1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:03,960 # Footsteps of Jesus... # 2 00:00:03.960 --> 00:00:05.960 align:middle line:-3 'The church and my family are my life.' 3 00:00:05.960 --> 00:00:08.960 align:middle line:-3 I want us to live our whole lives together. Me too. 4 00:00:08.960 --> 00:00:11.960 align:middle line:-3 What if Lesley and Trevor were to die? How would it work? 5 00:00:11.960 --> 00:00:15.320 align:middle line:0 You'll alert me when Trevor's off duty. He'll have to be sedated. 6 00:00:19.960 --> 00:00:21.960 align:middle line:-3 (GASPS AND STRUGGLES) (THUDS) 7 00:00:22.960 --> 00:00:26.960 align:middle line:-3 MAN: 'I'm terribly sorry to say that Lesley has been found, and Trevor.' 8 00:00:27.960 --> 00:00:30.960 align:middle line:-3 I'm afraid it appears that they have taken their own lives. 9 00:00:31.960 --> 00:00:33.960 align:middle line:-3 Who's he? None of your business. 10 00:00:34.960 --> 00:00:39.960 align:middle line:-4 Get out of my house! We sacrificed so much to be together! I never wanted any sacrifice! 11 00:00:39.960 --> 00:00:42.960 align:middle line:-3 You drew me in! This isn't finished...and it never will be. 12 00:00:42.960 --> 00:00:46.320 align:middle line:-4 (DOORBELL RINGS) I'm Kyle Jorgensen. Is this the right place? 13 00:00:46.320 --> 00:00:49.960 align:middle line:-4 Kyle, I am a good father and husband to you, aren't I? Of course. 14 00:00:49.960 --> 00:00:51.960 align:middle line:-2 I need to tell you something. 15 00:00:52.960 --> 00:00:55.960 align:middle line:-3 I killed Lesley... and I killed Trevor. 16 00:00:56.960 --> 00:00:58.960 align:middle line:-2 'But God has forgiven me. Can you?' 17 00:01:00.960 --> 00:01:03.320 align:middle line:-4 Hazel, how are you? (TREMBLING VOICE) I'm well, thanks. 18 00:01:03.320 --> 00:01:06.960 align:middle line:-3 I'm married now. How are the kids? Matt's at university. 19 00:01:07.960 --> 00:01:11.960 align:middle line:-3 MAN: That was Colin Howell, wasn't it? (SHAKEN) Yes. Are you all right? 20 00:01:11.960 --> 00:01:13.960 align:middle line:-2 Not really. 21 00:01:13.960 --> 00:01:15.800 align:middle line:-2 (SIGHS) 22 00:01:15.800 --> 00:01:17.960 align:middle line:-2 It's Matt! 23 00:01:17.960 --> 00:01:21.640 align:middle line:-4 Hello? YOUNG MAN: He must've slipped and fallen over the banister. 24 00:01:21.640 --> 00:01:25.800 align:middle line:-3 Assuming it took five seconds for you to react, 25 00:01:25.800 --> 00:01:27.960 align:middle line:-3 that totals 17.6 seconds... 26 00:01:29.960 --> 00:01:32.960 align:middle line:-3 ..for my son to contemplate his imminent death. 27 00:01:33.000 --> 00:01:35.960 align:middle line:-3 'You have punished me as You punished King David.' 28 00:01:36.320 --> 00:01:41.960 align:middle line:-3 Show me I am forgiven! Let me prosper, like King David prospered! 29 00:02:06.960 --> 00:02:08.960 align:middle line:-2 (SEAGULLS CRY) 30 00:02:11.960 --> 00:02:13.960 align:middle line:-2 (CAWING) 31 00:02:20.960 --> 00:02:22.960 align:middle line:-2 (POIGNANT MUSIC) 32 00:02:49.960 --> 00:02:53.960 align:middle line:-3 I brought death into the family... and this has been my punishment. 33 00:02:57.000 --> 00:03:00.960 align:middle line:-3 But it's all right. It means that God and I are all square. 34 00:03:01.800 --> 00:03:04.960 align:middle line:-3 How can you say that? Because I know now that I am forgiven. 35 00:03:04.960 --> 00:03:08.960 align:middle line:-3 You said before that you'd repented and had been forgiven, 36 00:03:09.800 --> 00:03:13.960 align:middle line:-3 but that's not true. God is still punishing us! 37 00:03:14.960 --> 00:03:19.960 align:middle line:-4 But don't you understand? What? You remember, in the Book of Samuel, how David saw Bathsheba bathing, 38 00:03:19.960 --> 00:03:22.960 align:middle line:-3 he fell in love and just had to possess her? (SOBS) 39 00:03:22.960 --> 00:03:24.960 align:middle line:-3 He engineered to get her husband killed! 40 00:03:25.960 --> 00:03:29.960 align:middle line:-4 He took a life, so God punished him by taking his son. I sinned and God took my son. 41 00:03:29.960 --> 00:03:33.960 align:middle line:-4 But with David's repentance, God forgave him and he became a great king. 42 00:03:34.960 --> 00:03:38.960 align:middle line:-4 I...I have been punished and I, too, will be forgiven. But you still haven't repented, Colin! 43 00:03:38.960 --> 00:03:40.960 align:middle line:-3 No, God allowed David to become a great king. 44 00:03:40.960 --> 00:03:43.960 align:middle line:-3 God allowed David to prosper, and I will prosper! Colin... 45 00:03:43.960 --> 00:03:47.960 align:middle line:-4 God has shown me a way to gain great wealth, even while performing good works. 46 00:03:47.960 --> 00:03:51.000 align:middle line:-4 I have new business interests. Through them, I will show you that God supports me! 47 00:03:51.000 --> 00:03:56.960 align:middle line:-4 I want you out the house. No, don't, Kyle, don't. I'll show you I'm forgiven. He's guiding me now. 48 00:03:56.960 --> 00:04:01.960 align:middle line:-4 I just don't believe you any more! He's shown me a way to bring us great wealth! You'll see... (SIGHS) 49 00:04:05.320 --> 00:04:07.960 align:middle line:-2 'Hello? Hello?' 50 00:04:10.000 --> 00:04:12.320 align:middle line:-3 Oh, hello, yes, it's Colin Howell here. 51 00:04:13.000 --> 00:04:15.160 align:middle line:-3 That's right, yes. Can you hear me? 52 00:04:16.480 --> 00:04:18.640 align:middle line:-2 Yes, how's Manila? 53 00:04:18.960 --> 00:04:20.960 align:middle line:-2 Colder here now, I have to say. 54 00:04:20.960 --> 00:04:24.960 align:middle line:-3 So I just wanted to, erm, confirm... LAPTOP: "(PANTING AND MOANING)" 55 00:04:24.960 --> 00:04:28.960 align:middle line:-4 ..that the second tranche, the second payment... (LAPTOP OFF) 56 00:04:28.960 --> 00:04:31.960 align:middle line:-3 That's right. If you can confirm that that has gone through, 57 00:04:31.960 --> 00:04:36.960 align:middle line:-4 then we can start to work on the third tranche. Thank you. Lovely to talk to you. 58 00:04:47.960 --> 00:04:49.960 align:middle line:-2 (ENGINE STARTS UP) 59 00:04:50.960 --> 00:04:52.960 align:middle line:-2 (SEAGULLS CRY) 60 00:05:06.960 --> 00:05:10.960 align:middle line:-3 I can't believe how tall you've gotten! Taller than Dad was? 61 00:05:11.320 --> 00:05:15.960 align:middle line:-4 Easily! He used to sleep on boards to make sure he was tall enough to join the RUC. 62 00:05:15.960 --> 00:05:21.960 align:middle line:-4 I don't remember him being really tall. Do you want a cup of tea? Oh, I'm all right, thank you, Dave. 63 00:05:22.960 --> 00:05:27.640 align:middle line:-4 Andrew's got lectures this afternoon. Want me to run you to the station? No, I'll take him. 64 00:05:27.960 --> 00:05:31.960 align:middle line:-4 I'm driving, though. No, you are not. Give me those - No. Go! Please! No. Why not? Bye! 65 00:05:44.960 --> 00:05:46.960 align:middle line:-2 (OMINOUS MUSIC) 66 00:05:58.960 --> 00:06:02.000 align:middle line:-3 Can you take this to the Northern Bank as soon as it opens tomorrow? 67 00:06:02.000 --> 00:06:07.960 align:middle line:-3 Erm, tell them I am the sender...and it's going to this overseas account. 68 00:06:10.960 --> 00:06:16.960 align:middle line:-3 The reference is "Church Work". Of course, Mr Howell. What? Of course. 69 00:06:17.960 --> 00:06:19.960 align:middle line:-2 Erm...don't tell anyone. 70 00:06:28.960 --> 00:06:34.960 align:middle line:-4 In 1945, the Imperial Japanese Army left huge quantities of sequestered gold 71 00:06:34.960 --> 00:06:40.960 align:middle line:-3 in the jungles of the Philippines. No-one has located it...till now. 72 00:06:41.640 --> 00:06:43.800 align:middle line:-3 Good Lord. Hm! 73 00:06:49.160 --> 00:06:52.000 align:middle line:-2 A church contact in Manila has a team 74 00:06:52.000 --> 00:06:55.960 align:middle line:-3 which has now pinpointed the precise location of these assets. 75 00:06:56.960 --> 00:07:00.960 align:middle line:-3 The blue-sky potential of the salvage operation after costs and commission 76 00:07:01.960 --> 00:07:04.960 align:middle line:-3 is north of £10 million. OK. 77 00:07:04.960 --> 00:07:09.960 align:middle line:-3 The objective is to finance a global Christian charity initiative. 78 00:07:10.960 --> 00:07:12.960 align:middle line:-2 (SIGHS) 79 00:07:13.960 --> 00:07:17.160 align:middle line:-3 I inherited a considerable sum after I lost Lesley 80 00:07:17.960 --> 00:07:22.800 align:middle line:-4 and, as a man of faith, it seems morally right to invest in a worthy cause. 81 00:07:23.960 --> 00:07:27.960 align:middle line:-2 So far, I've committed £150,000... 82 00:07:29.320 --> 00:07:33.160 align:middle line:-3 ..and I wondered if the Fellowship could match that. 83 00:07:33.960 --> 00:07:37.960 align:middle line:-3 I'm not sure, Colin. That's...that's a considerable amount of money. 84 00:07:37.960 --> 00:07:39.960 align:middle line:-3 This puts me in a very uncomfortable position. 85 00:07:39.960 --> 00:07:45.960 align:middle line:-3 This is only open to a very select and sophisticated investor profile. 86 00:07:46.000 --> 00:07:48.960 align:middle line:-3 Like-minded Christians, on a very discreet basis. 87 00:07:49.960 --> 00:07:54.960 align:middle line:-3 Now, Phase 4 has been completed on schedule and on budget. 88 00:07:54.960 --> 00:07:57.800 align:middle line:-3 Phase 5 will be actioned next week at the excavation site. 89 00:07:57.960 --> 00:08:01.960 align:middle line:-3 We just need the last tranche of operational cash. 90 00:08:02.960 --> 00:08:06.960 align:middle line:-4 I've sold my half of the Ballymoney practice as a show of confidence in the venture. 91 00:08:06.960 --> 00:08:11.960 align:middle line:-4 Colin, this is all sounding very dodgy. Yeah, yeah, but Peter, my first recovered assets - 92 00:08:11.960 --> 00:08:17.960 align:middle line:-4 "Recovered assets"? What we already have discovered, already excavated, they arrive Monday, by courier, 93 00:08:17.960 --> 00:08:20.960 align:middle line:-3 if...if you want to see proof - and listen, Peter. 94 00:08:21.960 --> 00:08:26.320 align:middle line:-3 Your investment would guarantee the final salvage, so - You know I can't. 95 00:08:26.320 --> 00:08:29.960 align:middle line:-3 So would you like to come in with £30,000? You know I can't. Ten? 96 00:08:30.960 --> 00:08:34.960 align:middle line:-4 Colin... No? OK, listen if you can get it to me by the weekend, I'll take five. 97 00:08:53.960 --> 00:08:55.960 align:middle line:-2 (SEAGULLS CRY) 98 00:09:00.960 --> 00:09:02.960 align:middle line:-2 (SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC) 99 00:09:19.960 --> 00:09:21.960 align:middle line:-2 (RATTLING) 100 00:09:44.800 --> 00:09:46.960 align:middle line:-2 (METALLIC CLATTERING) 101 00:09:49.960 --> 00:09:53.960 align:middle line:-2 Oh, God, oh, God! Oh, God! Oh, God... 102 00:09:53.960 --> 00:09:56.160 align:middle line:-2 (HYPERVENTILATES) Oh, God, oh, God... 103 00:10:01.160 --> 00:10:03.320 align:middle line:-2
104 00:10:03.960 --> 00:10:05.960 align:middle line:-2
105 00:10:07.960 --> 00:10:09.960 align:middle line:-2 (FRANTIC WHISPERING) 106 00:10:40.960 --> 00:10:42.960 align:middle line:-2 (POIGNANT MUSIC) 107 00:11:02.480 --> 00:11:04.640 align:middle line:-2 (SEAGULLS CRY) 108 00:11:12.960 --> 00:11:15.800 align:middle line:-3 He's on his way. You need to come now. 109 00:11:18.960 --> 00:11:20.960 align:middle line:-2 (SEAGULLS CRY) 110 00:12:06.480 --> 00:12:08.640 align:middle line:-2 (SHEEP BLEAT IN DISTANCE) 111 00:12:27.960 --> 00:12:31.160 align:middle line:-3 I understand there's something you'd like to share with us, Colin. 112 00:12:54.960 --> 00:12:57.960 align:middle line:-2 I fear for my immortal soul. 113 00:13:01.480 --> 00:13:05.960 align:middle line:-3 I have been unfaithful to you... many times. 114 00:13:08.960 --> 00:13:10.960 align:middle line:-2 And I have touched... 115 00:13:13.960 --> 00:13:15.960 align:middle line:-3 ..female patients. KYLE: Oh! 116 00:13:17.960 --> 00:13:22.960 align:middle line:-3 I touched them sexually. (SOBS) They were under sedation. 117 00:13:25.960 --> 00:13:27.960 align:middle line:-2 I can't stop myself. 118 00:13:31.960 --> 00:13:38.960 align:middle line:-4 I've taken £238,000 from patients whose treatments I might not be able to complete. 119 00:13:42.960 --> 00:13:44.960 align:middle line:-2 Maybe more. 120 00:13:44.960 --> 00:13:47.960 align:middle line:-3 I owe over £100,000 to the Inland Revenue. 121 00:13:48.320 --> 00:13:50.480 align:middle line:-2 I've emptied our savings accounts. 122 00:13:51.640 --> 00:13:53.800 align:middle line:-2 I've lost £360,000. 123 00:13:56.960 --> 00:13:59.960 align:middle line:-3 We'll lose this house. We'll lose everything. 124 00:14:03.960 --> 00:14:07.960 align:middle line:-2 And all for Japanese..."war gold". 125 00:14:11.960 --> 00:14:15.480 align:middle line:-3 The whole thing was a gigantic con, a fraud, 126 00:14:15.960 --> 00:14:17.960 align:middle line:-2 and I realised that I... 127 00:14:22.320 --> 00:14:28.160 align:middle line:-3 (SNIFFS, THEN VOICE BREAKS) ..I realised that I am a fraud. 128 00:14:29.960 --> 00:14:32.000 align:middle line:-2 My whole life has been a fraud. 129 00:14:34.000 --> 00:14:37.480 align:middle line:-2 God...finally told me. 130 00:14:39.320 --> 00:14:41.480 align:middle line:-2 I heard His actual voice. 131 00:14:46.960 --> 00:14:49.000 align:middle line:-3 If we put all our sins before the Cross, 132 00:14:50.960 --> 00:14:55.960 align:middle line:-4 the Resurrection of both the just and the unjust take place on Judgment Day. 133 00:15:07.960 --> 00:15:11.960 align:middle line:-2 On...the night... 134 00:15:12.960 --> 00:15:16.960 align:middle line:-2 ..of May the 18th 1991, 135 00:15:23.960 --> 00:15:27.960 align:middle line:-3 I murdered my wife Lesley and Trevor Buchanan. 136 00:15:36.960 --> 00:15:39.000 align:middle line:-2 What Hazel and I were doing 137 00:15:39.960 --> 00:15:42.960 align:middle line:-3 was causing so much pain to Lesley and Trevor, 138 00:15:42.960 --> 00:15:45.640 align:middle line:-3 I actually thought I could take that away from them. 139 00:15:45.960 --> 00:15:52.000 align:middle line:-4 We talked about divorce, but I believed that would cause the children too much suffering. 140 00:15:52.000 --> 00:15:55.960 align:middle line:-2 (SNIFFS) In my mind, er... 141 00:15:56.160 --> 00:16:00.960 align:middle line:-3 ..it was much worse for Lesley and Trevor to live than to die, 142 00:16:01.960 --> 00:16:06.960 align:middle line:-2 so I made a plan to kill them 143 00:16:07.960 --> 00:16:11.960 align:middle line:-2 and to...make it look like suicide. 144 00:16:14.960 --> 00:16:17.960 align:middle line:-3 It had to be done very, very quickly to fool the pathologist. 145 00:16:18.000 --> 00:16:20.960 align:middle line:-3 The times of death had to be very close together. 146 00:16:22.960 --> 00:16:24.960 align:middle line:-2 I wanted it to be um... 147 00:16:30.960 --> 00:16:34.960 align:middle line:-2 (SOBS) ..easy and painless. 148 00:16:35.960 --> 00:16:39.960 align:middle line:-3 They'd fall asleep, wouldn't feel anything, but...in the end, they did. 149 00:16:39.960 --> 00:16:42.480 align:middle line:-2 Lesley woke up. She called out for... 150 00:16:42.960 --> 00:16:46.960 align:middle line:-3 (SNIFFS) ..she called out for Matthew. 151 00:16:47.800 --> 00:16:51.480 align:middle line:-2 Trevor woke up. I'd told Hazel 152 00:16:51.480 --> 00:16:54.960 align:middle line:-3 to get him to take something to make him fall asleep, 153 00:16:55.960 --> 00:16:59.960 align:middle line:-2 but he woke up and he fought, so... 154 00:17:01.960 --> 00:17:04.960 align:middle line:-3 ..Lesley and Trevor both knew they were going to die. 155 00:17:07.960 --> 00:17:11.960 align:middle line:-4 After the struggle, when Trevor was dead, I told Hazel to clear things up. 156 00:17:14.960 --> 00:17:18.960 align:middle line:-3 'I never...thought I'd get away with it, but... 157 00:17:19.960 --> 00:17:24.960 align:middle line:-2 (SOBS) ..but God knew.' 158 00:17:26.960 --> 00:17:28.960 align:middle line:-2 He took my son. 159 00:17:30.800 --> 00:17:33.480 align:middle line:-3 And Lesley and Trevor, they both knew death was coming. 160 00:17:37.960 --> 00:17:39.960 align:middle line:-2 Lesley dying... 161 00:17:42.960 --> 00:17:44.960 align:middle line:-2 ..with Matt's name on her lips, 162 00:17:49.960 --> 00:17:51.960 align:middle line:-2 that was God's warning to me. 163 00:17:55.480 --> 00:17:57.640 align:middle line:-2 Hello? 164 00:17:58.960 --> 00:18:00.960 align:middle line:-3 Hi, darling. Hi. 165 00:18:02.960 --> 00:18:05.960 align:middle line:-3 These police officers would like to talk to you. 166 00:18:06.960 --> 00:18:08.960 align:middle line:-2 (OMINOUS MUSIC) 167 00:18:11.960 --> 00:18:13.960 align:middle line:-2 Why? 168 00:18:14.960 --> 00:18:16.960 align:middle line:-2 What's been said? 169 00:18:36.960 --> 00:18:41.960 align:middle line:-3 Just tell the truth. Everything will be fine. 170 00:18:44.960 --> 00:18:46.960 align:middle line:-2 OK? 171 00:18:56.640 --> 00:18:58.800 align:middle line:-2
172 00:18:58.960 --> 00:19:01.000 align:middle line:-2
173 00:19:04.960 --> 00:19:07.960 align:middle line:-3 (NO AUDIBLE SPEECH/ PHONE RINGS IN DISTANCE) 174 00:19:12.160 --> 00:19:14.960 align:middle line:-3 (KNOCKS AT DOOR) Am I going to be here much longer? 175 00:19:14.960 --> 00:19:17.960 align:middle line:-3 Good evening. I am Detective Sergeant Geoff Ferris. 176 00:19:19.960 --> 00:19:22.960 align:middle line:-3 Can I call you Hazel? Yes. 177 00:19:24.960 --> 00:19:27.480 align:middle line:-3 You're in here because you, along with Colin, 178 00:19:27.480 --> 00:19:29.960 align:middle line:-3 are suspected of being involved in the murders. 179 00:19:32.960 --> 00:19:35.960 align:middle line:-2 That's not right. That's not fair. 180 00:19:35.960 --> 00:19:40.960 align:middle line:-4 Why should I be taken down because of HIS act? Why should he drag me down? 181 00:19:42.960 --> 00:19:44.960 align:middle line:-3 I was a victim in my own home because of him. 182 00:19:49.960 --> 00:19:52.960 align:middle line:-3 I accept I am responsible for letting Colin into my house. 183 00:19:54.640 --> 00:19:56.960 align:middle line:-3 You feel that the only thing that you did wrong 184 00:19:56.960 --> 00:20:00.960 align:middle line:-4 was letting Howell into your house that night? Don't you think that's enough? 185 00:20:05.800 --> 00:20:07.480 align:middle line:-3 (SIGHS) (SCRIBBLING) 186 00:20:07.480 --> 00:20:11.960 align:middle line:-4 When Colin arrived at your house, you knew he was there to get rid of Trevor. 187 00:20:12.000 --> 00:20:17.960 align:middle line:-3 No, no, no. OK. Then what action did you take to stop it? 188 00:20:23.960 --> 00:20:28.480 align:middle line:-3 I couldn't do anything...because he controlled me. 189 00:20:28.960 --> 00:20:31.960 align:middle line:-3 He told me to go into the guest room and not to come out. 190 00:20:31.960 --> 00:20:34.960 align:middle line:-3 I was so scared, I thought, "If I say something against this, 191 00:20:34.960 --> 00:20:37.320 align:middle line:-3 he's going to turn around and kill me." 192 00:20:39.960 --> 00:20:43.960 align:middle line:-3 I am a...soft person, but he is a VERY controlling person! 193 00:20:45.960 --> 00:20:47.960 align:middle line:-2 I was easy prey. 194 00:20:48.960 --> 00:20:51.000 align:middle line:-3 But you knew why he was coming around. He rang you. 195 00:20:51.960 --> 00:20:56.960 align:middle line:-3 (SOBS) He just said...he just said he was coming round. 196 00:20:57.960 --> 00:20:59.960 align:middle line:-2 Just for a chit-chat? 197 00:21:00.960 --> 00:21:04.800 align:middle line:-3 Well, I didn't think he was coming round with Lesley in the boot, no. 198 00:21:06.960 --> 00:21:09.960 align:middle line:-3 So let's go over this once more. Colin drives right into your garage 199 00:21:09.960 --> 00:21:14.960 align:middle line:-4 with an experienced police officer and a loaded gun potentially waiting for him... 200 00:21:15.800 --> 00:21:19.960 align:middle line:-4 ..and Colin was prepared to roll out a hosepipe right through the house and into the bedroom, 201 00:21:19.960 --> 00:21:24.960 align:middle line:-4 knowing fine rightly that this man's not even going to waken up here. But he did waken. He did waken. 202 00:21:24.960 --> 00:21:29.960 align:middle line:-4 There was a struggle. Well, I'm not surprised he wakened up at that stage of the game. 203 00:21:30.960 --> 00:21:32.960 align:middle line:-3 The fumes could have upset him, woke him up. 204 00:21:35.800 --> 00:21:39.960 align:middle line:-3 But did you give Trevor any drug, or tablet, or whatever that evening? 205 00:21:42.960 --> 00:21:47.960 align:middle line:-3 Well, Trevor took something, because he had some tablets. 206 00:21:49.960 --> 00:21:51.960 align:middle line:-2 All right. What tablets? 207 00:21:53.000 --> 00:21:58.160 align:middle line:-3 I don't...know. Sleeping tablets, but Lesley had given him. 208 00:22:00.960 --> 00:22:03.960 align:middle line:-3 You've a problem with telling the truth in here, Hazel. 209 00:22:05.960 --> 00:22:09.960 align:middle line:-4 You're trying to dig your heels in to try and distance yourself from it! 210 00:22:12.960 --> 00:22:14.960 align:middle line:-3 How did Trevor get the sedatives in his system? 211 00:22:16.960 --> 00:22:20.960 align:middle line:-3 I...I didn't actually give it to him. 212 00:22:21.960 --> 00:22:23.960 align:middle line:-2 He took it him...himself. 213 00:22:25.320 --> 00:22:27.960 align:middle line:-2 I...I didn't encourage. 214 00:22:27.960 --> 00:22:32.960 align:middle line:-3 Well, he said he couldn't sleep at night, so I just says, "Well... 215 00:22:33.960 --> 00:22:35.960 align:middle line:-2 ..why don't you take some?" 216 00:22:35.960 --> 00:22:38.960 align:middle line:-3 Part of the plan was that Colin wished you to do this. 217 00:22:38.960 --> 00:22:40.960 align:middle line:-2 No, he wanted me to do this, 218 00:22:40.960 --> 00:22:43.960 align:middle line:-3 but I wasn't for doing it. I wasn't doing it! 219 00:22:45.960 --> 00:22:51.160 align:middle line:-4 (SIGHS) So you're now saying that you were fully aware that Trevor took a tablet that night. 220 00:22:52.960 --> 00:22:54.960 align:middle line:-3 He took a tablet. Yes, I was aware of that. 221 00:22:54.960 --> 00:23:00.960 align:middle line:-4 And you were also aware that, maybe, as a last resort, you had to give it to him, 222 00:23:00.960 --> 00:23:05.960 align:middle line:-4 which, you know, you didn't want to do, but Colin had asked you to do it. Colin HAD asked me to do it! 223 00:23:06.320 --> 00:23:10.000 align:middle line:-3 So you were aware that Colin come up that night to carry out his plan. 224 00:23:20.960 --> 00:23:22.960 align:middle line:-2 He had a plan. 225 00:23:26.960 --> 00:23:31.960 align:middle line:-3 We...had a plan. Whatever way you want to put it. 226 00:23:34.960 --> 00:23:38.960 align:middle line:-3 Yes. And when it came to it, I didn't want to do it... 227 00:23:40.960 --> 00:23:44.640 align:middle line:-3 And in - ..but it's done. And in relation to this plan... 228 00:23:44.640 --> 00:23:46.800 align:middle line:-2 (SOBS) 229 00:23:47.960 --> 00:23:50.960 align:middle line:-3 ..do you accept that you went along with it? 230 00:23:53.960 --> 00:23:58.960 align:middle line:-3 I let it happen. He told me what to do and I did. 231 00:24:00.960 --> 00:24:05.960 align:middle line:-4 And this plan that you went along with, do you accept now that you could've stopped it? 232 00:24:05.960 --> 00:24:07.960 align:middle line:-2 (SOBS) 233 00:24:20.960 --> 00:24:23.960 align:middle line:-2 It could've been stopped, yes. 234 00:24:23.960 --> 00:24:27.960 align:middle line:-3 Your part was to drug Trevor, conceal vital evidence... 235 00:24:28.960 --> 00:24:32.960 align:middle line:-3 ..and continue the deceit by fooling police, friends and family. (SOBS) 236 00:24:32.960 --> 00:24:34.960 align:middle line:-2 Yes. 237 00:24:35.320 --> 00:24:38.160 align:middle line:-3 This had to be a joint enterprise between the two of you. 238 00:24:38.960 --> 00:24:43.960 align:middle line:-4 The two of you had to work together to make this plan come to fruition. Do you accept that? 239 00:24:44.480 --> 00:24:47.960 align:middle line:-3 (THROUGH TEARS) Yes. And your relationship continued? 240 00:24:51.960 --> 00:24:53.960 align:middle line:-2 (Yes.) 241 00:24:54.960 --> 00:24:57.960 align:middle line:-3 Your children have grown over the years 242 00:24:57.960 --> 00:25:01.960 align:middle line:-4 accepting what you have told them about the death of their father... (SOBS) 243 00:25:01.960 --> 00:25:06.160 align:middle line:-3 (Yeah...) But there's nobody else to blame here, is there, 244 00:25:06.160 --> 00:25:09.640 align:middle line:-3 except for you and Colin. Would you agree? 245 00:25:11.960 --> 00:25:15.960 align:middle line:-3 The biggest mistake I've made in my life was ever meeting Colin Howell 246 00:25:15.960 --> 00:25:17.960 align:middle line:-3 and I've paid the price for the past 18 years. 247 00:25:19.960 --> 00:25:25.160 align:middle line:-4 I've lost my life. It was like living with a black hole every day I woke up. 248 00:25:25.960 --> 00:25:28.160 align:middle line:-3 Every night I went to bed, it was there. 249 00:25:28.960 --> 00:25:30.960 align:middle line:-2 I thought about it 24/7... 250 00:25:32.960 --> 00:25:34.960 align:middle line:-2 but I... 251 00:25:38.160 --> 00:25:42.960 align:middle line:-3 ..I had to be strong for my children. 252 00:25:47.960 --> 00:25:53.960 align:middle line:-3 (CRIES) My guilt was horrendous, my shame... 253 00:25:56.160 --> 00:26:00.960 align:middle line:-3 And I've wrecked my wonderful David's life, my children's... 254 00:26:03.960 --> 00:26:06.960 align:middle line:-4 (THROUGH TEARS) They need me! They need me, and I can't be there for them. 255 00:26:06.960 --> 00:26:12.960 align:middle line:-3 I can't have them now because of this! (SOBS) 256 00:26:17.160 --> 00:26:19.320 align:middle line:-2 (APPROACHING FOOTSTEPS) 257 00:26:20.960 --> 00:26:22.960 align:middle line:-2 (BIRDSONG) 258 00:26:30.960 --> 00:26:32.960 align:middle line:-2 (SIGHS) 259 00:26:36.960 --> 00:26:40.480 align:middle line:-3 I phoned the kids. They know you got bail. 260 00:26:42.960 --> 00:26:44.960 align:middle line:-2 Will you not look at me? 261 00:26:48.480 --> 00:26:52.960 align:middle line:-3 Of course. Sorry. (SIREN WAILS IN DISTANCE) 262 00:26:54.960 --> 00:26:56.960 align:middle line:-2 I wasn't me back then. 263 00:26:56.960 --> 00:26:58.960 align:middle line:-2 Hazel... 264 00:27:01.480 --> 00:27:05.960 align:middle line:-2 I know you. God knows you. 265 00:27:07.960 --> 00:27:14.960 align:middle line:-3 You are the most loving, good, pure person that I have ever met. 266 00:27:21.000 --> 00:27:25.960 align:middle line:-3 (What am I going to do?) What are WE gonna do? 267 00:27:28.960 --> 00:27:30.960 align:middle line:-2 (KEYS JANGLE) 268 00:27:34.960 --> 00:27:36.960 align:middle line:-2 (DOOR CREAKS) 269 00:27:37.960 --> 00:27:39.960 align:middle line:-2 Howell? 270 00:27:43.000 --> 00:27:45.160 align:middle line:-2 # (DISTANT SINGING) 271 00:28:03.320 --> 00:28:07.960 align:middle line:-3 Hello again, Colin. DC Devine. How are you? 272 00:28:07.960 --> 00:28:08.960 align:middle line:-2 (SILENCE) 273 00:28:08.960 --> 00:28:13.960 align:middle line:-4 I'd like to speak with you. Your lawyer here will confirm you're under no obligation to talk to me 274 00:28:13.960 --> 00:28:17.480 align:middle line:-3 now that you've been convicted. It's up to you, Colin. 275 00:28:19.960 --> 00:28:21.960 align:middle line:-2 It's fine. 276 00:28:29.960 --> 00:28:31.960 align:middle line:-2 Hazel Stewart. 277 00:28:33.960 --> 00:28:36.960 align:middle line:-3 As you know, she's been released on bail. 278 00:28:37.960 --> 00:28:42.960 align:middle line:-3 She's pleading Not Guilty on the grounds that you coerced her. 279 00:28:44.800 --> 00:28:46.960 align:middle line:-2 She says it was all down to you. 280 00:28:50.960 --> 00:28:56.960 align:middle line:-4 Is that true, Colin? It won't affect your sentence, but would you be willing to come to court, 281 00:28:57.960 --> 00:28:59.960 align:middle line:-2 give an account of what took place? 282 00:29:02.480 --> 00:29:04.640 align:middle line:-2 (OMINOUS MUSIC) 283 00:29:09.960 --> 00:29:11.960 align:middle line:-2 (MUSIC INTENSIFIES) 284 00:29:31.960 --> 00:29:33.960 align:middle line:-2 (SEAGULLS CRY / DOG BARKS) 285 00:29:35.960 --> 00:29:37.960 align:middle line:-2 (LOW CONVERSATION) 286 00:29:40.000 --> 00:29:42.160 align:middle line:-2 WOMAN: That's Hazel Stewart. 287 00:29:45.960 --> 00:29:47.960 align:middle line:-2 Ready? 288 00:29:49.960 --> 00:29:51.960 align:middle line:-2 I'm frightened. 289 00:29:57.960 --> 00:30:02.160 align:middle line:-3 Lord, we ask that You watch over our beloved Hazel 290 00:30:03.480 --> 00:30:05.960 align:middle line:-3 and grant her justice in her time of trial. 291 00:30:05.960 --> 00:30:09.960 align:middle line:-4 (RUMBLE OF THUNDER) Let the jury understand that she was his victim, too, 292 00:30:11.000 --> 00:30:13.160 align:middle line:-2 an innocent victim. 293 00:30:19.960 --> 00:30:21.960 align:middle line:-2 (SEAGULLS CRY) 294 00:30:26.160 --> 00:30:31.960 align:middle line:-4 Hazel! Still confident you'll be found Not Guilty? How's it affected your relationship? How do you feel? 295 00:30:34.800 --> 00:30:36.960 align:middle line:-2 (INDISTINCT COMMENTS) 296 00:30:40.960 --> 00:30:42.960 align:middle line:-2 Come this way, please. 297 00:30:47.320 --> 00:30:49.480 align:middle line:-2 (WHISPERING) 298 00:30:57.960 --> 00:30:59.960 align:middle line:-2 WOMAN: Is that the family? 299 00:31:00.960 --> 00:31:02.960 align:middle line:-2 (HUM OF CONVERSATION) 300 00:31:06.960 --> 00:31:09.960 align:middle line:-3 My Lord, the Crown wishes to call its next witness. 301 00:31:14.000 --> 00:31:16.160 align:middle line:-2 (SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC) 302 00:31:40.960 --> 00:31:42.960 align:middle line:-2 (SIGHS) 303 00:31:44.960 --> 00:31:46.960 align:middle line:-2
304 00:31:47.960 --> 00:31:49.960 align:middle line:-2
305 00:31:52.640 --> 00:31:55.960 align:middle line:-3 Mr Howell, you made a full confession to the police 306 00:31:55.960 --> 00:31:59.960 align:middle line:-3 in relation to the murders of your wife Lesley and Trevor Buchanan. 307 00:32:00.960 --> 00:32:05.960 align:middle line:-4 Last year, did you plead Guilty and have now been sentenced in respect of these offences? 308 00:32:05.960 --> 00:32:07.960 align:middle line:-2 Yes, that's correct. 309 00:32:07.960 --> 00:32:12.960 align:middle line:-4 Why did you go to the police? I have no other motivation than to tell the truth 310 00:32:12.960 --> 00:32:16.960 align:middle line:-3 and to allow proper healing to the victims to happen. 311 00:32:18.960 --> 00:32:20.960 align:middle line:-2 Let's go back to 1991. 312 00:32:20.960 --> 00:32:27.320 align:middle line:-4 I want to ask you about the 14th May. Did you meet with Hazel Buchanan? Yes. 313 00:32:28.800 --> 00:32:31.960 align:middle line:-3 Did you tell her a plan? In the car, yes, yes. 314 00:32:32.640 --> 00:32:35.960 align:middle line:-3 Basically, I said to her, "I have a plan for Trevor and Lesley 315 00:32:35.960 --> 00:32:39.960 align:middle line:-4 that can look as if they've committed suicide, but I need your help." 316 00:32:39.960 --> 00:32:41.960 align:middle line:-2 Did she object to you doing it? 317 00:32:42.960 --> 00:32:46.800 align:middle line:-3 Not to the principle of killing Trevor, killing Lesley - no. 318 00:32:48.640 --> 00:32:51.960 align:middle line:-3 Did you give her anything that night? I gave her tablets. 319 00:32:53.160 --> 00:32:56.960 align:middle line:-3 I needed Hazel to cooperate with giving Trevor the medication 320 00:32:57.960 --> 00:33:00.960 align:middle line:-3 so that he would be asleep when I would arrive at the house. 321 00:33:01.960 --> 00:33:06.160 align:middle line:-4 She understood by this stage, before I gave her the tablets, that that was to be her role, 322 00:33:06.160 --> 00:33:11.000 align:middle line:-4 that one of the first steps of her role was that Trevor would be asleep when I arrived. 323 00:33:12.320 --> 00:33:14.960 align:middle line:-3 Had you any particular concern about Trevor? 324 00:33:15.960 --> 00:33:20.960 align:middle line:-3 Yes, he had a gun, so if I...if he woke up, 325 00:33:21.480 --> 00:33:23.960 align:middle line:-3 he could get up and shoot me - as simple as that. 326 00:33:24.960 --> 00:33:28.960 align:middle line:-3 Did you discuss anything else? Yes. 327 00:33:29.960 --> 00:33:35.960 align:middle line:-4 After she took the tablets, I felt it was the moment when the plan was accepted and agreed upon. 328 00:33:36.960 --> 00:33:38.960 align:middle line:-3 It was almost like the contract was signed, 329 00:33:39.960 --> 00:33:44.160 align:middle line:-3 and so I explained to her the four roles she would have to undertake 330 00:33:44.160 --> 00:33:46.320 align:middle line:-2 for this to be successful. 331 00:33:46.960 --> 00:33:49.000 align:middle line:-2 To give the tablets - Step One. 332 00:33:49.000 --> 00:33:52.960 align:middle line:-3 Earlier in the evening, Step Two was to leave the car out of the garage. 333 00:33:53.960 --> 00:33:55.960 align:middle line:-3 Step Three was to leave the clothes out. 334 00:33:56.960 --> 00:34:00.960 align:middle line:-3 Step Four was to cut up the hosepipe and burn it afterwards. (WHISPERS) 335 00:34:02.000 --> 00:34:08.160 align:middle line:-3 So after that meeting in the car, as far as you were concerned, 336 00:34:08.960 --> 00:34:11.960 align:middle line:-3 how much of the plan had been discussed with Hazel? 337 00:34:12.960 --> 00:34:16.320 align:middle line:-3 Not all of the detail, but 100% of the plan. 338 00:34:21.960 --> 00:34:23.960 align:middle line:-2 (MURMURING) 339 00:34:44.480 --> 00:34:46.640 align:middle line:-2 All rise. 340 00:34:50.960 --> 00:34:54.800 align:middle line:-4 No, what he's saying is not true! There's nothing he said we didn't expect. 341 00:34:54.800 --> 00:34:56.960 align:middle line:-3 I got away from him and he's never forgiven me. 342 00:34:56.960 --> 00:35:00.960 align:middle line:-4 He controlled everything. You have to make them believe that. Please trust me, 343 00:35:00.960 --> 00:35:04.800 align:middle line:-4 we know what we're trying to achieve. Maybe...maybe I should speak. 344 00:35:05.960 --> 00:35:07.960 align:middle line:-2 I need to go on the witness stand. 345 00:35:08.960 --> 00:35:10.960 align:middle line:-3 Mrs Stewart, as your husband has observed, 346 00:35:10.960 --> 00:35:13.960 align:middle line:-3 the prosecution's first question is likely to be, 347 00:35:13.960 --> 00:35:16.960 align:middle line:-3 "What was it like having sex with your husband's killer... 348 00:35:18.960 --> 00:35:23.960 align:middle line:-4 ..for four years?" We've agreed that the way to do this is to expose Colin. 349 00:35:25.960 --> 00:35:27.960 align:middle line:-3 The jury must see him for the liar that he is. 350 00:35:28.960 --> 00:35:31.960 align:middle line:-3 He's a double murderer. He'll make the jury see that. 351 00:35:31.960 --> 00:35:34.960 align:middle line:-3 You don't know him. You don't know what he's capable of. 352 00:35:35.000 --> 00:35:39.960 align:middle line:-4 I suggest you're a man who would simply do and say anything for your own selfish ends. 353 00:35:40.960 --> 00:35:43.960 align:middle line:-3 You've lied. You lied to Lesley, didn't you? 354 00:35:45.960 --> 00:35:48.960 align:middle line:-3 I did, yes. You lied to the police? 355 00:35:49.960 --> 00:35:51.960 align:middle line:-2 In 1991, yes. 356 00:35:51.960 --> 00:35:54.960 align:middle line:-3 And I suggest you've lied about what the accused did, 357 00:35:54.960 --> 00:35:58.960 align:middle line:-4 and you've elevated what she did to a joint enterprise as an accomplice to you. 358 00:36:00.000 --> 00:36:03.960 align:middle line:-3 That's not right. At your tariff hearing, Mr Howell, 359 00:36:04.960 --> 00:36:08.960 align:middle line:-3 your defence counsel, in an eloquent plea on your behalf, 360 00:36:09.160 --> 00:36:12.960 align:middle line:-3 said that you weren't a "monster". Do you remember that? 361 00:36:12.960 --> 00:36:16.960 align:middle line:-3 He said what I did was monstrous, but that I was not a monster, yes. 362 00:36:16.960 --> 00:36:20.960 align:middle line:-3 Yes. You are a monster, Mr Howell, aren't you? 363 00:36:23.960 --> 00:36:29.800 align:middle line:-3 I was a monster. I was a killer, but I'm not any longer. 364 00:36:29.960 --> 00:36:31.960 align:middle line:-2 That's part of my confession. 365 00:36:33.960 --> 00:36:39.960 align:middle line:-4 Mr Howell, you've been described as "manipulative". Absolutely. I was very manipulative, yes, I was. 366 00:36:41.320 --> 00:36:43.480 align:middle line:-2 Evil? 367 00:36:44.960 --> 00:36:49.800 align:middle line:-3 (INHALES SLOWLY) Yes...I was evil. 368 00:36:51.000 --> 00:36:55.960 align:middle line:-4 Now can I use another adjective to describe you? Would you think you are a controlling person? 369 00:36:57.960 --> 00:37:00.000 align:middle line:-2 I don't believe that I am. 370 00:37:02.960 --> 00:37:06.960 align:middle line:-3 Your relationships with women were not controlling-type relationships? 371 00:37:09.960 --> 00:37:11.960 align:middle line:-2 Actually, I was so out of control, 372 00:37:11.960 --> 00:37:16.960 align:middle line:-4 ultimately, the women in my life controlled ME, because of the adultery I'd had. 373 00:37:20.480 --> 00:37:24.960 align:middle line:-3 Did your financial position improve immeasurably with your wife's death? 374 00:37:25.160 --> 00:37:27.320 align:middle line:-2 After about a year, yes. 375 00:37:27.320 --> 00:37:33.960 align:middle line:-4 The net benefit you obtained from her estate was £212,466, is that right? Yes. 376 00:37:33.960 --> 00:37:38.960 align:middle line:-3 And there were other benefits, such as the life insurance of £120,000. 377 00:37:40.960 --> 00:37:43.960 align:middle line:-3 Your murderous intent was all about the money, was it not? 378 00:37:43.960 --> 00:37:49.960 align:middle line:-4 That was not the motive behind it. That wasn't discussed by me or by Hazel, 379 00:37:50.960 --> 00:37:52.960 align:middle line:-2 because if I had a financial motive, 380 00:37:52.960 --> 00:37:55.960 align:middle line:-3 you'd have to suggest that perhaps Hazel did, as well. 381 00:37:56.800 --> 00:38:00.960 align:middle line:-3 Nothing to do with Hazel at all. All to do with you, Mr Howell. 382 00:38:01.960 --> 00:38:03.960 align:middle line:-2 But this trial is about Hazel. 383 00:38:06.160 --> 00:38:08.480 align:middle line:-2 Isn't the fact of the matter... 384 00:38:08.960 --> 00:38:12.960 align:middle line:-4 that you are, and have been for most of your adult life, Mr Howell, a sexual predator? 385 00:38:13.960 --> 00:38:18.960 align:middle line:-4 No. When I went to Hazel's house, I knew I was not there for guitar lessons. 386 00:38:19.960 --> 00:38:21.960 align:middle line:-2 I walked into the spider's web. 387 00:38:22.960 --> 00:38:27.960 align:middle line:-4 Flies go into a spider's web because they might think there is some food for them there, 388 00:38:27.960 --> 00:38:32.160 align:middle line:-3 so I willingly went after the bait, and we got caught together in a trap. 389 00:38:33.960 --> 00:38:38.320 align:middle line:-4 Isn't your view of Hazel that she was someone who was fairly simplistic and was easy to control? 390 00:38:45.480 --> 00:38:50.640 align:middle line:-3 We have this wrong perception of people who are easily led, 391 00:38:51.960 --> 00:38:54.960 align:middle line:-3 people who have the disguise and the guile to appear innocent. 392 00:38:57.480 --> 00:39:03.000 align:middle line:-3 A word Hazel used about herself is, "I'm just soft," 393 00:39:04.960 --> 00:39:08.160 align:middle line:-3 but that's part of the huge deception that I was under about Hazel. 394 00:39:08.160 --> 00:39:11.960 align:middle line:-3 Are you saying therefore that no, you didn't control this? 395 00:39:12.480 --> 00:39:14.640 align:middle line:-2 (SILENCE) 396 00:39:18.960 --> 00:39:23.960 align:middle line:-4 The last thing I want to do is make things worse for Hazel... than she deserves, 397 00:39:27.960 --> 00:39:29.960 align:middle line:-2 but control is a very complex thing, 398 00:39:30.960 --> 00:39:34.960 align:middle line:-3 so if I was controlling in one area, Hazel was controlling in another. 399 00:39:35.960 --> 00:39:39.800 align:middle line:-3 'It was a dance between control and manipulation, 400 00:39:41.960 --> 00:39:45.960 align:middle line:-3 two people waltzing together in time.' 401 00:39:47.960 --> 00:39:51.960 align:middle line:-3 I may have been the lead partner, but she was not dragging her feet. 402 00:39:52.960 --> 00:39:55.960 align:middle line:-2 'She was in step and in harmony.' 403 00:39:56.960 --> 00:39:59.640 align:middle line:-3 Is it not that everybody dances to your tune? 404 00:40:00.960 --> 00:40:04.960 align:middle line:-3 What's best for Colin Howell is best for everybody - isn't that right? 405 00:40:04.960 --> 00:40:06.960 align:middle line:-3 Basically, you just do what you want, really? 406 00:40:07.960 --> 00:40:09.960 align:middle line:-2 No. 407 00:40:10.960 --> 00:40:13.960 align:middle line:-3 This was a completely mutual decision, as with the abortion. 408 00:40:14.960 --> 00:40:20.640 align:middle line:-3 Like...a blood contract that Hazel and I had secretly. 409 00:40:21.960 --> 00:40:25.160 align:middle line:-2 A big secret, a strong bond... 410 00:40:26.960 --> 00:40:28.960 align:middle line:-3 ..which meant that, when it came to my idea 411 00:40:28.960 --> 00:40:31.960 align:middle line:-3 of a joint venture to kill Trevor and Lesley, 412 00:40:31.960 --> 00:40:35.960 align:middle line:-3 we had already signed a contract in blood that it is OK to kill a human. 413 00:40:36.960 --> 00:40:39.960 align:middle line:-2 Hazel wanted it and I facilitated it. 414 00:40:40.960 --> 00:40:46.960 align:middle line:-3 If you look at the murders, I wanted it and Hazel facilitated it. 415 00:40:49.960 --> 00:40:51.960 align:middle line:-2 So we were both waltzing in time. 416 00:40:54.960 --> 00:40:56.960 align:middle line:-2 She was my full partner. 417 00:41:04.320 --> 00:41:09.960 align:middle line:-4 JUDGE: You must weigh carefully what Mrs Stewart said in her police interviews. 418 00:41:10.960 --> 00:41:13.800 align:middle line:-3 The legal definition of "joint enterprise" 419 00:41:13.800 --> 00:41:18.960 align:middle line:-4 does not mean that Mrs Stewart had physically to commit the murders herself, 420 00:41:19.160 --> 00:41:24.960 align:middle line:-4 and the word "plan" does not mean that there had to be a formal agreement, 421 00:41:25.960 --> 00:41:28.160 align:middle line:-2 worked out in fine detail. 422 00:41:29.960 --> 00:41:35.960 align:middle line:-3 Put simply, the question for you is, "Were they in it together?" 423 00:41:36.800 --> 00:41:39.960 align:middle line:-3 Did she do everything she could to prevent the murders? 424 00:41:41.960 --> 00:41:46.960 align:middle line:-3 Why did she not wake her husband, keep the door closed, 425 00:41:47.960 --> 00:41:53.960 align:middle line:-4 scream the house down, or run to a neighbour to raise the alarm and get help? 426 00:42:07.000 --> 00:42:09.160 align:middle line:-2 The defendant please stand. 427 00:42:14.960 --> 00:42:18.960 align:middle line:-3 Have you reached a verdict on Count One - the murder of Lesley Howell? 428 00:42:18.960 --> 00:42:23.960 align:middle line:-3 Yes, we have. What is the verdict? Guilty or not guilty? 429 00:42:25.960 --> 00:42:30.960 align:middle line:-3 Guilty, Your Honour. LISA: No! No, no, no! (WAILS) 430 00:42:32.800 --> 00:42:34.960 align:middle line:-2 (SOBS) 431 00:42:37.800 --> 00:42:39.960 align:middle line:-2 (MELANCHOLY PIANO MELODY) 432 00:43:04.960 --> 00:43:06.960 align:middle line:-2 (NO AUDIBLE SPEECH) 433 00:43:29.960 --> 00:43:31.960 align:middle line:-2 Put your clothes here. 434 00:43:41.960 --> 00:43:43.960 align:middle line:-2 (APPROACHING FOOTSTEPS) 435 00:44:17.960 --> 00:44:19.960 align:middle line:-2 (BELL RINGS) 436 00:44:41.960 --> 00:44:43.960 align:middle line:-2 (PHONE RINGS) 437 00:44:44.960 --> 00:44:46.960 align:middle line:-2 MALE PRISON OFFICER: Hello? 438 00:44:47.800 --> 00:44:49.960 align:middle line:-3 Yeah, we're coming down about three o'clock. 439 00:44:51.320 --> 00:44:54.960 align:middle line:-3 Yeah, they'll be here later. All right. See you then. 440 00:44:55.000 --> 00:44:57.160 align:middle line:-2 (HANGS UP) 441 00:44:57.960 --> 00:45:01.160 align:middle line:-3 You know, I'm quite all right with taking my punishment. 442 00:45:02.160 --> 00:45:04.320 align:middle line:-2 I've repented my sins... 443 00:45:09.960 --> 00:45:11.960 align:middle line:-2 ..and when I walk back out of here, 444 00:45:11.960 --> 00:45:14.640 align:middle line:-3 I'll have atoned for my crimes and paid my debt. 445 00:45:15.960 --> 00:45:20.960 align:middle line:-4 The slate will be wiped clean and I'll have another 20 years of life to enjoy. 446 00:45:26.480 --> 00:45:28.960 align:middle line:-2 My family is known for its longevity. 447 00:45:37.960 --> 00:45:39.960 align:middle line:-2 (POIGNANT MUSIC) 448 00:45:48.320 --> 00:45:50.480 align:middle line:-2 subtitles by Deluxe 449 00:46:11.160 --> 00:46:11.960 align:middle line:-2