1 00:00:00,280 --> 00:00:01,895 Do you really think they are going to come back? 2 00:00:01,919 --> 00:00:03,439 Yeah. 3 00:00:03,520 --> 00:00:04,976 So these are people who tried to kill us. 4 00:00:05,000 --> 00:00:07,200 We kill everyone on the list. 5 00:00:07,280 --> 00:00:08,679 Yeah. 6 00:00:08,759 --> 00:00:10,160 Suits you. 7 00:00:12,199 --> 00:00:14,320 I go down, he goes down. 8 00:00:14,400 --> 00:00:16,600 So we agree? We agree I'm on my own. 9 00:00:16,679 --> 00:00:19,679 17 years old, my little baby brother. 10 00:00:26,679 --> 00:00:28,359 There is power in love. 11 00:00:30,760 --> 00:00:33,759 You, don't get to see this. 12 00:00:33,840 --> 00:00:38,240 Because you don't get to know who's next. 13 00:00:42,640 --> 00:00:45,000 - What can I get you? - You can choose. I trust you. 14 00:00:45,079 --> 00:00:48,359 - There you go. On the house. - Oh thanks. 15 00:00:48,600 --> 00:00:50,600 You want me to follow them? 16 00:00:50,679 --> 00:00:53,840 I hope you're good at this cause, I wouldn't want anything to happen to you. 17 00:00:54,039 --> 00:00:56,920 - Is that a threat? - No, that's a warning. 18 00:00:57,000 --> 00:00:58,759 I need you to give us a bit more time. 19 00:00:58,840 --> 00:01:00,320 Are we really gonna get married? 20 00:01:00,399 --> 00:01:04,280 He never said man and wife. I'm just gonna leave you to it. 21 00:01:06,400 --> 00:01:07,879 Jack. Come here. 22 00:02:18,759 --> 00:02:19,759 Anna? 23 00:02:22,599 --> 00:02:24,400 Anna! 24 00:02:43,240 --> 00:02:45,319 Alright. 25 00:02:56,000 --> 00:02:57,560 Go ahead. 26 00:03:28,879 --> 00:03:33,159 TIN STAR 27 00:03:40,039 --> 00:03:41,560 Shit. 28 00:03:52,079 --> 00:03:53,840 Break! 29 00:04:03,680 --> 00:04:06,960 Do you think I'm the first person to be fake kidnapped by their own dad? 30 00:04:07,039 --> 00:04:09,080 You'd be surprised. 31 00:04:12,159 --> 00:04:13,240 You're off your game. 32 00:04:13,319 --> 00:04:16,000 Piss off, I've tied better knots in my sleep. 33 00:04:16,399 --> 00:04:19,279 Not that the taser was a bit much? 34 00:04:19,360 --> 00:04:21,800 There you go, we beat the clock. 35 00:04:26,959 --> 00:04:28,759 So. The date. 36 00:04:28,839 --> 00:04:30,920 It's not a date. It's just a casual drink. 37 00:04:31,000 --> 00:04:32,079 No such thing. 38 00:04:32,159 --> 00:04:33,375 Have you seen “When Harry Met Sally”? 39 00:04:33,399 --> 00:04:35,399 - When Harry met who? - Fuck off. 40 00:04:36,319 --> 00:04:39,439 - Favorite film? - No, it's not. Right. 41 00:04:39,519 --> 00:04:42,120 Fair to remember, actually. 42 00:04:42,639 --> 00:04:44,840 - It's a date. - It's a drink. 43 00:04:44,920 --> 00:04:46,240 - Drink. - It's a date. 44 00:04:46,319 --> 00:04:48,240 Be careful. Is what he's trying to say. 45 00:04:49,639 --> 00:04:53,120 Meet him somewhere public. And if he asks you to go back to his, don't. 46 00:04:53,199 --> 00:04:57,000 Yes. And if he offers me some sweeties don't take them. I know what I'm doing. 47 00:04:58,399 --> 00:05:00,240 So you know where you're going then? 48 00:05:00,319 --> 00:05:03,040 Let's tick another couple off the list. 49 00:05:03,759 --> 00:05:05,120 What if you guys are late? 50 00:05:05,199 --> 00:05:06,615 Then go somewhere where no one will find you. 51 00:05:06,639 --> 00:05:07,720 Why? 52 00:05:07,800 --> 00:05:09,759 Cause if we're late we're probably dead. 53 00:05:17,879 --> 00:05:19,920 - Bye. - Bye. 54 00:05:30,639 --> 00:05:33,800 - You alright? - Yeah. Are you? 55 00:05:34,720 --> 00:05:36,360 Yeah. 56 00:05:39,959 --> 00:05:42,000 Be careful. 57 00:06:04,519 --> 00:06:07,360 Got a job for you. Firearms. 58 00:06:08,399 --> 00:06:10,319 Something wrong? 59 00:06:10,399 --> 00:06:12,735 - Jack still has my gun. - That's not going to be a problem. 60 00:06:12,759 --> 00:06:14,040 - But without... - It's sorted. 61 00:06:14,120 --> 00:06:15,976 - Your replacement's at the Armory. - How did you... 62 00:06:16,000 --> 00:06:19,639 - Let's just leave it at that. - Thank you, ma'am. 63 00:06:19,720 --> 00:06:21,959 But I can handle myself in future. 64 00:06:29,519 --> 00:06:34,240 Right. Not being funny, but this lot are the absolute dregs. 65 00:06:34,319 --> 00:06:37,639 - Where's Rachel? - No one's seen her since yesterday. 66 00:06:39,199 --> 00:06:42,600 Not just these who're missing. I can't get hold of nobody. 67 00:06:42,680 --> 00:06:46,159 Anybody. You can't get hold of anybody, 68 00:06:47,120 --> 00:06:49,439 and their absence doesn't get you off the hook. 69 00:06:49,519 --> 00:06:51,439 Besides, you are the ones who need the practice. 70 00:06:51,519 --> 00:06:55,720 Especially you, Sam, so stop pissing your pants and get out there, go on. 71 00:06:55,800 --> 00:06:57,519 Come on boys. 72 00:06:59,040 --> 00:07:01,199 - Alright? - Never better. 73 00:07:01,279 --> 00:07:02,680 Need a hand? 74 00:07:02,759 --> 00:07:05,560 We all know what happens when you help. Remember the last time? 75 00:07:05,639 --> 00:07:09,639 That's not fair, that's one's on you. You didn't tell me the gun was loaded. 76 00:07:09,720 --> 00:07:12,439 It's very hard to interrogate someone successfully 77 00:07:12,519 --> 00:07:15,519 once you've shot them in the cock. 78 00:07:16,839 --> 00:07:18,240 Seen George? 79 00:07:18,319 --> 00:07:21,279 That gobshite. What do you want with her? 80 00:07:23,360 --> 00:07:25,319 Same as that lot. 81 00:07:26,639 --> 00:07:28,600 - Catherine? - Yes, specially her. 82 00:07:33,480 --> 00:07:36,959 There's a couple of kids been making drops to this new development. 83 00:07:37,040 --> 00:07:40,560 You know, drugs, cash... That's Georgia's style isn't it? 84 00:07:40,639 --> 00:07:42,720 Yeah, where? 85 00:07:43,439 --> 00:07:45,639 Near James Street. 86 00:07:46,759 --> 00:07:49,840 It's one of Michael's. 87 00:07:52,159 --> 00:07:53,600 Thanks, darling. 88 00:07:53,680 --> 00:07:56,519 Remember to check the guns not loaded first, though, yeah? 89 00:07:56,600 --> 00:07:57,600 Absolutely. 90 00:07:57,680 --> 00:08:00,519 - No more cocks away from bodies. - Yeah, no worries. 91 00:08:06,199 --> 00:08:08,199 Welcome on board this Trans Pennine Express train. 92 00:08:08,279 --> 00:08:12,120 Passengers for Haydock Park racecourse, please... 93 00:08:52,000 --> 00:08:53,679 Alright? 94 00:08:54,519 --> 00:08:56,600 Fuck off. 95 00:09:37,480 --> 00:09:39,639 Nah, it's alright. 96 00:09:41,240 --> 00:09:43,279 You shouldn't be in here. 97 00:09:44,240 --> 00:09:47,000 Who the fuck put you I charge? 98 00:09:49,519 --> 00:09:51,639 Buying a flat. 99 00:09:51,720 --> 00:09:53,519 Yep, me too. 100 00:09:53,600 --> 00:09:56,120 Yeah, got the cash on you, have you? 101 00:09:56,200 --> 00:09:59,240 - Don't know what you're talking about. - Yeah, you do. 102 00:10:27,120 --> 00:10:29,279 - Excuse me. - It's my house. 103 00:10:29,360 --> 00:10:30,840 Mary James? 104 00:10:38,320 --> 00:10:40,120 Fuck! 105 00:10:41,120 --> 00:10:42,840 Did Catherine send you? 106 00:10:46,919 --> 00:10:49,320 Well, get on with it. 107 00:10:50,559 --> 00:10:53,960 Mary James, I'm arresting you on suspicion of possession of firearms 108 00:10:54,039 --> 00:10:57,120 and ammunition and trade to sections 1 and 5 109 00:10:57,200 --> 00:10:59,519 of the 1968 Firearms Act. 110 00:10:59,600 --> 00:11:01,480 You do not have to say anything... 111 00:11:07,360 --> 00:11:09,080 Rosa? 112 00:11:10,279 --> 00:11:11,679 - Hey. - Hey. 113 00:11:11,759 --> 00:11:14,120 - I'm so sorry I'm late. - No that's fine. 114 00:11:14,200 --> 00:11:16,519 - You been waiting long? - No. 115 00:11:19,080 --> 00:11:21,919 - Shall we go this way? - Yeah. 116 00:11:35,200 --> 00:11:37,159 - We'll speak later. - Thank you. 117 00:11:37,240 --> 00:11:40,200 - Did she cause any problems? - No. Straightforward, ma'am. 118 00:11:40,279 --> 00:11:42,799 Do you want me in for initial questioning? 119 00:11:43,440 --> 00:11:45,879 - No. - I want to speak to her. 120 00:11:45,960 --> 00:11:47,919 Catherine Mckenzie. I need to speak to her. 121 00:11:48,000 --> 00:11:50,600 I'm not going anywhere until I see her. 122 00:11:50,679 --> 00:11:55,039 Do I have to do everything around here? Reception are absolutely useless. 123 00:11:59,519 --> 00:12:02,320 Let's go upstairs, to my office, and talk. 124 00:12:07,320 --> 00:12:09,960 - Alright? - Let me the fuck past. 125 00:12:10,039 --> 00:12:11,840 Nah. Not yet. 126 00:12:12,159 --> 00:12:14,919 - What do you fucking want from me? - What do you fucking think? 127 00:12:15,000 --> 00:12:17,600 - Pervert! - No. 128 00:12:17,679 --> 00:12:19,919 Then what do you want? 129 00:12:20,000 --> 00:12:23,200 - Your delivery, right? - No. Just seeing my auntie. 130 00:12:23,279 --> 00:12:27,039 - She's a junkie, is she? - Why, you after a fix? 131 00:12:27,840 --> 00:12:30,200 Might be, yeah. 132 00:12:31,480 --> 00:12:34,759 - I know where you can get some. - Out of your backpack? 133 00:12:37,639 --> 00:12:40,375 - I need an officer on me or something. - You need to lower your voice. 134 00:12:40,399 --> 00:12:44,000 - I'm fucking serious, Catherine. - Remember where you are. 135 00:12:44,720 --> 00:12:47,639 All I did was turn a blind eye. 136 00:12:47,720 --> 00:12:50,159 - I don't deserve to die. - Don't fuck with me, Joe. 137 00:12:50,240 --> 00:12:52,440 We all had a role to play. 138 00:12:52,519 --> 00:12:55,600 It's time that you take responsibility. 139 00:12:57,440 --> 00:13:00,720 I'm just asking for someone to watch my back. 140 00:13:01,960 --> 00:13:04,080 You owe me that much. 141 00:13:05,399 --> 00:13:09,159 Have I ever let you down before? I've got you covered. Okay? 142 00:13:09,840 --> 00:13:14,879 You need to let me know where you are, and I'll make sure someone watching. 143 00:13:18,000 --> 00:13:19,720 Okay. 144 00:13:29,360 --> 00:13:32,799 I know it's race day. Go to the horses as usual. 145 00:13:33,159 --> 00:13:36,559 Have a drink and I'll make sure that someone is watching. 146 00:13:36,879 --> 00:13:38,399 Got a key? 147 00:13:38,480 --> 00:13:41,135 You asked if you can get a fix, you didn't say anything about a key. 148 00:13:41,159 --> 00:13:42,840 I know. 149 00:13:43,600 --> 00:13:46,879 - Money first. - Nope. Key? 150 00:13:49,759 --> 00:13:51,799 Right, here. 151 00:13:52,960 --> 00:13:54,799 Go on then. 152 00:14:09,000 --> 00:14:11,120 Fuck off then. 153 00:15:45,919 --> 00:15:48,519 - Alight. - Alright. 154 00:15:53,559 --> 00:15:55,639 Alright, George. 155 00:17:20,680 --> 00:17:25,000 Spare me. It's better than you deserve, after what we found. 156 00:17:25,839 --> 00:17:28,880 - How do you sleep at night? - Very well. 157 00:17:29,039 --> 00:17:31,880 And on top of a pile of guns, apparently. 158 00:17:35,240 --> 00:17:38,119 Mary Anthea James. 159 00:17:39,160 --> 00:17:42,359 - Anthea? - What is it that's you me to tell you? 160 00:17:43,039 --> 00:17:47,200 What are the Worth's doing here? What is their plan? 161 00:17:47,279 --> 00:17:50,720 - And why would he tell me that? - He came to you. 162 00:17:50,799 --> 00:17:52,279 For guns. 163 00:17:53,000 --> 00:17:56,039 The rest of which your colleagues took from me. 164 00:17:58,880 --> 00:18:01,720 That little house on Cadiz that you have. 165 00:18:03,279 --> 00:18:06,599 It'd be a shame if it went up in flames before you had a chance to retire. 166 00:18:07,039 --> 00:18:10,279 - It's not my retirement. - What? 167 00:18:10,720 --> 00:18:14,720 People like us, we don't get to retire. 168 00:18:17,039 --> 00:18:20,000 - Tell me what you know. - I already did. 169 00:18:20,079 --> 00:18:24,640 I'm serious, Mary. I will take everything from you, 170 00:18:25,359 --> 00:18:28,519 everything you care about. And everyone. 171 00:18:29,440 --> 00:18:30,920 Is he worth it? 172 00:18:46,279 --> 00:18:48,240 Come on then, 173 00:18:48,880 --> 00:18:51,599 there's obviously been a misunderstanding. 174 00:18:52,440 --> 00:18:53,920 I'll take you home. 175 00:19:00,000 --> 00:19:01,519 - Phone! - What? 176 00:19:01,599 --> 00:19:03,880 Your fucking phone. 177 00:19:06,519 --> 00:19:08,599 Thank you. 178 00:19:13,640 --> 00:19:16,680 You still taking orders then? George? 179 00:19:17,119 --> 00:19:21,200 Must be. Otherwise I'd be dead by now. 180 00:19:21,279 --> 00:19:24,839 - I remember when you taught me this. - Yeah. 181 00:19:24,920 --> 00:19:26,960 And you were shit at it back then an all. 182 00:19:27,039 --> 00:19:28,880 Not enough soap. Not enough pain. 183 00:19:28,960 --> 00:19:32,960 Too much soap then you risk serious damage... 184 00:19:33,039 --> 00:19:37,759 So Jack, we know there is a list. 185 00:19:37,839 --> 00:19:40,079 What else have you got? 186 00:19:40,160 --> 00:19:43,559 Where is it? This “evidence”? 187 00:19:44,519 --> 00:19:48,720 Bank safety deposit? With a friend? 188 00:19:51,920 --> 00:19:53,559 Kill me and find out. 189 00:19:57,680 --> 00:19:59,680 Fuck! 190 00:20:01,039 --> 00:20:04,119 Yeah? Like that one? Fucker! 191 00:20:12,200 --> 00:20:14,680 - Is that Angela? - Who is this? 192 00:20:14,759 --> 00:20:18,039 - It's Mary. - Mary. Hi. Sorry. It's loud. 193 00:20:18,119 --> 00:20:21,680 I tried calling Jack, but you know I wouldn't if it wasn't urgent. 194 00:20:21,759 --> 00:20:25,480 - Are you nearby? - No, sorry I'm out of town, actually. 195 00:20:25,559 --> 00:20:29,480 I can't hear you, where are you? Sounds like you're at the horses... 196 00:20:30,160 --> 00:20:33,000 Sorry, Mary, I can't talk right now. 197 00:20:38,480 --> 00:20:39,759 She's at Haydock. 198 00:20:41,000 --> 00:20:44,319 Right, so, I've done as you asked now let him go. 199 00:20:44,400 --> 00:20:46,920 - Not yet. - When? 200 00:20:47,319 --> 00:20:51,039 - When they're dead. - And if something goes wrong? 201 00:20:52,920 --> 00:20:54,880 I didn't want to have to do this, Mary. 202 00:20:55,119 --> 00:20:59,799 It's my fault. So let him go and give me back my... 203 00:21:01,279 --> 00:21:03,480 What you took from me. 204 00:21:05,400 --> 00:21:06,880 Sit there. 205 00:21:09,440 --> 00:21:12,440 Are you trying to get yourself killed, young man? 206 00:21:13,680 --> 00:21:16,640 I thought you were meant to be teaching these kids! 207 00:21:31,359 --> 00:21:33,039 So... 208 00:21:35,759 --> 00:21:38,480 Michael still calling you Jen George? 209 00:21:43,680 --> 00:21:47,240 - One more? - Yeah, go on. 210 00:21:47,359 --> 00:21:49,400 - Yeah? - Yeah. 211 00:21:50,319 --> 00:21:52,519 Fuck! 212 00:21:58,039 --> 00:22:03,240 Can you still hear screams, George? 213 00:22:04,440 --> 00:22:07,119 Of all those people you killed? 214 00:22:09,119 --> 00:22:10,960 Can you? 215 00:22:13,400 --> 00:22:16,200 Thought we could get some food while we're here. 216 00:22:18,920 --> 00:22:22,240 - Or, we could not do that... - How about a drink? 217 00:22:23,039 --> 00:22:25,480 Don't really drink on first dates. 218 00:22:25,559 --> 00:22:28,839 Firstly, you work in a bar, so that's ridiculous. 219 00:22:28,920 --> 00:22:33,119 Secondly, how do you cope with the awkwardness if you don't drink? 220 00:22:33,680 --> 00:22:36,480 Thirdly, who said this was a date? 221 00:22:37,799 --> 00:22:40,920 Right, friends is cool. 222 00:22:41,599 --> 00:22:43,440 Cool! 223 00:22:48,079 --> 00:22:51,799 - So, this is a date? - If we get a drink. 224 00:22:56,960 --> 00:22:58,440 - Haydock. - And Jack? 225 00:22:58,519 --> 00:23:02,079 - He's not talking. Anna? - Got it sorted. 226 00:23:02,160 --> 00:23:04,519 - Have you? - Yes. 227 00:23:04,599 --> 00:23:07,480 I am chief fucking constable, Michael. 228 00:23:07,559 --> 00:23:11,599 My reach is limited and this is supposed to be your area of expertise. 229 00:23:11,720 --> 00:23:14,039 What'd you really wanna say? 230 00:23:14,119 --> 00:23:18,359 That if he had any actual evidence he'd would use it already. So get on with it. 231 00:23:18,440 --> 00:23:21,599 I wanted to get on with it twenty fucking years ago. 232 00:23:22,559 --> 00:23:27,279 And don't forget how much you have benefitted from me and my “expertise”. 233 00:23:40,799 --> 00:23:43,759 Okay, Jack. New deal. 234 00:23:44,720 --> 00:23:48,119 We share what we know. You share back. 235 00:23:48,200 --> 00:23:51,640 Like your wife is at the races today. 236 00:23:51,720 --> 00:23:56,599 Now, if you tell us what you know, maybe we won't kill her. 237 00:24:00,119 --> 00:24:01,920 Was that? 238 00:24:03,400 --> 00:24:06,519 How do you know she's still alive? 239 00:24:07,559 --> 00:24:11,440 - You don't. - You're going to fucking kill him. 240 00:24:12,720 --> 00:24:15,440 He can take it. 241 00:24:25,200 --> 00:24:27,519 - Here? - Yeah, sure. 242 00:24:34,680 --> 00:24:37,240 So, what do you do for work? 243 00:24:37,319 --> 00:24:39,279 I'm working with my parents, just now. 244 00:24:39,359 --> 00:24:43,559 - Family business! What is it? - It's a removals company. 245 00:24:44,640 --> 00:24:47,799 - Sounds fun. - Yeah. Is only temporary. 246 00:24:48,799 --> 00:24:53,039 - So do you live round here? - Yeah, I do. 247 00:24:53,119 --> 00:24:56,559 - Who with? - Just some mates. 248 00:24:56,640 --> 00:25:00,319 - Mates? - Yeah, some mates. 249 00:25:00,400 --> 00:25:02,960 Mates from where? From uni? 250 00:25:05,599 --> 00:25:09,400 Alright, I live with my parents. 251 00:25:09,480 --> 00:25:12,200 It is temporary though, I promise. 252 00:25:12,279 --> 00:25:15,400 It's fine, your secret's safe with me. 253 00:25:15,839 --> 00:25:18,000 What are they like? 254 00:25:18,079 --> 00:25:21,559 Pretty normal. Pretty regular. 255 00:25:22,839 --> 00:25:24,880 - Yours seem... - Fucking mental. 256 00:25:27,440 --> 00:25:30,599 Yeah, they looked like they know how to have a good time. 257 00:25:30,680 --> 00:25:32,440 You could say that. 258 00:25:35,839 --> 00:25:38,759 - Tell me about yours. - Nothing to tell. 259 00:25:39,720 --> 00:25:41,359 - Do you get on? - Yeah. 260 00:25:41,440 --> 00:25:44,640 Most of the time and then sometimes they... 261 00:25:44,720 --> 00:25:49,640 Let me guess. They don't think that cocktail making isn't sustainable. 262 00:25:49,720 --> 00:25:51,880 They want you to start thinking about long term goals. 263 00:25:51,960 --> 00:25:55,000 Give up on your dream to open your own bar, some day. 264 00:25:55,079 --> 00:25:56,960 Start thinking about settling down. 265 00:25:58,359 --> 00:26:00,799 Sorry, are you, are you my stalker? 266 00:26:00,880 --> 00:26:04,359 That's parents for you. Predictable, single every time. 267 00:26:11,640 --> 00:26:15,279 - Seen someone? - No, sorry it's false alarm. 268 00:26:49,960 --> 00:26:53,400 - The cold should bring him round. - Yeah, and what if it doesn't? 269 00:26:54,240 --> 00:26:56,319 - You've killed him, haven't you? - Just shut up. 270 00:26:56,400 --> 00:26:58,799 It's nothing to do with me. Right? 271 00:27:03,880 --> 00:27:05,599 Watch him! 272 00:27:07,079 --> 00:27:09,000 Yeah. 273 00:27:10,880 --> 00:27:12,839 Fuck. 274 00:27:13,880 --> 00:27:17,799 Shit! 275 00:27:20,880 --> 00:27:24,079 Stop touching me. Come here. 276 00:27:27,960 --> 00:27:30,119 Come here. 277 00:27:38,119 --> 00:27:39,839 - You're sure? - Kill him. 278 00:27:39,920 --> 00:27:42,640 - But I thought... - And no witnesses. 279 00:27:55,440 --> 00:27:56,960 Shit. 280 00:27:58,599 --> 00:28:00,680 Kayden. 281 00:28:16,519 --> 00:28:19,359 She would have killed you too, you know. 282 00:28:30,039 --> 00:28:32,440 Shame to waste it. 283 00:28:42,480 --> 00:28:44,480 How does this compare to other dates? 284 00:28:44,559 --> 00:28:47,359 Normally, I don't share chips so... 285 00:28:48,039 --> 00:28:50,079 I'm flattered. 286 00:28:53,640 --> 00:28:55,799 Honestly, though. 287 00:28:55,880 --> 00:28:58,200 Honestly? 288 00:29:01,880 --> 00:29:05,000 There's not really been that much to compare it to. 289 00:29:08,319 --> 00:29:10,000 That's a surprise. 290 00:29:11,279 --> 00:29:15,319 We lived in Canada before. And I think I'd rather die, 291 00:29:15,400 --> 00:29:18,880 on my own surrounded by cats, then go camping, 292 00:29:18,960 --> 00:29:21,039 or go to the fucking woods. 293 00:29:21,119 --> 00:29:25,359 That pretty much rules out the entire male population of that country. 294 00:29:26,519 --> 00:29:29,279 - I've never been camping. - Don't bother. It's shit. 295 00:29:32,039 --> 00:29:35,079 Did you like living there? Apart from the woods. 296 00:29:36,079 --> 00:29:38,799 Being away from everyone, I felt... 297 00:29:40,119 --> 00:29:43,240 Very lost, I guess. 298 00:29:44,119 --> 00:29:46,160 Sounds lonely. 299 00:29:47,680 --> 00:29:49,759 And being here? 300 00:29:51,200 --> 00:29:53,519 I doubt I'll be here long enough to know. 301 00:29:54,319 --> 00:29:55,559 How come? 302 00:29:58,759 --> 00:30:01,480 Just stuff. Family stuff. 303 00:30:08,160 --> 00:30:11,440 But today has been a surprise. 304 00:30:13,640 --> 00:30:15,200 Yeah. 305 00:30:15,279 --> 00:30:18,640 - Shall I get us another drink? - Sure. Yeah. 306 00:31:13,319 --> 00:31:15,759 - In you get. - Fucks sake. 307 00:31:59,920 --> 00:32:02,559 Anyone else come along... 308 00:32:10,839 --> 00:32:12,759 Yes, madam? 309 00:32:13,880 --> 00:32:16,039 All on “Run to Daddy”. Five twenty. To win. 310 00:32:16,119 --> 00:32:19,599 Win or each way. 311 00:32:21,559 --> 00:32:24,400 All on “Run to Daddy”. To win. 312 00:32:27,000 --> 00:32:28,920 - There you go, madam, thank you. - Cheers. 313 00:32:38,599 --> 00:32:41,599 - Hey, want a rock solid tip? - Yeah, sure. 314 00:32:41,880 --> 00:32:44,839 Run to Daddy, last race. 315 00:32:55,000 --> 00:32:58,200 - Hey lads, wanna tip? - Yeah. 316 00:32:58,279 --> 00:33:01,920 It's a sure thing but you've gotta put it on with the bookie there. 317 00:33:03,319 --> 00:33:07,519 Run to Daddy, Five Twenty, last race of the day. 318 00:33:25,839 --> 00:33:28,960 - I can cover that up for you? - What? 319 00:33:29,039 --> 00:33:31,160 The burn. What was it, straighteners or something? 320 00:33:31,240 --> 00:33:33,519 - I'm fine. - Okay. 321 00:33:33,599 --> 00:33:35,799 I have got a beauty therapy higher national. Level 5! 322 00:33:35,880 --> 00:33:37,519 No, thanks. 323 00:33:40,200 --> 00:33:44,440 Well. I'm guessing they're not The One. 324 00:33:44,519 --> 00:33:46,519 Whoever it is you're in here running away from. 325 00:33:46,599 --> 00:33:49,640 - It's not like that... - You are here on a date right? 326 00:33:49,759 --> 00:33:52,319 - Sort of. It's complicated. - Right. What is your name? 327 00:33:52,400 --> 00:33:53,839 Anna. 328 00:33:53,920 --> 00:33:58,680 Your Auntie Saima's here has been on every kind of date, good, bad, medium. 329 00:33:59,599 --> 00:34:01,599 - Mostly bad. - What's your point? 330 00:34:01,680 --> 00:34:05,640 My point is, every self-respecting girl needs some sort of exit strategy. 331 00:34:07,839 --> 00:34:10,079 - Beauty Therapy? - Level five! 332 00:34:10,160 --> 00:34:13,319 Can you make me look different? Doesn't need to be perfect, just different. 333 00:34:15,319 --> 00:34:17,599 - I can try. - Thank you. 334 00:34:34,000 --> 00:34:35,880 - Can I help you? - Yeah. 335 00:34:35,960 --> 00:34:39,239 All this on “Run to Daddy”, To win. 336 00:34:41,599 --> 00:34:44,360 - Is there a problem? - Someone told you to do this? 337 00:34:44,440 --> 00:34:46,199 No. 338 00:34:49,000 --> 00:34:51,639 I've had a lot of bets on that race. That horse. 339 00:34:52,039 --> 00:34:54,360 Funny that. 340 00:34:54,440 --> 00:34:56,199 It's nearly at evens. 341 00:34:56,280 --> 00:34:59,320 You'd only get the same amount back. After I've took me percentage. 342 00:35:00,719 --> 00:35:05,840 I got plenty of money. I just like to bet. I like to clean up. 343 00:35:08,400 --> 00:35:11,159 I'm not into all that shit. I don't know what you heard. 344 00:35:11,239 --> 00:35:14,480 I've heard you clean money for Joe Clark. Clarke. 345 00:35:17,719 --> 00:35:19,199 What's your name? 346 00:35:19,280 --> 00:35:23,039 Let's say, there's plenty more where that came from, if he's interested. 347 00:35:32,159 --> 00:35:36,800 If he wants to talk, I'll be in the VIP Suite. Box 5. 348 00:35:36,880 --> 00:35:41,760 For the five twenty. Last race of the day. See you. 349 00:35:50,199 --> 00:35:52,920 Rosa? Hey? 350 00:35:53,000 --> 00:35:56,679 - It's okay, it's fine. - I'm gonna leave you guys to it. 351 00:35:58,320 --> 00:36:00,079 - Hi. - Sorry, I can explain... 352 00:36:00,159 --> 00:36:02,679 - Did I do something wrong? - No, no you didn't do anything. 353 00:36:03,280 --> 00:36:05,599 - Then what? - I think... 354 00:36:05,679 --> 00:36:09,119 Just talking about the past like that, it was a bit much. 355 00:36:09,199 --> 00:36:13,360 - Fine, but you should have just said. - I know I'm sorry. 356 00:36:16,000 --> 00:36:18,400 Do you want to come back to mine? 357 00:36:19,679 --> 00:36:20,880 - Yeah. - Yeah? 358 00:36:20,960 --> 00:36:22,719 Yeah. Let's go. 359 00:36:23,679 --> 00:36:26,400 You did something to your hair. 360 00:38:04,400 --> 00:38:07,599 - VIP pass, please. - A pass? 361 00:38:08,039 --> 00:38:10,199 It's the VIP lounge, love. 362 00:38:10,280 --> 00:38:12,719 Yeah, but... 363 00:38:12,800 --> 00:38:14,400 No pass, no entry. 364 00:38:16,000 --> 00:38:19,199 It's just the last race of the day. Jesus. 365 00:38:25,719 --> 00:38:28,280 It's just that... 366 00:38:28,360 --> 00:38:32,639 The doctors have told me I don't have long left 367 00:38:33,119 --> 00:38:36,880 and I just wanted to go inside, for five minutes just to, you know, 368 00:38:36,960 --> 00:38:39,199 just to see what it's like... 369 00:38:39,440 --> 00:38:42,280 My dad used to work in there 370 00:38:42,360 --> 00:38:46,000 before he was run over by a horse, 371 00:38:46,199 --> 00:38:48,920 and my mum too, she didn't work in there, 372 00:38:49,000 --> 00:38:52,440 but ever since my partner left me for my brother... 373 00:38:55,559 --> 00:38:57,719 Be quick. 374 00:38:57,800 --> 00:39:00,159 Thank you. 375 00:39:11,639 --> 00:39:14,800 You're late. It's after five-twenty. 376 00:39:22,719 --> 00:39:25,960 Catherine send her regards. 377 00:41:54,360 --> 00:41:56,400 Look. 378 00:41:58,599 --> 00:42:01,360 Yeah, that's my dad's fiftieth. 379 00:42:03,480 --> 00:42:07,360 - You look like your mum. - No I don't. 380 00:42:17,079 --> 00:42:18,239 Thanks.