1 00:00:00,625 --> 00:00:03,461               [Prince]                       Previously on   Billions.       2 00:00:06,256 --> 00:00:07,757           Axe swallowed it.          3 00:00:07,799 --> 00:00:09,300          He actually closed                     on that money.            4 00:00:09,342 --> 00:00:10,343       Where does that leave us?      5 00:00:10,385 --> 00:00:12,929       It leaves you head down,           eyes forward doing good work,    6 00:00:12,929 --> 00:00:15,015     earning returns for the firm.    7 00:00:16,016 --> 00:00:18,143        Pull him out of there!        8 00:00:22,772 --> 00:00:24,315       I'll give you two billion                 walk away money           9 00:00:24,357 --> 00:00:28,069      for Axe Holding, the bank,          and the asset management arm.    10 00:00:28,069 --> 00:00:29,654  I hope when this all calms down    11 00:00:29,696 --> 00:00:31,114       and you really look at it                     and me,               12 00:00:31,114 --> 00:00:32,866            that you won't                     even want to leave.         13 00:00:32,907 --> 00:00:36,786  But the thing of it is we can't,       even if we want to, right?      14 00:00:36,786 --> 00:00:39,456  Anyone who wants to get wealthy,  15 00:00:39,456 --> 00:00:41,332        rich in your language,                      can stay,              16 00:00:41,374 --> 00:00:44,753     and we can discuss your place          in the new organization.       17 00:00:44,794 --> 00:00:47,005               -I'm out.                      -Yeah. This place...         18 00:00:47,047 --> 00:00:49,299         I'm out of here too.         19 00:00:49,340 --> 00:00:50,633                 Run.                 20 00:00:50,675 --> 00:00:54,721        If I see you here again,            it'll be to my benefit...      21 00:00:55,722 --> 00:00:56,931          but I hope I don't.         22 00:00:56,973 --> 00:01:00,518             This company,               formerly known as Axe Capital,    23 00:01:00,518 --> 00:01:01,644          belongs to me now.          24 00:01:01,686 --> 00:01:03,188        Now, you're my problem.       25 00:01:03,229 --> 00:01:05,940           And you know what                    I do to problems.          26 00:01:05,982 --> 00:01:07,233          -I get rid of them.                         -No.                 27 00:01:07,233 --> 00:01:09,069             I got rid of                     the guy in the chair.        28 00:01:09,069 --> 00:01:11,154  Now how we know this to be true?  29 00:01:11,196 --> 00:01:14,032          'Cause I'm the one                     sitting in it.            30 00:01:14,032 --> 00:01:16,284         Not for fucking long.        31 00:01:37,639 --> 00:01:40,308             [cows mooing]            32 00:01:44,521 --> 00:01:47,148          [lanterns clacking]         33 00:01:51,486 --> 00:01:52,779              Follow me.              34 00:01:52,779 --> 00:01:55,281            -[all cheering]                          -Yeah!                35 00:01:57,408 --> 00:01:59,327            [engine starts]           36 00:02:07,877 --> 00:02:10,630             [dog barking]            37 00:02:25,019 --> 00:02:27,147              Hold fire!              38 00:02:39,951 --> 00:02:42,954         That cannon has fired                   its last salvo!           39 00:02:42,954 --> 00:02:45,373        [townspeople cheering]        40 00:02:47,292 --> 00:02:50,336        ["For What It's Worth"           by Buffalo Springfield playing]  41 00:02:52,922 --> 00:02:56,885            There's something                     Happening here           42 00:02:56,885 --> 00:03:01,806              But what it is                   Ain't exactly clear         43 00:03:01,848 --> 00:03:06,895              There's a man                   With a gun over there        44 00:03:06,895 --> 00:03:08,563              A-telling me           45 00:03:08,563 --> 00:03:10,398           I got to beware...        46 00:03:10,398 --> 00:03:11,441           [cannons firing]           47 00:03:11,482 --> 00:03:13,568           ...I think it's time                 We stop, children          48 00:03:13,568 --> 00:03:15,028           What's that sound?        49 00:03:15,069 --> 00:03:18,740              Everybody look                    What's going down          50 00:03:25,163 --> 00:03:27,665          [firing continues]          51 00:03:29,375 --> 00:03:34,214         You'll be so centered                 in the office today.        52 00:03:34,214 --> 00:03:35,757       You're in the zone, huh?       53 00:03:35,757 --> 00:03:37,383           That's the idea.           54 00:03:37,383 --> 00:03:38,551                Focus.                55 00:03:38,593 --> 00:03:40,678       Detachment from all else.      56 00:03:40,720 --> 00:03:42,764          That Buddhist shit.         57 00:03:42,764 --> 00:03:46,392  If I can only put everything...    58 00:03:46,434 --> 00:03:47,393              right here.             59 00:03:47,393 --> 00:03:49,312           Right at the tip                   of my consciousness.         60 00:03:49,354 --> 00:03:52,023          Then you are gonna               make hella good ice cream.      61 00:03:52,065 --> 00:03:53,149              Then I'm...             62 00:03:53,191 --> 00:03:56,110            maybe can work                     myself out of my--          63 00:03:56,152 --> 00:03:57,904             Don't think.             64 00:03:57,946 --> 00:04:00,198               -Just do.                              -Ah.                 65 00:04:00,240 --> 00:04:01,866             There's that                     Buddhist shit again.         66 00:04:01,908 --> 00:04:03,993             What a field day                      For the heat            67 00:04:03,993 --> 00:04:05,245              Ooh ooh ooh            68 00:04:05,245 --> 00:04:08,164            A thousand people                     In the street            69 00:04:08,164 --> 00:04:10,124  [woman laughing through laptop]    70 00:04:10,124 --> 00:04:14,963              Singing songs                    And a-carrying signs        71 00:04:15,004 --> 00:04:19,092               Mostly say,                    "Hooray for our side"        72 00:04:19,092 --> 00:04:20,343           It's time we stop         73 00:04:20,385 --> 00:04:22,303        Hey, what's that sound?      74 00:04:22,345 --> 00:04:27,725              Everybody look                    What's going down          75 00:04:35,233 --> 00:04:36,234          Good? Need a break?         76 00:04:36,276 --> 00:04:37,610        When I ask for a break,       77 00:04:37,610 --> 00:04:40,071    you'll know the body snatchers             have taken me over.         78 00:04:40,071 --> 00:04:42,490       Good, now use your head.       79 00:04:44,867 --> 00:04:46,286         Sex. He's having sex.        80 00:04:46,327 --> 00:04:48,037     Could he just be having sex?     81 00:04:48,079 --> 00:04:50,957     It's him we're talking about.             It's probably sex.          82 00:04:50,999 --> 00:04:54,127           That would look...                  different, I think.         83 00:04:54,127 --> 00:04:55,461         But I'm not a doctor.        84 00:04:55,503 --> 00:04:57,338         And as a non-doctor,            you're diagnosing heart attack.  85 00:04:57,338 --> 00:05:00,049        Well, I can't diagnose.               The not-doctor thing.        86 00:05:00,049 --> 00:05:01,634        Suggesting. Declaring.        87 00:05:01,676 --> 00:05:02,844      Somewhere in that spectrum.     88 00:05:02,885 --> 00:05:03,970            Because this...           89 00:05:03,970 --> 00:05:06,764            is what a heart                    attack looks like.          90 00:05:08,099 --> 00:05:10,893     These readouts look as alike           as the Van Arsdale twins.      91 00:05:10,893 --> 00:05:12,854           When you pull out           those '70s basketball metaphors,  92 00:05:12,895 --> 00:05:14,147      it does force me to listen.     93 00:05:14,147 --> 00:05:15,773            I reserve them                     for maximum impact.         94 00:05:15,815 --> 00:05:17,025                 Yes.                 95 00:05:17,066 --> 00:05:18,443               So, then,                    we have to make the call.      96 00:05:18,484 --> 00:05:20,820              I'll admit,                  it's the right thing to do.     97 00:05:20,820 --> 00:05:22,155        If you can save a life,                 you save a life.           98 00:05:22,196 --> 00:05:23,698     -That's the kind of thing I--                    -Yes.                99 00:05:23,698 --> 00:05:25,116    And I know you mean it. But...    100 00:05:25,116 --> 00:05:28,578          even at the cost of              exposing what we're doing.      101 00:05:28,578 --> 00:05:30,204          I'm going to leave                 that question lingering       102 00:05:30,204 --> 00:05:32,582          so you can hear it                  and answer yourself.         103 00:05:32,582 --> 00:05:33,333                 Damn.                104 00:05:33,374 --> 00:05:34,917      Once you said heart attack,     105 00:05:34,917 --> 00:05:36,085       you knew we'd intervene.       106 00:05:36,127 --> 00:05:38,212          But now our cover's                    gonna be blown.           107 00:05:38,212 --> 00:05:40,715     Maybe in the all the hubbub,              they won't notice.          108 00:05:40,715 --> 00:05:42,550            Make the call.            109 00:05:44,093 --> 00:05:45,970            [door knocking]           110 00:05:47,263 --> 00:05:49,140       [panting] What the fuck              are you guys doing here?       111 00:05:49,140 --> 00:05:50,641          Are you strippers?          112 00:05:50,641 --> 00:05:55,355         Because great, but...               not until I finish my--       113 00:05:55,355 --> 00:05:57,398       We're not strippers, sir.          You're having a heart attack,    114 00:05:57,398 --> 00:05:59,525           -we're here to--                -I'm doing a Peloton class.     115 00:05:59,567 --> 00:06:01,110              With Tunde.             116 00:06:01,152 --> 00:06:05,656    So I don't have a heart attack       keeping up with my girlfriend.    117 00:06:06,741 --> 00:06:08,409             She's young.             118 00:06:09,118 --> 00:06:11,371          I liked you better                when you were strippers.       119 00:06:11,371 --> 00:06:12,747       We were never strippers.       120 00:06:12,789 --> 00:06:14,082         Sir, how's your jaw?         121 00:06:15,583 --> 00:06:18,878       Now that you mention it,          a little like Ali after Norton.  122 00:06:18,878 --> 00:06:21,047              And... uh,              123 00:06:21,089 --> 00:06:24,133         if I'm being honest,                    the breathing's           124 00:06:24,175 --> 00:06:25,468        a little... tight. Huh.       125 00:06:25,468 --> 00:06:27,929      Mr. Wagner, I implore you,                take this aspirin          126 00:06:27,970 --> 00:06:29,806        and let us get you down                  to an ambulance           127 00:06:29,806 --> 00:06:32,517         before it's too late.        128 00:06:32,558 --> 00:06:34,018                 Huh?                 129 00:06:34,060 --> 00:06:35,436            Step out of line         130 00:06:35,478 --> 00:06:39,107               The man come                    and take you away...        131 00:06:40,775 --> 00:06:42,860              It's alive!             132 00:06:44,028 --> 00:06:47,407              -[applause]                            -Wags!                133 00:06:55,123 --> 00:06:58,418           That is something                   to see right there.         134 00:07:00,378 --> 00:07:01,671         Rumors of my demise--        135 00:07:01,671 --> 00:07:04,882            I mean to say,               it is fucking great to be back!  136 00:07:04,924 --> 00:07:06,717          So glad to see you.         137 00:07:06,759 --> 00:07:08,094             So, so glad.             138 00:07:08,094 --> 00:07:09,220            I was worried.            139 00:07:09,262 --> 00:07:11,597           Yeah, I got that                 from the 40 texts a day.       140 00:07:11,639 --> 00:07:14,267           But like I said,                it's a small heart attack.      141 00:07:14,308 --> 00:07:15,852        Mild as Babybel cheese.       142 00:07:15,893 --> 00:07:18,396            Stents are in.                      Better than new.           143 00:07:18,438 --> 00:07:20,440       How'd you know it wasn't          just indigestion or something?    144 00:07:20,481 --> 00:07:22,024     I always wonder if I'd know.     145 00:07:22,066 --> 00:07:24,819     You were weaned on olive oil             and rustic red wine.         146 00:07:24,819 --> 00:07:27,321      Better chance of you being         knocked off in a barber's chair  147 00:07:27,321 --> 00:07:29,949    than from the ticker exploding.         But no, I didn't know.        148 00:07:29,991 --> 00:07:33,077         So what made you call                   the ambulance?            149 00:07:34,412 --> 00:07:36,831         Come to think of it,                       I didn't.              150 00:07:51,637 --> 00:07:53,931               [Prince]                      This is a listening tour.      151 00:07:53,931 --> 00:07:55,224           I listen. You talk.         152 00:07:55,266 --> 00:07:57,143         Then I give someone else                 a chance to talk.          153 00:07:57,143 --> 00:07:59,562         But first, take this.        154 00:07:59,562 --> 00:08:01,105     All of you are gonna get one.    155 00:08:01,105 --> 00:08:03,399              The Nimbus.                      A buddy's startup.          156 00:08:03,399 --> 00:08:05,610       You're holding that ring           out there like it's Frodo's.     157 00:08:05,651 --> 00:08:07,737        In its own way, it has             the same kind of potential      158 00:08:07,778 --> 00:08:10,406          for life extension              and to improve our community.    159 00:08:10,448 --> 00:08:13,326       This'll track your sleep,             your resting heart rate,      160 00:08:13,326 --> 00:08:15,453          your BEWAT and ICHS                   and other vitals           161 00:08:15,453 --> 00:08:17,997       in the name of well-being                and productivity           162 00:08:18,039 --> 00:08:19,624     so that you can measure you.     163 00:08:19,624 --> 00:08:21,334              We've found                   the mind/body connection       164 00:08:21,375 --> 00:08:22,585        a key difference maker.       165 00:08:22,627 --> 00:08:24,837         Use this for a month,                check in on yourself,        166 00:08:24,879 --> 00:08:26,172        see if you don't agree.       167 00:08:26,214 --> 00:08:27,715       When you say, "use this,"                is that like, uh,          168 00:08:27,715 --> 00:08:30,676     "if you choose to use this,"          or "you have to use this?"      169 00:08:30,718 --> 00:08:32,386         I'm not here to give                   you orders today.          170 00:08:32,428 --> 00:08:34,138          It's just--I don't                think I want to wear it.       171 00:08:34,180 --> 00:08:36,682        I will become obsessed           with not disappointing myself.    172 00:08:36,724 --> 00:08:38,726             I will end up                   working out even more.        173 00:08:38,726 --> 00:08:41,270           Eating even less.              Actually, that sounds great--    174 00:08:41,270 --> 00:08:43,231         -Gimme that, please.                        -Good.                175 00:08:43,231 --> 00:08:46,275        Look, I know this place        used to operate in the red zone.  176 00:08:46,317 --> 00:08:48,778         I don't do red zone.         177 00:08:48,778 --> 00:08:49,987            So talk to me.            178 00:08:49,987 --> 00:08:52,156             Ain't ratting                     or being ratted on.         179 00:08:52,156 --> 00:08:53,908            I'm not really                     interested in being         180 00:08:53,950 --> 00:08:55,493     the Big Pussy of this place.     181 00:08:55,493 --> 00:08:57,537            Never ends well                    for the Big Pussy.          182 00:08:57,537 --> 00:09:00,456        Dollar Bill never said            nothing like that about you.     183 00:09:00,456 --> 00:09:04,168    No one's getting capped because       of something someone said.      184 00:09:04,168 --> 00:09:06,462             As Ness said                     to the Chi-Town cops,        185 00:09:06,504 --> 00:09:09,340    "What you've done before today             is not my concern.          186 00:09:09,382 --> 00:09:11,551       But now we must be pure."      187 00:09:11,592 --> 00:09:13,386          I'm getting my arms                   around this place,         188 00:09:13,386 --> 00:09:16,973        so this is your chance                to shape that bundle         189 00:09:16,973 --> 00:09:18,808    that's gonna be in those arms.    190 00:09:18,808 --> 00:09:20,101           So, let's begin.           191 00:09:25,022 --> 00:09:27,108          Everyone knew to be                     here for this            192 00:09:27,108 --> 00:09:29,360               I'm here.                         With bells on.            193 00:09:29,402 --> 00:09:30,611     Set my alarm and everything.     194 00:09:30,611 --> 00:09:32,488          [Rian] Taylor comes                and goes as they wish.        195 00:09:32,530 --> 00:09:33,906               Wherever                      they are in the world,        196 00:09:33,906 --> 00:09:35,157         they produce results.        197 00:09:35,199 --> 00:09:36,450            Kind of like how                    Dwayne "The Rock"          198 00:09:36,492 --> 00:09:38,411           can show up late                     to a film shoot            199 00:09:38,452 --> 00:09:40,955     because his movies always do,          like, a billion dollars.       200 00:09:40,997 --> 00:09:42,456           Guys like Winston          201 00:09:42,456 --> 00:09:43,624     need to spitshine their shoes    202 00:09:43,624 --> 00:09:46,043        and stand at attention                   to get noticed.           203 00:09:46,085 --> 00:09:47,253         I like your loyalty.         204 00:09:47,295 --> 00:09:48,838          And agree, Winston                  showing out like this        205 00:09:48,879 --> 00:09:50,673        is what the Navy SEALs            would call "butt snorkeling."    206 00:09:50,673 --> 00:09:53,175          But when I announce                an all-hands, I need--        207 00:09:53,175 --> 00:09:54,468         I know what you need.        208 00:09:54,510 --> 00:09:57,221      Or what you claim to need.                Bracing honesty.           209 00:09:57,263 --> 00:09:58,806       But when people say that,             what they really want is      210 00:09:58,806 --> 00:10:02,268     someone to tousle their hair          and tell them, "good boy."      211 00:10:05,521 --> 00:10:09,567        I have neither the hair            nor the need for approval.      212 00:10:09,609 --> 00:10:11,944          Besides, I'm asking                    about what was,           213 00:10:11,986 --> 00:10:13,946     what should be, not what is.     214 00:10:13,946 --> 00:10:15,114       Not your judgment of me.       215 00:10:15,156 --> 00:10:16,866        You are the very thing                    I am judging.            216 00:10:16,866 --> 00:10:19,660     My judgment of you crowds all       other discernment I might have.  217 00:10:19,702 --> 00:10:21,537          I'm gonna work hard                to shift that judgment.       218 00:10:21,579 --> 00:10:23,164           That's on me now.          219 00:10:23,164 --> 00:10:24,624    I don't think that can happen.    220 00:10:24,665 --> 00:10:26,542           Just tell me what                you need to succeed here.      221 00:10:26,584 --> 00:10:28,336          A boss I can trust                     and work with.            222 00:10:28,377 --> 00:10:29,462             I'm not Axe.             223 00:10:29,462 --> 00:10:30,671            You're sitting                     in the same office.         224 00:10:30,671 --> 00:10:31,881      You own what was once his.      225 00:10:31,922 --> 00:10:33,799        For different reasons.               I need faster returns         226 00:10:33,841 --> 00:10:36,510         and greater liquidity            than private equity provides.    227 00:10:36,510 --> 00:10:40,973      To that end, I want to make         you Chief Investment Officer.    228 00:10:40,973 --> 00:10:42,350         How's that for trust?        229 00:10:42,391 --> 00:10:44,393     Yeah, that means   you   trust me    230 00:10:44,435 --> 00:10:47,188      and want to use me to win            over the investors' trust.      231 00:10:47,188 --> 00:10:48,564  But I won't take that position.    232 00:10:48,606 --> 00:10:51,609      Last time I was CIO, all my        moves were wiped off the board.  233 00:10:51,651 --> 00:10:53,194      Like I said, I'm different.     234 00:10:53,235 --> 00:10:54,654        And I'm willing to put               the time and effort in        235 00:10:54,695 --> 00:10:56,238        to prove that to you...       236 00:10:56,280 --> 00:10:57,907           to everyone here.          237 00:10:57,948 --> 00:10:59,158           You bought me up.          238 00:10:59,158 --> 00:11:01,118       You're kind of forcing me                  to stay here.            239 00:11:01,160 --> 00:11:03,371        Doesn't feel different.       240 00:11:12,254 --> 00:11:14,882           [cannons firing]           241 00:11:24,141 --> 00:11:25,601       [Chuck] Hello, neighbor.       242 00:11:25,643 --> 00:11:27,895            -Good day, sir.                     -Good day to you.          243 00:11:27,937 --> 00:11:29,313            Boy, this is...           244 00:11:29,313 --> 00:11:31,524       some magnificent spread.       245 00:11:31,565 --> 00:11:34,360           Something that's                 been in the family for--       246 00:11:34,360 --> 00:11:36,987            Well, it was in                   the family years ago.        247 00:11:37,029 --> 00:11:38,531         And now, once again.         248 00:11:38,531 --> 00:11:41,158         My great-great-great                  -great-grandfather          249 00:11:41,200 --> 00:11:43,494     -built those stone fences...                     -Ah.                 250 00:11:43,536 --> 00:11:44,662        ...and hid behind them,       251 00:11:44,704 --> 00:11:47,039           firing his musket                     at the Redcoats.          252 00:11:47,081 --> 00:11:49,250            Hmm. [chuckles]           253 00:11:50,376 --> 00:11:51,460                 Yeah.                254 00:11:51,502 --> 00:11:54,046              You'd think                      a place this grand,         255 00:11:54,088 --> 00:11:55,715      it would suck up the sound.     256 00:11:55,756 --> 00:11:58,217        But it's a funny thing              about gunpowder and sky,       257 00:11:58,217 --> 00:12:00,594           one offers little                resistance to the other.       258 00:12:00,636 --> 00:12:01,804           That's the thing                     about a cannon,            259 00:12:01,804 --> 00:12:04,348             nothing much                     offers it resistance.        260 00:12:04,348 --> 00:12:05,516               [laughs]               261 00:12:05,516 --> 00:12:08,728         That's why I have such              regard for their power.       262 00:12:09,562 --> 00:12:12,106      Well, that's why I'm here.      263 00:12:12,106 --> 00:12:13,190            The artillery.            264 00:12:13,232 --> 00:12:15,818          For one thing, uh,                   we share a stream,          265 00:12:15,818 --> 00:12:17,778  that I irrigate my fields with,    266 00:12:17,820 --> 00:12:20,364           and when it comes                 to black powder residue       267 00:12:20,364 --> 00:12:21,699         and leaching metals--        268 00:12:21,699 --> 00:12:24,326        I'm downstream of you.        269 00:12:24,368 --> 00:12:25,244                Mm-hmm.               270 00:12:25,286 --> 00:12:27,204             -So you are.                           -Hmm-hmm.              271 00:12:27,246 --> 00:12:29,415        Then there's the noise.       272 00:12:29,457 --> 00:12:32,084          It's really jarring                    and unsettling.           273 00:12:32,126 --> 00:12:33,961      And I'm not a dairy outfit,     274 00:12:34,003 --> 00:12:36,547       but I do have a milk cow,              and she's sensitive.         275 00:12:36,547 --> 00:12:40,092     She won't give milk with all          the bombs bursting in air.      276 00:12:40,134 --> 00:12:42,511     Well, I'm sorry to hear your         Guernsey's teats are swoll--     277 00:12:42,553 --> 00:12:44,221           She's a Holstein.          278 00:12:44,221 --> 00:12:46,474               That's--               279 00:12:46,474 --> 00:12:49,935    [sighs] A smart man once said,    280 00:12:49,935 --> 00:12:52,438           "Nothing external                  affects how you feel.        281 00:12:52,438 --> 00:12:54,982      You control how you feel."      282 00:12:55,524 --> 00:12:56,609            So I say this,            283 00:12:56,650 --> 00:12:58,652            "When you hear                  the sound of the cannon,       284 00:12:58,652 --> 00:13:00,237    why don't you hear what I do?"    285 00:13:00,237 --> 00:13:02,114         The sound of liberty,        286 00:13:02,156 --> 00:13:04,283              of triumph.             287 00:13:04,325 --> 00:13:05,493              Of America!             288 00:13:05,493 --> 00:13:07,912         You can make yourself                 process it that way.        289 00:13:07,953 --> 00:13:09,538                 Hmm.                 290 00:13:09,580 --> 00:13:12,458          Seems like an awful                     lot of work.             291 00:13:12,500 --> 00:13:14,585            [sighs] Work...           292 00:13:14,627 --> 00:13:16,712       is how I made the fortune      293 00:13:16,754 --> 00:13:19,507           that's allowed me               to possess this place anew.     294 00:13:19,548 --> 00:13:20,925      Work is what men like me...     295 00:13:20,966 --> 00:13:23,552          And, I assume, you,                     are made of.             296 00:13:23,552 --> 00:13:27,473      Sure. No, I'm familiar with        the bromides of the self-made.    297 00:13:27,515 --> 00:13:30,768     The work-is-the-tonic types.     298 00:13:30,810 --> 00:13:32,561        Perhaps you could do me                   the courtesy             299 00:13:32,561 --> 00:13:35,314           of just limiting                the number of times a week.     300 00:13:35,314 --> 00:13:37,316        It's strictly limited.        301 00:13:37,316 --> 00:13:38,943        Morning and nightfall.        302 00:13:38,943 --> 00:13:40,820  -I'm a constitutional scholar...                  -Ah.                 303 00:13:40,861 --> 00:13:43,572     Not as a vocation, like you,     304 00:13:43,614 --> 00:13:44,865         but as an avocation.         305 00:13:44,907 --> 00:13:47,409          And the amendments               to that vaunted document--      306 00:13:47,451 --> 00:13:48,953              [chuckles]                      Oh, I'm ahead of you.        307 00:13:48,953 --> 00:13:52,540      Yes, I know which amendment              you're so keen on.          308 00:13:54,375 --> 00:13:55,668      Well, thanks for the visit.     309 00:13:55,709 --> 00:13:58,587        Mind Mr. Frost's words                 about good fences.          310 00:13:58,629 --> 00:14:00,422           Ah, the neighbors                     worked together           311 00:14:00,464 --> 00:14:02,174           in Robert Frost's                     "Mending Wall."           312 00:14:02,174 --> 00:14:03,634         The point is wholly--        313 00:14:03,676 --> 00:14:05,219               Whatever.              314 00:14:05,219 --> 00:14:06,428              [chuckles]              315 00:14:06,470 --> 00:14:08,138             I didn't come                     looking for a war.          316 00:14:08,180 --> 00:14:10,516      Well I, on the other hand,              have always regretted        317 00:14:10,516 --> 00:14:13,018         I didn't get a chance                  to fight in mine.          318 00:14:13,018 --> 00:14:14,478               [scoffs]               319 00:14:31,036 --> 00:14:33,163         Former culture wasn't                  a problem for me.          320 00:14:33,205 --> 00:14:35,833       New one won't be either.          I'm not like these weak-knees.    321 00:14:35,875 --> 00:14:37,835          You're not talking                   about me, are you?          322 00:14:37,835 --> 00:14:39,670        I hope you don't think            my knees are weak, they're--     323 00:14:39,670 --> 00:14:41,755         Well, he's not fucking              talking about me, dude.       324 00:14:41,797 --> 00:14:43,674               [Prince]                      Let's start with this.        325 00:14:43,674 --> 00:14:46,135           There's no shame                    in being sensitive.         326 00:14:46,176 --> 00:14:47,469            You need to be.           327 00:14:47,469 --> 00:14:49,138          One of the secrets                to being a great investor      328 00:14:49,179 --> 00:14:51,473      is recognizing the impulses              that might lead you         329 00:14:51,515 --> 00:14:53,225           to make decisions                    based on emotion.          330 00:14:53,267 --> 00:14:55,853    If you're not training yourself           to recognize those,         331 00:14:55,853 --> 00:14:58,063        your subconscious will              just be directed by them.      332 00:14:58,063 --> 00:14:58,981              Thank you!              333 00:14:59,023 --> 00:15:00,566          Now you won't have                   to go the bathroom          334 00:15:00,566 --> 00:15:01,525      when you want to cry, Tuk.      335 00:15:01,567 --> 00:15:02,902         Once! One time and--         336 00:15:02,902 --> 00:15:04,945          What was encouraged                     was more of a            337 00:15:04,987 --> 00:15:07,156         "Stick your emotions               where your conscience is,      338 00:15:07,156 --> 00:15:10,242          and then tie 'em off                like a gangrenous leg        339 00:15:10,242 --> 00:15:12,453      until they wither and die.      340 00:15:12,494 --> 00:15:14,371      Then chop 'em off forever."     341 00:15:14,371 --> 00:15:15,748            What effect do                     you think that had?         342 00:15:15,748 --> 00:15:17,082      Greased the way to profit.      343 00:15:17,082 --> 00:15:19,835        Take the friction out.            For guys like me and Bonnie.     344 00:15:19,835 --> 00:15:22,421        And led to some pretty              close calls with the SEC,      345 00:15:22,421 --> 00:15:23,756      the U.S. Attorney's Office,                     the--                346 00:15:23,756 --> 00:15:25,007           Never convicted!                         We were--              347 00:15:25,049 --> 00:15:27,051       I mean, Axe was, sort of,                  in absentia.             348 00:15:27,092 --> 00:15:29,219      We're going on a different           kind of exploration here.       349 00:15:29,219 --> 00:15:31,889        Because I believe it'll               lead you to be better,       350 00:15:31,889 --> 00:15:34,224       not worse, at your jobs.       351 00:15:36,685 --> 00:15:38,854     We used to work for a killer,    352 00:15:38,896 --> 00:15:41,732     now we've got a guy who wants           to know how we "feel."        353 00:15:41,774 --> 00:15:44,443            Why is he asking                    for our guidance?          354 00:15:44,485 --> 00:15:45,694            Why doesn't he                      know what to do?           355 00:15:45,736 --> 00:15:47,404          Point me at a hill,         356 00:15:47,446 --> 00:15:48,781       tell me to take the hill.      357 00:15:48,781 --> 00:15:50,074  That's what I want in a general.  358 00:15:50,074 --> 00:15:53,744          I must admit, Axe's              ruthlessness was almost...      359 00:15:53,786 --> 00:15:55,955              reassuring.             360 00:15:57,331 --> 00:15:58,749    This might not be salvageable.    361 00:15:58,791 --> 00:16:01,251          Maybe we just take              the joint down to the rivets.    362 00:16:01,293 --> 00:16:02,378              Start over.             363 00:16:02,419 --> 00:16:03,295                 Nah.                 364 00:16:03,295 --> 00:16:05,464        We can turn it around.        365 00:16:05,506 --> 00:16:07,216               Can't we?              366 00:16:07,257 --> 00:16:09,093            Turn it around?           367 00:16:09,093 --> 00:16:10,052               Can you?               368 00:16:10,094 --> 00:16:13,639          Well, if anyone can               guide me there, it's you.      369 00:16:13,681 --> 00:16:16,976        You're the magic sauce,                    aren't you?             370 00:16:16,976 --> 00:16:19,687            Special sauce.                        Magic touch.             371 00:16:19,728 --> 00:16:21,689         I don't get nervous.                 You make me nervous.         372 00:16:21,730 --> 00:16:23,190     Like you can see through me.     373 00:16:23,232 --> 00:16:25,776       That's a good technique.             But you're not nervous.        374 00:16:25,776 --> 00:16:27,027             And you said                   "magic sauce" on purpose       375 00:16:27,069 --> 00:16:30,364         to give me the power                 in the conversation.         376 00:16:31,532 --> 00:16:33,867       What do you want with me?      377 00:16:33,909 --> 00:16:36,203      I wanted to see if you were              that good. You are.         378 00:16:36,203 --> 00:16:38,622          That's very much up                 for debate right now.        379 00:16:38,664 --> 00:16:39,957             Not with me.             380 00:16:39,957 --> 00:16:41,333         I look at my results,        381 00:16:41,375 --> 00:16:43,711       and I don't see a lot of           checkmarks in the win column.    382 00:16:43,711 --> 00:16:45,838     My guy lost this whole place.    383 00:16:45,879 --> 00:16:47,756        Guy hits 700 home runs,       384 00:16:47,798 --> 00:16:49,717       but gets caught bringing              a corked bat to plate,        385 00:16:49,758 --> 00:16:52,302       you can't blame yourself            without also taking credit      386 00:16:52,344 --> 00:16:53,637         for the 700 dingers.         387 00:16:53,679 --> 00:16:55,305            The one matters                   more than the other.         388 00:16:55,305 --> 00:16:56,724          On that, we agree.          389 00:16:56,765 --> 00:16:59,351       You'll find no pine tar,                     no cork,               390 00:16:59,393 --> 00:17:00,978        no dented garbage cans,       391 00:17:00,978 --> 00:17:02,479         no signs stolen here.        392 00:17:02,479 --> 00:17:04,023          Okay, Mr. October.          393 00:17:04,064 --> 00:17:05,190     But I'm not settling either,     394 00:17:05,232 --> 00:17:06,984            for my current                    level of performance.        395 00:17:07,026 --> 00:17:09,486            And here's one                 you probably didn't guess.      396 00:17:09,486 --> 00:17:10,946       I've never been coached.       397 00:17:10,988 --> 00:17:14,033               Not since                    I was an athlete, I mean.      398 00:17:14,033 --> 00:17:16,035              No therapy,                    no executive coaching,        399 00:17:16,035 --> 00:17:18,328       no shrink, no life guru.       400 00:17:18,912 --> 00:17:19,913            But with you--            401 00:17:19,955 --> 00:17:22,499      Nah, there is no "with me."     402 00:17:23,584 --> 00:17:26,086           If I can somehow                 still do what I used to,       403 00:17:26,086 --> 00:17:28,589             I can't do it                 with someone unless I have,     404 00:17:28,589 --> 00:17:30,466  or can manufacture, objectivity.  405 00:17:30,507 --> 00:17:32,718              You weren't                     objective about Axe.         406 00:17:32,760 --> 00:17:34,636            [scoffs] Yeah,                 not so hype about his name      407 00:17:34,678 --> 00:17:37,639       coming out of your mouth.            There's no need for that.      408 00:17:37,681 --> 00:17:39,933       And how I felt about him              has nothing to do with        409 00:17:39,933 --> 00:17:42,186      how I feel about you. I...      410 00:17:42,186 --> 00:17:43,854            well, I didn't                     resent or hate him.         411 00:17:43,896 --> 00:17:46,148              Hate? Ouch.                      Hate feels extreme.         412 00:17:46,190 --> 00:17:48,067            How else should               your prisoners think of you?     413 00:17:48,067 --> 00:17:49,568        You're not a prisoner.        414 00:17:49,568 --> 00:17:51,403              You signed                     an employment contract.       415 00:17:51,403 --> 00:17:53,822    So did a certain musical genius         you share a name with.        416 00:17:53,864 --> 00:17:56,658     Didn't stop him from writing             "slave" on his face.         417 00:17:56,700 --> 00:17:58,077             Technically,                       once he did that,          418 00:17:58,118 --> 00:17:59,953           he was The Artist                Formerly Known as Prince.      419 00:17:59,995 --> 00:18:01,914              And, look,                 I bargained for your services,    420 00:18:01,914 --> 00:18:03,707        but I would never keep             you here against your will.     421 00:18:03,707 --> 00:18:05,918            So I can leave                  and work at another fund?      422 00:18:05,918 --> 00:18:07,795       Oh, we're not there yet.                   You leaving?             423 00:18:07,836 --> 00:18:10,422          We're still getting                  to know each other.         424 00:18:13,967 --> 00:18:15,594        Investors are clamoring                  for a meeting.            425 00:18:15,636 --> 00:18:17,221             -Which ones?                         -All of 'em.             426 00:18:17,221 --> 00:18:19,598       I'm holding them at bay,            but you've got to give them     427 00:18:19,598 --> 00:18:20,974           the new manifesto                 by the end of the week        428 00:18:20,974 --> 00:18:23,894     or they're going to peel off.                  En masse.              429 00:18:23,894 --> 00:18:25,771          Should we sound him                     out about it?            430 00:18:25,813 --> 00:18:28,023           I just don't see                        the point.              431 00:18:28,023 --> 00:18:30,109          So you've said, but             the institutional knowledge--    432 00:18:30,109 --> 00:18:32,820            So you've said.                But isn't he someone who's      433 00:18:32,820 --> 00:18:34,363    stuck around too long, like...    434 00:18:34,363 --> 00:18:35,781          Hit me with a ref.          435 00:18:35,823 --> 00:18:38,075       Like Jan-Michael Vincent                   in   Hangfire.             436 00:18:38,117 --> 00:18:39,201        I'll have to trust you.       437 00:18:39,243 --> 00:18:40,911              Believe me,                       it wasn't pretty.          438 00:18:40,953 --> 00:18:42,913           Even if I wanted                    to get rid of him,          439 00:18:42,955 --> 00:18:44,456        -the buyout makes it--                   -Popping a zit            440 00:18:44,498 --> 00:18:46,458       is painful for a moment.          But then, you're blemish-free.    441 00:18:46,458 --> 00:18:48,961          Yeah. If it cost me            80 million bucks to pop a zit.    442 00:18:48,961 --> 00:18:50,838       You sound a little sorry                 we made the call.          443 00:18:50,838 --> 00:18:52,548     -So we make him want to quit?                 -He has to.             444 00:18:52,589 --> 00:18:55,843    Or has to get fired for cause        for us to get out of the deal.    445 00:18:55,884 --> 00:18:58,137          He'll get the idea               without us doing anything,      446 00:18:58,178 --> 00:19:00,973      as soon as he sees he has            no influence here anymore,      447 00:19:00,973 --> 00:19:03,767        no portfolio, no life.        448 00:19:13,485 --> 00:19:15,195      Why do you want to give me           this only to take it back       449 00:19:15,195 --> 00:19:17,114           after you fire me                  at the end of the day        450 00:19:17,114 --> 00:19:19,741       or week or whenever it is              in your calendar for?        451 00:19:19,783 --> 00:19:21,910       There's no date for that            in the calendar right now.      452 00:19:21,910 --> 00:19:23,745    Your institutional knowledge--    453 00:19:23,787 --> 00:19:25,706       If you shitcan me before              you hear everyone out,        454 00:19:25,706 --> 00:19:27,249  you think there'll be a revolt.    455 00:19:27,249 --> 00:19:29,835     -We aren't rushing anything.                   -Uh-huh.               456 00:19:29,835 --> 00:19:31,587     When do we charge this puppy?    457 00:19:31,587 --> 00:19:32,713            Self-charging.            458 00:19:32,754 --> 00:19:33,839           You wear it 24/7.          459 00:19:33,839 --> 00:19:36,383      To bed. When you work out.      460 00:19:49,229 --> 00:19:51,815            They put drones                  on our fingers, people,       461 00:19:51,815 --> 00:19:53,483       to watch our every move.       462 00:19:53,483 --> 00:19:55,694         Grip 'em and rip 'em!        463 00:19:55,694 --> 00:19:57,279              It's always                    the fucking nice guys.        464 00:19:57,279 --> 00:19:58,947             Is there GPS                      on this thing too?          465 00:19:58,989 --> 00:20:00,449           I like the ring,                  but not how he did it.        466 00:20:00,490 --> 00:20:03,118     Invasion of goddamned privacy               is what it is.            467 00:20:03,118 --> 00:20:04,286             Spying on us?            468 00:20:04,328 --> 00:20:06,496             We can't have                    invaded your privacy.        469 00:20:06,496 --> 00:20:07,831          You invited us in.          470 00:20:07,873 --> 00:20:09,166      Each of you gave permission           when you launched the app      471 00:20:09,166 --> 00:20:10,709          and clicked agree.          472 00:20:10,709 --> 00:20:12,127            Everyone always                    just clicks agree.          473 00:20:12,127 --> 00:20:14,504           -You tricked us!               -[Taylor] Not everyone, Tuk.     474 00:20:14,546 --> 00:20:17,132     I put mine on my dog's collar            the night we got 'em.        475 00:20:17,174 --> 00:20:19,134      [Rian] I paid a marathoner           friend of mine to wear it.      476 00:20:19,134 --> 00:20:22,304         -Forty-four BPM, baby!              -You should've told us.       477 00:20:22,346 --> 00:20:25,849        Those tech geeks only                care about themselves.        478 00:20:25,891 --> 00:20:26,934               Not even.              479 00:20:26,934 --> 00:20:29,436         It's each for his own                  from here on out.          480 00:20:33,232 --> 00:20:34,983           Shouldn't you get                 in the middle of this?        481 00:20:35,025 --> 00:20:37,945          it's good for them                     to let it out.            482 00:20:44,952 --> 00:20:45,869                [sighs]               483 00:20:45,911 --> 00:20:47,788               -[knocks]                             -Hello?               484 00:20:47,829 --> 00:20:49,498          [Mayor] Come on in.         485 00:20:49,498 --> 00:20:50,666           Mr. Mayor, I'm--           486 00:20:50,707 --> 00:20:52,042          I know who you are.         487 00:20:52,084 --> 00:20:54,795       Word went around when you          bought your land for your...     488 00:20:54,836 --> 00:20:55,921              sabbatical.             489 00:20:55,921 --> 00:20:57,005               [laughs]               490 00:20:57,047 --> 00:20:58,257           Not a sabbatical.          491 00:20:58,257 --> 00:20:59,758         Just... still the AG.        492 00:20:59,758 --> 00:21:02,135           Just working from                  the farm for a while.        493 00:21:02,177 --> 00:21:03,971      The air out here, you know?     494 00:21:04,012 --> 00:21:05,138             The clarity.             495 00:21:05,180 --> 00:21:08,308      What matters becomes clear.     496 00:21:08,308 --> 00:21:10,560    What are you working on there,                a buck tail?             497 00:21:10,560 --> 00:21:11,436              Moose May.              498 00:21:11,478 --> 00:21:13,563           Blackfly season's                   brutal around here.         499 00:21:13,563 --> 00:21:16,984           Least I can do is             land some trout thanks to 'em.    500 00:21:16,984 --> 00:21:18,735              [chuckles]              501 00:21:19,569 --> 00:21:21,571              Mr. Mayor,              502 00:21:21,613 --> 00:21:25,575         how is it a resident             can fire off military-grade,     503 00:21:25,617 --> 00:21:27,119       albeit antique, weaponry?      504 00:21:27,160 --> 00:21:30,080          Ah, you're talking                 about Melville Revere,        505 00:21:30,080 --> 00:21:32,416              a prominent                     and beloved resident.        506 00:21:32,457 --> 00:21:36,003      Well, having commemorative           cannonry isn't a violation      507 00:21:36,003 --> 00:21:37,838     of the National Firearms Act.    508 00:21:37,838 --> 00:21:39,423      It is if it's operational.      509 00:21:39,464 --> 00:21:42,301           Well, he also has                a state firearms license.      510 00:21:42,301 --> 00:21:44,886          He's a wealthy man                  with lots of lawyers         511 00:21:44,886 --> 00:21:47,556     and "friends in high places,"                as they say.             512 00:21:47,597 --> 00:21:52,311      And he has a special waiver           from the ATF to use them.      513 00:21:52,311 --> 00:21:55,689       Imagine a private citizen                 with all that.            514 00:21:55,689 --> 00:21:57,357     Mr. Rhoades, you should know,    515 00:21:57,357 --> 00:21:59,234    Stony Gorge is a quiet hamlet.    516 00:21:59,234 --> 00:22:02,654    It'd be a hell of a lot quieter       without all that ordnance.      517 00:22:03,196 --> 00:22:05,532    We mind our own business here.    518 00:22:06,199 --> 00:22:08,785           Town has learned                     to live with it.           519 00:22:08,785 --> 00:22:10,954         I suggest you do too.        520 00:22:13,665 --> 00:22:15,876              [snipping]              521 00:22:42,235 --> 00:22:44,905       Allow me to stand a round               of John Barleycorn          522 00:22:44,946 --> 00:22:46,740          for my new friends                     and neighbors.            523 00:22:46,782 --> 00:22:48,658          -[man] Hear, hear.                        -Thanks.               524 00:22:48,658 --> 00:22:50,369               Hmm-hmm.               525 00:22:51,995 --> 00:22:53,747                Great.                526 00:23:00,087 --> 00:23:02,631               [exhales]              527 00:23:02,672 --> 00:23:04,508            [soft chuckles]           528 00:23:05,258 --> 00:23:06,593            Is it just me,            529 00:23:06,593 --> 00:23:09,137         or does it feel like              we're living in a war zone      530 00:23:09,137 --> 00:23:11,765     around here at dawn and dusk?    531 00:23:16,895 --> 00:23:18,730         Ah. I guess he's, uh,        532 00:23:18,730 --> 00:23:20,399           one of your own,           533 00:23:20,399 --> 00:23:22,150        so you hold him close.        534 00:23:22,192 --> 00:23:24,236              What he is,                     is a stuck-up prick.         535 00:23:24,277 --> 00:23:25,654              [all laugh]             536 00:23:25,654 --> 00:23:26,947          Well, I know this:          537 00:23:26,947 --> 00:23:29,116          If anyone else was                 firing field artillery,       538 00:23:29,116 --> 00:23:30,909          he'd be locked up.          539 00:23:30,909 --> 00:23:32,369  So how's he getting a free pass?  540 00:23:32,411 --> 00:23:36,373        Fire department needed            a new ladder truck last year.    541 00:23:36,415 --> 00:23:37,666         Guess who bought it?         542 00:23:37,666 --> 00:23:39,584           Police department              needs new gear, he ponies up.    543 00:23:39,584 --> 00:23:42,337     -Same with the Little League.          -And with the Boy Scouts.      544 00:23:42,379 --> 00:23:44,297              No one will                     line up against him.         545 00:23:44,339 --> 00:23:45,507          It's too dangerous.         546 00:23:45,549 --> 00:23:47,801       -And could cost too much.                    -Hmm-hmm.              547 00:23:47,843 --> 00:23:50,762      So he's buying indulgences.     548 00:23:50,762 --> 00:23:52,639      Yeah, but he pays in cash.      549 00:23:53,765 --> 00:23:55,100               [scoffs]               550 00:24:02,482 --> 00:24:04,860         I'd really love Chuck            to have a look at my opening.    551 00:24:04,901 --> 00:24:06,069        I'll take a look at it.       552 00:24:06,069 --> 00:24:08,280             My judge, he                  worked for Chuck. Can he--      553 00:24:08,280 --> 00:24:10,282       I know him from Southern.                I'll touch base.           554 00:24:10,282 --> 00:24:12,742  I'm handling all matters, Chuck.  555 00:24:17,622 --> 00:24:19,166                [sighs]               556 00:24:21,042 --> 00:24:23,128        Okay. Now I need to do                some real listening.         557 00:24:23,170 --> 00:24:25,380        To you. Bottom-line it.       558 00:24:25,380 --> 00:24:26,882            Biggest issue.            559 00:24:26,882 --> 00:24:28,383  You have investors who are wary.  560 00:24:28,383 --> 00:24:31,094     You're a long-hold player in      a high-vol game all of a sudden.  561 00:24:31,136 --> 00:24:32,637            They'll get more                    and more restless          562 00:24:32,679 --> 00:24:34,973       as you find your footing           in this hedge fund landscape.    563 00:24:35,015 --> 00:24:36,183           In order to keep                      the investors,            564 00:24:36,183 --> 00:24:37,309     we need to win the employees.    565 00:24:37,309 --> 00:24:39,060        Right. Which, I think,                    is in motion             566 00:24:39,102 --> 00:24:41,104          to the extent that               we know how to reach them.      567 00:24:41,104 --> 00:24:43,106      But neither of us yet have             rhythm with this bunch.       568 00:24:43,148 --> 00:24:44,524        Not our kind of folks,                 on the face of it.          569 00:24:44,566 --> 00:24:46,693          -But in this game--                  -They are the best.         570 00:24:46,693 --> 00:24:48,945             Which is what                   the investors count on.       571 00:24:48,945 --> 00:24:50,197              But the way                    they've always done it        572 00:24:50,197 --> 00:24:51,656    puts us at risk going forward.    573 00:24:51,656 --> 00:24:54,910        As discussed, we won't             allow that stuff to happen.     574 00:24:54,910 --> 00:24:56,036               Correct.               575 00:24:56,077 --> 00:24:57,496       And I've tasked the back             office with yanking out        576 00:24:57,537 --> 00:24:59,664      the odd remaining bad tooth            to turn over to the SEC       577 00:24:59,664 --> 00:25:02,083          so the new company                     can start fresh           578 00:25:02,125 --> 00:25:03,168            and with trust.           579 00:25:03,168 --> 00:25:04,419       Because the place as-is,       580 00:25:04,461 --> 00:25:06,671           the Commission's                    not gonna like it.          581 00:25:09,174 --> 00:25:11,843        Speaking of bad teeth.        582 00:25:14,012 --> 00:25:16,806            We need a full                     compliance report.          583 00:25:18,016 --> 00:25:19,809                Can do.               584 00:25:19,809 --> 00:25:22,896       But once I hand it over,       585 00:25:22,896 --> 00:25:25,690      you're in it, responsible.      586 00:25:25,690 --> 00:25:26,441               [laughs]               587 00:25:26,441 --> 00:25:27,984       That's how it has to be.       588 00:25:28,026 --> 00:25:29,402             What's this?             589 00:25:29,444 --> 00:25:32,572    This is a little filing system         that I've just implemented      590 00:25:32,572 --> 00:25:33,823      to separate out our trades      591 00:25:33,865 --> 00:25:37,494         based on how far over             the line of securities law      592 00:25:37,494 --> 00:25:38,620         each transaction was.        593 00:25:38,620 --> 00:25:41,248               You know                     we need a little red meat      594 00:25:41,289 --> 00:25:42,415           to throw the SEC,          595 00:25:42,415 --> 00:25:44,334        something so they know                   we're committed           596 00:25:44,376 --> 00:25:46,545      to being a clean operation.     597 00:25:47,254 --> 00:25:50,590    Then this is your meat locker.    598 00:25:55,470 --> 00:25:57,389              All that...             599 00:25:57,430 --> 00:25:59,683               is dirty?              600 00:26:07,983 --> 00:26:10,277             [door opens]             601 00:26:10,277 --> 00:26:12,279             [door closes]            602 00:26:16,324 --> 00:26:18,535    Got those books you asked for.    603 00:26:18,577 --> 00:26:21,204      Also a bunch of stuff from       the office for you to look over.  604 00:26:21,246 --> 00:26:24,165      You handle it. Better for            your development that way.      605 00:26:24,207 --> 00:26:25,292                Uh-huh.               606 00:26:25,292 --> 00:26:26,668        -I think I'm developed.                 -Hmm. [chuckles]           607 00:26:26,710 --> 00:26:29,296        The line troops would                love to hear from you.        608 00:26:29,296 --> 00:26:30,547      Whenever your sabbatical--      609 00:26:30,589 --> 00:26:32,340        Nope, not a sabbatical.       610 00:26:32,382 --> 00:26:34,342          This clean air gets                   a person thinking.         611 00:26:34,342 --> 00:26:36,886        -That's what I'm doing.                      -Okay.                612 00:26:36,886 --> 00:26:39,347             I will handle               the work stuff while you think.  613 00:26:39,389 --> 00:26:40,765       How long do you imagine--      614 00:26:40,807 --> 00:26:43,602        Until I figure out how           to actually get something done    615 00:26:43,602 --> 00:26:46,646  from that chair behind my desk.    616 00:26:46,688 --> 00:26:48,106     You've known me a long time,     617 00:26:48,106 --> 00:26:50,066             and you know                   I don't shy from battle.       618 00:26:50,066 --> 00:26:51,818         But pointless battle?        619 00:26:51,818 --> 00:26:52,777           It's not my jam.           620 00:26:52,777 --> 00:26:55,071          Neither is losing,                     being thwarted,           621 00:26:55,071 --> 00:26:56,531      or spitting into the wind.      622 00:26:56,531 --> 00:26:57,741           So, I'll be back           623 00:26:57,782 --> 00:27:00,994     when I see a road to victory.           And likely not sooner.        624 00:27:03,997 --> 00:27:05,832           -I'll get to it.                        -No. Later.             625 00:27:05,832 --> 00:27:08,585          First you can stay              and have some hunter's stew.     626 00:27:08,627 --> 00:27:10,629         Nah, not in my diet.         627 00:27:10,629 --> 00:27:12,422       Have a seat, Ms. Sacker.       628 00:27:12,422 --> 00:27:15,008             You can pick                      around the meat...          629 00:27:15,050 --> 00:27:17,344     and I could use the company.     630 00:27:30,357 --> 00:27:32,275           [iron squealing]           631 00:27:32,317 --> 00:27:35,028         [mechanism groaning]         632 00:27:38,073 --> 00:27:40,784            [water rushing]           633 00:27:57,884 --> 00:28:01,221            Email just hit                    from Melville Revere.        634 00:28:01,221 --> 00:28:02,263           I know the name.           635 00:28:02,305 --> 00:28:04,307         Investor we inherited                    from Axe Cap.            636 00:28:04,349 --> 00:28:05,558                  Oh.                 637 00:28:05,600 --> 00:28:09,688       Mr. Revere's cannonballs              and gunpowder got wet?        638 00:28:09,688 --> 00:28:11,648       The shed where he stores               his ammo was flooded         639 00:28:11,690 --> 00:28:13,441         by a stream he shares                  with a neighbor,           640 00:28:13,441 --> 00:28:15,485        so he couldn't fire off                his morning blast.          641 00:28:15,527 --> 00:28:18,029  Not a phrase I use often, but...         white people problems.        642 00:28:18,029 --> 00:28:20,532        Truly. And why does he             think our little depository     643 00:28:20,573 --> 00:28:22,450           can help with this                  particular problem?         644 00:28:22,492 --> 00:28:23,702             His neighbor                       is Chuck Rhoades.          645 00:28:23,702 --> 00:28:25,745             Revere thinks                    Rhoades flooded him.         646 00:28:25,745 --> 00:28:27,497    And he knows Wendy works here.    647 00:28:27,539 --> 00:28:29,708        He thought the ex-wife                   would step in?            648 00:28:29,708 --> 00:28:30,917        Talk sense into Chuck?        649 00:28:30,917 --> 00:28:32,711         He thought that since                 we manage his money,        650 00:28:32,752 --> 00:28:34,421       there might be incentive             in that direction, yes.        651 00:28:34,462 --> 00:28:35,797            Did Wendy feel                      so incentivized?           652 00:28:35,839 --> 00:28:38,425        You know how in, like,               old Andy Capp cartoons        653 00:28:38,425 --> 00:28:39,718      when the character curses?      654 00:28:39,718 --> 00:28:42,595        She let out a stream of            pound signs and asterisks?      655 00:28:42,637 --> 00:28:43,596            And alphasands.           656 00:28:43,596 --> 00:28:44,723  What we now call the "at" sign.    657 00:28:44,723 --> 00:28:46,015        The verbal equivalent.        658 00:28:46,015 --> 00:28:46,975                 Nice.                659 00:28:47,016 --> 00:28:47,976         Here's the not-nice.         660 00:28:48,017 --> 00:28:50,353        We have to help Revere              deal with Chuck Rhoades.       661 00:28:50,395 --> 00:28:52,021               -You do.                         -I'd rather not.           662 00:28:52,021 --> 00:28:53,273          No, of course not.          663 00:28:53,273 --> 00:28:54,691         But we need the story                  going around that          664 00:28:54,691 --> 00:28:56,735           we are satisfying                     our investors.            665 00:28:56,776 --> 00:28:58,278     Going the extra mile or two.     666 00:28:58,278 --> 00:28:59,446     Now is the opportunity for us    667 00:28:59,446 --> 00:29:01,239            to get positive                  word of mouth flowing.        668 00:29:01,281 --> 00:29:02,157           I'd do it, but...          669 00:29:02,198 --> 00:29:04,451         you'll do it better.         670 00:29:05,285 --> 00:29:07,245              Alphasand.              671 00:29:20,717 --> 00:29:24,429         Look at you, out here             in the fenland and fields.      672 00:29:28,475 --> 00:29:30,685           So, you've become                a modern day Cincinnatus,      673 00:29:30,685 --> 00:29:34,564          leaving matters of                 the state for the plow.       674 00:29:34,564 --> 00:29:36,149       I merely needed a break.       675 00:29:36,191 --> 00:29:38,651              A recharge.             676 00:29:38,651 --> 00:29:42,989      I imagine you feel there's          unfinished business with me.     677 00:29:42,989 --> 00:29:44,949        But I'm unlike the man                 who came before me.         678 00:29:44,949 --> 00:29:46,701         I will never give you                   a legal opening           679 00:29:46,743 --> 00:29:49,329           because I do not                      break the law.            680 00:29:49,329 --> 00:29:51,664          Billionaires break                  the laws of decency,         681 00:29:51,664 --> 00:29:54,459    even while obeying the letter.    682 00:29:54,501 --> 00:29:58,338            By definition,                having that much is criminal.    683 00:29:59,172 --> 00:30:01,716     A point much open to debate.     684 00:30:01,758 --> 00:30:03,468        But I can be your ally.       685 00:30:05,804 --> 00:30:08,431       I know I owe you a debt.                I'm aware of that.          686 00:30:08,473 --> 00:30:10,600        But you should be aware                  that I am good,           687 00:30:10,600 --> 00:30:13,812              very good,                       at settling scores.         688 00:30:13,812 --> 00:30:15,730    And what have you come to ask,    689 00:30:15,730 --> 00:30:18,191     in order to deepen that debt?    690 00:30:19,567 --> 00:30:21,903           Melville Revere.           691 00:30:21,945 --> 00:30:23,404                 Oof.                 692 00:30:23,404 --> 00:30:25,615          Disagreeable sort.          693 00:30:25,657 --> 00:30:28,117           Entitled in a way                  I've long tolerated,         694 00:30:28,117 --> 00:30:29,285          but no longer can.          695 00:30:29,285 --> 00:30:30,954             All the same,                      I'd appreciate it          696 00:30:30,995 --> 00:30:33,039        if you left him alone,           spared him further harassment.    697 00:30:33,039 --> 00:30:34,707         He's a Michael Prince                  Capital investor,          698 00:30:34,749 --> 00:30:36,668             and as such,                 I'd hate to see him in court     699 00:30:36,668 --> 00:30:38,461           on the other end                  of one of your actions.       700 00:30:38,461 --> 00:30:40,338             Wouldn't look                     good for you or me.         701 00:30:40,338 --> 00:30:42,465         Why not good for me,                       Michael?               702 00:30:42,465 --> 00:30:44,592        I mean, you'd be coming            after a place that manages      703 00:30:44,634 --> 00:30:45,844         your father's money.         704 00:30:45,885 --> 00:30:47,011       Good chunk of it, anyway.      705 00:30:47,053 --> 00:30:50,390              He left it                   in after Axelrod took off.      706 00:30:52,350 --> 00:30:53,476              [chuckles]              707 00:30:53,476 --> 00:30:54,644       But, sure, worse for me.       708 00:30:54,686 --> 00:30:59,107         Because when it comes             to Michael Prince Capital,      709 00:30:59,148 --> 00:31:01,359           I need it to be--          710 00:31:01,401 --> 00:31:02,861             I need to be             711 00:31:02,861 --> 00:31:05,405       reputationally pristine.       712 00:31:05,405 --> 00:31:08,199           [cannons firing]           713 00:31:13,580 --> 00:31:16,332       [cannons continue firing]      714 00:31:17,584 --> 00:31:21,880             I find myself                   unwilling to help you.        715 00:31:21,921 --> 00:31:25,383           And when it comes                to your client, Revere...      716 00:31:25,884 --> 00:31:27,468          you hold his money,         717 00:31:27,510 --> 00:31:29,929        you hold the whole bag.       718 00:31:32,098 --> 00:31:34,809      It's not Cincinnatus you're           fashioning yourself after,     719 00:31:34,851 --> 00:31:35,977            I get that now.           720 00:31:36,019 --> 00:31:37,896               It's more                     Manius Curius Dentatus.       721 00:31:37,937 --> 00:31:40,815            "I see no glory                  in having money myself,       722 00:31:40,857 --> 00:31:43,693           but in commanding                     those that do."           723 00:31:43,735 --> 00:31:46,446                [sighs]               724 00:31:47,697 --> 00:31:50,283          I'm less interested                   in speaking Latin          725 00:31:50,325 --> 00:31:52,285      than in speaking the truth.     726 00:31:54,579 --> 00:31:56,456             Safe travels.            727 00:31:58,583 --> 00:32:01,502           [Senior panting]           728 00:32:01,544 --> 00:32:02,712           You outta breath?          729 00:32:02,754 --> 00:32:04,839         Walking and talking.         730 00:32:04,881 --> 00:32:07,300          [slowly] Walking...         731 00:32:07,342 --> 00:32:09,802             and talking.             732 00:32:09,844 --> 00:32:11,262              Rolling calls.           733 00:32:11,262 --> 00:32:12,347               [scoffs]               734 00:32:12,388 --> 00:32:13,890         What do you want, Sonny?      735 00:32:13,932 --> 00:32:15,433        Who are you talking to?       736 00:32:15,475 --> 00:32:16,601              You, Sonny.             737 00:32:16,601 --> 00:32:18,311       Why, I'm talking to you.       738 00:32:18,353 --> 00:32:19,896          Well, that's right.         739 00:32:19,896 --> 00:32:21,439        Only you're listening.        740 00:32:21,481 --> 00:32:22,732     And what you need to hear is     741 00:32:22,732 --> 00:32:24,943            take your money              out of Michael Prince Capital.    742 00:32:24,984 --> 00:32:27,362         Oh, that fella is sharp.      743 00:32:27,403 --> 00:32:29,405            Of mind and body.          744 00:32:29,447 --> 00:32:30,615         And I'm riding along         745 00:32:30,615 --> 00:32:34,160     expecting some sweet returns.    746 00:32:34,702 --> 00:32:37,163      But thanks for checking in.     747 00:32:43,962 --> 00:32:46,881      It really is ideal habitat.     748 00:32:46,881 --> 00:32:48,841     But I don't see any evidence             of actual habitation.        749 00:32:48,841 --> 00:32:52,261            Mm-hmm. Ah, ah.                       Look. Look it.           750 00:32:53,638 --> 00:32:55,223               Now look.              751 00:32:55,223 --> 00:32:58,017       Those are shell fragments              from his cannonballs.        752 00:32:58,017 --> 00:33:00,979            Could this have                 something to do with it?       753 00:33:00,979 --> 00:33:03,231       It could, but who knows?       754 00:33:03,231 --> 00:33:06,401       There just aren't any bog             turtles in this area--        755 00:33:06,401 --> 00:33:08,277         [vehicle approaching]        756 00:33:08,319 --> 00:33:09,445               Hey, hey.              757 00:33:09,487 --> 00:33:12,782             Hey, hold it                    right there, all right?       758 00:33:12,824 --> 00:33:14,951      -This is private property.                   -For sure.              759 00:33:14,993 --> 00:33:16,744    I'm the neighbor. My property's            right over there.          760 00:33:16,744 --> 00:33:18,621         Sir, I'm well familiar              with the property line,       761 00:33:18,663 --> 00:33:19,872          and you're over it.         762 00:33:19,872 --> 00:33:20,999  Kindly return to your own land,    763 00:33:20,999 --> 00:33:22,667          or the authorities                     will be called,           764 00:33:22,667 --> 00:33:24,711            and Mr. Revere                     will press charges.         765 00:33:24,752 --> 00:33:25,962           Copy. Roger that.          766 00:33:26,004 --> 00:33:28,047          Gotcha. Sure thing.         767 00:33:28,047 --> 00:33:31,009        Will do and a pleasure                   talking to you.           768 00:33:36,055 --> 00:33:37,974     So tell me about the projects         near and dear to your heart     769 00:33:38,016 --> 00:33:41,561        that could use a little            funding thrown behind them.     770 00:33:46,315 --> 00:33:47,525            [clears throat]           771 00:33:47,567 --> 00:33:50,361          Just back from what                        I call,               772 00:33:50,361 --> 00:33:52,864        "El Commish," the SEC,        773 00:33:52,905 --> 00:33:54,407       and thanks to my   magie--       774 00:33:54,407 --> 00:33:55,950      Glad you sent me with him.      775 00:33:55,992 --> 00:33:57,326         It wasn't that easy.         776 00:33:57,368 --> 00:33:59,162         They slapped us with            a six-month probationary period  777 00:33:59,203 --> 00:34:01,998      due to red-flagged ongoing              business from before,        778 00:34:02,040 --> 00:34:04,667        especially with ongoing              investors still aboard.       779 00:34:04,709 --> 00:34:06,377     They want to send a message.     780 00:34:06,377 --> 00:34:07,587        But like I was saying,        781 00:34:07,587 --> 00:34:10,048         thanks to my   magie,                    there were no fines         782 00:34:10,089 --> 00:34:13,426             or sanctions,                 merely a brief interlude--      783 00:34:13,426 --> 00:34:14,635             Unacceptable.            784 00:34:14,635 --> 00:34:16,512        If we want the Street,                the financial press,         785 00:34:16,554 --> 00:34:18,014           and the investors                     to stay with us,          786 00:34:18,014 --> 00:34:20,016         we need to be clean.                   Beyond reproach.           787 00:34:20,058 --> 00:34:21,684         [Wags] Hey, one thing                    I've learned:            788 00:34:21,684 --> 00:34:23,186                no one,                       especially investors,        789 00:34:23,227 --> 00:34:25,021         gives crap number one                 about any of this.          790 00:34:25,063 --> 00:34:27,273     They just want to know their         returns are Street-leading.      791 00:34:27,273 --> 00:34:28,983            They might say                   they care about ethics,       792 00:34:29,025 --> 00:34:31,569        but as long as the SEC             lets us keep the lights on      793 00:34:31,611 --> 00:34:32,695      and we keep the numbers up,     794 00:34:32,737 --> 00:34:34,447               in terms                    that you would understand,      795 00:34:34,447 --> 00:34:36,240     it's like Tarkanian in Vegas.    796 00:34:38,159 --> 00:34:39,702            Did you tell him                    to use that line?          797 00:34:39,744 --> 00:34:42,580       No. He must be doing some             reading on the outside.       798 00:34:42,622 --> 00:34:43,873      But his point still stands.     799 00:34:43,915 --> 00:34:46,292       Investors just want wins.      800 00:34:50,046 --> 00:34:53,049     If you won't do the full-fat,            full-protein version,        801 00:34:53,091 --> 00:34:56,385    gimme at least some leaned-down         coaching on a specific.       802 00:34:56,427 --> 00:34:58,387        Business. Not personal.       803 00:34:58,387 --> 00:34:59,806          I am getting paid.          804 00:34:59,806 --> 00:35:01,599    And that is the job for which.    805 00:35:01,641 --> 00:35:03,059              So... yeah.             806 00:35:03,101 --> 00:35:05,895      I need to get to the right             decision and approach.        807 00:35:05,895 --> 00:35:07,230       Here's the fact pattern.       808 00:35:07,271 --> 00:35:09,774        Michael Prince Capital            is not off to a banner start.    809 00:35:09,816 --> 00:35:12,318           Morale ain't great                  here at the moment.         810 00:35:12,360 --> 00:35:13,528           And the culture--          811 00:35:13,569 --> 00:35:15,279          The legacy culture                     is even worse.            812 00:35:15,321 --> 00:35:18,991            Now codified by                  a regulatory black eye.       813 00:35:18,991 --> 00:35:20,868           And the clients.           814 00:35:20,910 --> 00:35:22,328           How do I keep 'em                     rolling with me           815 00:35:22,370 --> 00:35:24,580        when I can't even spin               to the group of people        816 00:35:24,622 --> 00:35:25,832       showing up here each day?      817 00:35:25,873 --> 00:35:28,084           What if you tack                with the prevailing winds?      818 00:35:28,126 --> 00:35:30,795         And don't try to stay                 big or get bigger.          819 00:35:30,837 --> 00:35:32,130               At first.              820 00:35:32,171 --> 00:35:34,841  Shrink capital under management?          Is that what you're--        821 00:35:34,841 --> 00:35:36,801       You have a move that bold                in your arsenal?           822 00:35:36,843 --> 00:35:39,679        I don't know. It's not         the house number in this racket.  823 00:35:39,720 --> 00:35:41,013              Sure isn't.             824 00:35:41,013 --> 00:35:42,807        But what if we weren't                 attached to the way         825 00:35:42,807 --> 00:35:44,433        it's always been done?        826 00:35:44,433 --> 00:35:46,727          Or to the results.          827 00:35:46,727 --> 00:35:48,855     Or to the feeling we get from    828 00:35:48,855 --> 00:35:49,856           having the most.           829 00:35:49,856 --> 00:35:51,774  What if we detach from all that?  830 00:35:51,774 --> 00:35:53,901      And instead think about...      831 00:35:53,943 --> 00:35:57,488             the process,                the holistic form of the place.  832 00:36:02,994 --> 00:36:06,664     What would be the final goal            of something like that?       833 00:36:13,671 --> 00:36:15,464               [grunts]               834 00:36:16,257 --> 00:36:19,051           When things reach               their ideal Platonic form,      835 00:36:19,093 --> 00:36:21,053      they tend to function well.     836 00:36:21,053 --> 00:36:23,514  And the endpoint reveals itself.  837 00:36:24,891 --> 00:36:26,726     If you don't like the legacy,    838 00:36:26,726 --> 00:36:28,853         change out everything                  from that legacy.          839 00:36:28,853 --> 00:36:30,438            I'm still just                    trying to figure out         840 00:36:30,438 --> 00:36:32,982     the right investment approach            given the parameters         841 00:36:33,024 --> 00:36:34,192        of the world right now.       842 00:36:34,192 --> 00:36:35,860         And our need to color                  inside the lines.          843 00:36:35,902 --> 00:36:39,238       Maybe for the first time           in the history of this place.    844 00:36:40,323 --> 00:36:42,074              If you have                     investment problems,         845 00:36:42,074 --> 00:36:43,910           talk to your best                investment professional.       846 00:36:43,910 --> 00:36:45,203          I believe I tried.          847 00:36:45,203 --> 00:36:46,996       Believe they didn't seem           interested in talking to me.     848 00:36:47,038 --> 00:36:48,956         What if it were their            beliefs you needed to change?    849 00:36:48,956 --> 00:36:52,126      About who you are, about the        lengths you're willing to go.    850 00:36:52,168 --> 00:36:54,462         And what if you were                   able to show them          851 00:36:54,503 --> 00:36:58,382       what happens when someone             doesn't do it your way?       852 00:37:00,760 --> 00:37:02,720           That's advanced.           853 00:37:10,061 --> 00:37:12,813       I finally figured out how          you can be of utility to me.     854 00:37:12,813 --> 00:37:15,316         Ah, my life's dream,                      fulfilled.              855 00:37:15,358 --> 00:37:18,986         You are sassier than            Claudia Conway on Mother's Day.  856 00:37:18,986 --> 00:37:20,613                 Okay.                857 00:37:20,613 --> 00:37:21,864    We haven't done the dance yet.    858 00:37:21,864 --> 00:37:25,076          I guess this is us                     about to do it.           859 00:37:25,117 --> 00:37:27,119            I'm your object                   lesson to them, huh?         860 00:37:27,161 --> 00:37:31,207    Shitcan my ass, they get scared        and get 'er done for you.      861 00:37:31,207 --> 00:37:32,750      This was never gonna work.      862 00:37:32,792 --> 00:37:35,127           But I'm not going                   to pay you in full.         863 00:37:35,169 --> 00:37:37,797     Axe may have set a booby trap              with your deal--           864 00:37:37,838 --> 00:37:39,173         [laughs] Oh, he did.         865 00:37:39,173 --> 00:37:40,549  He rigged a real Bouncing Betty.  866 00:37:40,549 --> 00:37:43,010          $80 million dollars            after the sale upon my firing.    867 00:37:43,010 --> 00:37:45,513          So if you are here               with a pink slip, I accept.     868 00:37:45,554 --> 00:37:47,932        But nothing if you quit              or get fired for cause.       869 00:37:47,932 --> 00:37:49,267           Which is why I'm                    clocking in and out         870 00:37:49,308 --> 00:37:50,935        like I'm on the factory                   floor at GM.             871 00:37:50,977 --> 00:37:52,979        And I would even pass                a piss test right now.        872 00:37:52,979 --> 00:37:54,563      Sure, I get it, you're not              gonna give us cause.         873 00:37:54,605 --> 00:37:56,440        But, by the same token,              I'm not going to do you       874 00:37:56,482 --> 00:37:58,943      the favor of firing you to          the tune of 80 million bucks.    875 00:37:58,985 --> 00:38:00,861               Why not?                        You can afford it.          876 00:38:00,861 --> 00:38:02,029    But not how I do business. So.    877 00:38:02,071 --> 00:38:03,990            -[slaps desk]                        -Let's haggle.            878 00:38:03,990 --> 00:38:06,742      Eighty cents on the dollar.                I walk for 64.            879 00:38:06,742 --> 00:38:08,786       Ten cents on the dollar.       880 00:38:08,786 --> 00:38:09,870            Eight million?            881 00:38:09,870 --> 00:38:12,123             I wipe my ass                     with eight million.         882 00:38:12,123 --> 00:38:13,916    Nine if I've had an açai bowl.    883 00:38:13,958 --> 00:38:16,127               -Seventy.                             -Twenty.              884 00:38:16,127 --> 00:38:19,171        You're only succeeding            at strengthening my resolve.     885 00:38:19,213 --> 00:38:20,840              I see that.             886 00:38:22,008 --> 00:38:23,551  Look, I give you forty million.    887 00:38:23,592 --> 00:38:27,763       We're free, but it sucks             a little for both of us.       888 00:38:27,805 --> 00:38:29,807          The definition of                    a real compromise.          889 00:38:29,849 --> 00:38:31,851              So, agreed?             890 00:38:37,648 --> 00:38:40,026               Oh, damn,              891 00:38:40,067 --> 00:38:42,903           this isn't really                     about the money.          892 00:38:42,903 --> 00:38:44,864          You need this job.          893 00:38:44,864 --> 00:38:47,074           The place to go,           894 00:38:47,074 --> 00:38:48,659         the sense of purpose.        895 00:38:48,701 --> 00:38:50,077     Maybe it's the ticker scare,     896 00:38:50,119 --> 00:38:52,288        but I'm thinking money               isn't the main thing.         897 00:38:52,288 --> 00:38:54,874          Or maybe it's that              I'm greedier than I thought,     898 00:38:54,915 --> 00:38:57,501          and want all of it.         899 00:38:58,794 --> 00:39:01,922           But I don't think                    I'm gonna settle.          900 00:39:01,922 --> 00:39:03,007                 Nope.                901 00:39:03,049 --> 00:39:04,592            I'm gonna hold                    out for the full pop.        902 00:39:04,633 --> 00:39:07,094      And, yes, you could put me           out to pasture and pay me,      903 00:39:07,136 --> 00:39:10,222           but here's what                      you don't know--           904 00:39:10,264 --> 00:39:12,058         get Scooter in here.         905 00:39:22,943 --> 00:39:25,321          Tell me what you've                learned about the team.       906 00:39:25,321 --> 00:39:28,908        Victor Mateo comes off            streetwise but went to Yale.     907 00:39:28,949 --> 00:39:31,827       Low double-digit returns             average over his career.       908 00:39:31,869 --> 00:39:33,913        Ben Kim, Stanford grad.       909 00:39:33,954 --> 00:39:35,206      Solid fundamental approach.     910 00:39:35,247 --> 00:39:36,624      Risk averse, but improving.     911 00:39:36,665 --> 00:39:40,086  Tuk Lal, close immigrant family,              overachiever.            912 00:39:40,127 --> 00:39:41,379            Bonnie Barella,           913 00:39:41,379 --> 00:39:43,506          a bit uncommitted,                 has gone firm to firm--       914 00:39:43,547 --> 00:39:44,548               You done?              915 00:39:44,590 --> 00:39:47,968         Because you could get            that weak shit from LinkedIn.    916 00:39:47,968 --> 00:39:50,221    The things you don't know are,    917 00:39:50,221 --> 00:39:52,515         Victor acts like he's            a capo in the 6th Mob family     918 00:39:52,515 --> 00:39:55,434         but translates French            literature in his spare time     919 00:39:55,434 --> 00:39:57,061  and he has taken a personal vow    920 00:39:57,103 --> 00:39:58,687       never to have a down year                 for his clients           921 00:39:58,687 --> 00:40:00,856          because that's how              he proves to his dead father     922 00:40:00,898 --> 00:40:03,025         he's the better man.         923 00:40:03,067 --> 00:40:04,735         Ben Kim got a perfect                 score on his SATs,          924 00:40:04,735 --> 00:40:07,154        but he feels like he's             the dumb one in his family.     925 00:40:07,196 --> 00:40:09,532          His mother's alive,              but she already haunts him.     926 00:40:09,573 --> 00:40:12,785          That nice guy thing             is cloaking a giant ambition     927 00:40:12,827 --> 00:40:15,830      that needs to be unleashed.     928 00:40:15,871 --> 00:40:17,039               Tuk Lal.                         He tried to date           929 00:40:17,081 --> 00:40:18,916           the prettiest girl                  in his high school,         930 00:40:18,958 --> 00:40:20,251     but she fucking crushed him.     931 00:40:20,251 --> 00:40:21,502       Told him he was a loser.       932 00:40:21,544 --> 00:40:23,254        He's desperately afraid                   she's right,             933 00:40:23,254 --> 00:40:25,131            and won't stop                  until he's rich as Gatsby      934 00:40:25,172 --> 00:40:26,298          to prove her wrong.         935 00:40:26,298 --> 00:40:28,008      And Bonnie, she is tribal.      936 00:40:28,050 --> 00:40:29,343          She hates outsiders         937 00:40:29,343 --> 00:40:32,054        and considers basically               everyone an outsider.        938 00:40:32,096 --> 00:40:33,431          But once you're in,         939 00:40:33,472 --> 00:40:36,183         you'll see that under           that pistachio shell exterior,    940 00:40:36,183 --> 00:40:37,476       she's got a giant heart,       941 00:40:37,476 --> 00:40:39,186        and she'll protect you                 like a mama badger.         942 00:40:39,228 --> 00:40:41,147        Oh, and she's terrified                of ending up alone,         943 00:40:41,188 --> 00:40:43,774        which can be marshaled               to make her an earner         944 00:40:43,816 --> 00:40:45,901      of the first fucking order.     945 00:40:47,069 --> 00:40:48,612                 Damn.                946 00:40:48,612 --> 00:40:49,905                 Okay.                947 00:40:49,947 --> 00:40:51,824        Okay. We get the point.       948 00:40:51,824 --> 00:40:53,534    You know what moves the squad,    949 00:40:53,534 --> 00:40:55,035  what makes them rattle and hum.    950 00:40:55,035 --> 00:40:56,162             That's right.            951 00:40:56,203 --> 00:40:58,664              And also...             952 00:40:58,706 --> 00:41:00,499                 Yes.                 953 00:41:03,210 --> 00:41:05,337          I need this place.          954 00:41:05,379 --> 00:41:08,507     Like Gere needed OCS in   Gent.    955 00:41:08,549 --> 00:41:10,926     But you fuckers need me too.     956 00:41:10,926 --> 00:41:11,927                Maybe.                957 00:41:11,969 --> 00:41:14,221       But trust is the problem.      958 00:41:14,221 --> 00:41:17,141            Oh, over time,            959 00:41:17,141 --> 00:41:19,477    I'm sure you'll earn my trust.    960 00:41:22,229 --> 00:41:24,648        They keep saying that.        961 00:41:29,612 --> 00:41:31,155             You said you                       wanted to see us.          962 00:41:31,155 --> 00:41:34,200        Yes, my old friends...        963 00:41:34,200 --> 00:41:36,535      Listen, you motherfuckers,      964 00:41:36,577 --> 00:41:39,955            it's being said                 I've outlived my utility,      965 00:41:39,997 --> 00:41:41,290       that I'm a right-hand man      966 00:41:41,332 --> 00:41:42,791           in search of a man                  to be that hand to.         967 00:41:42,791 --> 00:41:45,211          But I am not done.          968 00:41:45,211 --> 00:41:46,420  I've still got some fight left,    969 00:41:46,462 --> 00:41:49,048          some money to make,                and a next act to play.       970 00:41:49,048 --> 00:41:50,341           Maybe you're all                        still upset             971 00:41:50,341 --> 00:41:51,926          that things aren't                     like they were.           972 00:41:51,967 --> 00:41:53,844           Bwah-fucking-hah.                      Get over it.             973 00:41:53,844 --> 00:41:55,262       We've got a new general.       974 00:41:55,262 --> 00:41:56,597  And while I too have been burned  975 00:41:56,639 --> 00:41:58,349            by the rug pull                      and the spying,           976 00:41:58,390 --> 00:42:00,643         well, that worked out                  for me, I guess.           977 00:42:00,684 --> 00:42:02,728             You'd better                      get in fucking step         978 00:42:02,770 --> 00:42:04,563         and start acting like                 the mercenary army          979 00:42:04,563 --> 00:42:07,107            of professional                 moneymakers that you are       980 00:42:07,107 --> 00:42:08,400              and get set                       to kill for him,           981 00:42:08,442 --> 00:42:10,861          or else this place                  is going to turn into        982 00:42:10,861 --> 00:42:12,738        Parris Fucking Island.        983 00:42:12,738 --> 00:42:14,198             What's that--            984 00:42:14,240 --> 00:42:15,908              Look it up!             985 00:42:19,036 --> 00:42:21,539              Just having                   a team-building exercise.      986 00:42:21,580 --> 00:42:25,417       Ready to start rowing in        the same fucking direction, sir.  987 00:42:25,459 --> 00:42:27,670           Excited about it!          988 00:42:27,670 --> 00:42:30,589           We're gonna need                   everyone downstairs.         989 00:42:32,258 --> 00:42:34,134               I thought                        Sam Kinison died.          990 00:42:34,176 --> 00:42:37,721           Wags 2.0 requires                     the next update.          991 00:42:40,182 --> 00:42:42,226          'Bout fucking time                     someone showed            992 00:42:42,226 --> 00:42:44,103      some clankers around here.      993 00:42:44,144 --> 00:42:45,729          I'd like to welcome                      all of you,             994 00:42:45,771 --> 00:42:48,399        our investors who have            placed such trust in our firm    995 00:42:48,440 --> 00:42:49,567            over the years.           996 00:42:49,567 --> 00:42:52,194            Even before it                   was this specific firm.       997 00:42:52,236 --> 00:42:55,364      One of the things I brought              to our organization         998 00:42:55,364 --> 00:42:57,032         is a moral barometer.        999 00:42:57,074 --> 00:42:58,909           I understand that                     these employees           1000 00:42:58,951 --> 00:43:00,327       give many of you comfort.      1001 00:43:00,369 --> 00:43:02,246           They've managed                      your money well.           1002 00:43:02,288 --> 00:43:03,497           They've grown it.          1003 00:43:03,539 --> 00:43:06,584         They've protected you             against downside exposure.      1004 00:43:06,625 --> 00:43:09,003        But things must develop       1005 00:43:09,003 --> 00:43:11,589        and evolve and change,        1006 00:43:11,589 --> 00:43:14,091       and I can no longer allow                this place to be           1007 00:43:14,091 --> 00:43:17,261             peopled with                   compromised individuals.       1008 00:43:20,222 --> 00:43:21,807          Do I fire them all?         1009 00:43:23,309 --> 00:43:24,685             Start clean?             1010 00:43:24,727 --> 00:43:27,646          Even as I have made               a promise to lift them up      1011 00:43:27,688 --> 00:43:30,691           and train them in                 my way of doing things?       1012 00:43:30,733 --> 00:43:33,485          Or is there another                way to rebuild, retool?       1013 00:43:33,485 --> 00:43:35,863  Another attachment to cast off?    1014 00:43:35,863 --> 00:43:38,115         I would love if there                 were a different way        1015 00:43:38,115 --> 00:43:39,325         instead of firing us.        1016 00:43:39,325 --> 00:43:40,576             Why don't you                      shut the hell up.          1017 00:43:40,618 --> 00:43:42,536                 -No.                    -[Prince] None of that, Victor.  1018 00:43:42,578 --> 00:43:45,956          Enough firepower is               pointed in his direction.      1019 00:43:45,998 --> 00:43:48,459       In all of your direction.      1020 00:43:48,459 --> 00:43:49,877      And if I fired all of you,      1021 00:43:49,877 --> 00:43:51,587        but kept the incentive                 structure the same,         1022 00:43:51,629 --> 00:43:54,340      the next batch of analysts             and portfolio managers        1023 00:43:54,340 --> 00:43:56,717            would end up in                   the exact same place.        1024 00:43:56,759 --> 00:43:59,261          It's the root cause                   that has to shift.         1025 00:43:59,261 --> 00:44:01,972       Uh, in what way, Prince?       1026 00:44:04,808 --> 00:44:07,811             Let's look at                    the prevailing winds.        1027 00:44:10,981 --> 00:44:14,943        The prevailing feeling            in the country about wealth.     1028 00:44:15,694 --> 00:44:17,946      I think it's largely right.     1029 00:44:17,946 --> 00:44:19,490       Too much is concentrated       1030 00:44:19,490 --> 00:44:21,450       in the hands of too few.       1031 00:44:21,450 --> 00:44:23,452          But let's not blame                   those who manage           1032 00:44:23,452 --> 00:44:24,787         that wealth for them.        1033 00:44:24,828 --> 00:44:27,665          Let's instead look              to those who profit the most.    1034 00:44:27,706 --> 00:44:29,625            As one of them,                I understand the temptation     1035 00:44:29,667 --> 00:44:31,502     more than almost anyone can.     1036 00:44:31,502 --> 00:44:32,753            And it's true.            1037 00:44:32,753 --> 00:44:35,631      Many of the wealthiest have           misused their resources.       1038 00:44:35,631 --> 00:44:38,384        Many have cut corners.        1039 00:44:39,385 --> 00:44:41,261             We will not.             1040 00:44:41,303 --> 00:44:43,138               In fact,                    we won't take their money.      1041 00:44:43,138 --> 00:44:46,141         I'm not firing them,                     my employees.            1042 00:44:46,141 --> 00:44:48,185            I'm firing you,                       my investors.            1043 00:44:48,227 --> 00:44:50,437             Which is why                    I've called you all in.       1044 00:44:50,437 --> 00:44:53,190         We have checks drawn            and wire confirmations on hand    1045 00:44:53,190 --> 00:44:54,483         for your redemptions.        1046 00:44:54,525 --> 00:44:56,568     Thank you for your business,             and should you reach         1047 00:44:56,610 --> 00:44:58,654           our new standards                 for ethics in business,       1048 00:44:58,696 --> 00:45:01,031       perhaps we'll meet again.      1049 00:45:02,074 --> 00:45:03,242             Mr. Rhoades.             1050 00:45:03,283 --> 00:45:05,536            This is no mark                  against your character.       1051 00:45:05,577 --> 00:45:07,830     But I can't keep you either.     1052 00:45:08,789 --> 00:45:10,749           You're giving me                     the bum's rush?            1053 00:45:10,791 --> 00:45:12,501         I think it's best for                your familial harmony        1054 00:45:12,543 --> 00:45:15,254      and our morale right here.           Thank you for your belief.      1055 00:45:15,295 --> 00:45:18,215       If this is some leftover              rancor against my son,        1056 00:45:18,215 --> 00:45:19,425              know this,              1057 00:45:19,425 --> 00:45:21,009           my little Willow                       will grow up             1058 00:45:21,051 --> 00:45:24,513       with revenge on her mind.      1059 00:45:24,555 --> 00:45:26,473          Like Beatrix Kiddo?         1060 00:45:26,515 --> 00:45:28,225       If that's some young girl      1061 00:45:28,267 --> 00:45:31,228       squaring family accounts                  and some such,            1062 00:45:31,228 --> 00:45:33,897            then fuck yes.            1063 00:45:33,939 --> 00:45:35,607          Melville, thank you                   for your business.         1064 00:45:35,649 --> 00:45:38,235           Hold on a second,               I'm in a wholly different--     1065 00:45:38,277 --> 00:45:39,778        Different but the same.       1066 00:45:39,778 --> 00:45:42,197        The controversy you're           in the middle of, it's too hot,  1067 00:45:42,239 --> 00:45:43,615             and you're on                    the wrong side of it.        1068 00:45:43,657 --> 00:45:44,908      But it's also your company.     1069 00:45:44,950 --> 00:45:47,035             We don't want                    a security contractor        1070 00:45:47,035 --> 00:45:49,663        who sells pepper spray           and rubber bullets around here.  1071 00:45:49,705 --> 00:45:51,749           We don't want to                     make you richer.           1072 00:45:51,749 --> 00:45:54,376       Well, I give not a shit.       1073 00:45:54,418 --> 00:45:57,254      There are 100s of companies           who will beg for my money!     1074 00:45:57,254 --> 00:45:58,881               [Prince]                       They will. No doubt.         1075 00:45:58,881 --> 00:46:00,716                He-he.                1076 00:46:00,758 --> 00:46:04,553       But I am hereby creating                 The Prince List,           1077 00:46:04,553 --> 00:46:06,722        which involves shedding               all the dirty capital        1078 00:46:06,764 --> 00:46:08,432          currently invested.         1079 00:46:09,975 --> 00:46:11,393             From now on,             1080 00:46:11,393 --> 00:46:13,562         clients will have to              qualify to invest with us.      1081 00:46:13,562 --> 00:46:15,856          The SEC has blessed                     this approach            1082 00:46:15,898 --> 00:46:19,109             and given us                    a clean bill of health.       1083 00:46:19,151 --> 00:46:20,402     We're flipping the paradigm.     1084 00:46:20,402 --> 00:46:22,571          Instead of proving               our worth to the investors,     1085 00:46:22,571 --> 00:46:24,490        our investors will have               to prove their worth.        1086 00:46:24,531 --> 00:46:27,159          As a pension fund.                      As a company.            1087 00:46:27,201 --> 00:46:28,452              As a union.             1088 00:46:28,494 --> 00:46:30,662             As a family.             1089 00:46:30,662 --> 00:46:32,498           As human beings.           1090 00:46:32,498 --> 00:46:34,833      We'll take a hit at first,                   to be sure.             1091 00:46:34,833 --> 00:46:36,710           But we'll be able               to hold our heads up high.      1092 00:46:36,752 --> 00:46:41,173         So we flake off what,           like, a third for appearances?    1093 00:46:41,215 --> 00:46:43,217      I'm not an appearances guy.     1094 00:46:43,258 --> 00:46:44,593                  No.                 1095 00:46:44,593 --> 00:46:47,971      We flake off every investor                   but one.               1096 00:46:48,013 --> 00:46:49,264               This one.              1097 00:46:49,264 --> 00:46:50,933              We like the                    New York Firefighters.        1098 00:46:50,974 --> 00:46:52,935          We'd like to keep                    investing for you.          1099 00:46:52,935 --> 00:46:55,813            Well, it's our                      pleasure to stay.          1100 00:46:59,733 --> 00:47:02,152       I'll let the rest of you                   head on out.             1101 00:47:09,618 --> 00:47:12,621        He's never leaned into            corner-cutting or dirty edge.    1102 00:47:12,621 --> 00:47:14,790      He's resisted it, in fact.      1103 00:47:14,790 --> 00:47:16,124       So he will ride with us,       1104 00:47:16,166 --> 00:47:19,336      and we will rewrite the way             this industry works.         1105 00:47:19,336 --> 00:47:22,840       And I'll need all of you                 to help me do it.          1106 00:47:22,881 --> 00:47:25,509       And we'll do it together.      1107 00:47:25,551 --> 00:47:27,553     Oh, and so you know, if you          continue wearing your rings,     1108 00:47:27,553 --> 00:47:31,515      the data will be available                  only to you.             1109 00:47:31,515 --> 00:47:34,434     It may feel like we just cut          our capital by two-thirds,      1110 00:47:34,434 --> 00:47:35,894            but, remember,            1111 00:47:35,894 --> 00:47:38,146  the one thing billionaires hate    1112 00:47:38,146 --> 00:47:40,107          is being left out.          1113 00:47:40,148 --> 00:47:42,067               Excluded.              1114 00:47:42,109 --> 00:47:43,277              So sit back             1115 00:47:43,277 --> 00:47:47,072      and watch how badly people         want to get on the Prince List.  1116 00:47:56,331 --> 00:47:57,583         Ballsy fucking move!         1117 00:47:57,583 --> 00:48:00,377      That's a goddamned badass,                  right there.             1118 00:48:02,379 --> 00:48:04,381         You hope the billies                     will want in.            1119 00:48:04,381 --> 00:48:06,758           Damned straight.           1120 00:48:06,800 --> 00:48:09,261        If man is the father...      1121 00:48:09,261 --> 00:48:10,095           [sirens blaring]           1122 00:48:10,137 --> 00:48:12,055             ...In the middle                     of the universe          1123 00:48:12,055 --> 00:48:14,224          Then why is this verse           coming six times rehearsed?     1124 00:48:14,224 --> 00:48:17,394           Don't freestyle much             but write 'em like such...     1125 00:48:17,394 --> 00:48:20,272         That cannon has fired                   its last salvo!           1126 00:48:21,440 --> 00:48:24,526         Now I have asked you                 all here to join me          1127 00:48:24,526 --> 00:48:26,361       in taking our town back!       1128 00:48:26,361 --> 00:48:29,948            -[all cheering]                          -Yeah!                1129 00:48:29,990 --> 00:48:33,118             Where Christ is                  in all this crisis...        1130 00:48:33,994 --> 00:48:35,954           You've caught me                     on the wrong day           1131 00:48:35,996 --> 00:48:37,372      for this brand of bullshit.     1132 00:48:37,414 --> 00:48:40,626         [Dreyfus] Excuse me,                    let me explain.           1133 00:48:42,002 --> 00:48:44,463              Mr. Revere,                 I'm from the State Department    1134 00:48:44,463 --> 00:48:46,006    of Environmental Conservation.    1135 00:48:46,006 --> 00:48:48,759        Endangered bog turtles                have been discovered         1136 00:48:48,759 --> 00:48:50,719      nesting in your marshland.      1137 00:48:50,761 --> 00:48:52,638              What is game?                       Who got game?            1138 00:48:52,679 --> 00:48:56,683        Where's the game in life               behind the game...         1139 00:48:56,725 --> 00:48:58,185         It's wonderful news.         1140 00:48:58,226 --> 00:49:00,771  But it certainly won't allow for      any more of this cannon fire.    1141 00:49:00,812 --> 00:49:03,899               This is a                  Temporary Restraining Order,     1142 00:49:03,941 --> 00:49:06,276          ceasing their fire.         1143 00:49:08,028 --> 00:49:09,613         You don't think I got                     where I am              1144 00:49:09,613 --> 00:49:11,490        by just accepting other                 people's visions           1145 00:49:11,490 --> 00:49:12,741  for how I live my life, do you?    1146 00:49:12,783 --> 00:49:14,701         -Sir, I don't care--                 -The answer to that          1147 00:49:14,743 --> 00:49:19,331       is a stiff-necked Yankee                    "fuck no."              1148 00:49:19,331 --> 00:49:20,749  Nat, what the hell is going on?    1149 00:49:20,749 --> 00:49:22,584         Are you really going                    to let this...            1150 00:49:22,626 --> 00:49:24,920        interloper come in here       1151 00:49:24,920 --> 00:49:26,004        and mess with a local?        1152 00:49:26,046 --> 00:49:27,881     I'm fabric of the community.     1153 00:49:27,923 --> 00:49:29,925             None of them                     has ever complained.         1154 00:49:29,967 --> 00:49:31,760            Well, Melville,                     that's the thing,          1155 00:49:31,802 --> 00:49:33,804            the whole town                   has signed a petition.        1156 00:49:33,804 --> 00:49:35,263         They want it to stop.        1157 00:49:35,263 --> 00:49:36,390          I want it to stop.          1158 00:49:36,431 --> 00:49:38,058           Well, I'll have                      my day in court,           1159 00:49:38,100 --> 00:49:39,810           and we'll see if                 this bullshit holds up--       1160 00:49:39,851 --> 00:49:41,103       Take your best shot, sir.      1161 00:49:41,103 --> 00:49:42,980            But the courts                     are very supportive         1162 00:49:43,021 --> 00:49:44,564        of threatened species--       1163 00:49:44,606 --> 00:49:46,066          You're going to be             a threatened goddamned species    1164 00:49:46,108 --> 00:49:47,776         if you don't get off                     my property.             1165 00:49:47,818 --> 00:49:49,653         Now that right there         1166 00:49:49,695 --> 00:49:51,655       is a species unto itself:      1167 00:49:51,697 --> 00:49:54,199       the entitled billionaire.      1168 00:49:54,241 --> 00:49:55,617              [all agree]             1169 00:49:55,659 --> 00:49:59,287         He and those like him            are why I find myself farming    1170 00:49:59,329 --> 00:50:00,914         and not prosecuting.         1171 00:50:00,956 --> 00:50:03,125        Because while I might                be able to tangle with        1172 00:50:03,125 --> 00:50:04,918          and prevail against                     a billionaire            1173 00:50:04,960 --> 00:50:06,837         as a private citizen         1174 00:50:06,878 --> 00:50:08,839           with common sense          1175 00:50:08,839 --> 00:50:10,090         in the name of nature        1176 00:50:10,132 --> 00:50:12,092            and the will of                     these fine people          1177 00:50:12,134 --> 00:50:13,719            -by my side...                      -[all clamoring]           1178 00:50:13,760 --> 00:50:16,346        ...I certainly can't as               the Attorney General         1179 00:50:16,346 --> 00:50:17,639       of the State of New York       1180 00:50:17,639 --> 00:50:21,393        with the pathetic laws                   at my disposal.           1181 00:50:26,148 --> 00:50:28,525            Oh, and you all                    be sure to drop by          1182 00:50:28,525 --> 00:50:30,610         and try my sweet corn                  when it comes in.          1183 00:50:30,610 --> 00:50:32,487            [all laughing]            1184 00:50:35,574 --> 00:50:37,784        [Spencer] Hook 'em up,                get 'em out of here.         1185 00:50:37,784 --> 00:50:40,412              That's right!                           Ha ha!               1186 00:50:43,749 --> 00:50:44,791                [sighs]               1187 00:50:44,833 --> 00:50:46,668         You wanted your war,                      you got it.             1188 00:50:46,710 --> 00:50:50,714              Everybody look                    what's going down          1189 00:50:50,756 --> 00:50:52,841      [vocalist speaks defiantly]     1190 00:50:52,883 --> 00:50:56,094      Ah, what do you say to one           last for old time's sake?       1191 00:50:56,136 --> 00:51:00,515              Everybody look                   what's going down...        1192 00:51:02,809 --> 00:51:04,770           Fire in the hole.          1193 00:51:07,397 --> 00:51:08,523         [cannon fire booming]        1194 00:51:08,523 --> 00:51:09,983           Come on, sing it!         1195 00:51:09,983 --> 00:51:12,194             Everybody knows                    What's goin' down          1196 00:51:12,235 --> 00:51:14,112          Sing it again, y'all,                      come on               1197 00:51:14,154 --> 00:51:16,114               Stop, look,                      What's that sound?         1198 00:51:16,156 --> 00:51:18,075                - Hey!                       - What's that sound?        1199 00:51:18,116 --> 00:51:20,952                - Hey!                         - Everybody knows         1200 00:51:20,952 --> 00:51:22,496           What's goin' down         1201 00:51:22,496 --> 00:51:23,997              Ooh ooh ooh            1202 00:51:24,039 --> 00:51:26,625            Hey, yo, these are                  Some serious times         1203 00:51:26,666 --> 00:51:28,168        That we're livin' in, G      1204 00:51:28,210 --> 00:51:30,045        And our new world order      1205 00:51:30,045 --> 00:52:38,112            Is about to begin,              You know what I'm sayin'?