1 00:00:42,134 --> 00:00:43,261 Oh, my back. 2 00:00:43,428 --> 00:00:46,056 Okay Hiccup, you dragged us all the way up here. 3 00:00:46,222 --> 00:00:48,682 What is it you have to show us? 4 00:00:48,683 --> 00:00:52,979 It better involve food or destruction. Or a combination of the two. 5 00:00:53,145 --> 00:00:55,398 I bet you're wondering why I brought you here today. 6 00:00:55,481 --> 00:00:58,192 And the answer is, to show you my latest invention. 7 00:00:58,276 --> 00:01:01,279 Presenting the Dragonfly One. 8 00:01:03,281 --> 00:01:04,490 Huh? Huh? 9 00:01:09,955 --> 00:01:12,082 The chicken is not amused. 10 00:01:13,541 --> 00:01:14,626 What is it? 11 00:01:15,418 --> 00:01:16,586 It's a flight suit. 12 00:01:18,296 --> 00:01:21,735 - Don't all applaud at once. - Hiccup, I don't need to remind you 13 00:01:21,770 --> 00:01:23,927 that we already have flying dragons. 14 00:01:24,010 --> 00:01:27,419 - Why would we ever need a flight suit? - Well, what if we were 15 00:01:27,454 --> 00:01:29,933 to get separated from our dragons mid-flight? 16 00:01:30,016 --> 00:01:33,311 We might need to solo fly until we catch up with them again. 17 00:01:33,478 --> 00:01:35,855 When this doesn't work, and it clearly will not, 18 00:01:35,939 --> 00:01:37,189 can I have Toothless? 19 00:01:37,983 --> 00:01:40,150 Oh, for Thor's sake. 20 00:01:45,907 --> 00:01:47,867 What are you planning on doing here? 21 00:01:47,993 --> 00:01:50,453 Jumping. Unless someone has a better idea. 22 00:01:51,329 --> 00:01:52,664 Boys! 23 00:01:54,624 --> 00:01:57,376 Guys, relax! Feel that updraft? 24 00:01:57,377 --> 00:01:59,129 That's why I chose this place. 25 00:01:59,211 --> 00:02:01,965 It'll pick up my wings and I'll be floating on a bed of air. 26 00:02:08,220 --> 00:02:10,222 Or crashing on a bed of rock. 27 00:02:11,432 --> 00:02:12,851 Okay, everyone. 28 00:02:12,934 --> 00:02:15,186 Dragonfly One, maiden flight. 29 00:02:23,319 --> 00:02:24,236 Hiccup! 30 00:02:26,781 --> 00:02:30,347 I don't know about you guys, but I was under the impression 31 00:02:30,348 --> 00:02:32,370 that a flight suit was supposed to fly. 32 00:02:32,453 --> 00:02:35,165 Yeah, that looks more like a plummet suit. 33 00:02:40,837 --> 00:02:41,671 Do it again. 34 00:02:45,925 --> 00:02:48,720 Okay, so I made a few tweaks. 35 00:02:48,803 --> 00:02:51,556 Now behold some serious flying. 36 00:02:53,349 --> 00:02:55,560 Yeah, baby! 37 00:03:03,568 --> 00:03:06,738 This time, I absolutely know where I went wrong. 38 00:03:06,821 --> 00:03:10,116 You see, it's all in the timing. I just judged the updrafts wrong. 39 00:03:10,200 --> 00:03:12,535 I assure you, I definitely have it now. 40 00:03:13,203 --> 00:03:16,372 Wait, Toothless. Don't worry, bud. I've got this under control. 41 00:03:19,542 --> 00:03:21,002 See? There it is. 42 00:03:21,335 --> 00:03:23,004 Okay, now! 43 00:03:26,424 --> 00:03:27,383 Come on! 44 00:03:31,930 --> 00:03:32,764 Whoa! 45 00:03:34,724 --> 00:03:35,934 Wait! 46 00:03:36,392 --> 00:03:37,227 I'm flying? 47 00:03:38,103 --> 00:03:39,353 I'm flying! 48 00:03:40,230 --> 00:03:41,814 Woo-hoo! 49 00:03:49,114 --> 00:03:50,156 Excellent! 50 00:03:50,990 --> 00:03:54,535 I cannot believe that hunk of junk actually worked. 51 00:03:55,828 --> 00:03:57,663 Okay, right turn. 52 00:04:01,084 --> 00:04:03,920 Okay, well, I might have to work on the steering a little bit. 53 00:04:04,003 --> 00:04:05,088 Toothless! 54 00:04:09,801 --> 00:04:11,970 Oh, Thor! Oh, Thor! 55 00:04:13,054 --> 00:04:14,222 What the... 56 00:04:25,108 --> 00:04:26,609 Thanks for the save, bud. 57 00:04:27,819 --> 00:04:28,861 Whoa! 58 00:04:30,404 --> 00:04:31,239 Again. 59 00:04:31,697 --> 00:04:35,785 Well, it looks like our flight tests are probably over for the day. 60 00:04:37,536 --> 00:04:40,706 Okay, that's it. You're done with this. 61 00:04:40,873 --> 00:04:42,917 Right. For now. 62 00:04:44,252 --> 00:04:47,255 - What was that? - It sounded like a dragon in distress. 63 00:04:47,338 --> 00:04:50,341 Uh, guys? Something about that call seems strangely familiar. 64 00:04:50,508 --> 00:04:52,384 Not good familiar. Bad familiar. 65 00:04:53,427 --> 00:04:54,262 Huh? 66 00:04:55,054 --> 00:04:56,848 - Uh, guys? - Snotlout, come on. 67 00:04:57,807 --> 00:04:59,433 You've got to be kidding me. 68 00:05:00,226 --> 00:05:02,312 The calls are coming from up ahead. 69 00:05:08,026 --> 00:05:09,152 A Speed Stinger. 70 00:05:09,777 --> 00:05:12,322 Speed Stinger. Why did it have to be a Speed Stinger? 71 00:05:12,488 --> 00:05:13,781 It looks like a young one. 72 00:05:14,157 --> 00:05:17,202 Why would it be out during the day? They're nocturnal dragons. 73 00:05:17,368 --> 00:05:19,245 Ah. Poor little guy. Let's head home! 74 00:05:19,329 --> 00:05:21,518 It's certainly getting dark, and where there's one 75 00:05:21,519 --> 00:05:23,708 Speed Stinger, there's usually a whole pack of them! 76 00:05:28,587 --> 00:05:33,092 Hiccup, its leg is badly injured and Speed Stingers can't fly. 77 00:05:33,259 --> 00:05:35,469 That's why we can't leave it to predators. 78 00:05:35,594 --> 00:05:36,762 Come on, Toothless. 79 00:05:40,808 --> 00:05:42,601 Is he seriously going back? 80 00:05:42,768 --> 00:05:46,147 Snotlout, meet Hiccup. Of course he's going back! 81 00:05:46,314 --> 00:05:47,439 Oh, come on! 82 00:05:49,608 --> 00:05:51,861 Hey, whoa, no, no. 83 00:05:51,944 --> 00:05:53,738 Easy there. Easy, little fella. 84 00:05:56,115 --> 00:05:58,408 It looks like it can defend itself just fine. 85 00:05:58,492 --> 00:05:59,744 Let's get out of here. 86 00:05:59,911 --> 00:06:02,747 - Ssh! Quiet down, Snotlout. - You quiet down. 87 00:06:02,914 --> 00:06:06,376 Unfortunately this little guy won't be a match for wild boars or dragons. 88 00:06:06,542 --> 00:06:09,419 A Speed Stinger without its pack is extremely vulnerable. 89 00:06:09,587 --> 00:06:11,943 He must've gotten separated from the others, 90 00:06:11,944 --> 00:06:14,300 and they had to go to shelter before the sun came out. 91 00:06:14,384 --> 00:06:17,553 - Sounds right. Let's go. - Snotlout, we can't leave him like this. 92 00:06:17,636 --> 00:06:19,364 We'll bring it back to Dragon's Edge, 93 00:06:19,365 --> 00:06:21,957 nurse it back to health, then bring it back here. 94 00:06:28,898 --> 00:06:31,817 Ruff? Tuff? You understand the plan, right? 95 00:06:31,984 --> 00:06:33,736 - Yeah. Of course. - Definitely. 96 00:06:34,486 --> 00:06:35,905 - No. - Nope. 97 00:06:35,988 --> 00:06:37,240 - Nu-uh. - All right. 98 00:06:37,407 --> 00:06:39,847 You secure the Stinger so I can set the splint 99 00:06:39,848 --> 00:06:42,287 with the broken pieces of Dragonfly One. 100 00:06:42,370 --> 00:06:46,332 And be careful! We all remember what these guys' stings can do to you. 101 00:06:46,416 --> 00:06:49,794 You don't have to remind me. I know exactly what they can do. 102 00:06:52,213 --> 00:06:54,799 This plan is insane. You know that, right? 103 00:06:54,882 --> 00:06:57,760 If I'm saying it's insane, it's actually insane. 104 00:06:57,927 --> 00:07:01,973 Actually, it is insane. And for once, it wasn't our plan. 105 00:07:02,056 --> 00:07:06,185 - I'm seeing a pattern here! - First that lunatic flight suit, now this. 106 00:07:06,269 --> 00:07:09,563 - Could it be? - Is Hiccup coming over to our side? 107 00:07:09,647 --> 00:07:11,415 Oh, Loki, please let it be so! 108 00:07:11,416 --> 00:07:14,068 We will welcome him with open arms. 109 00:07:14,152 --> 00:07:18,948 Teach him the ways of the truly disturbed! 110 00:07:19,449 --> 00:07:21,451 Guys, please. Let's just do this. 111 00:07:26,956 --> 00:07:27,790 Whoa! 112 00:07:28,207 --> 00:07:29,417 Come and get me, Stinger. 113 00:07:29,500 --> 00:07:32,003 Fresh meat on the grill, right over here. 114 00:07:32,086 --> 00:07:34,880 No! Over here! I'm all yours. 115 00:07:35,047 --> 00:07:37,883 Turn me into a pin cushion! I'll give it to you as a target. 116 00:07:37,967 --> 00:07:38,926 Ooh. It's my butt! 117 00:07:40,970 --> 00:07:42,972 Is that it? That's all you've got? 118 00:07:43,139 --> 00:07:46,184 Guys, what are you doing? I meant secure the tail! 119 00:07:46,600 --> 00:07:48,102 Hey! We know what we're doing! 120 00:07:48,394 --> 00:07:49,666 Whoa! 121 00:07:49,802 --> 00:07:53,232 Whoa, whoa, what's happening to me? I can't... 122 00:07:53,316 --> 00:07:55,067 Talk? She can't talk! 123 00:07:56,527 --> 00:07:58,529 At least I think that's what she's saying. 124 00:07:58,696 --> 00:08:02,116 Hm. Interesting. Only part of her is paralyzed. 125 00:08:02,283 --> 00:08:03,984 Since it's an adolescent, 126 00:08:03,985 --> 00:08:06,537 its sting potency must not be at full effect. 127 00:08:06,704 --> 00:08:09,165 And how do we get it to sting her lower half? 128 00:08:09,248 --> 00:08:11,209 Here, Speedy. Come on. 129 00:08:11,292 --> 00:08:14,795 It's the whole lower half of Ruffnut. Come on. Don't you want it? 130 00:08:17,215 --> 00:08:18,757 Ha-ha! Yeah! 131 00:08:18,841 --> 00:08:19,675 Uh. 132 00:08:19,842 --> 00:08:21,893 Someone, help Tuff! 133 00:08:23,888 --> 00:08:26,182 - I got the stinger. - I got the head. 134 00:08:28,642 --> 00:08:29,560 There! 135 00:08:33,272 --> 00:08:34,690 Hey, okay. Okay. 136 00:08:35,649 --> 00:08:38,452 - We're here to help you. - Oh. He's gonna do the hand thing. 137 00:08:38,453 --> 00:08:40,779 Please tell me he's gonna do the hand thing! 138 00:08:52,666 --> 00:08:54,752 Okay everyone, I think we're good. 139 00:08:54,835 --> 00:08:57,645 Now let's load him up and get him back to Dragon's Edge. 140 00:08:57,680 --> 00:09:00,282 You know the pack is gonna do 141 00:09:00,283 --> 00:09:02,885 everything in its power to find it, don't you? 142 00:09:02,968 --> 00:09:03,969 Yep. 143 00:09:04,136 --> 00:09:06,180 And that's why we have to get him back on his feet 144 00:09:06,181 --> 00:09:08,879 and back to this island as quickly as we can. 145 00:09:25,366 --> 00:09:27,243 Have a look at this. 146 00:09:33,624 --> 00:09:35,965 - Wow. Nice work. - Uh-huh. 147 00:09:36,000 --> 00:09:39,004 All thanks to the carefully designed rehabilitation program 148 00:09:39,088 --> 00:09:41,382 based on trust and understanding. 149 00:09:43,926 --> 00:09:47,712 - Fishlegs, what's with your arm? - Yeah, let's just say 150 00:09:47,747 --> 00:09:49,890 that the Stinger and I may or may not have had 151 00:09:49,974 --> 00:09:52,810 a few differences of opinion these last few days. 152 00:09:56,021 --> 00:09:59,567 Look at that! It's like a dead old fish. 153 00:09:59,733 --> 00:10:01,360 Okay, Meatlug, let's get back to work. 154 00:10:02,027 --> 00:10:04,872 And we'll bring this, just in case. 155 00:10:20,296 --> 00:10:22,840 Come on, little fella, you can do it! 156 00:10:25,593 --> 00:10:27,261 Alright. There we go, little guy. 157 00:10:27,678 --> 00:10:29,305 Huh! Ornery and stubborn, 158 00:10:29,388 --> 00:10:32,642 but it seems like it's actually accepting Fishlegs and Meatlug. 159 00:10:32,724 --> 00:10:34,726 Well, makes sense, they are pack dragons. 160 00:10:34,810 --> 00:10:36,312 They can only function as a group. 161 00:10:36,395 --> 00:10:40,107 But if they accept you into that group then you have their allegiance. 162 00:10:40,191 --> 00:10:43,194 Wait. You're not actually thinking of trying to train it? 163 00:10:43,277 --> 00:10:46,780 - Are you? - What? No! No. I-I could never. 164 00:10:47,781 --> 00:10:50,742 Well, well, well, lookie here. 165 00:10:51,619 --> 00:10:54,539 Our little friend can stand on his own two claws again. 166 00:10:54,664 --> 00:10:58,626 Only a matter of time before it's trying to sting all of us into oblivion. 167 00:11:01,212 --> 00:11:03,349 My vote is take it back to where we found it. 168 00:11:03,403 --> 00:11:05,675 - I'll get the cage. - Snotlout... 169 00:11:08,594 --> 00:11:11,579 Sontlout, he's staying here. At least for the time being. 170 00:11:11,614 --> 00:11:14,433 Having a Speed Stinger around is way too dangerous, 171 00:11:14,517 --> 00:11:16,394 especially for me. 172 00:11:17,645 --> 00:11:19,480 Not even on your best day, pal. 173 00:11:19,564 --> 00:11:22,247 Good news! The Stinger venom wore... Ugh! 174 00:11:22,525 --> 00:11:23,609 off. 175 00:11:25,152 --> 00:11:27,572 Okay, everyone. No sudden moves. 176 00:11:28,280 --> 00:11:29,574 Who's got jokes? 177 00:11:30,115 --> 00:11:32,243 Frozen from the waist down. Come on. 178 00:11:32,993 --> 00:11:36,247 Hey, settle down, big fella. I'm your friend, remember? 179 00:11:38,207 --> 00:11:40,418 Ruffnut, one. Dead leg, zero. 180 00:11:43,295 --> 00:11:46,298 - Not so dead after all. - Hey. What'd you do that for? 181 00:11:46,382 --> 00:11:48,893 Oh! Like I have any control... 182 00:11:49,260 --> 00:11:52,137 Uh, guys? Quiet down. I think he's agitated. 183 00:11:52,221 --> 00:11:53,222 That makes two of us. 184 00:11:53,305 --> 00:11:56,308 You better control that butt before it gets kicked. 185 00:11:56,515 --> 00:11:57,842 Oh! 186 00:11:57,877 --> 00:12:00,605 Oh, I was afraid of this. Everyone take cover! 187 00:12:05,484 --> 00:12:06,736 Phew! 188 00:12:08,237 --> 00:12:10,948 Please, remain calm. Everything is going to be okay. 189 00:12:11,741 --> 00:12:13,242 Remain calm! 190 00:12:16,537 --> 00:12:17,913 Barf! 191 00:12:19,873 --> 00:12:21,542 Stormfly, spine shot! 192 00:12:34,179 --> 00:12:37,633 - Guys, a little help here? - Uh, no. 193 00:12:44,690 --> 00:12:46,816 That is really unsettling. 194 00:12:47,943 --> 00:12:50,028 Mhm. eExactly as I thought this would end up. 195 00:12:50,112 --> 00:12:53,616 That thing is going to paralyze everyone on the island before this is over. 196 00:12:53,699 --> 00:12:56,139 And then there's going to be no one to take 197 00:12:56,140 --> 00:12:58,579 that stupid dragon back to where we found it. 198 00:12:58,746 --> 00:13:00,810 Alright. I'm too tired to argue with you. 199 00:13:00,811 --> 00:13:02,874 We'll talk about this in the morning. 200 00:13:03,626 --> 00:13:06,629 Hey, if you want to get rid of that Stinger, I'm in. 201 00:13:08,339 --> 00:13:11,823 I don't know how much more of this I can take. 202 00:13:11,824 --> 00:13:13,566 I figure it's him or me. 203 00:13:15,721 --> 00:13:17,682 Good news, little guy. 204 00:13:17,847 --> 00:13:19,891 Your splint comes off today! 205 00:13:19,975 --> 00:13:23,687 Nurse Meatlug, if you would do the honors, please? 206 00:13:33,947 --> 00:13:35,783 Yeah, you see? No more pain. 207 00:13:39,829 --> 00:13:40,705 Whoa! 208 00:13:41,288 --> 00:13:44,114 Wow! You sure had a lot of energy stored up, didn't you. 209 00:13:45,083 --> 00:13:46,001 Oh, dear! 210 00:13:46,168 --> 00:13:49,251 Meatlug, quick, stop him! Speed Stingers can't swim! 211 00:13:58,806 --> 00:14:00,391 Whoa! How did you do that? 212 00:14:03,394 --> 00:14:06,021 Webbing. Of course. 213 00:14:06,104 --> 00:14:09,066 You can't fly, so you needed a way to island hop. 214 00:14:09,149 --> 00:14:10,942 You adapted, evolved. 215 00:14:12,695 --> 00:14:13,821 Oh-ho! That's incredible! 216 00:14:13,903 --> 00:14:16,287 I have to tell Hiccup about this right away! 217 00:14:42,015 --> 00:14:43,851 This is enormous, Fishlegs. 218 00:14:43,934 --> 00:14:47,145 Finally, actual proof of dragon evolution. 219 00:14:47,312 --> 00:14:49,690 - It's historic. - I know, right! 220 00:14:49,774 --> 00:14:52,172 And the Stinger webbing actually inspired me to make a 221 00:14:52,173 --> 00:14:54,570 few changes on a little something I've been working on. 222 00:14:54,653 --> 00:14:57,322 If you say Dragonfly Two, I'm locking you up. 223 00:14:57,406 --> 00:14:59,408 Oh, no. He's gone. 224 00:15:00,033 --> 00:15:02,035 How could he have gotten out of this cage? 225 00:15:02,119 --> 00:15:04,288 He couldn't. At least not on his own. 226 00:15:04,371 --> 00:15:07,226 And I think I have a pretty good idea who helped. 227 00:15:13,338 --> 00:15:16,216 Oh, how cute! He's dreaming. 228 00:15:16,425 --> 00:15:18,051 "No, he's not." 229 00:15:18,135 --> 00:15:19,887 He's waking up. It's almost sunset! 230 00:15:19,970 --> 00:15:23,641 Oh, great. Ruffnut gets paralyzed. Again. 231 00:15:23,849 --> 00:15:26,502 Come on, Hookfang, fly faster! 232 00:15:29,313 --> 00:15:31,356 - Oh, no. - The ropes should hold. 233 00:15:31,523 --> 00:15:33,383 I tied them really... 234 00:15:33,439 --> 00:15:36,862 - tight. Whoops. - "Whoops"?! That's all you got?! 235 00:15:36,946 --> 00:15:40,157 There's other things I wanna say, but none of them are very ladylike. 236 00:15:43,828 --> 00:15:44,662 Ah! 237 00:15:46,037 --> 00:15:50,208 Uh-oh. Snotlout... Viking going... overboard. 238 00:15:54,254 --> 00:15:56,165 Uh-oh. Hookfang! 239 00:16:03,263 --> 00:16:04,977 Huh? 240 00:16:05,069 --> 00:16:06,892 Ew! 241 00:16:06,976 --> 00:16:08,477 Hey, watch the tongue! 242 00:16:14,817 --> 00:16:16,234 Hey, Hiccup. 243 00:16:16,401 --> 00:16:19,279 I got stung again. Just the right side this time. 244 00:16:19,363 --> 00:16:23,033 I tried to walk it off but I just keep going around in a circle. 245 00:16:23,784 --> 00:16:25,681 Dragon-napping, Snotlout? 246 00:16:25,682 --> 00:16:27,579 I mean, this is a new low, even for you. 247 00:16:27,663 --> 00:16:29,164 I was trying to save us! 248 00:16:37,130 --> 00:16:39,843 - Uh. You guys heard that, right? - It was an echo. 249 00:16:39,892 --> 00:16:42,939 Please tell me that was an echo. 250 00:16:44,596 --> 00:16:46,849 Oh, no. The pack's come looking for it. 251 00:16:47,016 --> 00:16:49,935 How is that even possible? Speed Stingers can't fly! 252 00:16:50,101 --> 00:16:53,605 Yeah, but we did just discover that these particular Speed Stingers 253 00:16:53,689 --> 00:16:56,608 - can travel across water just fine. - What?! How?! 254 00:16:56,692 --> 00:16:59,862 If we keep quiet, we might not give away our location. 255 00:17:07,036 --> 00:17:08,913 I'm guessing that very soon 256 00:17:08,996 --> 00:17:12,082 I'm gonna wish I could run in a straight line. 257 00:17:19,464 --> 00:17:21,592 You! I knew you'd rat us out. 258 00:17:31,435 --> 00:17:33,979 Guys! Stand your ground! 259 00:17:48,994 --> 00:17:50,621 Hey, girl, thanks. 260 00:17:54,207 --> 00:17:56,193 There... There's too many of them. 261 00:17:57,711 --> 00:17:59,337 Our only hope is to draw them away. 262 00:18:00,171 --> 00:18:01,966 I'm not leaving anyone behind! 263 00:18:02,132 --> 00:18:04,927 - Really? Since when? - Since right now! Don't ask me why, 264 00:18:05,010 --> 00:18:07,721 but I'm suddenly feeling selfless and heroic. 265 00:18:08,179 --> 00:18:10,255 Back! Get away! 266 00:18:11,349 --> 00:18:14,937 Uh-oh. Gotta get away. Come on, leg! 267 00:18:17,522 --> 00:18:19,274 Don't worry guys. I'll be back. 268 00:18:19,357 --> 00:18:21,151 Come and get me, Needle Butts! 269 00:18:23,946 --> 00:18:25,572 Go get them, Snotlout! 270 00:18:25,739 --> 00:18:28,366 Snotlout, Snotlout. Oi! Oi! Oi! 271 00:18:29,118 --> 00:18:29,952 Keep chasing. 272 00:18:37,292 --> 00:18:38,127 Gone? 273 00:18:39,336 --> 00:18:42,589 And that's because they're all here for the big ambush. 274 00:18:44,842 --> 00:18:46,135 This was a bad idea. 275 00:18:52,307 --> 00:18:53,558 What the... Wait. 276 00:18:56,103 --> 00:18:57,729 I'm never gonna get you, dragon. 277 00:19:08,323 --> 00:19:09,158 What? 278 00:19:09,240 --> 00:19:12,619 He's torn between his pack and the one that saved his life. 279 00:19:12,786 --> 00:19:14,579 - Ours. - But he hates me! 280 00:19:14,663 --> 00:19:17,875 But you're one of us. It's his instinct to protect you. 281 00:19:23,047 --> 00:19:26,466 Now get out of here before he realizes that he has to choose a side. 282 00:19:29,344 --> 00:19:32,097 Okay, bud. Let's get these guys back in the water. 283 00:19:39,396 --> 00:19:40,564 I brought backup. 284 00:19:41,065 --> 00:19:42,816 Woo-hoo! 285 00:19:45,861 --> 00:19:47,196 Yeah! 286 00:19:50,699 --> 00:19:54,786 Nice, Barf. I mean, freaky, but nice just the same. 287 00:20:02,252 --> 00:20:04,129 Oh, no. 288 00:20:06,297 --> 00:20:09,676 Barf and Belch are down. We need to get rid of that Stinger chief. 289 00:20:21,146 --> 00:20:22,856 Toothless, separate! 290 00:20:27,236 --> 00:20:29,320 Dragonfly Two, go! 291 00:20:38,997 --> 00:20:39,957 Excellent! 292 00:20:57,599 --> 00:20:59,935 Yeah! Swim away, Stingers! 293 00:21:15,200 --> 00:21:16,715 No. I'm sorry, but, 294 00:21:16,716 --> 00:21:20,374 little guy, you need to go back with your own. 295 00:21:25,627 --> 00:21:28,255 What are you doing? We can't let him go back with them! 296 00:21:28,338 --> 00:21:31,466 Snotlout, it's where he belongs. That's his real pack. 297 00:21:31,549 --> 00:21:33,951 And just when we were starting to get along. 298 00:21:33,952 --> 00:21:35,894 Why does this always happen to me?! 299 00:21:37,181 --> 00:21:39,641 Can you believe what that dragon did for us? 300 00:21:39,724 --> 00:21:42,060 He helped us, over his own Alpha. 301 00:21:42,144 --> 00:21:44,521 For that little time, he was part of our pack. 302 00:21:44,604 --> 00:21:46,064 And we were part of his. 303 00:21:46,148 --> 00:21:49,520 - Even Snotlout, somehow. - Scared? Ha! 304 00:21:49,546 --> 00:21:52,779 That Stinger was more scared of me than I was of him. 305 00:21:52,863 --> 00:21:55,199 Hey, look! Isn't that them swimming towards us? 306 00:21:55,282 --> 00:21:58,368 Maybe they're coming back for you, Snotlout. 307 00:21:58,451 --> 00:22:00,310 What? No! 308 00:22:00,329 --> 00:22:04,479 - They weren't swimming this way. - Look at him run. Stupid. 309 00:22:10,626 --> 00:22:13,466 sync & correction by f1nc0