1 00:00:07,875 --> 00:00:08,375 - Have you seen this person? 2 00:00:09,708 --> 00:00:12,708 His name is Danny. 3 00:00:09,708 --> 00:00:12,708 - Uh-uh. 4 00:00:14,375 --> 00:00:16,500 - He maybe found a shelter. 5 00:00:14,375 --> 00:00:16,500 - Maybe. 6 00:00:16,500 --> 00:00:18,042 - Or he could be 7 00:00:16,500 --> 00:00:18,042 riding the train all night 8 00:00:18,042 --> 00:00:20,208 to stay warm. 9 00:00:20,208 --> 00:00:21,708 - Ethan, if you're trying 10 00:00:20,208 --> 00:00:21,708 to make me feel better, 11 00:00:21,708 --> 00:00:22,958 it's not gonna work. 12 00:00:21,708 --> 00:00:22,958 - I'm not. 13 00:00:22,958 --> 00:00:25,208 I'm just saying, 14 00:00:22,958 --> 00:00:25,208 we can't look everywhere, 15 00:00:25,208 --> 00:00:26,708 and it's time to go to work. 16 00:00:26,708 --> 00:00:29,875 - Well, you go ahead. 17 00:00:26,708 --> 00:00:29,875 I'm gonna keep looking. 18 00:00:29,875 --> 00:00:32,667 Um, excuse me. 19 00:00:32,667 --> 00:00:36,208 Excuse me? 20 00:00:32,667 --> 00:00:36,208 - Sarah, Sarah, Sarah. 21 00:00:40,583 --> 00:00:43,917 Lower Wacker is much 22 00:00:40,583 --> 00:00:43,917 more popular this time of year. 23 00:00:43,917 --> 00:00:45,792 We'll check it out tonight 24 00:00:43,917 --> 00:00:45,792 after our shift. 25 00:00:49,417 --> 00:00:51,125 - Okay. 26 00:00:55,417 --> 00:00:57,583 - Paté, sweet breads. 27 00:00:55,417 --> 00:00:57,583 - You ordered a paté platter 28 00:00:57,583 --> 00:00:58,917 and sweet breads? 29 00:00:57,583 --> 00:00:58,917 - Yeah. 30 00:00:58,917 --> 00:01:01,708 Pathologists love organ meats. 31 00:01:01,708 --> 00:01:03,417 - You recognize that's weird, 32 00:01:01,708 --> 00:01:03,417 right? 33 00:01:03,417 --> 00:01:05,083 - Ah, I think it's 34 00:01:03,417 --> 00:01:05,083 a vitamin D thing. 35 00:01:05,083 --> 00:01:07,208 We don't get much sunshine. 36 00:01:07,208 --> 00:01:10,917 - Have a good day. 37 00:01:10,917 --> 00:01:12,917 - Hey, what's up? 38 00:01:10,917 --> 00:01:12,917 - Morning. 39 00:01:12,917 --> 00:01:14,833 - Big moving in party tonight, 40 00:01:12,917 --> 00:01:14,833 huh? 41 00:01:14,833 --> 00:01:16,583 - Evite wouldn't lie. 42 00:01:16,583 --> 00:01:18,708 - Yeah, well, we'll be there. 43 00:01:18,708 --> 00:01:21,750 So how's it been so far, 44 00:01:18,708 --> 00:01:21,750 living together? 45 00:01:21,750 --> 00:01:24,125 - Only a couple days, 46 00:01:21,750 --> 00:01:24,125 but so far so good. 47 00:01:24,125 --> 00:01:25,708 - I bet. 48 00:01:25,708 --> 00:01:27,958 Oh, I heard there's a giant 49 00:01:25,708 --> 00:01:27,958 Whole Foods across the street. 50 00:01:27,958 --> 00:01:29,375 That's awesome. 51 00:01:29,375 --> 00:01:31,958 - Yeah, it is. 52 00:01:31,958 --> 00:01:33,125 - Good. 53 00:01:33,125 --> 00:01:35,167 Well, I'm really happy 54 00:01:33,125 --> 00:01:35,167 for you guys. 55 00:01:36,375 --> 00:01:38,250 - Doctor Manning. 56 00:01:36,375 --> 00:01:38,250 - Mm-hmm? 57 00:01:38,250 --> 00:01:40,625 - Treatment 6. 58 00:01:38,250 --> 00:01:40,625 - Got it. 59 00:01:41,625 --> 00:01:43,792 - You and Dr. Shore 60 00:01:41,625 --> 00:01:43,792 better be the real deal. 61 00:01:43,792 --> 00:01:46,417 I am bringing 62 00:01:43,792 --> 00:01:46,417 a Château Pichon 2005. 63 00:01:46,417 --> 00:01:48,417 - Great, wine spritzers. 64 00:01:48,417 --> 00:01:50,708 - Don't you dare. 65 00:01:48,417 --> 00:01:50,708 Treatment 1. 66 00:01:51,958 --> 00:01:54,083 Hey, uh, did you get 67 00:01:51,958 --> 00:01:54,083 those lab results yet? 68 00:01:54,083 --> 00:01:57,292 - They just came in. 69 00:01:57,292 --> 00:01:59,375 Want me to come with you? 70 00:01:59,375 --> 00:02:01,667 - Um, I think 71 00:01:59,375 --> 00:02:01,667 I better do this myself. 72 00:02:01,667 --> 00:02:04,542 - Okay, just tell her 73 00:02:01,667 --> 00:02:04,542 if she needs anything I'm here. 74 00:02:13,500 --> 00:02:15,000 Don't come too close. 75 00:02:19,583 --> 00:02:22,167 My TB's become active. 76 00:02:22,167 --> 00:02:25,833 - The spot on your lung's 77 00:02:22,167 --> 00:02:25,833 a half a centimeter larger. 78 00:02:25,833 --> 00:02:28,500 - I'm sorry. 79 00:02:28,500 --> 00:02:30,625 I took my meds. 80 00:02:30,625 --> 00:02:33,000 I didn't overexert. 81 00:02:30,625 --> 00:02:33,000 I-I just don't get it. 82 00:02:33,000 --> 00:02:36,292 - Thing is, um, that's not all. 83 00:02:36,292 --> 00:02:37,500 - What do you mean? 84 00:02:36,292 --> 00:02:37,500 - This-- 85 00:02:37,500 --> 00:02:39,167 here, just--just read it. 86 00:02:37,500 --> 00:02:39,167 - Come on, Noah. 87 00:02:39,167 --> 00:02:41,542 Just-- 88 00:02:39,167 --> 00:02:41,542 - Just read it. 89 00:02:46,875 --> 00:02:49,250 - Wait... 90 00:02:51,208 --> 00:02:53,583 I'm pregnant? 91 00:02:57,958 --> 00:03:01,000 I'm pregnant. 92 00:03:12,875 --> 00:03:13,542 - Is it just me, 93 00:03:13,208 --> 00:03:13,542 or these Santas seem 94 00:03:14,542 --> 00:03:16,958 to come out earlier every year? 95 00:03:14,542 --> 00:03:16,958 - Right? 96 00:03:16,958 --> 00:03:18,208 The psych nurse station 97 00:03:18,208 --> 00:03:20,375 still has 98 00:03:18,208 --> 00:03:20,375 their Halloween decorations up? 99 00:03:22,375 --> 00:03:23,875 Any Thanksgiving plans? 100 00:03:23,875 --> 00:03:26,500 - Taking Robin out 101 00:03:23,875 --> 00:03:26,500 for some sushi. 102 00:03:26,500 --> 00:03:29,083 - Good, so the two of you 103 00:03:26,500 --> 00:03:29,083 are spending some time together? 104 00:03:29,083 --> 00:03:30,542 - Yeah. 105 00:03:30,542 --> 00:03:32,833 Here and there. 106 00:03:30,542 --> 00:03:32,833 Yeah. 107 00:03:32,833 --> 00:03:35,250 Doing great, you know? 108 00:03:32,833 --> 00:03:35,250 I mean, such a great kid. 109 00:03:35,250 --> 00:03:36,417 But you know how it is. 110 00:03:36,417 --> 00:03:37,750 You don't really worry 111 00:03:36,417 --> 00:03:37,750 about them. 112 00:03:37,750 --> 00:03:40,917 You worry about the people 113 00:03:37,750 --> 00:03:40,917 they surround themselves with. 114 00:03:40,917 --> 00:03:42,583 - Sounds like someone 115 00:03:40,917 --> 00:03:42,583 in particular. 116 00:03:42,583 --> 00:03:45,708 - No, not really. 117 00:03:45,708 --> 00:03:47,417 Oh, I guess there's 118 00:03:45,708 --> 00:03:47,417 this one guy. 119 00:03:47,417 --> 00:03:50,875 You know, a great--great fella. 120 00:03:47,417 --> 00:03:50,875 I mean, we work together. 121 00:03:50,875 --> 00:03:52,875 Terrific surgeon. 122 00:03:52,875 --> 00:03:55,083 But he's got 123 00:03:52,875 --> 00:03:55,083 these family issues, man. 124 00:03:55,083 --> 00:03:56,583 Big family issues, 125 00:03:56,583 --> 00:03:58,833 and obviously 126 00:03:56,583 --> 00:03:58,833 with Robin's family history, 127 00:03:58,833 --> 00:04:01,208 it just can all 128 00:04:01,208 --> 00:04:03,417 turn into a bit of a powder keg. 129 00:04:03,417 --> 00:04:06,042 - Have you spoken to her 130 00:04:03,417 --> 00:04:06,042 about this? 131 00:04:06,042 --> 00:04:08,292 - No. 132 00:04:06,042 --> 00:04:08,292 - Oh. 133 00:04:08,292 --> 00:04:11,208 So you're just keeping it all 134 00:04:08,292 --> 00:04:11,208 to yourself? 135 00:04:11,208 --> 00:04:12,792 - Didn't I just tell my shrink? 136 00:04:12,792 --> 00:04:15,000 - Daniel. 137 00:04:16,708 --> 00:04:17,875 - I don't know. 138 00:04:17,875 --> 00:04:19,958 I might have said something 139 00:04:17,875 --> 00:04:19,958 to they guy. 140 00:04:19,958 --> 00:04:21,792 Nothing intrusive. 141 00:04:19,958 --> 00:04:21,792 Just, I don't know. 142 00:04:21,792 --> 00:04:24,083 Some friendly advice. 143 00:04:21,792 --> 00:04:24,083 - Advice? 144 00:04:24,083 --> 00:04:25,458 - Yeah. 145 00:04:25,458 --> 00:04:26,750 - Daniel. 146 00:04:26,750 --> 00:04:28,292 Don't make the holidays 147 00:04:28,292 --> 00:04:31,417 any more hard 148 00:04:28,292 --> 00:04:31,417 than they have to be. 149 00:04:35,750 --> 00:04:38,083 - Hey, I know this isn't ideal, 150 00:04:35,750 --> 00:04:38,083 but a couple of weeks, 151 00:04:38,083 --> 00:04:40,208 we should have your TB 152 00:04:38,083 --> 00:04:40,208 back under control. 153 00:04:40,208 --> 00:04:42,292 - Yeah, you'll be back in the ED 154 00:04:42,292 --> 00:04:44,042 throwing me shade again 155 00:04:42,292 --> 00:04:44,042 in no time. 156 00:04:44,042 --> 00:04:46,042 But how did this happen? 157 00:04:46,042 --> 00:04:47,708 I take birth control. 158 00:04:47,708 --> 00:04:49,583 - Uh, my opinion, 159 00:04:47,708 --> 00:04:49,583 your TB meds 160 00:04:49,583 --> 00:04:51,333 made your birth control 161 00:04:49,583 --> 00:04:51,333 less effective, 162 00:04:51,333 --> 00:04:54,500 and then becoming pregnant 163 00:04:51,333 --> 00:04:54,500 weakened your immune system 164 00:04:54,500 --> 00:04:56,167 to let the TB become active. 165 00:04:56,167 --> 00:04:57,958 - Oh, God. 166 00:04:57,958 --> 00:05:00,500 - No one could have 167 00:04:57,958 --> 00:05:00,500 predicted this, April. 168 00:05:00,500 --> 00:05:03,000 - In a few months 169 00:05:00,500 --> 00:05:03,000 I'll be walking down the aisle 170 00:05:03,000 --> 00:05:04,250 with a baby bump. 171 00:05:04,250 --> 00:05:06,875 - Yeah, but it's all good. 172 00:05:04,250 --> 00:05:06,875 Right? 173 00:05:08,250 --> 00:05:09,458 - Yeah. 174 00:05:09,458 --> 00:05:11,667 No, it is, 175 00:05:09,458 --> 00:05:11,667 but... 176 00:05:11,667 --> 00:05:13,750 what about Tate? 177 00:05:11,667 --> 00:05:13,750 - You know Tate. 178 00:05:13,750 --> 00:05:16,167 He'll love it. 179 00:05:13,750 --> 00:05:16,167 He's head over heels for you. 180 00:05:16,167 --> 00:05:19,167 - Yeah, right now, 181 00:05:16,167 --> 00:05:19,167 but what if I get sick? 182 00:05:19,167 --> 00:05:20,458 What if I can't 183 00:05:19,167 --> 00:05:20,458 take care of this baby? 184 00:05:20,458 --> 00:05:24,167 - April-- 185 00:05:20,458 --> 00:05:24,167 - He didn't sign up for this. 186 00:05:27,333 --> 00:05:28,667 It's okay. 187 00:05:28,667 --> 00:05:30,375 Go. 188 00:05:30,375 --> 00:05:32,583 - I'll check on you soon, okay? 189 00:05:44,833 --> 00:05:48,208 - Jim Vance, 38, 190 00:05:44,833 --> 00:05:48,208 end stage kidney failure, 191 00:05:48,208 --> 00:05:50,708 suffered a syncopal episode 192 00:05:48,208 --> 00:05:50,708 following dialysis. 193 00:05:50,708 --> 00:05:53,208 - Transplant candidate? 194 00:05:50,708 --> 00:05:53,208 - Too far down the list. 195 00:05:54,667 --> 00:05:56,833 Hi, Mr. Vance. 196 00:05:54,667 --> 00:05:56,833 This is Dr. Halstead. 197 00:05:56,833 --> 00:05:58,875 - Heard you had 198 00:05:56,833 --> 00:05:58,875 some trouble today. 199 00:05:58,875 --> 00:06:00,500 - Today, 200 00:06:00,500 --> 00:06:01,875 Tuesday, 201 00:06:01,875 --> 00:06:03,833 last Friday. 202 00:06:03,833 --> 00:06:05,542 Almost every time 203 00:06:03,833 --> 00:06:05,542 I get dialysis now. 204 00:06:05,542 --> 00:06:06,792 - What happens? 205 00:06:06,792 --> 00:06:10,292 - My chest, 206 00:06:06,792 --> 00:06:10,292 um, it starts to--to flutter... 207 00:06:10,292 --> 00:06:13,250 - Uh-huh. 208 00:06:10,292 --> 00:06:13,250 - I feel really weak. 209 00:06:13,250 --> 00:06:17,167 Um, ventricular... 210 00:06:17,167 --> 00:06:18,583 - Ectopy. 211 00:06:18,583 --> 00:06:19,875 - Yeah. 212 00:06:18,583 --> 00:06:19,875 - Ectopy. 213 00:06:19,875 --> 00:06:21,375 - May be IDH. 214 00:06:21,375 --> 00:06:23,750 - Intradialytic hypotension. 215 00:06:23,750 --> 00:06:25,250 In some people, 216 00:06:23,750 --> 00:06:25,250 dialysis can cause 217 00:06:25,250 --> 00:06:26,917 an extreme drop 218 00:06:25,250 --> 00:06:26,917 in blood pressure, 219 00:06:26,917 --> 00:06:29,417 which prevents enough oxygen 220 00:06:26,917 --> 00:06:29,417 from reaching the heart, 221 00:06:29,417 --> 00:06:31,917 and over time, 222 00:06:29,417 --> 00:06:31,917 that can cause dysrhythmias 223 00:06:31,917 --> 00:06:33,375 or even a heart attack. 224 00:06:33,375 --> 00:06:34,750 - So tell the transplant people. 225 00:06:34,750 --> 00:06:36,042 Maybe they can 226 00:06:34,750 --> 00:06:36,042 move me up the list. 227 00:06:36,042 --> 00:06:38,375 - Well, we can try, 228 00:06:36,042 --> 00:06:38,375 but I'm sorry to say, 229 00:06:38,375 --> 00:06:40,333 heart disease usually 230 00:06:38,375 --> 00:06:40,333 moves people down the list, 231 00:06:40,333 --> 00:06:42,042 not up. 232 00:06:43,250 --> 00:06:46,375 - But I'm not even 40 yet. 233 00:06:43,250 --> 00:06:46,375 - I hear you, 234 00:06:46,375 --> 00:06:48,708 and I promise we're gonna 235 00:06:46,375 --> 00:06:48,708 do everything we can to help. 236 00:06:48,708 --> 00:06:50,208 - Yeah. 237 00:06:50,208 --> 00:06:52,000 - Let's get him on 15 p.o. 238 00:06:50,208 --> 00:06:52,000 of kayexalate 239 00:06:52,000 --> 00:06:54,125 and start him on esmolol 240 00:06:52,000 --> 00:06:54,125 to stabilize his rhythm. 241 00:06:54,125 --> 00:06:57,375 - Or we could do 242 00:06:54,125 --> 00:06:57,375 low-volume dialysis. 243 00:06:57,375 --> 00:06:58,625 - We could. 244 00:06:58,625 --> 00:07:00,042 - Otherwise we're just 245 00:06:58,625 --> 00:07:00,042 treating the symptoms 246 00:07:00,042 --> 00:07:01,750 and not the actual problem. 247 00:07:01,750 --> 00:07:03,417 - Yeah. 248 00:07:01,750 --> 00:07:03,417 - Great. 249 00:07:03,417 --> 00:07:05,875 - Okay. 250 00:07:03,417 --> 00:07:05,875 - I'll be back in a few. 251 00:07:05,875 --> 00:07:08,417 - Mm. 252 00:07:05,875 --> 00:07:08,417 - We'll see you. 253 00:07:11,292 --> 00:07:13,750 Natalie. 254 00:07:13,750 --> 00:07:15,708 We don't usually disagree 255 00:07:13,750 --> 00:07:15,708 in front of a patient. 256 00:07:15,708 --> 00:07:18,292 - I had to say something. 257 00:07:18,292 --> 00:07:20,458 - You really think low-volume 258 00:07:18,292 --> 00:07:20,458 dialysis will make a difference? 259 00:07:20,458 --> 00:07:21,750 I mean, it seems like 260 00:07:20,458 --> 00:07:21,750 six of one, 261 00:07:21,750 --> 00:07:23,417 half a dozen the other, no? 262 00:07:21,750 --> 00:07:23,417 - I don't know. 263 00:07:23,417 --> 00:07:25,250 Maybe. 264 00:07:23,417 --> 00:07:25,250 Let's find out. 265 00:07:28,458 --> 00:07:30,125 - Mm. 266 00:07:30,125 --> 00:07:32,583 - Hey, you bringing Clarke 267 00:07:30,125 --> 00:07:32,583 tonight? 268 00:07:32,583 --> 00:07:33,792 - Mm-hmm. 269 00:07:32,583 --> 00:07:33,792 - Good. 270 00:07:33,792 --> 00:07:36,958 Pathology party. 271 00:07:33,792 --> 00:07:36,958 Not much to look at. 272 00:07:36,958 --> 00:07:38,583 So how's it going with him? 273 00:07:38,583 --> 00:07:40,833 - Good. 274 00:07:38,583 --> 00:07:40,833 You know, we're just 275 00:07:40,833 --> 00:07:43,000 trying to let it happen. 276 00:07:40,833 --> 00:07:43,000 Not trying to force anything. 277 00:07:43,000 --> 00:07:45,000 - Force anything? 278 00:07:43,000 --> 00:07:45,000 - Like moving in together 279 00:07:45,000 --> 00:07:46,333 for financial reasons 280 00:07:45,000 --> 00:07:46,333 or convenience. 281 00:07:46,333 --> 00:07:48,292 - Mm... 282 00:07:46,333 --> 00:07:48,292 - No, I wish Will all the best. 283 00:07:48,292 --> 00:07:50,417 I just think it's weird. 284 00:07:48,292 --> 00:07:50,417 - 36-year-old male, 285 00:07:50,417 --> 00:07:51,750 penetrating stab wound 286 00:07:50,417 --> 00:07:51,750 to the abdomen. 287 00:07:51,750 --> 00:07:53,958 - You're going to Trauma 1. 288 00:07:51,750 --> 00:07:53,958 - Got it. 289 00:07:53,958 --> 00:07:56,333 What happened? 290 00:07:56,333 --> 00:07:58,958 - I got jumped in the yard. 291 00:07:56,333 --> 00:07:58,958 Three guys. 292 00:07:58,958 --> 00:08:02,500 Why would they do that? 293 00:07:58,958 --> 00:08:02,500 All I do is make friends. 294 00:08:02,500 --> 00:08:05,083 - I need to transfer him. 295 00:08:02,500 --> 00:08:05,083 - Yeah, hold up. 296 00:08:06,458 --> 00:08:07,917 Okay, he's ready. 297 00:08:06,458 --> 00:08:07,917 - On my count. 298 00:08:07,917 --> 00:08:09,833 One, two, three. 299 00:08:13,000 --> 00:08:15,583 Guys, I got a hole in my gut. 300 00:08:15,583 --> 00:08:17,500 I ain't going anywhere. 301 00:08:17,500 --> 00:08:19,375 - Left lower quadrant 302 00:08:17,500 --> 00:08:19,375 looks clean. 303 00:08:19,375 --> 00:08:20,792 No major vessels, 304 00:08:19,375 --> 00:08:20,792 no bowel. 305 00:08:20,792 --> 00:08:22,208 - I can't take it. 306 00:08:22,208 --> 00:08:25,208 You need to put me under, 307 00:08:22,208 --> 00:08:25,208 you do what you gotta do. 308 00:08:25,208 --> 00:08:27,875 - No, I think you got lucky 309 00:08:25,208 --> 00:08:27,875 on this one, Mr. Wallace. 310 00:08:27,875 --> 00:08:29,333 CT abdomen, 311 00:08:27,875 --> 00:08:29,333 then bring him back. 312 00:08:29,333 --> 00:08:30,500 We can take care 313 00:08:29,333 --> 00:08:30,500 of this one here. 314 00:08:30,500 --> 00:08:32,000 - Okay. 315 00:08:30,500 --> 00:08:32,000 - Okay, Doc. 316 00:08:32,000 --> 00:08:34,000 I trust you, 317 00:08:32,000 --> 00:08:34,000 but I gotta ask. 318 00:08:34,000 --> 00:08:35,208 After you're done, 319 00:08:35,208 --> 00:08:37,042 am I gonna be able 320 00:08:35,208 --> 00:08:37,042 to play the piano? 321 00:08:38,875 --> 00:08:41,333 Hey, come on. 322 00:08:38,875 --> 00:08:41,333 Don't leave me hanging here. 323 00:08:41,333 --> 00:08:45,125 - Let me guess, 324 00:08:41,333 --> 00:08:45,125 you never could play it before? 325 00:08:45,125 --> 00:08:47,958 - I like you, Doc. 326 00:08:47,958 --> 00:08:50,875 You can stick your fingers in me 327 00:08:47,958 --> 00:08:50,875 any time you want. 328 00:08:55,542 --> 00:08:57,708 - How's he doing? 329 00:08:55,542 --> 00:08:57,708 - Ah, he'll be fine, 330 00:08:57,708 --> 00:08:59,167 though with a nice-looking scar. 331 00:08:59,167 --> 00:09:01,750 Pretty fortunate, considering 332 00:08:59,167 --> 00:09:01,750 it was three against one. 333 00:09:01,750 --> 00:09:04,208 - That's actually not the case, 334 00:09:01,750 --> 00:09:04,208 Dr. Choi. 335 00:09:04,208 --> 00:09:06,583 Seems he stabbed himself 336 00:09:04,208 --> 00:09:06,583 hoping to score 337 00:09:06,583 --> 00:09:08,333 a holiday from prison. 338 00:09:06,583 --> 00:09:08,333 - What? 339 00:09:08,333 --> 00:09:10,250 - I guess when you're 340 00:09:08,333 --> 00:09:10,250 up against 30 to life 341 00:09:10,250 --> 00:09:11,917 for a double homicide, 342 00:09:11,917 --> 00:09:14,542 you look for little diversions. 343 00:09:17,250 --> 00:09:19,708 - Her name is Karina Goff. 344 00:09:17,250 --> 00:09:19,708 She's 16 years old 345 00:09:19,708 --> 00:09:21,583 with a history notable 346 00:09:19,708 --> 00:09:21,583 for Williams Syndrome. 347 00:09:21,583 --> 00:09:23,500 Her mom found her passed out 348 00:09:21,583 --> 00:09:23,500 on the couch. 349 00:09:23,500 --> 00:09:25,000 - Williams Syndrome. 350 00:09:23,500 --> 00:09:25,000 You ever seen it? 351 00:09:25,000 --> 00:09:27,000 - No, never. 352 00:09:25,000 --> 00:09:27,000 It's a genetic disorder, right? 353 00:09:27,000 --> 00:09:28,417 - Uh-huh. 354 00:09:27,000 --> 00:09:28,417 It's commonly associated 355 00:09:28,417 --> 00:09:30,042 with cardiovascular disease, 356 00:09:30,042 --> 00:09:31,875 but even more striking 357 00:09:30,042 --> 00:09:31,875 is their personality. 358 00:09:31,875 --> 00:09:33,833 They produce enormous amounts 359 00:09:31,875 --> 00:09:33,833 of oxytocin, 360 00:09:33,833 --> 00:09:36,042 which is the hormone 361 00:09:33,833 --> 00:09:36,042 commonly associated 362 00:09:36,042 --> 00:09:38,875 with feelings of trust 363 00:09:36,042 --> 00:09:38,875 and the desire to be social. 364 00:09:38,875 --> 00:09:41,125 They're very interesting people. 365 00:09:42,625 --> 00:09:44,958 - Hi, Dr. Clarke! 366 00:09:42,625 --> 00:09:44,958 - Hi, Karina. 367 00:09:44,958 --> 00:09:47,292 Wendy, this is Dr. Latham 368 00:09:44,958 --> 00:09:47,292 and Dr. Rhodes. 369 00:09:47,292 --> 00:09:49,542 - Karina. 370 00:09:47,292 --> 00:09:49,542 Oh, I like your earrings. 371 00:09:49,542 --> 00:09:53,583 - It's a moon and the stars. 372 00:09:49,542 --> 00:09:53,583 - I see that. 373 00:09:53,583 --> 00:09:56,292 So, how we feeling today? 374 00:09:56,292 --> 00:09:57,542 - Tired. 375 00:09:57,542 --> 00:09:59,458 - Still awake enough 376 00:09:57,542 --> 00:09:59,458 to donate her entire allowance 377 00:09:59,458 --> 00:10:01,417 to UNICEF this morning. 378 00:10:01,417 --> 00:10:02,875 Which is what? 379 00:10:01,417 --> 00:10:02,875 The third time this month? 380 00:10:02,875 --> 00:10:04,250 - Is this the first time 381 00:10:02,875 --> 00:10:04,250 she's fainted? 382 00:10:04,250 --> 00:10:06,583 - Yes. 383 00:10:06,583 --> 00:10:08,833 - May I listen to your heart? 384 00:10:19,042 --> 00:10:20,458 Mid-systolic ejection murmur 385 00:10:20,458 --> 00:10:22,292 over the right 386 00:10:20,458 --> 00:10:22,292 second intercostal space. 387 00:10:22,292 --> 00:10:23,917 - Aortic stenosis? 388 00:10:23,917 --> 00:10:25,458 - Probably. 389 00:10:25,458 --> 00:10:27,417 Let's get an echo. 390 00:10:25,458 --> 00:10:27,417 - Okay. 391 00:10:27,417 --> 00:10:29,333 - Can you make me better? 392 00:10:29,333 --> 00:10:31,750 - I am gonna try my best. 393 00:10:31,750 --> 00:10:33,417 Okay, dear. 394 00:10:33,417 --> 00:10:35,458 Let the doctor breathe. 395 00:10:37,000 --> 00:10:38,833 - Doctor? 396 00:10:37,000 --> 00:10:38,833 - Uh... 397 00:10:38,833 --> 00:10:42,125 Let us--let us run a few tests. 398 00:10:42,125 --> 00:10:44,667 We'll be back 399 00:10:42,125 --> 00:10:44,667 with our recommendations. 400 00:10:49,167 --> 00:10:50,458 - Great. 401 00:10:54,917 --> 00:10:58,333 - I thought maybe Sunday 402 00:10:54,917 --> 00:10:58,333 we can go to the Field Museum. 403 00:10:58,333 --> 00:11:01,167 - That sounds good. 404 00:10:58,333 --> 00:11:01,167 - DNA Center has an exhibit 405 00:11:01,167 --> 00:11:03,000 on the reproductive habits 406 00:11:01,167 --> 00:11:03,000 of sharks 407 00:11:03,000 --> 00:11:05,292 that's supposed to be great. 408 00:11:09,875 --> 00:11:13,375 - I'm sorry. 409 00:11:09,875 --> 00:11:13,375 What were you saying? 410 00:11:13,375 --> 00:11:17,375 - Danny still hasn't checked in 411 00:11:13,375 --> 00:11:17,375 on Facebook, has he? 412 00:11:17,375 --> 00:11:19,958 - No. 413 00:11:17,375 --> 00:11:19,958 - He'll turn up. 414 00:11:21,333 --> 00:11:23,042 - You don't know that. 415 00:11:23,042 --> 00:11:24,875 He's helpless 416 00:11:23,042 --> 00:11:24,875 and alone out there. 417 00:11:24,875 --> 00:11:26,708 - And you've been out there 418 00:11:24,875 --> 00:11:26,708 every day looking for him. 419 00:11:26,708 --> 00:11:28,167 There's nothing else you can do. 420 00:11:28,167 --> 00:11:29,708 - I could have 421 00:11:28,167 --> 00:11:29,708 let him stay with me 422 00:11:29,708 --> 00:11:32,042 when he asked. 423 00:11:29,708 --> 00:11:32,042 - No, Reese, you couldn't have. 424 00:11:32,042 --> 00:11:34,167 That's not 425 00:11:32,042 --> 00:11:34,167 your responsibility. 426 00:11:36,000 --> 00:11:37,292 - Mm-hmm. 427 00:11:37,292 --> 00:11:40,792 - He found you 428 00:11:37,292 --> 00:11:40,792 when he needed you in the past. 429 00:11:40,792 --> 00:11:42,667 He'll turn up. 430 00:11:47,417 --> 00:11:48,667 - I said get out of here. 431 00:11:48,667 --> 00:11:50,208 - I just wanna talk 432 00:11:48,667 --> 00:11:50,208 to the doctor. 433 00:11:50,208 --> 00:11:52,208 - You better get out of my face, 434 00:11:50,208 --> 00:11:52,208 man; I'm not playing. 435 00:11:52,208 --> 00:11:54,083 - I just wanted to know 436 00:11:52,208 --> 00:11:54,083 if you're okay. 437 00:11:54,083 --> 00:11:56,000 - Do I look like I'm okay, man? 438 00:11:54,083 --> 00:11:56,000 - Excuse me? 439 00:11:56,000 --> 00:11:57,917 Sir, is everything okay in here? 440 00:11:57,917 --> 00:12:00,083 - Uh, yeah. 441 00:12:00,083 --> 00:12:01,417 I'm Ian. 442 00:12:01,417 --> 00:12:03,917 Jim's brother. 443 00:12:03,917 --> 00:12:05,958 Some brother. 444 00:12:07,708 --> 00:12:10,417 Go ahead. 445 00:12:07,708 --> 00:12:10,417 Tell 'em. 446 00:12:10,417 --> 00:12:13,208 - Jim-- 447 00:12:10,417 --> 00:12:13,208 - Go ahead and tell 'em, man! 448 00:12:13,208 --> 00:12:15,042 Tell 'em. 449 00:12:19,333 --> 00:12:23,833 - I'm a perfect match 450 00:12:19,333 --> 00:12:23,833 to donate my kidney. 451 00:12:23,833 --> 00:12:25,500 - Right, 452 00:12:25,500 --> 00:12:28,250 and he'd rather watch me die 453 00:12:25,500 --> 00:12:28,250 than give it to me. 454 00:12:40,167 --> 00:12:40,250 . 455 00:12:41,792 --> 00:12:42,125 - I love my brother. 456 00:12:44,083 --> 00:12:45,875 I'd love to give him my kidney. 457 00:12:45,875 --> 00:12:47,750 - What's stopping you? 458 00:12:48,792 --> 00:12:52,042 - I'm HIV-positive. 459 00:12:52,042 --> 00:12:55,333 - But giving him a kidney 460 00:12:52,042 --> 00:12:55,333 would be giving him HIV as well. 461 00:12:58,083 --> 00:13:00,292 - I'm guessing by his reaction 462 00:12:58,083 --> 00:13:00,292 that he doesn't know? 463 00:13:00,292 --> 00:13:02,125 - Not a clue. 464 00:13:02,125 --> 00:13:04,417 - May I ask 465 00:13:02,125 --> 00:13:04,417 why don't you tell him? 466 00:13:04,417 --> 00:13:06,708 - Because Jim is... 467 00:13:06,708 --> 00:13:09,333 incredibly homophobic. 468 00:13:09,333 --> 00:13:12,167 He thinks homosexuality is 469 00:13:12,167 --> 00:13:14,500 disgusting, 470 00:13:14,500 --> 00:13:17,000 deviant behavior. 471 00:13:17,000 --> 00:13:18,167 - Yeah, well, but right now, 472 00:13:18,167 --> 00:13:19,500 he thinks you're willing 473 00:13:18,167 --> 00:13:19,500 to let him die. 474 00:13:19,500 --> 00:13:21,500 - Well, right now... 475 00:13:21,500 --> 00:13:24,958 Right now he hates me 476 00:13:21,500 --> 00:13:24,958 for what I'm doing, 477 00:13:24,958 --> 00:13:28,417 but if I tell him this, 478 00:13:28,417 --> 00:13:31,500 he'll hate me for who I am. 479 00:13:31,500 --> 00:13:33,500 - I understand. 480 00:13:33,500 --> 00:13:35,750 but just so you know, 481 00:13:35,750 --> 00:13:38,958 if you don't tell him soon, 482 00:13:35,750 --> 00:13:38,958 it may be too late. 483 00:13:47,000 --> 00:13:49,833 - Hey, uh, hello. 484 00:13:49,833 --> 00:13:51,875 - Hey. 485 00:13:51,875 --> 00:13:53,208 You better put that mask on. 486 00:13:53,208 --> 00:13:56,042 - I-I brought you 487 00:13:53,208 --> 00:13:56,042 some stuff from home, okay? 488 00:13:56,042 --> 00:13:58,292 - Thank you. 489 00:13:56,042 --> 00:13:58,292 - All right. 490 00:13:59,292 --> 00:14:00,875 All right, so, 491 00:14:00,875 --> 00:14:02,708 how you feeling? 492 00:14:02,708 --> 00:14:05,375 - Sit down. 493 00:14:02,708 --> 00:14:05,375 - Why? 494 00:14:05,375 --> 00:14:07,333 What is it? 495 00:14:10,458 --> 00:14:13,125 - I'm pregnant. 496 00:14:13,125 --> 00:14:15,208 - Pregnant? 497 00:14:13,125 --> 00:14:15,208 Are you sure? 498 00:14:15,208 --> 00:14:16,542 You--you're on the pill. 499 00:14:16,542 --> 00:14:19,208 - My TB meds screwed things up. 500 00:14:19,208 --> 00:14:22,458 I'm sorry. 501 00:14:19,208 --> 00:14:22,458 I know we didn't plan for this. 502 00:14:22,458 --> 00:14:25,500 I know this changes everything. 503 00:14:25,500 --> 00:14:28,042 - Yeah. 504 00:14:28,042 --> 00:14:30,583 We're gonna have a baby. 505 00:14:31,625 --> 00:14:34,083 Oh, you can't see. 506 00:14:31,625 --> 00:14:34,083 Um... 507 00:14:39,667 --> 00:14:41,542 - Okay. 508 00:14:39,667 --> 00:14:41,542 Now put that back on. 509 00:14:41,542 --> 00:14:44,667 - Babe, we slept in 510 00:14:41,542 --> 00:14:44,667 the same bed last night. 511 00:14:44,667 --> 00:14:46,542 - Put it back on. 512 00:14:52,083 --> 00:14:54,042 It's a beautiful thing, honey. 513 00:14:54,042 --> 00:14:55,917 It really is. 514 00:15:04,167 --> 00:15:06,708 - Ms. Charles, 515 00:15:04,167 --> 00:15:06,708 what brings you to the ED today? 516 00:15:06,708 --> 00:15:07,917 Yellow fever? 517 00:15:06,708 --> 00:15:07,917 Plague? 518 00:15:07,917 --> 00:15:09,750 - Eh, just a plain old cough. 519 00:15:09,750 --> 00:15:12,042 Things have not been the same 520 00:15:09,750 --> 00:15:12,042 since the swine flu died down. 521 00:15:12,042 --> 00:15:13,208 - Well, don't worry. 522 00:15:13,208 --> 00:15:14,417 They'll be another epidemic 523 00:15:13,208 --> 00:15:14,417 one day. 524 00:15:14,417 --> 00:15:15,792 - Eh, that's 525 00:15:14,417 --> 00:15:15,792 what I keep telling myself. 526 00:15:15,792 --> 00:15:17,417 You know, gotta stay positive. 527 00:15:17,417 --> 00:15:19,042 - I never figured you 528 00:15:17,417 --> 00:15:19,042 for an optimist. 529 00:15:19,042 --> 00:15:20,292 Are you kidding me? 530 00:15:20,292 --> 00:15:22,292 I still root for the White Sox. 531 00:15:22,292 --> 00:15:23,750 - Wow. 532 00:15:22,292 --> 00:15:23,750 - I do. 533 00:15:23,750 --> 00:15:25,958 - How do you do it? 534 00:15:23,750 --> 00:15:25,958 - I would love to tell you. 535 00:15:25,958 --> 00:15:29,958 I don't know. 536 00:15:25,958 --> 00:15:29,958 Maybe over drinks tonight? 537 00:15:29,958 --> 00:15:31,792 - That sounds great. 538 00:15:29,958 --> 00:15:31,792 Really. 539 00:15:31,792 --> 00:15:33,625 Uh... 540 00:15:33,625 --> 00:15:36,458 I'm just not sure 541 00:15:33,625 --> 00:15:36,458 your father would approve. 542 00:15:36,458 --> 00:15:38,625 - Wha--did he 543 00:15:36,458 --> 00:15:38,625 say something to you? 544 00:15:38,625 --> 00:15:39,958 - No, not--not really. 545 00:15:39,958 --> 00:15:43,458 He just mentioned something 546 00:15:39,958 --> 00:15:43,458 in passing. 547 00:15:43,458 --> 00:15:45,208 - Huh. 548 00:15:45,208 --> 00:15:47,083 I see. 549 00:15:54,208 --> 00:15:56,500 - Ms. Goff, hi. 550 00:15:56,500 --> 00:15:59,333 So we got Karina's test results. 551 00:15:59,333 --> 00:16:01,083 The large vessel 552 00:15:59,333 --> 00:16:01,083 leaving her heart 553 00:16:01,083 --> 00:16:03,000 has become severely congested. 554 00:16:03,000 --> 00:16:05,500 It's making her heart 555 00:16:03,000 --> 00:16:05,500 work harder and harder 556 00:16:05,500 --> 00:16:07,958 and--and decreasing 557 00:16:05,500 --> 00:16:07,958 the amount of oxygen 558 00:16:07,958 --> 00:16:09,333 that it can deliver. 559 00:16:09,333 --> 00:16:11,458 That's why she's become 560 00:16:09,333 --> 00:16:11,458 so tired and listless. 561 00:16:11,458 --> 00:16:13,833 - Oh, God. 562 00:16:11,458 --> 00:16:13,833 What do we do? 563 00:16:13,833 --> 00:16:15,917 - Well, we recommend 564 00:16:13,833 --> 00:16:15,917 an operation 565 00:16:15,917 --> 00:16:18,833 to either fix the aortic valve 566 00:16:15,917 --> 00:16:18,833 or replace it. 567 00:16:18,833 --> 00:16:21,833 - Heart surgery? 568 00:16:18,833 --> 00:16:21,833 - Yes. 569 00:16:21,833 --> 00:16:23,333 - Hi, Dr. Rhodes! 570 00:16:23,333 --> 00:16:26,167 What're you guys 571 00:16:23,333 --> 00:16:26,167 talking about? 572 00:16:26,167 --> 00:16:28,958 - Dr. Rhodes was just explaining 573 00:16:26,167 --> 00:16:28,958 your test results. 574 00:16:28,958 --> 00:16:31,000 - Hey, Karina, why don't we 575 00:16:28,958 --> 00:16:31,000 get you back to bed? 576 00:16:31,000 --> 00:16:33,000 There you are. 577 00:16:33,000 --> 00:16:36,667 So, based on what I am seeing, 578 00:16:36,667 --> 00:16:39,667 I believe you need surgery. 579 00:16:39,667 --> 00:16:40,875 - Will that make me better? 580 00:16:40,875 --> 00:16:43,125 - Well, there are never 581 00:16:40,875 --> 00:16:43,125 any guarantees, 582 00:16:43,125 --> 00:16:44,708 but, if things go well, 583 00:16:44,708 --> 00:16:47,625 then, yes, it will. 584 00:16:47,625 --> 00:16:49,667 - Good! 585 00:16:47,625 --> 00:16:49,667 Then I wanna do it. 586 00:16:49,667 --> 00:16:51,042 - It's not that simple, 587 00:16:49,667 --> 00:16:51,042 sweetheart. 588 00:16:51,042 --> 00:16:53,208 We need to think about this. 589 00:16:53,208 --> 00:16:56,375 Give the doctor and I a minute. 590 00:16:53,208 --> 00:16:56,375 - Okay. 591 00:16:56,375 --> 00:16:58,792 - We'll be right back. 592 00:17:02,708 --> 00:17:05,208 - I know you think 593 00:17:02,708 --> 00:17:05,208 surgery has the best odds, 594 00:17:05,208 --> 00:17:06,708 but I also know 595 00:17:05,208 --> 00:17:06,708 that Williams patients 596 00:17:06,708 --> 00:17:07,875 have a much higher chance 597 00:17:07,875 --> 00:17:09,500 of not surviving 598 00:17:07,875 --> 00:17:09,500 general anesthesia. 599 00:17:09,500 --> 00:17:12,708 - I completely understand, 600 00:17:09,500 --> 00:17:12,708 but the fact is, 601 00:17:12,708 --> 00:17:14,667 her condition is quite advanced 602 00:17:14,667 --> 00:17:16,875 and she did express 603 00:17:14,667 --> 00:17:16,875 that she wants the surgery. 604 00:17:16,875 --> 00:17:18,042 - She doesn't understand. 605 00:17:18,042 --> 00:17:19,375 She says that 606 00:17:18,042 --> 00:17:19,375 just to please you. 607 00:17:19,375 --> 00:17:20,583 - Well, she may not 608 00:17:19,375 --> 00:17:20,583 be able to make 609 00:17:20,583 --> 00:17:22,250 a completely informed decision, 610 00:17:22,250 --> 00:17:23,583 but she does know how she feels. 611 00:17:23,583 --> 00:17:25,542 - She's under 18. 612 00:17:23,583 --> 00:17:25,542 It's my decision to make. 613 00:17:25,542 --> 00:17:27,417 - Shouldn't we at least let her 614 00:17:25,542 --> 00:17:27,417 be a part of the conversation? 615 00:17:27,417 --> 00:17:31,375 - Dr. Rhodes, Karina is not 616 00:17:27,417 --> 00:17:31,375 like your other patients. 617 00:17:31,375 --> 00:17:33,417 I want options. 618 00:17:33,417 --> 00:17:35,250 Okay. 619 00:17:35,250 --> 00:17:37,917 Uh, let me talk to Dr. Latham. 620 00:17:37,917 --> 00:17:39,875 See if he has any ideas. 621 00:17:49,542 --> 00:17:52,083 - What did you tell Connor? 622 00:17:52,083 --> 00:17:53,250 - Come again? 623 00:17:53,250 --> 00:17:54,875 - Did you tell him 624 00:17:53,250 --> 00:17:54,875 to stay away from me? 625 00:17:54,875 --> 00:17:58,708 - No. 626 00:17:54,875 --> 00:17:58,708 - You said something. 627 00:17:58,708 --> 00:18:01,125 - I might have ind-- 628 00:17:58,708 --> 00:18:01,125 - Who I date 629 00:18:01,125 --> 00:18:02,250 is not your concern. 630 00:18:02,250 --> 00:18:04,292 - You are absolutely right. 631 00:18:02,250 --> 00:18:04,292 100%. 632 00:18:04,292 --> 00:18:06,292 You are unbelievable. 633 00:18:06,292 --> 00:18:07,583 - I'm sorry. 634 00:18:06,292 --> 00:18:07,583 I was wrong. 635 00:18:07,583 --> 00:18:09,583 If I worry about you, 636 00:18:07,583 --> 00:18:09,583 I can't help it. 637 00:18:09,583 --> 00:18:11,125 - Okay, well, that's 638 00:18:09,583 --> 00:18:11,125 gonna need to stop. 639 00:18:11,125 --> 00:18:13,250 - Can't do it. 640 00:18:11,125 --> 00:18:13,250 I'm your dad. 641 00:18:13,250 --> 00:18:15,917 I know I haven't won any awards 642 00:18:13,250 --> 00:18:15,917 in that department-- 643 00:18:15,917 --> 00:18:17,792 - This is not 644 00:18:15,917 --> 00:18:17,792 a referendum on you. 645 00:18:17,792 --> 00:18:19,917 - I'm sorry I wasn't there. 646 00:18:17,792 --> 00:18:19,917 I'm sorry I wasn't a father. 647 00:18:19,917 --> 00:18:21,125 - Okay, see? 648 00:18:19,917 --> 00:18:21,125 That--that right there. 649 00:18:21,125 --> 00:18:22,750 Why does it always 650 00:18:21,125 --> 00:18:22,750 go back to that? 651 00:18:22,750 --> 00:18:25,625 Does it ever occur to you 652 00:18:22,750 --> 00:18:25,625 that I have moved on? 653 00:18:25,625 --> 00:18:27,042 - I--didn't. 654 00:18:27,042 --> 00:18:28,292 - Not only am I past it, 655 00:18:28,292 --> 00:18:30,250 but I really-- 656 00:18:28,292 --> 00:18:30,250 I do not care. 657 00:18:30,250 --> 00:18:32,792 So you can feel 658 00:18:30,250 --> 00:18:32,792 as guilty as you want, 659 00:18:32,792 --> 00:18:35,458 but you being overinvolved 660 00:18:32,792 --> 00:18:35,458 in my life now 661 00:18:35,458 --> 00:18:39,958 is not gonna cut it. 662 00:18:44,750 --> 00:18:46,000 - Hey, Doc. 663 00:18:46,000 --> 00:18:48,667 We gotta stop meeting 664 00:18:46,000 --> 00:18:48,667 like this, right? 665 00:18:53,500 --> 00:18:56,625 Ah, you giving me 666 00:18:53,500 --> 00:18:56,625 the silent treatment, huh? 667 00:18:58,583 --> 00:19:02,292 Hey, you think 668 00:18:58,583 --> 00:19:02,292 I could get a TV in here? 669 00:19:03,292 --> 00:19:06,125 You and I could 670 00:19:03,292 --> 00:19:06,125 watch a little, uh... 671 00:19:06,125 --> 00:19:08,667 "Family Feud." 672 00:19:08,667 --> 00:19:10,625 - Not enough time. 673 00:19:10,625 --> 00:19:13,667 I'm stitching you up 674 00:19:10,625 --> 00:19:13,667 and then you're leaving, 675 00:19:13,667 --> 00:19:16,667 which means you won't 676 00:19:13,667 --> 00:19:16,667 be needing those. 677 00:19:16,667 --> 00:19:19,333 - Ah, come on. 678 00:19:16,667 --> 00:19:19,333 Why you gotta be like that? 679 00:19:19,333 --> 00:19:20,792 - Because you're not here 680 00:19:19,333 --> 00:19:20,792 on vacation. 681 00:19:20,792 --> 00:19:23,667 - Hey, give me a break here. 682 00:19:20,792 --> 00:19:23,667 I'm injured. 683 00:19:23,667 --> 00:19:26,375 - By your own hand, I hear. 684 00:19:26,375 --> 00:19:28,167 - You wanna play that game? 685 00:19:30,167 --> 00:19:34,125 I am extremely depressed, 686 00:19:34,125 --> 00:19:36,208 and you know what? 687 00:19:36,208 --> 00:19:40,125 That makes me wanna hurt myself. 688 00:19:40,125 --> 00:19:42,500 - Excuse me? 689 00:19:40,125 --> 00:19:42,500 - You heard me. 690 00:19:42,500 --> 00:19:44,208 You heard me too. 691 00:19:44,208 --> 00:19:48,083 I am gonna hurt myself! 692 00:19:49,708 --> 00:19:52,792 And we all know what that means. 693 00:19:58,042 --> 00:19:59,875 - We have no choice. 694 00:19:59,875 --> 00:20:02,000 - I'll call Dr. Charles 695 00:19:59,875 --> 00:20:02,000 for a psych consult. 696 00:20:02,000 --> 00:20:04,708 - That's right you will. 697 00:20:11,083 --> 00:20:14,208 - He's in v-tach. 698 00:20:11,083 --> 00:20:14,208 Stop the dialysis. 699 00:20:14,208 --> 00:20:16,917 - Pulse is thready. 700 00:20:14,208 --> 00:20:16,917 Shortness of breath. 701 00:20:16,917 --> 00:20:18,917 - Lost his pulse. 702 00:20:16,917 --> 00:20:18,917 We gotta defibrillate now. 703 00:20:18,917 --> 00:20:21,583 Bag him. 704 00:20:18,917 --> 00:20:21,583 - Get me the paddles. 705 00:20:21,583 --> 00:20:23,167 - What's going on? 706 00:20:21,583 --> 00:20:23,167 - Charge to 200. 707 00:20:23,167 --> 00:20:25,500 - He's in cardiac arrest. 708 00:20:25,500 --> 00:20:28,083 - Clear. 709 00:20:28,083 --> 00:20:29,500 - Still in v-tach. 710 00:20:29,500 --> 00:20:31,708 - Come on. 711 00:20:29,500 --> 00:20:31,708 Charge to 300. 712 00:20:34,250 --> 00:20:37,583 - Sinus rhythm. 713 00:20:37,583 --> 00:20:40,042 - Jim, can you hear me? 714 00:20:42,750 --> 00:20:45,917 He's stable for now. 715 00:20:45,917 --> 00:20:47,708 - Jim? 716 00:20:47,708 --> 00:20:50,542 I need to talk to you. 717 00:20:50,542 --> 00:20:52,917 I gotta tell you something. 718 00:20:59,875 --> 00:21:01,292 - There she is. 719 00:20:59,875 --> 00:21:01,292 - Thank you. 720 00:21:01,292 --> 00:21:02,917 - Yeah, of course. 721 00:21:02,917 --> 00:21:05,917 - Hey, uh, is there somewhere 722 00:21:02,917 --> 00:21:05,917 we can go talk for a minute? 723 00:21:05,917 --> 00:21:08,542 - Did you find Danny? 724 00:21:08,542 --> 00:21:11,125 Um... 725 00:21:11,125 --> 00:21:12,750 - He's... 726 00:21:12,750 --> 00:21:15,208 he's dead, isn't he? 727 00:21:15,208 --> 00:21:17,583 - Yes. 728 00:21:20,125 --> 00:21:22,458 I'm so sorry. 729 00:21:24,958 --> 00:21:27,042 Hey. 730 00:21:28,875 --> 00:21:31,958 Hey, you did 731 00:21:28,875 --> 00:21:31,958 everything you could. 732 00:21:42,167 --> 00:21:42,250 . 733 00:21:51,500 --> 00:21:52,750 - This is Sarah Reese. 734 00:21:52,750 --> 00:21:54,917 - Hi, are you family? 735 00:21:52,750 --> 00:21:54,917 A friend? 736 00:21:54,917 --> 00:21:57,500 - No, I'm his doctor. 737 00:21:57,500 --> 00:21:59,958 I was his doctor. 738 00:22:10,583 --> 00:22:13,375 Was he beaten to death? 739 00:22:13,375 --> 00:22:16,458 - It looks that way. 740 00:22:16,458 --> 00:22:17,708 We won't know for sure 741 00:22:17,708 --> 00:22:20,250 until we have the results 742 00:22:17,708 --> 00:22:20,250 of the autopsy. 743 00:22:36,375 --> 00:22:38,042 - Hey. 744 00:22:38,042 --> 00:22:40,208 - Your sputum cultures 745 00:22:38,042 --> 00:22:40,208 just came back. 746 00:22:40,208 --> 00:22:42,792 It turns out 747 00:22:40,208 --> 00:22:42,792 you don't have regular TB. 748 00:22:42,792 --> 00:22:44,958 Uh, it's multi-drug resistant. 749 00:22:44,958 --> 00:22:46,667 - Okay, so... 750 00:22:46,667 --> 00:22:47,875 I'm gonna have to be on 751 00:22:47,875 --> 00:22:49,875 three or four meds 752 00:22:47,875 --> 00:22:49,875 instead of one? 753 00:22:49,875 --> 00:22:51,833 - Uh, it's not 754 00:22:49,875 --> 00:22:51,833 quite that simple. 755 00:22:51,833 --> 00:22:54,375 Uh, it's only susceptible 756 00:22:51,833 --> 00:22:54,375 to one drug, 757 00:22:54,375 --> 00:22:57,167 but it's completely susceptible, 758 00:22:54,375 --> 00:22:57,167 so it'll definitely work, 759 00:22:57,167 --> 00:22:58,750 but... 760 00:22:58,750 --> 00:23:00,583 this medication 761 00:23:00,583 --> 00:23:03,167 can cause neural tube defects 762 00:23:00,583 --> 00:23:03,167 in a growing fetus. 763 00:23:03,167 --> 00:23:06,708 - But not always. 764 00:23:03,167 --> 00:23:06,708 There's just a chance. 765 00:23:08,083 --> 00:23:09,917 - Well, there-- 766 00:23:08,083 --> 00:23:09,917 there must be something else. 767 00:23:09,917 --> 00:23:11,750 I--they couldn't 768 00:23:09,917 --> 00:23:11,750 have tested everything. 769 00:23:11,750 --> 00:23:12,917 - They have. 770 00:23:12,917 --> 00:23:14,250 - Well, tell them 771 00:23:12,917 --> 00:23:14,250 to test it again. 772 00:23:14,250 --> 00:23:15,583 I mean, try something. 773 00:23:15,583 --> 00:23:17,167 - There's nothing else to try. 774 00:23:17,167 --> 00:23:18,375 I just placed the order. 775 00:23:18,375 --> 00:23:21,042 The first dose should be 776 00:23:18,375 --> 00:23:21,042 up in a little while. 777 00:23:23,583 --> 00:23:25,667 - I'm sorry, April. 778 00:23:51,250 --> 00:23:52,792 - Spoke to your patient, 779 00:23:51,250 --> 00:23:52,792 Mr. Wallace. 780 00:23:52,792 --> 00:23:54,792 - Let me guess, 781 00:23:52,792 --> 00:23:54,792 not a suicide risk. 782 00:23:54,792 --> 00:23:57,583 - Garden variety sociopath. 783 00:23:54,792 --> 00:23:57,583 He's an opportunist. 784 00:23:57,583 --> 00:24:00,750 Knows all the buzz words. 785 00:23:57,583 --> 00:24:00,750 Not a sincere bone in his body. 786 00:24:00,750 --> 00:24:02,042 - Good enough for me. 787 00:24:02,042 --> 00:24:05,583 Let's start discharge paperwork 788 00:24:02,042 --> 00:24:05,583 on Treatment 4. 789 00:24:05,583 --> 00:24:07,875 Chalk one up for the good guys. 790 00:24:10,208 --> 00:24:12,542 - Hi, Mr. Vance. 791 00:24:10,208 --> 00:24:12,542 Your rhythm looks good. 792 00:24:12,542 --> 00:24:13,958 How are you feeling? 793 00:24:13,958 --> 00:24:15,750 - Disgusted. 794 00:24:17,333 --> 00:24:18,500 - Given your latest reaction, 795 00:24:18,500 --> 00:24:20,167 I'd like to try 796 00:24:18,500 --> 00:24:20,167 something different. 797 00:24:20,167 --> 00:24:22,792 A medication called midodrine 798 00:24:20,167 --> 00:24:22,792 to raise your blood pressure, 799 00:24:22,792 --> 00:24:26,250 followed by a special course 800 00:24:22,792 --> 00:24:26,250 of low-calcium dialysate. 801 00:24:26,250 --> 00:24:28,625 - Will it work? 802 00:24:28,625 --> 00:24:30,000 - To be honest, 803 00:24:28,625 --> 00:24:30,000 it's a long shot. 804 00:24:30,000 --> 00:24:31,500 But it's our best option. 805 00:24:31,500 --> 00:24:33,292 - Just tell me. 806 00:24:33,292 --> 00:24:34,500 How long have I got? 807 00:24:34,500 --> 00:24:36,417 - You're experiencing 808 00:24:34,500 --> 00:24:36,417 cardiac events 809 00:24:36,417 --> 00:24:37,667 with every dialysis, 810 00:24:37,667 --> 00:24:39,458 and you need dialysis 811 00:24:37,667 --> 00:24:39,458 three days a week, 812 00:24:39,458 --> 00:24:41,167 so realistically, 813 00:24:41,167 --> 00:24:42,958 it can happen at any time. 814 00:24:45,333 --> 00:24:48,167 - We are trying 815 00:24:45,333 --> 00:24:48,167 everything we have. 816 00:24:50,167 --> 00:24:51,833 Okay. 817 00:24:51,833 --> 00:24:54,583 - Wait. 818 00:24:54,583 --> 00:24:56,958 You wouldn't 819 00:24:54,583 --> 00:24:56,958 give me your kidney 820 00:24:56,958 --> 00:25:00,042 'cause of the virus, right? 821 00:25:00,042 --> 00:25:02,458 But what if I don't care? 822 00:25:04,167 --> 00:25:07,125 Would you give it to me then? 823 00:25:07,125 --> 00:25:10,958 - But you'll get infected. 824 00:25:07,125 --> 00:25:10,958 - HIV, it's better than dying. 825 00:25:12,542 --> 00:25:15,375 Would you do it? 826 00:25:15,375 --> 00:25:16,833 - Yeah. 827 00:25:16,833 --> 00:25:18,375 Of course. 828 00:25:20,333 --> 00:25:23,625 - Then let's do that. 829 00:25:20,333 --> 00:25:23,625 I want his kidney. 830 00:25:23,625 --> 00:25:26,500 - Mr. Vance, you are 831 00:25:23,625 --> 00:25:26,500 severely immunocompromised. 832 00:25:26,500 --> 00:25:28,875 If you received 833 00:25:26,500 --> 00:25:28,875 an HIV-positive organ, 834 00:25:28,875 --> 00:25:30,542 if you contracted HIV 835 00:25:28,875 --> 00:25:30,542 in any way, 836 00:25:30,542 --> 00:25:32,542 it could immediately 837 00:25:30,542 --> 00:25:32,542 progress to AIDS, 838 00:25:32,542 --> 00:25:34,208 and that would 839 00:25:32,542 --> 00:25:34,208 most likely kill you. 840 00:25:34,208 --> 00:25:36,208 - Do it. 841 00:25:36,208 --> 00:25:37,375 Let's just do it. 842 00:25:37,375 --> 00:25:38,667 - As your doctor, 843 00:25:37,375 --> 00:25:38,667 I strongly-- 844 00:25:38,667 --> 00:25:42,417 - Excuse--uh, will you 845 00:25:38,667 --> 00:25:42,417 excuse us for a moment? 846 00:25:42,417 --> 00:25:44,292 Thank you. 847 00:25:54,708 --> 00:25:56,333 - We should look into this. 848 00:25:56,333 --> 00:25:59,250 - Look into what? 849 00:25:56,333 --> 00:25:59,250 Purposely giving someone HIV? 850 00:25:59,250 --> 00:26:01,542 - He knows the risks. 851 00:25:59,250 --> 00:26:01,542 What does he have? 852 00:26:01,542 --> 00:26:02,833 Days? 853 00:26:01,542 --> 00:26:02,833 A couple of weeks? 854 00:26:02,833 --> 00:26:04,250 - That's the thing. 855 00:26:02,833 --> 00:26:04,250 We don't know. 856 00:26:04,250 --> 00:26:05,500 Uh, he could surprise us, 857 00:26:05,500 --> 00:26:07,250 and make it long enough 858 00:26:05,500 --> 00:26:07,250 to get a healthy kidney. 859 00:26:07,250 --> 00:26:10,250 We could put him on carnitine, 860 00:26:07,250 --> 00:26:10,250 try sodium modeling. 861 00:26:10,250 --> 00:26:12,083 - That's grasping at straws. 862 00:26:12,083 --> 00:26:13,833 Yes, a transplant is dangerous, 863 00:26:13,833 --> 00:26:15,917 but if it works, 864 00:26:13,833 --> 00:26:15,917 it could give him years. 865 00:26:15,917 --> 00:26:17,417 - It's unethical and illegal. 866 00:26:17,417 --> 00:26:19,500 Even if you found a surgeon 867 00:26:17,417 --> 00:26:19,500 willing to do it, 868 00:26:19,500 --> 00:26:22,583 the minute anyone found out, 869 00:26:19,500 --> 00:26:22,583 our licenses would be revoked. 870 00:26:22,583 --> 00:26:24,958 - So we get 871 00:26:22,583 --> 00:26:24,958 a special dispensation. 872 00:26:24,958 --> 00:26:27,417 That man is dying in there. 873 00:26:27,417 --> 00:26:29,917 The least we could do 874 00:26:27,417 --> 00:26:29,917 is give him a chance. 875 00:26:29,917 --> 00:26:32,792 - Natalie... 876 00:26:29,917 --> 00:26:32,792 I'm sorry. 877 00:26:32,792 --> 00:26:35,958 As the attending physician, 878 00:26:32,792 --> 00:26:35,958 I cannot sign off on this. 879 00:26:35,958 --> 00:26:37,625 - Fine. 880 00:26:37,625 --> 00:26:39,667 Then I'll figure it out myself. 881 00:26:42,458 --> 00:26:43,625 - I'm gonna call the OR, 882 00:26:43,625 --> 00:26:46,458 see if they can bump anybody 883 00:26:43,625 --> 00:26:46,458 till tomorrow. 884 00:26:46,458 --> 00:26:48,250 - Dr. Rhodes, any news? 885 00:26:48,250 --> 00:26:49,792 - We were actually 886 00:26:48,250 --> 00:26:49,792 just about to see you. 887 00:26:49,792 --> 00:26:51,292 Uh, the final reading 888 00:26:49,792 --> 00:26:51,292 of the echo showed 889 00:26:51,292 --> 00:26:53,042 even more significant disease 890 00:26:51,292 --> 00:26:53,042 than we thought. 891 00:26:53,042 --> 00:26:55,500 - We need to consider 892 00:26:53,042 --> 00:26:55,500 scheduling surgery immediately. 893 00:26:56,708 --> 00:26:58,458 - Where's Karina? 894 00:26:58,458 --> 00:27:00,458 That patient in there, 895 00:26:58,458 --> 00:27:00,458 where did she go? 896 00:27:00,458 --> 00:27:01,792 I told her to stay in her room. 897 00:27:00,458 --> 00:27:01,792 Where is she? 898 00:27:01,792 --> 00:27:03,167 - We'll find out. 899 00:27:01,792 --> 00:27:03,167 Check the ambulance bay. 900 00:27:03,167 --> 00:27:05,833 - You don't know where she is? 901 00:27:03,167 --> 00:27:05,833 - Ma'am, just-- 902 00:27:05,833 --> 00:27:07,667 - Karina? 903 00:27:07,667 --> 00:27:10,625 - Karina? 904 00:27:10,625 --> 00:27:13,667 - She's in here. 905 00:27:15,917 --> 00:27:17,458 - Sweetie, I need you 906 00:27:15,917 --> 00:27:17,458 to step away from that man. 907 00:27:17,458 --> 00:27:18,750 - Get away from him! 908 00:27:17,458 --> 00:27:18,750 Out of there. 909 00:27:18,750 --> 00:27:20,583 - Mom, it's okay. 910 00:27:18,750 --> 00:27:20,583 - No, it's not okay. 911 00:27:20,583 --> 00:27:23,250 That man is dangerous. 912 00:27:20,583 --> 00:27:23,250 - But I was just saying hi. 913 00:27:23,250 --> 00:27:25,167 - Okay, okay, I know, sweetie. 914 00:27:25,167 --> 00:27:28,250 Can't take my eyes off you 915 00:27:25,167 --> 00:27:28,250 for one minute. 916 00:27:55,792 --> 00:27:56,042 - It's my fault. 917 00:27:57,333 --> 00:27:59,333 - No, that's not true. 918 00:27:59,333 --> 00:28:02,292 - Of course it is. 919 00:28:02,292 --> 00:28:04,875 I told him 920 00:28:02,292 --> 00:28:04,875 we could remove the chip. 921 00:28:04,875 --> 00:28:06,500 I encouraged him to run away. 922 00:28:06,500 --> 00:28:09,042 - You empowered him 923 00:28:06,500 --> 00:28:09,042 to make decisions. 924 00:28:09,042 --> 00:28:10,333 That's what good doctors do. 925 00:28:10,333 --> 00:28:11,542 - But they were 926 00:28:10,333 --> 00:28:11,542 the wrong decisions. 927 00:28:11,542 --> 00:28:13,667 - It was the wrong outcome. 928 00:28:15,875 --> 00:28:19,208 - And now he's dead. 929 00:28:19,208 --> 00:28:21,792 I mean, who knows. 930 00:28:21,792 --> 00:28:23,042 If I'd have told him to wait, 931 00:28:23,042 --> 00:28:25,375 maybe the police would have come 932 00:28:23,042 --> 00:28:25,375 and broken up the ring 933 00:28:25,375 --> 00:28:27,542 and he'd be free. 934 00:28:32,708 --> 00:28:34,667 I was careless with his life. 935 00:28:34,667 --> 00:28:37,250 - Dr. Reese... 936 00:28:37,250 --> 00:28:39,917 you're anything but careless. 937 00:28:39,917 --> 00:28:42,000 Sometimes the best advice, 938 00:28:39,917 --> 00:28:42,000 you know, 939 00:28:42,000 --> 00:28:44,542 it's just not enough. 940 00:28:47,500 --> 00:28:49,333 Dangerous thing 941 00:28:47,500 --> 00:28:49,333 about psychiatry, 942 00:28:49,333 --> 00:28:52,250 it can sometimes give 943 00:28:49,333 --> 00:28:52,250 those of us who practice it 944 00:28:52,250 --> 00:28:55,292 the illusion of control. 945 00:28:56,417 --> 00:28:58,708 But the human brain, 946 00:28:58,708 --> 00:29:00,542 it's... 947 00:29:00,542 --> 00:29:03,042 it is the most complex, 948 00:29:00,542 --> 00:29:03,042 mysterious object 949 00:29:03,042 --> 00:29:05,750 in the universe. 950 00:29:05,750 --> 00:29:07,833 That means that what we do, 951 00:29:07,833 --> 00:29:09,625 it-- 952 00:29:09,625 --> 00:29:12,708 it just doesn't come 953 00:29:09,625 --> 00:29:12,708 with any guarantees. 954 00:29:14,042 --> 00:29:17,250 - I don't think 955 00:29:14,042 --> 00:29:17,250 that makes me feel any better. 956 00:29:18,375 --> 00:29:19,792 - I know. 957 00:29:19,792 --> 00:29:21,292 It never does. 958 00:29:38,375 --> 00:29:40,792 - It must be hard. 959 00:29:40,792 --> 00:29:42,625 - It is. 960 00:29:44,792 --> 00:29:48,375 She is such a bright light. 961 00:29:49,625 --> 00:29:51,000 A breath of fresh air. 962 00:29:51,000 --> 00:29:54,125 You should see how people 963 00:29:51,000 --> 00:29:54,125 spark up when they see her, 964 00:29:54,125 --> 00:29:58,000 and how happy it makes Karina. 965 00:29:58,000 --> 00:30:00,917 It's like she feeds off of it. 966 00:30:03,667 --> 00:30:07,167 If you don't operate... 967 00:30:07,167 --> 00:30:09,958 I'll be taking that from her. 968 00:30:16,125 --> 00:30:18,542 Do the surgery. 969 00:30:21,292 --> 00:30:23,292 - We'll get her upstairs 970 00:30:21,292 --> 00:30:23,292 shortly. 971 00:30:41,208 --> 00:30:44,125 Dr. Halstead? 972 00:30:41,208 --> 00:30:44,125 - Yeah? 973 00:30:45,333 --> 00:30:49,000 - Um, April is refusing 974 00:30:45,333 --> 00:30:49,000 to take her new medication. 975 00:30:49,000 --> 00:30:52,125 She won't listen to me. 976 00:30:49,000 --> 00:30:52,125 I-- 977 00:30:52,125 --> 00:30:54,333 I just don't know what to do. 978 00:31:07,708 --> 00:31:10,750 - You know I'm here to convince 979 00:31:07,708 --> 00:31:10,750 you to change your mind. 980 00:31:11,958 --> 00:31:13,250 - I'm a nurse. 981 00:31:13,250 --> 00:31:15,500 I stopped listening to doctors 982 00:31:13,250 --> 00:31:15,500 a long time ago. 983 00:31:22,417 --> 00:31:25,542 - I know it doesn't make sense, 984 00:31:25,542 --> 00:31:29,750 but there's another life 985 00:31:25,542 --> 00:31:29,750 inside of me now. 986 00:31:29,750 --> 00:31:31,708 How can I take a medicine 987 00:31:29,750 --> 00:31:31,708 that could endanger it? 988 00:31:31,708 --> 00:31:33,708 - Hopefully it won't. 989 00:31:33,708 --> 00:31:36,542 - Hopefully. 990 00:31:36,542 --> 00:31:38,875 I see a lot of hopeful people 991 00:31:36,542 --> 00:31:38,875 come in here 992 00:31:38,875 --> 00:31:42,417 and we tell them 993 00:31:38,875 --> 00:31:42,417 we're doing everything we can. 994 00:31:42,417 --> 00:31:44,417 If I take that medication 995 00:31:44,417 --> 00:31:46,500 and something happens 996 00:31:44,417 --> 00:31:46,500 to this baby, 997 00:31:46,500 --> 00:31:48,833 then I didn't 998 00:31:46,500 --> 00:31:48,833 do everything I could. 999 00:31:48,833 --> 00:31:50,583 I can't live with that. 1000 00:31:50,583 --> 00:31:54,583 - April, you've been put into 1001 00:31:50,583 --> 00:31:54,583 an impossible situation, 1002 00:31:54,583 --> 00:31:57,625 and I can't tell you what to do, 1003 00:31:57,625 --> 00:31:59,958 but if you don't 1004 00:31:57,625 --> 00:31:59,958 take this medication, 1005 00:31:59,958 --> 00:32:01,792 there is a very high chance 1006 00:32:01,792 --> 00:32:04,333 both you and your baby will die. 1007 00:32:25,292 --> 00:32:27,792 It's unbelievable. 1008 00:32:27,792 --> 00:32:29,292 - Health and Human Services 1009 00:32:27,792 --> 00:32:29,292 won't okay 1010 00:32:29,292 --> 00:32:30,625 that HIV kidney transplant? 1011 00:32:30,625 --> 00:32:33,750 - Won't even consider it. 1012 00:32:33,750 --> 00:32:35,750 - Our local contact at the FDA. 1013 00:32:35,750 --> 00:32:38,000 Deals with compassionate use 1014 00:32:35,750 --> 00:32:38,000 and experimental drugs. 1015 00:32:38,000 --> 00:32:40,125 - Might as well try everything. 1016 00:32:38,000 --> 00:32:40,125 Thank you. 1017 00:32:40,125 --> 00:32:41,542 - Yeah. 1018 00:32:47,667 --> 00:32:49,083 - Looks like 1019 00:32:47,667 --> 00:32:49,083 our time together's up. 1020 00:32:49,083 --> 00:32:52,000 - Mm, yeah, you got me, Doc. 1021 00:32:52,000 --> 00:32:54,458 Can't put anything over on you. 1022 00:32:54,458 --> 00:32:56,625 - I sent his prescription ahead 1023 00:32:54,458 --> 00:32:56,625 to the prison pharmacy. 1024 00:32:56,625 --> 00:32:57,833 - Great. 1025 00:32:57,833 --> 00:32:59,500 - Yeah, you're 1026 00:32:57,833 --> 00:32:59,500 a real tough guy, huh? 1027 00:32:59,500 --> 00:33:01,417 Took my best shots. 1028 00:33:01,417 --> 00:33:03,167 Bang, bang, bang. 1029 00:33:01,417 --> 00:33:03,167 You just deflected 'em 1030 00:33:03,167 --> 00:33:05,417 like Captain freaking America. 1031 00:33:05,417 --> 00:33:07,750 - I'm sorry your stay 1032 00:33:05,417 --> 00:33:07,750 was not satisfactory. 1033 00:33:07,750 --> 00:33:09,000 - Satisfactory? 1034 00:33:12,417 --> 00:33:14,333 - What the hell? 1035 00:33:14,333 --> 00:33:15,833 Get me a portable chest X-ray, 1036 00:33:14,333 --> 00:33:15,833 stat. 1037 00:33:15,833 --> 00:33:18,458 - On it. 1038 00:33:18,458 --> 00:33:20,875 - Doctor's too smart 1039 00:33:18,458 --> 00:33:20,875 for a stupid con like me. 1040 00:33:20,875 --> 00:33:22,958 - Lungs are clear. 1041 00:33:20,875 --> 00:33:22,958 Doctor. 1042 00:33:26,000 --> 00:33:27,542 Come on. 1043 00:33:28,792 --> 00:33:30,875 Did he swallow anything? 1044 00:33:30,875 --> 00:33:32,125 - Not that I saw. 1045 00:33:39,708 --> 00:33:41,625 - Wait, what are those? 1046 00:33:44,167 --> 00:33:45,875 - They look like little stars. 1047 00:33:45,875 --> 00:33:47,708 - They must have lacerated 1048 00:33:45,875 --> 00:33:47,708 his esophagus. 1049 00:33:47,708 --> 00:33:49,833 Get him up to surgery now. 1050 00:34:03,958 --> 00:34:04,542 - Wires are in. 1051 00:34:04,250 --> 00:34:04,542 Chest is dry. 1052 00:34:05,875 --> 00:34:08,208 - Let's close the sternum. 1053 00:34:16,250 --> 00:34:19,208 - Dr. Vorspan, was the patient 1054 00:34:16,250 --> 00:34:19,208 wearing any earrings? 1055 00:34:19,208 --> 00:34:20,542 - No, why? 1056 00:34:20,542 --> 00:34:22,750 - They think she gave 'em 1057 00:34:20,542 --> 00:34:22,750 to that convict downstairs, 1058 00:34:22,750 --> 00:34:25,417 and he swallowed them. 1059 00:34:25,417 --> 00:34:27,750 - You think 1060 00:34:25,417 --> 00:34:27,750 you've seen everything. 1061 00:34:27,750 --> 00:34:30,083 - We'll need wire cutters soon. 1062 00:34:27,750 --> 00:34:30,083 - Yes, doctor. 1063 00:34:30,083 --> 00:34:32,708 - You know they did 1064 00:34:30,083 --> 00:34:32,708 a study once on oxytocin. 1065 00:34:32,708 --> 00:34:34,417 College students 1066 00:34:32,708 --> 00:34:34,417 exposed to high levels of it 1067 00:34:34,417 --> 00:34:37,417 just started 1068 00:34:34,417 --> 00:34:37,417 giving their money away. 1069 00:34:37,417 --> 00:34:39,375 Did you see how freely 1070 00:34:37,417 --> 00:34:39,375 she interacted with that man? 1071 00:34:39,375 --> 00:34:41,875 Just a total stranger? 1072 00:34:41,875 --> 00:34:43,792 I've never been good at that. 1073 00:34:43,792 --> 00:34:47,292 - It's just a symptom 1074 00:34:43,792 --> 00:34:47,292 of her genetic condition. 1075 00:34:47,292 --> 00:34:48,792 - True. 1076 00:34:48,792 --> 00:34:51,292 But maybe that's 1077 00:34:48,792 --> 00:34:51,292 not entirely a bad thing. 1078 00:34:59,792 --> 00:35:02,042 - Any luck getting someone 1079 00:34:59,792 --> 00:35:02,042 to approve the transplant? 1080 00:35:02,042 --> 00:35:05,417 - Nope. 1081 00:35:02,042 --> 00:35:05,417 Got stonewalled by everybody. 1082 00:35:09,125 --> 00:35:10,875 - I'm sorry. 1083 00:35:12,875 --> 00:35:14,583 - Yeah. 1084 00:35:21,583 --> 00:35:24,833 Time to go tell Jim 1085 00:35:21,583 --> 00:35:24,833 the bad news. 1086 00:35:26,333 --> 00:35:29,083 - I'll come with. 1087 00:35:26,333 --> 00:35:29,083 - No. 1088 00:35:29,083 --> 00:35:31,000 No, I'll do it. 1089 00:35:31,000 --> 00:35:34,417 I'm the one 1090 00:35:31,000 --> 00:35:34,417 who got his hopes up, so... 1091 00:35:34,417 --> 00:35:36,833 - What're you gonna tell him? 1092 00:35:36,833 --> 00:35:38,750 - The truth. 1093 00:35:38,750 --> 00:35:40,667 That the one thing 1094 00:35:38,750 --> 00:35:40,667 he needs most in the world 1095 00:35:40,667 --> 00:35:42,458 is right in front of him 1096 00:35:40,667 --> 00:35:42,458 and he can't have it, 1097 00:35:42,458 --> 00:35:45,417 and he doesn't even 1098 00:35:42,458 --> 00:35:45,417 have a choice. 1099 00:35:46,500 --> 00:35:48,875 - Natalie. 1100 00:35:53,000 --> 00:35:55,500 There's still one thing 1101 00:35:53,000 --> 00:35:55,500 we can do to make this legal. 1102 00:35:55,500 --> 00:35:57,667 - What're you talking about? 1103 00:35:57,667 --> 00:36:01,333 - He's already said he's willing 1104 00:35:57,667 --> 00:36:01,333 to deal with HIV infection. 1105 00:36:01,333 --> 00:36:03,417 Let's give him the option. 1106 00:36:03,417 --> 00:36:05,125 - Wait, are you serious? 1107 00:36:05,125 --> 00:36:06,708 - It's his decision. 1108 00:36:06,708 --> 00:36:08,458 We'd just be 1109 00:36:06,708 --> 00:36:08,458 giving him a choice. 1110 00:36:08,458 --> 00:36:11,375 - You realize 1111 00:36:08,458 --> 00:36:11,375 the implications of this? 1112 00:36:11,375 --> 00:36:12,875 - I do, 1113 00:36:12,875 --> 00:36:16,875 but if we wanna save his life, 1114 00:36:12,875 --> 00:36:16,875 is there any other way? 1115 00:36:21,000 --> 00:36:23,375 Mr. Vance, I'm afraid that 1116 00:36:23,375 --> 00:36:25,875 as things stand, 1117 00:36:23,375 --> 00:36:25,875 there is no possible way 1118 00:36:25,875 --> 00:36:28,292 you can receive 1119 00:36:25,875 --> 00:36:28,292 your brother's kidney. 1120 00:36:28,292 --> 00:36:30,208 - Wait, so there's nothing 1121 00:36:28,292 --> 00:36:30,208 at all that we can do? 1122 00:36:30,208 --> 00:36:32,375 - No, not as things 1123 00:36:30,208 --> 00:36:32,375 currently stand. 1124 00:36:32,375 --> 00:36:34,833 - Even though I know the risk? 1125 00:36:34,833 --> 00:36:36,500 Even though I wanna do it? 1126 00:36:36,500 --> 00:36:37,708 - That's correct. 1127 00:36:37,708 --> 00:36:39,708 It is illegal 1128 00:36:37,708 --> 00:36:39,708 to give an infected organ 1129 00:36:39,708 --> 00:36:41,500 to a non-infected recipient. 1130 00:36:41,500 --> 00:36:45,125 - That's the terrible irony 1131 00:36:41,500 --> 00:36:45,125 because if you already had HIV, 1132 00:36:45,125 --> 00:36:46,917 the procedure would be legal. 1133 00:36:48,667 --> 00:36:53,250 - Now, obviously, 1134 00:36:48,667 --> 00:36:53,250 we can't give you HIV. 1135 00:36:53,250 --> 00:36:56,042 - No, but... 1136 00:36:56,042 --> 00:36:58,292 but he can. 1137 00:37:04,208 --> 00:37:06,458 And you do have a choice. 1138 00:37:31,542 --> 00:37:33,125 - How's he doing? 1139 00:37:33,125 --> 00:37:34,625 - Gonna be off solid food 1140 00:37:33,125 --> 00:37:34,625 for a while. 1141 00:37:34,625 --> 00:37:35,625 Could be a lot of scarring. 1142 00:37:35,625 --> 00:37:36,958 We should know more 1143 00:37:35,625 --> 00:37:36,958 in a few days. 1144 00:37:36,958 --> 00:37:39,542 - I guess he got 1145 00:37:36,958 --> 00:37:39,542 his vacation after all. 1146 00:37:39,542 --> 00:37:41,125 - Yeah. 1147 00:37:41,125 --> 00:37:42,792 I just can't believe 1148 00:37:41,125 --> 00:37:42,792 I let him win. 1149 00:37:42,792 --> 00:37:43,917 - Really? 1150 00:37:43,917 --> 00:37:46,083 Does this look like 1151 00:37:43,917 --> 00:37:46,083 a win to you? 1152 00:37:46,083 --> 00:37:47,917 - He got what he wanted. 1153 00:37:47,917 --> 00:37:50,750 - So he's a patient 1154 00:37:47,917 --> 00:37:50,750 that came here to be treated. 1155 00:37:50,750 --> 00:37:52,542 That should have been 1156 00:37:50,750 --> 00:37:52,542 your focus. 1157 00:37:52,542 --> 00:37:55,583 - Are you saying I should have 1158 00:37:52,542 --> 00:37:55,583 let him have his way? 1159 00:37:55,583 --> 00:37:58,125 - You know, 1160 00:37:55,583 --> 00:37:58,125 my grandfather used to say, 1161 00:37:58,125 --> 00:37:59,958 "Never wrestle with a pig. 1162 00:37:59,958 --> 00:38:01,417 You both get dirty, 1163 00:38:01,417 --> 00:38:04,292 but the pig likes it." 1164 00:38:16,833 --> 00:38:19,000 - She's gonna be fine. 1165 00:38:19,000 --> 00:38:22,583 Back to herself. 1166 00:38:22,583 --> 00:38:25,792 - "Audentes Fortuna iuvat." 1167 00:38:25,792 --> 00:38:29,250 "Fortune favors the bold." 1168 00:38:29,250 --> 00:38:31,792 Congratulations, Dr. Rhodes. 1169 00:38:34,458 --> 00:38:36,500 - Good night, Dr. Latham. 1170 00:38:46,833 --> 00:38:49,292 Hey, Sox fan. 1171 00:38:49,292 --> 00:38:51,333 - Hey. 1172 00:38:51,333 --> 00:38:54,708 - Is it too late 1173 00:38:51,333 --> 00:38:54,708 for those drinks? 1174 00:38:54,708 --> 00:38:57,250 - What about 1175 00:38:54,708 --> 00:38:57,250 not upsetting my father? 1176 00:38:58,375 --> 00:39:00,500 - Why stop now? 1177 00:39:02,167 --> 00:39:05,208 - Okay. 1178 00:39:14,375 --> 00:39:16,042 - You need anything? 1179 00:39:14,375 --> 00:39:16,042 - Uh, no, I'm good. 1180 00:39:16,042 --> 00:39:17,792 Thank you. 1181 00:39:16,042 --> 00:39:17,792 - All right. 1182 00:39:18,708 --> 00:39:20,708 - Hey. 1183 00:39:18,708 --> 00:39:20,708 - Hey. 1184 00:39:20,708 --> 00:39:22,333 - This is a really great place. 1185 00:39:22,333 --> 00:39:23,875 I love the breakfast nook. 1186 00:39:23,875 --> 00:39:26,792 - Yeah, thanks. 1187 00:39:23,875 --> 00:39:26,792 - Mm-hmm. 1188 00:39:26,792 --> 00:39:29,833 - Are you feeling good 1189 00:39:26,792 --> 00:39:29,833 about today? 1190 00:39:31,000 --> 00:39:33,375 - Yeah. 1191 00:39:31,000 --> 00:39:33,375 Yeah, I am. 1192 00:39:33,375 --> 00:39:34,750 - Good. 1193 00:39:37,250 --> 00:39:39,083 - Hey, everybody. 1194 00:39:39,083 --> 00:39:41,083 Um, thank you so much 1195 00:39:39,083 --> 00:39:41,083 for coming. 1196 00:39:41,083 --> 00:39:44,750 Uh, celebrating with the people 1197 00:39:41,083 --> 00:39:44,750 who know Will and me best, 1198 00:39:44,750 --> 00:39:46,375 it means a lot, 1199 00:39:46,375 --> 00:39:49,708 but there is something that most 1200 00:39:46,375 --> 00:39:49,708 of you may not know about Will. 1201 00:39:49,708 --> 00:39:51,875 Uh, he's still got 1202 00:39:49,708 --> 00:39:51,875 a lot of med school debt... 1203 00:39:54,250 --> 00:39:57,208 But he paid part of his way 1204 00:39:54,250 --> 00:39:57,208 through it 1205 00:39:57,208 --> 00:39:59,250 by singing at Irish weddings. 1206 00:39:59,250 --> 00:40:01,917 - What? 1207 00:40:01,917 --> 00:40:03,083 No, no. 1208 00:40:01,917 --> 00:40:03,083 - Come on, come on. 1209 00:40:03,083 --> 00:40:05,542 - Yeah, you paying 1210 00:40:03,083 --> 00:40:05,542 half the rent now, buddy. 1211 00:40:05,542 --> 00:40:06,750 both: Come on. 1212 00:40:05,542 --> 00:40:06,750 - No, seriously. 1213 00:40:06,750 --> 00:40:08,208 These people are trying 1214 00:40:06,750 --> 00:40:08,208 to have a good time. 1215 00:40:08,208 --> 00:40:09,417 - Everybody wants you to. 1216 00:40:08,208 --> 00:40:09,417 - Come on. 1217 00:40:09,417 --> 00:40:11,667 - Just one song. 1218 00:40:09,417 --> 00:40:11,667 - Okay, Ms. Goodwin. 1219 00:40:11,667 --> 00:40:14,083 One song. 1220 00:40:11,667 --> 00:40:14,083 She's the boss. 1221 00:40:14,083 --> 00:40:15,292 - That's right. 1222 00:40:15,292 --> 00:40:18,458 - Can you hold this? 1223 00:40:15,292 --> 00:40:18,458 - Yes. 1224 00:40:18,458 --> 00:40:20,042 - You guys think 1225 00:40:18,458 --> 00:40:20,042 you're funny, don't you? 1226 00:40:20,042 --> 00:40:21,708 - I know we're funny. 1227 00:40:23,292 --> 00:40:25,292 All right...