1 00:00:01,001 --> 00:00:03,038 [narrator] Previously on Star Trek: Discovery: 2 00:00:03,128 --> 00:00:04,790 What is that? 3 00:00:04,880 --> 00:00:06,712 [Stamets] Discovery? This is Stamets. 4 00:00:06,798 --> 00:00:09,882 We've picked up a hitchhiker. It's accessing our ship's data core. 5 00:00:10,636 --> 00:00:12,923 We have your shuttle screens mirrored here. 6 00:00:13,013 --> 00:00:15,213 Probe is searching our computers at an incredible speed. 7 00:00:15,265 --> 00:00:17,723 Owo, beam us out. Now, now, now. Now! 8 00:00:19,436 --> 00:00:21,052 [Saru] Commander Airiam, are they safe? 9 00:00:22,481 --> 00:00:23,481 Commander Airiam? 10 00:00:25,776 --> 00:00:27,142 They are securely on board. 11 00:00:28,111 --> 00:00:30,398 [Pike] Thanks to Commander Saru's enhanced eyesight, 12 00:00:30,489 --> 00:00:32,401 he got a better look at the Red Angel. 13 00:00:32,491 --> 00:00:34,198 The entity appears to be humanoid. 14 00:00:34,576 --> 00:00:37,239 Control, which models Section 31's threat assessments, 15 00:00:37,329 --> 00:00:38,740 is probably rightfully alarmed 16 00:00:38,830 --> 00:00:41,038 by a time-traveling being pursuing its agenda. 17 00:00:41,124 --> 00:00:42,911 It has extremely advanced technology. 18 00:00:43,001 --> 00:00:46,085 And what happens when that technology is turned against us? 19 00:00:46,171 --> 00:00:49,505 [Patar] It is critical Lieutenant Spock be apprehended as soon as possible. 20 00:00:49,591 --> 00:00:51,002 By fleeing with her brother, 21 00:00:51,093 --> 00:00:53,363 Commander Burnham has committed yet another act of mutiny. 22 00:00:53,387 --> 00:00:55,128 Spock is innocent. 23 00:00:55,222 --> 00:00:56,633 There were no murders. 24 00:00:56,723 --> 00:00:58,055 I have seen the Red Angel, 25 00:00:58,392 --> 00:01:00,600 and it revealed the outcome of our current timeline. 26 00:01:00,686 --> 00:01:01,602 What is that? 27 00:01:01,603 --> 00:01:04,812 A future in which all sentient life in our galaxy was eradicated. 28 00:01:05,774 --> 00:01:06,774 In a few minutes... 29 00:01:06,858 --> 00:01:09,726 Discovery will become the most wanted ship in the galaxy. 30 00:01:09,820 --> 00:01:13,109 My experience as a fugitive suggests only one course of action. 31 00:01:13,198 --> 00:01:14,359 And what is that? 32 00:01:15,242 --> 00:01:16,242 We run. 33 00:02:07,586 --> 00:02:10,454 Scans were negative. I don't think anyone tracked me here. 34 00:02:10,547 --> 00:02:13,415 Our scans were clear, as well, admiral. Welcome aboard. 35 00:02:13,508 --> 00:02:16,125 Wish it were under better circumstances, Mr. Saru. 36 00:02:16,219 --> 00:02:18,099 You've looked into my concerns about Section 31? 37 00:02:18,138 --> 00:02:20,255 I have, but before we get into any of that, 38 00:02:20,349 --> 00:02:22,432 I need to speak privately with Mr. Spock. 39 00:02:23,894 --> 00:02:26,261 They were going to torture him with technology 40 00:02:26,355 --> 00:02:29,063 that's never even been seen by the rest of Starfleet. 41 00:02:29,483 --> 00:02:31,270 For all we know, they could've killed him. 42 00:02:31,777 --> 00:02:35,566 Not to mention, they ordered their agent to sabotage our spore drive. 43 00:02:35,656 --> 00:02:37,568 I'm aware of the accusations. 44 00:02:39,910 --> 00:02:41,276 Whatever Section 31 said... 45 00:02:42,329 --> 00:02:43,911 it's not prudent to trust them. 46 00:02:44,414 --> 00:02:46,121 You may think we're on the same team... 47 00:02:46,208 --> 00:02:47,949 You have no idea what I'm thinking. 48 00:02:49,252 --> 00:02:50,333 Where's Spock? 49 00:02:51,213 --> 00:02:52,579 Beginning cerebral mapping. 50 00:02:53,048 --> 00:02:54,048 Try not to move. 51 00:03:01,765 --> 00:03:03,051 Okay, let's begin. 52 00:03:05,102 --> 00:03:07,936 State your rank, position and assignment. 53 00:03:08,438 --> 00:03:09,554 My rank is lieutenant. 54 00:03:09,940 --> 00:03:12,603 I am a science officer, assigned to the starship Enterprise. 55 00:03:12,693 --> 00:03:16,277 Lieutenant Spock, do you intend to be truthful with me today? 56 00:03:16,863 --> 00:03:17,780 I do. 57 00:03:17,781 --> 00:03:18,781 Good. 58 00:03:20,534 --> 00:03:23,823 Did you recently leave a psychiatric facility without permission? 59 00:03:24,705 --> 00:03:28,039 No. I committed myself to the facility, 60 00:03:28,125 --> 00:03:30,162 therefore required no permission to leave it. 61 00:03:30,252 --> 00:03:33,211 When you left, did you murder Starfleet personnel 62 00:03:33,296 --> 00:03:34,582 in the process? 63 00:03:34,673 --> 00:03:35,589 I did not. 64 00:03:35,590 --> 00:03:37,126 Did you kill them in self-defense? 65 00:03:37,217 --> 00:03:38,217 I did not. 66 00:03:38,260 --> 00:03:39,876 Can you explain why you did kill them? 67 00:03:39,970 --> 00:03:42,053 Admiral, I believe I've been quite clear. 68 00:03:42,681 --> 00:03:44,138 I did not kill anyone at all. 69 00:03:48,979 --> 00:03:50,186 [Burnham] He's innocent. 70 00:03:50,897 --> 00:03:53,685 I know Tyler. He wouldn't sabotage our spore drive. 71 00:03:54,234 --> 00:03:55,441 He's loyal to Starfleet. 72 00:03:55,527 --> 00:03:57,143 He's loyal to Section 31. 73 00:03:57,237 --> 00:03:59,945 They have a different agenda than Starfleet these days. 74 00:04:00,782 --> 00:04:02,398 Let me talk to him. Please. 75 00:04:02,492 --> 00:04:04,154 No contact. That's an order. 76 00:04:05,370 --> 00:04:08,078 This must be difficult, given your history with him. 77 00:04:08,582 --> 00:04:10,164 But our mission takes priority. 78 00:04:10,417 --> 00:04:13,271 Your brother is the only one who's had direct contact with the Red Angel. 79 00:04:13,295 --> 00:04:15,912 Help him figure out who it is and what they want. 80 00:04:16,006 --> 00:04:18,464 - Can I count on you to do that? - Of course, sir. 81 00:04:19,009 --> 00:04:22,468 And I'll prove that Tyler is innocent. You can count on that, too. 82 00:04:23,847 --> 00:04:26,009 How did you escape the psychiatric facility, 83 00:04:26,099 --> 00:04:27,510 if not with violence? 84 00:04:27,601 --> 00:04:31,140 I performed what is colloquially referred to as a "Vulcan nerve pinch." 85 00:04:31,229 --> 00:04:34,142 A disabling maneuver never known to inflict permanent harm. 86 00:04:34,232 --> 00:04:36,189 You committed yourself to the facility. 87 00:04:36,818 --> 00:04:37,818 Why escape at all? 88 00:04:39,946 --> 00:04:43,860 I did not initially believe the visions shown to me by the Red Angel were real, 89 00:04:43,950 --> 00:04:45,691 and therefore questioned my sanity. 90 00:04:46,953 --> 00:04:47,993 Once I learned I was sane, 91 00:04:48,038 --> 00:04:50,451 to remain confined would have been unproductive. 92 00:04:50,540 --> 00:04:51,951 Do you have any idea 93 00:04:52,042 --> 00:04:56,207 why the Red Angel chose you to receive these visions? 94 00:04:56,588 --> 00:04:57,588 I do not. 95 00:04:58,507 --> 00:05:00,749 I have asked myself that question many times. 96 00:05:00,842 --> 00:05:02,049 Any idea what they mean? 97 00:05:02,594 --> 00:05:06,804 Someone or something is going to end all sentient life in the galaxy. 98 00:05:09,810 --> 00:05:13,474 [Cornwell] And when you say the end of all sentient life, you mean...? 99 00:05:13,563 --> 00:05:14,679 I mean precisely that. 100 00:05:15,440 --> 00:05:19,184 No humans, no Vulcans, no Federation. No conscious life of any kind. 101 00:05:22,322 --> 00:05:23,358 [Burnham] Admiral. 102 00:05:24,616 --> 00:05:25,616 If I may. 103 00:05:26,451 --> 00:05:27,451 I believe him. 104 00:05:28,620 --> 00:05:30,987 And I know for a fact, he didn't murder anyone. 105 00:05:31,081 --> 00:05:34,074 Well, perhaps you're defending him because you're his sister. 106 00:05:34,167 --> 00:05:35,167 Not by blood. 107 00:05:41,007 --> 00:05:44,796 He's telling the truth about the murders. Or he believes he is. 108 00:05:45,637 --> 00:05:49,221 Forgive me, admiral, but I fail to understand your doubt. 109 00:05:49,307 --> 00:05:51,674 Is the test you administered inaccurate? 110 00:05:51,768 --> 00:05:55,557 The test is 100 percent accurate. But so is this. 111 00:05:56,398 --> 00:05:57,809 [grunting and shouting] 112 00:06:09,536 --> 00:06:12,995 That's not the Spock I know. It must have been doctored. 113 00:06:13,081 --> 00:06:16,415 I verified the source codes. The images come straight from Psych. 114 00:06:17,544 --> 00:06:22,289 The admirals who run Section 31 haven't responded to me in weeks. 115 00:06:22,591 --> 00:06:24,583 Their threat assessment system, Control, 116 00:06:25,218 --> 00:06:27,380 isn't accepting my data input codes anymore. 117 00:06:27,470 --> 00:06:29,462 Any idea who programmed it to shut you out? 118 00:06:29,556 --> 00:06:32,264 Admiral Patar. She's a logic extremist. 119 00:06:32,934 --> 00:06:35,392 Frankly, I find her fanaticism... 120 00:06:36,813 --> 00:06:37,813 worrying. 121 00:06:38,231 --> 00:06:41,599 Once the signals appeared, she started lobbying Starfleet 122 00:06:41,693 --> 00:06:45,152 to turn its decision-making entirely over to Control. 123 00:06:45,822 --> 00:06:47,358 Control is a great resource. 124 00:06:47,449 --> 00:06:49,361 Every Starfleet admiral feeds data into it. 125 00:06:49,451 --> 00:06:51,443 We consider its recommendations. 126 00:06:51,536 --> 00:06:55,906 But final decisions always include our experience and instinct. 127 00:06:56,333 --> 00:06:58,450 But to raise your concerns with Starfleet, 128 00:06:58,919 --> 00:07:01,332 you risk inadvertently informing the admiral. 129 00:07:01,713 --> 00:07:04,000 Which explains why you came here in secret. 130 00:07:04,883 --> 00:07:08,467 The upside to being a fugitive. How can we help? 131 00:07:09,012 --> 00:07:13,222 Control is located within Section 31's forward operating base. 132 00:07:14,059 --> 00:07:16,517 We need to go there, arrest Patar, 133 00:07:16,603 --> 00:07:20,438 and reset the system to take our input as it always has. 134 00:07:20,899 --> 00:07:24,813 We rely on Control for all of our critical strategic decisions. 135 00:07:25,320 --> 00:07:27,858 If it's in the hands of extremists, 136 00:07:28,490 --> 00:07:31,028 the entire Federation is in danger. 137 00:07:32,243 --> 00:07:33,324 [Pike] Right, then... 138 00:07:37,123 --> 00:07:38,204 we should get moving. 139 00:07:41,127 --> 00:07:43,460 Admiral. Admiral, hello. Hi. Lovely to see you. 140 00:07:43,797 --> 00:07:46,164 I just wanted to tell you, I'm not a fugitive. 141 00:07:46,257 --> 00:07:48,749 Never been a fugitive before, except when I was 16, 142 00:07:48,843 --> 00:07:51,210 I went through a rebellious phase, and hacked into... 143 00:07:51,304 --> 00:07:52,966 Did you have something to report? 144 00:07:53,056 --> 00:07:54,388 Yes, sir. Uh... [chuckles] 145 00:07:54,474 --> 00:07:56,716 The subspace transmissions that Tyler sent, 146 00:07:56,810 --> 00:07:58,267 they went to 7-4-mark-5.6, 147 00:07:58,353 --> 00:08:00,720 which is bizarre, because there's nothing there. 148 00:08:00,814 --> 00:08:02,897 It's just empty space and a penal colony, 149 00:08:02,983 --> 00:08:04,440 abandoned over 100 years ago. 150 00:08:04,526 --> 00:08:05,767 It's not abandoned. 151 00:08:05,860 --> 00:08:07,567 That's Section 31 headquarters. 152 00:08:08,613 --> 00:08:10,445 Where is Mr. Tyler, by the way? 153 00:08:10,532 --> 00:08:12,615 Confined to quarters. He can't do further damage. 154 00:08:13,076 --> 00:08:15,409 Start decrypting. We need to know what he sent. 155 00:08:15,495 --> 00:08:16,412 Aye, sir. 156 00:08:16,413 --> 00:08:20,157 [Pike] Lieutenant Detmer, set a course for Section 31 headquarters. 157 00:08:20,250 --> 00:08:21,250 Yes, captain. 158 00:08:24,421 --> 00:08:25,957 Admiral, with your permission. 159 00:08:26,047 --> 00:08:27,663 Sooner we get there, the better. 160 00:08:28,842 --> 00:08:29,842 Hit it. 161 00:10:15,156 --> 00:10:16,818 Do you wanna say it, or should I? 162 00:10:16,908 --> 00:10:17,826 - You. - Okay. 163 00:10:17,827 --> 00:10:18,743 No, me. 164 00:10:18,744 --> 00:10:20,154 Uh, we eloped. 165 00:10:20,245 --> 00:10:21,827 We're married. To each other. 166 00:10:22,205 --> 00:10:25,789 - He is officially my... - Albatross. Her ball and chain. 167 00:10:25,875 --> 00:10:27,616 - What have I done? - What have you done? 168 00:10:28,670 --> 00:10:30,206 We just couldn't wait anymore. 169 00:10:30,296 --> 00:10:33,539 And we'll tell you all about it, every sickeningly sweet detail. 170 00:10:33,633 --> 00:10:36,000 But we gotta run. Our shuttle boards in an hour. 171 00:10:36,094 --> 00:10:39,587 We are so excited to come back and celebrate with all of you in person. 172 00:10:40,014 --> 00:10:41,255 I'm gonna cry. 173 00:10:41,850 --> 00:10:44,684 We've been gone so long, but we're coming home. 174 00:10:45,728 --> 00:10:46,844 [Airiam] Return to archive. 175 00:10:48,022 --> 00:10:49,308 Begin memory review. 176 00:10:49,399 --> 00:10:51,857 - Send a team of five up to the deck... - [Airiam] Delete. 177 00:10:54,279 --> 00:10:55,279 Delete. 178 00:10:56,322 --> 00:10:57,563 Wait, what do you mean? 179 00:10:57,657 --> 00:10:59,774 I'm not playing Kadis-Kot with you anymore. 180 00:10:59,868 --> 00:11:01,734 - Why? - You know why. 181 00:11:01,828 --> 00:11:04,912 It's the same reason I am not playing with her anymore either. 182 00:11:04,998 --> 00:11:07,081 [Owosekun] You've memorized every possible gambit. 183 00:11:07,167 --> 00:11:08,578 No, I have not. 184 00:11:08,668 --> 00:11:09,585 Yes, I have. 185 00:11:09,586 --> 00:11:11,248 But so has Airiam. 186 00:11:11,546 --> 00:11:12,546 True. 187 00:11:13,089 --> 00:11:14,296 Save to archive. 188 00:11:14,841 --> 00:11:15,877 [g r u n t i n g] 189 00:11:21,681 --> 00:11:22,681 Don't hold back. 190 00:11:23,099 --> 00:11:24,180 Save to archive. 191 00:11:28,188 --> 00:11:29,304 Save to archive. 192 00:11:30,106 --> 00:11:31,064 [doorbell chimes] 193 00:11:31,065 --> 00:11:32,065 Come in. 194 00:11:34,527 --> 00:11:35,485 Delete. 195 00:11:35,486 --> 00:11:38,320 [Tilly] You better be saving every single moment with me. 196 00:11:39,782 --> 00:11:42,946 Actually, those memories are always the first to go. 197 00:11:43,036 --> 00:11:44,243 Oh. [chuckles] 198 00:11:45,496 --> 00:11:48,079 Lucky you get to delete everything you wanna forget. 199 00:11:48,625 --> 00:11:51,333 If I could, I probably wouldn't recognize my mother. 200 00:11:51,419 --> 00:11:55,003 You'd be less envious if you had to go through the process each week. 201 00:11:55,089 --> 00:11:56,205 It can be tedious. 202 00:11:56,591 --> 00:11:57,591 Still. 203 00:11:57,592 --> 00:11:58,508 Hey, is that...? 204 00:11:58,509 --> 00:11:59,509 That new? 205 00:12:01,888 --> 00:12:04,096 I used to keep it... private. 206 00:12:05,350 --> 00:12:07,933 But I think I like having it out now. 207 00:12:09,270 --> 00:12:10,681 Is this from the same beach? 208 00:12:14,692 --> 00:12:15,808 Our last day together. 209 00:12:23,284 --> 00:12:26,277 Our shuttle back home went down, and... 210 00:12:35,421 --> 00:12:37,037 Did you need me for something? 211 00:12:37,548 --> 00:12:38,664 Oh, yeah... Um... 212 00:12:39,509 --> 00:12:40,509 Decryption help. 213 00:12:40,927 --> 00:12:43,044 - Mm. - The sooner the better, if you can. 214 00:12:45,098 --> 00:12:46,885 My memories are not going anywhere. 215 00:12:50,144 --> 00:12:51,555 I would be happy to help. 216 00:12:52,647 --> 00:12:53,763 [Stamets] You're fine. 217 00:12:54,440 --> 00:12:55,440 You're fine. 218 00:12:56,442 --> 00:12:57,442 You're fine. 219 00:12:58,194 --> 00:13:01,028 Come on. Which one of you is missing from my spore drive? 220 00:13:01,572 --> 00:13:02,653 You're fine. 221 00:13:03,074 --> 00:13:04,235 You're fine. 222 00:13:04,951 --> 00:13:07,159 Could one of you say something, please? 223 00:13:07,245 --> 00:13:10,329 I don't like to listen to myself talk when I have an audience. 224 00:13:11,082 --> 00:13:13,165 - We're thinking, commander. - Think louder. 225 00:13:18,006 --> 00:13:19,463 We know of two occasions 226 00:13:19,549 --> 00:13:22,292 in which a signal was followed by the appearance of the Red Angel. 227 00:13:22,385 --> 00:13:24,752 Our mission to the asteroid and to Kaminar. 228 00:13:25,179 --> 00:13:27,637 But a signal appeared by itself over Terralysium. 229 00:13:27,724 --> 00:13:31,013 And there was no signal when the Angel appeared to me as a boy, 230 00:13:31,394 --> 00:13:33,511 or when it reappeared to share its visions. 231 00:13:33,855 --> 00:13:36,723 Perhaps there is a significance we have yet to understand. 232 00:13:37,066 --> 00:13:39,729 Is the Angel using these signals or the other way around? 233 00:13:45,366 --> 00:13:47,107 Your visions must contain something 234 00:13:47,201 --> 00:13:48,881 to help us understand what the Angel wants. 235 00:13:49,329 --> 00:13:52,117 I told you. I believe it wants to warn us. Nothing more. 236 00:13:53,041 --> 00:13:54,452 [speaks in Vulcan] 237 00:13:56,419 --> 00:13:58,661 - "You're tending a plant that is dead." - I know. 238 00:13:58,755 --> 00:14:00,635 Translation is not the essence of understanding. 239 00:14:00,673 --> 00:14:02,039 Do you have a better suggestion? 240 00:14:02,133 --> 00:14:04,796 My priority is to understand why, of all sentient beings, 241 00:14:04,886 --> 00:14:06,502 the Angel communicated with me. 242 00:14:06,596 --> 00:14:08,516 You think it wants something from you personally? 243 00:14:08,598 --> 00:14:10,385 It showed me an apocalyptic future. 244 00:14:11,601 --> 00:14:14,810 How I'm meant to prevent that, I cannot logically reconcile. 245 00:14:22,445 --> 00:14:24,311 The purpose of logic... 246 00:14:24,405 --> 00:14:27,239 is to problem-solve in an uncertain environment. 247 00:14:28,451 --> 00:14:30,659 Maybe we need a little inspiration. 248 00:14:31,162 --> 00:14:33,620 Could you find that inspiration somewhere else? 249 00:14:33,706 --> 00:14:36,164 Turns out, your loud thinking is distracting. 250 00:14:37,085 --> 00:14:39,668 [man on PA] Ensign Rocklin, please report to bridge. 251 00:14:42,048 --> 00:14:43,209 You're fine. 252 00:14:43,925 --> 00:14:44,925 You're fine. 253 00:14:45,843 --> 00:14:46,843 You're fine. 254 00:14:48,221 --> 00:14:51,009 Now I understand why this was so difficult for you. 255 00:14:51,099 --> 00:14:53,091 The key encryptions are continually changing. 256 00:14:53,184 --> 00:14:54,641 Good thing you're half-robot. 257 00:14:55,311 --> 00:14:57,553 I prefer "cybernetically augmented." Thank you very much. 258 00:14:57,647 --> 00:14:59,104 Three cheers for cybernetics. 259 00:14:59,190 --> 00:15:00,431 I don't know, Detmer. 260 00:15:00,525 --> 00:15:02,767 She hasn't actually done anything yet, so... 261 00:15:02,860 --> 00:15:03,860 [computer beeping] 262 00:15:07,949 --> 00:15:08,949 I stand corrected. 263 00:15:13,538 --> 00:15:15,120 Think you're pretty smart, huh? 264 00:15:16,833 --> 00:15:17,833 Airiam? 265 00:15:19,168 --> 00:15:20,750 I'm sorry. I was focused. 266 00:15:20,837 --> 00:15:22,419 This might take a while longer. 267 00:15:22,797 --> 00:15:25,756 Why don't you return to your station in case the captain needs you? 268 00:15:25,842 --> 00:15:28,209 Sure. Um, thank you for everything. 269 00:15:31,389 --> 00:15:34,006 I'm dropping us out of warp in ten minutes, sir. 270 00:15:34,100 --> 00:15:35,932 Pull up defense schematics, please. 271 00:15:36,018 --> 00:15:37,018 Admiral? 272 00:15:37,520 --> 00:15:39,680 Wanna tell us what kind of shitstorm we're flying into? 273 00:15:39,939 --> 00:15:40,939 [Cornwell] Okay. 274 00:15:41,232 --> 00:15:43,849 Welcome to Section 31 headquarters. 275 00:15:43,943 --> 00:15:44,943 Zoom in, please. 276 00:15:47,572 --> 00:15:50,940 As you can see, it is heavily fortified on all sides. 277 00:15:51,033 --> 00:15:52,319 Are those mines? 278 00:15:52,410 --> 00:15:53,326 They are. 279 00:15:53,327 --> 00:15:55,865 The Federation does not permit the use of mines. 280 00:15:55,955 --> 00:15:56,955 No. 281 00:15:58,166 --> 00:15:59,373 No, they do not. 282 00:15:59,459 --> 00:16:02,418 - The Federation didn't build them. - Distinction without a difference. 283 00:16:02,503 --> 00:16:06,292 We were under attack by Klingon warships with cloaking abilities. 284 00:16:07,091 --> 00:16:10,675 Sometimes, in war, the terrible choice is the only choice. 285 00:16:10,761 --> 00:16:12,923 Giving up our values in the name of security 286 00:16:13,014 --> 00:16:14,630 is to lose the battle in advance. 287 00:16:15,141 --> 00:16:16,141 I'm curious. 288 00:16:16,684 --> 00:16:19,677 Did you sideline the Enterprise because I'd never stop reminding you? 289 00:16:19,770 --> 00:16:20,886 You sat out the war... 290 00:16:22,231 --> 00:16:24,223 because, if we'd lost to the Klingons... 291 00:16:24,817 --> 00:16:27,309 we wanted the best of Starfleet to survive. 292 00:16:29,113 --> 00:16:31,446 And as this conversation makes clear, 293 00:16:31,532 --> 00:16:32,613 that was you 294 00:16:32,700 --> 00:16:33,941 and all you represent. 295 00:16:38,748 --> 00:16:39,748 Thank you. 296 00:16:41,125 --> 00:16:42,457 [Cornwell] You're welcome. 297 00:16:43,419 --> 00:16:46,002 Now will you get off my ass so we can get back to work? 298 00:16:57,350 --> 00:16:59,307 [woman on PA] Ensign Blake, please report... 299 00:17:01,646 --> 00:17:05,139 [Spock] Unlike Ensign Tilly, you seem to have no individual expression. 300 00:17:05,608 --> 00:17:08,191 It's quite an accomplishment to be uniquely mundane. 301 00:17:08,277 --> 00:17:11,395 Well, I express myself through my work, not my choice of decor. 302 00:17:14,158 --> 00:17:15,158 Clearly. 303 00:17:19,580 --> 00:17:21,242 [man on PA] Attention, all personnel, 304 00:17:21,332 --> 00:17:24,825 battle drills on Deck 9 will commence at 0700. 305 00:17:29,590 --> 00:17:32,333 I am attempting to understand why the Red Angel chose me 306 00:17:32,426 --> 00:17:34,418 to expose a threat to the entire galaxy. 307 00:17:35,096 --> 00:17:36,837 And your solution is to play chess? 308 00:17:36,931 --> 00:17:40,174 When the Red Angel showed you visions you couldn't reconcile, 309 00:17:40,268 --> 00:17:43,852 it caused you to question your ability to examine the world logically. 310 00:17:43,938 --> 00:17:48,399 What better way to return to logic than via the game that represents it? 311 00:17:50,945 --> 00:17:52,527 It is arrogant of you to assert 312 00:17:52,613 --> 00:17:55,526 that my present manner of thinking requires fixing at all. 313 00:17:55,616 --> 00:17:58,074 It is arrogant of you to assert it doesn't. 314 00:17:59,787 --> 00:18:00,787 [chuckles] 315 00:18:02,123 --> 00:18:03,864 Or you're just afraid you'll lose. 316 00:18:05,668 --> 00:18:06,668 All right, Michael. 317 00:18:07,420 --> 00:18:08,706 Let's play chess. 318 00:18:34,614 --> 00:18:35,614 [door opens] 319 00:18:43,748 --> 00:18:45,330 - Commander Airiam. - Hello, Nhan. 320 00:18:45,791 --> 00:18:48,033 - May I help you? - Tilly was looking for you. 321 00:18:49,086 --> 00:18:50,167 What are you doing? 322 00:18:50,254 --> 00:18:52,371 Searching for data to help the decryption. 323 00:18:52,715 --> 00:18:56,675 For all the benefits of my augmentation, its storage capacity is not infinite. 324 00:18:59,430 --> 00:19:02,423 Your species is Barzan, yes? 325 00:19:02,975 --> 00:19:03,975 Yes. 326 00:19:04,268 --> 00:19:06,538 Your augmentation allows you to breathe in our atmosphere? 327 00:19:06,562 --> 00:19:07,562 Why are you asking? 328 00:19:08,689 --> 00:19:09,689 Curiosity. 329 00:19:15,363 --> 00:19:16,854 [powering down] 330 00:19:22,370 --> 00:19:23,861 I should return to the bridge. 331 00:19:30,503 --> 00:19:32,335 Oh, I'm so glad you're back. 332 00:19:32,421 --> 00:19:34,913 Whatever you did before, it's not working anymore. 333 00:19:35,007 --> 00:19:37,007 - I don't understand. - [Tilly] Yeah, neither do I. 334 00:19:37,093 --> 00:19:39,710 It's like the system knew we were trying to crack it, 335 00:19:39,804 --> 00:19:41,764 and it changed its tactics, but that's impossible, 336 00:19:41,806 --> 00:19:44,549 because it's automated, it's not alive, right? 337 00:19:48,604 --> 00:19:50,220 I'd like you to stand beside me. 338 00:19:50,606 --> 00:19:52,768 Do not move until we've solved this problem. 339 00:19:52,858 --> 00:19:54,144 Do you understand? 340 00:19:54,485 --> 00:19:56,522 - No, that's okay. You got this. - Please. 341 00:19:56,612 --> 00:19:57,612 Tilly. 342 00:19:59,907 --> 00:20:00,907 Um... 343 00:20:00,908 --> 00:20:01,908 Yeah. Okay. 344 00:20:05,955 --> 00:20:06,955 [Pike] Commander. 345 00:20:08,249 --> 00:20:10,241 Dropping us out of warp now, captain. 346 00:20:19,510 --> 00:20:20,842 Mr. Bryce, 347 00:20:20,928 --> 00:20:21,928 open a channel. 348 00:20:21,929 --> 00:20:24,637 Tell Section 31 Starfleet's most wanted vessel is here. 349 00:20:24,724 --> 00:20:27,262 Captain, sensors show all mines are fully armed. 350 00:20:27,351 --> 00:20:28,762 No response to our hails. 351 00:20:28,853 --> 00:20:30,765 Must be busy planning the welcome party. 352 00:20:30,855 --> 00:20:32,767 Sure you can get us through these defenses? 353 00:20:33,149 --> 00:20:34,606 I wouldn't risk it otherwise. 354 00:20:36,569 --> 00:20:38,686 No. My mission, your ship. 355 00:20:40,573 --> 00:20:42,940 Lieutenant Detmer, sending the route to you now. 356 00:20:47,663 --> 00:20:49,325 One other thing I should mention. 357 00:20:49,832 --> 00:20:51,619 The shields will have to be down. 358 00:20:53,711 --> 00:20:55,828 - Why? - The mines are attracted to them. 359 00:20:56,630 --> 00:20:57,996 [Pike] Nothing's ever easy. 360 00:20:59,341 --> 00:21:01,253 Lower shields and take us closer. 361 00:21:20,488 --> 00:21:24,983 If there's a logical reason to sacrifice your rook, I fail to see it. 362 00:21:26,619 --> 00:21:28,611 Perhaps I simply dislike rooks. 363 00:21:28,704 --> 00:21:29,704 Perhaps... 364 00:21:30,581 --> 00:21:31,697 you're trying to lose. 365 00:21:32,458 --> 00:21:33,665 An odd supposition, 366 00:21:33,751 --> 00:21:36,209 given that I am a willing participant in the game. 367 00:21:43,886 --> 00:21:46,003 Sarek taught me a more elegant strategy... 368 00:21:47,306 --> 00:21:48,513 first day I played. 369 00:21:49,266 --> 00:21:51,383 There are other strategies that our father, 370 00:21:51,477 --> 00:21:53,685 in his single-mindedness, chooses to ignore. 371 00:22:00,444 --> 00:22:02,731 I think our father would be disappointed 372 00:22:02,822 --> 00:22:04,529 in your lack of effort, don't you? 373 00:22:05,366 --> 00:22:06,402 I disappoint him, 374 00:22:06,951 --> 00:22:08,032 he disappoints me. 375 00:22:08,744 --> 00:22:10,326 The sun sets, a new day begins. 376 00:22:10,412 --> 00:22:12,074 Oh, you're a philosopher now. 377 00:22:12,164 --> 00:22:13,245 And you're a human. 378 00:22:13,958 --> 00:22:16,120 And you cannot presume to know Sarek's mind. 379 00:22:29,849 --> 00:22:33,388 The next logical move would be for your knight to take my pawn. 380 00:22:41,026 --> 00:22:42,892 Seriously, what are you doing? 381 00:22:42,987 --> 00:22:44,523 Disrupting your expectations. 382 00:22:44,613 --> 00:22:46,104 I'm trying to help you, Spock. 383 00:22:46,198 --> 00:22:47,814 I do not need your help, Michael. 384 00:22:51,203 --> 00:22:52,489 Our captain says you do. 385 00:22:54,331 --> 00:22:57,290 You are the only one who has had contact with the Red Angel. 386 00:22:57,751 --> 00:23:00,368 You said you don't understand why it chose you. 387 00:23:01,463 --> 00:23:02,999 That's where we need to start. 388 00:23:04,216 --> 00:23:06,082 And logic will help. 389 00:23:06,176 --> 00:23:07,176 I understand now. 390 00:23:08,178 --> 00:23:11,046 If only I'd taken your pawn, the mystery would be solved. 391 00:23:11,140 --> 00:23:14,599 I refuse to take this posturing seriously. It's entirely out of character. 392 00:23:14,685 --> 00:23:16,893 We've not seen each other in years. 393 00:23:17,313 --> 00:23:19,600 You've no foundation for judging my character. 394 00:23:20,274 --> 00:23:21,355 Yet here you are, 395 00:23:22,151 --> 00:23:23,687 full of self-importance... 396 00:23:24,737 --> 00:23:28,230 once again taking responsibility for that which is beyond your control. 397 00:23:30,576 --> 00:23:34,741 My perception of reality was challenged by visions from a time-traveling entity. 398 00:23:35,331 --> 00:23:37,243 Who should help me but you, of course? 399 00:23:37,708 --> 00:23:40,200 After all, the entire Klingon war was your doing. 400 00:23:40,294 --> 00:23:42,014 Your parents' death was your responsibility. 401 00:23:42,046 --> 00:23:42,962 Stop it. 402 00:23:42,963 --> 00:23:45,250 If only you hadn't asked to watch a star become supernova. 403 00:23:46,050 --> 00:23:47,757 But you're wise to blame yourself. 404 00:23:48,344 --> 00:23:51,758 Children should know when a war-faring race will attack without warning. 405 00:23:51,847 --> 00:23:53,463 Perhaps you could have done something. 406 00:23:53,557 --> 00:23:55,389 A child fighting a Klingon, excellent odds. 407 00:23:55,476 --> 00:23:56,476 Shut up! 408 00:23:58,771 --> 00:24:01,434 You were trapped on the other side of a door, Michael. 409 00:24:01,857 --> 00:24:03,393 - [panting] - [Klingons shouting] 410 00:24:03,484 --> 00:24:04,691 [weapons firing] 411 00:24:09,573 --> 00:24:11,314 You could not stop any of it. 412 00:24:12,618 --> 00:24:13,825 You could not save them. 413 00:24:14,954 --> 00:24:17,992 It is unreasonable for you to believe otherwise, yet you do. 414 00:24:18,082 --> 00:24:21,246 As you believed you could save my family from logic extremists, 415 00:24:21,335 --> 00:24:23,748 when, in truth, they despised us because of me... 416 00:24:25,005 --> 00:24:26,917 the half-human abomination. 417 00:24:28,258 --> 00:24:29,840 Your presence was beside the point. 418 00:24:29,927 --> 00:24:32,294 Whatever point you're trying to make, you're failing. 419 00:24:32,388 --> 00:24:33,595 Then let me be clear. 420 00:24:34,848 --> 00:24:38,182 You avoid reality because it is easier for you to shoulder burden 421 00:24:38,268 --> 00:24:40,180 than to face unimaginable grief. 422 00:24:45,526 --> 00:24:47,766 I thought this could be a new start for us. I really did. 423 00:24:49,405 --> 00:24:50,737 Clearly, I was wrong. 424 00:24:50,823 --> 00:24:52,234 Yes, you were. 425 00:24:53,075 --> 00:24:55,155 We will never relate as equals so long as you attempt 426 00:24:55,202 --> 00:24:56,943 to assume every burden is yours alone. 427 00:24:57,037 --> 00:24:59,279 Since we're being honest with each other... 428 00:24:59,373 --> 00:25:01,365 stop taking whatever this is out on me. 429 00:25:02,376 --> 00:25:04,584 You need to identify why you're really angry. 430 00:25:04,670 --> 00:25:06,127 There is nothing to identify. 431 00:25:07,256 --> 00:25:09,088 I am angry. Pure and simple. 432 00:25:09,174 --> 00:25:11,882 Because you feel you failed as a Vulcan or as a human? 433 00:25:11,969 --> 00:25:14,177 What I feel is that failure is liberating. 434 00:25:15,139 --> 00:25:18,723 And for the first time, I enjoy expressing emotion. 435 00:25:27,693 --> 00:25:29,650 [door opens, then closes] 436 00:25:34,324 --> 00:25:36,907 [Pike] Commander Burnham, we need you on the bridge. 437 00:25:36,994 --> 00:25:37,994 [chuckles] 438 00:25:42,416 --> 00:25:43,416 I'm on my way. 439 00:25:53,719 --> 00:25:56,086 [Pike] Yellow alert. Take us in. 440 00:26:09,485 --> 00:26:12,102 That's the most defensive weapons I've ever seen in one place. 441 00:26:12,196 --> 00:26:13,983 Welcome to Section 31 headquarters. 442 00:26:14,364 --> 00:26:17,323 No one from Control will answer our hails. Scans show no life signs. 443 00:26:17,409 --> 00:26:18,650 But it is a former prison. 444 00:26:18,744 --> 00:26:21,487 It would be designed to prevent such scans from working. 445 00:26:21,580 --> 00:26:24,288 Find a work-around. I need to know what we're walking into. 446 00:26:24,374 --> 00:26:25,615 I'll do what I can, sir. 447 00:26:25,709 --> 00:26:26,745 Are you all right? 448 00:26:27,503 --> 00:26:28,503 I'm fine. 449 00:26:34,593 --> 00:26:36,801 Tilly, have you decrypted those messages yet? 450 00:26:36,887 --> 00:26:38,844 - Moving as fast as we can. - Move faster. 451 00:26:38,931 --> 00:26:41,048 [Rhys] Captain, we have a problem incoming. 452 00:26:41,517 --> 00:26:44,225 The blade mines. They'll slice the hull like cheese. 453 00:26:44,686 --> 00:26:47,019 It appears someone is guiding them toward us. 454 00:26:48,107 --> 00:26:49,894 That shouldn't even be possible. 455 00:26:57,574 --> 00:26:58,815 Apparently it is. 456 00:26:59,451 --> 00:27:00,692 Shields up. Red alert. 457 00:27:03,163 --> 00:27:04,244 This is your captain. 458 00:27:05,207 --> 00:27:06,539 Brace for a bumpy ride. 459 00:27:12,798 --> 00:27:14,460 Shields holding at 90 percent. 460 00:27:14,550 --> 00:27:16,257 Begin evasive maneuvers. 461 00:27:17,594 --> 00:27:18,755 Pattern Lambda Ten. 462 00:27:18,846 --> 00:27:19,846 Yes, sir. 463 00:27:27,146 --> 00:27:28,478 You should go help now. 464 00:27:29,022 --> 00:27:30,479 But you said not to leave. 465 00:27:30,566 --> 00:27:32,523 I've got this, and they need you. 466 00:27:42,411 --> 00:27:44,403 [Detmer] I can't shake these blade mines, captain. 467 00:27:44,496 --> 00:27:46,704 They seem to be anticipating our moves. 468 00:27:46,790 --> 00:27:48,076 Switch to Pattern Gamma Four. 469 00:28:12,024 --> 00:28:13,356 Someone reprogrammed the mines. 470 00:28:13,442 --> 00:28:15,879 - I can't shut them off. - Mr. Bryce, contact Starfleet Command. 471 00:28:15,903 --> 00:28:18,236 Tell them to order Section 31 to stand down. 472 00:28:24,703 --> 00:28:26,911 Sensors are saying that we're upside down. 473 00:28:26,997 --> 00:28:29,237 Those are blackout mines. They interfere with navigation. 474 00:28:31,126 --> 00:28:33,664 - Blackout mines? - The helm is not responding. 475 00:28:33,754 --> 00:28:35,370 It is, lieutenant. 476 00:28:35,464 --> 00:28:37,706 You're flying blind, just like in the academy. 477 00:28:49,311 --> 00:28:51,223 Shields down to 41 percent. 478 00:28:51,313 --> 00:28:52,599 No response from Starfleet. 479 00:28:52,689 --> 00:28:55,306 - Keep trying. Lieutenant Detmer. - I'm trying my best. 480 00:28:55,400 --> 00:28:57,141 Not good enough. This isn't a game. 481 00:28:58,445 --> 00:29:01,529 - [Bryce] Repeat, we are under attack. - Wait, what if it is? 482 00:29:06,662 --> 00:29:07,698 Quickly. 483 00:29:07,788 --> 00:29:09,700 The mines are guided by a computer. 484 00:29:09,790 --> 00:29:12,874 Like a game, after a few moves, it anticipates what we'll do. 485 00:29:16,338 --> 00:29:19,502 - Recommendations? - To introduce randomness and chaos, sir. 486 00:29:24,388 --> 00:29:26,675 Lieutenant Detmer, trust your training. 487 00:29:27,266 --> 00:29:28,382 You can do this. 488 00:29:28,475 --> 00:29:30,262 Mr. Saru, we need an evasive pattern. 489 00:29:30,352 --> 00:29:31,718 Uh, Beta Nine, Detmer. 490 00:29:55,544 --> 00:29:56,544 Admiral. 491 00:29:57,212 --> 00:29:58,212 Pi Alpha Two. 492 00:30:15,522 --> 00:30:16,638 [Pike] Commander Burnham. 493 00:30:16,732 --> 00:30:17,732 Delta Seven. 494 00:30:24,990 --> 00:30:26,777 - Lieutenant Owosekun. - Omega One. 495 00:31:06,156 --> 00:31:08,569 - They're moving away from us, captain. - Injuries? 496 00:31:08,658 --> 00:31:10,024 Five, from the engine room. 497 00:31:10,118 --> 00:31:11,154 No casualties. 498 00:31:11,244 --> 00:31:12,161 Damage report? 499 00:31:12,162 --> 00:31:14,654 Warp and impulse engines are inoperable, sir. 500 00:31:14,748 --> 00:31:17,661 - It's as if we were targeted. - And now we're sitting ducks. 501 00:31:17,751 --> 00:31:20,915 Sir, we're being hailed by Section 31. It's Admiral Patar. 502 00:31:23,507 --> 00:31:24,507 Cancel red alert. 503 00:31:28,470 --> 00:31:29,470 Put her through. 504 00:31:32,265 --> 00:31:35,008 Why the hell are you attacking a Federation starship? 505 00:31:35,102 --> 00:31:37,515 My apologies, admiral. Captain. 506 00:31:38,063 --> 00:31:40,180 But Discovery is harboring wanted criminals 507 00:31:40,273 --> 00:31:42,390 and is, itself, a fugitive vessel. 508 00:31:42,734 --> 00:31:45,693 It was too dangerous to allow you in proximity to our base. 509 00:31:45,779 --> 00:31:48,066 We'll see what Starfleet has to say. Bryce? 510 00:31:48,156 --> 00:31:49,943 Sir, they're still not responding. 511 00:31:50,033 --> 00:31:53,617 That is because my order to attack came directly from Starfleet Command. 512 00:32:08,510 --> 00:32:11,423 If Starfleet ordered an attack, they can say it to my face. 513 00:32:11,513 --> 00:32:14,597 Captain Pike, please, do not escalate this situation further. 514 00:32:14,933 --> 00:32:17,596 A Section 31 vessel is en route. You will be boarded... 515 00:32:17,686 --> 00:32:18,802 For what reason? 516 00:32:18,895 --> 00:32:20,727 Starfleet regulations are extremely specific 517 00:32:20,814 --> 00:32:22,476 about the definition of treason. 518 00:32:23,066 --> 00:32:26,525 Unfortunately, you, your crew, and the admiral all qualify. 519 00:32:26,611 --> 00:32:29,649 If you think you're coming to arrest us, think again. 520 00:32:29,739 --> 00:32:33,824 Admiral, I do believe you went to Discovery with noble intentions. 521 00:32:34,828 --> 00:32:36,569 However, by abandoning your duties 522 00:32:36,663 --> 00:32:38,871 to carry out a secret mission with fugitives, 523 00:32:39,207 --> 00:32:41,164 you became a fugitive yourself. 524 00:32:41,877 --> 00:32:44,711 You no longer have the authority to choose your own fate. 525 00:32:50,302 --> 00:32:52,715 I understand this is more than you bargained for. 526 00:32:53,472 --> 00:32:55,634 But you cannot abandon the mission, Chris. 527 00:32:56,391 --> 00:32:58,007 Whether I can issue orders or not, 528 00:32:58,101 --> 00:33:01,344 we have to get a team onto that station and reset Control. 529 00:33:01,438 --> 00:33:04,602 What is it about the look on my face that suggests I've changed my mind? 530 00:33:09,279 --> 00:33:11,862 Rhys, scan for any other weapons on this base. 531 00:33:12,324 --> 00:33:15,237 Call Engineering. We need that spore drive up and running. 532 00:33:15,327 --> 00:33:18,320 Mr. Saru, form a landing party and meet us in my ready room. 533 00:33:18,413 --> 00:33:21,076 Captain, I believe I can be more helpful here. 534 00:33:21,374 --> 00:33:23,214 There is something I would like to investigate. 535 00:33:23,251 --> 00:33:25,368 Get to it. Commander Burnham, you're up. 536 00:33:30,425 --> 00:33:31,425 Okay. 537 00:33:34,179 --> 00:33:35,179 Come on. 538 00:33:37,390 --> 00:33:38,801 Please don't shock me. 539 00:33:39,351 --> 00:33:42,185 You do realize, inanimate infrastructure cannot hear you? 540 00:33:42,896 --> 00:33:43,896 Really? 541 00:33:44,105 --> 00:33:45,105 You're kidding. 542 00:33:46,107 --> 00:33:47,314 Sorry, darling. 543 00:33:47,400 --> 00:33:49,687 He just does not understand. Ow! 544 00:33:52,447 --> 00:33:53,447 Great. 545 00:33:54,199 --> 00:33:57,442 Now there's a power short, on top of everything else. 546 00:33:57,536 --> 00:33:59,323 This makes my work impossible. 547 00:33:59,996 --> 00:34:02,955 I'm not being hyperbolic when I say the galaxy is at stake. 548 00:34:03,792 --> 00:34:04,792 Well, uh... 549 00:34:05,335 --> 00:34:08,999 unless I can reroute power to the adjacent conduit, 550 00:34:09,089 --> 00:34:12,002 isolate the corruption, fix it and the spore drive... 551 00:34:12,884 --> 00:34:14,375 we'll all get arrested, so... 552 00:34:15,554 --> 00:34:18,547 if you wanna save the galaxy, start by helping me. 553 00:34:19,766 --> 00:34:20,766 A fair point. 554 00:34:30,485 --> 00:34:32,898 I didn't know you knew anything about electrical. 555 00:34:33,196 --> 00:34:34,196 I have many talents. 556 00:34:35,448 --> 00:34:36,814 Point the light over here. 557 00:34:39,411 --> 00:34:40,411 So, did, uh... 558 00:34:41,204 --> 00:34:42,204 Burnham's idea help? 559 00:34:43,290 --> 00:34:46,533 Did you figure out why the Red Angel chose you? 560 00:34:47,002 --> 00:34:48,002 No. 561 00:34:49,546 --> 00:34:52,539 I have examined it from countless angles, yet I remain an illogical choice. 562 00:34:53,258 --> 00:34:56,251 Well, have you thought about what makes you unique? 563 00:34:57,804 --> 00:34:58,885 I am half-human. 564 00:35:00,265 --> 00:35:02,177 Unusual, but there are others like me. 565 00:35:03,602 --> 00:35:05,138 I can think of nothing else. 566 00:35:05,228 --> 00:35:09,723 Well, if I were a Red Angel traveling through time, 567 00:35:09,816 --> 00:35:12,479 I'd plan my mind-melding strategy pretty carefully. 568 00:35:13,486 --> 00:35:16,229 Wouldn't just choose a random Vulcan. 569 00:35:18,742 --> 00:35:20,449 Keep trying. You'll figure it out. 570 00:35:26,124 --> 00:35:27,124 Thank you. 571 00:35:28,209 --> 00:35:30,952 Now, if only the spore drive were that easy. 572 00:35:31,755 --> 00:35:35,499 I think the corruption may be with the navigator, 573 00:35:36,301 --> 00:35:38,668 which, you know, isn't important at all. 574 00:35:38,762 --> 00:35:42,847 It just holds the map to the entire mycelial network. 575 00:35:42,932 --> 00:35:45,390 You have traveled that network hundreds of times. 576 00:35:45,977 --> 00:35:49,561 You know it well enough to travel between two points without assistance. 577 00:35:50,231 --> 00:35:52,974 Perhaps you simply lack faith in your own abilities. 578 00:36:04,204 --> 00:36:06,787 I know you're angry with Burnham, but... 579 00:36:07,874 --> 00:36:09,786 she risked her life to bring you here. 580 00:36:10,919 --> 00:36:11,919 She loves you. 581 00:36:17,425 --> 00:36:18,425 If I may... 582 00:36:19,386 --> 00:36:21,002 make an observation of my own. 583 00:36:22,430 --> 00:36:25,138 I saw Dr. Culber moving out of your shared quarters. 584 00:36:26,142 --> 00:36:27,303 You seemed quite upset. 585 00:36:28,937 --> 00:36:31,520 Yes, he said he needs distance. 586 00:36:31,606 --> 00:36:34,223 I submit that your assessment of the situation may be inverted. 587 00:36:35,902 --> 00:36:37,609 Perhaps he needs distance from you 588 00:36:37,696 --> 00:36:40,063 not because he no longer has feelings for you... 589 00:36:40,573 --> 00:36:43,156 but because he no longer knows how to feel about himself. 590 00:36:45,662 --> 00:36:48,655 [Burnham] Power and life-support systems are disabled everywhere, 591 00:36:48,748 --> 00:36:50,788 except for the data center where Control is located. 592 00:36:50,875 --> 00:36:52,867 So, we'll have to beam over in EV suits. 593 00:36:53,211 --> 00:36:55,578 Because the politics weren't complicated enough. 594 00:36:56,464 --> 00:36:58,205 Any idea how many guards to expect? 595 00:36:58,633 --> 00:37:00,670 I haven't been on the site since before the war. 596 00:37:00,760 --> 00:37:03,377 Your guess is as good as mine. Probably better. 597 00:37:03,471 --> 00:37:05,428 Minimize the risks as much as possible. 598 00:37:05,849 --> 00:37:08,432 Lieutenant Detmer, do your best to keep us in range. 599 00:37:08,518 --> 00:37:11,010 Commander Airiam, once they've secured the data center, 600 00:37:11,104 --> 00:37:13,812 you'll beam over and restore Admiral Cornwell's access to Control. 601 00:37:14,315 --> 00:37:15,476 Sir, I should go with them. 602 00:37:16,151 --> 00:37:18,484 If the threat-assessment system has backup protections, 603 00:37:18,570 --> 00:37:21,187 I can circumvent them before we lose access entirely. 604 00:37:22,240 --> 00:37:23,697 I'll look after her, captain. 605 00:37:24,701 --> 00:37:25,701 Okay. 606 00:37:25,744 --> 00:37:26,905 Good luck, everyone. 607 00:37:26,995 --> 00:37:27,995 Dismissed. 608 00:37:29,205 --> 00:37:32,494 Look at you, going off on a mission. Don't forget about us little people. 609 00:37:32,584 --> 00:37:35,247 - [Airiam] I will do my best, Keyla. - Mm-hm. 610 00:37:57,567 --> 00:38:00,480 [Burnham] Captain, still no life signs, and gravity is out. 611 00:38:01,613 --> 00:38:04,276 [Pike] Please be careful. Standing by to beam you out. 612 00:38:22,717 --> 00:38:24,208 [Burnham] That's frozen blood. 613 00:38:24,803 --> 00:38:26,169 Well, that can't bode well. 614 00:38:28,890 --> 00:38:31,633 Burnham to Discovery, confirm visuals on EV suits. 615 00:38:32,894 --> 00:38:35,853 We see you all in the corridor. Proceed with caution. 616 00:38:36,314 --> 00:38:37,314 [Burnham] Yes, sir. 617 00:38:39,901 --> 00:38:43,565 Commander Nhan, can you find a way to turn life support back on? 618 00:38:45,907 --> 00:38:48,320 I'll be back in two seconds if you need anything. 619 00:38:51,120 --> 00:38:52,120 Let's stay close. 620 00:38:56,125 --> 00:38:58,367 Captain, I'm seeing clear signs of a struggle. 621 00:38:59,337 --> 00:39:00,337 There's more blood. 622 00:39:00,964 --> 00:39:03,377 Looks like someone tried to pry these doors open. 623 00:39:03,883 --> 00:39:05,169 Or keep them from shutting. 624 00:39:05,260 --> 00:39:07,047 Any sense of who was fighting whom? 625 00:39:08,513 --> 00:39:09,513 Not yet. 626 00:39:27,448 --> 00:39:28,905 What do you think killed him? 627 00:39:39,210 --> 00:39:40,701 That's a really good question. 628 00:39:41,045 --> 00:39:43,005 [Nhan] Restoring power and gravity now, commander. 629 00:39:43,089 --> 00:39:44,546 [systems powering up] 630 00:39:59,355 --> 00:40:01,221 Burnham to Discovery. At least four dead. 631 00:40:01,316 --> 00:40:02,898 I'm guessing we'll find more. 632 00:40:03,401 --> 00:40:05,358 But we've got gravity and atmosphere restored. 633 00:40:26,257 --> 00:40:29,876 Biometric data indicates the victim died at least two weeks ago. 634 00:40:33,473 --> 00:40:34,839 [Burnham] Bodies are frozen solid. 635 00:40:49,155 --> 00:40:50,691 Captain, we have a problem. 636 00:40:55,411 --> 00:40:56,572 It's Admiral Patar. 637 00:40:56,913 --> 00:40:58,245 She's been dead two weeks. 638 00:40:58,748 --> 00:40:59,748 [Pike] If she's dead... 639 00:41:00,750 --> 00:41:01,991 who the hell was I talking to? 640 00:41:02,669 --> 00:41:03,669 [Saru] Captain. 641 00:41:04,045 --> 00:41:05,911 I believe I can answer that question. 642 00:41:08,716 --> 00:41:11,800 Well, as you know, all living beings have a heat signature, 643 00:41:11,886 --> 00:41:14,720 which changes in high-stress situations. 644 00:41:15,515 --> 00:41:18,223 When Admiral Patar's authority was challenged... 645 00:41:18,810 --> 00:41:21,052 I should have seen a change in her signature. 646 00:41:21,729 --> 00:41:22,729 But I did not. 647 00:41:24,023 --> 00:41:27,312 As she was a hologram, I now understand why. 648 00:41:28,403 --> 00:41:29,403 Now. 649 00:41:30,488 --> 00:41:31,488 Here... 650 00:41:32,323 --> 00:41:34,064 is the evidence against Mr. Spock. 651 00:41:34,158 --> 00:41:35,399 [grunting and shouting] 652 00:41:38,287 --> 00:41:39,403 In ultraviolet. 653 00:41:42,875 --> 00:41:45,959 No changes, despite the violent attack. 654 00:41:47,255 --> 00:41:49,838 This, too, is a hologram. 655 00:41:50,550 --> 00:41:51,666 Which can only mean... 656 00:41:52,218 --> 00:41:54,710 Section 31 framed Mr. Spock. 657 00:41:55,888 --> 00:42:00,007 Control was programmed to create this evidence. 658 00:42:00,601 --> 00:42:02,092 After killing the admirals, 659 00:42:02,186 --> 00:42:05,645 it used the same skill to create Admiral Patar. 660 00:42:06,232 --> 00:42:07,939 We're fighting the system itself? 661 00:42:09,318 --> 00:42:12,436 Which would explain why Admiral Cornwell was locked out. 662 00:42:13,531 --> 00:42:17,616 Control could also be blocking our transmissions to Starfleet Command. 663 00:42:17,702 --> 00:42:20,866 Then why would it allow us to send a team onto the station? 664 00:42:21,664 --> 00:42:23,246 It must want something from us. 665 00:42:24,042 --> 00:42:26,250 I think it might want something from Airiam. 666 00:42:30,631 --> 00:42:35,376 She downloaded all of her archived data, all of her memories, onto Discovery. 667 00:42:35,720 --> 00:42:37,427 None of it is in her head anymore. 668 00:42:37,513 --> 00:42:39,073 Those memories meant everything to her. 669 00:42:41,142 --> 00:42:43,008 Find out what she downloaded in their place. 670 00:42:43,102 --> 00:42:46,470 Lieutenant Bryce, open a secure channel to Burnham and Nhan only. 671 00:42:46,981 --> 00:42:48,941 Mr. Stamets, how are we doing on that spore drive? 672 00:42:48,983 --> 00:42:52,351 - [Stamets] I'll be ready when you are. - Good. We might need it very soon. 673 00:42:56,783 --> 00:42:57,944 [metal clanging] 674 00:42:59,744 --> 00:43:00,744 [heavy thudding] 675 00:43:12,715 --> 00:43:13,715 [Nhan grunts] 676 00:43:24,143 --> 00:43:27,511 [Nhan] Looks like they were trying to turn life-support systems back on. 677 00:43:27,605 --> 00:43:29,517 The doors closed on them deliberately. 678 00:43:31,651 --> 00:43:33,611 What could cause an entire station to malfunction? 679 00:43:34,278 --> 00:43:37,396 [Bryce] Commander Burnham, Commander Nhan, you're on with the captain. 680 00:43:37,490 --> 00:43:39,698 Commander, what is Airiam doing? 681 00:43:40,076 --> 00:43:42,363 Trying to restore Admiral Cornwell's access to Control. 682 00:43:42,453 --> 00:43:43,694 [Pike] No, she's not. Stop her. 683 00:43:43,788 --> 00:43:44,788 Now. 684 00:43:49,293 --> 00:43:50,704 What the hell was that? 685 00:43:53,923 --> 00:43:55,084 [gasping] 686 00:44:03,015 --> 00:44:05,007 Airiam, what are you doing? 687 00:44:05,101 --> 00:44:07,218 Airiam, stand down. That is an order. 688 00:44:07,728 --> 00:44:09,720 Do you hear me? I said, stand down. 689 00:44:11,232 --> 00:44:14,771 - Commander Airiam, I need you to stop. - [Burnham grunting and shouting] 690 00:45:01,240 --> 00:45:02,240 Burnham. 691 00:45:10,166 --> 00:45:11,407 [grunting] 692 00:45:32,188 --> 00:45:33,395 Burnham, are you all right? 693 00:45:34,232 --> 00:45:35,313 - Michael? - I'm fine. 694 00:45:36,317 --> 00:45:38,684 I'm fine. What the hell is happening to her? 695 00:45:39,153 --> 00:45:41,953 Airiam's compromised. Something's controlling her through augmentation. 696 00:45:41,989 --> 00:45:44,072 Sir, remember the Sphere? It was dying. 697 00:45:44,158 --> 00:45:45,239 It had a lot of data? 698 00:45:45,326 --> 00:45:48,160 - I was there. Get to the point. - The messages to Section 31. 699 00:45:48,246 --> 00:45:50,363 They contained data from the Sphere. 700 00:45:52,291 --> 00:45:54,783 That's the data Airiam downloaded before leaving. 701 00:45:55,962 --> 00:45:57,122 What did she bring over here? 702 00:45:57,171 --> 00:46:00,585 All the information the Sphere collected on artificial intelligence. 703 00:46:00,675 --> 00:46:04,760 - Why would Control want AI data? - A strategic advantage, perhaps. 704 00:46:05,888 --> 00:46:08,756 That sphere collected data from countless civilizations, 705 00:46:08,849 --> 00:46:10,636 over hundreds of thousands of years. 706 00:46:10,726 --> 00:46:11,806 [Pike] That much knowledge. 707 00:46:11,852 --> 00:46:14,344 Whatever the problem, you could never out-think it. 708 00:46:14,438 --> 00:46:16,771 - It would always win. - [Burnham] Oh, that's it. 709 00:46:16,941 --> 00:46:18,057 It wants to think. 710 00:46:19,360 --> 00:46:20,851 It wants to evolve. 711 00:46:20,945 --> 00:46:24,063 That data is a road map for Control to become fully conscious. 712 00:46:25,283 --> 00:46:26,283 When it does... 713 00:46:26,325 --> 00:46:28,533 It can destroy all other sentient life in the galaxy. 714 00:46:28,619 --> 00:46:31,032 [Burnham] Yes, that's what Spock saw in his vision. 715 00:46:32,540 --> 00:46:33,456 [thudding] 716 00:46:33,457 --> 00:46:35,137 I'll delete whatever she managed to upload. 717 00:46:39,797 --> 00:46:42,335 [grunts] Damn it. I can't get in. 718 00:46:44,969 --> 00:46:46,255 Delete the data remotely? 719 00:46:46,345 --> 00:46:49,509 I can't access the system, and I definitely can't hack Airiam. 720 00:46:59,608 --> 00:47:01,691 She's trying to open the door from inside. 721 00:47:01,777 --> 00:47:03,609 - We can't let her do that. - Maybe I... 722 00:47:04,322 --> 00:47:05,529 If you have any ideas... 723 00:47:07,616 --> 00:47:09,323 Open a channel to Airiam, please. 724 00:47:13,289 --> 00:47:14,825 - You're on. - Thanks. Uh... 725 00:47:15,499 --> 00:47:16,956 Airiam, hi, it's Tilly. 726 00:47:18,169 --> 00:47:19,831 Uh... A friendly reminder: 727 00:47:19,920 --> 00:47:22,333 You saved every memory you ever had with me. 728 00:47:24,842 --> 00:47:26,879 I think that's because you adored me. 729 00:47:29,055 --> 00:47:30,671 And I adore you, too. [chuckles] 730 00:47:32,183 --> 00:47:33,674 I'm gonna send you something. 731 00:47:35,311 --> 00:47:38,804 Whatever this thing is making you do, this is not who you are. 732 00:47:39,648 --> 00:47:42,311 You are a Starfleet officer. 733 00:47:43,319 --> 00:47:46,187 You're an amazing colleague, and you are a great friend. 734 00:47:46,280 --> 00:47:48,818 And also the best Kadis-Kot player I've ever seen. 735 00:47:48,908 --> 00:47:51,116 I should know. I won regionals when I was 10. 736 00:47:51,827 --> 00:47:52,943 [chuckles] 737 00:47:54,121 --> 00:47:55,121 Airiam. 738 00:47:55,581 --> 00:47:57,038 This is not you. Please. 739 00:47:57,583 --> 00:47:58,583 You know Michael. 740 00:47:59,460 --> 00:48:00,541 She's your friend. 741 00:48:03,130 --> 00:48:04,871 Airiam, I know you can hear me. 742 00:48:07,385 --> 00:48:08,921 I can hear you, Tilly. 743 00:48:09,470 --> 00:48:11,177 But I cannot stop myself. 744 00:48:11,847 --> 00:48:14,180 It's overriding my primary motor functions. 745 00:48:14,642 --> 00:48:18,181 I was only able to transfer 25 percent of the AI data. 746 00:48:18,771 --> 00:48:20,387 Control needs me to finish. 747 00:48:24,318 --> 00:48:25,318 Michael. 748 00:48:26,445 --> 00:48:28,437 You have to open the airlock. 749 00:48:29,198 --> 00:48:30,860 - Immediately. - What? 750 00:48:32,201 --> 00:48:33,201 No. 751 00:48:34,245 --> 00:48:36,237 No, I'm not gonna eject you into space. 752 00:48:36,330 --> 00:48:37,741 I will unlock this door... 753 00:48:39,041 --> 00:48:40,282 I will kill you, 754 00:48:41,043 --> 00:48:42,454 finish my mission, 755 00:48:43,462 --> 00:48:45,124 and I will destroy Discovery. 756 00:48:49,718 --> 00:48:51,300 And all on board will die. 757 00:48:53,722 --> 00:48:55,008 Please, Michael. 758 00:48:57,768 --> 00:48:58,768 The airlock. 759 00:48:59,353 --> 00:49:00,685 We can fight this, Airiam. 760 00:49:02,648 --> 00:49:03,764 [Pike] What are you doing? 761 00:49:04,733 --> 00:49:07,851 The system corrupted her. If I break in, take it offline, she'll be free. 762 00:49:09,238 --> 00:49:10,319 Michael, stop. 763 00:49:11,574 --> 00:49:12,815 I disabled my helmet. 764 00:49:13,325 --> 00:49:14,941 I will not survive in space. 765 00:49:15,953 --> 00:49:17,194 [Pike] Commander Burnham. 766 00:49:19,039 --> 00:49:19,998 Open the airlock. 767 00:49:19,999 --> 00:49:22,582 [Burnham] Captain, I don't wanna disobey your orders. 768 00:49:22,668 --> 00:49:23,668 But if this works... 769 00:49:23,711 --> 00:49:24,827 It's her or you, Michael. 770 00:49:24,920 --> 00:49:26,081 [Airiam] Fifteen seconds. 771 00:49:27,047 --> 00:49:28,047 Please. 772 00:49:28,090 --> 00:49:29,831 Open the airlock, Michael. 773 00:49:29,925 --> 00:49:31,666 One more minute! Please. 774 00:49:33,387 --> 00:49:35,845 Airiam, I'm gonna send you your favorite memory. 775 00:49:35,931 --> 00:49:36,848 Look at it. 776 00:49:36,849 --> 00:49:38,681 I can't look at it now, Tilly. 777 00:49:38,934 --> 00:49:39,934 Michael. 778 00:49:40,394 --> 00:49:42,306 You have no other alternative 779 00:49:42,396 --> 00:49:43,682 but to eject me. 780 00:49:44,315 --> 00:49:45,931 [Pike] Burnham, that's an order. 781 00:49:49,236 --> 00:49:50,647 [Airiam] I'm so sorry. 782 00:49:51,655 --> 00:49:53,442 It wanted me to kill you. 783 00:49:53,532 --> 00:49:55,114 Everything is because of you. 784 00:49:55,659 --> 00:49:56,659 Because of me? 785 00:49:56,952 --> 00:49:57,952 [Spock] Michael. 786 00:49:58,287 --> 00:49:59,245 Open the airlock. 787 00:49:59,246 --> 00:50:01,533 Please tell everyone I love them. 788 00:50:03,501 --> 00:50:06,585 - You have to find Project Daedalus. - What is Project Daedal...? 789 00:50:10,257 --> 00:50:11,293 [gasps] 790 00:50:45,251 --> 00:50:46,537 [wheezing] 791 00:50:59,056 --> 00:51:00,388 [Burnham sobbing] 792 00:51:24,498 --> 00:51:26,114 But we're coming home. 793 00:51:27,334 --> 00:51:29,826 [distorted] But we're coming home.