1 00:00:04,762 --> 00:00:06,470 [Axe] Previously on Billions... 2 00:00:06,470 --> 00:00:07,804 I thought I would outlast you. 3 00:00:07,804 --> 00:00:09,095 I was wrong about Axe. 4 00:00:09,095 --> 00:00:10,136 He's backing me. 5 00:00:10,136 --> 00:00:11,512 I'm waving the white flag. 6 00:00:11,512 --> 00:00:12,804 Willing to go back to supplying you. 7 00:00:12,804 --> 00:00:14,553 You cut a fucking deal with Taylor? 8 00:00:14,553 --> 00:00:15,970 I saw the friction 9 00:00:15,970 --> 00:00:17,970 that it already had created between us. 10 00:00:17,970 --> 00:00:19,637 So I let you off the hook. 11 00:00:19,637 --> 00:00:22,011 We are here today to explore serious charges 12 00:00:22,011 --> 00:00:23,178 against Doctor Wendy Rhoades. 13 00:00:23,178 --> 00:00:24,553 If she acted in a medical capacity-- 14 00:00:24,553 --> 00:00:25,970 I did. 15 00:00:25,970 --> 00:00:27,887 -[door bangs] -FBI! Let me see your hands! 16 00:00:27,887 --> 00:00:29,053 [baby crying] 17 00:00:29,053 --> 00:00:31,679 Don't you lay a hand on her! 18 00:00:31,679 --> 00:00:33,136 If you answer my questions, 19 00:00:33,136 --> 00:00:35,136 neither you nor your boy need be clapped in iron. 20 00:00:35,136 --> 00:00:38,303 I'm not saying a damn thing to help you hurt my boy. 21 00:00:38,303 --> 00:00:40,136 Have I ever told you 22 00:00:40,136 --> 00:00:42,136 when I knew that you were gonna be my partner at all this. 23 00:00:42,136 --> 00:00:43,553 You remember? 24 00:00:43,553 --> 00:00:45,553 What kind of man would I be if I didn't? 25 00:00:45,553 --> 00:00:48,261 Chuck, when did you know you needed to marry me? 26 00:00:48,261 --> 00:00:51,887 I mean the--the exact moment. 27 00:00:51,887 --> 00:00:54,095 I don't remember. 28 00:00:54,095 --> 00:00:57,095 The kind of destruction you're considering, 29 00:00:57,095 --> 00:00:59,887 the relationships that'll be ruined-- 30 00:00:59,887 --> 00:01:01,095 you ready for all that? 31 00:01:01,095 --> 00:01:02,261 What else is on the unredacted tape? 32 00:01:02,261 --> 00:01:03,762 What, exactly, was getting locked in the safe? 33 00:01:03,762 --> 00:01:05,595 Bryan! Stop pushing me. 34 00:01:05,595 --> 00:01:07,470 They were dancing around whatever they were doing-- 35 00:01:07,470 --> 00:01:09,178 if there's documentation to be retrieved... 36 00:01:17,637 --> 00:01:21,303 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 37 00:01:21,303 --> 00:01:26,095 ♪♪♪ 38 00:01:26,095 --> 00:01:30,929 ♪♪♪ 39 00:01:30,929 --> 00:01:32,595 [metal clanking, crank clicking] 40 00:01:36,053 --> 00:01:37,720 [groans] 41 00:01:37,720 --> 00:01:39,553 I'm not ready... 42 00:01:39,553 --> 00:01:41,804 Worm is always ready for the hook. 43 00:01:41,804 --> 00:01:43,720 No. Not ready. 44 00:01:43,720 --> 00:01:45,261 Let me down. 45 00:01:46,470 --> 00:01:47,553 [exhales heavily] 46 00:01:47,553 --> 00:01:49,178 [crank clicking] 47 00:01:49,178 --> 00:01:51,762 [groans] No. Seriously. 48 00:01:51,762 --> 00:01:52,804 [clicking continues] 49 00:01:52,804 --> 00:01:53,804 Red. 50 00:01:53,804 --> 00:01:55,804 [clicking stops] 51 00:01:55,804 --> 00:01:58,637 Ah. The safe word. 52 00:01:58,637 --> 00:02:02,387 So you don't think you've earned your punishment yet? 53 00:02:02,387 --> 00:02:05,637 Fine. 54 00:02:05,637 --> 00:02:08,220 Don't come back until you have. 55 00:02:08,220 --> 00:02:09,929 ♪ Pete Townshend's "Behind Blue Eyes" ♪ 56 00:02:09,929 --> 00:02:12,136 [sighs] 57 00:02:12,136 --> 00:02:15,512 ♪ No one knows what it's like ♪ 58 00:02:15,512 --> 00:02:19,303 ♪ To be the bad man ♪ [glass thuds] 59 00:02:19,303 --> 00:02:23,136 ♪ To be the sad man ♪ 60 00:02:23,136 --> 00:02:26,887 ♪ Behind blue eyes ♪ 61 00:02:26,887 --> 00:02:30,220 ♪ No one knows what it's like ♪ 62 00:02:30,220 --> 00:02:34,011 ♪ To be hated ♪ 63 00:02:34,011 --> 00:02:36,804 ♪ To be fated ♪ 64 00:02:36,804 --> 00:02:38,220 When you look at it, 65 00:02:38,220 --> 00:02:40,345 do you see the innocence everyone talks about? 66 00:02:40,345 --> 00:02:43,929 I guess. But I start thinking about the man who painted it. 67 00:02:43,929 --> 00:02:45,345 Not so innocent. 68 00:02:45,345 --> 00:02:47,929 'Cause he was a stockbroker first? Unfair. 69 00:02:47,929 --> 00:02:49,178 Oh, you relate to him? 70 00:02:49,178 --> 00:02:51,637 Well. Let me see: 71 00:02:51,637 --> 00:02:54,387 he was always broke, hounded by his creditors, 72 00:02:54,387 --> 00:02:56,720 had a wicked case of syphilis and liked to marry teenagers. 73 00:02:56,720 --> 00:03:00,220 So, you know, not really. 74 00:03:00,220 --> 00:03:01,595 He could have lived like a king 75 00:03:01,595 --> 00:03:03,387 for a lifetime on what you paid for this. 76 00:03:03,387 --> 00:03:05,595 Not how it works, sadly. 77 00:03:05,595 --> 00:03:08,595 The great ones-- they all have to suffer 78 00:03:08,595 --> 00:03:10,261 to make something like this. 79 00:03:10,261 --> 00:03:12,220 And then usually they only get the recognition 80 00:03:12,220 --> 00:03:13,762 once they're in the dirt. 81 00:03:13,762 --> 00:03:16,136 There's no rule that says the greater you want to be, 82 00:03:16,136 --> 00:03:17,303 the more you have to suffer. 83 00:03:17,303 --> 00:03:19,970 Well. Sure seems like there is. 84 00:03:19,970 --> 00:03:21,887 I mean, look at Wendy... 85 00:03:21,887 --> 00:03:23,595 Mm. 86 00:03:23,595 --> 00:03:25,804 I need a favor. 87 00:03:25,804 --> 00:03:29,178 You know, this whole medical license thing-- 88 00:03:29,178 --> 00:03:31,387 she could do with a distraction, a reset. 89 00:03:31,387 --> 00:03:33,011 What are you thinking? 90 00:03:33,011 --> 00:03:35,053 A state changer. 91 00:03:35,053 --> 00:03:37,303 In the Hamptons, a spa? 92 00:03:37,303 --> 00:03:39,261 I have my chopper standing by at the ready. 93 00:03:39,261 --> 00:03:41,720 No fucking spa. Um... 94 00:03:41,720 --> 00:03:43,637 I have an idea. 95 00:03:43,637 --> 00:03:45,929 Oh. Good. 96 00:03:45,929 --> 00:03:47,762 Why not you? 97 00:03:47,762 --> 00:03:50,845 I have the feeling she'll get a lot more out of your insights. 98 00:03:50,845 --> 00:03:53,720 Sure. 99 00:03:53,720 --> 00:03:55,970 ♪ Pete Townshend's "Behind Blue Eyes" ♪ 100 00:03:55,970 --> 00:03:58,470 ♪ No one knows what it's like ♪ 101 00:03:58,470 --> 00:04:02,428 ♪ To feel these feelings ♪ 102 00:04:02,428 --> 00:04:05,011 ♪ Like I do ♪ 103 00:04:05,011 --> 00:04:08,762 ♪ And I blame you ♪ 104 00:04:08,762 --> 00:04:12,720 ♪ No one bites back as hard ♪ 105 00:04:12,720 --> 00:04:13,845 Off to...? 106 00:04:13,845 --> 00:04:15,011 ♪ On their anger ♪ 107 00:04:15,011 --> 00:04:17,428 Uh. Day trip. With Rebecca. 108 00:04:17,428 --> 00:04:19,637 State changer. Or something. 109 00:04:19,637 --> 00:04:21,261 Good. 110 00:04:21,261 --> 00:04:23,595 Yeah. You let those shoulders drop. 111 00:04:23,595 --> 00:04:25,845 I don't think they'll drop 'til 112 00:04:25,845 --> 00:04:28,011 the exact terms of my suspension have been announced. 113 00:04:28,011 --> 00:04:31,929 And probably not 'til it's all over. 114 00:04:31,929 --> 00:04:34,136 While you're gone, I will be hard at it 115 00:04:34,136 --> 00:04:36,637 trying to get those terms relaxed or done away. 116 00:04:36,637 --> 00:04:38,345 Would have been easier ahead of time. 117 00:04:38,345 --> 00:04:40,887 But, uh, there must be a lever out there. 118 00:04:40,887 --> 00:04:43,053 Too much of that is what got me here. 119 00:04:43,053 --> 00:04:45,178 Sure. But you know that now. 120 00:04:45,178 --> 00:04:48,553 Wouldn't you rather repent with your medical license? 121 00:04:48,553 --> 00:04:51,970 I suppose I would. 122 00:04:51,970 --> 00:04:53,470 Then we've got to get it done now, 123 00:04:53,470 --> 00:04:54,762 before they officially rule. 124 00:04:54,762 --> 00:04:55,970 They all but have. 125 00:04:55,970 --> 00:04:58,053 And in that tiny space 126 00:04:58,053 --> 00:05:00,512 between "all" and "have" 127 00:05:00,512 --> 00:05:02,970 lies our hope. 128 00:05:02,970 --> 00:05:05,804 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 129 00:05:05,804 --> 00:05:10,011 ♪♪♪ 130 00:05:10,011 --> 00:05:11,178 What's on the docket? 131 00:05:11,178 --> 00:05:12,970 Karl, I need you to find out 132 00:05:12,970 --> 00:05:14,970 what makes a certain man light up. 133 00:05:14,970 --> 00:05:16,345 What might move him. 134 00:05:16,345 --> 00:05:18,428 Now, this is a medical man, name of Zhang, a-- 135 00:05:18,428 --> 00:05:19,679 [Jock] Rhoades... [door opens] 136 00:05:19,679 --> 00:05:22,220 we have business. 137 00:05:22,220 --> 00:05:26,011 What business could we possibly have, Generalissimo? 138 00:05:26,011 --> 00:05:27,553 The business of men... [door closes] 139 00:05:27,553 --> 00:05:30,178 one nearly vanquished, the other ascendent again. 140 00:05:30,178 --> 00:05:32,345 I was taught never to negotiate with kidnappers. 141 00:05:32,345 --> 00:05:34,595 So, first return my old man, then, maybe we can-- 142 00:05:34,595 --> 00:05:37,011 Move your shit train, and maybe your old man 143 00:05:37,011 --> 00:05:38,970 will be back in this shit-town the same day. 144 00:05:38,970 --> 00:05:41,679 Done. And now our colloquy is over. 145 00:05:41,679 --> 00:05:45,512 Eh. Palaver with me or just listen. 146 00:05:45,512 --> 00:05:47,720 I give not a Tinker's-dam. 147 00:05:47,720 --> 00:05:51,553 [sighs] 148 00:05:51,553 --> 00:05:54,095 I am here to offer you the chance to resign 149 00:05:54,095 --> 00:05:56,595 before I crush you, publicly, 150 00:05:56,595 --> 00:05:59,720 and loud as a cow elk trying to squeeze out breached twins. 151 00:05:59,720 --> 00:06:02,220 Oh. You have neither the power nor the authority. 152 00:06:02,220 --> 00:06:04,011 You once offered me the chance to surrender 153 00:06:04,011 --> 00:06:05,929 before being visited by the plagues. 154 00:06:05,929 --> 00:06:09,095 I did not, and so I paid the price. 155 00:06:09,095 --> 00:06:12,387 Now, I have no desire to bring dishonor on our profession-- 156 00:06:12,387 --> 00:06:14,970 Spare me your rodomontade. 157 00:06:14,970 --> 00:06:18,970 This is the same bargain you put to me: the chance to walk away. 158 00:06:18,970 --> 00:06:21,387 With just the bedrock certainty you had 159 00:06:21,387 --> 00:06:22,887 when you stood in my kitchen. 160 00:06:22,887 --> 00:06:25,387 You knew that train was already en route. 161 00:06:25,387 --> 00:06:27,720 I know much the same. 162 00:06:27,720 --> 00:06:29,845 You're done. 163 00:06:29,845 --> 00:06:33,261 You know, you once remarked you knew all the fancy words I did. 164 00:06:33,261 --> 00:06:36,387 That you'd gone to the same schools. 165 00:06:36,387 --> 00:06:39,929 Yet you love to deploy the earthy, the homespun, 166 00:06:39,929 --> 00:06:42,887 the language of the dirt road and the barefoot walk to school. 167 00:06:42,887 --> 00:06:44,929 [chuckles] 168 00:06:44,929 --> 00:06:48,595 The language, in short, of your parents and cousins. 169 00:06:48,595 --> 00:06:52,595 Well, I, too, can reach back into familial lexicon 170 00:06:52,595 --> 00:06:55,011 for bracing truths. 171 00:06:55,011 --> 00:06:58,553 And my, uh--My mother's father was from Italy... 172 00:06:58,553 --> 00:07:00,762 [chuckles] ...yes, a Roman, you know. 173 00:07:00,762 --> 00:07:03,428 And he taught me that when someone talks to you 174 00:07:03,428 --> 00:07:04,929 as though you are of no consequence, 175 00:07:04,929 --> 00:07:06,428 you have two choices. 176 00:07:06,428 --> 00:07:09,553 The first is to wilt away. 177 00:07:09,553 --> 00:07:13,804 And the second is get right in their face and tell them... 178 00:07:13,804 --> 00:07:17,637 Sei fuori come un balcone, figlio di buona donna, 179 00:07:17,637 --> 00:07:20,970 ti venisse un colpo, a te e a tutta la palazzina tua 180 00:07:20,970 --> 00:07:25,011 ma guardati che sei, burino, cazzabubbolo, baciapile, 181 00:07:25,011 --> 00:07:27,178 non ti vogliono manco li cani, 182 00:07:27,178 --> 00:07:31,136 sei cosi stronzo che se pesti una merda fai scopa, 183 00:07:31,136 --> 00:07:34,929 li mortacci tua. 184 00:07:34,929 --> 00:07:37,261 Vaffanculo! Eh! 185 00:07:39,637 --> 00:07:41,637 [laughs] 186 00:07:41,637 --> 00:07:43,637 [hand pounds] 187 00:07:43,637 --> 00:07:45,428 Oh! That's good. 188 00:07:45,428 --> 00:07:47,261 That is real good, Chuck. Mm. 189 00:07:47,261 --> 00:07:50,303 [laughing] That was a good trick. 190 00:07:50,303 --> 00:07:51,845 Ah, a good trick. 191 00:07:51,845 --> 00:07:53,470 I don't understand a word you said. 192 00:07:53,470 --> 00:07:55,512 Mnm. But I got the general feeling. 193 00:07:55,512 --> 00:07:57,095 And I like it. 194 00:07:57,095 --> 00:07:58,679 You know why? Hmm? 195 00:07:58,679 --> 00:08:02,303 Because it tells me that you are not gonna pay heed. 196 00:08:02,303 --> 00:08:03,845 So let me give you a final taste 197 00:08:03,845 --> 00:08:06,261 of biscuits and white gravy American. 198 00:08:06,261 --> 00:08:08,178 You know what happens to a lumberjack 199 00:08:08,178 --> 00:08:11,178 who doesn't react when he hears "timber"? 200 00:08:11,178 --> 00:08:13,512 He gets crushed by a tree. 201 00:08:13,512 --> 00:08:18,428 This case against you will be complete, 202 00:08:18,428 --> 00:08:20,929 and it is gonna land on you 203 00:08:20,929 --> 00:08:24,512 like a clear-cut Ponderosa pine. 204 00:08:24,512 --> 00:08:25,679 [door slams] 205 00:08:25,679 --> 00:08:28,720 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 206 00:08:28,720 --> 00:08:30,720 ♪♪♪ 207 00:08:30,720 --> 00:08:33,345 I'm getting back late, 208 00:08:33,345 --> 00:08:38,095 so I will see you at the board meeting tomorrow. 209 00:08:38,095 --> 00:08:40,011 Yeah. You bet. 210 00:08:40,011 --> 00:08:42,679 Have a great day. 211 00:08:44,178 --> 00:08:45,220 And thank you. 212 00:08:45,220 --> 00:08:46,345 [chuckles] 213 00:08:47,387 --> 00:08:50,387 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 214 00:08:50,387 --> 00:08:52,220 [button clicks] 215 00:08:52,220 --> 00:08:56,553 ♪♪♪ 216 00:08:56,553 --> 00:09:00,720 ♪♪♪ 217 00:09:00,720 --> 00:09:04,929 ♪♪♪ 218 00:09:04,929 --> 00:09:07,970 [cellphone vibrates] 219 00:09:07,970 --> 00:09:09,303 Hello? 220 00:09:09,303 --> 00:09:12,053 Sandy. Lemme ask you a question: 221 00:09:12,053 --> 00:09:13,887 You a man who likes a good breakfast? 222 00:09:13,887 --> 00:09:15,762 Hell yes, I like a good breakfast. 223 00:09:15,762 --> 00:09:17,637 Then you're gonna love what I got for ya. 224 00:09:17,637 --> 00:09:19,095 ♪♪♪ 225 00:09:19,095 --> 00:09:21,762 I hate the expression "mistakes were made." 226 00:09:21,762 --> 00:09:23,345 Because it avoids blame. 227 00:09:23,345 --> 00:09:25,220 And you know, in all the time I worked for him, 228 00:09:25,220 --> 00:09:27,595 there were two things I never heard Bobby Axelrod say: 229 00:09:27,595 --> 00:09:29,762 "I was wrong." And "I'm sorry." 230 00:09:29,762 --> 00:09:31,553 I'm here to tell you that that is the last time 231 00:09:31,553 --> 00:09:33,762 you will hear his name come out of my mouth in this office. 232 00:09:33,762 --> 00:09:36,136 Because I was wrong. And I am sorry. 233 00:09:36,136 --> 00:09:37,887 I got baited. 234 00:09:37,887 --> 00:09:39,762 Hooked in the mouth like a trophy marlin. 235 00:09:39,762 --> 00:09:41,595 And narrowly escaped being mounted on the wall. 236 00:09:41,595 --> 00:09:43,261 But escape I did. We did. 237 00:09:43,261 --> 00:09:45,095 And now that's the end of it. 238 00:09:45,095 --> 00:09:48,261 We are going to use this moment to officially, formally, 239 00:09:48,261 --> 00:09:50,679 and in all other ways, move beyond rivalries, 240 00:09:50,679 --> 00:09:52,679 anger, everything that doesn't clearly 241 00:09:52,679 --> 00:09:54,929 and demonstrably help Mase Cap win. 242 00:09:54,929 --> 00:09:56,804 Q is for quantitative, baby! 243 00:09:56,804 --> 00:09:58,679 [laughter] That it is. 244 00:09:58,679 --> 00:10:01,178 We will return to our mathematical model. 245 00:10:01,178 --> 00:10:03,387 And you are now free, all of you, to maximize, 246 00:10:03,387 --> 00:10:05,595 without fear that I will be too distracted to notice, 247 00:10:05,595 --> 00:10:08,512 or that I will squander the resources you are providing. 248 00:10:08,512 --> 00:10:10,929 You are the smartest and best people in the industry. 249 00:10:10,929 --> 00:10:13,178 And I am proud to retake my seat amongst you. 250 00:10:13,178 --> 00:10:14,804 Damaged, but reborn. 251 00:10:14,804 --> 00:10:17,345 Taylor Mason is back! Yeah! 252 00:10:17,345 --> 00:10:19,053 [applause] [Taylor] More importantly: 253 00:10:19,053 --> 00:10:22,303 Taylor Mason Capital is back! 254 00:10:22,303 --> 00:10:25,011 [cheers and applause] 255 00:10:25,011 --> 00:10:29,011 ♪ mid-tempo music ♪ 256 00:10:29,011 --> 00:10:30,470 ♪♪♪ 257 00:10:30,470 --> 00:10:33,470 [door handle clicks] 258 00:10:33,470 --> 00:10:35,220 [sighs] 259 00:10:35,220 --> 00:10:37,136 Dad. 260 00:10:37,136 --> 00:10:39,637 How are my-- 261 00:10:39,637 --> 00:10:41,845 Your consort and child are fine. 262 00:10:41,845 --> 00:10:43,303 Don't do that. 263 00:10:43,303 --> 00:10:45,595 Her name is Roxanne. 264 00:10:45,595 --> 00:10:48,345 And we call the little girl Willow. 265 00:10:48,345 --> 00:10:50,345 They're fine, anyway. How are you? 266 00:10:50,345 --> 00:10:51,804 [horns honking] 267 00:10:51,804 --> 00:10:53,762 I am spent, to be honest. 268 00:10:53,762 --> 00:10:56,637 When I was young I could've withstood a bracing like that 269 00:10:56,637 --> 00:10:59,428 while standing on my fucking head. 270 00:10:59,428 --> 00:11:02,303 But I felt myself fading. 271 00:11:02,303 --> 00:11:04,720 You made it through. 272 00:11:04,720 --> 00:11:06,428 Yeah. 273 00:11:06,428 --> 00:11:10,345 But, Sonny, they are coming for you strong. 274 00:11:10,345 --> 00:11:12,136 I hope you're ready. 275 00:11:12,136 --> 00:11:14,095 I hope so, too. 276 00:11:14,095 --> 00:11:15,845 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 277 00:11:15,845 --> 00:11:17,887 You are my boss. So you get to have me stand here. 278 00:11:17,887 --> 00:11:20,804 But you don't get to ask me the same question 17 times. 279 00:11:20,804 --> 00:11:22,720 Or rather, you do, but I don't have to answer it. 280 00:11:22,720 --> 00:11:24,095 Let me ask it differently then, 281 00:11:24,095 --> 00:11:25,595 since I'm not doing it to fuck around 282 00:11:25,595 --> 00:11:27,595 but rather to make a case, which is, 283 00:11:27,595 --> 00:11:29,720 lest we think we are here to do the double dutch, 284 00:11:29,720 --> 00:11:31,220 the entire reason for our existence. 285 00:11:31,220 --> 00:11:32,720 Mm. Feels like double dutch. 286 00:11:32,720 --> 00:11:34,428 Jumping in place. Tripping over ourselves. 287 00:11:34,428 --> 00:11:35,804 No way you trip doing-- 288 00:11:35,804 --> 00:11:38,261 Nope. I can go for hours. But I bet you would. 289 00:11:38,261 --> 00:11:40,387 Kate, this has gotten off track. I just need to know, 290 00:11:40,387 --> 00:11:42,929 and not officially-- but for myself, to plan-- 291 00:11:42,929 --> 00:11:44,387 if anyone is mentioned 292 00:11:44,387 --> 00:11:46,220 in the privileged part of that recording. 293 00:11:46,220 --> 00:11:47,595 Anyone material to the case. 294 00:11:47,595 --> 00:11:50,387 Eighteen. And I can't answer, won't answer. 295 00:11:50,387 --> 00:11:52,095 How do we know the agents stopped listening 296 00:11:52,095 --> 00:11:53,470 at just the right moment. 297 00:11:53,470 --> 00:11:54,470 Maybe, after-- No, no. 298 00:11:54,470 --> 00:11:56,512 They, and I, heard it all. 299 00:11:56,512 --> 00:11:58,345 Best for everyone you don't listen. 300 00:11:58,345 --> 00:11:59,720 Then I won't get Chuck. 301 00:11:59,720 --> 00:12:02,095 Can you live with that-- Oh. Say you do get him. 302 00:12:02,095 --> 00:12:04,303 Do you think you can ratchet back the Jack Torrance shit? 303 00:12:04,303 --> 00:12:05,762 Like from The Shining? 304 00:12:05,762 --> 00:12:07,720 Yeah. You have that same obsessed look in your eye. 305 00:12:07,720 --> 00:12:10,261 The difference is: I'm not seeing ghosts riding Big Wheels. 306 00:12:10,261 --> 00:12:11,720 I'm seeing a wrongdoer getting away. 307 00:12:11,720 --> 00:12:13,720 Once he's nailed-- and Jock is pacified-- 308 00:12:13,720 --> 00:12:15,970 I'll be free of all this...stuff. 309 00:12:15,970 --> 00:12:18,136 And the Southern District will become sovereign again. 310 00:12:18,136 --> 00:12:20,762 In the cause of all that is good and nob-- 311 00:12:20,762 --> 00:12:22,178 and don't you want to be a part of that? 312 00:12:22,178 --> 00:12:23,595 I do. 313 00:12:23,595 --> 00:12:25,512 Then just tell me this: 314 00:12:25,512 --> 00:12:28,512 does the recording spell out who the idiot is? 315 00:12:28,512 --> 00:12:30,136 That's the one person who wasn't there. 316 00:12:30,136 --> 00:12:31,929 But is mentioned. We could lean on him. 317 00:12:31,929 --> 00:12:33,929 Nineteen. 318 00:12:33,929 --> 00:12:36,303 And you could. If you knew who he was. 319 00:12:36,303 --> 00:12:37,887 Can you give me a hint? 320 00:12:37,887 --> 00:12:40,053 We are not fucking playing Password, Bryan. 321 00:12:40,053 --> 00:12:42,095 This is for your good. 322 00:12:42,095 --> 00:12:44,679 For my good. 323 00:12:44,679 --> 00:12:47,345 For fucking good, you know? 324 00:12:47,345 --> 00:12:50,261 ♪ mid-tempo music ♪ 325 00:12:50,261 --> 00:12:55,261 ♪♪♪ 326 00:12:55,261 --> 00:13:00,261 ♪♪♪ 327 00:13:00,261 --> 00:13:05,220 ♪♪♪ 328 00:13:05,220 --> 00:13:07,470 'Becca, Wendy! 329 00:13:07,470 --> 00:13:08,637 -Hi, Mark. -Cubes! 330 00:13:08,637 --> 00:13:10,679 I'm so fired up that you made it up here. 331 00:13:10,679 --> 00:13:12,387 This is gonna be so much fun. 332 00:13:12,387 --> 00:13:14,053 Wait till you get to ride on these things. 333 00:13:14,053 --> 00:13:16,220 The power is incredible. 334 00:13:16,220 --> 00:13:17,929 Anyways, this is my guy Phil. 335 00:13:17,929 --> 00:13:20,470 He's gonna train you up and make sure you have a good time. 336 00:13:20,470 --> 00:13:21,637 Place is all yours. 337 00:13:21,637 --> 00:13:23,553 Thanks. Can't wait. 338 00:13:23,553 --> 00:13:26,845 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 339 00:13:26,845 --> 00:13:28,595 ...Sooooo, my Daddy, 340 00:13:28,595 --> 00:13:30,637 and I know you'd think I called him father, 341 00:13:30,637 --> 00:13:32,387 but he was Daddy and Mommy was-- 342 00:13:32,387 --> 00:13:34,637 Mommy? She sure was. 343 00:13:34,637 --> 00:13:37,679 What Daddy said was: elbow grease alone 344 00:13:37,679 --> 00:13:41,261 won't solve what elbow grease and a few silver coins will. 345 00:13:41,261 --> 00:13:43,011 A real philosopher king. 346 00:13:43,011 --> 00:13:45,387 He also told me to find a career that would justify 347 00:13:45,387 --> 00:13:47,011 elbow patches on my sport coats. 348 00:13:47,011 --> 00:13:50,553 "Because that would signify useful work, Pa?" I asked. 349 00:13:50,553 --> 00:13:52,512 Pa, now? Pa. Yes. 350 00:13:52,512 --> 00:13:54,387 And he said: no, Son, 351 00:13:54,387 --> 00:13:56,428 because folks will believe you mean well. 352 00:13:56,428 --> 00:13:58,220 All this to say... 353 00:13:58,220 --> 00:13:59,804 Her trouble won't go away 354 00:13:59,804 --> 00:14:01,720 because we smile nice and ask even nicer. 355 00:14:01,720 --> 00:14:05,011 It's gonna take some institutional lubricant. 356 00:14:05,011 --> 00:14:06,261 How much. 357 00:14:06,261 --> 00:14:07,303 $25 million. 358 00:14:07,303 --> 00:14:09,887 Ouch. Now I think I need the lube. 359 00:14:09,887 --> 00:14:11,512 But fine. Do it. 360 00:14:13,762 --> 00:14:17,053 Hey, Ayles, you actually even know your father? 361 00:14:17,053 --> 00:14:19,053 Does anyone, really? 362 00:14:20,679 --> 00:14:21,970 How was breakfast? 363 00:14:21,970 --> 00:14:24,011 Eh. Went well... 364 00:14:24,011 --> 00:14:27,053 Listen, I want you to stay on this with Ayles. 365 00:14:27,053 --> 00:14:29,887 Make sure it happens. Never let her know we did it. 366 00:14:29,887 --> 00:14:31,929 That might be hard. These places like to advertise. 367 00:14:31,929 --> 00:14:34,220 Try. I don't want her to feel beholden. 368 00:14:34,220 --> 00:14:36,053 You are that rarest of creatures. 369 00:14:36,053 --> 00:14:38,261 An actual gentleman. 370 00:14:38,261 --> 00:14:41,178 Basically, just for her. 371 00:14:41,178 --> 00:14:43,428 But yeah. 372 00:14:43,428 --> 00:14:46,887 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 373 00:14:46,887 --> 00:14:48,428 ♪♪♪ 374 00:14:48,428 --> 00:14:50,095 [Senior] ...You mean about the idiot 375 00:14:50,095 --> 00:14:52,387 [Senior] who stands to lose the most? Can I really-- 376 00:14:52,387 --> 00:14:53,595 [static hisses] 377 00:14:53,595 --> 00:14:55,095 [key clacks] 378 00:14:55,095 --> 00:14:57,053 [Senior] ...You mean about the idiot 379 00:14:57,053 --> 00:14:59,053 [Senior] who stands to lose the most? Can I really-- 380 00:14:59,053 --> 00:15:01,220 [static hisses] Fuck. 381 00:15:01,220 --> 00:15:02,804 [sighs] 382 00:15:02,804 --> 00:15:06,553 ♪♪♪ 383 00:15:06,553 --> 00:15:08,261 [keypad clicks] 384 00:15:08,261 --> 00:15:10,095 ♪♪♪ 385 00:15:10,095 --> 00:15:13,679 Jock, I need some warrants... 386 00:15:13,679 --> 00:15:15,387 No. No, Funt won't grant these. 387 00:15:15,387 --> 00:15:18,178 I need your, uh, friendly judge. 388 00:15:18,178 --> 00:15:20,553 Yeah. 389 00:15:20,553 --> 00:15:22,303 [phone hangs up] 390 00:15:22,303 --> 00:15:24,512 ♪♪♪ 391 00:15:24,512 --> 00:15:26,261 [key clacks] 392 00:15:26,261 --> 00:15:28,428 ♪♪♪ 393 00:15:28,428 --> 00:15:30,804 Now, we can talk in here. It's been swept. 394 00:15:30,804 --> 00:15:32,470 The fridge is stocked and I can order-- 395 00:15:32,470 --> 00:15:33,929 --Let's not do the whole service thing. 396 00:15:33,929 --> 00:15:36,220 No food. No drink. We'll make it quick. 397 00:15:36,220 --> 00:15:37,762 Sure. Pit stop at Le Mans, 398 00:15:37,762 --> 00:15:39,762 tires, oil, back out of the chute. 399 00:15:39,762 --> 00:15:41,553 Not a long night of necking at the drive in. 400 00:15:41,553 --> 00:15:42,970 Definitely not. Yeah. 401 00:15:42,970 --> 00:15:44,470 No. Here's the thing: 402 00:15:44,470 --> 00:15:47,845 last time we sat here we talked about revenge. 403 00:15:47,845 --> 00:15:49,887 And how we were to help each other achieve it. 404 00:15:49,887 --> 00:15:52,553 And we have and will continue to-- 405 00:15:52,553 --> 00:15:53,720 About that. 406 00:15:53,720 --> 00:15:56,136 Look, I got Taylor in the well, 407 00:15:56,136 --> 00:15:58,345 it has applied the lotion from the basket. 408 00:15:58,345 --> 00:16:00,136 All that's left is the skinning. 409 00:16:00,136 --> 00:16:03,303 Which is to say: they will soon be hemorrhaging money, 410 00:16:03,303 --> 00:16:05,804 vulnerable, desperate and ready to make the kind of move 411 00:16:05,804 --> 00:16:07,679 that will make your job very easy. 412 00:16:07,679 --> 00:16:10,178 You're always telling me how simple my gig is. 413 00:16:10,178 --> 00:16:12,303 If it's all so basic, why don't you do the skinning? 414 00:16:12,303 --> 00:16:15,220 I'll tell you: because it's bloody work. Grimy. 415 00:16:15,220 --> 00:16:17,970 Then roll 'em up and sink 'em in up to the shoulders. 416 00:16:17,970 --> 00:16:20,178 Oh, is that an order? It's shorthand. 417 00:16:20,178 --> 00:16:22,345 But if you need me to curtsy and bow, just say the word. 418 00:16:22,345 --> 00:16:23,970 It's one or the other. Not both. 419 00:16:23,970 --> 00:16:27,887 And no. What I need is your expertise to do it right. 420 00:16:27,887 --> 00:16:30,679 I set people up all the time, but to do it 421 00:16:30,679 --> 00:16:33,178 without opening up an entrapment charge is difficult. 422 00:16:33,178 --> 00:16:35,595 The right trap has to come from you. 423 00:16:35,595 --> 00:16:37,220 If Taylor is floundering and desperate, 424 00:16:37,220 --> 00:16:39,553 you know better than me what their next move will be. 425 00:16:39,553 --> 00:16:41,970 What might tempt them to take a chance? 426 00:16:41,970 --> 00:16:43,845 The answer to all their problems. 427 00:16:43,845 --> 00:16:46,804 Yes. And then, we dangle that. 428 00:16:46,804 --> 00:16:49,053 Now, uh, a corrupt associate. 429 00:16:49,053 --> 00:16:52,136 Weak former employee? Someone you've let go. 430 00:16:52,136 --> 00:16:53,720 Offering funds or a service 431 00:16:53,720 --> 00:16:55,595 or an opportunity too good to pass up... 432 00:16:55,595 --> 00:17:00,387 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 433 00:17:00,387 --> 00:17:03,303 I know just the fella. 434 00:17:03,303 --> 00:17:05,387 Something about the directness of the metaphor here 435 00:17:05,387 --> 00:17:06,970 is going to feel absurd for a minute. 436 00:17:06,970 --> 00:17:08,553 I need you to fight that off. 437 00:17:08,553 --> 00:17:12,053 And own the fact that you are moving the fucking earth. 438 00:17:12,053 --> 00:17:15,220 Because that's what you are and what you do in the actual world. 439 00:17:16,637 --> 00:17:19,512 ♪ White Reaper's "Tell Me" ♪ 440 00:17:19,512 --> 00:17:22,887 ♪♪♪ 441 00:17:22,887 --> 00:17:27,178 ♪ He likes to roll ♪ 442 00:17:27,178 --> 00:17:30,595 ♪ In a brand new stretch-type limo ♪ 443 00:17:30,595 --> 00:17:33,220 ♪♪♪ 444 00:17:33,220 --> 00:17:36,428 ♪ And soak up the gold ♪ 445 00:17:36,428 --> 00:17:39,303 ♪ From all the tickets and the tees that he's sold ♪ 446 00:17:39,303 --> 00:17:41,095 Yes! 447 00:17:41,095 --> 00:17:42,095 ♪♪♪ 448 00:17:42,095 --> 00:17:44,595 Ah! 449 00:17:44,595 --> 00:17:47,428 You were fucking right. We moved earth. 450 00:17:47,428 --> 00:17:50,011 We were destruction. 451 00:17:50,011 --> 00:17:52,428 Elemental. No gray area. 452 00:17:52,428 --> 00:17:53,887 Being in the cockpit was like 453 00:17:53,887 --> 00:17:55,679 hitting the stage with The Clash. 454 00:17:55,679 --> 00:17:57,929 You had to be totally present to deal with it. 455 00:17:57,929 --> 00:17:59,303 Got me right out of my head. 456 00:17:59,303 --> 00:18:01,261 I figured it would work better than a day spa. 457 00:18:01,261 --> 00:18:03,261 Thank you for taking the time. 458 00:18:03,261 --> 00:18:05,261 I needed the reset, too. 459 00:18:05,261 --> 00:18:08,136 Though I probably don't have to tell you what I need. 460 00:18:08,136 --> 00:18:11,679 You already know in what-- five minutes with someone? 461 00:18:11,679 --> 00:18:14,261 Truth: Mm-hmm. 462 00:18:14,261 --> 00:18:16,261 I'd love to work with you, 463 00:18:16,261 --> 00:18:18,679 but you don't need much that you don't already give yourself. 464 00:18:18,679 --> 00:18:20,303 That's what sets you apart. 465 00:18:20,303 --> 00:18:22,929 Most people let their childhood bullshit run them. 466 00:18:22,929 --> 00:18:24,553 You use yours to propel you. 467 00:18:24,553 --> 00:18:26,720 And not in a way that you're hiding from it, either, 468 00:18:26,720 --> 00:18:28,553 and it's gonna bite you. 469 00:18:28,553 --> 00:18:29,970 You synthesize it. 470 00:18:29,970 --> 00:18:32,470 Like you do information about companies. 471 00:18:32,470 --> 00:18:34,970 You're doing exactly what you're meant to be doing. 472 00:18:34,970 --> 00:18:36,720 That was amazing. 473 00:18:36,720 --> 00:18:38,804 And you know it. 474 00:18:38,804 --> 00:18:40,303 And you get off on it. 475 00:18:40,303 --> 00:18:43,095 Well, I'm doing what I'm meant to be doing, too. 476 00:18:43,095 --> 00:18:44,929 You ever want to be out on your own? 477 00:18:44,929 --> 00:18:46,136 Have your own practice? 478 00:18:46,136 --> 00:18:47,929 I've thought about it from time to time. 479 00:18:47,929 --> 00:18:50,303 But I'm in the right place. Which is a good thing, 480 00:18:50,303 --> 00:18:52,470 because if I was out on my own, this Med Board thing 481 00:18:52,470 --> 00:18:54,470 would be putting me right out of business. 482 00:18:54,470 --> 00:18:56,303 How are you handling it? 483 00:18:56,303 --> 00:18:59,261 One thing that's come from this year: 484 00:18:59,261 --> 00:19:01,762 I know I can handle fucking anything. 485 00:19:01,762 --> 00:19:04,512 And Axe Cap, it's mine. 486 00:19:04,512 --> 00:19:09,345 They really rallied around me--in their own weird way. 487 00:19:09,345 --> 00:19:11,553 That's the upside of being on a team, I guess. 488 00:19:11,553 --> 00:19:13,178 I can see that. 489 00:19:13,178 --> 00:19:14,595 It's just not how I work. 490 00:19:14,595 --> 00:19:16,220 [inhales deeply] 491 00:19:16,220 --> 00:19:17,553 I like owning a team. 492 00:19:17,553 --> 00:19:19,679 [both laugh] 493 00:19:19,679 --> 00:19:21,637 Should we hit it? 494 00:19:21,637 --> 00:19:23,679 [country music playing on radio] 495 00:19:23,679 --> 00:19:26,053 You've had a few, you sure you're alright? 496 00:19:26,053 --> 00:19:28,011 We can drive you back to your hotel-- 497 00:19:28,011 --> 00:19:31,136 Oh. Don't worry, we're not driving. 498 00:19:31,136 --> 00:19:33,303 [helicopter blades whirring] 499 00:19:41,887 --> 00:19:45,053 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 500 00:19:45,053 --> 00:19:47,011 ♪♪♪ 501 00:19:47,011 --> 00:19:49,387 You're not going for 20 are you? 502 00:19:49,387 --> 00:19:52,178 Nope. I went about this another way. 503 00:19:52,178 --> 00:19:54,428 And you were right, and we are going to get them all. 504 00:19:54,428 --> 00:19:57,845 Sounds like somebody did some old fashioned prosecutor work. 505 00:19:57,845 --> 00:20:01,261 I figure, I'm behind the desk, maybe I should do the job. 506 00:20:01,261 --> 00:20:03,762 So I did the job. And got some warrants and subpoenas. 507 00:20:03,762 --> 00:20:05,428 And you are going to execute same. 508 00:20:05,428 --> 00:20:06,970 On? 509 00:20:06,970 --> 00:20:08,970 The sitting Secretary of the Treasury, Todd Krakow 510 00:20:08,970 --> 00:20:10,845 and the safe of the father of 511 00:20:10,845 --> 00:20:13,178 the sitting Attorney General for the State of New York. 512 00:20:13,178 --> 00:20:15,970 You will go, yourself, to handle it. 513 00:20:15,970 --> 00:20:18,387 Bring good agents with you. 514 00:20:18,387 --> 00:20:20,887 These are the warrants. 515 00:20:20,887 --> 00:20:23,011 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 516 00:20:23,011 --> 00:20:24,261 And I'm on my way. 517 00:20:24,261 --> 00:20:28,887 ♪♪♪ 518 00:20:28,887 --> 00:20:32,095 [indistinct conversations] 519 00:20:32,095 --> 00:20:34,470 Hello everybody... 520 00:20:34,470 --> 00:20:35,929 [conversations stop] 521 00:20:37,261 --> 00:20:41,762 Sanford, surprised to see you here. 522 00:20:41,762 --> 00:20:44,387 You passed on a board seat when it was offered. 523 00:20:44,387 --> 00:20:45,595 I did. 524 00:20:45,595 --> 00:20:47,011 But I have a real vested interest 525 00:20:47,011 --> 00:20:49,345 in how this meeting goes. 526 00:20:49,345 --> 00:20:51,261 Uh... 527 00:20:51,261 --> 00:20:53,387 Alright, people. 528 00:20:53,387 --> 00:20:55,720 Big announcement, big acquisition. 529 00:20:55,720 --> 00:20:57,095 Of Kling Appliances. 530 00:20:57,095 --> 00:20:58,470 We have taken ownership of the company 531 00:20:58,470 --> 00:21:00,345 and will go back to rolling out their product. 532 00:21:00,345 --> 00:21:02,095 Now, this strategic partnership-- 533 00:21:02,095 --> 00:21:04,762 We are not going to sell Kling products. 534 00:21:04,762 --> 00:21:08,261 We will be using Kling to move toward profitability 535 00:21:08,261 --> 00:21:09,970 in a wholly different way now. 536 00:21:09,970 --> 00:21:12,136 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 537 00:21:12,136 --> 00:21:13,970 [Bensinger] Thank you. 538 00:21:13,970 --> 00:21:17,804 Even I don't usually have an Iron Chef make my pancakes. 539 00:21:17,804 --> 00:21:19,261 All you have to do is ask... 540 00:21:19,261 --> 00:21:20,512 And send the plane. 541 00:21:20,512 --> 00:21:23,804 [both laugh] Thanks for this, Alex. 542 00:21:23,804 --> 00:21:25,762 ♪♪♪ 543 00:21:25,762 --> 00:21:28,595 Mm. 544 00:21:28,595 --> 00:21:31,970 When a man puts on a show like this, it's rarely-- 545 00:21:31,970 --> 00:21:33,595 That's true. But also, 546 00:21:33,595 --> 00:21:36,970 if we're gonna have to have this conversation, and we are, 547 00:21:36,970 --> 00:21:39,220 we might as well have something this good. 548 00:21:39,220 --> 00:21:42,387 Well, it's in our mouths now. 549 00:21:42,387 --> 00:21:44,053 So-- 550 00:21:44,053 --> 00:21:46,011 [silverware clatters] 551 00:21:46,011 --> 00:21:48,178 Saler's is a sinking ship. 552 00:21:48,178 --> 00:21:50,345 But I know how to get the chest of gold 553 00:21:50,345 --> 00:21:52,220 before it hits the ocean floor. 554 00:21:52,220 --> 00:21:54,345 You would do that to Rebecca? 555 00:21:54,345 --> 00:21:56,595 For Rebecca. 556 00:21:56,595 --> 00:21:58,095 It's helping her. 557 00:21:58,095 --> 00:22:01,178 What I didn't realize, but see now, 558 00:22:01,178 --> 00:22:03,387 is that she made the one sin that every 559 00:22:03,387 --> 00:22:05,970 private equity investor knows they can never make. 560 00:22:05,970 --> 00:22:07,303 And it happened because she is 561 00:22:07,303 --> 00:22:10,178 as kind-hearted and good as she is smart. 562 00:22:10,178 --> 00:22:12,220 And that is-- Cares too much. 563 00:22:12,220 --> 00:22:14,303 About this one in particular. 564 00:22:14,303 --> 00:22:16,470 Mm. It's a suicide play at this point. 565 00:22:16,470 --> 00:22:18,512 She's lashed herself to the side of this thing 566 00:22:18,512 --> 00:22:20,845 and refuses to jump off. 567 00:22:20,845 --> 00:22:23,095 We won't just be saving ourselves. 568 00:22:23,095 --> 00:22:25,512 We'll also be saving her. 569 00:22:25,512 --> 00:22:29,387 Yeah. I guess we will be. 570 00:22:29,387 --> 00:22:32,261 You okay with it? 571 00:22:32,261 --> 00:22:34,887 With getting the gold and doing the right thing? 572 00:22:34,887 --> 00:22:37,261 ♪♪♪ 573 00:22:37,261 --> 00:22:39,553 Yes I am. 574 00:22:39,553 --> 00:22:41,178 Now please pass the syrup. 575 00:22:41,178 --> 00:22:42,929 These fucking things are delightful. 576 00:22:42,929 --> 00:22:46,053 [chuckles] 577 00:22:46,053 --> 00:22:49,053 [Axe] All Saler's locations will be closed, 578 00:22:49,053 --> 00:22:51,387 [Axe] effective immediately. 579 00:22:51,387 --> 00:22:53,387 The real estate will be transferred 580 00:22:53,387 --> 00:22:55,178 to a real estate investment trust, 581 00:22:55,178 --> 00:22:57,303 controlled by Sanford Bensinger--and me-- 582 00:22:57,303 --> 00:22:59,762 where it will eventually be sold off at market value. 583 00:22:59,762 --> 00:23:02,053 [Axe] The clothing brands, home goods, 584 00:23:02,053 --> 00:23:04,095 [Axe] Treads For Tots shoe line, Maker Man Tools, 585 00:23:04,095 --> 00:23:06,679 [Axe] and the auto parts brand will all be spun off 586 00:23:06,679 --> 00:23:11,220 for top dollar to private equity buyers who've been lined up. 587 00:23:11,220 --> 00:23:13,470 Further, Saler's debt will be dumped 588 00:23:13,470 --> 00:23:15,011 onto Kling's balance sheet 589 00:23:15,011 --> 00:23:16,887 [Axe] and that company will then be put into 590 00:23:16,887 --> 00:23:20,970 Chapter 11 bankruptcy effective immediately. 591 00:23:20,970 --> 00:23:25,220 Cute pitch, but I wonder 592 00:23:25,220 --> 00:23:29,929 how the fuck do you think 593 00:23:29,929 --> 00:23:33,887 you have the authority to do that when I'm CEO. 594 00:23:33,887 --> 00:23:35,762 [sighs] 595 00:23:35,762 --> 00:23:38,095 Well, young lady, unfortunately, 596 00:23:38,095 --> 00:23:41,428 if you don't ratify the plan, you'll be removed. 597 00:23:41,428 --> 00:23:45,136 I've converted my debt to shares with voting rights. 598 00:23:45,136 --> 00:23:46,261 When? 599 00:23:46,261 --> 00:23:48,595 Yesterday. [Axe] So his shares, 600 00:23:48,595 --> 00:23:50,637 [Axe] along with mine and everyone else in this room, 601 00:23:50,637 --> 00:23:52,053 make up the majority. 602 00:23:52,053 --> 00:23:53,470 You can't stop it. 603 00:23:53,470 --> 00:23:56,136 What about the 50,000 employees? 604 00:23:56,136 --> 00:23:58,762 Well, we'll settle out their pension plans and benefits. 605 00:23:58,762 --> 00:24:00,804 For a fraction of what they're owed. 606 00:24:00,804 --> 00:24:05,345 I know people, and what those people will feel is: 607 00:24:05,345 --> 00:24:06,970 something's better than nothing. 608 00:24:06,970 --> 00:24:11,720 And you--you assholes-- you're gonna go along with this? 609 00:24:11,720 --> 00:24:14,220 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 610 00:24:14,220 --> 00:24:15,720 Ugh. How could you? 611 00:24:15,720 --> 00:24:18,053 [Axe] Oh. They already did. The board voted. 612 00:24:18,053 --> 00:24:20,887 Or gave me their proxies. Same thing. 613 00:24:20,887 --> 00:24:23,762 It's because every shareholder will get 614 00:24:23,762 --> 00:24:27,178 a massive one time windfall dividend payment. 615 00:24:27,178 --> 00:24:28,762 And then we can all go our separate ways. 616 00:24:28,762 --> 00:24:30,970 Keith, how many shares do you hold? 617 00:24:30,970 --> 00:24:32,345 Thirty-three thousand. 618 00:24:32,345 --> 00:24:34,387 Well, congratulations, Keith. 619 00:24:34,387 --> 00:24:36,887 You just graduated from 300 grand in a bad stock 620 00:24:36,887 --> 00:24:39,929 to thirty-three million in cash. 621 00:24:39,929 --> 00:24:41,512 Rebecca, you could be making 622 00:24:41,512 --> 00:24:43,679 close to a billion on this transaction. 623 00:24:43,679 --> 00:24:47,136 Miss Cantu, 624 00:24:47,136 --> 00:24:50,011 I know how this stings. 625 00:24:50,011 --> 00:24:52,303 I had my paper route stolen from me 626 00:24:52,303 --> 00:24:54,762 after I'd built it up to cover the entire city. 627 00:24:54,762 --> 00:24:56,970 [Bensinger] Damn newspaper took it in-house. 628 00:24:56,970 --> 00:24:59,178 I felt steamed 629 00:24:59,178 --> 00:25:01,845 'til I bought the whole thing and sold it to a chain. 630 00:25:01,845 --> 00:25:03,679 Oracular wisdom feels better 631 00:25:03,679 --> 00:25:07,637 when the oracle hasn't just anally rended you. 632 00:25:09,011 --> 00:25:13,387 Gentlemen, ladies, why don't we go work out the myriad details 633 00:25:13,387 --> 00:25:15,720 in the back office and give them the room. 634 00:25:15,720 --> 00:25:17,345 [door opens] 635 00:25:17,345 --> 00:25:20,512 [indistinct conversations] 636 00:25:20,512 --> 00:25:22,470 [door closes] 637 00:25:22,470 --> 00:25:26,553 You snake motherfucker. 638 00:25:28,261 --> 00:25:31,387 You sent me off and you set me up-- 639 00:25:31,387 --> 00:25:35,637 Your way was an arduous five year, capital-intensive crawl. 640 00:25:35,637 --> 00:25:37,595 Now you've just cleared over a billion 641 00:25:37,595 --> 00:25:39,637 in a few months' time. 642 00:25:39,637 --> 00:25:41,845 It isn't about that for me and you know it. 643 00:25:41,845 --> 00:25:45,720 I want to run this business for real. 644 00:25:45,720 --> 00:25:48,053 This one wasn't fit to run. 645 00:25:48,053 --> 00:25:50,720 You can build it back up from the ground, better, 646 00:25:50,720 --> 00:25:54,095 without the negative drag of toxic fucking debt, 647 00:25:54,095 --> 00:25:55,345 if you really want. 648 00:25:55,345 --> 00:25:56,762 When did you land on your plan 649 00:25:56,762 --> 00:25:59,595 to liquidate the company out from under me, hmm-- 650 00:25:59,595 --> 00:26:03,720 was it the first time that I told you about it? 651 00:26:03,720 --> 00:26:05,553 No. 652 00:26:05,553 --> 00:26:08,387 No, it was much closer to when you climbed into bed 653 00:26:08,387 --> 00:26:11,428 and made a fucking pact with my sworn enemy. 654 00:26:11,428 --> 00:26:14,178 But, hey, as you once told me, 655 00:26:14,178 --> 00:26:16,178 you'll come to see the wisdom in this plan. 656 00:26:16,178 --> 00:26:17,387 You already do-- 657 00:26:17,387 --> 00:26:19,679 Oh. Fuck you. We're done. 658 00:26:19,679 --> 00:26:21,720 [Axe] Well, you should think fondly of me 659 00:26:21,720 --> 00:26:24,428 when the Street calls you a genius--for this plan-- 660 00:26:24,428 --> 00:26:26,720 as you approach your next venture. 661 00:26:26,720 --> 00:26:31,011 I need to know what you told yourself. 662 00:26:31,011 --> 00:26:34,804 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 663 00:26:34,804 --> 00:26:38,470 [Axe] I wanted to let it go-- 664 00:26:38,470 --> 00:26:40,428 [Axe] what you did 665 00:26:40,428 --> 00:26:43,470 [Axe] by making that deal with Taylor. 666 00:26:43,470 --> 00:26:46,178 [Axe] I wanted to think of it the way you said: 667 00:26:46,178 --> 00:26:48,303 [Axe] not as disloyal. 668 00:26:48,303 --> 00:26:51,136 [Axe] Or an action against me. 669 00:26:51,136 --> 00:26:54,720 [Axe] But as a practical solution to a problem 670 00:26:54,720 --> 00:26:58,637 [Axe] that you-- someone I loved-- was faced with. 671 00:26:58,637 --> 00:27:01,637 [Axe] And so that night, I told you it was fine. 672 00:27:01,637 --> 00:27:04,637 [Axe] And I wanted it to be true. 673 00:27:04,637 --> 00:27:07,679 [Axe] I laid there in bed next to you, 674 00:27:07,679 --> 00:27:10,303 [Axe] and I just tried to breathe out the bad, 675 00:27:10,303 --> 00:27:12,178 [Axe] breathe in the good. 676 00:27:12,178 --> 00:27:13,970 [Axe] But with each breath, 677 00:27:13,970 --> 00:27:17,970 [Axe] instead of peace, love and understanding filling my lungs, 678 00:27:17,970 --> 00:27:22,011 [Axe] the old bile was there. 679 00:27:22,011 --> 00:27:26,387 [Axe] I stared at the ceiling, 680 00:27:26,387 --> 00:27:31,428 [Axe] with you sleeping next to me-- beautiful and serene, 681 00:27:31,428 --> 00:27:35,470 [Axe] and I played out our relationship to its end. 682 00:27:35,470 --> 00:27:38,679 ♪♪♪ 683 00:27:38,679 --> 00:27:40,929 [Axe] I thought about marriage. 684 00:27:40,929 --> 00:27:44,011 [Axe] Let it land for me that it actually was 685 00:27:44,011 --> 00:27:46,970 [Axe] something I'd already assumed was going to happen. 686 00:27:46,970 --> 00:27:49,512 [Axe] Us having kids together, too. 687 00:27:49,512 --> 00:27:51,261 [Axe] I smiled at the notion. 688 00:27:51,261 --> 00:27:52,845 [Axe] It was hopeful. 689 00:27:52,845 --> 00:27:55,011 [Axe] Romantic. 690 00:27:55,011 --> 00:27:58,053 [Axe] The kind of thought a normal man would be having. 691 00:27:58,053 --> 00:27:59,845 ♪♪♪ 692 00:27:59,845 --> 00:28:03,261 But then, 693 00:28:03,261 --> 00:28:07,220 I felt something go cold in me. 694 00:28:07,220 --> 00:28:10,387 And I knew the truth was in that cold. 695 00:28:10,387 --> 00:28:11,804 ♪♪♪ 696 00:28:11,804 --> 00:28:14,303 And that eventually, it would turn hot. 697 00:28:14,303 --> 00:28:16,387 To rage. And when it did, 698 00:28:16,387 --> 00:28:18,929 [Axe] I would blow the whole fucking thing up, 699 00:28:18,929 --> 00:28:20,428 [Axe] kids and all. 700 00:28:20,428 --> 00:28:23,887 'Cause, sure, your choice was rational. 701 00:28:23,887 --> 00:28:27,595 But to me, it was traitorous. 702 00:28:27,595 --> 00:28:29,470 And I wouldn't be able to live with it. 703 00:28:29,470 --> 00:28:31,053 I'd wreck everything we had over it. 704 00:28:31,053 --> 00:28:33,845 [Axe] I would make you suffer tenfold 705 00:28:33,845 --> 00:28:35,637 [Axe] for what I had suffered. 706 00:28:35,637 --> 00:28:38,553 [Axe] Especially if I waited, without crushing Taylor. 707 00:28:38,553 --> 00:28:42,470 [Axe] Because by then, Taylor would be rich and safe. 708 00:28:42,470 --> 00:28:46,845 [Axe] So I decided: fuck it. 709 00:28:46,845 --> 00:28:48,261 [sighs] 710 00:28:48,261 --> 00:28:50,261 [Axe] Might as well get my revenge 711 00:28:50,261 --> 00:28:51,970 and rip the scab off this fucking thing 712 00:28:51,970 --> 00:28:55,220 between us at the same time. 713 00:28:55,220 --> 00:28:56,929 ♪♪♪ 714 00:28:56,929 --> 00:28:59,178 Then we'd be even, too. 715 00:28:59,178 --> 00:29:02,095 Each fucked over. 716 00:29:02,095 --> 00:29:04,553 Each aware of who the other really is. 717 00:29:04,553 --> 00:29:08,261 ♪♪♪ 718 00:29:08,261 --> 00:29:12,011 Then... 719 00:29:12,011 --> 00:29:15,762 Then we could find out what was still between us. 720 00:29:15,762 --> 00:29:18,720 ♪♪♪ 721 00:29:18,720 --> 00:29:23,261 What's between us now is nothing. 722 00:29:23,261 --> 00:29:27,470 ♪♪♪ 723 00:29:27,470 --> 00:29:31,595 ♪♪♪ 724 00:29:31,595 --> 00:29:33,178 [door closes] 725 00:29:33,178 --> 00:29:36,136 ♪♪♪ 726 00:29:36,136 --> 00:29:38,845 ♪♪♪ 727 00:29:38,845 --> 00:29:41,428 [Hammon] Bobby Axelrod has control of Saler's. 728 00:29:41,428 --> 00:29:42,720 Rebecca is out. 729 00:29:42,720 --> 00:29:44,303 He's putting Kling into bankruptcy. 730 00:29:46,637 --> 00:29:49,470 Our equity will be wiped out. Our position will go to zero. 731 00:29:49,470 --> 00:29:51,303 Our firm will lose three quarters of a billion, 732 00:29:51,303 --> 00:29:52,720 maybe a little more. 733 00:29:52,720 --> 00:29:53,970 When news of that gets out, 734 00:29:53,970 --> 00:29:55,387 we may not have a firm. 735 00:29:55,387 --> 00:29:57,136 I can have Lauren get to the investors first, 736 00:29:57,136 --> 00:29:59,387 try to gain a vote of-- I wouldn't give me that vote, 737 00:29:59,387 --> 00:30:01,053 they won't either. No. 738 00:30:01,053 --> 00:30:03,303 What if we go Doug Flutie style, toss a literal Hail Mary? 739 00:30:03,303 --> 00:30:05,136 Just make a huge bet, on, like, four names. 740 00:30:05,136 --> 00:30:06,428 Double up or bomb out. 741 00:30:06,428 --> 00:30:07,970 I'd like to work in this business again. 742 00:30:07,970 --> 00:30:10,512 So, yeah. No. Fuck. We need time... 743 00:30:10,512 --> 00:30:13,720 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 744 00:30:13,720 --> 00:30:16,387 I might have something. A text I got earlier. 745 00:30:16,387 --> 00:30:18,136 ♪♪♪ 746 00:30:18,136 --> 00:30:20,887 Mafee, we're going to a meeting with a friend of yours. 747 00:30:20,887 --> 00:30:23,512 [door opens] 748 00:30:23,512 --> 00:30:25,637 ♪♪♪ 749 00:30:25,637 --> 00:30:27,720 Mm. Seems I missed the party. 750 00:30:27,720 --> 00:30:30,178 Taylor's P&L's been crippled. 751 00:30:30,178 --> 00:30:32,387 They're ripe to make that desperate move. 752 00:30:32,387 --> 00:30:35,762 I thought I smelled blood. 753 00:30:35,762 --> 00:30:37,053 Everything's in place on my end. 754 00:30:37,053 --> 00:30:39,637 Good. One more thing though. 755 00:30:39,637 --> 00:30:42,178 I want you to arrest but NOT charge Taylor. 756 00:30:42,178 --> 00:30:45,845 [chuckles] After everything I've done, 757 00:30:45,845 --> 00:30:49,637 all the plans I've laid in, why would I do that? 758 00:30:49,637 --> 00:30:51,095 Because it's what I want. 759 00:30:51,095 --> 00:30:54,428 And 'cause I want Taylor back at Axe Capital, working for me. 760 00:30:54,428 --> 00:30:56,220 Come again? 761 00:30:56,220 --> 00:30:58,887 They're the best player I've seen in this league 762 00:30:58,887 --> 00:31:01,595 in two decades. Real five-tool, you know? 763 00:31:01,595 --> 00:31:05,261 Back at the beginning this was advertised as 764 00:31:05,261 --> 00:31:06,845 me getting a Wall Street scalp. 765 00:31:06,845 --> 00:31:09,845 But now that it's haircut time, you tell me no. 766 00:31:09,845 --> 00:31:11,595 Why don't you just hire the kid back 767 00:31:11,595 --> 00:31:13,637 and stop wasting my fucking time? 768 00:31:13,637 --> 00:31:15,095 'Cause they won't come for money. 769 00:31:15,095 --> 00:31:16,929 But they will come from fear. 770 00:31:16,929 --> 00:31:21,011 And from leverage. So leverage them and scare them. 771 00:31:21,011 --> 00:31:24,887 And if anyone's been wasting fucking time here... 772 00:31:24,887 --> 00:31:26,929 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 773 00:31:26,929 --> 00:31:31,303 ♪♪♪ 774 00:31:31,303 --> 00:31:36,053 ♪♪♪ 775 00:31:39,220 --> 00:31:40,178 [keys clacking] 776 00:31:40,178 --> 00:31:42,261 [cellphone vibrating] 777 00:31:46,053 --> 00:31:47,595 Hello? 778 00:31:47,595 --> 00:31:49,720 [Dr. Zhang] Dr. Rhoades. I am pleased to tell you 779 00:31:49,720 --> 00:31:51,595 that the Medical Board has taken into account 780 00:31:51,595 --> 00:31:53,470 the fact that you willingly came forward. 781 00:31:53,470 --> 00:31:55,595 And that you could have easily lied. 782 00:31:55,595 --> 00:31:58,303 Really. 783 00:31:58,303 --> 00:32:02,261 [Dr. Zhang] Yes. It showed that you are already making changes. 784 00:32:02,261 --> 00:32:04,595 [Dr. Zhang] And that you are, at core, a doctor who cares. 785 00:32:04,595 --> 00:32:06,428 [Dr. Zhang] We have also been provided with 786 00:32:06,428 --> 00:32:08,428 [Dr. Zhang] dozens of letters to your character. 787 00:32:08,428 --> 00:32:10,845 [Dr. Zhang] And that highlight how much you have given 788 00:32:10,845 --> 00:32:12,595 [Dr. Zhang] of your time over the years 789 00:32:12,595 --> 00:32:14,345 [Dr. Zhang] to those less fortunate. 790 00:32:14,345 --> 00:32:18,679 So we've decided to set aside the findings of the proceeding. 791 00:32:18,679 --> 00:32:20,637 And to give you a verbal warning instead. 792 00:32:20,637 --> 00:32:24,011 [Dr. Zhang] Consider that given, and the matter concluded. 793 00:32:24,011 --> 00:32:26,804 ♪♪♪ 794 00:32:26,804 --> 00:32:29,178 Thank you, Dr. Zhang. 795 00:32:29,178 --> 00:32:31,929 ♪♪♪ 796 00:32:31,929 --> 00:32:33,720 [exhales sharply] 797 00:32:33,720 --> 00:32:35,345 Yeah. I'm just finishing up a few things, 798 00:32:35,345 --> 00:32:37,512 you can head out for the night. 799 00:32:37,512 --> 00:32:40,470 ♪♪♪ 800 00:32:40,470 --> 00:32:41,637 [door opens] 801 00:32:41,637 --> 00:32:42,637 [sighs] 802 00:32:42,637 --> 00:32:43,679 [door closes] 803 00:32:43,679 --> 00:32:45,637 [sniffs] 804 00:32:45,637 --> 00:32:47,470 [cellphone whooshes] 805 00:32:47,470 --> 00:32:50,011 ♪♪♪ 806 00:32:50,011 --> 00:32:51,804 [cellphone whooshes] 807 00:32:51,804 --> 00:32:54,845 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 808 00:32:54,845 --> 00:32:58,845 ♪♪♪ 809 00:32:58,845 --> 00:33:02,762 ♪♪♪ 810 00:33:02,762 --> 00:33:04,387 [drawer closes] 811 00:33:04,387 --> 00:33:07,804 ♪♪♪ 812 00:33:07,804 --> 00:33:11,345 ♪♪♪ 813 00:33:11,345 --> 00:33:14,679 ♪♪♪ 814 00:33:14,679 --> 00:33:17,011 [door closes] 815 00:33:17,011 --> 00:33:19,887 ♪♪♪ 816 00:33:19,887 --> 00:33:22,845 ♪♪♪ 817 00:33:22,845 --> 00:33:24,345 [keys jangle] 818 00:33:24,345 --> 00:33:28,553 ♪♪♪ 819 00:33:28,553 --> 00:33:32,804 ♪♪♪ 820 00:33:32,804 --> 00:33:36,929 ♪♪♪ 821 00:33:36,929 --> 00:33:41,178 ♪♪♪ 822 00:33:41,178 --> 00:33:45,345 ♪♪♪ 823 00:33:45,345 --> 00:33:47,387 [lock disengages] 824 00:33:47,387 --> 00:33:52,053 ♪♪♪ 825 00:33:52,053 --> 00:33:56,720 ♪♪♪ 826 00:33:56,720 --> 00:34:01,428 ♪♪♪ 827 00:34:01,428 --> 00:34:06,387 ♪♪♪ 828 00:34:06,387 --> 00:34:11,053 ♪♪♪ 829 00:34:11,053 --> 00:34:15,720 ♪♪♪ 830 00:34:15,720 --> 00:34:20,428 ♪♪♪ 831 00:34:20,428 --> 00:34:25,387 ♪♪♪ 832 00:34:25,387 --> 00:34:30,095 ♪♪♪ 833 00:34:30,095 --> 00:34:34,679 ♪♪♪ 834 00:34:34,679 --> 00:34:37,220 [audio fast-forwarding] 835 00:34:37,220 --> 00:34:39,345 [Senior] ...You mean about the idiot 836 00:34:39,345 --> 00:34:41,553 [Senior] who stands to lose the most? Can I really-- 837 00:34:41,553 --> 00:34:43,387 [Ira] Yes. I can't listen to future plans. 838 00:34:43,387 --> 00:34:45,345 [Ira] But the things you've already done. 839 00:34:45,345 --> 00:34:47,261 [Ira] And the people with whom you've done 'em, 840 00:34:47,261 --> 00:34:49,136 [Ira] that I need to know. 841 00:34:49,136 --> 00:34:52,011 [Chuck] Go ahead. Press on. Privilege was clearly in place. 842 00:34:52,011 --> 00:34:55,178 [Senior] Once I tell you who he is, Ira, we can't go back. 843 00:34:55,178 --> 00:34:57,178 [Senior] It's a real mindblower. 844 00:34:57,178 --> 00:34:59,804 [Chuck] We should all brace ourselves for what's coming. 845 00:34:59,804 --> 00:35:02,095 [Chuck] Yes. 846 00:35:02,095 --> 00:35:04,887 [Chuck] Well. Do it, Dad. Say the name. 847 00:35:04,887 --> 00:35:08,595 Well, I mean, at this point it's gotta be clear, right? 848 00:35:08,595 --> 00:35:10,679 ♪♪♪ 849 00:35:10,679 --> 00:35:14,679 The idiot in question is Bryan Connerty. 850 00:35:14,679 --> 00:35:16,470 [Chuck] Yes. Well. The rub of it is. 851 00:35:16,470 --> 00:35:18,595 [Chuck] If Connerty is listening right now, 852 00:35:18,595 --> 00:35:20,845 [Chuck] it means he's crossed all legal and ethical bounds 853 00:35:20,845 --> 00:35:23,261 [Chuck] and our little plan is about to bear fruit... 854 00:35:23,261 --> 00:35:25,345 [Chuck] But, uh [chuckles] you're not listening, 855 00:35:25,345 --> 00:35:27,011 are you, Bryan? 856 00:35:27,011 --> 00:35:29,261 'Cause you don't break the law. 857 00:35:29,261 --> 00:35:32,178 [Chuck] But, if he is "headphones on" right now, 858 00:35:32,178 --> 00:35:34,428 [Chuck] it means he's gone completely over the line 859 00:35:34,428 --> 00:35:37,178 [Chuck] and committed all manner of crimes that led to this, 860 00:35:37,178 --> 00:35:40,345 and his arrest is, uh, moments away. 861 00:35:40,345 --> 00:35:43,095 Which is why we dubbed the man 'the idiot'. 862 00:35:43,095 --> 00:35:44,887 Should've called him the fucking idiot-- 863 00:35:44,887 --> 00:35:47,970 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 864 00:35:47,970 --> 00:35:52,220 ♪♪♪ 865 00:35:52,220 --> 00:35:56,512 ♪♪♪ 866 00:35:56,512 --> 00:35:59,428 Ah, fuck. 867 00:35:59,428 --> 00:36:02,178 You should probably say it again. Louder. 868 00:36:02,178 --> 00:36:03,845 Cuz yeah. You are fucked. 869 00:36:03,845 --> 00:36:05,970 Let's go. 870 00:36:05,970 --> 00:36:08,845 ♪♪♪ 871 00:36:11,470 --> 00:36:13,136 Kate-- 872 00:36:13,136 --> 00:36:15,553 Bryan, I had them hold you in here, as a courtesy-- 873 00:36:15,553 --> 00:36:17,220 but what the fuck? I-- 874 00:36:17,220 --> 00:36:19,970 [Sacker] You kept asking if you would understand everything 875 00:36:19,970 --> 00:36:22,011 [Sacker] if you listened to the tape. 876 00:36:22,011 --> 00:36:23,261 [Sacker] I told you 877 00:36:23,261 --> 00:36:25,136 [Sacker] unfortunately the answer was yes. 878 00:36:26,512 --> 00:36:28,387 It was my hope you never found out what came next. 879 00:36:28,387 --> 00:36:31,011 Whatever bullshit they were running on that recording, 880 00:36:31,011 --> 00:36:33,387 tell me you recovered stuff from the safes 881 00:36:33,387 --> 00:36:36,220 that will prove this thing for what it is. 882 00:36:36,220 --> 00:36:38,220 Oh, I got proof from the safes, Bryan, 883 00:36:38,220 --> 00:36:40,970 [Sacker] but not the kind you were looking for. 884 00:36:40,970 --> 00:36:44,053 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 885 00:36:44,053 --> 00:36:48,679 ♪♪♪ 886 00:36:48,679 --> 00:36:53,428 ♪♪♪ 887 00:36:53,428 --> 00:36:55,011 This isn't a contract laying out 888 00:36:55,011 --> 00:36:57,345 your participation in some real estate scam. 889 00:36:57,345 --> 00:36:59,679 No, but it is my participation in 890 00:36:59,679 --> 00:37:02,303 a New York State sting operation targeting certain 891 00:37:02,303 --> 00:37:04,470 corrupt members of the Department of Justice. 892 00:37:04,470 --> 00:37:06,095 ♪♪♪ 893 00:37:06,095 --> 00:37:07,804 An overzealous prosecutor-- 894 00:37:07,804 --> 00:37:09,470 especially a US Attorney-- 895 00:37:09,470 --> 00:37:11,387 is a very dangerous thing... 896 00:37:11,387 --> 00:37:16,095 ♪♪♪ 897 00:37:16,095 --> 00:37:17,595 And Rhoades Senior? 898 00:37:17,595 --> 00:37:20,595 ♪♪♪ 899 00:37:20,595 --> 00:37:23,553 ♪♪♪ 900 00:37:23,553 --> 00:37:25,720 [drill whirs] Don't ruin my box. 901 00:37:25,720 --> 00:37:29,303 ♪♪♪ 902 00:37:29,303 --> 00:37:30,387 [keypad beeping] 903 00:37:30,387 --> 00:37:35,261 ♪♪♪ 904 00:37:35,261 --> 00:37:40,095 ♪♪♪ 905 00:37:40,095 --> 00:37:44,970 ♪♪♪ 906 00:37:44,970 --> 00:37:49,845 ♪♪♪ 907 00:37:49,845 --> 00:37:52,345 It's not what you wanted, but it is what was there. 908 00:37:52,345 --> 00:37:54,428 ♪♪♪ 909 00:37:54,428 --> 00:37:55,637 [sighs] 910 00:37:55,637 --> 00:38:00,095 ♪♪♪ 911 00:38:00,095 --> 00:38:02,303 Sonofabitch... 912 00:38:02,303 --> 00:38:04,970 ♪♪♪ 913 00:38:04,970 --> 00:38:07,762 [sighs] 914 00:38:07,762 --> 00:38:09,804 May I? 915 00:38:09,804 --> 00:38:12,553 ♪♪♪ 916 00:38:12,553 --> 00:38:15,470 Keep it brief, we still have processing to do. 917 00:38:17,762 --> 00:38:19,679 [inhales deeply] 918 00:38:19,679 --> 00:38:21,762 [door closes] 919 00:38:21,762 --> 00:38:24,845 Oh. Bryan, it pains me to be here like this-- 920 00:38:24,845 --> 00:38:27,303 Does it? But you lined up against me, 921 00:38:27,303 --> 00:38:29,345 and that just wasn't right. 922 00:38:32,178 --> 00:38:34,220 We could've worked together. 923 00:38:34,220 --> 00:38:37,345 But you broke ranks and tried to take me out. 924 00:38:37,345 --> 00:38:39,762 So I had to make a contingency plan. 925 00:38:39,762 --> 00:38:41,261 [sighs] 926 00:38:44,887 --> 00:38:46,345 How far back? 927 00:38:46,345 --> 00:38:50,553 Well, you know, 928 00:38:50,553 --> 00:38:51,845 pretty far... 929 00:38:51,845 --> 00:38:54,261 This development is my legacy. 930 00:38:54,261 --> 00:38:57,220 Hell, it's your legacy too. 931 00:38:57,220 --> 00:38:59,845 Well, I'm glad to see you've got your legs under you again, Dad. 932 00:38:59,845 --> 00:39:01,387 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 933 00:39:01,387 --> 00:39:03,387 [sea gulls cry] 934 00:39:03,387 --> 00:39:06,637 ♪♪♪ 935 00:39:06,637 --> 00:39:09,637 ♪♪♪ 936 00:39:09,637 --> 00:39:12,512 Dad, 937 00:39:12,512 --> 00:39:15,679 I know how we can spin this like a top. 938 00:39:15,679 --> 00:39:17,762 We're gonna have to put on a hell of a show... 939 00:39:17,762 --> 00:39:20,929 But, yeah, this will be our legacy. 940 00:39:20,929 --> 00:39:23,428 ♪♪♪ 941 00:39:23,428 --> 00:39:25,345 [Chuck] I knew you'd be coming after me 942 00:39:25,345 --> 00:39:27,845 [Chuck] and that you'd be up on me sooner than later... 943 00:39:27,845 --> 00:39:29,804 [Senior] There's no heat. 944 00:39:29,804 --> 00:39:31,387 [Senior] Sonny, my permits came back without a hitch... 945 00:39:31,387 --> 00:39:33,220 [Chuck] And of course I knew that you knew 946 00:39:33,220 --> 00:39:34,804 [Chuck] that Judge DeGiulio would deny 947 00:39:34,804 --> 00:39:36,178 [Chuck] your wiretap request... 948 00:39:36,178 --> 00:39:38,720 FBI observed father and son 949 00:39:38,720 --> 00:39:40,512 on the building site in question. 950 00:39:40,512 --> 00:39:42,887 You got a family portrait. 951 00:39:42,887 --> 00:39:46,303 [Chuck] And come to me with that information. 952 00:39:46,303 --> 00:39:48,804 Connerty came for a wire on you. 953 00:39:48,804 --> 00:39:50,887 Did you grant it? 954 00:39:50,887 --> 00:39:52,303 I killed it. 955 00:39:52,303 --> 00:39:55,428 [Chuck] And that you'd be watching. 956 00:39:55,428 --> 00:39:57,512 [Chuck] So we gave you what you needed 957 00:39:57,512 --> 00:39:59,053 [Chuck] to secure those wiretaps... 958 00:39:59,053 --> 00:40:02,261 You have your wire. 959 00:40:02,261 --> 00:40:04,845 [Chuck] And I knew you'd do as I trained you to do, 960 00:40:04,845 --> 00:40:08,095 [Chuck] programmed you almost, so you'd get on our phones. 961 00:40:08,095 --> 00:40:12,970 I have run into a financing snag with my development. 962 00:40:12,970 --> 00:40:14,512 What's the problem? 963 00:40:14,512 --> 00:40:18,011 Now, I know you have some banking contacts these days. 964 00:40:18,011 --> 00:40:19,720 [Chuck] I'll try to help. 965 00:40:19,720 --> 00:40:23,929 [Chuck] So I needed to squeeze certain players for help. 966 00:40:23,929 --> 00:40:26,470 You're probably wondering how you're gonna get out of this. 967 00:40:26,470 --> 00:40:28,428 [chuckles] Indeed. It crossed my mind. 968 00:40:28,428 --> 00:40:31,303 Well, you'll join me in a greater plan 969 00:40:31,303 --> 00:40:33,637 for the greater good. 970 00:40:33,637 --> 00:40:37,470 ♪♪♪ 971 00:40:37,470 --> 00:40:40,136 Listening and loving it... 972 00:40:40,136 --> 00:40:43,428 [Chuck] I needed your boss fully engaged, 973 00:40:43,428 --> 00:40:45,387 [Chuck] pushing you, breathing fire down your back. 974 00:40:45,387 --> 00:40:48,303 So once I knew it was the thing that mattered to him, 975 00:40:48,303 --> 00:40:50,637 I hit the election angle hard. 976 00:40:50,637 --> 00:40:53,512 By the time I parked the shit train in his backyard, 977 00:40:53,512 --> 00:40:56,637 both you and Jock were leaning in so hard, 978 00:40:56,637 --> 00:40:59,637 it was just a question of playing out an ending for you. 979 00:40:59,637 --> 00:41:02,762 I've taken the liberty. 980 00:41:02,762 --> 00:41:04,387 For our comfort... 981 00:41:04,387 --> 00:41:05,679 [rustling on recorded audio] What's that rustling? 982 00:41:05,679 --> 00:41:07,261 Did they paper this fucking deal? 983 00:41:07,261 --> 00:41:09,220 I need to go back to D.C. 984 00:41:09,220 --> 00:41:11,470 I have work to do. 985 00:41:11,470 --> 00:41:14,387 Gentlemen. 986 00:41:14,387 --> 00:41:15,845 [mouths words] 987 00:41:15,845 --> 00:41:18,637 ♪♪♪ 988 00:41:18,637 --> 00:41:21,261 [Chuck] I've got to admit that I was a little surprised 989 00:41:21,261 --> 00:41:24,011 by how eager you were for the dirty tricks 990 00:41:24,011 --> 00:41:26,345 and even crime. 991 00:41:26,345 --> 00:41:29,679 It's the power, of the office, that gets you leaning forward. 992 00:41:29,679 --> 00:41:32,679 It's dangerous and hard to ride, 993 00:41:32,679 --> 00:41:35,136 like an unbroken horse. 994 00:41:35,136 --> 00:41:37,929 [Chuck] That's something you never really heard me on. 995 00:41:37,929 --> 00:41:42,053 It is not easy, not easy at all. 996 00:41:42,053 --> 00:41:46,053 But I guess you'll have a long time to think about it. 997 00:41:46,053 --> 00:41:50,136 They call this getting what you deserve, don't they? 998 00:41:50,136 --> 00:41:52,679 It's coming for all of us. 999 00:41:53,679 --> 00:41:56,136 [sighs] 1000 00:41:56,136 --> 00:41:59,553 What about Jock-- 1001 00:41:59,553 --> 00:42:01,512 is he left standing? 1002 00:42:01,512 --> 00:42:03,720 I just caught up with the man... 1003 00:42:06,679 --> 00:42:09,011 You are a real troublemaker, Rhoades. 1004 00:42:09,011 --> 00:42:10,470 Runs in my blood. 1005 00:42:10,470 --> 00:42:11,720 [door closes] Runs in your kind. 1006 00:42:11,720 --> 00:42:13,470 You take that to mean ethnic, fine. 1007 00:42:13,470 --> 00:42:16,470 Or New Yorkers. Or guys with hair all over their faces. 1008 00:42:16,470 --> 00:42:18,345 [laughs] That's just like you-- 1009 00:42:18,345 --> 00:42:21,387 focused on a man's beard with so much intensity 1010 00:42:21,387 --> 00:42:23,762 you miss his foot coming up to kick you in the gonads. 1011 00:42:23,762 --> 00:42:24,845 Good luck there, pard. 1012 00:42:24,845 --> 00:42:26,553 Ah. Don't need luck. 1013 00:42:26,553 --> 00:42:27,887 No. 1014 00:42:27,887 --> 00:42:29,470 You know, the last time we were in here, 1015 00:42:29,470 --> 00:42:31,512 in what was my office, 1016 00:42:31,512 --> 00:42:33,679 it didn't turn out well for me. 1017 00:42:33,679 --> 00:42:36,679 And I told myself I wouldn't step foot back in this place 1018 00:42:36,679 --> 00:42:38,970 until it was you who'd be sent packing. 1019 00:42:38,970 --> 00:42:40,595 [Chuck] And that is today. 1020 00:42:40,595 --> 00:42:43,303 That is right now. 1021 00:42:43,303 --> 00:42:45,929 How're those low hangers feeling? 1022 00:42:45,929 --> 00:42:48,637 Heavy, full, and ready to shoot. 1023 00:42:48,637 --> 00:42:51,428 You think just 'cause I had an overzealous underling, 1024 00:42:51,428 --> 00:42:53,387 that I'm gonna take a fall? 1025 00:42:53,387 --> 00:42:55,095 I am not. 1026 00:42:55,095 --> 00:42:58,053 Connerty acted on his own, of his own volition. 1027 00:42:58,053 --> 00:42:59,428 He screwed up. 1028 00:42:59,428 --> 00:43:01,136 So now he's screwed. Not me. 1029 00:43:01,136 --> 00:43:04,595 You came to me on biblical grounds a short time ago. 1030 00:43:04,595 --> 00:43:06,929 And when you left, it occurred to me 1031 00:43:06,929 --> 00:43:10,512 that faith can be a beautiful thing, 1032 00:43:10,512 --> 00:43:13,929 except when it's misplaced. 1033 00:43:13,929 --> 00:43:16,845 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 1034 00:43:16,845 --> 00:43:19,136 [Connerty] I'm not legally allowed to listen to this-- 1035 00:43:19,136 --> 00:43:21,345 [Jock] If I order it, it's fucking legal. 1036 00:43:21,345 --> 00:43:23,970 [Jock] Now, you get your hands on that fucking tape-- 1037 00:43:23,970 --> 00:43:27,261 ♪♪♪ 1038 00:43:27,261 --> 00:43:30,095 So, the ballsack has to feel at least a twinge by now. 1039 00:43:30,095 --> 00:43:33,303 How the fuck...? 1040 00:43:33,303 --> 00:43:34,804 ♪♪♪ 1041 00:43:34,804 --> 00:43:36,387 [Chuck] I had an instinct that 1042 00:43:36,387 --> 00:43:38,011 [Chuck] at least some of what Connerty did 1043 00:43:38,011 --> 00:43:40,470 [Chuck] would be at your direction... 1044 00:43:40,470 --> 00:43:42,762 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 1045 00:43:42,762 --> 00:43:45,261 [Connerty] We are running down some promising leads and-- 1046 00:43:45,261 --> 00:43:47,303 [cellphone vibrates] 1047 00:43:47,303 --> 00:43:50,053 This could be the call. 1048 00:43:50,053 --> 00:43:51,303 Connerty... 1049 00:43:51,303 --> 00:43:55,428 ♪♪♪ 1050 00:43:55,428 --> 00:43:57,178 [Connerty] No, I'll be right there. 1051 00:43:57,178 --> 00:44:00,303 [Connerty] Good work. 1052 00:44:00,303 --> 00:44:02,720 Good luck finishing off the Rhoadeses. 1053 00:44:02,720 --> 00:44:06,345 ♪♪♪ 1054 00:44:06,345 --> 00:44:10,136 ♪♪♪ 1055 00:44:10,136 --> 00:44:13,679 ♪♪♪ 1056 00:44:13,679 --> 00:44:15,136 [groans] 1057 00:44:15,136 --> 00:44:17,428 You really did it... 1058 00:44:17,428 --> 00:44:20,178 got me right in the onions... 1059 00:44:20,178 --> 00:44:22,679 [shoe slams] 1060 00:44:22,679 --> 00:44:24,303 [shoe slams] 1061 00:44:24,303 --> 00:44:27,303 [Chuck] So, no, Bryan, no. 1062 00:44:27,303 --> 00:44:29,762 [breathes deeply] 1063 00:44:29,762 --> 00:44:32,261 When it comes to me, the thing you've got to learn is: 1064 00:44:32,261 --> 00:44:35,178 no one's left standing. 1065 00:44:47,261 --> 00:44:51,512 [Rudy] ♪ Ma il mio mistero è chiuso in me ♪ 1066 00:44:51,512 --> 00:44:54,637 ♪ Il nome mio nessun saprà ♪ 1067 00:44:54,637 --> 00:44:59,136 ♪ No, no, sulla tua bocca ♪ 1068 00:44:59,136 --> 00:45:02,220 ♪ Lo diro ♪ 1069 00:45:02,220 --> 00:45:05,804 ♪ Quando la luce ♪ 1070 00:45:05,804 --> 00:45:09,470 ♪ Splenderà ♪ 1071 00:45:11,470 --> 00:45:14,261 My dude, that was... I have like tears in my eyes, 1072 00:45:14,261 --> 00:45:16,136 and I don't even own that Three Tenors album. 1073 00:45:16,136 --> 00:45:18,720 My father was a-- 1074 00:45:18,720 --> 00:45:20,887 look, I'll sing for you another time. 1075 00:45:20,887 --> 00:45:23,470 For now, let's talk Nigerian Oil Warrants. 1076 00:45:23,470 --> 00:45:24,887 You talk. I'll listen. 1077 00:45:24,887 --> 00:45:26,470 They are highly illiquid instruments. 1078 00:45:26,470 --> 00:45:27,845 There's no real market for them. 1079 00:45:27,845 --> 00:45:29,553 So the few brokers who deal in them 1080 00:45:29,553 --> 00:45:31,637 can set almost any price. 1081 00:45:31,637 --> 00:45:33,595 You invest a few million dollars, 1082 00:45:33,595 --> 00:45:35,762 we wait a week, and I have them revalued. 1083 00:45:35,762 --> 00:45:37,095 How high? 1084 00:45:37,095 --> 00:45:38,804 Units that cost you, say, ten grand each 1085 00:45:38,804 --> 00:45:40,553 could suddenly be valued at a hundred grand. 1086 00:45:40,553 --> 00:45:42,762 Or two. Or five hundred. 1087 00:45:44,095 --> 00:45:46,387 For a few million dollars we can balloon these things up 1088 00:45:46,387 --> 00:45:50,053 and basically state that the firm is even on the year. 1089 00:45:50,053 --> 00:45:53,220 ♪♪♪ 1090 00:45:53,220 --> 00:45:54,303 So, what do you think...? 1091 00:45:54,303 --> 00:45:58,929 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 1092 00:45:58,929 --> 00:46:00,261 [cork pops] 1093 00:46:00,261 --> 00:46:02,136 [door opens] 1094 00:46:02,136 --> 00:46:04,887 [door closes] 1095 00:46:04,887 --> 00:46:06,929 Hello there. 1096 00:46:08,637 --> 00:46:11,804 You said I was foolish for wishing for a miracle. 1097 00:46:13,512 --> 00:46:16,553 But I guess they do happen-- 1098 00:46:16,553 --> 00:46:18,970 when you make them happen. 1099 00:46:20,595 --> 00:46:22,804 I'm grateful you got my suspension lifted. 1100 00:46:25,637 --> 00:46:28,178 Well, I'm glad that it all worked out. 1101 00:46:28,178 --> 00:46:29,512 [chuckles] 1102 00:46:29,512 --> 00:46:33,261 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 1103 00:46:33,261 --> 00:46:34,845 [sighs] 1104 00:46:34,845 --> 00:46:37,053 ♪♪♪ 1105 00:46:37,053 --> 00:46:38,804 [exhales sharply] 1106 00:46:38,804 --> 00:46:41,637 ♪♪♪ 1107 00:46:41,637 --> 00:46:44,470 ♪♪♪ 1108 00:46:44,470 --> 00:46:46,345 Grab me a glass. 1109 00:46:46,345 --> 00:46:47,679 I'll come join you. 1110 00:46:47,679 --> 00:46:51,220 ♪♪♪ 1111 00:46:51,220 --> 00:46:53,053 [shoes scraping] 1112 00:46:53,053 --> 00:46:55,011 ♪♪♪ 1113 00:46:55,011 --> 00:46:57,011 [tablet dings, vibrates] 1114 00:46:57,011 --> 00:47:01,136 ♪♪♪ 1115 00:47:01,136 --> 00:47:05,178 ♪♪♪ 1116 00:47:05,178 --> 00:47:09,303 ♪♪♪ 1117 00:47:09,303 --> 00:47:12,136 [sighs] 1118 00:47:12,136 --> 00:47:16,387 ♪♪♪ 1119 00:47:16,387 --> 00:47:20,887 ♪♪♪ 1120 00:47:20,887 --> 00:47:25,345 ♪♪♪ 1121 00:47:25,345 --> 00:47:29,637 ♪♪♪ 1122 00:47:29,637 --> 00:47:32,345 Did you even fucking try? 1123 00:47:32,345 --> 00:47:34,720 ♪♪♪ 1124 00:47:34,720 --> 00:47:37,053 No. I didn't. 1125 00:47:37,053 --> 00:47:39,387 I could explain. 1126 00:47:39,387 --> 00:47:40,637 But no. 1127 00:47:40,637 --> 00:47:42,887 [Chuck] [sighs] Yeah. I thought not. 1128 00:47:44,929 --> 00:47:45,887 Watch the kids. 1129 00:47:45,887 --> 00:47:47,595 Where are you going-- 1130 00:47:47,595 --> 00:47:49,053 Out. 1131 00:47:49,053 --> 00:47:51,053 When are you coming home? I don't know. 1132 00:47:51,053 --> 00:47:52,762 But you are coming home? 1133 00:47:52,762 --> 00:47:55,387 I don't know. 1134 00:47:55,387 --> 00:47:57,553 [sighs] 1135 00:47:57,553 --> 00:48:00,428 ♪♪♪ 1136 00:48:00,428 --> 00:48:03,553 ♪♪♪ 1137 00:48:03,553 --> 00:48:06,261 [door opens and slams] 1138 00:48:06,261 --> 00:48:09,762 ♪♪♪ 1139 00:48:09,762 --> 00:48:13,387 ♪♪♪ 1140 00:48:13,387 --> 00:48:15,762 [scoffs] 1141 00:48:15,762 --> 00:48:18,970 ♪♪♪ 1142 00:48:18,970 --> 00:48:22,095 ♪♪♪ 1143 00:48:27,970 --> 00:48:30,261 [car door opens] 1144 00:48:30,261 --> 00:48:31,804 Hold up. 1145 00:48:31,804 --> 00:48:34,095 [car door closes] 1146 00:48:38,679 --> 00:48:40,053 You're not under arrest. 1147 00:48:40,053 --> 00:48:43,679 But it would be good if you act like you are... 1148 00:48:46,929 --> 00:48:48,845 [exhales heavily] 1149 00:48:48,845 --> 00:48:51,970 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 1150 00:48:51,970 --> 00:48:55,345 ♪♪♪ 1151 00:48:55,345 --> 00:48:58,929 ♪♪♪ 1152 00:48:58,929 --> 00:49:00,720 Let's talk Nigerian Oil Warrants. 1153 00:49:00,720 --> 00:49:02,345 You talk. I'll listen. 1154 00:49:02,345 --> 00:49:03,804 That right there is 1155 00:49:03,804 --> 00:49:06,804 the very picture of criminal conduct. 1156 00:49:06,804 --> 00:49:09,303 And the part where I refuse and walk out? 1157 00:49:11,178 --> 00:49:12,720 Thank you, Rudy. 1158 00:49:12,720 --> 00:49:14,345 But you were singing "Nessun Dorma" before, 1159 00:49:14,345 --> 00:49:16,136 which is about somebody hiding something. 1160 00:49:16,136 --> 00:49:17,970 Which makes me wonder why that particular aria 1161 00:49:17,970 --> 00:49:20,261 was in your mouth. So it's a no for now. 1162 00:49:20,261 --> 00:49:22,637 I'll learn to live without the Nigerian Warrants. And you. 1163 00:49:22,637 --> 00:49:26,178 ♪♪♪ 1164 00:49:26,178 --> 00:49:27,387 You're a charming tenor. 1165 00:49:27,387 --> 00:49:29,136 Do more of that. Less of this. 1166 00:49:29,136 --> 00:49:31,512 ♪♪♪ 1167 00:49:31,512 --> 00:49:34,095 ♪♪♪ 1168 00:49:34,095 --> 00:49:37,929 It seems there was a camera malfunction... 1169 00:49:37,929 --> 00:49:40,345 I see. 1170 00:49:40,345 --> 00:49:41,970 Well, in that case, I'd like to speak to-- 1171 00:49:41,970 --> 00:49:45,804 Or at least that was to be the case 1172 00:49:45,804 --> 00:49:48,303 when you balked at the illicit deal. 1173 00:49:48,303 --> 00:49:53,095 But, uh [chuckles] I've lost my taste 1174 00:49:53,095 --> 00:49:55,470 for this particular set-up right now. 1175 00:49:55,470 --> 00:49:57,053 Have you? 1176 00:49:57,053 --> 00:49:58,178 Mm. 1177 00:49:59,762 --> 00:50:03,095 When I look at the shambles my life has become-- 1178 00:50:03,095 --> 00:50:06,970 from my firing, to my public disgrace, 1179 00:50:06,970 --> 00:50:09,637 to my election with strings attached, 1180 00:50:09,637 --> 00:50:12,553 to the destruction of my marriage, 1181 00:50:12,553 --> 00:50:17,428 to my family falling into disrepair-- 1182 00:50:17,428 --> 00:50:20,887 ah, did I make mistakes to cause it? 1183 00:50:20,887 --> 00:50:23,428 Perhaps. 1184 00:50:23,428 --> 00:50:26,053 ♪♪♪ 1185 00:50:26,053 --> 00:50:28,178 But a truer reckoning is: 1186 00:50:28,178 --> 00:50:32,303 it all tracks back to one source. 1187 00:50:32,303 --> 00:50:35,136 One man. 1188 00:50:35,136 --> 00:50:40,095 A man so corrosive, so virulently infective 1189 00:50:40,095 --> 00:50:43,553 as to strip me of every good quality I ever had: 1190 00:50:43,553 --> 00:50:47,595 my kindness, my empathy, my sense of justice. 1191 00:50:47,595 --> 00:50:50,053 Maybe even my ability to love. 1192 00:50:50,053 --> 00:50:51,720 [chuckles] 1193 00:50:51,720 --> 00:50:56,053 And that very man 1194 00:50:56,053 --> 00:50:58,679 charged me with arresting you 1195 00:50:58,679 --> 00:51:02,970 in order to force you back into his employ. 1196 00:51:02,970 --> 00:51:06,387 He wants me to come back to work for him? 1197 00:51:06,387 --> 00:51:08,345 At Axe Capital. He wants that? 1198 00:51:08,345 --> 00:51:10,303 Yes, 1199 00:51:10,303 --> 00:51:13,845 which gives us an opening. 1200 00:51:13,845 --> 00:51:16,595 [Chuck] I don't want to force you. 1201 00:51:16,595 --> 00:51:20,136 [Chuck] I want you to go back willingly, but as if I had, 1202 00:51:20,136 --> 00:51:23,929 and I want you to help me take him down, 1203 00:51:23,929 --> 00:51:27,428 [Chuck] once and for all. 1204 00:51:27,428 --> 00:51:31,637 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 1205 00:51:31,637 --> 00:51:36,553 ♪♪♪ 1206 00:51:36,553 --> 00:51:41,512 ♪♪♪ 1207 00:51:41,512 --> 00:51:43,470 [Taylor] I should have known what would happen. 1208 00:51:43,470 --> 00:51:45,011 I once confessed to you that 1209 00:51:45,011 --> 00:51:47,053 competition brought on vertigo-like symptoms in me. 1210 00:51:47,053 --> 00:51:48,929 Well. I certainly feel faint right now. 1211 00:51:48,929 --> 00:51:50,595 Tighten your stomach. 1212 00:51:50,595 --> 00:51:52,637 It'll push the blood back up into your brain. 1213 00:51:52,637 --> 00:51:54,804 You'll feel better. Won't help my firm. 1214 00:51:54,804 --> 00:51:57,095 Or my balance sheet. Which you destroyed. 1215 00:51:57,095 --> 00:51:58,762 I didn't make you cook the books though. 1216 00:51:58,762 --> 00:52:00,428 That was all you. 1217 00:52:00,428 --> 00:52:03,178 I figured an extra quarter or two without redemptions 1218 00:52:03,178 --> 00:52:04,970 and disruptions and I could make a comeback. 1219 00:52:04,970 --> 00:52:06,679 Well. We always think we can. 1220 00:52:06,679 --> 00:52:08,970 But then you had your friend waiting to arrest me. 1221 00:52:08,970 --> 00:52:10,428 So I can't. 1222 00:52:10,428 --> 00:52:12,095 [chuckles] 1223 00:52:13,345 --> 00:52:15,762 He's no friend of mine, believe me. 1224 00:52:15,762 --> 00:52:17,470 [Axe] Just a useful tool. 1225 00:52:17,470 --> 00:52:19,553 [Axe] And I wasn't gonna let him take you to jail. 1226 00:52:19,553 --> 00:52:20,845 As long as... 1227 00:52:20,845 --> 00:52:23,136 Yes. As long as I come under heel. 1228 00:52:23,136 --> 00:52:25,178 Well. Don't think of it like that. 1229 00:52:25,178 --> 00:52:27,762 Or do. Whichever. 1230 00:52:27,762 --> 00:52:31,345 But, yes, you are coming back to me. 1231 00:52:31,345 --> 00:52:35,095 You were such a worthy fucking adversary 1232 00:52:35,095 --> 00:52:37,637 that even with a much smaller bankroll 1233 00:52:37,637 --> 00:52:41,345 you cost me my relationship and pushed me to a stalemate. 1234 00:52:41,345 --> 00:52:42,720 Right until the very end... 1235 00:52:42,720 --> 00:52:45,178 So, yeah, I want you on my side. 1236 00:52:45,178 --> 00:52:46,845 It won't be forever. 1237 00:52:46,845 --> 00:52:49,845 I'll walk away soon enough and your firm will have survived. 1238 00:52:49,845 --> 00:52:51,136 Will it have? 1239 00:52:51,136 --> 00:52:52,220 That's gonna be up to you. 1240 00:52:52,220 --> 00:52:54,845 But it can. It should. 1241 00:52:54,845 --> 00:52:56,345 You're still you. 1242 00:52:56,345 --> 00:52:58,762 So how would it work-- I keep my own shingle? 1243 00:52:58,762 --> 00:53:01,845 Yes. Under my banner. 1244 00:53:01,845 --> 00:53:03,553 And you and I are going to, what, 1245 00:53:03,553 --> 00:53:05,303 bullshit about ideas all day long? 1246 00:53:05,303 --> 00:53:07,220 We don't have to be best friends. 1247 00:53:07,220 --> 00:53:08,804 Or friends of any kind. 1248 00:53:08,804 --> 00:53:10,553 I just want your brain. 1249 00:53:10,553 --> 00:53:12,178 [Axe] And it won't all be bad for you. 1250 00:53:12,178 --> 00:53:13,970 We'll pre-set a bonus structure. 1251 00:53:13,970 --> 00:53:16,095 And you will know exactly where you will end up. 1252 00:53:16,095 --> 00:53:17,720 That will be a signed document. 1253 00:53:17,720 --> 00:53:20,220 [Axe] It will. And we will also have a separate, 1254 00:53:20,220 --> 00:53:22,053 special document, signed by Rhoades too, 1255 00:53:22,053 --> 00:53:23,762 that says at a date certain 1256 00:53:23,762 --> 00:53:26,220 whatever he has on you disappears forever. 1257 00:53:26,220 --> 00:53:29,595 ♪♪♪ 1258 00:53:29,595 --> 00:53:33,220 ♪♪♪ 1259 00:53:33,220 --> 00:53:36,595 ♪♪♪ 1260 00:53:36,595 --> 00:53:39,553 Where we at? 1261 00:53:39,553 --> 00:53:41,929 I'm going back to work at Axe Capital. 1262 00:53:41,929 --> 00:53:43,387 Will you come with me? 1263 00:53:45,595 --> 00:53:47,428 [sighs] 1264 00:53:49,929 --> 00:53:51,553 In. 1265 00:53:51,553 --> 00:53:55,095 Chuck Rhoades wants to use me to help him nail Axe. 1266 00:53:55,095 --> 00:53:57,679 Crazy. 1267 00:53:57,679 --> 00:53:59,470 Are you going to do it? 1268 00:53:59,470 --> 00:54:01,178 I told him I would. 1269 00:54:01,178 --> 00:54:04,261 And I made Axe believe I was done trying to destroy him. 1270 00:54:04,261 --> 00:54:06,345 But I learned something: 1271 00:54:06,345 --> 00:54:08,512 they're both lined up to destroy each other. 1272 00:54:08,512 --> 00:54:10,929 At the right moment when both have their guns raised, 1273 00:54:10,929 --> 00:54:12,887 I'll step out of the way and let it happen. 1274 00:54:12,887 --> 00:54:14,303 I'll help it happen. 1275 00:54:14,303 --> 00:54:15,845 They'll put each other in the ground 1276 00:54:15,845 --> 00:54:18,428 and I'll go about my fucking business. 1277 00:54:18,428 --> 00:54:21,428 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 1278 00:54:21,428 --> 00:54:26,178 ♪♪♪ 1279 00:54:26,178 --> 00:54:30,970 ♪♪♪ 1280 00:54:30,970 --> 00:54:35,762 ♪♪♪ 1281 00:54:35,762 --> 00:54:38,428 [sighs] 1282 00:54:38,428 --> 00:54:41,804 ♪♪♪ 1283 00:54:41,804 --> 00:54:45,428 ♪♪♪ 1284 00:54:45,428 --> 00:54:49,553 [door opens, footsteps approach] 1285 00:54:49,553 --> 00:54:51,011 Hey. 1286 00:54:51,011 --> 00:54:52,679 Hey. 1287 00:54:52,679 --> 00:54:54,512 Some day. 1288 00:54:54,512 --> 00:54:56,136 [chuckling] Yeah. 1289 00:54:56,136 --> 00:54:59,387 Look, um, that thing with Rebecca, 1290 00:54:59,387 --> 00:55:00,804 I didn't mean to put you in a-- 1291 00:55:00,804 --> 00:55:02,428 Nope. I'm not here for that. 1292 00:55:04,387 --> 00:55:05,762 I want to thank you. 1293 00:55:05,762 --> 00:55:07,095 I don't know how-- 1294 00:55:07,095 --> 00:55:08,637 You don't even have to. 1295 00:55:10,428 --> 00:55:13,762 And I don't want to stay at home tonight. 1296 00:55:13,762 --> 00:55:15,178 Oh. 1297 00:55:15,178 --> 00:55:17,637 Or at some hotel. 1298 00:55:17,637 --> 00:55:21,470 Oh... [stammers] 1299 00:55:30,970 --> 00:55:33,136 Oh. Shit. 1300 00:55:33,136 --> 00:55:36,261 Six maids and they leave it like this... 1301 00:55:36,261 --> 00:55:38,303 You can't sleep in Dean and Gordie's room, 1302 00:55:38,303 --> 00:55:39,845 'cause they have small beds. 1303 00:55:39,845 --> 00:55:42,512 And art is piled all over the other rooms. 1304 00:55:47,178 --> 00:55:49,220 You know what? 1305 00:55:53,804 --> 00:55:55,553 We can do this. 1306 00:55:55,553 --> 00:55:57,679 [sheet fluttering] 1307 00:56:12,804 --> 00:56:14,595 Welp. 1308 00:56:14,595 --> 00:56:17,345 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 1309 00:56:17,345 --> 00:56:20,387 Text me what you want for breakfast in the morning, 1310 00:56:20,387 --> 00:56:22,553 I'll let Chef Ryan know. 1311 00:56:22,553 --> 00:56:26,845 ♪♪♪ 1312 00:56:26,845 --> 00:56:31,220 ♪♪♪ 1313 00:56:31,220 --> 00:56:34,679 And, you know, if you want to talk, 1314 00:56:34,679 --> 00:56:36,595 I'm right down the hall. 1315 00:56:36,595 --> 00:56:40,595 ♪♪♪ 1316 00:56:40,595 --> 00:56:42,428 Have a good night. 1317 00:56:42,428 --> 00:56:45,804 ♪♪♪ 1318 00:56:45,804 --> 00:56:49,428 ♪♪♪ 1319 00:56:49,428 --> 00:56:50,470 [door closes] 1320 00:56:50,470 --> 00:56:55,053 ♪♪♪ 1321 00:56:55,053 --> 00:56:57,929 [sighs] 1322 00:56:57,929 --> 00:57:02,261 ♪♪♪ 1323 00:57:02,261 --> 00:57:04,428 [exhales heavily] 1324 00:57:04,428 --> 00:57:07,470 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 1325 00:57:07,470 --> 00:57:10,970 ♪♪♪ 1326 00:57:10,970 --> 00:57:14,762 ♪♪♪ 1327 00:57:14,762 --> 00:57:18,220 ♪♪♪ 1328 00:57:18,220 --> 00:57:20,220 [elevator dings] 1329 00:57:20,220 --> 00:57:23,470 [indistinct conversations] 1330 00:57:23,470 --> 00:57:27,512 ♪♪♪ 1331 00:57:27,512 --> 00:57:31,595 ♪♪♪ 1332 00:57:31,595 --> 00:57:35,637 ♪♪♪ 1333 00:57:35,637 --> 00:57:39,595 ♪♪♪ 1334 00:57:41,428 --> 00:57:43,136 Hi, Taylor! Hi, Mafee! 1335 00:57:43,136 --> 00:57:44,595 Shut the fuck up, Ben. 1336 00:57:45,929 --> 00:57:47,470 Hi, Ben. 1337 00:57:49,428 --> 00:57:51,261 [footsteps approaching] 1338 00:57:51,261 --> 00:57:53,804 ♪ Elvis Costello & The Attractions' ♪ 1339 00:57:53,804 --> 00:57:55,970 ♪ "(What's So Funny 'Bout) ♪ 1340 00:57:55,970 --> 00:57:58,762 ♪ Peace, Love, and Understanding" ♪ 1341 00:57:58,762 --> 00:58:02,345 Welcome home. 1342 00:58:02,345 --> 00:58:04,553 Happy to be here. 1343 00:58:04,553 --> 00:58:07,679 ♪ As I walk through ♪ 1344 00:58:07,679 --> 00:58:11,345 ♪ This wicked world ♪ 1345 00:58:11,345 --> 00:58:15,970 ♪ Searchin' for light in the darkness of insanity ♪ 1346 00:58:15,970 --> 00:58:18,345 Now, I'm ready. 1347 00:58:18,345 --> 00:58:21,428 ♪ I ask myself ♪ I've earned it. 1348 00:58:21,428 --> 00:58:25,095 ♪ Is all hope lost? ♪ String me up. 1349 00:58:25,095 --> 00:58:28,845 ♪ Is there only pain and hatred ♪ 1350 00:58:28,845 --> 00:58:31,178 ♪ And misery? ♪ [crank clicking] 1351 00:58:31,178 --> 00:58:36,261 ♪ And each time I feel like this inside ♪ 1352 00:58:36,261 --> 00:58:38,512 ♪ There's one thing I wanna know ♪ 1353 00:58:38,512 --> 00:58:40,679 [thud] [gasping] 1354 00:58:40,679 --> 00:58:44,553 ♪ What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understanding? ♪ 1355 00:58:44,553 --> 00:58:46,970 ♪ Ohh ♪ 1356 00:58:46,970 --> 00:58:51,929 ♪ What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understanding? ♪ 1357 00:58:51,929 --> 00:58:56,428 ♪♪♪ 1358 00:58:56,428 --> 00:59:00,929 ♪♪♪ 1359 00:59:00,929 --> 00:59:05,679 ♪♪♪ 1360 00:59:05,679 --> 00:59:08,679 ♪ And as I walked on ♪ 1361 00:59:08,679 --> 00:59:12,553 ♪ Through troubled times ♪ 1362 00:59:12,553 --> 00:59:16,345 ♪ My spirit gets so downhearted ♪ 1363 00:59:16,345 --> 00:59:19,178 ♪ Sometimes ♪ 1364 00:59:19,178 --> 00:59:22,595 ♪ So, where are the strong ♪ 1365 00:59:22,595 --> 00:59:26,261 ♪ And who are the trusted? ♪