show respect by referring to that green dot as "homeworld." 36 00:02:18,920 --> 00:02:21,833 Klingons are animals and they don't have homes. 37 00:02:21,920 --> 00:02:25,311 Call it Qo'noS, or the enemy planet. Ops. 38 00:02:25,400 --> 00:02:28,279 Shields holding at 100 percent. Our scans show... 39 00:02:28,360 --> 00:02:30,795 I have little interest in what we're scanning. 40 00:02:30,920 --> 00:02:33,674 I care what's scanning us. Communications. 41 00:02:33,760 --> 00:02:36,832 - Discovery is running dark, captain. - My favorite way to run. 42 00:02:38,720 --> 00:02:41,519 [Burnham] If that is how fear acts, recognizing it is easy. 43 00:02:42,320 --> 00:02:44,915 As the young soldier considered the general's advice, 44 00:02:45,000 --> 00:02:47,310 she asked the question facing us now. 45 00:02:48,080 --> 00:02:51,232 "Once I know fear, how do I defeat it?" 46 00:02:52,400 --> 00:02:58,032 Specialist, I would appreciate your help with a glitch in the optical data network. 47 00:03:04,840 --> 00:03:08,436 She does not embody Federation ideals. We're supposed to follow her orders? 48 00:03:08,520 --> 00:03:10,034 The Federation put her here. 49 00:03:10,120 --> 00:03:13,352 Burnham, I did not give you permission to leave your station. 50 00:03:17,360 --> 00:03:19,875 What's wrong? Are you scared, Number One? 51 00:03:20,720 --> 00:03:22,757 Where I'm from, there's a saying. 52 00:03:22,840 --> 00:03:26,231 Scared Kelpien makes for tough Kelpien. 53 00:03:26,840 --> 00:03:30,516 Have you gotten tough since we served together on the Shenzhou? 54 00:03:33,720 --> 00:03:35,120 Affirmative, captain. 55 00:03:35,200 --> 00:03:36,554 Very tough. 56 00:03:36,640 --> 00:03:40,156 So much so that many find me simply unpalatable. 57 00:03:40,280 --> 00:03:42,670 Mm, I don't know about that. 58 00:03:42,760 --> 00:03:44,991 Where are you from, captain? 59 00:03:46,040 --> 00:03:48,635 That saying about Kelpiens is so apt, 60 00:03:49,160 --> 00:03:53,439 having experienced it firsthand. I wonder where it originated. 61 00:03:53,520 --> 00:03:57,116 Don't be silly, Michael. You know I grew up in Malaysia. 62 00:03:57,680 --> 00:03:59,000 But where exactly? 63 00:03:59,480 --> 00:04:02,552 I went there with you once, but I can't remember the name. 64 00:04:06,520 --> 00:04:07,840 Pulau Langkawi. 65 00:04:09,000 --> 00:04:10,000 Right. 66 00:04:10,960 --> 00:04:13,270 - Those beautiful beaches. - Indeed. 67 00:04:15,240 --> 00:04:16,640 Let's take a walk. 68 00:04:18,960 --> 00:04:22,351 Try to expose me again, and I'll lock you in the Brig. 69 00:04:22,440 --> 00:04:25,592 Starfleet recruited a Terran. They are desperate. 70 00:04:25,680 --> 00:04:28,718 The Federation had a problem. I offered them a solution 71 00:04:28,800 --> 00:04:30,598 in exchange for my freedom. 72 00:04:31,240 --> 00:04:34,119 And what's so bad about desperation? 73 00:04:34,800 --> 00:04:39,920 You were desperate when you begged me to reveal how my empire beat the Klingons. 74 00:04:41,240 --> 00:04:44,790 You instigate valiantly, then second-guess. 75 00:04:44,880 --> 00:04:48,191 I read about your actions on the eve of the war. 76 00:04:48,280 --> 00:04:50,749 You know your problem? No follow-through. 77 00:04:52,040 --> 00:04:54,999 You should've killed my counterpart in her Ready Room, 78 00:04:55,440 --> 00:04:58,797 attacked the Klingons, and then been a hero. 79 00:04:59,720 --> 00:05:01,234 Tell me the real plan. 80 00:05:05,640 --> 00:05:07,472 Never do that again. 81 00:05:11,520 --> 00:05:13,079 Your Federation is losing. 82 00:05:13,560 --> 00:05:17,395 The Klingon armada is already headed toward your homeworld. 83 00:05:17,480 --> 00:05:20,120 My knowledge is giving you a fighting chance. 84 00:05:21,920 --> 00:05:24,640 Are you with me or against me? 85 00:05:25,920 --> 00:05:28,560 [door opens, then closes] 86 00:05:30,320 --> 00:05:32,437 With you, captain. 87 00:07:10,960 --> 00:07:12,076 You? 88 00:07:13,240 --> 00:07:16,119 How? Our lord pierced your heart. 89 00:07:16,640 --> 00:07:18,836 House T'Kuvma feasted on your flesh. 90 00:07:20,000 --> 00:07:21,719 You have the wrong Philippa Georgiou. 91 00:07:21,800 --> 00:07:24,759 Either way, I can tell you require seasoning. 92 00:07:29,480 --> 00:07:30,480 My home. 93 00:07:30,880 --> 00:07:35,636 There are seven chimneys on Qo'noS which lead into a dormant volcano system. 94 00:07:35,720 --> 00:07:40,795 Of these, which is the best for a landing party to reach on foot? 95 00:07:40,880 --> 00:07:42,360 I will tell you nothing. 96 00:07:42,920 --> 00:07:48,359 This war ends when we crush you, united under T'Kuvma's call. 97 00:07:48,440 --> 00:07:52,070 This war may rage on, but your war, your great dream of Klingon unification? 98 00:07:52,480 --> 00:07:53,480 It's already lost. 99 00:07:53,560 --> 00:07:55,438 [in Klingon] Go to hell, very small human. 100 00:07:55,520 --> 00:07:57,273 You both talk too much. 101 00:07:59,920 --> 00:08:02,355 - No! - Computer, reactivate containment field. 102 00:08:02,440 --> 00:08:03,590 Control to my voice. 103 00:08:04,120 --> 00:08:05,395 [grunting and shouting] 104 00:08:07,600 --> 00:08:09,831 Tell me where my party should land. 105 00:08:09,920 --> 00:08:10,920 [growls] 106 00:08:12,720 --> 00:08:14,234 [grunting and shouting] 107 00:08:25,680 --> 00:08:28,149 - Where? - [L'Rell yelling] 108 00:08:29,680 --> 00:08:31,160 [coughing] 109 00:08:31,280 --> 00:08:32,680 [laughing] 110 00:08:34,800 --> 00:08:37,395 You have already lost. 111 00:08:38,600 --> 00:08:39,670 [Georgiou shouts] 112 00:08:39,760 --> 00:08:41,114 Enough! 113 00:08:43,120 --> 00:08:44,120 [sighs] 114 00:08:46,000 --> 00:08:47,036 There's another way. 115 00:08:59,440 --> 00:09:03,150 [Georgiou] Admiral Cornwell briefed me on this half-breed. 116 00:09:03,960 --> 00:09:08,159 I can see from a strategic standpoint its value as a weapon. 117 00:09:09,080 --> 00:09:12,312 But as it's Klingon, it has been muted. 118 00:09:12,840 --> 00:09:17,631 It is benign, useless to them, yet tarnished to the Federation, 119 00:09:17,720 --> 00:09:21,191 so, what good is it to either side? 120 00:09:22,840 --> 00:09:26,038 He has access to the Klingon's memories. 121 00:09:26,120 --> 00:09:29,796 All I can see is who-knows-what playing with a string. 122 00:09:31,280 --> 00:09:34,079 This is a bow line, it doesn't run, it doesn't slip. 123 00:09:36,560 --> 00:09:39,314 It's the first thing I learned as a kid that made me, me. 124 00:09:40,280 --> 00:09:42,670 Ties me to my past, who I am. 125 00:09:42,760 --> 00:09:45,832 Voq's life, his memories, they're here, too. 126 00:09:46,360 --> 00:09:47,555 Always with me. 127 00:09:49,120 --> 00:09:52,318 I'm willing to share his knowledge. Not for you. 128 00:09:53,960 --> 00:09:54,960 For... 129 00:09:57,240 --> 00:09:58,240 Starfleet. 130 00:10:01,480 --> 00:10:02,834 Do you want my help or not? 131 00:10:04,920 --> 00:10:07,310 What do you know about the surface of Qo'noS? 132 00:10:08,840 --> 00:10:11,536 The plan is to use a drone with rock-penetrating surveillance systems 133 00:10:11,560 --> 00:10:13,916 to map the surface and identify military targets 134 00:10:14,000 --> 00:10:16,560 in preparation for a full-scale attack. 135 00:10:16,640 --> 00:10:18,996 Unfortunately, the cave Discovery will hide in 136 00:10:19,080 --> 00:10:23,950 isn't connected to the dormant volcanoes. In order for the mapping drone to work, 137 00:10:24,040 --> 00:10:27,716 it has to be introduced into one of these. As you're aware, 138 00:10:27,800 --> 00:10:30,872 information regarding Qo'noS is virtually non-existent. 139 00:10:30,960 --> 00:10:33,111 We're depending on black-market surveys acquired 140 00:10:33,200 --> 00:10:34,793 by the Vulcans over a century ago. 141 00:10:37,160 --> 00:10:39,311 This chimney's in the high council chamber. 142 00:10:39,400 --> 00:10:43,758 All hybrid arrogance, that place. This one's now flooded by the river Skral. 143 00:10:44,680 --> 00:10:48,071 Here, this is your best bet, the safest access point for the drone. 144 00:10:49,360 --> 00:10:52,478 Centuries ago when the caldera was active, these vents were shrines. 145 00:10:53,200 --> 00:10:55,795 Live sacrifices were thrown in to honor Molor. 146 00:10:56,360 --> 00:10:59,751 When Kahless defeated Molor, those temples were abandoned, built over. 147 00:11:00,960 --> 00:11:04,749 The ones that remained were shielded to make them impossible to find with sensors. 148 00:11:05,040 --> 00:11:07,236 You'll have to do the leg work yourself. 149 00:11:07,880 --> 00:11:08,880 What's there now? 150 00:11:10,080 --> 00:11:11,673 The land was given to the Orions, 151 00:11:12,040 --> 00:11:14,509 who built an embassy outpost over the ruins. 152 00:11:14,600 --> 00:11:19,277 In my world, the Orions are delinquents, pirates, slave traders. 153 00:11:19,360 --> 00:11:22,000 - It's not much different in ours. - Excellent. 154 00:11:23,680 --> 00:11:27,230 He will accompany us and help us sniff out what we're after. 155 00:11:28,080 --> 00:11:29,116 Will that be a problem? 156 00:11:30,320 --> 00:11:31,959 - No. - No... 157 00:11:33,360 --> 00:11:34,360 captain. 158 00:11:35,840 --> 00:11:39,880 I looked over the crew manifest. There's somebody else I want with us. 159 00:11:40,640 --> 00:11:41,640 Enter. 160 00:11:43,600 --> 00:11:45,910 I am so pleased to see you, Tilly. 161 00:11:46,000 --> 00:11:48,799 Thank you, I have heard and read so much about you. 162 00:11:48,880 --> 00:11:51,679 Michael can attest, I always ask about Captain Georgiou. 163 00:11:52,600 --> 00:11:56,753 Seeing your face reminds me of the great fun the two of us had. 164 00:11:56,840 --> 00:11:59,036 Subjugating the Betazoids, 165 00:11:59,120 --> 00:12:01,157 wiping out Mintaka Ill. 166 00:12:01,800 --> 00:12:02,995 - Oh, she's not... - No. 167 00:12:03,080 --> 00:12:04,150 So, she's from... 168 00:12:04,240 --> 00:12:05,515 Mm. 169 00:12:08,400 --> 00:12:09,959 You're the Terran emperor. 170 00:12:12,360 --> 00:12:15,671 - Don't do that. - [Georgiou] You look so much like her. 171 00:12:15,760 --> 00:12:17,240 Younger, maybe. 172 00:12:18,720 --> 00:12:21,235 But all that killing ages a person. 173 00:12:23,800 --> 00:12:27,271 - These are hideous, of course. - I know. [chuckles] What is happening? 174 00:12:27,360 --> 00:12:29,716 She requested you for the landing party. 175 00:12:31,560 --> 00:12:33,711 Oh, just so you're clear, 176 00:12:33,800 --> 00:12:35,951 I'm not the same person I was in your universe. 177 00:12:36,040 --> 00:12:37,599 Don't be so sure, Killy. 178 00:12:38,560 --> 00:12:41,439 You will have the honor of carrying the mapping drone. 179 00:12:44,000 --> 00:12:46,754 Go to quarters, dress as lowlives. 180 00:12:46,840 --> 00:12:50,356 We need items to trade, so as to seem legitimate. 181 00:12:50,920 --> 00:12:54,994 Gabriel must have found something interesting lying around in this universe. 182 00:13:07,800 --> 00:13:09,314 You gonna be okay down there? 183 00:13:11,320 --> 00:13:12,913 You don't need to worry about me. 184 00:13:23,640 --> 00:13:26,678 - Ready, Lieutenant Stamets? - [Stamets] First an alternate universe, 185 00:13:26,760 --> 00:13:29,150 now a Klingon cave on a hundred-year-old map. 186 00:13:29,680 --> 00:13:31,273 Ready as can be, Mr. Saru. 187 00:13:32,560 --> 00:13:35,314 - Black alert. To Qo'noS, please. - Aye, captain. 188 00:13:35,880 --> 00:13:37,030 [computer] Black alert. 189 00:13:37,400 --> 00:13:38,754 Black alert. 190 00:14:01,880 --> 00:14:02,880 Shields holding. 191 00:14:03,120 --> 00:14:06,511 Stabilizer beams are compensating for the planet's gravitational pull. 192 00:14:06,600 --> 00:14:08,034 Am I good or what? 193 00:14:09,360 --> 00:14:12,353 We are aboard and steady. You are clear to transport. 194 00:14:12,720 --> 00:14:13,720 Energize. 195 00:14:52,280 --> 00:14:56,797 - [Tilly] Not a lot of humans around here. - Except the dregs from our race. 196 00:14:57,920 --> 00:15:02,392 Exactly, the Orions here aren't likely to trust us or give up any information. 197 00:15:02,480 --> 00:15:03,596 [chattering] 198 00:15:29,280 --> 00:15:31,840 Keep walking, Federation. No one wants you here. 199 00:15:31,920 --> 00:15:33,036 Tilly. 200 00:15:33,440 --> 00:15:36,751 Insult her again, your nose will be able to sniff the back of your head. 201 00:15:36,840 --> 00:15:38,354 We're here to make a deal. 202 00:15:39,760 --> 00:15:43,071 Show her the stash. Tell her what she's looking at. 203 00:15:43,160 --> 00:15:45,231 Nausicaan disrupter pistols. 204 00:15:45,320 --> 00:15:49,553 Latest spec, paralithium cell, with beam and pulse-firing mode. 205 00:15:49,640 --> 00:15:53,475 Polyalloy casings, making it all but invisible to security screeners. 206 00:15:54,000 --> 00:15:55,070 Two thousand darseks. 207 00:15:56,400 --> 00:15:58,073 Let's see what else you got. 208 00:15:58,880 --> 00:16:01,873 All this arms dealing has my appetite up. 209 00:16:03,240 --> 00:16:06,153 Anyone else hungry? Anyone? Michael? 210 00:16:10,560 --> 00:16:11,391 Greetings. 211 00:16:11,480 --> 00:16:13,073 - Two, please. - What is that? 212 00:16:13,200 --> 00:16:15,715 I have no idea. I wanted to talk to you. 213 00:16:15,800 --> 00:16:16,800 I intuited. 214 00:16:17,680 --> 00:16:20,195 - Any idea what she might be up to? - No. 215 00:16:21,520 --> 00:16:25,275 All we can do is watch her and make sure she stays on mission. 216 00:16:27,560 --> 00:16:30,553 I, um... I realize how hard this must be for you. 217 00:16:32,560 --> 00:16:33,755 But I got your back. 218 00:16:36,040 --> 00:16:37,040 Thank you. 219 00:16:40,440 --> 00:16:42,716 - What is that? - Delicious. 220 00:16:42,800 --> 00:16:44,473 - It's a space whale. - Gormagander? 221 00:16:45,240 --> 00:16:48,790 Enough distractions. We're not here for bread and circuses. 222 00:16:49,520 --> 00:16:51,193 [man in Klingon] Get out! 223 00:16:51,840 --> 00:16:52,840 All of you! 224 00:16:54,800 --> 00:16:57,679 On second thought, the circus is where we'll start. 225 00:17:29,320 --> 00:17:30,834 - So, what should we...? - Shh. 226 00:17:36,880 --> 00:17:40,669 I knew your whole universe couldn't be boring. 227 00:17:42,680 --> 00:17:45,798 Use this. We'll be more effective if we split up. 228 00:17:45,880 --> 00:17:48,952 Buy information, whatever gets us to that shrine. 229 00:18:00,920 --> 00:18:03,992 Hmm. How much for a little me time? 230 00:18:05,120 --> 00:18:06,236 Over there. 231 00:18:06,880 --> 00:18:07,916 Bring your friend. 232 00:18:10,440 --> 00:18:14,912 No, no. That's, uh, very generous. I think I'll stay out here. [chuckles] 233 00:18:15,440 --> 00:18:18,319 She's not for you. Guard the drone. 234 00:18:28,960 --> 00:18:31,316 [Klingons laughing and snarling] 235 00:18:33,160 --> 00:18:34,992 [Tyler] Maybe they can lead us to the shrine. 236 00:18:35,080 --> 00:18:36,434 [Burnham] If they'll talk to us. 237 00:18:37,160 --> 00:18:40,676 [Tyler] The game is called t'Sang. Translates to "obliterate them." 238 00:18:40,760 --> 00:18:42,638 - You know how to play? - I think I do. 239 00:18:43,520 --> 00:18:45,193 And I think I'm good at it. 240 00:18:46,560 --> 00:18:50,156 I mean, Voq was good at it. He was a decent gambler. 241 00:18:50,240 --> 00:18:52,516 He felt the numbers always fell his way, 242 00:18:52,600 --> 00:18:55,320 as if the universe was making up for his bad luck. 243 00:18:55,400 --> 00:18:56,400 Like what? 244 00:18:58,640 --> 00:19:01,678 He was born with a mutation that made his skin translucent white. 245 00:19:02,640 --> 00:19:04,711 The others considered him a freak. 246 00:19:04,920 --> 00:19:07,276 [in Klingon] What are you doing here, human? 247 00:19:07,800 --> 00:19:09,598 Spying for the Federation? 248 00:19:09,680 --> 00:19:13,913 [in Klingon] No, I'm looking to take a few hundred darseks from losers like you. 249 00:19:14,000 --> 00:19:15,229 Let's begin your humiliation. 250 00:19:15,320 --> 00:19:19,951 Do you have cash to play, little boy with a big mouth? 251 00:19:20,120 --> 00:19:21,395 Out of my way. 252 00:19:22,480 --> 00:19:23,630 [woman] Place your bets. 253 00:19:24,240 --> 00:19:26,072 - Croupier! - Red. Red. 254 00:19:26,800 --> 00:19:28,359 New player goes first. 255 00:19:28,960 --> 00:19:30,758 Two! Two! 256 00:19:30,840 --> 00:19:32,513 Victory! Destroy him! 257 00:19:36,160 --> 00:19:37,310 Two! 258 00:19:37,680 --> 00:19:39,000 Victory! Owned! 259 00:19:39,080 --> 00:19:40,719 [laughing and shouting] 260 00:20:03,320 --> 00:20:04,320 [man] Join me. 261 00:20:04,680 --> 00:20:05,716 Thank you. 262 00:20:09,160 --> 00:20:12,153 - Smoke? - Oh, that's so sweet. No, thank you. 263 00:20:12,240 --> 00:20:16,792 I have a very narrow esophagus. It's strange but true. 264 00:20:16,880 --> 00:20:18,792 So, that's bad for that. I'm not... 265 00:20:18,880 --> 00:20:21,236 - [man] Get her out. - I would love some. 266 00:20:27,960 --> 00:20:28,996 Just a little bit. 267 00:20:29,120 --> 00:20:30,120 [chuckles] 268 00:20:30,800 --> 00:20:31,800 Inhale. 269 00:20:40,400 --> 00:20:43,199 Do you think, um...? Do you think I got...? 270 00:20:47,160 --> 00:20:48,913 [laughing] 271 00:21:00,560 --> 00:21:03,712 I got nothing. None of them know about an ancient shrine. 272 00:21:04,880 --> 00:21:06,394 You won everyone over quickly. 273 00:21:07,160 --> 00:21:10,756 A human speaking Klingon amuses them. Might as well be a dog on water skis. 274 00:21:13,400 --> 00:21:16,950 - Is that an old Klingon saying? - No, I just made it up. 275 00:21:17,040 --> 00:21:19,600 - I like to water ski. - You have a boat. I remember. 276 00:21:23,560 --> 00:21:25,040 You raced out of there quick. 277 00:21:25,600 --> 00:21:26,600 Are you all right? 278 00:21:28,520 --> 00:21:32,434 I never told you about my parents, what happened to them. 279 00:21:32,960 --> 00:21:33,960 No. 280 00:21:36,200 --> 00:21:38,840 I mean, I... I've heard things. 281 00:21:41,120 --> 00:21:42,474 I never wanted to push. 282 00:21:43,760 --> 00:21:47,390 They were stationed at a human-Vulcan science outpost at Doctari Alpha. 283 00:21:48,920 --> 00:21:49,751 [sighs] 284 00:21:49,840 --> 00:21:52,674 My mom and dad had planned a family vacation to Mars. 285 00:21:53,720 --> 00:22:00,399 But... I begged them to stay for three more days, 286 00:22:01,440 --> 00:22:04,114 so I could witness a nearby star go supernova. 287 00:22:10,240 --> 00:22:11,674 Then the Klingons attacked. 288 00:22:15,200 --> 00:22:18,477 My dad tried to barricade the kitchen door, 289 00:22:19,560 --> 00:22:21,597 while my mom hid me in a cabinet. 290 00:22:23,160 --> 00:22:25,675 And I couldn't see, but I could hear everything. 291 00:22:29,280 --> 00:22:30,555 They killed my dad first. 292 00:22:31,880 --> 00:22:32,880 That was quick. 293 00:22:36,080 --> 00:22:38,117 They took longer with my mom. 294 00:22:39,960 --> 00:22:43,078 And when it was over, they sat down. 295 00:22:45,520 --> 00:22:46,556 At our table. 296 00:22:48,440 --> 00:22:50,671 Ate dinner, our dinner. 297 00:22:54,320 --> 00:22:57,711 And they were talking, and laughing. 298 00:23:01,440 --> 00:23:03,272 And just now, all that laughter... 299 00:23:09,520 --> 00:23:10,874 How could you not hate them? 300 00:23:14,400 --> 00:23:18,758 - And me, for what I've become. - It would be so much simpler if I could. 301 00:23:24,000 --> 00:23:26,151 I look around here and I just... 302 00:23:27,520 --> 00:23:29,591 I see people living their lives. 303 00:23:30,320 --> 00:23:33,233 Maybe it's not normal to us, but in their own way, ordinary. 304 00:23:34,280 --> 00:23:36,556 The emperor was wrong. This is a home. 305 00:23:39,880 --> 00:23:43,237 If we give the Federation targets to attack, it won't ever be the same. 306 00:23:43,760 --> 00:23:45,479 I can see both sides. 307 00:23:46,600 --> 00:23:47,636 Literally. 308 00:23:49,360 --> 00:23:52,000 The side I've chosen is where you stand, 309 00:23:52,080 --> 00:23:56,677 where it's possible to feel compassion and sympathy for your enemy. 310 00:23:57,960 --> 00:24:00,680 I can guarantee no Klingon ever felt that way toward you. 311 00:24:02,240 --> 00:24:03,435 You did. 312 00:24:15,120 --> 00:24:16,120 You see that? 313 00:24:17,920 --> 00:24:20,389 Burning an extra drink, setting it on fire. 314 00:24:20,520 --> 00:24:23,080 That's a step specific to the followers of Molor. 315 00:24:24,200 --> 00:24:26,635 There's a chance they know about that shrine. 316 00:24:31,320 --> 00:24:32,549 [Tyler speaks in Klingon] 317 00:24:38,120 --> 00:24:39,395 Did you enjoy yourself? 318 00:24:40,760 --> 00:24:43,434 - Did you? - I learned so many new things. 319 00:24:43,520 --> 00:24:46,513 - We shouldn't charge you. - But we have to charge you. 320 00:24:47,120 --> 00:24:51,672 Perhaps if you teach me something new, it will be fair trade. 321 00:24:57,560 --> 00:24:59,631 Where is the shrine of Molor? 322 00:25:05,760 --> 00:25:08,912 Hey, stop. Hey, stop. Shame on you. 323 00:25:09,000 --> 00:25:11,356 You were asleep. I'm Orion. 324 00:25:13,480 --> 00:25:14,994 What did, uh, we inhale? 325 00:25:15,480 --> 00:25:19,872 My mouth tastes like... sulfur and ash. 326 00:25:20,400 --> 00:25:23,393 Volcanic vapor, straight from the source. 327 00:25:24,000 --> 00:25:27,994 Yeah, but not really, right? All the volcanoes here are extinct. 328 00:25:28,080 --> 00:25:30,515 Oh, no, they're alive. 329 00:25:31,360 --> 00:25:34,478 How's the drone gonna get down there? The heat will destroy it. 330 00:25:37,000 --> 00:25:38,116 Give me that. 331 00:25:43,000 --> 00:25:44,798 Oh, shit. That's not a drone. 332 00:25:46,400 --> 00:25:47,400 Tilly to Burnham. 333 00:25:49,240 --> 00:25:52,995 - Go ahead, Tilly. - First of all, um... So, I'm very high. 334 00:25:53,080 --> 00:25:57,996 Uh, but you need to listen to me. There are active volcanoes beneath us now. 335 00:25:58,080 --> 00:26:01,869 And the drone... Also, that's not a drone. It's, like, a hydro bomb. 336 00:26:01,960 --> 00:26:05,715 - We keep them on the Discovery... - What did you say about a hydro bomb? 337 00:26:06,240 --> 00:26:07,469 [grunts] 338 00:26:07,560 --> 00:26:08,560 Tilly? 339 00:26:09,800 --> 00:26:10,800 Cadet, respond. 340 00:26:12,680 --> 00:26:14,194 I know where to find the shrine. 341 00:26:15,000 --> 00:26:16,195 What's wrong? 342 00:26:16,280 --> 00:26:17,280 It's Tilly. 343 00:26:18,480 --> 00:26:20,312 A hydro bomb? What damage can it do? 344 00:26:20,400 --> 00:26:24,599 Detonated into an active volcanic system, it's just apocalyptic. 345 00:26:24,920 --> 00:26:28,800 A phreatic eruption, water flashes into steam, triggers a massive explosion. 346 00:26:28,880 --> 00:26:32,794 Land masses directly over the reaction center will be vaporized. 347 00:26:32,880 --> 00:26:36,396 Ash will fill the atmosphere within weeks. Qo'noS will be uninhabitable. 348 00:26:39,000 --> 00:26:40,434 This was the plan all along. 349 00:26:45,040 --> 00:26:46,838 - Burnham to Discovery. - [Saru] Go ahead. 350 00:26:46,920 --> 00:26:49,992 Georgiou is about to instigate a catastrophic natural disaster. 351 00:26:50,840 --> 00:26:54,959 She may already be in the shrine. Can you get a transporter lock on her? 352 00:26:55,040 --> 00:26:57,509 [Saru] Affirmative. However, beaming her out is not an option. 353 00:26:58,720 --> 00:27:01,838 The shrine's shields make it unsafe for biological transport. 354 00:27:01,920 --> 00:27:05,630 - What about the bomb? Can you get it? - [Saru] We're too late. 355 00:27:05,720 --> 00:27:06,720 The signal's fading. 356 00:27:08,400 --> 00:27:10,153 We must contact Starfleet. 357 00:27:10,440 --> 00:27:12,716 Sir, I think she's following Starfleet's orders. 358 00:27:12,800 --> 00:27:13,916 [clicks] 359 00:27:16,440 --> 00:27:18,272 I need to talk to Admiral Cornwell. 360 00:27:36,400 --> 00:27:38,960 Is this how Starfleet wins the war? 361 00:27:39,920 --> 00:27:41,354 Genocide. 362 00:27:41,440 --> 00:27:44,160 You wanna do this here? Fine. 363 00:27:44,960 --> 00:27:48,510 Terms of atrocity are convenient after the fact. 364 00:27:48,600 --> 00:27:52,560 The Klingons are on the verge of wiping out the Federation. 365 00:27:53,560 --> 00:27:55,791 Yes, but ask yourself, 366 00:27:55,880 --> 00:27:58,395 why did you put this mission in the hands of a Terran, 367 00:27:58,480 --> 00:27:59,391 and why the secrecy? 368 00:27:59,480 --> 00:28:02,598 - Because you know it's not who we are. - It very soon will be. 369 00:28:02,680 --> 00:28:07,152 - We do not have the luxury of principles. - That is all we have, admiral. 370 00:28:11,880 --> 00:28:15,396 A year ago... I stood alone. 371 00:28:15,480 --> 00:28:19,474 I believed our survival was more important than our principles. 372 00:28:21,640 --> 00:28:22,960 I was wrong. 373 00:28:25,720 --> 00:28:31,398 Do we need a mutiny today to prove who we are? 374 00:28:44,920 --> 00:28:47,355 We are Starfleet. 375 00:29:00,680 --> 00:29:02,399 What is it you're suggesting? 376 00:29:07,120 --> 00:29:08,440 [Burnham] Change of plans. 377 00:29:08,960 --> 00:29:09,960 Really? 378 00:29:11,200 --> 00:29:14,238 - Says who? - Deactivate the detonator, Philippa. 379 00:29:14,320 --> 00:29:16,200 Your freedom is still granted. Here's the proof. 380 00:29:22,040 --> 00:29:23,190 [scoffs, then chuckles] 381 00:29:24,960 --> 00:29:27,316 You talked them out of it, didn't you? 382 00:29:27,400 --> 00:29:29,790 A planetary slaughter? Yes. 383 00:29:29,880 --> 00:29:31,837 Oh, don't be so dramatic. 384 00:29:31,920 --> 00:29:35,630 When I did this in my universe, it didn't wipe out the Klingons. 385 00:29:35,720 --> 00:29:38,030 A decent number should be able to save themselves. 386 00:29:38,120 --> 00:29:42,433 Plus they'll have an advantage: no Terran ships firing on them 387 00:29:42,520 --> 00:29:44,796 - as they try to escape. - Turn it off. 388 00:29:44,880 --> 00:29:48,669 Has it ever occurred to you that I was doing this for you? 389 00:29:48,760 --> 00:29:50,240 By ending the war, 390 00:29:50,320 --> 00:29:55,236 I set you free from the guilt and pain you carry because of it. 391 00:29:55,320 --> 00:29:57,789 - Not buying it. - [scoffs] Worth a try. 392 00:29:57,880 --> 00:30:02,193 - You really are nothing like my Georgiou. - No, and I never have been. 393 00:30:02,320 --> 00:30:03,879 She's dead, Michael. 394 00:30:04,760 --> 00:30:08,197 - There are no second chances. - No, I suppose not. 395 00:30:08,280 --> 00:30:09,600 I do like you. 396 00:30:11,680 --> 00:30:16,118 Why not join me? The bomb is in position. We have the detonator. 397 00:30:16,640 --> 00:30:19,997 Starfleet and Klingon alike will be at our mercy. 398 00:30:20,080 --> 00:30:22,834 I had much the same thought. Give it to me. 399 00:30:22,920 --> 00:30:24,240 [phaser powering up] 400 00:30:25,760 --> 00:30:29,356 Take your freedom... in exchange for the detonator, 401 00:30:30,160 --> 00:30:33,119 or try to escape my ship and its crew, 402 00:30:33,720 --> 00:30:36,997 and be hunted by the Federation for the rest of your days. 403 00:30:37,080 --> 00:30:39,959 [chuckles] You think your Federation scares me? 404 00:30:40,040 --> 00:30:41,156 Not particularly. 405 00:30:43,840 --> 00:30:47,390 But the only way you're gonna get past me is to kill me. 406 00:30:47,480 --> 00:30:48,914 [phaser powering up] 407 00:30:51,400 --> 00:30:54,393 So, you have to watch me die. Again. 408 00:30:57,160 --> 00:30:59,800 And did I mention being hunted for the rest of your days? 409 00:31:02,880 --> 00:31:04,678 [groans, then phaser powering down] 410 00:31:04,760 --> 00:31:06,592 The detonator is coded to my bioprint. 411 00:31:06,680 --> 00:31:11,311 - Would you like it recoded to yours? - Not to mine, no. All clear. 412 00:31:15,360 --> 00:31:16,360 What is this? 413 00:31:16,440 --> 00:31:20,275 This is the place the Federation crushed the Klingons. 414 00:31:22,760 --> 00:31:25,195 We planted a bomb in the heart of your homeworld. 415 00:31:25,320 --> 00:31:27,039 Qo'noS will be destroyed. 416 00:31:27,440 --> 00:31:30,035 - You bring me here to gloat? - [Burnham] No. 417 00:31:31,520 --> 00:31:33,239 To offer you an alternative. 418 00:31:42,280 --> 00:31:44,192 Klingons respond to strength. 419 00:31:45,040 --> 00:31:47,839 Use the fate of Qo'noS to bend them to your will. 420 00:31:47,920 --> 00:31:51,960 Preserve your civilization, rather than watch it be destroyed. 421 00:31:55,440 --> 00:31:56,440 But... 422 00:31:57,360 --> 00:31:58,476 I am no one. 423 00:32:00,480 --> 00:32:04,713 You once told Voq that you didn't want the mantle of leadership. 424 00:32:06,280 --> 00:32:08,317 [in Klingon] I am the torchbearer. 425 00:32:08,840 --> 00:32:10,911 The one who lights the way for the leader. 426 00:32:12,200 --> 00:32:16,513 Voq has always believed in you, L'Rell. 427 00:32:18,000 --> 00:32:20,469 [in English] Time for you to leave the shadows. 428 00:32:29,840 --> 00:32:33,390 - I'll leave you to it, then. - Be good, Philippa. 429 00:32:36,040 --> 00:32:37,520 Or you'll come for me? 430 00:32:39,000 --> 00:32:40,275 Make sure I don't have to. 431 00:33:03,320 --> 00:33:04,674 Isik for your thoughts. 432 00:33:08,080 --> 00:33:12,359 I always wanted to find out what one was. I never did. 433 00:33:15,920 --> 00:33:18,879 L'Rell's arranged for a transport to a Mókai ship. 434 00:33:19,720 --> 00:33:22,076 - They're in for a surprise. - It's not the human way 435 00:33:22,160 --> 00:33:24,880 to make a message heard, but it's the Klingon way. 436 00:33:27,280 --> 00:33:28,280 I'm going with her. 437 00:33:35,040 --> 00:33:36,633 It's true what the emperor said. 438 00:33:38,680 --> 00:33:40,831 I'm no good for either side. I... 439 00:33:42,760 --> 00:33:44,274 Maybe I can be good for both. 440 00:33:47,720 --> 00:33:51,191 - I've never been great at goodbyes. - Neither am I. 441 00:33:53,040 --> 00:33:54,315 I've had too many of them. 442 00:33:55,120 --> 00:33:58,875 Michael, in spite of everything that happened to you, 443 00:33:58,960 --> 00:34:03,432 your capacity to love... literally saved my life. 444 00:34:10,640 --> 00:34:12,154 I'm gonna miss looking at you. 445 00:34:17,880 --> 00:34:19,473 I see you, Ash. 446 00:34:20,680 --> 00:34:21,680 In your eyes. 447 00:34:23,680 --> 00:34:24,680 Only you. 448 00:35:03,680 --> 00:35:04,680 Thank you. 449 00:35:16,920 --> 00:35:18,434 [sobs] 450 00:35:35,440 --> 00:35:36,590 [communicator beeps] 451 00:35:37,760 --> 00:35:40,719 Burnham to Discovery. One to transport. 452 00:35:47,120 --> 00:35:53,674 [in Klingon] T'Kuvma knew that the most powerful empire was a united empire. 453 00:35:55,400 --> 00:35:58,279 Twenty-four houses working as one. 454 00:35:59,480 --> 00:36:03,599 He believed the quickest way to bring us together was war with the Federation. 455 00:36:04,520 --> 00:36:09,151 But in this fight, we have lost our way. 456 00:36:10,560 --> 00:36:16,511 A new leader is needed to fulfill my lord's vision. 457 00:36:18,080 --> 00:36:20,515 I am that leader. 458 00:36:21,360 --> 00:36:22,589 [all laughing] 459 00:36:27,880 --> 00:36:29,200 [detonator beeping] 460 00:36:29,280 --> 00:36:32,318 In my hand, I hold the fate of the Klingon homeworld. 461 00:36:33,720 --> 00:36:35,916 Of the Klingon Empire itself. 462 00:36:41,480 --> 00:36:43,472 We are proud. 463 00:36:43,560 --> 00:36:45,517 We are honorable. 464 00:36:45,640 --> 00:36:49,475 And we will be one again. 465 00:36:51,000 --> 00:36:53,390 You will throw down your arms 466 00:36:54,320 --> 00:36:57,392 or you will suffer the consequences. 467 00:36:58,720 --> 00:37:01,758 The choice is yours. 468 00:37:05,280 --> 00:37:10,674 The reunification of our race begins now. 469 00:37:26,160 --> 00:37:30,393 [Burnham] Earth, Andor, Tellar, Vulcan. 470 00:37:31,360 --> 00:37:33,238 Every planet of the Federation 471 00:37:33,440 --> 00:37:36,592 has made the odyssey out of darkness into light. 472 00:37:37,320 --> 00:37:40,791 So, too, have the Klingons. The war is over. 473 00:37:45,040 --> 00:37:46,269 There were triumphs. 474 00:37:47,400 --> 00:37:48,629 Victories of spirit. 475 00:37:49,720 --> 00:37:51,154 Courage beyond reason. 476 00:37:52,120 --> 00:37:55,511 But make no mistake, these were bleak times. 477 00:37:55,720 --> 00:37:57,552 Times we cannot repeat. 478 00:37:59,200 --> 00:38:00,953 Times we cannot forget. 479 00:38:05,960 --> 00:38:07,474 Isik for your thoughts. 480 00:38:08,040 --> 00:38:10,430 - What is an isik? - Oh, I don't know. 481 00:38:11,280 --> 00:38:14,273 Something my mother used to say to me. 482 00:38:16,200 --> 00:38:18,510 Thank you for coming. I'm glad to see you. 483 00:38:20,920 --> 00:38:22,036 Is everything okay? 484 00:38:23,920 --> 00:38:28,915 When I was growing up, you told me not to forget my humanity. 485 00:38:31,400 --> 00:38:34,791 I didn't know what that meant. I didn't know how to do it. 486 00:38:34,880 --> 00:38:36,758 I didn't even know why I would want to. 487 00:38:38,800 --> 00:38:39,916 I get it now. 488 00:38:42,120 --> 00:38:45,477 So, thank you. For not giving up on me. 489 00:38:46,440 --> 00:38:47,874 That's what mothers do. 490 00:38:53,880 --> 00:38:55,837 - Michael. - Father. 491 00:38:56,600 --> 00:38:59,957 What the Federation chose to do on Qo'noS was unprincipled, 492 00:39:00,040 --> 00:39:01,713 and I had a part in it. 493 00:39:04,240 --> 00:39:07,597 The Klingons made it clear, they would fight us to extinction. 494 00:39:07,680 --> 00:39:11,310 You were desperate to save us. I know the feeling all too well. 495 00:39:11,400 --> 00:39:16,270 And yet... you were able to find another way. 496 00:39:17,640 --> 00:39:22,954 I am not alone in finding your commitment to Starfleet's ideals commendable. 497 00:39:26,040 --> 00:39:28,077 I asked if I may give it to you. 498 00:39:28,160 --> 00:39:30,356 Your record has been expunged. 499 00:39:30,440 --> 00:39:33,558 Your pardon by the president of the Federation is official. 500 00:39:35,080 --> 00:39:36,196 Commander Burnham. 501 00:39:39,040 --> 00:39:44,957 The Federation is as grateful to you as I am... to my daughter. 502 00:39:49,960 --> 00:39:53,032 Your mother will stay in Paris for a few days, 503 00:39:53,160 --> 00:39:55,755 I will travel with Discovery to Vulcan. 504 00:39:55,960 --> 00:39:57,838 We're picking up your new captain there. 505 00:39:58,440 --> 00:40:00,238 I'm glad we'll make the journey together. 506 00:40:04,480 --> 00:40:09,396 We are no longer on the eve of battle. Even so, I ask myself the same question 507 00:40:09,480 --> 00:40:12,598 that young soldier asked the general all those years ago. 508 00:40:12,720 --> 00:40:16,236 How do I defeat fear? The general's answer: 509 00:40:17,040 --> 00:40:19,999 "The only way to defeat fear is to tell it no." 510 00:40:20,520 --> 00:40:25,151 No, we will not take shortcuts on the path to righteousness. 511 00:40:25,240 --> 00:40:31,237 No, we will not break the rules that protect us from our basest instincts. 512 00:40:32,000 --> 00:40:38,440 No, we will not allow desperation to destroy moral authority. 513 00:40:40,280 --> 00:40:42,033 I am guilty of all these things. 514 00:40:44,160 --> 00:40:47,073 Some say that, in life, there are no second chances. 515 00:40:49,520 --> 00:40:52,080 Experience tells me that this is true. 516 00:40:52,160 --> 00:40:57,838 But we can only look forward. We have to be torchbearers, 517 00:40:59,040 --> 00:41:03,717 casting the light, so we may see our path to lasting peace. 518 00:41:03,800 --> 00:41:05,871 We will continue exploring, 519 00:41:05,960 --> 00:41:08,395 discovering new worlds, new civilizations. 520 00:41:10,960 --> 00:41:15,637 Yes, that is the United Federation of Planets. 521 00:41:15,720 --> 00:41:18,554 Today we honor Ensign Sylvia Tilly. 522 00:41:18,640 --> 00:41:22,634 Accepted into Starfleet Command training program. 523 00:41:22,720 --> 00:41:26,191 Yes, that is Starfleet. 524 00:41:26,280 --> 00:41:30,718 [Cornwell] Lieutenant Commander Paul Stamets, Medical Officer Hugh Culber. 525 00:41:31,920 --> 00:41:35,231 Yes, that is who we are. 526 00:41:35,920 --> 00:41:40,312 [Cornwell] Commander Saru, first Kelpien to receive the medal of honor. 527 00:41:40,400 --> 00:41:42,232 And who we will always be. 528 00:41:43,640 --> 00:41:45,199 [all cheering] 529 00:42:03,720 --> 00:42:04,995 [Tilly] Never been to Vulcan. 530 00:42:05,080 --> 00:42:06,960 [Burnham] If there's time, I'll show you around. 531 00:42:07,000 --> 00:42:09,515 It's strange that we're not jumping to Vulcan. 532 00:42:09,600 --> 00:42:13,116 Well, Starfleet has committed to finding a non-human interface. 533 00:42:13,200 --> 00:42:16,591 Until that happens, I'm happy to go the old-fashioned way. 534 00:42:16,720 --> 00:42:17,720 [Tilly chuckles] 535 00:42:19,440 --> 00:42:22,194 - Captain on the Bridge. - Acting captain. 536 00:42:22,280 --> 00:42:23,350 Take your stations. 537 00:42:23,440 --> 00:42:25,909 You may consult with Science Officer Burnham later. 538 00:42:27,120 --> 00:42:30,875 [Sarek] Thank you, Mr. Saru, for permitting me this small indulgence. 539 00:42:32,480 --> 00:42:34,949 I never tire of seeing home. 540 00:42:35,040 --> 00:42:36,040 Of course. 541 00:42:36,920 --> 00:42:40,709 - Have we cleared the Sol system? - Yes, captain. 542 00:42:40,800 --> 00:42:43,634 [Saru] Set course for Vulcan, and engage at maximum warp. 543 00:42:43,720 --> 00:42:44,720 [Detmer] Aye, sir. 544 00:42:59,440 --> 00:43:01,636 - Incoming transmission. - From whom? 545 00:43:01,720 --> 00:43:06,033 I'm having trouble identifying it. It's a priority one distress call. 546 00:43:06,120 --> 00:43:09,591 - Identify the source. - I'm getting a Federation ID code. 547 00:43:09,680 --> 00:43:12,115 It's choppy. Trying to clean it up, sir. 548 00:43:12,200 --> 00:43:14,840 - Helm, slow us down. - Dropping us out of warp. 549 00:43:17,360 --> 00:43:19,556 This is Captain Saru 550 00:43:19,640 --> 00:43:22,712 of the Federation starship Discovery. Please identify yourselves. 551 00:43:24,880 --> 00:43:25,880 [radio static] 552 00:43:27,720 --> 00:43:29,313 Hail's from Captain Pike. 553 00:43:34,080 --> 00:43:35,833 It's the U.S.S. Enterprise. 554 00:43:58,320 --> 00:44:00,118 [Original "Star Trek" Theme playing]