1 00:00:31,741 --> 00:00:34,076 This changes everything. 2 00:00:46,672 --> 00:00:49,091 Dagur is here? And Heather is with him? 3 00:00:49,258 --> 00:00:50,301 I don't believe it. 4 00:00:50,384 --> 00:00:52,845 Trusting her turned out to be a big mistake. 5 00:00:53,137 --> 00:00:57,850 Yeah. Who puts loyalty to their brother ahead of loyalty to their friends? Right? 6 00:00:58,017 --> 00:00:58,935 I heard that, sister. 7 00:00:59,018 --> 00:01:01,729 The bigger question is who are these Dragon Hunters 8 00:01:01,813 --> 00:01:03,314 and what do they want from us? 9 00:01:03,564 --> 00:01:04,816 You're about to find out. 10 00:01:08,694 --> 00:01:11,113 Ryker wants to have a little chat with you. 11 00:01:12,865 --> 00:01:15,952 You're lucky these guards are here or I'd take your head off. 12 00:01:16,035 --> 00:01:17,161 You'd try. 13 00:01:17,244 --> 00:01:21,206 After everything we did for you. Took you in. Taught you to ride. 14 00:01:21,415 --> 00:01:23,125 Saved your life more than once. 15 00:01:23,250 --> 00:01:26,838 And I thank you for all of that. But I have to follow my destiny. 16 00:01:27,005 --> 00:01:30,424 Betraying your friends and joining these Dragon Hunter scum? 17 00:01:30,591 --> 00:01:33,636 You don't know what it's like to be truly alone, Astrid. 18 00:01:33,719 --> 00:01:34,971 Dagur is my brother. 19 00:01:35,054 --> 00:01:36,388 I trust him with my life. 20 00:01:36,555 --> 00:01:38,223 You'll regret that. Believe me. 21 00:01:38,307 --> 00:01:40,267 Hm. Well, your concern is touching, 22 00:01:40,434 --> 00:01:43,479 but if I were you, I'd be more worried about myself. 23 00:01:44,438 --> 00:01:45,272 Come. 24 00:01:45,857 --> 00:01:49,735 Ryker wants information and he can be very persuasive. 25 00:01:54,406 --> 00:01:55,324 Morning, bud. 26 00:01:58,327 --> 00:02:00,287 Hey, Snotlout. You up? 27 00:02:00,913 --> 00:02:03,749 Yes. Somebody snores. 28 00:02:04,083 --> 00:02:05,751 Hookfang! 29 00:02:09,797 --> 00:02:12,508 Great. I am starving. We'll cook these up and-- 30 00:02:13,300 --> 00:02:15,011 Okay. Okay, all right. 31 00:02:16,054 --> 00:02:18,222 Okay. No. Stop it. 32 00:02:19,390 --> 00:02:21,350 Hey! Hey! Gimme that! 33 00:02:22,476 --> 00:02:24,603 - Somebody's feeling better. - Stop that! 34 00:02:26,064 --> 00:02:28,941 -Stop! What are you doing? -Trying to figure out where 35 00:02:29,025 --> 00:02:30,401 the Dragon Hunters are headed. 36 00:02:30,568 --> 00:02:32,570 That's a bad idea. Even if we find them, 37 00:02:32,653 --> 00:02:35,364 they have those "one shot and you drop" poison arrows. 38 00:02:35,447 --> 00:02:36,281 What do we do then? 39 00:02:36,448 --> 00:02:38,743 Well, I have no idea. 40 00:02:38,910 --> 00:02:42,371 I gotta be honest. That's not the answer I was hoping for. 41 00:02:42,454 --> 00:02:44,289 Hookfang! 42 00:02:44,707 --> 00:02:48,168 Okay, we always knew this could happen. The day has come. 43 00:02:48,335 --> 00:02:53,382 Hiccup's gone dry. It's up to Snotfang to come up with a plan. 44 00:02:56,802 --> 00:03:00,472 Just squeeze some brilliance out of this thick beautiful skull. 45 00:03:00,765 --> 00:03:01,640 I've got it! 46 00:03:01,891 --> 00:03:05,144 I would've come up with something. I was so close. 47 00:03:05,310 --> 00:03:07,939 Come on, Snotlout, we've got some hard riding to do. 48 00:03:17,907 --> 00:03:18,783 Astrid, are you okay? 49 00:03:19,283 --> 00:03:23,370 Just tired. They questioned me all night. Wouldn't let me sleep. 50 00:03:23,537 --> 00:03:26,040 -They? -Dagur and Heather mostly. 51 00:03:26,165 --> 00:03:30,377 That Ryker guy doesn't say much. He just... stares. 52 00:03:30,586 --> 00:03:33,756 Yeah, but you hung tough. You didn't crack. You never talked. 53 00:03:33,839 --> 00:03:35,466 Way to go, Astrid. 54 00:03:35,925 --> 00:03:37,718 Actually, I did talk. 55 00:03:38,594 --> 00:03:39,428 Oh. 56 00:03:39,511 --> 00:03:40,679 Way to go, Astrid. 57 00:03:40,972 --> 00:03:45,101 I told Ryker what he wanted to know. The location of the Dragon Eye. 58 00:03:45,267 --> 00:03:46,477 They're after the Dragon Eye? 59 00:03:46,644 --> 00:03:48,520 It's important to the Dragon Hunters. 60 00:03:48,604 --> 00:03:50,773 They've been looking for it for a long time. 61 00:03:50,940 --> 00:03:52,524 And where did you tell them it was? 62 00:03:52,608 --> 00:03:54,234 Back at Dragon's Edge 63 00:03:54,318 --> 00:03:58,030 where it's being guarded by all the other riders we left behind. 64 00:03:58,280 --> 00:03:59,531 What? No one's-- 65 00:03:59,698 --> 00:04:01,993 Supposed to know about it. I know. 66 00:04:03,619 --> 00:04:07,289 Yeah, Dragon's Edge is like a fortress. Lots of Dragon Riders. 67 00:04:07,372 --> 00:04:10,001 Under the command of "Captain Gustav." 68 00:04:10,417 --> 00:04:13,295 Wait. "Captain Gustav"? He outranks me? 69 00:04:13,838 --> 00:04:17,967 Only thing I could think of to keep them from taking over Dragon's Edge. 70 00:04:18,134 --> 00:04:19,259 Ha! And they bought it? 71 00:04:19,468 --> 00:04:23,139 For now. Eventually, Ryker will send someone there to check it out. 72 00:04:23,305 --> 00:04:24,723 You bought us time. 73 00:04:24,890 --> 00:04:28,186 Exactly. We need to get out before they find out I was bluffing. 74 00:04:28,268 --> 00:04:29,228 Any ideas? 75 00:04:29,436 --> 00:04:33,024 Way ahead of you. I have the perfect plan. 76 00:04:33,649 --> 00:04:35,317 We tunnel out. 77 00:04:37,028 --> 00:04:39,530 -Through the boat? -Into the middle of the sea? 78 00:04:39,738 --> 00:04:43,201 Exactly. They will never see it coming. Even I won't! 79 00:04:43,408 --> 00:04:45,661 Especially because I don't know how to swim. 80 00:04:45,744 --> 00:04:51,625 Okay, mental note, learn to swim. By tomorrow, or mid next week. 81 00:04:54,879 --> 00:04:57,464 -Is that the island we're going to? -No. 82 00:04:57,548 --> 00:04:59,050 -How about that one? -Also no. 83 00:05:00,676 --> 00:05:01,760 That one? 84 00:05:02,970 --> 00:05:07,850 For the last time... Oh, yeah, that's exactly the one. My bad. 85 00:05:15,691 --> 00:05:17,276 Hiccup, I recognize these holes. 86 00:05:17,359 --> 00:05:21,072 Why didn't you tell me we were going to an island of Whispering Deaths? 87 00:05:21,155 --> 00:05:23,615 Because I knew you would react exactly like this. 88 00:05:23,699 --> 00:05:26,660 Besides, this isn't an island full of Whispering Deaths. 89 00:05:26,744 --> 00:05:28,579 Somebody else lives here, too. 90 00:05:35,377 --> 00:05:39,131 Oh, the Screaming Death? Why don't we wave him over and have him kill us? 91 00:05:39,298 --> 00:05:43,427 Would you just relax? When he gets closer, he'll recognize us and calm down... 92 00:05:43,510 --> 00:05:44,386 I hope. 93 00:05:45,263 --> 00:05:47,639 "Come on out to Screaming Death Island. 94 00:05:47,723 --> 00:05:49,892 We'll have a few laughs. Get killed." 95 00:05:51,269 --> 00:05:53,104 Worst plan ever. 96 00:05:54,772 --> 00:05:56,815 This guy hates us. Let's get out of here. 97 00:05:56,982 --> 00:05:57,816 Have you forgotten? 98 00:05:57,900 --> 00:05:59,277 We reunited him with his mother. 99 00:05:59,443 --> 00:06:01,028 No, but it looks like he has. 100 00:06:07,367 --> 00:06:08,827 Come on, bud. Faster! 101 00:06:09,536 --> 00:06:11,538 Or maybe he does remember what we did 102 00:06:11,622 --> 00:06:14,041 and he just has a lousy relationship with his mom? 103 00:06:14,125 --> 00:06:16,919 Head for those clouds. As soon as we enter, bank right. 104 00:06:23,884 --> 00:06:27,387 The plan is, wait till he tires himself out then head home, right? 105 00:06:27,471 --> 00:06:29,307 Nope. We're going back down there. 106 00:06:29,389 --> 00:06:31,642 There's something in those tunnels we need. 107 00:06:31,725 --> 00:06:33,393 Why can't you ever say yes? 108 00:06:39,775 --> 00:06:40,609 Got it. 109 00:06:44,363 --> 00:06:47,325 How about this? We set our cell on fire and-- 110 00:06:47,783 --> 00:06:48,867 Uh, no! 111 00:06:48,951 --> 00:06:49,910 I have an idea, we-- 112 00:06:49,994 --> 00:06:54,414 How about psychological warfare? We learn our guards' names. Get them to like us. 113 00:06:54,498 --> 00:06:57,126 And then eventually they'll lower their guard and... 114 00:06:57,293 --> 00:06:59,628 Boring. 115 00:06:59,795 --> 00:07:01,255 -What if-- -Acid! 116 00:07:01,380 --> 00:07:05,050 Okay, fine. Shutting down the Ruffnut idea farm. 117 00:07:05,134 --> 00:07:07,552 No milk served here. 118 00:07:07,678 --> 00:07:10,973 But the Tuffnut idea farm has a mighty fine harvest. 119 00:07:11,056 --> 00:07:12,766 We use acid to cut through the bars! 120 00:07:12,850 --> 00:07:14,143 And where do we get the acid? 121 00:07:14,226 --> 00:07:15,602 I'm still working that out. 122 00:07:15,811 --> 00:07:17,437 That plan won't work anymore 123 00:07:17,521 --> 00:07:19,940 than your "Ruffnut marries the guard, divorces him 124 00:07:20,024 --> 00:07:22,026 and gets the key in the settlement" plan. 125 00:07:24,486 --> 00:07:25,863 Ryker wants to see you. 126 00:07:26,488 --> 00:07:27,323 Me? 127 00:07:27,406 --> 00:07:29,491 No, all of you. Let's go. 128 00:07:39,418 --> 00:07:45,924 I am Ryker. This is my ship. You are my prisoners. 129 00:07:46,133 --> 00:07:49,887 And your dragons are now my dragons. 130 00:07:50,637 --> 00:07:54,308 And how they get treated is entirely up to you. 131 00:08:03,567 --> 00:08:05,110 Meatlug! 132 00:08:08,655 --> 00:08:10,991 This Gronckle is being very helpful. 133 00:08:11,075 --> 00:08:12,701 Her name is Meatlug. 134 00:08:12,784 --> 00:08:16,955 I don't care. All I care is that it makes me metal, 135 00:08:17,039 --> 00:08:19,375 all day and all night. 136 00:08:31,178 --> 00:08:36,683 Hm, perfect. Razor sharp tips for our spears and ballistas. 137 00:08:37,601 --> 00:08:38,560 You can't do that to her. 138 00:08:39,728 --> 00:08:41,772 Oh, I can. And I will. 139 00:08:47,069 --> 00:08:50,155 Poor Barf and Belch. What torture are they enduring? 140 00:08:50,364 --> 00:08:54,618 I can't look. Because... my hands are over my eyes. 141 00:08:55,119 --> 00:08:56,703 Well, this is more like it. 142 00:08:59,248 --> 00:09:01,041 Someone recognizes quality. 143 00:09:01,250 --> 00:09:02,418 He likes the fish. 144 00:09:02,626 --> 00:09:06,255 Hey, rub me down with some of that grease. I'm feeling dry. 145 00:09:06,422 --> 00:09:09,133 This hide'll fetch top prices in the northern markets. 146 00:09:09,216 --> 00:09:13,262 Sure. It's soft and supple, the color... Oh, the col-- Wait. What? 147 00:09:13,845 --> 00:09:17,349 Ooh, Zippleback boots. I always wanted a pair. 148 00:09:18,142 --> 00:09:20,811 This is what faces all your dragons. 149 00:09:21,686 --> 00:09:24,606 Of course, they could get better treatment. 150 00:09:24,773 --> 00:09:26,484 Don't just leave me hanging. How? 151 00:09:27,443 --> 00:09:29,361 Start giving me some real answers! 152 00:09:29,445 --> 00:09:31,489 Tell me what you know about the Dragon Eye. 153 00:09:31,571 --> 00:09:33,573 Exactly how many riders guard your base? 154 00:09:39,121 --> 00:09:43,208 Very well. Keep fattening this one up. More to sell. 155 00:09:43,292 --> 00:09:47,087 Please! Please, don't hurt our dragon. I'll do anything. 156 00:09:47,254 --> 00:09:49,381 -Then tell me what I want to know. -Come on. 157 00:09:49,548 --> 00:09:53,511 Ruff. Stop. Thorstons don't beg. Except for food... 158 00:09:53,802 --> 00:09:55,762 Or money, or housing. 159 00:09:56,805 --> 00:10:00,017 Or any other thing that we need. This isn't a good argument. 160 00:10:01,310 --> 00:10:04,604 You want to save your dragon? Then give me some information. 161 00:10:06,357 --> 00:10:08,317 - No, never! - Huh? 162 00:10:08,484 --> 00:10:10,694 Sorry. Lost my head there for a second. 163 00:10:10,861 --> 00:10:14,906 Interesting. Something you and your dragon may soon have in common. 164 00:10:14,990 --> 00:10:16,325 Get them out of my sight. 165 00:10:18,118 --> 00:10:20,538 Did the Screaming Death look even bigger to you? 166 00:10:20,620 --> 00:10:21,872 That's what I was counting on. 167 00:10:21,955 --> 00:10:23,874 Oh, really? Thanks for letting me know. 168 00:10:24,375 --> 00:10:26,668 Because if he grew that means he had to molt. 169 00:10:26,751 --> 00:10:30,672 And if he shed his skin, there should be old scales around here somewhere. 170 00:10:30,755 --> 00:10:31,673 Like those! 171 00:10:31,923 --> 00:10:34,301 If you're thinking what I think you're thinking, 172 00:10:34,385 --> 00:10:36,554 I think your thinking is the worst plan ever. 173 00:10:37,137 --> 00:10:38,138 Well, I disagree. 174 00:10:38,222 --> 00:10:42,017 I stand corrected. There was that whole "let Meatlug get captured" idea. 175 00:10:42,100 --> 00:10:44,603 That was genius. Really brilliant. A work of art. 176 00:10:44,686 --> 00:10:47,272 Let's get to work. We probably have an hour or two 177 00:10:47,356 --> 00:10:49,525 before the Screaming Death... 178 00:10:49,608 --> 00:10:51,651 Hiccup, stop acting like you're friends. 179 00:10:51,735 --> 00:10:54,405 You don't know this dragon and he doesn't know you. 180 00:10:54,488 --> 00:10:58,200 Toothless and I will draw his fire. You try to make it outta here with 181 00:10:58,283 --> 00:11:00,869 as many scales as you can carry. 182 00:11:01,620 --> 00:11:03,539 -Hiccup... -No, don't even say it. 183 00:11:05,957 --> 00:11:07,418 We're gonna die. 184 00:11:16,218 --> 00:11:17,595 What just happened? Did we die? 185 00:11:17,677 --> 00:11:21,515 The Screaming Death didn't remember us, but it looks like his mother did. 186 00:11:24,184 --> 00:11:27,312 Okay, we're good. Now get those scales together, fast! 187 00:11:28,230 --> 00:11:30,148 What if we tunnel through the ceiling? 188 00:11:30,232 --> 00:11:31,816 Technically, that's not a tunnel. 189 00:11:32,025 --> 00:11:34,945 It isn't? There's no such thing as a ceiling tunnel, Fishlegs? 190 00:11:35,112 --> 00:11:36,196 -Guys, I have-- -Listen up. 191 00:11:36,280 --> 00:11:39,032 I've memorized the guards' schedules and I have a plan. 192 00:11:39,116 --> 00:11:41,743 But we need a way to get this door open first. 193 00:11:41,910 --> 00:11:44,329 You mean like this key I stole from the guard? 194 00:11:46,290 --> 00:11:47,666 Wait. But, how did you... 195 00:11:58,135 --> 00:12:02,640 Please, come on! I need... 196 00:12:05,559 --> 00:12:10,147 Yeah, you guys should try listening to me every now and again. Ruffnut idea farm. 197 00:12:10,230 --> 00:12:11,106 Back in business. 198 00:12:11,273 --> 00:12:15,611 All right. As soon as I take out the guards, we split up and get our dragons. 199 00:12:15,694 --> 00:12:17,321 Then we blast our way outta here. 200 00:12:17,404 --> 00:12:19,030 Okay, and go where? 201 00:12:19,114 --> 00:12:21,741 Straight up. Out of the range of those arrows. 202 00:12:25,579 --> 00:12:28,039 Guard! Gard! I can't take it. 203 00:12:28,499 --> 00:12:32,210 I want to save my dragon. I'll tell Ryker what he wants to know. 204 00:12:36,214 --> 00:12:37,132 Oh! 205 00:12:40,218 --> 00:12:43,347 One last thing, if this is like the other Dragon Hunter ship, 206 00:12:43,430 --> 00:12:46,141 there could be booby traps anywhere, so be careful. 207 00:12:46,224 --> 00:12:47,851 Oh, great. Now she tells us. 208 00:12:47,934 --> 00:12:49,227 See you up there. 209 00:12:49,311 --> 00:12:51,855 He means up in the sky, right? Not Valhalla? 210 00:12:51,938 --> 00:12:54,483 Not sure. Let's ask him. Oh, he's gone. 211 00:12:58,445 --> 00:13:03,908 Meatlug! Oh, I missed you too, girl. We're getting out of here. 212 00:13:03,992 --> 00:13:05,994 Just let me check on something first. 213 00:13:07,663 --> 00:13:10,749 Gronckle Iron, I knew it! They must have the formula. 214 00:13:11,458 --> 00:13:13,877 Hm, now what was that guy feeding you? 215 00:13:19,717 --> 00:13:21,552 Hey, girl. 216 00:13:21,635 --> 00:13:24,262 You didn't think I'd leave you here, did you? 217 00:13:27,098 --> 00:13:28,892 Hm. Barf, Belch. 218 00:13:29,059 --> 00:13:30,060 We are here to save you. 219 00:13:34,565 --> 00:13:36,316 You heard her, you pampered lizard. 220 00:13:36,400 --> 00:13:38,527 We're here to rescue you, so let's go. 221 00:13:40,529 --> 00:13:43,114 Looks like somebody forgot who the boss is. 222 00:13:43,198 --> 00:13:44,032 Yeah! 223 00:13:46,410 --> 00:13:47,327 Who's the boss? 224 00:13:51,373 --> 00:13:52,249 Uh-oh. 225 00:13:54,292 --> 00:13:57,504 If I could just find out what the last ingredient was... Oh. 226 00:13:58,505 --> 00:13:59,673 Come on! 227 00:14:01,800 --> 00:14:05,637 -Come on! We're trying to save you. -You're gonna get us caught. 228 00:14:09,600 --> 00:14:11,184 Hey, what are you guys up to? 229 00:14:15,522 --> 00:14:17,190 You're not going anywhere, Astrid. 230 00:14:17,524 --> 00:14:20,736 Maybe not. But I'm really going to enjoy this. 231 00:14:21,111 --> 00:14:22,696 Oh, I doubt that. 232 00:14:28,326 --> 00:14:31,288 Did I, or did I not warn you about them? 233 00:14:31,371 --> 00:14:32,748 They never quit. 234 00:14:32,831 --> 00:14:33,915 Annoying. 235 00:14:38,629 --> 00:14:41,005 Ryker, Rykey, Ryker-man. 236 00:14:41,089 --> 00:14:43,550 Can we please just work together on this? 237 00:14:43,634 --> 00:14:45,885 You know dragons. I know Dragon Riders. 238 00:14:45,969 --> 00:14:46,845 And... 239 00:14:47,011 --> 00:14:49,347 Send a message. Throw one over the side. 240 00:14:50,890 --> 00:14:51,850 It'll be so fun. 241 00:14:52,309 --> 00:14:53,143 Ooh. 242 00:14:53,310 --> 00:14:55,813 An excellent idea. Unless, of course, 243 00:14:55,979 --> 00:15:00,442 you think Viggo might want to question them personally about the Dragon Eye. 244 00:15:00,900 --> 00:15:03,821 I have a better idea. Why not put them to work? 245 00:15:04,237 --> 00:15:06,657 -I'd prefer to go overboard. -Uh-huh. 246 00:15:07,031 --> 00:15:09,576 Split them up so they can't plot any more escapes. 247 00:15:09,660 --> 00:15:12,454 And make them serve you, as their dragons do. 248 00:15:12,579 --> 00:15:15,666 You know? I like that idea. Put 'em to work. 249 00:15:15,749 --> 00:15:18,710 But the next one who tries to escape goes over the side. 250 00:15:19,210 --> 00:15:23,047 Well, it's obvious who got the brains in your family, eh? 251 00:15:27,135 --> 00:15:28,637 Oh, I get it, that's a... 252 00:15:28,846 --> 00:15:30,639 What was that all about, sis? 253 00:15:30,889 --> 00:15:34,142 I was protecting you, brother. From what you told me about him, 254 00:15:34,225 --> 00:15:37,187 I doubt Viggo takes kindly to losing valuable property. 255 00:15:37,270 --> 00:15:41,733 If anything happens to the riders, let Ryker be on the hook for it, not you. 256 00:15:42,984 --> 00:15:45,362 You are my sister, aren't you? 257 00:15:48,824 --> 00:15:53,453 That's amazing. You're almost done already. And Snotlout, your workmanship... 258 00:15:53,620 --> 00:15:56,748 My mother taught me everything I know. 259 00:15:57,207 --> 00:15:59,292 Well, if this works, remind me to thank her. 260 00:15:59,417 --> 00:16:02,253 All right, next step, find those Dragon Hunters. 261 00:16:07,467 --> 00:16:11,388 So, let me get this straight, Heather took you down all by herself? 262 00:16:11,471 --> 00:16:12,514 She had an axe. 263 00:16:13,056 --> 00:16:16,768 Yes, and you had arms, which are axes without blades. 264 00:16:16,935 --> 00:16:17,811 Ugh! 265 00:16:17,895 --> 00:16:21,565 This is yet another argument for why I say always carry an axe. 266 00:16:22,900 --> 00:16:24,943 I mean, cleaning. 267 00:16:25,443 --> 00:16:27,654 Yeah, my fine fellow. 268 00:16:30,866 --> 00:16:34,452 Don't try and make up with me, mister. This is your fault. 269 00:16:35,579 --> 00:16:39,499 Don't you go taking his side, other mister. You're in this, too. 270 00:16:46,130 --> 00:16:49,593 Three parts limestone, two parts sandstone, 271 00:16:49,801 --> 00:16:54,598 one part iron ore, one giant spoon of hardened Gronckle lava, yeah! 272 00:16:56,099 --> 00:16:57,517 Right, back to the sorting. 273 00:17:04,649 --> 00:17:09,738 How do you not get that having an axe is a huge advantage in a fight? 274 00:17:10,071 --> 00:17:11,740 It isn't if you have a mace. 275 00:17:11,907 --> 00:17:15,869 I didn't have a mace, or a sword, or a crossbow. 276 00:17:16,119 --> 00:17:17,579 Now we're getting hypothetical? 277 00:17:17,662 --> 00:17:20,290 Bet you didn't have eyes that could shoot fire either. 278 00:17:20,540 --> 00:17:21,374 I mean... 279 00:17:21,458 --> 00:17:25,003 Dragons sighted off the starboard bow. With riders! 280 00:17:25,086 --> 00:17:26,797 It's Hiccup and Snot-hat. 281 00:17:26,880 --> 00:17:30,008 Standby catapults. Archers at the ready. 282 00:17:31,050 --> 00:17:32,677 Wait till they're in range. 283 00:17:33,011 --> 00:17:36,347 Hiccup, as far as worst plans go, this has to be, by far, 284 00:17:36,431 --> 00:17:37,891 your best worst plan ever. 285 00:17:37,975 --> 00:17:40,226 Uh, I'll take that as a compliment. 286 00:17:43,313 --> 00:17:44,982 Oh, look at... 287 00:17:45,023 --> 00:17:49,820 He's coming straight in. Suicide run. I didn't think he had it in him. 288 00:17:49,987 --> 00:17:50,988 The fool. 289 00:17:51,488 --> 00:17:53,991 Hiccup is no fool. What is he up to? 290 00:17:54,825 --> 00:17:58,495 Well, I'll be sure to ask him after I knock him out of the sky. 291 00:17:58,578 --> 00:17:59,913 Hunters, fire at will! 292 00:18:05,084 --> 00:18:06,127 Oh, oh! 293 00:18:06,377 --> 00:18:07,754 Look! 294 00:18:08,880 --> 00:18:10,340 Uh, what is going on? 295 00:18:15,219 --> 00:18:17,681 They're wearing some sort of dragon armor! 296 00:18:18,932 --> 00:18:19,808 Come at me. 297 00:18:21,852 --> 00:18:22,686 Now or never. 298 00:18:24,187 --> 00:18:25,772 I hate cleaning... 299 00:18:27,065 --> 00:18:28,650 a lot, as you can see. 300 00:18:31,277 --> 00:18:34,865 Yeah? Well, looks like there's some more cleaning up to do. 301 00:18:46,250 --> 00:18:47,335 Meatlug, hug! 302 00:19:08,356 --> 00:19:11,401 Okay, that's a start, but don't even think for a second 303 00:19:11,484 --> 00:19:13,862 that we are close to being even, misters. 304 00:19:22,453 --> 00:19:23,580 Your armor's loose. 305 00:19:23,747 --> 00:19:27,375 I knew I should have used a lock stitch, not a cross stitch. 306 00:19:27,458 --> 00:19:31,755 Stupid, Snotlout, stupid. Oh, mom's gonna be so disappointed in me. 307 00:19:32,130 --> 00:19:35,550 Let's hope it holds. Now, take out those two support ships. 308 00:19:43,683 --> 00:19:45,060 Let's go get our dragons. 309 00:19:47,771 --> 00:19:48,730 She's mine. 310 00:20:05,914 --> 00:20:07,749 Stormfly, we're leaving. 311 00:20:09,250 --> 00:20:10,877 Don't you ever give up? 312 00:20:11,294 --> 00:20:12,211 Don't you? 313 00:20:23,848 --> 00:20:27,477 He's lost some of his armor. We've got him now! 314 00:20:28,061 --> 00:20:31,189 Men! Concentrate all fire on the Night Fury. 315 00:20:51,209 --> 00:20:53,670 Looks like I'll have to do this myself. 316 00:20:58,549 --> 00:21:01,344 I told you, you were messing with the wrong Viking. 317 00:21:11,354 --> 00:21:12,772 Yeah! 318 00:21:13,940 --> 00:21:15,066 Whoa! 319 00:21:16,026 --> 00:21:19,904 I may have underestimated these Dragon Riders. 320 00:21:22,490 --> 00:21:26,285 Did I see Dagur on that ship? Is he with the Dragon Hunters? 321 00:21:26,703 --> 00:21:28,287 Not just Dagur! 322 00:21:28,621 --> 00:21:30,748 Hiccup, we have a lot to talk about. 323 00:21:31,082 --> 00:21:35,419 Screaming Death armor? Yeah, makes sense. Thickest scales of any dragon. 324 00:21:36,004 --> 00:21:39,049 Woo! Excellent workmanship. 325 00:21:39,423 --> 00:21:42,719 I don't know. I'm surprised you didn't use a lockstitch. 326 00:21:42,886 --> 00:21:44,554 I'll use it right now on your mouth. 327 00:21:44,637 --> 00:21:45,889 Hey, it did the trick. 328 00:21:46,472 --> 00:21:47,598 It looks heavy. 329 00:21:47,849 --> 00:21:50,309 Maybe we should try a set made out of Gronckle iron, 330 00:21:50,393 --> 00:21:51,853 now that I have the formula. 331 00:21:52,270 --> 00:21:54,105 Well, we might need to do just that. 332 00:21:54,189 --> 00:21:57,400 I'm pretty sure we've not seen the last of the Dragon Hunters. 333 00:22:00,486 --> 00:22:01,821 So, what's next? 334 00:22:02,030 --> 00:22:03,781 We report back to Viggo. 335 00:22:04,448 --> 00:22:06,034 And, we tell him what? 336 00:22:06,701 --> 00:22:09,746 That we're one step closer to the Dragon Eye.