1 00:00:32,617 --> 00:00:35,160 This changes everything. 2 00:00:48,800 --> 00:00:49,801 Just in case. 3 00:00:49,884 --> 00:00:52,804 Come on, Astrid. My hammies are starting to cramp. 4 00:00:54,639 --> 00:00:55,473 Wait for it. 5 00:00:58,225 --> 00:00:59,310 Now! 6 00:01:00,561 --> 00:01:01,479 Incoming! 7 00:01:07,401 --> 00:01:11,322 Yes! Who kicks Dragon Hunter butt? Tuffnut kicks Dragon Hunter butt. 8 00:01:11,405 --> 00:01:14,116 Let's not start kissing our own butts yet. 9 00:01:14,199 --> 00:01:15,660 I didn't even know that was possible. 10 00:01:15,743 --> 00:01:17,829 This thing is far from over. 11 00:01:17,912 --> 00:01:19,163 Go! 12 00:01:19,246 --> 00:01:20,581 Whoa! 13 00:01:26,754 --> 00:01:27,588 Whoa. 14 00:01:32,092 --> 00:01:35,554 Monstrous Nightmare gel plus open flame equals... 15 00:01:41,185 --> 00:01:45,064 Fun for all! Well, not all... Just for me, actually. 16 00:01:46,899 --> 00:01:49,986 Hey, Astrid, I was thinking, you know what would be great? 17 00:01:50,069 --> 00:01:52,655 If we stuck with what seems to be working really well? 18 00:01:52,738 --> 00:01:55,533 Uh, no. That wasn't it at all. I was thinking-- 19 00:01:55,616 --> 00:01:58,077 Save it, Tuff. That's what we're doing. 20 00:01:58,160 --> 00:01:59,161 Meh. 21 00:02:13,300 --> 00:02:15,260 Okay, we all know the plan, correct? 22 00:02:15,344 --> 00:02:16,220 -Yes! -No! 23 00:02:16,303 --> 00:02:18,806 We all know the plan, you told us 25 times. 24 00:02:18,890 --> 00:02:22,060 -Just so you know, I still object. -Objection still noted. 25 00:02:22,142 --> 00:02:26,605 Now Johann, your only job is to distract the dragon sentry on the far cliff. 26 00:02:26,689 --> 00:02:30,192 Approach it from the rear so that Meatlug doesn't see Fishlegs. 27 00:02:30,275 --> 00:02:34,321 Master Hiccup, why shouldn't Meatlug see Master Fishlegs? 28 00:02:34,405 --> 00:02:37,116 Because she might... Well, we don't know what she'll do. 29 00:02:37,199 --> 00:02:38,743 -Sure we do. -Snotlout! 30 00:02:38,826 --> 00:02:41,245 What? You don't think Johann should know what could happen to him? 31 00:02:41,328 --> 00:02:44,582 Yes, I do. I think I should know what could happen to me. 32 00:02:44,665 --> 00:02:47,126 Nothing is going to happen to you, Johann. 33 00:02:47,251 --> 00:02:49,670 You're going to be fine as long as you stick to the plan. 34 00:02:58,220 --> 00:03:01,599 You may not know this, but where I come from, 35 00:03:01,682 --> 00:03:05,269 I'm known as a friend to all dragons. 36 00:03:06,687 --> 00:03:10,691 Whoa. You sure do have a lot of scars, don't you? 37 00:03:10,983 --> 00:03:12,317 All of you do, really. 38 00:03:12,401 --> 00:03:13,945 Wow, more than you should. 39 00:03:14,737 --> 00:03:16,697 That looks like an arrow mark. 40 00:03:17,156 --> 00:03:18,490 Okay, okay... 41 00:03:18,574 --> 00:03:21,035 I get it. Touchy subject. No problem. 42 00:03:32,964 --> 00:03:35,133 No, no, no... it's okay. I can help. 43 00:03:41,305 --> 00:03:45,559 Ah. Quartzite. I thought so. Meatlug chokes on them all the time. 44 00:03:54,568 --> 00:03:55,527 Psst. 45 00:03:55,611 --> 00:03:59,281 Hey, Fishlegs. We're here to rescue you. Are you okay? 46 00:03:59,364 --> 00:04:00,950 -Hiccup! -Yes, yes. It's me. 47 00:04:01,033 --> 00:04:02,076 Let's go while they're not looking. 48 00:04:04,536 --> 00:04:07,706 Look at these dragons. They have scars all over them. 49 00:04:07,790 --> 00:04:09,541 Well, this is quite a diverse pack. 50 00:04:09,625 --> 00:04:12,544 They probably fight all the time. Now, can we just get out of here? 51 00:04:12,628 --> 00:04:14,755 The scars aren't from other dragons, Hiccup. 52 00:04:14,839 --> 00:04:18,092 They're from humans. Those are arrow wounds, bola scars. 53 00:04:18,176 --> 00:04:19,259 Dragon Hunters. 54 00:04:19,343 --> 00:04:21,971 That explains why dragons that can be trained 55 00:04:22,054 --> 00:04:23,472 would be so aggressive. 56 00:04:23,555 --> 00:04:26,809 They attack humans 'cause they've all been hurt by Dragon Hunters. 57 00:04:26,892 --> 00:04:29,561 Why would Dragon Hunters come near this place? 58 00:04:29,645 --> 00:04:32,314 Unless, they drove Johann here on purpose. 59 00:04:32,397 --> 00:04:36,610 -Knowing he would send for us? -It was a trap and we flew right into it. 60 00:04:36,694 --> 00:04:38,278 Speaking of flying, where's Meatlug? 61 00:04:38,362 --> 00:04:40,405 They're right over that ridge. Johann's riding her. 62 00:04:41,073 --> 00:04:43,826 Johann? You let Johann ride my Meatlug? 63 00:04:43,909 --> 00:04:46,078 My Meatlug? 64 00:04:46,662 --> 00:04:49,832 Meatlug? Nice Meatlug. 65 00:04:49,915 --> 00:04:52,501 Aah! Whoa! Down Meatlug! 66 00:05:04,013 --> 00:05:05,681 I knew this was going to happen! 67 00:05:05,764 --> 00:05:09,935 -Please just get down here and help us. -Oh, sure. Come bail us out again. 68 00:05:10,019 --> 00:05:13,022 It's always the Snot that has to clean up the mess. 69 00:05:14,314 --> 00:05:16,942 Don't hurt them. None of this is their fault. 70 00:05:18,777 --> 00:05:19,904 Fishlegs, come on! 71 00:05:21,280 --> 00:05:22,698 Meatlug! No! 72 00:05:28,704 --> 00:05:29,914 Meatlug, no! 73 00:05:30,998 --> 00:05:32,416 There's too many of them 74 00:05:32,499 --> 00:05:34,835 and they don't know how lovable and awesome you are. 75 00:05:35,836 --> 00:05:37,880 It's all right. Don't you worry. 76 00:05:41,092 --> 00:05:44,344 All right, guys, fall in behind me. We gotta regroup. 77 00:05:44,428 --> 00:05:46,931 Go, girl. It's okay, go with Hiccup. 78 00:05:51,310 --> 00:05:55,147 Both ships? They sunk both ships?! 79 00:05:55,231 --> 00:05:57,357 I'd like to take this moment to point out 80 00:05:57,441 --> 00:06:01,195 that I did mention you'd be sorry for attacking the Edge. Just saying. 81 00:06:01,279 --> 00:06:05,365 The only thing I'm sorry about is that my men took you alive. 82 00:06:05,449 --> 00:06:07,118 Ryker, we've been over this. 83 00:06:07,201 --> 00:06:10,913 We don't kill any of the Dragon Riders until Viggo tells us to. 84 00:06:13,124 --> 00:06:16,001 You need to be out of the way so you can't cause any more trouble. 85 00:06:16,085 --> 00:06:20,256 Me? Trouble? Heather, you know me better than that. 86 00:06:20,339 --> 00:06:24,676 In fact, might I remind you, I tried to warn him and he wouldn't listen. 87 00:06:25,052 --> 00:06:28,639 You might want to think about putting your listening ears on. 88 00:06:30,515 --> 00:06:32,601 No talking! I'll take care of her. 89 00:06:37,273 --> 00:06:41,319 You really think these ropes are gonna hold me? They're not even tied. 90 00:06:41,902 --> 00:06:43,112 Hmm! 91 00:06:43,737 --> 00:06:46,573 Yeah, I mean, I could just seriously undo these and-- 92 00:06:49,743 --> 00:06:51,745 What're you doing? Have something in your eye? 93 00:06:51,829 --> 00:06:52,746 Do I have something in my eye? 94 00:06:52,830 --> 00:06:54,706 Second wave. Go. Now. 95 00:06:55,415 --> 00:06:56,250 Aye, aye! 96 00:06:57,042 --> 00:06:59,795 You! Take the dragon and attack from the sky! 97 00:07:00,379 --> 00:07:03,090 It could be sand. I mean, we are on a beach. Or smoke. 98 00:07:03,174 --> 00:07:04,342 That always gets me. 99 00:07:04,716 --> 00:07:06,510 Keep your eyes peeled. 100 00:07:07,552 --> 00:07:08,512 Nothing here! 101 00:07:08,595 --> 00:07:12,308 That looks like as good a place for an ambush as any, eh, Windshear? 102 00:07:12,391 --> 00:07:15,602 Ambush! Retreat! Back to the beachhead! 103 00:07:20,565 --> 00:07:22,651 Hope you're holding the fort, guys. 104 00:07:25,570 --> 00:07:26,488 Keep up. 105 00:07:26,571 --> 00:07:30,326 Okay, Stormfly. Spine Shots! Right where we practiced! 106 00:07:39,126 --> 00:07:42,838 That better be the last of them. 'Cause that's all we got, girl. 107 00:07:47,301 --> 00:07:48,552 Oh, no! 108 00:07:50,971 --> 00:07:55,309 Sir, unfortunately, we've had some injuries and several deserters. 109 00:07:55,393 --> 00:07:56,727 Deserters? Who? 110 00:07:56,810 --> 00:08:00,189 Skarsgard, Nygren, Lars #2. 111 00:08:00,272 --> 00:08:03,275 Completely expendable. All three, including "2." 112 00:08:03,359 --> 00:08:05,527 Lars #2 is my cousin. 113 00:08:05,610 --> 00:08:09,323 Oh, well, isn't that a great show of family support? 114 00:08:09,407 --> 00:08:12,410 Things get a little sticky and old Cousin Lars 115 00:08:12,492 --> 00:08:14,203 leaves us with our swords in our hands. 116 00:08:14,286 --> 00:08:16,872 Tell me, is that how you hunters do things? 117 00:08:16,955 --> 00:08:19,417 'Cause I'd rather know now-- 118 00:08:19,499 --> 00:08:20,959 Relax. I trust you. 119 00:08:21,043 --> 00:08:22,961 Every family has a Lars #2. 120 00:08:23,045 --> 00:08:25,923 Now, back to the attack. I was figuring-- 121 00:08:26,006 --> 00:08:28,008 I don't care how you do it. 122 00:08:28,092 --> 00:08:32,012 Just get it done. Do not let anything happen to the Dragon Eye. 123 00:08:32,388 --> 00:08:34,765 Everything else can burn to the ground. 124 00:08:35,974 --> 00:08:39,144 I don't have to take that from that guy. Do I have to? 125 00:08:43,899 --> 00:08:45,525 What is she mumbling about? 126 00:08:45,609 --> 00:08:48,153 Hello! Obviously, it's a trap. 127 00:08:48,237 --> 00:08:49,988 Will you shut her up, please? 128 00:08:50,572 --> 00:08:52,324 Gladly. Windshear! 129 00:08:53,742 --> 00:08:55,660 Okay, felt the wind on that one. 130 00:08:58,747 --> 00:08:59,664 Huh? 131 00:08:59,748 --> 00:09:00,999 Mmm, mmm... 132 00:09:02,501 --> 00:09:04,336 Uh... I don't know. 133 00:09:04,420 --> 00:09:07,298 She's killing me. I better check her ropes. 134 00:09:09,925 --> 00:09:11,802 Use the spine to cut your ropes. 135 00:09:11,885 --> 00:09:13,553 Take Windshear. They need help up there. 136 00:09:13,637 --> 00:09:16,765 Listen up! I was just waiting for the right moment to pounce. 137 00:09:16,848 --> 00:09:18,517 And that moment is now. 138 00:09:24,148 --> 00:09:26,024 And she's going the wrong way. 139 00:09:27,234 --> 00:09:29,445 There you are. Listen, I've been thinking a lot-- 140 00:09:29,528 --> 00:09:32,448 It's over, Tuff. We tried, but there's just too many of them. 141 00:09:32,531 --> 00:09:33,365 My plan didn't work. 142 00:09:34,783 --> 00:09:37,536 I found the Dragon Eye. Someone buried it. 143 00:09:37,619 --> 00:09:40,122 I did that, to keep it from the hunters. 144 00:09:40,872 --> 00:09:44,376 You wanna be captured and tortured by crazed Dragon Hunters, 145 00:09:44,460 --> 00:09:46,420 or listen to Plan Tuffnut? 146 00:09:46,962 --> 00:09:50,466 Your plan? Well, what do we have to lose? 147 00:09:50,549 --> 00:09:55,137 Quite a bit, actually. The huts, Fishlegs' topiaries, Macey, our lives... 148 00:09:55,220 --> 00:09:59,641 That was a rhetockrical question. Was it? Now I think that's rhetockrical. 149 00:10:03,312 --> 00:10:04,604 So, lemme get this straight. 150 00:10:04,688 --> 00:10:06,398 Those really crazy whacked-out dragons 151 00:10:06,482 --> 00:10:08,025 -don't want to hurt our dragon? -Right. 152 00:10:08,108 --> 00:10:09,401 They just want to hurt us? 153 00:10:09,485 --> 00:10:11,862 -Correct. -Because they think we're Dragon Hunters 154 00:10:11,945 --> 00:10:13,655 and are going to hurt them and our dragons? 155 00:10:13,738 --> 00:10:17,117 -That's about the size of it. -That is quite the conundrum. 156 00:10:17,201 --> 00:10:18,869 Look, why don't you just go in there 157 00:10:18,952 --> 00:10:21,455 and have a talk with the dragon in charge, 158 00:10:21,539 --> 00:10:25,584 tell them that we're not Dragon Hunters, and that these guys love us. 159 00:10:25,667 --> 00:10:27,545 You know, there may be something to that. 160 00:10:27,627 --> 00:10:29,254 Thank you. Now, off you go. 161 00:10:29,338 --> 00:10:31,882 If you don't come back, we'll tell everyone you died heroically. 162 00:10:32,883 --> 00:10:35,635 Okay, here's the plan. Toothless and I will go in there 163 00:10:35,760 --> 00:10:37,429 and get the dragons really riled up 164 00:10:37,513 --> 00:10:39,181 and lure as many of them out as we can, 165 00:10:39,264 --> 00:10:40,307 starting with the leader. 166 00:10:40,391 --> 00:10:41,892 Then, you and Johann-- 167 00:10:41,975 --> 00:10:45,687 Uh, Master Hiccup, I feel as though one more ride on that dragon 168 00:10:45,770 --> 00:10:48,315 may turn my insides into my outside. 169 00:10:48,399 --> 00:10:49,858 You'll be fine, Johann. 170 00:10:49,941 --> 00:10:52,819 As soon as Toothless and I have them following us, 171 00:10:52,903 --> 00:10:54,530 you guys sneak in and grab Fishlegs. 172 00:10:54,613 --> 00:10:56,698 Without their leader, it shouldn't be a problem. 173 00:10:56,781 --> 00:10:58,200 Ha! We've heard that before. 174 00:10:58,283 --> 00:11:01,119 All right, fine, you rile the dragons up and get them to follow you. 175 00:11:01,203 --> 00:11:04,122 -That sound better to you? -Hey, calm down, cranky. 176 00:11:04,206 --> 00:11:08,001 -I was just exploring our options. -All right, so can we go then? 177 00:11:08,752 --> 00:11:10,588 This does remind me of a time-- 178 00:11:10,670 --> 00:11:12,256 Johann, if you tell me one of your stories, 179 00:11:12,339 --> 00:11:15,384 I swear I will turn your insides into your outsides. 180 00:11:15,467 --> 00:11:17,469 For another day, then. Off we go. 181 00:11:22,474 --> 00:11:25,394 Okay, bud. Let's see how long we can keep these guys busy. 182 00:11:32,901 --> 00:11:35,613 We're not here to fight, bud. Toothless, sky! 183 00:11:42,953 --> 00:11:46,039 Let's just hurry up with this ridiculous plan before it falls apart, 184 00:11:46,123 --> 00:11:46,957 which it will. 185 00:11:49,793 --> 00:11:53,297 -Is he actually sleeping? -It would appear so. 186 00:11:56,716 --> 00:11:59,010 Jealousy is not a good look on you, Meatlug. 187 00:11:59,094 --> 00:12:02,431 Maybe you could "wake him up." Let him know how you feel. 188 00:12:07,060 --> 00:12:09,313 Meatlug? I knew that was you. 189 00:12:10,481 --> 00:12:14,276 We came to rescue you. Now get your butt on that gas bag and let's get out of here 190 00:12:14,359 --> 00:12:17,070 before those lunatic dragons wake up and their pals come back. 191 00:12:17,154 --> 00:12:18,363 But where's Hiccup? 192 00:12:23,702 --> 00:12:26,997 It's okay, bud. They're just trying to save you from me. 193 00:12:27,080 --> 00:12:29,249 They think I'm trying to hurt you. 194 00:12:29,333 --> 00:12:30,417 Higher, Toothless! 195 00:12:35,506 --> 00:12:36,632 Toothless! 196 00:12:42,887 --> 00:12:45,557 Okay, bud, I guess we don't have a choice. 197 00:12:58,570 --> 00:12:59,404 Whoa-oo-ah! 198 00:13:03,033 --> 00:13:04,784 Thanks, bud, that was close. 199 00:13:10,874 --> 00:13:14,127 Easy, Toothless. No sudden moves. 200 00:13:29,518 --> 00:13:30,602 Toothless, wait. 201 00:13:39,528 --> 00:13:40,904 Pretty cool, right? 202 00:13:44,241 --> 00:13:46,493 Yeah, you see. We're not so different. 203 00:13:49,246 --> 00:13:52,957 We're not like all those Hunters. We would never hurt a dragon. 204 00:14:01,550 --> 00:14:02,509 Huh? 205 00:14:02,926 --> 00:14:04,344 Hello! 206 00:14:04,428 --> 00:14:08,223 Ropes soaked with Monstrous Nightmare gel? I wouldn't have thought of that. 207 00:14:08,306 --> 00:14:10,225 Would you like to do the honors? 208 00:14:18,900 --> 00:14:20,652 All right! What's next? 209 00:14:20,736 --> 00:14:23,238 You're gonna love this. 210 00:14:29,077 --> 00:14:31,538 Take that, you lousy Dragon Hunter. 211 00:14:31,622 --> 00:14:34,040 You're dealin' with Stoick the Vast now, 212 00:14:34,165 --> 00:14:35,542 -boy-oy-oy-oy-oy! -Oh. 213 00:14:35,917 --> 00:14:37,586 Snotlout! Snotlout! 214 00:14:37,669 --> 00:14:39,713 Oy-oy-oy-oy-oy-oy! 215 00:14:39,797 --> 00:14:40,922 -Huh? -I don't know. 216 00:14:41,298 --> 00:14:44,968 I mean, who hunts dragons anyway? Dragons are our friends. 217 00:14:46,136 --> 00:14:47,345 -Oh! -Whoo! 218 00:14:47,429 --> 00:14:51,141 I'm Fishlegs! This is how I sound! It's really me! 219 00:14:53,893 --> 00:14:55,729 That's right. You don't want none. 220 00:14:57,147 --> 00:14:58,482 Fall back! 221 00:14:59,357 --> 00:15:00,734 Keep moving, men. 222 00:15:05,489 --> 00:15:08,492 They can't shoot at us through this canopy of trees. 223 00:15:08,575 --> 00:15:10,744 Nice try, Astrid! 224 00:15:10,828 --> 00:15:14,205 Your puny little Nadder spines are useless from up there. 225 00:15:17,668 --> 00:15:22,964 Look, there they are, in the trees. Fire, boys! Fill 'em full of wood! 226 00:15:27,719 --> 00:15:29,638 What's that smell? I know that smell. 227 00:15:29,721 --> 00:15:33,266 It's Zippleback gas. She was driving us right into a trap. 228 00:15:33,350 --> 00:15:34,768 Gah. Not the flaming-- 229 00:15:40,398 --> 00:15:41,232 ...arrows. 230 00:15:42,693 --> 00:15:43,735 -Huh? -Huh? 231 00:15:46,738 --> 00:15:50,200 I swear, I will wear that Night Fury's head as a hat. 232 00:15:50,283 --> 00:15:53,453 I called dibs already on the hat thing a long time ago, 233 00:15:53,537 --> 00:15:55,163 so back it down, big boy! 234 00:15:55,246 --> 00:15:59,083 Besides, that wasn't a Night Fury. It was just Zippleback gas. 235 00:15:59,626 --> 00:16:01,378 Wait a minute. No Night Fury. 236 00:16:01,461 --> 00:16:02,295 So? 237 00:16:02,379 --> 00:16:04,589 So? There was no Night Fury. 238 00:16:04,673 --> 00:16:08,385 Which begs the question, where was Hiccup and his little plasma-blasting buddy? 239 00:16:08,468 --> 00:16:09,344 For that matter, 240 00:16:09,427 --> 00:16:12,597 where was the Gronckle and the big orange one with the dim-witted kid? 241 00:16:12,681 --> 00:16:15,433 Of course! They split up! 242 00:16:19,020 --> 00:16:22,941 Oh, come on! Are these guys serious? What is it gonna take? 243 00:16:24,192 --> 00:16:26,820 Astrid, take Stormfly and go. 244 00:16:26,904 --> 00:16:29,907 These Dragon Hunters are never gonna give up, no matter what we do. 245 00:16:29,989 --> 00:16:31,700 I'll hold them off so you can make it out. 246 00:16:31,783 --> 00:16:33,451 No way. I'm not leaving you. 247 00:16:33,535 --> 00:16:36,204 Okay, then how about I take Stormfly and you hold them off? 248 00:16:37,539 --> 00:16:39,750 Kidding. I almost got you though, right? 249 00:16:39,833 --> 00:16:41,209 Yeah, you did. 250 00:16:41,334 --> 00:16:44,212 All right, whatever we're going to do, we need to do it fast. 251 00:16:44,295 --> 00:16:48,675 What do you think about another crazy, out of control, brilliant idea? 252 00:16:52,512 --> 00:16:55,181 Uh... excuse me? Did you know there's an entire pack 253 00:16:55,265 --> 00:16:58,101 -of angry wild dragons following you? -You don't say? 254 00:17:00,771 --> 00:17:02,689 You're losing your touch, Hiccup. 255 00:17:02,773 --> 00:17:04,858 I mean, they're literally, like, right behind you. 256 00:17:04,942 --> 00:17:07,986 I know, Snotlout. I couldn't be happier about it. 257 00:17:08,570 --> 00:17:11,281 All right! Hiccup has officially lost his mind. 258 00:17:11,364 --> 00:17:14,618 Well, they're not trying to eat us. So I'd say something's changed. 259 00:17:14,701 --> 00:17:17,328 They saw my wings and they knew I wasn't a threat. 260 00:17:17,412 --> 00:17:19,497 This is an amazing discovery. 261 00:17:19,581 --> 00:17:22,083 And we have the Dragon Hunters to thank for it. 262 00:17:22,166 --> 00:17:25,044 Speaking of which, is that not Heather? 263 00:17:28,172 --> 00:17:31,718 There you are. Hey, where'd you get all the cool dragons? 264 00:17:31,802 --> 00:17:34,554 Long story. Why are you riding Windshear? 265 00:17:34,638 --> 00:17:38,349 Equally long story. Right now, we need to get back to the Edge 266 00:17:38,433 --> 00:17:40,727 before there's no Edge to get back to. 267 00:17:46,858 --> 00:17:50,236 - Don't stop until you kill every last one. - Attack! 268 00:17:52,322 --> 00:17:55,241 Good evening Mr. Ryker. 269 00:17:55,325 --> 00:17:56,827 We've been expecting you. 270 00:17:58,286 --> 00:18:02,290 You can start with this one. But save the chicken. I like chicken. 271 00:18:03,500 --> 00:18:07,754 Not to worry, my little fricassee. You won't be on anyone's menu tonight. 272 00:18:15,971 --> 00:18:16,805 Oh, no! 273 00:18:17,681 --> 00:18:18,723 Hold your ground! 274 00:18:30,652 --> 00:18:33,071 You don't think I've seen what Night Terrors can do? 275 00:18:33,154 --> 00:18:34,531 You people never learn. 276 00:18:34,614 --> 00:18:36,950 I could say the same for you, Ryker. 277 00:18:37,034 --> 00:18:38,076 Stormfly, now! 278 00:18:43,414 --> 00:18:45,500 Get up! 279 00:18:53,091 --> 00:18:54,467 Hello, Astrid. 280 00:18:58,429 --> 00:18:59,263 Whoa! 281 00:19:02,767 --> 00:19:06,145 It's not over for us, chicken. We do not go out like this. 282 00:19:06,229 --> 00:19:07,731 Promise me you'll fight till the end. 283 00:19:08,857 --> 00:19:10,525 Promise me! 284 00:19:10,608 --> 00:19:14,946 I knew I could count on you. You take the little ones. The big one is mine. 285 00:19:19,450 --> 00:19:21,870 All right, Ryker. Gimme back my sister. 286 00:19:21,953 --> 00:19:25,790 I'll tell you what, get past me and she's all yours. 287 00:19:37,635 --> 00:19:38,553 Aah! 288 00:19:41,139 --> 00:19:42,223 What? 289 00:19:50,648 --> 00:19:53,317 Why does he have to make such a production out of everything? 290 00:19:53,401 --> 00:19:54,778 I really hate that guy. 291 00:19:55,779 --> 00:19:58,448 All right, gang, let's clean up this mess. 292 00:19:59,323 --> 00:20:00,408 Yeah! 293 00:20:00,491 --> 00:20:03,411 I love the smell of Zippleback gas in the morning! 294 00:20:07,540 --> 00:20:08,416 Whoa! 295 00:20:26,225 --> 00:20:27,226 Hey, Heather. 296 00:20:27,310 --> 00:20:28,394 Hey, Ruffnut. 297 00:20:29,771 --> 00:20:32,065 -That's for improvising. -Whoa! 298 00:20:34,067 --> 00:20:35,693 Hey, sis. How's it hanging? 299 00:20:35,777 --> 00:20:37,779 I cannot figure that girl out. 300 00:20:37,862 --> 00:20:40,782 One might say she's an enigma wrapped in a riddle, 301 00:20:40,865 --> 00:20:42,159 wrapped in yak bacon. 302 00:20:42,241 --> 00:20:44,702 One might. Shall we wreak some havoc? 303 00:20:44,786 --> 00:20:45,620 We shall. 304 00:20:47,580 --> 00:20:48,665 Get em'! 305 00:20:55,588 --> 00:20:56,422 Hey! 306 00:21:04,597 --> 00:21:06,766 Ryker! 307 00:21:11,604 --> 00:21:14,524 We will meet again, Hiccup Haddock! 308 00:21:21,322 --> 00:21:24,283 How did you manage to hold them off for so long? 309 00:21:24,367 --> 00:21:26,410 It's called teamwork. Right, Tuff? 310 00:21:26,494 --> 00:21:30,207 I'll go along with that. Since I am the captain of Team Tuffnut. 311 00:21:31,249 --> 00:21:34,044 Well, you must be feeling extra guilty. 312 00:21:34,127 --> 00:21:36,337 -Actually, I am. -And sorry. 313 00:21:36,420 --> 00:21:39,007 -Definitely. -And completely, 100 percent 314 00:21:39,090 --> 00:21:40,842 embarrassed and exposed. 315 00:21:42,177 --> 00:21:46,764 Too much? Sorry. I accept your apology, my dear Astrid. 316 00:21:46,848 --> 00:21:49,600 Hiccup, we've got to return these dragons to their island. 317 00:21:49,684 --> 00:21:51,435 We just do not have the room. 318 00:21:54,856 --> 00:21:56,774 Okay, who's up for a field trip? 319 00:21:57,984 --> 00:22:00,486 You guys have to see this island. 320 00:22:03,281 --> 00:22:04,199 Hello? 321 00:22:05,283 --> 00:22:07,285 Is anybody here? Master Hiccup? 322 00:22:08,078 --> 00:22:08,912 Hello? 323 00:22:10,788 --> 00:22:11,873 Where is everyone?