1 00:00:31,866 --> 00:00:34,619 This changes everything. 2 00:00:42,460 --> 00:00:43,962 Coming in hot. 3 00:00:44,169 --> 00:00:48,007 Ha-ha. That's right. Get some, dragon hunters. Get some. 4 00:00:48,716 --> 00:00:51,010 Snotlout, Snotlout! Oy, oy, oy! 5 00:00:51,176 --> 00:00:52,428 Ha! 6 00:00:58,309 --> 00:01:00,561 The judge from Berserker Island gave you a six. 7 00:01:00,728 --> 00:01:02,688 Um, nice effort, Snotlout. 8 00:01:02,772 --> 00:01:03,856 We all need to stay sharp, 9 00:01:03,940 --> 00:01:06,025 especially with Dragon Hunters on the loose. 10 00:01:07,485 --> 00:01:09,320 Astrid, you're up. 11 00:01:10,195 --> 00:01:13,115 You really should loosen your grip a little, boy-o. 12 00:01:13,198 --> 00:01:15,910 It maximizes the bone shattering potential. 13 00:01:16,076 --> 00:01:17,578 -Dad? -Spitelout! 14 00:01:17,662 --> 00:01:20,164 Uh, what a... What a pleasant surprise. 15 00:01:21,958 --> 00:01:23,542 Um. Dull. 16 00:01:23,918 --> 00:01:26,295 Yeah, I was just telling them that, Dad. 17 00:01:26,545 --> 00:01:27,463 Hey, did you see that-- 18 00:01:27,546 --> 00:01:29,214 I come with news from Berk. 19 00:01:29,298 --> 00:01:33,177 There's to be a union tomorrow between two proud houses, 20 00:01:33,260 --> 00:01:35,596 our family, House Jorgenson, and... 21 00:01:36,221 --> 00:01:39,475 What kind of muttonhead would marry into the Jorgensons? 22 00:01:39,558 --> 00:01:42,353 ...Astrid's family, House Hofferson. 23 00:01:42,520 --> 00:01:45,189 Wait, did he just say, House Hofferson? 24 00:01:45,356 --> 00:01:46,774 That is unprecedented. 25 00:01:46,858 --> 00:01:49,401 There has never been a union between these two families. 26 00:01:49,485 --> 00:01:51,821 Hoffersons have always disliked Jorgensons and-- 27 00:01:52,112 --> 00:01:55,449 Jorgensons have always irritated Hofferson. 28 00:01:55,533 --> 00:01:59,453 Wait, this means Snotlout is gonna be family. 29 00:01:59,620 --> 00:02:00,997 What's the problem, "cuz"? 30 00:02:01,080 --> 00:02:04,416 This is just going to bring us... closer. 31 00:02:06,335 --> 00:02:08,295 Welcome to the family, lass. 32 00:02:08,379 --> 00:02:10,422 Now, on to business. 33 00:02:13,968 --> 00:02:15,511 Wow. 34 00:02:15,761 --> 00:02:20,307 The Jorgenson Family Ceremonial Axe. There's never been a union without it. 35 00:02:20,391 --> 00:02:23,102 Aye. And, as you know, it will need to be present tomorrow 36 00:02:23,185 --> 00:02:26,397 at Berk's sacred matrimonial site, the Island of Friga, 37 00:02:26,522 --> 00:02:30,192 to chop down the Betrothal Birch for this union to be official. 38 00:02:30,275 --> 00:02:34,321 So, you, Snotlout, will be delivering it. 39 00:02:34,822 --> 00:02:36,198 Sweet. 40 00:02:36,407 --> 00:02:38,200 That's quite an honor, Snotlout. 41 00:02:38,367 --> 00:02:42,204 This privilege is only given to the bravest and most virile member 42 00:02:42,287 --> 00:02:43,956 of the Jorgenson clan. 43 00:02:44,082 --> 00:02:46,250 And you guys are looking at him. 44 00:02:46,333 --> 00:02:48,794 Boom, baby! Wow! 45 00:02:48,961 --> 00:02:50,337 I would have done it myself, 46 00:02:50,421 --> 00:02:53,716 if I wasn't already responsible for procuring the beasts 47 00:02:53,799 --> 00:02:56,552 for the union's ceremonial 400-boar feast. 48 00:02:56,635 --> 00:03:00,389 But I am the family's natural second choice for the job. 49 00:03:00,598 --> 00:03:02,850 Of course, Hedgelout wasn't available. 50 00:03:02,934 --> 00:03:04,643 He's still missing at sea. 51 00:03:04,894 --> 00:03:09,774 Third choice. That's still good, right? 52 00:03:09,941 --> 00:03:12,359 -And then there was Griplout. -Griplout? 53 00:03:12,443 --> 00:03:14,820 Are you talking about the Jorgenson that lost both his arms 54 00:03:14,904 --> 00:03:16,321 in that freak mutton accident? 55 00:03:16,488 --> 00:03:21,535 Aye, he just couldn't get a good enough hold on the axe with his teeth. 56 00:03:21,911 --> 00:03:24,580 Remember, there's a lot riding on this, boy-o. 57 00:03:24,705 --> 00:03:26,206 No axe, no wedding. 58 00:03:26,331 --> 00:03:30,836 No wedding... Well, hopefully you're smart enough to at least figure that out. 59 00:03:31,003 --> 00:03:33,631 Whelp, I have to be on my way. 60 00:03:33,714 --> 00:03:35,883 Boars don't grow on trees, you know. 61 00:03:36,258 --> 00:03:38,552 Thank Thor I don't have to go to that ridiculous-- 62 00:03:38,719 --> 00:03:42,681 Oh, lass. Your folks are expecting you to represent your family at the ceremony. 63 00:03:42,765 --> 00:03:43,682 So better get a move on. 64 00:03:43,849 --> 00:03:45,851 Ugh! 65 00:03:45,935 --> 00:03:48,520 - You, too, Hiccup. - What? Me? 66 00:03:48,687 --> 00:03:51,690 Aye. Stoick's orders. You're representing the Haddocks. 67 00:03:51,857 --> 00:03:54,152 Yeah, tell me about it. 68 00:03:54,318 --> 00:03:55,527 See you at the ceremony! 69 00:03:55,611 --> 00:03:59,073 Onward, dragon. Spitelout, Spitelout! Oy, oy, oy. 70 00:03:59,490 --> 00:04:01,826 Don't worry, Dad. I got this. 71 00:04:05,037 --> 00:04:07,247 What are you all looking at? I can do this. 72 00:04:10,250 --> 00:04:12,419 Don't you just love union ceremonies? 73 00:04:12,503 --> 00:04:13,963 Don't know. Never been to one. 74 00:04:14,130 --> 00:04:15,255 What, really? 75 00:04:15,422 --> 00:04:18,509 Yeah, us Thorstons are not exactly the marrying kind. 76 00:04:18,592 --> 00:04:20,260 We're more of the mutton kind. 77 00:04:20,427 --> 00:04:22,096 Well, as luck would have it, 78 00:04:22,180 --> 00:04:25,641 I am some what of an authority on Viking union ceremonies. 79 00:04:25,808 --> 00:04:27,559 What do you say you meet me at my hut, 80 00:04:27,685 --> 00:04:30,146 I will teach you everything you need to know. 81 00:04:30,229 --> 00:04:34,733 Great! Because we know very little about most things. 82 00:04:34,859 --> 00:04:35,860 Ugh. 83 00:04:41,406 --> 00:04:44,785 Last one picked. He could have more faith in me than that. 84 00:04:46,495 --> 00:04:47,997 What? What did I ever do? 85 00:04:48,164 --> 00:04:51,083 There was that time you brought all those Changewing eggs, 86 00:04:51,167 --> 00:04:53,669 -and nearly destroyed the village. -Fishlegs' fault. 87 00:04:53,836 --> 00:04:56,421 That time you released the Skrill from its ice block. 88 00:04:56,505 --> 00:04:58,549 -Nearly destroyed the village. -Twins' fault. 89 00:04:58,716 --> 00:05:02,553 What about flying us into the waterspout and landing us on Outcast Island? 90 00:05:02,636 --> 00:05:04,013 -That was terrific. -Act of Thor. 91 00:05:04,180 --> 00:05:05,389 Act of Snotlout. 92 00:05:05,556 --> 00:05:08,475 All I know is when I ride in with this axe, 93 00:05:08,559 --> 00:05:11,311 I'm gonna shove it in all their Jorgenson faces. 94 00:05:11,436 --> 00:05:14,899 Boom! "No axe, no wedding, boy-o--" 95 00:05:19,987 --> 00:05:21,906 Toothless, power dive! 96 00:05:24,283 --> 00:05:25,492 I don't see it. 97 00:05:28,996 --> 00:05:31,707 It's gotta be down there. We have to go and get it back. 98 00:05:31,874 --> 00:05:34,960 It could be anywhere. That island isn't exactly tiny. 99 00:05:35,044 --> 00:05:37,296 If it even landed there and not in the ocean. 100 00:05:37,462 --> 00:05:40,883 We're finding that axe. We have till sundown. 101 00:05:45,846 --> 00:05:46,931 -Whew. -Ugh. 102 00:05:47,014 --> 00:05:49,183 Hey, is it too late to call Griplout? 103 00:05:49,267 --> 00:05:52,686 Ha-ha. That's funny. Keep it up, Astrid. Keep it up 104 00:05:55,106 --> 00:05:56,315 Hm. 105 00:05:56,982 --> 00:05:57,816 Huh? 106 00:06:00,402 --> 00:06:02,738 Ha-ha. There it is. See? 107 00:06:02,821 --> 00:06:05,241 I'll just grab it and we'll get back up in the air. 108 00:06:05,324 --> 00:06:06,784 Problem solved. 109 00:06:11,038 --> 00:06:12,706 What is it, bud? 110 00:06:13,082 --> 00:06:14,416 What's gotten into them? 111 00:06:14,917 --> 00:06:16,376 And, it's in one piece? 112 00:06:16,460 --> 00:06:18,129 This could've gone way worse. 113 00:06:20,256 --> 00:06:21,757 It's really stuck in there. 114 00:06:25,344 --> 00:06:26,345 Huh. 115 00:06:28,347 --> 00:06:29,223 Snotlout! 116 00:06:35,146 --> 00:06:35,980 Oh, no. 117 00:06:37,439 --> 00:06:39,108 Okay, now it's way worse. 118 00:06:46,282 --> 00:06:47,407 Watch out! 119 00:06:54,039 --> 00:06:54,873 Ha. Hey! 120 00:06:54,999 --> 00:06:56,416 This is my family's axe. 121 00:06:56,792 --> 00:06:58,919 Give it up! 122 00:07:02,298 --> 00:07:04,049 Snotlout, let go of the axe. 123 00:07:04,216 --> 00:07:07,552 No way, Hiccup. I'm not leaving this island without it. 124 00:07:07,719 --> 00:07:09,763 Whoa! 125 00:07:09,930 --> 00:07:12,099 -He's gonna get himself killed. -What else is new? 126 00:07:24,862 --> 00:07:26,405 Hey, watch it! 127 00:07:26,571 --> 00:07:28,824 Keep blasting, Hookfang, we'll get in close. 128 00:07:28,907 --> 00:07:30,368 Astrid, follow me. 129 00:07:36,665 --> 00:07:38,083 Steady, Stormfly! 130 00:07:38,250 --> 00:07:39,584 Up, up! 131 00:07:41,753 --> 00:07:42,671 Whoa. 132 00:07:42,754 --> 00:07:43,964 Stormfly, what's wrong? 133 00:07:44,506 --> 00:07:45,757 Hang in there. 134 00:07:45,924 --> 00:07:48,760 Hiccup, that blast does a number on the eyes. 135 00:07:48,927 --> 00:07:53,057 Whoa! Good to know. Okay, bud, let's stay clear of those blasts. 136 00:07:57,436 --> 00:08:00,981 Toothless. Look out! 137 00:08:06,362 --> 00:08:07,196 Toothless! 138 00:08:11,158 --> 00:08:13,702 Hang on, bud. Things are about to heat up. 139 00:08:17,873 --> 00:08:19,833 Whew! Thank you, Gronckle Iron. 140 00:08:23,962 --> 00:08:25,797 Don't let up, Hookfang. Pour it on. 141 00:08:32,846 --> 00:08:35,933 -It's gone. -But so is the axe. 142 00:08:39,103 --> 00:08:42,106 -Snotlout, what are you doing? -There's still time! 143 00:08:46,360 --> 00:08:47,403 No. 144 00:08:47,527 --> 00:08:48,987 Astrid, we have to. 145 00:08:49,154 --> 00:08:51,573 This is his mess. Let him clean it up. 146 00:08:54,368 --> 00:08:55,535 Fine. 147 00:08:56,912 --> 00:09:00,707 Okay, so table etiquette is not really your strong suits. 148 00:09:05,212 --> 00:09:06,380 Oh, yeah. 149 00:09:09,341 --> 00:09:11,802 Why don't we move on to the actual union ceremony? 150 00:09:11,969 --> 00:09:15,180 Ruffnut, you can stand in for our bride, and I will be the groom. 151 00:09:15,264 --> 00:09:17,475 -Tuffnut, you can be our officiator. -Whoa! 152 00:09:17,557 --> 00:09:19,643 Nice. I'm finally official. 153 00:09:20,727 --> 00:09:24,440 Those would be the traditional Viking union words. You read them. 154 00:09:24,523 --> 00:09:26,400 Ugh. 155 00:09:27,943 --> 00:09:28,986 Out loud. 156 00:09:29,278 --> 00:09:31,613 Oh, okay. I read them in my head. 157 00:09:31,780 --> 00:09:36,368 Anyhoo... "Ye, Fishlegs Ingerman, child of Odin, 158 00:09:36,452 --> 00:09:43,292 dost taketh Ruffnut Eugene Thorston, daughter of Freyja, to be his betrothed. 159 00:09:43,625 --> 00:09:46,211 And, by utterance of these words, 160 00:09:46,295 --> 00:09:51,800 this union may only be broken in the Halls of Valhalla." 161 00:09:52,426 --> 00:09:54,011 You may head-butt the bride. 162 00:09:55,929 --> 00:09:57,722 I just added that part. 163 00:09:57,889 --> 00:10:01,268 Great, so that's how a Viking union ceremony is performed. 164 00:10:01,352 --> 00:10:03,103 It's nice, isn't it? Now we dance. 165 00:10:03,228 --> 00:10:05,814 -Oh, girl. -Oh, wait a second. 166 00:10:05,897 --> 00:10:09,401 I knew it. This stuff all looked familiar. It's all coming back now. 167 00:10:09,485 --> 00:10:12,863 This is same as when I trained with the town officiator on Berk. 168 00:10:12,946 --> 00:10:13,989 You did what? 169 00:10:14,156 --> 00:10:16,825 I took a course, in performing Viking union ceremonies. 170 00:10:16,908 --> 00:10:20,078 Slipped my mind. I am a man of many talents, after all. 171 00:10:20,162 --> 00:10:22,498 So you officially trained with the town officiator? 172 00:10:22,581 --> 00:10:24,833 I mean, that's a lot of officiating, but yeah. 173 00:10:24,916 --> 00:10:28,546 Tuff can perform Viking union ceremonies. We've just never been to one. 174 00:10:28,628 --> 00:10:30,339 I can check that off my bucket list. 175 00:10:30,506 --> 00:10:32,341 Wait. Do you know what this means? 176 00:10:32,424 --> 00:10:35,177 Oh, yeah, I do. A whole new world is open to me. 177 00:10:35,260 --> 00:10:38,430 A new career. New potentiality, new possibilities. 178 00:10:38,514 --> 00:10:40,807 And all those happy officiated faces 179 00:10:40,891 --> 00:10:44,228 looking back at me into my eyes with gratitude. 180 00:10:44,311 --> 00:10:46,355 No? Okay, you go. 181 00:10:46,522 --> 00:10:50,234 It means Ruffnut and I just got married. 182 00:10:54,363 --> 00:10:55,906 And Viking unions are forever. 183 00:10:55,989 --> 00:10:58,033 It can only be broken in Valhalla. 184 00:11:05,541 --> 00:11:06,625 There he is. 185 00:11:15,509 --> 00:11:18,554 If it welds my axe to its body, I'll never get it back. 186 00:11:18,637 --> 00:11:22,766 Easy, Snotlout. We can't risk another dust-up with ol' "Armor Wing" over there. 187 00:11:22,849 --> 00:11:25,394 I cannot go to that wedding without the axe. 188 00:11:25,477 --> 00:11:28,606 But, we can't get close enough to pry it free. 189 00:11:28,688 --> 00:11:31,691 Hey, you know what's near here. Hiccup, hand me your map. 190 00:11:33,318 --> 00:11:36,363 -Uh... Ha! That's it! -What's "it"? 191 00:11:36,447 --> 00:11:40,200 We can't get close to that dragon, but something else can. 192 00:11:40,284 --> 00:11:42,536 You know, you never really make much sense, 193 00:11:42,620 --> 00:11:44,204 but this is bad, even for you. 194 00:11:44,371 --> 00:11:47,625 We have an axe to steal and I know the perfect guys for the job. 195 00:11:47,749 --> 00:11:49,460 We're going to Breakneck Bog 196 00:11:49,543 --> 00:11:51,962 and we're training us some Smothering Smokebreaths. 197 00:11:56,841 --> 00:12:00,011 Don't worry, girl. There has to be some way to dissolve this union. 198 00:12:00,095 --> 00:12:02,722 It can't actually only be broken in Valhalla, right? 199 00:12:10,981 --> 00:12:12,816 Um, what are you doing? 200 00:12:18,905 --> 00:12:22,701 I'm thinking, I want to do a dead animal carcass thing in the corner. 201 00:12:22,867 --> 00:12:24,453 No, absolutely not! 202 00:12:24,536 --> 00:12:26,997 There'll be no dead animals in this home, Ruffnut. 203 00:12:27,080 --> 00:12:29,291 -What did you just call me? -I just called you-- 204 00:12:29,374 --> 00:12:33,128 We're gonna have to lose that "Ruffnut" thing. We're married. 205 00:12:33,211 --> 00:12:36,840 From now on, it's either honey, sweetie, dear or snookie-pie. 206 00:12:36,923 --> 00:12:38,842 -Got it? -"Snookie-pie"? 207 00:12:39,009 --> 00:12:42,680 Better. Now, we're gonna have to get rid of some of your stuff 208 00:12:42,762 --> 00:12:47,017 to make room around here. Let's start with those dragon figurines. 209 00:12:47,184 --> 00:12:49,687 But they're vintage. 210 00:12:49,853 --> 00:12:53,524 -And, now they're gone. -What exactly are we making room for? 211 00:12:53,898 --> 00:12:54,983 For us. 212 00:12:56,151 --> 00:12:58,696 What? You didn't think we weren't part of this deal, did you? 213 00:13:01,781 --> 00:13:04,117 Don't worry, girl, I will figure this out. 214 00:13:04,201 --> 00:13:09,164 I always wanted a brother. You've made us so happy, Fishlegs. 215 00:13:14,753 --> 00:13:18,549 Can I remind everyone that Smothering Smokebreaths cannot be trained? 216 00:13:18,716 --> 00:13:20,258 Maybe, but they love metal 217 00:13:20,342 --> 00:13:23,762 and could be the only hope I have of getting that axe back. 218 00:13:25,222 --> 00:13:26,306 Ugh. 219 00:13:30,352 --> 00:13:33,021 They must be out hunting. We got lucky. 220 00:13:33,480 --> 00:13:37,317 This is perfect! We'll use whatever metal we pull to lure them to the Armor Wing. 221 00:13:39,069 --> 00:13:40,445 We need to work faster. 222 00:13:40,529 --> 00:13:43,156 They won't be happy when they see what we're doing. 223 00:13:44,949 --> 00:13:46,117 Uh, guys? 224 00:13:49,580 --> 00:13:50,414 Ugh! 225 00:13:58,630 --> 00:14:00,965 Everyone, grab as much metal as you can carry. 226 00:14:01,132 --> 00:14:04,344 Let's get these guys to the Armor Wing. Hookfang, wing blast! 227 00:14:13,144 --> 00:14:15,980 Ha-ha! Is this the best idea I've ever had, or what? 228 00:14:16,147 --> 00:14:18,734 Bar's not really high on that one is it, Snotlout? 229 00:14:18,900 --> 00:14:20,819 Yeah, well your bar's so... 230 00:14:21,986 --> 00:14:23,363 Shut it, Hiccup. 231 00:14:26,366 --> 00:14:28,827 Silent Sven's wife has a fish-gutting station. 232 00:14:28,910 --> 00:14:30,912 I want a fish-gutting station, too! 233 00:14:30,995 --> 00:14:34,040 But, dear, where will you put it? There's no room. 234 00:14:36,794 --> 00:14:38,253 Now there's room. 235 00:14:39,421 --> 00:14:42,674 It's not so bad, Meatlug, we can make the best of it. 236 00:14:43,133 --> 00:14:45,719 Hey, bro-in-law, wifey wants you back inside. 237 00:14:45,803 --> 00:14:48,138 She says you have to start learning how to fly Belch, 238 00:14:48,221 --> 00:14:50,056 since you guys are married now. 239 00:14:51,809 --> 00:14:53,351 But, my Meatlug. She's my-- 240 00:14:53,435 --> 00:14:55,395 Fishlegs! Get your butt in here. 241 00:14:55,479 --> 00:14:56,814 Coming, dear. 242 00:14:59,566 --> 00:15:01,109 Newlyweds, am I right? 243 00:15:04,070 --> 00:15:05,989 You said it, sister. 244 00:15:07,031 --> 00:15:08,074 Yeah-ha! 245 00:15:08,241 --> 00:15:11,453 Just a little further. You're gonna be happy we ripped you off. 246 00:15:11,953 --> 00:15:13,789 Feast your beady eyes on that! 247 00:15:42,108 --> 00:15:43,610 It's actually working. 248 00:15:44,277 --> 00:15:46,697 That's it. Bring the axe to Snotty. 249 00:15:51,034 --> 00:15:54,705 Hey, my axe! We had a deal, you little deal-breakers. 250 00:16:05,465 --> 00:16:08,385 I got him, Snotlout. We'll funnel him towards you. 251 00:16:14,641 --> 00:16:17,060 Boom! 252 00:16:19,145 --> 00:16:20,355 Thank you. 253 00:16:31,991 --> 00:16:34,244 There's too many of them. We need to break this up. 254 00:16:36,621 --> 00:16:38,874 No scales. That's why it needs metal. 255 00:16:38,957 --> 00:16:40,208 What's happening? 256 00:16:40,375 --> 00:16:44,462 The Smokebreaths think the Armor Wing is one giant piece of metal. 257 00:16:44,629 --> 00:16:47,298 We can't let them pull its armor apart. It'll be defenseless. 258 00:16:47,507 --> 00:16:49,843 -So, what do we do? -Follow me. 259 00:16:54,138 --> 00:16:56,850 We have to fly it through the Armor Wing's blasts. 260 00:16:56,934 --> 00:16:58,727 -We have to what? -Trust me. 261 00:17:12,699 --> 00:17:15,535 Okay, Stormfly, now twirl! 262 00:17:25,879 --> 00:17:26,713 Huh. 263 00:17:32,093 --> 00:17:34,012 Stormfly! 264 00:17:34,471 --> 00:17:36,347 I owed you one. 265 00:17:43,396 --> 00:17:45,732 Hey, Smokies, check this out! 266 00:17:58,202 --> 00:17:59,287 Whew! 267 00:18:32,111 --> 00:18:35,323 Now I think we earned its trust, but I wouldn't push our luck. 268 00:18:35,991 --> 00:18:38,326 Sundown! Snotlout, you need to get out of here. 269 00:18:39,202 --> 00:18:41,705 She's right. Go. We'll be right behind you. 270 00:18:51,715 --> 00:18:52,632 Oh, no. 271 00:18:58,680 --> 00:19:00,390 Hookfang, we're too late. 272 00:19:02,141 --> 00:19:03,852 Snotlout, we'll say it was our fault. 273 00:19:03,935 --> 00:19:06,104 We can say we're the ones that made you late. 274 00:19:06,270 --> 00:19:09,066 No. It was my fault. I got this. 275 00:19:12,360 --> 00:19:14,654 I know what you're gonna say, Dad. I messed up again. 276 00:19:14,738 --> 00:19:16,406 I ruined the union ceremony. 277 00:19:16,489 --> 00:19:19,117 And I let you down, and all the Jorgensons down. 278 00:19:19,283 --> 00:19:23,246 But you have no idea what I went through to get this here. 279 00:19:24,039 --> 00:19:26,290 I risked my life and my friends' lives 280 00:19:26,374 --> 00:19:30,712 fighting a gigantic torch-breathing dragon for this stupid thing. 281 00:19:30,795 --> 00:19:32,839 And if that's not good enough for you, 282 00:19:32,923 --> 00:19:35,258 then I guess I'm never going to be good enough. 283 00:19:35,425 --> 00:19:39,303 I said it! So, here is your stupid axe, and sorry about the ceremony. 284 00:19:40,972 --> 00:19:45,977 What in Thor are you going on about, boy-o? There's not going to be a union. 285 00:19:46,144 --> 00:19:47,353 Wait, what? 286 00:19:47,520 --> 00:19:49,230 Oh, a brawl broke out at the rehearsal dinner. 287 00:19:49,313 --> 00:19:51,900 It's a good thing you didn't get the axe here earlier. 288 00:19:52,067 --> 00:19:53,735 It would've got really ugly. 289 00:19:54,193 --> 00:19:57,530 But, nice work anyway, Son. I knew I could count on you. 290 00:19:58,990 --> 00:20:03,745 Whelp, if we're done here, I have 400 boars to return. 291 00:20:05,872 --> 00:20:07,582 He knew he could count on me. 292 00:20:08,083 --> 00:20:10,710 Spitelout, Spitelout! Oy, oy, oy! 293 00:20:13,171 --> 00:20:14,881 Ha-ha, whoo-hoo! 294 00:20:14,965 --> 00:20:16,174 Whoo-hoo! 295 00:20:16,340 --> 00:20:18,802 -Yeah! -What in the name of Thor? 296 00:20:19,886 --> 00:20:23,264 Come on, girl. We're related. Come on, come on, girl. Come on. 297 00:20:23,431 --> 00:20:25,433 Eh, guys, what's going on? 298 00:20:25,600 --> 00:20:27,727 Hiccup, meet the Ingerman-Thorstons. 299 00:20:27,811 --> 00:20:30,271 We're the model of a modern Viking family. 300 00:20:30,438 --> 00:20:33,316 We've only been gone a day. What possibly could have happened? 301 00:20:33,483 --> 00:20:36,653 You remember how I studied with the officiator, back on Berk? 302 00:20:36,820 --> 00:20:40,073 While you guys were gone, I accidentally married Ruff and Fishlegs. 303 00:20:40,198 --> 00:20:43,409 But despite that little snafu, we're all very happy now. 304 00:20:44,577 --> 00:20:45,912 Well, most of us anyway. 305 00:20:46,079 --> 00:20:49,415 I hate to break it to you, but you can't perform Viking unions. 306 00:20:49,582 --> 00:20:51,501 Wait, what? I can't? Are you sure? 307 00:20:51,668 --> 00:20:53,211 You never completed your training 308 00:20:53,294 --> 00:20:57,132 because the officiator jumped off a cliff halfway through your first lesson. 309 00:20:57,215 --> 00:20:58,675 That was so funny. 310 00:20:58,842 --> 00:21:02,846 Right, it was probably a bad idea to hold classes on the edge of a cliff. 311 00:21:02,929 --> 00:21:05,348 I mean, we lost a lot of good educators that way, 312 00:21:05,431 --> 00:21:06,599 especially the ones I pushed. 313 00:21:06,683 --> 00:21:09,186 Wait. Why are you here? Shouldn't you be at the union? 314 00:21:09,352 --> 00:21:12,730 -Ha. Long story. -But we did find a new dragon. 315 00:21:12,897 --> 00:21:16,651 A new dragon? Great, I get married and no one calls me anymore. 316 00:21:16,734 --> 00:21:20,697 Fishlegs! My feet need massaging. 317 00:21:20,780 --> 00:21:22,824 They're getting sweaty again. 318 00:21:23,074 --> 00:21:24,617 Coming, dear. 319 00:21:24,701 --> 00:21:27,286 Hey, bro-in-law, remember how I married you and Ruff? 320 00:21:27,370 --> 00:21:30,289 Well, it turns out that I can't marry people after all. 321 00:21:30,373 --> 00:21:32,542 So, presto! Union dissolved. 322 00:21:32,709 --> 00:21:34,752 What? Oh, that's incredible! 323 00:21:34,836 --> 00:21:37,547 I haven't been this happy since my wedding day. 324 00:21:37,964 --> 00:21:39,132 My wedding day... 325 00:21:49,600 --> 00:21:51,895 Aw, my door is always open. 326 00:21:52,062 --> 00:21:53,646 I guess you can keep the shark. 327 00:21:55,815 --> 00:21:59,277 Fishlegs married Ruffnut. I guess anything is possible. 328 00:21:59,360 --> 00:22:03,198 Well, one thing's for certain, no Hofferson will ever marry a Jorgenson. 329 00:22:03,281 --> 00:22:05,742 Never say never, right, Astrid? 330 00:22:06,325 --> 00:22:07,451 Never. 331 00:22:09,204 --> 00:22:10,997 How long is "never"?