1 00:00:30,915 --> 00:00:33,668 This changes everything. 2 00:00:47,682 --> 00:00:50,392 Let's go on, Windshear, get us out of here! 3 00:00:50,559 --> 00:00:52,979 Oh, Heather, don't fight it. 4 00:00:55,648 --> 00:00:57,692 Toothless, we have to save her. 5 00:00:57,859 --> 00:01:02,404 Well, look who the dragon flew in! Glad you could join us, brother. 6 00:01:02,488 --> 00:01:05,449 It wouldn't feel like a family reunion without you. 7 00:01:05,533 --> 00:01:07,660 Now, take out that Night Fury! 8 00:01:09,912 --> 00:01:11,706 Don't let him get away! 9 00:01:13,499 --> 00:01:16,127 Blast the chains, Toothless, now! 10 00:01:18,671 --> 00:01:20,048 Dragon-proof chains? 11 00:01:20,215 --> 00:01:21,744 Nice try, Hiccup. 12 00:01:21,745 --> 00:01:24,802 You didn't think I'd make it that easy for you, did you? 13 00:01:27,013 --> 00:01:29,140 Come on, lads, get him. 14 00:01:31,976 --> 00:01:35,146 Whoa! Okay, that was too close. Come on, bud. 15 00:01:40,651 --> 00:01:42,820 If we can't blast the chains... 16 00:01:43,821 --> 00:01:45,114 blast the winches. 17 00:01:47,283 --> 00:01:49,493 - Come to Dagur. - Fire! 18 00:01:57,252 --> 00:01:58,502 Nice shooting, bud. 19 00:01:59,379 --> 00:02:03,341 Ahem. Excuse me, what good are dragon-proof chains... 20 00:02:03,424 --> 00:02:07,428 - without dragon-proof winches?! - Ow. 21 00:02:09,638 --> 00:02:12,892 Heather, you can't take on Dagur and his fleet all by yourself. 22 00:02:13,059 --> 00:02:15,353 I'm not by myself. I have Windshear. 23 00:02:18,064 --> 00:02:20,733 I'm too close! I might not get this shot again. 24 00:02:20,900 --> 00:02:24,486 - But this is suicide! - I'm willing to do whatever it takes. 25 00:02:24,653 --> 00:02:27,198 Are you willing to sacrifice Windshear, too? 26 00:02:32,578 --> 00:02:35,957 Heather, there will be another time. I promise you. 27 00:02:50,054 --> 00:02:52,014 Blasting the winches, pretty smart. 28 00:02:52,181 --> 00:02:54,809 Yeah, and a little luck never hurts, either. 29 00:02:58,146 --> 00:03:02,317 I talked to Johann. He told me Dagur wiped out your village... 30 00:03:02,400 --> 00:03:05,320 and your family. I'm sorry. 31 00:03:05,820 --> 00:03:07,780 Then you know why he has to pay. 32 00:03:08,530 --> 00:03:11,117 I do. But you don't have to do this alone. 33 00:03:11,200 --> 00:03:14,287 I don't know. It seems like I'm destined to be alone. 34 00:03:14,370 --> 00:03:18,458 First, when I was a little girl, I get separated from my birth family. 35 00:03:18,540 --> 00:03:22,295 - Your birth family? - Yes, but I don't remember much. 36 00:03:22,502 --> 00:03:25,923 It was so long ago. Just a few pictures in my mind. 37 00:03:26,506 --> 00:03:29,135 I remember my father's hands. 38 00:03:29,218 --> 00:03:32,972 They were rough, like sandstone, but so gentle. 39 00:03:33,473 --> 00:03:36,392 And I remember the smell of his wooden shield. 40 00:03:36,642 --> 00:03:40,688 I don't think I was supposed to play with it, but he let me anyway. 41 00:03:41,772 --> 00:03:44,608 And this. He gave me this horn. 42 00:03:44,775 --> 00:03:46,819 I don't know if it means something, 43 00:03:46,902 --> 00:03:49,405 but whenever I look at it, I think of him. 44 00:03:49,489 --> 00:03:52,570 I just wish I knew who he was. 45 00:04:16,098 --> 00:04:18,559 Look, I'm sorry I locked up your dragons. 46 00:04:18,642 --> 00:04:22,230 I just didn't trust that you guys would let me go after Dagur. 47 00:04:22,313 --> 00:04:25,274 Trust does need to be earned with people and dragons. 48 00:04:25,441 --> 00:04:28,236 Thanks for understanding, Fishlegs. 49 00:04:28,319 --> 00:04:31,645 - I don't really trust these guys either, Heather. - You know, we can hear you. 50 00:04:31,739 --> 00:04:34,492 Jealousy is an ugly quality, Astrid. 51 00:04:34,575 --> 00:04:37,286 But clearly, I understand where it comes from. 52 00:04:37,370 --> 00:04:38,204 Ugh. 53 00:04:38,287 --> 00:04:41,790 The point is, we have your back, Heather. You're one of us. 54 00:04:41,874 --> 00:04:45,420 Yeah, I stocked Windshear's stable with buckets of sea slugs. 55 00:04:45,503 --> 00:04:48,005 And I made room for you in my hut. 56 00:04:48,172 --> 00:04:52,301 And I've made it clear to Snotlout that you're not staying in his hut. 57 00:04:52,843 --> 00:04:55,179 Even though you were the rogue dragon rider 58 00:04:55,263 --> 00:04:59,350 and you sabotaged our dragons and you snuck away in the night. 59 00:04:59,434 --> 00:05:01,185 Wait a minute, why do we like you again? 60 00:05:01,352 --> 00:05:05,411 - I'm truly sorry, Tuffnut. - Whoa! That was... 61 00:05:05,446 --> 00:05:07,608 sincere. What am I supposed to do with that? 62 00:05:09,068 --> 00:05:12,280 I'm feeling a little bit flushed and overwhelmed. 63 00:05:12,363 --> 00:05:15,616 - Little help here? People! - Help yourself! 64 00:05:15,783 --> 00:05:18,327 And if you need any help with Windshear... 65 00:05:18,411 --> 00:05:22,373 Why don't I show you around the Edge? I'm basically chief. 66 00:05:22,998 --> 00:05:25,126 Thanks, guys, really. I... 67 00:05:25,209 --> 00:05:28,670 Hey, glad you're back. Your dragon rocks. 68 00:05:30,131 --> 00:05:33,461 - Let's go have some girl time. - Good idea. 69 00:05:37,430 --> 00:05:42,184 - Two axes are better than one. - True. Unless you have one of these. 70 00:05:47,022 --> 00:05:49,317 You really have to show me how you made that. 71 00:05:49,484 --> 00:05:52,778 Sure, but I prefer close combat to throwing... 72 00:05:52,861 --> 00:05:55,406 so I can stare my enemy in the eye. 73 00:05:55,490 --> 00:05:59,076 Not a bad tactic. But don't discount... Hyah! 74 00:05:59,952 --> 00:06:02,913 Hmm... the element of surprise. I like that. 75 00:06:03,080 --> 00:06:05,207 It's one of Hiccup's favorite tactics. 76 00:06:05,291 --> 00:06:07,543 So, you two are a thing, right? 77 00:06:11,797 --> 00:06:15,343 - What? No, just friends. - Come on. 78 00:06:16,051 --> 00:06:20,680 - I've seen the way you two are together. - No. Seriously. Friends. 79 00:06:20,973 --> 00:06:24,602 - Hmm. He's kind of cute. - I guess. 80 00:06:24,684 --> 00:06:29,156 If you like that unassuming, heroic, dragon rider type. 81 00:06:33,110 --> 00:06:34,111 Bull's-eye. 82 00:06:34,278 --> 00:06:40,201 Now, you and Snotlout, that's a match made in Valhalla. 83 00:06:40,284 --> 00:06:43,538 I don't know whether to thank you or feel sorry for you. 84 00:06:43,621 --> 00:06:44,969 I can handle Snotlout. 85 00:06:44,970 --> 00:06:47,667 And besides, I'm not into the macho Viking type. 86 00:06:47,833 --> 00:06:50,294 I like a little smarts. Like Fishlegs. 87 00:06:50,461 --> 00:06:53,339 Fishlegs?! Seriously? 88 00:06:53,506 --> 00:06:56,008 What? I think he's funny and cute. 89 00:06:56,175 --> 00:07:00,054 We're talking about Fishlegs, right? The guy with the Gronckle? 90 00:07:00,137 --> 00:07:02,264 Okay, all right. Enough boy talk. 91 00:07:02,431 --> 00:07:05,059 What else do you do for fun around here? 92 00:07:08,688 --> 00:07:09,564 Keep up! 93 00:07:24,328 --> 00:07:26,955 Thanks, Windshear. 94 00:07:28,666 --> 00:07:31,252 - Want to go two out of three? - No. 95 00:07:31,419 --> 00:07:34,380 I want to show you something. If you can keep up. 96 00:07:34,463 --> 00:07:35,756 Get 'em, Stormfly! 97 00:07:45,433 --> 00:07:48,018 Hey, would you knock it off, bud? 98 00:07:48,102 --> 00:07:50,979 Okay? Snooping will not gain her trust. 99 00:07:51,855 --> 00:07:54,858 Huh. Wait a minute.... 100 00:07:55,025 --> 00:07:56,902 That's my dad's Chief Seal! 101 00:08:04,410 --> 00:08:06,787 What are we doing back at your campsite? 102 00:08:06,870 --> 00:08:08,497 - You forget something? - Nope. 103 00:08:10,583 --> 00:08:13,586 Stay put, Stormfly. Keep your ears up. 104 00:08:20,384 --> 00:08:22,637 Oh... it must be here. 105 00:08:22,720 --> 00:08:25,389 Are you gonna clue me in on what we're doing here? 106 00:08:27,642 --> 00:08:30,144 - Hello? - I'm looking for something. 107 00:08:30,227 --> 00:08:33,397 Looking for something like... 108 00:08:35,857 --> 00:08:39,654 - Trader Johann? - Miss Astrid, so nice to see you again! 109 00:08:39,737 --> 00:08:42,802 Would you mind, please, lowering your axe so my frightened 110 00:08:42,803 --> 00:08:45,867 soul might be granted safe passage back to my body? 111 00:08:47,703 --> 00:08:50,639 - Johann! Thank Thor. - Ooh. Miss Heather! 112 00:08:50,640 --> 00:08:53,905 I'm overjoyed you're not dead. When the Terrible Terror 113 00:08:53,906 --> 00:08:57,171 returned with the message I sent, I was worried. 114 00:08:57,338 --> 00:09:00,966 Then, when I arrived here and saw your campsite abandoned, 115 00:09:01,049 --> 00:09:02,468 I feared the worst. 116 00:09:02,635 --> 00:09:05,220 Alright. Someone needs to tell me what's going on. 117 00:09:05,387 --> 00:09:08,536 You see, Miss Astrid, if you need exotic spices 118 00:09:08,537 --> 00:09:11,686 from a foreign land, or one-of-a-kind cured leathers 119 00:09:11,769 --> 00:09:14,438 or incredibly-difficult-to-obtain information 120 00:09:14,522 --> 00:09:18,275 detailing the exact whereabouts of a certain dastardly Berserker, 121 00:09:18,442 --> 00:09:21,696 - Trader Johann is your man. - Dagur. 122 00:09:21,862 --> 00:09:25,825 And if you need a warrior to take care of that dastardly Berserker... 123 00:09:29,704 --> 00:09:30,788 I'm your girl. 124 00:09:30,954 --> 00:09:35,125 So he's got the info and you've got the axe. Now what? 125 00:09:35,751 --> 00:09:38,504 Dagur is set to purchase a fleet of new ships 126 00:09:38,587 --> 00:09:42,508 from a group of salty undesirables in the Sea of Despair. 127 00:09:42,591 --> 00:09:45,093 But be wary. These new ships for his armada 128 00:09:45,177 --> 00:09:49,348 are outfitted with powerful anti-dragon winches and catapults! 129 00:09:49,431 --> 00:09:52,852 After the deal is done, I won't be able to find him again. 130 00:09:52,934 --> 00:09:55,186 Dagur will be back in the wind. 131 00:09:55,187 --> 00:09:58,901 Adrift, like a leaf in a stream. 132 00:10:01,777 --> 00:10:04,613 And I've used my last grapevine, so I won't be able to offer 133 00:10:04,697 --> 00:10:07,032 my invaluable, yet at time expensive information. 134 00:10:07,199 --> 00:10:10,563 Got it. Thanks, Johann. Come on, Astrid. 135 00:10:10,745 --> 00:10:11,746 You're not coming? 136 00:10:11,912 --> 00:10:16,420 What part of this implies "rushing into battle on a flying lizard"? 137 00:10:18,419 --> 00:10:21,380 Hiccup! From my lips to Odin's ears. 138 00:10:21,547 --> 00:10:24,592 I was just saying I could use you and Toothless's help 139 00:10:24,675 --> 00:10:28,970 with a pesky flock of wild Nadders that have been driving me batty! 140 00:10:29,054 --> 00:10:32,391 Yeah, you heard me, you lousy... 141 00:10:32,474 --> 00:10:35,466 No time, Gobber. I need to see my dad. It's urgent. 142 00:10:35,501 --> 00:10:37,646 Oh. In that case, he's in the Great Hall. 143 00:10:37,730 --> 00:10:42,526 But it's Berk's Gripe Day, so there might be a bit of a wait. 144 00:10:42,610 --> 00:10:44,612 Uh-huh. 145 00:10:44,695 --> 00:10:46,947 Stinky little buggers. 146 00:10:50,284 --> 00:10:54,079 Stoick, them wee ones of mine are making me crazy! 147 00:10:54,162 --> 00:10:57,833 They run all over the house, breaking and wrecking everything. 148 00:10:57,917 --> 00:11:00,961 They won't sit still for a minute. I'm exhausted. 149 00:11:01,044 --> 00:11:04,256 That's because they're sheep, Sven. 150 00:11:04,257 --> 00:11:09,010 - And they should be kept outside! - Aw, but they do get so lonely. 151 00:11:10,805 --> 00:11:12,972 - Dad! - Hiccup! 152 00:11:13,140 --> 00:11:14,558 We really need to talk. 153 00:11:15,434 --> 00:11:16,560 Hmm. 154 00:11:17,185 --> 00:11:20,230 We gotta go now. Dagur won't be out in the open for long. 155 00:11:20,397 --> 00:11:22,837 Wait a minute. You want us to battle with Dagur 156 00:11:22,838 --> 00:11:25,277 and the Berserkers without Hiccup and Toothless? 157 00:11:25,444 --> 00:11:28,697 Guys, I wish Hiccup and Toothless were here, trust me. 158 00:11:28,781 --> 00:11:31,116 But they're not. And we can't wait. 159 00:11:31,283 --> 00:11:34,620 Dagur's ships have dragon-proof chains and grappling hooks. 160 00:11:34,745 --> 00:11:36,872 And the ships he's buying are even more powerful. 161 00:11:37,038 --> 00:11:41,000 But with all of us attacking at once, Dagur won't know what hit him. 162 00:11:41,084 --> 00:11:43,912 Uh, I have to say... any aerial assault of this magnitude 163 00:11:43,913 --> 00:11:45,798 would be foolish without Toothless. 164 00:11:45,881 --> 00:11:48,550 He's the most powerful dragon in our arsenal. 165 00:11:49,760 --> 00:11:51,929 Aw. But you're still my favorite, girl. 166 00:11:52,095 --> 00:11:54,932 Well, it's not like we need Hiccup and Toothless. 167 00:11:57,601 --> 00:12:01,563 But it's nice to know that we have a Night Fury when things get hairy. 168 00:12:01,730 --> 00:12:05,776 You heard Johann, Astrid. This is our last chance. Tell them. 169 00:12:05,860 --> 00:12:10,948 - Well... look, Heather... - You, too? Just forget it. 170 00:12:11,030 --> 00:12:13,826 All that stuff about trust and having my back, 171 00:12:13,909 --> 00:12:16,321 I guess that was just talk. 172 00:12:17,245 --> 00:12:20,958 Oh, man! Awkward. 173 00:12:24,503 --> 00:12:27,214 - Where did you get this? - It's Heather's. 174 00:12:27,756 --> 00:12:28,590 Hmm. 175 00:12:28,757 --> 00:12:31,510 She's the girl that stole Stormfly a few years back. 176 00:12:31,677 --> 00:12:33,512 Yes. Heather. 177 00:12:34,095 --> 00:12:36,640 Dad, that horn has your Chief Seal carved into it. 178 00:12:36,807 --> 00:12:40,310 - It does. - Is there something you need to tell me? 179 00:12:41,770 --> 00:12:46,775 When a Chief has a child, Hiccup, that child receives many gifts from all over. 180 00:12:46,942 --> 00:12:51,238 When you were born, I asked Gobber to make the smallest axe he'd ever imagined. 181 00:12:51,321 --> 00:12:53,991 With a handle tiny enough for a baby to grasp. 182 00:12:54,073 --> 00:12:57,870 I wanted you to start training the moment you opened your eyes. 183 00:12:57,953 --> 00:13:01,331 I thought your mother was going to feed me to the boars. 184 00:13:01,498 --> 00:13:05,419 - I remember that axe. - Yeah, you used it as a paperweight. 185 00:13:05,586 --> 00:13:09,078 Look, about the horn, Dad... 186 00:13:09,113 --> 00:13:14,093 Heather told me her father gave it to her. But it has your seal on it. 187 00:13:14,177 --> 00:13:18,223 - Hmm. - Dad, is Heather my sister? 188 00:13:24,855 --> 00:13:27,482 Looks like it's just you and me, Windshear... 189 00:13:28,442 --> 00:13:29,317 as usual. 190 00:13:29,860 --> 00:13:31,120 Hey! 191 00:13:32,111 --> 00:13:36,784 If we're gonna do this, it has to be a capture mission, not a kill mission. 192 00:13:36,867 --> 00:13:39,078 - Agreed? - Agreed. 193 00:13:39,411 --> 00:13:42,456 We'll sink Dagur's armada, and drag him back to Outcast Island. 194 00:13:42,581 --> 00:13:45,166 - Let him rot there. - Okay. Then we're with you. 195 00:13:45,250 --> 00:13:48,462 You can thank me! I was the one who rallied these guys. 196 00:13:48,545 --> 00:13:52,049 - Well, that's not really my recollection. - Quiet, Fishlegs! 197 00:13:52,215 --> 00:13:56,344 As soon as she left, your lips started to do that cute little quiver thing. 198 00:13:57,429 --> 00:13:59,473 You quiet! That's a tic! 199 00:13:59,556 --> 00:14:01,600 It's a tic when I'm about to fight. 200 00:14:01,767 --> 00:14:04,185 - So, what changed your mind? - Hiccup. 201 00:14:04,352 --> 00:14:07,815 He would never want you to face Dagur alone again. And neither do I. 202 00:14:07,982 --> 00:14:10,692 - Well, I know right where Dagur is. - Good. 203 00:14:10,776 --> 00:14:12,193 Then you won't need this. 204 00:14:12,987 --> 00:14:15,405 Now, Hiccup will be able to find us. 205 00:14:15,489 --> 00:14:20,484 - So, what's your plan? - Hit him when he least expects it. 206 00:14:33,423 --> 00:14:36,051 It's a good day to strengthen my armada. 207 00:14:36,217 --> 00:14:39,930 Then again, it's always a good day to strengthen my armada. 208 00:14:45,102 --> 00:14:46,687 What are you laughing at? 209 00:14:47,604 --> 00:14:49,857 The gold is ready for the exchange, sir. 210 00:14:50,024 --> 00:14:53,110 - Should we move it to the deck? - No. Leave it down below. 211 00:14:53,193 --> 00:14:56,020 But, sir, when they arrive with the ships, 212 00:14:56,021 --> 00:14:57,906 - they'll be expecting our gold. - Yes! 213 00:14:59,449 --> 00:15:03,695 And instead of our gold, we'll give them our steel. 214 00:15:11,795 --> 00:15:12,880 Heather? 215 00:15:13,630 --> 00:15:16,341 Guys? Where did everyone go? 216 00:15:21,013 --> 00:15:22,014 Huh? 217 00:15:23,682 --> 00:15:24,641 Oh, no. 218 00:15:27,936 --> 00:15:29,229 - There he is. - Alright, let me guess. 219 00:15:29,396 --> 00:15:33,108 You want to attack like the rogue dragon rider that you are. 220 00:15:33,192 --> 00:15:37,008 - A full frontal assault! - No. Element of surprise? 221 00:15:39,907 --> 00:15:41,491 Dragons! Incoming! 222 00:15:43,911 --> 00:15:47,206 Prepare the grappling hooks! Ready the chains! 223 00:15:47,873 --> 00:15:49,124 It's hunting season. 224 00:16:00,844 --> 00:16:02,888 Ah. Too high to hit anything! 225 00:16:02,971 --> 00:16:04,848 We suppose to divert Dagur's attention 226 00:16:04,849 --> 00:16:06,725 and stay high enough to avoid his weaponry. 227 00:16:06,892 --> 00:16:09,394 We got to get lower! I can't... 228 00:16:09,477 --> 00:16:12,064 I said higher! Hookfang, higher! 229 00:16:32,584 --> 00:16:34,502 What are they doing up there? 230 00:16:36,337 --> 00:16:37,380 Ah! 231 00:16:37,547 --> 00:16:38,673 Nice surprise face. 232 00:16:39,549 --> 00:16:40,550 Ooh! 233 00:16:42,719 --> 00:16:43,720 Yes! 234 00:16:51,270 --> 00:16:52,854 What the... 235 00:16:56,650 --> 00:16:57,484 Huh? 236 00:17:06,868 --> 00:17:07,995 What is going on? 237 00:17:10,330 --> 00:17:12,124 Oh, come on, already! 238 00:17:15,543 --> 00:17:16,461 Oh, no! 239 00:17:19,547 --> 00:17:20,715 What are you doing? 240 00:17:22,009 --> 00:17:24,385 - You two? - Surprise, Dagur. 241 00:17:24,469 --> 00:17:26,054 Two axes are better than one. 242 00:17:26,221 --> 00:17:29,235 And twelve ships trumps two axes. 243 00:17:31,310 --> 00:17:34,629 - I should've seen that coming. - Windshear, finish it! 244 00:17:35,480 --> 00:17:38,441 No, Heather, don't! You promised us a capture mission. 245 00:17:38,608 --> 00:17:40,902 Sorry, Astrid. I changed my mind. 246 00:17:40,986 --> 00:17:44,572 Dagur didn't "capture" my village. So this ends here. 247 00:17:47,742 --> 00:17:50,329 If you kill me, Heather, you'll never know... 248 00:17:50,495 --> 00:17:53,044 Save it for the gods. Windshear! 249 00:17:58,628 --> 00:17:59,978 Stop! 250 00:18:00,255 --> 00:18:01,756 Heather, stop. 251 00:18:03,258 --> 00:18:05,302 - Move, Hiccup! - You don't understand. 252 00:18:05,468 --> 00:18:08,972 You promised me there would be another time, and this is it! 253 00:18:09,806 --> 00:18:12,433 Look. You told me your father gave you this. 254 00:18:12,600 --> 00:18:14,186 He did, but what are you doing? 255 00:18:14,353 --> 00:18:17,266 This is my father's Chief Seal. 256 00:18:19,149 --> 00:18:22,700 Stoick's seal is carved in my horn? What are you saying? 257 00:18:22,735 --> 00:18:25,388 I'm saying, years ago, Stoick gave this horn 258 00:18:25,389 --> 00:18:27,157 to the Chief of the Berserker tribe, 259 00:18:27,241 --> 00:18:30,410 Oswald the Agreeable, as a gift for his newborn daughter. 260 00:18:30,577 --> 00:18:32,975 - But... - You were that newborn, Heather. 261 00:18:32,976 --> 00:18:35,374 Oswald the Agreeable is your father. 262 00:18:35,456 --> 00:18:39,658 And he is also Dagur's father. 263 00:18:40,420 --> 00:18:43,090 - No... - Mm? 264 00:18:43,173 --> 00:18:47,094 Heather, Dagur is your brother. You can't kill him. 265 00:18:48,178 --> 00:18:49,930 - Astrid. - I... 266 00:18:50,805 --> 00:18:52,807 Fire! Incoming! 267 00:18:52,933 --> 00:18:54,142 Raise the catapults! 268 00:18:54,768 --> 00:18:56,603 It's the rest of Dagur's ships! 269 00:18:59,564 --> 00:19:00,399 Look out! 270 00:19:08,073 --> 00:19:10,117 Heather, we have to go. 271 00:19:14,079 --> 00:19:16,957 I have to admit, you never disappoint, brother. 272 00:19:17,124 --> 00:19:19,146 Or maybe you're actually my... my uncle. 273 00:19:19,147 --> 00:19:22,837 Who knows in this crazy world? 274 00:19:30,470 --> 00:19:32,139 Heather, come on! 275 00:19:32,222 --> 00:19:34,975 Heather, I'm the only family you've got left. 276 00:19:38,312 --> 00:19:41,481 Join me, sister! Don't fight destiny! 277 00:19:41,982 --> 00:19:45,735 I know you feel the Berserker blood flowing through your veins. 278 00:19:50,073 --> 00:19:50,907 No! 279 00:19:59,749 --> 00:20:01,001 What are you doing? 280 00:20:04,545 --> 00:20:05,630 Come back, sis! 281 00:20:05,797 --> 00:20:08,925 "Heather the Unhinged" has a nice ring to it, no? 282 00:20:09,009 --> 00:20:13,295 You'll be back, and I will welcome you with open arms! 283 00:20:13,388 --> 00:20:16,933 We'll have to wait on that reunion. Pity. Huh? 284 00:20:17,017 --> 00:20:17,934 What?! 285 00:20:18,352 --> 00:20:20,520 I really should've seen that one coming, too. 286 00:20:21,688 --> 00:20:23,731 All right, gang, back to the Edge! 287 00:20:27,110 --> 00:20:30,989 Under the circumstances, I wholeheartedly agree with that plan. 288 00:20:39,373 --> 00:20:42,167 Guess you're leaving. Again. 289 00:20:42,334 --> 00:20:44,627 I thought you were tired of being alone. 290 00:20:45,086 --> 00:20:48,131 - I am. - Then don't be. 291 00:20:48,215 --> 00:20:50,591 It's safer here. You have support. 292 00:20:50,758 --> 00:20:54,389 - And I'm here. - I know. 293 00:20:54,424 --> 00:20:56,873 I just have a lot I need to figure out. 294 00:21:09,861 --> 00:21:13,762 Thanks, Astrid. It was nice having a friend again. 295 00:21:18,453 --> 00:21:19,496 Let's go, girl. 296 00:21:23,875 --> 00:21:26,231 Hey, I know you guys got pretty close. 297 00:21:26,232 --> 00:21:28,588 I'm sorry you're losing a friend. 298 00:21:30,215 --> 00:21:32,590 But I still have you. 299 00:21:41,156 --> 00:21:44,562 sync & correction by f1nc0