1 00:00:15,098 --> 00:00:17,434 [male voice in Klingon] They are coming. 2 00:00:21,480 --> 00:00:23,440 Atom by atom... 3 00:00:24,858 --> 00:00:27,444 they will coil around us... 4 00:00:29,029 --> 00:00:32,657 and take all that we are. 5 00:00:32,741 --> 00:00:36,786 There is one way to confront this threat. 6 00:00:38,038 --> 00:00:42,542 By reuniting the 24 warring houses 7 00:00:42,625 --> 00:00:45,253 of our own empire. 8 00:00:46,588 --> 00:00:49,716 We have forgotten the Unforgettable... 9 00:00:50,801 --> 00:00:53,846 the last to unify our tribes: 10 00:00:54,387 --> 00:00:56,139 Kahless. 11 00:00:57,057 --> 00:00:59,559 Together, under one creed... 12 00:01:00,560 --> 00:01:03,104 remain Klingon! 13 00:01:03,188 --> 00:01:05,649 [all shouting] Remain Klingon! 14 00:01:06,107 --> 00:01:12,781 That is why we light our beacon this day. 15 00:01:14,199 --> 00:01:19,454 To assemble our people. 16 00:01:20,038 --> 00:01:26,169 To lock arms against those whose fatal greeting is... 17 00:01:28,463 --> 00:01:31,633 [in English] "We come in peace." 18 00:01:37,347 --> 00:01:39,725 [woman 1] We come in peace. That's why we're here. 19 00:01:39,808 --> 00:01:43,353 -Isn't that the whole idea of Starfleet? -[woman 2] Hey, I taught you that. 20 00:01:43,437 --> 00:01:44,605 [woman 1] Don't trust me, Captain? 21 00:01:44,688 --> 00:01:46,440 [woman 2] I trust you with my life, Commander Burnham. 22 00:01:46,523 --> 00:01:48,984 But it doesn't change the fact that you're lost. 23 00:01:50,151 --> 00:01:50,985 Very lost. 24 00:01:52,237 --> 00:01:54,072 Technically, we would be lost. 25 00:01:55,157 --> 00:01:57,993 How long until that storm comes crashing down on us? 26 00:01:58,284 --> 00:02:00,954 I estimate one hour, 17 minutes, 22 seconds. 27 00:02:02,039 --> 00:02:04,374 Which is why I've made sure we're not lost. 28 00:02:05,834 --> 00:02:08,170 The map says the well's this way, Captain. 29 00:02:11,381 --> 00:02:13,300 This drought's gonna last 89 years. 30 00:02:13,884 --> 00:02:16,720 The Crepusculans are facing extinction as a species. 31 00:02:17,429 --> 00:02:18,680 See those egg sacs? 32 00:02:19,097 --> 00:02:20,557 Those are their offspring. 33 00:02:20,641 --> 00:02:24,061 [captain] They've survived here for over a thousand years, Michael. 34 00:02:24,144 --> 00:02:27,897 [Burnham] If we don't do something, they won't live another thousand hours. 35 00:02:27,981 --> 00:02:30,358 The radiation from a nearby meteor-drilling accident 36 00:02:30,441 --> 00:02:32,026 dried out their water table. 37 00:02:32,110 --> 00:02:36,030 If we get in and out without contact, we can steer clear of General Order 1. 38 00:02:36,114 --> 00:02:38,283 [exhales] And there is the well. 39 00:02:38,992 --> 00:02:40,744 [captain] I stand corrected. 40 00:02:41,494 --> 00:02:44,372 -[Burnham] Ye of little faith. -[captain] Never had a doubt. 41 00:02:45,541 --> 00:02:47,543 Tell me what I need to break through this bedrock. 42 00:02:47,626 --> 00:02:50,587 Point-seven-second field burst at level setting 13.5. 43 00:03:03,641 --> 00:03:06,186 -[thunder crashes in distance] -[low rumbling] 44 00:03:18,573 --> 00:03:19,657 [communicator chirps] 45 00:03:19,741 --> 00:03:22,285 Georgiou to Shenzhou: two to transport. 46 00:03:24,829 --> 00:03:26,456 [thunder crashing nearby] 47 00:03:26,540 --> 00:03:28,500 [Burnham] The storm is faster than I thought. 48 00:03:28,834 --> 00:03:30,711 The ship won't pick up our signatures. 49 00:03:30,794 --> 00:03:35,174 Unless we can contact Lieutenant Saru, we could be trapped here until it's over. 50 00:03:35,257 --> 00:03:36,258 Let's take a walk. 51 00:03:41,054 --> 00:03:43,306 [creature chittering] 52 00:03:56,110 --> 00:03:58,446 [low chittering] 53 00:04:05,536 --> 00:04:07,288 [water splashing] 54 00:04:08,998 --> 00:04:11,668 [Georgiou] Follow my footsteps, Michael. Even lines. 55 00:04:12,044 --> 00:04:14,129 [Burnham] Why? Captain, where are we going? 56 00:04:14,213 --> 00:04:16,423 [Georgiou] It's your turn to trust me, Number One. 57 00:04:16,506 --> 00:04:18,132 [Burnham] Now we're really lost. 58 00:04:18,509 --> 00:04:21,053 We're too small to be seen with the naked eye. 59 00:04:21,136 --> 00:04:22,804 And you can't set a course without a star. 60 00:04:24,097 --> 00:04:26,183 Is it wise to be heading away from the village? 61 00:04:26,266 --> 00:04:30,229 [Georgiou] It's hard to imagine you've served under me for seven years. 62 00:04:31,020 --> 00:04:34,774 I think it's time that we talked about you having your own command. 63 00:04:38,362 --> 00:04:39,780 I'm grateful, Captain. 64 00:04:42,449 --> 00:04:45,661 Though I would be more so if I thought we had any chance 65 00:04:45,744 --> 00:04:47,371 of ever returning to the ship. 66 00:04:48,079 --> 00:04:49,789 Just keep walking, Michael. 67 00:04:50,082 --> 00:04:53,293 What will you do if you are stuck here for 89 years? 68 00:04:53,377 --> 00:04:56,213 [Burnham] A likely scenario, unless we die here in the desert. 69 00:04:56,296 --> 00:04:57,798 But say you lived. 70 00:04:59,299 --> 00:05:02,093 As a xenoanthropologist, I could reveal myself to the natives, 71 00:05:02,177 --> 00:05:05,222 learn their culture, try to fit in, if possible. 72 00:05:06,056 --> 00:05:09,560 And you? What will you do if we're trapped here for 89 years? 73 00:05:09,642 --> 00:05:11,519 That's easy. I'd escape. 74 00:05:12,938 --> 00:05:14,481 [Burnham] These are our footprints. 75 00:05:15,106 --> 00:05:18,401 -You've walked us in a circle. -Not exactly a circle. 76 00:05:19,069 --> 00:05:20,737 [wind rushing] 77 00:05:38,880 --> 00:05:40,340 How did they find us? 78 00:05:41,257 --> 00:05:42,467 I set a star. 79 00:06:06,407 --> 00:06:08,409 [theme music playing] 80 00:07:41,920 --> 00:07:45,048 [Burnham] First officer's log, stardate 1207.3. 81 00:07:45,340 --> 00:07:49,595 On Earth, it's May 11th, 2256, a Sunday. 82 00:07:51,346 --> 00:07:52,806 The crew of the U.S.S. Shenzhou 83 00:07:52,889 --> 00:07:54,807 has been called to the edge of Federation space 84 00:07:54,891 --> 00:07:58,102 to investigate damage done to one of our interstellar relays. 85 00:07:58,854 --> 00:08:01,273 Blast burns around the hull are inconclusive. 86 00:08:01,689 --> 00:08:03,399 Were they caused by an asteroid? 87 00:08:03,566 --> 00:08:07,028 Or was it deliberately destroyed to limit Starfleet communications? 88 00:08:07,654 --> 00:08:09,281 And if so, by whom? 89 00:08:10,616 --> 00:08:13,577 Despite the risks of our mission, I remain optimistic. 90 00:08:14,036 --> 00:08:16,622 It's hard not to be, in the face of such beauty. 91 00:08:17,497 --> 00:08:20,083 In this case, a binary star system. 92 00:08:20,875 --> 00:08:22,251 Around these two suns, 93 00:08:22,336 --> 00:08:25,339 ice, dust, and gasses collide to form the planets 94 00:08:25,422 --> 00:08:27,674 future generations will call home... 95 00:08:28,175 --> 00:08:32,679 a humbling reminder that all life is born from chaos and destruction. 96 00:08:33,180 --> 00:08:34,389 [man] Based on readings, 97 00:08:34,473 --> 00:08:37,559 the relay doesn't appear to have been damaged naturally. 98 00:08:38,060 --> 00:08:39,686 I don't like the look of that. 99 00:08:40,186 --> 00:08:41,354 Well, keep looking. 100 00:08:41,438 --> 00:08:44,024 The comment was figurative. I'm expressing concern. 101 00:08:44,107 --> 00:08:46,568 Finish your scan so you can express facts instead. 102 00:08:47,277 --> 00:08:48,737 The bridge is yours, Mr. Saru. 103 00:08:49,696 --> 00:08:51,073 Yes, Commander. 104 00:08:51,822 --> 00:08:53,866 [classical music plays over speakers] 105 00:08:53,950 --> 00:08:55,076 Yes, Number One? 106 00:08:55,160 --> 00:08:57,412 Your chief science officer is worried. 107 00:08:57,496 --> 00:09:00,749 Something took a bite out of our relay. Saru thinks it was malicious. 108 00:09:00,832 --> 00:09:03,544 Saru's Kelpien. He thinks everything's malicious. 109 00:09:03,627 --> 00:09:04,545 [Burnham chuckles] 110 00:09:04,628 --> 00:09:07,089 What do you think? Any idea what it is? 111 00:09:07,172 --> 00:09:09,508 By all indications, nothing intelligent. 112 00:09:10,299 --> 00:09:13,094 -But? -Starfleet's reputation for tech hygiene 113 00:09:13,177 --> 00:09:14,011 is exemplary. 114 00:09:14,096 --> 00:09:17,641 When a relay goes down, the Federation sends a ship to fix it. 115 00:09:18,058 --> 00:09:22,563 -Someone's trying to get our attention? -If they are, they have. 116 00:09:24,982 --> 00:09:26,942 Lieutenant Saru, what do we have? 117 00:09:27,358 --> 00:09:31,112 Ah. I have taken the initiative of keeping us at maximum scanning distance 118 00:09:31,196 --> 00:09:33,156 in case of anything threatening out there. 119 00:09:33,240 --> 00:09:35,784 Yes, Number One tells me you suspect foul play. 120 00:09:35,993 --> 00:09:39,705 Well, despite the first officer's constant need to dismiss my ideas-- 121 00:09:39,788 --> 00:09:42,875 -She apparently agrees with you. -Really? 122 00:09:42,958 --> 00:09:45,294 I'm shocked as well. Ensign Connor. 123 00:09:45,377 --> 00:09:47,379 Agreement between my senior officers. 124 00:09:47,462 --> 00:09:49,715 -Note the date and time. -Noted, Captain. 125 00:09:50,257 --> 00:09:52,259 Is this amount of sarcasm necessary? 126 00:09:52,509 --> 00:09:55,012 Necessary, no. But I do like it. 127 00:09:55,971 --> 00:09:57,931 [Saru] There is something else out there. 128 00:09:58,015 --> 00:10:00,142 -What do you have? -Recalibrating sensors. 129 00:10:00,224 --> 00:10:02,310 [man] Electronic alignment in process. 130 00:10:03,937 --> 00:10:06,899 Scans are being deflected. I'm having trouble locating the source. 131 00:10:06,982 --> 00:10:10,194 So something's out there, but no one can tell where or what it is. 132 00:10:10,861 --> 00:10:12,321 [Saru] Ah, wait, I have it. 133 00:10:14,865 --> 00:10:17,868 -No. Recalibrating. -[Georgiou] Any time now, Mr. Saru. 134 00:10:17,951 --> 00:10:18,785 I have it. 135 00:10:21,245 --> 00:10:22,246 [Georgiou] Magnify. 136 00:10:22,497 --> 00:10:24,208 Is that what damaged our relay? 137 00:10:24,791 --> 00:10:25,959 What am I looking at? 138 00:10:27,711 --> 00:10:29,338 Object of unknown origin. 139 00:10:29,963 --> 00:10:33,300 -Let's get more specific. -I'm unable to bring it into focus. 140 00:10:33,383 --> 00:10:34,218 [Georgiou] Number One? 141 00:10:35,469 --> 00:10:39,431 Range is 2000 kilometers, bearing 358, mark 269. 142 00:10:39,515 --> 00:10:42,768 Roughly 150 meters long, tucked into that accretion disk. 143 00:10:42,851 --> 00:10:46,021 Almost directly below us. It's in a sensor dead zone. 144 00:10:46,813 --> 00:10:50,150 A scattering field is confounding the ship's ability to translate the image. 145 00:10:50,524 --> 00:10:52,193 As science officer, 146 00:10:52,653 --> 00:10:55,989 I can provide a far more concrete and in-depth analysis 147 00:10:56,073 --> 00:10:59,243 than simply reading data off a monitor. But... 148 00:10:59,326 --> 00:11:02,287 considering it's scrambling our optical processors, 149 00:11:02,371 --> 00:11:04,289 how are we going to be able to see it? 150 00:11:09,002 --> 00:11:10,170 Thoughts, Number One? 151 00:11:11,213 --> 00:11:14,341 With such little data, I'd prefer not to speculate. 152 00:11:15,007 --> 00:11:15,925 I will. 153 00:11:16,008 --> 00:11:17,009 It's lurking. 154 00:11:17,261 --> 00:11:19,638 The scattering field it's emitting suggests intent. 155 00:11:19,721 --> 00:11:22,724 We see something we don't understand and instantly cast judgment? 156 00:11:22,808 --> 00:11:23,684 Maybe it's lost. 157 00:11:23,767 --> 00:11:26,770 -Maybe it's afraid to show its whole self. -Hiding. 158 00:11:27,437 --> 00:11:29,022 But maybe hoping to be found. 159 00:11:30,524 --> 00:11:31,859 Here we are speculating. 160 00:11:33,275 --> 00:11:37,863 I... especially recommend we leave it alone. 161 00:11:37,948 --> 00:11:39,867 [Georgiou] I'm not sure we have much choice. 162 00:11:40,325 --> 00:11:41,577 We can't lock on to it. 163 00:11:41,867 --> 00:11:44,870 And we don't have a shuttle maneuverable enough to navigate the ring. 164 00:11:44,955 --> 00:11:48,375 I'll go. All I need is a thruster pack. 165 00:11:48,791 --> 00:11:51,293 With the levels of radiation kicking off those binaries, 166 00:11:51,378 --> 00:11:55,257 she'll have 20 minutes until her DNA starts to unravel like noodles. 167 00:11:55,340 --> 00:11:56,383 "Like noodles." 168 00:11:56,466 --> 00:11:58,886 I'll be back in 19. A flyby. 169 00:11:58,969 --> 00:12:01,680 It seems a waste of resources. What will be gained? 170 00:12:01,763 --> 00:12:05,184 You understand, being afraid of everything means you learn nothing. 171 00:12:05,599 --> 00:12:08,310 There's no opportunity to discover, to explore. 172 00:12:08,394 --> 00:12:11,313 And here I thought we were doing a deep-space relay audit. 173 00:12:11,856 --> 00:12:12,940 You're both right. 174 00:12:13,525 --> 00:12:15,652 -Saru, go with her. -[both] Captain? 175 00:12:15,736 --> 00:12:18,864 Best to keep variables to a minimum. Wouldn't want to put my colleague at risk. 176 00:12:19,280 --> 00:12:22,450 And you, Mr. Saru? Are you equally happy not to be put at risk? 177 00:12:22,992 --> 00:12:24,535 Oh, on any occasion, Captain. 178 00:12:26,622 --> 00:12:30,417 You realize once you reach that scattering field, 179 00:12:30,501 --> 00:12:32,753 you could be cut off from all communication. 180 00:12:32,836 --> 00:12:34,671 We've come all this way, Captain. 181 00:12:35,380 --> 00:12:39,051 It would be irresponsible to leave whatever that is unknown. 182 00:12:40,092 --> 00:12:41,177 Just a flyby. 183 00:12:43,888 --> 00:12:44,972 Just a flyby. 184 00:12:46,475 --> 00:12:49,311 [computer] Commencing airlock depressurization sequence. 185 00:12:51,772 --> 00:12:53,941 Commander Burnham, this is Ensign Danby Connor. 186 00:12:54,525 --> 00:12:57,569 On behalf of Captain Georgiou, and the crew of the U.S.S. Shenzhou , 187 00:12:57,653 --> 00:12:59,905 we'd like to welcome you to Flight 819, 188 00:12:59,988 --> 00:13:02,324 with non-stop service to the object of unknown origin. 189 00:13:02,407 --> 00:13:05,369 The temperature is a brisk minus-260 degrees Celsius. 190 00:13:05,452 --> 00:13:08,497 We are forecasting mild debris, but anticipate a smooth ride. 191 00:13:16,128 --> 00:13:17,046 [comm chirps] 192 00:13:17,129 --> 00:13:18,506 This is Commander Burnham. 193 00:13:19,049 --> 00:13:22,678 Commencing reconnaissance mission to field void an unknown object. 194 00:13:22,928 --> 00:13:24,805 Data collection is on and nominal. 195 00:13:25,639 --> 00:13:26,849 All lights are green. 196 00:13:27,306 --> 00:13:30,059 [man] Establishing interlink frequency with Burnham's EV. 197 00:13:30,602 --> 00:13:32,771 Channel clear, and ready to transmit. 198 00:13:32,855 --> 00:13:36,608 Confirming six-second directional thrust for saucer realignment. 199 00:13:38,068 --> 00:13:40,654 [computer] Commencing final pre-launch system checks. 200 00:13:40,737 --> 00:13:41,989 Life support: Nominal. 201 00:13:42,072 --> 00:13:44,741 Oxygen-nitrogen saturation: Nominal. 202 00:13:45,117 --> 00:13:47,244 Air pressure and flow: Nominal. 203 00:13:47,327 --> 00:13:49,413 Communication module: Active. 204 00:13:55,043 --> 00:13:58,547 Filters at 0.01 percent saturation. 205 00:13:58,879 --> 00:14:02,091 -[beeps] -[electronic surges] 206 00:14:03,010 --> 00:14:04,761 [Connor] Pre-flight checklist complete. 207 00:14:13,395 --> 00:14:15,564 Computer, enable igniter. 208 00:14:16,146 --> 00:14:18,357 [computer] Ten seconds to thruster ignition. 209 00:14:18,442 --> 00:14:21,028 Ten, nine, eight, 210 00:14:21,570 --> 00:14:23,822 seven, six, five, 211 00:14:24,698 --> 00:14:28,160 -four, three, two, one. -[powering up] 212 00:14:32,998 --> 00:14:34,583 [breathing heavily] 213 00:14:40,547 --> 00:14:42,341 [laughing] 214 00:14:48,013 --> 00:14:49,890 Body scan online. Heart rate 79 and rising, 215 00:14:49,973 --> 00:14:51,558 BP 130 over 70. 216 00:14:52,267 --> 00:14:54,645 -It's a little elevated for her. -She's having fun. 217 00:14:54,728 --> 00:14:56,480 [woman] Almost to the debris field, Captain. 218 00:14:56,939 --> 00:14:58,190 [Georgiou] Understood. 219 00:14:58,273 --> 00:14:59,983 Michael, watch your time. 220 00:15:00,067 --> 00:15:03,237 - 19 minutes, not a nanosecond longer. -Aye, Captain. 221 00:15:03,944 --> 00:15:05,404 [voice with static] I'm fully aware. 222 00:15:06,073 --> 00:15:08,033 -Boost signal. -Unable to comply. 223 00:15:08,200 --> 00:15:10,035 The scattering field must be interfering with comms. 224 00:15:10,661 --> 00:15:12,621 Mission clock at 17 minutes, 30 seconds. 225 00:15:12,704 --> 00:15:14,706 Interference is starting to degrade resolution. 226 00:15:14,790 --> 00:15:17,042 Routing power to subspace antenna. 227 00:15:24,550 --> 00:15:25,843 Shenzhou, do you copy? 228 00:15:25,926 --> 00:15:27,636 [computer] Distance to object, 1000 kilometers. 229 00:15:27,719 --> 00:15:28,679 Shenzhou , do you copy? 230 00:15:28,762 --> 00:15:30,389 [computer] Implementing course correction. 231 00:15:33,642 --> 00:15:34,685 [breathing heavily] 232 00:15:47,489 --> 00:15:48,407 Hello. 233 00:15:50,200 --> 00:15:52,119 Shenzhou, are you able to see this? 234 00:15:53,662 --> 00:15:55,831 Michael, can you hear me? Acknowledge. 235 00:15:56,956 --> 00:16:01,293 -Michael, can you hear me? Acknowledge. -[Connor] There's too much interference. 236 00:16:01,378 --> 00:16:02,838 Shenzhou, do you copy? 237 00:16:05,507 --> 00:16:07,259 Data collection unit, you there? 238 00:16:07,341 --> 00:16:09,593 -[computer] Internal computer online. -Good. 239 00:16:10,386 --> 00:16:13,138 -Mission time? -[computer] Twelve minutes, 58 seconds. 240 00:16:15,642 --> 00:16:17,269 Plenty of time to take a peek. 241 00:16:18,103 --> 00:16:20,772 Even from this distance, it's clearly not debris. 242 00:16:21,647 --> 00:16:24,358 Twelve minutes and 48 seconds until maximum exposure. 243 00:16:24,693 --> 00:16:28,030 Commander is less than ten meters from the edge of the scattering field. 244 00:16:28,989 --> 00:16:30,616 [Burnham] I can't remember who said sculptures 245 00:16:30,699 --> 00:16:32,784 are crystallized spirituality... 246 00:16:33,617 --> 00:16:34,868 Headlamp. 247 00:16:34,952 --> 00:16:36,286 ...but I see what they meant. 248 00:16:36,370 --> 00:16:37,705 This is Burnham in the blind. 249 00:16:37,789 --> 00:16:39,917 I'm above the object, which is old. 250 00:16:41,376 --> 00:16:42,461 Centuries old. 251 00:16:42,836 --> 00:16:45,964 It's difficult to tell if it was constructed or carved. 252 00:16:47,633 --> 00:16:52,221 The only word to effectively describe it is... "wow." 253 00:16:54,389 --> 00:16:55,891 But I'll try to be more precise. 254 00:16:56,433 --> 00:17:00,604 Its surface has the appearance of stone, with an exoskeleton of metal alloy. 255 00:17:03,732 --> 00:17:05,150 Incredibly intricate. 256 00:17:05,734 --> 00:17:08,987 The construction and design are nothing short of astounding. 257 00:17:10,197 --> 00:17:12,241 I wish you could see what I'm seeing. 258 00:17:12,950 --> 00:17:14,034 It is sublime. 259 00:17:18,495 --> 00:17:20,873 It's impossible to discern a practical purpose. 260 00:17:22,501 --> 00:17:24,419 I'm going to land on it, get a closer look. 261 00:17:28,340 --> 00:17:29,550 Nice and easy. 262 00:17:33,762 --> 00:17:37,266 Hold on. My presence has triggered some sort of motion response. 263 00:17:51,446 --> 00:17:54,491 [computer] Mission countdown: ten minutes, 15 seconds. 264 00:17:57,578 --> 00:18:00,372 Warning: Proximity alert. 265 00:18:02,457 --> 00:18:03,417 [Burnham gasps] 266 00:18:11,175 --> 00:18:13,093 Scanning for database recognition. 267 00:18:13,177 --> 00:18:15,804 Iconography confirmed. Klingon. 268 00:18:17,723 --> 00:18:19,099 I'm Commander Burnham... 269 00:18:20,392 --> 00:18:23,312 -of the United Federation of-- -[growls] 270 00:18:25,354 --> 00:18:26,855 [Klingon roars] 271 00:18:34,113 --> 00:18:37,866 Still no sign of Commander Burnham. Mission clock runs out in 15 seconds. 272 00:18:37,950 --> 00:18:41,453 -[man] Still too much interference. -[static burst] 273 00:18:42,956 --> 00:18:45,959 I have Number One. Telemetry only. Blood pressure is 70 and falling. 274 00:18:46,043 --> 00:18:49,254 -She won't make it unless we get her now. -Transporter. Do we have her, Mr. Weeton? 275 00:18:49,338 --> 00:18:53,008 -Pattern integrity's too weak. -Saru, get a lock, boost her signal. 276 00:18:53,091 --> 00:18:55,802 -Captain, there is no signal. -You better get me a signal. 277 00:18:57,346 --> 00:18:59,681 -Remotely fire her jetpack. -[robot] She's offline. 278 00:18:59,765 --> 00:19:02,017 -She's floating free. -Engineering, tractor beam? 279 00:19:02,100 --> 00:19:04,394 Can't get a lock. Running calculations. 280 00:19:04,478 --> 00:19:08,398 The scattering field is still a problem. We can't transport her until she clears. 281 00:19:08,899 --> 00:19:11,818 [woman] She'll soon exhibit symptoms of acute radiation syndrome. 282 00:19:11,902 --> 00:19:13,862 [Connor] She's not gonna last much longer. 283 00:19:14,571 --> 00:19:15,656 Hang on. 284 00:19:19,785 --> 00:19:22,621 [Connor] Commander Burnham, this is Shenzhou. Please respond. 285 00:19:22,703 --> 00:19:24,538 - [alarm beeping] -Commander Burnham? 286 00:19:25,207 --> 00:19:26,667 Commander, please respond. 287 00:19:27,501 --> 00:19:29,127 Shenzhou to Commander Burnham. 288 00:19:29,920 --> 00:19:32,339 Commander, do you read? Please respond. 289 00:19:39,636 --> 00:19:44,725 [male voice in Klingon] Witness our brother, our torchbearer, 290 00:19:44,808 --> 00:19:50,022 killed by the Federation interloper on our sacred beacon. 291 00:19:56,820 --> 00:20:00,866 I see you as you see the end. 292 00:20:02,284 --> 00:20:06,872 Our Torchbearer honors us... 293 00:20:07,414 --> 00:20:14,379 first to die in our crusade for self-preservation. 294 00:20:46,663 --> 00:20:50,334 [all screaming] 295 00:20:59,967 --> 00:21:06,515 Our ancestors welcome our fallen brother, Rejac, 296 00:21:06,598 --> 00:21:08,642 to their Black Fleet. 297 00:21:09,309 --> 00:21:13,730 They fight with us, 298 00:21:13,815 --> 00:21:19,321 as we fight against our enemy. 299 00:21:20,404 --> 00:21:23,782 Remain Klingon! 300 00:21:24,201 --> 00:21:26,495 [all shouting] Remain Klingon! 301 00:21:28,121 --> 00:21:29,414 [indistinct chattering] 302 00:21:32,291 --> 00:21:33,625 [computer] Pupil Burnham. 303 00:21:34,837 --> 00:21:35,671 Pupil Burnham. 304 00:21:36,295 --> 00:21:37,963 [overlapping chatter] 305 00:21:45,472 --> 00:21:47,599 [computer] Klingon social order rests upon? 306 00:21:48,056 --> 00:21:50,726 -Inviolable honor/shame dynamic. -[computer] Correct. 307 00:21:50,809 --> 00:21:52,477 Klingon homeworld, Qo'noS. 308 00:21:52,563 --> 00:21:54,857 -Unwelcoming to the Federation. - Correct. 309 00:21:54,940 --> 00:21:58,110 - Klingon political order. -Twenty-four great houses. 310 00:21:58,193 --> 00:22:02,239 Correct. Location of the most recent Klingon terror raid. 311 00:22:03,866 --> 00:22:04,700 [buzzer beeps] 312 00:22:04,783 --> 00:22:07,828 Unacceptable duration between query and correct response. 313 00:22:08,493 --> 00:22:11,705 Number of survivors at the human-Vulcan science outpost 314 00:22:11,790 --> 00:22:13,000 at Doctari Alpha. 315 00:22:13,667 --> 00:22:14,626 [buzzer beeps] 316 00:22:14,710 --> 00:22:18,463 Unacceptable duration between query and correct response. 317 00:22:18,545 --> 00:22:21,006 Number of survivors at Doctari Alpha. 318 00:22:21,091 --> 00:22:23,635 -No. -[buzzer beeps] Unacceptable response. 319 00:22:23,719 --> 00:22:25,095 - Number of survivors... -Please. 320 00:22:25,177 --> 00:22:28,347 [echoing, overlapping] Number of survivors... 321 00:22:28,432 --> 00:22:29,266 Stop. 322 00:22:30,182 --> 00:22:31,433 Program paused. 323 00:22:36,899 --> 00:22:37,733 Sarek. 324 00:22:38,899 --> 00:22:41,360 I'm sorry. I can do better. 325 00:22:41,528 --> 00:22:44,156 When emotion brings us ghosts from the past, 326 00:22:44,239 --> 00:22:47,159 only logic can root us in the present. 327 00:22:47,242 --> 00:22:49,119 Maybe I can try to learn Vulcan... 328 00:22:49,453 --> 00:22:51,246 to be quicker with my answers. 329 00:22:51,955 --> 00:22:53,999 Your human tongue is not the problem. 330 00:22:54,416 --> 00:22:56,084 It is your human heart. 331 00:23:00,214 --> 00:23:01,048 [gasps] 332 00:23:07,552 --> 00:23:09,346 [man] Good. You're awake. 333 00:23:10,015 --> 00:23:11,058 I was dreaming. 334 00:23:11,892 --> 00:23:13,227 Oh? What about? 335 00:23:14,393 --> 00:23:15,227 Klingons. 336 00:23:16,478 --> 00:23:17,479 How did I get here? 337 00:23:18,941 --> 00:23:21,151 We transported you back aboard three hours ago. 338 00:23:22,442 --> 00:23:23,652 [Burnham] Three hours? 339 00:23:24,069 --> 00:23:25,987 [computer] Antiproton therapy regimen incomplete. 340 00:23:26,071 --> 00:23:28,407 -[man] What are you doing? -Session terminated prematurely. 341 00:23:28,490 --> 00:23:30,117 - Medical emergency. -There's no time. 342 00:23:30,202 --> 00:23:33,622 Wait, the recombination process is nowhere near finished. 343 00:23:33,705 --> 00:23:35,624 I need you back in the chamber. 344 00:23:35,707 --> 00:23:38,252 Do you understand the effect of genetic unspooling? 345 00:23:38,335 --> 00:23:40,838 You don't wanna die that way. Commander! 346 00:23:41,670 --> 00:23:44,923 Binaries are kicking serious QEs up and down the spectrum. 347 00:23:45,006 --> 00:23:47,634 [Connor] Targeting gets hot, but I can't tell what I'm grabbing onto. 348 00:23:47,719 --> 00:23:50,305 -I wanna know what's out there. -Okay, let's go around again. 349 00:23:50,389 --> 00:23:52,307 -By the numbers. -[Burnham] What's going on? 350 00:23:53,809 --> 00:23:55,853 Number One, you should be in sickbay. 351 00:23:56,436 --> 00:23:57,271 What? 352 00:23:57,602 --> 00:24:00,063 -Have they made contact? -Who's "they"? 353 00:24:00,147 --> 00:24:02,566 There are Klingons out there. We need to go to red alert. 354 00:24:02,649 --> 00:24:03,525 [Georgiou] Michael... 355 00:24:06,194 --> 00:24:09,072 Almost no one has seen a Klingon in a hundred years. 356 00:24:09,157 --> 00:24:12,327 I have. One attacked me on that object. Check my helmet cam. 357 00:24:12,870 --> 00:24:15,581 -The footage was corrupted. -[Saru] Sensors show the commander 358 00:24:15,664 --> 00:24:17,499 entered the bridge in an irradiated state. 359 00:24:17,581 --> 00:24:21,209 Without immediate treatment, her condition will certainly be terminal. 360 00:24:21,293 --> 00:24:23,503 He was... warrior caste. 361 00:24:23,589 --> 00:24:26,049 His EV suit bore a Klingon house insignia. 362 00:24:26,133 --> 00:24:28,468 -She also has a grade 3 concussion. -I'm not delusional. 363 00:24:28,552 --> 00:24:31,638 This has nothing to do with a concussion. Philippa... 364 00:24:33,847 --> 00:24:34,973 there are Klingons. 365 00:24:40,439 --> 00:24:41,398 Red alert. 366 00:24:42,733 --> 00:24:43,942 [alarm wailing] 367 00:24:46,528 --> 00:24:48,697 -Tell me what happened. -He ambushed me. 368 00:24:49,362 --> 00:24:53,158 I hit my thruster pack to get away. I knocked him into his blade. 369 00:24:53,994 --> 00:24:54,870 I killed him. 370 00:24:57,037 --> 00:25:00,916 That object could hide a raiding party obscured behind that scattering field. 371 00:25:01,001 --> 00:25:03,962 If there are Klingons in this sector, they may be responsible 372 00:25:04,046 --> 00:25:06,089 for the damage to our relay. 373 00:25:06,463 --> 00:25:09,966 If there are Klingons in this sector, we should withdraw, immediately. 374 00:25:10,052 --> 00:25:13,347 This is Federation space. Retreat is not an option. 375 00:25:15,641 --> 00:25:18,018 Whatever is over there needs to show itself. 376 00:25:18,393 --> 00:25:21,522 If it's hiding Klingons, we've got to flush them out. 377 00:25:22,022 --> 00:25:24,233 Target phase cannons on the object. 378 00:25:26,818 --> 00:25:29,988 We cannot destroy another culture's property on a whim. 379 00:25:30,072 --> 00:25:31,740 I didn't say anything about destroying it. 380 00:25:31,823 --> 00:25:34,201 Let's make them think we're going to attack. 381 00:25:34,533 --> 00:25:35,492 Target the object. 382 00:25:36,995 --> 00:25:38,121 [man] We're locked on. 383 00:25:39,081 --> 00:25:40,374 Something is scanning us. 384 00:25:40,622 --> 00:25:42,165 They've detected our weapon signature. 385 00:25:43,544 --> 00:25:44,378 Wait. 386 00:25:58,767 --> 00:25:59,893 [robot] Impossible. 387 00:25:59,977 --> 00:26:03,814 -[man] No warp signatures detected. -[Georgiou] Then where did they come from? 388 00:26:04,314 --> 00:26:06,859 Mr. Gant, disengage phase cannon targeting. 389 00:26:08,694 --> 00:26:09,945 Number One, get to sickbay. 390 00:26:10,028 --> 00:26:12,698 I need you fixed up and back on the bridge, stat. 391 00:26:13,031 --> 00:26:15,617 Mr. Januzzi, contact Starfleet Command. 392 00:26:15,701 --> 00:26:17,327 Send an encoded message. 393 00:26:17,993 --> 00:26:20,954 Tell them we have engaged the Klingons. 394 00:26:27,504 --> 00:26:30,716 [Januzzi] Unidentified Klingon vessel, this is the starship Shenzhou . 395 00:26:30,799 --> 00:26:31,675 Please, respond. 396 00:26:34,134 --> 00:26:37,137 Unidentified Klingon vessel, this is the starship Shenzhou . 397 00:26:37,220 --> 00:26:38,305 Please, respond. 398 00:26:38,471 --> 00:26:43,059 [in Klingon] All is as it is meant to be. 399 00:26:44,894 --> 00:26:48,732 Who is Rejac's next in line? 400 00:26:52,736 --> 00:26:55,822 I am his brother. Or'Eq. 401 00:26:55,905 --> 00:26:59,993 The honor falls to you to be our new Torchbearer. 402 00:27:00,410 --> 00:27:01,620 With respect... 403 00:27:03,207 --> 00:27:06,460 I find great wisdom in your teachings... 404 00:27:07,461 --> 00:27:08,295 But? 405 00:27:08,668 --> 00:27:12,213 Can you be sure our brothers and sisters will answer your call? 406 00:27:12,299 --> 00:27:15,177 They will because the prophecy commands 407 00:27:16,178 --> 00:27:19,723 all Klingons must come to the light of Kahless 408 00:27:19,804 --> 00:27:23,099 when it shines in the night sky. 409 00:27:23,224 --> 00:27:27,354 Will ships really fly across the galaxy because of a fable? 410 00:27:27,439 --> 00:27:30,025 So, you doubt? 411 00:27:30,609 --> 00:27:33,237 You dishonor... 412 00:27:34,027 --> 00:27:36,571 only yourself. 413 00:27:37,906 --> 00:27:40,909 [male voice] I will light the beacon. 414 00:27:44,373 --> 00:27:46,583 [leader] Speak your name. 415 00:27:47,209 --> 00:27:48,252 Voq. 416 00:27:49,294 --> 00:27:51,171 Son of none. 417 00:27:55,801 --> 00:27:58,011 You have no family blade of your own. 418 00:28:00,303 --> 00:28:04,849 You cannot assume the birthright of a noble house. 419 00:28:06,186 --> 00:28:07,771 You are unworthy. 420 00:28:07,855 --> 00:28:09,022 [Voq] I am worthy. 421 00:28:10,480 --> 00:28:13,066 Not by blood... 422 00:28:15,193 --> 00:28:17,195 but by faith. 423 00:28:22,784 --> 00:28:27,497 I serve the light of Kahless. 424 00:28:31,418 --> 00:28:34,129 I am reborn in his flames. 425 00:28:50,520 --> 00:28:54,107 [leader] I recognize you as one who has lived his life on the outside 426 00:28:54,649 --> 00:28:59,279 and yearns to be part of something bigger than himself. 427 00:29:05,827 --> 00:29:10,331 Some may see the color of your skin as nature's mistake. 428 00:29:12,794 --> 00:29:15,422 I call it a mirror... 429 00:29:16,340 --> 00:29:19,009 for I see myself in you. 430 00:29:21,261 --> 00:29:22,596 [alarm buzzing] 431 00:29:23,595 --> 00:29:24,763 My Lord! 432 00:29:25,764 --> 00:29:30,977 Long-range sensors show the movement, just as you predicted. 433 00:29:31,438 --> 00:29:33,398 Excellent. The time has come. 434 00:29:34,191 --> 00:29:36,735 Take my blade, Voq. 435 00:29:37,817 --> 00:29:39,486 Son of none. 436 00:29:41,738 --> 00:29:46,910 The honor of Torchbearer is yours. 437 00:29:46,993 --> 00:29:51,664 -Light the beacon! -[all chanting] Light the beacon! 438 00:29:56,713 --> 00:29:59,925 [Januzzi] Unidentified Klingon vessel, this is the starship Shenzhou . 439 00:30:00,008 --> 00:30:00,884 Please, respond. 440 00:30:00,968 --> 00:30:04,221 Unidentified Klingon vessel, this is the starship Shenzhou. 441 00:30:04,304 --> 00:30:05,264 Please, respond. 442 00:30:07,099 --> 00:30:10,727 -Any chance they can't hear us? -You're on every subspace channel. 443 00:30:10,811 --> 00:30:12,062 Your orders, Commander. 444 00:30:13,647 --> 00:30:16,066 -Any response? -[Saru] None. 445 00:30:16,608 --> 00:30:17,442 Commander... 446 00:30:18,235 --> 00:30:20,445 there is something I'd like to show you. 447 00:30:23,530 --> 00:30:27,450 Their hull is covered in hollow ornamental metallic pods, 448 00:30:27,536 --> 00:30:29,663 thousands of them, tightly interlocked, 449 00:30:29,872 --> 00:30:32,416 forming a kind of... armor. 450 00:30:33,000 --> 00:30:34,710 Not the most efficient defense. 451 00:30:34,791 --> 00:30:38,545 I suspect its purpose is more symbolic than practical. 452 00:30:39,882 --> 00:30:44,011 They contain Klingon biological material in various states of decay. 453 00:30:44,386 --> 00:30:46,013 Remote dating is wildly divergent. 454 00:30:46,096 --> 00:30:49,266 Some bones date back thousands of years. Others, only hours old. 455 00:30:50,184 --> 00:30:52,644 Their entire ship is covered with coffins. 456 00:30:53,604 --> 00:30:56,064 Commander, the captain listens to you. 457 00:30:56,899 --> 00:31:00,277 Tell her... we must withdraw. 458 00:31:02,154 --> 00:31:04,198 I'm afraid that's no longer possible. 459 00:31:09,328 --> 00:31:11,955 Your world has food chains. 460 00:31:12,206 --> 00:31:13,207 Mine does not. 461 00:31:14,082 --> 00:31:17,920 Our species map is binary. We're either predator or prey. 462 00:31:19,002 --> 00:31:23,464 My people were hunted, bred, farmed... 463 00:31:23,548 --> 00:31:24,841 We are your livestock of old. 464 00:31:26,178 --> 00:31:30,224 We were biologically determined for one purpose, and one purpose alone: 465 00:31:31,642 --> 00:31:33,227 to sense the coming of death. 466 00:31:36,563 --> 00:31:38,023 I sense it coming now. 467 00:31:43,737 --> 00:31:46,114 [Georgiou] The Klingon flagship has a stealth mode. 468 00:31:46,195 --> 00:31:50,199 It's some kind of cloaking screen, unlike anything we've ever seen, Admiral. 469 00:31:50,283 --> 00:31:52,285 There may be more vessels than we know. 470 00:31:52,371 --> 00:31:56,083 We've reached out with every form of greeting Starfleet has. 471 00:31:56,166 --> 00:31:58,544 -They're blocking our hails. -It feels like a setup. 472 00:31:58,627 --> 00:32:01,463 Maybe our relay got too close for Klingon comfort 473 00:32:01,547 --> 00:32:03,465 and they destroyed it to lure us out here. 474 00:32:03,549 --> 00:32:06,176 You remember my first officer, Michael Burnham? 475 00:32:06,969 --> 00:32:08,971 Next time, try not disturbing the property 476 00:32:09,054 --> 00:32:11,932 of a warrior race we've hardly spoken to for a hundred years. 477 00:32:12,474 --> 00:32:14,726 Our only choice now is to navigate this situation 478 00:32:14,810 --> 00:32:17,896 -with as much finesse as possible. -Admiral, if I may... 479 00:32:21,900 --> 00:32:25,028 The ideal outcome for any Klingon interaction is battle. 480 00:32:25,779 --> 00:32:27,656 They're relentlessly hostile, sir. 481 00:32:28,198 --> 00:32:31,034 -It's in their nature. -The Federation and the Klingon empire 482 00:32:31,118 --> 00:32:33,871 have always been on the cold side of war. 483 00:32:33,954 --> 00:32:36,540 We've had only fleeting run-ins with them for a century, 484 00:32:36,623 --> 00:32:39,042 and now you presume to know their motivation, 485 00:32:39,126 --> 00:32:40,586 because it is in their nature? 486 00:32:40,669 --> 00:32:43,297 Considering your background, I'd think you the last person 487 00:32:43,380 --> 00:32:44,965 to make assumptions based on race. 488 00:32:45,048 --> 00:32:47,676 With respect, it would be unwise to confuse race and culture. 489 00:32:47,759 --> 00:32:50,679 The Europa and all fleet vessels within range 490 00:32:50,762 --> 00:32:53,515 will be at your coordinates in two hours. Hold your position. 491 00:32:53,599 --> 00:32:55,934 Do nothing absent provocation. Understood? 492 00:32:56,018 --> 00:32:56,935 Understood. 493 00:32:58,559 --> 00:33:00,645 -[computer] Signal terminated. -[sighs] 494 00:33:00,772 --> 00:33:01,690 That went well. 495 00:33:04,026 --> 00:33:07,112 -What's the mood outside? -Saru is the only one talking. 496 00:33:08,238 --> 00:33:11,283 He strongly believes we should about-face. 497 00:33:12,326 --> 00:33:16,121 There is a space station at Eagle 12, three light-years away. 498 00:33:16,705 --> 00:33:19,041 The Andorian colony at Gamma Hydra is six. 499 00:33:19,124 --> 00:33:22,586 Shenzhou is the only line of defense if the Klingons attack. 500 00:33:22,669 --> 00:33:24,963 Not if. When. 501 00:33:25,047 --> 00:33:27,841 I have to hope that whatever happens here 502 00:33:27,925 --> 00:33:30,344 can serve as a bridge between our civilizations. 503 00:33:30,886 --> 00:33:32,804 That's the diplomat in you talking. 504 00:33:33,972 --> 00:33:35,432 What does the soldier say? 505 00:33:38,185 --> 00:33:39,102 Nothing good. 506 00:33:42,979 --> 00:33:44,522 [Saru] Captain to the bridge. 507 00:33:46,568 --> 00:33:49,696 -Status. -Photonic activity on the Klingon object. 508 00:33:49,780 --> 00:33:51,698 Output is over one billion lumens per square meter. 509 00:33:51,782 --> 00:33:53,033 [Connor] Optical sensors overloaded. 510 00:33:53,116 --> 00:33:55,953 -Bring plasmatic filters online. -[Connor] Rerouting power. 511 00:33:56,492 --> 00:34:00,246 -[Georgiou] Is that a weapon? -Seems to be some sort of signal emitter. 512 00:34:02,167 --> 00:34:05,254 -Where are my filters? -[Connor] They're at 100 percent, Captain. 513 00:34:05,337 --> 00:34:07,506 [high frequency buzzing] 514 00:34:17,099 --> 00:34:19,601 [Januzzi] Initiating emergency shutdown. 515 00:34:20,227 --> 00:34:22,479 Noise is some kind of electromagnetic subspace waveform. 516 00:34:22,563 --> 00:34:25,607 -Narrowing channel range. -Adjusting orientation to minimize. 517 00:34:25,691 --> 00:34:27,401 -Turn it down. -Aye, Captain. 518 00:34:28,110 --> 00:34:30,195 -All the way down. -Acoustics are muted. 519 00:34:30,279 --> 00:34:32,865 That's the ship's superstructure in sympathetic vibration. 520 00:34:34,116 --> 00:34:36,743 -It's a signal pulse. -Is there a message? 521 00:34:36,827 --> 00:34:38,245 This may be the message. 522 00:34:38,620 --> 00:34:41,331 What if they're calling for the same thing we are? 523 00:34:42,040 --> 00:34:45,335 -Backup. -Long-range sensors to the maximum, Saru. 524 00:34:45,419 --> 00:34:48,797 If more Klingons are on the way, I want as much notice as possible. 525 00:34:48,964 --> 00:34:51,300 -Permission to leave the bridge. -Are you kidding? 526 00:34:51,383 --> 00:34:52,426 It's relevant. 527 00:34:54,428 --> 00:34:55,596 Granted. 528 00:34:55,679 --> 00:34:58,473 Ensign, give me a status report, deck by deck. 529 00:34:58,557 --> 00:34:59,391 Aye, Captain. 530 00:35:01,768 --> 00:35:03,562 -Computer. -[computer] Working. 531 00:35:03,645 --> 00:35:06,481 Open dedicated subspace channel 222AA7. 532 00:35:06,565 --> 00:35:08,358 Use of this frequency requires 533 00:35:08,442 --> 00:35:11,778 - diplomatic authorization. -Voiceprint authorize. Burnham... 534 00:35:12,237 --> 00:35:13,780 -Michael. - Confirmed. 535 00:35:15,532 --> 00:35:16,491 Commander Burnham. 536 00:35:16,575 --> 00:35:18,744 Hello, Sarek. I'm happy to see you. 537 00:35:18,827 --> 00:35:19,953 So many years, 538 00:35:20,204 --> 00:35:22,623 and still, you allow emotional considerations 539 00:35:22,706 --> 00:35:23,916 to impede your logic. 540 00:35:23,999 --> 00:35:26,293 They inform my logic. 541 00:35:28,337 --> 00:35:29,588 I need your help. 542 00:35:30,044 --> 00:35:32,755 I assumed the timing of the call was not coincidental. 543 00:35:32,841 --> 00:35:35,010 The quadrant reports a new star. 544 00:35:37,260 --> 00:35:40,054 What have you done there, on the edge of Federation space? 545 00:35:40,140 --> 00:35:41,975 We've encountered the Klingons. 546 00:35:42,518 --> 00:35:45,604 How rare to meet one's own demons in the flesh. 547 00:35:45,687 --> 00:35:46,730 I killed one. 548 00:35:48,815 --> 00:35:51,735 In light of the fact that they killed your parents... 549 00:35:52,486 --> 00:35:54,279 some might think that only fair. 550 00:35:55,822 --> 00:35:59,451 However... if a death was necessary, 551 00:35:59,535 --> 00:36:02,120 I am satisfied it was not yours. 552 00:36:04,331 --> 00:36:07,334 I'm certain you did not call me for emotional solace. 553 00:36:07,417 --> 00:36:08,418 We're facing off. 554 00:36:09,542 --> 00:36:12,712 No fire has been exchanged. But they didn't turn on that beacon 555 00:36:12,798 --> 00:36:14,967 until Starfleet was on its way to our position. 556 00:36:15,050 --> 00:36:17,469 I think they're summoning more of their kind. 557 00:36:17,553 --> 00:36:21,974 An odd proposition given that their empire has been in disarray for generations. 558 00:36:22,057 --> 00:36:24,643 But you are describing something out of the ordinary. 559 00:36:25,185 --> 00:36:27,145 Restraint in the face of conflict. 560 00:36:27,604 --> 00:36:30,691 When a civilization acts in opposition to its instincts, 561 00:36:30,774 --> 00:36:34,319 it may be under the influence of something or someone new. 562 00:36:35,571 --> 00:36:40,367 Great unifiers are few and far between, but they do come. 563 00:36:40,868 --> 00:36:44,329 Often such leaders will need a profound cause 564 00:36:44,413 --> 00:36:46,415 for their followers to rally around. 565 00:36:46,832 --> 00:36:47,875 A war. 566 00:36:49,001 --> 00:36:50,169 Be very careful 567 00:36:50,335 --> 00:36:54,506 that your assumptions are not being driven by your past. 568 00:36:55,716 --> 00:36:59,469 This is isn't about what happened, Sarek. It's what's happening now. 569 00:37:02,639 --> 00:37:05,767 How did the Vulcans achieve diplomatic relations with the Klingons? 570 00:37:06,182 --> 00:37:08,434 That is a solution particular to us. 571 00:37:08,520 --> 00:37:11,607 One cannot assume it would work on a ship commanded by humans. 572 00:37:12,149 --> 00:37:12,983 Sarek... 573 00:37:14,443 --> 00:37:15,277 please. 574 00:37:15,819 --> 00:37:16,945 I caution you... 575 00:37:17,571 --> 00:37:20,407 be considered with how you use this information. 576 00:37:21,074 --> 00:37:23,827 You cannot save lives that have already been lost. 577 00:37:24,369 --> 00:37:25,204 Tell me... 578 00:37:25,454 --> 00:37:28,081 how did you keep the Klingons at bay? 579 00:37:31,210 --> 00:37:33,378 -[Georgiou] Engineering, report. -Internal damage, negative. 580 00:37:33,462 --> 00:37:34,546 Core is 100 percent. 581 00:37:35,005 --> 00:37:38,217 Captain, we have to fire. Hit that ship with everything we've got. 582 00:37:38,592 --> 00:37:41,178 Absolutely not. They haven't powered weapons. 583 00:37:41,261 --> 00:37:42,971 They don't pose an imminent threat. 584 00:37:43,055 --> 00:37:45,474 The Klingon threat is always imminent and inevitable. 585 00:37:45,557 --> 00:37:47,559 -Tactical log's ready. -Thank you. 586 00:37:47,643 --> 00:37:50,187 I'd like to remind you, we're wildly outgunned. 587 00:37:51,730 --> 00:37:53,941 Two hundred and forty years ago, near H'Atoria, 588 00:37:54,024 --> 00:37:56,235 a Vulcan ship crossed into Klingon space. 589 00:37:56,318 --> 00:37:59,780 The Klingons attacked immediately. They destroyed the vessel. 590 00:37:59,905 --> 00:38:02,449 Vulcans don't make the same mistake twice. 591 00:38:02,533 --> 00:38:05,202 From then on, until formal relations were established, 592 00:38:05,285 --> 00:38:09,122 whenever Vulcans crossed paths with Klingons, the Vulcans fired first. 593 00:38:09,581 --> 00:38:12,626 They said hello in a language the Klingons understood. 594 00:38:13,001 --> 00:38:16,004 Violence brought respect. Respect brought peace. 595 00:38:17,130 --> 00:38:20,259 Captain, we have to give the Klingons a Vulcan hello. 596 00:38:20,801 --> 00:38:25,222 If their intention is to attack, balling up our fists won't dissuade them. 597 00:38:29,476 --> 00:38:34,064 It would be logical to take into account my success rate during our years together, 598 00:38:34,231 --> 00:38:36,316 and execute my plan without challenge 599 00:38:36,400 --> 00:38:38,277 before we're dragged into war. 600 00:38:38,360 --> 00:38:41,989 Starfleet doesn't fire first. That's all, Number One. 601 00:38:42,072 --> 00:38:42,948 We have to. 602 00:38:47,244 --> 00:38:49,079 In my ready room. Now. 603 00:38:51,454 --> 00:38:54,206 -Lt. Commander, you have the bridge. -[Saru] Yes, captain. 604 00:38:59,506 --> 00:39:00,591 Computer, privacy. 605 00:39:01,592 --> 00:39:03,594 -Cap-- -How dare you challenge me. 606 00:39:04,219 --> 00:39:06,763 I apologize for my insubordination. 607 00:39:06,847 --> 00:39:10,809 -That kind of talk can destabilize a crew. -Don't underestimate them. 608 00:39:10,893 --> 00:39:13,687 I've overseen their exercises. They're ready for battle. 609 00:39:13,768 --> 00:39:18,981 Battle is not a simulation. It's blood, and screams... 610 00:39:19,568 --> 00:39:20,611 and funerals. 611 00:39:21,153 --> 00:39:24,406 I taught you better. We don't start shooting on a hunch. 612 00:39:24,531 --> 00:39:26,950 And we don't take innocent lives, period. 613 00:39:28,118 --> 00:39:30,245 I understand your history. 614 00:39:30,329 --> 00:39:33,415 My commitment to this course of action is not emotional. 615 00:39:33,498 --> 00:39:36,960 -We target its neck, cut off its head-- -You're still injured. 616 00:39:37,044 --> 00:39:39,755 Thousands of lives will be lost because of failure to act. 617 00:39:39,838 --> 00:39:42,424 Whose lives? Victims of your imaginary war? 618 00:39:42,508 --> 00:39:43,717 Your life, Captain. 619 00:39:45,677 --> 00:39:46,512 Yours. 620 00:39:50,098 --> 00:39:51,725 Stand down, Commander Burnham. 621 00:39:52,601 --> 00:39:53,602 That's an order. 622 00:39:56,438 --> 00:39:57,272 You're right. 623 00:40:00,984 --> 00:40:02,110 I may not be myself. 624 00:40:07,824 --> 00:40:08,784 Easy, Michael. 625 00:40:14,998 --> 00:40:15,916 I'm sorry. 626 00:40:21,836 --> 00:40:23,754 You're relieved, Mr. Saru. 627 00:40:23,841 --> 00:40:25,008 Where is the captain? 628 00:40:26,051 --> 00:40:30,347 I provided her with intel from a source. She's passing it to the admiral. 629 00:40:30,428 --> 00:40:33,139 Weapons. Slot a pair of torpedoes in the tubes, 630 00:40:33,222 --> 00:40:36,225 and compute a firing solution, targeting the neck of that ship. 631 00:40:36,311 --> 00:40:38,313 [Saru] Is the plan to fire on the Klingons? 632 00:40:38,397 --> 00:40:41,650 We have to be ready in case that's what the captain decides. 633 00:40:42,359 --> 00:40:44,903 Are you acting on the captain's orders? 634 00:40:44,987 --> 00:40:48,699 I'm your superior officer. We are in a high-risk scenario. 635 00:40:49,157 --> 00:40:52,035 Question chain of command again, and I'll remove you. 636 00:40:52,619 --> 00:40:54,037 Commander, it's just... 637 00:40:54,997 --> 00:40:58,166 Your breathing has elevated, perspiration's visible. 638 00:40:58,250 --> 00:41:01,587 I fear what you are doing betrays the wishes of our captain. 639 00:41:01,670 --> 00:41:04,590 Target phasers. Take your station, Commander. 640 00:41:05,090 --> 00:41:08,302 -This is mutiny. -Move, Saru. Tactical. 641 00:41:09,678 --> 00:41:11,430 -[Gant] Locked on. -Fire. 642 00:41:11,513 --> 00:41:12,764 [Georgiou] Belay that order. 643 00:41:14,558 --> 00:41:17,269 Captain, please. I'm trying to save you. 644 00:41:18,020 --> 00:41:19,646 I'm trying to save all of you. 645 00:41:20,230 --> 00:41:21,273 [phaser powering up] 646 00:41:23,397 --> 00:41:24,565 Stand down. 647 00:41:36,121 --> 00:41:38,624 Captain. Incoming. Warp signatures detected. 648 00:41:38,707 --> 00:41:39,750 Is it Starfleet? 649 00:41:39,833 --> 00:41:40,709 [alarm wailing] 650 00:41:48,383 --> 00:41:49,218 No. 651 00:41:49,885 --> 00:41:51,303 Those ships are Klingon. 652 00:42:16,033 --> 00:42:17,952 [theme music playing]