1 00:00:30,896 --> 00:00:33,231 This changes everything. 2 00:00:45,410 --> 00:00:48,622 Pull! Pull! 3 00:00:50,415 --> 00:00:54,837 Keep pulling, you maggots, unless you want to be giant eel chum! 4 00:00:56,088 --> 00:00:58,132 Hello, gorgeous. Mwah. 5 00:00:58,415 --> 00:01:00,717 Oh, hello again. 6 00:01:02,594 --> 00:01:05,347 Work for me, baby. Work for Daddy. 7 00:01:05,430 --> 00:01:07,724 The Reaper is starting to surface, sir. 8 00:01:07,808 --> 00:01:10,644 - I can see that! - Oh, right. 9 00:01:10,727 --> 00:01:15,232 Hello, gorgeous. So... pretty. 10 00:01:17,400 --> 00:01:20,835 - That's the last of it. - Well, now we have everything 11 00:01:20,870 --> 00:01:25,117 - of value from the dragon-hunting ship. - No. Not everything. 12 00:01:32,541 --> 00:01:35,169 Okay, give me a slow burn, bud. 13 00:01:36,212 --> 00:01:40,632 Okay, I've seen this before, but what happens if I push... 14 00:01:40,716 --> 00:01:43,260 Cool. Dragon classes. 15 00:01:43,343 --> 00:01:45,595 What do you say we check out the Night Fury, bud? 16 00:01:47,097 --> 00:01:48,974 Try to contain your excitement, would you? 17 00:01:51,560 --> 00:01:57,941 Now, Monstrous Nightmare gem plus Night Fury equals... 18 00:01:58,025 --> 00:01:59,902 nothing. Okay. 19 00:02:01,070 --> 00:02:03,655 Oh! Astrid class. 20 00:02:03,739 --> 00:02:06,200 Hiccup, we have a problem, a huge problem. 21 00:02:06,283 --> 00:02:07,367 - Dagur? - Worse. 22 00:02:07,450 --> 00:02:09,245 What could possibly be worse than Dagur? 23 00:02:11,872 --> 00:02:13,832 - Gustav! - Gustav?! 24 00:02:13,916 --> 00:02:17,711 - Gustav. - Gustav, what are you doing here? 25 00:02:17,794 --> 00:02:21,924 I... I mean, to what do we owe the pleasure of this visit? 26 00:02:22,007 --> 00:02:24,885 Hiccup, did you hear Gustav is... 27 00:02:25,719 --> 00:02:28,222 standing right beside you. Perfect. 28 00:02:28,305 --> 00:02:29,973 You're looking a little different there, Guster. 29 00:02:30,057 --> 00:02:33,852 - Yeah, I'm growing a beard. - Really? Let me see. 30 00:02:33,936 --> 00:02:37,689 Ha! Even Ruff has more hair on her chinny-chin-chin than that. 31 00:02:37,773 --> 00:02:38,774 Ow! 32 00:02:38,857 --> 00:02:41,401 Ow! Hey, what's that thing? 33 00:02:41,484 --> 00:02:42,736 Oh. 34 00:02:42,819 --> 00:02:44,446 Oh! Whoa! 35 00:02:44,529 --> 00:02:47,866 You see these spots? Some sort of sun sword? 36 00:02:47,950 --> 00:02:51,203 I'll take that. No, Gustav, it's not a sun sword. 37 00:02:51,287 --> 00:02:54,039 It's the Dragon Eye, and it's very old and very fragile. 38 00:02:54,123 --> 00:02:56,750 Whoa, these spots, they're not going away. 39 00:02:56,833 --> 00:02:57,918 Ow! 40 00:02:58,001 --> 00:03:00,337 It isn't something to just be touched. 41 00:03:00,420 --> 00:03:02,464 Relax, Fishlegs, I know what I'm doing. 42 00:03:02,547 --> 00:03:03,882 Hey! 43 00:03:05,175 --> 00:03:08,637 Gustav, Gustav, over here. Uh, when are you leaving? 44 00:03:08,720 --> 00:03:11,389 That's funny, Snotlout, but I'm not leaving. 45 00:03:11,473 --> 00:03:14,434 I'm moving here. 46 00:03:14,517 --> 00:03:17,229 Ha ha! Yeah, yeah, you are. 47 00:03:17,313 --> 00:03:21,608 - Uhh! - Imagine... he would never... 48 00:03:21,691 --> 00:03:25,487 Wait, he's serious? I'll get the stake and firewood. 49 00:03:25,570 --> 00:03:29,491 Oh, hold on, hold on. No one is burning anyone at the stake. 50 00:03:29,574 --> 00:03:32,410 Hiccup's right. Let's just throw him off the cliff. 51 00:03:32,494 --> 00:03:35,789 Guys, I'm sure there's a simple explanation. 52 00:03:35,872 --> 00:03:38,375 Please tell me there's a simple explanation, Gustav. 53 00:03:38,458 --> 00:03:44,464 Yeah, very simple. By the way, do not look right into that sun sword thing. 54 00:03:44,547 --> 00:03:48,677 Whoo! Anyway, you said when I was ready, 55 00:03:48,760 --> 00:03:50,553 I could join the Dragon Riders. 56 00:03:50,637 --> 00:03:54,365 Well, I'm ready and I'm here to join. Where's my hut? 57 00:03:55,142 --> 00:03:57,227 Wait a minute, why do I have to watch him? 58 00:03:57,311 --> 00:03:59,646 I would do it, but I'm making some, just, 59 00:03:59,647 --> 00:04:01,982 major breakthroughs with the Dragon Eye. 60 00:04:02,065 --> 00:04:03,775 - So? - Well, I did promise him 61 00:04:03,859 --> 00:04:06,987 that when the time was right I would train him to be a Dragon Rider. 62 00:04:07,070 --> 00:04:09,906 But I just didn't think that said time would be today. 63 00:04:09,990 --> 00:04:12,284 What am I supposed to do with him in the meantime? 64 00:04:12,368 --> 00:04:14,661 I... I don't know. Just keep him occupied. 65 00:04:14,744 --> 00:04:18,957 - Great, so I'm a babysitter. - Babysitter! 66 00:04:19,041 --> 00:04:21,960 No, I mean, come one. He's... He's 16. 67 00:04:22,044 --> 00:04:24,004 How much trouble could he possibly be? 68 00:04:27,257 --> 00:04:29,009 Smidvarg, what is happening? 69 00:04:29,092 --> 00:04:33,763 Hey, Hiccup, did you know they could do this? Awesome! 70 00:04:34,723 --> 00:04:36,808 Please? I just need more time. 71 00:04:36,892 --> 00:04:40,270 Fine! Gustav, arena, now. 72 00:04:42,814 --> 00:04:45,401 By the way, your timing... impeccable. 73 00:04:55,827 --> 00:05:00,582 Oh, Gustav, you're so much older and more mature, 74 00:05:00,665 --> 00:05:03,919 and I just love that rugged beard you're growing. 75 00:05:04,002 --> 00:05:05,962 Oh, Gustav. 76 00:05:06,046 --> 00:05:08,257 - Gustav! - Oh. Hey, Astrid. 77 00:05:08,340 --> 00:05:11,543 - I was just dream... - Uh-uh-uh, don't creep me out. 78 00:05:11,544 --> 00:05:13,470 You're gonna help with target practice. 79 00:05:13,553 --> 00:05:16,556 - Do you think you can handle that? - Oh, I can handle that. 80 00:05:16,639 --> 00:05:19,851 Ugh. When I say "throw," you throw. 81 00:05:31,196 --> 00:05:34,491 She sure is something, isn't she, Fanghook? 82 00:05:37,994 --> 00:05:40,414 Okay, Gustav, throw! 83 00:05:53,302 --> 00:05:56,930 - Hi. - Okay, definitely creeped out. 84 00:05:57,013 --> 00:05:59,706 I'm telling you, if you get five boars, you can stack 85 00:05:59,741 --> 00:06:02,185 them on top of each other. That's a four-boar stack... 86 00:06:02,269 --> 00:06:04,020 What's he smiling about? 87 00:06:04,104 --> 00:06:08,150 - I don't like it. - Whatever he's selling, I'm not buying. 88 00:06:08,233 --> 00:06:11,262 - Yeah. We don't want your cookies! - Hey, guys. 89 00:06:11,297 --> 00:06:14,364 Astrid dropped me off, told me to help out around here. 90 00:06:14,448 --> 00:06:16,366 Yeah? So? What's it to us? 91 00:06:16,450 --> 00:06:19,869 You know that big hole under your hut? Filled it in. 92 00:06:19,953 --> 00:06:23,081 Oh, no. He doesn't mean... 93 00:06:23,165 --> 00:06:25,583 Oh! He filled in the boar pit. 94 00:06:25,667 --> 00:06:28,170 He filled in the boar pit! 95 00:06:28,253 --> 00:06:30,672 Who fills in a boar pit? 96 00:06:30,755 --> 00:06:35,344 Boaaar piiiit! 97 00:06:35,427 --> 00:06:39,306 What kind of sick monster 98 00:06:39,389 --> 00:06:42,892 would fill in a boar pit? 99 00:06:42,976 --> 00:06:45,395 - It's a boar... - Hey, back off! 100 00:06:46,604 --> 00:06:49,232 Haven't you done enough? 101 00:06:56,948 --> 00:06:59,242 This... This feels weird, Fishlegs. 102 00:06:59,326 --> 00:07:02,245 Trust me, Gustav, this is exactly what you need. 103 00:07:02,329 --> 00:07:06,082 You're not centered, you're all over the place. Shh. 104 00:07:06,166 --> 00:07:09,002 Just breathe in, breathe out. 105 00:07:09,085 --> 00:07:11,880 Focus on avoiding all conflict. 106 00:07:11,963 --> 00:07:14,924 Breathe in, breathe out. 107 00:07:19,637 --> 00:07:21,848 My topiaries! 108 00:07:21,931 --> 00:07:27,645 I have had enough of you, Gustav! Stay. Stay. 109 00:07:27,729 --> 00:07:29,398 Uh, Snotlout, your head... 110 00:07:29,481 --> 00:07:31,774 Stop! I'm not falling for that again. 111 00:07:36,696 --> 00:07:38,448 Hello? Hiccup? 112 00:07:46,498 --> 00:07:50,627 Huh. What have we here? 113 00:07:51,587 --> 00:07:53,380 "Gee, Gustav, there must be 114 00:07:53,381 --> 00:07:55,173 a simple explanation for you being here." 115 00:07:56,508 --> 00:07:58,885 Well, yeah, Hiccup, because I'm awesome. 116 00:07:58,968 --> 00:08:00,887 "You are awesome, Gustav. 117 00:08:00,970 --> 00:08:03,223 Definitely ready to be a Dragon Rider." 118 00:08:07,603 --> 00:08:09,438 Oh, no. Oh, no. 119 00:08:10,855 --> 00:08:12,774 Oh, yes! 120 00:08:15,902 --> 00:08:18,905 Is that... a treasure map? 121 00:08:18,988 --> 00:08:22,576 Oh, Fanghook, we are so in! 122 00:08:29,249 --> 00:08:32,127 That's it, Fanghook, just like the Dragon Eye said. 123 00:08:32,210 --> 00:08:34,921 All we gotta do now is find the cave, grab the treasure, 124 00:08:35,004 --> 00:08:38,467 and guess who's gonna get his own hut on Dragon's Edge? 125 00:08:38,550 --> 00:08:39,717 Uh, Gustav. 126 00:08:50,937 --> 00:08:55,317 Uh, I'm not worried. Are you worried? 127 00:09:06,703 --> 00:09:08,580 Fanghook? Flame up. 128 00:09:10,123 --> 00:09:12,208 Which way do we head? 129 00:09:20,091 --> 00:09:22,218 Oh! Ah! 130 00:09:24,638 --> 00:09:28,475 Good thing we brought this along. Fanghook? 131 00:09:31,520 --> 00:09:34,063 I think we go this way. 132 00:09:37,442 --> 00:09:39,027 It says it's just up this way. 133 00:09:39,110 --> 00:09:40,487 Oh, whoops! 134 00:09:41,196 --> 00:09:42,489 Ah! Ooh! 135 00:09:43,948 --> 00:09:46,702 Whew! Ahh. 136 00:09:46,784 --> 00:09:49,204 Huh? No, no, no, no! 137 00:09:50,121 --> 00:09:54,042 Whew. A little help here, Fanghook? A little help? 138 00:09:59,172 --> 00:10:02,300 Hiccup! I can explain. 139 00:10:04,010 --> 00:10:06,888 Of all the irresponsible, insubordinate... 140 00:10:06,971 --> 00:10:10,099 Don't forget idiotic, imbecilic, inane. 141 00:10:10,183 --> 00:10:12,935 What? I've heard a lot of words for "stupid." 142 00:10:13,019 --> 00:10:15,564 I mean, come on, people say that more than my proper name. 143 00:10:15,647 --> 00:10:18,816 Of all those kinds of stunts you could have pulled, 144 00:10:18,900 --> 00:10:22,004 this was the worst. Do you know what Dagur 145 00:10:22,039 --> 00:10:24,280 would do to get his hands on the Dragon Eye? 146 00:10:24,364 --> 00:10:26,324 I just thought if I came back here with the treasure, 147 00:10:26,408 --> 00:10:29,352 - you guys would accept me. - First of all, there is no treasure. 148 00:10:29,353 --> 00:10:31,705 Second of all, we've already been there. 149 00:10:31,788 --> 00:10:34,207 And that entire island is honeycombed 150 00:10:34,290 --> 00:10:37,168 with the most unstable caverns we've ever encountered. 151 00:10:37,252 --> 00:10:40,713 - I'm sorry, I just... - You could've been killed, Gustav. 152 00:10:40,714 --> 00:10:42,840 Fanghook could've been killed. 153 00:10:42,924 --> 00:10:45,968 Look, this isn't Berk, Gustav. The rules are different out here. 154 00:10:46,052 --> 00:10:49,180 - You have to be smarter than this. - I just wanted to prove myself. 155 00:10:49,264 --> 00:10:52,600 Oh, you have. You have proven that you 156 00:10:52,701 --> 00:10:55,978 are not responsible enough, you're not mature enough 157 00:10:56,062 --> 00:10:58,774 and you're not trustworthy enough to be one of us. 158 00:10:58,856 --> 00:11:02,360 Now, it's been a long day. We all need some rest. 159 00:11:02,444 --> 00:11:04,362 We'll talk about this in the morning. 160 00:11:15,248 --> 00:11:17,041 Talk about it in the morning. 161 00:11:17,125 --> 00:11:18,752 Like there's anything left to say. 162 00:11:21,003 --> 00:11:24,758 That's right! It's not fair. I did everything they asked. 163 00:11:24,841 --> 00:11:28,720 I shoveled dragon poop for two years without a single complaint! 164 00:11:28,804 --> 00:11:32,014 For what? So they can tell me I'm not good enough?! 165 00:11:32,098 --> 00:11:35,184 Well, I am good enough. We're good enough. 166 00:11:38,187 --> 00:11:42,024 And someday they'll find that out, but it'll be too late. 167 00:11:43,401 --> 00:11:44,527 We're leaving. 168 00:11:56,289 --> 00:11:59,000 They're gonna be so sorry when they wake up in the morning 169 00:11:59,083 --> 00:12:02,420 and see that we're gone. Once they realize that we're missing, 170 00:12:02,504 --> 00:12:05,465 they're gonna be begging us to come back to Dragon's Edge. 171 00:12:05,548 --> 00:12:07,759 Those huts were lame anyway. 172 00:12:07,843 --> 00:12:09,385 I can't wait to get back to my... 173 00:12:09,469 --> 00:12:10,846 Whoa! Fanghook, dive! 174 00:12:12,054 --> 00:12:13,055 Ha ha! Missed! 175 00:12:21,939 --> 00:12:25,026 We captured a Dragon Rider. 176 00:12:25,109 --> 00:12:29,238 Which one is it? Oh, I sure hope it's brother Hiccup. 177 00:12:29,322 --> 00:12:31,533 Or I suppose the girl would work, too. 178 00:12:31,616 --> 00:12:33,993 - Which girl? - There's more than one? 179 00:12:37,330 --> 00:12:40,750 This is not one of Hiccup's Dragon Riders. 180 00:12:40,834 --> 00:12:45,087 - Who are you? - Larsen, Gustav Larsen. 181 00:12:45,171 --> 00:12:47,632 And that's all you're getting out of me. 182 00:12:47,716 --> 00:12:50,593 Hmm. Fine, feed him to the eels. 183 00:12:50,677 --> 00:12:52,679 But I know Hiccup, I know the Dragon Riders, 184 00:12:52,762 --> 00:12:54,639 and I have information! 185 00:12:56,015 --> 00:12:57,225 Oh? 186 00:12:59,895 --> 00:13:02,939 - What kind of information? - I can get you the Dragon Eye. 187 00:13:03,022 --> 00:13:05,400 And what's the Dragon Eye? 188 00:13:05,483 --> 00:13:08,069 That. That's the Dragon Eye. 189 00:13:10,864 --> 00:13:13,408 Oh. 190 00:13:18,287 --> 00:13:19,706 Mmm. Mmm. 191 00:13:26,045 --> 00:13:28,631 - So, are you enjoying your meal? - Mm-hmm. Mmm! 192 00:13:28,715 --> 00:13:31,968 Good. Good, good, good, good, good. So, here's the plan. 193 00:13:32,051 --> 00:13:34,345 We'll draw Hiccup and the Night Fury into the open, 194 00:13:34,429 --> 00:13:38,140 neutralize the other riders and seize the Dragon Eye by lethal force, 195 00:13:38,224 --> 00:13:40,936 as if there is any other type of force. I mean, really, come on. 196 00:13:41,018 --> 00:13:43,396 Then the Dragon Eye will be mine. 197 00:13:43,479 --> 00:13:47,650 Yeah, that's one way to do it. And you might get the Dragon Eye. 198 00:13:47,734 --> 00:13:51,362 Or Hiccup could crush you just like every other time you 199 00:13:51,363 --> 00:13:54,991 - faced off against him. - Mm. You have a better idea, Gustav? 200 00:13:55,074 --> 00:13:56,659 Can you hand me the sauce, please? 201 00:13:56,743 --> 00:14:01,163 I do, one that will guarantee Hiccup delivers the Dragon Eye right to us. 202 00:14:01,247 --> 00:14:04,876 - More mutton thigh, friend? - Mm-hmm. 203 00:14:08,170 --> 00:14:10,673 - Anything? - I checked the clubhouse, your hut, 204 00:14:10,757 --> 00:14:13,009 even the stables. He's not there. 205 00:14:15,804 --> 00:14:18,180 Nothing else is on fire around here, so he must be gone. 206 00:14:18,264 --> 00:14:21,810 - Well, we have to find him. - Or... do we? 207 00:14:21,893 --> 00:14:23,436 Yeah, why are we worried? 208 00:14:23,519 --> 00:14:26,063 Shouldn't we be celebrating the fact that he's gone? 209 00:14:26,147 --> 00:14:29,191 - Not until we know he's safe. - Well, we could ask Fanghook. 210 00:14:29,275 --> 00:14:31,861 And, Ruffnut, how do you suppose we do that? 211 00:14:31,945 --> 00:14:33,488 Turn around. 212 00:14:38,534 --> 00:14:40,954 Fanghook, where's Gustav, boy? Where's Gustav? 213 00:14:41,037 --> 00:14:43,706 Ah! He's not talking, you guys. 214 00:14:43,790 --> 00:14:46,208 He's completely shut down. Typical. 215 00:14:46,292 --> 00:14:48,711 Hey, hey, Fanghook. Hey, it's okay. 216 00:14:48,795 --> 00:14:50,463 Easy, boy, easy. 217 00:14:50,546 --> 00:14:52,048 Well, doesn't look like he's injured. 218 00:14:52,131 --> 00:14:54,216 But he's definitely upset. You guys, look. 219 00:14:56,970 --> 00:14:59,430 Dagur. He wants to make a trade. 220 00:14:59,514 --> 00:15:01,850 The Dragon Eye for Gustav. 221 00:15:03,518 --> 00:15:06,688 - I don't like this, Hiccup. - Well, we have no choice. 222 00:15:06,771 --> 00:15:10,399 You sure we have no choice? Like, none? Zip? Zilch? 223 00:15:10,483 --> 00:15:12,360 - This is all my fault anyway. - Ninguno? 224 00:15:12,443 --> 00:15:14,445 - I never even gave the kid a chance. - Ni Portugal? 225 00:15:14,529 --> 00:15:16,906 - Tuff, that's really not helping at all. - Yeah. 226 00:15:16,990 --> 00:15:18,992 If I wasn't so busy tinkering with this thing, 227 00:15:19,075 --> 00:15:20,869 I don't know, maybe I could've kept him busy. 228 00:15:20,952 --> 00:15:23,579 Uh, yeah, nobody can keep Gustav busy. 229 00:15:23,663 --> 00:15:25,665 At least let us back you up out there. 230 00:15:25,748 --> 00:15:29,210 Dagur was very clear. I have to come alone. 231 00:15:29,293 --> 00:15:30,879 We don't know what he'll do to Gustav 232 00:15:30,962 --> 00:15:34,799 if I don't follow his demands to the letter. No, we can't risk it. 233 00:15:36,051 --> 00:15:38,011 I'll be careful, I promise. 234 00:15:47,436 --> 00:15:48,563 There! 235 00:15:54,485 --> 00:15:56,404 Fanghook! 236 00:15:56,487 --> 00:15:59,448 Oh. I was worried about you, boy. 237 00:15:59,532 --> 00:16:02,869 Aww, dragon and Dragon Rider love. 238 00:16:02,952 --> 00:16:05,496 Makes me want to hurl. Blech! 239 00:16:09,042 --> 00:16:12,169 Yeah, I see 'em, bud. Gustav, are you okay? 240 00:16:14,923 --> 00:16:18,083 - That's close enough, Dagur. - Oh, wow. 241 00:16:18,118 --> 00:16:20,970 Where's the trust. After all we've been through together? 242 00:16:21,054 --> 00:16:22,805 No? Nothing? 243 00:16:22,889 --> 00:16:26,031 No Hiccupy barbs, quips, snappy comebacks? 244 00:16:26,032 --> 00:16:27,602 But I really love those. 245 00:16:27,685 --> 00:16:30,105 We've developed such a nice shorthand, you and I. 246 00:16:30,187 --> 00:16:31,773 Dagur, let's just get on with this. 247 00:16:31,856 --> 00:16:33,782 - Send them over. - You first. 248 00:16:35,484 --> 00:16:37,236 You have no choice. 249 00:16:37,319 --> 00:16:40,031 One false move and my men will take out you, 250 00:16:40,115 --> 00:16:42,166 the Night Fury and the kid! 251 00:16:42,167 --> 00:16:45,644 So roll it over and I'll let him go. 252 00:16:51,751 --> 00:16:54,629 Oh. It... It really is one beautiful artifact. 253 00:16:54,712 --> 00:16:56,923 And I hear it can be very useful to those who possess it? 254 00:16:57,006 --> 00:16:58,215 Hmm? Is that true? 255 00:16:58,299 --> 00:17:01,052 Gustav, let's go. It's okay. 256 00:17:04,013 --> 00:17:06,975 Yeah, about that, Hiccup. 257 00:17:07,058 --> 00:17:09,102 I've been treated much better by these guys 258 00:17:09,185 --> 00:17:11,604 than I ever was treated by you and the Dragon Riders. 259 00:17:11,687 --> 00:17:15,191 Ooh! And the plot thickens. 260 00:17:15,274 --> 00:17:16,609 Gustav? 261 00:17:16,692 --> 00:17:18,736 You could've given me a chance, you know? 262 00:17:18,820 --> 00:17:21,072 All you guys ever did was tell me I wasn't good enough, 263 00:17:21,156 --> 00:17:22,531 tell me I didn't belong. 264 00:17:22,615 --> 00:17:23,783 Well, I belong here. 265 00:17:23,866 --> 00:17:26,828 Gustav, you have no idea what you're getting into! 266 00:17:26,911 --> 00:17:30,706 Oh, yes, I do, Hiccup. I know exactly what I'm doing. 267 00:17:30,790 --> 00:17:32,625 Awkward! 268 00:17:32,708 --> 00:17:35,252 Well, I'd say your work is finished here, brother. 269 00:17:35,336 --> 00:17:37,505 Ordinarily, this is where I would double-cross you 270 00:17:37,588 --> 00:17:38,965 and fill you full of arrows. 271 00:17:39,048 --> 00:17:41,801 But the kid is squeamish. He made me promise to let you go, 272 00:17:41,884 --> 00:17:44,428 and in return, he's gonna take me to a treasure. 273 00:17:44,512 --> 00:17:48,474 That's right, Hiccup. We have the Dragon Eye and Fanghook's fire. 274 00:17:48,557 --> 00:17:50,852 And you know what that means. 275 00:17:50,935 --> 00:17:53,604 Untold treasure awaits. 276 00:17:56,691 --> 00:18:01,154 - You are going to regret this. - I don't think so, Hiccup. 277 00:18:06,741 --> 00:18:08,911 Whoo! 278 00:18:10,163 --> 00:18:13,666 You know, I'm actually gonna feel bad when I kill this kid. 279 00:18:16,585 --> 00:18:19,047 - This is it. - Why are we stopping? 280 00:18:19,130 --> 00:18:22,424 No reason. I was just kind of impressed that you trusted your men enough 281 00:18:22,508 --> 00:18:25,261 to show them exactly where the treasure is hidden. 282 00:18:25,344 --> 00:18:27,513 Especially when there's so much of it. 283 00:18:28,681 --> 00:18:31,059 - Stay here. - Why? 284 00:18:31,142 --> 00:18:34,062 Oh, uh, let's see, uh... 285 00:18:34,145 --> 00:18:37,356 I don't know. Maybe because... I said so! 286 00:18:38,983 --> 00:18:41,610 Oh, good idea, sir. We'll stay here. 287 00:18:43,071 --> 00:18:44,864 Fanghook, slow burn. 288 00:18:47,742 --> 00:18:50,119 Ah, I see. 289 00:18:50,203 --> 00:18:53,831 You outdid yourself, Hiccup. I love this thing. 290 00:18:59,670 --> 00:19:03,591 - Uh, so, does that happen a lot? - You get used to it. 291 00:19:07,845 --> 00:19:12,100 - Are we there yet? - We're close, very close. 292 00:19:12,183 --> 00:19:13,893 Good, that's what I wanted to hear. 293 00:19:18,856 --> 00:19:21,192 Oh, bright light, bright light, bright light! 294 00:19:21,276 --> 00:19:23,945 Come out, come out, wherever you are! 295 00:19:35,748 --> 00:19:38,793 - Gotcha! - No... we've got you. 296 00:19:38,876 --> 00:19:41,754 Good work, Gustav. Oh, what's the matter, Dagur? 297 00:19:41,837 --> 00:19:44,048 No barbs, no comebacks? 298 00:19:44,132 --> 00:19:46,717 I thought we had a shorthand, I thought you loved that stuff. 299 00:19:50,138 --> 00:19:53,224 - Dagur, you hand over the Dragon Eye. - I don't think so. 300 00:19:53,308 --> 00:19:54,976 I'm not asking. 301 00:19:56,685 --> 00:19:59,939 Oh. It's a long way down, isn't it? 302 00:20:00,022 --> 00:20:03,525 Dagur, you've got nowhere to go. It's over. 303 00:20:03,609 --> 00:20:05,486 It's over? Really? 304 00:20:05,569 --> 00:20:06,904 Whoops. 305 00:20:06,988 --> 00:20:09,907 - Oh, no! Ah! - Gustav! 306 00:20:12,368 --> 00:20:13,452 Come here. 307 00:20:13,535 --> 00:20:14,536 Got it! 308 00:20:15,537 --> 00:20:17,248 - Hiccup! - There, Toothless! 309 00:20:19,750 --> 00:20:21,377 Ah! We got you, Gustav. 310 00:20:21,460 --> 00:20:22,962 Let's get out of here. 311 00:20:24,672 --> 00:20:26,174 Oh! 312 00:20:28,092 --> 00:20:29,844 Toothless! 313 00:20:29,927 --> 00:20:31,053 Don't worry, bud. 314 00:20:32,096 --> 00:20:33,264 Hang on, bud! 315 00:20:39,228 --> 00:20:41,036 I'm gonna have to come up with something 316 00:20:41,037 --> 00:20:42,242 in case that happens to us again. 317 00:20:44,859 --> 00:20:46,235 Fanghook! Yeah! 318 00:20:46,319 --> 00:20:48,821 Thanks, boy. 319 00:20:51,699 --> 00:20:53,117 - Whew! - Whoo! 320 00:20:53,201 --> 00:20:54,369 - You okay? - Yeah. 321 00:20:54,451 --> 00:20:57,955 - Hiccup, I'm really sorry. - I'm sorry, too, Gustav. 322 00:20:58,039 --> 00:21:01,792 You're still irresponsible, immature and reckless, 323 00:21:01,876 --> 00:21:04,170 but the way you handled yourself with Dagur, 324 00:21:04,253 --> 00:21:07,589 maybe you do have what it takes to be a Dragon Rider... someday. 325 00:21:07,673 --> 00:21:10,134 Someday? I will take someday. 326 00:21:11,927 --> 00:21:13,929 What do you say you and me find a way out of here? 327 00:21:20,936 --> 00:21:23,647 What the Thor is this? 328 00:21:23,731 --> 00:21:25,107 Let's go, bud. 329 00:21:28,194 --> 00:21:31,113 - Gustav, I... - Uh-uh, stop right there, sweets. 330 00:21:31,197 --> 00:21:33,241 I can't stay. My mom would kill me. 331 00:21:33,324 --> 00:21:35,784 She usually notices I've been gone after about three days. 332 00:21:35,868 --> 00:21:38,246 All right, Fanghook, let's go. 333 00:21:38,329 --> 00:21:42,041 You take care, babe. Don't worry, Gustav will be back soon! 334 00:21:42,124 --> 00:21:43,334 What's that? 335 00:21:43,418 --> 00:21:46,087 Oh, just something I found at the bottom of that cave. 336 00:21:46,170 --> 00:21:47,380 Oh, a new lens. 337 00:21:47,463 --> 00:21:49,882 Yeah, there was treasure in those caves after all. 338 00:21:49,965 --> 00:21:53,261 The Dragon Eye was giving us clues on how to find it all along. 339 00:21:53,344 --> 00:21:54,887 We just weren't looking in the right place. 340 00:21:54,970 --> 00:21:57,932 And if there's one of these out there, that means there has to be more. 341 00:21:58,015 --> 00:22:00,180 - Ooh-hoo-hoo! - Huh. And to think, 342 00:22:00,215 --> 00:22:02,395 we never would've found that without Gustav. 343 00:22:02,478 --> 00:22:03,854 Awesome, so let's just tell Gustav. 344 00:22:03,938 --> 00:22:05,606 No! No, no, no! 345 00:22:10,477 --> 00:22:14,495 sync & correction by f1nc0