1 00:00:00,708 --> 00:00:02,291 Previously onChesapeake Shores 2 00:00:02,291 --> 00:00:04,750 I need to know ifyou're gonna be around. 3 00:00:05,041 --> 00:00:09,125 This feeling's somethingthat i've never felt before. 4 00:00:09,208 --> 00:00:11,416 Trace Ryley band walks outon that stage... 5 00:00:11,416 --> 00:00:13,291 and your albumwill never be released. 6 00:00:14,208 --> 00:00:18,125 So your uh, boyfriend,is he in finance also? 7 00:00:18,125 --> 00:00:19,166 No. 8 00:00:22,541 --> 00:00:24,416 Congratulations Trace. 9 00:00:24,416 --> 00:00:27,000 Looks like Nashvilleisn't over. 10 00:00:30,958 --> 00:00:34,666 We're out of school,too cool for the pool, 11 00:00:34,666 --> 00:00:38,291 we eat cookies for, fuel! 12 00:00:38,291 --> 00:00:41,500 We'Because Carrieol,toand Caitlyn rule!ol, 13 00:00:42,625 --> 00:00:43,958 we eat cooBravo!or, fuel! 14 00:00:44,000 --> 00:00:45,375 Trace says we'rehis new band! 15 00:00:45,375 --> 00:00:48,708 Can Trace pick us upfrom school everyday? 16 00:00:48,708 --> 00:00:49,666 You know what? 17 00:00:49,666 --> 00:00:50,750 We can talk about it. 18 00:00:50,750 --> 00:00:52,750 But right now, canyou girls grab your bags 19 00:00:52,791 --> 00:00:54,166 because we needWe cto get going. it. 20 00:00:54,208 --> 00:00:56,125 Okay. 21 00:00:56,625 --> 00:00:58,000 Good job! 22 00:00:58,041 --> 00:00:59,583 Thanks. 23 00:01:00,708 --> 00:01:04,166 Thank you so much forpicking the girls up at school. 24 00:01:04,208 --> 00:01:05,708 There was thisemergency at work, 25 00:01:05,750 --> 00:01:07,291 and with Wes workingin Philadelphia, 26 00:01:07,291 --> 00:01:08,875 and I couldn'treach anyone- 27 00:01:08,916 --> 00:01:10,666 and with Wes workingAbs, it's no problem. 28 00:01:10,708 --> 00:01:12,250 It was fun. 29 00:01:13,500 --> 00:01:17,500 But in that case, Iwas wondering actually 30 00:01:17,541 --> 00:01:20,166 if I could askanother favor. 31 00:01:20,208 --> 00:01:22,416 It's about Carrie'sbirthday party. 32 00:01:22,458 --> 00:01:25,583 Since you have a truck, I waswondering if you could pick up 33 00:01:25,625 --> 00:01:27,375 some party suppliesfor me in Baltimore? 34 00:01:27,375 --> 00:01:29,041 Of course, happy to help. 35 00:01:29,083 --> 00:01:30,416 Well, I loveyour new song... 36 00:01:30,458 --> 00:01:32,750 Good, because it'sthe only one of our songs 37 00:01:32,791 --> 00:01:34,166 that KAP Recordsdoesn't own. 38 00:01:34,208 --> 00:01:36,583 Maybe it'll bemy next release. 39 00:01:36,625 --> 00:01:37,875 How are thingsgoing with that? 40 00:01:37,875 --> 00:01:41,333 Last I checked, eight hundredthousand and something views. 41 00:01:41,375 --> 00:01:43,083 You don't soundthat impressed... 42 00:01:43,125 --> 00:01:44,791 It's nice to havea little notoriety, 43 00:01:44,791 --> 00:01:47,375 but it's notmy first rodeo. 44 00:01:47,375 --> 00:01:51,041 You never know where thisis going to take you, right? 45 00:01:51,041 --> 00:01:53,208 Right now, I'mhappy where I'm at. 46 00:01:53,208 --> 00:01:57,458 No, I'm pretty sure we'rethe real Trace Riley band! 47 00:01:59,708 --> 00:02:00,666 What's up? 48 00:02:00,666 --> 00:02:03,833 The band's all here... 49 00:02:07,666 --> 00:02:14,541 ♪ The miles aregetting longer, it seems ♪What's up? 50 00:02:14,541 --> 00:02:19,833 ♪ The closerI get to you ♪ 51 00:02:19,833 --> 00:02:25,708 ♪ So I'm going home, tothe place where I belong ♪ 52 00:02:25,750 --> 00:02:33,375 ♪ Where your love hasalways been enough for me ♪ 53 00:02:33,375 --> 00:02:35,791 ♪ I'm not running from ♪ 54 00:02:35,833 --> 00:02:39,250 ♪ No, I think yougot me all wrong ♪ 55 00:02:39,291 --> 00:02:46,000 ♪ I don't regret this lifeyou chose for me ♪ 56 00:02:46,041 --> 00:02:52,458 ♪ I said these places andthese faces are getting old ♪ 57 00:02:52,500 --> 00:02:57,625 ♪ So I'm going home ♪ 58 00:02:59,458 --> 00:03:03,375 ♪ I'm going home ♪ 59 00:03:15,791 --> 00:03:17,291 Are you sure youcan do this? 60 00:03:17,333 --> 00:03:18,625 Yes, completely. 61 00:03:18,666 --> 00:03:21,666 Mom's watching theB&B, I walk to Wordplay, 62 00:03:21,708 --> 00:03:23,625 unlock the doors, sellthe books, lock the doors. 63 00:03:23,666 --> 00:03:26,041 And you have to rememberto order the books 64 00:03:26,041 --> 00:03:27,291 for the high schoolreading list. 65 00:03:27,291 --> 00:03:28,541 And you have toorder before noon, 66 00:03:28,541 --> 00:03:29,666 fbecause then it'slsame day delivery. 67 00:03:29,708 --> 00:03:30,375 Before noon. 68 00:03:30,375 --> 00:03:31,958 Noon, noon, noon... 69 00:03:32,000 --> 00:03:33,375 Bree, don't worry,I got it. 70 00:03:33,375 --> 00:03:34,166 Bree, seriously! 71 00:03:34,208 --> 00:03:35,333 Running a bookstorefor two days 72 00:03:35,375 --> 00:03:37,208 has gotta be easierthan running a B&B. 73 00:03:37,208 --> 00:03:38,208 Okay, offense taken. 74 00:03:38,208 --> 00:03:41,250 Sometimes it's very hardto lock and unlock things. 75 00:03:41,291 --> 00:03:42,916 You don't havefense taken.to come with me 76 00:03:42,916 --> 00:03:44,708 to meet Dom's momif you don't want to. 77 00:03:44,708 --> 00:03:45,500 You don'tNo, I want to.en.to come with me 78 00:03:45,541 --> 00:03:46,833 to meet DYou helped meif you dodig up my past 79 00:03:46,875 --> 00:03:48,541 and it's time that Ihelp you with yours. 80 00:03:48,541 --> 00:03:51,041 Plus I am not gettinganywhere with my book, 81 00:03:51,083 --> 00:03:53,708 so I'm sure that a changeof scenery is gonna help. 82 00:03:53,750 --> 00:03:54,916 Okay, shhh! 83 00:03:54,958 --> 00:03:56,250 You guys arebeing so loud! 84 00:03:56,291 --> 00:03:57,541 What, we'rebeing so quiet! 85 00:03:57,583 --> 00:03:58,291 It's Connor! 86 00:03:58,333 --> 00:03:59,375 I haven't said anything! 87 00:03:59,375 --> 00:04:01,916 Fine, blame it onme I'm used to it. 88 00:04:07,458 --> 00:04:08,833 Hi! 89 00:04:10,000 --> 00:04:12,750 Good morning,birthday girl! 90 00:04:14,000 --> 00:04:15,875 Where is everyone? 91 00:04:15,875 --> 00:04:17,750 Surprise! 92 00:04:17,791 --> 00:04:19,625 WHappy Birthday!e? 93 00:04:19,666 --> 00:04:21,833 Yay, happy birthday! 94 00:04:21,875 --> 00:04:23,458 Happy Birthday, sweetie. 95 00:04:23,500 --> 00:04:24,291 Thank you. 96 00:04:24,333 --> 00:04:26,750 And the birthday crown! 97 00:04:26,750 --> 00:04:28,791 Oh honey, your Mommyand all your aunts 98 00:04:28,791 --> 00:04:30,333 And twore that sameown!queen's crown 99 00:04:30,375 --> 00:04:31,916 on their birthdays whenthey were little, too. 100 00:04:31,916 --> 00:04:33,583 Wait, you said itwas a King's crown. 101 00:04:33,625 --> 00:04:35,250 onYou were very regal,ntheyyour highness.too. 102 00:04:35,291 --> 00:04:36,458 Fortunately. 103 00:04:36,500 --> 00:04:38,708 And pancakes in the shape offlowers for the birthday girl. 104 00:04:38,750 --> 00:04:41,333 I remember those. 105 00:04:41,375 --> 00:04:43,375 Okay Jess, are youstill okay with 106 00:04:43,416 --> 00:04:45,541 having Carrie'sbirthday at the B&B? 107 00:04:45,583 --> 00:04:46,333 Of course! 108 00:04:46,375 --> 00:04:47,375 Because almosthalf of her class 109 00:04:47,416 --> 00:04:49,083 has RSVP'd yes,thankfully. 110 00:04:49,125 --> 00:04:50,833 That's great, Abby! 111 00:04:50,875 --> 00:04:53,291 It's going to be the best10th birthday party ever. 112 00:04:53,333 --> 00:04:55,083 There's not gonnabe any mimes, right? 113 00:04:55,125 --> 00:04:56,750 I'm 10, it's aprincess party. 114 00:04:56,791 --> 00:04:58,833 Oh good, I loveprincesses. 115 00:04:58,875 --> 00:05:00,541 I guess I missedthe surprise? 116 00:05:00,583 --> 00:05:01,875 Dad, we werelooking for you! 117 00:05:01,916 --> 00:05:03,041 That's becauseI've been working 118 00:05:03,083 --> 00:05:04,791 on a surprise ofmy own for Carrie. 119 00:05:04,833 --> 00:05:06,208 Happy Birthday,sweetheart. 120 00:05:06,208 --> 00:05:07,208 Thank you. 121 00:05:07,250 --> 00:05:08,416 You know that crown looksso much better on you 122 00:05:08,458 --> 00:05:09,583 than it everdid on Connor. 123 00:05:09,625 --> 00:05:12,875 Hey, they may becuter but I was regal. 124 00:05:13,875 --> 00:05:15,375 Hey Mom, watch this! 125 00:05:15,375 --> 00:05:16,500 I'm Carrie Winters. 126 00:05:16,541 --> 00:05:17,708 And I'm Caitlyn Winters. 127 00:05:17,750 --> 00:05:22,000 And we're the newTrace Riley Band! 128 00:05:22,666 --> 00:05:23,708 Yeah! 129 00:05:23,708 --> 00:05:26,416 [Applause] 130 00:05:30,375 --> 00:05:32,875 You guys are awesome! 131 00:05:34,541 --> 00:05:40,125 ♪ Broken on the rocksof our turnin' tide ♪ 132 00:05:40,166 --> 00:05:45,083 ♪ You can't stay awayand I can't hide ♪ 133 00:05:45,083 --> 00:05:46,791 Do you think we shouldmove it up a key? 134 00:05:46,791 --> 00:05:48,666 ♪ You canI think if weand I cchange it from A, 135 00:05:48,708 --> 00:05:49,541 Do youthe song's gonna die.move it up a key? 136 00:05:49,583 --> 00:05:51,166 Isn't that whatwe're doing right now? 137 00:05:51,208 --> 00:05:54,208 What are youmumbling about? 138 00:05:54,208 --> 00:05:56,875 Before we startrecording a new album, 139 00:05:56,916 --> 00:05:59,291 with the videoblowing up, 140 00:05:59,291 --> 00:06:00,750 maybe we shouldjust go back, 141 00:06:00,791 --> 00:06:02,125 get anotherdeodeal with a label. 142 00:06:02,125 --> 00:06:03,708 And give upcreative control? 143 00:06:03,708 --> 00:06:04,500 get anoI don't think so.deal with a label. 144 00:06:04,541 --> 00:06:05,708 Yeah, I hear whatyou're saying. 145 00:06:05,750 --> 00:06:07,541 But with all the publicitywe're getting from the video, 146 00:06:07,541 --> 00:06:09,291 we might be ableto get a better deal. 147 00:06:09,291 --> 00:06:10,708 Something wherewe set the terms. 148 00:06:10,708 --> 00:06:12,541 we mightJohn, we agreedto get a beas a band, 149 00:06:12,541 --> 00:06:16,583 that we were gonna record,release and tour on our own. 150 00:06:16,625 --> 00:06:18,458 Our way, remember? 151 00:06:18,458 --> 00:06:21,291 Maybe we shouldtake another vote. 152 00:06:22,458 --> 00:06:23,750 Our wYou too?mber? 153 00:06:23,750 --> 00:06:25,750 You want to re-signwith a major label? 154 00:06:25,750 --> 00:06:29,208 Maybe we shouldn'to?mber?waste this opportunity. 155 00:06:36,666 --> 00:06:39,041 You You coming?signwith a major label? 156 00:06:58,291 --> 00:07:00,250 What was he like? 157 00:07:00,250 --> 00:07:01,541 Tom? 158 00:07:02,875 --> 00:07:05,000 What wHe was a great guy. 159 00:07:05,958 --> 00:07:08,625 And the crazy thingis that our families? 160 00:07:08,666 --> 00:07:10,500 They're totally different. 161 00:07:10,541 --> 00:07:13,416 He grew up with nothing,just him and his mom. 162 00:07:13,416 --> 00:07:17,375 But when I told himabout our family, 163 00:07:17,375 --> 00:07:20,625 He grew up with nothing,jushe just got it.om. 164 00:07:20,625 --> 00:07:23,583 It's nice to findsomebody who does. 165 00:07:23,625 --> 00:07:26,916 We're kind ofp with nothing,hard to describe.ot it.om. 166 00:07:26,958 --> 00:07:30,708 The crazy thing though isjust how well we got along. 167 00:07:30,750 --> 00:07:33,000 We instantlyhad this thing. 168 00:07:33,000 --> 00:07:37,875 The worse that it got, the morewe'd just make each other laugh. 169 00:07:37,875 --> 00:07:39,666 I honestly don't thinkI would've survived 170 00:07:39,708 --> 00:07:41,875 out there without him. 171 00:07:42,875 --> 00:07:47,208 I just feel like I have totell his mom that he was... 172 00:07:47,208 --> 00:07:49,541 he was a hero. 173 00:07:51,708 --> 00:07:54,125 Thank you forletting me tag along. 174 00:07:54,166 --> 00:07:55,916 Let's go to Philly. 175 00:08:03,875 --> 00:08:09,583 Okay: first infatuation,then understanding... 176 00:08:09,625 --> 00:08:10,458 What are you doing? 177 00:08:10,458 --> 00:08:12,458 Trying to saveour relationship. 178 00:08:12,500 --> 00:08:14,000 But we just started it. 179 00:08:14,041 --> 00:08:16,208 Right, which gives usapproximately three weeks 180 00:08:16,208 --> 00:08:17,750 before we break up. 181 00:08:17,791 --> 00:08:18,750 Three weeks? 182 00:08:18,791 --> 00:08:19,916 Give or take a day. 183 00:08:19,958 --> 00:08:22,041 My track record isless than stellar. 184 00:08:22,041 --> 00:08:24,708 However, thanks toBree's self-help section, 185 00:08:24,708 --> 00:08:26,041 I found this... 186 00:08:26,041 --> 00:08:27,041 However, thanks toAccording to Ms. Singbeil, 187 00:08:27,041 --> 00:08:28,875 we have to get througheight stages of love 188 00:08:28,875 --> 00:08:31,375 to achieve a strongAand lasting relationship, 189 00:08:31,416 --> 00:08:35,208 and apparently I'm incapableof stage three: conflict. 190 00:08:35,250 --> 00:08:36,833 I do not like conflict. 191 00:08:36,875 --> 00:08:38,750 Yeah, I try toavoid it myself. 192 00:08:38,791 --> 00:08:39,541 But we can't. 193 00:08:39,583 --> 00:08:40,666 We have to fightand make up, 194 00:08:40,708 --> 00:08:42,833 so we can get throughall eight stages. 195 00:08:42,875 --> 00:08:44,833 But that takes... 196 00:08:46,083 --> 00:08:47,416 Two years? 197 00:08:47,458 --> 00:08:51,166 Yeah, but we have to get therebefore stage three breaks us up. 198 00:08:51,208 --> 00:08:52,875 You're not suggesting... 199 00:08:52,916 --> 00:08:54,208 Oh, I'm morethan suggesting. 200 00:08:54,208 --> 00:08:57,458 We're going to get throughall eight stages in two days, 201 00:08:57,500 --> 00:09:00,041 starting withinfatuation. 202 00:09:00,041 --> 00:09:01,791 Okay. 203 00:09:06,750 --> 00:09:08,625 st- Got it.thi- Got it!n. 204 00:09:08,625 --> 00:09:11,208 Okay, stage two:understanding. 205 00:09:11,208 --> 00:09:13,791 Which includes longconversations about life, 206 00:09:13,791 --> 00:09:16,708 goals, and ourtime together. 207 00:09:16,708 --> 00:09:18,208 Which includes longconveWhat time is it?ife, 208 00:09:18,250 --> 00:09:20,166 goals, and ourtiAlmost 12?r. 209 00:09:23,791 --> 00:09:25,208 It's okay, it's okay... 210 00:09:25,208 --> 00:09:27,000 I can do it. 211 00:09:30,208 --> 00:09:31,958 It'What're you doing?.. 212 00:09:32,000 --> 00:09:35,416 I'm trying tounderstand you. 213 00:09:35,458 --> 00:09:37,291 Okay, confirmed! 214 00:09:40,958 --> 00:09:43,208 Yes, thank you. 215 00:09:46,625 --> 00:09:47,666 Hey. 216 00:09:47,708 --> 00:09:48,875 Hi. 217 00:09:48,875 --> 00:09:50,708 So when are gonna have thatconference call with Matt Fox? 218 00:09:50,750 --> 00:09:51,666 We're not. 219 00:09:51,708 --> 00:09:54,375 I just got offthe phone with him. 220 00:09:54,416 --> 00:09:56,333 What is it? 221 00:09:56,375 --> 00:09:58,666 Matt Fox is pullingout of the deal. 222 00:09:58,708 --> 00:09:59,875 What? 223 00:09:59,875 --> 00:10:02,000 He agreed to go 50/50 withyou to develop the Trust, 224 00:10:02,041 --> 00:10:04,666 and he believesthat you no longer 225 00:10:04,708 --> 00:10:06,916 have his bestinterests in mind. 226 00:10:06,958 --> 00:10:08,750 I've done nothing disloyal. 227 00:10:08,791 --> 00:10:11,041 You chose not to goafter your brother 228 00:10:11,041 --> 00:10:14,583 and he said that showslack of killer instinct. 229 00:10:14,625 --> 00:10:15,583 Wait a minute. 230 00:10:15,583 --> 00:10:17,875 He gives me falseinformation that'll destroy 231 00:10:17,875 --> 00:10:20,333 my brother's reputationand I don't use it. 232 00:10:20,375 --> 00:10:22,708 That's lack ofkiller instinct? 233 00:10:22,708 --> 00:10:24,250 You know Fox,business is business. 234 00:10:24,250 --> 00:10:26,000 Tell you what, I'lljump in our plane, 235 00:10:26,041 --> 00:10:28,625 fly it up to New York,and talk to him directly. 236 00:10:28,666 --> 00:10:29,583 Dad, he's done. 237 00:10:29,625 --> 00:10:31,208 All right, thenI'll call him. 238 00:10:31,250 --> 00:10:32,666 That is notgonna go well. 239 00:10:32,708 --> 00:10:36,416 Somebody needs to tellhim that he's wrong. 240 00:10:40,833 --> 00:10:42,500 Got the art book,now the party. 241 00:10:42,541 --> 00:10:44,375 Barbecue, bouncehouses, streamers, 242 00:10:44,416 --> 00:10:46,500 entertainment,what am I forgetting? 243 00:10:46,541 --> 00:10:47,291 Cake? 244 00:10:47,333 --> 00:10:50,958 Cake? No, Abby'sgot that one. 245 00:10:51,000 --> 00:10:53,000 So, have youfound a job yet? 246 00:10:53,041 --> 00:10:54,666 No, not yet. 247 00:10:54,708 --> 00:10:56,166 Dad was kind of rightabout finding work 248 00:10:56,208 --> 00:10:58,250 after leaving Bennett,Beecham & Findlay. 249 00:10:58,291 --> 00:11:00,375 Apparently leaving agiant firm immediately after 250 00:11:00,416 --> 00:11:04,041 passing the bar isn't exactlyseen as the most desirable. 251 00:11:04,041 --> 00:11:05,625 I'm sorry. 252 00:11:05,666 --> 00:11:07,166 What are you doing? 253 00:11:07,208 --> 00:11:09,291 I'm just picking upmore research work. 254 00:11:09,333 --> 00:11:11,041 With friends? 255 00:11:11,041 --> 00:11:13,000 Yes momma, friends. 256 00:11:13,041 --> 00:11:14,416 WI like her!? 257 00:11:14,458 --> 00:11:16,458 Wow! 258 00:11:16,500 --> 00:11:18,208 You are really doing it. 259 00:11:18,208 --> 00:11:19,958 Yup, I am. 260 00:11:20,000 --> 00:11:21,375 YWell I'm proud of you.. 261 00:11:21,416 --> 00:11:22,583 Thank you. 262 00:11:22,625 --> 00:11:24,875 It's nice to see that thingsare working out for one of us. 263 00:11:24,875 --> 00:11:26,541 See you later, mom. 264 00:11:39,375 --> 00:11:49,375 It's nice to see that thingsare ♪ Country rock music ♪ us. 265 00:11:51,375 --> 00:11:54,291 [Clapping] 266 00:11:54,333 --> 00:11:56,291 Mark Hall. 267 00:11:56,333 --> 00:11:58,083 Trace, Leigh. 268 00:11:58,125 --> 00:12:01,041 Love the new song. 269 00:12:03,208 --> 00:12:05,208 I like your place. 270 00:12:05,208 --> 00:12:07,666 It has a nice feel to it. 271 00:12:07,708 --> 00:12:09,875 Mark, let's justcut to the chase. 272 00:12:09,875 --> 00:12:11,416 Why are you here? 273 00:12:11,458 --> 00:12:13,916 Because I've been doingthis for almost 30 years, 274 00:12:13,958 --> 00:12:16,083 and I haven'talways been perfect, 275 00:12:16,125 --> 00:12:19,208 but I didn't feel itwhen you were in my studio. 276 00:12:19,208 --> 00:12:22,000 Something wasn't working. 277 00:12:22,000 --> 00:12:23,791 So now you're convinced? 278 00:12:23,791 --> 00:12:25,666 I saw what I wasSomemissing that nightng. 279 00:12:25,708 --> 00:12:27,208 you performedSo nat the showcase,ced? 280 00:12:27,208 --> 00:12:31,208 but I was too proudand stuck to my guns. 281 00:12:31,208 --> 00:12:33,500 But you had a differentenergy that night on stage, 282 00:12:33,541 --> 00:12:38,708 as a band, it was a feelingI couldn't get in the studio. 283 00:12:38,750 --> 00:12:40,833 And for that, I'm sorry. 284 00:12:40,875 --> 00:12:43,875 No offense Mark,but we've moved on. 285 00:12:43,875 --> 00:12:47,041 But we appreciate youcoming by, clearing the air. 286 00:12:47,041 --> 00:12:49,666 No offense Mark,butRight, Trace?on. 287 00:12:49,666 --> 00:12:52,125 No, I don't think so. 288 00:12:52,875 --> 00:12:55,208 NoYou tried tok,buget rid of Leigh. 289 00:12:55,208 --> 00:12:56,916 and turn me intosome kind of teen idol, 290 00:12:56,916 --> 00:12:59,291 then you banned mefrom your offices 291 00:12:59,333 --> 00:13:01,458 and now you're here withyour tail between your legs 292 00:13:01,500 --> 00:13:02,708 because you sawthe response 293 00:13:02,750 --> 00:13:04,250 that video wasgetting on the internet. 294 00:13:04,250 --> 00:13:06,625 Maybe, and maybe Iwanted to take a shot 295 00:13:06,625 --> 00:13:09,166 at making thingsgetright between us.net. 296 00:13:09,208 --> 00:13:11,750 Maybe, and maybe IwanteYeah well...shot 297 00:13:11,791 --> 00:13:14,333 we heard you. 298 00:13:14,375 --> 00:13:16,833 Tell you the truth, I was abit surprised when I heard 299 00:13:16,875 --> 00:13:19,666 you started looking for anew label and not go indie. 300 00:13:19,708 --> 00:13:22,791 After everythingthat's happened, 301 00:13:22,833 --> 00:13:25,875 I was sureyou'd go it alone. 302 00:13:29,541 --> 00:13:33,875 Yeah, I'm a bitsurprised myself. 303 00:13:33,875 --> 00:13:35,708 What did you do? 304 00:13:35,708 --> 00:13:37,083 Nothing. 305 00:13:37,125 --> 00:13:39,625 I just told a few peopleat the Palace that 306 00:13:39,666 --> 00:13:42,416 we wouldn't mind signingwith a new label. 307 00:13:42,416 --> 00:13:44,875 John, we agreed torelease independently. 308 00:13:44,875 --> 00:13:49,250 we wIt wasn't aboutgningwiththe money.el. 309 00:13:49,291 --> 00:13:51,208 I got bills to pay. 310 00:13:51,250 --> 00:13:53,041 After 20 years ofdoing session work 311 00:13:53,041 --> 00:13:56,541 and now I finally havea chance to make it? 312 00:13:56,583 --> 00:14:01,541 Yeah Trace, it's kindof about the money, too. 313 00:14:19,625 --> 00:14:21,750 So, if we're going to getthrough stage three and four, 314 00:14:21,791 --> 00:14:24,875 conflict and expectations, weneed something to fight about. 315 00:14:24,875 --> 00:14:26,708 But we never fight. 316 00:14:26,708 --> 00:14:28,041 I know, right? 317 00:14:28,083 --> 00:14:31,541 But we've gottathink of something. 318 00:14:31,583 --> 00:14:33,958 Is someone moving in? 319 00:14:35,875 --> 00:14:40,000 Aren't those the boxes from thebook publisher you ordered from? 320 00:14:40,041 --> 00:14:41,666 Uh-oh. 321 00:14:48,916 --> 00:14:50,208 Thank you. 322 00:14:50,750 --> 00:14:53,291 This looks like a lotmore than 100 books. 323 00:14:53,333 --> 00:14:56,375 I was just gonnasay that... 324 00:14:58,250 --> 00:15:00,291 I ordered 1,000? 325 00:15:00,333 --> 00:15:01,708 That's not good. 326 00:15:01,750 --> 00:15:03,208 This is all your fault! 327 00:15:03,208 --> 00:15:04,833 What? 328 00:15:04,875 --> 00:15:06,375 You distracted me. 329 00:15:06,375 --> 00:15:09,708 I did?I'm sorry. 330 00:15:09,708 --> 00:15:11,708 I knew you were gonnasay sorry right away. 331 00:15:11,750 --> 00:15:13,875 And I knew you weregonna forgive me. 332 00:15:13,875 --> 00:15:14,875 This is great. 333 00:15:14,875 --> 00:15:16,708 Stage three and four:conflict and expectations. 334 00:15:16,708 --> 00:15:19,708 We fought, but we knew wewere gonna make up right away. 335 00:15:19,750 --> 00:15:21,541 We did it! 336 00:15:21,541 --> 00:15:23,875 And in the process,we killed a bookstore. 337 00:15:23,875 --> 00:15:26,916 And my sister'sgoing to kill me. 338 00:15:50,791 --> 00:15:52,250 You're early. 339 00:15:52,291 --> 00:15:57,000 Well, it's always nice toget a jump on the competition. 340 00:15:57,041 --> 00:15:59,125 I thought we were past that? 341 00:15:59,125 --> 00:16:01,125 I'm talking aboutthe Bald Eagles. 342 00:16:01,166 --> 00:16:04,041 We both go afterI thougthe same fish.t that? 343 00:16:04,041 --> 00:16:06,375 You still hittingthe same spot? 344 00:16:06,375 --> 00:16:08,250 Opposite side of the jetty. 345 00:16:08,291 --> 00:16:09,708 How'd you do? 346 00:16:09,750 --> 00:16:11,750 Not as well as they did. 347 00:16:11,791 --> 00:16:14,208 I'm hoping I havebetter luck with you. 348 00:16:14,208 --> 00:16:17,125 I'm not giving in on theNorth Shore Commercial Area. 349 00:16:17,166 --> 00:16:20,708 You know, I've beenbthinking about that. 350 00:16:20,750 --> 00:16:23,125 I've been thinkingthere may be a way 351 00:16:23,166 --> 00:16:26,125 we can actually pareit back ten percent. 352 00:16:26,125 --> 00:16:27,875 Square footageor footprint? 353 00:16:27,875 --> 00:16:29,291 we can actually pareit baFootprint.cent. 354 00:16:33,041 --> 00:16:35,500 It's quiet, isn't it? 355 00:16:35,541 --> 00:16:37,416 Yeah, it is. 356 00:16:37,458 --> 00:16:39,958 I'm not talkingabout nature quiet, 357 00:16:40,000 --> 00:16:42,208 I mean there aren'tany any people here, 358 00:16:42,208 --> 00:16:43,833 people working. 359 00:16:43,875 --> 00:16:45,541 Yeah well, there's notelling with work crews. 360 00:16:45,541 --> 00:16:47,625 They're probably onthe property somewhere. 361 00:16:47,666 --> 00:16:49,166 Yeah, I'm sure. 362 00:16:49,208 --> 00:16:51,583 It just doesn't seem likeyou to be working a property 363 00:16:51,625 --> 00:16:55,916 and not keeping the momentumof the build going. 364 00:16:57,791 --> 00:16:59,791 All right. 365 00:17:01,416 --> 00:17:03,333 Pinkies up! 366 00:17:04,458 --> 00:17:08,041 There is a tradition,an Irish tradition, 367 00:17:08,041 --> 00:17:11,666 that when a young ladyreaches the age of ten, 368 00:17:11,708 --> 00:17:14,541 she gets to havea proper tea party. 369 00:17:14,541 --> 00:17:19,875 So happy birthday, sweethearton your 10th birthday. 370 00:17:19,875 --> 00:17:21,833 she gets to havea proThank you.rty. 371 00:17:21,833 --> 00:17:23,333 So happy birthday, sweetheartHappy birthday, Carrie! 372 00:17:23,375 --> 00:17:25,375 You know, I remember my10th birthday tea party. 373 00:17:25,375 --> 00:17:28,708 It was the first timeyou let me wear make-up. 374 00:17:28,708 --> 00:17:29,750 Yes it was. 375 00:17:29,791 --> 00:17:32,041 It was just lip glosswith a little touch of pink, 376 00:17:32,083 --> 00:17:35,000 but your mommafelt very grown up. 377 00:17:35,041 --> 00:17:37,583 So girls, did you know youcan tell a lot about someone 378 00:17:37,625 --> 00:17:39,333 by reading theirtea leaves? 379 00:17:39,375 --> 00:17:42,458 I studied it in the Tea LeafWizarding School in Tibet. 380 00:17:42,500 --> 00:17:43,791 What does ours say? 381 00:17:43,833 --> 00:17:45,125 You want to try it? 382 00:17:45,166 --> 00:17:46,250 Sure. 383 00:17:46,250 --> 00:17:48,958 Okay, close youreyes and make a wish. 384 00:17:49,000 --> 00:17:51,000 Check it out. 385 00:17:53,458 --> 00:17:55,750 Oh yes, they'recoming to me. 386 00:17:55,750 --> 00:17:58,416 They're saying thatsomeone is having 387 00:17:58,458 --> 00:18:00,625 a princess birthdayparty coming up. 388 00:18:00,666 --> 00:18:02,541 That's me! 389 00:18:02,541 --> 00:18:05,833 Oh no, they're sayingyou and your sister 390 00:18:05,875 --> 00:18:07,791 are not readyfor the party. 391 00:18:07,833 --> 00:18:08,708 Why not? 392 00:18:08,708 --> 00:18:11,833 Because princessesneed princess dresses. 393 00:18:11,875 --> 00:18:13,375 Oh my God,they're so pretty! 394 00:18:13,416 --> 00:18:16,666 Let's go try'em on, okay? 395 00:18:16,708 --> 00:18:20,458 Oh, they'reso adorable! 396 00:18:20,458 --> 00:18:22,125 Is Wes going tomake the party? 397 00:18:22,166 --> 00:18:24,250 Oh yes of course,he wouldn't miss it. 398 00:18:24,291 --> 00:18:26,375 He says that he'ssad he won't be able 399 00:18:26,416 --> 00:18:28,208 to help withthe planning. 400 00:18:28,208 --> 00:18:30,375 But Trace has. 401 00:18:30,375 --> 00:18:32,625 The girls reallyseem to like him. 402 00:18:32,666 --> 00:18:36,541 Yes, they doand he likes them. 403 00:18:36,541 --> 00:18:39,416 It's so strange, I neverthought this is what 404 00:18:39,458 --> 00:18:42,375 my familywould look like. 405 00:18:42,416 --> 00:18:47,083 When it comes to family,there's no such thing as normal. 406 00:18:57,541 --> 00:19:01,750 Okay, we've been waiting herefor like three hours, Kev. 407 00:19:01,791 --> 00:19:03,375 Are you sure this isthe right address? 408 00:19:03,375 --> 00:19:04,458 I don't know. 409 00:19:04,500 --> 00:19:06,000 The home looks likesthe one in the picture, 410 00:19:06,000 --> 00:19:07,416 but I can't remember. 411 00:19:07,416 --> 00:19:10,666 TDidn't really seemstimportant at the time. 412 00:19:10,708 --> 00:19:15,208 Funny what we choose to rememberand what we forget, hey? 413 00:19:15,208 --> 00:19:17,375 I think that's why I write. 414 00:19:17,375 --> 00:19:20,208 That way I can just pickthrough the important parts, 415 00:19:20,208 --> 00:19:23,458 especially theI thiMom and Dad parts.ite. 416 00:19:23,458 --> 00:19:26,541 Your book isabout our family? 417 00:19:26,583 --> 00:19:29,625 especially theI thiWell, not exactly.ite. 418 00:19:29,625 --> 00:19:31,750 You gotta writewhat you know. 419 00:19:31,750 --> 00:19:33,375 Or what you thinkI thiyou know, anyway..ite. 420 00:19:33,375 --> 00:19:36,625 But then everybody will knowabout us when they read it. 421 00:19:36,666 --> 00:19:39,916 Or what you thinkI tYeah, a little, maybe.e. 422 00:19:39,958 --> 00:19:43,041 You ever think aboutwhat would happen? 423 00:19:43,041 --> 00:19:46,916 No... 424 00:19:46,958 --> 00:19:49,500 not until now. 425 00:19:51,458 --> 00:19:53,708 I know, but here'sthe craziest part: 426 00:19:53,708 --> 00:19:56,833 I'm actually enjoyingworking for my uncle, Thomas. 427 00:19:56,875 --> 00:19:58,375 I know, but here'sthOkay, that is shocking. 428 00:19:58,375 --> 00:19:59,500 I know, right? 429 00:19:59,541 --> 00:20:01,875 The research I've beendoing, it feels important.ng. 430 00:20:01,875 --> 00:20:04,333 Like if I wasn't doing it,nobody else would be 431 00:20:04,375 --> 00:20:05,916 The and the world beendoing,would suffer.ortant.ng. 432 00:20:05,958 --> 00:20:07,791 That's alittle grandiose. 433 00:20:07,833 --> 00:20:11,583 Yeah, but here isthe most shocking part: 434 00:20:11,583 --> 00:20:15,708 sometimes, I evenforget about the money. 435 00:20:15,708 --> 00:20:17,708 Yeah, but here isthe most shocking Sometimes? 436 00:20:17,750 --> 00:20:20,375 I'm changing,emphasis on the "ing." 437 00:20:20,375 --> 00:20:21,708 I'm not going crazy. 438 00:20:21,708 --> 00:20:25,250 Actually, I think you'reempstarting to sound sane. 439 00:20:26,083 --> 00:20:27,000 Hey, Connor. 440 00:20:27,041 --> 00:20:27,916 Hey! 441 00:20:27,958 --> 00:20:28,791 Danielle, right? 442 00:20:28,833 --> 00:20:29,458 Yeah. 443 00:20:29,500 --> 00:20:30,875 Nice of youguys to come by. 444 00:20:30,875 --> 00:20:31,708 Of course. 445 00:20:31,708 --> 00:20:32,875 You sticking aroundgufor our set?y. 446 00:20:32,875 --> 00:20:34,375 I'm gonna stay fora couple of songs, 447 00:20:34,375 --> 00:20:35,875 but I have to work tonight. 448 00:20:35,875 --> 00:20:39,125 Me, too, and Jessis cooking dinner. 449 00:20:39,125 --> 00:20:41,791 Maybe I shouldstick around. 450 00:20:41,833 --> 00:20:44,166 Me, too, and JessIt's a pretty big crowd. 451 00:20:44,208 --> 00:20:45,541 Yeah. 452 00:20:45,541 --> 00:20:46,875 Excuse me, folks. 453 00:20:46,875 --> 00:20:48,041 Trace? 454 00:20:48,083 --> 00:20:49,666 Scott Adams,EHoratio Records. 455 00:20:49,708 --> 00:20:51,666 Scott, I remember. 456 00:20:51,666 --> 00:20:54,625 Good, let's talk later. 457 00:20:54,666 --> 00:20:56,208 Scott,Okay.member. 458 00:20:57,208 --> 00:20:58,708 That's becausethere's three A&R guys, 459 00:20:58,708 --> 00:21:01,375 six labels and eightmanagers in the house. 460 00:21:01,375 --> 00:21:03,250 That's becauseAll because of that video. 461 00:21:03,250 --> 00:21:04,375 Wow! 462 00:21:04,416 --> 00:21:05,916 That's becauseThat's great news, right?. 463 00:21:05,958 --> 00:21:08,375 Sure, I guess. 464 00:21:08,416 --> 00:21:10,166 I gotta get on stage. 465 00:21:10,166 --> 00:21:11,541 Good to see you guys. 466 00:21:11,583 --> 00:21:12,833 I gottGood luck.tage. 467 00:21:12,875 --> 00:21:14,958 Break a leg! 468 00:21:15,000 --> 00:21:19,666 [Applause] 469 00:21:19,666 --> 00:21:22,458 Welcome to the Bridge! 470 00:21:24,791 --> 00:21:30,791 We're the Trace Riley Band,and I hope y'all enjoy the show. 471 00:21:33,208 --> 00:21:40,708 ♪ Looks like the landslideis taking me down ♪ 472 00:21:40,750 --> 00:21:49,458 ♪ Crushing through myheart when you come around ♪ 473 00:21:49,500 --> 00:21:53,541 ♪ We dance, we dream,we run, we scream ♪ 474 00:21:53,541 --> 00:21:57,250 ♪ We share thesweetness in ♪ 475 00:21:57,291 --> 00:22:03,416 ♪ When the storm comes up andyou're flying on back to me ♪ 476 00:22:06,875 --> 00:22:10,750 ♪ Girl you know it's time,you gotta cross the line ♪ 477 00:22:10,791 --> 00:22:14,541 ♪ Just put your hand inmine because I'm the only ♪ 478 00:22:14,583 --> 00:22:18,875 ♪ He's never meant for you,someone best for you ♪ 479 00:22:18,916 --> 00:22:23,208 ♪ He doesn't know that you'rethe best thing he's ever found ♪ 480 00:22:23,208 --> 00:22:28,875 ♪ But you and me and himcould maybe please a crowd ♪ 481 00:22:28,916 --> 00:22:40,666 ♪ And I don't want tobe the odd man out ♪ 482 00:22:45,708 --> 00:22:48,916 Maybe she moved away,if Tom was all she had. 483 00:22:48,958 --> 00:22:51,541 Yeah, I thoughtabout that too. 484 00:22:51,541 --> 00:22:54,541 What're you going todo if that's the case? 485 00:22:54,541 --> 00:22:56,833 Find her, I guess. 486 00:22:56,875 --> 00:23:00,041 No matter how long it takes? 487 00:23:00,041 --> 00:23:01,208 Maybe. 488 00:23:01,208 --> 00:23:03,666 No maOne last mission?takes? 489 00:23:03,666 --> 00:23:06,750 Yeah, something like that. 490 00:23:06,791 --> 00:23:10,708 I just really feel likeNo I need to talk to her.es? 491 00:23:10,708 --> 00:23:14,541 Your story, my book. 492 00:23:14,583 --> 00:23:17,541 We O'Briens spend our livestrying to figure out our past. 493 00:23:17,541 --> 00:23:21,541 And here I am still tryingto figure out the future. 494 00:23:21,541 --> 00:23:24,541 We You really don't wantvestryto be a doctor, do you?ast. 495 00:23:24,583 --> 00:23:26,875 I can't see myself as one. 496 00:23:26,916 --> 00:23:29,041 Me neither. 497 00:23:29,041 --> 00:23:31,208 So what does theme in your book do? 498 00:23:31,208 --> 00:23:32,541 Hey it's not you, remember? 499 00:23:32,583 --> 00:23:34,583 Okay, what does theclose-to-me in your book do? 500 00:23:34,625 --> 00:23:37,458 He figures it out,does something he loves. 501 00:23:37,500 --> 00:23:38,375 All right. 502 00:23:38,375 --> 00:23:41,000 [Cell phone ringing] 503 00:23:41,041 --> 00:23:43,625 It's Norah Alessandri. 504 00:23:43,666 --> 00:23:45,541 Hello? 505 00:23:45,583 --> 00:23:47,916 Yeah, that sounds great. 506 00:23:47,958 --> 00:23:49,666 Okay, see you soon. 507 00:23:49,708 --> 00:23:51,041 She's home. 508 00:23:51,041 --> 00:23:52,000 Good. 509 00:23:52,666 --> 00:23:54,166 I think Mickand I are finally 510 00:23:54,208 --> 00:23:56,541 starting to understandone another. 511 00:23:56,583 --> 00:23:58,500 Well, they sayit's never too late. 512 00:23:58,541 --> 00:24:02,791 So, you think that you and hemight be reaching a compromise? 513 00:24:02,833 --> 00:24:06,125 It's going slow,but it's going. 514 00:24:06,166 --> 00:24:08,541 It was nice out thereat the Trust today. 515 00:24:08,541 --> 00:24:09,666 It was quiet. 516 00:24:09,666 --> 00:24:11,041 It was nice out thereWith all the construction? 517 00:24:11,083 --> 00:24:12,416 Mick's team wasn't working. 518 00:24:12,416 --> 00:24:14,583 Mick's crew nevereven takes a day off. 519 00:24:14,625 --> 00:24:17,500 That's what I thought, butMick's been taking more time 520 00:24:17,541 --> 00:24:21,208 off lately, maybe he'sbacking off his crews too. 521 00:24:21,250 --> 00:24:22,208 Mick? No. 522 00:24:22,250 --> 00:24:25,750 I think you need totalk to him straight out. 523 00:24:25,750 --> 00:24:27,583 Because he on thephone this morning 524 00:24:27,625 --> 00:24:31,583 and he was yelling attaMatt Fox in New York.t. 525 00:24:31,583 --> 00:24:34,250 I didn't think youcould yell at that guy. 526 00:24:34,250 --> 00:24:39,708 anWell, he ended upattaMahanging up on him,.t. 527 00:24:39,708 --> 00:24:43,666 I didn't think youcoso I guess Mick can.. 528 00:24:43,708 --> 00:24:45,791 That's Mick. 529 00:24:45,833 --> 00:24:47,333 He never backs down. 530 00:24:48,041 --> 00:24:50,041 Then we spent three hourslistening to a bunch of suits 531 00:24:50,083 --> 00:24:53,500 tell us that they see usas straight ahead country 532 00:24:53,541 --> 00:24:55,625 with a hint of James Taylor. 533 00:24:55,666 --> 00:25:00,125 Kind of bare bones, modern folk,but not afraid to go outlaw. 534 00:25:00,166 --> 00:25:03,208 Wow, they got all thatfrom a one hour set? 535 00:25:03,250 --> 00:25:05,875 Yup, and they allpromised creative freedom 536 00:25:05,875 --> 00:25:08,500 and artist friendly deals. 537 00:25:08,500 --> 00:25:12,125 They're all just telling uswhat they think we want to hear. 538 00:25:12,166 --> 00:25:15,958 So, what do youand arwant to hear? deals. 539 00:25:16,000 --> 00:25:18,500 That's just it... 540 00:25:18,541 --> 00:25:20,208 I'm not sure. 541 00:25:20,208 --> 00:25:23,166 And you can'tjust do it your way? 542 00:25:23,208 --> 00:25:25,375 Not unless I wantto lose my band. 543 00:25:25,375 --> 00:25:27,416 Even Leigh'sreconsidering. 544 00:25:27,458 --> 00:25:28,541 Because of this video, 545 00:25:28,541 --> 00:25:31,375 she thinks it's goingto be different. 546 00:25:31,375 --> 00:25:33,333 And you? 547 00:25:33,333 --> 00:25:37,291 I've heard it all before. 548 00:25:37,333 --> 00:25:40,000 Well, thank youfor doing this. 549 00:25:40,041 --> 00:25:42,458 I wouldn't have asked you,but Wes is working and-- 550 00:25:42,500 --> 00:25:45,708 Abs, I'm not trying to beCarrie and Caitlyn's dad, 551 00:25:45,708 --> 00:25:48,166 but I want tobe there for them. 552 00:25:48,166 --> 00:25:51,041 Be a part of their lives. 553 00:25:52,208 --> 00:25:55,291 but I want toIt's just complicated... 554 00:25:55,333 --> 00:25:57,750 Yeah, I know. 555 00:25:59,041 --> 00:26:00,208 Thank you. 556 00:26:00,208 --> 00:26:01,250 Of course. 557 00:26:01,291 --> 00:26:02,708 I'll see you later. 558 00:26:04,000 --> 00:26:05,833 Bye. 559 00:26:07,375 --> 00:26:11,458 Okay, so stage fiveis the power struggle. 560 00:26:11,500 --> 00:26:14,041 It's where we mould ourbeliefs into what's best for us. 561 00:26:14,083 --> 00:26:18,875 It's about subverting ourbeliefs into a common goal. 562 00:26:18,916 --> 00:26:21,166 What's best for meright now is to sell 563 00:26:21,208 --> 00:26:23,666 998 books in thenext ten hours. 564 00:26:23,708 --> 00:26:24,791 We sold two books? 565 00:26:24,833 --> 00:26:25,791 I bought two. 566 00:26:25,833 --> 00:26:26,750 Which two? 567 00:26:26,791 --> 00:26:27,625 I don't remember. 568 00:26:27,625 --> 00:26:29,583 Why won't you letme return these? 569 00:26:29,625 --> 00:26:31,041 Hey, Ms. Meerson? 570 00:26:31,041 --> 00:26:32,583 It's my highschool English teacher. 571 00:26:32,625 --> 00:26:33,916 Hi, how are you? 572 00:26:33,958 --> 00:26:35,208 You look so great. 573 00:26:35,208 --> 00:26:37,041 Jess O'Brien, my favorite. 574 00:26:37,083 --> 00:26:39,666 I heard you're running anInn and now a bookstore? 575 00:26:39,666 --> 00:26:42,625 Oh no, I'm just watching thisfor Bree for the next few days. 576 00:26:42,625 --> 00:26:43,875 I heardAnd as luckning anInn awould have it,tore? 577 00:26:43,875 --> 00:26:45,708 Oh noI'm selling all the thisfor classics at a discount.ays. 578 00:26:45,750 --> 00:26:49,500 I Can I interest you inanseveral copies of Frankenstein? 579 00:26:49,541 --> 00:26:50,625 Can you? 580 00:26:50,666 --> 00:26:51,875 Right, sorry. 581 00:26:51,916 --> 00:26:54,750 May I interest youin several copies 582 00:26:54,791 --> 00:26:56,791 of The Mayorof Casterbridge? 583 00:26:56,833 --> 00:26:59,375 Or another classic? 584 00:26:59,416 --> 00:27:02,416 Ah, Jane Eyre,one of my favorites. 585 00:27:02,458 --> 00:27:04,333 You should buya copy, or two, 586 00:27:04,375 --> 00:27:05,958 in case you wantto read it twice. 587 00:27:06,000 --> 00:27:09,166 Or several hundredcopies just because. 588 00:27:09,208 --> 00:27:10,208 I'd love to. 589 00:27:10,250 --> 00:27:12,458 I've been wanting toteach Jane Eyre for 15 years, 590 00:27:12,500 --> 00:27:15,458 but the school won'tbudget for new books. 591 00:27:15,458 --> 00:27:17,083 Anyway, greatto see you Jess. 592 00:27:17,125 --> 00:27:19,625 but I should go,on'tbudnice to see you.s. 593 00:27:22,958 --> 00:27:24,791 What are we going to do? 594 00:27:24,833 --> 00:27:26,041 I don't know. 595 00:27:26,041 --> 00:27:29,000 But whatever it is,we'll do it together. 596 00:27:29,041 --> 00:27:33,083 Subverting our beliefsinto a common goal. 597 00:27:33,125 --> 00:27:34,083 Stage five. 598 00:27:34,125 --> 00:27:36,541 Stage five! 599 00:27:57,875 --> 00:28:01,708 Tom told me about you,and about your family. 600 00:28:01,708 --> 00:28:04,458 It must be wonderfulhaving so many people 601 00:28:04,500 --> 00:28:07,875 who love oneanother so much. 602 00:28:07,875 --> 00:28:09,291 It is. 603 00:28:09,291 --> 00:28:11,333 He told me alot about you, too. 604 00:28:11,375 --> 00:28:12,208 Really? 605 00:28:12,208 --> 00:28:13,458 Yeah. 606 00:28:15,416 --> 00:28:18,875 He told me how importantyou were to him. 607 00:28:18,875 --> 00:28:24,541 It's really hard to losethe people you love the most. 608 00:28:24,541 --> 00:28:26,333 He told me how importantyou wYeah.o him. 609 00:28:31,041 --> 00:28:35,833 Tom shouldn't be dead, he shouldtbe here with you right now.. 610 00:28:35,875 --> 00:28:39,041 We were heading back at theend of the day to the outpost 611 00:28:39,041 --> 00:28:40,458 and he was sittingin the front seat- 612 00:28:40,500 --> 00:28:43,375 Kevin, I'm glad you came, 613 00:28:43,416 --> 00:28:47,166 but if you're here totell me about my son, 614 00:28:47,166 --> 00:28:48,750 I'll stay and listen. 615 00:28:48,791 --> 00:28:53,666 But Tom, when he was here,was all about living. 616 00:28:57,875 --> 00:29:00,375 I just can't stopthinking about it. 617 00:29:00,416 --> 00:29:03,166 Tom lived his life theway he wanted to live it. 618 00:29:03,208 --> 00:29:06,291 He knew who he wasand what he wanted to be. 619 00:29:06,333 --> 00:29:09,375 And what hetold me about you, 620 00:29:09,375 --> 00:29:13,541 well that's whathe'd want for you, too. 621 00:29:13,541 --> 00:29:15,916 It's just not easy. 622 00:29:19,375 --> 00:29:22,750 But the answersaren't that hard. 623 00:29:35,208 --> 00:29:37,666 I picked up the rest ofCarrie's party supplies. 624 00:29:37,708 --> 00:29:39,666 Bouncy house and all. 625 00:29:39,708 --> 00:29:41,291 That's nice. 626 00:29:42,208 --> 00:29:43,541 Jess, you okay? 627 00:29:43,583 --> 00:29:45,750 Oh you know, Ijust made a mistake 628 00:29:45,791 --> 00:29:48,708 that I'm gonna be paying forfor the rest of my life. 629 00:29:48,708 --> 00:29:50,000 That's no good. 630 00:29:50,000 --> 00:29:51,541 that I'm gonna be paying forfNo, not even a little.. 631 00:29:51,583 --> 00:29:53,625 I think I have tomove to Bolivia. 632 00:29:53,666 --> 00:29:55,875 Well before you takeoff, is your dad around? 633 00:29:55,875 --> 00:29:58,541 Yeah, he's in the drivewaybuilding something. 634 00:29:58,541 --> 00:29:59,875 Thanks. 635 00:29:59,875 --> 00:30:00,875 Adios. 636 00:30:00,875 --> 00:30:02,625 Gracias! 637 00:30:07,708 --> 00:30:09,083 Uncle Thomas! 638 00:30:09,083 --> 00:30:10,041 Hey! 639 00:30:10,041 --> 00:30:11,541 Good timing, I was justheaded off to New York. 640 00:30:11,583 --> 00:30:13,125 Yeah that's whyI got here early. 641 00:30:13,166 --> 00:30:15,375 I did some additionalresearch on the Adirondacks, 642 00:30:15,416 --> 00:30:18,666 and I wanted to give it toyou before you take off. 643 00:30:18,666 --> 00:30:19,833 I don't have a check. 644 00:30:19,875 --> 00:30:22,041 andYou didn't ask, yout toydon't owe me anything.. 645 00:30:22,041 --> 00:30:24,166 Thank you, I'll take alook at it on the flight. 646 00:30:24,208 --> 00:30:26,083 andYou didn't ask, yout toydon'tNo problem.thing.. 647 00:30:26,125 --> 00:30:27,500 Oh, hey Connor. 648 00:30:27,541 --> 00:30:29,541 If you don't mind, 649 00:30:29,583 --> 00:30:32,625 if any of your NYU lawyerfriends are interested, 650 00:30:32,666 --> 00:30:34,875 I'm hiring anew attorney. 651 00:30:34,916 --> 00:30:37,500 I'll be handing it off tothe headhunters next week, 652 00:30:37,541 --> 00:30:39,875 but if any of themwant to get a head start, 653 00:30:39,875 --> 00:30:40,750 let me know. 654 00:30:40,791 --> 00:30:43,083 but if any of themwant toYeah, sure. start, 655 00:30:43,083 --> 00:30:49,166 Uncle Thomas, wheredo I send my resume? 656 00:30:49,208 --> 00:30:52,083 but if any of themwantYou already have.art, 657 00:30:53,291 --> 00:30:55,250 Safe travels! 658 00:31:03,375 --> 00:31:06,125 Wow Mick, someof your best work. 659 00:31:06,166 --> 00:31:07,458 Thanks. 660 00:31:07,458 --> 00:31:09,208 The girls aregonna love it. 661 00:31:09,208 --> 00:31:10,083 TYeah.. 662 00:31:10,125 --> 00:31:11,041 You need a hand? 663 00:31:11,083 --> 00:31:13,625 I thought you'd never ask. 664 00:31:20,875 --> 00:31:22,208 That kind of a day, huh? 665 00:31:22,208 --> 00:31:23,375 Is it that obvious? 666 00:31:23,375 --> 00:31:25,125 Oh yeah. 667 00:31:25,166 --> 00:31:28,125 What's going on? 668 00:31:28,125 --> 00:31:29,333 Over the lastcouple of days, 669 00:31:29,375 --> 00:31:31,583 we've been hit up by halfa dozen record labels, 670 00:31:31,625 --> 00:31:33,375 all promisingus the world. 671 00:31:33,375 --> 00:31:35,166 Let me askyou something. 672 00:31:35,208 --> 00:31:37,125 When you're puttinga deal together, 673 00:31:37,166 --> 00:31:38,791 partnering with someone, 674 00:31:38,791 --> 00:31:40,750 how do youprotect yourself? 675 00:31:40,791 --> 00:31:42,708 I don't think youpacan, not completely.e, 676 00:31:42,750 --> 00:31:45,208 So you're saying just rollthe dice and pick someone? 677 00:31:45,250 --> 00:31:46,416 No I'm not saying that, 678 00:31:46,458 --> 00:31:49,875 I'm saying there's alwaysan element of risk involved. 679 00:31:49,875 --> 00:31:52,041 It's not so muchabout what they promise, 680 00:31:52,041 --> 00:31:55,208 but about what they'rewilling to sacrifice. 681 00:31:55,250 --> 00:31:56,875 Like a show of good faith? 682 00:31:56,875 --> 00:31:58,000 Exactly. 683 00:31:58,041 --> 00:31:59,333 What they'rewilling to give up 684 00:31:59,375 --> 00:32:02,208 will tell you all you needto know about somebody. 685 00:32:02,250 --> 00:32:03,166 Thanks Mick! 686 00:32:03,208 --> 00:32:04,958 It may not be true,but it's the best I got. 687 00:32:05,000 --> 00:32:07,208 I always take youradvice with a grain of salt. 688 00:32:07,250 --> 00:32:09,541 Now that is very wise! 689 00:32:09,541 --> 00:32:11,041 You want me tosand these edges? 690 00:32:11,041 --> 00:32:13,416 Yeah please, thanks. 691 00:32:20,291 --> 00:32:21,583 You want me tosandHey Jess!ges? 692 00:32:21,625 --> 00:32:23,416 Is there something thatyou forgot to tell me? 693 00:32:23,416 --> 00:32:24,416 No. 694 00:32:24,458 --> 00:32:25,333 Is there something thatyI'm pretty sure not.? 695 00:32:25,375 --> 00:32:27,958 Unless you thinkthere might be. 696 00:32:27,958 --> 00:32:30,375 You saw the books,didn't you? 697 00:32:30,375 --> 00:32:31,958 Unless you thinktHard to miss.. 698 00:32:33,291 --> 00:32:36,125 Existential comedy;theater of the absurd; 699 00:32:36,166 --> 00:32:38,416 historical mysteriesduring the American revolution; 700 00:32:38,416 --> 00:32:40,833 satirical artistsof the 17th century? 701 00:32:40,875 --> 00:32:42,541 hiDavid was movingesduring thstuff around.volution; 702 00:32:42,583 --> 00:32:44,375 I'm so sorry,I'll put it back. 703 00:32:44,375 --> 00:32:46,375 What? No, no. 704 00:32:46,375 --> 00:32:49,291 I'm so sorry,Jess, it's genius! 705 00:32:49,333 --> 00:32:50,541 Oh. 706 00:32:50,541 --> 00:32:52,541 It is genius. 707 00:32:52,541 --> 00:32:53,958 Where-- 708 00:32:54,000 --> 00:32:59,208 Oh, I got a notefrom the high school today. 709 00:32:59,208 --> 00:33:01,125 I can't believe thatyou and David managed 710 00:33:01,166 --> 00:33:03,750 Oh,to sell this manyfbooks to them at once.day. 711 00:33:03,791 --> 00:33:06,500 You guys area great team! 712 00:33:06,541 --> 00:33:09,875 Well, we do mould ourbeliefs together really well. 713 00:33:09,875 --> 00:33:14,875 And our relationshipseems to be perfect, so... 714 00:33:14,875 --> 00:33:16,125 What? 715 00:33:16,166 --> 00:33:19,041 Stage six: happiness! 716 00:33:19,041 --> 00:33:21,166 See ya! 717 00:33:24,041 --> 00:33:25,750 So we still needStto get hamburgers,! 718 00:33:25,791 --> 00:33:27,333 hot dogs, andveggie dogs. 719 00:33:27,375 --> 00:33:32,000 Call David not Jess to seeif he's okay with cooking. 720 00:33:32,041 --> 00:33:34,708 Megan and I are goingto pick up the cake. 721 00:33:34,750 --> 00:33:37,916 And Mick, your job ifyou choose to accept, 722 00:33:37,958 --> 00:33:39,666 is to pick up thetables and chairs 723 00:33:39,708 --> 00:33:41,041 and inflate thebouncy houses. 724 00:33:41,041 --> 00:33:43,208 Okay, and I still gottawork on my surprise. 725 00:33:43,208 --> 00:33:44,583 and inflate thebounGood.uses. 726 00:33:44,625 --> 00:33:45,500 Hey. 727 00:33:45,541 --> 00:33:46,958 - Hey.- Hey! 728 00:33:47,000 --> 00:33:51,333 I was wondering if I couldtalk to you, if you have a sec. 729 00:33:51,375 --> 00:33:53,333 Okay, well I'vebeen thinking a lot 730 00:33:53,375 --> 00:33:55,000 about medical school lately. 731 00:33:55,041 --> 00:33:58,791 And thinking about how Ileft halfway through last time. 732 00:33:58,833 --> 00:34:02,791 And, now that I'mlooking to go back, 733 00:34:02,833 --> 00:34:05,125 I've been wondering why. 734 00:34:07,041 --> 00:34:09,708 I don't wantto be a doctor. 735 00:34:09,708 --> 00:34:11,458 What? 736 00:34:11,500 --> 00:34:14,333 But I love helpingpeople and I love medicine, 737 00:34:14,375 --> 00:34:18,541 so I'm going tobe a paramedic. 738 00:34:18,541 --> 00:34:22,416 Well, that's justterrific honey! 739 00:34:22,458 --> 00:34:24,041 It's about time youmade that decision. 740 00:34:24,041 --> 00:34:26,791 We've knownthat for a month. 741 00:34:26,833 --> 00:34:27,916 Of course. 742 00:34:37,041 --> 00:34:40,250 Six execs, sixdifferent labels. 743 00:34:40,291 --> 00:34:41,583 I don't knowabout you guys, 744 00:34:41,625 --> 00:34:42,875 but I can'ttell them apart. 745 00:34:42,916 --> 00:34:44,208 Yeah, I hear you. 746 00:34:44,250 --> 00:34:46,416 If I hear trustme one more time, 747 00:34:46,458 --> 00:34:47,708 I'll scream. 748 00:34:47,750 --> 00:34:49,708 I figured this iswhat would happen. 749 00:34:49,750 --> 00:34:52,500 I thought we madeourselves clear? 750 00:34:52,541 --> 00:34:54,625 You did. 751 00:34:55,958 --> 00:34:58,125 So why're you here? 752 00:35:06,375 --> 00:35:07,833 What's thatsupposed to mean? 753 00:35:07,875 --> 00:35:10,166 Whether or not youre-sign with me, 754 00:35:10,166 --> 00:35:11,583 I did you guys wrong. 755 00:35:11,625 --> 00:35:13,916 This is my way of showingyou what I'm willing to give up 756 00:35:13,958 --> 00:35:16,666 to be a part of thefuture of this band. 757 00:35:16,708 --> 00:35:19,125 Good luck anddo me a favor. 758 00:35:19,166 --> 00:35:21,708 Give me a call whenyou make a decision. 759 00:35:21,708 --> 00:35:22,583 Yeah. 760 00:35:22,583 --> 00:35:24,958 You're not gonna tryand sign right now?. 761 00:35:24,958 --> 00:35:28,333 I figure you'llneed some time. 762 00:35:46,375 --> 00:35:50,166 YouHe's given us tryaback our masters.?. 763 00:36:01,083 --> 00:36:03,083 [Door knocking] 764 00:36:04,500 --> 00:36:07,041 What are you doing andwhy do you have ice cream? 765 00:36:07,041 --> 00:36:08,083 I'm trying to bond. 766 00:36:08,125 --> 00:36:09,791 I thought that'show you got invited. 767 00:36:09,833 --> 00:36:12,791 Well actually, it'smore about sharing. 768 00:36:12,833 --> 00:36:14,083 Here. 769 00:36:17,708 --> 00:36:19,583 Okay, so what's going on? 770 00:36:19,625 --> 00:36:22,333 Well, I'm moving out,Bree and Jess aren't here, 771 00:36:22,333 --> 00:36:26,208 so I thought that this mightbe our last chance to do this. 772 00:36:26,208 --> 00:36:27,625 Well, I'm moving out,BreBond over ice cream?re, 773 00:36:27,666 --> 00:36:30,125 Mmm-hmm. 774 00:36:30,166 --> 00:36:31,208 Well? 775 00:36:31,208 --> 00:36:36,875 Well, I've decided thatI'm going to be a paramedic. 776 00:36:36,916 --> 00:36:40,041 Kevin, that is amazing. 777 00:36:40,041 --> 00:36:41,708 Congratulations. 778 00:36:41,708 --> 00:36:43,208 KeviYes, thank you.ing. 779 00:36:43,250 --> 00:36:44,291 CoIt is good!ns. 780 00:36:44,333 --> 00:36:46,750 All right, your turn. 781 00:36:49,208 --> 00:36:53,916 Wes got a job, but it is nowherenear Chesapeake Shores 782 00:36:53,916 --> 00:36:57,916 and the girls arealready missing him. 783 00:36:57,916 --> 00:37:01,458 Wes gotEverything is justnowherenechanging so fast.res 784 00:37:05,500 --> 00:37:09,375 That's the real reasonyou're here, isn't it? 785 00:37:13,458 --> 00:37:15,000 This ice creamreally does the trick. 786 00:37:15,041 --> 00:37:15,791 Right? 787 00:37:15,833 --> 00:37:17,250 Yeah. 788 00:37:18,083 --> 00:37:21,375 Oh and nowwe have to giggle. 789 00:37:21,416 --> 00:37:24,375 You have to do it! 790 00:37:24,541 --> 00:37:27,375 [Giggling] 791 00:37:41,125 --> 00:37:42,541 Hey guys. 792 00:37:44,541 --> 00:37:46,041 Here's another one. 793 00:37:46,083 --> 00:37:47,333 Thank you! 794 00:37:47,375 --> 00:37:48,916 Abby, you didsuch an amazing job. 795 00:37:48,958 --> 00:37:52,000 Thank you, I couldn'thave done it without you. 796 00:37:52,750 --> 00:37:55,208 So what're you gonnado for Carrie's 11th? 797 00:37:55,250 --> 00:37:58,416 I'm starting workon it tomorrow. 798 00:37:58,458 --> 00:38:00,041 Thank you so muchfor all your help. 799 00:38:00,041 --> 00:38:01,583 Of course. 800 00:38:01,625 --> 00:38:03,083 Thank you so muchSo how did it go?. 801 00:38:03,125 --> 00:38:06,833 Well, Mark Hall showed upand gave us back our masters. 802 00:38:06,875 --> 00:38:09,541 Wow, is that maybesomething to consider? 803 00:38:09,541 --> 00:38:13,000 Right now, all I wantto do is enjoy the party. 804 00:38:13,041 --> 00:38:15,625 WI'm really gladbesothat you're here.er? 805 00:38:15,625 --> 00:38:17,125 Carrie is outthere somewhere. 806 00:38:17,125 --> 00:38:18,125 WIShe can't waitbesothato see you.re.er? 807 00:38:18,166 --> 00:38:19,666 - I'll find her.th- Have fun!re. 808 00:38:19,708 --> 00:38:21,083 See you in a bit! 809 00:38:32,208 --> 00:38:33,750 Hi, would youlike some lemonade? 810 00:38:33,791 --> 00:38:35,416 I would, thank you. 811 00:38:35,458 --> 00:38:36,791 Hi, Mrs. Meerson? 812 00:38:36,833 --> 00:38:37,958 Jess? 813 00:38:38,000 --> 00:38:38,833 Hi! 814 00:38:38,833 --> 00:38:40,708 You can call me Jacquie. 815 00:38:40,708 --> 00:38:41,833 No, I can't. 816 00:38:41,833 --> 00:38:43,833 Jacquie, it's too weird. 817 00:38:43,875 --> 00:38:44,708 No,Fine.n't. 818 00:38:44,750 --> 00:38:46,541 I just came by tothank your friend. 819 00:38:46,541 --> 00:38:48,666 David?What for? 820 00:38:48,708 --> 00:38:50,625 He brought over allthe books to the school, 821 00:38:50,666 --> 00:38:52,458 and we didn'teven ask him. 822 00:38:52,500 --> 00:38:53,583 He did? 823 00:38:53,583 --> 00:38:55,541 I talked to the principal,David told her 824 00:38:55,583 --> 00:38:59,166 he paid the entire costof the books by himself. 825 00:38:59,166 --> 00:39:00,666 Ten thousand dollars. 826 00:39:00,708 --> 00:39:02,750 he Now I know it wasostsupposed to be anonymous, 827 00:39:02,750 --> 00:39:05,541 but I just had tocome by and thank him. 828 00:39:05,541 --> 00:39:07,958 he Now I know it wasostsupposOkay... sure.ymous, 829 00:39:08,000 --> 00:39:09,833 but I just had tocome bGo for it.k him. 830 00:39:16,375 --> 00:39:19,000 Stage seven: doubt. 831 00:39:19,041 --> 00:39:21,500 When a couple realizesthey have no idea 832 00:39:21,541 --> 00:39:24,708 who the otherperson really is. 833 00:39:24,750 --> 00:39:25,916 They want to publish me! 834 00:39:25,958 --> 00:39:27,333 Harper Day wantsto publish me! 835 00:39:27,375 --> 00:39:28,291 - What?- They're huge! 836 00:39:28,333 --> 00:39:30,083 They read my manuscriptand they liked it. 837 00:39:30,125 --> 00:39:32,333 I mean my partial manuscript,which I didn't send them, 838 00:39:32,375 --> 00:39:35,750 and I haven't shownanybody, except Simon. 839 00:39:36,875 --> 00:39:38,583 Wait, wait! 840 00:39:38,625 --> 00:39:41,708 Simon sent my manuscriptwithout asking? 841 00:39:41,708 --> 00:39:42,708 Stage seven. 842 00:39:42,708 --> 00:39:43,375 Simon sent my manuscriptwithoWhat?king? 843 00:39:43,375 --> 00:39:44,875 And no stage eight. 844 00:39:44,875 --> 00:39:46,000 Trust. 845 00:39:46,041 --> 00:39:47,250 I have to write Simon. 846 00:39:47,291 --> 00:39:49,791 No wait, I haveto call Simon. 847 00:40:01,458 --> 00:40:03,375 Abby? Hey. 848 00:40:03,375 --> 00:40:04,958 Douglas, hi! 849 00:40:05,000 --> 00:40:06,541 Wow, this is great! 850 00:40:06,583 --> 00:40:08,125 Thanks for invitingCory and me. 851 00:40:08,166 --> 00:40:09,583 Glad you guys could come. 852 00:40:09,625 --> 00:40:10,750 Yeah, and justto warn you: 853 00:40:10,791 --> 00:40:13,375 I am definitely gettingin that bouncy house later. 854 00:40:13,416 --> 00:40:14,375 Well, good luck with that. 855 00:40:14,375 --> 00:40:15,500 Thank you. 856 00:40:15,541 --> 00:40:18,666 Real quick, I just wanted totalk to you about Matt Fox 857 00:40:18,708 --> 00:40:20,750 dropping out ofthe O'Brien Trust. 858 00:40:20,791 --> 00:40:22,208 How do you knowabout that? 859 00:40:22,208 --> 00:40:25,041 You know, I got a lot of friendsback on Wall Street still 860 00:40:25,083 --> 00:40:27,416 and even a few thatwork for Fox. 861 00:40:27,458 --> 00:40:30,125 My firm may be interestedin helping your father out. 862 00:40:30,166 --> 00:40:30,875 Really? 863 00:40:30,875 --> 00:40:31,875 Yeah. 864 00:40:31,916 --> 00:40:35,333 Okay, well I willkeep that in mind. 865 00:40:35,375 --> 00:40:37,208 Good, keep me posted. 866 00:40:37,208 --> 00:40:38,375 Sure. 867 00:40:38,375 --> 00:40:40,541 I'm definitely interested. 868 00:40:45,000 --> 00:40:46,833 Hey Abby, there you are. 869 00:40:46,875 --> 00:40:47,916 Hi. 870 00:40:47,958 --> 00:40:51,875 Wow, you did agreat job, Abby. 871 00:40:51,916 --> 00:40:53,708 I'm sorry Iwasn't here to help. 872 00:40:53,750 --> 00:40:55,750 That's okay, I'mjust happy you're here. 873 00:40:55,791 --> 00:40:57,541 I wouldn't miss it. 874 00:40:57,583 --> 00:40:59,916 So, where are the girls? 875 00:40:59,958 --> 00:41:02,416 There's the birthday girl.Happy birthday! 876 00:41:02,458 --> 00:41:03,666 Come on, let's go! 877 00:41:03,708 --> 00:41:05,000 Okay, all right... 878 00:41:09,208 --> 00:41:10,875 How do we keepgetting roped into this? 879 00:41:10,875 --> 00:41:13,208 Because you insistedon being called Sir Connor. 880 00:41:13,208 --> 00:41:15,083 That's King Connor,gettingsire Kev.to this? 881 00:41:15,125 --> 00:41:16,000 I'm not bowing down. 882 00:41:16,041 --> 00:41:17,666 Well then,that's an act of war! 883 00:41:17,708 --> 00:41:20,208 Get him, let's get 'em! 884 00:41:21,708 --> 00:41:23,125 [Whistling] 885 00:41:23,166 --> 00:41:26,583 O'Brien family,come on down! 886 00:41:27,291 --> 00:41:29,583 I don't know,it's a surprise. 887 00:41:29,625 --> 00:41:32,416 So, Douglas Petersonmight be interested 888 00:41:32,458 --> 00:41:33,541 in taking onthe financing. 889 00:41:33,541 --> 00:41:34,625 He's got a good rep. 890 00:41:34,666 --> 00:41:36,250 So what do youwant me to do? 891 00:41:36,291 --> 00:41:37,625 Set up a meeting. 892 00:41:37,666 --> 00:41:38,541 Okay. 893 00:41:38,541 --> 00:41:41,916 Come on, here we go. 894 00:41:46,500 --> 00:41:48,208 Happy Birthday,Princess Carrie! 895 00:41:48,250 --> 00:41:51,750 I just want to say to you,your Royal Court awaits! 896 00:41:51,791 --> 00:41:55,500 Oh loyal squiresof the O'Brien clan, 897 00:41:55,500 --> 00:41:57,875 release the drop cloth! 898 00:42:14,083 --> 00:42:15,375 Oh loyal squiresAm I the damsel?rien clan, 899 00:42:15,416 --> 00:42:17,625 Yeah, you're adamsel, all right. 900 00:42:19,250 --> 00:42:22,333 Happy birthday!