1 00:00:01,000 --> 00:00:02,867 My name is Max William Easton. 2 00:00:02,900 --> 00:00:04,633 I'm a British Intelligence officer. 3 00:00:04,667 --> 00:00:05,633 SAID: There's no point taking out 4 00:00:05,667 --> 00:00:07,100 their scientists 5 00:00:07,133 --> 00:00:08,300 if we don't take out the financiers. 6 00:00:09,933 --> 00:00:12,067 Once we get to the truth, you can help us get it out there. 7 00:00:12,100 --> 00:00:14,300 Angus, it's Olivia. I've got something. Can I come in? 8 00:00:14,333 --> 00:00:15,967 MAX: Kahani walked Ardavan into an ambush. 9 00:00:16,000 --> 00:00:16,933 Clearly, he's no lawyer. 10 00:00:16,967 --> 00:00:18,933 -Maybe he's Agency. -Who sent him? 11 00:00:18,967 --> 00:00:20,467 -Oh! -(grunting) 12 00:00:20,500 --> 00:00:22,667 (beeping) 13 00:00:24,167 --> 00:00:25,933 I found this on White's phone. 14 00:00:25,967 --> 00:00:27,200 Maybe it's not a phone number. 15 00:00:27,233 --> 00:00:29,167 Stay with me, you bastard. 16 00:00:29,200 --> 00:00:30,600 JONES: Ashkan Davoud, a scientist with detailed knowledge... 17 00:00:30,633 --> 00:00:32,400 Detailed knowledge of what we believe 18 00:00:32,433 --> 00:00:34,767 to be Tehran's reactivated program. 19 00:00:34,800 --> 00:00:35,933 There is no such program. 20 00:00:35,967 --> 00:00:38,067 Everything you're gonna say is in here. 21 00:00:38,100 --> 00:00:41,400 What evidence would you have to back up your claim? 22 00:00:41,433 --> 00:00:42,667 JONES: They're gonna want verification. 23 00:00:42,700 --> 00:00:43,833 There's no silver bullet. 24 00:00:43,867 --> 00:00:45,033 Intelligence that helps them 25 00:00:45,067 --> 00:00:47,067 complete the picture. Soil samples, air, water. 26 00:00:47,100 --> 00:00:48,533 Whoever we send out there, 27 00:00:48,567 --> 00:00:50,567 they can't come back. 28 00:00:55,233 --> 00:00:56,900 So, how are you doing, Jordan? 29 00:00:56,933 --> 00:00:59,033 Like a guy with only the gym to occupy him. 30 00:00:59,067 --> 00:01:01,933 -Adjusting okay? -Mary Anne and I 31 00:01:01,967 --> 00:01:05,033 have another baby on the way, so there's that. 32 00:01:05,067 --> 00:01:07,367 Could do without the fan club, though. 33 00:01:07,400 --> 00:01:08,633 Don't deserve it. 34 00:01:08,667 --> 00:01:10,167 Don't like celebrity, huh? 35 00:01:10,200 --> 00:01:12,300 It's just kind of weird being praised for something 36 00:01:12,333 --> 00:01:14,300 I don't even do anymore. 37 00:01:14,333 --> 00:01:17,133 What would you say if I told you we had a mission? 38 00:01:17,167 --> 00:01:19,333 One that could amount to plenty, change everything? 39 00:01:19,367 --> 00:01:21,367 I guess I'd repeat the words 40 00:01:21,400 --> 00:01:23,300 my shrink keeps telling me. 41 00:01:23,333 --> 00:01:24,967 "Change is good. 42 00:01:25,000 --> 00:01:27,533 Change keeps us alive." 43 00:01:30,500 --> 00:01:32,500 * 44 00:01:49,000 --> 00:01:51,300 * You may find yourself * 45 00:01:51,333 --> 00:01:53,733 * In another part of the world * 46 00:01:53,767 --> 00:01:57,433 * Living in a beautiful house * 47 00:01:57,467 --> 00:01:59,300 * With a beautiful wife * 48 00:02:01,933 --> 00:02:04,033 * And you may ask yourself * 49 00:02:04,067 --> 00:02:06,400 * "How do I work this?" * 50 00:02:08,567 --> 00:02:10,933 * This is not my beautiful house * 51 00:02:13,300 --> 00:02:15,733 * This is not my beautiful wife * 52 00:02:19,200 --> 00:02:21,500 * And you may ask yourself * 53 00:02:24,500 --> 00:02:26,167 * "Well..." * 54 00:02:30,667 --> 00:02:33,100 * "How did I get here?" * 55 00:02:49,667 --> 00:02:52,700 -Did he give you anything? -No. 56 00:02:53,933 --> 00:02:55,967 -Nothing. -(phone rings) 57 00:03:10,533 --> 00:03:12,200 George? 58 00:03:16,067 --> 00:03:19,267 Who was it? 59 00:03:19,300 --> 00:03:21,300 Agency, most likely. 60 00:03:23,000 --> 00:03:24,700 They'll come looking for him. 61 00:03:24,733 --> 00:03:26,667 -How long do you think we have? -I don't know. 62 00:03:30,467 --> 00:03:32,600 If this isn't a phone number, we need to find out what it is. 63 00:03:34,300 --> 00:03:35,633 The fire alarm was a feint, 64 00:03:35,667 --> 00:03:37,267 which means they probably snatched White 65 00:03:37,300 --> 00:03:39,333 on his way to the school, so start at the school, 66 00:03:39,367 --> 00:03:41,433 move out from there. CCTV. ANPR. 67 00:03:41,467 --> 00:03:43,333 Anything that we think we can use, okay? 68 00:03:43,367 --> 00:03:45,233 -Call on White's line. -Thanks. 69 00:03:47,267 --> 00:03:48,400 Hello? 70 00:03:48,433 --> 00:03:49,967 JONES: Who is this? 71 00:03:50,000 --> 00:03:51,933 Elliot Taylor. 72 00:03:51,967 --> 00:03:53,233 Where's George White? 73 00:03:55,300 --> 00:03:57,033 Listen to me. This is Amanda Jones. 74 00:03:57,067 --> 00:03:59,000 You better tell me what the fuck is going on over there, 75 00:03:59,033 --> 00:04:01,833 and think twice before you lie to me. 76 00:04:01,867 --> 00:04:05,433 I can't get them to work as coordinates. 77 00:04:05,467 --> 00:04:07,167 IP address? 78 00:04:07,200 --> 00:04:08,433 It's a call sign. 79 00:04:09,467 --> 00:04:11,200 You substitute a letter for the first number 80 00:04:11,233 --> 00:04:13,033 in each of the batches. 81 00:04:13,067 --> 00:04:15,367 November, seven, one, four, X-Ray, 82 00:04:15,400 --> 00:04:18,133 Yankee, Yankee, nine, zero, zero, golf. 83 00:04:18,167 --> 00:04:19,367 It's an aircraft call sign. 84 00:04:19,400 --> 00:04:21,533 Maybe White organized a flight for Davoud. 85 00:04:21,567 --> 00:04:22,700 Yeah, that's possible. 86 00:04:22,733 --> 00:04:23,967 What do you mean, possible? 87 00:04:24,000 --> 00:04:25,567 Have a bit of faith in your old man. 88 00:04:25,600 --> 00:04:27,233 (phone buzzes) 89 00:04:27,267 --> 00:04:29,133 Hey. 90 00:04:29,167 --> 00:04:30,967 Kahani's dead. 91 00:04:31,000 --> 00:04:32,533 What happened? 92 00:04:33,767 --> 00:04:35,333 He knew I was onto him. 93 00:04:35,367 --> 00:04:36,900 He came after me. 94 00:04:36,933 --> 00:04:37,967 Are you okay? 95 00:04:38,000 --> 00:04:39,700 -Yeah, I'm fine. -You sure? 96 00:04:39,733 --> 00:04:41,967 I'm fine, Harry. 97 00:04:42,000 --> 00:04:43,567 Okay, I'm just... I'm here with Max now. 98 00:04:43,600 --> 00:04:45,067 I'm putting you on speaker. 99 00:04:45,100 --> 00:04:46,500 Kahani's dead. 100 00:04:46,533 --> 00:04:48,767 -What? -Where are you now? 101 00:04:48,800 --> 00:04:49,933 In his house. 102 00:04:49,967 --> 00:04:52,533 I found two phones hidden. 103 00:04:53,567 --> 00:04:55,000 A message came up on one of them. 104 00:04:55,033 --> 00:04:57,400 "Operation Green Light. Thursday, 1:00 a.m. 105 00:04:57,433 --> 00:04:58,767 Confirm." Number's blocked. 106 00:04:58,800 --> 00:05:00,867 -Did you check the phone history? -I did. 107 00:05:00,900 --> 00:05:02,733 Every time Kahani received a message on one phone, 108 00:05:02,767 --> 00:05:04,967 he'd send the exact same message via the second phone 109 00:05:05,000 --> 00:05:06,067 to another blocked number. 110 00:05:06,100 --> 00:05:07,533 So he was a bridge? 111 00:05:07,567 --> 00:05:08,600 Yeah, between who? 112 00:05:08,633 --> 00:05:10,233 I'm on it. 113 00:05:10,967 --> 00:05:12,767 I'm coming out there. 114 00:05:12,800 --> 00:05:14,167 No. 115 00:05:14,200 --> 00:05:15,867 I don't need you to look after me. 116 00:05:15,900 --> 00:05:18,433 I know you don't need looking after, Leyla. 117 00:05:18,467 --> 00:05:19,733 -Just... -Harry. 118 00:05:19,767 --> 00:05:22,133 I'm fine. 119 00:05:22,167 --> 00:05:24,367 Okay? 120 00:05:31,300 --> 00:05:34,133 -I've got to go. -Of course. 121 00:05:34,167 --> 00:05:36,033 She wouldn't be in this shit if it wasn't for me, 122 00:05:36,067 --> 00:05:38,633 -and... -You absolutely have to go. 123 00:05:38,667 --> 00:05:41,567 I'll stay here, keep on the call signs, see where it leads. 124 00:05:41,600 --> 00:05:42,767 Yeah. 125 00:05:58,033 --> 00:05:59,967 Right. 126 00:06:01,333 --> 00:06:04,667 I've never been much good at this. 127 00:06:06,567 --> 00:06:08,633 We never really got a chance, did we? 128 00:06:08,667 --> 00:06:09,967 To what? 129 00:06:12,967 --> 00:06:14,633 To... 130 00:06:14,667 --> 00:06:16,933 Hey. 131 00:06:34,200 --> 00:06:37,233 * 132 00:07:00,667 --> 00:07:02,367 Okay. 133 00:07:13,100 --> 00:07:15,067 (phone buzzes) 134 00:07:15,100 --> 00:07:16,533 Pullman. 135 00:07:16,567 --> 00:07:17,800 I've got something for you. 136 00:07:17,833 --> 00:07:19,133 You'll need to rally the troops. 137 00:07:19,167 --> 00:07:21,533 Thank God. Been sort of... 138 00:07:21,567 --> 00:07:23,667 praying for some action over here, ma'am. 139 00:07:23,700 --> 00:07:27,067 It's not that kind of action. Not yet, anyway. 140 00:07:53,367 --> 00:07:54,833 I made coffee. 141 00:07:56,933 --> 00:07:58,800 Yes, please. 142 00:08:03,767 --> 00:08:06,267 How are the girls? 143 00:08:06,300 --> 00:08:08,500 Asleep. 144 00:08:11,167 --> 00:08:13,800 Chloe won't stop talking about him. 145 00:08:15,233 --> 00:08:16,967 Her new big brother. 146 00:08:17,000 --> 00:08:20,933 It's incredible how fast kids adjust, 147 00:08:20,967 --> 00:08:22,933 accept things, 148 00:08:22,967 --> 00:08:25,967 anything, as normal. 149 00:08:28,100 --> 00:08:30,033 I can't. 150 00:08:31,767 --> 00:08:33,767 I know. 151 00:08:40,100 --> 00:08:42,600 What's out there in the barn? 152 00:08:45,267 --> 00:08:48,267 All the things I can't ask. 153 00:08:52,733 --> 00:08:55,133 Who was he? 154 00:08:56,533 --> 00:08:58,900 The man in the video. 155 00:08:58,933 --> 00:09:01,367 The man you killed. 156 00:09:01,400 --> 00:09:04,967 He was a... 157 00:09:05,000 --> 00:09:07,700 scientist. 158 00:09:07,733 --> 00:09:09,167 He worked for the British government. 159 00:09:09,200 --> 00:09:10,633 Did you know him? 160 00:09:10,667 --> 00:09:12,900 Not personally, no. 161 00:09:15,533 --> 00:09:18,533 They wanted him silenced. 162 00:09:21,900 --> 00:09:23,833 I silenced him. 163 00:09:25,833 --> 00:09:27,800 How many? 164 00:09:27,833 --> 00:09:30,867 How many have you... 165 00:09:31,900 --> 00:09:33,767 ...silenced? 166 00:09:34,833 --> 00:09:37,867 You don't know? 167 00:09:37,900 --> 00:09:41,067 Of course you know. 168 00:09:42,900 --> 00:09:44,800 You never questioned it? 169 00:09:45,833 --> 00:09:48,833 Not at first. 170 00:09:50,233 --> 00:09:52,933 I believed what they told me. 171 00:09:54,400 --> 00:09:57,033 That we were making a difference. 172 00:09:59,267 --> 00:10:01,633 Making the world a safer place. 173 00:10:01,667 --> 00:10:03,433 And did you? 174 00:10:05,000 --> 00:10:07,367 No. 175 00:10:07,400 --> 00:10:09,700 Not really. 176 00:10:11,267 --> 00:10:13,933 Blood begets blood, they say, and it never ends. 177 00:10:17,667 --> 00:10:19,267 That's why I left. 178 00:10:19,300 --> 00:10:20,867 But you didn't. 179 00:10:20,900 --> 00:10:22,767 Did you? 180 00:10:22,800 --> 00:10:24,233 Leave? 181 00:10:24,267 --> 00:10:26,433 I'm gonna fix this, Anna. 182 00:10:26,467 --> 00:10:28,433 This whole mess, I'm gonna fix it. 183 00:10:28,467 --> 00:10:29,800 I promise. 184 00:10:29,833 --> 00:10:33,033 So that you and the girls are safe. 185 00:10:37,167 --> 00:10:40,167 * 186 00:11:09,733 --> 00:11:12,633 (cars honking in distance) 187 00:11:31,767 --> 00:11:33,767 * 188 00:11:52,033 --> 00:11:53,800 (knocking) 189 00:11:58,400 --> 00:12:00,400 Mm-hmm. 190 00:13:09,033 --> 00:13:12,900 JONES: Operation Green Light will commence at 0100 hours. 191 00:13:12,933 --> 00:13:15,767 Our target: the Alin power plant. 192 00:13:15,800 --> 00:13:18,100 We'll get you as close as we can 193 00:13:18,133 --> 00:13:20,233 to carry out meaningful tests. 194 00:13:20,267 --> 00:13:22,667 We know there is no silver bullet here. 195 00:13:22,700 --> 00:13:25,633 We just need anything that can corroborate Davoud's testimony-- 196 00:13:25,667 --> 00:13:27,667 soil samples, air, water. 197 00:13:27,700 --> 00:13:28,900 Yes. 198 00:13:28,933 --> 00:13:31,267 I was on the IAEA inspection team. 199 00:13:31,300 --> 00:13:32,967 That's why we picked you, Ms. De Silva. 200 00:13:33,000 --> 00:13:34,400 Alin was never on itinerary. 201 00:13:34,433 --> 00:13:36,333 Because it is a conventional power plant. 202 00:13:36,367 --> 00:13:38,667 We believe the Iranians are adapting this facility 203 00:13:38,700 --> 00:13:40,333 and using it to skirt the provisions of the deal. 204 00:13:40,367 --> 00:13:42,433 Can we get our inspectors in there? 205 00:13:42,467 --> 00:13:44,267 We've requested access to the site. 206 00:13:44,300 --> 00:13:45,833 It's been denied by Tehran. 207 00:13:47,267 --> 00:13:48,733 Look... 208 00:13:48,767 --> 00:13:50,867 I will be straight with you. 209 00:13:50,900 --> 00:13:53,267 This is a high-risk operation. 210 00:13:53,300 --> 00:13:55,867 If any of you choose not to go, 211 00:13:55,900 --> 00:13:57,633 no one in this room will think any worse of you. 212 00:14:00,633 --> 00:14:04,400 Rest assured we're placing you in the best possible hands. 213 00:14:04,433 --> 00:14:06,033 Major Franklin. 214 00:14:10,267 --> 00:14:12,667 Thank you. 215 00:14:14,233 --> 00:14:16,200 I know you're nervous. 216 00:14:16,233 --> 00:14:18,367 Understandable. 217 00:14:18,400 --> 00:14:21,567 We'll get you in, and then we'll bring you home again. 218 00:14:21,600 --> 00:14:23,600 All right? 219 00:14:30,800 --> 00:14:32,867 (knocking) 220 00:14:43,167 --> 00:14:45,400 Mama? 221 00:16:11,100 --> 00:16:13,533 I have so much love for you. 222 00:16:37,033 --> 00:16:39,300 (camera shutter clicking) 223 00:16:42,500 --> 00:16:45,000 We got an accident report. This is where the collision happened. 224 00:16:45,033 --> 00:16:46,233 -CCTV? -None. 225 00:16:46,267 --> 00:16:48,200 Okay, check all the houses on the street. 226 00:16:48,233 --> 00:16:49,600 See if any of them have a home security cam. 227 00:16:49,633 --> 00:16:50,900 WOMAN: Elliot, this is... 228 00:16:50,933 --> 00:16:54,467 Seth Pullman. You're Elliot? 229 00:16:54,500 --> 00:16:57,000 -I am. -I was expecting a man. 230 00:16:57,033 --> 00:16:58,600 Well, you got me. 231 00:16:58,633 --> 00:17:00,567 Amanda Jones sent me to assist you 232 00:17:00,600 --> 00:17:02,467 in the search for George White. 233 00:17:02,500 --> 00:17:05,033 We can manage. 234 00:17:05,067 --> 00:17:06,833 Thank you. 235 00:17:13,700 --> 00:17:15,833 I don't have a choice, do I? 236 00:17:15,867 --> 00:17:19,567 I prefer not to think of it in those terms. 237 00:18:22,033 --> 00:18:24,033 (knocking) 238 00:18:47,533 --> 00:18:49,867 You didn't need to come. 239 00:18:49,900 --> 00:18:51,367 Huh? 240 00:18:51,400 --> 00:18:52,867 What was that? 241 00:18:52,900 --> 00:18:55,533 How was the six-hour flight? 242 00:18:55,567 --> 00:18:57,733 Yeah, it was all right. Uh, watched a film, 243 00:18:57,767 --> 00:18:59,800 the food was actually half decent. Yeah. 244 00:19:01,500 --> 00:19:04,900 You want some coffee? Something to eat? 245 00:19:04,933 --> 00:19:07,467 Yeah, coffee would be great. Thanks. 246 00:19:15,533 --> 00:19:18,067 So... 247 00:19:18,100 --> 00:19:19,167 where is he? 248 00:19:38,333 --> 00:19:40,900 Ah. Thanks. 249 00:19:42,333 --> 00:19:44,533 So, what you got? 250 00:19:45,733 --> 00:19:48,333 Kahani had our kill list. 251 00:19:50,900 --> 00:19:52,300 Was he Agency? 252 00:19:52,333 --> 00:19:54,867 I don't know. Come look at this. 253 00:19:54,900 --> 00:19:57,100 -This is our original list, right? -Mm-hmm. 254 00:19:57,133 --> 00:19:59,633 Every single one of these CVs in our briefing papers. 255 00:19:59,667 --> 00:20:00,900 Yeah. And? 256 00:20:00,933 --> 00:20:02,767 They were a lie. 257 00:20:02,800 --> 00:20:05,067 They made out the scientists to be much higher up the chain 258 00:20:05,100 --> 00:20:07,200 than they were. See these? 259 00:20:07,233 --> 00:20:09,667 These are their original CVs. 260 00:20:09,700 --> 00:20:11,500 All right, how'd you know? 261 00:20:11,533 --> 00:20:13,867 I went through Kahani's files. 262 00:20:13,900 --> 00:20:16,867 Remember Ahmadi, the last guy on our list? 263 00:20:16,900 --> 00:20:20,433 -Yeah. -I went to see his widow. 264 00:20:20,467 --> 00:20:22,967 His files were doctored. 265 00:20:23,000 --> 00:20:26,133 All of them were. 266 00:20:26,167 --> 00:20:28,167 Why? 267 00:20:28,200 --> 00:20:31,567 I don't know. 268 00:20:31,600 --> 00:20:33,833 Kahani had everything. 269 00:20:33,867 --> 00:20:36,267 He had everything on us. 270 00:20:50,533 --> 00:20:53,533 Maybe Kahani wasn't Agency. 271 00:20:54,667 --> 00:20:56,833 Maybe he was Tehran. 272 00:20:58,967 --> 00:21:01,400 If that's true, then that means the Iranians knew we were here. 273 00:21:01,433 --> 00:21:03,700 Yeah, maybe they gave us the kill list. 274 00:21:03,733 --> 00:21:06,933 Maybe we took out everyone the regime wanted us to. 275 00:21:16,933 --> 00:21:19,433 Uh, who's this? 276 00:21:19,467 --> 00:21:21,733 Reza Esfahani. 277 00:21:21,767 --> 00:21:24,667 He works at the Ministry of Defense. 278 00:21:24,700 --> 00:21:27,000 He links everyone on the kill list. 279 00:21:27,033 --> 00:21:28,500 I found a picture of him in Ahmadi's apartment. 280 00:21:28,533 --> 00:21:30,333 He's the one thing they have in common. 281 00:21:30,367 --> 00:21:32,667 And you think he's the source of the kill list? 282 00:21:32,700 --> 00:21:34,667 Maybe. 283 00:21:34,700 --> 00:21:37,067 Maybe he's on one end of these messages. 284 00:21:37,100 --> 00:21:40,333 He gave the list to Kahani, 285 00:21:40,367 --> 00:21:42,500 who passed it on to someone on our side. 286 00:21:46,367 --> 00:21:48,767 Right. 287 00:21:51,367 --> 00:21:53,600 Well, there's only one way to find out. 288 00:21:56,167 --> 00:21:58,167 Okay, he's leaving. 289 00:21:59,400 --> 00:22:00,667 (camera shutter clicks) 290 00:22:00,700 --> 00:22:02,300 -You see him? -Got him. 291 00:22:14,867 --> 00:22:16,867 * 292 00:22:41,700 --> 00:22:43,567 Come on. 293 00:22:45,500 --> 00:22:47,500 (phone beeps) 294 00:22:50,667 --> 00:22:53,300 Now we find out who's on the other end of those messages. 295 00:22:57,700 --> 00:22:59,300 Salaam. 296 00:23:26,733 --> 00:23:28,733 * 297 00:23:58,100 --> 00:23:59,567 Got him? 298 00:23:59,600 --> 00:24:01,033 We got him. He's back at work. 299 00:24:01,067 --> 00:24:02,400 Anything useful? 300 00:24:02,433 --> 00:24:04,633 Not yet. 301 00:24:04,667 --> 00:24:06,667 (Esfahani speaking Farsi in office) 302 00:24:09,367 --> 00:24:10,533 We caught this on a home-security cam. 303 00:24:10,567 --> 00:24:13,000 -ELLIOT: We get a plate? -SITA: We did. 304 00:24:13,033 --> 00:24:14,200 Tracked the car all the way to here. 305 00:24:14,233 --> 00:24:15,433 Two miles south of Epsom. 306 00:24:15,467 --> 00:24:16,433 PULLMAN: And then? 307 00:24:16,467 --> 00:24:17,967 And then it disappears. 308 00:24:18,000 --> 00:24:19,033 Maybe they switched cars. 309 00:24:19,067 --> 00:24:20,767 Or changed plates. 310 00:24:23,633 --> 00:24:25,400 What are they doing? 311 00:24:25,433 --> 00:24:28,467 You can't do that. Hey! 312 00:24:35,367 --> 00:24:37,967 (camera shutter clicking) 313 00:24:56,900 --> 00:24:59,500 (phone whooshes) 314 00:25:21,133 --> 00:25:23,733 I'm unarmed. 315 00:25:23,767 --> 00:25:25,833 -Is he dead? -He's dead, 316 00:25:25,867 --> 00:25:27,500 but I didn't kill him. 317 00:25:27,533 --> 00:25:29,167 He did it himself. 318 00:25:29,200 --> 00:25:31,300 I don't believe you. 319 00:25:31,333 --> 00:25:33,667 So don't believe me. 320 00:25:40,933 --> 00:25:42,533 Look at me. 321 00:25:45,900 --> 00:25:48,867 He came after my kids. 322 00:25:48,900 --> 00:25:51,167 My children. 323 00:25:53,300 --> 00:25:55,600 I mean, did you know about that? 324 00:25:55,633 --> 00:25:58,467 Were you okay with that? 325 00:26:05,833 --> 00:26:08,567 I saw them at The Section removing the hard drives. 326 00:26:09,933 --> 00:26:13,633 They looked like Agency. 327 00:26:13,667 --> 00:26:16,400 They had that... 328 00:26:16,433 --> 00:26:18,467 arrogance, you know. 329 00:26:20,567 --> 00:26:23,000 Is this what you worked so hard for, 330 00:26:23,033 --> 00:26:25,300 made all those sacrifices for-- 331 00:26:25,333 --> 00:26:27,467 to be their lapdogs? 332 00:26:27,500 --> 00:26:29,967 Don't tell me 333 00:26:30,000 --> 00:26:31,633 it doesn't piss you off. I saw you. 334 00:26:34,800 --> 00:26:37,600 It's over, Elliot. 335 00:26:37,633 --> 00:26:40,500 George knew it. You know it. 336 00:26:44,533 --> 00:26:46,600 Were you the contact for that flight? 337 00:26:49,233 --> 00:26:50,633 Was Ashkan Davoud on that plane? 338 00:26:52,400 --> 00:26:53,833 I don't know. 339 00:26:53,867 --> 00:26:56,667 Washington said they took him from Iran. 340 00:26:56,700 --> 00:26:58,600 Was he here all along? 341 00:27:03,767 --> 00:27:06,800 You know, right? 342 00:27:11,900 --> 00:27:13,367 I arranged the pickup. 343 00:27:13,400 --> 00:27:15,400 -That's all. -From where? 344 00:27:16,767 --> 00:27:18,767 From where? 345 00:27:20,300 --> 00:27:23,667 147 Chartley Street. 346 00:27:23,700 --> 00:27:26,367 Next to the railway. 347 00:27:28,367 --> 00:27:30,067 Thank you. 348 00:27:55,233 --> 00:27:57,300 Ah. Salaam alaikum. 349 00:27:57,333 --> 00:27:59,033 Wa alaikum as-salaam, brother. How can I help you? 350 00:27:59,067 --> 00:28:01,533 Uh, I'm looking for a friend of mine-- 351 00:28:01,567 --> 00:28:03,933 Ashkan Davoud. Do you know him? 352 00:28:03,967 --> 00:28:05,967 -Sorry. No. -Okay, thank you. 353 00:28:06,000 --> 00:28:07,567 No problem. 354 00:28:13,233 --> 00:28:15,300 All right, so, six hours out from whatever the fuck 355 00:28:15,333 --> 00:28:16,967 Operation Green Light is, 356 00:28:17,000 --> 00:28:18,600 and he's getting worked up over stationery. 357 00:28:18,633 --> 00:28:19,767 We need to light a fire. 358 00:28:43,167 --> 00:28:44,667 (speaks Farsi) 359 00:29:12,233 --> 00:29:13,667 MAN: We're on foot. 360 00:29:13,700 --> 00:29:15,500 Be at the border in about five hours. 361 00:29:29,900 --> 00:29:31,900 * 362 00:29:51,333 --> 00:29:53,333 (crickets chirping) 363 00:30:04,733 --> 00:30:06,733 (vehicle door shuts) 364 00:30:16,233 --> 00:30:18,733 They're in position. 365 00:30:18,767 --> 00:30:19,933 Tehran connection playing ball? 366 00:30:19,967 --> 00:30:21,800 Like he was one of us. 367 00:30:21,833 --> 00:30:24,033 Operation Green Light is all set. 368 00:30:28,433 --> 00:30:29,933 What is it? 369 00:30:29,967 --> 00:30:31,600 Surely there's another way. 370 00:30:33,033 --> 00:30:35,733 We're sending them off into the desert 371 00:30:35,767 --> 00:30:37,200 like goddamn heroes. 372 00:30:37,233 --> 00:30:39,033 That's exactly what they are. 373 00:30:39,067 --> 00:30:41,567 There's no other way as effective as this. 374 00:30:41,600 --> 00:30:42,867 This goes right to the gut. 375 00:30:42,900 --> 00:30:44,167 We control the evidence. 376 00:30:44,200 --> 00:30:45,667 We can make it say anything we want. 377 00:30:45,700 --> 00:30:46,933 Evidence? 378 00:30:46,967 --> 00:30:49,233 War is built on emotion. 379 00:30:49,267 --> 00:30:51,700 You know that better than anyone. 380 00:30:51,733 --> 00:30:55,067 Facts are white noise. 381 00:31:05,367 --> 00:31:08,200 Hello, there. Sorry to interrupt. 382 00:31:08,233 --> 00:31:11,433 Do you know this man? 383 00:31:13,800 --> 00:31:17,000 Please, he's in trouble. I'm trying to help him. 384 00:31:19,767 --> 00:31:21,267 You recognize him? 385 00:31:25,167 --> 00:31:27,533 I've seen him. 386 00:31:27,567 --> 00:31:28,800 He prays with Bijan. 387 00:31:28,833 --> 00:31:30,200 Bijan. Bijan who? 388 00:31:30,233 --> 00:31:31,767 Bijan Pouran. 389 00:31:31,800 --> 00:31:33,667 Do you know where I can find him? 390 00:31:33,700 --> 00:31:36,567 He lives on the Mozart Estate. 391 00:31:36,600 --> 00:31:38,167 Okay, thank you. 392 00:31:42,933 --> 00:31:45,433 Nice walk? 393 00:31:48,600 --> 00:31:49,567 Where'd you go? 394 00:31:49,600 --> 00:31:51,600 I've been in the archives. 395 00:31:51,633 --> 00:31:53,700 You've been at the river. 396 00:31:53,733 --> 00:31:55,467 We tracked your phone. 397 00:31:55,500 --> 00:31:58,067 I don't have to answer to you. 398 00:31:58,100 --> 00:31:59,633 No. No, you don't. Which is why 399 00:31:59,667 --> 00:32:02,167 I called your chief's office. 400 00:32:05,467 --> 00:32:08,333 That is what you call him, isn't it? 401 00:32:08,367 --> 00:32:11,367 Your boss. The chief? 402 00:32:11,400 --> 00:32:14,033 They're coming down to talk to you. 403 00:32:14,067 --> 00:32:16,233 You do know the penalties 404 00:32:16,267 --> 00:32:20,033 for passing on classified intelligence? 405 00:32:20,067 --> 00:32:23,133 Maybe you and Snowden can shack up in Moscow. 406 00:32:26,800 --> 00:32:28,833 Now... 407 00:32:28,867 --> 00:32:32,067 I'm gonna ask you this... just once. 408 00:32:34,033 --> 00:32:37,133 What were you doing? 409 00:32:37,167 --> 00:32:39,667 MAX: You know who Ashkam Davoud is? 410 00:32:39,700 --> 00:32:41,267 OLIVIA: The whistle blower. Yeah. Why? 411 00:32:41,300 --> 00:32:43,833 Washington said they extracted him from Iran, right? 412 00:32:43,867 --> 00:32:46,267 -Right. -What if I can prove they were lying? 413 00:32:46,300 --> 00:32:48,433 -Can you? -Not yet, but if I could? 414 00:32:48,467 --> 00:32:50,900 Then I could run with that. Definitely. 415 00:32:50,933 --> 00:32:52,700 Okay, thanks. 416 00:33:03,433 --> 00:33:05,333 (knocking) 417 00:33:08,467 --> 00:33:11,100 Bijan Pouran? 418 00:33:11,133 --> 00:33:12,833 I'm not immigration. 419 00:33:12,867 --> 00:33:15,567 Not police. 420 00:33:15,600 --> 00:33:19,133 You can talk to me now, or talk to them later. 421 00:33:27,100 --> 00:33:29,100 Excuse me. 422 00:33:29,133 --> 00:33:31,400 Sir, have you seen this man? 423 00:33:35,833 --> 00:33:38,033 He was here, wasn't he? 424 00:33:38,067 --> 00:33:40,067 Ashkam Davoud. 425 00:33:42,800 --> 00:33:44,533 They took him from London, didn't they? 426 00:33:44,567 --> 00:33:46,067 Not Iran. 427 00:33:47,667 --> 00:33:49,667 You're not in trouble, Bijan. 428 00:33:49,700 --> 00:33:51,933 I can help you. 429 00:33:51,967 --> 00:33:54,933 I can get you money, papers. 430 00:33:54,967 --> 00:33:57,267 Bijan... 431 00:33:57,300 --> 00:34:00,933 I just need you to confirm that. 432 00:34:00,967 --> 00:34:02,600 Then I can help you. 433 00:34:05,800 --> 00:34:07,967 Yes, he was here. 434 00:34:09,567 --> 00:34:11,933 Good. 435 00:34:11,967 --> 00:34:14,633 Thank you. 436 00:34:16,567 --> 00:34:18,300 -(phone rings) -It is? Uh... Oh. Sorry. 437 00:34:18,333 --> 00:34:19,300 Hi? 438 00:34:19,333 --> 00:34:21,367 Davoud was taken from London. 439 00:34:21,400 --> 00:34:22,967 I've got the proof. 440 00:34:23,000 --> 00:34:24,300 I can bring it to you. 441 00:34:24,333 --> 00:34:25,633 -Just meet me in the usual place. -(knocking) 442 00:34:25,667 --> 00:34:26,833 It hasn't been usual 443 00:34:26,867 --> 00:34:27,933 for over ten years. 444 00:34:32,467 --> 00:34:33,800 -(muffled gunshots) -(grunts) 445 00:34:35,200 --> 00:34:37,333 (muffled gunshot) 446 00:34:46,433 --> 00:34:49,200 (gunshot) 447 00:34:53,800 --> 00:34:55,333 (gunshots) 448 00:35:04,333 --> 00:35:05,567 (grunting) 449 00:35:25,933 --> 00:35:27,100 (grunting) 450 00:35:50,433 --> 00:35:53,533 You're telling me Max Easton 451 00:35:53,567 --> 00:35:54,933 just disappeared? 452 00:35:54,967 --> 00:35:57,633 Yes, sir. 453 00:35:57,667 --> 00:36:00,700 You people are fucking amateurs. 454 00:36:10,233 --> 00:36:12,467 Sorry, this just came in. 455 00:36:12,500 --> 00:36:15,033 Thanks. 456 00:36:18,167 --> 00:36:20,167 Shit. 457 00:36:25,067 --> 00:36:26,367 What now? 458 00:36:26,400 --> 00:36:29,167 -I think I might have something. -Well? 459 00:36:29,200 --> 00:36:30,800 Yesterday, Olivia Clarke slipped her tail. 460 00:36:30,833 --> 00:36:33,000 Max's ex-wife. 461 00:36:33,033 --> 00:36:35,967 And why am I only hearing about this now? 462 00:36:36,000 --> 00:36:37,867 It wasn't processed correctly. 463 00:36:37,900 --> 00:36:39,567 Jesus. 464 00:36:39,600 --> 00:36:42,400 This place really is a finely-tuned machine. 465 00:36:47,467 --> 00:36:48,900 Pull up her phone calls. 466 00:36:48,933 --> 00:36:51,200 Yes, sir. 467 00:37:07,767 --> 00:37:09,767 (phone rings) 468 00:37:16,067 --> 00:37:17,233 Atusa. 469 00:37:18,867 --> 00:37:20,000 You don't call me. 470 00:37:20,033 --> 00:37:22,067 Our friend is dead. 471 00:37:24,367 --> 00:37:26,767 Are you there? 472 00:37:26,800 --> 00:37:27,933 Was it you? 473 00:37:27,967 --> 00:37:29,500 (quietly): Use your head. 474 00:37:29,533 --> 00:37:30,967 Why would we do that? 475 00:37:33,000 --> 00:37:36,000 Are we still clear on Operation Green Light? 476 00:37:36,033 --> 00:37:37,333 Yes. 477 00:37:37,367 --> 00:37:39,633 Then we proceed. 478 00:37:39,667 --> 00:37:41,667 You don't ever call me again. 479 00:37:44,133 --> 00:37:45,567 HARRY: Get a voice trace. 480 00:37:46,567 --> 00:37:48,200 TOUMI: Too faint. 481 00:37:48,233 --> 00:37:50,700 But it was American-- it must be the other end of the chain. 482 00:37:50,733 --> 00:37:53,233 Yeah, maybe, but it still gives us nothing. 483 00:37:53,267 --> 00:37:55,333 -(knocking) -Yeah? 484 00:37:55,367 --> 00:37:56,967 We have a problem. 485 00:37:57,000 --> 00:38:00,200 We have a sandstorm incoming. 486 00:38:00,233 --> 00:38:02,367 Going to make the landing site unsafe. 487 00:38:02,400 --> 00:38:03,767 How wide? 488 00:38:03,800 --> 00:38:06,167 It's localized, about two klicks across. 489 00:38:06,200 --> 00:38:07,533 Should we abort? 490 00:38:07,567 --> 00:38:09,400 Recon gave us two possible landing sites. 491 00:38:09,433 --> 00:38:10,967 There's an area closer to the power plant. 492 00:38:11,000 --> 00:38:12,000 Greater risk. 493 00:38:12,033 --> 00:38:14,300 And that airspace isn't cleared. 494 00:38:14,333 --> 00:38:16,367 Leave that to me. 495 00:38:25,500 --> 00:38:27,200 (phone rings) 496 00:38:29,133 --> 00:38:30,567 Now you're calling me? 497 00:38:30,600 --> 00:38:32,467 I have no choice. Our bridge is gone. 498 00:38:32,500 --> 00:38:35,333 We have a new landing site-- 499 00:38:35,367 --> 00:38:36,867 32, 38, 50 North. 500 00:38:36,900 --> 00:38:38,167 45, 25, 501 00:38:38,200 --> 00:38:40,033 22 East. Repeat. 502 00:38:40,067 --> 00:38:43,100 32, 38, 50 North. 503 00:38:43,133 --> 00:38:47,067 45, 25, 22 East. 504 00:38:47,100 --> 00:38:49,900 0100. Confirm? 505 00:38:49,933 --> 00:38:51,267 Confirmed. 506 00:39:01,400 --> 00:39:03,967 HARRY: Near the border, just outside the town of Mehran. 507 00:39:04,000 --> 00:39:05,133 What's that? 508 00:39:07,100 --> 00:39:08,833 Some kind of installation. 509 00:39:11,700 --> 00:39:14,267 -The Alin power plant. -All right, let's go. 510 00:39:22,167 --> 00:39:23,167 Hey. 511 00:39:25,967 --> 00:39:26,967 (grunts) 512 00:39:34,933 --> 00:39:37,300 He used to fly his kite here. 513 00:39:37,333 --> 00:39:40,467 The yellow two-string with the red tail? 514 00:39:43,000 --> 00:39:45,433 He spent hours flying that thing. 515 00:39:48,900 --> 00:39:51,500 He was out here all winter till his hands were numb. 516 00:39:51,533 --> 00:39:53,700 You were right here. 517 00:39:53,733 --> 00:39:55,400 The whole time. 518 00:39:55,433 --> 00:39:57,433 Wouldn't let him out of your sight. 519 00:40:05,500 --> 00:40:07,100 Where's this proof, then? 520 00:40:09,933 --> 00:40:11,500 It's gone. 521 00:40:11,533 --> 00:40:13,933 (sniffs) 522 00:40:13,967 --> 00:40:17,033 Every time I get a handle on this thing, 523 00:40:17,067 --> 00:40:19,333 it just... it slips through my fingers. 524 00:40:19,367 --> 00:40:21,567 Then why are you here? 525 00:40:26,600 --> 00:40:28,233 Can you run the story? 526 00:40:28,267 --> 00:40:31,000 Can you speak to your editor? Would you do that for me? 527 00:40:31,033 --> 00:40:33,167 I tried. I already spoke to him. 528 00:40:33,200 --> 00:40:35,367 I told him I might have something. 529 00:40:35,400 --> 00:40:36,833 He wants corroboration, Max. 530 00:40:36,867 --> 00:40:38,967 He doesn't want alternative facts, 531 00:40:39,000 --> 00:40:41,000 -he wants the good old-fashioned ones. -When? 532 00:40:41,033 --> 00:40:43,000 -When what? -When did you speak to him? 533 00:40:43,033 --> 00:40:44,167 Yesterday. 534 00:40:44,200 --> 00:40:47,000 After you spoke to me? After you left the house? 535 00:40:47,033 --> 00:40:48,400 Yes. 536 00:40:48,433 --> 00:40:51,233 Where, Liv? Where were you when you spoke to him? 537 00:40:51,267 --> 00:40:52,767 While I was driving away... Oh, my God. 538 00:40:52,800 --> 00:40:54,900 I'm sorry. I'm so sorry! 539 00:40:54,933 --> 00:40:57,733 Sir? We have it. She called her editor 540 00:40:57,767 --> 00:41:00,000 three hours after she slipped the net. 541 00:41:00,033 --> 00:41:01,433 Hi, Angus, it's Olivia. 542 00:41:01,467 --> 00:41:03,000 I've got something. Can I come in? 543 00:41:05,033 --> 00:41:07,833 "'I don't much care where,' said Alice. 544 00:41:07,867 --> 00:41:10,133 'Then it doesn't matter which way you go.' said the Cat." 545 00:41:10,167 --> 00:41:13,567 -(phone vibrating) -"'So long as I get somewhere.'" 546 00:41:13,600 --> 00:41:15,600 * 547 00:41:17,367 --> 00:41:19,567 -Where was she? -Right here. 548 00:41:19,600 --> 00:41:21,700 Five miles from where the car was found. 549 00:41:21,733 --> 00:41:23,467 -Get a team down there. -Yes, sir. 550 00:41:23,500 --> 00:41:26,133 Pick up, pick up, pick up. 551 00:41:42,233 --> 00:41:44,567 (Noah chortles) 552 00:41:44,600 --> 00:41:46,600 The garden of England. 553 00:41:51,600 --> 00:41:52,600 (chuckles) 554 00:41:52,633 --> 00:41:53,633 (phone vibrating) 555 00:41:54,700 --> 00:41:56,700 Attendez. 556 00:42:02,467 --> 00:42:04,500 MAX: Where are you? Why didn't you answer the phone? 557 00:42:04,533 --> 00:42:06,233 I was putting the children to bed. 558 00:42:06,267 --> 00:42:08,133 You need to take the girls, you need to get out of there now. 559 00:42:08,167 --> 00:42:09,767 -Max. -I'm on my way. 560 00:42:09,800 --> 00:42:11,467 Go to the woods behind the house, 561 00:42:11,500 --> 00:42:14,933 Head south. Anna. 562 00:42:14,967 --> 00:42:17,100 -Someone's here. -Go. 563 00:42:17,133 --> 00:42:18,100 Someone's here. 564 00:42:18,133 --> 00:42:19,733 Go. Go, now! 565 00:42:29,367 --> 00:42:30,767 (speaking French) 566 00:42:47,900 --> 00:42:48,900 (panting, whispering in French) 567 00:42:53,967 --> 00:42:56,867 -Non! Mama! -Shh! 568 00:42:56,900 --> 00:42:57,933 (speaks French) 569 00:43:20,467 --> 00:43:22,467 * 570 00:43:52,267 --> 00:43:54,267 * 571 00:44:14,600 --> 00:44:16,333 (speaking French) 572 00:44:16,367 --> 00:44:18,533 (panting) 573 00:44:26,800 --> 00:44:29,533 (speaks French) 574 00:44:36,867 --> 00:44:39,433 -(grunts) -No! 575 00:44:40,300 --> 00:44:43,367 Please, please. 576 00:44:43,400 --> 00:44:45,567 -Please. -(gunshot) 577 00:44:58,800 --> 00:45:01,333 (gunshots) 578 00:45:29,600 --> 00:45:32,567 Give me the gun. 579 00:45:32,600 --> 00:45:34,800 -I can't. -Anna. 580 00:45:42,967 --> 00:45:44,433 We have to go. 581 00:45:44,467 --> 00:45:47,267 -We have to get going. -I... I can't. 582 00:45:47,300 --> 00:45:48,667 I can't do it. 583 00:45:48,700 --> 00:45:50,267 You can. 584 00:45:52,100 --> 00:45:54,067 Anna, now. 585 00:45:54,100 --> 00:45:56,033 Understand? We have to go. 586 00:45:57,667 --> 00:45:59,633 Chloe, come on. 587 00:45:59,667 --> 00:46:01,900 Come on. 588 00:46:25,667 --> 00:46:27,267 All right, this'll do. 589 00:46:41,467 --> 00:46:45,000 Okay, change into your uniforms. 590 00:47:12,867 --> 00:47:15,067 The coordinates are right down there. 591 00:47:15,100 --> 00:47:17,100 (helicopter blades whirring) 592 00:47:21,467 --> 00:47:23,200 (helicopter blades whirring) 593 00:47:39,633 --> 00:47:41,433 * 594 00:48:01,700 --> 00:48:03,000 Okay, you got five minutes. 595 00:48:03,033 --> 00:48:05,467 Prelims here. 596 00:48:05,500 --> 00:48:08,700 We'll take the rest of the material to the lab. 597 00:48:27,333 --> 00:48:29,633 * 598 00:48:51,767 --> 00:48:54,400 Jesus Christ, it's a fucking ambush. 599 00:49:03,767 --> 00:49:06,600 Get us back online, now! 600 00:49:36,133 --> 00:49:37,933 All right. 601 00:49:37,967 --> 00:49:40,800 Let's move out. 602 00:49:40,833 --> 00:49:43,433 TOUMI: He's American. 603 00:49:43,467 --> 00:49:45,600 He's American. 604 00:49:49,033 --> 00:49:51,000 Who were those people? 605 00:49:51,033 --> 00:49:53,000 What the fuck just happened? 606 00:49:58,933 --> 00:50:00,700 Quds Force. 607 00:50:01,933 --> 00:50:04,300 Iranian Revolutionary Guards. 608 00:50:31,000 --> 00:50:33,000 * 609 00:50:52,967 --> 00:50:55,100 REPORTER: U.S. Forces were fired upon 610 00:50:55,133 --> 00:50:57,300 by members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. 611 00:50:57,333 --> 00:50:59,733 REPORTER 2: We can now confirm none of our brave men and women 612 00:50:59,767 --> 00:51:00,933 have survived what appears to be 613 00:51:00,967 --> 00:51:02,367 an ambush by Iranian forces. 614 00:51:02,400 --> 00:51:03,767 REPORTER 3: They were apparently escorting 615 00:51:03,800 --> 00:51:05,200 a group of international scientists 616 00:51:05,233 --> 00:51:07,833 who were there to verify whether Tehran 617 00:51:07,867 --> 00:51:09,567 is in breach of the nuclear deal. 618 00:51:16,333 --> 00:51:18,000 HAWES (on TV): I want to be very clear about this. 619 00:51:18,033 --> 00:51:21,700 Major Jordan Franklin is a goddamn American hero. 620 00:51:21,733 --> 00:51:24,267 This cannot be allowed to stand. 621 00:51:24,300 --> 00:51:27,100 This cannot be allowed to go unanswered. 622 00:51:27,133 --> 00:51:28,400 We have to respond. 623 00:51:28,433 --> 00:51:29,767 ANCHOR: A military response? 624 00:51:29,800 --> 00:51:31,133 If necessary, yes. 625 00:51:31,167 --> 00:51:34,767 NEWSCASTER: Even if that means war? 626 00:51:34,800 --> 00:51:38,000 Even if that means war. 627 00:52:09,133 --> 00:52:13,100 Captioned by Media Access Group at WGBH