1 00:00:02,002 --> 00:00:04,961 [narrator in Klingon] Previously on Star Trek: Discovery: 2 00:00:05,714 --> 00:00:07,330 - Michael Burnham. - Ash Tyler. 3 00:00:07,758 --> 00:00:09,499 [Tilly] Give a sign that you're interested. 4 00:00:09,843 --> 00:00:11,603 [Burnham] All my life, the conflict inside me 5 00:00:11,678 --> 00:00:14,216 has been between logic and emotion. 6 00:00:14,640 --> 00:00:16,302 You remind me of everything good. 7 00:00:16,391 --> 00:00:17,507 You are my tether. 8 00:00:18,560 --> 00:00:20,768 A Klingon took an interest in me. 9 00:00:21,230 --> 00:00:22,311 It's you. 10 00:00:22,397 --> 00:00:24,309 - [in Klingon] Speak your name. - Voq. 11 00:00:24,399 --> 00:00:27,437 [L'Rell] We modified Voq into a shell that appears human. 12 00:00:27,819 --> 00:00:29,811 We grafted his psyche into Tyler's. 13 00:00:29,905 --> 00:00:31,897 An activated Klingon spy. 14 00:00:31,990 --> 00:00:35,028 When I look at you now, I see Voq's eyes. 15 00:00:35,118 --> 00:00:36,825 Was there ever really an Ash Tyler? 16 00:00:36,912 --> 00:00:38,244 I loved him. 17 00:00:38,330 --> 00:00:41,243 They've planted a bomb in the heart of your homeworld. 18 00:00:41,333 --> 00:00:43,791 Use the fate of Kronos to bend them to your will. 19 00:00:43,877 --> 00:00:45,789 [in Klingon] I am the Torchbearer. 20 00:00:46,505 --> 00:00:48,246 Voq has always believed in you, L'Rell. 21 00:00:49,466 --> 00:00:50,923 [in English] I'm going with her. 22 00:00:51,635 --> 00:00:54,218 - I'm gonna miss looking at you. - I see you, Ash. 23 00:00:55,597 --> 00:00:56,597 In your eyes. 24 00:00:56,890 --> 00:00:59,303 [L'Rell] A new leader is needed to fulfill my lord's vision. 25 00:00:59,393 --> 00:01:00,850 I am that leader. 26 00:01:00,936 --> 00:01:03,394 The reunification of our race 27 00:01:03,480 --> 00:01:05,187 begins 28 00:01:05,274 --> 00:01:06,515 now. 29 00:01:10,529 --> 00:01:13,237 [Burnham] Stardate 1029.46. 30 00:01:14,157 --> 00:01:16,444 Personal log, Commander Michael Burnham. 31 00:01:21,081 --> 00:01:23,789 Any rational explanation for the seven signals 32 00:01:23,875 --> 00:01:27,164 that have appeared across the galaxy continues to escape me. 33 00:01:28,463 --> 00:01:30,876 And with it, perhaps any chance of a relationship 34 00:01:30,966 --> 00:01:32,127 with my brother, Spock. 35 00:01:35,262 --> 00:01:37,549 What did he see in them that I can't? 36 00:01:42,811 --> 00:01:45,019 My failure to understand feels like a failure 37 00:01:45,105 --> 00:01:47,563 to reach him at a time when he might need me most. 38 00:01:48,483 --> 00:01:49,483 [computer] Attention: 39 00:01:49,484 --> 00:01:51,396 Trainee half-marathon approaching. 40 00:01:51,486 --> 00:01:52,567 [Tilly] On your left. 41 00:01:59,286 --> 00:02:00,286 - [May] Hi. - Hello. 42 00:02:00,287 --> 00:02:01,698 - Hi. It's me. - Hello. 43 00:02:01,788 --> 00:02:02,748 - It's me. - It's me. 44 00:02:02,749 --> 00:02:03,909 Silly Stilly. 45 00:02:07,169 --> 00:02:08,455 You're not really there. 46 00:02:08,545 --> 00:02:11,037 You're dead. You're dead. You're not really there. 47 00:02:11,131 --> 00:02:13,088 Of course I am, Silly Stilly. 48 00:02:13,925 --> 00:02:15,132 Where did you come from? 49 00:02:15,218 --> 00:02:17,551 - How come they don't see you? - Only you can. 50 00:02:17,638 --> 00:02:18,554 Why? Why me? 51 00:02:18,555 --> 00:02:20,842 Don't you remember? I'm May, from junior high. 52 00:02:20,932 --> 00:02:23,720 I'm May, from junior high. We were friends. 53 00:02:23,810 --> 00:02:26,427 You're the nicest person I've met at this awful school. 54 00:02:26,521 --> 00:02:28,387 I went to that school for six months. 55 00:02:28,482 --> 00:02:30,974 Then my mother got another post, and we moved away, 56 00:02:31,068 --> 00:02:33,151 and you and I have not spoken since then. 57 00:02:34,738 --> 00:02:37,105 And another thing, you died. 58 00:02:37,199 --> 00:02:38,115 Years ago. 59 00:02:38,116 --> 00:02:40,233 Is that why you're upset? Is that why you're upset? 60 00:02:40,327 --> 00:02:42,990 I'm upset because you are a symptom of an unfit mind. 61 00:02:43,080 --> 00:02:45,743 And I can't have that right now. I just can't. 62 00:03:06,561 --> 00:03:08,097 [panting] Oh, my... 63 00:03:08,188 --> 00:03:11,056 The Command Training Program's half-marathon has a victor. 64 00:03:11,483 --> 00:03:14,351 A lovely show of endurance and fortitude, Tilly. 65 00:03:15,028 --> 00:03:16,519 You are dismissed, everyone. 66 00:03:16,613 --> 00:03:19,606 But we will reconvene later in the day for Shadow Exercises. 67 00:03:20,325 --> 00:03:21,325 [May] We won. 68 00:03:23,578 --> 00:03:26,195 There is no one else I would rather cheer on. 69 00:03:26,289 --> 00:03:27,700 And support. 70 00:03:27,791 --> 00:03:28,709 And help. 71 00:03:28,710 --> 00:03:30,416 Causing a nervous breakdown doesn't help. 72 00:03:30,502 --> 00:03:32,585 - Tilly. - [Saru] Set a new course record. 73 00:03:32,671 --> 00:03:34,833 She also achieved... 74 00:03:34,923 --> 00:03:37,791 Saru says you not only won, you beat your personal best. 75 00:03:37,884 --> 00:03:39,921 See? That's how I'm helping you. 76 00:03:40,470 --> 00:03:41,631 What a team we are. 77 00:03:42,305 --> 00:03:44,171 It's the training you put me through. 78 00:03:44,683 --> 00:03:45,683 Thank you, Michael. 79 00:03:47,018 --> 00:03:49,055 I've gotta go, but congratulations. 80 00:03:50,105 --> 00:03:51,971 You're amazing. Saru, wait up. 81 00:03:57,779 --> 00:03:58,815 [computer] Yellow alert. 82 00:03:58,905 --> 00:04:00,771 Undeclared craft on intercept course. 83 00:04:00,866 --> 00:04:02,653 Bearing 358 mark zero. 84 00:04:02,743 --> 00:04:05,110 Range, 9000 kilometers, and closing fast. 85 00:04:05,203 --> 00:04:06,963 No other propulsion signatures in the sector. 86 00:04:06,997 --> 00:04:09,785 Hailing on all frequencies, sir. They haven't responded. 87 00:04:09,875 --> 00:04:12,288 Tell them if they get closer without saying who they are, 88 00:04:12,377 --> 00:04:14,084 we will activate tactical systems. 89 00:04:14,171 --> 00:04:16,288 - [Bryce] Aye, captain. - Owo, got anything on scans? 90 00:04:16,631 --> 00:04:19,590 Detecting a small ship. Two life-forms. 91 00:04:19,676 --> 00:04:21,542 [Bryce] Captain, they've opened up a channel. 92 00:04:22,053 --> 00:04:24,796 It's a private vessel with a diplomatic registry number. 93 00:04:24,890 --> 00:04:26,756 They aren't required to tell us more. 94 00:04:26,850 --> 00:04:28,512 Captain asked to beam one aboard. 95 00:04:28,602 --> 00:04:30,059 Now in range for a visual. 96 00:04:30,145 --> 00:04:31,977 - On screen. - [Owosekun] Aye, captain. 97 00:04:35,150 --> 00:04:36,150 That ship is Vulcan. 98 00:04:36,234 --> 00:04:37,475 That ship is Sarek's. 99 00:04:37,903 --> 00:04:38,903 I recognize it. 100 00:04:39,488 --> 00:04:42,697 He assembled a Federation task force to study the seven signals. 101 00:04:42,783 --> 00:04:43,823 He might have news for us. 102 00:04:43,867 --> 00:04:46,109 He may want to discuss something else. 103 00:04:47,120 --> 00:04:50,238 I reported Spock's advance knowledge of the signals to Command. 104 00:04:51,374 --> 00:04:53,616 Information likely got back to the ambassador, 105 00:04:53,710 --> 00:04:55,827 with the news that his son admitted himself 106 00:04:55,921 --> 00:04:57,378 into a psychiatric hospital. 107 00:04:58,590 --> 00:05:00,547 You didn't betray your friend, captain. 108 00:05:01,676 --> 00:05:02,837 You followed protocol. 109 00:05:04,054 --> 00:05:06,637 It's easy to say, harder to believe. 110 00:05:06,723 --> 00:05:09,340 Have you heard from Spock's doctors on Starbase Five? 111 00:05:10,143 --> 00:05:11,143 No, not yet. 112 00:05:12,687 --> 00:05:14,804 Report to the transporter room, commander. 113 00:05:15,524 --> 00:05:18,312 - Welcome the ambassador aboard. - Yes, sir. 114 00:05:20,904 --> 00:05:21,904 Deck Four. 115 00:05:24,032 --> 00:05:25,193 [man] Boarding confirmed. 116 00:05:25,283 --> 00:05:26,740 Transporter lock established. 117 00:05:26,827 --> 00:05:28,159 - Energize. - Aye, commander. 118 00:05:38,672 --> 00:05:39,833 Amanda? 119 00:05:46,555 --> 00:05:47,716 [Amanda] Please, don't react. 120 00:05:48,098 --> 00:05:49,339 Spock needs our help. 121 00:05:50,851 --> 00:05:52,217 I could only turn to you. 122 00:07:31,326 --> 00:07:33,989 [in Klingon] Out of the fire of war, life begins anew. 123 00:07:35,288 --> 00:07:39,157 As your chancellor, this dynasty springs from me. 124 00:07:40,377 --> 00:07:41,959 From the 24 great houses, 125 00:07:42,045 --> 00:07:43,832 one offspring rises up. 126 00:07:44,965 --> 00:07:46,922 Behold the D7, 127 00:07:47,008 --> 00:07:48,888 the future battle cruiser of the Imperial Fleet. 128 00:07:49,135 --> 00:07:51,673 It bears the banner of no single house, 129 00:07:51,888 --> 00:07:54,847 but the insignia of our united empire... 130 00:07:55,642 --> 00:07:58,680 My Torchbearer will oversee production of this ship... 131 00:08:00,271 --> 00:08:02,183 A ship that shows the galaxy who we are, 132 00:08:02,273 --> 00:08:04,435 and what it means to... 133 00:08:04,901 --> 00:08:07,484 remain Klingon. 134 00:08:07,654 --> 00:08:10,146 [all] Remain Klingon! 135 00:08:11,616 --> 00:08:16,532 [in English] Will you make this human our new fleet captain, too, chancellor? 136 00:08:17,080 --> 00:08:20,164 Perhaps we should speak in the standard tongue, too. 137 00:08:20,250 --> 00:08:22,082 [L'Rell] Whatever language you prefer, 138 00:08:22,168 --> 00:08:23,784 the truth remains the same. 139 00:08:24,754 --> 00:08:27,918 The Torchbearer was anointed by T'Kuvma himself. 140 00:08:28,008 --> 00:08:30,000 You mean Voq was. 141 00:08:30,885 --> 00:08:34,424 If you want whatever this is as your plaything, 142 00:08:34,514 --> 00:08:36,221 he belongs in your bed, 143 00:08:36,808 --> 00:08:37,808 not here. 144 00:08:37,809 --> 00:08:40,142 He belongs wherever I am. 145 00:08:41,354 --> 00:08:43,391 Just like the allied Klingon houses, 146 00:08:43,481 --> 00:08:45,939 our union is what makes us strong. 147 00:08:46,776 --> 00:08:50,235 Your old way of thinking kept us at each other's throats. 148 00:08:51,239 --> 00:08:53,526 Remove the paint from your face, Kol-Sha. 149 00:08:54,034 --> 00:08:56,117 We are one culture now. 150 00:08:56,202 --> 00:08:59,786 Your union is an insult to my son, Kol. 151 00:09:00,623 --> 00:09:03,616 And all our sons who died by human treachery. 152 00:09:04,544 --> 00:09:06,456 It is no coincidence 153 00:09:06,921 --> 00:09:09,629 those seven red lights appeared from the sky 154 00:09:10,050 --> 00:09:12,258 so soon after she took power. 155 00:09:14,012 --> 00:09:16,379 They are an omen. 156 00:09:17,432 --> 00:09:21,016 Seven drops of blood, ready to rain down on us. 157 00:09:21,102 --> 00:09:22,218 Remove the paint. 158 00:09:22,312 --> 00:09:23,803 [grunting and shouting] 159 00:09:35,617 --> 00:09:37,779 Your chancellor doesn't get her hands dirty. 160 00:09:38,453 --> 00:09:39,910 That's the Torchbearer's job, 161 00:09:40,747 --> 00:09:41,747 whether he be human, 162 00:09:42,499 --> 00:09:43,499 Klingon, 163 00:09:44,250 --> 00:09:45,250 or both. 164 00:09:49,798 --> 00:09:51,478 [Burnham] You know about the seven signals? 165 00:09:52,092 --> 00:09:53,092 [Amanda] Yes. 166 00:09:53,176 --> 00:09:54,508 Sarek informed me. 167 00:09:54,594 --> 00:09:56,677 People are anxious to know what they are. 168 00:09:56,763 --> 00:09:57,883 [man] Attention, all cadets. 169 00:09:57,972 --> 00:09:59,383 Duty log has been updated... 170 00:09:59,474 --> 00:10:00,806 Spock's connected to them. 171 00:10:01,768 --> 00:10:02,768 How? 172 00:10:02,852 --> 00:10:04,844 He left a log claiming that he saw them, 173 00:10:04,938 --> 00:10:07,180 long before they appeared to the Federation. 174 00:10:07,816 --> 00:10:10,274 But until we can speak to him, we have no answers, 175 00:10:11,444 --> 00:10:13,151 and I don't know what else to do. 176 00:10:13,905 --> 00:10:15,897 I have no new angles to investigate. 177 00:10:16,991 --> 00:10:18,903 Except the one I'm giving you. 178 00:10:20,078 --> 00:10:21,910 I just came from Starbase Five. 179 00:10:22,163 --> 00:10:23,904 I went to the psychiatric unit. 180 00:10:25,250 --> 00:10:27,708 They wouldn't tell me where he was. 181 00:10:28,086 --> 00:10:30,898 They wouldn't let me see him. They wouldn't say what was wrong with him. 182 00:10:30,922 --> 00:10:32,914 They wouldn't even give me his personal effects. 183 00:10:33,007 --> 00:10:35,875 You're his next of kin, and you're a diplomat's wife. 184 00:10:35,969 --> 00:10:37,631 So, I did the only logical thing. 185 00:10:39,264 --> 00:10:40,926 I stole his medical file. 186 00:10:44,936 --> 00:10:45,936 It's encrypted. 187 00:10:46,521 --> 00:10:47,807 Can you please open it? 188 00:10:47,897 --> 00:10:48,897 [scoffs] 189 00:10:49,440 --> 00:10:50,897 - Mother. - Please. 190 00:11:08,668 --> 00:11:10,751 [in Klingon] Ujilli, you are looking well. 191 00:11:14,591 --> 00:11:16,048 [in English] How was your walk? 192 00:11:16,134 --> 00:11:19,468 I dedicated everything to your cause. Your uncle could acknowledge me. 193 00:11:19,554 --> 00:11:22,388 He and the rest of House Mo'Kai believe in you. 194 00:11:22,849 --> 00:11:24,385 We have enemies enough. 195 00:11:24,475 --> 00:11:26,387 No need to dream up imaginary ones. 196 00:11:29,480 --> 00:11:31,517 Kol-Sha is telling council members 197 00:11:31,608 --> 00:11:35,192 that you are advising me to eliminate the great houses entirely. 198 00:11:35,278 --> 00:11:38,942 My uncle is disseminating the truth to counteract his lies. 199 00:11:39,032 --> 00:11:42,150 He looks at me and sees a human. They all do. 200 00:11:42,243 --> 00:11:45,202 You should not care what anyone sees when they look at you. 201 00:11:45,288 --> 00:11:48,201 On that subject, only my opinion matters. 202 00:11:50,043 --> 00:11:52,330 Why do you insist on speaking English to me? 203 00:11:52,879 --> 00:11:53,879 I'm not a human, L'Rell. 204 00:11:53,922 --> 00:11:56,710 I'm a Klingon whose body was changed to resemble one. 205 00:11:57,425 --> 00:11:59,462 If we expect others to acknowledge my Klingon side, 206 00:11:59,552 --> 00:12:02,761 accept me as the Torchbearer, you must treat me like Voq. 207 00:12:10,980 --> 00:12:12,972 If you are Voq, then want me back. 208 00:12:14,150 --> 00:12:15,150 Want me. 209 00:12:28,456 --> 00:12:29,456 You touch me... 210 00:12:31,209 --> 00:12:32,209 and that intimacy... 211 00:12:33,795 --> 00:12:35,036 to me, Tyler... 212 00:12:36,130 --> 00:12:37,130 feels like... 213 00:12:40,134 --> 00:12:41,134 violation. 214 00:12:53,356 --> 00:12:56,190 [Amanda] Spock speaks highly of you, Captain Pike. 215 00:12:56,276 --> 00:12:58,939 My daughter does, too. I've come to the right people. 216 00:13:00,446 --> 00:13:02,813 That makes it all the harder for me to tell you. 217 00:13:03,950 --> 00:13:05,111 I can't open this file. 218 00:13:06,536 --> 00:13:09,654 I'd be in violation of the rules. My mother wouldn't like that. 219 00:13:09,747 --> 00:13:11,909 There is precedent in Starfleet case law 220 00:13:12,000 --> 00:13:13,241 for a captain to invoke... 221 00:13:13,334 --> 00:13:14,700 Was she this bossy as a kid? 222 00:13:14,794 --> 00:13:17,161 On Vulcan we call it "persistent." Yes, she was. 223 00:13:17,922 --> 00:13:19,163 She learned that from me. 224 00:13:21,467 --> 00:13:22,467 Hmm. 225 00:13:25,847 --> 00:13:26,847 Bryce. 226 00:13:27,557 --> 00:13:29,173 Get me Captain Vela on Starbase Five. 227 00:13:29,267 --> 00:13:31,634 - Tell him it's high priority. - [Bryce] Yes, sir. 228 00:13:35,940 --> 00:13:37,181 - Ah. - Chris. 229 00:13:37,817 --> 00:13:40,059 You and my bisabuela Nena are the only people 230 00:13:40,153 --> 00:13:42,315 in this quadrant still communicating on screens. 231 00:13:42,405 --> 00:13:45,148 Your grandma sounds like a smart lady. Introduce us. 232 00:13:45,658 --> 00:13:48,696 - Sorry I haven't returned your call. - Calls, Diego. 233 00:13:48,786 --> 00:13:50,823 I'm waiting for an update on my officer, Spock. 234 00:13:50,913 --> 00:13:52,529 I'm sorry, I can't give you one. 235 00:13:52,874 --> 00:13:54,035 His case is classified. 236 00:13:55,585 --> 00:13:58,578 I'm well within my rights as his captain to get a prognosis. 237 00:13:58,671 --> 00:14:00,711 Even if that weren't the case, Spock has information 238 00:14:00,757 --> 00:14:02,965 on the signals I was assigned to investigate. 239 00:14:03,051 --> 00:14:04,731 Starfleet declared my mission priority-one. 240 00:14:04,761 --> 00:14:07,253 The signals have nothing to do with it, Chris. 241 00:14:07,347 --> 00:14:09,213 Your guy is wanted for murder. 242 00:14:10,266 --> 00:14:12,411 He killed three of his doctors, then fled the starbase. 243 00:14:12,435 --> 00:14:13,835 Why isn't word out about his escape 244 00:14:13,895 --> 00:14:15,535 so that every starship can be on the hunt? 245 00:14:16,064 --> 00:14:18,556 Elements of the case just got complicated. 246 00:14:19,192 --> 00:14:22,481 Some of Spock's files are missing. We have no idea how. 247 00:14:23,154 --> 00:14:24,154 Rest assured, 248 00:14:24,238 --> 00:14:26,275 they've got people on it. 249 00:14:26,949 --> 00:14:27,949 [Pike] Thanks, Vela. 250 00:14:28,951 --> 00:14:29,987 Pike out. 251 00:14:31,245 --> 00:14:32,245 It's not true. 252 00:14:33,581 --> 00:14:37,825 My son is gentle and kind. 253 00:14:39,879 --> 00:14:40,915 He wouldn't do that. 254 00:14:41,005 --> 00:14:43,042 I agree, captain. 255 00:14:44,509 --> 00:14:45,966 Well, that makes three of us. 256 00:14:47,970 --> 00:14:50,929 But I don't think the people handling his case would concur. 257 00:14:52,725 --> 00:14:53,806 Our boy's in trouble. 258 00:14:54,519 --> 00:14:57,557 He needs a fair shake. We need to find him before they do. 259 00:14:57,647 --> 00:14:58,563 Burnham, 260 00:14:58,564 --> 00:15:00,396 break into Mr. Spock's medical file. 261 00:15:02,068 --> 00:15:03,068 That's an order. 262 00:15:11,035 --> 00:15:16,827 Lieutenant Spock's intellectual abilities and capacity for reason are intact. 263 00:15:16,916 --> 00:15:20,626 Instead, his dissociation appears acutely emotional. 264 00:15:20,711 --> 00:15:23,579 E.Q. tests and his current disaffected state 265 00:15:23,840 --> 00:15:26,002 suggest extreme empathy deficits. 266 00:15:31,347 --> 00:15:33,714 I'll transfer the rest of the files, and then... 267 00:15:35,435 --> 00:15:37,301 we'll decide the best place to start. 268 00:15:37,979 --> 00:15:39,595 Your wheels are already turning. 269 00:15:40,982 --> 00:15:42,473 Logic dictates a few theories. 270 00:15:43,609 --> 00:15:45,976 Spock didn't do it, and he's wrongfully accused. 271 00:15:46,612 --> 00:15:50,652 Or he did murder those doctors, in a... mentally compromised state, 272 00:15:50,741 --> 00:15:53,825 or... in what he thought was self-defense. 273 00:15:54,454 --> 00:15:55,454 - Or... - He did it 274 00:15:55,538 --> 00:15:57,404 because he's emotionally compromised. 275 00:15:59,876 --> 00:16:01,788 "Extreme empathy deficit"... 276 00:16:03,796 --> 00:16:06,209 is code for "psychopathy." 277 00:16:07,800 --> 00:16:09,666 I can't deny that possibility. 278 00:16:11,053 --> 00:16:12,840 He didn't have a normal childhood. 279 00:16:14,348 --> 00:16:18,433 Sarek wanted Spock raised in the Vulcan manner. 280 00:16:19,103 --> 00:16:23,268 And any display of emotion was strongly discouraged. 281 00:16:23,357 --> 00:16:25,974 And in order not to confuse my son... 282 00:16:26,944 --> 00:16:28,560 I began to hide my own. 283 00:16:29,697 --> 00:16:30,778 I was not... 284 00:16:32,617 --> 00:16:33,698 a real mother. 285 00:16:37,288 --> 00:16:38,654 I wasn't what he needed. 286 00:16:38,748 --> 00:16:41,912 You gave us love, every second. 287 00:16:45,713 --> 00:16:47,454 It was different with you, Michael. 288 00:16:48,466 --> 00:16:50,549 I gave you all my joy... 289 00:16:52,595 --> 00:16:58,091 and my... affection that I was not permitted to give to him. 290 00:16:59,560 --> 00:17:01,142 But Spock is half-human. 291 00:17:02,271 --> 00:17:04,638 If he had been permitted to embrace the feelings 292 00:17:04,732 --> 00:17:06,394 that I know he has inside of him, 293 00:17:07,026 --> 00:17:11,111 it would've saved him from all the trouble that he's in now. 294 00:17:28,631 --> 00:17:30,213 Stop. Stop. 295 00:17:32,134 --> 00:17:33,134 Those images. 296 00:17:33,970 --> 00:17:35,131 Spock drew them. 297 00:17:36,013 --> 00:17:37,013 I'm sure of it. 298 00:17:37,306 --> 00:17:38,306 He must've... 299 00:17:39,600 --> 00:17:41,011 done them in treatment. 300 00:17:41,102 --> 00:17:43,515 I thought that he left it in the past. 301 00:17:45,565 --> 00:17:46,681 But it's back. 302 00:17:48,442 --> 00:17:49,478 What is it? 303 00:17:50,987 --> 00:17:52,853 Your brother called it the Red Angel. 304 00:17:53,531 --> 00:17:55,864 He started seeing it when he was a little boy. 305 00:17:56,492 --> 00:17:57,528 It changed him. 306 00:17:57,618 --> 00:17:58,618 [computer beeps] 307 00:18:05,418 --> 00:18:06,418 I'm sorry. 308 00:18:07,753 --> 00:18:08,869 I have to answer this. 309 00:18:15,720 --> 00:18:16,720 Michael. 310 00:18:18,264 --> 00:18:19,345 Thanks for answering. 311 00:18:19,432 --> 00:18:20,432 Of course. 312 00:18:21,517 --> 00:18:22,803 Are you all right? Is L'Rell? 313 00:18:22,893 --> 00:18:24,850 For now. She's still in power. 314 00:18:24,937 --> 00:18:27,805 But her opponents continue to challenge and discredit her. 315 00:18:27,898 --> 00:18:29,105 It's volatile. 316 00:18:29,191 --> 00:18:30,191 How can I help? 317 00:18:30,192 --> 00:18:32,309 The Federation needs to know the situation. 318 00:18:32,403 --> 00:18:34,144 If L'Rell falls, peace falls with her. 319 00:18:34,238 --> 00:18:36,651 I'll pass it up the chain of command immediately. 320 00:18:36,741 --> 00:18:37,741 Thanks. 321 00:18:39,619 --> 00:18:40,780 - I should go. - Wait. 322 00:18:44,081 --> 00:18:44,998 What? 323 00:18:44,999 --> 00:18:45,999 I... 324 00:18:49,128 --> 00:18:50,128 I don't know. 325 00:18:51,922 --> 00:18:52,922 I like the beard. 326 00:18:53,090 --> 00:18:54,090 [chuckles] 327 00:18:57,136 --> 00:18:59,496 I heard, postwar, the Klingons are growing their hair again. 328 00:19:00,014 --> 00:19:01,014 The rumors are true. 329 00:19:03,225 --> 00:19:04,306 How are you? 330 00:19:06,103 --> 00:19:08,971 I'm dealing with some things regarding my foster brother. 331 00:19:09,732 --> 00:19:12,691 I hit a dead end, but Amanda came and got me back on track. 332 00:19:12,777 --> 00:19:14,769 Ship her here when you're done with her. 333 00:19:15,279 --> 00:19:16,986 I'm feeling a little stuck myself. 334 00:19:17,448 --> 00:19:18,448 You've got me... 335 00:19:19,659 --> 00:19:20,659 right now. 336 00:19:26,248 --> 00:19:29,241 I understood my role here, to aid L'Rell. 337 00:19:32,046 --> 00:19:33,628 But I'm afraid I'm hurting her. 338 00:19:34,715 --> 00:19:36,707 I'm an easy target for the old guard. 339 00:19:36,801 --> 00:19:40,135 - What does L'Rell think? - Their opposition is part of the fight. 340 00:19:40,513 --> 00:19:41,629 And their ignorance... 341 00:19:42,556 --> 00:19:43,888 will be their downfall. 342 00:19:46,143 --> 00:19:47,143 You admire her. 343 00:19:48,896 --> 00:19:49,932 I do. 344 00:19:51,065 --> 00:19:53,182 Sounds like she feels the same about you... 345 00:19:54,151 --> 00:19:55,562 and values having you there. 346 00:19:57,488 --> 00:19:58,979 Try to take her at her word. 347 00:20:05,996 --> 00:20:06,996 It's, uh... 348 00:20:07,540 --> 00:20:08,872 It's late here, so... 349 00:20:10,376 --> 00:20:11,583 Take care of yourself. 350 00:20:12,169 --> 00:20:13,169 You, too, Ash. 351 00:20:18,134 --> 00:20:19,134 Yeah. 352 00:20:21,303 --> 00:20:22,303 [sighs] 353 00:20:23,931 --> 00:20:27,265 [Saru] Greetings, everyone, and welcome to Shadow Exercises. 354 00:20:28,102 --> 00:20:30,810 As Starfleet's future chiefs and captains, 355 00:20:31,272 --> 00:20:35,266 this is your opportunity to build rapport with a senior officer, 356 00:20:35,359 --> 00:20:37,817 and see firsthand what their duties entail. 357 00:20:39,196 --> 00:20:40,983 So, let us begin. 358 00:20:41,657 --> 00:20:42,697 [Pike] Look sharp, people. 359 00:20:42,742 --> 00:20:44,324 This is our future competition. 360 00:20:44,410 --> 00:20:45,526 Is that your captain? 361 00:20:46,370 --> 00:20:48,362 Um... Ensign Sylvia Tilly, sir. 362 00:20:48,998 --> 00:20:51,581 Fully present and focused on this important exercise 363 00:20:51,667 --> 00:20:53,329 for which I am all ears, captain. 364 00:20:53,419 --> 00:20:54,785 [Pike] Your dedication is noted. 365 00:20:55,379 --> 00:20:57,041 So, what should we do? 366 00:20:58,132 --> 00:21:00,374 Marry some folks who aren't into each other? 367 00:21:00,718 --> 00:21:02,004 Oh. [chuckles] Very good, sir. 368 00:21:02,595 --> 00:21:04,837 Captain, I need your authorization for this. 369 00:21:04,930 --> 00:21:06,887 I don't understand. That was funny. 370 00:21:06,974 --> 00:21:09,637 The captain of this ship isn't funny, he's terrifying. 371 00:21:09,727 --> 00:21:12,435 You may be thinking of an old captain, Captain Lorca. 372 00:21:12,730 --> 00:21:13,730 Was he shorter? 373 00:21:13,773 --> 00:21:15,856 And blonder? And much, much whiter? 374 00:21:15,941 --> 00:21:18,854 - Because that's who I'm looking for. - [Pike] I'm ready if you are. 375 00:21:18,944 --> 00:21:20,685 He's not the man I need to talk to. 376 00:21:20,780 --> 00:21:22,271 - [Pike] Hop in the chair. - Yes, sir. 377 00:21:22,364 --> 00:21:23,730 Let's run a systems test. 378 00:21:23,824 --> 00:21:25,156 Where's the other captain? 379 00:21:25,242 --> 00:21:26,858 Uh, a systems test. Uh, where? 380 00:21:28,287 --> 00:21:30,199 Where? In the chair. 381 00:21:31,332 --> 00:21:32,868 Oh. Sorry. 382 00:21:33,459 --> 00:21:34,666 Run checklist protocol. 383 00:21:35,544 --> 00:21:36,544 Acknowledged. 384 00:21:36,962 --> 00:21:38,578 - Step one... - This is not right. 385 00:21:38,672 --> 00:21:41,005 - My plan is falling apart. - Calm down. 386 00:21:41,091 --> 00:21:43,879 I'm hearing fewer syllables out of you than normal. 387 00:21:43,969 --> 00:21:46,131 I know the chair can be intimidating, but... 388 00:21:47,014 --> 00:21:47,932 are you okay? 389 00:21:47,933 --> 00:21:49,845 No. We are not okay. 390 00:21:49,934 --> 00:21:52,051 - I want the captain. - This is the captain. 391 00:21:52,144 --> 00:21:53,385 Ensign, what is going on? 392 00:21:55,481 --> 00:21:57,188 Tilly, answer Captain Pike. 393 00:21:57,274 --> 00:21:58,274 Tilly... 394 00:21:58,275 --> 00:22:00,312 I'm not listening to you anymore. You tricked me. 395 00:22:00,402 --> 00:22:01,483 And you lied to me. 396 00:22:01,570 --> 00:22:02,487 I didn't lie. 397 00:22:02,488 --> 00:22:03,488 He's lying. 398 00:22:03,572 --> 00:22:04,779 He's an imposter. 399 00:22:04,865 --> 00:22:06,197 Shut up! 400 00:22:06,283 --> 00:22:07,490 Ensign Sylvia Tilly. 401 00:22:09,119 --> 00:22:10,576 No, I didn't. I'm... I... 402 00:22:10,663 --> 00:22:12,154 She drove me to it. I... 403 00:22:12,665 --> 00:22:14,452 That doesn't make any sense. I'm... 404 00:22:14,542 --> 00:22:15,542 I'm not... 405 00:22:15,626 --> 00:22:16,992 - [gurgling] - I'm not... 406 00:22:18,921 --> 00:22:19,957 I'm not. 407 00:22:25,719 --> 00:22:26,719 I quit. 408 00:22:35,563 --> 00:22:36,804 [rubbing hands] 409 00:23:16,437 --> 00:23:17,553 You were spying on me. 410 00:23:17,938 --> 00:23:19,395 Your mind plays tricks. 411 00:23:20,107 --> 00:23:21,314 What do you have against me? 412 00:23:21,400 --> 00:23:22,982 Why stop speaking when I enter a room? 413 00:23:23,444 --> 00:23:25,561 You'll speak now, or I'll slit your throat. 414 00:23:25,654 --> 00:23:26,654 [growling] 415 00:23:26,822 --> 00:23:29,986 If you feel aggrieved, take it up with my niece. 416 00:23:30,910 --> 00:23:33,823 It is not House Mo'Kai that is keeping secrets from you. 417 00:23:34,955 --> 00:23:35,955 What secrets? 418 00:23:38,250 --> 00:23:40,788 L'Rell will be angry 419 00:23:41,503 --> 00:23:42,869 I broke her trust. 420 00:23:44,089 --> 00:23:47,207 But I cannot keep this from you any longer. 421 00:24:16,080 --> 00:24:17,080 [baby cooing] 422 00:24:21,710 --> 00:24:22,710 Behold, 423 00:24:23,379 --> 00:24:26,122 the son of L'Rell and Voq. 424 00:24:47,778 --> 00:24:49,098 [L'Rell] I learned I was pregnant 425 00:24:49,154 --> 00:24:51,897 right as Voq was being transformed into a human. 426 00:24:52,700 --> 00:24:56,364 I could not activate him on Discovery while carrying a child. 427 00:24:57,121 --> 00:24:58,987 The gestation occurred ex utero. 428 00:24:59,915 --> 00:25:01,406 That is why it is so small. 429 00:25:04,712 --> 00:25:05,712 It? 430 00:25:07,381 --> 00:25:08,872 - Does he even have a name? - No. 431 00:25:09,425 --> 00:25:11,007 I have never met the child. 432 00:25:11,510 --> 00:25:13,502 The baby is a vulnerability. 433 00:25:13,595 --> 00:25:15,257 He's just a vulnerability to you? 434 00:25:17,016 --> 00:25:20,350 All these secrets and lies, to protect a failed wartime mission. 435 00:25:20,436 --> 00:25:21,802 What did you gain, L'Rell? 436 00:25:21,895 --> 00:25:24,012 You think your discovery, made moments ago, 437 00:25:24,106 --> 00:25:28,316 is somehow greater than the pain I have lived with all this time? 438 00:25:31,989 --> 00:25:32,989 Would you have told me? 439 00:25:33,365 --> 00:25:37,905 I wanted you to be able to return to a human life without obligation. 440 00:25:38,328 --> 00:25:40,194 You will not be here forever, Tyler. 441 00:25:40,289 --> 00:25:41,289 Why do say that? 442 00:25:42,166 --> 00:25:45,159 With such certainty, like you know who I am better than I do? 443 00:25:45,252 --> 00:25:47,995 I chose to be here. I'm committed to that decision. 444 00:25:48,088 --> 00:25:49,875 Why did you call Michael Burnham? 445 00:25:51,925 --> 00:25:53,445 I trusted her to notify the Federation 446 00:25:53,510 --> 00:25:55,968 that an insurrection of the High Council might be brewing. 447 00:25:56,055 --> 00:25:57,762 So, she is the only one you trust. 448 00:25:58,724 --> 00:26:03,219 That is the only reason it was that particular human woman? 449 00:26:04,021 --> 00:26:05,021 Yes. 450 00:26:06,106 --> 00:26:07,106 That is the reason. 451 00:26:14,865 --> 00:26:17,448 On my way home, I looked into one of Voq's memories. 452 00:26:18,619 --> 00:26:21,612 You and he walked across the ancestral cliffs of the Mo'Kai. 453 00:26:21,997 --> 00:26:23,033 The sun set. 454 00:26:23,123 --> 00:26:24,534 The sky dripped amethysts. 455 00:26:26,001 --> 00:26:28,835 Our love was greater than that of Kahless and Lukara. 456 00:26:32,257 --> 00:26:33,257 Voq thought so, too. 457 00:26:36,386 --> 00:26:38,093 When I stared down at that baby... 458 00:26:40,099 --> 00:26:41,590 his skin, the same as Voq's, 459 00:26:41,683 --> 00:26:43,845 the distinction that made him feel like an outsider, 460 00:26:43,936 --> 00:26:47,100 that made his life so hard, I felt like I was looking at myself. 461 00:26:47,731 --> 00:26:50,223 For the first time, the two sides of me felt whole. 462 00:26:51,068 --> 00:26:51,984 I can't be Voq. 463 00:26:51,985 --> 00:26:54,398 I can't give you back those memories of long ago. 464 00:26:56,073 --> 00:26:58,030 But I can promise you a new love story. 465 00:26:58,826 --> 00:26:59,826 I am his father... 466 00:27:01,578 --> 00:27:02,785 and I am devoted to you. 467 00:27:04,373 --> 00:27:05,614 Let's bring our son home. 468 00:27:06,750 --> 00:27:07,911 The rest will come. 469 00:27:19,513 --> 00:27:21,129 When did it first appear to him? 470 00:27:23,350 --> 00:27:26,969 It appeared to Spock the night you ran away from home. 471 00:27:28,605 --> 00:27:30,722 Logic Extremists bombed the Learning Center 472 00:27:30,816 --> 00:27:31,932 and almost killed you. 473 00:27:32,025 --> 00:27:36,065 I don't blame you for wanting to escape from Vulcan to Earth. 474 00:27:37,364 --> 00:27:39,697 I didn't make it past the outskirts of ShiKahr. 475 00:27:41,535 --> 00:27:44,027 - I still don't know how Sarek found me. - He didn't. 476 00:27:44,580 --> 00:27:45,580 That was Spock. 477 00:27:46,540 --> 00:27:52,036 We were about to alert the High Command to begin a search effort. 478 00:27:53,505 --> 00:27:56,669 And Spock walked into the room. He was still in his pajamas. 479 00:27:56,758 --> 00:27:58,499 His eyes were wide, and he said... 480 00:27:59,678 --> 00:28:01,670 that the Red Angel had visited him... 481 00:28:03,140 --> 00:28:04,972 and told him where you were. 482 00:28:06,226 --> 00:28:08,809 That's where Sarek looked, and there you were. 483 00:28:14,026 --> 00:28:17,736 Sarek and I always believed that Spock used logic 484 00:28:18,655 --> 00:28:20,146 to pinpoint your direction. 485 00:28:20,782 --> 00:28:22,648 He might've known what time you left, 486 00:28:22,743 --> 00:28:25,406 how fast you were walking, what direction you went in, 487 00:28:25,495 --> 00:28:28,704 and we just wrote the vision off as a figment of his imagination. 488 00:28:28,790 --> 00:28:29,997 But Spock never wavered. 489 00:28:31,043 --> 00:28:33,956 He said that the Red Angel was real. 490 00:28:37,591 --> 00:28:38,923 I've seen this angel, too. 491 00:28:39,801 --> 00:28:41,918 It appeared to me on our mission to the first signal. 492 00:28:42,012 --> 00:28:43,128 Were you the only one? 493 00:28:44,598 --> 00:28:45,598 Yes. 494 00:28:46,141 --> 00:28:48,258 And I wrote it off as a trick of the mind. 495 00:28:50,604 --> 00:28:53,142 And I didn't get the sense that it was nefarious. 496 00:28:56,026 --> 00:28:57,142 [Burnham scoffs] 497 00:28:57,236 --> 00:28:59,193 I cannot believe I'm talking like this. 498 00:29:00,572 --> 00:29:02,404 I'm not even sure it was real. 499 00:29:02,491 --> 00:29:03,491 It is. 500 00:29:04,034 --> 00:29:06,947 What saved you hurt your brother. 501 00:29:07,829 --> 00:29:09,821 That vision changed him forever. I... 502 00:29:10,749 --> 00:29:11,990 I watched him withdraw. 503 00:29:12,084 --> 00:29:14,952 I saw him lose trust in other people. 504 00:29:15,879 --> 00:29:18,667 I watched his openness vanish. 505 00:29:21,301 --> 00:29:22,792 It wasn't because of a vision. 506 00:29:26,682 --> 00:29:27,763 It was because of me. 507 00:29:29,476 --> 00:29:31,433 My presence was a danger to the family. 508 00:29:31,520 --> 00:29:33,637 If the Logic Extremists couldn't get to me, 509 00:29:33,730 --> 00:29:35,187 they would try to get to him. 510 00:29:36,858 --> 00:29:38,269 And he was my little shadow. 511 00:29:39,236 --> 00:29:42,229 So, I had to wound him deep enough to keep him away from me. 512 00:29:44,283 --> 00:29:45,283 What did you do? 513 00:29:52,416 --> 00:29:54,658 The fact that you're not saying anything means 514 00:29:54,751 --> 00:29:56,743 that you must have hurt him irreparably. 515 00:29:57,921 --> 00:30:00,083 Which is why us four can never get together, 516 00:30:00,173 --> 00:30:02,381 why you're always too busy to see each other. 517 00:30:03,719 --> 00:30:04,719 I'm sorry. 518 00:30:06,138 --> 00:30:07,845 I am sorry for what I did. 519 00:30:11,018 --> 00:30:12,384 What I thought I had to do. 520 00:30:16,148 --> 00:30:20,518 I've reached out so many times to make amends. 521 00:30:26,408 --> 00:30:27,408 He's not interested. 522 00:30:32,331 --> 00:30:33,697 But I won't give up on him. 523 00:30:35,709 --> 00:30:36,709 I will find him. 524 00:30:41,798 --> 00:30:42,798 No. 525 00:30:44,051 --> 00:30:45,051 I will. 526 00:31:02,944 --> 00:31:04,151 He will not know me. 527 00:31:05,197 --> 00:31:06,438 He didn't know me either. 528 00:31:12,662 --> 00:31:13,698 Uncle. 529 00:31:17,209 --> 00:31:18,209 No, no. 530 00:31:22,255 --> 00:31:24,747 I've been awaiting your arrival. 531 00:31:26,218 --> 00:31:27,675 Your son is handsome. 532 00:31:28,845 --> 00:31:31,428 But I thought he could use a little color. 533 00:31:31,932 --> 00:31:33,013 I will hunt you down 534 00:31:33,100 --> 00:31:35,934 and rip out your entrails with my bare hands. 535 00:31:36,019 --> 00:31:37,019 Doubtful. 536 00:31:37,646 --> 00:31:39,979 The paint I begged you to wipe from my face 537 00:31:40,065 --> 00:31:41,772 was swimming with sensor implants. 538 00:31:42,317 --> 00:31:44,309 They are a listening device. 539 00:31:45,112 --> 00:31:49,573 I was only hoping to eavesdrop on your political strategies. 540 00:31:50,283 --> 00:31:53,367 But I never imagined I'd learn of this. 541 00:31:53,453 --> 00:31:56,912 The High Council will not tolerate this dishonor. 542 00:31:56,998 --> 00:32:00,582 Well, I think they are more likely to condone kidnapping 543 00:32:00,669 --> 00:32:02,285 than harboring a spy. 544 00:32:02,838 --> 00:32:06,422 Your pet betrayed the Council to Commander Burnham. 545 00:32:06,967 --> 00:32:08,003 Did he not? 546 00:32:09,386 --> 00:32:11,127 What do you want? 547 00:32:11,221 --> 00:32:14,134 I'm willing to part with him and let you flee... 548 00:32:15,892 --> 00:32:19,806 in exchange for control of the Empire. 549 00:32:20,230 --> 00:32:22,313 You will agree to my terms 550 00:32:22,399 --> 00:32:24,561 and meet me at your residence. 551 00:32:37,456 --> 00:32:39,368 Saru called down, looking for you. 552 00:32:40,792 --> 00:32:41,710 You all right? 553 00:32:41,711 --> 00:32:43,451 What's wrong? Have you been crying? 554 00:32:43,920 --> 00:32:44,920 I asked first. 555 00:32:49,050 --> 00:32:52,134 [woman on PA] Attention, all personnel, the CTP exercises... 556 00:32:53,138 --> 00:32:54,138 Talk to me. 557 00:32:54,931 --> 00:32:56,388 I need a problem I can solve. 558 00:32:57,642 --> 00:32:58,560 More than you know. 559 00:32:58,561 --> 00:33:01,053 Talk to me. Haven't I been punished enough? 560 00:33:02,063 --> 00:33:04,646 What happened there was upsetting to me. I panicked. 561 00:33:05,484 --> 00:33:06,816 - Tilly? - Tilly. 562 00:33:07,569 --> 00:33:09,276 Don't ruin what we have. 563 00:33:09,362 --> 00:33:11,695 We're not defeated yet. We're not defeated yet. 564 00:33:15,160 --> 00:33:16,867 After the dark matter hit me, I... 565 00:33:19,831 --> 00:33:20,912 I started to see a... 566 00:33:23,043 --> 00:33:24,043 ghost. 567 00:33:25,337 --> 00:33:27,670 She's a girl that I knew when I was a teenager. 568 00:33:27,756 --> 00:33:29,418 Her name was May, but she's dead. 569 00:33:30,008 --> 00:33:32,466 And the May that I knew was really meek and, uh... 570 00:33:34,471 --> 00:33:36,053 goofy when you got to know her. 571 00:33:36,139 --> 00:33:39,507 But this May is different. She's, um... She's insistent. 572 00:33:40,185 --> 00:33:42,677 - She's grooming me for something. - For what? 573 00:33:42,771 --> 00:33:44,103 She hasn't said. 574 00:33:44,189 --> 00:33:45,771 Because you're ignoring me. 575 00:33:45,857 --> 00:33:47,564 And I'm getting scared. 576 00:33:48,026 --> 00:33:49,187 And we need a new plan. 577 00:33:52,072 --> 00:33:53,779 [sobbing] I am losing it, Michael. 578 00:33:55,242 --> 00:33:56,483 She's wearing me down. 579 00:33:58,370 --> 00:33:59,736 I've been avoiding Sickbay. 580 00:34:00,372 --> 00:34:03,240 But at this point, I don't know what to do. I'm desperate. 581 00:34:03,667 --> 00:34:05,909 And after today, I'm never gonna make captain. 582 00:34:07,254 --> 00:34:08,415 [May] Your eyes are dripping. 583 00:34:09,339 --> 00:34:10,671 [Tilly] 'Cause I'm crying. 584 00:34:14,636 --> 00:34:15,922 She doesn't know what crying is. 585 00:34:16,596 --> 00:34:17,596 I've got to think. 586 00:34:18,139 --> 00:34:20,756 I'll be back to talk some sense into you later. 587 00:34:24,813 --> 00:34:25,813 She left. 588 00:34:27,065 --> 00:34:29,022 How can she not know what tears are? 589 00:34:30,986 --> 00:34:31,986 That's impossible. 590 00:34:33,446 --> 00:34:35,529 Show me a teenage girl who's never cried. 591 00:34:36,533 --> 00:34:37,533 You can't. 592 00:34:38,743 --> 00:34:40,405 I know. I'm a xenoanthropologist. 593 00:34:44,332 --> 00:34:48,622 And if May were a hallucination, pulled from your subconscious, 594 00:34:48,712 --> 00:34:50,704 she'd know that emotion because you do. 595 00:34:52,465 --> 00:34:53,876 So, May is something, Tilly. 596 00:34:55,093 --> 00:34:56,755 But I don't think she's a ghost. 597 00:34:56,845 --> 00:34:57,845 Or an illusion. 598 00:34:59,889 --> 00:35:02,677 She appeared to you after the asteroid shocked you. 599 00:35:03,059 --> 00:35:04,516 But why did it shock you? 600 00:35:04,603 --> 00:35:06,094 I held a piece in my hand, 601 00:35:06,646 --> 00:35:07,646 and I wasn't zapped. 602 00:35:09,190 --> 00:35:11,477 The dark matter component of the asteroid, 603 00:35:11,568 --> 00:35:13,776 it reacts when in proximity to one thing. 604 00:35:15,071 --> 00:35:16,071 Spores. 605 00:35:16,531 --> 00:35:17,692 You don't need Sickbay. 606 00:35:20,160 --> 00:35:21,160 You need Stamets. 607 00:35:24,956 --> 00:35:26,492 [thunder crashing] 608 00:35:32,213 --> 00:35:33,294 Sign. 609 00:35:33,381 --> 00:35:35,668 I am still your chancellor. 610 00:35:35,759 --> 00:35:38,593 You are the Federation's puppet. 611 00:35:38,845 --> 00:35:40,928 Why is she such a threat to you, Kol-Sha? 612 00:35:41,014 --> 00:35:43,006 [chuckles] The female? 613 00:35:43,683 --> 00:35:45,094 She's nothing but a... 614 00:35:45,185 --> 00:35:46,926 [speaking in Klingon] 615 00:35:47,854 --> 00:35:50,096 [in English]...that lies with a human. 616 00:35:50,190 --> 00:35:52,807 If that is the gravest insult you can hurl, 617 00:35:53,068 --> 00:35:55,276 you are even less than I imagined. 618 00:35:57,030 --> 00:35:58,146 [baby crying] 619 00:35:58,239 --> 00:36:01,323 I know I am nothing to you once I have signed, 620 00:36:01,409 --> 00:36:03,617 so, be sure to kill us both, Kol-Sha. 621 00:36:04,329 --> 00:36:07,493 The one left standing will be the one who returns for you. 622 00:36:11,252 --> 00:36:12,252 [laughs] 623 00:36:15,632 --> 00:36:16,918 [grunting and shouting] 624 00:37:07,434 --> 00:37:08,925 [Tyler yelling] 625 00:37:18,069 --> 00:37:19,651 [yells] 626 00:37:37,088 --> 00:37:38,088 Enough. 627 00:37:44,304 --> 00:37:45,385 Yes. 628 00:37:45,847 --> 00:37:46,847 Feel it. 629 00:37:47,766 --> 00:37:53,137 Paralysis is spreading to your organs. 630 00:37:53,688 --> 00:37:57,682 But I will not let you suffocate until you've signed. 631 00:38:00,487 --> 00:38:03,104 Thank you for my ink. 632 00:38:05,241 --> 00:38:08,985 Now pass me that pretty little finger. 633 00:38:15,335 --> 00:38:16,416 Now... 634 00:38:17,128 --> 00:38:19,666 for my first act as chancellor... 635 00:38:21,758 --> 00:38:23,044 an execution. 636 00:38:24,427 --> 00:38:25,463 Now... 637 00:38:25,553 --> 00:38:28,637 you can watch your Voq die... 638 00:38:30,350 --> 00:38:31,350 for good. 639 00:38:31,810 --> 00:38:32,846 [rumbling] 640 00:38:36,981 --> 00:38:38,097 What is that? 641 00:39:22,986 --> 00:39:24,568 [Tyler] Why have you been spying on me? 642 00:39:24,654 --> 00:39:26,065 Don't be cranky about it. 643 00:39:26,781 --> 00:39:29,694 We have to ensure that she stays in the chancellor's seat. 644 00:39:30,410 --> 00:39:31,410 Who's "we"? 645 00:39:33,079 --> 00:39:33,997 Emperor. 646 00:39:33,998 --> 00:39:36,114 You have me confused with someone else. 647 00:39:36,833 --> 00:39:38,449 I'm Philippa Georgiou, 648 00:39:38,918 --> 00:39:41,956 retired captain of the U.S.S. Shenzhou, 649 00:39:42,463 --> 00:39:45,046 now Starfleet security consultant. 650 00:39:45,341 --> 00:39:46,798 [baby whining] 651 00:39:47,594 --> 00:39:49,631 [groans] Children are parasites. 652 00:39:49,721 --> 00:39:51,383 Ungrateful. Inconvenient. 653 00:39:51,931 --> 00:39:54,014 I had to find someone else to feed mine, 654 00:39:54,100 --> 00:39:55,966 or I would have gotten nothing done. 655 00:39:56,603 --> 00:39:58,390 I will consider that advice. 656 00:40:00,815 --> 00:40:02,022 Thank you for your help. 657 00:40:02,400 --> 00:40:03,732 Gratitude is premature, 658 00:40:04,152 --> 00:40:07,111 as long as the disemboweled leader of House Kor 659 00:40:07,780 --> 00:40:09,362 is splattered on your floor. 660 00:40:09,449 --> 00:40:11,657 [Tyler] He took our child, to force her to abdicate. 661 00:40:11,743 --> 00:40:12,950 We defended ourselves. 662 00:40:13,036 --> 00:40:15,619 Kol-Sha killed your uncle. It's an eye for an eye. 663 00:40:16,080 --> 00:40:17,840 [Georgiou] I need a word with the chancellor. 664 00:40:22,962 --> 00:40:24,419 Every minute you remain here, 665 00:40:24,505 --> 00:40:28,590 your councilors must reorganize their tiny male brains 666 00:40:28,676 --> 00:40:32,044 to rationalize why it isn't them standing on the dais. 667 00:40:32,722 --> 00:40:35,806 They will assume that all your decisions are Tyler's. 668 00:40:37,101 --> 00:40:38,387 He is a liability. 669 00:40:39,604 --> 00:40:40,604 Can you kill him? 670 00:40:43,441 --> 00:40:44,441 I had to ask. 671 00:40:44,484 --> 00:40:45,484 [baby crying] 672 00:40:46,110 --> 00:40:47,646 He is a liability, too. 673 00:40:48,571 --> 00:40:52,110 You can't show weakness when it comes to either one of them. 674 00:40:52,200 --> 00:40:54,362 I will not choose between the chancellorship 675 00:40:54,452 --> 00:40:56,068 and my son and his father. 676 00:40:56,162 --> 00:40:59,621 I told you what I am here to protect. 677 00:41:01,793 --> 00:41:04,001 I am not giving you a choice. 678 00:41:10,093 --> 00:41:11,300 Sorry I didn't tell you. 679 00:41:12,136 --> 00:41:13,136 I am sorry, too. 680 00:41:14,222 --> 00:41:17,181 Thanks to Burnham's insights, we are closer to a solution. 681 00:41:18,017 --> 00:41:20,851 And getting you back into the Command Training Program. 682 00:41:23,272 --> 00:41:24,683 What about Captain Pike? 683 00:41:24,774 --> 00:41:27,892 I am not familiar enough with him to anticipate his reaction, 684 00:41:27,986 --> 00:41:30,945 but I do know that he has a sense of humor... 685 00:41:31,906 --> 00:41:33,022 and he is fond of you. 686 00:41:33,116 --> 00:41:35,233 We should have results in one second. 687 00:41:37,036 --> 00:41:39,744 [May] I told you, he was shorter, blonder, 688 00:41:39,831 --> 00:41:40,831 whiter... 689 00:41:41,207 --> 00:41:43,039 There he is. That's the captain. 690 00:41:43,418 --> 00:41:44,829 - No, he's not. - Yes, he is. 691 00:41:45,336 --> 00:41:47,398 - That's where he flies. - [Stamets] What's going on? 692 00:41:47,422 --> 00:41:49,379 She's back. She's pissed. Maybe at you. 693 00:41:49,465 --> 00:41:52,173 - Hurry. - Don't talk until I tell you what to say. 694 00:41:52,260 --> 00:41:54,126 [Stamets] Just as I suspected. 695 00:41:54,220 --> 00:41:56,303 You are hosting a eukaryotic organism. 696 00:41:56,389 --> 00:41:57,425 A fungus? 697 00:41:57,515 --> 00:42:00,474 Obviously multicellular, since it has opinions. 698 00:42:00,560 --> 00:42:03,928 Fungus. Don't you dare diminish me. Don't you dare diminish me. 699 00:42:04,022 --> 00:42:06,142 Anyone who works around the spore drive is inoculated. 700 00:42:06,232 --> 00:42:07,564 How did she contract it? 701 00:42:07,650 --> 00:42:10,563 It's possible that a spore evolved a resistance. 702 00:42:10,653 --> 00:42:12,895 - Like bacteria. - Don't you call me bacteria. 703 00:42:12,989 --> 00:42:15,697 Or it's a different spore than ones we harvest here. 704 00:42:16,284 --> 00:42:18,401 When Discovery escaped the Terran universe, 705 00:42:18,494 --> 00:42:20,486 their spores rained down on Engineering. 706 00:42:22,290 --> 00:42:24,202 If one attached itself to you... 707 00:42:31,799 --> 00:42:33,540 - Hey, May. - Is that her? 708 00:42:33,634 --> 00:42:36,718 He's the villain. Don't let him poison you against me. 709 00:42:36,804 --> 00:42:40,297 [Stamets] There's our hitchhiker. A multidimensional fungal parasite. 710 00:42:40,391 --> 00:42:42,849 Why does it appear as someone I knew as a teenager? 711 00:42:43,394 --> 00:42:44,851 Brain manipulation, perhaps? 712 00:42:45,104 --> 00:42:46,265 These people are lying. 713 00:42:46,355 --> 00:42:48,017 I am not a manipulator. 714 00:42:48,733 --> 00:42:49,849 You're special, Tilly. 715 00:42:49,942 --> 00:42:51,058 You're my only chance. 716 00:42:51,819 --> 00:42:52,819 I need you. 717 00:42:56,407 --> 00:42:58,093 - How do we get rid of it? - [Stamets] We use 718 00:42:58,117 --> 00:43:01,531 the attraction between the fungal spores and the dark-matter asteroid 719 00:43:01,621 --> 00:43:02,782 to suck her out of you. 720 00:43:03,372 --> 00:43:04,954 This might hurt a bit. 721 00:43:05,666 --> 00:43:06,998 [shouting] 722 00:43:07,877 --> 00:43:11,086 If you think you can destroy me, captain, you're in for a fight. 723 00:43:12,632 --> 00:43:13,668 [screams] 724 00:43:14,550 --> 00:43:15,550 Ow. 725 00:43:23,434 --> 00:43:24,434 [squealing] 726 00:43:29,148 --> 00:43:31,891 Security breach by unknown alien species in Engineering. 727 00:43:31,984 --> 00:43:34,351 Engage quarantine protocol Alpha-Omega. 728 00:43:37,281 --> 00:43:43,619 [L'Rell in Klingon] I had a child. Voq was the father. 729 00:43:43,704 --> 00:43:48,995 I made the human my Torchbearer to honor Voq. 730 00:43:51,045 --> 00:43:53,287 I can no longer say his name... 731 00:43:54,257 --> 00:43:56,920 [in English] such was the dishonor he brought. 732 00:43:58,302 --> 00:44:01,795 Secretly, he communicated with the Federation. 733 00:44:02,682 --> 00:44:05,925 He told them we are disunited and therefore weak. 734 00:44:07,019 --> 00:44:09,102 He betrayed us. 735 00:44:10,648 --> 00:44:13,391 Lest anyone think my arrangement with the human 736 00:44:13,484 --> 00:44:16,397 outweighs my loyalty to the empire, 737 00:44:16,487 --> 00:44:17,487 think again. 738 00:44:21,826 --> 00:44:23,613 [Klingons shouting] 739 00:44:24,787 --> 00:44:27,245 The traitor slaughtered a Klingon infant. 740 00:44:28,749 --> 00:44:29,749 My son. 741 00:44:32,086 --> 00:44:33,247 [Klingons shouting] 742 00:44:35,506 --> 00:44:37,919 He would've assassinated your chancellor, 743 00:44:38,009 --> 00:44:39,591 had Kol-Sha not intervened. 744 00:44:40,303 --> 00:44:43,967 The leader of House Kor gave his life to defend mine. 745 00:44:44,682 --> 00:44:46,093 [Klingons shouting] 746 00:44:50,938 --> 00:44:53,271 One house defending another. 747 00:44:54,483 --> 00:44:57,271 His sacrifice is a lesson to us all. 748 00:44:58,279 --> 00:44:59,895 I, too, have sacrificed. 749 00:45:02,992 --> 00:45:05,985 I will bear a child but once. 750 00:45:11,584 --> 00:45:12,584 Now... 751 00:45:13,836 --> 00:45:15,327 you are my children, 752 00:45:15,880 --> 00:45:18,714 as I raise this family to greatness. 753 00:45:19,926 --> 00:45:22,384 Do not refer to me as chancellor, 754 00:45:23,137 --> 00:45:25,845 for I deserve a fiercer title. 755 00:45:27,141 --> 00:45:30,555 From this point forth, you may call me... 756 00:45:31,604 --> 00:45:32,520 Mother. 757 00:45:32,521 --> 00:45:34,057 [Klingons shouting] 758 00:46:19,860 --> 00:46:21,067 [baby cooing] 759 00:46:26,575 --> 00:46:27,575 You synthesized our heads 760 00:46:27,660 --> 00:46:29,500 down to their neural mapping and genetic codes. 761 00:46:30,621 --> 00:46:32,362 This isn't everyday Federation espionage. 762 00:46:32,456 --> 00:46:34,698 What kind of organization could pull that off? 763 00:46:35,334 --> 00:46:36,575 [Georgiou] This kind. 764 00:46:38,337 --> 00:46:39,337 Section 31. 765 00:46:41,007 --> 00:46:43,124 I've heard of black badges, never seen one. 766 00:46:45,636 --> 00:46:47,476 [Georgiou] We settled into orbit around Boreth. 767 00:46:47,555 --> 00:46:50,389 Are you sure you want your boy to become a monk? 768 00:46:50,474 --> 00:46:51,474 [Georgiou scoffs] 769 00:46:52,143 --> 00:46:53,304 It's what L'Rell wants. 770 00:46:53,936 --> 00:46:54,854 And you? 771 00:46:54,855 --> 00:46:59,099 To know where I belong, and to whom, and who belongs to me. 772 00:47:01,110 --> 00:47:03,727 My son will be raised by devout followers of Kahless. 773 00:47:04,572 --> 00:47:06,188 No one leaves the monastery. 774 00:47:06,949 --> 00:47:08,906 No one who doesn't belong ever gets in. 775 00:47:09,577 --> 00:47:10,738 Not even his parents? 776 00:47:11,537 --> 00:47:12,537 He'll never know me. 777 00:47:14,832 --> 00:47:16,164 Never know L'Rell, either. 778 00:47:18,085 --> 00:47:19,085 But he'll be safe. 779 00:47:26,469 --> 00:47:28,269 [Georgiou] You should consider staying around. 780 00:47:29,513 --> 00:47:31,880 Our command believes misfits have merit, 781 00:47:32,308 --> 00:47:33,515 so, we keep busy. 782 00:47:33,601 --> 00:47:36,890 I'm surprised you call yourself a misfit, emperor. 783 00:47:37,480 --> 00:47:38,687 The freaks are more fun. 784 00:47:44,904 --> 00:47:46,190 [Leland] Take us to warp. 785 00:47:52,370 --> 00:47:54,202 Control values his skill set. 786 00:47:55,456 --> 00:47:58,324 We would like you to work on your recruitment speech. 787 00:47:58,709 --> 00:47:59,825 Don't give me notes. 788 00:48:00,378 --> 00:48:01,378 He's in.