1 00:00:06,011 --> 00:00:07,720 [Bonnie] Previously on Billions... 2 00:00:07,804 --> 00:00:08,970 This place doesn't feel 3 00:00:09,053 --> 00:00:10,470 very much like a home to me right now. 4 00:00:10,553 --> 00:00:13,011 Don't put our home up for sale. 5 00:00:13,095 --> 00:00:15,679 A very interesting set of permits just got expedited. 6 00:00:15,762 --> 00:00:18,595 The beneficiary? One Charles Rhoades, Senior. 7 00:00:18,679 --> 00:00:21,136 Qatar State Bank is going to be taken off the restricted list 8 00:00:21,220 --> 00:00:23,261 and it's ready to give you a sweetheart of a loan. 9 00:00:23,345 --> 00:00:25,136 That does bring a grin. 10 00:00:25,220 --> 00:00:26,929 [Senior] Are you sure about this? 11 00:00:27,011 --> 00:00:29,303 [Chuck] Got it straight from the Secretary Of The Treasury. 12 00:00:29,387 --> 00:00:32,303 What do Jock Jeffcoat and his disciples have on you? 13 00:00:32,387 --> 00:00:34,929 Jock threatened to freeze funds, delay funds, yank funds. 14 00:00:35,011 --> 00:00:36,679 [Wendy] Axe is coming for you now. 15 00:00:36,762 --> 00:00:39,428 [Wendy] He said you chose your father over your business. 16 00:00:39,512 --> 00:00:41,011 [Taylor] I'm sorry it worked out this way. 17 00:00:41,095 --> 00:00:42,929 My enemies seemed to have found a way 18 00:00:43,011 --> 00:00:44,929 to aim the government at us like a nuclear weapon. 19 00:00:45,011 --> 00:00:46,679 Do you have any fucking idea what you've done? 20 00:00:46,762 --> 00:00:48,053 Hey! 21 00:00:48,136 --> 00:00:50,261 Leave her alone, you fucking goon! 22 00:00:50,345 --> 00:00:51,345 Fuck you, Bill! 23 00:00:51,428 --> 00:00:52,929 I am gonna kick your ass! 24 00:00:53,011 --> 00:00:54,387 Let's do it in the ring then, fucknut! 25 00:00:54,470 --> 00:00:56,804 Any time, any place, motherfucker! 26 00:00:56,887 --> 00:00:58,178 You're a garbage person, Wendy. 27 00:00:58,261 --> 00:01:01,261 That's what you are. It's what you all are! 28 00:01:09,011 --> 00:01:11,804 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 29 00:01:11,887 --> 00:01:15,887 ♪♪♪ 30 00:01:15,970 --> 00:01:20,970 ♪♪♪ 31 00:01:21,053 --> 00:01:24,303 [Ayles] Dudley Mafee and Dollar Bill Stearn... 32 00:01:24,387 --> 00:01:27,804 shall meet in this cathedral of la dolce scienza, 33 00:01:27,887 --> 00:01:31,345 in a bout of pugilism to satisfy grudges, 34 00:01:31,428 --> 00:01:33,345 to excite the imagination of the sporting public 35 00:01:33,428 --> 00:01:34,804 and in the good name of charity. 36 00:01:34,887 --> 00:01:36,178 Shall we discuss glove weight? 37 00:01:36,261 --> 00:01:37,845 Let's go with 8's. See some blood. 38 00:01:37,929 --> 00:01:39,428 No headgear, of course. 39 00:01:39,512 --> 00:01:41,136 Of course. Gotta see the punches land. 40 00:01:41,220 --> 00:01:42,804 Then it's 16's, jackass. 41 00:01:42,887 --> 00:01:44,387 Do you want them to break their moneymakers? 42 00:01:44,470 --> 00:01:45,762 Fine. Fuck. 43 00:01:45,845 --> 00:01:47,136 As for the purse and ticket sales-- 44 00:01:47,220 --> 00:01:48,637 Sixty-forty to the winner, 45 00:01:48,720 --> 00:01:50,011 allocated to the charity of their choice. 46 00:01:50,095 --> 00:01:51,845 That's a gutless split, Wagner. 47 00:01:51,929 --> 00:01:53,470 But then, it's gonna be a sad day in Palookaville 48 00:01:53,553 --> 00:01:55,595 when your washed-up Louis meets his Marciano. 49 00:01:55,679 --> 00:01:57,387 [chuckles] Sweetheart. 50 00:01:57,470 --> 00:01:59,178 I've known that traitorous dog Mafee for many years, 51 00:01:59,261 --> 00:02:01,178 and I promise you, that jaw of his 52 00:02:01,261 --> 00:02:03,804 is fragile as Murano blown glass. 53 00:02:03,887 --> 00:02:06,553 Blown Glass, that was your fraternity nickname wasn't it? 54 00:02:06,637 --> 00:02:08,637 Nope. Algonquin Ass-Eater. 55 00:02:08,720 --> 00:02:10,136 75-25. 56 00:02:10,220 --> 00:02:11,387 Screw it. Winner take all. 57 00:02:11,470 --> 00:02:12,970 Done. Care to make a side wager? 58 00:02:13,637 --> 00:02:15,637 [Wags] Fifty grand? 59 00:02:15,720 --> 00:02:17,178 Thanks, Sparky. 60 00:02:17,261 --> 00:02:19,970 ♪ Led Zeppelin's "In The Evening" ♪ 61 00:02:20,053 --> 00:02:22,970 ♪♪♪ 62 00:02:23,053 --> 00:02:26,053 ♪♪♪ 63 00:02:26,136 --> 00:02:28,595 [Axe] Wake up. 64 00:02:28,679 --> 00:02:31,011 [gasps, mutters] 65 00:02:31,095 --> 00:02:32,887 [Dollar Bill] The fuck are you doing? 66 00:02:32,970 --> 00:02:35,095 Sneaking in here like Versace! 67 00:02:35,178 --> 00:02:38,053 Versace was the victim. Cunanan was the killer. 68 00:02:38,136 --> 00:02:40,929 We're here to make you the killer! 69 00:02:41,011 --> 00:02:42,512 Bill, who are these men? 70 00:02:42,595 --> 00:02:44,053 [Jocko] Nothing to fear, miss. 71 00:02:44,136 --> 00:02:47,136 We're just gonna turn your husband into a man. 72 00:02:47,220 --> 00:02:50,303 ♪♪♪ 73 00:02:50,387 --> 00:02:53,804 ♪ In the evening ♪ 74 00:02:53,887 --> 00:02:55,428 Lock and load. 75 00:02:55,512 --> 00:02:58,887 [Jocko] This isn't the easy path! 76 00:02:59,011 --> 00:03:02,679 This is the warpath-- this is your attack on the day! 77 00:03:02,762 --> 00:03:04,178 I can't feel my face. 78 00:03:04,261 --> 00:03:06,303 The effects of a sedentary lifestyle. 79 00:03:06,387 --> 00:03:07,679 Push through it. 80 00:03:07,762 --> 00:03:09,929 We all have dragons to fight! 81 00:03:10,011 --> 00:03:11,845 When you can't feel your face, 82 00:03:11,929 --> 00:03:13,303 that means you need to go harder! 83 00:03:13,387 --> 00:03:15,637 Tut tut. 84 00:03:15,720 --> 00:03:17,387 [breathing heavily] 85 00:03:17,470 --> 00:03:18,679 ♪ Play you for a fool ♪ 86 00:03:18,762 --> 00:03:20,470 Bubbler, one-hitter, 87 00:03:20,553 --> 00:03:22,261 indica vape, sativa vape, 88 00:03:22,345 --> 00:03:25,679 gummies, tincture, Long Bong Holmes. 89 00:03:25,762 --> 00:03:28,970 This one is 20-1 THC/CBD, 90 00:03:29,053 --> 00:03:31,428 great for creative thinking. 91 00:03:31,512 --> 00:03:32,887 And you want this one... 92 00:03:32,970 --> 00:03:37,428 Which has a ratio of 100-1 for sleep. 93 00:03:37,512 --> 00:03:41,011 I'm in training now so I have to off-load all my jazz cabbage. 94 00:03:41,095 --> 00:03:42,595 Use 'em in good health. 95 00:03:42,679 --> 00:03:45,178 And get the fuck out of here before anyone shows up for work. 96 00:03:45,261 --> 00:03:47,970 Awesome, dude. Much appreciated. 97 00:03:48,053 --> 00:03:49,553 Very sick. 98 00:03:52,220 --> 00:03:55,053 Actually-- 99 00:03:55,136 --> 00:03:56,428 One won't hurt, right? 100 00:03:56,512 --> 00:03:59,929 I mean, it might, right? 101 00:04:00,011 --> 00:04:02,553 ♪ mid-tempo music ♪ [elevator dings] 102 00:04:02,637 --> 00:04:06,887 ♪♪♪ 103 00:04:06,970 --> 00:04:08,720 Top o' the morning. 104 00:04:08,804 --> 00:04:11,887 ♪♪♪ 105 00:04:11,970 --> 00:04:15,303 ♪♪♪ 106 00:04:15,387 --> 00:04:17,178 [foghorn blows] 107 00:04:17,261 --> 00:04:18,387 [sighs] 108 00:04:18,470 --> 00:04:20,720 [breathes deeply] 109 00:04:20,804 --> 00:04:23,387 You gonna get to it? 110 00:04:23,470 --> 00:04:26,220 Huh? We just warmed up, 111 00:04:26,303 --> 00:04:28,845 ran the whole loop and you haven't said shit. 112 00:04:28,929 --> 00:04:31,220 [scoffs] The absolute last thing I need 113 00:04:31,303 --> 00:04:34,011 is a jogging buddy who's less talkative than Ghost Dog. 114 00:04:34,095 --> 00:04:37,136 [chuckles] I didn't sign up for the coffee klatch run. 115 00:04:39,637 --> 00:04:41,679 You don't have a lot of female friends, do you? 116 00:04:41,762 --> 00:04:45,595 Some. I just--I just...don't keep up with them very much. 117 00:04:45,679 --> 00:04:48,762 Yeah. Guy friends are easier. 118 00:04:48,845 --> 00:04:51,136 Once you make it clear that you won't be smashing, 119 00:04:51,220 --> 00:04:53,345 they're like herding puppies. 120 00:04:53,428 --> 00:04:55,178 [sighs] 121 00:04:55,261 --> 00:04:56,720 [sniffs] 122 00:04:56,804 --> 00:04:59,929 How are you getting out of bed? 123 00:05:02,136 --> 00:05:05,220 Mafee eviscerated you in front of everyone. 124 00:05:05,303 --> 00:05:08,220 After you'd already been wrecked by your husband on TV. 125 00:05:08,303 --> 00:05:10,011 Well, Mafee-- I actually earned that. 126 00:05:10,095 --> 00:05:12,762 Fuck no. Mafee's a child. 127 00:05:12,845 --> 00:05:15,637 And the shit he said to you was fucking abusive. 128 00:05:15,720 --> 00:05:18,178 I don't know what happened, 129 00:05:18,261 --> 00:05:22,345 but whatever it was, you were protecting Axe Cap. 130 00:05:22,428 --> 00:05:24,970 And you held firm as fuck. 131 00:05:25,053 --> 00:05:28,345 Thank you. 132 00:05:28,428 --> 00:05:30,345 I'm glad if it seemed that way. 133 00:05:30,428 --> 00:05:34,136 But I'm not really holding very firm. 134 00:05:34,220 --> 00:05:37,637 In any way. 135 00:05:37,720 --> 00:05:41,178 But if I try to talk it out any more right now...I think-- 136 00:05:41,261 --> 00:05:44,637 You'll collapse? 137 00:05:44,720 --> 00:05:48,053 [exhales sharply] 138 00:05:48,136 --> 00:05:52,428 Well we can't have that. 139 00:05:52,512 --> 00:05:54,595 That's probably enough sharing for today. 140 00:05:54,679 --> 00:05:56,887 C'mon. 141 00:05:56,970 --> 00:06:00,136 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 142 00:06:00,220 --> 00:06:02,804 [knock on door] 143 00:06:02,887 --> 00:06:04,303 Got you the usual. 144 00:06:04,387 --> 00:06:05,762 Chai for you and a double espresso for pops. 145 00:06:05,845 --> 00:06:07,720 Only the chai. 146 00:06:07,804 --> 00:06:09,428 You no longer have to remember the other order. 147 00:06:09,512 --> 00:06:11,011 In fact, I'd prefer you stop bringing it. 148 00:06:11,095 --> 00:06:13,970 ♪♪♪ 149 00:06:14,053 --> 00:06:16,887 ♪♪♪ 150 00:06:16,970 --> 00:06:18,845 [door closes] 151 00:06:18,929 --> 00:06:23,804 ♪♪♪ 152 00:06:23,887 --> 00:06:25,679 [grunts] 153 00:06:25,762 --> 00:06:28,136 [door closes] Ah. 154 00:06:28,220 --> 00:06:30,095 [pan thuds] [keys clatter] 155 00:06:30,178 --> 00:06:32,053 [Chuck] Thought you might be in need of 156 00:06:32,136 --> 00:06:33,679 a hearty breakfast after your run. 157 00:06:33,762 --> 00:06:35,428 [Chuck] Even got that bread you like from She Wolf. 158 00:06:42,095 --> 00:06:45,512 This is all either too soon or too late. 159 00:06:45,595 --> 00:06:48,470 Or maybe it's just a moment of warmth, of connection. 160 00:06:48,553 --> 00:06:49,845 To show you I appreciate-- 161 00:06:49,929 --> 00:06:51,345 It's like the end of Speed-The-Plow. 162 00:06:51,428 --> 00:06:52,887 Remember we used to see plays together? 163 00:06:52,970 --> 00:06:54,970 "Would you of gone to bed with me, I didn't do your book." 164 00:06:55,053 --> 00:06:58,679 I can't separate the gesture from the situation. 165 00:06:58,762 --> 00:07:01,428 Uh-huh. And what is the situation, exactly? 166 00:07:01,512 --> 00:07:03,261 You don't want us to sell the house. 167 00:07:03,345 --> 00:07:06,136 You want me to remember it's "home." 168 00:07:06,220 --> 00:07:07,679 But that couple wants to make us an offer. 169 00:07:07,762 --> 00:07:11,762 And if they come in at our number, I want us to take it. 170 00:07:11,845 --> 00:07:15,136 ♪ soft music ♪ 171 00:07:15,220 --> 00:07:17,345 It is "home." 172 00:07:17,428 --> 00:07:18,887 For us and the kids. 173 00:07:18,970 --> 00:07:21,553 It was. 174 00:07:21,637 --> 00:07:22,970 They want to come back and see the place. 175 00:07:23,053 --> 00:07:25,178 We need to make it available one night this week. 176 00:07:25,261 --> 00:07:29,261 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 177 00:07:29,345 --> 00:07:30,470 [knock on door, door opens] 178 00:07:30,553 --> 00:07:32,303 Live auction? 179 00:07:32,387 --> 00:07:34,011 Yep. I'm now the proud owner 180 00:07:34,095 --> 00:07:38,553 of Lot B34750942D. For 860. 181 00:07:38,637 --> 00:07:40,845 Pricey. But worth it if this goes the way we hope... 182 00:07:40,929 --> 00:07:42,345 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 183 00:07:42,428 --> 00:07:43,887 [Scott Wapner] Let's talk fracking-- 184 00:07:43,970 --> 00:07:45,303 [Taylor] Nothing to say, since it's been banned. 185 00:07:45,387 --> 00:07:46,720 But refining natural gas products 186 00:07:46,804 --> 00:07:48,136 that have been fracked elsewhere 187 00:07:48,220 --> 00:07:49,553 is still legal in this state. 188 00:07:49,637 --> 00:07:51,345 So why do you want to be short the refiners? 189 00:07:51,428 --> 00:07:53,720 Over time they're a loser. 190 00:07:53,804 --> 00:07:55,136 This bullshit is going to crush our position. 191 00:07:55,220 --> 00:07:57,512 Taylor's driving it down on purpose. To frag us. 192 00:07:57,595 --> 00:07:59,220 The bill in the state legislature right now 193 00:07:59,303 --> 00:08:01,428 to ban fracking-- I'm betting it passes... 194 00:08:01,512 --> 00:08:02,845 Fossil fuels are a dead end. 195 00:08:02,929 --> 00:08:04,637 As was my time at Axe Capital. 196 00:08:04,720 --> 00:08:06,428 [Scott Wapner] What was the story there? 197 00:08:06,512 --> 00:08:08,637 You were at one of the most successful funds ever-- 198 00:08:08,720 --> 00:08:10,261 The Celtics were dominant for a long time, 199 00:08:10,345 --> 00:08:11,637 and then they weren't. 200 00:08:11,720 --> 00:08:13,595 And Bobby Axelrod is no Larry Bird. 201 00:08:13,679 --> 00:08:15,220 [Josh Brown] Whoa. So you went out on your own. 202 00:08:15,303 --> 00:08:17,220 -That's a big move. -I wasn't going to stick around 203 00:08:17,303 --> 00:08:19,095 while that company ran itself into the ground. 204 00:08:19,178 --> 00:08:21,095 I was going to launch a new thing into the stratosphere. 205 00:08:21,178 --> 00:08:22,929 [Josh Brown] Wait. Wait. Wait-- are you saying 206 00:08:23,011 --> 00:08:25,220 that Axe Capital is driving itself into the ground? 207 00:08:25,303 --> 00:08:27,095 Bobby Axelrod was my teacher, 208 00:08:27,178 --> 00:08:29,720 so I have a certain amount of nostalgic respect for him. 209 00:08:29,804 --> 00:08:31,970 But he's a dinosaur. 210 00:08:32,053 --> 00:08:33,804 [Taylor] So. Like any good student, 211 00:08:33,887 --> 00:08:35,887 [Taylor] I learned what I could from him and moved on. 212 00:08:35,970 --> 00:08:37,679 [Taylor] The smart money will do the same. 213 00:08:37,762 --> 00:08:39,470 The smarter money will do it first. 214 00:08:39,553 --> 00:08:42,053 Enough of this fucking horseshit. 215 00:08:42,136 --> 00:08:44,470 You need to cut the head off of this snake right fucking now. 216 00:08:44,553 --> 00:08:46,303 This aggression will not stand-- 217 00:08:46,387 --> 00:08:49,220 Okay. Personal attacks aside, thoughts? 218 00:08:51,679 --> 00:08:53,428 [scoffs] Shit. 219 00:08:53,512 --> 00:08:55,428 I'll say it since the rest of you 220 00:08:55,512 --> 00:08:57,970 are wimpier than George McFly at prom: 221 00:08:58,053 --> 00:09:00,428 We've got to get out of our New York refinery positions. 222 00:09:00,512 --> 00:09:02,637 No, Bonnie. That's just one investor talking. 223 00:09:02,720 --> 00:09:04,970 We can push back. We'll win this thing. 224 00:09:05,053 --> 00:09:07,970 Wags, figure out how to use lobbyists 225 00:09:08,053 --> 00:09:11,303 to move the legislature through regular political channels. 226 00:09:11,387 --> 00:09:15,261 Victor, figure out how to move 'em your way. 227 00:09:21,804 --> 00:09:23,679 Albany's completely split on the issue. 228 00:09:23,762 --> 00:09:26,595 It'll likely come down to the governor, and he's agnostic. 229 00:09:26,679 --> 00:09:28,220 The Street is split too. 230 00:09:28,303 --> 00:09:29,595 Do you have intel? 231 00:09:29,679 --> 00:09:32,428 Not intel. No. I'm confused. 232 00:09:32,512 --> 00:09:34,220 You're jumping into the scrum with the score tied. 233 00:09:34,303 --> 00:09:35,720 Based on percentages, we could get killed. 234 00:09:35,804 --> 00:09:37,637 And you just put a target on us. 235 00:09:37,720 --> 00:09:40,053 This isn't just about the refineries, is it? 236 00:09:40,136 --> 00:09:42,887 Correct. This is not the time to sit back and lick our wounds. 237 00:09:42,970 --> 00:09:44,637 We need to go on the offensive, dictate the action. 238 00:09:44,720 --> 00:09:45,887 [Mafee] I've never seen you like this before. 239 00:09:45,970 --> 00:09:47,261 Like? 240 00:09:47,345 --> 00:09:49,345 Cold. Openly vindictive. 241 00:09:49,428 --> 00:09:50,428 You've also never seen them cut off 242 00:09:50,512 --> 00:09:52,512 their own father's head before... 243 00:09:52,595 --> 00:09:54,637 Uh, shit, sorry-- 244 00:09:54,720 --> 00:09:56,679 No. You're right. 245 00:09:56,762 --> 00:09:58,428 I wasn't born with a broadsword in my hand 246 00:09:58,512 --> 00:10:00,845 but I was forced to learn how to wield one, so I did. 247 00:10:00,929 --> 00:10:02,637 And now I'm going full Sir Tristram de Lyones 248 00:10:02,720 --> 00:10:04,095 until I pierce Axe's shield 249 00:10:04,178 --> 00:10:06,553 and drive it into his motherfucking heart. 250 00:10:17,345 --> 00:10:18,720 [door opens] 251 00:10:22,095 --> 00:10:23,804 [door closes] 252 00:10:23,887 --> 00:10:25,553 I do like the war talk-- 253 00:10:25,637 --> 00:10:27,095 I've been thinking about how they set me up. 254 00:10:27,178 --> 00:10:28,679 Replaying it. I can't believe how 255 00:10:28,762 --> 00:10:30,303 they targeted the strike so precisely. 256 00:10:30,387 --> 00:10:31,929 That Wendy was that cold. 257 00:10:32,011 --> 00:10:34,387 She built a psych matrix on you over years. 258 00:10:34,470 --> 00:10:36,512 That's how she knew exactly how to hurt you. 259 00:10:36,595 --> 00:10:39,595 Yes. That's right. She used everything. 260 00:10:39,679 --> 00:10:42,470 It will not go unreciprocated. 261 00:10:42,553 --> 00:10:45,095 No. Hang back for now. 262 00:10:45,178 --> 00:10:47,595 We need all our focus on the refineries. 263 00:10:47,679 --> 00:10:49,303 [sighs] 264 00:10:49,387 --> 00:10:51,095 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 265 00:10:51,178 --> 00:10:55,970 ♪♪♪ 266 00:10:56,053 --> 00:10:57,595 [Josh Brown] Axe, I'm so sorry, 267 00:10:57,679 --> 00:10:59,178 I had no idea that was gonna happen. 268 00:10:59,261 --> 00:11:00,679 Wh--What was I gonna do? I couldn't stop it. 269 00:11:00,762 --> 00:11:02,595 Hey. It was good TV, I'm not blaming you. 270 00:11:02,679 --> 00:11:04,178 But you've got to give me equal time tomorrow. 271 00:11:04,261 --> 00:11:06,011 Shouldn't be a problem. 272 00:11:06,095 --> 00:11:08,136 One snake's head ready to be chopped. 273 00:11:08,220 --> 00:11:09,720 [Chuck] Brief me. 274 00:11:09,804 --> 00:11:11,762 Head of the Board of Elections is deciding 275 00:11:11,845 --> 00:11:13,387 whether to allow blockchain technology-- 276 00:11:13,470 --> 00:11:15,136 voting from mobile phones. 277 00:11:15,220 --> 00:11:17,136 You could've delegated this to me. 278 00:11:17,220 --> 00:11:19,553 Business of elections is my bailiwick. 279 00:11:19,637 --> 00:11:21,428 Got a hanging chad framed in my study. 280 00:11:21,512 --> 00:11:23,553 [chuckles] You would, Colonel Jackboot. 281 00:11:23,637 --> 00:11:26,220 Nothing like suppressing the voice of the disenfranchised-- 282 00:11:26,303 --> 00:11:29,136 No, we should let people too lazy or stupid to even register 283 00:11:29,220 --> 00:11:31,595 vote from their cell phones, so fraud runs rampant-- 284 00:11:31,679 --> 00:11:33,011 This needs to be punted down the road 285 00:11:33,095 --> 00:11:35,136 until tech and security concerns are better vetted, 286 00:11:35,220 --> 00:11:36,887 so let's just button it up with a quick 'no'... 287 00:11:39,220 --> 00:11:41,553 Chuck, welcome. 288 00:11:41,637 --> 00:11:44,553 Hap. Uh. I thought this was to be our meeting-- 289 00:11:44,637 --> 00:11:46,595 [door closes] My apologies, Chuck, 290 00:11:46,679 --> 00:11:48,428 but I'm here on behalf of the DOJ, 291 00:11:48,512 --> 00:11:51,220 which has grave concerns about mobile voting-- 292 00:11:51,303 --> 00:11:52,553 Uh. You mean Jock Jeffcoat does. 293 00:11:52,637 --> 00:11:54,345 Yes, he does. 294 00:11:54,428 --> 00:11:56,637 Given our heightened issues with cybersecurity-- 295 00:11:56,720 --> 00:11:57,762 should we really trust our entire 296 00:11:57,845 --> 00:11:59,679 electoral system to mobile voting? 297 00:11:59,762 --> 00:12:02,637 I admit, I share the Attorney General's objection. 298 00:12:02,720 --> 00:12:04,345 Uh-huh. 299 00:12:04,428 --> 00:12:06,220 [clears throat] 300 00:12:06,303 --> 00:12:10,887 Well I have an equally pressing concern--democracy. 301 00:12:10,970 --> 00:12:12,845 And inclusiveness. 302 00:12:12,929 --> 00:12:15,303 Which is why it's vital we approve mobile voting... 303 00:12:15,387 --> 00:12:17,053 [Chuck] This is about more people voting. 304 00:12:17,136 --> 00:12:18,637 Which is the American ideal. 305 00:12:18,720 --> 00:12:21,011 It's about what's right. 306 00:12:21,095 --> 00:12:23,261 [Chuck] Which is your board's mandate, Hap. 307 00:12:23,345 --> 00:12:26,679 Let us seize this opportunity to be true patriots. 308 00:12:26,762 --> 00:12:29,011 To bring a voice to those without one. 309 00:12:29,095 --> 00:12:31,220 I propose a-a pilot program 310 00:12:31,303 --> 00:12:32,845 to test the efficacy of mobile voting-- 311 00:12:32,929 --> 00:12:35,011 We're all moved. 312 00:12:35,095 --> 00:12:37,553 Our hankies are damp. 313 00:12:39,053 --> 00:12:41,762 Well, strong men also cry, ya know? 314 00:12:41,845 --> 00:12:45,345 [chuckles] Not really crying, Chuck. 315 00:12:45,428 --> 00:12:46,887 We're looking to rule against. 316 00:12:46,970 --> 00:12:49,011 But thank you for dropping by. 317 00:12:49,095 --> 00:12:51,261 Yeah, thanks for coming in. 318 00:12:51,345 --> 00:12:55,428 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 319 00:12:55,512 --> 00:13:00,220 ♪♪♪ 320 00:13:00,303 --> 00:13:02,553 [door opens] 321 00:13:02,637 --> 00:13:05,095 Perhaps you got to me T., with your brimstone. 322 00:13:05,178 --> 00:13:07,470 And perhaps donkeys will sprout wings 323 00:13:07,553 --> 00:13:09,720 and fly to heaven every time a fat man burps. 324 00:13:09,804 --> 00:13:12,845 Hmm. No, this is a litmus. 325 00:13:12,929 --> 00:13:15,303 You want to know what's behind Jock's opposition to it. 326 00:13:15,387 --> 00:13:17,887 He doesn't do anything by accident. 327 00:13:20,220 --> 00:13:24,053 You know. Moments like this remind me of Morgenthau. 328 00:13:24,136 --> 00:13:26,387 Robert Morris? Hallowed name. 329 00:13:26,470 --> 00:13:27,887 One of the greatest ever to hold my office. 330 00:13:27,970 --> 00:13:29,679 Before becoming DA for life. 331 00:13:29,762 --> 00:13:32,011 Well. He came to mind because of what we could be doing here. 332 00:13:32,095 --> 00:13:34,470 Instead of stopping people from voting. 333 00:13:34,553 --> 00:13:37,053 [sighs] You trying out for community board rep? 334 00:13:37,136 --> 00:13:39,303 Are you trying out for Sturmbannfuhrer? 335 00:13:39,387 --> 00:13:42,261 I was following a direct order from my superior-- 336 00:13:42,345 --> 00:13:43,929 Exactly what Herr Adolf Eichmann said 337 00:13:44,011 --> 00:13:45,637 when they caught him in Argentina-- 338 00:13:45,720 --> 00:13:48,720 Don't speak any more German at me. 339 00:13:48,804 --> 00:13:51,053 Jock told me to go shut it down. What should I have done? 340 00:13:51,136 --> 00:13:52,470 In American then? 341 00:13:52,553 --> 00:13:53,720 Refuse the order. 342 00:13:53,804 --> 00:13:55,470 [scoffs] 343 00:13:55,553 --> 00:13:57,762 Like Dawson and Downey should've with the code red. 344 00:13:57,845 --> 00:13:59,136 Just... 345 00:13:59,220 --> 00:14:03,053 ♪♪♪ 346 00:14:03,136 --> 00:14:06,887 ♪♪♪ 347 00:14:06,970 --> 00:14:10,720 Mm. Donna said you wanted the Sunday Salad. 348 00:14:10,804 --> 00:14:12,470 Now I know what keeps you so fit. 349 00:14:12,553 --> 00:14:14,470 Fucking uncharitable, Chuck. 350 00:14:14,553 --> 00:14:15,553 What do you want? 351 00:14:15,637 --> 00:14:17,387 Open and fair elections. 352 00:14:17,470 --> 00:14:19,387 Yeah. Well, I'd like to tap dance like Gregory Hines. 353 00:14:19,470 --> 00:14:21,887 But I have neither the shoes nor the rhythm to pull that off. 354 00:14:21,970 --> 00:14:24,637 No. You don't have the will. But I do. 355 00:14:24,720 --> 00:14:27,428 Time to get my blockchain voting pilot program out of the gates. 356 00:14:27,512 --> 00:14:29,970 Ah, you're not gonna get a fucking pilot program. 357 00:14:30,053 --> 00:14:32,303 [sighs] Why so strong against this? 358 00:14:32,387 --> 00:14:34,387 Do you like Jock that much? 359 00:14:34,470 --> 00:14:35,929 Dislike you that much. 360 00:14:36,011 --> 00:14:38,303 My wife. Cheryl. Lovely woman. 361 00:14:38,387 --> 00:14:41,178 Every year for the past 23 years I take Cheryl to Aruba. 362 00:14:41,261 --> 00:14:44,178 She relaxes down there, we reconnect down there. 363 00:14:44,261 --> 00:14:47,845 But this year you decided to indict 30 of my best friends, 364 00:14:47,970 --> 00:14:50,637 in Albany, merely for doing what every state senator's 365 00:14:50,720 --> 00:14:52,679 been doing for the past hundred years-- 366 00:14:52,762 --> 00:14:54,595 favor trade for the betterment of the state. 367 00:14:54,679 --> 00:14:56,053 And now I'll be lucky if 368 00:14:56,136 --> 00:14:58,470 the wife and I can catch the bus to Belmar. 369 00:14:58,553 --> 00:15:00,637 So. Your thirty crooked legislators aren't around 370 00:15:00,720 --> 00:15:02,845 to hit you with those tasty Lulus anymore, 371 00:15:02,929 --> 00:15:06,470 and you're facing a celibate stay-cation and that's my fault? 372 00:15:06,553 --> 00:15:08,345 I--I didn't say any of that. 373 00:15:08,428 --> 00:15:11,595 But I do share the DOJ's concern with election security, 374 00:15:11,679 --> 00:15:13,637 so I'm leaning into my veto power. 375 00:15:13,720 --> 00:15:16,387 Something I learned from the old Westerns: 376 00:15:16,470 --> 00:15:18,303 If you're gonna make a show of strength, 377 00:15:18,387 --> 00:15:20,762 you wanna be sure you're the real strongman in the room. 378 00:15:20,845 --> 00:15:24,970 Or you make sure that that guy steps into the fight for you. 379 00:15:25,053 --> 00:15:26,595 [chuckling] Ooh. 380 00:15:26,679 --> 00:15:29,553 So. Jock did get to you. Ah. 381 00:15:29,637 --> 00:15:31,637 Why is this so important to him, do you think? 382 00:15:31,720 --> 00:15:33,637 [fingers tap] 383 00:15:33,720 --> 00:15:35,220 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 384 00:15:35,303 --> 00:15:39,011 [sighs, chuckles] 385 00:15:39,095 --> 00:15:41,428 Chew real good, make sure not to choke on your cud. 386 00:15:41,512 --> 00:15:43,470 Oh. And go buy those tap shoes. 387 00:15:43,553 --> 00:15:45,220 Cuz sure as you're standing there, 388 00:15:45,303 --> 00:15:47,220 I'm about to make you dance. 389 00:15:47,303 --> 00:15:51,845 ♪♪♪ 390 00:15:51,929 --> 00:15:55,553 [door closes] 391 00:15:55,637 --> 00:15:57,762 -Thank you for coming. -My pleasure. 392 00:15:57,845 --> 00:15:58,804 ♪♪♪ 393 00:15:58,887 --> 00:16:02,136 -Please. -Thank you. 394 00:16:02,220 --> 00:16:05,011 Are you sure you're ready for this to become public? 395 00:16:05,095 --> 00:16:06,387 Because that will inevitably happen 396 00:16:06,470 --> 00:16:07,887 if we continue on this course. 397 00:16:07,970 --> 00:16:10,679 Absolutely. The truth needs to come out. 398 00:16:10,762 --> 00:16:12,637 [sighs] 399 00:16:12,720 --> 00:16:15,470 ♪♪♪ 400 00:16:15,553 --> 00:16:18,637 ♪♪♪ 401 00:16:18,720 --> 00:16:21,136 [Stacy] And now it's our distinct pleasure 402 00:16:21,220 --> 00:16:23,845 to have legendary Wall Street operator 403 00:16:23,929 --> 00:16:26,804 from Axe Capital Michael Wagner here with us 404 00:16:26,887 --> 00:16:28,387 to light this year's tree. 405 00:16:28,470 --> 00:16:31,637 [cheers and applause] 406 00:16:34,929 --> 00:16:36,512 Stacy, thank you. 407 00:16:36,595 --> 00:16:38,053 It is an honor to be here 408 00:16:38,136 --> 00:16:39,804 for this great Wall Street tradition. 409 00:16:39,887 --> 00:16:42,053 And for another great tradition, 410 00:16:42,136 --> 00:16:45,970 come see this man at a charity boxing match 411 00:16:46,053 --> 00:16:47,428 for a great cause. [cheers and applause] 412 00:16:47,512 --> 00:16:48,679 [Wags] And now... 413 00:16:48,762 --> 00:16:53,553 [All] 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! 414 00:16:53,637 --> 00:16:55,178 [Wags] Let there be lights! 415 00:16:55,261 --> 00:16:56,929 [cheers and applause] 416 00:16:57,011 --> 00:17:00,303 ♪ Risin' up, back on the street ♪ 417 00:17:00,387 --> 00:17:01,679 [Hammon] Embrace the pain! 418 00:17:01,762 --> 00:17:02,929 ♪ Did my time, took my chances ♪ 419 00:17:03,011 --> 00:17:03,929 Is that all you got?! Yeah. 420 00:17:04,011 --> 00:17:05,804 Show me what you've got, Mafee! 421 00:17:05,887 --> 00:17:07,470 Go! Get up there! You got to dig a little deeper! 422 00:17:07,553 --> 00:17:09,345 [groans] Dig a little deeper! Come on! 423 00:17:09,428 --> 00:17:10,929 How much longer? 424 00:17:11,011 --> 00:17:13,095 How much longer? Are you serious right now? 425 00:17:13,178 --> 00:17:14,929 We're just getting warmed up! 426 00:17:15,011 --> 00:17:16,178 ♪ It's the eye of the tiger ♪ Keep that up. 427 00:17:16,261 --> 00:17:18,345 ♪ It's the dream of the fight ♪ 428 00:17:18,428 --> 00:17:19,887 ♪ Risin' up to the challenge of our rival ♪ 429 00:17:19,970 --> 00:17:22,136 Keep your damn hands up! 430 00:17:22,220 --> 00:17:23,679 ♪ And the last-known survivor stalks his prey in the night ♪ 431 00:17:23,762 --> 00:17:24,512 Ah! Go, damn it! 432 00:17:24,595 --> 00:17:26,387 Go harder! 433 00:17:26,470 --> 00:17:28,095 I want you to hit him so hard, I want you to feel 434 00:17:28,178 --> 00:17:29,720 the bones crunch up in his face in your fist! 435 00:17:29,804 --> 00:17:31,512 Ah! There you go. 436 00:17:31,595 --> 00:17:33,845 He's gonna feel that one for sure! 437 00:17:33,929 --> 00:17:36,929 ♪♪♪ 438 00:17:37,011 --> 00:17:41,136 ♪ Face to face, out in the heat ♪ 439 00:17:41,220 --> 00:17:45,553 ♪ Hangin' tough, stayin' hungry ♪ 440 00:17:45,637 --> 00:17:49,053 ♪ They stack the odds till we take to the street ♪ 441 00:17:49,136 --> 00:17:50,804 You got it, Bill. 442 00:17:50,887 --> 00:17:52,804 ♪ ...with the skill to survive ♪ 443 00:17:52,887 --> 00:17:53,887 [Jocko] There you go. 444 00:17:53,970 --> 00:17:56,345 ♪ It's the eye of the tiger ♪ 445 00:17:56,428 --> 00:17:58,387 You start hitting the bag yet? 446 00:17:58,470 --> 00:18:01,136 ♪ Risin' up to the challenge of our rival ♪ 447 00:18:01,220 --> 00:18:02,303 -You got this! -That's it. 448 00:18:02,387 --> 00:18:03,679 You got it! It's all up here! 449 00:18:03,762 --> 00:18:04,887 Come on! -[groaning] 450 00:18:04,970 --> 00:18:07,220 Let's go! 451 00:18:07,303 --> 00:18:11,929 ♪ And he's watchin' us all with the eye of the tiger ♪ 452 00:18:12,011 --> 00:18:13,720 [moans] 453 00:18:13,804 --> 00:18:15,804 ♪♪♪ 454 00:18:15,887 --> 00:18:17,679 [exhaling sharply] 455 00:18:17,762 --> 00:18:19,470 Come on. This is the best thing for you. 456 00:18:19,553 --> 00:18:21,720 [groans] 457 00:18:21,804 --> 00:18:23,929 [breathing heavily] 458 00:18:24,011 --> 00:18:26,470 ♪ The eye of the tiger ♪ 459 00:18:26,553 --> 00:18:29,637 Well. You're supposed to be the retail specialist. 460 00:18:29,720 --> 00:18:32,762 Yeah. So find me the goddamn shares off exchange Jerry-- 461 00:18:32,845 --> 00:18:34,220 or I'll get someone who fucking will. 462 00:18:34,303 --> 00:18:36,178 Rough morning for Jerry. 463 00:18:36,261 --> 00:18:39,178 Made my first move on Saler's. I bought up 8%. 464 00:18:39,261 --> 00:18:41,762 Yeah. I saw that on the tape, figured it was you. 465 00:18:41,845 --> 00:18:44,762 Problem is, is that I need over 10% to force the takeover vote 466 00:18:44,845 --> 00:18:47,178 and if I keep sucking them up in the regular market, 467 00:18:47,261 --> 00:18:49,220 I'll drive the price through the roof. 468 00:18:49,303 --> 00:18:51,053 I'm trying to have my guy gather shares 469 00:18:51,136 --> 00:18:53,303 from high net worth families and indexes. 470 00:18:53,387 --> 00:18:57,095 Well, you know. Maybe, just maybe this is 471 00:18:57,178 --> 00:18:58,804 the universe sending you a message 472 00:18:58,887 --> 00:19:00,178 and you should go ahead and receive it: 473 00:19:00,261 --> 00:19:02,220 That this company's not for you. 474 00:19:02,303 --> 00:19:03,804 The only message the universe sends me 475 00:19:03,887 --> 00:19:05,428 is that it's gonna keep expanding for a while, 476 00:19:05,512 --> 00:19:07,345 so I might as well expand too. 477 00:19:07,428 --> 00:19:09,428 Look, if anyone can turn this chain around, it's you... 478 00:19:09,512 --> 00:19:11,261 but why? 479 00:19:11,345 --> 00:19:14,178 There are healthier businesses. Better choices. 480 00:19:16,136 --> 00:19:17,679 You know I grew up in a small town. 481 00:19:17,762 --> 00:19:19,637 Yeah. End of the road shit town is what you called it. 482 00:19:19,720 --> 00:19:21,679 Yeah. 483 00:19:21,762 --> 00:19:24,595 When I was a little kid and that catalog came in the mail-- 484 00:19:24,679 --> 00:19:27,929 it was evidence that there was a bigger world out there. 485 00:19:28,011 --> 00:19:30,095 Full of everything you could imagine. 486 00:19:30,178 --> 00:19:32,470 Whatever I could think of, they sold it. 487 00:19:32,553 --> 00:19:35,387 Yeah. But you wouldn't wear or use anything they sell now. 488 00:19:35,470 --> 00:19:37,804 That's why I'm going to turn this bitch around. 489 00:19:37,887 --> 00:19:40,095 So people love it like I did. 490 00:19:40,178 --> 00:19:42,887 You know, I used to wonder why I got so rich-- 491 00:19:42,970 --> 00:19:45,261 Yeah. Me too. You actually come up with an answer? 492 00:19:45,345 --> 00:19:48,553 Yeah. So I could do this. 493 00:19:48,637 --> 00:19:52,845 Show young girls that they don't have to just dream about 494 00:19:52,929 --> 00:19:55,136 shopping at some department store. 495 00:19:55,220 --> 00:19:57,929 They can buy the whole company. 496 00:19:58,011 --> 00:20:00,095 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 497 00:20:00,178 --> 00:20:02,845 Well. Then go do it. 498 00:20:02,929 --> 00:20:05,637 ♪♪♪ 499 00:20:05,720 --> 00:20:08,679 ♪♪♪ 500 00:20:08,762 --> 00:20:12,720 Dad, I need you to juice me in with the tribe. 501 00:20:12,804 --> 00:20:14,637 Son, I'm surprised. 502 00:20:14,720 --> 00:20:17,345 You've worked alongside the Hebrews your entire career. 503 00:20:17,428 --> 00:20:20,095 You know, there was a nasty rumor once 504 00:20:20,178 --> 00:20:23,053 about my grandfather being of Ukrainian extraction-- 505 00:20:23,136 --> 00:20:26,345 No, Dad. The Cayuga Iroquois. 506 00:20:26,428 --> 00:20:28,512 My casino Indians? 507 00:20:28,595 --> 00:20:31,178 [groans] A mere three-word sentence, 508 00:20:31,261 --> 00:20:33,845 yet myriad problems with it. 509 00:20:33,929 --> 00:20:35,512 You partnered with them 510 00:20:35,595 --> 00:20:37,220 on the land around the casino in Kingsford. 511 00:20:37,303 --> 00:20:38,887 Yeah? Are you still on good terms? 512 00:20:38,970 --> 00:20:40,679 Couldn't be better. What is this about? 513 00:20:40,762 --> 00:20:43,512 Blockchain voting. From cell phones. 514 00:20:43,595 --> 00:20:47,095 My man compiled a list of groups that applied for mobile voting. 515 00:20:47,178 --> 00:20:49,303 As it turns out, people want to vote. 516 00:20:49,387 --> 00:20:51,553 The results of those requests though: 517 00:20:51,637 --> 00:20:53,970 Military overseas, denied. 518 00:20:54,053 --> 00:20:55,762 Rural townships, denied. 519 00:20:55,845 --> 00:20:57,470 Indigenous peoples. Like my Indians. 520 00:20:57,553 --> 00:20:59,804 Sure. Fine. Okay. Fantastic. 521 00:20:59,887 --> 00:21:01,387 I don't care to correct you again 522 00:21:01,470 --> 00:21:03,762 'cause it'll just make you go darker. 523 00:21:03,845 --> 00:21:06,553 I want to set up a pilot program to help them. 524 00:21:06,637 --> 00:21:10,345 And to fuck Jock. 525 00:21:10,428 --> 00:21:12,970 For that, I will set up a meeting. 526 00:21:13,053 --> 00:21:15,845 Smashing. Thank you. 527 00:21:15,929 --> 00:21:19,512 The vigorish serves the poor, the hungry, 528 00:21:19,595 --> 00:21:21,845 those that none of you actually care about, 529 00:21:21,929 --> 00:21:23,303 but the winnings-- 530 00:21:23,387 --> 00:21:26,512 the blue cheese, or white meat or cake-- 531 00:21:26,595 --> 00:21:28,387 that goes to you. 532 00:21:28,470 --> 00:21:30,637 The book is open. Come-n-geddit. 533 00:21:30,720 --> 00:21:33,261 You can buy a round, you can buy time on canvas. 534 00:21:33,345 --> 00:21:35,762 All action booked, booked and paid. 535 00:21:35,845 --> 00:21:38,178 [high-pitched voice] Pay the doctors, boy. 536 00:21:38,261 --> 00:21:39,220 Thank you. 537 00:21:39,303 --> 00:21:40,512 C'mere. 538 00:21:40,595 --> 00:21:42,303 Me? 539 00:21:42,387 --> 00:21:44,637 You seem fit. 540 00:21:44,720 --> 00:21:46,261 I need you to hit me. 541 00:21:46,345 --> 00:21:47,845 Uh, no. 542 00:21:47,929 --> 00:21:49,679 Don't worry, I won't hit you back. 543 00:21:49,762 --> 00:21:51,095 You'll be doing me a favor, 544 00:21:51,178 --> 00:21:52,220 I need to practice my head movements. 545 00:21:52,303 --> 00:21:53,804 Wing some hooks at me. 546 00:21:53,887 --> 00:21:55,512 I took piano. 547 00:21:55,595 --> 00:21:57,428 What? You're worried about your dainty hands, 548 00:21:57,512 --> 00:21:59,845 like you're a fucking neurosurgeon? 549 00:21:59,929 --> 00:22:01,929 I'll do it. 550 00:22:04,887 --> 00:22:06,512 Come on. Let's go. 551 00:22:09,637 --> 00:22:12,512 ♪ mid-tempo music ♪ 552 00:22:12,595 --> 00:22:14,720 Great. C'mon. 553 00:22:14,804 --> 00:22:17,595 [chuckles] 554 00:22:17,679 --> 00:22:19,178 Who wants a parlay? Who wants odds? Who wants... 555 00:22:19,261 --> 00:22:20,929 Okay, I'm going to bob and slip-- 556 00:22:21,011 --> 00:22:21,887 Ahh! 557 00:22:21,970 --> 00:22:25,762 [elevator dings] 558 00:22:25,845 --> 00:22:27,845 [both grunting] 559 00:22:27,929 --> 00:22:30,011 ♪♪♪ 560 00:22:30,095 --> 00:22:32,095 What's the thing? 561 00:22:32,178 --> 00:22:33,428 Dollar Bill is sparring. 562 00:22:33,512 --> 00:22:34,804 With Bonnie. 563 00:22:34,887 --> 00:22:36,553 If she was going in the ring, 564 00:22:36,637 --> 00:22:38,303 this thing would be over in the first round. 565 00:22:38,387 --> 00:22:40,011 By knockout. 566 00:22:40,095 --> 00:22:41,637 ♪♪♪ 567 00:22:41,720 --> 00:22:44,053 I can't go out there. Not like this... 568 00:22:44,136 --> 00:22:46,679 It's okay, Baby Billy. 569 00:22:46,762 --> 00:22:49,178 You're kinda fucked up about this, huh? 570 00:22:49,261 --> 00:22:50,553 If you can connect on me like that, 571 00:22:50,637 --> 00:22:51,970 what's gonna happen in the ring? 572 00:22:52,053 --> 00:22:53,428 I sucker-punched you. 573 00:22:53,512 --> 00:22:56,178 And I only landed a few... dozen after that... 574 00:22:56,261 --> 00:22:57,637 [exhales sharply] 575 00:22:57,720 --> 00:22:59,804 But I knew you wouldn't hit back. 576 00:22:59,887 --> 00:23:01,845 Mafee won't have that luxury. 577 00:23:01,929 --> 00:23:04,095 I know but...[sighs] 578 00:23:04,178 --> 00:23:06,929 he's got the young legs, and a longer reach and... 579 00:23:07,011 --> 00:23:10,053 And those younger legs. 580 00:23:10,136 --> 00:23:12,220 Now that's just downright mean. 581 00:23:12,303 --> 00:23:14,345 I just want to carry 582 00:23:14,428 --> 00:23:17,512 the Axe Cap torch, you know? 583 00:23:17,595 --> 00:23:19,136 Win for you guys. 584 00:23:19,220 --> 00:23:21,637 Mafee may have youth on his side, 585 00:23:21,720 --> 00:23:23,261 but so did Donny Lalonde 586 00:23:23,345 --> 00:23:25,428 when he lost the title to Sugar Ray Leonard. 587 00:23:25,512 --> 00:23:28,095 I'm Sugar Ray? 588 00:23:28,178 --> 00:23:30,303 Totally. 589 00:23:30,387 --> 00:23:34,053 You're gonna win because you've got more heart. 590 00:23:40,845 --> 00:23:43,011 We're dead. 591 00:23:43,095 --> 00:23:44,845 [groans] 592 00:23:44,929 --> 00:23:45,887 [knock on door] 593 00:23:45,970 --> 00:23:47,595 Yup. 594 00:23:47,679 --> 00:23:50,053 Uh. Your visitor from the Medical Board is here. 595 00:23:50,136 --> 00:23:52,553 Oh. Send him in. 596 00:23:55,011 --> 00:23:56,261 Dr. Rhoades. 597 00:23:56,345 --> 00:23:58,929 Dr. Zhang. So good to see you. 598 00:23:59,011 --> 00:24:01,178 Sit down. 599 00:24:01,261 --> 00:24:04,178 Thank you for making the time. 600 00:24:04,261 --> 00:24:05,887 Happy to. Whatever you need. 601 00:24:05,970 --> 00:24:08,637 Some questions. 602 00:24:13,261 --> 00:24:15,178 What is your exact title? 603 00:24:15,261 --> 00:24:18,762 Performance coach and Head of HR. 604 00:24:18,845 --> 00:24:21,970 And you prescribe medication? 605 00:24:22,053 --> 00:24:26,095 When necessary. 606 00:24:26,178 --> 00:24:29,095 And you have private one-on-one sessions 607 00:24:29,178 --> 00:24:30,553 with employees here? 608 00:24:30,637 --> 00:24:34,053 With some. For some it's just occasional, 609 00:24:34,136 --> 00:24:36,637 others not at all. We don't force anybody. 610 00:24:36,720 --> 00:24:38,553 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 611 00:24:38,637 --> 00:24:40,929 And how personal would you say these sessions are? 612 00:24:41,011 --> 00:24:44,845 You're not here to ask me to speak at a conference, are you? 613 00:24:44,929 --> 00:24:48,553 Forgive me. I should have been more clear when I called. 614 00:24:48,637 --> 00:24:51,762 Dr. Rhoades, your medical license is under review. 615 00:24:51,845 --> 00:24:55,387 I'm sorry. Why? 616 00:24:55,470 --> 00:24:58,512 There have been accusations of malpractice. 617 00:24:58,595 --> 00:25:01,512 Ethical misconduct, misuse of confidential records. 618 00:25:01,595 --> 00:25:04,136 At this time, I'm not permitted 619 00:25:04,220 --> 00:25:06,220 to disclose the source of the allegations. 620 00:25:06,303 --> 00:25:08,220 You have rights. 621 00:25:08,303 --> 00:25:11,470 Eventually you will appear before the Board for a hearing. 622 00:25:11,553 --> 00:25:13,553 We will decide whether or not to revoke. 623 00:25:13,637 --> 00:25:17,011 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 624 00:25:17,095 --> 00:25:19,929 [mouse clicking] 625 00:25:20,011 --> 00:25:22,679 ♪♪♪ 626 00:25:22,762 --> 00:25:26,011 Hey. You here to prep me on Halftime Report? 627 00:25:26,095 --> 00:25:29,762 ♪♪♪ 628 00:25:29,845 --> 00:25:31,804 What's the matter with you? 629 00:25:31,887 --> 00:25:36,470 You're not the only one Taylor took aim at. 630 00:25:36,553 --> 00:25:39,637 They reported me to the Medical Board. 631 00:25:39,720 --> 00:25:41,220 I might lose my license. 632 00:25:41,303 --> 00:25:42,470 Fuck. 633 00:25:42,553 --> 00:25:44,637 You're going to fight this. Am I? 634 00:25:44,720 --> 00:25:47,178 I almost spilled everything. 635 00:25:47,261 --> 00:25:49,512 I didn't, obviously. 636 00:25:49,595 --> 00:25:52,470 I thought about what you would do and kept my mouth shut. 637 00:25:52,553 --> 00:25:54,053 Good! 638 00:25:54,136 --> 00:25:55,845 But if I was on that board, I'd strip me. 639 00:25:55,929 --> 00:25:57,929 I'd skin me. 640 00:25:58,011 --> 00:25:59,845 I wasn't careless with my records, 641 00:25:59,929 --> 00:26:01,553 and I didn't just hover on the sideline 642 00:26:01,637 --> 00:26:04,845 while you and Chuck executed some revenge move. 643 00:26:04,929 --> 00:26:09,095 I drew up the play, called my own number and ran it myself. 644 00:26:09,178 --> 00:26:10,345 Are you done? 645 00:26:10,428 --> 00:26:11,929 I violated a patient's trust. 646 00:26:12,011 --> 00:26:14,804 Taylor attacked, and you just stood your ground-- 647 00:26:14,887 --> 00:26:17,428 it's what we do. So self-immolate later. 648 00:26:17,512 --> 00:26:18,970 Or better never. 649 00:26:19,053 --> 00:26:20,845 You are Doctor Wendy Fucking Rhoades. 650 00:26:20,929 --> 00:26:22,220 No one's taking your license. 651 00:26:22,303 --> 00:26:23,929 And even if they did-- what does it matter? 652 00:26:24,011 --> 00:26:26,303 You're still the best at what you do. 653 00:26:26,387 --> 00:26:29,845 Thank you. 654 00:26:29,929 --> 00:26:32,804 Oh, we were supposed to be prepping Halftime Report. 655 00:26:32,887 --> 00:26:36,845 Don't worry about it, I know what I want to say. 656 00:26:36,970 --> 00:26:38,345 Axe, so I'm sure you know, 657 00:26:38,428 --> 00:26:39,887 Taylor Mason was just on the show. 658 00:26:39,970 --> 00:26:41,679 Taylor's got a sharp mind. 659 00:26:41,762 --> 00:26:44,720 I saw it right away, cultivated it. 660 00:26:44,804 --> 00:26:46,679 Unfortunately I had to show them the door 661 00:26:46,762 --> 00:26:48,387 [Axe] once their ethics became clear. 662 00:26:48,470 --> 00:26:50,387 What are you saying? Be more explicit. 663 00:26:50,470 --> 00:26:52,303 [sighs] That they're dirty? 664 00:26:52,387 --> 00:26:54,178 Oh come on, that's bullshit. Put it this way: 665 00:26:54,261 --> 00:26:55,720 you either want to be in bed 666 00:26:55,804 --> 00:26:57,136 with the Russian oligarchs or you don't-- 667 00:26:57,220 --> 00:26:58,553 [Josh Brown] Didn't Taylor meet him through you? 668 00:26:58,637 --> 00:27:00,470 [Axe] Yes. Yes, 669 00:27:00,553 --> 00:27:02,845 and when I refused to take his money on board, 670 00:27:02,929 --> 00:27:05,679 [Axe] because I didn't feel good about where it came from, 671 00:27:05,762 --> 00:27:08,804 Taylor didn't hesitate to grab it. 672 00:27:08,887 --> 00:27:10,929 And then they lost all the money anyway. 673 00:27:11,011 --> 00:27:14,470 Look, look, a person 674 00:27:14,553 --> 00:27:16,553 who'd sell out their own father-- 675 00:27:16,637 --> 00:27:19,345 there's a chip missing there, you know what I mean? 676 00:27:19,428 --> 00:27:21,178 [Josh Brown] You got specifics on that? 677 00:27:21,261 --> 00:27:23,512 Well. There was a rumor-- you know, their-- 678 00:27:23,595 --> 00:27:25,136 their father had a company, 679 00:27:25,220 --> 00:27:27,720 and Taylor flipped it for their own profit. 680 00:27:27,804 --> 00:27:30,637 Bottom line is this, 681 00:27:30,720 --> 00:27:33,011 it's a relationship business. 682 00:27:33,095 --> 00:27:35,345 Now, they can call me a dinosaur if they want, 683 00:27:35,428 --> 00:27:39,428 [Axe] but loyalty is still a very important quality to me. 684 00:27:39,512 --> 00:27:44,178 And Taylor Mason, unfortunately, is someone you can't trust. 685 00:27:44,261 --> 00:27:46,595 Axe. Really great to have you on--We appreciate it. 686 00:27:46,679 --> 00:27:50,136 Sure. Yeah. It's been great having-- 687 00:27:50,220 --> 00:27:52,303 [Scott Wapner] Yeah? [chuckles] 688 00:27:52,387 --> 00:27:54,720 Taylor just called in. 689 00:27:54,804 --> 00:27:56,887 Axe, we did not plan this. 690 00:27:56,970 --> 00:27:58,595 I swear, we would never ambush you. 691 00:27:58,679 --> 00:28:00,303 [Josh Brown] You want to get out of here? 692 00:28:00,387 --> 00:28:03,720 No. No. Put them on. It'll be fun. 693 00:28:03,804 --> 00:28:05,387 Ready? Ready. 694 00:28:05,470 --> 00:28:07,887 [Josh Brown] Okay. Uh. Taylor, welcome back. 695 00:28:07,970 --> 00:28:09,178 [Josh Brown] I know you want to respond 696 00:28:09,261 --> 00:28:10,637 to some of these things... 697 00:28:10,720 --> 00:28:12,470 Axe is on the defensive because he knows 698 00:28:12,553 --> 00:28:14,720 he's dead wrong about the fracking refineries. 699 00:28:14,804 --> 00:28:16,470 We've all heard the horror stories: 700 00:28:16,553 --> 00:28:18,345 [Taylor] lightning coming out of faucets, earthquakes. 701 00:28:18,428 --> 00:28:19,845 [Taylor] New York State banned fracking because 702 00:28:19,929 --> 00:28:22,011 it's not safe to take the stuff out of the ground. 703 00:28:22,095 --> 00:28:24,053 So why's it a good idea to truck it in from Pennsylvania? 704 00:28:24,136 --> 00:28:25,887 Taylor, you're smarter than that. 705 00:28:25,970 --> 00:28:28,011 The whole flames thing is an urban legend, 706 00:28:28,095 --> 00:28:29,679 [Axe] this whole thing is safe, 707 00:28:29,762 --> 00:28:31,011 [Axe] and you don't care about safe anyway. 708 00:28:31,095 --> 00:28:32,720 You're just talking your book. -Yeah. 709 00:28:32,804 --> 00:28:33,970 [Taylor] That's more your style, Axe. 710 00:28:34,053 --> 00:28:35,637 I talk numbers and facts. 711 00:28:35,720 --> 00:28:36,762 I don't lobby behind the scenes. 712 00:28:36,845 --> 00:28:38,428 Or pretend I fired someone 713 00:28:38,512 --> 00:28:39,804 who bested me every which way. 714 00:28:39,887 --> 00:28:41,637 [Axe] Besting me? 715 00:28:41,720 --> 00:28:43,804 Is that what you're calling lying and pilfering? 716 00:28:43,887 --> 00:28:45,387 With nothing to show for it, by the way. 717 00:28:45,470 --> 00:28:47,804 You mean besides the Firefighters Fund? 718 00:28:47,887 --> 00:28:49,970 [Taylor] The jewel in your crown, and they came to me. 719 00:28:50,053 --> 00:28:51,929 They were finally fed up with your legal troubles-- 720 00:28:52,011 --> 00:28:53,637 not to mention the killing you made on 9/11, 721 00:28:53,720 --> 00:28:55,428 profiting from tragedy. [laughter] 722 00:28:55,512 --> 00:28:57,011 [Axe] You are way out of your depth. 723 00:28:57,095 --> 00:28:58,679 I've been crushing the S&P since you were in 724 00:28:58,762 --> 00:29:00,303 fucking footie pajamas-- -Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa-- 725 00:29:00,387 --> 00:29:02,095 -Yeah! -Fuck, yeah! 726 00:29:02,178 --> 00:29:03,387 And now you're about to take a bath on the refineries, 727 00:29:03,470 --> 00:29:04,637 so you're coming on TV to kill the stock. 728 00:29:04,720 --> 00:29:06,387 Guys. Maybe-- Taylor, the fact is, 729 00:29:06,470 --> 00:29:07,762 you stabbed me in the back. 730 00:29:07,845 --> 00:29:09,387 You're down a few billion AUM 731 00:29:09,470 --> 00:29:10,887 [Axe] and now you're trying to salvage 732 00:29:10,970 --> 00:29:12,887 [Axe] your tanking company by attacking me. 733 00:29:12,970 --> 00:29:15,345 But I'm gonna kick your ass in the energy sector, 734 00:29:15,428 --> 00:29:17,595 same way I'm gonna kick your ass in the ring. 735 00:29:17,679 --> 00:29:19,637 Hold on. Hold on now-- for our audience at home 736 00:29:19,720 --> 00:29:21,220 that doesn't know what's going on-- 737 00:29:21,303 --> 00:29:23,053 he's not literally going to beat Taylor up. 738 00:29:23,136 --> 00:29:25,345 Their traders are about to slug it out for charity. 739 00:29:25,428 --> 00:29:26,845 [cheers and applause] 740 00:29:26,929 --> 00:29:28,720 [shouts indistinctly] 741 00:29:28,804 --> 00:29:30,762 [Axe] You know what? I'll bet Taylor 742 00:29:30,845 --> 00:29:33,303 one million dollars that my man beats theirs. 743 00:29:33,387 --> 00:29:34,929 [laughs] 744 00:29:35,011 --> 00:29:36,428 [Axe] Two million he knocks him out. 745 00:29:36,512 --> 00:29:38,804 [laughter] 746 00:29:38,887 --> 00:29:40,637 [Josh Brown] Taylor, you want to respond to that? 747 00:29:40,720 --> 00:29:42,261 I don't negotiate with bullies. 748 00:29:42,345 --> 00:29:44,762 He's trying to box me in. But I have a choice. 749 00:29:44,845 --> 00:29:46,136 And it's one many on the Street 750 00:29:46,220 --> 00:29:48,345 are starting to recognize and take. 751 00:29:48,428 --> 00:29:50,804 [Taylor] And that is: to not do business with Bobby Axelrod. 752 00:29:50,887 --> 00:29:52,261 [Taylor] It's why I left Axe Cap, 753 00:29:52,345 --> 00:29:54,762 and why many of his investors are fleeing too. 754 00:29:54,845 --> 00:29:57,553 Taylor, you're-- [Scott Wapner] Hey. Sorry. 755 00:29:57,637 --> 00:29:59,428 Sorry guys, we've gotta wrap it up, 756 00:29:59,512 --> 00:30:01,637 it's been interesting to say the least... 757 00:30:04,428 --> 00:30:07,470 Well. Fucking. Done. 758 00:30:07,553 --> 00:30:09,845 Thank you for the firefighter prompt. 759 00:30:09,929 --> 00:30:11,220 Your timing was perfect. 760 00:30:11,303 --> 00:30:12,929 I'm happy it was useful. 761 00:30:23,345 --> 00:30:25,720 As the adrenaline recedes, 762 00:30:25,804 --> 00:30:27,845 I'm starting to get a new perspective. 763 00:30:27,929 --> 00:30:29,637 That didn't actually go so well, did it? 764 00:30:29,720 --> 00:30:31,512 Depends. Were you aiming to be 765 00:30:31,595 --> 00:30:32,887 the Henry Rollins of Wall Street? 766 00:30:32,970 --> 00:30:34,762 All aggro rage. 767 00:30:34,845 --> 00:30:36,720 I'm not sure that's gonna help your fracking position. 768 00:30:36,804 --> 00:30:38,720 This is all my fault. 769 00:30:38,804 --> 00:30:40,470 I'm sorry I didn't have my shit together earlier. 770 00:30:40,553 --> 00:30:41,929 Lobbying ain't gonna be enough. 771 00:30:42,011 --> 00:30:44,178 Not by the usual methods. 772 00:30:44,261 --> 00:30:45,929 We need to do more. 773 00:30:48,470 --> 00:30:51,929 [Chuck] Thank you for seeing me, council member Halftown. 774 00:30:52,011 --> 00:30:55,011 I'm here because I will not sit idly by 775 00:30:55,095 --> 00:30:58,303 while your civil rights are being hijacked. 776 00:30:58,387 --> 00:31:00,970 Your people need better access to voting. 777 00:31:01,053 --> 00:31:03,136 I know in the past you've taken action, 778 00:31:03,220 --> 00:31:06,178 applied for mobile voting programs but were denied. 779 00:31:06,261 --> 00:31:10,553 Now. As Attorney General, I can help you make it happen. 780 00:31:18,637 --> 00:31:22,387 As your wise predecessor, Wilma Mankiller said, 781 00:31:22,470 --> 00:31:23,929 "Leaders are encouraged to 782 00:31:24,011 --> 00:31:25,845 remember seven generations in the past 783 00:31:25,929 --> 00:31:27,929 and consider seven generations in the future 784 00:31:28,011 --> 00:31:31,387 when making decisions that affect the people." 785 00:31:31,470 --> 00:31:33,470 She was Cherokee. 786 00:31:33,553 --> 00:31:35,762 I'm Haudenosaunee. 787 00:31:35,845 --> 00:31:40,053 That would be like me citing Vince Neil to sell you. 788 00:31:40,136 --> 00:31:42,220 Does Vince Neil speak to who you are? 789 00:31:42,303 --> 00:31:44,970 Some days. 790 00:31:45,053 --> 00:31:46,762 Mr. Rhoades, you want me to lobby 791 00:31:46,845 --> 00:31:48,887 the elections board for you. 792 00:31:48,970 --> 00:31:51,595 Why would I do that for the people who chiseled us 793 00:31:51,679 --> 00:31:53,428 on the land deal surrounding the casino? 794 00:31:53,512 --> 00:31:55,845 Chiseled? I thought 'partnership' was more-- 795 00:31:55,929 --> 00:31:58,470 Your father has tasted the fruits of our tribe 796 00:31:58,553 --> 00:32:00,512 in a way that makes us disinclined 797 00:32:00,595 --> 00:32:02,553 to trust either him or you. 798 00:32:14,053 --> 00:32:15,762 Well... 799 00:32:15,845 --> 00:32:17,762 There she is. 800 00:32:17,845 --> 00:32:22,220 Ah. Look at that chin. 801 00:32:22,303 --> 00:32:24,887 [Senior] I know that chin. 802 00:32:24,970 --> 00:32:28,887 [Senior] Adorable. A champion. 803 00:32:28,970 --> 00:32:31,178 She is. 804 00:32:31,261 --> 00:32:34,512 My father will sweeten your piece on Kingsford 805 00:32:34,595 --> 00:32:36,387 to what you feel is fair... 806 00:32:36,470 --> 00:32:38,929 [clears throat] 807 00:32:39,011 --> 00:32:43,428 Fine. Whatever my overly generous son needs. 808 00:32:43,512 --> 00:32:47,637 As for your pilot program. 809 00:32:47,720 --> 00:32:49,053 Send me your proposal. 810 00:32:49,136 --> 00:32:50,428 Then we'll see. 811 00:32:50,512 --> 00:32:53,345 Much appreciated. 812 00:32:55,512 --> 00:32:57,970 Is that my little sister, for Chrissakes? 813 00:32:58,053 --> 00:33:01,637 Don't worry, Sonny, you'll always be my only child. 814 00:33:01,720 --> 00:33:04,095 I could use your counsel. 815 00:33:04,178 --> 00:33:06,011 Turning the tables. 816 00:33:06,095 --> 00:33:08,095 I've been offered an opportunity 817 00:33:08,178 --> 00:33:11,011 in media technology that utilizes blockchain. 818 00:33:11,095 --> 00:33:14,095 I'd never ask you to interfere. 819 00:33:14,178 --> 00:33:15,595 But any intel... 820 00:33:15,679 --> 00:33:17,720 You should proceed-- 821 00:33:17,804 --> 00:33:21,220 alternate uses of blockchain have a future. 822 00:33:21,303 --> 00:33:22,970 Even though Connerty and your big boss 823 00:33:23,053 --> 00:33:24,261 are trying to shut it down? Mm. 824 00:33:24,345 --> 00:33:28,345 Chuck Rhoades is lined up on the other side. 825 00:33:28,428 --> 00:33:30,637 Let's just say he's a little more motivated on the issue. 826 00:33:30,720 --> 00:33:33,178 [chuckles] 827 00:33:34,929 --> 00:33:36,887 I know it's uncomfortable, 828 00:33:36,970 --> 00:33:40,720 these places where my business and your career intersect. 829 00:33:40,804 --> 00:33:44,553 I am uncomfortable, but that's not why. 830 00:33:44,637 --> 00:33:49,053 When I helped get Chuck ejected, it was for the right reasons. 831 00:33:49,136 --> 00:33:53,261 Open the window, let in some light, some air. 832 00:33:53,345 --> 00:33:56,387 It's still stuffy as hell in here. 833 00:33:56,470 --> 00:33:58,053 Just promise you'll leave this place 834 00:33:58,136 --> 00:33:59,345 before you become so conditioned 835 00:33:59,428 --> 00:34:02,178 you can't function anywhere else. 836 00:34:02,261 --> 00:34:04,470 You remember when I was a kid, on my birthday, 837 00:34:04,553 --> 00:34:07,136 and you'd spin me around before I hit the piñata? 838 00:34:07,220 --> 00:34:09,303 Sometimes I'd be so dizzy from all the turning, 839 00:34:09,387 --> 00:34:11,053 I'd end up just smacking the air. 840 00:34:11,136 --> 00:34:13,095 That's what I'm feeling like lately. 841 00:34:13,178 --> 00:34:16,053 Just all revved up to hit something, 842 00:34:16,136 --> 00:34:19,845 but I just can't lock in on the target. 843 00:34:19,929 --> 00:34:23,303 Then what you need to do is this: 844 00:34:23,387 --> 00:34:26,220 Take the blindfold off, 845 00:34:26,303 --> 00:34:28,637 wait 'til the brain-fog lifts, choose your target, 846 00:34:28,720 --> 00:34:31,220 swing as hard as you can, 847 00:34:31,303 --> 00:34:32,720 and take its head off. 848 00:34:32,804 --> 00:34:35,220 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 849 00:34:35,303 --> 00:34:39,178 ♪♪♪ 850 00:34:39,261 --> 00:34:41,679 So, what is so important you got to drag me-- 851 00:34:41,762 --> 00:34:44,970 Oh, shit. 852 00:34:45,053 --> 00:34:47,428 Don't make me have my people put these on. 853 00:34:47,512 --> 00:34:50,512 [Halftown] Thirty of my compatriots in full regalia. 854 00:34:50,595 --> 00:34:52,011 Don't make me give interviews 855 00:34:52,095 --> 00:34:54,595 about how you are refusing us the vote. 856 00:34:54,679 --> 00:34:57,220 [Halftown] Don't make me stage a sit-in at your office-- 857 00:34:57,303 --> 00:34:59,637 You're shoving a fucking arrowhead up my ass? 858 00:34:59,720 --> 00:35:01,178 Oh. How dare you, sir. 859 00:35:01,261 --> 00:35:03,095 Besides, I'm not shoving it. 860 00:35:03,178 --> 00:35:05,011 You'd be sitting down on it, of your own accord. 861 00:35:05,095 --> 00:35:06,595 Oh. [Halftown] But at your weight, 862 00:35:06,679 --> 00:35:08,387 that's where it would end up for sure. 863 00:35:08,470 --> 00:35:10,929 [chuckling] Oh. So you're allowed to be insensitive 864 00:35:11,011 --> 00:35:12,595 but I'm not? [Both] Yes. 865 00:35:12,679 --> 00:35:15,220 [sighs] Fuck. 866 00:35:15,303 --> 00:35:19,720 Yeah. You've got your pilot program. 867 00:35:19,804 --> 00:35:22,136 Hey. 868 00:35:24,887 --> 00:35:26,345 It's not all stick. 869 00:35:26,428 --> 00:35:28,220 In this envelope you'll find tickets 870 00:35:28,303 --> 00:35:30,053 and hotel confirmations for you and the missus. 871 00:35:30,136 --> 00:35:32,303 Aruba. All expenses paid. 872 00:35:38,845 --> 00:35:40,470 [chuckles] 873 00:35:40,553 --> 00:35:42,595 We did some good for my people just now. 874 00:35:42,679 --> 00:35:45,095 And you are going to do some good 875 00:35:45,178 --> 00:35:47,887 for one specific little girl, aren't you. 876 00:35:47,970 --> 00:35:51,178 The 529 college plan is being funded as we speak. 877 00:35:51,261 --> 00:35:54,220 Okay. 878 00:35:54,303 --> 00:35:56,929 Tell me what we can salvage and what we can't. 879 00:35:57,011 --> 00:36:00,095 Lobbyists tell me the can'ts are dominating. 880 00:36:00,178 --> 00:36:02,261 I'd call it 50-50 right now. 881 00:36:02,345 --> 00:36:03,595 It's going to come down to the governor. 882 00:36:03,679 --> 00:36:05,303 Victor? [Wags] He's leaning hard, Axe, 883 00:36:05,387 --> 00:36:07,011 but his guys aren't bending. 884 00:36:07,095 --> 00:36:08,553 He says it's going to come down to the governor. 885 00:36:08,637 --> 00:36:10,261 What do those two want to tell me? 886 00:36:10,345 --> 00:36:12,220 That if we sell now, we can replace the stock 887 00:36:12,303 --> 00:36:14,303 with deep in-the-money call options. 888 00:36:14,387 --> 00:36:16,428 We'd still realize losses but we'd be capped on the downside. 889 00:36:16,512 --> 00:36:18,053 Then for their own safety, 890 00:36:18,136 --> 00:36:20,178 they'd better not fucking set foot in this office. 891 00:36:20,261 --> 00:36:23,178 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 892 00:36:23,261 --> 00:36:27,720 ♪♪♪ 893 00:36:27,804 --> 00:36:31,136 Okay. Well if it's going to come down to the governor, 894 00:36:31,220 --> 00:36:34,303 then let's get to the governor. 895 00:36:34,387 --> 00:36:36,512 [sighs] 896 00:36:36,595 --> 00:36:39,595 Hi, Chuck... 897 00:36:39,679 --> 00:36:42,053 ♪♪♪ 898 00:36:42,136 --> 00:36:43,929 [Chuck] Meet Governor Sweeney under other auspices, 899 00:36:44,011 --> 00:36:45,428 not fracking... [elevator dings] 900 00:36:45,512 --> 00:36:47,095 ...but something that plays to his ego. 901 00:36:47,178 --> 00:36:48,512 Give him no reason to think you're lobbying 902 00:36:48,595 --> 00:36:50,178 for anything in particular. 903 00:36:50,261 --> 00:36:51,720 Just that you're a well-heeled supporter. 904 00:36:51,804 --> 00:36:53,887 [Axe] Governor. 905 00:36:53,970 --> 00:36:55,303 Pleasure to meet you. 906 00:36:55,387 --> 00:36:58,303 Uh. Am I the first one here? 907 00:36:58,387 --> 00:37:00,136 Why don't you draw chips for everyone in the room 908 00:37:00,220 --> 00:37:02,512 so they can all play on the house. 909 00:37:02,595 --> 00:37:05,178 [chuckles] He means: give us privacy. Huh? 910 00:37:05,261 --> 00:37:07,637 I cooked a hell of a meal for you guys. 911 00:37:07,720 --> 00:37:08,970 I'm gonna serve you now. 912 00:37:09,053 --> 00:37:11,345 Come on. 913 00:37:11,428 --> 00:37:13,970 So. Uh. 914 00:37:14,053 --> 00:37:15,345 I thought there were 13 of us. 915 00:37:15,428 --> 00:37:16,887 I only count three plates. 916 00:37:16,970 --> 00:37:19,136 That's right. 917 00:37:19,220 --> 00:37:20,470 This is a donor dinner, right? 918 00:37:20,553 --> 00:37:22,512 It is. 919 00:37:22,595 --> 00:37:25,512 Except instead of twelve people at 100k a plate, 920 00:37:25,595 --> 00:37:27,720 I thought I'd keep it simple. 921 00:37:27,804 --> 00:37:32,428 Write your Super PAC one check for the full 1.2 mil. 922 00:37:34,637 --> 00:37:37,887 Huh. Clever. 923 00:37:37,970 --> 00:37:40,512 But I'm not getting involved in the refineries. 924 00:37:40,595 --> 00:37:43,053 Well. That's what we thought you'd say. 925 00:37:43,136 --> 00:37:44,804 We? 926 00:37:44,887 --> 00:37:46,512 Oh. Jesus, Mary 927 00:37:46,595 --> 00:37:48,720 and Sainted Joseph the good and kind carpenter. 928 00:37:48,804 --> 00:37:51,345 And like them, now we are three. 929 00:37:51,428 --> 00:37:53,261 [Sweeney] Okay. I see how this is going to go. 930 00:37:53,345 --> 00:37:56,553 I'm gonna say no and--let me guess--uh, teachers' strike? 931 00:37:56,637 --> 00:37:59,720 No. Nurses? Or you're gonna release my tax returns? 932 00:37:59,804 --> 00:38:02,512 Or I'm gonna find Khartoum's head in my fucking bed? 933 00:38:02,595 --> 00:38:04,804 No horses need be harmed in the making of this picture. 934 00:38:04,887 --> 00:38:06,637 The universe is kind, Governor. 935 00:38:06,720 --> 00:38:08,303 Patiently providing opportunities 936 00:38:08,387 --> 00:38:10,387 to learn what you failed to in the past. 937 00:38:10,470 --> 00:38:13,345 Yeah. I'm slow, Chuck, but I'm not that slow. 938 00:38:13,428 --> 00:38:15,929 You guys are gonna win this one, probably already have, 939 00:38:16,011 --> 00:38:18,762 so I am going to choose carrot this time. 940 00:38:18,845 --> 00:38:20,303 What'll you have? 941 00:38:20,387 --> 00:38:21,970 Let's fast forward through the haggling. 942 00:38:22,053 --> 00:38:23,970 This check is sitting here on this plate. 943 00:38:24,053 --> 00:38:25,387 You'll probably tell me that the other side 944 00:38:25,470 --> 00:38:27,220 can give you the same amount. 945 00:38:27,303 --> 00:38:30,345 So why don't you tell me what you need to get this done. 946 00:38:34,762 --> 00:38:37,220 The keynote slot at the next meeting 947 00:38:37,303 --> 00:38:39,637 of the National Governors Association. 948 00:38:39,720 --> 00:38:43,011 Splashy. A springboard to the presidential. Yeah. 949 00:38:43,095 --> 00:38:44,845 You'll have it. [chuckles] 950 00:38:44,929 --> 00:38:46,970 Really? Just like that? Huh? 951 00:38:47,053 --> 00:38:50,345 No, it'll be expensive and a total pain in the ass. 952 00:38:50,428 --> 00:38:53,512 But you'll have it. 953 00:38:56,470 --> 00:38:57,720 Fine. 954 00:38:57,804 --> 00:38:59,679 Then I will, uh, make sure that 955 00:38:59,762 --> 00:39:01,387 the refineries loophole stays open. 956 00:39:01,470 --> 00:39:02,970 Great, and why not put a ring on it 957 00:39:03,053 --> 00:39:04,553 and legalize the whole damn thing. 958 00:39:04,637 --> 00:39:06,220 Lift the fracking ban? 959 00:39:06,303 --> 00:39:08,053 If you're gonna do a thing, do it all the way. 960 00:39:08,136 --> 00:39:09,720 Well, I mean, the environmentalists 961 00:39:09,804 --> 00:39:11,220 will have a field day-- Think of the Upstate jobs. 962 00:39:11,303 --> 00:39:14,053 The tax revenue. 963 00:39:14,136 --> 00:39:16,387 [sighs] 964 00:39:16,470 --> 00:39:20,011 All right, I'll, uh-- I'll...do my best. 965 00:39:20,095 --> 00:39:22,679 Do better than that. 966 00:39:22,762 --> 00:39:25,303 I just gave you 1.2 million soldiers. 967 00:39:25,387 --> 00:39:26,929 That should help. 968 00:39:27,011 --> 00:39:29,261 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 969 00:39:29,345 --> 00:39:32,512 ♪♪♪ 970 00:39:32,595 --> 00:39:34,762 Put your fucking forks down. We're leaving. 971 00:39:34,845 --> 00:39:36,762 ♪♪♪ 972 00:39:36,845 --> 00:39:38,011 [Sweeney] Hey! 973 00:39:38,095 --> 00:39:39,178 Chow time. 974 00:39:39,261 --> 00:39:41,387 ♪♪♪ 975 00:39:41,470 --> 00:39:42,887 ...And so, General, 976 00:39:42,970 --> 00:39:44,679 with the Native Americans prepared to get vocal, 977 00:39:44,762 --> 00:39:47,428 [Connerty] the news on mobile voting isn't good. 978 00:39:47,512 --> 00:39:50,095 I thought Sam Houston and the Texas Rangers 979 00:39:50,178 --> 00:39:52,762 took care of this shit a hundred and fifty years ago. 980 00:39:52,845 --> 00:39:55,095 Looks like they left you some work to do. 981 00:39:55,178 --> 00:39:56,637 Whatever you need me to do, I'm ready. 982 00:39:56,720 --> 00:39:59,929 Find a way to introduce an infected blanket, 983 00:40:00,011 --> 00:40:02,428 like good ol' Lord Jeff Amherst. 984 00:40:02,512 --> 00:40:05,011 [phone hangs up] 985 00:40:06,595 --> 00:40:09,929 [sighs] 986 00:40:10,011 --> 00:40:11,553 [phone hangs up] 987 00:40:11,637 --> 00:40:13,845 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 988 00:40:13,929 --> 00:40:16,679 ♪♪♪ 989 00:40:16,762 --> 00:40:19,178 ♪♪♪ 990 00:40:19,261 --> 00:40:20,762 Steven. Hey. 991 00:40:20,845 --> 00:40:22,929 Whoa. 992 00:40:23,011 --> 00:40:25,553 I'm glad we could finally get this on the books. 993 00:40:25,637 --> 00:40:27,679 Yeah. Wendy, it's great to see you. 994 00:40:27,762 --> 00:40:32,387 Um. Listen...my counter-intel has found out 995 00:40:32,470 --> 00:40:34,387 that you're having some problems with your medical license? 996 00:40:34,470 --> 00:40:36,553 And my board doesn't think it's such a good idea 997 00:40:36,637 --> 00:40:39,178 for me to be coached by you. 998 00:40:39,261 --> 00:40:42,470 Oh. [chuckles] 999 00:40:42,553 --> 00:40:45,303 Can we sit? 1000 00:40:45,387 --> 00:40:47,428 Yeah. Of course. 1001 00:40:47,512 --> 00:40:50,095 ♪♪♪ 1002 00:40:50,178 --> 00:40:52,512 This is exactly the kind of thing we need to start with. 1003 00:40:52,595 --> 00:40:54,095 It sounds like your board is 1004 00:40:54,178 --> 00:40:56,345 flexing its muscles, exerting pressure. 1005 00:40:56,428 --> 00:40:58,220 And you gave into it. 1006 00:40:58,303 --> 00:40:59,553 I guess. Let's talk about that. 1007 00:40:59,637 --> 00:41:00,929 Why do you think your board has 1008 00:41:01,011 --> 00:41:02,512 that kind of influence over you-- 1009 00:41:02,595 --> 00:41:03,929 Wendy...I--I see what you're doing. 1010 00:41:04,011 --> 00:41:05,512 And I'm going to stop you right there. 1011 00:41:05,595 --> 00:41:07,470 My board has stated that I can't have a session 1012 00:41:07,553 --> 00:41:10,053 with a doctor who's facing an ethics hearing. 1013 00:41:10,136 --> 00:41:14,136 It'll make me seem as sketchy as you. 1014 00:41:14,220 --> 00:41:17,553 ♪♪♪ 1015 00:41:17,637 --> 00:41:20,095 [Birch] [clears throat] 1016 00:41:20,178 --> 00:41:24,970 ♪♪♪ 1017 00:41:25,053 --> 00:41:28,720 ♪ rock music ♪ 1018 00:41:28,804 --> 00:41:31,887 [indistinct conversations] 1019 00:41:31,970 --> 00:41:36,095 ♪♪♪ 1020 00:41:36,178 --> 00:41:40,303 ♪♪♪ 1021 00:41:40,387 --> 00:41:44,553 ♪♪♪ 1022 00:41:44,637 --> 00:41:46,970 Hey, Frank. How are you? 1023 00:41:47,053 --> 00:41:48,595 How are you, Jeff? How you doing? 1024 00:41:48,679 --> 00:41:50,595 You made it. Got money on your man, Axe. 1025 00:41:50,679 --> 00:41:51,762 Meet Rebecca Cantu. Hi. 1026 00:41:51,845 --> 00:41:53,637 Rebecca. Jim Chanos. How are you? 1027 00:41:53,720 --> 00:41:54,970 Pleasure. Charles. 1028 00:41:55,053 --> 00:41:56,220 You look amazing. You're the man. 1029 00:41:56,303 --> 00:41:57,470 Yeah. You look fabulous. 1030 00:41:57,553 --> 00:41:59,804 I'll see this weekend? Awesome. 1031 00:41:59,887 --> 00:42:01,261 ♪♪♪ 1032 00:42:01,345 --> 00:42:03,178 Axe with the first grenade 1033 00:42:03,261 --> 00:42:04,595 [Hammon] he launched at your father's company. 1034 00:42:04,679 --> 00:42:07,011 Rebecca Cantu. 1035 00:42:07,095 --> 00:42:11,804 ♪♪♪ 1036 00:42:11,887 --> 00:42:14,053 That's more than a business relationship. 1037 00:42:14,136 --> 00:42:15,762 Hmm. 1038 00:42:15,845 --> 00:42:19,595 Wendy Rhoades, on your six. 1039 00:42:19,679 --> 00:42:21,345 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 1040 00:42:21,428 --> 00:42:24,762 ♪♪♪ 1041 00:42:24,845 --> 00:42:26,845 You reported me to the Medical Board? 1042 00:42:26,929 --> 00:42:29,553 ♪♪♪ 1043 00:42:29,637 --> 00:42:31,095 Yes, I did. 1044 00:42:31,178 --> 00:42:32,970 Are you going to say it wasn't warranted? 1045 00:42:33,053 --> 00:42:36,053 Please. Neither of us is blameless. 1046 00:42:36,136 --> 00:42:39,220 I think we both did things I'd say were pretty fucked up-- 1047 00:42:39,303 --> 00:42:40,720 The difference is: I didn't use 1048 00:42:40,804 --> 00:42:43,553 your most intimate secrets to destroy your family. 1049 00:42:43,637 --> 00:42:47,637 But you went crying to the principal's office--dick move. 1050 00:42:47,720 --> 00:42:50,553 C'mon, let's find our seats. 1051 00:42:50,637 --> 00:42:55,220 ♪♪♪ 1052 00:42:55,303 --> 00:42:57,053 I apologize. 1053 00:42:57,136 --> 00:42:59,387 That was the first action I've taken without your clearance. 1054 00:42:59,470 --> 00:43:01,136 It will be the last-- 1055 00:43:01,220 --> 00:43:03,428 You're worried I'm upset because you disobeyed me. 1056 00:43:03,512 --> 00:43:05,553 But I know why you did it-- to defend me. 1057 00:43:05,637 --> 00:43:07,470 And I appreciate it. 1058 00:43:07,553 --> 00:43:10,053 [indistinct conversations] 1059 00:43:10,136 --> 00:43:12,637 ♪♪♪ 1060 00:43:12,720 --> 00:43:15,428 ♪♪♪ 1061 00:43:15,512 --> 00:43:17,679 I--I don't--I don't think I can stay for this... 1062 00:43:17,762 --> 00:43:19,261 ♪♪♪ 1063 00:43:19,345 --> 00:43:20,929 I'll go with you. 1064 00:43:21,011 --> 00:43:22,345 Let's get an Uber. 1065 00:43:22,428 --> 00:43:24,220 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 1066 00:43:24,303 --> 00:43:27,762 ♪♪♪ 1067 00:43:27,845 --> 00:43:29,887 Just remember, you've prepared enough to win 1068 00:43:29,970 --> 00:43:31,136 as long as you don't rush it. 1069 00:43:31,220 --> 00:43:33,220 So, breathe and focus. 1070 00:43:33,303 --> 00:43:35,136 Just knock him out. 1071 00:43:38,595 --> 00:43:40,345 No matter what happens, 1072 00:43:40,428 --> 00:43:43,345 know that I am beside myself with gratitude and pride. 1073 00:43:43,428 --> 00:43:46,428 Asking you to come with me was the best decision I ever made. 1074 00:43:46,512 --> 00:43:49,345 Fuck. No way I can beg out of the fight after that. 1075 00:43:49,428 --> 00:43:52,261 Now fucking slaughter him. 1076 00:43:56,428 --> 00:43:59,303 [indistinct conversations] 1077 00:44:06,804 --> 00:44:08,553 Bloomberg alert. 1078 00:44:08,637 --> 00:44:10,387 Governor's about to announce on fracking. 1079 00:44:10,470 --> 00:44:12,178 Oh, well. 1080 00:44:12,261 --> 00:44:14,178 Seems only right that we should watch his decision 1081 00:44:14,261 --> 00:44:15,762 come down together. 1082 00:44:15,845 --> 00:44:17,720 My thought exactly. 1083 00:44:17,804 --> 00:44:20,679 ♪♪♪ 1084 00:44:20,762 --> 00:44:22,720 Jed, we struck oil! 1085 00:44:22,804 --> 00:44:24,970 Fracking. Is. Legal! 1086 00:44:25,053 --> 00:44:26,095 [cheers and applause] 1087 00:44:26,178 --> 00:44:27,553 -Yeah! -Yeah! 1088 00:44:27,637 --> 00:44:30,261 -Whoo! -Look at that! Yeah! 1089 00:44:30,345 --> 00:44:32,679 -Whoo! -Yes! 1090 00:44:32,762 --> 00:44:35,720 [man] Yeah! 1091 00:44:35,804 --> 00:44:38,887 ♪♪♪ 1092 00:44:38,970 --> 00:44:40,970 What the fuck? 1093 00:44:41,053 --> 00:44:43,053 What don't I know? 1094 00:44:43,136 --> 00:44:46,595 What's the one thing you need most when fracking? 1095 00:44:46,679 --> 00:44:50,679 ♪♪♪ 1096 00:44:50,762 --> 00:44:55,095 We've got our lot... 1097 00:44:55,178 --> 00:45:00,136 And the agua is ours. 1098 00:45:00,220 --> 00:45:03,136 ♪♪♪ 1099 00:45:03,220 --> 00:45:07,804 You bought up the fucking water rights. 1100 00:45:07,887 --> 00:45:09,970 My short position was actually quite small. 1101 00:45:10,053 --> 00:45:11,553 Just enough to get on the tote board. 1102 00:45:11,637 --> 00:45:14,720 You baited me. 1103 00:45:14,804 --> 00:45:16,387 You needed fracking to happen 1104 00:45:16,470 --> 00:45:18,679 and so you used me to make sure that it did. 1105 00:45:18,762 --> 00:45:20,387 I certainly couldn't be seen doing it. 1106 00:45:20,470 --> 00:45:22,220 Yet fact, I made it happen. 1107 00:45:22,303 --> 00:45:25,053 So while you'll profit, it's only fair I make more than you. 1108 00:45:25,136 --> 00:45:26,970 I taught you well. 1109 00:45:27,053 --> 00:45:29,261 I see that taking credit for my success 1110 00:45:29,345 --> 00:45:31,011 in the midst of defeat is a kind of balm. 1111 00:45:31,095 --> 00:45:32,845 So you go on ahead. 1112 00:45:32,929 --> 00:45:34,303 And if you still care to make a wager on the fight, 1113 00:45:34,387 --> 00:45:36,637 I'll do a million at a buck fifty-to one. 1114 00:45:36,720 --> 00:45:38,428 Booked. 1115 00:45:38,512 --> 00:45:43,053 [cheers and applause] 1116 00:45:47,679 --> 00:45:50,595 Ladies and gentlemen, fans of the glove game 1117 00:45:50,679 --> 00:45:53,804 from around the globe-- welcome to Fight Night! 1118 00:45:53,887 --> 00:45:57,011 [cheers and applause] 1119 00:45:59,345 --> 00:46:00,970 [Wu-Tang Clan's "Protect Ya Neck" playing over boombox] 1120 00:46:01,053 --> 00:46:02,512 -Champ! Reigning champ! -One, two. 1121 00:46:02,595 --> 00:46:03,845 -One, two, three. -You're the best ever. 1122 00:46:03,929 --> 00:46:05,261 Style is impetuous... -Slip! 1123 00:46:05,345 --> 00:46:07,053 ...your defense is impregnable... 1124 00:46:07,136 --> 00:46:08,303 ♪ I smoke on the mic like smoking Joe Frazier ♪ 1125 00:46:08,387 --> 00:46:09,720 One, two. One, two. [music stops] 1126 00:46:09,804 --> 00:46:12,303 Thanks, Champ. [breathing heavily] 1127 00:46:12,387 --> 00:46:15,011 We have one more reason to level these motherfuckers. 1128 00:46:15,095 --> 00:46:18,428 Bury him, I buy you two new houses--one for each wife. 1129 00:46:18,512 --> 00:46:20,845 I will, boss. Damn right he is. 1130 00:46:20,929 --> 00:46:23,011 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 1131 00:46:23,095 --> 00:46:24,637 Let's go, baby. Let's go. 1132 00:46:24,720 --> 00:46:26,303 -One, two, three. -Ah! 1133 00:46:26,387 --> 00:46:27,637 -One, two. Jab, jab. -Ya! 1134 00:46:27,720 --> 00:46:29,303 -There you go, baby. -Ow! 1135 00:46:29,387 --> 00:46:31,845 With all the pageantry and respect 1136 00:46:31,929 --> 00:46:34,887 due an event of this magnitude, here come the fighters. 1137 00:46:34,970 --> 00:46:37,970 [Menery] First in the ring, Dudley Mafee. 1138 00:46:38,053 --> 00:46:40,762 [Rich Eisen] Ah, yes, the Mauler from Aurora 1139 00:46:40,845 --> 00:46:43,220 heading into the ring at 6'2". 1140 00:46:43,303 --> 00:46:45,637 What do you think, about 218 pounds? 1141 00:46:45,720 --> 00:46:47,136 218. That was the same exact weight 1142 00:46:47,220 --> 00:46:48,804 that Tyson was in his prime. 1143 00:46:48,887 --> 00:46:51,303 A very different 218 on the "Iron Mike" Tyson, 1144 00:46:51,387 --> 00:46:53,387 Bob, very different. 1145 00:46:53,470 --> 00:46:55,512 [Menery] Next up, Dollar Bill Stearn. 1146 00:46:55,595 --> 00:46:57,387 [cheers and applause] 1147 00:46:57,470 --> 00:47:00,345 Getting more of a George "The Animal" Steele vibe 1148 00:47:00,428 --> 00:47:02,220 from this one. I agree. 1149 00:47:02,303 --> 00:47:04,095 There appears to be a little bit of the animal in this guy. 1150 00:47:04,178 --> 00:47:06,470 [Rich Eisen] Amazing. Axe got Deontay Wilder 1151 00:47:06,553 --> 00:47:07,970 in Dollar Bill's corner. 1152 00:47:08,053 --> 00:47:10,720 [Menery] And over on Team Mafee, 1153 00:47:10,804 --> 00:47:13,970 we've got UFC heavyweight champ Stipe Miocic. 1154 00:47:14,053 --> 00:47:17,011 [audience chanting] Dollar Bill! Dollar Bill! 1155 00:47:23,345 --> 00:47:24,637 [bell dings] 1156 00:47:24,720 --> 00:47:27,512 [Menery] And there's the bell. 1157 00:47:27,595 --> 00:47:30,679 [Rich Eisen] All right, and we're under way. 1158 00:47:30,762 --> 00:47:33,303 -We're under way. -You got this, baby! 1159 00:47:33,387 --> 00:47:36,887 And...we're waiting for someone to get hit. 1160 00:47:38,679 --> 00:47:42,512 [cheers and applause] 1161 00:47:42,595 --> 00:47:43,762 Ohh! 1162 00:47:43,845 --> 00:47:45,929 [indistinct shouting] 1163 00:47:46,011 --> 00:47:48,303 [cheers and applause] 1164 00:47:48,387 --> 00:47:50,512 ♪ AC/DC's "T.N.T." ♪ [man] Go! Go! Go! Go! 1165 00:47:50,595 --> 00:47:52,679 ♪ 'Cause I'm T.N.T. ♪ 1166 00:47:52,762 --> 00:47:54,011 Oh! 1167 00:47:54,095 --> 00:47:56,512 ♪ I'm dynamite T.N.T. ♪ 1168 00:47:56,595 --> 00:47:57,470 [laughs] ♪ And I'll win the fight ♪ 1169 00:47:57,553 --> 00:47:59,929 Dollar! ♪ T.N.T. ♪ 1170 00:48:00,011 --> 00:48:01,345 [Rich Eisen] Dollar Bill doesn't follow up. 1171 00:48:01,428 --> 00:48:02,762 He just moves back and celebrates. 1172 00:48:02,845 --> 00:48:04,387 ♪ T.N.T. ♪ 1173 00:48:04,470 --> 00:48:05,595 [bell dings] 1174 00:48:05,679 --> 00:48:09,679 ♪ Watch me explode ♪ 1175 00:48:09,762 --> 00:48:13,387 ♪♪♪ 1176 00:48:13,470 --> 00:48:15,178 [cheers and applause] 1177 00:48:15,261 --> 00:48:17,011 [Rich Eisen] Oh! 1178 00:48:17,095 --> 00:48:21,095 ♪ I'm dirty, mean, and mighty unclean ♪ 1179 00:48:21,178 --> 00:48:24,679 Not entirely legal, but it's the first guy to go down. 1180 00:48:24,762 --> 00:48:26,345 ♪ Public enemy number one ♪ 1181 00:48:26,428 --> 00:48:28,220 Fuck his ass up! 1182 00:48:28,303 --> 00:48:30,679 ♪ Understand ♪ 1183 00:48:30,762 --> 00:48:33,178 Well, patty-cake, and then there's a baker's man. 1184 00:48:33,261 --> 00:48:34,428 ♪ Lock up your wife ♪ 1185 00:48:34,512 --> 00:48:36,095 [Menery] And with that, Rich, 1186 00:48:36,178 --> 00:48:37,387 [Menery] he just punched him right in the fucking dick. 1187 00:48:37,470 --> 00:48:40,011 Oh, shit. Again, not entirely legal. 1188 00:48:40,095 --> 00:48:43,428 ♪ The man is back in town ♪ 1189 00:48:43,512 --> 00:48:44,929 ♪ Don't you mess me 'round ♪ 1190 00:48:45,011 --> 00:48:46,762 [bell dings] 1191 00:48:46,845 --> 00:48:48,804 [Menery] Both of them losing a lot of energy. 1192 00:48:48,887 --> 00:48:50,261 [Menery] You can tell they're dripping sweat from everywhere. 1193 00:48:50,345 --> 00:48:51,428 They're out of shape. 1194 00:48:51,512 --> 00:48:52,804 They're all fucked up. 1195 00:48:52,887 --> 00:48:54,470 ♪ T.N.T. ♪ 1196 00:48:54,553 --> 00:48:56,428 -Ohh! -Come on! 1197 00:48:56,512 --> 00:48:58,136 ♪ T.N.T. ♪ 1198 00:48:58,220 --> 00:49:00,220 That's not legal. I'm gonna be honest, viewers. 1199 00:49:00,303 --> 00:49:02,136 This is probably one of the pussiest fights 1200 00:49:02,220 --> 00:49:03,845 I've ever seen in my life. ♪ Oi, oi, oi ♪ 1201 00:49:03,929 --> 00:49:05,387 [bell dings] ♪ T.N.T. ♪ 1202 00:49:05,470 --> 00:49:06,845 [Rich Eisen] They stopped fighting before the bell. 1203 00:49:06,929 --> 00:49:08,428 ♪ I'm dynamite, T.N.T. ♪ [ vomits ] 1204 00:49:08,512 --> 00:49:09,261 [Rich Eisen] And now Maffe's vomiting. 1205 00:49:09,345 --> 00:49:10,804 Ugh. 1206 00:49:10,887 --> 00:49:12,011 You got to keep going right now! 1207 00:49:12,095 --> 00:49:13,470 Let's go! Make it happen! 1208 00:49:13,553 --> 00:49:15,011 -Keep going! -You got to keep going! 1209 00:49:15,095 --> 00:49:17,303 [bell dings] ♪ T.N.T. ♪ 1210 00:49:17,387 --> 00:49:19,428 [grunts] 1211 00:49:19,512 --> 00:49:21,762 [Rich Eisen] That's the Bald Bull Charge 1212 00:49:21,845 --> 00:49:24,261 from Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! 1213 00:49:24,345 --> 00:49:27,595 ♪♪♪ 1214 00:49:27,679 --> 00:49:29,762 [Rich Eisen] All right, this is quickly becoming a farce here. 1215 00:49:29,845 --> 00:49:31,261 Come on! 1216 00:49:31,345 --> 00:49:33,136 [Menery] What is going on here? 1217 00:49:33,220 --> 00:49:35,595 This looks like an audition for the fucking Walking Dead. 1218 00:49:35,679 --> 00:49:38,387 [Menery] Axe cannot be happy about this. 1219 00:49:38,470 --> 00:49:40,804 ♪♪♪ 1220 00:49:40,887 --> 00:49:43,428 [bell dings] 1221 00:49:43,512 --> 00:49:46,053 ♪♪♪ 1222 00:49:46,136 --> 00:49:47,553 [Rich Eisen] Down goes Dollar Bill. 1223 00:49:47,637 --> 00:49:49,303 -Just fucking stand up! -Get up, Bill! 1224 00:49:49,387 --> 00:49:51,887 Stand up! 1225 00:49:51,970 --> 00:49:54,595 [Menery] And Mafee is trying to pull himself up, 1226 00:49:54,679 --> 00:49:55,762 but he's toast. 1227 00:49:55,845 --> 00:49:57,679 -Dig deep right now! -Get up! 1228 00:49:57,762 --> 00:49:59,637 Let's go. Get up. Get the fuck up. Let's go. 1229 00:49:59,720 --> 00:50:01,470 [Rich Eisen] We have two fighters down. 1230 00:50:01,553 --> 00:50:03,553 And the round hasn't even started. 1231 00:50:03,637 --> 00:50:07,720 [indistinct shouting] 1232 00:50:07,804 --> 00:50:09,512 [crowd booing] 1233 00:50:09,595 --> 00:50:11,845 [Rich Eisen] There's a concession stand in the ring. 1234 00:50:11,929 --> 00:50:15,053 This is beyond pathetic, Bob. 1235 00:50:16,804 --> 00:50:18,303 [bell dings] 1236 00:50:18,387 --> 00:50:20,095 I think they're calling it a double loss? 1237 00:50:20,178 --> 00:50:22,261 When you talk about the shitbag titty fuck 1238 00:50:22,345 --> 00:50:26,095 of the night-- that's another fucking draw. 1239 00:50:26,178 --> 00:50:27,929 Ain't gonna be no rematch. 1240 00:50:28,011 --> 00:50:29,720 Don't want one. 1241 00:50:29,804 --> 00:50:32,720 [shouting continues] 1242 00:50:36,220 --> 00:50:37,970 [indistinct conversations] 1243 00:50:38,053 --> 00:50:40,428 Gentlemen, gentlemen, you will get your money back. 1244 00:50:40,512 --> 00:50:42,053 I will do it one at a... 1245 00:50:42,136 --> 00:50:44,512 [laughs] 1246 00:50:44,595 --> 00:50:45,970 Why's he so happy? 1247 00:50:46,053 --> 00:50:48,553 Fight was a draw. He had push. 1248 00:50:48,637 --> 00:50:51,136 I won. I motherfucking won. 1249 00:50:51,220 --> 00:50:53,553 I am a winner. Because I win. 1250 00:50:53,637 --> 00:50:56,053 I motherfucking win. 1251 00:50:58,011 --> 00:50:59,095 Not bad. Mm. 1252 00:50:59,178 --> 00:51:00,470 [door opens] 1253 00:51:00,553 --> 00:51:01,804 [husband] We could blow out that wall, 1254 00:51:01,887 --> 00:51:02,720 make a great room. -Mm-hmm. 1255 00:51:02,804 --> 00:51:04,595 Or a man cave for you. 1256 00:51:04,679 --> 00:51:08,136 Also just rip up this island and just flip the whole kitchen. 1257 00:51:08,220 --> 00:51:09,720 Yeah. We're gonna re-do all the floors anyway, 1258 00:51:09,804 --> 00:51:11,011 they're like from the '90s-- [door closes] 1259 00:51:11,095 --> 00:51:13,095 Sorry, I thought we'd be done by now. 1260 00:51:13,178 --> 00:51:14,387 [sighs] 1261 00:51:14,470 --> 00:51:16,011 It's just so great. We love it. 1262 00:51:16,095 --> 00:51:18,011 -[chuckles] -Nice to meet you. 1263 00:51:18,095 --> 00:51:19,512 When are you due? Next month. 1264 00:51:19,595 --> 00:51:20,887 Mm. Your first? 1265 00:51:20,970 --> 00:51:22,011 Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. 1266 00:51:22,095 --> 00:51:24,011 Mm. [chuckles] 1267 00:51:24,095 --> 00:51:25,679 Good luck. 1268 00:51:25,762 --> 00:51:27,428 Thank you. 1269 00:51:27,512 --> 00:51:30,762 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 1270 00:51:30,845 --> 00:51:34,345 ...Well, there they were. 1271 00:51:34,428 --> 00:51:37,720 We're really going to sell to them-- 1272 00:51:37,804 --> 00:51:40,845 So they can come in here and tear this place apart. 1273 00:51:40,929 --> 00:51:43,220 I know you saw those cigars in his pocket. 1274 00:51:43,303 --> 00:51:44,970 He'll be puffing up a storm. 1275 00:51:45,053 --> 00:51:46,970 Whole place will smell like it. 1276 00:51:47,053 --> 00:51:49,178 You're right. 1277 00:51:49,261 --> 00:51:53,053 Like it or not, this is our home. 1278 00:51:53,136 --> 00:51:55,637 Was... 1279 00:51:55,720 --> 00:51:58,345 And I don't think I want them living in it. 1280 00:51:58,428 --> 00:52:00,512 So we take it off the market? 1281 00:52:00,595 --> 00:52:02,387 [sighs] 1282 00:52:02,470 --> 00:52:04,053 Maybe. 1283 00:52:04,136 --> 00:52:07,220 Oh, Wend, 1284 00:52:07,303 --> 00:52:10,595 oh, I was hoping you'd say that. 1285 00:52:10,679 --> 00:52:12,679 And does that mean 1286 00:52:12,762 --> 00:52:16,178 I can, uh, move back in to the bedroom? 1287 00:52:16,261 --> 00:52:20,762 Let's take it one step at a time, Chuck. 1288 00:52:20,845 --> 00:52:24,595 ♪♪♪ 1289 00:52:28,887 --> 00:52:30,845 Thank you. 1290 00:52:32,845 --> 00:52:34,637 [chuckles] 1291 00:52:34,720 --> 00:52:37,011 It's no big deal. 1292 00:52:37,095 --> 00:52:40,387 You had a shitty, shitty night. 1293 00:52:40,470 --> 00:52:43,011 After a couple of shitty days. 1294 00:52:43,095 --> 00:52:46,720 And you actually took the time to buy up the shares I needed. 1295 00:52:46,804 --> 00:52:50,845 Yeah. I found an index fund to release a block to me. 1296 00:52:50,929 --> 00:52:53,470 There's something for me in this too. 1297 00:52:53,553 --> 00:52:56,011 We combine our shares, 1298 00:52:56,095 --> 00:52:58,679 you get to make your takeover move on Saler's, 1299 00:52:58,762 --> 00:53:01,553 and I get a board seat. 1300 00:53:01,637 --> 00:53:04,136 I knew it was important to you... 1301 00:53:04,220 --> 00:53:06,553 And so it begins. 1302 00:53:06,637 --> 00:53:08,970 Yeah. 1303 00:53:09,053 --> 00:53:10,804 Now I'm at the starting line. 1304 00:53:10,887 --> 00:53:13,804 ♪ soft music ♪ 1305 00:53:13,887 --> 00:53:18,428 ♪♪♪ 1306 00:53:18,512 --> 00:53:22,804 ♪♪♪ 1307 00:53:22,887 --> 00:53:25,303 [horns honking] 1308 00:53:29,804 --> 00:53:32,387 [police radio chatter] 1309 00:53:35,136 --> 00:53:36,220 Why are you on my site? 1310 00:53:36,303 --> 00:53:38,095 Site's closed until further notice. 1311 00:53:38,178 --> 00:53:39,804 [Senior] The fuck is this all about? 1312 00:53:39,887 --> 00:53:41,637 Security reasons. 1313 00:53:41,720 --> 00:53:43,887 This is what it's about, Dad. 1314 00:53:44,011 --> 00:53:44,970 [car door closes] 1315 00:53:45,053 --> 00:53:49,345 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 1316 00:53:49,428 --> 00:53:53,512 [Jock] Counterterrorism, drug enforcement, gangs. 1317 00:53:53,595 --> 00:53:55,095 Those illustrious task forces 1318 00:53:55,178 --> 00:53:57,178 are why you are the nation's finest. 1319 00:53:57,261 --> 00:54:00,303 Yes, Mr. Attorney General. They're the pride of the NYPD. 1320 00:54:00,387 --> 00:54:03,970 Yeah. Which is why I'm pulling 'em. 1321 00:54:04,053 --> 00:54:05,970 That prestigious work-- 1322 00:54:06,053 --> 00:54:08,220 and the deep pocket funding of it-- 1323 00:54:08,303 --> 00:54:12,303 will be going instead to your neighbors in New Jersey. 1324 00:54:12,387 --> 00:54:15,845 Now, that might not make you look too good... 1325 00:54:15,929 --> 00:54:19,220 Jesus-- 1326 00:54:19,303 --> 00:54:21,053 unless what? 1327 00:54:21,136 --> 00:54:24,595 ♪♪♪ 1328 00:54:24,679 --> 00:54:26,679 [scoffs] 1329 00:54:26,762 --> 00:54:29,136 I guess this voting thing does matter that much to 'em. 1330 00:54:29,220 --> 00:54:30,929 Then you better fucking fix it. 1331 00:54:31,011 --> 00:54:32,345 Ohhh, I'll fix it. 1332 00:54:32,428 --> 00:54:34,345 Like Lyndon Johnson did the South. 1333 00:54:34,428 --> 00:54:36,011 ♪ AC/DC's "T.N.T." ♪ ♪ Oi, oi, oi ♪ 1334 00:54:36,095 --> 00:54:37,428 For my own fucking reasons. 1335 00:54:37,512 --> 00:54:39,845 ♪ Oi, oi, oi ♪ 1336 00:54:39,929 --> 00:54:42,929 ♪ Oi, oi, oi ♪ 1337 00:54:43,011 --> 00:54:45,595 ♪ Oi, oi, oi ♪ 1338 00:54:45,679 --> 00:54:48,428 ♪ Oi, oi, oi ♪ 1339 00:54:48,512 --> 00:54:52,053 ♪ See me ride out of the sunset ♪ 1340 00:54:52,136 --> 00:54:56,095 ♪ On your color TV screen ♪ 1341 00:54:56,178 --> 00:55:00,553 ♪ Out for all that I can get ♪ 1342 00:55:00,637 --> 00:55:04,553 ♪ If you know what I mean ♪ 1343 00:55:04,637 --> 00:55:08,136 ♪ Women to the left of me ♪ 1344 00:55:08,220 --> 00:55:12,095 ♪ And women to the right ♪ 1345 00:55:12,178 --> 00:55:13,887 ♪ Ain't got no gun ♪ 1346 00:55:13,970 --> 00:55:15,845 ♪ Ain't got no knife ♪ 1347 00:55:15,929 --> 00:55:18,804 ♪ Don't you start no fight ♪ 1348 00:55:21,053 --> 00:55:23,136 ♪ 'Cause I'm T.N.T. ♪ 1349 00:55:23,220 --> 00:55:25,178 ♪ I'm dynamite ♪ 1350 00:55:25,261 --> 00:55:27,220 ♪ T.N.T. ♪ 1351 00:55:27,303 --> 00:55:29,011 ♪ And I'll win the fight ♪ 1352 00:55:29,095 --> 00:55:30,887 ♪ T.N.T. ♪ 1353 00:55:30,970 --> 00:55:33,053 ♪ I'm a power load ♪ 1354 00:55:33,136 --> 00:55:34,845 ♪ T.N.T. ♪ 1355 00:55:34,929 --> 00:55:37,011 ♪ Watch me explode ♪