1 00:00:02,002 --> 00:00:05,171  The city's down. It's a perfect     opportunity to rebuild.            2 00:00:05,213 --> 00:00:07,007      All of this is                       some big romantic gesture?      3 00:00:07,048 --> 00:00:09,050             I think we should both              proceed with caution.    4 00:00:10,176 --> 00:00:11,761       I came here to hire you.       5 00:00:11,803 --> 00:00:13,263           There's a war going on,    6 00:00:13,304 --> 00:00:15,265           between the very wealth              you are trying to accrue  7 00:00:15,306 --> 00:00:18,727         and the rest of us.                   The stakes are absolute.      8 00:00:18,768 --> 00:00:20,562            New Yorkers will be                  riding in style in time  9 00:00:20,603 --> 00:00:22,689                for the 2028 games.  10 00:00:22,731 --> 00:00:25,025        And you'll be the hero               to take them there.           11 00:00:25,066 --> 00:00:27,527         No. The governor                     of New York will be.         12 00:00:27,569 --> 00:00:29,821  Isn't this getting                  too expensive to be worth it?      13 00:00:29,863 --> 00:00:31,698               Not until the torch                  is lit in Manhattan.  14 00:00:31,740 --> 00:00:33,241          After we eat,                        it's off to Palazzo         15 00:00:33,283 --> 00:00:35,076        with our soft targets.        16 00:00:35,118 --> 00:00:36,703           The place is                          loaded with talent.         17 00:00:36,745 --> 00:00:38,455         Thank you for taking                 the time to see--            18 00:00:40,081 --> 00:00:41,708               There's no money                     without the cars.      19 00:00:41,750 --> 00:00:43,877    No but you did                       promise it to the MTA.            20 00:00:43,918 --> 00:00:45,587          We'll make an                        undirected donation         21 00:00:45,628 --> 00:00:47,714     of two billion dollars               to the MTA tomorrow morning.     22 00:00:47,756 --> 00:00:49,424     Without a source                     close to Prince,                 23 00:00:49,466 --> 00:00:52,385  you'll just be guessing             blind at his attacks.              24 00:00:52,427 --> 00:00:54,095     [Chuck]   You can get me                 the names of the contenders     25 00:00:54,137 --> 00:00:55,889            for Prince's list.         26 00:00:55,930 --> 00:00:59,309       MPC, meet the final piece            of the Prince List.            27 00:00:59,350 --> 00:01:00,727        Indiana A&M.                  28 00:01:00,769 --> 00:01:03,063              [all cheer]             29 00:01:38,014 --> 00:01:39,599  Are you leaving?                   30 00:01:41,810 --> 00:01:42,727                           Why?       31 00:01:44,771 --> 00:01:46,606        You down for another round?  32 00:02:00,286 --> 00:02:02,288               Oh, you so want to.    33 00:02:02,330 --> 00:02:04,415        But you haven't allowed              yourself a free morning       34 00:02:04,457 --> 00:02:07,043           since junior high,                   and now you're stuck.      35 00:02:10,421 --> 00:02:11,548       Stay. For breakfast.           36 00:02:13,842 --> 00:02:15,593        Okay. It won't                       just be the two of us--       37 00:02:15,635 --> 00:02:17,220               [laughs]               38 00:02:17,262 --> 00:02:18,805  I--I could use your help.          39 00:02:18,847 --> 00:02:21,141       And your charm.                40 00:02:22,809 --> 00:02:24,769         Colin Drache is                      coming over for a meeting.  41 00:02:24,811 --> 00:02:26,104       He's gonna get us primed             for the final vote             42 00:02:26,146 --> 00:02:27,647        at the end of the week.       43 00:02:27,689 --> 00:02:30,108           He's gonna want his                  palms greased, that guy.  44 00:02:30,150 --> 00:02:32,527  I have a workaround.               45 00:02:32,569 --> 00:02:35,530         You think he keeps himself          in Brunello Cucinelli        46 00:02:35,572 --> 00:02:37,532          taking "workarounds"                 instead of fat envelopes?  47 00:02:37,574 --> 00:02:39,159  That's why you                      need to be there.                  48 00:02:39,200 --> 00:02:40,702  I can't let him get me              like Napoleon's hat,               49 00:02:40,743 --> 00:02:42,203  two corners.                       50 00:02:42,245 --> 00:02:44,539  With you there,                     he can't ask for a payoff.         51 00:02:51,087 --> 00:02:54,465                   I love New York.                    Who doesn't?       52 00:02:54,507 --> 00:02:56,217                  It's a fine city.  53 00:02:56,259 --> 00:02:58,052                It's a fine slogan.  54 00:02:58,094 --> 00:03:02,056       But even the most fervent            amoureux de New York           55 00:03:02,098 --> 00:03:05,602      would have to concede,               your public transportation      56 00:03:05,643 --> 00:03:07,020             is an insult             57 00:03:07,061 --> 00:03:10,023          to both the public                   and transportation.         58 00:03:10,064 --> 00:03:11,816        No. If you go by what                exists right now, sure.       59 00:03:11,858 --> 00:03:13,610         But by the time                      the games are here--         60 00:03:13,651 --> 00:03:16,863  Let me guess. Your trains will      be as speedy as Monfils himself    61 00:03:16,905 --> 00:03:19,657       and won't smell                      like liquefied humanity.       62 00:03:19,699 --> 00:03:21,326               I'm meeting                          with the MTA later     63 00:03:21,367 --> 00:03:22,535             to sell them                         on a brighter future.    64 00:03:22,577 --> 00:03:23,870         I've got a lead engineer     65 00:03:23,912 --> 00:03:25,538            and private funding                  all lined up.             66 00:03:25,580 --> 00:03:26,706         It's as good as done.        67 00:03:26,748 --> 00:03:28,541      There's a deadline.             68 00:03:28,583 --> 00:03:30,710      You'll get an agreement              within the next three days?     69 00:03:30,752 --> 00:03:33,296        Yep. Just in time                    for every Commission member  70 00:03:33,338 --> 00:03:35,632           to write those                       grand three letters,       71 00:03:35,673 --> 00:03:37,217       "NYC," on their ballots.       72 00:03:37,258 --> 00:03:39,260           I've seen                            the subway plans myself.  73 00:03:39,302 --> 00:03:41,888  Excellent. There remains            one matter to be discussed.        74 00:03:41,930 --> 00:03:43,765    A delicate one...                 75 00:03:43,806 --> 00:03:45,225  which we could address              if we were...                      76 00:03:45,266 --> 00:03:48,394       a bit more like                        un chapeau de Napoleon.       77 00:03:48,436 --> 00:03:50,396     Perhaps I could return or...     78 00:03:50,438 --> 00:03:53,524      Oh. Oh, no, there's                  no need for a return visit.     79 00:03:55,109 --> 00:03:56,861            [drops folder]            80 00:04:00,531 --> 00:04:03,993  This outlines an initiative         I'm funding with Indiana A&M       81 00:04:04,035 --> 00:04:06,454        seeking a greater level              of international diversity.  82 00:04:06,496 --> 00:04:08,665          It allows certain                    members of the ICS          83 00:04:08,706 --> 00:04:10,708         to select which kids                 in their community--         84 00:04:10,750 --> 00:04:12,919         deserving kids--                     get the scholarships.        85 00:04:12,961 --> 00:04:15,338         Now, the school will                 have final approval,         86 00:04:15,380 --> 00:04:18,383  but it'll make some                 of your commissioners heroes.      87 00:04:18,424 --> 00:04:20,343         And do a lot of good                 around the world.            88 00:04:23,763 --> 00:04:26,057       I've got a C.I. stuck                into the Prince List.          89 00:04:26,099 --> 00:04:29,352       Stuart Legere,                       President of Indiana A&M.      90 00:04:29,394 --> 00:04:31,604       I got a call from him                on my way in.                  91 00:04:31,646 --> 00:04:33,898  Prince is offering scholarships    92 00:04:33,940 --> 00:04:35,733    like a Pez dispenser.             93 00:04:35,775 --> 00:04:38,861           Scholarships are                     a bad thing now?           94 00:04:38,903 --> 00:04:40,571                 We've gotta                          talk scholarships.  95 00:04:40,613 --> 00:04:43,116           -All above board.                    -[chuckles]                96 00:04:43,157 --> 00:04:45,285     -You want to think so.               -What are you worried about?     97 00:04:45,326 --> 00:04:47,287      He's giving them to members          of the Olympic Commission       98 00:04:47,328 --> 00:04:49,289        -to use as leverage--                -That's mom's apple pie       99 00:04:49,330 --> 00:04:52,125  compared to what usually happens   in the grapple for the games.      100 00:04:52,166 --> 00:04:54,252       Chuck's gonna go after them.  101 00:04:54,294 --> 00:04:55,837           -Oh, come on--                       -I'm telling you.          102 00:04:55,878 --> 00:04:57,630           Let me coordinate                    with Indiana A&M,          103 00:04:57,672 --> 00:04:59,590         help them language their             announcement so it's clear  104 00:04:59,632 --> 00:05:01,342               they were                     seeking these students.       105 00:05:01,384 --> 00:05:02,844       And with the recipients,             make sure they declare         106 00:05:02,885 --> 00:05:04,345           the scholarships                     on their taxes.            107 00:05:04,387 --> 00:05:06,639     There's merely                       been an introduction,            108 00:05:06,681 --> 00:05:08,391       a connection made.             109 00:05:08,433 --> 00:05:10,351  That's a level of care              beyond legal due diligence.        110 00:05:10,393 --> 00:05:11,853        Which is what we need,        111 00:05:11,894 --> 00:05:13,146        because Chuck is                     going to go after them.       112 00:05:13,187 --> 00:05:14,689         [Chuck] My guess is,         113 00:05:14,731 --> 00:05:17,150       somewhere inside this is             a direct bribe of sorts,       114 00:05:17,191 --> 00:05:18,818            a quid pro quo.           115 00:05:18,860 --> 00:05:20,820         I sometimes think                    I'm a good guesser, too.     116 00:05:20,862 --> 00:05:22,739        Like when Howard Stern used         to have the Rosie head        117 00:05:22,780 --> 00:05:25,408  filled with jelly beans.            But no matter how sure I was,      118 00:05:25,450 --> 00:05:28,077       -I never got it right.               -That they became friends      119 00:05:28,119 --> 00:05:30,163    is one of the great                  shocks of my lifetime.            120 00:05:30,204 --> 00:05:31,497       It's wonderful.                121 00:05:31,539 --> 00:05:32,665    But these scholarships               are not.                          122 00:05:32,707 --> 00:05:34,584          My nose never lies.         123 00:05:34,625 --> 00:05:36,753    It's like that toucan                in the Froot Loops ads.           124 00:05:36,794 --> 00:05:38,588    And I smell something.            125 00:05:38,629 --> 00:05:40,757          You hired me to                      anticipate Chuck's moves.  126 00:05:40,798 --> 00:05:42,592      If he finds out about this,     127 00:05:42,633 --> 00:05:44,177       he's gonna try to make it            look real look bad.            128 00:05:44,218 --> 00:05:45,970       The Olympic announcement             is in three days.              129 00:05:46,012 --> 00:05:48,514      He will see this deadline            as putting pressure on you      130 00:05:48,556 --> 00:05:50,433         to shore up the bid.         131 00:05:50,475 --> 00:05:52,185       And Chuck Rhoades thinks             that any wealthy plunger       132 00:05:52,226 --> 00:05:53,978           in a tight spot                      pays his way out.          133 00:05:54,020 --> 00:05:55,646            That guy.                 134 00:05:55,688 --> 00:05:57,315       A Cypress Hill song                  comes to mind.                 135 00:05:57,357 --> 00:05:59,317          I can't picture you                  listening to that.          136 00:05:59,359 --> 00:06:00,943      Lot of years                         in basketball locker rooms.     137 00:06:00,985 --> 00:06:02,987  Raps along, but never               says the curse words.              138 00:06:03,029 --> 00:06:05,656          So we need to only talk              about every part of that,  139 00:06:05,698 --> 00:06:06,824      or never speak of it again.     140 00:06:06,866 --> 00:06:08,159          I choose "B." So...         141 00:06:08,201 --> 00:06:10,161       The harbor is mined here.      142 00:06:10,203 --> 00:06:11,788     We do it right,                      we sail through to dry land.     143 00:06:11,829 --> 00:06:13,998              We do it wrong, bang.  144 00:06:15,041 --> 00:06:16,834        Good. Thank you, Kate.        145 00:06:23,132 --> 00:06:24,717       You pay her to lock it down.  146 00:06:24,759 --> 00:06:26,636        You pay me to make it work.  147 00:06:26,677 --> 00:06:29,722      These scholarships will be           99.4% pure when she's done.     148 00:06:29,764 --> 00:06:31,391          But even that Ivory Snow    149 00:06:31,432 --> 00:06:32,892             might not be enough                  to bring this home.      150 00:06:32,934 --> 00:06:35,561       Salt Lake City lost                  the '98 Winter Games           151 00:06:35,603 --> 00:06:37,563      because they were                    giving out saltwater taffy      152 00:06:37,605 --> 00:06:39,732          while Nagano was comping             resort vacations.           153 00:06:39,774 --> 00:06:41,734        We're playing with                   a boa constrictor here.       154 00:06:41,776 --> 00:06:43,861            We don't get away                    without being squeezed.  155 00:06:43,903 --> 00:06:45,863     The games are part                   of my long-term plans            156 00:06:45,905 --> 00:06:47,323       for myself and this city.      157 00:06:47,365 --> 00:06:49,200         But I have an angle.         158 00:06:49,242 --> 00:06:50,827          The Olympics                         are under pressure          159 00:06:50,868 --> 00:06:53,329        to move past                         the sordid reputation.        160 00:06:53,371 --> 00:06:56,374      I'm the guy offering to              usher them into a new age,      161 00:06:56,416 --> 00:06:58,000       a fully respectable one.       162 00:06:59,377 --> 00:07:00,920  My gut is that                      they're not looking for            163 00:07:00,962 --> 00:07:03,923  free sushi dinners                  and massages this go-round.        164 00:07:03,965 --> 00:07:06,134           Maybe they just want                 to camouflage it better.  165 00:07:06,175 --> 00:07:08,886  Nah, I saw Colin's face             when I handed him that folder.     166 00:07:08,928 --> 00:07:10,638      It was exactly what                  he was looking for.             167 00:07:10,680 --> 00:07:12,723           No one puts on a read                better than you, Mike.     168 00:07:12,765 --> 00:07:15,268         But do you want to be                the first person             169 00:07:15,309 --> 00:07:16,978         who really tried to get              the games to New York City  170 00:07:17,019 --> 00:07:18,688               with no grease?        171 00:07:18,729 --> 00:07:20,898      Or the person who got                the games to New York City?     172 00:07:23,484 --> 00:07:25,445          [cell phone buzzes]         173 00:07:27,530 --> 00:07:28,948                  Hi.                 174 00:07:28,990 --> 00:07:30,700       That event tonight                   at Kevin's school...           175 00:07:30,741 --> 00:07:32,577  -I forgot all about it. -[Chuck]       Tonight?                         176 00:07:32,618 --> 00:07:35,413         I missed it entirely.                My mistake.                  177 00:07:35,455 --> 00:07:37,957       What, are they accepting             donations of valuables         178 00:07:37,999 --> 00:07:39,750     now that they've                     cleaned out our bank account?    179 00:07:39,792 --> 00:07:42,545         Just as painful.                     Carnival fundraiser.         180 00:07:42,587 --> 00:07:45,047  They have us down as volunteers     to work the booths.                181 00:07:45,089 --> 00:07:46,632  That implies we were willing.      182 00:07:46,674 --> 00:07:47,967      Neither of us has attended      183 00:07:48,009 --> 00:07:49,302       a Parent Association                 meeting this year.             184 00:07:49,343 --> 00:07:50,636       I'm guessing                         they wouldn't accept           185 00:07:50,678 --> 00:07:52,305       a paralegal in our stead?      186 00:07:52,346 --> 00:07:54,807           Not if we want to remain            in good standing.          187 00:07:54,849 --> 00:07:57,018         Kevin's gonna be                     applying to colleges soon.  188 00:07:57,059 --> 00:07:58,436          And if you can't                     get him into Yale,          189 00:07:58,478 --> 00:07:59,937           we're gonna need them                to jam him into--          190 00:07:59,979 --> 00:08:01,564       Don't say Cornell.             191 00:08:01,606 --> 00:08:03,941             I was hoping you could              take one for the team.  192 00:08:03,983 --> 00:08:05,568           I would. I will.           193 00:08:05,610 --> 00:08:07,153         Next time. Work is--         194 00:08:07,195 --> 00:08:09,697  I'm asking for a favor, Chuck.     195 00:08:09,739 --> 00:08:11,073          Which I would love                   to do for you.              196 00:08:11,115 --> 00:08:12,366  Hell, at next year's carnival,     197 00:08:12,408 --> 00:08:13,701  I'll do the dunk tank,             198 00:08:13,743 --> 00:08:15,369  and I'll let you                    take the first shot.               199 00:08:15,411 --> 00:08:17,038  I just don't think                  I can make it happen right now.    200 00:08:17,079 --> 00:08:18,080                       Hmm.           201 00:08:18,122 --> 00:08:19,582           [slams receiver]           202 00:08:19,624 --> 00:08:21,167                     [sighs]          203 00:08:21,209 --> 00:08:22,668       [woman]                              Ten times the efficiency.      204 00:08:22,710 --> 00:08:24,629        Zero accidents.                      Zero delays.                  205 00:08:24,670 --> 00:08:26,088        [Supple]                             Easier said than built.       206 00:08:26,130 --> 00:08:27,715                   Only slightly so                    for Ms. Reddy.     207 00:08:27,757 --> 00:08:30,343       She's put the full force             of her engineering genius      208 00:08:30,384 --> 00:08:31,969       and her network                      building experience            209 00:08:32,011 --> 00:08:33,804             into complete                        signal overhaul.         210 00:08:33,846 --> 00:08:35,681     I've already designed                the routing systems              211 00:08:35,723 --> 00:08:37,391       and run simulated tests.       212 00:08:37,433 --> 00:08:39,018         This will save lives         213 00:08:39,060 --> 00:08:40,520  and lots of money                   in the long term.                  214 00:08:40,561 --> 00:08:42,563             [door opens]             215 00:08:55,409 --> 00:08:56,869        [Prince] Mayor Johnson.       216 00:08:56,911 --> 00:08:58,246       I didn't know you'd                  be joining us today.           217 00:08:58,287 --> 00:08:59,372          Would've waited if I had.  218 00:09:04,794 --> 00:09:06,796       Since you couldn't                   buy us a new subway,           219 00:09:06,837 --> 00:09:09,257     I wanna hear how                     Mike Prince plans to save        220 00:09:09,298 --> 00:09:10,299       the subway we've got.          221 00:09:22,353 --> 00:09:24,105          [Prince] Two words:         222 00:09:24,146 --> 00:09:25,856           Olympic Express.           223 00:09:25,898 --> 00:09:29,485        An express train service             to and from Olympic venues.  224 00:09:29,527 --> 00:09:32,697  It'll incentivize more              tourists to use mass transit,      225 00:09:32,738 --> 00:09:34,699        and, with the higher fares,         it will be a major            226 00:09:34,740 --> 00:09:36,534               revenue generator                    for the MTA.           227 00:09:36,576 --> 00:09:39,954  I love to walk down                 Fifth Avenue and window shop.      228 00:09:39,996 --> 00:09:43,666  It's fun to imagine wearing         all those pretty things.           229 00:09:43,708 --> 00:09:45,543  But as soon as you                  step inside the store              230 00:09:45,585 --> 00:09:47,420  and flip over that price tag,      231 00:09:47,461 --> 00:09:49,380     the illusion is broken.          232 00:09:49,422 --> 00:09:52,091     I'm stepping inside                  the store this budget cycle,     233 00:09:52,133 --> 00:09:54,927  coordinating closely                with all city agencies.            234 00:09:54,969 --> 00:09:57,763  I'm sorry, Mike, we just            can't afford luxury items.         235 00:09:57,805 --> 00:09:59,432        Well, that's the best part.  236 00:09:59,473 --> 00:10:01,434           Won't cost                           the city a thing. Nada.    237 00:10:01,475 --> 00:10:03,936          I have commitments from              prominent financiers,       238 00:10:03,978 --> 00:10:06,188        including Sruthi,                    to provide all the funding.  239 00:10:06,230 --> 00:10:08,733             -Every cent.                         -Yeah, sure.             240 00:10:08,774 --> 00:10:11,193         We might as well                     build a private train        241 00:10:11,235 --> 00:10:14,530        just for Mr. Michael Prince         while we're at it.            242 00:10:14,572 --> 00:10:16,282         There's nothing but upside          for the MTA on this.         243 00:10:16,324 --> 00:10:18,868            Nothing in this city                 comes free.               244 00:10:18,909 --> 00:10:21,078     Sorry, Mike,                         we don't need you.               245 00:10:21,120 --> 00:10:24,123  We don't want to be indebted        to private investors.              246 00:10:24,165 --> 00:10:25,916  We're floating                      public transpo bonds               247 00:10:25,958 --> 00:10:27,627  to raise the funds                  the MTA needs.                     248 00:10:27,668 --> 00:10:30,171         You want to see the                  Olympics come to New York.  249 00:10:30,212 --> 00:10:31,672                I know you do.        250 00:10:31,714 --> 00:10:34,008          I can't be seen                      doing your bidding.         251 00:10:34,050 --> 00:10:35,593            Not this term.            252 00:10:35,635 --> 00:10:37,970       Especially after all                 that drama with Rhoades.       253 00:10:38,012 --> 00:10:40,473  [I was standing up there            being shouted at, too.             254 00:10:40,514 --> 00:10:41,849       By voters.                     255 00:10:41,891 --> 00:10:45,519          Cute idea, though.                   Olympic Express.            256 00:10:45,561 --> 00:10:47,063      Maybe for 2036.                 257 00:10:52,693 --> 00:10:53,986          Well, that's that.          258 00:10:54,028 --> 00:10:55,488             Not over. Stand by.      259 00:10:55,529 --> 00:10:57,156       Your company will be                 wiring signals by next week,  260 00:10:57,198 --> 00:10:58,824             one way or another.      261 00:11:01,202 --> 00:11:03,287  I'm just looking for                a little courtesy here, Nadine,    262 00:11:03,329 --> 00:11:06,332         between our offices                  on interstate fraud.         263 00:11:06,374 --> 00:11:08,584         No, New York did not                 "steal" anything.            264 00:11:08,626 --> 00:11:10,461          And for the record,         265 00:11:10,503 --> 00:11:12,421         I was trying to help.        266 00:11:12,463 --> 00:11:15,007           I was the one behind                 the Boss and Bon Jovi      267 00:11:15,049 --> 00:11:16,759              playing that show.      268 00:11:16,801 --> 00:11:19,595  Don't lose faith,                   New Jersey's still in the hunt.    269 00:11:19,637 --> 00:11:20,888                 Stand by.            270 00:11:23,307 --> 00:11:25,351               New Jersey AG.         271 00:11:25,393 --> 00:11:26,560     Her governor's pissed 'cause     272 00:11:26,602 --> 00:11:28,020               New York snaked                      the Olympic bid.       273 00:11:28,062 --> 00:11:29,689    But it hasn't even                   been announced.                   274 00:11:29,730 --> 00:11:32,692     I'm aware.                           But there have been whispers.    275 00:11:32,733 --> 00:11:36,195     I had the whole thing tilted         their way and not Prince's.      276 00:11:36,237 --> 00:11:39,573      Something happened that night       that overshadowed the show      277 00:11:39,615 --> 00:11:41,701               and put New York                     back in the lead.      278 00:11:41,742 --> 00:11:43,160             That's where                         we need to be looking.  279 00:11:43,202 --> 00:11:45,037              -Karl!                               -Reporting.             280 00:11:45,079 --> 00:11:47,081       Work with Dave to get me             the chopper manifests          281 00:11:47,123 --> 00:11:49,709  from the night the advance team     flew to the Stone Pony.            282 00:11:49,750 --> 00:11:52,545        I need to know everyone              on board to and fro.          283 00:11:52,586 --> 00:11:54,422  I remember the days you             didn't have to take roll call      284 00:11:54,463 --> 00:11:55,715       in a whirlybird.               285 00:11:55,756 --> 00:11:57,299      Now that I think about it,      286 00:11:57,341 --> 00:11:58,968          things have changed                  for the better.             287 00:11:59,009 --> 00:12:00,219       Haircuts haven't.              288 00:12:00,261 --> 00:12:01,554             Beer neither.            289 00:12:01,595 --> 00:12:04,056        But, yeah, some things.       290 00:12:04,098 --> 00:12:05,307      I'll go get started.            291 00:12:07,059 --> 00:12:09,770      And maybe you should get             back on those scholarships.     292 00:12:17,236 --> 00:12:19,238        I'm here to catch                    flagrant law-breakers.        293 00:12:19,280 --> 00:12:21,198          I'm good with that.         294 00:12:21,240 --> 00:12:25,411       But I can't go in on                 hunting an upstanding guy      295 00:12:25,453 --> 00:12:28,330  sticking the tips of his            Purple Labels over the line.       296 00:12:28,372 --> 00:12:29,582             There is another kind,  297 00:12:29,623 --> 00:12:31,876               besides the flagrant                and the line-toer,     298 00:12:31,917 --> 00:12:34,545       and that is one who believes        there   is   no line for him.      299 00:12:34,587 --> 00:12:36,213         Because his stature,         300 00:12:36,255 --> 00:12:38,424      because his wealth,                  gives him the divine right.     301 00:12:38,466 --> 00:12:39,884  And you think                       that's Mike Prince?                302 00:12:39,925 --> 00:12:41,969      -It is.                              -If you're going after him      303 00:12:42,011 --> 00:12:43,721      because his ego is too big,     304 00:12:43,763 --> 00:12:46,724  everyone who lives north of         14th Street is guilty of that.     305 00:12:46,766 --> 00:12:48,100     Maybe the whole damn island.     306 00:12:48,142 --> 00:12:49,769      Look, it seems like             307 00:12:49,810 --> 00:12:51,771  you want to prosecute the idea     308 00:12:51,812 --> 00:12:53,731    of this kind of wealth itself.    309 00:12:53,773 --> 00:12:56,650      But the courts don't offer           a cause of action for that.     310 00:12:56,692 --> 00:12:57,943                    They oughta.      311 00:12:57,985 --> 00:12:59,361        You say that                  312 00:12:59,403 --> 00:13:01,781  because you are from it.           313 00:13:01,822 --> 00:13:03,783  Only those with wealth             314 00:13:03,824 --> 00:13:05,534    have the privilege                   of resenting it.                  315 00:13:05,576 --> 00:13:08,579  But, for the rest of us,           316 00:13:08,621 --> 00:13:11,248  it's that dream                     that makes things go.              317 00:13:11,290 --> 00:13:12,875  Innovation. Industry.              318 00:13:12,917 --> 00:13:16,212  The life-changing fortune           that comes along with it.          319 00:13:16,253 --> 00:13:18,297        You're telling me you                didn't raise your kids        320 00:13:18,339 --> 00:13:19,799          to aspire to more?          321 00:13:19,840 --> 00:13:22,635    I've certainly                       raised mine that way.             322 00:13:22,676 --> 00:13:25,304     Part of why I took                   the shortest maternity leave     323 00:13:25,346 --> 00:13:27,306    on record at                         the defender's office.            324 00:13:27,348 --> 00:13:28,891          That American myth          325 00:13:28,933 --> 00:13:32,269           is just as sweet                     as an ice-cold Coke,       326 00:13:32,311 --> 00:13:34,897        and it's been guzzled down           by folks on the lower rungs  327 00:13:34,939 --> 00:13:36,899     who don't want to tax the rich  328 00:13:36,941 --> 00:13:39,401      because they think they'll be       that rich themselves someday.  329 00:13:39,443 --> 00:13:41,362      And tell me you don't hope           your kids spend more time       330 00:13:41,403 --> 00:13:42,947          with theirs than you did.  331 00:13:42,988 --> 00:13:44,323  I want them to have it all.        332 00:13:44,365 --> 00:13:46,367           [Chuck] Only guys                    like Prince get that.      333 00:13:47,409 --> 00:13:48,994              People like him,        334 00:13:49,036 --> 00:13:51,664          who accumulate such                  outsized power and lucre,  335 00:13:51,705 --> 00:13:54,166       threaten the very thing that        makes America truly great,     336 00:13:54,208 --> 00:13:55,835              democracy.              337 00:13:55,876 --> 00:13:57,878        An equal voice for all.       338 00:13:57,920 --> 00:14:00,798                That is a crime                      in and of itself.     339 00:14:00,840 --> 00:14:03,300  I'm aware of exactly where         340 00:14:03,342 --> 00:14:05,511  the American Dream                  falls short, believe me.           341 00:14:05,553 --> 00:14:07,221  But we're not about to flip        342 00:14:07,263 --> 00:14:09,431     an entire system                     of wealth and privilege          343 00:14:09,473 --> 00:14:11,183    by netting   one   Mike Prince.       344 00:14:12,601 --> 00:14:14,353    [chuckles]                        345 00:14:14,395 --> 00:14:16,146     Just promise me.                     If we get to the end of this     346 00:14:16,188 --> 00:14:17,523         and there's no crime,        347 00:14:17,565 --> 00:14:19,191        we move on                           to some real criminals.       348 00:14:19,233 --> 00:14:20,484            I'll do you one better.  349 00:14:20,526 --> 00:14:22,069               I'll let you pick                    the next target.       350 00:14:32,037 --> 00:14:34,331  I'll look for a lever to move       the Transport Workers Union        351 00:14:34,373 --> 00:14:35,666        to get them to                       pressure the MTA Board.       352 00:14:35,708 --> 00:14:37,334               No, no more of that.  353 00:14:37,376 --> 00:14:39,044      The Board isn't the issue,           Mayor Johnson is.               354 00:14:39,086 --> 00:14:41,213          They were with us                    till she walked in.         355 00:14:41,255 --> 00:14:43,299        But she's all cashed up              for subway improvements       356 00:14:43,340 --> 00:14:44,550          from a new bond issuance.  357 00:14:44,592 --> 00:14:47,344      Then what do we offer her?      358 00:14:47,386 --> 00:14:49,096  She couldn't handle                 the political heat from Rhoades    359 00:14:49,138 --> 00:14:51,348       and his Godzilla routine.            She said as much.              360 00:14:51,390 --> 00:14:53,058            Then you need to                     make it hotter for her    361 00:14:53,100 --> 00:14:55,185      to stand against the Olympics       rather than for them.           362 00:14:55,227 --> 00:14:56,186                       Yep.           363 00:14:58,981 --> 00:15:00,608              I'll take the Skyway,               you know?               364 00:15:00,649 --> 00:15:03,068              High above the                       little one-way, sure.  365 00:15:03,110 --> 00:15:04,695                   Yeah. Good.        366 00:15:04,737 --> 00:15:06,906        I'll set up a Zoom                   with those fine folks.        367 00:15:10,075 --> 00:15:12,661  I've looked at them all,            Chuck. All legit.                  368 00:15:12,703 --> 00:15:15,122  And, honestly,                      some pretty deserving kids         369 00:15:15,164 --> 00:15:16,749  are gonna get to go to college.    370 00:15:16,790 --> 00:15:18,584          College will be                      better for it, too.         371 00:15:18,626 --> 00:15:20,419            Proud we are                         of all of them.           372 00:15:20,461 --> 00:15:22,254     My old firm had                      a digger on payroll.             373 00:15:22,296 --> 00:15:24,340       I asked him to look into             Prince and the Olympics.       374 00:15:24,381 --> 00:15:26,342  He found no evidence of             illegal activity                   375 00:15:26,383 --> 00:15:27,551     -in connection with the bid.         -Yet.                            376 00:15:27,593 --> 00:15:29,053         He hasn't found it--         377 00:15:29,094 --> 00:15:30,095      [Allred]                             You wanna make a man dance?     378 00:15:30,137 --> 00:15:31,889           Hit him with a subpoena.  379 00:15:31,931 --> 00:15:34,433      You should've seen the guy           at Sky Star Aviation            380 00:15:34,475 --> 00:15:36,435          scramble to get me                   these manifests             381 00:15:36,477 --> 00:15:38,187     once I showed him the stamp.     382 00:15:38,228 --> 00:15:40,189     Michael Prince, not on board.    383 00:15:40,230 --> 00:15:42,942      Scooter Dunbar was listed,           but also didn't fly.            384 00:15:42,983 --> 00:15:44,902              The rest was                         Commish advance team,  385 00:15:44,944 --> 00:15:48,572              except for Wagner                    and one Colin Drache.  386 00:15:48,614 --> 00:15:50,407            Michael Wagner.           387 00:15:50,449 --> 00:15:52,785      The Captain Trips for this           merry band of pranksters.       388 00:15:52,826 --> 00:15:55,621      I made a great spirit guide          in my salad days.               389 00:15:55,663 --> 00:15:58,666           Loose, breathable                    clothing is key.           390 00:15:58,707 --> 00:16:00,960          Wagner was the only                  Prince employee on board.  391 00:16:01,001 --> 00:16:03,837       Your bloodhound doesn't know        how men like Prince think.     392 00:16:03,879 --> 00:16:04,922                       I do.          393 00:16:04,964 --> 00:16:06,840        He's insulated himself.       394 00:16:06,882 --> 00:16:09,093      Prince only would've sent            someone like Michael Wagner     395 00:16:09,134 --> 00:16:10,552       in his stead for one reason.  396 00:16:10,594 --> 00:16:12,638      Wagner carries the black bag.  397 00:16:12,680 --> 00:16:14,682    The man wears decorative rings,     for Christ sake.                  398 00:16:14,723 --> 00:16:17,059     We really can't jump                 to legal conclusions             399 00:16:17,101 --> 00:16:18,978        -based on accessories.               -Oh, yeah, we can.            400 00:16:19,019 --> 00:16:21,230             Karl, find out who                   this Colin Drache is.    401 00:16:21,271 --> 00:16:23,273             We're off to a meeting              across the river.        402 00:16:28,028 --> 00:16:29,655         [indistinct chatter]         403 00:16:29,697 --> 00:16:31,448    You shouldn't have                   shit-canned Lauren.               404 00:16:31,490 --> 00:16:33,659         -Come again?                         -That came out wrong.        405 00:16:33,701 --> 00:16:35,077       That's not what I meant.       406 00:16:35,119 --> 00:16:37,162       We need an IR person.                We need something.             407 00:16:37,204 --> 00:16:39,164       Every time there's                   a ratings change,              408 00:16:39,206 --> 00:16:42,126  our switchboard lights up with      calls from panicky investors.      409 00:16:42,167 --> 00:16:43,669    Not our actual switchboard,          which we don't have,              410 00:16:43,711 --> 00:16:45,462  -but like our metaphoric one.       -I get you.                        411 00:16:45,504 --> 00:16:48,132  Using the ratings to punch holes   in our investment theories.        412 00:16:48,173 --> 00:16:50,592  Like sick people using WebMD        to second-guess their doctor.      413 00:16:50,634 --> 00:16:52,511  More like people using              Moody's to bust my ball--          414 00:16:52,553 --> 00:16:54,013      Surely you can handle that.     415 00:16:54,054 --> 00:16:55,973        I can handle drunk                   Gerard Butler wannabes        416 00:16:56,015 --> 00:16:57,224     nudging up against me                at Minnows                       417 00:16:57,266 --> 00:16:58,892  with their Fiddlehead IPAs.        418 00:16:58,934 --> 00:17:00,769  Doesn't mean I want                 to waste my time on them.          419 00:17:00,811 --> 00:17:02,813      Rankin's releasing a slew            of upgrades and downgrades      420 00:17:02,855 --> 00:17:04,148           later this week.           421 00:17:04,189 --> 00:17:06,191          Sure to bring                        a fresh onslaught.          422 00:17:06,233 --> 00:17:08,152      Maybe there's a way to               preempt these kinds of calls.  423 00:17:08,193 --> 00:17:10,070             Establish our                        own ratings criteria.    424 00:17:10,112 --> 00:17:11,613      Cool idea, but...               425 00:17:11,655 --> 00:17:13,449  I don't even have nights            and weekends as it is.             426 00:17:13,490 --> 00:17:15,909  Yeah. That would involve            hundreds of hours of analysis.     427 00:17:15,951 --> 00:17:17,369          We could crowdsource it.    428 00:17:28,255 --> 00:17:29,840                   Hey.               429 00:17:29,882 --> 00:17:31,925               Tight-lipped bunch                   in that place.         430 00:17:31,967 --> 00:17:32,968    I got the                            bartender talking.                431 00:17:33,010 --> 00:17:34,720                     How?             432 00:17:34,762 --> 00:17:38,223  I recognized the tattoo artist      who did a piece on his neck.       433 00:17:38,265 --> 00:17:40,476     Learned that trick last time         I was a prosecutor.              434 00:17:40,517 --> 00:17:42,019             So what did we get?      435 00:17:42,061 --> 00:17:43,395         He heard some of                     the foreigners saying        436 00:17:43,437 --> 00:17:44,855          their next stop was                  "The Palazzo."              437 00:17:44,897 --> 00:17:46,857               Palazzo.               438 00:17:46,899 --> 00:17:48,317             High-end cathouse.       439 00:17:48,358 --> 00:17:50,152     Or it was.                           They shut down during COVID.     440 00:17:50,194 --> 00:17:51,320     I thought they never reopened.  441 00:17:51,361 --> 00:17:52,529  You missed the email blast?        442 00:17:52,571 --> 00:17:55,032       Well, let's go.                      Where is it?                   443 00:17:55,074 --> 00:17:56,075               You're asking me?      444 00:17:56,116 --> 00:17:57,534  Hey, I'm not judging,              445 00:17:57,576 --> 00:17:59,453          but you're the                       Overton Window guy,         446 00:17:59,495 --> 00:18:00,704            so I figured--            447 00:18:00,746 --> 00:18:02,539     No, no, I'm outta that game.     448 00:18:02,581 --> 00:18:04,541  So we have to find Palazzo.        449 00:18:04,583 --> 00:18:05,751                     Yep.             450 00:18:05,793 --> 00:18:07,002            It's our   Fleur de Lis.    451 00:18:15,052 --> 00:18:17,137     I think I know how                   to solve the MTA issue.          452 00:18:17,179 --> 00:18:18,680              A move has been made.  453 00:18:18,722 --> 00:18:19,765  Is it going to work?               454 00:18:22,309 --> 00:18:23,435            Let's go see Prince.      455 00:18:25,229 --> 00:18:26,688  Maybe we wait a beat on that,      456 00:18:26,730 --> 00:18:28,107  until after I make my play.        457 00:18:32,027 --> 00:18:34,321        Ms. Mayor, call for                  comment from the   Post.        458 00:18:34,363 --> 00:18:35,906          Seems Mike Prince                    is in talks to sell         459 00:18:35,948 --> 00:18:37,533               that new subway tech                to Minneapolis.        460 00:18:37,574 --> 00:18:39,243    Minneapolis doesn't                  even have a goddamn--             461 00:18:39,284 --> 00:18:41,286      Headlines are gonna                  murder you for passing on it.  462 00:18:41,328 --> 00:18:42,621              "It's A Twin Pity,      463 00:18:42,663 --> 00:18:44,790           NYC Loses Out                        Thanks to Her Honor."      464 00:18:44,832 --> 00:18:46,250             And so forth.            465 00:18:46,291 --> 00:18:47,793  Get Mike Prince                     on the phone for me.               466 00:18:54,007 --> 00:18:55,592         [Rankin]                               No glory in helming         467 00:18:55,634 --> 00:18:56,969            a third-generation                    family business,           468 00:18:57,010 --> 00:18:58,220       I'll tell you that. None.      469 00:18:58,262 --> 00:18:59,721     Sure, my name's on the door,     470 00:18:59,763 --> 00:19:02,349               but if I make money,                it's expected.         471 00:19:02,391 --> 00:19:05,185     Everyone in the clan has their      hand out waiting to be filled,  472 00:19:05,227 --> 00:19:06,645            so I can only                        fuck it up from there,    473 00:19:06,687 --> 00:19:08,105            which makes me ornery.    474 00:19:08,147 --> 00:19:10,357       Someone with very little             to lose when it comes          475 00:19:10,399 --> 00:19:13,443           to tangling with                     a new competitor.          476 00:19:13,485 --> 00:19:15,445  I like the direct threat thing.    477 00:19:15,487 --> 00:19:16,947      You don't see it                     so much anymore                 478 00:19:16,989 --> 00:19:18,699      except from guys like you.      479 00:19:18,740 --> 00:19:20,159      It's bracing.                        I'd love you to go further.     480 00:19:20,200 --> 00:19:23,495               To put it bluntly,                   you'll wake me up.     481 00:19:23,537 --> 00:19:25,581                   You have.          482 00:19:25,622 --> 00:19:28,500            You don't make enemies               of the well-entrenched.  483 00:19:28,542 --> 00:19:31,628        Even if you win,                     the cost is too great.        484 00:19:31,670 --> 00:19:33,714                Plus, you'll                         embarrass yourself.  485 00:19:33,755 --> 00:19:35,257              We're an institution.  486 00:19:35,299 --> 00:19:37,009                 We have expertise,                  track record,        487 00:19:37,050 --> 00:19:38,385              client relationships.  488 00:19:38,427 --> 00:19:40,470                 You issue one                        inaccurate rating,  489 00:19:40,512 --> 00:19:43,265        some errant data point,       490 00:19:43,307 --> 00:19:45,350      and you lose all credibility.  491 00:19:45,392 --> 00:19:46,935         As an investor, too.         492 00:19:46,977 --> 00:19:49,813  So let me buy your crowd            sourcing algorithm from you,       493 00:19:49,855 --> 00:19:52,274            salvage whatever I can.  494 00:19:52,316 --> 00:19:55,027         That was a quick                     zip around the corner        495 00:19:55,068 --> 00:19:56,695    from Extortion Ave                   to Payoff Lane.                   496 00:19:56,737 --> 00:19:58,363                    [laughs]          497 00:19:58,405 --> 00:19:59,990           You'll walk away with                your reputation intact,    498 00:20:00,032 --> 00:20:01,366    a little change in your pocket.  499 00:20:01,408 --> 00:20:04,328  You see your track record           as an advantage?                   500 00:20:04,369 --> 00:20:05,996  You haven't upgraded                your system since                  501 00:20:06,038 --> 00:20:07,706  Nelly came out with                 Country Grammar in 2000.           502 00:20:07,748 --> 00:20:10,167       Not even after you                   rated subprimes triple-A       503 00:20:10,209 --> 00:20:12,002      during the housing bubble.           None of you did.                504 00:20:12,044 --> 00:20:14,671  The beauty of my algo is that       it's extracurricular for me        505 00:20:14,713 --> 00:20:16,465  and very low-cost to operate.      506 00:20:16,506 --> 00:20:18,300    Say you're right,                    and there's a glitch.             507 00:20:18,342 --> 00:20:19,885        No, several.                  508 00:20:19,927 --> 00:20:22,012       We can weather them                  until we prove ourselves       509 00:20:22,054 --> 00:20:23,430          and outperform you.         510 00:20:23,472 --> 00:20:25,182        Besides, I have                      another offer already.        511 00:20:25,224 --> 00:20:26,892     And like you said,                   it might make sense to sell,     512 00:20:26,934 --> 00:20:28,769  given the hats I already wear.     513 00:20:28,810 --> 00:20:29,895                    "Offer"?          514 00:20:30,979 --> 00:20:32,731                     Shit.            515 00:20:32,773 --> 00:20:34,900          -Standard & Poor's?                  -I can't say.               516 00:20:34,942 --> 00:20:37,194  Look, my main reason                for starting this is accuracy.     517 00:20:37,236 --> 00:20:38,695       Whoever actually                     runs the thing.                518 00:20:38,737 --> 00:20:42,032          I'll match, no,                      better their offer.         519 00:20:45,244 --> 00:20:46,245          Sure, I'll let you.         520 00:20:46,286 --> 00:20:47,788  Because, much like your family,    521 00:20:47,829 --> 00:20:49,665       I'm interested in                    seeing you do better.          522 00:20:51,416 --> 00:20:54,419               Thank you, Taylor,                   this is the right--    523 00:20:54,461 --> 00:20:56,964      But I need to make sure              that certain city issuances     524 00:20:57,005 --> 00:20:59,341  of certain city                     authorities are examined           525 00:20:59,383 --> 00:21:00,592    and rated accurately,             526 00:21:00,634 --> 00:21:02,052  low as that might be.              527 00:21:02,094 --> 00:21:04,012           [laughs] That's more                 old school than--          528 00:21:04,054 --> 00:21:05,681  You're old school                   as a barbershop quartet.           529 00:21:05,722 --> 00:21:07,557  Your hairstyle alone                could make this happen.            530 00:21:07,599 --> 00:21:10,060  Otherwise, I put you                out of business,                   531 00:21:10,102 --> 00:21:12,688  and you can explain that            to folks at the next reunion.      532 00:21:24,658 --> 00:21:26,952         [indistinct chatter]         533 00:21:32,624 --> 00:21:33,792      What do you say, guys? Hmm?     534 00:21:41,508 --> 00:21:42,634                     You came.        535 00:21:42,676 --> 00:21:45,971       I said I'd try.                      As did you.                    536 00:21:46,013 --> 00:21:48,890  Now I guess they've assigned us     to work together.                  537 00:21:50,058 --> 00:21:51,727                 I guess they did.    538 00:21:53,186 --> 00:21:55,939  Well, uh, much as                   I appreciate the backup,           539 00:21:55,981 --> 00:21:58,191  I think I've got the bobbing        for apples under control.          540 00:21:58,233 --> 00:22:00,777    Fresh water and apples               for each contestant.              541 00:22:00,819 --> 00:22:03,822  Sanitized bucket.                   Feel free to take off.             542 00:22:08,660 --> 00:22:10,454  And suffer                          the disapproving glares            543 00:22:10,495 --> 00:22:12,331  of the coven of                     PTA moms as I leave?               544 00:22:12,372 --> 00:22:13,749         Fat chance.                  545 00:22:13,790 --> 00:22:15,167  I'm sticking it out.               546 00:22:15,208 --> 00:22:17,002           I think one of them                  hexed me on the way in     547 00:22:17,044 --> 00:22:19,046             when she found out                   I didn't RSVP.           548 00:22:21,631 --> 00:22:23,592            -No takers yet?                      -Not a one.               549 00:22:23,633 --> 00:22:25,677      It's a dreadful game, really.  550 00:22:25,719 --> 00:22:29,097            Your face submerged,                 inhaling water.           551 00:22:29,139 --> 00:22:30,682          I'd never equate the two,  552 00:22:30,724 --> 00:22:32,184         but it's not                         unlike waterboarding,        553 00:22:32,225 --> 00:22:33,518           I'll tell you                        that from experience.      554 00:22:33,560 --> 00:22:36,646               Oh, it's a story                     for another time.      555 00:22:36,688 --> 00:22:38,023            [man] Rhoades.            556 00:22:38,065 --> 00:22:40,067       Taking a break from                  your billionaire bashing       557 00:22:40,108 --> 00:22:41,568    to turn this place commie, too?  558 00:22:41,610 --> 00:22:44,071              Save it for                          the ballot box, sir.    559 00:22:44,112 --> 00:22:45,322         I want to get into it now.  560 00:22:45,364 --> 00:22:46,698  [laughs] No,                       561 00:22:46,740 --> 00:22:49,868  you walking                         inferiority complex.               562 00:22:49,910 --> 00:22:51,411    Why don't you do us all a favor  563 00:22:51,453 --> 00:22:53,372        and go find yourself                 a therapist instead of        564 00:22:53,413 --> 00:22:54,915              picking fights                       with greater men?       565 00:22:54,956 --> 00:22:57,376  Unless you want him to              drag you for paying your nanny     566 00:22:57,417 --> 00:22:58,502  and housekeeper off the books--    567 00:22:58,543 --> 00:23:00,087         Shut the fuck up, Karen.     568 00:23:00,128 --> 00:23:03,673       Ohh, pal, that is a line             you do not want to cross,      569 00:23:03,715 --> 00:23:06,093      unless you want to end up            like Andy "The Hawk" Price,     570 00:23:06,134 --> 00:23:07,594            knocked out standing                 by Sugar Ray.             571 00:23:11,932 --> 00:23:13,225             [both laugh]             572 00:23:15,102 --> 00:23:17,187    Thanks for getting my back.       573 00:23:17,229 --> 00:23:19,689          -We struck a nerve.                  -Yeah.                      574 00:23:19,731 --> 00:23:22,234       I think it was the combo             of a smug smile                575 00:23:22,275 --> 00:23:24,069       and boat shoes.                576 00:23:24,111 --> 00:23:25,654      There's a lotta those                around here, unfortunately.     577 00:23:25,695 --> 00:23:28,073          The year Sperrys                     or a Vineyard Vines         578 00:23:28,115 --> 00:23:29,741       blazer shows up                      on Kevin's Christmas list      579 00:23:29,783 --> 00:23:32,160  is the year we transfer him         to public school.                  580 00:23:32,202 --> 00:23:34,913             Mm-hmm. Should we                    have that convo again?  581 00:23:34,955 --> 00:23:37,249  We always said we'd revisit it      if there were good reason.         582 00:23:38,291 --> 00:23:39,459         We'll think on it...         583 00:23:40,961 --> 00:23:42,295    but probably, yes.                584 00:23:51,972 --> 00:23:53,098          [knocking on door]          585 00:23:57,477 --> 00:23:59,020                -Mike.                               -Hi.                  586 00:23:59,062 --> 00:24:00,480            Uh... come in.            587 00:24:02,941 --> 00:24:05,277  I don't want to jinx it,            but I have reason to believe       588 00:24:05,318 --> 00:24:07,571       things are looking good              for the games right now.       589 00:24:07,612 --> 00:24:09,072          The mayor called me                  for a meet.                 590 00:24:09,114 --> 00:24:10,240              In person.              591 00:24:10,282 --> 00:24:11,867  Only one reason for that call.     592 00:24:11,908 --> 00:24:14,661       Kickass, Michael Prince.             Nicely done.                   593 00:24:14,703 --> 00:24:16,621       I had Skyline                        flown in from Cincinnati,      594 00:24:16,663 --> 00:24:18,707        a celebratory                        four-way and five-way.        595 00:24:18,748 --> 00:24:20,292  You're still the only               Midwesterner I know                596 00:24:20,333 --> 00:24:22,043          -who can handle it.                  -You know I can,            597 00:24:22,085 --> 00:24:23,462           but I have dinner plans              that I can't get out of.  598 00:24:24,963 --> 00:24:27,966       Oh, no sweat.                        I-I should have checked.       599 00:24:28,008 --> 00:24:30,802  You're still coming to the          announcement event though, yeah?  600 00:24:30,844 --> 00:24:32,762        Of course. That's the                whole reason I'm here.        601 00:24:32,804 --> 00:24:34,139        [sighing] Good.               602 00:24:34,181 --> 00:24:35,640        Win or lose,                         I want you by my side.        603 00:24:38,477 --> 00:24:39,478            What's up?                604 00:24:39,519 --> 00:24:41,605                    It's been nice,  605 00:24:41,646 --> 00:24:43,190              being here and seeing               more of each other.     606 00:24:45,358 --> 00:24:48,487    And there's a small part of me       that wanted New York to lose,     607 00:24:48,528 --> 00:24:51,531          for the games to go                  to Prague or Mexico City.  608 00:24:51,573 --> 00:24:54,159  So you could challenge yourself     on another nation's soil,          609 00:24:54,201 --> 00:24:55,660  no home field advantage?           610 00:24:55,702 --> 00:24:57,454                  No.                 611 00:24:57,496 --> 00:24:59,581          To see if you'd                      put in the effort.          612 00:24:59,623 --> 00:25:02,667  I need to be training               at altitude in the mountains.      613 00:25:02,709 --> 00:25:05,962           Would you pull yourself              away from your company,    614 00:25:06,004 --> 00:25:08,590               fly to me                            on a Friday night?     615 00:25:08,632 --> 00:25:11,510        Make calls and dial into             meetings from my base camp?  616 00:25:13,762 --> 00:25:16,806       Now that it's so convenient,        we'll never really know.       617 00:25:16,848 --> 00:25:19,476  [scoffs] Well that's the point      of having your own jet, right?     618 00:25:19,518 --> 00:25:21,895      The freedom to commit                to what you love.               619 00:25:21,937 --> 00:25:23,355  I'd bring the hotspot,             620 00:25:23,396 --> 00:25:25,482  the sat phone,                      whatever it took.                  621 00:25:25,524 --> 00:25:28,485    But we're lucky we don't have        to deal with that added strain.  622 00:25:28,527 --> 00:25:31,363         We get the best of                   both worlds this way.        623 00:25:31,404 --> 00:25:33,740                 Okay. Good.          624 00:25:36,076 --> 00:25:37,953  I'm gonna finish getting ready.     I'll see you at the thing.         625 00:25:53,260 --> 00:25:54,636           [glass shatters]           626 00:25:56,721 --> 00:26:00,183       Fortune favored me tonight           at the silent auction table.  627 00:26:00,225 --> 00:26:02,102       I'm surprised you                    bid on something.              628 00:26:02,143 --> 00:26:04,145           Only under great duress.  629 00:26:04,187 --> 00:26:07,357           A dinner at home for two            by Chef Daniel Boulud.     630 00:26:07,399 --> 00:26:09,109        Nicely done.                  631 00:26:09,150 --> 00:26:10,860  I'm sure it'll be exquisite.       632 00:26:10,902 --> 00:26:12,404                    [laughs]          633 00:26:12,445 --> 00:26:14,447               Well, uh, actually,    634 00:26:14,489 --> 00:26:17,325     I don't have a special someone      to share it with                 635 00:26:17,367 --> 00:26:19,661           at this juncture.          636 00:26:19,703 --> 00:26:22,372          And I can't face asking              Ira or my dad to join me.  637 00:26:23,665 --> 00:26:26,543             Why don't you take it?  638 00:26:26,585 --> 00:26:28,878  Yeah, make a special night          of it for you and a friend.        639 00:26:30,880 --> 00:26:34,426  I--I don't really have              anyone to ask either,              640 00:26:34,467 --> 00:26:35,427       at the moment.                 641 00:26:38,722 --> 00:26:39,639                 Huh.                 642 00:26:42,475 --> 00:26:44,769  Why don't we enjoy it together,    643 00:26:44,811 --> 00:26:46,438         at the house?                644 00:26:48,481 --> 00:26:50,233               It's a fine idea.      645 00:26:50,275 --> 00:26:51,443               Check my calendar.     646 00:26:59,784 --> 00:27:01,578      [Mayor Johnson] I am damned          if I work too closely           647 00:27:01,620 --> 00:27:03,622  with billionaires and damned        if I don't work closely enough.    648 00:27:03,663 --> 00:27:04,998          It's a tough spot.          649 00:27:05,040 --> 00:27:07,125               The headlines                        haven't been kind.     650 00:27:07,167 --> 00:27:08,627               And now you're also                  saddled with every     651 00:27:08,668 --> 00:27:10,170      subway delay and malfunction.  652 00:27:10,211 --> 00:27:11,838  If I can be blamed for              the subway's failures,             653 00:27:11,880 --> 00:27:14,257  I plan on taking credit             for its success, too.              654 00:27:14,299 --> 00:27:15,634          Which is why you're here.  655 00:27:15,675 --> 00:27:16,968    It is.                            656 00:27:17,010 --> 00:27:19,304       I'm here to tell you that      657 00:27:19,346 --> 00:27:22,724  we don't need any money from you   or your "steering committee."      658 00:27:22,766 --> 00:27:26,811     And even if you shower               Minneapolis with your gifts,     659 00:27:26,853 --> 00:27:29,356  we have a subway upgrade plan       of our own in place.               660 00:27:29,397 --> 00:27:31,358            That's not what                      you said on the phone     661 00:27:31,399 --> 00:27:32,776               when you begged                      for this meeting.      662 00:27:32,817 --> 00:27:34,944  Because I hadn't                    explained my situation             663 00:27:34,986 --> 00:27:36,321  to the governor yet.               664 00:27:36,363 --> 00:27:38,281  But it seems                        he recently fell into              665 00:27:38,323 --> 00:27:40,992  two billion in unexpected cash.    666 00:27:41,034 --> 00:27:43,078           A kind donation                      from a generous,           667 00:27:43,119 --> 00:27:44,954       civic-minded individual.       668 00:27:44,996 --> 00:27:47,832  And Sweeney's diverting it          to the MTA's budget.               669 00:27:47,874 --> 00:27:50,335  With that and the new bond          issuance we're planning,           670 00:27:50,377 --> 00:27:52,003  the hole's all filled in.          671 00:27:52,045 --> 00:27:54,631  We're going to announce             our upgrade plan tomorrow.         672 00:27:54,673 --> 00:27:57,175  I'm looking forward                 to the headlines.                  673 00:27:58,385 --> 00:28:01,262           I can take plenty more               than my train tech         674 00:28:01,304 --> 00:28:02,806               to the Twin Cities.    675 00:28:02,847 --> 00:28:05,100       I could take my business,            my holdings,                   676 00:28:05,141 --> 00:28:06,851               my taxes.              677 00:28:09,062 --> 00:28:11,231             Your job isn't                       to fix the trains.       678 00:28:11,272 --> 00:28:14,401  It's to keep the whales like me     swimming in your waters,           679 00:28:14,442 --> 00:28:16,194    raising the tides for everyone.  680 00:28:16,236 --> 00:28:19,406  Oh, I've seen   Blackfish.           681 00:28:19,447 --> 00:28:22,283  But now I know from                 personal experience, too.          682 00:28:22,325 --> 00:28:25,078  Trying to work with you             only makes you hostile.            683 00:28:27,163 --> 00:28:29,374      You're free to swim                  where you please.               684 00:28:39,759 --> 00:28:40,719          Two billion.                685 00:28:42,220 --> 00:28:44,055        Sweeney's using my own               money to block me.            686 00:28:44,097 --> 00:28:45,682                       [sighs]        687 00:28:45,724 --> 00:28:48,059  The Prague and Mexico City          bids have sent contingents         688 00:28:48,101 --> 00:28:49,561      to Athens ahead of                   tomorrow's vote.                689 00:28:49,602 --> 00:28:52,188           They've set meetings.                That means one thing:      690 00:28:52,230 --> 00:28:54,816  They've found the vulnerable        among the advance team,            691 00:28:54,858 --> 00:28:57,235  and they're going to be very        persuasive in person. Very.        692 00:28:57,277 --> 00:28:59,738       The Olympics aren't                  going to be my curtain call.  693 00:28:59,779 --> 00:29:03,616    I plan on having a lifetime          of grand projects, as you know.  694 00:29:03,658 --> 00:29:06,745        My reputation and my career         are inseparable.              695 00:29:06,786 --> 00:29:08,705  So we're back at square one.       696 00:29:08,747 --> 00:29:09,914      With one day left.              697 00:29:11,875 --> 00:29:13,126           Never feels like it,       698 00:29:13,168 --> 00:29:14,169           but that's                           the best place to be.      699 00:29:15,336 --> 00:29:16,796      We're bringing the ball up,     700 00:29:16,838 --> 00:29:18,381              they're in a                         full-court defense.     701 00:29:18,423 --> 00:29:19,924                 Lotta pressure.      702 00:29:19,966 --> 00:29:23,219              But you keep control                 and break the press.    703 00:29:23,261 --> 00:29:25,764           Nobody's back,                       and it's an easy bucket.  704 00:29:27,265 --> 00:29:29,434               We just gotta                        break the press.       705 00:29:36,816 --> 00:29:39,903      You're a man with an                 eerily extensive knowledge      706 00:29:39,944 --> 00:29:42,071  of New York's darker corners.      707 00:29:42,113 --> 00:29:44,157  Do you know where "Palazzo" is?    708 00:29:44,199 --> 00:29:46,284                 Not sure.            709 00:29:46,326 --> 00:29:48,244           I did go to a pretty                 incredible place once      710 00:29:48,286 --> 00:29:50,246              in Okinawa called                    "Whisper Alley"         711 00:29:50,288 --> 00:29:52,957    when I was detailed                  to a Department of Defense trip  712 00:29:52,999 --> 00:29:54,959        with some generals, though.  713 00:29:55,001 --> 00:29:56,961               There was a hell                     of a banana show,      714 00:29:57,003 --> 00:29:59,297         and they served sake         715 00:29:59,339 --> 00:30:01,341              with a habu viper                    in the bottle.          716 00:30:04,093 --> 00:30:05,136        You know what?                717 00:30:06,179 --> 00:30:07,305       Never mind.                    718 00:30:16,981 --> 00:30:20,401  Chef Boulud says he will handle     any dietary restrictions.          719 00:30:20,443 --> 00:30:23,488      The only restriction will be         my belt after I eat all this.  720 00:30:23,530 --> 00:30:26,658        Though I have heard                  the bouillabaisse is--        721 00:30:26,699 --> 00:30:28,117          Oh, yeah, no, it sure is.  722 00:30:28,159 --> 00:30:29,327         I had it a few years back.  723 00:30:29,369 --> 00:30:31,871               We did. Together.                    At, uh, Café--         724 00:30:31,913 --> 00:30:33,665      Boulud. Right.                  725 00:30:33,706 --> 00:30:35,166      Yes. With that...               726 00:30:35,208 --> 00:30:37,377      weird couple we met                  at The Blantyre.                727 00:30:37,418 --> 00:30:38,878                  Oh, my God.         728 00:30:38,920 --> 00:30:40,547                       Yes.           729 00:30:40,588 --> 00:30:43,341  [chuckles]   Oh, man,                 the folks you meet on vacation.    730 00:30:43,383 --> 00:30:45,510  Should stay in your memory,        731 00:30:45,552 --> 00:30:47,178    before they take down                five martinis,                    732 00:30:47,220 --> 00:30:48,346  and never at your table.           733 00:30:50,723 --> 00:30:52,183  Pick whatever looks good            to you, Chuck.                     734 00:30:52,225 --> 00:30:53,518  I'm sure it'll be great.           735 00:30:53,560 --> 00:30:54,811                    Okay, good.       736 00:31:00,900 --> 00:31:02,861      I have been looking through          all of our Olympic dealings     737 00:31:02,902 --> 00:31:06,197       with my Chuck goggles on,            and I found something.         738 00:31:06,239 --> 00:31:08,032     The night you two entertained        the advance team                 739 00:31:08,074 --> 00:31:09,534          for the Commission.         740 00:31:09,576 --> 00:31:11,202  The manifests for                   the helicopter company Jersey      741 00:31:11,244 --> 00:31:12,704         used that night                      have been subpoenaed.        742 00:31:13,913 --> 00:31:16,040  Nothing can be linked to M-TAP.    743 00:31:16,082 --> 00:31:17,542          Doesn't have to be.         744 00:31:17,584 --> 00:31:19,878  Chuck gets one lead,                announces an investigation,        745 00:31:19,919 --> 00:31:22,630  Commission gets rattled             and goes with another city.        746 00:31:22,672 --> 00:31:24,048          Do you all have                      everything locked down?     747 00:31:24,090 --> 00:31:25,884  That would be a question for...    748 00:31:25,925 --> 00:31:27,719                   Moi.                749 00:31:27,760 --> 00:31:29,637      None of the professionals            involved in that evening's      750 00:31:29,679 --> 00:31:32,348      activities are a liability.          Discretion is their craft.      751 00:31:32,390 --> 00:31:35,268     Good.                                Make sure of it.                 752 00:31:35,310 --> 00:31:37,270      Best for us all                      if I don't touch that one.      753 00:31:44,986 --> 00:31:46,571             This Palazzo business.  754 00:31:46,613 --> 00:31:48,406       Asking around with                   the criminals in custody,      755 00:31:48,448 --> 00:31:50,199        none of them can afford it.  756 00:31:50,241 --> 00:31:52,452          All I've got                         is an old address.          757 00:31:52,493 --> 00:31:53,912                    It was becoming                     too well known,  758 00:31:53,953 --> 00:31:55,204           so they picked up                    and moved it elsewhere.    759 00:31:55,246 --> 00:31:56,956  Well, these places                  shuffle locations                  760 00:31:56,998 --> 00:31:59,083      like handsy priests                  change dioceses.                761 00:31:59,125 --> 00:32:00,418                 We could use                         some help on this.  762 00:32:02,587 --> 00:32:04,213  There's someone I can ask.         763 00:32:04,255 --> 00:32:05,256                         Thanks.      764 00:32:14,098 --> 00:32:15,350             [operator]                             We're sorry,            765 00:32:15,391 --> 00:32:16,893        you have reached a number      766 00:32:16,935 --> 00:32:18,353        that has been disconnected     767 00:32:18,394 --> 00:32:21,940       or is no longer in service.     768 00:32:21,981 --> 00:32:23,691       [operator]   The number you              dialed has been changed,      769 00:32:23,733 --> 00:32:26,444          disconnected, or is                   no longer in service.        770 00:32:32,283 --> 00:32:33,868                Madison, it's me.     771 00:32:33,910 --> 00:32:35,411               I can't get through                  to the Palazzo.        772 00:32:35,453 --> 00:32:36,913           Have you heard anything?  773 00:32:36,955 --> 00:32:38,665        Has there been any trouble?  774 00:32:38,706 --> 00:32:40,583           Ask around, would ya?      775 00:32:42,043 --> 00:32:43,586               Okay. Let me know.     776 00:33:17,036 --> 00:33:18,329  I'm here on business.              777 00:33:27,547 --> 00:33:29,507  Thank you for agreeing              to see me again.                   778 00:33:31,217 --> 00:33:33,344  I know that you had                 hoped to never have to.            779 00:33:34,470 --> 00:33:36,389          That was a long time ago.  780 00:33:37,890 --> 00:33:40,184              And you were a good                  customer before.        781 00:33:41,394 --> 00:33:43,104           My favorite kind.          782 00:33:43,146 --> 00:33:44,814      Not for the right reasons.      783 00:33:44,856 --> 00:33:47,108        Oh, I needed it, yeah.        784 00:33:49,861 --> 00:33:51,029  At the moment, though--            785 00:33:51,070 --> 00:33:52,363              I see that.             786 00:33:52,405 --> 00:33:55,324  You're different now, changed.     787 00:33:56,534 --> 00:33:58,828     For the time being, at least.    788 00:34:00,538 --> 00:34:03,166  Palazzo.                            I need its current location.       789 00:34:03,207 --> 00:34:04,792  I didn't know any                   other way to find it.              790 00:34:04,834 --> 00:34:08,504           That place doesn't offer            what you're into.          791 00:34:08,546 --> 00:34:11,674     Unless your arousal template         has completely changed--         792 00:34:11,716 --> 00:34:13,593  I just need the address.           793 00:34:22,852 --> 00:34:23,811                  [grunts]            794 00:34:29,609 --> 00:34:31,235        Like I said--                 795 00:34:32,528 --> 00:34:34,655       Strictly business.             796 00:34:34,697 --> 00:34:35,615                       I see.         797 00:34:37,116 --> 00:34:40,078       Oh, and one more thing               you will absolutely need.      798 00:34:41,537 --> 00:34:42,747           The password.              799 00:34:46,125 --> 00:34:48,252        There's panic at the MTA.      800 00:34:48,294 --> 00:34:50,713      Rankin Ratings Agency has just       put New York's subway system     801 00:34:50,755 --> 00:34:52,715       -on Credit Watch Negative...         -Scooter!                        802 00:34:52,757 --> 00:34:54,884      ...that's a warning                   to investors that their rating  803 00:34:54,926 --> 00:34:56,803          will be dropping soon.       804 00:34:56,844 --> 00:34:58,429      There's already been                  a discussion of shutting down    805 00:34:58,471 --> 00:35:00,556       a subway line to cut costs...  806 00:35:00,598 --> 00:35:03,434  I'm telling you this now            before you see it yourself.        807 00:35:03,476 --> 00:35:05,686  Mase Carb is buying MTA bonds.     808 00:35:05,728 --> 00:35:07,522  People are spooked by               the Credit Watch Negative          809 00:35:07,563 --> 00:35:09,190  and they're selling them            like they're Beanie Babies.        810 00:35:09,232 --> 00:35:10,608     But that's not all.              811 00:35:10,650 --> 00:35:12,485       You'll see, when you                 look at our sheet,             812 00:35:12,527 --> 00:35:14,195  that we went to cash for this       ahead of the announcement.         813 00:35:14,237 --> 00:35:15,988              So you were prepared?  814 00:35:16,030 --> 00:35:18,616      You knew this was coming,            and you said nothing to me.     815 00:35:18,658 --> 00:35:21,077  I encouraged Rankin to take         a closer look at the MTA.          816 00:35:21,119 --> 00:35:24,122  And when they did, they agreed      with me that AAA was too high.     817 00:35:24,163 --> 00:35:25,623  Mase Carb will make a profit,      818 00:35:25,665 --> 00:35:27,375  and the MTA                         is now in a tight spot,            819 00:35:27,416 --> 00:35:30,044  which I believe is exactly          where you need them to be.         820 00:35:30,086 --> 00:35:31,796      We saw it as a win-win.         821 00:35:33,297 --> 00:35:35,299      Your pronouns                        haven't changed, have they?     822 00:35:35,341 --> 00:35:36,592     You're using "we" to mean...     823 00:35:36,634 --> 00:35:38,136        Yes, I knew.                  824 00:35:38,177 --> 00:35:39,804              So you both did                      this behind my back?    825 00:35:39,846 --> 00:35:41,722          -For you, you mean.                  -I made the choice          826 00:35:41,764 --> 00:35:44,642     to ignite the fuse on a move         that would solve your problem.  827 00:35:44,684 --> 00:35:47,603  The mayor is on the phone.          She wants to meet ASAP.            828 00:35:47,645 --> 00:35:49,063          Ask her to hold a minute.  829 00:35:49,105 --> 00:35:51,607           The governor will be                 calling also, probably.    830 00:35:51,649 --> 00:35:53,651         This could easily be                 seen as manipulation.        831 00:35:53,693 --> 00:35:55,778          If word leaks about this,           it could tank our bid--     832 00:35:55,820 --> 00:35:57,280              everything we've                     been working for.       833 00:35:57,321 --> 00:35:59,240               What's the rating                    gonna be, triple-B?    834 00:35:59,282 --> 00:36:01,325              -Double-B.                           -Jesus.                 835 00:36:01,367 --> 00:36:05,204  My best move is to get ahead of     this by calling foul now.          836 00:36:05,246 --> 00:36:06,581               You were right.                      I have the governor    837 00:36:06,622 --> 00:36:08,082         on the line now, too.        838 00:36:08,124 --> 00:36:10,418  Leonard Supple. MTA Board,          is also on the phone.              839 00:36:10,459 --> 00:36:12,170               They all want                        the same meeting.      840 00:36:12,211 --> 00:36:13,671    If you really want,                  I can unwind all of this          841 00:36:13,713 --> 00:36:15,464  before the new rating               is announced.                      842 00:36:15,506 --> 00:36:18,050  I can change it back and take       my ratings algo off the market.    843 00:36:18,092 --> 00:36:20,469         No. Tell them all                    I'm ready to meet tonight.  844 00:36:43,743 --> 00:36:45,119  Lady Bertilak.                     845 00:36:45,161 --> 00:36:47,121              Members only tonight.  846 00:36:51,542 --> 00:36:53,461           -Hup!                                -[sirens blaring]          847 00:36:55,254 --> 00:36:56,380               [officer]                       Let's move, people!         848 00:36:56,422 --> 00:36:57,715           Man up! Lets go!           849 00:36:57,757 --> 00:36:59,217              Go, go, go.             850 00:37:02,345 --> 00:37:03,554                Ready?                851 00:37:03,596 --> 00:37:05,973          -Hands on the wall!                  -Police!                    852 00:37:06,015 --> 00:37:07,058          Hands on the wall!          853 00:37:12,563 --> 00:37:13,606            [man] Warrant?            854 00:37:26,994 --> 00:37:30,581  I've never seen a bridge club       with so many patrons under 25.     855 00:37:30,623 --> 00:37:33,668         I'd like to see 'em                  try and play a hand.         856 00:37:33,709 --> 00:37:35,002              It's clear.             857 00:37:35,044 --> 00:37:36,420            We got nothing.           858 00:37:43,803 --> 00:37:45,304            It's all good.            859 00:37:52,103 --> 00:37:53,688         [cell phone vibrates]        860 00:37:55,648 --> 00:37:56,941                   They're gone.      861 00:37:56,983 --> 00:37:58,317         They didn't find anything.  862 00:37:58,359 --> 00:38:00,152              Damn right!             863 00:38:00,194 --> 00:38:02,196           Next time                             I pay every employee        864 00:38:02,238 --> 00:38:03,781       their full night's wages,      865 00:38:03,823 --> 00:38:05,658        something unspeakable                is going to transpire,        866 00:38:05,700 --> 00:38:08,119         and I will be right                  in the middle of it.         867 00:38:10,246 --> 00:38:11,455            [exhales]                 868 00:38:16,127 --> 00:38:17,837           We both should've                    seen this coming.          869 00:38:17,878 --> 00:38:20,840  We've shown the stealth             of a Santa Con bar crawl.          870 00:38:21,924 --> 00:38:23,926  They were expecting us.            871 00:38:23,968 --> 00:38:26,762              Now once, in college,               I participated          872 00:38:26,804 --> 00:38:28,806                 in what was called                  a "Hash run."        873 00:38:28,848 --> 00:38:31,892       The idea is only                     the organizer of the run       874 00:38:31,934 --> 00:38:34,353         knows the true route.        875 00:38:34,395 --> 00:38:35,896        He or she marks it out        876 00:38:35,938 --> 00:38:38,065       with small piles of flour            on the ground,                 877 00:38:38,107 --> 00:38:40,276           but only intermittently.  878 00:38:40,318 --> 00:38:42,945         You have to uncover                  the route as you go,         879 00:38:42,987 --> 00:38:44,989           wrong turns and all.       880 00:38:45,031 --> 00:38:46,991  Sounds like an effective model      for tricking yourself              881 00:38:47,033 --> 00:38:49,076     into running longer.                 But not for an investigation.    882 00:38:49,118 --> 00:38:50,578          [Chuck] I disagree.         883 00:38:50,619 --> 00:38:52,997           There, the reward was                supposedly in the doing.  884 00:38:53,039 --> 00:38:54,832       There was nothing waiting            at the end other than          885 00:38:54,874 --> 00:38:57,001  a fleeting sense of                 accomplishment and shin splints.  886 00:38:57,043 --> 00:39:00,338      We may have gone down                an unfruitful path tonight,     887 00:39:00,379 --> 00:39:02,048      but there is more to uncover.  888 00:39:02,089 --> 00:39:03,924  But that's exactly it, Chuck.      889 00:39:03,966 --> 00:39:05,426  We have no idea if that's true.    890 00:39:05,468 --> 00:39:07,762           That presto change-o                 tells us it is.            891 00:39:07,803 --> 00:39:10,056         If Prince wants                      to win the Olympics,         892 00:39:10,097 --> 00:39:12,099      he'll have to offer                  plenty more than one night      893 00:39:12,141 --> 00:39:13,976              at a sex club.          894 00:39:14,018 --> 00:39:16,562             The final vote is                    in less than 24 hours.  895 00:39:16,604 --> 00:39:18,689             When men like Prince                 are under pressure,      896 00:39:18,731 --> 00:39:19,940             they take shortcuts.     897 00:39:19,982 --> 00:39:21,400  Yeah, so you've said.              898 00:39:21,442 --> 00:39:23,652  But all we've got                   to show for that theory            899 00:39:23,694 --> 00:39:25,571  is an armed raid                    on a bridge club.                  900 00:39:25,613 --> 00:39:27,448               You know that was                    no bridge club.        901 00:39:27,490 --> 00:39:30,368  Sure, but that's not how            it's gonna look on the books.      902 00:39:40,127 --> 00:39:42,046       Double-B.                      903 00:39:42,088 --> 00:39:43,381      Tough break.                    904 00:39:45,216 --> 00:39:46,926                  Fuckin' Rankin.     905 00:39:46,967 --> 00:39:49,136          We canceled                          the debt offering.          906 00:39:49,178 --> 00:39:51,889       Set off a chain reaction             across every maturity.         907 00:39:51,931 --> 00:39:53,641      I assume you have                    a cash shortfall now,           908 00:39:53,682 --> 00:39:55,059          hence the meeting?          909 00:39:55,101 --> 00:39:56,727  Yeah, we'll, uh,                    we'll do your plan.                910 00:39:56,769 --> 00:39:58,729  The Olympic Express,                the signal overhaul, all of it.    911 00:39:58,771 --> 00:40:00,398       And you're okay                      accepting private funds?       912 00:40:00,439 --> 00:40:02,066  We have to.                         It's the only way we can keep      913 00:40:02,108 --> 00:40:03,901    the lines running                    at this point.                    914 00:40:06,237 --> 00:40:07,696    Oh, I'm a moon jelly.             915 00:40:07,738 --> 00:40:09,198  I drift with the tides,            916 00:40:09,240 --> 00:40:11,033          and they've turned.         917 00:40:11,075 --> 00:40:12,910      I'm back on Team Olympics.      918 00:40:12,952 --> 00:40:14,829              No. I'm just happy                   I can help.             919 00:40:16,080 --> 00:40:17,206                Sruthi?               920 00:40:17,248 --> 00:40:19,166       Let's get started right now.  921 00:40:19,208 --> 00:40:20,126                          Mark?       922 00:40:22,211 --> 00:40:23,754                  We don't have                        a second to lose.  923 00:40:32,096 --> 00:40:33,139            Damn.                     924 00:40:34,974 --> 00:40:36,100               [knocks]               925 00:40:36,142 --> 00:40:37,435             Colin Drache.            926 00:40:37,476 --> 00:40:38,936           The unknown on                       the chopper that night?    927 00:40:38,978 --> 00:40:40,438          -I looked into him.                  -Hmm.                       928 00:40:40,479 --> 00:40:41,564                  If we're trying                      to catch a fixer,  929 00:40:41,605 --> 00:40:42,648            my money's on this bub.  930 00:40:42,690 --> 00:40:43,941  He's not a Commission member?      931 00:40:43,983 --> 00:40:45,651        He used to be Commish,        932 00:40:45,693 --> 00:40:48,612          but he left under a cloud           of suspicion after Sochi.  933 00:40:48,654 --> 00:40:51,073                Word is he ended up                 with a villa          934 00:40:51,115 --> 00:40:53,075           on the Black Sea                     for his efforts.           935 00:40:53,117 --> 00:40:56,120        He's "consulted"                     on all the games since.       936 00:40:56,162 --> 00:40:57,830        Have any charges                     been brought?                 937 00:40:57,872 --> 00:41:00,749  -Anything been proven?              -Guy's a Vaselined watermelon.     938 00:41:00,791 --> 00:41:03,752  Where there's smoke, there's        always burning piles of money.     939 00:41:03,794 --> 00:41:05,463  We're taking this to Sweeney.      940 00:41:05,504 --> 00:41:07,590      I'm going to pass on                 another uninvited bust-in.      941 00:41:07,631 --> 00:41:08,966           That hasn't worked out               for me this week.          942 00:41:09,008 --> 00:41:10,968  Fine. Call your private eye.       943 00:41:11,010 --> 00:41:12,470             See what he can                      find on Colin Drache.    944 00:41:15,431 --> 00:41:16,974                [sighs]               945 00:41:18,517 --> 00:41:20,394           Whoa, whoa, whoa!                    Drop that fork             946 00:41:20,436 --> 00:41:21,812     before you take                      a mouthful of bung!              947 00:41:23,105 --> 00:41:24,231         What the hell, Chuck?        948 00:41:24,273 --> 00:41:25,232        This is salad niçoise.        949 00:41:25,274 --> 00:41:26,817         Uh-huh, so they say,         950 00:41:26,859 --> 00:41:28,486              but you never know.     951 00:41:28,527 --> 00:41:30,154      If prepared the right way,      952 00:41:30,196 --> 00:41:32,531  pig rectum can pass                 for calamari.                      953 00:41:32,573 --> 00:41:34,658             -Often does.                         -Yep.                    954 00:41:34,700 --> 00:41:36,702  Bung on your tongue.               955 00:41:39,914 --> 00:41:41,832              And now you've                       ruined my appetite.     956 00:41:41,874 --> 00:41:45,794      Mike Prince has prepared             a golden brown Olympic bid,     957 00:41:45,836 --> 00:41:48,172          and he's served it                   to you with a smile         958 00:41:48,214 --> 00:41:50,174         and a little                         ramekin of marinara.         959 00:41:50,216 --> 00:41:52,635      But, as with all things              that man does,                  960 00:41:52,676 --> 00:41:55,012      it's not as genuine                  as it appears.                  961 00:41:55,054 --> 00:41:56,680           This shit again?           962 00:41:56,722 --> 00:41:58,015        Look, Chuck, I tried                 playing for your side.        963 00:41:58,057 --> 00:41:59,475             I really did.            964 00:41:59,517 --> 00:42:00,809            The man came back                    with a baseball bat       965 00:42:00,851 --> 00:42:02,228         and took it to my budget     966 00:42:02,269 --> 00:42:03,896           like Sonny LoSpecchio                in   Bronx Tale.             967 00:42:03,938 --> 00:42:06,690    And as with the offense              that inspired that work,          968 00:42:06,732 --> 00:42:09,318    the truth of Prince's                misdeeds will come out.           969 00:42:09,360 --> 00:42:11,612     He's using a fixer                   to move the Commission.          970 00:42:11,654 --> 00:42:13,489          Get ahead on this.          971 00:42:13,531 --> 00:42:16,033       Stop backing the Olympics            and save yourself              972 00:42:16,075 --> 00:42:17,451  from going down with him.          973 00:42:17,493 --> 00:42:19,453                    You got a case?  974 00:42:19,495 --> 00:42:21,956           Because every bid                    has a consultant, Chuck.  975 00:42:21,997 --> 00:42:24,333      And most of these guys aren't       winning any civic awards.       976 00:42:24,375 --> 00:42:25,668              So surely you                        can prove all this.     977 00:42:25,709 --> 00:42:27,169      Oh, I'm building one.           978 00:42:27,211 --> 00:42:28,212        Hell of a case.               979 00:42:28,254 --> 00:42:30,214  I want the Olympics now, Chuck.    980 00:42:30,256 --> 00:42:31,840            In fact, I need them.     981 00:42:31,882 --> 00:42:34,718       The games are gonna do               good things for the city,      982 00:42:34,760 --> 00:42:36,303         like fix the subways.        983 00:42:36,345 --> 00:42:38,514        And for me, it's gonna               launch me onto                984 00:42:38,556 --> 00:42:40,057      the national political stage.  985 00:42:40,099 --> 00:42:41,559  But think of the downside,         986 00:42:41,600 --> 00:42:43,686  the adverse consequences            for the city.                      987 00:42:43,727 --> 00:42:46,063  So it'll enrich Mike Prince         and his "steering committee"       988 00:42:46,105 --> 00:42:48,065       of other billies a bit more.  989 00:42:48,107 --> 00:42:50,734     But none of this would've            happened without their cash.     990 00:42:50,776 --> 00:42:53,153     So the pros outweigh the cons.  991 00:43:00,786 --> 00:43:01,912             Colin's here.            992 00:43:03,163 --> 00:43:05,207               This'll be                           a quick meeting.       993 00:43:05,249 --> 00:43:06,750     Let's go clinch these games.     994 00:43:08,752 --> 00:43:11,255  [Colin]   Well,                           congratulations are in order.    995 00:43:11,297 --> 00:43:13,257          You've put in                        one hell of a bid.          996 00:43:13,299 --> 00:43:15,175       The Commission is impressed.  997 00:43:15,217 --> 00:43:17,094  Well, we couldn't have done it      without your guidance, Colin.      998 00:43:17,136 --> 00:43:20,931       The stadium, the venues,             the scholarships.              999 00:43:20,973 --> 00:43:23,434          The Olympic Express                  was a great idea.           1000 00:43:23,475 --> 00:43:24,935             They really like                     the sound of that one.  1001 00:43:24,977 --> 00:43:26,770       As did the MTA.                1002 00:43:26,812 --> 00:43:29,023       You've now given them every          reason to choose New York...  1003 00:43:32,401 --> 00:43:33,861                    except for one.  1004 00:43:33,902 --> 00:43:35,946     As I say, all are impressed,     1005 00:43:35,988 --> 00:43:39,241  but there are certain parties...  1006 00:43:39,283 --> 00:43:40,951               that, um,              1007 00:43:40,993 --> 00:43:43,203            may still need to be...  1008 00:43:48,459 --> 00:43:49,543               inspired.              1009 00:43:56,508 --> 00:43:57,843               Would you gentlemen                  excuse us?             1010 00:44:07,269 --> 00:44:09,563  I know what                         a two-person meeting means.        1011 00:44:09,605 --> 00:44:10,648       And I know what                      happens to someone             1012 00:44:10,689 --> 00:44:12,232     when they go down this road.     1013 00:44:12,274 --> 00:44:13,734  You're gonna wake up                tomorrow a different person        1014 00:44:13,776 --> 00:44:15,819  in ways you don't see               for a long time.                   1015 00:44:15,861 --> 00:44:18,072  Even if it gets you the games,     1016 00:44:18,113 --> 00:44:19,740             don't do it.             1017 00:44:19,782 --> 00:44:22,159       You know why Scooter went            straight back to his office?  1018 00:44:22,201 --> 00:44:24,328     Because he knows what I know.    1019 00:44:25,537 --> 00:44:26,872                 I'll be fine.        1020 00:44:51,897 --> 00:44:53,691          Do you think Rankin will             use our ratings program     1021 00:44:53,732 --> 00:44:55,401              to actually issue                    better ratings?         1022 00:44:55,442 --> 00:44:57,861       Or will they sit on it now           that it's no longer a threat  1023 00:44:57,903 --> 00:44:59,530          and go back to                       business as usual?          1024 00:44:59,571 --> 00:45:01,156  Honestly, I don't know.            1025 00:45:02,616 --> 00:45:04,159    Are you here to clear                your conscience?                  1026 00:45:04,201 --> 00:45:06,161  Tell me I did the wrong             thing by selling to them?          1027 00:45:06,203 --> 00:45:08,372                    Honestly, no.     1028 00:45:08,414 --> 00:45:09,790         I'm sure you had a reason.  1029 00:45:09,832 --> 00:45:10,833           I did.                     1030 00:45:20,592 --> 00:45:22,177          Thank you for this.         1031 00:45:22,219 --> 00:45:24,054        Call me with anything                else you turn up. Yeah.       1032 00:45:30,436 --> 00:45:33,355      We've got to scoop up                Colin Drache and sweat him.     1033 00:45:33,397 --> 00:45:35,399         I just got the Intel                 back from my guy.            1034 00:45:35,441 --> 00:45:37,526     We may finally have something.  1035 00:45:37,568 --> 00:45:40,487    There's a web of wire transfers     attached to Drache.               1036 00:45:40,529 --> 00:45:42,406        Can they be traced                   back to Prince?               1037 00:45:42,448 --> 00:45:44,158     Or to any rogue ICS members?     1038 00:45:44,199 --> 00:45:45,743              We can't tell where                  the wires came from,    1039 00:45:45,784 --> 00:45:47,411      or their final destination.     1040 00:45:47,453 --> 00:45:49,872  But Drache recently                 received five million dollars      1041 00:45:49,913 --> 00:45:51,498        to an offshore account.       1042 00:45:51,540 --> 00:45:53,375          If that money came                   from Mike Prince...         1043 00:45:53,417 --> 00:45:55,002            Can we be sure?           1044 00:45:55,043 --> 00:45:56,920         It's just as likely                  those wires came from        1045 00:45:56,962 --> 00:45:58,589  the Mexico City or Prague bids.    1046 00:45:58,630 --> 00:46:01,008  Colin's had contact with all        of them at different points.       1047 00:46:01,049 --> 00:46:02,760          Your P.I. can't                      untangle the knot?          1048 00:46:02,801 --> 00:46:05,220         Not without the voluntary            cooperation of the banks.    1049 00:46:05,262 --> 00:46:08,056  Well, then there's only             one way to know for sure.          1050 00:46:08,098 --> 00:46:10,142  If the confetti falls               on New York tonight,               1051 00:46:10,184 --> 00:46:12,311  we'll know that Prince's payment   to Colin Drache got it done.       1052 00:46:12,352 --> 00:46:14,062              And we grab Drache                   right there.            1053 00:46:14,104 --> 00:46:16,440       Snatch him up before                 the announcement is made.      1054 00:46:17,733 --> 00:46:19,735          [jazz music plays]          1055 00:46:22,780 --> 00:46:25,157       We sure Prague isn't                 gonna take this from us?       1056 00:46:25,199 --> 00:46:28,619  The Vegas books had it              at a 20.7% implied probability.    1057 00:46:28,660 --> 00:46:30,204  London at 20 even.                 1058 00:46:30,245 --> 00:46:32,581          So am I gonna have                   a bunch of angry            1059 00:46:32,623 --> 00:46:34,958     construction workers busting         my onions tomorrow morning?      1060 00:46:35,000 --> 00:46:36,126                        Nah.          1061 00:46:36,168 --> 00:46:38,045            I woke up joyful today.  1062 00:46:38,086 --> 00:46:40,297         My body tells me                     we'll win this.              1063 00:46:40,339 --> 00:46:42,966           Thank you to                          the candidate cities        1064 00:46:43,008 --> 00:46:46,094           for your incredible                   bid presentations.          1065 00:46:46,136 --> 00:46:47,763             All were worthy.          1066 00:46:47,805 --> 00:46:50,307          But one bid stood                     above all the others.        1067 00:46:50,349 --> 00:46:53,310          And the International                 Commission of Sport          1068 00:46:53,352 --> 00:46:55,312       has the honor of announcing     1069 00:46:55,354 --> 00:46:58,273      that the Olympic Games in 2028  1070 00:46:58,315 --> 00:46:59,775            are awarded to...          1071 00:47:04,154 --> 00:47:05,405              New York City!           1072 00:47:05,447 --> 00:47:08,116             -[all cheer]                         -Yes!                    1073 00:47:16,875 --> 00:47:18,210        You actually did the thing.  1074 00:47:18,252 --> 00:47:19,628                We did.               1075 00:47:24,633 --> 00:47:25,801               [laughs]               1076 00:47:33,809 --> 00:47:36,270     Hey, everybody, let's get out        and celebrate with the city!     1077 00:47:36,311 --> 00:47:37,604     This is exciting.                1078 00:47:37,646 --> 00:47:39,273  I feel like I won the gold.        1079 00:47:39,314 --> 00:47:41,483                  I'm filled with                      patriotic fervor.  1080 00:47:41,525 --> 00:47:43,610               It feels heady,                      just like a whip-it.  1081 00:47:44,736 --> 00:47:46,572  Hey, good job.                     1082 00:47:50,158 --> 00:47:52,202        -Well done, Mike.                    -Thanks for your help.        1083 00:47:52,244 --> 00:47:55,956    You did a lot to make                this happen today.                1084 00:47:55,998 --> 00:47:57,374     Thank you for the recognition.  1085 00:47:57,416 --> 00:47:58,959               But I thought you                    didn't like my move.  1086 00:47:59,001 --> 00:48:01,712  I didn't mind what you did.         I mind how you did it.             1087 00:48:01,753 --> 00:48:03,380       I'm not the drunk dad                in the family.                 1088 00:48:03,422 --> 00:48:05,007       You don't need                       to make secret plans           1089 00:48:05,048 --> 00:48:06,174  about how to manage me              at Christmas,                      1090 00:48:06,216 --> 00:48:07,676  where to hide the booze.           1091 00:48:07,718 --> 00:48:09,469  I can know these things.           1092 00:48:13,974 --> 00:48:15,058            [laughs]                  1093 00:48:18,645 --> 00:48:20,439           [crowd cheering]           1094 00:48:23,191 --> 00:48:24,693              [man] 2028!             1095 00:48:37,623 --> 00:48:38,790                 There he is.         1096 00:48:41,335 --> 00:48:43,503       New York, we did it!           1097 00:48:43,545 --> 00:48:46,423     2028's gonna be an incredible        time in this city!               1098 00:48:46,465 --> 00:48:48,091              [all cheer]             1099 00:48:48,133 --> 00:48:50,260         [fireworks exploding]        1100 00:48:53,221 --> 00:48:54,473              Excuse me.              1101 00:49:05,817 --> 00:49:07,069       Drache is gone.                1102 00:49:10,322 --> 00:49:14,284  Vaselined watermelon                motherfucker!                      1103 00:49:14,326 --> 00:49:16,203  Oh, of course he's gone, Dave.     1104 00:49:16,244 --> 00:49:18,205                  He never existed.  1105 00:49:18,246 --> 00:49:19,581    But look who's still up there.    1106 00:49:19,623 --> 00:49:21,375       Mike Prince and friends.       1107 00:49:21,416 --> 00:49:24,211      Prince didn't pull this off          all by his lonesome.            1108 00:49:24,252 --> 00:49:26,296       He and his                           cabal of rich cronies          1109 00:49:26,338 --> 00:49:28,507          steamrolled the                      city and the state          1110 00:49:28,548 --> 00:49:30,509  and elements of the goddamned       Commission of Sport                1111 00:49:30,550 --> 00:49:32,052         to get this done.            1112 00:49:32,094 --> 00:49:34,054         So we separate Prince                from his power base.         1113 00:49:34,096 --> 00:49:37,140     Mmm-hmm. Let him fall like           the smoke from the fireworks     1114 00:49:37,182 --> 00:49:39,142          drifting down                        on this fine city.          1115 00:49:56,702 --> 00:49:58,787         Well, another win for                the good guys, right?        1116 00:49:58,829 --> 00:50:01,248               I think it's                         a win for all of us.  1117 00:50:01,289 --> 00:50:03,333             The city. The country.              The whole thing.         1118 00:50:06,378 --> 00:50:08,296                   Smile, Chuck.      1119 00:50:08,338 --> 00:50:09,881            You're on the                        winning team this time.  1120 00:50:11,800 --> 00:50:13,552  Nah. I'm staying on my side.       1121 00:50:16,013 --> 00:50:18,098    And losers for now                   will be later to win.             1122 00:50:18,140 --> 00:50:19,224         Right?                       1123 00:50:20,308 --> 00:50:22,352             No surprise there.       1124 00:50:22,394 --> 00:50:23,812        ["The Times                          They Are A-Changin'"                 by Chris Cornell plays]       1125 00:50:23,854 --> 00:50:25,188       Come gather 'round people     1126 00:50:25,230 --> 00:50:28,191           Wherever you roam         1127 00:50:29,609 --> 00:50:31,862       And admit that the waters     1128 00:50:31,903 --> 00:50:35,032          Above you have grown       1129 00:50:35,073 --> 00:50:38,035        And accept it that soon      1130 00:50:38,076 --> 00:50:40,871            You'll be drenched                  To the bone...             1131 00:50:44,875 --> 00:50:46,376  [Prince]                            We're gonna drink this down.       1132 00:50:46,418 --> 00:50:48,670           Oh, that sounds good,                but I can't stay.          1133 00:50:50,047 --> 00:50:51,506               Why?                   1134 00:50:51,548 --> 00:50:52,716             You can come with,                   but I have to go back    1135 00:50:52,758 --> 00:50:54,051          to the St. Regis to pack.  1136 00:50:54,092 --> 00:50:55,677           Pack?                      1137 00:50:55,719 --> 00:50:58,013         -We just won.                        -Hell, yeah, we won!         1138 00:50:58,055 --> 00:51:00,932       But before the games, I need        spend time in the mountains,  1139 00:51:00,974 --> 00:51:02,559       climbing with                        prospective team members.      1140 00:51:02,601 --> 00:51:03,894    You're competing here.            1141 00:51:03,935 --> 00:51:05,520  Don't you need                      to practice on location?           1142 00:51:05,562 --> 00:51:08,565  The best training atmosphere        for me now, is out west.           1143 00:51:08,607 --> 00:51:10,067            You know that.            1144 00:51:10,108 --> 00:51:13,653  Yeah, but I thought we were         gonna try, here, us?               1145 00:51:13,695 --> 00:51:15,238      Like we talked about.           1146 00:51:15,280 --> 00:51:17,407         Yeah, we also talked about          you being willing            1147 00:51:17,449 --> 00:51:19,576        to fly to Prague, remember?  1148 00:51:19,618 --> 00:51:21,411    Much shorter flights to Denver.  1149 00:51:21,453 --> 00:51:22,454             [laughs]                 1150 00:51:23,955 --> 00:51:25,457  So the work falls on me again.     1151 00:51:28,960 --> 00:51:30,670     [sighs]                          1152 00:51:30,712 --> 00:51:32,339              Is that how you feel?  1153 00:51:34,591 --> 00:51:35,967        No. It's not.                 1154 00:51:37,677 --> 00:51:40,222        I just need to know                  that you're in it, too.       1155 00:51:42,808 --> 00:51:44,643        My level of commitment,       1156 00:51:44,684 --> 00:51:46,311          to everything I do,         1157 00:51:46,353 --> 00:51:48,605         has not been in doubt                since summer camp            1158 00:51:48,647 --> 00:51:50,315             when I was 8.            1159 00:51:50,357 --> 00:51:51,775        The rock wall.                1160 00:51:51,817 --> 00:51:53,735           Yeah. Four-sided.          1161 00:51:53,777 --> 00:51:56,655         They made us put on                  lipstick to climb it.        1162 00:51:56,696 --> 00:51:58,240           There were photos                    of heartthrobs,            1163 00:51:58,281 --> 00:51:59,866          like Johnny Depp                     and Michael J. Fox.         1164 00:51:59,908 --> 00:52:02,452      And we had to put                    a big lipstick kiss on one      1165 00:52:02,494 --> 00:52:04,412      when we made it to the top.     1166 00:52:04,454 --> 00:52:06,414  I had a different version           of that action                     1167 00:52:06,456 --> 00:52:08,250    in the locker room                   at basketball camp.               1168 00:52:10,001 --> 00:52:11,711             The Olympics mean        1169 00:52:11,753 --> 00:52:14,339      something very different             to me than they do to you.      1170 00:52:16,091 --> 00:52:18,051           There's a gold medal                 waiting now,               1171 00:52:18,093 --> 00:52:21,138       not some lipstick-smeared            photo of River Phoenix.        1172 00:52:21,179 --> 00:52:22,889             This is everything       1173 00:52:22,931 --> 00:52:24,599            I ever worked for.        1174 00:52:24,641 --> 00:52:27,602          And I need you                       to put in the time          1175 00:52:27,644 --> 00:52:29,146               to do the work,        1176 00:52:29,187 --> 00:52:31,314           and climb for the kiss.    1177 00:52:41,741 --> 00:52:43,326         Yes.                         1178 00:52:43,368 --> 00:52:44,703  Yes, you're right.                 1179 00:52:46,413 --> 00:52:47,664       And I will.                    1180 00:52:52,878 --> 00:52:55,213          Well, then, you can open             that bottle of champagne.  1181 00:52:55,255 --> 00:52:56,548         I can pack in the morning.  1182 00:53:51,937 --> 00:53:53,230      I reached Wendy.                1183 00:53:53,271 --> 00:53:54,898  She sends her apologies.           1184 00:53:54,940 --> 00:53:56,566  She doesn't think Chuck's           gonna show either.                 1185 00:53:56,608 --> 00:53:58,902       Oh, really?                    1186 00:53:58,944 --> 00:54:00,779  Well, dinner is ready.             1187 00:54:02,197 --> 00:54:04,407    Would you, uh,                       get the children                  1188 00:54:04,449 --> 00:54:06,243      and maybe come and join me?     1189 00:54:06,284 --> 00:54:08,161        -Yeah, I'll-I'll check.              -Okay, thank you.             1190 00:54:08,203 --> 00:54:11,248          The line it is drawn       1191 00:54:12,958 --> 00:54:15,460               The curse             1192 00:54:15,502 --> 00:54:17,545               It is cast            1193 00:54:20,757 --> 00:54:22,717          And the slow one now       1194 00:54:24,427 --> 00:54:27,097            Will later be...         1195 00:54:27,138 --> 00:54:28,515                They're not hungry.  1196 00:54:30,141 --> 00:54:32,269    Well, take a seat.                1197 00:54:32,310 --> 00:54:34,771    Have dinner with me.              1198 00:54:34,813 --> 00:54:37,524       This is a                            Long Island Fluke Crudo,       1199 00:54:37,565 --> 00:54:40,694                 with gooseberry                      and sea beans.       1200 00:54:43,989 --> 00:54:46,241         So good. Holy sh--, Chef,    1201 00:54:46,283 --> 00:54:48,243            that's... wow.            1202 00:54:48,285 --> 00:54:51,371        Thank you.   Bon appétit.       1203 00:54:51,413 --> 00:54:54,249               Will later            1204 00:54:54,291 --> 00:54:56,960                Be last              1205 00:54:57,002 --> 00:55:00,255             For the times           1206 00:55:01,965 --> 00:55:05,468          They are a-changin'        1207 00:55:07,429 --> 00:55:11,975                  A...               1208 00:55:12,017 --> 00:55:14,144               A-changin'