1 00:00:32,699 --> 00:00:34,993 [Hiccup] This changes everything. 2 00:00:43,501 --> 00:00:44,335 Look out! 3 00:00:46,087 --> 00:00:47,756 Whoa! [grunts] 4 00:00:48,631 --> 00:00:49,883 [roars] 5 00:00:51,551 --> 00:00:52,385 [growls] 6 00:00:52,469 --> 00:00:55,346 Toothless, no! We're trying to train it. 7 00:00:55,430 --> 00:00:58,099 How are we supposed to train it if we can't get close to it? 8 00:00:58,183 --> 00:01:00,018 [Hiccup] I guess you can't blame it. 9 00:01:00,101 --> 00:01:03,313 The last humans it dealt with forced it to fight other dragons to the death. 10 00:01:03,396 --> 00:01:07,358 Hiccup, maybe we should make room for the possibility, 11 00:01:07,442 --> 00:01:09,778 that the Triple Stryke is just untrainable. 12 00:01:09,861 --> 00:01:11,029 We're making progress. 13 00:01:11,112 --> 00:01:13,865 If we could just find a way to get this guy on board, 14 00:01:13,948 --> 00:01:16,201 have him fighting with us instead of against us. 15 00:01:16,951 --> 00:01:17,869 [roars] 16 00:01:17,952 --> 00:01:19,454 [Astrid] Stormfly! Spine Shot! 17 00:01:20,622 --> 00:01:21,748 [growls] 18 00:01:21,831 --> 00:01:23,750 Look, we've dealt with way worse. 19 00:01:23,833 --> 00:01:26,085 -Snotlout doesn't count. -[Fishlegs] Good one, Astrid. 20 00:01:26,169 --> 00:01:27,295 I'll have to remember that. 21 00:01:27,378 --> 00:01:30,632 Fishlegs! What brings you to the Valley of Pain? 22 00:01:30,715 --> 00:01:33,134 Snotlout and the twins just got back from patrol, 23 00:01:33,218 --> 00:01:35,470 and there are multiple storm fronts heading right for us. 24 00:01:35,553 --> 00:01:38,056 We need to lock down the Edge before they start to hit. 25 00:01:38,139 --> 00:01:39,516 Okay. We're not done here. 26 00:01:39,599 --> 00:01:41,267 [roars] 27 00:01:41,976 --> 00:01:43,061 [thunder rumbling] 28 00:01:44,771 --> 00:01:46,189 Snotlout, what are you doing? 29 00:01:46,272 --> 00:01:48,775 Covering up my "S!" What does it look like I'm doing? 30 00:01:48,858 --> 00:01:51,903 You're supposed to be closing the dome and battening down the hatches. 31 00:01:51,986 --> 00:01:54,280 Hey, I'm not leaving the "S" hangin' out in the wind. 32 00:01:54,364 --> 00:01:55,824 -Snotlout! -Fine! 33 00:01:57,158 --> 00:01:58,034 [groans] 34 00:01:59,869 --> 00:02:00,787 [Snotlout] Aah! 35 00:02:05,834 --> 00:02:08,545 Fishlegs, hurry. You need to get 'em into the stables. 36 00:02:08,628 --> 00:02:09,671 -The storm-- -I know. 37 00:02:09,754 --> 00:02:12,382 My thunder to lightning calculations are never wrong. 38 00:02:12,465 --> 00:02:15,135 And, according to them, well, let's just say it's-- 39 00:02:15,218 --> 00:02:16,678 Aah! Really close. 40 00:02:18,429 --> 00:02:21,474 -What do you want us to do? -Get to the clubhouse and don't move. 41 00:02:21,558 --> 00:02:24,394 Oh, really? And who put you in charge, exactly? 42 00:02:24,477 --> 00:02:26,729 We all voted Astrid "Storm Warden." 43 00:02:26,813 --> 00:02:30,108 Well, I would like to rescind my vote. If that's the right word. 44 00:02:30,191 --> 00:02:32,694 Oh, sorry, too late. Now get going. 45 00:02:35,530 --> 00:02:36,447 [chicken clucking] 46 00:02:37,282 --> 00:02:38,825 [gasps] Hmm. 47 00:02:38,908 --> 00:02:40,535 [Tuffnut] Hey, there, big guy. 48 00:02:40,618 --> 00:02:42,328 Did you drop off the food and water at the stables? 49 00:02:42,412 --> 00:02:43,746 Yep. Troughs are all full. 50 00:02:43,997 --> 00:02:45,707 [Fishlegs grunting] 51 00:02:46,291 --> 00:02:48,001 Well, the dragons are all cozy in their pens. 52 00:02:48,084 --> 00:02:49,419 Did you lock the main doors? 53 00:02:49,502 --> 00:02:53,256 [chuckles] Astrid, Astrid, of course. Who would forget something like that? 54 00:02:53,798 --> 00:02:56,259 I mean, I guess it is possible. But I would never. 55 00:02:56,342 --> 00:02:58,011 But then again, there's a first time for everything. 56 00:02:58,094 --> 00:02:59,095 [exclaims frustratedly] 57 00:02:59,178 --> 00:03:01,055 -I'll go check. -Astrid, wait. 58 00:03:01,681 --> 00:03:03,558 [whirring] 59 00:03:05,852 --> 00:03:06,728 [grunts] 60 00:03:10,023 --> 00:03:11,357 -[explosion] -Whoa! 61 00:03:12,483 --> 00:03:14,068 [dragons screeching] 62 00:03:18,364 --> 00:03:19,616 [screeching] 63 00:03:20,950 --> 00:03:22,535 All right, come on, you guys. 64 00:03:22,660 --> 00:03:25,371 We're moving to the arena before this whole place comes down. 65 00:03:27,040 --> 00:03:28,041 [grunts] 66 00:03:35,006 --> 00:03:36,841 -[dragons screeching] -[gasps] 67 00:03:40,011 --> 00:03:41,054 [growls] 68 00:03:41,137 --> 00:03:43,056 It's okay, girl, I'm right behind you. 69 00:03:44,390 --> 00:03:45,225 [exhales] 70 00:03:45,308 --> 00:03:47,644 What do you say we blow this joint, little guy? 71 00:03:48,311 --> 00:03:49,479 [explosion] 72 00:03:50,063 --> 00:03:50,980 [grunts] 73 00:03:55,652 --> 00:03:56,736 [gasps] 74 00:03:58,613 --> 00:03:59,864 [Astrid screams] 75 00:04:01,115 --> 00:04:02,033 Astrid! 76 00:04:05,828 --> 00:04:06,663 [snorts] 77 00:04:07,163 --> 00:04:08,164 [grunting] 78 00:04:23,137 --> 00:04:25,265 -What happened? Is she okay? -I don't know. 79 00:04:25,348 --> 00:04:27,809 We found her like this. The place was collapsing. 80 00:04:27,892 --> 00:04:29,811 What about my Hookfang? Did you see him? 81 00:04:29,894 --> 00:04:31,646 Speaking of wayward dragons, 82 00:04:31,729 --> 00:04:34,399 nobody happened to see one Barf and Belch? 83 00:04:34,482 --> 00:04:36,317 Guys, they got spooked by the storm and took off. 84 00:04:36,401 --> 00:04:38,778 But I'm sure they're fine and they'll be back. 85 00:04:39,195 --> 00:04:40,780 Right now, I'm worried about Astrid. 86 00:04:40,863 --> 00:04:43,950 Sure. Toothless is right here. Everything's peachy for you. 87 00:04:44,033 --> 00:04:45,285 [Toothless growls] 88 00:04:45,368 --> 00:04:47,328 -Just an observation. -[Astrid groans] 89 00:04:47,412 --> 00:04:49,122 -[feebly] Hiccup? -You're okay. 90 00:04:49,789 --> 00:04:52,750 -I'm right here. -Where? I don't see you. 91 00:04:53,751 --> 00:04:55,378 Why is it so dark in here? 92 00:04:55,962 --> 00:04:57,588 [stutters] It's not. 93 00:04:57,672 --> 00:04:59,924 What are you talking about? It's pitch black. 94 00:05:01,342 --> 00:05:02,343 [snorts] 95 00:05:02,427 --> 00:05:04,887 -Astrid... -Hiccup. Hiccup! 96 00:05:04,971 --> 00:05:06,556 I can't see any of you. 97 00:05:07,265 --> 00:05:08,641 Somebody say something! 98 00:05:09,350 --> 00:05:10,893 Oh... 99 00:05:10,977 --> 00:05:12,687 Your hair looks really nice. 100 00:05:12,770 --> 00:05:15,940 I mean, considering all the fire and lightning and debris and... 101 00:05:16,482 --> 00:05:17,775 Guys, let me talk to her. 102 00:05:19,110 --> 00:05:19,944 Alone? 103 00:05:20,028 --> 00:05:21,529 -Yeah. Sure. -Yeah, okay. 104 00:05:21,612 --> 00:05:23,364 [Tuffnut whispers] She can't see. 105 00:05:25,158 --> 00:05:26,367 What is happening to me? 106 00:05:26,993 --> 00:05:29,620 Whatever it is, I'm sure it's only temporary. 107 00:05:30,246 --> 00:05:32,999 You remember when Bucket lost his sight? He got it back. 108 00:05:33,082 --> 00:05:36,419 And now he wears a metal bucket on his head, permanently. 109 00:05:36,502 --> 00:05:39,380 True. Well, all I'm saying is... 110 00:05:39,797 --> 00:05:41,591 Oh, Thor, what am I saying? 111 00:05:41,883 --> 00:05:43,509 I know what you're trying to do. 112 00:05:44,343 --> 00:05:47,263 [stutters] And I appreciate it. Really. 113 00:05:47,889 --> 00:05:51,059 Look, when there's a break in the storm we'll fly to Berk and see Gothi. 114 00:05:51,142 --> 00:05:54,604 She'll be able to help you. In the meantime, Astrid, you need rest. 115 00:05:54,687 --> 00:05:56,731 No, we have to find Stormfly. 116 00:05:56,814 --> 00:05:59,150 She's out there alone. All of the dragons are. 117 00:05:59,233 --> 00:06:02,028 Don't worry about that right now. Just rest. 118 00:06:02,111 --> 00:06:03,362 [Toothless whines softly] 119 00:06:04,947 --> 00:06:07,325 -Hiccup? Are you still there? -Yes. 120 00:06:07,950 --> 00:06:09,619 Yes. I'm here, Astrid. 121 00:06:10,119 --> 00:06:12,622 Will you and Toothless stay with me a little while? 122 00:06:12,705 --> 00:06:15,124 -Just until I fall asleep? -Of course. 123 00:06:15,208 --> 00:06:16,125 [Toothless snorts] 124 00:06:16,709 --> 00:06:19,045 We're not going anywhere. Are we, bud? 125 00:06:19,128 --> 00:06:20,171 [snorts] 126 00:06:22,673 --> 00:06:24,217 [both grunting] 127 00:06:27,929 --> 00:06:28,763 [Tuffnut] Okay. 128 00:06:28,846 --> 00:06:31,849 Thorston Blind Field Test, numero uno. 129 00:06:31,933 --> 00:06:35,311 Who is standing right in front of you? 130 00:06:35,394 --> 00:06:39,023 -[scoffs] Tuff, I know it's you. -She got it! She's fine, everybody. 131 00:06:39,107 --> 00:06:42,026 Oh, thank Thor. Phew. That was a close one. 132 00:06:42,110 --> 00:06:44,946 Guys, we can't worry about me right now. 133 00:06:45,029 --> 00:06:46,656 We need to find our dragons. 134 00:06:46,739 --> 00:06:49,659 They're still out there somewhere and obviously scared 135 00:06:49,742 --> 00:06:50,827 or they would've come back. 136 00:06:50,910 --> 00:06:52,120 Guys, she's got a point. 137 00:06:52,203 --> 00:06:54,580 We need to round them up before the next storm hits. 138 00:06:54,664 --> 00:06:57,083 Toothless and I will find Stormfly. Don't you worry. 139 00:06:57,166 --> 00:07:00,503 And leave me here? I don't think so. I'm going with you. 140 00:07:00,586 --> 00:07:02,171 -Sorry. Not an option. -Listen, 141 00:07:02,255 --> 00:07:03,673 I'm more effective blind, 142 00:07:03,756 --> 00:07:06,008 than some Riders, who shall remain nameless 143 00:07:06,092 --> 00:07:07,510 that are fully-sighted. 144 00:07:07,635 --> 00:07:09,220 Is she looking at us? 145 00:07:09,303 --> 00:07:13,057 She can't see. Hence, she cannot actually look. So, no. 146 00:07:13,141 --> 00:07:16,561 Astrid, there is no way you're flying in your condition. All right? 147 00:07:16,644 --> 00:07:19,355 I am sorry. As leader, I am putting my foot down. 148 00:07:21,858 --> 00:07:24,026 Remind me never to put my foot down again. 149 00:07:24,110 --> 00:07:25,027 [Toothless snorts] 150 00:07:25,111 --> 00:07:27,947 I can still hear you, Hiccup. But I agree. 151 00:07:29,449 --> 00:07:30,324 Whoa! 152 00:07:30,408 --> 00:07:32,827 Whoa. Okay, you've gotta hold on tighter. 153 00:07:32,910 --> 00:07:35,288 -Sorry. -No, don't apologize. 154 00:07:35,913 --> 00:07:38,207 Truth is, obviously, I'm glad you're here. 155 00:07:45,298 --> 00:07:49,302 Meatlug! Here, girl! Here, Meaty! 156 00:07:49,385 --> 00:07:52,305 I've got some nice fresh bauxite! 157 00:07:52,555 --> 00:07:55,266 [rustling] 158 00:07:55,349 --> 00:07:57,101 Meatlug? Is that you? 159 00:07:57,935 --> 00:07:59,687 Don't move, Daddy's on his way! 160 00:08:01,063 --> 00:08:02,064 Oh, it's you. 161 00:08:04,650 --> 00:08:05,610 [growls] 162 00:08:05,693 --> 00:08:07,361 Oh, sorry, Hooky. 163 00:08:07,445 --> 00:08:09,113 I didn't mean it like that. It's just that... 164 00:08:09,197 --> 00:08:12,116 Never mind. Let's just get you back to the Edge, right? 165 00:08:13,201 --> 00:08:14,827 -[growls] -[thunder rumbling] 166 00:08:16,204 --> 00:08:17,121 [Fishlegs screams] 167 00:08:17,205 --> 00:08:19,457 I finally know what it's like to be Snotlout. 168 00:08:20,291 --> 00:08:23,628 Okay. Okay. You're upset and scared. 169 00:08:23,711 --> 00:08:25,796 But everything is gonna be fine. [grunts] 170 00:08:27,006 --> 00:08:30,259 Oh, now I really know what it's like to be Snotlout. [groans] 171 00:08:33,179 --> 00:08:35,056 Uh, why am I doing this, again? 172 00:08:35,139 --> 00:08:37,767 We are now living with a blind person, Tuffnut. 173 00:08:37,850 --> 00:08:42,813 And I think we owe it to her to offer our services as "seeing eye Vikings." 174 00:08:42,897 --> 00:08:45,233 Got it. So, wait, who's playing Astrid? 175 00:08:45,316 --> 00:08:47,944 -Can you see? -Not a glimpse. Total darkness over here. 176 00:08:48,444 --> 00:08:50,446 Then you, my friend, are Astrid. 177 00:08:50,530 --> 00:08:52,406 Now, come to the sound of my voice. 178 00:08:52,490 --> 00:08:53,574 [Tuffnut grunting] 179 00:08:53,658 --> 00:08:56,702 Good. Good. Okay, a little faster. 180 00:08:56,786 --> 00:08:59,205 -Let's put some hustle into it. -How's that? 181 00:08:59,288 --> 00:09:01,916 You're doing great. Just a little further. 182 00:09:01,999 --> 00:09:03,459 [laughing] 183 00:09:05,169 --> 00:09:06,170 Okay... 184 00:09:06,254 --> 00:09:07,421 [Tuffnut screams] 185 00:09:08,756 --> 00:09:09,674 [thudding] 186 00:09:09,757 --> 00:09:12,260 [chuckles] 187 00:09:12,343 --> 00:09:15,680 -Hey! You okay down there? -Nice work, Sis! 188 00:09:15,763 --> 00:09:17,640 I think we landed on something. 189 00:09:21,143 --> 00:09:24,272 [Snotlout groans] I can't believe this stupid dragon. 190 00:09:24,355 --> 00:09:28,568 Out here in the middle of nowhere. Hookfang! Get over here, now! 191 00:09:29,068 --> 00:09:30,528 [rustling] 192 00:09:30,611 --> 00:09:31,529 [sighs] 193 00:09:31,612 --> 00:09:35,032 See that, Hiccup? That's the way you handle your dragon business. 194 00:09:35,116 --> 00:09:38,244 Come on, big guy. Bring it in for the real thing, baby! 195 00:09:39,745 --> 00:09:40,913 [screeching] 196 00:09:42,873 --> 00:09:45,251 [screaming and grunting] 197 00:09:46,085 --> 00:09:47,503 [groans] Stupid Hiccup. 198 00:09:48,838 --> 00:09:53,676 Stormfly? Stormfly, come here, girl! Stormfly! 199 00:09:53,759 --> 00:09:56,596 Okay, I'm thinking that, as jittery as the dragons were, 200 00:09:56,679 --> 00:10:00,016 they probably wanted to get as far away from the storm as possible. 201 00:10:00,099 --> 00:10:02,810 So, if we take this stream down towards the beach-- 202 00:10:02,893 --> 00:10:04,812 No! I know my dragon, Hiccup. 203 00:10:04,895 --> 00:10:07,607 She's more worried about me than she is about herself. 204 00:10:07,690 --> 00:10:11,611 Which means she would be trying to find her way back to the Edge. Upstream. 205 00:10:12,153 --> 00:10:13,321 [grunts and screams] 206 00:10:13,404 --> 00:10:14,739 Astrid! Whoa! 207 00:10:14,822 --> 00:10:16,198 [both grunt] 208 00:10:16,282 --> 00:10:18,117 [both panting] 209 00:10:18,618 --> 00:10:20,536 [stutters] Are you okay? 210 00:10:20,620 --> 00:10:22,747 Uh, I'm... I'm fine. 211 00:10:24,123 --> 00:10:26,000 We should probably get going? 212 00:10:26,083 --> 00:10:28,794 Yeah. That's exactly what I was gonna... 213 00:10:29,128 --> 00:10:30,588 -Get going. -[Astrid grunts] 214 00:10:30,671 --> 00:10:31,964 [rustling] 215 00:10:32,048 --> 00:10:33,591 -Do you hear that? -Hear what? 216 00:10:33,674 --> 00:10:34,675 Something's coming at us. 217 00:10:36,260 --> 00:10:37,345 [growls] 218 00:10:38,262 --> 00:10:41,891 -Astrid, what are you doing? -It's okay. It's Stormfly. 219 00:10:44,060 --> 00:10:45,353 [screeches] 220 00:10:45,436 --> 00:10:46,270 [Hiccup] Huh. 221 00:10:49,482 --> 00:10:53,027 There's my girl! Oh, I knew you'd come. 222 00:10:53,694 --> 00:10:56,447 -[screeches] -What is it, girl? What's wrong? 223 00:10:57,031 --> 00:10:57,865 [clicking] 224 00:10:57,948 --> 00:10:59,283 Hiccup! Above you! 225 00:10:59,367 --> 00:11:00,868 [roars] 226 00:11:00,951 --> 00:11:01,827 [Astrid grunts] 227 00:11:05,247 --> 00:11:06,374 [roars] 228 00:11:06,957 --> 00:11:10,836 Okay, Astrid, there's a rock formation ten paces to your left. 229 00:11:10,920 --> 00:11:15,257 -Hide behind it and you'll be safe. -"Hide"? I'm not gonna hide! Stormfly! 230 00:11:15,341 --> 00:11:17,927 Of course she's not gonna hide. What was I thinking? She's Astrid. 231 00:11:19,136 --> 00:11:20,971 [roaring] 232 00:11:21,889 --> 00:11:22,890 [grunts] 233 00:11:23,432 --> 00:11:24,266 Stormfly? 234 00:11:25,351 --> 00:11:26,310 [grunts] 235 00:11:30,398 --> 00:11:31,732 Aah! 236 00:11:35,111 --> 00:11:36,362 -You, stay. -[grunts] 237 00:11:36,445 --> 00:11:39,281 Not fair, Hiccup. So not fair. 238 00:11:39,365 --> 00:11:40,741 We'll discuss it later! 239 00:11:40,825 --> 00:11:42,076 [Hiccup grunts] 240 00:11:43,828 --> 00:11:45,704 You need me. Admit it. 241 00:11:46,122 --> 00:11:47,581 -Stormfly, come. -[Stormfly snorts] 242 00:11:47,665 --> 00:11:49,583 -Stormfly! -It's okay. 243 00:11:49,667 --> 00:11:51,585 She's with me. We need her help. 244 00:11:51,669 --> 00:11:54,505 And I can't fight this thing if all I'm doing is worrying about you. 245 00:11:54,588 --> 00:11:59,135 [groans] Fine. I'll hide. Exactly what an experienced Dragon Rider 246 00:11:59,218 --> 00:12:01,053 should be doing in a time of crisis. 247 00:12:02,138 --> 00:12:04,056 -[clicking] -Stormfly! 248 00:12:04,765 --> 00:12:05,808 [growls] 249 00:12:06,851 --> 00:12:07,977 [roars] 250 00:12:11,313 --> 00:12:13,065 -[roars] -Spine Shot! 251 00:12:17,737 --> 00:12:18,988 [roars] 252 00:12:21,240 --> 00:12:22,074 [sighs] 253 00:12:22,575 --> 00:12:24,618 [sighs and grunts] 254 00:12:27,121 --> 00:12:28,789 [Tuffnut groans] 255 00:12:29,206 --> 00:12:30,040 Pull harder! 256 00:12:30,124 --> 00:12:31,167 [grunting] 257 00:12:32,293 --> 00:12:35,921 -You want me to pull her tail off? -Nope. No, no, no. 258 00:12:36,005 --> 00:12:38,340 We'd never be able to explain that to Fishlegs. 259 00:12:38,424 --> 00:12:40,050 Ugh! What is wrong with her? 260 00:12:40,134 --> 00:12:43,095 Remember Fishlegs said that she eats when she's under stress? 261 00:12:44,346 --> 00:12:45,431 [snorts] 262 00:12:47,057 --> 00:12:49,477 Oh, no! She's gonna blow! 263 00:12:49,560 --> 00:12:50,519 [Ruffnut screams] 264 00:12:51,979 --> 00:12:57,651 Come on, you two. You can't stay in there forever. [grunting] 265 00:12:57,735 --> 00:13:00,070 Fine. You won't come to me? 266 00:13:00,988 --> 00:13:05,242 You know what, I blame this on the twins. They let you get away with too much. 267 00:13:05,326 --> 00:13:08,621 Now, me and Hooky, we're a well-oiled machine. [grunts] 268 00:13:08,704 --> 00:13:12,541 All right. Let's go. Out! Up! Whatever you two understand. 269 00:13:12,625 --> 00:13:13,584 [hisses] 270 00:13:15,794 --> 00:13:16,795 [Snotlout screams] 271 00:13:20,508 --> 00:13:21,884 Stupid Zippleback. 272 00:13:22,551 --> 00:13:25,971 [Fishlegs screams] Hookfang! 273 00:13:26,055 --> 00:13:28,557 Oh, Thor! Whoa! 274 00:13:29,517 --> 00:13:30,392 Oh... 275 00:13:32,311 --> 00:13:36,023 Okay, let's mount up and get back to the Edge before that thing comes back. 276 00:13:37,900 --> 00:13:41,403 Uh, no, Astrid, that's Toothless. Don't you want to ride Stormfly? 277 00:13:41,487 --> 00:13:44,532 I think she's made it clear, she doesn't want me riding her. 278 00:13:44,615 --> 00:13:47,618 Astrid, she was protecting you. She didn't want you in that fight. 279 00:13:47,701 --> 00:13:50,079 It's pretty cool, if you think about it. 280 00:13:50,162 --> 00:13:54,083 [scoffs] I'm having a hard time finding anything cool in all of this. 281 00:13:55,125 --> 00:13:59,505 Look, obviously, I can't even imagine what this must be like for you. 282 00:13:59,588 --> 00:14:03,676 You're... Well, you're Astrid. You're strong and invincible. 283 00:14:03,759 --> 00:14:04,677 [Astrid scoffs] 284 00:14:04,760 --> 00:14:07,763 Not anymore. What if this is it, Hiccup? 285 00:14:08,222 --> 00:14:11,308 What if the rest of my life is like this? What then? 286 00:14:11,392 --> 00:14:12,643 Then we'll deal with it. 287 00:14:12,768 --> 00:14:15,187 Just because you can't see doesn't mean you're helpless. 288 00:14:15,271 --> 00:14:17,106 But that's exactly how I feel. 289 00:14:17,856 --> 00:14:20,818 Astrid, you and I have been through everything together. 290 00:14:20,901 --> 00:14:22,778 You don't think we can handle this? 291 00:14:23,654 --> 00:14:25,656 -Astrid, you have me, no matter what. -[whines softly] 292 00:14:26,073 --> 00:14:29,201 Okay, whatever that means, whatever you want it to mean. 293 00:14:29,285 --> 00:14:30,411 I am with you. 294 00:14:30,828 --> 00:14:34,248 There will always be a Hiccup and Astrid. Always. 295 00:14:35,124 --> 00:14:36,208 [clicking] 296 00:14:36,292 --> 00:14:37,167 Do you hear that? 297 00:14:37,251 --> 00:14:38,210 [snorts] 298 00:14:38,878 --> 00:14:40,379 -I didn't hear anything. -[clicking] 299 00:14:40,462 --> 00:14:42,006 There it is again. Behind you. 300 00:14:43,549 --> 00:14:45,426 -[Hiccup grunting] -[roaring] 301 00:14:48,846 --> 00:14:51,181 Okay, this guy has got to go. Now. 302 00:14:55,644 --> 00:14:56,729 [lightning crackling] 303 00:14:58,439 --> 00:15:00,024 Toothless, distress call! 304 00:15:05,738 --> 00:15:09,533 Oh, great. Hiccup's in trouble, and Meatlug has half the quarry to eat. 305 00:15:11,410 --> 00:15:14,455 Nice going. You know how she feels about her weight! [grunts] 306 00:15:14,538 --> 00:15:16,123 [both screaming] 307 00:15:16,498 --> 00:15:17,708 [Tuffnut] Yeah! 308 00:15:26,592 --> 00:15:29,720 All right. That's it, you two. Playtime in the sand is over. 309 00:15:29,803 --> 00:15:31,722 [grunts] Snotlout! Snotlout! 310 00:15:31,805 --> 00:15:32,806 [grunts] 311 00:15:34,058 --> 00:15:35,476 Ow, ow, ow. 312 00:15:36,560 --> 00:15:38,562 [panting] 313 00:15:39,855 --> 00:15:40,814 [Fishlegs] Huh. 314 00:15:41,941 --> 00:15:42,775 Stop! 315 00:15:44,652 --> 00:15:46,153 [grunts] 316 00:15:46,236 --> 00:15:48,781 All right, Hookfang, let's get something straight. 317 00:15:48,864 --> 00:15:52,159 I may not be Snotlout but I am a Dragon Rider. 318 00:15:52,242 --> 00:15:55,621 And, as such, I deserve the respect of a Dragon Rider. 319 00:15:55,704 --> 00:15:56,956 Are we clear? 320 00:15:58,082 --> 00:15:59,375 [growls] 321 00:15:59,458 --> 00:16:01,168 [roars] 322 00:16:13,430 --> 00:16:14,515 [thunder rumbling] 323 00:16:15,182 --> 00:16:16,016 Ugh! 324 00:16:18,727 --> 00:16:21,939 Man, those guys are getting their butts kicked down there. 325 00:16:22,398 --> 00:16:23,482 Where's Fishface? 326 00:16:23,565 --> 00:16:24,942 I haven't got a clue. 327 00:16:25,025 --> 00:16:27,319 Yeah, I know. But where's Fishface? 328 00:16:28,487 --> 00:16:31,740 You really think this is the time for your stupid jokes, Snotlout? 329 00:16:31,824 --> 00:16:33,242 Give us our dragon back. 330 00:16:33,325 --> 00:16:34,576 [groans] 331 00:16:37,121 --> 00:16:38,622 Hey, what am I supposed to do? 332 00:16:38,831 --> 00:16:40,332 Whoa! Hookfang! 333 00:16:41,542 --> 00:16:43,377 [sarcastically] Great. Just perfect. 334 00:16:47,047 --> 00:16:47,965 [screeching] 335 00:16:53,178 --> 00:16:54,013 [clicking] 336 00:16:54,888 --> 00:16:55,931 [clicking continues] 337 00:16:58,559 --> 00:17:01,020 Astrid! Thank Thor. All I could think about was-- 338 00:17:01,103 --> 00:17:02,229 [clicking] 339 00:17:07,192 --> 00:17:08,027 [clicking] 340 00:17:08,527 --> 00:17:12,239 Do you guys hear that? It's that same sound before every attack. 341 00:17:12,322 --> 00:17:14,074 Uh, what is she talking about? 342 00:17:14,533 --> 00:17:17,119 Uh, guys, little help over here would be nice. 343 00:17:17,202 --> 00:17:20,164 We need to surround it. It can't hit us all at once. 344 00:17:23,751 --> 00:17:25,085 [roaring] 345 00:17:27,880 --> 00:17:29,965 Coming in hot, blowing out snot! 346 00:17:37,890 --> 00:17:39,433 [roars] 347 00:17:43,479 --> 00:17:44,313 [clicking] 348 00:17:45,272 --> 00:17:47,066 Stormfly! Come! Now! 349 00:17:49,651 --> 00:17:50,486 Ha! 350 00:17:51,487 --> 00:17:53,739 [Snotlout grunts] Meatlug! Aah! 351 00:17:55,491 --> 00:17:57,826 -This is getting old. -Did you see that? 352 00:17:57,910 --> 00:18:00,037 He totally stuck the landing! 353 00:18:00,120 --> 00:18:02,206 -[Tuffnut chuckles] -[Ruffnut screams] 354 00:18:04,792 --> 00:18:05,667 [roars] 355 00:18:06,502 --> 00:18:07,836 Okay, bud, I guess it's-- 356 00:18:08,921 --> 00:18:10,631 Stormfly, Spine Shots! 357 00:18:12,007 --> 00:18:13,050 [roars] 358 00:18:13,133 --> 00:18:14,843 -What? -[Tuffnut groans] 359 00:18:15,385 --> 00:18:17,304 Hey, when did she get her sight back? 360 00:18:17,387 --> 00:18:19,890 Uh, she didn't. Astrid, what are you doing? 361 00:18:19,973 --> 00:18:21,183 I got this, Hiccup. 362 00:18:21,266 --> 00:18:24,311 I've been listening to you guys get your butts kicked and I'm sick of it. 363 00:18:24,394 --> 00:18:26,396 Besides, I have this dragon figured out. 364 00:18:28,649 --> 00:18:29,650 [roars] 365 00:18:33,237 --> 00:18:34,488 [clicking] 366 00:18:34,571 --> 00:18:35,906 Again, Stormfly! 367 00:18:38,826 --> 00:18:39,743 [growls] 368 00:18:43,455 --> 00:18:44,289 [Astrid grunts] 369 00:18:45,666 --> 00:18:46,542 [roars] 370 00:18:46,625 --> 00:18:48,335 Astrid, no! Get out of there! 371 00:18:48,418 --> 00:18:50,420 Quiet, Hiccup. I'm dealing with it. 372 00:18:59,138 --> 00:18:59,972 [clicks] 373 00:19:00,055 --> 00:19:01,890 [whines and growls] 374 00:19:01,974 --> 00:19:03,142 That's it. 375 00:19:05,310 --> 00:19:06,270 [clicks] 376 00:19:06,353 --> 00:19:07,396 [screeches] 377 00:19:07,479 --> 00:19:09,273 She's using the clicks to distract it. 378 00:19:10,983 --> 00:19:12,151 [clicks] 379 00:19:12,776 --> 00:19:13,944 [clicks] 380 00:19:19,199 --> 00:19:20,826 [snorts] 381 00:19:20,909 --> 00:19:22,494 [chuckles] 382 00:19:22,578 --> 00:19:24,913 And that's how we get close enough to train it. 383 00:19:24,997 --> 00:19:26,123 Amazing. 384 00:19:26,540 --> 00:19:29,084 Hey, I think Astrid just stoled your move. 385 00:19:29,168 --> 00:19:30,878 It's not my move, Tuffnut. 386 00:19:30,961 --> 00:19:34,047 Wait, so anyone can use it? Why didn't you tell us that? 387 00:19:36,258 --> 00:19:38,427 How'd she do that? She can't see a thing. 388 00:19:38,510 --> 00:19:41,013 She doesn't need to. She's using her other senses. 389 00:19:41,096 --> 00:19:44,641 Hearing, touch, smell. Following her gut. 390 00:19:44,725 --> 00:19:49,062 Speaking of which, I'm sensing something big and out of control heading for us. 391 00:19:49,146 --> 00:19:50,564 [Fishlegs screaming] No! 392 00:19:53,775 --> 00:19:55,360 This is not respect! 393 00:19:56,486 --> 00:19:58,238 Welcome to my world, Fishface. 394 00:20:02,701 --> 00:20:03,577 [screeches] 395 00:20:09,374 --> 00:20:11,710 -Astrid, are you-- -Looking at you? 396 00:20:12,502 --> 00:20:13,462 Seems like it. 397 00:20:13,545 --> 00:20:15,380 [sighs] Thank you, Gothi. 398 00:20:16,882 --> 00:20:17,758 [Hiccup grunts] 399 00:20:17,841 --> 00:20:18,884 [Toothless purrs] 400 00:20:19,760 --> 00:20:21,261 [clicking] 401 00:20:25,015 --> 00:20:26,683 [roaring] 402 00:20:28,936 --> 00:20:30,479 -[clicking] -[Tuffnut chuckles] 403 00:20:30,562 --> 00:20:34,441 This is awesome. Can you imagine what we could do to Snotlout 404 00:20:34,524 --> 00:20:37,611 when we get this thing trained? The possibilities are endless! 405 00:20:37,694 --> 00:20:40,239 Yeah, I don't think that's what Hiccup and Astrid had in mind 406 00:20:40,322 --> 00:20:41,823 when they asked us to start its training. 407 00:20:41,907 --> 00:20:45,869 Pfft. Well, who's gonna tell them? I'm not. Are you? 408 00:20:45,953 --> 00:20:47,663 -[clicking] -Nope. 409 00:20:49,206 --> 00:20:50,040 [screeches] 410 00:20:51,750 --> 00:20:53,919 [both screeching] 411 00:20:57,631 --> 00:20:58,882 Are you sure you're feeling okay? 412 00:20:58,966 --> 00:21:02,678 I'm fine, Hiccup. You can stop worrying about me now. 413 00:21:02,761 --> 00:21:04,805 Oh, I never stop worrying about you. 414 00:21:05,222 --> 00:21:07,683 -That's just the way it is. -Yeah, yeah. 415 00:21:08,141 --> 00:21:10,310 I guess that goes for me, too. 416 00:21:12,354 --> 00:21:13,814 -Hey. -[chuckles] 417 00:21:15,399 --> 00:21:17,234 -Can I ask you something? -Sure. 418 00:21:17,859 --> 00:21:18,860 Um... 419 00:21:18,944 --> 00:21:22,864 Back in the forest, when we were... Well, you know. 420 00:21:22,948 --> 00:21:25,617 -Yeah? -Were you about to... 421 00:21:25,701 --> 00:21:26,743 Oh, uh... 422 00:21:26,827 --> 00:21:30,455 So you felt that, huh? I thought maybe I got away with it. 423 00:21:30,539 --> 00:21:32,624 Well, why didn't you? 424 00:21:32,708 --> 00:21:33,542 Oh... 425 00:21:33,667 --> 00:21:34,543 Oh. 426 00:21:35,460 --> 00:21:37,379 Well, I... It wasn't perfect. 427 00:21:37,587 --> 00:21:40,299 And I always thought that if it ever happened, uh... 428 00:21:41,008 --> 00:21:45,304 And yes, I've thought about it a lot. Uh, it had to be just perfect. 429 00:21:45,387 --> 00:21:46,263 [chuckles] 430 00:21:51,310 --> 00:21:54,229 Well, this seems pretty perfect to me. 431 00:21:54,313 --> 00:21:57,649 Yeah? Yeah, I guess it does. 432 00:22:04,531 --> 00:22:05,490 [Hiccup sighs]