1 00:00:30,949 --> 00:00:33,284 This changes everything. 2 00:00:54,347 --> 00:00:55,724 Well, that's strange. 3 00:00:55,807 --> 00:00:59,769 I don't recall ever seeing a dragon that looked quite like that one. 4 00:01:02,731 --> 00:01:05,108 What is it, Mulch? You have that look. 5 00:01:05,109 --> 00:01:07,485 I don't like it when you have that look! 6 00:01:16,077 --> 00:01:18,413 Off! Get off! Go! 7 00:01:39,768 --> 00:01:43,605 - Bucket, what do you see? - Something I wish I hadn't, Mulch. 8 00:01:50,194 --> 00:01:52,655 Okay, now remember, gang we're only taking 9 00:01:53,073 --> 00:01:55,533 absolute necessities to Dragon's Edge. 10 00:01:55,617 --> 00:01:58,620 I guess we're leaving you behind, Fishlegs. 11 00:01:58,703 --> 00:02:00,747 Come on. You're better than that, Snotlout. 12 00:02:00,830 --> 00:02:02,415 Oh, wait. No, you're not. 13 00:02:06,294 --> 00:02:09,171 Come on, girl, you can do it. Lift with your legs. 14 00:02:09,881 --> 00:02:13,468 - Fishlegs. - What? Berk granite has a nicer finish. 15 00:02:13,551 --> 00:02:15,971 And trust me, you want the nicer finish. 16 00:02:19,849 --> 00:02:20,976 Point illustrated. 17 00:02:21,059 --> 00:02:24,104 Not bad. That's a two. Do it again. 18 00:02:25,605 --> 00:02:28,274 Uhm. Yeah, three. I still think we could do better. 19 00:02:28,483 --> 00:02:29,484 Yes, we can! 20 00:02:29,985 --> 00:02:31,111 Ouch! 21 00:02:31,611 --> 00:02:33,154 Oh, yeah, that is a four. 22 00:02:33,237 --> 00:02:36,513 Yep. One, two, three, four. 23 00:02:37,742 --> 00:02:40,155 - I'll tag it and bag it. - I'll tell you what... 24 00:02:40,190 --> 00:02:42,705 any of you four need anything, I'll be right here. 25 00:02:42,789 --> 00:02:46,084 Which one of the usual suspects was out sinking boats 26 00:02:46,167 --> 00:02:49,211 on their dragon this morning? I have my suspicions. 27 00:02:49,420 --> 00:02:53,008 - Sinking boats? - Bucket and Mulch saw the whole thing. 28 00:02:53,633 --> 00:02:56,969 And don't try convincing me that there's anyone else 29 00:02:56,970 --> 00:03:00,306 in the archipelago who could pull something like this off! 30 00:03:00,389 --> 00:03:02,767 Well? I'm waiting. 31 00:03:07,814 --> 00:03:08,981 It was me, Chief! 32 00:03:08,982 --> 00:03:11,317 I couldn't control myself. I had to do it. 33 00:03:11,400 --> 00:03:14,362 What's wrong with me? Why do I do things like this? 34 00:03:14,445 --> 00:03:16,948 Why doesn't anybody do anything to stop me? 35 00:03:17,032 --> 00:03:20,242 Can't you all see that it's a desperate cry for help? 36 00:03:21,577 --> 00:03:24,497 What are you talking about? None of that happened. 37 00:03:25,081 --> 00:03:27,709 I know that. But I always wanted to confess to something. 38 00:03:27,792 --> 00:03:30,635 - Had a play. I didn't overdo it, did I? - Yeah. I mean, overall, 39 00:03:30,670 --> 00:03:33,631 you seemed grounded, but still it was a little hard to believe. 40 00:03:33,715 --> 00:03:34,549 Grr. 41 00:03:34,716 --> 00:03:37,693 Dad, the truth is, we've been together all morning. 42 00:03:37,694 --> 00:03:39,679 It couldn't have been one of us attacking the ship. 43 00:03:39,762 --> 00:03:41,764 Well, if it wasn't one of you, I'd say, 44 00:03:41,765 --> 00:03:44,767 we have a much more serious problem on our hands. 45 00:03:45,101 --> 00:03:48,312 - Rogue dragon rider? - Not good, not good at all. 46 00:03:48,437 --> 00:03:51,024 No, it isn't. And we need to find out who it is. 47 00:03:54,485 --> 00:03:56,320 Okay, gang, let's spread out! 48 00:03:56,404 --> 00:03:59,323 I've been thinking about this rogue dragon rider. 49 00:03:59,448 --> 00:04:00,825 - Dagur. - It makes sense. 50 00:04:00,909 --> 00:04:03,536 If Dagur has a dragon and is attacking ships, 51 00:04:03,619 --> 00:04:07,540 - then who's to say we won't be next? - Hiccup! You got to see this. 52 00:04:09,375 --> 00:04:11,252 Those are some deep gashes. 53 00:04:11,544 --> 00:04:13,088 Any idea what it could be? 54 00:04:13,171 --> 00:04:15,131 This dragon is extremely powerful. 55 00:04:15,215 --> 00:04:17,842 It has the slashing attack of a Speed Stinger 56 00:04:17,926 --> 00:04:19,844 yet from the depth of the strikes 57 00:04:19,928 --> 00:04:22,555 it appears to be as strong as a Typhoomerang. Yeah... 58 00:04:23,014 --> 00:04:25,100 You guys, you find anything else? 59 00:04:25,183 --> 00:04:26,184 Yeah! 60 00:04:26,267 --> 00:04:29,311 This ship has been stripped of everything valuable. 61 00:04:32,732 --> 00:04:35,860 - Nothing over here. Right, sis? - Nope, no-thing. 62 00:04:35,944 --> 00:04:40,281 Zilch. Not a thing in front, behind, or to either side of us. 63 00:04:41,074 --> 00:04:43,451 You know I can see that, don't you? 64 00:04:43,910 --> 00:04:45,661 Alright, alright, but we get to keep it. 65 00:04:45,745 --> 00:04:48,206 - Yeah, finders keepers. - Losers... 66 00:04:48,289 --> 00:04:51,751 I... losers don't get this 'cause it's way too cool for a loser. 67 00:04:51,834 --> 00:04:52,877 Yeah. 68 00:04:53,211 --> 00:04:55,838 - A barb! - That looks like one of Stormfly's. 69 00:04:55,922 --> 00:04:59,217 Which means the dragon we're looking for could belong to the Sharp Class. 70 00:04:59,300 --> 00:05:02,344 In fact, I'd bet my Meatlug on it! 71 00:05:02,428 --> 00:05:05,014 No, no, don't worry, girl. It's just an expression. 72 00:05:05,265 --> 00:05:06,933 I'd never do that. 73 00:05:08,768 --> 00:05:09,811 Tuff. 74 00:05:15,566 --> 00:05:16,901 Ah, you! 75 00:05:17,735 --> 00:05:21,435 - Are you guys thinking what I'm thinking? - Oooh! Good game, Hiccup! 76 00:05:21,470 --> 00:05:24,159 You think of something, and we'll try to guess what it is. 77 00:05:24,242 --> 00:05:26,343 If we do, we get a prize. Alright? 78 00:05:26,378 --> 00:05:28,830 Think away, my good man. And let the game begin. 79 00:05:28,913 --> 00:05:32,292 Hmm. Let me see. I'm thinking you two are muttonheads. 80 00:05:32,374 --> 00:05:33,293 Yes! I win! 81 00:05:33,459 --> 00:05:37,463 I was actually thinking, if we find the dragon, we find the rider. 82 00:05:37,546 --> 00:05:41,092 And I have a pretty good idea of how we can find the dragon. 83 00:05:41,717 --> 00:05:44,179 Sharp! Did I say that it's sharp? 84 00:05:44,386 --> 00:05:47,056 I know, Bucket. We've gone over that 20 times. 85 00:05:47,140 --> 00:05:51,560 Well, it's got a very long tail. And it can tie itself into a knot. 86 00:05:51,727 --> 00:05:53,562 Yes. Yes, that's right. 87 00:05:53,729 --> 00:05:55,940 And two large wings to slice. 88 00:05:57,525 --> 00:05:59,861 - So? - I've never seen anything like this 89 00:05:59,986 --> 00:06:02,113 in Book of Dragons or Bork's papers. 90 00:06:02,322 --> 00:06:04,991 But there is one place we haven't looked yet. 91 00:06:06,534 --> 00:06:10,288 So, I'm thinking, since Stormfly is also a Sharp Class... 92 00:06:10,370 --> 00:06:14,042 Her magnesium blast could possibly illuminate some information 93 00:06:14,167 --> 00:06:15,584 about this new dragon. 94 00:06:18,921 --> 00:06:23,509 Stormfly, easy now. Just enough to light it up. 95 00:06:23,676 --> 00:06:26,929 Deadly Nadder. I must have missed this the first time around. 96 00:06:27,096 --> 00:06:29,265 Who's got some chalk? I have to translate it. 97 00:06:29,473 --> 00:06:31,851 Fishlegs, now's not the time. 98 00:06:32,101 --> 00:06:35,771 Speed Stinger! One of my favorites. There's always so much to learn. 99 00:06:35,980 --> 00:06:39,650 - Oh, my Thor! - I know, Fishlegs. I got it. Later. 100 00:06:41,319 --> 00:06:43,988 - That's it! - It's called a Razorwhip. 101 00:06:44,155 --> 00:06:46,282 Okay, Fishlegs, do your thing. 102 00:06:46,782 --> 00:06:51,371 Okay. Razorwhip. "Sharp Class dragon. Long, spiny, barbed tail. 103 00:06:51,495 --> 00:06:53,497 Very aggressive. Very dangerous." 104 00:06:53,581 --> 00:06:56,251 Yeah, we got that. Give us something new. 105 00:06:56,458 --> 00:07:00,103 - You want to do this, Snotlout? - Duh! I would... 106 00:07:02,257 --> 00:07:04,926 but I'm just... you know... I don't feel like it right now. 107 00:07:05,093 --> 00:07:08,595 Continuing on, this symbol indicates that it can use its tail 108 00:07:08,596 --> 00:07:12,600 to wrap around a victim and literally squeeze the life out of them. 109 00:07:12,683 --> 00:07:15,937 Unless it's in a hurry. Then it just slices you in half. 110 00:07:16,020 --> 00:07:18,231 Punch me, because I must be dreaming. Ow! 111 00:07:18,439 --> 00:07:21,776 Fishlegs, is there anything about this dragon that won't kill us? 112 00:07:21,943 --> 00:07:24,695 - How about its eyeballs? - No. Poisonous tears. 113 00:07:24,862 --> 00:07:27,323 - Poisonous! I love it! - Yeah. Poison's fantastic. 114 00:07:27,407 --> 00:07:30,076 Fishlegs, is there anything that might help us locate it? 115 00:07:30,410 --> 00:07:34,538 "Top speed, mating rituals, oral hygiene, feeding habits..." 116 00:07:34,747 --> 00:07:35,957 Wow, wow, wow, wait. Go back to that one. 117 00:07:36,165 --> 00:07:38,865 - Oral hygiene? - No! Feeding habits. If we can 118 00:07:38,900 --> 00:07:43,089 figure out what this thing eats, then we might figure out where it eats. 119 00:07:43,365 --> 00:07:45,549 - Mhm. Sea slugs! - Where? 120 00:07:45,967 --> 00:07:49,304 - It eats sea slugs. - Slugs? I hate those slimy monsters. 121 00:07:49,387 --> 00:07:52,848 They're just snails without homes. Giant homeless snails! 122 00:07:53,057 --> 00:07:55,955 We've come across a few islands out there that are just 123 00:07:55,956 --> 00:07:58,854 crawling with sea slugs. Hopefully, our Razorwhip's feeling hungry. 124 00:07:59,063 --> 00:08:02,317 And hungry for sea slugs, not Vikings. 125 00:08:05,486 --> 00:08:07,780 I have a good feeling about this island. 126 00:08:07,863 --> 00:08:10,866 - That's what you said about the last five islands! - Isn't my fault. 127 00:08:10,950 --> 00:08:13,453 I'm an optimist guy. I'm a "yak bladder half full" kind of guy. 128 00:08:13,535 --> 00:08:16,330 I don't mean to burst your yak bladder, but does anyone 129 00:08:16,331 --> 00:08:19,125 consider what will we're gonna do if we actually find this Razorwhip? 130 00:08:19,417 --> 00:08:22,878 - You can marry it. - And what if Dagur's riding it? 131 00:08:23,045 --> 00:08:25,923 Well, then Ruffnut can have him. It will be complicated, 132 00:08:26,007 --> 00:08:28,968 but I will one day learn to love him as my own. 133 00:08:29,177 --> 00:08:31,505 - Um, Tuffnut... - Like a little babe, 134 00:08:31,540 --> 00:08:34,932 a child that I carry in my arms. But he's too heavy. 135 00:08:38,353 --> 00:08:40,521 - Guys, look! Smoke! - A campfire. 136 00:08:40,604 --> 00:08:42,357 This dragon builds campfires? 137 00:08:42,940 --> 00:08:45,860 Give me the "Twins serve a purpose" speech again. Quickly? 138 00:08:45,943 --> 00:08:49,238 Yeah! I've only heard the "Twins are muttonheads" speech, 139 00:08:49,447 --> 00:08:50,990 which is also very good. 140 00:08:52,992 --> 00:08:56,554 - Okay. - Okay, or you don't have to. 141 00:09:01,834 --> 00:09:05,629 - Could be the loot from the ship. - And these gashes look familiar. 142 00:09:05,713 --> 00:09:06,950 Alright, gang, let's split up 143 00:09:06,951 --> 00:09:09,425 and search the island for our rogue rider and his Razorwhip. 144 00:09:09,509 --> 00:09:10,759 He can't be far away. 145 00:09:11,135 --> 00:09:13,258 Fishlegs, you and Meatlug stay here, 146 00:09:13,266 --> 00:09:16,015 - signal if they come back. - You got it. 147 00:09:18,559 --> 00:09:20,210 You know, Meatlug, ordinarily, 148 00:09:20,211 --> 00:09:22,688 I would pretend to be upset at being left behind, 149 00:09:22,771 --> 00:09:27,026 but to be honest, this time I just feel a lot safer being here with you... 150 00:09:30,946 --> 00:09:34,367 All right, sis, you look left and I'll look right. 151 00:09:34,450 --> 00:09:38,101 - Wait! My left or your left? - We have the same left. 152 00:09:38,120 --> 00:09:39,747 - We're twins. - Right. 153 00:09:41,457 --> 00:09:43,792 Who are we kidding? We're never going to find this thing. 154 00:09:43,876 --> 00:09:45,753 And all I see are trees! 155 00:09:45,836 --> 00:09:49,965 All I see is my dream of spending my golden years with a Razorwhip 156 00:09:50,049 --> 00:09:52,008 vanishing right before my very eyes. 157 00:09:53,302 --> 00:09:54,303 Help! 158 00:09:54,387 --> 00:09:56,222 Oh, ouch, ah! 159 00:09:58,391 --> 00:10:02,437 An eight? That is way too many Ruffn... 160 00:10:02,644 --> 00:10:04,904 Whoa! Ugh! 161 00:10:10,152 --> 00:10:13,239 These tracks look pretty fresh. Stay sharp, Stormfly. 162 00:10:18,660 --> 00:10:19,620 Stormfly? 163 00:10:25,293 --> 00:10:26,335 Chicken? 164 00:10:27,962 --> 00:10:28,796 Oh, no! 165 00:10:33,468 --> 00:10:34,802 Huh? 166 00:10:34,885 --> 00:10:36,678 Take us down, Hookfang! Hurry! 167 00:10:36,845 --> 00:10:39,432 I knew we should've gone before we left. 168 00:10:43,144 --> 00:10:45,062 Can't a Viking get some privacy? 169 00:10:47,148 --> 00:10:49,477 Hookfang! Oh, gah! Oh, no! 170 00:10:53,446 --> 00:10:54,905 Hookfang! 171 00:11:05,541 --> 00:11:06,667 What is it, bud? 172 00:11:09,629 --> 00:11:11,255 Nice work, Toothless! 173 00:11:17,011 --> 00:11:18,137 Let's get him, bud! 174 00:11:36,030 --> 00:11:37,239 Toothless, look out! 175 00:11:37,365 --> 00:11:38,199 Whoa! 176 00:11:54,340 --> 00:11:55,424 Look out! 177 00:11:59,178 --> 00:12:01,180 Toothless, give me all you've got! 178 00:12:03,432 --> 00:12:05,099 Now, Toothless! Now! 179 00:12:09,938 --> 00:12:11,982 I wouldn't do that if I were you. 180 00:12:19,031 --> 00:12:20,199 I wouldn't, either. 181 00:12:25,787 --> 00:12:26,872 Heather? 182 00:12:29,667 --> 00:12:31,293 You rolled me into a river! 183 00:12:31,669 --> 00:12:33,170 You trapped me in a cave! 184 00:12:33,588 --> 00:12:36,977 - You left me dangling in a tree! - And I have to admit, 185 00:12:37,012 --> 00:12:39,343 the chicken move brought back some memories. 186 00:12:39,552 --> 00:12:41,236 Guys, now I'm sure Heather has 187 00:12:41,237 --> 00:12:43,763 a really good reason for doing what she did. Right? 188 00:12:44,223 --> 00:12:45,995 Look. I've been living on my own out here 189 00:12:45,996 --> 00:12:47,767 for years and I made more than few enemies. 190 00:12:47,851 --> 00:12:51,855 I didn't want you guys to be involved. I needed to send you back to Berk. 191 00:12:52,022 --> 00:12:53,982 You couldn't have just, I don't know, said that? 192 00:12:54,108 --> 00:12:56,344 - Would you have listened? - She does have a point. 193 00:12:56,377 --> 00:12:59,321 - We're pretty stubborn group. - I don't listen to anyone! 194 00:12:59,697 --> 00:13:03,825 Heather, whatever problems you have, whatever enemies you've made, we can help. 195 00:13:03,909 --> 00:13:06,120 You don't have to be out here alone anymore. 196 00:13:06,621 --> 00:13:08,748 Hiccup, please, just let this go. 197 00:13:08,830 --> 00:13:12,469 We have a base not far from here. Why don't you come back with us? 198 00:13:12,504 --> 00:13:15,795 Nothing permanent. We'll get you some provisions and catch up. 199 00:13:15,879 --> 00:13:17,548 You can see how you like it. 200 00:13:21,594 --> 00:13:22,762 Whoa. 201 00:13:22,844 --> 00:13:25,723 Razorwhip. This is the best dream ever. 202 00:13:25,973 --> 00:13:28,100 Like I can reach out and touch it. 203 00:13:29,101 --> 00:13:31,777 I can reach out and touch it! 204 00:13:31,855 --> 00:13:35,107 Mmm. Cold, scaly. 205 00:13:35,190 --> 00:13:38,611 I, Tuffnut Thorston, take thee, Razorwhip, 206 00:13:38,694 --> 00:13:41,196 whatever your last name is, insert it here, 207 00:13:41,280 --> 00:13:43,282 to be my... Oh, hey, Heather. 208 00:13:43,449 --> 00:13:46,118 And what are you doing in my dream? At my wedding. 209 00:13:46,201 --> 00:13:49,580 - I didn't put you on the list. - You're not dreaming, Tuff. 210 00:13:49,664 --> 00:13:50,498 Oh! 211 00:13:52,832 --> 00:13:56,003 Well, in that case, Razorwhip attack! Run! 212 00:13:56,128 --> 00:13:59,881 - I see nothing has changed. - Yeah, same story, different year. 213 00:13:59,965 --> 00:14:03,135 - Let's head over to Dragon's Edge. - You're not gonna give up, are you? 214 00:14:03,385 --> 00:14:06,013 - Not likely. - Okay, Dragon's Edge it is. 215 00:14:06,221 --> 00:14:07,431 You're gonna love it! 216 00:14:09,642 --> 00:14:13,145 - Wait, where did you find her? - More importantly, can we ride it? 217 00:14:13,354 --> 00:14:15,647 Did you miss me? I think you did. 218 00:14:15,648 --> 00:14:17,941 That's why you threw that tree at me. Isn't it? 219 00:14:18,025 --> 00:14:20,527 Playing hard to get. Me likey. 220 00:14:23,447 --> 00:14:26,087 Never mind him. How did you train a Razorwhip? 221 00:14:26,101 --> 00:14:28,952 - It's incredible! - Actually, I owe a lot to you, guys. 222 00:14:29,203 --> 00:14:31,789 - To us? - To me. She meant to me. 223 00:14:31,872 --> 00:14:34,890 I mean, how much more obvious can she be? Ahh, women. 224 00:14:34,925 --> 00:14:37,211 I totally understand them. 225 00:14:37,545 --> 00:14:39,547 Okay, great. Check you later! 226 00:14:39,630 --> 00:14:41,965 - When I found Windshear... - Awesome name! 227 00:14:42,049 --> 00:14:44,968 I bet you ride like the wind, shearing through it! 228 00:14:45,052 --> 00:14:48,263 Get it? I used both of the words in its name to explain 229 00:14:48,347 --> 00:14:51,350 - why he's called that. - Oh, gods. 230 00:14:51,433 --> 00:14:53,135 Anyway, when I found her, 231 00:14:53,136 --> 00:14:55,688 she'd been hurt in a fight with a Typhoomerang. 232 00:14:55,771 --> 00:14:57,731 Windshear held her own. Didn't you, girl? 233 00:14:57,732 --> 00:14:59,692 But she needed to be nursed back to health. 234 00:14:59,775 --> 00:15:03,738 Then when she was better, I used the training you guys taught me on Berk. 235 00:15:03,821 --> 00:15:06,657 We've become the perfect team. We're unstoppable. 236 00:15:06,741 --> 00:15:09,076 I mean, look at her! No one can take us down. 237 00:15:09,535 --> 00:15:11,995 And if they try, they'll be sorry for it. 238 00:15:12,538 --> 00:15:15,916 Ha! I guess she's pretty cool, but not as cool as this. 239 00:15:15,999 --> 00:15:17,585 Hookfang, flame up! 240 00:15:20,128 --> 00:15:22,381 That's cute. Windshear, tail slice! 241 00:15:22,673 --> 00:15:23,883 Oh, gah! 242 00:15:25,259 --> 00:15:27,511 Ha! What's so great about... 243 00:15:27,803 --> 00:15:29,680 Okay, we'll call it a draw. 244 00:15:29,930 --> 00:15:31,557 Whoa. What else can she do? 245 00:15:31,849 --> 00:15:35,185 Her breath can burn the flesh off a human from 100 feet away. 246 00:15:35,352 --> 00:15:36,478 You're gonna get me outta here? 247 00:15:36,562 --> 00:15:41,066 One single blade of her tail is as deadly as the sharpest battle-ax. 248 00:15:41,275 --> 00:15:43,485 Great having Heather back. She's so... 249 00:15:43,569 --> 00:15:46,447 I don't know, intense, hardcore. I love it! 250 00:15:46,614 --> 00:15:48,014 Yeah, it's great. 251 00:15:48,049 --> 00:15:50,910 She's definitely grown up since the last time we saw her. 252 00:15:51,076 --> 00:15:52,744 Hiccup, it's been three years. 253 00:15:52,745 --> 00:15:55,247 We were just kids. We've all grown up. 254 00:15:55,456 --> 00:15:59,084 Yeah, but she was so sweet, and now she's so... I don't know. 255 00:15:59,251 --> 00:16:01,503 Edgy? What's wrong with that? I like it. 256 00:16:01,670 --> 00:16:04,423 Astrid, there's edgy and then there's destroying ships. 257 00:16:04,548 --> 00:16:06,926 - Which I still need to ask her about. - Well, do me a favor 258 00:16:07,008 --> 00:16:09,637 and wait until after I ask her about her battle-ax. 259 00:16:09,804 --> 00:16:12,640 I want her to show me how to make one for myself. 260 00:16:12,807 --> 00:16:13,974 Let's do this! 261 00:16:14,516 --> 00:16:16,503 Come on! Is that all you got? 262 00:16:19,772 --> 00:16:21,899 See? Hardcore. 263 00:16:21,982 --> 00:16:25,424 I don't suppose you want to talk to her, do you, bud? 264 00:16:25,459 --> 00:16:27,404 Yeah, thanks again for everything. 265 00:16:28,739 --> 00:16:32,827 Eat up, girl. You'll need all your strength for what we've got coming. 266 00:16:32,910 --> 00:16:35,996 - Heather? Uh, we should probably talk. - Sure, about what? 267 00:16:36,079 --> 00:16:39,291 About the ship, the one that you and Windshear destroyed. 268 00:16:39,374 --> 00:16:43,003 - Oh. That ship. - Heather, what are you doing out there? 269 00:16:43,211 --> 00:16:44,942 I'm just taking care of business, Hiccup. 270 00:16:44,943 --> 00:16:48,780 - Nothing you need to worry about. - Yeah. But I do worry about it, Heather. 271 00:16:48,781 --> 00:16:50,678 If dragons are attacking ships, I worry. 272 00:16:50,845 --> 00:16:53,639 Look, Hiccup, a lot has happened in the last few years. 273 00:16:53,722 --> 00:16:56,350 We're not kids anymore. Everything's changed. 274 00:16:56,433 --> 00:16:58,978 - This isn't you. It can't be! - It is now. 275 00:16:59,060 --> 00:17:02,356 The last time you saw me, I... Never mind. 276 00:17:02,439 --> 00:17:05,150 - I-If you want me to leave... - I didn't say that. 277 00:17:05,233 --> 00:17:08,988 No, whatever it is you're going through, we can help. All of us. 278 00:17:09,070 --> 00:17:11,365 - There's always another way. - You're so sweet. 279 00:17:11,657 --> 00:17:12,700 Thank you, Hiccup. 280 00:17:12,992 --> 00:17:16,031 You've always been a great friend to me. 281 00:17:31,259 --> 00:17:33,417 Hey, hey. Sssh! It's okay. 282 00:17:34,013 --> 00:17:36,557 Sorry, guys. Nothing personal. 283 00:17:45,524 --> 00:17:47,968 Okay, bud, let's get some answers. 284 00:18:09,548 --> 00:18:12,551 Come on, just turn around. Let me see your face. 285 00:18:15,136 --> 00:18:17,848 Okay, this is getting strange. 286 00:18:19,099 --> 00:18:22,561 Thank you, Johann. It's always a pleasure doing business with you. 287 00:18:22,770 --> 00:18:25,355 Ah. The feeling is quite mutual, Miss Heather. 288 00:18:25,439 --> 00:18:28,358 I can assure you, I enjoy our every transaction. 289 00:18:32,071 --> 00:18:33,154 Toothless! 290 00:18:35,866 --> 00:18:38,827 Okay, Johann, let's see what we can get out of you. 291 00:18:41,830 --> 00:18:44,959 I'm sorry, Master Hiccup, but I've been sworn to secrecy. 292 00:18:45,166 --> 00:18:47,731 The Chief of the headhunting Asmat tribe from 293 00:18:47,732 --> 00:18:50,297 Papua New Guinea couldn't part these lips! 294 00:18:50,464 --> 00:18:53,759 Really? How about Stoick the Vast of the Hooligan tribe from Berk? 295 00:18:53,926 --> 00:18:56,136 Do you know what trade sanctions are, Johann? 296 00:18:56,219 --> 00:18:59,765 Two words that should never be used in the same sentence? 297 00:18:59,848 --> 00:19:01,850 Right then! Where shall I begin? 298 00:19:01,934 --> 00:19:05,062 Let's start with why Heather is out attacking the ships all by herself. 299 00:19:05,228 --> 00:19:08,356 It suppose that would have something to do with her entire village, 300 00:19:08,440 --> 00:19:09,942 including her own family, 301 00:19:10,025 --> 00:19:13,988 being decimated by a rather nasty group of undesirables. 302 00:19:14,071 --> 00:19:16,198 She's made it her personal mission 303 00:19:16,199 --> 00:19:18,325 to avenge her island and her family. 304 00:19:18,533 --> 00:19:20,243 By sinking and looting ships? 305 00:19:21,036 --> 00:19:22,121 She's not looting. 306 00:19:22,203 --> 00:19:26,125 She's redistributing back to the victims of those horrible crimes. 307 00:19:26,207 --> 00:19:27,793 Every ship that Heather attacks 308 00:19:27,876 --> 00:19:30,712 means they'll get back some of what they've lost. 309 00:19:30,796 --> 00:19:33,465 Of course, lost loved ones can't never be replaced. 310 00:19:33,715 --> 00:19:35,676 But why? Why now? Why her? 311 00:19:35,759 --> 00:19:37,385 Many "whys," Master Hiccup. 312 00:19:37,552 --> 00:19:40,472 None of which I can address at this very moment. 313 00:19:40,555 --> 00:19:42,141 - Johann, why do we do this? - Sorry? 314 00:19:42,223 --> 00:19:44,935 You know you're gonna tell me. I know you're gonna tell me. 315 00:19:45,019 --> 00:19:47,688 So why not save us both the trouble and just... 316 00:19:47,771 --> 00:19:50,732 I suppose you do have a point. Picture, if you will, 317 00:19:50,767 --> 00:19:55,029 a brilliant sunny day on the Emerald Isle of Karantha 318 00:19:55,236 --> 00:19:57,781 when I received a mysterious correspondence 319 00:19:57,865 --> 00:19:59,700 from a little boy. Yet again... 320 00:20:00,408 --> 00:20:03,495 Johann! Where is Heather going? 321 00:20:03,745 --> 00:20:06,665 It's not merely where she's going, Master Hiccup, 322 00:20:06,748 --> 00:20:09,305 it's who she's going after. 323 00:20:14,756 --> 00:20:17,849 There! There it is, Windshear. Remember, girl, 324 00:20:17,884 --> 00:20:21,180 we're doing this for my mom and dad. For our whole village. 325 00:20:21,262 --> 00:20:24,432 I want my face to be the last thing Dagur ever sees. 326 00:20:26,852 --> 00:20:28,395 What in the name of Thor? 327 00:20:31,481 --> 00:20:34,651 Sir, that dragon's been circling up there for a while. 328 00:20:34,735 --> 00:20:37,571 Hm. Never seen one of those before. 329 00:20:37,654 --> 00:20:39,436 Nor have I. What should we do? 330 00:20:39,510 --> 00:20:44,048 Well, you know what I always say. When in doubt, take it out. 331 00:20:44,619 --> 00:20:45,746 Fire! 332 00:20:50,751 --> 00:20:54,421 Wait for it, wait for it... 333 00:20:54,504 --> 00:20:55,338 Now! 334 00:20:57,549 --> 00:20:58,425 No! 335 00:21:04,056 --> 00:21:06,683 Reel in that spiny menace! 336 00:21:10,062 --> 00:21:11,063 Whoa! 337 00:21:16,777 --> 00:21:18,695 Well, hello, Heather. 338 00:21:18,779 --> 00:21:22,032 Pull harder! She can be useful to us! 339 00:21:22,783 --> 00:21:25,869 Very useful. 340 00:21:26,620 --> 00:21:29,081 We got this, girl! 341 00:21:29,248 --> 00:21:30,290 Or not. 342 00:22:07,077 --> 00:22:08,395 Heather! 343 00:22:10,921 --> 00:22:14,675 sync & correction by f1nc0