1 00:00:26,766 --> 00:00:29,831 The monk is dead. 2 00:00:29,833 --> 00:00:33,598 So how are we going to find Farouk's body? 3 00:00:33,600 --> 00:00:35,566 David? 4 00:00:38,833 --> 00:00:41,831 I'm thinking. 5 00:00:41,833 --> 00:00:45,232 Someone else must know. 6 00:00:45,234 --> 00:00:47,698 Who? 7 00:00:47,700 --> 00:00:49,731 What about me? 8 00:00:49,733 --> 00:00:52,731 In the future. 9 00:00:52,733 --> 00:00:55,998 -No. -Hmm. 10 00:00:56,000 --> 00:00:57,831 You asked her? 11 00:00:57,833 --> 00:01:02,831 No, but we... we're done. 12 00:01:02,833 --> 00:01:05,432 Did... 13 00:01:05,434 --> 00:01:06,998 we... did... 14 00:01:07,000 --> 00:01:09,564 did we get in a fight? 15 00:01:09,566 --> 00:01:12,398 No, but we're... 16 00:01:12,400 --> 00:01:16,664 me and her, we're not seeing eye to eye right now, so... 17 00:01:16,666 --> 00:01:18,931 -So we got in a fight. -Syd. 18 00:01:18,933 --> 00:01:20,865 -Should I be mad at you? -No. 19 00:01:20,867 --> 00:01:23,831 We just need... we just need to find the body fast 20 00:01:23,833 --> 00:01:25,800 and finish this thing. 21 00:01:29,167 --> 00:01:32,298 Are we helping him? 22 00:01:32,300 --> 00:01:33,867 Farouk. 23 00:01:44,900 --> 00:01:46,733 What about the end of the world? 24 00:01:49,100 --> 00:01:51,267 One thing at a time. 25 00:01:57,100 --> 00:01:58,867 Hey, hey. 26 00:02:27,633 --> 00:02:29,933 Admiral? 27 00:03:39,033 --> 00:03:41,067 What's that you're reading? 28 00:03:46,033 --> 00:03:48,764 "Everything is unheimlich 29 00:03:48,766 --> 00:03:51,198 "that ought to have remained secret and hidden 30 00:03:51,200 --> 00:03:53,234 but has come to light." 31 00:03:58,434 --> 00:04:01,298 Is there a place we could talk? 32 00:04:01,300 --> 00:04:03,031 In private. 33 00:04:03,033 --> 00:04:08,265 I was a student here once, a lifetime ago. 34 00:04:08,267 --> 00:04:11,031 The world was... 35 00:04:11,033 --> 00:04:15,131 not innocent, but more so. 36 00:04:15,133 --> 00:04:20,031 Our thoughts were our own. Private. 37 00:04:20,033 --> 00:04:22,764 Do you understand? 38 00:04:22,766 --> 00:04:26,232 Not so now. 39 00:04:26,234 --> 00:04:29,931 There are listeners, watchers, 40 00:04:29,933 --> 00:04:32,498 creatures from science fiction, 41 00:04:32,500 --> 00:04:36,498 telepaths who can read our minds, steal our secrets. 42 00:04:36,500 --> 00:04:41,098 We are vulnerable, you and I... 43 00:04:41,100 --> 00:04:43,598 our secrets. 44 00:04:43,600 --> 00:04:45,498 But more important, 45 00:04:45,500 --> 00:04:49,631 senators, presidents. 46 00:04:49,633 --> 00:04:52,198 And so there is a plan. 47 00:04:52,200 --> 00:04:56,098 Create a mind that can't be read. 48 00:04:56,100 --> 00:04:57,764 One of our own. 49 00:04:57,766 --> 00:05:01,131 The secret keeper. 50 00:05:01,133 --> 00:05:04,031 Why are you telling me this? 51 00:05:04,033 --> 00:05:06,764 Because of your tests, 52 00:05:06,766 --> 00:05:09,931 the boy who's never been sick, 53 00:05:09,933 --> 00:05:12,831 who heals. 54 00:05:12,833 --> 00:05:16,365 You have a gift. 55 00:05:16,367 --> 00:05:19,900 You are a gift. 56 00:05:22,933 --> 00:05:24,498 On your application 57 00:05:24,500 --> 00:05:27,865 you wrote you'd do anything for your country. 58 00:05:27,867 --> 00:05:29,998 - Was that a lie? - No. 59 00:05:30,000 --> 00:05:32,664 Then do this. 60 00:05:32,666 --> 00:05:35,733 Keep our secrets. 61 00:05:40,600 --> 00:05:42,432 How old are you? 62 00:05:42,434 --> 00:05:44,733 Seventeen. 63 00:06:06,167 --> 00:06:08,398 "'You may not see it now,' 64 00:06:08,400 --> 00:06:10,332 "said the Princess of Pure Reason, 65 00:06:10,334 --> 00:06:14,165 "looking knowingly at Milo's puzzled face, 66 00:06:14,167 --> 00:06:16,998 "'But whatever we learn has a purpose 67 00:06:17,000 --> 00:06:21,265 "'and whatever we do affects everything and everyone else, 68 00:06:21,267 --> 00:06:24,198 "'if even in the tiniest way. 69 00:06:24,200 --> 00:06:26,898 "'Why, when a housefly flaps his wings, 70 00:06:26,900 --> 00:06:29,965 "'a breeze goes round the world; 71 00:06:29,967 --> 00:06:32,731 "'when a speck of dust falls to the ground, 72 00:06:32,733 --> 00:06:36,631 "'the entire planet weighs a little more, 73 00:06:36,633 --> 00:06:38,098 "'and when you stamp your foot, 74 00:06:38,100 --> 00:06:43,100 the Earth moves slightly off its course.'" 75 00:06:46,633 --> 00:06:48,265 "'Whenever you laugh, 76 00:06:48,267 --> 00:06:49,664 "'gladness spreads 77 00:06:49,666 --> 00:06:52,798 "'like the ripples in a pond, 78 00:06:52,800 --> 00:06:55,232 "'and whenever you're sad, 79 00:06:55,234 --> 00:06:59,065 "'no one anywhere can be really happy. 80 00:06:59,067 --> 00:07:02,165 "'And it's much the same thing with knowledge, 81 00:07:02,167 --> 00:07:04,631 "'for whenever you learn something new, 82 00:07:04,633 --> 00:07:09,200 the whole world becomes that much richer.'" 83 00:07:16,300 --> 00:07:18,967 You're in here, too? 84 00:08:45,367 --> 00:08:48,365 Is there something...? 85 00:08:48,367 --> 00:08:50,733 David. 86 00:08:52,900 --> 00:08:54,698 Yeah? 87 00:08:54,700 --> 00:08:58,533 It's me. Ptonomy. 88 00:09:03,200 --> 00:09:05,065 Not funny. 89 00:09:05,067 --> 00:09:08,298 I don't know how long I can-can-can keep control. 90 00:09:08,300 --> 00:09:11,365 Wait. Are you alive? 91 00:09:11,367 --> 00:09:16,564 I exist in their machine, preserved. 92 00:09:16,566 --> 00:09:18,566 Is that alive? 93 00:09:21,033 --> 00:09:22,698 The Monk. 94 00:09:22,700 --> 00:09:25,631 He hacked the Admiral's mind. 95 00:09:25,633 --> 00:09:27,065 The mainframe. 96 00:09:27,067 --> 00:09:29,898 Remember? The wires. 97 00:09:29,900 --> 00:09:32,564 Well, the mainframe hacked him back. 98 00:09:32,566 --> 00:09:36,365 And I saw him, here, in the computer, 99 00:09:36,367 --> 00:09:38,931 his memory. 100 00:09:38,933 --> 00:09:40,298 And? 101 00:09:40,300 --> 00:09:41,600 I know where to five... 102 00:09:44,367 --> 00:09:45,965 Five? 103 00:09:45,967 --> 00:09:50,267 Five... find-find-find Farouk's body. 104 00:09:53,367 --> 00:09:55,298 Where? 105 00:09:55,300 --> 00:09:57,200 A place called... 106 00:10:14,367 --> 00:10:15,365 Hey. 107 00:10:15,367 --> 00:10:18,865 A place called...? 108 00:10:18,867 --> 00:10:22,031 Le Désolé. 109 00:10:22,033 --> 00:10:26,933 Le Désolé. Le Désolé. Le Désolé. 110 00:11:17,067 --> 00:11:20,766 Your mind's eye, can you see me? 111 00:11:22,033 --> 00:11:24,131 In my true form? 112 00:11:24,133 --> 00:11:26,933 It-it can't be. 113 00:11:33,033 --> 00:11:37,698 As you were m-many years ago. 114 00:11:37,700 --> 00:11:39,500 How? 115 00:11:50,467 --> 00:11:54,365 No way to plan for such things. 116 00:11:54,367 --> 00:11:56,198 The professor? 117 00:11:56,200 --> 00:11:57,933 Is not here. 118 00:12:02,566 --> 00:12:04,564 My body. 119 00:12:04,566 --> 00:12:08,098 Where did you take it? 120 00:12:08,100 --> 00:12:11,098 If I tell, 121 00:12:11,100 --> 00:12:14,434 will you give me the one and only? 122 00:12:29,933 --> 00:12:32,831 When you dream, this is what you see? 123 00:12:32,833 --> 00:12:34,000 Mm. 124 00:12:35,334 --> 00:12:38,031 Beautiful. 125 00:12:38,033 --> 00:12:39,265 I miss this. 126 00:12:39,267 --> 00:12:41,265 Driving. 127 00:12:41,267 --> 00:12:45,500 Radio on, windows down. 128 00:12:54,633 --> 00:12:55,798 Can't you see? 129 00:12:55,800 --> 00:12:59,400 It's there, up ahead. 130 00:13:06,000 --> 00:13:08,800 When does the dream begin? 131 00:13:52,200 --> 00:13:54,698 Right. 132 00:13:54,700 --> 00:13:57,600 Le Désolé. 133 00:14:11,666 --> 00:14:14,365 We know where it is. 134 00:14:14,367 --> 00:14:16,831 We need a plan. Should we tell? 135 00:14:16,833 --> 00:14:19,664 No, if we tell, then Farouk can read their minds. 136 00:14:19,666 --> 00:14:21,500 Okay. 137 00:14:23,400 --> 00:14:25,666 Who should we use? 138 00:14:37,600 --> 00:14:39,798 Shit. 139 00:14:39,800 --> 00:14:41,798 On your mark, 140 00:14:41,800 --> 00:14:45,700 get set, go. 141 00:14:54,133 --> 00:14:57,664 ♪ We're tired of all this bad fortune ♪ 142 00:14:57,666 --> 00:15:02,731 ♪ Been fighting for all of our lives ♪ 143 00:15:02,733 --> 00:15:07,664 ♪ We'll reach into your socket ♪ 144 00:15:07,666 --> 00:15:10,798 ♪ Rip back your scalp as you cry ♪ 145 00:15:10,800 --> 00:15:14,300 ♪ We'll fight ♪ 146 00:15:15,733 --> 00:15:20,498 ♪ We survive ♪ 147 00:15:20,500 --> 00:15:21,731 ♪ Inside out, upside down ♪ 148 00:15:21,733 --> 00:15:25,700 ♪ All around, underground. ♪ 149 00:16:18,800 --> 00:16:21,798 You awake? 150 00:16:21,800 --> 00:16:23,434 I'm not sure. 151 00:16:36,900 --> 00:16:38,898 Don't do that. 152 00:16:38,900 --> 00:16:40,898 What? 153 00:16:40,900 --> 00:16:45,067 Look at me like I'm in a zoo. 154 00:17:02,533 --> 00:17:04,031 How are you? 155 00:17:04,033 --> 00:17:05,498 Who cares? 156 00:17:05,500 --> 00:17:07,467 Me. 157 00:17:09,733 --> 00:17:12,334 -I always cared. -Hmm. 158 00:17:19,833 --> 00:17:22,998 What? 159 00:17:23,000 --> 00:17:25,198 Oh... 160 00:17:25,200 --> 00:17:29,434 Amy did that when she was nervous. 161 00:17:32,867 --> 00:17:35,265 Look, man, I... it wasn't my call, okay? 162 00:17:35,267 --> 00:17:37,098 I know, I just... 163 00:17:37,100 --> 00:17:39,731 Is there anything left in there? 164 00:17:39,733 --> 00:17:41,400 Of her? 165 00:17:45,400 --> 00:17:46,865 Tell me something. 166 00:17:46,867 --> 00:17:50,965 And don't screw with me, okay? 167 00:17:50,967 --> 00:17:52,933 Am I...? 168 00:17:55,733 --> 00:17:57,564 Am I really here? 169 00:17:57,566 --> 00:18:01,798 'Cause if I'm not, and I wake up back there, with him... 170 00:18:01,800 --> 00:18:03,965 No, you're here. 171 00:18:03,967 --> 00:18:06,365 Hey, you're here. 172 00:18:06,367 --> 00:18:08,531 With me. 173 00:18:08,533 --> 00:18:11,067 And I won't let anything bad happen to you. 174 00:18:28,234 --> 00:18:29,931 Announcement two: 175 00:18:29,933 --> 00:18:32,764 know your symptoms. 176 00:18:32,766 --> 00:18:34,165 Confusion. 177 00:18:34,167 --> 00:18:36,198 Irritability. 178 00:18:36,200 --> 00:18:39,698 Repetitive sounds. 179 00:18:39,700 --> 00:18:41,965 If you feel any of these symptoms, 180 00:18:41,967 --> 00:18:44,234 -tell your mental monitor at once. -Hey. 181 00:18:47,100 --> 00:18:48,933 This won't hurt. 182 00:18:55,033 --> 00:18:58,865 Repetitive sounds. 183 00:18:58,867 --> 00:19:00,698 If you feel any of these symptoms, 184 00:19:00,700 --> 00:19:02,465 tell your mental monitor 185 00:19:02,467 --> 00:19:04,434 at once. 186 00:19:34,334 --> 00:19:36,867 Gone to kill the monster. 187 00:20:54,334 --> 00:20:56,332 A poem. 188 00:20:56,334 --> 00:21:01,700 "America, I've given you all and now I am nothing." 189 00:21:04,666 --> 00:21:08,531 "America, $2.27, 190 00:21:08,533 --> 00:21:12,133 January 17, 1956." 191 00:21:14,334 --> 00:21:17,967 "I can't stand my own mind." 192 00:21:21,434 --> 00:21:26,833 "America, when will we end the human war?" 193 00:21:44,100 --> 00:21:46,931 She never married, my mom. 194 00:21:46,933 --> 00:21:51,865 It was just boyfriend, boyfriend, fling. 195 00:21:51,867 --> 00:21:53,998 Sometimes they were younger. 196 00:21:54,000 --> 00:21:56,564 Sometimes they were married. 197 00:21:56,566 --> 00:21:58,398 "Joan. Oh, Joan. 198 00:21:58,400 --> 00:22:00,031 Please, Joan." 199 00:22:00,033 --> 00:22:02,831 She was the tragic lay. 200 00:22:02,833 --> 00:22:06,998 The one they couldn't touch. 201 00:22:07,000 --> 00:22:08,664 Uh, what does this have to do with...? 202 00:22:08,666 --> 00:22:12,598 I'm saying maybe it's my fault. 203 00:22:12,600 --> 00:22:14,698 Maybe I... 204 00:22:14,700 --> 00:22:16,733 pushed him away. 205 00:22:19,334 --> 00:22:23,165 Or maybe the universe just has a sick sense of humor. 206 00:22:23,167 --> 00:22:26,165 Ladies and gentlemen, the Untouchable Barretts. 207 00:22:26,167 --> 00:22:28,165 No, that's not funny. 208 00:22:28,167 --> 00:22:30,098 Nope. 209 00:22:30,100 --> 00:22:32,100 Or maybe it's him. 210 00:22:33,500 --> 00:22:35,332 Or maybe it's him. 211 00:22:35,334 --> 00:22:38,232 -Did he leave again? -Yes, he did. 212 00:22:38,234 --> 00:22:40,232 Did he tell you where he was going? 213 00:22:40,234 --> 00:22:41,831 No, he did not. 214 00:22:41,833 --> 00:22:43,831 Has he done that before? 215 00:22:43,833 --> 00:22:45,232 Officially? 216 00:22:45,234 --> 00:22:46,898 Off the record. 217 00:22:46,900 --> 00:22:48,967 Just girl talk. 218 00:22:55,633 --> 00:22:57,764 All right, if you're saying something, 219 00:22:57,766 --> 00:22:59,733 you got to say it out loud. 220 00:23:01,500 --> 00:23:04,867 I'm going after him. 221 00:23:08,733 --> 00:23:12,631 I loved a boy in the army who kept jumping out of planes 222 00:23:12,633 --> 00:23:14,733 to get away from me. 223 00:23:17,267 --> 00:23:19,065 And then? 224 00:23:19,067 --> 00:23:22,566 Well, and then one day his chute didn't open. 225 00:23:26,633 --> 00:23:29,564 -He's just different now. -Mm. 226 00:23:29,566 --> 00:23:33,533 In the hospital it was so romantic meeting him. 227 00:23:35,334 --> 00:23:37,165 I needed that. 228 00:23:37,167 --> 00:23:39,065 To be seen. 229 00:23:39,067 --> 00:23:41,332 Love. 230 00:23:41,334 --> 00:23:43,965 And then we escaped and went to Summerland, 231 00:23:43,967 --> 00:23:46,365 and it was addictive and intense and sweet. 232 00:23:46,367 --> 00:23:49,131 He's a good... person. 233 00:23:49,133 --> 00:23:50,600 You know? 234 00:23:51,867 --> 00:23:54,533 He tries so hard. 235 00:23:56,400 --> 00:24:00,332 But can we agree that he's unwell? 236 00:24:00,334 --> 00:24:02,631 What does that mean? 237 00:24:02,633 --> 00:24:04,500 You tell me. 238 00:24:07,467 --> 00:24:10,434 Maybe he doesn't know... 239 00:24:13,533 --> 00:24:14,965 Go on. 240 00:24:14,967 --> 00:24:16,865 ...the difference 241 00:24:16,867 --> 00:24:19,531 between things real and not real, 242 00:24:19,533 --> 00:24:20,998 right and wrong... 243 00:24:21,000 --> 00:24:23,131 So he's delusional, you're saying. 244 00:24:23,133 --> 00:24:24,500 No. 245 00:24:26,167 --> 00:24:28,898 I don't know. 246 00:24:28,900 --> 00:24:31,931 Have you ever seen him lie? 247 00:24:31,933 --> 00:24:34,798 - No. -I know. Me neither. 248 00:24:34,800 --> 00:24:37,131 But I think he lies... 249 00:24:37,133 --> 00:24:39,434 all the time. 250 00:24:40,533 --> 00:24:41,931 What about? 251 00:24:41,933 --> 00:24:44,065 What he does. 252 00:24:44,067 --> 00:24:46,167 What he knows. 253 00:24:47,467 --> 00:24:48,867 And yet... 254 00:24:50,100 --> 00:24:51,700 And yet... 255 00:25:02,133 --> 00:25:06,167 Who teaches us to be normal when we're one of a kind? 256 00:25:10,267 --> 00:25:12,265 You don't trust him. 257 00:25:12,267 --> 00:25:13,531 No. 258 00:25:13,533 --> 00:25:15,500 That's not... 259 00:25:16,933 --> 00:25:18,865 I love what we were. 260 00:25:18,867 --> 00:25:21,500 I'm just not sure we're that anymore. 261 00:25:23,200 --> 00:25:26,731 All right, I feel like I need to say out loud 262 00:25:26,733 --> 00:25:28,631 that your boyfriend 263 00:25:28,633 --> 00:25:32,031 is an extremely powerful mutant who could potentially destroy 264 00:25:32,033 --> 00:25:34,465 the world if he wanted to, 265 00:25:34,467 --> 00:25:39,133 or if, say, you hurt his feelings real bad. 266 00:25:50,267 --> 00:25:53,198 I'm going after him. 267 00:25:53,200 --> 00:25:55,467 Because of what I just said? 268 00:25:56,933 --> 00:25:59,365 Because love is what we have to save 269 00:25:59,367 --> 00:26:01,600 if we're gonna save the world. 270 00:26:04,267 --> 00:26:07,067 I'm just not sure that's what he's doing. 271 00:27:02,733 --> 00:27:04,700 On your mark. 272 00:27:11,400 --> 00:27:13,198 Get set. 273 00:27:13,200 --> 00:27:15,432 Reminder-- a loss of meaning 274 00:27:15,434 --> 00:27:17,234 is not normal. 275 00:27:20,766 --> 00:27:22,267 Go. 276 00:29:24,867 --> 00:29:26,865 Is he following? 277 00:29:26,867 --> 00:29:29,200 A day behind, maybe more. 278 00:29:34,800 --> 00:29:38,165 Ah, sacrement. 279 00:29:38,167 --> 00:29:40,398 I know this place. 280 00:29:40,400 --> 00:29:43,865 We have been here before. 281 00:29:43,867 --> 00:29:45,633 My body. 282 00:29:47,167 --> 00:29:49,531 So... we're close. 283 00:29:49,533 --> 00:29:51,367 Time and space is relative here. 284 00:29:55,500 --> 00:29:58,332 Sometimes by the hour. 285 00:29:58,334 --> 00:30:02,300 It's part of the trick-- to keep me from myself. 286 00:30:07,833 --> 00:30:10,698 And David? 287 00:30:10,700 --> 00:30:13,698 Our lost boy will wander this no place 288 00:30:13,700 --> 00:30:15,865 for the rest of his life 289 00:30:15,867 --> 00:30:20,434 unless... he figures out the secret. 290 00:31:12,400 --> 00:31:14,631 To be fair, I left a note this time. 291 00:31:14,633 --> 00:31:17,432 -"Gone to kill the monster"? -I believe I also wrote 292 00:31:17,434 --> 00:31:20,065 -"I love you," but yeah. -Is this because of something 293 00:31:20,067 --> 00:31:22,131 I said in the future? 294 00:31:22,133 --> 00:31:23,398 No. 295 00:31:23,400 --> 00:31:24,931 Maybe. A little. 296 00:31:24,933 --> 00:31:27,131 We definitely got in a fight. 297 00:31:27,133 --> 00:31:29,198 You have a plan, okay, in the future. 298 00:31:29,200 --> 00:31:31,664 Help Farouk now so that he can help us later. 299 00:31:31,666 --> 00:31:34,165 But there's got to be another way. Ow! 300 00:31:34,167 --> 00:31:37,465 -I'm... on your side! -Aah. Aah. 301 00:31:37,467 --> 00:31:38,967 Asshole! 302 00:31:40,533 --> 00:31:44,498 Whatever some maybe me in the future says. 303 00:31:44,500 --> 00:31:46,698 -Got it? -Yes, ma'am. 304 00:31:46,700 --> 00:31:48,664 Aah. 305 00:31:48,666 --> 00:31:50,633 Now... 306 00:31:52,600 --> 00:31:54,698 What is this place? 307 00:31:54,700 --> 00:31:56,933 Le Désolé. 308 00:32:06,600 --> 00:32:08,831 Really hurt. 309 00:32:08,833 --> 00:32:11,298 So, where's the monastery? 310 00:32:11,300 --> 00:32:14,465 I saw it, but I think it's moving. 311 00:32:14,467 --> 00:32:16,831 How can a building move? 312 00:32:16,833 --> 00:32:18,800 I don't know. 313 00:33:54,100 --> 00:33:56,300 Hustle up, my man. 314 00:33:57,633 --> 00:33:58,766 We are almost there. 315 00:34:21,033 --> 00:34:24,133 And now we come to the most alarming delusion of all. 316 00:34:26,000 --> 00:34:29,098 The idea that other people don't matter. 317 00:34:29,100 --> 00:34:32,067 Their feelings. Their needs. 318 00:34:41,400 --> 00:34:43,798 Imagine a cave where those inside 319 00:34:43,800 --> 00:34:45,967 never see the outside world. 320 00:34:51,600 --> 00:34:53,131 Instead, they see shadows 321 00:34:53,133 --> 00:34:56,766 of that world projected on the cave wall. 322 00:35:06,967 --> 00:35:10,600 The world they see in the shadows... 323 00:35:18,300 --> 00:35:20,298 Three, two, one, liftoff. 324 00:35:20,300 --> 00:35:21,900 But it's real to them. 325 00:35:23,967 --> 00:35:27,798 If you were to show them the world as it actually is, 326 00:35:27,800 --> 00:35:30,666 they would reject it as... 327 00:35:38,367 --> 00:35:41,165 Now what if, instead of being in a cave, 328 00:35:41,167 --> 00:35:45,200 you were out in the world, except you couldn't see it. 329 00:35:50,800 --> 00:35:54,434 Because you weren't looking. 330 00:36:01,533 --> 00:36:03,664 Because you trusted that the world you saw 331 00:36:03,666 --> 00:36:07,700 through the prism was the real world. 332 00:36:24,967 --> 00:36:27,000 But there's a difference. 333 00:36:28,933 --> 00:36:31,065 You see, unlike the allegory of the cave, 334 00:36:31,067 --> 00:36:34,033 where the people are real and the shadows are false... 335 00:36:36,867 --> 00:36:39,031 ...here other people are the shadows. 336 00:36:39,033 --> 00:36:42,865 Their faces. Their lives. 337 00:36:42,867 --> 00:36:46,531 This is the delusion of the narcissist, 338 00:36:46,533 --> 00:36:48,933 who believes that they alone are real. 339 00:37:03,867 --> 00:37:06,598 Their feelings are the only feelings that matter 340 00:37:06,600 --> 00:37:09,764 because other people are just shadows, 341 00:37:09,766 --> 00:37:11,566 and shadows don't feel. 342 00:37:14,900 --> 00:37:16,900 Because they're not real. 343 00:37:27,234 --> 00:37:31,300 But what if everyone lived in caves? 344 00:37:38,666 --> 00:37:41,098 Then no one would be real. 345 00:37:41,100 --> 00:37:44,600 Not even you. 346 00:37:48,033 --> 00:37:49,865 Unless one day you woke up 347 00:37:49,867 --> 00:37:52,931 and left the cave. 348 00:37:52,933 --> 00:37:55,031 How strange the world would look 349 00:37:55,033 --> 00:37:58,500 after a lifetime of staring at shadows. 350 00:39:04,434 --> 00:39:05,666 Let's get inside! 351 00:39:33,267 --> 00:39:34,931 They're... 352 00:39:34,933 --> 00:39:37,332 Us. 353 00:39:37,334 --> 00:39:38,833 Let's get inside! 354 00:39:54,133 --> 00:39:56,564 They're... 355 00:39:56,566 --> 00:39:58,533 Us. 356 00:40:12,334 --> 00:40:14,898 I wonder what happened to them-- 357 00:40:14,900 --> 00:40:19,434 us... out here. 358 00:40:20,500 --> 00:40:22,467 Nothing good. 359 00:40:24,666 --> 00:40:26,967 This place. 360 00:40:29,700 --> 00:40:31,933 Some kind of geographic disorder. 361 00:40:34,300 --> 00:40:35,498 Is that a thing? 362 00:40:35,500 --> 00:40:39,533 A crossroad of possibilities. 363 00:40:46,833 --> 00:40:49,664 When this is over, we'll go home. 364 00:40:49,666 --> 00:40:52,865 Home? Where's that? 365 00:40:52,867 --> 00:40:54,865 We'll get a place. 366 00:40:54,867 --> 00:40:58,531 In the country. Quiet. 367 00:40:58,533 --> 00:41:00,165 Grow old there. 368 00:41:00,167 --> 00:41:03,731 And die, like them. 369 00:41:03,733 --> 00:41:07,700 Every story ends the same. 370 00:41:08,967 --> 00:41:10,965 I don't believe that. 371 00:41:10,967 --> 00:41:12,700 Hmm. 372 00:41:13,800 --> 00:41:16,600 Hmm, that's sweet. 373 00:41:19,900 --> 00:41:23,731 Do something for me. 374 00:41:23,733 --> 00:41:26,365 Anything. 375 00:41:26,367 --> 00:41:30,533 When the time comes, prove me wrong. 376 00:41:48,600 --> 00:41:51,234 You better have a plan. 377 00:42:13,467 --> 00:42:18,031 Find the clock. 378 00:42:18,033 --> 00:42:20,000 Of the Long Now. 379 00:42:43,367 --> 00:42:46,098 Sunflower. Sunflower. 380 00:42:46,100 --> 00:42:48,067 Melanie. 381 00:42:52,100 --> 00:42:53,500 Sunflower. 382 00:43:03,334 --> 00:43:05,300 Melanie. 383 00:43:10,933 --> 00:43:12,931 Melanie. 384 00:43:12,933 --> 00:43:16,831 -♪ My Bonnie lives over the sea ♪ -Sunflower. 385 00:43:16,833 --> 00:43:20,067 -♪ My Bonnie lives over the ocean ♪ -Sunflower. 386 00:43:21,434 --> 00:43:25,432 ♪ So bring back my Bonnie to me. ♪ 387 00:43:25,434 --> 00:43:26,400 Melanie. 388 00:43:29,267 --> 00:43:30,898 It's done. 389 00:43:30,900 --> 00:43:33,531 She's ours. 390 00:43:33,533 --> 00:43:36,498 Mine. 391 00:43:36,500 --> 00:43:38,467 Ours. 392 00:43:50,700 --> 00:43:52,133 Come. 393 00:43:53,533 --> 00:43:55,167 Come. 394 00:46:27,434 --> 00:46:28,933 Now I get it.