1 00:00:01,001 --> 00:00:03,334 [narrator] Previously on Star Trek: Discovery: 2 00:00:03,420 --> 00:00:05,020 [Cornwell] Control will not stop coming. 3 00:00:05,047 --> 00:00:07,209 Eventually, Leland will find you. 4 00:00:08,133 --> 00:00:10,750 [Spock] Ergo, Discovery's very existence is the problem. 5 00:00:12,679 --> 00:00:15,467 Discovery's shields are up. It's protecting itself. 6 00:00:15,557 --> 00:00:17,799 The Sphere's data has merged with Discovery. 7 00:00:17,893 --> 00:00:20,010 - Options? - We know we can't delete the data. 8 00:00:20,103 --> 00:00:21,719 Nor, it seems, can we destroy Discovery. 9 00:00:21,813 --> 00:00:24,681 As long as Discovery exists here and now, 10 00:00:25,943 --> 00:00:26,943 this will never be over. 11 00:00:27,027 --> 00:00:28,859 Discovery has to go to the future. 12 00:00:29,404 --> 00:00:32,021 [Saru] We have the technical designs from Section 31. 13 00:00:32,115 --> 00:00:34,482 - We can attempt to rebuild it. - Do it. 14 00:00:34,576 --> 00:00:37,944 Once the Enterprise catches up with us, I'll be joining them. 15 00:00:38,247 --> 00:00:40,660 I hope that you're happy, Hugh. 16 00:00:42,376 --> 00:00:44,618 [man] Captain Pike, there's something you need to see. 17 00:00:44,711 --> 00:00:46,043 And then there were five. 18 00:00:47,339 --> 00:00:49,581 Commander Stamets, jump us to that signal. 19 00:00:50,217 --> 00:00:52,004 [Burnham] Class-M planet Xahea. 20 00:00:52,094 --> 00:00:53,094 Really? Xahea? 21 00:00:56,848 --> 00:00:58,214 Tilly! 22 00:00:58,684 --> 00:00:59,684 [both chuckling] 23 00:01:00,602 --> 00:01:01,809 I know the queen of Xahea. 24 00:01:01,895 --> 00:01:04,512 So, you wanna use the suit to travel through time, 25 00:01:04,606 --> 00:01:06,689 - with this ship flying behind you? - Yes. 26 00:01:06,775 --> 00:01:08,232 There is just one problem. 27 00:01:08,318 --> 00:01:11,607 Continuous regeneration of energy will ultimately burn out the crystal. 28 00:01:11,697 --> 00:01:12,858 It's a one-way trip. 29 00:01:12,948 --> 00:01:15,782 - You're not coming, are you? - I wish I could say yes. 30 00:01:19,705 --> 00:01:22,664 [woman] Attention, all vessels, Leland's fleet has arrived. 31 00:01:23,667 --> 00:01:26,660 [Pike] Leland and his ships will give us one hell of a fight. 32 00:01:28,797 --> 00:01:30,038 [Burnham] We are surrounded. 33 00:01:30,132 --> 00:01:32,624 - All enemy vessels armed and ready. - Shields up. 34 00:01:32,718 --> 00:01:34,254 Prepare for battle. 35 00:01:40,225 --> 00:01:41,306 [alarm wailing] 36 00:01:43,145 --> 00:01:45,637 - Battle stations, report. - Shields at maximum, sir. 37 00:01:46,690 --> 00:01:48,352 Weapons armed and ready, captain. 38 00:01:48,692 --> 00:01:50,058 Transmit to all ships. 39 00:01:50,777 --> 00:01:51,858 This is Captain Pike. 40 00:01:52,779 --> 00:01:53,779 We have one job. 41 00:01:54,323 --> 00:01:56,690 Get Commander Burnham and Discovery through the wormhole. 42 00:01:59,494 --> 00:02:00,494 Section 31... 43 00:02:01,913 --> 00:02:02,913 is in our way. 44 00:02:08,545 --> 00:02:09,956 Once Burnham launches in the suit, 45 00:02:10,047 --> 00:02:11,959 Second Squadron will match course and speed 46 00:02:12,049 --> 00:02:13,585 to cover her and defend her perimeter. 47 00:02:14,635 --> 00:02:17,503 Squadrons Three and Four will be the front line of defense 48 00:02:17,596 --> 00:02:19,053 against the Section 31 fleet. 49 00:02:19,890 --> 00:02:23,304 You will lead the attack and draw fire, to give us the time we need. 50 00:02:23,852 --> 00:02:27,721 Enterprise will maintain fire on the fleet to distract for as long as we can. 51 00:02:28,231 --> 00:02:30,097 But as soon as Burnham is detected, 52 00:02:31,693 --> 00:02:32,979 we have to keep her safe. 53 00:02:40,243 --> 00:02:42,906 All shuttles and pods, use attack formation Gamma Six. 54 00:02:42,996 --> 00:02:45,739 Squadrons One and Three, coordinate positions 55 00:02:45,832 --> 00:02:48,370 to disrupt and target all main enemy vessels. 56 00:02:50,545 --> 00:02:51,581 This is Starfleet. 57 00:02:54,841 --> 00:02:55,841 Get it done. 58 00:02:57,302 --> 00:02:59,339 Mr. Saru, ETA on that suit? 59 00:02:59,429 --> 00:03:02,547 The components are being synthesized and assembled as we speak. 60 00:03:03,517 --> 00:03:05,157 Don't adjust the composite automatically. 61 00:03:05,185 --> 00:03:07,065 I'll do it manually after each piece is cleared. 62 00:03:07,104 --> 00:03:09,824 - I'm not detecting micro-variances. - No, I need a surgical spanner, 63 00:03:09,898 --> 00:03:11,434 not a standard engineering coupler. 64 00:03:11,525 --> 00:03:13,517 Stop. Look me in the eyes. 65 00:03:13,610 --> 00:03:17,729 The silicon injectors need to be purged after each binding is molded. Watch me. 66 00:03:17,823 --> 00:03:20,190 The bayonet joint on this oxygen sensor's open. 67 00:03:20,283 --> 00:03:21,649 Are you trying to kill her? 68 00:03:22,285 --> 00:03:24,447 - Oh, shit. - Get off the assembly. I got it. 69 00:03:24,538 --> 00:03:25,538 Sorry, commander. 70 00:03:33,213 --> 00:03:34,829 High speed, low drag, commander. 71 00:03:34,923 --> 00:03:37,415 - The longer it takes, the fewer make it. - [Saru] Yes, sir. 72 00:03:37,509 --> 00:03:41,674 How much perimeter space will she need to get far enough away from that wormhole? 73 00:03:41,763 --> 00:03:44,927 Commander Burnham needs to remain at the outermost radius of the battle 74 00:03:45,016 --> 00:03:46,598 at 0.0004 arc-seconds. 75 00:03:46,685 --> 00:03:47,685 In English, please. 76 00:03:47,728 --> 00:03:50,061 I can't blow a path through what you're saying. 77 00:03:50,147 --> 00:03:53,265 Tight enough so no Section 31 ships get pulled into the future, 78 00:03:53,358 --> 00:03:56,066 loose enough so our guys don't get destroyed by the event horizon. 79 00:03:56,153 --> 00:03:58,736 Lieutenant Spock will remain on comms to guide her. 80 00:04:00,115 --> 00:04:01,755 Reno, where are we with the time crystal? 81 00:04:01,783 --> 00:04:04,400 Four minutes, 18 seconds away until fully charged. 82 00:04:04,494 --> 00:04:07,862 - Can you cut that in half? - Violate the basic laws of physics? 83 00:04:08,123 --> 00:04:09,580 Uh, no. 84 00:04:11,376 --> 00:04:13,959 Commander, we've scanned the Section 31 armada. 85 00:04:14,045 --> 00:04:16,332 There's only one life sign, Captain Leland's. 86 00:04:16,798 --> 00:04:18,460 The rest of the ships are empty. 87 00:04:19,092 --> 00:04:20,754 Drones. Nasty ones. 88 00:04:20,844 --> 00:04:23,336 Lieutenant Bryce, have you reached Starfleet? 89 00:04:23,430 --> 00:04:25,547 Subspace relays are still down, commander. 90 00:04:26,057 --> 00:04:27,593 Attempting to circumvent. 91 00:04:27,893 --> 00:04:29,350 But we're still being jammed. 92 00:04:30,604 --> 00:04:31,604 It is just us. 93 00:04:33,398 --> 00:04:34,980 Any, uh, words of wisdom? 94 00:04:41,239 --> 00:04:42,571 Be extremely subtle, 95 00:04:43,325 --> 00:04:45,157 even to the point of formlessness. 96 00:04:46,328 --> 00:04:48,035 Be extremely mysterious, 97 00:04:48,622 --> 00:04:50,534 even to the point of soundlessness. 98 00:04:50,832 --> 00:04:54,325 Thereby you can be the director of your opponent's fate. 99 00:04:55,921 --> 00:05:00,507 I'm surprised a Kelpien, of all beings, has studied Sun Tzu. 100 00:05:01,259 --> 00:05:03,717 I'm surprised a Terran is surprised by anything. 101 00:05:04,805 --> 00:05:07,388 [Bryce] Incoming hail. It's Leland, sir. 102 00:05:15,816 --> 00:05:18,103 You will see a human face. 103 00:05:19,319 --> 00:05:20,776 It is not a human being. 104 00:05:21,905 --> 00:05:22,822 Am I clear? 105 00:05:22,823 --> 00:05:24,735 - [all] Yes, sir. - Put it through. 106 00:05:29,329 --> 00:05:32,618 Leland, we were just talking about you. 107 00:05:32,707 --> 00:05:35,495 Everybody hates you. 108 00:05:35,585 --> 00:05:36,701 Congratulations. 109 00:05:37,212 --> 00:05:38,452 [Leland] You know why I'm here. 110 00:05:39,005 --> 00:05:41,998 Give me what I've come for, or die for it. 111 00:05:42,092 --> 00:05:43,503 By authority granted me 112 00:05:43,593 --> 00:05:46,506 under the Articles of the Federation and Starfleet Charter, 113 00:05:46,596 --> 00:05:48,883 I order you to surrender your vessels. 114 00:05:48,974 --> 00:05:50,556 No terms, no deals. 115 00:05:50,642 --> 00:05:51,642 [Leland] Last warning. 116 00:05:52,352 --> 00:05:53,809 Transmit the data to me, 117 00:05:54,521 --> 00:05:55,762 or you'll be destroyed. 118 00:05:55,856 --> 00:05:59,566 By my count, we have over 200 vessels, and you might have 30. 119 00:06:04,114 --> 00:06:05,114 Count again. 120 00:06:17,878 --> 00:06:19,244 [alarm wailing] 121 00:08:08,446 --> 00:08:10,483 [chattering over comms] 122 00:08:15,120 --> 00:08:16,611 [chattering] 123 00:08:18,748 --> 00:08:20,364 Multiple torpedoes locked on us. 124 00:08:20,458 --> 00:08:22,791 - Evasive pattern Delta Five. - Aye, sir. 125 00:08:22,877 --> 00:08:25,369 All power to forward shields. Fire, full spread. 126 00:08:50,447 --> 00:08:51,363 Damage report. 127 00:08:51,364 --> 00:08:54,528 Breach in Section 2, Decks 9 and 10. Seven confirmed dead. 128 00:08:56,244 --> 00:08:57,701 Shields at 86 percent. 129 00:08:57,787 --> 00:08:59,119 Shields at 82 percent. 130 00:08:59,497 --> 00:09:02,615 We have a breach on Deck 12. Emergency bulkheads engaged. 131 00:09:05,545 --> 00:09:06,661 I've got a leg panel. 132 00:09:07,297 --> 00:09:08,297 Back plate complete. 133 00:09:09,966 --> 00:09:12,925 We need an adjustment on 1.0, 2.3 and 4.2. 134 00:09:13,011 --> 00:09:14,011 I'm on it. I got it. 135 00:09:15,847 --> 00:09:17,287 Reno, we need that time crystal now. 136 00:09:17,348 --> 00:09:19,806 One minute away. Charge at 98 percent. 137 00:09:19,893 --> 00:09:20,974 [grunts] 138 00:09:27,525 --> 00:09:29,608 All squadrons on those drones immediately! 139 00:09:30,236 --> 00:09:31,977 [Po] Captain Pike, it's Po. Do you copy? 140 00:09:33,239 --> 00:09:34,275 Pull her up. 141 00:09:37,035 --> 00:09:38,947 She's flying directly beneath them. 142 00:09:42,082 --> 00:09:43,082 Give me her shuttle feed. 143 00:09:45,627 --> 00:09:49,246 Your Highness, uh, who told you you could fly a Federation vessel? 144 00:09:49,798 --> 00:09:52,711 I invoke diplomatic immunity for stealing this shuttle. 145 00:09:52,801 --> 00:09:55,384 [Pike] All due respect, Your Highness, get out of there. 146 00:09:55,470 --> 00:09:58,087 Captain, your squadron's gonna get obliterated. 147 00:09:58,181 --> 00:09:59,181 What? 148 00:10:01,017 --> 00:10:02,758 These drones looked off-key. 149 00:10:03,478 --> 00:10:05,640 They have a refracted-lattice shield design. 150 00:10:06,231 --> 00:10:09,395 You can see it in the wave patterns. They can't be defeated one-on-one. 151 00:10:09,484 --> 00:10:11,066 Attack has to be two at a time, 152 00:10:11,152 --> 00:10:13,610 targeting port and starboard emitters simultaneously. 153 00:10:13,696 --> 00:10:15,153 Po, are you sure? 154 00:10:15,240 --> 00:10:16,481 I'll put my life on it. 155 00:10:19,702 --> 00:10:20,702 All squadrons. 156 00:10:22,705 --> 00:10:26,073 Formation Double Alpha. Team up, and begin target acquisition. 157 00:10:27,460 --> 00:10:28,460 Follow the queen. 158 00:10:48,773 --> 00:10:51,231 Mr. Rhys, set all phasers for automatic targeting. 159 00:10:51,317 --> 00:10:53,400 - Maximum power and range. - Aye, commander. 160 00:10:55,655 --> 00:10:58,113 Owo, bring the emergency generators online. 161 00:10:58,449 --> 00:10:59,985 Shields holding at 70 percent. 162 00:11:00,577 --> 00:11:02,785 Leland won't destroy this ship immediately. 163 00:11:02,871 --> 00:11:06,831 He'll cripple us, and take the data. Then he'll break Discovery down for parts. 164 00:11:06,916 --> 00:11:08,498 Do you have anything relevant to offer? 165 00:11:08,585 --> 00:11:09,701 Invite him aboard. 166 00:11:11,546 --> 00:11:14,664 Whatever you have in mind, this is not a two-pronged mission. 167 00:11:14,966 --> 00:11:17,800 First priority is to get Discovery to safety with Commander Burnham. 168 00:11:19,345 --> 00:11:20,345 For you, perhaps. 169 00:11:20,430 --> 00:11:24,094 You should know me well enough by now to know I leave very little to chance, 170 00:11:24,184 --> 00:11:26,050 especially when it comes to revenge. 171 00:11:26,853 --> 00:11:27,853 [Reno] Good to go. 172 00:11:27,937 --> 00:11:29,223 Crystal's fully charged. 173 00:11:30,106 --> 00:11:33,144 Tilly, go with her and make sure it gets to Burnham safely. 174 00:11:33,234 --> 00:11:35,567 He means in case one of us gets dead along the way. 175 00:11:35,653 --> 00:11:38,566 - Hurry! - I'm going, I'm going. Get off my ass. 176 00:11:39,240 --> 00:11:40,572 Sir. Get off my ass, sir. 177 00:11:50,251 --> 00:11:51,251 What the hell? 178 00:12:01,846 --> 00:12:04,759 They're gonna make a run on weakening Discovery's shields. 179 00:12:11,064 --> 00:12:13,056 Divert all power to starboard shield deflectors. 180 00:12:13,149 --> 00:12:15,607 Number One, place us between those drones and Discovery. 181 00:12:15,693 --> 00:12:16,979 Aye, captain. 182 00:12:22,200 --> 00:12:23,200 [shouting] 183 00:12:40,343 --> 00:12:43,177 [Owosekun] Shields down to 54 percent, and dropping fast. 184 00:12:48,559 --> 00:12:49,595 Lieutenant Mann. 185 00:12:50,144 --> 00:12:51,430 Target the largest 31 vessel. 186 00:12:51,521 --> 00:12:53,558 - Fire on their shield generators. - Aye, captain. 187 00:12:53,648 --> 00:12:56,482 The fleet is receiving signals from Leland in that ship. 188 00:13:00,822 --> 00:13:02,905 - Has the shuttle bay been evacuated? - Yes. 189 00:13:03,366 --> 00:13:04,527 The housing is prepped. 190 00:13:05,118 --> 00:13:07,485 - I need that last panel. - Right here. 191 00:13:17,839 --> 00:13:18,955 [all yelling] 192 00:13:22,927 --> 00:13:23,927 [coughing] 193 00:13:28,725 --> 00:13:29,725 Michael? 194 00:13:31,227 --> 00:13:32,263 I'm good. You? 195 00:13:35,023 --> 00:13:36,480 - You okay? - Yeah. 196 00:13:36,566 --> 00:13:37,727 [groaning] 197 00:13:41,112 --> 00:13:42,569 Everybody. Reno... 198 00:13:42,655 --> 00:13:45,318 I'm a cat. Five more lives at least. 199 00:13:45,408 --> 00:13:46,408 You okay? 200 00:13:47,368 --> 00:13:49,485 We're good. [groans] 201 00:13:49,579 --> 00:13:51,366 [Tilly] Oh, no! No. Commander. 202 00:13:51,456 --> 00:13:53,368 Oh, my God. Oh, my God. 203 00:13:53,458 --> 00:13:54,869 No, no, no. 204 00:13:55,418 --> 00:13:56,659 Take this. 205 00:13:58,087 --> 00:13:59,168 Get him to Sickbay. 206 00:13:59,255 --> 00:14:02,043 I'm gonna clean up this mess, so nobody else gets impaled. 207 00:14:04,302 --> 00:14:05,302 You're okay. 208 00:14:06,220 --> 00:14:07,220 [Spock] Michael. 209 00:14:07,722 --> 00:14:08,722 Michael. 210 00:14:09,265 --> 00:14:10,265 Let's go. 211 00:14:28,284 --> 00:14:30,116 - Shields? - We're at 60 percent. 212 00:14:30,203 --> 00:14:31,284 Discovery's at 38. 213 00:14:31,371 --> 00:14:33,454 Neither ship is gonna last much longer. 214 00:14:33,539 --> 00:14:36,373 We're not on our heels yet. Maintain offensive focus. 215 00:14:36,459 --> 00:14:37,870 Make them come to us. 216 00:14:37,960 --> 00:14:39,496 [grunting and wheezing] 217 00:14:41,381 --> 00:14:43,373 Commander, we are overloaded in Sickbay. 218 00:14:43,466 --> 00:14:46,004 Class-four casualties in here. Class-three in the corridor. 219 00:14:46,094 --> 00:14:47,505 Cortical stimulation's failing. 220 00:14:47,595 --> 00:14:49,507 Any free hands to help us down here? 221 00:14:49,597 --> 00:14:51,964 - Hey. I need that bio-bed. - [Saru] I am sorry, doctor. 222 00:14:52,058 --> 00:14:54,550 All personnel onboard are occupied. Do your best. 223 00:14:54,644 --> 00:14:55,725 [all grunting] 224 00:14:56,729 --> 00:15:00,018 No, I'm gonna do a half-ass job because now's the perfect time. 225 00:15:03,986 --> 00:15:04,986 The suit is ready. 226 00:15:06,322 --> 00:15:07,322 Are you? 227 00:15:10,410 --> 00:15:12,151 It's your mother, and it's you. 228 00:15:13,371 --> 00:15:14,987 Trust what you've done together. 229 00:15:19,210 --> 00:15:20,210 I do. 230 00:15:50,825 --> 00:15:51,825 Ah. 231 00:15:58,624 --> 00:15:59,660 Damn. 232 00:15:59,750 --> 00:16:02,458 You will be the target out there. I'll pilot a shuttle 233 00:16:02,545 --> 00:16:04,411 to make sure you reach the perimeter point. 234 00:16:04,505 --> 00:16:07,293 What are you talking about? You're supposed to guide me by comms. 235 00:16:07,383 --> 00:16:09,921 - You can't protect me in that. - There's no time for debate. 236 00:16:10,011 --> 00:16:12,719 I will return to Discovery when you open the wormhole. 237 00:16:16,559 --> 00:16:17,800 - I said... - I heard you. 238 00:16:20,188 --> 00:16:21,188 You better. 239 00:16:41,876 --> 00:16:42,876 Stay in my wake. 240 00:17:01,312 --> 00:17:03,178 Discovery bridge, this is Spock. 241 00:17:03,272 --> 00:17:06,856 Prepare to lower shuttle-bay force-field, then drop aft shields for 3.5 seconds. 242 00:17:08,611 --> 00:17:10,648 Understood, lieutenant. Captain Pike. 243 00:17:10,738 --> 00:17:14,072 We are preparing to lower aft shields. Cover fire would be appreciated. 244 00:17:16,827 --> 00:17:17,943 We've got you, Saru. 245 00:17:18,538 --> 00:17:19,904 - All vessels. - Yes, captain. 246 00:17:20,581 --> 00:17:24,165 [Pike] We calculated that Commander Burnham will need two minutes, 47 seconds 247 00:17:24,252 --> 00:17:26,460 to reach safe distance and open the wormhole. 248 00:17:26,546 --> 00:17:28,788 All squadrons, form a tactical escort around her, 249 00:17:28,881 --> 00:17:31,624 on her path, and screen enemy fire. 250 00:17:31,717 --> 00:17:34,117 I want a cocoon around her until she gets to her destination. 251 00:17:34,720 --> 00:17:35,720 On it, captain. 252 00:17:35,846 --> 00:17:37,883 If she doesn't make it far enough away 253 00:17:37,974 --> 00:17:39,806 to open the wormhole, neither do we. 254 00:17:53,114 --> 00:17:54,901 Lower shields in five... 255 00:17:56,033 --> 00:17:57,033 four... 256 00:17:57,952 --> 00:17:58,952 three... 257 00:17:59,787 --> 00:18:00,787 two... 258 00:18:01,581 --> 00:18:02,617 mark. 259 00:18:41,871 --> 00:18:45,160 [computer] Interstellar debris density 72 percent above nominal. 260 00:18:45,249 --> 00:18:47,241 Scanning for nominal local coordinates. 261 00:18:54,175 --> 00:18:55,666 [Burnham grunts] 262 00:18:57,637 --> 00:18:58,798 Michael. 263 00:19:00,431 --> 00:19:01,431 [Burnham] I'm okay. 264 00:19:02,516 --> 00:19:03,516 I got this. 265 00:19:13,277 --> 00:19:16,520 All battle groups, form a shield wall against those ships. 266 00:19:17,198 --> 00:19:20,612 Maintain protective formations. Discovery and Enterprise will lead. 267 00:19:20,701 --> 00:19:23,489 Nobody gets through us until Burnham reaches her target. 268 00:19:33,047 --> 00:19:36,290 Commander, something beamed aboard while our shields were down. 269 00:19:43,724 --> 00:19:44,885 [all shouting and grunting] 270 00:20:01,033 --> 00:20:02,615 [Nhan] He's going for the Sphere data! 271 00:20:02,702 --> 00:20:04,785 - Everybody, stay here. - Like hell. 272 00:20:08,624 --> 00:20:09,624 Sir. 273 00:20:10,710 --> 00:20:13,293 Sensors show Captain Leland beamed aboard Discovery. 274 00:20:17,842 --> 00:20:20,380 We'd have to lower our own shields to beam a team onboard. 275 00:20:20,469 --> 00:20:23,428 - Discovery would have to lower hers. - We can't do it, Chris. 276 00:20:25,141 --> 00:20:26,141 I know. 277 00:20:29,645 --> 00:20:30,645 [grunts] 278 00:20:33,983 --> 00:20:35,940 I will override the security codes. 279 00:20:36,026 --> 00:20:38,313 You try accessing the lock mechanism directly. 280 00:20:41,115 --> 00:20:42,902 How much longer before you gain entry? 281 00:20:42,992 --> 00:20:44,153 Five minutes. 282 00:20:44,243 --> 00:20:46,326 Less if you stop bothering us. 283 00:20:49,832 --> 00:20:51,824 Commander, shields down to 38 percent. 284 00:20:51,917 --> 00:20:53,374 Hold the line, lieutenant. 285 00:20:53,461 --> 00:20:54,461 Yes, sir. 286 00:20:55,337 --> 00:20:57,294 After we're done breaking and entering, 287 00:20:57,381 --> 00:20:59,839 would you like to join me in making Leland scream? 288 00:21:00,885 --> 00:21:01,885 Yum, yum. 289 00:21:09,477 --> 00:21:11,184 We are at a safe distance, Michael. 290 00:21:11,687 --> 00:21:12,687 Understood. 291 00:21:27,661 --> 00:21:28,661 Stand by. 292 00:21:31,290 --> 00:21:33,373 [computer] Insufficient vertices calculated. 293 00:21:33,459 --> 00:21:35,542 Temporal interface access standing by. 294 00:21:35,628 --> 00:21:36,835 It's not working. 295 00:21:38,255 --> 00:21:41,248 The navigation's stuck in the present. It won't move forward. 296 00:21:42,510 --> 00:21:43,842 Why won't it move forward? 297 00:22:09,995 --> 00:22:11,861 [yelling] 298 00:22:19,755 --> 00:22:20,755 [Number One] Captain. 299 00:22:21,173 --> 00:22:22,914 An undetonated photon torpedo 300 00:22:23,008 --> 00:22:24,124 has breached the hull. 301 00:22:25,511 --> 00:22:26,511 If it blows... 302 00:22:27,721 --> 00:22:30,805 it'll rip a hole four decks wide in our saucer section. 303 00:22:44,613 --> 00:22:45,649 Everything I saw... 304 00:22:48,742 --> 00:22:50,108 this is how it starts. 305 00:22:51,328 --> 00:22:54,366 I saw this exact moment when I touched the crystal. 306 00:23:06,886 --> 00:23:09,048 Where's that torpedo lodged, and is it live? 307 00:23:09,138 --> 00:23:11,050 Deck 5, Section 2, and, yes, sir. 308 00:23:13,267 --> 00:23:15,008 Lower Blast Shields 5 and 2. 309 00:23:15,102 --> 00:23:16,138 Lieutenant Mann. 310 00:23:16,228 --> 00:23:18,094 - Deploy the DOT Sevens. - Aye, captain. 311 00:23:18,188 --> 00:23:20,020 [Pike] I want them standing by for repair. 312 00:23:31,243 --> 00:23:34,532 Lieutenant Amin, can we seal off the bay where the torpedo landed? 313 00:23:35,539 --> 00:23:38,156 Only one blast shield will drop. The other is jammed. 314 00:23:38,250 --> 00:23:41,209 Lieutenant Nicola, anyone from Munitions available? 315 00:23:41,837 --> 00:23:44,375 - All occupied, admiral. - I'll fix the door on-site. 316 00:23:44,465 --> 00:23:48,459 Get me a PADD. Number One, I'm with you. We'll have to disarm simultaneously. 317 00:23:48,552 --> 00:23:50,864 Figure out what weapon we're dealing with. Send schematics. 318 00:23:50,888 --> 00:23:51,888 Yes, ma'am. 319 00:23:58,062 --> 00:23:59,178 [shouting] 320 00:23:59,396 --> 00:24:02,139 Shield emitters in Zone 5 and 7 are damaged. 321 00:24:02,232 --> 00:24:05,020 We'll break into pieces if we go into the wormhole without shields. 322 00:24:05,110 --> 00:24:06,191 If we even get there. 323 00:24:07,446 --> 00:24:08,446 Come on, Burnham. 324 00:24:09,073 --> 00:24:10,780 [Burnham] The navigation interface 325 00:24:10,866 --> 00:24:13,279 still won't let me set a destination in the future. 326 00:24:13,369 --> 00:24:16,828 [Spock] Without a destination point, we will not be able to open the wormhole. 327 00:24:22,044 --> 00:24:23,044 Michael. 328 00:24:23,045 --> 00:24:24,045 No. 329 00:24:25,047 --> 00:24:26,047 Nothing. 330 00:24:27,132 --> 00:24:29,340 If I set the signals, why can't I move us forward? 331 00:24:29,426 --> 00:24:31,707 There have been seven signals, and we have only seen five. 332 00:24:32,346 --> 00:24:35,430 Why would I bring us all this way to get stuck in this moment, 333 00:24:35,516 --> 00:24:36,516 and die here? 334 00:24:38,352 --> 00:24:39,352 Door's almost open. 335 00:24:41,397 --> 00:24:43,935 Squadrons 4 through 9 are down. We're losing too many fighters. 336 00:24:44,024 --> 00:24:46,482 Life support failing on Decks 7 through 13. 337 00:24:46,860 --> 00:24:49,648 Shields at 11 percent and dropping. Ten percent. 338 00:24:49,947 --> 00:24:50,983 We're at nine. 339 00:24:51,073 --> 00:24:54,692 All remaining power to forward shields. Come about starboard, 90 degrees. 340 00:25:13,679 --> 00:25:16,547 We have an incoming energy signature. It's massive. 341 00:25:33,741 --> 00:25:35,482 It's a Klingon cleave ship, sir. 342 00:25:37,036 --> 00:25:40,074 But I'm detecting non-Klingon power signatures, too. 343 00:25:44,710 --> 00:25:46,417 Those are Ba'ul fighters. 344 00:25:50,883 --> 00:25:51,999 We're being hailed. 345 00:25:52,092 --> 00:25:53,424 - Put it through. - Yes, sir. 346 00:25:56,013 --> 00:25:57,013 Brother. 347 00:25:57,514 --> 00:25:58,514 Siranna. 348 00:25:59,349 --> 00:26:00,715 I received your message. 349 00:26:00,809 --> 00:26:02,801 I will never again let you fight alone. 350 00:26:03,395 --> 00:26:06,888 You have learned to pilot a fighter. 351 00:26:07,858 --> 00:26:10,316 [Siranna] We were on our way when one of your crew hailed us 352 00:26:10,402 --> 00:26:11,688 to unify our efforts. 353 00:26:13,405 --> 00:26:14,322 Who? 354 00:26:14,323 --> 00:26:16,485 Captain, we're being hailed by the Klingons. 355 00:26:18,452 --> 00:26:19,452 On-screen. 356 00:26:20,996 --> 00:26:24,489 - Sorry it took us a while to get here. - Cavalry arrived just in time. 357 00:26:25,084 --> 00:26:28,668 - See you brought some new friends. - Not the term I would use, captain. 358 00:26:28,754 --> 00:26:33,499 However, the Klingon Empire will always fight to preserve our future. 359 00:26:33,592 --> 00:26:34,592 Works for me. 360 00:26:35,010 --> 00:26:37,627 The D-7 will arrive momentarily, captain. 361 00:26:37,721 --> 00:26:41,806 Please transmit tactical analysis of all enemy vessels to us. 362 00:26:41,892 --> 00:26:43,383 Stand by for transfer. 363 00:26:43,477 --> 00:26:45,969 [in Klingon] Fire on the armada. Destroy everything. 364 00:26:46,063 --> 00:26:47,725 Yes, my chancellor. 365 00:26:48,816 --> 00:26:52,025 Today is a good day to die! 366 00:26:52,653 --> 00:26:55,361 [all] Today is a good day to die! 367 00:26:55,948 --> 00:26:59,112 Siranna, the drones have altered course to intercept your fleet. 368 00:26:59,201 --> 00:27:00,692 Promise me you will be safe. 369 00:27:01,745 --> 00:27:05,204 I can promise you that I will fight as a Kelpien, Saru. 370 00:27:08,460 --> 00:27:12,545 Warriors of Kaminar, hold your course and calculate target locks. 371 00:27:18,345 --> 00:27:21,759 [Saru] All ships, the Klingons and Kelpiens have joined our fight. 372 00:27:21,849 --> 00:27:24,091 Transmit encrypted data on the enemy fleet 373 00:27:24,184 --> 00:27:26,176 and advise all squad commanders 374 00:27:26,270 --> 00:27:28,637 to coordinate their efforts with our new allies. 375 00:27:40,325 --> 00:27:43,659 Michael, the Ba'ul ships arrived here, piloted by the Kelpiens, 376 00:27:43,745 --> 00:27:45,611 because your signal led Discovery to Kaminar. 377 00:27:45,706 --> 00:27:48,039 - Not now, Spock. - Yes, now. Precisely now. 378 00:27:50,419 --> 00:27:53,253 The signal's purpose was not simply to liberate the Kelpiens, 379 00:27:53,338 --> 00:27:55,921 but to prepare them for this, for this very moment. 380 00:27:56,008 --> 00:27:59,297 You used each signal to lead Discovery to an element we need to win this battle. 381 00:28:03,265 --> 00:28:04,722 Starting with Reno on the asteroid. 382 00:28:04,808 --> 00:28:06,765 And to Boreth, to acquire the time crystal. 383 00:28:09,271 --> 00:28:12,605 To Xahea, to find the one woman in the universe who could power it. 384 00:28:13,609 --> 00:28:14,645 And to Terralysium, 385 00:28:14,735 --> 00:28:16,975 to identify safe harbor, once we're through the wormhole. 386 00:28:22,701 --> 00:28:23,701 I saw us fail. 387 00:28:25,412 --> 00:28:26,903 I saw everyone die. 388 00:28:27,331 --> 00:28:29,539 The crystal showed you a possible future. 389 00:28:31,877 --> 00:28:32,913 To avoid it. 390 00:28:34,838 --> 00:28:38,002 We assumed I jumped from somewhere in the future to set the signals. 391 00:28:38,091 --> 00:28:39,423 We didn't know from where. 392 00:28:40,928 --> 00:28:42,840 I jumped from here, 393 00:28:42,930 --> 00:28:44,387 from this moment. 394 00:28:44,848 --> 00:28:46,055 [Spock] That is correct. 395 00:28:46,141 --> 00:28:48,849 In order for us to push forward, you must go back 396 00:28:48,936 --> 00:28:51,849 and set the events of the past in motion, which you have not yet done. 397 00:28:52,648 --> 00:28:55,561 Right, because we've been stuck in an open loop in this time. 398 00:28:55,651 --> 00:28:56,687 This time. 399 00:28:56,777 --> 00:29:00,145 - I have all the pieces to close it. - Once you do, Control cannot evolve. 400 00:29:00,239 --> 00:29:03,482 I'll go to the asteroid, set the first signal, then all the rest. 401 00:29:03,575 --> 00:29:04,907 They will lead you back here. 402 00:29:04,993 --> 00:29:07,233 Do you believe we'll be able to go to the future we want? 403 00:29:08,622 --> 00:29:10,488 Of that, I cannot be certain. 404 00:29:12,292 --> 00:29:14,500 So, you're asking me to take a leap of faith. 405 00:29:15,837 --> 00:29:17,794 One that is only logical. 406 00:29:25,764 --> 00:29:28,006 [computer] Unable to locate Sphere data. 407 00:29:31,770 --> 00:29:33,261 [Georgiou] I know where it is. 408 00:29:35,148 --> 00:29:36,730 Leland, you look well. 409 00:29:37,192 --> 00:29:40,560 For a couple of batteries and a data core stuffed in a meat sack. 410 00:29:40,654 --> 00:29:43,112 - Kind of like an AI sausage. - Ew. 411 00:29:43,198 --> 00:29:44,939 Women, stop talking. 412 00:29:45,701 --> 00:29:46,701 Remember this? 413 00:29:47,119 --> 00:29:48,826 It's a quantum signal amplifier. 414 00:29:49,705 --> 00:29:52,197 I gave it to you to transfer the Sphere data to my ship. 415 00:29:52,291 --> 00:29:54,453 You're holding it now to demonstrate... 416 00:29:54,543 --> 00:29:57,502 Why you won't find the Sphere data anywhere here. 417 00:29:59,548 --> 00:30:01,460 Where can I access my data? 418 00:30:01,550 --> 00:30:02,550 Your data? 419 00:30:02,634 --> 00:30:05,672 Hmm. So many fun ways to answer that question. 420 00:30:15,397 --> 00:30:17,810 [Number One] Torpedo's in there. It's safe to enter. 421 00:30:20,694 --> 00:30:22,026 [Pike] Number One, status update. 422 00:30:22,112 --> 00:30:23,112 On site, captain. 423 00:30:23,613 --> 00:30:24,945 The blast door is jammed. 424 00:30:25,032 --> 00:30:26,614 Its release mechanism is fried. 425 00:30:26,700 --> 00:30:29,989 I'm trying to override primary circuits and reroute through secondary relays. 426 00:30:31,038 --> 00:30:33,200 - Admiral, how are things on your end? - Bad. 427 00:30:33,832 --> 00:30:35,448 Define "bad," please, admiral. 428 00:30:38,003 --> 00:30:40,336 Secondary detonation's already been triggered. 429 00:30:41,131 --> 00:30:44,340 I'd say about 15 minutes before it takes out half the ship. 430 00:30:46,595 --> 00:30:48,052 [shouting and coughing] 431 00:30:49,848 --> 00:30:52,886 - What about the injured on Deck 12? - We get them stable, get them out. 432 00:30:52,976 --> 00:30:53,976 - Got it? - On it. 433 00:30:54,061 --> 00:30:55,741 - [Stamets groaning] - [Tilly] Dr. Pollard! 434 00:30:55,979 --> 00:30:57,345 - [Pollard] Bio-bed. - Okay. 435 00:30:59,107 --> 00:31:00,973 Easy. Easy. 436 00:31:02,069 --> 00:31:03,069 [man] Dr. Pollard! 437 00:31:03,653 --> 00:31:06,191 [Pollard] You, over there, take Bed 2. 438 00:31:06,281 --> 00:31:07,863 I could use an extra hand here. 439 00:31:07,949 --> 00:31:10,191 I've got this. Get back to the bridge. 440 00:31:11,036 --> 00:31:12,072 Tilly, go. 441 00:31:12,788 --> 00:31:14,654 - Go. - [Pollard] Nilsson. Now. 442 00:31:16,875 --> 00:31:19,083 [Tilly] I'm sorry, commander, I'm... 443 00:31:27,719 --> 00:31:28,719 [Culber] Paul. 444 00:31:30,222 --> 00:31:31,222 Hi. 445 00:31:32,599 --> 00:31:33,806 - Hugh? - Hi. 446 00:31:33,892 --> 00:31:35,849 - But... - I know you're in a lot of pain. 447 00:31:36,645 --> 00:31:37,681 Paul. 448 00:31:38,355 --> 00:31:40,438 Your injuries are pretty severe. 449 00:31:40,982 --> 00:31:42,439 I'm gonna induce coma. 450 00:31:42,526 --> 00:31:43,526 You'll be fine. 451 00:31:43,860 --> 00:31:45,943 Just listen to my voice. You can hear me. 452 00:31:51,868 --> 00:31:53,655 I thought I could make my home on Enterprise. 453 00:31:53,745 --> 00:31:54,745 [groans] 454 00:31:54,955 --> 00:31:55,955 You're doing fine. 455 00:31:57,541 --> 00:31:59,077 Then I realized that, uh... 456 00:32:00,836 --> 00:32:01,836 you're my home. 457 00:32:04,214 --> 00:32:05,214 So, I came back. 458 00:32:09,428 --> 00:32:10,428 Everything... 459 00:32:12,597 --> 00:32:13,597 always... 460 00:32:14,099 --> 00:32:15,306 came back around to you. 461 00:32:18,145 --> 00:32:20,478 I'm just sorry it took me so long to see it. 462 00:32:22,941 --> 00:32:24,273 You go to sleep now, okay? 463 00:32:26,153 --> 00:32:27,564 You let me take care of you. 464 00:32:30,824 --> 00:32:31,824 I'm your family. 465 00:32:33,910 --> 00:32:35,276 Wherever we go from here... 466 00:32:37,581 --> 00:32:38,581 we go together. 467 00:32:47,549 --> 00:32:48,829 [Burnham] I've set all my jumps. 468 00:32:49,426 --> 00:32:50,426 All five... 469 00:32:51,052 --> 00:32:51,969 I think. 470 00:32:51,970 --> 00:32:55,634 The future is still unwritten, Michael. The outcome could still change. 471 00:32:55,724 --> 00:32:56,805 [grunts] 472 00:33:03,190 --> 00:33:04,271 Spock! 473 00:33:05,942 --> 00:33:07,023 Go, Michael. Now! 474 00:33:18,079 --> 00:33:19,160 [breathing heavily] 475 00:33:38,600 --> 00:33:40,136 [screaming] 476 00:34:05,794 --> 00:34:07,205 [screaming] 477 00:34:40,620 --> 00:34:41,986 [gasps] 478 00:34:55,635 --> 00:34:59,049 [computer] First signal. Destination point, U.S.S. Hiawatha. 479 00:34:59,139 --> 00:35:02,632 Stardate 1025. 19. 480 00:35:06,563 --> 00:35:07,804 [exhales] 481 00:35:12,402 --> 00:35:15,770 This little dot is the only one willing to tell us where it is. 482 00:35:17,782 --> 00:35:19,702 [Saru] It appears to be an interstellar asteroid. 483 00:35:19,743 --> 00:35:23,157 [Owosekun] The U.S.S. Hiawatha, thought destroyed by the Klingons 10 months ago. 484 00:35:23,246 --> 00:35:24,532 [Pike] Man, they came down hard. 485 00:35:26,166 --> 00:35:28,374 I'm Commander Jett Reno, Engineering. 486 00:35:30,128 --> 00:35:31,164 [Burnham grunting] 487 00:35:32,088 --> 00:35:33,295 [screaming] 488 00:35:57,280 --> 00:35:58,487 [grunts] 489 00:36:01,660 --> 00:36:03,652 [computer] Second signal, Terralysium. 490 00:36:03,745 --> 00:36:07,113 Stardate 1027.32. 491 00:36:14,506 --> 00:36:17,340 In 64 minutes, radiation will reach the upper atmosphere, 492 00:36:17,425 --> 00:36:19,758 causing an extinction-level event. 493 00:36:20,929 --> 00:36:24,843 If we were brought here, perhaps this is why. 494 00:36:25,850 --> 00:36:28,718 Discovery will not allow a catastrophe on her watch. 495 00:36:29,270 --> 00:36:31,683 [Detmer] The asteroid successfully diverted all the debris 496 00:36:31,773 --> 00:36:33,389 from the planet's atmosphere. 497 00:36:41,116 --> 00:36:42,573 [shouting] 498 00:36:45,453 --> 00:36:46,989 - Where's my data? - Hell. 499 00:36:47,080 --> 00:36:48,867 [grunting and shouting] 500 00:37:12,647 --> 00:37:15,230 We have a hull breach in Zone 4. Working on shields. 501 00:37:15,316 --> 00:37:16,898 Working on gravity systems. 502 00:37:16,985 --> 00:37:18,851 Commander, shields aren't responding. 503 00:37:20,655 --> 00:37:23,898 Shield failure in Zone 4. Any available crew, respond. 504 00:37:23,992 --> 00:37:25,449 I'm in Four. 505 00:37:25,535 --> 00:37:27,527 I'm gonna swap the particle matrix in the emitter, 506 00:37:27,620 --> 00:37:29,236 and get the shields back online. 507 00:37:30,123 --> 00:37:32,581 - I just have to keep my eyes closed. - [Saru] What? 508 00:37:32,667 --> 00:37:35,580 I've only done this once, and I was blindfolded for a drinking game. 509 00:37:35,670 --> 00:37:38,629 - Ensign, we cannot depart without shields. - Yeah, I'm aware. 510 00:37:39,966 --> 00:37:42,174 [computer] Local gravity systems failure. 511 00:37:43,386 --> 00:37:45,753 Local gravity systems failure. 512 00:38:14,334 --> 00:38:16,246 It doesn't have to be this hard. 513 00:38:16,336 --> 00:38:18,453 Not hard is boring, and I hate boring. 514 00:38:50,620 --> 00:38:52,111 [computer] Gravity restored. 515 00:39:00,922 --> 00:39:02,254 [grunting] 516 00:39:11,766 --> 00:39:13,302 [computer] Third signal, Kaminar. 517 00:39:13,393 --> 00:39:16,477 Stardate 1035.86. 518 00:39:37,166 --> 00:39:38,953 You brought hope back with you, 519 00:39:39,043 --> 00:39:40,500 you and your Red Angel. 520 00:39:48,136 --> 00:39:49,343 [crashing] 521 00:39:49,971 --> 00:39:50,971 Damn it. 522 00:39:51,139 --> 00:39:54,257 Matter-antimatter intermix regulator is still fully functional. 523 00:39:54,350 --> 00:39:55,350 I can't disable it. 524 00:39:55,393 --> 00:39:57,726 Let's try reprogramming the guidance systems. 525 00:39:57,812 --> 00:39:59,892 Maybe conflicting commands will force it to shut down 526 00:39:59,939 --> 00:40:01,521 until it acquires a new target. 527 00:40:02,609 --> 00:40:05,192 You sure there's no way to reprogram the blast door instead? 528 00:40:05,278 --> 00:40:06,439 I wish there were. 529 00:40:07,363 --> 00:40:09,650 Captain, plans A and B didn't work. 530 00:40:09,741 --> 00:40:12,404 We're now into the Hail Mary part of the operation. 531 00:40:15,246 --> 00:40:16,846 That's been just about everything today. 532 00:40:16,873 --> 00:40:18,239 How much time do we have left? 533 00:40:19,375 --> 00:40:20,375 Less than five minutes. 534 00:40:21,419 --> 00:40:24,287 Report back to the bridge. I'm giving you the conn, Noona. 535 00:40:24,380 --> 00:40:26,567 Admiral, do everything you can to buy Burnham more time. 536 00:40:26,591 --> 00:40:28,674 - I'll be down in a moment. - Wait. 537 00:40:34,641 --> 00:40:35,722 Admiral. 538 00:40:59,374 --> 00:41:00,455 [all shouting] 539 00:41:01,834 --> 00:41:02,834 [L'Rell yells] 540 00:41:04,837 --> 00:41:05,873 [L'Rell laughing] 541 00:41:08,633 --> 00:41:11,751 And I thought my chancellorship would be bloodless. 542 00:41:13,846 --> 00:41:15,132 [in Klingon] Return fire! 543 00:41:15,223 --> 00:41:17,431 Destroy those who would harm your chancellor! 544 00:41:17,517 --> 00:41:21,306 Tell the D-7 to target the drone fleet that attacks Discovery. 545 00:41:22,146 --> 00:41:26,766 We will wade knee-deep through the ruin of our enemies. 546 00:41:27,652 --> 00:41:30,440 [computer] Fourth signal, Boreth, Klingon Territory. 547 00:41:30,530 --> 00:41:33,614 Stardate 1048. 66 548 00:41:38,329 --> 00:41:41,117 [Pike] A new time crystal could let us send the Sphere data 549 00:41:41,207 --> 00:41:42,414 into the future after all. 550 00:41:48,881 --> 00:41:50,543 [computer] Fifth signal, Xahea. 551 00:41:50,633 --> 00:41:53,592 Stardate 1050.8. 552 00:41:55,888 --> 00:41:58,649 [Pike] And what might Xahea have to do with powering the time crystal? 553 00:41:58,683 --> 00:42:00,140 [Po] My dilithium incubator. 554 00:42:00,435 --> 00:42:04,019 It'll replicate the power of a supernova, and it'll charge your crystal. 555 00:42:13,239 --> 00:42:14,239 Michael? 556 00:42:18,870 --> 00:42:19,951 [panting] 557 00:42:21,080 --> 00:42:22,080 It's done. 558 00:42:24,417 --> 00:42:27,910 My mom said she was trapped 950 years in the future from Doctari Alpha. 559 00:42:28,004 --> 00:42:29,245 That was 20 years ago. 560 00:42:29,338 --> 00:42:31,170 Discovery, I'm setting coordinates 561 00:42:31,257 --> 00:42:34,671 for the Beta Quadrant, Terralysium, 930 years from this launch point. 562 00:42:35,803 --> 00:42:37,214 Should take us where we need to go. 563 00:42:40,683 --> 00:42:44,302 Commander, the quantum fluctuations within the wormhole make it difficult 564 00:42:44,395 --> 00:42:46,978 to track your position using standard sensors. 565 00:42:50,109 --> 00:42:52,021 How do you intend to guide us through? 566 00:42:55,406 --> 00:42:56,647 I'll set a signal. 567 00:42:56,741 --> 00:42:59,654 The sixth signal. Like the North Star, that's what this is. 568 00:42:59,744 --> 00:43:01,451 You can follow it to me on the other side. 569 00:43:02,330 --> 00:43:03,330 Copy, commander. 570 00:43:07,001 --> 00:43:08,617 I'm approaching the briefing room now. 571 00:43:08,711 --> 00:43:09,952 Copy that, captain. 572 00:43:10,505 --> 00:43:12,041 Standing by to assist. 573 00:43:12,131 --> 00:43:13,247 Thank you, Number One. 574 00:43:18,262 --> 00:43:19,378 [grunting] 575 00:43:33,277 --> 00:43:35,564 Your algorithm was the easiest to predict. 576 00:43:36,239 --> 00:43:40,449 You would want fast access to this ship's two most valuable assets. 577 00:43:41,661 --> 00:43:45,371 The data is in the spore console. 578 00:43:59,804 --> 00:44:01,511 You think this cage will hold me? 579 00:44:11,649 --> 00:44:13,857 What if we transfer the antimatter to antimatter pods? 580 00:44:13,943 --> 00:44:14,943 Too risky. 581 00:44:15,111 --> 00:44:17,319 Sure you can't reprogram the guidance system? 582 00:44:20,825 --> 00:44:21,825 I've tried. 583 00:44:23,828 --> 00:44:25,535 This thing's gonna blow in 90 seconds. 584 00:44:27,665 --> 00:44:29,952 There's an emergency lever for the blast door. 585 00:44:30,543 --> 00:44:33,035 I can bring it down manually, from the inside, 586 00:44:33,754 --> 00:44:35,461 and seal off the rest of the ship. 587 00:44:36,007 --> 00:44:38,044 - No. - We are out of time. 588 00:44:38,593 --> 00:44:41,631 That last light will change. This torpedo will blow. 589 00:44:42,221 --> 00:44:45,385 Everyone on the bridge, maybe everyone on this ship, will die. 590 00:44:45,474 --> 00:44:46,806 If you do this, you die. 591 00:44:46,893 --> 00:44:49,510 This is my ship, my responsibility. 592 00:44:49,604 --> 00:44:51,266 This isn't where your story ends. 593 00:44:52,273 --> 00:44:53,273 I think you know that. 594 00:44:56,319 --> 00:44:58,151 If I'm meant for a different future, 595 00:44:59,822 --> 00:45:02,314 this thing can't possibly go off with me in here. 596 00:45:02,408 --> 00:45:03,366 Maybe not, 597 00:45:03,367 --> 00:45:05,950 but how many people will pay the price if you're wrong? 598 00:45:11,250 --> 00:45:12,457 - Kat. - Go. 599 00:45:13,252 --> 00:45:14,252 It's time. 600 00:45:17,840 --> 00:45:18,876 And, Chris... 601 00:45:20,092 --> 00:45:23,051 Whatever your path may be, you can handle it. 602 00:46:10,226 --> 00:46:12,343 Discovery to Enterprise. Are you all right? 603 00:46:13,187 --> 00:46:14,187 We're okay. 604 00:46:17,024 --> 00:46:18,231 But we lost the admiral. 605 00:46:27,034 --> 00:46:28,991 [Saru] Burnham, we are running out of time. 606 00:46:29,537 --> 00:46:31,073 Okay, it's time to go, Spock. 607 00:46:31,163 --> 00:46:32,324 Get back to Discovery. 608 00:46:33,666 --> 00:46:34,666 Michael. 609 00:46:36,794 --> 00:46:37,794 I cannot. 610 00:46:39,422 --> 00:46:40,422 What? 611 00:46:40,840 --> 00:46:42,081 When my vessel was hit... 612 00:46:45,886 --> 00:46:47,127 My engines are disabled. 613 00:46:47,722 --> 00:46:49,679 Discovery can lock onto you with a tractor beam. 614 00:46:49,765 --> 00:46:52,929 There is no time, and even if there were, they would need to lower their shields 615 00:46:53,019 --> 00:46:55,682 to beam me aboard, and they will not survive doing so, 616 00:46:55,771 --> 00:46:58,263 not with the amount of damage that ship has sustained. 617 00:47:00,443 --> 00:47:01,443 You must go. 618 00:47:08,576 --> 00:47:09,783 I just got you back. 619 00:47:12,413 --> 00:47:13,494 I don't wanna let go. 620 00:47:14,540 --> 00:47:17,578 Neither... do I. 621 00:47:20,421 --> 00:47:21,832 I already lost you once. 622 00:47:22,381 --> 00:47:23,963 You never lost me, Michael. 623 00:47:24,800 --> 00:47:26,041 As a child, 624 00:47:26,135 --> 00:47:27,501 I was truly lost. 625 00:47:29,096 --> 00:47:30,337 The path of my father. 626 00:47:31,557 --> 00:47:32,673 The path of my mother. 627 00:47:33,642 --> 00:47:34,849 You came into our lives, 628 00:47:34,935 --> 00:47:37,552 and you taught me it was possible to travel both. 629 00:47:39,190 --> 00:47:40,190 You found me. 630 00:47:42,193 --> 00:47:43,193 You saved me. 631 00:47:47,740 --> 00:47:48,740 That wasn't me. 632 00:47:49,575 --> 00:47:50,861 That was always in you. 633 00:47:52,411 --> 00:47:54,869 You are my balance, Michael. 634 00:47:55,414 --> 00:47:56,700 You always have been. 635 00:47:57,208 --> 00:47:58,208 And I... 636 00:47:59,377 --> 00:48:03,496 I'm afraid that I will not find it again without you. 637 00:48:05,674 --> 00:48:06,591 Okay. 638 00:48:06,592 --> 00:48:07,592 Listen to me. 639 00:48:11,639 --> 00:48:13,096 Listen to me, little brother. 640 00:48:15,267 --> 00:48:17,930 This is the last advice I'll ever be able to give you. 641 00:48:19,063 --> 00:48:20,850 There's a whole galaxy out there. 642 00:48:22,650 --> 00:48:25,563 Full of people who will reach for you. 643 00:48:26,862 --> 00:48:28,069 You have to let them. 644 00:48:29,532 --> 00:48:31,865 Find that person who seems farthest from you... 645 00:48:33,953 --> 00:48:35,160 and reach for them. 646 00:48:36,163 --> 00:48:37,279 Reach for them. 647 00:48:38,749 --> 00:48:39,830 Let them guide you. 648 00:48:47,716 --> 00:48:48,716 I will. 649 00:48:51,429 --> 00:48:55,139 I only wish I could be certain of your safety. 650 00:49:00,855 --> 00:49:01,855 You will. 651 00:49:04,942 --> 00:49:06,308 I'll send the last signal. 652 00:49:09,405 --> 00:49:12,614 I'll send it through the wormhole when we get to the other side. 653 00:49:14,827 --> 00:49:16,363 I will watch the stars for it. 654 00:49:20,541 --> 00:49:21,827 [Leland grunting] 655 00:49:32,011 --> 00:49:34,719 Oh, enough with the tantrum already. 656 00:49:34,805 --> 00:49:36,421 Let's end this now, shall we? 657 00:49:38,559 --> 00:49:41,267 You should know, I've magnetized the spore cube. 658 00:49:42,062 --> 00:49:43,143 Enjoy. 659 00:50:11,509 --> 00:50:14,627 Spock to Enterprise. My shuttle's engines are disabled. 660 00:50:14,720 --> 00:50:16,586 I will not be returning to Discovery. 661 00:50:18,182 --> 00:50:20,344 Hold your position. We'll transport you out. 662 00:50:20,434 --> 00:50:22,221 Saru, how are your shields? 663 00:50:25,272 --> 00:50:26,638 Ensign Tilly, where are we? 664 00:50:29,860 --> 00:50:31,192 [Tilly] Almost there! 665 00:50:34,114 --> 00:50:35,230 [powering up] 666 00:50:37,910 --> 00:50:39,151 Somebody owes me a beer. 667 00:50:40,287 --> 00:50:42,028 We are good to go, sir! 668 00:50:42,122 --> 00:50:43,658 Shields back up to 40 percent. 669 00:50:44,625 --> 00:50:47,163 - More than enough. - [Pike] Stand by to transport, Spock. 670 00:50:47,753 --> 00:50:49,210 [speaking in Vulcan] 671 00:50:52,716 --> 00:50:54,582 I love you, too, brother. 672 00:51:03,143 --> 00:51:04,759 Commander Burnham, on your mark. 673 00:51:20,661 --> 00:51:21,742 Burnham to Discovery. 674 00:51:22,746 --> 00:51:23,746 Let's go. 675 00:51:43,350 --> 00:51:45,888 Lieutenant Detmer, full power. Follow her signal. 676 00:52:17,718 --> 00:52:20,426 All vessels, aim at three mark five mark two. 677 00:52:21,347 --> 00:52:22,347 Clear a path. 678 00:52:24,099 --> 00:52:25,681 Goodbye, Captain Pike. 679 00:52:26,894 --> 00:52:27,894 Goodbye, my friends. 680 00:52:30,105 --> 00:52:31,105 My family. 681 00:52:37,363 --> 00:52:38,774 We're on our way, Paul. 682 00:52:41,784 --> 00:52:42,784 We're on our way. 683 00:52:47,873 --> 00:52:51,082 This does not end here. 684 00:52:52,002 --> 00:52:53,368 Actually, it does. 685 00:52:54,338 --> 00:52:55,579 And it's going to hurt. 686 00:52:56,632 --> 00:53:00,046 And I'd like to hear you scream now. 687 00:53:01,720 --> 00:53:02,801 [screaming] 688 00:53:08,894 --> 00:53:10,305 You! 689 00:53:13,190 --> 00:53:14,556 [laughing] 690 00:53:38,966 --> 00:53:40,707 Captain, they're all dead in the water. 691 00:53:42,136 --> 00:53:43,297 Open fire. 692 00:53:49,143 --> 00:53:50,179 Georgiou to bridge. 693 00:53:50,561 --> 00:53:51,561 I'm in Engineering. 694 00:53:52,104 --> 00:53:53,104 Leland is dead. 695 00:53:53,147 --> 00:53:54,729 Control is neutralized. 696 00:53:54,815 --> 00:53:56,022 [Saru] Copy, commander. 697 00:53:57,401 --> 00:53:58,482 We are on our way. 698 00:53:59,027 --> 00:54:00,027 Go. 699 00:54:01,363 --> 00:54:02,479 Go. Go. 700 00:56:20,043 --> 00:56:21,830 [man] State your name and rank. 701 00:56:22,004 --> 00:56:24,542 Ash Tyler, Acting Commander, Section 31. 702 00:56:24,631 --> 00:56:27,294 Christopher Pike, captain of the U.S.S. Enterprise. 703 00:56:27,384 --> 00:56:28,384 Number One. 704 00:56:29,136 --> 00:56:30,547 How long is this gonna take? 705 00:56:31,138 --> 00:56:33,300 - You were present during the attack? - I was. 706 00:56:33,390 --> 00:56:34,308 I was. 707 00:56:34,309 --> 00:56:36,721 Discovery was Control's primary target. 708 00:56:36,810 --> 00:56:38,017 We were just in the way. 709 00:56:38,353 --> 00:56:39,434 [man] When was that? 710 00:56:39,521 --> 00:56:41,401 [Spock] I believe the exact date is in the logs. 711 00:56:41,481 --> 00:56:44,189 Discovery was attempting to escape while badly damaged. 712 00:56:44,276 --> 00:56:46,716 Spore drive must've suffered a catastrophic failure in battle. 713 00:56:47,237 --> 00:56:48,237 It just went... 714 00:56:48,780 --> 00:56:49,780 Boom. 715 00:56:50,115 --> 00:56:52,448 [man] Seconds before Discovery's disappearance, 716 00:56:52,701 --> 00:56:55,409 our long-range sensors detected high-energy gamma rays 717 00:56:55,495 --> 00:56:59,409 and gravitational waves consistent with a quantum singularity. 718 00:56:59,708 --> 00:57:01,119 How do you explain that? 719 00:57:01,209 --> 00:57:04,748 It is hardly my responsibility to provide what your own sensors could not. 720 00:57:04,838 --> 00:57:06,329 I saw Discovery explode. 721 00:57:06,423 --> 00:57:07,755 I saw Discovery explode. 722 00:57:08,800 --> 00:57:09,800 They're all gone. 723 00:57:10,802 --> 00:57:12,634 [man] That's your official response? 724 00:57:12,721 --> 00:57:14,303 For the third time, yeah. 725 00:57:15,265 --> 00:57:16,265 Anything else? 726 00:57:16,808 --> 00:57:18,515 [man] Commander Michael Burnham. 727 00:57:18,977 --> 00:57:21,014 - Do you think she...? - Do I think she what? 728 00:57:21,271 --> 00:57:23,831 [Pike] Commander Burnham went above and beyond, before her death. 729 00:57:24,441 --> 00:57:27,559 Section 31, whether by error or corruption, 730 00:57:28,612 --> 00:57:29,944 took its eye off the ball, 731 00:57:30,030 --> 00:57:32,522 and is indirectly responsible for this catastrophe. 732 00:57:32,991 --> 00:57:36,575 We agree the organization requires a radical overhaul, 733 00:57:36,662 --> 00:57:38,949 and perhaps far more transparency. 734 00:57:39,998 --> 00:57:43,742 With the loss of Admiral Cornwell and Captain Georgiou, 735 00:57:45,128 --> 00:57:47,745 we'd like to remove the "acting" from your title, 736 00:57:47,839 --> 00:57:48,875 make it permanent. 737 00:57:50,676 --> 00:57:53,840 Wasn't so long ago I had to fight to wear a Starfleet uniform. 738 00:57:54,304 --> 00:57:57,138 [man] And that dedication, coupled with a perspective... 739 00:57:58,684 --> 00:57:59,684 Commander, 740 00:58:00,394 --> 00:58:04,980 it's safe to say that your worldview is uniquely suited 741 00:58:05,065 --> 00:58:07,899 to the dualities intrinsic to Section 31. 742 00:58:10,821 --> 00:58:13,985 - Have you eliminated Control entirely? - [man] We have. 743 00:58:14,783 --> 00:58:16,775 [Spock] The destruction of Discovery was tragic, 744 00:58:16,868 --> 00:58:19,451 but does not, in and of itself, resolve the issue. 745 00:58:19,538 --> 00:58:21,404 Even more radical steps must be taken 746 00:58:21,498 --> 00:58:24,161 to ensure that type of scenario never repeats itself. 747 00:58:25,168 --> 00:58:28,036 I'm eager to hear your recommendations, lieutenant. 748 00:58:29,464 --> 00:58:31,877 Regulation 157, section three, 749 00:58:32,300 --> 00:58:36,214 requires Starfleet officers to abstain from participating in historical events. 750 00:58:37,180 --> 00:58:40,139 Any residual trace or knowledge of Discovery's data, 751 00:58:40,225 --> 00:58:42,888 or the time suit, offers a foothold 752 00:58:42,978 --> 00:58:47,188 for those who might not see how critical, how deeply critical, that directive is. 753 00:58:48,316 --> 00:58:52,230 Therefore, to ensure the Federation never finds itself facing the same danger, 754 00:58:52,320 --> 00:58:55,233 all officers with knowledge of these events must be ordered 755 00:58:55,323 --> 00:58:58,862 never to speak of Discovery, its spore drive, or her crew again, 756 00:58:59,494 --> 00:59:00,826 under penalty of treason. 757 00:59:02,164 --> 00:59:03,530 [man] Thank you, Mr. Spock. 758 00:59:03,957 --> 00:59:05,539 We'll take it under advisement. 759 00:59:08,128 --> 00:59:09,209 [Spock] Personal log. 760 00:59:09,629 --> 00:59:12,121 Stardate 1201. 7. 761 00:59:19,514 --> 00:59:22,803 One hundred twenty-four days have passed since your disappearance. 762 00:59:24,770 --> 00:59:25,886 It has been difficult, 763 00:59:26,605 --> 00:59:30,315 but we've managed not to reveal the truth of Discovery's fate to Starfleet. 764 00:59:31,276 --> 00:59:34,565 To have done so was to risk rendering your sacrifice meaningless. 765 00:59:36,198 --> 00:59:37,359 If we learned anything, 766 00:59:38,116 --> 00:59:40,654 we learned we're not yet ready to learn everything. 767 00:59:44,039 --> 00:59:47,828 Mother and Father are diplomatically immune from interrogation, 768 00:59:48,502 --> 00:59:52,212 and they fully understand, our silence is meant to keep you safe. 769 00:59:54,216 --> 00:59:57,050 We have sworn never to speak your name in the presence of others. 770 01:00:00,722 --> 01:00:03,305 Yet I feel you with me, always. 771 01:00:04,810 --> 01:00:05,810 With every moment, 772 01:00:06,436 --> 01:00:10,430 I grow more surefooted in this in-between place, 773 01:00:12,025 --> 01:00:13,732 more certain of who I am becoming. 774 01:00:16,738 --> 01:00:18,104 You teach me, sister, 775 01:00:18,907 --> 01:00:19,907 even now. 776 01:00:24,704 --> 01:00:27,913 Every night, I look to the stars for your signal. 777 01:00:29,251 --> 01:00:30,251 And every night, 778 01:00:30,585 --> 01:00:33,248 I have to remind myself of the scientific truth 779 01:00:33,755 --> 01:00:35,121 that time is relative. 780 01:00:38,135 --> 01:00:40,092 One hundred twenty-four days for one... 781 01:00:40,929 --> 01:00:42,670 is the blink of an eye for another. 782 01:00:45,767 --> 01:00:48,134 It is difficult to reconcile, logically. 783 01:00:49,062 --> 01:00:52,351 But to paraphrase an earth physicist: 784 01:00:53,775 --> 01:00:57,735 The universe is under no obligation to make sense to me. 785 01:01:00,490 --> 01:01:03,028 I believe that you were successful. 786 01:01:04,828 --> 01:01:06,160 I choose to believe it. 787 01:01:09,166 --> 01:01:11,658 That is the only gift I have left to give you. 788 01:01:15,505 --> 01:01:16,712 It may not be logical, 789 01:01:18,258 --> 01:01:20,841 but I am proud to bear it. 790 01:01:22,345 --> 01:01:24,007 [Pike] Mr. Spock to the bridge. 791 01:01:39,446 --> 01:01:41,278 You detected an anomaly, captain? 792 01:01:43,200 --> 01:01:45,283 Number One's running it now, but, uh... 793 01:01:46,411 --> 01:01:48,403 looks like it's in the Beta Quadrant. 794 01:01:48,496 --> 01:01:49,907 [Number One] That's correct, sir. 795 01:01:57,339 --> 01:01:59,422 And we have confirmation. 796 01:02:02,510 --> 01:02:04,297 The location of the seventh signal, 797 01:02:05,096 --> 01:02:07,930 51,000 light-years from our present position. 798 01:02:15,232 --> 01:02:16,393 I'll run the analytics. 799 01:02:23,615 --> 01:02:24,981 Where to, Number One? 800 01:02:25,575 --> 01:02:26,656 You're the captain... 801 01:02:27,244 --> 01:02:28,244 captain. 802 01:02:38,588 --> 01:02:40,921 I hear we discovered a new moon at Edrin Il. 803 01:02:41,383 --> 01:02:43,623 - [Number One] That we did, sir. - Thank you, Number One. 804 01:02:45,720 --> 01:02:48,178 In that case, let's give her a spin. 805 01:02:49,724 --> 01:02:51,215 Sound good to you, Mr. Spock? 806 01:02:53,270 --> 01:02:54,270 Yes, captain. 807 01:02:55,689 --> 01:02:57,396 Let us see what the future holds. 808 01:03:02,320 --> 01:03:03,606 Ready for warp, sir. 809 01:03:11,955 --> 01:03:12,955 Hit it.