1 00:00:03,140 --> 00:00:05,980 People of the proud kingdom of Re-Estize! 2 00:00:06,860 --> 00:00:08,980 These devils are not deserving of our fear! 3 00:00:09,650 --> 00:00:12,740 My sword and shield shall be with you! 4 00:00:15,110 --> 00:00:18,160 Long live Prince Zanac! 5 00:00:24,500 --> 00:00:28,130 Where did all the citizens go? Are they hiding inside their houses? 6 00:00:28,630 --> 00:00:33,380 The doors have been broken down. They were probably taken somewhere else. 7 00:00:33,380 --> 00:00:37,510 Iron and copper adventurers, stay here and search through the houses! 8 00:00:37,510 --> 00:00:41,140 The rest of you spread out and form a line. 9 00:00:44,980 --> 00:00:46,400 Here they come. 10 00:00:49,520 --> 00:00:54,860 An Overeating, Gazer Devils, and 15 Hellhounds...! 11 00:01:00,700 --> 00:01:02,000 Hey, don't run away! 12 00:01:18,090 --> 00:01:18,930 Toss me! 13 00:01:29,980 --> 00:01:33,110 That just leaves the Gazer Devils and Overeating! 14 00:01:44,160 --> 00:01:45,660 Such paltry opponents. 15 00:01:47,370 --> 00:01:50,630 I, Momon the adventurer, 16 00:01:50,630 --> 00:01:53,380 will now go and take down the enemy leader, Jaldabaoth! 17 00:01:56,260 --> 00:02:00,550 In the meantime, keep the citizens who are beyond the wall safe. 18 00:02:01,350 --> 00:02:02,390 I'm counting on you. 19 00:02:10,900 --> 00:02:11,730 It's started. 20 00:02:12,110 --> 00:02:15,110 Yes. We have to find the people taken prisoner now, 21 00:02:15,110 --> 00:02:17,110 while the demons are distracted. 22 00:02:17,110 --> 00:02:19,860 Yeah. According to the princess's conjecture, 23 00:02:19,860 --> 00:02:21,990 the warehouses in this area are likely candidates. 24 00:02:31,000 --> 00:02:34,500 Shalltear... Bloodfallen... 25 00:02:37,760 --> 00:02:42,260 Climb, I'll buy us some time. You go on ahead. 26 00:02:49,690 --> 00:02:52,270 What are you all doing in the capital? 27 00:02:52,980 --> 00:02:56,530 Why should I have to be asked that by you? 28 00:02:57,530 --> 00:03:00,780 Are you the only one who made it in this far? 29 00:03:01,360 --> 00:03:05,280 Were you looking for someone else? Someone not me? 30 00:03:06,040 --> 00:03:09,040 You? Why would I? 31 00:03:11,330 --> 00:03:15,250 She's saying it's hard to remember someone as insignificant as an ant? 32 00:03:16,550 --> 00:03:20,220 Would you rather I kill you? Would you like to die? 33 00:03:20,220 --> 00:03:25,560 If you bow down to me and lick my boots, it may improve my mood. 34 00:03:26,100 --> 00:03:28,680 Sorry, but I'm not inclined to do that. 35 00:03:28,930 --> 00:03:31,140 Martial Art! Field! 36 00:03:35,150 --> 00:03:39,320 Not being aware of the difference between our abilities is a real hassle. 37 00:03:40,740 --> 00:03:41,740 Oh, I am aware. 38 00:03:43,450 --> 00:03:46,240 Still, I can at least buy some time. 39 00:03:49,200 --> 00:03:51,160 Wielding my sword... 40 00:03:52,120 --> 00:03:53,420 is my life. 41 00:03:56,670 --> 00:03:58,670 I may have fallen behind, but thank you... 42 00:03:59,800 --> 00:04:01,300 ...my friends. 43 00:04:08,350 --> 00:04:10,560 Four Fold Slash of Light. 44 00:04:14,980 --> 00:04:15,730 Huh? 45 00:04:16,440 --> 00:04:17,480 You were aiming for it...? 46 00:04:21,360 --> 00:04:23,740 It looks like you pass as a nail clipper. 47 00:04:25,110 --> 00:04:27,620 You have my gratitude for the compliment. 48 00:04:28,080 --> 00:04:32,500 My swordsmanship— My life has not been for nothing! 49 00:04:33,370 --> 00:04:37,000 I've reached an unreachable height, if only in small part! 50 00:04:37,460 --> 00:04:40,340 You sound like you have a screw loose somewhere. 51 00:04:44,010 --> 00:04:49,140 Even with the One so close by, thanks to his detection-blocking ring, 52 00:04:49,140 --> 00:04:51,600 I can't even sense his presence. 53 00:04:55,100 --> 00:05:00,070 There's no way a human weakling is getting away from me unharmed! 54 00:05:00,070 --> 00:05:01,690 Time Accelerator! 55 00:05:05,740 --> 00:05:06,700 Is that...? 56 00:05:14,120 --> 00:05:15,580 You are indeed strong. 57 00:05:27,090 --> 00:05:30,350 We must have underestimated Jaldabaoth's forces. 58 00:05:30,350 --> 00:05:32,310 I'll let you two take those five. 59 00:05:32,850 --> 00:05:35,350 Let's get to it, Demiu— Demon! 60 00:05:38,900 --> 00:05:43,570 I will take three if you will take two, is that all right? 61 00:05:43,570 --> 00:05:45,490 I don't mind taking three. 62 00:05:46,990 --> 00:05:49,740 You take two, and I'll take three. 63 00:05:51,030 --> 00:05:52,490 You're a stubborn one. 64 00:05:53,080 --> 00:05:55,540 I'll let you all decide who will fight me. 65 00:05:58,000 --> 00:06:01,750 My name is Alpha. This here is Delta. 66 00:06:02,210 --> 00:06:04,800 Is that so? You sure are courteous. 67 00:06:05,510 --> 00:06:07,010 My name is Evileye. 68 00:06:07,010 --> 00:06:09,800 I am the one who will defeat you! 69 00:06:13,890 --> 00:06:16,930 What are you doing here? I told you to go on ahead! 70 00:06:16,930 --> 00:06:18,440 W-Well, we... 71 00:06:18,440 --> 00:06:21,810 Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. I don't know what just happened, 72 00:06:21,810 --> 00:06:24,110 but there has to be more to it than what you said. 73 00:06:25,530 --> 00:06:27,450 Why isn't she coming after me? 74 00:06:27,450 --> 00:06:28,780 What exactly did you do? 75 00:06:29,360 --> 00:06:32,030 I found the monster who can stack up against Mr. Sebas. 76 00:06:32,990 --> 00:06:33,780 And...? 77 00:06:33,780 --> 00:06:39,080 I took my sword and... Yeah, I cut her fingernail with it! 78 00:06:39,080 --> 00:06:42,590 I cut off her fingernail! 79 00:06:42,590 --> 00:06:48,090 Y-Yeah, so you cut her nail with your sword. Sure, that is amazing. 80 00:06:48,090 --> 00:06:51,720 Yes, I think... that's amazing... 81 00:06:54,850 --> 00:06:58,640 In any case, it's a miracle nobody is coming after us. Let's hurry. 82 00:06:59,690 --> 00:07:03,360 Martial Art! Dark Blade Mega Impact! 83 00:07:08,280 --> 00:07:10,860 Floating Swords! 84 00:07:14,870 --> 00:07:16,790 They just keep coming. 85 00:07:16,790 --> 00:07:18,120 What do we do, fiendish boss? 86 00:07:19,620 --> 00:07:23,130 This is bad. The priests are almost out of magic power. 87 00:07:27,340 --> 00:07:29,010 Six Fold Slash of Light! 88 00:07:32,680 --> 00:07:34,260 Finish them! 89 00:07:36,760 --> 00:07:40,020 Why is Lord Stronoff here when he's supposed to be guarding the castle? 90 00:07:42,520 --> 00:07:43,310 His Majesty?! 91 00:07:43,310 --> 00:07:44,270 King Ramposa III?! 92 00:07:44,270 --> 00:07:45,690 What is he doing here?! 93 00:07:46,480 --> 00:07:47,940 His Majesty says... 94 00:07:48,570 --> 00:07:53,200 "Is it the castle that you protect, or is it me?" 95 00:07:53,700 --> 00:07:55,700 There is only one answer! 96 00:07:55,700 --> 00:07:58,660 It is our role to protect the king! 97 00:07:59,330 --> 00:08:02,460 As such, here is where we must fight! 98 00:08:02,960 --> 00:08:04,290 Charge through! 99 00:08:06,210 --> 00:08:09,380 Lord Stronoff, I need your help, please. 100 00:08:09,380 --> 00:08:10,340 Of course. 101 00:08:10,340 --> 00:08:11,630 Hold on a second! 102 00:08:12,720 --> 00:08:16,220 Could you use the support of an once-outstanding warrior? 103 00:08:16,220 --> 00:08:19,220 There's a future outstanding ninja here, too. 104 00:08:19,220 --> 00:08:21,230 Gagaran! Tia! 105 00:08:21,730 --> 00:08:24,480 Just lying around was making me soft. 106 00:08:24,480 --> 00:08:25,730 We're ready to fight. 107 00:08:25,730 --> 00:08:26,480 There's no way you can... 108 00:08:28,980 --> 00:08:30,990 That's reassuring to hear! 109 00:08:38,490 --> 00:08:39,740 Let's go! 110 00:08:40,330 --> 00:08:41,120 Yeah! 111 00:08:43,710 --> 00:08:45,620 Shard Buckshot! 112 00:08:48,670 --> 00:08:49,630 Not again! 113 00:08:56,640 --> 00:08:59,140 I'll cover you. Not that you need it. 114 00:09:07,650 --> 00:09:09,230 Sand Field All! 115 00:09:12,780 --> 00:09:18,030 Damn, it's not right for monsters to be teaming up and reinforcing each other! 116 00:09:19,280 --> 00:09:20,240 What the—?! 117 00:09:24,290 --> 00:09:25,790 Crystal Wall! 118 00:09:33,340 --> 00:09:34,340 Fa jin?! 119 00:09:36,550 --> 00:09:40,550 I should commend you. Immobilization and negative energy don't work on you. 120 00:09:41,140 --> 00:09:43,560 You've got every resistance there is, huh? 121 00:09:46,140 --> 00:09:48,060 They're still fighting over there. 122 00:09:50,940 --> 00:09:53,730 In that case, I'm just going to have to buy a little more time! 123 00:10:09,960 --> 00:10:12,590 This room is secure, right? 124 00:10:12,590 --> 00:10:14,460 Everything is fine. 125 00:10:14,840 --> 00:10:18,220 There is no one who can listen in on our conversation in here. 126 00:10:19,050 --> 00:10:23,970 No one, huh? All right, tell me the entirety of your plan. 127 00:10:24,930 --> 00:10:29,350 First, allow me to thank you very much for indulging me 128 00:10:29,350 --> 00:10:32,860 when I said that I would like to meet with you, Lord Ainz. 129 00:10:32,860 --> 00:10:33,480 Mm-hmm. 130 00:10:34,110 --> 00:10:37,990 There are four merits to the series of plans I have made. 131 00:10:37,990 --> 00:10:40,610 Four?! I don't know a single one of them! 132 00:10:41,370 --> 00:10:43,740 Ho, I thought it was three. 133 00:10:43,740 --> 00:10:47,450 I think this may be the first time that I have bested you in a contest of wits. 134 00:10:47,910 --> 00:10:50,580 Oh, you always have the better of me. 135 00:10:50,580 --> 00:10:53,500 How can you say such a thing? You are too modest. 136 00:10:53,500 --> 00:10:55,630 No, really. Ahem... 137 00:10:56,130 --> 00:10:59,510 Now, why don't you tell me about these four merits? 138 00:10:59,510 --> 00:11:02,140 Yes, my lord. The first one 139 00:11:02,140 --> 00:11:04,930 is that we are claiming all of the materials that are in these storehouses. 140 00:11:04,930 --> 00:11:06,020 Mm-hmm. 141 00:11:06,470 --> 00:11:10,770 Fantastic! Now we won't have to worry about being low on funds for a while. 142 00:11:10,770 --> 00:11:13,190 Second, it allows us to cover up our part 143 00:11:13,190 --> 00:11:16,780 in our strike against Eight Fingers, which you instructed us to do. 144 00:11:16,780 --> 00:11:21,320 Now that you mention it, you said that your goal was to recover an item. 145 00:11:21,320 --> 00:11:22,780 Please have a look at this. 146 00:11:23,280 --> 00:11:27,830 The magic imparted within this treasure is the tenth-tier magic, 147 00:11:27,830 --> 00:11:29,790 "Armageddon Evil". 148 00:11:29,790 --> 00:11:33,040 A spell to summon a large number of demons. 149 00:11:33,040 --> 00:11:38,300 This is an item created by Lord Ulbert. Should we use it here? 150 00:11:38,300 --> 00:11:39,220 Hmm... 151 00:11:40,510 --> 00:11:43,300 Demiurge, you may use this. 152 00:11:44,010 --> 00:11:47,770 It is also an item that was created by Ulbert. 153 00:11:47,770 --> 00:11:50,180 It's a prototype, but it should do, all the same. 154 00:11:50,180 --> 00:11:53,690 L-Lord Ainz, I couldn't possibly use your own personal object! 155 00:11:53,690 --> 00:11:57,190 Oh, no? Then I will give it to you, Demiurge. 156 00:11:57,190 --> 00:11:59,320 However, Ulbert might feel self-conscious 157 00:11:59,320 --> 00:12:03,950 that his failed creation has remained around for so long. 158 00:12:04,530 --> 00:12:05,950 Such a... 159 00:12:07,910 --> 00:12:09,250 I am most grateful. 160 00:12:09,250 --> 00:12:11,330 Stop that, Demiurge. 161 00:12:11,330 --> 00:12:14,000 Consider it as thanks for your loyalty. 162 00:12:14,500 --> 00:12:18,340 We guardians were created by the Great Ones. 163 00:12:18,340 --> 00:12:21,760 It is only right that we demonstrate the utmost loyalty until we perish. 164 00:12:21,760 --> 00:12:26,010 Nonetheless, for you to once again address me with such charity, 165 00:12:26,010 --> 00:12:29,060 not to mention grant me with a reward such as this...! 166 00:12:29,520 --> 00:12:34,770 I, Demiurge, humbly offer you even deeper devotion! 167 00:12:34,770 --> 00:12:38,360 Uh, mm-hmm. I look forward to it. 168 00:12:38,360 --> 00:12:42,030 So, Demiurge, there's something more you want to tell me, right? 169 00:12:42,030 --> 00:12:44,410 Yes, my lord. With that narrative in place, 170 00:12:44,410 --> 00:12:48,080 Jaldabaoth has attacked the Eight Fingers bases looking for this, 171 00:12:48,080 --> 00:12:51,870 which ended up with him seizing the capital's warehouse district. 172 00:12:51,870 --> 00:12:55,250 And of course, this item will be found in the warehouse 173 00:12:55,250 --> 00:12:58,540 that serves as Eight Fingers' base, all according to plan. 174 00:12:58,540 --> 00:13:01,050 So then, what is the third merit? 175 00:13:01,050 --> 00:13:05,800 Right. We have captured the humans on the inside of the wall of flame. 176 00:13:06,220 --> 00:13:08,550 The majority of them are already being taken away to Nazarick, 177 00:13:08,550 --> 00:13:11,810 where I was thinking that they could be put to all kinds of uses. 178 00:13:12,220 --> 00:13:15,810 Regardless of their age or gender, am I right? 179 00:13:15,810 --> 00:13:16,560 Yes. 180 00:13:17,270 --> 00:13:19,320 It's true, ever since I ended up in this body, 181 00:13:19,320 --> 00:13:22,150 I haven't felt a sense of affinity for the human race. 182 00:13:22,150 --> 00:13:25,900 No matter how many we kill, it hasn't pained my heart, 183 00:13:25,900 --> 00:13:28,070 so long as it benefited Nazarick. 184 00:13:28,070 --> 00:13:30,330 Still, even so... 185 00:13:30,740 --> 00:13:34,080 Demiurge, see that those who do not dishonor the Great Tomb of Nazarick, 186 00:13:34,080 --> 00:13:39,080 nor myself, are given deaths that are without pain and suffering. 187 00:13:39,540 --> 00:13:41,710 How benevolent of you! 188 00:13:41,710 --> 00:13:43,340 It shall be as you wish. 189 00:13:43,920 --> 00:13:45,920 Back to the subject at hand. 190 00:13:45,920 --> 00:13:47,840 What does that leave as the fourth merit? 191 00:13:47,840 --> 00:13:53,350 Right. I will pin all of the ill repute upon the demon Jaldabaoth. 192 00:13:53,770 --> 00:13:57,770 In other words, your goal is to establish yourself as a notorious demon. 193 00:13:58,600 --> 00:14:02,020 He's using this to increase the fame of the adventurer Momon. 194 00:14:03,360 --> 00:14:05,360 That makes sense. I'm convinced. 195 00:14:06,030 --> 00:14:09,490 So then, is there anything you want me to cooperate with you on? 196 00:14:09,490 --> 00:14:13,490 All you need to do now is drive me off, and there should be no problem. 197 00:14:14,080 --> 00:14:16,460 I would like to do everything within my power 198 00:14:16,460 --> 00:14:19,420 to serve as your foil, Lord Ainz. 199 00:14:25,130 --> 00:14:30,010 Wow, that little girl out there is pretty good, huh? What was her name? 200 00:14:30,010 --> 00:14:33,970 I don't know; I have no interest in these gnats' names. 201 00:14:33,970 --> 00:14:36,810 I believe she is Evileye of the Blue Rose. 202 00:14:36,810 --> 00:14:39,730 She was listed in the information that Lord Sebas collected. 203 00:14:39,730 --> 00:14:41,610 Oh, so that's her name. 204 00:14:41,610 --> 00:14:44,440 Hey Na, are you sure your mind isn't just starting to go? 205 00:14:44,440 --> 00:14:47,030 Can the rest of you remember the names of humans? 206 00:14:47,030 --> 00:14:51,410 No problem for me. I pay close attention to proper names. 207 00:14:51,410 --> 00:14:55,790 No worries. Actually, I get along pretty well with humans. 208 00:14:55,790 --> 00:14:57,790 Not a problem. 209 00:15:01,790 --> 00:15:05,670 There's an earthquake. It looks like one of Mare's. 210 00:15:05,670 --> 00:15:07,300 Is this some kind of sign? 211 00:15:07,300 --> 00:15:11,470 That's right. Okay, Narberal, it's time for you to assume some injuries. 212 00:15:11,470 --> 00:15:15,180 I want to make it as painless as possible. I hope you'll forgive me. 213 00:15:15,510 --> 00:15:18,180 What other choice is there? This is our job. 214 00:15:21,690 --> 00:15:24,150 The devil! This is the devil's doing! 215 00:15:24,690 --> 00:15:27,190 Stay calm! Please stay calm! 216 00:15:27,190 --> 00:15:28,940 Help me! My child isn't here! 217 00:15:28,940 --> 00:15:30,070 My wife was taken away! 218 00:15:30,070 --> 00:15:32,700 Where is my child? He's only three! 219 00:15:30,650 --> 00:15:32,700 Papa! Mama! 220 00:15:32,700 --> 00:15:36,240 Tch, it's just as the princess said. 221 00:15:36,240 --> 00:15:39,200 Sure enough, they split up the families when they took them. 222 00:15:57,060 --> 00:15:58,600 Can you still fight? 223 00:15:58,600 --> 00:16:00,430 Of course. No problem. 224 00:16:15,910 --> 00:16:16,950 Lord Momon! 225 00:16:16,950 --> 00:16:22,370 That was just a little bit fun. How can I describe it? Real? 226 00:16:22,370 --> 00:16:24,710 It feels like I'm actually getting to fight. 227 00:16:26,460 --> 00:16:28,590 I am pleased to hear it. 228 00:16:29,250 --> 00:16:31,090 Now, I will start fighting in earnest. 229 00:16:31,630 --> 00:16:34,090 Come at me, Jaldabaoth! 230 00:16:49,610 --> 00:16:52,320 Aspect of the Devil: Hellfire Mantle! 231 00:17:03,960 --> 00:17:09,210 To be melting a weapon of this level, you must have boosted your power. 232 00:17:09,210 --> 00:17:11,210 Right you are. 233 00:17:13,220 --> 00:17:14,680 The flames of hell?! 234 00:17:15,220 --> 00:17:19,930 Yes. Even if you possess a perfect resistance against flame, 235 00:17:19,930 --> 00:17:22,470 you will not come away unharmed from this. 236 00:17:23,810 --> 00:17:25,310 Frost Pain Modified! 237 00:17:26,480 --> 00:17:30,480 What exactly is that? It's much like that spear you used earlier. 238 00:17:31,480 --> 00:17:35,490 Icy Burst! 239 00:17:41,870 --> 00:17:43,870 You truly are strong. 240 00:17:45,250 --> 00:17:46,620 As are you. 241 00:17:47,250 --> 00:17:49,500 What a pair these two are... 242 00:17:49,500 --> 00:17:51,500 I have a proposal for you. 243 00:17:53,590 --> 00:17:57,760 I will be withdrawing now. Shall we call this the end of our battle? 244 00:17:57,760 --> 00:17:58,890 Don't be ridiculous! 245 00:17:58,890 --> 00:18:00,010 Very well. 246 00:18:00,760 --> 00:18:03,770 I cannot surmise why you would have brought a woman 247 00:18:03,770 --> 00:18:07,270 as unintelligent as her with you, Mr. Momon. 248 00:18:07,270 --> 00:18:10,270 If you'd just think for a moment, I'm sure you'll understand. 249 00:18:10,270 --> 00:18:15,780 I have my demon hordes standing by to assault the whole capital at any time. 250 00:18:16,530 --> 00:18:19,280 You'd take... the capital hostage? 251 00:18:19,870 --> 00:18:23,330 Now then, we will make our retreat. 252 00:18:23,330 --> 00:18:28,580 Unfortunately, without recovering the item that was our goal. 253 00:18:30,130 --> 00:18:31,420 They're gone. 254 00:18:35,550 --> 00:18:39,300 You did it! You won! Leave it to you, Lord Momon! 255 00:18:39,300 --> 00:18:41,760 Er, excuse me, but could you give me some space? 256 00:18:42,430 --> 00:18:44,600 You don't have to be bashful. 257 00:18:44,600 --> 00:18:45,680 Hey! 258 00:18:45,680 --> 00:18:47,480 You still alive? 259 00:18:49,020 --> 00:18:50,150 Guys... 260 00:18:50,690 --> 00:18:53,230 Lord Momon, declare victory to the others! 261 00:18:53,230 --> 00:18:54,440 I'd be too embarrassed. 262 00:18:54,900 --> 00:18:59,200 This is something that he who is most distinguished in battle must do! 263 00:18:59,200 --> 00:19:02,620 Ah, I suppose you're right. It should be done. 264 00:19:04,580 --> 00:19:06,160 Lord Momon is victorious! 265 00:19:10,040 --> 00:19:11,120 Go Cry Go 266 00:19:12,670 --> 00:19:16,090 You really are going back to E-Rantel? 267 00:19:16,090 --> 00:19:18,220 I'd very much like to accompany you, but... 268 00:19:18,220 --> 00:19:19,590 Don't worry about it. 269 00:19:19,590 --> 00:19:22,220 You have done us an extremely great service. 270 00:19:20,930 --> 00:19:22,840 Where is the truths? 271 00:19:22,220 --> 00:19:22,840 Mm-hmm. 272 00:19:22,840 --> 00:19:27,720 I understand His Majesty would have liked to thank you personally. 273 00:19:22,840 --> 00:19:25,650 Ima mujou ittai no sekai de 274 00:19:22,840 --> 00:19:25,650 This world is at one with futility 275 00:19:25,650 --> 00:19:27,720 Here is no truths 276 00:19:27,720 --> 00:19:31,940 That's quite all right, Marquis Raeven. I am grateful for all you've done. 277 00:19:27,720 --> 00:19:30,440 Eikou mo naku ubaiau 278 00:19:27,720 --> 00:19:30,440 We steal from one another without glory 279 00:19:30,440 --> 00:19:32,480 It's like a party! 280 00:19:31,940 --> 00:19:36,150 Not at all. I hope that we can continue our good relations moving forward. 281 00:19:32,480 --> 00:19:35,020 Kousaku suru monotachi yo 282 00:19:32,480 --> 00:19:35,020 Ye who cross each other's paths, 283 00:19:35,020 --> 00:19:37,100 Tsukisusume hateru made 284 00:19:35,020 --> 00:19:37,100 So forge on! Until you expire! 285 00:19:36,150 --> 00:19:40,490 Members of Blue Rose, as a fellow adamantite class adventurer, 286 00:19:37,100 --> 00:19:39,950 Shousha to haisha dochira mo maybe something crazy 287 00:19:37,100 --> 00:19:39,950 Will you be winners or losers? Either is maybe something crazy 288 00:19:39,950 --> 00:19:42,280 What can I believe? 289 00:19:40,490 --> 00:19:42,820 I hope I can look to you the next time something comes up. 290 00:19:42,280 --> 00:19:46,910 Sonna toi nante No one answer 291 00:19:42,280 --> 00:19:46,910 Faced with that question, No one answers 292 00:19:42,820 --> 00:19:44,120 As do we. 293 00:19:44,120 --> 00:19:45,280 Very well then... 294 00:19:46,910 --> 00:19:53,130 Subete kono kokuu no naka kietetta 295 00:19:46,910 --> 00:19:53,130 Everything vanished into the void 296 00:19:49,870 --> 00:19:51,120 He turned you down, huh? 297 00:19:54,130 --> 00:19:55,170 No, he didn't. 298 00:19:54,880 --> 00:19:57,730 Ima wa Break Out! Break Out! susume yo! 299 00:19:54,880 --> 00:19:57,730 For now, Break out! Break out! proceed on! 300 00:19:56,340 --> 00:19:58,880 That's just the kind of man he is. 301 00:19:57,730 --> 00:20:04,280 Cry Out! Cry Out! sono ishi wo kakagete! 302 00:19:57,730 --> 00:20:04,280 Cry out! Cry out! Hold your determination high! 303 00:20:02,340 --> 00:20:06,890 As of now, you will all become servants of our master. 304 00:20:04,280 --> 00:20:07,290 Saa motto Break Out! Break Out! sekai wo! 305 00:20:04,280 --> 00:20:07,290 Escape faster, Break out! Break out! from this world! 306 00:20:06,890 --> 00:20:08,640 Allow us to congratulate you. 307 00:20:07,290 --> 00:20:11,480 Cry Out! Cry Out! kirihirake! 308 00:20:07,290 --> 00:20:11,480 Cry out! Cry out! Cut your way through! 309 00:20:09,020 --> 00:20:10,520 D-Don't be absurd! 310 00:20:10,520 --> 00:20:14,230 We will begin by inviting you to a fun new place. 311 00:20:11,480 --> 00:20:13,690 Mayottemo 312 00:20:11,480 --> 00:20:13,690 Even if you lose your way 313 00:20:13,690 --> 00:20:16,750 So we gatta just go crazy, crazy and mad 314 00:20:14,230 --> 00:20:16,310 Yes, um, you are invited. 315 00:20:16,310 --> 00:20:18,020 W-Wait! 316 00:20:16,750 --> 00:20:18,900 Just go crazy now 317 00:20:18,020 --> 00:20:18,900 Hilma...! 318 00:20:18,900 --> 00:20:21,900 You don't mean me, do you? I helped you, didn't I? 319 00:20:18,900 --> 00:20:21,540 Dance, dance crazy, crazy and mad 320 00:20:21,540 --> 00:20:24,250 Yume ka jigoku ka Go Cry Go 321 00:20:21,540 --> 00:20:24,250 Doesn't matter if it's an illusion, or hell: Go Cry Go 322 00:20:22,280 --> 00:20:24,780 I've had it! I can't take any more of that! 323 00:20:24,780 --> 00:20:26,910 Uh, what did you do to her? 324 00:20:26,910 --> 00:20:31,830 I-I took her into Kyouhukou's room, and had him eat her from the inside out. 325 00:20:32,290 --> 00:20:36,130 Oh, that figures. And then her wounds were cured with healing magic. 326 00:20:33,580 --> 00:20:37,960 Hey, are you kidding? shinjitsu wo oikakereba 327 00:20:33,580 --> 00:20:37,960 Hey, are you kidding? If you chase after truth, 328 00:20:36,130 --> 00:20:38,550 It's only natural that she'd be more submissive. 329 00:20:37,960 --> 00:20:40,260 Mayoikomu kiri no oku 330 00:20:37,960 --> 00:20:40,260 You'll lose your way deep in the fog 331 00:20:38,920 --> 00:20:42,130 Okay, lady, we need you to buy some time with the others 332 00:20:40,260 --> 00:20:43,010 ou mono wa emono ni nari you gonna be hunted 333 00:20:40,260 --> 00:20:43,010 The hunter will become the hunted, you gonna be hunted! 334 00:20:42,130 --> 00:20:44,590 until we're sure they will obey us. Can you do that? 335 00:20:43,010 --> 00:20:47,640 Who is liar? sonna toi datte 336 00:20:43,010 --> 00:20:47,640 Who is a liar? Faced with even that question, 337 00:20:44,590 --> 00:20:47,600 O-Of course I can! Just leave them to me! 338 00:20:47,600 --> 00:20:49,310 Why, you... You wouldn't! 339 00:20:47,640 --> 00:20:56,440 Here is winner shousha ga kotae ni natte yuku dake! 340 00:20:47,640 --> 00:20:56,440 Here is the winner: the winner becomes the answer! 341 00:20:49,310 --> 00:20:53,810 Okay then, we've taken over half the country now. 342 00:20:55,060 --> 00:20:59,570 All those under your protection wish to express their gratitude, Princess Renner. 343 00:20:57,770 --> 00:21:00,780 Subete Break Up! Break Up! kowashite! 344 00:20:57,770 --> 00:21:00,780 No matter what, Break up! Break up! destroy it all! 345 00:20:59,570 --> 00:21:02,190 My, I would sure like to see them. 346 00:21:00,780 --> 00:21:07,200 Burn Up! Burn Up! Sono koe wo hibikase! 347 00:21:00,780 --> 00:21:07,200 Burn up! Burn up! Let your voice resound! 348 00:21:02,190 --> 00:21:07,200 You mustn't! I am so sorry to decline your kind feelings, but... 349 00:21:07,200 --> 00:21:10,200 Yuganda Break Up! Break Up! mirai ni 350 00:21:07,200 --> 00:21:10,200 In a twisted, Break up! Break up! future, 351 00:21:08,910 --> 00:21:11,580 Well, I suppose that's that, then. 352 00:21:10,200 --> 00:21:17,920 Burn Up! Burn Up! Kibou nado nai toshitemo! 353 00:21:10,200 --> 00:21:17,920 Burn up! Burn up! Even if there's no hope! 354 00:21:14,210 --> 00:21:17,080 Oh, yeah? You got beaten by Rigrit, too, huh? 355 00:21:17,080 --> 00:21:17,880 Buzz off. 356 00:21:17,880 --> 00:21:18,840 She got hurt bad. 357 00:21:18,840 --> 00:21:19,800 And left in tears. 358 00:21:20,920 --> 00:21:22,300 This sure takes me back. 359 00:21:22,300 --> 00:21:26,050 Don't lump me in with you! In addition to that old lady, 360 00:21:26,050 --> 00:21:27,550 I had all of these guys around! 361 00:21:27,550 --> 00:21:28,800 Come to think of it, 362 00:21:28,800 --> 00:21:33,270 Evileye, you can teleport, right? You could have created a portal to E-Rantel, 363 00:21:33,270 --> 00:21:36,810 and then been able to go with Momon as you pleased, right? 364 00:21:36,480 --> 00:21:45,970 Kurai sora no hoshi ni todokanai to shittemo 365 00:21:36,480 --> 00:21:45,970 Even if we know we can't reach the stars in that dark sky, 366 00:21:37,230 --> 00:21:38,190 Oh... 367 00:21:38,190 --> 00:21:40,570 You didn't realize that?! 368 00:21:45,320 --> 00:21:48,820 This is the new maid that has joined Nazarick. 369 00:21:45,970 --> 00:21:53,370 Ah kono ryoute wo nobasu dake 370 00:21:45,970 --> 00:21:53,370 Ah, we gotta reach out our hands 371 00:21:48,820 --> 00:21:52,330 I'm Tuareninya. It is a pleasure to meet you. 372 00:21:52,740 --> 00:21:56,830 How much would you like her to be able to do, woof? 373 00:21:53,370 --> 00:21:58,080 Kanawanu kibou wo idaite! 374 00:21:53,370 --> 00:21:58,080 And embrace impossible hopes! 375 00:21:56,830 --> 00:22:01,840 Please make your objective getting her a passing grade as one of Nazarick's maids. 376 00:21:59,580 --> 00:22:02,590 Ima wa Break Out! Break Out! susume yo! 377 00:21:59,580 --> 00:22:02,590 For now, Break out! Break out! proceed on! 378 00:22:01,840 --> 00:22:04,920 Although, since she is only human, 379 00:22:02,590 --> 00:22:09,180 Cry Out! Cry Out! sono ishi wo kakagete! 380 00:22:02,590 --> 00:22:09,180 Cry out! Cry out! Hold your determination high! 381 00:22:04,920 --> 00:22:08,050 please keep her training geared with that in mind. 382 00:22:08,590 --> 00:22:13,060 I understand, woof. Being a maid is simply a temporary assignment, then. 383 00:22:09,180 --> 00:22:11,970 Saa motto Break Out! Break Out! sekai wo! 384 00:22:09,180 --> 00:22:11,970 Escape faster, Break out! Break out! from this world! 385 00:22:11,970 --> 00:22:16,230 Cry Out! Cry Out! kirihirake! 386 00:22:11,970 --> 00:22:16,230 Cry out! Cry out! Cut your way through! 387 00:22:13,060 --> 00:22:15,560 What do you mean by that? 388 00:22:15,560 --> 00:22:19,440 Only that she will be quitting once she's married. Er, woof. 389 00:22:16,270 --> 00:22:18,520 Mayottemo 390 00:22:16,270 --> 00:22:18,520 Even if you lose your way 391 00:22:18,520 --> 00:22:21,490 So we gatta just go crazy, crazy and mad 392 00:22:21,490 --> 00:22:23,900 Just go crazy now 393 00:22:23,900 --> 00:22:26,240 Dance, dance crazy, crazy and mad 394 00:22:26,240 --> 00:22:29,110 Yume ka jigoku ka Go Cry Go 395 00:22:26,240 --> 00:22:29,110 Doesn't matter if it's an illusion, or hell: Go Cry Go 396 00:22:38,960 --> 00:22:40,790 Welcome back, 397 00:22:41,920 --> 00:22:43,210 Lord Ainz! 398 00:22:49,970 --> 00:22:54,970 I have checked into this man named Ainz Ooal Gown. 399 00:22:54,970 --> 00:22:58,060 If this man truly exists, 400 00:22:58,060 --> 00:23:03,860 he could use magic of my caliber, or perhaps even greater. 401 00:23:04,820 --> 00:23:09,280 I see. Is that why you are so pleased, old man? 402 00:23:10,070 --> 00:23:12,120 Naturally. 403 00:23:12,120 --> 00:23:17,540 It takes all sorts of oracles to peer into the magical abyss. 404 00:23:18,620 --> 00:23:21,920 If possible, I'd like to meet him personally. 405 00:23:22,380 --> 00:23:25,000 I would also like you to collect information 406 00:23:25,000 --> 00:23:28,920 on an adamantite class adventurer known as the raven-black Momon. 407 00:23:29,670 --> 00:23:32,430 Will you help me with that, old man? 408 00:23:32,890 --> 00:23:36,010 Of course I will, Your Majesty.